#i dunno but it's kinda funny
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
I don't know when I decided this, but Mangle now calls Roxy 'Littley'. This woman is allergic to calling anyone by their actual fucking name.
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havanillas · 2 months
hello there! just wondering if you're still going to continue merventurine?
i still have unused sketches for it, i'm just gonna have to figure out how to connect them in the linear plot in a way that makes the most sense
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suja-janee · 8 months
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(Mostly) Harumi centric doodle page for a friend
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swordsmans · 7 months
i just really, really love the idea of zoro having no real "survival skills" because he had a much more traditional (if atypical) childhood/youth than most of the crew. bandit heritage aside, he was raised in a tight-knit and relatively peaceful community with (at best) agricultural outskirts. he doesn't leave until he's much older, at which point he becomes a bounty hunter as a way to make money (to pay for food, shelter, etc. presumably in villages, towns, and cities). we know from the non-canon johnny and yosaku backstories that he "hunted" for bounties in cities/towns, at least partially.
meanwhile luffy has been running around the wilderness since he was like seven years old, securing his own food, building fire and shelter, and just generally toughening up/learning how to live in nature. we know he had a pretty extensive knowledge of bugs and how to catch them, so with that + his childhood i don't think it's a stretch to assume he also has an understanding of edible plants and non-monstrous wildlife (even if its not all applicable outside the East Blue). he's survived on his own in the wilderness for years at a time at least twice in canon.
i think it's fun to think of them having... some sort of "zoro is lost in more ways than one" kinda vibe early on in their journey, especially since they're constantly broke pre-timeskip and we know that at least by little garden the crew has started hunting and foraging to supplement their stores. you could absolutely rope the rest of the east blue grew into this, but zoro is still sort of the outlier with his background.
i dunno. maybe i just like the image of luffy trying to teach zoro how to hunt or fish and both of them just having the dumbest time with it. luffy would be really earnest but impatient--and zoro would be stubborn about admitting he doesn't know shit but would still listen and absorb anyway.
luffy having no clue how to start small and work up to new skills, so they end up going after massive wild boars or something as a first or second lesson and zoro just rolls with it because sure, yeah, thats normal. what the hell does he know? (and also hes fucking. zoro. so.)
or luffy teaching zoro to fish normally but also like a bear fishes (standing knee-deep in the water and catching fish with his bare hands) because it looks more fun that way and he cant. and zoro just fucking up soooo bad but getting really competitive anyway, even though luffy is just, like, sitting on a nearby rock yelling (frankly terrible) directions at him or something. zoro catches nothing and luffy tells him he looks stupid getting angry at the river so of course zoro is going to master fucking. bare-handed fishing because the man's got one braincell and its 99% stubborn pride.
he fucking sucks at starting a fire, wouldnt even consider building proper shelter, and in general would not make it 0.2 seconds outside a populated environment without his captain--a guy raised by the jungle and ace, who was basically a wild animal himself.
idk. survival-competent luffy is very near and dear to my heart.
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idontcaboose · 2 months
Haunted Car Au Part 12
Previous. Masterpost
Danny wasn't completely sure what all of the sound files Duke uploaded into the radio storage. Granted, the fact that there was apparently a 10 Terabyte hard drive just for the radio seemed a bit much, although it was over half full before Duke gave him a metric butt load of sound bytes, so maybe Batman was onto something. Now it was about three-quarters full…. How many files were there?
Either way, whoever named these files are the MvP of this entire situation. Either they were just the name of the saying, or we're named something like ‘exasperated 4’ and they were On Point!
Unfortunately there weren't any defined names other than movie references. Why were there three different versions of the “Hey, Becky, look at her butt” Danny didn't know, but he might use them for reasons.
Duke had left him alone with a disgruntled “Good Luck” after Danny started playing the ‘mood’ files to see exactly what they were. He figured Duke would come back in a few hours to have a “conversation” about his predicament. Until then……
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @thespacedragons @atinygracie @okami-love @lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple
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pikinanouart · 5 months
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carnevol · 4 months
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its-a-me-mango · 5 months
Mr puzzle How is your kid doing rn
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stardust-sunset · 4 months
kind of funnyish but when i saw the outsiders musical there’s a dinner scene between the curtis brothers and at the end of bows i remember i think it was brody and jason and brent? (my eyes aren’t the most reliable, they all kind of look the same except pony because he’s got the fluffy hair or the sasuke on crack wig) ran back to the table and just started wolfing a bit of the food down before waving goodbye with their mouths full and running off and it was such a curtis brothers thing to do.
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cuttyflammm · 2 years
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jinxed-sinner · 5 months
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Your Guardian Fallen Angel - 3/?
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f in the chat for Vox
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marclef · 2 months
my last Artfights this year, i got kinda burnt out near the end but still had a lot of fun!! hopefully i'll be able to join in next year too ✨✨
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(yes Fakey is in all of them. i kinda had too much fun drawing him.)
from top left to bottom right though, it's:
Otto for @goriiblissxx
Focacci for peachmilk
Werejester for @fluglyy
Ria Tequila for @riabunn
Gene the Bat for @moon9931
Cherrylux for @onionstree
Sef for @melting-cheese
Magnus for @klownkoster
yeehaw 👍👍👍
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smokin-corn · 2 months
thoughts on recent utmv news? personally im distraught
I feel very sad for Jakei, to feel run off from doing something that she loves. And it’s very sad that everyone is so angry all the time. I don’t understand these people who put all their efforts into getting back at others, rather then, I dunno? Enjoying their time? It’s also wild that no one seems to believe in people changing, that they are different from their past. To them, Jakei from years past matters more than the person she is present day.
I also don’t think this is the “end of the fandom”. It’s not like Underverse is why the fandom exists, it’s just a part of the whole picture. To say it’s going to die means that you’re ignoring other creators that you love, the people with their own little aus and fanarts. You feel just as much joy from those don’t you?
A fandom will only die if you let it. Reblog the shit out of stuff!! Idc about how ur blog looks, that’s what tags are for! And create only from the joy of your heart!
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basement-mirror · 6 months
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rake at the gates of hell.png
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magicicephoenix · 1 year
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i know the joke is usually that they die but consider: it literally shocked him out of toon form
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decoy-sammy · 11 days
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MegaSound Week Day 2: Loss
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