#i dont actually know but im pretty sure the teacher can drop me if i have a d.
cactusfru1ts · 2 years
born to run in circles on pokemon game forced to write discussion posts for art appreciation class
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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dumbslvtforethan · 8 months
first kiss w non gf ethan landry!!
❝ one of your girls ethan landry
-- summary: you bring the shy dorky guy to a frat party .
946 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
EVER SINCE YOU'VE JOINED ECON ethan has been observing you from afar. ethan was really hot, and quite a lot of girls had a secret crush on him, but behind that pretty face, ethan was just another shy dorky guy, who'd no one would suspect of anything bad because he was so shy and dorky. and despite the attention, ethan never even had his first kiss, he was waiting for it to be with you. you never really payed that much attention to him, but after your teacher paired you up for a project, you really got to know him. "so what do you wanna do first?" said ethan, nervously. you two had agreed to do the project on your house, so on top of his nervousness of even speaking to you, there was the amusement of being at his crushes bedroom. "i dont know, how about you search for key words while i do the flyer?" you said. after you two being really awkward for a while, you actually found ethan really funny and nice to talk to. and after thet forced interaction because of the project, you two became really good friends. and ethan actually agreed to go to a halloween frat party together. you two agreed to go as ghostfaces together, which was quite ironic considering all of ethan's friends accused him of being one, even though he wasn't. "hey im here, where are you?" you texted ethan when you arrived at the party. ethan was so nervous he couldn' even drive properly. it was the first frat party he would go to, let's just say, ethan wasn't much of a party person. when ethan arrived he felt so out of place, there were people making out, drinking, smoking, things ethan never did. "im in the kitchen" he texted you. a few minutes later you found him. you were wearing a black tube dress, fishnets, a ghostface mask stuck on your upper thigh and a pair of black boots, you looked gorgeous in ethan's vision.
"hey, i missed you" you said, hugging him. ethan didn't even have time to respond when you said "c'mon lets dance" dragging him to the dance floor. the party was crowded, and as mentioned previously, despite not being popular, ethan had a lot of secret admires, sometimes he would open up his locker and and a bunch of letter would fall on his lap, love letters to be exact. you and him were at the dance floor, the amount of girls who would look at him was too much. even you started to notice. and ethan started to get uncomfortable. "hey are you okay?" you asked ethan, worried. he shook his head in response. you grabbed his hand and led him to the nearest bathroom.
"whats wrong?" you asked him, before locking the door shut. "i feel so out of place Y/N" he said, tears filling his eyes. you got on your knees to look in the eyes of the boy who was sitting in the toilet with his head down. "look, i know you're not used to this kind of stuff but i can help you." you said "its not that. sure im not used to these kind of places but its just i feel so-" he said "lost?" you interrupted him. he nodded. "how? i mean those girls were looking at you with hungry eyes out there ethan." you said, trying to comfort him. "but i dont want any of those girls Y/N, i want someone that cares about me, someone who i can feel safe with, not just some one night stand." he said, no looking at you in the eyes. "i want someone like-" he said, before pausing regretting him words. "someone like you." he said, taking every drop of courage in his body to say that. you grabbed his cheeks and leaned in slowly, kissing him on the lips. he looked shocked, and that concerned you because you thought that you did something wrong or that he simply just didn't like the kiss. "im sorry, i have no idea what came into me" you said, getting up and grabbing the door handle of the bathroom. you were about to open the door when he grabbed your waist spinning you and kissing you one more time. "im sorry if i looked like i didn't like it, trust me, that's what i've wanted for months now but-" he said "its just...that was my first kiss" he said, stuttering. now the one in shock was you, you would've never expected that a hot guy like him who gets that much attention never got kissed until that moment. "what?" you said, in complete shock. "i know, just, lets not come back out there, i dont want anymore girls looking at me Y/N, you are the only one that i want." he said.
"what if there was a way to make them go away?" you said, an idea popping in your head. "c'mon" you said,  grabbing his hand and one again, dragging him to the dance floor. "just trust me okay?" you whispered in his ear. you grabbed his hand and put it on your waist. you pulled his head closer to yours, french kissing him. you were expecting him to be a horrible kisser, considering that a few minutes ago he had his first kiss, but you honestly wouldn't care. the thing you weren't expecting was that he was actually a great kisser, like amazing kisser. "you are an amazing kisser, im kinda surprised not gonna lie" you said, shocked for the second time of the night. "i watch porn so.." he confessed. "ethan!" you said, laughing.
@jchampionsgf on tumblr
A/N: this is my first request ever so thank you sm for requesting! i've been on here for not a lot of time and im already receiving sm love so tysm! i've never written subby ethan before so sorry if its not that good but hope you enjoy.
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can u talk more about your time in americorps? if you feel like it. i'm interested in doing it but idk if i can but i want to know what it's like
yes!! i have done americorps twice at different times in my life and they were very different experiences that were what i needed at each time
i did americorps nccc at first when i was 22 and it was probably the most life-defining experience of my life. i got to live with a small group of people and travel around the country for a year and work with different organizations which is really cool for a young person for a few different reasons, for me being:
-exposure to different types of work and organizations that are doing genuinely good work within their community. When I was in the program, we did everything from working hands-on in national and international gardens and parks, construction-type work cleaning and boarding vacant houses, working as summer school teachers and camp counselors for people with disabilities, and there are more im forgetting im sure but it really shows you the opportunities out there and pushes you out of your comfort zone to the point that you realize you are capable of much more than what you may have thought
-free food/housing, which makes it super ideal for a young person with no money and gives you the unique opportunity to actually travel and build career skills for free
-this is dependent on chance, to an extent, but i had a team i loved. we were all very very different personalities and backgrounds but very open people and we built a very strong bond which i think helped all of us learn to grow up by cooking for each other, navigating very tight living situations, having fun together, working together as a team all the time, and that's something i see a lot of people still struggling to navigate even as much older adults. but on top of those skill sets you learn, it's just fucking FUN. you get to go on tons of road trips with your best friends and meet tons of new people have cook outs, go camping, have movie nights, play hide and seek in old houses. its just really really really fun if you get paired with people who are open and caring and you learn a lot from them
There are downsides. The training for NCCC is kind of grueling. It's arguably a cult. But I easily survived on that small living stipend with the housing and food coming free and if you can take the physical training and strict rules and see them as like a way of trying new things and learning new ways to live, its actually pretty fun. I learned I actually like playing most sports and am pretty athletic. Everyone breaks all of the rules (alcohol, especially) and at least at my campus, it was very very very easy to get in trouble. I got in a lot of trouble during my stint tbh we were bad kids lol but i dont even regret that because it was fun and i learned from it and the people i was around knew me well enough to fight for me to stay in. just try not to get caught because they do kick people out at the drop of the dime, and if i had been on any other team than the highest-achieving, most close-knit one, i'm pretty sure i would have been kicked out in a heartbeat. i know multiple kids who got arrested or had other like very intense situations happen during that time, so like, it is as challenging as it is fun. please be more cautious than me if you do it.
I did AmeriCorps Vista when I was 27, after several intermediate years of working at a non-profit theatre and it was a completely different experience, but also really beneficial for me, personally. But I did get lucky again, here, in finding a career path I was interested in and people who were invested enough to put me on track for a job and trust me with some key opportunities. I'd say this is something that this option for me felt comfortable because at this point i was a full adult with expectations for autonomy and independence so it was a nice opportunity to get my foot in the door in field I cared about (for me, I had realized during my first stint that I was really passionate about making sure kids had a safe space to go during summers and afterschool, so I chose to work with an org that did that). If you do good work in VISTA, and if you commit to the work and try new things, I think it's pretty common to make a career out of it. I got the opportunity, as a VISTA, to write a grant proposal for NASA (literally on a WHIM, to give me a first stab at learning how to write grants and grow my skillset), and I got it, which basically sealed a permanent position in the org for me. From there, I was able to get additional promotions, so it was like. an extremely efficient launching point to get into a career i was interested in for me. And I think this happens for a lot of people.
Financially, VISTA Is much more difficult. I saved up some money before I started, and blew threw a lot of it just paying rent. It is possible, but i know first-hand it is very very difficult when you dont have any additional financial support, so I'd recommend trying to save up a little bit before starting or finding a living situation with roommates/where youre paying very little in rent. i do think its unethical and i know they have recently raised pay rates, since i finished my term, but i doubt it's enough to live quite comfortably without saving in advance.
In summary, NCCC is great and I'd recommend it to virtually any kid who loves to travel and wants to try new things.
VISTA is a great way to get experience in a field you think youre interested in and if you do it its very important you take risks to make yourself stand make your resume as impressive as possible
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frostbite-the-bat · 11 months
i still cant believe its been basically over a year since the start of my last year at my high school - like i am free from that now.
the first month or SO was pretty breezy - before things get harder and things are still getting started. but still, less breezy than the other years of course, as we already had some dumbass typical-for-my-school bullshit thrown at us.
i was terrified of my finals that were coming later next year, but i was still carrying through. i also began realizing i am basically in pain daily - NOT just my hands. but couldn't pinpoint the cause but i knew that practice where we do laborous physical shit was going to be a nightmare. (it was)
after covid and bad untreated carpal tunnel shit it was a nightmare to go through note-heavy classes too. not being able to pause for even a second or you miss out on important notes, getting weird looks from your teacher. literally gasping for air as your hands cannot handle the sharp pain from having to write this fast. and you're still 'slacking behind'.
that got better and then worse in some days. but. sure. can deal with that. have been dealing with that since.
but at time went on and on i became more and more miserable, more scared of my future. this school was hurting me more and more, being constantly neglected by my teacher. me especially. the others being better at what they did, so they got some special treatment. more time at the more laborous work for me!! it was a painful fucking nightmare both physically and mentally
i dreaded going there everyday. everyday i wanted to drop out - i wanted to get out of that god damn hell school. as things got worse so did my thoughts... and yet i made it! i managed to get through. i did it.
at this time last year i would've been already going through so much shit. and yet i'm here. like. i've actually done it. i lived. did i deserve that?? did anyone deserve that treatment we got there?? absolutely fucking not.
in all fucking seriousness i couldnt be happier right now doing nothing, even if it does get to my brain sometimes. even if i know i wont get good treatment in the future, possibly. but even then there's still a future for me. even if still under my parents - if i do get a job i can just quit i will not be tied to a shitty teacher and possible legal trouble if i dont attend. this teacher who also likes getting too personal and nice and then whips out some of the most cruel most insulting shit you could imagine. i hope shes fucking happy quitting the job after essentially abusing me and my classmates. i hope shes happy doing her own thing after screaming and yelling at me and telling me to cry harder when i did a simple mistake. i hope she's fucking proud of herself for this. i hope she knows how miserable we all were during her classes, or rather, the lack of them, as she never taught us anything and made us do her own personal event shit for her. i hope she knows i dont ever plan on doing anything in my life thats like what i studied at this school and graduated from basically because im so scarred by it.
seriously. how was any of this legal. it cant be. i feel so sorry for any future students, but also happy, since they wont have to deal with HER anymore.
i do not, honest to god, plan on going back to any school anytime soon, and i'm just fine staying unemployed for now even if just.. completely under my parents. i cant do shit anyway. but god im happy to just.
rest finally after all that. nobody deserves that. looking back and not living through it anymore makes me realize how fucked up it was. its so surreal. im not dealing with that anymore.
but god is it going to haunt me for a long time.
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Whoops i lost track of this one my bad. Discord messaging is so much easier with the notification staying there. Anyways. Hell yeah getting to be not near people you do lnt vibe with is the best love that for you. Ah yeah gulls will just be an asshole about anything so at least they gave warning? Still dont like em though. Australian magpies are probably worse. Thanks! I adore german & it just. Having very specific words for things. So im excited to dig into that. Oh i didnt know that but honestly not surprised by it. Another piece of history from nazi germany to add to stuff i know. History was never my like. Favorite subject but i try to study it where i can. Its important. Mobile gave me bronya finally so its goin well & seele is coming back in 1.4 so maybe ill be able to get her & bronya both. Though i find it weird that we're heading back to belobog already? I havent even finished the next story part yet though. I havent used fire trailblazer much yet but will when i have more of her eidolons. Theyre both real fun rcg was short so i beat it quick still workin on dredge. Ill let you know how rain world goes for sure. Oh very nice. I finally did mine into purple & it looks really good im gonna keep up on it i think. Ive been breaking off from both to play other stuff but 4.1 fontaine is still fun to explore i love it. Cant wait for furina to drop. Oh shit history exam i hope that went well for you.i will say bronya is nice to have especially with kafka. Give her a turn boost to get her follow up action back works real nice. Damn that is. So much stuff but sounds so worth it. For all the merch & the choker who doesnt love a good choker
OH ITS OK IT APPEARS THAT SO HAVE I. AHHH. IM SORRY. schools been a Lot lately [7 tests this week......] and im going to alicante next week so its probably not gonna get easier for me to respond soon..... and oh yeah it totally is. i ❤ discord cos i can at least give ppl Signs Of Life instead of silence. anyways. THANK YOU!! ive been having a lot of fun with the new group lately its great. and yeah they really are ajdkfkjfj im Thankful for the warning yeah. and also that not even a single gull tried to steal my food. ooh tell me ab it i havent heard any australian magpie horror stories...... and yeah as i said. german is Such a nice language, i esp agree with the words bc theyre just. Great. love em. but yeah didnt have much luck in my previous years of learning it. and oh well the more you know!! honestly it was never MY favorite either bc, even tho ive always found it interesting, i just. could never remember anything. but honestly now that im on hist-geo its really growing on me ahdjfkkgj. probably also because i have a cool teacher. AND HEY CONGRATS ON THE BRONYA and good luck with getting seele!!! i have Not opened star rail even once recently [<- was only playing the game to get wolfie and kafka] so idrk whats been happening. have fun tho!! fire trailblazer IS good with her eidolons but tbh i just never had the energy to build her. and ah epic!!!!!! and yes please do keep me updated if you end up playing rain world!!!!!! its sooooo good its so good. AND AHHH NICE!!!! i want to do mine purple someday but i have a pretty dark natural hair color so id have to bleach it and i dont really Wanna Do That yet. and fair ahsjfkfk ive actually been playing genshin More recently, at least when i have time. which is not often. IM ALSO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR FURINA I HAVE LIKE 170 WISHES SAVED ALREADY................... anyway!!! it did actually!!!! but were doing pretty easy material rn so well see how it goes in the future ajdjhfjg....... it is what it is. and ah yeah that does sound like a pretty good team actually...... and yeah it def was!!!!! havent gotten a chance to wear the choker out yet [<- scared of old ladies on the bus] nut im Going To
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Superman's Dishcloth
A small cute headcannon thats been sitting on my tablet?
Summary: some people use pick up lines to get a womans number, henry uses a crochet lesson.
Warnings: Fluff?
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Your fingers twisted the yarn around the hook automatically looping and pulling untill you made another double crochet stitch that the pattern required.
To be honest you wasnt paying that much attention as you worked your project, which was stupid really because you were making a new pattern, a bobble popcorn style head band.
You couldnt concentrate for two reasons
One. You were on a goddamned plane soaring across the Atlantic ocean. And if things went tits up you cant swim.
And two? You were seated next to none oher then mr henry cavill himself.
Not that you made a thing about it or even dared to look at him.
He he was watching you, eyes frowning as your fingers twisted the yarn into an intricate looking yet fairly simple pattern.
Youhad to stifle a laugh as his fingers twitched tryig to follow the moves and figure out what you were doing.
You growled missing count again. One, two, three three, skip three. A crochet, half double crochet, two double crochet in one stitch then skip three stitches and repeat untill the end.
Normally youd have no problems but your audience was putting you off.
You dropped the project in your lap as you miscounted again and realised you had to undo the last twelve stitches otherwise you'd be a set out on the end.
You closed your eyes grunting before slipping the hook out and began to tug the working yarn slowly before pinching it and slipping the hook into the loop catching it before it all unraveled.
"Why'd you undo it?" You jumped a little as the huge man beside you spoke up after watching you quietly since take off.
"Huh?... oh i misscounted i skipped four instead of three so it'd be out of line on the end and curl round..."
"How'd you know?" He frowned now leaning over even more curious then before.
You chewed your lip trying not to freak out as he peered over your little project.
"Err well i just counted the stiches i had left on the row, see i was up to here and there was five left not six, so i pulled it taught to spot the odd one out" you explained pulling more yarn through so you could point out the stitches to him with the hook.
"It looks complicated, you twist it so many times?" He said as your fingers began moving once more creating the repetitive pattern.
"Yeah... its not too difficult, Im doing a few different stitches is all, once you know a single crochet stitch and a chain stitch your good to go" You muttered with a smile.
"I doubt its that simple" he replied trying to keep up with watching your fingers guiding the hook jthought the piece making the fabric grow.
"It really is, here you see the little v on top?" You said slowing deciding to show him just how simple it was.
"Yeah?" He hummed quietly watching keenly.
"Thats the row before, so you slip your hook under both strands like this and loop your yarn over then pull through under that v so you have one loop on your hook" you said moving slowly and loosened the stitch with a light wiggle so he could see properly.
"Then loop the yarn over again so you have two loops, and pull the second one through the first... and thats a single crochet stitch" You explained showing him slowly.
"So you make lots of tiny loops and pull them through one another and it some how becomes fabric?" He asked fascinated by it, watching as you began to work on the next stitch.
"Yeah pretty much"
"But that one you pulled the wool over before you did anything at all?" You paused impressed he had noticed the slight difference... he had been watchkn that closely?
"So that was a half double, when you do a half double or double you yarn over first, then you just keep yarning over and pulling through until your left with one loop on the hook" you tried explaining as simply as you could.
"... it still sounds hard" he uttered still focusing on your hands that had been creating stitches.
"Honestly its not, i taught myself in about an hour and a half? Here try it? I've got extra yarn in my carry on if you want to give it a go?" You offered and instantly flushed you did not just offer to teach superman how to crochet like a fucking granny!
Before you could take it back and apologise he beamed.
"Really? That would be fun, i've never tried anything like this before" he said eagerly.
"Err yeah sure lemme just get you started, i'll give you a 5 hook... here" you said surprized digging about pulling the small ergonomic crochet hook out and some mustard yellow yarn.
"So you start with a slipknot... and then a few chain stitches" you began guiding him through it slowly teaching him the steps.
"So do you always crochet on long flights?" He asked pokeing his tongue out as he tried concentrating on the stitches he was doing.
"Yeah, im not good with confined spaces... especially confide spaces that are a good few miles in the air over the open ocean" you chuckled nervously chaining a stitch then turning begining your next row.
"Honestly im not either, usually i have kal- my dog but... not this time... this is good though, its helping take my mind off it thank you" he said sincerly.
"Dont mention it"
"Oh... i think ive done it wrong?" He said andnheld it out to you, you prodded it and to be honest you were impressed, it was neat, not a dropped stitch in sight... just a few loose stitches here and there, but he was finding a good tension.
"No, thats not wrong... just your tension thats all it comes with practice" you said handing it back to him.
"Tension?" He said making you pause. Oh yeah, he wouldnt knpw what that is yet.
"Yeah, how tight you hold the yarn and hook determies how tight your stitches are... mines pretty bad, i have to always use a size bigger hook" you expalined simply
"Yep, i do it too tight- even snapped a metal hook in my hand before" you chuckled remebering the way the hook had just... snapped mid project.
"Wow that sounds painfull?" He huffed eeingnyour hand curiously as if expecting you to snap a hook then and there.
"Yeah, i will admit i was frustrated with the project so it probably didnt help" you chuckled sheepishly.
"Frustrated? Was it complicated like that one?" He asked nodding to your growing head band.
"No, i kept loosing count on a pattern of 78 stitches" you said trying to wave it off but in actual fact that project had been murder.
"So what are you making?" He finally asked eyeingnyour work that had grown wider.
"A little headband, and hopefully i will widen it at the ears to keep em warm" you giggled wrapping it around pinchingnthe ends together proudly presenting it to him.
He grinned and looked down at his little square fiddling with it.
"And im making a... mess?" He laughed holding up the uneven square cheeks tinted pink when you giggled again.
"... Dishcloth?" You offered prodding it gently.
"Perfect, im making a dishcloth!" He bellowed nodding proud of his new diy dish cloth.
"I'm henry by the way. But from the way you were shaking in your seat im guessing you knew?" He finally introduced himself holding out a hand.
You smiled shyly and took it shakingnhands trying not to fawn over how huge hot and soft the palm was.
"Yeah... sorry i was nervous and you probably dont want to be bugged. Im y/n" you tried explaining nervously but he chuckled.
"I wouldnt mind being bugged by such a cutie~" he uttered quietly smirking at you tipping his head down a little too make sure you heard him despite his voice being quiet.
"Oh stop it" you flushed quickly looking down at your headband noticing your stitches werent as even as they could have been, but it couldnt be helped you had handsome distraction.
A very distracting handsome distraction.
"Its true. Besides i think it was me bugging you... and i have managed to plunder through your wool" he grinned sheepishly holding up his little dishcloth.
"Its fine, it not expensive, this is left over yarn from other projects" you waved him off. It was true ou had lots of odd ends and half skeins of woll from other projects.
"Well still i appreciate it, i hate flying" he said sincerly.
"Well now you have something to practice. Youll leave the plane with a new skill to stick on your cv" you added with a grin nudging him playfully.
"Indeed... And perhaps i can leave the p,ane with err...maybe your number to? You know to replace the wool and erm swap err instructions?" He said nervously jumbling his words.
You paused and looked at him shocked blinking. Did he just?
You blinked again watching as his face grew red and he chuckled nerously plucking at the woll on his dishcloth.
"Well i suppose every student needs to be able to contact theor teacher~ and these instructions are called patterns" you smiled to him nodding slowly.
"Right right i knew that of course they're patterns" he chuckled grinning ear to ear relived you hadnt turned him down.
"Well we have a good few hours, perhaps a few more lessons for my little student?" You teased picking up the pattern to show him some of the abbreviations. Mostly to try and concentrate on somthing other then the fact superman had just asked for your number... and was taking crochet lessons.
"Of course" he said excited eyes glittering with glee whilst looking at the small page.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: im a seijoh stan and theyre my little plant babies
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
this is so long oml i hate myself
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theyre an actual boy band istg
lets be honest, they probably thought you were just another oikawa fangirl
they thought you just wanted to be closer to their captain bc you were another delusional girl who wanted to live out her fantasies
lmao im not trying to be salty
but when you just stared blankly at oikawa tooru after he called you a beautiful flower,
stageplay hinata calling you a mugwort
the team just about threw themselves on your feet
tbh you werent really there to get a boyfriend or for oikawa
you just needed an after school club and the other teams already had managers
the only sport that didnt was the boys volleyball team
imagine why
you were actually a little wary, since you knew of oikawa, being a first year yourself, and you were aware of his psycho fangirls who could probably kill you
but you needed a club that would last you for the next 3 years to graduate
it was kunimi who actually recommended being a manager
you were in his class and you noticed him sleeping in the morning so you gave him your energy bar
you shrugged and smiled
thats why he tolerated you more than others
you were nice and you were the only one who noticed his tiredness, even the teacher left him alone, and did something about it
sometimes, you even gave him an energy drink
‘can you tell me why youve been so tired lately? i dont think ive seen you wake up until lunch’
he opened the snack and started munching while replying
‘early morning practice for volleyball is still a big adjustment. our captain demands us to be there 6 in the morning sharp and if we’re even a minute late, we’d have to run laps. like for every minute youre late, you have to run those amount’
oh my why is kunimi talking so much
but i love kunimi and first year seijoh boys rights in this household is valid
you furrowed your eyebrows
‘but yall are still growing and you need all your sleep. if i were there, id yell at your captain’
he grinned slightly, imagining your short height beating up their captain
‘meh. you want to be our manager? i saw you looking at the clubs board yesterday and we dont have one so you could take the opportunity and beat him up then’
ofc you agreed bc kunimi was best boi and you just wanted him to have enough sleep for once
after class, he waited for you to finish packing up and when you finished, yall left the classroom
until another guy with a spiky hairstyle joined you and you noticed him as the guy who sometimes came over to eat lunch with kunimi
‘oh, hello l/n-san’
you smiled gently
‘drop the formalities, kindaichi-kun. its only fair.’
he nodded before walking beside kunimi
‘kindaichi, l/n might be our new manager’
the onion head excitedly looked at you
‘really?! yes! so we dont have to fill our bottles ourselves anymore!’
kunimi glared at him and slapped his stomach
‘shes our manager, not our maid’
you laughed but placed an arm on him
‘its okay. i was a manager for my middle school volleyball team so i know a little bit about being one’
the two shared a look
god, they really hit the jackpot
as yall walked closer to the gym, you noticed the big pile of girls huddling at the corner
kunimi sighed
‘l/n, ill warn you ahead of time of our captain. hes kinda,,,, too much’
but you flashed him a smile
‘hes not the first one ive handled’
oml player-chan!!!
so when you opened the door and entered the gym and oikawa hit you with his normal antics, you just stared at him
‘okay and?’
hanamaki and mattsun howled before rushing to you and grabbing you in a hug
‘girls like her really exist!!’
you gave kunimi and kindaichi a signal of help and they nodded before gently prying the senpais off of you
‘senpai, please’
you gave kunimi a grateful nod
coach irihata went up to you bc wow, kunimi has a friend with of another gender?
‘how can we help you, miss?’
‘im l/n y/n, first year, and id like to apply as the manager’
internally, the coach sighed bc you werent the first one to apply
the reason they havent had a manager for years was bc of oikawa’s fangirls hiding themselves under that false facade
but he saw you brush off that comment oikawa make with no hint of fluster or blush on your face so he decides to give you a trial run, in guise of seeing if you could handle these chaotic boys
‘do you have any experience as manager? or do we need to teach you the ropes?’
‘i was a manager for 3 years in my middle school volleyball’
he nodded
‘ill give you one month. a trial run of a month to test the waters’
you agreed and your trial run began
kunimi mentioned that morning practice starts at 6 am sharp so you set your alarm for 5 to get ready and get to school on time before the boys
you remembered how to set up the nets so you quickly put them out (using a step stool bc we short) and ran to get the basket of balls
their water bottles were filled and you were in the middle of lugging the big basket of towels when the third years entered
the 4 of them usually came earlier than the rest so they saw you dragging the basket of fresh towels and wipe your sweat before smiling at the work youve done
iwa was so happy bc it was usually him who did this stuff and now that he had someone do it for him, it was like a god-send
oikawa’s eyes shone and he waved at you
‘yohoo, y/n-chan!’
you cringed at the loud voice of the famous oikawa tooru
‘hello, oikawa-san’
he chuckled at your politeness before hugging you
‘you did all this for us? youre so cute, y/n-chan!’
instead of the normal blush and love-struck eyes, you were actually very uncomfortable of the sudden skinship and you quickly ran to the side when iwa hit him at the head
‘shittykawa! leave her alone!’
makki and mattsun stood next to you as the boys did their usual fight
‘is this all an act or are you really not attracted to oikawa?’
mattsun shot him a surprised look bc why was he so straightforward
but you just shrugged
‘hes cute, i admit. but ive seen much cuter and the boys in my middle school team was basically full of him so,,, and i hate guys who think theyre all that just bc theyre blessed w a pretty face. if anything, ill probably go for iwaizumi-san’
pop off S I S T E R!!!
you just won the heart of these two
slowly but surely, they all came to accept you and iwa straight out loves you bc you maintained this routine for the whole month of your trial run
and you still remained indifferent of oikawa’s advances and he was even impressed and slightly agitated that you werent paying attention to him
‘y/n-chan, one date! just one!’
you huffed before looking up from your clipboard
‘i like men, oikawa-san. not boys’
that comment made the guys shriek
‘y/n-chan! youre just a first year! you dont need a man!’
‘youre not a man, oikawa!’
you left oikawa to be tormented by his teammates and went to go and hand over the report to the coach
he was impressed by the notes you made bc they were ones he even missed
like the split-second of hesitation that kindaichi usually has that goes unnoticed but you immediately saw
or the wince oikawa has whenever he so much as jumps an inch
you could even tell the difference between iwa’s spike and if he was being easy or he was going full-out
this added on to the fact that the boys loved you and irihata actually saw kunimi try more 
but he thinks its only to earn your praises
‘y/n, youre officially the team manager’
yall celebrated at the normal hang-out spot which was the ramen shop and it truly shocked you at how much these boys ate
granted, this was the first time you ate together but you didnt expect them to eat nearly 5 bowls each
you could only finish 2 and you already feel like throwing up
‘honestly, how do you guys not gain weight after this?’
the table you sat at, iwa, kindaichi, mattsun, and kunimi, looked at you and shrugged
‘i work out’
‘i run’
‘i fast’
‘i poop it out’
lmao im sorry i cackled too hard at this
you stared blankly at mattsun’s answer who said it so seriously that you snorted a laugh
they watched you and your laughter bc you havent really expressed yourself as much 
so they made it their goal to see you laugh more
‘y/n-chan! you need to eat more!’
oikawa shouted, clearly food drunk, but you shook your head aggressively
‘i only planned to eat one bowl but he just had to shove another down my throat’
‘but you need to grow, y/n-chan!’
‘i want to grow taller! not wider!!’
As a manager:
oh boy
you basically grew into kinda their mom
‘oikawa-san! you need to rest your knee or youre going to hurt yourself! i will drag you home myself!’
‘kunimi, if you try to get this one more spike, i’ll buy you a bag of those caramel bites you like’
‘iwa-san! if you hit oikawa-san too much, youll destroy the little braincells he has!’
‘yahaba-san, nice dump!’
‘is your knee okay, watari-san?’
yall really forget that watari and yahaba exist sometimes smh
it was part of the work
keeping up with seijoh
so to keep them encouraged, you gave them praises that they always demand for and they always turn to you whenever they did something good
mattsun gives you a look whenever he blocks iwa’s spikes and you give kindaichi a head pat whenever he blocks some too
bc of how you are with them, sometimes, they forget that you are actually just a first year
they get shocked whenever you walk in with kunimi and kindaichi and talk about the current homework bc it slips their mind that their hard-working manager was actually just a 15-year-old girl
so, they try to ease the burden whenever they can
like iwa offering to help you whenever you have to take their jerseys to the laundrymat
or offering to help you with your assignments since theyve only been through it once
more like watari, yahaba, and iwa bc the matsuhana are clueless and acts like they completely skipped that grade
oikawa’s fangirls ltr dont leave you alone!!!
now, its known that youre the manager of the volleyball team bc oikawa has boasted about your efforts and such
this obvs ticked off a bunch of girls bc they were jealous that you got to spend more time in a single practice with their precious oikawa-senpai than they have their entire lives
more than once theyve cornered you to threaten you to stay away from their senpai or youll have something coming for you
you never take them seriously bc you can fight too and you just give them a look and push them away
but this one time
okay tea
the self-proclaimed president of the oikawa tooru fanclub, kenta miyo, cornered you at the bathroom with her other minions
you were just washing your hands and drying them off when she marched up to you and grabbed your hair before tugging it back
obviously you were surprised and shouted
‘oi! what the hell?!’
‘you slut! you need to stay away from my tooru, got it?!’
ehm what
you hissed and wrenched her arm from your hair and pushed her away
your hair was now a mess and you were fuming, already sick and tired of the torture these girls put you through
‘he belongs to himself, not you! so stop being delusional and leave me alone already!’
she signalled for the girls to hold on to you which you slapped away but they forcefully grabbed your arm while you kicked at them and struggle to get out of their hold
jesus what do these girls eat
miyo watches you struggle with a smile and cackles
‘oh? no fight anymore, little kouhai?’
you glared at her
‘i dont want to beat yall up bc id get yelled at by tooru so you need to let me go or regret it’
at the mention of his first name, her eyes widened and her face twisted and she slapped you
‘oi! respect your senpai, you brat! dont you ever say oikawa’s first name!’
your lips curled
‘oh? thats funny, because he actually told me to call him that since he wants his cute little manager to be very comfortable with him’
you achieved a feat that she has been working to get her entire high school life and miyo was not happy
‘ive been with him for 3 years and you just suddenly show up out of nowhere and call him that?! i dont think so!’
she had her hands around your neck and you gripped her arms, making her wince
but you laughed at that comment
‘heh, thats pathetic, isn’t it? here you are, my senpai, who has been vying for his attention for 3 years only to be ignored yet a mere first year, who shows up out of nowhere, has been asked to a date nearly a million times every day. that must be tough’
she shrieked at that comment and threw you on the floor, making you accidentally hit your head at the edge of the sink
yall im actually so bothered by this scene and im wincing as im typing
you bit your lip to prevent any sound of pain to escape bc you knew thats what she wanted to hear from you
but you werent going to give her the satisfaction
instead, you looked up at her, hatred swirling in your eyes
‘youre freaking psycho, you know that? once tooru and hajime knows about this, theyre going to give you hell. they wont ever let this go bc im the manager of their prized team and their little baby sister. so go ahead, do what you want with me. bc i paid too much for these nails to be tainted by dirt like you’
saiyo, a girl you noticed to be watari’s classmate when you went and visited him, nervously tugged on miyo’s jacket
‘miyo, we should go-’
and she poured over a carton of banana milk over you, making you wince at the sticky and cold liquid
the tough facade was crumbling and you were now screaming for help in your head, hoping that stupid theory from yahaba about team telepathy to work
but it didnt
when miyo and her girls left, you sat on the floor, soaked and sticky and bleeding
then you begin to cry angry tears
you were angry that you were being treated like this just bc you were a manager
you were angry that you let them do that to you
you were angry that you prized your nails more than punching her square in the nose
you were just angry
staggering on your own feet, you stood up and leaned on the sink, eyes widening at the dripping red liquid from the gash on your forehead, staining the porcelain sink
you were stupid and unconsciously touched it making you wince 
‘shit, that hurts’
you whined quietly
there was little you can do with toilet paper and water to clean yourself up but you managed to at least stop the bleeding
you knew you had to be put on concussion protocol just in case bc you that hit was quite hard but at the moment, that wasnt your concern
practice has already started and this was the first time you werent present for daily practice
this was confirmed at the constant buzzing of your phone in your skirt pocket which you didnt listen to and instead, started thinking of ways to go to your locker and get your stuff and fake being sick but at the same time, not be seen and relayed to the team
time was ticking and you had to come up with a plan fast before oikawa will send the team to come looking around the building for you
once you looked at your reflection and smiled big, you decided it was enough to not show the pain you were in right now
girl im hurting for you
you peeked out of the bathroom door and saw the coast was clear so you quickly ran to your classroom, which was thankfully empty, and quickly grabbed your things
but as you were packing up, the tears just kept falling
it didnt stop as you bolted down the stairs, using your cardigan to hide your face from the public
once you were safely out of school grounds, you finally took out your phone and reviewed through all the worried and concerned texts from the team group chat
but you just replied, ‘im fine but i just feel really sick right now. girl stuff’
you smirked, knowing that would keep the boys away
but oikawa had to go and ask you to call him
‘y/n-chan! do you want oikawa-senpai to come over with chocolates and ice cream?! wings or no wings?!’
your jaw dropped at the question and clearly scandalized by the question
the team was too as shouting began and you could faintly hear iwa scream, ‘oh my god, shittykawa!’
‘im seriously okay, oikawa-san. i just need to be alone right now and ill try and get some sleep. good bye’
then you hung up
there was no way you could tell them
they were in their last year anyways so doing something about it wouldnt matter
and you were strong 
but apparently not strong enough to fight them off though
you would cover the wound with concealer and continue on with practice tomorrow as if everything was normal
but there was only so much you could take
just yesterday, they trashed your locker and a week ago, they took your bento and threw it away
you even got into a fight with this one girl but she scampered away, too scared to do anything alone
so you were actually just tired and want everyone to leave you alone
believe me, youve thought of quitting sometimes
but youve actually created a bond with these boys
like when you take hanamaki to get cream puffs whenever he loses against iwa in arm wrestling
or when yahaba calls you at ungodly hours to express his worries for next year and to fill oikawa’s shoes
it was simple moments that you shared with each player that kept you from not leaving
soon, you found yourself crying again and the looks pedestrians were giving you was starting to make you uncomfortable
a girl, with her gross hair in a bun, puffy eyes with a bleeding wound and walking down the street
that was a sight
so you cut a corner to an alley by your house to escape from the judging eyes and you were too busy wiping your eyes to see a boy who was crouched down on the floor and ended up walking over him
omg my baby kyoken hello luv!!!!
you gasped and you were surprised and quickly apologized
kyotani was originally about to yell at you, no matter what, but he saw the state you were in and concluded you were either from a fight or was beaten up
he recognized that and decided to just glare at you and go back to feeding the stray dogs and cats
you breathed a sigh in relief when he didnt yell at you bc that wouldve been the last thing you needed today
‘sir, im sorry for hitting you. if there is something i could do for you, dont hesitate’
he ignored you and you focused on him paying attention to the strays
going into your backpack, you had a milk carton and a sausage stick from earlier
you used your thermos lid to serve as the milk bowl for the cats while you peeled open the meat and used your scissors to cut chunks of it for the dogs to have some
kyotani watched as you went into action to feeding the animals that people usually ignored
he knew you
well, he recognized you
when he watched from the top of the gym, he saw you as their manager who ran around and helped everyone
sure, he still didnt trust you 
but he watched you grin and smile as the animals started to eat
‘im in a hurry right now so i have to go but ill feed you again tomorrow, okay? you too, stranger-san. ill bring food for you too’
then you stood up and ran away, probably in a hurry to fix that wound
he wouldve offered to treat it for you but he remained silent, watching the cats mewl at the now empty lid
the next day, oikawa was worried for you and when he saw you at early morning practice, he practically glomped to your side
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
to this day, no one still knew what happened to you
you kept it quiet and you were sure you got everything handled
except for one person
kyotani was smart and for some reason he knew you got beat up by the fangirls and the perpetrators were easily found bc he saw them huddled around your locker, probably trashing it again, and lets just say, 
no one is def going to mess w you now
back to manager moments!!
during practice matches, the boys rally around you to prevent other teams from sweet-talking you
they make sure no one gets past them and always have excuses to get your attention
you knew what they were doing but you pretended not to, heart warming at their protectiveness and hunger for your attention
even though you have your own jacket, the team gives you theirs all the time like oikawa has his special team jacket w his name at the back and when he feels threatened by schools like johzenji, he makes you wear it
‘youre mine, y/n-chan and i want that blondie to know’
‘ehm, no, oikawa-san. im iwaizumi-san’s’
oikawa screamed
lmao training camps w them is CHAOTIC
reminder: threaten to quit everytime they get too much
your hugs are the best!!!!
you have a special hug for every player
oikawa gets his favorite which was the normal arm around the waist with your arms around his neck while he snuggles in your neck
iwa gets flustered easily so you hug him from behind so you cant see his flustered look
mattsun actually likes the jumping in the air so he catches you type of hug
makki is more tame and has his arms around your shoulder with his chin on your head
yahaba is the twirly kind where he just picks you up and swings you around
watari also gets flustered easily so he likes the one-arm hugs
kindaichi gets blushy at the slightest touch from you but he gives you a hug from behind you himself where he can bury his face in your hair while you caress his arms
kunimi, now he likes it when you squeeze him extremely tight bc it makes him feel loved and feel alive
kyo doesnt even talk to you what makes you think you can give him a hug
their lost for shiratorizawa really broke them though
you made them their own bentos for nearly a week to keep them encouraged and gave oikawa extra attention to keep him from sulking or practicing late
‘oikawa-senpai, lets go watch that new movie later’
then the arrival of our baby kyoken
yahaba was moody the whole practice and you were currently trying to keep him from spiking a ball to someone
‘even just today, he’s late’
‘that stupid dog’
he just keeps mumbling and grunting
and then the said dog arrived
you peaked out from behind iwaizumi, who protectively went in front of you
shock ran through you and you pointed at him
lmao puppy what
youve called him that since he refused to tell you his name, but you call him that bc he paid special attention to this one baby beagle
he raised a hand in greeting and you gave him a smile
‘youre a player here, too?!’
he ‘glared’ at you but nodded stiffly
the team really thought that he would lash out at you but he is surprisingly tolerant
the power of the manager
he still hasnt talked to you but he does respond to you and even helps you with chores, still not talking ofc
hes so tsun tsun and he deserves my heart yall
however, youve heard him talk to iwaizumi, and iwaizumi only, so youve heard his voice before
ngl, you were flustered by how gruff and deep it was
then their loss to karasuno
bruh, it was KARASUNO
the entire team fell apart and after the match, each of them ran away from you to stop lashing out
you were also on the verge of crying, seeing the broken look on your third years
your precious third years
you decided to give them their own space but you heard a loud banging sound from the bathroom
yahaba and watari were outside, clearly trying to talk to someone in there on coming out but it got louder
okay you were lowkey like, ‘hm, i should not be here’
but you recognized that voice
you knocked at the boys door to be respectful
‘kyo-san? its me, y/n’
he was silent but he did unlock it
you took this as a sign to enter and you gave yahaba and watari a smile
‘i’ll be fine. go to kindaichi and kunimi. they need your comfort right now’
tbh, you were surprised the bathroom was still intact but you saw the stall door at the very end being rattled and shaken
you remained by the door but you wanted to go to him
‘kyo-san, please come out so i can treat your injuries’
he expected you to say those words like ‘its okay’ or ‘theres always next year’ but you didnt
instead, you knew he was hurt and wanted to help him
he continued to give a few punches to the wall and the door before emerging
you wordlessly treated the wounds and offered your hand
‘im here, kyo-san. dont worry, im right here’
at the ramen shop, you told them to eat as much as they want and wordlessly gave them your card, slightly crying inside bc you know this was going to be like over a hundred dollars
but you were treating the boys bc they deserved it
you sat beside kindaichi, who was just sobbing and apologizing, so you were wiping his tears and holding his hand under the table
this precious babie
bruh i was sobbing when i watched this part like uuggghhhh
after dinner, you walked with the other third years, knowing they would go to the gym, so you gave everyone else your special hugs before sending them home
‘text me when you arrive safely, okay?’
‘yes, mom’
oikawa’s speech made you cry bc despite only knowing them for not even a year, you already feel like a family
you didnt want your family to be broken but you knew they would all go their separate ways eventually
there was a big hug pile of third years on the side where you took a picture and sent it to the group chat
you had to eventually go home after helping them clean up and when you checked your phone, a fresh batch of tears rolled down
each from every person on the team but with the same sentence and same words
‘we love you, l/n y/n. thanks for everything.’
ngl i dont think this was that good and its like 8 in the morning and im extremely tired
i want to do karasuno, nekoma, and fukurodani but im so exhausted i cannot right now
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beomglocks · 4 years
test me ; c.yj
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pairing: teacher!yeonjun x (of age) student!y/n (fem)
plot: no plot im pretty sure its just smut, part 2 of teacher’s pet
w/c: 1.7K
warnings & other: smut, jealousy, teacher!yeonjun, of age student!y/n, implied cheating, yeonjun possessive, does this count as public sex?, kinda public sex?, revising this at 4am so if there’s still mistakes iM SORRY
after what happened the other day with beomgyu and yeonjun you thought you had won. getting yeonjun jealous was one of your many hobbies. although he'd encourage you to find a new or better one. what you didn't know was that yeonjun was not gonna let himself get played that easily.
see, yeonjun is possessive. if he's fooling around with you, you're his now. messing around with him the way you did, did not slide with him. he had thought about what you did all weekend long. even though it was something minor like flirting with another teacher, he couldn't wait for monday to arrive. he felt bad not giving attention to his actual girlfriend but messing around with you was much more exciting.
he was glad you were already legal or else he'd be in real trouble. even though having sexual encounters with one of his own students would cost his job at least he wouldn't be sent to jail. the thought of getting caught was exhilarating. he could only imagine fucking into you on his desk roughly when all of a sudden someone walks in.
he liked the idea of humiliating you like that but realized that he was the only that was allowed to see you in that much of a vulnerable state.
with that, monday arrived. you had forgotten about the way you riled up yeonjun a few days back. you figured he wouldn't be too mad about it so you decided to erase it from your mind. clearly you were wrong.
you weren't dressed too crazy today either, just a cozy sweater and some jeans. the hallways were busy as always but this time there seemed to be a common topic of murmur.
"did you see mr. choi today?" "oh my god he looks so hot." "i can't believe the teachers are allowed to come to school like that as if they aren't already good looking enough." "i want him to fuck me so badly."
you tried to keep your face and mind neutral as you walked through the halls. it's not a secret that the teachers at your school were good looking and were a casual topic among the students but why the hell was yeonjun suddenly trending?
you bit the inside of your cheek thinking about how suddenly everyone had his name in their mouths. you shook your head to get rid of these jealous thoughts bubbling in your brain and started trying to get to class.
you were barely past the threshold of the door when you hear yeonjun's stern voice, "you're late." you have to physically stop yourself from gaping at his appearance. his pink hair was pushed back to showcase the glory of his forehead but the killing part in your opinion was the leather pants.
you're not really sure how he was allowed to dress up to school like that but you thanking the heavens that no one told him off about it. your eyes not so subtly wandered to his crotch area and you almost got on your knees right then and there. the leather clung to him for dear life and showcased his toned thighs and not to mention his dick. god, his dick was literally on full display. the cocky bastard probably wanted the whole world to know he had the biggest cock ever. if he was gonna dress up like that might as well wear nothing at all.
you shiver, thinking about the ways in which he would take you right on the desk beside him-
"y/n," yeonjun's voice rips you out of your thoughts. "if you could take your seat?" you blink at him dumbly but regain yourself, two can play at this game.
"yes sir," you purr. he watches you closely as you stride to your seat. yeonjun liked to act like a closed book but you knew him, he was trying to get back at you. you weren't exactly sure if you'd be able to handle it but you're willing to show him you can try.
he starts the lesson like normal but the whispers beside you are more interesting. "i think i can see his dick print," whispers someone near you. you look to the front of the class and grin.
it's was really a good thing the leather pants were tight, it truly didn't leave any room for the imagination. you licked your lips, lost in your own thoughts when yeonjun calls you for the second time today. he was really starting to get on your nerves since he never ever calls on you. "y/n when your done daydreaming can you answer this question?"
you feel heat rise up your neck and cheeks. why the fuck did he call you out like that? surely you weren't the only one not focused on the lesson. you bite back a snarky remark that would've helped your pride and instead just answer his question.
after that, he thankfully leaves you alone for the rest of the hour. you're sure he knows you're not actually paying attention to what he's saying. screw english, at this point you want yeonjun to teach you a different kind of language.
the bell rings and strangely the girls in class take their time getting out of the room. you watch them eye yeonjun up and down and give him flirty goodbyes before finally leaving. the thing that irks you is that yeonjun is entertaining them. you scoff as he winks to a group of girls and tells them to have a nice day.
you look around and notice you're the last person in class so you decide to get up and leave. yeonjun catches you before you can get out. "where do you think you're going?" he remarks. you roll your eyes and remove his hand from your arm. "i'm leaving?"
"after that little stunt you pulled friday? i dont think so," he growls backing you up onto the door, shutting it closed. "oh? wouldn't you rather go at it with one of those other girls?" you look at him bored and he raises a brow at you. "someone's jealousy is showing," he quips.
"i'm not jealous," you defend. yeonjun leans closer to your ear, taking your lobe into his mouth. he licks a stripe along the side of your ear and kisses it making you shiver from his heavy breaths. "you sure?" he whispers. you sigh shakily and he moves to walk back to his desk. he settles himself in his chair, looking over at you expectantly.
you slowly walk over to his figure. he chuckles, eyeing your actions. you drop your bag on the floor by his desk and situate yourself on his lap so that you're straddling him. he places his hand on your thighs as you lean down to kiss him. you whimper when you feel his hands travel to the front of your jeans while he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. you open your mouth and he wastes no time letting his tongue explore it.
you sigh and find yourself grinding on his crotch. you really can't help it since you can practically feel his cock on you as he gets hard. he moves his hands from your zipper back to your thighs, gripping them roughly. "mm baby," he grunts out in a warning tone.
you don't listen and keep grinding on him, gradually getting quicker in your movements. you're pretty sure you're getting your panties and jeans wet with your cum but you don't care because damn this feels good. at this point you just wanna reach your high, you don't care if yeonjun scolds you afterwards.
yeonjun pulls away from you, scanning over your face. there's a string of saliva from him to you and your eyes are hooded looking down at him. "you're so needy today hm?" he pokes your lip in thought. "i guess i shouldn't have treated you that way today."
"yeonjun please," you whine. you try to grind on him more but he stops you. "take off your pants," he orders. you do as told and get back on his lap. the leather pants feel cold on your thighs making you shiver. "well go on baby," he's smiling up at you evilly. "junnie," you whine again.
he ignores you, watching you make a mess of yourself in front of him. the friction of your panties rubbing against his pants gets you feeling hot instantly. "ah- im s-so close," you mumble. your vision is kind of hazy but you can see yeonjun staring at you hungrily. "don't cum yet."
you smack his chest weakly and he chuckles lowly. "alright." he lifts you up and set you down on his desk. you watch him lower the leather pants and he sighs from relief. "the things i do for you," he smirks. he slides off your panties, licking his lips at how wet you are.
"can you hurry u-," he shuts you up by pushing his dick into you quickly. just by that alone you feel yourself about to cum. "faster," you moan. he complies, thrusting into you at a quicker speed than before.
the sound of skin slapping against skin rings throughout the his classroom and it makes your head spin. it's been a minute since yeonjun fucked you lik ethis but you're glad he's doing it now. you really did feel yeonjun deprived.
"do you feel me?" he teases, placing his cold hand on your lower stomach. you nod, frantically not really caring about whatever he was talking about. "jjun-"
"yeah," he breathes in reply.  you let otu a silent scream as you reach your orgasm. the way you clench around his dick makes him moan loudly.
"fuck im gonna cum too," he moans. he pulls his dick out of you and pumps it quickly, making himself cum all over your thighs and lower stomach. after a moment of trying to come to your senses, you flinch as try to get up but he stops you. "leaving so soon," he grunts while pulling his pants back up.
"im just surprised mr. c hasnt shown up," you dont think much of it when you say it but yeonjun frowns. "i told him we were gonna be busy," he mumbles walking back to his chair. you can hear the shift in his voice, "whats wrong now."
"y/n dont test me, you're mine."
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weebsinstash · 3 years
You honestly don't need to go to college to get a good job. You can go through a contractor agency and get a office job and get paid at least $500 a week for something like data entry work. I dont see the point in going to college a getting a bunch of debt if you don't have to. I dropped out of college and was super depressed after and thats what i did. Im now 23 and make a cool $25 an hour, which is not bad for a single person with no kids.
Yeah that's a pretty good wage for 23! I'm turning 25 this winter myself (ugh). Sorry to hear college didn't work out though. I'm sure that was extremely stressful :(
I know it can be kind of varied, but as an American it's becoming the norm here to have a college degree that you actually can't do anything with. I used to have a neighbor who's son had a law degree and you know what he was doing for work? He was a waiter at Outback Steakhouse, still paying off his student loans
My mom never even finished college and she's still paying off her student loans at 56. Fun fact but when that whole coronavirus student loan forgiveness program was going on, it doesn't count if your loans have already been sold to a collection agency, which is where most student loans currently are, so even a lot of forgiveness programs tend to fuck you over. My mom was hoping she could finally be free of her student loans and she was told "nah sorry you're stuck with those forever". Like she's making payments over time but I think she told me that they gather interest faster than she can pay them so she's kind of just resigned to dying without ever paying them off which is Not Good
There's also a lot of studies and statistical evidence which suggests that American schools are more often than not lacking in quality education so it's also like. For the price of going to college here you could probably move to another country, buy a house there, and attend their free nationalized college.
Like shit I could go to trade school and learn how to do wiring or electrician work and I would make more than many teachers, cops, public service workers, EMTs. The American reality is that many specialized jobs really don't pay for shit anymore because we refuse to raise the minimum wage. The only wages that are increasing are for actually "unskilled" jobs where wannabe ceos and corporate mooks are answering emails in between checking Facebook. Shit one of my old roommates worked in IT (not an unskilled job, but this applies in context) and made something like over $200 an hour and there were many times where he would just. Literally not have anything to do. Most of the time he worked from home but when they required him to go into the office they kind of slacked off because they would have so few tasks a day and then once those were done they would have literal HOURS of free time.
And those are the people making more than I ever could in a lifetime. I resent it. I extremely resent it. Even though my roommate worked hard to get where he was, having multiple degrees and a long resume of everything from sushi chef to retail, he had rich parents to help him go to college and support him, and he spent his money like absolute shit. Him and his partner would move once every other year "just because they don't like living in the same place for too long, I dunno"
Meanwhile my ass who grew up in poverty and had to move because of not having money and being evicted just sitting there and hearing this like 😬😰😤
It's not that college doesn't work or anything but definitely in America it has become an extremely predatory process where you aren't even really guaranteed that it'll be worth it. I remember even little baby Weeb back in elementary school eventually started going "it doesn't matter what job I want because I'm not gonna be able to get it :)" though that may have been from... a childhood stocked with watching my mom lose job after job after job and not being able to find good ones, idk
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. do a flip!
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"haha yeah, im with the others right now" reki said to the phone as he wiped a table clean. 
"really? are you at S?" y/n asked from the other line 
"oh no, we're at joe's restaurant." reki replied with a laugh "everyone's eating right now." he then covered the phone with his hand and sent them a nasty glare "everyone but me.. " he grumbled bitterly 
miya stuck his tongue out at the redhead and tauntingly bit into a piece of steak. "not our fault its your shift right now" he said. reki playfully rolled his eyes and brought the phone back against his ear. "anyways, y/n what're you up to?" he asked 
"i remember you mentioned joining a club right?" he said. "is it one for skating?! i didnt know schools even had those!" 
from the other line, y/n chuckled sheepishly. "ah no.. its a club for volleyball" she said "although im just a manager" 
reki furrowed his brows in confusion "volleyball? i didn't expect that" he said 
"me too reki. but it's really fun! if you ever come here we can try playing with my friends" she said excitedly 
"sure! im actually coming th-" before reki could finish his sentence, joe quickly covered his mouth and snatched the phone. "hey rookie!" joe greeted with a laugh "little reki here is busy at the moment but why don't ya chat with me?" he mused 
"oh, hi joe." she greeted him "why is reki busy? i thought you were just eating?" 
"ah well-" 
"are you lying? does reki not wanna talk to me? is he with someone else? or did something else happen?" she bombarded him with a chain of questions 
joe sweat dropped and looked over to the rest for help. "ah no, none of that happened, rookie" he reassured her "reki here is helping me out in the restaurant so he's a bit occupied" he explained 
"oh.." y/n mumbled in response "okay then" 
"dont spoil it, you slime!" miya scolded him "our visit is supposed to be a surprise!" 
"i was just excited!" reki defended himself with a huff "whatever, dude! y/n's gonna think i don't wanna visit her" he said 
"then make it up to her when you get there" shadow said as he ate . "good idea, old man shadow!" reki exclaimed "i'll do just that, but for now let me talk to her again-" 
before reki could reach for the phone, miya has already sprung up and snatched it. "y/n~" he cooed with a smug cat-like grin "how's it going?" he asked as he clawed reki's prying hands away 
"oh hi miya!" she greeted him cheerfully "everything is fine. though i miss you and everyone else" she said 
miya smiled in delight and his face exploded into a bright red hue. "you miss me?!" he asked excitedly. he then cleared his throat and scoffed. "how cute. you like me or something?" he said 
reki, along with the others watch with a deadpanned expression as miya shyly fiddles with his hoodie with a blush, although his tone of voice seems quite different. 
"of course i like you" y/n said 
miya splutters and throws the phone at reki's direction. "take it! i'm done here!" he shrieks as he turns his back at them and slaps his red face repeatedly. 
"you're my friend. why would i hate you?" she continued, although he wasn't there to hear it anymore. 
"hi y/n" reki said 
"hi!" she shrieked, followed by a loud thud, as if she had fallen. 
"hey, sorry about earlier! we can talk now if you want" he said with a chuckle 
"oh sure! lets--" 
reki's brows furrowed in confusion as the call suddenly disconnected mid-sentence. "hello?" he called out 
"huh? she hung up!" he exclaimed. "maybe she didn't want to talk to you" miya teased him. reki faced him with a look of distraught. "you think so?" he asked in panic 
"dude" miya sweat dropped "of course not. its y/n we're talking about" 
"REKI!" y/n shrieked out as she reached for the phone that was snatched out of her hands "why'd you take it?!" she exclaimed as she tried to reach for the device 
the class sweat dropped as they watched her try to reach for the phone in the teacher's hands
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"i don't know who reki is, but you can't use your phone. classes are about to start" he said 
"but-- but i was on a call with reki.." she sulked 
"you can call each other after class." the teacher sighed. "i won't take your phone since its your first time doing this, but let it be the last please" 
"okay.." y/n replied as she took the phone from him "i won't call during class. sorry." she said as she bowed her head 
"good. anyways-" the teacher cut himself off as he caught sight of her hunched over and rigorously typing on her phone. "hasegawa y/n! you can't text either!" the teacher scolded her 
"but i'm not making any noise.." she reasoned with a confused tilt of her head 
"it doesn't matter. you have to stop or i'll take away that phone." the teacher said. he then narrowed his eyes threateningly and said, "along with that skateboard of yours" 
the whole class sweat dropped as they watched y/n shudder in fear and quietly place the phone into her bag 
"sorry." she muttered as she placed her hands on the desk and tensely kept her eyes on the blackboard. "apology accepted." the teacher said. "anyways, let's start.." 
oikawa side eyed her, watching as her eyes and hands twitch , as if she was itching to pull her phone out again. the brunette leaned over iwaizumi, who groaned in annoyance, and poked her shoulder 
"yahoo, y/n-chan~" he whispered quietly 
"oikawa-san, please go away. if i make noise he'll take my phone and my board." she said 
oikawa frowned and poked her again. "don't be so cold to me, y/n-chan~" he cooed "i just wanted to ask you to join me for lunch later." he said. "lunch?" y/n hummed. "yup. let's do something fun together" he replied. 
"okay, oikawa-san" she agreed with a curt nod. "i'll join you" 
"hasegawa." the teacher called on her. y/n jumped and shakily faced the man. "yes?" she replied. "answer the question on the board." the teacher said 
"i can't!" she quickly denied. 
"why not?" the teacher said with a sigh "this is english class. you're from canada right? all im asking is for you to say something in english." 
"sorry!" she replied in english. "please don't take my phone and my skateboard away." 
"good job." the teacher gave her a nod before moving on 
"sorry" oikawa chuckled sheepishly "lunch later, okay?" he cooed. y/n simply nodded and gave him a thumbs up, refusing to speak a word. 
"shut the fuck up, shittykawa." iwaizumi grunted as he pushed the brunette away. "you're causing everyone problems" 
"ow! just for that, you're not invited to our lunch" oikawa said, to which iwaizumi simply replied with an eye roll 
"you didn't even plan on inviting me anyways, didn't you?" iwaizumi huffed
"so why did you want to have lunch together, oikawa-san?" she asked him
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"i see" y/n hummed. "im glad you enjoy my company, oikawa-san" she grinned
"no reason~" he cooed in response. "i just wanted to be alone with you, that's all" he said
oikawa nodded along as he transferred some food from his bento onto hers. it was placed on top of her board as she lightly rolls it around. "tell me about that reki guy, will you?" oikawa said with a curious hum. "i always hear you talking about him.." 
y/n peered up at him with a look of confusion, but nodded nonetheless. "i don't know why you'd like to know about him but okay.." 
"reki is my best friend. i met him when i moved to okinawa with my mom. he was my first ever friend and he was the one that taught me how to skate" she explained 
oikawa watched as a fond smile lightly grazed her lips, followed by a distinctive glimmer in her eyes. 
"reki is really amazing. i admire him a lot." she muttered 
"i see." oikawa hummed. "i'll love to meet him one day" he said. y/n perked up at the statement. "really?" she asked "don't worry, if you ever met him you'll get along just fine! reki is very friendly" she said with a smile 
oikawa simply nodded and quietly ate his food. she did the same, and they both sat in silence. "hey, y/n" oikawa muttered "you really like skating huh?" he mused 
"oh well... yeah, i guess so" she said. "can you teach me how?" oikawa asked with a cheeky grin. "teach you..?" she cocked her head to the side. "why?" 
"no reason." oikawa huffed "but will you do it?" 
"put your foot here, and push with the other" she demonstrated as she explained. "then you just have to keep your balance" 
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oikawa watched with calculating eyes, nodding along from time to time as he listened. "usually, tricks should come later on when you've already mastered the basics. but it was pretty easy for me, so maybe you can do it too, oikawa-san" she said 
"that was an ollie. reki said that if you got that down, you'll be able to do other tricks." she said. "it should be easy enough to learn" she grinned "just watch videos like i did!" 
she did an ollie and skated closer to him. 
oikawa sweat dropped and timidly placed his foot on the skateboard. "i don't think it'll be that easy, y/n-chan" he chuckled 
"yo, what the hell are you two doing?" 
they both looked back to see hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi walking towards them. hanamaki laughed and pointed at oikawa "are you learning how to skate?" he snickered 
"do a flip!" matsukawa hollered 
"i can't do a flip yet!" oikawa exclaimed "and don't laugh at me. you're probably no better than i am" he rolled his eyes. "but y/n-chan could probably do it" he said
"oh y/n?" matsukawa mused. "can you enlighten us with your skating?" he snickered 
"you always carry that around but we've never actually seen you skate" hanamaki chimed in 
y/n blinked at them and looked down at her board. "i guess i can do that" she said "but we'll need a bigger space than the grounds" she said as she motioned to the outside of the gym, where they were standing
"something like..." she trailed off as she looked around the area "like the roof?" she muttered 
the boys sweat drop and look at her in concern and confusion. "the roof?" they simultaneously asked 
"yeah. i'll jump and do a flip like you asked." she said with a shrug as she makes her way to the stairway leading to the rooftop 
"hey hey! hold on!" matsukawa interjected "are you trying to kill yourself?!" he exclaimed 
"no im trying to jump off the roof and do a flip." she shook her head 
"exactly! it's the same thing!" hanamaki shrieked out "you'll die!" 
"i won't die" she reassured them, thought it did not work in the slightest. "i've done this numerous times." she smiled at them 
"is that supposed to be comforting?" iwaizumi sighed and rubbed his temples in distress. "shittykawa. do something about this" iwaizumi said as he sent oikawa a glare 
"ahaha, right right" oikawa chuckled sheepishly. he then turned to face y/n, only to be met with thin air. "y/n.." he muttered "where is she.." he spluttered and looked up, eyes widening as he spotted her on the rooftop preparing to jump off "hey! y/n-chan get down! this feels like a crime scene in the making!" he rambled as he tried to persuade her to come down 
"oikawa-san, please watch carefully!" she yelled 
"no way! get down here right now!" oikawa yelled back at her 
"jump down?!" she yelled "okay! im gonna do it now!" 
oikawa paled as he shook his head and made an x with his arms "no! i said get down! but use the stairs! don't jump!" 
she simply ignored him and jumped anyways, much to the boys' horror. "this feels nostalgic" she muttered to herself with a smile as the wind made her hair fly around 
she spun around and grinned as the adrenaline started to make her heart pound. she placed her hand on top of her chest and kept her eyes ahead, although her mind was wandering back to her moments back in s
"holy shit" oikawa muttered as they watched her maneuver through the air as if it was no big deal 
"y/n is fucking amazing" he blinked his widened eyes and watched in bewilderment as she lands on the ground with a loud thud, followed by the mild screeching of the wheels against the concrete. 
"oikawa-san, this is called 'siderail slide' miya taught it to me." she said as she kicked her board around and let it land on its side by the edges of the concrete 
her feet landed on the side of the deck as she maneuvers her way around to turn. "stop explaining and get back here!" iwaizumi scolded her "are we going to let the fact that you jumped off a roof slide just like that?!" 
"and this is a kick flip." she said as she ignored iwaizumi and did the trick as told. "it should be easy enough to do if you know how to ollie." she said 
"hey, what's going on here?!" 
her eyes widened as she heard the same teacher's voice and desperately tried to halt her movement. although she wasn't fast enough and she was now frantically ushering the man to move away 
"ah! sensei! move! im gonna hit you!" she shrieked as she tried wobbled around 
"what the-- hasegawa-san you shouldn't--" 
he couldn't finish his words as her board suddenly got dangerously close to his face. the whirring wheels and the snow monster design almost slapping him right then and there. 
"SORRY!" she shrieked as she jumped over him and fell on the ground, rolling around, along with her board until she hit a wall nearby 
"y/n-chan! are you okay?!" oikawa shrieked in distress as he pushed the man away and sprinted to the girl. "im okay, oikawa-san" she said with a wince 
"but my butt hurts from that fall" she pouted "and my hand-- BLOOD!" she shrieked in fear. she holds the bleeding hand away from her as her expression turns into dread. "wipe it off.." she gagged as she looked at it in horror
"this is what bothers you the most out of everything that's happened?!" oikawa sighed in exasperation, though he did as he was told. 
"i don't like blood." she shuddered. "broken bones are what im used to" 
"im starting to worry for your well being if broken bones is something you consider 'the usual'." oikawa sweatdropped
behind them, the teacher glared and held his hand out expectantly. "i was wondering what the screaming was about." he said "but i didn't expect to walk in on whatever that was" 
"give me the skateboard, hasegawa-san." he demanded, making her whole body go ghostly pale 
"no uh.. i'll take detention instead" she bargained with a sheepish smile. "nope. give me the skateboard." the teacher shook his head as he went to grab the deck 
"NO! you can't take that!" she panicked and quickly grasped the other end "i can't skate without it!" she exclaimed 
"exactly." the teacher said. "you need to learn your lesson." 
"but -- but reki made that! i can't lose it! what if it breaks?!" she shrieked, now starting to gradually get more desperate 
"its not gonna break. and i don't know who this reki boy is, but you have to stop including him in everything." the teacher sweat dropped "and let go of the damn skateboard, kid. im not gonna throw it away, im just confiscating it" 
she shook her head as she peered up at him with exaggeratedly teary eyes, each looking like a pool of water waiting to just overflow. 
"will i get it back tomorrow?" 
"then im not giving it!" 
"kid, cmon. your making this job harder for me" the man sighed in exasperation ."just give it." he said as he pulled it away from her and walked away. "hope you learned your lesson, kid. you'll get this back soon enough" 
y/n watched his retreating figure with a deadpanned look. she slowly faced oikawa and grabbed his hand. "should i break into his office and steal it?" 
oikawa sweat dropped and shook his head. "you shouldn't. you'll get into more trouble" he said 
"y/n!!" matsukawa and hanamaki yelled as they dove in to check her for injuries. "are you okay?! that was sick as hell but be careful!" hanamaki exclaimed. "you're bleeding!" 
"and your board got taken! don't worry, that teacher's nice. he'll give it back to you soon" matsukawa reassured her 
y/n drowned their voices out as she laid back down on the concrete, looking absolutely lifeless. "i crave death" she squeaked out as her eye twitches in horror 
"cmon now" iwaizumi sighed "it's not that bad" 
"yes it is. i just lost the only thing i have left of reki. it's over" she sulked 
"someone make the pain go away" she pleaded 
"which one? the heartbreak kind or your injuries?" 
"both please." 
a few buildings away from the school adam sat by the balcony of his newly rented hotel room. he held a binocular by his eyes as he watched the scene go down with a wide grin
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"my eve hasn't lost her touch i see" he mused as he took a sip of his wine. "her skating is still as immaculate as ever" adam said as he let out a sigh of pleasure
"it makes my skin crawl!" he exclaimed
"and she.." he trailed off as his vision averts over to her, who was being helped by the boys. "is frowning. my eve is frowning." adam muttered as his grip around the device tightens, causing a soft snap to be heard.
his smile then fell as he watched the teacher walk away with y/n's skateboard through his binoculars. "but that nuisance is taking my little y/n's skateboard..?" he muttered
"you, dog." he called
"yes, mr.ainosuke?" tadashi replied
"get that skateboard back." he demanded as he threw the binoculars away, not caring that it had broken due to the impact. "and give it back to her as soon as possible" he said. 
"but.. are you not worried she'll know you're here?" tadashi asked him with furrowed brows 
adam snapped his eyes towards him and glared. "what was that? we're you about to disobey my orders just now?" he scowled through gritted teeth 
"do you have something to say? tadashi?" 
tadashi slightly bowed his head and replied. "no sir. i have no opinions." 
adam scoffed, followed by a grim laugh. 
"yeah. as always." 
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sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
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mirinda03 · 3 years
Or, a fic about Phil’s crows/chat and the resulting effects on his family
Philza Minecraft.
Many tales were known about the man. Some said he was an immortal, nicknamed the Angel of death, who spread death throughout the lands. Others argued that actually served death as the most fateful of angels. Some suggested he was just a really old man, while others knew better. With black wings spanning on his back that carried him across both earth and sea.
People knew a lot about Philza, be it because of legends or tales.
What was not as well known about Phil was his murder.
And no, not as in Phil was secretly a murderer who got away with a crime in the middle of the night by escaping out of the third floor window and taking flight so as to not be seen by any passerby.
… anyways
Murder as in a group of crows, reminiscent of Phil’s crow-like black wings, that followed the Angel in mass.
Not many people knew about the crows, not from a want of secrecy but rather a lack of asking. If you were to ask Phil, he’d simply tell you that’s ‘chat’, but if you were to remain silent and assume Phil just.. had a bunch of domesticated birds then that was what you were left with.
There were only three people who really knew about Phil’s crow.
The second best kept secret of the angel.
His children.
Crows were a constant in the Minecraft Household.
Wherever you walked, it was almost a given that you’d come across a crow sitting by the window or on the beds.
Sometimes they brought trinkets of coins (which Tommy was more than happy to try to steal) and even though they couldn't communicate with the three younger members of the family, they all knew they were Phil's.
If they were ever in trouble, they could know their dad was watching by simply spotting one of the crows from the murder flying high.
However, it was almost impossible to discern the difference between Phil’s crows and normal crow’s.
Not only that but most people were unaware of the crows, or even that the angel of death was a father to three kids (two of which he found inside a refrigerator. Don't ask)
As expected, chaos ensued
Tommy was almost outside his window, ready to sneak out of the house. He’d been grounded after he’d tried to claim one of the birds as his own and named it ‘Puss Boy’ (resulting in the bird now being permanently tagged as such.)
The murder, bunch of snitches they were, hadn’t been very happy about it and they snitched to Phil about it which earned Tommy a scolding and a grounding.
Which, fuck that. He’d promised Tubbo the two would go explore the nearby cave to try and find some bats. He wanted to name one Bartholomew, it was a pogchamp name for a bat after all.
How was he supposed to get a bat named Bartholomew if he was fucking grounded huh? It made, in his oh so humble opinion, no fucking sense.
So, he decided on the most obvious choice of course.
Sneaking out of the house.
He waited until his family members were asleep to climb down his window and across the roof of the porch, getting ready to jump and make a run for it when he heard a ruffle from behind him.
Slowly, he turned around to look at the big tree which leaves covered part of the roof.
Crow eyes stared back, a name tag around its neck standing out from its silvery color.
‘Puss boy’
. Ah fuck
He’d ended up getting ANOTHER scolding from Phil for trying to sneak out and even more days grounded. However apparently Puss Boy had spammed hit Phil with small pebbles on his head so it was grounded too, and alongside tommy to top it off.
“You are the most annoying fucking bird in the world” Tommy said, trying to get the crow to stop picking up his stuff from its bookshelves “Fucking DIE already”
The crow squawked, dropping yet another small object on Tommy’s head.
“I fucking hate you you fucking pussy bird i am going to get phil to cook you for dinner” Tommy warned as he tried to swat off the bird by jumping high.
The crow squawked again
“Dont you say that to me you absolute fucking bitchass bird— i dont actually know what you say BUT IM SURE IT WAS FUCKING STUPID”
Puss boy ended up sticking around Tommy even after the grounding was over, for some fucking reason.
Tommy, despite his increasing protests and remarks against it, kept the bird.
The day the spirits appeared, Techno was actually having a pretty normal day. He’d woken up, tried not to step on too many crows and ended up stepping into some anyway, had stolen the last piece of bread right before Tommy could eat it and he’d started up with reading a brand new book from the family library.
Then, the spirits came.
It wasn’t a gradual thing that he realized as hours passed, no.
The voices were loud and sudden and brash
Who the fuck was the Blood God?
Techno shrugged, flipping another page on his book
Techno ignored the spirits currently crowding him that demanded blood and focused on his book.
He didn't find this all that weird anyway. After all, Phil had birds that also spoke to him right?
Same thing
Wilbur smiled as people came forward to praise him for his singing. The young 12 year old had just gotten done with his first recital.
His music teacher frowned
“Oh Wilbur, i’m sorry your dad didn't show up” The teacher said, patting him on the shoulder as the other kids excitedly talked to their parents.
Wilbur simply shrugged, a ‘what can you do about it’ gesture. His dad, as the angel of death, was honestly busy.
However, he certainly noticed the almost dozen crows watching the recital from the rooftops.
His dad wasn’t here physically, but he was certainly gonna hear all about it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Tubbo called out from the ground, staring at the level of altitude Tommy was up on “Are you planning to jump up from the branch? Cause if so, do a backflip!”
“No, you bitch, i’m not” Tommy said like it was the most ridiculous thing before turning back to where he was trying to hold a conversation with a bluebird.
“Call philllllll you stupid pussy” Tommy said “Cmon go fly back to dadza, you little snitch. Ill even give you something to gift him so hell pay attention to you”
Tommy threw a small coin at the bird, watching as it stared at the coin in confusion before ruffling its feathers and flying away coinless.
Tubbo stared at his friend in the tree, rolling his eyes and beginning to shake the tree
“Will you get down already, Tommy? Its almost curfew!”
Wilbur was having a staring contest with a crow.
Well, to be exact, Wilbur was planning to win a bet thanks to this crow.
“Wilbur just give up” Techno said boredly from his place on the ground “You’re never gonna guess it, can i go back to reading?”
The twins were sitting in their shared bedroom, sitting on the carpet floor.
One of them was being a ridiculously obstinate bastard wanting to win a stupid bet.
The other just wanted to read his book, thank you very much.
Neither of them were getting what they wanted it seemed.
Wilbur tired his gaze from the crow, glaring at his twin
“I’m telling you techno, I can guess whether it's one of dad’s or not. Just give me a couple of minutes”
He went back to his staring contest.
Techno sighed, putting his hands over his face
The crows were a constant in the boy’s lives, following them around and telling them that no matter what their father was there. They just had to look for a crow nearby.
They were also very fucking annoying, in the youngest opinion.
However, he found himself looking for the familiarity of the crows as he walked into the new SMP Land. He found a trio of crows sitting on the branches of the tree and rolled his eyes, keeping eye of the following crows.
“Come on Puss boy” Tommy said to the crow, which was smuggled inside his backpack because of course it fucking was. The annoying bird was so clingy, ender “We’re gonna dominate this fucking Dream Smp Land!”
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
tbh getting labeled as gifted in primary school resulted in everybody assuming to this day that i just Get Everything Instantly and nobody actually helping me even though it turns out my developmental disability is actually pretty severely disabling at everything that isn't playing math board games to win esteem for the school board and even though i ended up in special ed as soon as i was like a grade higher than that everyone in my family still just Doesn't Look At my deficits in cognitive processing even when they're blatantly obvious so i can get behind that, lol
Oh mood
Like I guess I'm "lucky" in that there's a lot I get instantly but I still lack like. Basic skills. Like I had to drop out of uni cus sure I understand the material but I just fundamentally do not understand what they are asking of me. My mum basically cheated me through coursework GCSEs cus she knew I knew everything but I just. I just don't understand coursework. I dont get it. I also do not know how to learn if I do not get something immediately. I do not know what they want. I can barely prepare food. I cannot clean (tho I can organise like a beast). I cannot manage money. I cannot organise and keep appointments. I cannot even do jobs that are """simple""" enough to not require qualifications and I cannot get the qualifications to do what im capable of. I can sound eloquent enough online and with scripts and I can get through casual conversation but anything else makes my brain fucking freeze. Full on blue screen.
But apparently I've always just been lazy or difficult or uncooperative or attention seeking because I'm CLEVER cus I independently worked out scientific theories at a stupid young age (cus its fucking obvious keep up scientists) and read every book I could get my hands on and spent my school time in primary playing teacher to the other kids so I'd have something to do. Cus apparently thats all totally normal behaviour.
I am just so grateful my mum turned down all the "amazing opportunities" I was offered because 1. Jesus that would have gone so much worse. That was around the time hothousing related suicides were becoming common knowledge also she kinda went through the same to a lesser degree and 2. Can u imagine if id have to have gone to school with fucking future tory MPs
BUT. ON THE OTHER HAND. Glad I learned the hard way cus I sure as shit go fucking feral if anyone even STARTS with the "oh arent you notably intelligent" at the child. Like no, praise its effort and fucking passion and then shut the entire fuck up thank you.
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watevermelon · 4 years
Cheater!Akaashi x Reader
✧ Summary: (Continuation) Akaashi goes yandere over the reader dismissing him.
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➳ A/N: Hi hi!! SO many people in my dm’s about this Akaashi cheating scenario! I don’t mind writing about it more at all, if anything please feed my imagination because I dont know what to write! ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ Checkout my updated Masterlist to see what continuations are in the works!! :) ➳ Warning: Not a Happy Ending; IM GONNA BE UP-FRONT, THIS ONE IS FUCKED UP - do not read this if any of your triggers involve yandere-like behavior: violence, kidnapping - you have been warned. ➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One ➳  Part Three (NSFW)
There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that Akaashi could ever say that would let you bring him back into your life. But the setter was intent on getting your attention, often waiting outside your classroom after school or pursuing you during your free period.
Any rumors about the relationship were quelled when Akaashi set the record straight. He would not allow anyone to sully your name, basically telling the nosy president of his fan-club that he was the one who fucked up the relationship. Akaashi told them to never bother you again, he was the cause of it all and he would do anything to regain your forgiveness.
Akaashi would never beg, but he urged you on multiple occasions to hear him out and possibly explain what he wanted. Why he thought he even had the right to ask that of you - just that fact alone flamed up your anger. He was being selfish and you wanted no part of his life anymore. 
But there was also something… majorly different about Akaashi.
He was still quiet, still the ever mannered pretty setter of the volleyball team. People still fawned over his good looks and the quiet genius that he had. But there was something off about him these days, not that you could really explain it. His gaze lingered on you too long and he just so happened to be around you even outside of school hours.
There was one time you went out to eat with your friends on the weekend, going from vendor to vendor along the busy streets of Kichijoji. At some point, you felt the telltale pinpricks at the back of your neck, turning to see his familiar blue eyes staring back at you in the distance. You swore you saw Akaashi that day, but after not seeing it again for the rest of the night, you wondered if you were truly just going insane.
He never outright said the reason why it was over to other people, but at least most knew that Akaashi was at fault. But seeing him so earnestly pleading to have a part of your life again, it made many people sympathize with the setter. They had no idea what he had done wrong, but those ignorant students were so quick to jump on his side.
You tried your best to ignore him, your best friends having your back when it came to his advances. You were rarely ever alone, friends walking with you to and from class. Konoha was your one friendship from the volleyball team that was preserved and he had mentioned once that to even him, something felt off. And so he suddenly started sitting with your group during lunch.
To your knowledge, Akaashi was still pursuing Bokuto romantically as well. The two were often engaged in public displays of affection and so you were curious as to why and how the wing-spiker was okay with Akaashi so actively chasing you. There was something off about the two of them, they were a couple, but not in the traditional sense. They had yet to confirm their relationship publicly, but had no qualms about sharing a quick peck for everyone to see.
You remembered passing the both of them as you exited home, taking the main entrance this time. They were standing there, just waiting by the stairs. You watched as their eyes scanned the crowd quickly before they latched onto you, Bokuto’s owl-like eyes, which usually held a loud innocence, were scarily following you with each step. Akaashi was no better, his blue-eyes that always mystified you, for some reason brought an uncomfortable crawl up your spine.
You only let out a breath when you turned the corner, neither volleyball member able to see you from this distance anymore. But when Bokuto turned the same corner, you felt your pace suddenly hesitate. Akaashi was nowhere to be found, the wing-spiker hot on your trail as you took out your phone. You called the first person you thought of.
“Hey, (L/N)! What’s up?” Konoha’s voice rang through the other end.
“Hey!” You hesitated, not wanting to give anything away as Bokuto’s presence loomed over you, “Um. Are you free?”
“Yeah, but I actually took the train home already.”
“No worries, I’ll go to you!” You urged.
Konoha hesitated, before asking. “Is something wrong? I can tell from your voice something’s off.”
“Um, how about we talk about it over dinner instead?”
“Sure. Where are you now?”
“I’m still by the school.”
“Ah, okay. Go back to the gates where the teachers are, I’ll go to you.”
“Thank you so much!!” You exclaimed, immediately turning around as the phone call ended.
Bokuto was right behind you.
“Hi, (L/N).”
“Bokuto-san.” You greeted, unsure why the upward drag of his gaze was lighting up every nerve in your body. 
All the signs in your head were screaming danger!
“Was that Konoha?”
“I don’t see how that concerns you.” You bit out.
“Not yet, at least.”
You swallowed in fear before angling your head proudly, “Stay away from me.”
Bokuto put a hand on your shoulder, “I know you’re mad at me and Akaashi, but we never meant to hurt you.”
You shook out of his grasp easily, saying nothing to him as you passed. When you returned to the school grounds, Akaashi was still standing where you last saw him. You rushed over to the teacher waiting by the schoolgate, your heart leaping up again when Bokuto turned the corner back to where you were and waited, eyes still trained on you. You busied yourself with your phone, texting your friends and scrolling through social media in the meantime.
It was only when Konoha showed up, this time in casual attire, did you feel like you could breath. Their eyes stayed trained on you and you swore you heard Bokuto snarl when Konoha laid a lazy arm over your shoulders.
You explained it all to Konoha, how the two were freaking you the fuck out these past few days. They kept you on edge, not in the way that should have made you mad for their relationship. But rather like they were too focusing too intently on you to be considered normal, especially with the given circumstances. If Akaashi was truly begging for forgiveness, you would have thrown hands with him long ago. But now, it felt like he was truly stalking you, his eyes following you at every open opportunity.
Konoha listened to your worries and genuinely tried to alleviate your stress. He moved to sit next to you instead of across, hugging you to his body and saying he would do his best to make sure you were okay on school grounds. You didn’t cry, just leaning a head on his shoulder as he caressed lazy circles on your back.
He walked you home that night, your hands held together and a genuine smile on your face.
And true to his word, the next day, Konoha was outside your classroom door after lunch. He even beat Akaashi to it, the setter’s annoyance obvious on his face as he watched you take Konoha’s hand.
Your best friend commended his tenacity, “Konoha is the only one with rights in this house.”
You laughed eagerly then, happy to finally have a feeling of normality setting in again. And for a while, the one who broke your heart was pushed to the side. You had more real problems at the forefront, his blue-eyes were the least of your worries when you had exams and homework due in the next couple of days. 
Akaashi’s quiet gaze and Bokuto’s bold eyes were far from you now - your friends were by your side. 
Or at least, that’s what you thought.
Konoha made sure to walk you home whenever he could. And, as per usual, he was waiting at the gate until he saw you safely enter the abode. Only then did he walk away, heading in the opposite direction toward his own family home. 
You meandered through the kitchen, grabbing an after-school snack and blasting music in one ear as you walked up to your room. Shaking off your backpack, which hung on one-shoulder to begin with, you threw it onto your bed before taking out some of your books. You wanted a jump-start on this homework and you knew that if you mentally wandered off now, there was no doing it at all.
You dragged the textbook out and plopped it on your desk, notebook following as you sat down and mentally prepared yourself. The last few lessons in chemistry were confusing, but not impossible. With the right amount of concentration, it would be done easily with time to spare for a nap within the hour.
Leaning down and angling your head down towards the table, your focus was completely on the task at hand.
You weren’t expecting a completely separate hand to slam the textbook close and latch a firm grip around your neck.
“Finally, we’re alone.”
You struggled against his hold, the striking blue-eyes that you got to know over the past year now reflecting back at you. Akaashi had your neck between his fingers, the usually docile setter lifting you to your tippy-toes. Panic set in just as quickly as you were losing your strength, air circulation cutting off as your ex-boyfriend assaulted your person.
Trying your best to push him off, you punched at both his chest and the arm holding you, but he deflected it easily and simply continued to watch you fail to heave in air in his fist. Only when you felt your eyes rolling backward, barely on the brink of consciousness, did he drop you to the ground.
“I’m sorry, my love.” Akaashi stated, affectionate pet-name a complete contrast to his monotone voice. This was nothing like the boyfriend you had for the past year. His loving eyes screamed of danger and you wanted nothing more than to leave immediately.
You were down on your hands and knees, gasping in air in both shock and disbelief. Had Akaashi really choked you within the safety of your own home? You rubbed at your neck, as if the action would help you fill back-up your lungs. 
You had to get out of here, now.
Glancing over to your door, Akaashi immediately entered your line of sight and kicked you in the abdomen.
“Now how is that fair?” Akaashi asked, “I went through all this trouble to make sure we would have this moment alone.”
You heaved out, “Why are you doing this?”
“You weren’t willing to listen to me back at school.” Akaashi spat out, as if this was your fault. “And I couldn’t wait any longer - who knows how far that bastard Konoha would have gone if I waited?”
Desperate to put any distance between you and this monster, you crawled back toward your bed, only for Akaashi to close it with paces of his own.
“Shut up.” You boldly stated, struggling to stand but doing so anyway. “You are the one who ruined everything.”
“Baby, I said I’m sorry a hundred times and I’ll do it again if I have to.” Akaashi whined before his face took on a darker look, “Why don’t you understand? What do I have to do to make you understand?”
Not wanting to take another kick to the middle or worse, you tried to talk it out before you could think of a plan to escape. “Understand what?”
“Understand how much I love you.”
You reaction was instantaneous, not even your dumb fuck mind could read the danger in the room.
“What a fucking lie.” Akaashi recoiled, ready to challenge you before you continued. “You don’t cheat on the people you love! And you don’t physically hurt them and break into the homes your victims!”
“Yes, I do.”
“Are you fucking phsychotic?!” You yelled back.
Mental reminder: don’t yell that at someone who is clearly off their rockers.
Akaashi laughed loudly, at what exactly, you were not sure. But it was not the right question since it elicited that type of response. He just cracked a half-broken smile, one that felt wrong and yet genuine.
“Get out of my house!”
The look he shot you back - a quirked brow and a small smirk, none of which was the usually calm Akaashi you were used to - basically told you how dumb your statement was.
Instead you asked, “Why are you doing this?”
“To claim the one I love.” He guestered out to you, out-stretching a hand for you to take.
There were two options here: take the hand and get sucked into the immediate space with him. Or don’t take it and risk losing a fight with the nationally-competing athlete in a matter of seconds. Or worse, anger him to the point of extreme violence like before.
There was no convincing yourself this was normal, your shaky hand hesitantly reaching out to Akaashi’s open palm. He smiled gently at you, almost slipping on the usual mask of the perfect boyfriend that you had originally fallen for. But when he tightly gripped your hand and pulled you to him, you knew that was all a farce for this much more violent persona.
“I knew you would understand. We’re meant to be together, I know it.” He murmured against your ear, holding you at the waist against his body. You almost verbally gagged at the thought of him grinding against you, but if you wanted out of his house you would have to take the first opening you got. You had to play it smart.
Akaashi leaned down to kiss you and not even your survival instincts were enough to hide your true feelings. He must not have liked what he was seeing, since he forcibly grabbed at your chin to angle up towards you. You pulled at the feeling, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to get him to think you were playing into it.
His eyes fluttered closed, relishing in the feel of you steadying yourself, of you giving, against his body.
And you kneed him in the groin as hard as you could.
Akaashi doubled over immediately and his grasp on you crumbled. You took the chance and ran out the door, slamming it behind you as you ran down the hallway and towards the stairs. The danger looming behind you was extraordinary, the loud scream of anger coming from the setter was enough indication that he was hot on your heels.
You scrambled toward your front door, throwing it open and screaming out into the neighborhood for anyone in the near vicinity to help. There was a woman walking her dog and another person on their phone and you pleaded with them with rabid yells for their attention.
But before they even tried to help you, a hand clasped over your mouth and dragged you back into the house.
This person, you could not fight off, his strength more than even you and Akaashi combined. Bokuto pulled you back into your living room, tossing you on the ground with no regard to how much power was behind his movements. 
That was when you realized how much they truly planned this out. You always felt their eyes on you for a reason - they were memorizing your schedule. 
From the route you took home, to when you had off-days, to the one time in weeks that both your parents would not be home tonight - Akaashi and Bokuto had planned it all.
And now you were trapped in your own home with two violent volleyball members.
Bokuto looked at you expectedly while Akaashi trudged down your banister, his gaze harsh and predatory as it scanned your figure on the ground. You were sandwiched between the two, nowhere to run and if you were to scream, then the wing-spiker would just hold you down like before or worse, the setter would choke you until you had no voice.
“Let me go.” You stated, voice promulgating the silent air.
Bokuto crossed his arms and walked to your kitchen, expression on his face stating that he wasn’t willing to listen to you beg. His presence alone was a silent warning, run and he will catch you. 
You backed away from Akaashi but he rushed forward to grab you by the hair, pulling you to a standing position and forcing your lips together. The force was bruising, not at all romantic or gentle like you had done so in the past. He was nipping harshly, surely swollen lips under his teeth as he continued to assault your person. 
“You are mine, forever.” He muttered against your lips, locking in your future least you face the consequences of disobeying.
Come checkout some of the other ending’s for the Cheater!Akaashi scenario:
➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One ➳  Part Three (nsfw)
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mojwisungie · 4 years
imgn | Restart (enemy to lover! jisung)
req (from: anon) ➥ :  hi, i really like your writings and! if its ok, can i request a jisung x reader enemies to lovers headcannon? jisung is always teasing and trying to beat the reader at everything and one day he was teasing her and she had enough of it that shouted at him and cried infront of alot of students, and this shocks everybody since the reader is always calm and soft spoken:( the ending can be up to you!💚
☄︎ with: park jisung ☄︎ lou.note: omg. i did not intend to write so much for this like idk i got carried away and i think its too long 😶 added the bonus part for context lol enjoy !!
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your life is pretty sweet
honestly, you dont think of changing any aspect of it
youre good in school too
you have decent grades, great friends
but there is one thing that bothers you often
actually, one person
and its park jisung
and its not that you arent nice or something, bc everyone practically treats you as a friend actually 
and you dont hate him, bc thats such a strong word
but you dont exactly like him either
he pushes all your buttons
and usually you’d laugh it off
youre used to joking around with people and youre not that sensitive
but jisung... man does that boy have the  a u d a c i t y
you havent talked to him even once before he teased you for having a lower grade than him
so when he did that, you only smiled since it really wasnt that much of an insult to you
but then it got more frequent 
he would often poke at you for doing the most basic things
you get a score a point lower than his again? you’ll hear his snarky remark about it the second he knows about it
you got elected as an officer in the class? of course he’ll say youre such a darling
you dropped a pen? there will be a quiet under-the-breath “clumsy” as soon as you pick it up
he also has this weird habit of scoffing whenever you outdo him
bc he scoffed when you perfected that presentation in dance class AND when you also got a higher grade than him on another
all these mockery is always rewarded by only an eye roll for you
since causing a scene isnt like you so you often
and somehow in some way, you hope he’ll back off
but one particular day, you were really having not such a good time
you were almost late bc you almost forgot your due project
which caused you to walk back to your house and also caused you to miss the bus so you had to walk
the moment you enter the class, jisung’s eyes is already on you
you actually prayed for him to shut it bc you’d usually hear something from him the moment you step in the class
you thought you were safe
but when you sat on your seat, he said, “you look worse today y/n, and thats not nice bc you look awful everyday, dont you thi-”
you startle him as you loudly tell him to shut up
followed with “i dont know what ive done for you to make fun of me everyday, cant you just leave me alone?!”
you didnt know you were crying until one tear fell on your cheek
some of your friends tried to help calm you down immediately and ask if you were okay, while some tried to confront jisung if he has any problem with you
he couldnt answer them he’s so shocked to see you cry
before he could apologize, your teacher enters the class prompting you to wipe the tears away and tell your friends that youre fine
from the way that you look, everyone knows you arent but lets you be as the class starts
the day goes by surprisingly well for you after that
what you didnt know was everyone was trying to not let jisung get close to you bc he might make you cry again
but jisung feels so guilty :( he wants to say sorry before this day ends
or else it might be too late for him to tell you the truth
so at dismissal, he waits for you by the gates bc he knows you stay in the library for a few before going home
on your way out, he tries to stop you and says
“hi y/n, uhm, i-im sorry for today, i didnt know you were going to cry.. actually i didnt know i was going too far with the teasi-”
you cut him off saying “oh uhm, its fine. dont worry about it. i know you dont like me so-”
“what? no, its not that i dont like you! i actually- uh- i mean-”
you dont really know whats he’s pointing so you wait for him to find the right words to tell you
a few more seconds pass and he goes
“i dont dont like you... i actually like you. its just someone told me that maybe if i tease you, we’d grow close and it was partially true because you'd only notice me when i do so.”
he continues with “i know it’s too much for me to ask since ive hurt you, and im really sorry for doing that but i hope you could give me a chance. i hope we could...restart?”
seeing the incomprehensible look (for jisung) on your face, he stutters with saying how its totally fine if you dont want to and he’d be okay to distance himself from you
but you answer him with
“sure. i’d love to restart with you.”
and from then on, it would only be love from him to you
you know who actually told jisung to tease his crush?
chenle. he’s his bestfriend who told him to do it so he’ll have a chance with you
the moment he heads home, he doesnt go to his house, he goes marching to chenle’s
he greets his friend with a punch on the arm
chenle shouts in pain and asks “what the hell is that for?!”
so jisung answers him “your dumb plan made them cry! and i had to say sorry and tell them how i really feel about them all in one day”
and chenle bites back with “you mean my smart idea made you confess and have a chance with her? youre welcome”
they talk about what happened for a while until jisung asks him if knows what good gift he should give you
so expect to receive a cute (and kinda expensive) necklace the next day lol
also expect for more adorable gifts and heart-melting moments as you and jisung get together for the years that’ll come
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squeege-chomp · 3 years
character hcs for craig and kyle perhaps?? 👀👀
okay so hcs under cut cause i dont wanna spam my ppl who arent here for sp
starting off with craig because i may or may not have favorites ( im rlly just more familiar with his character )
1: mans is gay,, like i hear some ppl say hes bi or something but,, no,, thats a gay dude if ive ever seen one
2: otp: creek- ( we get so many great interactions with them its hard to not get attached ) they bring out the best in one another tweek helped craig to open up with how he feels and craig helps tweek deal with stress and anxiety but also in highschool they were defiantly on-and-off and it drove everyone crazy
3: brotp: cryde- they are besties,, you get catg together and craig an clyde are gonna be so attatched at the hip people question if craig and tweek are together or if craig and clyde are together also clyde helped craig deal with the whole on-and-off thing and helped him decide to stay with tweek and craig is v thankful for it
4: notp- pretty much craig shipped with anyone else ( im chill with crenny cause we get some good interactions with them ) like some people really stick craig with anyone that breates even if it makes no since but you do you boo
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he chose to drop out of college [ he wants to work at nasa dont @ me okay ] to help tweek with coffee shop,, not a phenomenal hc but off the top of my head
6: one way in which I relate to this character: as a craig kinne lets not get into all that- but uhhh were both deemed the trouble maker kids by peoples parents,, like damn bro okay
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: every time a teacher or adult is like "craig the gay one,, did we mention that hes gay" because it is mad embarrassing to be "the gay kid" and nothing more but ayy what do i know 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave for sure,, mans has a criminal record,, beat the shit outta his now boyfriend,, and flips absolutely everyone off,, also hello?? hes gay.. what are we supposed to tell the children when they see a gay character??
okay so now for kyle:
1: bi,, in the closet but the door is open
2: otp: i actually dont really have one for him,, idc who hes with as long as he finally gets some good things going for him
3: brotp: style- alright look man,, stan know how to help a friend out and constantly helps him out with cartmans crusty ass and kyle has stayed up countless times with a drunken stan just listening to him rant and in highschool he even got stan to cut back on the alcohol
4: notp: kyman- alright look,, no hate i just cant see it,, i love enemys to lovers but no matter what way i turn it,, it just seems doomed
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: hes pretty average height but wears platform boots to make himself taller,, i dont make the rules its just fax
6: one way in which I relate to this character: we both got that complicated relationship with religion ayyy but we wont go deeper into that can of worms
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the fact that hes a ginger he should just do what i do and dye that shit /hj
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? everyone in south park is a problematic fave but im giving him the cinnamon roll stamp because hes a good kid
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