#i don't quite know what i wanna do with the style for this commission
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
(Heya! Ooc related: I’ve actually been thinking of starting a Minecraft ask blog myself. Do you have any advice on how to get your foot in the water? Are there any communities I can join to connect with people more easily?)
/ooc HAHAHA- Oh man.
To start off, do note that: This is entirely MY perspective and MY experience. I'm gonna tell you ALL I know, so the good and bad will be included. Always take advice with a grain of salt.
Also, I've been an outlier in this community for prioritizing askblog and storywriting (than jobhunting. DO NOT BE LIKE ME.), so, please don't use me as an example and find what's the best askblogging style for you.
▦ Note: edited at 26/03/25 for better readability and extra elaboration on some parts.
1. Know the scene. (Currently? p bad lmao)
Here's the first bad news: You kind of entered at the timeframe of Highest Difficulty (tm) at the moment. I'll be real with you right now, the community is very inactive atm. I can't blame them. A lot of people I know have real life priorities to do. I myself am only here because I'm doing askblog mid commissions and jobhunting.
With that said, you CAN still open an askblog, you just have to realize that the following will occur:
↪ Lack of the interactions/asks you hope to have. ↪ Lack of notes/validation. ↪ Lack of people who would plan with you or join events. ↪ Lack of interest.
And this WILL suck. It'll get to you. It got to me, obviously. But I'm still going because, again, I am an outlier, and TECHNICALLY I also have a goal I always look forward to to keep creating, which ties to...
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2. Your type of Askblog. (Neutral. This depends on you.)
Note first that you CAN always experiment and change styles midway if you don't feel for it. I only find mine because I've been here since 2013, LMAO, so don't be too pressed as a beginner.
But knowing the type of person you are, how you create, and your limits in creating is important. Knowing where you also want to steer your blog is important. Your skills are also important.
So your askblog MUST depend on what kind of content you want to do.
↪ Do you want to do askblog just for fun? Then limit the amount of effort you put into it, else you burnout when you don't get the validation you want. ↪ Do you do it to practice art or writing? Then put your SOUL into it. Just know it'll be slow and slow = also slow engagement. ↪ Do you do it to tell a story only? Not really an artist? Might want to commission someone for RP emotion icons and flex off your writing chops. Do know ppl prefer images rather than text.
This will be the core basis of your motivation for the blog. If you lose sight of this, you will burnout/quit faster.
I suggest if you don't know what to do: Do it for fun first. Do it blind. Notes will start very small, mostly 0 and max at 3... but if you have no expectation, you will take it less painfully. This is important, especially when you start off. And overtime when you start to solidify what you actually wanna do with the blog, you may switch gears. People will follow it if they're interested! So just keep trying.
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3. How to Run an Askblog (The hard part lmfao)
Bro I cannot stress ENOUGH that I cannot read people and especially you. I cannot tell you how to run your askblog. Your vision of your OC and story is purely yours, so only you can unlock the secret of what makes your blog 'you'.
But I can tell you what USUALLY works in nabbing people's attention and want to interact with your OCs:
↪ Endermen OCs. (e.g. askendy) They are super popular. No shade to Endermen blogs, it's just what works + the endermen community is the largest rn. ↪ Great artist and replies with images. (E.g. Askzub) Sorry to all the text only askblogs / those who answer with too much text... but if you wonder why people engage less, it's probably that. ↪ Great event hosts, aka blogs who knows how to rally up the masses in a collaborative effort to spice up the community. (e.g. rnotsleeping, 'Monstrosity of the Night' event) ↪ A continuous story featuring duo/trios with engaging storyline. (e.g. hexavexen and ask-vulcan-and-toby) ↪ A gimmick that is simple but interesting. Keep it to one sentence, e.g. mine: 'Retired herobrine with one eye.' (this caught the attention of a LOT of people surprisingly.) ↪ Characters that copies canon minecraft design concept to a T, but has some kind of story people wanna see. (e.g. Enderbro.) ↪ HUMOROUS/SOFTCORE blogs. Ironic, slice of life, or funny. We need more humor tbh. (e.g. hiiamramy (i love this cute blog lmao))
Again, these may or may not work for you. This is the trend that I just frequently see. You can make whatever you want, but know that these are what I see usually climb up to the top.
MEANWHILE, here's the parts that I think DEFINITELY make blogs stand out:
↪ Utilizing your asks in a smart way. (More at #4) ↪ Askblogs with APPROACHABLE quality. Askblog is about interaction.You may want to make space for people to include their OCs (TO A DEGREE) with you and also experience your stories with you. ↪ Characters who don't annoy the viewers/other askbloggers through asks. I cannot stress enough how merely annoying people can get you so much flak. ↪ Characters who tries to interact a lot with other blogs, but isn't intrusive about it. Keep it cool when you try to interact with bigger blogs! They're all riddled with anxiety just like the rest of us.
But also, here's the deal: If you want to break the market, you got to put in some effort. Basically, the same as marketing every products and yourself. You gotta post often, draw often, and send asks (THAT WORKS for both you and your target blog) often. Sometimes you hit the jackpot, most times people ignore you.
It's par for the course. If you think something isn't working, though, always ask for criticism. Just... know that most ppl are too nice to tell you where you went wrong, so, uh... Idk? Ask someone who you trust and is willing to be upfront with you, I suppose.
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4. Utilizing ASKS holy shit this is so important to me
You know how in 2013 everyone spams asks so much that you have like 80 asks per blog in a week? And that 'if you spam me or send asks that is unfitting to the blog, I'll delete it uwu' mindset?
Let me let you in into my secret. Asks are RARE these days. Baiting for them is even harder. Only your friends will send you asks, and overtime they'll run out of things to ask. If someone sent you a humor ask and you want to throw it away... well... What if I tell you not to?
Here's what you can do:
When you get an ask that feels too humorous or OOC or trolling, weigh how much you can twist it to fit YOUR narrative. For example, this is the ask I got.
Imagine getting this 1 year ago at the peak of Steven getting stuck in the Nether at a break apart state. Your first reaction would be: 'Man, this makes no sense. I should delete it.'
Nope. Weigh it first.
Can you utilize this somehow? Usually, id either answer it in character and then end it with some kind of lore reveal. (e.g. your character sees this and goes 'no! I never did this! ...or did I...' -flashback about an enderman friend they've forgotten-) so you still answer accordingly BUT also reveal something about your character!
See? This engages viewer's interest while also accommodates the ask. Everyone's happy.
Do note some asks can't work like this no matter what you do. You can bank these for future happenings.
...and if the asks are highly uncomfortable, or clearly a troll you can't utilize, or just 'hi.'? Probably just delete those, yeah.
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4. pt2, Baiting asks.
Baiting asks is like fishing. You gotta know when to reel and when to hold. Lemme explain.
The basic on this is: don't make your ocs TOO mysterious, but also not TOO open. TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE INFO ABOUT YOUR OCS WILL NOT HELP EITHER PARTY! Especially when we are in a drought like this! So yap, reveal, hide ONLY the most important secrets they have, and then reveal it slowly through asks and flashbacks.
Make askers feel that they unlock your ocs more (satisfaction on their end) and you get to infodump on them who your OCs are in a slow pace (satisfaction on your end.)
"But Doe, I can't do this if I don't even get asks."
I grab you gently.
Then drop lore posts.
I notice a lot of askbloggers refuse to post ANYTHING unless they got asks. DON'T. DO THIS. Realize that people usually don't ask because they have NOTHING to ask about. GIVE them something to ask about!
And remember! Do it in a trickle. BOTH in your standalone and answer posts.
So reveal in a consistent, slow trickle way. Give people things to ask about, while also not be too protective of your secrets and reveals.
4. pt 3, throwing asks.
You send asks in return to getting asks. That's why non-anon asks is IMPORTANT. It lets people know WHO you are! SO THEY CAN SEND ASKS BACK AT YOU.
Here's my formula:
↪ Read the blog about 20 posts back and figure out something you can ask about. ↪ Ask 2 asks IN CHARACTER, PROPERLY. (format: "your ask here" > Line break > @.yourblogurlhere) This allows you to extend an olive branch for interaction (and future character relationship (friendship, enemies, rivalry, etc)) with the character, while staying in character. [E.g. "Hey, man! I noticed the sweet ride you have outside the house. Is that yours? Because I got a lot to talk about if you like cars!" - @.software-bugs-b-gon] ↪ THEN SEND 2+ MORE ASKS IN ANON with differing styles and personalities to give them MORE FOOD to continue their blog. This allows you to be slightly mean or out of character and gives YOU more ooc leeway to pry the character open further.
Now you just askbombed a blog with 4 asks! That's 4 POSTS OF CONTENT! You're happy, they're happy. YIPPEE!
AND IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO GOT AN ASKBOMB, please either return it or spread it to other blogs. Please.
P l e a s e. . .
5. Keeping it fresh.
Like a comic, people gotta come up with new story ideas else the blog stagnates.
If you aren't a story driven blog, letting people do M!As or just do silly 'scenes' and 'situations' work. Think of it like a slice of life or a sitcom.
Shit happens, and your OC is put into it. Let people ask things that help drive them around!
If it's story related, breaking it into arcs and story events will also help you introduce something new per arc and thus, not stagnate!
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6. I am tired of askblogging, and I want to take a break. How do i come back from that?
By, uhh... By just coming back?
There's not really a secret sauce to this, I feel like. Do note I am one of the more well-known askblogs out there, so I can just come back anytime and still have people waiting for me. I know that much. But still, not EVERYONE waits for me, y'know? So I just treat it like I'm starting over. No expectation, no grumpy because people aren't waiting for me. I just write for myself and to entertain, and those who like will come back and those who don't can leave and this is okay. This is normal! Don't lose hope.
It's kind of depressing to say 'just don't expect too much,' but it is actually the mindset you need. Do it for YOU, mainly.
And if you somehow deep, deep down know what you have isn't working out?
It's fine to quit! Or restart. Whatever works for you.
But also, quit with honor! Keep these in mind:
↪ DON'T JUST POOF. Believe me. You may be surprised how many people will be sad you're leaving, and what's worse is leaving things open ended will bite you in the ass. I've seen it happen. THRICE NOW actually. None of them ever ends pretty... I'd suggest just taking a hiatus before breaking the news. ↪ Take note of everyone you plan with, and contact them. Tell them you are quitting, and open up a conversation on what they can do in your absence to not break their story midway. Just- just keep open communications going? It'll suck then but it'll cover your bases. ↪ Tell your followers. Obviously LMAO. ↪ If you have the balls, ask them to anon message you on what you can do better for next askblog. People will be more upfront when they are hidden in anon, so you will get some nasty comments. If you want to pursue better writing/art/askblog and you can take the heat, try it out. If you CANNOT take the heat, DO NOT DO THIS. Especially when you quit for mental health reasons. ↪ This is just me to you, don't delete your blog, man. Just close your asks and let it up for good time's sake. I can't tell you what to do with your blog, though, but I prefer archived blogs over deleted ones.
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7. Last one I promise: HAVE. FUN.
Askblogging isn't a full time job. You do it because it's probably like a lite-comic for you. (me.) Or maybe it's a place to showcase your OCs. (me.) Or maybe it's because you are insane and you just want to yap about stories and humanity and touch that SOUL in everyone and understand complex emotions in niche situations that wrench your guts (also me.)
No matter the answer, have fun. The blog is for you to LARP as your character and interact with others. Find your community, find the people you belong with,
Just have fun. It's your blog, your rules. I am just an old man who likes to see more blogs show up, so whatever your decision is:
Make your own damn fun, okay?
The scene is currently dead, but make one anyway. Just don't expect much from it atm. You will start on Highest Difficulty, and I don't blame you if you can't garner interest no matter what you do.
Decide on your type of askblog. This will be your core, so if you lose motivation you still have the core to fall back onto. Why do YOU want to make an askblog? What is it for you?
Askblog isn't easy to run. You have to keep your eye on trends, other blogs' stories (you are invested in) and events. Some things work and some don't. But most importantly: Post a lot, include pictures if can, send asks and interact a lot with others!
Know how to utilize your asks. They are SCARCE. Don't just throw away asks that 'makes no sense' and try to twist it your needs. b. Additionally, learn how to bait asks by feeding your viewers bits and pieces that makes up a big secret/character of your OC. Give them something WORTH asking. c. ADDITIONALLY throw a lot of asks. Send some in character and a LOT in anon. Make some askblog happy. We need asks, after all.
Keep it fresh. Don't let the blog stagnate.
If you don't think it works out, it's ok to Quit or Restart. But please do it with other people in mind. Quit with dignity.
Finally, HAVE FUN. Do what it takes to keep the fun fresh for YOU.
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For communities, I suggest LiLaira's MC discord community just to find people you can vibe with. You can then do your own smaller discord community to yap MCaskblog with, preferably those you are chill with and can rotate ideas with.
Joining here also will give you access to the Tumblr MCaskblog community, which helps with your MCaskblog feed.
(both are currently low activity though, just a heads up.)
I'm sure there are more communities out there that I don't know of. Just research who are behind them and be careful with what you choose!
I myself is in the above MC discord. If you wanna yap OCs with me, I am the kind of bastard who camps in the oc discuss channel, sooo... I guess I'll be waiting! :D
#mcaskblog#ooc#askblog#just askblogging in general#listen.#this is one of the weird niche hobbies i have in my life#i am a weird outlier with no life#please dont use me as your bible#i will however help you the best I can#good luck in your endeavors!
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🐴 just between you and me... 🐴
they can find one another in a thousand universes~ but they can't talk directly about their feelings...
some brush and style exploration for the commission i'm doing for Cardine's western AU "Never Really Faced My Fears Before" <3 (bonus: character sheets >here<)
#arcane#jayvik#jayce x viktor#jayce talis#viktor arcane#arcane AU#cowboy AU#Rio's a horse in this one and i WUV HER! <3#i don't quite know what i wanna do with the style for this commission#so i'm just sort of experimenting and seeing what feels good#so far i have not gone hard enough~ lol lol lol#but i love horses so i'm really just making excuses to draw them#lol lol lol#pidgy drew
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Finally, a blog introduction!
About Me!
Hi! You can call me DJ or VFO! I am a minor, older than 4 of course so please stay aware of that. The only Socials I have are just a Tumblr and a Discord. But if I ever do get more I will add it here! I love all types of animation, mostly cartoons and stuff but I will probably have a main focus on a show but that doesn't mean I don't still love the others. Something that I will also do is draw my persona, usually in response to an ask but it represents basically my reaction to things, and yes sometimes I will be lazy and not draw the glasses and sometimes I will so interpret it how you wanna. I am definitely a big music freak so if you wanna suggest anything I'm all ears! I am Latina but I do not know Spanish despite me taking it for 5+ years but currently I've been learning Japanese. I also love plenty of stuff in the ocean and anything that's ancient lookin. I'm pretty laid back but somehow also hyper and I could yap about a character or something specific for hours, but I can hold back. I can't really think of anything else to say about myself so..
About the blog!
I started this blog about 2 years ago and it has been quite the journey from where I started to where I am now, with posting nothing to actually starting to serve up the art that I brew up. This is quite a multi-fandom Art Blog that might focus more on one thing more than others so just a heads up. Enjoy your time here and request stuff when my requests are open! If my ask box says requests closed, it doesn't mean you can't ask me questions. Spam liking is fine, don't worry if your doing to much, it's silly to see!!! Maybe sometime in the future I might make another blog for whatever, specific art, an ask blog, anything along those lines, there will also be occasional reblogs from some of my folk, not folk, and chains.This account is SFW!!
My Art!
Noticeably I put "VFO" on all my pieces of art that I post, if any of it gets reposted or taken without credit please let me know! I work hard on some of the art I do. Adding to the requests things I am busy and don't always have the time or energy to draw them, so if I have time and energy to I will do them! I also might do commissions sooner or later when I figure out a good way to do it. I do both traditional and digital, I mainly use my finger on my phone to draw but I'm trying to do stuff more on a tablet and such! Everyday I'm doing more to improve my art and try to learn as much as I can. My art style ranges a lot but I do try and keep it consistent. sometimes it can look like an entirely different person drew it but whether I draw something cutesy one day and something intense the next day I swear it's still me,I'm just trying to find what style or thingy I'm more used to. Only occasionally there will be blood and stuff included in my art but I will always but a TW to make sure people have a heads up. I also typically use more lighter colors for my drawings but sometimes I will change it so the lines are harsher (ex: black instead of the usual brown I use). You are free to ask me for tips and tricks or questions you have about my art because I love helping and giving some creative ideas!
Thats it!
I hope you have a wonderful Day or Night wherever you may be! Or mid day! Or evening! Military time hour your at!!!
Extra info below:
To be able to contact my discord, you would have to be somebody who I've interacted with before and I know you're safe to chat with. you can send me your tag in asks WITHOUT being anonymous or in the Tumblr chat so it is clear and confirmed. it is completely my choice if I decide to add you or not.
If there is more info I can think about, I will add it in my next edit, this was made 7/31/24.
Recent Edit: none
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So back in the day... (a quick search informs me it was 1994) there was a little point and click adventure game called Beneath a Steel Sky. I wasn't a gamer at the time so I didn't play it then, but I did play it later and fall in love with it. I bonded with a previous romantic partner over it, we commissioned art of it, and I bought and played it again when it was re-released for Android/iOS.
It has only recently come to my attention that a sequel, Beyond a Steel Sky, was released in 2020. How I didn't find out about it over the last four years is a fucking mystery but it probably has something to do with how fucked the last few years have been, both on a global and personal scale.
Why should you care?
Because Beyond A Steel Sky is beautiful. I know I have a lot of followers that appreciate a good story-based game, and if you miss the old style of point and click then this does a wonderful job without having quite as much trial and error or wonky logic as a lot of old point and clicks.
It also has the following:
- The setting is a part post-apocalyptic, part dystopian Australia, with a lot of Australian in-jokes for the Aussies and an interesting setting for everyone else.
- Positive representation for plus-sized women and women of colour, most notably Australian First Nations.
- A great sense of humour, both in terms of how you solve problems and just general dialogue.
- The ability to cause absolute chaos and fuck around beyond what is just required of you to progress the story.
- A surprisingly deep and thought-provoking story (I should warn that the first game was light-hearted until about 80% of the way through when it suddenly became much more dark and horrific. The sequel does something similar but is a bit more gradual about it.)
- A great dynamic between the two main characters. Is it a romance? A bromance? Whatever you decide it is wonderfully complex, incredibly codependent, and both heart-warming and heartbreaking at the same time. It should be noted that it is not quite canon, and it is definitely not going to be to everyone's taste considering it is Human/AI and considering some of the things that go down in both games, but I am shipping it so hard right now and absolutely fascinated by the possibilities.
- Neil Newbon. He plays a baddie and is as fabulous as always.
- A robot that writes poetry. And has some of the best lines in the game. I just love Tarquin okay?
- Joey. I know I already listed his dynamic with Foster above, but he is such peak blorbo to me right now that he is his own entry. I mean look at him in one of his many bodies here. Don't you just wanna hug it?

Friend shaped.
To be fair the games aren't perfect. I think you can still play Beneath on GOG, but it is definitely a product of it's time. The character animation in Beyond isn't great, but the art style is cartoony enough that it isn't too distracting.
Now, for the reasons I'm making this post. Obviously I want more people to find and fall in love with these games. If you're into them already, great! Come scream about them with me. If not, the sequel is on sale on both Steam and Playstation at the moment for only a few dollars.
I am also opening up fic requests specifically for Steel Sky right now because there are 0 fics on A03 at the moment. 0. I need to change that. Anything Foster/Joey will be an immediate yes (even if it's Savior Joey) but I will be open to other prompts as well.

#beneath a steel sky#beyond a steel sky#robert foster#bass Joey#fic requests open#game recommendations
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universal artist pet peeves, non-artists take notes!
"Can you draw me?" It baffles me how entitled people are sometimes. It's fine if you're paying for a commission obviously I'm not talking about people who paid, I'm talking about the people that genuinely think they can get away with asking for a free self portrait.
"You're so talented." I wasn't born with natural talent, I've been drawing since I was a little kid. It's years of practice.
"I can barely draw a stick figure." Please just compliment me like a normal human being...
"That's too expensive." Most artists' prices are more than fair. Sure, to you it might just look like pixels on a screen or pencil on paper but to us it's taking time out of our day for you, we could be doing anything else but we're not. If you wanna complain about your $35 full body commission then do it yourself.
"They look like (character name)" For the love of god stop comparing original characters that took hours to draw to stuff that already exists. It's rude. "Oh haha that's cool but that looks like this thing that already exists so basically you're not creative at all." You get me? It's annoying as hell. Unless they're a blatant ripoff just stop.
"Your art style looks too much like (artist name)" It's true some artists like to use other styles as reference, I personally used to really look up to Hiro Mashima's art style but then it developed into its own thing. Unless someone is literally tracing another artist please just stop, nobody "owns" a specific art style just because they're more well known than other artists. We all start somewhere, referencing other artists is a good thing. It gives you an idea of what your goal is.
"Rendering process..." We've all seen certain drawings be memed to hell and back like that one Kaeya drawing, however a lot of these "oh..." "rendering process" comments are directed to actual kids and baby artists, it's gross. You know how many 12-13 year olds have literally quit drawing because of assholes on the internet? If you don't have anything nice to say, shut the fuck up.
"Personally I would (unsolicited advice)" Unless someone asks for constructive criticism, stop. We all have opinions but that doesn't mean you need to express them. Giving random "advice" when it isn't asked for is rude and backhanded as fuck, and really discouraging.
take a shot every time I wrote "unless"
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Hi! I was wondering if you do commission builds ?I’m terrible at building but I have an idea that I really want to see executed. My vamps are neglected so I recently downloaded as much plasma food cc as I could find and I need a moody vampire exclusive bar/restaurant to put it in! Love love love your content and I would gladly pay! 🤞
First of all thank you so much for even considering me to build! Unfortunately I don't do commission builds but a vampire exclusive bar and restaurant sounds like such a cool idea and I'm totally up to building one as its something I've never done before! (no payment necessary) However, I'm quite busy with other projects and irl stuff so I don't want to make promises because I honestly don't know when I'll be able to get to it.
I'd love to get some more input on this though, like what exactly are you looking for (vibe, style, etch) and if this is something you want right away. Feel free to dm me privately if you wanna chat and maybe we can work something out!
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About me :D
hi, hello! to start this blog off I think it would be nice to introduce myself a little, so here go a couple of basic questions about me...
What's your name? I go by Daisy in English (cause it's way cuter and easier than my original name in Polish lol and I really like flowers). But let's say my initials are MP, that's why I sign my artwork with it :D
What are your pronouns? She/Her
How old are you? I'm 22 years old, living that early 20s crisis lol
Do you have a degree in art? Nope, I went to uni for Romance Philology, cause I really enjoy languages, literature and different cultures too. But I've always liked art too as a side project!
So why this blog? Well, I don't really know what I want to do in life, so I decided to make this to start taking it more seriously as a possible actual job or just a way of having a place less chaotic than my insta to show the art I'm proud of sort of like a portfolio (and maybe even some behind the scenes I never shared...)
And what would you like to work in? I feel like a creative space would be cool. Maybe like editorial work, maybe designing stuff for books... idk, but I like the idea of being able to work on many different things instead of doing the same for years on end...
Do you do original art or fanart? Both. I have many ideas, sometimes I get obsessed with a show or something and want to try making fanart for it, but I have many original ideas too!
Is it traditional or digital art? Well, I enjoy both immensely. Because I sort of moved to Poland from Spain I don't have many of my supplies, so I'm resorting to digital more. I use the XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 tablet to draw. The program I use is Medibang Paint (and I am thinking of buying Clip Studio in the future when I have more resources at hand, cause I heard it's really good!) Unfortunately, my laptop is not great at colours, so I really like Medibang for letting me upload to the cloud and letting me deal with the colours on my phone :D (none of this is sponsored btw, I'm just sharing my experience)
How would you describe your art style? "I'm just trying" lol. I don't have one, I just try new and different things and supplies and programs as I feel like it. Many times it depends on what feeling I want the piece to have, so that makes me try and learn new techniques and I really enjoy doing that :D
Do you do commissions? Maybe a store? No, I don't. I'm not ready for something like that yet. Maybe down the line uploading stuff to pages like redbubble could be an option, I don't know much about how any of this works, I'll be figuring it out slowly
Can I message you? Please do, for anything! You wanna be mutuals and share with me silly posts or about a fandom we share? Go ahead! Do you need advice or vent to someone? DMs are open :D
What fandoms are you in? Well, I was in Sanders Sides for a long time, but I don't really go there anymore, maybe when we get more content I might just jump back in, though I still follow Thomas and check his content when I can cause I still enjoy it! I do enjoy figure skating and follow a bit on Yuzuru Hanyu, mostly Then we have my most recent fandoms I am kinda obsessed with: MDZS and BTS. Yeah, wild stuff. Have I drawn anything about them? Not yet really, I do have one MDZS sketch I'm working on, and a couple based on BTS songs, so maybe soon I'll share those here cause I feel quite proud of them so far :D I do enjoy many other series and films, but I don't think I'd be able to just list them cause it's so random. You can always ask if you need a friend to whom you get to be weird to, no judgement, we all be like that! I ranted about BTS to my bestie who knows basically nothing about them for almost a year now and they still love me nonetheless hahahah
(...yeah, so let's leave it at that for now, will update when new things pop in my head)
see you around 💜
#artists on tumblr#daisy talks#introduction#i ramble a lot#and use many parentheses#probs won't do that here as i did on insta before#it's just tiring lol#but tags are kinda fun...#we'll see what happens...
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I have added a mention of this to my description, but here’s an FAQ post for anyone on mobile, I will leave this up and update it if I ever get anymore frequently asked questions that aren’t listed here.
As well, this is almost exactly a copypaste of what is on the page itself:
Some frequently asked questions or just any questions you might wanna know about me and how I make my art and stuff. Hope this helps!
Q. Do you take commissions?
A. I do not and can not take commissions. I did for a short time, but since then I have lost any way of being able to accept any money given to me. On top of that I have received many suggestions and recommendations on how to get around that and take commissions. Unfortunately, I am still unable to do anything and I do not know when I will ever be able to take commissions again.
My deepest apologies, but it does mean a lot that people want to commission me.
Q. Do you take requests/suggestions?
A. Not quite. Occasionally I may ask for possible suggestions or ideas on what or who to draw as I have occasional bouts of artblock due to how bad my brain is.
Additionally: I do not do art trades due to some past people simply bailing on me and never getting their part done as soon as I had finished my part. I have become a bit distrustful of art trades so it's very rare if I may actually take anyone up on the offer.
I do love questions tho, so if you want to see me draw more of a character you can drop me a question about them and I may (not 'will') draw something, although I may take some time to get to it.
Q. What are your thoughts on the 2017 Spiderman cartoon's versions of Mysterio & Doc Ock // the MCU's version of Mysterio?
A. I have not seen either of those two pieces of media. However, personally, I'm not really a fan. The cartoon has a style I'm not fond of, and the designs of the characters also don't appeal to me.
As for the MCU.. I am not a fan at all of that version of Mysterio. It has nothing to do with his appearance, though, as I'm actually quite neutral on that, but the choice of actor visually isn't for me and doesn't feel right at all for the character. On top of that, I also don't care for how he was characterized. It strays too much from his origins in pretty much every other media that includes him.
..That, and I just find him everywhere even if I filter out ffh mcu and the actor's name. Be it on Google images, tumblr, or ao3. It can be a bit annoying seeing him and only him when trying to find classic comic or other general types of Mysterio.
tl;dr I'm not really a fan..
Q. Do you draw n/s//f/w?
A. Absolutely not. I have drawn suggestive things before, but it’s not a lot. It’s certainly not what you’re thinking of, either. If I did draw something more than just simple neck kisses or an implication of something else, I will never post it. (ie, anything “heavily” implying a séxual act..)
My art is always extremely tame. I am uncomfortable with drawing certain things myself, so I do have some respect to give to people who can draw such things haha
update: I made a sideblog but haven’t done anything with it just yet, it is private and I am still deciding on what I want to do with it and how I want to go about it.
Q. Do you have a twïtter or plan on making one?
A. I do not. to have a twïtter would make me uncomfortable and be horrible for my mental health due to a lot of reasons that I’m sure are obvious if you are aware of what twïtter is like. You understand, I hope?
Q. Do you have any other places you post art or that people can follow or join?
A. Sadly I don’t. All I have is tumblr. I do have a discord, but I usually only reserve sharing that with friends. And speaking of I’ve got pretty horrible social anxiety, it’s borderline crippling for me.. I don’t join any servers because of this as I have a horrible habit of getting overwhelmed and just muting the server altogether.. So I’ve just stopped joining them entirely.. I’m sorry!
I do have a few sideblogs connected to this one, however, but only 1 I have been semi-somewhat consistent in posting to every now and again, that blog being my [Wikstrom dedicated selfship blog] (update: this blog is like.. kinda dead, I'm sorry, but I still think of him from time to time.. hubband.....)
Q. Can we make fanart of your sona or oc’s or concepts?
A. Absolutely!! I love and appreciate any and all fanart I get, if you wanna draw something of mine, go for it! Just remember to @ me so I can see it cuz I would love to see whatever you make! ;v;
Q. What programs do you use to make your art?
A. I use an old outdated kindle and my phone. On my kindle I use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, and on my phone I use Medibang Paint. I only have defaults and no custom brushes. I also use GIMP on my laptop for pixel art, sprite animations, and tweaking my art to the final product! All 3 programs are free to install!
Q. What is your orientation and identification?
A. Identification: I am a cis woman. I don’t necessarily like to conform to gender roles, however. I don’t like to perform and present myself with a lot of highly feminine things like makeup or dresses and skirts and heels. My preference is in suits and pants as they are the most comfortable for me.
Orientation: This is something I have been figuring out for years since I joined tumblr and became aware of a lot of terms that exist that fit me far better than the orientations I was given from birth and believed.
I am asexual, aegosexual specifically as a micro-label, as well I am a demi-panromantic with a main lean on preferring men. I may be Borearomantic tho, as in “Gay, but only for you” and I rarely find a woman that gives me that feeling, I have had 2 past crushes that sorta fit with this (one was purely just infatuation and nothing more (also not entirely sure if they identify as such), and the other is a trans man I don’t talk to anymore, I am very happy for him realizing himself tho)
It’s been a wild ride trying to figure myself out over the years.
Q. Are you aware of the whole Jynx thing–
A. YES. yes I am. I am VERY aware of the Jynx controversy and everything. Please.. I just think Jynx is neat and I fully acknowledge the old Jynx design is garbage and ugly and all that. However, I will not change my Jynx gijinka and have fixed that old concept drawing of her from 2017 that people had a problem with. I am still an amateur artist and I am honestly trying my best to get better at drawing!
I acknowledge and learn from my past mistakes.
I am.. very tired. I just wanna appreciate a cute thicc psychic ice princess Pokemon.. I think the design and concept is very unique and deserves more love and respect. I have been doing my best to try and give the world some actually good and respectful Jynx fanart.
“I’d rather be cringe than offensive” -- Something I've been thinking to myself.
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orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
This changes frequently, but right now, it's "It Tore Your Heart Out" by Dirt Poor Robins.
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I'm trying to learn more about status affecting pokémon moves in battles. My two 'mon have hard-hitting physical attacks only at the moment.
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
Only if I'm absolutely grungy and ew.
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I rarely wear jewelry, to be honest. The sensory issues of my autism make them feel very annoying to me...but I want to get my earlobes re-pierced sometime soon; I think I can deal with earrings.
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
I have a half-brother who was already grown up when I was born. My mom had him when she was 19 or 20, and I was born when she was 39. We have different fathers. I am vastly different than him. I love him, and he loves me, but he's kind of an asshole about certain things.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, or activity inspires you most, and how do you express yourself when it does?
Listening to music, devouring new fiction media, writing, drawing, getting art commissions from artists I really like when I can afford it, and spending time with my gals. I feel really cloud nine-y when I'm in my creative groove.
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
I kind of...don't have anything like that with anyone, really? Jeesh. I'm so boring.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
It's a tie between the written word and art pieces. I think it's because I wish I could be that awesome with my own stuff.
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
Well, it's fairly straightforward. I'm enby and I have 2 'mon. Doesn't get much simpler than that.
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I have changed incredibly since I was younger. I was impulsive, didn't pay attention much to the world around me (always stuck inside my head, maladaptive daydreaming and disassociating), and had at least mild PTSD from certain things -- mainly my dad.
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Nope? I can just find all the things I've loved on the Internet again? Sorry. Nothing too dramatic here...wait! There was that one children's book I adored as a kid where a Galarian ponyta who was abnormally pink couldn't grow a horn or something, and I was so taken by the book's art style...I've never been able to find it again.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset, or tired?
It usually shows on my face. It's hard for me to fake expressions; thus, my face is an open book when I'm really feeling something forreal.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Stuff that I've mentioned wanting, I suppose. I try not to ask too much of people anymore, so I just kinda keep these wants to myself nowadays. I used to be called selfish and greedy as a kid all the time and I just, don't wanna be that way again. But if someone asks I'll gladly tell 'em that I would like some more nice things for Nox and Delphine. My persian are my life.
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
I'm pretty sure going up against gym leaders and then possibly the Elite Four of Unova is mundane enough since so many people try it. I don't know about the actual champion, but I would like to attempt to be a real trainer one day. My gals and I have been in a few battles for fun against others, and I'm pretty sure that's why they've evolved when my childhood meowth companions didn't; they quite simply have received more diverse life experiences than those ones ever did.
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
I really like learning about this ancient guy named Volo from back when the Sinnoh region was still referred to as Hisui. He's long dead by now but he seems like the kinda lunatic Rotomblr would go nuts over if he was fictional or something.
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
Everything in my studio apartment is pretty bare-bones. A bed, a couch, a coffee table, and a desktop computer on a desk. Everything else is for my gals' comfort -- scratching posts, toys, water dispensers, food bowls, et cetera. It's not a fancy home, but it gets the job done for a decent amount of rent.
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
I have a bunch of playlists but none of them are for that purpose. I do have a personal playlist though that has many songs that I associate with my real life. The first song on it is "It's Alright" by Mother Mother.
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
I'd tell them about the two purrloin kittens (one girl, one boy) I found a few weeks ago, which I gave to a local no-kill shelter last Saturday after about a week of keeping them in my apartment with the gals. They had no microchips, so there wasn't really any hope of finding their previous owners -- they were so clean and well-fed, they must've had an owner. Oh well, they're gonna be adopted now, I'm sure.
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hey I loved your wedding art so much I was gonna take a look at your commission post(even tho I know I don't have any money lmao) but I just saw they are closed now oof but anyways thought I would let you know your art is amazing and keep it up!!! Also, I just saw that you're a self taught artist and I've been trying to get into it too so can you maybe guide me a bit? like any resources that helped you and anything you think will help me learn on my own?
Hey there lovely anon! Awww… thank you thank you thank you!!! You’re an amazing Nonnie too XD Sorry I have to close it since the list of commission are getting quite long, and since I’m back in Uni, I’ll get busy with studying a bit. Right now I’m still trying to do my best on finishing all of the commissions while I still have some free time.
Wow! Ganbatte Nonnie! You’re gonna be great artist. I know you can! Mmmm..the tips that I’m about to share is a bit long. heee… I hope you’ll find this useful XD
Great Effort and Practice, Practice, Practice! I hope you’re not getting sick with the word ‘Practice’, but that’s the reality. Nobody can just ace in something without a tonnes of practice. Try to draw something daily, even if it’s just some messy doodle in class, it still count as practice.
Watch YouTube tutorials. There’s actually many tutorials that you can found on YouTube. Seriously, they are ALL AMAZING! I don’t have any YouTuber preferences, cuz I tend to watch randomly, just any vids that I think interesting. When I was still noobies with digital art, YT vids are the most helpful thing in my life! I actually learn how to use layers, tricks, drawing hacks and etc. from YT.
Referencesssssss…. for startup, this is the most important thing. You may be able to envision on what to draw in your mind, but somehow, when you want to start drawing, it just turns out blank cuz you don’t know how to do it. Drawing doesn’t have to just be about drawing whatever you imagine and tadaaa it’s done, sometimes you need references. In the past, I just referred from comic books, and some art magazine. There’s no Internet at my house at the time lol. I try to draw like in the comic, something like same pose but different hair or outfit. Well, now it is much easier. Everything is on the Internet. OH! I found this one amazing website which have great references if you want to practice on figure drawing, just click here! You can customize the settings whether u want to practice on facial expression, or hands, or body poses, or even animals. (WARNING: There’s nudity in there, but you can switch it off on the setting) It’s totally AWESOME!!!
Take a break in awhile. There will be times that you feel like you’re not making any progress. Your drawing sucks. It’s ugly. Why you can’t make it beautiful like his/her drawing? Why people kept criticizing your arts but exactly all you wanna do is make them happy. You can’t draw anything cuz you’re having the artist block. You starting to feel down and you want to give up. Yeah, I’ve been there. and still do. But don’t worry, it will pass. If you feel like things are getting pretty stressed up, just take a break. Try to do other things. Well, I prefer to just watch some movies, or blast some songs and sing my heart out, talk to someone I’m close to, or just go to sleep. Sometimes, all you need is just rest. Or maybe a hiatus to clear your mind. But don’t make it too long, cuz it could took quite some time to gain back your drawing skills (I learn it from my hiatus a while ago..I kindof forgot how to draw faces, but it came back after a while hehe ^^).
Make a Personal Sketch Book. Sketchbook is like a necessity to me. It’s more like for doodles and some gibberish stuff I make up in there, but still it’s where I pour out everything I hold inside of me. If you’re creative enough, you can decorate it with stickers and washi tape etc. But I prefer mine to be just as it is. This book totally helpful if you want to look back on your old drawing or doodles, and even improving your art style. Any book that you’re comfortable to draw in it is cool. So far, I have three sketchbooks in my collection. Seriously, you will be super impress when you look back on your old sketchbook ^^ It’s FUN!
I think that’s all I can think of. I would love to hear more from you, Nonnie!💕💕💕
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Vulture took a deep breath once hearing Ao's answer. He had to tell them.
"Well, there's several reasons. I put my base of operations there. There are still golden eggs in Alterna that have to be returned to their families. It has human knowledge. It's Xingxi's home- she's a friend of Biela's, human turned to Octoling, long story." He lists off.
"There's one more thing, and it's probably the most important. I didn't even realize it until Tara paid me a visit, but...." He closes his eyes briefly. "Alterna has something called a directional course. It's what Tara was after, it's why she arrived.
"I didn't know how important it was, but I'm glad I locked it somewhere safe, somewhere that not even Tara could surmise its location. It's....a charted path. One for a rocket. A rocket that successfully launched into space, or so I believe." He takes his hair out of the messed up ponytail, letting it rest on his shoulders. "I don't know how it ended up in Alterna. Perhaps it was hidden there, or left as a clue. But....this directional course could lead us to what I think are the last of the humans in my world.....which is exactly why she needs it. She's actively hunting humans down. She wants us to go extinct, for some sadistic reason. But I know that if she finds that, humans are as good as gone." He jabs his finger into the table. "I need to get back to Alterna. My race quite literally depends on it."
Vulture grumbles, rubbing his temples. "I know you're right. Unfortunately, according to Miss Marie, a lot of the Squidbeaks are out of commission. The only one available is Mirage- the new Agent Three, if I'm remembering right. They've done plenty for me. They went through hell and back to make sure our world didn't get covered in apocalyptic hair. They're more than qualified." He looks up at the two. "They also apparently sniped Tara's watch to stop the clones so we could escape. They did want me to relay a message to you personally....they wanted me to say 'You're welcome, jerks'."
"And uh.....they're also doing all the paperwork. Ironically. No one else does paperwork in the Splatoon, apparently. Regardless, I'll have to get in touch with Marie. Can't wait for that."
Vulture fidgets in his seat. "Might as well. Since we're together now.
When Ao gives him the pin, he lets the explanation settle in his head. A firm nod follows. "Right. Thank you."
He had a feeling Mirage might need quite a bit of respawning if the situation was bad. Tara had a lot of time to push defenses up should they attack.
"S-Sergio!" Vulture coughed, having choked on a chip (or a fry, to him) at his suggestion. "I....you can do that? And....that's kinda intense, even for you...."
He huffs after Ao responds. "Yeah, no. I'm not making you go through that, even if you're not technically dying. Trust me, we're reserving all the pain for her. So there's no need. Besides, if one of us doesn't do her in, I guarantee you Lutarna is going to execute her Mortal Kombat style. She looked really mad when she took us back home."
He sits back in the chair and crosses his arms, eyes closed. He's in deep thought. "How do we go about this, I'm no strategist...."
Then a light goes off in his head. He pulls out his phone, which luckily still had enough battery for a phone call. He quickly presses a phone number in, and puts it up to his ear.
"Hey, Biela.....yeah, yeah, it's me- listen, I need to talk to Xingxi...yes, I know, I'm sorry, I know you wanna talk. Just- just put her on. Please. Now. Thank you." He groans into the speaker, and pulls it away from his ear to put it on the speaker. The two might want to hear her input.
The audio crackles, and a soft-spoken girl began to speak. "Hello? Professor?"
"Hey! I just wanted to ask you about something. We're planning an invasion, of sorts, and given you lived in Alterna before...."
"Leave it to me!" She chirps. "What do you need to know?"
"Are there any other passages that lead into Alterna other than the main entrance?"
"Oh! Well, there was the tunnel, but I heard from Mirage that it collapsed." She responded. "Buuuuut.....I think I remember one."
"Mhm. It's not my favorite method to get in, but it's a method. Pretty big too!"
"Which is??"
"Humans have to dispose of their....waste somewhere, correct? So it was one of the elder's orders that we install sewer systems underneath Alterna. And it was completed!"
"The sewers....of course!" He gasped.
"It probably WILL stink....but if you're planning to invade the rocket without detection, it's your only shot. I think there were several manholes on the surface that connected to it. I can text you some locations, if you'd like."
"That would be great! Thank you, Xingxi. This was incredibly helpful." He laughed a little at the end.
"Just be careful, and well prepared as well! You can do it!"
Shuffling beyond the call. "VULLY!!! Are you going to beat that girl's butt? Don't leave me behind!"
"I won't...."

Mirage received a short and rather cryptid message from Vulture. Grumbling, they rapidly type a response.
[With what??]
[I’m trapped in a tunnel near Alterna. A secondary passage. A small earthquake occurred and I can’t move the rocks that fell on me.]
[HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO DO THAT??????] They pause before typing once more. [Okay. Where is this tunnel? I’m gonna need to bring help]
[Remember how I upgraded your wristwatch after the events of Alterna? You should have access to ORCA commands. Ask it to give you the coordinates of the secondary passage to Alterna. It’ll tell you. Can’t talk too much. I need to conserve my phone battery.]
[Okay….see you in a bit. You realize you worry everyone with your antics, right?? Yeesh]

Mirage looked away from the phone for a minute in thought. Would those Maguro guys mind helping this bumbling scientist again? Might as well give it a shot.

They dial Mr. Ao’s number.
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I currently run a webcomic and don't have lots of regular readers at this time. However, my designs can stand alone without any context- they're very cutesy and I feel like they're merchable. I got invited by a friend to split a table at a local con very early next year- it would be my first con ever. I've been thinking of pulling the merch-trigger, but now I have a reason- should I do it? I'm thinking of doing charms, stickers, and buttons featuring my characters, and mini prints.
Kiriska: If you want to do it, do it.
I’m always 100% for people creating things they wanna create just because they want to create it – but this must always come with the understanding that it’s perfectly possible that no one else wants that thing.
This is even true if your primary motivation for the thing is financial. Like, maybe you already have an understanding that not everyone is gonna like your webcomic, but you feel that despite this, your characters are cute and “merchable” and maybe they can appeal to an audience who doesn’t necessarily know about or care about your webcomic. Maybe this will be true! Maybe it will entice people to ask about or check out the comic! Maybe it won’t.
Sometimes you make something great and it doesn’t take off even though you think it might for x and y reason – and that sucks, but then at least you can say you did it, and then you can take what you learned from that experience to tweak the thing based on various factors. (Maybe they need to be more cute; maybe they need to be less cute, idk; you can’t get feedback on a thing before you create it.)
And as always, go in knowing that creating anything with the intent to sell is a financial risk. You might make the money back. You might not.
So! As long as you can accept 1) you might not sell the thing, and 2) you might not make back what you spend on the thing – go for it, absolutely.
Nattosoup: Hey fellow comic buddy! I’ve been doing this with 7″Kara and Kara merch for years!
Here’re some photos of my adorable wooden charms, all of which are original characters, and quite a few feature Kara.
Here’s a link to my physical comic- I launched as a print comic in 2014, and have recently launched as a webcomic this year! Having a print comic at cons can really help sell other merch- and I offer a buy a book, get a free wooden charm deal. At some shows, 7″ Kara Vol 1 sells really well, at others, not so much. When it comes to selling original content, you’re going to have to ramp up your charm and engagement levels- customers are taking a risk with an unknown property.
Here’re a few examples of the Kara mini prints I offer. I also offer fanart min prints, but the Kara minis do well also! Mini prints are so affordable, I can experiment with style and variety, and throw in a few free with commissions.
I also sell original watercolor pieces- both fanart and original concept. Although these don’t always move, I can charge more for them and they help sell the notion that I am a traditional media artist.
All of my branding is Kara related- from my laminated price signs to my banners, and I feel like this also helps with Kara merch sales. It makes it clear what my focus is, and presents an opportunity for customers to ask questions. Some artists find it helps to cosplay as one of their characters. I already get enough questions about whether Kara is supposed to be me (nope), so I don’t want to add to the confusion.
To help sell books, I have a huge portfolio full of my original watercolor (!) comic pages out. This really helps draw in new customers. You could do something similar perhaps with printed pages from your webcomic- especially if you don’t have a print book out. Something physical for people to flip through presents a tangible memory.
For more table and setup inspiration, check out my convention portfolio!
A few things to keep in mind:
Having some fanart at your table, especially fanart for series you enjoy, will bring people who might not otherwise check out your work over to the table. Fanart tends to be bright and eyecatching, and has a general appeal, and I’ve had a lot of customers swing by for the fanart and stay for the comic.
Selling original content is hard- you’re more invested in it emotionally. Try not to take slow sales personally- it’s hard to get people to try new things.
You represent your work- the work will not sell itself. Go out of your way to make sure your table design is appealing and inviting.
Consider offering other things in addition to comic merch.
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Yo yo, saw you followed and I followed back, I suck at human basics but thanks for following, my blog is a royal mess that has no theme so hope you don't mind it. Let's see... What about to give me a brief bio of you? Anything you wanna share, feel free to make it public or not, I have no shame in showing my real face (avatar is me) and my real name as nick and I never use anon so go wild!
Sorry for answering this so late!!
I love your blog, and mine doesn’t have a theme either so it is a-okay!
And hmmm, a bio about me...
I’ll just give a little rundown and I might end up going into too much detail!
Well, my name is Eli, I’m 21, I live in North Carolina, I’m a medical student, a total math and science nerd, and I love all of my f/os. (ps I now have a link in my bio to my f/o list! and I will be updating it with platonic ships as well very soon)
I enjoy writing, sleeping even though I’m an insomniac, meeting new people regardless of my anxiety, and obsessing over fictional characters.
I am a terrible procrastinator.
I am pretty handy with physical things, so I am decent with making things. I do a lot of cosplay commissions for horns, armor, wig styling, and props! That being said, I don’t have an artistic bone in my body when it comes to actually painting on a canvas. I can paint on objects pretty well, but my ‘doodles’ look like a kindergartener threw up on a pencil. That was a terrible simile, but you get my point. And no that’s not even one of those things where I actually have decent art but I say that I just have no interest in pursuing art and it isn’t my strong suit. That ALSO being said, I love commissioning artists! Because I can’t make art! But I love art!
I have zero social skills and am probably one of the most awkward people you will ever meet. But I also don’t bite and my messages are always open if anyone wants to talk, rp, or gush about f/os! I’m kinda funny sometimes but I am also really awkward. I can be super outgoing once I feel more comfortable with a situation.
I am a dancer, and my favorite dance is Lindy Hop. I’ve only been doing Lindy for about a year and a half, but it has quickly grown into one of my favorite passions. Along with Lindy, I also do Argentine Tango, bachata, salsa, collegiate shag, solo jazz, and balboa.
I was a gymnast for 12 years but I got too tall and it fucked my body over, so I quit, though I have severe joint damage now. The only perk to this is that I’m pretty damn flexible ;))))))
I don’t know what else to say, but if you or anyone has any specific questions, feel free to ask!
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