edgelordcommie-blog · 5 years
Martha Dunnstock x Y/N
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-Make sure not to curse near her
-She’s an innocent small bean that needs protection
-You’ll both stay up all night Friday and Saturday watching movies
-Sunday’s, you both catch up with sleep
-The rest of the week you both do work together
-From time to time you both go on vacations and trips
-Make sure to protect her from Ram & Kurt
-If need to, you pull a weapon on those two jocks
-Since Veronica rarely hangs out with her, make sure to give her hugs
-And compliments at least 4 or more times each week (counting week ends)
-Karaoke night is eight times each month
-Each time the both of you switch from picking songs
-Every fourth of July you both go running around town with a red cart 
-The cart is full of fireworks and you have the lighter in your pocket
-The two of you set them around town and run back around to light them
-This soon becomes a yearly habit of you two
-Scaring everybody each fourth of July
-JD finds it hilarious each time but he makes sure Veronica doesn’t find out
-JD also helps you two clean it up after words and hide the proof in Kurt or Ram’s trash can(’s)  
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edgelordcommie-blog · 5 years
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(via Which Dead Language Is For You?)
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edgelordcommie-blog · 5 years
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#Quote #Suckitupandfightback #Yourstrong
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