Short Film Concept Development
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Hello, My Name is Cyd. Here is where I will post the collection of the process work to put towards a short film.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Storyboard pt.2
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Storyboard pt.1
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Forest Color Palette Progression Test
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Here are some rough color thumbnails of the forest color palette.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Storyboard Sketches
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Forest Guardian
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
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Ember's Character Design, Action sheet, and Expression sheet.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
House Layout in Sims 4 (first attempt)
At first, I tried modeling the house from scrap in Blender, but it was taking too long and I was getting frustrated. I took a break and started playing The Sims 4 and realized I could visualize it there.
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This first attempt is a bit too large and to get things where I visualized I had to break The Sims. I am working on making the "model" minimalistic for my second attempt and adding everything in a finalized layout design (digitally drawn). One day I hope to conquer Blender to do a better layout.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Forest concepts
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Here are some concepts for the forest scenery, I wanted to make the color palette transition from an analogous color scheme of oranges to a complimentary of orange and blue. The forest size should all the more dwarf Ember's size to make her seem more child like.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Ember's Design Journey
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The evolution of Ember's design
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Early Concept Sketches
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Here are some Sketches of the first looks at Ember and the Beats(name tbd). As well as some size references
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Treatment Version 2
Ember was left out, but it wasn't anything to trouble her. Being younger and a middle child in an extensive family typically made that normal occurrence. At the age of 10, Ember was used to it and learned to enjoy her own company. Ember's most recent hobby was leafing through books about myths regarding her village. She came upon a book titled, Mythical Creature Lore. The page of The Beast intrigued her the most. Conceivably obtaining documentation of it would provide some form of recognition in her family. Hence, Ember put together a bag with everything she needed. Especially, packing her camera to document the expedition. Ember left a note of the fridge for her parents and set off.
The forest was not too far away from the edge of town, reading the notes Ember had made, she traveled. The forest quickly turned from brilliant oranges and reds of fall to deep blues and purples. She pulled out her camera to capture photos of the trees. A trail of brightly glowing flowers caught her eye picking one and including it in her notebook. Ember followed the trail deeper into the forest.
Laying between the rubble and overgrown foliage, the beast slept. His massive form was lit by the sun filtering in from the leaves above. A twig snapping causes them to lift an ear. The snapping sound continued. Their eye lazily opened, Ember reflected in them. At the moment the beast's eyes slowly close before snapping open in alarm of a human child in this part of the woods. The creature reared back producing a yawn-like rawr, as Ember stood in awe. If only she could have gotten her camera out fast enough before it had walked away.
Ember had returned the next day to find the beast in the same spot. She snuck up to it to take photos but could never get its face. All the angles she took seemed just like photos of a bush and Ember was running out of film.
Being unable to get a photo of the beast no matter how long she follows it deeper into the woods. Ember gets lost, unable to find her way back. Going round and round in circles until the beast helps her back. She comes back with food and snacks to share, and spends time with the beast documenting their time together with photos that are clear and you can see it.
But in her home her family finds the photos and stop Ember from going out to protect her. A beast like this shouldn't exist so close to the village. So they decide to get rid of it.
Ember gets between her family and the beast showing that she no longer wants to be recognized by a family who don't listen or try to understand at the cost of hurting someone else. In the eyes of the beast her family can see how much it cares for their child and wants to protect her in return.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Logline and Theme Version 2
Trying to make herself seen within her Family Ember goes out to find a legendary beast to prove herself. Little does she know that the beast will teach her that she doesn't need the approval of others to feel whole in herself.
Ember, being a part of a large family tends to get lost in the mix. Normally she's okay with being on her own, but it's getting harder to cope with it. To distract herself she goes on an adventure through the wood to find a "mythical beast". Litte does Ember know the creature exists right outside her own town. At first, she is unable to get pictures to show to her family. Feeling upset out that Ember's one chance to stand out is slowly slipping away. Ember gets lost in the woods and after what seems like hours of wandering gets help from the beast. With food and activities as thanks, she gets more familiar with the beast and they become fast friends. During their time together Ember takes photos that are crystal clear. These photos are found by her family who tries to stop and warrant her from seeing this creature due to how dangerous it is. Ember realizes that this isn't the type of attention she wanted. That the beast being comfortable and happy is more important to her than her family's recognition. She had finally found a place she belonged and she wasn't going to give that up. Ember stands between the monster and her family protecting the two things she loves the most. With her small body, she had protected them from each other and created two places where she can be herself and feel at home.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Story Beats
Child hiking through the forest book in hand.
In the book, it reads of a monster.
Kid searches through the forest (a novice adventurer).
Stumbles upon the monster
The monster startled roars and runs away.
With determination, she goes out again
she follows the monster
watching and trying to get close with no avail
the monster keeps its distance
the monster keeps an eye on her though not afraid anymore
The child scribbles over the book in crayon, adding papers and notes to change the image to their view.
With each addition to the book, the monster softens/changes.
the forest brightens
Ember was always adventurous, hunting things from cursed frogs to buried treasure in her backyard. Her most recent adventure takes her to the woods outside her town. In the woods outside Ember's town lives a monster. All the information on this creature is written in a book she had found. Ember travels through the woods to her first encounter. Despite a brief encounter not at all as the book had described, Ember returns the next day. Tailing the creature close behind marking up the pages in the book. Despite the distaste for humans described, the monster takes care of Ember as she follows them. They help each other and get comfortable with each other. With the passing time, the appearance of the monster softens. The time spent with Ember allowed for them not to be the monster others believed them to be.
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cyd-the-kid · 4 years ago
Concept Idea
An idea I was pondering consisted of a child and their monster friend. A telling of their first meeting and the child teaches this monster that he can define himself by what he believes himself to be. The story goes for an alternative look at imposter syndrome and viewing oneself as lesser than they are. The monster deals with the outside views of the faceless villagers and the self-hatred within themselves. The only way that the monster stops viewing itself as such, is with a fresh outside perspective represented in the child.
With the help of child-like wonder, an ostracized monster feels that he has a place in this world.
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