#i don't think he's CONSCIOUSLY thinking 'i shouldn't have brought her home'
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crimeronan · 3 months ago
shoutout to AU hunter's ongoing fantasy about just grabbing luz and ripping her out of the castle and finding some remote cabin up on the knee to hide in forever where nobody will ever ever ever bother them again. surely nothing about this can be traced back to any formative childhood experiences.
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renee-writer · 17 days ago
An ER nurse says this is the best description of a woman having a heart attack that she has ever heard. Please read, pay attention, and SHARE..........
I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I've ever read.
Women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have ... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack.
I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might have brought it on. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up.
A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation--the only trouble was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5:00 p.m.
After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasms), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR).
This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening -- we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack!
I lowered the foot rest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else... but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in a moment.
I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics... I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to un-bolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in.
I unlocked the door and then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the radiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like 'Have you taken any medications?') but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stints to hold open my right coronary artery.
I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents.
Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first hand.
1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body, not the usual men's symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up... which doesn't happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be!
2. Note that I said 'Call the Paramedics.' And if you can take an aspirin. Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER - you are a hazard to others on the road.
Do NOT have your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what's happening with you instead of the road.
Do NOT call your doctor -- he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the Paramedics. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later.
3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MIs are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who sees this post would Share or re-post, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
*Please be a true friend and SHARE this article to all your friends, women & men too. Most men have female loved ones and could greatly benefit from know this information too! Credit goes to respective owner.
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yourreddancer · 3 months ago
An ER nurse says this is the best description of a woman having a heart attack that she has ever heard. Please read, pay attention, and SHARE..........
I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I've ever read.
Women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have ... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack.
I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might have brought it on. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up.
A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation--the only trouble was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5:00 p.m.
After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasms), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR).
This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening -- we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack!
I lowered the foot rest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else... but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in a moment.
I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics... I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to un-bolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in.
I unlocked the door and then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the radiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like 'Have you taken any medications?') but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stents to hold open my right coronary artery.
I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents.
Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first hand.
1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body, not the usual men's symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up... which doesn't happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be!
2. Note that I said 'Call the Paramedics.' And if you can take an aspirin. Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER - you are a hazard to others on the road.
Do NOT have your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what's happening with you instead of the road.
Do NOT call your doctor -- he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the Paramedics. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later.
3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MIs are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who sees this post would Share or re-post, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
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klerothesnowman · 6 months ago
Friend! I want to revive your post you've probably forgotten about and be a Kelemvor apologist! Just for a moment. I talk a lot in a stream of consciousness, forgive the length.
The Wall of the Faithless is unjust, and it should be removed. And it was eventually removed but in an extremely unsatisfying way rather than a cool plot development, and now in 5e everyone just doesn't talk about it and I kind of hate it but anyway. It is a creation of a cruel being, and its continued existence is a cruelty.
But! The onus for this cruelty's continuance is not Kelemvor, it's Ao. When Kelemvor was mortal he was a good, kind man, kind of, the books are weird and there are some weird choices but the intention is that Kelemvor is a cool hero by the end! And when he cast down Cyric and became God of the Dead the first thing he did was be rid of the wall! He judged the faithless and gave them the reward they deserved, good people went to a good afterlife, evil people went straight to hell.
But! In the same events that caused Kelemvor to become divine, Ao changed the rules. Now, deities needed to be worshipped. And if they weren't then all of Toril would fall to ruin.
Kelemvor's version of the afterlife had two major effects. The first was that faith was no longer an imperative for goodly mortals, and many abandoned their gods. This is a fine thing, and good gods probably would have been okay with it, except, this meant that they became weaker, their followers dwindled, while the gods of evil flourished.
Further more, it turned out that completely overruling another god's decision, even one of the dead, is a big no no. Faced with the truth that his actions inadvertently were making things worse on Toril, and facing pressure from other gods Kelemvor overcorrected, brought back the wall and resigned himself to a cold, passionless maintenance of the balance. It was a tragedy...
And if this was enough to make you write off Kelemvor then all power to you, but, I think there's a little bit more to it than that, because you're tagging Mask of the Betrayer!
Because in Mask of the Betrayer Kelemvor is playing the long game. In Mask of the Betrayer Kelemvor is doing everything he can to reverse the injustices that Myrkul created. He can't do it himself, he's straight up not allowed, so he nudges and guides you into the right position so that you can do the justice that he cannot. When you confront him on the wall he doesn't say it's a good thing, he doesn't even justify it, he just reiterates that he is bound by the laws of the gods.
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As an aside as well, the game never directly says it but when it comes to the wall Kaelyn is kind of a hypocritical shit and shouldn't be used as an indicator of goodness. She flat out doesn't care about the suffering removing it will cause. If you unleash the Soul Eater curse on Rashemen she's happy, because you spat in Kelemvor's eye. Even in her goodest ending, where she continues to save souls from the wall, her wings turn black indicating that she's a fallen angel.
If things go according to plan he rewards you, he even bends the rules that he can bend to allow your love interest to stay with you. If the plan ends at the finish line and you don't break Akechi's curse he accepts it, reassures you that you didn't make an evil choice, just an understandably selfish one, and lets you go home.
Because in Mask of the Betrayer, Kelemvor is still a good kind man deep down. And I think that fuckin' rules.
Forget Mystra -- I've got a knife I've been sharpening for Kelemvor since NWN2:MotB.
His time better come, I swear. There aren't enough dead gods of the dead yet!
The fascist bastard.
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madaboutmunson · 3 years ago
The Eddie Munson Tape Dates Part 2 - Accept - 'Balls to The Wall'
Warnings: fluff, kissing, making out, injury, self consciousness, scarring
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You'd had to stay in the hospital for a good week. You hardly had to be alone in that room. Eddie was there whenever he could be, sometimes when he shouldn't be! The exception was school. You refused to let him skip it, and if you needed some time on your own or with your parents.
When you first asked for some alone time, you were sure Eddie would be super upset or offended because that was the reaction you were used to, but instead, he just asked, "How long do you want, babe?".
Personal time was something you really valued. It wasn't because you were hiding anything from anyone; there was a lot to process from the last week, and having that quiet time helped massively.
Not just the weird creatures you'd encountered, but a long list of other new things. The big scar on your forearm, thinking about your own mortality, the mortality of others, this new intense romance, and how Eddie had been massively embraced by your family.
You weren't sure Eddie's uncle was entirely on board with you alone, but him spending time with your parents seemed to help hugely. He wasn't at hug level with you yet. Still, this week in the hospital, he visited with snacks. He left you with one forehead kiss and a few hand squeezes, which was a considerable improvement in your book. Your Dad had explained that not everyone felt comfortable enough to be openly affectionate with new people sometimes. It could take them years to get there, and it wasn't a conscious decision for them. It was just their own boundaries.
The newly forming scar on your arm was going to be a very visible one. So you'd asked your parents for some long-sleeved shirts. At this point, Eddie excused himself for a bit, and on his return, he had a pile of hellfire shirts in his hands. Which everyone thought was an extremely sweet gesture. Not even your Mom, who was very much a person who spoke her mind, had the heart to tell him. Of course, you might not want to be a walking advertisement for his D&D club every day. But you knew he'd just heard a request and fulfilled the brief, so you'd gladly wear them every day. That was until he asked, "Why long sleeves?"
"It's just to hide my scar, so people don't stare", you'd answered shyly.
Eddie's face looked so sad because of that response. Your Dad went to reach out to him but was stopped abruptly when Eddie said softly, "If I catch them staring at you, for any other reason than you being the hottest thing on this planet, I'll give them something to stare at, ok."
He immediately reduced the pile of t-shirts from seven to two. Of course, your parents weren't immediately sold on his aggression in that statement but appreciated the sentiment.
"You've got nothing to be ashamed of, Moonbeam. You're a hero. You both are. Even if they don't know it," She said, stroking your hair.
The day you'd come home was an eventful one. Surprisingly, the only person available to take you home was your Dad. You were a bit sad that Eddie and Mom weren't there too, but you figured Eddie might have gone to practice this week. Your Mom might have been getting your room ready.
There was no rush to get ready as your Dad had to gather a week-long worth of Eddie's things. Plus, things Eddie had brought for you that had slowly moved into your hospital room over the week to make it more "comfortable", as he put it.
The small gang of plush owls that Eddie had arranged in the best Eddie shape he could next to you in your bed whenever he had to leave you.
With the stack of his own books and comics, he liked to read to you and act out scenes dramatically. This was a win-win-win for Eddie. It was good practice for running D&D, and also, he could share the things he loved with you and find out which of those you enjoyed most at the same time.
Then there were the guitar picks. They were everywhere. Anytime anyone else sat down to visit you, that get straight back up out of the chair because they had sat on one. When they came to change your bed, you hear the clatter of the ones that had snuck between layers of bedding because when Eddie was here, if you were in bed, so was he, curled up next to you. The little picks would just crawl their way out of his pocket. You eventually started a jar to keep them all in.
You were finally all packed and in the car, the back seat full of owls, some of which your Dad had put seatbelts on. For what reason, you weren't sure, but it made you chuckle.
"Ready, lass?" He says, getting in the driver's seat.
"More than you know, I can't wait to go home, back to my own room, just how I left it." You say with a sigh, happily reclining in the passenger seat
You take a look over at your Dad. He's pressing his lips together like he's trying to keep words in.
"My room is still as I left it....isn't it?" You ask gently
"Yeah, o' course," he says way too quickly.
"What did you do to my room?" You say in alarm.
"'tweren't me love. 'twere them pair. Thick as thieves they are. Chuffin' nightmare!" He laughs
"Eddie and Mama?" You say with surprise.
He chuckles, "They are both very, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, very intense people. You being away for a week were t'much for 'em both. They had to fill their time, m'love."
You shake your head in disbelief, "How did either of them have any spare time???!! I was never alone in that place."
"They can't keep still w'out you around, flower. They jus' wanted it comfy f'ya when you got home, like. 'specially as ya still got a week 'o bed rest t'go"
"I mean, I can walk around just fine. I'm ready to go back to school. Get back in the driving seat, freedom once more," you say excitedly.
You look over at your Dad's face. His lips are pressed together again.
"Oh, come on!!" You say a little infuriated. "I'm not allowed to drive either??"
"They've got a rota, love" his laughter booms around the car.
You laugh too. It is, after all, lovely of them all, but not what you had expected.
You pull up the driveway, get out of the car, and walk up to the door. Your injured arm is still in a sling.
Your Dad puts his keys in the door, but the keys and the door get immediately snatched away, and the door slams open to reveal Eddie and your Mama in party hats with party blowers, tooting a tune for you, finishing with huge grins on their faces, "Welcome Home!!" They shout in unison.
Your eyes are wide with amazement.
"Wow! Thank you!"  You say, genuinely taken aback by the greeting.
They usher you in quickly. Both of them ignore your Dad, who is laden with your suitcase, a few bags, and a parliament of stuffed owls.
Walking inside, there is a gigantic hand-painted welcome home banner hanging from the ceiling. It's definitely painted in a font only Eddie would choose, but you thought the flowers and smiley faces were all your Mom. Instead, they look so pleased with one another.
They both go to my hug you at the same time, but just short of a collision, Eddie steps back and lets your Mom go first. Over your Mom's shoulder, you can see him fiddling with his rings nervously, waiting for his turn. Even though they both hugged you yesterday, it's like they haven't seen you in months.
You glance over Eddie again and realise maybe it's not the hug he's nervous about at all. His eyes are primarily on you but occasionally glance up the stairs.
What exactly had they done, you wondered. Eddie's turn now, and he scoops you up in his arms, careful not to touch your slung arm, "Hello, my lady", he says with a massive grin, whilst his eyes are locked on yours and gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek. He takes your free hand in his and marches you upstairs to your room. As you try to open the door, he tuts a few times, wagging his finger and waits for your parents to come upstairs.
Once everyone is assembled, they all slink into the room and open the door for you to go inside.
If it weren't for the photographs and personal items, you wouldn't recognise this as your room. 
Your bed feels doubled in size, and the previous wooden headboard has been swapped out for a metal barred one.
The bedding is no longer a pale lavender and white affair but a deep blue, with stars, suns and moons all over it.
There is a patchwork throw at the end of the bed, and as you inspect it, you can see one square has a patch of an owl sewn into it and next to it is a square with a boat patch sewn into it.
Your dresser has your usual products on it. Still, you notice a deodorant, cologne and some hairspray on there that are distinctly Eddie.
One desk has become two, with two chairs.
A window seat has been constructed and is adorned with plush pillows, throw blankets, and an ornate abalone ashtray on the outside.
Even the rugs on the floor are new plush ones, the wallpaper is unchanged, but several drapes are hanging from it now, some satin and some sheer fabric in purples.
The whole place looks like a dream.
"You did all this for me?" You say, choking back a sob.
"There is something else", Eddie says excitedly. He pats the bed for you to sit on, and you oblige with your back against the pillows at the headboard.
He unlocks something from the wall to the side of the bed on a metal arm, swings the surface in front of you and then tightens something underneath to keep it still, "TA-DA bed desk!!" He says, looking pleased with himself.
"You made this?" You say, trying to keep it together.
"Yeah," he says, putting his hands on his low-slung belt, "Do you like it?" He asks, twiddling his ring around his finger.
"No, I don't like it all," you say, unable to hold back the tears, "I love it", you sob.
Eddie carefully bundles away the tray desk, so he can give you a hug.
Your Dad clears his throat, "As discussed wi' Wayne an' Eddie. Eddie is welcome here as much as you both want. PROVIDED your grades don't slip. That goes for both of yas. The slightest indication of that, and it's over. Got it?"
You both nod in unison at your Dad.
"Reet then," he says, leaving your room with a salute.
"Dinner in about an hour, I'd say", your Mom says, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Eddie has your face in his hands as soon as the door clicks and is in deep smooch territory.
You giggle, and he stops looking confused, maybe a tiny bit worried, "What is it?"
You point at the party hat still on his head and laugh louder, "Ok, that mood kill is on me", he says, about to take the hat off, but then decides against it.
"You know what? No, if you can't be stupidly in love with me at my party hat, then what even are we doing?" He says, trying not to laugh.
You reach out with your free hand and pull his chin towards you, "Come here, you fool." You say and kiss him deeply.
Comically the elastic snaps on the hat mid-make-out session, which sends you both into giggles, "I'm that good, huh?" You say, laughing.
"I'd say the only way to prove that is a lot more party hats and a lot more making out," Eddie says, blowing his party blower.
You sigh, looking into his eyes. "What epic deed did I do to deserve you?" You gently caress his face and hair, "I can't believe you did all of this and were at the hospital with me all that time too."
"Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," he says in his best cowboy-sounding voice.
"Ok, well, no more running yourself ragged, ok?" You say, looking at him seriously, "You're gonna need that energy. We've got grades to keep up."
"Babe, I'm gonna be the best student. I've got a whole merit point system devised," he says, walking his fingers up your arm and raising an eyebrow.
"Is that so?" You say, snuggling in a bit closer to him.
"Oh yeah," he says, pulling you into his arms again, "Also..."
He fishes around behind himself and presents you with a box with four tapes. You recognise them immediately, "Where are the others?" You whine a little.
"Ah well, these four are the ones that don't involve going out places."
"Such a smart boy!" You say, pinching his cheek gently, which makes him coyly smile and blush a little.
You look through the tapes and pick out the most offensive sounding one, Accept, 'Balls to the Wall'.
Eddie punches the air, "Yes" as you go to lean in for what you hope is an extended make-out session, he's rolled off the bed, slammed the tape in the stereo and is walking over to the closet.
He comes out with his arms full of board games. You check the cassette sleeve and see a song called  Losers and Winners.
"Your choice," he says, peeking around the side of them.
You choose Clue, and he shakes his head, "I knew it. My little detective" he smiles enthusiastically.
He pulls down the bed desk and places the game on top, then jumps back on the bed next to you and pulls down another bed desk on his side. You look at him. Your eyes are wide in amazement. "What...you think I didn't want one too after I made yours?" He laughs, setting up the board.
Two games later, it's time for dinner, "How are you so good at this game, babe?" He says his eyes narrowed at you in impressed disbelief.
"I'm not sure. I think it's just a mix of deduction and red herrings for others, " you say matter-of-factly, helping him pack away the game, "I'll show you how I do it another time."
You make your way downstairs together. Eddie is still looking at your Clue sheet and his.
"Ouch," your Mom says, "Did you get Clue hustled, sunbeam?" She says with a soft laugh as he nods at her
"Oh, is this a common occurrence?" Eddie asks, looking at your Mom.
"Clue is banned in this 'owse lad", he laughs, patting Eddie on the back and reaches out to your Mom, who hands him $20
You roll your eyes, "Yeah, just the game I'm good at that gets banned", you say, laughing.
Eddie eyes the exchange of money, "Are you serious, right now?" He says, throwing his Clue sheet on the table in a tiny tantrum, causing everyone, including himself, to start laughing.
"I knew it were only a matter of time before she made you play Cluedo, on account we don't play it because she always wins", your Dad chuckles deeply.
You survey the scene and feel so happy inside. This was just perfect. Eddie not only got on with your parents, was wonderful to you, all whilst being his true self, but he also just felt like part of the family. It was hard to think that you hadn't even engaged him in a conversation just two weeks ago. This was intense, ridiculous and stupid on paper, but in practice, it was just right.
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 4 years ago
His Little Princess. (Nerd!Hyunjin x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, humiliation, punishment, degradation, kidnapping. Both of you are legal in this. Read at your own risk.
Hyunjin's hands were a little shaky as he stood in front of the busy table during break time, knowing it was the only time when he'd be able to approach her as their schedules clashed. Adjusting his round spectacles one more time, the boy turned his head to look at his friends at a table far away. The 8 boys gave him huge smiles and stuck their thumbs up at him, nodding at their friend as they silently encouraged him to go for it. Taking in a huge breath, Hyunjin turned to look forward again, taking the few remaining steps towards it.
"Y- Y/n…" His soft call went unnoticed as all the cool kids on the table continued to eat and enjoy their break. Looking back at his friends, he groaned inwardly but they shook their heads and warned him not to come back without asking her. Yes, it seemed easy in the heat of the moment but now… standing in front of all these people… even thinking of proposing her while she looked so pretty with her pink dyed hair… busy on her phone like this…
"Y- Y/n!" Hyunjin let out after standing there for 5 minutes. The whole table went silent as his heart started to thump anxiously. Okay snap. Maybe that was too loud. Everyone slowly started to quieten down, heads turning toward Hyunjin and just why was a nerdy loser like him calling someone as the pretty and beautiful Y/n like this so informally?
"U- Uh…" The girl who had averted her gaze from her phone sounded, raising an eyebrow because she remembered him from one of her classes last year. Maybe…? She wasn't even sure if she'd even seen him before.
"I- I was wondering…" Biting the inside of his cheek, Hyunjin gave himself a whole mental peptalk, feeling like his heart was about to burst from all this attention on him. Come on. It wasn't this hard… right? He'd prepared for like two weeks now. Ever since senior prom was announced. It was his last prom. Last year's had been terrible too. It was now or never. "I was wo-ndering i- if you c- could come with m- me t- to senior p- prom-" before he could finish his sentence, some people on her table started chuckling.
"Wooooooh! Is our very own Y/n getting asked out right now?!" A girl bitchily laughed while clapping, causing the girl in question to bite her lip, cheeks flushing.
Fuck. Why couldn't he have just slid in a letter or something like the rest of her admirers? Was embarrassing her like this in the cafeteria necessary?
"I cannot believe this nerd just asked Y/n out!" A guy shook his head before the whole cafeteria started to buzz with whispers.
"Hey boy!" Hyunjin fell to the floor when a muscular guy from the table, who always followed Y/n around like a dog, suddenly got up, pissed. "Get the fuck back! Why're you embarrassing her?!" Grabbing a carton of juice her angrily splashed it at Hyunjin's face. "Is this your little attempt at making her a laughing stock or what?! You know damn well people like her don't go with people like us!"
Everyone started laughing at Hyunjin, pointing at him while ridiculing him, causing tears to form under his juice covered spectacles, only getting further ruined when a girl from the table tossed her lunch on him. But none of that humiliation could have broken his heart as much as when Y/n got up without sparing him another glance, picking her bag up before leaving the cafeteria in anger and embarrassment.
"Who the fuck does that girl think she is?" Minho spat in pure hatred as Hyunjin finally went to sleep in his room, the rest of the boys now downstairs in his living room. "I knew she was a self proclaimed Princess and all but this?!" It was already really hard to impress the boy and this had angered him.
They had scooped a crying and heartbroken Hyunjin up from the cafeteria, the muscular guy insulting them as well as he 'advised' them to bring Hyunjin off his little cloud. Then they'd brought the boy home on short leave before forcing him to shower and then he just shut off, collapsing on the bed before going to sleep.
"These popular people are ruthless…" Changbin sighed, tiredly relaxing on the couch.
"They're nobody's. Changing groups is nothing to them. Friends don't mean anything to them neither do feelings. If you're popular, they're your friend. But if you're not, you don't matter as a person." Chan shook his head in distaste, all of them hurt for their friend.
"You're right." Jeongin agreed.
"Guys…" Seungmin, who was the only one that hadn't spoken until now ever since the incident sounded, raising his head. "I… have a plan."
Y/n slowly raised to consciousness, blinking and groaning when she didn't recognize her surroundings, feeling a painful bound around her wrists as her ankles burned too. "W- What the…" She tried to speak, blinking as the girl tried to recall her recent memories, gasping once she remembered. Oh yes. She was in the parking lot of the school, walking to her car when she felt someone grab her from behind before a wet, funny smelling towel was pressed to her mouth.
"I- Is someone h- here…?" She whispered, throat painfully dry. "Hello…?" Her voice broke. "H- Help! Someone… h- help!" Y/n's body slowly started to fill with panic as she tried to struggle, realising that she was in a basement, placed on a chair whilst her hands were cuffed and legs were tied to a damn spreaderbar.
"Nobody will help you so I suggest you stop that pathetic little screaming already, Princess." Felix spoke as him and all the boys except Hyunjin entered he basement, smirking at her panicked state.
"Oh look who's awake!" Changbin ridiculed with a mocking smile.
"Tsk. Do you even deserve the 'help' that you oh so desperately want?" Han was disgusted with her as he glared at her.
"Y- YOU- WHO ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Y/n yelled at them, trying to break out of her restraints pathetically, trying to recognise them before realising in despair that she didn't know any of these nerves. "LET ME GO! OR YOU'LL GO TO JAIL- AHHH!" The males laughed at her when she fell off the chair, falling on her face as her skirt flew up.
"We will go to jail?!" Woojin raised an eyebrow as he crouched in front of her. "When disgusting whores like you get to roam around freely?!" Pulling his hand back, the boy slapped her across the face, making her cry out.
"Uhuhuh~" Chan shook his head as he sat on the chair and pulled her back by the spreader bar. "Now, now, Woojin. Little girls shouldn't be hit like that." Before the stronger one of them all picked the girl up by the spreader bar, all of them laughing at the humiliating sight since her skirt was up all the way. "This is how brats are supposed to be handled." Laying her over his knees, Chan landed a smack on Y/n's ass, making her legs kick in pain as she tried to struggle but it was literally impossible.
"Do you think you even deserve to struggle?! After you've been so disgusting and rightfully deserving of this punishment?!" Minho slapped her jiggling ass now, not one of them willing to get effected even though she was a living breathing female with a gorgeous body and they were all inexperienced virgins. Why? Because she was Hyunjin's.
His little Princess.
"O- OKAY PLEASE S- STOP! PLEASE! I WON'T TELL THE COPS! JUST STOP! PLEASE!" The girl started begging now, making them chuckle at her, the rest landing smacks on her ass now as Chan manhandled her struggle, not allowing her to move one bit. "P- PLEASE! O- OUCH!"
"You popular people are so pathetic. Acting all mighty but actually not capable of anything." Jeongin shook his head in disdain.
"Oh it's not just that reason but one of the many behind these popular kids being pathetic!" Han smacked the back of her head, enjoying how she shook under them.
"Hyunjin better punish her well! Tsk! He was just trying to ask you on a date! With all due respect!" Changbin pulled at her hair.
"And you treated her like he disrespected you or something." Seungmin shook his head in disgust.
"How do you like it now, huh?" Felix suddenly splashed ice cold water on her face, causing her to cry out as he ignored her begs, a cold expression on his face.
The boys were ignoring her constant pleads and cries, laughing and spanking her before a voice came from upstairs, a shadow forming on the stairs. "... Guys?" It had been 2 days since the whole incident, Hyunjin was slowly recovering. "W- What are you doin-" the boy's eyes widened as he moved further down, his legs going shaky at the sight before him.
"I- Is that… WHAT THE HECK?!" Rushing the rest of the way to Chan, Hyunjin crouched down in front of him, moving the weeping girl's hair out of the way. "IS T- THAT Y/-" gasping loudly, the boy looked around at his friends, getting angry at the sight of her red face with her skirt resting on her back, limbs tied up tightly. "WHAT ARE YOU-- LET HER GO!" Getting up on his feet, he tried to fight Chan, being pushed back by Han and Changbin as he tried to reach Y/n.
"Don't you remember how you were insulted for literally only trying to ask the girl you like out?!" Felix yelled over the commotion he was making with Han and Changbin.
"We are not your enemies!" Han panted heavily, having a hard time pushing the bigger boy back.
"They dumped food on you! Pushed you to the ground! Made fun of you! The whole cafeteria laughed at you!" Minho added in to the fire, frustrated from how fucking whipped their friend pathetically was.
"B- But that's n- not Y/n's f- fault!" Hyunjin wavered, biting his lip as his heart started thumping.
"Yes it fucking is!" Seungmin shot at him. "You think anyone would have dared done anything had she not done that pathetic cute little act before walking out on her Princess heals like that?" Hyunjin blinked at them and then at her struggling and crying form, his fresh wounds cutting open once again as he remembered all of it. Pushing Han and Changbin away, the boy walked closer to her now, crouching in front of Chan as he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
"H- HYUNJIN PLEASE! PLEASE! I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!" His heart flurttered from how his name rolled off her tongue, throat getting dry. Oh how he'd wished to hear her say his name.
"Yes, you did." Reaching for her ass, Hyunjin placed his shaking and sweaty hand over it, feeling it up before he groped it, instantly getting hard. "Yes, you did. You allowed them to treat me like that." Y/n was shaking her head repeatedly and he grew frustrated, slapping her already spanked cheek. "Don't lie… baby. I fucking hate it when people do that."
Getting up, he started undoing his belt before he could stop himself, pulling it out the hoops before doubling it and bringing it to her ass, feeling a strange kind of satisfaction from her cry of pain. "All I asked was a question. I never stepped past my boundaries…" Going for her beautiful sit spots now, Hyunjin forced himself to not drool before he made her scream again. "And you had them humiliate me like that as if I did something disrespectful… tsk…" Y/n was shaking in Chan's hold as she hysterically cried from the pain, shock and terror. "And now I have no choice but to humiliate you back, huh?"
"Exactly, good little girls don't behave like that at all." Jeongin shook his head, making Hyunjin look up at all of them, a new kind of darkness in his eyes.
"Get out." That was enough to make them all empty the basement of his house as his parents were never home, taking Y/n from Chan before he followed others and closed the door behind them. "Had you not done that disgusting little act, you wouldn't have been humiliated like this, baby." The girl trembled as he sat in the chair, throwing the belt away.
"H- Hyunjin, p- please… I am sorry…"
"Sorry doesn't cut it, I am afraid, darling." Affectionately brushing her hair out of her pretty face, Hyunjin admired her beautiful features that were currently swollen and red, pressing his lips to her nose. "Not when you're looking so beautiful like this with your ass tight in this lace underwear, baby." The girl felt a shudder go down his spine as he caressed and groped her ass to soothe the pain. "I hope you didn't let them see too much, huh? You're all mine."
Y/n let out a weak little whimper when he placed her on the ground, spreading the bar which forcefully held her legs open, causing him to get even more hard from the sight. "I wasn't planning this, Princess. But now that you're here…" Hyunjin's voice was dangerously low as he opened his pants, hurriedly tugging them down along his boxers and allowing his hard cock go spring out.
"W- Wait!" The girl tried to look behind her as she was on her chest. "What are you d- doing?!" Her time was alert and alarmed, breaths heavy.
"What am I doing?" Raising an eyebrow, Hyunjin wiped the sweat off his forehead and pushed his hair back that was heavily sweating, adjusting his spectacles as he crouched behind her. "What do you fucking think?" As Y/n slowly realised what was about to take place, her struggles became frequent and loud once again, begging him to stop. "Tsk… sorry but I don't listen to nasty little whores. I bet you're not even a virgin despite barely being 18, huh?" Grabbing her panties, Hyunjin ripped them off, leaning down to kiss and lick at her bruised ass, the marks caused by his belt and his friends -which he wasn't so happy about- making his cock twitch as the tip grazed against the soft skin of her sitspots, causing the girl to shudder.
"H- Hyunji--"
"Just shut up already, Y/n-ah…" His fingers started to graze against her squishy pussy lips that were leaking. "You're leaking so much… Tsk… is it one of your fetishes? Being punished by your… owner and his friends? Was that maybe why you overacted so much on the situation? Purposefully acting out… perhaps?" The girl could only pathetically cry in response, hating how his finger pushed in her pussy lips, the spreader bar forcing her to open up as his index finger slowly rubbed her up and down.
"So what if a… nerd likes a popular girl? Must it be so complicated? Must it always be so fucking stereotypical? Why? Are we not humans?" His nail prodded against her opening slowly that he wasn't honestly sure was even her opening, looking down to make sure he wasn't doing anything wrong, his only knowledge all the porn he'd watched. "Why am I treated like trash, huh?" A gasp left Y/n when his finger suddenly slid in her cunt, slowly pumping up and down. "Just because I wear spectacles for my bad eyesight and am good at studying? Is that so bad, huh?!"
"N- No! No! Please!"
"Yes… yes…" Hyunjin slowly spoke, rage filling him now as he smacked her ass with his free hand again, continuing to finger her. "That's exactly what it is. I am trash because I am better than you, right? You popular kids are nothing but pathetic little disgusting insecure jealous shits." Adding another finger inside her, Hyunjin scissored her walls and prepared her for his surprisingly big cock.
"And do you know what should happen to disgusting little kids like you?" Gripping his cock with one hand, the boy started to piss on her red ass, making it burn before he pulled his fingers out of her, getting her shirt out of the way and spraying some on her back too, making her squeal loudly in disgust, trying to get away. "They should know their place and be kept in it. All of you should have an owner like me to make you learn."
Shaking his head at her crying, the male pushed his still leaking length in her hole, moaning and grunting at how tight but pleasurable it really was, spreading the bar to it's highest limit before gripping her thighs, his lips falling open at how good it felt. "N- No!" Hyunjin grunted and turned her around on his cock. "I want to see you as I fuck into you and claim you! You're all mine!"
Starting to fuck her hard and rough, the boy reached over and kissed her swells, using one of his hands to rip her bra off. "Fuck…" Hyunjin couldn't believe the beautiful sight before him. "You're so beautiful, Y/n…" He complemented, genuinely affectionate. "Truly… both up here" he finally kissed her lips, moaning at the taste of her raspberry chapstick. "And down here" the boy kissed both of her adorable little fat tits, licking at the nipple and giggling when they hardened. "It really happens in real life!" He excitedly remarked, twitching inside her, already close from all that he got to see.
"I am lucky I have friends that care for me" his hips were moving at a quick pace, Hyunjin's cock bulging against the skin of her stomach, it's shape and movement easy to make out as he used her as a literal sock. "Because I was planning to give up on you. The last 3 days have been so hard. I was starting to believe that maybe there really was no way. That maybe all pretty and popular girls have to go to the cocky muscular jerk that just plays them, makes them cry. Maybe guys like me are always nothing but a mat for Princess' to wipe their feet on." He couldn't help but softly smack her face, pulling at her hair before biting down at her neck to leave marks.
"H- Hyunjin… p- please sto-"
The boy sighed in disappointment at her whisper, shaking his head before pinching her nipple and kissing her again. "No, baby. No. You'll be good and behave. If you don't behave, I promise this will go on and on. There is no way out of this unless you act good. Like a good little Princess." Kissing her lips again, Hyunjin finally managed to push his balls in, collapsing against her as his own sweat fell on the glass of his spectacles. "M- My little Princess. I've always liked you in silence. Ever since Kindergarten. But I won't anymore. You will be mine now that we are of age."
Y/n could only shudder as she felt him cum deep inside her, kissing her lips again as he went motionless, holding her as tight to himself as he could.
It went on for another two hours, Hyunjin losing a track of just how many times he came deep inside her, fucking her in unconsciousness too as she helplessly dozed off and woke up again before she agreed. She will be a good girl. For him.
That was the only way.
Y/n didn't really go to school after that incident, the prom approaching just 3 days later. "You look absolutely stunning, Princess." Hyunjin's voice rang in his bedroom and from behind Y/n as she stared at herself in the mirror.
"Ehhh~ s- stop…" The girl whimpered out, blushing as she lowered her head and turned around, slowly reaching him before she nuzzled her face in arm shyly, not even looking at him. "I- I don't."
"Yes, you do" the boy's eyebrows furrowed as he softly grasped her wrist, tightening his hold on it possessively. "You're the prettiest Princess to ever exist. And you look so beautiful in this moment that my heart might just stop" gripping her ass that was locked in a chastity, Hyunjin pulled her closer, growling lowly before he gripped her chin and forcefully kissed her.
"I- I love how I c- can be at my utmost c- comfort with you…" She whispered, so glad that she was in a comfortable dress that she liked and not a high-end extremely revealing dress that she didn't even like deep down but wore it for the name and price, being uncomfortable in it the whole time. Before her eyebrows furrowed because he wasn't wearing his spectacles.
Her pussy shivered from just how Hyunjin kept her in her little place as well.
"That is a normal feeling for those surrounded by people that actually care for them and not their status, Angel." Y/n sighed and nodded slowly, knowing he was right. She knew her friends were fake and bitched behind her back. Of course she did. "Now…" He heavily sighed and moved past her and towards the dressing table. "Let's get those uncomfortable and irritating contacts in."
Y/n quickly reached him, stopping his hand from grabbing the container before she reached for his spectacles resting not so far away, unfolding them before resting them on his nose and pushing them up. "Must the nerd always change for the girl he likes?" A bright smile made its way on his face at her words, chucking deeply before he nodded and kissed her forehead appreciatively. "What you did was wrong but I was no good either. Thank you, Hyunjin. Please always keep me as your little Princess. It's the only time I wanna be a Princess honestly."
His heart was fluttering. "That is the only thing you were born to be, Angel." She giggled at his words before stopping, realising that he was serious and gulping at his serious expression.
"Y- Yes, Hyunjin…" She felt so damn small. Fuck. Fiddling with jacket, Y/n sneakily looked up at the handsome boy. "I- I've been g- good, right Hyunjin?"
His hands toyed with her ass as he swayed them side by side slowly. "Hmm…?"
"T- Then… w- will you please m- make me feel g- good?" Her locked pussy was leaking.
A deep chuckle left him. "Hmm. Maybe?" When the girl whined and pouted softly, Hyungjin gripped her hair and pulled her face closer before kissing her deeply. "Behave tonight and I'll consider, alright?" Before both of them left to prom.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years ago
Happy Adoption Day;
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Summary; Hannah Hook finds a baby and takes it into her crew as her brother.
Trigger warning; child abandonment, swearing, stripper word mention,and other dark themes.
Featuring Treycor, @crimsonstar2096 's oc. And @descendants-extended 's oc, Amira.
Look, Hannah didn't mean to accidentally acquire another child. No, really! She didn't!
It just kinda happened.
One minute, she was walking home (to the Storm Bringer) from college in the rain and the next, she had a baby in her backpack.
Okay, that's not exactly how it happened but still. She hadn't meant to do it. She just had to do.
What else could one do upon hearing a frail cry from an alleyway and finding an abandoned newborn baby in a box?
What's that? You don't know? Then you can't judge! She was 21 and an isle kid-- a pirate kid-- she didn't know what to do in a situation like this! So she did what she had always done upon finding a wandering, abandoned child.
She took it home.
Obviously, she asked around first to see if she could find the wee thing's mother or father. But Obviously she didn't or else the brunette wouldn't currently be in the situation she was.
Which was trying to sneak a baby past her crewmates.
Who were currently all in the 'break room'/Hull of the ship, playing poker. While the youngest members of their crew-- the other kids she had accidentally acquired-- slept in the child's area of the ship. Which was in the other room.
Hannah had never been good at sneaking around on purpose.
Sure, she could sneak around if she really had to but never consciously.
She just wasn't good at it.
Just like how she wasn't good at lying to her friends and hiding things from them.
Maybe it was because she just felt to gulity to succeed or because she got too excited when doing it. But she just never succeed at it and she didn't know why.
But her friends did. And though they'd never tell her, it was a known fact and pretty simple to everyone who knew her:
Hannah couldn't act natural when she was doing something she knew she shouldn't be doing around her friends.
Which is why all of her friends immediately picked up on the fact that something was up. Treycor included.
The older boy had been swatting at his hair, trying to stop his frustration at just how bad his cards currently were from showing- which was kind of hard to do when your hair was literally made of fucking fire and reacted to your emotions-- when he first spotted it.
Hannah, sneaking past Amira -- who she had made the crew's ambassador when the barrier was brought-- who had been teasing Haul about how bad of poker face he had-- cradling her bag against her chest. Trying to get to her bedroom as quick as possible.
Which immediately raised red flags because Hannah never went straight to her room without heading to the kitchen and getting a snack first. Or without announcing her presence with a firm 'YELLO!' Or 'I HAVE RETURNED!' that echoed through out the ship.
Especially not when she hadn't seen them all day.
Not to mention that she never carried her bag like that unless she was afraid something inside would be damaged. Which she had no reason to be afraid of with them all sitting down.
"Yo, Hannah, aren't you gonna join us?" Treycor asked, raising an eyebrow and subtley letting everyone know that she was up to something.
Hannah froze, nearly tripping over her own feet as she suddenly felt every eye in the room land on her. Fuck.
The pirate swallowed thickly, subconsciously hugging her bag closer to her chest as she felt her 'loot' begin to stirr. She knew that she had to get out to her room and get to it fast so she could think of a game plan or else she'd be forced to sit through a very, very uncomfortable conversation (read: lecture) that she had heard a million times before.
"Nah, I'm good" was all she said. Hoping her friends would just leave it. But no such luck:
"You good?"
"What's wrong?"
"That's bullshit"
"What did you steal?"
"Where's the fire?"
"What did you do?"
"Baby you okay?"
"Oh come on"
"But you love game night!"
"We haven't seen you all day--"
All of these responses and more were what met her little dismissal. All blending in together yet standing out at the same time in the way that only her crew could do and she hated it.
Because now there was a painful swirling ball of nauseous and nerves settling in her stomach that made her wanna hurl. Because she just knew that she wasn't gonna be able to get out of this. She never could.
But she had to try.
"There's no fire. I didn't steal anything. It's not bullshit. And I'm fine. Just tired. " She fired lie after lie off quickly, doing her best not to fidget (which she didn't know only made her look more suspicious since she never sat still) and trying to sound dismissive. Which she failed at.
"Now, if you'll excuse me--" Hannah added, turning back towards her room. Only for the worst thing imaginable to happen.
The baby cried.
Everything was dead silent for a few minutes.
And then all hell broke lose.
"Oh God, not again..."
"What the hell?!"
"Oh fuck!"
"WHY?! Why are you like THIS?!"
The baby started to cry louder, causing Hannah to sigh and wrangle him out of her bag, figuring that she might as well hold him out in the open now that she'd been caught.
"Look, I can explain--"
Treycor looked at her, skeptical. Raising another brow. "Can you, Hannah? Can YOU?"
Hannah gave him a sheepish smile. A very sheepish smile.
"I found him in a box? In an alleyway? Next to a dumpster?"
Her friends groaned, knowing just as well as she did what that meant. Especially on the isle of all places.
What did it mean, you wonder?
It meant that the baby was abandoned. Up for grabs. Left to die. And that there was absolutely no chance that anyone would come looking for the little guy.
Which also meant that they'd have to figure out what to do with him.
"We're not keeping him" Treycor said sternly, earning several nods of agreement from those around him in turn.
"Okay" Hannah simply said, rocking the wee guy.
"I'm serious" Treycor stressed.
"I know, bro. Chill"
"Okay, what should we name him?" Hannah asked two days later. Immediately getting a plethora of suggestions in turn.
"John Jr!"
"Good Adam!"
"Good Beast!"
"Parker 2!"
"Hot manga!"
" Eureka!"
Hannah scrunched up her nose at the suggestions. "Guys, we're trying to name a baby here, not a stripper. He's gonna have to use this name on legal documents not just at work"
This earned alot of grumbles. "Fine, fine. You're right--"
John shot up, along with Parker, "wait a minute! Did you just say I have a stripper name?!"
Long story short, they ended up keeping the baby. Oh and they named him Atlas if you're curious.
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once--upon-a-blog · 3 years ago
Isn't it hilarious that E/riels claim misogyny at gwynriels and go on to say that the only reason we dislike Elain is because she likes to garden.
I personally grew a little indifferent towards Elain because of some of her actions in book 1.
The moving her fingers away from Feyre as if scared the dust would get on her.
The crooning sympathies and going behind Nesta when Nesta was being mean to Feyre.
The sharp voice she used with Feyre after Feyre came home.
Her love for gardening has little TO NOTHING TO DO WITH MY INDIFFERNCE TOWARDS HER.
Do I greatly admire the line-
"I don't belong to anyone...but my heart belongs to you"
Hell yes.
Do I admire her for stabbing the king of Hybern?
But do I LOVE her character?-
I don't know.
I do, however, think that she has great potential.
OH -
And believe it or not. SOME OF US REALLY LIKE ELAIN.
In conclusion- Just because someone doesn't ship her with Az doesn't mean they dislike her.
Almost every argument E/riel anons make ( I do NOT have it in me to go through EVERY SINGLE ONE. My poor hands just aren't made for excessive typing)
1) 'If az is so toxic for Elain why do you ship him with Gwyn?'
Just go back to the book and re-read it.
If you really want to be spoon fed
--We (or at least the most of us) much rather have gwynriel happen AFTER Az navigates through his issues
-- He doesn't treat Gwyn like a prize to be won
-- He didn't go behind Gwyn and say- she shouldn't take part in the blood rite because it's too dangerous
--His thought process isn't strictly limited to screwing around her
--He actually seems to know something about her
2) 'Making her glow like the sun at dawn as opposed to ' A thing of secret lovely beauty'
Making her glow...reference to outward beauty.
They are not the same thing.
Just go by the necklace description if you really want to argue.
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3) Gwyn can't be in a relationship with Az because of her trauma
*sigh* I-
4) Gwyn is faking her SA
Yeah, I'm not even gonna bother with this.
5) Gwyn is a LiGhTsInGEr
No, just no.
6) He umm...thoughts, revolve around needs
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Too many wants and needs.
I don't know about y'all- but this came RIGHT after he thought of how he was gonna win the snowball fight AND his shadows asked him to sleep.
I saw the 'wants and needs' as wanting and needing the relationship his brothers had.
7) He said- Give it to any priestess
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8) He doesn't even consider her a friend-
9)The reaction that should've happened with Elain if he truly DID love elain
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And yet
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----A LOT of people seem to forgot that
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So the shitty mood got better after the Elain interaction.
The elain* Az* Gwyn interaction scene took place BEFORE the snowball fight.
Gwyn being the reason Az's mood takes a sudden change (PART 1- BEFORE SNOWBALL FIGHT)
Moody Az-
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Moody Az, who?
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Gwyn being the reason his mood is cured (AGAIN, after snowball fight)
Moody, grumbling Az-
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To consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face-
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years ago
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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junquisite · 5 years ago
Victon as Vampires 7
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WARNING : Mature content, Slight sexual, Blood drinking.
Seungsik rang the bell once. No response. Twice and no response. He was considering breaking the door when the door opened to reveal a slightly wide eyed Saeri staring at him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"What's wrong byungchannie?"
"It's Saeri." 
"What happened to her?" Seungsik asked as he started packing his bag and picked out a paper to write a note.
"There were these girls who had been picking on her for a while. I saw them a couple of times and I asked her but she said she could handle it but hyung! Today there was this huge blood stain on the ground and it smelled like her and someone said they saw someone falling and I think it's her but I'm scared to check on her."
Byungchan said all that In a breath and Seungsik rubbed his forehead.
"she wasn't there but her blood was?" He asked and Byungchan frantically agreed.
"Okay she must have gone home. Why didn't you check on her?"
"I was scared hyung. We saw how Hanse even lost control when he was one of the strongest. What if I do too?" Byungchan said and Seungsik could sense the pout he probably had on.
"I'll go."
"You fell down the building..?" He asked, trailing off at the end when he saw no visible signs of any injury on her.
"How did you know?" She asked as she gave him way to get inside and he saw her limping slightly.
"Byungchan told me. Someone saw it. We can get those girls suspended or worse, in jail."
"Won't we need to show my injuries?" She asked as she picked her shirt up to show him an almost healed injury and he sighed.
"I can get you a few weeks off though." He said and she giggled and nodded.
"Did you drink blood? You should. It'll help with the healing. Do you have any blood bags?" He bombarded her with questions and she snickered.
"I have two." She answered and he turned around.
"I'll get you a medical prescription for leave and bring you some blood bags." And within a blink, he was gone.
He came back and tried the doorknob to find it open.
"You should close your door." He muttered and heard her giggle.
"I'm not human, remember?" She asked and he scowled at her.
"Where were your supernatural power when they pushed you down the building roof?" He shot back and he saw her putting the empty blood bag in the trashcan.
"Who said they pushed me?" She asked and there was a glint in her eyes that said something entirely different actually took place.
"What happened?" He asked as he took a seat on the couch and she joined him, the limp not there anymore.
"They were bullying me for spending so much time with Byungchan. Didn't knew he was that popular but I can see why. They took me there and threatened me to push me off the edge so to mess with them and traumatize them, I fell down. They were so freaked out. I enjoyed it too much." She ended it with glee and he rolled his eyes at her.
"At the cost of breaking your bones?"
She shrugged. "I'll be perfectly fine in a few minutes. But they won't be." She said and he smiled at her antics.
"Here" she said as she passed him a glass of blood, mixed in red wine and he raised an eyebrow at her.
"Subin told me you liked it like that. Expensive taste, I must say." She said he picked it up.
"Not expensive wine, I see." he commented and she pouted.
"I'm a broke university kid. Spare me." And he laughed at her.
"Won't you get drunk?" he asked her as she drank her glass in one gulp.
"not really. I'm like you guys in that matter. I can't get drunk unless I drink someone's blood who's drunk. It's annoying." she said and scowled which made Seungsik laugh. She was cute, he had to give her that.
"Still at least eat something with it."
He insisted and she groaned as she got up. "I'm sure i must have something" she mumbled as she raked her refrigerator and he made a mental note to do grocery shopping for her.
"Lemme fry some chicken." she said as she struggled to open the pack. "You're a halfling. Use your strength." he muttered from the couch and she glared at him. Finally opening it, she picked a knife to cut it into pieces when a loud noise resounded in the apartment from outside and in a  fright, she accidently cut her finger slightly.
she cursed when she turned to go to the tap to clean her wound when another pair of hands grasped her hand. she looked up to see a Seungsik very focused on that small cut, his pupils dilated, canines peeking out while he stared at her finger in a daze.
"Seungsik?" She asked and when he didn't look up at her,  slight fear crawling in.
"Seungsik?" She asked again, trying to pull her hand away from him but his grip only tightened.
Saeri was slightly freaking out now.
At no point had she considered being stuck in this situation and Seungsik was supposed to be the oldest one who hadn't  lost control in decades. He shouldn't be acting like this!
"You're hurting me Seungsik." She tried, hoping it'll get the point across but a slight growl came out of him as he leaned slowly towards her hand and licked at the blood.
A shudder passed her when he moaned lowly after tasting her blood and then he was quick to look at her face, eyes focused but on her neck as he backed her up to the counter.
"Seungsik-ah" she said as she felt herself willing to give in to him as her back hit the kitchen counter and he stopped, as if gaining slight sense and took a step back.
"Come here." She said as she hooked a finger in his belt and pulled him closer, the intimacy attacking him with her smell as he groaned, hands tightly gripping her waist.
"You need to tell me to stop right now." He said as he saw her eyes staring at him.
That was all it took for Seungsik to crowd her against the counter, one hand tightly gripping her waist as the other gripped the back of her neck and without any warning, he sank his fangs in her neck. The exact opposite side from where Sejun did a few days ago, mark already long gone.
It was better than anything he had ever had. Yes he was used to blood bags now but nothing could surpass the taste of fresh blood and its power and mix it with the extremely almost aphrodisiac smell of her's and even the strongest of Vampire would lose his control, Seungsik was an example.
He pushed his leg between her legs when he heard her moan, felt her gripping his hair and shoulder and muttering a constant chant of his name which made him push his leg harder against her.
It did what he wanted to see, she gasped loudly and the smell of arousal mixed with her blood was making him go crazy. 
Crazy enough to keep on drinking even when he felt full.
Even when he knew the point he should stop at.
Even when he heard her telling him to stop.
Even when he felt her heartbeat slow down to normal pace, and then to even slower.
When he heard her whimper his name and it sounded too weak did he realised what he had done and he pushed himself off her, watching her as she grabbed the edge of the counter and cursed loudly, hissing when she touched the mark he left.
"I'm sorry.." was all he could stutter out.
He didn't meant to drink more than he should. He really didn't.
But he couldn't stop.
A couple minutes passed and she stumbled to the refrigerator, him about to catch her when she was going to fall but she caught the counter again.
She pulled out one of the blood bags he had brought over and unceremoniously drank it straight from the bag, finishing it in one go and leaning slightly on the counter after it.
"I feel dizzy." She finally said, looking up at him and his still dazed face as he continued to stare at her neck.
Consciously, she tried to cover the mark with her hand and looked away, feeling the little bit of blood she had in herself rushing to her face.
In a split second, a hand was pulling her hand away from her neck and the same hand was on her face then.
"I didn't knew you could blush." He finally said, feeling the warmth under his hand as she flushed even more at that.
"Only sometimes." She muttered, looking down at the floor.
"You should drink one more blood bag." He finally said and she nodded, picking out one more when he spoke again.
"Do it slowly. Don't rush." 
As she took the first sip, she felt his hands snake in around her waist, face hiding in her neck near his bite and when she felt soft lips pressing just above the bite, she whimpered.
"Please no more." She whispered and he pulled back to place a kiss on her forehead.
"No more. I promise. Let me just stay close to you." He said and she agreed, going back to her blood bag as he pressed small kisses near the bite, every now and then coming up to her jaw and nosing till her collarbones.
she felt him getting bolder, his hands coming up to unbutton the top two buttons of her shirt and then going back to her waist, slipping inside the shirt and she couldn't hold back the shivers from the cold hands.
His kisses went further down with every passing second and she was holding her breath, waiting for his next move when he went back to kissing her neck and she let the breath go.
She gasped loudly after that when she felt his hand quickly unbuttoning her pants, hands sneaking inside as she whimpered, closing her thighs automatically and he whispered to her, "I'm sorry to cause such a mess to you. The least I could do is get you off." 
She was about to protest until she felt his hand slipping inside her panties and he inserted one finger inside her and all she could do was whimper.
This was nothing like what she felt with Sejun. He had pulled away too quickly because everyone had come but Seungsik, Seungsik had gone over and beyond and left her dizzy, even if it was because of lack of blood. When he had pushed his leg between her legs, it took all of her willpower not to grind down on him but now he had his finger inside her and he was whispering the filthiest things in her ear and all she could do was whimper and beg for more.
She needed her release.
The blood bag was long forgotten, now on the floor with him pushing her to the counter, his one hand holding a tight grip in her hair, baring her neck to him which he continued to assault and mark to his heart's content, knowing they would be gone in a couple of hours. His other hand pumping now three of his fingers inside her at a torturous pace - switching between going fast and painfully slow while he continued to tell her how good she smelled, how he could smell her arousal and if someone was to come even close to the building, any supernatural being could smell her, how wet she was around his fingers and how easy it was for him to slip his fingers in her.
He could tell she was close when she kept on clenching around his fingers, and her moans got louder. He quickened his pace to a bruisingly fast pace and when she clenched painfully around his fingers, his name leaving her lips between the moans, he dipped down to kiss her and shut down all her moans as she came down from her high, his fingers pumping inside her helping her ride her high.
He pulled his fingers out and she whimpered at the soreness. He pulled back to stare at her, his eyes darting between her lips and her neck and he bent forward to place a quick peck on the bite and then coming up to kiss her.
Then he proceeded to take a couple of steps back from her and licked his fingers clean looking at her in the eyes while she whined.
She was being tortured and she was loving every moment of it.
They stayed in that kitchen for a while. Her trying to catch her breath and him tracing her every move and breath of her's with his eyes, committing it to memory.
The calm was broken when her phone rang in the living room.
"I'll get it for you." Seungsik said as he darted out and in a second, her phone was beside her ear, a small muttering of "it's Sejun." Leaving his lips and she could hear a slight disdain at that.
But she let it go.
Half an hour later, seungsik was dropping her off at the cafe. Sejun had called to ask her if she was okay to work and she had agreed to come. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sejun asked as soon as she entered the cafe, his eyes staring at the leaving silhouette of Seungsik as she nodded.
"I have a couple of weeks off from university Though so I can work any hours now." She said.
Before Sejun could say anything, one of the part timers, the one who told him about Sejun came to him.
"Can you switch with my morning shift for a couple of weeks? I have some important homework to catch up on!" And Saeri happily agreed.
When she was in the backroom, trying to tie her apron, she felt hands slipping around her waist as Sejun grabbed the strings of the apron and tied them behind her.
"You sure you're okay halfling?" He asked again and she turned to him, smiling, as she tied her hair up in a ponytail.
"Yes Sejun. Don't worry!"
But he wasn't interested in the answer anymore. His eyes were focused on her neck, in particular at the neck bite taunting him with fading signs of Love bites littered around it.
This was a call of war to him. By none other than Seungsik.
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mileyjassie · 4 years ago
𝓢𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 - 𝒌.𝒕𝒉
Genre: Fluff, angst
Warning: Death
Word count: 1,8k
Author's note: This was supposed to be longer but I couldn't proceed with the history, so there will be not a second part of it.
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His bright eyes penetrated yours deeply, frightened, anguished, changing from blue to gold.  Frowning, showing pain, he was leaning next to the tree, supported by one arm while the other was positioned on his stomach.  The red line that dripped from his mouth to his chin dripped on his eccentric white clothing full of details that you couldn't define.
He looked at you in such a way that you could not know what he was thinking, but on the other hand, it seemed that he knew everything you thought, he just did not know if I would help or let him die.
He coughed, gritting his teeth.    
You wondered what he was, but he was just a legend, just a legend from the forest.    
His pupils burned cold, his faded pink hair fell over his eyes.       
.You tried to take a step, but roots grew out of the ground, thick and rough roots, full of pointed trunks and thorns, surrounding and surrounding the plants and even the giant old tree beside it.     
He continued to stare, not even blinking, waiting for a sign of your intentions. 
He needed to be sure.     
The others were coming, it was a hunt among young people, just for fun, you watched them to entertain myself. You could not imagine that those uncharged arrows would hit anyone.   
He couldn't take much more, it was getting harder for him to breathe, but no branches of his roots left its place, and his eyes remained petrified.   
Your choice was to protect him.  
You ran as fast as you could, found your brothers and took them with you, taking them as far away from the creature.   
Night came and as you waited for dawn to arrive you jumped out the window onto the tropical trail, retracing your hunting trail.
The roots were there, firm and strong, outlining the surrounding plants, and in the middle was a large, pink flower with fragile petals.  
 You came close, afraid the logs would hurt you, but you crouched in front of the weak flower, touching its petals.      
— Is that you?...  
People say that to these spirits save themselves, they turned into a flower, hoping to be helped.    
You came back soon after, to water it, the very next day again, and then, and then, and then, and again.
You found him in the middle of an afternoon, the sunlight penetrating through the leaves of the trees, creating a thin spotlight over his body, lying down, as if he were unconscious. 
You didn't want to approach, You knew you couldn't, you took a few steps back, poking him with a stick. He raised his head at the same moment, like a very sharp sense, his eyes froze in your direction and the roots rose up towards you, however, you didn't even have time to close your eyes when they froze and moved away, joining with the  roses that started to grow on the ground.  
He shook his head, looking confused.      
— Are you okay? ... — You asked quietly, hands shaking because of the very sharp roots.   
He touched the ground with his fingertips, he seemed calmer. A thin root walked in the land towards you, stretching in front of your body and blooming in a beautiful flower. 
— Thank you.      
You took the flower, looking at him, he got up, looking around for the first time, taking a walk around the old tree, sliding his fingers on its trunk. Behind the thick trunk he stuck his head out a little, waving. You ran after the tree, but he was gone.
You ran with your brothers, jumping from rock to rock, descending further and further into the forest, without fear of losing yourself.   
— Don't kill any deers, brother! — You shouted in front of him, seeing the deer passing through the woods.    
He was a stubborn brother, he loved to hunt.  It was rare that he made a mistake, but it was not his fault.   
You fell into the stream, the arrow crossing through your back, piercing your chest, piercing your heart.          Your body went down the stream, falling through the waterfall, poisoning the fish with your blood. 
Death was instantaneous, you shouldn't remember that, you shouldn't have known all the way down the stream to the depths of the forest, the woods, the caves, the fields. You know that from the moment he kissed you the memories became part of you again.      
Everything was so fast and powerful that your consciousness came back the moment his lips touched yours.  As healthy as you could imagine, you saw his face moving away from yours, analyzing you with the appearance of the magnificent being he was.
The waterfalls sang behind him, the place was beautiful as a paradise.        
— You survived. — He smiled, pleased to see your curious eyes. — You're alive!  I saved you. — He touched your cheek with the tip of his index finger. — Do you remember me? 
— The flower ... — You almost couldn't speak, your throat dry.   
— My life passed through your hands, so you let me rest, I am grateful. — He smiled, running his thumb under your eyes. — Your life was in my hands, so I took it in, and you came back to life.
You moistened your lips, looking for strength.
— I am grateful.  
— I'll take care of you. — He put his arm around your waist, lifting you into his arms. — I will show you to the others, they will be delighted to see you.  
— Others? ... — You frowned at the body and mental pain you were feeling.       
— Do not speak.  I will speak for you. 
You saw lawns so green that you thought it was made of plastic, trees so beautiful that you thought they were painted by hand, an atmosphere of a climate so comforting that it made you want to sleep. It was a small private paradise.
— What's your name? — You turned your attention back to the path he was taking, looking at him. 
— Taehyung.    
— I can walk. — He stopped in the middle of that open field, near a big lake and a single rough dark colored tree with few leaves, different from the others. — Let me go.     
He put you down, without strength you fell into his arms, leaning on his body to remain standing.     
— And who is this, Taehyung?    
Like a shadow, without leaving any suspicion, he came out from behind that dry tree, his dark purple hair a little disheveled at times seemed to change to lilac or gray. The noble clothes made him look peculiar, with black colors.    
The mysterious look seeped into your eyes, and for a moment you felt like he was touching you soul with it. His seriousness dominated the place.       
— Last week it was Jin who brought a child.  What's up with you?    
Their eyes seemed to go through an internal conflict and distrust.          
— I saved her, she was losing her shine.   
He walked in short steps, his hands behind his back, an intimidating, sovereign vibe in the air.      
— You should have let her go.        
— This would be cruelty, Jungkook.        
— It would be the order of life.     
You managed to stand on your own, even though you was tired, Taehyung left you but remained close. Jungkook analyzed it, turning around and moving on, taking his time.   
— Namjoon won't like to see her at home, let's go to the chalet, I'll call the others.     
— Excuse me. — You called him, he stopped. — What do you do?        
He didn't seem to want to spend much more time on it, but he turned to you instantly, his eyes froze on yours and the whole lawn was dry, the birds started to fall and the plants died.     
He destroyed everything around you.    
Jungkook didn't care about your reaction, just looked at Taehyung and turned around, going ahead.     
— What now?  — You asked in shock.        
— Now it's me.  — He said, reaching out and touching the lawn, then where his fingers touched they brought the vivid green again.  — Let's go. — He called you, starting to walk, without having to worry about the rest, since the little piece of lawn that he had touched now spread to everything that had died.  
You both passed by the dead birds.    
— Poor birds.  — He regretted, shaking his head in mourning.         
— You won't do anything?       
—I can not. — He lowered his head when he realized your distress. — Jimin will take care of that.       
— Who is this?      
— You'll meet soon.      
You went up a hill, walking on a trail of soft earth, getting close to many other plants that surrounded a type of glass greenhouse.      
— Is that the chalet? 
— Taehyung laughed, denying.      
— No.          
You entered the place, so you was able to appreciate the variety of flowers that were in that place, all different from each other.
— Adorable, right?       
— Beautiful. — You said, looking at the simple smile on his face.      
— Don't stare too much, they are shy.      
— They?       
You continued walking to the bottom of the greenhouse, passing through the open door, entering an environment made with wooden floors, ceilings and walls, and right in front of you leaning on the stairs was Jungkook, arms crossed waiting for you. He waited for you two to approach and pointed up with his chin, going up the stairs.        
You felt a very strong internal body pain, as if it were being torn and punctured.          
— What it is? — Taehyung asked worried. — What is happening?             
You fell on your knee on the steps of the stairs, gritting your teeth.         
— It hurts too much.       
— Bring her up. — You heard a deep voice say, but you couldn't look up because of the pain.     
They took you by the arms and laid you down on a table, then you could see everyone looking at you.         
— Who is this?  — A certain guy with black hair and blue eyes asked, curious.          
— Jungkook had already said that she is the girl Taehyung brought.  — Said the brown-haired one seriously. Jungkook lowered his head, he was leaning against the window, a little further away than the others, he seemed the most silent.           
— Why did you do that, Taehyung? — Asked the one with orange hair.       
— She was dying. — Taehyung said, justifying himself. — I found her down the river, I couldn't help but do something.         
— She didn't even go down the waters of the cave.  — The red-haired one replied to Taehyung, shutting him up. — You brought her here.      
— I had to save her! Not helping would be cruel!   
— Shut up! — The blonde asked with authority, you had no doubt it was Namjoon.        
Everyone looked at him, he was focused on you, his hands resting on the table, studying you, then he turned his head back, facing Jungkook.      
You couldn't help following all the looks at him, but his eyes were intimidating you again, but this time you were afraid.     
— Jungkook. — Namjoon called, and the boy's gaze looked him instantly.  He didn't have to say anything.       
— I saved her life! — Taehyung exclaimed to the others, exasperated.     
— You didn't save her life. — Namjoon replied, walking away. — You're killing her.       
— How could I do that!? — His eyes darted over everyone's faces, looking for an answer.     
— Simple, Taehyung. — Namjoon said, coming to your side, raising your wrist and touching the tip of your finger to the thorn that was growing of your skin. — She's in love with you.
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Author's note 2: The flowers in the greenhouse are actually spirits of nature just like the rest of the boys, but unfortunately they've found themselves in a situation of danger, so they all transformed in flowers hoping to be helped one day, so BTS boys are waiting for the day they're going to come back to their original forms.
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hanmajoerin · 5 years ago
*adds this WIP to an already burning pile of other WIPs*
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at the amnesia trope and when the right inspiration came along I just had to run with it! 
The story is posted on AO3 and Fanfic.net, but you can also read it under the cut! 
Summary: After being separated from InuYasha for a year, Kagome wakes up to find herself back in the Feudal Era. Without her memory, she introduces a new side of herself to InuYasha, who claims that they were separated for three years and reunited for seven months.
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Chapter 1: A Second Reunion
Kagome found her gaze fixated on her high school uniform which sat neatly in the back of a blue locker. Soft shadows hugged the navy and beige fabric as a soft sound—almost like white noise or static—seemed to embrace her thoughts. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Kagome reached out and grabbed her clothes. Exhaling slowly, she turned away from the locker so that when she opened her eyes nothing would have changed.
It was hard to believe that a year had passed since the Bone Eater's Well stopped working. Like a catalyst, the broken connection between her time and InuYasha's changed so much about Kagome without having to change itself. Her attendance rate soared, her old lifestyle came slamming into her weekdays, her acquired fear of the darkness felt like a slow burn even though it wasn't, and now she had invented ways to carry the consequences. Even though her friends in the Feudal Era were alive and well, they weren't here. Kagome supposed she was grieving but she felt as if she should be... happier. Miroku's wind tunnel must have vanished so he and Sango were probably married with a child on the way. Shippo was probably having a lot of fun staying in the village and playing with kids his own age while InuYasha... everyone always said that he was restless in the village, but Kagome liked to think he was somewhat happy. Not that happy and InuYasha often mixed, but Naraku and the Sacred Jewel were defeated, he should at least be able to relax.
The young high schooler sighed, imagining InuYasha asleep on her bed. He appeared almost angelic then, but afterwards, he and Shippo could easily tie for the title of "Most Mischievous." Kagome hoped that InuYasha wasn't driving anyone insane with that demonic energy.
"Higurashi!" Yua Watanabe, the archery club's captain, called out with a slight wave.
Kagome dropped her hands from the ties of her hakama, offering her senior a soft, "Hi, Watanabe."
As her senior approached, Kagome attempted swallowing the idea of InuYasha with a quiet gulp. "Thanks for all of your hard work this year. I'm really glad you joined the club!" Yua exclaimed with a carefree ease that Kagome envied.
"Thank you, being able to do archery is important to me," Kagome replied, warmth spreading across her cheeks at the praise. Yua nodded a few times in agreement, not at all able to comprehend the meaning behind Kagome's remark. She continued talking, also unaware of how Kagome's thoughts returned to a time that she hadn't asked to leave behind. "Oh, and we're really looking forward to having you start training to compete next year. I know you'll do well!"
Kagome flashed Yua another modest smile but before she could even thank her for a second time, she yawned. "Excuse me," Kagome apologized, but another large yawn stretched at her consciousness. "I'm just going to go to bed now..."
The world returned to Kagome slowly. She blinked her eyes against an overwhelming amount of deep browns and warm oranges. The ceiling above almost looked like the wood roofing of a hut and the unmistakable popping fire and chirping crickets sounded like a lullaby. It's almost like I'm back in the Feudal Era, she thought to herself as she yawned. Just as she was about to turn and settle back into sleep, she heard him.
"You're awake."
InuYasha's voice sent Kagome lurching forward, all thoughts of sleep vanishing instantly. "InuYasha!" she exclaimed, her heart rate sprinting just as quickly as the dizziness in her head. The high schooler clutched at her chest with uncertainty, brown eyes daring to take in the telltale silver hair and amber eyes of the man she spent so many days longing to see just like this.
"Hey," InuYasha began, resting his hands on her shoulders. When—how did I come back? Kagome asked herself as she reached up to grasp one of the half-demon's hands. She never realized that his calloused skin could feel like a balm, working without delay to relieve the past year of her life. InuYasha was seated properly before her, his face highlighted by firelight and grounded by a somber expression."You shouldn't be pushing yourself right now. Kaede said you should rest."
Kagome's brown eyes had to be shining as he—InuYasha!— gently lowered her back down to the floor. She could feel moisture building at the corner of her eyes, too. Of course, there were so many questions she needed to ask, but watching as InuYasha gingerly pulled a thin blanket up past her shoulders, Kagome was just happy he was here. He felt so real; his touch, the timbre of his voice—everything about this InuYasha felt so real. If Kagome was dreaming, she didn't want to wake up. "I can't believe you came for me," she croaked out because she always knew that he would.
"Of course I did, stupid," InuYasha chided, crossing his arms. A small giggle filtered past Kagome's lips as he turned up his nose. When the schoolgirl fantasized about her reunion with InuYasha, he never acted this casual. They had spent a little more than a year apart from each other for the first time since they met and it was entirely too long. Had she not been so wrapped up in her own emotions, she may have chastised him back. "Would have been easier for me to do that if you waited for me like I told you to instead of charging out of the brush like that. You could've gotten seriously hurt, Kagome."
Kagome furrowed her brow slightly at InuYasha's comment. "What?" She asked, wiping away a tear with her index finger.
InuYasha thrust his nose even further in the air. "Keh, don't play innocent; damn ogre's club wasn't that hard, you didn't need to rush out."
Kagome frowned as his words sunk in. "I..." She brought a hand to her temple, rubbing it lightly as she tried to process what the half-demon told her.
All traces of agitation scurried from InuYasha's features at her motion. "Kagome, is your head bothering you? Kaede gave me some medicine to help with that, let me get it for you."
Before he could walk away, Kagome's hand grabbed at his pants, instantly stilling him. "Kagome...?"
"Where is Kaede?"
"'Dunno," InuYasha shrugged. "She probably went home or somethin'," he finished, lightly shaking her hand away and placing the kettle over the fire.
So InuYasha has his own hut and he wanted me to stay, Kagome thought to herself. A molten smile spread across her cheeks that matched the blush she was sure also appeared there.
Kagome rolled to her side to watch InuYasha as he babysat his kettle. Everything from the painted scowl to the delicate way he mixed tea was deliberate and when he was beside her once more, she pulled herself into a sitting position. As he passed her the cup, his hands lingered against hers. It was glaringly clear that InuYasha wanted to pick up where they had left off a few weeks before they defeated Naraku. Still, Kagome couldn't help but laugh slightly, not used to an InuYasha who was anything but abrasive. "You've sure grown up some," she said, tilting her head to the side.
"Uh..." InuYasha replied, breaking their contact to shove his hands into the voluminous red sleeves of the fire rat. "You uh, really hit your head there, didn't ya?" Kagome frowned again—hit her head? Didn't listen to him? She was missing something but before she could even ask, InuYasha grasped her free hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "Listen, when I told you to stay hidden, it was only because I knew I could handle that dumbass ogre on my own. I should have been paying more attention to you, though. You're still learning and I—I should have protected you. I'm sorry."
Kagome shook her head as InuYasha bowed his own. He wanted forgiveness when absolutely nothing he admitted happened to them. Kagome wriggled her hand from InuYasha's and winced, rubbing her forehead again. "Are you real?" She nearly whispered, tears forming once more. Kagome was used to the dreams—it would be so easy for him to deny it or stumble over his words or maybe just admit that all of this was just another fantasy her mind played out. But when she saw how the anxiety accumulated across every aspect of her half-demon's body, Kagome had a feeling she really was awake. "It's just that I—" she cut herself off. She needed to stand and maybe get fresh air or something. The world spun beneath her feet, but InuYasha was there, catching her and he was really there—they were really together. "Oh InuYasha," she stated, tears finally finding their freedom.
InuYasha froze the moment she buried her head against his chest, but it didn't take him very long to wrap his arms around her. "I'm supposed to be the one who's upset," he reminded her, hands softly stroking her hair. "You're really starting to worry me, Kagome," he admitted then and Kagome shook her head, lifting her dewy eyes up at him with a relief she thought would never be materialized.
InuYasha was different than she remembered and yet exactly the same. Just being around him set her at ease and she could feel some of her nightmares fade away. Kagome was safe now, but even as she sniffled a bit, InuYasha continued running his hand up and down her back, he radiated a peace she hadn't expected after being apart for so long. "How can you be so calm?" She asked him.
InuYasha's brow twitched slightly and he raised a fist, it was almost as if Kagome unintentionally spiked his ire. All she could do was tilt her head to the side. "Because Kaede said that being upset wouldn't help you relax. She didn't tell me it would make you worry more," he ground out. If InuYasha could trade a gentle reaction for an angry one within seconds, Kagome knew absolutely that she was in the Feudal Era again.
"It's been such a hard year without you, InuYasha, why on Earth wouldn't I want you to feel something? Did you even miss me?"
"The hell are you talking about, Kagome?"
Kagome frowned. Well, it was good to know that InuYasha could still unintentionally spark her ire, too. "My life has been absolutely miserable without you!" She blurted out, pressing an accusatory finger against his chest. "Do you have any idea how difficult things have been for me? And now you're just standing here like... like you haven't even thought about me on—" Kagome groaned, her head protesting at the plethora of emotions running through her mind.
InuYasha reached out, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "Kagome, take it easy," he advised, and she could hear the note of concern in his voice despite how stern it was. She glared up at him. He offered her a crooked smile that quickly faded. "Wait, did you say it's been a year since the well stopped working?"
"I mean, I think so," she said, suddenly feeling sheepish. Maybe her memories were a little off.
InuYasha placed a finger under her chin, tilting her up to look into her eyes. She found that his were suddenly swirling with conflicting emotions. "You were gone for three years."
Kagome gasped, taking a step back. "Three..."
"What's the last thing you remember?" InuYasha asked, picking Kagome up then laying her back down onto the ground.
Although he was trying his best to remain calm, she could tell he was upset.
Kagome swallowed the lump in her throat, reaching out her hand to lay against his thigh. "I just finished my first year of high school," she confessed.
"What happened to me?" InuYasha placed his hand over hers.
"We were fighting an ogre on the outskirts of the village 'n it threw you against the ground."
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
Cheryl seemed most uncomfortable with this but after the two sat there and a little protest from Dan the silence that the Android had brought broke.
"Dan I thought you said you were better than this now...you told me you were going to change and I haven't seen a damn thing. I can't keep blindly trusting you. You have to try, or I am going to leave..." She says sincerely,
"I'm trying, babe, I am I just need you to have a little faith in me...I brought that girl home because I didn't want her waiting for a spare key out in the rain. She couldn't get into her car honest. Nothing happened." He insisted his innocence but he was being honest and trying.
"How was I supposed to know that?" She asks.
"You could have waited and I would have told you. I love you Cheryl I don't want to fight with you like this anymore, but you have to try to trust me" Dan insists. "I really have changed, you're just so set in expectations you don't see it. Or give me a chance to defend myself. I'm trying all for you, I want you to see that, I want to see you happy..."
Cheryl looks down at her lap. Almost like she didn't know what to believe. Dan was content in having made his case though. A soft laugh leaves Cheryl's mouth. "You son of a bitch" she says with a giggle, "You always know just what to say" she adds, getting up and crossing past the Android to sit in her husband's lap and hugs him.
"Yeah, When you listen" Dan teases, She playfully slaps his chest. She looks up at Connor a moment later. "Thank you...I think we'll be alright for now, you're an angel"
Downstairs, Gavin looks up at the ceiling puzzled, the was the soonest a fight has ended up there, he puts his forehead in his hand again and looks outside again, he really needs to get his life back in order. "Where the hell do you start at this point?" He asks himself, looking up at the cat as he bats around a toy mouse watching it ricochet off the wall, the door, the bed and a small smile rises to his face. "Small steps, Gavin, small steps." He tells himself and he gets up goes over to the closet. He was going to play again...he shouldn't let the past keep him from doing something he loved. Christ sake he's been shot, he could deal with a little heartache...he is so fucking pathetic.
He sits in the window sill again and just plays, nothing in particular just letting it take him wherever it ends up going. Stream of consciousness there are no words, he gets more into it and the make shift tune gets a little more pep to it. Before he knows it he's embellishing it with all sorts of flourishes. Most importantly he's smiling it's not forced its not a mask its a legitimate smile and it feels good. Gavin hardly even realized he was smiling...he just kept playing and glancing down at the cat and he was actually feeling alright, better than alright, he was feeling great.
Attitude problems - closed
Connor RX900 stepped confidently into the Detroit police station, casually scanning every face he passed by as he searched for his new assignment, moving further in. He was specifically looking for a certain individual by the name of Gavin Reed who had made quite the reputation for himself, with multiple disciplinary warnings and a record for inappropriate behaviour towards androids, not to mention an almost blatant disregard for his superiors. RX900 had been sent in to fix this.
“Hey, can I help you-“ A police officer tried to ask helpfully but Connor walked right past him, his eyes locating and locking on Gavin. He took a moment to take the man’s appearance in, staring coolly at the way he was sat at his desk with his feet resting on top of it. The android could already tell just by his expression that this was going to be an interesting assignment.
“Gavin Reed.” The RX900 greeted the man with a neutral expression, sticking out his hand. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist you on your cases from now on and assist you with your behaviour.”
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