#i dont even get how that works like wouldnt i be able to see them??
magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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thedevotionaltour · 13 days
#the only benefit of art school is MY FRIENDS!!! maybe i would be better at art now if i hadnt gone bc i could have kept it as a hobby...#but i do love everything i have learned. i really do. unfortunately i think more than anything i am just bad at existing and doing things#i used to be able to do things. in high school. existing i still wasnt good at doing that there either. but at least i did things on my own#and at the time felt i was good at them. now im just bad at existing and doing things and do nothing worthwhile that i love anymore#oh it sucks to have this realization every other day. to just know you are very bad at what you wanted to do so badly. and just feel like#all you can do is give up on it. i know i shouldnt. but it's very hard not to want to. when you see everyone else around you getting better#and still doing art on their own time. and you see your own stuff and realize you have gotten worse. dont progress. and cant even do it as#hobby anymore. when you see how far behind you are from everyone else and see how your work has lost confidence it just sucks badly. yknow#i wish my brain worked better desperately bc i do think that is part of it. but im just lazy. and bad at this. and have no drive for anythi#im not very good at any of this overall. and it makes me sad. im the only thing in my way of what i want but i dont know how to move forwar#oh well. one day something better will come my way if im lucky. if i do better. one day i'll do better. i hope. i really really hope.#static.soundz#vent.txt#SORRY i got whiney and self pitying in my tags even though i said i wouldnt well unfortunately I Am Not Strong and need to make posts#bc this is my diary where i say everything ever good and bad beneficial and detrimental bc what else should i be doing with this blog huh
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
uninstalled all the dating apps which ws like 8nof them . in the morning ill tell the guys i was talking to that i overestimared how ready i was and hopefully theyll understand andnjust drop it
#i dont feel stable enough for like . any relationship platonic or romantic andnit fucking..rly sucks bc i want to have friends but like#with what happened with daj the other day im like. i dont think i can be like . idk. ik daj said it was ok and she understood but im so#upset that i lashed iut abt that and i keep trying to get into therapy but i fucking..cant find one. at all#im trying to be more reasonable witj mymoney and i know like. i need therapy bc i Need to work this out and i am not able to work it out#with myself. i need to see a professional abt this . so ik it wouldnt be frivolous to spend money on a therapist if i cant find one in#network. bc the in network thrapists dont accept/dont specialize in working with patients with bpd which i like. thats..my issue. im almost#posiitive. ive done a lot of research and it matches up with like . all of my experiences#ik everybody feels unstable after a breakup buti genuinely like. i dont feel whole. and im looking back on how i treated myself and thiught#abt the relationship and its like. i stopped talking to all my friends i stopped talking to my family i literally dropped out of school i#moved across the country i dropped any interest that we didnt share i literally like. i gave up fucking everything and thats not. healthy.#and he never aksed me for that and its not fair of me to resent him for me doing that bc he nevrr asked me to#but i feel like. everytime i think abt him it feels like im being torn in half like . i put him on so incredibly high of a pedestal i#literally thought of him as perfect that was..recurring. and when i was upset with him i took it out on myself horrifically and thats not#normal . and jow thinking abt him literally physucally hurts bc theres still that part of me that thinks hes perfect and that im a mistake#and a failure and i didnt Be connor right. and then theres a part of me that . doesnt think of him that way#and its just like. aughhf. even outside that relationship im looking back on past friendships and how like..obsessive i get with them#and then when they 'betray' me i just. immediately turn on them and like. thats not normal..#and my sense of identity is um. Well you guys have seen. you know.#ive looked into it a lot and i rly think i have it and im not like. 100% positive but i feel like even if i dont itd be good to work with a#therapist who Has experience with that. since the experience is so similar. yk. idk#i just feel insane and i feel like bod would make like. so much of my life and the way i act and the way i react to things like..it makes#sense when i look at it as if i have bpd. and if i dont it literally seems completely irrational and erratic like. IDK. so basically i need#a therapist who can work with that but none of the ones in network specialize in that and then i was researching and found out a lot of#therapists specifically Dont work with bpd patients and like. judge their peers who do for woriing with bod#which is 1. Actually disgusting 2. Straight up stupid 3. Terrifying. so i only want to work with a therapist whi explicitely says I#specialize and work with patients with bpd 👍 but i literally could only find 1 and theyre out of network and its 15p for visit and id#prefer to do weekly visits if possible but thats . 300 per paycheck for therapy . biweekly itd be better but thats still 150. and i have to#save up for the trip home and then the new apartment immediately after#and i have to get credit card .#and in an ideal world id hold off on the therapist until i get my new apartment so that i can fully focus on coping with myself and learnin
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pears-trinkets · 8 months
#im so angry right now and actually physically sick#my whole family consists of two people only and theyre both pro israel and super condescending towards other opinions#saying everyone who does not share their opinion is a unknowledgable child on the internet that buys into trends and lies#i tried to talk to them so many times offering to talk and share resources#trying to reason with them#screaming at them how their logic doesnt make sense and only works if theyre profiting off of it#and im being called unreasonable angry and unhinged because im the crazy one im the one whos been in a mental hospital the one with issues#but my whole life is reliant on them and i can not cut them out of my life even if they do great damage to my mental health and selfesteem#im completely financially dependent on them and can not live on my own#not only because i wouldnt be able to get an apartment without them but also because i only have a job because i work for my step dad#i cant hold other jobs or even get them to begin with and also they would pay less than half of what i earn now#which would not even be enough to pay rent#i hate my life so fucking much i am so angry how i have to have my abusive mom in my life and cry about it like im 14#im so tired of fighting for i dont know what#im so tired of being gaslit all the time and being looked down even though im an adult and try to speak super eloquently#and then it just ends in me crying and screaming and my face twitching uncontrollably because everything i say is being shut down#i know im right i know what i read and see about gaza i know so much more about the whole issue than them and see all the horrors#but it doesnt matter because im just an ungreatful child who wants to invent conflict because apparently i love fighting#like nothing that i say matters#israel is using abuser tactics like silencing the people they abuse and playing the victim and twisting the narrative#and the whole zionist propaganda#and thats literally my mom and how she acts as a person#she hates being jewish she never talks about it she didnt want to tell me anything about the culture and didnt learn yiddish from her family#and now she says that everyone who is against israel is like the people who were antisemitic to her all her life and said shes less than#she literally made this war this genocide about herself and how shes always the victim#i wish i just had someone to talk to so i dont go completely insane#i feel so alone
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cosmiiwrites · 3 months
see u wanted adam requests so here i am!!
i’m utterly obsessed with this man and i barely see any fanfics with him showing his clingy side ( cus we all know he would be clingy as shit ) i was wondering if u could write something about his clingy side, maybe even him opening up about how he’s insecure cus two of his wives left him???? and then reader assured him that they wouldn’t leave him like they did
- 💌 anon
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ clingy
⁺˚⋆。°✩ adam x gn!reader ✩°。⋆˚⁺
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which adam shows his clingy side cw: gn!reader, fluff, comfort, cussing a/n: AAA clingy adam canon!! also if you sent in a request im probably working on it rn adam adored you, you knew that. everyone did. and i mean EVERYONE. wherever you went, he was never far behind. he hates having to see you go somewhere without him, how anything could happen to you, and how he wouldnt be able to be there. so when adam is with you, he needs to have his hands on you all the time. whether it be holding your hand, holding your waist, it didnt matter. as long as he was near you. not to mention how he would glare at everyone who tried to start a conversation with you, driving them away and probably making them create a mental note to never talk to you again. safe to say this man was clingy as hell. dont get me wrong, you arent complaining. in fact, you loved how clingy adam was. it was just confirmation that he wasnt going anywhere. however, you had to admit you were a bit curious. but every time you'd try mentioning how he was so clingy, he'd quickly change the topic. huh. unfortunately for adam, you weren't one to give up easily. you'd pry and pry until one day, he finally caved. "ugh, jesus, fine! i'll tell you, just for the sake of you shutting the fuck up.” adam groaned.
“back in eden, that bastard lucifer had stolen both of my wives, not like you don't know the story…” adam’s voice trailed off, but his bravado quickly returned after clearing his throat. “it fucked me up, real bad.” he admitted. your chest ached with guilt, maybe you shouldnt have brought up the subject.
“and everytime you’re not around me, i—i start to worry that maybe, someone like him would take you from me. or heaven forbid, the bastard himself.” adam looked away in embarrassment, large wings hovering in an attempt to cover himself.
oh. you took a second to acknowledge that the arrogant, cocky, egomaniac adam just admitted an insecurity of his.
“oh, adam,” you sat next to him, gently tugging at his wing to reveal his face. “it’s fuckin’ stupid, i know.” the yellow eyes of his mask looked down in shame.
you hated his mask, it hid his face, the face you loved so dearly. when met with no resistance, you removed adam’s mask, your gaze meeting with dark golden eyes.
“i’d never leave you,” you cooed gently, one hand running through his hair, the other cupping his face. adam’s face tilted to where you placed your hand, leaning into your touch. “i wouldn’t even think about it. i love you, adam.” he pulled you into his lap, where you would hug him tightly. adam sighed contentedly, kissing your forehead.
“i love you more.”
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hannieehaee · 5 months
Svt as tropes
seventeen as tropes
content: crushes, fluff, some of these are idol!aus (as in the member is an idol, not reader), etc.
wc: 884
a/n: these are just tropes that come to mind when i think of each member. i tried to keep it varied and original <3
seungcheol -
enemies to lovers - he seems like he can be maybe a lil bit cocky at times (with reason, i mean have you seen him ..), so i think itd be possible to start off the wrong foot with him. he's also pretty stubborn, so pair with him another stubborn individual and you have a dragged out love story that begins with rivals and ends with a very fiery relationship.
jeonghan -
coworkers to lovers - jeonghan seems like an extremely charming and interesting guy who doesnt even have to try. im 100% sure people who work around him fall for him every single day. i think he'd be very entertained by the idea of crushing on a staff member/coworker. it would make him look forward to work and make him always seek you out while on the job.
joshua -
childhood friends to lovers - he seems the type that would keep a special someone in his heart for a very long time, even if it was just as friends. leaving his home country so young, the distance would make him realize his feelings and end up with that one special person from back home.
jun -
arranged marriage - okay not exactly arranged marriage but more so him being with someone his parents introduce him to! he seems to be a huge family oriented guy, so i see him ending up with someone his parents may have thought would be perfect for him. it'd start off as him giving it a chance to please his parents but ending up actually falling for this person.
soonyoung -
sunshine vs. grump - this concept isnt necessarily 100% black and white to me. but still i think maybe he would fall for someone who has a very contrasting personality his very positive and over the top demeanor. he'd enjoy the back and forth in which he'd act ridiculously to get his s/o to react while they pretended to be annoyed by him.
wonwoo -
long distance - idk if this is a trope ?? but i think wonwoo's love absolutely transcends any and every obstacle imaginable. i think he would be the definition of distance makes the heart grow fonder. he would cherish every single moment he got to be with you, constantly yearning for you any second he was away from you.
jihoon -
opposites attract - as someone who seems to keep to himself a lot and is a bit of a homebody, i think he would easily fall for someone who got him out of his comfort zone and got him to discover parts of himself he didnt know about before. would adore an s/o who was louder in nature and livelier, feeling some sort of nurturing sense in him come out whenever he was around them.
seokmin -
friends to lovers - its a classic for a reason! i cant understand how people dont constantly fall for seokmin but im 100% sure that if he had a crush on a friend of his, he would easily be able to charm them enough for them to reciprocate the crush. there would be a period of time of that cute back and forth in which he tried to 'court' them, ending up together in the end.
mingyu -
chance encounter - watching nana tour ive loved seeing how insanely outgoing and likable by strangers he is so i think that he would be the type to incidentally meet a person and subsequently fall for them. however, mingyu is a hopeless romantic so he wouldnt allow for this to be his one and only meeting. he would go to hell and back to reconnect.
minghao -
language barrier - ok ik this isnt actually a trope but i really do see minghao taking interest in a person who doesnt speak his language. i think that if a foreigner (in this case someone who does not speak korean or chinese) caught his attention, he would not be deterred by the language barrier and still seek them out. he would maybe even be more intrigued by the concept of communicating despite the barrier.
seungkwan -
found family - seungkwan is one of the sweetest and most likable people alive. im sure there's tons of people out there who consider him part of their found family. i think he'd be the type to become super close with that special someone (to the point of considering them as precious as his own family) only to eventually fall for them (and have them fall right back bc i mean its boo so how would you not fall for him!).
vernon -
class difference - i really see him falling for someone who's not in the industry. just someone who is an average person with an average life. this would obviously come with its complications, but i think he would enjoy the contrast between your lives and would live a regular life through your own.
chan -
mutual pining - contrary to popular opinion, i believe chan has insane rizz. however! i think he would be the type to have negative rizz when he has a crush on someone. he's still impossible to not fall for though, so this would lead to him and his future s/o to pine for each other for years, not realizing that their friendship could be more if one of then would just step up and confess.
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s0apmactav1sh · 4 months
Part 2 of Widowed!King!Price x Devoted!Knight Reader.
Knight!You who suddenly finds yourself wandering the castle during the night after your conversation with Price unable to stop the words that were constantly repeating within your mind. Why had the king seemed so interested on why you hadnt any body? Did he not appreciate your willingness to deprive yourself of the love and touch of another so you wouldnt worry more about them than him?
Of course you were constantly distracted now, letting guards you sparred with take you down so easily all over being stuck inside your own head. And this wasnt sitting right with King!Price who was wondering why his prized knight now suddenly couldnt beat the other royal guards like you used to.
King!Price who ends up calling you to a meeting in his chambers. Forget the throne room or his royal office. His chambers were where he'd like to speak to you. And like the loyal soldier you were, you were there on the dot entering in after he gave you permission. Other guards and servants around the castle certainly found this strange but it was by the request of your king.
King!Price who doesnt even allow you to speak your reasons. He's just so disappointed that youve lowered your standards. Thats not what a knights meant to do and he makes sure you know that in the most humilating way possible. By having you on your knees looking up at him while he smiles down at you, your head tilted up by the grasp he has on your hair. And its not to be mean, no Price could never. Your his prized knight after all.
"Wheres that devotion gone? Have you suddenly lost it. Is that why your letting those pathetic guards beat you down?"
At that he can see the shame that washes over your face. He wasnt meant to see or hear about your faults. You were meant to be perfect in his eyes no matter the cost. Didnt he understand that the only reason you were acting the way you were was because of him. Your loyalty and devotion for your king ran as deep as the oceans and nothing could change that. So how could you make it up to him? How could you get rid of that disappointed look in his eyes that was practically like the devils glare to you. By offering yourself to him.
"No. My king. Please my devotion and loyalty still lays in your palms. Take what you need of me. Leave me as nothing more than filth if you please, just dont be disappointed in me."
And as those words came tumbling from your lips King!Price knew he had you. He would always have you. Even if any others came along and tried having you for themselves he knew your eyes would always stray back to him because he was your god. You worshipped the ground he walked on, took in his words like water and kept the sight of him embeeded in your brain just for a reminder that he was your king.
Plus who was to blame him when he accepted your offer of yourself? He had already been without a warm body in his bed for a few months because of his late husbands death. What did it matter that he filled that empty spot beside him with your body instead. What did it matter that he filled himself with your cock at the end of every day to make up for the months without any relief.
And like the devoted knight you were, you complied with his ever ask. If he needed you youd remove yourself from your duties, replacing yourself with a capable knight to continue them to rush to him and give him exactly what he wanted. Which more than likely was your cock in his hole while he worked, relaxed or even when he was "napping". You would always come running and he knew it.
Am have this Ig? Does it tie in with the last part not at all. I literally need to sleep 😭 its been nearly 3 days without and im barely able to register whag I wrote. Ill make a part 3 in a few days thats just smut for this.
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wonder2realities · 3 months
having trouble with manifesting physical results?
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when it comes to manifestation, i feel like everyone acts like theres a limit and usually that limit revolves around physical changes. "you cant lose weight unless you work out AND listen to subliminals, you have to put in the work!!!" — what if i were to tell you that you can manifest literally any physical change without even moving? you probably wouldnt believe me because of the idea that you need to "work" to earn something...and yet with all of the physical changes i've manifested, i havent "worked" for anything. how? here's a little list of the rules i stick by !
i'm someone who gets embarrassed very easily, over the smallest things but when it comes to manifesting anything...you gotta be shameless. yes i am waking up with a BBL and a 2-inch waist, what about it. you can pull up to my house, with scientific evidence of how thats not possible but idc cuz its happening. infact, it ALREADY happened "but you look the same" idc it still happened. like literally, no matter what its happening and its happened and it will happen ; whether it be past future or present point is ITS THERE.
this ones a bit hard to word out but essentially, your physical body doesnt make up what you are. meaning, you can view yourself as this ball of energy that can be stretched and pulled out and morphed into everything and anything.
so lets say you want a symmetrical face :
1. dont go overanalysing your face, just sit down & take it easy
2. think of how your symmetrical face that youve always had. i mean you could honestly be a model, your facial structure is amazing. and just allow yourself to sink into those thoughts, whether its through you repeating affirmations or through subliminals — let it all sink in that your face is symmetrical. having doubtful thoughts? let them fly past, dont cling onto them. just allow yourself to sink deeper into the fact that your face is perfectly symmetrical.
3. acknowledge it and live with it. dont go eyeing your mirror and reflection every 2 seconds, dont go panicking and repeating affirmations nonstop and stressing...just acknowledge it and go on with your day.
^ its that easy. you dont need to even see your physical body morphing into it, the point is that you are able to morph and change into whatever you wish because you are not limited to your physical body.
you dont need to do a 40 minute workout to make sure you get results, you dont need to drink 3L of water, you dont need to write down 500 affirmations, you dont need to do a 20step skincare routine if you want to make sure you get clear skin...if you want to do these things, do them as much as you wish to. do you have to? no.
when i was younger, i got a bad injury and because of that one of my cheekbones were larger than the other — through manifestation they look identical now. like as in, if i were to tell you the injury i got into and said "my cheekbone was larger and there was a huge line under it" youd think i was making it up (sidenote : i had to show someone my passport photo from when i was like 8 to prove that i had that injury 😭 CUZ THEY DIDNT BELIEVE ME.) and mind you, i didnt even have a routine - my routine was literally just playing cute subliminals , vibing to the music and then going to sleep. i promise you, you dont need to do any form of "work" to get what you desire.
probably the most important thing i stick by, i always go with my gut. meaning, if i feel like i can listen to a 5 second subliminal and i got it - i leave it there. i dont force anything, i dont push myself into anything and i dont do anything that someone else does if it doesnt vibe well with me. (this also means if youre reading this and going "this doesnt really work with me" - thatll be better than you forcing yourself to follow these rules just because these have worked for me). you need to always remember that when it comes to manifesting things, your preference comes first. so, if you wanna run 5 miles and that helps you believe that you have gotten your desires - do it.
if youre minding your business and youre talking abt your desires and someone goes "erm...🤓👆🏽 thats...not possible" - instead of secondguessing yourself literally ignore them. the concept of whats possible and whats real all boils down to what you BELIEVE is possible/real. the only reason something could not be possible or not be real is you believe it isnt, or you letting someone else who doesnt believe in it take over your beliefs (obviously this specifically applies to manifestation and not things that are tied to disorders or any form of unhealthy thinking. dont take my words out of this context.)
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and thats all ! obviously i have other parts of my mindset that arent mentioned here that help me manifest faster and easier but it would take too long for me to get into everything </3 but consider these my 5 golden rules that will hopefully help anyone whos struggling with physical results.
rmbr that you are forever limitless & changing ★
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ma3mae · 1 year
Hello!! I hope you are doing well, wanted to say I love your work !!
Can I request how the BSD boys (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Chuuya, Fukuzawa etc) would react to gf!fem!reader saying “I am just a hole” after they did something attractive? Something fun and suggestive ehehe~
No brain, just horny!
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Summary: No one cared about you being down bad for you bfs since everything's mutual, right? (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa)
Genre: fluff, maybe crack, def suggestive themes, maybe a tiny tiny bit of smut. Who knows 💀
Warnings: yall gonna be horny after this 🤓
A/N: was kinda difficult to think of fitting scenarios but i had fun writing this!! Also thank you for loving my work, anonnnn 💕💕💕💕
Part 2
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Dazai Osamu
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okay okay so lets say yall are at the ADA office
hes done with annoying the shit ouf of kuni and now hes just sitting on the couch, literally bored out of his mind
Kuni tells u to tell "that dumbass idiot of a boyfriend🤩" to finally get back to work so u go up to him
u know that scene where he leans his head back onto the grave and slowly tilts it back down and opens his eyes while having that soft smile on his face? oda's only purpose was him dying so we'd get that scene, crying fr 😭😭😭
Yeah hes doing exactly THAT as he notices your presence infront of him, flashing you a smile and only for it to spread even further as he notices your dazed face 💀
"Oh, bella? Too lovestruck to talk to me, I see. Can't help it that I'm just so hands-"
"I'm nothing but a hole for you"
his eyes are fking bulging as he hears you say that infront of him
ACTUALLY shocked that you had the guts to legit say that outloud and luckily no one rly heard that except him he wouldnt mind if the whole ass office wouldve heard that, we KNOW 💀
you manage to get a good laugh out of him before he just shoots you that god awful handsome smirk before he suddenly stands up
Towering over you, he leans in and whispers "Never thought you'd be so dirty to say stuff like that during working hours. Not that I'm complaining! I'm glad to have such a strong effect on you, bella~" got me blushing fr😳😳😳
Its too late to realise what you've just said. Your fate has been sealed.
no jk but nah nah he wont stop there
Youve awakened the fking horny beast in him and how could he refuse his love offering herself so blatantly while your coworkers were literally in the same room?? 🤩😋
He just takes your hand as he proceeds to leave the office
Kuni just yells "Oi, where the hell do you think you're going?! Only told you to tell him to work! Not join his stupid shenanigans!! 😡😡"
YOU KNOW that ur bf just turns around and shoots him that annoying ass smirk, only to say
"But Kunikida, we are off to work actually! Nothing you'd be able to do anyway. Tell me when you've found something interesting in all that paper work of yours! Can tell you that our job will definitely be more fun than that~ 😁😁"
You can only give poor kuni a sheepish smile as atsushi just deadpans at the both of you, muttering a "good luck 😐" towards you as your bf just drags you to his car because your job's gonna be too loud to do at the ada and going home wont be an option since dazai's not patient in that sense 💀💀💀
Already sending prayers to you for having to go back to "work" while being sore af and dazai looking like he got out of a 10 day wellness vacation 😭🥲🥲
dazai's actually gonna spare our poor kuni by kinda doing some paper work but our man will be forever traumatised bc hes not oblivious 🗣️
Especially after seeing your neck littered with hickeys 😭😭 u cant hide them, youve got a damn mosquito as a bf 💀
kuni just tosses a bottle of water your way without looking at u bc he thinks its not modest to shamelessly look at them 😤 I LOVE U KUNI
"thanks, i guess" is all you'll hear from him bc at the end, you DID get dazai to work but at what cost 😭
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Kunikida Doppo
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Flabbergasted. Shocked. Disappointed. Shamefully not too hard to turn on. 💀
His first reaction is gonna be like u just told ur mom u forgot to do the laundry 😭
DEF gonna scold your ass off for saying such things in such an inappropiate setting
its not your fault hes being so hot during work 😤😤😤😤
Tell him off for being so handsome!! 🤩
Wont stop his scolding but u cant take him serious when hes fumbling over his words
Still manages to thank you for ur compliment even though its embarassing af 😭 no way would he refuse such kind words from his love 😋
So anyway it could go two ways with him
The first would be if yall wouldnt be alone at the ADA
You go up to him to ask him about a report you need help with
Ive never seen kuni tie his hair up but... imagine catching him doing that...
With the hair tie in his mouth as he pulls his hair back and like...
It makes u think of the times you'd yank it back during yk what 🤭
So he notices you gape at him and is all like "🤨 are you alright?"
Cue to you just uttering "Damn, kuni. You only gotta ask. Am just a hole for you anyway" out of nowhere
LMAO you can just hear dazai cackling from the couch as your bf just looks at you like 😳 with his mouth agape and everything
Dazai just walks up to you to pat your shoulder
"Kunikida, you've got quite the daring girlfriend!" "SHUT YOUR ANNOYING MOUTH UP"
kuni just quickly ties his hair back and BROO he nearly feels so violated and exposed 😭😭😭😭
Why would u do this to him AT WORK 😭
Ngl u and dazai prob team up to annoy him to death like hes just so fun to TEASE 😤
Anyway he just tells you to get back to work and when u tell him you need some help, he begrudgingly does it bc its important but you can still his hands shake a bit and his face is red as he tries to give you advice on ur work skskksks 💀
Be ready to get scolded for HOURS when yall are on ur way home 🤓
But dw u know how to shut his beautiful mouth up 🤭😋
But if you do the whole thing while yall are alone at work bc kuni decided to stay a bit longer then THATS a different story
Lets say he does the same thing again as above ^ and u say the same thing
He'll def turn a bit red and tell you that you cant say stuff like that during work!
"But kuni, we're alone and no ones gonna come back anyway. It's nearly 8pm after all."
The sun's setting and the only light that softly illuminates the room and it just steals ur fking breath bc 😭 hes so gorgeous with his hair open 😭😭😭
But u can still see his gaze on u, making ur knees weak bc BROO
horny jail for kuni too????? 💀💀💀
jk but he'll clear his throat and just say "a work place is still a work place so i cant let this inappropiate behavior just go like that..."
You're like standing infront of him and he grabs you by your waist, softly kneading it as he tells u to sit on his lap 😭
"Will teach that mouth of yours how to behave. Maybe after this you'll be a bit more tame. Think that idiot has been a bad influence on you like he has with everyone but don't worry. I'll be sure to teach you everything again."
I'll let you imagine the rest here 🤭🤭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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man just wants to eat his candy in peace, get ur horny ass away from him 🤨🤨🤨🤨
u thought dazai's a whole bitch???? Nah nah this is a MAN CHILD right here
This man wont give u what u want, nah he'll let u suffer alone LOL 💀💀
if this happens at work then 🤷 honestly depends on what mood he is i think
its a hot day in yokohama and the air conditioning is not rly helping yall
so u kinda wanna go grab some ice cream during ur break and u dont need to think twice about asking ur bf to go with u
fr he'll be SO annoying if u dont take him with u 💀 but dw he obviously knows why u r approaching him rn 🤩
but he takes a while to catch on why u just stopped and looked like a fish rn like a combo of this :0 and 😳
he just goes "🤨"
"Damn, the bathroom's close. 'am just a hole for you anyway so let's go" u legit go 😨 after realising what u just said
How no one hears that, idk but this hoe DEF heard u well
U r even more scared bc he just sits there and doesnt react but oops
only needs some sec before he opens his eyes and smirks at u 🤭
"Eh~ You've got guts, Y/N. Saying naughty stuff like that during work hours. Not that I mind though. Just shows how smitten you are by the World's Greatest Detective~"
He just waves a finger at u like you're a lil kid getting scolded rn 💀
"Ah ah ah, don't try to refute that fact. Can't blame you for your reaction after all. It's still funny to me that all it took was me losening my tie, gliding a hand through my hair and open up a button of my shirt. ~ "
He just gets up and gives you a peck on your cheek before walking ahead
"I still want that ice ream though! If it's good then I'll give tending to your needs a thought!" 💀 THIS BITCH
but dw he'll make sure to show u how smitten he is after that bc ur mouth just tastes better after some sweet ice cream, right 🤓??
but u know whats the best combo with saying that sentence?
a jealous ranpo 🤩
like ok quick scenario
lets move this outside of work, ok?
So yall are walking around and some random dude decides to hit on u and hello 🤨cant he see that u r legit holding hands with the world's greatest detective??
u kindly tell the man to fuck off but nah hes not letting u chill
wraps protectively his arm around ur waist, clearly showing him that YOU. ARE. TAKEN.
"with that scrawny lookin dude???" bro hes got a death sentence 💀
time for ur bf to show him his skills 🤭 which means threatening him to expose everything about him
immediately tells him where he lives, what he does for a living, where he likes to shop, where his parents live. E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G
he just smirks and puffs his chest slightly out as that dude just fking runs off bc id be terrified too 😨
He deserves it tho ✋
"What a fool! Thinking he could challenge ME?! The greatest detective to ever live! See how terrified he was!" hes fking cackling before stopping as he sees ur face
brothers and sisters, we are LOVESTRUCK
and that hoe cann see that right away 💀
"Thank you..." like should we say how hot that was???? maybe 😳😳???
"And?" AH obviously he got us 😭
but we too embarassed to say smth but NICE, theres a nearby alley so u know where hes dragging us 🤩
Pressed up against the wall and hes just centimeters away from u as he asks again
"That wasn't everything you wanted to say, right~? Of course you find me" hot" but just wanna hear it from you, love."
"FUCK, am just a hole for u" 💀😳
goes wide eyed for a sec before chuckling and saying "Well, that wasn't what I wanted to hear but I'll let it count!"
His eyes travel down your neck before finally saying "Hm, I've got an idea in how to make everyone know that you're taken. I deserve a little treat after having saved you, no?" 🤭🤭🤭 got me blushing fr
Anyway problem solved, no one made moves onto u after that and it might turn into a habit before yall go out for the next times 🗣️
But no one's complaining hihi 🤭🤭😳
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
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oh god where do i even begin 💀
i gotta hold myself back from getting off topic when it comes to HIM 😭
honestly this man has seen and experienced so many things, u gotta do a lot to catch THIS man off guard 💀💀
bro he had to deal with mori's ass in his 20's for too long and STILL deals with it till this day 😐😐😐😐😐
not to mention the agency is like his fking orphanage at this point 😐
Already enough that his first child is still a child with his thirty years of living on this damn planet 🤓
lets say u work at the ADA as well and now yall r holding a meeting to go over some details for a random mission
Idk if its just me but... the way he sits there and is leading that whole shit, telling em what to do and how they could handle it the best way, while encouraging everyone to work hard n stuff... idk....
Its just so HOT 😳😳😳🤭
like hes so charismatic, fuck dazai, yall cant compare ANYONE to this man 😭😭😭😭😭😭 no wonder everyone follows him, id lick his shoes too 😭😭 HORNY JAIL FOR ME?????
anyway he dismisses everyone and the both of you are the last ones to be in the room bc u r just sitting at the table and staring at him like 😳
Dw my girl, hes been noticing the way you've been looking at him the whole time
"Is everything alright, my love? You've been staring at me for quite a while now."
"N-No its nothing 😳"
nah no need to hold back bc we know our knees r gonna buckle the second he takes ur hand
his eyes slightly crinkle at the end as you can see amusement dance in them
"I know that look when something's on your mind. I'll respect your decision to not tell me but I'd like to know what it is."
honestly your red face is already proof enough whats on ur mind but how can u hide it when hes just looking at you with such an intense gaze UGH I LOVE THIS MAAAAAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"W-Well the way you just handle everything with ease even though its a lot of pressure and i dont know...it's just really admirable but also hot when you tell them what to do. wouldnt mind you doing that in the bedroom too, you know. id be a hole for u anytime like this... "
u tryna mumble that shit out of embarassement but he clearly heard you 💀
And he does go wide eyed out of surprise because DAMN thats still pretty straightforward and was kinda the last thing he'd thought you'd say but honestly... he doesnt mind it 💀
in facr hes liking it a bit too much for himself 💀💀 but who is he to complain? Especially when his lover is being so honest with him?
" So you want me to be a bit more authoritative in the bedroom? I-It might be a bit awkward for me to do so but if it's something you desire then we'll gladly try it out together. We should be done with the mission around the evening but if not then..."
you feel his hands gently cup your face as he presses his lips against yours before pulling a bit too soon for your liking
"Then I hope this will suffice until then. I'll be sure to thank you for your patience after everything's over."
We WILL wait for him OKAY 💀💀✋✋✋
he just strokes your hair lovingly as you try to hide ur face bc hes just too blinding
anyway as the both of u get ready to leave, yall just hear quick shuffling behind yall bc OOPS
"😳☺️🤭😏" u can choose which ADA member would make which face 💀💀💀
ngl u prob sometimes call them ur children and BRO
ranpo actually annoys u for some candy ngl 💀
u once punched dazai's gut bc yk he'd ask the stupid question like
"if you're our mom, would that make you a milf?"
send him back to the MAFIA trash can he came from 🤩🤩
jk but might write a oneshot about him even tho hes difficult to write 💀
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will def do a part 2 of this bc it gives me an excuse to simp for these men 💀
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ganondoodle · 1 month
Will Zelda abolish the monarchy in your TotK rewrite?
she will not turn to the camera and say "i am abolishing monarchy" (since that needs to be said these days ..) but in a way its kinda meant to be like .. the opposite of the canon totk messaging?
like, fictional monarchy in itself isnt like the root of all evil, its the ideology that goes with it? i like fictional monarchy stuff and other races got them too so i wouldnt say its a clear -this is bad- thing
i do want to turn the whole idea of "hyrules royalty and its ruling is always good and just and anyone against it is automatically labeled as evil" upside down .. or more like, let it go further, rauru in the rewrite is .. similar to the canon one, thats kinda the point, hes the good and just king that wants to unite all nations in peace and wants to get rid of any "evil" be it monsters or someone threatening his 'peace'
but then you think about it, his idea of 'peace' is very specific, not everyone might want to be under his control, not everyone might have joined willingly and just bc theres someone opposing him does not have to mean they are some evil demon, all this talk might have been deliberate manipulation of history, he says hes invited a nation to join under his rule? he makes it sound like it was a nice offering like bringing a piece of cake to a neighbour, but it could be anything, he has those magical nuclear power pebbles, multiple, even just having them has an effect on others, he can say he would only use them for good, but that can be a lie, and more importantly, you dont know what his idea of 'good' is he can say he would never use it to hurt people, but what if he declares others to not BE people in his eyes he wants to bring about a world of light with no shadow to be found, rebuild a glorious kingdom of the past, there will be no shadow to hide in, there will be no place he is not, as he is the light, the king of light, and he knows whats best for all in his eternal, holy kingdom of light
.. most of this isnt even non-canon, it just gets presented as he says it, a one note fact, and you are supposed to agree- so really im just rewriting that part to be more overtly how it felt like to ME, and turnign the second half into opposing that bc hey, this might not be cool actually
im really jsut cranking raurus actions and ideals up just a tiny bit, and show more directly that its the behavoir of an imperialist king of all
so really its more like .. teaching her the lesson of how easy it is to fall into that line of thinking, how you need to consider .. maybe blindly following old traditions isnt always good, consider other perspectives, be careful bc she could have gone into that direction too (like she literally does in the canon totk end ..) and in a way she already has, but afterwards (in the rewrite) she can work against that, she could be rauru and has to decide and work against it
i know that isnt a clear answer, this whole idea is a little hmm to me bc TO ME canon totk already reads like that, and i want to work against it, bc in canon it goes unchallenged, and alot of people ... alot of people..., just go along with it seemingly not even beign able to see how its all suspicious-
in the end, i want it to be a careful but hopeful vibe of, zelda as a scientist, a historian, interested in alot of fields, being able to change something, a shift in perspective, like lady eboshi in princess monokoe saying at the end that they will start anew, now building good town- its not garanteed, zelda is still in a position of power, but she doesnt have to rebuild it like it was, people might still refer to her as princess and have high respect for her, but after being so deceived by rauru, being on the opposing side to almost the exact idea they once had, it has humbled them and can pave the way for a better future
ganondorfs spirit at the end moving on after finally being able to take out rauru, even if it meant to help out those hed see as being in the prime spot to become jsut like rauru, over the course of the second half all of them learning of each other, now more confident these younglings of a world thats long changed and not his anymore being able to build something better, and years after the ordeal theres news of a male gerudo having been born
(i know that idea goes agaisnt what made up his character for alot of the other games (though rewrite totk gan is still a different one from the old games), like his eternal problem of not being able to move on and refusing to die, and im sure theres lots of not the bestest thigns in my writing of it all too, but so far, its what i have been imagining, and unfortnately i am a sucker for those types of cliché endings-
it doesnt have to mean the next games would be going up against the gods or soemthing, though i do like that, but i felt like its a nice end for botws world, and much less uncomfortable than the canon totk end, theres no refounding of the kingdom, no swears of fealty, just young people working to rebuild the world into something better after it was almost wiped out, the kingdom already fell in botw, and the world kept on turning, i see no reason why it shouldnt be able to keep doing it)
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inkdemonapologist · 1 month
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[BatIM Cthulhu] MORE CTHULHU SCRIBBLES, this time from session 4!! Here we have, uh,
The yellow fog that's taking over New York seems to be able to hijack people and make them think they're one of the characters from the King in Yellow play. Susie DID get brainwashed but we're unclear on whether the knife-twirling skills were there already. IT JUST WOULDNT SURPRISE ME, U KNOW?
AVEDONS HERE??????? If you don't remember Avedon i dont blame you, he last showed up back in seASON 2, in NOLA, where he lost his mind and locked Sammy and Jack in his closet at gunpoint and then started shooting the host at the masquerade party. He seems a little more sane this go round but everyone decided Sammy and Jack should not be in the welcoming party. Anyway sorry NYC is like this for your visit Avedon, I promise there's usually less dread carcosa
Sammy brought Prophet out to see if he could tell whether or not Peter is THE ONE THE PHANTOM SEEKS and Prophet decided to make sure he was getting an accurate reading by smooshing his hands all over Peter's face. Don't worry about it, Peter!! It's fine. Normal Sammy Behaviour.
And if you'd like some Out of Context quotes from our session, those are under the cut!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] *recapping* Joey tried to do some bullshit, and it, uh, made things worse! [GM] It got some attention, it seems! [Joey] EHhhhhhhhh, [Sammy] Yeah, he was doing his nonsense, and then the Phantom showed up because he was doing his nonsense -- [Joey] ehhhhhhhhhhh [Sammy] And then we hit the Phantom with Jack's car! A rational and reasonable response to the unknowable. [Jack] Joey MADE Jack hit the Phantom with his car. [Joey] EHHHHHHHHH, [Jack] Because Jack wouldn't do this on purpose. He likes his car! [Sammy] I think that's entirely reasonable. No reasonable person would have done this course of events.
[Sammy] What happens if you drive a car in Carcosa [Sammy] It's in the name, it should be a good place for cars... [Jack] It actually cancels out because there's two of them, so you just get "Cosa."
[Joey] One of the times, the Mercedes is going to be missing and it's not because of Yellow Sign stuff, it's just that someone finally stole it. [Sammy] Car gets its tires slashed, "THIS IS THE WORK OF THE YELLOW KING!!!"
[Jack] Even if it's safety glass, I feel like Jack doesn't want to sit in a bunch of glass! [Henry] Exfoliation. [Jack] ON HIS BUTT????
[Joey] Just venting about everything that has been happening, but it's clearly all this other guy's fault? [Sammy] I love Joey having no particular distinction between "annoying person who's getting in the way of me making cartoons" and "eldritch entity" - WHICH IS THE SAME THING, it's just an annoying person who's getting in the way of making cartoons! [Joey] YEAH!!
[Sammy] Jack struck me as someone who'd be a cautious driver. [GM] And he let Sammy drive his car?!
[Joey] It's taking Joey a little longer to finish his ritual, because he keeps getting angry and ranting more, [Sammy] "*draws one line* AND ANOTHER THING--!"
[GM] Avedon says you need to watch out for each other, because something's already messing with Norman -- [Joey] what, wAIT-- WHAT? [GM] --and he needs you guys to come find him, he's at this hotel, and he thinks he knows how to destroy the Phantom. [Joey] Have you called Norman? [GM] He says, "Where do you think I got this number?" And then he hangs up. [Joey] .................................................................. [Sammy/Jack/Henry] *IMMEDIATELY LOSING IT* [Jack] *still cracking up* H-how, how mad is Joey right now, [Joey] ...........................I need to look something up.
[Joey] I know way too much about, the history of phone technologies now, [Sammy] This game is educational. Nobody tells you that.
[Joey] What is up with your crazy friend?! [Norman] You're going to have to be more specific.
[Joey] Wait, DID you get a call from Avedon? [GM] Norman says that he got word from The Advisor earlier. [Jack].... Hm. [Sammy] Norman??????? [Joey] ...iS SUSIE STILL THERE, [GM] Uh, yeah! He hands over the phone. [Joey] IS SHE NORMAL????????????????? [GM] She likes to think so!
[Joey] Nobody's going to let Peter choose his own methods of communication, he just gets to RECEIVE [Sammy] Look! He was warned!!
[GM] Peter's glancing at Jack like, is this concerning? [Jack] Well Jack looks CONCERNED, but he's not concerned about this, specifically. This is refreshingly normal.
[Sammy] And the Traitor mercifully absent! [Jack] I know you said "traitor", but I heard "trader," like no that's a different AU, [Joey] Oh good. No Wandering Traders. [everyone makes villager "Hrrrm" noises] [Sammy] Prophet's ALSO murdering llamas for leads, [Jack] I mean, we could do with a lead about now! I don't know if we have any other than Avedon. [Joey] *uncontrollably giggling at this joke for the next 15 seconds* [Sammy] Oh boy, [Joey] *still giggling* iT WAS A REALLY gOOD ONE,,,
[Joey] Does Jack's car look any different to Henry? [Jack] Well there's a weird splat mark in the shape of a guy,
[Sammy] Be vigilant! His will can overtake your own. [Henry] Hm,,, you too,
[GM] Does anyone want to do a summary of where we were at? [Jack] I have an extremely short summary: [Jack] Shit's Fucked.
[Sammy] Avedon told us to meet him because THE WORLD IS IN PERIL [Sammy] which, I think it's really important to remember that Avedon is French, when you imagine him saying the word "peril." That's all.
[Sammy] It's not TOO late to visit people, but it is maybe an awkward time to-- [Jack] When has awkward timing EVER stopped this-- [Sammy] NEVER. It's never stopped us. [Henry] I think it would be weirder if we arrived at an opportune time, at this point! [Joey] It IS a great time for a snake to show up, I feel like. [Sammy] That's true. It's never a wrong time for a snake to show up, honestly.
[Joey] Enough time has passed that Joey will come out to the parking lot. [Sammy] I really thought you were gonna say "come out to the party" [Jack] Joey's coming out? [GM] *laughing* I think they already know!
[Joey] Also, Norman has started acting very weird. [Henry] How? [Joey] You know how, sometimes people start saying things, in situations like this, where they think... [Joey]...yOU KNOW HOW PROPHET DESCRIBES PEOPLE?
[Jack] I can't believe you're splitting up the boyfriends! [Jack] ...as compared to the other boyfriends, [Sammy] I feel like it's really hard to split this party without splitting up some boyfriends somewhere.
[GM] Jack doesn't want to drive and Sammy doesn't know where he's going - ✨TEAMWORK!✨ :D
[Jack] You go through all of Henry's coats and none of them are familiar, and they're all extremely stylish [Henry] That's not Carcosa, that's Joey.
[Jack] Oh no, his accent's Italian now! [Sammy] That's just what happens when you come to New York.
[GM] Make a sanity check. [Henry] For looking at a clarinet???
[Henry] Henry is... maybe taking a closer look out the window. [Sammy] I support him. I'm not there, but I support him-- [Henry] Then, yeah, I'm gonna say he's doing that! [Sammy] --from afar, where I suffer no consequences.
[Henry] Henry has his hand on his gun. [Henry] ...he knows that he can't, like, SHOOT CARCOSA, but, [Jack] Carcosa's haunted.
[Joey] I actually succeeded the luck check! [Sammy] Congratulations, that's a feat for Joey! [Jack] It's his natural talent.
[Henry] I wish I had the words to describe the face Henry is making. [Henry] If Scared and Defeated had a baby.
[GM] Avedon turns around, looking wild-eyed behind his glasses, and says, because he is the master of smart things, "We need to get out of here!" [Joey] NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!
[GM] In fact, you think you hear conspiratorial whispering in the distance! [Henry] But our conspiratorial whisperer is accounted for...
[Joey] Joey's just going to march up behind them and ask what's going on. [GM] They are both going to jump to their feet, and bow, actually, [Sammy] Um. [Jack] Hmmmm. [Sammy] UM. [GM] and say, "we were just dealing with matters of State, Your Highness." [Joey] [Joey] *quiet giggling* [Jack] Oh no. [Sammy] Joey doesn't need this. Joey doesn't need this. [Jack] His ego's already so big!!
[Sammy] You're going to open the door and the Phantom's gonna be standing there. [Henry] "Want some weed?"
[Joey] Avedon can stay with Norman. They're friends. [Sammy] I don't-- we'll see how Norman is. [Joey] I mean, I don't think, no matter what, that Norman can be weirder than Avedon?
[GM] You can make a psychology roll, if you want! [Sammy] OKAY, we'll see, I'm not holding out a lot of hope on Sammy getting this-- [Sammy] *rolls* ....WELL. That is... an extreme success. I rolled a TWO. [Jack] Are we sure SAMMY hasn't been replaced? [Joey] Has Shazz been replaced? [Jack] Have Shazz's dice been replaced????
[Jack] Jack is probably trying to get... any.... information out of Norman, [Sammy] Sorry, I left you the hard mode one. [Joey] Kiss him!!
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regular-gnome · 9 months
Time for a random hill I am willing to die on, so what in the Titans name is Hooty
beginning with few things we know:
He is a bug type demon and demons are born from a titans body & magic
House demons are not common but also not extremely rare (coven heads are confused in Hollow Mind but Amity is like, yea, house demons do be like that)
Hooty is not dependent on the place he lives in - can freely detach himself from the house and just go somewhere what does not affect neither him nor the house
Hooty is terrotorial and protects the place he lives in
There are organs with own pulse inside the walls of the Owl House
All of this being said, I believe demons later called "house" demons were born from wounds on titans body. After titan got hurt, lost an eye in some manner, a bug type demon formed or moved into the wound establishing in there sort of symbiotic relationship. Maybe protecting the space from other creatures that did try to feed on the wound. Long after titans were gone they just continued to live in crevices and protect spaces around them what was later was used by witches to guard their homes earning them the name "house" demon.
Role of house demons on titans might be similar to the one of Oxpeckers on big animals that are unable to get rid of small parasites. Titans are huge and seeing how some characters were literally walking through their empty veins it would be extremely difficult for them to get rid of pests themselves.
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On how is he attached to the space around him, I think he might have some kind of specialised organ letting him attach and form new connections to the space around him.
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With time the connections gaining mass and requiring better energy flow they start form organs around the space and a circulation system (that's why there is a pulse even after Hooty is not longer in the door). And that's also why King, Lilith and Luz might have had such disgusted reactions to seeing him leave his place. But whatever he uses to attach to the house it might be pretty vulnerable, so he acts like a hermit crab getting from one shell to another and thats how we get porta Hooty.
But HEY if he has organs that connect him to the house why can he just take of his skin like a sock. My brother in Titan. Skin is a organ too and we literally saw him leave some spare ones in the door. There is literally nothing that says he even requires it and cant be just a skeleton horror with only the essentials near base of his body.
On why I dont think he is a parasite like Cymothoa exigua (tongue eating louse) is because I'm pretty sure Titan would be able to get rid of them himself (and it would mean Hooty ate his way into the titan witch I refuse to consider). It can't be comfortable to have a weird bug in your eye socket just singing to themself all day, so they had to have benefited from it somehow, or at least didnt mind, as Hooty is protective of his space that wouldnt be a strech. Also if they were parasites it would just add insult to injury if they hanged around even after death xD
Im sure Im not the first one to have this thought but I literally searched for theories on him and only found the parasite interpretation witch I don't vibe that much with
and while we are at the topic of Hooty I highly encourage to listen to unhinged Dutch Hooty, I was in tears the first time I heard him. Apologies for video quality tho, it refused work any other way
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dollcherray · 3 months
Greetings!! Humbly requesting for Yandere!Miss Grace headcanons, if I may?
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Yandere Miss Grace x Reader
A/N: yup, same reason as the yandere Mister Demi, you are a teacher in this, i hc the principal to be like the teachers for very obvious reasons.
TW: Yandere topics, killing mentions, manipulation, isolation, kidnapping mentions (it doesnt actually occurs tho), guilt tripping, remember: this is not normal nor healthy always stay way from individuals who act like this.
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୨୧ Miss Grace is probably the 2nd worst person to have as a yandere in that whole school... since she's the principal and has full control of the school, including the teachers of course.
୨୧ You would probably catch Miss Grace's attention if you were hard working and probably cold hearted towards the students or were just insanely unlucky and it was love at first sight.
୨୧ Miss Grace right off the bat would be really controlling since the day you two start to be close, if you get too close to any of the teachers, the teacher would either disappear or avoid you suddenly.
୨୧ She doesnt wanna take any risks of you possibly falling in love with someone or someone falling in love with you, it would be too much trouble to get rid of pests like that (in her words)
୨୧ if someone does fall in love with you or you fall in love with someone, she would go off her way to get rid of them, maybe not herself, but she will eventually get rid of them sooner or later.
୨୧ Miss Grace wouldnt be really touchy or something like that, so i think her love language would be quality time or acts of service, she wants to show you that even though she is the principal of a murder school she can be a tad decent.
୨୧ Miss Grace is possessive, dangerous, obsessive and manipulative, she would often manipulate you into staying more with her than the others, like Oliver but in a way that you dont really notice.
୨୧ You cant leave, even if you tried, you wouldnt be able to, she would have no problem in threatening you or potentially harming you, psychologically or physically, doesnt matter, she will teach a lesson if needed to, but you wouldnt try to leave her, right? :)
୨୧ How to avoid her brutal and cold side? obey her, give your attention and affection only to her and no one else and you'll get to see her soft side, she may look tough but she will give you affection if you give her affection first.
୨୧ She has favoritism with you and doesnt hide it, not a bit, even if you ask her if she has favoritism with you she would straight up say "yes", thats another way of her showing her love for you, isnt that good?
୨୧ i dont think she would go out of her way to kidnap you or something, she already has you trapped with her in school, thats already enough to her, so dont worry, you still have your privacy privileges.
୨୧ If you try to confront her about her obsessive behavior towards you, she will have no problem in manipulating you and using the guilt tripping card too, saying that she does that to protect you and because she loves you very much, and its works most of the time, she is a very smart woman, after all, if she wasnt smart she wouldnt be the principal now, would she?
୨୧ “They'll never love you like i do.”
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myabsurddreamjournal · 8 months
Fate (part 4)
Soldier boy x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
She was tense.
The streets were different than what she remembered.
It was more crowded, more gray, more concerete
Even air felt more different.
people where everywhere, rushing to their jobs, talking on the phone, No doubt she missed being outside. But not this. She missed the green, forests, trees, the silence, Being able to lay down on grass and daydream for hours. Away from people, away from the world.
Lost in her thoughts y/n didn't realized that she was clutching to his arm.
He was tense as her, feeling it, she turned her head to look at his face. There was confusion in his eyes, which didnt surprised her, he was asleep for 40 years after all, must be a nightmare she thought, falling asleep to a awful world. Then waking up to even more awful one.
But there was something else in his eyes too.
Anger, or disgust maybe?
Well she couldnt blame him again, all the things humans did to him.
-"Are you okay?" she asked
It was like he didnt hear her, still looking at surroundings.
She squezzed his hand gently, asking him again.
He heard this time, Confused look suddenly vanishing, a confident one taking over. He answered while sueezing her hand back.
"Yes, doll why wouldnt i be?"
She knew he wasnt, she could see it. The slight twitching of his mouth, The tense shoulders, and jaw. He was faking it. She decided not to talk about it.
"dont know, i thought it might be a hard for you, i mean you are seeing the world after 40 years."
"This is nothing to compared the things i seen doll, dont worry about me. I fought the nazis, i was locking up the assholes even before you were born."
-"yeah, i know B-ben -sorry i mean soldier boy, i read them in your files. Very brave of you."
"Ben is fine." he said smiling slightly.
-"But what about you? Your heart is beating like a bird." He added.
"Oh, shit, of course he can hear it." She told herself.
This was one of his powers.
-"I-its nothing, i always feel nervous in crowds."
-"Is that so? why?"
-"I-i dont know i always been like this."
Whatever you say doll he said, she had a feeling he didnt believe her either.
They walked and talked, he asked her about the things he saw on the street
And she tried to explain them, which was hard.
Especially "rectangle things" that people hold in their hand, or put in their ears very confused him.
-"do you have one too?"
-"yes, i mean i had one, before they took me. I used it mostly to listen to music."
-"you can listen music it with?"
-"yes, we can get you one too, when we have money. Actually i had a bank account, we should check it."
He pointed the wall behind her suddenly, there was poster of a blonde guy with blue eyes.
-"Who is this punk?" He asked. This is the 10th time i seen him today"
"O-oh he is Homelander. The strongest supe"
"Strongest supe?" He scoffed, arrogant expression on his face.
-"People really love him here, more like worship him. I always found him a bit off tho."
-"Why is that?"
-"Dont know, she shrugged her shoulders. Just a feeling i guess."
-"well doll, i agree with you."
He said absently, he was one of them, He knew how different supes were from what media made them seem. Far away from the saints people thought they were.
How would she feel if she knew? He thought to himself.
The things he did.
Would she be afraid of him too, hate him too?.
a sound, made him snap back from his thoughts. a music was coming from a distance:
"За окном кудрявая белая акация, солнышко в окошечке, алым цветом лес
У окна старушечка, лет уже немало, с Воркуты далекой мать сыночка ждет
У окна старушечка, лет уже немало,"
He was almoat hypnotised, starting to walk towards it. Dragging y/n too, with their still interwined hands.
Hearing Russian song made her flinch.
-"Ben where are we going?"
He didnt answer, turning to right,
It was an empty street. Just a truck waiting on the corner. Few boxes with vegetables in it. And a old radio
He halted suddenly looking at the radio.
"-Lets go ben this song is getting on my nerves too." she told him. Pulling him soflty.
but suddenly his bag fell from his shoulder. He leaned forward. Breathing heavily.
-"Ben, whats happening are you hurt?" She half screamed. putting her hand in his forehead,
He was burning.
It was like he wasnt hearing her. Just like in the lab.
His chest started glowing.
She realized in horror. It was happening again. "No, she thought no one can see him they would lock him up again, they would hurt him."
She could never let this happen again.
With shock ,She did the first thing to came her mind again.
She hugged him, with her all strenght. Covering his chest with her body.
And started whispering to his ear.
-"We are not there anymore. We escaped Ben. You are free."
-"you saved me too, you took me to a plane, remember. Remember please,"
She continued to whisper. Brushing his hair. While crying.
Didn't know how much time passed, but eventually his breathing turned back to normal. His body cooled down.
He pulled back slowly, looking at her face. His expression normal and strong again.
But she was far from it. Her whole body trembling. Her lips were quivering, nose red, fat tears on her cheeks.
He wiped them with his fingers. Patting her heas as if she was a cat. As if he wasnt about the explode 2 mins ago.
"lets get out of here doll. I know where to go."
Notes: Guys i forgot my laptop in grandmas house thats why chapter is late. 🤡
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch @mfnqueen1 @ponypickle @butchers-girl @verypostcrown @angelbabyyy99
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billkaulitzwife · 1 month
The Outsiders Coping With a Breakup
(ps guys im not over it leave me alone(i also watched the notebook and i hate myself))
Reading or writing.
How could you ever hurt this little freshman boy he‘s such a sweetheart
He would probably silently cry into a pillow until he thought his lungs were about to collapse or cave in
if this was now … he‘d chain smoke and listen to lana del rey while looking out a moonlit window
he definitely listens to Elvis to get over it.
I don’t know what exactly he would read to get over it but probably some sad ass Edgar Allan Poe. Annabelle Lee lookin ass.
He‘d write the most heart breaking
tear dripping
heavy breathing sad poetry ever.
show him a romance novel.
he’d never stop reading them until he got over it.
just the bare thought of it drives him nuts.
so he reads.
if you hurt this man he would probably hurt himself.
he would dream bout it and wake up in cold sweats, tears running down his face.
in all honesty
i think he‘d be artistic with it
he’d somehow turn each and every single tiny thought into something about you
whether it be thinking about a teddy bear then contorting it into nothing but an image of you and him.
he would never be able to look at the places you went together the same.
he would be an artist.
hand him a pencil and he’ll make your heart break and ache.
might etch and sketch on himself to see if you still care.
ps you obviously do.
Doesn’t know how.
All this man does is sleep, drink, fuck, repeat.
being honest this manwhore is probably gonna screw every hoe in Tulsa to try and get his mind off of it,
but every path leads back to what he knows best.
he would smoke more,
party more,
drink away all his problems, etc before facing a problem head on.
people may see him as this
violent gang member hoodlum kid guy man
but deep down hes really just a kid who wishes he couldve given his momma one more hug
a kid that needed to be loved.
a kid that was never taught how to be loved.
she’s a big ol’ crier, but it doesnt matter since thats not the only way she copes.
she loves to paint and puts every emotion into her paintings.
she may’ve become a kleptomaniac since she needs the supplies.
the curtis boys would
kill you if anything happened to her
one heartbreak and shes done for
love? whats that? it isnt real?
dont hurt her no matter what.
she would also turn to cigarettessss (as if she doesnt smoke enough).
adelaide would develop stage five lung cancer before even admitting that love could in the slightest exist anymore.
soda seems like the kinda guy to go through a breakup and cry a lot
but the only thing that really helped was work.
he’d probably get a raise
yk with how hard and how much he’d be working to get over it.
his siblings would warn him about not overworkimg himself
and guess what.
he didnt listen and got really sick from all the stress.
i know for a fact he would keep away from cigarettes even if someone said they help and he believed it
he would only ever listen to the radio
hoping and praying that when he’d hear a love song he‘d hear your voice
probably the most sane of everybody while dealing with his bs
he wld obviously be heart broken
but not to the point he needed some insane coping mechanism.
he would probably meditate.
i mean this is the sixties cmon he’s either gonna do wxxd
or meditate.
as soon as a thought of you came up and his mind started to panic he would sit on the couch and
he probably has the healthiest coping mechanism he’s definitely got his life together
the others are jealous as fuuuuck
bro wouldnt eat.
every time he thought about the breakup
he thought it was because he was strong enough
or that he was too chubby for his girl.
one time he passed out while on the way to work and the gang freaked out so bad
they couldnt take him to the hospital so they carried him home and stuck a juice box in his mouth
eventually his ass woke up and they all cheered like the war had just ended “HIP HOORAY!”
but then in all seriousness
he needed to get his weight back up so the curtis kids make him eat at their house
even if he says he ate.
theres always snacks for him laying around thay house from then on out
do i have to explain.
in the novel pony said two-bit was famous for shoplifting and his black-handled switchblade…
but for some reason i know he wouldnt shoplift any more.
(he sure did teach adelaide how to tho)
along with his love for “shopping” you gotta remember he’s a heavy alcoholic
he’d drink away all of his problems and thoughts until he blacked out.
his buddies would think its just your average keith
but in all reality he’s really struggling
even though he seems like the usual drunk happy joking guy
okay thanks for watching todays vlog
if u ever need to vent please dont be scared to message me bruv im sure Ik how to help.
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sunrayram · 5 months
hi im so invested in your au!! question, what is alastors relationship like with the other hotel patrons/staff (vaggie, angel, sir pentious)? do you think he likes them more or less than he does in canon? i suppose he and pentious wouldnt have that one sided rivalry sadly </3
and what do you think his relationship with charlie is like? husk and charlie dont really get a lot of scenes together in canon, so do you think he would be the same, or would he be a little more… “attached” to her than husk is in the show? (not really sure how to describe it, but i can see him being even more desperate to escape his leash than he is in canon, considering that hes lost even more power than before)
sorry for all the questions im just urghhhh dooo obsessed (i love roleswap aus)
Hmm ok imma go through each character and describe the relationship, keep in mind that this is like, episode 1 relationships, so not much development has happened yet. This is just Alastor's first impressions and opinions on each character.
Charlie: You are absolutely right, Alastor is definitely invested in Charlie. Honestly it's almost the same as it is in the show, where Alastor is very obviously trying to use Charlie's power to get out of the deal he's stuck in. He's just a lot more desperate about it. He's also actively trying to undermine Charlie's relationship with Husk. He'll often imply that Husk doesn't care about the hotel at all, not like Alastor, of course Alastor cares. Husk will never tell Charlie the truth, but Alastor swears that he totally 100% absolutely will all the time, yesiree!
Vaggie: Alastor does not like Vaggie. Vaggie does not like him. It's a mutual hatred. In the show, Alastor is in control, and so he's able to play and joke and generally hold himself above others. In this AU, he simply doesn't have enough patience or sanity to keep up that sort of facade, so he snaps a lot quicker. Vaggie and Alastor have been seconds away from physical blows before, and if it weren't for Husk and Charlie, they would've destroyed multiple rooms of the hotel.
Angel Dust: Again, Alastor has a SHORT fuse in this AU, so he is not impressed by Angel Dust's flirting. I should mention that Alastor isn't a bartender in this AU, but instead he's like a chef/server on top of running the ads. This is actually the first spot where Alastor and Angel Dust kind've maybe sorta soften towards each other. Alastor hasn't been able to make a lot of recipes from his life in a long time, and he's ecstatic to get back into the kitchen. And Angel Dust, who can always appreciate some good food, is eager to compliment Alastor's work. While Alastor could do without the many variations of "Kiss the cook" that Angel throws at him, he does genuinely appreciate the praise. So like, maybe Angel Dust isn't the worst. Maybe.
Sir Pentious: Alastor likes messing with him. Sir Pentious makes funny noises when you freak him out, and making him squirm makes Alastor feel like maybe he still has some power over his own life!! Really, it's a win-win. Well, for Alastor. Sir Pentious would like some peace, pretty please.
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