#i dont wanna have to block a ton of people
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d3vdgvrrl · 2 days ago
<name> maya
first and foremost i wanna say im not a tcc blog i dont belong in any community im ANT NATION and thats it . also uhm. music is my #1 ever
basically i’ve been termed a billion times. i’m an edge lord loser bitch …. or so they say. and idk i’m just a chronic shitposter. i smoke weed cut myself and post tons of weird kink and nsfw shit so if u don’t fw it PLS just block. i play three instruments, i have been in a bunch of bands -and mostly sing. i have grade A autism and a pussy that could bring the dead to erection. i’m a divine angel sent from god. also i draw! send request…
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<dni> none i literallyyyyyyy don’t care man i do not care!!!! seriously idgaf kill people rape people hang people burn buildings down call people slurs idgaf !!! you do u boy. boy. you do you boy get your boy.
<all socials are d3vdgvrll if u cant find me dm me> (just bc u add me doesnt mean ill add u back this goes for the old creeps)
<music> i’m totally not normal about music it’s my everything. anyways, jeff buckley, the strokes, joyce manor, tigers jaw, radiohead, weezer, ethel cain, remember sports, reel big fish, snail mail, JEFF BUCKLEY AGAIN! german error message, kimya dawson, the moldy peaches, loners with parenthesis, nothing, csh, msi, yasmin nur, elliot smith, the smiths, the kooks, any old dad rock and incel music
<fave cases> ted bundy (husband), ricky kasso (bf), jeff dahmer (twink that i study), ed gein, faglyn kumbold and queefric fagris. and basically any serial cases or bombings rlly interest me, and more serial killers with odd or illogical compulsions, interest varey from megicuolous to psychotic rampage killings. :3
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tyetyetyetyetyetye · 8 months ago
Like you guys know these are characters right? You know they aren't real, right?
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kookidough · 9 months ago
random rant about tbp tiktok cause i’m actually Sick of it at this point💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ these issues probably exist Outside of tiktok as well but i only ever see them on there so thats the platform i’m gna talk about
before you read i just wanna say warning for mentions of sa!!!!!
first of all i dont want to jump straight into the serious shit so the unoriginality is actually INSANE like ive been seeing the same jokes since 2022, can we Please get something funnier than “griffin does gymnastics / is a ceiling fan” 😭 the amount of times recently i’ll see a tbp tiktok and then get someone copying the idea and making the Same exact post like 3 scrolls later is insane like Pls can we be original Pls this movie is so sad i need something to laugh at
outside of being totally unoriginal some of the jokes tend to be Really Fucking Disgusting like straight up joking about assault, i shouldn’t even have to explain that thats not funny in the slightest?? this one person made a bunch of really gross ones and kept blocking people who called them out in the comment section, my friend had to dm them Several times and all they did was take down one post, the rest are still up with a ton of views :/ i know its like shock humour or dark humour or whatever but i dont see the ‘funny’ side of a grown man forcing himself onto a child and i think if youre laughing at that you should sit down and ask yourself why you think thats so funny.. people in the comments are always like “i shouldn’t laugh” so they Know its wrong as well which just ugh the whole thing just really gets on my nerves
another thing that gets on my nerves is the lack of media literacy and straight up spreading misinformation, maybe on the media literacy part i’m just a hater but i see so many questions being asked or theories being posed when all of the things mentioned were… literally answered in the movie?? “whats up with finney and gwen’s mother” it’s literally said in the movie that she has the same ability as gwen and she killed herself bc of it, next question, “why was max so interested in finding the missing boys” maybe because he was a coked up conspiracy theorist who saw a serious crime happening in his brother’s area so he decided to be a genuine concerned citizen who wanted these boys to be found💀 “why did the grabber kill max” because he had evidence of the highly awful crimes he’d been committing and was about to let his latest victim free?? the list goes on and on but those r the main ones i see all the time
as for the misinformation. Ough. it annoys me So much this is a hill i will die on😭 i dont know if its people’s half-baked theories or personal headcanons that just got way out of hand but i see so much stuff being spread that just Isnt true, it gets spread so far that when you google these things it appears as true when its not which is annoying !!! i actually was gonna make an entire rant about one theory in particular that pisses me off so bad but i can fit it in here alongside my list of “other theories presented as facts that i Absolutely Despise”
first theory, the one i was gonna make an entire post over, is the theory that vance is the grabber’s son. if i see one more tiktok of those two with that marina and the diamonds song im going to fucking lose it😭 i have no idea where people got this from but its so fucking popular that it comes up on google and i Hate it, i think it comes from the fact that in gwen’s dream sequence, which, might i add, WAS A DREAM, it looks like the police drop vance off outside the grabber’s house and he goes inside there, which… apparently automatically makes them related…?? it takes like one ounce of media literacy to realise that Obviously he’d be getting dropped off at his own house in real life, but as a ghost he’s centred on the place he died and is showing that house to gwen in her dreams, like how every other ghost shows that house to her. awful theory awful take i hate it, if its ur personal headcanon sorry but i do Not fw that
the other theories i have like. not much to say about other than the fact that they’re Not true, i see a lot of stuff about griffin for some reason? the number tends to change but a lot of ppl say “he was kept in the basement for 4 years” like . Huh. where is your proof???? i know the missing posters are insanely unreliable but if you literally read them griffin went missing on april 2nd and billy went missing on may 4th so highly likely griffin was only in the basement for like. a month at most, no idea where ppl are pulling 4 years out of💀 i also see people say griffin has broken legs or a broken back Just because of the first scene where we see him doing a backbend but . if that was the case then he wouldnt be able to stand with the other ghosts when they show gwen the house, i think the backbend was just the position he died in and thats why he first appeared that way to finney but Hey thats just my opinion! last two i have like no rants over but just. firstly people saying robin never made it to the basement for some reason but clearly he did otherwise his ghost would not be down there with the rest of them😭 secondly the theory that vance was kept there the longest “because he’s the most feminine” which. just makes absolutely zero sense to me whatsoever idk whos random headcanon got popularised but i dont like it
okay getting serious again, while this one does not make me angry its like. just really weird to me? i think its common knowledge at this point that both the book and the movie are inspired heavily by the john wayne gacy case, with the grabber literally being inspired by john wayne gacy himself (you Cannot argue with me on this one its literally confirmed and theres a boatload of evidence supporting it). i guess its natural to see people making comparisons between the movie and the case because of the inspiration but i’ve seen Several videos recently of people taking photos of jwg victims and putting them next to tbp characters and saying thats who theyre inspired by and i think thats . Really coming across as insensitive i cant lie😭 we know the grabber was inspired by jwg and its heavily thought that billy was inspired by johnny gosch but theres not much about the others and i think its just really distasteful to compare real life murder victims to fictional horror characters just to get views/likes on tiktok, it comes across as insanely disrespectful to me but idk i havent seen anyone else talking about it so i might just be being sensitive
last thing that really really bothers me is grabber simps. while i do see it on tiktok i see it on here, tumblr, most often and its… so odd to me…. like why are you thirsting over the paedophilic serial killer… so so strange to me… i want to see art and character analysis and silly little posts about all the characters but every time i open the tbp tag i’m jumpscared by someones weird ass grabber x reader oneshot and its SO GROSS get that shit away from me😭😭😭😭 also saw this one girl on tiktok one time whos literal entire account was dedicated to the grabber and she defended this by saying the sa in the movie was “just a theory” which is so victim blamey girl i do not trust you there is so much evidence for it in the movie, again w the media literacy point, just because something isnt directly shown to you doesnt mean it isnt shown in other subtler ways… anyway i get if people like the grabber as a villain but actually like. loving him and thirsting over him is weird as fuck to me
so um ya the fandom is a trainwreck can we go back to there being like 3 of us please and thank u. if you actually read all this then Wow thank you its literally just me being chronically online and ranting about stuff that doesn’t matter in the real world at all
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scoutbot · 1 year ago
heya! you can call me scoutbot, scout, benry, or sol. i use it/its or any playing card suit based emojipronouns. im autistic and adhd, so i can be a lil dumb sometimes. i also have a ton of other mental illness, block "vent" if you dont wanna see that play out in real time.
im a cat therian and a scoutbot introject
i am very white, so please tell me if i ever cross a line
i dont care about the media involved in free badge promotions i just wanna have ten billion badges
all of my badges are free ones, i do not give money to tumblr
this blog has a 16+ age rating
follow my moirail @dicelibrarian
my various links
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autistic-fuckwad · 5 months ago
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pinned post cause my old one is fucking depressing!!! be 18+ to follow please! i dont post porn but i do post suggestive stuff.
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hi im Anchor! im 19. im otherkin, autistic + adhd and a whole lot of other mental shit, physically disabled, and fall under the trans man and nonbinary umbrellas. im gay as hell ( i love men + nonbinary people!!! im both lol ) so youll see posts abt that. my gender is an enigma, but i am not a woman for sure! i only use he/they pronouns, but i heavily prefer he/him. i like to talk abt myself in the third person a lot bc autism. that's why i'm autistic-fuckwad!
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i make art! the guy above is me but like. a bunny version. i also have tons of fandoms that i like but dont really talk abt! idk i dont really know what to put here if you wanna check me out from other places, here's my carrd!
Find me funny or cool and wanna support me?
><> - [Throne | Ko-fi | Cashapp ] - <><
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><> - Tags: [#anchor rambles] - my original post tag! i just be yapping all the time. [#tom the fat cat] - my tumblr/reddit/pinterest famous by proxy cat Tom! i finally gave him his own tag. [#binx the creachur|#spot the squinchy|#oreo the critter] - the tags for my other cats! they aren't as famous as their brother, but they're all still cute. [#anchor the sharkubus] - my sona's personal art tag! if you draw fanart of me, Anchor, please tag it with this so i can see it! all art i make of him or pertaining to him will be tagged with this. [#my asks] - self explanatory! [#hate mail] - my tag for hate anons that i do answer. most of them are just funny or old things i felt needed addressed. [#my art] - i generally post my art on my art sideblog, but i will also crosspost it here! [#chroxri/#chroxris] - this is my original species! as of right now they arent finished and exist entirely in my head, so they arent for public use.
><> - OC Tags: [#oc: spraypaint | #oc: lucifer | #oc: megaladon | #oc: mau] [#oc: akeno | #oc: cirsium]
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><> - Mine sideblogs: @commander-frostfang - Guild Wars 2 sideblog. Named after my first character, but holds both Zohar Frostfang and Hyacinth of Malvale as my commaders. I post my gw2 art there, if i make any, and reblog posts abt gw2. I currently have played through the entire story on Zohar.
@5h4rku8us4rt - Art blog! kinda disorganized, not tagged well, will fix up in the future. still badass as hell tho. i post my art here so you can follow this to see when i post art specifically cause i reblog so much on my main blog. 5H4RKU8US is generally my username on other sites, i just tagged art to the end in the same style. it's pronounced sharkubus. @5h4rkd0llz - doll blog. heavy wip, ive been depressed. i collect rainbow high and calico critters, i also sew doll clothes. might do customs, might not. idk.
@5h4rku8us - Had to claim my main username somehow! im honestly using this to store my sona's art and post abt vtubing stuff. once i start making videos, i plan on uploading links to them here! honestly, kind of dead rn. it will happen in the future tho!
@sharksimsss - sims 4 cc blog. i hardly use this one so its just for myself and my bff to grab cc from lol @chroxri-corner - my own original species and world building blog! currently dead but not abandoned. im just depressed
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I block heavily and I'm not interested in arguing about my core belief systems. i dont hold opinions on most things so dont come into my inbox just to ask abt if i support giggleshitfart68 or not for being twinklekin. i support intersex people and believe in breaking the sex and gender binary. do as ye will as long as ye bring no harm upon others.
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sometimes i misunderstand things! always willing to talk it out if the other party is receptive and civil.
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strwbryblade · 14 days ago
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(a lil introduction post, so people can get to know me a little better!)
☆ yo!!! names haven, thats what I go by and pretty much what everyone calls me if you have a nickname for me and you want to call me it go ahead I really dont mind unless it offensive.
☆ I usually reblog my mutuals work and write analysis or headcanons soooo expect to see that.
☆ im currently 17 and I go by they/she.
just the basics! do not Involve me in any drama I’m just a teen trying to enjoy Internet!! I don’t wanna deal with bullcrap!! bother someone else about it.
do not vent to me unless your a close friend of mine I wont reply.
☆ do not freaking interact with me nsfw accounts, homophobic ppl, support pedophilia, incest, fetishization, proshipping, zoos, ableism, racism, sexism and just discrimination of any kind!!! I WILL NOT HAVE THAT HERE!!! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
☆ I love reading like a ton, its usually what I'm doing when I'm not online. I also enjoy listening to music and creating kandi!! oh and I'm a big fan of video games...as you can see <wink wink>.
☆ I'm a cartoon enthusiast, practically grew up on every cartoon to exist thanks to my mom, so I'm a big fan of 2d games and shows.
☆ I rollerskate! oh and I'm a big fan of soccer and badminton.
☆ music artists I really likeee: beabadoobee, system of a down, dazey and the scouts, jack off jill, sleeping with sirens, be your own pet, and insane clown posse etc.
☆ sonic, teenage mutant ninja turtles, adventure time, the last of us, the quarry, life is strange, mouthwashing, fnaf, anddd invader zim.
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discountprophet-clan · 4 months ago
Hey, just wanted to say that you are Absolutely Valid to want the everluxes trigger tagged. I'm an arachnophobe and while the everluxes don't quite trigger that for me, I can still get needing to tag something with That Many Legs or that specific shape.
Sometimes I wish FR itself had like a 'hide' feature you could toggle for dragons with certain traits - would be the dream if I could choose to not see all the auraboas with skuttle.
But for now people should definitely trigger tag everluxes on top of all the other bug genes - liking something doesn't absolve you of the responsibility to content warn for it.
i agree! you make some really great points! however i do have those tags blocked! the thing is tons of people wont even tag the breed name so it gets recommended just bc im into flight rising and they tag general tags
if people could actually tag their shit right then this wouldnt be an issue but unfortunately it seems theyre incapable of actually doing that so im gonna keep yelling about it until people actually start tagging their shit
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ralexsol · 8 months ago
watching "Listen" from 12 and then directly afterwards "The Devil's Chord" from 15 was the wrong decision on my part. it only made the devil's chord that much more painful. like listen isn't like an insanely good episode or anything but it. actually feels like a sci-fi show. and it has a very touching ending with clara and kid doctor.
a better comparison would be with "Robot of Sherwood" from 12 vs. devil's chord. they're both the 2nd episode of their respective doctors, with the plot being the companion's "i've always wanted to go to-" dream. both are EXCELLENT companion dreams: robin hood and the beatles. both have INSANE levels of potential for shenanigans between people of legendary status and doctor + companion. but um. one is done incredibly and the other is. not.
Robot of Sherwood: start in the TARDIS with doctor & companion. wanna see robin hood, oh but robin hood is not real - and wow, an idea held by a character in the intro scene will actually play a key role in both the comedy AND emotional charge for the entire episode! for the rest of the episode, you have robin hood as the 3rd protagonist in TONS of scenes, with iconic characters as his merry men and the sheriff making appearances. and look, an actual sci-fi thing going on! the guards are robots and they're stealing gold for their spaceship! cool!! and then the emotion-based ending of the doctor and robin relating over being legendary heroes who will only be remembered as such.
The Devil's Chord: start in unknown location with piano guy and his student. that's fine, it's setting up the plot, sure. get some fun piano playing and holy shit okay the villain is right here and just immediately showing their entire hand and purpose?? okay so they're killing people because they want music to themself. okay, they seem cool enough, there must be some interesting thing about them that we'll learn later. switch to TARDIS, wanna see the beatles, let's go!, montage of them watching famous musicians be shit at EMI studios. oh hey it's george martin the producer of the beatles thats fun!! annnnnnd he has more lines than ringo and george combined and this is basically the last time we will see half of the beatles! um. okay. i am dead serious half the beatles have about 2-3 lines between them and they only speak in 1 fucking scene. there's a cool scene with paul & doctor and ruby & john, i really liked how they explained the disappearance of music and the inherent terror everyone seemed to feel of the maestro (the villain) coming to get them. the scene on the rooftop is cool! im a pianist and i love orchestral music so i really liked that. but i was so terrified she was going to start singing at any moment because i cannot handle any more cringe-worthy songs in this show i just can't. this is not a musical. anyway, the whole episode falls apart when you realize oh the beatles arent actually what this episode is about and oh the maestro is literally just the character that you saw in the intro scene and they have no twist motive and no emotional charge and yeah they're the toymaker's kid so they're a "force of nature" and not an alien with cool science and they just want allll the music. and then there's long "fight" scenes and then john and paul save the day without saying a single word in a 15-second long total shot. and then there's a fully fever-dream level dance and song montage.
i dont know too much about peoples' opinions on 15 so far cause ive had spoiler tags blocked for months, but from what i HAVE seen, it's been really positive. am i blind? am i stupid? am i bigoted????? why dont i like the vibes of this season?? maybe im just spiraling because ive been so hyped to watch the beatles episode as a beatles fan for MONTHS and just can't cope with ringo and george being written out. ive only seen 3 episodes w 15. i so hope it gets better. please let it be better. if they do another musical number i will kill something. i will spontaneously combust.
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princessbrunette · 10 months ago
hi princess you dont need to answer this at all ! im the anon who asked a dieting related question, im sorry if my ask was ed related and triggering i genuinely didnt mean it to be, ive been around here quietly and seen your girly talks and thought my ask was okay, im once again sorry i was unaware it was triggering :( love u tons <3
it’s okay, i knew it was from a place of meaning well which is why i didn’t just block or anything bc you came across very nicely — i honestly just had to say something bc you’re not the first person it just unfortunately had to be you i called out !! i love having girly talks with you guys and even giving advice but topics like that are just a big no no. i think alot of people see me interacting and giving light hearted advice and think it’s the place to trauma dump on me — for example i got another ask earlier saying “ive seen you make a lot of other people feel better so i figured i’d come to you for some kind words” or something along those lines n then dumped a whole paragraph of insecurities on me and it’s just like !!! that’s not why im here !! i wanna be here for u guys but pls seek actual help, not from me and especially not about dieting.
anyways all is forgiven just wanted to make that clear n set a boundary ! ♡
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syn4k · 9 months ago
What are some good minecraft series to watch? I've only seen content smp stuff and I wanna see more cool ones :)
i have not watched content smp so i dont know what the vibes are but the main mcyt series we've watched and enjoyed over the years are these ones:
hermitcraft: ten seasons. eleven years. pg. all up on youtube. very laid back and silly but also has a specific brand of insanity you cannot get anywhere else. it looks intimidating from the outside but due to it not having a definitive storyline you can start watching anyone at any time and pick up on things pretty quickly. some of our favorite Hermits include iskall85, xisumavoid, and mumbo jumbo! (links to their hc s10 playlists)
empires smp: two seasons. three years. pg. all up on youtube. there's more of a focus on lore and roleplay (especially s1) if you're into that, but the server is also full of amazing builders who build amazing things! naturally i recommend pixlriffs for both seasons (s1, s2) because i am insane about that poor little cubito but his s1 pov cuts off early and fwhip has a much more involved viewpoint of the series in both seasons (s1, s2).
speaking of pixlriffs, he has a metric fuck ton of solo series he made up on his YouTube that are amazing. i especially enjoy his one block at a time (minecraft april fools 2022 update) series and his chicken skyblock series with zloyxp! hes very calm and very relaxing but also immensely funny. riffs :)
mianite: two seasons, one spinoff, one technically unrelated series that gets referenced a lot anyways, around 3 years long (?????), not pg, all up on youtube. predecessor to a lot of modern day mcrp (minecraft roleplay) series. i am currently losing it over this one. people usually balk at the series length + relatively unaccessible entry point that kinda comes with its format, but people have made some very good posts about how to solve those problems (will add them later because i cant fucking find them and im tired. @ the 7 other people in this fandom u know what im talking about pls help). would not reccomend starting with this one because it probably wouldnt be worth it. theres themes there tho if you're into those
project: nexus: one season, made over the course of about a year, not pg, all up on youtube. solo series made by one guy (me). it's unfinished and currently on hiatus and it lowkey may be that way forever at this point because i am a man who struggles heavily with adhd and depression but i legally have to include it in the list because i have spent many hours editing it together
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stiffyck · 1 year ago
I really don't wanna come off as rude because I know you've gotten people being nasty about this before, but when you spam reblog things do you think its possible you could have a tag for it? I really love your art but seeing repeats of posts on my blog honestly freaks me out
listen im answering only because you seem really nice but im not gonna tag it nor am i gonna stop. just unfollow me and check every once in a while if you want to see my art. i have an art tag so you can always go through that. this may come off as rude but its not my responsibility to make YOUR dash more friendly or whatever. if something or someone bothers you just unfollow. i see something that makes me uncomfortable that someone i follow posts about? i either block the tag they have for it or i just unfollow and come back to check their other stuff every once in a while.
also tagging it "spam reblog" or something wouldnt do anything as you would still see a shit ton of posts just filtered this time with the option to view said post. you would still get the spam. it doesnt make the posts disappear from your dash.
i have this in my pinned post that all asks about my spam reblogging will be deleted and from now on i wont be answering any asks even if they are like this.
this isnt me trying to be rude this is me saying that im not responsible for making your dash be more enjoyable. you follow who you wanna see and you unfollow/block those you dont wanna see. simple as that.
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kayden-valcourt · 1 month ago
New intro cuz the old one is Hella outdated.
Notice: I will have some flashy blinkies on this post ⚠
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Hello, I am Kayden! I'm a 17 year old digital artist, gamer, programmer, and an aspiring forklifter!
I love forklifts so much and am going to try to get certified as soon as possible!
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HTML coding is my life, if u need some help hmu some time 💥
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I am in lots of fandoms and like lots of shows and games! I also LOVE music!
Some shows and movies I like are
Breaking Bad
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Better Call Saul
Beavis and Butt-Head
The Crow movies
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The Matrix movies
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Smiling Friends
Adventure Time
I also like old Disney movies (Aristocats, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, etc)
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I also really love video games, I actually LOVE video games more than myself!!
Some games I like are
Team Fortress 2
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas
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DOOM 2016
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Postal 4
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Left 4 Dead 2
Garry's Mod
TF2 and DOOM are my current fave games and I can go on about them forever!
My main classes in TF2
Scout, Sniper, and Medic. They're the three classes I dont suck at and I love the most, I also love their lore and personality! I loved the tf2 comics! I also am somewhat decent at Demoman
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Lastly is music!
I LOVE MUSIC!! Industrial is my favorite
(yes I am a Rivethead/Industrialist/Industrial Goth)
My favorite bands are
Nine Inch Nails
Skinny Puppy
Sister Machinegun
Gravity Kills
Slick Idiot
More Machine Than Man
The Prodigy
16 Volt
Night Club (band)
Machines of Loving Grace
Static-X and Wayne Static
And more!!
I have an industrial playlist on Spotify check it out please!!
I also take suggestions! (if its the right genre and it sounds good!
We can talk about music, art, drawings, games, bands, roleplay, and interests here with tons of people! Dont be shy to join we have emojis and take suggestions :) I also do streams or movie night sometimes!
Make sure to read the rules and be respectful :)
I love art! My ocs mean a lot to me I plan to make comics in the future! Not so many Fandom ocs more just my own ocs for my own stories.
Mostly digital artist but I doodle on my notes at school, use sketch books, and do lettering on paper! I also journal some!
Redrawing my old drawings (especially if the character has a new and better design) is so much fun to me! I also love designing and redesigning characters.
My favorite kind of characters to design/draw are Industrial Goths, Goths, Metalheads, characters with neon/bright colors, characters with sunglasses, and characters with super curly hair (its fun to draw!)
Here's some of my art as of January 2025 :)
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I mostly use this acc to post art and drawings of mine so uhhh check them out 👊
Art trades are open to friends and random people, hmu if interested
No art requests sorry 😔
Edit 2-21-25
I will take requests, however I may ignore, postpone, or deny your request! I will draw stuff from *certain fandoms* like if its a Fandom I am in or your ocs/fandom ocs! I might not make full ass pictures for you but at least a doodle! Feel free to reblog or add the art to your ToyHouse if its an OC (my TH is Vodka_Muffin)
Request and comm rules, basically no extremely violent or sexual stuff, no vore or shit like that even if its a "comfort" hell nah gtfo I'm not comfortable with that 😁obviously I won't draw any Zoophile, Nazi, MAP, Nazifur, hateful, disgusting, or pedo flags or anything of that nature, which if you fall under those categories go ahead n block me ion wanna see your ass on here, I might make fun of you. No kink or fetish requests either, hell nah gtfo. I rarely draw humans but I may draw a certain oc/character if I like their design enough or if they're from a fandom I'm in. Basically that's it, dw about skimpy revealing outfits or swearing or anything I'm chill just no straight up porn/sexual material. If you have any questions abt requests feel free to DM or ask in your request! Thanks 🖤
Commissions and stuff coming soon
Dont be afraid to reach out I need more friends
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Thanks for reading this have a nice night.
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deathbysports · 2 years ago
PSA: Please for the love of all that is hockey stop censoring the names of teams and players!
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I keep seeing this a lot on a ton of hockey blogs. (for example "d*nn", "p*tr*ck k*ne", "bl*es" or "v*g*s g*ld*n kn*ghts"), and honestly, it's really, really, bugging me, especially as someone who has some team lb tags filtered. I know most of you mean well, but this might not be the best idea. Even if you don't like saying their name. Even if you're censoring it as a joke. Even if you're worried about people you don't like flocking your blog (which, there's a block button for that btw). For one, Tumblr allows you to filter out certain words and tags. And people may already have specific players/filters tagged. If a post contains said filtered word/tag, it'll look like this:
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(Image ID: A screenshot of a tumblr post that is flagged to the viewer due to it containing "#bruins lb". The username and profile picture is covered in red. The person has an option to view the post, via a button that reads simply "View post". End ID). By censoring them, Tumblr won't pick it up, and people will still see the post they don't want to see. Additionally, censoring words, especially l*ke th*s (like this) might not be helpful to visually impaired folks, especially those who use screenreaders.
"So, what should I do instead?" If you're talking about something a player did, here's some tag suggestions I have: If you're talking about a player who has assault or abuse accusations against them, you can use "tw assault", "tw abuse", "tw sa" (if the accusation involves sa), "tw violence" or "violence mention" (if violence is involved), or similar tags! If you're talking about someone who has a history of bigotry, try tagging "racism", "ableism", "homophobia", "tw slur" (if there's a slur involved), or other similar tags! I do see people use "tw (team/player)" as well (ex. "tw hawks", "tw auston matthews", "cw wilson" or "cw boston bruins") as well, however, I also discourage against that, because not every hockeyblr user has those filtered, and from my understanding they also aren't that well known. Again, simply tagging the players' names or the name of the team is enough half the time. (And, as a bonus, if you already have "tw (player/team)" tagged, instead of removing them, you can also simply add the player or team name to the tags!) If you're simply trash talking a player or a team... just say the name. It's not that hard, really. However, you can also tag the post with "trash talk" if you don't want people seeing it. Other good tags/words to use include: "rant" or "vent", which can be especially helpful to folks who dont wanna see huge rants, vents or complaints. "tw injury", which you can use to filter out videos or discussions containing injuries. "tw blood" and similar tags can also be helpful if blood is involved. "hockey fight", which can be used for hockey fights. Can be especially helpful since some fights get bloody and do lead to injury. Simply tagging "fight" can also work! "swearing cw", can be helpful for folks who don't want to see posts with heavy amounts of cursing. I advise only using this if there's excessive swearing involved, and not if there's only one instance of a curse word. "slander", which you can use if you're ranting about a player you don't like. And additionally.. "I don't know how filters work!" or "I don't know how to filter words/tags!" Alright so here's what you do: 1. Go to your user settings. 2. Scroll to "content you see". 3. Add the tag or word you want to filter, like this:
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(Image IDs: Two screenshots of Tumblr settings. In the "Add a filter" bar are the words "tony deangelo" and "keith". End ID) 4. Click "Add" and bam! You're done! You might need to refresh for it to go into affect. Protip: Filtering out words will filter out all words of a specific phrase/name. For example, if you filter out "Tom Wilson", it will filter out all posts containing both words, even if it doesn't talk about the player. I advise using "Filtered Tags" when filtering out specific players, teams and team lbs.
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habitsbf · 4 months ago
I wanna ask your opinion on those HABIT roleplay acounts because like wth??
Idk if you saw them around or not but i personally dont like them a ton of people only roleplay as him so they can say stuff they usually cant say and its usually very racist sexist or just generally creepy shit i mean yeah begin wierd and creepy is kinda in caracter for him but its still wierd to say that u gonna torture somebody on the internet (in great deteal usually) or maybe am just very negative idk
i personally dislike them unless they arent bothering anybody. i actually have a few of them blocked for getting too weird and whatnot 😭 theres one on here that fuels into peoples sexualization of HABIT and will respond to their asks VERY inappropriately even if they arent aware of the persons age (acc owner is in their early twenties) which is pretty concerning if ya ask me!! using a fictional character to get people to talk sexually to you is very odd.
again, if the accs arent doing anything wrong and are just having fun idgaf. its when they use HABIT to be gross that i have a problem with.
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blkkizzat · 5 months ago
It’s like they knew I was complaining…
And this time it was from someone I was following for a while and I know this because 1. I didn’t follow anyone recently and 2. I only follow like 70 people so I’ll notice when someone blocked me.
I honestly have no idea what it is for. I really dont repost a lot and if I do it isn’t minor characters or age ups.
Maybe because I haven’t posted since like September?? When I did post last it didn’t really get a lot of attention so it was super demotivating posting again, I mean I have soooo much lil unfinished things in my draft but AUGHHHHHHHH I just wanna fall into the void and crawl up into a little ball sometimes 😭
Anyways sorry for ranting so much..oh and I want your opinion do you think I should write head-canons or a SMAU? I only did head-canons once and it was my biggest work (900-ish) but they take more work to do but if I do SMAUs they are quicker to make but I don’t really get a lot of attention on them. (btw if you don’t know what SMAU is it’s kinda like a made up text story replying to the character of your choice.)
🪼nonny im sorry boo! who knows why? i know sometimes things can be by mistake so maybe if you have another account message them to find out why? ive seen some people say "if you think i blocked you on accident lmk", and they may or may not be receptive to it, but if you approach it as "im not trying to argue with you, only trying to find out if i am leaving a bad impression in someway as I have noticed a pattern of people blocking me lately." it's more likely they will be open to sharing with you why and even if its something you dont agree with don't get defensive about it as at the end of the day it was their choice. but thats only if you care enough to do so. ive never done so in this context, but ive done so irl with friends of friends who i thought didnt like me for whatever reason and regardless of what they said, its their choice. but do remember at the end of the day, other people opinion of you is not necessarily an accurate reflection so while it is good to evaluate if theres any room for improvement. dont let it drive you crazy/take it too much to heart. theres tons and tons of great writers out there to follow who wouldnt block you.
hey! id say do whatever you feel like doing tbh, notes be damned. i never consider notes when i write something. if i did then i would only write short 500-1k drabbles or multi-fic character drabbles as those seem to get the most attention. i dont have anything against them (i actually have a ton of funny concepts for them) its just very hard for me to write smut without some sort of build up to it. but that wont be true for everyone so write what you are inspired by and what makes you happy.
notes will come! but if you aren't feeling good about what you write it will definitely show. which is why i write so slow fkhdfkhjdf.
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aurorathedragon45 · 9 months ago
yall this dude just randomly texted asking if i was charles (a TON of people have been confusing me with charles)
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should i unblock him, send him an among us twerking emoji, and block him again /j i dont wanna risk my privacy any further with this guy
oh yeah one of my friends who i sent the screenshot to ALSO texted the number, lmfao
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