#i drew kai a while ago
dollofdeath · 1 year
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catching up on whale weekly
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angie-starz · 1 year
Doodles based on Gorgon!Kuruno AU by @number1villainstan
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making art truly is just hating making art but hating not making art more.
catch me spending the past hour saying "i hate this pen. why did i choose to use this pen?" every other minute whilst also forcing myself to acknowledge that ive chosen a pen that will look really cool but oh my god i hate the pen
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idyllcy · 1 year
couple tiktoks with the robins
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Word count: ~ 700
Summary: cheesy tiktok trends with the robins :3
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𓅫. "Heard you're looking for a boyfriend" - Tim Drake
"'kay, just," you show Tim the tiktok, fingers laced together, practically begging him to do the tiktok with you. Tim grimaces, but it's minimal effort, so he listens. He stands to the side as the audio plays from your shared airpods, waiting for you to move the camera to the side. He hates to admit it, but as he steps next to you to lean on the mirror, raising a brow with a mask on and your eyes light up, his breath catches in his throat. You're always so pretty— too pretty. You're always so pretty. And god, if doing couple trends meant that you'd stare at him like that, then he'd do all of them with you. (Though, he has to make sure none of his friends finds out about them. The embarrassment would eat him alive) Tim waits for you to stop recording, the noise going off in his ear as he steps next to you, staring at the tiktok. He looks just as lovesick as you. "Aww, you're supposed to look a little intimidating." You mumble quietly. "You're looking at me too cheesily" "You look too excited too." Tim sticks his tongue out at you, pointing at the way your pupils were blown wide. "Maybe we're both just lovesick fools." Tim doesn't see a problem with that.
𓅫. "she is the best thing that's ever been mine" - Jason Todd
"I know this is a trend for sapphics but please please please PLEASE—" You beg. "The only photos I'd be able to put are the ugly ones of you." Jason rolls his eyes. "No." "But you have a whole album of—" "No." You pout, jutting out your bottom lip at Jason as he wavers slightly. He doesn't even have capcut downloaded. He doesn't want to download it. It's just a silly tiktok trend, and sure you're obsessed with showing him off on your private social media, but there was no way he was posting you on his accounts. You grumble, going back to scrolling through your phone, typing on it, and Jason assumes that you're complaining to your friends about how he won't do the trend. He goes back to his own phone, putting his airpod back on, a video playing. You could complain all you want— He wasn't doing it. Yet, the recently deleted app on his phone and the newly downloaded video on his hidden album suggest anything but. Stupid. It's in his drafts. (Not that he'd tell you.)
𓅫. "Oh, I can't stop singing" - Damian Wayne
"Stay still." You set your phone on the table as you squish onto Damian's lap, and he raises a brow at you, setting his pencil down. He notices your phone recording, and you pull out your lipstick. Damian pauses. He knows this audio. He's pretty sure one of his classmates was showing him it a while ago. You draw half a heart onto your cheek, pressing your cheek to his affectionately, warmth pressed to Damian's cheeks, leaving the mark of a heart... no you drew the half the wrong way. You pause, the mistake registering in your head as the audio continues playing. "Habibbti, I don't think—" You burst into laughter at the accident, hiding your face in his collar, kicking your legs in embarrassment. Damian purses his lips in amusement with you, running his hand down your back soothingly while shaking slightly. That was funny. "Sorry for messing up and making you pause." You stop laughing after a while. Damian smiles, shaking his head, reaching for a wet wipe on his desk. "Would you like to try again?" Who are you to say no?
𓅫. "stay with me, I don't want you to leave" -Dick Grayson
"Okay, so—" "I'm in." Dick gives you two thumbs up. "I recognize this audio." "I really can't surprise you with any couple trend, huh?" You laugh. "Sweetheart, I'm on Tiktok more than you." Dick smiles, handing you your lipstick. You pout, taking it anyway, peppering Dick's face with kisses before the lipstick dries, smudging some of the kisses, letting the others look fine on their own on others. Dick presses kisses back to your skin while you reapply the lipstick, some of the red on his lips getting on yours, causing you to pout. He was getting you red too. You finish, eventually. (Dick's face is practically a red mess from both you and the lipstick) You step to the side to wipe the lipstick he got onto your face, setting up your phone and starting the tiktok. Dick stares at you the whole time, eyes gentle, sick with an affection reserved for only you, lips pulled into a foolish smile. You pout when you ruin your lipstick, only for Dick to reach for your chin, the phone panning to his face, a mess of red on his face, a stupid smile on his face, eyes crinkled, holding all of the love in the world for you and only you. (and god do you melt at the sight)
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
My Home
Requested Here!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x (shy-ish)fem!reader
Summary: You are Deacon's favorite neighbour, but when you start receiving threats, he notices a change in you. While he and his team search for answers, you are attacked. Deacon returns home to find you and come to some realisations of his own.
Warnings: fluff then angst then back to fluff, descriptive threats and violence against reader (nothing too serious, though), Deacon gets angry and protective
Word Count: 4.5k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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Moving to a new place is never easy, but when you’re on the shyer side, it becomes infinitely more difficult. When you move into your new home in Los Angeles, you are careful about who you choose to introduce yourself to. One neighbour stands out; you see him leaving and returning at odd hours, often wearing a shirt with ‘L.A.P.D.’ printed on it. When he notices you in your yard or getting out of your car, he smiles or waves, and you return it, albeit shyly. He is the only neighbour you think about and actually want to talk to. 
So, now that your boxes are unpacked and your spaces are beginning to feel like your own, you decide to bake him a few treats and put together a gift basket. He welcomed you without bombarding questions or making you nervous, and you appreciate that. And his attractiveness certainly doesn’t hurt your opinion of him.
Crossing the road carefully, you balance the finished basket in your arms. There are baked goods, cookies, a batch of scones, and a casserole at the bottom, with some store-bought items you think anyone would appreciate. You saw him arrive home about an hour ago, just after you removed the scones from the oven. Taking a deep breath, you raise one hand and knock on his door, silently praying that you are right about him and that he is as kind as you believe he will be. The door opens quickly, and he smiles at you. You can’t stop your matching smile as it grows, nor do you want to.
“Hi,” you say, willing your voice to remain steady as you introduce yourself.
“Pretty name,” he murmurs. “I’m David, but my friends call me Deacon.”
“Then what I should I call you?”
His eyebrows raise as his smile shifts, crooked at his amusement. “Deacon,” he decides, nodding once.
“Nice to meet you, Deacon. I’m sure you’ve seen me – or maybe you haven’t – but I just moved in across the street a few weeks ago. I wanted to do a little something for my new neighbours, so I brought you this,” you say, offering him the basket, though his eyes remain on your face as he accepts it. “I hope you like it.”
“Thank you,” he says, trying to catch your eyes again.
You shy away slightly with his full attention on you, though you don’t mind it as much as you should.
“And I have noticed you,” Deacon adds. “Who wouldn’t?”
Heat crawls up your neck, and your shoes are suddenly worthy of all your attention. Deacon chuckles, turning to set the basket down as he treats it with such care you suddenly wonder what it would be like to be held by him.
“You’re a little shy, aren’t you?” Deacon asks.
It doesn’t sound right; when other people ask, it’s a condescending or pity-filled question, but when Deacon asks, it seems like he’s asking about your favourite colour. He treats the topic like it’s just another mundane fact about you.
Nodding, you force your eyes back to his face. “I can be.”
“I’ll try not to tease you, then. Too much.”
“Seems like you’re starting early.”
You smile, and Deacon can barely handle it. Your personality drew him in, even when he only knew you from across the street. Your shy greetings and kindness awe him; Deacon doesn’t understand how someone who gets shy so quickly can also be so kind. You’re like a drop of sunlight, and Deacon has learned to appreciate each drop he can find.
After giving Deacon the gift basket, and avoiding his questioning as to who else received one, you grow closer daily. Instead of waving when he gets home, Deacon jogs across the street and stands in your yard to talk to you. He asks you about your day and if you’ve baked anything else. He remains true to his word, only teasing you occasionally when you get shy.
As you return home, Deacon is waiting in front of your door. He walks to your car, opening your door after you turn the ignition off.
“You’re late,” he says, offering a hand as he helps you out.
“I needed groceries,” you argue, smiling as you squeeze his hand in thanks.
You hop out of the car and move to the back, revealing numerous bags.
“However,” you begin, turning toward him with pure sunshine in your eyes. “I don’t think I can eat this entire recipe by myself.”
Deacon’s brows furrow and your smile drops slightly, prepared to retract your comment.
“Well, who could turn down an invitation like that? Does the smile come with the meal?”
You press your shoulder to your cheek, hiding as you turn away from him.
“How are you going to survive tonight?” Deacon asks playfully.
“I also got you a new flowerpot, because the ones on your porch are outgrowing the vase. If you don’t like it, I can get you another one.”
“It’s perfect.”
“You haven’t seen it.”
“You bought it. It’s perfect.”
Deacon decides to keep you company while you cook, though you think he’s more efficient in distracting you. He helps you chop vegetables and mix spices, but when his arm brushes against yours, you lose your train of thought and stop talking in the middle of a sentence.
Deacon notices and smiles but decides saying anything would fall into the ‘teasing too much’ category. And if he accidentally touches you again, it seems like a complete accident.
“You’re the best neighbour ever,” Deacon praises after he takes the first bite.
“I think you are,” you argue.
“You don’t know any other neighbours,” Deacon says, pointing at you with his fork.
“Who needs more than you?”
Deacon smiles, his brows raising at your boldness. When he leaves after helping you clean up, he hugs you tightly and promises to cook for you as soon as he has time.
“So, when you retire?” you joke.
“Just for that comment, we’re setting a date,” Deacon decides, opening the calendar on his phone. “Next Friday. That work for you?”
“That’s perfect.”
Deacon turns to return home, and you call his name, waiting for him to turn around before you speak.
“Thank you.”
“It’s what the best neighbours are for!” he yells, winking at you and laughing when you duck your chin to hide your face.
The morning after your dinner with Deacon, you wake with a smile. His car is gone; he told you he was leaving early for a 24-hour shift. You tried to get him home early, but he said time with you was more important than sleep.
When you walk into your kitchen, you see the flowerpot you got for Deacon and decide to surprise him by transplanting his plant so it has room to grow and finding the perfect spot to place it. You toss a pair of gloves, a small trowel and an old rag into the container before locking your front door and walking toward Deacon’s house. Stopping in your driveway, you set everything down to remove a piece of paper from under your windshield wiper.
where women belong
The papers are haphazardly taped together: the concluding line of T.S. Eliot’s “The Hollow Men” and three additional words. Together, the sentence doesn’t mean anything to you until you read the last line, clumsily added in bold block letters.
no more policeman
You swallow harshly, glancing around. It’s another ordinary day in the neighbourhood as you hold a threatening note that someone somehow placed less than thirty feet from your front door without being noticed. Sliding the paper in your pocket, you look between Deacon’s house and the flowerpot. 
“No more policeman,” you repeat to yourself. “But the policeman isn’t home.”
To get your mind off the note and Deacon, you continue your walk to his porch and kneel as you begin working. It doesn’t take too long, but the process is therapeutic while it lasts.
There’s probably a metaphor about outgrowing your old surroundings or finding bigger, better things, but you're not in the mood to appreciate it. Once you’re finished, you can only think about the paper in your pocket. Stepping back to ensure the plant looks good in its new location, you nod to yourself and remove your gloves, gathering your things to return to your empty house.
Deacon can never find out about the note; no one can. As far as you can tell, after hours of staring at it, the message means you will end not with a bang but with a whimper unless you stop talking to Deacon. You pray to find a different meaning, but you only know one policeman and the singular tense makes you think that’s who it’s about.
Spending the first night alone after receiving the threat is not enjoyable, and your fear multiplies when you remember that Deacon is at work all night. Finally falling into a fitful sleep, you dream of Deacon and a time when nothing separates your lives.
The following morning, Deacon still isn’t back when you wake. Moving slowly, you enter your kitchen and prepare far more food than you can eat alone. Someone rings the doorbell, and when you finally reach it, pulling it ajar slowly, a package is in the middle of your doormat. You rip it open, your heart falling when you see the paper within.
good job not telling anyone. 
Friends can stay close until they learn too much, for that is when enemies are formed.
The first line feels like a bullet ripping through you: whoever this is can see you. If they know you haven’t told anyone, they know everything you have or haven’t done recently. Who knows how long they have been watching you.
You hear Deacon’s car before you see it, rushing to stash the new note with the other. Friends can stay close, but you can’t alert Deacon that anything is wrong. You don’t know what to do. If you weren’t aware that someone was watching you, you would tell Deacon and pray that everything worked out in the end, but now you’re putting Deacon in the line of fire, which is something he chooses to do at work, not at home.
“Good morning!” he calls as he jogs across the street.
“Morning,” you answer, letting him in before returning to the kitchen to finish cooking.
Deacon’s brows furrow at your lack of enthusiasm. You usually act like you haven’t seen him in years, even if it’s been mere minutes.
“Everything go alright without me last night?” Deacon asks, helping himself to your fridge.
You hum something like “mmhmm,” and that’s all Deacon gets. He closes the fridge a bit too roughly, and you jump.
“Sorry,” Deacon says quietly.
“’S okay,” you mumble. “How was work?”
“Pretty good. There was a bank robbery in the hills with a bunch of hostages, but other than that it was pretty quiet.”
You nod, not looking in his direction. 
“Are you alright? Did something happen?” he asks gently.
“I’m good,” you answer, sending him a close-lipped smile before sliding a plate in front of him. “Glad work went well.”
A car door closes outside, and you flinch. Deacon knows your shyness inside and out, but this jumpiness seems more related to fear.
“A few of the guys from my team and I are going out to dinner tonight, you should come,” Deacon offers, watching your eyes dart past him.
“Um, I actually have a few things to do tonight, but thank you for the invite,” you decline.
“That's fine,” Deacon says, smiling when you look in his direction again. “But it’s an open invite, so if you change your mind let me know.”
You nod, wiping an invisible stain on the table before you.
“It looks great by the way.”
“What does?” you ask, furrowing your brows as you finally look him in the eye.
“My plant. You have good taste; I never would have considered moving it there.”
Your shoulders fold inward, your body physically shrinking, which scares Deacon. He’s prepared to hold your face in one place to keep your attention and get answers, even though he’d be breaking his promise about abusing your shyness. Someone knocks, and your eyes slam shut as you take a shaky breath.
“I’ll get it,” Deacon offers, tossing his napkin onto the table.
“No, it’s fine,” you whisper, but Deacon raises his eyebrows and points at you, enough of a warning that you fall back into your seat.
He returns a moment later and stops in the doorway, looking at you.
“Pizza delivery had the wrong house.”
“Who orders pizza this early?” you wonder aloud.
Deacon’s lips twitch at the reminder of your usual self. His phone rings, and you turn away quickly, like the sound prefaces something far more dangerous. Deacon focuses on you as he answers, sighing when Hondo asks him to return to the station.
“What are you doing tonight?” Deacon inquires as he slides his phone into his pocket.
“Running errands,” you lie.
“I have to go back to work but call if you need anything. Anything at all.”
You nod and wait for the sound of Deacon’s car to fade before cleaning up the breakfast mess. Deacon usually helps, but when he’s called in, you’re more than happy to do it alone, grateful for the time you spend with him. Today, though, you want to call him, beg him to come back and tell him everything.
“Because it’s stupid,” Deacon snaps.
Street’s eyes widen as he raises his hands. “Sorry.”
“What’s up with you?” Hondo asks, not unkind but unwilling to skirt around the fact that something is bothering Deacon and affecting his ability to be part of the team.
Deacon sighs. “My neighbour. She’s not acting like herself, and I think she lied to me about where she was going.”
“Maybe she has a hot date,” Street says before rushing to say, “Kidding.”
Deacon manages a sad chuckle before responding, “I wish that was it. She can be shy, but she's always kind and happy. Today she's been jumpy and scared. Every unexpected sound seemed to terrify her.”
“Wait, sunny neighbour from across the street?” Hondo clarifies. Deacon nods and Hondo asks, “Should we do something?”
“You know her?” Luca asks Hondo.
“I’ve met her twice. She barely talks to me, but that doesn’t sound like her. If something upset her enough to scare her like that and keep her from telling the one person she doesn’t get that shy around, it’s serious.”
“Tell us what to do and we’re on it, Deac,” Street offers.
“I need to know if anyone has contacted her lately,” Deacon begins.
“Phone records?” Luca asks. “We can find out if anyone on the street has security cams, too.”
“It’s a start,” Deacon replies. “Thanks, guys.”
Hondo claps Deacon’s shoulder, nodding a silent promise that they’ll do anything to help.
Your house is silent. The television couldn’t hold your attention, so you switched it off and decided staring into our backyard would be a better idea. Mid-day, there isn’t much to see in terms of suburban Los Angeles wildlife. The wind blows slightly, so you watch the grass, wishing you felt safe enough to sit outside to read or open the window and bake.
Glass shattering pulls you from your daydream and grass-watching. Stepping back from the window, you gauge the distance between yourself, the kitchen knives on the counter, and the nearest exit. Before you can decide which direction to move, someone appears in the doorway, exiting the hall.
A deep chuckle shakes you to your core, and you have to fight to keep your eyes open when he rumbles, “This is how the world ends.”
Deep down, you know it’s a bad idea, but you duck to the side and try to beat him to the door. You’re nearly there, close enough that you can taste freedom when an arm wraps around your waist, your ribs practically creaking as he hauls you backwards.
“No,” you cry, digging your fingers into the forearm pressed against your stomach.
“Yes,” he replies, turning and releasing you quickly so you crash into the edge of your kitchen counter.
Turning toward him, you try to round the corner and grab a knife, but he slips his gloved hand over your cheek and into your hair, pulling it by the roots to tilt your head back. Attempting to scratch his face and impair his vision, you raise to your tiptoes and smack your hand across his face, but the mask he’s wearing harms your hand far worse than you managed to hurt him.
Gasping as a tear rolls over your cheek, he hooks a foot behind your ankles, knocking your legs out from under you as he holds you up by your hair.
“Not with a bang,” he whispers.
“What do you want?” you choke out, tears falling freely at the pain and fear you’re experiencing.
“I want my neighbourhood back,” he growls, “and if everyone here has to go out with a whimper, so be it.”
You want to ask more questions, but he jerks his elbow back before throwing you to the ground. Your shoulder and hip collide with the floor first, followed by the side of your head. Curling in on yourself, you try to find a plan to get out of this situation, but he’s bigger than you, stronger, and comes prepared for a fight.
“You can have the neighbourhood,” you try.
“Not with people like you, and the Duncans, and the cop. This was my turf, my family's ground, and you stole it!”
He uses the heel of his boot to roll you over, stepping on your hip as he follows your movement. Standing above you, with his feet beside your hips, you could try to kick him from behind, but he kneels before you have a chance. Holding your hips down with his knees, he raises his hands to hold either side of your head.
“If I have to come back again, you won’t be so lucky.”
“What do you mean?”
“Remember whose land this is,” he whispers before lifting your head.
You fight to resist the movement, but he pulls your neck up before pushing his hands back down forcefully, cracking your head against the floor and silencing everything.
After you lose consciousness, he stands, wipes his hands together and leaves through the broken window he used to enter.
“Deacon, we got something,” Street says, approaching with a tablet.
He connects to a larger screen, and a grainy video camera recording appears.
“This is from one of your neighbors’ doorbell cams. We can’t see great, but I think it’s a start.”
The video begins, and a large man carrying an envelope walks by on the sidewalk. He asks a man standing in the driveway which house you live in, thanking him quickly before disappearing.
“He doesn’t appear on any other cameras that night,” Luca adds. “But the next day, your camera caught something, Deac.”
“My camera? It didn’t get anything the first time, but it did the second,” Deacon clarifies. “How did that happen?”
“He probably went a different way or didn’t trigger the motion capture,” Hondo answers, gesturing toward the screen.
Luca plays the video, and a man with a similar build walks to your door, knocking as he leaves a package. It’s fuzzy, but you open the door and the package, obviously not pleased by what you read. The video segment ends, and the camera stops recording until Deacon arrives home.
“Wait, fast-forward,” Deacon requests. “I went to her house that day and someone else showed up.”
Luca navigates to the “pizza man” that Deacon met, and they all look at each other in shock when they notice it’s the same man.
“You’ve seen him, Deac,” Hondo says. “Get to the sketch artist and we’ll start working.”
“And if it’s not quick?”
“We’ll stay as long as you need us, Deacon,” Street promises.
When you come to, your head pounds, and you can’t hear anything past your heartbeat in your ears. Lying still, you focus on taking steady breaths and staying calm. It doesn’t work very well because your body wants to panic and fall apart simultaneously. When your hearing returns, you take a minute to ensure everything feels okay. Your fingers, toes, arms and legs move when you want them to, and although you know you probably shouldn’t move your head yet, you sit up.
Breathing through the pain, you take your time standing, pulling yourself up with the counter above you. When you’re upright, and the dizziness fades to a dull ache in the back of your skull, you look around but don’t see your phone anywhere. With no choice and an intense need for Deacon, you leave. His car is gone, but you continue to his door anyway, sitting beside his recently re-potted plant and closing your eyes as you wait.
“We just released the sketch to the press and we’re running it through all of our databases,” Hicks says, joining the search for your source of fear.
“She isn’t answering her phone,” Deacon grumbles.
“Go check on her, Deac, we’ll keep you in the loop.”
Deacon nods, rushing to the locker room and gathering his things before leaving, desperate to see you and promise everything will be alright. He pulls into his driveway and turns toward your house, stopping when he hears a short whine behind him. You’re on his porch, slumped against the wall and broken. There’s no blood visible, but bruises are forming along your hairline and over your temples, and your consciousness appears to be fading quickly.
Deacon stoops, using a gentle finger to move your head slowly. You likely have a concussion, but he needs to get you inside, so he moves an arm behind your neck, keeping your head in line with your spine as he carries you into his house. Setting you on the couch, he whispers that he’ll be right back before gathering a first aid kit and a bag of ice wrapped in a dish towel.
“Hey,” he murmurs, watching your eyes flutter open. “You’re safe now.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“Where’s it hurt?”
“Ribs. My head.”
Deacon holds your shoulder down to keep you from moving too suddenly. He lays the covered ice over your head before pushing your shirt up to inspect your stomach and ribs. Dark bruises cover most of your skin, and although he can’t see, he’s sure they wrap around your back. A scrape over your belly button makes Deacon think that your assailant was wearing a watch or some other abrasive jewellery. His jaw clenches, holding tight as he surveys your skin with darkened eyes. His hands remain gentle, although his outward calmness is only for your benefit. Taking your hand in his, he applies a cooling antibiotic ointment to the scrapes across your palm before wrapping a bandage around it.
“He told me not to tell you,” you say, your eyes now open and on Deacon. “There were notes and then he broke a window to get in today.”
“Is he still in your house? Around here?” Deacon demands.
“No. He left a while ago.”
“How long have you been waiting?”
You shrug, and the movement that makes you tense in pain. Deacon smooths his hand over your shoulder, attempting to calm you even as his anger and protectiveness swell. He fails to understand how or why someone could do this to you.
He stays in your sight as he applies ointment to your bruises, and Deacon looks angry because he’s fiercely protective. He is just as handsome as usual, if not more so, you think.
“I’m going to get my phone, I’ll be right back,” he tells you.
You nod, a tear slipping past your waterline as he leaves. Everything hurts, and you want to let Deacon hold you, but he’s on a mission.
Deacon texts his team that you’re injured but safe with him. Hondo answers that they’re chasing a few leads, but they’ll keep him updated before reminding him not to leave your sight. You may be too shy to admit it, but you need Deacon now.
Waiting for Deacon, you feel him brush your tears away before you fall asleep. Holding you carefully, Deacon moves you to his bed, sitting at your side all night, an eye trained on the window in case anyone is stupid enough to come for you again. He raises your bandaged hand to his lips, promising to keep you safe.
Waking, you feel a pillow under your head that wasn’t there before. The sound of water draws your attention as you realise you are in Deacon’s bed. Standing, you groan, stiff, swollen, and bruised, as you enter Deacon’s hallway to find him. His voice greets you before you see him, and you’ve yet to see this side of him.
“Can you make it stick?” Deacon demands. “Because a woman that I care deeply about is covered in bruises and concussed, so he is going to pay for it one way or another. I don't care who bought this land after the Gold Rush.”
You stop in the doorway, sending him a small smile when he notices you.
“I have to go,” he says, his voice softer as he hangs up. He approaches you, offering his hands and chiding, “You shouldn’t be up.”
“I didn’t want to be alone,” you whisper, taking his hands. “Did you find him?”
Deacon nods, leading you to the couch and helping you sit against a large pile of pillows and blankets. “He- apparently his family bought a huge plot of land here, and a few years ago the government seized it to make up for back taxes owed, and this guy isn't happy about all the people living on 'his family's land.' We’ll make sure he gets what he deserves for what he did to you, though. Are you hungry?”
You shake your head, one hand still in Deacon’s.
“What do you need?”
“You,” you whisper, looking up at him.
Deacon smiles, sitting beside you and letting you fold into his arms. Your head finds its spot against his shoulder as you take his hand in yours, leaning against him. His arm wraps around your back, mindful of your bruises as he holds you. In his grasp, you are safe and content, and nothing else matters.
“It’s time for more pain medicine,” Deacon reminds you.
“I’m okay right now.”
You nuzzle closer against him, your legs draped over his lap as he kisses your forehead.
“I think he thought we were together,” you admit.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not right now.”
You lapse into silence, toying with Deacon’s fingers as his hand rubs gently against your side. 
“As if you’d go for me. You’re too pretty,” you say, your voice an addicting mix between shy and sunny.
Part of Deacon wants to drive to the station and question the man who did this himself, but your presence in his arms and your voice remind him where he belongs: with you.
“You’re the pretty one,” he says, the teasing lilt you’ve grown to love lacing each word.
“Even covered in bruises?”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
“But you are now,” you reply, looking up at Deacon.
“You’re my favourite neighbour.”
“I want to be more,” you say boldly, smiling as Deacon smiles.
“Right now?” he asks, pulling you closer by your hands.
“Right now,” you confirm.
Deacon pulls you into a soft, slow kiss. You may have started as Deacon’s neighbour, but it didn’t take long to realise he is your home. And if your home decides to rough up the man who tried to take you from him, you’ll understand.
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Hi, do you have a list of wrestlers you'll write for or is anyone (besides JD) okay to ask for? Thanks!
Thank you for asking!
I'm still getting into smackdown and don't watch Nxt so this list is gonna be all over the place but its who all I feel comfortable enough to write about in a way I feel accurately portrays their character
*writing this list out I just realized how little I actually pay attention to the men🤡
This is in no particular order and I will edit as need be but a few rules before requesting!!
I do NOT do real names or involve real relationships, if you ask for a specific kink I'm not comfortable with (piss, cnc, ageplay, etc) I will just delete it. I will write age regression but nothing sexual!!! I can do gender neutral or female x readers but no men (sorry guys). I also will do polys or throuples but for right now its all x reader only.
Requests will take a while!! I have like 40 in my inbox rn from months ago that I just haven't gotten to yet (I didn't forget I swear😖) and my creative process takes time so please be patient!
Anyways y'all, have fun!🫶
The Judgment Day- Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor
Drew McIntyre
Liv Morgan
Zelina Vega
Chelsea Green
Bianca Belair
Shayna Baszler
Zoey Stark
Cody Rhodes
Becky Lynch
Seth Rollins
Jey Uso
Dakota Kai
Cathy Kelley
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hueningsloverr · 11 months
౨ৎ favorite crime !
HIGHSCHOOL AU - toxic!hueningkai x reader x jake summary: huening kai was never on any high school girls list for dating, yet somehow he crept onto yours. and as quickly as he came into your life, he was able to ruin it even faster. that's where jake stepped in. word count: 1.0k extra: kai is super toxic in this, as it's inspired by olivia rodrigo's song 'favorite crime', please don't let anyone treat you the way he does !!
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
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meeting kai was never the plan. getting to know kai was never the plan. falling in love with kai was never the plan. falling out of love, surprisingly, was the plan.
high school was rough - everyone knew that. people were terrible to each other, rumours and lies ruined lives. you watched time and time again as stupid dating rumours sprung up, and the girls always got in trouble. friends who became outcasts, party-goers who started staying home more often - even the popular girls fell from their pedestals.
but then there was you.
you, who didn't go out to many parties, why would you? there was no need to. you, who stayed out of trouble in every way you could imagine. there was no point in getting in trouble when now while preparing for college (i mean, what is college for if not for getting in trouble?). you, who never got involved with the petty drama of teenage girls thinking everyone wants their 5'6 benchwarmer of a boyfriend. you.
and there was kai, one of the few boys most girls didn't pay much attention to. he was tall, sure, and he had his moments where he was extremely good looking. but he was a recluse. if it was rare to see you at parties, it was even rarer to see kai. even the idea of seeing kai in public was an anomaly - who would think that? he was sweet, sure, and his friends were total players, but he was just kai at the end of the day.
maybe that's what drew you to him. how hard he was to talk to, so different from those he hung around. yet your mother always did tell you there's always a bit of you friends in you, or else you wouldn't have any reason to hang out.
you should've seen it coming from a mile away, really you were quite stupid for ignoring all the signs. they screamed in your face, yet you acted like you spoke a foreign language. as if that was any excuse.
'i'm thinking of going out tonight, jaeyun and jongseong invited haewon and i, and it's been a while since i've been out' you hummed absentmindedly, back towards your boyfriend as you rummaged through your closet.
kai perked up at your words, scoffing, 'really? jay and jake's party? you know those are parties trashy girls go to. is that what you are? and you really call them jongseong and jaeyun - disgusting.'
he was like a bully, his words so carefully planned that you had no defense.
'it would only be for a bit,' you muttered, turning now to face him. he looked so nonchalant, laying on your bed, scrolling through his phone. 'and hae was complaining she doesn't see enough of me, especially now that i'm with you.'
kai let out a short laugh, rolling his eyes. 'well she's not your boyfriend, i am. and you really want to go to one of jay's parties instead of hang out with me? where's your loyalty lie?'
'with you, kai.' you sighed, closing your closet and moving to sit down next to him on your bed. he smiled softly at you, returning to that same kai you first all those months ago.
the worst part to you was that it took months of his cruel remarks, his digs that you tried to play off but never really could. every time kai would let the venom seep out, it felt like it was washing away a piece of you. bits and pieces slowly dissolving into nothing as he stood there, smiling so softly at you as if nothing was happening. but you realised, and that's what matters - right?
"we should break up." you mumbled, not able to look him in the eyes.
it would only break your heart if you did.
you still loved him, truly you did.
it was hard not to when he could be oh so sweet most of the time.
it was only after hanging out with his friends that he became the monster you began to know him as - the monster that was slowly swallowing the old kai whole.
he saw his friends too much, and no matter how many times you told him to just stop, he couldn't.
kai laughed in response, cocking an eyebrow as he stared down at you. "you think so?" he mused, clearly enjoying the sight before him. "you're nothing without me. but hey, if that's what you want, i'm all for it."
you nodded stiffly, turning and walking away from the scene as people began to stare, and kai began to yell. you did your best to block him out, truly you did.
what didn't help, though, were the prying eyes.
the whispering as you made your way down the halls, unable to even look as you accidentally hit someone a little too hard with your shoulder.
"(y/n)?" he questioned, placing a hand on your shoulder as he looked you over.
you looked scared to death.
'context clues, jaeyun' you screamed in your mind, eyebrows furrowed as you heard kai's yelling get louder.
he heard them, too, as his eyes widened slightly before a smile broke across his face. "i'll assume you broke up with huening, no?" he laughed, taking off his letterman jacket and placing it gently around you. "and i'll take silence as a yes for all my future questions."
you nodded, finally able to look up at him.
your eyes practically screamed 'get me out of here' as kai grew closer and closer.
you could hear his laughs now - see his blonde hair over the crowd of students, and truly feel the fear coursing through your body.
jaeyun, however, looked the opposite of scared.
sure, kai was both older and taller, but at the end of the day he was just kai.
jaeyun was 5’9, and somehow varsity captain for each sport he played - though he was co-captains with hoon for hockey, which he didn’t like talking about.
he was everything kai was not, and more.
maybe that's why kai didn't like you hanging out with him.
and maybe that's why when kai finally saw you, and who you were with, his smile faltered and he slowed down slightly.
sim jaeyun was not someone you willingly messed with.
yet, when kai saw the two of you standing there, all he could think of was starting a fight.
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authors note : what is this? idk!!
©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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mon3trous · 26 days
And Kai Yuriy 😇
thank you for sending this too and allowing me to yap bc YuKa is my favorite beyblade ship actually dsdgsds they were the first m/m i ever shipped 20 years ago and on my rewatch this year i decided that i very much still go here.
in early g-rev yuriy is the only one who notices that kai is pushing himself and basically casting from HP, he is the one who gets worried and expresses any kind of concern when kai hyperfocuses on defeating takao to the point of self destruction. on the other side we have kai stating that they are not friends, they just happened to be playing on the same team a couple of times. that's why at his lowest point he goes to visit his not friend in the hospital out of all the people. of course we need to remember that g-rev kai is low key to high key insane most of the time.
what i said in the kai/bryan post about kai getting his russian practice in by dating a neoborg of course applies here as well. i think that would be the language they most often talk in but yuriy would push for more english/japanese to get some practice for himself as well.
my hc is that yuriy liked him since they were teens but they wouldn't get together while in their teens but actually around their mid-late twenties bc i think the relationship might be rocky if they got together romantically while both have untreated trauma, need therapy badly and kai is obsessed with another man (whether kai's obsession with takao is to be read as platonic or romantic i leave up to you but personally i totally read it as kai's first love.) so, yeah, that could end in early breakup unless they got their shit together first.
i've actually drafted a fic of them getting together that i am working on and i hope to finish in near future because writing YuKa fic would have made me of 20 years ago happy and in this fandom i want to create stuff that would have made me of 20 years ago happy
as for the doodle, here's kai getting on a box to be taller than yuriy while he kisses him bc that's how i accidentally drew them last time so that will serve as a helpful explanation what happened
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cookieeks-art · 9 months
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Here’s a little project I worked on last year, but kinda, forgot to post? It’s a fake Red shoes art book spread for Edda! The composition, and art styles used, is mainly based on Snow White first page, and Arthur's second page from the actual art book, including of course the artist featured in them (aka Jeon Mi-jin (전미진) who drew the art that the art on the first page and the drawing to the top right on the second page is based on, Kim Sang-jin (김상진) aka Jin Kim who drew the art that the first drawing and the four lower drawings in the second page are based on, and Choi Minjeong (최민정) who drew the the art that the top middle drawing on the second page is based on.) (I had to use Google translate to get the names in the Latin alphabet, so I apologise if there’s any mistakes, I tried to keep the Korean name order for all the names, with the exception of Jin Kim.) [EDIT: I took a closer look Arthur’s first page today and realised that it served as a bigger inspiration for the first page that I drew then I remembered when first posting this, so shout out to that page as well which have two drawings made by Jeon Mi-jin and Choi Minjeong respectively.]
If you’ve been around for a bit you might also notice that two of the drawings on the second page are redraws of older sketches, which I mostly did as a fun treat for myself, since I find redrawing old art pretty fun. I also took this opportunity to give Harriet’s clothes a small makeover, taking some inspiration from Snow herself, a bit from the shapes of Drottning Kristinas gowns (like the drape around her shoulders and how puffy their arms are, and the general shape of the collar), and most likely from looking at details of other dresses I can’t recall at the moment (I do specifically remember looking up images of historical lace collars to get an idea of how they could look, but I don’t remember if I looked at a specific site or what sites I could have looked at in that case). I tried to keep it relatively simple with some spots for details, but looking at it now I’m not entirely sure how well it would fit the movies vine fashion wise (both Regina’s and Snow’s dresses both feel pretty modern to my amateur eyes looking at the cuts and shapes), then again I guess I can always say that the fashion is different kingdom to kingdom I suppose.
Also small shout out to Kay @the-moonlightknight who was someone who helped years ago to actually put words to Eddas personality back when I had to make a reference sheet for a discords event, which is the reference I went back to and used small parts of when writing the text for the first page.
(ID in alt and under the cut)
Two fake Red shoes art-book pages depicting my oc Edda and Harriet (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes).
The first shows Harriet, dressed in a blue dress with lace and snowflake themed embroidery, wearing a crown and matching necklace, with her hair up in a ponytail, is looking forlornly at the viewer, her hands held before her. Edda, dressed in her casual while fluffy shirt, dark muddy red skirt and bodice, and brown leather boots, is looking to the side with a lopsided smile and holding out her knife. Cookieek is written under both of them. Behind them is a wavy dark red graphic with a pattern of thin leaves. In the bottom right corner is two patterns running side by side, one of simple tight stitches, and a more detailed snowflake inspired embroidery pattern. To the upper right of the page is a block of text titled “Edda & Harriet”, and reading: “Edda is a wise woman in the woods that Arthur stumbles upon after entering Frode kingdom to search for it’s missing princess. Edda is also the identity taken on by said missing Princess Harriet after she was able to leave the castle behind. Her life as a mistreated princess has left her jaded and with a distain for nobility and royalty, but her escape has given her hope for a better life. In leaving the identity as Harriet Edda has made a big change in her way of dress, as well as letting the mask she’d been forced into as a royal slip. She’s determined, eccentric, and considerate, with a hunger for magic knowledge. At first she doesn’t realise she’s falling for Arthur, taken in by his ridiculous yet sensitive personality and his way of smiling, but when she does she’s sure she can’t tell him at risk of making things uncomfortable between them. She doesn’t realise that a lot of the ridiculous things Arthur has done has been to show love for her, and that they are both just as willing to sacrifice themselves for the other.”
The second is a page with drawings of Edda and Harriet. The first is a grey scale drawing Harriet looking mentally exhausted, with a thousand yard stare in a profile view. Second is a head shot of Harriet crying in a blue frilly nightgown as pale hands with long nails grip the sides of her face, tips of light brown hair hovering above her. Third is a drawing of Edda sitting and talking to someone while smiling as if she’s about to laugh. Fourth is a collection of greyscale drawings of Edda making a few expressions, such as: 1, looking intrigued while grinning sinisterly with a shadow over her eyes as she holds her chin, 2, looking in awe of something with shine in her eyes, her hands hovering in front of her, 3, looking embarrassed and startled, a blush across her face and her fist held to her chest, 4, scowling deeply with a dark shadow over her eyes. Cookieek is written under all of the images.
End of ID]
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juniperjellyfish · 1 year
For the ask game, how about 11 (Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what) and 30 (What piece of yours do you think is underrated)?
11 lately I’ve been watching YouTube while I draw, but when I do listen to music it’s either Ninjago stuff to get me in the mood for fanart, or just my liked playlist (which stretches from hard rock, to country, to 2000’s pop, to- you get it)
30 mwehehehheheheheheh
So first up is this one:
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I love this one so much, I worked on it everyday for over a month, but no one ever talks about it. Ever. It’s glorious. I made for a project in my drawing 1 class two ish years ago
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Next is this lava one. It’s so pleasing to look at but when I posted it no one really cared (rip)
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Next is the drawing I did for the Sexyman Tournament. I LOVE how this one turned out, you can’t really see garm’s hands in the photo, but irl they look INSANE. This was also the first time I drew garmadon so I’m veeeeerrrrry proud of it. And Kai laughing at Nya in the background is great.
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Next is this Kai headshot. I did headshots for all the ninja, but I liked how he turned out in this one. I think that post got like 3 notes tho
Yeah so that was more than one drawing, but I needed to talk about these drawings a lot
They needed more love
Thanks for the ask!!!
I have so many more drawings that I haven’t posted in the first place soooooo if anyone wants me to post em hmu
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minastras · 1 year
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ii. a teenager in love
prev • masterlist • next
words: 4.8k
warnings: swearing, underage drinking
“You look nice.”
That’s how Kai always greeted you now, regardless of what you were wearing — even if you were just in your school uniform. He was already by the entrance of your apartment block waiting for you, despite you being five minutes early.
Yeonjun was hosting a party that night to celebrate his one-month breakup anniversary (weird), and it was coincidentally also the fifteenth day since Kai had first posted you on his Instagram. He said the party would be the perfect opportunity to step it up a notch.
You’d been sticking to the plan you drew up when he came over to your house two weeks ago. You ate lunch together now; sometimes you joined him and his friends, sometimes he joined you and your friends. But sometimes you and Kai would go off to the running tracks by yourselves to talk.
There, you’d work through the questions most real partners would know the answers to — your favourite music, which shows you watched, what your parents did. You had expected your conversations to be mechanical, rigidly going through the motions, but he was surprisingly easy to talk to. And despite all his flirting, he did actually pay attention to you.
“I can meet you at the train station, you know,” you said. “You don’t have to walk all the way into my street just to pick me up.”
He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. “But I want to.”
It was things like that which were going to be your downfall. You’d only just crossed the two-week mark of your fake relationship and you already knew it. Yizhuo was right: your crush on him had never fully faded.
When he held your hand or wrapped an arm around your waist or gave you his jacket in public, you didn’t really feel anything. You knew he was performing for your friends or his, the showmanship of his craft clear in his rehearsed smirks and clichéd, sugary words.
But when you were alone, as you were now, you couldn’t tell if he was acting. Your racing heartbeat was, however, unfakeable. Regret seeped into every pore of your skin each time he smiled genuinely or offered to carry your bag or walked you home when there was no one around to witness it.
So, here you were: Kai had picked you up from your house and you went to Yeonjun’s breakup party (still weird) together, your fingers intertwined the entire journey there. You hadn’t arrived particularly late, but Yeonjun was already wasted by the time you turned up.
“He’ll be fine,” Kai reassured you, placing a hand in between your shoulder blades to direct you towards the living room. You kept glancing back at the older boy.
“Are you sure?” you asked, still worried. His hand was warm against your skin as he traced circles lightly on your upper back.
“Soobin will keep an eye on him. He usually does,” he said. The music was too loud for you to hear each other normally, so Kai’s solution was to whisper directly into your ear, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear as he spoke. It gave you goosebumps.
He told you to sit down on the sofa and dipped into the kitchen to get you both drinks. While you waited, his good friend Beomgyu joined you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said loudly, holding up his drink, already tipsy. “Congrats on making it this far! I didn’t think you guys would be able to do it.”
People had been saying that to you the entire day. You laughed politely. “Thank you! I’m hoping this won’t be our last milestone together, though.”
Before he could respond, Kai returned and pushed his shoulder.
“What are you doing sitting so close to Y/N?” Kai chided, annoyed. Well, he was pretending to be annoyed. It didn’t bother you, or so you kept telling yourself.
“Sorry, man,” Beomgyu said, standing up and holding his hands up in retreat. “I didn’t take you for the possessive type.”
Kai took his seat and handed you a drink, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side so you were half-leaning on his chest. He looked at you and winked. “I am now. Just for them.”
He would be the death of you someday.
You weren’t even paying attention while Beomgyu teased Kai back and walked over to the dance floor to join the rest of his friends, giggling drunkenly to himself the whole time.
“What is this?” you asked, peering into your cup of mystery liquid and trying to ignore the feeling of his leg fully pressed against your own. He had a metal chain attached to his black jeans.
“I don’t know. The label was in German,” he said with a shrug, before tapping the rim of his cup to yours. “Cheers.”
You furrowed your brow in scepticism but took a sip anyway. It was sweet, not too strong, and surprisingly smooth on your tongue.
“Good, right?” he asked proudly, tucking his head down to look at you. You nodded in concession, leaning against him even more. You had an audience, after all: both of your friends were watching you from across the living room. Aeri caught your eye and mouthed ‘fifteen days!’ to you.
Yeonjun’s sofa was lumpy and mildly sticky and not the most pleasant thing you’d sat on. It was hot, even with the air conditioning on full blast, an inevitable side effect of the sheer number of people packed into his house.
Your discomfort barely registered in your head, though. All you could focus on was that you were leaning on Kai’s chest, broad and firm against your back. His arm was around your shoulder, and his chin was resting on the top of your head.
“Let’s go out for lunch tomorrow,” Kai suggested, “it’ll be my treat.”
“Why?” you mumbled, tired. Lying on him was making you sleepy; he was just so warm and comfortable.
He laughed quietly. “Because I want to take you out?”
You could already feel your heart starting to race at his words and hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Said the hitman,” you joked.
“You’re such a tease,” he whispered, nuzzling his face into your neck. You shuddered at the sensation, at his messy hair pushing up against your skin, at his lips brushing your collarbones. You could feel him smirking, satisfied by your reaction. He always was, so smug and cool and confident.
“And you’re lucky I laugh when I’m nervous, so to our friends I just look like some smitten giggling fool instead of a sim dying of embarrassment,” you replied.
He pulled away, and you almost deflated at the loss of contact. “Why are you nervous?” he asked, confused.
Oh. Whoops.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he pressed, sounding somewhat concerned, his grip on your shoulder tightening ever-so-slightly.
See, these were the things that made you think this was all a huge mistake. Because when he looked at you like that — like how he did on the balcony at Aeri’s party or in your room when you were talking about your brothers — his eyes were just soft enough and his voice was just quiet enough that you could trick yourself into thinking he was being genuine.
“Don’t look so serious,” you changed the subject, nodding towards where your friends were. Some of them were still (still!) watching you, as if they were waiting for you to break up right then and there in front of everyone. Fifteen days. “We aren’t being believable at all.”
He looked over, thought for a bit, and then slid his hands under your knees, lifting up your legs and putting them across his. You let out a small squeak of surprise at the sudden motion and held onto his shoulders. He smirked when you came face-to-face with him.
“Is that better?” he murmured, the tip of his nose just millimetres from yours.
“I can’t tell, honestly,” you answered, feeling like you probably looked exceptionally posed and rehearsed in the position you were in. It was likely evident to everyone that neither of you were used to being in each other’s space like this.
“I think you’re right. Taehyun does not look convinced,” he reported to you, looking over your shoulder. “Well, I don’t know what else to do.”
You knew what the issue was: Kai was big into public displays of affection, and he hadn’t kissed you yet. He was constantly making out with whichever new person he was ‘dating’ in the school halls, empty classrooms, or at parties. In comparison, he had been as chaste as a nun with you.
“Fine. Kiss me, then,” you said, biting your tongue so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if it just fell off.
He didn’t even flinch at your directness; in fact, he seemed to enjoy it. He tilted your chin up gently with two fingers and leaned in. “I’d thought you’d never ask.”
What did that mean?
You didn’t even have time to address the fluttering in your heart at his words before his mouth was on yours. He still had one hand on your knee, holding you in place. You were in his lap, with your arms wrapped around his neck so you wouldn’t fall off the sofa.
He kissed so lazily, slow and languid, like he had all the time in the world. Like you weren’t in the middle of a circus-level house party and surrounded by countless loud drunk peers. He tasted like the mystery German alcohol you’d both been sipping, his mouth hot against yours.
You were getting dizzy, high on him, temporarily forgetting where you were too.
When he ran his tongue over your bottom lip, though, you jolted back to the present and broke the kiss.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, looking slightly dazed himself. His lips were red and wet, and you wondered if he could feel just how hard your heart was hammering against your ribcage as you leaned on him. “Got carried away.”
What? Did? That? Mean?
“See? I told you we had to make out in front of them,” he joked, clearly less affected by the kiss than you were. You turned around to glance at your friends and found that most of them had finally stopped watching you.
Kai kept his hand on your chin. If he had noticed your silence he didn’t make any indication of it, although Aeri was still squinting at you suspiciously. He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, unflappable as ever.
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Kai was on top of the world: he’d broken the fifteen-day curse. Of course, his sense of achievement would have been even greater if it was real, but his friends were convinced and that was all he cared about.
Everyone had thought he was going to dump you on Friday at Yeonjun’s party, the fifteenth day. But he hadn’t, and on Tuesday you came to visit him during his soccer practice.
It was common for whoever he was with at the time to do that, although you hadn’t yet. He supposed you had no reason to since you weren’t actually interested in him, but you and him had agreed on it the night before. Of all the people he’d invited to watch him practise, you were the only one who had stuck around beyond day fifteen. And his friends obviously had a lot to say about that.
“So you two are, like, really a thing,” Soobin marvelled, checking his watch for the date. He waved to you where you were sitting in the bleachers. You waved back.
“Didn’t you see him tonguing them on Yeonjun’s sofa on Friday?” Taehyun said.
“What? You sinned on my sofa?” Yeonjun asked, clearly having been too drunk to remember anything from that night.
Kai pushed Taehyun and put his water bottle away. Their break was over, he decided. “I was not tonguing them. Jesus,” he cursed, running back out onto the field and blowing you a kiss as he did so.
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. “Sickening.”
“You’re just bitter you got dumped,” Beomgyu shouted, running away before he’d even finished talking, anticipating to be smacked.
Unfortunately for Yeonjun, you continued coming to their soccer practices, and Kai continued blowing kisses at you whenever he got the chance.
By the one month mark, Kai was spending just as much time with you as he was with his friends, much of that alone when you didn’t have to pretend.
It was funny how he could so easily flirt with you in the past, before you’d started this whole thing, and now that you were ‘dating’ he felt weirdly embarrassed whenever he did so. He was fine in public, perfectly able to act in front of others, but the second you two were in private he turned into an altar boy, apparently.
Especially when he was in your room like he was now, after school one afternoon, sitting cross-legged on your bed next to you.
“Are you free Saturday morning?” you asked, staring at your calendar. “We could hang out for a bit and then head over there together,” you suggested. If he didn’t know any better he might have thought he heard nervousness in your voice, like you were hoping he’d say yes and scared he’d say no.
All of your friends were meeting up for lunch that day at a newly launched pancake restaurant called Stackies you’d been telling him about for ages. Kai was actually the one to suggest it to the group because he knew how badly you wanted to try it — but you weren’t aware of that.
He smiled to himself when he saw the square inch of space that made up Saturday’s box adorned with a halo of exclamation marks and messy pancake doodles, fairly sure you were the only person under the age of forty who still used a physical calendar.
“Yeah, I’m free. What do you want to do?” he asked, knowing subconsciously in the back of his mind that he would have agreed to anything you requested.
Your eyes lit up. “Can we go to the botanical gardens? I heard the leaves are starting to turn.”
You both used to refer to your outings as “hanging out”, sessions for you to get to know each other and get your stories straight, couching the intimacy of it all in deliberate language like a shield. Against what, he wasn’t sure. But somewhere along the line, and he wasn’t quite sure when, interrogative questions gave way to long conversations about music and TV shows and your friends.
Dates. You were going on dates.
Something pulled at his heart when he saw your expression, your eyes shining with excitement, your pen clipped behind your ear. He never knew that was a thing people did in real life, sticking writing implements behind their ears. He’d always thought only cartoon characters did that.
“Really? Let’s go, then. I want to see them too,” he smiled.
You hadn’t kissed since Yeonjun’s party more than a month ago. Well, not properly, anyway. He kissed you on the forehead a lot in front of others, and you kissed him on the cheek from time to time, but those didn’t count. Not to him.
He wanted to kiss you whenever you two were alone, an impulse which always set alarm bells ringing in his head that maybe he should pull the brakes on this whole thing.
It was foreign to him, all of it — recommending pancake restaurants and going on trips to the botanical gardens. Two-week flings driven by physical attraction and teenage infatuation, ending either in the mutual understanding that it hadn’t been serious or a broken heart for the other party, were more his speed.
This was not that, he realised, whatever it was. He reached that conclusion after your trip to the gardens, when you both arrived at Stackies. You took his hand and smiled at him as you walked through the door to the table where your friends were waiting for you, although it was your performing smile. He used to think it was pretty (he still did), but now whenever he saw it he yearned for your real one.
The one you’d given him one fateful Wednesday, the day he came over to your house so you could study each other’s favourite foods, hobbies, and usual hangout spots. When it was time for him to leave, he had asked on a whim if he could stay and help you with dinner. You’d beamed when he did, and he still found himself picturing it from time to time.
“I’m happy you chose this place,” you told Soobin, who was sitting on your other side, while the waiter was taking Aeri’s order. “I’ve actually always wanted to come here.”
Soobin looked at you, confused. “Yeah, that’s why I picked it. Kai asked me to.”
Kai placed his hand on your knee, a message. “Right, that’s what I meant,” you backtracked smoothly. The second everyone was distracted by the waiter turning on the table’s hotplate, you leaned over to him and whispered a soft ‘thank you’ into his ear. You gave him another one of your smiles, a real one, and he found himself unable to focus on anything else for the rest of the lunch.
A few days later, you were sitting in the bleachers together after his soccer practice. His teammates had all gone home, leaving you two alone on the field. This wasn’t something you normally did; you usually had to leave an hour before his practice ended to get home in time to do your chores.
“Should I make a one month anniversary post on Instagram?” he asked, snacking on the cookies you had bought for him as he flicked through the photos you’d taken together at the botanical gardens on his phone.
“I don’t think so. I feel like it’s more believable if we keep it low-key,” you said, leaning over his shoulder to look at the photos. “I like that one,” you commented, stopping him when he landed one you took of him. He was staring straight into the camera and holding a red leaf in front of his face, covering his left eye.
You were wearing his sports jacket, the one only student athletes were allowed to wear. It was black with gold trim, read ‘athlete’ on the back in big bold letters, and had his name embroidered on the front.
That was one of the first things he learnt about you, that you had always wanted to be a student athlete but lost the chance to after you broke your knee eight years ago and it never fully recovered. He’d always wondered why someone as popular and seemingly active as you wasn’t on a sports team. But now he let you wear his jacket whenever you wanted, which seemed to make you happy.
“Can I ask you something?” you said after a short silence, playing with the hem of his jacket. He nodded, prompting you to continue. “Why do you care if you’re the last of your friends to be in a relationship?”
Yeah. Why did he care?
This was far from the first time you had asked him that question, but he was always unable to give you a straight answer. He knew it bothered him, but he couldn’t fully articulate why. And not for a lack of trying, either. His explanation was constantly changing.
“It’s not really about the relationship,” was what Kai settled on this time around. “It’s just a sense of being left behind while everyone else around me is growing up and moving on.”
The autumn wind howled. “I get it,” you nodded. This had been the first question you asked him all those weeks back on Aeri’s balcony, and you’d never once pointed out the number of times his answer to that question changed.
“Why do you keep asking me that?” he said with a small smile, a question of his own, standing up and offering you his hand. The lights had switched themselves off. It was probably time to head home. You accepted, and he pulled you to your feet with ease.
“I don’t know. I thought if I asked enough times, eventually you’d figure out your answer,” you replied, stumbling slightly when he pulled you a little too hard. He laughed, not being able to tell if you were serious. You smiled. “Have you?”
He hadn’t, but he was starting to wonder if he was looking right at it.
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“What do you plan on doing after we graduate?” Kai asked you once when you were walking home from school together. “Taehyun asked me that just now, and I realised I didn’t know.”
That was how a lot of your conversations with Kai went. It was hard to figure out what normal people talked to their significant others about.
“I don’t want to think about that now,” you laughed. Kai wasn’t the only one who hated the thought of growing up. “I’ll probably go into data analytics or something.”
It’d been two months since you started ‘dating’, and there were still occasional gaps in your knowledge that hadn’t yet been plugged. The other day, Aeri asked you what Kai’s parents did and you had just barely managed to avoid a catastrophe.
You didn’t really know what the goal was anymore, if you were being honest. From time to time you felt the urge to ask him when this whole thing would end, but you always found yourself unable to go through with it. You didn’t want it to end, that much had become clear. You were living a lie you so desperately wanted to believe in.
He walked you home after school on the days he didn’t have soccer practice, sometimes staying over for dinner. You’d go to the shops together to buy ingredients before your brothers came home, and he’d help you cook.
He didn’t need to, there was no one around to witness it, but he did. Your kitchen was far too small for two people to be crammed in there at the same time, but somehow, neither of you had been injured yet. He never complained about how cramped your house was or how loud and boisterous your brothers were.
When he could tell you needed a break from them, though, he would suggest taking your dinner up to the rooftop of your building and leaving them to their adventures. The two of you sat on the rooftop, eating dinner and talking until nine or ten at night.
It was why you’d had a crush on him in the first place (yes, you were finally admitting you had a crush on him). He was a flirt, that much was true, but no one could ever accuse him of being unkind. He didn’t go around breaking hearts on purpose, which you couldn’t really say for some of the other popular boys.
At one of Yizhuo’s parties, you were all sitting in her backyard on the grass, even though it was way too cold to be outdoors. As always, Kai gave you his jacket without you needing to ask. It wasn’t his student athlete one this time, but a light denim jacket that was more fashionable than functional.
“You guys are so cute!” Yizhuo squealed, when Kai reached for your hands and clasped them in between his larger ones to warm them up. He leant forward and pressed a quick kiss to your temple with a pleased smile.
“Isn’t today your two month anniversary? Congratulations,” Aeri said.
“No, it’s not. That was two weeks ago,” Soobin cut you off, confused.
You turned to Kai. You had sixty whole days to iron out your origin story and you still hadn’t. In retrospect, that was a pretty glaring oversight.
“It’s a long story, actually,” Kai laughed, thinking on his feet. He was so good at that, always calm and collected whenever things like this happened. You, however, panicked like a spooked young fawn at the slightest hint of your scheme being exposed.
“Oh, is it?” Taehyun said, squinting at you with inquisitive eyes, trying to decipher your facial expression. “I love long stories.”
You squeezed Kai’s hand. Please help. Taehyun was too observant for his own good.
“Sorry. I’m sworn to secrecy,” Kai lied smoothly, poking your cheek with his index finger and a playful smile. “This one says it’s embarrassing, so I can’t tell you.”
Grateful for the out he’d provided you, you went along with it, swatting his finger away with a giggle and pretending to hide your face in his sweater at his teasing. Your friends rolled their eyes at your sickening sweetness.
It seemed to work, at least for now. But the second it was no longer overtly suspicious to do so, you two escaped back into Yizhuo’s house, scouring the place for a quiet space where you could talk. You settled on the area in the back near the rear staircase — yes, her house was that big that it had two staircases.
“What did you tell your friends?” Kai asked, evidently on edge. He was trying to hide it and doing a pretty good job, but you’d also gotten much better at reading him now.
“I said we got together at Aeri’s party! Isn’t that what you said?” you replied, not ever thinking this would need to be clarified. That story made the most sense, didn’t it?
“I said we got together two weeks before,” he groaned, pushing his hands through his hair.
You sputtered. “Why on earth would you do that?”
“I wanted to make the relationship longer so I could beat Beomgyu.”
Really? Really? And he didn’t think to explain this to you in advance? You took a deep breath to compose yourself.
“Okay, okay, it’s fine. We can do damage control,” you said, trying to talk yourself out of the panic you were inching closer and closer towards.
“Except that all our friends are now out there without us and they’re definitely discussing what just happened,” Kai pointed out casually.
This fact dawned on you both at the exact same time.
You turned to look at the source of the third voice. It was Sunghoon, visibly drunk with a table tennis paddle in his hand for some reason.
“Sorry, just wanted to feel like I was a part of something,” he giggled, waving the paddle nonchalantly as he walked past you. It was a nice break of bewilderment from your stress, which returned almost as soon as the other boy was gone.
You didn’t have any time to react, though, because here was Yizhuo coming to look for you, calling out your names. Before you could even process what was happening, Kai grabbed you by the wrist and yanked you into the empty closet under the staircase to hide.
The closet was tiny, just barely large enough for two people. You were pressed almost fully against him with no room to move away, face-to-face, your hands flat against his chest and his braced against the door behind you.
Now you were stuck there. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Getting your Goddamn Stories Straight. You could hear his rapid breathing and your blood pumping in your ears.
“Nice weather we’re having,” he joked, looking down at you.
His pupils were blown in the darkness, and you were sure yours were too as they struggled to adjust to the lack of light. You could just barely make out his facial features, even though he was so close to you his hair was brushing your cheek.
You laughed nervously. “Maybe we can tell them we made it official at Aeri’s party but first started talking two weeks before,” you suggested, looking anywhere but at him. You were fairly sure you wouldn’t be able to speak if you looked into his eyes or at his lips or at his arms on either side of you. Yizhuo was still outside, asking an unknown person if they’d seen you or Kai.
“Mm, that works,” Kai agreed, his breath warm on your face as he giggled quietly. “I can hear your heartbeat.”
He was so mind-numbingly oblivious to the fact that your heart was beating that fast for him, and not for the fear of getting caught by your friends.
“Can you really?” you whispered. Yizhuo walked away; you knew it was her by the sound of her footsteps.
Kai reached for the doorknob behind you. “I can. It’s loud,” he teased, before opening the door.
The space was so tight that you nearly tumbled out as soon as he did, but he caught you easily by the waist to prop you back up onto your feet. Your mind was still scrambled from the memory of his eyes being so close to you that you could count his eyelashes. What had you gotten yourself into?
thanks for reading!
-minastras <3
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Tag game
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
I was tagged a while ago, back in the mists of time, by the lovely @emeralddoeadeer - and I finally have some writing to share!! It's a miracle! It's more than a line, but I felt it needed context. Honest.
"Alright, fine," James huffed. "We're sexy friends. Happy?" “Pete’s my sexy friend—” “Ahhh,” Peter beamed. “Thanks mate!” “—but I’ve never railed him up against Alice Field’s garden wall with only a shoddily cast muffliato and the dark shadows of night for cover.”
I think most have been tagged in this already, and I'm certainly not going to inflict it on as many people as there are words, but a no pressure tag for @mppmaraudergirl @ghostofbambifanfiction @thequibblah @kay-elle-cee if you fancy it!
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stuckinmyweb · 4 months
hey, um.
dya know this girl named Kai Drew?
she’s my best friend, and, uh…
People are saying something bad happened to her in Hatchetfield?
~ @askunington-andcompany - Mitsu
Oh, hello little one. Yes, I know Kai. She got into a bit, um, a stick situation a while ago, but she is relatively okay now.
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danelamak2 · 5 months
You drew a possessed Kai a while ago. Do you have an au about this ? If so, could you give us some info :) ?
What is different from the original story line ?
Well, that's an amazing question with a little bit of a disappointing answer, since it wasn't really my original idea. The drawing was for a DTIYS (Draw this in your style) project hosted by @zayrenvie / zayrenvie.tumblr.com , where the whole deal is to redraw someone's original piece in your style.
So, I don't really have an AU of mine, BUT I certainly can speak a lil bit more on the thing as a whole, if that is something that would interest you. Personally, I'm a little bit obsessed with Kai as a character and whenever I see AU's where he was the possesed one in s5, I lose it a little. Because like- think of the potential. All the amazing parallels between the characters that are Morro and Kai and the distinctions. Where Kai chose to protect and love the same kid that had something he wanted, Morro chose to hate him. Why is that? What made them different? Personality? Circumstances? Camraderie or lack thereof? Just. Man. Ofc, we're still talking abt 'Unused potential- the show', and even if we got to see a possesed Kai in canon, it would've propably been fumbled just as bad as Lloyd. (What I mean here, is that I'm kinda salty that despite teasing us with some sort of internal conflict between Lloyd and Morro, we never see it. Sad.) Love that there's ppl out there on the internet, who are willing to do something interesting with the idea.
Anyway, everything I say here has already been said before. I guess this is a good opportunity to make a rec, since I don't have my own stuff lol, but over on ao3 there's this amazing series called 'Alike, Alone AU' by fruitcasket. Their stuff is propably my favourite rendition of the possesed Kai AU. I want to preface that I do not have any connection to said work, series or author, it's just sth I enjoyed. Also, read the tags and warnings.
All this to say, sadly I don't have an AU. But there's plenty of talented ppl who have one, and I like to make art of that sometimes :)
Ps. That was a lot of words to answer a simple question, sorry for rambling. Also, this was my first legit ask, so thank you :D <3
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Nooo! 🤣 Anthony, you are an actor. Where is your poker face? He says, "I can't tell you, she'll be mad" like of course the producer isn't gonna let it go now 🤦🏾‍♀️ Can we please get a scene of Kathani watching the video? Did Anthony tell her what happened right after he filmed it or did he just keep quiet until the inevitable happened?
Anthony has no poker face when it comes to Kate. He's like an excited little boy all the time. But I can't imagine it was a comfortable conversation when Anthony had to go back to Kate's little coffee shop and tell her that he one, announced their relationship to the world at large and two, told everyone he was carrying around her underwear.
Kate was suspicious as soon as she saw Anthony that afternoon. Watching him skulk in only a few minutes after she turned the sign on the door closed. Normally in the afternoon, fresh from a day of press he bounded inside not waiting for her to greet him before he had her wrapped in his arms and his lips were on hers. But not this afternoon.
Today he had his satchel hanging limply in his hand, his hair ruffled and he was watching her nervously. As though he were approaching a lion, rather than his girlfriend.
"Hey, big shot." Kate hummed, quietly, leaning across the counter for Anthony to kiss her quickly, which he did, Awkwardly and warily.
"Hey, Kate."
Kate narrowed her eyes. Usually, he was trying to scramble over the counter towards her, but not today. "Did your... thing not go well?"
"Kate I did something bad."
Kate's stomach dropped. the look on his face was repentant, his shoulders slumped, his hair a mess as he stared at her with his voice shaking and Kate couldn't stop the anxiety in her stomach from rearing its head.
He got bored of you. I told you he would.
"Right. Okay." It was almost all she could force out. "Um- Well, if you... look I'm not really... what happened?"
Anthony took a shuddering breath, his shoulders slumping. "I did one of those stupid what's in my bag videos."
Kate froze, in the middle of cleaning down the coffee machine, her brow furrowed. "O...kay?"
"And there was that picture you drew in there and I just... I was so proud of you and I love you so much and I showed everyone and I told them I had a girlfriend."
They hadn't really discussed this. But it hadn't exactly been what she'd thought he was going to say. She'd been in pictures Anthony had posted online before, always just off-frame. but her hand had appeared here and there, and some of her hair had tickled his nose in another and the comments were starting to build under his posts, she'd seen them. And while she wasn't ready for it, she'd known she couldn't keep loving him in the darkness.
Kate nodded slowly, "Okay. That's fine."
Anthony's eyes widened in surprise, "That's it? you're fine with it?"
Kate rolled her eyes, kissing his forehead quickly. "Well, I thought you fucked someone else a minute ago so yeah... I'm fine with it."
Anthony's mouth gaped. "I didn't sleep with someone else, I showed everyone your underwear!"
Kate whirled around, "You did what?!"
Anthony paled, "They were in my bag, and I- I panicked!"
"Well, fucking hell, Anthony! If you're going to show them to the entire world, You've lost wank knicker privileges."
"I suppose I deserve that."
"How long have I got before the entire world knows I give my boyfriend my knickers to wank into while he's away?"
"About a week."
"Oh great!"
And sure enough, the day after the video is posted on line she steps out of her front door to an entire circus.
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remember this anon: https://www.tumblr.com/starcanwrecked-confessions/752561674802872320/i-had-a-dream-involving-a-shirtless-boy-jerry-and?source=share yeah that's me. i've come bearing an outline (which WILL reveal my identity bc. oc. but its whatever) fair warning. it does get strange. read at your own risk.
kai Drew goes on a field trip (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL ALMOST) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
it’s a school trip and blowjob is there fior some fucking reason
girl jeri died in a firey car crash five years ago
They’re going to a casino to do some underage gambling 
Boy Jerry made them all fake IDs. Nobody knows where he got them. There are also wallets.
Karen Chasity made the IDs. She is a high level crime boss and also eats people bc raspy likes cannibalism (to be revealed later on in the story)
It’s like December and Boy Jerry is in the camp shirt and khaki shorts 
boy Jerry is like “gambling is a sin!!!” *proceeds to gamble away his life savings*
Doing it for girl Jeri for some reason???  “for girl jeri” *loses 700 dollars* (she had a gamling additction)
Jerry calls himself mama jerry. he will not stop. Execute him for this
Follows Kai around because her “chakras are misaligned”. Kai replies with “you could chak on this dick”
blowjob is ANTIVAX. he doesn’t think vaccines cause autism byt they DO kill uou. except for Kai they caused Kai’s autism hethinks. 
bj strongly believes in the benefits of skin to skin contacy:
“he was cery adamant about skin to skin after the birth of little jerrie. not with the mother no. with him”
“holistic health. oils and shit”
Thought skin to skin could save girl jeri feom dying. Ir did not
thinks crystals are of the devil but believes in Plants
either a hardcore vegan OR a carnivore. no inbetween i thibk
Calls Kai a liberal and says she has “blue hair and pronounce”
makes Kai listen to kidz bop
Bj calls kai hella corny shit 
I.e. i think he'd combine a bunch of shit to make it hella corny, my perfect little princess (he gets kicked in the balls for that)
antivax boymom girldad boy Jerry my love
50 year old Pete = Pat Spankowski
Pat has beer bottle for raspy mental health
Steph tries bunking with Kai but mama Jerry’s gaydar is ON POINT and then he tries bunking with Kai bc. Freak. Kai remembers she rich and gets her own room
Hotel room being a hallway is never explained hotel staff is always like “because 😸”
A couple tried fucking in her room and she fucking killed them 
some guy flicked her lights on and off. She killed them
One guy walked by at like 3:47 in the morning. Didn’t do anything and tried to be as quiet as possible. Kai killed him
In the morning Kai is. Just trying to get ready 
In walks Pete and Guy. His name is Guy. Actually that’s his last name his first name is Weird. Weird Guy. I’m so funny
Lil Jerry is there at some point and he and Kai get high cause they’re besties. Boy jerry shuns lil j and he makes a sad face 0.0000000000000000001 seconds before imploding 
boy jerry tries breastfeeding Kai at some point 😞 (“Kai I’m gonna feed you ☺️” “GET YOUR TITTIES OUT OF MY FACE”)
sorry for everyone who had to read this. but its amazing and i think everyone should see it. anywho toodles!!!
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