#i don't even hate steven universe
queernobi · 3 months
The thing about the Diamonds in Steven Universe is that they really had the potential to be extremely compelling and interesting villains, and then they just. Weren't.
They had a few episodes where they got to be intimidating and badass genocidal dictators, and then they were just sad but cringy aunts whose genocidal past just. Doesn't matter, I guess?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not even necessarily against a story where there's inflated stakes like "my family is committing genocide" and there being a "redemption" that is less about the actually redeeming the character and more about progressing another character or completing that other character's arc (a la Darth Vader with Luke Skywalker), but like. You have to then try to make the stakes FEEL personal. And the Crewniverse really doesn't do that with the Diamonds.
I don't end up caring that Steven and the Diamonds are technically family because we get 145 episodes of the series where we understand them as genocidal dictators who are bent on destroying the planet, then 5 episodes dealing just with the fact the Steven's mom was actually a Diamond without thinking about the family tree, and THEN we only get 5 episodes acknowledging that, oh yeah, I guess the Diamonds are family too, so we have to help them settle their family issues!
If we take the example of Star Wars, we have a whole movie to reckon with the revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and multiple (sometimes even heart-wrenching) moments with Luke grappling with this, from confronting Obi-Wan's ghost, to confronting Yoda, to even confronting Darth Vader himself. And even when other things are taking the focus, like rescuing Han or taking out Storm Troopers on Endor, it still figures heavily in the background, that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and nothing about this conflict can be the same for him (Luke).
We don't really get a lot of time to think about it with the Diamonds. It's just, "Oh yeah, these people suck," for 99% of the show, then suddenly it switches gears to be like, "no wait, but they're my FAMILY!!!!" and it never really has a chance to breathe or settle with the audience.
And no, this is not something that can be blamed on the show getting cancelled, because the redemption STILL could have had a lot of weight by, you know...letting the Diamonds actually get destroyed in the end! But of course that was never going to happen, so 🤷🏻
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"We want more morally grey/flawed female characters"
You bitches can't handle APPLE WHITE!
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like people keep saying "you couldn't even handle rose quartz" but this is even more pathetic to me. How can y'all make this kid into a monster?
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elwolfen · 2 days
God... Steven Universe is so good
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batemanofficial · 2 months
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me refraining from going on a tirade about how "freeze" and "fawn" aren't parasympathetic nerve responses every time i see that poll
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calypsolemon · 9 months
I'm curious what your thoughts are on the pink being overcooked and the bizarre idea of her that she was supposed to come out not as pink or red but white
ehh? I don't think any of that makes any sense. For one, why would White create a clone of herself like that, and could she even? It seems to me from the way she describes Pink and the other diamonds, that she views them as something like impurities or aspects she purged from herself, and while that's not entirely the case, I think it helps explain how gem production works in a "biological" sense. She also describes stretching her essence thin enough to control like, what, six? gems, as something she doesn't like to do, which tells me it's really something that isn't good for her to maintain for too long. So I assume to create another diamond of pure, unfiltered White light, would be to essentially put all of herself into another gem. And I don't see why she would bother to do any of that.
I also just think with how ableist gem society is, even if Pink was a red diamond that came out weird or something, I don't think she would have been allowed or expected to actually rule a colony or act as a diamond period. Gem society shatters gems that are born unable to fullfill their purpose. Especially back in Pink's time, when resources seemed abundant. White is way too much of a perfectionist control freak to let something like that pass imo.
No, really what makes the most sense to me, is that White created all the diamonds (and potentially, all of gem society) in an attempt to rid herself of emotions and personality quirks that she deemed imperfect, or hindering her in some way. All of them turned out exactly as intended, personality flaws and all, and so that White can control these "flaws" externally by discipline and force, rather than deal with them internally as part of her. This both aligns with what she says on the subject, and thematically coheres with the rest of the story, as it's the exact opposite purpose for Rose having Steven.
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captainsweet · 8 months
I'm confused how me writing some request somehow ended up with most of the cast being dictators, a literal war happening, literal slavery and tons of racism, and so many other sucky things. But then again, they did request it to be Steven Universe based, so... What else do you expect.
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tooies · 2 years
i really don't understand how killing stalking fans can even sleep at night knowing that every single character from steven universe hates them
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oatmealaddiction · 8 months
Rant time, but like, people who complain about the diamonds in Steven Universe getting "redeemed" and "facing no consequences" like, why did you ever think the diamonds getting destroyed was on the table as an option? Why did everyone think the show was going to end with Steven fighting and killing the diamonds, or the universe dolling out some Hayes Code Karma Violence like a giant rock falling on them at the last second? Like I guess I understand the criticism in theory that Steven Universe's metaphor for the diamonds as toxic family members falls apart when you consider they're crimes as space monarchs doing a colonialism, but Steven isn't The Avatar. At no point in the show does he even have the power to doll out the punishment you guys want.
Steven *does* try to fight the diamonds, and he gets his ass kicked. He gets smashed under his own shield and knocked out. His mom forms an entire army to fight them and LOSES and has almost all of her friends corrupted by them. The Diamonds are bigger, badder and stronger than The Crystal Gems (kind of like how adults are bigger and stronger than children.) So instead, he reveals his identity as Pink and the Diamonds immediately stop trying to kill him and the show instead pivots to be about political diplomacy. He doesn't like the diamonds, by the time Future rolls around we find out that he hates them and has private thoughts about killing them even now that that they don't pose any threat. But during the show he's powerless and so instead, talking to them and trying to change their mind is just a practical option because fighting hasn't worked. Because in the real world, there are times you will be outmatched and violence won't be the answer—even if the people hurting you probably do deserve violence.
And the diamonds aren't "redeemed," they just change their mind. They just decide that they want to keep Pink in their lives, so they begin to take accountability and undo the damage that they caused with their war, and presumably will spend the next thousands of years of their lives dismantling their own empire. And again, Steven Universe Future discusses the discomfort and the downside of this approach, that even if it's better and harm is actively being undone, the diamonds can't resolve all the harm they've done and Steven largely doesn't feel like he's gotten justice for what they did to him and his mother—much less the universe. So I don't get where anyone gets off saying this story is irresponsible or saying you should just forgive bad people. I don't see that anywhere in the story. The theme of Universe has always been the necessity of change, and so it makes sense that the villains aren't forgiven or revealed to be good people—but that they just change.
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rottmnt-residuum · 4 days
Hi, I've read the Residuum comic, and I think the characterization of the boys is really good. I was wondering if you have any tips on how to write them? Especially Mikey, please.
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I'd actually recommend re-watching the show with one character in mind. All my notes on the turtles come from doing separate re-watches for each of them. The key is to ONLY watch the character you are focusing on.
In the end, you'll probably be happier with your own personal interpretation. As we are with ours lol
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Massive post under the cut
To preface: we'll be contrasting (this Mikey) against the fandoms version of Mikey, as our interpretation is very different. Don't worry if you prefer the fandom version, there's nothing… wrong per se with writing him this way. We just find him flat and uninteresting. (Main author: not me, I just hate him, lol).
Every reader or fan comes into a story with their own biases and experiences. A ton of our view of Mikey is based on how our siblings acted. We see Mikey as the young sibling that got preferential treatment from the whole family, simply due to being the youngest, but is now aging out of the privilege. Which all youngest siblings do at some point or another.
The fandoms version of Mikey is empathetic, naive, vulnerable, co-dependent and quite often a door mat who cries at the drop of a hat. And as much as the fandom like to say that people love him… when this particular character archetype is in other media, they seem to attract the most criticism. Mable pines, Bolin from Korra, people rag on Aang all the fucking time, and Steven Universe is a whole other bag. These characters don't deserve it, and yet it happens anyway.
To flatten Mikey to simply 'the baby' is a disservice. We don't see or write Mikey as the fandom “baby” version (cinnamon roll uwu). Part of this comes from having multiple siblings, so we interpret the times when Mikey does the puppy dog eyes as typical younger sibling bullshit, mostly by the way that the other turtles rarely react to it, if at all.
The other turtles traits can also get projected onto Mikey. Mikey being the fandom therapist is in the same category as this. He isn't a therapist, he's a psychology nerd who likes to psychoanalyze people and meddle in their relationships. (Donnie and Shelldons relationship, Splinter and Draxums...) he's not trying to resolve your emotional issues. Of the turtles, the character that cares the most about people's feelings is Raph. And Leo is more of a consoler than Mikey ever is. It flattens all the turtle's characterizations when you start doing this because you are ripping out parts that are integral to another characters' complexity.
Co-author has told me that they've seen people become confused when going into the show after only reading fan fiction or coming from the movie. They see his characterization as inconsistent and become upset when their view of him is contradicted. This also happens when a fandomized version of him becomes the primary characterization that they use. Sometimes when this disconnect happens (or if they just don't like the character), Mikey characterization is swung in the complete opposite direction.
They make him manipulative and abusive, or someone who is hyper violent and avoids being held accountable for anything. This is an uncharitable interpretation of him and can come off as pretty racist depending on the circumstances. (like if someone considers the turtles black or not)
Every version of Mikey is a shithead (affectionate), even this one. Especially this one, really. When Mikey not doing the "baby schtick" hes mean. If you pay attention to what he's saying, and just not his tone of voice, he's consistently saying pretty mean or condescending stuff. (You could take this as simply naïveté, but he still says mean shit pretty often regardless)
The times he does say genuinely nice stuff the turtles don't exactly expect it from him, at least, in the early season. And while he is mean, and seems to find saying mean things to be funny, Mikey isn't cruel. Nor will he ever be.
This shit-headery behavior is found in both 2003 and 18 Mikey. They have a degree of social intelligence that lets them use it to annoy people into doing what they want. 18 just has the advantage of being baby faced and having better tonal control. He's good at using people's perception of him to get what he wants.
Let Mikey have his problematic traits, but don't overexaggerate them. He doesn't revel in fooling people. He loves doing character bits, and the baby faced one just happens to be one of them. However, to infantilize or to deem him incompetent is to piss him off, he wants to be viewed as a competent part of the team and competent as an individual. He's not insecure about being young, he just doesn't want to be treated like he can't do anything.
Mikey above all is an optimistic character, he sees the brighter side quite often and is conscious of the harm his actions have on people. Mostly after the fact, but he consistently attempts to rectify the harm he has personally done to peoples lives. (Todd, Bullhop, Draxum). Food and shelter seems to be a thing that he considers to be a right. He doesn't cross a boundary twice once he learns of it, and he never pushes people too far (if he likes you, that is. if he doesn't know you or doesn't like you, he doesn't give a singular shit. But that is standard to most people.). He doesn't care about people's stuff, though. He breaks things all the time.
Mikey understands boundaries, but he doesn't automatically recognize them. He needs them to verbalized or for there to be a very obvious reaction to the boundary being crossed (unfortunately, for Todd and Donnie). Sometimes people mess up (esp. younger people), and it can take a while for teens to learn where boundary is, but he fully respects the boundaries he does know about. He doesn't act petulant when he's told about boundary, he apologizes, accepts it, and moves on. He doesn't dwell.
Mikey doesn't hold on to distressing emotions. He bounces between emotions quickly, but isn't effected in the long run. One thing Iv'e seen people often conflate is the difference between sensitive and vulnerable. Mikey is sensitive, but I have never seen him vulnerable to others. To be sensitive is to be easily influenced by the current situation. To be vulnerable is to hold that influence for a long time. Characters can have one, both, or neither of these traits. But Mikey is not vulnerable. It is the difference between compressing memory foam and a piece of metal until they deform. One will pop back, the other does not.
Those who are vulnerable but not sensitive will take longer to effect, but once you do, they will hold on to that emotion for a very long time. The vulnerable, are grudge holders. (leo). But like I've said, Mikey bounces back. What a character does has an effect on his emotions, but it doesn't make a lasting impression.
Forgiveness is another thing people like to push on him. It is not that Mikey forgives people easily, it's just that he doesn't hold grudges. He neither forgives nor forgets, but he does not ruminate. He's generally affable, first impressions seem to be a big part of how he views people. He is idealistic, and doesn't assume people are unchanging and/or evil, but he's not a mark.
Mikey isn't so much as naive or overly trusting… it's just that he's inexperienced. He doesn't get fooled by anyone in the series except meat sweats, and that's because Meatsweats is on Todd drugs. Mikey just didn't notice when he started faking. He's not… actually all that aware of people's emotional states, passively. He has to tune in to notice things like that.
Mikey isn't someone who really tries to regulate others emotions, either. The fandom like to make Mikey afraid of his brothers fighting and others being upset, but Mikey doesn't actually care. The most distressed we ever see him in a fight is in the movie, and he's not SCARED, he's just concerned (and then alarmed once it turned physical). If anything, outside extenuating circumstances (like the movie), Mikey actually seems to find their fights annoying.
(Mikey actually seems to have a pretty short fuse, but his bounciness doesn't really let it linger very long, lmao)
(One pet peeve of fandom Mikey is the constant crying, crying at fights, crying at insults, crying for no reason all the time. Sure, he tears up when he gets emotional, but when Mikey is genuinely crying It's when he's desperate, like when he's hungry, or when he's trying to save Leo from certain doom. Same thing, really.)
Mikey respects no one (we love him for this). He admires people, he admires his family: April, the turtles, his dad, Lou Jitsu. He admires Rupert Swaggert, but he respects none of them. No one is sacrosanct to the Mikey.
Above all, the way we write characters is to give them a past that informs how they act now. We view Mikey and the other turtles as teenagers that were kids, and that will be adults. Yes they all have “problematic” traits, but 1) good characters need flaws, and controversial traits are one of the best to use, and 2) they're teenagers, don't expect adult behaviors from them, also don't expect them to be kids. They're minors, not toddlers.
This is getting as long enough as it is, so we'll stop here, but this is a very broad overview of how we characterize him. There's a lot we didn't cover here, but if we even started on hobbies, or the real minutia of his quirks and ticks, or even how he feels about other specific characters... we'd be here all day. So I hope this is good enough lol
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If there was something you wanted to know in particular, you'll need to get specific. Feel free to ask again ahahh
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skythealmighty · 20 days
gang ngl i miss object universe. i should rewatch it again and get way too emotionally attached to Ice Cream and Map
#rocket talk #i made fanart of them with a steven universe song once i'm unwell
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🪟 im-not-electric Follow
why does gamey get to be on ii TWICE. who gave him permission
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
thanks for the suggestion @cabtube-truther
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📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
You don't hear PBSB complaining about this...
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
well they're in a show that's super popular
📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
Yeah, and you're in one that got cancelled
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
shut up you didnt even finish season one
#just one more cameo mephone4 thats all i ask
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anonymous asked: not sure you're gonna want a cameo rn mephone is going Through it
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
hold on im not actually caught up lemme see
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
holy shit
(58 notes)
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anonymous asked: omg fan pleaaaase marru me ill do anythinggg ❤❤❤🥵🥵🥵
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
hey @test-tubular just checking was i ever this weird
�� test-tubular Follow
Weird? Always. This weird? No.
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
COOL just checking anyway
no please stop sending me these
#fans fantastic asks #this is the least weird anon ask from i think this specific anon #ive blocked them but oh my god #NO!!!
(83 notes)
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💥🔃 fans-fantastic-features Follow reblogged 4️⃣ four-therecord
2️⃣ hey-two Follow
Hello everyone!! 👋 Since I've gotten many an ask about my cheesecake recipe from previous TPOT episodes, I've decided to make a longpost and put it here for you all to use!! Feel free to use without credit but credit is still appreciated 😊
Keep reading
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
i hate you
#so they ARE on here #followed both immediately #how did i not come across them earlier...
(2,613 notes)
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💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Recovery across different universes, a scientific theory
(Full post below the cut)
((Thank you to @not-tally-hall for the testimony regarding the S*n!))
Keep reading
😎 the-chad-one Follow
boring 👎👎👎👎
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Get off my post
⛳ bossy-bot Follow
This is incredibly fascinating and an enjoyable read! There are some points of debate I've brought up in DMs, but otherwise this is a very solid theory. Good job!
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Thank you, that means a lot!!
#I follow your papers closely so hearing that coming from you is an honor #anyway back to my regularly scheduled nonsense
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🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Bonjour! J'ai découvert ce cite grâce à des vidéos amusantes
Je suis encore en train de m'habiteur à la société et je pense que c'est une bonne façon de me faire des amis! Enchanté de vous recontrer tous 😃
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bienvenue sur le site de l'enfer ! la plupart des gens ici ne parlent qu'anglais, vous pouvez donc m'envoyer un message si vous voulez parler à quelqu'un en français. je peux également vous montrer des endroits en ligne pour apprendre l'anglais
🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Cela signifierait beaucoup pour moi, merci
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bien sûr!
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Baguette we all know you're not actually French you don't need to keep pretending 😒...
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
(172 notes)
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anonymous asked: your iconic quote from episode 10 has unfortunately become a vocal stim for me. please help, i'm suffering
🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
Hey? This is the funniest ask anyone's ever sent me. Can we make out behind a Denny's
#my condolences though oh my god 😭
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⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Guys, this site is easy! Just watch
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Based ball? Based on what?
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
#hey. are you doing okay
(42,526 notes)
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🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Finally watched II! Good show. I want that twink OJ dead why is he like that
☝ i-date-iconic-posts Follow
Date of origin: November 2nd, 2020
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
(26,942 notes)
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🎒 liam-plecak Follow
Thanks everyone for the help so far! I'm not too much of a science nerd, unfortunately, @bossy-bot, so I didn't understand everything in the papers you sent me- but they still helped a ton! Especially the coding help. I was a telemarketer, not an IT person...
Now that I know what I'm doing, I have some free time. With some recommendations from @fans-fantastic-features:
If you have any other recommendations, just leave them in the comments. And please go and send help to @fire-cartoon-schtick while you're at it!
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blitzwhore · 4 months
I just saw Blitzø get called Stolas stockholm victim I can't with this fandom anymore😭
😂 As outrageously incorrect and stupid as that take is, I'm going to go on a tangent here. I hope you don't mind.
I think every fandom has annoying people with awfully terrible takes in it. People with zero media literacy. People who hatewatch. People who think they're entitled to the exact show they would've wanted, which has nothing to do with the actual, existing show.
This is especially true for queer media, and especially true for queer cartoons. (Hi, yes. I was active in the Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Voltron, and She-Ra fandoms when those shows were airing, respectively. I've seen some stuff). Some people just can't handle queer cartoons, period. If the queer characters/ships are soft and wholesome, they're infantilising and boring, and if they're complex and nuanced and actually have conflict, they're abusive and problematic. You'll hear the same recycled arguments over and over again. Like, the shit some people are saying about Blitz and Stolas after The Full Moon? Is literally almost word-for-word what they said about Catra and Adora post-season 3 of She-Ra (and even at the end of the show).
Here's the thing, though! Those people and their bad takes are not what I want to think about what I think about a fandom. Those aren't the people I want to call the fans. They don't deserve that title. Not when so many other people are out there dedicating their time to making gifs and art and meta posts, and writing fic, and commenting/reblogging to show support, and sliding into people's DMs to scream and squee together about a thing they love.
At the end of the day, "fandom" is just a lot of people each doing their own thing. Which people you engage with and allow to stay within your line of sight will determine your fandom experience. Fandom can be a huge, convoluted, online space full of people who are constantly arguing with one another and whose takes make you unfathomably angry... Or it can be you and your 5 friends and mutuals who scream gleefully at one another in 2-note posts. You can't control what others post online, but you can control your engagement with it.
How? Well, here's what I personally do to avoid getting upset by people's stupid opinions online:
Filter 'critical' and 'anti' tags (eg. #anti stolitz #anti vivziepop #Helluva Boss critical #HB critical #vivziepop critical). Many people actually do tag their critical posts because they know it's the respectful thing to do!
If I come across a post that has one or more of those tags, obviously, I don't click through to see it under any circumstances.
If I stumble across a stranger's untagged post with hate/criticism that upsets me: I stop reading and BLOCK. Immediately. I don't look back. I don't finish reading. I don't engage. I just block block block. I <3 the block button, seriously.
If I feel my mind reeling from a bad take I just came across: I take a step back, close my phone, breathe, remember life is beautiful sometimes. Go back and watch an episode I really like. Clean my living space a little. Vent about it to a friend (but only if I really need to, because if not, I'd rather not dwell on it).
If I'm starting to feel the need to reply to someone's bad take (directly or via my own post), I instead make the decision to channel that energy into making fandom posts out of love. (I don't do this just with fandom. If I see something transphobic online, I usually react by reblogging a bunch of trans art or trans positivity posts on my main, for example). I like to think of it as putting some positivity out into the world to compensate for the negativity I just saw. So, for example, if I see someone shitting on my blorbo, I may make a silly post just saying how much I love blorbo. Or I'll make (or draft) a post about how interesting I find some of blorbo's actions. Or reblog another person's positive/interesting post about blorbo.
And finally, I stay the hell away from Twitter. Or at least, if I go on Twitter, I try my best to avoid any tweet that has text in it instead of just art. Even the people who have good opinions spend too much time arguing with the people who have bad opinions on there. I don't want to see people's bad takes! No, not even while reading founded and perfectly articulated criticism of those bad takes! So I just limit my time on Twitter. And again, if someone is putting bad takes on my TL (even if it is to counter them), I unfollow and block as needed.
All this to say, yes, it really fucking sucks to read the opinions of people who don't understand and who hate the characters and ships and worlds you love. Gosh it's the worst. But you can curate your fandom experience. You can focus on the things you can control. You have the power to decide if your fandom experience is draining or fun!
And because I don't know how to finish this, here, have a Stolitz kiss to heal you:
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We will keep winning and there's nothing the haters can do about it. 😌
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Oh good the Lorch is sending herself asks about me again.
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[Lily's Post]
Oh yeah Lily calling marginalized people a "pick me" for not having the same exact opinions as you doesn't make you look bigoted at all.
Unlike you I don't think children's cartoons are activism. And my pointing at that some people like to try to downplay the lesbian themes in Steven Universe, or at least the way lesbians interact with the themes of the show, actually has nothing to do with the show itself.
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Hey Lily did you know I also really don't like the word queer being thrown around, refuse to call myself that because it means strange and also dislike "anti-assimilationist" types?
Speaking of which:
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[Lily's Post]
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Yeah I say that about the kids telling me queer has been "reclaimed" for me. I would think you'd agree, Lily.
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Those are two completely different concepts you dumbass. We can have gay content in mainstream media without it being insulting dreck driven by rainbow capitalism.
Lily is the one who basically wants the Hayes Code back. She wants every show and movie to tell her who is good, who is bad, what to think and for the bad guy to get thrown off a cliff at the end.
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Lily just because those are the only two pieces of media YOU know I like doesn't mean that's all I like or have ever seen. Have you seen But I'm a Cheerleader? How about Saving Face?
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Hey Lily if you'd actually watch my responses to you:
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No I sneer at shows with bad depictions of gay characters when they have bad depictions of gay characters. Especially when they break their own spines patting themselves on the back for it.
Are you trying to get ahead of my VOD you falsely struck going back up on Thursday? You know the one where you said an early 2000's flaming queen stereotype in some shitty Alicia Silverstone vehicle was super good "gay rep" because you had some retarded need to paint a narrative that Canadian cartoons "did it first"?
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The whole "she's just mad other shows are outpacing things she likes" lol it isn't a competition, dawg. That's you, Lily. That's how you think.
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This is how I know its a self ask.
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Yeah that's why in my reaction to James Somerton's somehow EVEN WORSE takes on Utena than yours I kept saying things like "Utena isn't really that hard to understand it just tells it's story in a very abstract way".
Also if you think the Sword of Dios is "the sword of patriarchy" you really didn't get it but much like James here I doubt you ever even watched it, Lily. I look forward to your "In a Nutshell" video where you will read out TVTropes with zero context and get everything wrong.
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Lily I hadn't watched the show fully in over 15 years when I made my very first video on you. I wasn't even expecting to talk about Utena you just went on a tirade about it in the middle of your 2023 Steven Universe video.
In fact, the reason I even cut that video in the first place is I was so impressed with my own recall of the show. And then it got 5k hits out of nowhere on my then completely unestablished channel because people just hate your takes that much.
And now making fun of you has paid for my new GPU and CPU. No Man's Sky is running great and I'm ready for Dragon Age Veilguard so cheers!
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arceus-insanity · 22 days
A Moral Scapegoat for who?
All For One is a shit character, he is presented as a massive threat, but we never see him get a win, similar to the dissonance between the All Might we see and the context in universe.
And in the end, he becomes a moral scapegoat... for the heroes.
What is a moral scapegoat?
A moral scapegoat is (usually) a character used to excuse the actions of other characters or a system. Character A may have done XYZ but Character B was the one manipulating them and/ or is so much worse, so we can excuse A's actions. Or helping defeat B acts as pence for their past actions. Etc. And to a degree it makes sense, getting people to believe a character has changed and should now be considered good both by the characters and the audience is hard. So having some bigger bad to blame takes the pressure off the desired character(s).
While the term is typically only brought up negatively, like the use of Mary&Gary Sues, there are good ones. Commander Zhao in Avatar of the Last Airbender is an early moral scapegoat, used to say yeah Prince Zuko may suck, but there are a lot worse out there. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic has a moral scapegoat, right in the pilot, Nightmare Moon for Princess Luna, sure Nightmare came from Luna but it is presented as a curse, something that was cured, fixed. The Hobbit uses Dragon Sickness as a way to both corrupt and excuse King Thorin's actions when they have retaken the mountain; he is not in his right mind, and shouldn't be considered solely responsible for his actions
In certain ways, Pink Diamond (due to the audience learning her arc in reverse, when it has such an effect on the plot of Steven Universe) is a scapegoat for the remaining Diamonds, even though it makes a lot less sense for her to be the scapegoat when considering the actual sequence of events in universe. And while most people don't think Pink/Rose's actions excuse the Diamonds (especially White), she does work with Spinel. Another rocky moral scapegoat is Horad Prime from She-ra & The Princesses of Power, he is the big bad of the show and is meant to be a scapegoat primarily for Horadak who was the previous big bad, and mildly a scapegoat for Catra. The big problems with his sacrificial slaughter is that there isn't enough time to really settle in that this is the true big bad, and both Horadak and Catra's issues were both way more on screen and show up well before we ever hear of Hoard Prime, with them operating separately.
And All For One is a worst example of all of them (that I mentioned)
For starters the more we saw of him the less ultimate intimidating evil he portrayed, nor did we get a satisfying he was actually pretty pathetic. Really trying to have your cake and eat it too. Looking back he's very cartoonishly evil, but lacks the presence, he's boring. I've seen many good portrayals of him in the fandom, but canon is just boring. His background of miscellaneous evil deeds, don't really go into how they were evil, just that Yoichi (& AFO) clearly believes them to be, both come across as very childish to me, seeing the world as black & white.
He lacks the moral complexity of complex villains (like Magneto), meant to be an ambitiously evil man, whose evil for the sack of being evil. But he lacks the presence found in Classic evil Disney characters like Jafar, Clayton, and Ursala. In a way he's like King Magnifico (from Wish, the only recent hated animated Disney movie, that I agree deserves to be shat on), trying to have both but failing to capture either
In the present, he has little involvement on screen, and once he's out of the picture, Shigaraki (& the League) really bloom as villains and characters. The story could have had a slow realization (for Shigaraki, the League and the audience) that he was holding the League back, and that meant either he was nowhere near as competent as he was portrayed, or he wasn't actually helping Shigaraki, setting up for the body suit plan
But my biggest issue is who he's the sacrificial goat for.
And who is he the scapegoat for? The fucking Heroes and their shit-ass society, including the H PSC crap.
The ending reveal that he was behind everything that happened to Tenko, from him being born, his name, the kids he chose to play with, the issues with his quirk, and only having him; fails. It doesn't work! Mainly because of what that scene ignored the walk, and the complicity of the family. It ignored that the family were directly ignoring that Tenko was being abused, trying to placate him after the fact. It ignores that Kotaro Shimura chose to follow his friends advice, over his wife too. It ignores that even though AFO would have killed anyone who tried to help Tenko, no one tried. It also doesn't make sense either, normal kids are shit actors, not to mention Tenko was the one to reach out to them, not the other way around. And with the sheer amount of heroes, and cops, and regular citizens, how was it literally no one tried to help him, it's not AFO.
What else does it ignore, oh yeah, Tenko isn't truly unique in having a tragic backstory. Sure he was planning on taking advantage of the Endeavor's awful legacy plan, but we never see that AFO has done anything before kidnapping Touya. It's implied that he helped stroked Heteromorphic discrimination for his own gain, but that doesn't change that Spinner had pesticides thrown in his face, by 'innocent' civilians, that Shoji was mutilated as a child, for saving a child, by 'innocent' civilians, that the Ordinary Lady was attacked and denied shelter in the middle of an active warzone, by 'innocent' civilians. Himiko's abuse was enabled and furthered by quirk counselling, we don't even get a he was secretly to blame all along for this one. The commission has assassins, ignore. The homeless have to resort to villainy to survive, ignore. Once someone is considered out they are abused by this society until they have to lash out, ignore. The big bad was taken down, so nothing has to be done about these systemic issues, cause the heroes say so
There's a pattern, he was only able to do this, because the society he was in was already doing it.
And AFO being a moral scapegoat could of worked.
IF the Hero Public Safety Commission was similarly a scapegoat.
To begin, AFO should have been the scapegoat for the League, and the villains as a whole. The heroes would instead have the HPSC as their scapegoat.
Hawks should not have been made president of the totally different PSC, not only is he a known murderer, he doesn't regret it, he has never criticized the Commission's (or any other hero's) actions. If he's not going to see the issues, and hypocrisy right in front of him, he shouldn't have any role at all in it, and a very small one if he does recognize them. Giving this to Hawks screams nothing is actually going to be fixed, any changes are going to be for the worse.
Going into the final Deku vs Shigaraki battle, as well as the dreamscape crap, I had hope in this series. I thought that Deku would finally be forced to have the long over reality check of the Villains are right, what are you going to do about it. So instead of hyper-focusing on one tiny moment that with any and I do mean any additional context would show that it's not just this tiny shit moment. Rather than murdering Tomura for not abandoning the League (the same reason Hawks murdered Twice), have Deku convince Tomura that they can make a better society. That Deku's peaceful(ish) method is what's better for the League we have seen he loves.
From there they could have come up with a deal where either (these are simplified) everyone is held accountable for their past actions (as in the villains, Endeavor, Hawks, the Commission, everyone responsible for the sky coffin, etc). Or the clock is restarted, and everyone is hence forth held to the same standard. The villains are around to make sure the actual issues to their problems are dealt with, hint; Himiko's problem wasn't lack of access to quirk counselling. Happy satisfying ending for everyone
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rosaq · 19 days
how I see pearlrose (it's one of my favorite ships and I promise this isn't hate):
rose and pearl were in love with each other but pearl wasn't in love with pink diamond, she was only in love with rose quartz. so pearl was in love with the parts of pink diamond that became more predominant when she turned into rose + that fed into the fantasy they created for themselves
see how in the gif below pearl sings "we became our fantasy" when pink turns into rose quartz? and her demeanor immediately changes when pink turns into rose. her smile widens and both of them hug each other and start holding hands + pearl starts blushing
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I think this is intentional — just like in "a single pale rose" pearl and rose hug and hold hands but when rose turns into pink diamond, the physical intimacy stops. that's not to say they're uncomfortable with each other, only that rose quartz and pearl seem far closer and intimate. the very first time we see pearl talk to pink she still calls her "my diamond" (which is a title used with superiors) even though this scene takes place near the end of the war and pearl has been a rebel for more than one thousand years
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now let's get into the batman and alfred/robin allegory:
Rebecca and Ian, while discussing Rose’s “Batcave,” brought up the scene when Pearl couldn’t talk about Rose’s full details during “Rose’s Scabbard.” Incidentally, yes, Pearl is Alfred if Alfred was in love with Batman. It’s very important to note that we’re talking about Batman here, NOT Bruce Wayne. She loves BATMAN. 
— Steven Universe Podcast, Volume 3, Episode 1
Rose plays Batman on the ground. Pearl is Robin (and Alfred).
— Steven Universe: End of an Era, page 77
so pink diamond = bruce wayne and rose quartz = batman; pearl = alfred and rebel pearl = robin. rebecca and ian seem to want to make it clear that pearl was only in love with rose (batman). and pearl also seems to see herself as two separate people: the servant and the rebel
it makes a lot of sense for pearl and rose to create an escapist fantasy for themselves on earth as a way to get away from their awful realities. the idea that their lives on homeworld were someone else's lives was something they both took comfort in
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But I've been... imagining things, even when you haven't asked me to. I imagined that I ran away and met you here on Earth, a Rose Quartz. And I'm not yours, but, I make you so happy anyway! Isn't that ridiculous?! Tell me to stop! 
Rose: Please don't ever stop! 
—Pearl, Now We’re Only Falling Apart
and that was the fantasy: pearl was a rebel who ran away and met rose on earth. rose was made on earth. pearl's presence makes rose happy even though she doesn't belong to rose.
rose is delighted when pearl shares this with her bc she loves this fantasy just as much as pearl does (and also bc it made her realize that other gems, like pearl and garnet, want to escape homeworld. she realizes that she wants to fight for them). but obviously this fantasy is incompatible with their actual lives
later on pearl would also get caught up in the idea of being rose's knight. she romanticized the idea of putting rose above all else, even herself; she romanticized the idea of having a princess to save. so she put rose on a pedestal, not because rose was a diamond, but because of this fantasy she created for their relationship
This is an Ancient Sky Arena, Connie, where some of the first battles for Earth took place. It was here that I became familiar with the human concept of being a knight, completely dedicated to a person and a cause.
—Pearl, Sworn to the Sword
in this fantasy rose quartz can't be pink diamond. rose loathed herself so this suited her just fine: she wanted to be the rose quartz from this fantasy, the gem who was made on earth and was a compassionate leader and healed instead of destroying. she thinks pearl is right to love only rose quartz bc she thinks pink diamond is unlovable
let's take a look at the movie: at first amethyst and steven think rose quartz is the solution to getting pearl's memories back. so amethyst shape shifts into rose and sings for pearl, but pearl won't stop looking at greg throughout the entire scene. then they understand that they don't need rose to be around, they need greg to disappear. so steven fuses with greg and greg disappears into the fusion, allowing pearl to finally get her memories back. greg is pink and steg is rose. when greg (pink) disappears, pearl manages to look beyond her assigned duty
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it's also worth noting that pearl wasn't the only one putting rose on a pedestal. rose put everyone around her on a pedestal, including pearl, because she thought they were all so much better than she could ever be. so while pearl saw rose as a sort of princess to be saved/protected, rose saw pearl as a superior and as someone who was so much better than herself
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The fact that Rose says "my Pearl" to Pearl... A lot of people wonder, "oh, she belonged to Rose". No one calls their Pearl my Pearl, people only say that to their superiors. So there's actually a lot more going on in that scene.
—Rebecca Sugar, The Truth About Rose Quartz
but this whole fantasy thing was very unhealthy and meant they never dealt with how their actual roles in gem society affected their relationship. they wanted to sweep all the ugly parts under the rug and pretend it didn't exist—and it was so easy because only the two of them knew the truth and they were all too happy to feed into each other's fantasies. it created a communication barrier between them that made it extremely difficult for them to communicate and understand each other's low self worth and insecurities. pink's final order to pearl was a way to keep the fantasy going post-war which pretty much doomed them bc pearl was unable to talk about anything she went through and rose never opened up to anyone about her past. but they needed to talk about it to heal and move forward
I believe pearlrose is supposed to parallel rupphire in this sense: both are interclass gem relationships, but rupphire never ignored how their roles in gem society affected their relationship; so much so that by the end of the show garnet's main theme becomes "the truth" while pearlrose's main theme remains "the fantasy"
this fantasy only starts to fall apart when pearl manages to tell steven the truth about pink diamond: pearl finally has to confront the fact that rose quartz and pink diamond were the same person. by letting the fantasy go, pearl was able to address the unhealthy aspects of their relationship and understand her own repressed feelings + rose's struggles. only then is pearl able to start healing from everything that happened
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jibberjibbsart · 1 month
Supernatural is one of those shows that I tell all my friends to watch but we all know they never will because I spend hours talking about how awful supernatural is.
I love it. I hate it. I feel a secret third way about it that not even god itself knows.
That being said, I’ve watched all the shows from the cross over comic at least partially. I never finished toh season 1 when it first came out and I never got into Steven universe future but finished the main show. I love it so much. I found the comic just the other day and I’m obsessed.
Supernatural is really one of those types of shows that I have a "love/hate" relationship with. Another is Star Wars... we don't talk about THAT movie in my house. Why am I cursed to fall in love with doomed media??
As for The Owl House and Steven Universe Future I highly recommend them!! Great shows that have had a huge impact on my life <3
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Fandom: Steven Universe
Character: Jasper
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Type of Fic: Concept (HCs)
Oh... Girl is SO insecure it hurts (for you, mostly-)
Yandere! Jasper Concept
(Primarily Focuses On Gem! Obsession)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Insecurities, Manipulation, Threats, Violence, Forced and toxic relationship/companionship, Degrading behavior mentions of possible murder.
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We all know Jasper would be toxic, right?
Granted, she has her "reasons", but that doesn't excuse her behavior.
She's naturally a bully as she needs to feed her ego, she can't be seen as a weak failure.
She would want to either be superior to her darling or loyal to them if they were stronger than her.
But you're most likely going to be weaker than her... which results in her being more controlling.
She's ruthless and authoritative, never wanting to show weakness.
Not even to you.
In fact, the reason she's so rough with you is because you stir "weak" feelings in her.
She doesn't understand why she feels the need to be so close with you.
She doesn't understand why she feels she needs you.
So, part of her ends up blaming you.
Yet she never lets you go... too dependent on the feelings you give her to do what's best for both of you.
I feel Jasper would be horrible with both a human and another Gem.
HOWEVER, with a Gem she can try to coerce you into Fusion.
A topic she ends up obsessed with when defeated by two Fusions, creating Malachite with Lapis.
She'd want to fuse with you for strength, mostly...
But it also fuels a possessive desire within her.
If you were human, Jasper immediately views you as weak.
Which is why she has no clue why you make her feel so... strange?
You're weak yet she feels so dependent on you and your presence.
Due to this, Jasper may view you like a pet.
She uses you to fuel her ego, forcing you to view her as your superior.
You humans are always so weak.
She wants you to feed her ego, consider her strong.
Since you're so weak... you need her, right?
You'll HAVE to rely on her.
Normally she doesn't protect weaklings, especially humans.
But... You have her attached.
You're stuck with her now.
Similar situation occurs with a Gem! Darling.
She views you as weak and claims you need her.
It's so easy to get hurt for you... why don't you let her take control?
I'll talk more about her with a human in another draft I have in the works... but I think her with a Gem introduces an interesting concept.
Imagine Jasper not wanting you to rely on anyone but her.
She's possessive, following you around and isolating you from others.
With a human she'd hide you away deep in the woods like in Future.
But with a Gem?
She can force you to rely on her via Fusion.
She's both forceful yet desperate when it comes to fusing with you.
Fusion with you would be a last ditch effort to keep you to herself.
Something she never could do with a human.
Normally she's against Fusion, but with you?
She craves it.
I don't think it would be as bad as Malachite, but the Fusion would still be dysfunctional due to you not being in sync.
If you keep fighting her and making the Fusion collapse, Jasper keeps trying.
She needs you.
She hates to admit it but you make her feel whole.
Jasper likes control.
Human or Gem she doesn't care if she has to force you into the role she wants.
She often puts you down to make herself feel better, making you feel weak and forcing submission.
It's easy for her.
She's so much bigger and stronger than any human.
And as a Gem, you would eventually get tired of fighting.
Eventually you'd comply and let her fuse with you.
Where she'll never let go... since you'll be all hers now.
In a Fusion, no one can have you the way she does.
I would not be surprised if Jasper killed people for you, or if they're a Gem, shattered them.
She doesn't want to be weak or have you find someone else to rely on.
Her harming others only shows they're weak.
It proves that she's the only one you need... even if it's messy to do.
Jasper wants to control you, make you all hers.
For her, your bond isn't entirely love.
It's toxic, unhealthy, she knows that...
But she needs it... Needs you.
If that requires scaring you into submission, be that through threats or violence towards others... Jasper doesn't care.
Her feelings originally make her feel insecure and weak.
But having you submit to her? It makes her feel strong...
It makes her know you're all hers... She likes that more than anything.
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