#i fear nothing
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justtheclippy · 2 months ago
Hey Amanda! :3 Welcome to the core of the internet... with all weird and equally good stuff... a huugeee fan of your work and honestly you & the rest of the cast have kind of inspired me in a way. Too bad I'm not a great fit for voice acting LMAO you being the biggest bunnydoll fan out there makes me very happy /silly
Soo... by any chance do you check out any fanfiction of your rag dolly? or do you just stick to fanart lol. I'd be thrilled to see your reactions to some of the fanwork out there, they can be really good.
...but also horrifying, so watch your back pretty please
Yall me and ao3 go way back like car seats ok, if you thought I wasn't also reading the fics you're silly goose goosein
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princessofghosts-posts · 21 days ago
Y'all know about those fanfictions where Nico (with Reyna and later on Will,since it's mostly done in Solangelo fanfic) and the Seven are the best of friends?
Yeah,I hate those.
During MoA and HoH they were extremely judgmental and scared of him,all of them,even Hazel (it was one time thing at least for her),and having ffs where they are a large group of inseparable friends takes away from that. I can understand when those are AU or a different retelling of the story,but when you put it in a continuation of the canon narrative in HoO....it's a big N O for me.
Let me explain.
Jason –> until Cupid decided to be an ass and making Nico coming out in front of him,Jason's didn't trusted him. Percy told him his whole story life (which is completely wrong and out of character for Percy to do so,I don't know what Rick was thinking when he wrote this) but Jason still was doubtful about him. We all know that in MoA he and Leo argued about whether or not taking a risk to save him,because they don't know where his loyalties lie. That's another famous plot point talked about to this days. And while I can understand their reasoning,I don't like it. Especially because Nico was dying,Hazel was in front of them worried about her brother,and almost 3 different gods told them already that Nico had the key to the Doors. The fact that Percy had to tell Jason about all the shit that happened before,so that he could understand him better,is a bitter factor. And even after that,he thought it was Nico's fault when the "betrayal" in TLO happened (again,Hades's fault). Like the fuck? They rescued him and then? Half of HoH,when it cames to Nico,all of them,not only Jason,commented on his physique and way of eating after he was released from a jar,where he had been locked up for a week and had to balance only 5 seeds to stay alive. He probably developed an ED,but who cares when we can comment on how creepy pale and silent he is. Jason had to witness Nico having a traumatic event happen,in front of him,to start to see him more than the scary son of Hades. After that he started to be nice to him. Not before,after. Nico had every right to snap at him when they were blocked in the palace of that wind God. Jason was better later on with him,but his behavior wasn't a good one.
Leo -> together with Jason he is usually bashed because of the whole "Can we really trust him?" deal in MoA. And again,while I can understand their reasoning for this,I don't like it. Jason didn't know Nico,even if he sometimes popped out to visit Hazel,before the whole switch and memory loss,he still didn't know him. But while CJ was clueless of him while CHB fucking knew him. Before they realized where Percy was at the end of TLH,Nico was running alongside Annabeth into trying to find him. While they were out on their quest,Nico and Annabeth were still trying to locate Percy. And while Leo might not be really familiar to him,in 6 months they proprably met. Even if Nico's relationship with the whole Camp is rocky,they all still know him. Only a few were really his friends,sure,but they fought a war together not even half a year ago. And Leo also had a connection with Hazel. You think the guy that had a crush on a girl tried to help her into saving her brother,especially if said brother is part of his same camp,but nope. And after the rescue,he was always unsettled by his presence and often pointed out about how little he eat. They didn't had an interaction alone,and during group meetings,again,he pointed out how silent he was. Almost invisible. And mewhile,Nico was worried about him during BoO,especially after his "death". Didn't read ToA yet and I'm planning too,so I don't know if they are better in it.
Frank -> another one that was constantly scared and unsettled by him from the start. In SoN he compares Nico to Hazel,and specifies how Hazel is different from him,because she is nicer,he doesn't feel scared and he like her. Again,no one at CJ really knew him and Frank's thoughts are also influenced by his feelings for Hazel,but at least try to not be so....judgmental? Like,Nico is all of those things too but a few people know about it because they all judge him,and shun him away the first chance they get. In MoA at least he was on board to save him,and proprably would have shot Leo on the spot for suggesting something that upset Hazel. Again,he accepted for Hazel,not because there was a live in danger,and said demigod was their answer to the whole Doors problem. Then HoH happens and he also comments on how scary Nico is,and how creepy is the fact that he try to be one with the shadows all the time. How strange right? Especially after a whole ship look at you like some freak. Nico's fault,my bad. And the trip to Venice? If Frank was going alone with Hazel then everything is ok,but if Nico joins? Dear gods,Frank is unsure of going somewhere with a child of the Underworld with him,as if Hazel herself isn't one. The funny part? The only reason Nico ever went with them was because they needed help. Every single time. Venice? He could speak italian and asks the locals for informations,Venice is where he was born and lived before the war and Zeus. Croazia? Only a child of the Underworld can have the scepter and he didn't want to risk Hazel. In the House of Hades? That's his father temple,his home turf. But no,let's not talk about that. And when Hazel got hit by that katoblep? First thing that he thinks about is wanting to hurt Nico for even have let this happen. As if Hazel can't take care of herself and Nico wasn't fighting for his life too. Coming back to Venice with the acknowledge that he lived there and doesn't have his memories about it,mixed to the fact that he was still weak from Tartarus and the jar,the days of flying (while Hazel felt always sick in the ocean,Nico is more sick in the air),and could barely use his power without almost dying again is already traumatizing enough,what the fuck do you expect? It's a miracle that he was able enough to go on in that city. He also got turned into a plant,again,just because of who his father is. It's not only the demigods but also a random god in his own hometown that treat him like that. And Hazel's whole speech about the fact that "Nico might be a little unsettling sometimes but he is still my brother" to him? Nah,Frank shouldn't even had a speech to try and be a decent human being to him,like everyone else on that ship.
Hazel -> speaking of Hazel,I already talked about how her relationship with her new found brother is a little bit complicated,because of ghosts from the past,but in the end they will kill for each other. Hazel was ready to do anything it takes to get Nico back after she found out Gaia captured him. From SoN to MoA she was worried sick about him,both for his suicide mission and for the fact that he was captured. But that speech she gave to Frank? That was so out of character of her. They are both children of the Underworld,and during SoN she specified how both of them got treated (Hazel's a little better than Nico let's be real-) for who their father is and their powers. She knew about the pain of being different from the others,since she experienced heavy bulling by her classmates (not counting her mother's abuse too) before dying. They both share that pain together. And while they didn't had years of knowing each other,they understand and adapted to each other pretty quickly. And the whole speech of "I know that my brother can be scary and unsettling,but could you still try to be nice to him?" when Frank pointed out how Nico prefered to be alone and staying outside,instead of sleeping in Percy's cabin? I would understand if it was a situation of "Listen,my brother is like that and he has his reasons,you have no right to judge him for that." but it wasn't. Hazel herself thought that her brother was unsettling. As if she wasn't the same. I love her,I do,and their sibling bond is everything,especially during HoH,but this is something that she would never do. It was so out of character and Rick fucked up with this.
Piper -> Piper and Nico never had an interaction together,and if it's happen in ToA I don't know of it because I haven't read it yet. She was angry at Jason and Leo when,in MoA,they decided to talk about saving or not Hazel's dying brother and she was also on board to save him. When they saved him from the Jar she was the one that tried to get to him and protected him,while Jason and Percy dealt with the gaints. But again,in HoH it's everything about his pale skin and how underweight he is. And this is the same thing for Leo,Piper also knew him before taking off for her quest to save the world. She told Jason about how some of her sisters and campers think that Nico has a crush on Annabeth,since he was always there to help in her search for Percy. As a child of Aphrodite she is pretty empathic and when it's came to Nico's "love problem" she probably knew about his crush for Percy,but she never told anyone about it. After meeting Cupid and the whole forced coming out,Jason also has a feeling that Piper knew about it or that she suspected it. She proprably was one of the few that wasn't that bad to Nico,but still,her thoughts on his appearance weren't nice.
Annabeth and Percy -> those two weren't there with the crew during HoH,they were fighting for their life in Tartarus. Again,both of them were on board with saving Nico without a second question,even if Percy was still bitter about the fact that he lied to him (not his fault,if he told him the truth a whole war was going to happen before they could do something about it). I saw a lot of criticism for that scene since Percy is protective of his friends,and would had tried to punch Jason and Leo for even suggesting that Nico can't be trusted. While I can agree with that,Percy and Nico don't have that close brothely relationship that the fandom made out of them. They have their up and down, especially down,and blamed each other for things that weren't really their fault. What I can't stand is the fact that Percy decided to tell Jason,a stranger he just met,Nico's life story. Maybe he wanted Jason to understand that Nico was a good guy,or something like that,but this only made Nico's situation worst with him. The rivalry between Big 3's children wasn't enough,now a guy he didn't like tried to give him life lessons on his own life. Percy would never do that,no matter the situation or how much fractured his relationship with Nico is. Annabeth and Nico worked together for a couple of weeks. They both wanted to find Percy and Nico probably helped her a lot with how much areas his power can cover. She also thought that he had a crush for her,but she didn't like him because of his personality,and she already has Percy. When Nico confessed about his crush to him,in front of her,she even give him an high five. She wasn't that bad. And she,like Percy,knew him. She was there for (almost) everything that went down in his life. Both of them were saved,indirectly,by Nico. If he hadn't been a good friend to Bob,they would proprably be dead not even half away into that hell. And at least they both acknowledge that by the end of HoH. I firmly believe that,if Percy and Annabeth never fell into Tartarus,Nico probably would have lived better on that ship.
I can see people that like to headcanon that they are all pretty close,and maybe in ToA some of them are actually close to him,but they were all horrible to him in one way or another. Either they were scared of him,didn't trust him or judged him or pointed out his eating habits and how much thin he was. Which sucked because Nico had to endure extremely traumatic experiences because they needed his help. And he still went on with another suicide mission after HoH because they still needed him to win the war. The Seven didn't treat him nicely,all of them fucked up,some more than other,and only a couple of them tried to make it up to him. The Argo II crew was on a whole field week when it cames to Nico di Angelo.
And I will fight however say otherwise because it's true.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 7 months ago
This poll has me-
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Oh here I fixed it!!
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dreaming-hibi · 1 month ago
Are u ok now? I'm really concerned abt u I hope ur doing well now
I am doing my best ❤️❤️ Currently, I'm not in the streets (which is where I expected to stay indefinitely), the person who kicked out my family and me was nice enough to offer to pay a very cheap hotel for a month and, while yes the elevator totally smells like weed, there's a public library within walking distance so I pass most of my days there
Beggars can't be choosers and all that, so I'm going to be freeloading at a relative's house come next week... a very uncomfortable arrangement where I will have even less opportunity to be on the laptop... but again, beggars can't be choosers
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adiraofthetals · 4 months ago
I have been watching Fallout again... My dark side is coming back. You know the cute headcanons that I posted? Fuck that. I can, will, and have written gore for characters. I am writing a fic for mirrorverse and it is the darkness of human nature.
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chloesimaginationthings · 2 months ago
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The Aftons are a very normal FNAF couple
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arielluva · 6 months ago
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midsummer’s night dream redraw/study/whatever but its utenanthy
original reference under cut
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hinamie · 8 months ago
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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eregored · 1 year ago
sometimes I forget I have anon on and now I’m looking around like “oh so I have no weirdos on this side that’s wonderful”
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ssalballoon · 1 year ago
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Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
- after the initial fright of a wizard losing one's magic, i imagine it could feel like respite similar to how flying to a new country and being unknown and a complete blank slate is... among the sussur blossoms he is just gale dekarios
- lyrics from good riddance by Darren Korb (play hades/supergiant games and change your life forever)
- his embroidery has roses in it, apparently it's a term of endearment in waterdeep :') cute
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mossymage · 3 months ago
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Spiritual energy exchange <3
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aquaticaberration · 2 years ago
I keep freaking out over the possibility that my dog has fleas because I thought I saw one. I haven’t seen a single flea, on him or me or anywhere else in the house, but I still am extremely paranoid. My brain is constantly going “okay we haven’t seen any… but what if…?” And every time I’m like “oh shit you’re right better focus on this shit so intensely that I can’t get any sleep and can barely justify snuggling my dog”
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confused-bat · 2 years ago
I fear no god (I can only sleep when my pillow is warm in both sides)
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patolemus · 5 months ago
merlin magic reveal fic where arthur asks “why didn’t you tell me?” and merlin says, mirthless smile and haunted eyes “all my dreams end in fire. fire and burning and dying”
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heartorbit · 8 months ago
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find another role, carry on the show
#EDIT IT DIDNT SAVE MY TAGS. hey so this post got a thousand notes huh. interesting. surely nothing will change#i'll leave all the old tags. for my thought process. and its kinda funny#take a bow stupid idiot (throws a tomato at them)#in stars and time#isat#siffrin#siffrin no middle names no last name ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧#... or is it. Smiles#i'd like to draw mira for her birthday but um (hasnt open artfight website in a few days) im scared.#also i have NICE ASKS TO ANSWER.... But im scared. give me a minute#Uawaaaaagh i drew this bc i was trying to animate a little bit but it just . Didnt look good. im not good ag 2d animation#tch. ill keep trying cause there ar e way too many songs that and now about isat because i have brain worms. i need amvs.#IM SCARED TO POST THINGS THAT ARE SPOILERY BECAUSE I WANT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY ISAT. BUT.#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sasasap#sasasa:p#WHAT IS THE PROLOGUES TAG.#tshirt that says 'i <3 killing the image in the mirror and taking its place' on the fromt#and a list of megan thee stallions tour dates on the back. お金稼ぐ俺らはスター#Im kind of tempted to edit this to be the versiom with the eyes. or maybe twt can have that. or. well#all of my friends are on twt (trombone slide sfx) so maybe thats where i should worry about spoilers.#ill see if i want to slap an eyepatch on them in the morning#Im one of those people who was like idgaf about twohats (lets it simmer for a week) Oh my god. Oh my god. Ohmy god#EDIT. i swapped it out for the Eyes version it should be fine as long as its tagged formspoilers right...#ill post eyepatch vers on twt partly bc spoilers but also ppl over there can be .. annoying ..... ....#i fear i would get 800 You Forgot The Eyepatch replies. PLEASE JUST SEE MY VISION.#[BANGING MY HANDS ON THE GLASS] HIS HAND. LIKE IN THE PROLOGUE. WHEN THEYE. HANDS. HELD[EXPLOSION
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autumnalsteahouse · 2 years ago
waiting for my hair stylist to finish eating her lunch: will be reading smut 😌🫶🏼
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