#i dont need it to be revolutionary.. i like working with them. i really like that i get to have an edgy lone werewolf character who wears
inkskinned · 2 years
not to romanticize my mental issues but sometimes having adhd is very useful because today during a meeting that could have been an email i kept thinking about crabs wearing small tophats and having little dancing parties and how they'd sound in tap shoes.
and when my boss was like "raquel what do you think?"
i was like "well, i think the others have made good points about this, of course, and i'd be happy to circle around later on it, but i'd love to take a moment and resonate with this before offering my own suggestion. i want to hear what others think before anticipating the client's needs."
and then i went back to not listening but this time it was imagining snails that joust.
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werebutch · 2 years
pls tell me abt scotch and atlas <3
OK so glad you asked i hope i can make this. Like. Understandable. THANK YOU so much for asking..<3
Scotch and atlas are inseparable. They’ve been best friends since they were 14ish, and even though atlas kinda hated him at first, he eventually found scotch’s obnoxiousness comforting + fun compared to his own silence. I relate to atlas a lot in this way lol. They were quite a duo in high school as class clown and off-putting loner. It’s junior or senior year when scotch tells atlas about his feelings for him. They’ve always been close, and lots of times mistaken for partners, but atlas doesnt know how to handle this confession. He largely ignores it, but not in a purposefully mean way.
During the stretch of time before atlas realizes his own feelings about scotch, he’s very protective over and sensitive to him. He drops anything for him, which actually got him in a lot of trouble in his actual relationships. Bros before hoes is what they both live by really… its a classic case of being SOOOO best friends you dont realize its a crush.
By the time atlas meets seraph (his official partner), he and scotch have become very comfortable in their relationship. They finally live like lovers. Very good ones. And seraph kinda…. Comes along and fucks it all up. This is probably the part that made u send this ask LMFAO <3. Atlas falls head over heels for them. He is obsessed for REAL they are like a dream to him. Classic (overused and cheesy..) dynamic of soft and rough. Red and blue. Innocence and corruption. Lamb of god and… i dont know. You know what i mean, i could go on. This is all going while scotch watches, very aware of all of it. He’s fine with it, really, its not like he and atlas are really dating. Atlas can do what he wants, he’s pretty sure he’s still his number one. WELL.
Until he’s not. Atlas had told seraph about scotch, that this is how it is and he cant choose them over him and vice versa. Seraph didnt like that. I dont want to make seraph out to be the bad guy, because they aren’t at all. I dont think they’re doing anything wrong by being upset atlas wants to keep his fwb+ thing going on with his buddy. I don’t think they’re a bad person for asking him to end that relationship. He doesn’t, of course, but atlas does tell scotch about it. Scotch is angry, but mostly scared. He kind of has a whole breakdown because as atlas gets more and more involved with seraph, he sees less and less of him. It really feels like its the end, and they will go back to being just friends with added …tension.
That’s not the end of the story but its all i have pretty much in stone. The rest keeps changing as the story grows LOL. Sorry if this is too long, i never know how to talk about my characters without giving the entire backstory. This is just the surface of it, there is a lot more things happening in between but i didnt want this to go on forever ehehe or be too confusing. I dont know whether im going to have them grow apart, have seraph slowly accept scotch, or have something horrible go down where seraph leaves/is left. Probably whatever is more dramatic and sad, but thats different depending on if youre rooting for seraph or scotch more lol. Anyways. TY FOR ASKING omfg iz soo long….
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the-cooler-king · 4 months
Oh yeah..... midnight gospel be hitting.... sitting in my bed fuckin. Crying. Get a grip girl
#Its the trudy ep which is actually the episode that made me keep watching#I love love love this episode.....#Something about how.......... idk.... its a very profound ep that I can't explain and it's a nice cry#This ep kind of shaped my outlook on life especially after finding out about my friend dying#All the regrets and things left unsaid.... I make my peace daily by being really straight up#If I love and care about ppl I tell them... I say they are appreciated and cared for man#I am always thankful for people and I *love* people as a whole#And as long as the people around me intrinsically know that they are loved and cared for and cherished.... like that's it#That's the end game truly#I will never ever be sorry for that. This was THEEEE episode.#There's a lot of nuance behind my feelings best described by revolutionary girl utena#But still. I'm deep enough in my tags bc I'm crying over my s/o but not in a bad way#Fml I am so grateful to him as just an entity. As a person in my life even if our lives only intersect for this brief period of time#He hasn't been texting me much and we didn't talk much at work and I didn't even get a goodbye (rude lol)#But I know he was having a rough day. I know he needs a bit of tlc.#He could be on a downswing because I am certainly on an upswing#So I'm kind of like trying to focus on doing my own thing rn without worrying about it#Because I can't do anything about it so I might as well continue My Thang#But as I sometimes come to terms with us never talking again (gotta be prepared at all times to be ghosted)#I also come back to terms with needing him to really understand#how many people in his life depend on love cherish and admire him#And im not just talking about me... he has a lot of siblings and a not great mom. Two kids he loves.#He has always taken care of everyone else in his life#He deserves to really know and idk. It makes me think of this moment.#Realizing how much I dont ever want to question if he knows#I don't want to question if I could've done more or tried harder etc. I did my very best and didn't lie cheat steal or whatever#I am so grateful to him for letting me have that. Even if nothing can come from it in the end#Even if we should be torn apart!!!! Take my revolution!!!#Anyways. Here's wonderwall#Banger of an episode. Worth the rewatch
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fromorigintofinality · 5 months
i dont post on here a ton but i gotta say the growing attitude on tumblr that voting in the US is somehow useless is really concerning.
just recently i saw this post that was basically making fun of people saying that voting was the way to change the system, and that's just.. wrong? like seriously, how do you think roe v. wade got overturned? its because despite everything, republicans are smart voters and know how to play the long game.
but leftists as of late have lost that quality i feel. instead of advocating for people to vote, they advocate for some "revolution" they think will solve everything. among the people in the post mentioned earlier being glorified as revolutionaries were mao zedong and stalin, and when asked why the poster was glorifying these horrific figures, they said, "yes. Mao freed my family and stalin defeated the fascists. Get with the program sugar"
do you notice anything about that? do you notice how it sounds like the way a child describes the world? "stalin defeated the fascists" like he's some hero who defeated the evil horde of thieves? the way things like the red guard, struggle sessions, all of that, are completely ignored on the side of Mao? how this person, despite having a trans flag in their pfp, is ignoring how the utterly homophobic state of the Chinese government at present is the fault of Mao? how they ignore horrific things such as the Gulag on side of Stalin? this person cannot think, and the only way they believe that the world can move forward is a revolution, and revolution's don't work when the people advocating for them do nothing.
maybe one could argue that this was just a one off type of thing, and that all of the thousands of people liking and reblogging this post are just weirdos. but whether or not thats true, this growing sentiment of praying to a revolution that will never come is indeed growing. and its not just like these people stay in their lane, they actively encourage and probably will cause people to not vote.
so i want to remind everybody. elections are not a moral choice. joe biden is complicit and actively funding a genocide, but not voting for him, third party or not (if you still think third parties are viable please look into the history behind them), will make it more likely that trump will win, and that things in palestine and other things that joe biden has failed in will get 1000x worse. candidates in elections are a bus stop to the real goal, and treating them as such is smart voting, republicans proved this with the overturning of roe v. wade.
please do not be selfish. this last bit may seem out of nowhere, but i need to say this. this type of thinking is selfish. it is selfish and almost impossible to detect as such for the people who believe in it. if you are the type of person who believes in this style of thinking, you have created a completely arbitrary moral code, and care more about your conscience than real political change. you believe yourself to have completely good morals that are universally good, and for the consequences of following these morals, you don't consider the real change that will occur, just your conscience and peace of mind. as for what happens because of that moral code, you will always find a way around looking inwards to how you contributed.
this election season may be the most important yet, please learn to take the practical route instead of the "pure" route.
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lacorawnzo · 1 month
Im likely biased but I want Koby to join the Revolutionary Army SO BADDDD!!!
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I’ve never liked the idea of Koby being a Marine.
His dream wasn’t specifically to join the Navy; it was to help those who can’t protect themselves. He just concluded that being a Marine was the way to achieve that.
He has been hesitant and critical of the Navy from the start, and he has very little trust in them. He even berates himself at the thought that any Navy soldiers would save him after being taken to Pirate Island.
From his speech during Marineford to his resignation to join SWORD, he has shown little faith in the Navy. I believe he would be much better suited to the Revolutionary Army. They are the ones doing the real work of protecting citizens and have built a genuine community.
I feel that once he understands the good the Revolutionary Army does and learns about the Navy hiding the gap year, it would make the most sense for him to join them.
I also really want to see his dynamic with Sabo! They’d be so adorable together; I need to see them fawning over Luffy. Even aside from Luffy, I think they’d have a strong bond, and I really hope Oda explores it in the future!
(Might rewrite in the future expanding on these ideas but at the moment I just need to get these thoughts out!!!!!!!!!)
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
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mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
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ornii · 4 months
Hi! Can I request a Gwen platonic imagine where R is a spider person, and becomes liek a younger siblingvfigurdcgo gwen?
I’m gonna assume you mean Miss Stacy, and I have an idea.
My Other Self
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What if Gwen met herself?
Alright, let’s do this.. one last time.
My name, is (Y/n) Stacy, I was bitten by a radioactive Spider, and for the last three years I’ve been the one and only Spider-Man.
I’ve beaten the bad guys, almost got the girl.. lost, my dad.. but I never gave up. Even if I get broken and beaten, I dont. Give. Up! I was honestly praying for something more interesting to happen, and I guess you get what you asked for.
(Y/n) Landed on the wall of a building, his costume a deep black with gold lining. And a nice sleeveless white hoodie to boot. He heard a disturbance on the police radio about a, weird looking Rhino. (Y/n) peers over the wall to see the Police dealing with a weird thing. It was a man who looked like he was from the Revolutionary Era. His armor heavy and clanking like a steampunk. Police can’t find a weak spot in his armor.
“Well, looks like this is a job for your friendly neighborhood—“
“SPIDER-MAN!” A scream from a large Screen echoed. None other than J. Jonah Jameson.
“Yeah, Spider-Man!” He swings over and lands on a pole, the rhino turns to the spider. “Pauk!” He screamed, stream bellows from his back panels and Spider-Man drops down.
“Alright big guy, I’ll give you one chance to—“
Rhino charges full force at the Spider-Man who flips out of the way and fire webs at the back of the Rhino’s head, he turns back around and gets more webs in the face. “You really don’t quit, do ya?!” Spider-Man leap into the air, firing webs at the back panels to clog his machine. With a scream he burns off the webs and catches him by the leg and tosses him hard into a wall. The impact cracks a hole in it. He stood up, “Okay.. that felt, weird.”
The Rhino begins to speak but his body falls to one knee, glitching out. “Well that’s new..” Spider-Man moves closer, “Hey.. you okay?” He asked. Rhino swings and he dodges. leaping back Rhino charges in, and Spider-Man fires a flurry of webs at his legs, forcing him to trip. The impact shakes the ground and he begins to web him up. Rhino screams, probably Russian insults, he charges at Spider-Man who leaped into his back as he began to tear through New York. Firing webs on his back he tries to steer him away from hitting people.
Rhino forces his way in front of a mother and child. Spider-Man tries to steer him away. Desperate to save them he struggles, but before tragedy can happen, a web pulls them away. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow at it, a drum solo echoes in his ear as someone else intervenes! He watches an elegant figure leap and swing their way over and land next to him.
“Need a hand?” She asks, he blinks a few times seeing another Spider-Man! “Uh, yeah!” He replies and they both web the Rhino and yank, forcing him to crash though a wall and into something hard. He steam begins to slow down.
“Think we’ve got him now.” The Heroine swings o and they begin to swing around, wrapping rhino like a big metal cocoon. With a kick they knock him down.
“That went better than I thought. Thanks for the help.” She said though her mask and began to log into her watch, Spidwrman was admitted Enamored by someone like him. “Hey… are you, Spider-Man?”
“No, more like Spider, Girl? Gal? Woman? One of those.” She shrugged. “And you’re… from another dimension?”
“Was it that obvious?” She said sarcastically.
“I guess.. just didn’t expect to see anyone like me, dad would have hated having to work two Spider cases.” He tried to make small talk, which actually catches her ear.
“Your.. dad?” She asked, and he nods. “Uh yeah.. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you since you aren’t from like the past or anything, seems Multiverse theory works…” he trails on thinking.
“Can we… talk in private?” She asked, and (Y/n) was a bit worried about what she could ask, but obliged. The two swing away to a rooftop to avoid contact with people, her back to him. “Okay.. do what did you wanna talk about?” He asked, the girl took a deep breath and turned around to face him.
“Is your last name Stacy?” She asked, assuming she had some detailed knowledge, (Y/n) awkwardly nodded. “Uh.. Yeah..” he grips his base and removed his mask. He revealed who he was, and the girl was dumbfounded. “Yeah.. my names Garth Stacy.. or Gary or (Y/n). Middle name.” He explained. “What were you expecting?” He said, the girl gripped hers and removed it, revealing a face oddly identical to his. “Gwen.”
The two come to a realization.
“You’re.. me.” They said to each other.
“Nice haircut.” He smiled at Gwen who felt the side cut. “A friend helped me with it.” She replied. “You look.. older.” She smiled back.
“Yeah, college does that to you.” He chimes in. “So.. how’s dad?” Gwen asks.
Gwen and (Y/n), now wearing their masks again stare at a gravestone reading “Here lies George Stacy; Proud Father, Honorable Officer.” Gwen had a somber look in her eyes, so did (Y/n). “He died protecting a kid from rubble when I fought Shocker.. I haven’t been able to forgive myself.” He stares at the headstone for what seems to be forever. “I don’t have any family now. Just me. Is your Dad okay?”
“Things are.. kinda complicated between us.” Gwen explained, and leaned against him. “You got me, and all the other me’s and you’s around. you aren’t alone.” Gwen looked up at him, he saw his mom in her, and a little bit of dad stubborn but honest love, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Six Months Pass and (Y/n) is sitting at a desk, writing for his college thesis listening to music, bobbing his head.
“I just came to my senses
I stay in another dimension
Fear is non-existent
Suit up and swing through the city
Annihilate, I'm wide awake, be very afraid
I'm in my own world, give me space
I'm in my own universe, give me space
“Weezy Carter, I'm 'bout to go Peter Parker
I'm Spider-Man, if he ain't me, he just a creepy crawler”
“Tunechi spark the lighter, pull up in a new Ferrari spider Spider web necklace with the diamonds She'll turn to Spider-Woman if I bite her.”
I will not go back and forth with you
I see you got the black widow with you
You should've had a black hero with you
I get an opp-arachnophobia”
“I've been litty since I flicked the lighter
Since I was an itsy bitsy spider
They've been tryna wash the spider out
I got spiders crawlin' out your mouth, Spider-Verse!”
“(Y/n)…. (Y/n)…” Gwen calls out, you sense something and look up, a portal has opened up, making the knick knacks on your desk float.
“You got a minute?”
“For my sister? Anything.”
He scoots back and Gwen elegantly lands on his bed. “So.. I talked to Miguel.” She starts.
“Okay?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward. “And.. he said yes!” She shows him a watch device like she had. “You’re the newest member of the Spider Society.~” in a sing song tune, he took it, looking at it like it’s gold. He put it on his wrist and gleamed at Gwen.
“This is.. amazing.” He looked up at her, “The look on your face tells me that this isn’t the only thing you wanna tell me.. dad always had that look.” He leaned back, and Gwen’s face pouts just slightly. “Okay.. so, this might be a dumb question but.. have. You ever had a friend that you, really liked, as a friend of course! And.. well, in every universe Spider-Man always seems to fall for a Stacy.. and in every universe..” Gwen said and (Y/n) knew what she was going to say.
“It never ends well, does it?” He said, she looked down, as if she was expecting a more hopeful response. He didn’t want to break her heart. But, maybe things can be different. “But.. there’s always a first time for everything. Let me guess, can’t get him out your mind.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.” (Y/n) tried to hide his laugh, as Gwen rolls her eyes. The Police scanner goes off and they hear the report.
“Armed Robbery at 107th and Landing.”
“Guess you came at the right time, left your toothbrush here.” (Y/n) stands up to go grab his costume, Gwen turns around. “Oh, I did didn’t I?”
“And your sweater, Converse, weird blanket, dance shoes.”
“Okay okay I clean up.” Gwen folds her arms smiling. “Hey.. you can stay as long as you want, it’s good to have family here.” (Y/n) steps in front of her, and puts the mask on. With zero hesitation they leap out of the window, swinging over to the next adventure.
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satuwn · 2 months
i have decided to randomly infodump about my lab rats as a way to motivate myself to: 1) revamp existing characters old refs and 2) DRAW THE GD REFERENCES OF THE REST OF THE BITCHES (this will probably take me ages still. alas), more rambly details abt the story and characters under the cut
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the main characters: Dr. Kitty Whisker and her twin sibling Happy(tbd), Dr. Brainworms, Gummi (comic relief character mostly), Prof. Fuzzybottom(tbd) and Prof. Snakebite (previously known as prof. pinky, i need to redesign him more heavily)
the side characters (these guys may have side stories of their own but theyre mostly just an excuse for me to design more weird lab rats): Prof. Smartypants - ref to be finished, ferret with a brain of a human, she is my 'authors blatant self insert' into my own story lol; Fishsticks (drawn, a dissected mouse/frog stitched together), (the rest of these dont have names yet) a rat/chick hybrid with funy lil chicken legs, a rat/gator/shark hybrid she is punk and goth and she Bites, a mouse/cat dna mix with a surprisingly tragic backstory that im still working out, more tba
each lab rat represents usually an amalgamation of different experiments as the lab they are in is 'cheap' with their test subjects and likes to Repurpose old, usually failed experiments and do other stuff to them! honestly even if theyre a success they still end up getting experimented on more lol but they are still unimportant enough and the lab big enough where they can hide themselves away and have their own space w/o being actively searched for. ofc the world of the setting is based on our own reality but way more Hyperreal, i dont aim to represent logical feats of science bc a lot of these guys would defs be revolutionary (and impossible) irl lol. i will briefly run down what each main character is a result of but ideally id like to go into more detail when i actually. make the story more visual in whatever format i decide to do (probably experimental and non linear snippets, i dont think im smart enough for a full comic)
Dr. Kitty and Happy are twins! they were the result of an experiment where the scientists were testing if one species of rodent could gestate a different species of rodent just thru a little genetic modification. and that was Happy! he is actually a bunny born from a rat mother and with all rat siblings (one of them being Kitty) hes a bit smaller in stature than a usual bunny being more rat sized but other than that just a bnuuy! further experiments on them was how well skin grafting would work between different yet similar species. it worked for Kitty (hence the bunny ear) but not so much for Happy... both of them had separate experiments done on them also, altho Kitty was more rebellious of the two earning her the shock collar. Happy also had experiments on his fur to make it color changing like a chameleon, as well as some experiments to his eye (tbd)
Dr. Brainworms is actually a sapient amoeba/bacteria type thing, attached to a host body(that happens to be a hairless rat), this host body is her most compatible one as she Can overtake and control other bodies but they start to decay pretty quickly. her history is something she herself is trying to find out as her host body is its own mystery.. is she just an amoeba that gainted sentience? is her mind really her own? was this body maybe always hers? who knows!
Gummi is a jelly belly gummy rat candy brought to life, pretty self explanatory... but shes got a few mysteries of her own! like, why was she even created, for what purpose, i mean who could even do such advanced science anyway to bring an inorganic candy to life, and Why does she keep talking abt a scientist with green gloves when there arent any scientists like that around?
Prof. Fuzzybottom is a rabbit! she used to be just used for breeding new test subjects which left her pretty traumatized not being able to keep any of her children, she became infertile from the stress so she was repurposed for other experiments, like trying to turn her fur to naturally be an unnatural color, and to be more synthetic like faux fur (aka a living plush) she was also blind so they replaced her eyes with a plushy sleeping mask that actually has LEDs inside that are hooked up to her brain to see if they could restore vision thru cybernetics. in her original iteration she was even supposed to be half rat half bunny buut i felt it too much, might still reuse the idea tho! tbh i just wanted a bunny with cute rat hands :3
Prof. Snakebite is not even a lab rat originally, he was simply a pinky rat used to feed the lab snakes, but due to freak circumstances he was actually still alive and after being bitten by a venomous snake, the stress hormones in his little body make him develop rapidly especially in brain power. as he was still very tiny and fragile, he wasnt the best subject to experiment on, but he was fitted with a brain chip originally just to read and analyze his brain development as he was much more advanced in mind than in body (of an almost newborn). after escaping he would upgrade his brain chip to help him utilize more brain power but also lessen the burden on his tiny body that could not handle the strain. he and prof. fuzzybottom are always hanging around each other, fuzzy very often babying him or just helping him out by carrying him and helping him reach places or handle objects, while he begrudgingly tolerates her as she is useful to his needs. also cant admit he appreciates her actually awww
the rest of the side characters are pretty self explanatory, theyre mostly just various animal hybrids and crossbreeds and splices! smh only the main characters get cool powers and shit -_- aside from Prof. Smartypants, after having a ferrets body fitted with a human mind(who doesnt remember the human part almost at all. its just the advanced intellect from it) tries to figure out the weird body dysmorphia with Science Potions aka chemisty. but thats mostly just to give another one of my sonas shapeshifting ablities (go figure) so yah if u read this so far Waow o_o Thank U and also Pls Send me asks abt this. if u want <3 can be questions or just ur thoughts ig!! id love feedback pleas please plea
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bread--quest · 18 days
just watched my first ever performance of les mis and i'm experiencing every emotion ever and i need to write them all down quickly before i go to sleep so i don't forget them .ok . in some approximate order
the prisoners during look down would each like. look up for their individual line and then whoever was next to them would reach over and pull them back down which i thought was so good
hoogh the staging. the STAGING .
several of the scenes looked (i think very intentionally) like.....religious paintings...??? im sorry i dont have a better way to describe it im not catholic but like. the first one im thinking of is jean valjean and the bishop during the "i have bought your soul for god" scene . there were like definitely Intentional Pauses so you could Admire the Staging and Lighting. which i did
incidentally i wasnt counting the amount of times people crossed themselves in this show but it was A Lot
after "i'll escape now from this world... from the world of JEAN VALJEAAAAAAAAAN" the stage went black and then the words "les miserables" were projected on the screen and my dad (who was next to me) went "OH that was just the PROLOGUE??"
ohhhhh god fantine's death scene hit me like a truck. that was the first moment i cried at and oh god i cried really hard. i had forgotten that it was to the tune of on my own. awuagh
after little cosette sang "she says...cosette, i love you very much..." i distinctly heard someone in the audience GASP and go "ohhhhh...."
madame thenardier was GREAT, she sang every line like she was rolling her eyes. also she made some. Gestures with a baguette during master of the house
beautiful little moment: after jvj gave cosette the doll she gasped, kind of backed away from him in shock, and then paused and ran towards him and hugged him, and then there was a noticeable moment where he sort of didn't know what to do for a second and then hugged her back and scooped her up to carry her away. waugh
look down paris 1832!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAA
i didn't realize until just now that it works so well to have gavroche be singing what's basically the intro to "okay so here's what's happening now. this is paris and it sucks," because gavroche is the character introduced at the start of the 1832 book!!! the gamin expresses paris!! i love that!!!! also gavroche was excellent. adore that boy
marius was such a dork <3
eponine fully Threw his book across the stage and he was like "haha i love the way you..... tease. Hm"
the paris sets were so cool!!!! they were like. whole apartment building sets and actors would pop out of windows and stuff!!! very neat
one of the women had a "vive lamarque" sign hanging out her window lmao. rip
grantaire kept hugging people/flopping on them
enjolras was Very Blond and Very Enjolras-y. when grantaire tried to flop on him he pushed him away and then they made Intense Eye Contact about it
gavroche delivered "general lamarque is dead" surprisingly solemnly and quietly, and there was a moment of silence that i thought really brought in the gravity of the moment well
also he got up on a table to say it and afterwards enjolras patted him on the shoulder (which he did a lot) and then picked him up and lifted him off the table :)
grantaire kept pulling gavroche back from joining with the rest of the revolutionaries :(
marius actually CLIMBED OVER THE GATES to cosette's house, i was very impressed
ONE DAY MOOOOOORE was sooo good
the thenadiers peered out of one of the really tall windows and had a little periscope (??) to look at the revolutionaries with
the barricade was very striking, if lacking in Symbolic Coffin. very pointy looking though
my dad said "is that javert??" a few minutes after javert appeared at the barricade and his reaction to the reveal was EXCELLENT
gavroche flipped off javert LMAO
little fall of rain was very good but the thing that hurt me the most was that towards the very end gavroche came on stage, saw what was happening, stepped towards her, and was pulled back a bit by grantaire. and then after she died gavroche went forward and picked up her hat and gave it to marius, and then walked away, and when grantaire reached out towards him he just kind of walked past. it was a really really good bit of like. subtle characterization and plot and just AAAAAA
"is your life just one more LIE" in drink with me was very directly addressed to enjolras, who then had another moment of Very Intense Eye Contact with grantaire. then they stormed off to opposite sides of the barricade and gavroche, who was sort of standing between them looking worried, looked back and forth a few times and then went over to grantaire and hugged him :((
the barricaders in general were so good
jvj hit an INSANELY high note at the end of bring him home
THEY DID SOMEHTING VERY CRUEL AND FUCKED UP and had gavroche's song of little people be interrupted by a gunshot and a gasp from the barricade, and THEN he started singing AGAIN, and everyone seemed relieved, and he came back up over the barricade and THEN. GUNSHOT. and. enjolras caught him and held him and then like. passed him down the barricade to grantaire??? in this incredibly lit and really like. again. like it looked like a painting . i am rapidly losing coherency. it hurt so bad man
the one thing i am sad about (WELL. IM SAD ABOUT A LOT. BUT I MEAN SPECIFICALLY ABOUT THE ADAPTATION FROM BOOK TO MUSICAL) is that grantaire and enjolras didn't die holding hands :((
at least they got one more moment of Very Intense Eye Contact in (after gavroche's death...)
oh GOD enjolras in the cart hurt so bad. WITH THE FLAG. i really thought he was evoking some famous painting but i could be wrong
javert knelt down over gavroche's body, shook his head, crossed himself, gently tapped gavroche, and then stood up and pointed at him so the cart guy would take him away
enjolras had like. one hand dangling out of the cart when it came in, but as it was leaving the stage the other hand dropped which was a FANTASTIC acting moment . also damn those actors were great at pretending to be dead
javert's suicide was BRILLIANTLY staged, somehow the actor really made it look like falling while standing up the whole time (possibly being raised somewhat? unsure)
he was also the only character who's death was not shown in illuminating light . which. damn.
turning turning hit me unexpectedly hard. ooooof
and then empty chairs at empty tables was. well. i dont think i need to say more. the lights were a fantastic choice
i think i started crying at "it is the story of those who always loved you" but honestly the entire last song was really blurry. IT OPENED WITH JEAN VALJEAN LIGHTING THE CANDLESTICKS. THE CANDLESTIIIIIICKS
also gavroche was standing between enjolras and grantaire when they first came out which i have to think was intentional
there was basically nothing on stage but the actors for the last song which made it incredible imo . i briefly considered becoming french. a lady offered me a tissue. the end
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xannerz · 2 months
ranting under cut
i love it when people who dont stfu about how they refuse to vote/think voting is bad keep using 'You nEeD to TAke A hisTOry/Poli ScI cLaSs' as if it's not the dumbest possible gotcha considering those same classes would also tell you about this country's dumb fucking history of voter/civil rights suppression, and that it's still a thing going on today like what's not clicking lmao.
republicans dont want you to vote. the same conservative politicians getting away with gerrymandering and not allowing mail-in ballots and limiting your time to vote, the same politicians who fear monger their way into office and ban abortion access and try to add work requirements to medicaid and slash away at the most basic civil rights, esp for the LGBT+ community -- like.
they dont want you to vote! a keyboard warrior bitching 24/7 about how morally bankrupt you must be to want to vote for democrats thinks 'oh, boy! i'm really showing the government! take that you dirty liberal!'-- it's not the revolutionary move you think it is. it's such a toothless dig. i also think dems are incompetent and a destructive part of the machine, but damage/risk mitigation - esp in relation to what we have looming over us - exists. shirking the very basic rights republicans don't want you to exercise is not the gotcha you think it is. you're like. doing their work for them.
the fact this has to be said-- omg.
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herboretum · 3 months
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GOOD FUCKING GODDDDDD UGHHH i eman its not Like any new information really BUT THIS IS HUGE FOR ME OK. all of orby's thoughts from before and after the existence of player. They Clarify on why they disappear when you exist the store witht hem. Im Killing mys
calling cashier interesting too GODD ive always interpreted his and orby's dynamic as somewhat indifferent. like they dont really care about each other all that much but shit; this changes some things. Orby not wanting to intentionally overload him and actually giving a fuck about his wellbeing (although tbf i dont thinj the same can be said for snackcore but whatever these two games arent meant to be related anyways)
and just UGHHHDWAAWW. their last and second to last note. calling out to kyu before breaking down. god. you cannot YOU CANNOT with me man.
its the fact that their notes didnt even work. that the only reason why kyu ever joined was because of the sheer corruption the state of the game was in at this this time. the notes (the 5 initial ones) didnt do shit for this world other than to save cashier and thats only IF we paid or chose to give them attention
and its not just that either. by the time we the audiences view these extra notes we arent the player anymore. we are watching cashier and dummy view these notes for themselves. its not us but them that get to understand why the random orb in the store was there, why all of this is happening. these are the answers for US, but we as a player will never get to know in the story because we are gone
worst fucking part is that these two bitches dont even GET IT!!!! they didnt see the five other, arguably more important notes that WE did during the gameplay. i mean if anything this would probably and most likely provide them some form of clarity, but its not a lot. like if kyu had to explain what was happening to their world at the very end, then yeah i doubt these notes ever did anything. probably made their existence all the more confusing in hindsight
its. whatever!!!!!!! i need to like do a little bit more of a deep dive later since i cant fully articulate my thoughts at this moment (and like lowkey This short analysis was fucking ass it just kinda devolved from my excitement)but GOD. i fucking love this game man
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mistninja · 1 year
do you like reading fantasy? do you like magical swords, wizards and dragons? do you want to get into anime/manga but dont know how? well im a weeb and a fantasy nerd who has nothing better to do so here are some recs ig
Do you like the Cosmere for the convoluted magical systems and the creative ways the magic is used in fights? Watch Jujutsu Kaisen. First season has 24 episodes, there is one prequel movie (good place to start too) and a second season coming soon. You could also read the manga, but I personally think the anime is easier to follow and overall more enjoyable to me (on the other hand, the manga comes with Extensive notes on how the magic works so you might prefer that). Another good show is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (on Netflix, 64 episodes).
Do you like the Cosmere for the interconnected large universe and The Lore(tm)? Get into Fate. You know how Cosmere fans loooove talking about timelines and where to start with the Cosmere? You can do that again with Fate, even more complicated this time! A good place to start would be either Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works or Fate/Zero. Both are on Netflix, UBW has 26 episodes and Zero has 25. You could go straight to the source material, the visual novels, but I haven't played them so I can't talk about them.
Do you like Realm of the Elderlings, or historical fantasy? Watch Vinland Saga. The first season has 24 episodes, second one is currently coming out weekly (close to finishing), and it is on Netflix. Haven't read the manga but it seems to have some really good art. Another option would be (I think) Berserk, but since I haven't read/watched that, I can't really say. SIDENOTE but if you like Black Sails you should also check out Vinland Saga im so serious. BS isnt fantasy but i needed to get that out there.
Do you like The Locked Tomb? This one is quite obvious but watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, it inspired the books *a lot*. It has 39 episodes, a movie and a manga, general consensus is that the manga is not very good so just watch the show. Look up trigger warnings. And you might also want to check out Puella Magi Madoka Magica (the original show has just 12 episodes, theres a lot of extra content but I have not seen/read the rest so i would say its not necessary).
Do you like an epic adventure and a giant world filled with amazing places to explore? Completely unironically you SHOULD read or watch One Piece. Fantasy fans already get into gargantuan book series with thousands of pages what is a thousand episodes to you? I assure you it is worth it. Hunter x Hunter is also good, I can't say much about it because I just started it recently.
More general recs under read more.
Little Witch Academia. Cute fluffy show about teenage witches. Some similarities with The Owl House on Disney.
Witch Hat Atelier. Manga only for now, follows a young girl who gets taken in as a witch's apprentice, has some darker elements.
Re: Zero. Guy from our world gets sent to another world and then dies a bunch of times. Psychological horror in a fantasy setting.
Akatsuki no Yona. Princess goes on an adventure to find legendary dragons and save her kingdom. Some romance.
Vanitas no Carte. Vampires in a steampunk setting. Gay (?)
Black Clover. Basically whatever you think Naruto is about, but shorter and more goofy. Boy with no magic wants to the greatest wizard of all time, gets beefy.
Ghibli movies: Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Castle in the Sky, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away. These movies are more on the magical realism / low fantasy side.
Noragami. Supernatural. Gods and spirits are real and walk among us, the story follows a god who has no followers and a girl who accidentally becomes half-spirit. Some cool fights. Really great music.
Shadows House. Creepy house where shadow people live, along with their "living dolls".
Dungeon Meshi. Manga with upcoming anime, havent read it but seems like a fun adventure with some horror elements (?) but mostly about cooking and monsters.
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saibugslegacy · 11 days
Ambrose Ask Game
I realized this morning that I forgot how ask games work and just did Odysseus' entire thing so I am a fool but I am now a committed fool. Questions from @rypnami
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
I think Ambrose’s animagus form would be, ironically, an eagle. They’re fiercely loyal and will fuck you UP, along with being good caretakers of their young
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
I think he’d choose some type of bird, maybe a raven or crow, but he wouldn’t mind an eagle too
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
Green, because Slytherin is the first real home he ever had
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
Ambrose would use Tumblr unironically. He’s just fucking weird and it’s easier to avoid arguments, also it’s more anonymous than twitter or Facebook or especially Instagram. He has a twitter account but has not opened the app in two years. He’s more likely to use Facebook. I could also see him using Snapchat, the messages disappearing would make him feel less nervous
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did consult wand lore because I am an absolute nerd. Ambrose’ wand is Aspen wood and phoenix feather. I chose Aspen wood because it’s particularly suited to martial magic and duelling, which is where Ambrose excels via Ancient Magic, and it’s masters are strong minded, determined, and drawn to quests. I was really sold though with this quote from the Wizarding World website: “this is a wand for revolutionaries.” Phoenix feather is because it has a huge range for its magic and Ambrose is at least average in most forms average. Plus it’s a rare and picky wand and Ambrose has a very “chosen one” energy the rest of my mcs dont have as much
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
Ambrose will eat literally anything you put in front of him, because he doesnt want to be rude or ungrateful, and because he didnt grow up with the ability to reject food because he never knew when the next time he’d eat was
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Ambrose was raised by two squibs who were SUPER bitter and hated wizards, so he grew up subconsciously suppressing his magic, especially since his brother’s magic was so destructive. He was teetering on the edge of becoming an obscurial but at the least second he let out all the magic he’d been suppressing while protecting Everett from his own fire (getting burned in the process). He got his Hogwarts letter when they went out a few months later, wrote back refusing to go, then Fig showed up and his efforts combined with Everett convinced him to go
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house? 
Ambrose is in Slytherin because, while he has a moral code, he is completely willing to set it aside whenever he feels like he needs to. Ex, he thinks killing is bad but is absolutely willing to murder someone if he feels he has no other option. He’ll feel shitty about it afterward but he’ll do it
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc? 
Not really? Harry Potter a little but only in the sense of the main character/chosen one energy
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Post game he becomes able to channel the Ancient Magic for a wider range of abilities and can become a host of it, like the avatar state, but nothing outside of ancient magic
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
His parents both have wiarding blood but since they’re both squibs he is technically a half blood. It doesn’t affect his home life much, but it does affect his life at Hogwarts for a bit because of a bunch of people being bitchy about a half-blood Slytherin. But him, Sebastian, Ominis, and Imelda shut that shit down fast
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not? 
He did not open the Repository because he felt bad 
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Trusts them overall but does get kind of annoyed at them sometimes over their lack of urgency and refusal to tell him anything
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
Not to give toooo much away but Ambrose’s story in 6th year mainly has to do with trying to get Ominis away from his family, raising Everett while also attending school, and dealing with black market smugglers trying to get their hands on powerful rare artifacts, in this case the Ancient Magic wand, the Deathly Hallows, and the Founders Relics. Thankfully, it isn’t long before a young witch transfers from Beauxbatons to help, a witch with very familiar powers…..
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
They did because, while they are a last resort, he likes having some “break glass in case of emergency” spells
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
He did not, even though he was really pissed at him at the time, because he is a gay loser
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
His parents SUCK, and his little brother Everett might as well be Ambrose’s son. He is a little goblin with fire powers and the most precious baby in the whole world and he will burn you alive
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
I like to play with my MCs like dolls and make aus where they have different love interests, but the canon love interests for Ambrose are Sebastian and Ominis
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
Depulso, it gets people the fuck away from him and it’s really easy for crowd control, not to mention to just knock someone off a cliff and now you dont have to deal with them
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
I really wish we could see MC trying to cope more and get comforted. I want MC especially to have more of a reaction to literally being kidnapped by Rookwood and suddenly they’re being attack on all sides, or maybe some PTSD at the dragon fighting ring or in the fight with dragon Ranrok because of the dragon attack at the beginning. It’s hard to get invested in them when they have no reaction to anything. They are 15!! Let them be scared and sad! Also they should have absolutely ripped Sebastian a new one after his little “ignorant” comment
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
After 5th year he gets an owl so he can keep in touch with his friends and once they get away from his parents him and Everett get a Kneazle named Sock because Everett found him rummaging in a shoe
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
I just kinda fucked around and found out honestly, even his burn scar I didn’t figure out the source for until later. Ambrose was also the first MC I played with so he started as a sort of self insert while I experienced the game for the first time, then became his own character my second playthrough 
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
His father is from London and his mother is Greek
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Autumn, he likes being cozy and thinks the leaves are pretty
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
Halloween, no particular reason other than that it’s in Autumn honestly, but he does like how excited Everett gets to trick or treat around their little hamlet
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Hufflepuff because of his his loyalty. Outside of his resourcefulness his loyalty is a core part of himself and what fuels most of his actions. The entire plot is spawned because of Ambrose's loyalty to and trust in Fig.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
Not really, though he did like to use sticks and pretend they were wands and swords
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
I think he’d like whatever genre Conan Gray counts as, purely based on vibes
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc! 
I love his silly freckles and that he has long hair despite being a trans guy, I think he looks very pretty :3
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volvolts · 3 months
ranting and rambling about spirit of justice and nahyuta and i would've done for him dont mind me
spoilers expected btw
I WANT TO LIKE NAHYUTA I REALLY DO!!! his theme is cool, his design is awesome, he can be really funny when he wants to be but damn they really missed the mark
he's such an asshole in the beginning and lays his anti lawyer sentiment really thick so its really hard to like him. he threatens ema's dream job and is constantly trying to get the gallery to jeer at the defense (like encouraging the crowd to say horrible things to trucy and almost giving athena a panic attack by forcing her to hear everyone's hatred of her). the guy doesn't have a lot of humanizing moments either, and most of what he does have is offscreen and told to us or forced imo. by the time we're at the "feel bad for the prosecutor" part of the game it doesn't really work
normally the main prosecutor is either funny and decently noble enough you'll mostly overlook the assholery like franziska and blackquill or genuinely wants find the truth and will help you should they be given the evidence to believe so like klavier or van zieks. nahyuta is too much of an asshole to overlook in favor of his funnier traits and being from the country that hates lawyers, it's more expected for him to double down than to help you find the truth. the only thing nahyuta has really got going for him is his tragic backstory but it's TOLD rather than shown and so has no bite and feels contradictory to what it's felt like up until this point
we're told that because he is the son of a criminal and because of khura'in's beliefs, he must've struggled to get where he was today. but like. no one in the country seems to care and he is an extremely respected figure in the country. that also means that rayfa's potential fate also has no bite because if nahyuta can survive it, why can't rayfa? maybe it could be fixed with the gallery or something because the gallery is unusually annoying and cruel in this game anyway, we could have them trash talking him too. it can work
khura'in hates lawyers so you already have an uphill battle and nahyuta doesn't necessary need to be respected by the public in order for the odds to be against you. i think it would be refreshing if the public didn't like him either. maybe the citizens hate him, either for being the son of dhurke, supposed murderer of their beloved queen, and on the revolutionaries' side, they hate him for being ga'ran's lapdog after being a strong supporting figure in the revolution just years earlier. the public are in awe at nahyuta because he's an exceptional prosecutor but any time it goes wrong for him they quickly go "as expected for the son of a criminal! he let that lawyer win!" show that no matter what he does or is doing, the sins of the father beliefs prevents him from having any form of trust from anyone. if you want, you can have ema say something about how the khura'inese are a lot colder to nahyuta than what she was expecting since the us gassed him up so much. maybe it would also help you feel something towards him since he's very detached and cruel in the magical turnabout. his detachment is because he expects his favor to be turned at any moment and the cruelty can be him trying to convince the public he's on the side of khura'in, even when he is away (maybe have ga'ran mention in passing that she monitors him during his travels so he doesn't try anything? it could also explain why he never contacted dhurke either)
only the people who work with gives him any respect like the judge and rayfa. despite the judge making it clear he doesn't trust you, he's still willing to be open minded. as for rayfa, she should've been the one to talk about the sins of the father law. rayfa genuinely respects nahyuta and believes he's on the side of "good". ie ga'ran's regime, but feels conflicted because nahyuta's is dhurke's son and could, at any turn, betray them. even if she doesn't believe he could, she was told this her entire life and so can't help but think it. it puts more weight on the law and also adds more to the reveal that rayfa and nahyuta are siblings. rayfa and nahyuta barely interacted in the game and i think it would add some depth between them and drive even further that rayfa has always had conflict with the propaganda she was raised with but never reflected on until she met phoenix
anyway they could've done more but they didn't that's my essay on how i think nahyuta has so much lost potential
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dreamdripdistance · 1 year
I'll always love a good Dizz tag rant about how much plastic fabrics suck ass <3
FVDSHKFBHDSUGDEWHJKFBZXJK im glad i have a brand!!! because like if someone doesnt need polyester for a specific purpose for its specific properties, why WOULD you prefer it over a natural fibre for an everyday use????
like. ethically sourced leather (which is a byproduct of the meat industry, cows are always going to be killed or will die for one reason or another, wasting their skin when it could instead be a Really good textile is STUPID and ILLOGICAL) or wool (something that will always be available as long as sheep roam this earth, and DOES NOT harm the animal and actually is integral to their survival!!) or cotton or linen or silk or whatever will always be a better, more ethical and healthier choice!!!!!
like just off the top of my head, linen is always going to be a better choice for bedding than anything else, especially in the way its literally a Stronger textile when wet, and its breathablity and antibacterial properties. all things you want when using and caring for your bedding????
cotton is GREAT for underwear and clothing kept close to the skin because of its breathablity. by the fucking way, ppl with vaginas? if youre wearing polyester underwear Every Day, i hope you know youre literally just inflicting yeast infections upon yourself??? like wearing cute lacy undies is great once in a while, but pleaaaaase. wear (loose fitting) cotton underwear to sleep, especially.
and also, wool is the greatest insulator that you could possibly get, and is key to making sure you dont also sweat (which can be dangerous and also gross even when its extremely cold), and is a great thing to use in your doonas if you can afford it (WHICH I CANT AND I CRY EVERY TIME)
like, yeah theres ethical issues regarding natural textiles, like leather dyeing processes (and that its an animal byproduct, which im not gonna talk about indepth bc idgaf), and the historically (and currently) evil practices being used to farm cotton, and the widespread fast fashion-ification of Everything rn even with natural textile garments.
but like. think about it in comparison to the mass manufacture and discarding of polyester fabrics, and the microplastics going loose in every single wash, and how polyester waste is literally just PLASTIC waste, so when your PU leather coat disintegrates, thats just going to go in the bin, where as a coat made of real leather is going to last for however as long as you can keep it conditioned and protected from damage (which can be fucking DECADES)
also, synthetics are Fine. like they have a time and place especially in the medical field and in situations where you reaaaally dont want anything coming in or out of what youre wearing. nylon was fucking revolutionary as the first entirely synthetic textile so like. i dont hate polyester? but again it has a time and place!!!
like, polyester is cheap as fuck, and if polyester or "cotton rich" (aka poly blend) bedding or clothing is all you can afford or find, then cool! im sorry about that, but i have no qualms about it! ive bought polyester clothing, like, my work pants are all polyester, because they were the cheapest dress pants i could get at kmart that were my size after trying and failing to find smth in an op shop! but like !!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHHHHH IF SOMEONE HAS THE MEANS TO BUY ACTUAL LEATHER (WITH NO QUALMS WITH REAL LEATHER OR W/E) AND THEN GOES TO DROP HUNDREDS ON A PU LEATHER (AKA PLASTIC) COAT, IM GONNA MAUL THEM!!!!!
anyways in conclusion, as i always say:
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cyborg-squid · 7 months
I;m mid-Dressrosa arc right now, which has been very neat, Doflamingo* is a very cool villain and it's interesting seeing Sabo (the least hot of the three brothers, if we're being honest) for what's basically the first time, and Luffy unintentionally rallying all the gladiators behind him... but this is also where my gripes with OP start coming out.
first is that this TL/upload has the QnA portion at the end of the volumes, which would mostly be whatever, but there're these two stupid little things which annoyed me. one was Oda doing genderbent art of the Worst Generation (i'm seeing a lot of Fem Law art on my feed), which is fine, but what annoyed me was then giving them each super stereotypical... girl lines? like Fem Kidd calling the alliance a "girl's night", Fem Hawkins talking about romance horoscopes, etc... only Fem Law had like a normal line. and the second, in a similar vein, in that stupid little QnA thing, someone mentioned Franky had on a shirt with JK on it, and brought up the 'JK schoolgirl' thing with him, since Franky also had braids, and Oda responded with "Haha, gross!". like. c'mon. i guess i already know how he feels about trans people but c'mon.
and with the content of the actual arc itself, it feels very intentionally mirroring Alabasta arc, like how Fishman Island mirrored Arlong Park, but here in Dressrosa... the idea of "good king=good monarchy" and "the previous royals were just so good until they were literally puppetted by Doflamingo" feels much more annoying than it did in Alabasta. probably a big part of that is how Vivi was a member of the crew for so long, we felt much more attached to her, her struggles, and her kingdom, than i do to Dressrosa. the monarchy bit also strikes meh cuz we've also seen. alternatives to that, in this very same manga, and actual revolutionaries against both monarchies and the World Government. like maybe there wouldn't be all these problems with Shichibukai taking over kingdoms from the shadows. if there were no kingdoms. (I feel like Dragon is being set up to be, if not an antagonist, an oppositional force to Luffy in some way, but I'm with him so far, honestly.)
oh and actually i just remembered a third thing i'm annoyed by. and i'm annoyed that i'm annoyed by it. it's the little "Where are they now?" sections at the start of chapters. and a large part are good and fine! It's nice seeing how Vivi is doing, or Dalton and Drum Island, or Nojiko, etc... but I don't really care seeing that CP9 survived, i'd rather they didn't. or Wapol. or 1/2 of Baroque Works. or Caribou. or Impel Down and their stupid fucking jailers. i just feels kind of... pointless when the Strawhat Pirates take down some guy, but then they end up getting away scot free, or facing basically no consequences. like what was the point?! no the Strawhats shouldn't kill everyone they fight and no they shouldnt be all imprisoned or anything, i dont support incarceration or the death penalty, but i just feel it'd have been better if. they'd been written off as dead, if we hadn't seen them again, especially in a silly little segment. i'm annoyed that i'm so annoyed by this, i'm not someone who needs moral lessons out of One Piece but god. just kill em and dont sweat the small stuff. at least, the Hachi ones and the Baroque ones did set up their later appearances, so those're fine.
*I'm reading the manga, but i did put on some Marineford episodes in the background while i farmed granblue (which is also what i do while reading the manga) and was surprised at how deep DFs voice was, compared to how he looks. like i was kind of expecting another 'okama' joke but thats just not present.
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