#i dont care how evil he is i just really need him to be leader and a dick to all of the other clans
sunstartle · 2 years
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my favorite new hyper-competent 18 year old with slightly concerning levels of hidden bloodlust
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Smg4: smg4 doesn't meme for 1 second
Mostly Gay Boys talk / and well lil bit of crew talk
The crew convinced three to take four in for a therapy session. Tho that didnt solve his problems on complete brain rot with all of the memes.
Three did try his best to make him stay a bit focused on the topic they were meant to discuss with four's own meme problems.
And that didn't work-
- after smg4 was sent to meme rehab -
Everyone in the crew were sitting in the gaming room watching some tv, they were seen bored as ever without smg4.
Even just a small glimpse with each memeber entirely they've missed smg4 as well. He was their friend, their leader.
Shroomy came in with the mention of "among us" everyone- as in EVERYONE looked at where smg4 is supposed to be sitting at- reminded them the times when he would laugh at couple of meme jokes.
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It is pretty much saddened by the crew how worse it could be in a day without smg4 is by at their side could make them feel miserable.
Then Meggy mentioned about missing smg4...
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You know who responded to that?
Three himself...
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"Yeah...like, if... er... smg4's stupid humor... like actually... made our lives more exciting...and we didn't like... realize it or something?"
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"We're going over to that facility... to get SMG4 back!"
Smg3 was the one who knocked the door, he wanted him to come back. Even the crew also needs smg4 back because he wasn't just any other leader. He was already part of them as well.
They could all tell so, even for smg3 too.
Smg3's character development has taken him way more better to where he'd come far off being the evil villain he used to be before then coming to how much important he chose his own path.
"Hi, how are you" gave them the shock on their faces. Like they felt it was already too late to take back the treatment he was given while he was away.
"Woah smg4! Look at the phone! Wow, sk---di! Yeah you like this! Wooh! Sk---di t--l-t! Hehe. Stinky, woaaaaahh!" ★(I had to censor this because I hate reading nor hearing [REDACTED])
Smg3 attempted to try and brighten out his mood. Gave it a chance who mightve thought would work, giving him those meme moments that definitely would make him laugh.
But three didnt even know he wasnt even sure- if he even liked sk---di t--l-t.
Last time we know is that four almost lost his sh-t during that one cintent farm episode, he cringed to the part of mentioning this kind of brain rot.
But now that his mind is not any other that he'd act at all, smg4 became the normal. The person he wasnt supposed to be. Who SHOULDNT be.
"What is... a meme..."
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Everyone didnt want to lose smg4's senses, they didnt want his own person to disappear SO. they went inside the lab to get back his uhh... meme... thing-
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Then- yeah he did-
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Some of their eyes were relaxed but still worrying for him, while tari and smg3's eyes were a bit widened in shock. (Three was more widened than tari btw)
This indicates that three may have grew tons of roots being there for smg4 as well. That their friendship they both have planted is far beyond than just "sticking" to the sides.
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Now that Four is back in his senses, everyone joined in including smg3 to do the... t pose? Whatever it's called.
Three was so happy- to finally get him back- speaking of having the role as a tritagonist, he really mustve took way more care and tells how important he already is to him. Even as a friend.
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Honestly the hosts here who've completely have done much was Meggy and Three. Well- mostly three since he'd been convincing the crew to not give up or regret the choices made.
He LITERALLY told them that they need to get him BACK.
And everyone did understood.
Mark my words they have to be- (if they dont become canon in wotfi 2024 i will cry and die)
There is literally no way you guys look at each other like that. Stare for atleast SIX MORE SECONDS. (/referring to Puzzlevision movie when FOUR HAD BEEN STARING AT THREE)
and then caring for one another so emotionally like- mate- THATS FRUITY ALREADY- ENOUGH- WITH THE "FRIENDS" WHERE IS THE "BOY" AND "FRIEND"??????
I cant- I cannot- thats how badly they both need each other and slow burn is just- literally... uuuuuurugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They both mightve had the longest slowburn i have EVER seen in the sun and moon shipping history/silly
This mostly takes alot of time (judging by like lumity or catradora)
But i wouldnt mind with this also- its- well- kind of almost there but not yet...?
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jayladfanpage · 5 days
<3 LOVED ur jaybin musings, looking for characterization help. Currently reading Starlin's run for Jason (vvv fun!) and then will proceed to the tec issues. Im getting a little confused abt cheer (zadarsky i think?) cause im trying to figure out where does jason's morals lie ?? He says something there abt crooks being crooks and irredeemable ? then bruce told him off?? But now that im reading starlin etc etc I dont think that's what his morals were as robin??? literally feels like the opposite... so confused. Plus ive read a good chunk of tim's robin run and i am just ??????? what is happening its just lies half the time
Any thoughts on his personal morals as robin ? I think I should just ignore cheer lmao
It's always morally correct to ignore Chip Zdarsky
Cheer is probably one of Jason's worst stories right now. It's character assassination at its finest because DC wants Jason to be an antihero now and not a villain like he used to be, but that means they have to change the character fundamentally, which Zdarsky is very good at.
When it comes to Robin, though, it's very open to interpretation. Because on one hand you have Starlin, who really really hated Jason but gave him a very specific and new personality. On the other hand you have Barr, who made Robin Jason a sweetheart because he was pretending he was still writing Dick Grayson. I think it's fair to just pick your favorite of those two based on what fits best for the story you're trying to tell.
My favorite is Starlin's, just because of how extreme the differences between Jason and Dick get in his run. In Starlin's run, Jason is very aggressive, but deeply kind. He worries a lot about the victims, more than he probably should for it to be healthy, but he just cares a lot. Especially when it comes to sexual assault victims.
Outside of the garzones case, Robin Jason is pretty adamantly against murdering someone In cold blood, but he is not against watching somebody die if he thinks they're evil enough. That's exact scenario happens in Batman: The Cult (1988) where he and Bruce stand by and watch the cult leader get murdered and do nothing to stop it.
I do personally think that Robin Jason would be a lot more about forgiveness and rehabilitation then his Red Hood counterpart, but that's not necessarily based on canon. It's more based on the context of him having been raised in poverty. Comics are not a very good source of how a person's environment shapes them as a person, especially when we're talking about poor people. I see Jason as someone who craves community and intimacy and doesn't really know what to do with himself when he doesn't have it. Having Bruce, and with him the entire superhero community by association, is enough to satiate that need when he's Robin. Though we do get a story where Jason goes back to Crime Alley as Robin to give money to the people that he used to be friends with, which tells me that he understands what it actually takes to keep someone from entering a life of crime.
Let me know if I forgot something that you needed and I'll be glad to answer that too!!
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gorebek · 2 months
Bro you should def infodump e v e r y t h i n g about your Torbek swap au
only if you wanna of course 👉👈
Its hard to do literally everything because im stupid and cant put thoughts to paper but i can talk about a lot of stuff i have in my head
big disorganized yap session below cut
I plan on drawing a ref EVENTUALLY but some of the core stuff i want to add is gorebek being younger and shorter because he got the operation done a couple years before torbek
and he gets it done willingly so its less of a botch job like toebek the pipes that go through his body are more neat i guess is the best word they look cooler and he has actual clothes that are also adapted for his new additions
im thinking hunter fit like torbek but also idk... I still want to incorporate the suit but idk how i hate designing clothes
For how they met they never had any pre operation interaction like no working at the carnival but he was released post operation like hey go hunt people trying to fuck with us and given the carnivals whereabouts or something idk and when he gets to the inn and threatens them and powers up torbek fronts and just immediately starts crying and hides gricko is the first to reach out and realize hey this dude is pretty chill and then they take care of torbek until gorebek fronts again
Gorebek in this is probably like early ouaw torbek whos very new to things and the world torbek is that but way worse they both only know operations and experiments and whatever they were told without really experiencing the outside world while gorebek socialized torbek literally never has in his existence (himself, probably has cofronted and seen gorebek talk but its different)
idk how exactly this would go but i feel like he would follow them at first after the fight being like yess yes evil secret intel and slowly get accepted into the found family realizing they actually care for him and dont treat him like a creature to test on unlike insert evil people (release the duke backstory after hiatus so i can make this more accurate pls ouaw)
i think this process would be WAY way longer for gorebek then it is for torbek torbek probably fronts more often and connects with everyone while gorebek rarely lets himself get the chance to bond with anyone
in this i dont think gorbek is like explicitly evil i think he is acting on his beliefs and can be more connected to the carnival then canon gore
but i think that connection will be very co dependent after being held for so long and being told he was a tool he would probably crave that feeling of being needed again even if its warped and fucked up and probably act out but also crave love and the acceptance like torbek gets so gorebeks relationships would all be extremely hot and cold and constantly changing while torbek is just chilling (mostly)
Gorebek is also very self destructive i can see a shit ton of stuff they do being fucked up because gorbeks ego takes over or he just doesnt care what happens to him or those around him and when torbek is fronting for quests hes just clumsy and still very unaware and fucks it up like that
In canon ouaw torbek gets smarter and more leader-y even if the group doesnt wanna go with what he says and i think gorebek would try to be like this but fail he would definitely get smarter and learn a lot but leader-y not so much i dont think he would plan anything and fail because of it
Talking about reverse gorebek makes me want to talk about canon gorebek parallels and how i think canon gorebek plans everything meticulously and is an extremely good leader because hes given the skills to because he doesn't front he controls the witchlight while reverse was thrown to the wolves without developing skills because he cant harvest it like torbek can but torbek was given up on like canon torbek and just kinda tossed out as well idk idk
I did not reread any of this sorry if theres a bunch of mistakes im just ranting
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skwistokwarrior · 4 months
i had a long talk with my brother about the blues and reds awhile back and i thought i'd share some ideas we brainstormed for a better season (because s15 has so potential gone down the shitter) so uhh scroll while you still can. professional yapping under cut
ok so thinking about it now i don't exactly know how this would work about we had an idea that some of the reds and blues stayed back on chorus (i know, i know, this is already creating plotholes.) we decided on tucker, simmons, and sarge. we also thought itd be cool if tucker was like a cooler version of felix and wash combined. i think he'd train lieutenants☝️ maybe some simmons jensen bonding time i need those nerds to be friends!!! they can geek together. i also think simmons would like to observe chorus and help them recover from the war. and sarge would just stay idk
nooowww let's get into some ideas we had to improve the b&rs
surge, now being a sort of opposite of sarge, gained his rank from deception and tricks and he's actually quite cowardly, he'd risk a whole platoon to save his own ass (but oh no, they fought well and died in honor..) he doesn't really care for command and order, but follows temple because he has to. we came back to this a few months later and also had another idea that he was an odst like sarge but was very traumatized after the war and was very apathetic to life.
genes more street smart than book smart, also a massive trickster. he only pretends to think surge is in charge, he really hates surge (plus i had an idea that sarge DID save surge, but he left surge on his own and gene pushed him in the lava mwahahaha) but despite that he actually sort of idolizes temple, seeing him as the leader surge never was. my guy turned down his leader just to immediately cling onto the first authority figure he views as "different from the others" (different as in worse. so much worse) or he's just the same. cause that joke was pretty funny
i think it'd be interesting if cronut acted more like s1 donut (because the difference is INSANE 😭) not much further explanation on this but also added a point that he's using the b&rs just for the time machine (what for? we didn't exactly get that far.) OH ALSO MAYBE NAMED BAGEL LMAO
so we had two ideas for buckey. he's either huge creepazoid turned up to 11 or a huge religious freak that DESPISES tucker for his sexual nature. swears its gods words telling him to persevere and help the b&rs on their plan. to add onto the first idea, i think he'd have all of tuckers worst traits amplified by like, a lot. the only reason they keep him around is cause he's a sniper (also had a little idea that he was the one who shot wash)
lorenzo is silent. cant speak LOL we had some ideas about him being given freelancer equipment. alsssooooo added onto this with the possibility of the suit being ran by the greed ai (and that the armor was georgia's suit colored brown cause of the georgia & greed theory) plus they had an emp bomb installed as a backup. maybe this ones a stretch
nothing much for loco. i guess i liked his whole "hes not REALLY evil thing" but i wouldve liked to see an evil side of loco, even just a little. oh we had an alternative idea for the machine he was builing, somewhat of a slipspace bomb to lure in unsc ships to boom boom them
i don't really know what to add to biff 😭 i actually liked his character as he was. uuuuuhhhhh i wouldve liked more georgina. pls. i love heryou dont understamd.
OHHH ALSO ALSO we had an idea that when tucker finally gets to temple he pulls out fucking yellow church as an ai fragment. he threatens to destroy it and does his little rant about how the ai fragments were also the cause of all this. to add onto the slipspace bomb idea, the bomb is destroyed at the unfortunate cost of yellow church. bye bye buddy. I KNOW THIS ONES A STRETCH ITS JUST FUNNY
ok guys make sure to like and subscribe and smash that notification bell!!!!!!
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bonefall · 2 years
how does the fire scene play out in your redux?
Had a whole thing written out and Tumblr crashed and deleted my post again :/ take 2
The Fire Scene's one of those things that, because of a bunch of my reduxes, can't exist the way that it does in canon.
Adopted kits are valued just as much as regular kits ergo she can't have a reverse psychology "Ok fine kill them it won't hurt me" moment. The Queen's Rights also means that she did not have a social obligation to reveal the father of her kits (though many cats in the clan will think it was a dick move she didn't tell Bramble)
But I do need to preserve Ashfur's motivation that he's scorned by her rejecting him. It's important that he wants to possess and hurt her because he is an incel... though, I do want to weave in something about the "Kin of your Kin" prophecy reaching him and adding an element that they should be dead because their power could threaten ThunderClan (which is from my Villain Thornclaw AU, and imo a much better motivation behind the Fire Scene in general. Especially since it connects thematically to The Broken Code.)
Fragments, rough outline:
-I'm going to change the logistics a bit; Squirrelflight is trying to push a tree down for the Three to climb up. Ashfur interrupts this action
-"My quarrel is with you!" They brawl here, Ash wants to force her to watch her kids die
-I'm thinking she lets loose the secret to disarm him for a moment, "ok. kill them. they aren't my kits so i dont care" "Wait-- what? Wait! No you're lying you turned around go go back into th-" SQUILF KICKKK
-Maybe she even kicked him so hard she launched him into the tree, knocking it over. Girlboss. let my cats do anime battles
-This is when the three start coming up the tree, but Ash obviously is trying to stop that. Lionblaze gets to run up and slap his bald head
-Lion can have a moment here, if it's fitting, that he isn't capable of killing Ash and feels ashamed of his monstrous powers. He was his mentor-- in this rewrite, a mentor is emotionally like another parent. He's overwhelmed by hurt, betrayal, and thinks back to all the things Ashfur did that hurt him
-In general I really need to hammer out what their mentor/apprentice dynamic was like, and how it affected Lionblaze's personality. Thinking about it now, it's super important for this scene
-hmm... maybe I can tie the prophecy-motivation back in here, and have THIS be the moment where they logically work out Leafpool is their parent. "They aren't Squilf's kits, BUT Lionblaze obviously has star powers, so they must be Kin of Firestar's Kin through someone else! Ergo the only logical choice is LEAFPOOL"
-but like... y'know, less smartly worded.
-Anyway Ashfur runs. This is also the last story beat in Hollyleaf's Po3 arc; the last betrayal she can take before she begins her villain descent.
Post-Fire Consequences:
-Ashfur... he can't just walk off scot free, in any case, Firestar or Bramblestar (depending on if Firestar is dead yet) wouldn't let an attempted murderer stay in the Clan
-Maybe Hollyleaf kills him purely out of revenge? For how he hurt his mom, his brother, how he threatened his family. she deserves a lil revenge tbhhh
-Maybe Firestar died somewhere else during the fire and killing Ashfur right now could look like part of the same murder. Especially since Fire could have "black fur" in his claws too because Breezepelt does it. (tfw you and your evil half-bro are drowning two guys in the same creek and there's an awkward silence /j)
-When Brambleclaw/star finds out, he's upset that Squilf lied to him. That's understandable. If he's -Star by this point, he demotes her as deputy immediately because he can no longer trust her and she helped conceal a crime.
-ThunderClan is NOT completely in favor of this. Opinions are super mixed; some agree that a leader has to be able to trust their deputy. Others say Squilf was upholding the warrior code by protecting the kits. Others think it's fair for Bramble to be mad, but that Squilf was the best choice for a deputy and his personal anger is clouding his decision (a sign of a bad leader)
-Overall though, Bramble's reputation takes the larger hit here. The Thistle Law-leaning supporters who don't respect the Queen's Rights didn't like Squirrelflight politically to begin with.
-Also this is the beginning of the end of Bramblesquirrel in my rewrite. She never gets back with him romantically after how he acts in Bonefall OotS, though she does, briefly, consider it in Squirrelflight's Horror. (I think the title of that redux says everything about how 'Great' of an idea that is.)
So In Conclusion
This is the second-to-last major conflict of Bonefall Po3 before we end the arc and go to Bonefall OotS, and the widely accepted end of the Power Era as Inter-Clan political relationships sour, with no proper Fire Alone leadership to smooth tensions.
I would like to have one final Clan battle after the Fire Scene to set that up, after which Hollyleaf vanishes into the tunnels. If I was renaming the books of each arc (which I haven't yet just because none of my outlines are truly detailed enough yet to really outline 6 individual books), Sunrise would become Cruel Season.
In Cruel Season, we also get the birth of Jayfeather's kits, adopted by Lionblaze in a parallel to Leafpool.
Feel free to leave suggestions and feedback on parts that are good, and what's not working about this. It's still WIP territory.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
(monologue prompt)
The CEO of a mega corporation, monologues to his older brother and the party of adventures that he (as in his brother) gathered across the multiverse to fight a greater evil, and points out all of his flaws. The Party tries to speak against the accusations, before the CEO rants about how his brother, the party leader, had attacked him with a butchers knife, and left him to die after the house that their family lived in had blown up, all because his younger brother had calmly asked him to train his puppy.
(An Oddly Specific prompt. But lets give it a go)
The CEO walked into the Boardroom that His brother and his team were sitting in. The Elder brother looked happy to see his successful sibling.
"Brother thank you for making the time to meet with us. I am in need of your assistance we need..."
"Let me guess, you need my help to fix one of your messes." The CEO interrupted, clearly unamused.
"Not our mess, there is a great evil planning to wipe out the multiverse! And we were told you would be able to help us get the materials we need to create the Matter destabilizer." One of the Party members spoke up. To the CEO this one appeared to be the brains of the team.
The CEO sighs.
"No. I am done. You can go get the materials for your Matter whatever another way."
"Brother please. I know you have the materials in one of your Company's Labs. We just need to get in and out. Its for the sake of the universe." His brother pleaded.
"Get out of here John, " The CEO says coldly. "I told you I am finished with your crap."
"Victor... Brother. Its for the fate of the Universe."
Victor had heard enough.
"No, stop your crap. I told you I am done John. I am so sick of you bringing me into your exaggerated bullshit! Do you know how often I cleaned up after your messes! You are a careless Man-child that will chase the shiniest object without a care for who gets hurt!"
John's expression showed the hurt that his brother inflicted
Though it seems his team was not willing to take the slander on their comrade.
"Hey, you dont know him! He has saved us dozens of times. He has helped each of us and we owe him far more than what you would think. John is a hero and you shouldnt talk to your brother in such a way."
Victor looked in the direction of the teammate.
"Oh has he? He saved you dozens of times? Let me guess, did those times he "Saved the day" often involve him trying to get something and it backfiring? Or Maybe it was a misunderstanding that He needed to clear up because of his incompetence?"
The Team looked ready to speak but stopped, situations kept popping into their heads only for the idea to fizzle into one of the two scenarios Victor had mentioned.
"At best he was doing damage control over his own mistakes! John handles stress as well as a Landmine!"
"Victor that isnt true!" John spoke up. Now feeling angry and frustrated with his brother's comments.
"May I remind you of the Dog sitting incident?"
"That was over 10 years ago, let it go."
"All I asked you to do was help train our new puppy. That was all, and what do you think happened?" Victor asked as he looked to the John's team.
"The puppy got hurt?"
"The puppy didnt learn?"
"The puppy ran away?"
"All reasonable guesses but no." Victor responded. He was clearly building to the ending.
"Victor it was 10 years ago."
The entire room went silent. Until one of his team spoke up.
"John, did that really happen?"
John looked at his comrade.
"There is some missing context..."
"Damn it John."
"John what the hell?"
Victor sighed.
"Now, if your team needs my lab, then I will provide it. But John, you are not allowed anywhere near it, and after this is over. I never want to see you again."
Victor walked to leave the board room.
"Is that Clear John?"
John looked down on the floor.
"Yes... Vic."
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hopeless-eccentric · 2 years
ok so now i actually have the energy to address this! let’s talk about boromir
i think my biggest issue with the way boromir gets characterized is that you see a lot of 1) prideful, near-spoiled cautionary tale characterization or 2) least “moral” member of the fellowship characterization, and i really just dont see either of them. if anything, i find him to be a very moving character with complex motivations that unfortunately get missed a lot because theyre not incredibly blatant and a bit hidden in the appendices
so boromir was raised to be an heir of what we know denethor sees as their kingdom, and faramir even mentions a young boromir asking why the stewards weren’t just considered kings after 1000ish years. a lot of what comes off as “pride” isnt just this guy being a dick, it’s directly what he’s been raised to think. he’s spent years learning how to be a good leader of a country he sees no reason not to lead. i wont deny he’s a proud character, but his reaction makes sense from someone raised to see this country as his responsibility. he’s not just gonna leave it the hands of some guy
to dig into that more, we know from the appendices that as a kid, boromir was his brother’s “protector” (the placement of this passage suggests that this may have been from their father, though it’s possible that faramir was just an incredibly bullyable child), but assuming either, he’s spent most of his life singlehandedly keeping what he loves safe. for faramir, he wouldve been his only supportive family after the death of his mother, and with the whole “best man in gondor” title going on, it doesnt seem like he’s in a place to get a whole lot of support or help when he needs it. im not saying boromir’s got older sister syndrome, but--
another thing along that line that pisses me off. especially when two children are close, favoritism towards one kid and maltreatment of another is going to fuck BOTH of them up. for one thing, if one child is constantly praised for successes and the other is constantly berated for failures, how supported or able to ask for help do you think kid A is gonna be? that is not a way to raise a kid if you want them to be able to handle pressure or failure normally 
as for the ring, this is a guy who’s got the weight of a nation on his shoulders. if this is the weapon that could singlehandedly save his home and his people and he just passes up on it? if the world ends and he couldve stopped it? that’s horrifying, on top of the fact that boromir’s probably got some nasty ingrained issues with failure from his childhood
and what REALLY gets me is the attitude that boromir was somehow “more evil” than the other party members for being taken over by the ring. resisting the ring is treated as one of the best markers of heroism throughout the text (galadriel, gandalf, faramir, etc), and boromir cant pull it off immediately, but he DOES IT. even in his last words, he tells aragorn he failed, but aragorn replies “no, you have conquered.” he’s talking about the ring man! boromir’s not necessarily naturally the most susceptible to the ring, he’s just more psychologically worn down than the other party members and the least supported. but he MAKES IT. he doesnt get gollumed, he doesnt waste away, he doesnt lose himself. he dies as boromir, as he was in life, protecting the people he cares about
and what really breaks my heart is that in the silmarillion, there’s an insinuation that because humans fear the Valar but love the ocean, most “miracles” are done through water. when faramir talks about finding boromir’s body, frodo points out that it wouldve taken a miracle to get him over the waterfalls safely, but faramir says it couldnt have been a dream because it left his shoes wet. so putting two and two together, the Valar step in to perform a rare miracle to bring boromir home
so at the end of the day, boromir was a man, and he was so much more than proud, and so often, his “proudest” decisions are motivated by fear. he wasnt the least good of the Fellowship, just the most troubled and the least supported. he was a protector, a man of his people, and a hero
anyway next time someone reduces him to just the “least moral member of the Fellowship” im gonna blow a gasket
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For the character meme: beast wars dinobot
hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
How I feel about this character
Love Pink!
I think everyone's love for him was the reason why I decided to watch beast wars in the first place. And i almost quit the show after he died so i'd say i like him a normal amount (lie).
I have a love hate relationship with his design cuz its sooooo hard for me to draw like why did he do that he should have chosen something simpler. 
His mannerisms and how tall he is makes everything in the show 10 times more funny(to me). ohhhhh I'm fixed on his voice and vocal tics it really does make him stand out from the rest of the cast.
He’s so mean too, a hating ass bitch, I can respect that. He’d be the best fast food coworker (he’d still work at popeyes!!). And sometimes he be loud and wrong, like ok CLOWN.
How do I say this nicely? Making fun of him is my favourite thing to do. Also since he is the fan favourtie (am i correct in assuming this?) everyone makes fire ass art involving him. always a treat, he never let me down.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
A good fight would make him hooooorny.
Tarantulas - one, I just think it's funny and two, that one episode when he was complimenting tarantulas's hunting skills?? Can you imagine them hunting things together??? I need it!! Dinobot in his evil cannibal twins era <3
Tigatron - uhhh the solitude uhh the warriors bond the best slow burn ever. They are opposites and dont understand each other at all. LITERALLY Law of the Jungle ep is just: tigatron doesn't behave the way DB wants him to so Dinobot is thinking “ *snorts* i can fix him!!”. It’s peak to me…
Tigatron so calm and wholesome, and Dinobot is…NOT pfttttt  AHHH LIKE FIRE AND ICE FIRE AND ICE!!!!! They clash but go togetherrrrrr *sigh* who sees my vision 🥹
thats all my brain could come up with aack
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cheetor and Dinobot lol hi grandpa take his ass to hot topic 
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Dinobot would not make a good leader. He’s not emotionally considerate and does not have the skills to “think past the battle”. He can fight, anticipate an ambush, command some soldiers but that's pretty much it.
Actual diplomacy, or caring about the health of his teammates? HA! 
He constantly wants to abandon people, or overthrow someone, switching sides like crazy. Nigga never been loyal…and he likes to talk about his “honor”.
Now I really need some insight on what “predacon honor” is cuz wtf?? Rattrap was lowkey right, how could we trust him? 
I was sad when he died but ion really feel like he needs to come back, you know? You could kind of sense that there was no direction the show could take his character.
And getting rid of him was the logical choice. He a lil self destructive and got some issues (that's why I love him) but after a while it got repetitive for me. I don't think this show was equipped to handle the characterization they were building up to so him dying was kinda a good thing dare i say. 
He's a bottom 🏳‍🌈
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More predacon interactions that hint at what his life was like before they crashed on earth.
The lil nuggets we get are so interesting to me, I need to see how the dynamics were before he ‘betrayed’ them.
He knows these guys so well im so madddd i missing out on all the dramaaaaaaa
i also wanted him to interact more with rampage...i cant explain it but....there's something there that needs to be explored
Eat more people
be weird
be a freak
Nerd out tenfold about history
Should have killed silverbolt whaaaa who said that
Thats all i can think of off da top of me headdd, thanks for the ask @cybertron-after-dark 💜
sorry for typos!
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thenixkat · 21 hours
also i like the implications that the people living in this universe think kaiju are evil or actively malicious. The majority of the kaiju seem to be nonsapient but hungry critters but not actively malicious. Granted I dont think most folks who live in a universe were there were living natural disasters that eat people would really care if most kaiju dont seem to have the capacity to be evil rather than just dangerous wild animals
Shinomiya is totally not ecstatic to get her talents recognized and praised by her new substitute dad friend /lying
also the bullets are made of kaiju bits. I'd like to know what part of the kaiju they come from
also Ichikawa really said that he intends to become the strongest b/c he wants to protect Kafka b/c Kafka is the first hero he's met in his life since a kaiju killed his family and Kafka is a nice good guy and he really doesnt want his buddy to get caught killed and turned into weapon parts what a responsible young man. But also, child, you dont have to protect yer adult friend. Its not something you have to deal with
ok that squad leader sounds like she's gonna get some sexual harassment complaints. Lady dont oogle the rookies while yall are being attacked by kaiju
local man just happy to help
yeah I dont like Mina's design. She does not look like a woman that uses bfgs
the artist should have made her beefy i dont care if they have super suits, make that woman jacked
also damn aint nobody got an ass in this
local 27 yr old woman is fucking emotionally constipated and refuses to just communicate her feelings directly
also i like how helmets are not a part of the gear for the Defense Force. folks said they dont need to protect their heads. No need to worry about head trauma yeah no you should not be able to walk on that leg with a chunk that big taken out of you child
also I noticed that the Mushroom actually does have ear holes with the detail in the manga art
local cryptid shooting its own flesh at enemies
oh neat. SO the bullets crom from uniorgan secretions of kaiju. That does raise the question of what do they do if they run out of the specific kaiju's parts to make a certain type of ammo?
no one in this manga has an ass but I'm supposed to belive these sticks are so athletic? yeah the anime should have kept the line about Iharu sending a flare for help b4 coming back makes him look more responsible
the same trick wont work twice on the fungal intelligence
i do very like the idea of characters just straight up praying b/c they're staring down death
I did assume that Iharu is probably in his early 20s. Like 20 in Japan is the age at which you can drink and smoke and such and apparently used to be the age of majority until it got lowered to 18 like in the 2010s (but the mangaka labels Ishikawa and Shinomiya as minors so the mangaka doesnt see them as adults) and Iharu mentioned going to college for 5 yrs. So early to mid 20s probably. I assume most of the recruits are in their early 20s if we only had 2 fuckers too young to drink also imagine 18 and one of yer new adult coworkers decides to declare you to be his rival Kafka said no one picks on and tries to murder his comrades on his watch
and do have to repeatedly state that Kafka's monster form's design is not super consistent in the manga. The shape of his horns differs, the set of his canines, how many spines he has, wether or not he has teh side spines, how craggy he is. SHit is not consistent with him
I will say i prefer his horns drawn in the more crescent shape that makes it clear their extended from his brow ridges. Looks a lot less like rabbit ears
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forsythi-amitie · 1 year
i would like to pretend i had a slightly more coherent thought today but nope i just think its funny how ibara picks at yuzuru for being an obedient butler and similar to a lap dog when he's the one who had to limit nagisa's allowance. He's the one who cooks dinner for him. (+ If you think about it hard enough, ibara is actually like. An evil butler. Who laughs maniacally) anyways here's my contribution.
i think its nice how being in Eden changed him, how he actually has friends, for one, but also how he's learned to be able to open up a little more. I guess it's like having to learn to undo all of the bad habits he'd learned for his own survival, because he now doesn't need to hold onto them as tightly as he did in the past.
This guy has some major trust issues. Constantly being in an environment where being able to trust someone was not guaranteed would probably do a number on you. I think some part of him is also scared to trust the rest of Eden, to an extent. I think his relationship with Eden as a unit in particular is interesting, since its something that he was able to build for himself, something that stands as proof of his effort, which is probably why he works so hard to make sure they succeed. Its probably one of the things he's the most proud of. I also see his "position" in Eden to be interesting, seeing how he does most of the work, but isn't the actual leader. Its probably because that would make it slightly easier for him to manage everything from behind the scenes, and help him to not stand out so much. Yet, he's slightly jealous of how jun was able to stand out, since in the end, he's an idol too. Maybe its the conflict between wanting to be recognized and stand out but also scared of that because a certain level of vulnerability is attached
In bogie time, he was able to open up to hajime because he's just so nice to everyone. Hajime is genuine and innocent, and nothing like the people ibara had encountered in the past. I'm pretty sure the entire event was him trying to strategize his way to victory and failing miserably, which i guess in a way was a sort of lesson? That sometimes you have to let yourself live and have fun. (I think hes still working on that)
I could bring up his list of business practices with questionable ethics, but thats probably just a result of having to live that kind of life, where you make use of everything around you, no matter how dirty. Still, he's above throwing people completely under the bus. He might blackmail them a bit though.
His inability to have fun shows up in his daily life too, like how his favourite food is nutritional supplements. Dude what. I'd like to think part of that is because he's so focused on work that it's easier to not take a lunch break and just take pills instead, and also how im pretty sure he's never actually been able to sit down and have a nice meal? So he just chooses the most bland (but healthy) option there. Thankfully the rest of Eden complained and offered to share their food (which is actually really cute? Lol) still, that makes me think of just how little of a "life" he actually had? To think that he doesn't have a proper favourite food, not because hes indecisive, but because he'd never had a chance to experience it. (Breath mints are more of a favourite food than supplements and that's saying something)
That and the fact that he manages a slightly concerning number of businesses. I might have missed a few things somewhere, but i dont think this guy has any hobbies. (Strategizing is not a hobby)
He should live a little. Go get lost in the mountains for a change.
He might not want to admit it, he definitely had gotten attached to the members of Eden, considering how he'd picked up Jun's catchphrase lol (what kind of catchphrase is Goddamn? Who knows) I also think about how Eden also cares about him, like how hiyori entrusted bloody mary to him, or how Nagisa is totally willing to interrupt his "evil schemes" (that's definitely a love language trust me). Anyways Eden found family.
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lady-lazagna · 1 year
i hope u dont mind me throwing in three little guys for thr oc ask
ashton vita and acec >:3
I mind very much how DARE you >:0 /j
I’ll start with our resident Filipino legend Acec since he’s in the same timeline as my gang. Xe’s a very OuO guy, so I think at first Ash and Kylie would be a bit put off, maybe try but struggle to hold conversations with him. They may eventually they warm up to him when they realise xe is just A Guy and not a changling of some kind. But fellow autism Madina knows there’s no need for flowing conversations when you have funny little pictures to share. They’d hit it off best with their simultaneous lack of seriousness and genuine sincerity. They snoop around team Dungeon collecting The Goss. They sit quietly and watch mcyt videos for hours on end, eyes dead and legs bouncing. Madina would pick him up and swing him around like Mario swinging Gay Bowser. Also they both like beautiful men. Maybe they can double date and re-introduce Tsubasa and Bao to each other, since they definitely do not remember each other at all. God bless amercia o7
Trucker Dave is the person who’s most likely to know Vita and the crew since he's Coach Steel’s husband. Idk if Steel’s still the main coach in the Zero Era but ain’t no way he’s out of there completely, so Dave still passes through from time to time. And if he notices a kid having a rough time, he'll try to offer a bit of Queer Trucker Wisdom. With Vita being the leader of her team and also queer, it's likely Dave could notice her going through some Stuff and give some good ol' advice, maybe let her pet his dog while she vents a bit. They both seem to have very calming and trusting presences so I think they'd get on quite well.
Now, ASHANTI. Ash would LOVE Vita. In her time, she was the only female team leader in the championships, so seeing an up-and-coming female team leader would be absolutely delightful. At that point she's also a beyblading coach, so maybe she could reach out and give some advice? Offer some training or even a mentorship if she can stand being in the US for that long? They're both sort of "older sister" figures, so she could also help Vita navigate the feelings that come with that (also them combined with Aria and Kylie?? Slay).
The Birrung girls would see Ashton Angsto and think "man aren't we glad we had no dudes on our team" or maybe "wow the kids these days have problems. we had problems once." But they don't see him as a threat to anyone as much as just a dickhead who'll hopefully learn about the magic of friendship, as all other minor dickheads in the championships tend to do. So long as he stays in his lane and doesn't join any evil corporations, they won't sick any wild hounds on him (although if Ash is also Vita's mentor... then that might change. Go full Madina mode if you know what I mean (I really don't care that you're a baby, I'll snap your neck like a twig)).
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Liu Qingge/Zhuzi Lang: Both these dudes are from Scum Villain's Self Saving System, which is a chinese novel by the author MXTX (I cannot remember the full name im sorry).
Liu Qingge is known as a 'war god' and he's, to put it lightly, Fightsexual. Boy's got IQ specifically geared towards getting into and out of fights. He was one of the strongest characters in the story (like, 3rd strongest if you dont count the protagonist's dad who was uhm 'retired' by the start of the story lol). He's also Incredibly Princely Pretty.
Zhuzhi Lang is a half-snake demon with self-esteem issues and can turn into a large snake, and can also probably give Liu Qingge a good fight! ngl I just love Liu Qingge and I ship over half a dozen people with him. Zhuzhi Lang is a top contender though because he's a sweet guy, can totally get into vore, can give Liu Qingge a challenge, and also probably has 2 dicks-
Naruseku: Yeah i can gurantee this is the only submission for them for Some Reason. Because no one ships them. Like i have searched the internet far and wide and turn up with like. Close to literal zero. And here's the thing, this is entirely illogical. They work together in this evil group and their deals are essentially that they're. Unhappy people. At first you think they're just annoying but actually they're annoying snd Extremely Miserable. In silly ways, they are such losers and so cringefail. I could write an essay on both of them individually, but basically i love how their focus isn't on being better people, it is on being happier. Individually.
The show is divided into clear parts of who is the main antagonist at the time which really makes you FEEL how unhappy they each are. They're a group but they're also not bc they choose to be unhappy ad get on each other's nerves about it and that's a prime focus of their characters. Anyway, these two make me insane, they spend a lot of time together during the middle part of the show, bc the first villain is gone so now it's just the two of them and their leader who isn't doing much yet. After this part, one of them, narcistoru, is defeated so he's gone for the time being. But these two, they hate each other SOOOOOOOO much it's insane. This is because Narcistoru is an annoying bitch and Secretoru hates that. And they're both generally insane people with dumb beliefs and issues that they view wrongly. It's just so glorious to see them annoy each other so much. Post Narcistoru's main screen time, he gets his conclusion episode. He escapes from prison and Secretoru is supposed to retrieve him. But like not because they need him, in fact, they absolutely did not care that he was arrested because none of these people give a flying fuck about each other. It's just that he wasn't supposed to be a risk. Secretoru and Narcistoru have a rather petty and hilarious fight. Because you see. Now they don't have to get along. They are not on the same side. So the hostility is really thriving here. In fact, she manages to capture him, and while fighting the pretty cures (magical girls), hensays some annoying shit and she goes "actually i changed my mind" and shoves him off this rock in order for the monster (they always summon one) to fucking kill him. Like she tries to murder him in cold blood soley because he's annoying and this was entirely inevitable actually. She wants that twink obliterated. They don't bring this up again in the finale when they're both in prison. They just. Kind of hang out now. They've reached a level of tolerance.
And you may think "why do you ship this" LOOK. THEIR INTERACTIONS. ARE SO FUNNY. IT'S JUST. A VERY FUN SHIP. BECAUSE THEY'RE HILARIOUS. The hostility is so great and i think it would be neat if they had some t4t hatesex. It would solve nothing. They mske each other so much worse. But it would be very hot. Also secretoru has a general "can you shut the fuck up" attitude towards him. I don't even technically ship it but i ENJOY the ship.
And yet. I am so alone in this which is insane because i definitely expected ship content for them even before i actually wanted it myself.
But no, of course people ship Narcistoru with actual fifteen year olds. Like so much. And there is ZERO content for the ship with the other Actual Adult that he interacts with on a regular basis and who he has a fantastic and entertaining and INTERESTING dynamic with. So basically, i am not just sad, i am also SO SALTY. They are so insanely rarepair despite being an absolute epic duo. Awesome crackship, 10/10, literally comedy
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
okay you cant just say that and not elaborate. please elaborate. if you want to ofc you don't have to-
I will gladly elaborate this is very rough so idk how much sense it makes
first off this is about pokemon btw. also I'm not entirely sure how time travel works in pokemon I know it happens a lot but I. I don't know and I can't look it up rn so this might be incorrect I don't care
so there's this guy yk. he lives in a different timeline than the main story(not suuper different but it's different. basically in the main story he didn't really exist) and basically there's this legend (in both timelines) about 3 species of pokemon that represent the fear responses (fight, flight, and freeze) and those pokemon generally make people really nervous around them(they aren't doing it on purpose their abilities just screwed them over)so humans dont interact with them and eventually due to circumstances I still need to figure out but poaching them is one many die out until there's only a couple left
3 of each species the remaining pokemon (the pokemon also don't have names auughh) get so mad at humanity they train for a long time. Freeze gets especially powerful as it tries to shed it's weakness of being very slow and also unable to attack effectively and succeeds at that so it uses it's fear inducing power stuff to almost cause the apocalypse before another legendary from the reigon has to seal it away into a statue state. the other two stronger pokemon run away to avoid being punished however the statue has a marking on it that looks like an item could fit there but that's for later
anyways now actually on to this guy who I'll call. tree. because he's related to the professor who's named after a tree. that will not be their actual name I need a placeholder anyways he works in a mine with his pokemon that helps him mine. it's another form of one of the starter pokemon, who is a grey catbird with a meowth disguise. it's basically that but with perrserker so it gains steel typing (it's steel/dark now)and it's stronger because it's bred to be more for helping in the mines
tree then gets into beef with this one person over if the freeze pokemon legend is true and he travels all around out of spite to find the object that fits in the statue and eventually they find it and invite the person into the building that houses the statue
while they're waiting for the person to join them at the building tree starts to realize that if the legend was true and not something to just get people to visit the mountain it's on he could literally rule the world so he decides he wants to because they're tired of working in the mines
so the person makes it and he puts the object into the statue. and the pokemon awakens. but now it's extremely pissed off so it starts firing the Psychic Waves That Make You Anxious everywhere
and well tree almost dies instantly from the pokemon immediately attacking him but god decides he could be useful so arc decides to take him inside of the realm it's in and give tree a stern talking to and a look into what happened after he awakened the pokemon were literally all of the people and pokemon have lost it and now nothing can function anymore and then it throws him into the main story timeline. because the evil team leader is planning on doing the exact same shit he did and arc doesn't want another timeline to go to complete shit again
oh and then his bird managed to come through with them and it got lost after its pokeball broke open once getting here and almost killed the mc and one of the rivals and her tyrouge who she just saved from death the day before so that's another thing that happens
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I sometimes feel like ppl read too much into 2012 a bit, not in a bad way or anything that exactly what fandom does. We pick apart our fav media, looking for all the subtle hints and little interactions to feed our fave headcanons and canons.
But it's back to that Steven universe killing the diamonds conversation, this is a show predominantly written for 11 year Olds 😭 and not only that it's a show that put cool fight scenes first and treated emotions and relationship dynamics as an after thought. It was also literally made in a period of time when shows were kind of mean. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it but it just means does nuances and stuff won't really be the main focus point of the show(which I also think it's an added bonus because it gives fans so many different ways to add that nuance themselves) and at the end of the day we all will leave with different interpretations since the show wasn't so firm in expressing the overall dynamics and pushed everyone aside to make Leo the main focus alot of the time.
Like for me, I couldn't stand how splinter treated Raph. I related most to Raph as a kid and found how Raph was treated by splinter infuriatingly similar to how my mother treated me and for Leo I personally thought he had it best compared to his brothers because he had the closest relationship to Splinter but when I asked my little sister about it she said that she thinks he has it worse because splinter basically used him as his personal therapist and used him to deal with his problems. I never thought of it like that and honestly thought the worst part of their relationship was that Splinter left Leo to be the leader of the group in and outside of missions but I learnt a new perspective and I didn't immediately refute it because I didn't see it at first.
And I really think this is one of the biggest problems with the 2012 discussion. We always try to put everything into black and white, neat little boxes with best little labels. But there is always a gray area and sometimes it might not even be grey it can be fucking pink. We need to respect eachothers interpretations of the relationships and try to not be too quick to bash eachothers interpretations to a pulp.
And sometimes we are too blinded by rises awesomeness that we don't find the need to pay attention to 2012's awesomeness too and only look at the negatives.
And in a tangent too many ppl refuse to give 2012 a chance😭😭 ppl are too ready to call it out but haven't watched it in years. They use 2012 to make rise brothers look better.
I'll be looking for a crossover fic between the two iterations and the only thing I'll find is ppl writing 2012 April and Raph(and sometimes Donnie) like literal demon spawns and it honestly makes me kind of sad like we could have used that opportunity to add like nuances to their characters but instead we write them so unnecessarily mean😭😭😭 like babes stoppppppppp I just want to see the brothers be besties not rise brothers adopt Mikey because 12 brothers are evil monsters that don't care about their baby brother.
Sorry if this is hard to follow, I'm really bad with writing stuff that aren't in bullet points lol. And even tho English is the only language I know doesn't mean I know how to do it well😭😭😭
But it's back to that Steven universe killing the diamonds conversation
It was also literally made in a period of time when shows were kind of mean.
this is really fuckin important to note actually. its very hard to watch a lot of shows from that era, like the cruelty is the point and the joke and it HURTS to see sometimes hah. like i'll see all the brothers be absolute pieces of shit to Casey and just go ??? am i supposed to laugh at this??? it's got Sitcom disease where everyone is awful on occasion for Bits and Gags or something haha.
i vibe with a lot of what you've said here. its making me think that once i watch 2012 i could try my hand at a crossover. idk tho, we'll see.
maybe they could all take turns adopting each other (translation: they should get along and coach each other through their emotional issues)
I liked the anecdote about your sisters opinion, i think thats a good way of lookin at shit.
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broodsys · 1 year
also i totally get why so many fans end up hating solas. a part of me does, too. but... if you look from his perspective, really try to sink into it, make him the main character of the narrative rather than the inquisitor, it's just a different kind of tragic. one thing ive always loved about the da games is that the characters aren't wishy-washy, they make game-changing, earth-shaking decisions all on their own w/o any input from the player. if he was real i'd want him dead but as part of a narrative... ough. this is the vague part, spoilers under the cut
he was part of the old elven empire. he saw its corruption, saw the other elven "gods" kill mythal for caring for her people instead of just herself and the others like her, and broke the world in two to avenge her and to seal them away. they were wrong. but in trying to defeat that evil, he did so, so much harm. but he couldn't do otherwise, could not kill them, and had no other means of sealing them
and now here's an elf who knows nothing of their history except for how its been twisted and turned into strange propaganda, and he falls in love with her. how can he betray her? how can he not? if he doesn't keep going, he'll be betraying his original means of penance, betraying his people, and keeping the world split - to him, destroyed. and if he goes along with her, if he stops his quest, then... all the people he's killed, that he's spent, mythal herself, who he killed/took, in pursuit of fixing the world, all of their deaths become meaningless. how can he turn his back on all of them, their sacrifice, for personal love? how can he be so selfish? yet, he is mortal, in a manner of speaking. he came from a time of immortality but its unclear if he's still immortal, however i tend to think he isnt anymore, and so he has a finite amount of time to repair the catastrophic damage he's done to the world.
cassandra speaks of the inqusition as needing to sometimes break a bone to set it properly. he's doing the same. he's making the impossible choice to destroy what currently exists in order to make the world whole. it is selfish. it is selfless. it is repetence. it is fear. he talks about restoring his people and certainly that's a part of it, but it's also... his scale is fucking celestial. things will grow out of the ruins, things that are connected, whole, unveiled, undamaged by his decision. iron bull says the qun chooses leaders based on who can make the hard choices and live with the consequences - that, too, is what he is doing, and he knows it. his decisions, his goals, they are not malicious. he is trying to soften the blow as much as possible. but he is still willing to destroy what is to recreate what was, and it's not all or exclusively because he's scared to be the only 'true' elf left, it's because he destroyed it and it is the way the world is supposed to be.
it's just... fucking hell. the farmer tries to save their fields from the blight and the rifts. the inquisitor tries to save the world from the breach. solas tries to save the world from the veil. in all cases, life in some form is spent, destroyed, rended to make way for the new.
and the foreshadowing! fuck! his friend, a spirit of wisdom, was forced to fight and turned into a demon of pride. wisdom -> fighting -> pride. solas is the word for pride. the metaphors here... when he existed in the fade, when he was part of the elven empire, perhaps he was given to explorations of wisdom, committed to that. then he fought for it, fought against the "gods." it was necessary, but i dont think he was proud. no, the pride was what the fear demon commented on, his pride, his assurance that he could mend what he had rent. from spirit to demon. from wisdom to pride, the transformation through violence.
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