#i dont look anything like i was hoping to before i hit puberty
faefrosting · 6 months
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In my feels about my body, and rn they are not happy feels
It's hard to like my image when my body doesn't feel like "me" and feeling frustrated I'm struggling to loose weight due to pcos, wondering if I'd be happier in my body if I was born a boy, and stressed about trying to seek gender affirming care
Guess I just fear my body will never truly feel like it's mine, scared I'll hate my body forever
I want to like my body, I want to see me in the mirror
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
HELLLO like i said ill be requesting and i read your rules so i hope this is fine.
Can you do young!Asl x f!reader like when Sabo and Ace was 10 and luffy was 7, reader here is 11. Reader wears a completely hair,chest and neck covering hijab and an muslim thob. Can you write a scenario where young!Asl meet f!reader when luffy and Ace were competing in their daily battle and while that happned that happned luffy hat flew off his head and flew away in the wind and Sabo,Ace and luffy go to find it and when they were looking aound they meet f!reader just walking in the forest with luffy hat on her head. Ace,Sabo and luffy hide behind a bush because they dont know about readers clothing and think she might be some dangerous pirate or assassin because living with moutain bandits dont really teach you about diffrent people around the world. But ofc luffy comes out the bush and trys to attack f!reader but she was able to pin him to the ground before he can do anything GIRL POWER and ace and sabo grab there metal pipe and they begin fighting with f!reader and at the end she gets beated by them and when she relize they want luffy hat she apologizes and gives luffy hat, blah blah *talking* (you can do this part between when they fight and back to Dadan place) when they reach Dadans place ofc her and the bandits want to fie because now they are taking care of 4 children now but luckly f!reader is actully helpful so Dadan actully like her.
How reader got on Mt.Cove
Reader was on a cruise with some of her relatives then a huge storm hit and broke the ship and she ploped into the ocean not able to swim because of the harsh waves then she passes out when her head hits a rock then later she washes up in shore in the forest and she wakes up and starts walking around then meets the brothers and when she gets to Dadans place they give her some bandages to heal up and she explains why she wear her clothing like this. Ace and luffy dont care, Ace still suspicous. Sabo intense listing. (So basically women in islam wear theses clothing because The hijab is about observing modesty and according to Islamic law should begin from the age of puberty. In Islam's sacred book, the Qur'an, two verses talk about the notion of hijab and how modesty should be observed by both Muslim men and women)
Sorry if this is to much
-You’re not completely sure where you were. It had been about two days since the storm that hit the ship your family was on, sending you into the rough waters below.
-You woke up, luckily, on a nearby island, after being unable to swim, but you were by yourself, you couldn’t see anyone else from the ship, the crew you had gotten to know or your family, there was nobody.
-You adjusted your hijab after removing your hood, only for a moment, making sure everything was covered and secure before you made sure your appearance was acceptable before you started walking through the dense forest, looking for someone else who would hopefully help you.
-You found some fruit trees along your way, picking just two for the moment, eating as you walked, listening for the sounds of other people, but so far there wasn’t any luck.
-You entered a small clearing, one that looked like it had been cleared out for a campsite, but here was no evidence of anyone being there for days, which made you pout slightly, a sigh leaving your lips.
-The wind picked up a bit and you held your hands to your cheeks, to keep your hood from blowing upwards, halting for just a moment before you heard a sound of something hitting a tree and you looked up, seeing a simple straw hat with a bright red band around it.
-This was a sign of civilization! Or so you hoped, as it was man-made as you picked up the hat before putting it on your head, to shield your eyes a bit as you looked around.
-It was only moments later when you heard a voice, “Give me back my hat!!” you turned, seeing a young boy, a small scar on his cheek, leaping out of the bushes to attack you.
-Your eyes went wide, only for a moment, before you dodged his blow, ducking down and he slammed into the tree behind you.
-You turned quickly, worried he had hurt himself but before you could ask him you heard two more voices, “Get away from Luffy!!” you saw two more boys, one with blond hair, wearing what looked to be a suit, and a boy who looked similar to Luffy, with freckles across his cheeks, both of them holding weapons.
-You ducked down again, dodging their weapons before you leg sweeped Ace, sending him to the ground before you rolled out of Sabo’s wait, “Wait I’m not-” you squeaked, only barely dodging another blow from Luffy who swung at you again.
-Sabo was the one who froze before he whacked both Ace and Luffy on their heads with his fist, sending them both to the ground with lumps on their heads, “That’s a girl!”
-A few minutes later you handed Luffy his hat back, after you explained you found it while looking for other people. Luffy beamed at you, “Thanks for finding my hat Y/N! It blew off when we were fighting earlier!”
-You were confused, tilting your head to the side, “Why were you guys fighting?” Sabo explained they fought every day to get stronger, but this time Ace hit him, “Shut up! Don’t tell this spy what we’re doing!”
-You blinked, your eyes going wide before you held a hand to your chest, “You think I’m a spy?!” the three looked at you, Sabo looking sheepish, Luffy smiling, and Ace glaring before Luffy spoke, “That’s what we all decided you were- that or an assassin, since you look like a ninja!”
-You tilted your head to the other side, “What’s a ninja?” they all looked at you, a bit surprised by your words before Ace sighed out loudly, “Fine. Let’s take you to Dadan, she would know what to do with you.”
-You thanked him warmly for his help, which made his cheeks burn, hearing your words as he turned, bristling lightly, “Yeah whatever!”
-Needless to say, when you arrived at Dadan’s place, the home of the Mountain Bandits, she and the others weren’t pleased to see a fourth child there, Dadan quickly yelling at the three boys for bringing another mouth to feed.
-By the end of the day, you were Dadan’s favorite.
-You told her and the others of the storm you had been caught in, before falling overboard and waking up on this island, and how you were looking for others to help you find your family or your ship.
-Dadan agreed to help, sending out some of her men to try to gather information and you thanked her warmly, agreeing to help where you could, to pay back her kindness, which quickly earned you brownie points with her.
-During dinner, Dadan asked you about your clothes, as she had never seen anything like it before. You explained that in your religion, as stated in your holy book, the Qur’an, which stated that both men and women should observe modesty while out in public, and this is how you were taught to dress by your family.
-Many thought it was a bit odd, as they had never heard anything like that before, Luffy and Sabo weren’t bothered, mainly because Luffy was convinced you were a ninja, but Ace wasn’t so sure, still not trusting you. But then again he was like that with everyone.
-Dadan was okay with your explanation, as she voiced, “There’s a whole world out there with different cultures and religions boys. Once you’re strong enough to get out of my house you can go find them.”
-Luffy cheered at the prospect of adventure, something Sabo and Ace couldn’t help but grin at, and you couldn’t help but smile, seeing their sense of adventure. It was refreshing really, as you wanted to explore as well, going on an adventure.
-You couldn’t wait to find out what tomorrow held for you, looking at it as an adventure, in a sense, as you smiled, glad that you had found such good people to help you in your time of need.
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vince-linder · 1 year
SilverV Babies
Just before the big release of PL my brainworms got badly active again, especially the ones of my SilverV babies :D ____ “SCARLET EVELYN LINDER!” “FUCK OFF!” Both Vince and Jackson looked up from their talk on the couch, as so very often since Scarlet hitted puberty, she and Johnny were fighting loudly. She was far too much like her dad.
“YOU ARE NOT GOING OUT LIKE THIS!” “FUCK OFF, JOHN” “DONT YOU DARE TO CALL ME THAT!” “YOU ARE NOT CALLING ME RIGHT EITHER!” They heard Scarlet coming down first, loudly, her heavy boots echoing with every step she took, and she was fuming with anger. Heading into the kitchen to get something to drink and pretty sure that the fight would go on. 
And of course Johnny was following her just a few steps behind, not less angry. He shot a gaze in the direction of Vince and Jackson and took a deep breath before he approached her again. “I am calling you with your right, full name.”, he leaned into the doorway of the kitchen, watching her with a small frown. He was still not fine with his daughter, barely 14, going out with a crop top just covering her chest and really far too small shorts.  She was showing so much skin, it made Johnny uneasy. 
“Yeah. And I am doing that with you, dad?” Scarlet was at the fridge, fumbling to find something she likes to consume, but failing. With a sigh she came back up and looked at her father, still angry. 
Johnny let out an audible sigh. “You really want me to call you ‘Scar’?” “Yaha. And I am pretty sure, you, at my age, would have punched anyone who called you Robert.” Scarlet leaned against the kitchen counter and looked at Johnny with a smirk, he knew far too well. Sometimes with her it was like he was looking in a mirror, in a kinda way.
Johnny cringed under hearing his birth name, and sometimes really regretted that they ever told their children so much. But honesty was one of the big parts of their family life. “You are quite right, yeah. But-”, he eyed her up and took a step closer “You are still not going out like this.”
“OH COME ON”, she lost her cool in an instant and stared angry at her father. Hoping to make him change his mind. Jackson snickered silently and looked back at his Pa “Shouldn’t you intervene or something? You know they both are too stubborn, to give each other even an inch.” “Mmh, I know. I had a bit of hope left, so.” Vince nodded and slowly stood up, bracing himself again to calm down both, his hotheaded husband and his evenly hotheaded daughter. She was such a little, good princess. But with every passing year, she got more like how Johnny probably was as a teenager, just living in a peacefuller environment. “THIS IS FAR TOO SHORT.” “YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT FASHION AT ALL. TANK TOPS ARE FUCKING OUT. AND IT’S SO CRINGE TO WEAR SHIRTS OF HIS OWN BAND” Vince slowly approached them, taking a last deep breath before he tried to speak to them in his most soothing tone. “Hey. Come now, both of you. I am sure we’ll find a way that makes us all feel better, yeah?” Johnny huffed and crossed his arms, and Scarlet did exactly the same. She was truely Johnny’s kid. “Princess.” Both looked up, Johnny with a confused frown and Scarlet more of an annoyed expression in her face. But both reacted to this nickname, and if the situation wasn’t that serious Vince would have laughed about it. “You know, your dad is right. That is too short. You don’t wanna get into an ambush, do you? Not telling you to not wear what you like, sweeti. But we want you safe and sound.”
“But it is so damn hot, Papa. I cannot bear anything more. And it looks good on me.”, she looked up at Vince pleadingly.
“I know. I know. We're gonna make a deal, yeah?”
“And what’s the deal?”
“You can go out like this-”, he paused cause he felt this uneasy strong emotion coming right from Johnny, a silent judgement to his words. “But you have to take your big brother along with you, so he keeps an eye on you.” 
Scarlet sighed and shakes her head slightly. Seemingly she wasn’t excited about that idea at all.
“Or your change to a normal shirt, and a short not showing off half your ass.”
Scarlet opened her mouth, shocked from these direct words. But she gulped down her backchat and nodded slowly.
“Fineee. I go, gonna change my clothes.”, she headed out of the room and back upstairs, finally.
Johnny let his head fall back against the door frame and took an audible breath
“I really don’t know how you always get to her.”
“That's my secret biz, I guess.”, Vince laughed it off and kissed Johnny shortly on the cheek, looking at him with a content smile.
“Hrmpf.” Johnny looked at him for a long moment, before he placed both hands on Vince’ hips and pulled him in for a full blown kiss.
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wierdaesthetic · 11 months
How I think cod men smell like naturally their body. (hate dni)
so I have this thing called synesthics with basically causes my brain to use more than one sence when triggered for example I can smell pictures, I know it sounds weird but when ever I look at pic of smth or someone my brain makes up what it/they would smell like. (And to my suprice its pretty accurate)
1. ghost
I am 100% he wears Axe body spray in the purple blue scent, and not because its named Marine (haha). Yeah so his notes are axe spray, hormones(the sweet pinappley ones, not the gross just hit puberty boy type) and I think rust for some reason like he was in a mechanical work space. 2. Konig
Now this bitch confuses me as shit. I think he smells like medical equiment but at the same time I think he smells like nothing, netrual. I dont know he has a minty tone tho. So he probs just has amazing heigyne and doesn't over fragrance himself.
3. Price He smells like tobacco Malboro, I bet my ass on that. But I would know cause I smoke more than him (he is 40+ I am beraly 20). But he also smell alchooly BUT BEFORE YOU SAY I AM STEREOTYPING!! I mean like fragrance type alchool, most notably after shave type of scent. Like spicy cinamon but in a more masculine way. 4. Soap
Before yall hoes come for me, sHe pRobS gOinG tO sAy He SmElLs LikE SoAp, NO BITCH. Like I said I aint stereotyping shit today. HE SMELLS LIKE A PHEREMONENAL SLUT not because he is my favourite but because he always sweaty in the game. But I dont think his sweat smells bad honestly, first of all let me let yall in a little secret ... if you exersice, eat heathly and let out sweat (you know ;) ;)) YOUR SWEAT DOESN'T SMELL!! In the best case senario it is even plesant. At the bear minimum he smells like a basic cologe that his ex or ghost bought him for his bday.
5. Gaz
Let me tell you hoes something. BLACK MEN KNOW HOW TO NOTE AND COMPLIMENT THEIR SCENT!! Did you read that or do I need to repeat it. He smells like vanilla, cocunut, sol de janero REALNESS. He has scented moisteraiser every where in his car, in bag, on a keychain, in his mulitary bag EVERYWHERE, I bet you he has one between his cheeks so he can use it mids war. (I AM DYING) 6. Alejandro
Now hear me when I say, I know he smells feminine. Which is not bad at all but I feel like his stuff is florally scented or fruit or something like that, but at the same time I fear he smells like my boy bff cause they have so similar vibes (I HOPE NOT). But also he smell of tattoo shop YEAH THATS IT. He smells exactly like green disinfectant soap with rose peals infusion, exactly that and if you dont know what I am talking about just imagine dentist office smell + roses.
7. Alex Keller
Oh I know he smells good, naturally and when it comes to fragrance. I just feel it in my bones. He smells like oils, honey and anything in that area. I just know he drenches himself in jojoba oil and l know he loves dior. Like thats it, he is an expencive smelling man.
8. Rudy
I mean, he confuses me. I think he is mixure of hormones (again not the disguasting) and expencive parfum. I think he smells "manly", it sounds weird I know. I KNOW! He smells like salty caramel but the sticky type that you can also eat as a chewing gum, if you are from europe you especially from the slavic or balkan area you know exactly what I am talking about.
9. Nikto
To me he smells like home and I bet my ass on that if he was real I would say that as soon as I would met him but I bet most of yall have no idea what I am talking about unless you are slavic. Well he smells like beer but not the alchooly type but the softer type also he smells like grass, nature and wood. Also he smells like tobacco NOT SMOKE but the plant.
10. Keegan
MINT. MINT. MINT. I know this man smells like a colgate ad, I can feel it. He smells exactly how water tastes after you brush your teeth. He smells also like rain but thats a small note, mostly MINT and fresh. If you are afab or use ph balance wash HE SMELLS LIKE THAT.
(no I wont do philip FUCK HIM, unless yall really want it)
Just a bit of my delulu for anyone that caress I CAN SMELL KONIG RIGHT NOW WTF, AS IF HE IS IN FRONT OF ME. It so weird help.
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phantomchick · 4 years
Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost!
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The Last To Know by KuriQuinn Oneshot, Gen, Teen and Up, Team Seven, Sakura and Sasuke, Sakura and Team 7, Canon Compliant, Angst with a Happy Ending, trust, broken trust, forgiveness, hurt/comfort, this fic is fantastic and made me have so many feels for the characters as well as the bonds between them, Character Dynamics,
Summary: As usual, telling her the truth happens as though by afterthought. And this time, she's not taking it.
i'll always be there for you by RecklessWriter Oneshot, Gen, Itachi and Sasuke feels, sibling feels, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hypothermia, Uchiha Sasuke Needs a Hug, Big Brother Uchiha Itachi, a part of me niggles over team 7 failing a mission but I pretend that they ran into the hunter nin afterwards and Kakashi got the scroll back, it do be like that sometimes, Good big brother Itachi, Bad big brother Itachi, it’s complicated, Feels,
He’s pressed against something warm. There are fingers carding gently through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp.
“Nii-san,” Sasuke whispers.
The hand in his hair freezes.
Sasuke gets thrown into a frozen lake. Itachi doesn't know how to stop being a big brother, even when he's supposed to be pretending he doesn't care.
The Beautiful Orange Thing by zafiro Oneshot, Gen, Naruto and Kurama, Naruto is a very lonely kid and the kyubi is a very lonely bijuu, Pre-Naruto Canon Era, chibi-Naruto, Naruto loves Orange, Kurama tolerates Naruto because he is Cute, sweetness and light, angst and fluff, so cute I wanna physically hug this fic to my chest
Summary: Naruto arrives at a weird place and finds something wonderful there.
Maslow by FriendshipCastle Oneshot, Gen, T for cursing, canonical child neglect, Iruka feels, Naruto feels, implied/referenced child abuse, but nothing worse than what’s in canon, angst, hurt/comfort,
Summary: The first four tiers of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs applied to Naruto’s depressing childhood. Alternatively: Iruka slowly becomes the best replacement mother a ninja could have.
take the fight from the kid by theformerone Oneshot, Gen, Team Bonding, Team as Family, Team 7, Canon Compliant, but can be read as divergent, Post Wave arc, Pre-Chuunin Exams,  
Summary: Training with his team is different than it was before the mission to Wave. Sasuke notices how things have changed.
A Clean Break by GwendolynStacy Oneshot, Gen, Teen and Up,  Hatake Kakashi and Team 7, Team as Family, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Team Fluff, Kakashi feels, Self-Harm via compulsive hand washing, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Happy Ending,
Summary: Every member of Team 7 has their personal set of demons to haunt them. While Kakashi is always prepared to lend his students a listening ear, he still hasn’t quite figured out how to ask for help when he’s the one crumbling.
The Beginning and the End by QuinsValoria Oneshot, short oneshot, gen, THIS HAD ME SOBBING OVER KUSHINA AGAIN EVEN THOUGH IT’S SO SHORT, pre-canon era, angst, Dont worry kushina, Your baby makes it out just fine, cries into laptop screen, Hurt/Comfort,
“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” —Robert Browning
Uzumaki Kushina is an amazing mother, even in the very short time she has left.
Kushina comforts her baby.
The Prince Of Leaves And Deep Water by RayShippouUchiha Ongoing, 3 chapter fic, do you ever read a fic with language that is so pretty and evocative that you just want to lean into it, like a kid listening to a piece of folklore that’s been passed down, it’s just beautiful to read? And the words slice and cut into your feelings in the best of ways, angst, hurt/comfort, drama, Kushina feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Uzumaki Lore, well worth the read even as a stand alone should it never update again, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canonical Child Neglect, Uzushio feels,
Summary: ‘Protect him,’ Kushina prays in the quiet of her own mind as she leaves; pleading silently to the old spirits from her childhood, to the things that the Uzumaki Elders used to whisper about in hushed tones.
‘Love him,’ Kushina begs of the things she only knows from instinct and half remembered stories, those things filled with the power of salt and sun and deep deep waters.  Those things that live and thrive in the heart and soul of every Uzumaki who has ever breathed and battled and bled.  'Guide him, keep him safe for always.  But love him most of all. My little prince of eddies and leaves.’
Left behind, left alone and cold where before there was only a soft sort of warmth and a steady kind of safety, Naruto wails.
Final Evaluation by Do_the_Cool_Whip Completed, 5 Chapter Fic, Gen, Umino Iruka & The Rookie Nine, Iruka-Sensei, Feels, fluffy, I have so many emotions about Iruka being the best teacher in the elemental nations and this fic brought them all out to play, Excellence, Kakashi is a troll, a huge troll, like, he’s such a troll he’s a mountain troll, Asuma is a lesser troll, like he’s mostly decent but still infuriating so he’s a bridge troll, Kurenai is so cool that even when she’s trolling as is her right and duty as the jounin elite she is, the person she’s trolling still respects her for it, a river troll, the kids are so cute and young here, you can really feel Iruka’s affection for them, please revel in the wonderful that is this entire fic, revel I say
Summary: Progress evaluations are one-on-one consultation meetings between academy students and their teacher. Their purpose is to inform academy students of their strengths and weaknesses and guide them down their ideal path to becoming a strong shinobi. Upon graduating the academy and passing their jounin-sensei test, new genin return to the academy for one final consultation. (Or: The story of what happens when Umino Iruka uses his final meetings with his students as way to send them off to become the best shinobi they can possibly be.)
it takes a village by quillofferings Oneshot, Gen, snapshot series, angst, character insight, konoha 12, rookie 9, team Gai, team 10, team 8, team 7, repeating patterns and revelations, kinda gives a sense of the culture of a childhood in Konoha in a way that’s very quietly tragic, this story was written well before shippuden came out but it still reads mostly true to me, A Classic of the Fandom,
Summary: A Naruto snapshot series in the form of a oneshot.
spirals by nescione Gen, Oneshot, Team Seven, Generations, Team 7, Dai Nana Han, Spirals, Repeating Patterns, things happening the same across generations in repeating patterns is a big theme in the canon and lots of fic delve into it and play with the whole idea as a result, but this fic does it especially well, Team as Family, Angst, Fluff, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, A Classic of the Fandom, Summary: From the sannin to the present- a look at how history repeats itself, and how it doesn't.
this, and love too, will ruin us by RecklessWriter Oneshot, Gen, Itachi and Sasuke feels, Naruto Feels, Short and Sweet, Angst, Whump, Brother Feels, Sibling feels, Uchiha Sasuke Needs a Hug, Naruto Uzumaki Needs a Hug,
Summary: Naruto remembers the first time he saw Sasuke and Itachi.
He remembers looking at them and thinking, I wish I had someone who loved me like that.
Ten Facts About Team Yamato by Lisse Oneshot, Gen, short and sweet, Team 7 feels, Team as Family, Dai Nana Han, Team Seven, Team Yamato, characterisation, short but solid, Ficlet,
Summary: On paper, their team doesn't exist.
Troubling New Developments by SicTransitGloria Oneshot, Teen and Up, hilarious, pre-shippuden, Team as Family, Kakashi pov, Team 7, AHAHAHAHA,  Puberty hits the genin,
Summary: Kakashi takes a moment to wrap his mind around equating Ino’s chest with enemy shinobi while Asuma begins beating his head against the table and groaning about how he didn’t sign up for this. Rated for language and the general horror that is puberty
Of Harrowed Hearts by Sable_Scribe Ongoing and possibly (probably) Abandoned, Gen, Long Fic, we’re at 36 chapters in as of the time I’m posting this, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix It, Families of Choice, Team Seven, Team as Family, Bamf Kakashi, Good Teacher! Kakashi, Angst, Uzushio Lore, Fluff, Uzushio Feels, Uzumaki heritage, Bamf Team 7, BAMF Rookie Nine, Naruto's ability to make friends with giant chakra demons surfaces early, Rookie Nine, Rookie 9, Konoha 12, Naruto and Kurama,
Summary Naruto has been hearing the rumbling growl in the back of his head for as long as he can remember. He’s seven when he tries to talk to it for the first time. He’s the dead last, the failure at everything, so he doesn’t actually expect to succeed. And when he’s suddenly standing, knee deep in murky water and face to face with a demon, he has no idea what to expect. As it turns out, the world could use something unexpected.
Automatic by Dayadhvam Oneshot, Gen, Sand Siblings, Fluff, Team as Family, but also, Family as Family, Short and Sweet, A Classic of The Fandom
Summary: Gaara's shield defense is automatic: he has never had to consciously think about ordering the sand where it is needed. Kankurou and Temari have always known this.
As Is the Sea Marvelous by blackkat Mature, Gen, Eleven Chapter Fic, Warring States Era, Uchiha Madara/Senju Tobirama, Izuna Lives AU, everybody lives nobody dies, Hurt/Comfort, brotherly feels, sibling relationships, Angst With A Happy Ending, Insecurity, Self-Sacrifice, Imprisonment, Fix-It
Summary: Tobirama is willing to give absolutely anything for Hashirama and his dream. Including his life.
A Lesson In Trust by Live Gen, Oneshot, Shikamaru & Naruto friendship, academy days, trust exercise, fluff
Summary: All Iruka wants is for his class to start trusting each other, too bad Shikamaru would rather watch the clouds...
Snow Is Serious Business When Your Business Is Being A Kid by vulcanhighblood Gen, Oneshot, Iruka and Naruto, Umino Iruka is a Good Teacher, Uzumaki Naruto Needs a Hug, Fluff, Snow
Summary: Iruka's trying to teach his class, but the first snowfall of the year makes keeping their attention more difficult than he would have liked.
The Consequences of Winning by tabjoy13 Oneshot, Gen, Team 7, Protective Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi is a Good Teacher, Team Bonding, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi Is Trying, Wave Mission
Summary: Three days. It had been three days since Zabuza’s attack, since Kakashi passed out, and since Team Seven took refuge in the bridge builder’s home. Three days and Kakashi hadn’t shown a sign of stirring. Three young genin are left with the question: now what? Cross posted on FF.net.
discendo docemus by llamallamaduck Mature, Ongoing, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Trauma/Ptsd, Uchiha Sasuke-centric, Good Orochimaru, A lot of talk about depression and mental instability, Also Sharingan fuckery and assorted eye-trauma, rarepair, Itachi & Sasuke, eventual Sasuke/Ukitake, Itachi & Tsunade, 
Summary: There are some things a seven-year-old psyche is not ready to endure. An S-ranked torture technique preformed by a traumatized thirteen-year-old is one of those things. Sasuke doesn’t enjoy hallucinating memories of his murdered family day in and day out, but he’s learned to be philosophical about such things. It’s everything else that’s the problem, really.
Nidaime Otokage by DuskBeforeDawn Ongoing, inspired by nukenin, Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Protective Hatake Kakashi, BAMF Hatake Kakashi, BAMF Dai-nana-han,Team 7, Team as Family, Non-Konoha Shinobi Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi is a Troll, Kage level Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi-centric, fluff, adventure, crack, mature, fun read
Summary: No one knew him.His father was still alive.His Sharingan acted like it had always been his.Kakashi was twenty-two years in the past of a different world.
French Kissing, the End of the World, and Other Impossible Ordeals by Tsume_Yuki Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Female Uzumaki Naruto, Time Travel, Uchiha Sasuke Being an Asshole, Protective Uchiha Sasuke, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Time Travel Fix-It, Smitten Uchiha Sasuke, grumpy asshole/cheerful optimist, this fic is literally just Sasuke being soft for Naruto, Mature but like it’s fiiine the author could’ve left it at teen and up and it would’ve gotten a pass at least from me
Summary: This is it, centuries of excellent genetics, of carefully selected marriages to maximise the potential of future generations and it’s going to be Sasuke who introduces idiocy to the Uchiha bloodline. The ancestors must be rolling in their graves. In which Sasuke is smitten, Naruto is a badass, and time travel happens.
No Tomorrow by Authorship Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Clan, Shisui Lives, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Longfic, Completed, Found Family, Fix It, Mature, Time Travel, Fuck Danzo
Summary: The water was crushing, pummelling Shisui's broken form, even as it swept him further and further from Konoha. 
And then Shisui woke up.
It's two months until the day he died. Two months to change the current of his life, of his Clan, of his village. And Shisui has no intention of letting history run its course.
¦ part 1 ¦ part 2 ¦ part 3 ¦
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lassieposting · 3 years
Hey, I saw you did a hc thing for Scaracen/Dexter and I was wondering if you could do one for Ghastly/Skulduggery?? (I love the pairing but there is no content and it makes me sad) Hope you are having a good time :)
I genuinely thought I had done this for ghasdug but apparently not? I can't find it anyway
There is content in my ghasdug tag but tbh in my experience the ghasdug shippers are on discord mostly...hit me up
So. Ghasdug. Ghastly wants skug from the start.
They're 16 when they meet. Ghastly gets a bit seasick and doesn't really want to go anywhere by ship, but his mama tells him he needs to, there's something important for him on that ship, that one right there, and he trusts her enough to know that she's clearly foreseen something and to just go with it.
By the time they get back to shore, he's already thinking, it's you. I was supposed to meet you.
They head back to Dublin together. Ghastly's mama takes one look at this awkward, skinny, skittish child and decides she's adopting him, and skug moves into their farmhouse and is subsequently freaked the fuck out by his very first experience of A Loving Family. Ghastly's mother like, hugs him and reminds him to wear a coat and clips his ear for swearing and makes sure he eats breakfast. He is semiferal and not used to any of this.
For a few months they settle into a comfortable routine:
- Ghastly's father spends the week making clothes, then does commission deliveries one day and takes hats and boots and suchlike to the market the next.
- Ghastly's mother has a job as a barmaid, where she gets to regularly crack some skulls and socialise, which is great for her because she is both a short-n-stocky powerhouse and a giant extrovert.
- The boys spend most of their time together, and they're supposed to do the bulk of the chores. It's not a large commercial farm - they have a vegetable garden, and some chickens, and an old carthorse, and maybe a couple of goats or a cow for milk and cheese. Ghastly and Skug are supposed to cut firewood and feed the animals and fetch groceries from the market and milk the milkable animal and fix this and repair that. All the things the parents dont have time for
Which. Is great in theory but skug has never had to do a hard day's work in his lazy aristocratic life, and develops a severe and immediate allergy to manual labour, so actually ghastly tends to do most of the chores while skug skives off and naps in the sun or chats up the girls who live on the neighbouring smallholding over the fence
And like, therein lies the problem, because they are both solidly in the grip of that cruel mistress called puberty and like. Skug was a fuckin weird-looking child. He had big ears and a sharp nose and a bunch of missing teeth and his limbs were all too long for him. But he's now rapidly growing into all the features that made him an unfortunate child, and it's already clear that he's going to be one of those people who will, inevitably, grow into handsome young men.
Which is like. Fine. Ghastly doesn't care. He's not jealous or anything. He doesn't feel a twinge when the neighbour girls only speak to him to ask about Skulduggery. Nobody here is bitter.
It's a good thing, he tells himself. Nobody will want to marry him anyway, so he's glad skug is around now so Mother can harass him to meet a nice girl and give her grandchildren. At least someone will probably want to have children with skug.
He has a dream about skug not long before his 17th. They share the attic room, and when he startles awake, skug is smirking at him from the opposite bed and asking "who is she?" and ghastly thinks oh no. He's painfully embarrassed and awkward about it, and skug rolls over and stretches and says, "relax, bespoke, your secret is safe with me" and all ghastly can focus on is that he's actually been putting some muscle on lately and when he stretches like that it does funny things to ghastly's insides.
- they start riding into town in the evenings to meet up with hopeless at the tavern, play cards and flirt with pretty girls. Or rather, skug flirts with pretty girls. He's all legs and freckles and elegant clothes, and they hang off his every word. Ghastly knows they will never look at him like that. He's Skulduggery's ugly friend. Girls only approach him to ask about skug
- and he gets it! Skug is unfairly attractive! And he's witty, and clever, and sometimes when ghastly wakes up first he stays very quiet so he can watch skug sleep, the way the dawn turns his hair to burnished copper, the way his curls fall across his forehead and the patterns his freckles make on his skin. Skug is an affectionate, tactile drunk, and hopeless looks at ghastly with something like pity whenever skug rests his chin on ghastly's shoulder or leans his head on ghastly's knee or wants a piggyback back to where they tied the horse, and ghastly takes what little he can get and says nothing.
- they're coming home drunk in the pouring rain one night, later than usual, riding doubled up on ghastly's carthorse. ghastly is behind, loosely holding on around skug's waist, and the whole way home all he can think about is how close they are and how much he wants to lean in and put his mouth on skug's neck, and by halfway home he's reduced to silently begging his semi not to pop a full on hard-on until they're home, when skug will crash like always and ghastly can take care of himself in private
- when they get home, they're locked out, which is what they get for coming home well after ghastly's parents are asleep, but this isn't a one off and ghastly's mother always leaves blankets for them to sleep in the barn. so they put the horse away and give her a rub-down/groom together and skug's shirt is practically see-through and his hair is plastered to his skull and ghastly can't take his eyes off the visible jut of collarbone where the neck of skug's shirt is undone and skug makes a couple jokes about it when their eyes meet, how ghastly has been brushing the same bit of horse for as long as it's taken skug to do half his side, but then the third time he laughs and teases, "if i didn't know better, bespoke, I'd say you wanted me" and ghastly will forever blame the alcohol but he doesn't even think about it? It comes out before he can stop himself, before he has time to remember what it could do to their friendship
- he says, "what if i did?"
- skug goes quiet for a minute, and it's a tense sort of quiet, not the thick, cloying tension that comes before a storm or an argument but the light, vibrating tension that comes with standing on a cliff's edge or drawing a bowstring, and then he ducks under the horse's head to come around to ghastly's side. He's still a little shorter than ghastly, still has to look up ever so slightly to meet his eyes.
- skug says, "do you?" like it's still half a joke, and there's a chance to back out right there, to laugh and deny it and let this become an amusing footnote at the bottom of their friendship, but ghastly ignores it. "yes."
- skug shrugs, his lip quirking, and says, "so have me."
- ghastly learns a lot that night. he also accidentally blurts "i love you" when he comes, but nobody's perfect and he's...relatively...sure skug was too distracted to have been paying attention, so he'll count that as a massive win
- morning finds them in the hayloft, tangled up in the blankets left out for them, regretting their choice of tavern beverages and, in ghastly's case, sporting a classic case of morning wood. He's kind of hoping he'll get lucky again with sleepy morning sex but skug is disgustingly hungover and just wants to burrow his head into ghastly's chest to block out the light and go back to sleep so like, out of luck.
- when skug has slept off the booze a bit more, Ghastly awkwardly broaches the question of "just how drunk were you" and they establish that they both remember fucking, neither of them regrets it, and the attraction is apparently mutual? Which is a mindfuck for self-conscious teenage ghastly, because, like, why tho
- they both get to do the walk of shame into the house when ghastly's parents wake up. Ghastly's shirt hides the nail marks skug left on his back nicely; sadly, the same cannot be said for the giant hickey he left on skug's throat, and he is eternally grateful to his parents for not bringing it up (he'll allow his mother her raised eyebrows. She did it quietly)
- they just sort of? happen, after that. There's no conversation about what they are to one another, so there are several crossed wires and feelings get hurt, but they always move past it. They both have phases of going off with someone else - but they keep ending up back together regardless of how much they argue.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Carol’s cookies
Lindir x reader
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Request: @ifitaketwomoresteps​  said:
Hmmmm another request for a certain chestnut haired cinnamon roll named lindir? I really need some lindir fluff, not feelin too great.
I hope you are feeling better, I myself am not sleeping at all lately ,and my stomach is always upside down,it is horrible.
Summary:Being an elf that lived in the forests with your parents ,until they decided you need to get out ,by delivering some of your mothers pottery's to Rivendell, only to meet some dudes.
Word count:2058
Translations: ellen=female elf ellon=male elf nana=mother nin meleth=my love
You had been traveling to Rivendell for the past two days,with your horse and wagon,and in honesty ,you wished that your mother hadn't sent you. Do you realise how horrible it is to pee in a bush ,and you have to rush ,just in case someone steals your horse and your shit? It is terrible ,I tell you. You really disliked talking to other people especially people you did not know. Your mother had recieved a letter from Lord Elrond of Rivendell informing her that he would like some her pottery work.
You see your mother,father and Elrond used to been very close,your mother being one of the finest clay moulders he had ever seen in all his years, and your father being apart of the guard. Unfortantely your mother and father fell in love ,however there families forbid it ,so the left ,your mother already pregnant with you,she was young for an elf too, they eloped quickly.
Therefore you were brought up with barely any contact with others, your father would take you hunting for your dinner ,he had taught you how to defend yourself. Your home was small,but it was all you needed as afamily of three. Plus it was all you knew, so yeah,anyways you were indeed nervous to meet other elves.
It's not like you hadn't met anyone else apart from your parents ,they would take you one their delivery trips ,but you rarely talked to anyone. Though once when you were very young you had brought to Rivendell,to meet your grandparents. Uh yeah it didn't go well bringing your two sets of grandparents together ,however when you were just alone with your mothers parents they adored you ,but their hatred for your fathers parents were still clear.
Anyways this visit allowed you to meet an elfling like you,though with long chestnut hair,shy as were you. JUst a pair of introvets. You had been sat near a tree in the gardens ,with a bunch of cookies ;that you had baked with your father before the trip,looking at the clounds ,munching on your cookies. When a figure had approached you ,you hadn't even heard them approach you.
"oh..uh.hi.I didn't mean to disturb you,sorry" the acorn haired elf had stuttered nervously ,infront of the cute girl he had stumbled upon,you had looked up to see a cute elf turning to leave,you really did want to make friends , like your parents wanted. "oh you didn't- do you want to sit and have a cookie I m-mean you don't have to if you dont want to.."  the elf had  turned slightly around with a big grin on his young face ,nodding eagerly,before sitting down with you.
Thus began your life long friendship with Lindir.
You would write letters back to each other ,due to you living far away ,plus rarely visiting Rivendell.
By the time you were arriving at Rivendell with your mothers pottery, the last time you had seen Lindir was 400 hundred years ago ,you were now 600 years old still young ,but now was considered an adult. So when you arrived at Rivendell and Lindir had greeted you not recognising you,it was understandable you had grown into your looks ,well elf puberty hit you basically.  Lindir had grown two feet taller at least,his cheekbones much more defined ,his hair now neatly styled.
"Lindir?" you had whispered ,as he had welcomed you into Rivendell,his eyes searched your face ,brightening and widening when he had realised that it was indeed you."y/n?" he had questioned ,with that you had placed the crate of vases ,plates and cups on the ground carefully before embracing Lindir into a tight hug. In which he returns instantly ,you stayed like that for a few minutes before you both pull away. "i almost didn't recognise you,my lady,you have grown into a fine ellen." he had spoken smoothly taking in your figure,making a small blush appear on your face.
"as have you grown into a handsome ellon,but please ,just y/n, we have been friends for centuries.",youu had spoke grinning at your bestfriend, it was no lie as you grew , you had developed feelings for the shy elf. Even if you both rarely saw each other,those feelings were there for both of you ,even if the other didn't know."why have you journeyed to Rivendell" Lindir had spoken trying to act as if he hadn't blushed at you comlipment. "apparently I needed to get out more, thus here I am with the pottery that Lord Elrond had requested from my mother."Lindir had chuckled lighty ,picking up the crate of pottery,carefully in on arm,offering you the other.
In which you had taken ,looping your arm in his ,as he guided you towards where ever Lord Elrond was. "So that you are aware, Lord Elrond has guests..small ones." you didn't even get to question his words, soon you were upon them. Your eyes widen in surprise ,as they catch the sight of a bunch of dwarves, Elrond dinning with them and wizard , and one wearing no shoes and big hairy feet? Yet soon Elrond had risen from his feet ,approaching you and Lindir ,with a polite smile on his face. "Ah , Lady Y/n,It is lovely to see you again ,I assume you have brought your mothers beautiful pottery work?" you had nodded shyly with a small smile,gesturing to the crate Lindir held in his arms.
"Thank you for delivering them for me ,the items for your mother while be loaded in your wagon by the morning. Now if you will be so kind ,Lindir, will you take these to my study ,then accompany Lady Y/n to her room , and maybe give her a tour of Rivendell ,it has been a long time,since her last visit." he had spoken quickly , not wanting to keep the unpatient dwarves,that were already eyeing you up. "Yes ,it would be my pleasure ,my Lord."  Lindirs words quiet ,as your arm was still tightly clutched onto Lindir ,you didn't like the attention the dwarves were giving you at all.
"It was a pleasure to see you again ,my lady." he had bowed his head at you , in which you did the same '' as to you my Lord." and with that Lindir had lead you away from the glawking dwarves  to drop off the pottery.  Another elf had already dropping your backpack off ,with your overnight supplies  in them.
Lindir had opened the  pine door leading you into a room ,in which sat your bag at the end of the bed. "If you want to settle in have a bath and such ,I shall be back in an hour with dinner, I could have dinner with you ,o-only that is if you want,so you don't dine alone..?" blush painted on his cheeks,as did yours,looking into his bark coloured eyes . "Yes, I would love that." Lindir had smiled brightly ,turning to leave ,only for you to turn him back around hugging him tightly ,head in his chest.
"I have misssed you.." you had muffed into his shirt,he had stroked your h/c hair with his soft palm,before replying "As have I missed you...Nin Meleth" he had whispered my love ,so quietly ,like 110% more quietly than normally. Before he had pulled away ,to go get you some food ,while you bathed.
In fact you had finished much earler than expected ,so you had decided to take a walk in the gardens. Only for two dwarves,one brunette the other with hair like an lions ,to approach you almost straight away,they were handsome indeed ,but at least a head shorter than you. You was only wearing trousers and blouse type shirt nothing special.Before you could even say anything that had.
"at your service." the blond one had joined in with his younger brother in before they both bowed to you,you just stared but quietly responding "Y/n .." you weren't sure what to say in honesty,their grins were large,you were nervous you hadn't had a personal experience with dwarves. "y/n? that is a beautiful name for a beautiful elf maiden." you had blushed ,at the brunettes words,Fili had chuckled. "as are KIli and Fili, let me guess your dads name is vili." you had sassed you really was hungry, just wanted to find Lindir and you didn't some dwarves trying to bed your or fall in love.
Their eyes had widened gasping in shock " how did you know?" the blond one had finally spoken up ,"shes obviously psychic,brother." you had giggled at them ,and King Thranduil said dwarves were terrible.  Father wasn't right about that , okay so he wasn't your actually father ,forgot to mention, your father had been slaughted horribly infront of you ,so your mother and you had seeked safety with Thranduil for a while ,until it turns out your father survived and finally found you 5o years later. Thus you moved to a different forest a safer one ,mirkwood wasn't the shit.
"awwwe brother ,isn't she a beauty?"
"Indeed ,Kili." you had flashed with a blush ,staring at your feet again "thank you." you had whispered ,still looking at the floor until a hand touched your shoulder,making jump ,tripping over your feet only to be caught,looking up to see a certain chestnut haired elf,you had blushed again,as he set you back on your feet."Why do you wait so light,,its clear I do not have the hearing nor the grace of an elf ,it is clear that you do." you spoken still in shock  from him scaring you to death. "that is not true,I just came to find you to take you for dinner." he had smiled down to you whilst the dwarves watched intensely. "I think they are  courting first she flirted with him then he has made her dinner in that balcony ,too bad  the other dwarves have already eaten it.." Kili had mentioned catching both elves attention.
"the food is gone..?" Lindir had quietly replied in disbelief ,he had made the food himself ,your favourite food aswell.. Kili had nodded harshely,Lindir's face dropped,you had placed your hand on his fore arm. "hey..Its fine ,I brought cookies , we can go eat them where we met as elflings.." you had resurred your bestfriend,who's eyes had brightened up as well as the dwarves eyes.
"Miss Y/n? Could we have a cookie?" Fili had asked with puppy dog eyes ,in which kili had joined in you had nodded pulling two cookies out of your bag passing them to them ,wishing them well on their journey. IN fact they hadn't left they had hid in a bush while you had sat with Lindir in the grass,eating cookies ,holding his hand.
"you know they are right?" you had broken the silence catching Lindirs attention,his eyes searched your face in confusion.
"about what?"
"me flirting with you.." and with that you had pressed your lips to Lindirs soft ones,pulling your hand out of his ,to place it on his ,as he kissed back.
"only been waiting 200 years to confess my love for you ,then two dwarves turn up,and i finally get guts." you had spoken again as you both pulled away for air.
"I love you too nin meleth ,your nana is going to be surprised ,when she finds out." you had giggled at his words while kili handed his brother five gold coins.
Any chance for eomer requests...
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
green looks good on you  vinny mauro x reader
Request from @gardenjungle : "If you are taking requests, I would LOVE if you could do an imagine where the reader has a ton in common with Chris (likes hockey and Harry Potter, is a vegan, etc...) so they’re super close, and Vinny is super upset about it because he likes her sooo much and “Chris gets all the girls” ??? Vinny gets no love and you’re one of the only people who writes about him often. I’d also love if you could get a little sexy action in there"
Ngl this is like 1600+ words and i wrote it in like twenty minutes and loved every minute of it. i really hope you like it! i didnt end up adding anything ‘sexy’ but its pretty gratifying to say the least lol.
Song: gold by sleeping with sirens
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @ryansitkowskiswifey @joeybarber @thisplace-ishaunted
i rocked back into the couch, laughing at what chris had said. he was sat next to me, very comfortably, as we chatted amongst ourselves. we had been very close friends for a very long time and i was over the moon that he'd invited me to travel with them for this tour as the videographer. not only did i get to expand my portfolio but i also got to connect with my best friend and his band.
"okay but do you remember that one fall at the orchard when you tripped on that apple and ended up face first in the dirt?"
he laughed out and i sent him a shocked expression.
"i thought we agreed to never bring that up!"
i protested, the other guys around us sort of laughing along, them only half paying attention as they played a new video game. their focus was above our heads.
"but it was hilarious. i looked up for a split second and BAM! there you went."
he said loudly, being a little more expressive at the 'bam.' i shook my head at him.
"okay then, if we are ratting each other out about stupid shit weve done,what about that one time you got your hand stuck in the Christmas tree ties on your dads car?"
i said matter-of-factly. his eyes got wide.
"hey! that was an accident and you know it. we couldve taken my whole arm off!"
he said in his defense.
"i thought it was hilarious."
i said sternly back, smiling widely at him. he stuck his tongue out at me, a notion i gladly mirrored. then he grabbed me around the shoulders, pulling me to him. i screamed at the sudden motion, looking to vinny and rick who were sitting across from us for some guidance but they were to into the game.
"you two are too much."
ricky laughed out, looking at ryan for a second as he walked by. chris pulled me closer before licking a stripe up my face.
i said pulling away from him and wiping his saliva off of my face.
i said, grabbing his face and blowing raspberries into his cheek. he laughed incredulously, pushing me away from him.
"youre nasty."
he said mimicking my notion and wiping his face. i punched his arm lightly before swinging my legs into his lap, him holding them there and looking down at me endearingly.
"so are you."
i said back, shaking my head at him, nose scrunched.
"you know you love me."
he said, bringing his face closer to mine.
"well yeah."
i said back, squinting at him.
"i think im done for tonight."
vinny said suddenly, pausing the game. ricky sent him a look like 'wtf?' and watched him stand.
"im gonna go get some air."
he said and we all watched him walk off the bus.
"that was weird right?"
i asked and they all nodded. i had a good few chances to talk to vinny since tour had started and he seemed like a really cool guy. someone id be lucky to call a close friend by the time tour was over if not something more. part of me felt bad, like chris and i really where too much for him to handle in that moment. but this was how we always were. we practically survived our teens years together, losing touch for a bit but inevitably going back to the way things where when we found each other back.
"you guys mind if i go out there too?"
i asked and they all sort of shrugged at me, chris letting my legs go so i could stand. as i did i leaned down and kissed the top of his head.
"dont miss me while im gone."
i joked and he rolled his eyes at me.
"of course not."
i laughed a little bit as i descended down the stairs, pushing the door open and seeing vinny leaning against the bus.
"you okay?"
i asked softly, walking to him and rubbing my hands together. i had sort of forgotten how cold it had got. it was late fall after all but the bus was so warm and inviting i didnt even think about grabbing a jacket before leaving. i half shivered as i walked closer, his face being illuminated by the street lights outside the venue.
"uh yeah, everything's great."
he said a little condescendingly, kicking his foot into the gravel under him.
"im sorry if we were too much, i guess when we get together we have a tendency to overshare and its not for everyone. but i suppose thats what you get when youre comfortable with someone the way we are."
i tried to defend to him and he let out a short sigh-laugh.
"its no big deal, you guys really like each other. its cool."
i smiled.
"yeah, hes my best friend."
vinny nodded once.
"how long have you guys been together? i dont recall him ever talking about you before."
i drew my brows.
i asked and he seemed just as confused as i was.
"look i get it, chris gets all the girls, being the front man and all."
he seemed a little jealous.
"but i dont think he ever mentioned you before tour started and then one day he told us about some girl coming on to film us. but clearly you guys are close so do you have like a, i dont know, like a open relationship type thing?"
i laughed a little bit.
"you think chris and i are dating?"
he half shrugged.
"well yeah, its kinda obvious."
i shook my head and took his hand in mine.
"vinny i can assure you that chris and i are just friends. if anything hes like the brother i never asked for nor wanted but got anyways. but life just does that sometimes."
he looked down at our connected hands and let go of me promptly.
"i guess it just doesnt seem like that."
he said a little hurt. i sighed and leaned against the bus next to him.
"it would be kind of weird to bring it up to him but i like someone else in this band, if you wanted to know."
i said, looking at him a little hopeful he was picking up what i was putting down.
he said sadly. i sighed, i guess not.
"yeah, hes super cool, and nice, and ive really enjoyed connecting with him."
i shivered as the wind blew and he finally looked over at me.
"are you cold?"
he asked, ignoring what i had just said. i nodded a little bit, crossing my arms over my chest.
"just a little bit but i ll be fine."
he shook his head at me.
"no way, here."
he said taking his jacket off. at least he had long sleeves on. he placed his jacket over my shoulders, pulling it together in the front.
"thanks vin."
i said as we both returned to our positions against the bus.
"would your new dream guy do that?"
he half joked, i could still hear the venom in his voice. he was absolutely jealous. i thought it was funny because now he was jealous of himself.
"actually yeah."
he scoffed, hiking his foot up on the side of the bus.
he said looking away from me. i stepped closer and nudged him.
"he would because he just did."
he looked at me and drew his brows together.
"wait you mean?"
he asked, his face turning to that of shock. i nodded.
"god, yes. vin ive had a crush on you since i got here."
i laughed out.
"i didnt think you would like me back and then i realized just now that that was utter bullshit."
he half smiled.
"and whys that?"
he asked a little cocky.
"you were jealous of chris and that has only happened to me a handful of times in my life. once in highschool when my boyfriend said he would break up with me if i didnt stop hanging out with him. once when i graduated college and my then boyfriend accused me of sleeping with him. and right now."
he looked down a little ashamed.
"yeah i guess that wasnt fair of me to do. i just figured since you guys hit it off so fast that you were into him."
i laughed a little bit.
"dont get me wrong i love him with my whole being, but seeing someone go through puberty just does something to your vision of them ya know?"
i asked and he laughed back, nodding.
"okay, well if you really are into me, would it be stepping to far to ask you out?"
he said hopefully and i grinned widely at him.
"i would love that vin."
he sent me a tired smile in the dim street lights.
"may i also be so bold as to ask if i could kiss you?"
i let out a nervous laugh. i was really gonna let that happen huh? i nodded.
"id like that a lot vin."
he stepped closer to me slowly, placing his hand gently against my cheek, running his thumb over it. his hands were rough and calloused from playing the drums so long but i didnt mind. it kind of felt nice. he looked deep into my eyes before leaning down and capturing my lips in his. all of a sudden it felt like home, like this was it, the thing id wanted for so long and never found. his other hand made its way to my waist as he deepend the kiss. i sighed into him, practically melting against his mouth like chocolate left outside in the sun on a hot day. when he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine and smiled like an idiot, one i gladly returned.
"fucking finally."
i heard from behind me, the bus door clicking closed. both of us turned to look, seeing ricky and chris standing there grinning from ear to ear. i had a mad blush splayed across my face now and was thankful that the light was behind me so it would be harder to see.
"how long have you been standing there?"
i demanded, walking to chris and punching his arm. he laughed in pain as he rubbed his arm.
"long enough to see the sparks fly."
he teased, pushing me back. i rolled my eyes at him.
"get your ass back in the bus."
i said opening the door and escorting him back inside. he made kissy noises at me as rick followed him up the stairs. i shook my head and turned around, jumping a little bit at vinnys presence behind me.
"rick had kind of been waiting for that for a while."
he said, looking up at the now closed door. i raised a a brow.
i asked and he sent me a bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck lightly.
"ive been crushing over you for a while too. and being jealous of chris just as long, rick's been pushing me to say something. i guess it just took one last little push."
he shamefully laughed out.
"at least now we're on the same page."
i said before standing on my tip toes and bringing him down to kiss me again, both of his hands going to my waist.
"now come on, im still cold and the bus is much warmer."
i joked and he nodded along.
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lokbobpop · 3 years
Child children childhood
Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.
From Middle English child, from Old English ċild (“fetus; female baby; child”), from Proto-Germanic *kelþaz (“womb; fetus”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵelt- (“womb”).
Child c hild chi ld c hill d
Writing the word child
You know id rather the use the word child children than i would kid even though i do right out kid probably because i cant be bothered to think about how to write out children out thinking ill get it wrong when speaking i usually use kid also but would like to use child children but see i think i might be judged as old fashioned or sill for going so. So thing brings to mind how i let myself be manipulated by what others think what i say which i most certainly do most of the time as not to get judged but as something as most simple as this do i really need to know i dont hey i just need to be authentic me.
Children writing the thoughts of children young innocent thoughts of how it was in the sixths seventies and being a child
Childhood i thing my childhood was ok my dad wasn’t drinking to get angry as much then thanks fully that started a few years later
Reading the word child or children childhood
Yes much better im not a baby goat lol
Or am i really being old fashioned nothing wrong with the word kids i could use both when ever i wanted as lone as it wasn’t within energy like would i say it in from of some people and not others as then I would be manipulated within it interesting thought
Children’s books are lovely great pictures i looked to look at the pictures hey and nowadays the the picture are so amazing i think i would of loved to see the pictures if i was a child now.
My childhood i think of school play outside playing in the fields being disappointed in myself at school why could i read why was i behind the others I couldn’t understand ho wit was so easy for others and not myself it felt unfair nice teachers horrible teachers
Saying out loud child children childhood
Your just a child what do you know thoughts of being called a child as in not being very mature and being immature comes up or saying something to some one your a child grow up judgement of an event.
Children playing in the play ground fear came up of a girl that was horrible mean i think she’s dead now well i hope so not a pleasant person any way she picked on my friend and I didn’t stand up for her i even moved away and left her in the situation she was scared and so was i but i left her and i felt guilt, also to my friend i was mean i made her put some crap on a stick and took it outside the toilet I know until this day she felt ashamed of this but so do i we cant now be close she has this underlying anger i hope she can let go one day as not to bother her adult life anymore with thoughts of being upset towards me. When we went to big school i missed her friendship as i had no one int he class i had.
My childhood i think was pretty good as i said dad wasn’t purposely getting drunk and angry i mean it did happen but not everyday under 10 years of age
I child called Jeremy mills hitting me with a book on the head I remember it made me cry it hurt a lot he was an angry kid but i was surprised when the girl Michelle dean stood up for me as i thought she didn’t actually like me at that moment because i used to copy everyone when we did class work and i think it annoyed them me coping all the time they would hide there work so i felt left out not liked i feel now i sat nest to dawn i a class before that i see it annoyed them to share what they did but with Angela she didn’t mind shed copy my math not sure why as when we got higher her math was better than mine.
Watching the women’s open tennis match at Wimbledon maybe 76 when Virginia wade won the hole class got to watch it with miss Queensborough
Ok so babysitting and making the little girl jump off the stool knickers less wasn’t a good idea got me pushed down the bank on the way home from school a bit of a fuck up there but i think it had to do with being flashed at an early age i was like whats these feeling are about its just a shame it came out like this but im sorry it obviously upset a family what i did do i how this also makes my childhood not so great with doing these things what was i thinking i affected what people thought of me and then that made me feel bad about myself and with not being very good at school. How do you feel right now ? Im in regret of what ive done im sorry for what i done but also it wasn’t a bad thing what i done just wrong and definitely not something i should sentence myself to feeling bad for the rest of my life over which i have seem to have done as it has made me feel dirty about myself we are so affected by our childhood we need to be safe feel safe we need to be better parents. How can i help myself get over my childhood your ok it’s alright it wasn’t that bad and it turned out alright your ok you can let it go you dont need it anymore it doesnt have to define you anymore you dont have to feel yucky dirty not good enough its ok your good now let it go its gone breathe.
Does this definition support me no lots of polarity here of my childhood being good scary and being mean to my friend and knowing how are childhood affects us my biggest problem was not being like others at school and being as in reading and writing and really upset at myself and not understanding why I couldn’t do it.
Child ch i held
Children child run
Childhood child hood
Child a young person learning life
Children young persons learning life
Childhood when you try to make sense of the word and your place in it anything can happen but you get over it you move on past and you dont take whats not needed with you you let stuff go and do whats best fro you and others at all times by apply sf breathe self love but see realizing and understanding that things happen which must be forgiven to lead a healthy adult life
How will you live this word ?
I will live this words to support me in letting go of my own dislikes of my own childhood my regrets with self respect self love to move past so the me now can move on be whole
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P.JS - Royal!au
Genre: royal!au, servant!jisung princess!reader ft. prince!jaemin, angst
Word count: 3.1k (dont know how I did that)
a/n: okay so this is my first time trying out a royal!au so I hope it's okay 😅 ngl I kinda like it so I might write more royal!dream... also sorry this is angst i just couldnt make it fluffy without being overly cliche and gross
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A soft tap on your door steals your attention away from the seams on your bedsheets. “Miss y/n?” your servant’s voice calls.
“Come in,” you reply, maintaining all formalities through the barrier of the door, knowing that your guard is there, and will report any nonsense to your father, the king.
Your door creaks open as Jisung walks in, holding a giant tray in his hands.
“Sungie!” you call as soon as the door is closed. “Did you do it like I told you to?” you question eagerly.
“Well of course, y/n/n.”
“Yes! There’s enough for us to share!” you cheer, looking at the food your servant, who doubles as your best friend, had brought you. “Open,” you instruct him. He does as you command, opening his mouth for you to feed him the peach slice tangling from your fork. “Is it good?” you bite your lip, salivating over the fresh fruit.
Jisung nods excitedly, taking a seat next to you. “Your turn,” he nearly spits since he barely even chewed his piece before speaking. He holds out a slice for you to eat, but as you are about to snatch it, he pulls back to eat it himself.
“Hey,” you playfully smack his arm. He gives you a bashful smile before holding out another slice, and letting you eat it this time. 
“Miss y/n?” and a knock on your door results in Jisung jumping off of his perch on your bed and you grabbing the food to move to your table.
“Come in,” you call after the two of you look like a normal Princess and servant and not a couple of goofy friends.
Another servant boy, Chenle, walks into your room. “Your father wishes to see you. He has urgent news,” he tells you bowing as he moves to exit.
“Wait! Do you happen to know what it might be about?”
The boy grins at you. He was also one of your good friends since you were all about the same age and had grown up in the castle together, but unlike Jisung, Chenle wasn’t your servant. Fortunately, however, since he was able to spend his time all around the castle, he was able to get the gossip on everything. 
“Well,” he starts. Jisung and you move back to your previous seats now that the coast is clear. “From what I heard, there is another King and Queen visiting. And, if rumors are true, they have a son.” At first you’re very confused. What would another monarch have concerned with you? “But you should really leave now, he specifically said it was urgent, your highness.”
You walk quickly through the halls, enjoying the sound of your shoes hitting the tiles. You would rather run, to make up for the lost time talking with Chenle, but you aren’t supposed to, as a princess and all, it is considered unmannerly.
As you walk into the main hall, you see both of your parents as well as the familiar looking King and Queen of a nearby kingdom. And of course you couldn’t miss the boy standing next to them. While you had never met the prince before, you were certainly taken aback by his looks.
“y/n, it appears you have a suitor,” your father announces, looking proudly at the handsome boy.
“y/n, nice to meet you,” he bows. “My name is Jaemin.”
“The pleasure is mine, Jaemin,” you repeat his name, doing a curtsy of your own.
“Why don’t the two of you take a walk through the gardens as we talk?” your mother suggests. You nod and lead the way out to the back of the castle to the large garden. It was late enough that all the other workers would be done with work, leaving just you and the prince.
The two of you talk about more shallow things, getting to know about favorite colors, animals, or other useless information. You laugh along at his jokes, and find yourself swooning over his charming personality and even more charming smile.
“y/n,” his voice changes, indicating a more serious discussion. “I know you might not want to marry me. You don’t love me, well, you barely even know me. But please take some time to consider my proposal as I’ll be visiting for the rest of the week. While this marriage might be more about our parents bringing together our kingdoms, we can learn to love each other and live happy lives.”
You nod along, staying quiet to allow the boy to finish his speech. “Of course, I will consider it, Prince Jaemin,” you offer a smile to show sincerity. “It appears to be getting late. I wish you a good night,” you say before speeding off towards your bedroom.
Little did you know, your friend was watching you from the window of his quarters. Unable to hear the conversations, he watches as you laughed with the handsome prince, wishing that it was him you looked at like that.
In your room, you lied down on your bed, the springs squeaking with your sudden plunge. You were overwhelmed with odd feelings of guilt in your head, but also in your heart. For some reason you couldn’t figure out why you felt that way. There was nothing wrong with marrying Prince Jaemin; it’s what your father would want. It didn’t bother you that the marriage was political and not for love, that wasn’t the issue.
“Miss y/n,” Jisung’s voice hums outside your door.
“Come in,” you instruct.
The boy slides through your door and there it is. That’s where your feelings are coming from. It’s not that you don’t love Prince Jaemin; it’s that you do love Jisung. He seems to not notice your crisis as he continues on as usual. Well, not quite usual, as he seems more quiet and down at the moment.
“So, how’d it go?” he looks up at you. You immediately look away, your emotions for the boy suddenly making you shy.
“Well,” you tell him, afraid to admit how you really feel.
“That is… good,” he falters, hoping you didn’t catch the way he paused.
“Yes.” It is as though you two are the strangers here, as neither one of you are able to articulate yourselves. 
“Well,” Jisung clears his throat. “Is there anything I can do for you before you sleep?” He asks, following his duties as your personal servant. You wish he was asking as a friend instead. Even if he is your best friend, you know he only asks because it is his job.
“Yes, actually,” you nod. “Can you sing for me?” It was something Jisung hadn’t done in years. When you were kids, he’d sing as you fell asleep, or if you were frightened by a storm or just loud noises in the castle. Unconsciously, you smile as you reminisce on the old times. When was it that you fell in love with the servant boy? You aren’t exactly sure, but at least you know now.
“Yes, of course,” Jisung breaks you out of your thoughts with his voice.
“Wait,” you interrupt him before he can even begin. “Let me put on my pajamas first, so you can sing me to sleep like old times, okay?”
“Of course, y/n/n, I’ll just be outside your door while you change.”
Only a few moments later you okay his return, being that you changed as quickly as you could, not wanting to wait another minute to hear Jisung’s voice. You hoped it was as melodious as it was before puberty when his voice literally dropped like 10 octaves.
He walks in as you settle back under your covers. Sitting at the edge of your bed he asks you, "what would you like me to sing for you?"
"Do you remember the song from when we were kids?" He nods in response, beginning the familiar tune. You're not sure how, but his voice sounds even better now than it did back then. It almost makes you wonder why he's a servant boy instead of a performer. You close your eyes as he continues to sing softly, not quite asleep but also not quite awake. 
"Sweet dreams, princess," he whispers at the end of the song. He brings his hand up to brush a few stray strands of hair out of your face when you flutter your eyes open. "Ahhh, you're not asleep?!" He jumps in surprise, retracting his hand from you. But you were quicker than he, holding onto his wrist and placing his delicate touch back to your cheek.
"Yes, y/n/n."
"Do you think I should just marry Prince Jaemin?"
"I don't think I can answer that for you, y/n."
"Ji, I don't care if you're a servant or a prince. You're my best friend, and your opinion matters to me. I'm just worried," you whisper, trying your best to blink away the wetness in your eyes that threatens to overflow. "What if I make the wrong choice?" His heart nearly breaks seeing you so worried.
"I don't think there is a wrong choice. Just do what you think is right. You know, in your heart or whatever," he laughs at the mention of the cliche phrase.
"I don't think I can do that," you admit, offering no further explanation.
"What do you mean?"
"Because of who I am. Because the king is my father. I don't think I can do what my heart wants," a tear spills from the outer corner of your eye, but before it can make its path Jisung has already wiped it away with his finger.
"You should worry about this another time," he decides. "For now, you should get some sleep."
"Yes, y/n/n?"
"Will you stay, please?"
"Okay, but you have to promise to actually fall asleep this time," he warns you with a false, stern tone. You giggle at his antics but it dies down as he starts the song again and you drift into a far away dream.
The following morning your servant goes to wake you up as usual. He knocks on your door, waiting for the okay to enter. When it doesn't come, he cracks the door slightly to peer in. He spots you on your bed, snoring, still asleep in your dreamland.
"Y/n," he calls softly, not wanting to startle you. At no avail, he decides to enter in. Placing a hand to your shoulder, he shakes you as gently as possible. Unfortunately, you react by jolting awake and grabbing his arm violently, causing Jisung to fall on top of you.
"Princess, are you okay?" He asks loudly as the two of you look at each other with wide eyes and shocked expressions.
"Yes, yes," you catch your breath, suddenly aware of the close proximity of the boy on top of you, as well as the appearance of how this situation presents itself to any bystanders. Jisung picks up on this and quickly gets off of you while not letting go of your hold on him. "You just surprised me is all."
"You didn't have a bad dream, did you?"
"No, not at all," you grin, thinking back to your dream of running away with the boy you loved and being able to live a simple, happy life.
"You know, you should go to sleep earlier so this doesn't happen," he scolds you in a joking manner, interrupting your thoughts and bringing you back to reality. "Regardless, breakfast is ready, and do remember that we have guests, including your suitor."
You thank him as you make yourself presentable for the visiting family and prepare yourself for the war you're about to dive into with your parents.
"Mother," you speak after everyone had finished their meal. "May I discuss something with you?"
You excuse yourselves and head to an empty hall to talk.
"Mother,  I do not wish to marry Prince Jaemin," you tell her.
"Why? He is a perfectly good young man and if you turn him away, there might not be another suitor of his worth!"
"Because I do not love him," you try to explain but she cuts you off.
"Y/n, you need to think about this more seriously. This will affect everyone, so you must be wise about it."
"Mother, I love Jisung, I wish to marry him," you admit.
She gasps at your nonsensical confession. "The servant boy? Are you trying to ruin the kingdom?" She holds the bridge of her nose in frustration. "No more talk about this right now. We'll discuss this later, but please reconsider your affection for the prince."
She storms away, absolutely appalled by your suggestion. You run the other way, toward your bedroom. You don't care about the possibility of getting scolded for running as tears quickly make their way down your cheeks. Even after you've closed the door, they refuse to let up. 
As you sob into your pillow, there's a familiar tap at your door. "Miss y/n?" Jisung asks.
"Go away," you cry.
"Princess, are you alright?" You hate that you make him sound so worried. You hate that you're in love with a boy that you cannot be with.
"Go away," you repeat yourself, hearing his footsteps become more distant as you begin to despise the sound of the shoes hitting the tile floors.
You pull a pillow over your face and continue your outburst. It feels as though your tears will go on forever in endless sorrow. Until another knock sounds outside your door.
"Princess, I brought you some tea," you hear your best friend's muffled voice call out.
"Jisung please, just go-"
Blatantly ignoring your orders, he waltzes right into your room, stopping you mid sentence. 
"Y/n, what happened?" That disgusted feeling of hatred returns as you hear the worry dripping from his voice.
You open your mouth to explain, but only loud sobs escape your lips. Jisung instantly puts down the tray of tea and wraps you in a hug. "I don't want to marry the prince."
"Well if that's what you-"
"I want to marry you!" You cut him off, but refuse to let him go. You're afraid that if you release your hold on him, he'll reject you or leave. 
"But, princess," he starts. There it is, the coldness of your unfortunate situation. Reality hits you in the side of the head like a stone. You're a princess and he's a servant.
Tightening your grip on his sleeves, you admit your feelings for him. "I don't love Prince Jaemin. Jisung, I love you."
"I- I love you too, y/n," he whispers, rubbing his hands soothingly down your back as you slowly stop crying.
You finally pull away, looking at him through- now dry- puffy, red eyes. Jisung grabs either side of your face and slowly leans in, giving you enough time to recoil in favor of not doing what you're about to do. Much to his liking, you meet him halfway, pressing a long kiss to his lips. You allow yourself to revel in the bliss that is your lips on Jisung's, before you have to pull away to catch your breath.
"Let's just run away," you say, impulsively. 
"Okay," he exhales, not a care in the world for anything but you. "I'll meet you here at midnight, yeah?"
You nod. "I'll be waiting," you mumble against his lips as the two of you dive back into one another.
The rest of the day passes slowly. Jaemin continues his attempt to court you as your mother watches over you like a hawk. Her judgmental eyes follow your every move closely.
Finally, the day is closing and the servants return to their quarters to rest. The castle falls asleep, all except for you as you wait impatiently for the boy you love to come. You check the time to see midnight has long passed and begin to fret. Had Jisung fallen asleep. Had he left without you? You push that thought out of your mind, Jisung wouldn't do that. But a worse idea creeps into your brain. Had Jisung gotten caught?
You stare at your ceiling, wanting to cry. But you feel as though you've had enough crying these past few days and settle on slowly worrying yourself to sleep.
The seemingly regular knock on your door wakes you up in the morning. You desperately wait to hear Jisung's voice call your name from behind the door, to let you know that breakfast is ready, and that he is okay.
"Y/n," the voice calls. Your heart drops as the door opens, revealing the queen.
"Where's Jisung?" You ask as your heart races with stress.
She sighs, closing her eyes to emphasize her distaste with your behavior. "He's gone."
"What do you mean 'he's gone?'" With each passing second you can feel your heart break more and more.
"We wouldn't want him to interfere with your affections for Prince Jaemin," she begins to explain.
"Where is he?" You ask through gritted teeth. Your overwhelmed with anger towards your mother as she carelessly avoids your question.
"Your father and I have decided that you will be marrying the prince," she informs you, not an ounce of remorse in her tone. "And breakfast is ready, so hurry up. The prince is waiting."
As underground as you can be, you ask everyone about your missing servant. Even your go to gossip boy, Chenle, hasn't heard or seen from him all day. As far as the castle is concerned, he no longer exists.
For the rest of the day, you put on a happy mask, not letting anyone see you falter as the preparations for your engagement ceremony begin. Your false exterior only falls once you're alone, behind the closed door of your room. It is then that you realize you cannot blame anyone else.
This was your fault.
If only you hadn't devised that stupid plan. Jisung would still be here and maybe you could have convinced him to bring your favorite servant along. But, even then, you're not his, you're Jaemin's. But maybe the prince was right. Maybe you can learn to love him. But somewhere deep down you know that's not true. You already gave your heart along with your first kiss to your best friend, the servant boy.
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liljungie · 5 years
$OLD sequel | Kim Taehyung one shot
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Pairing: [mafia leader] taehyung x reader
Trigger warnings: angst / mention of guns, blood/ SMUT SMUT SMUT (I advise you to take a bath in holy water after this)
Word count: 2650
Masterlist $OLD part 1
The sequel is Requested by: @taetaeobsessed thank you so much for your support cutie!
A/N: this is the 3 time I write an ACTUAL smutty part so PLEASE don't criticize me I'm still learning any feedback is acceptable but please don't be harsh.
The whole ride to taehyung's mansion you felt numb.
Taehyung took you back to your house to grab your things, not that you had anything valuable he insisted that you to grab your stuff, his body guards got out before you and pointed a gun at your mother and Christopher who were shell shocked seeing you walk behind these two men.
Your mother cried calling your name you kept walking to your room trying not to look at her because you knew you were going to break, one of taehyung's men followed you to your room and stood near the doorframe as he eyed you packing a few things.
You took the sweaters you loved to wear and your favourite jeans, you weren't ready to wear luxury clothes that taehyung said he'd buy you so these should be enough for now.
Your hands were shaking trying to compress your sobs, you could hear Christopher cursing and yelling at the body guards you closed your eyes and trembled when you heard one of guards load the gun.
You tried your hardest to block your mother's cries then the guard startled you and told you to hurry up you closed the small bag that had your things in and carried it, the body guard moved to the side letting you walk infront of him and following you his gun still pointing to your head incase you tried to escape.
"Please dont take her please!" Your mother sobbed when she saw you in the hallway, taehyung was leaning on the wall near the door smirking at Christopher "you're a scum! a murder! fuck you!" Christopher spits at taehyung, taehyung only smirks more when his guard hits the old man with the back of his rifle.
You look away not baring to see any of this, it didn't feel real at all, you kept pinching your hand hoping that this was one of your hallucinations when you got drunk but you weren't waking up the pinchs stung your skin and it just upsets you more knowing that this is all real.
"Don't be giving me that face..you brought this on yourself" taehyung says chuckling after he spoke "didn't whoever sent you to me warn you that I'm not a man to be messed with?" He leans closer to your stepfather locking his eyes with him, taehyung's stare was definitely stronger and filled with confidence while your stepfather eyes were filled with sadness.
You can't believe that he actually felt remorse, you can see regret written across his face and that for some reason eased your aching heart, now you know that he actually felt something, you wished it happened sooner way sooner and not like this.
Your mother was almost unconscious from how much she cried you can see how her face was swollen and her eyes seemed lifeless as she looks at taehyung with loathe.
Taehyung stepped away from Christopher and scoffed "you should be thankful that I took her and not your life hmm? Think about that at least, it's not so bad after all you're still breathing" then taehyung started to clap his hands together "I congratulate you my friend, you lasted longer than the other peasants" taehyung smirked and placed his hands back into his pockets "now you have a good life...and try and not miss ____ because she's in my hands now" taehyung leaned closer and whispered into Christopher's ear "she's all mine" he let out a laugh and walked out of the house then the guard lightly shoved you to start walking.
You could feel the tears start in your eyes but you tried to ignore them as you followed taehyung to the car and shortly after the two guards that were holding your parents got in the car and taehyung's driver took off at the speed of light.
You wanted to shout for help from the top of your lungs, you wanted to scream you wanted to kick the door and just run far away from taehyung and your stepfather, but you knew it wouldn't be that easy no one could stand in taehyung's way, you didn't need to know him well enough to know what he's capable of, looks were always deceiving but not when it came to him, you know what you're in for the moment you cross paths with him and boy oh boy your path seems to darken a bit more every inch you're away from your small broken home...
Living in taehyung's mansion was...peaceful to say the least.
it's been 5 months you felt like a maid rather than a prisoner, you cooked, cleaned vacuumed.
You had nothing else to do and taehyung left really early in the mornings and came back at midnight, some days you never saw him at all.
Which you were thankful for, he didn't bother you at all nor did he touch you, the minute you walked through these door you and him separated and never talked to him since that night at the bar you used to work at.
Until one night you were in the living room you turned all the lights in the mansion off,you were watching a TV show you found randomly and you started to like it and started watching it ever since even though you missed the first episodes, maybe seasons even but it was the only thing you could do to pass time.
You fell asleep as you were exhausted from cleaning the mansion all by yourself, the loneliness was unbearable no wonder taehyung is messed up, living alone for 5 months almost drove you insane you didn't know how taehyung was doing it since he hit puberty.
Taehyung shoulders slumped finally he is home but when his car neared the mansion he felt his heart sink...why were all the lights off?
Did someone break in?
Did you runaway?
Did something bad happen to you?
Where did his guards go?
So many questions raced through his mind and the thought of you being in danger or hurt made him lose his mind even more he stopped the car as soon as he passed the mansion gates and ran to the front door getting his gun out and busted the doors open not knowing where to point the gun at but he was already aiming at something
when you heard the doors open in such away you screamed and jumped from the couch and faced the door and that's when you saw taehyung pointing a gun at you, you raised your arms up surrendering.
"It's me!" You spoke rather loudly.
Both of you had your eyes wide open and your heart was beating uncontrollably.
"_____? What the fuck?" You heard him mutter lowering his gun,you roll your eyes and went to pick up the blanket that was on the floor now from when you jumped.
"I should ask you that..." you spoke while you folded the blanket and then looked at him "you almost ruined your front doors"
He sighs putting the gun away then he rubs his temples "thought someone broke in" you scoff "you live in the middle of nowhere there's no way that that's possible" you start to walk away your shoulder brush against his arm and that's when you feel his grip on your wrist as he turns you to face him.
"I'm sorry if I..." you hear him sigh "scared you" he says licking his lips then looks up at you, you stared at him a bit taken back but then you nod your head "it's okay..." you pull your arm away from his grip and make your way to the bedroom that was now yours.
Your skin burned where he touched and you could feel your insides turn and crunch but you brushed it off, you blamed it on the loneliness and nothing else.
And ever since that night when you woke up you saw taehyung on the dinning table with breakfast prepared and ready for you.
He smiles at you warmly and talks to you while both of you eat then he leaves for work.
Your bond with him slowly was starting to build up and you didn't know how you felt about it, but it's not like you had any other choice.
But talking to him felt...nice, it was comfortable and he never did or said something that rubbed you the wrong way and with time you even started to joke and laugh with each other, you didn't feel as lonely as you used to and you started to like it here.
He told you about his past and the things he did and how sometimes things just went out of his control and that he is a human too and that everyone makes mistakes, you even saw him in a different light and knew that he was doing what he grew up thinking was right and he only did it to please his father who also was cooperating in this business til this day.
Taehyung came home one night and blood was dripping from his hands and it was all over his clothes and shoes.
His eyes where empty of emotions it made you worried about him "what happened?" You asked frantic, you never saw him like this before, if you didn't know him you'd be terrified of him.
He didn't answer you, he was shaking slightly and his face was smeared with blood maybe even tears you didn't know but it looks like it.
you ran him a warm bath and told him to sit in the tub while you washed the blood away he was staring at you, you didn't understand the look he had in his eyes but it was warm and it sent shivers down your spine and you could feel the butterflies turn round and round in your stomach.
You were done wipping the blood from his face and you washed his soft dark hair and came to turn to wash his back but that's when he held your hands and stopped you.
"Stay like this with me for a little" he spoke quietly, you're not sure if you heard him or not but you felt like you were in a trance.
The way he was looking at you made it so hard for you to decline so you stayed, your hands were locked together on the edge of the bathtub.
"Hmm?" You hummed as you stare at the water that slowly covers his long legs.
"Get in the bath with me...I'm cold"
Your head shot up and you stared at him
"But the water is warm" you told him he shakes head "no...I want you"
You sigh and come to strip off just from your pajamas but he stops you and tells you to just get in and you oblige he makes you sit in his lap facing him and he cuddles you, resting his head on your chest with his eyes closed.
You run your fingers through his hair smiling, you never saw him like this it sure was amusing "are you okay tae?" You asked after a few moments he nodded you smiled more when you heard him say "now I am"
He pulled away and creased your cheek softly his eyes looking in yours then you see a small smile make it's way onto his beautiful face then his eyes travel lower staring at your lips then back up at you.
You heart was hammering against your ribcage and you wanted to run and hide away from how much you were blushing.
"_____ can I... kiss you?" Taehyung whispered.
You felt something bloom inside of you, you nodded and he moved slowly closer to you capturing your lips between his and kissing you gently.
It felt like it lasted for long but when he pulled away you didn't want him to so you pulled him for another and another until he was gripping your sides and grinding against you he helped you slip off your wet shirt and started to kiss your neck while your fingers tug at his hair moaning with pleasure.
You feel him pick you up and slam you against the wall as he kisses you passionately, both of you were breathing heavily you pulled away from each other to catch your breath, he helped you take off your clothes and his boxers.
You heard him moan when your skin rubbed against his, his fingers slowly started to rub your clit you threw your head back and moaned at the feeling.
He smirked and kissed your neck while he kept moving his finger inside you and added one more, you went insane at the feeling he pulled his fingers out when you were about to climax you whined at the loss, you saw him lick your juices off while holding your gaze it was the most sexist thing you have ever seen looking at him with his fringe wet and messy could get you off right this minute but you didn't "let's go to my room" he told you shutting the faucet off, the tub was overflowing with water now he helped you get out of the tub and kissed you all the way until you reached his bed he threw you over and climbed ontop touching you and squeezing you in the right places and where you needed him most.
You heard him chuckle "so needy" he purrs and you nod "please taehyung please-" you cried he went to the bedside table and pulled out a condom sliding it onto his length, your mouth watered at the sight you wanted to suck him off but he stopped you "not tonight babygirl" he pinned your arms above your head and kissed you slowly moving his dick inside you, it took you a while to adjust from how big he is, your bottom lip was bleeding from how much you were biting it, he kissed your head "shhh it's gonna be okay the pain will go away" you cried and he kept giving you small pecks "you're doing so well princess" your walls clenched around him you were about to burst from how he feels inside you "you're so fucking tight" he grunts throwing his head in the nape of your neck the feeling of your walls clenching around him felt overwhelming his hip thrusts were faster and stronger it hit your soft spot until you screamed at the feeling of your climax taking over, he came soon after while kissing you deeply.
Then he laid next to you holding you close as you both were catching your breaths.
And maybe just maybe you started falling in love with taehyung.
Months turned into years and your relationship with taehyung was getting stronger by the days, he let you see and visit your mother when Christopher wasn't home.
You learned that after taehyung took you, Christopher started looking for jobs to support your mother and himself since the only income they had was from you and when you were gone they didn't have it anymore so Christopher finally took matters into his own hands and was becoming a bit better.
You didn't ask about his drug addiction nor do you care you just spent time with your mother and then your body guard drove you home.
Taehyung had a lot of good influence on you he encouraged you to do and try the things you always wanted to try, you're much more happier and confident, taehyung helped you discover who you are and be your own person.
You got your life back on track and started to attend university with taehyung's help of course and you couldn't be happier that you have a healthy relationship built on trust with someone like taehyung and the life you always wanted...
A happier,safer life.
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innocent bones ch2
Summary: Apollo gets a wake-up call in a few ways. It’s okay, though--he’s got best-friend backup.
Link to AO3 in the notes.
“Goood morning, sunshine!”
“Blrgh,” Apollo says, more to his pillow than Clay. He rolls over and pulls the blankets over his head.
“Oh, are we grouchy this morning? I can drink both of these by myself if you wanna be left alone.”
Apollo peeks out from the covers warily. Clay dangles an iced drink in a plastic café cup tantalizingly over the bed. The morning is already hot, and only promises to get hotter; Apollo knows by the time he has proper clothes on, he’ll want something cold and sweet. He sighs and kicks the sheets aside, stretching.
“Why are you in my apartment?”
“Why were you sleeping with one sock on?”
Apollo looks down. Sure enough, he still has on the sock he’d yanked on at three in the morning. “...Fuck me.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Clay says, batting his eyelashes, then cackles as Apollo swings a pillow at him and chases him around the room. When they reach the kitchenette, Clay successfully diverts his attention to a small paper bag of baked goods. Apollo allows him to exchange the pillow for a chocolate croissant. “To answer your question, I’m here to chill with my best friend on my day off, like we’ve been planning for, oh, the last three weeks?”
Shit. That’s right. Apollo scrubs the crust of sleep from his eyes, shoulders slumping. “Sorry. I remember now.”
Clay smiles easily and slides him the drink. Apollo sips. Peachy oolong tea with lemonade. “No harm, no foul. Seriously, though. Why the sock?”
“I had the most surreal fucking night,” Apollo says, and tells him about it. Clay starts laughing uproariously as soon as he mentions the teeth. He doesn’t stop until Apollo concludes with Prosecutor Debeste’s intervention.
“Oh, man,” Clay chuckles, wiping at the corners of his eyes. “How does this shit happen to you?”
“If I knew, don’t you think I would try to stop it?”
“I don’t know, would you?” Clay smirks maddeningly and bites into his muffin. Through a mouthful of crumbs, he drawls, “I’m sure you suffered so much with a handsome man vying for your attention.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, you disgusting goblin.”
“Ach, Herr Forehead,” Clay says, in the worst fake German accent Apollo has ever heard. “When I’m sad and lonely, you’re the first one I think of to cheer me up. Oh, how I wish you were here with me—“
Apollo seizes the pillow again. Clay rushes to get a grip on it before he can take a swing. They struggle for control until they both tip out of their chairs and go crashing to the hard, unforgiving linoleum floor in a heap.
“Ow,” Clay says. “Huh. I’ve had more exciting tumbles.”
“And Mr. Starbuck trusts you to pilot a rocket with him,” Apollo scoffs, feeling a bit ow himself.
“Please, I’m much nicer to Mr. Starbuck than I am to you, I don’t have to worry about fighting with him.”
They attempt to sit up. Clay somehow maneuvers their tangled limbs apart without injury to either of them. Apollo moves to stand, but Clay slings his legs across Apollo’s own before he can go anywhere.
“Hey,” Clay says, low and serious. “For real. You okay? You didn’t have any new nightmares because of all that, did you?”
Apollo winces. “...No.”
“What was that face for?”
“You’re an awful liar and you know it.” Clay frowns, concern creasing his brow. “You can tell me anything. You know that, right? You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. But I’m here for you, dude.”
“I know, space cadet. Calm down.”
“Alright, alright.”
Clay moves his legs out of the way. It’s Apollo’s turn to interrupt him before he can rise by dropping his head onto Clay’s shoulder.
“Worse than a nightmare,” he mutters.
“What? What’s worse than a nightma—oh, my God,” Clay gasps. “You had a sex dream?!”
Apollo tries to smack him. Clay catches his hand and wrestles him into a headlock.
“The most important thing to remember is that this is a normal part of puberty,” Clay says, solemnly, even as Apollo shrieks with dismay. “Every growing boy—“
“Like you could? Alright, sunshine, let’s hear it. What’s worse than a nightmare, aside from a sex dream?”
“I don’t want to tell you anymore,” Apollo says, sulkily, voice muffled by Clay’s arm.
“Come on, don’t be like that.” Clay pats his head with his free hand. Apollo grumbles some more. “Is it really that embarrassing?”
“Oh, then it’s about feelings.”
“Wh—how did you—I mean, what makes you think that?!” Real smooth, Justice. Apollo can feel the hot flush of mortification on his face.
“Honestly, dumbass, how long have we been friends? You think I don’t know how your brain works as well as you know mine?”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Yeah, you’re busy saving all your affection for Klav—ow! Don’t hit me!”
“Shut up! God.”
“You know you get to have a crush, right? That’s normal and okay.”
“I don’t want to have a crush,” Apollo moans, hopelessly. Clay finally releases him from the headlock so he takes the opportunity to bury his face in his hands. He hates catching feelings. He always blows it somehow. It doesn’t help that they never have these conversations anywhere less weird than the kitchen floor. “He’s my colleague. I need to be professional. Our working relationship is too important for me to fuck this up.”
“He got lonely while he was high on painkillers and called you at three AM and you’re still going on about professionalism?”
“It sounds stupid when you say it like that.”
“That’s because it is stupid.”
“Your face is stupid.”
“I’m serious, man. Like, if you wanted concrete evidence that he considers you a friend outside of your working relationship, it just got handed to you on a silver platter. There’s no way you’re the first friend he’s ever had that’s been a little into him.”
“...I guess that’s true.”
“Who knows? Maybe he’s a little into you too.”
Apollo gives him an incredulous look.
“It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen to you in the last year, that’s all I’m saying! And he has an awful lot of nice things to say about you for a courtroom rival.”
“We’re not rivals,” Apollo says, mostly on automatic. Clay ruffles his hair as they clamber to their feet.
“Sure, sure. Hey, speaking of things he has to say, has he said anything to you this morning?”
“How should I know? Somebody bullied me out of bed and I left my phone behind.”
“I’ll go get it, you eat breakfast.”
Apollo finishes his croissant. After a moment, Clay tosses his phone at him.
“Do I really have to check it right now?”
“If you’re gonna be such a big baby about it, I can check it for you.”
“Ugh. No, fine, I’ll look.”
Klavier Gavin, 9:04am
hey, i just wanted to apologize for last night. i hope i didn’t scare you too badly. i remember you saying i owed you one, so let me know if you come up with a way i can apologize.
Apollo lets out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Clay makes a questioning sound and a grabby hand gesture. Apollo passes his phone over, obligingly, and steals a chunk of Clay’s muffin while he reads it for himself.
“Totally normal,” Clay says. “See? It’s fine. You’re fine.”
“I’m fine,” Apollo echoes. He takes his phone back and sips absentmindedly at his iced tea as he types.
Apollo Justice, 10:38am
I’m going to change your contact name to “Teeth Theft Victim.”
How’s your mouth this morning?
Klavier Gavin, 10:39am
HF no :(
not the worst. definitely not as bad as it was last night!
i had some painkillers when i got up. mostly just feels a little weird rn
Apollo Justice, 10:41am
That sounds about right.
Klavier Gavin, 10:42am
did you get back to sleep okay?
Apollo Justice, 10:43am
Yeah, I’m fine.
Klavier Gavin, 10:43am
you’re always fine, HF ;P
Apollo Justice, 10:44am
I bet you think you’re clever.
I got plenty of sleep. Don’t worry.
Klavier Gavin, 10:45am
i am sincerely sorry though. seriously, let me know if i can make it up to you somehow
“Do I actually seem angry?” Apollo asks Clay, mystified. Clay peers over his shoulder at the message thread. “He didn’t really do anything wrong, considering his mental state at the time. I’m not trying to be brusque with him.”
“Tell him to take you out for coffee,” Clay says.
“What? Why? Where did that come from?”
Apollo Justice, 10:47am
All you have to do is not call me at 3AM saying ominous things without context again.
I know this is a terribly high bar to meet, but I have faith that you’ll rise to the occasion.
Klavier Gavin, 10:48am
you really thought i was actively dying, didn’t you?
were you actually on your way out the door?
Apollo Justice, 10:49am
I thought you had gotten roofied. Of course I was on my way out the door.
Klavier Gavin, 10:50am
my knight in shining armor ;)
“TELL HIM TO TAKE YOU OUT FOR COFFEE,” Clay yells, aggressively shaking Apollo by the shoulder. Apollo yelps and almost drops his phone.
“He’s always like this! It doesn’t mean anything!”
“Do what yourself?! Take him out for coffee?! Fine! I hope you’re very happy together!”
“God, and you mean it, too. You’re hopeless, AJ. No game at all. Give me your phone.”
Apollo Justice, 10:52am
Klavier Gavin, 10:52am
?? HF??
Apollo Justice, 10:53am
Have tio kickmny friendsd ass
Apollo does not kick Clay’s ass, because Clay has fifty pounds of muscle on him and Apollo hasn’t gotten in a real fight since he was a middle schooler, but he damn well tries. It’s the effort that counts. Maybe. Hopefully.
Apollo Justice, 11:12am
Klavier Gavin, 11:14am
Apollo Justice, 11:15am
Klavier Gavin, 11:16am
who am i speaking to??
Apollo Justice, 11:17am
Klavier Gavin, 11:18am
i’m a little worried about it
is Herr Justice okay??
Apollo Justice, 11:18am
Klavier Gavin, 11:20am
that doesn’t sound very fine
Apollo Justice, 11:21am
I am so fucking sorry.
Klavier Gavin, 11:21am
are you alright?
Apollo Justice, 11:23am
I’m fine.
I’m with a friend right now and he decided to be obnoxious.
Klavier Gavin, 11:24am
by which i suppose you
mean he stole your phone
Klavier Gavin, 11:25am
That and putting me in a headlock.
Klavier Gavin, 11:25am
Apollo Justice, 11:26am
I’m fine, honestly. We roughhouse all the time.
It’s mostly my pride that hurts.
“Bet you ten bucks he offers to kiss it better,” Clay says, slurping obnoxiously at the dregs of his iced tea. As winner’s spoils, he has retained eavesdropping privileges. Textdropping? Wiretapping? Fuck it, Apollo doesn’t know.
“He will not,” Apollo says, through gritted teeth, valiantly attempting to suppress the red-hot surge of embarrassment to his cheeks.
Klavier Gavin, 11:28am
well then, we all know you’ll survive that one :P
Apollo Justice, 11:30am
Ouch. Rub more salt in the wound, why don’t you?
“You owe me ten bucks,” Apollo announces.
“You motherfucker, you didn’t even take the bet!”
“It was implied! You would have made me give you ten dollars.”
Clay grudgingly pulls out his wallet and gives Apollo a five, three ones, and a fistful of change. He hands it over way too fast to have figured out how much the change is worth, but then Clay is actually good at numbers shit, so maybe he did. Anyway, Apollo cares more about the principle of the exchange than receiving exactly ten dollars.
Klavier Gavin, 11:31am
i prefer to think of it as a salve to help you heal faster
Apollo Justice, 11:32am
By making fun of me?
Klavier Gavin, 11:33am
by reminding u that u can pull through these hard times!
Apollo Justice, 11:34am
Klavier Gavin, 11:35am
but hey, for real. do you want to go out for coffee sometime?
“YES,” Clay hollers, victoriously. Apollo wants to curl up under the table and die of mortification.
“I can’t believe you. He thinks he has to do this because I got inconvenienced last night. This is stupid, Clay, why would you do this to us?”
“Because,” Clay says, “He flirts with you, constantly, and you’re who he calls at three AM when he’s in pain and he wants to talk to someone to distract him, and you have a crush that can be seen from space. It’s my job as your best friend.”
“It’s really not.”
“Uh-huh. Tell the nice man you’ll go out for coffee with him.”
Apollo Justice, 11:39am
You really don’t have to take me out just because of what happened last night.
Clay was being absurd.
Klavier Gavin, 11:41am
okay, sure, i understand
but do you WANT to?
Apollo Justice, 11:42am
I mean. Yeah.
If you’re sure.
Klavier Gavin, 11:43am
i’m positive :)
Apollo Justice, 11:44am
Then coffee would be cool.
“Cool,” Clay echoes. “God, AJ, you’re a mess. I love you so much. Cool, he says, when the actual rockstar asks him out on a date.”
“You bullied the rockstar into asking me on a date,” Apollo snaps, red-faced.
“I didn’t do a damn thing to him except offer a suggestion. He didn’t get put in a headlock.”
Klavier Gavin, 11:45am
Großartig! i have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, but perhaps tuesday?
Apollo Justice, 11:46am
Tuesday is fine.
What time? Where are we going?
Klavier Gavin, 11:48am
let’s say 3pm? and it’s a surprise ;)
Apollo Justice, 11:49am
I won’t be footing the bill if you drag me out to some weird, fancy upscale tea bar.
Klavier Gavin, 11:50am
nein, don’t be ridiculous. it’s my treat
“Ooh, what a gentleman!”
“Can’t you stop reading over my shoulder and let me set this up in peace now?!”
“No, I just scored you a date and you elbowed me very hard in the stomach earlier. I earned this.”
Apollo Justice, 11:52am
Does that mean it IS a weird, fancy upscale tea bar?
Klavier Gavin, 11:53am
actually it means i haven’t decided yet
Apollo Justice, 11:54am
Ah. Foolish me, then.
How am I supposed to get there if it’s a surprise?
Klavier Gavin, 11:55am
oh, you can just meet me at my office and i’ll drive us there
...unless you’re still afraid of my motorcycle? :P
Apollo Justice, 11:58am
I’m not afraid.
But you better have a second helmet.
Klavier Gavin, 12:00pm
don’t i always, Schatz?
“You go on his motorcycle?” Clay says, outraged and oblivious while Apollo can feel himself going scarlet from the roots of his hair all the way down to his collar. “This is so unfair. You’ll barely get in a car with me, and you’re terrified of motorcycles. How long did it take you to realize you like this guy again?”
Through gritted teeth, Apollo says, “You drive like you’re trying to die young, and Klavier is the only person I know who consistently follows every single traffic law to the letter.”
“Sounds like—“
“Also, we work together, and basically every time I’ve gotten a ride from him has been to or from case-relevant locations.”
“—Like excuses to me. What does Schatz mean, anyway?”
“I don’t know,” Apollo lies. Clay’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. He’s not that oblivious, then.
Apollo Justice, 12:04pm
I guess so.
Klavier Gavin, 12:05pm
so tuesday at 3pm, meeting at my office, then?
Apollo Justice, 12:06pm
Works for me.
I have to go, I’m supposed to be hanging out with Clay today. But I’ll see you Tuesday?
Klavier Gavin, 12:09pm
tuesday it is! i can’t wait to see you ;)
and tell your friend i said danke, ja?
Apollo Justice, 12:11pm
Thanks, he wasn’t already being insufferable enough.
“Oh I’m the fucking best,” Clay says, gleefully. Apollo tries to hide a smile, but it’s pointless. Clay has already thrown an arm around his shoulders to squeeze him in a tight side-hug. “Who is the best friend in the whole wide world who probably just got you laid?”
“Remember this when I’m done with my mission and I have time to date again, okay? I expect equally enthusiastic wing-manning from you.”
“You have literally never needed me to wingman for you,” Apollo says, with fond exasperation. “Besides, what happened to that alien boyfriend you keep insisting you’ll come back with?”
“Well, maybe he’ll only be my alien work-friend when I come back, and I’ll need my dear friend to help me push past my misconceptions about professionalism to find true love.”
“Good grief,” Apollo says, as the blush that had been steadily dying down on his face flares back to life. “True love? It’s one coffee date. Slow it on down.”
Clay opens his mouth, probably with the intent to say more wild shit about Apollo’s upcoming date (a date! With Klavier! Is Apollo still in a weird exhaustion-induced feelings dream?), so Apollo hurriedly jumps in to say, “So how did you want to spend your day off? Video games? Movies?”
“I want to kick your ass at Smash Bros,” Clay says.
“I think we can arrange that.”
“Almost as easily as we just arranged—“
“Pushing your luck, Terran.”
“I learned that from the very best,” Clay says, nudging Apollo’s shoulder with his own with a fond grin. Apollo can’t help but smile back.
“I guess you did.”
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viktormaru · 5 years
a super post on some kakashi and sakumo meta
Alright lets do this
BOOKS?? idk is there any connection how lil Sass and Strict Kakashi somehow ends up to porn?? did he accidentally read the word 'boob' in one of Sakumos books and was forever tainted.
According to Naruto Online, Kakashi starts reading Jiraiya’s books at age 18. So what I think happened is well ... puberty. Kakashi shows a bit of an interesting in reading early on so we can assume he was already into books. But then I imagine that like... he hit puberty at around 14 but things were still a mess back then, seeing minato dies then and so on so Kakashi never had a chance to process those things properly. But then time passes, he’s ANBU and he needs to do something whenever he’s stuck on the village be it to recover or simply because he has no missions. He’s gotta isolate himself and Gai keeps giving him frowny looks at the depressing books he has so he goes to the bookstore to get a new one and its like... he bumps into some sales and oh.. its Jiraiya’s book... Kakashi knows Jiraiya. And he opens the thing and goes red. Glances around and its like, his whole new set of hormones make themselves very known and Kakashi buys the thing and reads it alone and is super embarrassed but LOVES it. Its so different from everything else his read he cannot stop reading it. Travel fowards a little and Kakashi notices he can use it to troll other people so he starts reading it in public.
Do you think Sakumo brought Kakashi along on missions a lot? Lower ranked missions, as bonding and training? And and, because the leaf village doesn't vet these things, one of those D/C missions actually turns out much more dangerous than intended and Sakumo has to teach Kakashi how to kill much earlier than he intended to, which is partially why Kakashi is desensitized to violence until the one dead is his dad
Yes! I think at first Sakumo would bring Kakashi along because he didn’t trust anyone with the baby (and he was paranoid the kid would die if he got too far away ever since his wife died) so kakashi is a mandatory company for any missions within the village. It becomes a habit and when Kakashi’s curious eyes just swept over anything Sakumo did , he found it cute. And then Kakashi started to try to copy what Sakumo did and proved that maybe he could do those things as well. So sakumo takes him along as a learning experience and just a way to spend time with him (sakumo is not good at Dad-ing in his own opinion but he’d good at ninja-ing, so if he can teach kakashi how to ninja, he will). And yes, I can see missions going south and Sakumo having to teach Kakashi about life and death, about in the shinobi world sometimes its you or them, and Kakashi having to process it the best way he can. Kakashi knows early on that poorly trained shinobi are dead shinobi.
Opinions on animals that are not dogs?? Are they okay with cats or do they Dislike because of the cat v dog natural fight
They are probably ok with other animals, including cats. Dogs are just their favorites. Also, Kakashi might be a dog lover but he’s sure cat-like often! Gotta stick with the pack though, dogs number 1.
What was Sakumo's relationship with the ninken?
With his own or Kakashi’s? I love the idea that Sakumo had a pack of wolves that he called The Ladies (read that on a fic but can’t remember it now). Just a bunch of amazing wolves that Sakumo respects a lot (hes the babiest of them all, they call him soft). If you mean Kakashi’s... idk if like... 5 years old is an age in which summoning is possible but I think Sakumo would love them as his own children as well (in a way).
What did Kakashi tell his dad in the afterlife?
Tales of team minato at first! Sakumo would have loved clumsy obito, kind rin and the lovely Minato. He tries to tell him happy stories. He goes over the sad stories and the losses and he tells him about Gai, about how sakumo had been right and how Gai really has made a difference. He tells about team 7 and their potential. He talks about himself and about how much he’s changed from the little girl he used to be and he hopes he could be something his father could be proud of. 
Did Sakumo attend PTA meetings
*googles PTA*
Well, he had to when they decided to boost Kakashi through the ranks. Sakumo was shitting his pants in fear thinking something might have happened to Kakashi or some trouble was stirred with the kids but then they were just like “yea hes too good to be in this class” and gave praises about his childs performance and sakumo was just like “..... ok....”
Do you think Kakashi hated his dad for a while after his suicide? Or do you think he hated the village?
I think he hated his father, or tried really hard to. It’s really complex. Kakashi seems to still love his father despite everything but... hating the village is something that is just.. its not possible. Its not allowed. Kakashi was bred to fight and die for the village first and foremost and what that means is that if the village turned against him then its cause he must redeem himself. And if his father died under the pressure, then its cause his father couldnt give the village what he should have given. The village abandoned him cause he deserved it, sakumo abandoned him cause he chose to. 
Kakashi understands the reason his father did what he did, but falls into denial because the opposite would turn against the village. And now that he was alone, how the hell could that even be possible? If he becomes a better ninja he will prove himself to everyone. If sakumo had been a better ninja he wouldnt have been scorned so much. Simple logic. 
Its easier then thinking about the morals of one actions and the whole deal of humanity versus being a weapon of the village. 
What happened to Sakumo's ponytail
Kakashi cut it
Did Sakumo read Jiraiya's books
I dont think sakumo was alive by the time jiraiya published his first book! I think Jiraiya had a few drafts before though, just random stuff he’d scribble. Sakumo liked the cheesy romance shorts (they were bad).
In SD, there's a joke that Sakumo is the inventor of the One Thousand Years of Death. Thoughts?
i LOVE IT. Sakumo impressing Kakashi with a super secret dangerous forbidden technique and Kakashi is like oh?!?!!! And he tries to get Jiraiya with it.
Relationship between Sakumo and Minato?
Ah! Theres one fic out there that i really like that shows how i picture their relationship to be like. Minato at first being a nervous puppy around this Man of Legends Sakumo, and said man  being completely unaware of his status and just being like “oh wow what a nice boy”
 this fic btw: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12854022
Relationship between Sakumo and the three sannin?
Jiraiya likes Sakumo because Sakumo is very easy to be dragged to places and he can talk nonstop to him and Sakumo is usually too nice to call him an idiot. Sakumo hangs out with Jiraiya cause he fills the silence for the both of them and makes him leave his home and try to have fun some times (sakumo is a workaholic unfortunetely)
Tsunade thought he was a coward at first but its also very easy to make him pay for your tab so she keeps him around. She learns eventually that he!s smart and a good person and a good listener! So they become friends and they can gossip about jiraiya too. Sakumo was definitely terrified if tsunade at first but shes too fucking cool and smart. Hes always scared into hanging out with her but ends up enjoying himself around her.
Orochimaru finds him too bland. Sakumo is boring and soft and he fights like a legend but says sorry too much. They only hang out because of their shared friend circle. Sakumo is too busy being socially inept to know what to do around Orochimaru. Its painfully awkward, he feels bad.
Has Sakumo beaten up Hiruzen?
Oh hell yeah! They totally must have sparred at some point and DAMN Sakumo’s a beast when hes fighting. Hits like a fucking truck. Destroy that old man.
Is Kakashi gay
What do you think if kakashi wanted to be a medical and how will that affected the storyline
Oh! Ive read a fanfiction on this! Its pretty good and I think its about how things would have happened if Kakashi was a medinin.
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dovechim · 6 years
thy cup runneth over (m)
➾ jeon jungkook x reader, mentions of ot7 x reader 
➾ 2.2k
➾ warnings: dirty talk, name calling, mentions of polyamory relationships, hand jobs, lots of cum
➾ jungkook needs help with his dick cup in his pants. 
➾ a/n: please dont ask what this was. i dont even know myself anymore :”) 
The dressing room is an absolute mess. People running around like chickens with their heads cut off, clothes strewn everywhere, shoes all over the floor just waiting to trip someone. It’s always like this before showtime, all hell breaks loose and you really feel like one of these days you might actually trip over a boot that Namjoon left lying around and break your neck.
“Hey where’s my right shoe?” Namjoon yells from the other room with a jacket half on his lanky frame, a dozen makeup artists hovering around him to make sure he doesn’t mess up his hair.
You toss the shoe to him, muttering under your breath about how no one ever uses the shoe racks provided before going back to helping Yoongi with his jacket. It’s a slight struggle to get the sparkly blazer over his frame, and you can’t help but notice how much broader he has grown since the start of the tour. Even his biceps feel a lot thicker when you grasp them on pretence of helping him with his jacket.
“I know, I know…” Yoongi grumbles under his breath before you can say anything. “I’ll slim down from now on. The golden brat’s been dragging me to his workouts lately.”
“What?” You frown and put your hands on his shoulders, turning him to face you fully. “Who said you could do that? You look nice like this. If you want to bulk up, just do it. I’ll just alter your jackets.”
A brief hint of a smile ghosts across his lips as he brushes his thumb against your elbow in thanks, adjusting his earpiece before his attention is stolen away by a stage manager. You’re just staring after his ass that seems to fill out his pants so much better now when a shout interrupts you.
“Noona, come help me with this,” a demanding voice calls from the other side of the room behind the privacy screen.
Sighing regretfully, you tear your gaze away from Yoongi’s ass- it almost seems to rival Jimin’s now- as you head towards the corner of the room. “What is it- oh my god!”
You immediately close your eyes and whirl around to prevent yourself from seeing anything unholy, putting your hand over your eyes for extra protection. “Jungkook- why the fuck are your pants down?”
It’s not like you aren’t used to things like these, after all, when working with a bunch of sweaty boys under a time limit, things tend to get a little R rated sometimes. But you haven’t actually seen any of them in the flesh, thank god. And if you have anything to say about it, Jeon Jungkook’s will not be the first dick that you see.
“Put some fucking pants on!” You hiss with your back still turned. “For fuck’s sake!”
“I can’t,” Jungkook whines from behind you.
“Everyone’s nearly ready to go and you’re still- come on Jeon, you have to be on in ten!” You turn around carefully with your hand still over your eyes. “Is it safe? Can I look?”
“Noona, I can’t put my pants on,” Jungkook repeats again in a calm voice, and you peek in between your fingers, careful to keep your eyes strictly above chin level. “I can’t put my pants on, I need help with my cup.”
Occasionally the boys have to wear pants without underwear because they’re too tight, and usually they wear athletic cups for a little support. It’s a well-known fact in this industry and no one really makes a big deal about it, you’ve never had to deal with it head on like this before. None of the boys have ever explicitly asked for help in dealing with something as private as this before, and you have to admit that you’re at a loss for words.
Jungkook has the gall to smirk at you as he glances down at his crotch before meeting your eyes again. He lifts an expectant brow as he crosses his arms. “Like you said, we don’t have much time, so if I were you, Noona…”
You close your eyes and sigh briefly. “What’s the problem with it? What do you need help with, specifically? Do I have to… touch it?”
“It’s too small,” Jungkook says simply. “I need a bigger cup. Can you get me one?”
“What?” You narrow your eyes and almost glance down, but manage to stop yourself just in time. “Haven’t you always used the same one? Why would you need a bigger one all of a sudden?”
His answer is simple, and it sets your blood boiling. Jungkook shrugs. “Puberty.”
You hit him over the head hard, and feel no remorse for it whatsoever. “Puberty stopped for you years ago, you stupid punk.”
“Well, unless you want me to go out there with my dick hanging out…” Jungkook sighs as he makes a move to leave the privacy screen, and you panic, placing your hands on his chest and pushing him back in.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back,” you glare at him before sprinting to the supplies room.
You don’t get paid enough for this. But you need your job, need to pay off that stack of bills waiting for you at home, need that tiny bit of enjoyment that comes from ordering a new bag online, amongst other things.
“Get me an XL cup, noona!” He yells over the chaos of the entire room, and heat singes your cheeks when the Taehyung whoops in approval.
“If he needs XL, I’ll need XXL!” Seokjin retorts in response, turning towards you and unbuttoning his pants, causing you to shriek and close your eyes in fear, nearly crashing into someone else.
“Woah, hey, be careful,” a pair of hands grabs your shoulders and you carefully open your eyes only to see Jimin’s warm smile.
“God, Jimin, sorry,” you breathe out as you make to step around him, but Jimin doesn’t let go.
“XL cup for Jungkookie? You know I’m using the only XL cup we have, right?” Jimin smirks as he pushes his bangs off his forehead. You actually feel your throat dry up at the sight of his piercing gray eyes, but then you snap back to your senses and push him aside.
“Shut up, Park, we all know you’re a medium on a good day,” you brush past him and push open the supplies room door. What is it with these boys today? It’s like all of them are suddenly the horny teenagers that they really are and they’re breathing down your neck.
You rummage around in a few boxes for a while before you come across the right one, full of athletic cups for various sizes. As you sift through them all, it’s painfully obvious that they’re mostly mediums and larges, a few smalls here and there, but no XLs, much less XXLs. You wonder if you can really send Jungkook out there without a cup, but what are you supposed to do if you can’t find a size for him? Even ordering a cup online would take a few days at the minimum.
You’re almost at the bottom of the box with no luck when you pull out a few plastic packages to check the sizes, and to your relief, one of them reads XL. Shoving the box back into place, you race back into the main dressing room, checking your watch to make sure you still have enough time.
Jungkook is still waiting with his pants down behind the privacy screen when you shove the cup at his chest.
“Hurry up, we’re out of time.”
“Can you help me with it?” Jungkook’s pleading voice stops you from leaving immediately, and he grabs your wrist with his other hand. “It’s hard to get it on by myself, and-“
You don’t get paid enough for this. You love your job. You love your job. You need your job.
Holding your breath, you turn around and steel yourself, glancing down at his crotch with your heart pounding in your chest, only to discover that he’s almost fully hard. His cock is dripping with pre cum, and you swear under your breath.
“Jungkook, what the fuck? Of course it’s hard to get it on when you’re sporting a literal hard-on!”
“You were checking out Yoongi hyung’s ass just now, weren’t you?” Jungkook asks calmly, as if his dick isn’t hanging out of his pants, and it isn’t five minutes to showtime. “Is something going on between you and him?”
“What? No- we’re not- I mean, what does that matter?” You avert your eyes from his cock. “Jungkook, you need to calm down, just… think unsexy thoughts or something.”
“How can I think unsexy thoughts with you right in front of me, noona?” Jungkook smirks as his eyes linger on your collarbone exposed by your shirt. “ And if anything’s going on with you and him, I want in too,” Jungkook continues as if you haven’t said anything. “We all do, noona. We were talking about it last night, and we decided we could share you. One of us for everyday of the week. And I get you first.”
It feels as if all the air has been sucked out of the room, and suddenly, it’s hard to breathe. You blink hard, hoping to finally wake up from this daydream, nightmare, fantasy, whatever, but when you open your eyes, Jungkook is still there with his dick out, his dark, smoldering eyes appraising your lips.
“We can’t talk about this right now,” you take a deep breath and steel yourself, glancing behind you to make sure that the privacy screen is secure. “Keep your mouth shut.”
You grab his dick and smooth your thumb over his head, spreading the sticky liquid over his entire length as you start to pump him up and down at a rapid pace, hoping to get him off as fast as possible. He feels hot and hard in your palm, thicker than you expected, and after a while your arm starts to ache, but Jungkook’s little whines and pants spur you on.
“Fuck, that’s so good, you feel so good,” he pants as he leans forward to bury his face into your neck. “Hyungs and I were talking about how tight your pussy would feel. Who’d be the first to be inside you. The first to cum inside you. Which one of our cocks would make you scream the loudest.”
Hearing the youngest say such filthy words almost takes your breath away, but you force yourself to focus on the task at hand, literally. Against your will you start to imagine what it would be like if all the boys had their turns with you, if you were to get on your knees for all of them like some kind of commonplace slut. The thought both shames and arouses you, and you unconsciously rub your thighs together.
Jungkook spots it immediately, his hands coming to cup your hips and pull you into his chest so that his sticky cock brushes against your shirt, leaving a trail behind as you pump him up and down.
“You like that? Getting on your knees for all of us and letting us all cum on your face.” Jungkook thrusts into your hand when your strokes slow down. “Who knew you’d be such a bad girl, hmm? Let me cum all over your tits.”
Sinking down onto your knees, you draw your shirt over your head to expose your satin bra as Jungkook takes over stroking his cock. From your view on your knees, the sight of his sweaty neck, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip and his small little whines and moans has you closing your eyes and eagerly awaiting the warm splash of his seed on your skin. Jungkook cums with a stifled moan of your name, swearing as he jerks his cock furiously so that every drop of his semen lands on your skin, soaking your bra completely.
He milks his cock dry, shuddering as the aftershocks of his orgams run through his body. Junkook glances down to take in the sight of your cum soaked bra before you carefully pull your shirt down to hide it, and he sighs in disappointment.
There is a knock on the privacy screen, and you recognise Yoongi’s voice. “Hey, finish up in there, we’re on in two minutes.”
Your panicked gaze shifts over to Jungkook, but he only shrugs nonchalantly.
“He knows about this? I thought it was just some twisted porn fantasy of yours,” you hiss at him as he motions for you to hand him the athletic cup still on the floor.
“It was true, every single word,” Jungkook admits. “We are serious about sharing you, noona. That is, if you want to.”
You keep your lips tightly pressed together as you gently tuck his soft cock into his pants, sliding the cup over it and making sure everything is in place. Jungkook shifts a little from overstimulation, but you zip him up and pull at your shirt uncomfortably.
Jungkook picks up his hoodie from the floor and hands it to you. Before he can say anything, however, Jimin peeks his head in, disappointed to find everything already over. But then his eyes land on your soaked, almost translucent shirt with a greasy little smirk.
“Tomorrow it’s my turn right?”
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panda420 · 4 years
I don’t know how to start this so I’m just going to go for it.
The first time I got high, like actually high, I was with my best friend. He had jerry-rigged this wire in order for us to hit this cart bc neither of us had a pen. I had gotten “high” before, but it wasn’t anything special. Just hitting a friends pen before bed so i never really experienced a high. ANYway... we were taking turns just taking pulls from this cart connected to my car charger port by this frayed wire. I remember we were in the back of a Mission BBQ bc I originally was going to get some food from there, but as soon as that high kicked in I knew mcdonalds was the ONLY move. By the time we got up to the speaker in the drive through I realized that we had 2 orders. Normally I’d just tell them i have 2 orders in the car, but my high-self decided that the only way this would work is if my buddy hopped in the back seat to “trick “ them into thinking there were two cars, therefore, two orders... Solid thinking right? We get up to the window to pay and at this point my friend realized what I had made him do and was absolutely losing his shit. I mean he was laughing like a lunatic. TO understand my friends laugh fully you have to listen to a seal mixed with a teen going through puberty. His laugh made me laugh which sorta sounds like Seth rogans, but high-pitched. Very quickly it escalated to the point where we were laughing without making a sound (you know the feeling). I sat at the pay window with my debit card in my hand for a solid 15 minutes before I realized that I still needed to pay for my meal. This thought was also somehow the funniest thing in the world to me, but i managed to give them my card and get it back, but I sat there still because my friend had to pay for his. At this point we’ve sat in this line for around 25 minutes. I finally realize this fact and grab his card and pay for his food. The same thing happened at the food window... I pulled up and grabbed my food and drink and sat there to wait for my buddies, but my plan had apparently worked bc they believed that his food was for the car behind us. Now my friend and I had to explain that this order was his and not theirs, but its mcdonalds they really dont care so we just got his food and left. We spent a good 30-45 minutes in that drive-thru... We then parked in their parking lot and proceeded to eat this glorious meal. At this point I was so high that everything was moving in slow motion and I swear my fries were refilling after each one i ate. I was becoming slightly paranoid about this car beside us because they had been sitting there for what felt like hours, but at this point I thought “everyone already knows we’re high, just vibe with it now” and that was my mindset the rest of the evening. When we had finally finished our food we decided to drive back to my buddies house. I was sort of coming down at this point, but still was very high. On the drive back my mind could NOT get away from the fact that the grass outside looked so COMFORTABLE. To this day I still don’t know why, but I desperately wanted to lay in it. And i did. We stopped at this park near his house and I laid in the grass for approximately 3 seconds, but it felt like 3 hours. When we got back to his house we just chilled for a while. We then decided to get high again and sit in his hot tub and if that wasn’t a vibe then idk what was, but yeah. That is my first time really experiencing a good high.
This is my first post so idk what to do, but i hope whoever is reading this enjoys it!
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therewas-a-girl · 5 years
Shipwrecks, Of the Wretched, de profundis ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
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you think i will be intimidated by this BUT CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!! *cracks knuckles*
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
this fic is written mostly traditionally tbh - its cronologically told, in third person and mostly from one pov which is (and will be) feclicity. however, i have changed my mind about a lot of things since i started the fic - for one, i want to incorporate the whole ‘unreliable narrator’ thing a lot more. i want to use flashbacks more carefully: playing with timelines in how cetain present time events triger past moemories that illuminate the REASON behind present time choices. things like that. 
the real inspiration for the fic itself was another fic i read -  I've Never Truly Loved (Until You Put Your Arms Around Me) by theirhappystory. And the fact that i read that fic ... while i was on a boat... while there was a storm. a small one BUT STILL. 
2: What scene did you first put down?
Whatever Walks Here, Walks Alone - aka oliver looking at felicity in the lair. by itself this scene could fit anywhere from the begining of season 1, to anywhere in season 2. i didnt really write it with a timeline in mind. it was mroe like me pondering the characters. 
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
i had a LOT of fun - unexpected fun - writing Diggle’s pov in teh whole situation. you see, when i started the story the first thing i wanted to figure out was where do i want the characters to end up in relation to each other - so that i could start the story with them being in the diametrically opposite  spot! but then i realized that i also want contrast within the trio - and where oliver and felicity move towards each other at a glacial pace, john and felicty have a much more easy time understanding where the other stands. like... they vibe. and it had a lot o fun planing out that vibe - and all teh ways it pisses off oliver, in the begining. 
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
To answer this i would have to go back and re-read a lot of what i wrote and plan to write, but there is a line that STAYS with me and its one felicity says. 
so - in the show, the trio do eventually find out that the Gambit was sabotaged and did not just sink. Now - in Shipwrecks - this would have  a major devastating effect on felicity, who was in the gambit with oliver and sara. And she is the one that has the hunch that moira was involved (i think this happens in canon too?) - and she pushes oliver about it. Bc ofc she thinks of moira as just another person. Worse even - a person who hurt her. At this point she is MANIC about it and it freaks oliver out. Like, take the natural defensiveness he has against the idea and add a fear that felicity might genuinely kill his mother, and you get him being very agressively AGAINST felicity following moira anywhere. and when felicity understands that oliver has no intention of pursuing a what she sees as a genuine lead about the event that practically ruined them as people, she just, shuts down, makes a disgusted face, thinks of all the ritch fuckers she’s known and framed and used and how they close ranks when their reputation or personal interest is touched and just, blurts it out.  
 ‘you fucking people.’ 
5: What part was hardest to write?
all of it lmao. like WRITING IT. 
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
The fact that i planned it out and it has like, different installments and a whole journey, which is one of losing oneself, understanding that ones self has been lost, seeing vengence for that loss (aka giving in/facing the anger it causes), seeking freedom, going against ones impulses to build better ones, building relationships, mantaining them, finding ones self through small acts of kindness towards ones self, rebuilding ones personality
basically i wrote a journey about getting out of depression and grief, before i realized that THAT was what i was actually writing about. 
7: Where did the title come from?
The title of the series is pretty straightforward: they were shipwrecked and now theyre coming back. 'above the vaulted sky’ is a line from a I am, by John Claire.  
I am—yet what I am none cares or knows;My friends forsake me like a memory lost:I am the self-consumer of my woes—They rise and vanish in oblivious host,Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throesAnd yet I am, and live—like vapours tossedInto the nothingness of scorn and noise,Into the living sea of waking dreams,Where there is neither sense of life or joys,But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems;Even the dearest that I loved the bestAre strange—nay, rather, stranger than the rest.I long for scenes where man hath never trodA place where woman never smiled or weptThere to abide with my Creator, God,And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,Untroubling and untroubled where I lieThe grass below—above the vaulted sky.
It’s a rather sad one actually, but i read it as a poem about hope. About the dream of hope, anyway. And this need to be away - from what is known because at this point what is known is horrible and the only happiness the imagination can come up with, is to be as far from it as possible and alone. and that is very much where felicity starts out with. With her hope not being about peace, but an isolation in stillness because that is the only good place she can imagine. 
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
It did. I’ve been depressed and strugling with horrendous issues of self worth and anxiety since i was about 14. And i never knew. It literally took me turning 28 to realize what the fuck was wrong. And its depressing (lol) because its just so much fucking time that i wasted, you know. And i remember - like, when i was deep in my depression - i used to think all the time ‘I must have been a real life person once. Like, an actual person, with a personality, and likes and dislikes and feelings - but i dont remember her. I dont know who that girl even is, i woudlnt regognise her at all.’ It felt like some part of me had died. Like there was literal murder involved. Cause so little of me survived. 
but it turns out, i have been this way - just less intensely (and in some cases a lot MORE intensely) since i hit puberty. i didnt die - i just got worse and did not deal with it at all.  
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
not really. not yet, anyway. 
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
im actually not sure that i do want oliver-felicity for this sotry. the dynamic between felicity and tommy is also very veyr interesting. and i dont really know where i will take them. especially in the first and second story, their connection is intense. but this is also part of teh slowburn - oliver and felicity, however it happens, its gonna be slow. 
11: What do you like best about this fic?
how personal it is to me, and my experience. and the fact that, if i write it well, i might actually be sayin something. 
12: What do you like least about this fic?
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
PHEW I have whole playlists i built as i was ordering this whole series. with songs that fit the mood, the direction of the storytelling and all. 
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I genuinely want people to see this as a story about healing.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
i havent written all of it yet - but i did learn something very interesting about myself. that i have been putting my trauma into narratives to deal with it looong since i knew that was a thing, or i was even aware that i was doing it. 
and on that depressing note, i will end this post and start a new one for the other stories lmao 
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