#supa strikas de los santos
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shmaltato · 1 year ago
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A quick doodle to pass the time.
De Los Santos looking good. He's big but not harmless, unless you're playing against him.
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elmatashaw · 2 years ago
(this is obvi a joke, dont take it seriously pls.....)
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Are you fucking serious rn? Fucking Shakes???? You're basic as fuck and have no taste in men. Also you are 100% straight, and probs have "nor/mal" in your bio
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No Timmy, you're not irl El Matador, grow up
And you either are super homophobic or super gay
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Are you ok??? Do you need help???
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You're racist
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You're gay + a furry
And you probs have a bodypillow of him
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I hope you explode
Also you're def white
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You're american.
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Stop listening to taylor Swift and go to therapy
+ you have daddy issues
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.....are you fucking serious?
You have a piss kink
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You had an e-girl/boy phase
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Go to therapy
+you probs bit someone in school
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Jumpscare warning
You scare me
+You had a yaoi uwu phase
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you have a femboy fetish
+you're NOT straight
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You're bald
+you probs dont even know how to swim
+you have a feet fetish
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Are you real? Do yall really exist?
If yall do, go outside pls
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You're a mexican divorced old man w kids
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You're an obese dorito kid
......you play fornite
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You're poor and have no house
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Your name is Gas
Gay gay homosexual gay
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You make fart jokes
You have no friendos
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You probs bite your own toe nails
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"erm... Actually....🤓☝️"
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You scare me
Please stop hiding under my bed
If your fav character wasnt here im not sorry,
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uummyuu · 1 year ago
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de los santos romantic headcanons
ask and you shall receive, fair warning there's a slight bit of nsfw/suggestive themes in these so if you're not too comfortable with that i suggest skipping this for now (nsfw stuff is in italics so you can scroll past it easier)
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this man literally towers over everyone and his s/o is no exception, santos was practically born to have a size kink.
wants to be your strong protector, the type who would literally shelter you from the rain with his body. but you know that his strong side was only one of the many facets of his personality.
aligned with his protective nature he tends to keep your relationship a secret from the press, his profession is known for attracting unwanted attention and honestly he just wants to live a comfortable life with you.
your relationship is the greatest source of comfort to him, it's so hard when he needs to fly to different locations for away games and where he can't just fall into your arms after a long day (especially when he loses).
as much as his team is his family, you've become his home. he's extremely vulnerable when it comes to knowing where he belongs, he's already lost his hometown so what now? your love is the one thing he can proudly own and he'll do anything to keep it.
on the topic of loss, when his team faces a devastating (and i mean devastating as in they're officially out of the running for the super league cup) the one thing he needs is your comfort. physically and mentally just be there for him because god knows he can't be there for himself.
in spite of how big he is sometimes he just wants to hide in your arms y'know
his mindset just becomes very pliant and he really doesn't feel like thinking or reflecting too hard, very much a service top when he's like this. use him however you wish in this state, it turns him on and takes his mind off of things.
loves focusing on making his s/o feel good, with his size he's scared of hurting you too much but you definitely knew what you were getting into when you started dating him so go wild bestie.
surprisingly weak during sex, make him lay down on the bed and ride him hard so that all he can do is sit still and take it, his brain easily becomes a pile of mush and all he can focus on is how good you feel around him.
play with his pecs and leave hickeys all over his neck he wants to be yours and feel claimed in every sense of the word.
aftercare is the one time he'll let you place his care above yours, gently run your hands through his hair and tell him how good you felt, it makes him melt inside.
morning after sex is a totally different thing though, santos also loves positions where he can keep you close to him. so the moment you and him wake up you'll be seated on his lap and on his cock, chest-to-chest as he grinds into you while kissing you senseless. think of it as him saying thanks for taking care of him last night <33
(cough cough breeding kink)
in conclusion i present to you mexican puppy man who just wants to be loved and to belong
also if his package down there disables you the following day he will proudly carry you around everywhere, literally glows with pride when he does this you can't get mad at him for it.
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lexygabe · 1 year ago
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this genre of men
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firowisteria · 10 months ago
UGHH I want to draw LGTS Santador so damn bad but idk what scenario I want to draw them innnnnn
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supagirl1eri · 1 year ago
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De los santos
I had to give him a uniform change, as a Football fan I love seeing goalies have a different kit that the others so I kind of played around, but as request by @edenvillee here he is the Aztec king of the box 🥅
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mimpinightmare · 20 days ago
This is some GOOD COVER ART~ ✨💜💛✨
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Hey guys! Here’s a finished poster image I made to contribute Supa Strikas, with my OC character, Kalina, playing a big role in my Wattpad story for Episode 26, Coming Soon…so if any of you follow me on Wattpad, be sure to stay tune for another exciting adventure. 
Stay safe, healthy, and in good spirits everyone!
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tytarax2 · 2 months ago
Hi Queen!! Can you do relationship hc on shane fin and de los santos???? Thank you <3 (love your blog)
Aww Tysm, really appreciate it. I just wrote one for Shane, it's this one, enjoy <3
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The dude is 7'2, so obviously there's a gentle giant in him
He's very protective without being overbearing
Loves to use his size to his advantage
Often sweeps you off your feet for a bear hug or carry you when you're tired
He isn't one for grand gestures but prefers showing his love through small actions (remembering your fav stuff, picking flowers, leaving notes)
I have the fortune to know how pretty selves Mexicans are, so... yeah
MAYBE, just if you plead enough, he'll sing you a serenade
He loves how small you look compared to him
Often jokes comparing hand sizes or picking you up
You two love to cook together
it's a dissaster
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ladysavich · 25 days ago
Shakes headcanon please
i gotcha!!!! Here you go @yo-girls
Shakes general headcanons
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Early 20s
Bad liar
Bad at sneaking out too
Will forever be faithful to supa strikas
Good friends with- miko, riano, de los santos and meda.
Likes fnaf a lot
No video game can survive him
No kitchen can survive him
Srsly, my guy doesn't know how to cook
Will never admit how many times the fire alarm has gone off 
Tries to bake… key work “tries”.
Not a huge spender 
He is fine with what he has, including his apartment which is barely the size of El Matadors shoe closet :)
Nosy af
The only reason he is the main character is because of how nosy he is and the amount of times he has gone snooping in areas he isn't allowed to go😭
Big donator to fundraisers
He has the mindset of a 13 year old boy
Spends most of his vacation with his mom and sister and of course gaming
Nandi is probably using his old highschool videos as a form of blackmail.
His staple diet includes : cereal or toast,coffee, popcorn and dancing rasta's cooking
Sleeps in boxers with heart prints
Till this day he wonders about what happened between him and skarra (dude it's time to move on)
Kinda clueless at times
Talks in his sleep at times. Like he just starts saying random stuff in his sleep like
The meme master. Loved making them on his teammates and coach.
He can imitate people's voices : like klaus, batman, venom, coach, uragiri
 Animal loverrrrrrr. Has been left behind by the team because he just HAD to pet a stray dog.
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vlidy · 1 year ago
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Los supa strikas y de los santos del equipo azul
The supa strikas and de los santos of the blue team.
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uummyuu · 2 years ago
the azul headcanons
big strong man that the show really doesn't utilize enough... wish we had more knowledge on the other members' names though :((
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although de los santos is the only one who outright states he's aztec, i'd like to think the entire team is of aztec descent in some way.
anyways fun fact about aztec tattoos, they're usually designed to honor a chosen god so that they may provide blessings of prosperity, strength, health, etc. i don't want to look too deep on what was probably a tattoo designed on whim but it seems pretty close to the aztec calendar? or an iteration of the aztec sun god huitzilopochtli, the interpretation is very vague.
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if we go by the thought that this is a tattoo of the aztec calendar, the tattoo itself could mean eternity and connection. de los santos in the show itself kind of rues the fact that what was once his home is now simply brushed of as the forgotten city or something to be left in the history books. with this tattoo it's his way of keeping his home and his friends by his side forever.
but also a tattoo of huitzilopochtli can symbolize power as well as sacrifice. some tattoos of the sun god are stylized to just be the sun with the god's face on it(although typically depicted with 8 rays instead of the weird 13 on his tattoo). santos' power is never understated in the show and his tattoo could be a testament to that.
the other members probably have their tattoos either on their chest or back to keep them out of sight, probably eagles to symbolize power and bravery, or maybe even a literal quetzlcoatl to symbolize wisdom. aspects that would be useful on the playing field.
anyways please see my vision of de los santos with a whole extensive aztec back tattoo on him
ok back to your regularly scheduled program, santos has bench pressed the entire team on his back once and it was recorded somewhere. the video resurfaces on natter everytime the azul play a game.
i read in a 4-panel comic that klaus actually has santos' jersey? i'll try and find it but anyways if some lucky fan manages to get it congrats you basically have a new blanket, that shirt is huge. (or if he has a tiny s/o who he loves smothering in his clothing i dunno 👀)
overall i'd like to think the team is just one big family, they have shared ancestry and that solidifies the bond they share with each other even if they aren't exactly related.
the other team members worry about santos taking on too much, with his reputation as an extremely difficult goalkeeper to get past when he does lose a point to the opposition it hits him hard. so the team does their best to pull their own weight, they want to have santos' back as much as he watches theirs.
de los santos is very much a protector type, i don't think he'd be the azul's captain, but he's definitely a pillar of support and morale for the team. (kind of a big bo and dancing rasta dynamic?)
the team definitely worries about relying on santos too much, but in reality santos likes being reliable and strong in the eyes of others, he longs to be needed so he doesn't end up as "forgotten" just like his home did.
honestly these guys probably try to keep out of the media too, but when they do get on an interview other than talking about the game they love talking about their culture. as "exotic" and "forgotten" it may seem to interviewers, to the team it's merely the childhood memories that link them all together. even if the city itself no longer stands.
i'm gonna make de los santos dating headcanons one day i swear because i have so much more to say about him—
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lesserfandomappreciation · 3 years ago
i am here and may i ask for a s/o (gn or male if its fine) who comforts some of bois in supa strikas when they lose? riano, de los santos, miko chen, twisting tiger and dancing rasta would be nice
dsfkjhsdkjg Your blog is amazing!!! I'm constantly checking yours because you are such a good writer! Hope you're doing well! You asked this ages ago and I am sorry for taking so long! I hope it's good! Also, Supa Strikas ask, WOOT! Gender neutral s/o comforts after game loss (Supa Strikas)
"Hm? Oh cielo, good morning. How'd you sleep?" S/o blinked blankly at the sight before them. Warm toast filled the air, the scent of coffee lingering not too far over the spread of fruit and eggs on the dining table. Riano gave a small wave, setting down his mug. "Give me a minute and I'll finish up these eggs. Last ones!"
"I... I slept well enough, more than you I think. Riano -" S/o eyed the meal up and down. All the chopped fruit laid in little cups. Separate. "This is a lot. This must have taken you awhile. How long-" their eyes landed on the loaded sink. "How long have you been working on this?"
"Since I got up. Not too long." Riano gave a shrug. He turned back to the heated stove. Two arms curled around him from behind, holding onto his frame tenderly. "Aw, love, someone's feeling sweet this morning. Give me a minute-"
"You're allowed you know." The eggs sizzled, the spatula stilled. "To be sad. No one's going to be angry if you are. I'll still be here. If you don't wanna talk about it, don't. Or do. But please don't pretend you're all good. Not with me."
The pan continued to sizzle. A hand covered theirs, holding s/o’s hands to keep them there. Riano’s shoulders sagged. “...Thank you, cielo.”
Riano's reaction is healthier than most. He lost. Okay, that happens, this is a sport, teams are going to train well for it, loss is a natural occurrence. No big deal.
The issue is that were it up to him, that would be that. Determination is a great quality but self-reflection is important. S/o getting him to talk about his feelings would do him a world of good.
He will try to lose himself in productivity to avoid confronting the issue. Beware.
De Los Santos
"0-3, an unprecedented loss against Cog-"
"What a load of hot garbage." S/o set the remote down, frowning. No further reminders were needed here.
De Los Santos stood sat motionless on the couch, hands curled into fists. If he heard s/o, he made no motion of doing so, eyes still trained on the T.V.
"Babe?" Nothing. S/o sighed. Carefully they maneuvered around the coffee table, the cushions bending as they settled next to him. Their neck craned up. Still looking at the T.V. Fingers wrapped sweetly around his, pulling his hand away from the vice grip on his thigh to the softness of their lap.
Silence filled the room. S/o looked down at the hand they held and gently pushed patterns into it, tracing abstract shapes into the tired flesh. The hand barely moved, but hesitantly clenched back. A tired weight leaned on top of their head, sighing deeply.
They were going to be okay. One day at a time.
Takes loss very hard. He's worked really hard to get to where he is, and loss is a fast reminder that he has so much left to work on. Personal pain is there too. As a the goalie of his team, their loss rides on De Los Santos' shoulders even harder.
Talking is difficult. There's a lot that he wants to process, that he's not sure how to put into words yet.
Be there. That's all he needs.
Miko Chen
Rain pattered the dark world outside, staining the windows with drops of light. Light from the nightstand illuminated s/o’s face, and he was sure that if he could keep his eyes open he could enjoy the sight to the fullest.
Instead Miko focused on the warmth of their hands, their pressure on his temples as if they were trying to rub out all the stress and anger from the day. His arms pulled them closer. A giggle illuminated the room. “Comfy?” Miko groaned. “Comfy enough.” The fingers on his head paused. Cracks of light flooded his vision as Miko trailed after those fingers, whining after them. They did not return to his forehead, instead cradling his head in those lovely palms. “Are you ready to talk yet?”
Guilt choked his throat. Miko shook his head.
Soft lips pressed another kiss to his forehead. A breath escaped him. S/o’s gaze flickered from his lips to his own gaze. “Then lay back down for me hon.��� I’m not going anywhere.”
Losing was not the negative part of that experience. Miko is bummed out for sure, loss isn’t great, but he can live with that, train for it and push so he can overcome it next time. Ura Giri? As if. The berating and scolding, the increased training as “punishment” takes it toll.
Miko internalizes a lot. Having Twisting Tiger back in his life as a friend has opened up a new support structure for him and gets him expressing these emotions more. However. He does have a mindset of not wanting to burden others with the frustrations. It’s one thing to angrily kick the ball for some wall-ball, it’s another to let it out on s/o.
Showing support is great but reminding Miko that they’re not made of glass and that they want to support him is very much helpful to getting him to a healthier place after loss.
Twisting Tiger
“I’m headed out- what are you doing?”
Tiger blinked blankly. S/o stood in front of the door, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. His bag rested behind them.
“Is uh…” They were finger tapping. And not in the cute way, but in the ‘how am I going to hide the body’ sort of way. Tiger wetted his lips. “Babe, I’m sort of in a rush. Is it something important?”
“Take a break.”
“What.” “Rest. Nap. Eat. I don’t care, just - stop moving for a few hours.”
Frustration exuded out his sign, his hand gripping the bridge of his nose. Of course he wanted to rest. Crawling under a blanket and not coming out for a while sounded so, so tempting. It was that sort of thing that had led to the loss. He had to be better, do better.”S/o-” Fingers tenders cradled his hand. Eyes shot up to meet theirs, concern brimming through. S/o’s lip quivered, trying to hard to stay strict, but the worry on their face betrayed them. “...One hour.” “Thank you.”
Tiger is legitimately upset by this happening. Loss is natural, it’s part of the game, but he worked so hard, the team spent weeks preparing only for now to have a loss-! How could he not be upset?
Throws himself into practicing to try and make up for it. Tiger has the mindset of pinning the blame on himself. It’s somehow his responsibility to atone for the loss by training.
Someone needs to tell him it’s not his fault and hold him in his subsequent tiredness. The man needs support badly.
Dancing Rasta
It’s not a bad view from up high. Sunset orange reflected off the glass and metal of every building, painting a view from their bedroom porch that wasn’t hard to appreciate.
“Great view tonight.” A smile broke out the moment that hand touched his arm, S/o rounding to his side. They pressed into his side, elbows touching as they too leaned over the barrier. Fabian pressed his lips to a grin. “And the city looks good too.” S/o rolled their eyes. “What’s on your mind?” “Nothing, nothing… Just wanted to check on you. How… how are you holding up?” Newspapers laid spread on the desk inside. “Super Strikas’ Super Loss.” To think that of all the titles that was the one they picked made s/o’s blood boil. TV was no better. Everybody and their grandmother had an opinion to add, an expert to weigh in on the surprise event. Fabian reached an arm out, pulling them close. “Better with you here.” He pressed a kiss to their cheek. “Keep me company yea? The view’s better with two you know.”
Out of the team, and most of the League in general, Dancing Rasta is mature about the loss. Disappointment taints the experience and his teammates’ crestfallen face is not something he enjoys seeing. However. There are other seasons. Other games. They will recover from this.
Takes some time to reflect and do things he likes to mediate over it. It’s easy to get frustrated about the loss while he practices day in and day out. It’s harder when you’re baking or reading or going on a walk.
Really, s/o’s company is more than enough to cheer him up.
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toutallyahoe · 4 years ago
imagine playing with de los santos' chest?? like imagine how squishy that shit is?? he finds it amusing how much you like them but dear god when you pinch and pull at his nipples, it makes his brain go blank and turn into mush <3 big man tits go brrr
omfg gremlin i have for months now. have you seen that motherfuckers chest and thighs? he may be bugget and thicker than me, and could probably squish my head with just a hand of his but god to i want to fold this bastard so damn much
but anyways, de los santos finds you so cute and amusing for always interested in those tits and thighs of him. always finding your hands on his chest or a grip on his thighs when the two cuddle or just with each other privately (if only you could grope his chest publicly too but the man has a reputation but aside that, he is actually down with it)
god, when you play with him, pinch and pull his nipples? man is bigger than you by a mile but he is weak and mind just definitely goes numb, especially when you surprises him when he least expects it. de los santos just forgets everything and is very focused on your touches towards his body
also, imagine just thigh fucking this man or him giving you a boob job? god that would be hot
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firowisteria · 1 year ago
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JEALOUSY It's my first Supa Strikas LGTS AU comic <3
The words in case if it's hard to read:
El Matador: I dunno Big Guy. Ninja's been giving me grief this ENTIRE WEEK. Santos: Hmm? How so? El Matador: I saw him helping Welma out by the hotel. Like where he didn't see me. Santos: Stalking? El Matador: Shh! I'm not done talking! So I went inside. El Matador (Flashback): Oi, chica! It's your fav customer! Those old people had me working like a DOG! Welma (Flashback): El Matador! I'll be with you in a minute! El Matador: I just knew Welma loved me! But Ninja wasn't having it for some reason. Ninja (Flashback): Actually, in a second. I forgot I had to help out Miss Odelie. Ninja (Flashback): Have a good day, Welma. El Matador. Welma (Flashback): Oh um.. Okay. El Matador: It's as if I'm obsessing over Ninja being jealous over Welma or SOMETHING! Santos: In a way, it reminds me of a time when he talked to me.. It was about love but not about Welma. Santos: And neither was it about you, but for another woman. (LIE.) El Matador: So he loves another woman? Santos: Yeah, but it's better to not talk about it with him though.
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED... Ninja: Ugh! He drives me crazy, father! (A/N remember Santos is a priest in this au) But the thing is that I love him and I donno how to SHOW IT! And sometimes, after all I do, I fear of him REJECTING me. Santos: I see. Santos (thought): And I know. Because I love El Matador too.
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realskarra · 3 years ago
My assumptions about you based on your favorite super league team from supa strikas (theyre bad)
Supa strikas: youre like 5 years old. Or youre super Fran. Super fran if youre reading this you can bring your sleeping gf to our date the more the merrier
Invincible United: you have a thing for cartoonish villains. Dooma best captain you either have a saviour complex or you like disfunctional families.
Technicalli: you like the silliness going on. Also you think Chuck Chipperson deserved better. Alternatively you might have a thing for spandex.
Barka: you like riano. I dont blame you. He is fine
Azul: You think De Los Santos was really cool catching those balls. You wish the Aztec rep was better tho
Nakama: you either really like Miko or you think ura giri has them nails 💅 go watch tsubasa dont lose your time with this show. They really did the japanese team dirty
Grim Fc: you think halloween must be all year long. You’re right.
Colossius: you are obsessed with background characters with no lines.
Sultans: You a girl livin lavish. I want it I got it. Luxury is full control. I mean I agree, that flying palace looked 7 stars (Also you might be a dream stan based on their uniform im sorry ) Your mom let you use microtransactions in mobile games. Youre a robux billionaire
Hydra: You like homicidal surfer dudes. Your idea of a great date is being drowned in the ocean.
Iron tank: you find the fake german accent and big guys so funny you should cut the amount of little german boy memes you inhale. Also I know you would hit Uber. Himbos for life
Incognito Fc: when people were eating their minds about conspiracy theories. You wished to be a part of illuminati. Or you think Inyo is the milf the legend the moment
Cosmos: you like southern accents and cowboys. And a big fan of headbands. You probably -are/want to be a theater kid. If you won the lottery you would go to vegas and lose it all in one night, getting drunk married and proceeding to forget about it the next morning in the process. You wish Ninja and El matador rivalry could have more screentime.
Orion: You like astronomy- from a distance. You think meda deserved better (i know baby)
Palmantieri: you have like really bad taste in hair. I would never trust you with scissors. Liquido i can take but i cant watch Don Aldo without my inhaler beside me. Its lethal.
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imagine4000 · 4 years ago
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Feliz Navidad! Our Hispanic boys of the Super League want to give you their love this season.
Stay safe, healthy, and in holiday spirits! 
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