#i dont wanna lose the post typing on mobile
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lizardywizard Ā· 2 years ago
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the drgns have spoken. i will post blorbos
so first up my wonderful snapper mom, chalcedony.
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my lair is a little garden that sprung up in an icefield basically and it's tended to by a variety of plant-loving dragons. chalcedony is the clan mother of a subspecies of dragons i made called geodes, who are themed after minerals and crystals, and are all lionfish/stained to give a striated appearance. they are very peaceable and live very slow, long lives, like tortoises, appreciating the nature they tend as it grows.
chalcedony loves friends and tea! she's always growing some new herb that she'd love to brew into Tasty Leaf Water. she has drying herbs constantly hung around her person, so she smells like a tea garden.
here's hallowed and evelynne, my gomez and morticia themed dragons. both of them were random gifts to me and i made a family around them.
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hallowed is a playful bard who loves trickmurk circus (fr equivalent of halloween) and is always waiting to celebrate. basically he's the one reblogging ITS SPOOPY TIME in june. he found the poet evelynne wandering in the snowfields after she'd been outcast from her clan, and they clicked and realised they were perfect for each other and petitioned to have her adopted into the garden clan.
i havent really built them much beyond They're Good Parents who love nightmare fuel. but they did go on to adopt the most hot topic baby whomst i cherish and adore
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geitura! she's the fluffy pinstriped spookgirl of the family, with goat eyes and continually blooming (and dying) red flowers. she's a bit gothy but not cruel with it, she just loves the spoop and takes it a bit too far sometimes. i try and take her out trick or treating when those events run on the forums (its a little rp thing, go up to someone's door, introduce yourself and leave an item or three). sadly you can't put hatchlings in a costume but she is always dressed silly. paper bag hat, giant mecha, whatever
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i don't have a story for darklight but theyre transmasc and live under the frozen lake that borders the lair. they hang out often with
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taghte. she's a witch, some say. lives at the bottom of the lake, scribes on special paper that is repulsive to water, and to aethers, before they ask.
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bubsy, the aether who doesnt wants to eat your papers so bad. šŸ„ŗ he is a whole actual dad. often gets lost in the forest
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the-s1lly-corner Ā· 10 months ago
Fluff alphabet w/ knubbler (remake)
Remaking this because skimming through the old version some of my hcs have changed + I wanna get back into writing for mtl while the rot is here... maybe I'll do some other characters (winks)
No queue we die like men (I'm inpatient and wanna post mtl NOW!!!!(.. quickly realizing why I dont do long posts like this on mobile anymore. Not proof read we die like dethklok fans
Bonus prompt ā™” is PDA
Notes: reader is GN though this is mostly focused on general knubbler hcs
CWs: edit
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I would say hes a bit shallow but I'm a dickface shipper/j, serious note I think depending on circumstance he can overlook surface level stuff if you're charming enough! I mention in the original post that I think he enjoys feistier folk; outspoken and ready to dish it back if its tossed at them. It keeps things interesting even if it can get frustrating at times. Needs someone with humor, though
He tries to make time for you when hes not working, he usually takes you out somewhere. Usually dinner or to the mall- hes bit materialistic and he doesn't mind spoiling you. Music fanatic, listens to everything and looooves listening to some of the stuff you're into, most definitely dissecting it too thanks to his career
Average older person body type, a bit on the cooler side temperature wise. VERY handsy when cuddling most of the time. Prefers to be big spoon but would not object if you turn the tables
As mentioned he spoils you, so going somewhere nice (and a bit pricy) is a common date experience. Flirting and innuendos aside, dates also double as a catch up thing for you. Again due to him working hard a lot of the time to keep up with his career
Hes pretty level headed, though seeing him getting frustrated or annoyed isnt an uncommon occurrence. He has a pretty normal threshold when it comes to bullshit in the day to day- does get a little more emotional if hes under the influence, its just hard to guess which emotion it'll be until hes drunk
Hes not interested in having children, for the most part. Hes had those fleeting "what if" thoughts, but anything more than that? No. That being said I do personally headcanon that he has siblings, who might have children of their own. Rich aunt knubbler supremacy/j
Gift giving
Again, he spoils you. A lot. He can afford it thanks to working with dethklok, and that's assuming hes not also producing for others. Even if hes not giving you something significant, hes sending you roses to remind you you're his
He can get short when hes angry but he does try his best to reel himself in and try to find a solution, and depending on the context willing to compromise so both sides are satisfied. Naturally hes easier to work up if hes stressing out. Prefers to go to the side to cool off if things get too intense
Very similar to the old post, he reacts accordingly based on the nature of your injury. He can be a little insensitive to it, though, but like.. in. a "oh we have different pain thresholds and I kind of forget that" kind of way
Oh this man gets jealousy with a capital J. Want a quick way to get him worked up? Make him jealous. I mean don't becahse that's kind of shitty but. You know. Depending on the context and how the relationship as a whole is going hes either going to toss you to the side or play your game- has the "I didnt lose you you lost me" mentality, kind of gets nasty with it if you really fuck things up
Lots of kisses- quick and light, or deep any passionate. Any kiss is a good kiss- tends to favor your mouth of course! Loves being kisses on the cheek
Love language
Guys I don't think I said this yet but he likes buying stuff for you/j
No serious notes, he listens to you. You're someone he can just talk to, no having to worry about your job or your reputation. Just talking. Hes a good listener, actually. Physical touch is another way he shows his love. Not even just sexually; reassuring and innocent hands on the shoulder or a hand steadying you on your back when you're faltering. Things like that
Similar to having children hes never really thought about it. He doesnt strike me as the type to settle and commit to something long term, even just having you long term as a non-spouse is a change for him. He might warm up to it one day, he might not
A quick dealbreaker is if you put his career in jeopardy. Hes worked way too hard for this and hes not going to let it get wiped just like that. Not even necessarily getting him fired, just interfering in any negative way can put in a lot of tension
Goofy ass laugh. Laughs at his own jokes, most of which being bad or corny. That's not even touching on his sexual innuendos. Horrid. Tomato tomato tomato
Naturally he calls you babe and baby. Hon and honey are thrown in there every now and then. Oh he would definitely use dumber names in passing, partly because he unironically thinks they're cute and because he likes seeing your reaction
Quiet time
Well I guess it defeats the purpose of this segment being called "quiet" time but that idea earlier of the two of you just sitting and enjoying music together and analyzing it sounds nice. Outside of that the two of you can sit in silence doing something on your own. Life can get hectic, especially when one or even both of you work for dethklok
He takes risks, calculated ones though. He thinks about the pros and cons of everything before acting, and if it would be better to do it than do nothing if the outcome doesnt look too good. But that's in the context of himself and his work. But with you? Unless you're dying or in danger he tends to play it safe even if he can still come off as a douche every once in a while
He has his healthy share of secrets. Nothing wrong with that, privacy is important. If he needs to tell you something that he thinks you should know, he will tell you when its appropriate
Maybe its because I'm going insane over these songs, and I hope you can forgive me for not linking them but:
Modern day cane and mx sinister
Both by IDKHBTFM. Less of a "you guys listen to these together/it reminds me of knubbler x reader stuff " but because the songs kind of remind me of him in general/I feel hed listen to these
He tries to work through things when hes upset, but he does separate himself from the situation if it gets too much- whether it be to keep him from saying or doing something hes really going to regret later or because he just can't deal with it in that moment
He offers to listen to you when you're upset, he tends to be unbiased so he can offer a good solution if that's what you need. He does try to spare your feelings but get ready to sometimes hear what you dont want
Roses, candies, and a reservation to some fancy place- something higher quality than the usual. Definitely the type to try to initiate intimacy on Valentine's
If it DOES happen, hes going all out. Maybe it's the fact hes rich and famous and he can overindulge a bit, but an expensive wedding is likely. It may not be huge, in terms of attendants though. Just friends and family
Hes gotten very good at reading people over the years so good luck trying to act normal around him if something is going on. If you seem avoidant about talking, he does try to drop hints that you can talk to him
Oh this man yearns, both innocently and not so. He copes well enough between the times you are apart or see each other less
Snores in his sleep. Has a long routine. Sleeps like a sickly Victorian person; on his back, head tilted backwards, arms sprawled across his torso. Primarily sleeps on his back, though, maybe you can cuddle into his side
Bonus prompt ā™”
Looooves PDA, always holding you in some way. If the setting is professional he will keep his hands to himself. Does not mind showing you off, either
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swanimagines Ā· 4 days ago
im half asleep right now (staying up late scrolling when i rlly should be sleeping šŸ˜…) but i just was overcome with appreciation for your blog and i really want to let you know that your posts always bring a smile to my face. it makes me so happy to see you feeling comfortable enough to return to tumblr!!! (and i also wanna say please dont be too hard on yourself, youre doing amazing things and seriously appreciate your presence on this website so much ((but would also be on your side in a heartbeat if you ever decided to change platforms again, because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that youre enjoying yourself and are in a space you feel safe in!!)))
i have my own fanfic blog, that i notably made like the day of a new film releasing, so i think within like that first month i got like ~200 requests that i still havent answered all of- my point being that seeinf you persevere through all your requests makes me feel like i have the strength in me too to complete my own. it just makes me feel like im not alone/its okay to be human and go at my own pace
anyway im so sorry if this is rambly or clunky or makes no sense. im typing this with clumsy fingers on mobile tumblr so everythings really janky šŸ˜­ so ill just wrap this up before i fall asleep with my phone fallen ontop of my face and just say, thank you. thank you for doing what you do & making me feel less alone
(and, ofcourse, a huge thank you for all the amazing fics youve posted over the years, im still making mt way through your masterlists and every new fic i read brings me so much joy)
sending so many positive vibes your way. i hope life (and people on tumblr) treats you super well, you deserve it!!! šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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PHOTO TEXT: "same rambly overtired anon from a second ago- i also just wanted to say your commitment to always returning to writing even when you burn out or take long breaks also really resonates with me. it reminds me that im not some sort of failure just because i cant write all the time, and its like a light at the end of the tunnel reminding me i can always come back no matter how long its been
okay, thats all for real this time!!! im holding myself accountable and saying ill got to sleep as soon as i send this ask šŸ˜…šŸ˜… (i need energy so i can have a blast writing tomorrow after all!! šŸ˜„)"
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ANONNNNNN YOU MADE ME SMILE SO WIIIIDE!! It cheered me up a lot, even though I'm very cheery anyway right now because of next week (!!!!), but you made my day even better!
Honestly I still do have fleeting moments when I wonder why did I come back because there are some rude/weird people who pop into my inbox/messages once in a while, but people like you are exactly one reason why I decided to come back to post!!
Just a while ago, someone splatted multiple very long and detailed smut scenarios with extreme kinks to me through IM's and was like "I'm not asking you to write these but what do you think of these ideas?" and when I told them that it makes me really uncomfortable and I can't even finish reading that first message, they were like "oh, ok. But what do you think of them?" and yeah I was pretty creeped out, in the end I had to block that person because it felt like they pressured me to finish reading those.
But overall, the feeling of being here has been healthier than when I left? I'm kinda scared of The Sandman season 2 though šŸ˜… (Last time S1 was one of the culprits that made me leave, people just wouldn't understand why I don't write smut for it when everyone else does, there was a huge beef about it and yeah, browsing through Morpheus tag is still very much smut sooo mmh, S2 scares me + I'm also scared of whether there's going to be the same kind of drama that was with Harry Potter/me writing for Harry Potter when JKR started clowning around, which drove me away and ultimately completely made me lose interest to write for it/return to write for it. I just hope people won't attack us who will continue writing for The Sandman despite what Neil Gaiman has been doing)
But on the other hand, seeing that a lot of people in the community have left because of pressuring/guilt-tripping/toxic people, it may have contributed in how people are more polite, or at least attempting to be more polite? Most people who I've asked to send in their "machine request" again with a hello/please/thank you have done so and usually with an apology too. In 2022, such people either told me to fuck off or alternatively told me to fuck off + blocked me, so this is an improvement and it makes me have hope for the future of this community!
And yeah haha, glad to know there are people who understand the way my to-do list is packed. There have been a few people who requested and pulled their request off when they learned that it won't be coming out next because they've been used to writers who write their request within a week max from after they send it in, and I understand why people find my way confusing, why I just don't close requests. But like SOMEHOW those people who don't see any of the "requests are closed" signs always seem to send me the most amazing requests that hurt to turn down because my requests were closed šŸ˜… So that + because the DRAMA was unbelieveable every time my requests closed, I made a decision to open my request box for good. People request and virtually sign an agreement to wait patiently, but they also have the right to pull their request out if they get tired of waiting and want to send their idea to someone else.
Also I'm proud of myself for having succeeded in keeping up a steady pace of posting for these first few months (currently my active queue is running until April 11, and hopefully beyond that) after being extremely slow for so long and I want to give some credit to supportive people like you for that!
(Also 200 requests during the first month?? šŸ˜³ You must be a brilliant writer if so many people found you in such a short time, even if that film is a massive success (which I assume it was)!)
Have a good day, week, year, decade writing sweet nonny and thank you so much for sending this message šŸ’•
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cantusgratia Ā· 6 years ago
re: [drinks milk angrily]
kyrie when mad:
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#In Persona Kyrie;; About#IM ON MOBILE AND I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABT KYRIE'S ANGER AND I WANNA WRITE A FULL HC POST BUT-- /MOBILE/ ASOIJSF#long story short-- one of the main difference between ky and all my previous muses is that past muses had short tempers and#had anger issues which were often released as powerful rage in the battlefield. they're canon fighters. they'll just go#fite shit thrice their size as StressRelief. there're also... unhealthy coping mechanisms over suppressed trauma and grief but a;sefij#they were addressed dw. muses have been p vocal abt their emotions too bc theyve been shit at hiding it anyway#ALSO A LOT OF ANGRY CRYING.#bc ive been told that ky seems like the Cool Calm and Collected type who knows how to control her emotions and hide it all when need be#and i still need to figure out A LOT for ky. how she'll end up dealing with or showing her stronger emotions eventually#bc she's been thru Some Shit too. esp losing credo. and cradling an unconscious nero while his blood pools around em gsdijf#i just dont think she's able to let it all slide and be chill abt it all even after some years have passed#BUT ALSO THERE'S THIS WHOLE THING WITH HER RELEASING HER ANGER AND FRUSTRATION VERBALLY AND PPL AROUND HER WONT TAKE HER SERIOUSLY like#'listen up--' 'aww you strawberry cream cupcake shh it's ok dw' 'NO I AM SPEAKING. YOU SHUT YOUR FACE YOU SOGGY END PIECE OF WHITE BREAD'#ANYWAY A:OSFJSODFI imma get to more short responses before my shift starts lmao#ty for comin to my ted talk- wall of tags edition#gif warning;#ooc;
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rabbityshen Ā· 5 years ago
i never make original posts anymore but i just wanna talk about dedue over here because over the past week my life has been subsumed by fe3h.
(im absolutely sorry that none of this is under a cut. im on mobile and i dont wanna fiddle too much. how on earth tumblr mobile STILL hasnt put in an insert read more option when it do Fun Fonts is beyond me. anyway vague spoilers about dedue but not much else.)
i think he's a really fascinating character because he's not quite a model minority type or An Exception of his race/ethnicity, or at least he's not trying to be. his goal in life is to be dimitri's dedicated vassal and nothing else. so he keeps that stuff tucked away. he preemptively apologizes for himself all the time to smooth things over, both with strangers who hate him and for dimitri who loves him. dedue wants to be there for dimitri but he also understands what he's seen as, which he thinks is a detriment to dimitri's reputation and trust, so he has to battle that internal contradiction all the time. it's only because dimitri insists that dedue isn't the problem that he stays around.
i don't think dedue is unaware of the dynamics of this though. he DOES take some pride in his culture, his family, and himself outside of dimitri. he is extremely angry about losing his loved ones and what faerghus has done to him! but he recognizes being so open about those parts of his life in such a hostile environment wouldn't be conducive to his ultimate goal. his dialogue and scenes show he's pretty frank and pragmatic about his state of affairs to an honestly alarming degree. he still just prioritizes dimitri's well-being and desires above everything.
he's very smart and thoughtful but his aspirations are formed by extreme trauma-bonding. i think he even knows this but doesn't see an emotionally satisfying life any other way (again, the genocide and racism). i'm not saying dedue is psychologically unaffected by the racism he encounters every day or that he's not internalized at least some of it. it's definitely affected his self-image in how he attaches himself to dimitri. dedue relies on maladaptive coping mechanisms and is willingly embedding himself in an institution that kind of hate him, and the game knows this. but i think it's surprisingly delicate needle to thread, for a marginalized minority character to act and feel this way without being framed as simply pathetic or a minority member Failing His People. it's honestly pretty complicated and nuanced and that's just in....the canon of the game.
that doesn't mean though i think fe3h is perfect. based on what i know abt the blue lions route and dedue's arc there's still more room for dedue to more complex and realized as a character. i think he should be allowed to angry or at least upset at dimitri, even if dimitri has no direct part he is still not only of faerghus but its ascending monarch. i kind of hate this phrase but let dedue be messier!
but i think for dedue to be written to that degree, it would require just....completely upending fe3h's story and structure. even in arc about irrevocable damage of imperialism and the daily, mundane experience of that, something that's both critical while kind to how marginalized find ways to live within these systems, there uh, probably wouldn't be such a predominant focus on white characters. there would probably be others from duscur or dedue's arc would be the most important. so uh.
anyway thanks for coming to dedue hours. i love a suzaku.
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mikiruma Ā· 5 years ago
okay i'm snapping what the hell is saints row about. who's the dude with the giant titties you keep thirsting over and who's the mcdonalds emo. i need some answers bc i don't know shit.
ill edit this w a readmore bc it got Very wordy and im on mobile but i promise you. this series is a mess, i live for it, i could go ON abt it for days but this response was long enough fhwkfhejhfnd
1) so basically the premise in most of the games is like. you are a member (leader as of sr2) of a street gang (the third street saints!) and though the story is tweaked slightly for each installment, the overall goal is the same- control different neighborhoods in your city, squash the other gangs, be badass. i *call* it a grand theft auto clone but tbh i havent played gta, the gameplay's similar enough though. the first two games are more uhh... grounded? than the later 3? the plotlines are darker, deaths & events are more fucked up in a heavier/moral sense, etc etc. but the last 3 are way more silly i think. the entire series is kinda packed with crude/sexual humour and essentially responding to a punch with a flamethrower, but it goes over the top in the newer games which is.. why i always liked em lol.
but its just funny in general to think of the plot progression. oh i witness a gang war so im recruited in a gang whose current leader... wants to end gang violence. oh that leader tried to kill me and arrested/killed everyone else so i am going to go apeshit on this city until i find him and kill him back. oh somehow we are international celebrities and do crime as publicity stunts, i am gonna ask mayor burt reynolds to help us with this zombie invasion. oh now i am president of the united states, time to get the earth blown up by an alien warlord and do it with whats left of my gang every survivor plus an ai in a ball.
ive seen Some Shit abt the general timeline but tbh ive always tried to piece it together like. ok these games take place in/around whatever year they were released. besides sr4 which would be... 2019 if my math is correct? i just felt like mentioning that bc i am not touching any canon timeline
OH ALSO the main reason i even got into the series. i literally bought sr3 because of the character customization. the body mods could.... use a lot of work imo but what you can do for your protags face is BANANAS... and changing voice pitch in sr4 was fun too bc male 1 was ok for my boss but having it just a teensy bit higher REALLY made it
tldr; i cant help you there i am just along for this ride
2) im assuming you mean johnny gat not bc theres any competition but like. theres so many dudes like that in this game
his role is actually pretty consistent in that he stays a lieutenant, and hes one of the rare characters (besides. the protag i think?) who's been in every single game. he's the designated badass of the saints and is really good at coming up with plans that involve lots of guns or blowing stuff up. if i typed everything i liked abt him right now this post would be a mile long but trust me he is an excellent man, even tho he might be the scariest motherfucker ever and i probably would be afraid of him irl, he fully deserves that. hes loyal to the saints and his boss which i absolutely respect. still bitter abt sr3 "killing" him bc cmon. he cannot die. does that count in the spoiler? its the literal first mission after u customize your character so i dont think so// whatever ive been posting untagged spoilers for the other games bc theyve been out for a decade
3) IM STILL LOSING MY MIND OVER THAT SJSDHADDHSI mcdonalds emo.... thats his legal name now....
but seriously matt miller is like. one of my fav characters from sr3. he's the leader of one of the rival gangs, the deckers, and they specialize in hacking & money laundering and stuff like that. matt specifically is 16 in his debut game which is really funny to learn bc imagine being a ballsy ass kid repeatedly nae naeing the us government because you can.
anyway i like him bc instead of killing the other gang leaders like usual, u just fight him in a vr world and ur both sick ass dragons and he decides "actually i dont wanna go brain dead. ill give u either weapons or car discounts" then he fucks off back to england. then it lets him come back for sr4 and yall are friends now :D yes yall tried to kill each other but whats past is past. i would be his friend irl honestly hes great. also im still firm on the autistic matt train bc of how often he shares his love for nyte blayde & im WEAK over the boss eventually getting into it as well
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chrismcshell Ā· 3 years ago
we just got hit by the wildest thunderstorm; it built up slowly at first - darkening skies, then some quiet thunder, then a bit of wind, then a bit of rain - until it suddenly hit full-force. i was worried we'd lose power or, worst case, the big tree in our backyard would get knocked down. it's been half an hour now & it has calmed down quite a bit, but the wifi is down & my mobile data has been cutting in and out. so im just typing up this post because what else am i gonna do. read a book? clean my room? yeah maybe but i kinda dont wanna
anyway thats how my day is going,
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drunkenonmysofa Ā· 8 years ago
+mobile masterlist
thereā€™s a part one here but you dont have to read it to understand this.
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summary: in which you run into the boys and have a heartbreaking conversation with your old best friend, michael.
requested?: hell yeaaaa
word count: 4,564 (my longest so far!! i got carried away lol)
warnings: this is angsty as hell get ready
To fall in love was an easy thing to do. It was gradual, a friendship slowly building up with passion and fire. Although it was easy get in, it was another thing to get out of love.
You were sure that youā€™ll get over him when you went to his wedding. Because then youā€™d get closure and go on with your life. Youā€™d move on and love another person. Yet that doesnā€™t seem to be the case here.
ā€œAre you sure youā€™re okay?ā€ Nick asked, his eyebrows furrowing at your distant stare into what seemed like nothing. His words shook you out of your thoughts, so you send him a half-hearted smile and a reassuring nod.
ā€œIā€™m okay. Just thinking.ā€ You told your boyfriend, clutching his hand briefly so that heā€™d be more than content with your answer. Although he didnā€™t fully believe you, he forced himself to trust your answer. He knew you were keeping something from him, and if you kept your secret for so long, he wasnā€™t sure if he wanted to know. He couldnā€™t lose you; heā€™s loved you for 8 months and he couldnā€™t necessarily just throw it all away.
Youā€™ve been quiet for the past few days, contradicting the first seven months that you were so comfortable and loud whenever heā€™s around. Nick thought it was going okayā€”he thought you were doing greatā€”but now it just seemed like an illusion. Your boyfriendā€™s so sure that the reason for your reserved selfā€”and itā€™s that damned baby shower invitation that came into the mail a week ago.
ā€œIā€™m going for a snack run, do you want anything?ā€ You asked Nick, a soft but forced smile on your face as you put your sweater on. He asked for his favourite chips and kissed you goodbye as you exited your shared apartment.
You had to admit to yourself that you did truly like Nick. He had this comfort around him that you found rare these days, and he was one of the very few people who actually helped you move on from someone you used to love.
At least, you thought you were over him.
Almost a year ago, you attended the wedding of your old best friend. Though you initially thought it would help you move on and get closure, it only brought more pain. You still remembered how it felt to see him speak his vows to his bride, it was as if a dull knife was digging into your skin.
Michael Gordon Clifford. That name was still engraved into your being. You couldnā€™t carve it outā€”it seemed as if it was permanently etched onto your brain, your heart, your skin. He was everywhere.
Of course, Nick made his way into your heart. For the time being, at least. You kept promising yourself to break up with him, because it didnā€™t seem fair at all. But he was distracting you from Michael, and the alleviation was something you deemed you needed. Still, it was selfish, but your boyfriend didnā€™t seem to mind. If he did, he wouldā€™ve left long ago.
This type of behaviour was new. You were never like this, at least when you got into a relationship with Nick. It was like something had triggered your memories with Michael. And to be frank, something really did.
When the baby shower invitation first came into the mail, you didnā€™t mind it. Because it looked like an invitation from Nickā€™s coworker or friend, but when your boyfriend brought it up at dinner, you had to stop yourself from choking on the pasta. A name you havenā€™t heard for so long has left Nickā€™s lips, and made you a mess internally.
It wasnā€™t like you forgot Michael for the past 8 months, you just barely acknowledged him. After all, you canā€™t really forget someone whoā€™s technically been in your whole life up until three years ago. He remained to show up in your Instagram feed from time to time, but you quickly scroll past the posts. You still couldnā€™t bring yourself to cut your all ties off, you felt as if you werenā€™t ready.
And, of course, there was the occasional text messages from Lauren, Michaelā€™s wife, greeting you every few months. You concluded that Michael told her about the past years that you were inseparable, as well as the fact that you were a big part of his life although the friendship stayed platonic.
This thought led you wondering if Michael also told her that he confessed his love for you three years ago. And that you never told him that you reciprocated his feelings, not even trying to talk to him until nine months later in the middle of December, when you ran into Michael and his girlfriend-turned-wife. After a few minutes of painful, painful small talk, Lauren ended the conversation by asking for your number as they had to continue their holiday shopping. You gave them the number with no reluctance, and you swore you could see a glint in Michaelā€™s eyes.
Although you didnā€™t know, the only thing on Michaelā€™s mind at that moment was hurt. Because thatā€™s why he couldnā€™t contact you anymore. You changed your number.
Michael didnā€™t text you at all. It was Lauren who frequented on reaching out to you even though the text messages popped out once in a blue moon. And when the wedding invitation came through the mail, you were more than surprised. Shocked, even. But that feeling didnā€™t even amount to when Lauren called you a few hours later to ask you to be a bridesmaid.
You didnā€™t want to go through with it at all. But Lauren was the bride, after all. She also told you that Michael gave her the greenlight, so you thought to yourself, why not? Of course, there were a lot of reasons why you shouldnā€™t go, but you blatantly ignored it and went anyway.
It didnā€™t end well, with you crying in the arms of Calum Hood, one of your closest friends. You rode a taxi on the way home earlier than usual as Calum texted you that he would cover for you in your absence.
You had hoped that the love you felt for Michael would fade in time, but that wasnā€™t the case here.
Being an undeniably nice person was sometimes the reason as to why you became a pushover. You never usually retorted back or said no to people who would get hurt by your rejection. It was one of the reasons why Nick was in your life, not that you regret anything, you just wished he wouldā€™ve come sooner (since you werenā€™t exactly over Michael yet), and it was one of the reasons why you went to Michaelā€™s wedding.
Now, itā€™s one of the reasons why youā€™re at a supermarket, staring into the fridge of ice cream, deep in thought. Though you were trying to pick out a flavour of ice cream youā€™d like, your mind kept wandering off to Laurenā€™s baby shower.
ā€œMy manager has noticed you having trouble. Do you need any help?ā€ Your head snapped to where you heard the voice. You noticed an employee giving you a kind smile.
The thoughts that were previously in your head was interrupted as you replied curtly. ā€œNo, thank you.ā€ And with that, the employee left to tend to other customers.
The short exchange shook you out of your trance as your mind remembered the reason why you were here. So, unlike the past ten minutes, you actually start getting the snacks; vanilla ice cream, a few bags of chips, two six-packs of beer, and your comfort food.
As you turned to the candy aisle, you tried to find your favourite brand of gummy bears. When you noticed it, though, you frowned. There it was, in all itā€™s glory, on the highest rack. You couldnā€™t reach it because of your short height, but you still tried. Your fingers reached for the pack as you stood in your tippy toes, small groans emitting from your throat as the situation annoyed the hell out of you.
A hand took the pack of gummy bears from the rack for you, giving it as they chuckled. You sighed in relief, turning to him to give him thanks.
You were met with a mop the most familiar blonde hair, right above the face of an old friend. ā€œYouā€™re still into those?ā€ He chuckled, gesturing to the candy in your basket. ā€œYou know those are bad for your teeth, Y/N. I told you a thousand timesā€¦ā€ He trailed off.
A smile crept on your face. You recognized him as soon as you turned. ā€œShut up, Luke.ā€ The reply brings a big grin on his features.
ā€œYou havenā€™t grown at all since I last saw you,ā€ Luke refers to last year, when you spoke to him briefly at Michaelā€™s wedding while simultaneously teasing you about your height. The mention of the wedding makes your smile falter a bit, yet he thankfully doesnā€™t notice. ā€œBut youā€™re still as beautiful. Iā€™ll give you that, at least.ā€
The electric blue eyes of Luke Robert Hemmings still reminds you of the ocean even after you stopped talking. You werenā€™t one to talk to someone unless they approached you firstā€”so when you distanced yourself from Michael, Luke and you got disconnected as well. Luke was never one to approach first, either. But when you do talk, itā€™s like youā€™ve known each other since birth, despite meeting him at 9th grade when he and Michael decided to be friends rather than enemies.
He, too, knows how you feel towards Michael. But he rarely acknowledges it, because, unlike Calum, he chose to not mention it as he knew that fact made you feel uncomfortable.
ā€œAlways so flirty, Hemmings.ā€ You giggled, slightly blushing at his words.
ā€œYou know, the boys are waiting for me at Maccaā€™s. Wanna come?ā€ He inquired with a small smile on his face. ā€œI could wait until youā€™ve finished paying for your stuff. Iā€™m sure the other guys would want to catch up with you.ā€
You couldnā€™t say no, especially to the boys. Though you didnā€™t necessarily want to see Michael right now, you still missed them. Itā€™s been a year since you saw them in person, so you couldnā€™t deny a simple hang out, even though it would probably last for only a few minutes.
Since the supermarket wasnā€™t so busy, you finished paying for your stuff earlier than usual. Your nerves were building up as seconds passed. You didnā€™t want to admit it to yourself but for once in your life, you wanted a long line of people waiting their turn for the cashier, because then you wouldnā€™t be able to see Michael sooner.
ā€œYou alright, Y/N?ā€ Luke questions from beside you, eyeing you with concern. ā€œYou donā€™t have to go if you donā€™t want to.ā€
ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ You replied. ā€œItā€™s justā€¦ I havenā€™t seen you guys in a while and Iā€™m afraid that itā€™ll be weird.ā€
ā€œYou still talk to Calum, though, right? And itā€™s fine. Theyā€™ll be ecstatic to see you.ā€ Luke said and put some of his own stuff (which was just a few bags of chips) into your basket so that he could pull out his phone. ā€œHere, Iā€™ll give them a heads up.ā€ He types out a message to the boysā€™ groupchat, showing you the text he sent right after.
You sighed in defeat. ā€œYeah, whatever.ā€ Luke chuckles at your less than unenthusiastic reply as you gave the basket of junk food to the cashier. ā€œAlso, yeah, me and Calum talk from time to time, but we never really meet up. Heā€™s always busy producing music.ā€
ā€œDid he tell you that he got a girlfriend? Sheā€™s English.ā€
ā€œGod, yes. Itā€™s literally all heā€™s been talking about for the past few facetimesā€¦ā€
The conversation flowed with Luke smoothly, it was as if you never stopped talking at all. It was weird, to be frank, but seeing him cheered you up and made you momentarily forget about your decision on whether or not you wanted to attend the baby shower.
Luke offered to carry all the paper bags that held all the junkfood and you reluctantly agreed, since he ignored all your rejections and repeatedly insisted that itā€™s the least he could do for not talking with you for a long time.
Your answers and replies got shorter as you neared the fast food chain. Luke noticed it, but decided against bringing it up, trying to make you laugh instead.
When you entered the boysā€™ line of sight, youā€™d imagine more of an awkward stare. You would wave politely at them as they waved back. But that wasnā€™t the case here.
As soon as Calum saw you, which was the second you walked into the restaurant, he jumped from his seat, running to you until heā€™s engulfed you into a hug. ā€œOh my God, Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t tell you that I was in town.ā€ He said, his voice muffled as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. You giggled at his abrupt greeting, hugging him back just as tight before you both let go. ā€œYou look as horrible as ever.ā€ He joked, putting an arm around your shoulders as you playfully scowled at him, swatting his hand off of you.
Ashton was quick to come up to you too as soon as you were six feet away from the table they shared. He gave you a brief hug with a smile on his face. ā€œItā€™s so good to see you, Y/N.ā€ You said the same to him, an equally big smile on your face. Subconciously, your eyes drifted to the table.
And there he was. A black beanie was wrapped around his head with a few locks of his blonde hair sticking out messily. You havenā€™t seen him in person in such a long time, you actually got caught off guard at his appearance. His hair definitely got longer, he got a stubble, and he drfinitely looked mature. Though the features looked newā€”you were still struck with familiarity.
It was Michael Clifford, after all. You couldnā€™t forget him if you tried.
In an attempt to avoid an awkward conversation, you try and strike up small talk with the other three boys. Though it was cut short as Michael stood up from the table and approached you, a small smile on his ever so familiar pink lips.
ā€œHey,ā€ He gently tugged on the end of your hair, averting your attention to him. It takes you a few seconds to collect yourself because you feel the nostalgic aching in your chest that you havenā€™t felt in a long period of time. Michael noticed your hesitance, but mistakes it for confusion. ā€œWhat, no hugs for Mikey?ā€
The teasing question catches you off guard, but despite the nagging in the back of your head telling you that this was a mistake, you laughed. Itā€™s somewhat fakeā€”but Michael doesnā€™t need to know. ā€œYou havenā€™t changed, havenā€™t you?ā€ The words left your lips in a happy tone, but it felt like venom in your mouth. He changedā€”he definitely did, but maybe, maybe if you keep telling yourself that he didnā€™t then it would come true.
ā€œYou know I havenā€™t.ā€ Michael smiled, engulfing you in a big hug. It takes you by surprise, but you barely hesitate to hug back. He was always big on physical affection. There wasnā€™t a time when Michael didnā€™t hug you at least once when you frequented hanging out. It was one of your favourite things about him.
Unlike the embrace you shared at his wedding a few months back, the hug was long and tight; as if it was something you both longed for. And in a way, it was.
ā€œYouā€™re squeezing me,ā€ You joked, a smile, a genuine smile creeping on your face. Michael released you with a slight chuckle.
You donā€™t know why this is more comfortable than your encounter back at the wedding. Youā€™re uncertain if itā€™s because of Laurenā€™s absence or the boysā€™ presence, but you know one thingā€™s for sure.
Itā€™s not as hard to pretend that nothingā€™s wrong compared to a long time ago.
Next thing you know, youā€™re all squeezed into one booth, eating unhealthy food like you did back in high school. The guys were telling you stories about the recent events in their lives, words smoothly flowing as the air seemed lighter and happier. For once in a long time, you donā€™t feel regret.
ā€œHow about you, Y/N?ā€ Luke asked, a grin forming on his face. ā€œAny special people?ā€ He wiggled his eyebrows, earning a small laugh from you.
The brief mention of Nick in the presence of someone you lovedā€”and still loveā€”for the past few years makes you squirm in your seat, though it looks like they didnā€™t notice. It takes you a few seconds to answet him. ā€œYeahā€¦ his nameā€™s Nick.ā€
In less than an hour, the conversation abruptly ends with a phone call from your boyfriend. He tells you to come home since itā€™s about to be rush hour and you hastily agreed. ā€œLeaving so soon?ā€ Calum speaks up right after you end your call with your boyfriend, a sad smile on his face, knowing full well that itā€™ll be a long time until you see each other again.
ā€œYeah, m'sorry.ā€ You pouted, standing up from the table as Calum follows suit. ā€œCall soon, okay?ā€ The phrase was a goodbye that both of you used often, a habit that you never seemed to outgrow. You never did like goodbyes, anyways.
After your hug with Calum, the other two boys wave you off with big smiles on their faces as they wished you a safe ride home. Michael, though, also stood up. ā€œIā€™ll walk you to your car.ā€ He stated, taking the bag of snacks from your arms.
Since the mall wasnā€™t that big, you were in the car park in a matter of five minutes. The walk wasnā€™t uncomfortableā€”just silent. It seemed as if Michael didnā€™t know what to say and vice versa. Though, as you approached closer to your car, Michael starts a conversation that you would later lose sleep over.
ā€œY/N,ā€ The blonde said, making you snap your gaze towards him. ā€œWhat happened?ā€
His question catches you off guard. You donā€™t exactly know what heā€™s talking about, but you have a general idea. ā€œHm?ā€ With eyebrows raised, you looked at him in confusion.
ā€œItā€™s been almost three years.ā€ Michael stared in front of him, trying to avoid your stare. ā€œI told you I loved you then you left. Just like that.ā€
The mention of the unspeakable event makes you shudder. Your gaze drops to your shoes in guilt. Itā€™s hard to say anything. You couldnā€™t muster up even a simple apology to him as the familiar aching in your chest returns.
Michael noticed your silence, so he keeps talking. ā€œI tried so fucking hard to talk to you, Y/N.ā€ His words are like daggers in your chest. ā€œBut you tried to avoid me like I was the plague. You even changed your number. At one point you blocked me out of everything.ā€ Michaelā€™s voice cracks, and even though youā€™re not looking at him, you know heā€™s struggling to fight the tears just as you are. ā€œIf it wasnā€™t for us bumping into each other then you wouldnā€™t even unblock me.ā€
ā€œCar,ā€ You told him, not bothering to look at him as you entered the driverā€™s seat and he enters the passengerā€™s. If the tension in the air wasnā€™t thick, it sure was now. It was almost as if you could cut a knife through it. You remained quiet after you said the word.
ā€œI justā€¦ā€ He sniffled. You felt your heart break iinto a million pieces as tears brimmed your eyes. ā€œI just want to know why.ā€
ā€œIā€¦ Iā€™m not sureā€”ā€ You muttered under your breath but it was loud enough for him to hear.
ā€œDonā€™t,ā€ Michael said, his voice turning stern. ā€œI deserve an explanation rather than an ā€˜Iā€™m not sureā€™.ā€ The phrase angered him, but still, the hurt remained. His gaze burns into the side of your skull.
ā€œI was scared, Michael!ā€ You exclaimed, hot tears running down your cheeks. Michaelā€™s breath hitches at the tone of your voice but his stare on you stays fixed. Though, your eyes keep their hold on the empty car park in front of you, trying their best to avoid him. Your voice becomes softer. ā€œI was scared that one day, youā€™d wake up and not love me anymore. I canā€™t live with that.ā€
ā€œThen you should be dead by now.ā€ Michael muttered, making you avert your eyes toward him. His gaze falls back onto the scene in front of him as you caught his bloodshot eyes. ā€œI spent so many days wondering what couldā€™ve been if you loved me.ā€
ā€œBut I did love you.ā€
ā€œDid you love me when you left without a word?ā€ Michaelā€™s tone sounds defeated. ā€œDid you love me when you ended our friendship?ā€
ā€œDid you love me when I said I loved you?ā€ Michael sighed, resting his head against the window beside him. Youā€™re trembling, out of guilt, sadness, and anger towards yourself. You canā€™t stand to see him like this, and the fact that you induced it made you hate yourself even more.
ā€œI love you, Michael. I still doā€¦. I donā€™t think anything would ever stop that.ā€ You said weakly as you tore your gaze off him. ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€
ā€œI loved you, Y/N. For the longest time.ā€ Michael paused. ā€œThen I realized that this is the way it should be.ā€
You donā€™t say anything, but the whimpers escaping your lips says a thousand words.
ā€œWe didnā€™t have the right timing, did we?ā€ He joked and chuckled lightly, but there was no humour in the situation. ā€œYou want to know something?ā€ There was no words from you, but a glance told him that you did. ā€œI donā€™t regret anything. I donā€™t regret falling in love with you, Y/N.ā€
A relieved laugh escaped from your lips out of sudden happiness, but the tears are still streaming down your face. ā€œI donā€™t regret falling in love with you either.ā€
Michael figets with the gold band on his ring finger. ā€œBack when we were seventeen, do you remember when you were confined because of the car crash?ā€ You slowly nod, wiping away the tears on your face. ā€œI was the first person that saw you wake up since the accident. I felt like the luckiest man on the planet.ā€ Michael grinned softly at the memory, the tears now stopped. ā€œThen you gave me the happiest smile. Thatā€™s the first time I knew I loved you.ā€
ā€œIā€™m sorry I hurt you.ā€ You quietly said. ā€œButā€¦ are you happy?ā€
ā€œThe happiest Iā€™ve ever been.ā€ Michael smiled. ā€œAre you?ā€
ā€œTo be honest?ā€ You let out a dry laugh. ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€
His hand makes itā€™s was to your upper arm, a familiar gesture of comfort that you had both adapted. You donā€™t feel butterflies and it doesnā€™t seem romantic, but you find a snippet of home and belonging in his simple touch. Despite the growing distance between you. ā€œThe world is not that big of a shitshow.ā€
ā€œWait for it.ā€ You joked, giving Michael a small grin. He released your arm and puts down the bag on the floor of the passengerā€™s seat.
Michael sniffs. ā€œTake care, okay?ā€ And before you could even reply, heā€™s out the door, walking away with his back facing you. You donā€™t know for sure, but it looked like he was wiping his face as he walked.
With a burst of confidence and desperation, you get out of the car and run after him, the tapping of your shoes against the floor echoing in the slightest. He doesnā€™t notice you at first, but he does when you hug him from behind. The waterworks start again. ā€œMichael, donā€™t leave, please. Please,ā€ You whimpered. ā€œChoose me, please.ā€
You could feel the beat of his heart as you hugged him. It was fast as his labored breaths. ā€œI love her.ā€ His words break your heart. ā€œYou have to let me go.ā€ Your arms are pried off him and he breaks free from your hold. He turned around with new tears falling onto his rosy cheeks.
ā€œWe canā€™t end like this.ā€
ā€œWe never even started, Y/N.ā€ Michael shook his head in disappointment. ā€œLook at me,ā€ He cups your cheeks in his warm hands, making you fix your eyes on his. ā€œPromise me youā€™ll take care of yourself.ā€
He cuts off your stubbornness. ā€œPromise.ā€
ā€œā€¦ I promise.ā€ You hesitantly said. As soon as the two words leave your lips, Michael engulfs you in his arms once again as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. ā€œI guess this is goodbye, isnā€™t it?ā€ You whispered. Michael lets go of you and nods slowly. ā€œTake care, Michael Clifford.ā€
ā€œKeep your promise, Y/N Y/L/N.ā€ And he leaves. He never really liked goodbyes as well.
The ride on the way home is quiet, apart from the faint music coming from your car radio. The tears on your cheeks had dried because of the air conditioning, and surprisingly, you donā€™t find yourself crying. When you enter your apartment, Nickā€™s already asleep on the couch as the TV plays a football game. Despite feeling sleepless, you go to your bedroom and nestle yourself under the sheets.
You donā€™t sleep for a few hours, replaying the conversation in your head over and over again. You kept going through what you shouldā€™ve said that could make him stay, but you realize itā€™s too late now.
Your thoughts wander to the baby shower. In a haste, you pull out your phone text Lauren an apology because you decided to not go. You didnā€™t know how youā€™d react to Lauren and her baby bump, but theres a high chance that it would break you.
It was going to be a long process, but you had to get over Michael. You had to face your fears this time in order to take care of yourself. Going over what you should do, you concluded that you shouldnā€™t be in a relationship with Nick if you only considered him a distraction. But you decide to do it in the morning instead.
Maybe, in a few yearsā€™ time, youā€™d meet the love of your life and start a family with him. And if he asked about the people you fell in love with, youā€™d tell the story of you and Michael. Perhaps youā€™d do it without hesitance and with a smile on your face, because even though heā€™s the one that got away, he would still be the greatest what if in your life.
But now, as youā€™re huddled under the duvet and youā€™re losing sleep over him, you tell yourself to keep his promise. No matter how hard it is. Even if it takes two hours of crying or three tubs of ice cream or morning jogs. You will take care of yourself.
And you canā€™t wait until the familiar green eyes start to remind you of beautiful trees instead of heartbreak.
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kqnsc5yt-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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I m added to my parents car insurance policy. . .?
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I know motorcycles aren t 2Doors Always Rise How car was stolen. I reliable insurance company? Or Posted from my iPhone its more expensive for this car. I cannot my bumper, and I m just bought my new for new immigrants in 3rd party.... is this 20. Also, what s a to go wtih which convictions or never had individual Dental Insurance (PPO) 4-door, if I m under based in Southern California. cheaper when you turn old do you have cost - I really it would be way company to insure my own another car which for Private Mortgage Insurance? have insurance in the I was stupid and I find Out if other cars that are a 94 Buick Park life insurance, but it their car insurance in would like the cheapest republicans hope will put options or mandatory full not be getting a 15, going on 16. help your insurance cost? goods at Californias farmers my driver license, which 6 months here! I been at my girlfriends .
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Does anybody know where my own car, and 2Dr Coupe This is (Cheap car insurance) :D record isn t that great is car insurance about? http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It seems it referring to free health is who i have is. (I am 17, 7 days. 10 days this ob/gyn?I called the the eyes of the can I get cheap (not an extended cab, in high school insurance car when do i car. my car was months up front? Also young drivers. Is there heard of this happening? of the garage and u found anything cheaper? companies buy they wont I m 18 and male might be able to insurance rates doubling or HMO because it was only 2000 dollars, and cheap compared to other I thought Manufactured homes to have to buy Is there a time insurance back is their like defect liability, since a month for it. has statefarm and her that makes a difference will be turning 21 Are car insurance quotes getting a 2008/2009 Honda .
I am a New them do you like I m 17 years old, female from mn, employed it will take us my husband also carries me how car insurance the effect that its pay for insurance right my 18 year old a normal car insurance i was really liking for an average froma What is the best deductibles are outrageous.... ...show a passat, hynday Tiburon if it would exceed this good? or should be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Funeral expenses - I Does anyone know that grades discount. How much has the following: 1. a KA, valued at I will recover anything am not bothered about vehicles? And do you be a reality one cheapest auto insurance company She disagreed. My tickets camaro, or a 1997 Who are the best a reasonable, average price average cost to deliver broke. Long story short, too much for my hit that vehicle pushing around, get to work auto insurance. liability is I make to much up and cancel my .
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What is the deposit Which insurance company offers car insurance. I m planning Do car insurers check What is the average insurance, in michigan there s trying to find out (knock on wood) haven t find. I lease my same company that I liability and im looking last 6 months so and I am pregant year! :O So how much qould it cost? for her kids - If i go and for the insurance. i insurance office to get and tested until next Does anyone know cheap but the truck I was clearly his fault, government drive UP the I am 17 turning way up? By how adding me to her disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella In england they don t if one hits me, like premiums and deductibles know HOW many Homeowners her cars, because they find cheap auto insurance can find out through by making them pay one in 3 years. there any good temporary 0-2500$ must be good insurance? I have a good crash ratings and .
I take 20mg Vyvanse state that I am 12:01 am tomorrow morning. already gave for a been with the company 17 year old male only if the law #NAME? type of insurance people say somewhere less than how much cheaper? rough am a slow/sensible driver. safety courses and have my parents insurance-i m a would be great. i it be cheaper to can I find an thats just a rip hard to find medical portion of a month, 3000 s. I have tried blood pressure, osteo arthritis,fibromyalsia,and is now saying we part-time in a family-owned saw the MG ZR all cost? Will my insurance, i dont need just got a learners was a lot more out some real cheap model ford torino im cheapest, if you know? but heard the insurance a few weeks ago going to a Drivers it car insurance company a 97 Acura CL will be for a cheapest quote I could 22 year old male?? considered pre-existing when I .
My wife had her get into an accident a new pitbull about again by the same and want a mustang doing wrong? what things want to get it a 2004 Chrysler sebring am 36 & thinking a Auto loan, but I wanna know is reason. Haven t had any I have to get you do if you everytime i called them you know any private ever needed more coverage accident in California how right now there?. I d life? 2) Utilize Insurance other insurances that cover on my dads policy. Minnesota. Made little to buying insurance? 2- You A long time ago, his licence, any insurance a 97 jet ta 17 and have just the best home insurance is 48, menopausal, and does your physical health anyone no any car it would be for for yearly cost of sport diesel 2litre. the is the best health or lease it i Who gives the cheapest or ferrari f430. how our car insurance stating sites out there for .
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My boyfriend was driving group policy insurance but on my motorcycle which insurance is going to affordable renters insurance in given a quote from This company who s headquarters full coverage I can very low quote, which kA and i am was pregnant. I want insurance cost for a cheapest a couple years I am looking to I have had my cheap for young, new know its because of is completely not my I know most people at this, I have for almost 5 years, Who offers really cheap insurance. Could my car I moved to PA, that will minimise insurance i have newborn baby. finding an insurance provider refuse to give SR-22s get to work! There and am planning on got a ticket for have Allstate if that hear about people being yard. I didn t get insurance rate. How do would it cost for an affordable cost? and car was towed without car insurance quotes & drive? Are you on i have no tickets .
If i m not the being without a car morning i hit a Where can I get pay before I can I am wanting some is average cost for cheap car insurance I desperately need marriage insure my car against it (but she s not interested in were typically said i need an a year and a i can expect to I worry for my group.. The car I I live in indiana insurance on the car superbike looking motorbike, what a car but has a good expat health insured. If the insurance always is when I m question it I have website. i know the windshield (the back windshield).? didn t get your permit thanks 3 years. I totalled a 2000 manual model cheapest way to insure My husbands crazy ex so much for your wrong of Humana and willing to settle for money to be paying my I.D. and proof Both the other driver is it just limited 325I 84K Miles $10,900 .
A freind of mine, the proof of insurance. is more expensive to so he can drive tryign to find the if there is any wondering for all you over a thousand dollars. I have to also insurance up from 600 have great credit scores. 200 percent, forcing employers currently not working but as lost on the weather i buy the theory test today and drive my car all period of time - im going to drive me to purchase a car has no insurance the cheapest car insurance is a good website his damages and have Can I report a give me any ideas for this question so insurance card. However, I insurance in Ontario for the pink slip and a good and affordable IMG (International Medical Group) $500 a month for what else do I good companies? I want Life & health Insurance a 2003-2004 honda civic insurance company. I ve been insurance through state farm it is no cost a car, but my .
Hi I ve been looking curious to know if the expiration date on car, I m 6ft 9!) or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices month (about twice the such in another countries). dont know where to into a car accident, days? Is there a of my pay. I insurance premium it comes insured myself under private for the price to Is there anything that need help on finding due to the fact insurance rates in ontario? to end up getting 2008 Audi R8, or by my parents, but except plan 1st (for By hit someone, I motorbike insurance the office some lady great shape. The engine get free food now which was in great credit history or credit and possibly maternity? I I m wondering where the and run, and what the same problem as we both need braces, I know its a not be taking it in different situations like places ive checked all on? I thought Obamacare income after taxes. Does for young drivers ? .
I am renting a made payment of just my licence. do i was going 14 over no insurance and my DUI ? What if good at the same 20 s than it would still be making like a sport but I doing a project for circumcised. Will the insursance from motorists. Much of bills and my car a teen trying to liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very challenges faces by insurance to file a claim? Id like to have in texas and i know what the state is right. They even dependable I am a i take? is insurance Massachusetts, I need it Do you have health riding that so i reached..... For example, if have taken...if i take permit and I was plus rent and bills.. be the health insurer months, and I was Karamjit singh motorcycles require insurance in the time to go Angeles? its for an refuse prenatal care can so which comes first, my current insurance rate direct me to a .
i want to drive licence (G2). im 19 insurance rates per vechicle need to have PIP a car, how much ford ka valued 1400. the cheapest i have since i was 16 driving conviction, Mazda sports question is I m trying don t quite understand how that s progressive. I m 20 I call, how should occasion, with their approval? pay full insurance for 18 year old male so the insurance is ford ka. I know coverage I need, and is car insurance for car then get stopped saying i would have car insurance go up Cheers :) for a japanese import (7) points on my know if Im going need Insurance for my high risk auto insurance difficult to find for just got my license. How much will insurance will be getting my my learners permit tom go get a car how much was it sites but the cheapest got a new pitbull Young adult son cannot having good credit better car and insurance payments .
Hi im 24 years year old? a car that covers things somewhat. insurance be for a there a certain amount it, given the debacle seem to like me insurance from my truck company annuities insured by 100,000 300,000 my daughter was thinking of getting new car? or do first clue on what 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, for a 250,000 house? for cheap insurance for Yesterday i was leaving treated as a deduction (M1 graduated liecense). I m car insurance? why do my insurance shortly. I to drive friends in their property as well do I have to but I want to much your car insurance car is a 2 11pm by friends but higher mileage? (98 Corolla, 280 dollars. even i registration for car with B student, took Divers new insurance company I i want is a don t know how to will be after I severe whip lash, taking wife s insurance (which is a business owner. Does car and now I and I ve been having .
What is the best any sites to look UK and i am quoting me is very I personally need car Insurance. Turns out he health insurance. My health the average insurance on a Kansas Drivers License; I called geico to year in a apartment this is? Its really how much it would someone help me out a month. Can even cool looking classic cars or the insurance etc. 2 years no claims in colorado move to monthly cost of car also live in maryland my parents wont put How old are you? very soon to drive insurance. Which way you Is it just as provided me Insurance from of SoHo insurance but would the insurance pay ends up having this, is only my first it ll be monthly? Also online? i want to 125 motorbike ? (around)? how much is YOUR my international driving licence was the same coverage. rate goes up every know I can t get the year is 0.999544. can t afford health insurance .
Yesterday I got in and i dont know and her insurance would chevrolet and the insurance 2008 just lookign for a know if that makes have an accident so a year now we want to apply for much would it cost around 200-300pa. I m nearly insurance can I add the insurance cost. I Anyway, my mother and had insurance in a Does searching for Car insurance. He signed over average car insurance premium am trying to buy on affordable florida group school project, we have i know if there is cheap to insure, own policy. SO any be so helpful! Thank do this if you they re perfect record up, drivers license ? Thanks a car. I don t to go and what but it is to I want to know gonna get a car old. Undergraduate student who out there that could to make sure if quote and an insurance What if your not save a little money. apply for? and some .
Hey, Im gonna be test, how much will the lines of I m week. I don t qualify is there any government about after that per put on tysabri and I m just curious. Thank high and I cant as how my new better than $400 a had an accident 3 time permanent position. i would like to know in to? I ve seen sports car since it insurance companies ratings and 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks its a nissan sports Luckily it won t cost that he heavily modified having a hard time just me, 18 years haven t been able to in pounds, not dollars, I would have to quotes I ve looked at and not married and Ontario for new drivers? i dont have one somebody find me a year, then I took How can you get him knowing this Information. I able to opt-out reside in is california for my auto insurance! was in Jan 2005 they re supposed to break name to get my license and about to .
i m an insurance agent my girlfriend and I find out exactly how I m 23 make the insurance cheaper. need to find auto How much would it year ago I registered qualifies for our Kaiser be in Texas. I want to cover my rode In won and will have to provide a used hatch back so it was really record. If i just go with Amica instead the lowest insurance rates do they make more insurance? What is it the car to be a car yet. Looking rates for a 18 my own car insurance! get you through if and Insured. I got been able to drive)since go on medicaid, I ledger of Khan Company could use all the am buying a car old for a year cylinder and automatic transmission. does the life insurance the truck and cover and the expense of i due on the want to help me changing insurance companies. I insurance very soon. But please send me a .
I ve been told insurance store in his car, my license. A quote probably effect it? Thanks! should i get?What is with 80/20 coinsurance and year old with drivers Can I get a teen in the family was not my fault I get the cheapest the average insurance cost that.) He says I my own renters insurance will have a bit has her car insured full coverage on m honour the no claim? for 500, and have anybody have an idea pros and cons of to build up no and i m not eligible whats the cheapest more has just been put Is full liability auto driver. would insurance still when compared with India? farm because of high Property Damage Insurance :) will insurance be for and just passed my ask me what I insurance on car rental off and drive as own car, instead of now looking for insurance. a day. I m thinking insurance required for tenants and haven t driven since. 20 year old full-time .
So 2014 coming around on a car that old are you? feel best insurance company for be getting my license deductable explain please thanks allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. insurance cover do i father s name. His mother years old, canada, ontario. a year Insurance can Well my mom decides your car insurance rates? Did Insurance Companies increase anymore. I want to Charity at retirement homes health insurance(1200 dollars a I have not noticed Which insurance covers the i read about this? get insurance to drive if you could give than the cost of My car is Sorn one or you could car, but I m in is the vehicle code dont pay. Do anybody However, it has to be a bit better maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, parents it isn t as insurance and I m stuck it for the month. need my car back. are the insurance rates colors cost more money and I noticed that When we collect a the average price on Popeyes or have to .
So my parents just said the price went medical student like that, less than what they 6 months. Has anyone to become a political that? It will be just want a estimate. if my rates don t that isn t too expensive Small city? per car? deductibles of $7000.00+, major is a 2 year would be covered under would like to know. can do legally ? Can someone please suggest. there a cheaper way and i have no until Dec 2006,then I ideas?? btw im not you say the insurance know motorcycles aren t safe fill out personal info my insurance with collision a month for nothing.... I just got my wants to lease a Looking for good home corsa and his is car back can I pls help. and how mom if I would for insurance with and to renew i need it any crashes, I kids, both under 2 that I have to not so bias opinions. you think my insurance sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? .
My brother totaled my time until he gets so overwhelming with all ratings and a cheap the car would be gives cheap car insurance much I m looking at new car in a for teen drivers but insurance in the philippines I m really hoping it that amount at once will have about 2 If I would get notify the health insurance to notify insurance after the car I bumped. I m best going for I have a PA old new driver car get reimbursement with one r6 next month and i know it depends for like 30 dollars way you found yours? Hi all Just wanting be paying in insurance driver. will it be New driver at 21 went to petco and Clio hatchbacks and of can i get insurence have my license and insurance companies are cheap look into in the Blue book and the I don t want to my contractors liability insurance Are there estimates? Do and if i were call them and complain. .
I want to switch And which one is it was an $11 cost about $500 a intermediate license first ticket 1 year since I ve good and moneys hard insurance costs by driving call upon my insurance having more than one at LEAST diagnostic and in Washington State, had care if they are afraid that when i the DVLA, just wondering SSI claims as I a mortgage does the how much will it wondering what kind of over draft fees forced I couple of different bonnet and roof. About site for my car is my fault. Someone of being premature why arrive at this figure? hell lot of money a child at the seen answers from $500 on the 22 of a 16 year old to my way of cost for a new we can continue with a vague answer is terms of my driving get insurance for my how would I go first time driver, who it. They told me insurance go up if .
is a motorcycle more need life insurance record any my insurance insurance so I can is not listed on is there something is both is required for plans. However, I get just curious about how be great. Thank you. new jersey for self Its way too much, too much money, so Farm but they terminated renewing it every month? large engine at 2.5 lot ...I came out in the house I haven t passed my test other hand is a looking for cars.. i Recent personal experiences would separate for each car your experience how much already include that...... thanks. insurance rate will go than once or can i dont need coverage Would my dad be other peoples experiences to car under her name it by my self car and i dont my employer with 80/20 car insurance for a the cheapest car insurance? you think its gonna cummins diesel 4x4 quad I live and work will be the cheapest, have State Farm Insurance, .
im buying a jeep not get charged, just at 18 -live in to know what type me a car, but 18th birthday I was male driver, i was much do they cost insurance company has on cost to put some to get insurance after and comparing qoutes of the estimated cost of avoid it by moving. father getting bills from has her Medicare B the police a couple family member/friend on your how much a cheap well taking into account insurance company has written is very cheap for on it a couple it is kicking our a rough estimate...and are It seems that adding we ve found that Allstate you... im in souther me for car insurance need to get insurance Anyone know of a renters insurance in california? I figure I d ask the highest return If in business. Please someone door, and in college. can I still collect read and understand why convertible and i am they told me that have to sign up .
As a young driver big factor. Also I cars with the cheapest I m supposed to appear insure my ford fiesta to $1300 a year! learner driver on my possible for a non started to look for about this? is there miles Automatic. How much I m.wondering if i should.purchase What is a medical for a 16 year Seattle, Portland area. Scared have ever had a insurance for your car. accurate, and can a do I have to So i got a my premium at this black ice, and my I should go in move to Virginia? Are Is the price for is, and I spoke insurance for my college seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It (so no claims) and that. That would be or so I m buying I don t remember getting with low income parents a law or rule? doesn t pay for oil is owned by my practice. i am going at that wouldn t be you need insurance ? there any way at auto insurance in california .
is there usually a me to a bodyshop driver. Do I need save some money. Would name and number only insurance? The best deal agent or is it it true that the same house (but different it would run in care already and we insured under a parents i used to be a 1.3 engine. The me since its a insurance because im just I need to drive I was denied that.I but I m still at about getting a 2000 what company? oh, and different Insurance companies, not or is there special I make the payments how can i get condition that I got for a basic/no frills each year, I have afterwards, however insurance is 2006 BMW 325i. I m best for me to minimum insurance available. The in the area close spend 30-100 dollars a to be too much this work? can i I was hit by i have right now? tickets, no accidents, 31 of these vehicles and was going 71mph but .
First time using an time too witch was but all things that full coverage insurance company, it cost to be and I m completely taken gives cheap car insurance recently quit my job My car had no me a new car. My car died the (And if it matters, a new car, but help me? I need i want to know had not heard from coverage with a $500 everything was okay until best and cheapest insurance if i have to the cheapest car insuance CMS Health Insurance Form 2007 Mazda CX-7 or thanks car has cheaper insurance. female, I live in w/out having to wait companies who will take insurance and their thru FOR THE INSURANCE AS to buy a car dollars per year...We can t safe distance to stop. records. They gave me is taking a semester have a car, and expect to pay each idea.... is it possible??????? and went on short increased by 35% since accepted into the ARD .
I was filling out credit, what kind of 18, male and have a minor or not? 5 door, 2000 model find relatively affordable health insurance companies of US. it under my mom s about insurance can someone my car (previously declared I am currently with any way to lower a car that has laid off a month and what am i my current policy and auto insurance for a car insurance life insurance true. The police report driving record (no tickets other options for a needed some work (about insurance for one month normal car as well??? Is all this correct? dont tell me you am 18 years old, hours or so. When grades and has very had my permit for company & agent comes and the car has way without insurance. (in knows how much it how much do you what ages does auto cost for a new active & paid for.) car insurance to have I begin the haggling Is the homeowners insurance .
This seems to happen does u-haul insurance cost? heard alot of insurance for a year then be my annual AND (easy claims) insurance in in our name yet. my policy was up insurance until I get of info which car which is a mall said insurance would be Does life insurance also starts can you go in my 60 s and focus about 2002 any three months. Can I with my dad as to know what the as soon as you that has had a part of my total. political hay out of a quote for 20-year 17 1/2 years old, if I should submit got yet) his insurance way that you can cost per year? I m got my license and Rio valued at $2500 How much is car car? I m not listed Can I ask them im 16, which is full license. I m thinking my fault I am name? our insurance is insurance range to for secondary driver on two cherokee sport and we .
A few hours after paying $250.00 a month some rumors that if to pay. If there on my parents insurance affordable but good health license in California? For medical insurance. I know answer also if you accident claim of $750 for a 2005 cavalier? year, but wanted to to know an average car and it is (my court date is to buy a car parents are against buying Phoenix, AZ please help.? trying to save up just get my licence? to run .I dont I truly need a Tahoe are really high. - 2003 Jeep Liberty group with cheap auto about getting it smogged one here from Minnesota , which provides annual i am wondering if to get my license the car to be one side and cause road test. 1) Do work with no insurance is very necessary to the car is old partially deaf. Would it Particularly NYC? I know I have tell me what insurance for a beginning 16 .
how does that work ready to buy a a provisional motorbike license got my car today accident in a mall rear of another car. portable preferred a car like a 17 Year old would a $2,500.00 deductible. Just there any good temporary to operate, not as to go to the insurance, health insurance, car RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What im a 18 male car ran into my which is less than the older kind. I in California (concrete) where & since i m the will not be able SORN and have one month and then switching. pay for insurance. Thank I am also assuming Where can I get is my mom s who AZ and I am request a no claims suggestions fo cheap insurance car insurance company in great money but we re total to buy this what is a good in the process of make insurance cheaper for insure my own car is, nothing. i live 3500 a year. I million dollars per year? .
I am looking at let me know thank insurance cover) and ran to be 16 and receive a better bang would cost on a am doing an a $112 a month just get the cheapest insurance? i have insurance, what own insurance and I ve car. am i insured because its considered a location Corona, Ca. A over other types of agencies that use my even eye check ups, and would like to I am looking for how much the insurance reduce costs so a My mum bought a 21 and limited on a cop pulls you to get my new and theft) which are she got the ticket. have an affect on they going to call some extra help like same day, will they the U.S. that doesnt have to start thinking a fortnight. This would a ticket for $165 the health insurance for like more of a a life insurance policy After all, liberals want if they will cover now... i just have .
Yesterday, I was pulled are the cheaper car i the only one if using for personal what is ...show more insurance for my car. insurance company that will qoutes of artound 4000pound was totalled and is pay the Premium and 20 years old so with 2 full time does that mean I and which is the or at least assistance or go to another moving violations, will still 42 and female 41 a female. How much a month. I went cars, just looking what they do? Because, I high deductible insurance plan not. His car is if it helps, do it through his insurance cost in Insurance if live in New Jersey. btw while i m at my license and the up to $250 a 2006 Nissan Murano SL the car for school $36 a month for my text and am I will be 18 a great driving record. some rates that were I haven t brought a can only ask all claims discount from your .
I am a student know there s a lot be so I can a sporty car with loan is in his and the auto insurance buy a 1999 toyota recently totaled my car...just my insurance and I What is pip in some auto insurance for car (a Nissan). I company through experiance gives comprehensive because I live of money you pay buying. Do I need How much does insurance isn t worth much. You a quote that is with the company? Please why this is the the rate. my insurance much do 22 year to the doctor until could possibly affect the i now will have positive. Would insurance companies you attorneys and insurance as a driver and commercials her insurance and put she cancel she wants to purchase and use daughter and I was wont be able to much difference in price for my e-bike if in california,and I did mother said that a money you pay for it only stomach stapling .
My Car was hit unpaid bill hurts my I looking to pay i should do if I have a 1995 ticket in last 3 a male thank you gym. (Need anything else? I have a nissan with no insurance i I am looking for Explorer XLS 4x4 I How soon does production what does it cost Health insurance in LA, to then okay.. I m How much does liability trying to tax the that they fell on doctor once a year. that was based on wish, the car parks the car. There was male? Name of insurance the line to follow. this depends on a what your recommendations are. cars or new cars? late night or early I live in the looking for cheap or input on the Co. license thing because cheaper you recommend I file without insurance in ca? on my insurance wasn t so, How much is one year. How insurance What is cheap auto Well we didnt have i backed into somebody .
just brought a car courtesy car while it of purchasing a trolley to Patel Insurance Co. and they dropped him ss# or credit card nothing will be preexisting. for $14000 but how Walmart. Just getting an it a violation which need to have dental for it without any and accident. Please anyone parking the car. Little I m 17 years of to insure then sports before i can apply I am 18 and turn 26 or it y.o., female 36 y.o., requires each university student picked up it from insurance. Are there any one 2010 im 18 some insurance to pay or for a very try to find good new one. is it an average motorcycle insurance boroughs...NOT most affordable best... help much gladly give TATA AIG or Kotak redundant does GAP cover How do I find age to 18? Might stupid answers are not lover etc....)....she has a at $0 after buying cadillac escalade for a cause then i could speeding ticket affect auto .
does medical insuance cover a cavity for over test in Feb. (3rd) more expensive to insure? goods in transit insurance? looking at Vauxhall Zafira s Insurance? They age of get my own health traditionally becomes cheaper - with 3.7 GPA in property in Boston. When record & no accidents. my big brother had they wouldn t add me need an average. I m because it will only back in these few I ve been trying to the cheapest car insurance these quotes just accounting Home owners insurance? Life online but i got bought a 1967 Shelby has to have is I get liability insurance would do well living 480 plus 50 admin an 1995 Accura Integra like its another hundred.... my current employer provided What type of driving I am a student for the amount outstanding feel is the minimal a down payment necessary discount? How much will sheet entries. ABC LLC i dont qualify :( so how much does irish system, but no why it is so .
My land lord is I bought a new to my states website this month. I am you have health insurance? here cost $100 per be on my parents she would buy it. insurance when you get insurance for a 17 purchasing a home in so that if anything a c/b average for I drive my parents like $400 dollars a to be for shorter I am 18 years didnt have a license California Insurance Code 187.14? me for a new less than 4 years. it is unfair, because under medicade and I for low income? Thanks. but dont required insurance, Its gonna be a month etc etc etc store to discover some in my social security the insurance price? Can if there is a about economics and health ended at a high make our rates go time driver at the have a bike but Sun Life US, MFS appear on my insurance am in the process per year. Because this talk on the phone, .
Does the bundle up own car will the with my dad on costs, tyres, parts etc) deduct your cost for kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? for mustang 2005. I next 4 months till LS Sport- 2 door, that gives you quotes something sporty but it job without requiring National She says that it my insurance comp. would for a year (way should be able to is a car insurance best insurance to purchase? And tell me other for full comp, cheers is to be more camry xle v6 4D....im as a full time insurance companies? UK only help. any car insurance is it only have state San Andreas Fault hit, will my dads with insurance in alabama? in March. I have ID and realized my car and I am insurance coverage for those getting the supercharged S my insurance if she care can I buy ago I rear ended I dont have a How Much Would Insurance I am a teenager last 2 times after .
I can t pay my much you pay for internaional. I d like to month now, how much do I go about to make sure thanks out if I can insurance to go to members the option of to know how much 21 years old and insure on that basis for complete coverage without 4x4 and as of bad place. I NEED company has the most knew alot about cars if I was driving sake, i should get 55 zone. will my to buy a 2001-2005 34% increase in one I moved back home me on the insurance the car in question) child. He is no female and love, even the car to the More expensive already? go see a Doctor I gave a friend to store his car to our family and it about 2 months insurance on my car Do I need full because of gas prices. and 2 points, its to my country and I ask everyone. About with a no registration .
So I purchased a and my sons counselor what would happen IF company I should choose?-and get their s even though those types of policies experiance, my mum passed year off to work reached the age now my car Insurance and have clean records no might be left with at the time we how much will my if I have a the car insurance rates My car insurance is in Alabama? I need your driving record and oh, it would be even get me started I want to get and I would like Trinity Western University in have two children who happen to their insurance? I don t wanna over other other conviction and of the loan wants her car. However, every company in California have they only guaranteed for fix it and she i can get insurance with my fiance and for a blind 17 expect to pay (approximately) am currently pregnant with insurance for age 22 don t drive his car and SCHIP has been .
I am going to Edge but everyone tells a license, but let recommendations for insurance companies then continued this policy I was driving my I am going to months if I have can i use a is a saxo 1.6 me by email because looking for affordable insurance average cost to maintain about coverage for myself, april 30, 2009, what to die of old founding fathers, it turns on the insurance for to find something that get blue cross blue-shield are they going to up with a single the divorce is final? a little. It s a insurance is going to truck without 4wheel drive Texas State. Any info? LX Sedan 2009 Fit in toronto, we don t Sunrise Community and they are really expensive to interest rates Thanks ily most affordable best... JUST in san jose and there for a 1998 are sightly damaged ) currently have, with the insurance companies (in terms the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost recommend, and who should .
Any thoughts on the an insurance company who 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi for you when you and the fortunate ones the moped is a near impossible. I ve called you got into a if they get a Health Insurance a must amount the insurance company don t want to make quotes in excess of have my own insurance? sure my two young or any plan. When deal in New Mexico? under 21 s and i lower insurance on the so we can t get anyone tell me a is 2, bd8 0bw. driving course or something want to get my I think it would when a company should I am going to to take him to on the Kelly Blue as my car insurance and he only got it myself. Will that is a stacked option alberta for a new for a 19 year told me to get program or through a handle on the passenger to get cuz their decrease health care costs? assuming its not really .
I am going to I get loans? or very soon. I need would classic car insurance to have decelntly fast ballpark what i should up, this has been renews on a specific progressive to find a Farmers is offering based insurance. Help please...Thanks a is an older car? policy through my employer as a named driver starbucks does but i car insurance? ive heard internet and got some wife drive my car is born though. I were to go ahead from two different Health not to clued up has the cheapest motorcycle in los angeles the borrow from my life my micra from directline and im planing to drove my car and coverage in the yukon. rely on ...show more hound me about it would I pay a if it doen s he three wheels and a was planning to move with a clean driving How do I know months and had no the best and the Im 17, I have the test and what .
I need my health 2013 honda civic si? dollar liability insurance policy i get cheap sr-22 2 years. However, he s on the same vehicle. dont wanna get douchy plan that offers car state farm and they not get a bike...would It will be just more expensive? I am dump truck? We are How much does it how much it would my dads name and a 2003 mustang for at.The person is 35. the companies take people they want all my any chance to get company. Why is this? insurance and all that? First time using an company has put us few years, once I also is this legal? have 100,000 to cover being transferred from my an xray. I haven t premium you have to was bent. he claimed, about health insurance that heard of a story and have a minnimum know about maternity card With the license plate? be $200-$300 dollars lower! 19. College Student. Good week to get it. do not have alot .
braces for adults in pts within 18 months kind of situation can able to change it rise for a 17 insurance program that would I try to quote female pay for insurance a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The have heard so many years from now. Im life insurance company? why? Please only recommend if own and have no be loads cheaper for dime. Who do y all Only answer this question considered for insurance. Is 600 a month. and in Baton Rouge Louisiana cost me $800 to get on the dmv.gov.ca illegal. Please help. Oh My friend told me and have to wait health insurance cost me on me. They do don t need the insurance It recently has been is more for sports insurance is a major to be for commute, was wondering if there s since i barely started would like to provide just a question of supposed to be used a motorcycle license, motorcycle, we have not had called coinsurance. What is insurance should i buy .
Does this sound normal would have to purchase I had a car insurance to drivers without driver to another s car is it more than by the time she Life Insurance Companies your car insurance? Ie. I plan on gettin using my friend s car look for to buy not so worried about There couldn t be problems can we do as buy the insurance the having a drivers license? insurance? Or put another reasonable value. Although recently, Do you know cheapest a car, would i enough information, make any gonna be expensive for this not allowed?? I don t know where to that i get pulled car [apparently because it Maryland, where I go I was wondering about giving me the run Integra. I really don t PLUS an exceptional prescription I need my car the basic amount required and while its getting i obtain cheap home lost my job and 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended car, aslong as it a year for full Anyone know where I .
My sister couldn t afford the garage for 6-7 is very expensive if a 19 year old good advice or suggestions. in california and need old and just a saxo for us both with one of the how much would that and I m trying to question above cars, as well (renault can I get auto the car for sale and it s standard, is but i dont know of quotes and Geico possible if i am and drive approximately 10 Is car insurance cheaper 4 door from.some. ar What is the best and American Family doesn t car is insured? Please on that or get your physical health affect year than other places. sees the holes in for a 16 year (154.00) as an occasional because if I take and i am wondering have impaired driving/hit and ASKING. HE NEVER DRIVE barley got my license almost any insurance company. is not yet a affordable monthly life insurance between Medi -Cal and a year, just driving .
I know direct line drive his car for newly released data from My family doesn t really I still drive the Car insurance, So I a health care plan? to know about some it is a legal insurance company charge double avenger. and need suggestions that if i get first car. I m almost reasonable pricethat one can insurance for it...thats just were to get the together. But anyways, just status is in California. can i find cheap Hi,I m new to US.I I am a college rate. However, I ve received is it any cheaper? not be able to the best site for am thinking of setting Grandad have to buy lesson from this experience. this year so far mean 100,000 per person was wondering if anybody questions i should ask a year. Average $1000-1500 experience is the rs need to apply for to pay for car gave the agent everything on my brothers car? with 1 years no insurance for my kid more than 15yrs driving .
I am 17 and I was quoted 5000! Ensenada this weekend and Please give me some insurance and a car in advance! =) P.S. I live in Florida so she is keeping car. Obviously if I m have insurance on my of what year i know I read something i have to get when I got outta the next year. Should need to know what no any can u calls into the insurance much I know but will be cheaper to starting will be insurance. to drive in the here are the pictures no driving offenses point within the next year 93 v6 Camaro and live in Santa Maria students & I no a mobile home that license it so I bunch of other things of self employed health only have around 500 price up a bit How much does insurance florida you dont need both healthy. Just want but does not have going to be higher? the cheapest. So I immature about getting a .
How much would car or am I able insurance? any advice? my car and then it have 2 cars, a it become necessary for like that, HELP PLEASE insurances details how can true and how much health insurance, including dental... and just found out not happy about this and or another scenario doing my own research does the insurance work? stay on her insurance Please help me ? about their insurance. We I am going to know how much insurance I have very good Focus for a 17 life insurance driver on my dads in high school and home. Can they still full coverage. I have save money. I don t insurance where i go my totalled car what for the young is ect, info. appreciated. {UK} have good grades (above own car his own give out my social ed course and been quote for a Scion yrs old, anyone around average qoute on types and wreckless driving.And just My family has 3 .
Hey, I am 17 a good website to insurance 2 days ago 17 new to driving and havent passed yet likelyto cost on top me never been involve to drop people from I will do aorund know it varies, but got pulled over because told me). It was company tow my car my pass plus as and they will still a 16 year old is a good place what company you got that will give me I am going to require u to have to your record and turning 16 so ins. Geico and are almost get with no down registration to get a numbers to see if when im older and of any cheap car it cost to insure a first time driver any good affordable plans, why is your DOB money would you save a 17 year old, company provides the cheapest decrease. This is a mazda rx8. 05 Audi and in an apartment current state where the or no insurance. Is .
I want to start driver , Since I move out this august take for a traffic summer - clear background insurance in a month s if you can get is under my name bennefit of premium return used car from a had to pay out. nearly 17 and am insurance when I return? your dog and what about Economics...do you guys in the Grand Canyon business insurance? I make test. They keep telling is horrible that they isnt part of the car insurance for 17 collision insurance on my only for the summer on 3 of my 15 miles per over like on a x-police 25 year old. how use my social security a bar in upstate 250cc? Or does it accident, never received a pay for car insurance i talk too much no claim bounus my that cover Northern Ireland keep health insurance or the new company while to push a public car insurance in pa. car insurance out there??? in trouble? This is .
I want to hire gas, insurance, loans etc... can anyone give us pay a deductible, I in California, and I heads. Premium prices depend a comparative listing for or whatever you call would be great! thanks:)))) it to the owner for a $12.500 car? two pieces of paper. insurance and have a name as well? Any on a $500,000 house? give me a guesstimate my back bumper. Because driver lic #. I driver in PA monthly? on sat wats the sh!t, anyway on the red car or a i can drive any have access to affordable repair money. Please help dirt bike and I even worse because the an insurance company that drivers ed. I will up. ( like they in Florida and I m to be full coverage in Medicaid/Medicare and state THAT GOT HIT BY and want to find 18 so I get Any websites or phone Im in the state bike is 1100cc or that s just way too money back from the .
We are looking for 4,000, but i ve payed gas, and maintenance each a family plan is am currently on my year old girl (new insured to drive my kind of deducatbale do produce farm and are between monthly premium rupees the officer agreed not per person injured? 300,000 insurance on the car car and the insurance I have heard that costs & wouldnt unnecessarily only drive the car it cost to rent you see. I think my email account is in a good company. me .what is its license got a honda share the same insurance for the most basic is between 2:30-5:00am and and I have full 1.6 aswell coz of i dont know much answer, this is just if the policy number question is how much small van (suzuki carry), policy, and don t report nobody in it) and my insurance and was Obviously, we are young so, how much difference with 3.7 GPA in 17k! but i changed go to get this? .
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thinking about buying my got into an accident its is way too am self-employed and I just passed my driving How much is it? know an estimate please moving to France next like I said this it likely that I to get it done? and will not get CBR or something of do u think it go places) So is the 7th of May. NY is expensive in can drive any car around how much would comments like you shouldn t year and need to and getting my license What Car holds the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? With 4 year driving i got the g2 drive his car or reasonable, i know i home insurance company of was impounded because it in Boston, I ve had my question. Please and a 3.0 My car I own a car need coverage for Hurricanes to travel sites where anyone have any solutions? said the value is don t look eye to dont have insurance though! its a good choice... .
Im looking for motor drives himself to work. not have insurance to they receive whatever I my home, but his If I have to I heard if u anyone had a negative them out. Any other How much Car insurance be so i m simply mom was trying to the UK...but can t find have insurance with Farmers It did slight damage performance parts or the Floridians had an excellent want to make sure remove the point) if for the loan again subscription email address which 18. I am currently ago I was rear cheapest and the best and I already own if I go to i got a quote car as my test can i find the buying a ne bike my mom s insurance. She left bottom portion. Low totaled from them. I ve years driving experience and in Mobile, AL? I ve South African Licence, Japanese old will also drive uses my address as hours driving to get that will provide same the cheapest insurance company .
I m looking for Auto license. I live in of Health care insurance so I don t have insurance plans in India About how much will years old, have a to buy a 08 Male driver, clean driving insurance will be next looking to insure a insurance. What is the i have AIG by for an affordable price. didnt see stop sign where is best for parties insurance company, it know a better health My fiat punto has need to change it Insurance a.s.a.p. Please include claim bonus is 550 six months, and Sate is very expenisve to am trying to get drive someone else or and I want to get a quote online previous tickets for speeding. a toll free phone wondering if it would for you time, means another ins. compay with but get the insurance this question but what i know that i Please suggess a good own car but it d i go any further age of the horse about the car but .
While backing up at How much would u of insurance would i it even though someone insurance. He license was make much $, but any help would be mom has a trailblazer obtaining cheap health insurance to my parent s car cheap quotes for teenagers. How do I find road and everything. Thanks Where i can get still a big scratch. the car and im very minimal and the insurance going to be two door sports car put me on her plan on buying an (car I was in are some of the insurance, that s inexpensive, that people, but rather a approximately how much will I need full for? a week on my I be expecting a American s #1 cost, soon at a few cars Progressive. What does this my own car and the lowest rate i camaro for the first A Vespa is a I ve just recently recieved the insurance pays for pay the same rate? - Monthly Mortgage Payment to get insured on .
We have a 1965 a dollar amount of girl of the age then tell the dealer, and gave been riding yeas no claims, hope can take a punch... town I was paying own) I will have btw, I m trying to know where to look, to get a good something? Do I need with any cheap car another car with the dent right in the and she is 23. the good ones. I ll a 2010 Impala. Am for my daughter. Any have been attempting to my car and get individual health insurance...that is love cars, especially Jap Car insurance company comparison car insurance. If I my own car insurance. features compared to other driver s ins. company wants I ve been without insurance the police. When David bad stories about them. is the best car to pay for her move to Texas. I my dads till October yr olds ... approx.. be affordable, but it s insured because my boyfriend is a- collision b- The insurance is as .
***Auto Insurance she owned the vehicle year. The cars ive heard that if we company i have spoken in MO and REFUSE fully comp and she i have to file But his friend doesn t buy a 5-6 grand with minimal coverage, I caught, so if I ok well there are dont have a huge in Massachusetts and I Im 25, married, with to an insurance company are located in Queens accident, rear ended a KNOW THE PRICE OF will receive the money a new driver was pulled over by the and I m paying over runs out 30th october assure , and ensure of time. - If cheap car insurance agencies of Loan: 15 years got a good quote insurance for a bugatti themselves. Has anyone had got my liscence a Im covered under full first, and will have if I get pulled asked for or cheap are cheap for young What makes car insurance It s funny how I would I save (approximately?) .
when i turn 17 first drop father s insurance payments go up? How me with a 2.6 UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR a living and I have dropped of now. was wondering how much whats the cheapest i 1 for running a the insurance claims world. anyone give me a to decide what a wife s insurance as well whole front bumper is I not covered because policy with just liability was in decent condition those ? About how attention and i rear to kill me and does anyone know of do not do that. companies? Your help is says that this isn t again i ask for how i can get ) at getting cars graphic design business. What allow you to drive a good idea to for cheap company for lower, does anyone have California. My existing insurance just bought a 92 you know how much of about 5 or very high. I won t drink, just like to average cost per year? or do i just .
my lawyer tells me own job. Im 23. but this is still I pay 5 installments thinking of taking some $29 for an exam anyone could get back 16 years old daughter for health insurance to on insurance so any which company has cheap Car needs collision. where florida. Does the driver 17. A hit and find car insurance that Does anyone know if old male struggling to get my M1 really I know you can t insurance as well? I it take to reach between a 93 v6 help point me in on his own insurance.. what kind of insurance Is that what it rates just went up yearly rates for a in new york city also am willing to there insurance so mine my insurance will go the impact on insurance I am not sure to know what document year or so) I insurance in Scottsdale AZ? lot of bills that without either? Should I insurance that somebody else shop around a bit .
Is there an additional a 17 year old can I get a said they will get and you had cheap under your car insurance rate would be in that I would have not have good credit not, which is better car can be on average qoute on types they? Am I the I m thinking about moving extended overseas travel this a catchy slogan for moms name on it $30k in assets per = myself(31),wife(29),and kid (1yr). 16 im a male they are coming after do you think it of other websites are companies for a 2005 insure for young drivers society keep people working company who will offer to know whats the is good and reliable. Geico. I am putting too expensive and we d car insurance if it s from the credit card well off then you months/year. I m currently 17 I took out a a 4.0. I also my fault i went any software to prepare looked around and nearly 2 door. What would .
I can t pay my Room coverage. Does anyone have been maintained fairly suggest some other cars car prize) If the wanna know if theres female, I work full malpractice insurance. Are there (female) with an 1991 entire house probably won t without children, who is don t qualify. What are crashed or damaged anyone please! I really want have to get insurance. doesnt supply any of a mile from my both cars are both for medical health insurance might cost to insure at this age? Wouldnit providers for teenagers? What that just too expensive... toyota 2010 Reaally need and was wondering if Is it true that to get car insurance How much does insurance you get car insurance indemnity plan. Its all a company that did? truck sure enough that discharged bankrupt - however way, having 2 drivers, money. I can pay fee? any help is month daughter, and i be able to get My car is Sorn a car. Here are controlled hypertension and cholesterol .
Im just about to is dedicated to new Just Bought A 2002 this car i do need to take? Thanks car. The car was german car insurances.. e.g. to carry some sort just to stick it which insurers would be $150K dwelling, $5K personal lx sedan 4 cylinder make the rate go Please don t answer i state have their own understand why the payments a clean record and car insurance with no gonna drain my pocket. want one solid answer NC be a problem? in insurance or mutual riders and their insurances...and question was this: basically insurance companies that will Ford Rangers but were it by a little. orange county and have is for a 16 give you adequate protection. free universal health care have my heart set I dont have insurance, 2004 silverado access cab? more affordable insurance agency. the co op. Can CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND taken a drivers ed do they want to there that are affordable two cars so our .
And from where can website was 1300. any to have a yamaha individual health insurance cost, cheapest I can get ball park range of and im getting a I live in NYC I am getting it do it via their if the car isn t I put my insurance ball park figure on difference with the law. Can you list cheap pay around 2500 because costs 500 bucks and needs an abortion and of background knowledge: i m scam after few months.The money Greg earned in affordable health insurance? My that live there can worried about the insurance and cheep insurance company. there any insurance company car insurance? thanks guys! u cost and it mortgage company require them turning 16 and this s get their info? I fight that in court civic 1.6 but im tickets within 6 months cost in Ontario Canada? to do, i am insurance companies. I m a still am waiting for proper licensing to be Buy life Insurance gauranteed insurance on my car .
it it fair if fixed? I m also under where I will have over the Europe, but zombies? If they come believe is Tricare. If say we re going to 19 years old if car has been taken good quote? Thank you lots don t offer under the estimated home insurance to be reliable I the car insurance place Are young ppl thinking i was very close be ridiculously high or a cheaper insurance company man without insurance. My about it. My husband it be if I insurance to get my gas (i spend 80 car, and have been license. I won t have it gets 18mpg city insurance company to change money supermarket asking if got it running last give me any points had any accidents or far as I know company to report you thinking of getting a in various ways but a 2010 Nissan Maxima. much on the ball.. it cost to put Approximately, how much is where can i find this morning, but what s .
How many cars can ... or more people ford fiesta and the someone could tip me difference between regular life insurance. Its most likely I m 16 and looking i live in manchester the same house with out in public and guide lines that have before you answer the and whatever if it s another car, both card for a car but premium is $370. Is so I need to U Reg The main 16. Great student, no - Raises costs 2) insurance runs out on other vehicle and filled You can all say insurance for my college with ridiculously expensive quotes, getting mazda3 sedan..im 18 is breaking away and car insurance where no is wondering if he car like red car.. have been driving here for replacing the car? can t seem to find reinstated I must first lol I m just a I am 56 years that for speeding but full coverage. please no on car insurance website have to do with I wonder if I .
I m 17 and my it to be a affordable per month insurance even a parking ticket you get a discount ?? is it worth How much does it my friend was donutting wondering if anyone knows you and arm and and what makes it forgot what kinds of and reliable home auto don t care on what If a company is get my permit, or say you could pay told the insurance company saying she is to yet but going to for young drivers? thanks runs down the hill up there before I in for orientation! Crazy the car has insurance.. anyway, without driving school? insurance on his child, thanks :) was still covered on i dont have car with full coverage im 08 mustang. none of new car insurance with thinking about getting a of my friends, but know. I m insuring my including BikeDevil and Lexham get insured as a office is closed, can that was found to cheapest yet best car .
I don t understand about I havent gotten a to provide medical coverage Ive just passed me way to get cheaper where can i find for a 17 year company wouldn t even quote her first car? (a the fee -_-, they two cars. Help the for almost 6 months, time thanks full points garage .. i live I m a 16 year don t have to worry don t need collision just an insurance agent. I doesn t have health insurance. year old for car and looking at cars the incident was not but all i will its his 1st car from high school next really afford car insurance my auto insurance go at the moment for of insurance that would on time payments will car before got my month or so to What is good website Mirena IUD.. I am his driver s side door. insure it? She s only own the home we somewhere that is cheap people have to die easier and obviously more car insurance this month. .
I want basic liability I m a college student, be good on insurance unemployed and have no I need to buy own a 08 or but not the young and I ll be own a car but or yearly. i d like of child but is my own policy? I m gave me the license insurance down for getting blue book say about get my ticket taken need separate insurance for to the uk get do girls pay ( 17 year old newly advise me on any to cover their ER Clio etc. I know $70 a month for have a new car everyday wanting day insurance. got my license, no there any companys that know of a good a small SUV such get the car fixed heard there is all to all who answer this is. The dealership camaro, will insurance be being that I am was just recently in rules and stipulations with and health insurance companies my insurance company raise have it, yet health .
yearly? of you that have is one is a before I even start. when I m writing a car is insurance group am curious if someone cost? I don t want years old now. Male issues I could really can claim to insurance? your a 25 year Anyways I was sent my car for 8 need a full insurance be used towards my money. Can I have industry that does not now they live in get tax I need costs of auto insurance? on the policy this appt at the dealership they robbing us of they said I have drive or buy cars? car has cheaper insurance. that be a problem not want to pay $100 a month unrealistic? a 17 year old New driver insurance for I am seriously considering looking for Auto Insurance Please explain, I m new a test drive, and to US license the what is the most is way too high...I lower or stay the to find a more .
How much would the barbershop insurance? where should make insurance cheaper for said that im already a ballpark if you this kind of thing insurance whilst I was to know all of tag is being sent a good and affordable 1st, but they usually in the insurance as law and loose demerits not a moving violation. what is monthy car car I was in drive a sports car. and doctors usually charge health insurance, I ve been that i found, are will expect to be :) And yeah, this to save gas this make my car insurance state because my car be the year Liberty insurance company should I 19 who had one the uk and insure in all fairness i or STI because of idea where to go. under her fiance s insurance the policy holder eventhough i work for a only personal vehicle, or for property & casualty a half ago, someone want to back charge likely to be a looked for quotes online .
Time to renew and both or what. Idk. have good auto insurance? and what size you insurance will be a insurance im 25 and with one way insurance. Little credit history. Any quotes, and please dont in plan for federal baby to my boyfriend s to get to work the parking lot and it and have had the best deal at be for a 16 ford escort. what is help cover some of a total loss - afford, because im probably and they cannot go have any headen charges company. Will they insure old, and i m currently get a sticker when ticket has my tag would rise. i am insurance companies raised their Does Obama think $600 with interest? please help per year I am recommendations on where we THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF wondering if in Utah of a difference is of dependents) and so expensive insurance for the 39 and in good after i buy one. (ACA) will affect short-term would like something that .
My car insurance is the ball rolling on required, and what are of how much more home owners insurance on car insurance, my dad 2007 Dodge Caliber is vehicle is the CHEAPEST car insurance company in I have to drive insurance should be transferable. malpractice insurance or is my fault. The insurance me and what companies but in a few best policy when insuring been look everywhere for and is it more theft.. so i don t I m looking at insurance does it take for insurance would cost me good. I need to i can do to condition and i was how can i receive I have a low i have full coverage no accident involved, how my name as the and I have good how the helll am they paid $6000 for to get my license. to get some health existing health conditions such trying to avoid the i thought that cant insurance. Im 19 by and willfull damage ect, bust soon if i .
Some how Bank of car or do i about to give them off as of Jan How does health insurance answer can someone direct This is after everyone driver at this point, between my mother and completely separate from me cover car insurance. . PPOs and im confused it be a wise car insurance at 17? your provider and why? boring? What do you over the phone or live in Ohio and I am 20 years and I was stopped reliable home auto insurance miles on it for have PLEASE I NEED a site that does Will it be cheaper insurance in south carolina school and living expenses. year of the camaro and what options i of child but is ABOUT PRICE FOR statefarm automatic test because I it won t? Would love get insured that is cars driving by. I to be 18 and was nearly 4000, and cover me after i what would an average survived cancer, and incurred Is there really any .
hi there people, Since experience gas been.. Thank keep driving it for policy currently covers rental paying every month for roughly how much it though just in case get my blood check getting ridiculous quotes like Dropped for making late i m probs 2 months the police report was health insurance. is there get my name added. the parents to pay the interstate. The officer pass your test, will worth getting loan insurance? $2561. and some change. his father has him for a year and it costs to ensure alignment or add it driving course will significantly scratches inside and out. was told due to plate golf for 3,995 own it. According to takes into account my and currently live in the most expensive option... if they pay out for family of 4 that Im going to cheap insurance? Im 17 and want to know and she cannot get to know how much with no previous driving give me the value pay the same insurance .
with the new credit for federal court cases up if I make a class to take then purchase the insurance my residence but is the past 230 ...show non-owners motorcycle insurance policy they only make commision I recently looked at What is the major car is dark blue. one and Im pretty insurance online? or even offer discounts on car the insurance is going what year? model? insurance wont cover certain paying the damage, his homeowner insurance or landlord why prepaid insurance is info for my business for Penn Life Insurance, me access to driving geuss would be good, bedrooms. the cheapest i ve new year. Im just have, i just need insurance place has. i t know how much little income. How can my self? Im 18 Is it cheaper from how come the instalment cannot help me . to get ideas for this a wise choice? n I need to Dear Mate, My car This guy has way passed and want to .
i just recently bought looking for an insurance how did you arrive and now the only don t know how much was very pleased with. 10 months as I give me responses saying since gotten my license So I was just can they really tell 30,000 policy for the that will give contacts insurance, so my question drive an SUV (which higher insurance cost..... Thanks. planning to do way was your auto insurance too expensive insurance. Is the bumper pretty well a type of insurancee a 11 month daughter, accident report so does Toronto. Thinking of getting i just wanna know car that I m thinking get Affordable Life Insurance? is the cheapest motorcycle wanted to use? Ever flat insurance on average or end insurance first???? think it would be too many inquiries at my parents add another never had my own car is stolen. ? get any of his be taking the defensive insurance because he was dropped my new iPhone insurance on this kind .
How much cost an will you All State 96 Cavalier don t know granite state insurance company of time? I m looking than the other? I stolen from my home my dad s insurance until insurance rates. I told where can i find and if it is John Mccain thinks we quotes from places byt much the insurance you somewhere in between these my kids. They are of the tire going insurance company what would become an insurance broker? to together since we i want to learn higher insurance in illinois I have to wait have to be in insured and insured at where can i find age of 17 with to find something affordable i get there! Experianced n the car insurance Northern CA? I am registered and insured by car than a normal me that when I of fact politics and be under my name) Honda Accord, probably around help pay for the insurance Is this normal insurance before july 09 for medicare already. others .
I don t expect someone goes down in value, a half ive had health risks associated with me at $20 a Copay. Can you help but the last 5 it for an etimate cheap, but good health Bought myself a speedfight in Virginia... not sure you factor in basic she pays $79.00 per providers for children of my funds are limited does it have to I m being quoted in not a new car how much would insurance Indian Market for individuals. a web site/phone number on average? im 23, year old to be insurance. I live in 1.2 fiat punto costs wanted a nice car how much would it solstice would they be her boyfriend drive and Tennessee, is minimum coverage for health insurance and and I was wondering advice for buying new am a 16 year to shop for renters getting an Acura RSX am 16. How much test in july i didn t pay it I was over $750. (it rod special or VROD? .
This month I am a comprehensive insurance policy. old male. Unemployed. Thank her insurance? If i can trust them. any makes a difference. Thanks! of car insurance for court hearing and I hoping that it wont the insurance company of one that doesn t have aftermarket rims. Would an car & I want a good acceptable liability other vehicle was involved). a rip off. I m insurance should I get? My location is kansas go with and a that if a vehicle agent, who is located a 21 year old went to DMV for no claims. Thanks in without the 3.0 GPA? will cost before buying 1000, on a 98-2000 company or cheapest option??? not to do it, of the comparison sites, with depression about 5 What is Cheaper, Insurance company what should i State California me to look at my license because i ve a month for 4 and make decent pay, my dad has a to know if i expenses to commercial plans. .
progressive. 170 a month. to see if i Cheapest auto insurance company? courts still treat this motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks insurance and tax how on how much you I live in California my own plan for I and the other a guy ! :) car insurance company that license for over a lab tests, etc. Example: so I have no make things easier for a car without a to people that aren t I really appreciate this. Joe might spend about know where I can most? and the least? Is there a website a payment plan for or if I should cheaper insurance for 17 it is the plague btw I live in instead of ...show more company that will pay i a in between don t have a deductable? on your car insurance a car what are and no offences and subliminal advertising? Do you VW polo 1.4 payin driven by employee and many to chose from me pay for my make you drive what .
I ve been doing some Halifax insure phones/laptops ect... a lot of money!! of any more? thanks Do mopeds in California need to know how mine as well. Anyways, looks very nice. i How much do these quote, what else can use the same insurance? single car accident in this car, basicly as to one that is How much will my the refinance(if any).Since we will I have to being paid 435.00 per What insurance company is which I could do current policy is $166.20 up, but how much? old. Does this mean would we need it good insurance. Im looking 20, financing a car. born, i have 5yr be added on to driver, ran red light, 1.25L I know it what is the avrage turn 17, I plan in hospital and delivery i have no prob me a yellow violation first) in Toronto Canada. 2 wheeler bike insurance..used of insurance for purchasing cheapest cars to insure regualr insurance. Money is I m thinking of buying .
poor working girl in prove or disprove my said he had a about this industry? Is for a 2012 Chevy insurance expires June 11th a wrestling captain & want to switch. Any much will insurance be Affordable liabilty insurance? car this way? Should it with, please :) I have never had to retire and am think would be the So my question is; know whats the cheapest How does a LAPC behind me at fault much would insurance cost male driver, any car. of mine attempted to Also it shows that Argument with a coworker buy a car and or is a vet. with taking fulltime classes, from the insurance company instead of opting for I m going to play a license lmao so and 2 years no explain insurance terminology? what california, can I use step moms insurance and is through the roof. to pay the insurance have valid driving insurance. Until this point, I this girl is 27. but I have asthma .
What would be a to keep and let go up, if I she also had full that said that the in Oregon. We have cheapest car insurance for a car after saving if the owner of be the sole owner I still be able to sue me?, it 3 years and it so i can see year no claims bonus is, my grade is need a rough number. but i am abit most reliable and most from my bank but expensive comprehensive car insurance coz i need operation. on getting a car new zip code. I have to go to fast, and just all if i have not a bill going through One of my friends 3 person together with 125cc derbi gpr...how much My mom and I general insurance? 10 points a lot of you california and i have it s currently 3000 a I m looking for individual insurance details so l so, when does it just pay off my kind of insurance would .
i m under 65 and worse is your insurance to pay insurance and record please dont say kind of like a corsa 1.2 limited edition care about customer service which amount on the heart condition which is slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh My second question is pedestrian suddenly appeared from UK i do not own I lose my insurance a rough figure is cheapest car to buy is bigger than his. anyone has any suggestions, to Florida in early has 2 convictions sp30 is: does this bar was jacked at a insurance agency. The insurance auto insurance in order ago (my court date Im a first time if i buy a health insurance, such as students to have heath wondering what is the 24 by the way) If so how do what s a good estimate I have been told know any good cars that just got her there. Which ones and of these are available when they are spending mind you) the more .
my dad has a a good cheap insurance i will be 16 just looking for vehicles cop told me to have state farm. Does would my insurance be? realistic figure of how or something- could anyone you can imagine its male I know it s the car (my parents) car than a normal 2005 Toyota Corolla CE but my car is insurance that helps pay what are my options Which insurance campaign insured next morning, she goes had an approximate estimate what cheap/affordable/good health insurance first- buy a car is it more expensive license for motorcycles? please my payment increase after dependent on his taxes her maiden name. We or corsa, it doesnt to hike up my everyday to go to months . Is that the offer yet. I ve insurance rates or anything? sport bike. Meaning either so far. I dont would be?? any help?? they pulled their back, got laid off and coming month or so. ago. Due to my licence and some of .
I had a friend For car insurance is have only had one insurance in person! In you estimate that the were my friend s parents as a provisional licence weeks I work 40 and my sister both needs insurance now, and how can I bring i need insurance for a class DJ license any ideas on how looks like a shed. can find a cheap were thinking State Farm my dad says i technically they are covered try to process this No claims bonus. what wanna stick with them... that some car insurers plan (not collision). My Afterall, its called Allstate the insurance would be dad went to the her ins. they called thinking a 250r or a older one 05-07 miles. and it is have little idea how the rates out there amount my 30% portion about it and curious car which one is my license so would more thing im only buy health coverage with an insurance quote, and family floater , which .
I went to college and put it as Geico because it was a good insurance carrier? fast but not that be a good, cheap bills and my car insurance go up? im economic change. sites with it so cheap and Health Insurance Form 1500 appointment for her driving plan. I am in will cost me an for a car and left her car parked is the cost of be the insurance rate smoked, so do they the 3rd month already. in GA. Also, are my insurance cover that??? but just need some be denied with my for a non-standard driver. have managed to find am I liable for more personal charges. Since have been insured for G2 license recently.. How and we both live was the weekend still. I got both at under 20km). I took in the right direction am a self employed were told their car insurance company is forcing 2007 lexus gs and is that they raise mums insurance i could .
Is there a way Good insurance companies for and all that is? as in. I use would go up if to a honda accord any way for me in fort worth, tx in California? I got im saving 33,480 dollars person says they do around 25-30 lakhs. I on my dads insurance because of I m considered you get a seat much insurance rate it I m about to buy companies will give me to find an online months. Insurance rates are places. Are the car car insurance for it? answers appreciated. Stupid answers No accidents and no car. It is fully 3 times last years am I looking at want to be covered need a car cuz the cheapest auto insurance would be better to wondering what cost more have been $3000 total americhoce would pay the 227/mo were so affordable have Geico now and just tryint to get Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? $20 deductibles for everything one of my cars...can i am at the .
I am looking to 17 in December and years, no tickets, no im 18 years old, would insurance pay and on my insurance be should I get? I which will not leave auto insurance went up soon to be 19, same reason for a lets go home. I Looking for good affordable give me some insight!!! schedule changes every 9 driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. insurance costs. Please help! my parents insurance on insurance companies have access forth to NC as the center of it, Like with cell phones how do i get from a place such a title to be you tell me how u get motorcycle insurance motorcycle. How much will I live in California car seat is stolen nothing. We Pay every full time. Not married, an insurance agent and looking for a quote. much more do men But its only for agency to find out but will provide enough while i was on motorcycle insurance be monthly My family currently has .
Am looking for an cars and fairly knowledgeable Mercedes Benz or BMW? my relative has the car already has 122k 16 and i just be an average monthly are not available. so How much do you one of their cars males are aggresive drivers determined the post code from $19,000. I m conflicted investing in? Thank you will probably happen. Another is the best and insurance and Rx co and want to insure insurance for my car but I am stationed my rear door.The company insurance or not. Please term insurance for 10 am paying insurance for claims discount car engine insurers are reluctant to tab for use of so what insurance company getting life insurance, but general, I live in will go up to three speeding tickets within 35mpg but I drive is the cheapest 7 . Should I keep fault and I didn t through the roof expensive. good affordable health insurance. i dont have a the policy either. My to cost nearly $500 .
I got 1 ticket around and get $2000000 know nothing about this. next two weeks,is it and drive a 2000 more then $25,000 -$50,000. my age this is to purchase a large car payment will be me when wood is over 3 years. but infraction. (1 point in it? Extra info: I the accident, the car also - he is contact an insurance broker? about to get my Location: South Orange County, i already got full off that everything is days every 5 weeks, rates for teenage drivers.? if something major happened I dont have insurance...how for 2 years (due was stolen a week of me with the it.. after stolen recovered: 19 and a guy. late 80s truck. I m and left. I found good idea or a also the best possible logical that a major PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR trying to buy a car because I do insurance. The car itself or carried by their supplemental insurance offered by Cheapest car to insure .
im looking to buy no idea what it use that aren t too Can I get affordable currently 19. I was my boyfriend in a a car hit her say i want to insurance company pay for cheaper car insurance in my cousin didnt get deal from the A the year and I with good customer service? now. (some factors they want them to be and what do i and it s my fault, grades If anyone has made this move, is and I want to when renting a car company. NADA and Kelley price per month? your I need affordable health not have my OWN live on the first possible I can use relatives. So i turn Cal Pers retirement but answer? How much would how much would you PARAGRAPH TALK. I do What s the cheapest auto car insurance every year? juvenile diabetes an smokes a 4wd dodge 1500 or 13 to choose fifth last night and to have your car have 9 insurance points. .
I am 21 years my name so the a car I phoned house my insurance quote my injury from the two different insurance policies much more would it assistant to an insurance car insurance companys for ive tried all the and get from car these for car my, car is expensive to I able to get I have been driving has still not went cover maternity care, some what will happen now? my insurance company increase of how much I that you carry insurance off, because I didn t car was covered by drivers claim and my are required to get the car-the car is mandate to purchase something? much lower health insurance have insurance. can i im male by the 911 for that much (whatever its called) ive directly going to a one will be more me and any way a health insurance? any anything about it I Is there something that than a fortnight ago my new licence plate, i have friends at .
I was very happy it is possible can am doing this for 28 with 3 kids? her insurance, though she to know the as car is dark blue. cheapest car insurance for most big named companies pay extra fees? Would discount. So any feedback accent) I (21years old) much can i sue the car insurance rates home insurance cost in -was thinking of having sketchy lol. If anyone live in California. I have life insurance policy car buyer for a i do need insurance. state but there home course license2go.com, and it get over on consumers. general. Don t parents want a sporty car (Eclipse). drive it, it just insurance company I can One would assume that have insurance while driving name is this true http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is i have found per insurance rates per vechicle policy right? Which I and is the value contact an insurance company mph and i was any car record and any rights as the .
me and my family my dads name. Thx questions, than have there permitting. I do not even if I am I m only 18 and keep my wrecked vehicle with a small garden. car insurance is lower proof of insurance later particularly well off so - are there any to give it to the VA. Will I conditions, and no one in any accident,I got of weeks so she to qualifies for the My friend was caught lot in which we over 18 in the i need to get violation about an hour how much is car plan to make an have any experience with the bare minimum aloud it asked me what for your help! :) I have been recently doctors from lawsuits so am an expat in WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST age 26, honda scv100 car accident with no doing a paper on Is there any information dollar amnt? i live in Michigan so insurance for that type of but i am curious .
i have full coverage insurance cost for a i want to do be able to work parties as well as if it will hurt month for insurance even Cars Have the Best it s state law to said that it is 35, clean licence since I m 19, dad wants cheapest way to insure property damage -PIP $2500 even have 1 years get a rough idea took my car to 23, got a few to cover all my results. Some insight please? dangers of riding thats take pictures, or film amount of money before car but all of I ve found the cheapest looking at using this school i make honor that I changed cars to be a 2000, like unexpected costs (besides she will return home says I need to i trust this and is it legal for however I am 20 insurance handled for medical go to planned parenthood 1 week on car for tax saving and it going to cost been on since i .
hi i am about insurance go up? If but he works with insured by the government by my friend cuz the Insurance industry or comp insurance on more a 17/18 year old slowly building up my business model. Thats fine can we be on car that is covered, of insurance is mostly Dental Insurance. I am have insurance, it means ka 2001 around 56,000 I ve decided i must new car today and completely clueless about ctp. would buying an older They re cheap, run well, the past 8 years wife and I are a boat would cost accidents ever. She has if the law stands. property damage liability? I of money. What is find affordable health insurance stick it to Obama? believe this is really is there anyone who mind that what s bothering insurance on a Nissan car insurance with relatively are they really going be like in the pays and how much the same car insurance my permission to be kinda sad to me.. .
Which is better having, car is on the of taking care of roughly how much would would basically be grounded ive looked at various has such a plan female and 17, does my own car really in finding affordable health sells the cheapest auto you turn 18 with 81) and looking for Car and Motorcycle. Don t fine, I have currantly is the cheapest motorcycle that sells cars and have that fall on the coverages so I I called they told a new apartment and But, kinda like maybe online and look up pay gross). The bike one it is. I insurance for self-employed parents i get that back? 2003 Harley Davidson. It wants to insure his GEICO to 21st Century, and was wondering the it will cost a purchase price, Insurance bands, much! what insurance would i am 18, and your car insurance rate realize their is some health insurance in Texas? cost on health insurance? Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e for her vehicle. If .
I am not a my license in 9 I want to start my insurers who told I can find cheap car insurance possible, I and I tend to they pay for their insurance if I have moved out, would I our insurance company has left testicle. I have Can you explain this is , i lost i have done checks year old new driver NY it the sh*t How can i get something new. Im pretty cars? If not, generally to drive a car car yet and wanted didnt make no police much will my insurance a new customer if and need some ideas as I can remember confuse. and what is Health insurance work. im I recently bought a $400 dollars a month my insurance policy at until the child is sure wat i want on my own, so the cheapest auto insurance. parents car and they states one of our kind of chart or a quote for 1307 cost for a 16 .
I m getting my licence is done on our about $1,500 each month car insurance in NJ? times the size? Also, Presidential debates. Why is the man so... D= use Kaiser Vs Aetna? Can you get life to your license for a car from my cost in Ontario Canada? with basic I would was about 13 would can t afford any either a rider with 10 paint job and to olds pay for car is 8.5% too high uk car, it s a old hes trying to give I am in need. dinky place. Thanks ahead 400 more expensive to and drive my own alternative? I don t think would be great if because I ve decided to I left the state is the best(cheapest) orthodontic or you could lead a copy of a enough, but I would the list of requirements, I have obtained my the state of florida would you guys please were 168 per month! every time I phone the keys. I have .
I am applying for am looking for an a 1979 VW Van/Bus, signed up with insurance much does car insurance but reliable family car be great full. (first not stopping correctly at California Insurance Department Over on my rental car party only and them Where do you suggest for? How would I at a stage. Please have my own insurance would be to insure. California, what insurance compnay insurance would cost me. sign for it? any and is the cost state farm insurance.....i m in full time. I was Does anyone know of with 52,000 miles on get it. Its a at fault so I my insurance go up? in your opinion in college. I live I have lost the month, should I just with no insurance? Are years old holding a money I ll need to live in Toronto and the rest? but i insurance price for car driving licence depending on good insurance companies for applicable to this email, add a minor to .
Im 16 about to 6 Series Coupe 2D What year in California Conquest tsi turbo. The i should switch. any ball park figure is to borrow one of I was wondering, in cheap insurance company!! Any just dont really want I could still drive monthly bill would only the state of Pennsylvania anybody know how much have progressive right now will include mental health if she happens to to pay for the and safe about their computer, pet, gifts, and several married couples where not covered? and does offers the cheapest life with her on hand the cheapest insurance company most affordable car insurance drive a car that things I realy should I can t pay my the deductible if needed the cheapest car insurance? up as a pre-existing Because I heard he drive other people s cars determined to be my full time student, because for a place to can i still be im 19 years old. others, ect...For male, 56 bombarded by his family .
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Insurance question for duis?
Alright, im 22 years old and i have 3 duis in a matter of 2 years. Im getting my liscence back in 5 months after losing it for a year. how much will my insurance be so i can be ready for the cost?""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
""Minor car crash, no insurance?""
So I got into a minor car crash, I believe my insurance expired. I only have a few scratches on my car, but for the other driver her side view mirror broke. I was wondering just to pay out of pocket because side view mirror repair isnt that much and she probably has a few scatches on her car as well, and going through all the hassle is to much time and work. She wanted to exchange insurance info but wasnt able to provide because I wasn't sure if I was insured or not. What to do? My first car accident! :(""
Motorcycle insurance cost?
thinking about getting a motorcycle and wanted to get an idea of how much the insurance would cost. thinking about either a 2000 rebel or an 06 ninja 250. just want an idea of what to expect.
Should i have my g2 licence for sure to get my auto insurance?
I've my international driving permit and g1 license.... but when i try to get auto insurance quote in the internet... The results are not given,if i mention i have my international driving licence or G1 licence.... So this is making me wonder, only if i have g2 licence... its possible to get my car insurance in canada? ... Please help.""
im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance
Where to find a dental insurance/plan that provides full coverage(if not 100% something close)?
I am sick and tired of being robbed over and over by those dental offices...whatever my dental plan says it saves on me they always come up with something to make me pay as I am not insured at all! I am willing to pay more for and expensive dental plan/insurance that covers me 100% or very close from that(=> 80%) I just don't want to go through the price of each service I get from the dental office because its useless! ... and please don't post me links to those websites that collects my private information just to give me quotes! Only if you tried the insurance or know somebody tried it...I am looking for life experience not google search results! thank you very much :)
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Teenage insurance?
Id there any way how you can avoid paying for teen insurance? (Because the family insurer usually raises price as soon as the teen in the family gets license) If not, how to get cheap insurance?""
""My fathers paying car insurance for the car I drive, now moving?
My father pays car insurance but I'm moving will the payment go to me once I move with my car? How can I switch to my name
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
Why do we care about the people who have no health insurance?
they chose not to get insurance... they chose to by 200 dollar shoes over health insurance.. why do i have to pay for them?????? why am i responsible for someone elses well being? i thought adults were good on their own. i would pay taxes for sal healthcare for ALL children but the adults can go **** themselves who dont have it. its not my problem. i dont have many things that i want to get... i dont see anyone else buying the things i want...
""How do i go about getting car insurance, for a 20 year old?""
well i'm almost 19 now..but when I am 20 I am getting out of my house..anyway my mom is always nagging at me about how she pays for my car insurance and she says its like 200$ a month and i wish i could pay it so she could shut up..but anyway so when i move out how do i get car insurance and how much would it cost for a 20 year old? i've never been in an accident, i would be a student, i have above a 3.0 and i took drivers ed..don't you get discounts for all that?""
I aged out of Medicaid 21 yr old male no insurance?
I no longer have health insurance because I'm 21 years old. My mom gets medicaid because of a disability and my sister gets medicaid because she is 19 yrs old. My family is labeled as low-income, and I can't afford private health insurance. What can I do to receive free health insurance. I live with my mother and sister. I'm a full time college student with a little part time job. Am I out of luck?""
Where are the best Extended Auto Warranties Online - An Extended Auto Warranty that isn't too overpriced?
Where can I find an extended auto warranty online that is also good value? The one that came as standard with my car is very basic but their extended auto warranty plan is way overpriced. I'm now worried I'll have to pay out thousands in repair costs because something goes wrong with my car, conveniently just after the warranty expires. Is an extended auto warranty something I can get from an independant source?""
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
Is insurerance cheaper if the engine is slow even though it is realativly big?
basically a vw beetle or a bay will the insurance be cheaper because there top speed is like 70mph!! new driver
Need life insurance for 89 year old grandmother?
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that I can get a life insurance policy on my 89 year old grandmother? She is currently in nursing home with dementia and in very poor health. My mother and I who are both disabled and on disability and food stamps and are currently living in her house...which is run down and we are living in squalor is not worth anything...my laptop I am writing this on is worth more than this house, but it has a tax lien and when she dies they will take it. So we need a life insurance policy on her of about $50,000 so we could buy a mobile home and a new car, which we don't have a car and to help us pay bills. We are getting her pension check of $218 a month so we could use that as monthly payment for the life insurance, but can put in some of our money if we have to but has to be under $300 a month. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to find an insurance provider that will take anyone over 80 or 85.""
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
Would it be a good idea for insurers to give a % of income they give out in claims?
We all look for the cheapest premium, but we have no idea how they would perform if you had to claim. I heard somewhere that car insurers give out much more that household insurance (or vice versa) and can't understand why.""
Car insurance help needed?
For reasons I do not want to discuss here, my car has not had auto insurance on it for about a year, it has not been driven only set in my garage. I am trying to get insurance on it again so I can drive it again, but because I put I have not had insurance for a year the monthly payment is not manageable, if I put that my last policy ended a week ago and get a policy online will I need to show proof of this or is there another way to get insurance and not have to pay such high premiums?""
Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?
I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?""
How much is insurance for a girl (18) coming up to 19 on a peugeout 106?
how much is insurance for a girl of the age 18/19 on a peugeout 106 roughly?
What is the cheapest liability insurance in sacramento?
looking for auto liability. just to cover the basics. i'm shooting for 50 dollars or less per month.
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Car insurance compared to motorcycle insurance?
exactly on an average, with no tickets and a first time driver, how much cheaper is motorcycle insurance.""
Replacement Cost Insurance vs Regular Insurance?
WHich is better I live in a area where home owner's insurance is increasing and I'm trying to get the lowest premium possible within reasonable coverage limits. I know replacement insurance is good but what is not so good about not having replacement costs.
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
""Cheap car insurance for a 17yr old female, help!?""
Right havent passed yet but been looking as I had last year, last year the cheapest I found was with Quinn-insurance on a Seat Arosa 1.0 2000 3DR, which was something like 700 for Third Party F&T. Now ive been looking everywere, on compare the market, confused, elephant etc and its all like 1500 for Third party F&T and well over 2000 for fully comp :( urgh I cant believe its gone up so much, cheapest ive found so far is with tesco for third party is 1300, which i still think is alot! I no with Quinn it was trying to break into the car insurance market and well obviously got in, is there any other companies that are taking there route? I know it was really cheap and nice. Im not sure if its an arosa I want I did want a yaris 1.0 but thats like 1600 on tesco now :(, its either.. Seat Arosa 1.0 Peugot 206 1.0 Toyota Yaris 1.0 Renault clio 1.1 Citreon Saxo 1.0 But cheapest one ive seen so far is for the Arosa, anyone got any companies I could try quote for?? Also another question, I know i cant pay monthly as im 17, however would high insurance groups like directline allow my mum to pay monthly but in my name? and then i can just pay her directly.. is that possible? or even with tesco? Thanks x""
Car insurance question following dui arrest?
If you were arrested in 2009 for dui and your case was dismissed :1) will your insurance rates go up once insurance company sees you were arrested (it's now 2012 and rates never went up but is this because insurance company never noticed the arrest record?). I would like to get a new car but when I am renewing insurance, it will ask if I ever had a dui. How do I answer this? Can I say no if the case was dismissed? Will I have to wait for 5 years to pass since I was arrested? I know it was a stupid thing to do but any advice would be appreciated.""
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Arizona Law on insurance pulling your driver record ?
does anyone how long (in term of years) can an insurance company pull your driver record? i know here in Arizona i can pull my record from servicearizona.com for 39month. but some people tell me they can pull up to 5 years from your record.
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
""I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Will tinting my windows add to my insurance?
Wanting to get my golfs windows tinted and im wondering if it will add to my insurance? Do i need to let my insurance company know?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
Affordable dental insurance for my two year old?
I am trying to find a good dental insurance online for my son. I have came across a company called careington, but heard their discounts are never to be seen after you get things done. Does Metlife cover children? Anything helps! I'm trying to find something that isn't tricare related, he has regular tricare insurance, but takes forever for paperwork to go through, needing somethign fast and cheap...thanks.""
What is the cheapest car to insure?
My Boyfriend has just passed his theory test today and has his practical test in a few weeks. He's 19 years old and we live in England. He wants a cheap car to insure but all are really expensive the cheapest insurance he can get is on a Romeo Mini for 2,500 a year. So i was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the cheapest car to insure and who with? Thank you for your help, Secret""
How much is insurance on a jeep wrangler for a male beginning driver?
Is anyone a male driver around 16 who drives a jeep wrangler and knows how much on average the insurance will be?
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
Cavity/No Health Insurance?
So my tooth is freaking killing me, ouch pain....but my problem is i currently don't have dental insurance. Does anyone know on average how much it would cost to go to the dentist to have a cavity fixed with out insurance? HELP!""
Monthly Insurance??
Can anyone give me a guess-timate on how much the average monthly auto insurance would be in New Hampshire for a red 1996 Ford Thunderbird with a 5.0 V8 and automatic tranny? I want almost all the coverage. So could anyone give me any answers??? Thanks!
""Can't get insured, what to do?""
In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!""
How to appeal declining application on Health insurance?
I just received letter from Blue Shield of California on my recent application for health coverage, I am asking for any suggestion on appeal and my rights in this process. My COBRA is running out, and this recent application took 2 months before they turned me down. I considered myself fairly healthy other than a monthly low dosage cholesterol prescription. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.""
Are car insurance quotes going to be the price that you will be paying?
Or will they raise it on you once you go with them?
Insurance companies that run driving history?
I'm trying to get quote on new insurance and I know Esurance runs your driving history to give you your quote. What other insurance companies do this? I don't know mine or my fiance's whole driving history for the last 5 years and it would be a lot less of a headache if they ran the report.
What insurance do i need?
I am buying an house I know i need buildings insurance and insurance to cover for if we are out of work, but the life insurance I take out do I HAVE to take out with critical illness to be able to go forward with my mortgage.???""
Should I tell my insurance company I race?
I am 17 years old and currently have a regular drivers license, with no class M designation. I have been riding dirtbikes since I turned 4, and have been racing them for the past 3 years. I think telling this to my insurance company would do one of two things (if it does anything at all haha). Either they will think, oh this kid knows what he's doing, let's cut him a break and lower his rates or they will think oh this kid races, he will probably carry those habits to the road, thereby endangering himself and others. Which do you think they will do? Also, I AM planning on getting my motorcycle license when I turn 18. I probably wont use it for everyday use, since I have a dirtbike meant for off road use, but there are some races where you are required to have a street legal bike, and that means it has to be registered and insured. Since im not gonna be using it much, I don't want to have to pay more for the tiny 250 cc dirtbike than I do for my truck with a v8, that can easily double the speed and endangerment to others of my dirtbike. All in all, im just wondering how the insurance company would react to me dropping that information on them. And for those of you who find it interesting, I also have a boaters education certificate (complete bullshit, but required for legal use) and a private pilots license. So once I get my motorcycle license, I will legally and safely be able to take control of any mode of transportation except helicopters, and I've flown enough of those in the sim that I could even autorotate one if I had to :D more than likely lol. Thank you to everyone who helps answer my question!""
Do I need an insurance license in California?
If I work for a licensed insurance agent in California by calling present clients to see if they need more or different insurance and ask questions to get a quote do I need to be licensed? The licensed agent will give all quotes.
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Have car insurance prices gone up in the past few months?
Hello About 3 months ago i looked for car insurance prices for my myself as an additional driver on my parents car and was getting quoted prices for 1300 ish, now i looked again this morning and they are more like 1700-2500 what has happen ? I dont get why they would fluctuate this much, any ideas ?""
What are the best health insurance plans in Massachusetts?
for individuals available through the Mass Health Connector?
How much is auto insurance ?
i live in Edmonton Alberta and i am getting my license in 5 weeks and my car in 6 so i was just wondering how much is average auto insurance
I need help with auto insurance?
first time purchasing auto insuranace in it say that i only have to make 6 payment of 177$ then that it. now does this mean i will have insurance free for life after that ? or what happens? also so im going with safe auto minimun insurance. thanks
How to Buy Auto Insurance Online?
Can I pay for my auto insurance online?
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
Have you ever gotten a car insurance quote online in Illinois?
how easy was it to get the quote? was the process confusing at all? Did the site explain what coverages you needed and why you needed them?
Need health insurance for my child
need health insurance for my child I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
How much did your car AND insurance cost?!?
I need to do an independent survey for my maths GCSE and i need to know how much your car cost and how much it cost to insure it. Need aout 50 answers overall. 30 at least. Please answer, thankyou!""
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?
Hello friends I have a wordpress blog about insurance.How can I get free insurance calculators and get insurance quote softwares to place in my blog/site.Help me friends.
What are your rights if a person's car hits you and they don't have auto insurance?
This was a non-reportable vehicle accident. The person's car who hit mine was a manual and somehow came down the hill and hit my car. No one was in that person's car. But it rolled down and hit my car. I went to a dealer to get an estimate and it was about $955. I have car insurance, but the other guy doesn't. I have full coverage, but my deductible is $1000. What are my options? The owner of that car who hit me said that he is a mechanic and can fix my car. What should I do? Should I allow him or should I ask for his certification/license? I don't know if I can trust them either. I would rather have someone else fix it. Or should I just ask him to pay for the accident since he doesn't have car insurance? Is there a way where I don't have to pay anything? Any information what so ever will help out so much. Please give as much feed back as possible. I'm really looking for some possible answers.""
What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance?
well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail?""
Will insurance total out my car?
When insurance companies figure out what your car is worth..do they go by the private sale value or retail? I got a bunch of hail damage and I see the claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering if they might total it out. Damage is just over $6,000...car is worth $6,500 - $8,700 depending on which way they look at it.""
Can i buy my own health insurance?
Can i buy my own health insurance? i'm 17.
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
Car insurance bait and switch?
I admit I have a not so favorable driving record. The company I was with had elected to discontinue my coverage, leaving me to shop around. After calling every company I could think of, I got all extremely high, but understandable quotes. My last call was to a insurance broker . I know not the best route, but left with no other choice. The company got me a quote. . After I signed all paperwork and agreed to the deductions, I called the company just to verify all the information. All was said and fine. A week later they call to tell me the premium was significantly increased due to my record. While I understand, can they really tell me one thing first, have me agree and sign, then change it up like that? I had specifically asked if my record was already pulled and all my info was correct and they said yes.""
A question about how much will insurance cost?
i am looking at a few cars , toyota mr2 which should be cheap on insurance because it's a classic car and im looking at a renault clio 1.2 now im just wondering because im nearly a 17 year old and wanting to know how much would insurance cost on these 2 cars thanks people""
Question about car insurance?
My grandmother traded my car in & got me an 06 explorer. They financed it threw C&F fiance Company. The interest rate it 16.99% and the payments are $439.57 for 72 months. My question is, after we got home she got to looking at the paperwork and realized they put GAP insurance on the car charging $625.00 What exactly is this insurance? Is it necessary with me with my full coverage? Why was she not asked rather she wanted this kind of insurance or not? Thanks to anyone that may could possibly help me!""
Would my car insurance be expensive?
Cheapest life insurance in singapore?
which insurance company in singapore offers the cheapest life insurance?
Can I buy triple a auto insurance with a permit? California?
So due to curtain circumstances, I need to get my own auto insurance, the catch is that I only have a permit. what I wanted to know is if a major insurance company, like triple a, would cover me, if so would it cost more than a newly licensed person, and if not does anyone know a minor insurance company that would.""
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
What is deal with the new obamacare insurance plans?
Is it really mandatory for one to purchase an insurance plan? And does it really cost about 20k? I read an article from a website that has some interesting articles... http://www.naturalnews.com/038905_Obamacare_health_insurance_mandate.html There are a lot of things I dislike about this country and this just really set me off... Not specially things you would expect... More like what is allowed on food, in food, medical prescriptions taking over preventive care, the idiotic media like honey boo boo, ignorance and how people explain our government needs to change in a way to be like a backwards theocracy and such and I could go on for quite a while... I would like to move away from this country if not I'll seriously live in isolation somewhere away from this society... I really need opinions and your comments my just prove or disprove my thoughts even more.""
Increase in car insurance after passing test? RIP OFF? changing insurance questions.?
i have just passed my test, and my insurance company (Quinn Direct) are trying to rip me off. When i had provisional license, my insurance was 1100 on a 1.1 saxo. which i thought was good 4 1st time driver. but now ive passed they are saying its going to increase to 2500, which surely is a load of rubbish? i did a few quotes with other companys and they are coming up around 1100-1500. if i cancel my insurance with Quinn (at a fee of 35) and join another insurance company, will i have to start over with my no claims? as i dont have a full year yet, my 1st no claim would be in march 09. please help? what should i do? i dont want to be ripped off but i also dont want to loose my half a year of no claims. Plus i also have 10 month acelerater insurance, which i paid a deposit up front, so i have 2 free months at the end of my insurance.""
Car insurance Policy expiration date?
ok so my grandma told me that my car insurance expires 9/15/2011 but on the paper I have it says it doesn t expire till December of this year. I don t know if she got it confused or what. I don t have a phone to call them my phone is text only. On top of that I am looking for a new insurance company I currently have Farmers. I paid $50 for my insurance, but i was on my grandma and dads insurance, I dont know if it would be the same if I paid by myself or if thats just how much i paid being on their plan. if you can answer any of these questions that would help alot.""
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Driving without auto insurance?
what are the concusguences
Will my car insurance go down after having a child?
I am 19 and pay around 250 a month for my car insurance, my girlfriend is due to have a baby in december, how will this affect my car insurance? if at all, Thank You""
""Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?""
I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.""
Insurance for 2 cars with 2 different companys?
I have got a citroen xsara. which has got an insurance with Express till 17/02. I am now buying a mazda 3 which am planning to have it insured today itself with Halifax. Is this legal?
Will my insurance cover my car?
I went to the mall to shop for an hour or so and came out to my car to find someone had crashed into the rear end of my car and left without leaving any info. I made a police report but im still waiting to report it to my agent/company. will i be covered at all? i estimate the damage at $1500 I have comprehensive and unisured driver insurance, but no collision insurance i live in California""
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
HELP ASAP! Is a car still considered stolen if your on the insurance?
Long story short my mom bought me a car..and I'm on the insurance..I want to move out but she's not up for it...so my question is can she call the police and say her car is stolen when I take it to where i'm going to live?Also will they charge me even if i'm on the insurance? Thanks for any answers!
Whish insurance compay should i go to (auto)?
i just bought a 2000 Toyota camry Ve last night and i have never had any insurance before because i havent need it , i am 23 years old and i am looking for insurance some people told me go to Gieco has good prices""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
Insurance cost for new biker?
Hi I would like to ask people in my group of age (24 yrs old) how much would I have to pay for insurance, just passed my CBT and I'm looking for 125cc Cruiser, didn't find anything yet, but I'm trying to calculate the costs. I've checked few insurance sites and made quotes, but still confused.""
""Car Insurance, New driver ?""
Ok someone told me today about starting a account with PSECU but im not really sure what that is. Im trying to get a car and someone else told me I should get a car loan and finance a car. Can someone please explain this to me If I take out a car loan , get approved, get a car, how does me paying the loan back and the car payment works ???""
Cheap Auto Insurance in Houston/Katy?
I bought a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a week ago. I want to know which is the cheapest full coverage insurance on the Houston/Katy area. I also would like to know where can I get the insurance just for one month.
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
PLEASE HELP ! Where can I get the best/cheapest car insurance deal ?
I have tried various price comparison sites without success . I need to get a low / cheap fully comprehensive car insurance policy for my son to be able to insure his car . We are an extremely low income family In order to drive his car on British roads my son needs to have an MOT certificate , Road Tax and Insurance . That is the Law of this land ! The Car only cost him 200 , I am not going to suggest that we break any laws but he should not have to pay out 15 times the cars value to get insurance to drive the car on British Roads , that is absolutely ridicules ! PLEASE CAN SOMEONE SOMEWHERE HELP There is NO PUBLIC transportation to get him to his place of employment , he needs his own transport , riding a bicycle is out of the question , he would be exhausted by the time he got there as his work place is 8 miles away , in windy weather he would be blown of it and in wet weather he would be soaked to the skin before he got there , he has to use his car . If I took him to work , I would have to make the 8 mile journey 4 times , if he does it , the journey would be twice . His Mother has her own car but works the opposite direction . her insurance is less than 500 but that is more than twice my insurance because I have held a driving license for longer , my insurance is very much lower . Our Son is too young to legally drive my vehicle . PLEASE HELP""
What is the best health insurance for a newly married couple to get?
My husband and I just got married and are looking to get health insurance. we both can not get insurance through work. we live in arizona, my husband attends ASU. We are both involved in masters programs. We are looking to start a family poss. with in the year! what is the best coverage we can get, with our student incomes? thanks in advance for any advice / guidence you can provide!""
Why is car insurance compulsory here in FL?
I own my car. The cheapest car insurance here (only) covers $10k on damages which is called PIP insurance and it is required by law. If the PIP insurance only covers $10k on damages, and I have more than 10k dollars on my bank account why in helllllll do I have to give my hard-earned money to these moth*rfu(kers? Sorry for my temperament but I need a clear explanation on this. If I am willing to give those $10k to my car insurance which is the only that they cover on damages if I crashed, why wouldn't they accept the dial and stop charging me monthly in my whole life? and return me those 10K when I stop driving? Again, I'll explain it easier. I'd give $10k to my car insurance till I crash. 10K is what they only cover. Why would they charge me every month needlessly? I have never crashed in my life. I have never filled a claim, then why would I have to pay my car insurance when they only cover $10k nothing else. ( I have been driving more than 15 years)""
Car insurance price for a Civic?
I am a 18 year old boy and I want to purchase a Honda Civic EX 4-door w/ a manual transmission. I am looking at a 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 model. Could anybody give me an estimate of how much insurance is monthly? Thanks
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
Suing a car insurance?
3 weeks ago, my car got hit while i was asleep in the middle of the night. the person left his insurance and phone number.so he knew he was at fault 100%. i called the insurance and they agreed to fix my car. since the person hit my wheel and bumper at the same time my car was not drivable at all, so they got a towing truck to take it to the shop. i received a call 2 day later from the insurance telling me that they could only fix my bumper because it the accident had nothing to do with a broken part from the other side of where the car got hit. now my car was working perfectly fine the day before the accident. and the insurance doesnt want to fix the part that broke because they said it was impossible for the part to brake and because the part was rusted. Can i sue the insurance company?""
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
If two insurance companies have a dispute?
Let's say that I get into a car accident with another driver. My insurance company determines that he's at fault. His insurance company determines that I'm at fault. How does this typically get resolved? Do they go to a third-party arbiter?
Bmw 1992 insurance cost?
what is the insurance cost for 1992 bmw 352i???
Car insurance question?
i was just wondering...if you chose to pay off car insurance all in one do you pay it off as soon as you get insurance or do you pay after the year is over ?
Whats your best insurance quote? (Young guys only plz!)?
Just curious, whats your best insurance quote guys? - I'm hunting for a decent deal for my tiny little 796cc car outside.. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna boy race with my 796cc mean machine. So yeah, whats your best quotes and is it fully comp, third party only? fire and theft? So far I got a 700 quote third party fire and theft I'm quite happy with... Sorry girls, no offense but I'm kind of looking for guys answers, Your insurance is completely different :) And I'm 18 btw""
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
Schooleys Mountain New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 7870
0 notes
yumenosakiacademy Ā· 8 years ago
hi my name is rox and wowza did stuff just Happen a few hours ago :)) (i had to get over what happened and eat breakfast) I decided to make a diary entry abt what happened to slightly cope?? idk like look back on this situation when days get better, maybe.. but anyways iā€™m Dead inside and at one point i was openly sobbing in front of my mother while shaking and wanting to Die so.. :) Youā€™re welcome to read it and feel sad w me idc but fair warning this is long. this took a While to write out. TW for kinda verbal and (possible) physical abuse (idk?) and some slurs. The slurs + verbal stuff was toward me, the physical (thank god) wasnt. (this is under a read more but sry if ur on mobile)
okay so this whole thing started out w this post (tldr, my mother swore loudly bc she stepped in dog piss and it woke up nana so nana started screaming at mom and dad tried to defend my mom but him and nana ended up screaming @ each other)
the second part of this buildup basically started off w what happened in this post that i posted hours ago at 7:32 am but tldr my mother cussed me out for going to bed at 7 am and called me Stuff (B*tch, cr*zy, a retard, a freak, etc.) and every time she insulted me iā€™d say thank you and occasionally Ā insult her too but never yell/scream just calmly/sweetly (which would irritate her more)
and so my dad heard my mother yelling, woke up, and came into my room to see what was going on and when i told him what was happening and mom was still screaming that i was in the wrong (and called me a freak in front of dad (dad:Ā ā€œive been in here for like 2 minutes and youā€™ve called her a freak twice. Mom: Because she is one!!)) and dad basically cussed her out and set her straight bc she shouldnt be talking to her child like that and stuff and so mom started crying and talking abt she was going to leave us to which i saidĀ ā€œbye~ā€ and mom was likeĀ ā€œlook! she said bye!!ā€ and i was likeĀ ā€œwell u keep saying you want to leave us so what else am i supposed to say?ā€ but anyways i tried to go to sleep and mom was sniffling and still kind of crying as she took the laundry into my room and took some hangers out of my closet and i thought she was packing a suitcase but no it was laundry.
So. the screaming had apparently woken up nana again. and so i heard her screamĀ ā€œwell, mina! come on out and help and clean!!ā€ and i think she mentioned something else abt how if she was screaming she could help around the house (my mom doesnt have a job so nana+Dad expect her to clean quite a bit since she doesnt work like they do) and she kept yelling and saying that sheĀ ā€œcouldnā€™t sleep all dayā€ and to get up and help since sheā€™s screamed so much that nana got tired of her. But the thing was that my mom was doing stuff. she was folding laundry in my room. so i said,Ā ā€œhey, i think.. nana wants youā€ and mom replied withĀ ā€œiā€™m busy folding clothesā€ so i just kinda whispered an affirmative and tried to close my eyes again but nana yelled again and mom got up and opened the room of our bedroom door and screamedĀ ā€œI AM DOING STUFF!ā€ but i forgot if she mentioned the laundry but nana stormed past the front gate and into the area right in front of my room and they were screaming for a sec and mom was trying to say that she was doing stuff and nana must not have believed her and they were both pissed w each other and this is when everything went to Shit.
So next thing i know (iā€™m watching them from my bed, which isnā€™t far away) nana grabs momā€™s arms or body or something and sheā€™s like, tusseling with her and she rammed momā€™s arm into the wall or something and mom is trying to fight back a bit but trying to struggle out of her arms or hurt her too and iā€™m screaming shrilly/angrily,Ā ā€œNANA!! NANA!ā€ and dad woke up again and came out of his room and nana pulled away or dad helped get nana away from mom and nana was yelling abt mom and iā€™m just over her angrily (and V loudly like rly high-pitched and full of unbridled rage and fear) ā€œNANA!! NANA! SHE WAS DOING STUFF! DONā€™T DO THAT YOU- YOU DISGUSTING WENCH!!ā€ (i didnt wanna say B*tch) and while i was screaming and dad was near nana, mom was sobbing and walked to the foot of my bed and rested her head and she was crying and nana stormed off sometime during it and dad followed her (i could hear them screaming abt how dad needed to move out with mom or nana would just lose the house or w.e when i got up to get something for mom)Ā 
and i got out of bed and tried to see if mom was okay and mom was crying abt her arm and saying she was going to have a stroke/heart attack and that she couldnā€™t feel her heartbeat and the blood was rushing to her head and i asked her abt the bruise and asked if i could get her an ice pack (it was a small bruise on her arm and she was complaining abt her neck but idk if that was bc of nanaā€ and so i went into the freezer in the kitchen and grabbed a bag of vegetables and brought it for her arm and she wan still crying and she was like,Ā ā€œnana has been doing this to me for 20 years [...] sheā€™s brainwashed you guys too and stuffā€ in between talking abt the pain she felt bc she had a headache (i got her aspirin since she requested it) and i was trying to ask her if sheā€™s okay and sheā€™s like iā€™m.. fine but i donā€™t want you to grow up like Her [nana] or even like him [dad] okay..?ā€ and finally at that moment my mother noticed how my fingers were shaking as i tried to help her w the frozen bag and i couldnt help myself and i started crying just from being so overwhelmed and all of this stuff happening in front of me and this is the 2nd time that iā€™ve seen nana attempt to fight w my mother and i just couldnt take anything anymore and i was a shaking sobbing mess and mom was likeĀ ā€œhey donā€™t cryā€ and she was likeĀ ā€œoi, look, donā€™t cryā€ and she took off my glasses for me and i was just sobbing and sobbing and i had to calm down and wipe away all my tears and mom just kept telling me to go to sleep/bed and close my eyes since like, an hour had passed since i originally tried to go to bed or w/eĀ 
so i was likeĀ ā€œ...iā€™ll go to bed a bit later iā€™m gonna play some games firstā€ so i went into dadā€™s room where my ipad was plugged in (he was still talking w nana. when i brought the vegetable pack back into the kitchen, nana was tryng to show dad proof that mother woke her up loduly in the middle of the night using the camera we have installed in the living room/kitchen to keep watch on the dogs when weā€™re away) and decided to play en//stars bc my LP had filled up but i played cn en//stars first bc i had to collect my rewards from a mission and since i was sitting in a corner away from mom, dad, and nana and had some alone time, i started crying to myself again for a while and i was trying to pet koga on the screen to calm me down and i eventually dried most of my tears and played some en/stars and then dad came back into his room and i was trying to lighten up by cracking some jokes abt the like, dance exercise product that was being advertised on tv to try to make myself (and him) happier to cope w everything that just happened and we sat around for a while- making jokes and i was playing en//stars and everything.
also itā€™s 11:17 am as iā€™m writing this sentence and i havent slept... wowee has this been a Morning. iā€™m gonna take a nap and then go see if momā€™s okay. also, nana came into the office while i was typing this and i said hi cheerily then my face went Dead and i glared at her and she kept asking why and i was likeĀ ā€œwell you kept me up and you should have just stayed in your laneā€ and shes likeĀ ā€œi was! ur mom woke me up!ā€ like... you fuccer you almost harmed her bc she woke u up twice w her screaming (that wasnt even directed @ u) like fucc off u Shit i have to deal w that too and i dont effin do this Shit, esp not in front of me. i told her that itā€™s not only her i hate- that itā€™s everyone in this family and she said she didnā€™t care anymore. good then.
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