#i dont offer literally anything to anyone. like i need to start over. i need to be someone different. i cant be myself for another 60 years
ustwoforsaken · 3 months
you know maybe 'when i die ill be reincarnated into my paracosm' is not the best belief to foster within yourself
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jaiistg · 11 months
Enemies to lovers with Oikawa Toruu.
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Authors note: Hiyaaa im back from the deadd, school's been stressing me out lately and I've been studying hard because I want to make my parents proud since they have high expectations of me.Im currently finishing my drafs and request's,Im sorry if it took awhile to write this HAHAJKAKAHAHAJJ
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•You didn't really like Oikawa when you first met him,I mean....You didn't hate him nor like him so...Yeah.
•Your probably questioning why you feel neutral abt him Oikawa WELL YOU WERE WALKING TO THE SHOP TO BUY MILK BREAD BUT THEN YOU TRIPPED.AND YOU KNOW WHAT THIS BITCH DID????? HE LAUGHED AT YOU.But when he finished laughing he did offer you an hand "Hey are you Okay?" LIKE I LITERALLY TRIPPED DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU?? "Nice of you to help me after laughing at me".
•You expected to never see his face again BUT NOOO....When you arrived at Aoba Josai YOU WERE MET WITH HIM.What a nice way to start school! "YOU?!" "The principal told me to help you with your first day to school cutie" "ew.I can do this on my own,leave me alone" and you got lost...THANK GODDD YOU SAW HIM,it was so awkward like you had to approach him from a bunch of fangirls giving him chocolates and shits😭 "Hey so.....I actually need your help...." "Ohohohoh?"
•You don't really know what his fangirls see in him.Was it his cocky attitude? Was it his narcissistic personality? Or was it his good looks? Even if you dont like him you can't deny that he has good looks,like bros magestic and knows it😭😭.
•He was really shocked when you didn't became all over him on the store,He was curious about you and wanted to see you again.You on the other hand WANTS TO AVOID THIS BOY.LIKE WHEN HE SAW YOU AT HIS SCHOOL HE WAS THINKING "this must be my lucky day" while you were thinking "Why does god hate me this much" LMAOO😭
•It all changed when your little brother was lost and you FINALLY saw him with Oikawa.He was so Gentle and Nice to him.You didn't expected him to have that kind of side.Maybe you were to judgemental of him so you decided to become friends with him and apologize.It was hard with his cocky attitude but you did it !! So proud of you
•As time goes by you became good friends with him surprisingly and got along with him ! It didn't take long until you both catched feelings for eachother tho.You didn't confess whatsoever because your afraid of rejection soo my boy Oikawa confessed first and didn't expect for you to return his feelings but he's happy !!
•We all know Oikawa has alot of fangirls amd it isn't rare for his significant other to be insecure of themselves because of It.He reassured you that he loves you more than anything and would never leave you for anyone.
•He would remind you everyday that he loves you so much,and he ALWAYS talks about you to his team to the point that whenever he says "do you guys know that y-" "dude just shut up already,we get it okay.Your in a healthy relationship 🙄". You get flowers everyday from him *winks*.
•And boy when I tell you,this boy is touch starved ‼️ whenever you guys walk to school together he would always hold your hand.And when your in class and you're tired he would always offer you his shoulder he gave the professor money so y'all could sit next to eachother,so worth it.
•This dude literally has all the love languages to exist lets not talk about quality time,yeah? BUTT HE MAKES IT UP WITH YOU WHENEVER YOU GUYS CAN'T SPEND TIME WITH EACHOTHER OKAYY.This poor boy feels so guilty and thinks he isn't worth your love just because you guys haven't spended time with each other for 2 DAYS pls comfort him.
•Hes happy that you support his passion for volleyball,its rare for someone to not get mad at him because he always plays volleyball and barely can spend time with his significant other.But just because you support his passion for volleyball doesn't mean that you support him ALL the time.When he is tired and exhausted but still wants to practice volleyball you say that he needs to take a rest.He can't say no to you so he did take a rest.He is really grateful to have a girlfriend like you !!<33
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saltyskeletonkidpasta · 3 months
Prepared to get backlash on this but I dont understand why anyone likes jack gibson? He Literally ruins EVERYTHING then doesnt even feel the need to apologise then just gets given the chance to swoop in and be the hero or the nice guy and people seem to fall for that?
He slept with andy in s1 knowing it was against the rules and they could've broken the whole teams trust, slept with maya knowing andy would probably be hurt and let maya take all the blame for that and didnt defend her or have the decency to explain to andy himself, went out of his way to make maya feel worse for crying after Ripley died all bc he found her tears "a little distracting" and just kept going even after she told him to stop making her feel worse, threw a hissy fit the entirety of s3 at her bc he was bitter abt being dumped and had no problem ganging up on her with andy as if he wouldnt have taken the job if he was offered it, broke the code and slept with his teammates wife multiple times despite knowing she was married and then when Rigo found out he continued to lie to his face like right before he died he said he didnt know (which he did after the first time), then after being given therepy by diane and the team forgiving him very easily and he was preaching abt how he was trying to be better then had absolutely no problem helping maya self sabotage her new rl despite him knowing she was in one and that she'd been abused by her dad and threw that in her face then didnt leave when he was asked then picked her up and took her to the bunk while maya was clearly emotionally distressed, thus making the exact same mistake again after the rigo and eva situation and after treating maya terribly all season and constantly whining abt how she chose her career over him as if she ever made any promises to him or did anything with him other than hook up then SHE was one to apologise to HIM, he didnt apologise to the team for breaking the code, or to carina for getting with her gf knowing she was with her.
Then got with inara after saying he wouldnt, who was previously abused in a relationship who he helped get out of. Broke the code AGAIN in S5 by making out with vic knowing she was with theo and didnt even apologise to him and told vic she could ruin her life and that he didnt care, the writers then gave him this redemption arc with helping set up the clinic, and giving people medical care which he is literally paid to do, and stripped carina of any dignity and turned her into his fan girl with that stupid donor crap, his motivation to be it wasnt at all abt helping out his friends all his reasons were selfish then he butted into everything, literally fetishised them and was straight up just creepy, then blurted out marinas private information to the first person he next saw (andy) without permission, then ditched the station without a word after Andy's charges literally JUST got dropped and leaving marina with absolutely no warning, also bailed on marsha who has basically been a mother to him, lied abt where he was to andy for like 3 months knowing how triggering lies were for her, was blatantly rude to maya and disclosed her private info AGAIN infront of vic, didn't even apologise to her for leaving or to andy for lying all carina got was "oh sorry by the way" then went with the victim complex. Everyone on the team showed up for him and tried to help him ben, vic and carina gave him advice rigo came back from THE DEAD for him and andy constantly bent over backwards trying to help him and she was met with rudeness.
He made maya's injury all abt himself and confided in her literal WIFE abt how hard it would be for HIM to lose her then didnt even ask if either of them were okay nor did he visit maya in the hospital, then when carina came back to the clinic he followed her around like a creep trying to peer into a private cubicle then started accusing her of all sorts and gossiped abt her to ben despite knowing she was going through such a difficult time as if he has any right to criticise given his track record and used the excuse that "he didnt want the family to fall apart" and said he'd do the same with ben and miranda which is just rude and not his place anyway and also that he'd "worked hard to be back there" when he really didnt he was instantly given his job back the second it was announced that maya was injured.
When he slipped and smacked his head in 6x14 he got a concussion he still went on the call and didnt tell anyone until he literally passed out in the beanery which if he had collapsed on the call he could've hurt himself even worse or left a team member exposed in a fire and got them hurt or even a civilian. Extremely irresponsible of a paramedic then was suprised it lead to permanent brain damage. Then when everyone tried to do something nice and throw him a party he was like "they are only doing this bc they are obliged to" like seriously? People on the team are constantly there for him and he is so coddled by them. He has marsha and his sisters yet still mopes around like "I have no one who cares abt me :(" I get hes been through alot but so has everyone else they dont whine nearly as much and some dont get half as much support as he does. He has made so many mistakes and has put in the least amount of effort to make up for them yet everyone still loves him? I dont get it..
Also I think the actor is so bad. I'm sure grey is a nice person and this is purely criticising acting capabilities. I literally can't watch his scenes without cringing. In the first 3 seasons I thought he was bland and emotionally stiff then after that it looked like he was almost trying to hard as his face was constantly twitching and eyes squinting, all his sentences were stuttery and couldn't get one out without an "uhhh", also his HANDS omg I particularly noticed this in S5 and a bit in s6 (however it looked like the directors made an effort to get him to tone it down after s5) WHY is he always flailing? They're constantly moving and it doesnt look natural AT ALL and it is SO distracting. I known for a fact that makes the editors lives so much more difficult bc that's hard to edit in post..and emotional range is not good. It never has been. If you pay attention pretty much all of the crying scenes he's has he covers his eyes. There is no tears. It doesnt seem like grey is very comfortable with doing them he doesnt really do it very well imo
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I just saw a very interesting post about the difference between how todolf shippers look at todolf as a fantasy vs how elisatod shippers look at elisatod as a fantasy and i wanted to throw my two cents in regarding elisatod in canon, but Im feeling a lil shy so Im not reblogging it, and this is a pretty small fandom so Im sure youve already seen it or will see it if you just keep scrolling down. In case you havent, the gist of it is that for a lot of elisatod shippers (and for a lot of the people in charge of the more recent german-language productions) one of the biggest appeals of their dynamic is this idea that death doesnt love anyone except for Elisabeth which makes her special, whereas with todolf its more like. Im having a hard time summarizing it in my own words, I guess i personally would say that its literally just the inverse where todolf shippers think that death has a romantic relationship with everyone (or at least everyone who thinks a lot about death and dying) so the 'specialness' of it doesnt matter/doesnt factor into it, its basically just about their dynamic in a vacuum, but i dont think thats what the post was saying ? Whatever, we're talking about elisatod rn so it really doesnt matter
So, for me the most important thing about the love between Elisabeth and der Tod is that its pretty much unrequited until the moment she dies. Like, we have a brief moment of mutual interest when they first meet and she sings the little Wie Du reprise and (in the 1992 prod) he gives her this suggestive look after shes done, but after that its basically all him pursing her when she clearly does not want that, until Rudolf wo bist du where she is finally ready to give into him, but now he doesnt want her, and then they only really fall in mutual love when she dies and they basically have no other choice. This friction where they can never really be in mutual love because Elisabeth never wants to lose her agency or control over her life until she doesnt and tries to give it up, and Tod only "wants" her when shes clinging on to life and rejecting him, is the core of their relationship.
Now, you'll notice that i put the word 'wants' in quotes when i was talking about Tod and thats because i dont think he, as originally witten in the vienna productions, is capable of wanting anything because hes not a person, hes a reflection of the people around him and because of that, his behaviour in any given scene is determined by the context around him. I know thats kind of a clunky way of phrasing that, but I have to do describe it in such a broad and vague way because his behaviour is really not consistant. For an example of what Im talking about, in Elisabeth mach auf mein Engel, he tells Elisabeth that he loves her but hes only doing that in contrast to Franz Joseph; her husband comes up to her trying to burden her with his own problems when she's feeling bad and in need of comfort herself, meanwhile death is offering her unconditional love. Another example that I like is in Die Schatten werden länger reprise, where he has to start the song because Rudolf is too paralysed by fear to articulate his feelings until he has his support
But the moment of death's behaviour being influenced by the people hes interacting with that I find the most interesting, is his introduction during the prologue where the people he's interacting with are the audience. Because during that part of the song, hes essentially playing into the audience's expectation that Elisabeth and death will be a traditional soft tragic romance, hes talking about her in a very gentle and wistful way and in way that subtly implies that she was the only person he ever loved, but then during the actual story, hes treating her very aggressively and their relationship is honestly pretty unpleasant, and we can clearly see that she was not the only person he ever loved because his and Rudolf's relationship is just as intense in a similar overtly romantic way (and arguably more so because its mutual and requited). But then obviously we got Kein Kommen ohne Gehen which essentially contradicts all of this and severely clashes with the entire rest of the elisatod relatio ship, but its late and if i start complaining about that, Im gonna add another 2 paragraphs to this post
So yeah, these are some of my thoughts about elisatod, i have a lot more but its 2am and i just soent two hours writing this and I can feel my brain turn into mush, so yeabh. please let me know what you think
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
So, I got this idea a while ago but I'm generally a slow writer so while I plan to do something with it, I thought I'd share it to see if anyone else liked the idea and wanted to play with it, too.
What if Fright Knight isn't the name of a specific ghost, but rather the position of body guard/General for the Ghost King? The one we meet in the show is who Pariah Dark chose.
I don't see Danny being ok with using the same Fright Knight as Pariah Dark. At all. So, in typical teen fashion, he ignores it and hopes he just won't have to deal with it. (He's also ignoring Clockwork's increasingly persistent demands he gets crowned.)
Flash forward and he's in Gotham. This could be part of a standard he gets adopted by Bruce Wayne fic. Maybe he and the bats know each other's secrets, maybe they don't. But Danny meets Jason for the first time and is all: "What the fuck brought you back to life?" This can be in front of the others for comedy or maybe he chases Jason down after the first meeting and does it in private for angst. Dealers choice.
Well, he drags Jason to the Far Frozen with half-baked explanations so Frostbite can fix his corrupted ectoplasm issue. And while there Jason gets a crash course in ghost biology.
With Danny in the Ghost Zone, Clockwork comes up and tries to force the coronation to happen. Takes one look at Jason and offers him the position of Fright Knight. Bribes him with the cool sword it comes with.
Jason accepts.
When they return to Gotham, Jason is super over protective of Danny. Mostly because he cured his pit rage, but also because it's his literal job now. He starts referring to Danny as King Brat or My Liege at all times.
If you like, he can also be all "Hey, dad" (some of his father issues went away with the pit rage) "So, I'm the general of an inter-dimensional army of beings that the US government has declared war on. I'm gonna have to fight on their side. So if we don't want an all out war waged on US soil, can we get the Justice League in on this to straighten things out?"
And Danny's like "No! No wars! I don't support this!"
And Jason is all "Sorry, My Liege, but my job is to keep you safe. And the US government attacked first. I don't need your permission to defend you and your people."
And everyone's just super confused until they all sit down with the League to go over the Anti-ecto laws.
Extra, extra bonus points. Jason helps create a study plan for Danny to learn the politics and history of the Ghost Zone along with finishing his normal schooling.
Ooooooo I enjoy your funky little mind thoughts sm.
Jason becoming Danny’s Fright Knight is something I dont think I’ve ever seen explored before. This is super cool.
It’d be neat to see the Fright Knight title slightly change Jason.
He’s now stronger, faster, able to think quicker, higher endurance, anything that could benefit him in martial or long range combat to protect his king? He gets a slight buff of said abilities. The title is something granted to one chosen person by the Ghost King, that position has a bit of ghost magic bullshittery tacked onto it.
Jason is much more alert and aware of Danny at all times, almost like a second sense. He’s extra protective because the title requires him to be but he also is extra protective because the Fright Knight title MAKES him protective. It’s an ingrained sense info his entire being now. Its his sworn duty to protect the King.
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Assistance Pt. 2
part 2, requested, reader and Kenny have started to develop a fwb relationship, but things get complicated as the two are put into a complicated storyline.
TW: Lil’ bit angsty, jealousy, fwb relationship, explicit sexual content, SMUT, also this is very long
Three months had gone by since that night. It was now a regular occurance for you and Kenny to sleep together every few days or so. It started out as a secret, something the two of you found fun, a more... interactive, way to decompress from life and work. You both knew it was only a carnal attraction and that neither one of you have ever mentioned the potential of actually having a relationship together. Although, you couldn’t help your mind from wandering into the world where you and Kenny were public and in a real relationship. You wanted more. Hell, you wanted more that night in the hotel, but you knew he didn’t. You decided early on to accept the nature of the two of you, and hope it wouldn’t end for a long time.
Meanwhile, you started to gain a bit of momentum with AEW fans, which you were ecstatic about. Kenny, he was more proud than anyone, not that he would ever admit it, but he was. He had offered multiple times to train you and give pointers, but you denied him each time. You were certain that it would only further complicate the nature of your relationship. So, you went to a few old friends for advice instead. Before AEW, you had a few spots on WWE but were mainly shoved in the back behind the typical highlighted female wrestlers. However, you always kept your friendships close.
Jon and Claudio were like big brothers to you. The report between you and them was always jovial but supportive. When you asked the two of them to help with some pointers in the ring, they were more than happy to help. You of course were friends with Rene as well. She always asked you if you would go and propose a storyline to Tony and guys. "What about Kenny?" she asked
"What about him?" you felt yourself get a little flustered and afraid that she knew about you and him. "I bet you, he would listen and get you a new story line, better than just a run in or a mixed tag with Jon." "Maybe, but I don't want to ask him for anything like that. Just feels weird." "Why? He's literally always saying to feel comfortable to come to him or the Bucks about that kind of thing. That's kinda his job, here come with me."
She grabbed you by the wrist and took you towards Tony's office, knowing they were about to get done with a preshow meeting. "Kenny! Hey, y/n here won't ask, so I am going to do it. She's been busting her ass and getting more and more over with the fans. I think she needs a full storyline, put her with Jon or something."
Kenny has a smirk on his face, looking down at you and before he could speak Tony comes from behind him. "Well, perfect! We just were talking about new lines, and we wanted to put you with the Elite, but we can do BCC. Hell, we can even do a build up. Fans are already pushing for you to get with Kenny or Yuta, so thats perfect."
You and Kenny both look at him, "What??" Your face is red, and Kenny starts to say thats not what they talked about. "I know, I know, but look we put you with the BCC, play up the part that you and Jon and Claudio have known each other forever. Then you and Yuta get together later on. Gives it like a badass couple thing."
Kenny looks at you, and back at Tony, "So what do you think? I know that's kinda loose, but i like it better than my original idea. I was just going to have you be with the Elite, but I like this better."
"I love it, thank you!" You say excitedly and Looking over to Kenny, "You're okay with being in a romance line with Yuta??" he asks. "I mean. yeah. I dont really have a problem with that.' "Oh really?"
Renee and Tony look on awkwardly, you don't even understand that Kenny's a little hurt by the way you saw no problem with the story line. You look at him confused and he holds back the urge to say something. But he swallows his pride and glances at Tony, "Cool, thats fine with me too. Just don't fall for Yuta." Another awkward silence falls upon the room.
"Heh, okay... Will do my best" you awkwardly laugh off. Kenny looks at his phone and quickly makes an excuse to leave. You start to walk away with Renee, "Well that was weird, but Yay!! You've got some screen time now. And I'll make sure that Jon doesn't take the spotlight, you know he loves to talk." she laughs. "Yeah it will be fun, I just need to get with Wheeler and see how we want to play this out."
"And Kenny," Renee interjects
"What? you reply
"You need to meet with Kenny too, to see how they want to do the whole cat and mouse thing. Tony said they're planning the whole love triangle thing out right? So you need to meet with Ken too." "Oh Yeah, thats true"
"soo... are we just not going to address how Kenny seemed upset that you chose a story line with Wheeler over him?" blushing you say "oh please he's not hurt. He has a big enough ego to keep him safe from falling off a mountain." you laugh
"Oh do I? Well if my ego isn't too big for you, maybe you can make some time and talk about how we're supposed like I would actually want something to do with you in the first place." he said irritated, "Ken, hey, that's not cool" Renee came to your defense. You couldn't think of anything to say as you were holding back tears from his comment. "I- Im just going to go back to the room. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"you dont have to be a dick to her to get her to like her, You're not twelve" Renee told kenny as you walked away. "You don't know what you're talking about" "I think I do, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this. Jist go tell that poor girl that you Like Like her and maybe she'll eat lunch with you tomorrow in the cafeteria." He looked at her in silence, "You're a grown man, just ask her out. And as for the Yuta line, its our job and you know that. Dont make her give up a great opportunity just because you cant step to plate. This is why I -"
"What if I've already messed it up?" she looked confused, "What if I've already given her the idea that I don't want anything to do with her?" He looked at Renee, angry but at himself and looking for real advice. "Then I'd go talk to her, without being a dick, and tell her what you actually want. Oh, and stop with the whole Friends with Benefits bullshit, neither one of you are the type anyway." Kenny had a shocked look on his face, "Dude, its glaringly obvious... We all stay in the same hotels, and you're not as sneaky as you think. Especially y/n, I love her but she cant lie worth shit. I ran into her once and she said she was going for a walk... It was almost one in the morning and we were in Downtown Detroit... Look just go and hope that she still even wants your ass after that stunt."
Kenny quickly left and git his things to meet you at the hotel. You had separate rooms but they were adjoining this time. It made things easier, though apparently it didn't make it more secretive. Kenny checked into his room, and looked in the mirror to make sure he looked okay. He had stopped by drug store on the way to the hotel to buy you flowers, they were beat up but he thought they were still nice. As he was getting up the nerve to knock at your door he could hear the muffled sound of you crying.
You were on the phone, explaining to the other line that you were stupid to think that there was even a chance. He could hear the words, 'I hate. I even let myself get this close to him.' The sentence crushed him, he never wanted to make you feel this way. He never honestly thought that you wanted any more either. In the moment, he wanted to walk away, but his hand continued to knock on the door. He immediately regretted the action as he heard ypu abruptly end the call.
"Ken?" He heard you timidly say towards the door. He stood silent. "Kenny? ... Tyson?" He could hear your steps towards the door and befor he could back away you were face to face. "Uh, hi" He said. You stood silent.
"Look, I'm really sorry Y/N. I was an ass, a huge fucking dick. I- I just I dont like the idea of you being with someone else..." The air felt thick around and the silence was deafening. "I got you these, I know it doesn't make it better. I just, I'm sorry. You're beautiful and smart and funny and kind and I just dont like the idea of sharing you even if its just a story line, you're mine and i Just dont-"
"I'm yours?" You questioned quietly, tears still in your eyes. He looked up sheepishly, and stammered "Not minelike I own you or something, Like you're my girl. Well, not like my girlfriend because i knoe you just want a casual thing...Which is fine, but i Dont know just maybe like I think about being.."
"... that maybe we could. its stupid forget it sorry."
" My point is to do the Yuta line and I'll stop being a dick, and I'm sorry."
A moment passes,
"I never said I wanted casual, i thought you did."
"Well, I thought I did at first but the more I think about I dont want anyone else but you. And when Tony said that he was going to put you with Wheeler, the thought of you in his arms pissed me off and I apparently just decided to show my ass. Im sorry"
"It's just the job though,"
"And I know that, and I have done enough of this shit that shoulf be able to separate it from reality, but it just hit me wrong."
"What if we weren't casual?"
He smirked slightly to himself, "Would you being willing to have me after tonight?"
"Oh you definitely have been an ass tonight, and your dumbass made me cry. Which I'm never forgiving by the way, but I like your dumbass. Its one of my favorite parts of you. I lo- I really care about you Kenny. but you cant stunt my career because we have something together."
"I know that, and I never intended to do so. And I- fuck it, Y/N I dont want this, us, to be a casual thing anymore. I want you, I want to be with you. I want to go to bed with you, wake you to you and be with you every day. I don't want to sneak around anymore. I just, I love you damnit and I don't want anyone else thinking they can have you. Y/N will you go ou-"
You reach up and kissed him passionately, your arms around his neck. Deepening the kiss.
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Your passion was quickly reciprocated as Kenny cupped your face, kissing you harder and leading you further into the room.
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In seconds, the back of your knees hit the bed. Without hesitation, Kenny sweeps you up from under you and lays you on the center of the bed without ever breaking away from your lips. You feel his hands sliding up your thighs and under your shirt. He quickly finds your bare breast and kneeds the soft mound briefly before removing your shirt entirely. Hes quick to connect his mouth to your chest, sucking and nibbling on your sensitive nipples, making sure to leave a mark. You hiss at the pain but he breaks away to look you in the eye, "I know, but I need to make sure everyone knows your mine"
Your legs wrapped around his body as he towers over you giving him the prime opportunity to slip his hands downward and strip you of your shorts.
"God i love when you dont wear panties" He starts to space words apart with kisses on your body, leading to your core. "almost. As Much. As I Love. This. Perfect. Little. Pussy. Right. Here."
You instantly moan, as you feel hes his tongue swipe and circle over your clit. He moans against you causing the an soft vibration where you need it most. "Fuck Ken- God, Right there" You entangle your hands in his hair, pressing him deeper into you. "Fuckkk, Tyson..." You feel his fingers plunge into your pussy, instantly hooking them to hit the deep spot inside you. It never mattered what the situation was, he always knew exactly what and where you needed it most. He could feel you already starting to grip his fingers, when he looks up at you, his blue eyes darkened with lust, his beard scratching along your skin. "Cum for me baby, let me hear you. I want to taste how good I make you feel."
With that you cam undone, moan loudly, screaming his name, you hands clutching the sheets, legs writhing under his weight. But he didn't stop, Kenny kept going until you were babling nonsense before he even took his cock out. Muttering to yourself, trying to catch your breath, he stands, face dripping with your cum and a proud smirk across his face. He rids himself of his pants, his cock springing fre only to immediately be caught by his hand, stoking himself feverishly.
"Fuck y/n look at you. You're fucking perfect, so beautiful when you're cock drunk, and I haven't even fucked you yet. Leaning over you to look you in the eyes, tiling your chin in his direction. He gruffly says, "You're absolutely perfect, and you're mine. No one else gets to have you like I do, and no one can satisfy me like you do. So, I'm going to show you why no one can ever satisfy you like I can."
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bridgyrose · 6 months
Hey Bridgey, literally all I want is (White Rose) Weiss having a sudden growth spurt and ending up about as tall as Winter, and Ruby realising she's now the shortest of her team... again... (anything else you can do whatever, I'm just emotionally craving that)
(Unfortunately for you, Weiss has never been taller than Ruby without heels)
“See? I told you I’d get taller than you one day.” 
Ruby paused for a moment when she realized she had to look up at Weiss, not quite sure when she managed to get a few inches taller. “Y-yeah, I can see that. When… when did that happen?” 
Weiss shrugged a bit. “I dont think I ever really paid attention. Guess I ended up with a late growth spurt.” 
“Seems like it…” Ruby sighed for a moment as she looked over Weiss, not sure how much she believed her. It had only been a couple years since they graduated Beacon, so it wasnt too likely that it was just a late growth spurt, especially with having been on missions with her over the last couple years, and she never did seem taller. 
“Though, it shouldnt matter much. I’m just glad I dont need to wear heels anymore to not look like a child.” 
Ruby chuckled a bit. “People thought you were a child? I thought your attitude would’ve made them think otherwise.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes. “You’d be surprised what people would think. Still, we should get going on our mission and not dally too much.” 
Ruby nodded and followed Weiss, still focused on how much taller that she had gotten. Though, she still wasnt sure why she was so focused on her height, it wasnt like she was bothered being shorter than most of her team anyway, but seeing Weiss taller than her started to make her feel self conscious. It was a strange feeling, one that she hadnt felt since she had started transitioning the year before she made it into Beacon. And yet, here she was, once again comparing herself to someone that she had a crush on and feeling… not quite herself. 
“Everything okay, Ruby?” Weiss asked as they walked. “You seem quieter than you normally are.” 
“I-I’m fine, really, I uh-” Ruby sighed and looked away. “How did you really get so tall?” 
“It was just a growth spurt-” 
“You’re just as tall as Yang now! How did you do that so quickly?” 
“Because I lied about my age!” 
Ruby stopped in her tracks and looked at Weiss curiously. “You… lied about your age?” 
“Well, not… me, but father…” Weiss sighed and found a stump to sit on. “After Winter ended up going off to Atlas, father wanted to make sure he had an heir ready, but I… I was still a bit too young. Then, he lied about my age to get me into school quicker. When I entered Beacon, I was fifteen, just like you.” 
“You… you were?” Ruby leaned against a tree, almost too surprised to realize how angry she was from the couple years of being treated like a child by her. A grudge she didnt realize she’d been carrying. “Then why did you keep treating me like you did when we first came to Beacon?”
“Because I… I couldnt… I wanted to tell the truth, but I needed to act like an adult for father and I couldnt let anyone know that I was younger than everyone… and if I admitted that I was a child like you, then-” 
“Then what? You thought we’d be angry?” 
“-you’d treat me… different.” 
Ruby paused for a moment when she saw Weiss look genuinely scared, not at all like a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Nervous like she was when she first came to Beacon, still young and coming into who she was supposed to be. “We wouldn’t have.” 
Weiss looked up at her. “You would’ve-” 
“We would have treated you like a friend.” Ruby moved to sit down next to Weiss, leaning against her. “And… it would’ve been nice to know that there was someone my age on our team as well. Then maybe we both could’ve felt less alone.” 
“That… that would’ve been nice.” 
“But no more secrets, okay?” Ruby asked with a smile, standing up and offering a hand to Weiss. “Though, we should get back to our mission.” 
Weiss nodded and took Ruby’s hand. “No more secrets.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
facial dysmorphia comfort spot x reader
maybe maybe
Spot w/ an S/O who has facial dysmorphia
Okokokok two things!!
One I am once again so sorry for taking so long for getting to your ask 😭😭 same goes for everyone else who sent in requests <\3 but I got nothing going on tonight so I'll likely be knocking out asks throughout tonight!!
Bit personal but I really didnt know there was dysmorphia that's centered around faces :0 I thought it was just body dysmorphia; and this ask kinda
Made me feel things
Not necessarily bad things but like
"Oh that's a hyper specific version of me" as someone with body dysmorphia that's very. Face centered
Eeerm yeah!!
With all that being said some of this might dip into my personal experience with body dysmorphia <\3
Actually it kinda dips into a lot
It's the self projection for me
Not proofread we die like peter parker
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He gets it
I mean it's not a 1:1 but
Close enough...?
I think he may have also had similar issues precollider tbh, like when he said "oh I used to be handsome by scientist standards" sounded... backhanded..
Not the most attentive, he wont immediately catch your mood souring if you two are out and about; but he does eventually catch on if you're quiet or fidgeting
Offers you things you can fidget with to keep your hands busy; from small stress toys to rubber bands, to keep your hands busy
I know everyones different but again, self projection here
Helps especially if you mess with/tug your hair into place or pick your face at any perceived flaws
"Look at me dont look at them," when he notices you start comparing yourself to others when you're both out
Probably steps in front of you, if you're walking hes walking backwards to keep him in your view
He falls over/hj
Ah yes the mirror
Another thing that spot would personally relate too; I believe I've mentioned somewhere in a different hc post that he tends to just
Stare and talk down to his reflection, post collider
It's a habit he probably had precollider too, but instead of his lack of face he's scrutinizing the moles and beauty marks
He never really liked his spots
But aside from sympathy when he sees you do the same he also feels
Is this how he makes you feel when he does the same thing?
It's weird for him to be on the other end; watching you pick at your skin or teeth, sizing up every curve and crevice
He doesnt want to just go up to you and pull you away from the mirror or upright tell you to stop; nono that doesnt feel right.. it feels too.. forceful, accusatory... he doesn't want to make things worse
He'll probably try to subtly bring your attention in another direction; be it asking you what the plans for that night are, or asking for some affection
The most bold he'll get is walking up to you and gently bopping his face against you
He does his research, hes a scientist afterall
He makes sure that your shared home is a safe place to retreat to at the end of the day; his protective side outright banning anything that could potentially trigger your dysmorphia, doesn't matter what it is he's just not going to let it through the door
He never ever wants you to feel like your experiences are less than; whenever he notices a day is particularly hard hes immediately dropping everything to help and/or distract and/or comfort you
Listens diligently to what you need
He probably keeps a little notebook somewhere with notes scribbled down, along with things he knows you like and bring security
You both have feeling sessions; you both just sit down and talk, about anything really
Not necessarily vents but also not necessarily not vent but
You know
God forbid anyone ever makes you feel bad about himself
He would never... kill anyone (attempting to off miles dad aside!! I write these like. Imagining it's the time between the movies :0) but boy does he get thoughts
Literally just
Spawns a hole under them and sends them to god knows where
If you've got anything to help it, like say therapy or medications he'll make sure you keep a consistent and steady schedule with it
Insists on taking you to therapy himself
Via holes, of course
"Wait wait wait I think... I got it this time-!"
Proceeds to accidentally send yall to the top of some random building somewhere
VERY persistent about any meds, almost gets naggy with it
This is the same with any other stuff you may or may not take; other meds, vitamins, antibiotics, ect ect ect
Spot is more or less kind of. ..
I dont wanna say hes a mother hen, but asides from revenge, the thing he wants most is for you to be happy and healthy
It also kinda offers himself some reflection, because again he carries/used to carry similar behaviors; whether he had dysmorphia or not, he can see himself in you and it
As a side note you notice his frequency in the bad self talk lowers
Gives off that "do it for her" simpsons meme, but its spot having a board of you
Figurative board of course
I can kinda see him having some version of it actually
He just wants you to know that he loves you so so so much. He thinks himself to be the luckiest man in the world; hell in the entire multiverse, as cheesy as it sounds. Despite everything hes been through and going through, he still managed to get someone like you by his side. You give him clarity in his whirlwind of a life and he wants to let you know how grateful he is for your existence
Yeah I dont know where I was going with this post and hcs I kinda just let my feelings and experiences talk here so <\3 normally I like to keep things like this vague so others can hopefully relate easier but
Man this topic got me
I hope this is alright !! It's not often I write stuff with this sort of topic matter so I'm a lil rusty <\3
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hayatoseyepatch · 29 days
*bursting into your asks as fast as I can* HELLO HI!!!!
Congratulations on your milestone 💫🫶 it's so so deserved!! Here's to many more milestones to come hehe
Could I perhaps ask for a match up for Windbreaker, Jujutsu Kaisen or Tokyo Revengers? (Whatever strikes your fancy I'm indecisive as heck)
My personality: I go by she/her pronouns and I'm so shy it almost hurts but once I know someone I'm the loudest yapper and never shut up. Generally I'd say I'm an introvert tho and prefer staying inside over going out (unless it's out into the forest - that's my fave place to be ever). I love to crochet and to bake next to chilling with my dog hehe
Tropes: I really enjoy the friends to lovers or love at first sight tropes. Cheesy, I know but I'm a hopeless romantic and endlessly devoted to my love
My type: I look for a partner that's loyal. That's probably my most important factor next to reliability. When it comes for looks I like my men either big and beefy or smol and sweet (especially if they're soggy and need some love. I got lots to give) and I like my women mean 🫣 that being said, I don't care for gender. Men, women and everything in between is perfectly fine as long as the connection is there
My faves: Wbk: Sakura, Choji & Kiryu , TR: Benkei, Yuzuha & Shinichiro , Jjk: Toji, Mahito & Shoko
Icks: I dont like cheaters or people who need to party every single day of their life bc im more chill and just not about that life. As for characters per se I'd say a nono is Endo (wbk) and Kisaki (tr)
I think that's it? Yeah I think so 🥹🥹 i'm terribly sorry if i forgot anything and please don't feel pressured to match me with anyone!!
Luma!! Ahh thank you so much for your kind words I’ll SOB AT YOU! I’m so happy we became moots you’re literally the most talented, sweetest, funniest person ever! (Okay enough of the sap onto the match up.) Like I said in my post we’re moots so you get two!!
First up is Kiryu Mitsuki from Wind Breaker!
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⤜♡→ It doesn’t get better for a friends to lovers than Kiryu.
⤜♡→ The both of you much rather preferred the quiet to the loud bustling Bofurin gatherings. Often sticking to the back of the room, him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, one arm wrapped around you as you both shared a headphone to watch tiktoks together.
⤜♡→ He had initially approached you for the first time in the classroom where you both met. Seeing someone so beautiful sat all by herself was such a shame in his mind. He offered you that gentle smile as he asked if the spot next to you was taken. Kiryu couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over you constantly seeking you out in a crowd whenever you both were at Furin.
⤜♡→ You both had initially bonded over quiet teasing of Tsugeura in your quiet corner of the classroom, often exchanging text messages teasing the poor orange haired extrovert.
⤜♡→ Your friendship only developed from there it was a rare occasion for you both to not be seen without the other. So much so that the others we're fully under the impression you both were together long before you started dating.
Sakura's cheeks were always a constant shade of pink whenever in you and Kiryu's presence. Kiryu was very comfortable with physical touch his body always seeking out your won whenever you both were together. Whether it was his cheek resting atop your head, or his hand playing with your fingers, he loved feeling you against him.
Suo chuckles,, his signature mischievous grin dawning his features, loving nothing more than to tease his friends and hopefully push you both to confess. "Oh would you look at that." He grins leaning across the booth you were sat in, fingers intertwined delicately under his chin as he looked at you both. "It seems you both have set off Sakura's love detector yet again. "Come on Sakura, it's rude to intrude on a date, we'll be going now. See you both later.~" He sing songs, dragging a flustered Sakura away from you both, grin on his face.
Kiryu snorts into his mug, eyes turning to yours now that it was just the two of you left at the table. "So, angel, when are we gonna tell him he can stop trying to play his little game of matchmaker now that we've been dating for three months?" He snorts, leaning over to bump his nose with yours in a pseudo-kiss. His eyes light up at the grin you send back in his direction. Swearing he fell more in love with you as you returned his grin, leaning forward to give him a proper kiss, pulling away to smirk. "Let him figure it out on his own, let's see how long he keeps it going before he realizes."
Next up Is Kakucho from Tokyo Revengers!
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⤜♡→ Kakucho has been through the ringer. He has a kind heart and so much love to give and I think you are the perfect candidate for all of his love and affection!
⤜♡→ Kakucho is a hopeless romantic, prizing building his friendships before relationships. He can only truly picture himself being with someone he has built a deep connection with before entering a relationship.
⤜♡→ The orphanage where he was raised was outside of city limits, and after years of being in gangs, I think Kakucho appreciates the serenity of nature. So with your favorite place being the forest, he often will set up a nice picnic for you both to enjoy the scenery and each other’s company.
⤜♡→ Kakucho is also quiet and a bit shy at first, the both of you gravitating toward each other with being more reserved at first. But melting into a beautiful relationship filled with love and laughter once you both opened up.
⤜♡→ If you ever are having a bad day and need some cheering up, Kakucho is your guy! He worships the ground you walk on and could spend hours divulging in all the things he loves about you. He will stop at nothing until you see yourself the way that he sees you.
Kakucho hums gently, his nose buried in the crook of your neck, gently swaying you both as he watches you bake, relishing in your warmth. He blinks, pulled from his trance as you offer him a finger dipped in the batter from the brownies you were prepping, Taking your finger into his mouth, he hums in delight from the sweet chocolaty confection. He smiles softly when you look up at him with those eyes he falls more in love with each day. “So Cho how does it taste?” His hands settle on your waist, turning you in his embrace, head dipping down low to press his lips against your own.
His hand cups the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, his tongue finding its way into your mouth. The warm wet muscles dances with your own for a while, before he separates, string of saliva still connecting your lips for a moment before it snaps. “I dunno, honey, you tell me how it tastes.” He grins, kissing you once more as he chuckles thinking you looked nothing short of adorable with your pink cheeks and kiss-swollen lips. “It was delicious baby, I can't wait to pack them up in our basket for our date later.” He smiles wrapping his arms around you once more. Kakucho had spent most of his young life without a place to call his own after he lost his parents. But right here and now as he held you in his arms, he knew he had found his home. And that was anywhere where he could be with you. (a/n: I hope this was okay I haven't written for TR in YEARS, but this was just screaming at me and I needed to write it.)
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
home for new years — husband!reiner x fem!reader
contents: fluff, sex, m!pen
happy new years to everyone!! last fic for the year but not the last from me! the last 4 months on here have been great and i cant wait to see what 2023 brings us! thank you to everyone whos supported me and my work so far i love u all MWAH! 🫶🏾🫶🏾
home for new years will have you declining invitations and calls from your friends who are asking both you and reiner to back the nye party sasha and niccolo are hosting.
“i’m sorry, sash! not this year. me and reiner already planned to just have a night in between the both of us.”
“but you can come and spend it together with us!” she’d whine into the receiver.
you could only chuckle at her. even though she may have come across as invasive or unregarding of the quality time you’ve decided to dedicate to spend with your spouse, you knew she came from a place of love.
sasha wasnt the only one. both of your respective messages were blowing up; relatives who lived in different countries already wishing you the new years well due to their forward timezones, friends asking about the motives and misc notifications.
none of them, however, were as adamant as reiner’s younger cousin.
“why cant i spend new years with you two?! if you’re only staying home then that means you’re not doing anything important.” gabi moaned.
“what we want to do is important enough that we dont need you around. we literally spent christmas eve, christmas day and even boxing day with you, isnt that enough?” your husband responded.
reiner was definitely tired of gabis back and forth notion that she practically needed to be in your hair on all seasonal events. even though he was too kind to say it to her face, he definitely made it known to you through the agitated expressions he occasionally made behind her back.
“no, it’s not enough! there’s no reason for you not to see me if you’re free.” she haggled.
reiner sighed loudly. you could tell that he was tapping out from the argument as from the way he rested his head against the sofa back.
seeing him no longer want to entertain his cousin, you decided to step in. with an easy smile, you replied to her instead.
“just because we’re staying home it doesn’t mean we’re free.”
she didn’t say anything but she definitely considered your argument a lot easier than she did reiner’s. reiner always said she listened to you better.
“if it makes for anything, we can spend new years day together?” you kindly offered.
gabi huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest and bounced herself onto the couch.
“that’s such a cheap excuse. no one does anything on new years. it’s a free holiday. you wouldn’t be sacrificing anything to be with me, you guys don’t even go nowhere. i am literally the only fun in your lives.”
even though you were surprised at her level of rebuttal, you couldn’t help but laugh aloud at the twelve year olds words. whilst you and reiner may not be the childless lavish-life living adults she wanted you to be, she still seemed to want to spend every waking moment with you both.
but alas, you and reiner were okay with that life for now because it meant you had room to spend new years at home.
you didn’t have to worry about childcare expenses or who was willing to have your kin on a holidays like this. you didn’t even have to worry about answering to anyone for anything. you both had the night to spend it within each other and that alone was the reason you were fine with how things were.
“i’m really happy we’re spending new years like this.”
reiner placed the last platter down onto the coffee, the look on his face giddy as sat down next to you.
“same. i feel like we don’t get to spend a lot of our holidays with it just being the two of us. it’s a nice change.” you replied, fingers already sneaking into one of the snacks.
reiner’s arms found solace over your shoulders, his warmth already seeping into you as you pressed play on the remote which started up the movie.
“we should deffo do it more often then.”
he said more quietly due to his awareness of the movie starting. still, looking down at you, reiner couldn’t help but plant a closed mouth kiss to your temple.
“deffo.” you agreed, your attention already captivated with the movie introduction.
there was no doubt; reiner would definitely treasure this new years.
throughout the year, the two of you were always so busy. if it wasn’t work then it was extra-curricular commitments and even in between those times, the both of you were deeply involved with the lives of your family and friends.
deciding to simply spend it with just the two of you was a well curated decision. really and truly, the both of you could have spared yourselves once again and indulged with the lives of others.
but deciding to chose each other just this once was the best decision you could have ever made.
“god, i love you so much.”
reiner endearingly muttered into your ears as he pumped himself in and out of you. the soft whimpers you poured out into his were just as sweet as your arms hooked around his neck.
“i-love you too, rei.” you breathed, the feeling of his dick stretching your insides so familiar yet estactic.
and oh how you did love this man because when he first offered for the both of you to ditch all new year plans just so he could spend it with you, in you, you couldn’t help but to allow him what he wished.
making love to reiner in the most enchanting low light and soft candle glow was such a way to go into the new years.
rough and lustful sex had its place and it was definitely one of your favourite past times with reiner. but there was none of that right now. there was no biting, rough handling, guttural or carnal intent, nothing.
just you and reiner underneath the blankets, vulnerable and opened for the other to indulge in.
and you loved that, because this, was how you wanted to spend new years. with reiner, and totally enamoured by him.
and just as the neighbouring fireworks bursted outside your bedroom window, and your phones simultaneously buzzed with texts, you couldn’t think of a better way to go into the next age but within his arms.
with the indication that you had been graced into a new year, the both of you wispily smiled into the others embrace.
reiner continued to chase his climax as he lightly kissed the top of your shoulder, his face then burying into the crook of your neck
“ha-happy new year, baby.” he said with a grin, his hands still working over your curves beneath the duvet.
“happy…new year to you too, rei.” you muttered back, your hands gently caressing the short bristled hairs on the back of his neck.
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beecanons · 2 years
Percy learning the reader regresses
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legend of vox machina percy learning his partner is an age regressor
a percy x agere!reader headcanon post!
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i'd imagine how he would find out is by noticing your behaviour changing. youre all stopped at some place to rest, an inn maybe? and while you have a break from adventures you just start to slip but its the first time you've done it in a while especially around percy maybe it was an offhanded comment/compliment and being tired that triggered it, a mix of exhaustion from the adventure and someone saying something like "good job back there [name]"
he'd just notice you start to get a little shy or more energetic and maybe struggle with your words and he'd take you aside from the group to ask you if you were alright he just wants to make sure youre okay, maybe he thinks youre tired and need to rest early so he offers to take you to your room for the night or he thinks youre still shaken up from the adventure you'd been on and he'll ask if you need anything to help calm down/relax "are you alright? you seem a bit..off this evening. do you need anything love? would you like to talk about it?"
hes very sweet and understanding so when you manage to explain you age regress and that youre slipping, he asks questions to try and understand better he wont ask anything that might be too invasive and definitely wont pressure you to answer anything you dont want to
he'll keep his voice low so the conversation's just for the two of you to hear he wont pressure you to tell the others but he'll at least ask if you want him to explain it to anyone else in the group later his first thoughts were vax and pike or grog but he'll only bring it up with them if you want him to maybe not right then but the next day you're little if youre comfortable with it
will for sure try and figure out what he can do to help you need cuddles from him? he'll tell the party youre going head in for the night and spend it in your shared room cuddling.
if you dont have any little gear or anything he'll try making something or buying it. will get asked by a vendor if hes a dad and gets very embarrassed at first but eventually just says yes and leaves it at that "oh thats adorable, would you happen to be shopping for your child, im sure they'd love that one, kids love these toys now adays!" "er-um..yes. thank you. good day"
he's found a new way to spoil you expect a lot of gifts and sweet words "i have a surprise for you little one" "i got something for you before we left dear"
he will ask what nicknames and terms hes allowed to use for you and what he should avoid your comfort is top priority to him
his heart will melt if you call him nicknames and cling to him in turn hearing that you trust him enough to refer to him with cg terms or anything like that warms his heart
it might take him a while to properly catch on to signs of when youre slipping, if its during and adventure he'll completely miss it most times if its during a fight he'll panic a bit and wanna get you out of the battle field as soon as possible
he'll be so bad at catching on at first he'll over prepare to the point he's not at all prepared. thinks he knows exactly what to do but really doesnt he'll have something on hand sure but he wont know what to do. does he just give it to you or take you aside in private first? is it the right thing for you right now? might accidently hesitate too long because of this
hes afraid to leave any weapons around you incase youre little and an accident occurs probably gets a bit over protective because of this "im not letting you have that" "its literally just a knife percy" "darling what if you hurt yourself, i cant let that happen"
a lot of "youre too little to do x" language, especially at the start. lossens up on everything once he's finally got the hang of it though.
all in all percy truly adores you and wants to do everything he can to help
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requested by @syth-de-rolo !
feel free to share your own headcanons or request more!
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 10 months
do we get to kiss the narnia au blorbos 👀 how does our relationship with them develop throughout the course of the story? how does it start with both sun and moon and how does it end up? any significant trouble spots you can hint at without spoilers (unless you dont care abt spoiling!!)
and also i forgot if you already pointed this out somewhere but is there an aslan character? if so, who?
okay. SO:
Yes, you probably will get to kiss the narnia blorbos...probably. Thing is, I'm not really good at developing romance plots (mostly cuz my brain never actually goes that far in planning and I always get caught up in leading events), but yes, I'm hoping I can actually get that far.
In terms of development...? Definitely Sun first, simply because he falls hard the second he meets you. Unfortunately, it's less because of you and more because of his past with humans and how scarce they are. You're the first human he's ever actually been able to talk to, you're there and you're real, and he doesn't want to let go of that. And it gets even better when he realizes that you like him too; after all, why else would you keep coming back to this dull and dreary world? He hasn't talked to anyone in a long time, and he doesn't want to give that up so soon, and of course, he has to protect what's his, doesn't he? Yes yes yes,especially in a world as dangerous as this one! He feels a strong need to protect you, especially after you meet Moon, who has a...slightly less pure love for you.
(Keep in mind, by the way, that Sun can be just as dangerous as Moon should he choose to be.)
Moon is definitely interested in you upon meeting you, but for...other reasons. He hasn't seen a human around in a long time either, or at least, not one who's lasted so long without his notice. Sun's lucky that Moon looks out for him, or the White Witch would surely punish them both for not handing them over. Thankfully, Moon is there to correct Sun's grave error by collecting the human himself! He hasn't had a new charge to tend to in a while, after all.
The Stone Garden is quiet up on the hill.
Moon does find you sweet and charming in your own little way, and he likes you, but like Sun, he wants to keep you for himself, and so he tries to convince you to take up his offer on visiting the Stone Garden and stopping by sometime, he's sure you'd like it, and he could protect you so well, just like all his other silent charges. You're so fragile, and fragile things need to be protected, yes yes, that's his job, the silent protector. And you're on board with it, too! Sure, he hasn't specified how long your visit would be, but you didn't seem to mind, none of his charges did in the end, or else they would surely say something about it. Every time he tries to take you, though, something pops up, and you leave him behind. Someday, he thinks, someday he'll have you all to himself.
Anything that could get you in trouble...? Well, a lot of things, actually, not that you really seem to mind. You find a good deal of interest in this world and its inhabitants, and they're all so friendly. Fortunately enough for everyone keeping a lookout for you, your obliviousness keeps you blissfully ignorant of all that goes on in the woods, and everyone is free to conspire as they wish. A few words of advice Moon's charges could have given you if they could voice them, however:
Trust no one.
Do not test the Dark Moon.
Beware the White Rabbit.
Avoid caves.
Don't eat anything offered.
Leave while you still can.
As for Aslan....
*laughs nervously*
weeeeelllll, someone suggested it being Michael, but the image of Freddy as a literal god was just to hilarious not to include, so I left it at that. Unfortunately I don't know much game lore regarding Michael (I really gotta do some research when I have the time), but I'd probably include him in Aslan's army as one of the people who escaped before Afton rose to power. After that, none of Aslan's followers were able to leave on account of being trapped in ice, and most of them were swiftly dealt with.
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violentviolette · 9 months
i think i have aspd or traits . but i dont wanna go to a psych and be like " btw here are my symptoms ive never told u about before , have fun ! ( insert the entire ASPD criteria here ) . sorry " because that makes me look bad & i appear the opposite ( passive , fearful , not aggressive ) , & dont want to appear as a threat and i most definitely dont want them to think im manipulating them when im not ( like for example when im just telling them my symptoms regarding other conditions ) . and i dont want to admit to committing crimes incase they report me or i have to go through a security clearance for job reasons and they go thru my stuff . anyways as far as anyones concerned i seem nice but weird but not the type of person to have those kinds of symptoms , and i want it to keep my Good Girl(tm) image . but also . i dont want to start having legal issues , become dependent on substances , pursue any illegal occupation , etc since it would suck to get caught and im only 21 so i keep trying my best to avoid it everytime i almost continue with it , but i need help bad lol . any idea of what i should or can do ? anything helps
okay real talk but literally do exactly the opposite of everything ur doing and also get out of ur own head and stop overanalyzing every thought u have to find justifications for not doing the very simple basic first step towards what u know is the right thing to do but just dont want to because being vulnerable feels yucky and ur scared
i say this with genuine compassion and no judgement because i *absolutely* did and still sometimes do the same thing but unfortunately the only way to get urself out of that cycle is to get over urself and touch grass (encouragingly) so that u just Do The Thing u know u need to do
being open and honest with a therapist about ur thoughts and feelings is the only way to get any actual positive growth or help out of it. u cant fix what u dont talk about and keeping it all to urself will only drive u more and more insane. staying cooped up inside ur own mind without telling other ppl what ur thinking out loud creates a feedback loop of crazy. u gotta hear urself talk to another person sometimes to actually really *hear* urself, u know? ur brain is where the crazy is and u cant stay there alone and expect it to work out and get better. u have to talk it out and be confronted and challenged with other viewpoints to realize where urs are disordered if u look for reasons not to do something u will absolutely find them, and while i could offer rebuttels to a lot of ur concerns, things like how ur medical records and psych details are not that detailed. u doing illegal behavior like stealing or doing drugs is not something that gets listed on those and falls under patient confidentiality. the only thing that gets documented is the official diagnoses name which most therapists are going to be very reluctant to hardline diagnose someone with aspd (and even then it only gets logged with that practice and submitted to ur insurance only if ur seeking care like meds or hospital stays or get incarcerated. otherwise, if u dont tell someone "i saw dr.x at yclinic from 2019-2022, then they have no way of knowing or finding out what that dr wrote on their internal records/notes. there is no centralized database of "medical history" outside of ur insurance company and specific practices internal networks) individual symptoms like "illegal activity" do not get listed and unless ur planning on enrolling in the military or working for the feds no job is looking more deeply than that into ur history unless u personally volunteer it. what comes up when specific companies do background checks with a medical history is ur insurance records. ur insurance only knows what gets submitted to them specifically, if ur therapist doesnt file paperwork with ur insurance to list aspd as a diagnosis they are looking for ur insurance to pay them to treat u for specifically (instead of more generalized things like "depression" "anxiety" or just "mental health care" ect, which they have to get ur permission to do) then there's no paper trail of what u two talk about in that office or how ur "good girl" image is legitimately worthless garbage and will grant u absolutely nothing in life and clinging to it in the false hope that other ppls perceptions of u will change who u actually are and make u happy is only gonna lead u to looking at ur shitty unhappy life in 5 years and being filled with nothing but regret and anger and wanting to kill urself or that while u cant know or control how ur therapist sees u or reacts to the things u share with them, u can control who they are. if u fuck up with this therapist or it takes a turn u dont like or they start treating u badly, u can very much just get another one. u can request a different person at the same clinic for any reaosn or u could switch clinics entirely. most insurance in the us is taken by more than 1 provider in an area and there are almost always multiple practices that take the local insurance. and even then, if u wanna drive 45mins to see a therapist a town over cause u burned a bridge with this one u can do that. ur not beholden to a single person, u can get dozens and dozens of opinions. ive had over 15 different therapists in my life. if u fuck up with one u can always get another
but all those rebuttals dont really matter because if u want to, i have no doubt u could find counter points to all those points. i know i could if i tried. so really it just comes down to the simple question of are u going to keep standing in ur own way or are u going to cut the bullshit and take it seriously and do the hard thing because u know its what u need to do? ur young still, uve got so much time, dont waste more of it waiting for the perfect solution or situation because it will never exist. do it now, do it messy, do it scared, fuck it up and get it wrong a bunch, and then try again and again until it works
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tagged by my wonderful friend @zombf !! sorry for being so late with these hehe ;w;
ill refrain from @'ing anyone since i just @'ed ppl with the last one but again if anyone who sees this wants to do it as well pls feel free to ^__^
Get to know me tag game:
Do you make your bed? - i wishhhhhhh lol
What's your favorite number? - i feel like 8 is my go-to when i have to exaggerate things w a random number. like Oh this will give u 800 errors. itll screw you over for 8 million dollars. that kind of hyperbole. i think i do the same w 7 too, no other notable numbers tho
What is your job? - CUSTOMER SERVICE/CASHEIR[sic] AT CVS BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY it sucksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss im cross-trained in the pharmacy too but barely get shifts back there. my 7-3s make me want to k*ll myself but its ok ^__^
If you could go back to school, would you? - yeah but tfw east coast fucking sucks. we have all these ivy leagues and universities and colleges between all these huge cities and none of them offer anything worth fucking taking. laser technology? Nah gotta be midwest or west coast. Sustainability? NAH GOTTA BE MIDWEST OR EAST COAST. id be an electrician but everyone is also like "Yea u need a car and all ur own equipment to do that tho lol" so im like OKay fuck me i guess. im going to lie down in front of a train
Can you parallel park? - what the fuck is a car
A job you had that would surprise people? - (barista) (cashier) (barista again) (cashier again) .....a pushover? wait no the question was "surprise" Fuck. Shit
Do you think aliens are real? - why not
Can you drive a manual car? - what like stick shift? i mean Imagine having ur license in the first place but if i did then idve learned on a stick.
What's your guilty pleasure? - sometimes i drink alcohol
Tattoos? - mew angel. nge seele. dishonored: death of the outsider eyeless. DRHDR OST cover
Favorite color? - purple red black Seafoam!
Favorite type of music? - i know that "i will listen to anything" is the cop-out stupid answer but i literally will listen to fucking anything. I fuck with hard basslines the most tho
Do you like puzzles? - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS video game puzzles and sudoku. Yayayayay
Any phobias? - HEIGHTS LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sometimes ill be at the top of a staircase and start freaking out. like Shut up
Favorite childhood sport? - i didnt do sports as a kid i did P.E. and ran around my neighborhood. i liked roller blading the most thruout school tho
Do you talk to yourself? - o yea. especially at work
What movies do you adore? - METROPOLIS (OSAMU TEZUKA). PAPRIKA. REBUILD OF EVANGELION 3.33. AKIRA. sorry for being a weeb. TOKYO GODFATHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK
Coffee or Tea? - uuuuu prob coffee. i dont get tea as often. im particular abt both tho x__x
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? - GEOLOGIST/MINERALOGIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^
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"I wouldn't say I hope for the crashes. They simply happen, whether we're there to harvest the parts or leave them to rust in the sands. Might as well make something good out of it."
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An old mining bot gone rogue, Sprocket (he/him) is now the defacto leader of our little group of scavengers.
Some info:
Was originally scavenging on his own, but started the group when he picked up Glass (another member)
Bounced around in different jobs as he found a spot to settle down on Deslocar after his mining days, the most important of these being his bandit and mechanic days
He still isn't quite settled down now, but there's certain towns and cities he floats between a lot
Very much an engineer, knows his way around all sorts of machines and is great at fixing stuff, including himself
Has made a lot of adjustments and modifications over the years
accidental dad friend
Freaks out HARD when anyone gets hurt, and has a habit of offering the humans water when they complain about literally anything because like??? that's what people need right?????
Not super a fan of violence, but he does what's necessary. Tries his best to keep the crew out of shit, when he can, especially after it's not just him and Glass
The tubes running outside of his body help maintain his temperature- robots run on a liquid power source and it gets hot
Works like rabbit ears yknow?
His eyes emit a light glow, it's hard to see in the daytime but very noticeable at night, some say to an unnerving degree
He has slats above and below his eyes that he can use to emote
Talks through the speaker on his face, but also knows sign language and can flash his eyes to speak in a kind of morse code
He taught it to Glass a while back, and they use it to communicate sometimes, either when its convenient to be able to talk without talking or signing, when they dont want anyone else to understand them, or when Sprocket just feels like it
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prettynhot · 9 months
13.01.2024 Sat restarting,revolving n readjusting.
new day,new me:) i’ll start talking about last night first. after i logged in here with my journal update, i left my course place n got home. while i was walking though, i witnessed the first snow falling in my city for this winter!
the snow was incredibly pretty and delicately falling with a slight cold breeze. the breeze moved my hair quite romantically, i was blushing from the cold so with my cute red cheeks n red nose, delicate snowflakes in my hair n outfit, i looked and felt like i was in a movie. people were passing by with literal awes and someone even offered to carry my bag for me! people are so nice <33
after i got home i ate my dinner,got some sweets and as i sat down to relax,i fell asleep😭 i woke up to a call from my sister, facetiming me to ask what to wear for her bday celebration. she just turned 30 this year! i still cant believe she is 30 now,she has that young aura n energy which makes everyone feel like she’d be in her 20s forever. crazy that shes stepping into her 30s now. im excited for this new chapter in her life, feel like its going to be her best one yet:)
after talking to my sister, i got up,changed from my outdoor clothes to my comfy sweatpants n thin,soft long sleeve,grabbed water n cleaned up my room a bit. after that i shopped online for a while and danced for at least 2 hours.
it was soo much fun!!! i hadnt danced in a quite long while n totally forgot how in touch with my femininity n grounded it makes me feel! while i was dancing ag’s new song played, titled ‘yes and’ which i quite liked!! then i saw that time flew by n it was nearly 12 am, which i was waiting for in order to celebrate my sister’s bday:) we facetimed at 12 exactly n i even blew candles for her! she got so happy n told me all about the presents she got n how her bday celebration went. we talked a bit but i needed to study so i had to hang up :(
then, since i had not studied at all ever since i got home,i sat down n studied for a good 2 hours, brushed my teeth n my hair n had a nice night sleep😴
woke up in a good mood, drank my morning water n had a filling, delicious breakfast with a good load of veggies, a whole lot of protein n some carbs. it was soo yummyy^^
then i got ready, decided to postpone the glamming for my little tc thing, since i didnt want a crush to get in the way of how my exam goes, knowing i wouldnt be as comfortable in all glam.
so i took the exam! it went quite nice at first but as time went by, nearing the end of the 3 hrs, my focus got harder to maintain n i didnt even realize i had a headache from constrating so hard! even though i didnt feel like i did as good as i was capable of, it still wasnt horrible n i know the result will be decent. so im pleased yet eager to do more!
after the exam, i had a class with my teacher:) the one whom i have a little crush on:) he was exceptionally smiley today! he asked me how my exam went, kiinda checked me out(i mightve even made it up honestly😭but lowkey felt it though!) chatted with us for a while. then his class starts, as usual hes very interactive with with everyone n me, jokes around n stuff.
one thing i really like about him is that he always looks at me while he’s telling a story about himself or anything personal really. its as if like hes telling that to me only as he is only making eye contact with me. it makes me feel super special!
it was quite hot in the classroom so i wanted to open the windows yet he was cold so he didnt want me to,and joked about that the whole class.
and he even came rlly close n sat beside me.specifically right beside me. just to talk to me.
losing my pretty mind over that.
this man literally tried to sit on the heater to talk😭hes also absurd sometimes.
look, i might be delusional(likely) but come on, what would you think in my shoes?
i’d like to think that it was intentional so i will:)
n that was all for my little crush talk.
after his class i stayed on the place where i took my courses to study a bit more. while i was there, one of the founders of that place, offered me fruits n even cut them up for me🥹 hes usually an unusually cold man so i was quite suprised! but it made me very happy nonetheless!
after i was done, while i was leaving the course i came by the owner of the course place n chatted with him for a while, he’s the bestest! hes very intelligent and sweet!
that’s all i have for today! i texted with one of my best friends as well, we promised to meet this monday to visit our national library. we’ll see how everything goes!
im trying to readjust n revolve, into the girl who is disgustingly overeducated, into the girl who is balanced and feminine, into the girl who has everything together in her life<3
same time tomorrow?
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