#i dont mind the idea of buddie with new love interests i do mind the idea of them with more women that are there just to be love interests
lover-of-mine · 10 months
With the way the season played out + some comments from the actors/team, I really believed this was the year we'd get a end of season with a cliffhanger. Really feels like they could have intended for the bridge scene to be the whole episode and to leave us with at least Bobby's fate in jeopardy. And then changed it to give everyone a somewhat closed ending.
No, because the signs pointed to the bridge being worse than it actually was and personally I think a cliffhanger with a fan-favorite character in danger would be so effective to force a renewal. Like, imagine we get the sneak peek that Bobby is missing and we don't have the confirmation that season 7 is happening? We would've made NOISE to make sure the show got picked up. And I think the show always tries to package the finales nicely, let it end on a hopeful note for most characters, season 1 we had the start of Bathena, Chimney and his party, Karen coming back home, season 2 we had Bathena's wedding and Eddie's shield ceremony, season 3 we have May's graduation, season 4 we have Eddie's party, Hen's picnic with Nia, the Grant-Nash dinner, Albert's graduation, season 5 we have henren wedding and Eddie coming back to the 118, so like, I think it would be nice not to have a happy ending in season 6, leave us wondering, yk? Like, I don't think they have the balls to pull anything bigger than a temporary character death with the core 7, but like, even though we knew Buck was going to wake up, his death still left us on the edge, to put that in a bigger scale would've been a great experience. Like, my original guess was that rescuing Eddie was going to be harder, and that we wouldn't really see Bobby, he was going to fall, byebye see you next season. With what we got, I maintain that Eddie would be harder to rescue, but I think in a Hen would need assistance in the ambulance so it would take longer for Buck to get to him way, so by the time Athena found Bobby and there was the second collapse, you have Eddie and Chim incapacitated, we have Hen the way she was, we have Buck pushing through something (because i still can't believe he walked away from that unharmed okay, unrealistic lskoasokaosk) because Athena just radioed that she found Bobby then everything falls again and the episode ends. And to have Bobby, Chim, and Eddie incapacitated could even open up something with the broader theme they had going around fathers specifically and you could even do something cool with Buck taking charge but struggling, because you have his surrogate father, you have the father of his niece and you have his best friend who made him responsible for a kid in case something happened, so it could have so many cool ramifications all around. And it felt like they were building up to it and then just chickened out. It's like what @sherlockcrossing said, it's a square peg in a round hole. And it's a hole they built because the whole season felt like they were leading up to something that they chose not to deliver. I would much rather have the show not end than to have that attempt to force a happy ending that they could still pick back up next season if there was one.
I am curious really about how they'll pick it back up next season tho. If they'll retcon shit, commit to it, make something happen offscreen to work with. I'm particularly curious about Marisol and Natalia and the way they were building buddie up just to cut that off. But mostly because by the time the show comes back both relationships will be like, going 6 months (depending on the beginning of the season time jump they decide on once the strike ends) if they choose not to give them the Ali treatment, and to add 2 somewhat long relationships for 2 main characters (that a lot of people want together and that were being hinted at more clearly with 6b) with 2 characters we have no reason to be attached to will be a challenge. I guess we'll have to wait.
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stiffyck · 4 months
Redscape thoughts cause i just finished their hermitcraft season 10 POVS (also autistic redscape is real) -Mumbos biggest interest has always been redstone whilst Scars has always been animals. at some point Mumbo comes up to Scar to chat with him about redstone contraptions and how he needs new build ideas. Scar may chip in by asking if redstone could possibly make a train function and Mumbo just stares into space and then says "I'll have to get back to you on that" and walks away to do the biggest project ever to make sure he can have a working train. he cant make a proper life sized one work that way, yet, but he does manage to make a small little train set for him and Scar loses his mind over it. - Scar invites Mumbo over for quality time together anytime they're both free. since the seasons have always been pretty busy so they barely have time for it between regulating after big events and doing their own projects, but when they do find time for each other they love watching movies together on Scars old, beat up laptop. - Redstone gets everywhere and whenever Mumbo comes over to visit Scar he leaves red footprints and fingerprints. Scar totally took a picture and said something like "I caught you red handed!" - Mumbo always has some sort of fidgety toy on him, whether it be one of those fancy spinny rings or a little plush he always has something to keep his hands busy. he made his own for a long while until he and Scare became good buddies. Scar knitted his own little cat plush to help him relax and decided to make Mumbo one, in return Mumbo gave him a cool button mashing fidget to annoy anyone when Scar was in meetings/events/etc - Since its far too complicated to get into his base Mumbo keeps spare clothes over at Scars train incase he needs to change. which is often. sometimes he'll find excuses to come over and change his clothes so he can talk with Scar more, or just see him working on his build. Scar doesnt mind of course, sometimes he'll be expecting Mumbo to come over so he'll make him a quick snack/meal for when he comes over!!! I DONT MEAN FOR THIS TO BE TOO LONG!!!! I LOVE REDSCAPE !!!!!!!!! THANK U FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THEM OFFICIALLY
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beecanons · 7 months
Heheheh ty for letting me send more ideas, for a little context rn tlovm is a big big BIG interest of mine rn! (Especially Percy <3) so if it wasn’t too much trouble could I get some Regressor! Percy hcs? (Since u already make the cg one! Also if it’s ok some padded agere hcs?)
- @thetinyblossom 🌸
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finally here it is!
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he regresses usually to ages 10/11-14 typically. he can regress younger but its not often
he tends to be very quiet when little quiet like he's got his mind busy and hes focused however he'll talk and talk when he gets excited and enthusiastic about something
we all know he likes to read but when hes little its the #1 activity for him best way to keep him busy probably better to give him a book with pictures or thats not too hard to read
will fall asleep reading with his glasses on needs to be tucked in for naps and glasses taken off for him
has fallen asleep sitting with trinket loves petting trinket because her fur is soft
will play with his pocket watch a lot shiny pretty thing making nice tik sound
shy about asking for attention will make grabby hand gestures, mumble and whine until he gets cuddles
please take his weapons away when he's little he'll hate it but you gotta keep it out of his reach. no pepperbox and no bad news no matter what he tries dont give in.
subconciously bundles up will snitch someones coat and make himself a lil warm nest to read in probably why he likes sitting with trinket
will build a fort no scanlan allowed.
will play with best buddy grog and pike pike comes up with play date ideas
any questions? ask cass actually one of the best people who knows how to handle him is his sister the party only managed to handle calming him down thanks to her he's happy to see her anytime and loves hanging out with her when little
as long as hes not busy with a task like reading, you can pick him up anytime will lean against you if you sit next to him when hes reading absent mided touch or just general physical affection wont admit it but loves being held
be careful and watch him when he takes naps he does have nightmares and will cry
remind him he cant chew his nails or bite his sleeve need to find him a paci but hes very hesitant to use one.
he does get very pouty and grumpy attention tends to help with that, not upset a lot kind of grumpy but often needs snuggles
keep him in sight at all times hes curious he will wander off and he will get lost
he's still a very responsable little will tidy up and keep things tidy if you drop something he'll tug on your sleeve and put it in your hand or if you trip he'll go "uh oh" and give you hugs so you feel better he's a big brother and he grew up doing that sorta thing for his younger siblings so he'll do it then too
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also tagging @syth-de-rolo <3
hope these were okay!
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bisaster-energy · 6 months
you can tell me about your idea!!!
thank you so much 😭 it's kinda long sorry
SO i was listening to a song my sister like (Valerie, Amy Winehouse) and there's this line about ginger hair and it was just so specific ig it stuck with me? so im thinking man who do i know with red hair...DUH KUWABARA!!!
nearly every song i listen to gets assigned a character or ship or relationship of some sort idk why but yeah once i fixated on the hair i was able to expand on the rest of the song and a sort of idea settled in the back of my head about kuwameshi
we all know kuwabara is always the one getting left behind but what if while he's off doing his thing yusuke also feels that sense of loss? an absence even though it was his decision to up and leave. it makes no sense cos hey! you felt the need to go back to the demon realm bro but he cannot help how he feels left behind in some illogical sense. i made some notes 😤😤
centers round the time where yusuke goes back to makai after the whole sensui debacle and kuwabara is getting his education studying in prep for college (hell yeah boy !!) not sure if the timelines even match up like that but i literally dont care
i'm working under the canon divergence that keiko really did decide she's not gonna wait for urameshi like that but ofc she's still his bestie and he loves her sooooo much <3
so he's going back. he's a demon now so he feels drawn to the culture. it's a side of himself he's never known after feeling so othered ofc he's interested right?
i mean sure he grew up with other humans but almost everyone hated him/was scared of him ironically he was called a demon or monster or wtv
reactions like that are why he almost decided not to come back to life in the first place!! it wasn't a welcoming atmosphere and even his home didn't feel great cos his mom isn't exactly the mothering type
im all for deadbeat moms but the neglect will fuck a kid up. demon heritage or not
and he loves her and all but it's just all fucked up at home so he ended up wandering around a lot being mad about his shitty life and he likes fighting so that's what he did!
and obviously in makai this behavior isnt like. crazy or uncalled for
but yeah the only connections he's got to ningenkai is his mom, keiko (her parents by extension) and of course kuwabara; the only friends he managed to not scare off
anyway. you get it. so yusuke is back in makai and without his permission his mind keeps wandering to kuwabara who he hasn't seen in let's say. a year and some change? i'll decide later but A While
and like. last time he was in the demon world kuwa was WITH him yknow? like yeah the world was ending but it feels weird without him even if he is having a blast fighting with his new demon buddies and acquaintances
so he's a little distracted when he literally came here to fight he cant even focus on it
"how is college prep treating him? are the teachers there just as bad as middle school? did he make new human friends? a girlfriend?" basically he's spiraling over changes he might be missing out on this very moment
there's a bunch of talk in the song where the singer wonders if valerie dyed her hair if she's busy if she ever paid that fine if she sold her house if she got a man so that's where i got it lol
yusuke doesn't have to worry about kurama and hiei cos hey they're from here and have lived way longer and they actually do visit but who knows what typa shit could be happening to kuwa right now
ofc he can take care of himself he's really strong but yusuke can't help but remember that time he let kuwabara go when he shouldn't have and he almost died because he wasn't there and yeah. he's worried. sue him
so it's half worry half wistfulness and maybe some other secret third thing and when hiei and maybe kurama (depending on how the idea forms as i write) come to visit or maybe they're also participating wtv
he cant help but think well kuwabara could be here with us if he really WANTED to :/ he's got the jigen to down pat by now so...why hasn't he...
and those old but ever remaining insecurities resurface about how people don't wanna be around him they think he's a nuisance at best no good waste of time a trouble maker. keiko already dumped my sorry ass so who knows maybe kuwabara just...wisened up
hiei and kurama are like this bitch is back on his bullshit (affectionate)
they manage to weedle his worries out of him hiei ofc trying to act like he doesnt really care (he cares a lot) "you must not have much faith in kuwabara if you think he'd abandon you just from some time apart. and i thought HE was the oaf between the two of you"
kurama with his fox self is like "well yes hiei is right of course kazuma is too loyal to do something like that. but he is human...the only human of us now."
yusuke is like wth is that supposed to mean on the defensive even tho kurama is their friend and hasn't even said anything untrue and hiei narrows his eyes a bit maybe but is still acting like this doesn't really concern him
"i just mean that...from what i've learned about humans over the time i've spent with them...time feels different. we demons live such long lives that when faced with the human lifespan well...it can be laughable to some. that's why demons can be so callous about their lives."
yusuke just wants him to get to the point ofc "what i'm saying is we don't need a lot of contact with each other to keep relationships fresh and healthy but, kuwabara might be a little different. 3 years will do nothing to your bond but...i do worry about longer periods..."
and he seems to just trail off and it just gets quiet and a little sad and hiei isn't looking at them anymore
kurama starts again pretty cheerfully tho "well, don't worry! i'm planning on staying in the human world for quite some time once i'm done with this visit! i do have the company to take care of so i'll make sure to see kazuma all the time! i'll even send him a message from you if you want to say anything :)"
kurama has deliberately been using kuwa's first name knowing damn well urameshi doesn't even use it because this dude is not JUST a sweetie he's a fucking master manipulator. gaslight gatekeep bbg
yusuke is like okay yeah no new plan i'll just go see him now. no need for a middle man thanks anyway and then he's just gone. left the tournament early. like bruh that's what you came here for 😐
so yeah he's breaking into kuwa's house next thing you know and ofc he goes through the window not the door like a normal person and he just kinda stops short because he hasn't seen his friend in what feels like forever even though it's only been like a year or so but he just looks so different
and yeah a big part might be the hair he's never seen without that popadour, long soft copper coils, and he's somehow even bigger than when yusuke left him jesus when did he get so swole? when did he have time in between all those brainiac classes
yusuke knows he's bound to look a lil different too ofc i mean they weren't kids anymore really but like. when they hell did you go and grow up?
"next time i come back is this even gonna be your house anymore? will you still wanna hang out with dropout delinquent demon urameshi?" he gets so insecure in so little time
anyway kuwabara didn't sense him at first cos yusuke isn't a threat and he never really thought he'd be coming especially not yet but when he does notice
kuwabara just gets the biggest goofiest grin he's like urameshi you dog when the hell did you get back in town you're early!!
and yusuke is significantly eased by this reaction but now he feels stupid cos he up a left everything just to what? bother kuwabara while he studies to achieve his dreams? yusuke has got no human world aspirations like keiko had. like kurama has. like kuwabara.
and ofc kuwabara looks glad to see him but he wasn't desperate enough to just show up like yusuke had just done and he feels like a pathetic loser so he pouts
he's like yeah hey man just uh. checking in. and i should probably check out hah you seem busy with your books so im gonna scram and he tries to retreat through the window
and ofc kuwa is NOT letting him get away
and there's that desperation yusuke had selfishly wanted to see. kuwabara had just grabbed him without thinking even though he'd promised himself when urameshi left he wasn't gonna just sit around waiting for his life to start when he came back
he remembers when yusuke took him into that headlock and he wanted to succeed like he said he would that day
but still he's just thinking about urameshi all the time and it's awful. he always said he was gonna beat him some day but he just wanted to be near him. but all he sees is his back, even right now
part ii cos it's too many words!
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phobia-sweets · 9 months
I have, perhaps, a strange, but an idea for a quest, just related to your favorite character.
If you don't mind the idea of a quest with an inhuman S/O, then how do you like this idea: A Firefly and a dragon S/O? Dragons can take human form, and in their true form - they fly and breathe fire. It is possible that one of them likes how to set something on fire, and they may also find interesting someone who likes to do the same thing?
This is a small idea on my part, if you are interested, then I don't mind a drabble about this 👀
"One more clarification: dragon!S/O should not reach too large in their true form. Maybe, being still a young representative of their species, they are 6 meters (or 20 feet) long from the nose to the tip of the tail, but you can make them bigger or smaller.
This is not a new request, this is a clarification to an existing one that I have already sent ^^"
General!firefly x reader
Warnings & Notes: i dont know. its hcs and short
- Firefly probably loved dragons growing up. I mean, who doesn’t love a giant reptile that can fly and breath fire? I sure as hell love them, myself.
- So, when he saw a 20ft long dragon… He probably thought you were either a hallucination or a statue. So he tried to shoot you with his flamethrower to find out.
- What he didn’t expect was for the dragon to get pissed off at him.
- Once both of you calm down, he’s probably pulling at your wings until you transform back into a human.
- “What the hell”
- Setting fires! The best kind of buddy for it might just be someone that happens to breathe fire… has wings… scales…
- Anyway you’re now his partner-in-crime
- So dragons tend to hoard things, right? Well, whatever it is you’re hoarding, he’s bringing things to add into it when he’s out and finds something
- Just tosses the item at you and when you (hopefully) catch it, he just grins at you, clearly very proud
- sleeps on u. just straight up lays on top of you when you’re in like. The dragon form. He says you’re “warm” and “Like a more badass plushie”
- idk what else to add other than it’d be the ultimate duo to burn gotham to the ground
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eldritchmochi · 9 months
b m u y ! letter ask game
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
i fully blame seize and gem for getting me on the shadowidomauk train, regardless of the teif personality. seize especially has me in a chokehold re: their lucien and essek combo in one of their fics, which i have not read nor do i even know if its been posted but they keep sending me snippets like MOCHI YOU WILL LOVE THIS IT HAS ALL* YOUR KINKS and by dog they're right (*it is not actually "all" this is impossible as i have Too Many Kinks but)
also gem's essek-owns-a-boujie-coffee-shop au that has shadowidomauk as end game is cute as shit im sorry gem that i haven't had the spoons to edit more (its so good aaa)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
i answered M with "ashton" over here in this post the other day but another character i would want to be friends withhhhhhhh hmmm lets say asterion. no i have not played the game but from the lore i have absorbed via cherry he is very much the kind of gay i would have fun having catty gossip with while also being the sort of rock for him to lean on and like..... not therapy him i hate being peoples therapist but the immovable object he can bounce trauma off and figure out How 2 People again. i think he would appreciate my bluntness and the way i set clear, explicit boundaries but am otherwise unflappable, and i would certainly appreciate his humour, and we can bond!! over the whole being ace as a result of trauma!! :D
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
answered U over here with ashton, kylo, and bucky over here but lets do it again!!
lets kick it off by going Old School with the Original Husbando ^TM: vash the stampede. you have no idea how jazzed i am about the new trigun anime (no i have not watched it i merely enjoy the smut on twitter) because vash is like, my og blorbo. did i have blorbos before? yes, kind of, but my Wants in a man* (*fictional character) had not yet developed so they were but proto-blorbos. vash tho... he has it all: tall pretty boy happy go lucky twink who is secretly Full Of Trauma but shoves it down super hard by being just so upbeat and goofy, and just really wants..... love and peace lmao. a lot of my blorbos historically have similar vibes in the "puts on an act to cover deep severe trauma" way lmao
next up: more anime i guess, but modern: i honestly super fucking love all might???? like SO MUCH he is such an interesting character and i desperately want to read fic of him grappling with his severe health issues alongside his image as a hero AND his mentoring of midoriya (preferably with that guud guud smut, but i have no clue who i'd ship him with, i only got two seasons in lmao). unfortunately, everything i like about him isnt even in cannon its just stuff that i, a cripple, can extrapolate from the worldbuilding and lil snippets we get of him but MAN i am o b s e s s e d
third!!! more comics: loki, specifically the agents of asgard loki. i am 100000% planning to cosplay that loki (i have the hair after all) and i am very excited because he is just so very Gender. it was the first time i saw a genderfluid character in mainstream media and his "i AM gender queer, i IDENTIFY as a bitch" like is something i quote constantly to describe my gender. also hes just such a dick who is obviously trying to do better and unlearn bad habits and god, i dont remember specifically what its about but he has a big fight with his earthside contact roommate buddy helper person over something and then comes crawling back and does this big speech where he talks about how he knows hes a fuck up but he's trying and he values her friendship so much even if he's been shit about showing it and it is chefs kiss
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
dragon age. just... i know so much vague dragon age lore from listening to cherry talk about it because it is their BIG love for video games (pending bg3..... not sure if itll overtake da but theyre very sad they cannot play it again til monday lmao). i absolutely instigated a convo with someone on okc asking if xyz thing was a da reference and i was rIGHT it secured me a date lmao
similarly, mass effect, batfam stuff, haunted mansion, nbc hannibal (dont ask me why its a fandom in law still i cannot explain), s8 infinity (???? i only know matcha blossom), the final fantasy mmo, taz......
you can ask me more of these letter questions!! i have much time to spare!! maybe!!!
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massaffectt · 2 months
not far cry 5 and its fucked ending. damn.
I hate it but I kind of like it too. it's hard to explain. I dont love the whole "god told me" part of it because I think it just feeds into a cliche rather than the reality that the game hints at through the radio. and if youre gonna let it play out that way why not then give more nuance to the cult instead of being so trope-y. why not really show us why Joseph felt he needed to do the things he did beyond the religious cult cliche. its not like it was bad I just would have loved to see them dig a bit deeper into his mind. American horror story comes to mind. one of my favorite episode in the series is when kai convinces his gym buddy to... do the thing. I'll avoid spoilers. it's a really fucked up intense moment. at the same time this season has my least favorite episode in the series lol. its a weird season, I didnt love the direction his cult went (again, trope-y) but I love how much the exposition of kai throughout the season, what he felt, why he felt that way, why he did what he did. in far cry 5 its a lot of, I have a plan, its gods word, we're preparing for whats coming *typical cult tactics expose*
ive seen some people comment on the nonsensical stuff, that doesnt bother me too much. I really didnt mind being taken out of the game for story stuff even if it felt a bit silly sometimes in the circumstances since it can happen anywhere. I just liked the way they put the story together that way so yeah I didnt mind.
the whole "what was it all for" feeling im sort of on the fence about. thats a whole lengthy philosophical debate. but that ending really felt like we're in this together it was really cool. and then just: oh.............. FUCK
some of the gameplay and mission design. the game is fun but at certain points the mechanics felt they were working against each other. particularly john's bunker and the fight with Joseph. overlapping inputs made things difficult for John's bunker, trying to open the silo while fighting off enemies you can barely see because there are fires and explosions everywhere and picking up weapons by accident because its the same button. and once the silo opens youre supposed to grapple up except you couldnt see that there were enemies right above you shooting as you climb up lol.
with Joseph... it wasnt bad and I actually really loved the idea but just. I died as soon as it started lmao. theres not any optimal cover and trying to use a medkit before youre insta killed can get a little frustrating. there might have been an upgrade for using medkits faster, if so, I dont think I had it. but I did have max or close to max health. but you have a group of people right up your ass so you need to heal but you need to kill them quickly and then you need to revive them too but youre dead as soon as you revive them... it was just messy. but I have to stress how cool the overall idea was. johns bunker was really the only point where I was actually frustrated. at the same time it felt realistic because why wouldnt something like that be that difficult lol.
I think nothing will ever beat far cry 2 for me. I mean far cry 3 is obviously a fucking classic. incredible in a million ways. I love it. but far cry 2 just seems to remain the most immersive and interesting. I think they can out do it but it would take bringing together the best parts of each game. I still have to go back and finish 4. and I wanna play 1, primal, and new dawn. starting up 6 as we speak although I have a bunch of games I wanna get to soon so I might just dip in and out when I want. we'll see.
overall I do think far cry 5 was awesome. I remember there was a lot of controversy when it came out but I was so eager to play it because I loved the idea of it being set in America. I liked the whole cult schtick. the idea of companions like the pupper and all. I wish I played it when it came out but my expectations back then were probably quite high so im actually glad I sorta forgot about it and didnt get to it until this year.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Interesting Encounters
Corpse Husband *& Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Paranoia and Fear of Invasion of Privacy
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse has an interesting run-in with his regular delivery girl, having the chance to talk to her for the first time despite her having been delivering to his door for months. It’s a big step in overcoming his anxiety and paranoia when talking to strangers.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! Hope you come across the final product of your request and give it a read and if so I hope you like it! Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it though! Love, Vy ❤
It’s a regular Monday morning, close to 10AM and Corpse’s face is practically glued to the sound editing app he’s downloaded, playing around with some cool effects to add to his voice in the background of the new song he’s been working on. He hasn’t been able to sleep a wink thanks to the immense excitement, not that he would’ve been able to regardless, but the tune and the lines have been stuck in his head all throughout the weekend and he knows they’ll be bothering him until he turns them into something other people will be able to listen and give an opinion on as well. So far he’s done plenty of work but there’s plenty more to go until it’s done. He’s at that point he usually needs feedback and wants to ask for it but would rather not to avoid either too harsh judgement or fake praise.
He slides the headset off, deciding to take a break for the sake of his sanity before he drives himself to insanity with the intensity of his focus on this new piece. His brain just so conveniently sends him a reminder that his groceries are probably waiting for him outside the door. He has, as of the last half a year or so, had someone deliver his groceries to him to avoid trips to the grocery store with both the whole pandemic situation and the growth of following which translates to growth of the risk of him getting recognized. That’s the main reason - and maybe the only one - as to why he doesn’t interact with the people who deliver to him either. He always gives his delivery person the instruction to leave whatever he’s ordered at the doorstep and if it’s not takeout to not even ring the doorbell. 
That being said, the deliverer of his groceries doesn’t ring the doorbell to give him the kind reminder to be responsible, but luckily he hasn’t forgotten to collect them yet in the six months he’s been practicing this delivery technique.
Going to the front door and looking out of the peephole, he confirms there are several full plastic bags waiting to be picked up on the mat. With the person who brought them not in sight, Corpse unlocks the door and steps out to bring in the groceries for the week. Taking them to the kitchen, he unpacks the goods in the three bags. At first glance he would’ve been fooled, seeing as how it seems that all he has ordered is there. But, each Monday, he receives exactly four bags of groceries. One is missing. He rolls his eyes thinking he didn’t see it outside and left it there while he was hurriedly collecting the rest so he gets up to go grab it real quick.
While in the meantime...
Y/N looks through the remainder of bags in her minivan, making a route in her head for what roads and shortcuts she can take to deliver the last of the groceries to the respective homes they need to be taken to. Upon looking through them, however, she sees a bag labeled ‘MM’ that she uses short for ‘Mystery Man’, aka the guy who never opens the door to greet her whenever she delivers him anything. She works for several delivery services such as takeout, groceries, clothes even and has delivered to that apartment hundreds of times but has never met the resident, giving her the right to call him Mystery Man, aka ‘MM’.
“Ah, shit.“ She mumbles under her breath, realizing she failed to grab the fourth bag when on her way up to MM’s apartment.
Coming to terms with the fact that she’ll have to lose another five minutes going back up to his floor, she grabs the bag and takes off running back inside the building and up the stairs, deciding it would be quicker than taking the elevator.
Just as she arrives to the floor, heading straight for the door, it opens, freezing her in her tracks as her eyebrows shoot up.  At the doorstep stands a guy with an eye patch who looks more surprised and maybe even a little terrified than her. Taking in that Mystery Man is not such a mystery anymore, she returns to her professionalism, remaining at a distance and outstretching the hand holding the bag towards him.
“Sorry, forgot to drop this one off as well, I’m a bit all over the place today.“ She says in her most professional voice.
Corpse too regains his composure and takes the handed bag from Y/N gloved hand. Before he can think twice about it he says, “Thanks, uh...”
“Y/N.“ She says, “I’ve delivered to you countless times, it’s funny you don’t know my name but it’s to be expected since I’ve never seen you. This would be a good time to tell me your name so I don’t have to call you Mystery Man anymore.“ She laughs, cutting her own laughter off barely a second later when she realizes what she’s said, “Oh, fucking shit...”
Corpse chuckles, clear amusement in the sound, “Mystery Man? Interesting, interesting. If I ever become a superhero I’ll make sure to pick that name.” He fails to even pay mind to the fact that he’s spoken a lot more than he’d usually feel comfortable with.
Y/N laughs a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck, “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise to come up with a better one if you’re not willing to tell me your real one. Like....Pirate, for example?” she suggests, raising her shoulders.
He can’t help but let out a laugh, “You’d be surprised, but my name is not so far from your mark. It’s, um....” He’s not looking forward to the judgmental look or the questions he might receive in response to his statement but he succumbs to the expected disappointment, “My name’s Corpse.”
Surprisingly, she just smiles - a smile he cannot see due to the surgical mask she’s wearing but the crinkle at the corners of her eyes gives it away. “Cool! Well, I better get going then.”
Just as she turns to head for the elevator this time, seeing as she’s still out of breath from the run up the stairs, Corpse gets an idea he’d probably not be too fond of if he gave himself time to think it over. Which is exactly why he didn’t.
“Hey!“ He calls after her, gaining her attention immediately, causing her to turn around, “You got a minute? I need a little help with something...“
Y/N’s eyebrows raise a little, a moment before she shrugs her shoulders, “Meh, I’m already behind schedule, what’s an extra minute gonna do?” And just like that, they strut their way back towards his apartment.
He can’t help but chuckle, taking the opportunity to crack a joke, “This is how people often get killed. You don’t just walk into a stranger’s apartment like that.”
She scoffs as she passes the threshold, “Believe it or not, you can learn a lot about a person based on the groceries they buy. And trust me buddy, you’re not a murderer.” Earning herself a laugh and a nod with that remark, she continues, “You do appear to be an artist with all the cheap food you’re buying though.”
Corpse laughs yet again, a hint of nervousness is sensed in his laugh this time around though, “Yeah, well, I don’t know if you’re still gonna call me an artist when you hear this song I’ve been working on. Not even out of the box yet.”
Y/N stops in her tracks, “Well, well, well, aren’t I honored to be one of the lucky people hearing this before its release.”
“The first hearing it before its release.“ He corrects her with a pointed look, not missing the excitement that arose in her eyes.
“Let’s hear it then!“
Of all the friendship stories that exist, no one can say this ain’t a unique one.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpios-echos
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pufflocks · 3 years
Ok ok lady kuroo oneeeeee..
Kuroo fucking bottom male y/n in the school bathroom by pressing y/n again a wall and just fucking his brains out
Summary: Skipping with your boyfriend sounds fun. Right ? You were being rather bratty during lunch.. Maybe some discipline in those dirty stalls would whip you up straight. ♡
"-Come on, speak up. You were just saying how you'd much rather be doing something else." -T.K ❣
An: Please excuse errors. I most definitely rushed this out my drafts.
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Warning: Degrading • Dacryphilia • Minor Gagging • Minor Slapping • proof read
Cast: Bottom!M!Reader x Tetsurou Kuroo
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It was lunch time. Or passing time some others call it as for some people would play on their devices or talk to their friends.
That's exactly what you were doing earlier, you decided to drag out the topic of how you think your boyfriend is just so protective in your conversation.
"Sometimes I wanna fuckin' breath-"
That's what you said, no ?
You were sitting next to and telling this to your boyfriends bestfriend, Kenma. He however just gave a light sigh saying something how could he help. Fingers diddling with his switch frantically. He obviously wasn't much help in situations like this, you know, but your mind was side tracked with your boyfriends glare.
He was eyeing you down word for word as he silently watched you across your guys' table with your friends.
Watching you move shy hair strands from his bestfriends face and giving Kenma tips on his game. Not tha you had any particular idea in the game.
Why are trying so hard to be buddy buddy with him ? If you didn't even interest Kenma in any sexual form or other.
Tetsurou most definitely wouldn't let this just go by easily.
Lev only looked at his friend beside him then back at you in awe.
Yaku on the other hand had his eyes darted in his lap to his phone. No need to be in this conversation.
'Did he actually say that-?' He thought.
The chopsticks in Kuroos hand slipped from his fingertips as he chuckled under his breath. He didn't think you were this fucking down bad to get some dick.
All you really had to do was just ask. How fucking hard could that task be ? Could have easily fuck after school or at one of your guys' house. Gladly.
No doubt you would be coming back to this table with a dazed expression.
"Meet me in the bathroom, bubs." He whispered to you as he got up from his seat his dark aura following him out of the lunch room doors.
Yaku rose his head from his lap as his eyes darted your way, in disbelief, you were giggling happily as if you weren't about to get folded in half.
You got up from your seat leaving your barely eaten meal and two stunned friends, and one who's eyes were glued to his switch.
'Which one did he go to-' Thought unable to finish as you got pulled into a hard warm chest of someone you could only guess your lover.
You sensed his tense form as you shyly looked up to his face to only be met with dark pools of jealousy known as his eyes.
A shiver transferred to your head all the way down to your toes as a boner slowly began to form in your pants. Even when he was jealous and frustrated he could always be seen getting flat out drunk on his cat like existence alone.
And right now all you wanted from his noir existence was a dead. Good. Fucking.
"There something on my face or something ? Or are you imagining me as my bestfriend instead of me ? Your fucking boyfriend."
His words felt cold with a tinge of heated anger. He couldn't be truthfully angry at you could he ?
The only response he got from you was a shy shake of your head 'no'.
Gotta play like you didn't want your arse pounded like a dog in heat just a second ago.
You thought about your next moves as your pants got tighter by the second and your now playful and mischievous boyfriend glared down at your form.
Not all the time did you see the man get hot and bothered up front like this, not in school at least.
Close within eachother faces, hot tension in the air. The heat coming off his body specifically was close to a bonfire in the summer, and you were his slightly charred marshmallow being close to the heat.
Melting into something deliciously horny.
" 'M just horny 'n wanna be fucked really hard today-" You whined. Never being the one to exactly whine and beg, but the last time you masturbated was about half a month ago !
It wasn't your fault he was so busy and such with volleyball though. He msdevsyre to have time for you every so often. Outside and inside of school he was the best boyfriend.
"Oh. Didn't notice you were so greedy. Why not ask me after school ?" He bluntly stated. Funny his he asked this and your erection is straining against fabric as you speak.
You tugged on the bottom of his uniform catching him off guard slightly. "If you don't fuck me right now, Tetsuro Kuroo I might just consider getting with Kenma !" You barked.
Tetsurou only smirked like the mischievous damn cat he was.
Leaning closer down to your face, "Alright then. When we get back from the stalls, I dont wanna here a word about the cum leaking out of your abused ass." He whispered for your ears only as he flicked a slightly erect nipple outside of your school flannel shirt.
¤ y.p.o.v ¤
"Yes, yes." I mumbled. My nipples were being stupidly played with.
"Bathroom.." I said. He only nodded, retreating his hands.
Making our way down to the bathroom was audibly quiet. Only our footsteps being heard throughout the silent halls.
My eyes skimmed his posture and tall stature as I noticed his bulge. Soon enough it was going to be forcefully filling me in some dirty stall.
I look up at Tetsu and see his unusual stoic face fall into something familiarly mischievous as he caught on to me.
The sexual appeal and aura was never lost as we made our destination. Thankfully, we made it to the bathrooms without me jumping on him right there and then.
"We're here and let's hurry this up, pretty boy. I dont feel like getting in trouble for fucking you between classes again." He stated. I only scoffed and chuckled lightly.
At this point I dont care if we skipped a few minutes just to fuck. Did it once, I'm sure we wouldn't get caught twice.
Walking in the bathrooms, the first thing I do is pull him down for a kiss. Reminding him that I'm still feeling it.
He chuckled in the kiss. Wrapping his rather long arms around my waist, picking me up as I tossed my legs over his waist. His muscular body holding me up as if I weighed like air.
"Bubs.. About fucking you into these stalls. You know why I'm gonna go rough right," I nodded slowly. Giving him a few small hickies on his neck.
Faking my innocence for a better fuck is always worth while. He took that as a thumbs up as he once again let out that noir chuckle of his.
"That's good to know babes~"
Further movements were heated skin to skin touches and kitten licks and bites of each other. Some movements pornos could never mimic.
His calloused fingers gripping my throat, forcing eye contact as he smirked on how wrecked I already looked. I would say it was embarrassing if my mind wasn't attracted to his knee gliding across my tight pant front.
"Looks like you need to get that attitude fucked out of you from earlier, hm ?"
My mind barely focusing on his wolfish voice as he licked a long strong underside of my jaw, making me visibly shake and quiver slightly. The contact we shared in this cramped stall has me gasping for air the more I think of someone barging in. Any second I could literally bust thinking of how he would fuck me harder, the two pairs of feet on ther other side of the stall merely nonexistent to us.
"Tetsu please- I want it really bad~ I was bad wasnt I ?" I was becoming desperate as I slithered my hand down to his own very visible, erection.
He groaned lightly before chuckling and kissing me once more. I know he knows that my actions with his bestfriend weren't intentionally to hurt him, but what if I had fucked his bestfriend-
My thought was intruded as he flipped me over the stall door and shucking my pants off my body. Doing the exact same to his own as he harshly pushed into me.
I choke out a long groan of surprise as he held me against his clothed chest. "Ah-! Wait Tetsu!~" I was hushed by long fingers. Poking and prodding on my tongue to my throat.
He whispered in my ear, "Shh, now what if we get caught and I get in trouble for fucking you ?~", nibbling on my earlobe tantalizingly slow.
Hot breath we shared as his dick ushered in and out of my puckered hole. Minding you that we had no lube so the burn of him dragging himself in and out of me was a blinding pain.
My hands made attempt of pushing him away. Drool just at the corner of my mouth, fingers still at work.
He got the idea, pulled out to the tip, and lazily drooled on his shaft. His shape successfully returning to it's desired place.
"Can't have you hurting too bad. Even though this is a well deserved punishment~" He smirked at his own comment.
Right. I got myself in this situation and every second of it I loved. So close to the spot aswell-
"NGH–! Hah~ Shit Tetsu~ Right- Right thereee~!!" I shut my eyes closed tightly. My dick dripped precum as every few thrusts directed to my prostate.
"I found your spot, hm ?~ My baby finna cum soon ?~ Want me to jack you off or should I not, keep in mind your not off the hook, love.~" He mocked as his hands gripped my left leg, sandwiching between the stall door and my lover.
His other hand on my dick refusing of ejaculation. The new angle and pressure on my cock making my head fall back.
God I felt like I was going dumb and on his dick !
"PLEASE— I NEE- AH!~ I NEEF TO CUHM!~" I babbled. I doubt he heard me clearly though
Tetsu spat in his hand as his hand rapidly started to glide across my shaft. The slick palm feeling heavenly on my member. It was all so overwhelming !
Drool finally making it's way down my chin and hicked up throat.
"Bubs- Fuck-! Babe I'm finna cum in this sweet ass. Better keep in too~ Let Kenma and everyone else know you have a boyfriend~" He grunted near my ear as I frantically nodded my cockhead probably a pretty red now, completely swollen and wet.
"Cu- Cuhminggg!!~" I slurred as a particular harsh thrust shoved me off the edge and the knot in my stomach grew and snapped.
I felt a gush of his semen flow in my abused hole as he grunted and stilled ministrations. His cock head snug on my sore prostate.
"I- I hope you remember my words from earlier bubs. Wasn' playing." He scoffed as he checked out my blotchy neck and slobber slicked face.
The sight, I'm sure was obscene as he spread my cheeks. Cock head only inserted by the tip in hopes none of his hit substance fell on the bathroom tiles.
"Fuck Y/n.. Do this shit again I might just have to fuck you in front of Kenma~" He said tauntingly, slapping my ass aggressively as I eeked I surprise.
"I'm gonna leave first and you get cleaned up alright ? Don't want people to notice that we fucked like rabbits in the stalls." He said helping me with my clothes back on my body. I was too braindead to do about anything.
" Kiss.." My words coming out slurred. He looked up at me as he was helping me put my slacks on now. Leaning in giving me a long kiss.
My body leaned into his as I dragged my arms around his neck. Humming in satisfaction as I parted the sensually deep contact.
"You're so cute after sex !" He exclaimed as I ruffled his hair giggling now off my high.
He cleaned up after a few more shared pecks and left first as I sat on the toilet for about 6 minutes.
I checked my phone fir the time and I saw that it was nearing the end of the lunch hour.
'Fuck !'
I splashed some water on my face quickly before ushering to my next period. Being early wasn't so bad I suppose.
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dulcesiabits · 4 years
dorm leaders + s/o going between worlds
request: im not the person who requested the twins s/o going between worlds but 💗💘💓💕💖💝💞❤ that was perfection i tell you do you mind if i could request that but with the dorm leaders? ignore the request if you dont want too!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has the days you’ll visit NRC marked everywhere: on his calendar, in his planner, and he’s prepared several alarms on his phone, just in case. He’ll arrive at the mirror chamber ten minutes early, so he can pace around and anxiously wait until the exact time you’re supposed to step through. If you’re even a minute late, he’ll be worried.
He’ll never admit it, but Riddle misses you terribly. His mood is a lot worse when you’re gone, and Trey will often find him sighing and staring into space instead of doing his homework. Sometimes he wonders if he can convince you to stay with him forever, but he respects your decision to go between worlds too much. Besides, Riddle isn’t sure he could ever find the words to tell you how he feels.
Riddle enjoys whatever sweets or baked goods you bring back with you! Dollar store candy, or a homemade pie, he doesn’t mind whatsoever what it is as long as it’s sweet. You get bonus points if it’s something he’s never eaten before. He’ll also enjoy studying the various histories and laws of your world-- Riddle wants to know about where you came from, and maybe one day he can apply that knowledge in person...
Leona Kingscholar
To the casual observer, it looks like Leona doesn’t miss you whatsoever. He acts the same as ever, but he’s a lot more irritable without his favorite cuddle buddy. Ruggie wishes you would visit more often, if only so Leona would be easier to deal with. The days you visit NRC are the only days you can see Leona exert any effort. Even if he’s a few minutes late to your meeting, he still drags himself out of bed, unprompted by Ruggie, to come pick you up.
Leona knows your travelling unavoidable. This isn’t your world, and you have a whole life in some other place he doesn’t know about. Besides, he’s much too prideful to come out and tell you that he wishes you wouldn’t leave him. Whenever you do visit, Leona is basically attached to you at the hip: he’s holding your hand, or lets you cling to his arm, or ruffles your hair.
Leona isn’t that interested in your world, but he is interested in your life in it. Do you have any other friends? What’s your family like? How different is your world from his, anyways? You don’t have to answer his questions if you don’t want to; he’s perfectly content with just holding you. Leona has always been more interested in you than anything else.
Azul Ashengrotto
Everyone knows when you’re coming to visit, because Azul will begin humming as he works. Also, people tend to seek contracts from him more often on those days, in the hope that he’ll be in a good enough mood not to scam them too harshly. The knowledge that you’re coming to visit makes it easier to relax for Azul. He’s done his best to keep busy, so he can forget that you’re not with him.
Azul loves you, but he has toyed with the idea of getting you to sign a contract with him, with the catch being you have to stay forever. At the end of the day, he couldn’t bear to see you unhappy, and tricking you to do something leaves a sour taste in his mouth. You’re different from everyone else. If you were to stay, he wants you to stay on your own violation. Besides, he’d probably end up helping you for the price of a few kisses.
Much like Riddle, Azul is fascinated by your world. He wants to know everything about it, so bring him a lot of books, from history to fiction to research dissertations, because he reads fast. Maybe he can borrow a few business ideas from your world to apply to the Mostro Lounge, or add a new menu item that utilizes food exclusively from your world.
Kalim Al Asim
Kalim’s mood is written all over his face. He’s just not as energetic or happy when you aren’t around, and his parties aren’t as grand as they used to be. If someone mentions your name, he’ll immediately whip his head around, only to sigh forlornly when he remembers you aren’t there. 
In all honesty, Jamil is driven crazy. Kalim mopes all the time, and he unintentionally uses his unique magic to make it rain in Scarabia, to match his mood. Kalim counts down the days until he sees you again, and he is running to the mirror chamber as soon as class is over so he can launch himself into your arms. Please pat his head and tell him that you missed him! He is not going to let go for a long time. Kalim will also give you a bunch of presents so you don’t forget him when you’re gone, and this boy has no idea what the word “excessive” means.
Kalim enjoys the different sorts of food and games you bring from your world, but he’d honestly be happy with anything you give to him. He just wants to spend time with you, and make you happy. He’s excited the day you bring back some matching bracelets. Kalim treasures it, even if he owns far more expensive things. Whenever he’s lonely, it’ll remind him of you.
Vil Schonheit
Ah, Vil. He’s cold, beautiful and perfectly unflappable, if you ignore the fact that he scowls a lot more and takes out his frustrations by viciously polishing his potato underclassmen into perfection. It’s a lot easier to focus on his maintaining his appearance and managing his dorm instead of the fact the person he loves the most won’t come to visit for another 6 days, 13 hours, and 27 minutes.
For some reason, Vil finds the way you call him beautiful more appealing than when anyone else does it. It’s frustrating that he doesn’t feel like his best when you’re not around, and you can bet he also spoils you silly when he sees you again. He’d even let you ruin his lipstick by kissing him, which is a privilege no one else is allowed.
Vil is the most interested in the trends in your world, and the movies. Maybe he’ll start a similar trend in his world, just so he can be reminded of you. In fact, if you have social media, he’d probably fuss over it, offering to help you curate an account that attracts millions of followers. In regards to movies, Vil is a part of the movie appreciation club. He’s curious to see how movies might have developed differently in your world. If you give him your favorite ones, he’ll treasure them, and watch them when he’s in a bad mood.
Idia Shroud
Idia buries himself in video games and projects to forget the fact you’re gone. He’s used to being alone, but he’s not used to feeling this lonely. No picture or video of you makes up for the real thing. He’s hoping he can invent a device that lets you communicate between worlds, so that even if he can’t see you in person, he can still chat with you 24/7.
The only time you will see Idia out of his room is when you’re visiting. With his hoodie pulled over his head in terror, he’s trembling as he heads to the mirror chamber, so he can throw himself into your arms. He’s always a few minutes late so he doesn’t have to spend too much time outside of his room. Please help guide him back there, actually. Idia will also require a lot of cuddles and kisses to recharge, too, even if he’s blushing the whole time.
It’s obvious that Idia is fascinated by the technology in your world. Show him your phone, your video game consoles, or any other electronics you have lying around. Idia will definitely tinker with them a little bit, giving them new features and helping them run more smoothly. He’d be happy exchanging game consoles, so he can play your favorite games, while you play his, when you’re apart. That way, it feels like you’re connected.
Malleus Draconia
It’s astonishing for Malleus that one human can make a few days seem like a few years. Normally, he doesn’t feel the passage of time quite so acutely, but he can feel every hour, every minute, every second, that you aren’t with him. He’s lonely, because you’re one of his only people he can talk to freely. Things aren’t the same without you, and he thought he was used to being lonely.
The mirror chamber is always empty when you arrive, if only because no one wants to be in the same room with Malleus for too long. As soon as you arrive, he kisses your hand, and whisks you away. He has so many things he wants to talk about with you, and there’s never enough time. He wonders if he can convince you to stay in his world, but he knows it’s a cruel thing to do, when you’ll die long before he will. As it is, he is satisfied with these small moments, where you can still smile at him.
He is floored by the Tamagotchi you bring him from your world. If you have your own, Malleus will hope your Tamagotchi and his can become friends, and he’ll insist on them having a playdate while he talks to you. Malleus also enjoys photography of your world, and when you present to him an entire portfolio of gargoyles, he gives you a hug in excitement. What would he do without you?
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kiegem · 3 years
﹥a s/o who doesn't play video games
"for my people who don't play video games this is for ya'll" - @kiegem
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⥅Genre ━ Fluff, comfort
⥅Characters ━ Kenma Kozume
⥅Warnings ━ none?
⥅Authors n: I dont play games and seeing a ton of ppl play online makes me think im a boring person.
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Kenma seems to really like video games in that he'll create an account just for you to play with him, but the thing is, games aren't your thing– In which Kenma truly understands and accepts your choices.
But you felt bad since Kenma is a gamer who would really enjoy having a gaming partner. It's one of his interests, and it'd be a fantastic activity.
You came over one day while Kenma was playing video games. His hushed murmurs and gaming soundtracks could be heard in the background, but it wasn't long before you noticed he had a new friend on call with kuroo.
It appears that the 'new buddy' was a female. Her voice was lovely as it escaped the speakers.
You didn't think much of it at first since you trusted Kenma and it was only a game.
you attempted to take your mind off it, but your grip on your phone tightened as she and Kenma praised each other.
Seeing your gaming partner playing games with a lady made you question yourself, not him. Were you really the greatest girlfriend for him?
While hearing the females compliments and little giggles, negative ideas rushed through your head.
Is he ever going to get tired of me?
Since you were so engrossed in your thoughts that the lack of her voice went unnoticed. Kenma had finished the game, and discord notifications could be heard before he could turn off the computer.
“Hey, you alright?” he said as he approached you, rubbing his eyes. As he sat next to you, he said, "You seem...upset."
he played with your fingers while waiting for your response. "I know we've spoken about how I'm not into games like you are," "but...I'm very sorry that I won't be able to play with you. Since I'm pretty sure you would like a girlfriend to play games with." While looking at the monitor, you murmured.
He brushed your hair and kissed you on the cheek, despite not being the affectionate kind.
“You don't have to play games for me to enjoy spending time with you. I think you're already perfect for me...I understand that not everyone enjoys games. Y/n, you are free to do whatever makes you happy. You also don't have to push yourself to like something you don't enjoy.” He smiled and leaned into the crook of your neck.
"Please don't ever change anything about you...I love you,"
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Omg bae (respectfully) I need you to write the Companions reaction to Brother Thomas telling the SS to give them all their stuff, as in meaning they kinda have to strip-
(Imma do something a little different and do platonic and romanced separate)
Platonic & Romanced-
"Shit, you aren't gonna offer any caps first? Haha, seriously though- hope you like the taste of your own teeth, bitch."
•if there is one thing Cait can't stand, it's a con man. Even if he wasn't demanding something so radical, she'd still smash his face in for undermining your intelligence.
Platonic & Romanced-
"Ah, i see. I trust we will be issued our very own ceremonial robes, yes? Très bien!"
•Dont..don't trust curie with things like this. She honestly believe they have her best interest in mind. Plus she'll get excited to have a whole new band of people to call friends.
"Civilian, this is obviously a shakedown. Out of mercy, I recommend you reassess the situation. If you persist, I'll take it as a threat to our livelihood and deal with you accordingly."
•Danse usually isn't so quick to be violent, or threatening for that matter, but this was different. If asked, he'd probably brush it off and say that it was necessary so valuable brotherhood gear doesn't fall into the wrong hands..but honestly? His reasons are a bit deeper than that.
"Ask my partner to strip one more time and I'll turn you into a pile of ash, do you understand?"
•As unlike him as it may sound, this may just be an empty threat. At least in the sense that he wouldn't waste fusion cells, he'd just beat the crap out of Thomas. Now, Danse ordinarily would prefer just to intimidate, but for you it was more of his protective tendencies and emotions taking control.
"Hey buddy, at least buy us dinner first."
•He may be cracking jokes, but deacon is obviously very uncomfortable with the situation. He's already scanned the area and figured there was something fishy before Thomas' odd order- so having that bunch confirmed does nothing to ease his nerves.
•The most disturbing part was that he was so calm, flatly telling the preacher no. No jokes, no horrible distractions..just a simple defying word that almost promised horrible consequences if Thomas didn't relent.
"Well boss, you want me to hold him down?"
•Gage would probably kill him just for funsies- but in this case, he'll just slash the clothes off of Thomas' back and make him parade around naked in front of his following. Maybe even whip him with a rolled dirty rag or some shit.
"You've signed your ticket, bitch."
•Won't even hesitate to start beating the shit out of him. It's one thing to disrespect your common sense, another to demand something like this from a raider boss..but it was an entirely more personal infraction to order around his loved one.
Platonic & Romanced-
"Hey, I know you. Didn't Ham knock you out on your ass for your crazy 'salvation' gig? You ain't nothing but a crook- about to be a bleeding one too if you don't step the hell back."
•Hancock would probably make Thomas cry from embarrassment. You don't "mess" with Hancock, especially if you've already proven to be an issue close and personal to his home. It isn't good for the health. And by good for the health I mean..well, look at what he did to fin.
"Hah! You're out of your gourd dude."
•He doesn't even understand why the two of you are here! What's the point? May as well leave this place before he gets fed up and loses his cool.
"I'm sorry, did you just ask what I think you did? Do you want a rear full of lead."
•Initially, Mac would be dumbfounded. Was this clown serious? I mean...the numbers are in his favor..but damn. Even if he doubts he could win, he'd be willing to fight "Brother Thomas" if it meant "defending your honor."
"Civilian, I advise you to not make orders to those above you.."
•He'd probably try to intimidate the cult leader, puffing his chest out and stuff...but honestly he's hoping that Thomas will give it up.
"Do you have any idea who you're harassing? Cease this idiocy at once or I'll take care of you myself- and that's a promise."
•Okay, so maybe Arthur doesn't really want to have to deal with Thomas or his cult, but when it comes to someone threatening the person he loves- especially in such a humiliating way- he isn’t above putting his pride aside and choke someone out like a lowly raider. Also- no one threatens his coat.
"We don't need this..."
•Nick is...tired. Why must you drag him into these kinds of predicaments?
"That's a bold command coming from someone like yourself."
•Don't worry, if Thomas persists- the infamous "beep, beep, beep" prank is sure to follow. That or Nick might call in some favors..
"Haha..you're hilarious...you're joking though, right?"
•She knows he isn't- but she just can't handle anything like this. If you don't do something to ease the tension, she might just slap him.
"Woah, creep. Back off."
•She'll be more civil than she'd like just because he didn't outright aggress either of you, but you bet your ass she'll write as many slandering articles as she can so no one else will join his band of weirdos.
"General, you aren't seriously going to...right? This man is obviously a thief."
•Though he usually doesn't like to pass judgement on others and give the benefit of a doubt, buuuut he can't let this one slide. He just sincerely hopes you won't give in...
"I don't know who you think you are but you've lost your mind!"
•He's never come so close to punching someone that wasn't technically "hostile" before. Preston doesn't even entertain the idea of you complying for funsies either.
"I'm warning you, step away from them now.."
•X6 plays no shit when it comes to someone being even halfway threatening to you. Don't expect him to hesitate "defending" you if Thomas doesn't relent.
*shoots him in the face*
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adhdsix · 3 years
i gotta sleep soon so ive decided i will finally dump a buncha my headcanons here aswell adfhsf theyre all in here but im gonna copy paste them as a post as well because i wanna ill be updating the doc a lot but i probably wont edit the post much notes slight spoilers but not much? i dont think? mono is written to be the tallest because rcg is more like a bonus i guess? but she is the tallest + oldest (this goes for other similar things written abt six, mono and/or rk) some of these are more like what-if scenarios (ex. modern stuff mentioned like cars) that could fit maybe in an au of sorts rather than entirely canon all links are safe
Tasteblind, but sensitive to certain food textures
Shortest by a lot, youngest but not by much Zero sense of time
Likes lullabies, gets Mono to sing them to her (likes to make up her own versions sometimes) Short attention span, unless she’s insanely invested in something
Definitely bites ice cream Uses Mono like a cat tree, climbs all over him, loves to sit up on his shoulders or just literally drape herself around his neck like a scarf (Mono eventually gets used to it, but she still can’t stay there for long or it starts to hurt) (possibly a little random but think like .. them + )
Likes most toys but hates dolls, usually tears them apart/messes with them for fun Not a huge fan of rain, but the sound is calming, and she loves the aftermath, which includes the smell, dew on grass, just how everything looks, worms and snails coming out of hiding, and splashing in puddles
Likes teddy bears (big and cuddly, plus, reminds her of Mono)
You are not immune to her puppy eyes. Raincoat Girl is probably the only person who is
Collects things a lot, gets attached to certain items for a random amount of time When she learns a new phrase or word, she loves to repeat it to herself ( not really in the “ look at me i learned a new word and i'm gonna use it all the time “ type way, she just finds it entertaining, kinda like vocal stimming ) Does a similar thing when she finds something that someone else said funny, mocks them by repeating it and giggling
Likes making "nests" out of her stuff
Definitely occasionally runs on all fours, it's usually not for too long though.
Most of the time it’s momentarily while she's already in the middle of sprinting, to give herself a boost with a bound or two, or if she trips or feels herself falling forward while running she'll shift onto all fours which is is how she originally developed that "reflex", to prevent herself from falling while running, but eventually she started using it a little more often 
She can also just walk normally on all fours too but she usually only uses it while running 
She likes to show off her object collections to Mono, he’s very supportive :] Loves long car rides, as well as Runaway
Brings mono gifts (usually dead rats, birds, etc. or bizzare objects from her collection that reminded her of him for whatever reason)
Hates drinks like soda or sparkling water, anything fizzy is a no-no
Likes shiny things Her pupils widen (that cat thing) when she sees something interesting, or something/someone she likes Plus her eyes shine in the dark / in photos sometimes, they usually look red
Mono gave Six their lighter
Heterochromia, their right eye is a dark, reddish brown, the other is milky white
Always chewing on stuff
Fidgets lots, stim buddies with Mono Six stims by rocking on her feet, bouncing, cracking her fingers and shaking fists most often She also vocal stims lots, mostly by repeating animal noises
It’s got tons of freckles
She likes to sing, and is very good at it but doesnt get to very often
it’s favorite things to sing are hypno and sunshine ( 11:11 hypno, sunshine )
Not super into arts, but loves to draw, and is very fascinated by origami
Often refers to Mono as a nerd (affectionate) (also sometimes dork)
Purrs, growls, hisses etc. Because she doesn't talk much, she adapts more animal-like ways of communication, not only vocally but also physical stuff (slow blinking, headbutting stuff, mostly cat-like traits and reflexes. also she likes to drop stuff off of shelves and tables just bc its fun)
Doesn't know her own strength a lot of the time
Very touch starved (they all are) even if she doesn't realise it
Flinches and/or swats others away when touched Eventually they get used to Mono, he's the only person that can touch her at all, but she still has limits
No sense of others personal space though
She’s great at tracking things, mostly small animals
Super ticklish, not very happy that Mono found out 
Very visual memory
She really loves all types of music, ranges from things like 100 gecs type stuff, to calm instrumental kinda things, literally anything with maybe a few exceptions Shark teeth, very sharp, loves making dents in stuff with them
Cat-like claws too (retractable maybe?? why not.. it usually has them out though) Love-hate relationship with snow, they find it weird and kind of icky, but Mono teaches her how to make snow angels, forts and snowmen, and she loves snowball fights (Mono regrets teaching them about those though), plus she adores going back inside and just drinking hot chocolate with Mono and sometimes other friends :]  Mono he/she Tallest of the three, oldest as well  Colorblind He has vitiligo Loves all sorts if arts and crafts, often drags Six into making stuff with him Her hair is very soft, even if it doesn't look like it Very touchy-feely, with others and with objects Knows and respects others boundaries. Six does not He will often push his own boundaries though He’s very protective, usually feels the need to put others safety and health in front of her own A little naive, will protect even if she isn’t getting anything in return from the person(s) Likes skirts! Mono loves to learn about his friends and their personalities, strengths, weaknesses etc. to use for their own benefit! For example, he has a different way to cheer up each friend, and does his best to include them in stuff he thinks they'll also like Loves any happy sounding music the most, but listens to lots of other stuff too (a few songs that remind me of him not lyric-wise but like, sounds like he'd listen to them, are She Wants Me (to be loved), Dancing in my Room, Sunday Best and Sunkissed type stuff, I don’t know music genres so) Favorite drink is probably coffee Loves all sorts of soup!! Has lots of nicknames for Six! Mostly uses kitty and shortcake (it hates them but gets used to them, only from Mono though; some of the other kids use them to get on her nerves, doesn’t end well for them) Love loves bugs! Six likes them too, but isn't as interested as Mono and Runaway (she likes to eat them) Runaway he/they Almost as tall as Mono, noticable difference though He loves chocolate milk and tea Probably the most reasonable out of the three Despite this, he still likes to annoy them (mostly Six) Similarly to Six, he sucks at keeping track of the time Likes goldfish snacks a lot His nomes are always nearby when he is Really likes coloring books and puzzles They love the sound of pianos, not the best at playing it but likes messing with them in his free time with Six (their rare bonding moments) Loves any instruments really, pianos are just his favorite Has the biggest sweet tooth Also loves bugs!! Mono and him are bug buddies His favorite bugs are caterpillars and butterflies, he isn’t a very big fan of spiders though (Mono didn’t used to mind them, but after the hand incidents in the hospital, he finds them icky; too similar) Bonus; RCG  she/they Tallest as well as oldest (again, not oldest by much though) Big sister vibes Super supportive Usually in charge of keeping others in line, doesn’t mind a little chaos here and there though (even if it doesn’t usually end well) Also has a few freckles, not nearly as much as Six Lots of energy that often rubs off on the others when she’s around Probably the most responsible, great with kids younger than her Loves teaching the others how to do stuff, has the longest attention span which makes it easier Very playful and teasing, but still knows and respects boundaries when it comes to that kinda stuff Gets easily stressed out and nervous when she doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she always has to be responsible aaaand thats all 4 now! i might do more characters like comic kids if i get enough ideas but thatll be in the doc if i ever do pleas share with me ur hcs and ideas too!!!! if u wanna i would love 2 see them!!
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luvspence · 3 years
prom night
synopsis: you and spence both never got your own prom, maybe this makes up for it
{a/n: i’m projecting a little bit bc i missed my prom, but i hope this isn’t too cheesy}
the east coast was your home
born and raised in dc, school in new york, work in virginia
you wouldn’t have it any different
except for the fact that you lived less than 20 mins outside your childhood home
you loved being able to be close to your family, but it had its downsides
“y/n can you pick up your brother
y/n can you run to the store for me
y/n can you pick up my dry cleaning”
and it was like you were in high school all over again
on one occasion you were at home with your mom and your baby sister, delaney, she was 17, so not much of a baby anymore
“so what’s the hot gos” you said taking a bite out of your gronola bar and looking your sister down
“dont ‘ew’ me”
“well i got asked to the prom yesterday”
your mom nearly dropped her pan
“yes way, is it so hard to believe that someone would like me? i’m not y/n for crying out loud”
you gave her a light punch on the arm
she wasn’t far from wrong though, you were the classic “nerd”
15 years ago when you were in her place, at the exact same high school, you were never asked to prom, you were too busy in math olympiad or physics club to ever want to attend prom
but that was 15 years ago, now you lost the braces and the acne, got 2 degrees, and had a very lovely boyfriend of your own
“it is though, you’re lucky you found spencer, two dorks made for each other” she said taking a sip of her water
“you’re such a bitch”
15 year age gap aside, you were still very much, sisters
“y/n, do you mind chaperoning? that way we don’t have to pay for a ticket” your mom asked
your sister blurted out “oh my god NO”
you were laughing so hard, usually this is the kind of thing you’d pass on, but it torturing your sister was so so so worth it
“okay i’m game, see you prom night”
“spencerrrrrrr” you trailed on as you sat next to spencer on the couch, staring deep into his hazel eyes
“yes my love?”
“do you love meeeeeeee???”
spencer rolled his eyes, he knew this is how you asked him for a favors
“to the moon and back, why??????”
“okay look, my baby sister, delaney, is going to the prom and i’m chaperoning her, and she called me and you dorks so we have to get back at her by embarrassing the hell out of her at her prom”
spencer laughed
“you’re no better than a petty 17 year old”
you rolled your eyes “so can we?”
he looked at you, than his eyes trailed from the calendar to his watch to you again
“of course”
“yes!” you gave him a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek
“i love you so bad spencer reid!” you said as you ran around the apartment
“even more!” he replied
“incoming call from spencer reid”
“hey y/n?”
“yes love?”
“what color dress are you wearing tonight?”
“green, why?”
“no reason...”
he said before he hung up
you laughed to yourself “what a dork”
you continued to brush the mascara on your eyes, getting ready for your very first prom night
you came running down the stairs in a dark green ankle length dress, while spencer waited to pick you up
he was wearing a suit with a matching bow tie to your dress
“that’s why you asked the color! you look dashing by the by”
you said as you leaned over and gave him a cheek staining kiss
“and this” he said as he handed you a beautiful green corsage arrangement
“spencer! for me? this is gorgeous”
you said as you slipped it onto your wrist
“yeah, penelope knows a guy”
“of course she does, and thank you! i can’t believe you’d go through all of this for me on fake prom” you said as he started driving toward your parents house
“hey this prom is not fake at all to me, i’ve never been to prom before”
you shrugged “me neither, i always thought it was dumb anyway”
“this is sort of embarrassing” spencer said scratching his head
“come on spencer it’s just me”
“okay, you know i went to highschool very young, i hadn’t even gone through puberty. i was the smallest guy in the class and that wasn’t purely based on my age. i was scrawny. but i had this grand idea of going to prom with the most beautiful girl. and i’d be all tal and handsome at that point, and i’d walk into that dance and stick it to all my bullies”
“that not embarrassing! i wish i wanted to go to prom like that. i guess i was too pretentious to go, i was an all star intellectual, there was no way i’d show my face at an event like prom”
“yeah, so i guess we both get do overs. and i get to live my prom dream. now i’m tall, and i have a beatiful girl by my side” he said as he smiled at you
“have i ever told you i love you?”
“not enough” he smiled as he pulled into your parents drive way
you got out of your car to wait inside with your sister for her date to arrive
eventually a tall girl with a equally as beautiful corsage in her hand ended up nervously swaying on the front door and she rang the door bell
spencer answered
“h-hi, mr. y/l/n” she said in a nevrous tone
spencer laughed out loud and you went to intervene
“oh my yeah he’s just my boyfriend, hi i’m delaney’s older sister y/n. no need to be nervous, there’s no dad around here. just a lot of siblings, my mom and my boyfriend!” you said as you welcomed her into the house
delaney went to take the corsage from her date, melanie
your mom lined you spencer and your sister and melanie up for what felt like 800 pictures before you finally decided to get into spencers car to the dance
in the car you turned around to the girls
“sooooo, how’d y’all meet”
delaney burried her head into her knees in embarrassment while her date explained
“well she was in my physics class, and it all went from there”
“physics!!! i love physics, is mr. scott still there?”
“yup he’s our teacher”
“sick” you said to yourself, reminiscing about your days in high school
eventually you pulled into your highschool parking lot, hooking arms with spencer as you walked toward then gym
“god does this bring me back”
you said to him
your sister whispered to her date “god she’s so old”
she gave you the stink eye and whispered in your ear
“please get as far away from me as possible”
all you did was nod as you watched the two of them skip into their dance
you looked up at spencer
“god you’re so cute, i wish i had you here in high school”
“i’m sure you had your boys”
“from the physics club? right”
you walked into the fully decorated gym, wandering around from the punch bowl to the photo booth, you and spencer watching the floor of kids dance to their hearts content
“i think i know why i skipped this in highschool”
spencer laughed
“ i would have killed to be in this very position when i was in high school”
you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes
“killed to be in prom in the first place or to be here with me?”
“with your of course”
he said as he met your lips for a kiss
obviously bringing spencer was a bad idea for your sabotage delany plan, because you got way too distracted with spencer by your side
you spent the entire night talking to him, dancing with him to the slow songs, taking funny pictures in the photo booth
high school stuff you guess
eventually when all the kids were slow dancing, you looked up at spencer
“wanna make a break for it?”
he didn’t know what that meant, but if it was with you he’d do it, so he just nodded and followed you outside
you buried your head into his shoulder as you walked around the campus you grew up on, pointing to the points of interest
you pointed to a big oak tree with seat like roots under it
“that’s where we used have physics club meetings”
then you pointed to a hidden patch behind all the bushes
“this is where i traded homework for money”
he just nodded as you told the stories of your high school experience
you pointed to some old looking railings with a tree standing view it
“that’s where i had my first kiss”
“HUH! i thought you said you got no boys, physics club and all”
“yeah you’re right” you said as you settled on one of the bleacher, overlooking the field and the night sky, spencer joining you
your fancy dress hitting the dirt of the baseball field, the cold april night making you shiver, and spencer putting his blazer coat over you
“you’re right, i didn’t get any boys in high school” you sighed as you cuddled into his arm
“my first kiss was with dylan watson, he was mr blue eyes blonde hair, baseball and perfect social status. and you know i was, braces glasses and physics”
he laughed as you continued to tell the story
“but yeah one day he slipped me a note, i figured he just wanted homework. but he said to meet him there after school. so i did, and he confessed tht he loved me, and wanted to be my boyfriend. and of course i said yes. and the he kissed me. it was the best moment of my life up until then. but as soon as he pulled away he yelled ‘you got that?’”
“oh no” spencer said, listening intently
“oh yes, his buddies had be filming, then they put me on plays all around the entire school, showing the video to everyone. so yeah, that’s why i never want to the prom. i guess it might have been bc i was a nerd, but also because i never wanted to show my face to those kids anymore” you said as you sighed
“you know, i had a similar experience where a pretty girl told me the same thing, but instead the entire school stripped me to my underwear and tied me to a pole. it was awful”
“oh my goodness that’s terrible” you said
“well i guess high school bullying makes great profilers?” yoy laughed
“maybe. i think it also develops character well i’m general too. and hey! you got your first kiss out of it”
“yeah, but high school was the worst, i wish i could tell my 17 year old self that it would get better”
“me too” he said
he said as he tucked his chin into your head and looked up at the stars, faint music echoing from the gym and the sound of your cold shakey breath
“y/n, i’m just glad we got to spend our prom night together”
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Oohh, could you do number 10 from the physical affection prompts? "Lifting someone up out of excitement"? Maybe a pregnancy announcement or love confession with whichever Cody guy you feel most inspired by?
A/N: sooo I decided to use duncan for this prompt since I've never written for him before!! Also, I like a challenge so.. I made this both a pregnancy announcement and love confession 👉🏻👈🏻 hope you dont mind!! I hope you enjoy this dear anon 💖. This is a bit long and plot heavy hehe
Waking up to extreme nausea was not how you had originally planned to spend last weekend. What was supposed to be a fun weekend with your friends.. and fuck buddy.. only ended in you becoming best friends with the toilet with one too many plans cancelled.
You hated being sick; but feeling sick and miserable and guilty at the same time was beyond overwhelming. Most of your friends forgave you and understood why you had to reschedule plans. However... your fuck buddy which went by the name 'Duncan' wasnt going to be so forgiving.
Not at first anyway; you knew he would come around eventually.. give or take a few days.
Although, Duncans opinion of you was not the only thing you were stressed out about lately. You also wanted to know why the fuck you got so sick so fast.
It wasnt flu season, you had no reason to be sick, it certainly was not food poisoning... There was only 'one' thing it could still be..
You could be fucking pregnant.
Being pregnant in itself was not something you dreaded; being a mother was something you always knew you wanted to be, and would be one day.
The problem of being pregnant here had to do with 'who' the father would be. And that would be none other than Duncan fucking Shepard.
You knew it was him; you hadn't had sex with anyone in months besides him. Plus.. you two weren't exactly the most careful either when it came to using protection. You knew deep down if you were really pregnant at all; it would have to be with his baby.
Although, things still werent as simple as they seem.
Again, you really had no doubt that Duncan would make a good father, it was just the circumstances you two were in currently that complicated things.
He didnt know you loved him. You two weren't official, you two just happened to be really good friends who, you know.. had sex.
You were nearly certain he didnt love you back, not in the way that you meant anyway. You knew instinctively that when he said 'I love you' to you that he meant it in a way that he would say to his friend or family.. That's probably all he saw you as anyway, just as a friend or family.
That thought made you sick if you started to think that's how you can duncan could end up forever unless you or him made a move. It was a thought that frequently plagued you and even gave you insomnia most nights.
Those thoughts of you and Duncans 'relationship' are what caused you to get a pregnancy test. You needed to know why the fuck you were sick, and if those thoughts about you and Duncan were rational or simply your anxiety attempting to manifest. And of course to your fucking demise, it was a positive test.
You first sat in shock; and then you did the most stupid thing you could think of - you called Duncan.
Of course you didnt outright tell him, you only told him that you needed to see him ASAP and that he needed to come over to see you.
That was about 20 minutes ago.
You awaited for him anxiously in your apartment; you sat on your bed - fully clothed with a bit of makeup splashed on your face in a attempt to look put together. You were absolutely terrified to even think about what the fuck was about to happen.
Your thoughts were racing as you sat in the dark. You didnt even bother turning on the lights; the blinds were drawn as well. Sitting in the dark was kind of comforting - it made everything feel less real.. As if you were dreaming. Although, the anxiety you still felt reminded you that you were in fact, still awake. You truly had no clue what kind of conversation you were about to have.
You didnt even jump when you heard the front door loudly pop open, you had given him one of the keys to your apartment. You listened diligently to his loud footsteps echoing in the living room, as he gradually grew closer and closer to your room. Then, the door opened as you inhaled.
Duncan looked distraught as he entered the room. His hair was slightly disheveled, his outfit looked slightly wrinkled as well. Overall, he looked put together but the longer you stared at him - the more apparent it was that he wasnt okay. He wasted no time in getting to you once he opened the door, it almost threw you off guard at how calm he looked.. something you weren't expecting. You nearly laughed at how out of character this was for Duncan.
"Hey, are you okay"? Duncan asked, speaking rather quickly.
You watched as Duncan hurriedly but cautiously approached you; sitting next to you on your bed.
"I- I mean, yeah I'm okay. I just wanted to see you". You (semi) smoothly lied, thinly smiling in a attempt to try to sell your poorly told lie.
He rolled his eyes and gave you a look as if he automatically knew you were giving him bullshit.
"(Y/n), I know your sick, baby. Just tell me the truth". He said.
Your heart leapt into your throat once you heard him call you the petname. Duncan definetly called you pet names before but it was a rare, once in a long time type of thing. However, it felt like to you that the fact he called you 'baby' only solidified what you knew you had to do.
You had to tell him.
He deserved to know; and you deserved to move on with your life or to attempt too.
"Duncan.. I.. I cant keep doing this anymore". You started, speaking slowly. Your words tumbled fast out of your mouth, knowing that Duncan was about to interrupt you any minute.
"I need you to decide whether you want to be fully committed to me, or to not be in my life at all. I dont really know how to say this but, I'm in a stage of my life where I cant 'fake' be with you, Duncan. I cant only be with you behind closed doors. That's just.. not going to work anymore". You said confidently.
Even though you sounded confident, you really felt quite the opposite. You had no idea what to expect of how he would react. What if he just left?? What if he didnt want to be with you, at all??
You held your breath as he continued to sit next to you; the silence almost deafening.
You looked over at Duncan, he studied his hands which were clasped together over his knees. He looked as if he wanted to speak but he couldnt get the words out... until he finally did break the silence.
"So, what are you suggesting? What are you trying to get at here, exactly"? He prompted. His voice was still slow and calm but he sounded slightly irritated and on edge. You couldnt blame him.
Your mouth grew dry as you shifted uncomfortably. You were thankful he responded but yet.. you now were the one at a loss for words.
"I'm suggesting that.. we should start dating. I cant keep doing this-" You started but Duncan made you ate your words as he interrupted you with a rough kiss.
You felt the world stop and almost turn into slow motion as you really started to melt into the kiss. You let your previous anxiety inducing thoughts melt away the longer you two kissed, as you focused on being present in the moment.
After Duncan slowly and begrudgingly pulled away from you, you two sat in silence for a couple seconds.
"So that's why your acting like this"? Duncan asked with a sly smirk.
You swore it was as if he already knew the answer, yet chose to ask you anyway just to be a smartass.
"So.. you actually want to date me?? Your know what your agreeing too, right"? You said, partially teasing and.. actually being serious.
"(Y/n), do you really think I would be talking to you this long if I had no interest in you? Of course I want to date you, what kind of question is that"?! Duncan retorted playfully with a quiet chuckle.
You grinned, letting out a shallow laugh with the realization that the biggest news still remained untold; a deep pit felt like it resided in your stomach.
You weren't quite out of the woods yet.
In order to help relieve your anxiety, you suddenly stood up off your bed. You paced around your room, running a hand shakily through your hair.
"I still have to tell you something". You admitted, your back turned to him.
There was no way you could even fathom making eye contact with him now. To your horror, you could hear your bed gently squeak as you could only guess as he stood up.
By the time you felt his hand on your shoulder, it was too late to even hear his footsteps. You jumped and turned around with a sharp inhale - to your surprise, nearly chest to chest with the main himself.
"What are you trying to hide for, hm"? He said teasingly.
He moved his face closer to yours; his lips *so* close to yours. The corner of your mouth upturned in a small closed mouth smile.
You uttered a quick, "I'm not". As you stole a quick kiss.
You anxiously took a few paces back. Taking a deep breath before whipping around and making eye contact on a sudden spurt of courage you felt.
"I'm pregnant, Duncan". You spoke.
You felt almost as if you were dreaming when you saw his reaction, he was fucking smiling. Was he actually fucking happy?!
You stood there frozen as he quickly approached you and gently held your waist. Before you could even comprehend or really even complain of what was happening - you felt him gently lift you up and give you a quick spin before landing you back down safely on your feet.
Duncans smile was infectious; before you knew it you were grinning and laughing along with him.
Any doubt you previously had immeadietly disintigrated and was replaced with hope and joy. You knew Duncan was going to make the best father, and that you two only had your lives ahead of you.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @beyond-repentance
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Caged Bird | Prince!Oikawa Tooru x Reader
a/n: if you know anything about fairytales then you might realize that the reader has the flute of the pied piper, though modified for the story. been watching a lot of once upon a time and got the idea from the neverland arc. hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
genre: fantasy, romance
trigger warnings: reader gets hurt a bit but nothing graphic
summary: oikawa has always lived a lonesome life in the cage that is his castle. one day he sneaks out and a beautiful melody leads him to you, a traveling musician. oikawa is about to find out that his luck is going to change for the better.
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oikawa gazed out over the town from his balcony
he let out a long sigh as he grew bored from his studies
“why the long face trashykawa?”
his bestfriend and knight walked up next to him and leaned against the railing
“oh you know, just bored of being in this castle. theres a whole town of people out there and im stuck in here. gets tiring after a while”
iwaizumi listened to his friend and nodded along to what he was saying
“then sneak out for a day”
oikawas eyes widened
“youd help me sneak out?”
“only if you come back by sundown”
so oikawa grabbed his cloak and thanks to iwas help got out of the castle
despite being born and raised in this town oikawa had no idea where he was
and after about ten minutes he was completely and utterly lost
until he heard the faint sound of a flute
he followed the sound until he ended up in the mostly cleared out town square where he saw you playing a small wooden flute for those who were present, though you had no audience
everyone walked past you as if you were invisible like you werent playing such a beautiful song
he approached you slowly and listened until you finished your performance
“that was really good”
you looked up at him and smiled
“always a pleasure to play for those who need it”
the bright smile on your face felt warm and inviting
like he was meant to be here
“would you like to take a seat next to me?”
you gestured to the spot next to you and he gladly took it
“so...whats your story”
hes hesitant to answer your question
“ill tell you mine if you tell me yours”
you set your flute down in your bag next to you
“well first of all my names y/n and my life is nothing too interesting. im a traveling performer and play my flute as a way to pass time and help those who need it. always come across the most interesting people this way”
traveling. thats something oikawa could only dream of
“so cmon now tell me about you”
he peaked at you through his hood
“ok but dont make a big commotion..im oikawa tooru”
you laughed a bit
“thats funny you share the same name as the prince”
you stopped laughing when you saw the serious look in his eyes
“oh..oh! im so sorry for being so rude!”
you started to scramble around when he grabbed your wrists to stop your movements
“shh yes im the prince but stop flailing people are starting to look”
once you had calmed down he went on
“ive been confined to my castle my whole life and stuck to certain rules i have to follow. it seems like even if i catch a break something else comes along. i have to stay this perfect image because im the prince and it just gets so lonely. its as if im a bird trapped in a cage and theres no way out”
ah so there it is
the reason he could hear your flute
you picked a flower that was growing next to you and placed it in his hair as you spoke
“im sorry your lifes been like that but oikawa, if i may be so bold, even a caged bird will become wise enough to break free. the dream of flying is too great to resist”
Once you had properly placed the flower you smiled at him before standing up from your spot and grabbing your bag
you then held your hand out to him
but he couldnt gather his thoughts
you were so bright it was almost blinding
“now cmon! lets go have some fun!”
he looked at the hand held out to him
and with a leap of faith, he took it
he was going to get out of this cage, this perpetual cycle
and finally add some meaning to his life
day after day you two spent your time together
oikawas days that were once filled with hollow words and empty actions were now filled with happiness
filled with you
and everyday slowly but surely he was falling for you
passing glances turned into prolonged gazes
his heart could no longer stay still around you
you became the key to his happiness
but for now...he had to be content with just being next to you
it would be too selfish otherwise
to ask you to stay with him here in the kingdom...he could never trap you like that
“so what are we doing today y/n?”
you were strolling through the town on a quiet sunday afternoon like you had the last few sundays
“how about we go to the bakery? theyre usually busy but since its sunday i bet its not as packed and then i want to take you somewhere”
he was curious as to what you had in store but decided against asking questions
so you two got some baked goods and headed out towards the woods
“cmon we’re almost there”
you pushed some branches and shrubs out of the way
and one eventually hit him in the face
“watch it y/n! i keep getting wacked by you”
you just chuckled a bit which oikawa had found adorable in itself
it made his heart slow just hearing it
“just come on!”
eventually you two made it to a clearing over a beautiful lake
he didnt know that there was something like this so close by
he was absolutely amazed by it
“take a seat oikawa! we can rest and eat here!”
this moment was just too perfect to him
with you here he felt as if nothing bad could happen
that if he only could see your smile everything would be alright
being content with just being at your side...was no longer and option
he knew that if he wanted this he needed to take his chance
your eyes were full of life and he couldnt help but feel so happy next to you
and before he knew it he was closing the gap between the two of you with a hand gently cradling your cheek
but right before you two could kiss you were ripped away from him
“dont you dare touch the prince commoner!”
oikawa frantically looked around as many of his guards came out of the brush
“get your hands off of them!”
you were pressed to the ground and the sight almost broke his heart
“sorry your highness but we’re under strict orders to bring you back and throw whoever was seducing you to leave the castle into the dungeon”
the guard that had been on you lifted you up like you were a sack and bound you by rope
you gave oikawa a final smile before you were taken away even though you were so banged up that it made him want to puke
he was speechless
this is what he was talking about
being so controlled and monitored made him feel so small and helpless
and he absolutely abhorred it
“your highness your mother is waiting for you in the throne room”
oikawa was beyond upset
this isnt how he wants to live
“mother how could you throw the only good thing in my life away!”
his mother sneered at his words
“only good thing? what need to you have for that filthy peasant! and how dare you cast me aside as if i hadnt given you everything you own, everything you are is because of me! i will not allow for any of this nonsense! now go wash up. and dont you dare ever leave the castle again and i forbid you from seeing that nasty peasant again. wasting your time with such a person...”
he gritted his teeth and was about turn to leave
his emotions were running too high
he wasnt himself and he knew it
but even so...he wont allow it to end like this
he was going to end it on his terms
“what did you say?”
he stood his ground
“i said no mother. im going to live the way i want and with who i want. ill gladly give up my title because frankly, i never wanted it in the first place. and dont you ever call y/n filthy or nasty again. their so incredibly kind and full of joy and laughter. i can only hope to be like that one day. so ive decided that im leaving. with y/n.”
as soon as the doors shut behind him he let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding
but it also felt as if there was a giant weight off of him now
“im coming y/n dont you worry”
it had been a couple hours since you were brought to your cell
you didnt have any major injuries, just a few cuts and scratches from when you were body slammed to the ground
“do you mind if i play?”
you pulled out your flute and the guard nodded
“thank you!”
you started playing and filled the cell you were in with a relaxing tune
“why do you play if it doesnt make noise?”
you stopped and looked at the spiky haired man who stood outside your cell
“it takes a certain person to appreciate its music”
he just looked at you as if you were crazy
but you continued anyways
until you heard frantic running coming from down the hall
“iwa you gotta let them out”
oikawa was panting trying to catch his breath
“dude no offense but your mom would kill me and you if i just let them out”
oikawa grabbed the key from iwaizumis waist before he even realized what had happened
“dont worry about it iwa. and dont worry about me. today i start my new life. it was good knowing you buddy”
they gripped hands the way they always had. A solemn but knowing look was shared between them
“if i had known me letting you leave the castle one time would lead to this...i would have done it a lot sooner. good luck out there bud”
oikawa quickly turned to you and helped you off of the ground
“you ready to run?”
he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over one of the small cuts
hed be sure to treat that later
you nodded and leaned into his hand
“are you sure this is what you want?”
you were happy to leave with him
its more than you could ever ask for
“y/n youre the only person thats made me feel free. and by doing this i will be.”
you two finally got to share the kiss you had been deprived of and not only was it full of love but also full of hope for your future
“then lets go”
and you two sprinted off to your next adventure together
the flute you possessed was one he could no longer hear the sound of after that day
for it was enchanted, only to be be heard by those who were lost and lonely
with you he was neither anymore
and he couldnt be any happier than living out the rest of his days with you as a free man, a bird outside of its cage
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