#i dont even know their programming language
serdtse · 1 month
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istjury · 11 months
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my csp just killed itself and now i dont have any of the downloaded stuff there and cant open any of my files thus i can't finish any of my works
im goig. isnane i dort even care if anyone can comprehend what im saying i just need to put it annywhere cause im a crybaby ew /lh
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impzone · 2 years
now that i've been getting more into coding im learning that like, a programming language is just one slice of an enormous pie of what is actually required to make a site or an app. and even for the coding languages, there are more tools that you can use to make what you're doing like 10 times more efficient. my question is how do you learn that these tools even exist out there for you to use? every time i do a tutorial or study a course i'm amazed and a little panicked about how much more there is to learn outside of programing itself that there is to learn
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carcarrot · 1 year
would you all still love me if i learned french
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ihophashbrowns · 2 years
Are you planning to study in korea? I wouldn't abandon the idea if i were you, it's so much fun there. Keep working towards it and hoping, the opportunity will arise! ✨️
YEAHHHH it's been the plan for a while lol. honestly the main goal is just to be as far away from home as possible LOL that's why even the colleges I'm considering here in the states are HOURS away from the city i currently live in and i was just like. I'm learning korean anyway i might as wellllll get a more vivid experience
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misterradio · 1 year
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pretty brutal huh. well, im insane
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silverislander · 2 years
wait my parents might've just had their first good suggestion in terms of careers. hang on. wait a second.
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
Oh no
The realization that id better actually get solid with ASL if i do choose to go through with the chaplaincy program
Oh no no no
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robotsafari · 3 months
every ansem post i make is incomprehensible im sorry
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our-reality · 2 years
fun our-reality fact i never meant to name c4 after the explosive. i mean i meant to name him c4 but when i was naming him i thought c4 was a programming language (i was getting it confused with c+) and i didn't realize for actual months what i actually named him after. and even when i eventually found out i was like "well yk what i don't care that much" but i'm now coming to terms with the fact that i actually care so so much but now i'm questioning whether or not it's worth it to go back and change all his tags or if i should just keep it the way it is and not draw any more attention to it after i make this post
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People who use ambiguous wording and then expect you to be able to perfectly interpret or connect it when they bring it up again with DIFFERENT ambiguous wording are my least favorite
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tiktaalic · 4 months
ldpdl reblogged ldpdl
ive talked abt this before but i had a rlyyyyyyy bad breakup six months ago n i moved internationally to get away from him and it was really awful the first few months i had no friends and i couldnt speak the language but a few months in i met this guy n yeah we're sleeping togethr but he's p clingy even tho i've been rly clear about how i like just broke an engagement and that's impacting the way i'm approaching relationships and focusing on myself but he still really obviously wants to get serious about us like introducing ourselves as a couple and moving in together and i just dont want to do that... like i literally spend my friday nights writing ten page letters to my fiance about how much i miss him and wish he was here and listening to his old voicemails and crying i cant DO that if i move in with a new guy. but its complicated bc he's mega wealthy and is helping me network in my field and buys me things... and to top it off he used to date my ex before me which doesnt even matter bc i know my ex loved me like LOVED me loved me didnt think about this guy at all while we were together its just another thing where im like -_-
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Maybe preferences for the descendants characters about them with a s/o who’s a VK and is having trouble fitting in at auradon? I’m desperate for mal and evie content I dunno
oo yeah sure!! ; hopefully I did this some justice lollll ; but thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy 🫶 ; I just did the ogs (core four + uma) bc you wanted evie and mal and I like separating the ogs from the ror vks so 😔
DESCENDANTS ; fitting in
includes ; mal, evie, carlos, jay & uma
warnings ; language
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she feels so bad that you're not fitting in
it's not even about that, it's about feeling like you're still being ridiculed for being a vk
but trust she has your back
lots of pep talks and reassuring you that you're not like your parent/s
and that weirdos who wanna make fun of you can go suck it
"because everyone who wants to judge you, they can go suck it. you're amazing, they've just yet to see it"
as long as you have her and your friends you'll be okay I promise 😔🙏
she knows what it feels like to only fit in because she has a pretty face, so she understands the fake kindness
lots of reassurance that you're worth it, and that you'll fit in soon enough
"theyre just... skeptical. once they get to know you, they'll see why we love you" she smiles. "try and compliment some people, or try out for a sport or program or club"
she has the most genuine, best advice ever
and she'll always be by your side to help
she always brings you to her fashion events so people can meet you as well 🫶🫶
he will do everything in his power to make you feel better / help you fit in
whether it be giving out treats or joining clubs / finding your interests, he'll be there
he understands how scary auradon is at first so he really does try to pep talk you and assure you everything will fall into place
"It'll be alright, y/n, you just have to get out there, find what you love, and kinda just... bond with people. they're just misguided and worried, i guess. but I promise, everything will be alright. Just give it time"
he has your back dw, he WILL snap back at a bitch
"actually, you're built like a refrigerator, so stop talking"
damn okay
he's constantly reassuring you that everything will be okay
"I swear, y/n, they'll warm up. you just gotta show them you aren't evil. like I did, I joined tourney and it makes me happy. find something that makes you happy, and you'll find other people who are happy with that interest."
he's always got your back too, and he's not one to shy away from a pep talk when you need it
he's right by your side when you're trying out new things to see what you like
and he's always whispering little things in your ear to help you talk to the auradon kids
she gets it dw
she barely fits in too
she's always got an arm slung over your shoulders while she gives you a pep talk
"dont worry about those people, just be you"
she makes sure to make you realize that you don't have to fit in and be popular amongst the auradon kids
like just be yourself cause you'll always have her and the other vks
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hello! May I request H J L N T X Z with Caine and s/o? Take your time and have a good night!! Also get some water, Kay?
Fluff alphabet w/ Caine! (3)
requests may be a little slow/less abundant today since i woke up in a sour mood + im feeling a little ill SOBS
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HARSH- oddly enough i dont really see any possible arguments for you two, sure you guys will probably have disagreements or misunderstanding (especially since caine is new to the whole dating thing) but i actually see you guys being fine in this regard! should you guys butt heads bad enough to cause issues, though, i think its a coin toss to see who tries to make it right first
JEALOUSY- this man does not handle it well, he probably swoops you up in his arms and carries you around in the air if someone openly flirts with you (good news is that its a quick escape if the person is making you uncomfortable!) but outside of that he's fairly self assured, he may be new to love but he knows his worth and has trust in you! what a king
LOVE LANGUAGE- said it once and ill say it again, this man will spoil you in digital gifts! flowers, jewelry, the works! giving gifts is how he shows his love, as well as him outright professing his love for you in some sappy cliche monologue that you would see in some romance film
NO- building off the H segment and the idea that you're caine's first partner and he doesnt quite yet know whats a deal breaker for him.. hmm.. i think if you pose a threat to his programming as well as the general programming of the digital world, since that can put both him and everyone else at risk.. but thats like saying waking up to your partner fiddling with your guts is a deal breaker, it goes without saying that it would be a hard no
TUNES- first thing that comes to mind is this bad boy!
XOXO- leaves little trinkets for you in your room, since i think he can just. come into anyone's rooms whenever without the need for a key :0! you tend to wake up to breakfast in bed everyday.. which is sweet, even if you dont need to eat
ZZZ- caine doesnt need to sleep, but i also think unlike the members he cant sleep if he really wanted to.. so he kind of just. pretends; going limp, perhaps even pretending to snore as well.. as long as you dont know hes faking its not that awkward..! actually, its... sweet now that i think about it, think of it as him wanting to spend time with you and watch over you during your most vulnerable times
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writerswhy · 3 months
do you think hinamori can forgive aizen? he manipulated and used her from the beginning. i dont see why she has to forgive.
Disclaimer: none of this is meant to be apologia, nor am I trying to speak for others. I work in medical, adjacent to law enforcement/legal, and have personally experienced intimate violence. Just trying to let you guys know where I’m coming from. Thank you <3
Also, this is technically part 2 to anon’s question. I feel like I did a better job at elaborating on Hinamori’s character here.
You know, this comes up a lot in both fandom and real-life—this talk of forgiveness and redemption, getting “over” it—and it’s not something that necessarily interests me because of how it’s typically presented. I think it’s pretty reflective of the space and language we lack to explore conversations outside this model of punitive justice and its by-products.
I like to think that for someone like Hinamori who has a solid moral code and tends to shoulder responsibility for a lot of things—her people, her position, her friends, even the work she does for the academy—she’d subscribe to models like transformative justice or restorative justice. 
I think she believes that Soul Society can one day be a better place but also acknowledge that the expression of it is imperfect and not a one-size-fits-all solution. As someone who actually puts in the work, a path forward can manifest in two ways: one for Lieutenant Hinamori and the other for Hinamori Momo.
Hinamori plays an active role in the institution. She’s on the inside of this whole thing. In the aforementioned post I said that Hinamori can choose to bury her head in the sand, rage and follow in Aizen’s footsteps, grow bitter and alienate parts of herself, or hold onto this moral vision of hers and learn to work in and outside the Seireitei for a better Soul Society. We’ve seen her reclaim her lieutenancy on her terms, so I don’t think she’ll have much trouble there. And we know she has no problem challenging authority. I think she can learn to make the system work for her and her cause. I imagine that on the outside she would start some community outreach program to improve the lives of the Rukongai denizens. 
Internally though, it’s complicated. I’m not going to get into it here but I think Hinamori and Aizen have a lot more in common than either would admit and I think a big part of their relationship was almost like a response to the roles they both had to play within the Seireitei, roles they didn’t necessarily agree with. 
While writing this I kept thinking: who would Hinamori be if she had not joined the gotei (and if Soul Society had other avenues for souls like hers)? I think she would still retain her moral compass and ambition, but what would that look like on the outside? Maybe in direct opposition to the Seireitei, participating in or even leading an upheaval? And that’s a hard pill to swallow, that if circumstances were just a little different, she could find herself on the other side. (Not in the same way though, for obvious reasons.)
I think Hinamori would agree with the following: that violence has history, and crime—instead of a law broken—can be seen as a relationship that has been damaged. A relationship between people, between communities, between systems, a relationship of trust. (I mean, isn’t that what the Soul Society arc was about? Isn’t that what Aizen preyed on?) 
I think Hinamori knows that the cause of Aizen and co’s defection was rooted in the history of the underbelly of the system they uphold. I think this goes back to how they lack the language and space to acknowledge this reality and engage in meaningful and productive dialogue to the betterment of the institution, the perpetrators (because they are and have to be a part of this conversation), the victims and community. 
So, do I think Hinamori could forgive Aizen? As lieutenant, I think she would have to come to terms with and understand the greater “why” of his defection to proceed responsibly. For models like restorative and transformative justice, the victim has to be the one to initiate the conversation and it has to be mutually agreed upon. Interestingly, she was not given that choice when the Wandenreich invaded. It may sound defeatist, but I think this is something that must be continuously processed: for as long as she works for the gotei, Aizen becomes more a concept than a person. Every once in a while, when a new enemy rises or when she hears the whisper of a wandering ghost, she’ll remember his words.
For Hinamori Momo, someone who feels deeply and values greatly, I don’t think it’s as simple as to forgive or not forgive (maybe it’s something beyond that). Aizen had a great impact on her and I’m sure some of the knowledge she gained she still believes in and incorporates into her work. I don’t want to take that away from her, nor do I think that means she’s still holding out hope to one day pick up where they left off. It’s not denying his violence or solely championing the good times, it’s about recognizing that in some ways she valued his mentorship and guidance. That he took up a major space in her life that cannot be taken up by another nor can she wave it away like it never happened. It’s a transformative process, taking something and crafting it into your image, and sometimes that’s the hardest path to take.
But like I said, I don’t think their society has the tools to facilitate this type of conversation without alienating another (like, I don’t think the gotei questions her being there, but maybe every once in a while, when she messes up on something they’ll attribute it to her trauma, which can be pretty damaging. It’s a cycle—she’s off her game for whatever reason —> they’ll think it’s because of Aizen —> that makes her even more anxious and resentful because is it? How is she to know if no one wants to openly talk —> so on and so forth). I said I see Hinamori as someone who is always asking herself “am I feeling this right?” and this is definitely one of those instances. 
I don’t think this answers your question, anon, but I hope you see where I’m coming from! Thank you so much for the ask. I had a lot of fun thinking it through<33
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aristotels · 6 months
I would love to hear an extended rant about being an artist in a periphery country, if you're willing to say more.
sorry for this being late! but yes there are quite a few things to this.
when you are from a periphery country, the art education accessible to you is much worse than in the imperial core. yes, i know, you dont need to go to art school, you can be self-taught, you dont need a degree, but art school is about making potential job connections. in a country like croatia, you do not have access to those connections. you do not have ability to go out, show your portfolio, get reccommended by a professor for a listing. the education is stunted as well - the animation program here is atrocious, my building had an attic with dead pigeon corpses littering the room, there are no drawing tablets, computers are old, the building is leaking, but the lack of ability to make professional connections is the main concern.
also, your degree? people hear you got a degree from a balkans land and you are immediately less worthy in their eyes. your name, which is not anglo? crossed out, despite your skills. job offerings within your country? good luck, everyone lives in poverty, you are underpaid, and studios hiring can be named on fingers of one hand. you are left with earning online.
and you are left with earning illegally. making author contracts with pdv, taxes, etc is incredibly complicated when working over upwork, doing commissions etc. this does constitute as black market. we do not hand in our taxes like in the usa, theyre deducted from our salaries and contracts immediately. this means you are missing out on potential grants and statuses which require you to provide papers of your commissions. it also means that transfering money over paypal has to go into small amounts to your own account, to avoid suspicious activity.
a thing that is very frustrating. living in a periphery country? good luck getting anything. art shops are scarce. art shops do not carry the same amounts of items, and they are more expensive than in their mother countries. you are left with office supply stores. the quality of accessible paints and other tools is lower. its already been proven that products shipped to eastern europe are of lower quality and higher price than in the west; and this goes for paints too.
this means that, if you do traditional art of any kind, you are left with shopping online. this includes shipping - youre in a periphery country? congrats, often it does not ship to it, or the shipping is atrocious. your choices? mostly deutschland amazon - every item has 10€ shipping minimum. prices are not adjusted to your salary, they are adjusted to the german ones, which are much higher. i have to regularly order fillings for my brushpen. it is not available in my country. the price on amazon is significantly higher than on pentel website, and their usa based shipping. yes, just the price of the product. pentel does not ship this to my country btw. aliexpress is what you have, it takes 2 months to arrive, is frequently lost in mail, and even with it being cheaper - its still a bit more expensive than the original.
this is the third thing - algorithm works against you if you are not from the imperial core. of course, there are timezones, but also - your posts tend to be shown to people who live around you; meaning you have harder time breaking into the international market, and that market is the only viable one.
being eastern european (or asian or southern american or african or...) gets you lower salary. i indeed love my employers, i adore the comic i work on so much that its become my own project as well, theyve been nothing but kind to me - but the fact remains that i, as an eastern european, am and will always be paid much less than my usamerican counterparts.
adding this but: its hard to break into cartoon network/adult swim/etc without being presently there. you cannot get to conventions, you cannot have your portfolio checked, and you must speak english. yes. anglos take english-speaking for granted, and fail to realize that actually speaking english for us is not a privilege, its a necessity, and its a tool of imperialism. it is unfair that you cannot do ANYTHING without speaking english. you cannot get jobs, you cannot advance your career, and while i personally speak english quite well, not everyone does, not everyone should have to.
anyway sorry for the length
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