#pls i love this man
beauleifu · 2 years
Let’s hope that my request is readable since my brain be mushed💦 Could we get a S/O who’s very flirty and tries to win Mayor’s heart during a mission while he acts oblivious at their attempts to swoon him, he finds them charming for what they do c:
oml i never thought i'd be into an idea more, guys guys this was so much fun to write, like PRETENDING TO BE A COUPLE SHIT, anyways, hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's late lmao, hardest part was figuring out what the mission should entail <3 :))
p.s. dont come for me, this is purely fictional and even though I did a tiny bit of research, i know little of dishes served in fancy Chinese restaurants and even less about their signature architecture style, i'm just going off my imagination
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You're in love. The problem? You're terrible at it. To make matters worse, the charmer you've fallen for is oblivious to your flirtatious antics (or is he??). Thankfully, all's well that ends well especially when Lady Bone Demon assigns you two together, on a mission. Matchmakers really do play dirty.
CW: None, Mayor doesn't even tolerate foul language (you learned the hard way)
Those were the last words Lady Bone Demon said to both you and her henchman before vanishing in a cloud of blue smoke.
It never bothered you, the missions she'd send you on.
You're working for her; it's not like you can complain about something you signed up for. Externally, you follow orders to a T, because if you're not useful then she'll be rid of you. And that is simply not an option, because if you're not at her side then you're not at his.
The Mayor.
The idiot who wormed his way into your cold heart of fire and ice.
And you don't even know his real name.
You've resorted to nicknames, to which he doesn't mind (you'll get extra creative behind doors, alone), but you're really dying to know his birthname. Perhaps with a bit more time, he'll open up.
Right now, you're standing in the mirror, as you have been for the past two minutes. Just staring. Nothing wrong with that.
Unless you were making sure you look perfect for . . . someone.
That's hypothetical, of course.
An idiot in denial looks back at you in the reflection, nervous and tense with anticipation of what's to come.
With a huff, you will yourself not to screw this one up and grasp the doorknob to your bedroom. Your spacious, beautiful bedroom, carved from stone and bone and ice long, long ago. The Mayor had given you a tour of the place once, having been eager to relay to you the wonderful history of this underground fortress. A buried landscape of beauty.
Oh dear, you're getting sidetracked.
Focus, (Y/N).
"Soooo. I guess Lady Bone Demon put us together, huh? Wonder what she's got in store for us."
Well, that was an awkward start.
Lucky for you, it's dark outside and the lack of light is sufficient enough to hide the embarrassment clear on your face. Your partner keeps on strolling down the abandoned alleyway, hands folded neatly behind his back and that familiar, lazy smile on his face.
"Did she not enclose the details to you?" The Mayor asks, turning to you.
Shrugging, you vault over a few storage crates. "Not really."
As you slow to a walk beside him, the two of you round the corner into a more open sidewalk, exhibiting a nice view of the Megapolis Bank.
Briefly, you hypothesize that this is your destination, when the Mayor clears his throat, a sure sign he's about to elaborate.
"My Lady needs another soul to absorb, and conveniently for us, there lies within Megapolis a demon powerful enough to sustain her for the time being," the Mayor hums, blank white eyes flicking to the sky. He's always on constant alert, and yet he always seems so relaxed and chipper. "We are to retrieve the asset and deliver him for proper sacrifice."
He flashes you a wry smile. "He is an energy source, my dear. Otherwise, my mistress will surely fail to fulfill her destiny, being as weak as she is."
A frown lights your features. Lady Bone Demon doesn't look weak.
You chalk it up to demons being superb at hiding their true selves. Half the time you can't even dissect the Mayor's intentions, even if it's a simple trip to the men's room and he'd told you he'd be unavailable for a few minutes.
In the end, you smile. "As long as there's a reward for delivering an innocent person to her."
"Reward?" The Mayor repeats, blinking. "That being fulfilling our destiny; to serve her. Were you hoping for something else?"
Oh, there's no reward.
You stare incredulously at your partner, about to backtrack, when he suddenly chuckles in amusement. Your eyes widen (see? See? The Mayor is incredibly hard to read), jaw slackening as you realize.
"You're joking. There is a reward!"
"Perhaps! Would you consider the next few days off prize enough?"
You're grinning, now, tailing alongside the Mayor like a joyful puppy. His eyes are twinkling at your antics. "A few days?? Are you kidding? That goes way beyond my expectations."
It's true. Lady Bone Demon hardly ever rewards you for completing your missions. The most time she's given you off is eight hours, and even then you'd treated those moments like gold, savoring it up until you were summoned once more.
This missions suddenly feels extremely important.
Maybe that's why LBD offered this specific reward; to entice you to go against your morals. Then again, where were your morals when you served someone like her?
"I see you're properly motivated," the Mayor says, eyes fixed on you.
You wink, attempting a flirt. "This'll be a piece of cake. And hey, maybe we can spend our days off together."
He pauses, seeming to actually consider this.
"I wouldn't refuse a game of chess."
"No, I meant- oh, nevermind," you say with a little, awkward laugh. Sighing wistfully, you clear your throat and glance sideways. "So! Are we almost there? Where are we going, anyways? The bank?"
The Mayor falls quiet as the two of you pass a few strangers. "A restaurant," the Mayor answers, when the people turn a corner. He flexes his fingers. "The demon is the owner. An intelligent move on his part, for there is no risk of encountering people like us. Unless, of course, we booked reservations for first-class service."
He's smiling mysteriously, now. You could almost call it mischievous.
You're getting near it now. The details of this mission.
"This must be a very fancy restaurant, then."
"The finest in the city," the Mayor agrees, turning a corner. Then, he stops all together, enticing you to halt as well. "We must dress and act the part if we are to get close to the target. Be polite, don't refuse the wine selection."
You nod, mentally prepping yourself for the mission. Then, your eyes trail up, realizing exactly why your partner had stopped.
The restaurant is huge, glittering, and loud.
Five, gold stars are positioned just beneath the restaurant's trademark name, The Dragon Dynasty. A thick trail of people waiting in line flow out of the building and to the left, vanishing down the sidewalk. A similar line stretching to the right is much smaller, but greeted at the door by two hulking men dressed in tight black suits, wearing sunglasses and deep frowns. The token bodyguards you'd see in everyday action movies.
The breath is stolen from you. Slowly, you glance down at your own attire, feeling suddenly very underdressed and very stupid.
"We can't go in there. Not like this!" You gasp.
Your partner smiles knowingly. "My lady is completely prepared for this, my dear. She was the sole one responsible for booking reservations months in advance, you know."
"I know that. But it's not like she can magically manifest a-"
You cut yourself off.
For some reason, your skin begins to tingle. Eyes wide with shock and awe, you glance down at the Mayor's own attire, watching it shift and transform into something more fit for the occasion. A lovely, handsome black tuxedo with a long tail and a white bow. His undershirt ghosted from light blue to white in mere moments, the black sleeves of his tux slipping upwards to reveal white cuffs.
Your own attire has endured a similar transformation, something that hugs your body flawlessly and washes away any insecurities you'd been nursing regarding the mission.
Fingertips tentatively travel along your new outfit. "Oh my stars."
"How elegant," the Mayor says, slippery-smooth, his white eyes suddenly like a hawk. "My lady has astute taste in fashion."
Your cheeks are on fire, but you manage a smile.
"You as well. Very debonair."
The outfits feel like they're meant for each-other, even somewhat bone-themed to better represent your mistress. Your companion gives you one last once-over before continuing down the sidewalk.
"Shall we?"
Biting your lip, you sidle up next to him, unable to help glancing over his outfit a few times.
"That outfit really brings out your smile, y'know."
He hums a laugh. "Very corny, my dear. I'm sure you'll reap great success if you attempt something similar in front of our target."
You're frowning, now. Try again. "Uh . . . How about, um . . . If I had a flower for every time you made me smile, I'd be walking in my garden forever," you say seriously, daring to look at him.
That line.
It was meant for him. Of course, it's hidden under the assumption it's meant for someone else.
The Mayor's eyebrows lift. "You have yet to meat the target, though."
"Oh. Oh, right. I mean, hypothetically. I dunno. Maybe it would work on someone I've known for awhile? Someone I work with?" You babble, heart rate spiking as you near the restaurant. Which line will you wait in? How are you ever going to get close to the manager? Why does your face feel on fire?
His smile is relaxed once more. "I suppose."
You swallow. Try again?
Lips part to formulate the words for another pick-up line, but the Mayor glance down at you, beating you to it.
"Oh, one final detail I forgot to disclose. My lady made reservations for the two of us as, dare I say, a couple. First class is not often given to single individuals, families, or mere companions."
Your heart skips a beat. "A couple?"
"Don't worry, it's a temporary act in order to get close to the manager. We might as well get the full experience," he returns, eyes twinkling. "Won't this be fun?"
Throat running quite dry, you nod. "With you? I can't imagine it being too awful."
He chuckles again, but there's no more time for words.
You've made it to the front.
The bodyguards stare down at you for a moment before moving to the side to reveal a small, well-dressed woman drowning in make-up, who stands and approaches the two of you with a dull frown. She's seen this before. Been doing this all night, and probably wants to go home desperately.
"Last name?" The lady says boredly.
You feel the Mayor's arm slide through yours, linking the both of you together. "Bone," he says smoothly.
How fitting.
You decide it's better than using a last name from Lady Bone Demon's time, considering she's ancient and has lived long past hundreds of family names. 'Bone' is even in her title. Fitting, indeed.
The woman shifts through her clipboard, eyes narrowing. You hold your breath.
"Mr. and Mx. Bone. You got a meeting with the boss?"
"Correct," the Mayor says.
The lady nods. "Through here, then."
She sidesteps, gesturing through the large golden doors, opening one of them to let the two of you pass. Ignoring the glares and mutters of the people in line, the two of you enter the building, leaving behind the cold outdoors and entering an entirely different world.
It's amazing.
You can't describe it. Not the plants you've never seen before in the corners, not the dazzling chandelier overseeing the luxurious dining tables and bars, the glittering diamonds reflecting off the wine bottles sitting by the hundreds on the wine racks. They stretch up to the ceiling, where Chinese history paints the sky with beautiful colors and people. A band in the corner plays smooth café music, the sound distant yet nostalgic for you. And there's people. So many people, despite how hard it is to get a reservation here. They crowd the place, making it difficult to navigate to first class.
The Mayor gives your arm a gentle squeeze. "Should I be afraid you might fall unconscious?"
"No. Are you trying to seduce me?"
"No," he hums, leading you up the wide, elegant, bifurcated staircase. Your free hand trails along the polished, wooden handrail, wishing your eyes were wider so you could see absolutely everything.
"Well, it's working," you whisper, half to yourself.
Pretend to be a couple. Wear expensive clothes probably worth more than your life. Eat at the fanciest restaurant in the city.
You feel like maybe you should read between the lines.
But all of the sudden, you're too busy reading the menu, eyes wide at the expansive selection.
So. Much. Food.
Your stomach growls in anticipation.
"Do we even have the money for this?" You wonder, breathless.
The Mayor's eyes rove over his own menu before placing it down and lacing his fingers together underneath his chin. Locking eyes with you, he cocks a brow. "Need I remind you my Lady has been planning this for months? She is-"
"Completely prepared, I know," you mumble, ducking behind the menu.
Glaring at the beautifully decorated dinner table, you bite your lip and think. Tonight might be your once chance to woo the Mayor. Is it crazy, though, to try it here? Now?
Heart racing, you lower the menu.
"I've never been on a date with a demon, before."
The Mayor had been observing the portraits lining the walls, but now his white eyes are on you. "A date?"
"Don't worry, this won't send my expectations through the roof," you continue, wearing a casual smile yet you're nervous to the bone. Hiding shaking hands under the sleek tablecloth, you try for a small smile. "Spending time with you meets all of them."
Fingers crossed, you hope this works.
The Mayor nods, eyes trailing to inspect your outfit. "We do what's necessary to fulfill our mistress's desires, I suppose."
You'd failed! He's too oblivious!
Wishing you could throw hands and let out an exasperated yell, you take a deep, controlled breath. You can still make this WORK. "I mean, it's not everyday I get to spend time with my favorite person."
"Hmm." The Mayor's eyes rove over your features, thoughtful yet cheery at the same time. He suddenly chuckles. "You must be hungry, my dear! We mustn't pick favorites when it comes to food, but I daresay I have yet to turn down a dish of roasted duck. Shall we order while the night is still young?"
God damnit.
This is going to be harder than you thought.
You force a smile. "Uh-huh. Yup. I'll have (dinner dish)."
The two of you make your orders when the waitress walks by, and it still sends tingles down your spine when she addresses you both under the same last name.
When she walks off, you're inclined to notice the other couples sitting at the other tables.
Eyes darting south, you inspect a specific pair.
Their holding hands.
Head snapping up, you lift your hands onto your own table and make a motion for the Mayor to do the same. He eyes you curiously, and you shrug. "The other couples are doing it. We might as well, to look the part. Just for a bit."
"I suppose, if you're sincerely nervous about getting caught," he hums.
In one swift movement, he takes your hands in his.
They're cold.
And yet, it sends a thrill of warmth through your entire body, and you fight hard to suppress a smile. Here you were, trying to flirt with him, and yet getting destroyed by your own plans. Oh, gosh.
He seems to detect the tremble in your fingers. "Eager to get this over with?" He guesses, eyes seeing right through you.
You shake your head quickly. "Nuh-uh. This is amazing."
"You did mention your outfit likely costs more than your life," he murmurs, eyes twinkling with the fact that he doesn't believe this claim. "I advise you try and make the most of it."
"Ha ha. Your hands are cold."
"You don't like it?"
He seems ready to let go, so you give him a squeeze before removing one to pat the top of his hand. "I do like it. Your hands are the best. Big cold grabbers that snatched my soul from my chest the moment I saw you."
"Ha! It's a wonder you're still alive." He flashes you his signature unhinged smile.
Then, woe is you, he lets you go. You're cursing your rotten luck as he leans back in his vanilla soft chair. "You must be wondering how we are to set our plan in motion?"
"A bit, yeah," you say faintly. Really, you're wondering what other ways you can get the Mayor to notice your flirtatious attempts.
"You see, first class seating not only secures us an exquisite meal, but also a chance to discuss business plans with the manager. My Lady was willing to pay an entire chest of coins to set up a private meeting with our target!" The Mayor says, clasping his hands together with a dark look in his eyes. "Isn't that wonderful!"
You bite your lip. "So what are we doing waiting here, then?"
"As you will soon find out, the asset is protected by a constant flow of bodyguards, those of which I trust you to subdue in due time. For now, we have five minutes until the show begins." A glance at his watch, wisps of blue flowing from the metal. Then, eyes full of excitement, he cracks a sincere smile. "I eagerly await your performance, my dear."
Wait a second.
You ball your hands in your fists. "You want me to subdue the bodyguards? Shouldn't I be enticing the target?"
"While it's true that the target prefers either man or woman, I shall do the talking. He has an intricate way of discussing matters that quite irks my Lady, and will no doubt touch a sore spot with you."
"Pfft. You're the only sore spot I have," you say, smiling.
He returns it tenfold as two bodyguards ascend the staircase and station themselves at either side of the eating area. Then, the target himself makes his presence clear. He's a quite large fellow, with spiraling horns and razor sharp claws. Yet his eyes are intelligent and darting everywhere in search of danger.
You catch the Mayor's quick side glance; orders to carry out the mission.
If you leave, the demon is sure to send one of his guards to keep an eye on you. When you two are alone, you are to properly subdue the guard and make the owner suspicious enough to send his other guard for a quick investigation. Bam.
Sure, the bodyguards could crush you, but you'd rather them than a literal demon with claws and fangs.
So you slide off your chair, giving the manager a dashing smile before trailing your fingertips up the Mayor's arm, stopping at his shoulder and squeezing lightly.
"A kiss before I go, darling? I'll only be five minutes."
The Mayor blinks, white eyes wide.
He collects himself quickly, however, and tilts his head just an inch to the side, giving you permission.
You smile, giving his cheek a light peck. You'd go for the real deal, but you sort of want to be a tease right now. It's working, as you catch the Mayor's distracted glance as you head off to who knows where. The bar, maybe. Everyone's left there.
You stop at the doors, straining yourself to hear the conversation at the top level. Unfortunately, you'd picked a place far out of ear reach.
"Fear not, my loyal pawn . . ."
You stiffen, eyes darting down to your outfit.
Someone had spoken.
From the fabric.
A light, female laugh reaches your ears. "It's your mistress, (Y/N). I am here to assist you in your mission."
Eyes wide and staring at your clothes, you clear your throat and cock your head, hesitation writhing inside of you. "Uh . . . hi. This won't, um, subtract any days off from my break, right?"
"No, don't worry. Now . . ."
A pocket watch materializes on your hip.
You pick it up, admiring the soft bone shell that encompasses the watch, flipping it open to see the interior. But alas, it's not a watch.
It's some sort of spying mechanism.
"Use this to observe and listen to your partner's conversation," LBD whispers in your ear. "It will vanish after tonight."
You nod wordlessly, knowing better than to offer a smart reply or crack a joke. If it were the Mayor, you'd for sure pull something silly, but this is your boss.
Swallowing nervously as LBD's presence fades, you peer at the watch/spyglass, eyes narrowing curiously. Forget about LBD manifesting in your clothes (she did create them, you suppose), the Mayor was currently hosting a false discussion with the manager regarding a potential trade in goods. His tone and demeanor is strangely unhinged when you're not around, intimidating yet cheery, his movements also loud and boisterous. You wonder if it's all an act.
The stuff they discuss just goes in one ear and out the other.
That is, until the manager sends one of his guards down to check on you. The five minute mark.
You're late.
Smiling wickedly, you pocket the watch and recede into the shadows. Time to put your skills to use, yessir.
Of course, you do. Flawlessly.
The bodyguard stood no chance. He has zero warning as you launched yourself onto him, hooking your legs around his neck and bringing him crashing to the floor. Luckily, no was is around to witness the attack, giving you plenty of time to overpower the man with a few quick jabs - and he falls still.
Then, you drag his body into the nearest men's room, grunting with effort.
You do (and can't help but) pause at the many artworks lining the walls, and the beautiful designs that cover the restroom sinks. If only this were a real date, you think wistfully.
Once the man is properly hidden, you take out the watch again.
"Didn't your partner say they'd only be five minutes? It's been twenty," the manager is saying.
"Are you changing the subject, perhaps?"
"No! I'm suspicious."
"Whatever reason to be suspicious, my good man! I'm sure they haven't gotten themself into any trouble. We have wine to enjoy!"
That's your Mayor. Crazy and theatrical as ever.
"Nonetheless." The manager snaps his fingers, grabbing the last bodyguard's attention. In a silent movement, he instructs the hulking man to follow you, sealing his fate.
You listen for a few more moments, biting your lip as you watch the manager play right into the Mayor's hands.
Either from intimidation or something else.
God, he's good.
You're too busy admiring your comrade to notice the danger.
Too late, you hear the restroom door swing open, and suddenly there stands a tall, imposing figure in the doorway. Your escape route is blocked. The bodyguard spares one glance at you, and the occupied bathroom stall next to you, and correctly assumes the worst.
You whip to your feet, stuffing the watch in your pocket where you feel it dissipate into the clothes.
"Uh-" You start, offering a show of hands. "Nice bathroom, huh?"
The bodyguard shuts the door and locks it.
You roll your shoulders, feeling regret at the prospect of damaging your outfit. Keeping your cool, you meet the guy's cold gaze behind his dark sunglasses. "I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it with me."
"Good. 'Cause you'll soon be talking about how you got the best sleep of your life-"
You lunge, teeth bared.
The bodyguard is well prepared, though.
One quick movement of his arm is all it takes to stop your plans all together and send to crashing to the floor, wheezing and clutching your stomach.
He stalks towards you, footsteps loud on the chalk white, polished floor.
You wince as his hand raises to crush you, when-
When his eyes glaze over.
Mouth open in a silent, shocked scream, he convulses on the spot, crumbling to the floor in a mess of noiseless gasps and gags. His skin turns sallow and grey, the life draining from his eyes.
You look up.
The Mayor stands over the bodyguard's lifeless body, eyes glowing.
They dim down a bit when they lock with yours, but that unhinged smile never leaves. "What a coincidence to see you, my dear! I see you're having trouble with your part of the mission."
"Thank you," you gasp, scrambling to your feet. "I tried to seduce him with the architecture here- quite pretty, might I say - but he wasn't having it. You wanna take his place?"
"I'd be delighted," he hums cheerily, holding out a hand. "But I do believe we are short on time."
"Right, right. Did you just suck out his soul, by the way?"
As you take his arm and he draws you close, the both of you oblivious to the chaos outside the beautiful restaurant, the Mayor has the dignity to roll his eyes fondly. "I doubt that concerns you, darling, but I suppose it's fruitless to offer a different explanation."
"I think it was so hot," you flirt, grinning stupidly.
He merely blinks, pulling you closer. A word of preparation in your ear and he teleports the both of you to your dinner table, above the madness taking place below.
The manager looks furious.
"There you are! One minute we were just about to sign the papers and the next, you vanish!"
The Mayor simply smiles smugly. "Apologies! I was simply protecting my comrade from danger! I'm sure you understand."
The target's eyes dart from you to the menacing bone demon at your side. Realization crosses his uneasy face. "Where are my guards?" He wonders briefly, glancing down the balcony.
At that moment, the Mayor makes his move.
He locks eyes with you. "Close your eyes, my darling. We'll be leaving, now."
You obey without thought, squeezing your eyes shut.
The world spins out of focus and you feel your feet swept out from under you, but the Mayor keeps a firm hold of you. Even when your feet once again meet solid ground, he won't relinquish his hold, if but a mere relaxation of his grip.
You crack an eye open.
"Well done."
Both eyes flick wide to take in your surroundings. You're back in LBD's underground fortress, the chaos of The Dragon Dynasty but a mere ghost of what it was.
At your side; the Mayor, dressed in his usual attire. Fancy suit gone.
At your feet; the manager, tied up and gagged.
Asleep, mercifully.
Your own beautiful attire has been reduced to what it was before, all traces of LBD's magic gone. Part of you misses feeling so wonderfully luxurious, but you're really just happy to be alive and back home.
Lady Bone Demon herself slowly descends the stone steps, her stony gaze bordering on approval. Crouching, she inspects the demon at her feet. "Excellent," she hisses.
Sharp, cold eyes flick upwards. "You may go."
The Mayor gives a short bow, still smiling, still with his arm around your waist.
It shifts to hook around your arm, gently yet firmly tugging you away. "Enjoy, my Lady."
You remain silent, something you'd learned was appreciated here. Only when the towering doors to LBD's chambers close do you turn to the Mayor with a goofy smile on your face.
"That was awesome!"
He allows himself to relax, smile more casual. "Agreed."
"Let's not do that ever again."
You laugh, feeling light as air as you travel down the large, imposing hallway, adorned with countless side doors and flaring blue torches. You've gotten used to the bones in every corner, with furry rodents scattering into eyes of skulls and through cracks in the walls.
When you calm down, the Mayor stops and leans down, murmuring right in your ear. "You know, I'd like to have that kiss back now."
Your heart jumps.
Eyes wide, you stare up at him, noses inches apart.
"I-I thought you didn't notice . . ."
"You thought I was oblivious?" A softer smile lights his features, white eyes boring into yours. A deep chuckle vibrates in his throat. "Oh, sweet thing. I thought you were adorable tonight."
Cheeks heating up, you swallow dryly. "T-Thanks. I, um . . . thought you were pretty-"
The last part of your sentence is cut off rather sharply.
The Mayor closes the distance between your lips in one swift movement, one hand sliding behind your head to gently coax you forward.
His lips are cold.
Yet so, very soft. You close your eyes, tilting your head ever so slightly. He can surely feel your small smile by now.
After a moment, he leans back, only to kiss your forehead tenderly.
You bite your lip, trying to calm your heart.
"I eagerly await the next few days," the Mayor mumbles, white eyes half-lidded as they fix on you, inspecting your features fondly. The hand behind your head goes to brush your cheek, touch feather-light. "We don't have to play chess."
God, you love him.
Struggling against a laugh, you meet his warm gaze. "You'd better hope not."
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kelseyroser · 2 years
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He’s just a guy. He’s a guy who loves bugs.
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unipacas · 1 year
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miguel having beef with a teenager: a case study
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callsthefaithful · 7 months
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quick sketch of these 2 from @celestialalpacaron's delightful overlord au
wip but i dont trust myself to finish stuff and i like the sketch well enough so <3
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inchidentalmeowmeow · 6 months
People really out here writing charles as a timid shy little angel of a kid when he really was a chaos gremlin that didn’t know braking was an option and pushed people off the track
Baby Charles’ face: 👼😇🪽✨🥹💗
Baby Charles’ personality: 👹😈😼😡💀🔥
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Look him and tell me he doesn’t look like he would bite ur head off for track position
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realcube · 2 months
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leader of the sassy man apocalypse.
biggest tone checker. "say that again, but nicely."
when you tell him a story that involves any other man, he'll interupt immediately and say smth like "oh, so your boyfriend" or "and what position were you guys in?"
pretends like he doesn't care at first when you're gossiping to him but soon he is thoroughly engaged. providing the most messy commentary and asking you to elaborate on all the details.
gets so peeved when you don't respond to his gm/gn texts. "fuck me then 😃" (jokingly ofc)
wears your fluffy headband/bonnet around the house to keep his hair out of his face and when you tease him for it, he claims you're just mad bc he looks better in it.
audibly prays for his life when you are in the driver's seat. spewing all sorts of shi about he's too young and good-looking to die 😩
OIKAWA, tsukishima, atsumu, YAKU, kenma, matsukawa, tendou, suna, shirabu
a saving grace during times of need.
a true gentleman: opens doors for you, buys you flowers, walks you home after dates, holds yours hand in busy areas, carries you if your feet are sore & kisses the back of your hands.
you will never carry shopping bags again in your life, even if they only have a couple of items inside. that's his job now.
as soon as an arguement escalates beyond playful teasing and you start to become visibly argry at him, he instantly hits you with the "yes, ma'am." or "you're right, darling."
when you give him your bag to hold (like a purse or a handbag), he takes it happily but is so awkward about it and will not wear it on his shoulder. he'll either hold it by the handles or cradle it in his arms like a baby.
prays and prays it rains or is cold so he can give you a jacket while on dates. and insists you keep it too, otherwise he will get a complex about it. why didn't you want it? do you think it's ugly? is it because you never plan on seeing him again? is it stinky?!
will feed you snacks while you're getting a manicure.
yamaguchi, DAICHI, ushijima, iwaizumi, osamu, aran, yamamoto, semi, ASAHI
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624 notes · View notes
meru90 · 2 years
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let's end the year with a meme redraw :,^)
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zombie-bait · 6 months
I can’t believe Gideon and Harrow had like 3 weeks of something approximating fun before experiencing 2 solid years of endless suffering 😭 lemme tell you, nothing could’ve prepared me for that or the realization that post book 1 these poor fuckers just never get to spend any time together, I miss the old days of One Flesh One End Bitch!!!!! We had it so good and we didn’t even know it
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wobubling · 2 days
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fitzloved !!
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t0rturedangel · 8 months
Adam x reader where he flirts with her just to see her blush
╭ . . . 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚞𝚎 ੭
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𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ♰ ৎ﹕ 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩 (𝘩𝘤𝘴)
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WOOO first Adam request, ngl despite him being a prick i lowkey fancy him so hard, so yeah, also the reader is an angel in this, Adam would NEVER do this to a demon / devil
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✧⠀⨾ Adam is a prick, this is a shock to no one and he always loves to take the piss out of everyone and everything, he is the self proclaimed "original dick"
✧⠀⨾ but there is obviously something very wrong with him when he's around you- he changes, almost becomes tolerable and instead of making fun of your looks or how you acted in his usual perverted and demeaning way- he instead does it in a way to make you feel all sheepish
✧⠀⨾ he loves to walk up to you, defiantly with finger guns or something like that, and say some stupid pick up line: something relating to heaven and you
Adam, the first man and head of the exorcist angels, walked over to you- a shit eating grin graced his face however you were too preoccupied with some angelic duty to notice his presence in the area. Though, unsurprisingly you weren't shocked when he appeared behind you, his clawed hand on you shoulder ❝ hey there beautiful, I know I'm in heaven now, you just look so angelic ❞ and he watched you turn to him, face coloured with a beautiful golden hue that not only increased Adam's ego but also his grin.
✧⠀⨾ it's safe to say that Adam loves seen your face all golden (COZ ANGELS HAVE GOLEN BLOOD AND BLOOD WITH WHAT MAKES YOU BLUSH SO YOU AHVE GOLDEN BLUSH BTW)
✧⠀⨾ Not only does it make him feel even better about himself and his ability to swoon the ladies, he also just adores watching you get all sheepish and 'faint' around him because of his complements, angels are meant to be pure and dont really flirt with each other- so it's weird to have Adam constantly come up to you.
✧⠀⨾ it's also like only you that he does it to, any of his admirers (lets be honest, Adam has girls, and maybe even guys, who want him) are always ignored and they're so envious of you it's crazy.
✧⠀⨾ Dont worry though Adam loves you enjoys making you blush too much so any issues with people that like him and lute will get them for you / him.
✧⠀⨾ if you ever get de-sensitized by his flirts and comments he'll go mental- he find you blushing to be so fun and adorable so if you just stopped it would crush him
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kokomini9 · 5 months
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can't trust the words behind the fangs 🐍🎭 a doodle with my take on his mask :3c
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 9 months
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katsuki’s been hovering around you for about 6 minutes now.
you had decides on a whim you wanted to bake some cookies, and since the holidays were coming up, now was the perfect excuse to. you were soon joined in the dorm kitchen by your grouchy boyfriend, who had just come back from his morning run.
you explained you were in the mood for cookies and he responds with a grunt. but then he proceeds to stay in the kitchen, awkwardly standing around looking at the cupboards and utensils like this is the first time he stepped foot in a kitchen before.
he then proceeds to just hover around behind you, staring over your shoulder like a child waiting to see if the cookies were done yet. you found it cute at first, but that constant scowl and scrutinizing look on his face makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong, and frankly it’s making you a little nervous and baking cookies should not be nerve racking !
“would you stop doing that ? i know what i’m doing” you snap your head to squint at him and he stiffens like he’s been caught, like he was being even remotely close to sneaky to begin with, which he wasn’t.
“m’not doin’ anything” he mutters defensively, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweats. “just lookin’ atcha. m’i not allowed to ?” he leans in so his nose is almost touching yours, that stupid little handsome smirk on his lips as his eyes fixate themselves on your lips before looking back up. you gulp, then you place your hand on his face and push him away lightly “you’re distracting me” you mutter, feeling your face grow hotter. he chuckles to himself before turning on his heels and leaning again the countertop.
it’s quiet for a second before you feel like calling him out as payback for teasing you “ is there a reason you’re still here ? you wanna lick the batter or something?” you quip teasingly and you snort when his face morphs into one of disgust “hell no.” he scoffs, looking at you before looking down at the batter you’re currently mixing the shit out of, screw whoever broke the mixer. “how long are ya gonna keep mixing that ?” his eyebrow raises in question
“until it’s good” you huff, taking a break from mixing to keep your fingers from cramping up. then you suddenly get an idea
“oh, suki~” you sing turning to look at him. he eyes you suspiciously, crossing his bulky arms across his chest and grunting out a suspicious “what do you want ?”
“well~” you start walking towards him, proceeding to wrap your arms around his middle and give him your best puppy eyes. his doesn’t budge but he squints at you even harder and you can basically feel him cave already “what?” he urged again.
“since you’re oh, so strong and handsome, could you please do me a favor and mix the batter for me, my handsome boyfriend?” you give him your sweetest smile and he scoffs, “what the fuck does being handsome even have to do with it ?”he mumbles. pink dusts his cheeks and he looks away from you, already feeling his resolve crumbling at your shallow praise. he hates how easily he gives in to you sometimes. you squeeze at his waist, he grunts “thought you said i was distracting you.”
you’re pouting at him, he sees it from the corner of his eye and he’s this close to blowing up. “that was before. you’d be helping me out lots now if you did this for me” you’re relentless, standing on your tippy toes to lean in close to his face cus he won’t stop leaning further away from you.
he could very easily just shove you off if he wanted to, but you have a feeling he doesn’t want to. you know he doesn’t want to when he closes his eyes shut and his eyebrows furrow and then he groans, letting his hands fall at his sides limply before glaring at you. “gimme the damn bowl.” he growls. you squeal, pressing kisses all over his face and a finisher one right on the tip of his red scrunched up nose, he grunts at you but gives you a light pat to the back, rubbing his warm hands up and down your spine. then he pinches you, you giggle. “thank you ‘suki.” he responds with a “yeah, yeah whatever.”
he grabs the bowl from your hands starts mixing..hard. letting off his aggression on the bowl like it was at fault for his weak will to deny you. you smile to yourself and turn to the cupboard so you could grab the decorations and of course, the chocolate chips.
you watch for a bit as your boyfriend mixes away, you’re watching how his toned arms flex and how the muscle of his arms tightens and tenses up, more specifically. one thing’s for sure, you’ll never get tired of his arms. you quickly turn away before he can catch you staring and teases you again.
you jump when he calls for you not even a second later “s’this good?” he asks gruffly, leaning forwards to show you his work. you feel your face warm as you squeak out a curt “yeah, looks good !” before taking the bowl back from him and turning right back around to reach for the baking sheet you had prepped. he’s none the wiser for a moment before a knowing grin crosses his face, he shakes his head.
you place everything down on the counter and sigh happily to yourself, feeling accomplished. you walk over to your grumpy boyfriend and place a sweet kiss to his cheek “you’re the best.” he clicks his tongue, muttering out a “tell me something i don’t know.” while the pink on his cheeks grows darker, you let out a giggle.
“you done with this ?” he asks lifting the spatula in the air for you to see, you offer him a simple “mhm” and a smile before turning back to the task at hand and watch from the corner of your eye as he places the spatula in the sink.
not before taking a lick of the excess batter still on it.
your head shoots up and you stare, he stares back. then you let out a loud belly laugh and clutch your stomach “so you were just here to lick the batter !” katsuki only grunts. there’s a light smirk on his face as he licks away a speck of cookie dough batter off his lips. he shrugs, walks up to you and places his head on your shoulder.
“figured i deserve a little somethin’ for my hard work.” you roll your eyes. his hold on you tightens and he huffs, trying to get as comfortable as he can while still standing up as he simply watches work.
“hmm..” you decided to humor him “ you did help a lot, i think i can give you a little more" you look at him from your shoulder just in time to catch his eyebrow raise as he registers what you said, a smirk playing on his lips when he does. he readjusts his head to look you in the eyes.
“yeah ?”
“mhm..” you hum. his grip tightens, his hands feel warmer.
“whaddya have in mind then, huh ?” he whispers. he’s so close and you can smell your body wash, probably because he keeps stealing it but you keep quiet about that for now.
“i dunno..” you trail off shyly, your confidence melting away under his smoldering gaze. “would…a smooch suffice ?” you giggle. he chuckles to himself at your choice of words. he grabs the back of your head softly, pulling you in closer until your noses brush against each other and he gives you a half hearted little eskimo kiss, you giggle and he smiles a little wider.
“s’a good start” he concludes before pressing his lips to yours.
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kinstein-art · 3 months
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sanji's weird
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junghaesin · 3 months
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Babe! You finished so late. Are you tired?
WE ARE (2024)
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mothmoth0 · 8 months
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Here's more Jason Todd 💖
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satowooo · 4 months
contents. fluff, sick reader x gojo satoru
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satoru hates it when you get sick. as much as he loves taking care of his sick girlfriend, it also never fails to make him worry. sometimes, he would even feel like crying everytime he looks at your weak state, whining about how he had not protected you enough, and you'll only end up taking care of him. and he might cry even more, because why is he the one being babied now?
“satoru, stop crying.” you chuckled, followed with another cough. you cupped his cheek on your palms as you wiped his tears with your thumb.
satoru sniffled, pulling away immediately and pouting. he straightened up and took your medicine in his hands. “i’m not crying.”
no matter how much he denied, he always worried every time you were sick. he wanted to appear strong in front of you nonetheless, and if he could, he'd ask the gods to just take your pain away and give it to him instead. he never liked seeing you suffer. and because you were frequently sick, it made him want to just stay by your side all day even when he had to work at jujutsu high.
“open up.” he ordered, tapping the spoon with your medicine on your lips as he helped you to drink it. once you swallowed the liquid down your throat, he handed you a glass of water.
you sighed, seeing his now concentrated face. his eyes were furrowed, a frown forming in his face while he carried the empty tray of your dinner to take it down the kitchen.
“i’m sorry, toru.” you smiled apologetically up at him as he stood up.
he looked at you with a confused face, setting the tray down on the bedside as he kneeled down to face you properly. “why are you saying sorry?”
“i’m always sick, and i know how much it worries you.”
“don't say sorry for things you can't control.” satoru said pointedly, brushing a strand of her across her face. “i should be the one saying sorry for being dramatic.”
satoru’s face warmed into a smile when he heard you laugh. he couldn't help but want to drown in the sound of your sweet voice, a sound that he wished to always hear every single morning.
he kissed your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, your lips. he lingered a little longer, squeezing your cheek between his fingers before he pulled away out of breath.
“i’ll always take care of you, baby. so you don't have to worry.” he smiled reassuringly, lacing your fingers between his. “you'll get better soon enough because you have the best and strongest doctor taking care of you,” he winked, pointing at himself.
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i love satoru sm you don't get it
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