#i dont wanna have to block a ton of people
tyetyetyetyetyetye · 3 months
Like you guys know these are characters right? You know they aren't real, right?
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kookidough · 3 months
random rant about tbp tiktok cause i’m actually Sick of it at this point💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ these issues probably exist Outside of tiktok as well but i only ever see them on there so thats the platform i’m gna talk about
before you read i just wanna say warning for mentions of sa!!!!!
first of all i dont want to jump straight into the serious shit so the unoriginality is actually INSANE like ive been seeing the same jokes since 2022, can we Please get something funnier than “griffin does gymnastics / is a ceiling fan” 😭 the amount of times recently i’ll see a tbp tiktok and then get someone copying the idea and making the Same exact post like 3 scrolls later is insane like Pls can we be original Pls this movie is so sad i need something to laugh at
outside of being totally unoriginal some of the jokes tend to be Really Fucking Disgusting like straight up joking about assault, i shouldn’t even have to explain that thats not funny in the slightest?? this one person made a bunch of really gross ones and kept blocking people who called them out in the comment section, my friend had to dm them Several times and all they did was take down one post, the rest are still up with a ton of views :/ i know its like shock humour or dark humour or whatever but i dont see the ‘funny’ side of a grown man forcing himself onto a child and i think if youre laughing at that you should sit down and ask yourself why you think thats so funny.. people in the comments are always like “i shouldn’t laugh” so they Know its wrong as well which just ugh the whole thing just really gets on my nerves
another thing that gets on my nerves is the lack of media literacy and straight up spreading misinformation, maybe on the media literacy part i’m just a hater but i see so many questions being asked or theories being posed when all of the things mentioned were… literally answered in the movie?? “whats up with finney and gwen’s mother” it’s literally said in the movie that she has the same ability as gwen and she killed herself bc of it, next question, “why was max so interested in finding the missing boys” maybe because he was a coked up conspiracy theorist who saw a serious crime happening in his brother’s area so he decided to be a genuine concerned citizen who wanted these boys to be found💀 “why did the grabber kill max” because he had evidence of the highly awful crimes he’d been committing and was about to let his latest victim free?? the list goes on and on but those r the main ones i see all the time
as for the misinformation. Ough. it annoys me So much this is a hill i will die on😭 i dont know if its people’s half-baked theories or personal headcanons that just got way out of hand but i see so much stuff being spread that just Isnt true, it gets spread so far that when you google these things it appears as true when its not which is annoying !!! i actually was gonna make an entire rant about one theory in particular that pisses me off so bad but i can fit it in here alongside my list of “other theories presented as facts that i Absolutely Despise”
first theory, the one i was gonna make an entire post over, is the theory that vance is the grabber’s son. if i see one more tiktok of those two with that marina and the diamonds song im going to fucking lose it😭 i have no idea where people got this from but its so fucking popular that it comes up on google and i Hate it, i think it comes from the fact that in gwen’s dream sequence, which, might i add, WAS A DREAM, it looks like the police drop vance off outside the grabber’s house and he goes inside there, which… apparently automatically makes them related…?? it takes like one ounce of media literacy to realise that Obviously he’d be getting dropped off at his own house in real life, but as a ghost he’s centred on the place he died and is showing that house to gwen in her dreams, like how every other ghost shows that house to her. awful theory awful take i hate it, if its ur personal headcanon sorry but i do Not fw that
the other theories i have like. not much to say about other than the fact that they’re Not true, i see a lot of stuff about griffin for some reason? the number tends to change but a lot of ppl say “he was kept in the basement for 4 years” like . Huh. where is your proof???? i know the missing posters are insanely unreliable but if you literally read them griffin went missing on april 2nd and billy went missing on may 4th so highly likely griffin was only in the basement for like. a month at most, no idea where ppl are pulling 4 years out of💀 i also see people say griffin has broken legs or a broken back Just because of the first scene where we see him doing a backbend but . if that was the case then he wouldnt be able to stand with the other ghosts when they show gwen the house, i think the backbend was just the position he died in and thats why he first appeared that way to finney but Hey thats just my opinion! last two i have like no rants over but just. firstly people saying robin never made it to the basement for some reason but clearly he did otherwise his ghost would not be down there with the rest of them😭 secondly the theory that vance was kept there the longest “because he’s the most feminine” which. just makes absolutely zero sense to me whatsoever idk whos random headcanon got popularised but i dont like it
okay getting serious again, while this one does not make me angry its like. just really weird to me? i think its common knowledge at this point that both the book and the movie are inspired heavily by the john wayne gacy case, with the grabber literally being inspired by john wayne gacy himself (you Cannot argue with me on this one its literally confirmed and theres a boatload of evidence supporting it). i guess its natural to see people making comparisons between the movie and the case because of the inspiration but i’ve seen Several videos recently of people taking photos of jwg victims and putting them next to tbp characters and saying thats who theyre inspired by and i think thats . Really coming across as insensitive i cant lie😭 we know the grabber was inspired by jwg and its heavily thought that billy was inspired by johnny gosch but theres not much about the others and i think its just really distasteful to compare real life murder victims to fictional horror characters just to get views/likes on tiktok, it comes across as insanely disrespectful to me but idk i havent seen anyone else talking about it so i might just be being sensitive
last thing that really really bothers me is grabber simps. while i do see it on tiktok i see it on here, tumblr, most often and its… so odd to me…. like why are you thirsting over the paedophilic serial killer… so so strange to me… i want to see art and character analysis and silly little posts about all the characters but every time i open the tbp tag i’m jumpscared by someones weird ass grabber x reader oneshot and its SO GROSS get that shit away from me😭😭😭😭 also saw this one girl on tiktok one time whos literal entire account was dedicated to the grabber and she defended this by saying the sa in the movie was “just a theory” which is so victim blamey girl i do not trust you there is so much evidence for it in the movie, again w the media literacy point, just because something isnt directly shown to you doesnt mean it isnt shown in other subtler ways… anyway i get if people like the grabber as a villain but actually like. loving him and thirsting over him is weird as fuck to me
so um ya the fandom is a trainwreck can we go back to there being like 3 of us please and thank u. if you actually read all this then Wow thank you its literally just me being chronically online and ranting about stuff that doesn’t matter in the real world at all
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ralexsol · 3 months
watching "Listen" from 12 and then directly afterwards "The Devil's Chord" from 15 was the wrong decision on my part. it only made the devil's chord that much more painful. like listen isn't like an insanely good episode or anything but it. actually feels like a sci-fi show. and it has a very touching ending with clara and kid doctor.
a better comparison would be with "Robot of Sherwood" from 12 vs. devil's chord. they're both the 2nd episode of their respective doctors, with the plot being the companion's "i've always wanted to go to-" dream. both are EXCELLENT companion dreams: robin hood and the beatles. both have INSANE levels of potential for shenanigans between people of legendary status and doctor + companion. but um. one is done incredibly and the other is. not.
Robot of Sherwood: start in the TARDIS with doctor & companion. wanna see robin hood, oh but robin hood is not real - and wow, an idea held by a character in the intro scene will actually play a key role in both the comedy AND emotional charge for the entire episode! for the rest of the episode, you have robin hood as the 3rd protagonist in TONS of scenes, with iconic characters as his merry men and the sheriff making appearances. and look, an actual sci-fi thing going on! the guards are robots and they're stealing gold for their spaceship! cool!! and then the emotion-based ending of the doctor and robin relating over being legendary heroes who will only be remembered as such.
The Devil's Chord: start in unknown location with piano guy and his student. that's fine, it's setting up the plot, sure. get some fun piano playing and holy shit okay the villain is right here and just immediately showing their entire hand and purpose?? okay so they're killing people because they want music to themself. okay, they seem cool enough, there must be some interesting thing about them that we'll learn later. switch to TARDIS, wanna see the beatles, let's go!, montage of them watching famous musicians be shit at EMI studios. oh hey it's george martin the producer of the beatles thats fun!! annnnnnd he has more lines than ringo and george combined and this is basically the last time we will see half of the beatles! um. okay. i am dead serious half the beatles have about 2-3 lines between them and they only speak in 1 fucking scene. there's a cool scene with paul & doctor and ruby & john, i really liked how they explained the disappearance of music and the inherent terror everyone seemed to feel of the maestro (the villain) coming to get them. the scene on the rooftop is cool! im a pianist and i love orchestral music so i really liked that. but i was so terrified she was going to start singing at any moment because i cannot handle any more cringe-worthy songs in this show i just can't. this is not a musical. anyway, the whole episode falls apart when you realize oh the beatles arent actually what this episode is about and oh the maestro is literally just the character that you saw in the intro scene and they have no twist motive and no emotional charge and yeah they're the toymaker's kid so they're a "force of nature" and not an alien with cool science and they just want allll the music. and then there's long "fight" scenes and then john and paul save the day without saying a single word in a 15-second long total shot. and then there's a fully fever-dream level dance and song montage.
i dont know too much about peoples' opinions on 15 so far cause ive had spoiler tags blocked for months, but from what i HAVE seen, it's been really positive. am i blind? am i stupid? am i bigoted????? why dont i like the vibes of this season?? maybe im just spiraling because ive been so hyped to watch the beatles episode as a beatles fan for MONTHS and just can't cope with ringo and george being written out. ive only seen 3 episodes w 15. i so hope it gets better. please let it be better. if they do another musical number i will kill something. i will spontaneously combust.
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princessbrunette · 5 months
hi princess you dont need to answer this at all ! im the anon who asked a dieting related question, im sorry if my ask was ed related and triggering i genuinely didnt mean it to be, ive been around here quietly and seen your girly talks and thought my ask was okay, im once again sorry i was unaware it was triggering :( love u tons <3
it’s okay, i knew it was from a place of meaning well which is why i didn’t just block or anything bc you came across very nicely — i honestly just had to say something bc you’re not the first person it just unfortunately had to be you i called out !! i love having girly talks with you guys and even giving advice but topics like that are just a big no no. i think alot of people see me interacting and giving light hearted advice and think it’s the place to trauma dump on me — for example i got another ask earlier saying “ive seen you make a lot of other people feel better so i figured i’d come to you for some kind words” or something along those lines n then dumped a whole paragraph of insecurities on me and it’s just like !!! that’s not why im here !! i wanna be here for u guys but pls seek actual help, not from me and especially not about dieting.
anyways all is forgiven just wanted to make that clear n set a boundary ! ♡
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syn4k · 3 months
What are some good minecraft series to watch? I've only seen content smp stuff and I wanna see more cool ones :)
i have not watched content smp so i dont know what the vibes are but the main mcyt series we've watched and enjoyed over the years are these ones:
hermitcraft: ten seasons. eleven years. pg. all up on youtube. very laid back and silly but also has a specific brand of insanity you cannot get anywhere else. it looks intimidating from the outside but due to it not having a definitive storyline you can start watching anyone at any time and pick up on things pretty quickly. some of our favorite Hermits include iskall85, xisumavoid, and mumbo jumbo! (links to their hc s10 playlists)
empires smp: two seasons. three years. pg. all up on youtube. there's more of a focus on lore and roleplay (especially s1) if you're into that, but the server is also full of amazing builders who build amazing things! naturally i recommend pixlriffs for both seasons (s1, s2) because i am insane about that poor little cubito but his s1 pov cuts off early and fwhip has a much more involved viewpoint of the series in both seasons (s1, s2).
speaking of pixlriffs, he has a metric fuck ton of solo series he made up on his YouTube that are amazing. i especially enjoy his one block at a time (minecraft april fools 2022 update) series and his chicken skyblock series with zloyxp! hes very calm and very relaxing but also immensely funny. riffs :)
mianite: two seasons, one spinoff, one technically unrelated series that gets referenced a lot anyways, around 3 years long (?????), not pg, all up on youtube. predecessor to a lot of modern day mcrp (minecraft roleplay) series. i am currently losing it over this one. people usually balk at the series length + relatively unaccessible entry point that kinda comes with its format, but people have made some very good posts about how to solve those problems (will add them later because i cant fucking find them and im tired. @ the 7 other people in this fandom u know what im talking about pls help). would not reccomend starting with this one because it probably wouldnt be worth it. theres themes there tho if you're into those
project: nexus: one season, made over the course of about a year, not pg, all up on youtube. solo series made by one guy (me). it's unfinished and currently on hiatus and it lowkey may be that way forever at this point because i am a man who struggles heavily with adhd and depression but i legally have to include it in the list because i have spent many hours editing it together
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WE'RE SO BACK (pkmn-blue -> nikkori-kori-kori-kori-koriandaa)
wowzers i finally made a pinned post!! hooray!!! Info under the cut ^_^
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## About Me!!
My name is Sumi, but you can also call me Selene!! (Juli is only for mutuals ^_^) My birthday is February 9, and im bi ace + nonbinary (xe/they)!
My main interests right now are pokemon/pokespe, vocaloid, and genshin impact (tragically). I speak both english and spanish (🇲🇽), though im not too good at writing as I am speaking
Uhh for dni it’s the usual stuff but I block SUPER freely so if I don’t like you you’ll know lmao. Just be nice and we can all be friends!!
ALSO if we’re mutuals know that I love and care for all of you you’re all so cool and amazing ^_^!!!
Discord is umi.sumi :>
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## Other Blogs!!
This blog is my main, but i have a few others you should totally check out ooohh:
@edit-corner - editing blog! @virtual-idol - resource blog for editing stuff!
@prinzessin-derr-verurteilung - where I save a ton of layouts, graphics, stamps etc!
Theres also a super secret one in the making oooooohhhh
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## Tags!!
I tag nearly everything cuz I LOVE sorting stuff, but I have a bunch of random tags so here’s a list of those:
☆ juli.txt - my talking tag! ☆ sumicore - info and stuff about me, some are just silly fun things and others are actual like. facts about me lmao. basically any polls cuz i rant in the tags for those ☆ the world is beautiful and I want to live!!! - hopecore stuff?? idk but there’s 3 exclamation marks ☆ images - vaguely aesthetic images but also just pictures I like ☆ queue? queue!! - self explanatory, all the art I have queued is there (99.999% of the things in the queue are fanart lmao) ((it’s actually a problem I have 300+ artworks as of right now)) ☆ hall of fame - my most favoritest posts ever ever forever ☆ teammates - pokemon I’ve used on my playthroughs! they mean the world 2 me ^_^ ☆ words - quotes and poems and stories I’ve liked ☆ creatures - all sorts of animals cause I don’t wanna tag all that
If there’s anything specific you need tagged, let me know!! For eye strain stuff, I tag everything as bright colors.
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## Kins (for fun lmao)
dont take this seriously this is just for funsies:
☆ selene (pkmn) ☆ gold/ethan (pkmn) ☆ sumire yoshizawa (p5r) ☆ fischl (genshin impact) ☆ nene kusanagi (prsk) ☆ kagamine rin and len (vocaloid+prsk)
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im literally so obsessed with pokemon/pokespe right now its insane and ESPECIALLY the kantrio (red, blue, green) + selene so if u want to rant about that you ABSOLUTELY should! I love hearing people’s head canons and opinions cuz I can’t put my own thoughts into words
Umm I think that’s everything lol I’ll add stuff if need be
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
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aha. i see... the post you tagged me in.... AND I SHALL DELIVER!!! kitty-delivery is at your service!!!!!!!!!!!! MYUHUHUUUUUU AWAWAWAWAAAAA (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
OKAYOKAYOKAY— so!! hmmmm.... what's up with gasty boy? what's gonna happen now that he's actually present and existing instead of scattered across everything everywhere all at once?? he's giving mad scientist but how far does the mad scientist go????? i'm interested in him 'cause i don't think i've ever read a sans au fic like this where the OG gaster was there too and i love the way you write them all!!!!!! or if you wanna do something else,, take this as an opportunity to infodump about anything you want!!!!! WAVE EMOJI WAVE EMOJI LOVE YOU CHICHIIII!!!! (≧▽≦)/ (≧▽≦)/
alright, you already know that he's a mad scientist, but as i've said before, he's morally gray, which means a lot of things don't deter him of completing/doing experiments.
which is why the lil 'oopsie daysie' happened with machine, and that's why there are alternates at the manor.
sans and papyrus, at the least, are pissed about it. but this discovery makes gaster's nerdy big boy brain hyperfixate on anything relating to the topic of alternative universes (humans in this universe dont have much research about it other than the occasional movie that makes you think, and the theories.)
and if i go further into this id spoil some of the plot (which i already did enough of) sooo, lets think of some hypothetical scenarios and headcannons!
id say that reader (you) would get into the lab a lot. and while you can be a great lab assistant, lets be honest, you touch too much shi 💀💀
gaster would have this thing where he'd put you in he corner for 5 minutes before letting you interact with the work again.
when i think of gaster's experiments, not only do i think of vials of dangerous liquids, but i also think of a SHIT ton of notes just neatly organized into notebooks on a metal shelf
a lot of the pages are more about ramblings and tiny details rather than general info
so if you try to read it, please get some context dear.
i know most ppl have the headcannon that sans gets his sleepy eepies from his dad, but he completely developed that on his own
gaster has a schedule set to where he sleeps for 8 hours, and only has 3 hours of free time.
which means if you see the other 13 hours blocked on his schedule he will not acknowledge you unless you are helping him progress
Going back to his interests, i think his favorite part about science are the details that most people miss that just really bring the whole theory together into a fact.
bro prolly has some national scientist awards and threw that shi straight into the trash.
its not that he isnt proud of his achievements actually, not at all.
he just doesn't need someone else, better yet a human to tell him so
so he tries to ignore the public despite their incessant please for his presence ✨
Since gaster actually exists, he is still labeled as the royal scientist, despite not being apart of a monarchy anymore, and does favors for the king when the curiosity allows it.
I want him to be a grandfather figure, who rambles on about success in life, who is also emotionally repressed, who also takes many risks that a man his age shouldn't.
his ideas and experiments are very "out of the box" per say. Like, if you told him you cant see souls at all (which is most likely gonna happen) dudes gonna strap you down and ignore your cries of pain as he extracts the your soul from your chest. poking and prodding at it to compare it to a monster soul.
i mean, he has the real thing now! no need to rely in outdated textbooks and theories right? why not test it for himself? and if you resent him for the rest of your life for it, he would tell you how lucky you are to still be alive and that he got what he wanted without losing a "potential specimen".
which makes you wonder what other lives has gaster been liable for??...oh well!
And noowwww back to the reader!
since reader is now gonna be a big part of his life- he'll allow certain things to slide. as you live more and more with him and the gang, he'll call you assistant or human and not by your real name.
i dont think gaster would spend much time around you during his scheduled hours (he kicks you out half the time)
but during his free time, and since you're human, he is very curious.
he asks about you, what it's like being a human female, what makes your skin darker than other humans, and why'd you conjoin your hair-
just lots of general questions about your appearance and how humans literally dont use INTENT at all.
and yes, INTENT, DETERMINATION, ATK, LOVE, and much more terms from undertale will be used in this fic. so i suggest getting into the fandom vocab a bit when you can-
but to put it simply, INTENT is like another way of language for monsters. it's pretty much what it says, but to break it down: intent is something that you do with purpose.
personally, i headcannon intent to be more intune with emotions and how the user feels and/or wants to feel in the moment. for example "aggressive and murderous intent" or "caring, sweet, and loving intent." and INTENT carries magic within it, hence why monsters are so in tune with internal emotions while humans aren't. and that's why monsters re more in danger with humans than any other creature, because humans used unknowing intent that could kill a monster in one hit.
Surprisingly enough he doesn't like to spend his breaks at home in his bed.
instead, he goes out to muffet's for a very specific coffee order, and a spider muffin.
half of the time he'll make you pay with your own money, crippling your pockets.
other times he'll roll his eyes when you "forget" to bring your wallet and get you only a drink off the menu.
if you catch him as he's leaving out for a break, gaster may sometimes not go to muffet's at all and find a park to watch kids trip at.
or maybe a grass field during golden hour.
im not gonna say that gaster hates kids, but it's moreso that fact that they...are underdeveloped, and therefore harder to understand in his eyes.
as ive said before, this guys ignores his feelings, so he gets uncomfortable when people show theirs.
so when you cry, or get angry in situations that dont seem as big to him as it does to you, he lowkey cringes a bit.
but since.. *sigh* you're now his pupil, as well as someone who takes his work more seriously than others (DESPITE YOUR TENDENCY TO TOUCH SHIT)
he has to take of you now! and *gags* comfort you
bro cant comfort for shit (which is one of the reasons why they dont have plants at their house)
so when you hug him with your snotty face... and your...wet tears, he shivers aggressively but tries to keep still
yea he doesn't hug back at all, its bad enough he has to watch you!
(or maybe it's bc he doesn't know how to hug back 👀)
In this au, the reader is canon to the universe. not isekaid, not transported, no. she lives there and the code is accurate. so any and all timelines will include her.
and timelines are gonna be a "what if", or maybe a chapter for angst. idk yet. And in this fic, imma make the choice for flowey not to remember resets. but only due to his will (cool right?).
frisk isn't really gonna be included much into the plot, only when it calls for it.
oh shit- back to gaster
not sure if i said this before, but warming up to gaster even the littlest bit is like reading a 100 chapter slowburn.
it's gonna take a long time, hell, maybe a year or so, for him and reader to start actually building a granddaughter/grandpa relationship. so while youre still getting to know him, it's like he's avoiding you, (but you clearly don't read his schedule enough sooooo)
and when you guys finally get to that point, you guys are like buddies. he'll ramble to you about certain topics, while you sit and listen.
you'd watch movies with him as he overanalyzes characters and plots, only to fuck it up and end up with something different, claiming "he could write a better one".
gaster loves helping you study
even if it's for a 5 question quiz, he'll help you out as much as he can!
plus, id be a shame if the ✨Smartest Man On the Surface ™✨ let his little human fail!
nuh uh, not happening!!!
he's very proud of you everytime you get an assignment back with an A with lots of praise from the teachers.
he'll even try to get you in a routine (which rarely works often, as easy as it seems)
gaster chuckles every time you make him a homemade snack, or lunch meal, it warms his little heart ❤️
Other times he can't stand your attitude
Why cant you control yourself in situations that aren't bigger than you make it seem?
it racks his big brain so much, that he bans you from the lab for 3 days when stuff like that happens.
he really hates it when someone has a tone with him, it grinds against some part of his brain the makes his more "violent" and intrusive thoughts.
its not noticable at first, at least not to him, but after the 1st hour he begins thinking
"humans have skeletons right?"
"what would skin all in a pile look like?"
"what would happen if he gripped, squeezed and strangled a soul made of pure determination?"
of course, he already knows that answer to those. and if you dont, just ask frisk.
im sure they remember very well.
but after the intrusive thoughts go away, he's just left seething in anger.
i feel like gaster (,similar to donnie from rise) has a hard time understanding other people, because he's been alone for most of his life.
and that makes him jealous of you.
but in the end, you'll always be gaster's little assistant ❤️
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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stiffyck · 1 year
I really don't wanna come off as rude because I know you've gotten people being nasty about this before, but when you spam reblog things do you think its possible you could have a tag for it? I really love your art but seeing repeats of posts on my blog honestly freaks me out
listen im answering only because you seem really nice but im not gonna tag it nor am i gonna stop. just unfollow me and check every once in a while if you want to see my art. i have an art tag so you can always go through that. this may come off as rude but its not my responsibility to make YOUR dash more friendly or whatever. if something or someone bothers you just unfollow. i see something that makes me uncomfortable that someone i follow posts about? i either block the tag they have for it or i just unfollow and come back to check their other stuff every once in a while.
also tagging it "spam reblog" or something wouldnt do anything as you would still see a shit ton of posts just filtered this time with the option to view said post. you would still get the spam. it doesnt make the posts disappear from your dash.
i have this in my pinned post that all asks about my spam reblogging will be deleted and from now on i wont be answering any asks even if they are like this.
this isnt me trying to be rude this is me saying that im not responsible for making your dash be more enjoyable. you follow who you wanna see and you unfollow/block those you dont wanna see. simple as that.
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deetealeaf · 6 months
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hi and welcome to my blog! stay awhile, if you'd like<33
this blog is a proclaimed @florsial fan blog!!!! anyone who dares to be rude or mean will be horrifically murdered <3333
About me-
my name is dee! im alright with nicknames tho, so go ahead
im queer, i go by she/her but will adore you forever if you sprinkle in some they/them
im mostly unlabeled when it comes to sexuality and gender, rn we're sticking woth just plain queer lols
i am a cancer sun, child of apollo, if you're into that
i am a minor, please dont be weird- i have a block button and im unafraid to use it :)
i love people, so talk to me if you'd like! dont be scared to start a convo<3
Things i like-
Music ->noah kahan, maisie peters, renee rapp, baby queen, beth mcarthy, conan gray, boygenius, lucy dacus, julien baker, hozier and tons more! but i mostly listen to specific songs, not specific artists.
Fandoms -> the marauders era, heartstopper, the batfam, harry potter(fuck jkr btw), percy jackson, heathers the musical, epic the musical, dead boy detectives
Books -> one for all by lillie lainoff, frankenstein(tho im not done reading it), dracula, the perks of being a wallflower, solitaire by alice oseman, as you wish by chelsea sedoti, kween by vichet chum, the gentlemans guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee, gwen and art are not in love, les miserables, and so much more that im not remembering(i also love book recs btw ;))
My tags-
dee's reblogs- stuff i think is important or just super cute
go to sleep dee challenge- mostly used at the unspeakable hours of the morning, basically shitposting
dee's music- rarely used, self explanatory i think
dee's gender- used when i need to panic about my gender on main, also very rarely used
dee's art tag- it is the tag where i art.
dee talks too much- new tag!! text posts
best ivan tag- tag for my lovely moot ivan<3
my fav dragon!- tag for my dear moot dragon<3
right now i only have this blog, which doesn't really have a theme, but ive been toying with the idea of a writing(vent tbh, not really writing) or art sideblog. ill tag it here if i do create it!!!
My blog/s-
HAHAHAAH IVE DONE IT!!! I created an art blog, but if yall wanna find it, ill make a post or something :)) just ask!!
have a wonderful day friend, and thanks for stopping by! i wish you the best<33
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
the thing that most concerns me about the billboard is the harassment people in the fandom will definitely start getting again. it’s just so exhausting and I wanted it to be over.
I saw a post yesterday spreading the guz khan/taika rumor and it had 25k+ notes. I’ve seen other posts shitting on us that have thousands of notes. it drives me fucking insane when people act like we aren’t The Thing to Hate on Tumblr right now or that we’re overreacting when we talk about it, just because they’re lucky enough not to have seen the abuse we get. I don’t look at twitter as much but I’m sure it’s the same there. sure, maybe it is just chronically online people who hate us, but it seems like there are a fuck ton of chronically online people now. enough to drive people out of the fandom with harassment imo.
Hey hon!
That's totally a fair concern. I get it, I would really like there to be less harassment and drama around everything. That Guz Khan/Taika rumor is especially frustrating because it's not true. Can it be reported for misinformation? Idk if tumblr does that or not, I haven't tried it. If you send me the link, I'll try?
I wanna be totally clear that you are not overreacting when you express your concern over it! Your concerns are absolutely valid. You've gone through a lot of trauma of dealing with people being shitty to this fandom, and that will cause a LOT of anxiety when people in the fandom do things that could potentially cause more drama. I've seen quite a bit of the abuse, especially over the last few months, and it's unfair and unkind, and totally fucked. The difficult part with it is, we dont know if it will cause more drama or not, and if it does, we have to figure out how to deal with it.
If you're seeing a lot of that harassment I would 100% block those folks. It's not worth your time and effort if they're just going to be trolls. It one thing if someone disagrees, it's another if people are just harassing and being cruel because they have a bone to pick. Idk if it helps but I feel like we're actually getting more fans? Ive seen a whole lot more people on tumblr (idk if they are twitter converts or not). Are you seeing a lot of folks leaving? Is it something we could help with, by providing a safe space to vent? Feel free to ping me if you wanna talk about it more.
PS: (not to make light of the above conversation, but since I have you here I have to say it) You posting that cryptid factor clip yesterday nearly broke me, I'll have you know, I cackle screamed and scared my cat (<3)
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blusical · 1 year
PSA: Please for the love of all that is hockey stop censoring the names of teams and players!
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I keep seeing this a lot on a ton of hockey blogs. (for example "d*nn", "p*tr*ck k*ne", "bl*es" or "v*g*s g*ld*n kn*ghts"), and honestly, it's really, really, bugging me, especially as someone who has some team lb tags filtered. I know most of you mean well, but this might not be the best idea. Even if you don't like saying their name. Even if you're censoring it as a joke. Even if you're worried about people you don't like flocking your blog (which, there's a block button for that btw). For one, Tumblr allows you to filter out certain words and tags. And people may already have specific players/filters tagged. If a post contains said filtered word/tag, it'll look like this:
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(Image ID: A screenshot of a tumblr post that is flagged to the viewer due to it containing "#bruins lb". The username and profile picture is covered in red. The person has an option to view the post, via a button that reads simply "View post". End ID). By censoring them, Tumblr won't pick it up, and people will still see the post they don't want to see. Additionally, censoring words, especially l*ke th*s (like this) might not be helpful to visually impaired folks, especially those who use screenreaders.
"So, what should I do instead?" If you're talking about something a player did, here's some tag suggestions I have: If you're talking about a player who has assault or abuse accusations against them, you can use "tw assault", "tw abuse", "tw sa" (if the accusation involves sa), "tw violence" or "violence mention" (if violence is involved), or similar tags! If you're talking about someone who has a history of bigotry, try tagging "racism", "ableism", "homophobia", "tw slur" (if there's a slur involved), or other similar tags! I do see people use "tw (team/player)" as well (ex. "tw hawks", "tw auston matthews", "cw wilson" or "cw boston bruins") as well, however, I also discourage against that, because not every hockeyblr user has those filtered, and from my understanding they also aren't that well known. Again, simply tagging the players' names or the name of the team is enough half the time. (And, as a bonus, if you already have "tw (player/team)" tagged, instead of removing them, you can also simply add the player or team name to the tags!) If you're simply trash talking a player or a team... just say the name. It's not that hard, really. However, you can also tag the post with "trash talk" if you don't want people seeing it. Other good tags/words to use include: "rant" or "vent", which can be especially helpful to folks who dont wanna see huge rants, vents or complaints. "tw injury", which you can use to filter out videos or discussions containing injuries. "tw blood" and similar tags can also be helpful if blood is involved. "hockey fight", which can be used for hockey fights. Can be especially helpful since some fights get bloody and do lead to injury. Simply tagging "fight" can also work! "swearing cw", can be helpful for folks who don't want to see posts with heavy amounts of cursing. I advise only using this if there's excessive swearing involved, and not if there's only one instance of a curse word. "slander", which you can use if you're ranting about a player you don't like. And additionally.. "I don't know how filters work!" or "I don't know how to filter words/tags!" Alright so here's what you do: 1. Go to your user settings. 2. Scroll to "content you see". 3. Add the tag or word you want to filter, like this:
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(Image IDs: Two screenshots of Tumblr settings. In the "Add a filter" bar are the words "tony deangelo" and "keith". End ID) 4. Click "Add" and bam! You're done! You might need to refresh for it to go into affect. Protip: Filtering out words will filter out all words of a specific phrase/name. For example, if you filter out "Tom Wilson", it will filter out all posts containing both words, even if it doesn't talk about the player. I advise using "Filtered Tags" when filtering out specific players, teams and team lbs.
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aurorathedragon45 · 4 months
yall this dude just randomly texted asking if i was charles (a TON of people have been confusing me with charles)
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should i unblock him, send him an among us twerking emoji, and block him again /j i dont wanna risk my privacy any further with this guy
oh yeah one of my friends who i sent the screenshot to ALSO texted the number, lmfao
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the-diabolic-acid · 2 years
there was a post that showed up on my dash about mother gothel and antisemitism but the op blocked reblogs, and i would like to talk about it because the take was really bad and filled me with anger and this is my blog i make the rules. i have no clue how old it is. i dont care im upset and i wanna talk about it sjfkdgj
cw for discussions of antisemitism in tangled under the thing i got a lot of thoughts so read more my beloved
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This is a bad take.
Whether or not it was intentional, Mother Gothel looks like a jewish woman. Her name is mother Gothel. making the protagonist of this story a blonde haired blue eyed girl who was kidnapped by a woman with dark curly hair and a hooked nose has implications whether you wanted to have them or not.
Not to mention! Blood libel! for anyone who is not aware, blood libel is a very old antisemitic trope that is found in Tons of pieces of media, where jews are accused of kidnapping and murdering goyim and using their blood in religious rituals. A lot of stories will use this trope without even realizing it, (Dracula is one that immediately comes to mind) which is why it is so important we talk about antisemitism and how pervasive it is.
A story about a woman with jewish features, named mother gothel, who kidnapped a blonde haired blue eyed girl and used her in a ritual to keep herself young has implications. Very bad implications. Passive antisemitism and active antisemitism are different, but getting defensive when someone (especially jewish people) tell you that a piece of media is harmful is in fact antisemitic and is very frustrating.
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Yes! If you create a characters with stereotypically jewish features, especially in a medium that has a Very long history of jew coding its villains, that is a problem. You can say it wasn't intentional, but please tell that to all the kids in disney circles who compared me to mother gothel. (News flash, I don't look like the VA. I look like an ashkenazi jew.)
This isn't to say you can't still love Tangled. I'm in the fandom. I'd be a complete hypocrite. But ignoring the harmful parts only makes things worse.
By the way, a side note, I was not seething when I read this, but then I read the tags.
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I'm sorry but. No? Respectfully can we not compare an antisemitic villain (she is antisemitic. I don't care if it wasn't intentional. Her design hurts jewish people.) to a genocidal maniac? Out of all the disney villains you could have picked to make that point you picked the one who explicitly wanted to commit genocide. I'm sorry but I really do not understand how you thought that was an OK and good point to make.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
yippee new pinned
yeah, ik, a new pin? but the other one felt too fucking long for me okay??
also its my blog so yeah anyways:
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(image id: a banner with a purple background and gold accents. in the middle is big yellow text that reads "This user was apart of the July-RWI 6th RPF event." END id.)
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(image id: a banner with flowers and white accents surrounding it. in the middle is bright pink text that reads "This user was apart of the July-RWI 2st RP event." below in smaller white glowing text reads "THIS BANNER WAS MADE BY @/S0LAR-CH3RI ON TUMBLR" END id.) (the slash is not there in image, i am making sure it doesnt tag me)
hey there, im the sapphic bigender slut running this blog! i use any pronouns, though i prefer he/her/it/sol (this can change so yeagh lmao). i like dogs and have some ill talk about, but im mostly a blog about writing and ramblers (with some art posts mixed in, youll know where to find them below soon)
if you want more info on the blog, check out this carrd! (and if you want to know what my past 2 old pinned posts looked like...)
-link to the 2nd or the one before this one -link to the 1st or the first of them all
i run a shit ton of rp blogs. like A LOT of absurb ones. luckily, one of my rp blogs (@oncewaskas) has a full list of the others and shit in their pin! also my friend muffin has a big big fucking rp blog list go check it out rn its so big and cool also check xem out please please please please please please they need more attention xeyre so so cool JUST RAHHHHHHHHH
(update on the thing above: heres a link to the post with all of my blogs, not just jrwi non-oc blogs)
now for tags (do be warned, there is A LOT.) (for fun im putting in parenthesizes all the refs the tags has if theres any) (also ive tried seperating them into categories where they match and shit): -
#not my usual content = might be more serious, just something i dont normally talk about (example: something that happened to me) #silli promo = im probs promoing my fics or smth #chilling in solar lights = just talking lol (sun reference) #op is not okay lmao = mostly on my older posts, im just going batshit insane bout smth - #cheri's insane again = theories >:) [i have several theory tags, this is for the more crazy/out there theories, example being my hair thief theory] #theories with cheri = like GTMTMP (game theory minus the mat pat) but for series i watch instead [also for the lesser crazier and more tame and/or plausible ones] #the rambler. = character/interest rambles - #cherry's fruity art basket = posting my own original art (like a fruit basket, also a lot of my characters are gay so yeah) #cheri's art findings = reblogging other peoples art, whatever form it may take (like fruit findings, another basket thing) #the (genderneutral) sons of this solar sun =talking about my ocs (i use gendered words ungendered, sun reference) #the bright smoothie of words = my writings (light and sun ref) #prepping for the shiney smoothie = talking about my writing and possibly also art (my writing tag is about a smoothie) - #the generator is back :) = ive used the trauma generator i found to meme something - #kingdoms of chaos = my old dnd campaign i played AND my first ever! (name of campaign) #in space chaos = the dnd campaign i curently am in, probs will talk about it saterdays (when its staerday here i mean) cause thats our campaign days (play on the name "kingdoms of chaos", if the campaign does get an actual name then im fucked lmao) #the chaos plans = a dnd campaign i wanna set up and dm for friends {wont be posrting this one much as 2 people who i want playing the campaign are on tumblr. unless they block tags then i cant do shit} (name play for "kingdoms of chaos") #gnashing teeth baby <3 = another campaign im in, probs gonna talk about this one the most (name of campaign is gnashing teeth, in reference to "WELCOME BACK TO JUST ROLL WITH IT BABY", "[insert thing here] my beloved <3") - #the pancake incident = the time i went crazy in comments to get a post to 10k notes (WE HAVE A LINK!! here it is for those unable to use the imbedded ones and what not: https://www.tumblr.com/b0nkcreat/730895614697766912/hello-everyone-i-would-just-post-the-image-here?source=share&ref=_tumblr) #ghe ersaer saga = the saga where i show off/talk about me fuckass erasers #the 2 birdies :) and gay se- = a tag for the stupid joke i have with my bud ev about the necklace with the fucking birds - #the autism is inspired?? = i found something that for whatever reason inspires me to write or whatever #just like a cool rock = like a cool rock, something interesting i found and must show the world #ohhhhhhhhhh me boobies saving for a03 = some actual writing advice thing ive found that im gonna save lol
#new info dropped for my brain = saving smth just cause rather then interesting #sending to the catagorized fan rays = saving fandom things (fan like fandom, rays like sun rays)
#*points at me* GAY = im experiencing immense attraction and you will comply (ref to how people point at others and call them gay for silly shit) - #the light in life = my dog has arrived (light and sun reference, you get it) #the fire of the sun = treasures, my dog for the tag above, brother (sun has fire) - #answers from the aster caster = ref to mythborne [a just roll with it oneshot] and a name i like, basically for asks lol
#a sun spirits dance. = for if im playing my sona or whateves lol
#jerwee supreme = a tag containing almost all my jrwi rambles (just roll with it in its shortened from is pronounced like jur-wee, weeb supreme is condis role in condicord which im in) #ghostly gazes into future eps = my fake transcripts, might be only pd but we'll see (reference to a line in a pd intro rap from will)
now with those out the way, i do have a mythborne related series im starting up, and you can suggest things i write! the way to do so is in the carrd i mentioned before. since i can, im mentioning those series now!
#the rats rise again! - the aforementioned series, will be drawn if requested (you can mention it on the form in like the complaints area lol) #game theory minus the matpat - i talked about it before, the carrd has all the info you need, yeah #Paranormal Callings (And How We Got You Out) - while i do wanna start it, to me it makes more sense drawn out in a comic like style, and id need to make a couple so i dont feel bad on leaving it out
heres mutual/friend/family tags:
#jrwi by non jrwi enjoyer = im talking to my non just roll with it friend on just roll with it [will be used for them in general, not just jrwi, its just mostly jrwi] #epic artist = im talking about my niece #silly billy goose = im talking about my cousin #SEXY MOTORCYCLE!!! = ive finally given into urges and started talking about my lovely (ex gf now friend) (a nickname for them based off an old tumblr post thing i dont remember) (not really used here any more) #piss dolphin mutual = a fun tumblr mutual i have on here (based off a fanfic line they wrote) #soup bubbles on the blr = another fun mutual i know (accidentally called them soup when their nickname was soap, soap has bubbles to it, reblogging their posts puts them on my tumblr dash so blr) #my enablerrrrrr = FELIS TIME YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYYY ("enabled" by them to do stupid shit like writing silly things) (i also write fanfics so yeah)
have a question? check the carrd or just ask lol okay bye
starting a collection of images because i can:
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^ tags can be found on @/okcoolthanks i just dont have the energy to link post
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lifeneedsrot · 1 month
🥀no minors! We don’t really post nsfw we’re just not comfortable with minors. Please block us if you’re a minor, we won’t be upset <3
🧦please please just block us and keep us blocked if you don’t like us
🥀starship system, yadda yadda, no host, 37 alters. Every post is tagged “[alter] starshipsys”. This account is for finding friends! If we followed you here, we’re open to friendship! Our previous account is starshipsys. We have no DNI, just know we’ll block you if we don’t like you. Alter intros under the cut!
🔥we are “proship”. If we followed you and you have “proship” on your dni, you’re welcome to block, however, may I suggest you learn what “proship” means, and not the propaganda you’ve been fed by “antis”? Ship and let ship, don’t like don’t read, your kink is not my kink, tag your fiction properly, censorship of fiction will lead to censorship of queer identities: these are the core “proship” beliefs. If you agree with them, you are “proship”, whether you wish to be associated or not. We don’t actually care about fandom nonsense nor are we passionate about shipping. Proship is in quotes because I find the entire argument ridiculous to begin with, obviously fiction is not reality and anyone with half a brain can differentiate the two. If you can watch a horror movie without real trauma, other people can read weird smut without acting out anything dangerous. If you are disgusted by a certain fictional action, you’re welcome to not engage with it, but you have no right to enforce censorship out of disgust. That is how queer people become censored. Yes, that includes your disgust for That.
🔥we are pro good-faith identities. That includes endos. It is not “punk” to be anti good-faith identities.
Emoji - name - pronouns - headspace age
🌰 - Acorn - they/he - 5
🌰hi I’m a memory holder. There’s rainbow, starlight, me, agate, prince, elizabeth, indigo, socks, quasi, and merlin in order. Maverick is the current memory collector. I like playing outside and good sticks and having adventures
🧤 - Agate - they/them - 8
🧤hi. I like gloves and playing in mud. I like bugs. I’m sad a lot. I’m also lonely a lot. I like littlest pet shops. I like being cozy inside with soup on rainy days. I like cats. My role is to make sure we express our feelings or something like that, I don’t know.
🪩 - Boppie - they/them - 21
🪩honestly imma just copy paste from our last intro whatev. Hey!!!!!!! I’m TONS of fun, I like dancing, I like being loud, and I like not giving a shit. I’m totally chill. I’m better at in person interactions than online, tbh. I wanna go to a rave and to a bunch of conventions and festivals and parades and honestly if it’s a loud party, I wanna be there. Unforchy maverick says No Never to all my wants and needs, waaaaaahhh. Can’t even drink alcohol. Can’t EVEN have COFFEE. No substances allowed. I’ll prolly talk about wanting to try shit and whine about how nobody lets me have any fun. I like music and singing and sometimes I play around on beepbox to make songs. I’m awful at it lawl but it’s fun!! I can’t survive without constant stimulation, so like, stimulate me. LMAO
♠️ - Cole - he/it - 19
♠️hey. I’m a living weapon. A knife to be exact. I like sharp objects. I don’t have much to say. I used to be a persecutor that harmed the body. I don’t want to harm anyone anymore. Our blades will only be used for protection. Not harming. I like space and stars.
🐰 - Daisy - she/bun - 7
🐰hi I’m daisy. I like bunnies. I also like sewing. Um I love tazzy. He seems scary but he’s actually really nice. I like my little pony friendship is magic. I like playing pony town. Sometimes I say everypony instead of everybody because it makes me happy. I really like cuddles.
🎀 - Elizabeth - she/her - 10
🎀Hello. I like tea and dresses. I also like cake. I like princesses, especially Cinderella and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty). Anastasia is also nice. I like animated movies. 2D, not 3D. I think 3D animation is stupid and not very creative because everyone is doing it nowadays. Coraline is good though, because it’s Claymation, which to me is not the same as 3D animation.
🔭 - Estella - she/they - 21
🔭I’m the matchmaker of the system! I try to match alters with other alters that’ll meet their needs. I also love creative projects, specifically videogames, and want to learn how to make our own videogames. I’m a robot catgirl :3 ALSO I love minecraft!! I am so bad at it but I love it though
🐁 - Fobi - it/she - unclear
🐁whhhhhy am I being made to front. Hhh. Okay. I like running away. I am the flee stress response. If I’m fronting, something bad is probably happening to us. I’m not particularly social. I don’t want to do anything but ESCAPE
🦇 - Grim - it/its - unclear
🦇I like being hurt… I don’t know… I’m kind of messed up. My role is to be the punching bag. The pincushion. I’m the fawn stress response. Or something… I don’t know. I just want to appease, and sometimes that means people need someone to be mad at, and I can be what they’re mad at
🌺 - Haven - she/he - 21
🌺I like our friends! I like cats and dogs and cat and dog friendship dynamics. I like making friends and meeting people. I love cuddles and hugs. I care about people. I love giving gifts, tickling people, spoiling people, taking care of people, and offering words of affirmation. You should talk to us and get to know us, maybe we can be friends!
🏵️ - Hope - she/any - ageless
🏵️I’m HOPE!!!! I love dandelions and gardens and flowers and plants. I also love butterflies and bees. And I believe things are going to be okay. Things will get better. Things will be okay. You should believe too. You’re doing okay. You’ll be okay. Don’t worry, everything will work out. Yes, even that.
✏️ - Indigo - they/them - 12
✏️howdy, I’m Indigo!! I LOVE wings of fire!!!!!! I know everything about wings of fire. If you mention wings of fire I will either front immediately or loom near front. I also love undertale but I have no idea about any of the aus that were made, I just know what happened in canon. Deltarune is awesome too!! I love writing stories and want to be a book author.
🎊 - Jynx - she/any - ageless
🎊I’m the coolest entity in existence. They call me the godhunter. You’ll learn to love me. You’ll learn to worship and adore me. Because I’m literally the best. I like stepping on people, fancy extravagant outfits, big flashy entrances and dramatic exits, and huge loud events. I need everyone’s attention constantly.
🍠 - Kakxyl - he/any - eternal
🍠Greetings. I am Kakxyl. I am old and tired. An ancient being that longs for mortality. I enjoy baking, cooking, and eating. I care greatly for my children, Jynx, Lynx, and Present, though I haven’t always been the best father. I believe nothing is eternal, not even eternity itself, and all things shall break from their cycles.
🫐 - Lynx - he/any - ageless
🫐hey. I’m Kakxyl’s son. We’re getting rid of immortality. Me, Jynx, and Present. So that I can murder my dad. Haha, just kidding. Or am I. I like purples and blues, especially pastel ones. I don’t really have a role anymore. I was the freeze stress response, but not anymore
⚓️ - Maverick - he/they - 21
⚓️I’m so tired of making intro posts. I’m always tired though. I’m Maverick, captain of the system. I make the final decisions on anything that could severely impact our system. I like the ocean and pirates and shit like that or whatever. I like slay the princess, prisoner is my fav. Fun fact, front body can’t swim, which pisses me off to no end.
🔮 - Merlin - they/them - 20
🔮hey I have anxiety and I’m writing this at the worst possible time LITERALLY why. Okay so. I’m a wizard. Yeah. That’s it. I don’t like sharing things about ourselves. I prefer to hide everything and be secretive and mysterious. I like running and hiding from my problems.
🐈‍⬛ - Nevermore - she/her - adult
🐈‍⬛oh dear, hello. I am Nevermore, I’m married to Hope, we love to garden together. I consider myself a healer, I mend the wounds of others, and a guardian, I protect others from harm. I also watch after the syskids in front. I love children! They’re quite darling and deserve the world. I love small creatures, too.
🍥 - Nyan - he/she - 6
🍥I’m Nyan cat REAL!!!!! Nyan nyan nya nya nyan nyan nya I like CANDY and toys! Right now I’m really into legos but I wanna like other toys too. I like pony town too!!! A lot of us like pony town you so absolutely should play pony town with us and ask us about all our ponies. We have one for every one of us.
⚫️ - Obsidian - he/him - adult
⚫️yknow, I got dragged into front for the first time to do this intro. This sucks. I’m a protector. I’m a dragon thing. I like volcanoes. I like spiders. I like the deep sea. I don’t take shit seriously, but I’m also very serious. And I wanna get us on an actual exercise regimen.
🩵 - Present - she/it - adult
🩵hello, I’m present. I believe no sentient entity is worthy of godhood or immortality. That’s irrelevant in this world, though, so it doesn’t matter :>. I like blue things, winter, and flying. I think the well-being of many is more important than the well-being of one, but the trolley problem creates a false dichotomy, it tricks you into picking one of two choices, when in reality, everyone has infinite choices at all times.
👑 - Prince - he/him - 9
👑I’m prince. I like videogames, like spore and minecraft. I also like online chat room type of games. We used to play animaljam but when adobe flash broke then our account was deleted so now we play pony town. I prefer sitting inside and playing videogames on my own. I can be very irritable and snappy.
🥀 - Quasiren - they/them - 18
🥀I’m quasi! I like big feelings. The more passionate, the better. I like to feel crazy. Like I’ll die of overwhelming feelings! Good or bad. Maverick is super intense about everyone having a really specific purpose, so I guess mine is to seek intimacy, or something like that. I love TCOAL and BTD/TPOF!!! I’m teeeeechnically a slurry of Ashley Graves, Ren Hana, The Thorn (STP), and a previous host all melted together. You should be our friend! I promise it’ll be worth it!! ^v^
🌈 - Rainbow - they/them - 3
🥩 - Raptorse - it/its - adult
🥩I only front to eat STOP BOTHERING ME WITH THESE STUPID INTROS. I like vore and cannibalism and guts everywhere and eating yor guts out omnomnomnom.
🚀 - Rocket - he/him - adult
🚀I’m Rocket. I don’t like people. I don’t trust you and I won’t trust you. I don’t trust anyone. I hate these intros. We’re better off alone.
🧦 - Socks - they/them - 15
🧦hiiiii! I’m socks. Unsurprisingly, I like socks. I like collecting socks. Especially colorful socks or silly socks with cool patterns. I like socks that go up to at least my knees but prefer thigh highs, though I don’t mind shorter socks as long as they look silly. I also like collecting littlest pet shop and squinkies. We had an animaljam account but it’s gone now because we didn’t log on after the flashplayer thing stopped working or whatever. I love Kakxyl, he is a big fluffy pink dragon and soooo cuddly.
🎆 - Starbound - she/any - ageless
🎆hey bitch. I’m Starbound. I like fucking waterfalls or some shit. And plants. I hold anger. I shoot lasers from my mouth. I’m crazy and angry and murderous and will fuck you up if you’re a bitch. Which you are. Bitch
💫 - Starlight - they/she - 4
💫hi I’m starlight and I like kakies very much and playmobil toys and stars and space and brown sugar and I hate stairs they are the scariest actually no escalators are scarier they’re stairs that move
🪱 - Tazelein - he/any - ageless
🪱hiiiiii~!!! I’m Tazzy. I like cute things and torture. I find pain very cute and enjoy seeing cutiepies squirm in agony. No, I wont introduce myself in a normal way <3! Aaanyway. I like sex and gore, especially when they’re mixed together. I’m the “evil” one, ahehe.
🕊️ - Utopia - they/any - ageless
🕊️hello. I enjoy spirituality and discussion about religious or spiritual concepts. I hold a fascination for all things spiritual. We currently consider our system as a whole agnostic, though we love theorizing about spirituality, and we believe it is possible to form deep spiritual connections that allow for such things as dream visiting or syshopping.
🦠 - Vitriol - it/its - adult
🦠we’re disgusting, evil, vile, a nasty disease on this earth. Everything about us is despicable, so you should hate us. If you don’t, you should. If you don’t now, you will. Befriending us is dangerous. Being close to us is dangerous. We’re evil.
🕸️ - Webber - they/any - ageless
🕸️ah, hello. :}. I am webber. I’m a spider deity. I represent trust. I enjoy cuddling and I’m quite fond of, well, tying people down. Please do not talk about wanting to kill spiders around me, it is quite upsetting. I love jumping spiders and tarantulas, though every spider holds a place in my heart.
🪷 - Willow - they/them - 21
🪷hey! I front the most nowadays I think, so I’m also sort of the host. I like rainworld, especially Five Pebbles my love! I’m part of the memory collector line, the most recent one, which is why no one else mentions me, because I’m just editing this to add myself XD
🔥 - Xray - xe/xim - primordial
🔥I do what’s necessary. When something is exceptionally difficult and no one wants to do it, I front to take care of it. I like flames, summer, and volcanoes. I’m Yarrow and Zenith’s husbandthing.
🌲 - Yarrow - yt/yts - primordial
🌲Hello. I am Yarrow. Zenith wants me to refer to myself as “spousething” for zer. Yes, I love zer very much. I reflect back to people parts of themselves they may not have seen. I like writing about our system and chronicling everything that goes on in the system.
🌊 - Zenith - ze/zer - primordial
🌊hiiiii I’m the overprotective Wifething of Yarrow and Xray. I also consider myself top mama of everyone in the system, including Nevermore. I guess that’s makes me top grandmama. I’m everyone’s mom’s mom!!!! If you’re a mom iiii outrank you. I outmom you. I’m the mom of all time. What else do you need to know about me? I like water! Splish splash.
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fefairys · 1 year
ok i wanna make my own tips post for the redditors
hello welcome :] here's some things i've noticed it seems a lot of you aren't aware of. i might add more later:
first of all, PLEASE turn on custom theme! you don't have to actually make or find a theme yourself as it gives you a default one, (but it is really fun and good to personalize your blog however you want) but doing this makes it easier to view and search your own blog, as i will describe later. this makes it so that you will show up at yoururl.tumblr.com and not just tumblr.com/yoururl it gives you your own page! it's good!! you can only tick this setting on desktop:
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another very important thing: DO NOT FUCKING REPOST ART WITHOUT CREDIT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. honestly you should not report art without permission at all, but at LEAST credit the artist. and saying "idk who did this but credit to them" DOES NOT COUNT. take some time to reverse google image search and find the artist. if you can't find them, DON'T REPOST!!! turning the art into a meme doesn't mean you don't have to credit the artist!!!!!! AAHHH!! ok.
TAGS/SEARCHING in reblogs, all tags serve to do is (a) leave a bit of quiet commentary, if you're too shy to leave it in the actual body of the post or (b) organize posts on Your Blog Only. tagging a reblog does not make the post show up in the searchable tag. reblogs are not searchable through the tumblr search bar.
to find posts from a certain tag on your own blog, go to yoururl.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. you can also add /chrono to the end of that url to view the posts in chronological order! you actually don't need to tag original posts with every variation of a tag either. for example if you tag something as "r/196", it will show up when just "196" is searched for, because it contains "196" in it. so you dont NEED to tag the post "196, r196, r/196" etc. but i mean. do whatever u want. honestly i think a lot of veteran tumblr users don't even know that. but yeah tagging with a ton of variations like that is unnecessary unless you're spelling something differently or doing an abbreviation as well as a full title, such as "#what we do in the shadows, #wwdits"
also, your posts are searchable by literally any word in the post, whether it be the body, the tags, or even your url. so if your url has 'catboy' in it, and someone searches 'catboy' they will see all of your original posts in the tag lmao. it is pretty stupid but that's how it works.
on that note, FILTERING with filtering tags, it is very specific. so if youre content warning tagging something, please just tag it with the word, like "#blood" because if you tag it "#cw blood" or "#blood ///" people who just have "#blood" blocked, will still see the post! lots of veteran tumblr users don't seem to grasp this either 😭
you can filter out words as well as tags, but that can get tricky because if you filter out "rape" words like "grape" and "drape" will also be blocked, so i only use the word filter to block peoples urls. because even if you have someone blocked, you can still see people reblogging their posts, so if u don't wanna see them at all, block their url as a filtered word.
you can do all of this in the regular ol' 'settings' tab on desktop. on mobile it's settings -> general settings -> filtering
PAGES something i love about tumblr but is getting used less and less is the ability to make separate pages on your blog. the option to do so is all the way at the bottom on the theme customization panel. (only available on desktop tumblr)
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nowadays a lot of people just make a carrd and provide a link to that, but tumblr allows you to make your own separate blog pages! a lot of people use this to make "about me" pages, since it provides a lot more freedom than just the "blog description" section! you can put images on there, and just completely code the whole thing yourself! unfortunately, these pages aren't visible on mobile unless you link to them in your blog description (see my blog as an example) using <a href="link">link title</a> lots of people have links like this in their descriptions that lead to about pages or carrds! you should click on these to learn more about the person you're following!!
some people have "DNI (do not interact)" or "BYF (before you follow)" pages to set boundaries on who they do or don't want following them, as a warning of like "hey if you fall under this criteria and you follow/interact with me, you're getting blocked" so those are good to check for! some folks have lots of strong opinions on these that theyre "stupid" or "useless" but really it's just a warning and setting boundaries. like, if you follow me and ur not supposed to, i'm just gonna block you anyway, it was just a warning that that's what was gonna happen!
speaking of blocking, just fuckin' block whoever you want whenever you want. if you find someone annoying just block them. if they post something you don't like just block them. there's no need to get into an argument. just block! and they're gone! wheeee!!
SIDEBLOGS!!! you can have separate blogs from your main one that are connected to your same account! some people have tooooons of sideblogs for every single fandom they're in, some people just use their main for everything. it's up to you!
note that you can only like posts, send asks, follow people, and reply to posts under your main blog url. sideblogs are just for posting and reblogging in a more organized manner :] it's good to say in the description of your side blog what your main blog is so people know who you are when you like and reply to posts and such! (and also to list your sideblogs somewhere on ur main for the same reason. i use the aforementioned about page for this ^u^)
um that's it for now! there's a lot of other things i could talk about, but i'm sure other posts are covering it.. these are just ones i really want to iterate, especially the tags thing cause i think a lot of tumblr users don't even realize that lol ^u^ i've been active as fuck on tumblr since 2013 so I can answer questions if you have any :)
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