#i don't think they have an official shipname
mylifeiskindacrazy · 2 years
gay culture is shipping people who never even met in canon
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dunkledog · 2 months
alright time to come out of the closet
im a heal and steel fan
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that's their ""official"" shipname right? dunno, that's what i've seen around i suppose. they dont have nearly as much content as the tf2 mercs.
CMedic gets 0 lines and shows up once in the catch-up comic? yeah, that's my guy. I love that guy. I'm gonna throw rocks at him and key his car.
I like to think he's a sarcastic little shitter with military experience and a degree from Yale. His main goal? Develop a "master vaccine" to protect troops from the effects of chemical and biological warfare. (he served in WWI and had... well. He had a time for sure.) His immune system is godly and he probably has some resistance to radiation honestly but I don't think that's anything to worry about...
As for the relationship I think they always seem like they just can't stand each other. Their "bickering" is buried in so many layers of sarcasm and dry irony it's impossible to tell if this is their idea of foreplay or if they're actually arguing. I like to think they care very deeply for each other but they would literally rather chug a box of nails than admit that.
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chocosnowflake0 · 7 months
i'm so severely attached to these two (catnap and dogday) and i just wanted to know which ship name you usually use or just refer to them as? i've seen: catday (the one usually used) and catdog? though i'm not there might be others:p
idk if it's just yk ship drama from the fandom but noone really ship tags it so i don't know what the shipname being used is:'D?
feel free to disregard this question if you see fit or it makes u uncomfy btw! have a nice day and ty for sharing ur pretty art with us<3 very omonom/pos
HELLOHELLOHELLOHELLO - oh dear, ship name for these two, mhhh. I have been posting my stuffs on twitter mostly atm and ive not seen any shipname in tags tbh, i always see them tagging #dogday #catnap and thats all :0 I see some people using dognap/catday on this profiles but idk, i think we dont have an official one at all I call them "catdog/dogcat" jokingly asfds
ahyesshipdrama, its actually kinda going around but us artists are kicking those people away
glad you like my dummies sketchys <3
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mintsuwu · 7 months
I did consider making something related to Valentine's day but the cheesiest stuff I have drawn lately were doodles of Bill and Red (aka two of Ratigan's goons; even though they don't have official names several fans have called them that way idk) because I have been thinking a lot about them lately-
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I would make their shipname "Redbull" for the giggles but let's just leave it as Redbill xD
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They had more than one moment in which they were together onscreen. And Bill was often seen leaning into Red, holding into his shoulders and even took the bother to cover his eyes when Bartholomew was eaten in front of them, I found that to be really sweet....
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ghawst37 · 2 months
An explanation to camuroland the shipname: "犬炎"
Although I do supposed that at this point everyone just used to "camuroland" as their official ship name. But as part of the eastern side of the shipdom, mashing their names together should be taken it with some extra steps, for the sake of self-indulgance haha.
So I propose a side one that is "犬炎"
I included it in the template that I posted as sort of a teaser. But I feel like it deserves a bit of an explanation, as a bit of an apreciation for kuso en translation(?) team, just on some parts. (spoilers, Camu's deserve to be praised, Roland however, was a miss. Kuso, how you have fell off.)
Camu: Crocotta in chinese/original is 卡穆 · 狂犬 And Roland: Flambeau is 罗兰 · 戏炎 What's super interesting to me is that their frame's name does not change in the japanese version (Camu is カム · 狂犬, Roland is ロラン · 戏炎) "But, you don't know chinese, how are you gonna make any of this work," well I'm Vietnamese, and I can use transliteration to aid me. And trust me it helped me understand these two on a much deeper level. In that vietnamese guy we trust, always :D
Their names are simple, "卡穆" and "罗兰" are simply "Camu" and "Roland" in chinese dialect. The fun part is in their frames' name.
Camu goes first. And I would like to say that the direct translation for his frame's name is so insulting because why are they calling our boy a "rabid dog"?? Although that's the thing, it's really what "狂犬" means. "狂犬" in romaji is "kuángquǎn", and in Vietnamese transliteration is "cuồng khuyển." And to my other vietnamese people, I agree this sounds a lot better than calling him "chó dại" haha. "Cuồng" is basically to describe something wild and uncontrollable, you can use it to describe a natural disaster as well as a person, in some cases. Pretty much means "crazy," but unlike "rabid" that's mostly only used on an animal. "Khuyển" is pretty much an untamed dog. This is when I have to brought this up because I had issues with this too, specifically the differences between "cẩu" and "khuyển," as both of these words are to refer to a dog. A "cẩu" is a domesticated dog, a house pet. Obedient and behave nicely to its master. And a "khuyển" is a masterless dog, barks and bite and misbehave and uh yeah.... has rabies (this came clear to me from a lil comedic story that I came across explaning exactly just that haha.) At the same time, it's used in a very insulting manner, to refer to a lowly, pathetic dog. Now I think I understood whoever made Camu's frame see of him. SMH But to my knowledge, "masterless dog" can also be used to refer to wild dogs, namely hyenas. Which is absolutely interesting, because it's believed that hyenas were the animal that inspired the legend of the creature "Crocotta." I think the english translation team deserves some credit for this one 0)-(
Roland on the other hand, is surfacely the less intersting when first roughly translated during his debut in the cn server.
"戏炎" in romaji is "xìyán", and that is "hí diễm" or "hí viêm" (either way has a nice ring to the ears.) During Roland's debut his frame's name was translated to "theatrical flame", which is so much better than what the direct translation gave me (because "play inflamation" sounds like... absolutely nothing.) This is worth pointing out at least imho, using "戏", in romaji and transliteration is "hí", translated to theaters is pretty shallow in terms of meaning. To put it simply, it's not just any general theater, it belongs to the combination "戏曲", "xìqǔ" or chinese traditional opera, Peking opera is what it's more widely known currently. Now I'm not here to give a history lesson on something I'm not very well-versed, but for what Roland does, consider to what Peking is with its combination of story telling, singing, dancing, martial arts and acrobatic performance, I don't think the theater they refer Roland to is "just western theater," the good ol we all familiar with. Especially with the martial arts and acrobatic performance, for what Roland is capable of (or consider his battle performance), he exceed just being some reality show performer. That's traditional art. Albeit Roland is referenced (quite heavily) on a Frankish knight, that's very much just a title, much like his role on the stage. It's always better to consider him as someone more than just his role. And that is where the localization and translation team failed to make justice of what his name could have been, or if only someone could have point it out earlier. "Hỏa" ("火") means literally fire, but "viêm" ("炎") is a blaze (literally two fire syllables on top of each other.) It can also be use as an adjective to describe heat in some cases. "Flambeau" is pretty much a torch, even much less meaning than "theatrical flame", but it gave me this idea that said flame is being contained within an object and/or a place. Although it's not even flame, but an even much larger fire. (A friend after hearing me telling them all this said that it felt like a very symbolic fire, it could be seen as Roland's passion for the art of performance, which I very much agree. It burn hot and bright but it also contains him, imprisoned him almost.)
That's a long dissecting section, so what does that leave us with? Well, I tried all combination with each syllables including ones from their names, and only the combination of "犬" and "炎" sounds the less cringe (haha) ("chaotic opera" "狂戏" could've worked if only 狂 isn't a very fitting adjective for 戏) If i respect the shipping community rule of name position (top's name at the front, bottom's at the back) then that gives us "犬炎". But personally, it's doesn't matter, the Vietnamese transliteration left me with "khuyển diễm" but I'll fw "viêm khuyển" as well.
Còn với những người anh em đồng hương của tôi, con ship này cũng có tên việt, là "Sói Lửa" (camuroland can be very international)
And with the usual english speaker, my friend have suggested "Blazing Canine" and I happily approve of the idea (it's so much better than my "hot dog".....)
And with that I would like to conclude my TED talk. Thank you anyone who reached this point (❁´◡`❁) I hope it gave you something, or wasted your time in a enjoyable way haha /gets kicked off stage
//And if anyone is like "why does Roland get such a long analyzation for his part," here's a diet one for Camu. While Roland's chinese name is just a dialect of his name ("ro-ran") Camu's does has a meaning but it's on its own is so good and I'm not sure if anyone has point this out yet, and I frankly don't think it would be very fair if i take Roland's frame name just to combine it with Camu's name. "卡穆", romaji "kǎmù", Vietnamese transliteration "khải mặc" (or in any case of you stubborn people like, fine "ca mặc", it doesn't change the meaning) means "a silent protection." Consider he always has us play where's Waldo, he's really just at the flank and back protecting everyone on his own in denser punishing zone, it's rather fitting. And it's not that he doesn't complain, it's just that whenever he does and curse at Roland hahaha
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mappinglasirena · 1 year
La Sirena's Registry
Before season 3 aired, I promised I would make a post about La Sirena's registry if and when it was canonized during the final season of Star Trek: Picard. Now that the finale has aired and we are unlikely to ever see this little speed freighter on our tv screens again, I think it's high time I elaborate on this issue.
Mild spoilers for early season 3 of Star Trek: Picard below!
What are we talking about here?
Back in May 2022, after season 2 wrapped up, the official Star Trek twitter account made a post about some of the ships shown in the season finale.
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As you can see, they added additional information about the ships, including names, classes, and registry numbers. For La Sirena, they listed her as "S.S. La Sirena NAR-93131".
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The "S.S."-prefix and registry number were repeated by, among others, production designer Dave Blass, who said he was asked to come up with a registry number for season 3 and/or promo purposes, and they have since been listed on Sirena's Memory Alpha page and also showed up in the season 3 Instagram promos run by Paramount+ (which I briefly talked about here).
However, I have been holding off on changing any of my posts on this blog or the way I talk about La Sirena to reflect this new information, because I was waiting to see if it would actually get confirmed in canon. (In Star Trek, generally only things shown on screen during the aired shows and movies are considered canon. The many books and technical manuals, any deleted scenes, official promo-materials, tweets, Q&As, interviews, or other messages from the showrunners, writers, or production staff are usually relegated to beta canon).
Now that the show has officially ended, I can say with some confidence: we never got confirmation that La Sirena has a registry number, let alone what that number might be.
(Follow me below the cut for a (very long) exploration of registry numbers in Star Trek and why I think La Sirena remains without one.)
What is a registry number?
Most Trekkies are probably very familiar with the typical starship registry numbers we find throughought the shows and movies. They're blazoned across the hull and are often seen in official information or even used as identification in dialogue.
Here the classic example: the U.S.S. Enterprise which has the registry "NCC-1701", with various letters added for all later reincarnations of the famous flagship.
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While it is never discussed in detail anywhere in canon (unless I have missed something crucial), these registries are unique identifiers given to the ships. They are created and kept on file by the organization that has registered the ship in question (e.g. Starfleet for the Enterprises, the Klingon Empire for Imperial ships, the UFP for civilian vessels, etc.).
The prefixes before the ship name are an indication of this affiliation. Where in the real world, a ship operated by the UK's royal navy might be called "HMS Shipname" for "His/Her Majesty's Ship", in Trek world, we have Starfleet using "USS" for "United [Federation] Star Ship"/"United Space Ship", or the Klingon "IKS" prefix for "Imperial Klingon Ship."
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(Like this beauty. Though I don't think we ever see official registry markings on the hulls of Klingon ships.)
Similarly, the registry number has a specific format depending on the institution issuing it. For Starfleet, the most common in the 24th century was "NCC" followed by a number, though others were possible (e.g. "NA" for the fully-automated Starships like the U.S.S. Aledo from Lower Decks.
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With the few civilian ships we have seen over the course of the 24th-century Trek series, the most common prefix/registry combination has been "S.S. Shipname" (presumably for "Star Ship"), and a registry number beginning with "NAR".
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(See for example the "S.S. Mariposa, NAR-7678" from TNG's "Up the Long Ladder".)
At first glance, it would make sense for La Sirena to follow this pattern. However there is a snag.
To Register or not To Register?
We learn in season 1 that La Sirena is an unregistered vessel. Rios is an "off the books" pilot and the fact that his ship is not registered is mentioned more than once.
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However, at no point in any of the series (as far as I'm aware, and please, correct me if I'm wrong) do we get a clear explanation of what this entails in the Star Trek universe.
On its face, I would think "unregistered" means that La Sirena is not listed in any of the official registries that exist throughout the spaces where Rios operates his vessel. She's not registered with the UFP, the Romulan Free State, any merchant association, or any other organziation that might keep such a database. In order to be truly independent (and capable of doing a lot of shady dealings), Rios has kept Sirena out of any and all official records.
But if that is the case, that would mean there is no institution who could have conferred an official registry onto the ship. If "NAR-93131" were the ships registry, by definition, that would have to be listed in some kind of official register. Which would defeat the purpose of being off-the-books in the first place.
"But wouldn't the ship need a registry any time it docked at a port or came into contact with other ships?"
Presumably, yes. The point of registries is to make ships trackable and accountable. So, if you rocked up to a Starfleet-run spacestation and didn't have an official-sounding registry to broadcast, you would probably be in a lot of trouble. But there are many ways around this.
A determined off-the-books pilot (especially one with an extremely capable hacker-friend like Raffi Musiker) could have any number of fake registries (think: fake licence plates), official papers that are just out of date (e.g. stolen from a recently decommissioned ship) and a good story about currently being in the process of renewing them, funds set aside to bribe port officials in places farther from the centre of the Federation, where money still runs the economy... There are many ways around the obstacles presented by not having an official registry, and it seems very likely Rios would have chosen one of those.
Now, as I see it, there are three in-universe ways to bring in the "NAR-93131" registry.
The first possibility is that it's the designation the ship used to have, before Rios (or a previous owner) took her over and let the registration lapse. We don't know anything about the age of the ship in canon (in beta canon, she is fairly old), so it's possible she was fully integrated into a registered organization before she went rogue. In that case, Rios might even keep the registry around to have handy in case of interstellar bureaucracy mishaps.
Alternatively, this might be one of the fake registries Rios uses commonly when he encounters any kind of authority who will be likely to ask for his ship's identification.
In both of those cases, however, it likely wouldn't be a permanent feature of La Sirena. If you consistently use a fake registry, even if there is no record of it in any official database, it will eventually become associated with your ship and trackable across jurisdictions and time, which is the opposite of what you want to achieve by remaining unregistered.
The third possibility is that some time after Season 1, someone registered La Sirena with the UFP and "NAR-93131" is the number that was assigned to her then. I can't speculate about whether that was the production team's intended explanation (not least because from some of the comments I've read from them, it seemed to me like the connection between "this ship is unregistered" and "this ship does not have a fixed registry" might have gotten a bit muddled on their end), but it's definitely a possibility.
However, I am also not convinced by this explanation. While Sirena does rise to more prominence in the immediate aftermath of the Coppelius incident (she is ferrying around the Newly Great Jean-Luc Picard, after all), I'm not sure Rios would have agreed to register her before he joined Starfleet. Then Seven of Nine takes over the ship for work with the Fenris Rangers, and while I disagree with season 3's characterization of the Rangers as "pirates" ("vigilantes" or "non-state actors" seems more apt imo), I still think they would either not bother too much with having their ships properly registered or might even prefer the more stealthy approach of unregistered ships.
Finally, Sirena ends up with Raffi Musiker, who is using her for undercover work in Starfleet Intelligence. Once again, it could go either way. Raffi's cover story is that she's out of Starfleet, and while it would probably not raise any eyebrows for her to have a properly registered ship, I also think leaving the ship unregistered might have been useful to add to her outlaw persona.
As it stands, I think you can make good arguments for both, La Sirena being registered at some point during the run of Star Trek: Picard and her being kept unregistered and off the books for use in various semi-legal and/or covert activities.
One thing is clear, however: We never got any on-screen confirmation of her being registered, let alone the "official" name "S.S. La Sirena NAR-93131".
(NB: There is a minute chance a reference to the registry number might be somewhere in all of this information:
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but since effectively none of it is legible and the two or three docs talking about Raffi's assignment (Operation Daybreak) seem to be highly redacted, I will go with: It's never actually confirmed.)
Why does any of this matter?
Honestly? It doesn't. If it brings you joy to have a registry number to associate with this ship, I'd say go ahead and live your bliss.
This is really just a petty and very personal gripe of mine. I liked that La Sirena wasn't a Starfleet ship with the usual bells and whistles (registry number, dedication plaque, etc.). She was an oddball, run by a captain who, while emotionally still deeply connected to Starfleet, was also on the outside and preferred it that way. Season 1 offered a look at parts of the Star Trek universe we never really got to see before, and that felt fresh and exciting.
To me, personally, giving Sirena a registry number (without any character-driven explanation for how she got it or who decided to register her and why) felt like it erased a part of her identity. It changed her from a scrappy underdog operating in the grey areas and along the edges of the Federation to just another quasi-Starfleet ship of the line.
Is that a highly personal pet peeve and completely blowing things out of proportion? Yes. Yes, it very much is. Which is why I won't ever fault anyone for choosing to adopt the headcanon/fanon/beta canon of this registry and running with it.
But if anyone ever wonders why I continue to call her simply "La Sirena" and talk about her as an unregistered vessel, now you know ;)
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mikanandpotato · 3 months
Lets talk about ship again. Because i can't sleep again lol.
- KaiAo irk me if romantically, however i am fine if it's platonic. I can't tell what's i hate or what's could it been. But probably it is because of how i set my ocs in similiar situations.
- AkaAo, honestly i don't know what's the shipname and i feel like i am the only one who ship it. Honestly this ship feels like yaoi for me. There are post that is calling that "You gay because you love women. I am gay because i hate men" yeah probably because of that.
- SaguAka, i don't really sees their chemistry on 1412 but detco specials does make me thinking a little. I am suprised that recent manga mentioned this, but the problem is Akako and Saguru haven't officially clash prior on the manga. So i think Gosho is taking the Detco specials as his canon because he forgot.
- Shinran, i think i already tell that Shinran is feel Yuri to me. And i have personal hc that Ran loves when Shinichi in sweat especially after he is playing football. She loves Shinichi's back (also included his ass), legs and how tender he looks on sunsetty situations (im sorry if it's ruin the image of Ran for you🙏)
- Kaishin, ngl.. My starter ship of this fandom. Still like it but not really has the strong feels anymore. Probably m27 ruins this ship for me that unconsciously i've been evaded this ship eventhough it was my favorite ship.
- Coai, i love it mainly because of Ai herself and she is enjoying her life.
- Kaishi (and Kaishinshi by extends) start as crack but honestly both would definately shares braincell and bullying Shinichi together. Just like how i sees Komahinanami.
- Sagushin, also an crack that kinda sound possible and make sense in my head. Though havent really thought of how yet.
- Heishin, i enjoyed it. I tried to shares any Heishin that i could find. It's giving me wishshipping.
And now the problematic zone :
- Reishin, as expected, Pixiv and/or Jp fandom in general. There are lots of interesting Reishin comic, especially with Bourbon or an what-if if Shinichi were BO members. There are lot of possibility and ideas to explore. But this would ended up problematic on western fandom... Im sorryyyy
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crossover-enthusiast · 5 months
Here is my official apology for always ranting to you about every thought in my head
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Opposite au ships :)!
Also I didn’t do Aaron/jaune/lila bc Aaron doesn’t have a design yet and i think Juane got a redesign ? Idk but I made this to make up for it!
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Patty brings bob to the others like “have you guys met my pathetic boyfriend” and john goes “hi pathetic boyfriend!”
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I just. sdkjgndskjgnkdsjgn everything about this is SO GOOD
The Hatz just holding hands bc they're little dweebs and don't know what else to do. John's autism eyes, now romantic flavor (I love how Jack is holding him too kjdnfkj). Frank pining over a rich bitch. The Kevin and Frank one being like that one Pelo doodle I absolutely LOVE that. And Patty just, taking Bob as her boyfriend because hey why not it'd be fun (and Bob being confused the whole time)
I love all the little shipnames too!! Especially Byakuya, that one is SO clever!
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torterragarden · 1 year
hi beloved mutual i challenge you to give us your top five or so pokemon ships, and explain why you like them in as little words as possible (and also explain their shipnames if they’re not super obvious to get)
Idk what's gonna be harder, explaining ship names I don't fully understand myself or "in as little words as possible"
Also I can't really order these so I won't ✌
Surveyshipping - Cyllene and Laventon are both in the Survey Corps, pretty obvious ship name. Anyway I really love both characters and I think the idea of them together is very cute, classic girl boss and male wife dynamic
Hardenshipping - uuuh this is called that because when magma is cooled by water it hardens or something. Idk I never liked this ship name but it is what it is. Anyway what can I even say about Maxie and Archie they are THE disaster couple their divorce arc almost destroys the region. No one is doing like them fr
Moonlilyshipping - Moon because Selene means moon and also Pokemon Moon I guess, and lily because Lillie. It's a cute name. Anyway these two make me insane, they are the heart of the Alola games. It's the way Selene spends most of the game protecting Lillie and Nebby and the way Lillie is inspired by Selene's bravery and the way they save Nebby and confront Lusamine together at the end and the way they sneak away to be alone at Selene's party and the way after everything they've been through they have to say goodbye at the end. God.
Postwickshipping - Gloria and Hop are both from Postwick so sure fine. They're also the heart of their games in my onion I love Hop's arc I love the bittersweetness of him losing his dream to his bestie/rival but then realizing that was never a good fit for him anyway since he was just trying to be like his brother rather than thinking about what he actually wants and I really like how Hop and Gloria grow together throughout the game they're really cute and I love them
Namelessshipping - uum, so I think one is because while Red and Blue were given official names in the og games you could also name them whatever you wanted? But anyway come on they are the original protag/rival ship and meeting them again in Alola while they're on their honeymoon is an incredible experience I'm so happy for them
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klonoadreams · 8 months
Well, considering that I'm coming out of not being able to move my dominant hand for a long time (I couldn't draw cries), I'll ask questions.
Also-ran Will Brie have interactions with other characters? (I'm talking about characters like Red, Blue, Gold, Green, etc.)
Publicity is important, and considering that she wears clothes from a brand originating from Paldea, would they invite the little changeling to Paldea so she can talk about something? I could also give talks to children who feel abandoned (something quite common, but not said, at least in the anime, Brock and his brothers are a great example, even if that is in Kanto)
At some official gala/event she said "what the hell" to the repercussions and just took off her shoes?
Considering everything about how people try to imitate her idols, what have been the waves in the population in trying to follow her and be equal to her? (the girl is feral, she is made differently, even if they managed to give her a life outside the forest)
How would she behave if she went to Alola? (her parents are pokemon, and Alola is one of those who most see pokemon as equals)
Into the wild Do you know the "El Macho" meme from Despicable Me? is that Volo? (he has a son with what I think is one of your wildest ocs, she fishes with her teeth!)
The Wisteria Does she also show her love with bites? (like when cats get affection overload)
What would her future relationship with Shinjuro be like? (because, you know, alcoholism, even though he left it that's how she met him)
Does the Cat stay with the Owl? What is her ship name?
Would she plant a tree like the one she had in the backyard of the house? (because of the symbolism and familiarity)
Gone Fishing I feel like I know her but at the same time I don't, any information about her?
Will she be one of those who hides or will she send everything to hell with her and not care how people look at her because she is proud of her? (because, you know, racism)
I feel like her clothing style is that of a surfer and/or swimmer, I also feel like she dresses like Nani from Lilo and Stitch? (Also, Nani is a goddess, she gave everything for her sister, and David is a loving person, I also adore him)
yes, brie will have her interactions with others, and as a reminder, Alola Noa and Scarnoa are also in this same continuity, so...lmao :V
Sawyer might pop up, I need to cook more with her first before I come up with an answer. And Punch Baby Akari definitely did exist, her bloodline continues lmao
She'd get along with the Pokemon of Alola so, so well, especially qhen interacting with the Tapus.
AND YES I KNOW EL MACHO, LMAO, yeah that sounds about right.
Andou does show love through bites, watch out. And the Cat and Owl shipname would be idk, Sunflower?? That sounds cute.
Andou sticks around close enough, though she will move in with Himejima, she just bounces from one place to another for training and socialization.
Shinjuro needs to pspspps for kitty to warm up to him. It'll take a while, but eventually. And yes, plant tree for Fujisaki house. :V
Mako is still a babbu, but she is very feral and a brat kid who drives her papa up the wall. But she is love and cherished. And also pretty fucked mentally since she's matured wayyyy to quickly for anyone of her physical age (its the discrimination and injustices)
Also yes, she'd vibe with Nani wear, tho she mostly sticks with comfy clothes.
At least until Nami and the others get to her, so she goes from shorts and t shirts to haltertops at the least, brought to you by Nami growing tired of her dorsal fin ripping the back of her shirts lmao.
She's the ship dress up doll at times lmao.
Otherwise, she keeps to herself unless otherwise. She checks for the right timing, if she sees it, she'll take it and say whats on her mind
Mainly when she knows she isnt alone to face the backlash lmao
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No one asked, but here's my totally normal, not at all mentally ill-induced thoughts about tagging:
"incorrect [fandom] quotes" - good. The Right Way. This is the tag you bring home to your mother
"[Fandom] incorrect quotes" - you are letting their tits hang out, bro. Clunky. Weird. But also one of the most popular variations
"incorrect [fandom]" - this is only good for searching, not for posting. Incomplete
"incorrect quotes [fandom]" - what the actual fuck
Capital letters in tags - only for DIRE situations or yelling/emphasis
"fanart" - a classic. Fantastic. The only problem is when you wanna reblog official art but don't have an art tag. Tumblr should catch it under "art" as well tho, so you could have an "official art" and "fanart" tag but idk
Capitalizing the first letter of a tag - it can be an honest mistake
"queue" - kinda useless tbh. It's a nice tidbit, but no one searches up queued posts specifically. Plus, it doesn't really fit anywhere except as the last tag, which a lot of ppl don't read
"reblog" - also a bit useless but less so than "queue." Can be good if you wanna find more blogs
"Source: [XYZ]" - HAS to go 1st to look right, and so ppl will read it, which is annoying bc it takes up one of the 1st five tags that are actually picked up by Tumblr dashboard searches
Content/Trigger Warnings - important but confusing (for me specifically), especially with less common triggers. Is it "death," "death mention," "death tw," "death cw," "death ment," or "death ment tw?" (In art/images) is that blood or just a visual choice? Does "animal mention" accurately prevent ppl triggered or bothered by snakes, bugs, or other specific animals? If the word is in the post itself, will most people have it blocked in their settings?
"long post" - is this actually a long post that can be difficult to scroll by, or was there just a lot of words? Do both count?
"[fandom]" / "[shipname]" - sexy. Great for when the brainrot kicks in (and for finding posts via dashboard)
"not [blog's theme] - really funny but rare; I wish I saw it more
"my posts" - good to find original posts, but I don’t use it correctly. It feels wrong to use for "incorrect quotes" even though it makes sense
"incorrect quotes" - one of my fav tags bc I can just. Find incorrect quotes I want to use. Is it ethical? Idk, but thank you for your service (I do usually link back tho)
Tags where someone was just referencing smth that got caught by the Tumblr search - this is agony. This happened to me once with Liu Qingge when I wrote smth thinking about his character but not actually about him (and mentioned him in the tags), and that's the reason I use 10 billion slashes Just in Case. It's also kinda annoying when you're searching for smth and get random shit; I understand the OP's pain. We're all unwilling victims to this site sometimes
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mobiused · 2 years
is there any lore about hyewon? feel free to ignore, i just have a hard time finding out if things are about lore or if people are mostly talking about the real-life relationships between the girls
This is so overdue I'm so sorry. But yes, there is. Let's do a timeline (using this term loosely because I don't trust myself enough to promise anything chronological) of Gohye (which is the shipname they picked for themselves btw cuz there's an existing Hyewon which is sometimes confusing) and I'll really try my hardest to take as few detours as possible...
The first time that Gowon & Olivia are officially associated with each other is in the Egoist MV, where Gowon appears in the same car park for a couple frames:
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Doesn't this remind you of something? (And not the car park insert pictures from [#] album)
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Why are all of yyxy in the car park though? Detour No. 1, but in my opinion the way the sequence is shot, and the way the [] one teaser is shot are meant to be evocative of each other, and is related to the theme of determinism, or more simply the inevitability of the girls leaving Eden and arriving on Earth. (I think the scene in Egoist was meant to suggest the other girls had already been here, on Earth, before, just like in the 'one' teaser, and Olivia was simply the last to get there.)
Next up is not a visual, but the song Rosy. This is the part that explicitly confirms romantic feelings between Gowon and Olivia Hye in canon. Originally (they neutered it after release to something less explicitly wlw) the song description in English was as follows:
Rosy is a song that talks the beautiful yet thorny emotions between 2 girls that draws them like a compass but wrecking them simultaneously without a place to escape to, in which they are being kind but chic, friendly but not close, have feelings for each other but finds it annoying to date each other.
The english is kinda scuffed and I'm mad cuz I can't find the original Korean text to translate either, but this shows that Rosy, sung by Gowon & Olivia, is describing a relationship between two girls who are romantically attracted to each other. Litell_Johnn provides his own take on the rectified/updated Korean description, though it doesn't really connect with the theme of the song at all. Notably, this doesn't suggest the two have feelings for each other.
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We get more detail on what the story of Rosy actually is from the Lyricist Darly here, where Darly suggests the character of the 'Rose' is actually Olivia: "And in my mind Hyeju really seems to resemble a rose petal, so maybe for that reason, I think she really fit well with "Rosy"" You can read the full post (which also directly confirms that it's strongly related to the lore, where other b-sides might not be) but here's some edited highlights which I think expands on the nature of their relationship
The overall story is that I compared a woman to a "flower", and people get drunk on her beauty and try possess her and pluck her Towards the solitary rose, already hurt many times before, approaches yet another person The rose thinks, you're like all the others, you're just taken by how I look on the outside Looking at others, who are faking love but actually just drunk on the rose's beauty and only trying to possess it, I wonder how the rose feels? I'm sure you want me, she says, but come at me very carefully, so I won't prick you with these wounded thorns I like the way she says "It won't be that easy" too, because I think it reveals the rose's personality, alluring yet prim "I liked being alone with all my hurt, but wait, I guess I don't hate it when you come near me? What is this nervousness?" is the rose's confused monologue This person doesn't become afraid or fearful of the rose, and instead genuinely understands how the rose feels When the night falls, dangerous thorn bushes will come out of the rose to protect herself, like a habit. So she says hurry and run from me, before you get hurt, before you get lost. But the other person says "I know all of your wounds, so it's okay, I don't care if I get a little hurt". For the first time, the rose has met someone who doens't just want to possess her beauty, but truthfully loves her for who she is. In that way, the two people bloom beautifully into genuine love
That brings us to yyxy's 'love4eva'. Gowon & Olivia aren't shown to interact much, in fact, Gowon seems to find Olivia weird for unquestioningly swallowing whatever the institution is feeding her.
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Also IDK if it's just Gowon's rbf but the way Gowon looks at Olivia when she walks in but that's pretty frosty (unless she's putting on airs in front of Yves?). Kind of a massive jump from the relationship that was depicted in Rosy. I guess just because Gowon takes part in ostracising Olivia, doesn't necessarily mean that Gowon doesn't like her...?
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I always find the use of rose petals in love4eva interesting, because they're not the representative forbidden fruits, and rose petals are at this point associated with Olivia Hye (Lip's official flower being a rose doesn't really seem relevant in the yyxy arc and also seems like a retcon). All the three girls who leave eden partake in consuming the flower petals. Even though we see Olivia eat her forbidden fruit to leave, we never see her eat the rose petals - so what exactly are they meant to mean? Is Olivia the (nonliteral) sacrifice to leave Eden?
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Then, of course, Gowon looks back at Olivia, who they're abandoning, and makes eye contact with her... but keeps running.
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Olivia & Gowon don't seem to meet individually after this, but they have some parallels between their Butterfly Teaser arcs.
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In So What era, Olivia finds herself in... somewhere that could either be Iceland (with Haseul's feather on the ground) or the Moon (which she set fire to). It's kind of vague, right? (I think it's meant to be Iceland but I'm not confident about it...) I wonder why Olivia would go to Iceland, and then wonder if she went to retrace Gowon's steps.
And then for Hula Hoop, it's just the two of them that get dressed up in their Eden clothes.
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I'm wracking my brain trying to think of any more narrative interactions they have, but I really don't know how to finish this off. I might come back to this with a part 2.
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sanityshorror · 2 years
Sfw head canons of the Julius and Killian please. What is their official ship name?
They don't really have an official shipname, though the meme ship name is 'kulius' (used by few anons and it cracked me up). For official ship name I would just say Julius x Killian, but if I were to smash their names together, I think Julian would be the ship name I'd like to be official!
As for sfw hcs, I am their creator so I can just give you canon :D (thank you btw, for requesting safe for work specifically, it made me smile /genuine)
Killian and Julius are life long best friends and rivals who eventually fell in love.
Killian is 2 and a half years older than Julius
Killian is 4 inches taller than Julius, though by no means is Julius short (barefoot 6'2 vs 6'6)
They met when Julius was 4 and Killian was 7.
It was purely platonic feelings until Julius was 15ish, and started thinking of Killian as very attractive - which led to Julius realizing he was gay.
Killian didn't see Julius in a more than platonic way until Julius was almost 17 (Killian being 19 at the time). However their more than friends relationship didn't start until Julius was 18 and Killian was 20.
They're in love ur honor. Life partners.
Their relationship was very abusive and toxic as humans but after coming back as demons, it's became much healthier, they realized upon being reunited that they had been hurting each other and didn't want to continue doing that. Their fights and toxicity have greatly decreased, especially as the decades went by. In the present day, their relationship is pretty healthy, though they do still physically fight sometimes, they also enjoy it. I guess it's something they almost do just for fun now? XD
Killian is very "mine mine mine" possessive of Julius and of course, Julius does adore the attention.
For as much as I make fun of Killian's simp behavior for Julius, Julius is just as much of a simp.
They were made for each other, quite literally, Killian and Julius were created to be each other's counter parts.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
I'm feral rn, my brain is at it's peak, and artist block has left the chat. Give me some ships, I will make the best alternative ship names ever.
Ship name brain rot let's GOOOOOO
Ok um um UM-
Pharah x Symmetra x Sombra
Mei x Lifeweaver (idk if they have a shipname or not)
Ashe x Frankie (why don't they have an official ship name yet-)
Sombra x Kiriko
And let me spice it up for you, I challenge you with platonic ship names >:)
Cassidy, Pharah and Genji (sibling dynamic)
Pharah and Genji (either sibling or just two dumbasses simping for the same angle)
Pharah and Baptiste (the besties, the bro's)
Cassidy and Widowmaker (two of my favourite alcoholics)
Jack and Ana (My other favourite alcoholic and my favourite flawed mother, from what I know they don't have a duo name yet, which is a crime.)
Ok that's all I can think of right now, hope this fuels your brain rot and I'm excited to see what you come up with!
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acacia-may · 2 years
What are your songs for Finral x Finesse (FinFin is their shipname, right)?
Hi anon! Thank you so much for this ask! I'm still getting to know all the ship names, but, yes, I think FinFin is the name for Finral x Finesse! I am so excited that you've asked me about them because their ship playlist is actually my favourite to listen to (linked here if you're interested. Though I will warn you it does contain some angsty songs and a few songs that are mainly (affectionate) jokes at Finral's expense).
My most listened to song on Spotify this year "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery and mxmtoon is actually from my FinFin playlist, but since I already made a post about it and talked about two of my other favourite Finral x Finesse songs "Little Wanderer" by Death Cab for Cutie and "Candle on the Water" (one of my favourite Disney songs) in my post about them for the ship bingo game, I've decided to choose some other favourites for this ask!
"Oceans Between Us" by The Icarus Account
"Make You Mine" by PUBLIC
"Only Us" by Carrie Underwood and Dan + Shay (originally from the musical "Dear Evan Hansen" but I like this version a lot)
"I Wanna Make You Happy" by Victory
"The Long and Winding Road" by The Beatles
"It Only Takes A Moment" by Kate Baldwin and Gavin Creel (from the musical "Hello Dolly")
"Maybe Don't" by Maisie Peters and JP Saxe
A Bit Angsty: "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash
A Bit Cheeky: "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors, "You're the One" by the Vogues, and "Honey, I'm Good" by Andy Grammer
The song "Oceans Between Us" by The Icarus Account could have been written for this ship. The lovely, overarching theme of this song is just so fitting for Finral and Finesse. Though the singer is traveling far away (with "miles and miles that [he's] yet to go" he hasn't forgotten his beloved who is waiting for him to return ("But tell me you love me and tell me again/ You wait for forever, you wait till the end"). If that isn't enough, there are also lines like "You're the only reason I come home/ My love" and a whole section of "You're the only one"s. It's an incredibly sweet song (for an incredibly sweet ship), and I think it really suits them. The ending, "You're mine forever and I'm yours/ Yours till the end" always brings a smile to my face.
The Icarus Account - Oceans Between Us (official audio) - YouTube
"Make You Mine" by PUBLIC was my fifth most listened to song of 2021 (probably because it was on my Finral x Finesse playlist). Every time the line "put your hand in mine" comes up I always think of Finesse grabbing his hand when he's dropping the letter out of the spatial portal in Episode 154 (one of my all-time favourite Black Clover episodes). While I don't see them hurting each other all that much and there are a few bittersweet moments in this song, I mainly disregard those and focus on the bits I think are very fitting to this ship given that "You know that I want to be with you all the time/ You know that I won't stop until I make you mine" is a pretty good way to summarize all of Finral's newfound motivation to become a man worthy of Finesse's love.
PUBLIC - Make You Mine (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
"Only Us" was originally from the musical "Dear Evan Hansen," but I've linked the version by Carrie Underwood and Dan + Shay. I'm not sure where to even begin with this one since I'd really like to just copy and paste all of the lyrics into this post. The opening of the song just screams Finesse to me. She recognizes that Finral is insecure, but she loves him anyway and encourages him that he doesn't have to convince her that he is enough for her (i.e. "I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you/ I don't need you to search for the proof that I should/ You don't have to convince me/ You don't have to be scared you're not enough"). She knows that the past is painful, but she wants to move forward from that into something better, brighter, and happier together ("And what came before won't count anymore or matter").
Then the second verse just perfectly captures how I think Finral feels in this relationship. Finesse is his first love, but he never could have imagined that she would actually love him in return (i.e. "I never thought there'll be someone like you who would want me"). I think one of Finral's biggest motivations as a character is that he is starving for the unconditional love he didn't receive as a child, and when we meet him in the canon, we see that he is looking for it in all the wrong places (i.e. by practically throwing himself at every woman he sees). On a certain deep level, he really feels like he doesn't deserve to be loved, especially to be loved unconditionally, on the merits of just being Finral, but that doesn't stop him from wishing for it. I think the lines ""But if you really see me/ If you like me for me and nothing else/ Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know" really speak to that.
What's so beautiful about Finral and Finesse as a ship is that she does see him for who he is and loves him for that, and I think that this song really captures that (especially the lines "You and me/ That's all that we needed to be/ And the rest of the world falls away"). That "'Til you're the only one, I still know how to see" line is just an added bonus.
Carrie Underwood & Dan +Shay - Only Us (Lyrics) - YouTube
"I Wanna Make You Happy" by Victory is a little on the nose given Finral's vow to "be the one to make Lady Finesse happy." However, it's a cute song full of warm and fuzzies for a cute ship full of warm and fuzzies.
Victory Boyd - I Wanna Make You Happy (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
"The Long and Winding Road" is a Beatles classic, and one of my favourite songs of all time. I think it fits the context of this ship extremely well because even though Finral has left Finesse to find his own way in the world, he is coming to realise that "the long and winding road" of his life's journey will eventually lead back to her. It's almost as if his heart has been with her all along, he just didn't know it.
"The long and winding road/ That leads to your door/ Will never disappear/ I've seen that road before/ It always leads me here/ Lead me to you door"
The Long And Winding Road (Remastered 2009) - YouTube
I know "It Only Takes a Moment" is a showtune (from the musical "Hello Dolly") so it's a little out of the box, but it was just too perfect to pass up. I mean, if anyone is going to believe that "It only takes a moment/ To be loved a whole life long," it's Finral. This kind of hopeless romanticism just fits him so well, and I imagine that if he was to tell the story of how he fell in love with Finesse if would very much be a love at first sight kind of thing (on his side. I think it was a slow burn thing on her side). She was his first love, and, yes, I might be teasing him a bit with this song choice but it's pretty undeniable that he really was taken with her from the first time he saw her. When I listen to this song, I like to think of Finral explaining to his squad that he loves Finesse and has since the very beginning. These lines: "It only takes a moment/ For your eyes to meet and then/ Your heart knows in a moment/ You will never be alone again" especially just feel so much like him and his attitude towards his relationship.
Not to mention the fact that the line "I held her for an instant/But my arms felt sure and strong" always makes me think of this:
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It Only Takes a Moment - YouTube
"Maybe Don't" by Maisie Peters and JP Saxe was a big inspiration for my Finral x Finesse story, "I'll Be Waiting," (especially the lines "We should never speak again/ Because I like you/ And lately it's been only getting worse/ So we should never speak again/ Because I want to/ I've run through every outcome and in every one I'm hurt.") I think this song as a whole really captures Finral's conflicted feelings in trying to reconcile the fact that he loves Finesse with the fact that she is probably going to marry his brother (which, I think, he knows will leave him heartbroken if he doesn't emotionally distance himself). Meanwhile, Finesse cares about him and is trying to gently suggest that maybe he doesn't have to do that. (The gentleness and almost shyness of that "maybe don't" sentiment feels a lot like her to me). I especially love the line: "I should always be alone/ You said maybe don't" and think the line "'Cause I run from the things that I want the most/ You said I get that's what you do but, maybe don't" is particularly fitting for these two.
Maisie Peters - Maybe Don't [feat. JP Saxe] [Lyric Video] - YouTube
If you want something angsty, there's the song "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash (YouTube Link Here). I like to imagine Finral as the singer and Finesse as the "you", and I especially like the line: "I wish you'd never forget/ The look on my face when we first met" since it always brings up a mental image of this:
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He looks like he’s been whacked on the back of the head, bless his heart. 😂🥺💕 I really think the opening lines of this song sum up how he feels about her too (even if he knows (or thinks he knows) that it’s nothing more than a pipedream to imagine they’d end up together):
"All I know is that you're so nice/ You're the nicest thing I've seen/ I wish that we could give it a go/ See if we could be something."
If you're feeling a bit cheeky and want something that's more about poking fun at the situation there's always "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors (YouTube Link Here). No offense to Langris intended. The song is nice enough to admit that they're both "princes who adore [her]," after all.
"Marry him, or marry me/ I'm the one that loves you, baby, can't you see?/ I ain't got no future or family tree/ But I know what a prince and lover ought to be"
Or if you'd rather the song poke fun at Finral (in the most good-natured and affectionate way, of course), there's "You're The One" by the Vogues (YouTube Link Here; Spotify link here since Tumblr won't let me embed more than 10 songs). Don't get me wrong, I love Finral and am rooting for him and Finesse, but he can be a little too insistent with his "I want you only, you must believe me"s for my taste, so this song is poking fun at that a little.
"Honey I'm Good" by Andy Grammer (YouTube Link Here) is also good for poking fun at Finral for the same reason. Plus, it has this great (and very catchy) refrain:
"So nah, nah, honey, I'm good/ I could have another, but I probably should not/ I've got somebody at home, and if I stay I might not leave alone/ No, honey, I'm good, I could have another, but I probably should not/ I've gotta bid you adieu, to another I will stay true"
(Warning: there's one bad word in this song)
Thank you so much again for the ask and for indulging me (and bearing with me to the end of what turned into a very long post)! Cheers!!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Regarding tagging: simply using a ship's name uncensored in your post (even if it's the person/anon using it in the ask) without also using the anti tag, like "Helaemond/Alysmond" instead of "H*laemond/Al*smond", still makes it show up when using the search function instead of browsing the ship tag, but if you tag it as "anti shipname" then the post won't show up at all if the users who don't want to see it have the tag blacklisted. I guess that's why you got asked to tag those posts even if you didn't bash the ship or anything close to it. Some people just don't want to see criticism, that's all. It's a bit silly but yeah...
For example I don't have the "anti Helaemond" tag blacklisted, in this case if I hit the search button for "Helaemond" Tumblr will show me even the most horrid anti stuff despite users tagging their posts accordingly. However, if I blacklist the "anti Helaemond" tag and then hit the search button, then those posts shouldn't show up at all.
not to say i don't agree with you.. i mostly follow the anti tagging for this very reason. you'll laugh but i once got an anon complaining i was using some anti tag (a very classic, official rendering of the tag for this very purpose, so no funny business) and they were upset for the same reason - that it showed up for them regardless and i should simply just not tag. i guess some people just don't blacklist and still get annoyed and still want to make it your problem somehow.
dany stans for example don't seem to blacklist anything, maybe because their objective is to stifle any villain dany discourse instead of having an enjoyable fandom experience.
so in my mind it was more like i was thinking that people really weren't looking up that exact order of names or punctuation so it was going to be harder to stumble upon. but anyway. i'll just chug it in the anti tag.
but what i'd really prefer doing is making my own tag for this ship because it feels funny to relegate everything i write in the anti bc i'm not even an anti lmao, i'm just an anti if you go by the shippers who think this is a jane austen romance & aemond is mr darcy coded
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