#i dont have enough words to put all my thoughts in order right now
opal-owl-flight · 18 hours
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OH MY GOD I LOVE STARKILLER WIDNEKD. I had this idea for Tartar manipulating 3 with words similar to the song…
more abt that below + the piece without the words :]
I wonder if 3, at that point in OE, carry a thought within them... something Tartar can use.
The sanitization is absolute mind control, yes, but it would be neat if it was preceded by a sort of hypnosis; a suggestion that tartar puts out for a victim to bite onto (not that it really matters. The forced body control happens anyway.)
Theres a yearning for the past. That much I know. But I do wonder if Tartar also suggested something else alongside that.
"Ah, the legendary captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon. He probably was the one who pulled you out of that life, hm?"
"Despicable, this old coot, forcing you to fight a war that ended a century ago. Forcing you to dig up a city your nation already buried.
Making you a weapon in this...disgusting show of continued dominance."
"Dont you want to end him, right here, right now?"
"Avenge that younger self, child. Join me, and we will make sure he never hurts you again."
They look at Cuttlefish. Cod, theyre so weak, their head hurts, they are in no shape to defend themself. Neither is the old man, but...
Their hearts were burning with a feeling theyve been burying for years. A feeling thats gotten stronger and stronger over the long patrol.
This...doubt. Towards the captain they followed the ends of the earth for. Day by day, being pushed to their limits for his continued war. Wanting his approval, wanting to make him proud. Believing that theyre indeed keeping this fragile world safe.
Wanting to...keep being this hero he said they were.
But its getting harder to believe those words now. Not when that Octarian from earlier was such a sweet soul...among others theyve encountered and observed in other patrols.
Their arm burned. It was drenched in that cyan ink the telephone was oozing.
They have no reason to trust this thing that almost killed Cuttlefish and that Octarian that he was with moments before.
They feel...
Their mind is slipping.
So tired...so hurt...
"Join me. I can give you rest.
Ill bring you...to the promised land."
They went fully unconscious for awhile. When they "awoke" (but is still under Tartar's control), they were already fighting 8. And their body hurt even more than before.
They never shouldve trusted him.....
This baiting rings familiar, doesnt it. Order did it to 4, as well. Much to 3s horror, they were the reason she took that bait. Her desire to be their perfect agent, and their desire to never be hurt or used by anyone like Cuttlefish again...
They wanted her to be strong enough so she can stay safe and live her life the way she wanted to. But their fear spoke louder than their adoration for her.
Hurt people hurt people, cycle of violence, and all that.
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shalalalalaw · 2 years
reading through Shin's letters to us, Teben's scribbles at the corners of his translations, Drifter's struggle with his own nature and fear and wants and oh, wow, the humanity of these people is so overwhelming
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whateveriwant · 10 months
Hello, i hope you dont mind if i request agian! Could I get TF141 with an S/O who are just super prone to panic attack?
These are not meant to be taken as mental health advice. I'm just playing around here <3
The first time it happened, he didn't know what was going on. The sudden heavy breathing, the tremors, the loss of speech; he thought you were dying, honestly
It nearly sent him into a panic as he tried to figure out what he could do to help. Should you stay put or should you be taken to hospital? He just didn't know
However, once it had passed and you were able to better explain the situation, Soap was pulling you into a hug, the biggest breath of relief escaping him knowing you were going to be alright
He wasn't “happy” per se to learn this is something you struggle with regularly, but knowing there's at least something he could do to help in the future put his mind at ease
Nowadays he's got the drill down pat, so when he sees the signs an attack is incoming, he's whisking you to a safe environment where you can attempt to de-stress
Oftentimes it leads to him sitting beside you out on a curb somewhere, his warm hand rubbing soft circles into your back as he comforts you through it
From the second he notices you start to pull away from him, Gaz is immediately on top of it, deploying a technique he's quite familiar with
“Tell me five things you can see,” he says, unbothered by having to repeat himself when you don't respond because he did not seriously just ask you that right now
But after enough prompting by him, you shakily list out five items, wet eyes darting around the room as you try to take stock of your surroundings
Once you do as bid, he'll continue, “Now four things you can hear.” And now you're starting to think you see where he's going with this
He'll work his way through all five senses, counting down to one, and once he reaches the final, you find that your pulse has slowed tremendously and your tremor has stopped entirely
Afterwards, you give him a shy thanks, asking how he knew that would work. “Simple,” he tells you. “Used to do it with my sister when we were young. It helped her then, so I thought it might help you now.”
He takes the most heavy handed approach when trying to bring you down from such a rocky high. And while some people might find it smothering, you just see it as grounding
“Hey. Look at me,” his order is firm though his voice remains purposefully gentle. “Don't look anywhere else, just look at me. That's it. Just focus on me.”
If he has to, he'll even push a finger against your chin until you're meeting his eye and holding it, trying to focus on his soothing words instead of the anxious thoughts racing through your head
Slowly and deliberately, he'll breathe in through his nose then out through his mouth, guiding you to follow along with his measured pattern
If that's still not enough, he'll then take your hand beneath his and hold it over his heart, letting its strong, steady rhythm lull you back to a calmer state
“You alright?” he questions once you've settled down again. When you nod and assure him you are, he'll kiss your temple, promising, “I've got you, dear. Always.”
When he realized what was happening with you, he quickly jumped into action, but in a way that was completely unexpected
“Remember when you first took me out for sushi and I didn't know wasabi was hot?” he asks you seemingly out of the blue. “Ate a whole spoonful before I realized. Burned like hell going down. But that was nothin’ compared to when it came out again later.”
The memory of that night stirs to life in your mind, and through your rapid breaths and trembling lips, you're able to crack the barest of smiles
He continues, “Or remember when I got sprayed by that skunk in the garden? You made me sleep on the couch for three days. Said I smelled like a garbage bin’s arsehole.”
That memory has you huffing out a short, low chuckle, and though you don't notice it, your pulse begins to hammer a little slower
And so he keeps going, distracting you with funny memories and personal anecdotes until all you're doing is smiling and laughing brightly, totally forgetting what had made you panic in the first place
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python333 · 1 year
im in love with your content omg😭 your writing style is just chefs kiss
can i req a reader with the tf141 being on a mission and hearing an enemy say something in british slang and they just go "what did they just say.." in comms? like a reader who doesnt know anything about slang like not even that bars in the uk r called pubs (if im not wrong) and just nods whenever a private talks in slang, and their brain is just trying to figure out what they just said?
its just a really silly plot with a silly reader :3
pardon? — python333
— — — —
synopsis just as the req says, you know nothing about british slang and on a mission the enemy speaks british and you dont know what theyre saying :3
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost, gaz.
word count 2.6k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
note HI YES I LOVE THIS REQ!! i take every opportunity i can to make fun of british people so this is right up my alley!! tysm for the compliments hjfhdjskf recently ive been getting more praise on my works and it makes me so happy i love yall. again, sorry if this sounds a little rushed or if any parts are incoherent, i wrote this at 12/1am and im both more productive and write more nonsense at this time + this one is wayyyy shorter than ones i usually do because i didnt know what else to write for it so i apologize for that as well! this is pure fluff and humor (i like to think im funny) so enjoy!!
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“—eah, and now we have to camp out here ‘cause he can’t be arsed to do it ‘imself, so I feel like we should have a chat with the others, see if they’re willing to leg it out of here with us,” An enemy soldier suggests to you, his British accent thick enough that you think it might be cockney.
You cross your arms to hide your shaking hands and nod in agreement, as if you understood anything he said, and put on the same shitty British accent you’d been using for the past five minutes you’d been talking to this guy.
“Yeah, yeah, totally,” You agree, clearing your throat before asking, “You know where the others are stationed?”
“You don’t?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you suspiciously.
“Mate, all the orders I was given went in one ear and out the other,” You sigh, holding back a wince at your desperate attempt to sound more natural using British slang, “I just know I’ve got to stand out here and shoot the enemy.”
The enemy eyes you suspiciously and he takes a moment to try and read your face before he says, “I don’t think I’ve seen you before, actually. Which would be weird, if we’re in the same platoon, don’t you—” 
You sigh and quickly pull out the small switchblade you had hanging on your belt, stabbing the enemy in the neck before he can say anything else and grabbing him before he can drop to the ground, putting a hand behind his back as you half lead half drag him into a dark alleyway beside the building he was stationed outside of. 
You quickly set him down into a sitting position and take your knife out of his throat, tucking the blade back into the handle before adjusting it to latch onto your belt once again, letting out a frustrated huff as you stare at the now dead man in front of you. 
“[c/n], how copy?” Price’s voice crackles through on your ear piece. 
You push in the PTT button and lower your voice, “Copy, I fucked up a little bit. One of the guys was onto me.”
“You were there for five bloody minutes,” Gaz’s voice rings through, his tone both disbelieving and amused, “How’d he already catch onto you?” 
“The British are smarter than I thought,” You breathe out, standing up and looking around for a ladder to climb to get to higher ground before anyone spots you. You go farther into the alley and find an old, rusty ladder with rungs that look like they’d snap if someone sneezed on them too hard—perfect for climbing up.
You wrinkle your nose as your hand makes contact with one of the rungs but don’t say anything otherwise, instead wordlessly hauling yourself up onto the ladder. 
“Reminder that there’s three British people with you, currently,” Ghost’s deadpan tone crackles, his breathing heavy, as you can tell he’s whispering into his mic, “All of which are very smart.”
“I caught you reading the instructions on a box of tea bags the other day, don’t fuckin’ talk right now,” You grumble, slowly climbing up the ladder, hating the creaking noises it makes as you do. It sounds like it’s going to snap at any minute, and you try to go up as fast as you can, but one wrong move and you’ll easily slip, some of the rust that flakes off of the ladder enough to make you slip up. 
“They were circles,” Ghost says, exasperated, “I didn’t know if that made a difference.” 
“I thought British people were supposed to know everything about tea,” You roll your eyes, putting your hand on the next rusty rung up on the ladder. 
“Yeah, L.t,” Soap agrees with you teasingly, the wind hitting his mic, making it obvious that he’s running, “Thought ye Brits were s’possed to ken everything ‘bout tea.” 
You laugh quietly to yourself as you finally make it to the top of the building, the top just high enough for you to look at the few soldiers below and hear a majority of their conversations without them noticing you.
You get to the edge of the rooftop and pull the sniper rifle you’d been carrying around off of your back, glad to finally be back in your element rather than trying to get in undercover, and set it up. 
You pull the stand out and set it on the edge of the roof, and look through the scope of the rifle, lining it up so that it’s aiming directly at one of the soldier’s heads, specifically the one that was standing directly out of the entrance you originally were meant to try and get into—but doing this didn’t change much.
Regardless of if you got in or not, he would’ve died, and the others would’ve gotten in too. You getting in first was just meant to make it more efficient.
You press down on the PTT button on your earpiece as you look through the scope of your sniper rifle, keeping the aim on the soldier in front of the entrance, “The guy in front of the entrance is just standing still, so whenever you need me to, I can shoot ‘im down.” 
“I don’t think we need to get in just yet,” Price hums, “But maybe in a minute.” “M’kay,” You hum, taking your eye away from the scope, instead just looking over at the enemy soldiers. You lay on your stomach, leaning your head down a bit to try and listen in on the enemy’s conversations easier, trying your best not to make yourself too obvious.
The conversations were pretty boring and almost the same for every soldier you’d eavesdropped on, for the most part. Enemy soldiers joking around, talking about what they’ll do once they’re on leave—like they would be able to do that after you completed your assignment—and just some general team camaraderie.
The lackluster subjects of their conversations weren’t bad at all, no, in fact, you could care less what they talk about. 
It was their stupid accents you hated. 
Are you surrounded by British people everyday? Yes. Does that stop you from hating on the British everyday? No. Okay, maybe the accents aren’t stupid, but God, they had the thickest cockney accents you’d heard in your entire life, and it was making your eavesdropping so much harder, and had almost been the reason you were given away earlier.
They used slang words that you’re certain you’ve never heard before in your life, and used analogies that didn’t even make sense—you heard one of them use the words, verbatim, ‘Don’t get stroppy’. Stroppy? Stroppy? 
You narrow your eyes down at the soldiers below you, listening to a conversation they’d just started up. 
“—eah, ‘cause he can’t be arsed to do anything about it, so now we have to camp out here and wait for somethin’ to happen,” One of the soldiers scoffs, “I’m telling you, man, if I see that skull-masked bloke runnin’ ‘round out here, I’m legging it from ‘im immediately.” 
You draw your eyebrows together in confusion, but you stay silent for now. Isn’t that exactly what the other soldier said? Are they like a hive mind or something?
“You’re legging it?” The other soldier asked, sounding almost incredulous, “What happened to you chattin’ to some of the others about your loyalty and what not?” “All that’s irrelevant when the fuckin’ grim reaper rolls around and starts murkin’ people like he’s been doing for the entirety we’ve been here, mate,” The first soldier laughs, “You think I wanna be here when he does that?” 
“Don’t act like a prat about it, man—fuckin’ talking’ like you can outrun him.” “A prat? I’m not—” You tune out the rest of their argument and instead try and figure out what they were saying.
A prat? Legging it? Can’t be arsed? What the fuck? You push the PTT button on your earpiece and as quietly as you can, you ask, “I need some help. Serious help. Life or death situation.” Immediately, Price’s voice rings through, “What? What is it? What happened?” “The soldiers are British and I can’t tell what they’re saying,” You answer, ignoring Price’s relieved sigh on his end, “I need help.” “Jesus, fuck, don’t scare me like that,” Price sighs, taking a few breaths before continuing, “Alright, what do you need help with?” 
“Figuring out what they’re saying.” This time, you hear Gaz’s voice crackle through, “Well, you’ve got three British people here—tell us what he’s saying.” 
“One of the guys was talking about ‘legging it’ if he saw Ghost heading towards him, and talked about Ghost ‘murking’ people, and then the other guy he was talking to told him he was being a ‘prat’ about it and he got all offended,” You eloquently say into the earpiece, watching as the argument gets a little more heated. You can hear an amused huff from Ghost on his end and a scoff from Soap in return. 
“They’re just saying they’re gonna run away if they see Ghost because he’s been killing a lot of their soldiers, and the other guy said he was being a prat, which I guess is like…” Gaz pauses to think of how to explain the slang term before settling on, “Someone who’s kind of full of themselves, I guess. Or ignorant. Either or.” 
“They couldn’t just say that?” You muse quietly, still staring down at the enemy soldiers. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that,” Price’s voice cuts through, “Go ahead and shoot the guy down. I’m ready to head in.”
“Got it,” You hum, quickly putting your eye back up to your scope and readjusting it a bit before quietly warning, “Shooting him now.” 
You pull the trigger and the enemy goes down immediately, and through your scope you can see the small twitching of his body as the other soldier starts to freak out.
You quickly aim the gun at his still-alive friend and shoot him down as well, silently congratulating yourself on your good aim and continuing to look through the scope, watching as Price runs in with Gaz and a few other soldiers. 
They struggle with the door for a moment and you sigh before pressing in the PTT button on your earpiece and quietly saying, “Price, Gaz, move away from the door for a sec.”
Wordlessly, they do as they’re told, and you take the opportunity to line up the gun’s aim with the complex electronic panel on the outside of the door and pull the trigger, shooting the most crucial part of the panel, causing it’s functions to disrupt and as a result, the doors open. 
“Thanks for that,” Gaz breathes out as Price kicks open the door, his voice cut off a bit at the end as he takes his hand off the PTT button too quickly in order to follow after Price. 
“Uh huh. Of course,” You say offhandedly, taking your eye away from the scope of your sniper rifle and listening to the loud sirens go off in the facility the others break into, and push yourself up so that you can sit up straight to properly watch it. You grunt as you sit up, stretching your arms out for a moment before letting them fall into your lap. 
“Are they in?” Soap asks, curious, his voice a little strained and breathy. There’s no loud gusts of wind coming through his mic anymore, and you look around for a moment, before your eyes catch on to him climbing up a ladder to get to the rooftop adjacent to yours.
Your lips twitch into a smile at the sight of him completely clueless to your presence and you press your PTT button to talk. 
“Yeah, they’re in,” You say, watching as he finally gets to the rooftop, “Didn’t you hear the sirens?” 
You can see Soap’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion for a moment, and he looks around for a moment before finally seeing you on the rooftop directly next to his, and he looks surprised for a moment before a grin splits across his face. You see him press the PTT button on his mic as well. 
“I did, yeah, just wanted tae be sure,” He says into his mic, looking right at you as he does, “It’s a surprise seeing you here.” 
“Imagine how I feel,” You muse, almost to yourself, before looking away from Soap and speaking up, “Ghost, you don’t wanna join us on the rooftops?” 
“Absolutely not,” He replies almost immediately, making you huff out a small laugh and Soap’s grin grow, “I’m perfectly fine on the ground.” 
“Where are you?” You ask, scanning the area around you for Ghost, “I feel like I haven’t seen you this whole time.” 
“I’m just behind the facility,” Ghost hums, voice still a low whisper, “I’m gonna be heading in once Gaz and Price make it to the second floor to clean up the first, in case there’s anyone left.” 
“You’ve been behind the facility this whole time?” Soap’s voice cuts through, surprised by the fact. 
“Mhm,” Ghost hums. 
“It’s a bit boring back there, innit?” Gaz’s voice crackles through, his voice a little breathy, “You can sweep the first floor, by the way. Should be nobody left, though. Pretty sure all the soldiers were just faffing around, not doing much.” 
“Fucking faffing around?” You ask incredulously to yourself, though apparently your voice is loud enough to make Soap chuckle. 
As if he can read your mind, Price’s voice comes through, “Faffing around is just doing nothing or doing nothing particularly productive, [c/n].” 
You sigh and push your PTT button this time, talking into your mic, “You couldn’t just say that, Gaz? You had to say something silly like faffing around?” 
“It’s not silly,” Gaz says, his frown audible, “They were faffing around.” 
“Jesus, fuck,” You breathe out, laughing lightly, “It’s totally silly.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yeah it is.”
“No it’s—” 
“I just want one day where you two don’t start up stupid arguments like this,” Price’s tired sigh comes through, “Just one day, I beg of you both.” 
“Aw, Captain, we were just faffing around,” You whine playfully, the misuse of the slang making Soap cover his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter and you hear Ghost groan into his mic. 
“That is absolutely not how you use that,” Gaz says, though you can hear some laughter in his voice—from your very non-British accent saying British phrases, you presume, a small grin gracing your lips at the thought. 
“It sounded natural to me,” You lie straight through your teeth, shrugging even though only Soap can see you. 
“You’re insufferable,” Gaz groans, making you laugh quietly, “Never use British slang again, please.” 
“What if I get a British accent? Will that fix it?”
“Nothing can fix what you’ve said today, [c/n].”
“Well that’s dramatic,” You scoff, “I’ll learn British just for you guys.” 
“Holy shit, please stop talking,” Price’s exasperated voice interrupts the both of you, “You’re both insufferable. Drop it.” 
“… I don’t think I will,” You say defiantly, making all three British people in the same voice channel as you groan in unison, the sound sounding like some sort of middle school choir trying to sing in harmony, “I’ll use Duolingo or something to learn it.” 
“British isn’t a language you learn, you muppet,” Price grumbles, making you snort. 
“It’s someone who’s dumb and clueless and can’t take a hint, like you,” Ghost defines, “And Soap, most of the time.” 
“Daen’t go draggin’ mae into this,” Soap’s voice quickly cuts through, “I haven’t said onything.” 
“Uh, yes you absolutely did, earlier, remember?” Gaz argues, ignoring Price’s protests for him to stop arguing, “About Ghost being stupid with the tea thing?” 
“Oh, I’ll have you all know—” 
“Ghost, don’t start—” 
You listen as the once casual, teasing conversation turns into an argument and chuckle quietly to yourself, knowing that they’d be arguing about this until you all finished your assignment.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 7 months
Pairing: Rhysand x Reader
Summary: You and Rhys talk things out after he refuses to let you go into hybern war.
A/N: hehe First Rhysand fic. I love this. Also I'm so bad at writing titles you guys I swear. Please tell me a better title so I can change this one.
"Are you kidding me?!" You yell the second you enter Rhysands tent, knowing full well the anybody outside can easily here but you don't care.
"You ordered Azriel not to send me out?" You were in the middle of a battle and apparently you High Lord had told his shadowsinger not to give his second in command any assignment.
It only fuled your anger when he answered without looking at you,"Yes I did."
"Do you realize how embarrassing that was for me?"
"That's what you're thinking about? How embarrassing it was for you?" His displeasure clear in his voice.
"Yes! Everyone had positions, everyone had tasks and I was just standing there with nothing as my Spymaster told me to stay back because the High Lord ordered him so." The mock in you voice makes him look at you, finally leaving the papers.
"I didn't sent you because I don't want to endanger you. I don't want be on that battle field and worry about you every second. I don't want to be wondering if you are safe or laying there in the pile of bodies where I probably wouldn't be able to find you. So I apologise, if it embarrasses you to stay where you are safe but I wont-," His voice cracks. "I can't see you in danger."
The realisation flared your eyes and you look down in an attempt of hiding you surprise.
The two of you had been kind of a pair before he got stuck under the mountain. You loved him, still do but never told him because how can a High Lord love a mere spy like yourself. The two of you were clearing interested in each other before you got the news that he is stuck with Amarantha.
You wanted to go after him, to save him but Azriel had strictly denied you to do so. And when he finally came back, after fifty years, you thought maybe he had moved on. There was no way he could still be interested in the same person after five decades, only you were stupid enough to do so.
So you didn't do anything about it, only keeping things strictly profession after he came back. Until now.
The two of you were silent for a few minutes before he sighed and said in a tone a lot calmer than before,"I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that."
He puts in hands one his face, resting his elbows on the desk table in front of him, refusing to look at you anymore. You don't know what to say, so you just say the first thing that comes into your mind.
"I thought you and Ferye were..." You trail off, wincing as he looks at you, his expression making you regret your words.
"No, no. We are just allies, that's all. Friends maybe but not anything more." He looks physically ill at the thought of them together and your lips curl upward a little. He then again looks down, can't seem to look at you for more than a minute.
You slowly walk upto him, standing beside him and turning him around by his shoulders to look at you. "Rhysand, I understand that you fear for me but I'm Azriel's second, I can look after myself. I mean being the Spymaster's second has to mean that I'm good at surviving, right?"
His violet eyes look for your reaction as he gently tugs you to him, when you dont push him away, he hugs you. You now stand between his legs, him sitting gives you a small advantage of hieght and he rests his forehead to your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, he sighs. "I just don't want to lose you."
His voice melts you, sounding so small and vulnerable, turning every thought in your head about him. Your hands lift to wrap around him too, one resting on his shoulders and the other gently running fingers through his silky hair.
"I'm going to be alright, Rhysand. You are too, we are going to need every help we can get in this war. And I can't just sit hear worrying about you all, while you go fight for your life out there. I'm a big girl, Rhys, I can handle myself."
He sighs and you know you've won this argument. He lifts his head to look at you with the most serious expression he can master and says,"Fine. But if something happens to you out there, I'm bringing you back, screaming and kicking, even on my shoulder if you don't listen. I'll even tie you to the bed if I have to."
"Promise?" You smirk.
His eyes narrow,"Yes and I'll fuck you senseless after as a punishment for not listening to me."
You laugh, silently agreeing because you're looking forward to doing that either way.
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myluvrrhea · 7 months
Hello i was asking if you could do Platonic Judgement day x fem reader?
When reader is a lot younger than the rest of them and they have a family bond like siblings or parental views and she is new talent and with all that comes some fame and when out (wherever you like) Reader gets attention from an old man as she walks to the toilets alone? Its okay if you dont want to xx
Silhouette - Pastel Ghost
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parings - Platonic!The Judgment Day x Wrestler! Reader - Kinda Rhea x Reader in a way
Warnings - Angst , implications of Feeling lightheaded , weird old man , R! getting knocked into a wall , reader passes out, thats all tell me if I missed some!!
please do not read this if you have suffered trauma from any of these things!!
Word Count - 0.5k
You and The Judgment Day had grown closer as you began wrestler. Damian and Rhea , training you and teaching you new moves that hadnt yet been introduced to you. And although you were a couple years younger than the youngest member of, which was Dominik, you all had a family/sibling dynamic.
You had started yiur wresting career at the 2019 royal rumble , being competiter #15. Although not many people knew you at the time , your career had grown throughout the years. And with the help of The Judgment Day, a fandom grew lager and larger until eventually you got your title shot. 
It was you versus becky lynch for the smackdown women’s championship. You had fought hard and long to get the title shot as none of the other wrestlers made it easier for you. Becky didnt go easy on you either. But image the suprise when you had pinned her, making you the new smack down women’s champion.
Your rise also grew more in 2023. At first not many paid attention to you as far as visuals and talent. But soon enough people started noticing the talent you had not only for promos , but in the ring. This made you a fan favorite around the world. Soon your merch was selling out. You started meeting many fans around the world as you Traveled, and people started recognizing you more and more as time went on. You felt like you were on top of earth. This was your dream after all.
Right now , you were getting ready to go out to a restaurant with The Judgment Day. After all , they are your best friends. You heard the doorbell ring , as you put on the last piece of jewelry for your outfit. You quickly headed downstairs , grabbing your phone and keys as you unlocked the door, met with Dominik , standing outside the door waiting for you. You quickly gave him a hug as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“Hey , you ready?” He asked
“Yup let’s go,” you replied with a smile.
You opened the door of the truck as you were met with the faces of the 3 wrestlers. 
“Hi guys!” You smiled at them.
They all responded with a “hi” as they all gave you separate hugs. Which was hard due to being in the car , but you made it work. Finn drove as you,  Dominik and Damian , and Rhea played game pigeon together in the group chat.
When you guys arrived at the restaurant, the wait hadn’t been long , as a couple minutes of waiting, a waiter had seat you guys at a booth nearby. As you all sat down , a waited came by , introducing themselves and taking our drink orders. After a couple minutes of waiting , the waited came back  with drinks on a trey. We decided on what to order as the waiter took our order.
After ordering , I decided to go wash my hands in the bathroom. As I walked to the bathroom , you didn’t notice a man following nearby. And when you did you hadn’t thought much about it. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom too , you thought. But your thoughts were rushed away when he had followed you into the girls bathroom. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Rhea , as she sat at a good enough view of the bathroom , that she could see the man getting into the bathroom. 
Before you could turn around to see the man, he spoke first.
“Hey , im a big fan I was wondering if I could have an autograph, or maybe your number,” he spoke
You turned to look at the man and realized he was old. I mean he looked like he was in his 60s at-least.
“I can give you an autograph — but not my num-,” I was cut off when he slammed me into a wall. I felt the pain hit my back as I tried getting up , with no luck. 
“Just give me your number its not that hard,” he yelled at you. You wished this could end , why was he doing this and how were you going to get out of this? You could stand , and he was towering over you.
You heard the mans scream as a loud thump echoed in the bathroom. You looked up , your hair mostly in your face as you saw the silhouette of someone. You moved your hair out of your face as you relished it was Rhea. 
“Honey , are you alright,” She spoke. You could she was panicking just by the sound of her breathing.
“I-I cant get up..” you spoke. Still shocked by the events that had occurred in just an hour of being here. Rheas mind stopped for a moment. She wanted to kill this guy. But she knew you and your safety was more important.
“I want to leave Rhea … p-please,” You said again. You felt the tears pricking your eyes as your breathing got heavier. The atmosphere of the bathroom making you feel scared thinking about what took place.
Rhea car-fully picked you up , bridal style as she led you over to the boys. Once they got a view of you and Rhea, they had felt like it had been a punch to their heart. They stopped their conversation as they went to stand up , getting a better look at you.
“Lass what happened?” Finna spoke. He was getting more worried by the second and to be completely honest, so was the rest of the group.
Tried answering, but nothing could come out your mother but silent sobs. Rhea explained what happened, but about halfway though, you had already passed out in Rheas arms.
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doubledown · 1 year
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Yall already know the drill no MLM fetish people as for minors go while I'd prefer you not to interact I cant control what you do
So this is abit of a specific fic for a certain someone ( you know who you are pooks 💕 )
The reader is Latino with a brown complextion feel free to imagine them in whatever shade you want
The reader will be male and masc terms will be used for them
Some Spanish will be in this used in this fic but a translation with be provided so dont worry about havin to go to google translate
This will most likely be around 2 or 3 parts depending on my motivation
ALSO I HAVE NOT WATCHED THE MOVIE so uh if its not like canon him I'm sorry 🧍‍♀️
Degration, Hook up, Hand job, Public Sex, Cheating, S_lf h_rm ( not described implied tho ), HEAVY Voice Kink
HEAVY on criticism. Trying out a new writing style since I noticed that the one I currently due really doesn't stimulate my brain enough which leads to writer's block. SO YEAH LMFAO HAVE FUN ( P.S THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITEEE AND IT IS KINDA LONG SO SEAT BACKK AND ENJOYYYYYYY )🧍‍♀️
Your mama says I'm a fool
And yeah, maybe that's true 'cause I can't
stop thinkin' 'bout you
I'm tryin'
I'm tryin' not to forget my words
'Cause when I'm around you, I tend to keep
changin' my mind
Miguel murmered as the smell of heavy whiskey and cheap liquor crowded around him. He wasn't a drinker at all. He hadn't even thought about it. Well.....not until today. Everything was just going to shit. So he figured he drown himself in something other then self destruction and exhaustion. At least this would kill his worries for awhile after all what's the point of multiverse travel if you couldn't do somewhere where you were unknown? A place you could simply escape without anybody finding you or judging you for your actions. Nobody to put a strong and dominate front for. Just simply unknown and out of touch. " What's on your mind to drink tonight? " The bartender asked abit of a friendly smile on his face. Miguel honestly didn't know what to choose so he just said the first brand of liquor that came to mind. " Just a few shots of fireball.." He said resting his arms on the bar. " Alright hot shot your drinks will be ready in abit. " The bartender said quickly soon off to go take other orders while simultaneously making drinks. He couldn't say he wasn't impressed in all honesty but he had seen it done by failedly by parker. He always tended to try things that really didn't suit him. The bartender looked up and Miguel heart almost sunk in his chest when he spoke. " Buyin a drink or did ya miss me y/n? " The bartender asked leaning over the bar giving a peck on the lips to you.
He couldn't look. He wouldn't look. Yet the gentle rumble in your voice was something that always had a hold on him. " Why not both? " You teased catching onto your lover's lip in your teeth before letting go with a smirk. " You know what I like cariño. " [ darling/dear ] Cariño. Cariño Cariño Cariño Cariño...Even after years away from each other the word still made him his heart burn. Just the way your accent just drove him mad was something that he couldn't even begin to explain. Yet he knew it wasn't his place to feel that way nor right. You two were seperated now. But he wished that things had gone very differently.
" Miguel......Surprised to see you here. " You said your tone neutral but he could feel the hiss of anger in your eyes. You two broke up on a rather...messy note. Things were just too much and miguel wasn't excatly helping with being fuckin spider man and shit. You didn't- No. You couldn't do it. You weren't gonna live in fear that somebody may one day hurt you because they may have followed him home or some shit. So you suggested he retire from doing the whole superhero thing. And he didn't at all take it well. The two of you argued about it for days which turned into weeks. Things were said and one thing led to the other and soon you two weren't even remotely related anymore. He choose people he didn't even know over you. And it stung like hell. But you moved on and forward. And to see him in such a low state....it....it messed with you abit. It brought back some things that you really wished you had buried lower..
" Y/N. It's nice to see you again. " He said with a small smile. You had always been rather...eye pleasing to put it appropriately. Everything just fit so perfectly on you. Every feature on your face to every hair on you head was completely and utterly put together so...Intoxicatingly. And your voice....fuck your voice.... " Ah Im guessin you guys have past? " The voice of your lover pulled him away before his thoughts had a chance to tip off. " Yeah. He's an old friend. " You said simply without bothering to look at the other man. You already you tired from work and really didnt want want to deal with your partner gettin all pissy that your ex is here. " Just a shot of jack daniels Mí Corazón. " you purred. [ My heart ] You knew what your voice did to Miguel. You know what you could gain from him just with a few soft I love yous or just simply saying his name the way he liked. He was a slut for words. Literally. And you had no sympthay for him left in you to care. After all it seemed more like a personal problem then anything. Sucks to suck.
You sat down next to Miguel resting you arms on the bar slightly leaning just enough for that slight arch in your back to show. It was wrong you knew that. Quietly seducing your ex while your partner was right in front of you. But after all you had to return the favor. Finding those texts from all those different guys. You wondered how many times he had fucked some guy while on shift. More importantly how many of them were here now. Miguel was weak when it came to you. He always had been. And the way he shifted in his seat when ever you spoke or the way he seemed so dazzedly focused on your features only proved that he still was a little whore for you. But you weren't gonna simply just give him what he wanted. No. That be too merciful. He needed to beg. Like bitch in heat. He needed to beg like fucking him was a need. Like he couldn't survive without you stuffing him full of what he knew craved.
Miguel cleared his throat and diverted his eyes to his drink as the bartender brough back his drink. " I didn't know you were into liquor. " You said with abit of a curious tone. When did he start drinking?? He always had hated the smell of alcohol at least you thought he did. He used to get onto you about drinking all the time goin on and on about how it could mess up your liver and such. Yet here he was puttin his feelings into a cup. Crazy how things change. " And I thought you didn't fall under stress. " He muttered taking drinking it down in a quick motion. He gagged slightly before swallowing a rather displeasing look on his face. " What? The bite too much for you amor? " [ Love ] You snarked a teasing smile on your face. " No. It's just stronger then what I'm used to. " He mumbled clearly embarrassed by his own reaction. The wound between you too was still fairly fresh. Even more unattended then you both thought. The dismissed jab from Miguel only just proved it.
You swished your drink around not even really wantin it in all honesty. It just felt all surreal and awkward having him around. It just didn't feel natural anymore. And you hated it so fuckin much. Your thoughts were brought out by your rather oblivious boyfriend giving you a kiss on the forehead. " Hey sorry to interrupt you in your space but I gotta head out for a bit. A friend from work needs help movin some furniture. " He said with a smile. " Don't worry about the bar ken is already gettin ready for his shift. " He continued giving you a finally peck before leaving. So that's how he did it. He made a lame ass excuse and left before he could be asked questions. Huh. It was the only thought that came into your mind. At this point feelin guilty was out of the picture entirely. After all if he could go have fun why couldn't you.
You leaned up slightly your left hand grazing the other's thigh as he stiffened. He looked at you confusedly and you simply looked at him for permission. You had always been abit of a fan for open things. It obviously took him a minute to realize what you wanted to do and the clear surprise look on his face almost made you laugh. Yet odd enough he moved his seat abit closer to you despite it. " Hm. Seems like somebody missed old times. " You hummed to yourself teasing his cock through his jeans. He shifted in his seat as he rested his hand on his forehead trying his hardest not to thrust up for attention. You slowly but carefully unzipped his jeans and the entire time the poor man was figiting in his seat. " Desperate much? " You murmed loosely as you teased the head of his swollen cock.
He huffed sharply as he shifted his weight toward your as you wrapped your pretty hands around his cock and pumped it at a rather fast pace. A small whimper came from his throat as you stroked him precum dripping as your pace became relentless. He put his head down on the bar ledge his one hand covering his mouth trying so hard to quiet his soft rambles of pleasure. He twitched and pulsed as what seemed like hours to him as his responses simply got harder and harder to hide. At this point he was pratically mind numb with pleasure and being a whiny mess of a man. Yet you weren't done with your pretty boy just yet. Things were simply getting started.
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fictionfixations · 5 months
last exploration post
Book 7 Part 4 spoilers
okay so i finished all of it so im gonna put this here and then go do the rest of the story in a moment
IMPORTANT STORY BITS INCLUDED (its farther down though. Screenshots are taken in order of when i did the tile)
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i have a love hate relationship with baur right now. i just want him to play nice with sebek :((( (he does have valid reasons for hating humans and he doesnt know sebeks his grandchild from the future but like.. ghsiudhfshf)
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(Maleanor, Lilia, and Raverne got lost in the woods.) (sebek n silver silent at that last comment)
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look at himm hes so happy
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oh no
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and it came from a thought like this 😭
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i love silver and sebek bonding. i cannot state that enough. (silvers smilee)
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AH ???
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silvers yelling.
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i dont. have any words.
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im going to be such a sebek apologist oh my god (yall arent allowed to shit talk him he CARES and i am going to be running with this ahdusaihd i love sebek and silver so much 😭)
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Written for Gn!mc
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairing: Lucifer x Mc
Cw: depression implication, self-loathing
A/n: I wrote this at 4am when I couldn't sleep and was in my feelings.
"Darling, what seems to be troubling you?" Lucifer sighs, easing himself down on the bed by your feet. He caresses your calf, running his thumb along the muscle. The movement was intentional enough that you could feel it through the weight of your duvet, but gentle enough that it felt like a mere tickle.
"I'm fine." The lie slipped through your teeth easily. Anyone else would have left you too your swarm of negative thoughts and emotions, passing off the dismissive lie as you just being fatigued or in need of some alone time...but Lucifer knew you better than anyone else. What's more, he's someone you found difficult to lie to.
Lucifer sighed, squeezing your calf through the blanket. "Come now, Mc. You needn't hide things from me."
You bite your lip, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill past your eyelids. What could you even say? You couldn't exactly pinpoint the thing that had put you in a dour mood. The whole day seemed to weigh on you like an anvil, each mild inconvenience or small stress seeming to cause the weight to grow heavier and heavier until you could no longer carry it. Lucifer was a logical man- a man of reason. If you were to tell him that you didn't know what had you so down, you could just imagine the annoyed response he'd give. Sure, he loved you. You knew that. But he only had so much time, energy, and patience to give. If you didn't have anything to offer as a reason for your suffering, then you weren't worthy of the effort it took to console you.
"...Mc." Lucifer repeated your name, but the normal stern tone his voice would take when his brothers didn't respond to their name being called wasn't there. It was soft, laced only with concern and a desire to sooth.
"I...I dont know..." You glance to him uneasily as the tears slipped past your eyes. You close them, not wanting to look him in the eyes as you began to cry, feeling shameful for not having the words to explain your emotions, and for burdening the busy demon with your problems.
In an instant, Lucifer gathered you in his arms. He situated you in his lap so that he could cradle you close to his chest, letting your tears freely stain his freshly pressed suit. His thumb circled the center of your back, tracing the bumpy parts of your spine that stoof out slightly from the rest of your skin.
Your breaths caught in your throat as you tried to stop yourself from sobbing, but it only made the tears fall harder. You cursed yourself, not liking that you looked so pitiful in front of the Avatar of Pride. He surely must think you're a fool.
Squeezing your eyes shut tighter, you clung to him, scolding yourself for being such a mess. Your thoughts were mean- some down right abusive- as you chastised your inability to save face, and questioning your worth to the man who always sacrificed so much for you- and for what? So you can have a breakdown in his arms; blubbering incoherently because you can't place why you're just so fucking sad.
"I'm...I'm sorry..." your voice cracks as you mutter out the words into his chest. "I'm sorry..."
"It's alright, there's no reason to apologize." He cooed, barely resting his chin atop your head. "We needn't discuss what's causing your heartache right this instant. Take all the time you need."
He contunued rubbing circles into your back, rocking you ever-so gently side-to-side. Its during times like this that he wonders how you would feel if you could read his thoughts. Clearly, your lowly opion of yourself was projected onto him, while he saw you as his entire world. If you were hurting, then he was too. If he could, he would bring all three realms to their knees in order to protect you, and he wanted so desperately for you to believe that. He knew that after going so much of your life feeling nothing but animosity toward yourself would result in this knowledge taking a significant amount of time to seep in...but the desperation he felt in needing you to see what he saw when he looked at you was immense. Just once, he wished he could show you how much you meant to him- and to his family, as well. And he internally cursed the individual or individuals who made you believe you were worthless.
He took a shallow breath, humming contently as he gripped you tighter. For now, he needed to push that aside. What mattered now was that you needed him, no matter the reason. And when you needed him, he was there.
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legacyshenanigans · 6 months
Prisoner MC x Marvolo
Part 4 AU, a more darker dynamic between them 🐍💚
Part 1 / 2 & 3 ⬅️
She'd spent the day wondering what Marvolo had meant when he said she'd be able to bathe and get her hair and makeup done. For what? Why? What was his plan with her? Why now? Many thoughts crossed her mind. Late afternoon came and in he waltzed, heading over to the cell and opening it, she shuffled away at first, confused, her brows furrowed. He gave her a smirk
Marvolo: Calm down..Come to me, and don't try anything stupid, now *sinful grin*
She stood and approached him in an untrusted manner. He smirked again, wrapping an arm around her before everything suddenly went fuzzy and crazy, she didn't know what the HELL was happening, her brain felt like it was spinning in circles, she felt sick. Suddenly, whatever happened had come to a stop, and they stood in the front yard of a dark manor house. He let go of her, and she lost her balance, falling to the floor holding back a gag of dizziness, he chuckled.
Marvolo: Should have warned you before I disapparated us like that *narrows eyes and smirks* ...Get up...Walk in front of me.
She struggled to her feet, still dizzy from the whizzing journey.
MC: You fucking bastard..*gags again*
He simply laughed and stood behind her, giving her a little shove to get her moving.
Marvolo: Go on..In the house. Up the stairs. Third door on the right.
They made their way through the grand gothic Manor to what ended up being his bedroom. Inside, there were two women waiting. MC looked confused as the woman looked at her. Marvolo smiled at them both before turning his attention to MC, his eyes burned into her as he wandered over to his bed and lay down, getting comfortable before he clapped his hands together.
Marvolo: *CLAP* Right...*points to a door in his bedroom* Showers in there...Get yourself clean...Don't be long...*smug grin* and DONT think that you can escape out of the window. Go on..Get to it.
He ordered as he lit up a cigarette and began talking to the two women whom he seemed to know pretty well. MC just made her way to the bathroom, closing the door and letting out a sigh, she looked at the window..Seemed big enough for her to try and get through, of course his words rang in her head, but did she risk it? Was it worth trying? If she could get down quick enough and just RUN. She approached the window, reaching out for the latch gently, when she was suddenly stung by some nasty spell. She winced and hissed, pulling her hand back "Fuck." She whispered. The bastard had put a charm on the window, she looked down at her hand, seeing an unusual mark on her finger where she'd touched the latch.."Great. He's going to know I tried, " she thought before quickly getting out of her dirty clothes and just getting into the shower to wash as she'd been told to. She appreciated the warm water and fresh smell of the soap as she cleaned herself up and washed her hair. She felt better, but obviously not completely, she was still trapped in this fucked up situation after all. Once showered she wrapped herself in a short towel, not really wanting to go out into the bedroom for him and those women to see her wrapped in such a little material. But she knew she had to.
She stepped out, and they looked over at her. Marvolo gestured with a finger for her to approach him, she did do. He looked her up and down as she did, which made her frown slightly but she tried to control how she felt in that moment, he grabbed her hand and looked down at her fingers, seeing the mark from his spell, his eyes slowly lifted to look at her face, an unkind smile curled onto his lips.
Marvolo: You actually tried...Bold of you *deep chuckle* Going to have to keep my eye on you, aren't I?
He narrowed his eyes before clicking his fingers at the women. They instantly jumped into action, taking her over to a vanity table, and started fussing with her hair.
Marvolo: Make her look stunning. The dress is in the wardrobe..
He spoke before he got up and started getting changed himself, MC couldn't help but look at him behind her in the mirror as he got undressed, but she forced herself to look away, focusing more of the women doing her hair and makeup, she was still confused. Marvolo got himself dressed into a fancy suit. And then sat at a desk in his room, watching, waiting. If MC had learnt anything already, it was that Marvolo clearly liked control. Perhaps if she played by his rules a little, getting him to trust her, she could find a way out of this situation eventually. Though, after the bullshit she pulled with the bathroom window, she didn't expect he'd trust her anytime soon, and she absolutely didn't trust HIM either.
MC: May I speak?
Marvolo smirked and let out another chuckle, liking VERY much so that she'd asked.
Marvolo: You may..
MC: What is this all for? Why are you getting me ready?
She asked as one of the women was tying a corset for her.
Marvolo: I have an event to go to, a little party of sorts. I thought it would be fun to take a date.. *smirks* A pretty little thing on my arm for such an occasion.
MC crinkled her nose slightly "Urgh" she thought to herself.
MC: And you thought it would be a good idea to take ME of all people? To PRETEND to be your "boo?"
Marvolo: Why not? *chuckles* I like a challenge, I hope your acting skills are good..You're going to need them..Tonight, you are mine, and I am yours. And you will ACT like it, in front of everyone, is that clear?
A smug, devilish little grin appeared on his face. Yet again, he knew what he was doing, he knew how irritated and uncomfortable that would make her, another small frown crossed her face which only made Marvolo grin wider.
MC: .....So be it. *clears her throat* I suppose..
Anything was better than that fucking cell right now..Perhaps she could find a way to escape at the party, she was hopeful atleast. Marvolo narrowed his eyes once again, continuing to watch her get ready, silently in deep though. He thought about the way she was towards him, how she clearly acted untrusted and afraid, but also had no issue in giving him a feisty attitude at times, huffing under her breath, rolling her eyes, frowning..He quite liked it..But the more he thought about it, the darker his mind got, he'll break her down eventually, of course he fucking will..He hid his malicious smile behind his hand taking a puff of another cigarette as he relished in the thought..
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beauleifu · 2 years
Let’s hope that my request is readable since my brain be mushed💦 Could we get a S/O who’s very flirty and tries to win Mayor’s heart during a mission while he acts oblivious at their attempts to swoon him, he finds them charming for what they do c:
oml i never thought i'd be into an idea more, guys guys this was so much fun to write, like PRETENDING TO BE A COUPLE SHIT, anyways, hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's late lmao, hardest part was figuring out what the mission should entail <3 :))
p.s. dont come for me, this is purely fictional and even though I did a tiny bit of research, i know little of dishes served in fancy Chinese restaurants and even less about their signature architecture style, i'm just going off my imagination
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You're in love. The problem? You're terrible at it. To make matters worse, the charmer you've fallen for is oblivious to your flirtatious antics (or is he??). Thankfully, all's well that ends well especially when Lady Bone Demon assigns you two together, on a mission. Matchmakers really do play dirty.
CW: None, Mayor doesn't even tolerate foul language (you learned the hard way)
Those were the last words Lady Bone Demon said to both you and her henchman before vanishing in a cloud of blue smoke.
It never bothered you, the missions she'd send you on.
You're working for her; it's not like you can complain about something you signed up for. Externally, you follow orders to a T, because if you're not useful then she'll be rid of you. And that is simply not an option, because if you're not at her side then you're not at his.
The Mayor.
The idiot who wormed his way into your cold heart of fire and ice.
And you don't even know his real name.
You've resorted to nicknames, to which he doesn't mind (you'll get extra creative behind doors, alone), but you're really dying to know his birthname. Perhaps with a bit more time, he'll open up.
Right now, you're standing in the mirror, as you have been for the past two minutes. Just staring. Nothing wrong with that.
Unless you were making sure you look perfect for . . . someone.
That's hypothetical, of course.
An idiot in denial looks back at you in the reflection, nervous and tense with anticipation of what's to come.
With a huff, you will yourself not to screw this one up and grasp the doorknob to your bedroom. Your spacious, beautiful bedroom, carved from stone and bone and ice long, long ago. The Mayor had given you a tour of the place once, having been eager to relay to you the wonderful history of this underground fortress. A buried landscape of beauty.
Oh dear, you're getting sidetracked.
Focus, (Y/N).
"Soooo. I guess Lady Bone Demon put us together, huh? Wonder what she's got in store for us."
Well, that was an awkward start.
Lucky for you, it's dark outside and the lack of light is sufficient enough to hide the embarrassment clear on your face. Your partner keeps on strolling down the abandoned alleyway, hands folded neatly behind his back and that familiar, lazy smile on his face.
"Did she not enclose the details to you?" The Mayor asks, turning to you.
Shrugging, you vault over a few storage crates. "Not really."
As you slow to a walk beside him, the two of you round the corner into a more open sidewalk, exhibiting a nice view of the Megapolis Bank.
Briefly, you hypothesize that this is your destination, when the Mayor clears his throat, a sure sign he's about to elaborate.
"My Lady needs another soul to absorb, and conveniently for us, there lies within Megapolis a demon powerful enough to sustain her for the time being," the Mayor hums, blank white eyes flicking to the sky. He's always on constant alert, and yet he always seems so relaxed and chipper. "We are to retrieve the asset and deliver him for proper sacrifice."
He flashes you a wry smile. "He is an energy source, my dear. Otherwise, my mistress will surely fail to fulfill her destiny, being as weak as she is."
A frown lights your features. Lady Bone Demon doesn't look weak.
You chalk it up to demons being superb at hiding their true selves. Half the time you can't even dissect the Mayor's intentions, even if it's a simple trip to the men's room and he'd told you he'd be unavailable for a few minutes.
In the end, you smile. "As long as there's a reward for delivering an innocent person to her."
"Reward?" The Mayor repeats, blinking. "That being fulfilling our destiny; to serve her. Were you hoping for something else?"
Oh, there's no reward.
You stare incredulously at your partner, about to backtrack, when he suddenly chuckles in amusement. Your eyes widen (see? See? The Mayor is incredibly hard to read), jaw slackening as you realize.
"You're joking. There is a reward!"
"Perhaps! Would you consider the next few days off prize enough?"
You're grinning, now, tailing alongside the Mayor like a joyful puppy. His eyes are twinkling at your antics. "A few days?? Are you kidding? That goes way beyond my expectations."
It's true. Lady Bone Demon hardly ever rewards you for completing your missions. The most time she's given you off is eight hours, and even then you'd treated those moments like gold, savoring it up until you were summoned once more.
This missions suddenly feels extremely important.
Maybe that's why LBD offered this specific reward; to entice you to go against your morals. Then again, where were your morals when you served someone like her?
"I see you're properly motivated," the Mayor says, eyes fixed on you.
You wink, attempting a flirt. "This'll be a piece of cake. And hey, maybe we can spend our days off together."
He pauses, seeming to actually consider this.
"I wouldn't refuse a game of chess."
"No, I meant- oh, nevermind," you say with a little, awkward laugh. Sighing wistfully, you clear your throat and glance sideways. "So! Are we almost there? Where are we going, anyways? The bank?"
The Mayor falls quiet as the two of you pass a few strangers. "A restaurant," the Mayor answers, when the people turn a corner. He flexes his fingers. "The demon is the owner. An intelligent move on his part, for there is no risk of encountering people like us. Unless, of course, we booked reservations for first-class service."
He's smiling mysteriously, now. You could almost call it mischievous.
You're getting near it now. The details of this mission.
"This must be a very fancy restaurant, then."
"The finest in the city," the Mayor agrees, turning a corner. Then, he stops all together, enticing you to halt as well. "We must dress and act the part if we are to get close to the target. Be polite, don't refuse the wine selection."
You nod, mentally prepping yourself for the mission. Then, your eyes trail up, realizing exactly why your partner had stopped.
The restaurant is huge, glittering, and loud.
Five, gold stars are positioned just beneath the restaurant's trademark name, The Dragon Dynasty. A thick trail of people waiting in line flow out of the building and to the left, vanishing down the sidewalk. A similar line stretching to the right is much smaller, but greeted at the door by two hulking men dressed in tight black suits, wearing sunglasses and deep frowns. The token bodyguards you'd see in everyday action movies.
The breath is stolen from you. Slowly, you glance down at your own attire, feeling suddenly very underdressed and very stupid.
"We can't go in there. Not like this!" You gasp.
Your partner smiles knowingly. "My lady is completely prepared for this, my dear. She was the sole one responsible for booking reservations months in advance, you know."
"I know that. But it's not like she can magically manifest a-"
You cut yourself off.
For some reason, your skin begins to tingle. Eyes wide with shock and awe, you glance down at the Mayor's own attire, watching it shift and transform into something more fit for the occasion. A lovely, handsome black tuxedo with a long tail and a white bow. His undershirt ghosted from light blue to white in mere moments, the black sleeves of his tux slipping upwards to reveal white cuffs.
Your own attire has endured a similar transformation, something that hugs your body flawlessly and washes away any insecurities you'd been nursing regarding the mission.
Fingertips tentatively travel along your new outfit. "Oh my stars."
"How elegant," the Mayor says, slippery-smooth, his white eyes suddenly like a hawk. "My lady has astute taste in fashion."
Your cheeks are on fire, but you manage a smile.
"You as well. Very debonair."
The outfits feel like they're meant for each-other, even somewhat bone-themed to better represent your mistress. Your companion gives you one last once-over before continuing down the sidewalk.
"Shall we?"
Biting your lip, you sidle up next to him, unable to help glancing over his outfit a few times.
"That outfit really brings out your smile, y'know."
He hums a laugh. "Very corny, my dear. I'm sure you'll reap great success if you attempt something similar in front of our target."
You're frowning, now. Try again. "Uh . . . How about, um . . . If I had a flower for every time you made me smile, I'd be walking in my garden forever," you say seriously, daring to look at him.
That line.
It was meant for him. Of course, it's hidden under the assumption it's meant for someone else.
The Mayor's eyebrows lift. "You have yet to meat the target, though."
"Oh. Oh, right. I mean, hypothetically. I dunno. Maybe it would work on someone I've known for awhile? Someone I work with?" You babble, heart rate spiking as you near the restaurant. Which line will you wait in? How are you ever going to get close to the manager? Why does your face feel on fire?
His smile is relaxed once more. "I suppose."
You swallow. Try again?
Lips part to formulate the words for another pick-up line, but the Mayor glance down at you, beating you to it.
"Oh, one final detail I forgot to disclose. My lady made reservations for the two of us as, dare I say, a couple. First class is not often given to single individuals, families, or mere companions."
Your heart skips a beat. "A couple?"
"Don't worry, it's a temporary act in order to get close to the manager. We might as well get the full experience," he returns, eyes twinkling. "Won't this be fun?"
Throat running quite dry, you nod. "With you? I can't imagine it being too awful."
He chuckles again, but there's no more time for words.
You've made it to the front.
The bodyguards stare down at you for a moment before moving to the side to reveal a small, well-dressed woman drowning in make-up, who stands and approaches the two of you with a dull frown. She's seen this before. Been doing this all night, and probably wants to go home desperately.
"Last name?" The lady says boredly.
You feel the Mayor's arm slide through yours, linking the both of you together. "Bone," he says smoothly.
How fitting.
You decide it's better than using a last name from Lady Bone Demon's time, considering she's ancient and has lived long past hundreds of family names. 'Bone' is even in her title. Fitting, indeed.
The woman shifts through her clipboard, eyes narrowing. You hold your breath.
"Mr. and Mx. Bone. You got a meeting with the boss?"
"Correct," the Mayor says.
The lady nods. "Through here, then."
She sidesteps, gesturing through the large golden doors, opening one of them to let the two of you pass. Ignoring the glares and mutters of the people in line, the two of you enter the building, leaving behind the cold outdoors and entering an entirely different world.
It's amazing.
You can't describe it. Not the plants you've never seen before in the corners, not the dazzling chandelier overseeing the luxurious dining tables and bars, the glittering diamonds reflecting off the wine bottles sitting by the hundreds on the wine racks. They stretch up to the ceiling, where Chinese history paints the sky with beautiful colors and people. A band in the corner plays smooth café music, the sound distant yet nostalgic for you. And there's people. So many people, despite how hard it is to get a reservation here. They crowd the place, making it difficult to navigate to first class.
The Mayor gives your arm a gentle squeeze. "Should I be afraid you might fall unconscious?"
"No. Are you trying to seduce me?"
"No," he hums, leading you up the wide, elegant, bifurcated staircase. Your free hand trails along the polished, wooden handrail, wishing your eyes were wider so you could see absolutely everything.
"Well, it's working," you whisper, half to yourself.
Pretend to be a couple. Wear expensive clothes probably worth more than your life. Eat at the fanciest restaurant in the city.
You feel like maybe you should read between the lines.
But all of the sudden, you're too busy reading the menu, eyes wide at the expansive selection.
So. Much. Food.
Your stomach growls in anticipation.
"Do we even have the money for this?" You wonder, breathless.
The Mayor's eyes rove over his own menu before placing it down and lacing his fingers together underneath his chin. Locking eyes with you, he cocks a brow. "Need I remind you my Lady has been planning this for months? She is-"
"Completely prepared, I know," you mumble, ducking behind the menu.
Glaring at the beautifully decorated dinner table, you bite your lip and think. Tonight might be your once chance to woo the Mayor. Is it crazy, though, to try it here? Now?
Heart racing, you lower the menu.
"I've never been on a date with a demon, before."
The Mayor had been observing the portraits lining the walls, but now his white eyes are on you. "A date?"
"Don't worry, this won't send my expectations through the roof," you continue, wearing a casual smile yet you're nervous to the bone. Hiding shaking hands under the sleek tablecloth, you try for a small smile. "Spending time with you meets all of them."
Fingers crossed, you hope this works.
The Mayor nods, eyes trailing to inspect your outfit. "We do what's necessary to fulfill our mistress's desires, I suppose."
You'd failed! He's too oblivious!
Wishing you could throw hands and let out an exasperated yell, you take a deep, controlled breath. You can still make this WORK. "I mean, it's not everyday I get to spend time with my favorite person."
"Hmm." The Mayor's eyes rove over your features, thoughtful yet cheery at the same time. He suddenly chuckles. "You must be hungry, my dear! We mustn't pick favorites when it comes to food, but I daresay I have yet to turn down a dish of roasted duck. Shall we order while the night is still young?"
God damnit.
This is going to be harder than you thought.
You force a smile. "Uh-huh. Yup. I'll have (dinner dish)."
The two of you make your orders when the waitress walks by, and it still sends tingles down your spine when she addresses you both under the same last name.
When she walks off, you're inclined to notice the other couples sitting at the other tables.
Eyes darting south, you inspect a specific pair.
Their holding hands.
Head snapping up, you lift your hands onto your own table and make a motion for the Mayor to do the same. He eyes you curiously, and you shrug. "The other couples are doing it. We might as well, to look the part. Just for a bit."
"I suppose, if you're sincerely nervous about getting caught," he hums.
In one swift movement, he takes your hands in his.
They're cold.
And yet, it sends a thrill of warmth through your entire body, and you fight hard to suppress a smile. Here you were, trying to flirt with him, and yet getting destroyed by your own plans. Oh, gosh.
He seems to detect the tremble in your fingers. "Eager to get this over with?" He guesses, eyes seeing right through you.
You shake your head quickly. "Nuh-uh. This is amazing."
"You did mention your outfit likely costs more than your life," he murmurs, eyes twinkling with the fact that he doesn't believe this claim. "I advise you try and make the most of it."
"Ha ha. Your hands are cold."
"You don't like it?"
He seems ready to let go, so you give him a squeeze before removing one to pat the top of his hand. "I do like it. Your hands are the best. Big cold grabbers that snatched my soul from my chest the moment I saw you."
"Ha! It's a wonder you're still alive." He flashes you his signature unhinged smile.
Then, woe is you, he lets you go. You're cursing your rotten luck as he leans back in his vanilla soft chair. "You must be wondering how we are to set our plan in motion?"
"A bit, yeah," you say faintly. Really, you're wondering what other ways you can get the Mayor to notice your flirtatious attempts.
"You see, first class seating not only secures us an exquisite meal, but also a chance to discuss business plans with the manager. My Lady was willing to pay an entire chest of coins to set up a private meeting with our target!" The Mayor says, clasping his hands together with a dark look in his eyes. "Isn't that wonderful!"
You bite your lip. "So what are we doing waiting here, then?"
"As you will soon find out, the asset is protected by a constant flow of bodyguards, those of which I trust you to subdue in due time. For now, we have five minutes until the show begins." A glance at his watch, wisps of blue flowing from the metal. Then, eyes full of excitement, he cracks a sincere smile. "I eagerly await your performance, my dear."
Wait a second.
You ball your hands in your fists. "You want me to subdue the bodyguards? Shouldn't I be enticing the target?"
"While it's true that the target prefers either man or woman, I shall do the talking. He has an intricate way of discussing matters that quite irks my Lady, and will no doubt touch a sore spot with you."
"Pfft. You're the only sore spot I have," you say, smiling.
He returns it tenfold as two bodyguards ascend the staircase and station themselves at either side of the eating area. Then, the target himself makes his presence clear. He's a quite large fellow, with spiraling horns and razor sharp claws. Yet his eyes are intelligent and darting everywhere in search of danger.
You catch the Mayor's quick side glance; orders to carry out the mission.
If you leave, the demon is sure to send one of his guards to keep an eye on you. When you two are alone, you are to properly subdue the guard and make the owner suspicious enough to send his other guard for a quick investigation. Bam.
Sure, the bodyguards could crush you, but you'd rather them than a literal demon with claws and fangs.
So you slide off your chair, giving the manager a dashing smile before trailing your fingertips up the Mayor's arm, stopping at his shoulder and squeezing lightly.
"A kiss before I go, darling? I'll only be five minutes."
The Mayor blinks, white eyes wide.
He collects himself quickly, however, and tilts his head just an inch to the side, giving you permission.
You smile, giving his cheek a light peck. You'd go for the real deal, but you sort of want to be a tease right now. It's working, as you catch the Mayor's distracted glance as you head off to who knows where. The bar, maybe. Everyone's left there.
You stop at the doors, straining yourself to hear the conversation at the top level. Unfortunately, you'd picked a place far out of ear reach.
"Fear not, my loyal pawn . . ."
You stiffen, eyes darting down to your outfit.
Someone had spoken.
From the fabric.
A light, female laugh reaches your ears. "It's your mistress, (Y/N). I am here to assist you in your mission."
Eyes wide and staring at your clothes, you clear your throat and cock your head, hesitation writhing inside of you. "Uh . . . hi. This won't, um, subtract any days off from my break, right?"
"No, don't worry. Now . . ."
A pocket watch materializes on your hip.
You pick it up, admiring the soft bone shell that encompasses the watch, flipping it open to see the interior. But alas, it's not a watch.
It's some sort of spying mechanism.
"Use this to observe and listen to your partner's conversation," LBD whispers in your ear. "It will vanish after tonight."
You nod wordlessly, knowing better than to offer a smart reply or crack a joke. If it were the Mayor, you'd for sure pull something silly, but this is your boss.
Swallowing nervously as LBD's presence fades, you peer at the watch/spyglass, eyes narrowing curiously. Forget about LBD manifesting in your clothes (she did create them, you suppose), the Mayor was currently hosting a false discussion with the manager regarding a potential trade in goods. His tone and demeanor is strangely unhinged when you're not around, intimidating yet cheery, his movements also loud and boisterous. You wonder if it's all an act.
The stuff they discuss just goes in one ear and out the other.
That is, until the manager sends one of his guards down to check on you. The five minute mark.
You're late.
Smiling wickedly, you pocket the watch and recede into the shadows. Time to put your skills to use, yessir.
Of course, you do. Flawlessly.
The bodyguard stood no chance. He has zero warning as you launched yourself onto him, hooking your legs around his neck and bringing him crashing to the floor. Luckily, no was is around to witness the attack, giving you plenty of time to overpower the man with a few quick jabs - and he falls still.
Then, you drag his body into the nearest men's room, grunting with effort.
You do (and can't help but) pause at the many artworks lining the walls, and the beautiful designs that cover the restroom sinks. If only this were a real date, you think wistfully.
Once the man is properly hidden, you take out the watch again.
"Didn't your partner say they'd only be five minutes? It's been twenty," the manager is saying.
"Are you changing the subject, perhaps?"
"No! I'm suspicious."
"Whatever reason to be suspicious, my good man! I'm sure they haven't gotten themself into any trouble. We have wine to enjoy!"
That's your Mayor. Crazy and theatrical as ever.
"Nonetheless." The manager snaps his fingers, grabbing the last bodyguard's attention. In a silent movement, he instructs the hulking man to follow you, sealing his fate.
You listen for a few more moments, biting your lip as you watch the manager play right into the Mayor's hands.
Either from intimidation or something else.
God, he's good.
You're too busy admiring your comrade to notice the danger.
Too late, you hear the restroom door swing open, and suddenly there stands a tall, imposing figure in the doorway. Your escape route is blocked. The bodyguard spares one glance at you, and the occupied bathroom stall next to you, and correctly assumes the worst.
You whip to your feet, stuffing the watch in your pocket where you feel it dissipate into the clothes.
"Uh-" You start, offering a show of hands. "Nice bathroom, huh?"
The bodyguard shuts the door and locks it.
You roll your shoulders, feeling regret at the prospect of damaging your outfit. Keeping your cool, you meet the guy's cold gaze behind his dark sunglasses. "I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it with me."
"Good. 'Cause you'll soon be talking about how you got the best sleep of your life-"
You lunge, teeth bared.
The bodyguard is well prepared, though.
One quick movement of his arm is all it takes to stop your plans all together and send to crashing to the floor, wheezing and clutching your stomach.
He stalks towards you, footsteps loud on the chalk white, polished floor.
You wince as his hand raises to crush you, when-
When his eyes glaze over.
Mouth open in a silent, shocked scream, he convulses on the spot, crumbling to the floor in a mess of noiseless gasps and gags. His skin turns sallow and grey, the life draining from his eyes.
You look up.
The Mayor stands over the bodyguard's lifeless body, eyes glowing.
They dim down a bit when they lock with yours, but that unhinged smile never leaves. "What a coincidence to see you, my dear! I see you're having trouble with your part of the mission."
"Thank you," you gasp, scrambling to your feet. "I tried to seduce him with the architecture here- quite pretty, might I say - but he wasn't having it. You wanna take his place?"
"I'd be delighted," he hums cheerily, holding out a hand. "But I do believe we are short on time."
"Right, right. Did you just suck out his soul, by the way?"
As you take his arm and he draws you close, the both of you oblivious to the chaos outside the beautiful restaurant, the Mayor has the dignity to roll his eyes fondly. "I doubt that concerns you, darling, but I suppose it's fruitless to offer a different explanation."
"I think it was so hot," you flirt, grinning stupidly.
He merely blinks, pulling you closer. A word of preparation in your ear and he teleports the both of you to your dinner table, above the madness taking place below.
The manager looks furious.
"There you are! One minute we were just about to sign the papers and the next, you vanish!"
The Mayor simply smiles smugly. "Apologies! I was simply protecting my comrade from danger! I'm sure you understand."
The target's eyes dart from you to the menacing bone demon at your side. Realization crosses his uneasy face. "Where are my guards?" He wonders briefly, glancing down the balcony.
At that moment, the Mayor makes his move.
He locks eyes with you. "Close your eyes, my darling. We'll be leaving, now."
You obey without thought, squeezing your eyes shut.
The world spins out of focus and you feel your feet swept out from under you, but the Mayor keeps a firm hold of you. Even when your feet once again meet solid ground, he won't relinquish his hold, if but a mere relaxation of his grip.
You crack an eye open.
"Well done."
Both eyes flick wide to take in your surroundings. You're back in LBD's underground fortress, the chaos of The Dragon Dynasty but a mere ghost of what it was.
At your side; the Mayor, dressed in his usual attire. Fancy suit gone.
At your feet; the manager, tied up and gagged.
Asleep, mercifully.
Your own beautiful attire has been reduced to what it was before, all traces of LBD's magic gone. Part of you misses feeling so wonderfully luxurious, but you're really just happy to be alive and back home.
Lady Bone Demon herself slowly descends the stone steps, her stony gaze bordering on approval. Crouching, she inspects the demon at her feet. "Excellent," she hisses.
Sharp, cold eyes flick upwards. "You may go."
The Mayor gives a short bow, still smiling, still with his arm around your waist.
It shifts to hook around your arm, gently yet firmly tugging you away. "Enjoy, my Lady."
You remain silent, something you'd learned was appreciated here. Only when the towering doors to LBD's chambers close do you turn to the Mayor with a goofy smile on your face.
"That was awesome!"
He allows himself to relax, smile more casual. "Agreed."
"Let's not do that ever again."
You laugh, feeling light as air as you travel down the large, imposing hallway, adorned with countless side doors and flaring blue torches. You've gotten used to the bones in every corner, with furry rodents scattering into eyes of skulls and through cracks in the walls.
When you calm down, the Mayor stops and leans down, murmuring right in your ear. "You know, I'd like to have that kiss back now."
Your heart jumps.
Eyes wide, you stare up at him, noses inches apart.
"I-I thought you didn't notice . . ."
"You thought I was oblivious?" A softer smile lights his features, white eyes boring into yours. A deep chuckle vibrates in his throat. "Oh, sweet thing. I thought you were adorable tonight."
Cheeks heating up, you swallow dryly. "T-Thanks. I, um . . . thought you were pretty-"
The last part of your sentence is cut off rather sharply.
The Mayor closes the distance between your lips in one swift movement, one hand sliding behind your head to gently coax you forward.
His lips are cold.
Yet so, very soft. You close your eyes, tilting your head ever so slightly. He can surely feel your small smile by now.
After a moment, he leans back, only to kiss your forehead tenderly.
You bite your lip, trying to calm your heart.
"I eagerly await the next few days," the Mayor mumbles, white eyes half-lidded as they fix on you, inspecting your features fondly. The hand behind your head goes to brush your cheek, touch feather-light. "We don't have to play chess."
God, you love him.
Struggling against a laugh, you meet his warm gaze. "You'd better hope not."
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Four:Emotional Rollercoaster
It was the day before YN would be going to NYC to see Melo play against the Knicks. She was super excited cause it had been a while since she's been in New York. She had already packed because she knew she had a long day today and wouldn't have enough energy to do it once she got home. When she got in she had all intentions on calling Melo because today she got a dm from his girl. But Asia's words were sticking with her LBG was strategic so YN had to be smart about this.
She pulled into her parking spot and then went and checked her mailbox. Going straight into her home she sees a box that looks like it's for textbooks which made her curious cause she hadn't ordered anything. She gets to her table sitting down and opening the box it had a Manila folder that had a label on the front that read "Confidential" wtf is this shit she pulls out the stack of papers and at the very top she finally saw what it was. Melo had sent her
A non-disclosure agreement aka NDA. She instantly became upset because why would he do this out of the blue she of course FaceTimed him cause she knows he's already in New York.
"Yooooo" "um wtf is this" she flipped the camera "just a little nda nothing major" she squinted her eyes trying to find something to say she flipped the camera back to her face. "What are you doing" " I was just on Twitter scrolling through.... what are you doing?" "You didn't think to tell me that you were sending me a NDA? You just sent it in the mail expecting me to sign it and shut up?" "Sign it or don't like I said it's not a big deal" He was quickly becoming annoyed with her aggression "so why send it?" "JJ just trying to protect me I know you well enough to know even if this goes to hell you wouldn't say no shit to ruin my career or my image so like I said sign it or dont" " well I don't want too" " well don't YN" she pouts he smiled
"what's the problem now" "why you didn't give me a heads up that JJ knew" "he my manger he knows a lot I didn't think it would matter" "I don't pay you to think" She jokes to put herself in a better mood but it really doesn't work "when you going to the airport" YN shrugs "I don't know.... I might come I might go I don't know" she smiles quoting Drake "I know you not that mad" "I'm just playing Nigga I'm gonna go in like two hours" "meaning you should get here when" "my flight supposed to leave at 2 so I should be there around 4 ish" "oh okay you gotta stop by here to get your key I checked in since I knew you were gonna come in hella early" she smiled "thank you that was sweet.... You just wanna see me?" "Mhmmm but you already knew that" 
"should I bring my NDA" "YN stop playing damn!" "I'm just askingggg.... Should I sign it daddy would that make you feel better" "oh I see what this is" he smirked "Hm? What is it?" "You want me to fuck yo shit up as soon as you get here you like when I talk to you crazy" "not true" "show me your pussy right now and if you not wet I'll believe you" YN rolled her eyes "should I bring it or nah?" "Show me.... Right now" she stands up pulling her bottoms down and then her panties. She sits back in her chair grabbing her phone spreading her legs and showing him. "Stick your fingers inside" he sounded hoarse just from watching her she licked two of her fingers and then slowly inserted them in herself the noises gave her away she clearly was soaking. "Yeah that's what I thought" she stops and props the phone back up sucking her fingers.
"maybe I was already wet" "nah only I get you like that" "how you know" "cause I know .... You telling me I'm not" "I get myself pretty wet" "😒 you just make sure you on that plane" "or what?" "Trust me you wanna see me" "oooou cause why?" "I'm just saying you wanna get on that plane and come see daddy" she bit her lip
"all this bs through me off I had something to tell you" "what happened?" "I woke up to a dm this morning" he looked at her concerned "okay from who?" YN shared her screen going to her dms  and to Melos surprise he found his girlfriend deep in his side chicks dms .... Asking for a one on one session saying Melo can just watch or she can watch them have sex or a threesome with all of them. Melo laughed "I need to know how many people she's done this with" he sounded so annoyed but tried to hide it with laughter and jokes YN rolled her eyes
"so y'all out here have threesomes with random people?" "We haven't had a threesome since I been fucking you and she ain't been fuckin nobody else I promise" YN rolled her eyes "whatever still seems fishy" "is that something you would do though?" "The minute she sees us fucking she would know we been fuckin you know my body too well ....." he bit his lip "I'm saying if we never would've .... Fucked would you do a threesome with us?" "No I'm not into sharing dick right in my face" He laughed "oh okay that makes sense" "you don't seem sure"
"Ijs my girl really like to eat pussy" "better than you?" "She wouldn't eat yours better than me cause I'm addicted to that taste" he was getting turned on by the mere thought of YN being pleased. YN watched him get turned on which made her turned on slightly too. "Yeah and I only want you tasting it" "I wanna be the only one tasting it" "lameloooo" YN whined wanting to change the subject "go there with me for a second ..... me you and another girl.... Both of us pleasing you and you just laying there receiving it all... sounds good?" "With you explaining it ... the way you're looking at me but... expectation vs reality is a real thing" "mmm you right" "like always" YN rubbed down her body slowly and took a deep breath "That really turned you on?" she nods her head "yeah it really did well let me go get myself together I'll see you in four hours sir" "mhmm bye lil mama" "byeeee"
                   * in nyc at Melos room*
"We been doing this for like six months now .... And you Never told me what's your biggest fantasy" they were laying in bed as Melo tried to pry into her deepest dirtiest thoughts
"I'm not into all that ...." "You gotta have one .... Fucking outside? Being watched what is it" "you like to be watched?" YN instantly became intrigued "I like the idea somebody could be watching that's how I perform anyway" "that's your ego" "maybe ... so tell me one you have" she bit her lip. "I haven't tried it but I'm curious to try...." "Alright tell me" "I like the idea of .... Getting caught? Like while having sex somebody walks in or having sex somewhere I shouldn't be having sex and people hear me" Melo just stared at her making her nervous
"what?" She pouted he smiled "you was sitting on that like it was some wild shit" she rolled her eyes "regardless it's some shit I can't do with you so" "why not?" "You not mineeeeeeee" "I am though" "ahhht ahht don't do that" she laughed "okay we in New York I am yours so what?" She smiled "you right you right" "are you coming to New Orleans and Dallas?" "No I gotta get back to the office tomorrow but I think the next game I can go to is Boston" "ooooh okay" "what?" "You just never told me no out of all this time" " I have meetings and potential clients I can't run around the country with you as much as I would love too" she kissed his cheek "make it up to me then" "mmmm no"she laughs he kisses her anyway climbing on top of her.
"Why'd you wanna talk fantasies?" She moans as his fingers slowly enter her. "Just to see where your head was... after last night" "should I respond to her?" His finger curled upwards "unless you want her to eat your pussy it's kinda pointless" YN just moaned which made him pull away while still staring in her eyes. "You want her to eat your pussy?" He looks her up and down "No why you asking" "cause you ain't respond earlier" "you want her to eat my pussy?" "It'll be nice to watch" he kissed her lips again being honest making her moan louder.
"Would you be mad if I let her do it and you weren't around" "trust me she want me around for that" "idk you assuming she lie to you all the time" he pulled away sensing her mood change "does she?" "I meannnn she lied to you twice that we know of when we all went out with Lorenzo" "we ain't do shit with that nigga you was out with that nigga" "regardless you know what I'm talking about...., tf?" "don't even say that Nigga name to me" "he ain't do shit to you.... Fuck is you acting like that for" "he wanted you he probably still want you and he touched you that's enough"
"it's crazy how you get so possessive over me like you don't have a whole bitch" "it's crazy how you get possessive over me like you didn't know I had a whole bitch" "oh wowww" "I'm just saying you mad at her calling her a liar for what?" "Ight ima head out since you wanna be simple I called her a liar cause she be lying! Tf?" "nah stop running talk to me you catching feelings?" "And if I was?" He sighed "that mean you are" "you wish" "nah I actually don't it make shit harder on me!" "what happened to this basically being another relationship for you... or was that just cute to say?" He licked his lips
"nah I meant that" "okay so if I have feelings they valid right?" "YN why we gotta do this right now it's been a couple days since I seen you and it's about to be longer after this night you stressing for what" "who tf stressing!!" "yo chill out" "who tf you talking to?!" "YN We the only two in here" he said calmly she rolled her eyes "ight" "so what?" "nothing at all I'm not doing this with you... I don't have feelings but I see me going down that path and I'm not even playing with you...." "When I said you basically another relationship it's because I like you alot ... I can chill with you and be completely open... but I wasn't talking about making you a second girlfriend or nothing like that" "yeah I get it" "so what's the problem right now"
"from the nda to your girl.... My mood is just fucked up im not even feeling like we YN and Lamelo I feel like I'm not who I usually am around you I'm too emotional maybe it's cause I've been running around busy maybe it's because it's so early in the morning and I'm fresh off a plane idk but Uh yeah" "maybe it's cause you have feelings" "I don't though" "well what's gonna make you feel better in this situation? You want some dick? You want some food? You wanna sleep? All of the above?" She smiled for the first time in ten minutes not saying anything he knew he had her
"what do you want?" She said softly "I wanna eat" "then we can get food" "that's not what I'm trying to eat" "I fell right into that one huh" "yeah you really did" "so now what?" "I follow your lead you tell me" she bit her lip thinking then she took her shorts off and she walked closer to him "well first. ...... I would like to apologize for being so mouthy.... You told me about that" she gets on her knees "secondly? You gon Use your mouth for good?" She licked her lips nodding her head "uh huh" slowly she pulled his pants down watching his dick spring to life. "You realize this not always gon be an apology" she slowly leaked spit onto his dick getting it wet and then licking her lips. "Why not?" He gathers her hair as her lips go around his tip.
"Cause" she puts more of him in her mouth as she begins to stroke and work her tongue in her mouth. "Fuck" he groaned staring at her watching he every move she spits and then pulls away slowly "cause fuck? I don't get it" she smirked taking her shirt and off and then placing her mouth back on him quickly taking him deeply until she gagged.
He holds her head there thrusting his hips mostly to teach her a lesson "It's not gon always be apology if what you're doing keeps getting worse" she lightly taps his thighs so he lets go of his grip on her head and she slowly pulls off taking a sharp inhale she starts to stroke him again that simple transaction of power made her want him so bad.
"anything I've done has been a basic reaction" she takes her bra off he leans down kissing her forehead "come on" he helps her up and then guided her to the bed he realized he wouldn't get what he want fully by her giving her head it was time to get into some action "how you want me?" She asked softly "Ass in the air"she gets on the bed arching her back and sticking her ass up in the air spreading her legs a little bit. She noticed he took a step back striping himself. She took the liberty of inserting two fingers inside of her while she was waiting.
Suddenly she felt him grab her hands as he started licking her center she shivered. "Mmmmmm this is new you do it so well" she moaned he groaned into her folds. "You like me holding your arms like this?" "yesss" "yeah I knew you would freaky ass" she moaned loudly not being able to move  fully while his tongue and lips pleased her center just turned her on more She started to move her hips up and down against his lips and tongue until she came. He continued to lick her and then He kissed her body standing up. Tracing her entrance with his dick
"you want me?" She pushed her hips back "you know I want you daddy" "beg for me" "mmm daddy please?" She moaned into the sheets "please what?" "Ahhhh Please fuck me" "look at me" YN turns around and Melo slides in watching her face. "Ughhhh" "what you say when Daddy give you what you want?" "Thank youuuu"
"yeah stop playing with me" "mmmmm how am I playing?" He grabs her hair roughly as his other hand stays firmly on her hips. "You better not fuckin run" he smacks her ass as her body shakes "don't cum either" "ouuuuu fuck" she pouts her walls starts to constrict he lets go of her hair and almost immediately her stomach hit the bed while keeping her ass in the air.
"If you gon be lazy you don't deserve this dick" YN shook with pleasure "mmm im not being lazy" "why you laying down" "Lamelo stop teasing Me" he smacks her ass again "I swear I'll pull out" she gathers herself quickly pushing herself up "ughhh" he was deeper than ever she started to slide down again. "Fuck you so wet" "I'm gonna cummmm" "No you not" "Lamelo ... please" "no what happened to that energy from earlier .... If you all about reactions I'm reacting too don't you fuckin cum"  he said aggressively going deeper with each word making her cum all of his dick as she moaned sorry in the sheets he pulls out when she no longer feels his presence behind her she turns around.
"Lamelo please stop" "I told you not to cum" "I said I'm sorry" she pouts he pushes her back on the bed spreading her legs sliding back In deeply "you ain't mean that shit though" she gasped as he continued talking "see I was right" "I'm sorryyyyy" she looked into his eyes pleading his thumb goes to her clit rubbing her "wanna make it up to me" she nods her head "mmmmhmmm" keep looking me in my eyes and don't cum until I say that's the only way ima forgive you" "okayyyy" he smirked while  his thumb continued to play with her clit as he dove deeper and her legs never stopped shaking from earlier
"you gon cum?" She hesitates "noooo" he smiled "good girl" "but I want too" she bats her eyelashes "yeah I bet" he rolls his eyes "you're mad at me" she whined "no I'm not" "yes you are I'm sorry about talking about her I won't do it no more" he smiled "can we not have this conversation right now" "baby I jus—" she cuts herself off as he goes deeper "Hm what you saying?" "No—nothing" she moans softly "good" "you close" "yessss" "Look me in my eyes and cum for me don't stop looking at me" his thumb went into overdrive while his hips gave the same exact pace
"ooooooohhhhh fuckkkk😭😭😭 daddy pleaseeeee" "hmmm what you begging for now?" "Ughhhh I— I—don't know I dont mmmmmm" "you feel good?" "Yessss" "cum for me .." he groaned and she looked in his eyes deeply releasing all over his dick and Melo came too inside of her pulling out slowly he finally exhaled and laid down beside her.
She gets up going to use the bathroom and clean herself up and then she gets him washcloth and wipes his body down. "Thank you baby" "mhmmm" she takes it back to the bathroom so housekeeping can get it later. "Come here" his voice was deep she straddled him. "Yes?" "If you had feelings for me you would tell me?" "I don't know if I'm being honest I probably wouldn't" "why not?" "Because I don't wanna stop" "so is this your way of telling me you do" "no cause I don't right now I promise" she stared into his eyes it felt sincere "just tell me what's going on in your head instead of keeping it all to yourself" she kisses his lips softly he adds tongue
"only thing in my head right now is how I want more of you" was she tired? Yeah of this conversation "thought you wanted to sleep" "not no more" he lifts her hips sliding her down on to his dick and then spanking her ass. "You doing all the work then" she slowly start to move her hips up and down moaning softly. "Damn baby" he groaned when he felt her squeeze him as she moved up and down slowly "it feels good for you?"  He smiled "yeah don't stop" he wasn't lying but at the same time he low key wanted to test her to see how long she would last when she was in control. He could tell she was waiting for him to take over.
She grabs his hand placing them on her ass and then she puts her hands back on his chest bouncing slowly as it started to really feel good her head was thrown back moaning his name like she had never had dick before. He slaps her ass "mmmm harder" he lifted and eyebrow but did it again he felt her legs tremble "please?" She said softly he keeps one hand on his ass and other one rubs from her back to her Breast down to her clit making her almost fall over "please what?" He asked deeply she whined "harder?" He slaps her ass again while rubbing her clit when she got right to her breaking point he lifts her up thrusting up words making her lose it completely.
Something about her riding was just so damn intense for them both probably cause she doesn't do it often. "Please don't stop please I'm gonna cum pleaseee" she was a whining moaning mess he loved it. He hadn't got her to this point ever but it seemed like she might cry because it felt so good. All he wanted to do is hold on tight to her thrust his hips and groan while watching her lose her mind and let down the guard that she had up the whole morning.
Finally she released all over his dick he watched the cream paint his dick he didn't stop movements until he heard her say "okay ... okay" she shook whining he puts her back down resting on his hips and just as she gets comfortable he flips her over. "Mmm" she moaned because he was still inside her "I know you not tired?" She laughed "I am though" "you want me to stop?" "Nooo" "you feel so good right now" her nails dig into his back  "damn you gon make me miss you" "shhhhh don't say that" and it was in that moment shit started to click in his mind he pulls out standing up and looking down at her.
"Did I miss something? Or do something?" She asked completely confused "you have no intentions on coming to Boston this is your last time..." Melo said he sounded angry but he really was just disappointed "I never said that" "but that's how we fuckin.... So tell me the truth" "just come back over here" "tell me the truth" "I'm coming to Boston Melo I don't know what made you come to the conclusion that I wasn't but I am!" She got angry "oh..." she pouts "why would you say that? I would give you the benefit of telling you I was done when I'm done and right now I don't feel like being done so come back over here so you can finish... please?" She smiled he came back over yanking her lower half to the edge of the bed and going deep.
"You know I got trust issues" he looked deep in her eyes  "it's okay...."  Her eyes fluttered close "don't leave without telling me ... promise?" She had never really saw this side of him it was vulnerable side she was enjoying it. He rubbed her clit slowly making her gasp "promise me" "I promise" her legs wrapped around him tightly as he got closer and closer "cum with me?" He asks she nods her head too tired to say words he's too tired to make her say it.
"Mmmmm ahhh" she lets out a quiet moan when she feels him pulsing inside of her which makes her cum. "Fuck" he said softly pulling out cumming in the sheets she shook when she no longer felt him Inside of her. He looked down at her "wow .... You so damn beautiful" he kisses down her body attaching his lips to her clit. "Ahhhhh" her hand pushed his head slightly he just brings her closer. "Mmmmmmmmm" why did he think she would ever just leave him alone ... that doesn't even make sense. When he had enough he came back up laying down and kissing her lips. She gave it five minutes before she started speaking again.
"So now that we're calmed down can I ask you something" he sighed "yeah" "you trust me enough to not out you or expose you you trust me enough to not make me sign a nda but you don't trust me enough to leave without saying bye?"
"Can we not have this conversation" "I guess" he glanced at her seeing her frustration "idk why.... I get it doesn't make sense but I don't understand it but yeah I feel like at some point you will just ghost me"  "okay and I promise to tell you ... if I'm gonna leave" "thank you" "mhmm" "so what's the moves" "I leave tonight so that's up to you mr." He laughed
"mmmm I think we should go to sleep and then order some food and watch movies" he pulls her closer rubbing her ass "you wasted money on a hotel I feel bad" "just the deposit it's fine... stay with me" "okay I'm staying" she cuddled closer to him "you feel like moving yet" "depends on the reason?" She glances up
"I got you another gift but I don't feel like getting up" "mmm you can just tell me what it is if it's not big" "I don't wanna do that either cause .... It's gon sound bad let me get up" she laughed as he gathered all his strength to get up going to the closet he pulled out a box bringing it over to her. She smiled grabbing it. "It's heavy" he laughed "a little bit" she opens the box finally. "Awww Melo this is cute"
" it's supposed to be aromatherapy ... I know you like that shit so to make up for the other stuff I got you these it's a bigger box waiting for you at home but I figured you didn't wanna get on a plane with a big ole box" she laughed "you were right" she opens them smelling each one. "Wanna smell?" She asked lifting the first one he grabs it gently from her. "Oh that smells good better than I thought it would" she laughed "thank you" "you're welcome"
she closes the box back up and he takes it placing it on the table and come back and lays down. "Feels good to relax" YN says completely content. "Yeah we been going through it" he laughed slightly "it's just emotions .... Maybe we shouldn't care so much" "we past all that though" "yeah.... And I guess if I didn't like you I wouldn't fuck you" "and what's wrong with liking?" She smiles "nothing at all"
Whew Chile the deniallllll 🥱😂😂😂 anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter
Next chapter is Boston ... and we know what happens in Boston
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sixosix · 5 months
To approach ask length and my apologies… lkfhdh you created this monster and now you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions.
i wanted to keep this separate as a more focused thing as opposed to my other rambles. But as to how i think the potion stuff goes down…
Rosalie: no, unless T!Reader desperately wants her to.
T!Reader: Depending on how the interaction with father goes/any interferance, yes.
Rosalie I don’t see drinking it unless T!Reader wants her to, because I’d think she’d want to remember someone she considers her daughter, even if T!Reader doesn’t stay by her side. I’d think she would still cherish those memories and want to hold onto them, kinda like a parent looking back on memories rasing their kid when their kid is now living their own life and creating their own family. But I do think that if T!Reader does push hard enough, that she would drink the potion as to not put her child in distress in what could potentially be their final moments together.
As for T!Reader… something i’ve noticed but never really said rambling wise is that both her and lyney have that same intate urge to do anything for their family and loved ones. And right now, from T!Readers point of view, her only loved one (and family) is Rosalie. If she gets promised/convinced that Rosalie will be safe and left alone by the Fauti if she drinks the potion, I bet she would. Even if she no longer remembers her maman or the positive memories she has of the fauti, as long as Rosalie was safe I doubt she would care.
As for if she actually gets the chance to drink it or not… i’m honestly torn. On one hand, there is the chance that the trio + aether and paimon get their in time to stop her from drinking it and find another way. Which would be very cool and neat… But the potion is already the nice way out, as the hearth’s rule is with their life is the cost. 
Theres not really any nicer way to go around the hearth’s core rules, especially with the distraction t!reader is and the persistence lyney has. I’m sure Arlecchino knows that although her orders to leave t!reader alone may put lyney on a pause, it won’t last forever. I mean, the guy went straight to T!readers house with lynette’s help once their meeting with father was done. And although I haven’t done the story quest yet, I know enough to know that even with the traveler helping, they wouldn’t win unless father specifically let them. 
Plus, (and i had to go digging to find the exact words once i remembered it) i remembered something you said in one of my very first asks. Specifically art naosaki’s quote, "Reader needs to learn how to stay, and Lyney needs to learn how to let go". I can see the reader’s form of staying being finally confronting her past and taking the deal not for herself but for everyone else, while lyney’s form of letting go is letting go of the mc from before the potion. A bit more bittersweet, and again, i’m torn over it, but its just my thoughts! 
Also, I sent this at the same time as the fic since my theory influenced it a fair bit… so ye, back to the pit i go-
-deadman aether anon
- HI DEADMAN AETHER ANON u sent the fic first but i wanted to answer this one cus i got excited and wanted to treasure it…
- im very glad u got rosalie figured out tho!!! despite all the suspicion she received by everyone in the beginning, at the end of the day, she really just cares about mc and will always put her first! AND MC TOO!!!! top tier character analyzation 🙏🔥🔥
- I LIKE HOW U HAD TO SEARCH FOR THE QUOTE 😭😭😭 your interpretation of the quote deserves praise for fitting in the plot of the way things are going right now but i dont want to say anything in case i end up confirming or denying it HHAHA
- still, such a thoughtful and fun little read from you once again 😭🫶🫶 i have so much fun listening (reading???) your thoughts but now i got a wholeass fic from you as well?? oh i am so blessed truly U ARE A BLESSING TO MY ACC
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burntblueberrywaffles · 11 months
Fic tag game
got tagged by @fangeek-girl ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 7 works but 3 of them are fanfic lol
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
1896 words total. Your girl is definitely one for brevity LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday, that one drabble I made for The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, and I've been writing for Star Wars (though I haven't posted anything yet) and Mrs maisel (i wrote a whole short fic for that almost a year ago but I forgot about it completely until I found it in my notes apps, I should get around to posting it)  
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I don't have 5 fics total but here's my current count in order:
2-The world's a little blurry
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes always! the fact that people are READING my stuff and taking time to comment has me 🥺🥺🥺
My writing ao3 isnt linked to my main email adress though so sometimes it takes me a while to respond because I wont see it until I periodically check my fic stats
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
.....Probably The world's a little blurry let's be real (I'm going to fix it it in the next one in the series, I promise!!!)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
akdadhjgsjgd hard to say all my shit is angsty, I guess Pretend?? kind of, it's less of a downer than the other ones. The final part of Come a little closer will have a happy ending though I promise! (already finished writing the end, I just need to write the beginning lol)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No ❤️ I don't think any of my stuff has gotten enough attention for that lol
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
NO my ace ass has no experience with that so I wouldn't know how 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️(I might need to in some future project, fortunately a lot of my friends are perverts (affectionate) so I could probably ask for some guidance if it comes to that LOL)
10. Do you write cross-overs?
No, I'm not a big fans of crossovers in general so certainly have never felt compelled to write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
So many ugh I cant even choose, it's more rare for me to actually finish something than the opposite, that's why I'll never post anything unless the whole thing is finished (only exception is my current series, but that's because I felt like each fic making up the series were self-contained enough that they didn't need to follow up immediatly to work? if that makes sense - plus the first one was a one shot and only thought of how to follow it up after posting it)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at imagery and emotion (being a poetry writer goes brrrrr)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS oh god I'm so bad at it. My fic are vibes only lmao, what are they wearing? where are they? what movements are they doing? NOT IMPORTANT how about I offer you 12 metaphors on how this character is feeling instead. (though I'm forcing myself to work on it haha)
I also struggle with any longer story arc... there's a reason all my stuff is so short lol
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's in french it would be pretty fun since it's my ✨first language✨ hehe. For other languages I'd see if one of my friends speak it but otherwise idk if I'd include it bc I don't want to butcher another language, I've seen too many english authors put french through the ringer it's painful 😭
18. First fandom you wrote for?
I guess Julie and the Phantoms? I never posted it but I had a pretty advanced fic for that. unless you count the 13 reasons why fic I posted on wattpas when i was early teen but we dont talk about that
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
right now it has to be The world's a little blurry, I just love how it came out hehe
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
none right now.
Anyway tagging @nonamemanga @beri-allen @unlifeira @realmermaid333 @suchaladyy @witchysith @king-crimson-works @theycallme-thejackal and anyone else who might want to do it!
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asena-graywolf · 2 years
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Click here for previous part
You’re My Slave Now ||
For a week Oikawa asked you to post nude pictures. As much as you hate what you're in, it may be enough to find yourself defending yourself on the disciplinary board.
"Yes sweetie. Now go to the bathroom and take off your clothes. Take a selfie in underwear first, then an front of mirror. I want to see your sexy body"
"What is that? Are you getting horny every second? Am I obliged to satisfy your sexual hunger?”
You replied angrily
"You know best. The time I take while smoking does not take even a minute that I describe to the teacher”
“You scumbag! I'm tired of taking the same risks every time."
“It is… throw away the pictures. I am waiting"
From his answer it seemed that he didn't care about you at all, that he was just after the photos you were going to post.
You went to the bathroom and the door was locked. You undressed until you were left with only underwear. She was wearing a sexy lingerie set and you took a few shots next to her in the bathroom mirror
It took seconds for the word seen after hitting Oikawa to appear
"Oh! I can't believe it! I'd die for this body. I want to lick her place. I'd been there and I'd fuck you all over baby"
"Pervert! You are nothing but a pervert! Your only thoughts are to fuck me"
Don’t welcome him. You will live, promise to obey my orders. Now obey! Take off your underwear. Take a few more poses like before—this time wide open.”
“Okay damn you! Just shut your mouth"
“Well done for my well-behaved obedient sitting”
You took and sent a few completely nude poses as Oikawa requested
“You have such a beautiful body, y/n-chan. Swipe groups until those hips bruise. Your hips should bend in front of my dick"
“What else, you bastard! ignoring your immoral behavior in the message you wrote "Tell me what to do"
“What's next? Something to get my dick off…hmm let's see. Gotcha! Take a pic of your pussy. I want to see how wet it is"
Oikawa was most obsessed with his body. Seeing the wet state of your cunt constantly
“Oh Oikawa-kun! What do you wanna from my poor cunt?”
“What establishment am I do but to fuck that sweet cunt? My cock might be proper for your cunt.”
“You horny motherfucker!”
“I love you too honey! Lemme have it!”
You hate the wavelength with you, the fact that you don't know how to give up even though you hate him so much.
You sit on the toilet and spread your legs. When you put two fingers down your clitoris, you noticed a wetness on your fingertips.
Apparently, your body needed it, even if you didn't want it. Your pussy wanna being fucked.
You gathered the wetness towards your clit and spread it all over. Now you're the realization of a landscape as Oikawa wanted
You took a picture after making sure the camera would show all the wetness and every line of your pussy. You checked before sending
Your wet pussy was shining. Oikawa would definitely jerk off in front of this picture until morning
As soon as he sent it, he immediately opened his message and replied
“God! You are all drenched! Maybe you don't want it, but your pussy does. It's obviously something your body desires to be fucked y/n-chan"
“Fuck me if it's enough for you to keep your mouth shut and not revealing that I smoke. You always make it clear that you want to fuck me. Fuck me relax too"
“I will do it anyway. Instead of a photo of you smoking, I could expose your nude pictures to anyone at school. Believe me, this would be a more disgraceful situation. You can't find a solution”"
"Dont you dare! You can’t do this!"
“On one condition. If you have sex with me in the locker room after practice next week, all these pictures and conversations will remain a secret between us. Otherwise, I will send all the pictures of the volleyball team to Whatsapp group right now. Then not only me but everyone will want to fuck you like a slut. You won't be able to go out in public! Not to come to school, you will not even be able to walk on the street. Look, what will your family and friends think of you then? You're going to be a completely disgraced vile."
He had a lot of leverage with you, and when you disobeyed him, it was only a matter of time before he revealed them. That's why you were always on edge. You were afraid of making the slightest wrong move towards him.
“You are such a son of a bitch Oikawa! OK damn it. Do whatever you want!"
You wrote with trembling fingers. It was as if all the blood had pooled on his face
“Damn bastard!” you were told
"Nice! We are not done yet”
"What more do you want for God's sake?"
“Make a video of you masturbating. I want to hear your moans. When I play with your clitoris, I should also see how wet it is and how it swells. And then shake those hips in front of the camera.”
"A murrain on you!"
You did everything he said. You masturbated to yourself until you ejaculated. But there was something strange. Why were you fingering yourself imagining Oikawa masturbating to you? The thought turned you on even more and made you squirt when you ejaculated the last time.
You sent the first video. You are prepared for the second. You put on your sexy g-string underwear and racy bra. You set the phone to an angle that could capture your hips more clearly, and you started shaking your hips in front of the camera.
Those hips that Oikawa had fainted were swaying from side to side in such a way as to trigger too much sexual lust.
After you filmed the video of you shaking your hips, you got dressed. You also sent the second video.
“I was just ejaculated y/n-chan.”
"It's not funny"
You sulked while replying
“Now I'm playing the second video you made. How those hips sway…God I want to fuck them. I want to cum all over. Oh, by the way, you say you hate me at every opportunity, but you do what I ask you to do with great enthusiasm"
"Shut up!"
Even though you yelled at him hard, he didn't give a damn about it.
“I can see how eager you are for me in the pictures and videos you posted, and yet you still hate me? Would you do all this for anyone else, baby?"
“I already hate you. Don't think I'm giving in to your threats just because I'm doing what you want!”
"Really? Then you would prefer that I expose all your nude pictures and videos to the whole school?”
“Enough Oikawa! Same old story again and every time! I'm sick of that anymore!"
Even if you were angry, Oikawa never cared. He was enjoying taking advantage of you.
“I'm looking forward to the day I'll give you a good fuck, baby. Get some sleep now. I'm waiting for more hot pictures tomorrow"
“Flake down, you scumbag!” you wrote your last message
You put your phone back on the nightstand and pull the duvet over your head. You cursed Oikawa with every curse you could think of.
You really hated doing this, but for some reason, imagining Oikawa screwing you right now made your panties wet even more.
What you refused, your body wanted like crazy. You didn't know what to do
This situation continued for a week. At school you avoided eye contact with Oikawa as much as possible. You hated the way he looked at you. Wherever you went, the infamous moments you and Oikawa had on the internet would haunt you. You were almost his slave. as well as voluntarily
One day he sat next to her in the dining hall. There were so many empty places, but he deliberately came and sat next to you. You told him to go quietly. But she didn't listen. Unbeknownst to anyone, she touched her bare leg with her hand, then slipped her hand under her skirt. This sudden move made you startle.
“Oikawa! Stop that!” you whispered
You suddenly felt a pressure on your clitoris. You were hurt, and you had a hard time not jumping up and screaming.
"What the hell are you doing!? Get out of here or I'll shout" you said angrily
“You are wet again. Tell me why is this pussy always wet? Do you want me too? I'm drooling over the pictures you send me every day. My semen stock will run out soon”
Oikawa had whispered these nasty words in his ear. You were completely red from your face to your ears
"Zip it! Don't do it here! Someone will see”
“I want to fuck you y/n-chan. I have to see that hot chick inside tonight."
You elbowed his body close to you away from you and got up from there and sat at another table.
People who saw you like that with Oikawa even asked if the two of you were dating. You passed them off by giving satisfactory answers. But Oikawa wasn't sitting still, and everyone at school was starting to suspect that something was going on between you.
For a week, you did camera sex, nude pictures, masturbation during a video call, puss, breast and hip pictures, sexy dances in front of the camera and many more.
In the course of time, being Oikawa's slave had become your pleasure. You were able to suppress the feeling of hatred inside you. Deep down you longed for Oikawa to fuck you hard
You asked him candidly before going to bed that night
“Oikawa-san? How long will this go on like this?”
“Do you really want all this to end? However, we were having a great time.”
“If I have real sex with you, will you delete all the photos and videos I sent you? I'll have sex with you if that's what you want. Just delete the photos"
"True. What I really want is to have sex with you. Fucking you until you scream and cry. If I see you crying from pleasure and pain, if I can ejaculate on your wet pussy that I've always dreamed of, then I'll leave you alone. I will delete those photos and videos in front of your eyes. I will never bother you again.”
“Then we agreed. Let's meet on Monday after practice"
"Ok. Meet me in the shower stalls of the locker room. Let's have sex for the first and last time. I want to enjoy it, even if it's a one-time thing."
"Okay. Good night” You said and went to bed and went to sleep.
You finally get rid of this trouble.
It will be continue in Part 3
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nattyluvs · 1 year
CAFE CUTIE - chapter 4
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you approached the all-so familiar spot on the corner of the street. the drawings on the window of the menu items for the week visible.
unfortunately, it was basically rush hour for the cafe, even though it was later in the day on a weekend. beomgyu, the barista that was pretty much there every single time you visited, happened to not be there today.
it was weird, now it was rush time and there wasnt anybody to make slow conversation with behind the counter. you quickly ordered something from the unfamiliar barista, and sat down at the last table empty.
you reached into your bag, about to pull out your notebook, just to vent, jot down ideas, write literally anything. you just needed something to get your mind off everything going on.
"um, is it okay if i sit here? there isnt any more tables open" you heard a voice mumble
you looked up from your urgent writing in the notebook, a young guy appeared, though apperance barely shown. he was wearing a mask and a hoodie, hard to figure out why he looked so familar.
"yeah, its fine dont worry." you smiled, continuing to write. you only got a auick glance at him, but he was definitely cute. his eyes were an obvious giveaway.
but, he just looked so familar, you couldnt quite put your finger on it. deciding to speak up, you asked,
"do we know eachother? sorry if this is weird, you just seem familar, like ive seen you before."
"no, i dont think we do...sorry" the guy mumbled again. you thought, maybe hes shy? or maybe his voice is soft? but its not. he has a sort of deep voice, its just barely spoken, almost not even audible.
"i see... do you perhaps go to decelis?"
"umm...no i go to jyp...the other school in town"
"ohh i see, our schools are rivals huh" you smiled again, hopefully getting some more words out of him.
"yeah, haha" he laughed a bit, "also...not to be nosy but whats the eyepatch for?" he quietly spoke
you scoffed, followed by a sigh, "at school we had our rally, and during the senior game i got hit by a dodgeball by this popular dude named jake or something. the worst part is, he didnt even apologize! or acknowledge that he hit me!" you explained, hint of anger in your voice.
"i see...he's kind of an asshole for that, he shouldve apologized." he whispered, but just loud enough so you could hear."
"right! now i have to wear an eyepatch for my homecoming photos, and nobody is going to ask to go with me..."
"dont say that, im sure somebody would take you, your pretty and you have a nice personality, dont doubt yourself."
"thats alot of compliments for someone you just met." you questioned, but also embarassed at the sudden praise.
"anyways, i didnt mean to dump all my problems onto a stranger, whats your name?"
"umm...my name is..ethan"
"okay...ethan. you seem interesting, give me ur phone."
without hestitation, he quickly handed over his phone, no seccond thoughts.
"ive got to go now, but i'll see you another time, yeah?" you gathered your things, flashing another smile before walking out the door.
the boy sat in silence for awhile, drowning in his own thoughts until he checked his phone, seeing the new contact added as "yn"
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a/n: sorry for not updating i came back from my trip on sunday and then i had a fever !!!
@16luver @junebug032 @zuyairus @bluxjun @iadorethemskz
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