#i dunno man i was like 8 when we played/watched it
tiddygame · 7 months
i have a confession:
i’ve been playing/watching my older siblings play cod games since i was way too young, bo2 defined my childhood, and i remember sobbing at the end of mwii (09)
i just found out roach isn’t american. he’s british.
idk why this entire time i thought otherwise but i am reeling.
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Logan x Reader pt.8
Not me and my mate watching Deadpool and Wolverine again
I forgot how mean and scrungally he is
I need him
<< Part 7 Part 9 >> Masterlist
Babygirl: party on saturday?
Y/N: Wade? Is this you?
Y/N: Did ya change your name on my phone?
Babygirl: shshsh
Babygirl: saturday?
Babygirl: party?
Babygirl: you?
Babygirl: normal?
Y/N: Yeah I'm not crazy if that's what ya mean
Babygirl: okie make sure wolvie knows
Babygirl: wear something nice
Babygirl: i like hearing you two at it
Y/N: Perve
“Why are you frowning?” Logan questioned, lowly. He was sitting on the sofa between you and Laura, the 2002 Scooby Doo movie playing on TV. You loved that damn dog.
The three of you had spent so much time together it was really sweet. Laura did still sleep on your bed whilst you claimed Logan's but after her therapy session yesterday she had asked you to sleep next to her - her nightmares were back - and, of course, you agreed. You felt really bad slipping into your bed because you essentially abandoned her on the second night.
“I'm sorry.” You stroked her hair. “I know the first night wasn't my fault but I've spent the whole time in Logan's bed.”
“It's okay.” She spoke and you could see she held no resentment. “I'm normally okay.”
“Well, you make sure you keep asking if you want a bed buddy.”
The bedroom door knocked and Logan quickly popped his head round. “‘didn't say night.”
That was a lie. He had said night.
The man walked to your side of the bed and bent to give you a quick kiss. You scratched the scruff on his cheeks and looked up at him. “Good night Logan.”
“Night, beautiful.”
He then leaned over you, his - barely, covered by a vest - pecs hovered by face and briefly kissed Laura's crown.
She accepted the kiss with a smile. “Night.”
“Night bub.” He ruffled her hair.
Logan hesitated for a second but did exit. You could tell he was worried. If Laura asked you she must've been scared. He also told you that he hadn't had a good night's sleep before sleeping next to you, so perhaps that was part of it. Maybe he was going to miss you being at his side.
“Wade is texting me every single emoji.” You whispered back, turning the screen, ping, elephant. Ping, arrow. Ping, music notes.
“I dunno.” You laughed. “But he says the party is back on this Saturday.”
Logan placed his hand out and you handed him the phone.
Y/N: stop harassing her or I'll break your face
Watching Logan type with his nails was hilarious. Laura had told the tech he wanted stiletto - the type she got - they weren't massively long but the shape was causing problems. Everything he's been doing has been made harder because of them.
Babygirl: promises promises
“I love your nails.” You gushed.
He displayed his fingers for you. One hand was yellow with a blue ring finger, his other hand was blue with a yellow ring finger. “I'm getting used to them.”
You held his hand, delicately moving it to see the glitter shine. “If they're hassling you, we can cut and file them to a better shape.”
“I like the challenge.” The hand you held was lightning quick and flipped positions. He pulled your hand to his and kissed the back of it. “Did you like the colour I chose?”
“Course I did.” You leaned your temple against his shoulder, hand still captured in his, and watched Scooby and Shaggy argue.
“No, Scooby Doo, your mum eats cat poop!”
Laura laughed at that, a full body laugh, deep from her stomach.
You were organising some of your things in Logan's room when it fell on the floor. Dedicating a bedside table and half of the wardrobe to yourself was easy because he already seemed to do that. Only using his half of his furniture.
You folded your jeans and placed them into the enclosed drawers in the wardrobe.
Logan's footsteps wandered into the bedroom. Usually heavy due to his skeleton but now they were light. You suppose it was a good thing this building was empty because the downstairs neighbours wouldn't like you.
“You alright?” You ask over your shoulder, tucking the drawer closed.
“Yeah.” He replied watching you neaten up the hangers.
He observed you potter about, sitting on the edge of the bed. You made his home yours. It was nice. He liked seeing your things intermingled. It felt real. This felt real and good and he was happy. He knew he didn't deserve this but he would grab ahold of it as long as possible. He would be happy and content.
Well, until his eyes caught something on the floor.
It sat face down just under the bed frame. Logan scooped it up and found it was a Polaroid. You were so young, smiling wide, one eye shut in a wink. Your hair was shorter, styled and you were wearing make-up. The top of a silky red dress visible on your shoulders. Next to you was him. He looked younger, his hair was longer, fluffier. He was grinning from ear to ear, one hand in the frame doing ‘devil horns’ whilst his other held two beers. He was wearing a black button down.
It was clearly a party.
You both were clearly having a good time.
“What was the occasion?” Came out of his mouth before he could stop it.
You glanced up and saw him looking at your Polaroid. Where had he got that? “It...it was Beast’s birthday.” You spoke, diplomatically, taking a seat next to him. “Rogue decided to throw a banger. W-I got quite drunk.”
“You look amazing.” You really did. There was a carefree aura surrounding you and you seemed to glow.
“Thank you.” When you had looked at this in the Void you didn't usually focus on yourself but you did look good. Better than you did now. "It's the makeu-"
"No, it's not." He vowed with an air of finality.
You didn't argue back, instead just thinking about how you wouldn't even know how to do makeup nowadays, all the women you saw were gorgeous. Their skin shone and they had sculpted cheeks.
"You are beautiful." He had told you this practically everyday but right now, sitting on the bed with him, gazing at an old vibrant version of yourself, you believed the words. Believed they were true, even if it was just to him.
“Thank you." Your hand found his arm. "You know, you can't see them but I loved the earrings I had on. Yo-” Cutting yourself off before you could act more of a fool.
“What?” He encouraged.
“Logan brought me them.”
He noticed the melancholy flicker in your eye. “What was he like?”
"Like you." You smirked up at him. “Sweet like you.”
“Longer hair.” His thumb traced the strands.
“I know, I loved the long hair, little kitty ears.” You giggled to yourself.
He saw the delight on your face, the scrunch of your eyes and wide grin. Immediately deciding to grow out his hair.
Dinner was actually really nice. Gambit had told you to come to his and he promised the best Cajun food you'd ever had. 
He had decorated his apartment like any young bachelor. He'd painted the room a dark grey and accessorised with light colours. He had a white sofa and rugs and curtains. The TV was the centre of attention, underneath was a playstation with various game cases. You should really take Laura to IKEA or Home Depot, let her choose a paint or a bedspread or even buy her some posters. 
“Like what you've done with the place.” You patted his back as he washed his hands. 
“Thankin’ you ‘ere.” He flashed you a grin, towelling his hands dry.
“It smells lovely.” You glanced at the food. There was a pan sizzling and veg boiling. “What you making?” 
“Jambalaya, cornbread ‘n greens, mon ami.” He smiled. “I don't remember ‘lot about ‘fore the Void but when I cook’ere this I feel a’ home.” 
That was genuinely sweet, you felt a tug in your chest. “I'm so glad you're sharing this with us.” 
“Ain't much.” He shrugged. “Bu’ it good.”
You both turned to the others, “Reckon Blade’ll have some?” 
“I'll make a plate.” 
You hummed. The Dhampir could consume food but it did nothing for him, it held no nutritional value which is why you guys ate the scavenged food and had to create the ‘feeding system’. “He might try it.” 
“Sup bitches!” Wade and Al entered. 
“Ah, mi amor.” Gambit opened his arms for Al. 
Wade karate chopped between them. “Back off Magic Mike.” 
Al shoved Wade to the side and slipped into Gambit's arms. 
Wade dramatically rolled his eyes, slumping over to you. “Why do my friends leave me?” 
“No one's left you.” You pat his head. “You alright? How was your day?” 
Wade sniffed the food, finding a spoon and taste testing the Jambalaya. “Wo-hooah, that'll blow nips off.” He offered you the spoon, you declined, watching him expertly flick it into the sink. “Day was alright. I've been meeting with the Avengers. They do not like this bitch. Also Spiderman is young. I am not that way inclined. I'm looking more to an Andrew Garfield type.”
“Young?” You scrunched your face. “He wasn'- I guess that's another way this universe is different.” 
Wade shrugged and skipped to the sofa, jumping over the back and landing right next to Blade. 
“Oh, possum. How’s hunting Vampires? Need any help? I'm not sure we were friends last time but I'm willing to try again.” 
There were two sofas and on the other was El and Laura, Gambit led Al over to it and the girls scooted up. 
Logan was sipping a beer standing by the girls. He wore his low waisted boot cut jeans and a vest. Ugh. Seeing him casually in this outfit was fine, but haloed against the TV light, one leg cocked, was something else entirely. Why was he so good looking? 
You wanted nothing more than to get on your knees and undo that stupidly large belt. 
Logan stopped mid sip to blink over to you. His eyes raked up your body and he smirked over the bottle, mouthing ‘later’. 
How did he know you were looking at him? Could he feel it? You watched him, moving yourself closer to the group - feeling the slightest slick between your legs - and you realised. Fuck. He could smell you. 
Cou-could the others?! 
Could they smell your arousal? 
Well, they'd certainly sense your panic. Calm down.
You sincerely hoped they couldn't and tried to calm yourself. Think of anything apart from him. Apart from his body. Fuck. Apart from his dick. FUCK. Apart from him, you can do it. I believe in you. 
Good girl. God that's what he calls you.
The seat you took was a breakfast bar stool, pulled from the kitchen counter, placing it in-between each sofa. 
“‘e’ere ready in a’ouple minutes.” Gambit informed the group. 
The table was set so there were no jobs for anyone to do so you all just sat and chatted. Talking about stuff and nothing. Literally wasting what time you had. You could waste time. 
You know you were becoming a broken record but you still couldn't believe everyone could just- just waste time. 
Gambit announced the food was ready and you all settled at the table. It was hardly large enough for everyone and El had kindly brought her chairs in to accommodate everyone but you all made it work.
Gambit was at one end of the table and Wade at the other. Al, Blade and Laura on one side. You, Logan and El at the other.
“I jus’ wanna say a few words.” Gambit finished pouring the wine.
“Please.” Wade sassed. 
He raised his glass. “No’ we all togethe’ I jus’ wanna ‘member those lost.” He took a deep breath. “Johnny.” Wade coughed. “Erik. Matt. Frank.” 
“Whistler.” Blade carried on. “Safron.” 
“Reed and Sue.” El tipped her head. "Victor."
You smiled at Gambit. “Anna Marie.” She had briefly caught his eye and helped you for a moment before her and Erik were killed. You knew he liked her. He told her to call him Remy, no one else did. 
“My dad.” Laura’s voice was barely above a whisper. Her eyes were glued to Logan, brows pulled. 
“Jean, Storm, Scott, Hank, Charles.” Logan's knuckles whitened. 
Al nodded. “Deuce.” 
“Deuce?” Wade questioned. “Your dog?”
“He was my eyes.” She shrugged. “I miss him.”
“Not as much as I miss Cable.” Wade starred off distractedly into the distance. “He was kinky.”
With that the speeches ended and you all tucked in.
It was scrumptious. 
Absolutely brilliant. 
You loved everything Gambit made and you definitely weren't the only one. 
Bowls were emptied quickly, being filled with second and third helpings. 
Once dinner was done you were sitting just idly chatting again when Logan placed his hand on your thigh. 
Maybe it was the two glasses of wine you had - hadn't consumed alcohol in years - or the fact that he was fucking gorgeous but your legs not-so-subtly opened. You hadn't meant to, your body just merely responding to him. 
Logan hummed in approval, patting your thigh before he rubbed it.
“So, Y/N, do you think you'll come with me to the gym tomorrow?” El asked, completely unaware.
“I was thinking of meeting you there.” You recalled the earlier conversation. “It's a quick walk and I haven't been out by myself so that might be good for me.” 
Logan's hand slipped further, closer to where you wanted him most.
“I usually get there for eleven, leave at two but I'll probably hang about a little longer. Introduce you to Natalie.” She had told you about her gym friend and you were so happy for her. She deserved someone other than your broken family to talk to. 
You all meandered back to the sofas, full and happy. Gambit gave you the choice Alien or Ghostbusters and it was decided that you'd watch the latter. 
The final credits rolled along, you and Wade singing the tune very out of tune - singing the instrumential part ‘beeeeyneewneeewwwnewnewnenenew’ too. 
Goodnights were quick. Everyone got a hug and a see you tomorrow. 
Laura hesitated at her front door though, watching you head for Logan's. “Are you sleeping in there?” 
“No.” You answered immediately. “No. I'll sleep with you baby.” How stupid were you to think she'd be alright. She had had an awful therapy session yesterday and needed you, she wasn't going to magically get better. She needed time. “My things are in here though, Hun, I'll get ready and meet you.”
She smiled small and let you leave. 
Logan was on you immediately, bear hugging you from behind. “How long we got?” 
You chuckled. “Not long enough Mr.” Extracting yourself from his arms, mirroring his earlier taunt. “Later.” 
He grumbled but watched you get ready for bed. You hopped in and out of the shower - warning him to stay away - and began washing your face at the sink. 
He watched you perform your ablutions, unobstructed by the nails. 
“Why is it easier for you?” 
You raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“The nails.”
“I'm not sure, could be the shape? I think I had them done once for a wedding when I was younger.” A thought slipped through your mind and right out of your mouth. “You're like Victor.” 
Logan guffawed. “He could suck his back in. Came in handy wh- wait- we will have to file these.” 
“Why?” You squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush and began brushing your teeth. 
“Well, these ones anyway.” Logan had separated his middle and ring fingers. Ah. That's why. 
You decided to play coy, with an innocent “Why?”
“You know why.” He winked. 
“There's a file in that draw, get the clippers and I'll help if you want. It won't take long.” You spoke over the toothbrush, taking time to spit. 
He didn't comment on your hasty response, eager to avoid a future obstruction. Logan produced the items and waited for you to finish brushing your teeth. He sat on the lip of the bath. These apartments were brilliant because they had a bath and shower! You loved the choice!
You were precise in clipping them both and then made delicate work of filing, trying ever so hard to not destroy the paint job. 
Logan sat patiently watching you work. The small frown on your face adorable. 
He really liked you. 
He knew that was childish. 
But he really really did. 
“Done.” You grinned proudly. “Can't wait to try them out.” 
He hummed, taking ahold of your hips. “Why wait?” 
A shaky breath left your lips but you were strong. “I'll see you tomorrow.” Kissing his nose. “Promise.” 
You made a quick exit and entered Laura's front door. She was in bed waiting for you.
You tucked Laura into the covers before nestling in next to her. 
The nightmares had returned, you had eased her to sleep yesterday. Being able to shush the problems away before they woke her was a blessing, you'd had to get good at that in the Void. Your Logan used to twitch and thrash about in his sleep, Laura does the same, you wondered if this Logan did also. Most likely. If you live as long as them you have a million ghosts hovering over you. 
Laura fought sleep, pretending to watch a rerun of Law and Order. She'd become accustomed to watching TV in bed and you had to agree it was the way to go. 
You never truly understand the show because you zoned in and out of slumber but the storylines were basic enough to grasp. 
Laura spasmed next to you, rousing you from the light dozing. The TV was still on, telemarketers selling unnecessary products, casting a low light for you to see she was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her face was twitching and her shoulders were tense. 
“Laura, baby?” You whispered. She usually responded to your voice alone. 
Nothing eased her, instead she snarled. 
“Laura.” You spoke more firmly. “Laura, I'm going to place a hand on your shoulder.” Again, that usually worked. This time, though, her eyes sprung open and she punched you in the gut. 
You gasped, feeling more pain than a punch. It was sharp. Ah fuck. 
“Laura.” You fought to keep your voice even. 
Her eyes were blown wide and her mouth hung open. 
“Laura don-” She retracted the claws. 
Now the real trouble began. 
You kept a hand on your side, creating a field around the wound to keep pressure on it. “Laura. Baby. It's okay.” You reached out to grab her hand but she scurried away. Clamouring off the bed and into the corner of the room, she shook with unshed tears 
“Laura.” You didn't want to panic her but you needed her to focus. You needed her in the room with you. “Laura, I need you to get Logan.” 
She spluttered, covering her mouth, and nodded frantically. Sprinting away.
You were alone. 
Laying in bed.
Holding yourself together. 
This would stain. 
You heard crashing and yelling before Logan stormed into the bedroom. The door flung so hard it came off the hinges. 
“Baby.” He was immediately at your side. 
“Logan.” You smiled in relief. 
“Don't just stand there, call 911!” He yelled at Laura. 
“Hey.” You frowned. “Don't be mean.
Logan snarled and ripped the phone from her hands. He dialed a number which was more than three and placed the phone to his ear, using both hands to hold your side. "It's me. I need the cradle. I don't fucking care. You owe me. Yeah this is my favour. Fuck off and help."
The phone was flung to the side and he smiled down.
"Help is coming, beautiful."
You tried to suppress a cough but that didn't work, blood spitting out of your mouth.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Logan growled over his shoulder.
You couldn't see Laura but knew he was talking to her. "Lo-logan." You warned.
"Fucking trouble."
He hadn't been like this with you. Hadn't been this angry. Hadn't swore so much.
"Stop." You ordered, vision blurring. "Logan?"
"I'm here." He promised.
You blunk and the room was different. Lighter. There were annoying led lights flashing past. You were moving. Your view was slightly obstructed due to Logan still being at your side. He was jogging, you could tell because of the way his hair bounced.
"Your hair." Your voice was muffled, restricted. Hands flying to your face to find there was a mask attached to your nose and mouth.
"Leave it on baby."
You grumbled but dropped your arm. Gosh it was an effort to move.
You were tired.
Why were you so tired?
How could you get to this level of tiredness?
Weren't you asleep a second ago?
These questions didn't matter because you found yourself easing back into a dreamless sleep.
Part 9
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae
Again not 100% if all ze tags be tagging
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 7/8
Yeah this is a mess I can't fix 😅. Had fun writing this chapter tho since it ft Kyle Walker whom I am very fond of 🤣
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
Cityzens Day.
It was mainly for the club sponsors but alot of players brought along their families and friends as the day was filled with fun activities, football challanges and the ever so popular guided tour inside the Ethiad campus.
It was your first time attending, although it was mandatory for all City players. A little sad, that you weren't able to bring your family from Brazil. They would have loved it, especially the chance to play football at the Ethiad Stadium. Apparently that was the highlight of the event, a friendly game between players from all levels, men, women, girls and boys, and of course their families. The game would be broadcasted on the teams website and it usually brought alot of laughs to alot of people. You couldn't wait to play, but until then you wandered the campus alone, watching other players enjoying spending quality time with their families.
"Hey Y/N, come here!"
You were observing a very intense juggling contests between an academy player and someone's kid, when coach spotted you in the crowd, waving you over.
"Meet my family." He stood next to a beautiful red-haired woman and young boy with a toothy smile. "This is my wife Trish, my son Ethan and that over there..." He pointed towards the crowd, to the center of it, where the juggling contests was happening. "That is my daughter Lucy." He said.
"Wow, she's really good."
She was definitely bruising the ego of the young academy player. He would certainly up his juggling game after this.
"You know, she reminds me alot of you." Coach smiled. "I can't get her to stop juggling the ball either."
"Seems like her talent won't go to waste today, the price is a Playstation 6, no?"
You shared a laugh. Coach had a lovely family who had flown all the way from Australia to see him. Cityzens Day was really the best time for that.
A food truck pulled up to campus just in time for lunch. You bought a taco bowl so big that you had to share it with another player as she saw you struggling.
"So when are you coming to play with us again." She asked, you knew her as Alison Bennett.
"I dunno?" You sighed. "I don't think I fit into the kind of squad your coach wants."
"Are you joking?" Alison frowned. "But you played so well with us."
It was strange really, but since it happned more than once now, that you got excluded from playing with the first team, you simply assumed the worst. Even though Ruben told you not to worry about it, you couldn't help but to. Your development as a player was at stake. And the fact that Ruben's diet helped you put on a few pounds was not a constellation. Perhaps the coaches on the first team had noticed, that you were getting fat?
"Speaking of playing, are you on for the game this afternoon?" Alison asked.
"The game against cityzens?"
You smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Great. I really hope you're on my team. I'm the captain. We're gonna need...."
Alison got tuned out as you sighted something in the distance, or better yet, someone. It was Ruben, walking side by side with a woman just as tall as him only thinner. She was wearing a Man City jersey, sporting the number three, Ruben's number three. He held a hand to her lower back, guiding her around, introducing her to his teammates.
"Speaking of players I would like on my team." Alison took notice of where all your attention had gone. "We could surley use a defender like Dias."
"Ruben?" You asked, your voice a bit strained.
She nodded "He's like the best defender City's got. We'll never concede goals with him on our team."
You turned back to look at Ruben and the woman he had brought. Could it be his girlfriend? In that case Ruben didn't have a type, because you looked nothing like her.
"He used to coach me, you know?" Alison leaned in and whispered.
"Who, Ruben?"
She bit her lip, nodding her head.
"B...but you're a forward?"
"So? Aren't you one too? Nevertheless,  Ruben used to teach me how to improve my skills. You know, help me get past the...."
"Defenders." You said, finishing of her sentence.
"Yeah, exactly. He's a really good coach."
"I can imagine." You ignored the painful beating of your heart. "Tell me..." You asked. ".. did you used to go to his place to, you know,"hang out"?"
She snorted. "No, why would I do that?"
A slight relief.
Alison stood, having helped you finish your meal. Her smile was devious. "No, Ruben used to take me back to the infirmary. We used to"hang out" there."
Your heart sank.
It was the realization that perhaps you were one of many.
The afternoon sun was setting over Manchester City, but Cityzens Day was far from over. The game of cityzens was still on the agenda.
You laced up your cleats and stepped onto the football pitch at the magnificent Ethiad Stadium. It was truly breath taking playing in front so many people. Although the game was for fun, you were determined to showcase your talent, and even more determined to win against Ruben and his team. That's right, he was the captain of a squad containing lots of good players from all divisions. Players that made your teammates look like freaking toddlers.
"Alright! Ladies, fellas, huddle up!" A man urged for all the players on your team to gather around him. He was big, but funny looking, with a voice that did not match his brutal appearance.
"I'm Kyle Walker, but you can call me your captain for this evening."
"Captain?" Alison frowned. You were lucky to have her om your team, however, she did not look happy to find the captains armband handed to someone else. "We never voted for you to be our captain." She protested.
"Well, you should have. I have the experience when it matters and feel confident that I can lead this team to victory." He said.
"How?" A young U21 player squealed. Like the rest of you he was glaring at Ruben and his team as they warmed up on the opposite side of the pitch. The majority of Ruben's squad were players from the men's first team, including their assistant coaches.
"They're gonna eat us alive." The boy said, to which everyone agreed.
"Well that's not the spirit. Come on guys, hands in." Kyle ordered for everyone to stretch out a hand towards the ring you formed. "Victory on three, alright. One...two...three...VICTORY!" Kyle shouted, whilst the rest of you mumbled the words. Nevertheless you personally were not intimidated. You had played against tough opponents before, and you knew that you had a team that could give it their all, because Manchester City was arguably the best football club in the world.
The whistle blew, and the game began.
The first half was a blur of sweat and noise, as the two teams battled it out on the field. You dribbled and ran, dodging and weaving around your opponents, but Ruben and his team were tough to beat. They were bigger and stronger, and they had a few tricks up their sleeves.
"Whatta fuck!"
You ate dirt as Ruben ordered his players to tag team you. You stood no chance as Ruben was well aware that you rather go on your own than pass the ball.
"I'm sorry Y/N."
Ester pulled you up from the ground, having helped her teammates knock you down. She was playing for Ruben but seemed genuinely sorry for how he was running his play.
"Just give me the ball." You scuffed, as coach blew the whistle, handing your team a freekick for the offense made against you.
Kyle took it and missed.
The game resumed.
"Come on team, it's not over yet!" Your "captain", encouraged. "Fight until the end!"
As the second half began, your team was down by three goals, the majority of players being tired, cold and dirty, ready to throw in the towel. But you refused to give up. You knew that you had to do something to turn the game around, and you were determined to be the one to make it happen.
The moment didn't reveal itself until injury time. During he last minute's of the game. Ruben misjudged a pass, and you saw your chance. Charging directly towards him you had no other intention than to dribble past him.
"Pass the ball!" Kyle shouted, pointing to Alison who stood open, ready to receive the assist.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, you had to do this, you had to try and get past him. However Ruben's braud frame made it nearly impossible for you to sight the goal behind him. He looked smug, aware that your chances of getting past him were slim to none. But you had prepared for this. Ruben had prepared you for this. As he lunged forwards, you did not hesitate to bring the fight to him. The two of you clashed together, with Ruben's strangeth throwing you off, however you had suprised him with an elbow to his lower ribs, the quick jab making him fold before your eyes. It was your chance to get past him. For that split second that you caught him lacking you managed to ship the ball in the air and leaped your body over Ruben's extended leg. It was the moment of the match, the crowd on their feet watching a 60kg girl go head to head with one of the world's greatest defenders, beating him to it, sending the ball into the back off the net.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and your team rushed onto the field, arms around each other's shoulders, grinning from ear to ear.
"That's what I'm talking about. That's how we play!" Kyle Walker was in the verge of tears. You may have lost the game, but you had proven that you were not to be underestimated. Not now, not ever. By anyone.
"Great game Y/N."
"Um, thanks."
Ester approached you as the pitch cleared of people, friends and family members heading their respective ways. Cityzens Day was officially over.
"I really mean it, you played amazing."
You were on the ground tying your cleats. Looking up at Ester you sighed. "What do you want?"
Her expression was hard to read, her eyes desperate to tell you somthing. "I..." She squealed.
You stood, hands on your hips. "Yes?"
She sighed. "I'm sorry it had to be this way...between us. You really deserve to play with the first team but so do I. I've fought all of my life for this position."
"And I haven't?" You gasped. "Ester if you've got somthing else to say to me I rather not hear it." You turned your back on her and walked away, however, she fought to catch up to you.
"Come on Y/N. At least now you get to be with your boyfriend. I mean it was his idea."
"Whatta hell are you talking about Ester. I don't have a boyfriend."
"Could have fooled me." She chuckled, to which you frowned. "Ruben practically begged me not to tell the club officials about you two. He told me that he would talk to the coaches on the first team, tell them how you were having problems settling into a new country, mental problems, that were effecting your performance."
"He did what?"
Suddenly you lost the sensation of your hands and feet.
Ester nodded. "It worked. The coaches on the first team didn't want to put pressure on you by calling you up to play for them and so they picked me instead. It's a win-win for both of us since you get to be with Ruben and I get to play."
You were lost for words, trying to make sense of her words that were like riddles to your ears. However one thing was clear, Ruben had betrayed you, and for what?
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Fall Into Me 8
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Gaz and Soap spend an evening trying not to worry. Gaz finds something unexpected on the coffee shop Monday morning.
Warnings: Swearing, antisemitism (instance of swastika being spraypainted on the building), not quite panic attack, Soap and Gaz gossip.
Word count: 2.1k
Eventual Rose x 141/Los Vaqueros. Eventual.
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Gaz liked Soap, he really did. He just… liked Soap less when Soap followed him home.
Not that he was truly surprised anymore. Soap only spent half of his nights in his own apartment, claiming it was too quiet and infringing on everyone else’s spaces instead. 
(Apparently the last time Soap had shown up uninvited at Ale and Rudy’s apartment, though, Ale had sworn at him in Spanish for a solid minute before throwing a pillow in his face. Rudy still refused to translate everything, and Soap went an interesting shade of red whenever the subject came up.) 
Gaz had acquiesced with mostly good grace, especially since Soap paid for dinner from a little deli Gaz had never been to. 
Which is how the two ended up on Gaz’s couch, eating some of the best matzo ball soup Gaz had ever had and playing video games. 
“You have to go left,” Gaz pointed out, very helpfully if anybody asked him. 
“I know what I’m doing,” Soap muttered, hunching his shoulders. “Guess that explains how she knew about the deli.” 
“What?” Gaz blinked at the non-sequitur, and then smirked when Soap had to backtrack. “Told you to go left.” 
“Fuck off,” Soap grumbled without heat. “Rose. Jewish. Explains how she knew about the deli.” 
Gaz snorted. “I don’t think she knows every Jewish spot in the city just because she is, man.” 
Soap shrugged. “Dunno, she got a bit squirrely when we asked.” 
Gaz huffed, leaning back and balancing his soup in his lap. “Not everybody likes Jews,” he pointed out, reasonably enough. 
“I know that!” Soap growled softly when he had to backtrack again. 
“And she doesn’t know us well, yet.” Gaz ignored that little outburst. “Of course she’s being cautious. Can’t blame her.”
Soap didn’t respond for several moments. “D’ye think she’s been hurt before? Because of who she is.”
Gaz considered the question carefully and eventually shrugged. “Dunno. It’s hard to say. She hides a lot behind those smiles.” 
Soap grunted softly as he finally got his character back onto the farm and into bed. “Your turn.” 
Gaz took the remote and knocked his fist into Soap’s shoulder. “There’s still a lot we don’t know. Takes time to get to know someone. Just keep being you, she has fun with you.” 
“Course she does.” Soap grinned, leaning back to watch Gaz work on the farm. “How’d you get her number, anyway?”
“I asked.” Gaz preened a little. “She likes me.”
“Shove off.” Soap stuck his tongue out. 
“I could make you go home.”
“Good luck, this couch is mine.” 
Gaz was just debating pausing the game to tackle Soap off the couch when his phone pinged. He paused the game anyway but only to dig his phone out. 
“From Rose,” he muttered, for Soap’s benefit. “Says she’s… on her way home already?” 
“It’s just past 9,” Soap muttered, frowning. “She alright?”
Gaz was quick to text back, thanking her for letting him know and asking if she was alright. He ate more soup while he waited for a response. It was really good soup. 
I’m fine. Dinner ended early is all, no big deal. See you Monday!
Gaz turned his phone around so Soap could read it before Soap could do anything like try to wrestle the phone away from him.
“Dinner ended early,” Soap repeated blandly. “Sounds a bit fishy, aye?”
“Not our concern,” Gaz reminded him. “She’s basically telling us to back off.” 
Soap made a face but didn’t argue. “Hurry up and finish the day,” he grumbled. “I wanna see if I can catch that fish.” 
Gaz rolled his eyes but resumed the game. But he (and Soap) kept an eye on his phone, just in case of further texts. 
But he didn’t hear anything more from her all weekend. 
He got up early Monday morning, intending to help her out with the shop for the morning rush. Fortunately he didn’t live far from the office building (closer than everybody except Soap, actually) so it wasn’t a long walk. 
He stopped dead on the sidewalk outside the coffee shop. Someone had spraypainted a swastika on the outside of the shop, the black and white stark and ugly. 
“Rose!” He ran the last few steps to the door, tugging on it. Locked. But the lights were on. “Rose!” He knocked and then moved, searching for movement in the shop. 
Rose emerged from the back, pale and trembling, and unlocked the door for him. Gaz was quick to grab her shoulders, giving her a once-over. But she looked okay, just scared and shaky.
“Are you alright?” he asked, locking the door behind them and guiding her back again. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She looked at the front window and shuddered, eyes closing in misery. “I already called building management, I’m waiting to hear back.” 
Gaz clenched his jaw for a moment. “I’m calling the Captain.”
“What? No! Why?” She shook her head rapidly, hair whipping around her head. 
“He might have access to the outside cameras, so he can find who did this.” Gaz shrugged as he pulled out his phone. 
“Don’t bother him so early.” Rose looked if anything more panicky, which was… the opposite of what he wanted. 
Slowly, he put his phone back away and pulled her into a hug. Her next inhale was shaky, and he hugged her harder even as he felt moisture on his shoulder. Her hands gripped the back of his shirt tightly, but she was remarkably quiet. If anything, that made his heart hurt more for her - that kind of quiet was learned. 
“I’m sorry,” she finally gasped, pulling away and wiping at her eyes. “I just–it was a long weekend and I didn’t get much sleep and I wasn’t expecting to see that and–”
“Easy,” Gaz murmured, tugging her over to a chair. “It’s alright, you’re alright. We’ll get that taken care of, yeah? You don’t have to worry about it.” 
Rose shook her head again, but she didn’t actually object, so Gaz called Price. But he stayed right next to Rose, one hand rubbing her shoulder. 
“Gaz,” Price answered, calm and even as always. “What’s going on?” 
“Someone spraypainted the outside of the coffee shop,” he reported immediately, squeezing Rose’s shoulder when her breathing hitched. “I’ve got Rose.” 
“Copy that, I can be there in ten.” 
“Rog. See you soon.” Gaz hung up. He had no idea how Price was going to manage getting here in ten minutes, but if there was one thing he knew about his Captain, it was that when he gave his word, he kept it. Price would be there in ten minutes, or less. “What can I get you, love?” 
Rose shrugged a little helplessly. “I don’t know. I haven’t…” Her gaze strayed to the window again and she swallowed hard. 
“Hey.” Gaz moved between her and the window, cupping her cheek to keep her from leaning around him. “You’re alright.” 
Rose shook her head again but didn’t elaborate further, just ducked her head. “I should be getting ready to open.” 
“I think people will understand if you don’t, today.” Gaz was going to hold his ground on this. Especially since he knew he’d have backup shortly. 
“No, I was already closed all weekend, I can’t…” Rose trailed off, visibly struggling. 
“This counts as extenuating circumstances, love.” Gaz swiped his thumb over her cheek, hating the wetness there, that this had upset her enough to cry over. “We’ll get it figured out, yeah?” 
Her next exhale was shaky, and for a moment Gaz was afraid she’d start crying again. But she just sniffled and nodded. 
“I have tissues in the back,” she muttered, getting to her feet again, more slowly than normal. She shuffled away from him. Gaz almost called her back or grabbed her or offered to do it for her, but he restrained himself. She needed a bit of time and space. At least she wouldn’t be able to see the spraypaint from the back. 
Gaz put his hands on his hips and briefly dropped his head. Poor thing - she needed a few more good hugs and some time to calm down. 
And they needed to figure out if this was a genuine threat or just some arsehole. 
Two pairs of boots approaching got Gaz to move, and he unlocked the door before Price could knock. Ale was with him, likely a coincidence, holding a small bundle of flowers. Both men looked furious, as Gaz expected. 
“Sitrep,” Price growled, taking a quick look around the store.
“Found that this morning,” Gaz said, locking the door again. “Rose is in the back, already contacted building management. Unknown motive.” 
Ale set the flowers down gently, lips set in a grim line. “Cameras?”
Gaz shrugged. “Don’t have access yet.” 
Price nodded once, gaze flitting about the store. “Is she staying closed today?” 
“No.” Rose stopped behind the counter. Her face was still a little blotchy, her eyes still a little red, but she looked steadier. She was certainly less pale. “I can’t.”
“You don’t know if that is a threat.” Price crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I doubt it. Most likely just someone thought they’d make an antisemitic statement.” She shrugged. “It’s awful, but it could be worse.”
“It could be worse is not reassuring, cariño,” Ale murmured, stepping closer to her to cup her shoulders. “We worry because we care for you and do not want to see you hurt.”
For a moment, her lip trembled. Then she breathed in slowly, smiling just a little. “I appreciate that. But I really can’t stay closed today.” Her gaze darted to the window darkened with spraypaint and the smile twisted into a grimace. “For one thing, I don’t want to be intimidated into closing. And for another… still have bills to pay.” 
Ale clucked and pulled her into a hug, tucking her easily under his chin. Watching the two of them, it struck Gaz how much smaller she was - she fit easily into Ale’s hold. Even Gaz had no problem tucking her into his shoulder when he wanted to. Smaller, soft, gentle. All the things that he’d been trying to protect in the world. 
Gaz clenched his jaw and looked away, only to find Price already watching him. The captain raised a single eyebrow: Alright? Gaz nodded once, determined. 
“Gaz will stay here today,” Price decided, watching as Rose pulled back a bit. “I’ll handle building management.”
“But–” Rose started to protest. 
“Your safety is more important,” Price interrupted, no-nonsense. “One of us will be here, we can work down here just as well as in the office. It’s not a problem. It’s not an imposition. Clear?” 
Rose made a complicated expression, an almost-smile paired with a little wiggle of her nose (and seriously, Gaz hadn’t thought she could get cuter) and some eyebrow acrobatics. Then she sighed and nodded. “Fine. Just. Don’t make anybody go out of their way because of this.”
Price huffed a laugh. “Darling, I’ll be lucky if they don’t all relocate down here,” he drawled. 
He had a point, Gaz had to admit. Rose blushed, though if it was the nickname or the rest of the sentence he couldn’t tell. Not for sure. But she was rallying quickly. 
“Fine,” she agreed. “But you will let me know the second you hear anything from management.” She narrowed her eyes a little at him, which was fair. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Price’s lips twitched with a barely repressed smile.
“Oh don’t ‘ma’am’ me,” she sassed. “Or I’ll start calling you Captain.”
Gaz just caught Price’s reaction, watching heat flare and be suppressed in a fraction of a second. Oh. Now that was new. 
Ale, fortunately, distracted her with another hug, murmuring something to her too low for Gaz to hear. Gaz took the opportunity to step closer to his Captain. 
“Standard check ins?”
“Yes.” Price didn’t look away from the two for another long moment before those blue eyes focused on Gaz. “I’ll keep you updated on my end.”
“Rog.” Gaz nodded once and slipped back behind the counter to grab the spare apron again. He paused outside the tiny office - he’d peeked inside before, of course, enough to see that there was barely enough room for Rose to get any kind of work done. Today there was a bright-colored bag sitting on the desk chair, and he could just see yarn poking out the top. 
He walked away, because if he thought about this too much, thought about Rose coming into work happy and looking forward to sharing her knitting, he’d go hunt the bastard down himself. 
“Where do we start?” he asked brightly, smiling at Rose.
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five times keith kogane didn’t celebrate his birthday, plus one time he did
“You’re getting big, kiddo! Double digits this year an’ everything. Next thing I know, you’ll be towerin’ over me and askin’ me when I got so small!"
Keith giggled. He knew his Pa was teasing, because Keith was still very small. In fact, he was the shortest kid in his class. (Which didn’t even make sense, because Pa was as big as a mountain!)
“I’m not that big, Pa.”
“Oh, I dunno. I don’t think I could even lift ya up anymore.”
“Yes you can! Yes you can!”
Pa pretended to think, tapping his chin and screwing up his mouth. “Well, I could try, I ‘spose…”
Keith cheered, and Pa grinned before scooping Keith right up and throwing him up over his shoulder. 
“Make way for the birthday boy!” he called, even though they were the only ones in the house and it wasn’t even his birthday until next month. 
“Not yet, Pa! It’s in –” Keith paused to count carefully on his fingers, Pa waiting patiently – “twenty-nine days!” 
“Aw, my little boy’s almost a grown man!” Pa tossed him down on the couch, flopping down beside him with his hand over his forehead dramatically. “My little baby Keith, ten years old. Whatever shall I do?”
Keith laughed, crawling into Pa’s lap and curling up under his chin. “I’m just ten, Pa. Nothing’s gonna change, ‘cept I’ll be bigger and smarter and stronger.”
Pa hummed, bringing up a hand to brush through Keith’s shaggy hair. “That’s right, kiddo. Nothing big will change. But we can still celebrate, huh? Whatcha wanna do?”
Keith brightened, flicking excited eyes up to meet his father’s. “Can I go for a big long ride in the firetruck? With the sirens? Please?”
Pa chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of Keith’s hair. “‘Course, kiddo. Anything you want.”
“Happy birthday,” Keith mutters to himself, glaring at the headstone in front of him. “So much for no big changes. Liar.”
He has the sudden urge to stand up and kick the cold grey stone. ‘TEXAS KOGANE,’ it reads, in big black letters, ‘LOVING FATHER AND LOCAL HERO.’ As if that makes it better;  he’s dead, sure, but at least he was a hero. 
A tear drips down Keith’s nose, without his permission. 
He doesn’t want a hero. He wants his dad back, to take him on a ride around the town for his birthday, like he promised. He would even take just his dad, no birthday celebrations necessary. He’d give up a million birthdays to have his dad back. 
Keith stares at his watch as the minutes tick down. 11:58. Really, he’s not allowed to be up this late. The lady in charge of this home is real strict about bedtime – lights out at 8:30, no exceptions for homework or reading or playing. 
Or birthdays. 
Keith doesn’t much care, though. He hasn’t cared about his birthday in two years. It doesn’t mean much anymore, anyway. The only thing that happens if he tells someone it’s his birthday is they look at him in surprise, then look at him with guilt, then half-ass a birthday wish or maybe some stupid little dollar-store present that Keith doesn’t even want. He only ever wants one thing, and he’ll never get it, so it doesn’t matter. 
Sometimes, thought, secretly, in the very back of his mind, he thinks it would be nice to have someone plan a whole party just for him, with chocolate cake that’s mostly icing and sprinkles, and no candles – candles mean fire, and Keith doesn’t much like fire – but maybe the stupid little song, too. Maybe he would have a bunch of imaginary friends gathered around him, excited to celebrate with him, who smother him with hugs and kisses and happy birthdays and even birthday beats. Maybe there's someone who knows all the books Keith likes, and gets him those fancy hardcovers he can never afford, the ones that look real nice and feel even nicer. 
But the clock ticks right past 12, and his birthday is over, and no one even remembered or cared, and Keith convinces himself that it’s better that way. 
Birthdays are stupid and pointless. What does he care if no one loves him enough to celebrate? He wouldn’t celebrate even if someone did love him. It’s stupid. 
“Hey, buddy,” Shiro says, shooting him a smile as Keith walks through the door. 
Keith moves to head to his room – he likes Shiro well enough, sure, but he’s not really in a social mood and doesn’t want to make Shiro hate him just yet – but Shiro speaks up again before he can. 
“I have a couple questions about tomorrow, when you have a free minute. It doesn’t have to be now, just before you go to bed. Okay?”
Keith swallows roughly. Fuck. He was hoping they were going to ignore tomorrow, actually, but rationally Keith knew there was a fat chance of that. Shiro’s the type of guy to celebrate his plant’s birthday – and that’s a fact, they celebrated Shiro’s favourite cactus last week with homemade cupcakes that Shiro burnt so badly that Keith couldn’t actually tell what flavour they were supposed to be – so, of course, he’s going to want to celebrate Keith’s. 
“Celebrating my birthday is against my religion,” Keith blurts, because he didn’t prepare a lie ahead of time, like a dumbass. 
Shiro blinks. “Shit, kiddo. Have you been missing religious services, or something? Oh, God – fuck, I mean, not God – is it God? I don’t know jack shit about religion, sorry – shit, is swearing against your religion, too? Fuck. I mean, not fuck – fuck!”
Shiro’s getting so frantic that his face is turning purple, so Keith decides to put him out of his misery, even though watching him freak the hell out is admittedly kind of hilarious. (Shiro freaks out a lot, like he’s terrified he’s going to be the one to fuck Keith up. It’s very sweet, so Keith has yet to inform him that Keith’s already plenty fucked up, thanks, so he’s got nothing to worry about.)
“It’s a religion I made up,” Keith says, and figures that’s a decent enough lie as any. “It doesn’t have a name or services or anything.”
Shiro breathes a massive sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God. Or, er. Not God.”
Keith cracks a grin. “Thanks, Shiro, but don’t worry. You can chill out. We’re good.”
“Okay, kiddo,” Shiro says, smiling back. “Sounds good. You heading to your room?”
“Yeah. I’ve got English homework.”
Shiro hums, tilting his head. “Do you want to do it out here? You don’t have to, and I’ll certainly be no help – I’m hopeless with lit analysis, unfortunately – but it might be nice to have company.”
Keith considers him for a moment. He – he hasn’t done homework with someone since his Pa died. No one else just wanted to sit with him, or whatever. 
“I don’t make very good company.”
Shiro smiles. It’s a little sad, and Keith’s not sure how to feel about it. “I like your company plenty. If anything, I’ll be the one who makes bad company – I turn into a zombie when I have too much marking to do.”
Keith glances at the truly giant piles of student papers in front of Shiro. He thinks of his room, lonely and undecorated, ‘cause Keith is still waiting for Shiro to gently sit him down and explain that Keith’s a great kid, really, but there’s only so much Shiro can handle. 
Shiro’s already lasted much longer than any other foster parent he’s had. 
And, uh. Keith likes it here, a little. Sometimes, late at night, when Keith is imagining the birthday party he might have one day, he sees Shiro’s face smiling over at him. 
“I guess I don’t mind doing homework with a zombie,” Keith says, and Shiro lights up. 
Keith reads a lot. Whatever he can get his hands on, really. It’s for that reason that he knows, for a fact, that the man to coin the term déja vù was Émile Boirac, a French philosopher from the 19th century. 
Keith hopes that motherfucking bitch is writhing in the deepest pits of hell. 
Because Keith is quite happy to pin the blame on him for the horribly familiar ache he’s filling, looking at Shiro’s memorial on October 23rd, birthday plans fluttering away in the stale desert wind. 
“Am I cursed?” Keith asks out loud, to whomever may be listening. “Did I do something? I’ll do anything to undo it, I promise. I’ll fucking – forget me ever even thinking about celebrating a birthday again, okay? I promise I won’t. I’ll do anything. I’ll – fucking – live in that stupid shack for the rest of my life and eat canned tuna until I die. I’ll do whatever you want. Just – please.” His face crumples, and his knees hit the hard cement floor, but he barely registers the pain. The same tear makes its traitorous path down his face, splattering on the floor. He reaches out and brushes his fingers over the carved stone: ‘TAKASHI SHIROGANE’.
There’s no other carving, this time. No star pilot, or explorer. 
Loving brother. 
“Please just – please just bring him back,” Keith sobs, even though he knows it’s just as fucking hopeless as it was ten years ago, and he’s alone, again, and this time there’s no one else coming. 
Maybe it’s for the better. Maybe, as he shoves images of smiling faces singing happy birthday – a stupid fucking fantasy for a stupid fucking kid – into the back of his mind, where it belongs, this is for the better. The less people who care about him, the less people at risk, right? And the less people who can hurt him by breaking their promises and leaving him behind to pick up the pieces. 
Birthdays are stupid. Caring about people is stupid. Keith is – Keith’s done being stupid.
Keith’s not big on eavesdropping. If he can, he minds his business. 
But he figures if people are talking about him, then it’s not eavesdropping anymore. By then it’s just…gathering intel.
Yeah. That’s a great explanation for why Keith’s crouched by the common room door like a weirdo, straining to hear every last word coming from his teammates’ mouths. 
“...I mean, it can’t hurt, right? It’s not like we’re doing anything obnoxious. Just the song and the cake!”
That’s Lance, unmistakably. He sounds a little annoyed, like he’s been arguing his point for a while – Keith is very familiar with that tone. He can imagine Lance’s face: mouth twisted into a petulant scowl, dark brown eyes narrowed and deadpan, arms crossed over his chest with his left hand’s ring finger tapping his bicep. He sounds snooty, too, so he’s probably even straightened up his posture and rose up to his full height. 
Keith can’t quite tamp down his smile. God, he loves riling Lance up. Massive kudos to whoever’s doing it now, Keith’s jealous. 
“I’m not sure, Lance.” That’s Shiro. “Keith isn’t huge on celebrating his birthday.”
Keith’s smile drops. Aw, fuck. He checks his watch, frustrated with himself, seeing clear as day that today’s the twenty-second. 
Fuck. He let it sneak up on him, and now he’s going to have to shut it down like a jackass. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“You guys never celebrated his birthday?”
“Well, we didn’t at first, but he warmed up to a small thing eventually –”
“That’s settled, then!” 
Keith can picture Lance throwing his hands up, surely smug about winning the argument, but likely annoyed at having to argue at all. 
God, Keith needs to stop thinking about Lance so much. It’s honestly embarrassing. Here he is, having a crisis, and all his stupid gay brain can focus on is a Cuban accent and the image of a bright smile. 
“Hunk’ll make a cake, we’ll wish him a subtle happy birthday when we see him tomorrow. We won’t even make a big deal about it, okay?”
“Okay,” Shiro says reluctantly. 
Oh, damn you, Shiro, you bleeding heart. Heaven forbid you be a surly jackass for once in your life and tell everyone to piss off. 
“Good. I can’t believe we missed it last year, I feel horrible.”
“Last year, we spent Keith’s birthday in a pile of corrosive alien goo on that mission,” Pidge points out drily. “Also, he told us his birthday was November thirty-first, and every one of us fell for it.”
Keith grins, because it’s true and he did. He laughed to himself for like forty minutes when they realised, and they were so ticked and preoccupied with throwing things at him – Allura and Lance were the ones throwing things, that is – that they forgot to ask him for his birthday for real. 
Someone sniffs derisively. “Makes sense for his scorpio ass,” Hunk says. 
“Is scorpio the bitchy one?” he hears Allura whisper.
“Yes,” Lance whispers back, as if he’s not a fuckin’ leo.
“Okay, let’s talk about literally anything else. Don’t we have preparations to do?”
Keith scatters before everyone can file out, hearing Hunk and Lance start talking excitedly about making their way to the kitchens. He makes his way to his room, racking his brain for a way to stop this in its tracks. Hunk and Lance will have already started on the cake, so he can’t hide ingredients or anything. Honestly, his best bet will probably be to hide the cake and hope everyone gets the message. It’ll be awkward, sure, and he’ll feel bad about ruining their hard work, but it’s for the best. 
After all, birthdays are stupid. 
He waits until he’s sure everyone else is asleep, and then sneaks his way into the kitchen, using all the ninja training he has available. He doesn’t turn the kitchen light on, using the cover of the shadows to hide his misdeeds. 
(...Misdeeds? Who says that? Keith reads way too many novels.)
He finally closes his hand around the fridge door, pulling it open as quietly as possible. There, placed carefully away from anything that could ruin it, is a – chocolate cake. With more icing than cake. And endless sprinkles. No candle in sight. 
Keith swallows the lump in his throat, forcing himself to get his shit together. It’s a fucking cake. So what if his team knows exactly what he wants? So what if the stupid little fantasy he dreamed about as a stupid little lonely kid is a very real possibility?
It doesn’t matter. Keith doesn’t do birthdays. Not anymore. 
“Now, if I thought you were just stealing a bite, I wouldn’t stop you. But something tells me that’s not the case.”
Lance’s voice startles him so bad he jumps up with a yelp, braining himself on the fridge door. 
“Jesus motherfu –”
Lance laughs quietly, cutting Keith off mid-cuss. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Bullshit, McClain, you jackass.”
Lance shrugs, grinning. “You’ll never prove it.”
“And they’ll never find your fucking body if you do that again,” Keith snaps, but there’s no bark behind it. “Why the hell are you here? You’re supposed to be asleep!”
“So are you. Instead, you’re committing birthday sabotage. What’s up with that?”
Keith stiffens. “No I’m not. I’m just – admiring it.”
“Uh huh. Don’t insult my intelligence.”
“I’m not –” Keith sighs, deflating. “Yeah, okay, whatever. I just – I don’t want to celebrate my birthday, okay? It’s no big deal.”
Lance stares at him a moment. Not glaring, or judgemental, or – anything, really. Just stares, until Keith starts to fidget. 
“What?” he snaps. “Say something.”
“I don’t think you actually want us to pretend it’s not your birthday,” Lance says. 
Keith blinks. “That’s – yes, I do.”
“I mean, I think you think you do.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Lance hums, pulling out two chairs and sitting in one. He pillows his head on his arms, resting on the table. He looks at Keith expectantly. 
Keith rolls his eyes and stomps over to the chair, slamming the fridge door shut behind him. The room goes completely dark, save for the faint glow of the emergency light casting shadows on Lance’s face. 
“I think, if you really wanted us to stop the birthday planning, you would have come inside and said it, instead of crouching outside like a weirdo.”
Keith startles. “There’s no fucking way – you saw me? I was behind a wall!”
“I heard you.”
Keith slaps a palm to his head, frustrated with himself. How could he forget? “You and your fucking bat ears.”
Lance laughs, poking Keith gently on the shoulder. “Me and my bat ears,” he agrees. He doesn’t say anything more, waiting patiently for Keith to organise his thoughts. That’s the thing about Lance – you’d think, with all the talking he does, that he wouldn’t be a great listener. But he is, really. 
“Every person I’ve ever celebrated my birthday with has bailed on me,” Keith says quietly. “It’s not – it’s not always their fault, sure, but it’s a pattern.”
“Two’s not a pattern,” Lance whispers. 
Keith shrugs. “Feels like one.”
“I bet.” 
Keith’s heart starts to feel heavy. It always does, when he remembers anything adjacent to his Pa, and more recently to the memories of losing Shiro. He lays his head on the table, mirroring Lance, to see if that will ease some of the weight. 
“I don’t want you guys to make it a pattern.”
Lance hums. “Not to be a bummer, but the chances of all seven of us surviving this whole thing is pretty slim. We’re going to do our best, obviously, but – it’s grim.”
“How is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Well, if we’re going to die anyway, why can’t we also celebrate your birthday? I don’t think acknowledging the fact that you were born and we’re happy about it is going to make us any more or less likely to die.”
“This is a really shitty pep talk.”
Lance laughs. “Yeah, it’s not my best.”
“Not even close.”
Lance grins at him, a flash of bright white in the dark. “Is it working anyway, though?”
“A little.”
“Yeah? Where’re you at?”
Keith hums, taking a second to formulate his thoughts into a Real Human Sentence, instead of the jumble of emotions it is currently. “Objectively, I know celebrating my birthday isn’t going to get anyone killed. But my birthday feels kinda shitty, usually. I don’t want to make more shitty memories with you guys than I have to.”
“I dunno. I think any memory I make with you is a pretty good one, so long as you’re in it.”
“...McClain, that is the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your goddamn mouth.”
“Heh. You like it when I’m cheesy.”
Keith realises he has a choice to make. 
He and Lance have been doing this – flirting, thing, for months. It’s – stupid. They argue and drive each other insane and tease and play and both of them know damn well they only do it to get a reaction out of the other, because it’s fun, and because they have this thing between them. They’ve never gone past flirting, though. 
Keith kinda wishes they would. And birthdays – they’re for wishes, right?
“I like you.”
“Yeah, Kogane? You should do something about it.”
Keith has never been able to back down from a challenge. Especially not from Lance. 
He reaches forward blindly – emergency lights or no, he can’t really see anything other than the vague silhouette of Lance’s face – brushing his fingers over Lance’s cheek, his eyebrow, his nose.
His lips. 
Once he knows where he’s aiming, he leans over, pausing just millimetres away from Lance’s face. 
“I think I wouldn’t mind. Celebrating my birthday with you guys. I think… I think I could trust you. To handle it.”
“I’ll take care of you,” Lance whispers, and closes the gap between them. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” 
Keith opens his eyes to see his boyfriend of three years on the pillow next to him, shooting him a tired grin. Keith grins back. 
Lance leans forward and pecks him quickly – close-mouthed, so there’s no morning breath. 
“I am going to go get in the shower,” he says as he pulls away. “If you would like your first round of birthday sex, I would suggest you come join me.”
“If I ever say no to that, check me for a fever,” Keith jokes, and Lance laughs. 
After they’re more than ready for the day, they head down to the kitchens, where the rest of the team meets them with more excitement than usual. 
“Happy birthday, Keith!” they all say together. 
“Thanks, guys.”
He slides into his seat, Lance sitting down next to him, not pulling away for a second. 
“Here’s your icing with a side of cake,” Hunk teases, sliding him a plate. 
Keith smiles, thanking him and diving in before Lance can steal it all, like the little shit he is. 
“Any plans?” he asks, because that’s normal for him, now. Normal for him to wake up beside the man he loves, normal for him to meet his team and family, normal for him to spend the day with them. 
Normal, even, for him to celebrate his birthday once a year. 
“We were thinking we’d stop by Earth, pay your dad a visit,” Shiro says softly. “Then spend the day goofing around at that old arcade I used to take you to. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” Keith says, and he’s delighted to find he means it.
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uummyuu · 1 year
the azul headcanons
big strong man that the show really doesn't utilize enough... wish we had more knowledge on the other members' names though :((
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although de los santos is the only one who outright states he's aztec, i'd like to think the entire team is of aztec descent in some way.
anyways fun fact about aztec tattoos, they're usually designed to honor a chosen god so that they may provide blessings of prosperity, strength, health, etc. i don't want to look too deep on what was probably a tattoo designed on whim but it seems pretty close to the aztec calendar? or an iteration of the aztec sun god huitzilopochtli, the interpretation is very vague.
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if we go by the thought that this is a tattoo of the aztec calendar, the tattoo itself could mean eternity and connection. de los santos in the show itself kind of rues the fact that what was once his home is now simply brushed of as the forgotten city or something to be left in the history books. with this tattoo it's his way of keeping his home and his friends by his side forever.
but also a tattoo of huitzilopochtli can symbolize power as well as sacrifice. some tattoos of the sun god are stylized to just be the sun with the god's face on it(although typically depicted with 8 rays instead of the weird 13 on his tattoo). santos' power is never understated in the show and his tattoo could be a testament to that.
the other members probably have their tattoos either on their chest or back to keep them out of sight, probably eagles to symbolize power and bravery, or maybe even a literal quetzlcoatl to symbolize wisdom. aspects that would be useful on the playing field.
anyways please see my vision of de los santos with a whole extensive aztec back tattoo on him
ok back to your regularly scheduled program, santos has bench pressed the entire team on his back once and it was recorded somewhere. the video resurfaces on natter everytime the azul play a game.
i read in a 4-panel comic that klaus actually has santos' jersey? i'll try and find it but anyways if some lucky fan manages to get it congrats you basically have a new blanket, that shirt is huge. (or if he has a tiny s/o who he loves smothering in his clothing i dunno 👀)
overall i'd like to think the team is just one big family, they have shared ancestry and that solidifies the bond they share with each other even if they aren't exactly related.
the other team members worry about santos taking on too much, with his reputation as an extremely difficult goalkeeper to get past when he does lose a point to the opposition it hits him hard. so the team does their best to pull their own weight, they want to have santos' back as much as he watches theirs.
de los santos is very much a protector type, i don't think he'd be the azul's captain, but he's definitely a pillar of support and morale for the team. (kind of a big bo and dancing rasta dynamic?)
the team definitely worries about relying on santos too much, but in reality santos likes being reliable and strong in the eyes of others, he longs to be needed so he doesn't end up as "forgotten" just like his home did.
honestly these guys probably try to keep out of the media too, but when they do get on an interview other than talking about the game they love talking about their culture. as "exotic" and "forgotten" it may seem to interviewers, to the team it's merely the childhood memories that link them all together. even if the city itself no longer stands.
i'm gonna make de los santos dating headcanons one day i swear because i have so much more to say about him—
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disregardcanon · 8 months
just got done watching the 50th anniversary touring production of jesus christ superstar. here are The Thoughts
i've watched either the movie or a different bootleg of jcs during the week of easter for the past 8 years. i LOVE jcs and am very familiar with the material, so this was not a first for me except for seeing it live
i'm not sure if the setup for the staging was unique, but there were 3 big parts: 2 two level bits that were set up towards the back (one that was used almost solely for the instruments) and then in the middle was a very large, elevated cross made of grated metal. it was where the smoke machine bits came through and it had bright lights that hugged the edges.
the way that the cross elevated a bit in the middle of the stage and bisected it was really cool. it let different actors (a lot of the time jesus pre-arrest) elevate themselves over the rest of the scene, and created a pretty clear divide between two different events/sides.
costumes- most of them were what i'd expect from a jcs production, but i was impressed by how lowkey and modern jesus's civilian clothes were (the khaki shorts, the loose white top, the light gray hoodie) and then the way that the leader guy of the I BELIEVE IN YOU AND GOD SO TELLLL ME THAT I'M SAVED! has jesus's exact same outfit but with the colors of the shirt and hoodie swapped. i dunno that worked for me. judas's look, of course, SLAYED in the don't you get me wrong number. sparkling like a star, with his hair all done up in this brilliant and gorgeous updo... *chefs kiss* and then pilot's crown was good and subtle and i love love loved herod and his gang. herod had a big goofy overcoat that gave him a cartoony frame and then he took it off and was in this straight up cabaret bright gold high boots outfit with french revolution aristocracy era face paint and get up. the lackeys had on these striped outfits and harem pants and the like, big circles that surround your head kinda like a dog cone? and at the very end of the number when he's encroaching in on jesus and about to kick him out he kicks the head of every single lackey who's on the ground in a line, like waiting for a beheading? and then it like SPEWS BLOOD along their neckline and the cone. visually appealing, horrifying, and interesting, especially with the french revolution imagery.
they did this really interesting thing with guitars and microphones with the actors. so jesus had a guitar that he carried around with him a lot and peter did too. jesus took it out during emotional moments and the way that they framed the gethsemane number to start with was him just working out his emotions through song? he plays the number himself (and he and peter were playing on pilot's first little number, which is interesting symbolism) and then as he finally builds to a point where he can't keep going he unplugs the guitar from the amp and goes to cry and finish the number with no mic.... just him.
additions on gethsemane- as he was winding up to the FIIINNNNEEEEE I'LLLLLL DIIIIIIEEEEE bit, the lights started flashing from all different directions. in the divine intensity. you will be doing this. you don't have a choice. then jesus, who's mainly performed in a much more.... traditional? style than neeley's jesus finally DOES take it into that piercing, 70s rocker falsetto belt.... and to have that happen right before he finally... does give up. just collapse into a little pile of just him, no more lighting anymore but this single spotlight on this sad, tired little man... the heart. it wrenches. then judas comes in from the Super Secret Suprise Entrance Cross and everything just keeps going.
super funny when we got all the apostles looking between each other when judas and jesus have their fight and judas leaves and then peter strums a cord and restarts" ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT I'D BE AN APOOOOSTTTLLLEEEEEE"
caiphas was, unfortunately, hot.
thinking about the shift of the ensemble so quickly from We Are The Sinful Temple Fuckers to We Are The Ailing of the Earth and how the ailing surround and overwhelm jesus and the way that it just. is visually even more in person
the use of the mics was also interesting. the high priests had mic stands that they always came in with as props and the dancing with them was cool and worked well, and then jesus/judas/mary passed around a mic some, both on the mic stand and without it. and especially when it was on the stand it gave this sense of... presence and importance. a lot of the judas-mary altercations were spent moving the mic back and forth and it was +++++ especially since we saw the microphone taken away from jesus when he was arrested (taking away his power along with his guitar, his ability to express himself). the mic's cord was ALSO used in really interesting ways. the first time it really comes up is when judas is realizing that he's been duped by the narrative and he's been left with the bag... and then he stretches the bright red cord out to its full length as he climbs up to the second story and threads the cord to stage the hanging... with the microphone. the lighting in this scene was great and just UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH watching judas send the microphone over the edge and leaving IT hanging as the symbol of judas's death. fucking. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
the other time that the microphone cord itself comes up is in pilot's last number, when the crowd is getting increasingly YOU HAVE NO CHOICE CRUCIFY HIMCRUCIFY HIM! and pilot's like. uh. how about i beat him? will that satisfy your blood lust? and he fucking wraps his mic cord around jesus's hands and holds him in place with it??? like oh my god. that made me feel some kind of way.
peter brought his guitar back out when he and mary magdalene were singing about how jesus should probably make things stop sucking now, please? then them on the smaller, more cut off scene watching jesus get beaten and sentenced to crucifixion. the powerlessness of that staging
jesus spends most of that number physically on the ground. he falls off the cross to the ground. he's so bloody and broken looking and it was painful.
the way the crowd shifts from being the taunting crowd to the JESUS CHRIST! SUPERSTAR! background singers. but. this staging... it had jesus. out during this number. and the chorus kept on hurting him as they KEPT DEMANDING ANSWERS? just like the way that they made every character who did that a guard (they had different roman emperor heads, it was great) and then. jesus is still there. he is still broken and beaten and Not Yet Crucified. and they're passing him around like emma perkins in inevitable.
(and his horror keeps going on)
something about how they gave judas's actor bright white hands after touching the blood money to contrast against his dark brown skin. something about how in this show he gets both pilot and jesus's symbols of being doomed by fate (pilot's bloody hands, jesus's crown of thorns).
like. they do not crucify this poor motherfucker until after the entire staging of "don't you get me wrrrroooonnnngggggg". and then we have to watch him raised onto the cross and his painful cries and everything. a few murmured notes from the crowd. then it's just a few actors helping to take jesus down off the cross and judas sitting on the edge, looking forlorn and regretful and just. so lost.
and a tattered jesus manages to move to the spot across from him, and sends him a tiny smile. he takes the crown of thorns off his own head and passes it over to judas.
the lights go down and the show is over. judas is forgiven. he's elevated! he's trapped!!!!!!! he and jesus are here together in this story that neither of them can control. they share that knowledge, and then the lights go down.
i am no longer the same. i don't want to be
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 3 days
The day we found you (a bad batch modern au)
A Fateful Meeting:
Hunter: 10
Wrecker: 9 1/2
Crosshair: 9
Cobalt: 8
Tech: 6
99: 45
Trix: 11
Echo and Fives: 10
The five brothers all relaxed visibly as the train pulled out of the station.
"Man, I'm so glad we're out of there." Wrecker said.
"You're telling me." Hunter nodded.
"Ok, I can't believe it's taken me this long to realise this but what pray tell do we do when we arrive at the station." Crosshair said.
"We need to find somewhere to lay low, where she can't find us." Hunter said.
"I'm sure we'll find somewhere, but we should try and relax, we have a few hours we need to disembark." Tech said.
"He's right, we should probably eat, personally I'm starving." Hunter said.
The others nodded in agreement and pulled the food from their bags and tucked in.
After a bit they'd finished and the leftovers were packed away in their bags.
Cobalt was on his way to the bathroom when he accidentally collided with someone.
"Sorry." A boy a few years older than him apologised.
"Sorry wasn't watching where I was going." Cobalt said.
"It's alright..." The boy said holding out a hand.
"Cobalt." Cobalt said accepting the hand.
"My names' Trix, nice to meet you Cobalt." The boy said.
"Nice to meet you too." Cobalt said.
"Look after yourself." Trix smiled before walking off.
Cobalt smiled before heading to the bathroom.
Trix went over to where his adopted father 99 and his younger twin brothers Echo and Fives were sitting.
"Everything okay Trix?" 99 asked as his eldest son sat down.
"Yeah, just bumped into someone on my way back." Trix nodded.
"Who?" Fives asked looking up from the tablet he was playing on.
"No one special, just some kid, one of the five over there." Trix said.
99 couldn't help his curiosity and saw Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Tech sitting together.
"Where do you think their parents are?" Echo asked.
"I don't know Echo, I didn't see anyone who looked like their parents." Trix said
"Weird, they look younger than us." Fives said.
"Yeah, who'd let them ride the train by themselves, at this time of night too." Echo said.
99 was silent, thinking everything over in his head.
A few hours later the train pulled into the station.
99, Trix and the twins made their way through the hustle and bustle of the station and managed to get outside.
99 was checking over Trix and the twins when he notices something
Those five boys Trix had mentioned were standing together, 99 kept an eye on them for a few minutes but no one appeared to collect them, in fact no one seemed interested in them whatsoever.
Unable to bear the sight anymore 99 went over, the kids following.
He approached the five boys who looked up at him nervously.
"Are you boys alright?" 99 asked.
"umm yeah, we're just waiting for our...mother." Hunter lied.
"Is she nearby, young boys like you all shouldn't be out here by yourselves, especially at this time of night." 99 said.
"She should be close by, but we can't see her." Wrecker said eyes darting around looking for a possible escape route.
"Well how about you all come over to my house and get some rest, and I'll try and call your mother so she can collect you." 99 offered.
Hunter shook his head.
"We may be kids but we know not to go off with strangers." He said.
Echo spoke up.
"99 is a good man you guys, you can trust him." He said.
The five looked at them skeptically before huddling together and having a muttered conversation.
"Do you really think we can trust him?" Crosshair asked the others.
"I dunno, he seems okay to me." Cobalt said.
"I think we can trust him." Wrecker said.
"Wrecker, we don't know him." Hunter said.
"We don't know anyone here Hunter, but I read him, he's not like mother." Wrecker said.
"He's a stranger Wrecker." Crosshair hissed.
"Again I know, but whenever we sneak those movies when she's out I'm always the one judging the characters, seeing them for who they are, and I'm never wrong am I?" Wrecker asked.
"No." Hunter shook his head.
"This guy, we can trust him." Wrecker said.
"I'll take your word on it." Hunter nodded.
The five looked up at 99 nodding.
"Okay Mister, we trust you." Hunter said.
"Alright, my name is 99, this is Trix, Fives and Echo." 99 said introducing his kid.
"I'm Hunter, this is Wrecker, Crosshair, Cobalt and Tech." Hunter said introducing the others who each waved shyly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you boys, now come on, it's been a long day and I'm sure you must all be exhausted." 99 said.
"You got that right." Wrecker said stifling an almighty yawn behind his hand.
99 just smiled and led the boys along.
The walk was mostly silent aside from the occasional yawn from either Trix, the twins or the five boys with them.
99 was certainly curious about this kids, he had never seen them around town before and he certainly hadn't missed the muttered conversation they'd had before agreeing to follow him...he just couldn't help the feeling that they were running from something, but what.
They soon got to the house, a modest 4 bedroom house but the way the boys looked at it, it was like a mansion.
"Wow, you live here." Wrecker said in awe.
"Yes I do, it's not much, but it's home." 99 said.
"It's lovely." Wrecker said, the other four nodding in agreement.
"Thank you Wrecker." 99 said opening the door and allowing the boys to troop in.
Echo switched the lights on and even Crosshair was in awe at how cosy the house looked.
"Wow, this is cosy." Crosshair said blushing slightly in embarrassment at having saying that out loud.
"Thank you Crosshair." 99 smiled.
A very loud yawn from Cobalt made 99 chuckle.
"Ok everyone, time for bed, you five may as well get some sleep too while we wait for your mother, do you have pajamas?" 99 asked.
The boys shook their heads.
"That's alright, could you three lend them some Pj's?" 99 asked.
Trix and the twins nodded leading the other boys upstairs.
99 pulled out the phone book and looked through the names trying to find the surname Hunter had mentioned to him although for some reason he couldn't find it.
After the boys had changed into pajamas 99 set up some sleeping bags for the boys, Trix sharing his room with Cobalt and Wrecker, Fives sharing his room with Hunter and Crosshair and Echo sharing his with Tech.
99 tucked in each of the boys and changed into his own pajamas.
After searching for a while longer and finding nothing he decided to head to bed himself.
On his way he checked on each of the boys and they were all sleeping peacefully.
99 then headed to bed himself.
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shinigami-stories-a · 10 months
Little Genius
❝ Have you ever heard the story about an artist who painted only in black and white until a beautiful butterfly had come into his world? — Well, then… listen closely. ❞
▸ main character(s) ㅡ lucien
▸ ship(s) ㅡ none
▸ fandom ㅡ mr. love queen’s choice
▸ author notes ㅡ “is this the book you said was hard to understand? ……i’ve already finished it. (smile)” polite lil lucien (age 8). based off this image by yukimaru.
please feel free to share & reblog, but please do not repost.
It was a rather quiet day as Lucien sat underneath the Camphor tree, sketchbook in hand. He watched as the flowers danced in the wind while the other children ran around playing a game of hide and seek. 
He let out a sad smile, wishing he had friends he could play hide and seek with, but most kids didn’t want to hang out with the “orphan kid”.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a new voice of a young girl as she ran past him. 
“Kiki, Willow, Anna!!” She called out to the kids playing hide and seek, letting out a soft giggle as she reached the group. The three girls gathered around the other, watching as she threw a big book marked ‘encyclopedia’ down onto the soft grass.
Lucien didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to the group of girls, especially the one who had just arrived. She had short brown hair and for some reason, she was the only one who brought color into his life. She was like the butterfly in the story his mom told him before the accident. The brilliant butterfly that brought color into the life of an artist who couldn’t see any.
Lucien watched the girls before looking down at his sketchbook and flipping to a new page.
The three girls all looked at the book with amazement until one had spoken up and asked what they were all thinking. “What is it?” Kiki asked, looking up at her friend.
“I dunno, but it’s a grown-up book I borrowed from my dad’s collection. I was trying to read it, but couldn’t seem to understand it.” A small frown fell upon the girl’s face, “I was hoping one of you guys could help!”
Lucien closed his sketchbook, having finished his drawing for the day before making his way over to the girls. As he got closer, the three girls all turned to him.
“Huh? Who are you?” The 'butterfly’ girl asked, looking up at him. 
“Lucien.” He said, giving her a soft smile, clutching his sketchbook this chest. “I hate to intrude, but do you mind if I join you?" 
Looking at the other girls briefly, she turned back to the young boy. Shaking her head, she moved over and patted the now empty spot before each of the girls began introducing themselves.
"So, what are you girls doing?” He asked, looking between the girls, eyes falling on the girl beside him. Staring over the young boy, the brown haired butterfly was unable to speak up, curious why the young boy was so polite and maybe a little interested in getting to know him better. 
Seeing her friend at a loss for words, Willow spoke up first, “well, we have this book, but it’s a little hard to understand.” She frowned. 
“It’s a grown-up book, of course it’s hard to understand.” Anna added quickly.
Looking down at the open book in front of them, he placed his sketchbook on his lap before picking it up.
“Is this the book you said was hard to understand?” He asked, examining the cover. The girls nodded, looking almost defeated before the young boy spoke up once more. “I’ve already finished it.”
“Wait? You have this book at home, too?” The young girl asked, finally able to speak once more. 
“Well, not exactly. The library has a bunch of books like this and I read quite a few of them during my visits.” The young boy responded with a smile as the three girls looked at him with amazement.
“What? How can you read grown-up books already?” Kiki asked, but didn’t have time to wait for the answer before getting called home. “Aw man.” She said, pouting.
“I’ll leave that story for next time.” He said with a soft smile.
“Okay. Next time! Don’t forget!” She said before hurrying off towards her mother. Before long, Willow and Anna were also called home leaving Lucien and his very own world of color sitting next to him.
“It’s a shame your friends had to leave so soon.” He said in a soft voice, “I guess I’ll leave you to it then.”
As he stood up to walk away, he was shocked to feel himself being pulled back down. 
“No, please stay.” Her voice was soft, but he heard it loud and clear. 
“Did I make a friend? But what if she finds out I’m an orphan?” His thoughts caught him off guard and he felt a bit uneasy at first. Despite this anxious feeling, he nodded and sat back down, stil hugging his sketchbook close to his chest.
“What’s that?” She asked, gesturing towards the sketchbook.
“Oh, this?” He asked, peeking down at his things before tilting his head towards her with a smile. “Just my sketchbook.”
“Can I see?” She asked, cautiously and he nodded, placing it on the ground in front of them. She began thumbing through the pages, pausing on a few to analyze them a bit more. There were trees, flowers, and even butterfly sketches, but one in particular had caught her eye. It was a rather interesting drawing, one of a girl with short hair with the biggest smile on her face. 
“I-Is that… me?” She asked, a light blush creeping on her cheeks. 
Lucien nodded. “Sorry it’s not the best. It was a quick, last minute idea.”
Shaking her head quickly in response, she smiled at him. “No, it’s not that… I… like it.” She said softly. “But why did you choose to draw me?”
Smirking softly, Lucien let out a small chuckle. “Why not?” He wasn’t about to tell her he was drawn to her almost immediately, but… maybe he’d tell her without really telling her.
“Have you ever heard the story about an artist who painted only in black and white until a beautiful butterfly had come into his world?”
Tilting her head, she gave him a confused look. “No?”
“Well, then… listen closely.” He said as he began re-telling his mother’s story. For some reason, he no longer worried about her finding out about his past. In fact, he wanted to share the details of his life with her. He only worried to be judged and pushed away by her, but he trusted her and believed her to be better than that. His beautiful butterfly. 
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a-gassy-antelope · 7 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game
Made by the one and only @ronald-speirs <3
Thank you for the tag @grumpy-liebgott ! Am I finally doing this after being tagged almost a month ago?....maybe
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
I haven't been many places truthfully. I loved hiking near Niagara Falls and also hiking in the Smokies near Gatlinburg. (I'm going to Alaska later this year so that will likely take the cake for me!)
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Working 3 jobs while also caring for a terminally ill parent. Not to get too sad, but yeah, that was a time.
Favorite books?
Oof, gonna age myself with this. The Harry Potter will always hold a special place in my heart even though it has aged terribly. Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chatlas made a big impact on me as a teenager. One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest by Ken Kasey is a favorite classic. Recently Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison kept me very entertained with pure shock value (although I just finished The Slob last night and it by far takes the cake for the most disgusting thing I've ever read)
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
When I think about the people I choose to surround myself with. I am a very open person with those I love. Once someone is in my inner circle I am a no boundary kinda person. Let's cut the small talk and bare all our trauma and then tease each other about it. Let's rot on the sofa together. It makes my heart happy to know that I have people I can be like this with.
Favorite thing about your culture?
...what culture... I could say there's a certain culture of the American Midwest that i love. Mainly the 'midwest goodbye' where you stand in the front door chatting for way too long, then in the driveway then in your car with the window rolled down. Also, ever had a midwestern dessert salad?????
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Well, my brother is older than me and he was very much ww2 obsessed. So watched Band of Brothers way younger than I probably should've. Probably when I was like 8? When I got into my career there was this song at work that would play and it felt so oddly nostalgic until one day I realized it sounded the intro credit music for Band of Brothers. Then it was put on Netflix and it was all down hill from there. Very different to watch again as an adult vs what I remembered from my childhood.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I just finished Dick Winters' memoir not that long ago! I think I'll read Shifty's next!
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Everyone in b.o.b is my precious baby. See that generic white man? Yep, thats my child. Honestly though there are certain quotes from various characters that just scratches my brain. Buck with: "Your ass?!" Webster with: "You ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?" and the cadence in which he says "Don't salute the Germans!" Liebgott with "Hershey Bar!" Winters with: "What's that? A piece of paper? I dont wanna see another piece of paper" and Speirs with: "You talk to an officer you say 'sir' " (totally not because it made me feel some type of way)
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I have made Band of Brothers stuff here on tumblr, classic text post as memes. Ao3 I've made Band of Brothers, Star Wars and My Hero Academia content!
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
hm....that's hard to pick a favorite. Meryl Streep is always delightful, as is Gillian Anderson. Natalie Portman? Keira Knightly? ok, ok, maybe I should list a man...James McAvoy. Jack Nicholson. I dunno, I don't like picking favorites.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"I paint self portraits because I am so often alone...Because I am the person I know best." This Frido Kahlo quote really sticks with me because I feel like I can relate to being isolated and enjoying spending so much time on my own. I am my best companion and draw from my own experiences and emotions.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I am a licensed massage therapist and I work with patients with chronic pain and injuries. I love my job and my patients even though it is a very draining profession.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
I am a writer! I want to say that I'm open to beta readers but I am also simultaneously afraid of others reading my work and embarrassed that people might not like it. That being said, I am working on a multi part Winnix fic rn.
Three things that make you smile?
My pets: a cat, 2 snakes, 2 leopard geckos and a pink tongue skink
Sweet gestures from my partner (or their dumbass jokes)
Any nicknames you like?
Instead of Alex, a friend once called me Al Pal and I'm bewildered that it took me over 20 years to ever hear that.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
Uhm, everyone???? I love seeing people share whatever they're passionate about or find cute and funny. I love when people love things unapologetically! @grumpy-liebgott, @blueberry-ovaries @lewis-winters @easycompany123@andromeddog @hanniewinnix and honestly so many more!
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I have two options. Get to my Marine Corps brother who is a borderline doomsday prepper but lives an hour and a half away or die immediately.
Favorite movie?
Again with the favorites? Some of my comfort movies include: Pride and Prejudice (2005), Mamma Mia, Hellboy 2 The Golden Army (specifically 2, not the first one) and Coraline
Do you like horror movies?
Yes! If my above mentioned books weren't an indicator. I love modern paranormal, 80s slashers and any Vincent Price movie
Tagging (no pressure!) : Also, Sorry if you've already been tagged! (does anyone else get nervous tagging people for no damn reason?)
@hanniewinnix, @pettypumpk1n @multifandomfanfic @hbowarandchill @fxxiva
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little-lovely-freak · 6 months
Alright since you wanna play it that way, let's go 25-78! and since we skipped 1, you might as well do that too <333
yes ma’am!
1. First kiss? 11
2. First time masturbating? I was 11 or 12
3. First sex toy? Vibrator, it was a bullet from Spencer's when i was 15
4. First kink tried? Choking! 
5. First time doing oral? Consensually i was 16
6. First time having sex? I meannnnn like 16
 7. Biggest turn on? Dominance 🫠🫠
8. Biggest turn off? Talking about my trauma
9. Quickest way to get horny? IM ALWAYS HORNY 
10. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on? Im not proud of this butttt watching a very sweaty very muscular man choke another man out in like the pro fighting way
11. Top 3 places to be touched? Throat, cunt, ass
12. Ultimate fantasy? Pet pay fantasy where my partner makes me pee in the backyard while im wearing a leash then to clean of my piss wet cunt my partner eat me out 
13. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome? Yes im also poly!
14. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Not really and yes
15. Sex or masturbation? sex but honestly im not picky
16. Spit or swallow? Swallow
17. Cut or uncut dicks? D I C K S 
18. Rough or sensual sex? Rough AND sensual sex
19. Oldest person you’d sleep with? Uhhh im 20 so like 40-43 (20-23 years older(  
20. Loud or quiet partners? dont care as long as ur at least semi vocal 
21. How much foreplay do you like? Dunno really i just like sex ngl
22. How much teasing do you like? PLZ TEASE ME
23. What is too big for you to take? Im really tight (like more the two inches thick is kinda difficult[i can barely take E])  
24. Do you do hookups or only sleep with a partner? I like a partner better but fuck buddies are nice too
25. How much kissing do you like during sex? I love it but hate tongue in mouth kissing
26. What’s the most attractive part of the body? My body either my eyes or my ass
27. Would you have sex in public? semi public
28. Last place you had sex? 29. Where would you most like to have sex? Bed, i wanna in backyard 30. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood? I like both! 31. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house? Depends who hookup is and how well i know the person What’s your biggest kink? Probs Daddy/mommy kink or petplay
33. Are you okay with name calling in bed? I like it! 34. Would you do any BDSM? Im a masocist, i love it
35. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up? Be tied up
36. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm?why not both
37. Do you like overstimulation? YES
38. Do you like having pain involved? Mild or a little more than mild but yes!
39. Do you like biting/being bitten? YES OMG I HAVE AN ORAL FIXATION
40. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it? yes🤭🫣
41. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks? yes 🫠😭
42. Have any roleplaying preferences? not really as long as im still the sub 43. Do you own sex toys? How many? Yes vibrator and tassel flogger. 44. What do you masturbate to? porn or writing sometimes imagination
45. How often do you masturbate? Daily 🫣
46. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate? 7 out of ten times
47. Do you masturbate with penetration? Yes with my vibrator i like how it feel vibrating inside
48. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? It depends i wanna be able to go for more but cant most times 49. Do you enjoy giving oral? Yes
50. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral? Prob giving
51. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral? I dunno im too blissed out
53. Can you deepthroat? Yep! :3 54. Do you like playing with your clit? If so how do you prefer to do it? I love it! Im kinda rough
55. What’s your breast size? D or DD is some
56. How often do you go braless? Only to sleep
57. Do you finger yourself? YES🫠
58. How familiar are you with your g-spot? I like to think im pretty familiar
59. Do you squirt? YES
60. How often do you do unprotected sex? Almost never
61. How loud are you in bed? If i feel safe im loud
62. Do you enjoy having nipples played with? PLEASE PLAY WITH MY NIPS
63. Do you like/dislike cum? i like it
64. How good are you at dirty talk? i dunno ngl
65. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Sometimes
66. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? dependes if i feel mor masc or more fem or adro
67. How do you prefer partners pubic hair? Dont care!
68. How many orgasms can you have in a day? my records like 12 i think and they were all separate occasions
69. How many other people know your bra size? quite a few
70. What do you wear to bed? Boxers and a shirt almost always (unless its winter then its sweat pants and shirt)
71. Any funny sex stories? i got hiccups after giving a blowjob
72. What food if any would you use during sex? Im recovering from and ed so none(makes me uncomfy and turns me off)
73. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? I DID LITERALLY A WEEK AGO LMAO
74. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? Ive seen some scarey shit yall
75. Do you often get horny in public? sometimes
76. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? Hairbrush. Thats all im saying lmao
77. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? yes and yes
78. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?QUITE A FEW!
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microsuedemouse · 8 months
~ 15 questions & 15 friends ~
tagged by my much beloved @czarcaustic <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
My grandfather!! Courtney was his middle name. (That spelling was originally the masculine form of the name, though it's pretty rare to see it used as such these days.) My middle name is also a family name :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhh... oh it was a couple nights ago, when talking with my parents about my Nana. I still miss her a lot
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. At this stage of my life I can't say it feels super likely ever to happen, though I'd be lying if I said I don't feel a twinge of Something when I meet babies at work lol.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
lmao I have never played any. I am extremely unathletic by nature, and also always struggled to get my brain around the rules of pretty much any of them when I was like, a kid in gym class
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sure, but not a lot? Probably an average amount I figure
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Man, I dunno - probably their faces or their clothes, depending on context?
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Big big fan of both! I'm not a big sad endings guy, though. Even when it feels right for the story, it's usually not my jam. (I guess sometimes sad endings can be good for scary movies, but that's like... sort of its own thing? because it's about The Horror.)
9. Any talents?
This is always a hard question for me to answer, bc I feel like most of the things I'm good at are more skills than talents - they're things I've practiced and developed over time, like with my writing and art. Although I guess it'd be fair, if unusual maybe, to say I've got a couple naturally strong interpersonal skills. I'm very good at communication, including figuring out what other people are trying to say, and I'm also pretty good at making people feel comfortable and understood.
10. Where were you born?
In southern Ontario, in the city where both of my parents did most of their growing up :)
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing (fiction prose, mostly) and the many kinds of thinking that go with it (worldbuilding, character development, etc). Arts and crafts (of many kinds; I'm often bouncing from one thing to another. Currently I'm having lots of fun learning to crochet). Taking in stories (reading books and comics, watching movies and TV, playing games, listening to podcasts - I love stories in all their forms). Goofing off with my family, especially my younger siblings.
12. Do you have any pets?
We have three cats - Neverland, Louie, and Smudge :)
13. How tall are you?
Uhh my ID says 165 cm, so that's... 5'5"-ish? I'm genuinely so incapable of remembering that on my own, for some reason.
14. Favorite subject in school?
It was usually English and art, growing up. In university it was always my courses that delved into genre fiction - science fiction, children's lit, the fairy tale... also that graphic novel seminar I took
15. Dream job?
Iiii. [sweats] I wanna be a novelist, but also, that's hard in its own way, and I think it's gonna take me a while yet to really Get There in terms of my own skills, disregarding the challenges of publishing. Beyond that... is something I've been struggling a lot with lately, because it's hard for me to imagine myself in a job where I'm both content and competent, let alone able to support myself. I've been wondering a lot again about library sciences, lately, but I just don't know. It's tough out here!
I definitely don't have 15 people to tag, but. @izupie @werewolfin @serenabeanie @womanaction @mana-sputachu perhaps, if you're feelin' it?
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hislittleraincloud · 8 months
More Random Bitching from a Tired Gen Xer
...Am I just missing the pics, or did Emma Myers not show at the Emmys the other night?
I mean, y'all RPF Jemma ppl make a big deal about how they're so close n' all...but it's weird that we would see the little J meet up with the Core 4 the other night at the gala, yet...
Don't gimme the excuse that she wasn't personally nominated, Joy Sunday (BIANCA! BIANCA I LOVE YOU GIRL, I'M TRYNA BRING YOUR CHARACTER SOME JUSTICE 😭) was there and she wasn't personally nominated either.
Loved her classy outfit, too:
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I just love her 😭 I love Bianca so much, the show really needs to not just let her storyline die. But with this whole "I'm promising more action and horror!" thing, I have little faith.
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The Addams Family was comedy and satire. It was never meant to be gory/horrific. Even in the 90s movies, the gore was more comedic than horrific (e.g. the school play where Wednesday and Pugsley sprayed everyone with fake blood...or when Wednesday electrocuted Pugsley (that was off screen)).
Maybe that's just another reason why Ortega irritates me. The way she talks about the Addams Family makes me wonder if she ever even watched any of it before she opened her mouth about wanting to change it. She had to have watched some, since she incorporated OG Wednesday's dance moves (then again, you could find that with a simple Google search).
I dunno, maybe I'm overly sensitive to the negative stereotypes of 'goth' or 'weird' people (which is what they are, they're weird, not necessarily all goth) being associated with horror and violence, and that's what ticks me off. There's far too much violent shit in the world, why must it permeate our entertainment so much? Put out something that makes us laugh and has heart, and smack it up with a little gore. That's all we really need. Fandom can do the gore thing for ya, bb (and trust, fandom can do horror and gore better than these shitty Mummy writers). Don't Sabrinafy this IP. I will be so painfully disappointed if that happens that I'll probably disregard an S2 that has too much of a dark tone change from S1.
I will say one thing, as an honest fic writer/writer: I wouldn't put it past the writers to make Donovan a big part of the problem. Without any goggles on, I can say that Sheriff Galpin is anti-outcast (despite playing cozy with his Addams in canon, until the beginning of Episode 8). He's actually the one who put it into Wednesday's head that "Maybe it was one of your classmates." at the beginning of Episode 2 when he knew full well that there was a possibility of Tyler being the same kind of monster that his mother was.
My (non-goggled) hypothesis is that Sheriff Galpin suspected that the murders were Hyde related from the beginning because he most certainly had to have seen something similar happening when Francie was turning and killing. And McShane's expression once the Hyde photo had developed on its page was one of confirmation, rather than surprise or fear. I think it was right at that moment that Galpin knew it was Tyler.
Lots of crap that Wednesday comes up with happens to be wrong, like when she opens her mouth in front of Weems with "How long have you known...when I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?"
Yes woman, because you suck at looking through photos or looking at a photo that the man compared Xavier's drawing to the second you gave it to him.
But I digress, I was talking about Donovan.
Watch the writers make him into some kind of Goodmen-like douchebag, since he doesn't like outcasts. I'm going to hate that if that happens, because deep down we know he doesn't totally despise outcasts, having married one and--despite openly grumbling about them to Noble--he was open to working with one...the daughter of his enemy, no less. (Though the OG script has him calling Francie a liar, so maybe she didn't tell him.)
Bleh. What was I talking about? Ah yeah, Emma Myers being absent for Jenna's loss. Ah whatever...at least Bee was there. Afterburn Bianca will get her justice, hopefully.
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butchbarneygumble · 9 months
My first experience with The Simpsons as a whole was when I was like 8 and a friend of mine was playing Road Rage so for a while that was my only knowledge of it.
The only moment that stuck in my mind was Maggie ferrying Bumblebee Man somewhere and me going "he's gonna sting you!!!" and later my friend saying the same. I dunno why it was so funny to me.
Later, with that same friend, we watched an actual episode.... I probably mentioned it before. And it was a Treehouse of Horror one with the Hansel and Gretel parody and the dolphin uprising and it scared the hell out of me. For a while I was convinced the show was just... that. Lol. But then as a teen I saw the movie at camp and was like "nah this is actually pretty fun" and made a mental list to actually sit down and watch the show properly someday.... and oop, now we're here.
I still need to see the movie's Dutch dub, which somehow exists. All I know is Wiggum/Moe has been cast perfectly, but somehow my autism audio processing issue (tm) makes me too shy to even attempt watching it alone. Someday...
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
I am totally against bantering
this episode is... odd. I don't hate it. I watched it off the back of the third Doctor's "time warrior" which has sort of a similar plot, and which I also was kind of ambivalent about on the whole, and just... dunno medieval settings -- love'em in stories on the whole, for some reason find them odd in time travel. but also... is it a good story?
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 6/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 3/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 6/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 2/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 7/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 3/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 6/10
FULL RATING: 50/100 (if I can count….)
this is a lower rating than "deep breath" and I'm not sure that's right, considering how much nonsense was in that episode, but hey, never said this was totally precise and scientific
OBJECTIFICATION: Clara has a couple of "things" in this. and one of them plays into the way I think this episode is constructed quite half-heartedly and it's that she's obsessed with Robin Hood (I can buy this, even if we haven't seen it before) and when they go to meet RH she dresses as random noblewoman (I wrote in a point further down, because I never fill these out in order, that I realised she could have come out as a Merry Man, because it would have made it so much easier for her to have movement + her interest is RH and the Merry Men not "this time period"), point is, it's a nice dress, but then at one point RH makes a grand escape through a window into a moat... pulling her in with him and then carrying her to safety into the woods, where she wakes up the next day
and she wakes up with her hair perfectly waved, the little jewel thing fastened to her forehead still exactly where it was, makeup intact, dress un-muddied and still exactly as pretty as before
Clara in this episode about her enjoyment of Robin Hood Famous Action Hero, is just a pretty damsel who must never be unprettied... it's just lazy, come on. can the dress not be more than just a reason for JLC to look pretty at least? (and she does look very pretty for sure)
it's in interaction with the rest of the episode, which does a less-good version of Robin Hood than many other Robin Hoods, and in which Clara isn't really the point, despite this ostensibly being about her wish to come here and see her hero
we also have the Scene of her "flirting" with the Sheriff of Nottingham to get information, and it's not too bad. Clara is completely alone, the Sheriff has been established as a very very bad guy, the camera seems to make an effort to not box her in too uncomfortably, considering the danger she's in, it's framed more around him being like "oh she'd make a great queen for me," than "oh hey, she hot and vulnerable," so it could absolutely be worse. I think there's other routes they could have gone down, but definitely I've seen more uncomfortable sexual harassment/danger on this show towards women (sigh)
PLOT-POINT: Clara's been brought here for her love of Robin Hood! and after that she Does not matter whatsoever, there's no interaction with how her emotions about this adventure affect her, because it's not well-enough written for there to be any material to draw from. in many ways it's less a failing on the writing of Clara (although that too) and more a symptom of the failing of this whole episode's construction
COMPLEXITY: in some ways quite Doctor Who in its silliness, so I don't hate that. but I think it didn't go far enough. so much of this plot is around the Doctor not believing Robin Hood is real. so much. soooo so so much! it doesn't take until the last big fight sequence to change his mind. either just run with RH being real early on and give space to something more interesting (such as Idk... Maid Marian), or give us a scifi twist, don't untwist the scifi twist when you're building to a scifi twist in a scifi show in which there are a bunch of scifi things happening, I'm here for scifi, not the worse version of a Robin Hood I already know
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: nothing much here to report, which I think is... a bit oof the more I think about it. not one of these?
COMPANIONS MATTER: as mentioned there's a whole scene in this in which Clara flirts with the Sheriff of Nottingham under quite dangerous circumstances in order to get information out of him, that I don't think matters much in the grand scheme of things. and then off-screen she fills Robin Hood and his Merry Men in on who she and the Doctor are, so that they feel compelled to help
she does have a great little scene with the Doctor + Robin Hood where she takes them to task for competing with each other and mocks them both by using their dramatic titles (prince of thieves and last of the timelords), but on the whole she might as well not be there (it's taken this long in my rating system to remember the term "sexy lamp" and yeah, test failed)
this even odder, because Maid Marian also isn't really in this story until the final scene, except she sort of was, because she was the ward of this random peasant that's taken prisoner and nobody recognises her and she's part of a sort of dull peasant's revolt, and then suddenly oh it's her I guess???-- my point is that Clara ought to have had the Doctor's story in this, in doing the peasant's revolt and working with Marian and figuring out who she is, because it's her favourite story and she's just not really in it (also Marian is... undercover? hiding? unclear, but this is going to be a world-building point, it's just that Marian should have been an interesting character and that Clara should have been hanging with her rather than just standing next to Robin Hood and giving platitudes that he'll find her one day, and not much else...)
(and Marian shouldn't have been presented at the very end from behind the Tardis like K9 was that one time)
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: I guess there's nothing really one way or another. I actually also did laugh at a few of his entries -- lines that would have been stupid coming from Eleven have a sort of unexpected enjoyment to them with Twelve, because of the juxtaposition of grumpy old Scottish guy reveals he's going to fight Robin Hood with!---- a Spoon!
also he hated the near-constant merriment and was he Wrong?? but also is that a bit too meta, because the episode is making fun of it to the point that it all seems highly unrealistic, but then the rug-pull that these people... are? just like that???
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: they reference Carnival of Monsters (Jon Pertwee), which makes me wish this was doing Carnival of Monsters, rather than what it's actually doing. also as the "guy who just watched Time Warrior" it's doing Time Warrior (also Jon Pertwee) but worse. and I already don't think Time Warrior is the Third Doctor's best
“SEXINESS”: this episode could have been a lot worse, considering there's meant to be so much jovial male banter in it, it's not doing a bunch of sexy bullshit
I'm unsure what to do with the whole... Sheriff of Nottingham wants to make Clara his queen thing, it's sort of there, it could have been way more uncomfortable, but it's also just... irrelevant. and is most of what Clara's role is doing in this story
I just realised that Clara's dream is Robin Hood and his Merry Men, and I think she should have dressed as one of them, rather than random noblewoman who never gets dirty or can properly do action in this story, anyway...
it all could be a lot worse
INTERNAL WORLD: this is the worse. we know the story of Robin Hood, Early of Loxley, loses his lands for speaking out against Prince John (not in this story), in love with Maid Marian (completely sidelined in this story), does an archery contest (okay that is there... different but there) and.... well that's about as far as the story gets in this one, and then after that it becomes scifi stuff, which does end with a duel between Robin and the Sheriff
my point is, that the actual Robin Hood stuff is simply worse than in the other Robin Hood's I've read and seen, and the non-Robin Hood stuff feels very awkwardly shoe-horned in, so in the end none of it is very well drawn
it's all just set pieces without depth, and it's so out of place that that's even part of the plot -- the Doctor finds it all so stupid and unrealistic that he doesn't believe it's real, except, in the end, inexplicably it is -- at least if it was a science fiction thing it would explain the sparksnotes version of the story we're getting
I keep going back to Maid Marian who's pretending to be a peasant, and the Sheriff I guess doesn't notice her and nobody else knows who she is, and she's not going through the feminist version of her story that I think this episode is trying to do, and the connection between "random peasant woman in a dungeon" and "woman revealed from behind the Tardis as Maid Marian" is so tenuous I needed to double-check it was the same actress
there's this bit at the end where Robin tells the Doctor that they're both just stories, which is one of those M*ffat-era fourth wall winks that I have grown really tired of, and in this case also seems to brush over any lackluster interaction with the actual story of Robin Hood. I don't think that's the intention, but it makes me go "ok what story were we just told here," and it's not one that makes a lot of sense or is particularly interesting
the idea of the Doctor interacting with legend and mythology is actually quite interesting, it's just that this episode sort of dropped the ball on that roughly halfway through, by saying "nono this totally unbelievable set of events straight out of a children's version of Robin Hood is real," when there could have been more freedom to go into other directions, rather than just rehashing a story told better elsewhere, if this hadn't been entirely "real"
there's just better Robin Hood than this, is my point
POLITICS: uhhh not a lot actually, which is a shame. Rob from the rich, give to the poor is not 100% absent in this (it gets mentioned), and there's some pretty intense nastiness from the Sheriff early on in the episode where he stabs a man to death, but as an extension of the world building, the ideas conveyed in this don't hang together very well, because the world doesn't hang together very well
FULL RATING: 50/100 (if I can count….)
overall this episode isn't awful, it's just kind of boring (well, it may be awful if you're a big Robin Hood fan). Idk if there's a curse on medieval settings, or if I'm prejudiced against them, but overall this episode had weak world-building and narrative construction that spread into most other facets of it and made them less engaging too
still not convinced it's worse than "deep breath" though, past me
on the upside I quite like the Doctor's personality -- he's not a nice man these days, and Clara could be getting tired of that? and the Doctor perhaps knows this? we'll see how that goes down/if it has any proper narrative consequences
EDIT: it's called "robot of sherwood" why would you call it that and then just have it be ordinary Robin Hood, that's not a twist!??? it's just a bait and switch, and one that's worse than if he was a robot! this is science fiction, it's okay for him to be a robot!
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friskasreblogblog · 2 years
This is a super touchy subject about Sky: Children of the Light (and any online game) but I really wanna address this. As much as I really enjoy playing Sky, I’m getting more and more weirded out by the age range and some of the encounters I’ve had. Because at this point it’s very clear that it’s anywhere between 8-45 year olds with a great majority being 13-25. I myself am 30.
So! TW on grooming and online predators, and maybe suggestions for both adults and minors on handling online spaces (I’m hoping the page break will work here since I’m on mobile but yes)
I’d appreciate it if other adults could contribute and give suggestions since I really think this is something we should be learning how to handle these days
While Sky is relatively safe, I’ve had to ask people a few times where their guardians were because they were definitely too young to be left on without supervision, and I’ve even had to actively stop them from sharing dangerous amounts of information.
I have had an encounter where someone attempted to flirt with me before even asking how old I was (they ended up being 31. Again to their luck I am 30, but still very yikes). I have also had an encounter with someone who, while didn’t give me their age, was young enough to not understand the concept of me not being in the same school as them and living in a different country altogether.
And like in general it’s made me realise that the online player base across all games are just going to get younger from here on out, and adults are going to have to learn how to navigate that responsibly.
This is not the fault of Sky by the way! Some parts of the game are genuinely difficult to go through without any method of communication, and the chat option is pretty limited. Plus it fits well within the themes of the game to allow everyone to play. But it’s still open enough to cause some concerns.
Like do we still continue to interact with players so they have an example of a normal interaction with adults, or someone they can turn to in case they do encounter a predator? Do we maybe ask to discuss things with their parents, even if there is a chance they could confiscate the game? Do we block them as soon as we learn their age so that they know that being friends with someone so much older, especially online, is not a safe precedent to set? Do we just not accept chat at all? Or do we just cut our losses and play something else?
On one hand, I don’t think it’s very fair to ask of every adult to act as babysitters when they just want to enjoy the game. But also I’m worried that would just leave them with only predators left. I don’t think it’s a good idea to ban kids completely from playing either, as there are already few and fewer child-friendly online spaces (look at what happened to barbie .com for example).
To any minors reading this, this is not an “ew we hate kids” or even an “all adults are evil” thing (most adults on Sky are really just there to destress and enjoy the worldbuilding) but more like… while it is okay to know adults and be friendly with them, I would not advise at all treating them with nearly the same closeness as someone your age. We can act as in-game guides and outside of that share our experience in stuff like careers and studies. We can help be there if you feel unsafe from another player and find you better friends.
But you should absolutely not be discussing stuff like your relationships, personal hygiene and other intimate details with adults, and any adult who encourages this is one you should stay away from.
This is going to sound very patronising but basically don’t tell an online adult what you would not tell an easily scandalised/angered grandma, and block anyone who asks or tells you things that would make you go “EW GRANDMA NO” :’D
But in all seriousness, I dunno man… it’s incredibly scary.
Tl;dr: Not sure what the point of this post is other than to please be mindful of how you interact with younger players and to watch out for any predatory behaviour. If a child shares too much information shut that down immediately and try to make them understand that it’s incredibly unsafe. If you feel like you cannot bring yourself to do that, or you cannot get that point across, then I think it might be best to block them. Like it or not the online player base is going to get younger the more life demands online presence and the less online spaces for children there are, and we need to learn how to handle that.
And while it is always good to prepare kids and teens on how to handle online spaces and who to trust, it seems to me most resources place that responsibility solely on them and their parents. We need more resources for adults on how to interact with younger people responsibly and what to do in situations when an online predator is involved.
P.S. I’m not sure how the reporting system goes as well, if you can report a player for sharing too much personal information. But if possible that would be an ideal option.
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