#i dont know much about how netflix does their shows
willosword · 2 years
i know it literally hasnt even been 2 weeks yet but…………….. i want sonic prime s2 release date 😔
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ohcorny · 4 months
i need to be a hater on main about scavenger's reign or i will explode. i cannot be alone in this.
now that it's being moved to netflix and people are talking about it again, all i'm seeing is glowing praise and absolutely no criticism of the writing. i will gladly agree with anyone that it's visually stunning. like, a+ in that regard no argument. great looking show, and the worldbuilding of the planet vesta is super cool and clearly considered. i like those parts! but that seems to be all anybody is responding to when they praise it.
the character writing is fucking ridiculous. i could point at any of them individually and go "what the fuck is this" but it's been months since i watched it and i don't like arguing a point i can't clearly remember. but it was the most egregious around ursula so i'm going to focus on her. her character seems to exist just to cause problems for no reason, to the point where she's also the only character we get no backstory on. we never see her in flashbacks on the ship, never learn what she did for it or why she was there, nothing about her at all. she is the only one.
and she is the #1 source of shattering my suspension of disbelief. you cannot tell me that she and sam were surviving together for a month on this incredibly hostile planet, working together every day to call the ship down, to figure out how the world worked and what was dangerous and what they could use.... and then tell me she would turn around and treat him the way she does.
spoilers below the cut
she is so hostile toward him all the time for no reason. she wanders off to go look at a weird plant in the middle of a bramble that crushes you if you don't get out the right way, leaving sam alone on the outside with no idea what she's doing or where she is or if she's alive. and when she comes out and he is VERY REASONABLY upset that she did that and isn't interested in hearing about the thing she saw, SHE gets mad at him and says she doesn't need him.
this could be explainable if there was any real tension between them, or if we're given any reason to believe she actually could survive without him, but there isn't! she fucks up with the spores in the very first episode and would absolutely die if she was alone. sam is never anything but a good leader to her and keeps trying to look out for her, and any time he's "wrong" it's because he showed reasonable caution about the fuckplanet. he gets hurt by the egg parasite because he didn't want to climb into a giant animal's egg sac. reasonable thing to not want to do! when he and ursula get into that argument about her disappearing on him, he gets hauled off by the weird emu for the dramatic irony. because he was upset his only companion in the world disappeared. he never does anything wrong. it's never his actual character flaws that he gets punished for, it's only ursula's ~trusting your instincts~ shit that ever gets him hurt. she is ultimately responsible for his death but the show never acts like it.
so much of the show seemed to be drama for drama's sake. do not get me fucking started on kamen's creature. what was that thing's fucking problem. what was kris' fucking problem?
if i have to ask 'what is their PROBLEM' at every other character's choices, your writing is not good.
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low-budget-korra · 7 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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danthropologie · 1 year
anything interesting from the podcast? i don't really like dax so i dont wanna listen to it but I still wanna know what dan said😭
it's going under a cut cause it's long as hell and basically just a play-by-play replay of (most) of what was talked about:
it literally begins with daniel offering to turn off supercross, which is on the background, if it's going to be too distracting. i feel like this is important context
dax asks about it was like driving in the australian outback for that rbr promo video a few weeks back. daniel: "i'm gonna break something to you... [it wasn't you?] not all of it." he says it took an extended trip and he couldn't have made it work with scheduling, specifically mentioning the simulator.
he says after that video—cause it WAS real, it just wasn't all him—and being back in the red bull family, he's been reminded of how much cool shit they do. "and even, you have an idea and you just share that idea within the family, and something normally comes through from that idea."
dax asks how he feels about being a passenger in some of that crazy shit, the loop-de-loop helicopters and planes and shit. "the older i get, the less i say yes" but then says he's torn cause the older he gets, the more he wants to push himself to have experiences like that, even if he's scared shitless. says it's easier with things he doesn't understand, like planes, to just close his eyes and put his trust in whoever's controlling it. he knows too much with cars.
dax asks if he ever worries that because he has this crazy job, these people are gonna give him an extra crazy ride, thinking that's the expectation? daniel says he tries to be very honest with people, tells them that they don't have to do too much because he's a bit of a wuss.
they talk about nurburgring, the track daniel's driving this fall. daniel tells a story of driving the track at 18 years old in a rented fiat punto, not long after he'd moved to europe. he ended up cutting through a chicane and putting it in the grass 😭
dax says he hopes they give him more than one day at the track. daniel: "i better hope not, because i'm just gonna want to go quicker and quicker! we'll see...by then i might be a little more sharp."
he tells another story of going there with renault and driving the track in a road car in the rain. slid a few times and then decided to just bring it home the rest of the way, cause he doesn't really know the feel or limits of a road car the way he does an f1 car.
daniel turns it around for a while and asks dax about getting into formula one and what hooked him, what he loves about it, etc. dax brings up drive to survive and "you're gonna hate this but it's YOU!" how he's first person you see on the show and he hooks you in with the jokes, the cockiness, the looks, the personality, etc, and then you want to see him win cause you like him so much, and the love for everything else comes after and because of that.
daniel says he gets more and more people coming up to him now that know him as the guy on drive to survive instead of just as the race car driver. he wonders sometimes if they actually know he races or if he's just that guy from the netflix show
85-90% of people that came up to him pre-dts were guys, now it's more women. "it's definitely more than 50%, especially here in the states."
christian horner gives the best hugs in f1 (amongst drivers and team principals). specifically mentions 2018 mexico, his last pole with the team.
dax brings up how polite daniel is on the radio, asks how he developed that mindset. daniel says a lot of it is down to maturity. he knows for a fact that in his earlier years he was much more reactive. tells a story of back in 2013 where he'd blasted the team over the radio for some car issue, then got back to the garage and was struck by how selfish it was of him. says that now he consciously tries to be calm on the radio because he knows how chaotic the race is for everyone and he doesn't want to add to the chaos. he also says it's a give and take situation, because there are times where he'll fuck up or make a mistake, and "maybe sometimes i'm getting a blast, but not always. like a lot of the time, it's a hand over the shoulder and a little bit of...yeah there's a little bit of, i don't know, they didn't tell me how shit i am."
would be least shocked to find out yuki was eaten by their pet bengal tiger. "i'm only putting it down to physics and the human anatomy."
val "has turned into one of my favorite humans on the grid. he's coming into his own." says they've had a few glasses of wine together, but have never gone out for a proper rager together.
thinks seb is the most likely to have a collection of fine porcelain china."i feel like that's something he could be into, he appreciates fine art."
they talk about seb a bit more. daniel says that he probably didn't show much personality in his early / peak years, was more of a machine, but as he got older he started letting his guard down and showing more of the human side, which is what everyone fell in love with. he and seb got a lot closer over the years that followed their stint at red bull together and he'd definitely count him as a close friend now.
dax asks if you could get rid of one rule what would it be? daniel talks about pierre getting really close to getting a race ban last year over silly little stuff, nothing reckless, and they didn't think that should add up to a race ban. "we talked about that a lot, it wasn't justified."
dax asks how he would feel about getting rid of the speed limit in pit lane. he says that when he started the limit was 100 kpm, and he was glad when they brought it down to 80 kpm because it felt too fast. he couldn't imagine not having a speed limit at all.
dax asks if there's a rule he thinks should exist. daniel at first says he was trying to skip that one, then says that while part of him loves that some teams are better than others and part of the competition is fighting your way to a better team, part of him also wishes the field were a bit closer sometimes. brings up how some american sports will have a systems meant to mitigate that, where the lowest team gets first draft pick or whatever, and maybe f1 could incorporate something like that. dax then brings up indycar and how everything is spec, but doesn't necessarily make for more fun or interesting racing. daniel agrees and reiterates that the biggest thrill and challenge as a driver is fighting your way to the best team on the grid.
they talk about zak brown challenging toto to a boxing match and christian to a kart race. dax asks if daniel thinks he mixed them up by accident 😭
daniel says toto is "a pretty cool cat." also calls him "a specimen" and says "if he's not the coolest, he's definitely one of the coolest." dax also apparently heard from a source close to him that toto is a great dancer too???
thinks either charles or carlos would be the best on dancing with the stars. he does NOT think fernando would be a good dancer, because "he's put all his eggs in the racing basket."
they talk about how fun it's been to watch nando racing this year. daniel: "i've loved seeing it. even like, sure, it makes me think 'shit i can still do it at an older age if i really want it.' so there's that, but even just for the sport." and talks about how the average age of the athletes in so many sports keep getting younger and younger, so it's fun to see someone older still succeeding. says it's "encouraging"
says he still watches races. he thought this year he'd be more distant and wouldn't go out of his way to watch it as much, but no. he hasn't missed a single session from a single race so far, including practices. says he's "heavily invested." also says he thinks it's good for him, cause this year is about getting a lot of answers about how badly he wants to come back and all that, so the fact that he's still so interested and invested tells him he's not done yet, cause he thinks that if he was truly done, he wouldn't care as much as he still does. dax reinforces that by sharing his own anecdote about his acting career and knowing he’s done with it because he's not interested in what's going on in the industry anymore.
they talk about baku. dax asks what he loves and what he hates about it. daniel says there's not much he hates about it. talks about the first time he drove a street circuit, how the adrenaline was so much higher and everything was just better. baku is all of that with high speeds. "a wicked track" and probably one of the most nuts tracks on the schedule.
dax asks if they're able to see the castle from the car as they're driving. daniel: "yeah, but you don't want to!" says that at most tracks they go to—specifically mentioning monaco—of course it's beautiful, but they're so tunnel vision focused that they don't really see any of it.
says that last year in singapore, during one of the practices, he was able to see some of the skyscrapers from the car as he was driving "and i was like, 'shit, i don't think i've ever seen them before.'" dax brings up the fact that that was late in the year, when he already knew it was gonna be his last year with the team, and asks if maybe it was his subconscious telling him to look around and enjoy it cause who knows if this is the last time. daniel agrees that it probably was "but right now, i'm happy because i'm happy with where i'm at, but i'm also happy with the like 'ehhhh i'm not sure it's over' so. that's cool. but i can't guarantee it cause obviously i don't have a racing contract next year, but personally at least, i feel like there's still a fire there."
dax wraps up by telling daniel "you're gonna be uncomfortable with this but i find it so comical that you're still the most popular driver in formula one and you're not driving" and then literally goes on for like two minutes about how fucking hilarious it is to him that there are more pictures of daniel, more articles about daniel, more conversation in general about daniel than even the driver that might have won the race that week and how much we all fucking LOOOOOVE him and would love to see him driving again. truly One Of Us 🤝
daniel tells dax he appreciates that and "look, i certainly play out scenarios in my head and i, like, visualize things and, yeah, i would love...." cuts himself off to say he doesn't want to come back just to drive, he wants to come back to try to win, but if that opportunity with a team, that could be the right fit. "i just want to win basically. just cutting to it." and "i think this year i'm understanding that you just want to get back to basics. it's like i'm trying to get all those feelings back. and i'm not forcing anything, it's like 'why did i start this?' like, 'where's that core love for it?'" dax: "is it fair to say you're opening yourself up to the hunger to return and captivate you and make you singularly focused?" daniel: "absolutely. yeah."
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i-am-dulaman · 6 months
Okay wait now this is truly a hot take that will probably ruin my reputation as a communist and a socialist but.
I wouldn't mind if netflix and other streaming sites started showing ads
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Wait I swear im going somewhere with this.
Now I'm totally against the extent to which advertising has absolutely ruined the online space, especially how much it has driven the commodification of data collection so i would NOT like to see that level of advertisement on streaming sites (i know that once you open the gates to a little advertising you get it all, but.. thats kinda a different problem).
What i wouldnt mind seeing is something equivalent to what we see on TV or in movie theatres before a film, or basically youtube. And the reason for this is that the subscription business model does not translate well into tv/film production.
The reason netflix makes so many different tv shows and then cancels them after 1 season is because they dont care about increasing viewership numbers, they only care about subscription numbers. And they've done the calculations that a new tv show brings in more subscribers than cancelling that same show loses them.
Season 2 and beyond of a tv show doesnt earn them nearly as much money as season 1, but they cost the same amount to make, and it just gets worse with each season, pretty much no matter how popular that show is with very few exceptions (stranger things). Theres a reason we dont get 10 season long tv shows anymore.
Ads would allow them to earn money from someone long after season 1 of the show they subscribed to watch, for as long as they kept making a show worth watching.
It would also allow them to make money from repeat viewings, which takes up a lot of their bandwidth, further incentivising making actual good content rather than something eye catchy to draw in new subscribers.
Its also honestly not that unreasonable when you compare them to actual tv. Streaming sites are cheaper than cable, available on demand, allows infinite repeat viewing, and is currently ad free. Compared to cable thats a pretty good deal and im a little shocked they didnt start advertising years ago. And if it lets them produce cable quality shows without an incentive to cancel them straight away, then I wouldn't mind ads.
That's all im saying really. As long as the ads actually translate to higher quality and importantly more reliable tv show production, i wouldn't mind a youtube-level of advertisements.
Now that is all being said from within our current reality of a capitalist society. i am still in favour of burning it all down 🙏
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melancholicobscureity · 2 months
I dont get why people are saying My Suicide is a bad movie. It's a good movie and all these people saying its like "glorifying" suicide or that its a disgrace to suicidal people are just wrong. I first watched in movie in late 2020, and i was so confused and lost. Back in early? late?? 2022 i watched it again and it changed me but the 3rd rewatch really had me somewhere. When i watched it for the 3rd time, i had recently been diagnosed with all my disorders and i was down in the dumps wanting to just like end it and what not. I was scrolling netflix and then i stumbled upon a movie i didnt really know how to feel about. The editing of the whole movie is alot, and kind of anxiety inducing, nd thats what helps the movie kinda get to the point. There's so many uncomfortable scenes, like the cutting scenes, the two suicide scenes, and a multitude of other ones. That movie made me realize, in the end suicide is never the awnser, all it is, is a chain reaction. Suicide should never be a comfortable topic, but it should be spoken about more. Archie said something about how it's all so much its nothing. and like it drives me insane cuz the girl was like "so you wanna kill yourself cause everuthing is perfect?" and he was talking about how it really isnt because hlah blah blah and then she talked abt how her brother killing himself made her suicidal. but what the movie really teaches is how terrible suicide happening is, what it does to people etc. some people get that realization, others dont. all that movie does is show how it affects different people, how different people and ones you woulfnt thknk abt wabt kill themselves or harm themselves and uts nust lke like okay and all these people rsaying its bad when tehyre not the targeted audience for the movie
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jam-packed · 16 days
i saw someone post abt the netflix show kaos (which is good u should watch it) and during my watch, i did subject my friend to who (in motogp) would best fit the characters in the show.
spoilers cus im gonna explain them within context and talk about the ending and my prayers for a season 2 :( and 3 actually but thats it.
going to separate this in groups of confident to 🤨🤨🤨 yk. anyways.
Set In Stone (to me):
zeus - TOTALLYYYY vale. eccentric bastards, but very entertaining, very likable in the beginning despite their wrongdoings. i feel like in a different world, vale would be wearing tracksuits around his big ass mansion but a guy has to find joy in dressing like a 15 yo boy so props ig (speaking of, i LOVEEE the wardrobe of this show. muy muy bueno to me.....) both have such an intense paranoia on how others receive them and their eternal impact on the world. its all about aging and their race to defy it, but they cant and that comes to be their downfall. regardless, theyre both crazy powerful and crazy in general they are like. the same guy.
poseidon - jorge lorenzo. in some inherent way. poseidon is jorge to me. theres the (for lack of a better term) jealously that poseidon has for zeus (in terms of hera) that jorge has w vale when it comes to personability/marketability. that, and the way poseidon acts is very jorge to me as well. the way he stands like hes in drag race. anyways, theres a nonchalance to poseidon's character and how he interacts with humans that makes me think, "yeah if jorge had this much power, he would act in this way."
hear me out here. hera - dani. not just because hera and poseidon are having an affair, mind you. but yes also mostly that. because im not knowledgeable about dani uh at all im going to base this on how ive seen him ride in the past. dani, to me, is an incredibly strong rider, hes very determined and sound in his efforts. but theres always someone stronger. and while that doesnt inherently mean he is fearful of them, i feel like within the context of the show, hed probably act in the same ways hera does despite how highly she considers herself. hera's a cunt in this and tbh dani is cunt to me with that crazy power i think hed be similar. also im not saying that dani sucks as a rider, its just. the vale/casey/jorge/marc of it all 😕 bad timing
prometheus - casey fuckin stoner, man. were casey and vale ever friends? idk im sure at points. they follow each other on instagram and casey loves to hate so idk. regardless, casey would be totally on board to help a cosmic plan to take down vale, would he kill his wife for it? real vale, no, zeus vale, its reaching towards the table. prometheus and stoner dont have the same humor, but theyre smart, they know how to act. even if casey isnt one for media, he can beat vale on a bike (ducatis on the straights omgggg). and prometheus and zeus are this weird battle of wits and intelligence. im not saying vale is stupid, im saying that he is blind to his insecurities and that can harm him in the same way it hurts zeus in this series.
marc has to have his own segment cus i could make arguments for 4 different characters. walk with me:
riddy/eurydice - stubborn, headstrong, cunt(y), defined moral code. riddy is such an interesting person within this show and i think marc is very similar to her in some respects. one of the main downsides though is the lack of codependency she has with literally anyone. shes not close to a lot of people, shes kinda isolated (from what i interpret, and idk if thats the fault of orpheus but for the sake of ease, lets say riddy does it herself), but she can connect with people easily. marc doesnt really do that. one, no álex, thats never gonna happen; two, he has a hard time being alone, their upbringings are incredibly different, which may have a major part to play in all of that, and that would kinda change who marc is (duh)---if he were alone all his life rather than surrounded by his closest friends and family, as he is now. so, if you want like. bezquez with a sour note, then yeah go marc eurydice, but idk its not my favorite. maybe luca or pecco (pecco is NOT riddy do not listen to me!!!!)
ari/ariadne - the brotherisms go crazy. very similar to riddy in that she is incredibly headstrong. she is not stubborn she is filled with guilt for something she didnt do my sweet lovely little pookiebear i should not be saying that whatever. so, ari's brother is the minotaur (shocker) and i think itd be interesting to explore marc's love for álex despite not knowing he's alive for YEARS (30 fucking years bro free my girl 😭😭😭). regardless, they are both smart, sympathetic to others, and get shit done when it needs to be. i think they match up as people pretty well, but we once again run into the issue of isolation and relationships throughout upbringing. ari does have some very close relationships as we see in the show (for a few episodes and then never again. ok.) like her father and her bodyguard. is that enough? idk maybe. makes me think abt santi........who will come up later actually. all to say, i think theyd make similar decisions to each other, i think marc if put in this story would be ari to an s (close enough, is my joke). anyways, marc is a good ari if you want a calm, semi-levelheaded marc (who kills someone) who will very likely end up with dionysus. but off the dome idk who dionysus could be. hm.
dionysus - he was my favorite in the show im sorry i want my faves to be each other. dionysus is such a character, hes so guy, i need him to get his cat back. ok, so dionysus is the son of zeus and he wants more responsibility/power---upsettingly, because of how marc is as a rider, i think this is why he ISNT dionysus. dionysus is a character that has to grow into himself (by learning about love ❤️) by killing his dad. haha i joke. but cmon. anyways in the context of dionysus's original goal, ehhhh not marc. but dionysus has this (again for lack of a better term) eccentricity that reminds me of marc. they have larger than life qualities but theyre quite mellow outside of that, they want people to be happy, they want love to prevail, if dennis was shiva he would do the exact same things dionysus does with that cat (carry it everywhere). theres a distance dionysus has with humanity that he loses over the course of the series, and i think thats interesting in marc's case cus once again NOT MARC!!! marc, from accounts that arent him (livio suppo is the only name in my mind rn) say that marc is very like. stable. hes a good kid, he doesnt let fame get to him (or at least how he treats others cus wtf is his house), and dionysus's arc is about connecting w humanity and i dont think marc would really have that problem. yes this was a waste of time yes it was just me convincing myself marc cannot logically be dionysus. this is my post man lemme do what i want :(
persephone - a lot of girls here. wonder what that says about how i view marc. womp womp idgaf. so, persephone is queen of the underworld, wife to hades. she LOVES hades and if we're thinking about old men and the young(ish) people that love them. santi. dovi. persephone is not one to lay down and take it, but hades is so gives me smth to play w in terms of who im going to make not a (I HAVE NO BETTER TERMS) pussy. persephone also loves love, she wants to help the gods because she wants to help her husband but she knows that isnt possible with what the gods (ZEUS COUGH COUGH) are asking them to do, so she defies them, she lies to them, she cares for her husband, she feels sympathy for dionysus and helps him to realize zeus is a lying bastard cunt. with great hair. marc to me. again, like ari, he seems the guy to put his money where his mouth he, he WILL do whats best for people cus he knows they deserve it, he wants to help, he will repay kindness, he doesnt forget (dionysus argument actually. repaying kindness this but i digress).
ares - ares literally isnt in the show yet. he got a technical mention in the last moments of the last episode but like idk......based on my knowledge of motogp and greek mythology and also his name is marc i think itd be cool.........put my man in the show give him a sword let him go ham let him kill god vale pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pl
marc my beautiful enigma u cannot be placed. except i think ari is your best bet at accuracy. especially if we're talking human strength and determination, ari n marc brother.
semi confident but could consider others
orpheus - marco bezzecchi. in my heart of hearts, as much as i love bez, he would probably act like orpheus. omggg hes so in love, he WOULD journey to the underworld but also hes a little evil hes a cunt hes a bastard hes cringefail but hes winning. except not really at all. orpheus has this tendency to. self-pity is my best assumption at a word. very whiny man. to me. cus i didnt really feel bad for him throughout the show. anyways, bez does have that intense loyalty that orpheus has, i do think he would do what orpheus does. bez is also kinda a cunt sometimes and i think he would say and do the twat things that orpheus does as well. the hardest part abt bezpheus is like. whos gonna fall out of love with him. you got a lot of options but they all kinda dont make sense yk? pecco just doesnt make sense w the character, cele does make sense he just probably wouldnt fall out of love or be in love in the first place, luca is also an option. luca marini my cringefail bestfriend who is famous and good at sports and doesnt know me, actually yea its luca. honda move, its luca.
riddy (again) - luca. it needs its own section ok i feel like i need to explain myself. luca, currently, looks like he wants to explode and die, he wants out of his fuckass brother's shadow (i dont hate vale im just full of vitriol) and if we transfer those feelings to loveless marriage, do we see how being hit by a truck and shipped off to the underworld and choosing to go to honda (I LIKE HONDA OK IM SORRY) are similar. did riddy choose to die? no its fate she doesnt really have a choice, but grand scheme of things did luca have a choice? idk, talk it up with a philosopher. im a math major, i could care less (lying).
caeneus (i think?) - álex. i think they look similar. i see caeneus and i go omg its álex márquez 2 time world champ in motorsports brother of marc márquez. also theres this weird like almost timidness that caeneus has that i feel is very similar to how álex acts and talks. hes kinda, and this is going to sound so mean to álex, average. however, he is meant for something more, he is more than the surface level by a long shot. and i think thats true for álex as well. caeneus is also very truthful, hes going to get mad at you, if he doesnt wanna tell you shit he wont but hes not gonna walk around it idly, and álex is a marc lie detector so. theres that. again, some downsides, no codependency brothers wth. anyways luca álex ship name. lucquez. aluca. lucalex. rosquez 2 less evil edition. this is so hard cus of fuckin marc bro free me.
not super confident but sure id consider it
dionysus - pecco. vale son, the favorite at some moments, biffs it at others. i dont think pecco has a problem with loving others in the way that dionysus does (aro dionysus slay) but i think theres mentalities that they both have (given by their respective parental figures) that hinder them in similar ways. pecco does not have dionysus's early personality. pecco is very calm, very controlled, (very mindful very demure) but he can also fight with someone after they crash into him, hes not gonna take everything lightly. idk if hes quick to forgive, nor do i know if hes privy to stew in his feelings. one of the primary relationships (thats explored in the show) dionysus has is with zeus. he visits zeus (the only child to do so), he gives zeus gifts (that get rejected), he steals from him (lmao), he defies him (yayy), he gets punished for defying him (NOO FUCK). turbo as dennis ough the thought brings me anguish. anyways, i think with dionysus being a sort of foil to zeus it works with pecco being a foil to vale. evil vale would say flopnaia is a disappointment tho. anyways, if flopnaia were dionysus, hed probably be feeling and doing and saying the same things as d is in the show. would he be as sexually promiscuous? probably not so yk. confidence low. but woah omg very likely marcnaia what a trip.
i dont wanna write an explanation cus this is getting too long but bez could also be considered for dionysus. literally any vr46 boy could lbr.
and tbh anyone else in the cast would confuse the shit outta me i dont know enough people in motogp in that way. i barely know the ones im talking about 😭😭😭 anyways pls diregard everything i said because it makes no sense to try to put people in the correct slots of other media, just write based on the person, not the character you want to portray, thats what makes them interesting, its what allows for different stories and outcomes. all to say i did this for nothing ❤️
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jovenshires · 10 months
Hey so remember that band au
Do you have any brainrot scraps I could eat
i dont have anything like Publishable but yeah absolutely i got some scraps!! here is the tag for anyone seeing this and is like. What is she Talking about LNDFNFNLK
here is a quick social media edit for the chosen that i ended up not using in the overall edit
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i dont think i've revealed who explicitly is in what band yet so have a fun lil guessing game as i give you a sneak peak at ftc's tracklist ! (easy mode xoxo)
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and as a bonus some random headcanons under the cut bc why not:
courtney and spencer are long-time childhood friends, and they've been making music together since they were like. 7 and 11 respectively. spencer met shayne and damien in college and they've been in a band ever since!!
if you walk into any of the dressing rooms of every member of the chosen, they are listening to such different music to get ready it would actually make your heads spin. out of their botb fellow contestants, damien is most likely to listen to conventry (bc he's literally never been wrong), courtney is bumping kolivition, spencer is playing some classic smosh, and shayne is listening to ftc!!
i have in my brain what all of the songs are like. About ya know. so for example damien did the backing vocals for augustus and i have this idea in my brain that like. augustus IS this universe's manifestation of the character augustus. so like i think all of the chosen has a hand in writing the songs and damien co-wrote this one and it's just like. about a lonely lost kid who's awkward and doesn't fit in. like obviously it's a much less joking interpretation and more of a serious one but anyway it's still about him. is this making sense? i have No idea anymore!
courtney has also done some co-/backing vocals, and is the most likely to be featured on a track! she's featured on nuclear rain, and she also does a fun lil harmony for 'shoot dood.' shayne is the only one that has not sung and their fans keep begging but he REFUSES
'down bad' is their first like... love song? although it's technically just about how embarrassing being vulnerable and being in love are. smth smth the overwhelming ordeal of loving someone.
anyway it also opens with a snippet of a voicemail from kiana to spencer (probably from like years ago not about anything relevant) telling him to 'get up girl'. kiana is Not here for the fame, in fact she would rather no one knew who she was but unfortunately life be like this. after the ep drops the media goes fucking Nuts with rumors of whether or not they're dating.
they have fans who love the whole band but the amount of damien girls is of course insane. the other three mock him relentlessly for it. there is an entire instagram dedicated to updates about his hair.
lisa has put spencer on twitter timeout several times especially from the band's twitter bc he is Terrible for publicity. the order of worst to best for tweeting are: spencer, shayne, courtney, and damien
courtney takes selfies at EVERY live show they do; they have a collage of them as their phone background!!
as soon as courtney hears jackie is gonna be one of the judges for botb. hyperventilating. she loses her god damn mind. THE jacklyn uweh? famous recording artist? that's her shower sing-along playlist. lisa has explicitly banned them from any fangirling until the battle is Over
"up & coming" is like a netflix reality show about small bands really trying to make it, and they were featured after kiana got in contact with the showrunner. it basically followed them as they made their third ep and interviewed them and people they know. it's very much a 'before they were famous moment.'
damien bet shayne $20 that he wouldn't stare into the camera in every single shot. shayne committed to the bit. no one said anything and they kept every single shot in and NO ONE knows why.
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cassettepony · 1 year
cw: adult woman complaining about a pony cartoon for babies, read more lol
i really wish mlpG5 was just the 2D youtube cartoon, the 3D netflix show is so boring and unappealing to look at
the fact that its 3d and so obviously limited in budget and scope means they cant easily go to fun locations, make new characters or creatures to see, or many fun cartoon gags
i dont know why zipp is a detective? why does she have batman goggles? why is sunny given nothing to do, they've made her personality "makes smoothies." pipp shouldn't have been a princess, if she wasnt id probably find her whole pop star influencer thing a lil more endearing. hitch shouldnt be a cop. i dont like the cocomelon baby. izzys okay but she doesnt have any depth. i like misty
i just keep coming back to how boring these characters are, none of their conflicts are fun to figure out and they dont have interesting dynamics with each other
the movie was good! it was a nice setup for the most part and i was excited to see what was coming next but so far I've just been disappointed
havent read the comics and im on the 4th episode of the newest chapter (also lol i dont like the way this show has been released i assume its some scummy netflix thing so they dont have to pay creators) but i really dont think my opinion's gonna change much. I'll keep watching tho because im stupid and I want it to get better
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dextixer · 1 year
"Why criticize RT and not company X?" And why this whatabaustism is stupid.
Ever since ALL of the nearly 100 stories of RT abuses after Kdins story came out i have been hearing the same old excuses, the same old arguments and the same old bullshit in defense of RT. So many fans of RWBY keep saying "There are worse companies!" or in various ways try to point out some imagined "hypocricy" over choosing to criticize and not support RT. Recently i have read one too many of such opinions and decided to make a handy "guide" or a refutation of sorts to all of such bullshit and why its bullshit.
Logical Fallacy
Stop me if you have heard this one "RT is bad, sure, but Disney is worse! Why are you going after RT and not disney!?". I would imagine most of us have seen simmilar statements being made in defense of RT. This is something that is called "Whatabautism", its a form of a logical fallacy (Basically, shitty way of arguing) that is meant to excuse one wrong with another, perceivably bigger wrong. Its like a child smashing a window and then when caught saying "But my brother set a barn on fire!". Both are bad, but this fallacy is meant to excuse one by the perceived "smallness" of the act in comparison to the other.
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Of course, to any person who has cleared the age of 10, it is pretty clear why such an argument is bullshit. Because a bad thing still remains bad even if someone else has done worse. The same goes with RT.
Is RT an uniquelly bad company in the entertainment industry? Fuck no. Disney does performative activism ALL the time as a key example. If we look at Holywood we can see that it is INFESTED with sexual predators of various kinds, for fucks sakes, Ezra Miller could run around on a crime spree and receive no punishment because they were protected by their showrunners. The entertainment industry is INFESTED with all kinds of bullshit like this.
That does not make what RT does good, does not excuse their actions. And does not make them above reproach.
Especially not since they are a PART of WB and we know for a FACT that them coming under WB Umbrella actually made them PAY their staff properly. Which is very strange, dont you all think? That the big evil corporation of WB somehow STILL made the work conditions in RT better? That reflects worse on RT than it will ever on WB.
This whatabautism is even more riddiculous once one realizes that it comes from a place of projection.
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This is but one of many such cases of projection. The fans of RWBY will often talk about how those who criticize RT and RWBY should shut up because they also consume other media and some of them even go as far as create conspiracy theories that RWDE(Critics) actually secretly buy RWBY merch!
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Of course, they cant prove any of that shit. What critics of the show can prove for a fact however is that NONE of these RWBY fans give a single solitary shit about what RT has done. After all, the BB merch sold out like hotcakes and many people keep calling for people to support RT financially to get V10 greenlit.
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This being one of the examples. It is the fans constantly shouting about people to continue to consoom as much as possible and spend as much money as possible.
For those people to then project onto critics of the show and create conspiracies that the critics are the ones financially supporting RT is just silly.
Especially when...
Piracy exists. This entire diatribe of "supporting" other companies presupposes that people cant just... Pirate. A good example is this message i received not too long ago.
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And my answer was very simple to this person. I dont support Anime companies, Disney or any other entertainment corporation like this. Because Piracy exists. The last time i was in a Movie Theater was watching The Force Awakens in 2015. The last time i bought Anime or Anime themed merch? Never. I dont have Netflix, i dont have Disney+, i dont pay even a single cent to streaming companies, entertainment corporations or shitters like that, because i have websites on the internet for that.
Because it is THAT easy to avoid supporting shitty companies.
The same goes for Video Games. When Blizzard exposes came i dropped WoW and all Blizzard games. Currently i mostly play Indie titles or titles from companies i know arent dirty. Kenshi for example was made by one dude, Vampire Survivors, Baldurs Gate 3, Darktide, Underrail, Battle Brothers, Metal Hellsinger, Disco elysium, the list goes on. Most of these games were made by either small teams or single dudes.
When RT was first exposed, many people discussed Piracy as a form of protest. And so many people revealed just how little they know about the concept. Some of them tried and still try to pull the "Well, you cant avoid suffering under capitalism" kind of arguments. They are partially true, but in the end are wrong because...
Entertainment is one of the easiest things to drop to less human suffering. We all need food, water, housing. But for entertainment we as a generation are spoilt for choice, millions of books, fanfictions, animations, games, created for our enjoyment. Many made without suffering involved, and those that were are easily accessable without supporting the companies that created them.
You can hate RT
So, im going to finish with this. Hate RT with your entire heart if you so wish. These accusations of hypocricy? They are all bullshit. They are made by people who dont give a shit about people suffering, as long as they get their new fix of RWBY. They are made by people who will project onto you all of the shit THEY are doing.
So hate RT as any other shitty entertainment corporation and the leadership (Including those in CRWBY) that KNEW all of this shit was happening, and either hid it/suspected it (Ryan Heywood) or/and did NOTHING about it.
And these people trying to stop you from hating RT for GOOD REASON are just doing this because they LIKE RT.
It would be one thing if they rightfully called people while also hating RT. But they dont.
(This post can be found under the same name on Reddit)
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Someone liked my post about how Amren should have to drink fae blood and since ive been on a pretty big vampire kick since about october of last year Im just thinking about what if acotar was about vampires. first of all, i think sjm writing vampires would make me very angry, i hear that the way she writes fae makes fae-fans really angry and I can definitely see why even though i dont know THAT much about fae, I just dont have a whole lot of personal investment in the accuracy and interestingness of fae lore, but I am highly invested in vampire lore it would make me pretty mad but I think itd be more fun for me to complain about, so what Im saying is sjm should totally write a book series about vampires
But anyway, lets get back to my initial thought of 'What if ACOTAR but vampires'. honestly, theres not much to get back to because Im basically just rotating some vague aesthetic bullshit in around in my mind. Oh, also I just had a thought, what if Feyre had to experience episode one of the hit-netflix miniseries Dracula (2020). I think she'd kill that old man if im honest. OH wait no, speaking of dracula series
Okay so, imagine this: at some unspecified point in the future, Feyre gets sick and tired of Prythian and leaves, I was gonna say Rhysand died before that but i dont wanna imply that she only left because he died and also I remembered that stupid death bargain existed. So she leaves and she actually goes back to the mortal realm, but she goes to the continent instead of returning to her home village, she wants a completely fresh start and shes like, pretending to be a human too, shes hiding her ears and glamouring herself and whatnot. With her shes brought some faerie lights as well as all of the stuff she needs to make a whole lot more of them, because shes gonna sell faerie lights as this groundbreaking alternative to more traditional light sources. So she rolls up to the scene, this hot mysterious foreign entrepeneur, shes enlisted that mercenary from all the way in the beginning of ACOTAR to help her in her endevour, and shes got all these suits who have a vested interest in maintaining a monopoly on light sources so theyre doing everything they can to prevent her from getting faerie lights of the ground, but Feyre simply keeps evading them. At some point she aquires a boytoy with whom she does not have any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with its exclusively professional and for the sake of her faerie light business, Feyre ends up seducing her boytoys fiancee and just absolutely destroys her marriage. Thats when those light source suits come back in, they have still been trying to bring Feyre down while shes been busy seducing but now theyre back at the foreground, and they approach the boygoy being like "hey, we heard that mysterious weirdo stole ya girl. Well, shes in danger of stealing our profits as well so how about you sabotage her and destroy her business and life" maybe they would mention something about her being a dangerous fae as well but idk, theyre like capitalists so Im not expecting them to care that much about the danger. But whatever, boytoy says "sure I'll do that" and he goes over to this big warehouse/factory type building where they make/store all the faerie lights. Feyre is about to give this big show where she properly shows the public how the faerie lights work and how you can replace normal lamps with them, this has been planned for months now and theyre storing all these lights in one place. So boytoy goes to where they store all the lights and he fucks with them a little, and then Feyre goes up on like a stage in front of am audience holding a faerie light and shes giving this presentation on how they work and whatnot, but as she goes on she notices that theres something very wrong and she realizes that all the faerie lights are about to EXPLODE OH NO so she tells everyone to run away, get out of town as quickly as possible, but its too late; she just barely manages to save her girlfriend/boytoys fiancee but everyone else dies in this massive explosion that just completely destroy a good chunk of the town. And then Feyre and her new gf have sex in the rubble, i think? Idk, and then after that they decide to travel a bit and live a quiet life and maybe try the whole entrepeneur thing somewhere far away from the town that feyre just exploded
and thats my pitch for an acotar au based on the hit tv show Dracula (2012)
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aemiron-main · 2 years
WAIT HOLD UP THIS is the still image that shows up for s1 ep1 when netflix is in a weird paused state like after i wake my pc up from sleep w netflix still open.  weirdly enough though, this moment does not exist in the show. at all.  
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when we see will run into the shed, the door is already open and then he closes it. but out here, we see will looking curiously/nervously into a closed shed. when we saw will in the shed, did that even happen at all???? we know that the bullets and stuff were disturbed because hopper saw that, but is what we saw the night of will’s disappearance actually reality, or was the real will outside of the shed at the time, watching something go down in there?? watching himself, somehow??? which is interesting considering that hawkins lab was able to create a perfect recreation of his body AND that there’s TWO contradictory versions of the “zombie boy/boy who came back to life” article, one of which talks about hopper finding him out in a cabin in 6 days, the other which talks about finding will after a week of being experimented on at hawkins lab. i’d dismiss it as the government trying to cover things up if it wasn’t for the fact that it seems to be like. physically the SAME article with the SAME photo and the SAME headline and written by the SAME person, just with different contents- it almost seems like timeline/perception/vecna fuckery to me.  and like. the s1 article is the one that talks about will being found at hawkins lab whereas the s2 one says he was at a cabin. so why do we a.) have a perfect replica of will’s body created by the lab, b.) have an article claiming he was found at the lab after being experimented on, c.) have this still image of will looking IN to the CLOSED DOOR shed on the night he disappeared, and d.) why did will recognize brenner in s4? i know a lot of people dont trust the 8flix scripts but i personally dont think they were entirely fake- and even if they WERE, will’s face shows recognition in the show when he sees brenner in s4.   so what the fuck. maybe this is just an error/im looking too far into it, but considering all of the absolutely bizarre inconsistencies ive been finding with the shed on the night will disappears vs other footage of the shed (even other footage in the SAME EPISODE), like with a weird substance on the windows that isn’t there in the scene where he disappears, or the face that the shed hopper goes into has a completely different door from the one we see when will disappears, im suspicious. The fact that we have this screenshot of will staring INTO the shed, AND the fact that the door only becomes a different door from the pov of will INSIDE the shed is absolutely raising an eyebrow from me. because like i point out in the post i just linked, the view of the shed from the OUTSIDE the night will disappears, has the same door gaps as the door hopper sees- but the door from the INSIDE pov is completely different from both the outside door on the night will disappears AND from both the inside and outside door when hoppper sees it. so basically will door outside view + hopper door outside view + hopper door inside view are all the same door but will door inside shed view is a COMPLETELY different door.  and we have this screenshot of will looking into the shed with the CLOSED DOOR on the night that he disappeared- but according to what we saw in the show, HE’S the one who closed the door. so the moment that will’s looking into the shed from the outside in that still image is the SAME moment that he would have been INSIDE OF THE SHED, right before he disappears.  and look at how BRIGHT the light is on will in that still image- it’s extremely bright, brighter than the light was on him when we saw him run into the OPEN shed door in the show. so that tells me that this is actually the EXACT moment that inside-shed will disappeared + the lightbulb got all bright.  it’s also much brighter OUTSIDE in that still image- you can see the green of the wagon and the grass, which you CANNOT see when will runs into the shed in s1. this is giving me serious “will is in the upside-down/same place max was when she had her billy-graveyard vecna vision in s4″ because it’s much darker and desaturated AND the same fog is present in both scenes.  what the fuck
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wubbadubbatub · 2 years
I haven't seen anyone talk about my favorite part about season 2 and why I get sadder as I replay the season over and over again. I dont know if I'm wording this right but Ava's whole demeanor changes after episode 6 when she sees Beatrice lose hope in defeating adriel. The writers did a good job of explaining her change in demeanor. That she has given up and accepted her role in a plan she never wanted to be apart of. They also emphasized the change by having the closest characters to her acknowledge the change. Alba does a great job of showing it. Ava to me is much quieter, calmer, and has a somber tone in how she carries herself. It's just sad to watch her in the first few episodes, then see her in the last few. Ava was alway funny, bright and snarky. To see her take on the full weight of her responsibilities and change is just as sad to me as watching Ava and Beatrice say goodbye to each other. Alba bravo, you are so talented and amazing to watch. Writers did a wonderful job in creating a good ass story. I can't wait to see how it all plays out in season 3. Netflix I'm warning you..
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
hey would you like some bionicle aus haha get in
A) g3 concept
this motherfucker. is a Big One. MANY thoughts on it, still trying to iron out some of it. heavily based on g1 but with g2 elements that are nice/interesting to me specifically Such As the mask making via elements deal, ekimu, and the okoto setting. i am Cramming As Much Mostly Relevant G1 Things In This As Possible. includes all main toa teams so mata, metru and inika as well as the chronicler's company, Lhikan lesbian ver, several of the Makuta, the Barraki (who are actual animals and also a polycule because why not) and a MNOG-like Makuta who honestly loves and cares for his brother the Great Spirit and thinks putting him in a coma will help. also pewku and jaller's crab. theres even a voriki implication. i have a big post in the drafts for this and perhaps one day it will appear
2009-10 elements will not manage to be included nor will 2016-17 elements. the former because i cannot fit those lads in here tho perhaps bara magna life & survival will make it through, the latter because i havent seen journey to one and frankly i dont know if theres anything of value to take from it. please do yell at me at length in case you disagree. i am very serious abt that i want to learn more, its just that i cant be arsed to get netflix for anything
B) human g2015 au
classic modern times human au but with 2015 characterization bc i like the web episodes. the thoughts i have about this are nebulous at best but good lord if it aint good fun to think about
THE GOOD NEWS IS that while the main characters will be limited to the toa mata nuva, i can mention as many characters in this as i want. possibly all of them. they are just new zelanders now, they live there. they have jobs and stuff. im going to include the fucking moburzhak. i can even put the g1 mata in there as bizzarely omonimous different characters. i am a god
THE ALSO GOOD NEWS IS i can overthink characterizations you wouldnt even dream of so i can take these cardboard cutouts that are the toa and try to engineer something compelling out of them somehow through the power of incredible neurodivergency and this morbid interest in group dynamics i just found
the bad news is i have little to no plot yet. few story beats that i have are discovery of the powers ala superheroes, lewa getting possessed, pohatu having a panic attack, subsequent slow kohatu development from strangers to friends to lovers because im Fucking Weak For Them, onua leaving lewa underground briefly because hes fucking tired of his attitude, slow lewa/tahu/gali development from clashing to friends to what i can only describe as the human equivalent of a cat colony, stupid winter episode, and undecover mission in drag at a fancy place. most of my fully formed thoughts are for this last one but i still have no idea how this happens or why they have to do it, i just know that the boys make for a bunch of pretty ladies. i am just spitting ideas
also had more specific ideas regarding the main toa such as them being half maori and half another ethnicity (australian aboriginal/hawaiian/jewish/latin american/african just to give a few ideas), onua being aromantic and lewa being goth
C) Foster Parent au
also known as What Watching A Whole Ass Blind-Run Of Bloodborne While Having A Soft Spot For Toa-Turaga Familial Relationships Does To A Motherfucker AU, or also alternatively Superpowers? Divinity? WRONG! COSMIC HORROR AU
only features the Toa Mata, Toa Metru Hordika, Artakha, Karzhani and Velika. the Toa Mata are six parentless siblings separated at birth, bounced around the system until each ended up assigned one of the Toa Metru as their foster parent. weird elemental shit starts happening more prominently now that theyre in a safe and loving environment, and a mysterious man named Artakha who seems to have history with the Metru begins showing up insistently and intimidatingly demanding custody of the kids as their father.
i DO want to talk about it but also i do NOT want to talk about it but also i will never write it so PLEASE ask me about it i am Begging You
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felipe-v-fanblog · 12 days
Hello, my friend. I am curious to know what good things Philip V has done for Spain.
Are there movies or shows about him?
What historical events do you wish to see if there are shows about him someday? For me, The Spanish War of Succession, his first years as king, and his struggles.
ah, i love talking about period dramas . I have been a bit sad lately so I am not very into tumblr . May answer later to answers to this post or dms. I think I have more stuff to answer in replies ? I should check out my notifications .
III i wrote a lot under the cut . I am not sad anymore hehe thinking about period dramas is one of my big passions
As for good things Philip V has done for Spain — not many, dont think so. I like him for his human side ( which is , to be honest , the most part of him because he wasnt either very interesed in politics , he had bigger conflicts by himself to bother on that stuff ) . I like him as a person but I know people do think of kings who didnt do stuff for their countries as traitors or lazy people . I dont think Philip V as a tyranical king , since he came to Spain he always had doubts and Alberoni and the princess of Urzins had to reassure him to keep being on the throne since he was 17 — which is interesting considering he will later abdicate the throne when his inner turmoil is too much for him .
I personally love french movies . I really like France as a whole so I really liked L'Échange des princesses ( I dont know its name in english , but I know its name in spanish is Cambio de princesas or something like that , I watched it on spanish and french ! Couldnt understand the spanish one tbh ) . It is really good I really really loved it . I love french period dramas I think they are just the best . This is genuinely one of my favourites period dramas . I am not good at summarizing stuff in english but it is about the french and the spanish court around the time Philip V abdicated the throne ( which does happens in the movie ) THE SCENES OF PHILIP ARE SOOOOO EPIC it makes me happy when i remember them . he is so peak . I really liked how they stylized him he did in fact had a big ass wig they didnt exaggerated it . They did a very good job portraying his character but I think he talked too much during the movie and he usually didnt talked that much IRL . He was very shy and anxious when talking to people . But eh it makes sense as he was mainly talking to family . I really liked him nonetheless . Louis XV , Louis I of Spain , some infantes and baby Charles III of Spain appear in the movie . There is also Liselotte !! The duchess of Orléans . I really love her they did such a good job at portraying her too . I LOVE THAT MOVIE I GENUINELY LOVE IT !! This is the only movie I have ever seen about Philip V but I know my spaniard gf likes this spanish series ? which is about people who travel around time as far as I know ? where he appears with a very cheap wig and there is also Isabel de Farnesio which is the star of the show . I dont really know about it but spaniards like it so I guess it must be good . Its called El Ministerio del Tiempo and I only know it because Velázquéz ( the painter ) and Blas de Lezo appear there and I wanted to watch it someday but I dont like this kind of shows . I do know about that one Netflix show La cocinera de Castamar but I dont like it when they use modern hairstyles for period dramas it gives off lazy vibes so I dont watch them . Its a pity cus I love George III but there is a netflix show about him which seems good but I cannot bear the thought of George III being a normal person . May kill myself later .
Shows I would like :3 — I love love love love love loveeee imagining shows and movies I am a cinephile . I have a letterboxd account where I share my elitist taste on movies . I am a boring person who watches very boring movies and love it . I dont know if you are into that kind of period dramas ? the more experimental ones ? like the ones of Albert Serra ( La Mort de Louis XIV , Història de la meva mort , Liberté ) or Ken Russell ( The devils , Lisztomania , Prisoner of Honor ) or Derek Jarman ( Caravaggio , Sebastiane , Edward II , War Requiem ) — I am also super into the ones produced during the USSR , mainly about Ivan IV ; but I am also into normal recent stuff like Mary & George ( I LOVED this one ) and Marie Antoinette ( the 2006 movie and the 2022 series ! I really like anything Canal+ produces ) and well the Napoleon movie . Was it released last year ? Ah I do also liked Jeanne du Barry but people think that one is lame . Not me tho . I loved Jeanne du Barry I am into anything french . After saying all of this yeah I would love a biography movie á la Jeanne du Barry or Marie Antoinette ( 2006 ) or Napoleón . Something that lasts 2 hours and that the public completely hates but I will like it nonetheless . Impossible to make . Impossible to produce . No one would buy this idea . But it lives rent free on my mind . I genuinely love all of Philip V s life iiiiiiiii it makes me so happy to think of him when he was young and then when he was an adult and then when he was just trying to die in peace . Good boy . Would give him a lollipop to cheer him up . AH WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT . Ah yes . Ehh I think how he comes to Spain and all the weird things that happen around him — which are a lot , surprisingly , and very weird ? Like I genuinely cannot BELIEVE Alberoni was made prime minister I GENUINELY CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW DID THAT MAN BECAME PRIME MINISTER I CANNOT UNDERSTAND — And so . Eh I think the war of succession would be very interesting yes . It would be a bit too sad . I dont think there could be any way to make that movie with a happy ending or a lesson . I think its a bad idea to produce . But I would love it but it would be a complete failure like Philip V himself ( I love him ) . Maybe I would add him to a Louis XIV series or in the last part of a movie of him , as Philip V himself is a very niche spot in history . Spain its very niche in itself . I dont really think it would ever be a Philip V movie as spaniards hate him , but I think there would be a very interesting opportunity for Isabel II of Spain or Charles V of Habsburg . I really like Ferdinand II of Spain I think they should make a movie about him and Isabel and Juana and Felipe I . Outside of Spain I want a Frederick the great biopic I DONT KNOW WHY THERE ISNT ONE OF HIM ?? ... like there is but its a nazi movie ( lol ) so its super historically innacurate . life is hard . kisses and my best wishes my friend will !! ask for period dramas to you too as i want to watch something lately
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tylerdashart · 2 years
(spoilers for TDP season 4)
OKAY. so i dont really do these kinda posts but id like to say a few things about season 4 cus ive seen some things and the fandom making theories, i just like to write about my own thoughts. ive watched s4 only one time due to not having netflix so i dont really remember many scenes.
"season 5 when?" are you good?? the season 4 just dropped 3 days ago! Im serious when i say ive seen multiple people already posting this question mostly on YT comments or Insta. also the fact that they're not artists OR a fic author makes sense honestly. they have no idea how animation works.
"rayla's acting weird" this is what frustrats me the most. NO she's not... ok maybe a little. but like. come the fuck on, she was gone for 2 years. ofc she's not the same person we saw in season 3. people change. plus, personally, i dont see any difference on her except this one time when callum asked her to...kill him. yes rayla acted a lot calm in that scene- not just that scene really. she was so calm most of the time, but i can see why? she's trying to get callum warm up to her, she's giving him space, she's being gentle as much as she can cus she knows how much she hurt him. she's grown up, she's not the same hot-headed, irritated elf anymore. and we all know how she hides her feelings. Im pretty sure she's gotten used to it, or managed to cope her feelings well so that she can stay calm. lastly about rayla, all i have to say is people change, so does rayla. and no she's not fake at all.
firstly, if rayla's acting weird, what about Viren being supportive with Terry? isnt that weirder? he didnt even treat his own son better, but he's supporting a trans fella? sus.... secondly, what about opeli being so chill about Ez going with Zubia. in that case most of the characters in s4 were out of character. and that's okay cus it's been 2 fucking years!
personally i think the "Zubia in Katolis" scene was a bit rushed. they couldve done it better but Im not saying it was bad at all tho! i loved the scene with the whole callum doing magic thing and the dragon sized jelly tart? xD
"why is rayla back?" why not really. she realized it was useless to find viren and came back home? she realized she wanted to see her mage? "we had something so special. but I became so obsessed with revenge, i.. risked losing the best thing ive ever had... you" she CLEARLY missed him yall. ofc she came back.
"where's the rayllum kiss" Im glad we didnt get a rayllum kiss. I know this is a cartoon show but at least the animators made it similar to how an in-real-life relationship works. people dont just go "you were gone for two years but its okay, i forgive you, lets kiss". Callum needs time to get used to being around rayla again. he's happy but also angry, he needs to see how hard rayla's trying to win callum's trust back. it was so clear that callum got a bit comfortable with rayla again in the last few episodes, especially the last one. That hug was enough sign for us to know they're gonna be okay and that they're still deeply in love.
Stella isNT EVIL YALL. leave my poor baby girl alone >:c
the fart joke was......nuhuh. idk if it's just me but it was gross. i dont wanna remember how much i cringed.
claudia was a bit- no fuck it- she was too much this season. especially in that scene where she tricked rayla with pebbles. god that hurt so much.
Lastly, Season 4 was amazing!! i loved season 4, and all the new things we saw. the arc is building up, it's so interesting, im so excited for season 5.
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