#i don't wanna clog the ship tags
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transvampireboyfriend · 2 years ago
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
"I'm just saying, if the heat bothers you so much, you could cut your hair" Nancy points out, after declining Eddie's pleas for her spare scrunchie.
Robin sits on Nancy's lap, clutching the back of Steve's seat and she looks at Steve through the side mirror like she's afraid that he's about to go on a mission to defend Eddie's honor or something but Steve rolls his eyes at her. He's not that gone.
Or at least he knows how to hide it well.
Eddie's lost several of Nancy's favorite hair accessories and two weeks ago she bowed to never lend him any ever again.
Which, does not stop Eddie from asking her anyway at least once a day.
But the point is, even if Steve wanted to, Eddie's honor cannot be defended in this situation.
Nancy's leaning behind Argyle's back now to glare at the metalhead. Steve can see them in the rearview mirror.
Eddie gasps "I would never" he says, clutching his chest dramatically.
Steve secretly breathes a sigh of relief.
Johnathan chuckles at the wheel. "But you could" he comments, eyes on the road.
Steve can see Argyle subtly laughing and shaking his head out of the corner of his eye.
Today is a rare occasion, Jonathan is driving them in Steve's car.
The goal of Steve's rant earlier about having to drive them everywhere was to get Eddie to drive them, so Steve could sit shotgun and watch Eddie drive.
Instead, Jonathan had offered first and then Steve couldn't go in the backseat because he's in charge of their map.
But whatever, this is fine too. He trusts Jonathan and it is nice to get a break and to be able to fully turn around when he's talking to someone in the backseat.
"Jon, I would lose all my sex appeal, you don't get it" Eddie answers, getting a box of Twinkies from one of the many bags they packed and placed on the floor of Steve's car.
"I get it" Argyle chimes in, watching Eddie pull out a Twinkie and shaking his head no when Eddie offers him one.
"You'd still be sexy with short hair" Robin comments from her seat on Nancy's lap.
Everyone turns to look at her.
"What?" she shrugs "I can say that"
Nancy chuckles into her shoulder.
Steve opens their map again to stop thinking about Eddie's 'sex appeal', even as the guy is excitedly munching on a Twinkie in the backseat of Steve's car.
He's got cream in the corner of his mouth and he clearly put more in his mouth than he can comfortably chew. He's leaning one elbow on Argyle's shoulder, his hand holding half a Twinkie, his other hand holds his mop of hair up in a high bun, causing his cut off tank to sit barely covering his nipples, his tattoos on display and his armpit hair fully visible.
Steve's fairly certain nobody else in this car would get it, but to him the sight is mouth watering. The guy is practically irresistible.
"I don't think i would've gone on even half the dates I've gone on if i didn't have my hair" Steve muses, for something to say and to add to Eddie's point, even though he agrees with Robin.
Almost everyone answers with agreeable noises, except Eddie and Robin.
Robin snorts and says "You are relentless"
While Eddie says "You don't get dates for your hair" at the same time. In a tone that suggests he thinks this is an obvious thing.
"I mean- it doesn't hurt" provides Nancy, she sends Steve an apologetic look but Steve waves her off. It's a compliment as far as he's concerned, he loves his hair.
Eddie finishes his treat and opens a new one while everyone else gives their opinions.
"For a lot of people, hair is a big part of attraction" Jonathan is saying, trying to seem like he's not speaking from experience.
"Especially hair as luscious as Steve's" Argyle agrees, leaning forward to lightly comb the side of Steve's hair, making him laugh.
"Thanks, man" Steve says overlapping Eddie's response.
"And I agree!" he exclaims "I'm saying he doesn't get dates because of his hair." Eddie goes on, waving his new Twinkie around for emphasis. "People throw themselves at Steve, and always will, but it's not because of his hair" he repeats.
Steve feels his cheeks heat up but still asks "Then why?"
"Well, because you're very pretty!" Eddie answers easily, like everyone should already know this.
Steve keeps his eyes carefully trained on the map, like he needs to study it meticulously, right this moment, while they're in the middle of a highway.
His cheeks are burning up and he can feel it spreading to his ears.
"And that's if they don't know you!" Eddie continues "If they do know you they know you're kind and brave and strong ...and generous and funny. Who wouldn't want all that in a date?" Eddie finshes.
Oh I don't know, you? Maybe? Do you? Steve thinks.
"Even bald, people would still go crazy for you" Eddie adds, his words slightly muffled towards the end as he shoves almost all of the new Twinkie in his mouth but apparently thinks better of it, biting all but a small piece.
"Here. You want the rest of this?" Eddie offers Steve, talking through his mouthful, and presenting the small piece with his ringed fingers, right in front of Steve's face.
Without thinking, Steve leans forward and takes it with his mouth, his lips burning where they touched Eddie's fingers.
As Eddie retrieves his hand Steve realizes what he just did and how quiet the car got.
He sends Robin a panicked look through the side mirror as Jonathan awkwardly clears his throat.
"Argyle's got nice hair" Robin tries.
The car immediately fills up with enthusiastic agreement and Steve slowly breathes out.
He can't bring himself to look at Eddie as he chews on his bite. He practically licked Eddie's fingers. Unprompted! The guy probably meant for Steve to grab the treat and then eat it. If he even accepted it at all!
Steve feels like an idiot and he frowns at the map again, willing himself to ignore the goosebumps in his arms and the tickling on his lips.
He doesn't see Eddie worriedly staring at him for the remaining of their conversation, until Nancy takes pity on him and offers up her spare scrunchie to distract him.
part 2
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tommynb · 9 months ago
Every fandom got the...
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celtrist · 3 months ago
I just vented out a whole rant about how aromantisim is treated within Hazbin/helluva. I'm not really sure if I should post it for multiple reasons, one of which being I don't want anyone to feel targeted about it or take it the wrong way (like I honestly dont have beef with Al shippers. Gripes, but no beef as I also ship him on occasion).
There was just a sudden burst of frustration I had with it that I think was in part just came from built up frustration from other things. There's things I'd like to have out there, but I don't really think it'd get far or, again, be just taken the wrong way. I don't see a point in posting if people are gonna ignore it, plus it wouldn't change how things are now. If anyone has any thoughts or are curious let me know, but I don't wanna make anyone feel like shit or put a pointless rant out there no one wanted to see. I also wanna keep rants to a minimum as I know people aren't always into that sort of stuff, especially if you don't follow someone for that and you just get an influx of posts of them complaining. And I still want to keep things relatively light hearted around here, at best maybe just some critiques on things here and there.
It's late, I'm on my phone when I should probably just sleep it off, so sleep it off I will.
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milgramenjoyer · 8 months ago
ship art stuff (0309) no nsfw or anything
0309 postimg...
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hurtcomforted · 7 months ago
(this is not written in bad faith, i promise, i'm mostly just confused)
I've seen a lot of antishippers complain about coming across untagged non-con and it always baffled me a little, because. I've been reading all kinds of fics for almost a decade and never had that happen, and based on how many people say they've had that experinece, it sounds like I've had insane, impossible amount of luck. Not to mention that non-con sounds like a pretty big thing - it's a whole separate ao3 warning - that I cannot wrap my head around the idea of someone just forgetting to tag it, or straight up deciding not to.
I've been scrolling tumblr trying to find something that would make it make sense in my head. So far, I've come across a person complaining about authors using "chose not to use any warnings" instead of actually warning for non-con because they don't want to filter it out and lose all the fics that use it, a couple people talking about it not being tagged in twitter/tumblr posts (which brings me back to square one and might be somewhat of a different thing), and one person specifying that they hate when the author doesn't tag NC when characters don't ask for consent before kissing.
Is that what everyone means? Because I can admit that I can't remember the last time I read a fic where that happened, and not really even one where the characters had a consent talk before fucking, but in all of them, it was also pretty clear that the kiss wasn't unwanted either before or soon after it happened.
But. Is that what everyone is talking about? I am just so fucking confused but I really want to get it, someone please help.
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1pcii · 1 year ago
playing around with some 1pc ships and their quadrants
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(characters drawn by me, forgot to watermark so just... please don't repost/edit/etc)
explanations under cut:
zolu are the main relationship between these two characters. they are primarily in a moirallegiance and only ever vacillate between that and flush when koby is there (more on him later). they've only flipped pitch once during whisky peak (nami auspisticed for them).
zoluko is more of a passive rarepair to me, they're long-distance/on-and-off bfs. both Luffy and Zoro's individual relationships with him are a mix of flush and pale and they end up acting flush around each other too when all three of them are together. Luffy and koby are also kismesis (the dichotomy of being someone's first friend in the entire show and also their parallel/rival).
zo//san is a... complicated ship for me. the tldr would be that I just don't like it but unfortunately they do intrigue me at the same time. people can't tell if they're kismesis or just hate friends and I don't think they know themselves half the time. they are however pitch exclusively with each other. any vacillation between other quadrants (esp flush. they pull of pale in rare circumstances) would destabilise their relationship.
usopp and sanji are flush obviously. slow burn friends to lovers. it's quite beautiful actually. sanji also has a longstanding flush crush on Luffy but idk if it's required or not rip.
usopp and Kaya were pale exclusively for the longest time but over the events of the syrup village arc Kaya developed flush feelings for him too.
this is more reaching into their opla dynamics but. Kaya <> Nami??? the scenes where they comfort and connect with each other?? Kaya always complimenting and just being so happy to be around her??? nami reciprocating after their feelings jam talk in her room??? I love it.
moving onto nami. namivivi is obviously in flushed. I love them so much. srry I don't have much to say on the flush pairings they are just in love and that's beautiful.
nami and tashigi are also a fun pair to me. they're kismesis in a similar way to Luffy and koby, but instead of an 'iron sharpens iron'/'be a good pirate//be a good marine' way it's more a cat-and mouse like dynamic. helped by tashigi's circumstances as smokers underling who has that same kinda dynamic w Luffy. (she also has this dynamic w zoro but In a platonic manner. tho pitch zo//tash is an interesting idea hmm 🤔). the flush vacillation comes from the fact that despite them being on opposing sides. they like each other alot too. Nami finding comfort in tashigi the same way she does her mother, a 'strong but gentle lady marine'. and her in return being the only person to really treat tashigi like a person and with respect on PH.
please feel SO free to ask me questions or talk to me about my shippings charts if you want to. it's so fun to me
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xerith-42 · 10 months ago
Guys I'm so dumb. Why am I calling them Blazein as the ship name and tag? What the fuck is wrong with me?
Obviously their ship name is White Milk and Bacon.
I will correct this egregious mistake post haste
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theangrypomeranian · 2 years ago
so I commed the amazingly talented @king-cotton-candy for this scene from my Don’t Worry Darling AU one shot you better leave (it's not safe in here). please go check out her blog, she's such an incredible artist. AJ, you're the best and I feel so lucky to have you as a friend. 💖🫂
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kyliecatqueen · 2 years ago
Shipping Identification Thingie For Alternate Ship Character Peoples
(Using the "Meta Knight x Galacta Knight"/"MetaGala" ship as an example, this is mostly for me but feel free to also use my system!)
- If the ship appears in the normal universe, it's "MetaGala"
- If the ship appears in your dark/depressed/edgy version of the normal universe, or if it's the dark/depressed/edgy version of the normal universe characters, it's "Dark MetaGala" or "Mirror MetaGala"
- If the ship appears in your universe where the normal universe characters are robots/animatronics, depending on the condition of the characters then it will either be "Animatronic MetaGala/Robo-MetaGala" (normal), "Fixed MetaGala" (broken then repaired), or "Broken/Withered MetaGala" (currently broken)
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patchworkgargoyle · 2 years ago
re: your tags on the stancy meta, pls never apologise for clogging my tags especially when what you're saying is Correct And Real 🙏 (plus you articulated the "Prescribed Happy Ending™" aspect of forcing stancy to happen again WAYYYYY better than I did so thank you kindly for putting it into words lmao)
sorry for the late answer to this wHOOPS--
But I'm glad the tags were welcome!! I tend to keep my meta thoughts to myself bc I get anxious about sharing them in case I'm Wrong but sometimes I slip them into the tags xD
And like, I'm not a huge Nancy fan (don't get me wrong, I like her!! I'm not a hater!!) but I find her a really, really interesting and complex character and when I saw her and Steve being shoved together again in s4 I was so disappointed because it feels like going backwards for both of them!! They've made so many strides and grown a lot since s1 and I think the writers/Duffers would have to do a lot of work in s5 to fully convince me that S/tancy is a viable endgame without it being that Prescribed Happy Ending, and I'm not confident they'd do that 😅
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disgruntleddemon · 2 years ago
It's a hard time to be a fan of wwdits who's not intrested in ofmd or good omens 😔✊
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maukuja · 5 months ago
oh. oh I got blocked by a mutual because of a misunderstanding with another blog. hm. well that sucks.
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mememan93 · 1 year ago
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feralsteddie · 2 years ago
hey! not to be overbearing but i've thought about that snippet of the serial killer fic since you posted it, is there anything else you can share about the plot/ship stuff/anything? thank you!
Oh ty nonnie ahhh i wasnt expecting people to actually be into this when i made the post originally, but you're so good it's not overbearing i promise!!! 🥺
Uhhh so first off it's a no Upside Down AU, but I have the firm belief that Hawkins is a cursed little town, so there's a bunch of fucked up shit still happening there (obviously), just, no interdemensional monsters and stuff.
It's kind of a wide timeline for all the little scenes I wrote. i think i have it spread over a little under a decade? but not every year is heavily focused on if that makes sense.
It's mainly a steddie fic, obvs, but canon stancy is in there for a little while, as well as temporary rockie, but endgame ships are Steddie, Buckingham, and v background Jancy
It v much plays up Eddie's Us vs Them mentality, Steve acting like a pretty little airhead while playing 3D mental chess, and Robin being a little bit insane
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strawberrysweater · 2 years ago
man i forgot how good i had it with homestuck bc my favorite ship was/is jaderosekan.... still very much a rarepair but there's SO much good fanart and fanfic of them if you dig for it!! like polyam fanart of all three of them it's wonderful... and now on the other hand with saiibomatsu........... i need to have money so so bad so i can commission people aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA
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chimggukchim · 2 months ago
First thing first i saw another anon say this anon is a tkkr who's sneaking in jkk space when i can very well tell anon is just a jkkr who has seen difference in jikook over the chapt2 era. Just because one jkkr doesn't agree with another doesn't mean they HAVE to be from another ship. And Tkkrs don't talk about jkk the way anon talked because it's hard for Tkkrs to even address the things jkk did together Especially GCFT so anon is definitely not a tkkr.
Second idk in which spaces YOU were because the whole jikook tag was clogged with very much negativity during AYS Especially after 1st,2nd ep because everyone was Feeling the difference in the way jk talked to anon because we have never seen them bicker this much after their debut self. over these past few yrs we have seen them very much be sweet towards e/o and not really bicker atleast not to the level of AYS and it was maybe because we never had full hrs of just jkk only so we're seeing their raw self so maybe jkk have been this way towards e/o for long time but we just never got to witness it before and hence why it was kinda shocking for many jkkrs and yes there was very much negativity. talking about how jk said "Jimin is dead" and laughed when jm was sick because some jkkrs didn't like that because they haven't seen jk talk like that etc etc. If you need @ of the blogs who's seen this negativity ask me and I'll definitely provide it in next ask (I'm not doing in this one because I don't wanna disclose their @ to other anons who might attack them).
Yes the 1st ep looked awkward maybe because they haven't hangout together for some time and when they're doing they're in front of cam so they don't know how to act, It happens when you're meeting s/o after some time and haven't exactly planned things you're doing or you haven't thought it thoroughly. They Started loosening up at the end of 2nd ep. And if anyone talks about their physical closeness as why would they be close like that when they are awkward then ITS taekook is good example of that why or how.
anon didn't lie when they said that jk didn't bother showing up for jm anywhere because that's true. he was at hybe for CK most probably saw jm is practicing stopped there and went home exactly like how he showed up at one of hobi's filming during JITB because the set was in hybe. That time jm specifically asked jk to come to show support to him more and jungkook didn't come again. we saw jm's practice BB and jk wasn't there again and when jk asked when was jm's next music show jm also told him that jk has already seen his dance during practice so it's normal to assume the practice was last one. yes he might have came for another practice but given we haven't seen I'll chose not to make up that "he came to the practice again" because if everyone just start assuming things with nothing to back up there's no difference them and Tkkrs.You remembered what jm said what during serendipity recording then how did you forgot what jm said During festa 2022 when jk was whinning about jm not showing him his songs along with other members?? let me tell you jm said "Well i told you, asked you all to come and see me work" so didn't jm give open invitation here to ALL members including jk? so did he go or not? i guess not if we go by the whinning he was doing over jm not showing him his song, we have also seen jk watching jm doing filter practice so I'm sure coming again for jm's other practices or MV sets to "show support" shouldn't be so hard given jk went to dream movie premiere, and a musical of tae's frnds to show support or wtv it was. plus given how jk traveled to Hawaii when tae said he missed jk so the hybe building (hobi saw jm there working as well so the pdogg house wasn't the only place jm worked) and before you wonder how new i am it's my 5th year in the Fandom. not as old as you but old enough to have known all of their contents.
Jimin talked about him talking with jk about music for hrs and said that he'd tell jk what he learned so i think he was talking about the time AFTER they shot in NYC for AYS. jm talked about going to vocal lessons when he was working on muse(in his live) so I'm assuming he talked with jk about music after NYC trip where he also heard "Who" for the very first time. my personal assumption which I'm pretty sure of is that jk wasn't aware of what's going on with jm when he was working on FACE and the live jk did after face dropped was him just catching up with what's jm doing. I mean he didn't even know when jm was doing his music shows etc etc. my personal assumption tho.
There's no need for jkk to lie to us and say "you didn't call me when i was free and i didn't call you when u were free" because they simply could have not said anything rather than lying. I'm definitely not a tkkr who spin their words to fit my narative so I'll take things as it is said to us when I don't see any reason for them to lie to us.
Yes having e/o in military is a comfort for them but I'll ask u if u get an option of enlisting alone OR u can Enlist with ur friend whom you know for a decade now what option would u chose? won't u wanna go with ur frnd if U actually have an option? given the status they have it's obvious more comfort for them that they have their frnd with them so I believe any normal human would chose to go with their frnd than alone with given option. and jkk do have visible tattoes so they obviously have limited options that don't mean they have to go with e/o BUT why not go with ur frnd than go alone? it's very natural doens't have to be "they can't live w/o e/o".
And just like Taekook changed jikook changed as well. many have hard time beliveing it but that's what how atleast some of us see it. have some points to add for this topic as why but it's already too long so I'll stop.
Thank you, anon, for the oh so detailed read.
And for also proving my point that some people on here actually believe that the only times jikook have ever interacted in their entire lives is when they film content for us.
I was going to just leave it at that but I've got some time so why not write more?
Anon not being a tkkr? Yeah, okay. It is true that not all jikookers have the same opinion. Some support, some simply ship and can become very insecure because they don't actually see jikook as two actual people in an actual relationship. But I actually have working braincells and can very easily spot tkkr rhetoric as opposed to insecure jikooker rhetoric. Anon was a tkkr clearly trying to gaslight. I can actually point out very specific phrases used if you'd like.
Jikook have never bickered before AYS? Really?! REALLY?! You stated you're five years into this fandom so my assumption is your consumption of content begins at 2019. Because there is NO WAY that anyone could have seen jikook interactions since 2013, and claimed they have only ever been 'lovey-dovey'.
If there was any awkwardness at the very beginning of filming (which I still have yet to see), do you know why? It's because Jimin and Jungkook DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT THEY WERE FILMING! They didn't even have a frigging name for the show! To the point that they, along with the staff said on multiple occasions that they didn't even know if this even would be released. Not because they were awkward with each other but because they were just going with the flow for the first time. And as entertainers, they needed to feel out the situation to provide content for us. Guess what? That takes a bit of time.
And your whole essay on JK not being there for Jimin? I'm not even going to go into detail because clearly the only time Jimin and Jungkook interact is when a camera is rolling.
Finally the military thing. You know what would have been more comforting than each other? Being assigned to an area that wasn't the most dangerous and active. And visible tattoos have nothing to do with anything as a lot of persons have posted about. It may have barred them from a select few, but certainly not all other avenues. And Jungkook could have just as easily chosen Taehyung to enlist with. But he didn't. And I hardly think he tossed a coin or that Jimin was the second option. The apparently indigestible fact remains that jikook actively chose each other.
You claim that jikook changed, just like Taekook, and that's just how some of 'you' see it. Fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. And I would actually genuinely be interested in those 'whys' you mentioned.
But please, when you do, make sure you can clearly reference from the beginning.
Because I can also do that to show how jikook's relationship has changed over the years. Only, it's not going to be the change you see.
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