#vanishing of will byers
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deadcomputer · 1 month ago
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The weirdness of Will's vanishing
(a collage / art piece inspired by @aemiron-main posts about will's disappearance)
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aemiron-main · 8 months ago
staring at this s5 bts and s1 will falling out of a tree in the ud vs him disappearing on mirkwood road/in Mirkwood vs the hobbit movies on the s4 board vs the scene in the movies and the book where bilbo climbs up the tree in mirkwood to get above the forest to try and find a way out/briefly escape the hallucination effects caused by the forest (technically caused by leaving the path in the forest)
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(and the fact that bilbo specifically climbed an oak tree vs a drift i’ve been working on re: oak trees and the creels in st & scott’s “jason and the talking oak” painting in his house in s1 & “tie a yellow ribbon” playing with barb in s1 & the “around the old oak tree” line from that song & “green green grass of home” being used in s2 & the “old oak tree” line from That song vs that song having huge connections to both victor and henry & being about a man on death row in prison who’s dreaming of his home vs the tfs “its not real/its a dream hallucination etc” stuff & the mirkwood hallucinations & the nina prison stuff & victor in prison & tfs henry in the lab at the end vs him being strapped to the chair very much like an electric chair/death row)
(And also the green green grass of home thing vs the man in that song dreaming about returning to his old home vs that bts of jamie and nell/nell at the creel house & the idea of henward returning to his home but it’s not actually real just like in the song)
(also staring at will falling here vs patty falling off the bridge at the end of tfs vs henward falling through dimension x during nina vs gandalf falling off of the bridge of khazad-dum in lotr & will the wise being paralleled to both saruman and gandalf)
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byler-alarmist · 1 year ago
I wore my Will Byers birthdaygate shirt out and got lots of smiles, but didn't even realize until I took a selfie that my sunglass lenses were the Byler colors!!! I am cringe but I am free lmao
I've admittedly been out of the loop and hanging out on my side blog since I got really into OFMD. Were there any releases or fun s5 hints??
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bylerschmyler · 2 years ago
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aemiron-main-backup · 2 years ago
oh i have so much to say abt this its insane. they didnt just replicate his body, they also replicated his exact clothes from the night he vanished. which weren’t on the missing poster. right down to his flannel sleeves being rolled up. somebody from the lab not only saw will the night he vanished, but they also likely saw him BEFORE he fell off his bike, as his sleeves roll *down* when he runs up to his house. and the focus on the hawkins lab sign when we see will biking that night? it’s all suspicious as hell. 
hey hi so why and how the fuck did the lab have a perfect replica of will's body so quickly after his disappearance
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strawberrybyers · 8 months ago
we’re being taken back to november 6, 1983 and yes i already knew that but i’m still losing my mind about it anyways
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fgmetanoia · 15 days ago
Byler this, mileven that. you know what I really want from season five?
I want the Duffers to explain exactly HOW THE FUCK will disappeared.
Because it's been haunting me for years and it still doesn't make sense.
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eatingsomegreeneggos · 18 days ago
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Gen Art Februari: Missing - The Vanishing of Will Byers 💡❤️
I went a little overboard on this one sorryyyy it was fun to draw tho <3 Just a little edgier than my usual style hahahaha. My bad.
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byieriover · 3 months ago
Someone on Twitter said these pictures look like Will and Holly might be having a race and then I thought about how that would be a parallel to season 1 when Dustin and Will were racing then afterwards Will went missing, so now it could be Will and Holly are racing but this time Holly is the one who goes missing. "The Vanishing of Will Byers","The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler".
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 3 months ago
Do you copy?
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ghostlycleric · 5 months ago
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Will getting to be the kid he was before he went missing just for one moment. Holly potentially going missing after this race (just like Will did), tainting that happy memory with UD trauma too. Guys.
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aemiron-main · 1 year ago
There’s Something Down Here, Something In The Water: The Demogorgon vs Will’s Fake Body
So, I talked in this post about the similarities between the Project Rainbow poster and Will’s flaying:
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And today, I was taking a closer look at that Project Rainbow poster, and noticed that line up at the top (which is also dialogue that’s said by one of Brenner Sr’s men when the Eldridge ends up in Dimension X)- “there’s something down here, there’s something in the water”.
Now, what else was referred to as a thing and was in the water?
Will’s fake body in S1 was.
Joyce calls Will’s fake body a “thing,” when arguing with the employee at the morgue AND during her argument with Jonathan:
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And as we know, it was found in the water at the quarry:
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And what’s extra interesting here is that in TFS, the “thing in the water,” in question is a Demogorgon, attacking the crew of the Eldridge, AND the Demogorgon in S1 repeatedly gets referred to as a “thing,” just like Will’s fake body does- Joyce calls the Demogorgon a “thing” qhen talking with Jim (which, interestingly enough, Jim is also talking about Will’s body being found in the quarry during this scene- so yet again, Will’s quarry body and the Demogorgon are further connected):
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And Jim calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” when talking to Jonathan at the morgue- which, having this dialogue being said AT THE MORGUE, right before Joyce runs out yelling about Will’s body is yet ANOTHER connection between Will’s body and the Demogorgon- they couldve added this line about the Demogorgon during any scene, but they chose to add it into a scene that specifically centers around Will’s fake body:
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And Jonathan refers to the Demogorgon as “thing” at Will’s funeral- and specifically, he says “when this thing is dead,” which is yet ANOTHER connection between Will and the Demogorgon, because he’s saying this at Will’s funeral- yknow, with Will being presumed dead??
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And Nancy also calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” during the scene in her bedroom right before her and Jonathan start theorizing about the Demogorgon being attracted to blood:
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And Brenner also calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” when he’s interrogating Joyce:
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So, this all begs the question: why is Will’s “fake” body being paralleled to a Demogorgon? Why are both Will’s body and the Demogorgon being referred to as a “thing,” PLUS the further comparison of the “thing in the water” being a Demogorgon versus Will’s fake body also being a “thing” that was found in the water???
Especially with Will constantly being in front of the The Thing poster on the night of his vanishing:
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Well, it might tie into something that I’ve spoken about a bit before/am currently working on as part of a draft (and as part of the Doppelganger/Demogorgon analysis video I’m working on)- the idea that Will’s “fake” body in the quarry (not the one Hopper cut open, as the two bodies seem to move differently and likely aren’t the same body/the body Hopper cuts doesn’t have the same flexibility/joints that we see with the Quarry body) was actually a Doppelganger, shapeshifted into Will.
(Which, if you’re confused about the shapeshifting Doppelganger thing, go and read this post re: the fact that the ST “Demogorgon” is NOTHING like the DND Demogorgon and instead is EXTREMELY similar to a DND Doppelganger, and therefore, the ST “Demogorgon” might have shapeshifting abilities just like the DND Doppelganger does.)
This would explain how the lab somehow managed to perfectly replicate Will’s body and clothes from the night he vanished- they didn’t. A Doppelganger did, and the Doppelganger was what was in the quarry (and the fake body that Jim cuts up was likely then based on the Doppelganger, making the entire process of creating a fake Will body much easier because they now have an identical reference to create a mold from + they also don’t need to replicate his clothes because the Doppelganger already did that AND they dont need his clothes for the scenes at the morgue).
Especially since DND Doppelgangers CAN replicate clothes and gear:
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And all of this + the weird connections between Will and Brenner Sr makes me wonder if this ties into an idea I had about Brenner Sr- that he may have never left Dimension X, and that the “Brenner Sr” that we saw on his deathbed was actually a Doppelganger. And so, maybe part of the reason for the connections between Will and Brenner Sr is the idea that both of them were imitated by Doppelgangers.
Long story short: there’s something weird as hell going on here.
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elowmojo · 4 months ago
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And now here some Billy Hargrove appreciation. 😊❤️
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bylerismyeverything · 3 months ago
“Will wasn’t bleeding.” I say as I am curled up in a fetal position in my bed at 3 am.
“Will wasn’t bleeding.” I repeat as I clutch my stuffed demogorgon.
“Will wasn’t bleeding.” As I realize pretty much the entirety of season 1 is still a plot hole.
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aemiron-main · 2 years ago
God, it reminds me of the scene where there’s a car SUSPICIOUSLY similar to the Creel car behind Will on the night he vanishes (pretty sure it’s the same sort of car, just a different year/slightly different looking) and with all the time travel reference and the delorean as a time machine… staring
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Category 5 vanishing of will byers @aemiron-main moment
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will80sbyers · 6 months ago
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STRANGER THINGS | The Vanishing of Will Byers
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