theclovercastle · 2 years
I am back. Sort of. 
I’m actually set up elsewhere and have decided that I’d like to get back into writing again. I’m a busy person, I have a job and responsibilities but I enjoyed being here too so want to write again for all you fine people. 
You can find me at mahoetei - it’s not a Black Clover only blog, I’ll be writing for a lot of different fandoms there, but if you want to I’d love to see you there again. Honestly, I’ll still plan to write a lot for Black Clover cause it just has such a special place in my heart so don’t worry. It won’t just fade away amongst loads of other fandoms. 
Mahoetei is going to be the last writing blog for me, I’m getting too tired, busy and old really to have so many open all over the place. And mostly I wanted it to be one spot where I could just write for everything I liked for other people to enjoy. 
I’m undecided whether to delete this blog or leave it up inactive. Regardless, I’ll be reposting/rewriting all my work over on the other blog slowly so it isn’t lost. If I delete it it won’t be until much later with plenty of warning, likely I’d delete around the new year. 
I can’t express how much I appreciate the amount of people that still check out this blog and who like, share and message in. It’s incredible and I’ve been lucky to have you all. I hope to see you all later. 
Your admin, formerly known as - 
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Did something happen? I know, I know... People have lives away from technology, or at least they should. I’m asking now in this moment since no updates since you came back. And now I’m sounding rude.
Sorry, I’ve just been sharing a laptop with my other half (mine broke - damn cat) so I only get time on it while he’s not using it, which isn’t often. 
I’m picking one up on Sunday though so my schedule will actually properly get on track. Sorry again and I won’t be too much longer anon - I feel so bad for your long wait. 
And don’t worry about sounding rude, you’re not being and sometimes I actually do need a kick up the arse to get me in gear so it’s all good. Anyhow, I’m writing on paper for now so will type them up on Sunday when I get home so should have some posts ready then :)
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theclovercastle · 6 years
I’ve decided to leave the prompts open until tomorrow morning! It’s 8.30pm here at the moment so will close it when I get up in the morning and then spend the day working on them all. Had some really great ones sent in so far, thanks for participating thus far!
If you have any more you want doing now is your chance, it’ll be open roughly another 12 hours. 
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Still room for a few more for the prompts before I stop accepting them! A couple are similar so will probably accept 6-7 more.
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Mini Prompt Thing
Just a little thing to get me back into writing properly after all this time away! 
Pick a prompt and a character or send in one of your own if none of these tickle your pickle. 
I’ll only be accepting around ten or so of these unfortunately so I don’t get swamped and neglect other asks for longer than I already have. 
One character and one prompt per go please - just drop the character and the prompt number/prompt in the ask box and it will be done.
Will just be mini drabble-ish things unless I get carried away. 
“You seem like the type of man who’d ruin my life.” 
“The hardest part of this is leaving you.”
“I knew you were trouble.” 
“You’re going to wish you had never met me.” 
“You were right; I’m done.” 
“I want you to stay.”
“You knew all this time and you didn’t tell me?”
“I hate you for making me love you so much that I can’t walk away.” 
“I hate it when you go, but I love watching you leave.”
“You never deserved me and I never deserved you.”
“I love you but honestly I’d trade you in for ___. 100%.”
“I hate everyone, I just hate you the least.” 
“You better have a damn good reason for calling me at three in the morning.” 
“You can’t just kill the man for that! At most he deserves a light scolding, not death!”
“I can’t decide whether you’re a robot or a fucking reptile.” 
“If you’re not dying I don’t care.” 
“I don’t know whether to slap you or kiss you or do both.” 
“I deserve better than this!”
“This is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make, I can’t do it alone.” 
“We’re so damn cute it makes me sick.” 
“Stop laughing, this isn’t funny!” 
“You make me feel safe.”
“If I do this there’s no going back, not for me at least.” 
“I want to trust you, I really do, but give me one reason why I should.” 
“You’re everyone else's hero but you’re not mine.” 
“Did I ruin your life?”
“So, we can never ever go there again.” 
“I can’t sleep when you’re not around.” 
“Something about this just feels… right… even if it might be wrong.” 
“We’re not ready for this.”
“This kid has no chance with parents like us.” 
“We’re having a baby, an actual baby. It’s just really sunk in.” 
“This is far too much to deal with right now.” 
“It’s too soon.”
“I knew I’d ruin you the moment I met you.” 
“Promise me you’ll come back safe.” 
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
“I swear it’s not what it looks like.”
“It was like that when I got here.” 
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
I love your new bird, Buns!! At least with him being pretty. I never want a bird for those reasons lol
I love him too but am pretty sure he’s the reason behind every headache I have these days. HE IS THE NOISIEST THING EVER! 
I don’t blame you for never wanting a bird pft, you’re clearly much smarter than I could ever be. 
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Since today is Magna's birthday.. could you write something for his birthday? It could be anything.
ABSOLUTELY! I realise how massively late this technically is (it has been in my inbox for nearly a year am so sorry)… I was going to keep it for the 7th of April so it rolled round nicely but I guess we’re celebrating early. Enjoy!
Birthday headcanons
Charmy made him a birthday cake once but she ate it for him. So everyone pretended they didn’t know it was his birthday. It was a sad time. 
In fact everyone often pretends to forget almost every year.
Yami does come to him though on the night time; drinks in hand and silently celebrates with him. Just a manly drink. 
For his 18th Yami took him out for a big birthday night out which ended up a complete disaster. There were fights, tears, too much alcohol and very questionable women. He had a penicillin shot the day after and pretended it all never happened. Yami had a great time and doesn’t understand what all the fuss was about.
Will do his best to remember his fellow squad mates birthday dates and make a big, albeit flamingly dangerous, deal about it when they day rolls round. It’s their special day and he will celebrate it with the at all costs. Even if it turns out to be a shambles he’s not going to let their day of birth go unnoticed. He’ll increase this ten fold if it’s his precious s/o.
Few extra headcanons
One time him and Yami went fishing and Magna swears he saw a mermaid in the water. He’s a thorough believer now. 
Tried to introduce his fellow Black Bulls to baseball but they just made a complete mockery of the sport so he gave up.
Lost his last s/o when he brought them back to Black Bull headquarters and they saw Yami. He stopped bringing any flings and other half’s back after that.
Sorry it’s short!
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Also meet my new bird. I don't recommend. Out of every pet I have ever owned he's been the biggest arse, but, he's beautiful. We named him Nozel... fitting really.
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Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Hey all, it’s Buns! 
I’m as of this moment back, my health is improving, and I’m actually working on answering some asks that will hopefully be put into the queue for later tonight or tomorrow. I’ve been away for a long time so wanna thank you guys for sticking by, all 1200 of you! I couldn’t be more chuffed. 
I’ve had a right mess on with tumblr marking my old main as explicit (which was also my multi-fandom blog) and not lifting it so I’ve spent the past week or so transferring over to a new tumblr blog altogether. So if you guys are interested my new multi-fandom blog can be found here at za-warudo-collection. There’s a post of all the fandoms I do on the main page and in the description and the ask box is open. 
Exciting to be back guys and I hope you enjoy what I’m working on. 
Buns 🍑
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theclovercastle · 6 years
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New Year. New Magic. New Future.
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theclovercastle · 6 years
*chokes on vodka*
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theclovercastle · 6 years
She is finally there AHHHHH! *high pitched screeching*
This legit made my day.🔥
Mereo was in the OP!!! QUEEN
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Get me a girl/guy/partner who can do both and imma instantly marry her/him/them, no shame.
Also..if I haven't mentioned it yet: (passage) She is the one and only queen, fight me.🔥✨💯👑
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The Lioness is here!!! 🔥
get you a girl who can do both! 😍
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theclovercastle · 6 years
All I see are two beautiful angels.💕💕💯
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Her dance is so graceful, pure angel.✨
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theclovercastle · 6 years
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Roast 'em all~🦁🔥👑
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Mereoleona 🔥
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