#i dont mind answering but it will take much longer to wait for me lol
drawnfamiliarfaces · 11 months
K there’s like three dudes you draw from shows I’ve never seen in your HOM verse (Heroes of the multiverse?)
I know two are generator Rex and randy ninth grade ninja but what’s the third.
It’s not Jake, Danny, or Ben.
I know Kim Juniper and Jenny.
Who am I missing?
Heroes of Millennium! (since in this au most of them are technically from the same universe, but it could be a cool alternative name ngl xD)
Ah, the poor, very often forgotten Zak Saturday from Secret Saturdays (great show, amazing plot, delightful characters! people really should watch it!).
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galactiquest · 1 year
Hi call me blueberry anon or just blue!
I was hopin to ask with Vash and Knives with an Angel!reader g/n.
Like you know when Vash and Knives show their true selves and reader dont give a shit because they literally have giant ass wings and multiple eyes yknow like one of those biblical accurate angel but more human.
If its too specific just ignore this JDJKDKDKDK (ps when i said show their true selves i immediately thought of those wolf alpha vids on tiktok)
Hello Blueberry Anon~ I'm sorry that this took longer than usual to get to, I promise I wasn't ignoring or forgetting this request! College woes... (´Д`)
I think this is a super cute idea and I'm always a sucker for a chaotic angel or devil or any sort of creature really. (Probably why I enjoy writing about Vash and Knives being little beasts so much LOL)
Vash and Knives x Angel!Reader: Heaven
Content warnings: None, but the descriptions of multiple eyes/wings might be offputting to some. Otherwise just fluff!
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I take Vash as someone who's really accepting of everyone else's differences--even to the point where he'll feel a sort of disdain towards his own differences because of it.
But when he learns about your otherworldly nature? He's immediately curious. He really can't help himself.
He wants to ask a lot of questions. How do you hide your wings? Are humans afraid of you? Do you have any sorts of powers? Does this mean you're immortal--wait, are you here on a mission?!
Whether you indulge him or not in answers is up to you. He won't pry (but he might whine a little if you tell him it's a secret).
Now that he knows you're different, he wants to embrace it as much as possible. He's always trying to compliment how soft your wings are, how radiant and sparkling your eyes are, etc.
I think this especially goes for the '98 iteration of Vash--the "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven" pickup line. Feel free to respond with "yeah, actually, a lot" to get him sputtering and scrambling to apologize.
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When you explain it to him, he's very quiet at first, running all possible responses through his head. What he doesn't say (but is thinking) is that he's thankful you're not human (because admitting he loves a human is an utterly impossible feat!).
He also hopes, deep down, that since you're inhuman, you might better understand his intentions for a world without humans. (Of course, if you're the kind of angel who's sent to help humans, this goes against your direct orders... cue troubles!)
He has a deep respect for your otherworldly self, being not of the planet himself, so he takes a lot of time to study and understand you to the fullest.
He's especially intrigued if you have repeating features--multiple eyes, pairs of wings, floating motes of flame, spinning golden rings, that kind of stuff. He really enjoys symmetry and repetition. (Vash does, too, but he'll appreciate from afar.)
He encourages you to take your "natural" form more often, rather than sculpting yourself into a more humanoid form. If this more "natural" form is imperceptible/cosmically incomprehensible to him, he won't mind. (Okay, he might be a little sad if he can't see you in all your blazing glory, but he won't make it obvious.)
I think there's definitely a case here for a "fallen angel" type deal--you've fallen from the sins of humanity, and now you've joined up with Knives in order to restore what should have been. Or maybe you find more worth in each other...
End notes: I finished this up on mobile so the formatting might be off. I promise I'll fix it tomorrow!
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likesunsetorange · 5 months
one more snippet for the one time 😭
you ask, i deliver! this part made me laugh so much like she truly cracks me up lmao (im trying to post the same scene so i dont spoil the others lol)
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“Well, at least I know you know how to do your job,” she says nonchalantly, her apathetic attitude returning. “Back to the questions, though—we keep getting sidetracked.” She narrows her eyes before she speaks, her tone getting to a level of sincerity Eren didn’t know she could reach before she asks: “You don’t do drugs, do you?”
“Excuse me?”
“What? I had to ask,” Mikasa shrugs. “I’m gonna take that as a ‘no’ then. Okay, next question: Any hobbies?”
“Umm, no? Not really.”
“Okay… do you have a girlfriend or something I should know about?”
The breath in his throat gets stuck, and he feels himself almost choke, the question catching him off guard. “What? I can’t tell if you’re being genuine with these questions or you’re just fucking with me,” Eren says bluntly, leaning back in his seat while crossing his arms. He can’t deny he’s partially amused at how brazen she is, but he’s also somewhat curious about the inner workings of the mind of Mikasa Ackerman. 
Somehow, this offends Mikasa, which only earns Eren an overdramatic eye roll in response. “I’m not just asking you these questions for shits and giggles, Eren. There’s a reason behind them, clearly. The drugs—obviously, I have to make sure you’re not bringing that kind of thing into my house. The hobbies—if you like to work out or something, that means you’d be leaving the house, which is something I think I should know about. And if you have a girlfriend, I think I should know if you’re gonna be bringing another stranger into my house—I already got one of those thrown onto me, so it’s not all that unreasonable for me to ask, don’t you think?” Mikasa lets out a huff, staring at him, waiting for his response, clearly unamused by his incomprehension. 
Eren stares at her in disbelief, mostly because her reasoning is, well, justified; he can’t dispute her for being rightfully curious about the man whom she’s being forced to be roommates with. She’s a Columbia graduate for a reason, he thinks to himself.
“Well, you have a point—” 
“I know I do, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t know it was right,” she says matter-of-factly.
Eren’s gathered that Mikasa is not only borderline bitchy and downright mean, but clearly, she has no issues being a smartass as well. He lets out a deep breath, one he didn’t know he was holding while rolling his eyes, no longer bothering to care if she sees at this point. “To answer your question, though: no, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
There’s a glint of something that pans across her face, but before he can try and decipher her expression—one of her many, he’s learning—it disappears. She raises her brows, nodding. “Hmph, well, good to know, then I guess.”
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theboardwalkbody · 1 year
Tentatively Titled: Bear With Me Fandom: The Bear Authors Notes: Below the cut is the first half of a chapter for a The Bear fic I had started. I planned on finishing this chapter but I am feeling sick so I can't concentrate but I wanted to have this out there before s2 blows it all out of the water. It is inspired by a tiktok clip of another restaurant-based movie I can't remember the name of at the moment.
Right now it is written as 'You' and not OC but I was considering changing that to flesh them out more instead of needing to keep things vague (I dont feel it sits right to give You-characters any details if they're supposed to be for any and all readers). So yeah - this 'You' has background info and details so thinking about naming them later.
Its also general/no-pairing in this part (again, its only half a chapter) but it is intended to become a fic with a main pairing with Carmy. (Honestly it was supposed to start in the second half of this chapter but I really dont feel good and the screen hurts to look at).
So anyway, enjoy this little snippet - if anyone wants more I'll see what I can do - but s2 may make me abandon idk lol
The Original Beef underwent renovations and re-opened as The Bear. Among the changes instituted by Carmen Berzatto was the addition of a larger dining room which opened up a couple positions for servers. Having decided to go back to college you needed a part-time job in order to be able to keep up with your car payments, online streaming subscriptions, and other pesky things like groceries and rent after having to leave your full-time position due to lack of flexibility. After a month of being denied from over a dozen places you put your application in to this recently renovated restaurant across town expecting to be denied like the others, but to your surprise, you were called back within the day. So you began making the thirty-five minute commute from your place to work four times a week. The work was as expected: wait tables, clean up, help answer phones, take payments; five star customer service. What wasn't expected was the atmosphere.
You've worked customer service and retail for a decade. You thought you had beaten your social anxiety, at least enough to function at work, but it was proving difficult to manage lately. You tried lying to yourself; its just new job jitters, made worse by having been out of the customer service (at least in public) game for a couple years and instead sitting in a small cubicle reading over insurance claims. At least that's what you told them. In reality you were a vocational nurse for the last three years but you felt that if you put that on your resume you would be overlooked and you were too desperate to be without pay until someone would hire you. You knew the truth, however, behind the anxiety. It was the constant exposure to one of your worst triggers: Yelling. Specifically, men yelling. You were on edge constantly. Always wondering when the yelling would start - the kitchen staff often yelled to each other - and dreading the days when you worked the same shift as Richie. The manager was the worst offender, it was as if he only had one volume setting. Even when the yelling wasn't hostile it was still stressful. You would remain hypervigilant and tune in to hear every word from anywhere in the restaurant so you would be prepared if the yelling ever took on a aggressive tone, to be prepared if things ever became violent.
You stayed quiet for the most part. The rest of the staff started calling you "our very own kitchen mouse". That you didn't mind, you honestly thought it was pretty cute. The thing that did bother you, nearly constantly, was your damn stomach. The anxiety causing you to feel nauseous nearly every day. Add in to that feeling tired nearly all the time between classes, having work, and the fact that the anxiety on work nights would not let you sleep at all.
A month of this was taking its toll on you. You weren't sure how much longer you would be able to stay here.
It was a Friday night. It was busier than normal and there seemed to be a constant stream of incidents. A jammed receipt printer causing a customer to become short with you, a customer trying to call in to place a to-go order but the call being dropped multiple times until they eventually gave up but not before calling back one more time to blame the inconvenience on you, a customer knocking their glass off the table and you needing to clean it while not falling behind on your tables. You blamed it on the full moon.
"Order in for Table 4, Chefs," you announced, placing the order ticket in the line of others, and walking back out to check in on your other tables.
Walking back out to the dining room you were suddenly met with calls of 'hey waitress!' and snapping.
You rolled your eyes and groaned internally before turning towards the sound and plastering a smile on your face. Walking over to the table you asked, "Yes, sir, how can I help you?" "This is cold, I need you to take it off my bill," the man said.
You looked down at the plate - a pasta and meat dish that was very obviously nearly finished - and then back at the customer.
"I am sorry to hear that, sir. I can offer you a new plate, but I can not comp the meal. If it was unsatisfactory when you received it you should have let someone know, I can not take the meal off with it having been more than halfway eaten. I apologize," you explained. "What if I didn't eat it?" the man snapped. "I'm sorry, sir?" you weren't following. "I said - What if I didn't eat it? What if I am telling you that I threw the rest of it out and that is just what is left stuck to the plate." he countered. "Again, sir, I apologize but at this point I can not --"
The man began arguing. Obviously unhappy with you not giving in to his demands he started shouting and insulting you. You felt your face get hot with anxiety and your stomach was bad enough you felt like you were about to vomit. You started chewing on the inside of your cheek and your eyes stung as he called you names and belittled you. You were glued to the spot unable to muster up the courage to turn and walk away, worried it would make matters worse. The last straw was the man reaching across the table, grabbing your hand, and placing it in his dish of partially eaten food.
"Doesn't that feel cold to you? You incompetent bitch?" he yelled at you.
Trembling you pulled your hand out of the food and grabbed the dish. You picked it up and with a cracked voice replied, "sorry, sir, I'll take care of it," before turning and walking the dish back to the kitchen.
The tears stung your eyes and you tried not to blink, knowing if you did they would fall. You tried to remain professional. You were so lost in your own anxious thoughts that it was almost as if you could hear nothing as you walked to the kitchen.
'Your fault, your fault, your fault,' circled around in your head drowning out everything else.
You pushed the doors open and placed the dish down near the sink. You couldn't comp the meal, despite anything you said to the man to placate him. You figured you would pay for it yourself that way he would stop yelling and you wouldn't have to involve Carmen, who was currently acting as head chef and manager since Richie was running late. Something you had been grateful for up until now.
You were about to make your way to the restroom to wash the pasta sauce off your hands and wipe your eyes, thinking no one even noticed you come in to the kitchen at all, when you heard Carmen's voice call out,
"Why is she crying?"
You were pretty sure you were going to pass out. All eyes turned towards you now.
Manny was closest to you and now that he was paying attention he noticed how red and watery your eyes were and asked, "you okay, Mouse?" He caught a glimpse of the red sauce on your hand and mistook it for blood as he suddenly called out, "She's bleeding! Grab the first aid kit its bad!"
'Fuck,' you cursed in your head. The tears started flowing now. Being asked if you were okay was the surefire way to get the dam to burst no matter how hard you tried to keep it up.
"No! Not! I'm fine," you said, but your voice sounded anything but fine. "It's not blood!"
"What happened, mama?" Tina asked leaving her station to approach you. Her voice was sweet and caring, she gingerly took your red soaked hand in hers.
You stepped back and insisted, "It's just sauce. It's nothing, really, everything's OK, I just need a second." With that you turned to leave and pretend you were going to use the restroom but instead you wiped your hand on your dark jeans and snuck out of the restaurant and around the back to sneak back into the far end of the kitchen and sit in the freezer. The cold would help take away the burning feeling you felt and calm you down - something you learned during your several month position at a grocery store deli.
You ducked into the freezer and sat on a crate in the corner full of yet-to-be-unpacked food. You just needed a minute, you told yourself, then you would be back up and get back out there. You focused on taking deep breaths and wiped your eyes.
The freezer door opened after a few moments and you cursed yourself for hiding in here. You had no excuse for why you would need to be in here and evidently you took too long, you should have left already. You looked up and saw Carmen walk in and look around until he found what he was looking for - you. He walked up to you and crouched down across from you.
"What happened?" he asked, you could see his breath as he spoke. He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to keep off some of the cold. "I'm sorry, I just needed a second to cool down," you answered, your own breath dancing in the cold air. "That's fine, you can take as long as you need, just please tell me what's wrong," he assured. "It's so stupid," you admitted, but it made you start crying harder.
Carmen stayed quiet a moment, letting you catch your breath, but his silence allowed you to open up and explain what had happened. When you finished your retelling of the situation he stood, extended his hand which you accepted, and slowly guided you out of the freezer. Without a word he began to lead you out to the dining room as you wiped your face to dry it of the tears.
Crossing back through the kitchen you and him caught the attention of the rest of the crew. As you passed the front door Richie happened to walk in, finally making his appearance.
"Yo, Cuz, what's happening?" he asked, his voice already above casual speaking volume. Carmen ignored him and kept leading you.
Stopping at the edge of the dining room he dropped your hand. "Who?" he asked. "Please, forget it, Chef, I took care of it." you insisted. "Who?" he repeated. You could tell by the tone of his voice he wasn't in the mood to ask again so you pointed to the customer in question.
You watched as Carmen approached the customer who berated you. He pulled a chair over from the next table over and sat at the table where the aggressive customer was sitting with a group of other men, and began talking to him. You couldn't hear their conversation over the noise of a full dining room but you could tell that neither of the men were enjoying their conversation. Noticing the scene unfolding many other customers stopped in their conversations and turned their attention towards Carmen and the other man. The volume in the room dying down enough that you could now make out what was being said by Carmen. He stood now, and his voice raised to assert himself.
"Apologize to her." he said. The man at the table laughed heartily. "No, I have nothing to apologize for."
Carmen, unsatisfied with the man's response, gathered up the tablecloth until all the dishes and drinks were bundled up in a pile of cloth in the center of the table. "You can see yourself out." "Who do you think you are?" the man shouted, "go get me your manager." "I'm the fucking owner. Get out." Carmen asserted.
The man huffed but at the encouragement of his bewildered companions he rose, grabbed his suit jacket, and left. The dining room erupted in applause. Carmen turned back to look at you, and you, embarrassed but also very impressed by his actions, turned away from him. You saw Richie behind you, having watched the scene play out, and you could see the crew peaking their heads out from the kitchen as well. Carmen came up to you and said, "can you meet me in the office?"
Doing as he asked you walked away. You just barely caught him barking orders at the others, Richie to cover your tables, Sydney to take charge for a bit, and the others to get back to their stations.
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narryffdreaming · 21 days
Hii! Thank you for taking the time to answer the ask I sent you the other day about the whole posting about him situation. And also sorry for bothering you with all my thoughts about it, I mean I feel like that post really shook me and I just wanted to tell someone about it. And probably I'm going to bother you again because I'm about to send you another long ask 😇
I reread the ask I sent you and I felt like subconsciously I was trying to find someone to tell me "it's okay, you're good. You are reading too much into it." and although I thought maybe that that was the answer I needed, when I read your response I realized that I may felt like I needed a pep talk but it wouldn't be enough because deep down that unsettling thought would still existed. And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that I'm some sort of Dalai Lama person who always perceive criticism as a gift lol I mean when I first read your answer my instinct was to feel defensive because his boundaries are important to me but then the second I reread it I was like "wait, why are you feeling like you have to defend yourself about this when you have the exact same conversation in your head when you reblog a photo of him in italy for example?"
I think sometimes because we all feel connected to him and this parasocial relationship starts to get stronger as we engage with the content we can get it's easier for us to be more flexible about some boundaries. Sometimes you think "it's not that bad to post a photo of him at the street because I like his outfit or whatever because I know me. I know that my motives are good, that I do see him as a person" but although that might be true in many cases it's also a thought you are able to have because he is a public figure (most of us we wouldn't even consider doing something like that to a person we don't know and just saw at the street) but that doesn't make it entirely okay. I mean yeah there are way more invasive behaviors than posting a pap pic of him and maybe someone would say "you're way too dramatic, relax" but that doesn't make it okay and deep down I know it and I won't be able to ignore it for much longer. Damn Dani, I was having fun and now something shifted entirely 💀
ajfujabfjahdja pls you're not bothering me at all and also im sorry for ruining all the fun!!! hshdbhagd no but i promise things are still fun okay? idk im not bored at least 🤡
but yeah i understand getting defensive and i feel like our first instinct is always going to be to protect/defend ourselves. i truly dont doubt your motives are good and i dont think people's actions come from a meaningful place. like, i do understand it comes from a place of love, and i also agree that engaging with content makes the parasocial relationship get stronger. the longer we spend online and the longer we interact with the same bubble that gets excited when anything comes out or thats constantly hoping and waiting for something new, the easier it is to believe that things are okay and actions are harmless. and idk, that's normal, yknow? of course his fans care about him and he and his boundaries are important to his fans. when i say "people are being disrespectful," i don't think it's intentional, and i do expect the response to be "no im not". bc if you thought you were, you wouldn't do it, right?
but that's exactly the point, i think. this idea of respect and love ends up dissociated from the real harry, if that makes sense (?) there's love and respect for this harry that we create in our minds and the things we imagine about him when he walks down the street or greets someone or goes to a concert or is riding a bike or whatever. we feed our imagination and fill the voids, and we end up so caught up in that, that we kind of forget there's actually a human being behind that. a human being who is saying no to pictures and doesn't like paps and looks always annoyed and grumpy when there's a camera pointing at him. and we love him, so of course realizing that brings a weird feeling to us or maybe can make us feel guilty or embarrassed or idk, so many things. but again, i don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. i think it's okay that it happened in the past, and i think it's okay to realize that maybe you regret posting this or that. we're all humans. god knows at some point ive read countless real famous harry fanfics because i WANTED and NEEDED to feed my fantasy somehow. and god knows i even wrote some myself (even tho nowadays i deeply refuse to read/write any).
so yeah... im sorry it got so long again. i do love discussing things 💀 but thanks for talking to me and pls DONT BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF! <3
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protobrieile · 7 months
ok i kind went ham on this way more than i was expecting to so um. page break LOL
⬇️wrote all this first, then the above lines afterward
more vagueposting in the same vein but
wow. i dont have the words for how i am feeling and continuing to feel and i keep trying to pretend that it's something like "im losing my mind" but in fact i have literally never felt more sane about this. i have never felt so aware and understanding and like it all makes perfect sense as i do now. i have never been so able to reflect on overcoming a fear that lasted so long but i barely even registered it as such until recently. every time i have tested the waters up until this point i was immediately dealt a strong urge to completely abandon ship and immerse myself in something that i could guarantee not to remind me of it but now all of a sudden even when i expected that to happen it didn't. and then i tried it again two nights later still expecting to wake up in the morning wanting nothing to do with it and i didn't. and again today and i just think that maybe it is actually for real. maybe i actually genuinely might have possibly truly overcome my fear of falling back in and losing myself again which had been gripping me for an entire year without me even truly realizing it. and not only is that part of it weird to recognize but also it is actually entirely unfamiliar to me because i also no longer fear what i dont know. things ended up the way they did last year in part because i was so afraid of not knowing things for sure and i ultimately let that fear take over and by the time i even barely started to realize how much i had lost my sense of self i had already caused so much pain that i couldnt see because i could only focus on my own pain caused by my fears. because prior to that point i could only ever appease the parts of myself that were still insecure by not allowing myself to believe what was actually true all along. i spent years forcing myself to not even consider it and it's not that i regret because past is past and things had to go in the way that they did for reasons i may not be able to directly comprehend and they still do so but it's not about Knowing Why. it's about accepting what you know to be true and trusting in that truth and moving forward with it. i couldnt have ever possibly been healthy about this until i stopped asking Why and always waiting for something outside of myself to determine what the truth was. i had to learn to find my own answers through observation and to trust myself enough to believe that what i was seeing and the sense i was making was valid and real and Enough. and even now that i can do so i still can say there's so much i dont know and so many things that i dont know enough about to explain or define or extrapolate from but the difference is that it doesnt bother me anymore. it doesnt bother me that i dont know what any given person is thinking of me or that i dont have a concrete plan of what my life will look like. and it doesnt bother me that i dont know every single possible factor that is making it so that i can listen to my favorite band again without an immediately following adverse reaction for the first time in a year at surface and honestly the whole fucking time to be completely fucking real with you. it doesnt bother me that my entire belief system revolves around unanswerable questions and imperceivable reasoning because i trust myself. i trust in the fact that i am not and will never be in complete control of everything that makes up the concept of Myself and it doesn't bother me at all because it simply just means i have nothing to worry about. i don't have to be anxious and i don't have to be afraid of the unknown because i know that it's unknown for a reason. and that reason isnt mine to define nor is it anyone elses responsibility to do so. and even though the idea of all this isnt anything new to me, until now i would still not be able to help myself from thinking of the If Only. if only i could somehow make other people see what i see. if only other people knew what i had learned and could see things the way i see them then they wouldn't have to be anxious or afraid anymore either. but that just simply is not
something i can do. that is not something i am meant to do. if it were that easy we'd all be helping each other out in that way but it's not and there is nothing for us as individuals to do other that acknowledge that truth as such and work around it. and god ive always known that this isnt really about the band and it really isnt about him and if i go the entire rest of my life without us ever having another conversation well i would be just fine. i would still do what makes me happy and fulfilled and i would still enjoy my life and it wouldnt bother me because id still be trusting in myself and id know that thats what is meant for me. it's just the thing about it is ive known that for over a year now and ive understood that to be a potential outcome but i just dont think i can say "and ive accepted it as a possible truth" because that just isn't how the truth works. there isnt a "possible" truth, there is simply the truth. there is one string connecting through every single moment of time that can only be described as "this is how it happened" and that is what the truth is. and we as humans don't get to identify the truth until it has passed, yet we spend so much time coming up with possibilities and preparing ourselves for 1000 different outcomes of which we think the truth might look like and all 1000 of them are inaccurate because we just aren't capable of doing that kind of thing. and i could say what i said before to someone and it would be a fairly normal thing to say to anyone because we all make these kinds of claims but when you believe wholeheartedly that you arent in control of the truth it just feels like a sad excuse for a defense mechanism. "oh i'll just say it like this so he can see that im open and accepting of the future regardless of how it turns out" like sorry not sorry but that kind of thinking is what made me fall into a hole in the first place. not only was i focusing on someone else OVER myself but also. I DONT GET TO CONTROL WHAT SOMEONE ELSE THINKS!!! And once again!!! You dont need to feel bad or anxious about what other people think of you. You have to acknowledge the truth - that you can't control them - and WORK!!! WITH!!!! IT!!!!!!!
and at this point the only truth i know is this. This band was put into my life for a reason. That man was dropped in front of me. ok more like i was dropped in front of him but whatever who cares semantics. To impact my life in such a way that facilitated all the growth that got me to this point. It doesnt matter "whether it would have happened if i hadnt met him" because there is only one way things happened. There is only one string of truth threading all of these moments together. I dont need to justify my adherence to the truth with "Even if x thing happens" because literally who cares none of us can do anything about that and pretending that we are somehow capable of completely controlling things is literally the root of all conflict in this world. And there are still plenty of things i dont know. Even about this situation. Even about myself. and there are a lot of things i will never know. but i know what my favorite band is. and I know that for the first time in my entire life i can listen to them and be healthy at the same time. so that's wild
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hellooo! this is the first time i request something from a blog :D could i request headcanons of diluc, scara, kazuha and xiao when their s/o tells them they're pregnant and possibly how they'd get used to having a kid? tyy! dont forget to take breaks and relax!
Literally baby-sized trouble.
summary: you're pregnant! how does he react to the news and how do the get used to your child? includes: diluc (26 bullet points), scaramouche (24 bullet points), kazuha (17 bullet points) and xiao (35 bullet points) warnings: fem!reader, pregnancy, children, non-explicit/non described giving birth, mostly fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort and angst. format: headcanons thank you for your request!! this was so fun to write! >< imagining the characters being soft with children is just so cute :") i specially like these four a lot >< when i wrote this i was in a xiao mood if it wasn't obvious that his turned out longer than everyone else's lol, and it's also the first time i write for kazuha so it was shorter than the others, but i think his is the sweetest ><! i hope you enjoy it! ps. the names and meanings- i got them from google, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong with them ><
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He's going to stop functioning the moment he hears the news from you.
Literally, he's still as a rock and completely taken by surprise.
He... can't say he'd never wanted children. He's pretty traditional and, since he has this beautiful relationship with you, he assumed it might happen sometime in the future.
But oops guess it will have to happen in the close future, since you're already pregnant.
After staring at you with widened eyes for a while, he speaks up: "...is... is it true?" You hold his hands on yours with a smile on your face, nodding. "Yes, Diluc. We're going to be parents." Hearing your words, he starts to tear up as he hugs you, his touch almost hesitant, as if you were so fragile he could break you if he wasn't careful. "...thank you." He'd whisper between silent tears, hiding his face from your sight.
Very supportive and very protective!
You will have the most comfortable of pregnancies. He will make sure you don't need to move a single muscle to get anything you want.
If the two of you aren't married or engaged yet, he's going to propose to you very soon, keep that in mind ><
He starts reading every book he can find on pregnancies and babies so that he knows what to do to help you when you give birth and how to take care of his child once they're born ><
You have to convince him that yes, you can go and eat in the dining room and you don't need to eat everything in your room or stay in bed all day and yes, you can still do most things and no, he doesn't have to worry so much.
But yeah, in later stages of your pregnancy he gets more overprotective because he doesn't want anything to hurt you or your baby :(
He couldn't be calm enough while you gave birth and had to wait outside of the room, which only made him more nervous </3
But when he finally held your little baby on his arms for the first time, he broke down crying.
You two had a boy! He looked a lot like him, too... with the red hair and eyes... so cute...
He's not sure of what to name him, he'd thought of some names before, but they all disappeared when he saw the little bundle of joy in his arms;;
So you two will have to think about a name again!
In the end, you settle for Felix; name meaning "happy" or "lucky"!
Diluc is a very busy man, but he still does his best to be there for you and his son as much as possible!
He's also not very sure as to how he should interact with him...
But he does know he LOVES playing with him as soon as he starts to understand how to play with his toys.
But... there are not so cute parts about having a kid, after all.
At times, he worries whether or not he'll be able to be there enough for him.
He wonders if he can be a good father, given how awkward he is with his emotions.
What if when Felix grows up he starts hating him for being absent? He wouldn't be able to stand it.
You always reassure him as you both put the baby to sleep on his crib.
All Diluc wants is for his son to have a happy childhood and a loving family, but worries he won't be good enough of a father.
However, when Felix's first word is "'iluc!" as he stretches out his tiny arms towards him, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can do this right.
He thought you were joking, so he laughed.
When you didn't laugh along with him and was met with your blank face, he understood you were serious.
He never even thought he'd be with anyone in a relationship before you came along, let alone have a child with anyone... So he's obviously very shocked and confused as to how to proceed.
After an awkward moment of staring at each other, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms, looking at you with an equally blank face. "So? What do you want me to do about it?" "H-huh?" "In the sense of- what do you want to do? Keep it or not." You huffed, and when he heard your determinated answer, he sighed and gave your head some soft pats. "Alright, alright, whatever you want, I guess."
Okay listen here- it's not like doesn't care but it isn't like he cares so much either...
This man would do anything for you, really, and that's what happens.
He does anything and everything for you, because he's worried about you and not necessarily about the baby you're carrying.
It's not like he hates children- because you can't hate anything you don't perceive as equal or superior to you and a baby ceirtainly isn't either for him-
It's more like he doesn't know what to do with them because he's never been around children enough to understand them.
He's overall very indifferent towards the child ngl.
Then he sees you cradling your baby -a girl- in your arms and his mind just... goes blank. Huh, so that's what a human looks like right after being born.
Your little daughter looks more like him than she looks like you, sorry. But he can clearly see on her face some factions that will look like yours as she grows up.
"Now what?"
He'll help you look after her however he can, since he doesn't want you to be too tired because he never knows when he'll have to leave for weeks or even months without notice.
He's not entirely cold or indifferent towards her, even if sometimes he might resent her a bit for taking away some of your attention.
But like when you were choosing a name for her, he gave a few suggestions and in the end you choose one of the names he thought of!
Her name is Hikari, name meaning "light"!
Due to the nature of his job, he doesn't want to be seen around either of you at the moment in public. It would only put a target on your backs.
And it takes a long, long while for him to warm up to her.
It disheartens you a little, but when you see him looking down at Hikari's sleeping form on the crib, softly poking her cheek with a strangely child-like curiosity on his eyes, you feel at ease.
And he thinks that he can probably handle this parenting thing better than he ever expected. Maybe it's not that bad, after all.
Ceirtainly, he thinks, as he holds her in his arms one day after she spoke her first word to him, this parenting thing is not really that bad.
(Her first word was "papa!")
Be ready, because once he gets attached to your daughter he won't stop spoiling her!
"Are you sure, love?" "Yes, I'm sure. We're having a child!" A smile painted itself on his face as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. "I hope I can be a good father for them."
So the Kaedehara family is getting a new member, huh!
Not that there's much left to his name, especially now that he's a fugitive... but he's excited nonetheless!
Although he's not one to settle down for long, he will make an effort for both you and the child, since it's not good for someone who's pregnant to wander around.
He's very protective, but not in an overbearing way! He simply wants you to take it easy and relax, he can take care of everything else on his own!
That being said, he's not rich like Diluc or Scaramouche, so he's also going to work harder than ever to get everything you or the baby need in advance so that neither of you have to stress out!
He's the one who takes it better out of everyone here, he's not extremely worried or outright indifferent, he's simply worried enough, excited and happy!
He already knew you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so the idea of having a child with you didn't scare him or intimidate him in the slightest!
He's still a bit worried, though.
He is a wanted fugitive in his homeland, after all...
He can only do so much and wish for the situation in Inazuma to change soon, so that he can take both you and his child to see the places he loved to spend his time at when he was a child.
But for now, he's happy enough simply holding his child on his arms, sitting next to you in your small shared home.
You have a girl too! She has Kazuha's hair color and your eye color, she's super adorable ><
He wants you to name her, and you both agree on naming her Izumi, meaning fountain or spring!
"Kaedehara Izumi... it has a nice ring to it." He'd say, smiling down at her.
While Kazuha enjoys travelling more than anything in this world, he's reticent to leave you and your daughter alone or even bring you along with him. So he stays around for as long as you need it.
He will talk a lot to her all the time, so don't be surprised when she picks up very complicated, flowery words from a young age!
He wants her to grow up to be free as the wind and be able to do whatever she wants without fear, so he wants to do his best to be a good father for her!
You can practically see the panic on his face when you tell him the news.
It's the most scared you've ever seen him be, and you've been there to help him through his karmic debt.
So yeah, he takes it the worst out of everyone.
"I'm not mad." He manages to tell you before disappearing to somewhere else in a panicked haze, he needs to sort out his emotions quickly before he can properly talk to you about it. The last thing he saw before he disappeared was your eyes, glinting with sadness. And that only made him feel worse if that was even possible.
It takes him the whole day to come to terms with his feelings on your pregnancy and finally face you again.
He's really, really afraid of hurting you and your child. Not to mention he fears he might've passed some kind of curse from his karma to either of you through the pregnancy :(
Like he said, he isn't mad. He's just scared.
He... he literally never, never thought he would get to be a father.
Family was a foreign concept to him, as were a lot of other things you've slowly helped him understand throughout your time together, so knowing he can have one of his own now... makes him happy, and scared, at the same ime.
He's worse than Diluc when it comes to protecting you and worrying about you.
He won't let you do anything alone, even if he doesn't want to be near you because he doesn't want the karma to harm you or your child in such a vulnerable moment of your lives.
Okay so that aside-
How do people care for babies?
What is he exactly supposed to do?
And- do half-adepti babies need any sort of special treatment in comparison to human babies?
He has no idea on what to do if it doesn't involve a physical fight with a tangible foe, so he goes asking for advice to everyone he knows that could have knowledge on that field.
Verr Goldet and Ganyu are a great help for him. Xiao listens with attention to everything they have to say and asks everything he doesn't understand.
Ganyu tells him about her own experience growing up as half-human so that he can understand what raising a half-human, half-illuminated beast baby might entail.
He also goes to Zhongli for advice and he gets more of the same advice he's already heard, along with many, many reassurances that sound like everything you already tell him every day.
He's very worried, but as the months go by and your child's birth comes closer, he can't help but feel a little excited about it.
Everyone who knows him is happy to see him openly happy for a change on those small moments when he gets excited about his new family with you.
When your child is born, Xiao doesn't want to hold him. It took too much willpower to stay as close as he was right now, standing next to your bed as you held your baby in your arms.
He was so adorable, so small, so fragile, so pure- Xiao was afraid of touching him and breaking or tainting him--
He was already crying, he'd started crying the moment he saw you holding your son for the first time.
He feels so... strange. He's crying, but this isn't a painful, or sad feeling. He feels... happy, but scared, but...
The feeling starts to make some sense to him when he finally convinces himself that it's okay for him to hold the little boy in his arms, when he stares with awe at his face.
The baby looks a lot like the both of you. Arguably, more like him, since he has the same hair and the same bright eyes, but in his face all he can see is you.
And he cries more.
You both named him Liàng, name meaning brilliant!
Xiao does his best to try and get used to parenting, and it gets hard at times.
But he tries, and that's all that matters. He tries to be a good father, and is always there to protect both you and your son from anything trying to harm you.
Even though he was so scared at first, you know he loves the new family you've formed together.
Especially when you catch him trying to hold a conversation with your son, sitting down on the bed next to him as he toys with a soft teddy bear, the two of them surrounded by pillows.
The soft look and smile he wears while he does so tells you that everything is going to be alright.
The three of you are going to be alright, and Xiao wants to make sure of it.
His son will never have to live what he lived or see what he saw. He will make sure of that, no matter what.
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5csbin · 4 years
cupid is here!
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(SMUT) choi yeonjun x (girl) reader. warning!¡ praising, overstimulation, slapping and lingere kink
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“no more..” your eyes fluttered closed and bucking your hips up once again, already coming for the third time this night. yeonjun’s tounge not leaving your clit.
“just one more time for me okay, you just look so pretty tonight.” yeonjun gave your pussy one last kiss before getting up from his position. his hands now trailing down your stomach, admitting the pretty pink lingering you wore just for him.
his hands moving down to the hem of your panties, teasing you as if he was going to take them off. “i have decided.. im gonna fuck you with your lingerie on today.”
a small whine came out of your mouth, “junnie, i really cant.” a pout came to your lips. “baby please, i swear this is the last time.” his lips connected to yours, tasting your juice on his luscious lips.
“you just look so fucking pretty tonight. i can’t help how hot you look.” giving him a little chuckle, he knew he already won. “okay.. just this once! im already sore.” a last peck was giving till he was grinning widely.
“fuck, baby turn around for me.” yeonjun got off the bed so you could turn your pretty body around. a gasp fell off your lips when you felt a slight sting on your ass.
“shit baby, you look so good like this.” in his eyes, he couldn’t see your body, but your ass up and small angel wings in your back made you look so fucking hot. “jun, please just fuck me.” you wiggled your ass in his face hoping he could shove his fat cock in you.
“don’t do that (y/n)..” but you couldn’t help it, even forgetting te overstimulation, you needed him inside you to make you feel full. “junnie i want you now.”
and another slap to your ass as a small moan left your lips. you heard a belt buckle and his jeans being pulled down.
next thing you know, your panties are being moved to the side and his cock playing with your fold. “so fucking wet baby.” a sigh left your lips feeling his cock touch against your clit.
“that feels so good.” a small whine cam from your mouth, your swollen clit against his long and thick cock. yeonjun moving his cock against your clit brought satisfaction to you, loving the feeling drove you crazy. “baby, please.” you cleanched over nothing.
“okay baby.” one last time yeonjun admired your lingerie before lining his cock to your entrance. without thinking, he pushed in without a thought. a groan escaping his lips of how painfully tight you were.
his cock stretched your tight hole out deliciously with a slight burn of how fat his cock was. yeonjun drew small patterns on your waist as he waited for you to get used to him, knowing it took a while.
but when you gave him the signal, there was no holding back. especially when you looked this good. you moaned out when he started with a hard thrust, which was unexpected since he always started slowly.
“fuck, why are you so gorgeous.” one of his hands gripped your waist and pulled you closer to him. yeonjun kept on hitting you with hard thrust, every thrust making you whine and moan.
the feeling of your walls clenching every time, milking him out bringing his satisfaction. the way his hips rocked into you at just the right pace, deep enough to hit your sweet spot.
yeonjun’s thrusts got harder his dick beginning to ram into your pussy. “jun, fuck harder.” you moaned, your eyes beginning to close.
“you’re enjoying this baby?” yeonjun breathe out, thrusts unrelenting as one of his hands left your waist to rub his thumb on your clit. yeonjun rubbed circles onto it, forcing your walls to tighten even further making you whine loudly.
“answer me baby.” your legs have begun to shake over how slowly and and torturing he was rubbing your swollen clit.
“yes junnie it feels so good,” you mewled, fingers digging into the sheets, you were being fucked dumb. tears threatened to fall from your eyes of how good he was fucking you.
“you’re so gorgeous ,” yeonjun mumbled admiring you, arms tightening around your waist. with a whimper, you buried your face deeper into the mattres, embarrassment from being so aroused at his words.
“oppa, you feels so good,” a muffed moan escaped your lips. you know yeonjun liked getting praised because jun’s increased his speed.
“baby, you have the best pussy, this is all mine.” yeonjun groaned. you’re legs began to feel jelly, already knowing you couldn’t hold much longer. “junnie, i feel it coming.” you whined out loud
“cum baby, come for me.” his deep voice falling from his lips were so hot, made you come undone all over his cock. he squeezed your hips as you clenched around him, holding onto you for dear life as he fucked up into you harder.
you began to squirm around him again. “no more.”you breathe out as yeonjun kept fucking into your leaking pussy, white spots clowding your vision.
yeonjun was so good, he was making you sure that you would see stars for the rest of the night even just from thinking about it.
“dont worry cupid, im almost there.” he growled, his hips snapping wildly into your wet pussy. you moaned, feeling fucked out of your mind.
a hot liquid filling you up, his thick and sticky cum threatening to spill from you. yeonjun rode both of your hights till he pulled out before laying next to you. “im sorry if i ended up hurting you.” he cursed your back, watching as you took deep breathes.
“no it was fine junnie..” you pecked his lips. his hand roming your legs for am few minutes before deciding to take a bath to clean you up.
setting you in the tub filled with warm wafted and bubbles as he took care of you. “happy valentine’s day baby.” he said before dipping in the water too just to hold you.
— was meant to post this earlier but forgot lol.
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takamishinko · 3 years
hey its me again, feel free to do other requests if you have them but id like to ask if could you do a nsfw part 2 to denkis “your scars are beautiful”. or really just a denki x m reader nsfw scenario/smutshot (?) thing if you dont feel like continuing it, thank you in advance :D
first time writing smut ahaha this was fun to write
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pronouns: he/him
warnings: nsfw, swallowing, no protection
a/n: we could've finished this wqy earlier but we can't take anything seriously and fucked around for like a good hour laughing our asses off lol
e/n (editors note): wap wap wap wap wap 😹
you and denki just finished having dinner at a restaurant with the rest of the bakusquad. it was a pretty nice hangout thing you guys did often. every friday you guys would go to a specific place mina introduced to everyone and you all ended up loving the place. they had food that catered to everyone's taste, even bakugou’s hard to satisfy palette. 
you and the squad headed back to the dorms together, it was no secret that you and denki shared the same room since you two were dating so everyone else went back to their own rooms while you and denki headed back together. denki flopped onto the bed you both shared the second he opened the door, not before taking off his shoes of course.
denki sighed with content, "ahhh~ that place is good as always, it never fails to disappoint me with the burgers, i could eat them all day i swear!" he exclaimed happily. you chuckled at his cute antics.
"oh! we also don't have school tomorrow, woohoo!" denki finished as he stretched his arms out.
you weren't really bothered by denki's rambles since you knew he was the talkative type and tended to go on rambles a lot. but this time wasn't like the usual… it was almost like he was trying to hint to you something. 
you knew exactly what denki was up to. telling you the room was kind of hot, unbuttoning his shirt just enough so that you can see his pecs. while denki's body wasn't as buff as shoji’s or bakugou’s but it was still pretty well built even being on the lean side. you would also be a big ass liar if you said you weren't turned on by his actions. of course your boyfriend teasing you would turn you on.
though you knew what he was trying to do you kept up your clueless act because it was fun for you to tease him back a little. you were having your amusement playing innocent in front of him until the blonde male suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down onto the bed. 
“heh, playing innocent on me huh? c’mon baby~ i know you want all this.” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt completely and took it off. his abs and pecs were irresistible and the proof was the hard on you had in your pants, you knew it well and so did denki. 
“i have no idea what you’re talking about babe~” you teased back, a playful grin forming at the corner of your lips. 
“fine! i guess i’ll have to show you with actions then.” 
your boyfriend’s lips pressed onto yours without any hesitation, his tongue immediately slipping into your mouth, who were you to resist him? the kiss he gave was sloppy but you didn’t mind it a single bit, it was actually quite arousing to you and you enjoyed it. of course you couldn’t let your boyfriend have all the fun so you put a little force into the kiss too instead of just letting his tongue swirl around in your mouth. the kiss between you broke after a minute or so, both of your faces red. you looked down and saw a bulge in denki’s sweatpants.
you licked your lips, “c’mon, take them off big guy~ you’re suffering in those.” you giggled with a licentious look gracing your features.
“with pleasure baby.” denki replied, nothing but pure lust dripping from each word.
you already seen denki’s cock before but something about the outline of it on his comical lightning patterned boxers turned you on to the max. without second thoughts you started to lick your boyfriend’s cock through his boxers, teasing him while you’re at it.
“why don’t you play with what’s under it instead?” he groaned out at the sight of you. god you turned him on so much.
you didn’t reply and pulled down his yellow boxers instead. his cock sprung out with excitement. denki was probably not the biggest, but it was definitely above average and enough to satisfy every last one of your needs. you wrapped your lips around his cock and started going further down inch by inch, using your tongue to lap at it as well. denki’s face contorted into pleasure. wanton moans inevitably escaped his mouth and they were like music to your ears. this egged you on and you hollowed out your cheeks as he fucked your mouth.
“oh fuck! y/n i’m getting close, ah- cumming!” he whined loudly.
without leaving his dick you swallowed every last drop of cum from you received from him. you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to show him you enjoyed it, as if you were telling him “thank you for the meal.”
“that felt so fucking good baby… i want more, can i put it in?” he asked, feeling a bit impatient.
“you’re insatiable,” you chucked out, he rolled his eyes in response “but of course you can~” 
as soon as denki heard your answer he practically jumped on you to pull down your pants and your boxers together leaving your ass and cock exposed to him. you flushed at his rushed movements.
he cut you off, “you’re so fucking hot baby, i wanna fuck you so bad.” denki spoke with desire while looking at your lower half.
your boyfriend couldn’t wait any longer so he grabbed the lube that was sitting in his nightstand and spread some on his finger
“just relax alright?” he murmured as he spread a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and started to loosen you up. he started with one and eventually added two more fingers. you jolted a little as your entrance was explored but once denki had hit a certain spot your eyes rolled back of your head, your back arched and you let out a whine.
“o-oh fuck! denki!” you gasped out, your hips jerking upwards as he continued to abuse your prostate. tears formed at your eyes, you felt like you were melting, his fingers felt so good. 
your mewls shot straight down to his cock, “feels good huh?” he leaned down, whispering into your ear before nipping on it. you couldn’t respond to his sultry tone, you were so out of it. god you needed more.
"denki just put it in already..! i can't help it anymore. i need your cock." you mewled weakly, your voice hoarse. 
"alright~ don't blame me if i go a lil' too hard on ya now." denki grinned as he shoved his dick straight into your hole, hitting your prostate immediately. you let out a loud moan as he immediately thrusts at a fast pace.
you gasped and whimpered out, “a-ah! denki! slow down a little… too fast.” you couldn’t keep up with his pace. 
“can’t handle it babe? i’ll slow down for you then.” denki replies with a smirk. he didn’t want to hurt you.
denki then continued to make slow yet deep thrusts into your ass. they didn’t hurt like the first time you guys did but rather euphoric. his cock was hitting a spot that your fingers or toys could’ve never reached, a whole new level of pleasure. even though this wasn’t your first time it felt so good having your boyfriend inside you again, he never fails to disappoint you in the bedroom. 
“nggh, your ass feels so fucking good. you take my cock so well baby boy.” denki moaned. 
“y-your cock feels so good denki..!” you replied, a trail drool indecently leaving your mouth, mixing on the sheets with the salty tears that fell from your eyes.
he then again pressed his lips onto yours and invaded your mouth with his tongue. it almost felt like heaven, making out with your boyfriends passionately while his big cock hit your prostate over and over again. the pleasure made you lose yourself and you didn’t even notice that you were getting close, and with denki picking up the rhythm of his thrusts, you could tell he was close too. 
“d-denki! i’m gonna cum-“ you moan out loudly in a high pitched tone.
denki groans at the feeling of your walls tightening around his dick. “me too baby- let’s come together..!” 
and just before he could finish his sentence both of you reached your climax and both of you moaned out in shameless pleasure. the two of you stared at each other and tried to regulate your breaths.
“you felt amazing baby...” denki spoke with affection while holding your cheek with his right hand. 
“you felt really good too denki...” you reply as you did the same with your left hand.
the two of you shared a quick kiss before giggling. the two of you were fatigued after your activities, both of you quickly took a shower together and got into bed. both of you fell asleep while cuddling each other on the bed.
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dreamrecorder · 4 years
Ok so- idk if you’ve seen demon slayer;; but there’s this episode (it was during the spider fambam arc) aNywaYs- so like. Rui yeets ties* (i guess-) Nezuko like. Up in the air. With his weird spider thread jazz— and like. It’s sHarP weird spider thread jazz— so she’s like. Yknow. Being sliced and diced with string— but it kindaaa reminds me of like. Xiao. And his like.... weird... sad.... uh. Karma. Thing. Like y’know where he’s like hanging from his arms- red stuff. Yeah. So like. Now for the actual request
Xiao’s s/o (female if you don’t mind;;) gets kidnapped by like— the fatui or smth. And they tie her up like Nezuko :D to be like “lol haha Xiao be all like-” and she’s just. Like. Dying. Slowly. Dripping b l o o d and yknow. All the tea. And Xiao comes to rescue her— and he’s like 0-0 “wait...” and he realizes that’s like- exactly what happens to him- and so. He beats the fatui’s butts saves his s/o, anddddd she like.
Idk. This is where I need your angst expertise ❤️ like- she could d i e. In his arms. And poor Xiao would be so scarred omg poor thing- BUT THE ANGST- but at the same time;;;; the f l u f f of him being able to save her just in time and she was like fighting for him the whole time or whatever and ended up needing him to save her anyways- and then Xiao feeding her almond tofu until she gets better ❤️❤️❤️
IM SORRY THAT WAS SO LONG- im probably going crazy from lack of sleep from reading fics for too long sndndnsnsj
Anyways.... thank you! Have a stellar day~ ✨❤️
The heart yearns and the wind heard
lmao this ask is so adorable i hope you’d enjoy this ksks
anyway, full Angst train up ahead but there are moments of Fluff too. There are mentions of blood and violence if those are not your thing- dont worry guys, this goes with a happy ending cos you and Xiao deserve one~ on a final note- non canon compliant and suuuuuuper long- like- legit this is very long
The Yaksha sighs.
He’s here again. His mind and heart has returned his being into this crimson world his demons have created within him.
He feels it. He feels the corruption binding him tighter again for every death he brings by his tainted hands.
He looks at his bindings. And ever so slowly, the red and black coiling around his person will eventually reach his heart.
One day, he thinks, all this crimson and black in this world will swallow him whole and he will see the light no more.
Xiao sighs again.
This is his karmic debt.
The moment you stepped foot within Wangshu Inn, you knew he was in his prison again. After giving a quick greeting to the inn keeper, you hastily went to Xiao’s room. The closer you got, the heavier the atmosphere became.
You reached his door and knocked softly. As expected, no reply as he continues to struggle to take back his control over himself. Without hesitation, you stepped in. To anyone else, they would have instantly met his spear at their throats, but with you, this doesn’t happen. Instead, you see him crouched on the wooden floor with a hand on his chest. His knuckles were white and his breathing was ragged. His amber eyes- lost. Observing his form, yes… his moments of corruption are becoming progressively worse.
With swift steps of familiarity to this routine, you went to him and grasped his shoulders.
“Xiao, it’s me…” You whispered with clarity. And oh- how your voice brought a wave of comfort to his soul.
“N-name…” His voice cracked, but him calling to you is always a good sign.
You gave him a small smile and proceeded to grasp his hands together with yours. After which, you then leaned your forehead to his to chant your prayers. As your prayers progressed, slowly but surely, the corruption begins to fade along with the black mist that covered him. However, you took note how this ritual took longer than the last.
Once everything is done, Xiao just slumped onto your shoulders, still breathing deeply. “How are you feeling?” It was a useless question you asked every time this happens, but you always, always, have to make sure.
Usually, he would mutter a small ‘fine,’ but now- words seemed to have left his mind and all he could muster was an almost-unnoticeable shrug.
Truth be told- his response disheartened you, but you did not show it. Instead, you opted to simply encase him in your arms and caress his hair. After all, these are just one of the few, rare moments Xiao would leave himself into your care. Xiao is aware, himself, that his state has been becoming worse and worse. And you both know, that a day would come when he would just attack anyone- friend or foe- without a trace of hesitation. So, just this time- he speaks his feelings.
You answered immediately with a questioning hum.
“What would you do… when I finally lose control over myself?”
It was very subtle, but he felt how your hand stopped caressing his hair for a second, then proceeded to the previous task at hand again. In all honestly, you can never find yourself having an answer to that question. “And why would I ever let that happen to you?” You questioned back, fully aware that you were dodging his question.
Silence surrounded the two of you, unsure on what to do with the sudden heavier atmosphere.
Not wanting to face the cruelty of the world yet, Xiao simply buried himself on the crook of your neck even more. And despite the ghostly sensation of his lips on your skin, you could feel him mouth the words ‘I love you.’
“As long as I’m here,” you whispered, “nothing can hurt you.” And that was the most beautiful lie that the Yaksha has heard, but he was willing to believe all the same.
When word about Fatui diplomats starting a bank reached you, there was a nagging feeling in your head that trouble would bring itself present anytime soon. It was like an itch that wouldn’t get away. And the only way to have that itch gone is to scratch it.
“You are absolutely a fool.” Xiao stated darkly with crossed arms, for once disagreeing with the plans of his master.
“We can never know what their intentions are unless we let them start their bank, no?” Zhongli said as he gazed at the marsh spread beneath him.
The Yaksha only scoffed but said no more.
Building up your courage, you deemed it was your turn to voice out your thoughts, “Um… Rex Lapis, I see your point, but wouldn’t it be best to resolve the problem before it persists into something larger? We all know- All of Teyvat knows, that the Fatui are not to be trusted.”
Your archon offered you a kind smile, “I understand your worries, Name. However, as of the moment, they have not presented themselves as such. If they truly are our enemies, then it would be beneficial for us to know their intentions.”
You frowned deeply at his statement. Seeing you do so, somehow, your archon immediately identified your main concern.
“Is this about the Tianquan assigning you to be her representative for the Fatui?”
The moment those words left his mouth, a growl tore from Xiao’s throat, but he held his tongue.
“Did Ganyu tell you?”
The Archon nodded and you sighed.
“I volunteered, actually.”
And at that point, Xiao vanished into thin hair, but you could still his sense his presence around.
“May I know why?” Zhongli questioned gently.
For a moment, you struggled for words. You didn’t know how to describe this ‘itch’ to him. “At first, it was supposed to be Ganyu, since in the Tianquan’s eyes- Ganyu is an adeptus and she does not know that I am, too. Perhaps she didn’t want to put me in harm’s way, a ‘visionless human’ at the side of a harbinger. After some convincing to Ningguang for my volunteering, I spoke to Ganyu next.
“The adepti are divine beings that walk here in Liyue. I had this feeling that putting a divine next to a power-hungry harbinger would become an issue. I told Ganyu that, since I looked ‘harmless’ and ‘ordinary,’ the harbinger’s interest about the divine would never surface.”
A stretch of silence wrapped around them as Zhongli pondered over your words. “Perhaps, are you also planning to dig out the truth of their arrival?”
You nodded, “I knew you would allow them to stay, so I just took it upon myself to unfurl their secrets.”
“Hmmm… I grant you permission on doing this. However, should trouble arise, do not hesitate to tell us.”
The glare pointed at you was strong. Even without him saying a single word, you could hear his phantom voice in your head speak with such coldness, What are you thinking?
You simply gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be fine, Xiao. I may be a human in mortal eyes, but please do remember that I am also an adeptus, no matter how weak I am.”
Xiao releases a huff, but still sits by your side at the floor of the balcony, letting the moon kiss his skin. “You’re not weak.” He mumbled as he snaked his hand to yours.
To him, you will never be weak. In fact, you were the strongest being he has ever laid his eyes on. Not physically, no. It was you mental and emotional fortitude. Back during the Archon War, he always admired how you kept your head held up high no matter the suffering you have experienced. No matter how much death surrounded you, you still fought. And that strength made you a survivor. During the war, you never failed to help the wounded. Even when someone dies under your care, you held strong for the departed and for those who are left behind. You were a pillar of hope.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses every knuckle “… Just be careful. If ever you are in trouble do not-“
“Hesitate to call your name.” You finished, beaming at his words.
As someone who used to be a healer and a doctor, you were quite familiar with several mild skin diseases that mortals can suffer from.
If there is an itch, you do not scratch it- for you will only aggravate the area even more.
Now that you’re working alongside the Fatui as the Tianquan’s representative, the itch you kept feeling was only irritated more. Especially whenever you spoke with the Harbinger who goes by the name Childe. And since your work requires you to cooperate with him, you also don’t miss the chance to discover what he hides, should the opportunity presents itself.
Childe… his azure eyes certainly have their… charm to those unaware. However, you knew better. You know he’s capable of drowning you just by his eyes. While he may be a cheerful man, his eyes lack the lustre of joy. The eyes are the windows of the soul, yes? If so, all you see is an unending ocean that you do not want to swim in. The surface may be calm, but the deep is relentless. However, duty bound you are- deep within the ocean, you shall find the secrets the Fatui hides.
Again, another scratch to the itch, but it only irritates you more.
The news of Rex Lapis’s death became the catalyst of you confronting the Harbinger. From Yujeng Terrace all the way to Northland Bank, you ran (with Ningguang’s permission of course). Before you can even open the door to his office, something caught your eye.
It’s faint, but you’re an adeptus. You sensed elemental traces, just smack bang at the middle of the door. You carefully scrutinized the tracings, and fortunately you knew Snezhnayan script. And what you read only made your heart sink.
It’s ready.
With the adeptal arts, you managed to uncover the origins of these elemental tracings.
Without hesitation, you followed these tracings until it led you into some ruins.
Following the tracings further, you find yourself in a dimly lit room. Wary, you summoned your weapon imbued with your element.
Searching the room, you came across several antique boxes. You opened them.
What you saw were familiar. Too familiar. Dimming the room more with your element, you find more Sigils of Permission hanging on the walls and on the ceilings. The energy within them were faint, but with enough numbers, it’s enough to kill a-
“Well, well well, I thought you’d be there mourning for your Archon. But here you are, snooping around someone else’s research material.”
The sound of his voice made you sharply turn your head to him, your stance now more offensive. “What are you planning?” You bit coldly.
The Harbinger hummed a small tune, “Nothing much… But! If you’re really curious, I guess I could tell you.” He hummed some more but you knew he’s not finished. Once he finished his tune, he grinned to you menacingly and the depths in his eyes became even deeper and darker, “After all, I won’t let you leave this place with you knowing my secret~”
There was this one time, Xiao struggled against himself so much, he scratched himself red so that he could anchor himself back to the real world. You remembered how much you cried as he slept in your arms. You never wanted to see him do that again. Seeing him hurt himself also hurt you, too. It was like a stab in the heart, then a twist, and twist some more. A slap in the reality that you might lose him one day.
As he slept, you solemnly observed the wounds he sustained himself to. They were angry red, just like blood.
Now, you, yourself scratched that itch in your head too much into a wound for blood to seep through. You scratched too much and now you have to bleed from it.
You were slipping in and out of consciousness. Sleep was tempting you more and more but you know you have to wake up. You were aware that this is going on for days.
Everything hurts. You remembered how his blades, imbued with the Sigils, weakened you thoroughly. Every slash he brought to your body just drained the energy away from you. But still you had to do something.
He wanted an adeptus- he wanted an adeptus in order for the Sigils to grow stronger both in number and in power.
Now here you are, bound by chains and suspended at the middle of this empty room. These chains were adorned by talismans that drained away your energy. You were bleeding from your wounds of your previous battle.
Drip. Drip. Drip goes the blood and pools on the ground underneath you. The ground, you barely noticed, was lined by Liyuean script which enacts the ritual of the Sigils draining your divine power from your blood.
To the eyes of a sadist- you were a picture perfect in a canvas. A dark room lined by the damned Sigils, glowing an eerie gold. Then there's you with your bloodied clothes and chains. The red pool underneath was casting a red glow on your way, giving you a red shade to your pale skin.
Everything hurts-
And everything was driving you mad.
You can also feel the Overlord of the Vortex feed from your energy through the Sigils. You sensed his lust for power and revenge. You felt his anger and the corruption within him. You felt his hatred and his want to bring death. For days that felt like years, you’ve been battling against that very same god in your head. This battle was not something you shall not lose to and failure is not an option. If you fail here, then Liyue will fall. 
This god- he was driving you mad slowly.
If ever you are in trouble, do not hesitate to call my-
You shut the thought from your head. You are not going to call him. You will not speak of him. You will not think of him. You will not call him. Not to this place where his corruption will grow. No. You Will Not Call Him.
If it means that me not calling you will keep you safe from the corrupted remnant of a god- so be it. 
However, no matter how much you denied yourself to call his name, no matter how much your heart yearns to be with him- the wind does not ignore the pained sob that left your lips.
Ever since the news of Rex Lapis's death and the visit of the Traveler with a Sigil in his hand- the corruption within him just bloomed into something feral.
The Sigil- there was something wrong about it but Xiao doesn't know what is it that is wrong. Then there's you- where are you? Surely with the news of their Archon's death- it would send you to bring forth a meeting for the adepti to talk this over. But now- for days- you remain not by his side.
With you missing- the demons inside him are slowly taking control over him, taking advantage of his vulnerability for you. For each passing day, it was slow torture for him- The worry bubbling in him was consuming him. He glared at the Sigil between his fingers and not failing to notice how his dark aura covers him once more. 
“Traveler,” Xiao called sharply, “What is it you intend to do next?” 
To any mere mortal, the look his eyes held were enough to strike fear, but the Traveler stealed themselves- meeting the adeptus’s gaze with an equally serious calm. “I have my suspicions on a certain harbinger and I-”
“Where?” The Yaksha growled.
“In the Golden House.”
Without a word nor warning, Xiao placed a hand on the Traveler’s shoulder and teleported them to the place where the Exuvia is hidden.
To the Traveler, everything happened so quickly as one event led to another. One moment, they were standing among unconscious bodies of the Millelith then the next thing they knew a corrupted and demonic gust of wind flew them away to the side. Regaining back their vision, they could see Alatus’s spear now at Tartaglia’s barrier made of Sigils. 
Alatus narrowed his eyes at the floating talismans and began to calculate the flow of this incoming battle with precision and accuracy despite his losing control over himself. 
It was a tense minute of sizing each other up, but eventually, Tartaglia has broken the silence with his annoying innocent voice. 
“Who would have thought that I’d have the honor of fighting another adeptus of Liyue?” 
The question immediately fed the corruption within him, the dark aura exploding at it. He knew that he should not believe in the Harbinger’s words so easily, but the glint in the latter’s eyes held truth. You could be out there, hurting, scared, alone. You could be out there, bleeding out. You could be out there dyi-
His aura exploded once more at the thoughts spreading in his being. With a burst of unspeakable power, Alatus lifted his weapon and pierced the barrier once more, this time breaking it without failure. At the threat, Tartaglia backed away as he donned his mask.
In a similar fashion, Alatus, too donned his mask. “I will ask you once,” the Conqueror of Demons spoke with a deathly calm, “Where is she?”
He should have killed him then and there. But the call of the Overlord of the Vortex must not be ignored as it threatens Liyue. 
In the small opportunity of escape, Childe took it. But he was weak and injured as Alatus swiftly threw his spear to block his way and teleported right in front of him. In a show of power, the Conqueror of Demons lifted the mortal by the neck.
“I will ask you again, where is she?”
In fear, Childe told him everything and at his every word, Xiao listened carefully- never speaking once. But the anger within his heart, it boils- it rages. His amber eyes bored into Childe’s soul- thinking what he should do to this mortal. Oh how killing him would be so nice. However, when the Yaksha’s gaze landed on the regal form of the Exuvia, he merely threw the mortal in its way.
“Killing you would have been easier. However, the crimes you have presented against Liyue are not mine for me to judge.
I leave the Harbinger to you... Rex Lapis.”
Once out of the Golden House, the Overlord roared once more, shaking the lands of the nation. However, along with it, he heard the faintest of voices. I’m so sorry... I couldn’t hold him back anymore. 
Only then did the demons in his heart freely took control of him. Just like the stories of old, where the Yaksha walks, death follows. But they were no stories. In his way towards the ruins where you were held captive, every step he took brought carnage and even more death and blood to taint his hands. No Fatui will leave this place alive. The very being of destruction ended many lives. Each death, the demons were growing stronger.
All he wanted now was to kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill killkillkill killkill kill killkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkill
Then seeing you suspended in the ceiling and bound by chains. Blood was painted on your lifeless skin. Wounds were littered and bruises were blooming on your form. But most of all, your eyes. What were once full of life and hope- now empty and blank. His demons quieted down.
Broken. You were like a broken porcelain doll.
“N-name...” His voice cracked, not believing it all.
With haste, he quickly broke your binds and caught you in his arms. he was fast to check for your pulse and your breathing. And thank the Archons, you were breathing but barely. You were now walking the line between life and death. With all his might yet a gentle caress, he hugged you for dear life. “Name... It’s me...”
But still, your eyes still held no recognition and it shattered his heart to pieces. With further inspection, he sensed the presence within you. A corruption. A certain evil. 
“Name, stay with me please,” Xiao begged with desperation as he fought back tears. “It’s me who supposed to be the corrupted one between us, not you... I’m not allowing you to leave me, you hear me-”
With a ritual of the adeptal arts, he started purging and purifying the evil left by the god who fed from you. He is not letting you stay alone in your prison, not for a second longer. 
Xiao prays and he never prayed before. Even to his master. But just this once, He prays with desperation. You are the light in his darkness. You are the moon in his night. 
The ritual was a delicate process. For every word he spoke, he was rewarded by your screams of pain and the writhing of your fragile body. He wanted to stop, but he can’t. He had to physically restrain you from trying to escape from his embrace and from hurting yourself. And for every cry you released, Xiao merely shuts his eyes clos just for him not to see your pained eyes. Every now and then, Xiao speaks gentle apologies and words of encouragement for you. You were coming back. But still, the evil persists.
You writhed and scratched against him, until you were creating more wounds for blood to seep through. When it came to a point, you began pleading and begging for him to stop, that was when Xiao had shed a tear. So he continues the ritual, his prayers, and his apologies. They were arriving to a point where the ritual is reaching its conclusion but your screams only grew louder.
Please, just a little more...
Please, just stop...
The corruption disintegrated away from you in a forceful release of dark energy. He was breathing deeply, attempting to calm his loud heart. When he placed his gaze on you, you were breathing rapidly and your eyes were searching blindly and your hands were desperately holding onto him.
“X-Xiao...” You whispered, “Where am I? Where are you?”
With a sigh of relief, the Yaksha hugged you again closer and his forehead to yours, fearing you would go away again. The action made you lift your hands to his face, still searching blindly.
“I’m here, Name... I’m here.” At his voice, the dam in your eyes broke as you cried silently. Xiao was not adept in emotions, but for you, he will face them gladly. He lets you cry as he gives you soft whispers of assurance, safety, love, and promises. However, you were not crying because of what had happened to you. You were crying for him. After experiencing such corruption-
You sobbed some more- you were this close to him losing you and you could not bring yourself to imagine if your roles were reversed.
“P-please,” you said with a broken voice, “please don’t go to the place where I can’t follow...’
The words, at first puzzled him, but after a few moments, he realized and once more it broke his heart. Bringing you closer, Xiao let loose the tears he was holding back. With a gentleness unexpected of the Conqueror, he simply littered your face with kisses. “I promise if only you would do the same.”
With your smile that he loved dearly for so long you too spoke your promise, “I do.” They were simply two words, but the comfort they bring into the Yaksha’s heart was in volumes.
After that, you shared a few tender moments in each other’s arms. Simply relishing the feeling of their familiar warmth. A little later, Xiao spoke, “Would you like to eat some Almond Tofu once we get home?”
The question made you giggle at his innocence, so you agreed. Despite you needing physical medical attention. But Almond Tofu with him? Yes, you two definitely need some emotional healing.
A/N: fINALLY dONE lmao this was supposed to be short but angst really makes me want to write longer everytime haha~ anyway this request really made me ponder bout genshin stuff with all the corruption this and corruption that but then a question popped up like-
how did childe replicate the sigil of permission? since sigils are imbued with divine energy, i just thought how did this guy accumulate so much sigils to the point of freeing Osial- a god!!! soooo i just played with the idea for a bit then figured out maybe these pieces of paper get the divine energy from a divine source right? and the adepti are divine beings of liyue and another thing- you guys might have noticed the change of names in some scenes- i dont know but i think somehow different names represents different side of a person like- we have childe the cheerful harbinger then tartaglia the power hungry harbinger- there’s Alatus who’s calculating and cold, there’s the Conqueror of Demons who’s ruthless and unforgiving, then Xiao who is calm and humane- lastlyyyyy i might post this in ao3 ksks
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steelycunt · 2 years
hey!! idk if you have answers this before, but when do you think remus’ and sirius’ realization of their feelings for each other happened? (like, in a magical universe). And do you think they would have dated (or tried to, anyway) other people or would they have been like “It’s always been you and it will always be you, but I will continue to be an idiot for a bit longer for x, y, and z”?
hii!! oo fun question. i saw jude recently give a really good answer to a similar question to this that i definitely agree with here !! (hope u dont mind me linking ur post jude but i just loved ur take on this!!). i also know i sound like a broken record here but i love the moment of sirius' realization in gamesformay's atyd ..that fic is so so special n correct to me so i have to mention it xox under the cut for my rambling !!
i definitely think sirius always knew that he felt differently abt remus than he did the other two, even if he couldnt immediately label those feelings on the train at the ripe old age of 11. i feel like very soon after he sort of sussed out that he was gay, he began to identify what those diff feelings meant, which i'd say wouldve been around 13-15? so at the later end conceivably around one of their first full moons!! but i can also imagine him younger than that just sitting in the hospital wing waiting for remus to wake up after a moon alone n then he does and he looks at sirius and sirius just thinks shit, or something really brief and muted, like being 14 and in class and smiling at each other from opposite ends of the room over some inside joke, and it makes sirius feel hot and jittery and off-kilter except this time he sort of gets why. i remember having this like abandoned drabble id written abt everyone laying about out on the grounds after summer exams together, and remus is sort of half asleep and that's when sirius glances over at him and really realizes, and i definitely picture it as some sort of quiet, young, fragile, slightly mundane moment like that <3
remus id say was a bit older!! but by the time/once the prank happens he's definitely aware that he's in love with sirius and probably always has been. he might've dated other people when he was younger but we're talking like...very modest 13-year-old style 'relationships'--i really dont think either of them would've dated seriously. by fifth year at the latest neither of them are going to date other people, even if they're not with each other yet. the thing with remus is i feel like sirius very much believes that remus isnt drawn in by the cockiness and the charm and the looks the way other people are. but he like...very much absolutely is, lol, although he's also completely deeply in love with the softer, more vulnerable/tender side of sirius that other people don't get to see. he's a dumb teenager and its terrible n predictable but he can't really help being swept away by his pretty, turbulent, incendiary best friend. i can imagine them pulling a prank off in, say, third year and sirius wrenching him into a broom cupboard to hide and big red lurid sirens going off in remus' head like fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. but i also really like what jude said abt him maybe having an idea of how he felt, but finally really placing it after the prank, because he's confronted with this terrible thing sirius has done to him and the most resounding feeling is: but i love him doesn't it matter that i love him. doesn't that count for anything doesn't he realize wasn't that enough to stop him from doing something like this to me? but it obviously wasn't. and remus loves him anyway.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 𝟙𝟛]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, breeding kink, sir!kink, pet play(kitten), v small amt of anal play, dirty talk!!! HAPPY FRIDAY THE 𝟙𝟛TH! 😗💕 Here we are with ch 13 on Friday the 13th, I didn't even realize it but man my ✨brain✨just planned that out so perfectly LOL 💕 I just wanna apologize for any grammatic/spelling errors in this one and it’s a bit shorter... I tried to proofread this all day but I'm also watching unus annus’s livestream at the same time and my peabrain cannot multitask but I TRIED!! let it be known 😩😭 Anyway, I hope ya’ll have a great weekend, stay hydrated and safe! Enjoy~! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - ?
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alphagyu97: oh fuck oh fuck
alphagyu97 has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx: oh??? Cute lil kitten ears????
A moan floats past your lips as you sit in Seungcheol’s lap; his cock already snug inside of you before you’d even turned the camera on. “Ah, ye--yeah, we thought we’d, mmh, try--try something n-new…”
Seungcheol smirks although neither you nor the camera catch it as he holds you still. Much like before, he’d started working you up before you got on camera and this time he’d asked you to sink down onto his cock and wait patiently until it was time to begin; neither of you saying a word or moving an inch as he peppered kisses along your shoulders and neck.  “Why don’t you show them your cute ‘lil tail, kitten? It’s getting squished between our bodies...”
universe_WZ: yes yes yes
tangerine_kwan: show us your cute tail princess
therealchan99: thank u for the pics btw i scream abt them every 30 minutes
therealchan99 has donated $50
You reach a shaky hand behind your back for the fluffy material as you show it off to the camera to the best of your ability; making sure to not move it around too much or else you knew you’d cum too soon. “I, ah, it’s--it’s keeping me s-so full…” He makes you answer a few more comments as you sit on his cock; blunt nails digging into the skin of your waist when he feels you trying to get him to move.
artist8hao: so so so pretty baby
kitty_junjun: cute little kitty
kitty_junjun: should come and play sometime ;)
xcaliburDK has donated $75
The way Seungcheol has you in his lap is a little uncomfortable for you and he quickly takes notice of the way you start to squirm more and more with each comment or question you reply to. “Kitten, it looks like you hit your donation minimum already. Should we start?” He coos.
You can only nod in return as you squint your eyes to check the laptop screen to see how you were doing. “Ngh, p-please… I--I’m so f-full I can’t wait any l-longer…” Whining, you clench around his cock and the toy as he chuckles lightly behind you. He’d purposely asked if the two of you could sit further back on the bed and further from the camera and laptop and you’d raised an eyebrow but agreed.
“Sorry, the angle’s not going to be very good for this but you’ll understand why.” Seungcheol comments.
The laptop screen is full of questioning comments and donations that beg Seungcheol to hurry up and fuck you.
His grip on your waist tightens a little before he’s slowly lifting you off of his cock and you let out a disappointed noise when he’s completely pulled out. “Nooo~ I w-want--”
“Ah, ah, I know what you want, kitten. But you need to get on your hands and knees for me. Facing the camera.”
Oooh, that’s why he wanted space.
You nod frantically as you easily get comfortable on your hands and knees in front of the camera and laptop; fluffy tail resting against your spine as the bell on your collar jingles.
alphagyu97: oh god please breed her
angelhan: yes god please
Seungcheol kneels behind you; already easing his cock back into your tight pussy as you mewl straight into the camera. “Our cute little kitten is already squeezing my cock so tight…”
You feel his fingertips on your skin before he’s reaching for the fluffy tail and he gives it a small tug as you whine and whimper in return.
“No, no pl--please, sir, I’ll cum if, ah, you p-play with my--my tail!”
Your eyes clamp shut just as Seungcheol starts to play with the anal plug; tugging on it and moving it slightly in order to get you to squirm a little more before he gives you want you wanted. He smirks at your back as he hears the sound of donations and comments flooding the screen in rapid succession.
“Oh? But they seem to like when I play with you like this.” You clench around Seungcheol and the toy, small cries on your lips when your sensitive body already wants to give in to the pleasure. “So fuckin’ pretty with your cute tail and ears and your pretty ‘lil collar on.”
chwenon: shes gonna cum so fast lol
gentleman_josh95: i kno, u can already tell she wants to
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $50
sleepy_wonu: look at her cute fuckin face while she tries to not cum haha
Seungcheol draws his hips back slightly before slowly thrusting into you from behind; fingertips still playing with the tail as he moves it around in tandem with his slow thrusts. “Oh kitten, you’re so fuckin’ wet for me, baby~” You can only moan back in response as you resist the urge to meet his slow movements with your own, much quicker ones.
“Ah, s-sir, please…”
tangerine_kwan: so cute when she's whiningggg
angelhan: dont give into her so easily~ make her work for it ;)
kitty_junjun: aww but shes so cute like this
Your fingertips dig into the bed sheets and you peel your eyes open as you attempt to read off the comments flying across the screen. “Mmh, ‘m so full… and sir won’t s-stop playing, ah, with my--my tail…” You can see Seungcheol’s form behind you on the screen, hips slowly moving as he plays with the tail.
You slowly find yourself moving with him and meeting his thrusts; chasing your pleasure as Seungcheol seemingly takes his time.
“Ngh, s-sir, can I c-cum?”
Seungcheol grins at your back, suddenly picking up the pace as he finally leaves the anal plug alone. “I don’t know, can you? Why don’t you ask them?” You blink your hazy eyes at the camera before flitting towards the comments section of your camshow.
“P-please tell s-sir to, mmh, let m-me cum…” You beg; unintentionally sending the comments section and donations into a flurry of yes’s and no’s.
artist8hao: let her cum but dont let it be the only time
alphagyu97: aww princess dont forget he still needs to breed your cute lil cunt
universe_WZ: she can cum but she still needs to be a good girl and let sir get what he wants
“Mmh, of--of course I, ah, w-want sir to b-breed my pussy… I, hah, want his--his cum i-inside of m-me…” You start working your hips back as you meet Seungcheol’s pace that speeds up at your words and the two of you fall into a rhythm as he works to get you off first. His hands grip your waist as he angles his thrusts to tap your g-spot and you mewl and whine in response; careful to not accidentally call Seungcheol’s name in the midst of the moment.
“Fuh--fuck, sir, ‘m g-gonna cum… please…”
“Cum whenever you want, kitten.”
You nod shakily; head falling forward as you let yourself get lost in the pleasure.
Your eyes flutter shut as various thoughts flood your mind. The main one being how seamlessly Seungcheol fit into your camshows and how much easier it was to film with him than you ever anticipated. The two of you easily forgot that the camera was even rolling most of the time, whether it was live or pre-recorded for your channel and now that he was always with you, it was hard to imagine filming without him.
“Ah, kitten, your cute ‘lil cunt is, ah, sucking me in deeper… You must really want my cum, huh?”
His words bring you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip. “Mmhmm, I w-want sir to c-cum, hah,  inside my p-pussy and b-breed me… wanna be, ngh, filled with your---your cum…”
“Why don’t we cum together then, hmm? Bet you wanna feel my cock throbbing in your cute ‘lil cunt, huh, kitten?”
The warmth blooms inside of you as you nod; cheeks hot as you peer straight into the camera. You readjust slightly, the bell on your collar tinkling as the set of cat ears on your head slip slightly. “Y-yes, sir… Please cum w-with me…”
Seungcheol doubles his pace and you quickly feel one of his hands leaving your body as he wraps his hand around the fluffy tail again. He starts to move it around again, slightly tugging on it as you cry out. “Ah, s-sir!”
chwenon has donated $75
angelhan has donated $50
universe_WZ has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
“Fuh--fuck, sir, please! P-please breed me, please, ah, c-cum inside m-my little cunt and--and fill m-me up with your c-cum!”
Tears blur your vision as you’re quickly thrown over the edge and into an orgasm; ears ringing when your entire body goes rigid. Seungcheol finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your walls flutter around his cock and he soon finds himself cumming with you too; cock throbbing as he unloads all of him cum inside you. “Oh, fuck, kitten…” He moans; eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lets the pleasure wash over himself as well.
The sound of donations and comments drown out your soft cries and Seungcheol’s deep groans and you’re almost positive that you’d made at least a couple thousand off of tonight’s show.
alphagyu97: holy shit look at her face, fuck
kitty_junjun: is she crying?
hoshi_tiger_xx: damn, shes so drunk on cock shes crying
therealchan99: aww poor kitten~
You let out a stuttered breath as your body starts to relax; soft sniffles following right after. “Ngh… sir…”
Seungcheol smiles softly when he hears the way your voice trembles and he’s gentle to slide his cock from inside your cunt; groaning when his cum immediately drips down onto the sheets from how much he’d cum inside you.
“Ah, kitten, what a waste. How am I supposed to breed your ‘lil cunt if you’re letting my cum spill out of you already?”
You lick your lips and despite the tiredness, a new wave of arousal pours over your body at the thought of Seungcheol cumming inside of you a second time. You shake your hips; foggy eyes staring straight into the camera.
“You’re just going to, ah, cum inside me again… and let e-everyone watch...”
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The next morning, Seungcheol drives you over to the diner to start your first real day at work and you feel downright nervous once the car stops. You’d gotten so used to camming and being alone that this new foray into normalcy was making you think twice, even just momentarily.
“You gonna be okay?” He turns to you, concern obvious on his face when your eyes meet his. “I can always take you straight home or take you back to the roller rink with me if you d--”
“No! No, I wanna do this... I know we made a lot of money off of the show last night but... But I think this’ll be good for me. Both of us working so we can afford rent ‘n stuff!” 
“We should like a married couple.” Seungcheol jokes. 
Your cheeks burn hot at his comment as you bite your lip. “Ehehe~” 
Seungcheol grins at you, hands still on the steering wheel. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I always have my phone on me anyway, Namjoon doesn’t really care.” 
The two of you share a laugh as you slowly reach for the door handle. 
“I will, I promise!” 
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“I still do not get why you want to work here.” 
Jun laughs, hands on his hips as he watches you adjust the short dress uniform you’d put on, moments before. 
“It’s just... something to keep me occupied, is all.” Smoothing down your uniform, you do a small spin for Jun who nods back in approval. “And I wanna make friends! Aren’t we friends?” 
Jun’s eyes twinkle with playfulness as he gestures you over to the front of the diner. “Of course we are! Which by the way...” He pauses, looking over the relatively full diner to make sure nobody caught your conversation. “Is... Seungcheol-hyung okay with y’know... You working here and me... Being one of your viewers leaving comments ‘n stuff?” 
A genuine look of concern crosses his features as he waits for you to respond. 
You puff your cheeks as you think, “I think so? I mean he hasn’t...” Memories of Seungcheol saying he’d kick Jun’s ass immediately flood your mind as you laugh nervously. 
“Y-yeah, he didn’t say a word!” 
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After two hours, you decide to take your 15 minute break; waving to Jun before you head towards the employee backroom to grab your phone. 
You check your notifications, surprise on your face when you see Seungcheol’s already messaged you a few times. 
cheollie ✨: have a good day!
cheollie ✨: u okay over there, baby?
cheollie ✨: dont feel pressured to answer asap lol 
You laugh under your breath, typing up a response as you take a seat in the break room.
‘It’s been going okay! I’m taking a short break right now tho!’
Shockingly, Seungcheol response only after a few seconds.
cheollie ✨: oh, thats good! I take it no issues?
‘Nope! my feet kinda hurt tho lol’
He asks you a few more questions; one about Jun keeping his distance, to which you shake your head and laugh. 
cheollie ✨: you never showed me your uniform btw 😏
You let out a noise of realization, fingertips already swiping through your phone to get to your photos as you send him one that you’d taken earlier. 
‘How's it look? 🥺’
It goes quiet for a couple minutes and you half-wonder if Seungcheol got in trouble for having his phone out. 
‘Cheol, u ok?’
cheollie ✨: is it bad I'm already thinking about lifting that cute little skirt up 
cheollie ✨: fucking you nice and hard with your panties just pushed to the side
cheollie ✨: fuck, and making you go back to work with your pussy filled with my cum 
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words; gulping as you check the time for how much you had left before you had to get back out onto the floor. 
‘what if I bend over and someone sees my panties all wet n soaked thru with ur cum...’
cheollie ✨: then they’d know you’re mine. 
cheollie ✨: I mean most of your viewers already know that 
cheollie ✨: but I want everyone to know, yknow?
cheollie ✨: god the way I wanna fuck you on the hood of my car
cheollie ✨: your cute little whines while you try to keep quiet 
You let out a shaky, quiet moan; thighs rubbing together when you notice you only have about three more minutes before your break was up. 
‘Cheol... I have to get back to work 😭 how could you get me horny before I have to get back...’ 
You pout your lips at your phone screen as you wait for his response.
cheollie ✨: 😈 
cheollie ✨: I have an idea 
cheollie ✨: for later 
cheollie ✨: I hope you can wear your uniform home 
cheollie ✨: see u in a few hours baby 
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The things we never tell.
[[Zuko x Reader]]
Summary: After the war Y/N strays away from her friends, and her relationship with Zuko seemed everytime more distant, slowly she starts to fall into a darker place.
A/N: I took a very extensive but very needed break, I’m incredibly sorry to anyone who sent me a request before I disappeared and was left waiting for me to post it but my mental health was not the best during this past few months and it’s been hard to do anything at all. But I’m back and I hope writing again gives me a sense of purpose or something lol. Talking about mental health, this fic talks about heavy topics like depression and isolation, if you’re not confortable with that or are going through this stuff I recommend skipping this one, I will have lighter fics coming soon. Remember you are never alone, no matter how much you feel like it. There’s always someone to reach out to or ask for help.
Requested: Yes!!!! By a lovely blog that deactivated but went by the name of aristasiaclarke :( (yes that’s how long I’ve been away) But side note, if you sent me a request before my break and would still like me to write it send it to me again I’d be more that happy to do it!
Warnings: Depression, Anxety, Isolation, Angst
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The war was over, it had been for months now, yet some things hadn’t gone back to normal . You decided to stay in the palace after Zuko was crowned since your relationship with him had only grown stronger by being so close to losing eachother. Your friends on the other hand all went their separate ways. The friend group you’d spent so many days with, planning on how to defeat the firelord, training, camping, going on missions, it all became just memories and it had been so long since you’d all been together last. You couldn’t complain though, you understood after everything that had happened all your friends were left with many responsibilities laying on their shoulders and, in a way, none of you were the same kids you were when this adventure started. You had all grown up.
Zuko and you spent a lot of time together those first few months since you moved in, that period of time when his people understood his need to settle into his position and take charge of his nation, but after that was over the workload was relentless, Zuko had been left with a broken nation and the full responsibility of fixing it. At first he always made sure to eat every meal with you, chat and update you on everything new that had happened, little by little he started to miss lunch and then it was dinner, soon breakfast and any midday break was gone as well. It came to a point where you rarely saw him at all, him working so late you were usually asleep by the time he came to bed, if he did at all, and you waking up to an empty bed every morning.
Slowly but surely a feeling you knew all too well started reappearing in your chest, something you hadn’t felt in years and were too scared of to even acknowledge. You tried to figure out what to do with all the free time you had in your hands so the feeling wouldn’t consume your mind, you remodeled at least fiver rooms in the palace, picked up several hobbies, offered your help to servants all around just to be rejected, anything and everything your mind could think of, but nothing was enough. That darkness and emptiness inside of you seemed to be determined to conquer your every waking moment once again.
Last time this happened you had your old friends around you, back at home. You family did everything they could to help you, and little by little you learnt how to heal. But this was different, all you had now were empty hallways that lead to even emptier rooms, and the ones that weren’t empty you weren’t permitted to go into.
Days were longer and shorter at the same time; on one hand, a day seemed to last ages, all you did was wait til night fell so you could go back to bed and rest, on the other you started spending more time inside your room, taking naps here and there turned into sleeping most of your days, taking baths became a task harder than any of the ones you’d had to complete in your adventure days, the curtains stayed closed and the bed unmade, day and night slowly started to blend in together.
Servants noticed first, they knocked on the door several times a day to ask if you needed anything at all, to which you would always answer no. When you stopped going to the dinner hall they started to bring food to you, most of which you didn’t eat. One too many times they even had to drag you to the bath so they could get a chance to clean your room.
It was your personal maid who had decided to finally bring in the palace medic. After running some tests on you he concluded there was nothing wrong with you and all it could be was hormonal changes. But hormonal changes weren’t supposed to last weeks, not to mention months.
The maid tried encouraging you to go out to town, visit some new boutique that had opened or a restaurant with great reviews, but all you ever said was “maybe tomorrow”. She came to understand that tomorrow wouldn’t come.
One day she decided to not stand by and witness a girl who had once been the light in every room wither away. It took all her courage to approach the fire lord,. Even though she knew of his kindness and how different he was from his predecessor he was still an intimidating ruler.
“Fire lord” she called as the young man walked through the palace surrounded by his officials, discussing some political matter she assumed. He didn’t seem to hear her so she sped up and stood in front of the group of men.
“I’m sorry but any issue at the moment will have to wait, important matters need to be addressed with urgency.” He informed her with his usual formal tone.
“Your majesty, it’s miss Y/N, she-” the maid started but was soon interrupted
“Yes, well if she requires my presence please inform her I’m occupied at the moment, but whatever she needs she can ask the help to do it for her.” Zuko attempt to walk past her but the maid stopped him once again.
“Your majesty, I hope I’m not being too bold but I don’t think you understand, she’s very unwell.” the maid saw as Zuko was about to protest her audacity, but once his eyes fell on her he seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter.
Zuko’s heart sank, all kinds of thoughts went through his head, had you gotten injured? Had one of the rebellious groups he’d been dealing with infiltrated the castle and taken you? had you fallen ill with a terrible condition? He soon turned to his second in command and said “You can take charge from here”
The man rather surprised replied after a few seconds “Your majesty, this matter requires your presence, it can not wait.”
“Well it will have to, I’m going to be unavailable the rest of the day. I’m sure you all can manage without me.”
Nothing could’ve prepared Zuko for the sight he encountered when he entered the royal chambers. He hadn’t sleept there a few nights in a row, not wanting to wake you up at late hours when he was done with his workload of the day, but even when he did sleep there he was too tired to even notice anything wrong. Now, at broad daylight, he saw it all.
You were cuddled up under the covers, your hair matted and messier than ever, very dark under eye bags and an extremely pale complexion, even laying down and under blankets and covers he could tell you’d lost a worryingly amount of weight. He’d never seen you in such state.
“What happened to her? Is she ill?” Zuko asked the maid who stood next to him.
“The medic has been called, your majesty, he wasn’t able to point out anything wrong with her. Said it was just hormonal changes, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on.” she said softly.
“Well then bring another doctor in. Someone has to know what’s wrong.”
“Yes, your majesty, we’ll being someone else in first thing tomorrow.” she bowed and was about to leave the room when the firelord stopped her.
“Thank you... for bringing this to my attention and for looking after her.”
The maid just bowed once again and made her way out of the room. Zuko walked up to you, your eyes were closed and even in your sleep an uneasy expression was plastered on your face.
“Love...” he cooed stoking the side of your face slowly. “Hey, darling... wake up.”
He made sure to rest his hand on your forehead to see if you had a fever, but on the contrary you were rather cold. You barely opened your eyes, but it was enough for Zuko to see how the light that had once been there was now gone.
“Zuko?” you asked, your voice barely audible and raspy as you tried to blink the sleepiness away slowly.
“Hey, do you feel sick Y/N? Does anything hurt?” Zuko’s hand had moved from your forehead to your cheek and his thumb was now sweetly caressing your skin.
You hadn’t felt a loving touch in what felt like so long, you’d almost forgotten that you could feel something good and not painful. It was all it took for tears to slowly start forming in your eyes and eventually rolling down your face.
At the sight of your partner’s concern, you forced yourself to smile a little and respond “Nothing hurts.”
“Y/N... something’s not right. I’ve never seen you like this before, i need you to tell me what’s going on.” Zuko’s voice was almost breaking, you could tell how hard he was trying to be strong and keep collected for you, this broke your heart even more.
You took in a deep breath, your mind running while trying to find an answer for him. You knew what was wrong, you’d ignored it so far, pushed it away even though it now consumed your every waking moment, but you knew you couldn’t do this anymore. “I don’t feel well, Zuko. I haven’t for a while now.”
“Are you ill? We’ve called a doctor already, he should be-” He said before you cut him off.
“Zuko... It’s not that kind of unwell.” you almost whispered. “A doctor can’t help me with this.”
The firelord seemed lost for a while, not quite sure of what you meant. You took a second before sitting up on the bed and pressing your back against the headboard. You decided to recount the events of the last time you’d gone through this to him, every sleepless night and every full of sleep day, the multiple crying sessions, the pain and hopelessness, the ever changing appetite, the heavy chest you couldn’t seem to get rid of. This was all terribly hard for you to do but needed to be done, for your sake and for his. Zuko didn’t seem to understand at first, his eyes looking at you attentively, waiting for the moment where the pieces of your story would fall into place. It took you saying how what was wrong with you wasn’t physical but rather emotional for him to get what you were referring to. His face had fallen into a heartbreaking expression, you didn’t know if it was guilt or pity or something in between.
Once you were done and the tears that pooled in your eyes while tellling your story had fallen, Zuko held your hand tightly. “This is all my fault. You should’ve been my priority.”
“Zuko...no. This isn’t your fault, it’s nobody’s fault.” You assured him as your hand went up to his cheek.
“I’m so sorry. You shouln’t have had to deal with this alone. You were there for me when no one else was and I want to do the same for you, always.” He tilted his head into your palm before turning slightly to kiss it.
“I’d like that... I really would.”
For the rest of that night, you and your partner opened up to each other like you’d never had before. For the first time since the war had ended you didn’t feel so alone, you were together and that made you feel like you had the strength to get better, maybe not today or in the days to come, but someday. He gave you hope.
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ndiecity · 3 years
idk ur still doing the confessions thing but anyway. it's not really wild or anything, i just needed to get it off my chest lol (you can ignore this if you want this gets pretty long and confusing i think so buckle up)
also shoutout to the 6th grade anon, i had a similar 6th grade exp. middle schoolers are the worst. i literally had little no friend AND was bullied lol.
anyway there was this one girl in my class that was like a sorta popular girl i was friends with. so during 6th grade, i had no friends except for her (i dont think she saw me as a friend tho or were even friends in the first place?? idk) and i would always crave her attention. i didn't know i had a crush on her i think.
(side note: i would rate the girls in my class based on how pretty and nice to me they are, (i think i put her on 2nd lol))
so then whenever she was absent for the day i would feel sad and all that shit. whenever she was around i always do anything to please her or make her think im cool or something (i was not cool, i was a loser). we would talk endlessly on messenger, talking abt random shit, how shitty her mom was, how shitty my mom was etc. one time during our first class for the day (which was about 5am i think) she was acting weird, i asked her about it, she said her stomach hurt. so me, being all lovesick and shit gave her my lunch ( i didn't have lunch money and only had sandwiches lol) when she thanked me for it, and said she felt better, i felt so proud. idk i just felt so happy then
fast forward to end of 6th grade, we were graduating. by that i mean transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade. anyway. so we graduated, kept in touch, still messaged her on messenger, and then school got in the way and my phone got taken away cuz i failed sum classes in the 2nd quarter. never had it back since. so we didnt talk for about 4 years.
so back in 2020, my parents got me a laptop for school, and i made a new mess. acc. i reached out to her again. we talked, talked abt shitty moms, i found out she's bi and i told her im a lesbian. after a few days i asked her if she'd ever had a gf or bf or whatever (like the idiot i was) and said she didnt have to answer if she didnt want to obvi. she said yes she's had bf's before. i said, cool. then she asked me why i was asking i told her i was just curious.
then came out of nowhere, she said, "wanna try?" so then my brain shut off and i didnt reply for minutes then she just sent a "haha"
and she was like, "oh sorry was that weird? sorry😬"
but i said it was fine and shit. we didnt talk about it for about a day.
then we were talking again and i was like, "so this is gonna sound weird but do you ever like, like someone and would want a romantic relationship with them but wouldn't like, mind being their friend instead? like youre in the middle?"
and she said "yeah, i have" so then i was like "oh cool, cool"
then she asked, "why? have you?" and i said yes.
then she asked who. and my brain shut off again lmaoo so i was just like "you" the speech bubble appeared multiple times lmao then i followed up with like, "sorry! that was weird! please just forget about it!"
then she was like, "no no, it's fine. i feel the same way" (and i beliived it. how naive was i?)
so then i was like, "really?? cool cool cool" (im a really awkward person okay)
then after a few minutes of talking again (you know when you're like flirting as a joke but then it's not a joke anymore? lol) she was like, "so wanna be my gf?"
my brain shut off again. i didnt answer for a few minutes cuz my brain was dead. then she was like, "um was that too fast? that was too fast sorryy"
by the time i read that my hand was shaking lmaoo (from nervousness or shock i dont know) so i hastily replied with, "nah its fine. i would love too" after overthinking it and shit
does dating count when your just talking over text? what is dating????
anyway we flirt a lot, saying goodnight, i love you's and shit. she said i was her first gf, i said she was my first relationship and what not. i was genuinely happy. i had a person who understood me, and liked me, and i was happy. she even said she saved my bday on her phone
so then like about a week and a before my bday was when shits started to go down.
i messaged her, said a quick goodmorning cuz i had classes and how i wanted to kill myself and shit like that (dont worry, im not actively suicidal and she already knew this) she replied and i quote "Good morning, love. I love you."
then like after classes, i messaged her, asked how her day was, told her about my day etc. i waited about an hour. (she doesnt typically reply for about 10 - 15 minutes cuz duh she does have a more eventful life than mine) so i thought none of it. thought she was just busy. so it was nighttime and still no word from her. so i said good night and wished for her to be safe.
morning came, i checked my messages, still nothing, she didnt even see it yet. i went on with my day thinking nothing of it. told myself she might have some problems at home and all that. by the 3rd day, i was pretty anxious and i couldnt think properly. my brain conjuring up scenarios where her mom found out, and her phone got taken away. anything just to convince myself what the dreaded truth was.
it was the 5th day was when i gave up. i saw she changed her pfp, and captioned it like she would normally caption it. replied to the comments, that kind of shit. so then i was so mad by then so i commented too. ofc she didnt reply. i spent days worrying over her safety, when in reality she's just an asshole. and i really thought she really like me you know? i really thought she'd at least considered me as her friend, i guess not
my bday came, we had a party but i wasn't really feeling it ya know? by then i'd already spent the past week crying myself to sleep. no one noticed a thing.
a few months ago i saw she had a bf, and by that time i already felt like my old self again, no longer the broken pathetic shell she left. i was back to square one. so i cried again.
present day, i still see her posts, her ig stories, (i dont think she blocked me). and i cant bring myself to block her either. like idk on one hand i'm so mad that she just left me hanging, that her relationship with her new bf lasted longer than we were together and on the other i knew if she ever reached out again, i would latch on to every inch of her. (that's probably bad lol)
anyway have a nice day/afternoon/night!!!! i hope i havent troubled you too much lol sorry!
Damn that's a lot to take in, I'm sorry 😔
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ndoandou · 4 years
Hi!! I saw your requests were open, so uh could I request an Ikevamp headcanon for Arthur, Theo, Vincent and Isaac reacting an MC who is super energetic. Like, as in she could literally dance around the mansion without having a care in the world? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Yeah lol pls feel free to take your time with this request and have a nice day!! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
This is cute 😳😳
This ended up being wayyy longer than i thought it would be. Arthur's part went deeper than i thought it would be-
This is probably one of my longest headcanon/scenario, i hope you enjoy 😌
Lets say for context, MC is sweeping through the hall while humming, and as time went by her humming becomes louder. Eventually she straights up start singing while twirling and dancing around
The first encounter with this trait of MC kind of surprised him. He wasn't expecting young lady to be this active and bright
Gets along very well with her actually
He doesn't mind her energetic personality, but sometimes in gets in the way when he is working on his stories.
He doesn't see her as "annoying" like what most people woukd describe her
He just thinks that she has so many things in her mind (in a good way) that she expresses them all at once //my mans pulling off a doctor doyle 😳
Arthur was in his room, trying to concentrate on his writing when he heard MC singing loudly outside
"I dare say, she is one active lady." Arthur said to himself as he exhaled.
Arthur got up and openned his bedroom door, revealing MC who was singing and dancing around with the broom
MC noticed arthur who was leaning on the door frame with a defeated expression
"Good afternoon to you arthur!" MC greeted him cheerfully, which then she went back to singing and dancing around
"Good afternoon to you too, dear" arthur said which MC probably didn't hear
Once he tried flirting with her but it all flew over her head
This one time MC and arthur was left alone and he tried to make a move on her
Arthur leaned over to MC's ear and whispered
MC seemed unbothered and let him lean over to her
"Seems like we're left alone, love.. would you like to have some fun?" Arthur whispered suggestively
MC was an innocent and very bright girl but she wasn't stupid
"Hm? No. Oh! Arthur can i ask you something?" MC asked unbothered by arthurs invitation
This took him by surprise
"Oh..ehm, go ahead poppet."
"Am i annoying?"
Arthur was blown away by her question.
"Annoying? No, no. That's not it, love. Why do you ask?" Arthur asked her curiously. He wasn't expecting this question from her.
"Ahahaha..! It's nothing important, its just when i lay down at night, i start realizing the unpleasant looks i get from some people whenever im doing something or saying something. I tell myself not to be annoying but i lose control of myself the next day." MC said cheerfully as if what she felt wasn't anything serious at all
Arthur felt really bad after hearing that. He realized that she was being misundertood badly.
He realized that behind that cheerfull personality, she had such deep thoughts
He wasn't expecting her to reveal her most vulnerable side to him out of everyone
He realized that the time he looked defeated arounded MC must have been in her memories
"Oh..oh dear me. I didn't know you felt that way, and im sorry if im one of those people who made you feel that way." Arthur said, with a sympathetic look on his face.
Arthur realized that MC never wanted to cause discomfort to anyone with how she is.
"Hmm i probably sounded REAL silly with what im saying, you can pretend that i never said anything, honestly!" MC said casually as she got up from her chair
"Wait! Hang on a second, poppet. Sit back down" arthur said as he gestured her to sit down, which she did
"I dont think you are annoying. You are just misunderstood, love. It seems to me that you have many going on in your mind that you express them all at once, like a big ball of energy." Arthur explained to her
MC's eyes widen
She found his explanation rather accurate
"Oh..you..you think so?" MC said taken back by the way arthur described her
"Yes, yes. I have an idea for you, poppet. If you want to learn how to express yourself better, how about you try writing all the things in your mind- in any form you want." Arthur suggested
MC's face lit up
"That sounds very fun!" MC exclaimed
"In fact, i want to do it now!" MC said as she jolted off her seat hurrying over to the door
"Oh, and thankyou very much arthur. You are the first person to understand how i feel" MC said smiling genuinely as she headed out
Arthur felt his heart skip a beat.
Without realizing, his cheeks were tinted pink
"By jove! What is this feeling?" Arthur said to himself
Surprisingly, MC was seen in the library writing away in peace most of the time, when she isn't doing her chores
If arthur was working on his own work, MC would sit next to him and start writing aswell
She would write poems
Everyone was worried if MC had fell sick because it was very unusual for her to be this quiet, but arthur just explained that she found herself a new hobby.
Mc would show arthur what she had written, and arthur woukd be blown away everytime.
Everyone got curious with what MC was writing, and when they read her poems, their brains just melted away
Even when vincent brought one of her poems to shakespeare, he became shookspeare
Everyone actually encouraged her to publish her works to the public
MC was excited with that idea, but she said she would give it a thought
Occasionally MC would be the ball of energy she was, but she settled down more
He would find it extremely adorable!
Just combine MC and Vincent together would make them the angels of all angels
For context, vincent would be entering the mansions gate after visiting shakespeare
He noticed a dancing figure in the hallway through the window
As he entered the mansion, he could already hear MC's singing voice from the second floor
He goes upstairs and there was MC singing and dancing around with the broom
"Hello MC! You seem very energetic as always" vincent greeted with a smile
He would ask MC if she was singing a song from her time period
He would even ask her to teach him how to sing the song
Vincent isn't an energetic person, but MC's personality rubbed onto him
He would only be energetic around her as she is basically the catalyst xD
Vincent would end up dancing around with her, spinning around through the hallway, laughing and singing
The night after goofing around with MC, she was stuck in his head
He got up from his bed and went over to his art supplies.
He had the strong urge to paint her
The way she danced, sung, and laughed created a crystal clear image in his head
After spending the whole night painting, he was knocked out asleep from morning to afternoon
MC was sent by sebastian to wake him up
She recieved no answer when she knocked, which then she invited herself in
When she came in she saw a beautifully done painting of her
Feeling her heart skip a beat
For once she felt really shy instead of her energetic self
"V-vincent, its afternoon" MC shook his shoulder gently
Stirring up, vincent woke up
"Oh..good afternoon MC. Thats strange, usually you would yell at everyone to wake them up."
Being fully awake, he noticed that her cheeks were tinted red
"Whats wrong MC? You seem rather flushed" vincent asked softly
"The painting.. it's beautiful." MC said, smiling shyly
Realizing his painting was exposed in his room, he blushed into a deep shade of red.
He wasn't mentally ready for anyone ESPECIALLY her to see it
It went silent for a moment and they both avoided eye contact
Not being able to take any more of the awkward air, MC went back into character
She started giggling
"W-what are you embarrased for vincent?" MC said surpressing a laugh
"You tell me MC." Vincent said with a chuckle finally melting away from the awkward situation
Eventually they were both laughing full of joy, even everyone was wondering what was going on in vincent's room
Long story short, they are the inseperable ball of joy 😌
He finds it SO iritating but he can't bring himself to hate her
Despite being so annoying she still had that angelic aura that reminded him of vincent
He already finds the mansion's residents irritating (except vincent ofc) and they arent even as energetic as MC
Wont admit that he adores her at the same time
"HONDJE! For the last time, shut up!" Theodorus shouted, his head poking out of his bedroom door
He was trying to have his afternoon nap after a long day of wheeling and dealing some art.
"Dancing and singing is good for the mind and body! Would you like to join theo?" MC said ignoring his harsh tone
Looking at her with annoyance painted on his face, he glared at her then slammed his bedroom door shut
"Guess he doesn't.." MC said to herself, continuing to sing and dance around
A few hours after that theo payed vincent a visit in his room
He wanted to ask him for advice on how to deal with how loud and energetic MC is
He would have asked arthur but he would most likely give him advice on how to get into her pants
"Come in, what's bothering you?" Vincent invited him, noticing the conflicted look his brother had
Theo sighed folding his arms
"Broer, how do i get hondje to shut up? I keep yelling at her but she never stops" Theo asked, irritation clear in his voice
"Don't call her that! She's a very sweet person" Vincent scolded
"S-sorry broer.." theo appologized looking like a sad puppy
Vincent gestured theo to take a seat next to him
"Well, i understand where you are coming from. She is very energetic indeed." Vincent said
"So..how do i stop her from driving me crazy?" Theo asked
"You say you would yell at her to be quiet right? How about.. you try talking to her VERY nicely" vincent said, emphasizing the word "very"
Theo looked at his brother, confused
"Broer.. are you sure?" Theo asked
"Yes! She is someone you have to speak kindly to for her to listen. Trust your big brother!" Vincent said cheerfully
Vincent ended up teaching theo how to speak to MC the rest of the night
As expected, the next day MC was singing loudly once again
Theo was going to go shout at her but he remembered what his brother said
He gulped and exited his bedroom approaching her
MC who was singing and dancing stopped in her tracks when she noticed a figure standing behind her
She turned around greeted with theo who had a stiff expression
"Good day to you theo! How can i help you?" MC asked cheerfully
"I.. uh hond- i mean MC. C-could you please lower your voice p..please? I am- i'm trying to rest. I would v-very much appreciate y-your coopera..tion." Theo said stuttering allover the place while fidgetting
He wasn't used to being nice to people
It went silent for a bit
"Oh my! How strange, you aren't yelling at me! My appology theo, i didn't know i put you in such distress!" MC said with a guilty expression
Theo was blown away by her response as it just sounded way out of character, making him feel guilty
"O-oh! Don't worry, i appologize for always yelling at you." Theo said flailling his hands all over the place.
MC looked at him and started laughing softly
"O-oi! What are you laughing at hondje!" Theo exclaimed, his face red with embbarasment
Secretly, he felt refreshed after hearing MC laugh again
"Ahaha! My appologies, you just looked and sounded very adorable! It's..ahaha.. very unlike you theo!" MC said, laughing
Theo's brain stopped working, i mean did MC rly just call him adorable
"Whatever! Im going back to my room!" theo stomped away, face still red
"Alright, alright! Have a nice rest! MC said still giggling
Theo slammed his door shut and slumped down against the door
"Maybe.. hondje isn't that bad at all..." theo said to himself
Poor boy will have a mental breakdance
ESPECIALLY when hes reading or doing some cool kid stuff //p h y s i c s
Atleast she doesn't tag along with arthur and dazai...
He knows that she is a kind soul, just has too much energy >:(
He doesnt hate her of course! He just wish she would tone it down :(
Isaac was in the library reading a book when MC started humming while she sweeped the floor
The humming slowly became a string of "lalala" and soon enough she was singing
"Goodness me, MC! This isn't the first time you have distracted my concentration.." isaac said as he burried his face into the book he was reading
Considering how soft isaac's voice was generally, MC did not hear him.
Having enough of it, He shut his book close aggresively and proceeded to walk out the door, slamming the door
The sound of the door slamming alerted MC causing her to jump slightly
"That was really loud..where did isaac go?" MC asked to herself
That was when she heard the door open, revealing leonardo
"Hello leonardo! By any chance, did you come across isaac? He suddenly left and i dont know why..." MC said
Leonardo lit up a cigarrilo and spoke
"Ah yeah, by the looks of it.. you might have upsetted him by accident, cara mia. I saw him stomping through the hallway with a sour look on his face" leonardo said calmly, inhaling his cigarrilo
"W-wait what? I..upsetted him?" MC asked in disbelieve
Leonardo noticed the unsettled look on her face
"Calm down cara mia, here take a seat" leonardo said as he gestured her to take a seat in front of him
MC sat down with a conflicted look on her face
"Heres the thing cara mia- you are a very bright soul and isaac..he is a quiet kid. He finds loud noises distressing especially when he is focussing on something. In this case.. i assume you were singing loudly around him?"
This realization hit MC like a truck
"Oh no! I never meant to make him feel uncomfortable.." MC said sadly
"I need to make it up to him...but how?" Mc continued
Leonardo leaned back to his chair
"Well, as you know, isaac has a monstrous appetite. It will be his meal time in a bit. Maybe you could bring his meal to him and talk things out with him
MC's once gloomy face lit back up
"Thats a great idea! Thankyou very much leonardo!" MC said as she stood up, hurrying out of the library
When MC arrived in the kitchen, he was greeted by sebastian who was plating up some food and rouge.
"Good afternoon sebastian! Is that for isaac?" MC asked
"Indeed, why?" Sebastian asked curiously
"I will take it up to him, since i also have something to discuss with him" MC reasoned
Sebastian stared at her for a bit
"Very well." He said
As soon as sebastian finished plating things up, MC took the tray and headed to isaac's room
She took a deep breath and knocked his door
"Come in." He said calmly
MC went in and placed the tray next to him
Isaac looked up which then his face twisted into discomfort
"Oh..thankyou" he said simply
"Im sorry.." MC said sadly
Isaac's expression showed confussion
"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" He questioned
"You left earlier, because i was bothering you right?" MC questioned back
Isaacs heart melted a bit. He felt like he did something mean considering how he saddened someone who he thought would be the last person in the world to be sad
"Oh! Oh..that.." isaac exclaimed not knowing how to respond to her question
"I really am sorry. I have always been a loud and active person that sometimes i forget about the people around me. I just fall deep into my own world once i do something..." MC explained
Somehow isaac could relate to her words. He knows how it feels to be so engulfed in what you are doing that you just forget about everything else
Maybe her peronality is like his deep interest with physics..
"Dont worry about it... i kind of understand what you mean..im sorry for storming out like that" isaac said, guilt in his voice
It went awkwardly silent for a bit
"Oh! I have an idea! What if... you shout out "gravity" whenever im being too loud around you? Im 100% sure that will alert me!" MC suggested cheerfully
"P-pardon?" Isaac asked unsure if he heard her right
"I guess that was an awfull idea..." MC said as her expression dropped once again
Isaac felt really bad when he saw her sad expression
"N-no! I.. i will think about it.." isaac mumbled, which MC heard
"Really?! Thats great!" MC exclaimed
"So...are we on good terms now?" MC continued
"I suppose you could say so.." isaac said shyly
"Good, good! I will head out now, give me a shout if you need anything" MC said as she left the room
Since then MC and isaac had formed some sort of frienship. Leonardo was glad to see that isaac was finally speaking up, guess its thanks to MC that a tiny portion of her personality slightly rubbed onto him
The day came when MC was being too loud
This time, isaac was playing chess with arthur as dazai watched them
Just like always MC started singing loudly
Isaac took a sharp inhale
"GRAVITYYY" isaac shouted on top of his lung scaring arthur and dazai at the point they probably ascended to a different dimension
"Oh! Sorry isaac!" MC said
"Bloody hell, isaac! I know you came up with the concept of gravity, but what the on earth was that for?!" Arthur said with a hand on his chest that was beating fast
" i think i pooped myself" dazai said as he hurried out of the room holding his butt with his hands.
Isaac stayed quiet, not answering his question
"Back to the game please" isaac said calmly
Arthur just sighed still wondering what all of that was
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
something that never was
pairing: daisuke kambe x reader
playlist: even if it's a lie - matt maltese*, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be - jessica benko, the less i know the better - tame impala, id rather go blind - beyonce ( cadillac records ), the house we never built - gabrielle aplin*, i cant make you love me - dave thomas junior, i go crazy - orla gartland, blow my brains out - tikkle me, hidden in the sand - tally hall
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating,
summary: the coldness he radiates gets the best of you, ultimately leading to the end.
i dont really see daisuke cheating unless it was a misunderstanding or smth, but i liked the idea of this fic. Let me know what you think!
you can tell i didnt write this in a sitting lol. Im vv sorry if it's hard to follow!
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
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There's a warm body beside you, yet the bed feels cold. The arm around your waist feels almost as foreign as the face in front of you. It hurts to look at him, to feel him. It hurts to even be around him. He's so beautiful but he feels like half the man he once was. It's disheartening.
Maybe the saying, what you don't know can't hurt you is correct because you were feeling the repercussions right about now. Curiosity really did kill the cat, and at this point, you don't even know how to get satisfaction from it. How does one bring up cheating to their partner? Especially when the partner is like Daisuke.
He likes to brush things off without paying a price except for whatever was in his bank account, the type to hand you a card and say 'go get yourself something pretty.' And it wasn't like he was a bad lover, in fact, it was very easy to fall in love with him. He has a charm about him that's magnetic, one glance and suddenly it's impossible to look away. Or at least that was your experience.
With the final confirmation that closing your eyes will do nothing other than bringing pictures into your head, you turn your back to him and try and distance your body from his. It doesn't do anything to help when he pulls you closer subconsciously, except for maybe it makes you want to cry.
You'd confront him tomorrow, you decided.
If you need to.
The pace you set is leisure and if kt wasn't for the poor nail bed quickly coming to nothing, it'd seem like you weren't completely losing your head. It's all you can think about. Daisuke out with some girl—who you know for a fact isn't his sister, and who is all over him. He didn't even make a move to push her off! He hates that kind of attention so if he didn't object it, then he was asking for it. He wanted the girl on his side. In fact, for someone who insists the other person sits across from him at a restaurant- he looked quite comfortable with her nearly in his lap.
Maybe you're overthinking this, y/n.
The door clicks open and your ears strain to hear the sound of Daisuke's dress shoes. He's rather indulgent when it comes to dressing wear and the shoes were practically silent, even with the short heel on the back.
"I'm home." He says to no one particular, taking off his trenchcoat and hanging it on the rack beside the door. He stops his path to the bedroom when he sees you frozen in place and staring in the living room. He merely quirks a brow, going to take off his suit and tie.
Suddenly you can't speak and you have tunnel vision. It's unfair how calm he always looks—it's almost smug like he knows everything about you and more. Like he can read your mind and tell you your darkest thoughts and when you'll die because let's be honest, it'll probably be by his hand. Maybe you should back out now before you can say anything. Forget it all because what if you're mistaken? The more you think, the more weight is added onto your shoulders and the more it pushes you down, down further into the hole you want to crawl into. Maybe you should let it because all you want to do now is escape his piercing gaze. His eyes are studying you, taking in your form and the cogs in his brain are turning to find an explanation as to why you are standing there like a psychopath and not welcoming him home like you usually do.
You feel like you're drowning. Is the light getting dimmer? The black around your vision only seems to close in around Daisuke and you try to look anywhere else but his face. There's water in your ears, the popping of them only intensifies until you can feel it pounding into your head with faint static.
Am I going to pass out?
It's not until his hand comes down gently on your shoulder that the closing circle of vision widens out and suddenly all the imaginary water rushes from your ears. You glance down at his rings before back up him, barely catching the end of his words.
"Are you alright?"
He's never been one to beg, so you would have to answer now or he'll leave it be for the rest of the night and probably months after until you're like this again.
"I-can we talk?"
He eyes you suspiciously, narrowing his eyes and keeping his brow raised before nodding, slipping his tie off around his neck, folding it neatly into the palm of his hand. He gestures for you to start the conversation, going to the minibar curving around the kitchen and living area.
When you don't reply he urges you on, "Why so tense? Did something happen, darling?"
It'd seem like he didn't really care from how cold his voice was, but you've grown accustomed to the monotone to know that he truly is concerned for your health. He genuinely wants to know why you're acting so odd. It only makes this so much harder? You're wrong- you have to be. This must be a sick trick your brain has played on you. Or he must be playing some sick trick.
Anxiety settles itself into your gut and it seems like it won't leave anytime soon.
"Daisuke, are...- are you cheating on me?"
His eyebrows finally go lax but he doesn't look up from unbuttoning the cuffs of his white button-down. His fingers fidget at the buttons and instead of the previous loose form, his hand forms a fist.
"I- "
"Why—exactly, are you accusing me of this?"
His gaze sends chills down your spine. He's offended but he doesn't offer a defense. Suddenly your mouth is dry and you lose all your words? How exactly were you going to tell him you stumbled across him and some woman in a restaurant and practically stared them down for fifteen minutes.
You decide the bear it and swallow a lump that has formed in your throat.
"You were with a woman earlier this week snd well, the displays of affection that I saw were not very like you. You've been gone for long hours and even if you blamed it on the new job, Daisuke—you never tell me anything. Is she for a case? Are you using her for information? Go on, tell me about it. Give me a reason not to accuse you."
You regain your confidence but it falters when you meet his indifferent expression. You'd prefer it if he looked angry and the silence that fills the room is deafening and the tension suffocating.
"I can't tell you anything about our cases-"
"I'm your partner! What am I going to do? Rat you out to whoever is breaking the law? Why would I even how those connections, Daisuke?"
Daisuke inhales deeply through his nose like this whole conversation is a burden on him and you can't help but feel like a burden too. Was this relationship not worth the time to talk this out? One hand grips the bar and the other pinches the bridge of his nose.
"You aren't my partner, you're my fiance. My partner and I work together. So, no. I can't tell you about the cases."
You want to rip out your hair. This isn't about his stupid job or his stupid partner. This is about the dumb fucking restaurant and the dumb fucking woman who was hanging off him.
He can't actually be this dense!
"It's not about that! Either you aren't getting the point or you keep changing the subject because it's true!" Your voice rises in pitch, your confidence failing and turning more so into desperation. But you aren't crying yet. There are no tears and your eyes are dry and you absolutely refuse to cry in front of a Kambe.
It's like the beginning of your relationship all over again. A protective barrier around yourself so you don't get hurt and offended by his cold shoulder. Was it so bad to think you've moved on from that feeling? Why is it so difficult for him to just comfort you and push back those fears? Is he that emotionally stunted? You may not know much about his past and his family, but damn— at least you're trying to work through it with him. Can he put out a little more effort?
All he does is pour himself a glass. All he does... is pour himself a glass.
"You know what- forget it. If you're so entitled and so emotionally reserved that you can't even talk to me without a drink first, then I guess we'll talk about it another time—when you don't look like my voice gives you a headache."
Daisuke actually looks taken back by your words and you suddenly feel bad for hitting a sore spot. He may not have shown it often, but he doesn't particularly like not being able to show his true emotions; no matter the reason being.
"Y/N, wait.."
But you're back on adrenaline just as soon as he felt a drop, pushing past him to get to your coat. You just needed to calm down before you said something you'd truly regret. Words tended to stay in his mind much longer than they were intended to.
"I'm staying at my mother's. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come near me until you're ready to tell me what the hell you were doing with her. "
When he doesn't say anything more and you can practically hear the cogs in his head turn, you make your way out there door, making sure to slam it shut.
You slip on the coat angrily, slamming open the door without sparing him a glance but waiting for him to say something. Anything. Were you being too rash? You shake your head and scold yourself, mentally. You can't just turn around now, not after an outburst like that. He has to learn something from this.
Irrational or not, hopefully, his true colors would show.
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