#i don't wanna add too much other stuff but if u have questions !!! come to me
rurifangirl · 2 years
Never ask me to redesign this bitch for the next months or so bc he took too many years off my life . But he shall live another day and another slay
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spoops-screams @edensrose @nsk96 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @flowergarden1 @sunnythesassy
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arabellameyer · 9 months
AN INTRODUCTION TO ME (plus side blogs/other places you can find me)
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm Arabella, and I love to worldbuild, learn about nature, draw, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any questions about my worlduilding, let me know! Please keep conversations appropriate (no sexting or asking extremely personal questions). Here there will be reblogs of/art of some stuff you might find disturbing (body horror/gore), but I will label it as such (gore, blood, tw, nsfw, etc). It's part of my worldbuilding as you'll see here over time. But it isn't the only part of my worldbuilding, so don't worry about missing out on much. I do not tolerate any porn so none will be here. I've heard too many stories of people dealing with porn addictions and how debilitating it is, so I'm not even going to chance looking at it, lead alone reblogging it.
Filing system down below v
When I reblog stuff, I'll put it in a file system that is similar to my pinterest pinning system (same titles and such). Here's how it'll go...
(btw if any of these tags are of no interest to you, then feel free to block them)
Animal reference
Animal pose
Animal behavior
Art reference
Human pose
Guide or Art Guide
It just looks pretty - I like it because it looks nice :)
Storytelling or Cinematic - the way it sends a message is interesting, and I'd like to use it as inspiration
(BTW level 1 animals are animals found irl)
Level 2 - Like irl animals that have one little thing changed about them, like their color or number of eyes.
Level 3 - Mix of 2 or more animals that is hard to distinguish what the original animal is (like a cat/snake mix, was it originally a cat or originally a snake).
Level 4 - A change in the original species causes a majority of people to fear it, like deep fear it. Creepy
Level 5 - Like levels 2-4, but with a horror aspect to it (like snakes that look like intestines).
I've made guides for my leveling system and I'll post them soon, so don't worry if you're confused ;)
Scene idea - idea for a plot point or fun story in my world
Characters - catch-all
Johann the discoverer
Mama nova
Void deer
(I'll add more as time goes on)
Memes - general tag
Remember - has some relevance to it, whether or not it's a meme (just sorta a catch-all for anything that I want to remember. You'll see what I mean if you search through there.)
Scenario - meme that describes a scene, and I don't know where else to put it
Food for the funnies - this is where I put the stuff I actually laugh at. Not just a breath out of my nose, but a true laugh.
Derpy - •u•
Fever dream - lol those memes that make no sense or come out of left field
And that's how babies are made - I'm not even going to explain this one lol
Stay flexy - exercise ideas
Cute - catch-all for anything adorable :3
Cute animal - specifically cute animals
Cute plant - specifically cute plants
Recommend or Recommendation - smth I should check out (to buy or look @ again)
Pins or Enamel pins - enamel pins I like the look of.
Watch later - if I like the look of it but don't have the mental energy to completely peruse it, then I'll put it here.
Ok so that is my filing system lol. I know it's pretty long but I plan on using the references and stuff I find here.
I know I said this before, but I love talking (raging extrovert), so if you wanna chat or dump a writing idea or creature idea on me, then go for it! Heck, my commissions are also open (not getting them done immediately, tho) if you're interested (no guarantee on the quality. Just know I am still learning the fundamentals of art). Anyways, if you're reading this far, then you're one of the real ones (also, what's your favorite color? Mine is blue, but I like them all tbh) 💪. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll have a side blog here shortly where I'll post only my art so that you don't have to go through all my reblogs, lol. Anyways, thanks so much, and have a blessed day <3
P.S. this is my art-only side blog and deviantart. Here, have a mouse 🫴🐁
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suntails · 1 year
AAA OMG thank you so much for answering my question! ok ok ok so! first up for the fic desires, right out of the gate - I don't like smut (as a sex-repulsed asexual I find reading about it not fun). also I don't like reading whump that much unless it has a good ending. as for not wanted ships, anything is fine unless it's incest or pedophilia. characters/interactions are a bit harder to pin down, but I know I don't want any fics that involve self-inserts, y/n, or ocs as the main focus, I'd much rather be distanced from the story being told than directly involved in it, if that makes sense? I'd like to read something involving Idia or Ortho or any of the Hades dorm (idk its in-universe name) characters - there doesn't seem to be a lot involving them, at least not that I've found yet. stuff involving the octotrio would also be good, love me some angsty merboys. maybe some stuff with Riddle and the other Heartslybule (idk if that's how it's spelled) students too? if you have any fics involving transformation or body-swapping, those are tropes I really like (I'm reasonably sure that at least some of the Diasomnia students have dragon or half-dragon forms but so far I haven't found anything involving them actually transforming?) In addition, what fics involving the Diasomnia students do you think are the best? (since you are the resident expert in that field, 90% is impressive.) thank you again for answering my ask so enthusiastically, I'm sure you'll be a great help. :)
okay cool beans, ty ty!!! hmm i am,,, unfortunately just abt the worst person you could come to for ignihyde or octavinelle stuff, i so rarely click anything from those dorms. regardless, ill give a list of stuff below!! i will add a little description to give u a feel and if it's something u don't vibe with or a ship u don't wanna read, j skip and try something else, hopefully something here will work for u!
And You Think, "No Escape" (ongoing) GEN – i'm a few chapters behind on this one bc life kicked me, but very good gen fic thus far! mainly focused around the previous overblotters in a weird sidequest treasure hunt forced by some bad guys, with trey and cater in the BG tryna help their situation. VERY long chapters and updates very regularly, so would likely provide a good amount of content
Night Raven Kindergarten (ongoing) GEN – cater is the main char, but he and trey are kindergarten teachers for a selection of the cast as kids!! VERY cute and fun, and delves into the kids' lives at home in rly heartfelt ways that hit, the problems feel nuanced and well-written, and the chars all feel so themselves. whitenoface is the author and i like a lot of their work, i'm recing another work from them later on
Briar Scion (ongoing) Idiasil – p long idiasil fic where the story itself is rly what caught my attention, and now im along for the ride. the premise is rly interesting where essentially like,,, nature itself loves silver, and wants to marry him? so nature is encroaching on school turf while interpersonal romance happens around the plot, its a fun concept! yuu is in it in the bg a bit but its not like,, self-insert or OC, so hopefully u won't mind. updates regularly!
when we don't have the words, chocolate can speak volumes (completed) Idiasil – cute, 30k or so idiasil!! largely focuses on the second years as a group working at the mostro lounge, as silver asks for advice from them respectively and idia works up the nerve in the bg to come in to say hi to silver. mostly just a cute silly story, not as intricate a plot but a fun read!
The Queen's Court (completed) Catervil – first of all, azurith is a FANTASTIC writer, and i highly recommend literally anything they've ever written. this rec branches beyond this fic, but this was my start. this covers cater interning for maleficient herself, and then delves into his newfound connection to the draconias while covering fae history and previous war, etc, it's FANTASTIC and this lore is upheld in a lot of their other work. "Enchanted" is another ongoing work by azurith with cater as a diasomnia student, updates regularly and is very good!! azurith is largely a catervil writer but i think their work is far more important than a preference for ship, i'd rec even if u don't care abt catervil
Snow Is Falling (completed) Cater-focused – idk if u can tell but i like cater interacting w diasomnia content, this is where he goes to briar valley for winter break instead of back home! around 15k, just focuses on his interactions with the diasomnia people while staying with lilia and silver, p short and sweet but v nice :D
devoted malediction (orphaned) malledeuce – of all the fics on this list, this is the one ur most likely to skip. i found this on a WHIM while scouring every existing diasomnia ship tag and was so stunned at the audacity of someone to ship malleus and DEUCE, and to write 140k+ words abt it, that i had to read it. i can't explain it with words,,, the writing style reads so differently than anything else i've ever read, it reads as a STYLE rather than simply reading as 'well-written,' it rly kept my attention. essentially, it's a ...human? au? they're coworkers at a game dev studio, they're human but there's still magic, i can't explain it. there's underground plot-shit with the magic factions or whatever that's so interesting, but it IS orphaned so it'll never update again. i'm devastated. i can't sell this fic to anyone bc of the ship and the length but i enjoyed it very deeply and i'll miss it
Fath-- I mean, Lilia (completed) lilia & silver – ALSO by whitenoface, very sweet familial content of them through silver's life. a 10k must-read for a diasomnia fan
Even a Vanrouge Must Rest (completed) lilia & silver – VERY short and VERY sad but i am legally obligated to rec this. i'd be a bad diasomnia fan if i didn't, very heartbreaking and touching story
Crocodile Teeth (completed) Silsebe – sebek overblot story, decent length and p well written, sebek is infuriating which is Correct for sebek and Correct for someone on their way to an overblot. i've read most of magicalfish's work but i can't rec most to u due to nsfw, this is one of the better silsebe fics out there!!!
Just Out of Reach (ongoing) Silsebe – it DOES update, just not on a regular basis. VERY VERY good fic that FEELS slow-burn, it's 50k+ so far and still feels like the build is just starting up well now. essentially, silver and sebek get in a big fight and lilia magically makes them stay side-by-side till they understand each other, so it analyzes how despite their closeness in their upbringings and how they are partners in their roles as malleus's knights, they don't rly get each other yet and need to cultivate their relationship so it doesn't crumble. very nice story thus far and i look forward to updates!!
WHOOOOKAY that's a lot, i actually don't rly use bookmarks bc i'm typically on incognito on my phone, so i may be missing some, but these came to mind based on ur asks!! if u wanted more for ignihyde, octavinelle, or heartslabyul, i'd rec asking someone else bc i'm truly not the best source ^^;
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
hey feel free to ignore this if u don't wanna answer but i was curious, as a writer, how are/were u feeling ab the google docs ai situation? im actually not too sure whats going on to be *very* honest but i also am not a writer..
hello nonnie!! this is an interesting question that i have somewhat long-winded response to (under the cut!)
first off, i am an ai hater. i straight up just don't like it. and no one come at me with the "you just hate change and new tech!!" bs. no, i love seeing new tech — it's super exciting — but not when it's being pioneered by greedy companies. not when these companies using artists' original work that they have put tons of time and effort into to train their system.
furthermore, i don't think it's regulated enough for how much it's beginning to be utilized, and there's so many legal grey areas that are very concerning to me. look at chatgpt and how the company is scraping data from sites like ao3, taking people's original, copyrighted works and using them to train their ai with no consequences. it sucks, honestly. i'm dissapointed (but not surprised) that google has jumped on the "ai is the future!!1!1!!!!" bandwagon. it's nfts all over again.
google has claimed that they are only using public data to train their ai — but cmon, it's google, a multi billion dollar company that can basically get away with anything. remember how they sold users personal data to third party companies when they claimed they didn't, got sued, and then basically got off with only a little slap on the wrist? who's to say that they didn't sneak a loophole into the agreement we all mindlessly check yes on when we start using google drive? none of us know, and most of us don't understand enough legal terminology to figure that out.
personally, i won't be using any ai features when i write because at that point it's not my work; it's the the work of millions of other writers whose stuff was stolen. i don't care if emily from ohio wants to read about jungkook with a certain trope because she can't find it anywhere. like, idk, get a little creative. write it yourself or find someone who will, rather than relying on this tech that's fucking over artists left and right.
(all of this applies to tiktok's ai filters and stuff too. i don't fuck with those either.)
this is just my two cents on the issue, don't take it as fact!! i know i don't speak for other and i'm not trying to. if other writers and artists would like to add their opinion, feel free!
tldr: fuck ai, fuck google for jumping on the bandwagon, and i wouldn't touch ai features with a ten-foot pole
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pink-booty-butts · 2 years
🥮 🍘 🍙 (also ur great thank u for ur time)
Omg anon thank you so much for responding!! And omg you're the sweetest!! You're great too anon!! I bet you're amazing and wonderful!! <33
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you're working toward?
Ooh this is such a great question!! When I first started writing fanfiction for this blog, my goal was to post one fic a week. I've definitely slacked on that, especially since I got discouraged a while ago and haven't written in a hot minute (i'm so sorry guys!!). But one of my goals is to hopefully get back to that! I'm going to attempt to ease back into that so I don't burn myself out, but watch me post like 5 billion fics over spring break lmao
One of my other goals, I suppose this is more short term, is to hopefully post a fic for each of the boys I haven't written for once I finish the requests in my inbox! I'm hoping maybe this will make things more interesting for you guys, or maybe encourage a bit more interaction? Not to sound like an attention whore but highkey I LOVE talking to you guys cos you're all awesome!! So I'm really hoping if I add more variety to my content, you guys will enjoy it more and maybe feel more comfortable saying stuff!
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
Yeah definitely!! I wouldn't say they're abandoned necessarily because I do intend to go back and finish all of them at some point, but currently I have like 3 Ariel fics in my WIP folder where I kinda wrote myself into a corner and I abandoned them because I didn't know how to keep the story going haha. I also have one for Jamie and a chronically ill reader which I wrote before Lying in Laundry, but at the time I thought it was a little awkwardly written so I ended up scrapping it and writing that fic instead. After re-reading it honestly I think it's not that bad and I kinda wanna post it, but I probably need to change some bits I ended up using in Lying in Laundry so they're more different!
As for fic ideas, probably the only one that comes to mind is one on my ideas list about the Reader sending Jamie articles about having a massive dick (lmao hear me out before you judge me!!). That idea was born from seeing articles that literally had titles like "my dick is too big and it ruined my life". There's also a tv special on Channel 4 called "my massive cock" and it's about guys who have dicks that are too big and it causes problems like finding a job and that kind of stuff (i actually haven't watched it, but tbh i probably will to get inspo for this fic lmao).
I still really wanna write something for it because I think it'd be hilarious, but I probably need to think of a bit more substance/a scenario to add to it because as it stands right now it'd probably be a super short fic if I wrote it haha. Also in the Baynton Babes server we always talk about how Jamie has the biggest dick so it seems really fitting for him :p
🍙 Is there a fic you wish had gotten more attention?
I answered this one here! But I would say the fic in the #2 spot is probably Lying in Laundry.
I assume it could be because that fic was too similar to some of the other Jamie fics I've written. I mentioned this in the other post answering these questions but I do try to re-read my fics to avoid this. I think when I was writing this one and re-reading the others I was worried it was too similar/boring, so that's probably part of why it didn't do so great haha
Also I think it probably didn't get that much attention because mentioning "chronically ill reader" in the title probably turned some people off haha. I knew that would probably happen even before I posted it, but I did try to make the reader's chronic illness not a major focal point (i think it's mentioned like once and that's it haha) so it would still be relatable to those without one so it lowkey hurt my feelings lmao </3
But I'm chronically ill and I know there's a few other people in this fandom who are as well, so even if they don't get as much attention as my other fics I will probably still post chronically ill reader fics every now and then because it's important to me for the chronic illness gang to get some representation, even if it's just on my little baby corner of the internet :p
Thank you again for your questions anon!! I appreciate you!! <3
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enn0s · 2 months
omggggg!!! bruh my idenITY HAS BEEM REVEALED HASNT IT DAMNNN DAMMN DAAAMN!! you know whats funnie? as I was typing I was like "When will be the day I forget to press anon" I...forgot how different the interface is on here...I am sweating lmaooo
I was not ready for this yet OTLx infinite
*i pretend i do not see* (but hello darlin its nice to meet you for real ♡♡♡) ill copy the old message so we can still talk anon if you're more comfortable with that 😊
im sorry life has been hitting like that lately! i know when it rains it really pours so i hope you've been able to find an umbrella and that you've been finding places to rest enough during this period of go-go-go! i bet once you get settled into a school routine your schedule will hopefully be a bit more manageable.
Linguistics is such a cool field! My partner was going to go into that before life decided that she was gonna be an AC technician lol, she'd still like to get back into it and become an interpreter at some point tho! Languages and their evolution are fascinating, i hope you go and get to enjoy it to the fullest! Fuck everyone else, it's your life and you get to go do what you wanna do.
lmaooo its cool about my partner calling me fucked up and feral, shes not wrong and we were saying it in the context that her and her sister were street dogs and im an alley cat, its why we mesh so well even tho we're all very different people at first glance lol.
I listened to your list and im diggin the vibes!!! WOODZ has been a fav in my house for years im always excited for his new stuff. That first EVNNE song is /it/ tho, i really do like it a lot, their voices don't sound like they're new to the game, they sound really polished for how young they are. Idk whats in the water in Busan but thats where bts jimin and jungkook are from too so it must be somethin special!! That Phantom song brought back SOOO much nostalgia lol it was everywhere for so long and i hadnt listened to it in a hot minute. 2Pac and Limp Bisikit too, still holdin it down after all these years.
whewww this took so long lol top 10 songs /IS/ a hard question to ask! every time i would lock in a list i would come across another song i wanted to add but for the moment i think this is a pretty solid personal soundtrack.
1. Snooze - Agust D (this is Suga from BTS' solo work and it hit me like a fuckin bus the first time i heard it, hes been my guy since their debut and they've gotten so astronomically huge compared to where they started, it kinda gives me whiplash sometimes and ive just stopped interacting with the fandom as a whole besides my little group chats with my friends bc it just got Too Big but despite all that he's still putting out music that touches my soul and aims to comfort the lost and tired and i just... i love him idk)
2. Bleed - Epik High (love these old dudes, my friends call them my kpop dads and this song in particular is a fan song but they've taken bits and pieces from the track and remixed it into new songs over the past few albums which is just a super cool auditory experience for me)
3. Dancing With a Stranger - Sam Smith & Normani
4. Just Pretend - Bad Omens
5. Pensamientos Intrusivos - Kali Uchis
6. Flip Flop - Megan Thee Stallion (its definitely one of her more lowkey beats and a sad ass song but i just. i love her so much and im so proud of her for keepin it pushin)
7. Que Maldicion - Banda MS, Snoop Dogg and Becky G
8. The Sharpest Lives - MCR (i know this album front to back lol)
9. Not Worth It - Emotional Oranges
10. Pied Piper - BTS (sorry for all the infodumping about them but id have to make a whole other list if i got into their discography lol. for the moment this one just jumps out at me as a fav and a vibe)
I hope you enjoy if u get a sec to listen to any of it!
im sending you good vibes goin into your new semester and that your phone stops actin up! its always so frustrating like... u have one job, please work 😭
wishing you good days ahead and time to yourself to recover ♡♡♡
talk to ya next time!
(prev message under the cut for ref ♡)
I sliding through wild, rowdy and funky
D. Racc here once again 🦝✨💨
I hope you didn't forget about me because I didn't forget about yoo hoo~ Since our last talk, I have to admit…if God, gods, or some all mighty force exist, they're giving me a run for my mental and physical health this year, but I am alive and unharmed just…life is LIFING right now But! I will be going back to college this year and I am going to study linguistics. I find it funny when people ask what I'm studying and they reply with an underwhelmed response. No worries though, it just gives me the drive to go toward it even more. I have been getting out of the house often and trying to take care of myself, but I will say its hard to keep consistent with constant setbacks. How's things going on your end?
I totally understand not being able to turn a hobby into a career. I admire those who do, but also respect those who keep it as a hobby because doing it for work will definitely dampen motivation in my opinion. TY TY for the recognition, same goes to you too!  because it is VERY hard to actively stay tuned in into hobbies or interests when you're an adult in this day and age. I get you there though loool I hate being told what to do as well even for regular work. At this point I know I need to be my own boss or work under someone sensible which..for some reason, it's rare. But I get you, I started to learn a little late that, even the smallest doodles count as art or even progress. And us as an artist, decides when a piece is done. There's a lot of delusion when it comes to art and as I grew older I realized all these standards are made up! I can art any way I want too! art snobs can eat iiiit~
Awww I'm glad someone who isn't a fan (well YET! hopefully lol) truly recognizes a group or artist's talent when they are actually talented. One of the members, Seung Eon, vocals reminds me of Daehyun's. Saw that he is also from Busan. Them Busan boys got some PIPES! on them. I don't know why it gives off opera potential. Daehyun being in plays just proves it. But man…do I feel your pain. I can't bring myself to support a group when the youngest of the group is like 15. And no offense to those who do…but I have a liiine. Youngest member in EVNNE just turned 18 and the oldest Keita, recently as well, turned 23. This is the only group I stan right now and have been trying to look for more groups 21+. I've seen a couple debuts and took notice of some groups I never got to look into since I dropped the fandom. HOnestly thoough…once again..they are my new B.A.P loool! I don't know how people multitask affection. They are literally the only ones in my EYE VIEW. I do wish them big success on top of healthy, free lives, but I will say I love smaller fandoms. It's much more intimate and less toxic, but I do want the boys to get their moneys worth lool. All that work? Yeah they deserve all the love.
I love K-pop when it comes to the music and culture, however the standards and fan culture honestly turned me off even to this day. It's hard to support the industry with all the twisted shitake mushrooms that go on especially in the background.
ahhhhh! the dreeaded questiiion lool! not in a bad way it's just…so many y'know? and sometimes I forget a song is my favorite until it comes on shuffle again. No specific order, just some off the top of my head.
SUN OR SUCK -WOODZ (fell in love and discovered this man's music late last year I feel like I missed out too, but when he comes out of enlistment!? going to see his first show once he comes overseas, so talented and such a sweet person)
Badder Love -EVNNE
IXLU - BYG (!!! are you prepared for B.A.P's farewell comeback?? they look like classic men, very nostalgic, almost makes me want to draw)
Hole In Your Face -PHANTOM
Do You Wanna Taste It -Wig Wam (Peacemaker put me on)
One Look- Leo
All Eyes On Me -Tupac
Stay With Me - Yoo Young Jae (ft. Zelo) (I don't know why this song always brings a smile to my face. It's one of those songs if serenaded I will combust)
Break Stuff- Limp Biskit
I was fighting so hard to keep it at 10 loool. Sorry it's mainly K-POP, it's really been taking over my radio ;; What about yoou~?
Yeeees as you should've. You already knooow! Tevin Cambell? amazing singer. Stand Out as well…//chef kiss of the divine. Shrek is important to the culture. I know this is somewhat unrelated…but since he's the voice of Shrek, I LOVED Austin Powers. I did not know that man was a constant in my childhood along with Jim Carey. The Mask is amongst my favorite childhood movies.
HAaaaa..I'm sorry but that's so funny. Not him calling you a  jacked up and feral ahhh..that's love right there. Tiger + Stray = I bet fierce and majestic on the outside, but natural, wild and free on the inside..maybe a little crack-headedness but hey! that's their charm haha!
TY x3 for wishes of good quality Zzzs N' Meats! I will do my best! Hope you've been well and stay well.
Until next time! D. Racc City OUT! 🚪🦝✨ _💨💨
P.S. My phone is completely inoperable ;-; on my computer like a old head lool I joke. Nonetheless, we will talk as soon a possible ciao ciao and take care
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kuromi-hoemie · 5 months
i kind of wish growing up with ghosts and demons was normal. it's so like ... hm. so, most people are stuck at the question “do ghosts exist?” and no matter how much they argue and ponder it's all still based on trying to answer that simple yes or no question.
but when you know 100% for certain that (at least) ghosts, demons and guardians exist it unlocks SO many interesting questions afterwards.
it feels strange trying to dig deeper and deeper into these questions, desperately searching for and sometimes uncovering answers. trying to build my framework of understanding, trying to engage in spiritual/psychic practices. and not really having too many reference materials or people i can practice with within western society. or really even just people to talk to about it in earnest.
the closest thing I'd run into most of the time is some new age bullshit but i want to know the truth, ykwim? like i do have some legit The Real Deal references to go off of and cross reference with other references, and I've learned a lot both in theory and practice about it but god is it hard without someone to guide you.
ever since i was a kid it's like. i just had observation, cause and effect at my disposal in trying to process all of this. and while i learned a lot, i feel like I'm scratching the surface of something that runs incomprehensibly deep. i don't know what specific information I'm looking for exactly, I just feel like if i keep following the path I'm on, eventually there will be something that thrusts my across that line and into what I've been looking for - and i feel like at that point i would start to accumulate new True knowledge a lot faster than I've been able to in these 29 years so far and i don't know what the implications would be on my life but i find the thought fascinating. it's also been foretold by someone whose readings have always been very specific and accurate 🙇🏾‍♀️ though I'm not on this path for that reason nor is it anywhere near being a main reason.
there are only some periods of my life so far where I'm in a good place to explore this, so it's not like it's actually been 29 years of effort, but I've been coming back to it whenever life seemingly settles down enough for me to have the capacity to do so. i really look forward to the next phase of research and experimentation, but it's also the hardest/most obscure feeling phase to get into so far ૮ – ﻌ–ა i am excited though and i hope that i find a way to break past that wall.
i need to know.. i feel like, how do u grow up with stuff of this realm(s) being a very normal part of life and not walk away from it with deep curiosity? but there's only so much you can understand with a mortal body alone, and western society isn't exactly the kind of society that encourages you to interact with “the divine” (or whatever u wanna call it) yourself directly and instead directs you to listen to a priest or something.
nonetheless, my research will continue. this has been something of a lifelong passion of mine and i don't think I'll ever stop trying to go deeper with it, and i wish that people were more intellectually curious about this stuff instead of the knee jerk skepticism you usually see at first mention of anything paranormal, let alone psychic, let alone [insert everything else here].
i do get to talk about ghosts every now and then with people, but these are usually ppl who briefly lived somewhere haunted or weren't sure of what they saw. i think in my whole life so far, I've only gotten to talk about my thoughts and framework etc etc earnestly with one person - who themselves also have an extremely interesting background that adds even more to my existing framework. I remember being really excited that night to talk to it, and it is one of my beloved mutuals actually ‹: ♡⁠
it's not that i think no one is curious about my framework specifically, but this is actually deadass one of the most personal secret things i could open up to you about and i don't feel like i want to go much deeper than “oh, yeah lol ghosts exist” with the average person because i don't think their brain would really process it when they're already struggling so much with step 1 lmaooo. (which is also why I'm being very vague throughout all this)
it's like if you just found out the sky (supposedly) exists and you're trying to understand what space is through the naked eye alone. that wouldn't do, i couldn't define it clearly but there is definitely a prerequisite before i trust you (generally, not u specifically) with my actual deepest thoughts and questions on everything, or before i even start trying to explain my framework to you.
0 notes
chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. oatmeal with saltine cracker eater lefty eyebag 😅
Sorry I fell asleep early last night because of the headache. I still have it, I think it's because of my eyes. Not sure. But I am hating every minute of it.
How are you today?
Yes of course I read it! But it wasn't too dark. I enjoyed it. I have a few questions though. Since Nat has been gone for 2 months, why hasn't there been any fliers of her missing? Or when Dreykov was brought in, why didn't he ask why she was gone from work for such a long time?
Same, I wish they kept Love longer. I really liked their dynamic together. Even though it's toxic, but I like her character. Hm that's interesting, so Joe, Love and Joker.. that's a very interesting mix of characters combined.
No, I just ride the bus or Uber. When it is summer time, I usually bike.
Ah yeah overthinking sucks. It creates trouble thats not even there in the first place hahaha
So do you give second chances to people who have hurt you in the past? Or after the initial disappointment, you stop all contact and move on?
Same for PDA, I don't mind holding hands in public and the occasional hugging and all that. But if they act crazy and it makes me uncomfortable and others, then I can't lol
Hahaha I love that you add not the cereal at the end! You're corny!
Hello darling righty eyebag!
how r u feeling now? i'm sorry u hv another headache. yeah i think it's because u havent wear glasses the last few days right? when the glasses will be ready?
i'm okay.. not much..
oh yayy! i'm glad u enjoyed it! oh u r a reader who pays attention to detail pretty good! I love it. about the flier n stuff, it will be in future part,n i cant tell u which one. For Dreykov, i picture him as that pervert man who only care about himself n doesnt care about women more than just sexual object,n he is a selfish man. Plus R brought him home after dragging him on the road with her car and he is all bruised up n wounded, in pain, confussion, and fear for his life. So when he saw R talks to Nat, he instantly thinks that she knows R, n of course all he thinks at that moment if Nat can make R stop torturing him and he wouldnt care when Nat has been or why she hasnt come to work for few months. all he cared about was his life n to get out of there alive. I hope it makes sense?
Yeah i love Love too. She is pretty but so compulsive. haha. Sometimes I think she is worse than Joe haha but i feel bad for her. After what she did for Joe, n he cheats on her. I wish the same, i wish they didnt kill her character that fast.
Ah i see, okay. I'm like that when I was in indonesia. mostly use uber, taxi or motorcycle taxi. I didnt drive there.
About second chances, It depends on the situation. Even though if I give them second chance, I will not be the same person to them. It will be hard for me to be as warm n caring as before. I cut some ties to some people before. When it comes to toxic people, I will not hesitate to cut them out. I would cut ties with my ex gf if it wasnt because the promise i made to her. I promised her that we'll stay friends no matter what. N i always keep my promise so it's kinda hard for me no matter how much I want her out of my life.. so thats why i dont talk much to her like before but still sometimes reply when she messaged me.
Haha yeah, i like PDA but not a public soft porn one. 🤣🤣🤣 people dont wanna see that.
Haha i can b corny sometimes. Oh by the way, i learned it from u a bit.lol 🤣
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal one) 😅
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shurisneakers · 3 years
Ms Sneakers I am simply requesting more Clint/Bucky/Miss Reader content. I saw you mention a fake marriage AU in one of your tags and.... yes. Please
fair enough here u go
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Catch up with the rest of the series here!
"I swear to God-" Bucky grits his teeth -"if you come any closer, I will murder you in your sleep."
"Don't mind my man." Clint laughs, wrapping his arm around Bucky's waist. "He's just cranky because he didn't get his nap in."
"Glad to see husbands are the same everywhere," Camelia teases, sneaking a glance at her own spouse, the Chechen sleeper agent who just spilt ice tea down his white shirt. A clear threat to humanity. 
They all chuckle and Bucky lets out something similar to a grunt.
Clint offers them a plate of freshly made hotdogs and they carry it over to the table. The scowl returns to his face the second they leave. 
"You gotta sell it, James," Nat says humorously through the tiny comm in his ear.
"Yeah, James," an all-too-familiar voice quips. "You gotta sell it."
"What is my girlfriend doing there?" Bucky hisses into the comm, plastering on a fake smile for his guests when they wave at him. 
"Clint said he'd need help with you. Official S.H.I.E.L.D. business." In the background, he can hear a few giggles and he just knows everyone's having too much fun with this. "Hi, by the way."
"Donno how you do it, Y/N," Clint says, flipping a hotdog. "He's been insufferable the entire fuckin' time."
"You guys joining?" Alaric calls out, gesturing to the picnic table they've got set up outside their fake home. "Taking a while there, aren't cha?"
"Just a minute!" Clint answers, adding more hotdogs to buy some more time. "Jesus Christ, Wilson, did you get the shit from their house or not?"
"Almost done, man," Sam replies from the other line. "Their safe's a real piece of work."
"Will you stop?" Bucky swats at Clint's hand that was reaching into the bag for more sausages. The grill was already full of meat, too much for the four of them to eat and the bastard just kept adding more.
"Motherfucker, that's grounds for divorce."
"Bucky, stop attacking your husband," you chide unhelpfully.
The low growl that emanates from him would be threatening if you both weren't shitheads.
"I'm gonna kill you,” he says through his teeth when Clint adds another hotdog, just because. 
"Everything alright there?" Camelia asks.
"Oh, you know. Just your regular ol' banter." Clint waves his tongs around.
They all laugh and Bucky lets out a grunt again.
"Hey Clint, kiss his cheek."
Clint reaches up and Bucky takes a sharp step away.
"Nat, your fuckin' boyfriend's attacking me." He shoves a plate of finished hotdogs into his hands and pushes him along to the table. “Feral mongoose.” 
"You finally made it," Alaric comments wearily, eying the both of them as they sat down, Clint uncomfortably pressed up against his fake husband.
Clint drops the new batch of hotdogs and burgers onto the picnic table before dusting his hands off. 
"It's burnt, you dickhead," Bucky whispers into his ear with a smile.
"Shove them down your-" he replies right back. 
"Hold his hand, Clint, he likes that."
"Y/N, we're breaking up." He wonders if you can hear him when he's basically talking without moving his mouth, like a damn ventriloquist. 
"No can do, Bucko," you chortle from your end.
"Can he break up with me instead?" Clint says under his breath.
"You talkin' to yourself, Bueller?"
Clint doesn't answer his made-up name until Bucky kicks him under the table.
"Sorry, didn't realise." He avoids the question entirely. "D'you want some mustard?"
"We'd love some." Camelia smiles politely.
Clint looks around the table before back at Bucky. "You didn't get any of the other stuff? Where’s the relish?"
"I was in charge of the alcohol, you were taking care of the food-" he bites his tongue before he blesses him with another cuss word.
"Call him honey," Nat encourages.
"Honey." Bucky smiles through clenched jaws. "They're on the counter if you wanna grab 'em-"
"Well, we're gonna need it if we gotta get through these." Alaric holds up a particularly burnt piece. “Real fine cooking, Bueller.” 
"What's crawled up his ass?" your voice crackles.
"My bad." Clint pulls the batch towards himself. "I thought we all liked them smokey."
"Well, I do." Camelia tries her best to diffuse the tension caused by her husband's crankiness. "This iced tea is-"
"Jeez, not too bright, this one, eh?" The agent laughs rather condescendingly.
There's an awkward silence when no one knows what to say.
"Let's calm the jets, now, Alaric." Bucky smiles forcefully. "No need to get ru-"
"Just saying." He shrugs when his wife kicks him under the table. "Just own it. Not all of us gotta be Einstein."
Clint just laughs along, clearly unaffected. He's heard worse and he's seen worse than the sweaty middle-aged man whose sunburn only accentuated his stupid fugly face.
"Hey," Bucky says a little louder, seriously instead. "He's pretty fuckin' smart. You'd know that if you let anyone else get a word in for once."
No one says anything for a whole moment.
Bucky drags Clint's hand out from under the table, lacing their fingers together and setting them right where Alaric can see them.
"Well," Camelia forces a chuckle, not having anything else to say.
"Husbands, am I right?" Clint grins.
He plants a loud, wet kiss on Bucky's cheek.
Bucky pushes down the bile.
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nitroish · 3 years
oh!! oh!! oh!! about the hyrule sensing magic thing! when it comes to types of magic, i have my own personal hcs for the categorization and the way it works. basically, though people tend to categorize magic by things like element [fire magic, water magic, etc], the technical categories for magic refer to where it comes from, those being triforce magic [magic stemming from the triforce], kinetic magic [magic stemming from energy/movement], life magic [magic stemming from the inherent magic of an individual's life/soul, either the user's or another's], dark magic [magic stemming from the inherent magic of the dark world], light magic [magic stemming from the inherent magic of the light world], object magic [magic stemming from the use of a magical object], and mind magic [a complicated and difficult to master kind of magic stemming from the manipulation of someone's life/soul, most often in the form of their perception (this is different than life magic, as life magic is taking magic from one's soul and using it as energy for a magic act, while mind magic is leaving the magic in one's soul while changing it in order to alter their perception or ideas)]. i could go on and on about magic types and probably will at some point, BUT my point here is that hyrule mainly uses life magic, and therefore can sort of sense people's life magic, even if they're not using magic or don't even use magic at all. it's hard to describe how someone's life magic feels, and that feeling often fluctuates depending on what they're doing/how they're feeling/etc, but a lot of life magic users describe it in comparison to other things, hence "four tends to be more aggressive when they're blue". due to the lack of general information in 'rules era, he doesn't know a lot about exact magic terms or mechanics [though he's very skilled at the actual thing, sorta like a musician being really good despite not really knowing music theory], and doesn't really realize that other people don't really sense life magic like he does. upon figuring it out, he was bombarded with the others wanting to know what their life magic felt like, which he was happy to describe [mostly since he's never really had people to talk with or attention in general, and while he can get overwhelmed, he really enjoys being social when he's comfortable]!
[also to answer the question of how i send such long asks- apparently mobile tumblr lets u send longer asks, and i have many thoughts head filled with words]
OHHH THATS COOL!!!! oh i like that. also that makes sense about the aggressive when blue thing w four then!!! i do think abt some of the magic types you listed sometimes? there r SO MANY but its extra fuckin cool then isnt it?? life magic sounds so interesting n . i wanna eat it but . no yea thts all. crunchy. its almost 2am i dont have any thoughts to add to this!! i just am vibin :)
GOEHF ACTUALLY small thing but. legend is. good at magic. he can sense other ppls magic? its all flowy and nice. he likes the feeling of alot of magic stuff. his magic makes him feel full and . Together? if that makes sense. hyrules is really nice too. wilds is weird and zigzag but smooth? its wild but. not without purpose? dark magic is. stifling, to him. he doesnt like it much. its Too full, too encompassing. heavy. mm alot of magic feels good tho. he likes sitting away from the others when they r in a new hyrule or a new area In someones hyrule and just Feeling. the magic around him, or something. recharging and also just. (wiggles fingers) magic
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sinkingwmyships · 4 years
im back at it again with
JJBA (VA) Purge AU (3)
yeeee this is the one abt the relationship scenarios ;)))
part 1 | part 2
i highly recommend checking out the previous parts first, if not this might be kinda hard to follow
between me and my 1.5 braincells we're trying really hard y'all so pls go easy on us show some support ;_;
(oh yea a heads-up no ships are decided yet so treat all these relationship scenarios as hcs (yea imma make AUs inside an AU lmfao))
tw: (1 mention of) homophobia, referenced past abuse, bullying (??)
1. fugio
the first scenario that popped into my head is that Fugo and Giorno go to the same university (for some reason Gio's parents can afford to send him there, idk he probably got financial aid or sth, and then after he killed them (😳 awkwardddd) he's probably using their life insurance in fear of it running out). and Fugo doesn't really care for Gio bc he's a rich boye and he has his quality™️ elite friend circle so why bother himself w a nobody. but in reality all of Fugo's friends are either only on a social level (u know those ppl who you're friends w but u won't necessarily have deep convos w them or choose to hang out w them n stuff), or they're fake and only hang out w him bc of his wealth & status, or bc their rich parents are friends. plus (im referring to the anime backstory here), after the scandal w that professor who sexually harassed him, many ppl secretly hate him and talk shit abt him behind his back due to homophobia.
but anyway, Fugo's plotting against all those biches :) so where does Giorno come in? Gio, being this innocent poor boy who doesn't have a home to go back to, lives on dorm. and let's just say Fugo does too bc he doesn't have the best relationship w his demanding parents, so he was overjoyed when he finally talked them into letting him move from home into the dorms instead. (side note he prolly doesn't Purge his parents bc he needs their money.) so Gio and Fugo know of each other, but not acquaintances or anything.
and then
one day when Fugo's either
running into trouble with some authority figure at school again
just minding his own business and planning his Purge targets
Gio walks in on him, and he's either like
"omg Fugo r u ok do u need help what happened"
"omg Fugo idk what happened between u and ur targets but Purging ain't good, pls reconsider"
and Fugo, having the short-ass fuse that he does (plus probably having his pride wounded and just general mistrust of the ppl around him spurring him on):
"stfu u know nothing about me, but now you've seen this i guess it wouldn't hurt to kill you too"
"stfu u know nothing about me, ur probably one of those happy asshats that have no need for Purges, reconsider?? haha the only thing i'll reconsider is if i'll add u to my kill list" (bc if Gio reports him or sth, Fugo & his fam can get into trouble, since his targets are probably rich and/or influential ppl, but it isn't Purge time yet, so it can be considered malicious intent and/or attempted murder i guess, and so anyone who has any beef w the Fugo fam can bring them down) (i know nothing abt law don't come for me)
and then Gio is like "fuck dis shit im out" and he skrts tf out of there, but sadly Fugo ain't lying 😔 the day of the Purge comes, and Giorno was just trying to barricade himself inside his dorm room when suddenly, Fugo pulls an FBI OPEN UP and breaks inside using all his high-tech weaponry n stuff (i'll share my hcs for chara design later!!). Gio is freaking out so he jumps out the window into the streets, even risking going outside during Purge just so he can get away, but oh 🅱️oy is Fugo stressed tonight. and he literally hunts Gio down and almost kills him
2. abbacchio & giorno:
Abbacchio is tasked w hunting down a certain rogue criminal, so he's la-di-da cruising thru Naples to get to Bucci's house, when suddenly this fucking kid comes running up to him with his hair and clothes all messed up and tears running down his face, and is like "pls help me sir i beg u i just need somewhere to hide pls i don't want to do this i don't want to die" and Abba's like "fuq??" but then he hears manic laughter and chainsaws revving and shit, and the kid sniveling all over his crisp™️ Purge suit looks like he can explode with fear at any moment (and plus Abba understands that nobody would ever run up to another person for help during Purge like this, unless it's really their last option), so he sighs, "fine. get behind me."
the kid drops to his knees and Abba can't help but think "aaahhhh fucking dead weight", but he said he'd help, so that's what he's gonna do. now ANOTHER kid rounds the corner but he barely looks sane, he seems almost possessed by something. *fighting ensues* but being a professional cop Abba knocks the kid out cold w a few swift moves, and when he drops to the ground that crazy expression finally leaves his face. he's already wasted too much time, so Abba turns to Kid 1 and is like "go back home brat and dont get into trouble again", but Kid 1 is still a trembling mess on the ground, and he says "i don't have any home to go back to."
subconscious Abba's like "well that's between you and god" but he knows he's basically this kid's god now (besides, there can't possibly be a god that would let things like Purges happen), so he's like, "fine. get in the car and DON'T get in my way" but THEN Kid 1 points to the passed-out demon child, "but we can't leave him here"
A: "he was gonna KILL you!!"
K1: "i know but he didn't mean it, he was just not thinking straight"
A: "Purges ain't where ppl think str8 kid, besides if he didn't really wanna Purge he wouldn't have geared himself up that well"
K1: “but he’s not a bad person. please, if we leave him out here in this state he’ll be killed for sure.”
at this point Abbacchio can't understand wtf Kid 1 is thinking, but for the first time in years he finds some of the humanity he was hoping to regain in Purge, so he's like "fine. haul him into the backseat. but you're sitting with him bc i got my shit in the front. and if he wakes up you're dealing w it this time. cool?"
Kid 1 nods, and surprisingly he has enough strength to shove Kid 2 into the backseat & get in after him. Abba is trying to decide what he wanna do w these kids, when his phone suddenly beeps, and in comes a new message from his superiors, "yo dawg u gotta hurry up and kill that Bucciarati guy, we'd better not catch u slacking" and he's like "yo Kid 1, can u fight?"
"uh, a bit. why?"
"well, that's what you're gonna do for me in return for my protection."
anywhooooo i imagine that later on, Fugo wakes up like "ugh wtf hello concussions????" and he sees Gio standing over him, and he snaps into defensive mode, sitting up and shoving Gio away and everything. but then he sees that Gio's hands are empty, save for maybe a bottle of water and a towel, and somehow Fugo's own wounds are all cleaned and bandaged, and he groans:
"dude, what the fuck are you doing? did i pass out? did you find help?"
G: "you got hit over the head pretty hard, don't move so suddenly."
F: "haha yea thanks i can feel that myself, anyway wtf were you doing?"
G: "uhhhhh... abbacchio patched you up but your face was really grimy so he told me to clean you up, and maybe give you some water?"
F: "no. i mean like what the fuck were you doing????? braincells hello?? kill me! i should be dead!!! is Purge over?? did the sirens go off before you can finish me?"
he suddenly notices how Gio just recoils and sits there with his eyes squeezed shut as Fugo shouts at him and flings his arms around. but he's seen how Gio defended himself against him, so he knows this guy can fight and is no stranger to Purges. this is the first mystery his 152 IQ has encountered in a long time, so Fugo reaches out to get Gio's attention, but then Gio jumps and slaps his hand away so hard Fugo feels his bruised brain jar. he pulls back immediately, holding his hands up, palms forward, finally kind of able to pierce together what's going on inside the blond's mind:
"sorry. wasn't gonna attack you. just... wasn't sure if you were listening to me, so i tried to get your attention."
"i was."
"okay. sorry." Fugo tries, but Gio is already standing up and leaving, glassy green eyes looking anywhere but at him. "wait! Gior— ugh??"
he almost faceplants the ground again. where's my stupid-ass helmet???? i need to be on balance mode stat. but then Fugo feels two arms helping him up, and he looks up to see Gio, frowning in distaste but still supporting him all the same. he feels bad for asking (as if he hasn't bothered this poor guy enough): "uh, so, what exactly happened while i was passed out?"
oh, honey...
a lot :)
ya know i might actually go w fugio after all :00 but if i do end up writing this, it will span over 12 hours / 1 Purge only, so even if there are ships they'll probably only be implied, instead of madly into each other by the end of everything :P
to be cont’d… 👀🔪 perhaps with other relationship hcs :0 or chara design?? who knows. suggestions?
feel free to drop any questions you have, or just scream to me in the cmts in general!! i’m happy to answer anything, from chara motives to backstory clarification, or anything else!! ik up to now these posts have just been walls of texts, so :’D thanks for reading thooooo 💖
part 4 | part 5
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Love to Lie (Nick Mara)
A/N: So this is my first PRETTYMUCH / Nick Mara imagine &&& I'm worried 🥶 hopefully you guys like it ! Thank you for reading💖
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Being the girlfriend of a famous popstar who was in a boyband was tough. You knew it and so did Nick, but you fought through it. His late night practices and tours were always getting in the way of you being together. To add on, college didn't help on your end. You always debated on seeing Nick or going to class.
You never minded though. You would do anything for the boy. He had you wrapped around his finger. When they announced that they were going on their own tour, you were ecstatic. Except for the fact that the semester just started and you barely had time to go to any of the shows.
Luckily, some time cleared up so that you can see the Anaheim show. After that you weren't going to know the next time you would see your boyfriend. His family hit you up mid-October to see if you were able to fly out and surprise Nick along with the rest of his family.
This made you the happiest girl alive. You've only met his family twice and they wanted to see more of you. You agreed and flew out to NY for their show. The family got to see soundcheck and spend a little time with Nick before he had to perform. That's when you came in, he was happy but you knew something was bothering him deep down. To be honest, you probably knew him more than he knew himself.
The surprise was a success and you got to see your boyfriend again. Going back to school was a struggle because all you wanted was to be in bed with Nick talking about anything. While studying, you simply played with your 6-month anniversary necklace that he got you. It was a simple gold chain with the letter "N" hanging from it.
Skip a few weeks to the weekend before Thanksgiving. You and Nick were still going strong, but he was being more dry than usual. You thought it was you overreacting, but you couldn't be more wrong.
You've been asking Nick for the past week if you should come out to see their last show. You dropped hints waiting for him to say something along the lines of "Can you come to our last show?" but you never got it. You eventually just asked him if you could go. He flat out rejected you.
"Baby as much as I would love for you to come to the last show, it's just going to be so hectic and crazy. I don't want you to get hurt. I have to go, were rehearsing. Love you" That was pretty much how the conversation went. You were devastated, but you accepted. He was only looking out for you.
It's now November 18th and Nick hasn't called or texted all day. It's the last show day and you knew they've been in Boston for the past 2 days. Nick was being choppy on FaceTime last night and you were actually starting to worry.
You and your roommates decide to have a little Friendsgiving before you all were going to head home for break. While you were playing Just Dance with your roomies, you decide to go live and share the experience of having funny ass roommates.
You were reading comments and it was the usual. Until questions came up about Nick.
"Why aren't you at the last show?"
- "Nick thought it would be too hectic for me to be there and that he probably won't even see me."
"NOTICE MEEEEEEE💙💙💙💙💙💙💕💕💕💕💕"
- "Love you (random user)"
"How's Nick?"
- "Doing good"
"u single?"
"Did you know alexys is there?"
"alexys is in Boston to 👀🤭"
You felt your heart breaking at each comment about Alexys being in Boston. You end the live and look for any proof before you go ballistic. Going on your explore page, you see her selfie that was obviously taken on snap.
"5:45 Boston" The filter said. Jasmine was your best friend in the house. She knew something was up. She saw what you were looking at and she saw what you saw on the live. You kept scrolling to see if there was anything else. A fan posted a video of Alexys talking to people on a balcony. The balcony in the venue the boys were at.
Jas saw you shook up. "Hey, do you wanna go to the bar? Maybe take your mind off things?" You nod and plug your phone in the charger. You got ready and took off for the night.
After recovering from a hangover, you packed everything you thought you would need for the next week. You decided you were going home earlier than everyone. You didn't want to be anywhere near Nick's house when they got home. Your apartment/school was 20 minutes from the PRETTYMUCH house.
You have yet to talk to Nick. You assumed he was busy because of flights and stuff. But you also assumed the worst. After saying goodbye to your roomies for the week, you packed up your car and drove off.
He was definitely nervous to see you. He was scared to see your reaction and tell you that he loves you. The boys landed the morning after their last show. They all went home and decided to rest for the day. Nick on the other hand was already out the door to see you.
He got to your apartment and didn't see your car. He wasn't too suspicious, he just assumed you didn't park where you normally did. As he's walking up the driveway, the door opens. Nick kind of freezes and waits to see if it's you. Turns out it was only Jas.
Jas lays her eyes on the one and only Nick Mara. "Hey Jas, is -" She already knew what he was there for. "She's not here. Even if she was, wouldn't let you in anyways." Jas throws her bags into the trunk of her car.
"I just have to -" He got interrupted by Jas slamming her trunk. "Listen here, you have some nerve showing up here with the stunt you pulled last night. She was upset over a douche like you. But like I said, she's not here. She went home." Jas opened her car door.
"I thought she doesn't go home until Wednesday?" He said looking at the window that led to your room. "Plans change don't they." Jas was in her car and she zoomed off.
Nick hopped into his car and drove the two hours to your hometown. When he got there, he was even more nervous. He saw your brother was home too. Nick finally made it to the door and knocked slowly.
He heard the locks turning and his stomach fluttered, excited to see your beautiful face. Instead he was met with your older brother, Kai.
"Hey man. Is -" "I should really deck you right now, but I won't." Nick nodded and looked at his feet. "Who are you being a dick to this early -" You push the door wider and you see the face you were dreading to see all day. "Hm. Nevermind."
"You got this?" Kai said to you. "I'll be fine." you stepped out and sat on one of the chairs that were on the porch. Nick followed suit and sat in the chair next to you. You stay staring out at the neighborhood in front of you, waiting for Nick to say something.
"How was the last show?" You ask starting the conversation. "It was good, crazy like I said it would be." Nick was rubbing his hands together because of how clammy they were.
"Listen, I am so sorry that -" "Nick we're done." You blurted it out before you could even think. He was in shock. Nick never thought he would hear those words come from your mouth.
"What? Why?" He said leaning foward. "Did you seriously just ask me why we're done Nick? You lied to me, your own girlfriend. Also I looked like an idiot because I didn't even know your ex was going to be there. Not like she had a right to be there, but whatever." You scoffed at him.
"I know it looks bad, but I can explain." "Looks bad? Really? I don't need an explanation. Like I said we are done." You got up this time to go back inside the house and never see this kid again. "But I love you"
You felt the cold metal on your neck and realized you almost forgot. You unclasped the necklace and held it in your hand. "Nick, if you really loved me, there wouldn't have been an option for you to choose. We've been dating for months, and you still had the thought of choosing between me and your ex? Thought you were over that when you asked me to be your girlfriend. You obviously don't love me, at least not like I loved you. It shouldn't take you seeing your ex to make you realize that you love me. " You turned and put the necklace in his hands.
"I'll always support you and the boys, but as of right now, I want nothing to do with you. Goodbye Nick." you actually left him this time. You shut the door and slid down the door, crying for real this time.
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
Hello there! Just a random anon passing by! Found your blog through your gadget/infinite stuff and I hope you don't mind me asking but how do you think those two met before everything went down the drain?
askdnsjknajskdnjskln im really glad you asked this bc ivewanted to talk about that for a while
quick tl;dr in case u don’t wanna parse through my long aframble: they didn’t really “meet” so much as they’ve been pals since they werelil itty bitty tiny kids and then when they got older whoops romance (whichmeans when everything goes down the drain it really hits ya in the feelios)
quicker tl;dr: im making a thing that answers this exactquestion so If You Can Wait itll be worth it (hopefully)
okay onto the Long Ramble version that kinda goes off on atangent halfway through
instead of their meeting at some specific point in theirteen/adult lives ive been playing with the idea of their being childhoodfriends??? and then from there just working with the sorts of dynamics you getfrom the friends-to-lovers literary trope (not like friends-to-lovers is arevolutionary concept or anything it’s just a trope that really appeals to me.)
there’s a lot of relationship building that’s been going onfor years, long before things got “romantic” (and to be fair probably beforethey even entered gradeschool), and i incorporate a lot of that shared-historyfamiliar-territory type idea into what i imagine their relationship would belike (less of the explosive, passionate side of love and romance and more thatgrounded, dependable, comforting side of a lasting partnership.)
add that to the idea of them growing up in a small townand their wanting to move out into the big city when they’re older or somefinand yeeaaahhh im a sappy romantic like that
i dunno ive always been about that kind of gushy tenderstuff lol.
but kind of building off my answer to ur question (and incase anyone’s interested in How I Do Things) that familiarity and closeness iskey to how and why i structure their interactions the way i do when it comes topost-going down the drain (since that’s where i get a lot of the meat for mystory conflict w/ them).
see, loss is a significant theme for me so if im going towork with a scenario where one or more parties are experiencing loss like that,i want it to hit hard, and the best way to do that is to play to the humanityin the reader/viewer. relationships are a good way to do that; we as humans aresocial creatures and we depend on the relationships we build with other people,so loss in a relationship really draws in our empathy. i want to give theirrelationship lotsa meat so that when the Bad Stuff happens, there’s more to beinvested in (and more at stake.) Years of history and bonding reeaaally hits mesince ive had (and still have) relationships like that. It’s a very personalinvestment and lowkey self-projection lol
okay anyways so like, i say all of this bc in fiction“angst” (tbh im not a fan of that word but lets use it anyways) is so much moreinteresting when there’s collateral damage, and i use that viewpoint as thebasis for all my rookinite/infidget/whatever stuff. Im more emotionallyinvested in pre-ruby infinite’s being corrupted/going missing when i get to seehow that affects his loved ones (in this case meaning gadget lol) than when it’sjust the corruption/being MIA alone because i can relate more to the experienceof losing a loved one than the experience of,,, i dunno being possessed by arock??? it’s a more concrete concept in relation to my experience being a human.that’s the big thing: relating to the experience of being a human. humanity.what okay im getting way too deep for a sonic ship ANYWAYS
To finish off this ramble I should mention that like, icould probably get all of this emotional impact even without them knowing eachother for 1109387289023 years pre-Going Down The Drain but im extra and alsobiased in regards to How I Like My Romance Stories
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thedalishelves · 7 years
Hey! I saw that you were vegan and I have a bit of a problem that maybe you could help with (or not, it's cool either way). I have wanted to change my diet to be a vegan for the longest time, but my parents just deadass don't respect it? I'm young, so I live with my parents and I eat what they cook and etc, and when I expressed the desire to be vegan, or at least vegetarian, they ignored me. Sometimes I have to go days w/o eating bc they cook meat n such. Any tips or is this unfixable for now?
first of all that’s really cool that u wanna go vegan and thank you for asking me!! i dealt with this too! i first went vegetarian when i was 13 and my parents convinced me to just give up red meat. after about two months i excused myself from the dinner table one night and just sobbed in the bathtub for like 20 minutes because i felt so bad about eating a chicken. after that they realized how Extra i am about this and reluctantly let me do my thing (with some persuading from me: tips will follow)
also this is gonna be long sorry omg this is what happens when ppl ask me about being vegan jfdkshafks i’m putting it under a cut just bc it would literally take up people’s entire dash
so i’d recommend going vegetarian first for sure. it’s what i always recommend anyway. slowly phasing out animal products will help SO MUCH with adjusting and cravings. i was vegetarian for 4 years before i went vegan! but for you specifically it’ll expand the amount of stuff you can eat that your parents make. meat is the staple in a lots of families’ meals, but i’m guessing they’ll often make a little side dish or something? eat a lot of that!! 60% of what i ate was the green beans and rice my mom always made for a side dish
ask to help your parents with cooking! try to separate your food whenever possible. so like if they’re making spaghetti with meat sauce (gross ik my dad always used to make it), just say you’d prefer it without the sauce and grab a little bowl before it’s mixed in with the meat. (i used to add butter to it.) basically just any dish that could be vegetarian: take a little serving before the meat is added. i did this all the time and it gave me a lot of good meals (another example in case this is vague: i’d scoop a bit of salad into my bowl before my mom added bacon to it)
also i found it really helpful to ask for VERY cheap vegetarian/vegan foods. i’d always ask my dad to buy beans and lentils and because they’re like 50 cents a can or whatever, he couldn’t reasonably say no. (these are so versatile, even if you don’t know how to cook. making a bean salad is so easy and i used to eat them all the time! also AMAZING source of protein and iron and so much other good stuff)
there are also quite a few sneaky “accidental” vegan foods that you can request from the grocery store that won’t make your parents think: ‘ugh she’s a vegan now.’ some examples: oreos, most cake mixes (there’s lots of recipes online where u just add water and/or soda!!), loads of different chips, many cereals (if u eat them dry), instant ramen (even the ones that say beef and chicken). i know that’s a lot of junk food, but there’s also some healthier(ish) prepackaged meals: this list is good (even though peta is a garbage company i reluctantly admit they have good resources sometimes) (it’s american centric tho but there’s loads of these lists online!). since i’m guessing you don’t go grocery shopping so you aren’t able to look at the labels, you can look it up online and ask your parents to buy it (and you can do this in an indirect way if they’re not cool with it, like ‘hey can u buy the sweet spicy chili doritoes instead of the other flavour next time i like it better’ that kinda thing)
so those are some tips on how to get some food! you should also ask for multivitamins since if you’re basically going to be picking and choosing what your parents put in front of you then you might miss out on crucial vitamins that is otherwise easy for vegans to get if they’re picking their own food.
obviously the ideal thing here would be to get your parents to be on your side!! i have no idea what your relationship with your parents is like so this might not be applicable at all, but in case it is i’ll give you some tips that worked for me.
the best thing that worked for me in the beginning was that i promised i’d cook my own food. as a wee 13 year old, my mom still made my lunch but i asked her for just a plain cheese sandwich and she was okay with that. for dinner, she’d still make the same old side dishes that i could eat, but if she was making chicken, i’d fry up my own tofu or put a couple veggie dogs in the microwave. i don’t think she’d have let me be vegetarian if she had to cook my stuff separate for me. (also, by the time i was vegan i was so used to cooking my own food i just made all my own meals and had gotten good at it by that point!)
at first i just explained to my parents that it was unbearable for me to eat animals. like i literally could not put it into my mouth unless they essentially force fed me. (once again, i was super extra) as my anecdote at the beginning explained, they saw how serious i was lmao. however, my mom did not understand me being vegan until very very recently!!! over the years i’ve casually mentioned various facts about the meat and dairy industry that have opened her mind a bit. and she’s even stopped eating pigs now!! i always find it helpful to say that i do it for multiple reasons: for animals, for the environment, and my health. that usually gets through to people because they realize i’m not just doing some dumb trend or whatever. if at all possible, show them a documentary?? i’m guessing they’d be like ‘hell no’ but just in case (and for your benefit too!) my favourite is cowspiracy (on netflix). it has changed SO MANY meat eaters’ minds!! (the documentary maker was a meat eater too!)
but i realize how engrained this is in certain cultures. my dad is italian and by this point (after 10 years) he realizes that being vegan is a sustainable diet (which he didn’t believe before) but i think he’d rather die than give up meat. and my other side is polish which means their diet is basically carbs and meat and carbs with meat. none of my extended family understand what the hell i’m on about. it’s very frustrating but if you stick with your resolve to not eat meat then they’ll eventually realize you’re serious and maybe make one dish for you at christmas instead of just giving you a piece of bread
if they REALLY are against you going vegetarian, then i obviously absolutely cannot recommend that you starve. you can always go vegetarian/vegan when you move out, and that wouldn’t be your fault at all!! a compromise might be to go pescatarian or even just cut out red meat. (though if you’re anything like me this might not end well haha. it’s worth trying though as a last resort)
i know it’s such a tough situation!!! my sister is vegan too and literally EVERY DAY we text each other about how ignorant and disrespectful our family members are about this. it’s something pretty much every vegan goes through i think, because there are some WACK ideas about eating animals and those who choose not to.
so tl;dr: if you can, try to tell your parents honestly how you feel and try to give them facts. offer to cook your own meals. ask to help your parents cook so you can try to make the food vegetarian. request foods from the grocery store that are a) cheap and/or b) accidentally vegan.
i really hope this helped!!! i was so scared and overwhelmed when i first when vegetarian and had no idea what the fuck i was doing and it makes everything so much worse when your family is unsupportive. i truly wish u the best and please come to me with any follow up questions!!!
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