#i doubt ill be making many future posts but if i do then that’s gonna be the tag
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homenecromancer · 2 months ago
Nosferatu is a film for adults and I am aware of that.
It’s a good thing that Nosferatu came out when it did, but I do sort of wish I could see how I would’ve reacted to it when I was between the ages of about 14 and 18. The general vibe is one that would’ve absolutely appealed to me:
Imagine that you are the saddest girl in the world, but also the most special. You have made terrible choices in your short life, which you cannot bear to confess to anyone. No one really understands you for most of the story, including your closest friends, who refuse to listen to your desperate pleas, or recognize the true depth of your suffering. Then a non-threatening older mentor figure offers you compassion, listens to you, and tells you that you are the single most important person in this story. In a final act of bravery, you choose to sacrifice yourself, and it is only as you die a tragic death that everyone truly appreciates the gravity of what you’ve done to save the city.
Being a teenager means feeling big emotions and not quite knowing what to do with them. Horror fiction offers a space to safely explore new feelings or thoughts about life in a heightened, metaphorical way. “Maybe everyone would finally appreciate me if I were DEAD” is so normal of a teenage thought to have that Mark Twain uses it in Tom Sawyer. Same goes for “no one really understands what I am going through, but I wish someone nice would tell me that they get it, and that my feelings are valid”.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention something else about Nosferatu that I think a lot of people on Tumblr could appreciate: look, sometimes you want to read or watch a story where the heroine finds herself irresistibly attracted to / ensnared by someone or something who is objectively terrible in every way. It’s just in Nosferatu, that person is a literal monster. (This is a heightened version of a real-life dynamic that applies to far more than romantic relationships: “I can’t stop going back to this thing that is hurting me” applies to addiction as well.)
So let’s talk about Van Helsing (2004) for a minute.
I saw Van Helsing when I was just a little too young for it — I was 11 when it came out — and though it’s much less adult in content (it’s rated PG-13 in my region), it hits some of the same emotional notes that Nosferatu does. Let me think:
A beautiful woman finds herself in the clutches of a monstrous man, who she finds both scary and kind of hot. There’s an emphasis put on the age difference between the two of them — she’s a normal human, and he’s super old. She is the ultimate key to destroying him, and finally manages to ensure that this happens, but herself dies tragically in the process.
Of course, there’s a lot that’s different about the two movies — Nosferatu is all about the woman/monster dynamic, but there’s really only one memorable scene in that vein in Van Helsing. (And that vampire ball where Anna dances with Dracula is still pretty striking, I gotta say.) And Van Helsing is entertaining on a pulp level, but Nosferatu is actually a good movie.
Van Helsing is all surface. Some of that surface is quite fun, or hits evocative emotional notes, but it’s not exactly a deep movie. A lot of what makes Nosferatu good is happening under the surface, and it probably would’ve missed me as a teenager, for the most part. (Orlok is not the only man in the cast who refuses to listen to Ellen, nor is he the only man who abuses her “for her own good” or because she “wanted it”.) But those broad emotional notes I sketched out at the start of this post definitely would’ve worked for me. They are story elements that still appeal to me today, and Nosferatu uses them in a skillful, adroit way — I haven’t been so strongly affected by a movie in a long time. It’s not for everybody, but for some of us, it’s great.
edit: “Hey, what about Thomas!” I hear you cry. OK I made another post about that.
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fear-no-mort · 1 year ago
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theyre going to kill me one day
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creetchure · 1 year ago
Please tell me about your ideas for the fallout for like everyone post gotham war (if not everyone than just Jason is fine too, i am very curious about your ideas for an arc for him)
hi hello!!! my thoughts are more directed to jason because he's the one who went through the brunt of things, BUT i have thoughts on all of them. i also have sort of separate thoughts because of the detective comics anouncement, but they contain spoilers for the future issues of detective comics, so if you don't want that, i'm putting it under read more after this.
also typing this and realizing it's REALLY long, so i'm gonna put a tldr at the end of each character LMAO
first off, dick is never forgiving bruce for this. we know exactly how protective of his siblings he is -- he killed joker for implying having killed tim -- and i can't see him letting this slide, no matter how much bruce pleads the "it wasn't me i was being influenced by the personality i created as a backup". Of course, because they're bruceanddick and they're always in a cycle of coming back to each other, eventually, little by little, dick is going to start working with him again, but i don't think this is something he'll ever *forgive*. or forget for that matter. so to me, this should spark an arc of nightwing becoming more separate from batman than he's been in years.
TL;DR: Dick isn't forgiving bruce for this, but will eventually work with him again
second off. there are a lot of things i would like to see for jason, some more likely than others. ill start by what i *know* won't happen, but would be best for his character imo.
Jason is a character we've seen move forward and backwards so many times, mostly because he sells well, and so the writers keep him stuck in this red hood limbo of eing a loner and making friends, and hating bruce and forgiving him, and it's been the same arc since his resurection, and i'm tired. which is why i think what'd be best for him is an Oracle arc, for lack of a better term.
Jason will never leave Gotham for an extended period of time. it's home to him as much as it is to Bruce. he might go away for a bit (id like to see him in Blud but ill get into that later), but he'll always come back. he also will never give up trying to protect Gotham and the people in it, because he never has. But he can't be a vigilante in the same way anymore, functionally, what Bruce has done to him is profoundly disabling in day to day life, let alone doing things that are made to trigger the panic response.
I don't think that should stop him. Personally, my vision for it is to put him at the head of a spy network, to render Batman obsolete and stop major crime before it even happens (potentially also feeding batman fake info to make him look bad), but like. you could do other things. it's just the idea that i'm going with.
But I do think that unlike Dick, jason is going to forgive bruce for this (against his better sense or wishes. he does understand how fucked this is) because he understands altered states of mind (NOT talking about the pit. talking about good old fashioned brain fuckery). but it's also going to cause a rift in their relationship that i don't see them bridging anytime soon, and Jason *will* be extremely uncomfortable for a long time.
Thats only if they don't walk back the panic thing, though, which i firmly believe they will. a Red Hood solo has been in the works for ages, and is supposed to come p soon, and i doubt they'd start it off with Jason unable to *be* Red Hood. They might not fully fix it, but they'll make it much more manageable.
overall, i'd like to see Jason in Bludhaven after this for a bit. I kind of just want a focus on him and Dick for a while, though I dread what Tom Taylor might write of the two of them. I'd also like a mantle change, but that's just me dreaming.
TL;DR: if it was up to me, Jason would have an Oracle arc and be the head of a spy network. it's not, and all I can hope for is Jason moving to Bludhaven and detaching himself from Bruce for a while
third off, tim. I don't have many thoughts about him, if I'm honest, mostly because he's one of the least directly affected by Bruce's actions, imo. i'm also less of a fan of his character, making it harder for me to see all the implications that this arc will have on him. I do firmly believe that he'll stick to his siblings rather than Bruce, because he does know how to look at reality and call out Bruce's bullshit.
TL;DR: i don't know/don't care enough about Tim to have that many thoughts. he'll pick his siblings side.
fourth! Cass! She isn't really present in the event much (doesn't sell as well i assume) but this is important to me so. To me, this causes damage to her and Bruce's relationship as well, that he'll have to work to fix. She is loyal to the Bat and what the symbol represents before she is loyal to the man wearing the suit, and I think that to her, this is betrayal of the ideals Batman stands for. bruce isn't a hero in this arc, and he's not a symbol of hope like the bat stands for. What I would like for Cass is for her to keep going on the missions, keep doing good, but doing so independantly from Batman. She stops answering to him entirely up until she feels he has made amends and has worked himself back to the standard he used to be. I want her to stay in Gotham, and keep protecting it the way the Bat should, even from the bat himself.
TL;DR: cass should stay in Gotham and be batman and not return Bruce's calls.
Damian is the one i'm not exactly sure i know where the writers are leading, but i can still speculate and tell you what *id* do.
we know that him and bruce are still going to be friendly and on the same side by the end of this from Batman and Robin #1. we also know Damian in that issue is kind of distant, doesn't really stick around Bruce much. Williamson's damian always reads sort of. depressed. so idk how much of that is in reaction to Gotham war or just from the way Williamson characterizes him, but there's that.
Imo, Damian will forgive bruce, but is also internalizing a lot of the bad shit that happen in Gotham war. Bruce leaving him needs to be something that stays, because he's 14 and his dad is his hero and he left him behind *anyway* and that's bound to fuck you up.
So I think Damian is staying in Gotham, and he's staying with Bruce, but he's also going to be dealing with the aftermath of that for a while, potentially up to a boiling point, which i'd really like to see. Also i'd like to see this compound with the fact that Talia left him with his father, and how that computes together in his head etc etc.
TL;DR: Damian will stick by Bruce for better or for worse, and might have a shit time mentally dealing with the aftermath of this.
I don't have many thoughts on steph, babs, or selina, since 1) i don't know selina and babs well enough to speak on their character, and 2) steph hasn't been there much, and i don't have a Vision for her like i do for Cass.
okay. those are my thoughts. Now for those on the tec announcement
right so. forget literally all i've said about bruce, because he's going to die.
I'm not pulling this out of thin air, in issue 1080 of detective comics, it's said that Bruce is killed by the orghams, leading to the entirety of gotham city forgetting him. Now, I have no idea how this is getting implemented, so I can't say much about how the members of the Batfamily will react. But I can say that this is, in fact, the natural progression for bruce's character.
in the past year or so, both Zdarski and Ram V have been talking about how Bruce is getting too old, and putting more tangible, permanent consequences on what he does (losing a hand, zur, etc).
On top of that, he has been made to make amends with Dick, Tim, and Jason over the course of that same year (nightwing 100, cheer, failsafe arc, etc)
To me, this arc is the culmination of months of foreshadowing.
Though i'll admit, i thought they were going to just retire bruce for a little while, not fucking *kill him*. it won't last for more than a few years, he sells too well, but i genuinely thought this would be like a knightfall situation.
when it comes to the question of who gets to be batman (i swear, last paragraph and i'm done), i think that gotham war also serves to tell us that *no one* will be. I don't see Dick picking it up in those conditions, Jason won't either, Tim is scared of becoming batman, and Damian might but they won't really let him. ofc they won't let Cass take up the mantle either.
Woo. hope you're happy with this and tihs wasn't more than you bargained for. i'm a bit insane about this.
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mrsdeliberatecreater · 7 months ago
hi, im sorry for bothering u right now. ive been asking around for advice everywhere because i really need all the help i could use right now. my anxiety is flaring up like crazy because my results come out tomorrow and im so scared because if i mess this up then my future is ruined. my mental health has been horrible and that has severely affected my grades but in most asian countries they dgaf about that and basically think it's nonexistant for minors so ofc i'm still undiagnosed, and if i were to apply to a uni i wouldnt get any good chances anywhere. if i could just get 3 Bs in my AS levels it would be okay or else i'd have to retake it and it's super costly here.. i don't wanna put my family through that because they'll talk me down, degrade me, destroy my self esteem which i've managed to build back a little. they were like this since when i was the topper and thats what made me burnout. undiagnosed adhd, trauma, depression also contributed to it
im applying the law, but instead of the feeling of success that everyone else gets i feel panicked. the 'feeling' people usually get when they're in the wish fulfilled state, the feeling of accepting it and it being real—im not getting that. i dont see a clear picture when i visualize. every time i try to, i end up breaking down and feeling like a failure... but I'm still trying to go on because why is it that the people who hurt me and practically ruined my life get to live successfully, while i suffer? thats not fair... i promised myself that if i could just get 3 Bs, ill turn my life around and work really hard... but is it over for me? i want to win, im trying to, but im scared
im trying my best to visualize myself getting 3 Bs, reenacting my friends faces when i get the results, praying to God and thanking Him for blessing me and continuing to bless me, but there is this fear still lingering at the back of my mind... i feel like I'm not doing it right. i have like one day left and I'm so nervous. im going over posts, tweets, and every time I feel a little better, it all comes crashing down because of doubts. theres only one thing one my mind right now: 'how am I gonna turn it around in one day?' i know that the 3D does not matter and that everything is done in imagination, but here i feel like its not done in imagination either
right now nothings clicking in my head, whatever i read is getting scrambled in my mind, i feel so lost and empty. could u please tell me what to do in this specific situation? u can be as harsh as you want if that's what's needed to get the point across. im really sorry for the bother and id be really grateful if u could please help out, ive never been this desperate before... my life cant be over before it even started
Okay love. I need you to do something for me. Take 3 deeeeep breaths.
I understand you completely. I understand what are going through completely. I'm Indian, so I know how it can be. I got yelled at by my sister for thinking that I might have ADHD. 👀 Its all good now though. I also used to deal with debilitating anxiety two years ago.. I barely left my room, let alone go to school for a master's degree that I chose and got into serious debt for.. I'm not making this about me, but I just want you know that change is possible.
Anytime you start to feel bad, a anxiety attack coming on, I want you to just keep taking calming deep breaths and focus on the now. Focus on the things you see, things you can hear, smell, etc. Its the feeling of "now". Come back to the "now" as many times as needed if you feel negative thoughts. I would affirm, "Everything is okay, everything will be okay", pick an affirmation that feels natural to you, and affirm.
If you like subliminals, I would recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX6BKBzVgfk&t=4s This has stopped so many of my anxiety attacks before I learned to let them go..
If not keep doing the breathing exercises. You will find that by repetition this will eventually release the reasons for feeling anxiety in the first place. Take things one day at a time. If it gets bad, ask someone you trust for help.
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We alll have doubts. Doubts are fine. As long as you are just focused on the end/wish fulfilled/affirming, you are fine, even with doubts. You don't need to believe with 100% everything till you burst a blood vessel. If you feel like your doubts are overwhelming you, decide that nothing, not even you can stop your desires from manifesting. <3
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you". - Matthew 17:20
If you have the time, I would highly recommend IlluminatingJoy on youtube, especially her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT2xyCcoues&t=1727s
She has a really good grasp on manifestation and explains everything so well and accommodates it to fit our "logic", while completely validating human emotions. The exercise she does in this video is so so simple but seriously effective. I catch myself slipping at least once a day that would have spiraled if I hadn't done the exercise.
Also if you want to do this in a day, I want you to focus on your mental diet. Affirm affirm affirm.
If negative thoughts come up, you breathe and think "I can relax, I got all A's". Anything in the 3D reminds you think, "I can relax, I got what I wanted. Your family being mean to you? remember how in class after lunch, your teacher is talking but you're thinking about something else.
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Also speaking of that, I know you said you can't your images clearly. That's fine. Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
My visualizations are never clear and I manifest everything I imagine all the time. They all have that "vignette" effect lol..
Imagination can be a picture, it can be a smell, a touch, a voice, just how someone's clothes smell when they are standing really close to you like in an elevator. Like you can specifically smell it but you KNOW what I'm talking about right?
Your loved ones in your face? Use it YOUR ADVANTAGE. I used to hear my sister compliment me, it was easy to hear her voice. I primarily used her voice to fix our relationship. Cannot for the life of me picture her face properly but thats FINE.
You can use ANY of the senses, just one or two or all. Hear your family saying things you want in your mind. Hear them congratulating you, compliment you.
You can slowly work this into all the other aspects of your life...
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By the way, you aren't lost and empty. You are a very caring person, you want to do things so that you don't let your family down, in spite of how they treat you. That to me is a genuinely caring person.
But you need to apply that same care to yourself. You don't need me to be harsh to you, YOU don't need to be harsh to you. You are working so hard to find answers but you ARE the answer. Its okay. Please just rest. Its all yours. Be more soft to yourself, be more kind to yourself, compliment yourself, you will start to see that kindness reflected in the 3D as well.
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I have given you a lot of options here so you can pick and choose what makes YOU feel better so that YOU can focus on SELF because
Nothing to change but self
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Reach out to me as many times as you would like, you could never bother me.
Nya 🌺
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theglitchywriterboi · 2 years ago
I don't trust family channels cause... You know there's creeps in the replies saying gross shit about their kids [I saw a mom talk about how she deleted a video of her son because someone commented something gross. & she wasn't a huge creator, so I KNOW these big accounts get way more of these replies/comments/DMs], yet they're still posting their kids ???
I can get like a few years ago [like beginning of family accounts] not knowing why that the reason your kid swimming got way more views than than y'all going out to dinner, but at this point I doubt ANYONE doesn't know why.
& yeah, it's gross people think these things & it's not the kids fault ofc & you the parent/guardian didn't tell people to think them, but by continuing to post the kid[s] you're literally giving creeps access to your child.
Like, stalkers who wanna hurt your kid will put in a scary amount of effort. There's literally a trend of people finding locations based off a nondescript picture & while I don't think those people specifically have ill intent [I mean the people making those videos - they just seem to do it for fun & from what I see they don't do creepy shit] my point is its possible.
Especially when y'all are posting the outside of your house, your local store, what your car[s] look like, the outside of their grandparent[s] house[s], etc etc.
& since you're posting so much info about your kid, it'd be super easy for a predator to lie about knowing them. You can teach your kid stranger danger, but kids are trusting & naive !! If an adult is like "Hey remember me ? Aw come on you really don't remember me :(( I got you [gift you showed them opening on their birthday] !! I was at [event you posted about] !! Your parent/guardian asked me to take you to [activity you posted about them being in]" they're probably gonna be more inclined to trust them, cause kids don't understand the internet no matter how much you explain it to them !!! They sent really grasp "Oh this was posted online & that's how they got that info, but they don't actually know me"
Like my aunt hardly posted me [& when she sis it was on a private facebook - this is an example], but if a random adult was like "Hey [deadname] !! Congrats on graduating 5th grade !! I saw you wore [dress I was wearing], you looked adorable <3. You don't remember me ? I was there w/ your dad !!" I probably would've just assumed I forgot them & they were family/a family friend. Because that's how kids brains work.
Like I KNOW most of these parents know these risks, yet they're still putting their kids at risk like this & it's gross.
Plus even if there were NO risks & NO creeps: KIDS STILL SHOULENT BE POSTED ONLINE !!! That shit will follow them. Bullies may find it & make fun of them, employers & future partners may be able to literally watch them grow up. It's gross & just because you think it's tame doesn't mean it's okay.
There's a lot of fun memories I had as a kid, that while I don't hate, I'd still be MORTIFIED to know thousands to MILLIONS saw that moment.
If you wanna share that stuff, make a private account for just close friends & close family.
[Also I've seen so many accounts for kids that have the "@[mom] & @[dad] !!" Shit & when I click on their profile[s]... Private... Like some of these parents value their own privacy, but post their kids entire childhood ??? Gross.]
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aristsagainstarttheft · 1 month ago
Hello, this is StahlSlav with a letter to Uniloax!
Sup big boys and girls of all ages! Let me be frank, I LOVE me some good art! Provided this art wasn't stolen, wasn't copied pixel-to-pixel while its alleged creator claims the originality via "study" (I think we all know this kind of shit, right? Right, anyway!), or that they were first at making something, and thing would go on an on an on, you know the deal about it!
And here comes... ughm... pretty much a thing. I have to adress my concerns because there's an actual thief among us. Right, Emily? Aka Uniloax, Superbiamoris, WillowTheWay, Raven, SamanthaPrater, whatever else you calling yourself these days. My niece says hi by the way, our mutual friend, Ikolthur, is inside of your walls sweetie, you have to wash yourself but I'm getting ahead of myself, I apologize for this.
*claps* So, it's not gonna be something I really want to dig into right now but I have obligation to, mainly because I have some good people rely on my involvement along with the knowlege some of these are posessing. Let me put it simple, Uniloax may think of herself as a good, genuis maybe artist, but in fact, drawing people with obvious physical deformities in craenium is... not a welcome thing, especially in LGBTQ2IAPNZ+++ art communities she's so craving to be part of.
Emily, I have to remind you, once upon a time you have been doing pretty naughty things, along with making innapropriate actions in Second Life, harassing some actual artists like Lamby, Ikolthur Benoit (you know him going by the alias IKOL, which is telling who they are), Sparkletor, Wanderer, CatGirlsAreLove (Indeedy are love, luv!), probably some others via your repulsive private erotica footage which I'm NOT going to post here by any means, you can do it yourself! But what I want to say is, you've come to Kiwi Farms... and THAT is where things went down real bad for you, as much as I know.
Say, what made you think that a site known by many people as harassment, trolling and doxxing forum full of stalker children (I know what that means in Kiwi speech, gentlemen, so shout out to Patrick S. Tomlinson thread regulars) would be a good place for art advice, in general? Have it not struck your mind that the forum well known for zealously recording any happenings within transgender folks and of Christine Weston Chandler's life in particular, would be a great niche place for you to seek desired answers? Or was there some ill intent, like gathering virtual forces against those you have deemed unworthy of being artists, whom you falsely have accused of theft episodes while you yourself was being manic and inadequate to a certain degree? My point is... Don't judge people and place you've picked up for ill intents of your mind to be fulfilled for making fun of you, not only that but also revealing some dark secrets about your past, your present (have you really had to prove people in the thread dedicated to your name that you're not... uh... hermaphrodite, by all means? I mean your booty is quite flat, I'd be doubting if that booty was of a woman too but... who am I to jusge, right?
Just know this that your karma is reeking of very unappealing stench, your meek attempts at diversion of attention from your wrongdoings toward innocents won't be underlooked, the more manic and unstable you are, the worse case you make for your future. It's never going to end well for you if you won't change for the better, by all possible aspects.
Consider it as a little nod toward me understanding you, your struggles, but also me judging you for what a shady person you are. You won't get what you desire unless you will atone for your sins, unless you accept that you have to make a change for the better. first of all, to stop drawing these atrocities you call "art", stop do Disney IP theft via "edits" which are horrendous. LEARN how to work properly, first.
Sincerely, Drew Garfield.
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yukidragon · 2 years ago
What if...Ok let's suppose that Alice begins a new life with Jack, these two have a happy time until the subject of children comes up, Jack is excited about this and begs Alice to start a family for which she accepts but during the early stages of pregnancy Alice has too many complications.
One day she decides to go for a checkup at the hospital but there they give her bad news.
Alice must terminate the pregnancy since her body isn't supporting it, if she decides to go ahead she may die in childbirth or even worse... she and the baby may die, this will give Jack terrifies but doesn't take this life. Here three paths open up, one where they decide end up the pregnancy, another one triggers the events of "What If Alice Died In The Childbirth?" And the last one would be the worst...Jack loses them both, Alice and the baby die during childbirth...Jack is alone again
Haha... Y’all really love seeing those dark pregnancy headcanons, don’t you? I actually touched on how Jack would react if his sunshine died in childbirth before over here. I also made a post about a dark timeline where yandere Ian tried to go after Alice while she was pregnant here.
As I mentioned in previous posts, Alice wants to have a large family, ideally to give birth to her partner’s children after they are in a stable relationship that can financially support them. Even in Jack’s supernatural state where he has very little impact on the world, she would be keen on having babies with him if that was an option. I went into some detail about how that might go over here in a much fluffier pregnancy scenario.
Jack isn’t going to have to beg too hard to get Alice on board the baby making train. If anything, she would feel concerned that they might not be able to since that is something she really wants. Fortunately, Jack would no doubt encourage her that they won’t know if they don’t try, will they? It would certainly be a lot of fun trying!
Alice does have health complications due to her chronic illness, which is no doubt going to affect any pregnancy she has, even if she’s being treated for her condition. If it got so bad that the recommendation was to terminate the pregnancy... I honestly don’t think she could bring herself to do it. I couldn’t see her choosing to terminate an unwanted pregnancy from Ian in another unfortunate what if scenario I outlined over here after all, and this pregnancy would be very much wanted.
Jack wouldn’t exactly take this dilemma well either. On the one hand, this is his sunshine’s life we’re talking about. Then the life of their child. Can he really afford to lose either of them? There must be another way. There has to be!
As I mentioned in the sunshine dies in childbirth post, I think if that happened, Jack’s tether to the world would be their child. If they were both dead, he probably would be sent back to the VHS. If Alice and/or their baby died, that would result in very bad things and you can pretty much kiss all his healing goodbye. His mental state is going to fracture worse than before from such a tragedy on top of everything he’s gone through for the past 40 years.
Now, I’m gonna be honest with you. I hang out on the vanilla and fluffier side of things. I might consider darker what ifs, even a Bad End AU, but contemplating how it would go if Alice terminated a pregnancy, had a miscarriage, died during childbirth, or she and her baby dying... that’s a bit too dark for me. The furthest I’d want to go is her going through some complications, maybe even a close call, but both mother and baby pulling through okay in the end with Jack being extra clingy as a result.
Though, ideally, I’d like to imagine Jack and Alice having a big family and a happy ending, like the one I painted in this post (even if Ian wasn’t exactly happy in it). Sunshine in Hell ultimately is my attempt at a guarantee that my OTP is going to help each other heal from their scars and grow towards a brighter future together.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur    
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internetmisfitsworld · 4 years ago
Ok but it just dawn on me how, in a way, everyone has something to win, but at the cost of losing something else.
Let's start with Diana.
Gain: She managed to dismantle Providence from the inside. Providence, who is the true controller of Blue Seed, the company who caused the death of her brother (illness from the chemical leak) and later, her parents (assassins were sent to kill them). So in a sense, a sweet revenge for her.
Loss: Had to lose ICA, her longtime employer.
Gain: Get revenge on Providence, the company who had been using him and his brother Lucas as tools for their dirty works. Not to mention the amount of abuse and other shitty things they had to endure by Ort Meyer.
Loss: Lucas died.
Providence/Arthur Edwards,
Gain: Lucas, the man who had caused many damages, from killing their operatives to destroying their assets, has died.
Loss: Arthur Edwards, the current controller of Providence, was killed/neutralized by 47, and then Providence was dissolved completely with the help of Diana, who has the power, as the new Constant, to tear them apart from the inside.
Lucas Grey,
Gain: Although he died, his death was not in vain. He was avenged by his brother, 47 along with Diana and Olivia. (yes I know she calls it quit by the end of Berlin, and completely do so after Mendoza, but I'm still gonna include her anyway yeah fight me)
Loss: He died and doesn't get to see the day Providence lost, and also doesn't get to live the future he wanted.
You know who doesn't win anything at all and instead, lose everything?
Olivia Hall.
Why? Well. Let's look into her motives for joining Lucas. As far as I'm concerned, IO doesn't gives any intels or pieces of dialogues regarding her motives for joining this shitshow (IO why you did my girl like this?), I did a list of the possibilities of her motives and its logicalness. Here it is:
1. "Money?"
2. "She's a hacktivist. So, maybe she joined simply because she's anti-corpo?"
3. "Maybe she too, like Lucas, had past issues with Providence?"
4. "Forced?"
5. "They have a long standing friendship. She joined because she cares about him and wants to help".
The answers:
1. There are other ways of making money that doesn't involve joining a war against some shady highly dangerous secret society lmao damn. Not to mention that she used to be a child in a warzone (Sierra Leone Civil War). With the amount of trauma that I could only imagine, I doubt she wanna go through that again especially over petty shit like money. Money. For money that I'm sure she could easily get that by hacking some rando corpo bank account anyway. Plus, Idk man. She just doesn't seem the type imo.
2. This is true. She is indeed, anti-corpo. However, again, it's stupid. We're not talking about some basic ass corpo group, nah, this is literally the organization that have controls over almost half the globe and half of the government, for god knows how long. This is not some fun shit, this is serious shit. Sooo many things that could go wrong, resulting with either her being dead or targeted for the rest of her life.
3. This is good but bruhh there's just so many potential theories, and I do not have the energy to write all of them (maybe another day). Not to mention that there's no reason for them to not include this intels in the game. Hell, there's no reason at all for them to not let us know about her motive.
4. *logic has left the chat*
5. Out of all theories, this is the one imo that's the most logical. Period. There's so many versions based on this but I'm gonna stick with the simple one. Maybe I'll elaborate the others on another post.
So, it has been concluded that her motives for joining Lucas, is because she cares for him. Whether you see them as father-daughter or simply friends. Both works fine, though imo, the former works best.
It makes sense as to why she chose to call it quit by the end of Berlin. Because what's there to fight for? He's dead. She already lost him. She lost. Sure, she could stay and continue his fight. Avenge him. But that's the thing. It's HIS fight. She did this only because she wanted to help him survive this shitshow. She wants him to survive, and gets to live the future that he (definitely) had mentioned to her before. Plus, she's tired. Tired from the pain she felt from both, losing Lucas and her leg injury.
This woman suffered physical AND emotional pain at the same time.
Not to mention she has been in this fight for almost 2-3 years now. All of that is enough for her to walk away. Find peace for herself from this mess.
She and Lucas probably has talk about this before. Maybe he made her promise him, that if anything happens to him and 47, he wants her to run. Run like hell. Forget about all this. There's no bodyguards, no task force. He's not there to protect her anymore.
If he's the only one who didn't make it, he would've appreciate it if she choose to stay with 47 and continue fighting alongside his brother. But he also understands if she choose to leave.
Olivia finds that, for the sake of her sanity, it's best to walk away.
I'm willing to bet one of the main reasons she helps 47 one last time (Mendoza), is because she felt a tinge of guilt for abandoning him just like that. If she could not see herself continue fighting, the least she could do, is offers her help one last time, even if it probably wasn't much.
After all, old habits amirite?
So there you go. Our girl was fighting hard to help the man that she had known since she was 7 years old.
More sad: if this man save her life during the war.
Even more sad: if this man also got her out of there, away from all the pain, towards a new life.
Peak depression: if this man was the one who raised her himself.
(Oh and uh if I got it wrong or missed something, let me know okay!)
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cherry-interlude · 4 years ago
Lana Del Rey Unreleased Ranking (3)
This is a re-ranking of Lana's unreleased songs, after making a first a few years ago. This is all my opinion, which I don't mind anyone disagreeing with but don't come for me for it - honestly, I like every song, despite any criticism, and this ranking is very vague. It's based on objective and subjective opinion.
This is the third of five posts, with the middle songs.
Purely wholesome and dreamy, Lana adds some very fifties “shoo-wops” to play a fifties starlet whispering, her vocals soothing and soft along with the looping piano that guides the song.
Jimmy Gnecco
Breathless over the brisk guitar, Lana gushes over Jimmy – mixing her adoration of her lovers with wannabe-starlet fangirling. It’s one of her best acoustic tracks as she smirks and requests a trip to the park.
Lana’s acoustic dedication to her icon Elvis Presley is memorable despite how stripped back it is. It could have been cleaner but Lana’s sorrowful desperation to be close to this man who she is such a fan of works well in being decent output from her.
Boarding School
It’s a difficult listen, considering Lana’s nostalgia is for a “pro-ana nation” and a school where “makig love with your teachers” is revered, but it may just be a satirical look at her time in boarding school when she was younger. I don’t enjoy listening to such worrying topics being handled in an upbeat song but the song itself has well-written lyrics and a great instrumental.
Television Heaven
This song is incredibly sweet, with lovely lyrics, dreamy verses and a distinctive pop feel, but it is definitely a strange mash of instrumentals. It’s not too jarring but it does make the song fall lower in ranking. It feels indecisive as it goes from sugary pop to a slightly darker feel in the choruses, and the lyrics aren’t the most imaginative in Lana’s library of tracks.
Be My Daddy
Lana’s full on sex-kitten in this song that opens with twangy guitars and her hushed “what’s up?” as she greets her potential “daddy”. With dirtier lyrics that she’s “open like a Christmas present” and how she’ll “fuck you”, Lana avoids keeping the sex in just the vibe of the song.
Break My Fall
Another song made for another artist, Lana this time sounds like she’s doing her own track. The pop sound is still ideal for actual music charts but Lana pulls the song off well, playing a strong woman far removed from the tragic women of many of her songs. It’s strong in quality and doesn’t stray into more experimental territory where many of Lana’s unreleased songs reside.
Hit and Run
With three versions to pick from (the poppy original, the Born To Die style slower version and the demo Criminals Run The World that’s a little more overt about Lana’s violent intentions), all three of these songs have something special about them. The pop version is bouncy and chaotic, perfect for a wild spree of gun fights and car chases. The slower version is much more seductive and measured, but a little too reflective compared to the manic power of the upbeat version. Criminals Run The World ranks much lower, not as smooth compared to Hit and Run but still with that insanity that makes Hit and Run a wild ride.
Heavy Hitter
With a jazzy introduction, Lana gives us a glamorous tale of a star having an overdose (somehow she makes it glitzy). However, following the suggestive chorus in which Lana asks her man to open his butterfly doors of his car (to drive her to get help, somehow delivered with seduction rather than horror), the lyrics get lost in Lana’s generic praising of herself and her wicked ways. However, it’s a staple of Lana’s unreleased music, even if I do skip after the (if you think about it) harrowing first verse and chorus.
Behind Closed Doors
The instrumental is a little bit all over the place, but it does work when Lana details her ill-received romance to her lover, then jumps right in the chorus to eagerly tell him how much she enjoys sleeping with him.
Gangsta Boy
Lana is inspired by Betty Boop as she croons and gasps her way through the track. The vibe is great, though the music falls a bit, but Gangsta Boy is playful, light-hearted fun.
You’re Gonna Love Me
Lana may be raw in her vocals and basic in her instrumentals (only a guitar) but Lana takes control, self-assured she will make the listener adore her. Her confessional whisper that she might just want to be loved gives this song a knowing edge despite the pondering questions and realism-on-the-edge-of-pessimism feel tone.
Living Legend
Lana’s Living Legend was intended for Ultraviolence, and whilst the song fits in it is definitely one of her more slumbering songs. Yet her sentiment is strong, her lyrics thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable. All of the versions bring something a bit different but it is underlined by great song-writing.
Hey You
Lana has fun greeting a potential lover with this track and I have as much fun listening to it. The chorus is sparse and repetitive but Hey You is all about grabbing your attention rather than going to deep.
Is It Wrong?
Claustrophobic and guided by a smart riff and technological glitches, Lana pulls off the perfect unhinged groupie as she questions whether or not she is wrong for wanting the star of her dreams so much. The glitching is great for really seeing how Lana teeters on the edge of sanity for this guy she can’t resist, going from being the starlet to the foaming-at-the-mouth fangirl.
Lana becomes a rapper apparently in Playground and hits back at anyone who doubts her and her music. With a cloying chorus that compares the music industry to a playground of bitchy comments and school yard, Lana’s verses are smooth and her references overall decent. It can be a little bit clunky in places but it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Motel 6
A cute little dance track which namedrops Jim and her sister, Chuck, Lana brings the party to her favourite motel, downplaying her glamour to throwback her ‘lore’ and her old life pre-fame. Though it’s very much just describing one night rather than anything complex, it’s harmless fun.
Like the explosive dynamite itself, this song is punchy, restless and powerful. Lana layers this dominating track with innocent references to ice cream and pillow fights whilst also not holding back from the sexual references.
Neat and mournful, Lana finally breaks off from her toxic partner. Lana is either sick of being worried for the future or terrified of her partner, and its reflective sadness as she plans to go back home still leaves hope that she will be able to be happy.
Rolling calmly like a beach wave, Lana takes us straight to Hawaii and paints us an image of handsome surfers and Mercurys. Wayamaya is simply a soothing, short, cute little track that keeps very much surface level.
Hawaiian Tropic
Plinky music paired with non-stressful verses and imagery of Hawaiian shirts, this is the (in my opinion) better version of Every Man Gets His Wish (which shares the same chorus). The subtlety of this track compared to Every Man Gets His Wish helps to convey the hurt feelings a lot better, with the nostalgic feel and mournful longing in the vocals.
Dum Dum
Lana plays the alcoholic star who name drops Scarlett O’Hara and Bugsy Malone as part of her identity. These lyrics are pretty witty and the song snappy but, like some of her unreleased music, is a bit too overproduced and not cohesive. The verses and choruses don’t quite gel which doesn’t make for a song that flows well but with tweaking it could be even better.
Hollywood’s Dead
Lana fits perfectly into the era of fifties with this mid-20th century driven track. It sounds perfectly in place for the decade she frequently romanticises (with a modern twist) and Lana’s crooning, tearful references to her icons drips with glamour.
Fake Diamond
For an anti-romance song, Fake Diamond is quite upbeat. Lana complains of her ‘lover’ who is one way with her, a different way with others, whilst comparing their relationship to all manner of Lana-themed aesthetics (diamonds, movie projectors, etc.). Comparing herself to a child, she practically has a tantrum in the chorus, stamping her feet lovingly as she demands he loves her. I do think this song is joyful, making fun of her inattentive lover whilst keeping one step ahead of his games.
I Must Be Stupid
Lana’s live unreleased track lets Lana enjoy her life despite the hurt that surrounds it, showing strength in the face of heartbreak and other such topics in her music. It was performed post-Lust For Life, an era in which Lana embraced the light side rather than simply the dark.
Live Or Die
The version that is a little bit more lowkey and, in some ways, mature in that it matches a lot of her early albums sound is good but it’s not my favourite. There’s the heady, ultra-pop second version that has plenty more sexy references, a little meow (iconic) and an overall vibe of just having fun on the run. The former version is a bit more serious, but the second is – though less good in terms of production – full of soul.
Velvet Crowbar
Velvet Crowbar is a song that shows the dark side of fame and bad boys, namely the way they self-destruct to the point that their adoring lovers (already addicted to these gangstas of course) are falling with them. This song is a warning to these destructive souls that they aren’t invincible, and an equal warning to the people that love them that they might just fall apart and lose them. Lana puts her emotion across so well, with her stark lyrics, anxious guitars and growling third chorus. Even her more flowery imagery doesn’t cover up the overt fear that runs through this song.
Your Band Is All The Rage
Probably one of Lana’s saddest songs (which could be a great deal many since she knows how to tug heartstrings), Lana lets go of her rock star lover despite still loving him in this acoustic track. She makes soulful promises to be there when he needs him, her love lingering until he wants her back, and utilises the country music theme to her advantage.
The studio version is my favourite but the charm of the original, acoustic demo is unmatched. Despite the controversial inspiration for this track, Lana puts us straight in the world of the 1950s, with American motels and Kmart. It has a note of sadness – perhaps because of the unfortunate tale of Lolita that much of this song seems based on – but it works as one of Lana’s aesthetically pleasing and classic tracks.
Because of You
The spoken intro is a little bit cringe but the song is lovely. Lana plays an immature brat who fell in love with a good man who essentially tamed her (a little bit questionable for some in 2021). It’s got some of her most flowery imagery and it details how her relationship bought out the best of her. The casual comments she throws in throughout the song give this a real bedtime story feel, though this song is anything but sleepy.
Frustrated but fun, Lana’s catchy and upbeat Resistance brings to mind surfers and sunny days set in the noughties. Even though she’s furious with the guy who’s causing her so much trouble it still, for a change, stays perky and pleasant. A song that needs more attention, it’s the type of song that gets people singing and dancing along to it.
Dangerous Girl
With a rock-feeling patriotic opening, Lana launches into a track about her prowess as a dangerous girl, like a deranged beauty queen with a gangsta on her arm. It’s simply fun, complete with wolf-whistles and an impression of a siren.
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sayitaliano · 3 years ago
30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda
Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!
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Regrets... how many do we have? How many do we fear of having?
Regrets are so very different and personal, but we can learn to see from where we may get them or not. Would you regret more taking a holiday of a few weeks to just recover your energies and start anew or think "crap, it's time wasted, I could do so much in these few weeks"? We're all different and have different regrets too, but once we know where we want our life to go, we can realize when and how we can make renounces in order to make ourselves and our lives better and get a little to none regrets.
Let's see... Why do we renounce to something we wanna do? Leaving the comfort zone is so impossible? Yes, we know exactly what we are leaving while we aren't sure of what it's expecting us over there, but really, is renouncing worth? What are the blockages we are experiencing? What could go wrong? If there's an opportunity to do something we feel like doing but we don't wanna do because *insert any random excuse like I'm tired, it's too far, I don't know anybody there*... why are we giving up before trying? Ofc, if those aren't excuses but we really don't wanna do something, then we're right, it's better to not do it. Forcing ourselves to have too many experiences in order to not have regrets, won't simply work. It'll just give us regrets for having done things we didn't feel like or weren't our cup of tea at all. Let's also not forget about depressive episodes that may lay behind this behaviour (I'm not judging nor I am a doctor, but if you have doubts on the nature of your renouncing habit, please have a check with a pro, okay?)
A thing that may come in handy is making lists of pros and cons: they can help us see more clearly if we can renounce to an experience or not, in order to reach our goal.
This is for the regrets we may fear to have, but what if we are checking in with the past?
Let's ask ourselves: with your actual knowledge and the way your person is at this very moment (don't look back to the person you were, cause you can't compare your actual self to your past self or future self), would you do something differently? Did you give your best in each situation you went through or not? Cause it's all about that.
If at this very moment, we're doing our best (according on the person we are and what we know, how we feel, think and all at this very moment), we can't have regrets. If our future self (even just the person we're gonna be the day after something happened) is looking back, it can't have regrets. Cause our future self is who they are exactly thanks to that experience our actual self has made. Regrets starts when we know we can do something in a certain way or experience something, but we don't do that. We simply renounce making up an excuse or we don't give our 100% even if we could. “Oh, I could have talked to that person” (but we didn't); “I could have accepted my friend's invitation to that party, what I am doing here alone?” (but we didn't). Let's ask ourselves why we didn't, and find an answer. We need to have a target and work towards it with dedication.
Again I do believe that once we know our goal and how to reach it, we will know what to do, we will know what we can renounce to without having too many regrets in the future.
But we have to be true to ourselves and our goal. And simply forgive ourselves if occasionally we'll make an excuse to avoid doing something or won't be able to give our best for whatever reason (maybe we're ill or not feeling it), cause we're human and we live of habits and giving them up it's not always very easy. Our minds will have to do a lot of work to keep us in line. We'll need to keep the focus and be determined. Or just be forgiving and kind.
Song: Nessun rimpianto by 883. Il tema principale di questa canzone è un rimpianto d'amore, ma è adatta anche per altri tipi di rimpianto (soprattutto amicizia).
Il ritornello:
Non ho nessun rimpianto = I have no regrets Nessun rimorso soltanto certe volte = no remorse, only sometimes Capita che appena prima di dormire = It happens that just before falling asleep Mi sembra di sentire = It seems to me I'm feeling Il tuo ricordo che mi bussa e mi fa male un po' = Your memory knocking in and it hurts me a little
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fe-semi-decent-scenarios · 5 years ago
oooh could you do protective headcanons for the golden deer too??🥺
{I most certainly can. Y’all know I love these tropes so keep ‘em coming. Hope it’s to your liking! :3}
Neutral, with just a tad bit of nerves. 
Look. Claude has bigger fish to fry than what you’re gallivanting on about during the day. The man has a dream to catch with literally a country and 1/3 (woot woot alliance) on his shoulders. 
First, the future. Then, you. Can’t have a life together if there is no place for it to be had, yeah? 
This doesn’t mean that he never worries about you. Quite the contrary, if he begins then he can’t stop. So he doesn’t tinker the thought. 
Instead he has his most trusted allies at your back. During the Academy days you were left under Hilda’s watchful eye, and during the war you are always nearby (courtesy of matchmaker Prof.Byleth) 
Once he puts a ring on it you’ll have guards. No problem. 
He also trusts your own capabilities. One doesn’t train every day to walk out with nothing  
You make me laugh if you think Claude believes you’ll ever cheat on him 
Not that he’s cocky okay, maybe a bit  but no one would dare put the moves on “The Master Tactician’s” s/o
Any suitor coming your way is peasant fodder. If not to him, than to your own personal retaliation. 
Yupp, nothing to worry about. You’ve got it covered. He’ll only step in if you physically come ask him 
and with a bit of teasing he’ll comply 
However, Claude is very sensitive to illness for obvious reasons. This is why he’s listed at a six. He always insists on tasting your food
It was a gimmick at first, and in the beginning he’d make banter to sneak a bite while you remain all unknowing of his true intentions 
He’ll be damned if someone ever poisons you. They won’t ever get the chance
Let us face it. Iggy is a worry-wart.
He freaks out over the most minuscule of situations. The poor lad nearly gets a heart attack at least once a day 
And no, i’m not just referring to his pre-timeskip self. Ignatz may have grown a head taller, got a backbone, fancy harem artist pants--but no, he did not lose his inner anxious zealot. That trait will cling until the day he dies sadly 
Having you at his side only makes things worse (in a good way. The trouble is worth it to him) 
Especially if you’re more of the risky sort. Expect him to mother hen if you cause ruckus around the monastery. He can and will lecture you to death (only to apologize and hide away after)
Now not only does he worry about his own issues, but also yours. I swear Ignatz acts like you are his second being. If someone scolds you, hurts you, etc. he acts like they did it to him 
Can be a bit dramatic, not gonna lie. He gets so worked up that his ears go red. Like, you can just t e l l he’s holding so much back because he doesn’t want to go too far
Don’t even get me started on if someone tries to make a move on you 
He becomes t o r n. It isn’t his place to tell you who to hang around, but ohmygodwhatifyourealizeheisn’tgoodenough 
iggy no, bad iggy. don’t think like that
He feels threatened so easily and not many would peg him the jealous type. He is, but hides it very well. 
If need be he will talk out his feelings with you. That’s something noteworthy of Ignatz: he uses his words. He may find communicating such thoughts aloud difficult, but if he truly is concerned then he will be honest with you.  
Raphael believes in trust. He expects you to be honest and to not keep anything important secret. In return he’ll do the same. 
This is why he doesn’t care if someone is flirting. He could give less of a thought on gossip, rumors, or anything really. That effort can go towards training 
He truly, honest to Sothis, trusts you with all his heart. There isn’t any time to spend doing otherwise. Raph just wants to live happily and that means having you by his side 
Nor does he feel intimidated by anyone else either. I’m not saying that he reeks of resolved confidence, but Raph believes that you love him. Love topples any mindless flirting that other people throw your way 
but let’s get one thing straight 
If anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, tries to hurt you 
This guy’s having them for b r e a k f a s t. Pounded, sliced, and Smoked. The same way he liked his bacon. 
You are his family. Raphael protects his family, and those he cares about. 
You will never be alone. Goddess if you cry and someone else is the cause then he will take action. One fault of Raph is that while he’s a sweetie, he doesn’t think before acting a lot. Similar to Caspar, he just goes for it 
It takes a lot to get underneath Raph’s skin. 
In short: do not f*ck with his loved ones. He would take on Nemisis himself mono-e-mono if it meant protecting them 
Y’all going to sit there and try to convince me that Lorenz Hellman Gloucester doesn’t try to establish dominance? 
Key word: try
He’s quickly shut down
“Lorenz if you tell one more person that we’re betrothed, I swear that I’ll shave off your eyebrows” - You, one month post-confession 
Saying that you’re his perfect match is no excuse. Considering all the preaching he does on noble humility, you’d think he would want your private affairs off the notice board? 
It doesn’t take long for your peers to start complaining. Claude finds his behavior entertaining, but not a day goes by that someone doesn’t beg you to make him shut up 
Lorenz is also a bit old fashioned. He doesn’t like the idea of you fighting more than necessary
Once again, shut down 
Best way to deal with Lorenz is to let him think he has his way, then just do whatever. He gets upset, pouts, spouts his normal lecture, but then relents. All in due process with him 
Never thought I’d say this, but perhaps requesting not to be in the same troop together is the best option? You’d think he would fight better with an S tier relationship at his side? Nahhh. HE TAKES YOUR KILLS IT IS NOT FAIR 
He gives too much attention to what you’re doing, and not the enemy. Best if you stay separated
Ugh pray no one hits on you in front of him. Just... *screams* I don’t think anyone will, just to avoid him getting defensive. I swear the other deer take extensive preventative measures to avoid it.  
C’mon. This is Hilda we’re talking about 
You two most likely grew closer because she “asks” you for help so often 
Just like Claude, she has bigger fish to fry. The last type of person she wants to be is Holst (she loves him though don’t misinterpret that)
She does worry though 
Not enough to make her take the front lines, but a smidgen. Just to where you’ll get periodic check in’s 
Nothing obvious. A simple “what’s going on?”  as she inquired about your well-being 
A precarious scan-over as she checks for any new scars
She does get jealous though. There’s an entire castle full of available people and someone chooses to flirt with you? 
That just doesn’t make sense. Perhaps the “once something is taken it becomes more desirable,” saying has some truth 
She’s quite the clinger. You’ll just be walking and suddenly, BOOM, bubble-gum pink arm-candy in the corner of your vision
Once you two bypass the ‘puppy-love’ early stages, she changes. 
Despite her negligence beforehand, she does become overprotective   
Will fight if needed. Say you have a paralogue? Just so happens she was nearby and wants to tag along 
She also has to protect you from Holst. My dear, you cannot do that yourself. Brotherly wrath beseeches you, my god. Run dude run 
A possessive streak is nonexistent in her blood. Such thing is a personal fear of her’s. Marianne refuses to conform to the stereotypes associated with her crest 
However, she does believe that one day you may leave her side. Marianne isn’t the most confident person. She...doubts 
Often does she wonder if you’re there solely to make her hurt. To love her and then one day disappear without a trace 
Anxieties like so will not go away overnight. She will not seek reassurance, which makes her more uncommunicative than most partners 
but no one is perfect. Neither are you. All you personally can do is politely decline any advances, and do your best to let Marianne know that you love her 
She isn’t particularly protective in any other sense either. She’ll heal you if needed, but special attention isn’t there
Marianne treats being a healer like how an ER doctor operates. On the field, everyone is equal. She is needed everywhere and cannot stay by your side. Otherwise lives will be lost, and that won’t be good for her conscience.
The same goes for all other aspects. If you’re gone, then you’re gone. If you’re sick, then you’re sick. She cannot give you special attention and acts in accordance to severity of the situation. Patients cannot be weighed in value via personal bias 
She has a surprisingly strong sense of self control, let me tell ya.
She...does not have much time. Entering a romantic relationship was not a possibility that crossed her mind once before you 
Why bother when the ending is certain? Why leave someone brokenhearted, or a widow? Why give herself that extra stress when she’s already under so much as it is?
You can’t blame her for being extra cautious. While her life may be hanging on a string, that doesn’t mean yours has to end 
After some time she develops a resolve. If needed she would gladly lay her life down if it meant you could live another day 
A problematic conclusion. You two will argue often over how she cannot trade a ‘life for a life,’ just because of her special circumstances. Her mind always enforces that it’s the logical decision, and has trouble recognizing her own value
I suppose that comes with being a know-it-all, huh? Once her mind is set then there is no changing it 
Despite her brain sending all the signals that acting on jealousy is wrong...well, we know Lysithea 
She won’t come out and say she gets protective for your sake. Apparently anyone flirting with you already had business with her
Business that miraculously unfolds once you leave. Then suddenly they no longer have an interest? 
What’d she do? Threaten to shove a thoron up their rectum? No one knows 
She is the mom who’d create a strict morning routine for her kids to follow before school 
Or a thorough itinerary on a vacation 
Not a moment or bullion to be wasted! 
Cannot express enough how much this girl cares. She can become annoying from all the interference, but you’ll never become a bum with her in your life 
You might want to ask her to butt out. Remind her that you’re not one of the kids from her village, and that you can handle yourself 
Sometimes you’ll joke and say “yes mom,” because she gets b o s s y 
Which will earn you either: a) a glare, or b) her playing along and confusing everyone else 
So in a sense, yeah she’s protective. Overbearing in her own Leonie way 
Not the jealous type. Leonie doesn’t look at what other people have, and instead focuses on her own life. If someone wants to shamelessly throw themselves at your feet then that’s their issue. You know better than to cheat on her 
I can see her complaining to the captain or to Byleth though. Why waste time when the issue can easily be solved? Obviously someone with the time to flirt has time to do training drills  
Bonus! Cyril: (because during my first play-through I kept expecting GD to take him under their wing. They did not, and Nintendo missed out.) 
He personally hates being treated like a child. When someone doesn’t take him seriously Cyril’s self restraint goes b o o m 
So he won’t do that to you. You’re a capable individual and that’s that. Nothing more for him to interfere with 
His only protective streak lies when you’re incapable of doing things yourself. Aka: injured, ill, resting, etc. 
He’ll nag you for not being careful, but it’s not hard to miss the tears pricking his eyes 
He’s also very perceptive towards break-in’s. Many people have tried to kidnap/assassinate people of higher standing. He’s witnessed many attempts towards lady Rhea. I see him taking night shifts for patrol often, and after the war the habit sticks with him.
He takes a lot onto his shoulders often. It’s not bad. Being dedicated is an admirable trait, yet if you’re down someone will have to stop him from picking up the slack. 
He’s no healer, and leaves that job to the professionals. However he doesn’t want anyone to disturb you with the work your missing. So he’ll do it in your stead 
Manuela lets him stay in the infirmary past visitation hours. Mostly because he’s so busy during the day that he can’t come by 
He won’t return to his room those nights. He prefers to be by your side, just in case. 
Other than this type of situation- no, he’s not protective in the slightest.  
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trutimeline · 4 years ago
idislikecispeople, The Most Infamous Dyscourse Blogger: Part 1.0, Rumors
idislikecispeople, also known as many names throughout her time on Tumblr (such as Adele, Kat, Mami, Samantha and Sayaka), was a former Tumblr blogger who became infamous for coining the term "tucute", among many other controversial things she has posted on her blogs. This was supposed to be one, very long masterpost about her, but Tumblr's post editor is a bitch and won't let me do that.
In this post, I'll be debunking or confirming rumors commonly spread about idislikecispeople. The rest of my posts about her will each be dedicated to a specific controversial belief she held or situations she got into. For simplicity's sake, I'll be referring to idislikecispeople as Kat for the rest of this post and future ones.
Kat Coined the Terms "Truscum" and "Tucute"
Verdict: Partially True
Kat coined the term tucute, but she did not coin the terms truscum or transmedicalist.
Here's a screenshot of Kat's original definition of a tucute:
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What is Tucute?
What does tucute mean?
Tucute is basically just the opposite of truscum, it’s a term and community for trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis individuals created to separate anti-truscum from truscum and to serve as a safe place from truscum and from cis people, where they believe that being trans requires dysphoria, we do not,where they think that being trans is a medical condition, we do not,and where they deny numerous gender identities on the basis that it “discredits the trans community” we do not.
What are the prerequisites to be a part of the tucute community?
You have to be trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis in general
You have to accept all pronouns and gender identities
You haveto believe that dysphoria is not necessary to be trans
You have to dislike truscum
You cannot side with truscum or believe in their ideology
You cannot misgender anyone no matter how mad they make you
You cannot be an ableist whatsoever
Did you invent the tucute community? Why?
I indeed did coin the tucute term and community and anyone who says otherwise are creeps who are trying to steal it from me and redefine it for their own nefarious doings. I started this community so anti-truscum could separate themselves from truscum and cis people who are a part of the truscum community, it serves as a safe space from both truscum and cis people.
I’m cis, can I be tucute if I believe in your movement and want to help?
No, you can’t be tucute if you’re cis, you can only be a tucute ally, and you need to be sure to never speak for or over a trans person.
I see a lot of tucuties being just as harmful as truscum, what will you do about it?
There isn’t much I can do to them other than ask them to stop aligning with the tucute community, and of course, that doesn’t mean they will. Also be noted that truscum and cis people will pretend to be tucute just to tarnish the name of the tucute community, so tread lightly, you might be talking to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Spread the word, use the tag #tucute and join the army today!
[A digital drawing of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica in her magical girl form, with a banner underneath her reading "Tucute 4 U!"]
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Kat Was a Cisgender Woman Who Lied About Being a Transgender Woman
Verdict: False
This rumor primarily comes from a post on Kat's oldest known Tumblr blog, chromaghost, where she claims that she wasn't MTF and only tagged a selfie as such because she thought that transgender people were "cool".
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Anonymous asked: are you a mtf? i seen it tagged on one of your photos.
No lol. I wanted to post it to the tag because transgender people are cool :3
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However, Kat addressed this post and made it clear she very much was a transgender woman multiple times on her later blogs. This claim can also be confirmed with nude photos Kat posted online, which I don't feel comfortable spreading, so you'll just have to trust me on that one. I also don't feel comfortable directly encouraging you to go and dig up those nudes, as most of her nude photos were either taken when she was a minor, spread without her consent and/or were uploaded because people pressured her into posting nudes to "prove" she was a transgender woman.
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Anonymous asked: you bound with ace bandage in one of your selfies. i don't know what to think about you anymore. according to some people you're a 27 year old cis woman scamming us, but you say you're a 22 year old trans woman. i want to trust you but i don't know if i can. i'm sorry.
Rest assured I’m not 27 years old lol. What you’re referring to is a less than graceful ~art piece~ we did (”Playing a Boy” or something) on deviantART when we were 16/17 (?) and really ill-informed. I ask you to not take that as how I stand currently – as I have learned so much more since, and I have a penis and I was designated male at birth because of it (feel free to purchase a passcode to our nsfw blog to see for yourself). At the time we were developing breast tissue but still had to appear as a ‘boy.’ Don’t bind with Ace bandages, kids, it can damage your rib cage, something we didn’t know at the time.
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[A picture of two prescriptions, estradiol and spironolactone, both prescribed to Adele Sheffield.]
grandtran still gonna think I photoshopped it or what
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Anonymous asked: In other words, you aren't gonna cough up the pics because you know you can't fake that shit because you're actually cis. Cool. BTW why do you keep changing your story about the blog, and if the blog was run by you when you were in denial about being trans because of self hate, why were the pics tagged mtf and you were constantly saying trans people were cool?
Yeah I’m not gonna do something for y’all and get nothing in return except more doubt from you, you see how one sided that kind of request is? Also its technically considered sexual harassment, just because its on the internet, you’re a coward (whats your username btw?), and you think I’m cis and you want me to prove time and time again to you that I’m dmab doesn’t justify sexually soliciting someone when they’re not comfortable in being solicited – for free no less.
At first I genuinely had no memory of that blog, it was only active for all of 2 months and for some reason I moved onto a new email and new tumblr, and I haven’t the foggiest why. As for the whole “me claiming to not be ~mtf~” I don’t have any memories from that time, I can only assume it was a lot of dysphoria fueled self-hatred and wanting to be seen/pass as a cis girl lesbian.
If you’re really gonna solicit nudes from a trans woman (a second time) as they do sex work to try and stay on their feet without offering anything in return just so your transmisogynistic ass can get off to trying to tell me my dick is fake isn’t classy at all. I perish the thought of what you’re parents would think of this behavior from you. But yeah, feel free to send some money to my paypal so I can get the gender markers on my records changed because that’s gonna cost a lot apparently, and I’ll definitely send you the dick pics you want. :)
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[A picture of a a hospital bracelet on Kat's wrist. The patient's name is Adele Sheffield and her sex is labeled as "M".]
Kat Lied About Having Diabetes To Get Money From Tumblr Users
Verdict: False
This doesn't need much commentary from me, just view the screenshots below.
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To the people who keep harping on me buying a $15 video game for my mental health 7 MONTHS ago “with my donation money,” well, here you go, some proof, links and screenshots provided
So for everyone spreading misinformation about me spending $15 on a video game for my mental health, here’s a full list of reasons why there is no way, shape, or form I spent my paypal money on it:
Yes, I spent $15 of my own money after selling one of my possessions, not denying it:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she shows off a copy of Fall Out: New Vegas, marked with a price of $14.99. The date of the post is marked as July 21, 2014 at 06:28.39 PM.]
Be sure to look at the date, July 21st, 2014 6:28 PM. Now lets look at my first donation post asking for help:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she asks for donations to be able to afford insulin because she has no insurance. The date of the post is marked as July 20, 2014 at 08:14.00 PM.]
Hmm, one day before the purchase of said game, July 20th 2014 at 8:14 PM. Now, I’ve never heard of a video game store — much less a non-chain video game store accepting payment for video games in the form of virtual Amazon gift cards, have you? Oh, but you’re gonna say, “well you bought the game with your paypal donations anyway!” Well, here’s exhibit C:
[Another screenshot of a separate post made by Kat where she is also asking for donations to be able to afford insulin. The date of the post is marked as July 23, 2014 at 12:27.46 PM.]
Again, looking at the date of this posting which is the original donations post, you can see it was posted on July 23rd, 2014 at 12:27 PM, a full 2 days after I had bought the game. Now, if there’s no way for me to use Amazon gift cards for a real life video game store, then how can I go back in time a minimum of 2 full days to give past me $15 to buy said game, hm? This isn’t even accounting for the fact that I didn’t even have my own bank account associated with it until over a week later, and it surely doesn’t account for the fact that it takes up to 5 days to transfer from paypal to your bank account. All the dates are linked to the original unedited posts so you can see for yourself, and for added measure my first deposit was on August 14th, 2014:
[A screenshot of a deposit made by Kat. The date is marked as 08/14/14.]
Oh but yeah, anti-sjs, truscum, and the like took damniwishidthoughtofabettername’s postthey used to gaslight us with misinformation and you all bought it. Tell me how I could misuse donations that I could not use outside of Amazon and money I didn’t even start receiving until a full two days later, let alone the fact that there’s no way I could have transferred said money and used it two days prior as of the date of the paypal donations post.
I hope some of y’all could reblog this and get the word out, I’m sick and tired of people buying into that misinformation that person did solely to gaslight me as a means to try and disrupt my donations drive.
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[A selfie of Kat holding up a vial of Novolin to the camera.]
Hey anon, I don’t feel comfy giving you my receipts (because doxxing is a thing) but here you go, a selfie with my most recent insulin purchase. 👽
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Anonymous asked: Getting desperate for money again I see. How is your fake diabetes lately. I bet your blood sugar is like 800 this time and you're still able to be alive somehow.
You got me, I’m ~totally faking~
[A selfie of Kat. In the background several items used by diabetics are seen such as insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.]
[A picture that gives us a closer look at the background of the previous selfie.]
[A selfie of Kat holding up two vials, one of Lantus and the other of Humalog.]
Gee, must be one dedicated faker, right? To have hundreds of dollars of insulin equipment and insulin itself. Hmmm… Insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.. oh and insulin, hmmmm….
Oh and because you didn’t learn from last time you don’t die instantly when your blood sugar goes over 600 lol, something anyone who studies endocrinology can tell you, and I would know, being a diabetic, having to be hospitalized numerous times for ketoacidosis where the blood sugar has been too high for too long. Things you clearly do not know and you’re just jumping on the disableist bandwagon. I have an idea of who you are anyway, just doing this for future reference.
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eagles-translated · 4 years ago
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Season 3 Prediction Post | Felicia Kroon
This is the prediction post for Felicia in the upcoming season of Eagles! I will be making prediction posts for the other main characters as well.
I think Felicia is going to have a really tough time this season (as per usual, even if I would've liked to see her happy through this season).
The description of season 3 on SVT Play mentions that "Ludde and Felicia’s relationship is still affected by their history and it also turns out that their plans for the future are not entirely in sync". From this, I'm pretty certain that something is going to happen between her and Ludde that causes yet another rift in their relationship. I'm sure they'll spend at least a few episodes together before this happens, though. From these shots alone there doesn't seem to be any problems between them. They're also seen together at Ola's funeral (which will happen in the first episode of the season), so my prediction is that something will happen that creates tension between them but they won't actually break up. They'll spend time apart and maybe even take a break from each other, but they won't officially be over.
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I think it would be too repetitive to have them break up again after spending a whole season apart. That isn't to say that they won't have problems—namely with Felicia's drug problems that still haven't been properly addressed, plus the abortion Felicia had that we still don't know anything about. During a fight with Jack, he threatened to leak Felicia's abortion to the press. We don't know when this abortion took place but I have two guesses to this. My first guess is that maybe she found out she was pregnant after she and Ludde broke up, and that she decided to have the abortion around the time when she ran off to the US. If this is true, then it makes sense that Felicia told Jack about it. When Felicia came back from the US in the beginning of season 2, she had virtually nobody she could talk to. She wasn't friends with Amie anymore, Elias was in Karlskrona, and her parents were right in the middle of a divorce. Felicia didn't even feel like she could talk about the divorce with her mom when they were together in the US, so she certainly wouldn't open up about having had an abortion. Being in a situation like this where she was really struggling and having nobody to talk to, I'm sure Felicia really overwhelmed. And when she reconnected with Jack and they got closer she finally had someone to talk to about all her problems and tell this secret to. All this was of course prior to Felicia finding out that Jack had cheated on her. The other alternative is that Felicia got pregnant after getting together with Jack, and then got the abortion. In season 2, episode 7 (conveniently titled Secrets) we see a scene of Felicia and Jack making out on a bed. Things are getting pretty steamy between them but Felicia stops Jack and quickly apologizes. He's confused and asks what wrong—it's not that she didn't want to do it or that she was still upset over the text Jack sent to his summer flirt Olivia, so what is it? We get the explanation that Felicia has a lot going on in her head and that things are tough for her. Jack says she can tell him anything and the scene ends there.
Maybe she'd just found out she was pregnant, and that's why she didn't feel like doing anything with Jack. It's very plausible that Felicia told him after the scene ends and maybe Jack knew she was going to get an abortion (or had already done it, prior to that moment, and felt ill because of that). Point is, that scene could be where Jack found out about the whole thing only to use it against Felicia later when his true colors came out. Anyway, knowing Felicia had an abortion at some point and that Jack will most likely use the information to ruin her reputation, maybe this is the reason for the drama between Felicia and Ludde. He might even find out from the tabloids and question her about it. I think when the news drop in these gossip magazines is when Felicia has her mental breakdown (or maybe the culmination of everything). We've seen a few behind the scenes shot of her being emotional and possibly having cried in a forest.
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Here is that scene pictured in the trailer, where we see Felicia reacting to hundreds of comments (most likely) made about her from people on social media. There's also a shot of her running through the forest, maybe trying to run away from all her problems.
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These are, from the looks of it, all hate messages. In the trailer we hear Felicia say "I'm so ashamed", which could allude to her being ashamed over the news of her abortion spreading. Maybe Jack even twisted the circumstances to make her look bad, which could explain why these comments seem so aggressive. When Ludde finds this out (maybe preoccupied with the whole trial where Jack reported him for getting violent at the party where Ludde hit him with a crutch and also his brother potentially getting out of prison) I'm sure this will cause a strain in the relationship. It would probably be really overwhelming to find out this secret in the middle of all that. I also feel like Ludde is the type of person to get angry over Felicia not having told him—in the trailer we hear him yelling "what the hell are you thinking?"—rather than being calm and collected over it. This could lead to Felicia's drug problems getting even worse. There's this shot of her in the trailer saying "What do you have?". This could be about anything, really, but it could also be Felicia going back to her bad habit of abusing hard drugs when she hits a low point.
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I'd like to think that Ludde notices how Felicia is having a really tough time and helps her with the drug problem, but I doubt it. Maybe it would make more sense if her family helps her, considering how Mats knows a little about the struggles she's had and how Elias is aware of it.
There are two more shots in the trailer that I'm unsure of, namely these ones:
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The first one is Felicia being caught off-guard after noticing a man having walked up to her. This could be Ludde or even Jack, who has been pretty absent from both trailers. Maybe he goes back to the US after the whole trial ordeal and having told the media about Felicia's abortion, or maybe not.
The second picture is Felicia reacting to something. She's shocked. I don't really have any guesses for what this could be except for maybe her seeing for the first time that her abortion secret is no longer a secret. But for all I know the abortion could be a way smaller plot point than I originally thought, or maybe even something that was completely made up by Jack?
To finish this off, I revisited this comment made by @elliephunk80 on an old prediction post i made on the final three episodes of season 2 where I claimed that Jack probably cheated on Felicia.
I really ship Felicia and Ludde but I hope you’re wrong about Jack being unfaithful. If she reunites with Ludde I dont like the thought of her going from one unfaithful man to an other. Can’t even think of what that would do to her… If that’s the way its gonna be I just hope she stays single for a long time to rebuild.
I think this is a really interesting point to bring up. Felicia and Ludde are framed as the main couple of Eagles and that they're destined to be end-game no matter all the obstacles they have to go through to get there.
But perhaps they're not really meant to be together? As the season description from SVT said, "[...] it also turns out that [Felicia and Ludde's] plans for the future are not entirely in sync". We also know how many problems these two have had from the relatively short time they've spent together as a couple. Maybe the best thing for Felicia is to be single and work on her mental and substance abuse problems, and the best thing for Ludde is to reconnect with his brother who probably needs a lot of support after getting out of prison.
Nevertheless, I'm really interested in seeing how season 3 turns out and how much of this was completely wrong lmao. My main hope for Felicia is just that she's happy and getting proper help at the end of the season, because I'm getting a little tired of how much the writers have been bashing her. For some reason Felicia always has it the worst—and I can understand to some degree why with her whole backstory and the pressure of being a public figure—but that doesn't mean we necessarily need three whole seasons to show how much Felicia is struggling. I really hope season 3 is when she finally receives the support she needs from the people around her.
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rattyarts · 4 years ago
Huge-ask post (I am VERY funny)
Because I have so many questions that can be answered with just text, and I have mentioned my dislike of filling my art blog up with Words Words Words... let’s get them all done in one go!
(You guys can blacklist #rattytalks if you’re just here for the draws, btw)
A shit ton of asks under the cut!
Anonymous said: So for the center of the world, what with it being forcefully PG and all Bad Thoughts TM being prevented, how does having kids happen? Do parents just black out and wake up holding a child in their arms and vague memories of the last 9 months?
Ever seen a movie where they do that “and one day... a baby was born!” thing and a kid just appears offscreen with no explanation?
(This is how it works everywhere, Edgelands included; no one does the do or gets pregnant in this setting.)
Anonymous said: Hello! Quick question, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but can other elves see the “intangible” bits of one another? Big fan of your work btw!
Nope! And thank you!
Anonymous said: Leopold was in my dream last night but I sadly cannot remember any of it.
I am SO sorry. I will try to keep my stinky murder men out of your head in the future.
Anonymous said: are the floaty bits stuck in one spot, or could the one they are attached to learn to move them around their body as long as its still within a certain distance? like, someone with the Floaty limbs, lets call him Ray, can move his limbs all over his body, allowing him to do all sorts of neat things that others with their attached limbs probably couldn't?
Whatever you want, honestly. As a general rule of thumb I don’t like putting down TOO many hard rules that prevent people from having fun with this setting. (Please ignore and scrap anything you think is stupid, I do this all the time and enjoy keeping this setting inconsistent and contradictory)
Anonymous said: Do elf names work off of Death Note rules, or is it like, if you know one elf’s name, all elves with that name are now unable to harm you? So if all the elf brothers are named Martin, for example, does it only work with blue?
I think it’s prolly just the one! Probably? Idk, might change if I think of something funnier.
Anonymous said: Can elves do magic on themselves or does thst go against the knowing name rule
Most people tend to know their own names, lol. So in my opinion, no, but don’t let me stop you if you got a fun idea.
Anonymous said: Could an Elf stitch on parts from another elf and have them work? i.e an Elf's finds the arm of another Elf. "Hey, free arm, might as well put it to good use", so they attach the arm and now they can give three high fives at once!
Same deal as previous questions, I personally would say no, but I also encourage people to do whatever the hell they want. It’s more fun that way!
Anonymous said: I bet elves are greasy to the touch.
They’re very powdery! Like if you rolled them in flour. And by flour I mean nasty glowing elf dandruff.
Anonymous said: Can elves fly or are their wings just for show?
No flying!!! (Unless you’re a mousefly)
Anonymous said: Something tells me that the elves would LOVE Obatzda.
Had to look that up, but definitely!
no1fan15: Not sure if someone asked already- Does Edgeworld have any equivalent to demons and angels? Like the old rubberhose cartoon kind?
Demons, yes! That’s what imps are: basically any demon, devil, or generic monster, but tiny! Even a couple of pop culture critters in there, there’s probably a very small gillman or robot monster running around there somewhere.
Angels, not so far. 
Anonymous said: How come Margaret hasn't yeeted George's jar into the Edge yet
I’d say being locked in a closet is good enough! (and also I need him for plot reasons, don’t tell anyone)
Anonymous said: If elves have knees bulges in the front then do they have butt bulges in the back?
i do not want to think about elf bulges
Anonymous said: So if you find a baby Therewoof and you say "aw you're so cute", their true name is So Cute?
Anonymous said: Since a Therewoof's true name can be something like "cutie pie" or "dingus", does their name have to be spoken with "intent" for it to doggo-fy them? Or do they just have to live with the reality that any casual conversation/flirting can make them lose up to a month to Doggy Mode? My mom has little terrier dog named "Sweetie" so that got me thinking 'bout Therewoof names. & Anonymous said: here's a good question: If someone says a therewoof's true name, but not reffering to them, does it still affect them?
Just saying it will do! It’s based on those old werewolf stories where calling out the person’s name will change them back into a human/cure them, and a lot of the time it was by accident.
(My favorite is the one where they slam the door on the wolf’s tail and then say his name, and the dude ends up with a wolf tail for the rest of his life.)
Anonymous said: Would Seeing eye Therewoofs be a thing?
I... guess? Probably? Since regular dogs can turn into woofs, yeah. You might have to start paying em once they turn into a person tho. 
Anonymous said: Was ChalkZone ever an inspiration for you? Because I just love the silly world of ChalkZone and I noticed getting that same warm feeling when thinking about Edgeworld.
Maaaan, I wish. I’ve only seen about three episodes or so, but it seems really fun!
Anonymous said: So I saw your mimic post, and even though I don't think I've seen any other of your art before I was absolutely HAMMERED with an indescribable sense of slightly unsettling strangeness and comfortable familiarity. Your art feels like something from like, an old point and click computer game I would have had formative memories of before accidentally losing or scratching the disc therefore making me unsure if it ever REALLY existed. Sorry for being weird but I love the wacky nostalgia feel here
Aaaaaah, THANK YOU! That is SUCH a cool comparison and I appreciate!!!
Anonymous said: If the Edgeworld is based on cartoons then is there a Reverse Edge-world that’s based on anime?
Lol, I mean I DID have an anime phase for a while there, so...
caydebug: Man I’d love to see this as a cartoon some day
Honestly, same. Best you’re gonna get is the occasional animatic or gif, tho.
Anonymous said: Does anyone..."go" in Edgeworld? or is it like Pleasantville where bathrooms exist but there are no toilets in them because acknowledging it is yucky?
Oh god I keep getting asked this and have been avoiding it like the damn plague. But... Uh. No. No they do not. I am begging you all not to send any followup questions.
Anonymous said: Have you considered putting computer viruses or illnesses in with the buggymen? Since those are typically called ‘bugs’
Anonymous said: are there any limits to what an Animimic could posess? i.e if they were in a costume of a Buggieman with multiple arms, could they control all of them? what about a small Mousefly costume? can multiple fit into one costume like a clown car? and what about in pitch black darkness, where you can only see the lights of their eyes and not their bodies? could one fit inside the pocket of a jacket you are wearing and help you steal things/wield a gun like a living turret?
Since clothing fills into the body type of the intended wearer, they would indeed be able to control all arms/legs in buggieman clothes.
Size restrictions is one of these things I wanna try to be vague about: I personally have been imagining them sticking to hiding in things no smaller than, um. Maybe imp sized, but really, whatever. It’s a cartoon eyeball critter!
You can put multiple animimics in one outfit!
They can move around just fine in darkness without being off screen, yeah!
And sure why not. lol
Anonymous said: I know you have been asked this once before, and you said nah you don't, but with a few more months of worldbuilding, do you have an idea for what could be down the edge now? 🤔
Not really! It’s not super important, honestly. I’d say any fan theory is about as valid as anything else I can come up with.
ps2polpo: I doubt you’ll ever elaborate on The Edge but I like to imagine there’s just one dude there like the Nowhere Man from the Yellow Submarine movie. Mostly cause the thought of someone accidentally winding up there being like “where am I?” And there’s just a guy casually waving at him like a friendly neighbor is funny to me & Anonymous said: The implication that the Edge is the physical manifestation of edginess so there’s probably like, Trevor Henderson monsters hanging out down there.
See above question! Valid! I also accept falling forever, getting erased from existence, ending up in another universe, getting stuck in limbo with thousands of other people, whatever you want, really!
Anonymous said: " he has very few bones and weighs basically nothing, " "Fastball special" trope, but with Leo?
Anonymous said: did you ever watch dragon tales as a kid? because george and margaret make me think of murderous zak and wheezie from that show, and i love it to bits
I did not, but I would have loved it. Definitely up my alley!
(watched Quest for Camelot a loooot, though!)
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Imma go ahead and stop here! There’s more but I’ve been writing for well over an hour and I have things to do. If your question is missing I’m either saving it for later, wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, or it’s spoilery.
Will probably do another one of these at some point!
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johnny-and-dora · 5 years ago
you and i are very close
"A younger Holt less familiar with Jake Peralta would reprimand him for being so easy to read – but it seems to be in his very nature to wear his heart on his sleeve, and the truth is, it suits him."
or, jake & holt talk about fatherhood. (post 7x10)
read on ao3 -
“…So that’s the lowdown on the Broughton case. Charles and I are gonna head out and arrest them as soon as the warrant comes through.” Jake finishes, bouncing slightly on his heels as he finishes the update. Raymond Holt leans back in his chair, content with their plan of action.
“Excellent work, detective.” Holt says – but then finds himself mildly concerned when he only receives a subdued nod in reply. While he may deem it an appropriate workplace response to a captain’s praise, it is far from the excessive energy and enthusiasm that Jake usually exudes.
Raymond recalls the previous night’s events – a biological sex reveal party that led to Jake’s father being taken to the ER – and wonders if that might be placating the detective’s usually golden Labrador-like temperament.
“I trust that your father is in good health?” He asks tentatively, gesturing for Jake to sit down- he pauses for a moment before doing so, leg jostling in a way that increases Holt’s concern by 17.5%.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Sorry our party was kind of a full-blown disaster. Guess I should have expected that with three generations of Peraltas in the room.” He makes the self-deprecating remark with the light-hearted bravado Holt has come to expect from the detective, though it’s notably flatter than usual.
What’s more, his smile is more of a grimace, and he can’t stop fidgeting with the badge around his neck – a classic Peralta tell. Something is clearly bothering him, likely related to his complex relationship with his father and his own fatherhood looming.
A younger Holt less familiar with Jake Peralta would reprimand him for being so easy to read – but it seems to be in his very nature to wear his heart on his sleeve, and the truth is, it suits him. It is an openness, a trust and a sincerity that Holt has earned over the years as Jake’s superior officer. Though he still finds himself exasperated by his stubbornness and fixation on action films, Holt sincerely values his respect and loyalty.
He frowns, trying to assess the best way to discreetly discern what could be causing the detective’s distress.
“I actually found the party to be rather enjoyable, save the alarming bloodshed. The carrots were rich in nutrition and I thought the cake’s green colour made a very interesting and progressive statement.”
Jake’s lips quirk up a little at that, and he sits straighter in the chair, so Holt must be doing something right.
“Thank you, Captain, but that actually wasn’t our intention. Just another screw-up.”
“I see.” He considers this new information briefly, before attempting to continue the non-case related chitter-chatter, something he usually avoids. “So, you are now aware of the biological sex of your child?”
“Oh, yeah! We’re having a boy.” Jake finally smiles genuinely, and Raymond can’t help but return it. He may not personally care much for small infants, but the thought of the bickering detectives he first met when he came to the Nine-Nine having a child together does inspire some fatherly pride over how far they’ve come.
“My congratulations to you both.” He nods again, but his gaze is still far away. Holt decides to subtly switch tactics.
“You know, whatever doubts may be plaguing you, I am certain you have absolutely nothing to be worried about. Your son is very lucky to have you both as parents.”
“What? I’m not, um, there’s absolutely zero doubts to be found here.” Jake’s eyebrows briefly shoot up to his hairline as he stammers some typically poorly concealed denial. Holt remains neutral, wishing he had done some research on the subject but doing his best to power through.
“It is perfectly natural to be anxious about such things.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the gentle encouragement is all that it takes for a veritable avalanche of emotions to trip over themselves as Jake speaks.
“I guess I just…I want to be the best dad I can be. I don’t want him to ever feel like…like he’s been abandoned or he’s alone. It’s crazy how much I already love this kid and I haven’t even met him yet, but I know I would do absolutely anything to keep him safe. And with my dad talking about this stupid Peralta father-son curse and my grandpa being a jerk and walking out of our lives all over again…I don’t know. I just know that I don’t want to let him – or Amy – down. Ever.”
Holt is admittedly, a little overwhelmed. He and Kevin have never seen the appeal of conforming to heteronormative ideals of family life, and yet he values his place as the head of the chosen family he’s found at the Nine-Nine. The mysteries of pregnancy and childcare are complete unknowns to him, yet he finds himself completely certain that Jake and Amy will be great parents to their future son.
So, Holt does what he has always found it easiest to do, and he tells Jake the truth.
“I am not sure of this family ‘curse’ you speak of, but as your commanding officer for the majority of the past seven years, I know your doubts are ill-founded. On the contrary, the dedication and loyalty you have shown me, and every member of this squad, only makes me surer you will be a great father.”
“Really?” Jake says, hopeful but apparently still unconvinced.
“This job is not an easy one. You and I know both know first-hand how our lives can be affected by circumstances we cannot control. But you would never willingly let your family down, and the fact that you are so committed to doing everything you can for them is a sure sign that you never will.” Holt pauses briefly to let his sincerity sink in.
“Your son is going to love you, Jake. He will grow to enjoy many Thomas Cruise films with you, and I’m sure he will come to share your passion for…the transforming robot sewer turtles?”
“Feel compelled to tell you those are two completely different franchises, but I really appreciate the attempt and I will be emailing Michael Bay’s team about a potential cross-over.”
“Well. Regardless of the specifics of these cartoon turtles, I am sure you have understood my point.”
“Yes. Thank you, sir. I- that means, uh, a lot.” His thanks is, as usual, completely earnest, and Holt finds himself glad to have helped in any small way. He cannot completely solve the detective’s issues with fatherhood, but he is happy to be one consistent and stable presence for Jake to rely on. Just as he knows he can rely on him.
“You are welcome. And you are free to discuss any other personal issues you may have with me, although I assume Santiago may be better suited to such conversations.”
“She’s been telling me pretty much the same thing.” Jake admits, shifting in his seat. Raymond briefly wonders about the intricacies of their home life, whether they will discuss this conversation over dinner or perhaps during the commercials of some form of media content.
“Well, I recommend you listen to her. She has proven herself to be extremely perceptive and is rarely ever wrong.”
“I know.” Jake grins, a very specific smile on his face that Holt recognises has long been reserved for talking about Amy, even before they began their courtship. “Sometimes I still can’t believe she married me.”
Holt thinks of years spent watching them endlessly bicker and argue and tease each other, thinks of the intimacy affection he sees most often when they are inebriated at Shaw’s bar. He thinks of how ragged and distraught they’ve been each time they’ve been forced apart and how relieved they were to be back together. He thinks of officiating their wedding and accidentally intruding on their honeymoon, and above all, he thinks about each moment of their shared happiness together he has been privileged enough to witness.
“I do not believe she was wrong about that either.”
It’s an expression of sentiment which breaches many of his strict rules of conduct and professionality in the workplace, and he’s partly reluctant to be debasing himself so willingly. But then Jake’s eyes are shining with gratitude and his usual enthusiastic bright demeanour has returned and Raymond can’t help but feel relieved.
“Oh my god, I always knew you were our secret number one fan. Charles is going to be crushed.”
“You are dismissed.”
“Noooo, but I really want to stay and talk about how invested you are in our relationship- “
“-Please leave my office.”
Holt maintains his usual stony-faced composure until Jake shuts the door – only then does he allow himself to relax in his seat a little, fondly thinking of Kevin, Cheddar and the family he has found in the Nine-Nine. He makes a note to discuss stuffed animal varieties with Kevin at a later date so that they may have something to present Jake and Amy’s son when he arrives.
And when he gets to meet the newest addition to the Santiago-Peralta family a few short months later, held oh-so-carefully and preciously in the arms of a man he has come to consider a son, it is a meeting that he treasures for the rest of his life.
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autisticburnham · 4 years ago
Past Tense Parts 1 & 2
Boy, rewatching this in 2020's gonna probably be a fucking trip
Trill has purple seas and Bajor has green ones???
They really named a Ferengi Belongo, huh?
Quark looks so fucking floored that Ben knows the Rules of Acquisition
Christ, forgot the cops wake Benjamin by pushing a gun into his shoulder
The dude thinks Ben and Julian are wearing matching pajamas. He thinks they're a couple
Business Man really almost walks past Jadzia
I know literally everyone who reviews this episode comments on this, but definitely not a coincidence that the men of color immediately get arrested while the white woman gets whisked away into some high class fantasy
2020 does definitely highlight how crowded and underfunded the sanctuary districts are, not to mention the fact that I seriously doubt they get any medical care, just how quickly disease could kill all these people and how little anyone would care
Business Man, you're white as fuck, you having a Maori tattoo isn't impressive, it's gross
Discount? I wish I could say government databases charging government employees for running searches and giving them ads was surprising
This guy sitting next to Ben is so sad he won't let him draw on him
Welcome to beurceacy, Julian
Christ, the cop is so condescending
Uncle, doesn't this Gabriel Bell hu-man look exactly like Captain Sisko?
Oh, Benjamin, I wish riots did start a watershed moment in history
I like to think that more than Benjamin being a history buff, Bell is one of his personal heroes
"Benjamin "power stance" Sisko triple dog darring this dmv worker to call them out for writing their birthdays 300 years in the future" @jvlianbashir 's post lives in my mind rent free
Gross that this lady is like "oh, you're not mentally ill? Well, then, I'm so sorry for not treating you like people"
"It's not that they don't give a damn, they've just given up. The social problems they face seem too enormous to deal with" that may be sharply resonant with the average person, Ben, but it's starkly clear that the people in power do genuinely not give a damn
You know what? I'm actually thrilled that disco is exploring exactly Julian's question as to whether or not humanity has really changed and how the Federation would react to a devastating crisis. Like, I know that that's ds9's whole theme as well, but it's going to be so fucking nice to have a hopeful Star Trek message about the future during this fucking year
Love Julian immediately trying to throw hands with Hat Man for beating someone up
I feel like there's a not so subtle element of racist assholery to Hat Man sarcastically asking "Oh, have we done something to offend you?" abt beating the dude up
Julian, you are too tall to sleep width wise in this alley
Controversial opinion, but Julian's homeless trash is the best outfit he wears
The sanctuary districts existing at all is disgusting, but the fact that there are babies here is horrific
Hell, yeah, dude! Class solidarity!
Christ, the hard cut from the sanctuary district to the business party isn't subtle at all
Those protests in France are undoubtedly a good thing, Business Lady
Granted, I'm white, so I could totally be out of line here, but I actually like that two of the Business People are poc, and that they're just as much privileged assholes as the rest of the Business People. I feel like despite the implications of institutionalized racism with Ben and Julian immediately being arrested, this helps subtly showcase that a very large part of the problem is capitalism bc there's not solidarity between poc if that lack of solidarity can help some of them get rich
Love Julian's tos style double fist punch
Fucking gross that they know that the government killing thousands of sanctuary city districts residents will mean absolutely nothing if the government can "justify" it with the death of like 5 government employees
I love how charmed Miles is by Nerys wanting to yell at Starfleet
"Right now, this ship is all that's left of Starfleet" the disco writers really like this episode, huh?
Class Solidarity Guy's kid just said that this whole thing started bc a guard got in a fight with a dim. Of course it's the fucking cops that escalated the situation in the first place
Of course white ass Hat Man is just trying to personally benefit himself rather than help all of the people here and also has no problem escalating the violence
I don't like Hat Man, but I do like his line "Why do they sound so surprised? You treat people like animals, you're gonna get bit!"
Of course Business Man is friends with cops
I broke my nose...
The solution isn't to get everyone jobs, it's to make it so that having a job isn't a requirement to be treated like a human being
Cop, you're a huge part of the problem for so many fucking reasons, not the least of which is your being a class traitor
"In the interest of friendship," I'll allow 10,000 people to be fed
Ds9 is largely good abt criticizing capitalism, but I do dislike the "I don't want to rely on handouts! Give me the right to work myself to death"
Listen, I know DMV Lady is trapped in the capitalist system as much as anyone else and that if she tried to help more people, she'd probably end up in a sanctuary district herself, but. Her story about helping that one lady gives me Slitheen DoctorWho "I spare one person every now and then so that I can convince myself I'm a not a monster for murdering millions" vibes
I do fucking love her "Everybody tells themself that, and nothing ever changes" in response to Julian telling her it's not her fault tho
Well, their dad shouldn't have been a class traitor then, Bernardo
"Change takes time" "You've run out of time" Tell her, Ben!
Jadzia Dax, coming out of her sewer to shame mankind
Gross that Hat Man is coming on to Jadzia despite how uncomfortable she obviously is and doesn't stop until he realizes she's "with" Julian
Can you imagine if Jadzia had gotten hurt here? Imagine you're a doctor getting ready for surgery and you find a giant slug in a woman
Idk why, but "Invisible" Man gives me Neelix vibes
I do like how Julian and Jadzia work with the frame he understands and just ask him to give the combadge back. "Shockingly," treating him like he's a valid person makes him agreeable
Business Man, you're rich enough that breaking the law won't even mean shit for you
Christ. "The public are starting to view them as people! We have to kill them all now before it gets any worse!"
I like the cop making fun of Julian for liking tennis
Aw, I forgot Class Solidarity Guy died
Forget matching uniforms, Benjamin's actual pajamas are gay culture
"How could they have let things get so bad" 🙃
Groundbreaking, lifechanging, whatever the rest of that Lady Gaga quote is. 100/10
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