#i dont even care that much about her i can usually ignore her but shes also become like a real shitty friend to my bff
lystring · 1 year
found out yesterday that a friend of a friend who ive never really liked for various reasons but mostly because she thinks she's the only one who knows what good music is (which is like mostly classic rock and like "unknown" swedish bands and hates on hiphop and rap a lot as "objectively"bad" music) and looks down on and puts down people quite vocally and regularly like really condescendingly because of this is a huge taylor swift fan 💀
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marcsburnerphone · 1 year
Wish I never came
Captain john price x f!reader
Summary: being johns wife has been full of security and safety and you never thought he’d be the one to taint that.
Warnings: angst(why doesn’t anyone write about how scary price can be when hes angry peepaw is cra), hurt/comfort, 141 task force loves you, price is fucking scary.
Part 2 out now!
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Every first friday of the month you bring the boys and your husband a homemade meal to base. It’s been tradition for almost two years now since the first time you did it on a whim, John begged you for a good roast so you surprised him with some and since there was so much you’d brought the rest for his task.
Today you've perfected the dish gaz asked for, they decided rotations on requests now because it became unfair when soap requested meals only he liked 4 months in a row.
You packed all 4 meals in airtight thermal containers and put them in the car before heading towards base about 2 hours away. The military police men greeted you by first name when you arrived and buzzed you in.
“I've never been happier to see someone in my life.” soap rushes you and traps you in a hug while gaz takes the two bags from your hands.
“Good afternoon, wheres simon and john?” you greet both of them with smiles something that was relieving to see in a place like this. The common area was empty during this time of day so it was clear they weren't here.
Before they could answer simon came in, eyes looking more exhausted than usual. He gives a weak attempt at an ‘hello love’ a common and yet sweet name they’d picked up for you.
“I honestly wouldn't go into his office right now hes a little um on edge i’d say.” he grabs his thermal bowl from the bag its always the black one, this way they dont fight over which bowl has more.
“Nonsense simon he’s my husband, im just going to bring him this and be on my way.” simon shook his head turning a satisfied groan at the taste of real food in his mouth to a disapproving one at your persistence.
“love maybe listen he’s under a lot of pressure right now, its really not the time.” gaz interrupts simons beginning of a sentence.
Without another word you just grab his bowl and a fork setting off torwars his office which at this point you could get to blind.
“Are we just going to let her do that.” gaz looks to the two men.
“We warned and she’s right thats her husband i mean worst he’ll do is ignore her, loves her too much to hurt her.” ghost grumbles.
The air is tense on your way down the hall but you approach his door regardless as the familiar scent of a lit cigar fills your senses. You give two knocks before walking in.
“Hey just brought you some lunch.” you say quietly as you walk in observing the splay of files on the floor and desk.
He grunts and doesn't even spare you a look which yeah it stings but it was expected.
“Okay then can I leave it right here?” you point at a spot on a coffee table thats somewhat clear.
“Do whatever you want with it, mm not hungry.” he says lowly while taking another drag from his cigar letting the ash fall freely.
“So should i just leave it in the kitchen, i can just-.” you didn't know why you were rambling or nervous even john had only ever made you feel safe. 
“I fuckin said do what you please with it, I’m busy.” the tone made you shiver, and yes maybe you should've just left it and talked to him later but this wasn't a behavior from him you've ever experienced.
“John I-” 
“Jesus fucking christ take the food, leave the food I dont fucking care but get the fuck out of here as soon as you can thankyou!” His voice makes you flinch as he throws a stack of papers on the floor with an unneeded force, he yelled at you for the first time ever and you couldn't even process it. Was time bending or had the air become thin, you didn't know but you took a few weary steps back towards the door and left the food by the entrance on the floor finally closing it, once you were back in the hallway air found it’s way to your lungs as you took a deep breath.
“Hey its okay come on.” gaz was there gently caressing your arm along with the two others catching up behind him in the distance.
They never thought hed talk to you like that but right when they heard that deep threatening drawl boom from the common area gaz was the first one up and out. He was always overly protective of you.
You weren't crying, no but you wanted to. You just closed your eyes for what felt like ages and whispered an ‘I’m okay’ and left without another word.
Once you reached the comfort of your own car your heart caught up with the speed of your brain and tears poured, the last time you’d cried like this had been in childhood. Without another second you sped around the lot and out of the exiting gates wishing you'd never entered them in the first place.
You got a call not so long into your way home, maybe five minutes if you estimated correctly and you almost gagged at the picture of you and john that popped up as he rang you.
The boys were the ones to call next but you just dazed out on the long road ahead, disassociated from the outside world around you. You stopped at a cafe you particularly enjoyed in a town near your home needing to clear your thoughts. 
Price had waited and even started counting seconds to see if you'd pop up on the ring camera he installed to keep an eye on you, it brought him comfort especially when you'd make cute gestures at it or talk to him through it as you brought groceries inside. But now you should've been home an hour ago at most and still no sign of you.
He had not comprehended how loud he could get and he really only snapped out of it when soap appeared in his office with a very disapproving look. Then he finally noticed the look of fear in your eyes or how the sweet smile you always wore was a frown and then his gaze made it to the container he’d grown so familiar with by the door.
“FUCK!” he could cry grown man tears, he spoke to you how he sometimes speaks to his soldiers and the strings in his heart felt like they were on the verge of combusting.
“You fucked up captain.” soap added to the fuel before leaving his office.
Anyone feel that chest pain.
Re-blogs and feedback are appreciated 🫶
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turvi · 2 months
Hi, i really love your ss x reader. MASTERPIECE ✨✨. Can i request this, young severus accidentally shout and slap reader because he is not in the mood to deal with reader after he got bullied by marauders, reader's feeling kinda hurt and she didn't get to tell him she is going to be transferred to other school (beauxbatons) and her feelings. She graduated and become a astronomy professor there after 10 years, then albus wants the reader back to teach at Hogwarts. She then came across into severus, he shocked at her but she just give cold shoulder because of the past. After a few months, Severus then realized what he did to her then says his apologise and his feeling towards reader, he regrets what he did to reader and reader accept it. Kisses and hugs and gazing stars together. You can ignored this if you dont want to or the request is closed😀🔫
She placed her palm on her cheek. It felt warm. But not the one that would comfort her. Tears threaten to spill from her eyes but she closes closes her eyes. She heard him immediately repeating the words sorry but the voice that used to feel like a balm on her pain felt like it was clawing her soul now. Y/n walks away not looking behind, letting her tears fall.
Severus stood there watching the one person who had accepted him turn her back on him. The worst part is that there is no one else to blame but himself. He let the marauders get to him and finally snapped and took it out on Y/n. Part of him wanted to go after her but he knew he didn't deserve her forgiveness.
The following days were hell for Severus. Hogwarts had already been hell for him and Y/n his warm sunshine that helped him get through this hell. But he doesn't have anyone else to blame except himself for how her eyes avoid him as if they were strangers and had not shared their secrets under moonlight far away from everyone. What makes it worse he has not seen her at all. He has looked for her everywhere but no trace of his beloved.
That was until one night he was walking in the corridor and bumped into Dumbledore. The headmaster of Hogwarts felt his heart break as Severus seemed more pale than usual. "Severus, what are you doing here so late at night."
"I don't feel like sleeping" his voice was hoarse
"Are you unwell?"
Severus huffed, he just wanted to have one glance at Y/n. "No...I". Severus couldn't even gather the courage to look into Dumbledore's eyes. He was ashamed of what he had done.
"Severus...what is the matter," Dumbledore asked calmly
Severus groaned, admitting defeat to his inner demons "I can't find Y/n. I messed up....well that is an understatement. I....." He felt tears threatening to leave his eyes but ultimately he couldn't stop the tears when he felt Dumbledor's walk palm on his arm.
"I raised hand at my Y/n....I slapped her." he acknowledged it. Severus couldn't understand if that made it better, but he hated this feeling. He couldn't stop the tears falling down his cheeks. He expected Dumbledore to yell at him, scream at him but he put his hands on his arms.
Severus gulped "The marauders. They got on my nerves. I didn't mean to-" he clenched his eyes "It doesn't matter. I can't find her. I have to talk to her."
His heart drops. Severus could feel an uneasy heat in his body. "you know where she is"
"She has been transferred to Beauxbatons. She asked me to do so."
Severus sinks down to the floor. He had lost her and now all he could do was stay in darkness and watch time pass by. Dumbledore walks away after all time heals all wounds.
Time didn't heal Severus' wounds. As each year passed he couldn't care less about living. But he lives...he lives for his duty, he lives for the slight hope that maybe he will see her again. Perhaps he will get to hold her in her arms and let her know that he will spend the rest of his life and the lives after that just to let her know how much he loves her, he lives for her.
Just as Severus begrudgingly made his way to the great hall he heard a familiar voice. No. No, it can't be.
He has never run so fast recently, maybe just in youth to escape Potter and his friends. Severus saw her. There she was standing, with warm sunshine bathing her. Y/n L/n. His hand clenched when his eyes fell on her cheeks. Severus is familiar with the feeling of self-hatred, but he loathes himself forever raising his hand to her. So even if his heart was screaming to run to her and take her in his arms, he knew your love for him ended right here in this corridor.
Y/n's eyes fell on him. His heart breaks as her smile drops. Severus knew he deserved it. Suddenly there is a familiar burn on his arm, he endures it. It's a risk he is willing to take to let her know he regrets what he did. "Y/n" his voice boomed across the corridor, she ignores the familiar chill that ran down her spine.
"Severus?" He immediately stopped. It was like she had control over his body. Her eyes. Severus wished he could stop time just so he could look into her eyes, hoping to find a sliver of love for him.
Severus didn't know how to win your heart back. She was about to speak up when he got on his knees, looking at her defeatedly. For the first time since becoming a death eater, Severus looked weak as he looked for mercy from the woman in front of him.
"Severus! What are you doing?" she immediately ran towards him
"Please forgive me." he folds his hand
"Severus...get up"
"There was not one second where I did not regret my action. I love you Y/n...I really do. I shouldn't have raised my hand on you. I don't ever want to raise my hand at you. Please even if you will never love me...please forgive me...I can't live like this." his voice cracks
Y/n looks at him. Even though she missed him, he still broke her heart.
"Say something, please," Severus asked desperately. "I can tolerate anything but not this silence. I have hurt you my love I know. But please give me one chance. One chance to prove how much I regret breaking your heart...how much I love you."
Y/n wipes tears from his cheeks that Severus didn't know were there. "one chance"
Severus held her hands as he gently tugged her towards the Astronomy Tower.
"Wasn't it enough that I have to spend my day here now you bring me here at night?"
He softly smiles, his velvety voice feeling like a warm blanket to Y/n "I am here making an effort to earn your apology. It doesn't matter how many years it takes but I will do everything to show you how much I mean it."
Severus' breath shuddered as he felt her lips on his forehead. He held back his urge to hold her. Not now. There will be time for that. For now, he was happy to sit beside her and listen to her talk as the stars glimmered in the night sky.
A/N: I am so sorry for the late response I have a big dissertation going on. REBLOG AND COMMENTS APPRECIATED
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You should make one where Wanda and nat get taken by the snap and it leaves there 14 year old daughter for her to grow up alone, later when they return there surprised to see her grow up at first they dont even recognize her because she turns out to be a cold badass. You can add some angst of her not being able to trust them and so on. But over time there family dynamic falls back but they notice y/n is hiding something because she always disappears and is seen talking on the phone. One night they think they hear talk in y/n’s room so they wait a few hours before they check it out and its y/n being super cute with her gf. she introduce her gf who helped her through the snap.
5 years is a long time
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masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: WandaNat x daughter reader
warnings: grieve, loss, pain
genre: angst, fluff
words: 2093
a/n: thank you so much anon for the request. I love the idea and I hope you like it 🫶
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
Tears. That’s all you remember. The endless crying of that night. Your moms had told you they had to leave for a while to fight an important battle. They told you they would be back. They lied. 
You remember Steve coming to your home. The home you grew up in. The home you three had lived in for your entire life. You were excited when you heard the door open. You thought your moms had returned. They hadn’t.
Steve was standing in the door opening, and the look on his face alone was enough to make you cry. So that’s what you did. For the entire night you did nothing but cry. You couldn’t believe your moms would break their promise. You couldn’t believe your moms would never hold you again. 
Steve had taken you out of your home that night. He said he wanted you to stay with him, so you would be safe. He told you it’s what your moms would’ve wanted, but you had no interest in listening to him. You didn’t sleep that night. What happened wouldn’t leave your brain. You were devastated. 
After a few weeks in the compound, you had started feeling angry. The first few days you felt numb, and you supposed feeling angry was better than that, but in reality it wasn’t.
You would ignore Steve. You wouldn’t eat or take care of yourself. All you could be was angry, and you and Steve fought all the time. After two months, you decided to leave. You were a few weeks away from your fifteenth birthday, and Steve was trying to get you excited for it, but you didn’t want to be.
Usually, you would be so excited you couldn’t sleep, but this time you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Steve talked about it non-stop, and you just couldn’t take it. What was the point in celebrating your birthday if the most important people wouldn't be there?
That was when you decided to leave. 
You found an apartment in Seattle, wanting to be as far away from the compound as you could. That’s where you lived for the past 5 years. You were 19 now, and your life was different than it was when the snap happened.
You used your training to kill. You found that killing people was the only way to ease your anger, ease your thirst for revenge. 
You weren’t proud of it. How could you? Your moms had taught you how to fight to protect, not hurt. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care, however. Your moms were gone. There was no reason in thinking about what they would or wouldn’t agree with. 
You were currently sitting on your couch, cleaning some of your knives. You had another successful assignment yesterday and you were exhausted. There was a lot of commotion in the world, and your assignments were flooding. It seemed that suddenly everyone wanted each other dead. You didn’t know why, but then again, you didn’t follow the news.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at your door. Besides Charlie, no one knew where you lived, and she wasn’t set to come home for another few days. 
Hesitantly, you opened your door, and you almost broke at the sight. 
In front of you were two people. Two people who you believed you’d never see again. Wanda gasped, clearly shocked by the wounds you carried on your face. Maybe the fact you’d grown 5 years shocked her too. Natasha just stared. She couldn’t believe it. Their little girl was all grown up, but that isn’t what shocked them the most. 
The emptiness in your eyes did. 
Wanda made the first move to hug you, and in your shock you didn’t react. You hadn’t thought this day would ever come, and now it did. 
Natasha seemed to snap out of her shock, moving to embrace you as well. 
They cried. You didn’t.
When they moved into your apartment you were quick to clean the knives from your coffee table. You were afraid of how they would react. You knew they would be disappointed, but you just weren’t ready for a lecture of them yet. 
Natasha and Wanda stayed in your guest room, and much like the night you lost them, you were awake. You couldn’t sleep, and you knew they wouldn’t be able to either.
The next day Natasha and Wanda had convinced you to move back into their apartment. They kept telling you how sorry they were for leaving, and how they wanted to make up for all the years they lost. You agreed, moving back into your childhood home. You didn’t know how you’d react if they ever were to return, but you never expected to feel so… numb.
You had lived together for a few days now, and you had a hard time trusting them. You fought a few times already, mainly with Natasha. You refused to call them mom and mama again. You just couldn’t. Wanda was just trying to be there for you, while Natasha was more set on getting answers.
You were frustrated. You couldn’t provide your moms with any answers. You didn’t have any. 
Last night you and Natasha fought again, and she yelled at you saying she couldn't recognise you anymore. You were lost. You didn’t know how to react.
All those nights you wished your moms would return to you, and wishing things would go back to the way they were. Now you wished things would go back to the way they were after they disappeared. You didn’t want to face them, and living with them again after so many years proved to be much more difficult than you initially thought. 
Most nights you spend in your room, talking to the only person that stayed the same through all of it. 
You spoke to Charlie most nights. She was the only person you had found comfort with all this time. The only person you felt you could trust, and the only person you felt you could be yourself around.
Charlie lost both of her parents in the snap as well, and when you were on an assignment one day to kill a dangerous man, you had found Charlie in one of the rooms in his house.
She was locked up, and she looked sick. You had taken her home with you, caring for her wounds. She didn’t speak much, only thanking you when appropriate. You didn’t mind much. You were happy you could still do some good. You were both 17 at the time, and you grew close quickly. 
Charlie had told you what happened. How she lost her parents and the man had taken her. You offered her to stay with you, and she agreed. You grew closer quickly, and your friendship soon developed into something more. 
Charlie was the only person you cared about. The only person you could be yourself around. The only person you loved through those years. 
Charlie had reminded you of your humanity, and she never scolded you for doing what you did. 
It’s funny, really. All those nights you spend on your own, in the bed of your new apartment, you longed to be laying in your own bed, with your moms downstairs. Now, while you were lying in the bed of your childhood home, with your moms downstairs, you longed for the nights in your own apartment. Spend watching movies and eating cheap take out with Charlie. 
You hadn’t told your moms about Charlie yet. You didn’t know how to. You didn’t know you wanted to.
Your moms were downstairs, discussing your behavior. Wanda was crying. She felt so incredibly hurt by the fact you called her ‘Wanda’ now. She missed the days you called her mommy. When you would come running downstairs all excited because you had a random thought you felt like Wanda should know. 
Her and Natasha were talking about how you seemed so closed off. So cold. How you were always in your room and how it seemed like you were hiding something.
Tonight, while you were on a call with Charlie, Natasha had decided to check on you, wanting to talk to you about their concerns. When she reached your room, she could hear you talking to someone. She decided not to knock on the door, instead opening it to see you lying on your bed, with your back turned to the door. You didn’t notice she was standing there, to captivated by your phone call.
You were giggling, and Natasha wasn’t sure when she last heard you laugh. 
Natasha just stood there, soaking up your happiness. When you ended the phone call, you told Charlie ‘I love you’, which didn’t go unnoticed by Natasha.
When you turned around you were startled, and when you released Natasha was eavesdropping you were upset. 
“I’m sorry,” Natasha told you, and you sighed, sitting up in your bed. Natasha sat at the end of your bed, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by sitting too close. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it’s just been a while since I’ve seen you laugh.”
“I’m sorry too,” you told her, not wanting to look at her.
“I understand it must’ve been hell for you, and it must have been so confusing, even now we’re back. It’s confusing for us too. A few weeks ago you were our little 14 year old girl, and now you’re all grown up. I’m sorry we don’t know how to help you, and I’m sorry we weren’t there,” Natasha told you with tears in her eyes. 
You sniffled and shook your head. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been a terrible daughter. I was never mad at you. I’m just so angry, and I didn’t know how to handle that,” you explained to her, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Natasha pulled you into a hug, the first you’d had since the night they returned. You cried together, and Wanda, who probably heard the crying, came upstairs and sat next to you on the other side. 
You kept crying, repeating ‘I’m sorry’ until you were so tired you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. 
You fell asleep in their arms, and when you woke up, they were still there. 
You had all moved down to the kitchen for breakfast, and for the first time in 5 years, you were eating breakfast together, talking. There was no tension, no crying, no fighting and no yelling. Just talking.
“So who was that girl on the phone yesterday?” Natasha suddenly asked you. 
You looked up at her quickly, surprised with her question. “What?” you asked her confused. “Yesterday you were talking on the phone with a girl. You seemed really happy.” 
You looked at your plate, pushing the leftover fruit around on it. “We’re not mad, just curious,” Wanda told you. “Her name’s Charlie. She’s kinda my girlfriend,” you told your moms hesitantly.
You didn’t look at them, but you felt Wanda scooting her chair closer, engulfing you in a hug. “We’re so happy for you!” she exclaimed, and you relaxed in her arms. “Thanks,” you mumbled. Natasha sat down in the chair on the other side of you, rubbing your back. “Where is she now?” Natasha asked. 
“Still in Seattle. We lived together in that apartment,” you told her, sitting up straight again. 
“We should invite her over, if you want too,” Wanda suggested. You nodded. “I’d like that,” 
Two days later Charlie was standing in front of your door again, and she hugged you tight. “I’ve missed you,” you murmured. She nodded, kissing your forehead. 
When she let you go, she noticed your moms standing behind you. Natasha was the first one to introduce herself, telling her it was nice to meet her. Wanda was next, giving her a small hug. 
You had dinner that night, the four of you, and after finding out you had lived together for 2 years, Wanda suggested she should stay for a while. Charlie agreed, and you couldn’t be happier. The night was ended with movies, you in Charlie’s arms, just like all those other nights. The only difference was your moms sitting next to you, smiling at the wonderful young woman you’d grown into. 
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
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No sign of Rain.
Not easy living with the fact that you hurt someone you just wanted to protect, isnt it.
More context under the cut!
Tldr: 3 realizes that forcing 4 away from the Platoon after Sploon2 the way they did wasnt the best choice. That forcing her to ignore what had happened had most likely contributed to her unable to cope with life beyond war.
(The comic above is from after Sploon3/SO! Situation described below is post Sploon2/OE.)
3 and 4 have been doing missions together awhile. 4s been able to handle herself well, but theres a moment where she trips up and gets hurt a lil more than usual. Like, its to the point where she needs to be taken off the field awhile.
"|Im sorry.|"
"Heh? Three, if it wasnt for you, Id be dead. What are you saying sorry for?"
"|...if it werent for me going away when Octavio stole the Zapfish again...youd never have been dragged into this mess.|"
"Thats not your fault, Three. Cap'n called you away."
3 sighs... "|Still...you couldve been living a life where you never have to worry about your life being put in this much danger.
Or anyone else's life, for that matter.|"
4s the one whos quiet now, as she glances away. 3 does have a point... "...I guess so, yeah. But that wouldve meant that Id never have met you."
Silence sits between them awhile, until 3 grunts softly, to get 4 to look at them again. "|I want you to promise me something.|"
"What is it?"
"|When things settle down again, I want you to leave.|"
"|Live your life away from this. This danger, this war, this...everything.|"
"And leave YOU? Three, you cant do things alone anymore, you KNOW it!"
A clack of their beak. "|Im more capable than you think, Four. Dont think less of me.|"
"Im not- Im not thinking less of you!! Im just stating the facts!"
3s making a low gurgling noise. Its a similar sound an inkfish makes before spitting ink. A sound that says "dont test me."
"Three, Im not leaving. Its already happened... everything -- Octaria, the zapfish, the metro -- its all happened, and I cant just...go back after all of that."
"|Yes, you can. You still can. Youve a life outside this. Why else are you late enough that Marie has given up reprimanding you?|"
4 backs down...3s right. Again.
"...and what about you? Why dont you leave, too? Once...everything is stable."
3s ears droop. "|...theres nothing left for me. Ive thrown my lot with the NSS for as long as I remember. My team barely even recognizes me these days.|"
A silent beat goes by between them again.
"|So promise me. Promise me.| Rain." They rasp her name, making sure she gets the point. "|Promise me you'll live. Promise me you'll go back up there. You said you wanted to go to college -- go. Dont look back. Dont become like me.
I dont want you to become like...this.|"
They gesture to their scar. Their tentacles, forever stained marbled cyan.
4 can see in the gesture the pain they hid in their hearts. The regret. The guilt.
"Live." they rasp, So quietly."Live. Promise me."
"I dont want to leave you alone."
"|Ive been in this war since Ive hatched, and Ive done things on my own before you were dragged into this. You deserve none of this bullshit.|"
"You dont deserve it either!"
3 grips her shoulders. pleading with her. "Promise me. Please promise me. That youll leave."
4 shakes her head. Resolute.
"Im sorry...I cant promise that to you. Youre my friend, Tanara. Im not letting you do this alone."
3... leans against her, defeated. Burying their face into her shoulder. Theyre shaking their head, clutching on her tight.
"...I-Im sorry, I...Ill be more careful next time. Okay? I can...I can promise you that much."
3 remains silent. Thats not what they want. They want her to be safe forever.
"...this really means a lot to you, huh?
Ill...Ill think about it."
She does eventually decide to leave. Things were looking up for awhile, and missions are much lighter. She can dare to dream bigger now. That and...she cant stand seeing 3 looking so guilty whenever she says something abt her life on the surface.
None of it is their fault. Any of this. But they still feel that theyre taking her away from her "real life".
When she said that shes leaving the platoon, 3s look of jubilation both relieved and pained her. Then a thought hit her, right there.
"...Wait...all this time- did you just want to get rid of me? D-did you not want to be friends anymore?"
3 shakes their head. "|Rain, I asked you to live your dreams as a friend.
Your safety would be guaranteed. Youd be able to happily live your dreams without worry.|"
"...Will I ever see you again?"
3 sighs. "|...hopefully not.|"
4 gasps.
"|No- no-! Not because I dont want to see you-|"
"Tanara, youre making it hard for me to believe that youre doing this for me. What kind of life would I have if youre not there? Not a happy one, Im telling you!!!"
3s shaking as they sign. Trying so hard to keep their breaking mask tight.
"|Im a soldier, Rain. And Ill likely be one til the day I die.
I dont want to drag you back into this mess. I dont want you to get hurt, because of me.|"
Why is it that they always have a point? 4 despairs at the fact.
"So this means goodbye..?"
"|Weve got some days left. Lets make them count.|"
A smile. A bittersweet one.
These teenagers goddamn. 3 doesnt understand fully that shit still happened and one cant just leave and pretend nothing had transpired. Or maybe they felt they didnt deserve to have someone as good as 4.
Theyre ruthless in a sense that they know what their goals are. Their goal was to keep the world safe for everyone else to live. And if it means sacrificing their friendship with 4, so be it. If shes safe, their goal is met. Doesnt matter what either of them feel about it. (I suppose 4 getting injured really pushed them to make that choice.)
And 4... yeah, leaving was the smart choice for her personal growth, but agreeing with 3 to sacrifice their friendship wasnt the best choice to agree to. She felt like she cant argue 3 out of that decision they made for the both of them...so she just followed it.
"|Look alive, Rain. Your brand new life awaits you.|"
Thats why theyre so flabbergasted and upset that she came back. It felt like that time they spent alone, that sacrifice they made, was all in vain...
"Im sorry, Three. It sucked being away from you. It really did. I failed to live there...maybe my life is really meant to be lived here. On duty.
With you."
Are they disappointed that she failed her brand new life? No, never. They gave her the chance to run away from it all, but she came crawling back after doing so. If she felt that her life is here, after trying something else, so be it.
Thats what convinced them enough to allow 4 to return to duty. Theyll keep her safe another way. They also cant hide from themself the fact that theyre happy to see her again after so long.
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Various crps x reader who struggles w/ self care
I miss old creepypasta fandom sometimes (unrelated to the post)
Characters: slenderman, eyeless jack, nina the killer, masky
Notes: reader is GN, can be read as romantic or platonic, very self indulgent for the admin but hes keeping it mostly open/vague so those can also enjoy this, admin uses any pronouns for nina
CWs: none
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still in love with the idea that hes not fully aware of your needs as a human but hes knows the bare basic minimum- something about him not being a human himself and not regularly interacting with them to know what to look out for blah blah blah/lh
notices youre a little more down than usual and he does his best to find out whats wrong- are you sick? tired? hurt? is his human okay? its kind of like seeing someone fret over their pet, except its this old cryptid and his human friend
mostly stands off to the side and quietly passes you some water and snacks, keeps your glass full so you dont have to keep getting up- or a bottle of water if you would prefer!
though its not unlikely for him to get more assertive with his care, he might just pull you away from bed and try to get you cleaned up. if you let him hes going to be doing everything for you
will interfere with outside things so you can have a day to yourself to rest and recover (ex. fizzing out work calls, messing with any electronics if anyone is bothering you, ect ect, god forbid someones actually making you feel horrible on purpose)
very good at reminding you to drink water and take your meds (if you have them), i like to think that sometimes he lives vicariously through you because you can still eat human foods and that bleeds into generally what you need to put in your body-
what i mean to say is that he is great at keeping track of things for you if you struggle with it! time, energy, or just not having the motivation, hes making sure you get what you need even if you cant do it yourself
does his best to get you some extra boost of vitamins and stuff in an attempt to boost your energy/mood, obviously he knows its not going to be a magic fix but its better than nothing.. hes the one cooking though! for reasons that align with the first bullet point!
very straight forward and blunt when asking if theres anything wrong, he can come off as disinterested or annoyed based off of his tone but genuinely hes trying his best to help you open up... jack himself isnt used to opening up so he doesnt have much experience being gentle and soft
brushes through your hair before you both go to bed
nina can be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to this sort of thing as they tend to not... take very good care of themselves.. though its mostly out of not remembering to keep to a routine
does her best to get you to go out and do something with her that will eventually lead to you taking care of yourself in some way- asking you out for lunch or doing an activity that gets you extremely messy so you have to go take a shower
if your lack of proper self care is caused by any personal struggles you may be facing, nina makes it more than clear that you can go to them to talk
easily the most non judgmental person ever, you can tell her nearly everything and shes not going to think of you any differently
opens up about her own struggles to make you feel less alone
THE monarch of reminding you to take your meds, if you have them
watches you from the side like a cat, kind of just keeps an eye on you throughout the day to make sure you're still kicking
will push a plate of snacks and your meds to you- like a cursed little charcuterie board!
he would make you a meal but ignoring the fact hes not a good cook at all, he feels it would be easier on you to just have snacks.. better something than nothing
will keep you in bed if youre tired or sore, will keep you pinned to him if he needs to- you might just take it as him wanting to cuddle...
and he never cuddles so to you this is a once in a blue moon experience!
or do you need to get up and stretch? hes going to do something to get you up, be it pestering you until you come to get him to pipe down or trying to get your assistance for something
might even lift his mask up next to you to get you to brush his teeth with him
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d4rkpluto · 10 months
i've returned to post about a particular subject i've been fighting to or not to post, because i used to consider this person the closest person in my life and i even considered her as a best friend and a sister.
and we have fallen out and apologised to each other many times, but perhaps whenever we argued it was life telling me that she is not supposed to be in my circle. and you could be wondering why am i bringing this up and telling tumblr this but im telling tumblr this to be aware of @couerardent and her scamming behaviour.
couerardent also known as MYSTIICWINTER OR MYSTICWIINTER.
[other people have come to me and spoke about how bad her services were, but i tried to overlook it because i really cared for her, lessoned learn]
i have always been empathetic towards ardent and her money situation, but there are moments when excuses turn into reasons to not do something. on august, i sent alex money because she needed it, but she also said in return she will give me 4 packs she usually gives her clients and she told me she would give me my money back.
first pack is "tell me your story."
second and other packs she hadnt told me what they were but she informed me that i'll be receiving them weekly since august, and now its november.
at first i was empathetic, since i used to be close to ardent, i knew she went through a lot of stuff at home, so i was patient. until august turned into september, and september turned into october and then october turned into novemeber.
and slowly i became annoyed, [as i should] because her services arent even long or good, as someone who gives chart readings to other people that consists more than fourteen pages, the effort to write that would take long, but ardent doesnt even give five pages for her services, three at most, so why is it taking her so long?
previously, she has joked to me about scamming other people, but would put the blame on them and not want to take accountability until they start using threats to expose her, i think she deleted the making fun of scamming them but here is some of it:
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and when i would message her for updates about my reading because it'll take months, she would ignore me and even change her pfp on tumblr or discord, until i reach out to her on more platforms to get her attention.
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and what would annoy me even more is that she would talk about how she never has something to do or would focus on other stuff knowing she needs to get my reading done lmao and this would be like 1-2 months after i was supposed to receive any of it lol.
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worrying about the layout for almost 3 months PLEASE.
i have received 1/4 readings, and that was now almost 2-3 weeks ago, we should've been on my 2nd or 3rd reading by now, the only reason i have received 1 reading is because i did threaten to expose her if she didnt send the money or reading my way, because even i had some issues because living in london has gotten really difficult and i have been trying to support my family as much as i can, but im doing better right now.
its all about the principle. and she has none of that. and even attempted to victimise herself and behave like she was in distress whenever she got called out about her behaviour.
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she lost track of time, the time being 3-4 months lol.
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and when i was speaking to her she ignored me for a bit again ha, it was almost comedic. for almost two weeks she didnt try and check what i was speaking about.
she has gotten ill, but this was still months after.
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and i have remembered, she has used much of her earned money to fund for her nose job but also uni, but during the moments it was best to pay me back was at the job she said paid her well, she informed me that when she gets paid by her job she'll pay me back, and she never did and ended up quitting the job.
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[the unfairness i was speaking about is how uni her country dont do student finances, she's from romania, because they do in the uk it was just a surprise].
i asked her recently on how i was supposed to receive a reading but she didnt reply but change her pfp on whatsapp and discord, again.
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if there is any confused people comment please because i did this half asleep lmao
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serxinns · 3 months
Hey it’s lil ol me 🤭
And I was wondering if you could do a Yandere pro hero 1A class with a civilian reader (Like reader and the 1A pro hero are like 26 or 27) and civilian reader is like a loser even at their old age is still treated like a nobody and lonely 😔 and single
Love ya, Swirly 🫰
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Let's just say they'll be scooping you off the street like a wounded stray cat and mf SPOIL you
You were just walking to your boring dead-end job you didn't have time for your looks, clothing, and body due to you being burnt out and stuff you wanted to be a hero but your toxic parents forbid you to even tho you had a potential quirk but your parents would punish you by loclimg you away with no food whikemyour siblings were spoiled
For the past 16 years, they began pushing you to do a lot of house chores and work, taking care of your siblings even if most were older and could simply take care of themselves until you finally ran away, deciding to get a job at 17 and a crappy apartment at 19 and now you're here 26 years old alone in a crappy apartment watching how heroes get praised and worshipped with their good deeds while you get ignored and werid stares at your workplace and some even make mean comments about you then going home doing the same thing rotting away
But one day you were on your way to work you bumped into a short brown-haired girl making her drop her papers everywhere "I'm sorry!" You frantically tried to pick up her files stacking them needly and in the order while everyone was in shocked whispering to each other even surprised by your appearance, you quickly handed them to her bowing your head, and quickly walked away to avoid any more trouble, "Wait!" The girl ran up to you and grabbed you by the shoulder you quickly turned to her realizing who she was,
there was uravity in her hero Costume brightly smiling at you you quickly blushed when you saw her she was one of your favorite heroes You had some of her merch you admired her bravery and battle techniques "Can you tell me where the (company name) is? I promise to meet them to make a deal about something!" "Oh, it's actually where I-I worked at i can give you the directions of where it is" the pro hero smiled brightly again "Oh thank you so much!" She said lightly hugging you which you said thanks and looked away still blushing a bit
While you were explaining the directions Ochako even wasn't paying attention but admiring how pretty your face was up close observing each and everything about it like it was an important life lesson
"Hey, why don't I drive you to work? For helping me out with so much plus I dont want you to suffocate on the train" she asked while other people stared at you with jealousy, rage, and envy, you gulped "n-no I'm good I'm used to taking the train and I don't wanna waste anymore of your time" "Oh no I insist really! Come on! We don't wanna be late! She didn't wait for your answer just pulled you into her car and quickly drove away
while driving the two of you got to know each other, well mostly you telling her about your interests and her happily listening to them and making sure to list them down heck she managed to get you to exchange each other's phone numbers! And the 2 of you parted ways
Ever since you met the pro hero you got so much closer than ever Ochako would spam text you to see if you were ok or fed she would buy you some of your favorite foods and when you asked to pay her back she kindly declined after all she just wants to spoil you during as days turn to weeks she started to develop an unhealthy obsession with you and her colleagues aka other pro hero's started to notice as well especially with her usual behavior
So one day Momo decided to go walk with Momo even tho Ochako seemed bitter about it and kept making excuses Momo didn't back down when the two ladies arrived at your workplace everyone else was squealing, running to get an autograph, or trying to get a casual conversation with them but they ignore it there momo saw you busy with files and not minding the chaos happing in front of you, you looked look precious, so adorable little thing, she just wanted to spoil you rotten,
As the days pass you and Momo coincidently met and start getting along and Momo becomes friends quickly you then meet with the whole pro heroes at the time spending time with each of them obliviously unaware of their jealously and envy towards each other trying to piss each other off with different ways to spend time with you
Like Ochako your best friend was dragging you to all sorts of stores buying you skincare accessories and giving you a glow-up altogether and after all that she offered you her merch that you love whenever the two of you made eye contact she felt like she just wanna fly you up to the moon and have a romantic picnic with just of the Two of you she would invite you to spas to make your skin glow brighter then it used to be
Momo would invite you to little tea parties in expensive fancy areas with cute animals to smother up while you eat your treats and would occasionally sneak a pic or two while you weren't watching so she could add that to her collection, she always dreamed of you purposing to her with any kind of ring and she's head over heels she just wanna tied you up and with force dress you up in your wedding outfit while she's buy the most poofy expensive wedding dress and marry you
Izuku and (mostly Shoto) Shoto was a quiet and monotone guy who liked talking about his books his favorite is polar bears and would show them off to you while giving you interesting facts about them, seeing your face focus on him and what he has to say warms his heart a lot and imagines the two getting married and having a baby pet polar bear together, He would take you to expensive areas you to expensive areas or buying you many outfits for yourself or your fashion choice and would flustered himself when you showed it off to him making his desire for you grow
izuku was a nice and talkative guy who just wanna spend time with you even if it'd awkward he was always there to make it less awkward and more fun, he liked to take you to Little Ice Cream thinking they were little dates just him and you sharing each other's ice cream holding hands then tasting the ice cream on his lips-, he started to get flustered just the thought of it! But don't let the gentle giant fool you he's easily jealous and very clingy, especially with Bakugo and his little mutt Kirishima
Bakugo on the other hand at 1st you thought he hated you because of his brash and easily-tempered personality but you then kinda realized that he does like you.. or keep you around since he always never leaves you alone like a love-and-hate relationship it's complicated cause at 1st he would make fun of how skinny your body is and then he brought you some of your favorite lunch in your favorite color bento which was sweet? The two of you had got your ways of getting along with each other
Kirishima on the other hand is the opposite he is your number one go-to when you need encouragement he would at times take you for a woke or train filling you with praises every here and then and making sure you drink plenty of water and giving you cute little nicknames like precious or crystal cause if he's a tough rock you a crystal sharp and shining bright! He would call you any time of crystal he can know! But he and bakugo can be VERY VERY protective especially when it comes to what's there's if anyone even look at your way its 6 feet under or black mail
Izuku and Shoto and Bakugo and Kirishima would try showing off to you by showing off their quirks when you're in the public crowd cheering for them a bit making their heart race a bit knowing their darling is right there admiring a show they're putting on for you~
Next is Sero he's a sly slick dude with a dirty mind whenever you say something he will pull a "that's what she said joke" every chance he can get, he sometimes gives you private Spanish lessons which he would put you on his lap while he teaches you a few things and also whispering little Spanish nicknames he came up with whikenyounwere just sweating in embrassment "Carino" "amor", "corazon" some words you didn't understand but he did and those were wishes and promises that was gonna make once he have you all to his self you were his Vida mia
Mina was your logical party girl always driving in her hot pink Ferrari honking impatiently while you literally glared at her in the window while saying "Get in loser we're gonna make your boring life fun!" She would drive you around and drag you to lots of wild and sometimes fun activities like skydiving!... Well maybe cross that one out since you a lost lost your soul that day
Iida is a MAJOR protector he makes sure he flexes his skills but keeps you a safe distance if he sees you in some danger you bet your ass will be picked up princess style and carried away somewhere safe and far away from Danger other than that he's genuinely a nice and interesting guy always praises you for everything he does like a proud dad friend he admires your determination of wanting to be a hero but Is worried for your safety at times
Tsuyu is quiet and patient when with you while everyone is either rambunctious, crazy, or even acting obsessive and possessive over you tsuyu and Jirou try to act the most normal out of them so they can get closer to you whenever those start to go too far but they want you just as bad as they do they just dont wanna admit it Jirou would make you try out some instruments see which one you'll like and was surprised when you tried out that particular instrument lets say the two of you jammed all day singing songs and making covers and the fall asleep to Romance calm music Tsuyu on the other hand love to take you to calm and quiet hot tubs or tropical places
Ojiro Tokoyami and Koda all teamed up together as well with Ojiro being the flirt and also trying to compete with Kirishima and Shoji of who can be the most powerful while Koda loves to talk about all the facts about animals and teaches a thing or two how to handle him the sight of you laying with a sleeping deer makes him die of happiness and takoyaki is quite fond of you he's quiet and nice but he can be a bit creepy at times always looming over you like a shadow while you and dark shadow make jokes and start funny conversations
They would eventually convince you to quit your job and let you work at their agencies to be close to you or heck even worse as one of their sidekicks when you're gone with you argue over who gets to spend time with you but if they see anyone else other then them sending time with you then be ready cause there's gonna be 19 feral wolf pack coming for you
They were so glad they met you on that street that day ever since you met them you started taking care of yourself and your health letting your true self glow pit of that depressed miserable state! They promise to take care of you as long as they live whether you like it or not~
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midnight---hollow · 5 months
Ok i need to yap for a second
I love how well written and thought out the ipc is in honkai star rail. I feel in general we dont always get the best discussions about capitalism and giant corps because said giant corps are usually sponsoring or are creating them most of the time so there is usually bias. I just saw some of the boothill story lore leaks and im not gonna talk about them here cus leaks but it gave me real big appreciation for how the ipc is handled.
Im personally a real big fan of complicated situations in my fictional stories. Ever since mob psycho ive gained a new lens of trying to find sympathy and reason for any situation, keeping my own opinions and preferences while still understanding the other side. I feel star rail has done a great job at show casing the many sides of the ipc even if i for one really dont like the ipc and its my least favorite organization
(I feel i should also say this is an opinion piece and im not informed enough on the real life issues as i would like to be. I just want to yap my opinion out and express why i find joy in this and maybe even come back later with more research to make another post but with references and proof to explain why besides what i remember and like. If i do get anything wrong then please inform me cus i would like to learn more about this and plan to)
|Spoilers for basically all the ipc related things in hsr|
I started out hating them cus i just dont like capitalist corps and they just rubbed me the wrong way. When the arum alley event happen i was originally pissed at it because even though it was confirming my beliefs of “big corp bad” it felt cheap and like almost every other story told by a big corp trying to tell us big corps are bad. Yknow the “look at this obviously in the wrong guy dont be like him, look at him get his comeuppances in the end and ignore how we actually are alot more complicated and worse than this super evil and obvious example”
arum alley then did something i didnt expect. It gave nuance to the story. It started out with that obvious example yes but the next one wasnt that obvious, the next part of the event talked about how some workers feel they wont be able to sustain their lives as independent workers and feel they need to work for the big corps for a safe job and it started getting into the logistics of big corp vs independent business. Yeah we where fighting them but there where reasons and concerns and fears to be given. It wasnt just big corp bad it was “yeah big corp bad but here is why and here is also how its good” and it brings up the questions on what can be done so we dont need to rely on big corp
Topaz and her whole arc is another situation i find interesting. Topaz is a character i dont care to much about to be honest but i think she plays a good role in this whole ipc debacle. To me she feels like she represents someone who used the system because they needed to and made it work and flourished in the system. Her planet was basically unlivable and she lived in a capitalist waste that failed. In comes the ipc and they are almost what her world was but better for they offer to help and save them. All they need to do is sign their lives away to join the ipc and they did and their planet flourished because of it. Topaz herself was able to rise the ranks into being a cornerstone. I think her story shows both the light and dark of the ipc because they saved her planet but they only did it because it benefited them, if they didnt sign their lives away it is very likely topaz and everyone on her planet would have suffocated from the toxins and died. They had no choice but to join the system and its stated in game that topaz’s planet is one of the few that where able to be saved.
That’s probably what i like most about the playable ipc characters, it reminds us that these big corps arent just mustache twirling bad guys, it reminds us there are people there just trying to keep going and some of them are genuinely trying to do right and think what they are doing is right. Again topaz for example, she genuinely believes what she was doing was for the good of belabog. She saw a planet so similar to her own and i think she did what she thought was right and tried to help them (i dont think what she did was right but i can see where she comes from in thinking its right) i also think its showing that when she learned their was a way out for belabog that allowed them to not give their lives away to the ipc she gave in and stopped trying to convince them. She risked her own job security to allow them that right and because she didnt force an entire planet of innocent people who just got out of a horrible situation to sign their souls away (including the children mind you) she got demoted. Im not saying that she deserves a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum esp after she tried killing us, she is a rich, a conerstone, owns an exotic pet that she throws into battle and design her gun after, is a high member of said capitalist big corps, im just saying this is a very nuanced and interesting situation that i like to think about because there are so many thoughts and arguments
The whole belabog vs ipc thing was interesting in general for me because i think it was just such a good concept to bring forth the conversation of the goods and bads of big corps. Technically the ipc does have the right to want their century old debt repaid (ignoring the fact we later learned the robots where never used i think idk the end was confusing ngl) yet also at the same time we as people have a hard time siding with them when belabog didnt even know they where in debt because they where so isolated because of the stellaron and they just got out of the stellaron crisis and are trying to make their world habitable and yknow survive. We cant blame them for being unable to pay a humongous debt when these where the same people who stood in awe as march shower them a photo of their planet that she took while on the express. It creates a situation where yeah technically the giant corp has a right to take that money because its theirs but its still feels so cruel to make them have to cough it up right now with only a few days time. Belabog is basically forced to sign that deal because there is no way they could have payed that off they where doomed the moment topaz set foot on the planet. I remember talking to each of the people in belabog and getting their opinions on the matter and constantly having to rethink my stance because there where so many good points for why they should and so many for why they shouldnt. I can go on and on about this but this bit is already to long.
Aventurine!!! Aventurine aventurine oh where to start. Unlike topaz i actually like aventurine alot he is just such a well written character but we arent here to talk about how amazing him and the games writing is we are here to talk about the capitalist cooperation he is a cog in. Aventurine in a sense has a similar story to topaz but its more cruel and less happy. The ipc didnt save him, the ipc what going to arrest him and its thanks to his luck and a deal with the devil (or in this case a bet with a snake) that he was able to become aventurine.
I havent seen the writen stuff for him in his characters story because i dont have him but i will say from what i saw during the main story, something i question alot is what the ipc did during the avgin genocide. This might be a small tangent but the avgins said they had the support of the ipc. What happened that caused for the entire avgin civilization to be wiped out when they had the help of people with better weapons and armor and equipment. Apart of me is nihilistic enough to think the ipc didnt really care for saving the avgins and might have used the katakans attack as a way to know out the two groups that where causing them the most trouble but at the moment i dont know if theres anything supporting this theory so its just a crack theory
Aventurines spot in penacony is again interesting. Penacony is a prison planet of the ipc, that was taken over and turned into a party paradise thanks to the hamrony, family, and a stellaron. Aventurines goal was supposed to be to put penacony back in the ipcs control and to be honest i cant tell if thats his plan or not because of how crazy and confusing the story was (i loved it) but that being said it is another example how how grey ipc is. It isnt just a big bad corp there are people with lives and in avens case, people trying to gain their freedom with any risks necessary. I also think again the ipcs role in penacony is like belabog, very interesting, just for different reasons.
Penacony is based off America and in this case im assuming the ipc is their Britain. I feel like if you ask most people they would say that the ipc is the only group in penacony they hope fails (minus aventurine again i feel everyone wants aven to succeed even if we want ipc to fall) but i think the family being as grey as they are (basically a cult and also a representation of newer day amarica and its “its us or them” mentality in a way. I can make another yap ses about that lmao) adds an air of mystery and confusion on who we want to succeed since they are on two very different sides of the board so if one wins the other loses. It makes it feel like a fight of two big corps against each other and not really knowing who to support. Do you want to support the capitalist or the cult, pick your poison. We need the rest of penacony for me to go more in-depth on my opinion of ipc here and to rant but i can say its already making me question and argue both sides with what we have seen so far
That was fun for me. I havent ranted on tumblr in a long long time but hsr has been my recent hyperfixation and again boothill makes me crazy. While writing this is made me start to think about how much i wanted to talk about the hidden story of immigration i feel penacony is aso trying to tell. I think penacony is handling so many deep and interesting topics and im very excited for the next update. This has made me hyped to talk about the immigration stuff but i want to do reaserch and gain a proper strong stance besides “thats just my opinion.” I think this is an interesting topic and yapping about it made me want to do more reaserch on the topics of capitalism and big corps cus i hate them but i also think its important to know about it and understand there is more to the issue than just stingy old white rich people. I havent even gotten to jade yet. When we learn more about her imma have some words prob
Srry this was long but anyways cant wait till boothill comes out so i can get him and his light cone
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ganondoodle · 1 year
as i was awake in the middle of the night for like 2 hours bc i felt sick i had more somewhat random totk thoughts
one being that i really hate how raurus response to concerned zelda is, after sonia died in that almost funny how little impactful it was way, "im sure you are here for a reason" (actually, i hate how often this sentence is used in general to .. idk i guess its supposed to be inspiritational???)
bc what does that mean actually? him saying that to someone who got there absolutely by accident really just sounds like "i dont care go figure it out yourself bc i dont want to think about anything concerning you or your troubles lol" i guess its meant to sound like OOOOH fate has BROUGHT you here bc you have to furfill a role you dont know yet (spoiler its being a sacrifice girl with no personality) and besides me hating the 'inescapable fate' trope in general (at least the way its usually done in these games, which is not to struggle against it but willingly accept whatever you are told and pretend thats good) its really jsut goddamn boring and is really only an excuse to well .. ignore her and her trouble; shouldnt you, if you were actually such a cool guy like the game wants me to believe so bad, do everything in your power to get zelda back to her own world before shes pulled even further into the war you caused now that her only ""mentor"" that could help her get more use of her pretty much useless sudden powers is gone too?? i know shes basically dead wife sonia replacement (can of worms ugh) but it still grinds my gears whenever i think of that cutscene, bc i cant help but hear it as the lamest excuse in existence to not care about her and just kinda .. see what happens which in this case means leave zelda completely on her her own since both rauru and mineru die as well (honestly shouldnt rauru have thought about like .. any plan to defeat gan besides dying himself, given hes the oh so cool and goodest guy king whos only mistake was not stabbing gan the second he stepped into their kathedral castle thing, like even if you had a plan it can still fail but it seemed like he just kinda went in with a handful of people that didnt seem to know each other at all, never got names or faces -or unique voices for that matter- to fight gan face to face inlcuding the girl that came from a different time and had nothing to do with any of this conflict and couldnt even really control her sudden new powers just seems pretty stupid)
thought 2
how totk really feels like botw but for the people who didnt like shiekah tech, its not a sequel, its botw again, but version of only sonau, its like a pokemon game that had two versions but one has weirdly incoherent story and acts like the other never existed jsut as a whole its like retreading the same points but worse, all shiekah tech that was so integral to the world and had such a long history just vanishing and no one caring about any of it like it never happened, HELL the titans were called divine beasts in english but i guess they werent divine or important enough to keep around LOL champions WHO and isntead a never before seen or even heard of race for that matter showing up and planting their ass in every place the shiekah were before, dare i say it feels weirdly manipulative, like either them or some outside force erasing every fact about the ancient shiekah and replace them with sonau stuff bc they are the hot new shit now
this is a point that just doesnt stop bothering me, how the shiekah tech seemed so carefully designed and integrated into botws world and story, its a difficult to keep balance after all, integrating high tech stuff into a medieval setting, but they made it work! and then totk comes around and throws a bunch modern day tech into it puts some vague greenish stone filter on its exterior and call that even better more ancient tech; why did they even bother to make pottery inspired laser shooting spider legged robots so well integrated when they throw a car and rockets into the next game without a thought and call it a day, what was the fucking point
it feels like someone was dead set on having a set of legos thrown into the game it had no place in, if you want players to build whatever they want make a building game instead!! especially if you are just gonna throw it in with seemingly no consideration how out of place it feels togehter with the fACT THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND ANCIENT HIGH TECH CIVILIZATION WITH A VERY DISTINCT AESTHETIC THAT WAS ALREADY WELL INTEGRATED INTO THE WORLD YOU ARE PLANNING TO REUSE WITH ALOT OF MYSTERY AND UNKOWN STUFF ABOUT THEM TO EXPLORE FURTHER YOU COULD HAVE USED!! but i guess they just "didnt want to play with you anymore" and that so much so that they went out of their way to erase every trace of it, i dont think the words shiekah tech are ever used in the game, and the purah pad and her towers just drive me more isnane bc they are the same shit but called different and also much worse, liek the purah pad isnt some more developed shiekah stone, no its a glorified camera with a teleport function and thats it
(i know i said this before but i really cant stand how obsessed every single NPC is with sonau shit, you get told to your face every second line of dialog that they are so cool and are so mysterious that it just makes me annoyed of them even more, the game is obsessed with shoving them everywhere and telling you over and over you too should obsess over them, they werent weird like that about the shiekah stuff in botw?? the biggesst talking point in botw was calamity ganon ..... which makes sense and in totk its like ... gan is mentioned what, in a newspaper article??? once???and then not even by name i think???)
aside from that big point which will never let me go, its also just .. its not moving forward anything, it actively walks BACK the progress that was made in botw, call me dumb but i dont really count moving one step up in the social roles of each race as a character development (for the side characters like the champions desc- ahem SAGES) but mainly zelda ... god how dirty she was done, totk pretty explicitely makes her regress any development she made in botw aside from she likes link uwu and some people like her too, but also not enough to notice that that weird zelda being all evil and weird isnt her (INLCUDING THE CHAMP- SAGES WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY FRIENDS WITH??? you dont have to be a genius to pick up on that my god, were you all given the mc dumbo potion or what)
she gets put back to square one, back into the little itty bitty princessy maiden role forced upon her by her royal parentage, this time rauru edition, back into a white little dress, back into the scared puppy eyed teenager, back into a situation she cant handle, back into losing everyone around her (tho honestly botw made me care more about rhoam than totk did about rauru), back into being forced to do a big sacrifice- but worse actually
in botw she went to FIGHT AND HOLD GANON IN THE CASTLE SO LINK HAD TIME TO RECOVER AND IT WOULDNT DESTROY THE LAND!! and you are telling me in totk rauru takes up her botw role and she bascially killed herself to ... restore the mastersword.
......... she ... she did that only to be a glorified version of the stone pedestal in the forest. and then she gets returned to normal itty bitty girly no problem via magic sparkle beam at the end and
it really is just botw but worse, you even get yet another ghost king of hyrule to guide you around (rhoam did it better fight me ... we dont talk about the questionable choice to make himself darker skinned when posing as just some guy)
i honestly dont think i was ever truly taken aback by anythign that happened in botw, while in totk, the further i played, the more i had to fight with myself to keep the feeling of unease, disappointment and betrayal down
its such a god damn shame, totk should have stayed a DLC, i will forever mournfully dream of a game that explores more of the ancient shiekah, doesnt erase integral parts of the world, developes characters more instead of making them regress back and make them end up even less developed than at the start of the game, dives into buried secrets and mistakes of dark pages of history without giving into a weirldy nationalist(imperalisitc?) narrative and lets characters have some agency for once
if it werent for the yiga i might have actually considered refunding the game, just to be at peace with myself
anyway, aboslutely incoherent word vomit.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Betrayal | Fujio x reader
a/n: Hi, if you like it there is gonna be second part dont worry :’)
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: usual hnl warnings
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The young girl, unaware of the person watching her, counted the money she received and watched the person she met leave. After making sure that the money was the right amount, she put it in her pocket and sighed.
“Fujio! I know you are there. You can get out!”
The young girl knew from the very beginning that Fujio was watching her from behind the wall. She just thought it would be more fun if she didn't say anything.
Y/n collected information for Sword gangs and schools. She sold this information to the leaders of the schools for money. That's why she was such a popular girl. Her slightly cocky and self-assured demeanor and bold character made her more interesting. She was pretty too, but she usually wore shabby outfits so no one would notice her.
Fujio came out from behind the wall where he was hiding, scratching his neck and smiling, and stepped towards the girl who was grinning at him.
“Y/n-chan! What a nice surprise!”
Y/n rolled her eyes, then shook her head with a smile.
"May I ask why you're spying on me?"
Fujio smiled like a mischievous child. He replied, referring to the person the girl had met.
“I don't like that boy. I had a bad feeling. I wanted to be sure you were safe.”
Hearing the same explanation again, the young girl smiled and shook her head.
Y/n and Fujio had met a long time ago. Even though Y/n did this in anonymity back then, she was quite brave now. They met again after Fujio became Oya's leader. And everyone was sure that Fujio had a crush on y/n.
“You know I can protect myself, if anyone sees you spying on me, people's trust in me will be damaged.” She said smiling. Fujio slowly nodded and gave a small apology.
They were walking to Oya high school together, unaware of those watching them. This time they were truly unaware.
“I heard somethings in other schools these days. I don't have clear information yet, but I suggest you act cautiously."
Fujio stopped his steps, turned to the young girl, and grinned at y/n,
“Are you worried about me y/n-chan?”
Y/n smiled and brought her face closer to Fujio's. Both were smiling at each other. The young girl suddenly hit Fujio's leg hard, and Fujio started jumping in pain in his place.
“What was that for now!?”
“Be serious Fujio, something is not right. You should be more careful.”
Fujio stopped when he saw the seriousness on the young girl's face. Y/n would only be this serious when she felt something wrong. And her feelings were quite strong. However, he decided to think about it later, he didn't want to talk about it right now.
“I guess you're not making good money these days y/n. You're pretty nervous"
Y/n laughed and shook her head at what Fujio said while laughing
“I still have a lot more money than you Fujio”
Fujio shrugged and grinned as the young girl said with a smile.
“Then you are buying the ramens y/n”
Y/n nervously descended the stairs of the place where she was told. She had known for some time that something big was going on, and she was going to find out what was going on today. She had a bad feeling and did not trust Saboten at all.
She was quite surprised when she entered the place. Kamasaka and Ebara were also here. She looked at the black-haired and blond-haired boy sitting across from the Saboten. There was a strange atmosphere. When her gaze met with Reiji Himuro, the young boy offered a sly grin and nodded. Y/n slightly nodded her head and sat down opposite the Saboten, ignoring Ebara's leader Shoji, who was looking at her seriously on the sidelines.
The young girl was not afraid. One wrong move, she knew everyone here was pretty dangerous. But she was not afraid. Because she knew they needed her.
Saboten talked for a while—without giving too much detail- He told her that she could get the money she wanted, he just wanted her to tell him what she knew about Oya, where they were hanging out.
Y/n crossed her legs and leaned back after listening to the boy across from her. She asked with a smile,
“I think it will be a big job.”
Kohei was watching the young girl intently, he smiled at what she said and stood up. He stood in front of the table and looked at the young girl.
“Amagai, Kohei Amagai. I am the leader of Senomon."
Y/n slowly stood up,
“You can call me y/n, but I guess you already know.”
Kohei smiled and nodded,
“You're pretty popular y/n-chan. You are good at your job and I always work with the best.”
Y/n was sure that the young boy was not such a kind and nice person. She didn't know him, but she knew the rumors about him. She was sure he was trying to impress her because she was just a girl now and he needed her.
Y/n smiled and looked confidently into the blonde boy's eyes.
“You want everything from me about Fujio Hanaoka, right?”
Kohei nodded, Ryo and everyone in the room were watching the duo carefully.
“Okay, Amagai-kun. I collect information about schools in this area. I work with informants. I even know secrets that no one knows. And I'm doing it for the money."
Kohei was pretty sure that the young girl would accept his offer.
“But Oya High is different. Fujio is someone I wouldn't betray for money. So I have to turn down your offer.”
Y/n didn't know about Kohei's plan, but she was sure that something bad would happen. Besides, she didn't like this smug bastard. Still, she wanted to leave without any problems when there were disgusting people like Kamasaka leaders in the room.
Kohei smiled and took a step closer. Shoji and Ryo watched them with full attention. Reiji was quite pleased with the daring demeanor of the young girl.
“I guess I didn't explain myself well y/n. It's not a request, if you think you have another chance, you're wrong.”
Y/n wiped the smile off her face and looked seriously at the Senomon leader.
"What will you do? I guess you forget that I have some pretty strong friends.”
Kohei smiled and opened the small knife in his pocket and held it to her throat. Y/n was looking seriously at the blonde leader as everyone looked at him in surprise.
Kohei knew that the young girl was not afraid, although she would never show it. But he had a better plan.
“You have stupid guts don't you y/n-chan? You didn't even startle." Shoji was watching the expression on the young girl's face, unchanging, not even blinking.
“How would your poor mother feel if she found out that you were making money for her meds with your stupid guts?”
The expression on Y/n's face changed for the first time, it was the first time she was looking so different. It wasn't fear, it was more like anxiety.
Everyone in the room held their breath.
“I know you need money. If you give me what I want, I will pay for all of your mother's treatment."
Kohei smiled as Y/n glared at him.
"Come on! Don't hate me so much. I'm giving you a great offer."
She didn't even care about the knife pressed to her throat. But this…
"I don't want it, I don't need your money."
Kohei smiled and pulled the knife from the young girl's throat. He folded it and put it in his pocket. He shook his head slowly and suddenly wrapped his fingers around the young girl's throat.
Ryo nervously stood up but didn't do anything.
“Then let me tell you y/n-chan. If I don't get what I want, I'll make sure no doctor is taking care of your mother. And rest assured, it won't even take me 5 minutes to do it."
Y/n had a scared expression on her face for the first time. For the first time, the expression on her face had changed. And it was certainly not because of her throat squeezing.
There was silence for a while. Y/n thought about her mother for a while. Then Fujio. She knew he would hate her. Fujio liked her. But there was something else that nobody knew, y/n liked him too.
But it was her mother that was in question, even though y/n knew she would lose Fujio forever, she had to do it.
The young girl slowly lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.
“Okay…I will accept…”
Kohei asked with a smile.
"I can not hear you."
Y/n angrily raised her head and looked into the young boy's eyes.
"I said fine, I'll tell you everything I know."
Regret is a very heavy feeling. But regret for betraying someone… Y/n hasn't spoken to anyone since then. As Amagai said, he deposited a large amount of money in her account and she took her mother to the hospital that night. But while she stayed with her mother in the hospital, she continued to get news about everything.
Oya was seriously attacked. Tsukasa had been kidnapped. Most of the students were seriously injured. All of them were caught off-guard, unexpectedly. And what y/n said played a big part in this attack...
Y/n had also seen Housen’s Shidaken when she was leaving that day. She just nodded and quickly walked away. But she didn't know that they were going to put Shidaken in the hospital right after she left, and even though it wasn't her fault, she was now blaming herself for everything.
She didn't know what situation Fujio was in. She hadn't seen him for a week. She hadn't asked anything about him, she just knew that he had won the fight and was in good physical shape.
She was walking home to buy clean laundry for her mother. She hadn't smoked in a long time, but for the past week she had been finishing up almost a pack a day. Seeing that there were no cigarettes left in her pack, she angrily squeezed the pack in her hand, crushed it, and slipped it into her pocket. After she turned the corner, she took a few more steps and she met the person she was afraid to see.
Fujio was also surprised to see her. But the confused expression on his face changed within seconds. There was an expression on his face that she could not understand. Hate ? Disappointment ? Sadness? Y/n didn't know what it was, but she was sure she hated seeing it.
They looked at each other for a few minutes.The distance between them was not too long, neither of them said anything. Y/n was unresponsive, trying hard to hide her facial expressions.
Fujio and Todoroki were walking over to Tsukasa’s home. Todoroki only knew y/n by name, but he doesnt have to be genius to understand from Fujio's reaction that it was her.
Y/n slowly started to pace, walking past Fujio without saying a word. But after a few steps, Fujio called out.
“Aren't you going to say something? Anything ?”
Y/n listened to Fujio without turning around. His voice was quite broken, it hurt her heart.
“Why y/n? I just want to know why. Weren't we friends?"
Y/n stood silently. She just stood there.She couldnt even move.
“Did he threaten you? Shidaken told me he saw you with them that day. Did they do something to you? Look, if that's how…”
Fujio believed that y/n had a reason. He didn't want to admit that she had betrayed him. But the young girl's silence proved that everything was true. This angered Fujio even more. And his tone changed.
“So it was true… you really did.”
Y/n felt nauseous, there was a pain in his chest.
"You did it for the money, didn't you?"
Wasn't it true? Why did that word hurt so much?
“You betrayed me for money. Do you know how many people were injured? What did they do to Tsukasa?"
When Y/n didn't answer, Fujio couldn't take it anymore and shouted.
"Damn it! Say something, now! Come on say ‘I didn't! You're wrong’ Say something y/n! Arent you gonna even defend yourself? ”
Y/n couldn't take it anymore and turned to Fujio with cold stares. Fujio was a little taken aback by the young girl's seriousness.
“What do you expect me to say, Fujio? You want me to say no it wasnt like this?"
Fujio gulped, waiting for her to regret, an apology. He knew that if she apologized, he would forgive her.
“What you heard is true. Yes, I did it for the money. Yes, I told them what I know.” Y/n sighed, her expression was so cold and confident that Fujio was watching her in surprise. Didn't he know her at all? “Why are you surprised Fujio? Haven't I earned my whole life like this? For years I've been selling information for money, selling people. Yes I betrayed you… But… What separates you from them?”
Fujio wanted to cry at the last sentence he heard. He was offended, broken, sad but now he was even more angry. He clenched his fist to stay calm. Todoroki was watching the two of them right behind Fujio. Even though he didn't know the young girl, he was sure that something was wrong. Fujio was only looking at her face, but the young girl was tense all over her body.
Fujio smiled and shook his head. He looked into Y/n's eyes and calmly replied.
“I don't blame you y/n. It was my fault for trusting you."
Fujio turned around and left without saying anything. Todoroki looked at the young girl once more and followed Fujio.
Y/n did not react. She couldn't. She knew she had lost him forever, and it was all her fault…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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xixovart · 4 days
assigning my favorite pjo characters songs based on vibes :))
ignore the lyrics in these. it’s vibes. all vibes. rythm, melody, motifs, instruments
this somehow (unsurprisingly, because it’s me) ended up becoming a psychoanalysis of certain characters but the motif is essentially the same so enjoy!!
my all time fav. love him so much.
there’s somehing so gentle but real about the melody in this. the way it feels like early winter at dusk. the way it feels like gentle solo dancing in the kitchen to a melody stuck in your head. the way it feels like braiding a loved one’s hair and talking.
my beloved underrated child
now this one feels like a summer in the suburbs. like puzzles and cheap juice from the market. like the sun blazing on your skin and you’re laughinh and running. like playing that game on the road with chalk. it feels like nostalgia, like longing for an infantile giddiness that is long gone.
the woman you are 💗💗💗💥💥😍😍
there are probably better options, but this one can be interpreted as either calm and nostalgic or melancholy and painful. “everything reminds me of you” but do the memories hurt or heal?
please show this woman some love. she really deserves it
i have no idea why. maybe it’s the way it’s so upbeat? not saying that hazel is a “sunshine character” as the fandom usually puts it, cause she isn’t, it just reminds me of how much she overcame and how much happier she is now than before. she got her happy ending despite literally every single odd. ugh i love her so much.
stupid little amnesiac. gotta love him.
again, i dont know why??? maybe it’s the instruments. it’s probabl6 the instruments. but jason is just such a beautiful and kindhearted soul and i think this song embodies that. this song reminds me of every time jason told leo he was important. every time he somehow made reyna laugh before everything happened. makes me think of how he was the first person to unconditionally support nico and the first to make him feel like he’s not the person he’s made out to be. makes me think of how he and leo were the first to actually see and recognize piper. how he made temples for every minor god(dess) he could think of because he understood what it’s like to be forgotten. im not sorry that this turned into a jason grace appreciation post btw.
pls talk about her more plsplsplsplspls
you know im right. you know im right. i dont think i even have to elaborate. this song was written for her. the beat? the instruments??all her
she. 😍
the feeling of letting something—maybe a person, an era, maybe your whole life in her case it’s all—pass you by because you took it for granted. a melancholy and quiet regret and longing something that is burned and can never be rebuilt, no matter how much you try. it won’t feel the same.
el mapache humanizado
i have no idea why i said that in spanish but alex is latino so it stays
it’s so? alex?? pls tell me i make sense. becuase like some parts of the song are like just pure teenage dirtbag shenanigans and the prime of your life, but others feel like screaming underwater and pleading for help. ykwim?
anyways yes i never shut up and i love all these songs and i really should go to sleep now because it’s 12:15 but i’m gonna continue reading the odyssey because time is an illusion. see ya losers. love ya.
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frankiebirds · 3 months
re one of ur last posts - what are ur nonbinary elle and spencer hcs?? :))
AH i actually dont have that many so a lot of these literally just came into my head. also i'm very sorry this mostly became "elle helping spencer realise he's nonbinary" headcanons, i'll have to think more about elle :((
this one is not my headcanon. i tried to find whose it is but for the life of me i cannot track it down, so if anyone knows please tell me so i can link them: they share a wardrobe. the only one who remembers which clothes initially belonged to which person is spencer, for obvious reasons. EDIT: got this from this post by @/spritehouse
elle has her shit figured out pre-canon but isn't doing anything about it because it's 2005. spencer does not have his shit figured out until after he gets with elle
well. he has it a little figured out. he knows there's something to figure out, he knows he isn't a cis man, but he's just like. i have way too much going on in my life already to think about that so i will ignore it <3 because that's worked out so well for him
pre-figuring his shit out, spencer is constantly (and largely unintentionally) mixing "menswear" and "womenswear". i really struggle to see a version of spencer where he and diana didn't experience serious financial issues after william left, and even as an adult, high-quality private psychiatric care like diana's is expensive. so, the majority of his clothes are thrifted (yes, i know about the $500 cardigans in later seasons. gifts from rossi <3) and he doesn't really care what section of goodwill he finds them in. so he's constantly wearing, like. a men's shirt under a women's cardigan over men's pants held up with a women's belt. post-figuring his shit out, this becomes intentional and he starts blatantly mixing styles. the kind of thing that gets him stopped in public by someone going "hey you know that's a women's...?" and he goes "yep! :D"
by contrast, elle, while she largely has things figured out, does not present the way she wants to for safety reasons. spencer helps her gradually feel more comfortable presenting the way she wants while she helps him figure out his gender stuff
as for reid's gender stuff, i think for a long time he's really overly fixated on labelling himself. the closest any label comes is bigender but that doesn't feel quite right and he has a lot of unnecessary angst about it. (not projecting at all shut up). eventually he's venting to elle one day about how he feels this and this and this about his gender and if he was to describe it he would describe it like this but he just can't figure it out. and then elle gets genuinely confused because it sounds to her like he very much has figured it out. it takes a long time for him to understand and accept that there isn't a magic word that will describe all parts of him, and he may never find one. and that's fine
elle does spencer's makeup. he looks in the mirror and cries.
penelope is the first person they come out to and she is DELIGHTED to have other trans people on the team. one more and they outnumber the cis people...
morgan is next. spencer says "we're nonbinary" and morgan says "is this like a 'we're pregnant' situation or are you actually talking about both of you" and elle hits him in the head. spencer immediately feels many times less anxious than he did before. i love u morgan
morgan asks spencer in private if he wants him to stop calling him pretty boy. spencer tells him to please never stop. calling him "pretty", an adjective usually used to describe women, paired with "boy" makes him very happy. with this in mind, morgan starts calling elle "handsome girl". elle pretends to be nonchalant about it, but it makes her really happy.
they never tell gideon. spencer can't handle the thought of him reacting badly. (gideon was under the impression that spencer was just closeted this whole time. oops!)
like i said, spencer REALLY likes being described as masculine and feminine in the same breath. when elle first introduces him to her friends, she says "this is spencer, she's my boyfriend" and spencer runs away to stim in private. elle's friends are very confused.
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httpiastri · 1 month
also omg spill the tea on meeting the drivers in spa!!! (only if you want to ofc, ignore this if you don’t 🙏)
aaaaaa okay its time!!!!!! dont grill me if my opinions don't match someone else's, i tried to be as kind as i can 🙏 gonna divide this into categories bcs i met some ppl who are not currently on the f2/f3 grids aaaaa but yeah here we go 🤭
(i saw and was close to pretty much all drivers, but im only including the ones that stood out to me in certain ways here 😊 in order of their racing numbers !!)
f3 !!!
dino beganovic - okayyy soooo. this and paul's will go kinda in the same direction… like i was not surprised to see him act not like super happily lol. i understand! when around fans or just people he doesn't know too well, he was not very excited. but when he was talking to jamie (ollie's... idk what he is? manager ish?), he was that cute happy self he can be! but most of the time, it was the dino we get to see in most prema videos from this year (like the "how well do you know your teammates" one) where he's just…. idk :/ dont blame him tho, im sure he's a great guy once you get to know him!!
gabriele mini - honestly i feel like i barely saw him, except when he and his gf were leaving 😭 welp. but he seemed happy to carry around his trophy!!
arvid lindblad - saw him already on thursday and was shocked both because i couldn't believe my eyes (it's him!! he actually exists!!!!!) and bcs he was much shorter than i had anticipated 😭 sorry arvid
sami meguetounif - i didn't see him around a lot but i saw him on the friday helping his team pack up the tent (carrying big things and such), while all other drivers seemed to not really care (from what i could see)(not just trident, but all teams). respect !!!!!!
tim tramnitz - i knew he was tall but he looked even taller irl!!!! i was so shocked, i felt so tiny
ollie goethe - seemed really happy and lowkey surprised when fans wanted to take pics with him 🥺 had a terrible haircut tho lmao i felt so bad for him... but he seemed so sweet all weekend!!! rlly wish i had talked to him aaaaaa
sebastian montoya - saw him around a lot talking to all kinds of drivers, seems very social butterfly-y :) he seemed very happy after the feature, and he seemed to definitely bring up pepe's mood too because they were talking and joking around for a long time 🥺 his sister (paulina) is also even more gorgeous irl omfg i didn't even think that would be possible…. like we always talk about how amazing she looks in pics but she was so so gorgeous irl (sadly didn't get to see her interact with nikita but 💔 i'll live ig)
luke browning - saw him tons and !! why is he so handsome ?!?!?!! genuinely fell in love all over again. what even. like i keep constantly thinking back to the eye contact we shared and im just. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 seemed sweet with fans too, not super energetic but agreed to pics and such. wish i had shown him my browning bracelet or asked him to sign my sm shirt but i was too shy 💔
christian mansell - saw him get really happy when fans recognized and talked to him, i wanted to show him my mewsell bracelet but didn't have the courage 💔 but sweet and happy as usual!! no surprises there
‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎
f2 !!!
victor martins - actually dont think i saw him all weekend 😭 idk how i managed that
zak o'sullivan - i saw him a few times, he seemed like a bit down ?? very understandable considering how he had glandular fever ?!?!?!?!!! poor boy :( but god did he look good despite it lmao
ollie bearman - very tall and definitely very popular, always ppl waiting to take pics with him lol! didnt speak to him and wasnt very close to him either but he seemed smiley and happy :) tbh i think i saw jamie more than i saw ollie himself ?? lmao
kimi antonelli - tiny!! and the hair is so so curly!!!! he was actually cuter irl, dont understand how he can do that but yeah. also very popular, and was very happy and kind when fans wanted pics hehe
zane maloney - think this guy had like a magnet attached to me or something because i saw him everywhere all the time 😭 like even when there were no other f2 drivers left, he was there… seemed sweet, his freckles are really cute irl too :)
jak crawford - so so tall!!! and the hair looked even better irl oh my god
juan manuel correa - was a second away from asking him for an autograph but he started talking on the phone at that exact moment 😶 seemed so sweet tho!
gabriel bortoleto - aka bortolotti as the commentators said 😐 saw him chatting with a bunch of different drivers, very much a social butterfly like sebas (or is it just because he's very liked in the paddock? likely both). wanted to go up to him when he was talking to luke (they stood outside their hospitality for a long time just talking) and ask for autographs on my sm tshirt (and to tell them that i loved their appearances on the pod) but was too nervous shdjdhdj
enzo fittipaldi - he had the cutest interaction ever with his gf, i nearly melted at the sight of them 🥺 and big bro was there supporting him all weekend too which was cute lol
paul aron - the driver i think most ppl are gonna read and ignore all other drivers lol. i only saw him on the friday and… well….. i wasnt surprised because i had not expected him to be the most open and excited etc. 🤷‍♀️ like he did agree to take pics and such! he put on a little smile for the fans! but there was nothing extra, which i understand. i think we all know the kind of expression he puts on and how "neutral" he looks at most times? like, when he's not around a close friend etc then he seems a little cold. to me, i feel like it just makes his smiles much more valuable in some way!! he wasnt very smiley even with karl or ralf, ig maybe he was focused on qualifying, but he didnt give anything extra and i dont blame him for that. still owns my heart !!!! <33 and i think that the difference from dino is that he seemed more focused and more ig neutral than cold like dino. paul didnt seem neither happy nor mad etc, just blank. 😌 (but god did he look SO GOOD, his hair was so light and my heart wanted to jump out of my chest istg. he looked so so good that i was too shy to even look too much at him 😭)
is*ck h*djar - pls i dont wanna say what i actually think but. his mom was so sweet 😭 my dad (who, for context, does hobby photography) held his camera aimed to the campos truck door in case pepe would come out, but she came out instead and like apologized and stuff for being in the way? so cute :((
pepe marti - 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 how do i even begin to describe him? when there aren't enough words in the entire world? the most gentle and sweet person ever actually, he seemed so tired and just done with the weekend when i talked to him but he still made time for me and tried to stay optimistic. sweetest boy ever <33333333 (i actually still cant really believe i met him and talked to him. like my brain still short-circuits a bit when i think about it. he was just truly an angel and i miss him so much <//3 i also cried a ton after that lol but he didn't see it so that's okay)(also his hands look even bigger irl 😁 sorry gtg)
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former drivers/others !!!
fred vesti - like 10 minutes after the gp had finished, i just happened to accidentally run into him? like he was just heading out of the gate i was going into and so i stopped and gasped and just!!!!! and no one around me even looked at him (we were walking around general admission yk, just a big crowd all heading out on the track) which made me really sad but it was so cool to see him irl!!! he was taller than i had expected awww and so pretty
ralf aron - the only sentence that's still swirling around in my head: "is it possible to fall in love at first sight if you're already a fan?"....... because i think i fell in love 🫠🫠 when i tell you he was gorgeous, i mean it on a NEW LEVEL. like im obsessed. i was obsessed before but now im obsessed^2. actually insane. and he has the exact same voice as paul omg i would not be able to tell them apart irl. i love him so much, please help
adrian campos (jr) - sorry for including two team principals but 😭 idk where i get my shyness and social anxiety from because my dad has some kind of talent with people. he talks to everyone and everyone like him ??? anyways so he just randomly went up to the campos team principal and asked about pepe and they had a short but very friendly discussion 😭 and then he even came up to my dad later for new pepe updates lmao so he was a really sweet guy!!!
rene rosin - i didnt speak to him, saw him around a lot tho, but pt 2 of "my dad collecting team principals"…. my dad went to the f3 paddock and came back to tell me that he talked to "some prema dude" about dino's car… the convo went my dad: "is dino's car perfect now?". prema dude: "perfect for what?!". dad: "perfect for winning, of course!". prema dude: "yes, of course!!" and they had laughed and joked around and what not. i thought it was a funny interaction but didnt think more about that. until a while later, my dad pointed at rene and went "there's my friend from before!!" and i just ?!? you asked RENE if dino's car was good????? so yeah thumbs up to rene for being a funny dude 😁
sacha fouquet - sorry for including this but he also looked very good irl 😶 alsoooo like when i was hurrying to the f3 feature (i was running very late and wanted to be there for the start), i had to go under this tunnel to get from the paddock to the grandstands?? like a pretty narrow tunnel, only like 2-3 ppl width... and guess tho were heading to the paddock right when i was rushing away? all of the prema performance/race engineers! lovely timing! because they're all so so cool and made me so so so nervous 😭 (and the way i was just having to pretend like i haven't seen them all in 100 vids and even made gifs of them lmao what)
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gold star to anyone who made it this far ⭐️ sorry for the random yapping lol and for saying everyone looked better irl but it is true!!!! this isnt proofread so i apologize for any mistakes etc, pls feel free to ask if anyone has any questions... <3<3
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katz-rambles · 1 month
Hii, how are you? ♡
I'm here to ask you to plase write something about Vander! He's so damn cute and hot :((
A vander x fem reader, fluff and only a bit spicy at the end or a real nsfw if you want to, something like: after closing the last drop, reader and him are cleaning and when she see her yawning he hug her from behind and cuddle her (probably trying to convince her to go to bed as he take care of the bar) but those cuddles heated up and eventually he picks her up into his arms and take her to their bedroom 👀
Hope you like the idea and if you dont, feel free to ignore the request! Have a nice day/night, much love 💗
Of course!! Have an amazing day/night, as well, Anon! And, I'm doing wonderful, Anon, thanks for asking!
1.6k words!!
I wrote a little something yesterday that would fit perfectly with this post, so I'm using this as a part 2 to this. I hope you enjoy!
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(established relationship, fem!reader, fluff at the beginning, porn w/o plot, oral(fem!receiving), fingering, PiV, unprotected sex, Vanders a bit of a tease, I think this is it!)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
The nervous feeling bubbles in your stomach, one that you've become all too familiar with. Your shift at The Last Drop started about an hour ago, it's a slow day today, even happy hour was slower than usual. Although you're not complaining about that at all, calm says are your favorite. This way, you have more time to focus on more important things than your job. Your gaze always falls back to Vander, whether he's talking to someone, cleaning, or even just relaxing with a cigar in between his fingers, you always seem to be looking at him. It's a surprise he hasn't noticed. Today's no different.
You're washing the few dishes that have managed to pile up in the sink, the water has become cooler than it was when you first filled up the sink. You feel around the sink, trying to find any more dishes to wash before you finally drain the sink, and, thankfully, there were none. The sound of the water draining echoes through the room and you place down the rag you used to wash the dishes. You've become so focused on wiping down the counter that you, somehow, didn't even hear the sounds of Vanders footsteps behind you, you're almost jumping out of your skin when you hear his voice, “there you are, luv,” he places his hand on your waist, his fingers gently curl around your skin. You look back at him and give him a quick smile before your attention is back on the counter. It finally looks clean, now you can call it a night. “I've been looking for you. It's late.” Vander leans his head down to your ear, his hot breath on the curl of your ear sends shivers down your spine. He chuckles at your reaction and spins you around, his hands reach up to cup your face, moving his face closer to yours. His eyes scan your face to watch your reactions, seeing the way a pink dusting takes over your cheeks, watching the way you pout your lips and move your face closer to his. He gives you a playful smirk and pulls back. He's teasing you.
“Hey!” You pull on his arm and pull him closer to you again, he smirks and gets the hint, he roughly pins you against the counter and kisses you. His lips move against yours perfectly, his hands roam your body, brushing against the curve of your breasts down to the plush skin of your hips. He leaves teasing touches all over your body, each touch closer to where you need him most.
He pulls his lips off your and kisses the shell of your ear. “Now, why don't we take this somewhere more comfortable?” He whispers, his voice is low and you can feel the rumble of his words deep in his chest. His hands trail back down to your hips, and one of his hands cup your mound through your clothes. He strokes you through your pants, each time he presses down a little harder above your clit, eliciting small gasps from your lips. He chuckles at your reactions and kisses your neck, searching for the sensitive skin. He grabs your thighs and pulls you up to his waist, you wrap your legs around him, squeezing his waist as he carries you up the stairs, occasionally his hands squeeze the fat of your ass. He gives your ass a playful smack and practically tosses you onto the mattress.
He then climbs on top of you, caging you underneath him. He grinds himself down onto you, you can clearly feel the bulge of him so close to where you need him most. He reconnects your lips and kisses you again. You start to unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders, he breaks the kiss to pull your shirt over your head and unclasps your bra. He trails his kisses down your neck, paying special attention to your collarbone before he kisses down to the swell of your breasts and taking one of your hardened nipples in his mouth. His hand squeezes and pinches your nipple as he rolls the other one with his tongue, then he switches and gives the other the same treatment. He pulls his mouth off with a lewd ‘pop’ and he pulls your pants off.
His finger strokes over your clothed pussy, feeling the damp fabric of your panties. “Already so wet for me, and we've barely started.” He growls against your skin. He pushes you up, so you're sitting, and he spreads your legs, his large hands gripping at the fat of your thigh. He brings his head down in between your thighs and kisses your inner thighs. He bites and sucks on the sensitive skin, his beard scratches at your skin and you know you'll have marks on your thighs after this. As he's nipping and sucking on your skin he seems to be making sure to not get too close to where you need him most. “Please, Vander. I need you.” You beg between gasps, trying to buck your hips closer to him. He chuckles and finally gives in to you, kissing your clothed clit and licking over the fabric. He hooks his fingers on the waistband and tugs your panties off you in one smooth motion, leaving you bare and exposed to him. He licks a long stripe up your folds, flattening his tongue against you, and gently sucking on your clit, coaxing little moans and whimpers from you. He dips his head back down and teases your hole with his tongue, lapping up all of your slick that he can.
You whimper and grind your hips against his face, and he lets you. He enjoys feeling how worked up you're starting to get. He moves back up to take your clit in his mouth, sucking and rolling it in his mouth, even teasing the sensitive bud with his teeth just to hear you whine. He lifts your hips up, just a bit, and you feel his middle finger teasing your hole, soon he slips it inside of you. There's a slight stretch, but that's a given, his fingers are much thicker than yours are. He slowly pumps his finger in and out of you while sucking on your clit. Soon after he eases a second finger inside you, scissoring your walls open for him. You whine and he loves every noise you're making. He picks up the pace with his fingers when he feels your walls start to tighten around him. He curls his fingers to hit the gummy spot inside you that easily can make you see stars.
Each suck and curl of his fingers brings you closer and closer to your orgasm. He gives your clit one last harsh suck and you're clenching around him. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you reach your orgasm, your thighs closing around his head, keeping him there until the aftershocks of your orgasm fade away.
“That seemed like a good one. You think you can give me one more?” He asks, his eyes dark with lust as he unbuckles his belt and tosses it to the side, tugging his pants and his boxers off and leaving them on the side of the bed. He never fails to amaze you with the sheer size of him, the sight of his leaking cock resting against him is enough to have you clenching around nothing, making you whine. He smirks and lines himself up with you, gently easing the swollen tip inside you, he lets you adjust to the slight stretch before he starts to bottom out. He fills you up perfectly, the only thing you can seem to focus on now is how good he feels already.
He starts off with slow and deep thrusts, pulling out until just the tip is left inside and pushing himself back in. Each thrust seems to go deeper than the last, he always finds a way to make you feel so good. His cock hits that spongy spot inside you that has your walls clenching around him and pathetic whimpers spilling from your lips. He takes note of your reactions and starts to speed up his thrusts.
The sound of his heavy balls hitting your ass is so ungodly lewd but you can't deny the way the sound of it makes you feel, the sound of skin on skin is something you've grown to love. It's not long before you can feel your second orgasm creeping up on you, your whimpering turning into louder moans and begs for him to not stop. He complies to all your asks. His hand reaches down to rub your clit in tight little circles as he feels you tighten around him.
“You're close, aren't you, pretty girl? I can feel it,” he growls in your ear, groaning as you tighten from his words. He smirks and kisses the shell of your ear before whispering to you, “then cum for me.” And you do, your back arches and your head falls back as you squeeze his cock. Your muscles tensing as your orgasm crashes down on you. Your moans turning into unintelligible whimpers and babbles. He groans and lets out a low moan as he quickly pulls out and gives himself a few strokes before he shoots long, white and sticky ropes of his cum onto your stomach.
He presses his forehead against yours and then kisses you, pulling you closer to him as he lays down beside you. Both of your chests are heaving as you lay beside each other. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into him, he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Now, get some sleep, luv.” He mumbles against your hair and you sluggishly nod as you feel the exhaustion creep up on you.
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snowypolaroid · 4 months
in stitches
summary: pomni helps ragatha stich herself up after an accident. surely this ends completely normally !!!
characters: ler!pomni, lee!ragatha [ mentioned: caine, jax ]
w/c: 2,042
a/n: eerrrmmm theres not much to say except i had fun writing this heeehehe ... if this is like ooc or anything no it isnt Ignore It <3 also the title is really funny guys get it because in stitches is a way to say laughing and shes doll who needs to be stitched up and
warnings: needles, but other than that, none!
this is a tickle fic! if you dont like that, run along! <3
[ sfw interaction ONLY !! ]
“does it.. hurt?” 
ragatha looked down as the jester asked the question, who was pointing at the open ‘wound’ in where ragatha’s abdomen would be. but instead of blood or guts pouring out, soft white stuffing poked out of the tear and trailed along the floor behind the two as they made their way down the hallway.
“well.. yes and no. it’s happened so many times that i sort of.. got used to it? i mean, the shock and initial pain never really stops, but..” ragatha trails off. she sighs. “b-but it’s fine. once i get myself all sewn up i can forget that it happened. it’s more of a ‘oh god not this again’ situation, i guess.”
pomni looks down as they continue to walk side by side. despite the gaping hole in ragatha’s middle, she still continued to saunter as elegantly as ever, pomni noticed, and it saddened her how often ragatha claims she gets injured this way. but then again, she’s glad it’s easy to fix her up. not everyone can just stick a needle and thread in them to patch up their wounds. well, not without proper medical care, anyway.
but i digress. the duo reached ragatha’s room, and as pomni looked behind her to see the uncomfortably long trail of stuffing down the halway, she cringed. “yikes.. uh, why don’t you go get yourself seated and i’ll gather up that.. stuff?”
ragatha shook her head. “don’t worry about it, i have extra in my room. we’ll just ask caine to clear it up later..”
“does he usually?” pomni questioned as she closed the door behind her. ragatha hummed in response. “yeah, he does it with pretty much any mess. or, well, bubble sometimes cleans it up. and seeing what’s essentially your insides get licked up by a floating bubble is..”
pomni cringed again. “right..”
“but that aside..” ragatha settled herself down on her bed, slouching a little from cotton loss. “the sewing kit is in that drawer over there. i think the stuffing is too? i don’t remember the last time i needed to fix myself up this badly..”
pomni hummed in acknowledgement and headed over, rummaging through said drawer. she was surprised at how much you could fit in there, but then again, this was a circus run by a crazy ai, so she probably shouldn’t be too perplexed. 
“is it this?” pomni held up a little light blue sewing box adorned with colourful stickers. ragatha nodded to her question. “yes, that’s the one!”
she brought the box over to ragatha, setting it down on the bed before going back to look for stuffing. while she did that, ragatha took out a needle and poked a piece of blue thread through the hole, taking her a few tries to get right. a lack of fingers can be a pretty big disadvantage sometimes.
“uhh.. how much of this stuff do you need?” pomni turned around. ragatha perked up, humming. “oh, uh.. i don’t really know. bring as much as you can carry? we can just put the rest back.”
“good idea..” pomni plunged her hands into the drawer full of cotton wool and scooped out a load of it in her arms. she waddled over to the bed and dropped it on the mattress, then held her hand out to be given the needle. “i’m not even sure if i know how to sew, but..”
“it’s alright. i appreciate the sentiment.” ragatha smiled sweetly, which made pomni avert her gaze in slight embarrassment. “y-yeah, ‘course..”
pomni looked down at the hole in ragatha’s middle, wincing a little, which made ragatha glance away. “sorry, it’s not a pretty sight, is it?”
pomni quickly shook her head, waving her hands around in a slight panic. “n-no! no, i-it’s fine.. i’ve just.. never really seen anything like this before. i mean, life sized and sentient, anyway.”
“ahah.. i get it.” ragatha responded, watching as pomni placed the needle on the mattress to gather up some of the fluffy white stuffing and holding it up to where the doll’s abdomen would be. “so.. do i just..?”
“oh! you might want to sew my back up first. yknow, so none of it falls out the other side.” ragatha shifted her position on the bed so that she faced away from the jester. her movement was slightly floppy, but she managed. “yeah.. good idea.” she agreed, using one of her hands to adjust the dolls position before picking up the sewing needle and poking it through the fabric to carefully begin sewing the gap shut.
“sorry, it probably feels really weird..” pomni muttered, sticking her tongue out as she worked. ragatha stifled a chuckle so as to not mess her up. “it’s alright, i just don’t usually get sewn up back there. besides the time i got impaled in the candy canyon kingdom, i don’t really need to fix myself up in that spot.”
“huh.” was all pomni said in response, cutting the thread once she was done. she stared at her work, uncertain. “does it feel alright?” she asked, tracing over the stitches with her fingertips. ragatha shuddered slightly at the contact. “y-yeah, it feels fine..!” she quickly addressed, turning around. pomni raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more as she gathered up some cotton in her hand. “alright, well, i should probably..”
“oh, right.” ragatha responds, narrowing her eye at the stuffing. “just.. put as much in as you can, i guess?” 
pomni hummed, unsure, but obeyed regardless. she gently let her fingers trace the rim of the tear, and carefully slipped some cotton in. with how cautious she was as to not hurt the doll, she never took into account that it might feel completely different.
realistically, neither did ragatha.
pomni took very little notice of the way ragatha’s expression shifted to one of nerves, smiling uncontrollably as she tried desperately not to laugh. the jester was so gentle, her touch light as a feather, but god, she’d be lying if she said it didn’t tickle like hell.
as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth, pomni looked up in slight worry. “a-am i hurting you..?” she asked, retracting her hands from the doll’s middle. ragatha shook her head. “no!- no, i-it’s fine, just.. continue.” she responded, avoiding eye contact. pomni didn’t seem to believe her, her eyebrows knitted together with uncertainty. “are you sure? am i not being gentle enough? you can tell me if i-”
“i said it’s fine, j-just keep going.” ragatha insisted. pomni looked back at the tear, then eyed the dolls nervous expression. the way her lips twitched and her face reddened.. that’s when it clicked.
she wasn’t sure if it would be too forward to ask, so she decided to experiment instead. she picked up a handful of the snow-white fluff and let it fall into the tear, but not without moving it around as a way to ‘position’ it. instead this time she carefully watched ragathas reaction, who in turn looked away as her shoulders shook, and pomnis eyes sparkled.
“ragatha?” she began, and she practically saw the colour drain from the doll’s face as she turned her attention to her. “y-yes, pomni?”
“sorry if this is intrusive but..” she rubbed the rim of the open ‘wound’ in ragatha’s middle, resulting in her breath hitching despite not actually needing to breathe. “are you ticklish?”
“uh-” ragatha couldn’t hold back the nervous grin. “well, i-i mean.. isn’t everyone..?”
the response made pomni raise an eyebrow, and ragatha let out a quiet chuckle. “s-so..”
pomni poked a finger into the opening, making ragatha squeak. the ragdoll immediately covered her mouth with her hands, and pomni couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“alright, alright.. i’ll get back to work. just.. try not to laugh too much, it’ll mess me up.” pomni spoke, picking up the soft white cotton again. ragatha nodded quickly as the jester then began carefully inserting the fluff back into where it belonged. and now that ragatha knew she didn’t need to hold it in that much, she let herself giggle at the unusual, tingly sensation in her middle, and pomni would be lying if she said the sound didn’t make her blush a little. 
the jester couldn’t help but play around a little, messily - but still cautious enough not to cause harm - stuffing the cotton into the opening as ragatha let out all kinds of squeaks and giggles. “p-pomnihihii! you’re dohoing that on puhuhurpose!!”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” pomni said with a little grin, messing around with the fluff a little more and drawing out a squeal from the other. “pohOMNI-!”
pomni giggled. “you know.. it’s kind of endearing.” she commented, retracting her hand. “yknow, that it tickles? i was worried it would be an uncomfortable experience, but.. it seems quite the opposite.” 
it was then ragatha realised she hadn’t protested in the slightest. “ahahah.. i guess so..” she looked away. “you don’t.. find it weird?”
“w.. why would i?” pomni looked up at ragatha. “i think it’s cute..”
“...oh.” ragatha blushed. “i-.. it is..?”
pomni stopped responding for a moment. “y-yeah, um.. i- i don’t know, i guess it’s the way it makes you smile and laugh that i really like, and, um..”
ragatha found herself chuckling. “aw, pomni.. that’s so sweet..!”
the jester was quiet for a moment. “you’re sweet.” she retaliated, and without warning, began ruffling around the white cotton fluff again and eliciting a yelp from ragatha, who nearly fell off the bed at how hard she jumped. “noHO WAIT-! POHOHOMNI!”
“whoops,” she smirked, using her other hand to keep her in place. “hold still! i need to readjust the stuffing!”
“no you doHOHON’T-!” ragatha squealed, kicking her legs against the side of the bed. “yes i do!” pomni retorted, continuing to mess with the cotton filling. for ragatha, when it came to tickling - or any contact like this for that matter - it never lasted any longer than a few seconds. this was a new experience for her, and it wasn’t unpleasant.
“while i am sure you’re both having fun—” the sudden voice made both girls jump, pomni pulling her hand away (with a bit of stuffing following along) and ragatha covering her mouth with her hands. “—i do have to ask you two to be quick! the adventure can’t wait!”
“ever heard of KNOCKING?” pomni hissed, completely disregarding caine’s sentence. but caine had already vanished away in a puff of smoke. the jester grumbled something under her breath, the obnoxious censor popping up over her mouth in the middle of it. ragatha giggled. “it’s okay, he’s sort of right.. we should probably get this done.”
“yeah yeah.. teethy f#$!er.” pomni muttered, earning another laugh from ragatha. “okay, hold still..” she said, before she continued to fill the opening with the fluffy white cotton as ragatha struggled not to squirm. pomni couldn’t help but smile. “sorry, sorry.” and ragatha could only shake her head, for if she spoke then the dam would break and the giggles wouldn’t stop flowing.
but finally, the job was done, and the two were finally able to attend the adventure. as pomni opened the door, ragatha spoke up, her voice almost a whisper. “um- yknow.. a-after the adventure..” she coughed, “we could.. um.. d-do this.. normally..? i-i mean, if you don’t want to that’s fine, i- just- um-”
pomni gazed at her with amusement, having figured out what the ragdoll meant. “yeah, i think that would be fun.” and ragatha nearly passed out at that answer. “r-right..! let’s- let’s go now.” 
“jeez, what took you guys so long?” was the anticipated question once the women had joined the rest. jax had his hand on his hip, his smile as smug as ever. “were you two—” but he was cut off as caine began to loudly explain the rules of todays adventure. 
pomni glared at the rabbit, but said nothing as ragatha lightly nudged her arm, and the jester sighed as she met her gaze with a typical tired smile. 
well, even if the adventure sounded just as ridiculous as every other event caine hosted, at least the two had a way to wind down after another wild day, huh?
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