exsqueezememacaroni · 4 months ago
I need people with more talent than me to do two things:
Make the most niche of memes about Mike's sub relationship with vowel sounds and dom relationship with consonants. Mike Patton x linguistics fans unite
Make an AMV for South Paw with the storyline of a sexually abusive father from the pov of the abused that culminates with the person smothering the dad with a pillow while being raped, the abuser vomits in the throes of suffocating and that's what the person wipes away with the line "save yourself the embarrassment" and final chorus is actually just all sweetness and sunshine and happiness after escaping.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year ago
#sometimes. most times. if i cant articulate things properly i feel like my heads gonna explode. which is unfortunate bc i have the#language is hard brain problems. my neurology makes articulation difficult. but i try reguardless. which is sometimes. most times.#exhausting. that words gets thrown around a lot when i describe the patterns of my thoughts. exhausting. and it is i guess. tho id say its#more annoying and frustrating. but maybe its also exhausting. hard to tell when its how u think. but ive been reading a lot of papers this#weekend. enjoying the papers i read. papers about photosynthesis at the edge of habitability. about genetis and the structure and functions#of proteins. and the learning curve is steep but im learning bit by bit. and it just sorta makes me sad bc the way that my brain works has#so damaged the way that i interact with the world and i can see it at every step of my academic career. i dont even kno what to say abt the#past 2 years of my life. from where i stand now its just a black hole of self destruction. y did i do that? i dunno. at the time i was just#following the arbitrary rules and restrictions laid out for me within my head. did these rules have a rational basis? no. not usually. but#thats how it had to be. exhausting. but even then i coukd sometimes see thru to the wonder. and it was agony bc i wasnt allowed to think#abt it. its still agony now but i can feel it more often. maybe that's what happiness is to me. to be so full of wonder that i cant take it#i cant exist in that state or id b nonfunctional. its too big for my chest. it makes me want to scream and weep and pull at my hair. and#and its maddening bc i cant articulate it properly. except to call upon media short hands. there is wonder here. a nightmarish description#but not always. sometimes it was beautiful. theres a reason ive read annihilati0n 5 times despite hating the book. theres a reason i rewatch#the terror nearly once a month. to find beauty in a thing that causes you such terror and pain. theres something about it i can't find the#words for and its driving me nuts. exhausting. but so it goes#unrelated
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years ago
"Better Story, Improved Effects." Mickey Altieri X Reader.
Soooo I was re-watching Scream 2 last week while sick in bed and something finally clicked in my brain and I realized oh fuck, I love Mickey. So shit, here we are, his first smut! I dunno where this all came from but maybe it was just lying dormant under the surface and now it’s all out here to play and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! Big shout out to @eggsandbeer for the title, beta reading and to her and ALSO @ace-of-clubs-and-diamonds for the help on his character and all the hyping up since this was my first time writing him.
Part two now here.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 7.3K. Mickey Altieri X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Drinking. Cheating. You Are Randy’s Girlfriend. Shit Talking. Rude Behaviour. Manipulation. Making Out. Grinding. Dirty Talk. Vaginal Fingering. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Eating Pussy. Teasing. Banter. Orgasm Denial. Extreme Frustration. Bad Mouthing Randy. Filming. Sex Caught On Tape. Dub-Con. Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. Spanking. Masturbation. Cuckolding. Vaginal Sex. Squirting. Cream Pie. 
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The last way you wanted to spend your Friday night was attending a party solo and thoroughly annoyed with your boyfriend, and yet here you were.
You had been looking forward to unwinding from a hectic week with Randy, some drinks, getting a little messy, perhaps a bit publicly indecent. Then that turning from a kind of foreplay of its own to hastily finding a dark corner secluded enough to hook up with a minimal, (but still a very exciting and arousing), risk of getting caught. 
But no, sadly, instead of getting to do any of that you were walking up to the party already well underway totally alone and all because Randy had other plans he didn’t bother making you aware of until about an hour ago. He bought a ticket to go see some movie he had already seen a hundred times, a fact you pointed out quickly that had him replying with equal speed, saying, “But I’ve never seen it on the big screen!”
As if that makes it all okay and would quell your negative emotions and upsetness about him leaving you behind and kicking off his weekend without you. He made some over the top, big and grand promises about making it up to you tomorrow and you rolled your eyes with an unconfident, “Uh-huh”.
It left your lips before he proceeded to try and smooth his departure with a few kisses that you barely returned and on top of that didn’t do much of anything to smooth down your ruffled feathers. He left in short order and you finished getting ready for your night out in a huff. Did you pour some extra effort into looking good so he would feel extra bad and stupid for ditching you for some lame movie? Yes. Was that just a touch petty? Also yes but who could blame you?
Soon as you pushed your way through the bothersome cluster of assholes that were all hanging out and talking in the doorway, for some fucking reason, seriously, who does that? Your first order of business was getting a drink. 
The first one went down too quickly and quietly, you didn’t leave the drink station in the kitchen and certainly didn’t talk to anyone yet. One of your hands on the countertop as you gulped down the sticky sweet mixture. You made a second drink after the first and then decided to venture out and seek something out to make you forget about Randy, at least for a little while, the living room that was filled with music and people seemed like as good a place as any to start. 
He was hoping he might see you here tonight but seeing you here alone was an unexpected treat. He’d caught sight of you the second you walked in although you did not spot him right off the hop. 
He’d been keeping his eyes on you for a while and if Meeks was here there was no way he would have gone this long without latching himself onto you, he is many things, loud, opinionated, and fucking clingy. He doesn’t think there is a single time he had seen you two together where Randy hadn’t been hanging off of you, like he needed to touch you in some way at all times or he would be in physical pain otherwise. To be fair he isn’t sure he would be much better if you were his. None of your other friends were about and your expression told him you were upset, about what he didn’t know, and would he be a good friend if he didn’t walk over and check in on you? 
You on an average day was already a treat for the eyes but on a night out like this, when you poured in that extra effort was truly something to behold. He made his way over to you, sliding up beside you, a hand tapping you on the shoulder as he asked, “What’s with the frown?”
Your head snapped up, looking to see Mickey right beside you, hand hovering over your shoulder and smile on his lips but eyes concerned. “Is my bad mood so obvious you clocked it from across the room?” You follow the question up by taking a healthy sip from your drink.
A raise of his eyebrows as he brought up his own cup, he’d crouched slightly when greeting you but standing back up to full height and with a half shrug as he said, “Well it is kinda hard to miss when blue is very much not your colour.”
You stifle a laugh into your cup before saying, “Cute, very cute.”
A grin breaks out on his face, he already got you laughing less than a minute into him walking up, this was a great sign. “Soooo what’s up?”
“Ahhhh-” A dismissive wave of your hand as you raise your cup for another sip, and he laughs, a shake of his head as he points to you, “No, no ‘ahhhh’, something is up so spill!”
“I don’t wanna bring down your night.” You say honestly.
He scoffs, “Doubt that you could do that, and what are friends for if not to listen to whatever is eating you?” 
He made a good point. Maybe if you vented and got it all off your chest you would feel better? So you give in much easier than you probably should have. A heavy sigh and you take his hand with the one that wasn’t currently holding your drink, urging him as you say, “Okay, c’mon.”
Mickey brightens at the contact that you initiated as he lets you drag him off through the glass sliding doors leading to the backyard. 
Sitting on the back patio you proceed to spill your guts, the thump of the music lessened now that you were outside, much easier to hear each other and talk properly. When you finished filling him in he was less than impressed to learn of the reason for your bad mood, what kind of idiot was Randy to ditch you like this? He was of course, nothing but sympathetic to your plight and your pain but also that not so small and sick part inside of him saw this as a golden opportunity, a perfect way to hopefully do what he had been dying to for months. He just had to play it right. 
He started easy, saying, “Wow, no wonder you are so upset.” 
You exhaled with a nod as you leaned back in your chair and that led to him following up with, “I mean I knew Meeks was a fucking idiot but this might be one of the dumber things he has ever done.” 
A small shocked laugh spilled out and it emboldens him, he wants to lean closer to you but doesn’t want to push, not yet so instead he is continuing further before you could hope to respond, “Like does carrot top have any brains at all to rather pass up a party with you for a fuckin’ movie? I bet if I cracked his skull open all I’d find is some loose un-popped corn kernels and a pool of that artificial butter schlock they serve at the theatre he is at right now.”
“Damn Mickey, tell me how you really feel.” You responded before you giggled and he said with a sure nod, “I will! Randy fuckin’ Meeks is totally fucking brain dead for doing this and you should be pissed up at him.”
“Yeah?” You ask, fingers circling the rim of your cup and he said loudly, arms outstretched, “Yes! I mean Christ! What, you don’t think he deserves just a little bit of your ire for pulling this stunt?”
He makes a compelling argument. 
He had you smiling, had you laughing and more importantly, he validated your feelings. The more you both talked, the more he decried Randy’s actions and backed you up as your second drink was finished, you felt it. The annoyance, the anger, the unfairness, you ended up telling him a few more things, disagreements and issues minor in nature that Randy had done to upset you, things you think you would be over but when a bit tipsy and upset, venting, it all comes bubbling up to the surface. 
It really couldn’t have gone better, you giving him those few more insights gave him more chances to plant further unrest between you and him. 
You felt insanely heard and listened to, and maybe it was your overall mood, maybe it was a bit of the drink, but everything he was saying made sense, perhaps Randy wasn’t that great a boyfriend, this movie thing might be indicative of a bigger problem in your whole relationship. Your head felt confused but that was lessening, the longer you chat, the more he insists Randy’s behavior is fucked up, you find it harder and harder to deny that it held weight and made sense.
All and all the conversation was around a half hour before he was encouraging you to get up, saying, “Enough about that asshole, it’s Friday night and look around, it’s a party! He’s out having fun and you should be too.”
He was right again and you told him as such, feeling less burdened, lighter and overall excited to have fun and put those awful feelings aside for the time being. “Yeah! No more moping, fuck him, it’s his loss.”
“Hell yeah it is.” You get up and the pair of you end up marching back into the party. Another drink, talking about not as heavy topics, snacks, sitting in on a card game or two, watching part of a movie that was playing on the tv, and a few hours later you were sitting almost shoulder to shoulder watching a very spirited game of beer pong. 
You’d switched to water for a reprieve and during a small lull you said to him, “Hey Mickey?”
A questioning hum that had him turning his head to look at you, “Yeah?”
“Just wanted to say thanks for this. I was feeling really fucked up earlier and if you hadn’t stepped in I woulda had a totally shit time tonight but you completely salvaged it. So uhm, thanks.” 
He smiles, a shrug before he says, “Least I can do, I sure as shit wasn’t about to let you sit around all dramatic and morose.” 
You laugh before trying to defend yourself, “Dramatic and morose, huh? I don’t know if it was that bad.”
His silence speaks volumes. 
You speak his name in a questioning and warning tone and he holds up his hand, a wishy washy and wavering hand motion as he said, “Ehhh-” 
A scoff of mock offence bracketed with a laugh and you playfully punch him in the shoulder, “You dick! I thought you were saving me from my shitty boyfriend for the night! I didn’t know I was just trading one asshole for another.” 
He plays up the impact, rubbing his shoulder as if it actually hurt and he says, “I’m just being honest, I thought you liked me when I was honest.”
“Honest or mean?” You fire back with a grin and he says, “There’s a difference?” 
“For the average person, yes.” 
All the back and forth was very fond and fun. You were feeling much better than you had been earlier by now and you suggested, “Wanna get out of here? Go for a walk?”
“Sounds good to me.” 
You had no destination in mind. Just fresh night air and more conversation. As you meander about the topic, unsurprisingly considering you were talking with Mickey, the talking turns to movies. 
“What do you mean you haven’t seen Stab?” He asked dramatically aghast, way too loud and head up towards the sky as if God themself would have the answer he seeked and you laughed, “I just haven’t!”
“Well we can fix that, no, we should fix that.” He insisted, a wave of his hand encouraging you to follow as he changed course, you turn to follow, a small jog to catch up to him, “What is it that good?”
“God no! It’s garbage.” He said with a look over his shoulder towards you as if you were nuts for even suggesting it was good. You laughed, “Right, so it’s garbage and so I have to see it?”
“Naturally.” He said with a confident nod, hands sliding into his pockets as you fell in step beside him and you say, “Isn’t it not out of theatres yet? I doubt a show is gonna be happening past midnight.”
“No worries about that, I got a bootleg.” He assured and you asked incredulously, “A bootleg of this garbage movie that you don’t like?” 
“Do you not own bootlegs of movies you hate?” He asks and you say, “No because I’m not a fucking psycho unlike my present company apparently.” 
He laughs the comment off and soon you are at his place, you had never actually been here before. It was late but you weren’t in a rush to go back to your own abode alone, leading you to step into the door he was holding wide open. Wasn’t a bad place at all and you had it to yourselves, it was slightly cluttered but clean and no off putting smells or gross dishes or garbage so hey, a big win and a leg up on many other college living spaces you’d seen in your time here. 
Your eyes wander over the space, posters littering the walls, books scattered around and other items as he puts the tape in before coming to flop down beside you with a smile, “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The couch wasn't half bad, there was more than enough room on it for you and him and yet you didn’t stay far apart for long. As you watched and talked, Mickey pointing out flaws and inaccuracies, jokes and riffing you and he scooted nearer, until this moment right there, where you were just about shoulder to shoulder. One of his hands was on his own knee, the other one gesturing to the tv screen as he said, “I mean have you ever seen organs look faker? The colour is totally off, the blood spray should have been bigger and this is supposed to be outside! Where’s the steam?! The inside of a freshly ripped into body should be hot.”
It wasn’t like horror was your favourite genre and you are sure it isn’t his but you could appreciate the passion he held for the craft, for authenticity of film making, you keep the mood light tease, “Oh yeah because you know just what a murder scene looks like, right?”
He laughs, hardly managing to stifle it before he says, “You don’t know everything I’ve done, I could have all sorts of life experiences you are unaware of but besides that it doesn’t take a killer to know that based off the body's internal temperature if sliced into like that-” Another point to the screen, the mangled torso with the mess of red and innards on display, “-it would steam up in the fall evening air.” 
You hum with a nod and then a line read on screen was so bad he started up again with another joke that had you laughing in a way that made it hard to breathe. He was piling on, you leaning into him fully now and then that is when his hand makes contact, again only after you touch him first. 
A simple move from his own knee to yours, both cracking up and as you come down his hand doesn’t move, instead a simple squeeze as his gaze shifts from screen to you and back again. He is wearing that sideways grin that before tonight sure made your own stare linger a bit longer than it should for a person with a boyfriend, but now? It was having a different effect. 
You’d thought about it, mostly before you got with Randy, but Mickey was a really attractive guy, you got along absurdly well and tonight he treated you amazingly, was here for you in a big way when you needed him. You weren’t even tipsy any longer, you can’t blame the feelings he was giving you on the alcohol. You were only human and him encouraging you to feel your emotions, validating them, the close proximity and clear chemistry you both had wasn’t helping this either. You were positive he was into you. 
Were you seriously considering this?
He interrupted your thoughts, “You having a good time?”
The question startled you. Not just because he spoke but what he said, Mickey was a pretty self assured guy, the question might sound insecure in nature but it wasn’t spoken in a tone that lended to that. You play along and respond, “Yeah, yeah I am. Why do you ask?”
“Oh just know that what we got up to tonight probably wasn’t what you were initially planning to.” He responded with ease, not insecure, just concerned and you sighed, he was a really good guy wasn’t he? 
“Yeah it wasn’t but that isn’t your fault it’s Randy’s for ditching, besides what we did almost all of what he and I would have anyway plus some extra stuff.”
You gesture to the screen and the movie you certainly wouldn’t have seen were it not for him. He asks next, “Well glad I could help give you a good Friday night but that almost all has me curious, what exactly did you miss out on?”
You were painfully aware of the fact that his hand was still on your knee, your eyes drew down slightly at the maintained contact, your shoulders still pressed together, your thighs touching, you leaning into him has created multiple points of contact that you were only just paying attention to now. His body was warm, he smelt good and the question he asked made your mind run back to your intentions at the start of the night, of that semi public risky fuck you wanted to have with Randy. 
A subdued shrug, so small that if his eyes weren’t locked onto you and your shoulder on his he might have missed it, “Nothing two college kids in a relationship wouldn’t normally get up to post-party.”
The silence that followed was heavy and tension filled and he said, his eyes moving over you in a way that could be read as more than just ‘friendly’, “Shame I can’t help you out with that.”
Fuck it.
“Couldn’t you?” The question was spoken with your gaze raised, gaging his reaction, the slight raise of his eyebrows and confusion on his features meets the small uptick of the sides of his mouth, “What about Randy?”
“What about him?”  You bite back with a casual shrug.
This was too perfect for him but he still had to play this right. An amused exhale before he reminds you, “He’s your boyfriend?” 
“And yet I am here with you, alone in your place and on your couch with him nowhere in sight.” And any remaining gap was closed by you, leaning that last bit, one hand meeting his cheek and you tugging him closer to kiss him. As soon as you made that final move, as soon as your lips met his all bets were off, this was happening, patience and hard work pays off and he can take.
The response you draw from him is immediate, a soft groan, his hands moving, finding your waist, shifting his body and adjusting his posture to better return your sudden affection. You move with him, allowing him to do what he wants, take more of the lead, something he seemed to do with a startling amount of ease, as if he expected you to not only bend but to be into it.  
You were very much into it. 
It wasn’t like what you had with Randy was bad but he was relatively inexperienced when you got together and still wasn’t the most confident without some major prompting and praise. He was a good kisser but more than that you had a great rhythm off the hop, found a solid groove with a natural give and take that seemed to feed into one another beautifully. His hands feel good on your waist, they are grounding and it drives you to want to touch him further. The thumb on your hand still cupping his face swipes over his cheekbone and you tilt his face to be closer still, a move he permits along with your other hand starting on his side before wandering up the expanse of his chest through his shirt. 
His hands slip lower, you feel a rough press of him over your hips and then his hands on your outer thighs and he tugs, a further adjustment so you are underneath him, he is leaning further forward, his body starting to cover yours as the make out hastily progressed. The need overwhelms you first, he breaks the kiss and his lips drags down your jaw and further still, kissing over your neck and you arch, squirming your hips, grinding against him and he smiles against your throat from how well this is going so quickly. 
Your fingers hook in the neck of his shirt, tangling, twisting, you pull, desperate for more contact as you grind again, he nips lightly at your pulse and you moan again, softer and so sweet, addicting for him to hear. Another few passes of tongue and of teeth that have your thighs hugging his hips and the next grind that happens is mutual, as is the breath that is caught in your respective throats. “Fuck, you’re better at this than I imagined.”
The smile on his face shifts to a grin that is outright cocky, one of his hands on your hip he pulls, makes you grind on him in a way that has your head falling back with a sigh and he asks, “Have you imagined me like this a lot?”
Your hands don’t stop wandering his body, feeling him and when you don’t respond right away, more concerned with the next move of your hips and the subtle rush of pleasure, he continues, “Thought about me being the one doing this when you’re with your shitty little boyfriend?” 
A shake of your head,  but you don’t stop, you start to tug, a silent plea for him to take off his shirt and one he gives into as you say, “He’s not that bad.” 
He is sitting up on his knees, the lack of contact makes you want to complain but the fabric is peeled away and thrown to the side and any possible complaining is forgotten about. A scoff, “Sure, yeah, he’s a real great guy, hence why you were just grinding yourself all over me with your tongue down my throat.” 
A laugh that is too light all things considered, “Shut up.” 
He listens. Your hands on his shoulders yanking him until he is against you once more, your mouth crashing into his. Your body was warm and soft, you were talking about this being better than you imagined but he was stuck with the same realisation, you were a good kisser, had amazing give and take and of course the mental aspect, you were in a relationship but ready and willing, touching him, kissing him, it had him aching in his jeans. He started to tug on the bottom of your top and you broke the kiss in a hurry to free yourself of the constraining material. The sight of you in your bottoms and the pretty lace framing you up top turns him on so much more.
It progresses quickly after that. You spread below him on your back, your tongue parting his lips allowing his into your mouth, an action he completes with a small groan his wandering hands choosing to settle, particularly one finding its home between your thighs and you arched into his touch with a hushed, “Fuck yes.” 
He lets out a pleased hum, your hands work with his, removing the remaining clothing to give him better access and when there is the last layer between you and his touch he asks in a tone that is as humorous as it is sickeningly sweet, “Am I allowed to speak?” 
A hurried nod as you squirm, his fingers brush over you more firmly and he says, “You’re fucking drenched. I don’t think I’ve ever felt someone get this wet from just a little making out, how hard up for it are you?”
“Very.” Your breath hitches and he knows he’s found the right spot to focus on, fingers swirling over your straining clit through your damp panties. “Is he not doing what he should be?”
Your brain feels foggy, you are far more concerned with the sensation starting to wash over you, limbs feeling heavier, eyes half lidded and rocking your hips with the movement of his hand, “Who?”
He laughs, “Who? You already forgot all about him? That tells me everything I need to know that poor ol Meeks isn’t satisfying you.” Before any protest or defending of your boyfriend could leave your mouth he is tugging the crotch of your panties aside and feeling the bare heat of his fingers against you makes you gasp, head falling back against the arm of the couch. 
You try to push out what you wanted to say, try to tell him, “I-I didn’t forget M’ just, ugh, distracted, you-you’re distracting.”
“Awe yeah, I’m a really big distraction, do I make it hard to think?” He asks as his fingers pick up the pace, pressing more firmly you moan and nod, “Yes! You do.”
“I could make it worse.” He teases and he moves quickly. Still shirtless, in just his jeans he is on his knees and tugging you further down the length of the couch, underwear half on, your legs over his shoulders his head dips down and his strong but soft tongue licking that first stripe over your clit has you crying out with an arch of your back. 
He did make it worse. You couldn’t think properly as soon as the make out started, your mind was far too busy with him and the taste, feeling, the pleasure, it stole all logic and sense. With his lips wrapped around such a sensitive part of you, cradling your clit and sucking indulgently, pretty mouth latched on and tongue lathing over you between his lips, fingers digging into your hips and ass as he held you where he needed, you felt like you were threatening to fall apart in less than five fucking minutes. 
Panting out his name, heels digging into his well toned back, fingers scrambling against the corduroy like material of the couch cushions as the feeling built, if he kept this up you’d be cumming against his talented tongue in about two more minutes. Thighs squeezing his head as well as your erratic breathing clues him into how close your end is and he pulls back, the wet strand of spit, the leash connecting his mouth and your clit breaks as he moves back, his fingers take over, messy circles drawn and you whine as the edge backs off from the change in pressure and technique, “How are you doing up there?”
His own voice sounded rough with arousal, the knowledge that he is into this, getting off on eating you out makes another wash of arousal soak into your brain, heart still pounding as you tell him, “Good, so good, please Mickey, keep going.”
“Keep going?” He asks, his head resting on your inner thigh as his fingers continue to dance over your pulsing clit, your tongue darts out, wetting your bottom lip, a nod as your eyebrows draw together, “Yeah, please? I was getting close, an-and your mouth is, fuck, amazing.”
He preens under the praise, “Oh is it?” He is playing dumb as his thumb comes down and he pulls your clitoral hood up, nerve dense tissue exposed and vulnerable, he blows gently and you shiver, body tensing, Christ, how were you so sensitive that even air passing through his lips felt this good? 
“Ye-yeah, I wanna cum, please, please-” And he decided to tease you further still, he leaned in, tongue out and your eyes are wide, teeth tugging on your bottom lip, desperate to feel him again, for him to keep going, to push you over the edge. Less than an inch from contact he pulls back with a sigh, “I dunno-”
Your head tips back with a loud groan as you roll your eyes, “Fuuuuck, Mickey, c’mon, I’m dying over here!” 
“Yeah? Does it hurt, yet?” He asks and you do notice a distinct ache along your swollen walls, a throbbing pain of denial in your clit steadily building and how awfully empty you feel at this moment. 
“Starting to, yes.” You bite out and he says, “Maybe I should be nice and help you out.”
“Yes, please, please be nice to me.” You beg and with your head still back, staring up at the ceiling you are unprepared when he licks over you again, the yelp that leaves you makes him snicker before he says, “Sure, I’ll be nice, I’ll get you off.”
You ramble, babble out your thanks and his mouth is back where it should be, lips locked over your clit, licking, sucking, one of his hands sliding between your thighs and two fingers delve inside to aid further, you clench around them with a stuttered moan of his name. It takes about three minutes for you to be on the edge between him working your clit and his fingers fucking in and out of you, curling just so in and out again and again. “God, Mickey, don’t stop, don’t stop, M’ almost there-”
And then he does just that.
He stops, his fingers stay lodged inside of you, fingers pressed to that sweet spot he’d found with ease but no longer moving and you want to cry, you ask in completely frustration, “Mickey what the fuck?” 
“I know, I know, I told you I’d help you out and M’ gonna, soon as you give me something.” You are looking down the length of your body to him between your spread thighs and are just about ready to agree to anything so long as he’d make you cum. “What is it?”
The grin on his face is positively wolfish, he licks again over your clit and you inhale sharply, “Nothing big.” 
“No?” You ask and another lazy lick combined with a rock of his fingers he says, “No. I just want you to tell me I’m better than Randy is and I’ll make you cum your brains out.”
Your heart drops, you shake your head, for some reason, that wakes you up, makes the heat inside you cool, you feel like that is the line, that is too far, you say, “No, I-I can’t do that.”
He tsk’s, “Shit, guess you don’t want to cum that bad then.” He didn’t stop though. He didn’t pull away, far from it, he goes back to eating you out and fingering you he just kept fucking stopping before you could cum and he kept on posing that question, your juice painting his chin. 
“You wanna admit it yet?” And you kept on telling him, “No-no, I-I don’t ha-have anything to admit.” 
It made him laugh. He had two fingers three knuckles deep inside you, right now and felt your clit pulsing in pure frustrated need in his mouth less than two seconds ago but sure, you had nothing to admit. “I can feel how hot and worked up you are, how many times have I edged you already? You are a really, really bad fucking liar.” 
“M’ not lying!” You attempt to assert but your voice wavers, “No? So I’m not better than Randy? He makes you sweat and tremble like this before he’s ever even made you cum once?”
You bite the inside of your cheek and refuse to meet his gaze. You want to thread your fingers in that stupid sexy messy hair and grind on his tongue until he makes you cum, not have this stupid battle of wills.
“Mmm, yeah that is why you aren’t able to look at me, because I am so far off base.” He sounds unbearably smug and he slides his fingers out of you and you almost break, you want to sob and plead for him to continue but he is sucking the mess that had coated his fingers and you again feel your mind going blank at the visual. 
He is getting up and his erection pressed against the denim looks like it has to hurt, he was starting to undo his pants and said once he was standing at full height, “How about you return the favour though and see if your tune changes?”
That sounds way too appealing to you especially because you could pay him back with some torture of your own and torture you do. After taking in the sight of him bare, your mouth is practically watering, he looks frankly delicious and you intend to dine happily. Your hand locks around the base and you lean in, eyes staring up at his face as your tongue makes the first pass, intent on taking in his expression and how he reacts to the movement. It is positive to say the least, the slight inhale, the tensing of his muscles, and the small curse that spills out. Your tongue flicks over his flushed tip, tasting the ample pre-cum that he had been leaking, your lips close, a chaste kiss before you begin to move down one side of his shaft, he is impossibly hot and throbbing in your grip. 
This is going to be too easy. 
Is what you initially thought but you would also be very wrong, because even as you let him breach your mouth, even as you begin to suck and take more of him in, you don’t feel in control or empowered. You feel weaker and hotter, he made you feel so fucking good with seemingly such little effort that you being able to do the same, to pull such reactions out of him makes you want consider his previous offer more seriously. 
You try to push those thoughts away as you blow him.
You gag yourself, choke on him and it makes him groan your name, his hips buck, he fucks in and out of your lips stretched around him and drool slips out, slides down your neck as you hold his hip with one hand, the other around the base of him still, hand working him in tandem with your mouth. You look up again, his eyes are still on you, on the length of him sliding between your slick lips, his neck and chest blooming red, flush from pleasure painted over his features as he pants and you squeeze your thighs together. 
All in all you used your mouth on him for around five minutes before you break, pulling him out you ask, out of breath and needy, “Fuck me?”
Randy is coming inside after going to get himself some breakfast, it’s around ten AM, sun shining and he is carrying a stack of mail and thinking about giving you a call soon to make up for him bailing last night. The movie was a good time but he missed you, he didn’t do much after the movie, came back here and went to bed basically, he thinks you will probably be up soon. He is about to sit down on the couch when something catches his eye, namely, a tape half in half out of the VCR. He comes forward, he pulls the tape out and there are no markings whatsoever on it, odd. 
He is curious enough that he thinks why not, he shrugs and pops the tape in, he walks back around the coffee table and is flipping through the mail again but what he hears gives him pause, makes him stop. 
Hearing a very familiar modulated voice greeting him, “Hello Randy. Been a while. Seems like some stuff has changed for you, like the cute girlfriend, she’s new. I like what I have seen of her, how much I have seen of her, thought you’d be interested to see what she was up to last night that I managed to catch on video.”
And the voice over cuts out and instead he is hearing your voice, gasping out, “Mickey oh my fucking God-”
He pauses flipping through and looks up and what he sees playing out on the screen makes him gasp.
The video shows a well lit apartment, the main focus of the shot is a couch, the view is from the side and bent over the arm of the couch pointing at the lens is you, not a stitch of clothing on, fingers digging into blue fabric, open mouthed and moaning, with who the fuck else but Mickey Altieri behind you. He was fucking you and seemingly you were loving every second of it, your face twisted in bliss and rocking back onto him, “Yes, yes, yes-”
“Good?” He asked with a laugh and your head pitches forward, a shaky nod and you hum the affirmative, “Mmhm!” 
“Yeah it is, fuck you’re tight.”  His hand reaches out, he grabs your hair, wraps the handful around his fist and he tugs hard, you cry out and clench down on him making him suck his own teeth from the sharp jolt of pleasure, he is pulling your hair so your head snaps back up, making sure he is showing off your gorgeous expressions for the camera. 
Little did you know that when he passed by the camera set on the counter earlier to grab his bootleg he turned it on, that it had been running this whole time. It didn’t take much to edit it, or to add the voice over or for him to sneak it into Randy’s apartment either, honestly it was too easy if anything. 
Randy had dropped the mail and was slowly sitting down, he can’t stop watching as you rock yourself back, helping impale yourself on Mickey and moaning the whole way. His hand that wasn’t pulling your hair is sliding down and the cry that tears from your throat makes what he is doing obvious, fucking you doggy style and toying with your clit at the same time has you telling him in a few more thrusts, “Shit, oh, ohh Mickey, fuck, I-I’m close again, fuck-” 
“You gonna give it up? You gonna say what we both know is true?” He prompts and you shake your head, “I-I cah-can’t, Mickey, just, let me cum, please-”
“Not till you say it.” His hand is out of your hair and laying a hard hit onto your ass that makes your back arch and finally you can’t take it any longer, your confession pours out, “You’re better than him okay?! Fuck, fuck! You’re so, so much better tha-than Randy, make me feel so good, he-he’s a joke next to you, God, don’t stop!” 
“Oh there you go, see? Doesn’t being honest feel so, fucking, good?” Those last three words are bookended by a brutal thrust, another strong move of his fingers and finally you break, nodding along, agreeing as you cum chanting his name over and over like some broken and fucked up prayer, trembling the entire time as the pleasure tears through you and threatens to make you collapse. 
“What the fuck…” Randy asks quietly as he continues to watch the scene unfold, watch as Mickey keeps railing you totally dumb and you agree with all the fucked up things he asks, drooling and telling him, “You’re so good, so much better, keep, ah, keep fucking me, please!”
“You think I’m able to stop now? Not a fucking chance.” 
He can’t bring himself to turn it off. Even as you continue to insult him, even as Mickey makes you parrot back that Randy is quote, “A shit fuck-ing boyfriend who doesn’t deserve you.” 
When you say it though it sounds a lot more broken and pathetic, "He-he's a shit fu-fuck-ing boyfriend who-who doesn't deserve meeee-"
Randy gets shamefully, embarrassingly, painfully hard as Mickey fucks you harder and harder, fucks you through another two more orgasms and a few more good position changes. Watching you ride him while he has a hand locked around your throat is hard to take, but the worst has to be when Mickey has his arms wrapped around you, fucking up into you and you are just trying to take it, legs shaking and too weak to do anything else but cling to and kiss him as he has you, as he holds you. That sloppy kiss is broken, your eyes squeezed shut as you are telling him for the fourth time since the tape started, “Mickey, I’m close again, God, yes!”
And not only do you cum, not only do you sob out his name as Mickey’s hard dick slips in and out of your well fucked hole, no, you end up squirting too, something Randy didn’t even know your body was capable of. Your moan bleeds, cracks at the edges and the man fucking you laughs, a blissed out joyful sound of disbelief, “Holy shit!” 
The amount that comes out of you is impressive, he watches as the camera picks up the rivulets of liquid as they race down Mickey’s shaft and his sac and the quickly darkening stain under the pair of you as he doesn’t relent even for a moment. Mickey kisses you, deeply, sloppy and to add further insult to injury, after you are coming down from your orgasm, he breaks that same kiss he initiated and asked, “Randy ever make you squirt like that?”
And you laugh, eyes rolling back and a shake of your head as you breathlessly admit, dumb and cock drunk as you tell him, “No way, not once.” 
The tape doesn’t even stop there, it goes on until Mickey is the one warning you minutes later of his impending orgasm and it is like you become possessed, your hands lock behind his neck, a burst of energy, motivated, you ride with abandon and Mickey doesn’t even have to ask, you are too far gone, you are the one who begs, “Cum inside, don’t pull out!”
He should get up.
He should turn off the tv.
He should take out the tape and smash it to bits but no, he does none of those things. He watches helplessly as Mickey’s hands grip your hips so hard Randy bet’s they will bruise as he holds deep and unloads inside of you. Mickey let out a groan of your name and you shiver and Randy is sure you can feel every pulse of him as he fills you. 
The come down is sickeningly and stomach turningly intimate, he feels as if he is intruding on a private moment even though you are his girlfriend. He watches the kisses passed back and forth, the soft touches and he is about to wonder when the tape WILL finally cut when he hears that mocking voice of Ghostface again, “Pretty hot, huh? I think they make a good couple, what about you Meeks? You enjoy the sequel?”
And the screen goes black.
He sits there staring at the tv set for all of thirty seconds before he gets up and goes over. He doesn’t hesitate to hit rewind. He should talk to you, confront you about what happened, what this means, what you did but when the tape finishes rewinding he doesn’t do that. 
He takes his original seat and frees himself from his pants and guilty enjoys the second of what is sure to be many viewings with his dick hard and hot in his palm.
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didhewinkback · 1 year ago
the moment you knew
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a something old blurb, exploring the moments they both knew they were in love with each other. it switches pov halfway through
word count: 5k, warnings: its not the proposal
When you were fifteen, Johnny’s parents were going to be out of town for a whole weekend and he was planning on throwing the banger of the year. It was all anyone in your year could talk about for the whole week. Everyone was planning on going. Everyone, that is until your parents told you they had plans that night and you had to babysit Archie. You screamed, you cried, you got sent to your room but they wouldn’t budge, not caring at all about the fact that they were absolutely ruining your life. 
You sat on the couch that Saturday, playing round after round of Mario Kart and bemoaning the state of things when there was a knock on your door. You told Archie to pause the game while you got up to answer it, expecting it to be the pizza he begged you to order, grumbling and stomping your feet the whole way. You swung the door open, cash in hand, only to find Harry on the other side, holding a few DVDs and a spare gamecube controller. 
“Room for one more?” he asked, smile growing on his face when he sees the shocked expression on yours.
“What - what are you doing here?”
“Came to hang out with my best mate Archie. Guess you’re alright too.” he says, pushing past you to get into the house, heading straight for your kitchen. 
“Harry!!!!!” Archie shrieks, running from the couch to the kitchen and hugging him tight, Harry laughing as he hugs him back. “I’m soooo happy you’re here, she was being sooo soo boring.” 
“I dunno, man.” he says, smiling over at where you’re frozen in your spot, in shock that he’s here, crashing you and your brother’s pajama party instead of being at the actual party a few blocks over. He winks at you and your cheeks immediately burst into flames and you have to look away. That’s new. “I think your sister’s pretty cool.”
“Not tonight. She’s in a mood.” Archie says adamantly with a firm shake of his head, which makes Harry laugh, hard. His head tilting back, eyes crinkling. You can’t take your eyes off him. Has he always been this cute? 
“Hey mate, ‘m gonna get some snacks ready in here, but I brought my controller, why don’t you get us all set for the next round? You’re the only one I’d trust with this,” he says, deadly serious, handing Archie the controller, which he holds to his chest with utter reverence, nodding before sprinting back to the tv room. Harry watches him go with a smile, before turning back to rifle through your fridge. 
“Think your dad will notice if we nick two of his beers?” 
“Why are you here?” you blurt out, mind still whirring from seeing him on your doorstep.
“Ouch.” he says, raising his eyebrows at the blunt question. 
“I don’t mean - I just mean - “ you say, shaking your head, unable to think of anything else but the fact that he’s here. Not at the party he’s supposed to be at, the party of the century, but here. In your house. To play Mario Kart with you and your little brother. 
“Johnny’s party is tonight. Everyone’s going to it. Like Katie’s gonna be there -”
“Yeah, well, you couldn’t go. Wouldn’t have been any fun without you. ” he says simply with a shrug, not waiting for your answer as he grabs two cans of beer, letting the fridge door swing shut behind him as he turns towards you. “Rather be here. With you.”
And it’s like the world tilted off its axis. Time stops as you stand there, absolutely frozen in place, staring back at him as he grabs a bag of crisps off your counter, experiencing a feeling you’ve never felt before, a feeling that in years to come would only grow stronger, a feeling you would associate with him and only him. All these little moments from the past year suddenly make more sense, like missing pieces of a puzzle clicking into place. 
The way his hand holding yours at his birthday party made sparks shoot up your spine, the way your heart races when you catch a whiff of that new Axe spray he’s been using, the way your cheeks flush when he holds eye contact with you, something that never happened before this year.  It’s like your chest has been cracked open, warmth flooding your veins, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Your heart is racing and you feel like you’re on fire. 
You love him. You’re in love with him. 
Oh god.
“You coming?” he asks, starting to head towards the tv room, beers and snacks in hand, pausing when he looks back at you, brows furrowing.  “What’s that look on your face for?” 
“What?! Nothing - nothing.” you say quickly, warmth flooding your cheeks. “I’m fine. I’m gonna grab some pretzels or something.”
“I already grabbed the pretzels.”
“Right. You did. I’m uh. I’m going to wait here. For the pizza. Should be here aaaaany minute.” you say, brain scrambling for any sort of excuse, needing a minute to stand here alone and think. 
“Oookay. You’re being really weird.” he says, heading into the living room, leaving you standing alone in the kitchen, the flush on your cheeks only getting warmer by the second. You can hear him and Archie talk in the tv room, his animated tone making your heart beat even faster, thinking about how good he was with your little brother, how good he was with everyone, how good he was. 
You bury your head in your hands, trying to catch your breath, to slow your racing thoughts.  
You were in love with your best mate. 
What the fuck were you going to do?!
It was his mum’s birthday and Harry was prepared for anything. 
Rain? He had ordered three types of tents, all to block out a potential storm but not detract the view from the garden that his mum cherished so much. Sound system glitches? He had five different kinds of bluetooth speakers and six auxiliary cords to be sure there would be no interference with the Shania Twain playlist he curated himself. Uncle Mack has one too many and starts asking Gemma how it feels that her younger brother will be getting married before her? He had Johnny prepped to keep an eye on his drinking and distract him with Man City stats if needed. 
It had been ages since he had been able to be home for the celebration and he was determined to make it perfect. He loved his mum more than anything and even though he had a team of people willing (and paid)  to assist him at the drop of a hat, he was set on doing most things himself, a point he knew his mother would take pride in. He had invited all her favorite relatives and closest friends, ordered a massive catered menu inclusive of all food allergies and even decorated her favorite cake, strawberry cream, himself. He had first aid kits, a stocked bar, endless supplies of SPF. He was prepared for absolutely anything.
Anything, that was, except for you. 
He was having a drink with his cousins, reminiscing about the family parties of the past when he looked up and there you were.
He’d never seen you in that dress before. He felt like his eyes were bugging out of his head as they traced the way it held your body so perfectly, like it had been custom made for you. He was practically ogling you, something he had never done before, at least not consciously. You’d always been pretty but today, right here, right now, you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It felt like the earth shifted under his feet. Like the world tilted off its axis. His pulse was racing, his brow starting to sweat.
He was making his way over to you before even making the conscious choice to do so. It’s been ages since he’s seen you or even talked to you, his calls and messages going unanswered for weeks now, ever since his album listening party in August, which yeah, he fucked that one up. Should’ve talked to you first, should’ve done something different to not ruin the tradition you’ve had together since you were 17, the way you’ve been ignoring him making him realize it always meant as much to you as it did to him. 
He can’t seem to get anything right these days, keeps doing what is expected of him, what looks best, ignoring what he wants and hurting people in the process. His brain has been so muddled these past few months that at this point he doesn’t even know what he wants. He feels like he doesn’t know anything. Especially here and now, feeling like he’s burning up on the inside just from looking at you. 
He knows he should give you space, let you come to him so he can take the time to pull you aside and right any wrongs but he can’t stop himself, drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He was by your side in seconds, breath catching in his throat when you turned away from your conversation with Gemma to face him, small smile on your face. 
“Y’ look - that dress is nice. Um. Y’ look - y’look really nice.” He’s stuttering over his words, barely able to string a single sentence together, feeling hot under his collar, Gemma’s scrutinous gaze not helping in the least. 
He hasn’t felt this way around you since he was 13 and tried to hold your hand on a walk to the heath one day, only for his sweaty fingers to get caught in one of your bracelets. He had turned practically scarlet in embarrassment, pretended there was a bee he was trying to shoo away, refusing to admit the truth, that he had a massive crush on you and all he wanted to do was hold your hand. 
“I’m going to get a drink.” Gemma says, eyes darting between the two of you. “Either of you want anything?”
You both shake your heads, thanking her with smiles and he can feel her eyes linger on him for a second, the way he keeps shifting his weight, fiddling with his rings, his sister picking up on his nerves better than anyone before she squeezes his shoulder and heads over to the drinks. He watches her walk away and then turns back to face you, where you’re staring down at your hands, not able to make eye contact for more than a few seconds. 
“‘M really glad -” he starts to say, at the same time you say “Is your mum - ?” before you both cut yourselves off, sheepishly laughing. 
“You go,” he says softly, desperate for you to talk to him about anything, biting on his tongue as he wills his mouth to stop moving, feeling petrified that if he opened his mouth right now all that would come out would be something along the lines of “I know ‘m engaged and you’re my best mate but you look dead fit.”
“Was just gonna ask if your mum was having a nice time.”
He deflates a bit, was hoping for more about you or what you’ve been up to, anything to get a good read on you but you’re talking to him so he’ll take what he can get. 
“Yeah, think she’s cried about three times already. So far, so good.” he says, resisting the urge to duck his head to force you to make eye contact with him. 
“You done good, H.” 
“Thanks,” he says and you smile at him quickly before looking back at your hands, silence falling between you once more. 
He hates this. He’s not sure what’s going on or what he did, knows it's more than just that party, the two of you have been out of sync for months now and clearly you’re trying to avoid talking about it but he has to try something. He’s got a feeling there’s things you aren’t telling him, but he also knows there’s been certain things he’s been avoiding talking about, the nerves gnawing away at him about his upcoming nuptials, how he’s not sure what he’s feeling is just a case of cold feet or something more, something that terrifies him when he thinks about it too much. So, he doesn't. He just looks back at you, feeling more lost than ever before.
A strand of hair falls in front of your face and he has to clench his hand to hold himself back from tucking it behind your ear, suddenly feeling desperate to touch, to drag his knuckle down your cheek and along your collarbone, wondering if the sensation would make your breath catch, fire simmering in his belly at the thought of being the cause. 
What the fuck? 
He shakes his head, trying to drive those thoughts out of it, not sure where they’re coming from, thoughts he’s never had about you until now, at least not that he’s aware of. His cheeks burst into flames, looking back at you to be sure you can’t tell what he’s thinking, but you’re barely looking at him and he can’t - this can’t be how today goes. He needs his best mate, needs to have a fun day celebrating his mum, needs to forget the weirdness and stress of this year, if only for a few hours. 
“Hey, so I know we’ve both been busy and I haven’t heard from you in a while,” he says, speaking quickly when he catches your look of apprehension, “which is fine, ‘ve done that with you loads of times it’s nothing - I didn’t mean to bring that up. Not like that.  I just -”
He pauses, takes a deep breath, tries to rearrange his scrambled brain.
“We’re both here and you look great and I’d just - I’d really like it if we could just forget everything else and just hang out like old times. Just have fun. Me and you. And Johnny.  ‘M flying solo today -” he says, catching the way you visibly relax and oh. 
Is that it? Do you not like Erin? You’ve always seemed to get along with her just fine and they’ve been dating for years and you’ve never said anything. If that’s it, why haven’t you said anything? Your friendship has been rocky since the engagement but he never thought - if you’d had a problem you’d have said something, right? But you’ve both been avoiding any talk of relationships in recent years, cagey about the subject with each other ever since that fight you got into the pub a few years ago. Maybe that’s been a mistake.
He wants to get into it now, demand answers from you, but knows that would negate everything he just said, and knows that keeping everything light is the only reason you’re still looking at him now. 
“It’s been a really weird year and right now I just want to hang out with my best mates, celebrate my mum before my work schedule gets mental. Let’s just fuck around today, yeah? See how many beers we can sneak Archie?” he says, something loosening in his chest when you huff a small laugh. 
“Yeah,” you say, smile growing on your face. “That sounds good to me.”
“Cool. Let’s grab a drink then?” he says, turning to walk towards the bar.
“Wait,” you say, reaching out to grab his hand, quickly letting go when he spins back to you, his hand tingling with the ghost of your touch, itching to grab hold once more. “I just - I’m sorry for not being around, um -”
“Hey, no, ‘s fine. Got nothing to apologize for. Y’ just -”, he pauses, placing his hand on your shoulder and squeezing once, eyes never leaving yours. “Y’ know you can talk to me about anything, yeah? Your friendship means everything to me. You’re my best mate. That��s never changing.” 
“Right,” you say and there’s a flash of something in your eyes he can’t quite decipher, gone just as soon as it appeared.  
“‘M gonna hug you now.” 
“Please don’t -”
“It’s happening whether you like it or not,” he says, wrapping his arms around you, feeling relieved when you do the same, relaxing into his hold. He’s holding you tighter than necessary but so are you, both of you seemingly needing to be close after this year of miscommunication and distance. He could stand here all night holding you, he thinks, feeling the most at ease he has in ages. You pull away first, quickly rubbing at your eyes but before he can say anything you’re already starting to move away. 
“To the bar, yeah? Pretty sure Archie’s got a new girlfriend he won’t talk about. A few pints oughta loosen him up,” you say, already heading over there. 
And he knows alcohol will only make more of a mess in his already muddled brain, the way he’s fighting the urge to watch you walk away, a swirl of confusing emotions flowing through him, but he needs this time with you. To have fun, let go. To forget. Scared of what will happen if he ruminates too much. So he doesn’t. 
Six Months Later
He presses his palms to his eyes until the memory disappears and all he sees is black, practically curling in on himself as the April air whips around him, the estate lights blinking in the distance, the last of the partygoers still going at it. Was that the moment? Should he have been paying more attention? 
You said you loved him for most of your life - had he been that selfish, that wrapped up in his own bullshit to not notice? He wracks his brain for signs of something he missed, rifling through memories to try to look at them from this new lens. Tries to think of the biggest moments of friction in your friendship, they are far and few between but …oh. There was that holiday break that haunted him for years when you wouldn’t talk to him when he brought home… - you said you felt sick but was it because he brought a girlfriend home? Were you jealous? Or heartbroken? 
He continues on his walk, shaking his head at himself, at this night, at what this weekend has come to. He’s felt off kilter all year, feeling like he’s performing to an adoring crowd, his performance instincts trickling into his real, personal life, making him feel like a shell of himself. He knew something felt wrong the second he got down on one knee in front of all of Erin’s friends and family but brushed it off as nerves because she looked so happy so surely he must be too? 
But he’s been lying to himself, too scared of disappointing those around him to grapple with the truth, trying to convince himself that this was part of growing up and becoming a man, that real love, the marriage love, isn’t the all consuming, unquenchable, need them like you need air kind of love. That a mature love is one that just feels fine most of the time, something expected, simple, fine.  He keeps telling himself that being so public with his love life is what happens when you enter new tiers of fame with a famous partner, that everything is happening as it should, regardless of how he feels about it. Resigning himself to this new reality without taking a moment to challenge it or question it or demand better for himself.
Not questioning how weird it is that his engagement, supposed to be one of the biggest moments of his life, happened without his best mate ever knowing. That the thought of telling you filled him with so much dread that he avoided it entirely, just sent you an invite to the engagement party like a coward. How you had politely offered congratulations then avoided him for the rest of the night, which turned into the rest of the year, blaming work schedules and busy social calendars, leaving him feeling more unmoored than ever before. Never questioning the reason why that was, not realizing you’ve been his anchor for so long. 
You’re the first phone call he would make when he couldn’t sleep late at night, on a bus somewhere in another American city, feeling so young and old at the same time, worn down from years on the road while feeling all the confusing emotions of being a teenager, needing to hear your voice to calm his racing mind. The first face he would seek out in any crowd, especially that first solo night at MSG, feeling like he was teetering on the edge, getting swept up into something so much bigger than himself, and then locking eyes with you, the two of you looking at each other as if to say “can you fucking believe this?”. The first person to call him out when he started getting too used to this new world around him, a bit high off his own supply, leaning into the parties and the girls and the paps screaming his name, the free drinks and clothes and gifts, starting to expect things to be done for him instead of asking first until you shrewdly looked at him from across the table one day at lunch in 2014 and said, “you’re turning into a bit of a wanker”, which shut that down right quick. 
The first person he would fly over when he felt lonely on tour, living for the way your face would light up when you could see the view from the stage, the way you lived for all the tourist attractions, your post show fro-yo bike rides turning into late nights at whatever bars were close by turning into private parties at the best restaurants each city had to offer as his career expanded and took shape. The first person he would see when he landed back home and over the years crashing at your house for days on end became crashing at your dorm became crashing at your flat in the big city, with you showing him your new favorite spots in London, telling him he can’t call himself a true Londoner until he lives here for more than six months at a time. Some of his favorite memories over the last few years have been exploring the city with you, you playing tour guide for once, taking him to off the beaten path museums and coffee shops, indie theatres and underground dance clubs,  determined to make your home city feel like his, a feat that became impossible when he got engaged to an American. 
He thinks back to his mum’s party, how visions of you in that dress lingered in his mind for weeks on end, how when he began to promote the new album, it was sometimes your face he saw when he closed his eyes and sang, something that only happened when he was trying to write songs with White Eskimo when he was 13, desperately trying to rhyme “hairband” with “want to be your man”. How he’s tried to sit down in the studio the past month to work out his thoughts through song, only confusing himself more when the only lyrics that would pour out of him were about you. You, who he’s barely spoken to these last few months. 
He’s spent the last year trying to convince himself that the distance between you is due to growing up and schedule changes, that it is always difficult for the best mate who’s a girl to get along with the fiance. He knows how horribly reductive and stereotypical that is but you weren’t giving him anything to work with and he was too determined to not rock the boat to ever ask,  never once thinking you were keeping your space because his engagement broke your heart. Because you’re in love with him. 
You’re in love with him. 
He wants to be angry with you, angry that you could keep this from him for so long, never saying anything for years,  that you waited until now to do anything about it but instead he only feels anger at himself. That he missed the signs, that he didn’t try to talk to you more over these last few months, that he let you think the only solution was to leave. That he spent years convincing himself that when he gave any of your boyfriends a hard time it was just him being protective, that those pangs of jealousy he felt whenever some random bloke made you smile was par for the course of your friendship, that it was totally completely normal for his blood to boil whenever one of his mates from LA asked for your number, a request he always ignored. How could he be so bloody stupid?
He clenches his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose with a shaky hand. This weekend has felt like someone placed a ton of bricks on his chest, the pressure slowly building and burning every hour that passed by. He couldn’t catch his breath all night until he finally found you on that courtyard, heart fluttering at how pretty you looked until he took in your expression, your packed bags, the way you were clutching onto your mum. 
He winces when he remembers how broken you looked, tear tracks down your face despite your best efforts to wipe them away. He had been desperate to do whatever he could to make you stop looking like that, whatever he could to help. Never once thinking…
He stops walking, staring up at the night sky as he blinks back tears, tries to slow his racing heart, his racing mind. Every thought that has flown through his head over the last few hours, every memory that he has picked apart, overanalyzed, it's all come back to you. You, one of the only constants through his ever changing career and ever growing life. You, his best mate and his favorite person on the planet. You, who stood in that courtyard looking like the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and told him you’re in love with him, that you’ve loved him for most of your life and he’s not sure anything could get any better than that. 
The fog in his head clears as he blinks up at the sky, feeling more settled in his body than he has all year, feeling like he finally truly knows what he wants. 
It’s you. 
It’s always been you.
Nothing has ever made more sense to him. He’s been in love before, has had it reciprocated but nothing - none of that, none of them - ever felt like this. He didn’t know anything could feel like this.  It’s like his chest has cracked open, the world tilting on its axis, a missing puzzle piece finally fitting in place. 
All the confusion, all the agony, all the questions have suddenly faded away. There’s a reason it always felt like something was missing from his relationship, from what was supposed to be his great love. There’s a reason few things have felt worse than having to watch you kiss Conor Williams at that birthday party. There’s a reason he never feels more settled, more at home, more himself than he does when he’s with you. He started loving you when he was 13 and a part of him never stopped. He’s never been able to give himself over fully to anyone else because a part of him has always belonged to you. And now he wants you to have all of him. 
He’s in love with you. And you’re in love with him. The greatest woman he’s ever known, his favorite brain, the heart he’s always felt most protective over has been steadily beating for him all this time. He can’t stop the tears now as they streak down his face. Feeling the most confusing combination of elation, clarity and dread. Because he knows now what he has to do and it’s going to be ugly. It’s going to be the worst thing he’s ever done to another person. 
Because he can’t get married tomorrow. Not to someone who isn't you. And he wants to like, date you first before he -. He shakes his head at himself, running his shaky hands through his hair, huffing a laugh of disbelief at how he’s already getting ahead of himself, how he already feels like he can breathe properly again, how nothing has ever been more clear.
He’s going to go face this now, before any more damage can be done. He’s going to talk to his mum and Gemma, then he’s going to talk to Erin. 
And then he’s going to go get you.
a/n: if you've been with this story and me for a while first of all ily second of all, you know how much i looove to explore their past before writing a big moment for their future and this was so fun to think about and work through. i had written the whole first half and his 2019 bit in like march so i loved getting to come back to it! thought everyone would like to see where he was at post confession. let me know what you think ! also the collage is just of his parts, i didnt want to put a pic of 2009 harry up. outside pics are the party, middle pic is rehearsal dinner fit.
taglist:@tobesolovelysstuff, @louyoursins, @daydreamingofmatilda, @jojo-blog53, @marzhshaim, @devilsqueen722, @just-happiness-only,@lomlhstyles, @feestyles, @spock4presidnet, @sunshinemoonsposts, @indierockgirrl, @jerseygirlinca, @kissitnhekitchen, @goldnrry,
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munson-blurbs · 3 months ago
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 19: In the Garage
Word Count: 732/Rating: G/Pairing: None/CW: Principal Higgins is an ass, anxiety about being accepted, divergent from FoI/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Jeff, Grant, Principal Higgins, Corroded Coffin
Divider credit to @silkholland
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November 1984
“On my count.” Eddie slings his guitar over his shoulder and adjusts the strap. He turns to his other bandmates, all of whom nod in acknowledgment. “Two, three—”
“Mr. Munson!”
Eddie looks at the band room door when he hears Principal Higgins bellow out his name. A smirk slowly stretches across his face. “We were actually looking for four.”
Higgins sighs, trying his best to ignore the snarky remark. “Mr. Munson,” he repeats, “I’m going to have to ask you and your buddies to leave.”
“Ooh, no can do, Higgsy-Poo. We’ve got a big gig this weekend,” Eddie says, not making eye contact as he strums a few random chords. “Gotta practice, y’know?”
“That was an order, Mr. Munson; not a suggestion.” Principal Higgins points his forefinger at Eddie. “You have two minutes to pack up your stuff, or you’ve earned yourself another suspension.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes but concedes, flipping off his principal once the older man has his back turned. “Fuckin’ asshole,” he mutters, hoisting the guitar up and over his head and placing it back in its case.
“Now what?” Grant asks.
And isn’t that the million-dollar question.
Eddie’s place is obviously out; the trailer barely holds him and Wayne, let alone three other men and a drum set. Same goes for the tiny apartment Grant shares with his mom. Jeff’s grandma is still convinced that heavy metal is used to summon Satan. Which leaves…
“We can use the garage at my house.” Gareth speaks up from behind his drums. The freshman is the newest member of the band, and also the quietest. “I don’t think my parents will mind.”
Jeff raises his eyebrows. “Y’sure about that, freshie? Doesn’t your mom keep a rosary in her car?”
Gareth shakes his head, curls bouncing. “Nah, that was my grandma’s car. She was just borrowing it while hers was in the shop.”
“I dunno, man.” Grant gnaws on his lower lip. “Your parents look like Ward and June.”
Jeff snorts. “Does that make him Wally? Or the Beav?”
“Shut up!” Eddie launches his guitar pick at Jeff’s head. Grant was right–Gareth’s folks seemed a bit too straightlaced to tolerate Corroded Coffin’s music. But with Higgins now barring them from using the school’s practice room, they’re out of options.
“All right,” he says finally, rubbing his nose with his palm. “We’ll give it a shot. But if your parents call the cops, I’m lighting your hair on fire.”
Gareth nods. “Noted.”
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The freshman’s words are insufficient for calming Eddie’s nerves. All he could picture as he drives up to the Emerson house is Gareth’s parents taking one look at his torn jeans and wild hair and dismissing him. Chastising him for being a “bad influence” on their son. Which, chances are, he is. But that’s besides the point. 
The garage door is open; Jeff and Grant are already inside warming up. Gareth waves at Eddie, and the man and woman next to him smile. 
“You must be Eddie,” the man says, sticking out a hand for him to shake. “Mark Emerson. Gareth’s dad. And this is my wife, Christine.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Eddie says warily. “You’re, uh, really okay with us playing here?”
Mark laughs. “You kidding? This is the first time I haven’t had to yell at Gare to clean out the garage.”
“Dad.” Gareth mumbles through gritted teeth, clearly embarrassed. 
“We like all kinds of music,” Christine Emerson says simply. “Metal, rock, country, jazz…” She trails off, cocking her head. “Your last name is ‘Munson,’ right?”
Here we go. A pit forms in Eddie’s stomach. The Munson name has bitten him in the ass once again. What’ll it be this time—his dad’s reputation, or his own?
Gareth’s mom grins and turns towards her husband. “He must be Wayne’s nephew! The guy who helped me when I had a flat tire.” 
Relief floods Eddie’s chest. “Sounds like my uncle.”
“Seems like a good guy. Always looking out for people.” Mark smiles. “Gareth told us how you asked him to sit with you at lunch. Looks like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”
With a chuckle, Eddie takes his guitar out of its case. “Let’s see if you still like me after the neighbors complain about the noise.” He adjusts the microphone to his mouth. “All right, guys. On my count—two, three, four!”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
I cannot imagine a reader dealing with a house of villains (plus I miss House of Mouse) the utter chaos
Yes, chaos XDD
Things Y/N Has Said in the House of Villains
Plot: Things you have said in your life as the House of Villains manager. Its a tough life 😂
Warnings: Cursing I guess and some sexual references? Like one I think, I don't know 😅 Also Ratigan is in constant danger and its possible.. i bully... Frollo a little...
"... Slim!? Sli- stop yodelling. What are you doing with that cattle inside?!"
"Y'all need to stop harassing Hook with ticking noises- it is bullying- "
"... claytons been talking for an hour... i dunno if he realises we've been watching tv. don't, say, a word."
"Hi Cruella... have you seen Scar?"
"Facilier you get off the table or I'm cracking out the sage- "
"... did that shadow just chuckle- "
"Hilda has been in the bathroom for 4 hours straight now and I smell eye of newt coming from inside. I'm growing some concerns."
*Through grit teeth as you continue to just smile and waive* "... hahaha she's cackling... did something funny happen or should we run?"
"Hehehe- put Gaston at Frollo's table."
"-and rule number 6; Do not take your time in the shower. Gaston will yank the door off the hinges, he takes his hair and skin care routine very seriously- "
"Goob please... I beg of you please... please get changed."
"Goob I'll pay you to get changed."
"Goob, I will bring to you an actual unicorn, if you get changed... hades, pain and panic can do that, right??"
"Yes, Ratcliffe, you look very sparkly. Can we leave now?"
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"... hey where's Greasy?... What? You haven't seen him since- *Deadpan*... since Mal went to the bathroom?... you know what its his funeral."
P2. *Half an hour after the last announcement* "SMARTASS WEASEL PLEASE COME TAKE HIM."
"Why are there scorch marks on the ceiling again!?"
"Goddamnit Hades we need to work on your anger issues, this is getting out of hand, those were the 37th drapes this week. I liked them, they were purple."
"Jafar's taunting Hades?... Yzma do we have marshmallows still?- Great, you know the drill, stick 'em on the Horned King's head and be sure to set him directly in Hades way."
"So who wants hot cider? I need a headcount. Oh- Hans? ... Well if only there was someone out there who loved you enough to get you some huh? Anyway- "
*Sigh* "... Ursula, you need to stop sexually harassing Hans."
"Don't you dare bring that cauldron in here Your Darkness- that is not a kitchen cauldron, I know what you put in there- "
"Huh... so I just made hot chocolate in Ursula's potion cauldron... slightly concerned for my wellbeing, but this is delicious. Salty."
"Why does it smell vaguely of old ham in he- Oh, Horned King. Hi."
"Someone smack him for me."
"Why is Jafar laughing so loudly at FOUR IN THE MORNING!?- "
"Who would you throw off a cliff if you had to?... Frollo?... same."
"... damn he has a good song, though." (Frollo does)
"... yeah, uh, I do the laundry around here... learnt some things, for sure... have you ever put prosthetic skin in the washer on accident?? Its not goo- WHAT! NO JUDGE DOOM! I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING!!"
"... someone get Tremaine, Lucifer is hunting Ratigan again."
"Silver, just between us... you're my favourite around here."
*Getting a hug from Silver when someone else approaches* "bACK OFF- THIS HUG IS MINE."
"Get your goddamn feet off the table Rourke this is not a barn."
"Oh the hunters are all going on a weekend trip??... How nice, lovely, I hope they have a great time... any chance we can send Frollo with them? Maybe theirs a horrible accident... What? No, I'm just kidding ha ha- "
"... someone get Maleficent, Diablo is hunting Ratigan again."
"... hey Percy. How bout we put a shrimp on the barbie- OKAY I'M SORRY DONT SHOOT."
"Medusa's name is with an E, Mim's is without- its not that hard!"
"Medusa we've talked about this... Brutus and Nero need to stay outside. Hook will suffer cardiac arrest if he lays eyes on them."
"Oh the oldest here?? Hades, then Mother Go- " *Sees Gothel sharpening her knife nearby* "I don't know really."
"... Why are there so many bugs in he-... ohhhh, someone get me the sewing kit, Oogie has had an accident."
"I told you not to gamble with Oogie... sorry, nu uh, I cant get your belongings back... read the sign sir." *Gestures to a 'no refunds/Oogie keeps whatever he wins off of suckers' sign*
"Sir Hisssss come get the Prince, he's having another tantrummm."
"Did you almost get eaten again Ratigan?... do you want to tell me your evil plans again, will that make you feel better? Wh- in song?? ... Okay go ahead."
"Someone get Ratigan his highchair."
"SHHHH SH SH SH he's not a rat, hahahahahah... we don't think he knows."
"Psycho, put Ratigan and the razor down this instant."
"Nooooooo no no no wait, do not follow her (The Queen of Hearts) orders, do not behead anyone. I just had the carpet cleaned."
"Okay! So what's the entertainment for tonight? Lets see... Oh Scar! He's gonna... he's doing Hamlet?... odd choice... "
"Wh- ... why is Shan Yu smirking? Its very concerning. I'm concerned. Wh- "
"... Okay Shere Khan. Lets level with each other, here. You hate men, I know, but- I cant have you eating anyone here. So I propose a deal. You don't eat anyone... but I can probably slip you a couple of wait staff under the table. you know, the ones hades has already accidentally charcoaled. just between us."
"Stupid you sweet, summer child... "
"Yes, okay, everyone is to be keeping their guns in the umbrella stand. ... but that does not apply to Sykes. Why?? Because I don't wanna sleep with the fishes, okay? Okay- "
"Oh, King Candy, welcome!- Oh, or Turbo??... which would you prefer?"
"No- no- no, strictly no racing indoors- "
"Alright, put up the Out of Order sign on that bathroom- its Wheezy's now. He's been in there half an hour and just breathing in its direction could give you lung cancer."
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vukovich · 1 year ago
Ahem. Inbox trick or treating (am I doing this right?) here’s a pumpkin cranberry artisan loaf I made for the occasion, Happy Halloween, friend!! (If you wanna write a reciprocal microfic about Drarry getting freaky with dough I’d not object 😘)
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Well. I believe, by the laws of Halloween, because you have given me something good to eat, you are now entitled to smell my feet. Thank you for this bread porn.
Pansexual in All the Wrong Ways
"Right, but what does it feel like?" Draco asked, peering down at Harry's laptop. Once again, he'd gotten into Harry's porn stash and was studying the straight videos. At least this time, he wasn't narrating it with his David Attenborough voice. He pinch-zoomed in on the massive cock half-buried in what was reportedly the man's step-sister. "I mean, it's got to feel different, right?"
It wasn't that Harry was shy about discussing his sexual history, or his attraction to female bodies. He just sucked at putting it into words.
"It's just... I dunno. Softer?" He tried to remember the exact feel of Ginny's arse in his hands. Or her breasts. "Kinda... doughy, I guess?"
Draco squinted at the screen. "Fascinating."
Harry thought about it too hard, got an erection, and Draco helped.
That weekend, Harry slept in until nearly noon. When he shuffled downstairs for coffee, Draco was puttering in the kitchen.
Well, not puttering. Oddly stationary, actually.
He looked over his shoulder at Harry, but didn't turn around or show his hands.
"You're up early," Draco said.
"Not really."
There was a long silence, and Draco didn't turn around.
"What're you making?" Harry asked.
"Uhm..." The back of Draco's neck was pink. "A mess, mostly."
"What are-" Harry came up beside him and stopped short.
Draco's hands were dough mitts. His dick had sticky bread dough glommed onto it. There was no small amount of it dried and cementing in his pubic hair.
"What the fuck are you-"
"And here we see," Draco said, in his wheezy old man Attenborough voice, "the young homosexual, in his habitat. The kitchen. He has tried, and failed, to mimic the males around him."
"Oh. My. God." Harry stared at him, at a loss.
"His curiosity, while natural, may be his downfall."
"I'm not eating that."
"And his mate, unimpressed by his offering, rejects him. So is the natural world, in all its brutality."
"Shut up. I'll make eggs."
And he did.
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yallthemwitches · 3 months ago
Catch the Wind, Chapter 7: Night Moves
This chapter gives another perspective of a scene I wrote in my oneshot "Slipping Away"--but this time in Lily and James' POV. Feel free to check out that fic here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/57349759
Some cute fluff and then finally some more spicy stuff by the end. Its been nice to write the yearning bit of their relationship, but I'm looking forward to the onslaught of romance to come :)
It was the last weekend before summer holidays which meant that The Three Broomsticks’ dance night was going to be well attended. Nearly every student who was capable of going was mulling around the makeshift dance floor that was created in the middle of the hall. Conjured music pumped through the room and bodies buzzed with frenetic energy. 
Lily stood with her mates in a tight circle on the dancefloor. Despite trying to take an interest in the summer plans of the other girls, her eyes kept darting to the front door every time it opened. Maybe it was just happenstance, but she had not seen James on a personal level since their run in with Snape. During classes, he seemed focused on his work and he had canceled their last transfiguration lesson–effectively meaning they didn’t fit in any snogging either. 
The door tinkled open and a raucous banter of boys entered the room. James and Sirius strode arm in arm laughing about something while Lupin and Peter trailed behind. Once inside, Sirius went up to the bar to flirt with Rosmerta while the rest grabbed a seat at a cast aside table on the other end of the dance floor.
 Lily took the drink that Mary levitated towards her and tried to act casual. All afternoon she had looked forward to the moment she would catch James, but now that it was here all she felt was a rock in her stomach and her brain going fuzzy. 
Hadn’t he just asked to stay in contact over summer? So then what is he doing? Just thinking about it made her feel frustrated. Trying to dispel her anxious energy, she bopped her hip to the side in time with the music and took another sip of Butterbeer. As casually as possible she swiveled her hips to get a glimpse of the marauder’s table. She thought she had been discreet, but the second her eyeline caught James, he stopped leaning back in his chair and matched her gaze. A smile pulled at his face. The git is messing with me. 
The song changed. It wasn’t often that the Three Broomsticks played muggle music but tonight they seemed to be making lots of exceptions. Lily jumped with excitement and made a show of snapping and singing along at her friends. 
“Merlin, Lily. You with muggle music. At least one of us finds enjoyment in something when we go back home,” Marlene snorted. 
“Just because your muggle home life sucks doesn’t mean all of it’s a drag,” Lily chided and started dancing up on Marlene, bobbing her shoulders at her playfully. “Besides, I like this song.” Marlene just rolled her eyes and gave Lily a light push. 
“Go on then. I’m sure as hell not dancing with you.” Lily stuck her tongue out at Marlene who reflected it back. After taking a long sip of her drink, she spun on her heel and headed towards the group of people who had already started dancing in the middle of the room. 
She had all the intention in the world to just dance on her own, but like a gravitational pull, she weaved herself past the dancing couples and landed squarely in front of James and his mates who all eyed her with varying degrees of surprise and amusement. James' eyes widened at her presence and his hand sprung up to his hair. 
“Care to show me your moves, Potter?” In an attempt to stave off her anxiety, she kept swaying to the beat, hoping it would come off as somewhat charming. A light pink appeared right under the bottom rim of his glasses and he shifted in his seat. On a second thought, she realized he might be taking her question in a myriad of ways.
“Uhm, I dunno…I–” She had never seen him this flustered before. Of all the bloody years that he practically begged for her to give him attention and now he’s being a timid little knob. Did he get hit with a confundus charm and forget we’ve been snogging the past few weeks? 
Despite being perturbed by his lackluster response, she continued, “ Well then, does anyone else want a go, then?” She smiled at the other three boys who side-eyed James’ warily. Sirius barked a laugh, clearly picking up on her game. 
“Sure Evans, I’ll bite.” Sirius stood up and took his hand in hers. He followed her out onto the dancefloor and very quickly matched her tempo. Without looking back at where they had left James at the table, she snaked her hands around his neck in a loose hold and felt his arms lightly hold her around the waist. For someone who had a wide reputation as an impeccable lover, he was holding an awful lot of space between them. 
“Y’know if I had known you were one for messing with James this much, we would have become friends sooner.” Sirius smirked. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lily retorted in a sing-song voice before closing her eyes and singing along with the music. She made it through the first two stanzas before realizing there was a deeper male voice matching hers. She blinked to see Sirius had begun to sing along with her. 
“Like Zeppelin, Black?”
“ Not my fault muggles make better music than us.” Lily leaned her head back and laughed. On the other side of the dance hall, Marlene and Mary caught Lily’s eye and Mary made the dramatic point to mouth What are you doing?
Lily ignored them. Sirius leaned down close to her ear and she could hear the tinkle of his earring from his movement. 
“Don’t look now, but poor James might be having a brain aneurysm.”
Lily craned her neck around to see James exactly where they had left him. He had some color come back to his face, but his hands were balled into fists on the table in front of him and she could see his breathing from all the way across the room. 
“Are you trying to teach him a lesson or something?” Sirius continued. “Because if so, this has been very effective.”Lily removed a hand from around Sirius’ neck and gave a little wave towards James and Sirius followed suit. 
Back at the table James was not ok.
 He thought he had been doing the right thing. He knew what had happened with Snape had been difficult for her. He wanted to give her space to breathe—to work out whatever she needed on her own. Isn’t that what she had always wanted from him? A little patience and thoughtfulness? So why had she come over to ask him to dance—especially when she was not keen on the idea of making their relationship more than secret at this point. And why in the bloody fuck had she waltzed off with Sirius when he had said no to her?
Maybe it was the amount of butterbeer, but James was getting a headache. He watched as Sirius leaned down to her ear. His eyes squinted at him over Lily’s shoulder with sinister intent. Lily let out a laugh at whatever he said and turned around and gave a small wave. I’m going to kill him. I’m going to wait until he is in dog form, put him in a bag, and drown him in the lake.
“Uh–Prongs?” Despite Peter poking James’ cheek for the better half of a minute, he was now just noticing. “Not to be that guy but hasn’t your dream this entire time to be with Evans? Why’d you say no mate…” 
Remus nodded in agreement and popped a cigarette into his mouth. “Sometimes I think she might be right to say you are thick.” 
James' hands curled tighter as Lily and Sirius twirled around the dancefloor effortlessly while belting out the lyrics. 
“Just fucking go over there, mate. It’s that simple.” Lupin huffed out. “You’re bumming us out.” James took a breath and nodded. He rose stiffly from the table and as carefully as possible swerved his way beside the dancing couple. Neither of them moved to acknowledge him and kept singing in unison. 
“Ok, I get it. I’m a stupid git. Will you still let me dance with you?” Lily didn’t didn’t stop singing but her lips formed into a smile. 
“Nice of you to have that little revelation, but no way mate, this is my hot date,” Sirius wagged a finger in James’ face who swatted it away. 
“Piss off traitor,” James’ hissed and Sirius threw his head back and laughed. 
“Alright, alright,” Sirius conceded. “Evans, it has been the utmost pleasure, but I’m afraid James here might murder me if I don’t depart.” Sirius made a dramatic bow and offered Lily’s hand to James. He walked backwards a few steps with a smirk before turning around to where Remus and Peter sat. 
Red formed on James’ cheeks as he stared at the retreating Sirius with slitted eyes before taking his place next to Lily. Without hesitation she raised her hands around his neck. He felt one of her fingers subtly curl its way into the bottom tufts of hair. 
“You are ignoring me,” She stated, looking up at him with an expectant glance. 
“I’m giving you space. Thought you’d want that after—” but he was cut off by a snort. 
“Space? That's rich coming from the bloke that has pestered me for years,” she said, raising her eyebrows. 
“I’m trying to be good–or at least not muck things up like I always do with you. You know, you don’t make it easy, Evans.” He lowered his eyes to hers and she blushed. 
He snaked his arms tight around her low waist and she let out a small noise. One hand was pressing dangerously close to her bum while the other’s fingers lazily stroked the exposed skin from her midriff. 
“Well if you were half as good of a dancer as your mate—” James cut her off with a whistle. 
“Low blow, Evans. Low blow.” They swayed in silence for a moment. Her fingers continued to play idly with the hair at the nape of his neck and he pulled her in closer to the point where she could feel his erratic heartbeat against hers. 
She angled her head up, needing to get on her toes to reach his ear with her lips. She hovered them dangerously close to his earlobe and whispered in a volume barely audible over the music.
“I hate to say it, but I’m going to miss you.” She pulled back her face to look at his reaction. His eyebrows shot to the top of his head and his eyes were wide. She wrinkled her nose and giggled. 
“Can I talk to you?” Any levity in Lily’s manner dissipated at Snape’s voice. They had been too lost in each other to notice him stumble his way towards them. His hands were clenched at his sides and he had spoken through gritted teeth. 
Lily shot a warning glance at James, whose body had tightened around hers. By some miracle, he followed her lead and continued to dance. 
“No,” she didn’t even look to turn to Snape, rather keeping her eyes locked on James in an unspoken agreement. Don’t do anything thick. Not here. 
“Please,” he tried again. There was a hint of desperation in his voice. 
Lily turned her head quickly and paused her swaying while still holding on to James. 
“Don’t you see I’m trying to enjoy my evening?” With a huff, she turned back to James and started to direct their swaying farther into the crowd, leaving Snape behind. 
Snape wasn’t deterred. He took another step towards them and then placed a hand squarely on her shoulder. 
“Lily–” She whipped herself around, finally letting go of James and stared hard at Snape. 
James took a step forward, keeping one hand around her waist and reaching behind his back to his wand with the other. 
“She said no, Snape,” James growled out. So far, Lily had clearly wanted them to be the better party, but enough was enough. After their last run in, he was shocked she was even trying to be civil. 
Snape squinted his eyes at him and started to reach into his robes, but his hand froze before forming a fist and returning back by his side. The whole room stopped moving and waited to see who was going to move first. 
“Fine. Fine Mudblood.” Snape spat and trudged to the door, pushing people out of his way. James turned to follow but Lily grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back. 
“Are you mental?” She hissed at him. “We are not replaying last time. Just let him fucking go, he’s not worth it.” 
James stared back at her with gritted teeth. He seemed to be searching for something in her face. 
“Why are you still protecting him?” He finally forced out, and the question hung between them. She had never thought of it that way before.
Marlene burst through the crowd of people before standing stock still in front of them. 
“Oh, what in the christ was that about?” She put a hand on Lily’s cheek and looked on either side of her face to see if she was hurt. 
“Nothing Marlene, I’m fine,” Lily retorted. Marlene stared closely into Lily’s face for a beat before turning to James. 
“Oi, and what do you have to say for yourself Potter, what’d you do to Snape to get his panties in a knot?” James just smiled in response. 
“Just following Ms. Evans’ orders, McKinnon.” Marlene scoffed and grabbed Lily’s hand. 
“C’mon Lils’. This place is a drag all of the sudden.” As Lily trailed after her friend, Lily shot a meaningful glance at James. Before she could get pulled out of sight he saw a word form on her lips.
James stood outside of the Three Broomsticks holding the Marauder’s map in his hand. His eyes swirled around the parchment before landing on Lily’s name which stayed sedentary within the Gryffindor common room. He made a quick note that Marlene’s name was elsewhere—Lily was more or less unoccupied. 
He snuck beside the back wall of Honeydukes and ducked into an open basement window.  Winding his way through the passage and out from behind a statue in the Hogwarts’ corridor, he constantly rechecked the map to see if Lily had changed positions. By the time he reached the common room, other students had wandered back from the party, and were mulling around the couch where Lily sat. 
“Fancy meeting you here.” At his voice Lily jumped. She had been reading some muggle book that looked very loved.
“Mind if I—” he gestured to where she had her legs stretched out on the couch, and she sat up to make room for him. 
He sat with his elbow resting on the back of the couch while his head cradled in his hand. Lily shifted her legs so they were touching him. 
“So….we danced tonight–in public.” He eyed her warily. 
“Yeah with a little convincing,” She raised her eyebrows at him playfully. 
“Like I said, I was just trying to give you space and anyways you seem to love keeping secrets.” His hand lowered to her thigh and started tracing patterns into her skin. Lily side-eyed the other students in the common room, but no one seemed to be giving them any interest. 
She looked down at his hand. A small blush filled her cheeks and she reached her arm to lay her hand just below his knee. James sucked in a breath. It felt like an invitation.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice lowered. She could hear each word heavy on his lips. It had been days since they snogged much less kissed and their last time had not ended in the most spectacular of ways. She glanced back at his hand now on her thigh and remembered how last time it had traveled up beyond her hemline.
She instinctively leaned forward. He had done the same and they were so close, she could feel his breath on her face. She gave his leg a little squeeze of caution.
“I’d like to do that. But somewhere more private.” James pulled back and regarded her. She could tell he was crestfallen. 
“If only you and your mates somehow knew secret passages within the school and somehow had a way of not getting caught.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Quite honestly, if you could explain that, I’d be so impressed I’d snog you right here on this couch in front of everyone.” She smirked at him while he sized her up. He contemplated for a moment, then responded. 
“Ah, Don’t hate me because I’m really lucky and observant.” She frowned. He didn’t take the bait. 
“But, I do know a nice little spot near the portrait hole if you are so inclined—unless you want to reconsider your offer and we can just get to it right here.”
Lily snorted and James gave her thigh a little squeeze. 
“Give me 5 minutes. I’ll meet you around the corner. Don’t look suspicious, Evans. You always do when you are up to no good.”
He slid his hand down her thigh then feigned a giant yawn. Lily followed him with her eyes as he got up from the sofa, ran a hand through his hair, and ducked his way out of the portrait hole. 
She collapsed back on the seat. One, Two, Three….
Once 5 minutes trickled by, she got up and walked as carefully as possible to the exit; trying not to make contact with anyone as she went. It was around midnight at this point— there was no reason for her to be leaving, but everyone in the common room seemed not to give her any thought. Out of the portrait hole, she walked quietly through the darkness until she felt a body sidle up behind her. 
“I think you owe me a kiss.” He swung her body around towards the other wall where a giant tapestry of a unicorn hung. Stroking his finger up the horn of the unicorn, the tapestry broke open as if cut and presented a small alcove behind it.
 Lily didn’t even have time to ask how he knew about the alcove. Their lips crashed together. His hands were all over her body and his mouth moved starving over hers, meeting her tongue with his and moaning into her.
He pushed her until her back was against the alcove wall and behind him she could see the tapestry sew itself back up. She weaved her hands through his hair and made little fists, tugging at the strands. He parted from her lips and moved his mouth to her exposed collar bone, mumbling a thick merlin before attaching his mouth to her skin. She took a sharp intake of breath and clawed at the back of his shirt. 
He had his chest pressed against hers, and she parted her legs slightly to let his knee stand between her. His leg pushed into her lower half and made her body start to buzz. She felt a yearning bubble from the bottom up that was impossible to describe. She pushed herself even closer to him and felt his heartbeat working hard underneath his shirt. 
He detached his lips from her collar, leaving a red mark on her skin and kissed his way up her neck and back to her lips. 
“I’m going to miss you too. So sodding much.” He breathed into her mouth. “Just having a couple days without your touch was hell.”
Lily blinked her eyes open and nipped at his bottom lip. “And whose fault was that.” He didn’t respond, rather grabbing her jaw with one hand and pressing her lips back to his. His other hand roamed under the backside of her shirt, touching her bare skin. It hesitated at her side before moving onto her stomach and then up towards her breast. 
Lily made another sharp intake of breath into his mouth and his hand jumped off her skin and out of her top. He backed up slightly, not quite pushing her into the wall anymore, and rested his hands on either side of her neck. 
“I’m sorry, I should—”
Despite his words, his eyes were closed and his breathing heady. His lips had not left a hovering distance from her own. 
“No,” she breathed out. “I didn’t mean for you to stop.” She took his hand and placed it back under her shirt. Guiding his touch, she let it slide over her breast. He made a guttural sound as he palmed her. She wasn’t wearing a bra. 
“You have no idea what you do to me,” She whispered and ran her hands back through his hair. With renewed vigor, he pressed her body back against the stone wall and his fingers curled softly around her skin. He slid his thumb over the blunt tip of her breast and she moaned into his mouth. 
She couldn’t remember a time where she had felt this much heat inside her body. It felt 
insatiable. Like it was going to eat her alive if something didn’t happen and soon. 
She let go of his hair and moved her hands down to his waistline. Finding his belt, she started to tease it apart, but his hand caught hers and he placed her hand on his chest. 
Breaking their lips apart. He pulled back and his eyes seemed waterlogged with desire. 
“Not tonight. Not like this.” He choked out. She waited for the punchline, but it never came. 
“I can’t muck this up like I do with everything else about you.” He pulled her into a tight hug and placed a kiss on her temple. Despite both of their bodies vibrating with lust, the act of the embrace cooled their minds and brought them back to earth. 
He stroked her hair while she laid against him for a moment. His heart was still beating fast, and he buried his face into the top of her head. 
“I meant it, I’m going to miss you,” she said quietly into his shirt. She could feel the hum of his laugh in his chest. 
“I know.” They stood there holding each other. Tomorrow they would be leaving Hogwarts. 
Lily pulled her head up and he kissed the top of her head, then her temple before resting their foreheads together. 
“Will you write to me? Like you said.” She whispered. 
“I’d do anything for you.” And he leaned in for one last lazy kiss. 
If you want to read this fic in from the beginning, check out the rest of my tumblr or find it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57047455/chapters/145083085
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pwr3tties · 1 year ago
hello! could you do chigiri finding out that you cancelled your hair appointment with him to go to a different stylist! just fluff! 🤭💗 THANK YOU!!
includes: chigiri hyoma
context: you cancelled on your boyfriend in order to continue going to your own stylist- and he is not happy
a/n: AAAH ANON THANK U SM FOR REQUESTING I hope its up to your expectations but if not just re-request (is that right?) Bald people pls ignore this bc reader has hair 😞 also hyo might be a bit ooc (occ?)
CHIGIRI - ‘you what?’
“Sweetheart, the new semester starts soon. Whatcha gonna do with your hair?” Chigiri asked over the phone as you continued your online shopping.
“Dunno, probably just going to do [whatever hairstyle you want]. Something simple, y’know?” You answered, opening Facetime once again. “Mkay. My stylist has a few open spots next week. We can go together.”
You paused, remembering that you had already booked an appointment with your stylist from middle school. “Uhh, Hyoma, I can’t. Sorry, that weekend— me and my friends are hanging out!” You chuckled, lying straight through your teeth.
“What about your hair?” He pouted, picking his phone off his bed stand. “I’ll figure something out, maybe have my mom do it, y’know?”
“Okayy, I’ll tell her to save you a spot in case you change your mind.” You hummed a yes before peppering the screen with kisses, reminding him how much you love him.
The days before the new school year crept closer, and so did your hair appointment. Driving there was quiet and quick, seeing your stylist worked close by.
Grabbing your keys and purse, you entered the store. “Hey [N. name], waiting for [stylist name]?” Nodding, the older lady led you to a seat where you waited for your hairdresser to finish with her client. Time passed, and just as you got into a chair so you could start with your hair, a familiar redhead entered the salon alongside his sister.
At first, you didn’t see the two since you were tapping away on your phone,
“Sorry, can I help you—“
The same pair of deep pink eyes you loved bore into yours as Chigiri plastered a slight smirk across his lip. “Thought you were hanging out with ‘your friends today?”
“I thought you had a hair appointment?”
“I do. That’s why I’m here.” He replied, hovering over you. “You go here?” You gasped, looking at him a bit offended.
“The way you said that sounded insulting.” He laughs, sitting across from you. “No, my sister needed me to drop her off. You, on the other hand, lied to me.” He frowned, as you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck.
“My friends… cancelled!” You lied, although your boyfriend could see right through you. The silence was awkward as Chigiri waited for you to admit the truth.
“Fine, I lied. Happy?”
“A little.” He smirked, as your stylist came back with her equipment hand. “[Y/N], who your friend?”
“Chigiri Hyoma, nice to meet you.” He smiled, shaking hands with your hairdresser and second mom. “You too darling,”
Chigiri sat there with you until you finished with your hair then paid before dragging you off for kisses for abandoning him, but just before he could [hair stylist name] whispered over to you. “I like him [N. name]. keep him close, okay?”
“Trust me, I will.”
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phantom1111 · 13 days ago
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Not from around here
Homelander x female reader
Prologue ~
A loud beep startles me awake, groaning i turn to shut off my phone to stop the alarm, sitting up groggily in an attempt to wake myself up and yawning. I open up my phone and am greeted by 20+ missed messages and a few missed calls from my groupchat. Blinking in annoyance and still half-asleep i open the app up and lay back down.
Francis 🤑: Heyoo!!! We still hanging out tomorrow gang 😎😎
J-boss ⚡️: get this shit off my screen bro
Jack 💥: i mean if yall are down i got nothing planned this weekend
J-boss ⚡️: will there be bitches?
Izan 🧐: perchance…
Sandra 💋: shut up fatass… and im only going if y/n and carla are going 💁🏻‍♀️.
Carla 🧚🏻‍♂️: francis already asked our parents and they told him he can only go if i come with⚡️⚡️⚡️
Francis 🤑: i hate u
Jack 💥: i wouldnt take that man 😭
Izan 🧐: wait all of you are going right?
Everyone: Yes!!
You: hi guys im going
J-boss ⚡️: nonchalant ahh
You: im gonna stop you right there pal
I roll my eyes and throw my blanket off me, planting my feet onto the carpet floor beneath me. I walk over to my closet and rub the sleep out of my eyes, the only light serving me is the one coming from the sun seeping through my window.
After picking out a cute outfit i go and wash up, throwing on my clothes and looking myself in the mirror. I had chosen a black, lowcut longsleeve, tight shirt with a denim backless zip up high rise jumpsuit that flared at the ends i decide to finish off the outfit with a pair of black boots. I do a little twirl, satisfied with my smooth eyeliner and good outfit choice. Opening my phone back up to quickly text them that im ready and for someone to come pick me up.
I hear a knock at my front door and grab my black star shaped purse. “Bye mom!! Ill see you later love you!!” I call out and she reminds me to text her when im on my way back. I skip out the door and lock it behind me. “Sooo the mall right? Is everyone there yet” jack shrugs “i dunno everyone just said to hurry, also j-boss is in the backseat” i step into the passenger seat of his car and we head to the mall.
About 20 minutes later we pull up to the parking lot and walk into the macys, quickly spotting francis and carla talking to each other until they notice us “HEYYY Y/N” i wince at carla’s enthusiasm “heyy we should probably quiet down being out in public and all” she giggles and latches onto my arm. “Hey dont forget IM in charge of the card” francis snatches a card from carlas hand and they start bickering. I roll my eyes and sit down at a bench with jason and jack “hey when did Ian, Izan, and Sandra say when they were coming?”
As if on cue they walk into the macys, all arguing about who gets to ride shotgun next time. “Hi guys!! Looks like the whole gang is here right.. heh!” I playfully jab jack on the side waiting for everyone to laugh “good one right…!” Sandra cringes and only Izan laughs “if izan is the only one laughing thats a sign you should stop trying to be funny” I look over at jason with a glare.
*3 hours later*
“Ok i think thats enough shopping..” i look over at sandra and carla, all of us carrying multiple bags on each arm. “I should have let francis keep the card.. dads gonna KILL me” carla groans and we continue walking through the mall, or more like trudging along with all our bags. Until we finally catch a glimpse of all the boys in a vr video game store screaming “what the fuck are they doing??”
Sandra walks in and we see them all connected to the same game, their point of view projected on a giant screen. “I think its like a zombie apocalypse thing ive played this before” i sneak up behind ian and pinch his neck, he squeals and throws the headset off, turning to me with his fists raised ready to fight. I raise my hands in mock surrender and burst out laughing with sandra and carla, the boys take off their headsets to look at ian, bewildered, sending us into a further fit of laughter.
The store owner walks up to us and tells us to leave “whoops…” i let out a last laugh and wipe a tear from my eye. “Bro ian youre really getting butched around by y/n” they laugh at him and we walk out of the mall after buying ourselves a drink at one of the stands. I take a sip of my horchata and giggle. “Hey wait i gotta tie my laces!!” We turn to Francis who is far behind us and as i begin to walk towards him i feel the ground below me slip from my feet. I scream and feel myself plummet, my skin feeling as though its warping around me until i slam against a grassy surface.
I look up and groan, hearing the rest of my friends make noises of pain and confusion behind me. “What the hell..???” I sit up and look around, there seems to be a television crew but they look startled and start making their way towards us, along with a group of random bystanders. I try to stand up and i look around me, noticing we are in a completely different city “yo where the fuck are we??” I hear jason exclaim behind me. Ian points at the giant building in front of us “is that the fucking vought tower” i gasp and my jaw drops, the crowd around us getting larger and i notice some of them wearing vought merch “theres no way this is real right?” I turn to look at them trying to make sense of the situation.
A loud thud surprises me and the crowd breaks apart, now taking photos and turning their attention partly to the person. The figure gets closer and I realize its THE homelander.
HII thank you to anyone who read this, I’ve never posted any kind of writing and i kind of just came up with this on a whim. I know it looks like WATTPAD writing 🫣 but please let me cook, by the time anyone is reading this i would have probably have published more parts so if you like it lucky you, if you don’t then im sorry for releasing more of this vermin onto earth 😭🙏🏾 (tips/ideas welcomed)
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flimflamfandom · 1 year ago
Carrying Someone Home
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Ivy fell onto Calvin, and groaned. "I promise I can keep going, I just...need coffee or...something..."
"You've been at it since 9. It's..." Calvin neglected to tell her what time it was. "It's a weekend, at least." He said.
"You've been at it too..."
"Sure, but I was asleep till 3."
"Why!?" She looked at him, bleary eyed. "You...gotta get up on...time..." She slumped in his arms, full of alcohol and empty of stamina, she just went limp on him. He sighed.
"Ah, dear..."
Calvin slipped her into a chair, and thought a moment. "Hmm...I'm not that strong..." He bit his lip. "And I can't just...drape her over my shoulder."
"Calvin!" It was Rocky, covered in red lipstick, almost the same shade as its owner. "How're you doing? Isn't this great?"
"Aye, it's...eh...Ivy's passed out."
"Aww, really now?"
"Yes." He sat on the table, and looked out into the crowd - business had picked up as of late, and while he was happy to see it, Ivy got even more energetic around crowds, and...well. It was only a matter of time before this happened.
"I dunno what to do with her."
"Remember when we tried to make the place into a hotel? The rooms we finished are still there! Just take her to one'a those! That's where I'M staying!" Calvin looked at Rocky's face. He also thought about just how thin those walls were....
"I think I'll try and get her home."
"Sure thing, ol' chum! I gotta get back to it!"
"See you around." As Rocky walked off back towards the crowd, Calvin looked up the stairs. He could probably get her there, at least.
"Alright, love, hold tight..." He picked her up into a bridal carry, and began to shuffle his way up the stairs, muttering swears in the Gaelic and huffing as he did so. When he got up,. he was winded, and barely noticed Horatio.
"Evening, Mr. McMurray." Horatio smiled gently and waved. "Miz Pepper a bit under the weather?"
"Aye, she...she, eh...she just passed out on me. She's breathin' an'all, though, but-"
"mmmhfh...." She stirred, and looked up. "...Freck?"
"Ah, ehm...hi there love." He kissed her forehead and sat her down on a couch in the newly done lobby. She nestled up to him.
"Let's sleep here..."
"We can't sleep on a couch on front of people, Ivy," he chuckled, "it'd hardly look professional."
"Theydunnoyou...workhere..." She grumbled, and leaned on him. "Can we neck a little at least?"
"Horatio's right there."
"Awwwwwwwww, you'renofuuuuun...letlooseall..." She paused, and yawned, "letloose..." She kissed him, sloppily, and very tiredly, and while he returned it for a moment, he did eventually push her off, holding her cheek in his hand.
"You really need sleep, love."
"I need somethin, that's fer sure..." She groggily motioned towards him, and then...
passed out on top of him.
Calvin, struggling a bit to catch his breath, and coughing from the cold night air, knocked on the window. Over shuffled a woman in a bathrobe and wearing an expression of slight annoyance.
It was Ivy's Other room mate, Olivia. The one who hated her gangster antics. She looked...displeased.
"What the hell!?"
"She was...she's awful tired, and I don't want her stayin' the night-"
"Oh come ON, Cecil or...casper, or...what's your name again?"
"Calvin. You gotta stop her from doing this sort of thing!"
"Why?" He asked. "It's something she really enjoys-"
"It's dangerous! YOU'RE dangerous!"
""If it's so dangerous how come I brought her back here?" He asked, annoyed. "Please, my arms are so tired, I carried her from downtown and-"
"Fine." Olivia rolled her eyes. And just as she did...
"ugh..." Ivy woke up, and shivered. "Cal...what'rewedoinhere?"
"It's your dorm."
"I don't waaaaaaanna stay at my dorm, Olivia's gonna be meeeeean..." She giggled, and batted at him.
"Olivia's right there."
"Was she mean?"
"...a little."
She chuckled. "hehe...typical. Love her though..." She huffed. "Lemme go to your new place."
"The apartment?"
"...a bit scandalous, aye?"
"Whaddyouknowabout...scan...ssssc...." She vomited, all over the ground. Olivia crossed her arms.
"...so your apartment sounds nice."
"Apartment it is." He said, as Ivy passed out, yet again.
Calvin woke up, and rolled off the couch, grunting and cracking a few joints. It was early now, about 8 o'clock. He fought on his slacks, and went into the bedroom. His apartment was small, and paid for by both his lackadaisy money and his writing money for the Post-Dispatch.
He walked in, and saw her, nestled into the covers. She'd somehow managed to get out of the dress form the night before, but was still in those pearls. He smiled, gently, and blushed, his ears drooping and his eyes softening. She was on her side and facing the window. He made sure she was still breathing, and kissed her ear, whispering "is breá liom tú, a ghra mo croi." and began to walk out.
"You're not in bed." A raspy, tired voice said.
"...I slept on the couch."
"You can sleep in the same bed as me, freckle..." She turned over, her fur matted, her eyes tired still. "You've done worse."
Calvin knelt by the side of the bed. "I'm sorry, love, I just...don't want you to think I'm takin' advantage of-"
"You walked me across town once, and then walked me the OTHER way across town." She said. "If anything, I'm taking advantage of YOU...i never walk you anywhere! I just pitched ya in Mitzi's office that one time."
"Come. To. Bed."
"...alright." He got in with her, and rubbed her side, kissing her gently. "I love you, Ivy."
"I love you too, Freckle...even when I'm blackout drunk." She cooed, as she settled in, and got a bit more sleep.
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elly99 · 1 year ago
us without me IV: new jeans
A story series from the perspective of Mia (fem!Reader/OC) as she goes through her memories and recounts falling in love with her best friend in high school, Minji. She suffers in silence until she breaks and it all comes crashing down.
Part 4 of 7. Check here for more details. Reading previous parts for context is encouraged. CW for language.
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“Mia-ya,” she calls from behind her locker door.
“You wanna do something this weekend?”
“I dunno. Just relax, I guess.”
“You don’t wanna do something together?” She closes her locker, revealing her face pouting at you.
There were so many things you wanted to do together. But you bury those ideas under the books you stuff into your own locker.
“Did you have something in mind?”
“Nothing in particular. Just something with you.”
Fucking hell.
“Well, I think I need new jeans. Help me pick out some?”
You catch her smiling to herself.
“Nothing.” She giggles. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“I’ll tell you later!”
“김민지 이상하다.”
Before closing your locker you notice a tiny bear sticker on the door.
“How did this get here? We’re only a month in and you’ve already started vandalizing my locker?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.”
“Is this why you were laughing at me?”
“No, no! But I will admit it’s funny how you only noticed it now. And also how easy it was to guess your code.”
“Wait, yeah! How the fuck did you know?”
“Mia! No need to be so angry that your best friend knows you so well.”
It slowly dawns on you. “You remembered the date?”
“Of course! The day we got these,” she says, lifting her ring finger up to your face. “It was my idea after all.”
You look down at your own fingers. And you start to feel your sanity slowly slipping through them.
“To be fair, it did take me a couple of tries before I got it. But still… I know you’re sentimental like that, so it wasn’t hard.”
As she proudly struts away to the cafeteria you spot her applying lip balm - the same one you used.
You thought you’d buried it in your locker along with everything else but you find yourself powerless to stop the idea of kissing her making its way back into your mind as the lip balm touches her lips.
The smell of spring wafted in through the open bedroom window. You had your phone to text her in one hand and the chocolate bar she got you on the walk home in the other.
so we’re just going shopping tomorrow?
yeah unless u had something else u wanted to do
wanna watch a movie?
huh? i thought u didnt like movies
yeah but i just want to spend time with you and i know you like going to the cinema so
You admire the blue ring on your finger and laugh.
My girlfriend really likes me, doesn’t she?
As long as you had it on you could pretend. So you never took it off.
i just checked and there arent any movies showing rn that im interested in
wanna come sleep over at my place then? we can watch the movies we want
wow u really wanna spend time with me huh
you got a problem with that bro?
no its just ur being sweeter than usual idk
well i do have something really important to tell you and i just wanna spend the day together so we can talk about it
No, Mia. It can’t be what you think it is.
is this what u were being so secretive about earlier?
why so serious bro is everything ok?
yeah everything’s perfect! i just want to tell you in person
No. Fucking. Way.
why not now?
i’ll tell you tomorrow dw
you promise?
of course! i’ll pick you up at 10? or is that too early?
no im fine with it but i doubt youll wake up that early
you’re right 😖 i’ll just text you tomorrow
okie good night mimi ily 💗
good night <3
Mia, there’s just no way. Calm down. You’re being silly. You’re being delusional. Stop it.
You start laughing again at the absurdity of the situation. At the fact you were even entertaining the thought. You laugh until tears start pooling in your eyes. Until you forget why you were laughing in the first place. Until the tears fall and you find yourself crying into the night.
i’m up
congrats on waking up before noon ig
hey i set an alarm just for you so you better be grateful
woah im so touched
we have a date today so i better be on time right? 😊
Damn it, Minji.
does that mean youll be here soon?
yeah in 30
It was 11:10. You’d gotten ready to go two hours ago. But she didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that you were dying to know what it was she wanted to tell you.
hey i miss you
What the fuck?
bro whats up ur never this clingy
sorry i’m just really happy
about what?
you’ll see
It was 11:11. You wish for what you’d always wished for. You knew there was no point but with her being like this and your ring still on your finger, the line between fantasy and reality had never been more blurred.
Waiting outside your front door, you see her approaching from down the street. Even at that distance you could see the radiant smile she was giving you.
Often you wondered what life would have been like had you not moved in just down the street from her. Had you not gone to the same school. What if the universe didn’t give you so many opportunities to get close to each other? Why did it have to give you so many reasons to fall for her? But you had no choice. This was your life now. The girl you called your best friend, the one standing in front of you, was the person you so desperately loved.
“It’s not morning anymore. You’re late.”
“미안!” You’re reminded that every apology would sound like your name. “But I’m here now. Let’s go.”
“Don’t you have something to tell me first?”
“Later. Over dinner.” Her smile was cheeky. Teasing.
“We have dinner plans?”
“Yup. My treat.”
Your heart trips over its own beats.
“Bro, it should be my turn.”
“Mia, no. This one’s important to me.”
Then it starts to scream as it hits the ground.
“My god, Min, what’s this about?”
“Don’t worry about it! Let’s just go get your new jeans first.”
She starts laughing again and you still don’t know why.
“Minji! No way!” you exclaim, shopping bags filled with clothes in one hand, her hand in the other as she tugs you along to a familiar part of the mall.
She just smiles and sticks her tongue out.
“This place is expensive!”
“But it’s your favorite. So it’s where we’re going.”
“Minjiii,” you whine.
“Hey, if you really cared about me spending too much you wouldn’t have such expensive taste. You left me no choice, to be honest.”
For the first time in a while you’re laughing together. For a reason you both knew.
“For real, though, Mia. It’s fine! It’s my treat, so don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so sweet, Min.”
As if that needed further confirmation, she pulls out a chair for you.
“Mia! Are you blushing?”
“What? No!” You quickly cover your face with your hands. Your ring smiles a devilish smile as you bring it close.
“Don’t fall in love, bro,” she says teasingly. But it was way too late for that.
“What do you mean? I’m just excited for the food.”
With that one word her expression changes. You couldn’t quite parse it. But you convinced yourself that there was something about her face that told you that she knew. And there was nothing more terrifying.
As your meal comes to a close and the night slows down she finally says it.
“I have something to tell you.”
“I know.” Your voice falters as your heartbeats quicken. You clear your throat to hide it. “Just tell me already.”
She leans over the table, looking straight into your eyes with something like anxiousness in hers.
“I’m… I’m debuting in July.”
In that moment, as your pounding chest comes to a crashing halt, there was no greater dissonance than wanting to be happy for your best friend but being disappointed that she didn’t want to be more than that. Being excited for her future but being bitter that her future wasn’t you.
Then came rage. Fury. The dissonance between expecting, wanting, praying for her to confess and knowing that that was just a puerile, selfish fantasy you conjured for yourself. “You’re being silly again,” is what she would have said. You were so angry and there was no one else to blame but you.
“Bro, I’m so happy for you!” you strain. “All that hard work’s finally paying off!”
“Thanks, Mia,” she says softly.
“I don’t even know why you were worried you wouldn’t debut! You’re so talented. It was always gonna happen. I’m so proud of you, Min!”
“Thank you,” she repeats with her eyes.
“So, what’s the name of your group?”
She laughs once more and you finally understand why.
“Oh my god, no wonder.”
“But don’t tell anyone, ok?”
“Of course, bro. Why would you even think I’d tell anyone?” you ask a little more aggressively than you’d like, still barely controlling your anger. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice.
“Just making sure.”
“How many songs do you have?”
“Four. And, yeah, we’ll be filming our music videos in Spain.”
“Oh, wow!” You wonder how much longer you could hide it. How much longer until she realizes you were faking it. “When are you leaving?”
“Next week. Which is why I wanted to spend time with you this weekend.”
“Wait, will you be gone for your birthday, then?”
“Oh.” You struggle to find words to say as your anger is replaced by sadness. “I’ll miss you…”
“I’m sorry! I’ll miss you, too! I promise we’ll spend lots of time together when I get back.”
“But I’m sure you’ll be really busy even then. Even more when you debut…”
“Let’s not worry about it yet, Mia! I’m still here. And I’m just happy to be with you now.”
“Me, too.” You smile weakly.
“I’ll just go pay, ok? I’ll be right back, then we can talk more about it at home. We have all night anyway!”
“Thanks, Min. For the food. For today. For everything.”
“Aww, bro, you sound so sad!” she says as she stands up. You look up at her from your chair. Seeing your hand on the table, she gently wraps hers around it and you hear the subtle clink of your rings as they touch. “I’m still here, ok? I always will be.”
You don’t take your eyes off her as she walks away. And they remain glued to her in forbidden admiration as she returns. Every time you looked at her there was always a part of you that wanted to just rush over to her and tell her everything. That she was your everything. Your first love. Now, knowing the world would soon fall in love with her, too - because you knew everyone would - that part of you wanted to keep her all to yourself.
Then there was the part of you just happy to see her. To have her in your life. Because she did make you happy. She always tried her best to put a smile on your face. She was an angel like that and today was further proof of it. And her smile - the same one you could see on her face now as she approached you - it made you feel safe. Like things were going to be alright. There was a strange, counterintuitive comfort you found in it, knowing that, even if she didn’t know your pain, she’d be there for you. She thought the world of you. She loved you like no one else could. Just not in that way. And you were happy with that. You’d have to be.
At the sound of her soft voice your sadness gives way to resignation. You remind yourself that it wasn’t her fault she couldn’t give you what your heart yearned for. And in doing so, you could finally, truly be happy for her.
With your hand hidden from her in your pocket, you slip your ring off with your thumb as she takes you home.
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thecomfortable · 1 year ago
Sleepover [Part 1]
A TMNT 2012 fanfic
Word Count: 3453
Warnings: Brief descriptions of blood/wounds
Ships: Leo x April
(Part 2 is now available!)
“A sleepover? Guys, that’s all we’ve been having since my dad was captured that one time.” April chuckled, typing away at her laptop. This was the third time they had asked her to stay over since Shredder had been defeated. Casey was adamant and said that his family needed his support. April, on the other hand, just wasn’t bothered half the time. “Besides I’ve got stuff to do.”
“Stuff we could easily help with.” Donatello interjected, smiling down at the girl. “If it’s homework I can provide assistance.” 
“If you can stand the voice of a dweeb longer than an hour.” Raph snickered before Donnie smacked the back of his head, and the two began to bicker.
“I dunno…” April looked away from her laptop to glance around the group, her gaze landing on Leo. “What do you think?” Leo, taken fairly off-guard by this, chuckled sheepishly.
“Well, I wasn’t really invested in this plan to begin with. You’ve got stuff to do and we’ve got stuff to do. But…" Leo looked away from both April and his brothers. “If you haven’t got anything next weekend… I wouldn’t mind if you stayed over, you don’t have to of course—”
“Alright,” April responded. The group stared at her in surprise. “Well, what the leader says, goes. Isn’t that the saying?” Leo shrugged, grinning a bit. Raph threw his hands up in the air.
“That’s all it took? Leo’s blessing?” Raph said in exasperation, to which April raised a brow in response.
“Better than yours. I’d be worried for my safety if you gave me any type of blessing.” April retorted, a slight smirk on her face.
“Wow, you guys went all out, huh?” April stared wide-eyed at the dojo. Futons were covering the floor, with Mikey already lying on one and playing games on his T-Phone. “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh, we know that,” Raph grumbled, squeezing past her as he went to sit down on his futon. “It was Mikey’s idea.” Mikey’s giggles could be heard quietly in the background. April heaved her bag over to the futon next to Mikey and plopped it down. She only vaguely registered that Leo’s comics were neatly stacked on the futon beside hers.
“Oh good, you’re here!” Donnie chimed, walking into the dojo and grinning at the redhead. “Sorry, I was busy in my lab. Did you bring your homework?” April nodded, removing her laptop from its case and opening it. The lanky turtle sat beside her, and they began chatting.
Leo entered the dojo a short time later. He gave April a warm smile - which she happily returned - and sat down on her other side before picking up one of the comics and quietly reading. Time passed as usual, with Raph and Mikey leaving to watch the Slugman Marathon. At the same time, Donnie and - at some points - Leo stayed to help April with her homework.
“Pizza time~!” Mikey called out from the lair’s entrance, to which both Donnie and Leo looked up and furrowed their brows. “I also paid for it!” They relaxed, looking back over April’s shoulders to see her screen.
“Did you guys discuss what pizzas you were getting with Mikey or—”
“He probably bought one of each.” April looked mortified, and Donnie quickly rephrased his sentence. “What I mean is— He probably bought the basic pizzas. Marguerite, meat-lovers, pineapple… that sort of thing.” The girl nodded, still slightly concerned with the decision to leave Mikey in control of ordering dinner. Seeing her expression, Donnie stood up and grinned at the pair still on the ground. “Don’t worry. I’ll see if he bought too much.”
Feeling reassured, Leo and April watched the other leave before once again resuming April’s studies. There was brief silence until April scooched closer to Leo to make it easier for him to see. Only this move completely derailed the turtle’s train of thought. They’d been close before, but not like this. The fuzzy feeling made him worry. There was space around them to sit, but April chose to sit there.
April, who, for the most part, had been entirely focused on the Russian Revolution, sensed a change in Leo’s emotional state. She glanced around the room for a reason to which she found none. She soon found herself staring up at the turtle, who seemed not to notice as he was too busy staring at his feet.
“Leo.” The turtle jolted harshly and hastily looked over at April. 
“I-I’m here! What’s up? Need help with something?” He asked, noticing that April had leaned even closer to inspect him. “Is it something to do with the Russian Oligarchy?”
“If that’s what you’re so stressed about then sure. Let’s talk about the Russian Oligarchy.” April responded flatly. Leo began staring at his feet again. The girl leaned forward, determined to meet his eye. Leo turned his head. “Hey, don’t think you can avoid talking to someone sitting right next to you.” 
Donnie walked back into the room; he looked slightly abashed. “Mikey ordered all the basic— What are you two doing?” He had cocked his head to one side and stared at his older brother and then at April. April shrugged; she also wanted to know what was up with Leo but had gotten no helpful answers. Standing up, the girl slid her laptop back into its case and followed Donnie out of the dojo.
Leo put a hand to his cheek and grimaced.
“What are you doing, Mikey!” Raph yelled in exasperation as he watched his younger brother dump jelly beans on his slice of pizza. Mikey just grinned before shoving the piece into his mouth. 
Everyone disliked that. 
Regardless, the group had sat down in front of the small - somewhat busted TV - and discussed what to watch before Mikey had decided to gross everyone out. April, Leo and Raph were sitting on the steps (in that order), and the two younger turtles were sitting at their feet.
Donnie decided to get the conversation back on track. “We could watch a horror movie—” 
“Our life is a horror movie.” Raph grumbled, watching Mikey as he crammed another slice into his mouth. Leo chuckled and gave Raph a slight nod in agreement. “And I don’t need to be reminded.” April perked up.
“We could watch The Babadook. Apparently, that one’s quite good.” April suggested. The two older turtles looked curiously over at the girl. Mikey happily gave April a thumbs up - his mouth was full of jelly bean pizza which Raph was oh so aware of. “How ’bout it, guys?”
Leo shrugged. He had no idea what the movie was about, but the name sounded funky. 
“Sounds better than what the nerd had picked.” Raph snickered, flipping the page of his comic. Donnie shot him a glare. He had suggested they watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, which Mikey and Raph immediately shot down. 
“Eh why not.” Donnie sighed. “I’ll set up the hard drive.” 
The group watched as Donnie sauntered over to the TV to mess around with its wiring before focusing on Mikey’s pizza.
“How can you eat that without gagging?” April asked, genuinely curious - though inherently disgusted. 
“I ask that question everyday.” Raph said flatly. “Never gotten a sane response.” 
“That’s because there isn’t one.” Leo mused, peering at the comic over Raph’s shoulder, who quickly moved it out of view. “What– Oh, I get it. You’re reading something embarrassing aren’t you?”
“My bet is on a romance manga.” Mikey grinned, nudging Raph’s knee with his elbow. The red-clad ninja looked slightly offended and kicked his brother’s arm away.
“I thought Donnie was into those?” April gave the turtle hunched by the TV a smirk. 
“Says the girl who played a dating sim when she was supposed to be studying.” Donnie retorted, shooting a grin at April, who flinched and looked away. Suddenly she was the central focus of the group. Mikey looked utterly shocked; Leo and Raph were mildly surprised. But they were all staring… except Donnie, who had gone back to rewiring the TV.
“A dating sim?” Leo said, trying and failing to hold back his laughter. April pouted and glanced at the three sitting alongside her. They were all giggling now, much to April’s embarrassment.
“It was one time!” She insisted, to which Donnie barked out a harsh laugh. 
“Uh-huh, is that what you told Kirby when you failed Trig?” He chimed, connecting the little wifi device to the back of the TV.
“I’ll have you know that I didn’t fail!” April snapped.
“Really? Was Senpai proud of you?” At that comment, the girl flushed pink and angrily crossed her arms. He stood up and strode back to the group to sit by April’s legs. “Bet he said something really cute too.”
“What’s her type?” Raph asked, looking up from his comic to smile vaguely across at April. “Bet it’s the ‘bad boy’ who’s also a complete idiot.”
“Hm, from what I gathered she was always smiling when the ‘School Prefect’ had any dialogue.” Donnie explained. “Y’know, the teacher’s pet archetype-...” Suddenly all eyes were on Leo- or his brother’s eyes, at least. Now it was the leader’s turn to look away with a slightly irritated expression in his case.
“Knock it off, Donnie.” That was all Leo said, though his brothers started grinning maliciously. “Aren’t we going to watch the movie April picked out?”
“I dunno Leo, this is also pretty fun to watch.” Mikey snickered, turning his head to watch April, who was currently hiding her face. A well-aimed kick to the younger’s side put a stop to the embarrassing situation.
“My movie’s still on the table.” A well-aimed glare from two unimpressed siblings also put a stop to Donnie’s suggestion. “Alright! Alright… Good thing we’re sleeping in the same room I guess. Mikey won’t need to wake anyone up.”
“I don’t do that anymore!” Mikey snapped, looking extremely offended. 
“Yeah, cause we haven’t watched a Horror movie in over a month, moron. You don’t have a reason to.” Raph put down his comic and grabbed the controller out of Donnie’s hands. “Now, let’s see what this movie’s about.”
April had quite enjoyed the movie for a few reasons: The story was well-written, the characters were authentic, the scares had great timing, and she could sense exactly what her friends were feeling during the movie. Good thing, too; knowing that your friends are somewhat more scared than you is a pretty pleasant feeling.
Mikey had gone into a fear-induced trance and was currently stuffing his face with ice cream. Raph had remained marginally calm throughout the movie and therefore wasn’t too bothered after it had ended, whilst both Donnie and Leo were still slightly on edge. 
Deciding to have fun with this situation, April tapped Leo’s shoulder and watched him jolt. Then she tapped Donnie’s. Same reaction. Ooh, this might be fun.
“What? Is something up, April?” Donnie asked, peering up at the girl. She grinned and raised a brow. “What are you-... Oh haha, I jumped. So funny.” Raph was laughing alongside April, who had begun giggling herself.
Leo frowned at her before turning to Raph and glaring. “You’re rubbing off on her.” He said, shoving Raph’s shoulder. The younger turtle grinned. He had nothing to feel guilty about when they were both so ‘jumpy’. Why wouldn’t April want to mess around with them? Leo went to further scold the other when he felt something breathe on his neck. 
He yelped. Loudly.
April, Donnie and Raph burst out into loud cackles. They sounded akin to a pack of hyenas; even Mikey was laughing despite his prior state of uncontrolled fear. April had been the one to blow air on the back of his neck, and she looked so smug, despite the fact she was laughing hysterically. 
“Why would you do that!” Leo snapped, his face a brilliant shade of red that clashed horribly with his green scales. April was vividly reminded of Christmas at her Aunt’s house. She also thought it was rather cute. Ignoring the second thought, she pressed a finger into Leo’s chest.
“Because,” she grinned, face full of malicious pride. “It was funny.”
Leo pushed her hand away, still marginally red in the face. She looked really confident and sounded even more so. The fuzzy feeling was back.
Then their eyes locked, and April’s grin faltered. He looked adorable. The fuzzy feeling in her chest made her worry.
It made them both worry.
“Dudes, do we have to sleep in the dark?” Mikey complained as Donnie turned off the lights in the dojo. There came a resounding ‘yes’ from the rest of the group in response, and Mikey groaned dramatically. “You won’t even know if I’m gone!”
After a few rounds of Monopoly - all of which were won by Donnie, who was then hunted down by Raph and Mikey and tickled mercilessly in the middle of the dojo - the group finally decided to go to bed. And by ‘go to bed’, that meant getting comfortable just in case anyone passed out. No one wanted to wake up with cramps.
Currently, only Raph, Leo and Mikey were lying on their futons. Donnie was busy clearing up around the doorway so that no one tripped over in the dark while April was getting dressed in another room.
“We can tell when you get a midnight snack, Mikey.” Donnie said incredulously. “I think we’ll notice if something bad is happening to you.”
“That’s what you think!”
“I told you he wouldn’t sleep.” Raph grumbled to Leo, who nodded vaguely, too focused on his comics to fully register the conversation. Just then, April walked into the dojo wearing a nice pair of pyjamas. For once, Leo lost focus on his comics in favour of something else.
This reaction didn’t go unnoticed. Donnie had done a sweeping glance of the room to find any trip hazards and had gotten a good look at his brother’s flushed face. He looked at where Leo was staring, noticed it was April, and then stared at Raph.
His eyes were wide. 
Raph had the distinct feeling that someone was staring at him. He glanced around and quickly noticed Donnie’s wide eyes, which looked incredibly unnerving when dimly illuminated by some sparsely lit candles. Cringing, he shot Donnie a questioning expression. The lanky turtle nodded towards Leo, to which Raph turned his attention.
Leo was currently watching April as she discussed sleeping methods with Mikey. Raph’s eyes widened, and he mouthed the words ‘he’s blushing’ to Donnie, who mouthed the words ‘I know’ back at him. 
Raph tapped his brother’s shoulder, who snapped out of his affectionate gaze to look questioningly at the other. “What’s with you?” He asked, noticing Leo’s face had gone slightly redder due to his nerves.
“What do you mean?” Leo whispered, and Raph started explaining himself, only for April to laugh at something Mikey said. Her laugh temporarily transfixed the leader, and Donnie had to clear his throat. The leader hunched his shoulders, bracing for a bombardment of insults after ignoring Raph’s answer. But nothing came; Donnie repeated what he had been too distracted to hear.
“You like her. Don’t you?”
Leo froze. The statement threw him so severely that he remained dead silent, staring at Donnie with his brows raised.
He swallowed. 
The fuzzy feeling was back from before, but it was so much worse this time. Leo had started imagining what people did when they were in love. Then he imagined himself and April in those situations, and it was like someone lit his face on fire.
Leo decided not to answer, and Donnie chose not to pry. Surprisingly, Raph didn’t attempt to pry either though that didn’t stop him from smirking broadly at the blue-clad leader.
Again April felt a change in Leo’s emotional state. She turned and saw that he was gazing at her with a slightly guilty expression. Their eyes met. Even at this moment - when the fuzzy feeling was so prominent April could practically feel it emanating off the turtle next to her - all she noticed was his guilt. A quick glance around the room. Raph was busy reading Leo’s comics, Donnie was still checking for hazards, and Mikey was complaining about the lights.
April stood up.
“I’m going to get some water.” She said before glancing at the leader. “Wanna come with me?” The two gazed awkwardly at each other for a brief moment.
Oh god, this was awkward. The tap slowly filled up the glass April had retrieved from the cupboard. The pair stood in silence. Tense silence. She turned the tap off and took a large swig of water. Leo watched her. Their eyes met for the third time. 
“Are you alright Leo?” 
The question broke through the empty silence, and Leo shuffled his feet. Eye contact now broken, he stared fixedly at the glass clutched in April’s hand and gave her a nod.
“I can tell when you’re lying, y’know.” April commented loftily. “How many times have you used me as a lie detector now? Like 8– maybe 9 times?” Leo’s face was flushed, and he was now staring intently at the floor. “Leo…?”
“It’s nothing.” He insisted, making the trek back over to the dojo. April quickly followed suit, although she latched onto his sash and pulled him back. “April—” but something stopped him. April was close to his face, examining his expression in the darkened lair. “H-Hey–!”
“You’re red again.”
“D-Do you not realise how close you are to my face?”
April stared into his eyes for a moment, then let go of his sash. “I need to wash the glass. Meet you back in the—”
“I’m coming back with you.” Leo said abruptly, now making the trek back over to the sink. April looked dumbfounded.
“But you were the one who—” Leo waved a hand. 
The tap was back on again, as was the silence between the pair, though the tension was slightly different. The glass kept slipping out of April’s hands whenever she looked at the turtle, whilst Leo’s breath quickened when he did the same. Both teens were somewhat flushed. 
What was happening? 
“Listen—” They said in unison. Then stared at each other in surprise. April dropped the glass again. 
“You go first.” April insisted, picking up the glass to towel dry it. Leo hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck before sucking in a deep breath of air.
“I think I like you.” 
The glass shattered as it hit the floor. April moved back in reflex but slipped on the excess water. Lunging forward, the leader caught her before she could hit the back of her head on the table. This, unfortunately, led to a shard of glass getting embedded into the bottom of Leo’s foot. 
“Quick! Move away from where it smashed!” April looked frankly shocked at almost everything that had just occurred. Leo gingerly fell down beside the table and hissed with pain. “Gosh, I’m sorry Leo I-I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine April, I was the one who caused thaAAH!” April had carefully lifted the turtle’s foot to examine the wound when she had accidentally pressed into the shard, causing Leo to yelp in pain. Again, April apologised profusely. “Nono, I’m alright.” The girl quickly turned on her phone’s flashlight and made her way over to the light switch. 
“Oh god.” April breathed, staring down at the blood-stained floor. Leo felt slightly unwell as he stared at his foot. It looked like a deep wound. “H-Hold on, I’ll get Donnie.”
Leo watched her run back to the dojo with a grim expression. He was too forward. Way too forward. 
“What?” The lanky turtle rushed out of the dojo, followed closely by April and his brothers. Leo cringed at Donnie’s look of utter exasperation and opted to examine his injury further. “I heard a smash, but I didn’t expect you—”
“Nice going Chief.” Raph mused though he was clearly concerned.
“It looks like a scene from a horror movie!” Mikey commented loudly, excitement overpowering his concern. Raph smacked his shoulder. “Sorry, it’s just– look at all that blood!” 
“You don’t need to point it out, Mikey.” Leo mumbled, actively paling at the sight. It was pooling around his foot at this point. Gross. Donnie rushed over to Leo’s side and gave him a shoulder to lean on as he stood up. The minute he turned Leo away from the shards of glass, the leader came face-to-face with a worried girl.
He went red.
“Come on bro.” Donnie sighed, “Mikey, I trust you and Raph can handle the mess—”
“I’ll handle it.” April insisted, “It’s my mess. It’s the least I can do.”
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therealgchu · 6 months ago
Snippet Sunday - Sam's Wild Night
this will prolly go up soonish? i'm going into trial crunch time this week, so i dunno how much i'll be writing. it's almost finished, but i'm expecting long nights and working over the weekends for the next couple weeks. first trial since 2021.
that said, this is the start of a new round of flashback stories, part of the anamnesis line, but its own since it'll be spicy, and i don't want the tags to get muddied.
thanks @fangbangerghoul for the tag! tagging anyone else who wants to share their snippets today.
Anamnesis stories are here.
To the Shore is here.
sneak peak coming in spicy (this section is pg, actually).
Sam was sitting in a booth in the Astral Lounge, a beer in one hand, a shot in the other. He was waiting for his boss to show up, but decided to start the party without him. He’d just gotten done with a haul out to Niira where his grav drive decided to throw a fit. It took hours to fix, and he was lucky to have been able to even limp to Neon. His usually clean-shaven face had a day’s stubble since he had just enough time to take a shower and change clothes, but not much more than that. The stubble was still pretty blond, and not very visible.
While he was waiting, an attractive couple came up smiling. “Aren’t you a bit young to be here?” the woman asked. She was a stunning blonde with hazel eyes, and legs that went all the way up.
Sam smiled at her, “I’m 20, darlin’, more than old enough to be in here,” he answered cockily. “In fact, it’s my birthday today.”
The woman smiled, “Happy birthday, then,” she purred. She gestured to the empty seat to the left of Sam, and he patted the spot. She sat down, “Claire,” she said as she held out her hand. Sam took it and kissed it. Claire smiled then gestured to her companion, “Dane,” she said, introducing him. Dane sat down to Sam’s right..
The man had chestnut hair and warm brown eyes, and the most amazing peaches and cream complexion Sam had ever seen on a person. He was equally as beautiful as the woman. Sam smiled broadly at both of them. Dane chuckled and patted Sam on the knee, “It’s because you’re clean shaven. I bet you that a beard would make you look older,” he said.
Sam cocked his head to the side, “Huh, I hadn’t thought of that. I thought that a lot of women didn’t like facial hair?” he asked.
Claire smiled, “I love facial hair, so long as it’s nicely trimmed,” she leaned in.
Dane nodded, “A beard on a man such as yourself is very attractive.” He gently touched Sam’s jaw, “It would bring out your bone structure so nicely.”
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year ago
hi! i love your fic recs, and was wondering if you had any good secret relationship/fake relationship 9-1-1 fics?
Not many! But here are some I’ve read :)
Secret Relationship
nobody has to know  by coupe_de_foudre (@panevanbuckley)
“You think he knows?” Eddie shrugs, only half-heartedly batting at Buck’s hand as he goes to dip his fries into Eddie’s milkshake. Buck just sticks his tongue out childishly before shoving the fries into his mouth and Eddie rolls his eyes. It does nothing to rid the adoration from his face, so Buck doesn’t take it too personally. “I dunno, I think he might suspect something.” Buck takes another fry, dangling it by his mouth for a moment. “Shame,” he says, taking a bite, “I was enjoying nobody knowing.”
* just to be with you by woodchoc_magnum (@woodchoc-magnum)
In which Eddie and Ana are dating, Buck is secretly in love with him, and Christopher isn't handling it well. This is a series and the second part really focuses on the secret relationship!
* Missing Pieces by AshwinMeird (@ashwinmeird)
Hen was not sure what to make of the new recruit, Evan "Buck" Buckley. He was reckless and that was about as much as she knew about him.
That eventually changes though and all the important parts of Buck's life reveal themselves to her over time.
* fair-weather love by maybemaybenottt (@deareddie)
"A crack of thunder. A rough shove. An empty space where Buck stood just moments ago. A pit in his stomach as he realises his boyfriend has just fallen 25 feet. A shout that claws its way out of his throat involuntarily.   "BUCK!"" or, A call goes wrong. Buck falls. Eddie waits.
Fake Relationship
dreamin' with the lights on by trippingminor (@probieravi)
“Uh, that’s not all,” Eddie says, before he loses his nerve. “I was hoping you’d come as my—partner.” He winces as soon as the words leave his mouth, because genuinely, this is the stupidest goddamn idea. Shannon is probably cackling wherever she is over the fact that Eddie is acting the man he is very tragically in love with to be his—fucking fake boyfriend, or something, just to avoid the attention of some PTA parents.Buck blinks at him. “Are you—you want to pretend to be in a relationship to get Heather Paul off your back?” he asks, fingers squeezing around Eddie’s pulse point a little. or, eddie asks buck to come to christopher’s parent-teacher conference with him as his boyfriend. it’s fine. really.
* To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels)
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
The Buckleys are celebrating their 50th Anniversary, and Maddie and Buck are both expected to come. To take the heat off Maddie, Buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. Obviously, there's only one solution: bring Eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. No problem, except for the, uh. "Pretend" part. Oops.
* I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Til I Saw Your Face by HMSLusitania (@hmslusitania)
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid(like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
* things we shouldn't do by Ingu (@ingu)
“Why is everybody taking my relationship status so personally? Can’t I be fine with being single?” Buck said. “Hey, you don’t have to say yes, be sad and alone if that’s what you want,” Josh replied. “But, I’m just saying. I’ve seen photos and this guy is volcanic levels of hot. Also, single dad, super cute kid. Saves lives for a living like you. I think you should give it a go.” (the one where Buck and Eddie accidentally get set up on a blind date with each other, and everything snowballs from there)
* Speak Now by datleggy (@datleggy)
Fake Dating AU idea from a tumblr post that got out of hand the minute I started writing. Eddie lies to Shannon about being in a serious relationship when she wants to re-enter his and Christopher's lives, and of course the person he asks to be his pretend significant other is none other than Evan Buckley, because what are bros for?
* And of course, Tethers by red_to_black (@redtooblack) [WIP]
Eddie's spent years trying to find a place to call home with Christopher, hoping that Shannon will come back and then desperately hoping she wouldn't. He thinks he's in the clear when she shows up at his doorstep, demanding they get back together. Eddie comes up with a foolproof plan: get a fake boyfriend, convince Shannon he's gay, and live happily ever after with his life mostly intact and Christopher safe and happy. Get rid of fake boyfriend when Shannon gives up, and life can resume as normal. Enter Buck, and the plan goes to hell in a handbasket.
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thealphashitter · 4 months ago
A Walk In the Park | Five X Male Reader | Chapter Three
"Oh my God, I am so, so sorry are you okay?” A familiar voice said to Five. He opened his with a groan to find the same boy from school sitting on the ground apologizing to him. Five didn't have time for this, he needed some fresh air and he needed it now.
Five quickly spotted an alley 20ft in front of him and swiftly stood up and made his way over there. He turned into the alley and spatial jumped into his secret spot in the New York State Park, a small enclosure in the forest.
Five fell on the ground and groaned, he looked around but felt sharp leaves cut at his face, most of them just grazing but a few got him good. He needed to find a new spot to teleport to.
Five stood up and looked around. One lady with a stroller walking by looked at him and walked faster down the pathway. There wasn't anybody other than him and the lady getting increasingly further away from him. Good. He needed peace and quiet. He made his way out of the bush and made his way down the path opposite to the lady. Humming a little tune as he did so.
Five had many great memories here. He would often escape the house and come here on many occasions when everything became too much for him. Sometimes his mother would take them all down here on the weekend and they'd run around and play like normal children. Sometimes they'd play hide and seek and nobody would be able to find Five until they had to go home, which only then he would reveal himself to the others. He would be very proud of himself for winning the game. Sometimes the others would get fed up with him but they still included him nonetheless. It was also one of the only times they would hang out with Victor –or as you would know as Vanya at the time– and include him in their activities.
He looked at the little pond that younger Five had always wished to fish in. There was a golden retriever with its owner playing with a dog toy by the edge of the pond. It was one of those rope ones with a knot on the ends. He gazed at the dog remembering one of his missions at the commission.
Five had been sent to kill off the father of a family. It was one of his first missions and he was around in his early 20s. He made his way down the streets of New Orleans and found himself at a townhouse. He walked up the steps and hesitated at the door before he heard a dog barking. He took a deep breath and rang the bell. He heard heavy footsteps and the door opened to reveal a very thin man with long brown hair in a white tank top and basketball shorts that looked like they were about to fall off him and reveal his ass to the world. His eyes were bloodshot and he had something rolled in paper in his other hand, probably a blunt.
Five opened his mouth to speak before he was interrupted by an older woman's voice coming from inside the house. “Adam, who is at the door?” The woman said before appearing behind Adam with a dish and a cloth in her hands, a golden retriever following close behind. Adam tossed the blunt to the side and turned around to face what Five assumes is his mother. “I dunno’ Ma, he just showed up here-” “Aidan Fischer ma’am, I was wondering if I could have a word with your husband? I'm an assistant of his boss and I was told to bring these to him immediately.” Five gestured to the briefcase that he used to travel space and time with, a smile feigning innocence on his face.
The woman quickly smiled and put the dish and cloth in one hand while extending her right hand to Five. “Dolly darling, my husband is just in the living room.” Dolly said. She disappeared for a moment and Five heard her say “Hey Pumpkin? One of your boss’s assistants is here with paperwork for you!” Dolly said. Adam stepped to the side and gestured for Five to come in and that's what he did.
Five stepped into the home, Adam closing the door behind him as he went outside, probably to look for his blunt. Five didn't care though, none of that was his concern anyway. All he needed to do was kill the man and be done with this.
Five turned into the living room and put on a smile as he greeted the man who he was about to kill. The golden retriever from earlier had curled itself up on one of the couches next to the father. “Hello there Mr. Pavlinsky, I am here because of our mutual boss, I hope you know that.” Five said to the man, honestly he was just saying random things in hopes he gets it. Luckily Mr. Pavlinsky didn't say anything about it. He seemed to be more upset about the fact he was getting work related stuff after-hours.
Mr. Pavlinsky sighed, he switched the TV off before letting out a groan and turning to face Five. “So, what does the big boss want me to have that requires you to interrupt my wonderful evening?” Mr. Pavlinsky asked, annoyance coating his words. “Well Mr. Pavlinsky, it's quite an urgent matter and he told me to get it to you right away.” Five said as he pulled out a gun from his suit and stood up, pointing it at Mr. Pavlinsky’s head. Mr. Pavlinsky's eyes widened as he put his hands up. “Hold on, we can talk about this-” Five pulled the trigger and gone was Mr. Pavlinsky. The dog beside him woke up and was now whimpering in fear but Five didn't pay much mind to him as he opened the briefcase and back at the commission he was.
Five blinked, letting the memory leave his mind. There was no need to dwell on the past. He took one last glance at the dog and owner and continued on his walk.
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