#maybe holly wont go missing RIGHT after this
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ghostlycleric · 4 months ago
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Will getting to be the kid he was before he went missing just for one moment. Holly potentially going missing after this race (just like Will did), tainting that happy memory with UD trauma too. Guys.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 5 years ago
Mercs reaction to coming back from a long away mission and finding out s/o had been cuddling into his left behind shirts/blankets bc it smelled like him and they missed him so much it was the only way they could sleep?
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this isnt a headcanon, this is a canon if i ever saw one
Scout: my boy always gets extra exhausted after a mission, so he just gets into his& S/Os room and plops in the bed without looking,probably still in his work clothes. At some pointin the night, he will wake up to use the loo. Returning he sits down and feels something funny under his butt, it isnt soft like a bedsheet and it feels somewhat familiar. He scoops it up and inspects it..it feels excactly like one of his shirts...now,maybe...he searches with his hands a bit more and he feels more of his clothes like a blanket around you. His heart has officialy melted and he needs to contain himself from jumping onto you and hugging the light out of you.He will spoon you and kiss your shoulder, prepare to be drown in kisses and affection, he wont stop untill your or his bladder is about to burst
Soldier: he might be the messiest but he always cleans after finising a mission. After he has done a shower and scrub all that mud and blood from him , he puts a nice pair of pyjamas trousers and hes about to hit the bed when he releases you are on his bed- thats fine you have been together for a while and lowkey he loves to sleep next to you, your heartbeat lulls him-but you are holding onto something. He turns the light in the hallway and opens the door slighlty so he can look but it wont wake you. Its his jacket, the red one he ussualy wears to battle...congratulations, you are now his waifu material. He closes the light and carefully slips on the bed next to you, softly he pulls the jacket off you and snuggle you, he even gives you soft forehead kisses.
Pyro: they never take off their suit, only for bathing and they are sure to always have at least 2 spares in case something happens to the one their wearing.Their suits inside smells like hell, but they change it once the smell gets too much and bathe everyday with special soaps and make sure they wash their suits once everyday other day.So the one time they cant find their spare, they are having a mild panic attack. They are running up and down the base, trying to find it; it cant be gone, when they left for the mission they made sure they had a spare in their closet.They are about to hold Scout on gunpoint to confess but they have an idea, they havent looked at S/Os room. They drop Scoutand go to S/Os room...they see them all cuddled up with their spare...theyknow they should be angry, but they can’t. Their suit is like their skin,and seeing you cuddling it, it makes them sniffle a little. You missed them so much, you took one of their spares and risked to be burned to a crisp by them if they had a bad mindset that day just to be with them.They lock the door behind them and pull of their suit - something they do when you are alone- and gently rock you awake. You smile at them and pull them to lie with you on the bed and they oblige. Que soft make out with they rub circles on your arms and hands.
Engie: its very rare for him to go for missions, but when it happens it happens he guesses. He isnt that exhausted but his back hurts from being crouched all day so some lying down would do him some good. He opens his rooms doo and he yeets the goggles out of his eyes- you aresleeping on his bed wearning his flanel shirt and holding one of his shirts in your chest.He curses himself for not having a polaroid but damn hun, how can you be so damn cute? He undresses as fast and quiet he cans and softly scoots you over a bitso he can cuddle you...he has a funny idea and pulls one of the bundle of the shirts over him. He basically makes himself a lump covered with shirt and trousers. He pinches you so you wake up, look around mumble something and pulling the shirt lump closer you..but wait why is it heavy and why is it warm...you pull your face closer to look at it better and suddently two strong pair of arms come and hold you. You scream and almost jump off the bed but he keeps you there and peppers your face with suprose and swrry kisses.
Demo: after every succesfull mission, its a known fact that Demo gets plastered. So either Heavy or Soldier will yeet him on his bed because they want the sofa for themselves to watch a movie. S/O of course wakes up and holds him in a position where he is least likely to vomit or drool. During his sleep, they get more and more tangled together. He wakes up by a throbbing headacke and try to block the sun with the first thing his hand finds. You stir next to him and bring him some water and painkillers. He glups it down without even openinghis eyes and pulls you down for some more cuddles. Once the painkillers kick in he opens his eye and realises his been using his own shirt asa blindfold, so he throws it away and suprise, he is lying on and is tangled by his own clothes...was he that plastered? but you jus tsaid Heavy yeeted him here, so that means..aww you sweet lil bunny, he is pulling you in for a tight hug and gives you a soft kiss.
Heavy: he isnt that tired, but after so many hours in an airplane his legs hurt so much and no matter of stretches will help. He really needs to lie down. He knocks on the door and waits for a respond, you just mumble a ‘come in’ so he opens the door and steps inside. His heart explodes right here and there. You are the cutest thing he has ever seen in his entire life, all wrapped up in his sweater. He pulls you up and swings a bit, holding you against his chest, You mished old Misha so much you wore his clothes to sleep? Well, now ,from now youll sleep on Mishas chest to never miss him again.
Medic: he is about to collapse,so he does the only logical thing that comes to mind; wash his hands, take off his shoes and pass ou thappily oh his bed with his S/O by his side. He gets all comfy and hes about to spoon when he feels something different on  his S/O, that weirdly feels like one of his medical robes. He has a smug smirk on his face but he is way too tired to do anything silly so he rubs your shoulder and pulls you for a cuddle. You wake up and feel Medic sprawled on the bed next to you-hes a huge  blankethog-so you give him a small kiss and snuggle a bit closer only for him to pounce and get you under him. “ You missed me so much schwatz, now you can wear me too” he gives you small kisses on both the head and the nose.
Sniper: he is no stranger to missions, he always liked extra work- keeps his mind sharp and his aim even sharper, but hed be a liarif he said he didnt miss you...perhaps way more than you think. He even semi-jogs his way to his S/O room, because his heart is pounding so hard he feels its gonna pop out of his chest. His mind is full of insecurities, why the lights are closed, why you arent on the common room? maybe you gotbored of him, maybe you found...the trail of thought chokes him so much he doesnt see you on the bed...but holly molly, he takes of his glasses and desperately tries to find his polaroid in his bag and snap a few pics of you. You are his angel, so pure and wrapped in his trusted rugged flannel shirt. Once hes satisfied he pets your hair and rubs your cheek untill you wake up. Then he lies on top of you and gives you lots of kisses and soft nothings. You kiss him back and just drown in his affection.
Spy: its not uncommon for him to leave for missions here and there, more than the other mercs. He isnt that tired,but he needs a bit of a lying down after a long flight and barely enough nicotine to keep him sane. He leaves the dufflebag on one of his couch in his smoking room and gets in the shower. He wonders where you are, but figures maybe you have some work or you are out for errands or something. Once his done, he puts a new balaclava and hes about to go for a nice nap when he notices you sprawled up with one of his work suits snuggled on your chest. Call him soft, call him an old romantic dilf, but this dilf smiles from ear to ear. You missed him so much, you slept with his suit...he means that much to you? he really wants to wake you up with kisses but he decides to just light a cigarrete and absorb the view. Once hes done, he lies next to you and pulls the shirt away from you, and just wraps his limbs around you and lets you snuggle on his chest. You mumble his name and then just snuggle tighter, yeap his heart has shattered. He gives you a soft kiss on the crown of the headand mumbles some apologises.Please hold him, he is having a small breakdown.
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methylphenidating · 4 years ago
Wild Things That Go Bump - Hollstein one shot
Read on AO3
Carmilla - student/teacher AU
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 4.942
A/N: Just some good old fashioned porny writing. A series of one shots that does have somewhat of a storyline.
Summary:  Carmilla Karnstein, English and Physics teacher, decides to take things further with her gorgeous colleague, Elle Sheridan. Much to Laura Hollis' dismay. As things heat up between the two women, Carmilla is about to find out just how far Laura is willing to go to get her teacher's attention back to her.
Carmilla boringly plays with the spoon in her cup. The cute heart the barista had made from the milk foam was now turning into something more abstract. She hears Elle in the background talking about Sparkles, which she figures is her cat’s name and the only thing Carmilla can think about is how the fuck a math teacher, with a PhD nonetheless, can name their cat Sparkles.
She can't help but laugh at that and as it turns out it is just in line with something funny Elle had said. Which has gone completely over her head. They exchange a smile at each other.
Why did I bother to go out with this woman?
As her gaze travels from her coffee, to Elle, to the student standing across the street behind the gorgeous teacher, she remembers. 
Carmilla can't get her eyes off of Laura, who is using a large sponge and practically her whole body to clean the dirt off of a SUV. Her white t-shirt and shorts are soaked through and through. A very tall redheaded girl is holding a hose and at first is pointing it at the SUV. But as Laura is practically mounting the car unceremoniously, she then points it at Laura. Both girls are laughing and seem to have lots of fun as the redhead is now full on hosing down Laura, with Laura trying to pretend she isn’t enjoying it.
Carmilla has to cross her legs to tame the ache between her legs, but she doesn't look away.
Just as she is about to figure out what Laura is wearing underneath her shirt, she feels a slight brush on her hand. As she looks down, she sees Elle brushing her thumb across the back of her hand. Carmilla’s gaze then travels from their hands to Elle’s face and they lock eyes for a moment. 
Carmilla knows then and there that this isn’t just a routine coffee date.
I fucking fell for it.
She tries to ignore Laura in the background and moves her attention to Elle. 
Maybe she won’t be as boring in bed. She is gorgeous after all. Something about more than meets the eye?
Carmilla retracts her hand, but never seizes the eye contact.
They had found a nice place to sit in the shade before ordering their coffee, but it was the middle of summer and the sun was beaming above their heads. The coffeeshop they were sitting at, called Carpe Diem, was close by the campus where the carwash was being held today.
“Such eager students aren’t they? I think that’s your SUV being washed thoroughly.” Carmilla finally speaks.
Elle turns her head and now both her and Carmilla are watching the redheaded girl and Laura hose down the black SUV.
“Danny, more to the left!” she hears Laura shout to the redhead.
It gives her an excuse to enjoy the sight a little more before Elle's attention goes back to Carmilla.
“Honestly, I feel like these things are nothing more than an excuse for students to gain easy credits. Kinda cheap as well.”
“It’s for charity.” Carmilla replies with a smirk.
She finally gulps the coffee down with a grimace, since the temperature of it is not that enjoyable anymore.
She puts the cup down and Elle gives her a chuckle.
“What? Did I miss some foam?”
As Carmilla is about to wipe her mouth with a napkin, Elle's hand is suddenly on her face.
“Just about there, yeah.” 
Her words are a whisper as she stares intensely at Carmilla’s lips. Elle brushes away the remainder of foam on the corner of her mouth with her thumb and Carmilla can feel the tension being cranked up to eleven.
“Carmilla, you didn’t bring your car. Not in the mood for a free wash?” 
Carmilla follows the movement of her hand as Elle brings her thumb back to her own mouth to lick the foam off.
This woman is moving at the speed of 'let's fuck right here' kilometers per hour.
She decides she has had enough of Elle's teasing and blatant flirting.
“I still have to pick it up from the garage. Come to think of it, I might do that now. And then we can have some iced tea at my place.”
Elle gives her a knowing smile. She knows Carmilla has no intention of picking up her car or feeding her iced tea for that matter. She knows she is going to get fed something else entirely.
“Yeah sure, I’ll come with.”
As they both stand up to leave to go to Carmilla’s apartment, which is about a block away, Carmilla gives a quick glance to the SUV. She has to do a double take as she now sees Laura standing there, looking straight at her, with what seems to be a very displeased and annoyed look. 
If Carmilla didn’t know any better, it was a full on death stare.
Carmilla locks eyes with her for what seems like forever, then turns around and starts walking away with Elle. She knows exactly what just happened and grabs Elle’s hand as they go around the corner of the block, giving Laura a glimpse of what she’s about to do.
You don't own me, you little brat.
 The walk seems to take forever and Carmilla is ready to trade the fuck sessions with her brat of a student in for this gorgeous teacher. Besides, less chance of getting caught and suspended, though she was more worried of what the principal would do to his precious not so innocent daughter, if he found out.
When she opens the door to her ground floor apartment, she lets Elle in first. 
"Nice crib, Carm. I always wanted a ground floor, two bedroom."
Elle looks around as she walks further in. Carmilla throws her keys on a small dish on top of the dresser.
"Thanks, I took it over from a friend."
Before she realizes what happens, Carmilla is being pulled inside and Elle uses her to shut the door. She rams Carmilla against it and Elle immediately plants her mouth on hers, not leaving any questions left in the air about her intentions.
She feels Elle's hands roam all over her body, cupping her breasts roughly and Carmilla moans into the kiss. Elle quickly unbuttons Carmilla’s white blouse and the button of her black jeans. She feels her impatient fingers going inside of it, pushing her panties down.
Carmilla decides she’s done not having the upper hand and turns Elle around, pushing her against the door. She puts her thigh against Elles center and presses against it. Elle moans and breaks the kiss. 
Carmilla starts kissing her neck, pleased with herself.
“Not gonna let me take control, huh?” Elle pants.
Carmilla chuckles.
“You’re way in over your head.” she purrs against her neck and continues her pathway with her mouth, while rubbing her nipple through the fabric of her blouse.
“Oh Carm, that feels so good” Elle whispers.
Suddenly, Carmilla stops dead in her tracks.
She holds herself there for what seems like forever and pulls back from Elle.
She finally meets Elle's eyes and gives her a haunted look, but recovers from it before Elle takes note.
"I'm sorry Elle. I forgot about this appointment I have and I still need to grade a ton of tests before Monday. Maybe we can continue this another time?"
Carmilla hopes she sounded as nonchalantly as possible and Elle just stares at her for a good few seconds, her expression saying something in the line of  ‘you can sit on my face while you grade your exams, I won't mind.’
Eventually she gives Carmilla a soft smile and kisses her cheek, lingering long enough for Carmilla to get another good whiff of her perfume.
Doesn’t smell as good as-
"Of course, I don't mind some old school hard to get." she says with a wink as she pulls away.
Carmilla just smiles and lets her out. After closing her front door, she leans against it with her back, closing her eyes as her mind yet again replays the scene Elle triggered with just a few words.
To yesterday.
To Laura.
Carmilla slumps down on the floor against her door as the memory unfolds in her head.
She was kissing Laura's neck, sucking on her pulse point when Laura had heard her call her ‘Carm’ for the first time.
"Oh Carm, that feels so good." Laura had whimpered.
At the time she had punished Laura for it, but she could admit it to herself now. She had loved it when Laura had said it. Called her name like that.
She lets her head fall back against the door as she realizes she didn't like it when Elle had just now.
Carmilla feels a twitch in her center as the memory of Laura unfolds further.
Whimpering. On her desk. Her legs spread.
She pinches her eyes, trying to make it go away. But then she remembers how her students tongue had felt. Lashing over her clit eagerly. 
"Fuck, that girl is good with her mouth." she mumbles to herself.
The twitch is replaced by full blown aching and she can feel her swollen clit rub against the fabric of her panties.
She stays on the floor, her blouse and pants still unbuttoned. Her hand starts to travel downwards, past the hem of her panties, when suddenly her doorbell rings.
Carmilla lets out a frustrated sigh and gets up from the floor. She quickly buttons up her blouse and shoves them back in her jeans.
The doorbell rings again.
Someone is an impatient little fuck.
She swings it open, ready to fight some stupid mailman.
Instead, she kind of chokes on her breath.
Carmilla stands nailed to the ground. The sight of the younger girl instantly turns the full blown aching between her legs into full blown throbbing.
The white t-shirt she has on is still wet from before, but surprise surprise, no bra underneath.
"Hello, Miss Karnstein."
The girl smiles, but Carmilla senses a hint of annoyance coming off of her. And this would match her displeasing look from earlier.
Carmilla scrapes her throat.
"What can I help you with, Laura?"
She wants to mentally shoot herself for giving away her desire with a raspy voice and she knows it wont go unnoticed with Laura.
After all, they have heard the other orgasm multiple times now.
"Can I come in?"
Laura smiles at her. It's that innocent smile of which Carmilla doesn’t know why it just makes her want to see it disappear by jamming a few fingers inside her tight little-
Carmilla opens the door wider and Laura enters, looking around amazed. But Carmilla notices she is searching for something.
Probably someone.
"Nice apartment."
"So, what are you doing here?"
Carmilla crosses her arms impatiently.
"Well, Miss Karnstein, you never brought your car, for a wash. So I thought I would come by to remind you."
Carmilla isn't really paying attention to what she is saying as her eyes are glued to Laura's chest. More specifically, the hard nipples straining against the white wet fabric, of which she can swear are getting harder the more she looks at it. As Laura starts to walk closer to her, Carmilla finally meets her eyes.
"I'm sorry Laura, I got a little busy." she says in a bored tone.
Laura doesn't really seem surprised at that. In fact, it seems as if her annoyance just grows after she said that.
As Laura now stands a few inches away, her eyes get caught on Carmilla's top buttons of her blouse. They're undone.
"With Miss Sheridan, I presume?"
Laura never meets her eyes as she asks the question. Instead, she is fidgeting with the top button of Carmilla’s blouse, fixated on it.
"Laura," Carmilla speaks as she stills the hand that is sneaking its way inside her blouse, "that's none of your fucking business, is it cupcake?"
The last words are spoken in a mocking tone and oh did she love mocking this girl.
Laura's expression changes from playful to angry.
"You don't have to hide it, you know." she says as she distances herself from her teacher. "I saw her leaving your place not too long ago."
"Are you spying on your teachers now?" Carmilla asks, raising an eyebrow.
Laura's expression softens a little. "Not all teachers, no."
Their eyes meet again and Carmilla can feel the sexual tension practically dripping off of the walls of her house.
It would be so good, just to take her in my own bedroom. She’s practically screaming for it.
But she can't make Laura think she can just come into her house, invade her privacy, and interrogate her like some jealous lover.
Carmilla regains her composure and gives her student a mocking smile.
“You know, Laura, you're just a student who doesn't have any business poking around in my private life and I sure as hell don't owe you an explanation of who I'm fucking in my free time.”
"You can fuck me in your free time."
The words are out before Laura realizes it.
Did I hear her correctly?
Carmilla feels her composure slipping away again and she wonders why this girl has such an effect on her.
Laura's expression is now that of a begging student. Much like when she had begged for a higher grade. Much like when she had begged Carmilla to let her come.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Miss Karnstein."
Laura suddenly seems very sure of herself and Carmilla isn't liking it.
She decides to stand her ground and not let this younger girl manipulate her.
Did I really just say no?
Laura looks flabbergasted and Carmilla guesses by her expression she really didn't expect her to say no.
Hell, even Carmilla herself couldn't believe it.
This girl is practically offering herself up on a silver platter to Carmilla, in her own damn house, ready to be feasted on whenever Carmilla wants and she refuses her.
"You heard me, Laura." Carmilla snaps back.
As she is making her way to the door to open it, ready to throw this brat of a student out, Laura is suddenly in front of it, blocking her.
"Laura, you need to go. Now." Carmilla feels her frustration turning into anger.
"Wait no, Miss Karnstein, please."
"Laura, get out. Leave." 
Carmilla practically spits the words out.
She grabs the younger girl by her arm and tries to pull her away from the door so she can push her out of her apartment.
"No, Carm, I won't!"
As she shouts her name, Carmilla can hear it echo through her house and she can't help but still her movements. 
Laura knows there are consequences to using her name like that. But at this point she doesn't care.
She won't let Carmilla be seduced by some floozy teacher. She would never be able to give Carmilla what she wants. What she needs.
But Laura can, she is sure of it. She knows she can please Carmilla in ways no one can ever imagine doing. Every time she catches her teacher staring at her, in the back of her class, she knows it means something. She knows it bothers her when Laura flirts with others.
Yesterday she finally had the courage to walk up to her. And when Laura had offered herself up like that, she knew Carmilla wanted her as much as she did. She has had a crush on her teacher since forever and this is her chance to turn it into more, to make her fall in-
"Laura, move, or there will be some serious consequences you can not begin to comprehend." Carmilla says in a very calm and collected voice. The menacing undertone doesn’t go unnoticed.
Laura's expression changes. Her eyes get dark and it makes Carmilla stare at her in confusion. The student innocently looks up at her.
“Miss Karnstein, you and I both know I actually  can  begin to comprehend the things you will do to me. In fact, the things you wanna do to me right here. Right this moment. You tell me you want me to go when what you actually wanna do, is suck on the nipples that have been pressed against my shirt for the past few minutes. You wanna take my tight wet pussy and put as many fingers in, and see which finger it is that's gonna make me beg for you to stop. But even when I do beg, you won’t stop.“
Carmilla just stares at her in shock.
“Don't you, Miss Karnstein?”
That bratty look returns, the one Carmilla knows all too well.
If Carmilla even had any resolve left after that, it disappeared as fast as the speed of light.
She grabs both her hands and slams them above Laura's head against the door. She kisses her, hard, reminding Laura who is going to be in control of this whole fuck session they are about to begin. 
Although Carmilla has the younger girl pinned between the door and her own body, it is Laura that deepens the kiss, brushing her tongue eagerly against Carmilla's. Any lingering desire for Elle has long gone.
Carmilla lets go of her hands, to let her own roam freely over the young girl's body, going to where she wanted to touch her for the past few minutes when the student had stepped foot in her house.
As she squeezes her breasts, Laura moans in her mouth. But Carmilla wants more.
She pulls away from the kiss, spins Laura around and slams her face first against the door. She continues where she left off, her hands traveling under her shirt back to her breasts, only now she can easily squeeze her nipples too. She puts the hardened nubs between her index and middle finger and massages her just like that. Laura moans and lets her head fall back, and Carmilla starts sucking on that pulse point, of which she knows exactly what that does to both of them.
"Hey cupcake, tell me this." Carmilla pants in her ear.
Laura tries her best to listen to the words coming out of her teacher's mouth, while her breasts are being touched so eagerly. Her nipples have always been so sensitive. She plays with them quite often when she touches herself.
"Yes, Miss Karnstein?" she breathes, followed by a gasp as she feels Carmilla tug on her earlobe.
"Have you been braless all day long?"
Carmilla feels a small sting of what she would never dare to call jealousy while she asks the question, but somehow the thought of Laura washing other people's cars with that sight to behold makes her feel just that. At the time she couldn’t really check as Elle was there distracting her.
She turns Laura back around, bringing her mouth close to hers.
"Tell me, Laura." Carmilla purrs, her hands still under her shirt.
Laura blushes a little and bites her lip. She looks down before looking back up to meet Carmilla’s eyes. 
"I… no. I waited till daddy went home after saying goodbye to the teachers, then I..."
Her words die in her throat and she moans as she feels Carmilla's tongue brush against her nipple.
She looks down and sees Carmilla has pulled her shirt up with both hands. She is slowly circling the hard bud with her tongue. Her tongue darts back in and Carmilla glances up at her.
"Then you..." Carmilla motions for her to continue.
She then takes Laura's nipple between her teeth and bites on it softly. Laura lets out a louder moan before continuing, although having trouble speaking now.
"Then I.. Ah, went to the changing rooms and... removed it… oh god" 
Carmilla is now sucking hard on her nipple and that alone can send Laura over the edge if she keeps doing that long enough. She tangles her fingers slowly in Carmilla's black wavy hair and gently urges her to keep sucking on it. She expects her teacher to refuse and punish her, as she had done the last time.
Instead, Carmilla increases the pressure and Laura is letting out small moans now as her head falls back on the door and Carmilla continues to suck on her swollen nipple. She tugs it between her lips before kissing her way back up to Laura’s mouth.
"And then you came straight to my house, to spy on me and watch me fuck someone else, didn’t you?
Her tone has changed, Laura notices, and the look in Carmilla's eyes are the familiar displeasing look she had seen yesterday, which sends shivers down her whole body.
Carmilla begins to realize just what is happening between them right this moment. But she wants to tease the younger girl some more. Not wanting to acknowledge any of it, in fact.
She leans both hands against the door and brings her lips close to Laura’s ear again.
“Tell me, buttercup, how long were you standing there, outside my house? Did you watch, through the window as well? Did you watch as I took Elle hard, right here on this very floor you’re standing on?”
Laura has trouble controlling her emotions. She feels the familiar ache in her sex from hearing her teachers seducing tone in her ear and the oh so familiar jealousy she had felt whenever she saw Carmilla even being mildly flirty with someone else, especially Miss Sheridan.
She hates the wench for even touching Carmilla the other day, in front of her.
Laura regains some of her composure and she decides to put an end to Carmilla’s smug face.
“Nice try, Miss Karnstein, but I know for a fact that even if you fucked her, she definitely didn’t fuck you.”
Carmilla leans back and raises an eyebrow, eyeing her suspiciously, but listening curiously as Laura continues.
“You see, I know exactly how long it takes for you to come.”
Laura moves closer to Carmilla, her hands slowly unbuttoning the blouse she is wearing. As she reaches her pants, she unbuttons it as well and removes the blouse from her jeans.
“And since I saw Miss Sheridan going into your house and getting back out within a certain time, I know for a fact she definitely didn’t make you orgasm.”
Carmilla smirks and looks at her.
I might have underestimated this girl.
She is about to call her a stalker student, when her retort dies in her throat.
Carmilla didn't even realize her pants were undone. She was so mesmerized by Laura’s sudden confidence, until she felt fingers go through her soaking wet folds.
“Ah. Fuck.”
Carmilla’s hips jolt from the touch and she rests her hands back on the door. She remembers not so long ago she had been so turned on just thinking about Laura, she was about to take care of it herself, right on this exact spot.
It turns out she doesn’t have to anymore.
“You’re so fucking wet” Laura whispers, her lips brushing Carmilla’s cheek.
“You have no idea what you do to me.” 
Carmilla hisses as she feels Laura’s fingers move over her swollen clit.
“Nothing that Miss Sheridan can do to you, I’m sure.”
“Shut up. Come here.”
Carmilla pulls her closer and kisses her. She takes her own blouse off, leaving her black lace bra on and unbuttons Laura’s shorts. At that moment she can't help but wonder if this time she will have briefs on or not.
“No more talking about Miss Sheridan.” she says with a strict tone.
Last thing Carmilla wants is to think about is Elle while she is relishing in the slow rubbing of her clit by Laura and her head falls back as she lets out a moan. 
Laura is definitely good with her hands as well.
She puts her own hand over Laura’s and presses against it, seeking more friction. 
Her hips buck. She is getting dangerously close, but to her own surprise she doesn’t want to come. Not yet.
“Keep going, slow, just like that.” Carmilla instructs her.
Laura nods and complies happily as Carmilla continues to get rid of her shorts. She unzips it and before she can do anything else, she feels a massive jolt go through her core.
“Fuck, damn it” she hisses, feeling her orgasm edge closer. Laura is putting just the right amount of pressure on her throbbing clit as she continues her slow, but oh so sweet up and down motions. She knows it will take just about five strokes more and she's done.
“Are you enjoying it, Miss Karnstein?” Laura says with a grin.
Carmilla lets out a frustrated groan.
Yes, too much.
She swiftly removes Laura’s hand from her pants and gets down on her knees, pulling Laura’s shorts with her. Much to Carmilla’s surprise, she is wearing a pair of white lace briefs, definitely from Victoria's. 
“Not your usual attire, cupcake.” Carmilla says with a smirk.
“Do you like it? I bought them recently.”
Carmilla looks up at her and gives her an approving smile. Laura can’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach.
She gets rid of the briefs quickly and she stares at the younger girls sex, mesmerized. Her wetness is glistening in the sunlight and Carmilla can’t help but lick the opening of her folds, relishing in the taste.
“Ah, Miss Karnstein, wait, I wanna touch you first. Please.”
Laura is about to pull her shirt over her head when Carmilla stops her and gets back up.
“No. That stays on.” 
The shirt had dried up a little, but with the fabric being as thin, there was still not much to hide.
As they kiss, Carmilla leads her to her bedroom.
She pushes Laura against her dresser and lifts her up on it. Their tongues are battling for dominance, but as Laura wraps her legs around Carmilla’s waist and pulls her in closer, Carmilla feels the edge of the dresser press against the seam of her jeans. She moans and it gives Laura an opening to kiss her neck. She moves her hair out of the way and licks along her pulse point. Carmilla shivers and she decides then she is done edging.
She impatiently shoves her jeans and her black briefs down to her thighs and puts one hand around Laura’s middle.
"Go inside." she pants.
Before Laura can reach to touch her, Carmilla has already taken her students hand and she pushes two of Laura’s fingers inside her. They slide in so easy and she takes them out half way, only to shove them in deeper, going straight for her sweet spot.
Carmilla groans and she feels her legs go weak.
She holds on to Laura while she fucks herself using Laura’s fingers.
“Miss Karnstein, here, let me do it. You feel so fucking good."
Carmilla holds her own hand there as she feels Laura mimicking her motions from before. She spreads her legs further to give the girl easier access and the sensation of it all is driving her crazy.
She is speechless, aside from the continuous moans and she is so close to orgasming, her brain content has gone straight to her center.
“Fuck, Laura... so good… gonna come...” is all she can manage to bring out.
Carmilla rides her hand as Laura thrusts in and out of her at a maddening pace.
I definitely love her hands as much as her tongue. 
Laura pulls her in closer by the back of her head.
“You’re fucking amazing. I wanna feel you come.” she whispers in her ear.
Carmilla feels her walls tighten and then contract. She finally climaxes, very hard, grunting as her hips buck wildly against Laura’s hand.
She bites her moans down on the younger girl's shoulder, having shoved aside the fabric of her shirt.
Carmilla pushes Laura’s fingers even deeper inside her and holds them there to ride out the last waves of her orgasm.
They pull back and Laura slowly pulls her fingers out, bringing them to her mouth. Carmilla shivers and watches her intensely as she licks them both off. 
Just from watching Laura lick off the fingers that had been inside her just a few moments ago makes her ache again.
Carmilla wants to taste her again, touch her again, have her whimpering again. She can’t get enough of hearing the younger girl beg.
"Laura, get on my bed, right now." Carmilla commands her student.
Laura’s face instantly turns into that of a puppy who just got thrown a bone.
"Yes, Miss Karnstein."
She swiftly gets off the dresser and Carmilla leads her to the back of her room. She is about to push her down on her white linen covers, when suddenly her doorbell rings.
Seriously, what day is it? Trick or fucking treat?
Carmilla gives out a frustrated groan and pulls her briefs and pants back up.
"Stay here. Don’t move.” she orders Laura. “I’m not done with you yet.” She gives her a quick kiss on the lips before exiting her bedroom.
As she enters her hallway she sees Laura's briefs and shorts lying there along with her own blouse. She smirks, picks her blouse up and puts it on. The remaining clothes are thrown through the bedroom door she left ajar.
As she buttons her blouse back up she tries to peek through the windows to see who it is, but the person is practically hugging her door it seems.
She rolls her eyes and annoyingly swings it open. She raises an eyebrow at the person standing in front of her.
Are you fucking kidding me?
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dearyams · 5 years ago
wanted to send you a prompt i was gonna do but i am too lazy prompt: mike and will have been dating but havent said i love you, mike is going on some trip for a week where cell phones dont work (obv future fic) and so Byeler is having a phone convo before mike arrives at his destination and they wont be able to talk to each other a week and will says tells mike he loves him but before mike can respond the phone disconnects as Mike arrives at the destinationn
[ crossposted on AO3 ]
“Finished packing yet?”
Mike turns from his suitcase and the clothes piles spread about the floor in his room and grins when he spots Will leaning on the doorframe a few feet away. He’s got two iced coffee cups in hand, indicative of finishing his part-time hours at the local coffee shop a few blocks north from the Byers residence. Mike wonders if Will biked his way over or took a lift with his brother to come visit before the Wheelers make their way on an impromptu trip to upstate New York at a cabin his dad had recently inherited.
The kneeling boy waves his hands at the disorderly state surrounding him and shrugs. “I’m trying and failing at packing the right clothes for this venture, I’ll say that.”
Will chuckles and walks fully into the room. He passes along Mike’s coffee, shoving around haphazardly folded pants to find a seat on the floor beside the other boy. Mike watches him grab a sweater and toss it aside. “It’s summer so you don’t need to pack heavy. Just grab some t-shirts and jeans; that should do. Shorts too if you’d like.”
“Sure,” sighs Mike before sipping from his cup. “I don’t want to make the visit miserable if I’m wearing the wrong clothes. Wrong for the weather and wrong for looking tolerable in the photos I know Mom is gonna force on me.”
Will laughs, a gentle breeze in the summer’s heat. “You’ll look good in whatever you put on.”
“As my boyfriend, you’re kind of obligated to say that.”
“Not really.” the brunette leans in to kiss Mike’s cheek. “I’ll let you know when you look bad if only for the sake of my own eyes.”
“And when you won’t be next to me, how will you judge my outfits properly?”
Will checks his watch and hums. “When’s your departure? If you have time, you can try out some of the outfits and I’ll let you know what works.”
Mike grins as he reaches over Will’s lap and snags a band t-shirt. “Sneaky aren’t you; tryna get me undressed.”
“I’ll cover my eyes.” Will places his unoccupied hand over his eyes but spreads his fingers between his middle and ring fingers to peek through the opening. Mike scoffs, tossing a stray pair of shorts at his face which makes the brunette laugh heartily. Mike already misses Will, the knowledge that they’ll be separated for a week squeezing his heart dry with romantic despair. He wishes Will could come with but the trip was pretty unplanned and though Mike's “job” as a blog writer and editor doesn’t require a remote location, Will’s job doesn’t allow the same ease when taking off work.
(Though Mike thinks he’ll probably still be working offline on an article if his mom doesn’t steal his laptop for “family bonding in the forest” time.)
Mike’s sudden fashion show lasts for about an hour and while Will does offer good input, most of that hour is spent playing around and Mike sneaking in as many kisses as they can get away with whenever Mike peels off a shirt and struggles to get his head through the tight collar of another. Afterwards, Will helps finish packing and when completed, they lounge about on Mike’s bed as Will discusses the customers he met earlier in the day.
Though he knows packing just mere hours before departure isn’t a habit he should develop, especially when the plans for his career require frequent traveling, he spent the night before editing a movie review scheduled for posting during the drive. Mike doesn’t regret his momentary time mismanagement if it means he spends more time with Will before the trip. The article can wait—he’s posting it early anyway—but time spent with his boyfriend is always coveted.
When Mike’s mom knocks on the door, Will pulls away from Mike’s chest where he rested his head as they page through Mike’s hard copy of The Golden Compass which he wanted to review in line with the show’s release. Shaking his head and straightening his hair as best as possible, Mike struts to his door and opens it with raised eyebrows. His mom looks up from checking her phone and offers Mike a tight smile before looking past him to wave at Will.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you two,” she starts warmly, “but Mike, we have to get going soon. The traffic through the city is getting dense thanks to an accident on the 70.”
“Got it,” replies Mike as he turns back to Will, who walks to his side with both their empty cups in hand. “I’ll see you in a few days, Byers.”
“‘Course.” Will grins and leans up to press a gentle kiss to Mike’s cheek. “Call me when you’re getting close to your destination.”
“Sure, worrywart,” he teases but turns his face to kiss Will’s lips one last time before he has to depart. He watches Will nod bashfully at his mom and give her a short goodbye before making his way downstairs. Mike doesn’t look away until he hears the front door closing and then he casts his gaze on his mom. “Are Dad, Nancy, and Holly waiting outside?”
“Yes,” she nods toward the front of the house. “We’ll all just waiting on you now.”
It doesn’t take long for Mike to join his family at the car, and as his dad pulls out the driveway, Mike turns in the direction of the Byers and smiles when he sees Will on his bike a little ways down the road watching. He sticks his hand out the window, his wave only growing more frantic when Will waves back. Holly giggles and Nancy makes a side comment about love sick teenagers as if she wasn’t one herself during her escapades with Steve, Jonathan, and now Robin. The first hour and a half fills with Holly saying “moo” every time they pass a cow on the way to the interstate and Mike feels like smashing his head against his window when they pass a farm and Holly moos until she nearly passes out. Pulling out his phone, Mike shoots Will a selfie of himself despondently looking out the window and groans when his cell service takes its sweet time sending the message along. Mike gets a reply a reply twenty minutes later: Will laughing at his misery with a short additional, “you’ll be there before you know it,” and a bunch of kiss emojis.
The next hour passes with Mike flipping through his ever growing Will gallery, a digital photo album filled with selfies and candid shots of Will, both solo and with Mike. He’s not one for being in photos himself but Will manages to drag him into a few selfies here and there. He doesn’t mind snapping a selfie either by himself or together—cheeks squished as they both attempt to fit in the frame as Mike holds the phone up and out—because Will always asks him to send the photo along and then makes it his lock screen until the next time he convinces Mike it’s photo time.
After settling on a candid shot Mike snapped when he and Will visited Lovers’ Lake and the sun framed Will like a bright halo of fire, Mike settles on playing a mobile game for about another two hours before staring out the window until the trees blend together and his eyes find themselves sliding shut. He wakes up a few times here and there when the family stops at gas stations and picks up snacks—he definitely remembers his mom arguing with his dad about stopping at a hotel which they ultimately don’t do—but he wakes up for the final time to his phone buzzing in his lap, startling him out of a dream he quickly forgets upon waking. Caller ID tags the number as Will and he immediately answers as he scrambles for his headphones in his pocket.
“Hey,” he begins, shoving the headphone plug into the slot at the bottom of the device, “Is everything okay back home?”
“Everything’s great,” Will’s voice crackles on the line and Mike peaks outside in the darkness to notice the forest surrounding him. They must be close to the cabin destination already. He didn’t think he had slept for that long. “Just checking in since it’s about time you’ve arrived if your dad didn’t take a rest.”
Mike laughs. “You’re cute, you know, checking up on me like this.” He hears Nancy snorting and reaches over Holly to pinch her bare arm. She glares at him and covers Holly’s eyes to flip him off. “Nancy says hello by the way.”
“Hello back to her.” Mike can hear Will’s grin and his heart clenches in sorrow at the current distance between them. “Are you doing okay there?”
“Yeah, peachy.” Mike yawns and covers his mouth. “Is it too cheesy to say I already miss you?”
“Maybe, but I miss you, too, so you don’t have to be embarrassed about it.”
A sleepy smile curls itself on Mike’s lips. “One week, Byers; one week and then I’m back.”
“Yeah, but don’t spend your time counting down the days, alright? I’ll do that for us both; you just have a great time at the cabin.”
Mike would kiss him if he could. “I’ll try my best but you know how my brain works.”
“Are you telling me it actually does work?”
“I’m breaking up with you.” Will laughs heartily. “Why are you laughing; I’m serious this time.”
“Sure, Wheeler.” Mike frowns as the last bit of his name gets caught in static. “Hey, I know this is probably something that should wait until you’re back but this separation made me realize I should tell you either way.”
“This sounds pretty important.”
“Yeah. I, uh, you probably already know this though but,” and Will takes a deep breath and releases it, though Mike hears it in short, split crackles. “Mike, I love you.”
The clarity in those four words stuns Mike into speechlessness and his mouth dries as his heart thumps speedily in his chest. Will is right, Mike already knows Will loves him, but this is the first time Will has ever said the fact out loud. I love you echoes in Mike’s head at the reverb levels of a rock guitarist. It takes far too long for his brain to come back online, but by the time it does, the car speeds past a brush of trees and the call suddenly drops. Mike looks down at his phone screen as the loud call dropped tone passes through his headphones. His home screen—a playfully disgruntled selfie as Will kisses his cheek—stares him back in the face as Will’s voice continues to bounce about in his head.
Mike, I love you.
Mike quickly calls back but his phone spits back the message that he has no service. “Nancy,” he hisses even though the entire car heard his part of his conversation with Will anyway, “do you have any service on your phone? I need to call Will back and my phone is being homophobic.”
Nancy raises her eyebrows but checks phone and shakes her head. “Looks like you’re straight out of luck.”
“Ha; you’re quite the comedian, aren’t you.” Mike reaches forward to tap his mom’s arm. “Mom, can I borrow your phone to finish a call?”
“Sorry, sweetie, I’ve lost service, too. I don’t think any of us can use internet on our phones.”
“Does the cabin at least have wifi?”
“Nope,” snorts Mike’s dad as he drives the car down a dirt road further into the forest. “You kids these days need to learn what life is like without cell phones anyway.”
Mike rolls his eyes and mumbles under his breath, “Okay, boomer.”
“What was that, young man?”
“Okay, bummer.” Nancy bites on her bottom lip and Mike sends her a grin before settling in his seat.
Their mom reaches a hand back to rest on Mike’s knee. “It’s only 7 days, Michael. I’m sure both you and Will can last that long without contact.”
He told me he loves me, Mom, he wants to explain but Will’s words are too fresh and far too private to blurt out in front of the whole family. He crosses his arms silently and turns to stare out the window, hoping that Will can wait out these next few days and hoping he doesn’t think Mike hung up on him after such an important conversation. I love you, too, he thinks to himself, smiling as he presses his hand against the chilly window and imagines Will on the other side as if the car window is the window in Will’s room and Will’s inside watching Mike with that ever so lovestruck grin filled with appreciation that Mike came over despite the cold night to comfort Will from the nightmares that occasionally plague him to this day.
I love you, Will, he repeats inwardly, wait for me.
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forestsfm · 5 years ago
your  fav  whore  is  back  with  yet  another  piece  of  garbage  !  this  one  is  just  as  bad  as  scar  ,  and  i’m  very  very  excited  to  share  him  with  you  all  .  below  is  his  small  bio  ,  headcanons  ,  and  a  few  connections  i’d  like  for  him  to  have  !  you  know  the  drill  ,  smack  the  like  button  and  i’ll  hit  you  up  for  some  plotting  n  such  !  
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[  jack gilinsky  .  twenty three  .  cismale  .  he/him  ] just saw MASON FOREST dragging their suitcase up the steps of BAXTER.  good luck living with HIM  ,  word around campus is that they’re STUBBORN  ,  MISCHIEVOUS,  CONFIDENT  &  OUTGOING  .  makes sense they chose that house now  ,  doesn’t it  ?  let’s hope this new living situation doesn’t affect their JUNIOR year of HISTORICAL STUDIES   .
biography  .  
***bio  mentions  parental  abuse  ,  read  with  caution.***
his  father  was  the  famous  reginald  ‘  reggie  ‘   forest  ,  one  of  the  most  known  and  popular  basketball  players  in   history  .  
his  father  was  a  single  parent  ,  his  mom  being  a  one  night  stand  of  a  widely  popular  basketball  player  then  leaving  the  hospital  as  soon  as  she  could  once  mason  was  born  .
because  his  father  is  so  well  known  ,  mason  was  shown  in  the  public  eye  a  lot  .  his  father  told  everyone  that  he  had  no  doubt  that  mason  would  be  just  as  successful  in  athletics  as  he  was  .
mason  grew  up  being  in  every  small  basketball  league  and  game  around  their  hometown  ,  almost  every  day  being  at  practice  to  get  as  good  as  he  possibly  could  .  
mason  loved  the  game  at  first  ,  loving  the  people  he  got  to  spend  time  with  and  just  the  love  of  the  sport  .  but  as  soon  as  his  father  put  mountains  of  pressure  on  him  the  older  he  got  ,  that  quickly  changed  .  
he  dreaded  going  every  single  day  ,  and  even  told  his  maid  about  it  .  
his  maid  was  the  closest  thing  he  had  to  a  friend  ,  since  he  couldn’t  keep  one  considering  his  father  made  him  practice  so  much  he  couldn’t  ever  go  out  and  do  anything  ,  and  even  got  homeschooled  to  save  more  time  for  practice  .  
when  he  was  a  sophomore  in  school  ,  he  finally  told  his  father  the  truth  .  this  didn’t  go  well  .  
his  father  and  him  got  into  a  major  altercation  ,  and  reggie  told  him  either  he  had  to  love  the  game  ,  or  there  would  be  dire  consequences  .  
when  mason  told  his  father  off  ,  reggie  sent  a  hard  punch  right  against  mason’s  eye  .  that  was  the  only  time  mason  missed  practice, and  didn’t  come  back  for  two  weeks  until  his  eye  healed  up  to  avoid  scandal  .  
he  continued  to  play  up  to  his  senior  year  ,  when  a  group  of  boys  from  the  team  invited  him  out  to  a  party  after  a  game  .  
mason  snuck  out  of  the  house  after  the  game  ended  and  he  claims  it  was  the  best  night  of  his  life  ,  at  first  .  he  met  multiple  people  who  didn’t  care  if  he  played  or  not  ,  drank  ,  danced  ,  and  he  couldn’t  imagine  a  life  better  than  one  without  basketball  .  
the  night  turned  sour  when  his  father  saw  a  picture  of  mason  on  social  media  ,  a  beer  in  one  hand  and  a  blonde  on  the  other  .  
his  father  came  busting  into  the  house  and  threw  the  beer  out  of  masons  hand  ,  telling  him  to  ,  “  get  in  the  ***  damn  truck  before  i  throw  that  fucking  table  over  your  bitch  ass  head  .   ”
mason  put  his  hands  on  his  father  ,  pushing  him  back  and  telling  him  he  couldn’t  tell  him  what  to  fucking  do  .  
his  father  hit  him  .  in  front  of  everyone  .  pictures  were  snapped  ,  headlines  were  made  ,  and  reggie  forest  was  no  longer  a  household  name  .  he  was  a  disgrace  to  all  parents  .  
at  this  point  mason  was  eighteen  ,  and  as  soon  as  the  police  left  the  party  that  night  he  went  to  his  thirty  million  dollar  mansion  and  cleared  out  all  his  stuff  .  he  went  to  go  live  with  the  maid  .
his  father  screamed  he  would  find  him  again  when  he  left  his  house  ,  making  him  regret  ruining  his  life  .  mason  got  a  restraining  order  on  his  father  the  next  day  .
he  finished  his  homeschool  and  saw  hollis  ,  a  perfect  place  to  attend  .  somewhere  far  away  from  his  hometown  ,  somewhere  he  could  be  himself  .  somewhere  where  he  could  play  the  sport  without  the  stress  .  somewhere  where  his  father  wont  find  him  .  
he  got  in  quickly  ,  call  it  pity  or  his  skills  ,  but  he  got  a  full  ride  on  a  basketball  scholarship  .  
he  constantly  looks  over  his  shoulder  ,  hoping  his  dad  doesn’t  find  him  .  and  living  life  the  way  he  always  wanted  to  .  
headcanons  /  facts  .  
he’s  a  major  ladies  man  .  cocky  about  it  too  .  
he’s  very  caring  ,  and  has  the  biggest  heart  but  has  a  majorly  hard  time  showing  it  .  
his  favorite  singer  is  lewis  capaldi  .  
people  do  still  recognize  him  ,  and  he  fucking  hates  when  they  ask  him  hey  !  aren’t  you  reg’s  son  ?  i  wouldn’t  ask  him  .  
he’s  starting  to  love  the  game  again  ,  but  sometimes  has  to  ask  his  coach  to  let  him  sit  out  when  he  gets  memories  of  his  dad  .
he’s  very  arrogant  ,  and  uses  his  charm  to  get  anything  he  wants  .  
he’s  so  good  to  talk  to  ,  and  will  be  honest  with  you  on  anything  .  
he’s  the  type  that’ll  bring  you  a  teddy  bear  and  sour  patch  kids  or  a  beer  at  three  in  the  morning  cause  you’re  having  a  shitty  night  .  
he’s  tan  like  24  /  7  and  people  always  ask  him  how  he  gets  that  way  ,  and  its  cause  he  spends  23  /  6  in  the  sun  practicing  .  
he’ll  talk  to  anyone  that  will  talk  to  him  ,  and  is  only  a  dick  if  you  do  something  to  him  .  
if  you  do  hurt  him  ,  he’ll  never  ,  i  mean  NEVER  forgive  you  .  he  doesn’t  believe  in  people  changing  .  
buzzfeed  unsolved  is  a  CONSTANT  for  this  guy  .  
he’s  the  type  to  make  the  “ wipe  ,  wipe  ,  wipe  it  down  “  tik  tok  and  get  like  2  likes  cause  he  didn’t  time  it  right  
he’ll  be  in  ball  shorts  one  day  and  straight  black  jeans  and  boots  the  next  .  no  middle  .  
he’s  gonna  marry  jennifer  aniston  one  day  .  he  truly  believes  it  .
oh  and  him  and  scar  dated  during  sophomore  year  for  a  hot  minute  and  then  she  went  crazy  on  him  and  he  ended  it  and  they  hate  each  other  more  than  anything  thank  u  next  ~
connections  .  
someone  who  will  not  give  in  to  his  dumbass  jokes  and  remarks  ,  someone  who  will  make  him  work  for  a  friendship  .  
bitter  exes  .  give  me  DRAMA  .  
soft  exes  who  still  care  for  each  other  .  
partying  buddies  !!  
workout  /  basketball  friends  .  he  needs  them  .  
unrequited  relationship  .  
someone  he  knew  in  his  hometown  and  knew  about  everything  going  on  ,  and  now  mason  refuses  to  talk  to  them  because  he  doesn’t  want  to  be  reminded  of  that  time  in  his  life  .  
hookups  ;) 
triple  threat  !  
someone  he  has  a  soft  spot  for  ,  and  will  drop  everything  to  tend  to  them  and  whatever  they  have  got  going  on  .  
someone  he  **sexually**  frustrates  and  maybe  they  **sexually**  frustrate  him  too  and  they  constantly  do  little  things  to  get  the  other  going  but  they  havent  pulled  the  trigger  yet  
one  night  stand  that  led  to  an  amazing  friendship  !  
and  much  much  more  but  im  lazy  atm  !  gimme  plots  pls  </3
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waitinginthedarke · 6 years ago
It Consumes Me
A BTS/Kim Namjoon Fanfiction
Summary: The minute he laid eyes on her he knew she was the one. But love is a battle of the mind and the heart, and when the voices in your head start winning, how can your heart possibly compete with a choice that consumed you before the very start…
Type: Angst/Love
Disclaimer: This story contains strong themes. Should a chapter be potentially triggering, it will be stated beforehand. (This chapter contains more direct reference to triggering subjects, most prominently EDs)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
You peer nervously from Namjoon to Jungkook, feeling your legs shake a little when you stand to greet him, keeping Namjoon’s hand tucked tightly in your own and you feel him do the same with yours as you bow to the other guy, attempting a warm smile after realising that he was someone clearly important to the man beside you with how scared he’d seemed to introduce you to him.
‘Its…uh, its nice to meet you, Jungkook-sshi.’ You say, cursing your voice for sounding so quiet as a result of your uneasiness at the sudden turn of events, panicking when you suddenly feel light-headed, grabbing Namjoon’s hand tighter in response to make sure you don’t fall, and seeing him turn to look at you in your peripheral vision with slight concern .
‘I wish I could say I’ve heard a lot about you, y/n. But in actual fact, I only learned of your connection to Namjoon-hyung this evening. …although I must say, since I pulled the secret of your existence out of him, he hasn’t stopped talking about you...’
Its that tiny tit-bit of information that Jungkook finishes on that centers you in your dizziness and brings you back to the present, the smile that appears on your lips going unnoticed to yourself as you turn your head to look at the angel beside you.
‘Is that right?’ you ask, knowing you’d use this information to tease Namjoon for a long while after this moment, especially with the way his cheeks tinge pink in his embarrassment at being caught talking about you without you being there.
‘Yah, did you have to say that?’ he complains at his friend, his almost instant reaction of protest causing you to grin and break out into laughter as you lean into him, closing your eyes as you momentarily touch your forehead to his shoulder, taking the quickest drag of his scent into your lungs before tilting your head up once more to look at him, only to see him already peering down at you.
There is a momentary pause as the two of you watch each other, both feeling yourselves sink into the other, the clasp of Namjoon’s fingers around your own making your heart race as your gaze flickers to his lips, lingering for only a second before you’re alerted to an awkward cough made by Jungkook.
‘Uh, so, Hyung says you were spending the evening studying, y/n?’
You can feel your cheeks heating all over again as you quickly divert your attention to Jungkook, continuing to feel Namjoon’s gaze on you as you reply.
‘Ye-ah…yeah, I’ve got an assignment on Murukami to finish for a seminar at the end of the week. But to be honest I’ve spent the last hour reading the same page over and over again and none of it is sinking in.’ you explain, pulling a slightly aggravated face at yourself as you look over your papers spread on the desk in front of you, although the feeling dissipates almost immediately when Namjoon pulls you into his side and slips his arm around your waist for comfort.
‘Well maybe you need a break from it for a moment…and what do you know, you’ve got two willing volunteers to help you relax for perhaps just an hour?’ the man clutching you suggests, raising a single eyebrow in the most seductively intense way that you almost want to jump him there, before you reason with yourself that that would really make a disturbance in the library.
It’s after a few seconds more of staring at him that you realize you hadn’t replied, licking your lips nervously as doubt over finishing your assignment in time begins to seep into your mind. However, you already knew from your racing heart and the tightening of your chest that demanded you follow him to the ends of the earth, that you were about to do anything he said.
‘You promise it’ll just be for an hour?’ you ask timidly, subconsciously biting your lip, but having your attention bought to the nervous habit when his thumb is softly trailing over your lip and pulling the flesh from your teeth, the sight of his wide grin and soft voice swimming in your vision as your heart gives in to his wants.
‘Are you really doubting me?’
It was only as you were walking away from the river path that had streamed down from the university and toward a little street of back-alley restaurants after Jungkook had made a comment about how hungry he was, that the concept of bunking off for a little while with Namjoon began to seep into tones of blackness and dislike.
You could already feel your palms growing clammy, and as much as you’d tried to stifle it, the rumbling in your stomach had grown three-fold the minute the scent of fried chicken and various sesame oil-soaked noodles had hit your nostrils 100 yards back.
Eyes scanning the shop fronts in desperate search of a cute little café to save you, you couldn’t help but be thankful that peak rush hour was only just beginning to ease off, the distractions of multiple bright car lights and the sound of horns and revved engines keeping Namjoon’s attention away from you…
…or so you thought.
You’d noticed her palms grow clammy the minute Jungkook had lead you both from the river path and up towards one of the guys’ favourite restaurant haunts- the secluded, hidden in plain sight location, housing plenty of food joints with private seating being perfect for all of their needs. At first he’d assumed it was due to his profile and the attention it might bring to them if they were to be spotted, but it had only taken him half a second to remember that as far as he was concerned, she was unaware of the vast, chaotic nature of his life, and after that he couldn’t help but watch her curiously, overly aware of her and her reactions to try and work out what was making her so uncomfortable.
‘Chicken or bbq?’ Jungkook asks from up ahead, turning with a grin on his face as he gestures to the different restaurants either side of him, laughing at y/n appearing amazed by the hidden gem of a street, but you can see the tightness in the smile that forces its way onto her face as she responds.
‘I’m down for wherever has coffee!’
As an instinctive response you grin at her comment, your heart fluttering in your chest when she turns to see your reaction, and despite your concern for her you still find yourself in awe of her beauty…in awe of everything that was so utterly her.
‘uhh…well I don’t think either of these places does particularly good coffee-‘ Jungkook goes to explain, an apology in his tone of voice, but you’d already come up with a small plan of action in your head.
‘Its okay, Jungkook-ie, take y/n to the bbq place and I’ll run and grab some coffee from Holly’s-‘
‘Wait! Namjoon, you don’t have to do that-‘ she immediately goes to protest, but you quickly silence her with a touch of your lips to hers, the temptation to stay there almost overwhelming you before the voice in your brain that was excited to please her takes control once more and you step away with a teasing smile.
‘Black, no sugar. …go with Jungkook; I wont be a minute.’
Smothering a laugh at her dumbfounded expression, you quickly turn away to backtrack on yourself slightly, jogging back around the block to the coffee shop that would have appeared before had the three of you continued down the river path and quickly ducking in, being thankful that it wasn’t particularly busy at that time of night.
After ordering her drink, you stand at the counter with your hood pulled low, scuffing your shoes a little on the floor, ears immediately tuning into the conversations of the few people sat at tables in the café, the chat of one pair of girls particularly peaking your interest.
‘She missed first period again today, that’s two days in a row now- and she bunked off of fifth period the day before that; if she’s not careful she’ll get pulled into the head teacher’s office…-‘
‘I don’t think she’d be that worried about the principle; we both known what her dad is like since her mom died. …God knows what would happen if he found out she’d been missing school...’
With a feeling of pity for the unknown girl in the conversation, Namjoon thanks the server for the take-out cup as he passes it to him, turning towards the door, and walking out without looking back-
-but not before he could tune into the next part of the story.
‘She looks so small these days…Its like she’s slowly disappearing…’
Your leg wouldn’t stop jigging as you sat at the table with Jungkook waiting for Namjoon to return, politely making light conversation with Jungkook to distract yourself from the turn of events of the night, and the assignment that was going untouched in your bag. Although when you peer down at said rucksack, and glimpse the delicate bouquet of flowers poking out of the top, you couldn’t help but become momentarily distracted by their beauty.
‘So how long have you known Namjoon?’ you ask, figuring whilst he wasn’t there, you’d get the low down on why Jungkook had suddenly shown up that night, and why Namjoon had seemed so shy and embarrassed about it.
‘Ah, probably about 10 years now. I met him when I joined the agency, and he took me under his wing.’ Jungkook explains, a reminiscent smile lighting up his face as he stirs his straw through his glass of coca-cola.
‘Do you find your job hard?’ you inquire, smiling at the thought of the two of them staring at computers all day long, working hard and always striving to do their best.
‘Well its not an easy business to crack, although once you’re at the top, you begin to get used to the shows every night; its mainly just the exhaustion that never gets easier, but the amount of food you get to eat from all the dancing does make everything a lot more fun.’ He explains, chuckling as right on cue the waitress brings out the banchan for the food he’d ordered for everyone, your body tensing when you see the glorious colours, and your body inhales the sweet scent of kimchi.
But you barely focus on the food with your mind stuck on the information Jungkook had just given you, trying to process the phrases ‘shows every night’, and ‘dancing’ into a job role that didn’t imply that Namjoon was some sort of strip-club dancer- a thought that half concerned you (because he hadn’t mentioned it), and half turned you on.
‘Wait, so, what do you mean by ‘shows every night’?’ You ask politely, watching the guy across from you keenly as he begins to pick at some of the dishes.
‘Well they’re not every night, but we’ve done frequent shows over the past month because we wanted to hype up our fan-base before the comeback, but some days are easier than others; I’m hoping we get a few rest days in before we release the new album.’
You sit in a stunned silence as you let this new information sink in, the only possible solution you could conjure from the details he was giving you, being that Namjoon and Jungkook were some kind of singers or performers that by the sounds of their ‘frequent shows’ were rather popular in Korea.
‘Namjoon-hyung has definitely been working the hardest though, what with all the producing he does for the album and the international press and media releases we have to put out- has he told you yet that he can speak fluent english?- he’s amazing!’
Or perhaps they were even more popular than you had in mind.
‘Someone order a black coffee?’
Your brain is practically buzzing with information as you look up to see Namjoon stepping through the sliding doorway to the room, a bright smile on his face as he walks round to your side of the table and places your drink in front of you, touching your cheek briefly as a way of greeting you again when you thank him, before removing his jacket and shoes to make himself more comfortable.
‘So, what have you guys been talking about?’ he asks, instantly picking up a set of chopsticks to dig into the plate of kimchi set on the table, winking at you with a cheesy mouth-half-full grin before you answer him.
‘Jungkook was just telling me about how hard you’ve been working.’ You begin, watching him intently for his reaction, noting that Jungkook had picked up on the slight difference in tone of voice you were using, and seeing him looking slowly between the two of you in your peripheral vision, a slight frown of confusion between his brows.
‘It has been pretty intense lately.’ Namjoon appears to muse, continuing to graze on the small bowls on the table, but pausing with chopsticks halfway to his mouth with your next sentence.
‘He was telling me about the.... album ....you’re releasing soon.’
There’s a pause.
It almost seemed like you were all holding your breath as you wait on his response to your comment, the tension in the room only being broken when the waiter returns with the bbq platter and the extra dishes Jungkook had ordered, obviously sensing that something had happened as he occasionally side eyes you all as he disperses the plates, hurrying to place the meat on the grill before darting out of the room within 30 seconds and leaving you all in silence once again with the exception of the sizzling of the bbq.
‘Was he?’
It’s the way his voice cracks on the words that seems to clue Jungkook into the fact that he’d told you something he wasn’t meant to, his eyes widening theatrically as it dawns on him that you didn’t know about their job and apparent fame.
‘Mmhmm, he was telling me about all the shows you’d been performing recently.’ You mutter faux nonchalantly, sipping from your black coffee as you continue to watch the man beside you without blinking, feeling yourself get a head rush as the caffeine entered your veins and quickly grabbing the edge of the table as you feel yourself rock backwards slightly, the sudden movement forcing Namjoon’s eyes toward your hand and then up to your own gaze as he finally swallows the mouthful of food he’d been holding in his mouth for the past two minutes.
‘Im sorry.’
They weren’t the words you’d expected to leave his lips, let alone how softly they’d escaped him, or the subtle undertone of fear they rode on to reach your ears.
For a moment you were frozen in place again, your brain trying to figure out why his expression seemed so desperately afraid, but when you fail to come to a reasonable conclusion, you reach over to lay your hand on his knee, watching him worriedly.
‘Why are you saying sorry?’ you murmur back, voice almost equally as quiet as his was, and despite the fact that Jungkook had begun silently applying the vegetables to the grill in his awkwardness, you shuffle closer to Namjoon in an attempt to provide him with some comfort, hating the look of loneliness that had entered his gaze.
‘I didn’t tell you because I thought it might scare you. You’re so delicate to me y/n, I don’t want to lose you before we’ve even had a chance at being together, and I figured the magnitude of my life would be too much to deal with right away.’
The way his hand had risen up to cup your cheek half-way through him talking, his palm providing you with much needed warmth as he’d cradled your jaw so delicately, had your throat closing up as emotion had overwhelmed you. After a few moments of staring at him you stand up, murmuring a quick ‘excuse us’ to Jungkook, before smothering Namjoon’s protests at you leaving by grabbing his hand and gesturing for him to come with you.
You’re barely outside of the room and down the steps of the café, into the deserted back street behind, before you grab his head and pull his lips down to meet yours.
Your body feels like a livewire is running through it as you press your mouth desperately to his, choking on your breath as you feel his arms instantly wrap around your waist, hold becoming so tight that he’s almost lifting you off of your tiptoes in his passion. In that moment all you could comprehend was the smell of him; woody, minty, and warm, and the feel of him all around you, making every nerve ending stand to attention. And the only thought that stood out in your mind around the tumult of information you’d learned in the past 15 minutes, was that you never wanted to be anywhere else other than by his side.
‘I don’t want you to be scared.’ You murmur between kisses, finally managing to break your lips apart long enough to be able to catch his gaze, staring intently back at you as he waits for you to speak.
‘Does the idea of dating some famous guy absolutely terrify me? Definitely…for multiple reasons, but-…but none of it matters when that famous guy is you.’ You explain, smiling timidly at him, ‘since the moment I met you, I’ve felt this need to be next to you despite how terrifying that thought it to me, to find out everything about you that I can; to learn you inside and out, because to me you appear utterly fascinating- wonderful, beautiful, -I just-…God, why am I telling you all of this-‘ you trail off, realising you were rambling, completely spilling your heart to this man, and trying to put a stop to the splurge of words that wanted to fight their way from you so that he knew how special he was in your eyes, how the image of him had burned itself onto the backs of your eyelids since the very moment you’d first met him in that café.
For the three seconds of silence that followed your outburst, your entire body fills with fear, the need to recoil burning through your veins as you realize you’d laid yourself bare to him when you’d only known of his existence for just over a week. But before you could make a mad dash for it, you feel his hands cradling your face, bringing your attention to the fact that you’d closed your eyes and ducked your head in your imminent defeat as he lifts your gaze to match his, bringing your attention to the fact that his eyes were shining in the light of the restaurants slightly garish electric banner behind you.
‘Everything…you have just told me, all the ways you feel about me…I feel that way about you too, y/n- …and so much more. ….The second you walked through the door of that café the first time we met, It felt like being blinded by the sun; like my whole life had been waiting for that single moment, and the second I saw you the world made sense. Within seconds of speaking to you, of making an absolute fool of myself and seeing that it had made you laugh, I knew I wanted to be the fool for the rest of time, as long as it meant I got to see your smile for just as long.’
Your knees were knocking together, and your hand was shaking where you were holding his forearm gently, needing to be touching him in some way as you listen to his words, your thoughts falling in on themselves as your heart tries to break free from your chest, swelling beyond belief with the emotion his words held for you.
‘The life I lead…its scary, and dangerous…and secretive,…but I don’t think I could survive it alone now that I know you … this past week I’ve lived like a king; I’ve been invincible, ask Jungkook-‘
‘Oh god, Jungkook-‘ you murmur quietly, just now realising that the two of you had left him alone for the past five minutes, and hoping that he had begun eating without you so that he didn’t remain hungry.
1 point to irony.
‘I’ve felt more alive than I have since moving to the city almost ten years ago.’ Namjoon continues as you redirect your gaze to his, the feeling of a smile lingering around your lips as you tune in once again to what he had been saying. But at that point, the look on his face told you that he already knew he didn’t need to say anything else.
And as he leaned in to touch his lips to yours once more, you couldn’t help speaking the words aloud that the two of you had learned in that moment that you’d both been holding onto since the moment you’d first met.
‘Its you.’
PSA: I will upload the next chapter tomorrow, but don’t expect uploads to become regularly frequent again quite yet as i’m just letting myself go with the flow at the minute until i get back into a good rhythm :)
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stereksecretsanta · 6 years ago
Merry Christmas, @glorious-spoon!
Read on AO3
Holly jolly christmas
He’s been out of it for a while. He just knows it the moment he wakes up with the familiar peeping sound of hospital machinery in his ears. Dry mouth and stiff muscles. Shit. He groans as he tries to sit up and stretch out a little. Why is he here again? He tries to remember why and most importantly how! He scratches an itch on his side and oh. As soon as he does, he kind of remembers being stupid. Very very stupid, but by now that’s a knee-jerk decision. It’s the natural order of things, if someone comes charging at his friend with a big ass knife, he will dive in front of it before remembering that said friend has immunity against big ass knives by being a werewolf. Fucking hag. Not that he’d insult an old murder lady, but she was a literal fucking hag as in creepy voice and wanting to eat children and like 500 years old. The stab-wound is healed now, and she didn’t eat him, but it’s also not just scabbed over, it’s healed. Fuck.
It takes about an hour after a nurse walks in and almost drops the bag of, well, medical stuff before scurrying out. A faint “MELISSA” echoing through the halls.
“Nice to meet you too lady.” He grumbles alone in his bed. Fuck he’s stiff.
Melissa rushes in, very much in a bulldoze kind of way as the doctor is looking him over.
“You missed Christmas!” She states first of all, a big grin on her face.
“It’s November, how can I possibly have- Oh.” He says, her smile falters but she still looks so happy.
“Mr. Stilinski, I need to do a few cognitive tests now.” The doctor says and Stiles mumbles and repeats all the doctor wants him to, says ball, blue and house in the right order after a twenty-minute distraction and the doctor seems pleased.
“You will need to get on your legs a little, but you’ll be able to go home soon.” Melissa says as soon as the doctor is out, placing two cups of jell-o on his little table.
“Sweet, how is everyone?” he asks.
“Your dad is on his way right now. Everyone else is fine too. Scott has been worried, the whole pack has.” She hums. “Even Isaac.”
“Ahhw, he does love me.” Stiles coos to Melissa but his thoughts stop at Derek. Shit. He dived in front of a knife for him. Wonder how he’ll feel about that.
He plans to walk into the loft as casually as he can muster, knowing he won’t fool the wolves but still. They all look at him like he’s an alien. He has never felt as winded by the stairs as this day and not even a week of physical therapy could’ve prepared him. Melissa promised she wouldn’t tell them he’d be “released” today rather than in two days and he wanted to surprise them. He stops at the top step looking at the entire pack, all collected in the stairway.
“Fix the fucking elevator Derek. I don’t want to kick the bucket because I hyperventilated to death. God damn.” He folds in half and almost everyone takes a scared step forward.
“Let’s get your clumsy ass away from the stairs, huh buddy?” Scott says, and stiles stays folded like towel and just gives him a thumbs up.
“So, anyone wanna give me a hug or am I gonna have to go to the shady parts of town and get one on the black market?” he wheezes, barely having time to finish before he’s surrounded by pack.
“We missed you bud. We were scared there for a while.” Scott says and Lydia whacks him on the head.
“Don’t ever be so dumb again. You’re to smart to do stupid shit” she huffs and Stiles grins as they drag him inside. He sits on the couch with Derek and Isaac as Scott gets him some water.
“Hey big guy, I missed you too.” Stiles says as he hugs Derek on the couch. Isaac nestling in behind him.
Derek grunts. “I’m sure you did.”
Stiles pulls away with is brows furrowed. “Are you mad at me?!”
“Of course I’m mad! You were stupid and risky, and it shows just how reckless and stupid you are!”
“You said stupid twice.” Stiles points out because he doesn’t know what else to do, it’s not like Derek is wrong is it. Derek just stands to leave.
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have but I just reacted! I didn’t think, and before you say ‘That’s what I mean, you never think’ just now, that there was no fucking time to think because I’d jump in front of all my friends when there is a 500 year old human-eating hag with a fucking machete. I had a choice and my instincts made that choice for me before I could supply my heroic mind with ‘the dude behind you can heal in ten seconds from that stab’. Cut me some slack, I just didn’t want you to fucking die. It seems that no matter how long we’ve done this, fought oni and werecougars and what not I keep forgetting that not everyone is as breakable as me so shut up, sit the fuck back down and let me hug you! We can fight about my recklessness some other time.” he says it all in one breath and Derek just mutely nods and sits back down. Isaac is trying to contain himself at the sight of Derek’s red cheeks, he doesn’t say anything more but a faint, I did miss you Stiles, before they all fall asleep in the den.
“YOU MISSED CHRISTMAS!” Scott yells one afternoon, reminding Stiles that Melissa had said the same thing. Derek is fixing the elevator, greasy jeans and a wrench in his hand.
“It’s February Scott.” Stiles says but he loves Christmas, it’s nice, nostalgic and it’s the one time of the year the tears for his mother are only happy, because she fucking loved Christmas too.
“So? We fix Christmas! We’ll go get a tree, decorate it, listen to music, have hot cocoa, my mom makes the best and you know it.” He shoots out and stiles just grins.
“She truly does!” he agrees.
“Then we go skating, you used to love skating! We’ll make sure to decorate the rink, get a speaker in there. We eat Christmas dinner and open gifts afterwards and oh candycanes!” Scott is all worked up by now and drags Isaac into it. “Isaac can you get candycanes and decorations?!” he pleads and Isaac groans.
“No more Christmas please I’m tired of eating leftovers.”
“But Stiles MISSED Christmas.”
“Oh, well, I’ll go get the decorations.” Isaac says and picks up the car keys.
“I’ll get the tree for the dinner I guess.” Derek shrugs and Stiles fall into laughter.
“Thanks guys.” Thanks.
Derek doesn’t hate Christmas, he kind of always liked it but it’s hard to have to reset all thoughts and norms of how it’s typically done. Going from 30 or so from the Mexican and American side of the family in one house and food made for 50 to having nothing. His pack isn’t nothing but it’s still not the same, its good, but he just didn’t know this is how it would be. It’s a painful time of the year. And here he is, on his way to chop down yet another Christmas tree voluntarily. For Stiles: his mind supplies and sure. He’d do next to anything for Stiles. He can’t say when he stopped looking at him as superimposing and started seeing him as a friend. A confidante. And now, suddenly, he has rose tinted glasses. He slams his fist into the wheel and groans.
He ends up picking a better tree than he did for the real Christmas. For Stiles.
No one told Derek he’d have to skate if he came along and now, he’s bringing down the joy. He hates skating. He doesn’t hate having fun, but he’s not made to be on ice. He’ll look dumb. So dumb
He’s clutching the railing, a little bit scared of going out on the actual ice.
“Oh my god Stiles you can skate. I forgot.” Lydia says happily as they walk towards the ice, skates in hand. Derek had picked the hockey-things, because the guy at the counter said that was the male ones. Lydia’s looked impossibly white and had a heel, he had no idea if that was normal. Considering that Stiles’ looked the same but were dark blue instead seemed to answer it. Did he have girl skates? Derek looked at his own feet again in question. Maybe these were beginners skates.
“You can?” Scott
“Yeah, bro, you knew this, I also may have continued now and then since mom died.” He said as he laced the skates up.
“Oh right, I’m sorry!”
“We were kids it’s fine, if I hadn’t continued, I probably would have sucked.”
“How come Lydia knows? Did you do cool stuff when we went skating with Allison and Lydia sophomore year?!”
“Meh,” he shrugged “you were just to busy sucking and falling on your ass to see all the cool stuff I did, also I was wearing jeans.
“What are you wearing this time then? Spanx?” Lydia giggles.
“What, no, these!” he pints to his sweats, not very fashionably and Derek assumed they were for warmth. They aren’t very baggy but he still looks like a thug with heels. He tells Stiles as much.
“What you can’t say thug with heels! Not my fault you didn’t pick the superior skates.”
“They have deathtraps at the front!” Scott yells and shoves one of Stiles skates into his face, they have tiny teeth in the front. “you get these into the ice and you fall flat on your face once and all of the ice rink is laughing at you. I’m with you Derek, hockeyskates are the only ones that wont kill you.”
“They aren’t made to be traps, it’s for figure skating. Pirouettes if you may.” Lydia says and she glides onto the ice.
“You do figure skating?” Derek asks shocked.
“My mom did, so naturally she dragged me along, it was fun, better than hockey, they tackle you in hockey!” Stiles grimace.
“Come on Stiles you’re making cool things with me.”
“Sure, by the time we’re done Derek might have dared to go onto the ice.”
“You really should’ve worn tights.” Lydia says in distaste at his werid fitting sweats. Derek can’t help but agree. Stiles just groans and pulls his sweats off.
“You happy??”
“You were wearing tights!!!” Scott laughs.
Stiles flails as he goes on the ice and starts chasing Scott.
“Don’t laugh at me!! It’s practical! I wasn’t just gonna drop the sweatpants two seconds after you said spandex!” he groans as he keeps gliding behind Scott.
Derek thinks he’ll taste ice more than once, considering he not only have to stay upright on ice but also has the distraction of Stiles ass in his face. This wasn’t going to work.
They knew so many things about each other, like how Stiles knew what happened before Kate burnt the house down, how Derek led her right to it. He knew how stiles handled the Nogitsune, how he still woke up counting fingers some nights before texting Derek. They had exchanged methods of handling stress and anxiety. They had made silent pacts of secrecy. It never before dawned on Derek how much he relied on Stiles being there for him, keeping him grounded.
Stiles watched as Derek slipped once more and landed on his butt, growling at the ice, fangs out and eyebrows angry.
“Go skate with your boyfriend” she says and pushes him towards Derek.
“Boyfriend?!” They both say in unison, Derek tries to stand up but instead lands on his tummy.
“You have been dancing around each other, pining since you met. In all this destruction and supernatural frenzy, I really thought you’d come to the conclusion yourselves. But alas: not.” She shrugs and skates away from them both. Scott claps Stiles on the shoulder, “You two were probably the last to know.” He says before staggering away towards the others. And he was right wasn’t he, as they looks at each other it all piles up. Neither leaned more on anyone other than each other. Stiles had stopped going to Scott’s, he went to Derek’s. Derek had stopped keeping everything to himself, he included Stiles.
“Shit, she’s right isn’t she?” Stiles says and scratches his neck.
Derek tries to stand before falling again, earning a laugh from Stiles before giving up and crawling towards Stiles. “I guess she is. I didn’t realize you liked me.” Derek huffs as Stiles meets him halfway.
“Well, neither did I, so. But you like me?” Stiles asks.
Derek knits his eyebrows together. “Of course. I would not have patience for you if I didn’t.” He smiles as he says it and Stiles drinks it all in, the cute bunny teeth Derek hates because it doesn’t make him look macho.
“Well of course, god forbid it’s my charming sense of humor or my hot self-sacrificing ass, or…” he doesn’t get further before Derek has yanked his leg and made Stiles get down on his level since he possibly can’t stand. Before he has time to protest he feels warm lips on his own and the chill that has bitten into his cheeks melts away.
“ABOUT TIME!” he hears Scott woop happily and he makes sure to point his middle finger in the right direction.
“So,” he says as they break apart, Stiles thanking upper powers that his cheeks are already rosy from the cold “let’s teach you how to stand on these bad boys huh?”
Derek growls but he let’s Stiles guide him along.
“Merry Christmas Derek!” Stiles shouts as Derek gets to put the star on the top of the Christmas tree.
“It’s February Stiles.” He says with disinterest.
“February schmebruary.” He says and puts the gravy on the table. Scott snorts.
“Son, calm it, open some gifts or something.” The sheriff says and shakes his head in between sips of scotch. Stiles does. Derek comes to sit down beside him in front of the tree. The lights and baubles glistening in the room. Stiles places his head on Derek’s shoulder as he carefully peels of the wrapping to a flat tiny box.
“Movie tickets?” he asks and Derek hums.
“What about a real date, popcorn, curfew and all that it should be. Neither of us have been on a real date. I’d like to.” Derek says lowly.
“Me too Derek. Let’s go, but you have to ask my dad for permission first. Going by the rules and all.”
“Just take him son, it’s bout time he leaves the nest anyway.” Noah grumbles as he joins Melissa in the kitchen.
“Guess that’s that, Christmas almost over, date planed for ,” he checks the date on the two stumps. “tomorrow. What else could we possibly have to do to get this more right.”
Derek takes his hand. “You can’t do that again.” Derek strokes his thumb over the back of his hand. “Don’t get stabbed anymore, don’t.”
“You know me.” Stiles says with as much cheer he can muster in the situation.
Derek huffs and smiles a little. “I do, don’t I?” he sighs. “Just, stay behind me from now on. Please?”
Stiles put on a shit-eating grin. “You know me!”
Derek groaned before dragging him into a kiss, the Christmas tree full with bright lights before them, wrapping-paper all around. A little mess of their own.
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