#i don't even follow true crime anymore and the first time it comes on my fyp it's this
sugarlesswriting · 3 months
It's all murder podcasts and how can this murderer get away with what they did!? until a basic looking white guy with tattoos on his face that make a concerning amount of women on tiktok try and make excuses for him and say how hot he is that really makes one go
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honeytama · 4 months
coming out as bisexual + pride fest headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
noah sebastian/bad omens x gender neutral! reader
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a/n: *ty to @hedonists for the pic and @exitwoundsx & @somewhere-diamond for the ideas. also, if someone wants to write more on this please do. i'm gonna be feral all month long.
content: fluff and a lil bit of bi anxiety
coming out as bisexual
noah and yourself have been together for a few months
the beginning of your relationship felt like a honeymoon, but lately you’ve felt somewhat closed off and anxious
there was tension between you two up until having your first argument
the argument was about something silly, really, it could be fixed with just a bit more communication
but once you've made up, you take the chance of demonstrating your trust in him and your need to share your feelings by coming out to him, finally
“oh, you’re bi?,” his eyebrows raise. “is that why you’ve been acting weird? you wanted to tell me?” he smiles.
you confirm that’s why and tell him you didn’t want to hide that side of your life from him anymore. you felt better having opened up to him, but you didn't want him to think any differently of you.
“i understand. you're still, Y/N, to me..." he pauses. "um, what does being bi mean for you?” he asks, curious.
you explain what it means to you and explain that you still love him no matter your attraction to another gender.
“you love me, Y/N?” he smiles, wide. he looks like he’s won the lottery.
you say yes, begrudgingly. knowing he’ll tease you about it for the next week.
“i love you, too,” he takes his hand in yours. “thank you for telling me. i love everything about you, just so you know. your sexuality doesn't change who you are or how I feel about you. i'm proud of you for being honest with me, and for being true to yourself.”
a weight falls right off your shoulders and you finally feel like you can breathe.
"i'm here for you always."
going to pride fest with bad omens
with pride month coming around the corner, you get brave and ask your friends to come with you to pride fest in that city this weekend
of course, you say “if you don’t want to go, it’s totally okay” or “sorry, I’m just really excited.”
but noah assures you not to apologize. “yeah, that would be fun. we’d love to go with you. you’ll just have to show us the ropes,” you hear noah laugh over the phone.
june rolls around and you're at your place with your friends from bad omens getting ready to head out to the festival in the afternoon
folio brought his own kaleidoscope glasses and will choose to wear iridescent glitter on his shoulders and cheeks. he opts to apply it himself.
jolly decides he wants his hair in braids after hearing how hot it will be, so noah and you help him braid his hair into pigtails. he chooses from one of the pride tees you have in your closet. maybe "be gay, do crime"
nicky is super jealous of folio's glasses, but he distracts himself by letting you paint on his arms different pride flags. he makes a joke about him being the one being tattooed this time. his shirt says, "lesbians eat what?!"
noah really wants to go shirtless.
you don't allow him to, knowing he'll burn and regret it in the morning.
so he opts to wear a classic white tank. nicholas and you team up to give noah a glitter middle part in his hair.
the fest ends up being a blast and you feel so supported by your friends
they all follow around like ducks and ask you questions when they're curious
their favorite parts are the parade and the drag queen performances
you even had them stop at an atm before the fest to get some cash to tip the queens
AHHHH my heart
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Usually I would go anon but I am at the point where I don't care what people think anymore. I would rather be honest and have these people off my blog than keep doing it in secret.
Anyways, I was scrolling through a post (because I hate myself). Tumblr wouldn't let me put the link for some reason:
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This isn't the whole post, but 2/3 of it. It's about how Israel was "tricking" children into picking up bombs that looked like food cans. Someone corrected this in the comment section.
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And in response to the correction (there was more than one person correcting):
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This is a massive issue I've seen with that side of the conflict. They don't care if the information they spread is true as long as it fits the narrative of "Palestine = weak, helpless, 100% good and pure victim. Israel: evil, colonists, eats Palestine babies for breakfast." And it's almost scary the lack of critical thinking to make sure everything fits into this mindset.
I once corrected someone's mistranslation on Pinterest of all places, where someone said a Hebrew translation was ""May this (bomb) lands on innocent people". It was just the company name. I was attacked and told I was a "genocidal zionist" and there was my favorite, "well it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's what they mean".
So basically, "yeah it doesn't matter if it's fake information, it fits with MY beliefs, so it's okay."
I hate the Pro-Palestinian cult.
It is genuinely depressing to see blatant misinformation spread, for example I've been given the link to a site that takes supposed quotes from Israeli officials completely out of context, half the time a complete lie, and told it's some kind of proof Israel is the epitome of moral sin, despite being the most equal state in the middle east. I saw this post and saw another one debunking how the imagine has been altered in a misleading way, just as I saw a post of a server room that's linked to a Hamas database under an UNRWA facility, and someone said it powered a solar panel. Keep in mind they didn't lie for the Palestinian civilians, that was to straight up cover for Hamas.
The screenshot of someone calling Hamas 'freedom fighters' is actually scary.
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this is the first thing you see when you search for the ideology of Hamas. Yk the worst part? This would be called zionist propaganda just because it says Hamas have committed terrorism, and October 7th happened. These are literal facts though, Hamas are proud of October 7th, proud of killing thousands, kidnapping hundreds, committing acts of terrorism. If you have any sense of morality, you cannot defend Hamas, even if you see them as on the right side or as freedom fighters, their methods alone make them a monstrous organisation. They wear plain civilian clothes in war, a war crime, they have been verified to use civilian buildings for cover, a war crime, they've killed thousands of innocents purposefully, a war crime, they've openly called for the annexation and occupation of Israel, a sovereign country with millions of ethnic Jews who would be 3rd class citizens in a Hamas ruled Palestine.
Israel doesn't want Gaza. They don't want to destroy it, to own it, they wish they never had to hear about it again, let alone invade it to remove Hamas from power. And the fact that people are scared to voice their beliefs against a literal terror group, against misinformation, is insane. You know, the only reason I'm on Israel's side is because when it comes to debates I follow the science, the figures, the statistics, a fixed code of morality and logic, and that leads to me to Israel because they've never instigated a conflict in their entire history, they've voluntarily surrendered land in pursuit of peace, aided the countries that have invaded them, they're by the definition not committing genocide, they're legally and factually in a war of self defence to topple an extremist dictatorial government, the figures show as far as modern urban warfare goes, the civilian-military death ratio is lower than most conflicts, they factually have a historical claim to the land, they built Tel Aviv, built Jerusalem, 400,000 Jews lived the region of Israel before its existence as a modern state, it just all points to Israel.
But I support the people of Palestine, I empathise with them, I want them to be free of the dictators who lead them to this war and suffering they must endure, and I pray they'll get the liberation they deserve. They deserve better than the nightmare of a government that rule over Gaza. And yet none of the Palestinian supporters protest Hamas. They don't realise, protesting against Hamas doesn't weaken the right for civilians to receive aid, because they're forced into this mindset that the Palestinian government and movement has always been one of perfect ineffable morality and one that you must be insanely villainous to even have any contradicting thoughts on. I'm a more conservative guy who's best friend of 4 years recently told me that they're genderfluid, in a polyamorous relationship with a trans man, and have a 'fursona' but since I know they're a person with good intentions in life I support them in finding happiness and getting better. I'd say that makes me fairly open minded, without tooting my own horn too much. But I will never be open to the idea that Hamas have ever wanted what's best for Palestine. Their actions are selfish, their goals are psychopathic, their behaviour is unwarranted, and their care for being a successful governing body is minimal. Gaza, whether prospering before October 7th or not, was legally an independent, sovereign region of the nation of Palestine, who have their own government, constitution, voting system, currencies they operate with, culture, freedom of movement, unless it's to Israel of course, and have been so since Israel pulled out of Gaza.
Israel actually occupied Gaza once. It was better maintained, the people were more looked after. In the years before Israel pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinian economy grew by the largest margin in at least 20 years, and then under Hamas, became incredibly stagnant, with foreign aid being the only thing propping it up. They let unemployment skyrocket despite the opening of more high tech facilities, once again thanks to foreign aid. Now, Israel doesn't want Gaza back, nor should they have it, but when the people of the nationality that Hamas wish to destroy, governed their land even better despite not even being the sovereign owners of that land and just the occupiers, it says a lot. Don't be afraid to speak out against Hamas, since you have no love for the Palestinian people if you don't want them to be free from the suffering Hamas has brought.
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Disney Princess Villain Songs
[ PART 1 / 2 ] a collection of sentence prompts / rp memes inspired by lydia the bard's disney princess villain songs. please don't add more prompts/memes to this list, definitely change pronouns, names, etc. as necessary for the situation! part two.
Tale as Old as Time (Belle's Villain Song)
"It's your final page."
"You see in this world, we're merely players."
"The truth is I'm the beauty, you're the beast"
"You thought we're a match. Sweetheart, I am far smarter than that"
"There is no one living that can challenge me"
"You're unworthy."
"What a genius plan! Truly, did you think this through?"
"I let you all believe I would go quietly while I sat and planned my hand"
"I have not spent my life reading books, my hours studying, to be some desperate prince's lonely wife"
"Wanna lock me away? Well, by all means, have your fun with that"
"I will be the author of my life"
"You're all idiots for thinking that you'd really make it out of this alive"
"You are nothing but a monster to me"
"You're not worth my pity"
"Not even one of you is a rival to what I can do"
"Don't you get it? This is my design"
"I've made all my moves"
Journey to the Past (Anastasia's Villain Song)
"Your new queen is speaking"
"A new age is finally here"
"Yes, the rumor's true!"
"Bow down now or live in fear"
"Starting now you finish last"
"You stole my family and my past"
"There's a debt that's owed. Justice to deliver."
"You'll be forced to right this wrong"
"This ghost's been here all along"
"Thought I'd found them, but then, how was I to know?"
"It's a lie, they just abandon you and go"
"I will never be complete until I find you"
"Now you understand!"
"You're the special few blessed to join my table"
"You're my brand new family now"
"Justice will be mine, I'll have vengeance for my past"
Almost There (Tiana's Villain Song)
"[ Tia! ] What have you done?"
"[ Tia ], you need to snap out of it!"
"I remember when you told me all our dreams are coming true"
"Dreams like that? They don't come for free."
"Didn't think I'd have to stand and see just what you'd turn into"
"She doesn't care who gets hurt on the way, 'cause she's almost there"
"Oh, [ Lottie ]. You're not thinking about the big picture!"
"If there's one thing Daddy taught me, it's that hard work don't get you by"
"You gotta be willing to play bad and give the cards a try"
'If a few folks get hurt on the way, well, maybe they should've learned to play"
"I'm collecting, and debts are due"
"I haven't worked this hard to stop right now!"
"You're scaring me!"
"Don't you see? There's nothing we can't do when it's just me and you."
"Do this and you'll lose me! Or don't you care?"
"Babe, if you're against it, I don't want you here!"
This Wish (Asha's Villain Song)
"You're so far from what I'd thought you'd be"
"You've taken one step too far, and hurt the ones I swore to defend"
"Well, I want my life to finally mean something"
"They say we're made of stars, but a star's more dangerous than they seem"
"If a darker path is what will free us finally, let me be the first to walk that line"
"My whole life I idolized you!"
"I followed your rules, did what I had to do"
"It seems about time you paid for your abuse"
"Shouldn't have dared to try and cross me."
"If I can be powerful, then I can provide everything we need"
"You see, I've been weak before. I won't be that anymore."
"I'd give anything to stop history repeating"
"I didn't want any of this to happen"
"You'll suffer for your crimes!"
How Far I'll Go (Moana's Villain Song)
"I had been the perfect daughter long as I can remember."
"But you laughed and you shoved me away!"
"When you push you'll soon find out how far I'll go."
"We could have fixed this so, so long ago."
"Now reap what you've sown"
"You've brought about all of our demise"
"You've spread fear to all of those around you"
"I could save them all. I could stop this curse."
"But you shut me out, you abandoned me!"
"I once thought that I had a loving father"
"Now you'll pay for all the lives that you've broken"
"You'll watch your people drown"
"All these useless and meaningless deaths? They're on your head"
"I take no pride in seeing them die"
"You won't find a savior in me, I guarantee"
I'll Make A Man Outta You (Mulan's Villain Song)
"The least we could do is give them a warning."
"I feel we could use a pep talk before leaving"
"Once you find his weakness, we are sure to win"
"This man's debts are finally due"
"Boy, was I a fool for trusting you!"
"Now, look what you've made me do! See what you've turned me into!"
"It let me know that my true calling was to see you dead."
"Most of you won't make it, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
"We've sacrificed too much to turn back now"
"They've been in charge too long."
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if you're sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, wondering why no one's commented on your hiatus status(es), i'll help you figure out why
you're behaving like a selfish, entitled bitch. you're throwing a pity-me-party while you accuse people of favoritism in the same breath. like, no wonder your ~CoMmUniTy~ won't feel sorry for you, or interact with your bad artwork or your other uninspired bullshit when you bitchfit that no one's sharing your shit: no one wants to interact with that melodrama. there's better writers out there that don't cry about interaction bullshit.
you need to grow the fuck up, and maybe do people all a favor by not coming back.
Wow... thank you for sending me this present shortly before Christmas (Dec. 20th, to be exact). Real lovely stuff.
So listen while I break this down by section and say things later on that I don't mean:
If you're going to call me an 'entitled bitch' or criticize my content, you should really take ownership of your words like a grown-up first. You're welcome to those opinions, I suppose; but it means NOTHING when you send me this from a position of cowardice. If your goal was to hurt my feelings and upset me, I would only award you with partial congratulations, if that.
I'll concede it was a bit of a "bitchfit" if it makes you happy, because yes, it kind of was. I'll take ownership of that: I should have been better, and I wasn't. I should have been a lot calmer, and I wasn't.
Maybe then more people would have given a damn about me and what I had to say. Or maybe they wouldn't. I don't know anymore, quite frankly. I can't say I ever did.
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Your point about "better writers out there [who] don't cry about interaction bullshit" is wrong, by the way. I can think of several fan writers (and I'm not going to compare content quality because that's gross) either on my dashboard or in fandom tags (many with larger followings + outreach than me) who've complained about lowered interaction these days at one time or another.
Or several times, even. It was largely and perfectly fine when they spoke up about it. Weird to me, anon, how it's okay when these unnamed and so-called "better writers" speak up, but not the little guys.
Some people are a little too comfortable telling those with smaller followings/outreach to just suck it up because interaction has been bad for everyone lately. Or placate themselves with excuses for why they didn't offer any sympathy to people who admit to struggling with feeling like belonging, or those wishing they felt more included. Noticed. Remembered. (Whatever the case may be.)
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I mean I've seen who repeatedly makes the cut on these stale recommendation lists that float around… Your 'pool of so many talented writers/artists in this fandom' is more of a damn puddle. You'll have to fucking forgive me for just wishing to be remembered (for one or the other) and included in these little "~fandom enrichment activities~" at this point once in a damn while! Why's it such a fucking crime to you, anon, that I just want people to remember I'm here too?
I spoke my feelings about things feeling like a popularity contest rather than a true community back in December, and you thought that warrants calling me a selfish, entitled bitch? Telling me do people a favor and not come back?
What the fuck??????
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I think you're something of a rancid tar pit for hoping to kick someone while they were down, or whatever it was you intended by all that. Did you get the warm and fuzzies typing this out? Did you feel good about yourself for choosing to be malicious to someone going through a hard time? Someone admitted they were going through a hard time between Seasonal Affective Disorder, and being upset about a lot of trivial stuff, and you thought "Hey; let's pile on!" was the correct solution rather than offer any kindness where you had witnessed a lack of?
It would be so tempting to stoop to your level and wish you nothing but ill on top of telling you to do me a favor and fuck off; I'm going to encourage you to learn to have a little more compassion for people instead and be a better person than whatever you are now going forward. May you learn to be kinder to people in the future, anon… You make the world a far better place that way.
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ynbabe · 2 years
Jason Todd / Red Hood anxious to get you under the mistletoe cause he is in love with you so bad and doesn't know what to do because he is afraid to scare you away if he confess
Thank you for requesting! Hope y'all like this! Keep em coming guys! 💚💙💚
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Christmas in Gotham was just how you would expect, dark, dreary, and overall miserable... At least that's what Jason would say. 
His brothers called him the Grinch but that wasn't true, he used to love Christmas, as any child would, but crime alley, being an orphan, being robin, and dying, had taken the joy out of everything in his life. Christmas was especially worse, because he saw Tim and Damian and Steph and Cass with Bruce, having the Christmas he'd wished for. 
And he was stuck, all alone, in a sucky apartment in the narrows making sure the streets were safe, making sure everyone got the Christmas they deserved but where was his Christmas, when did he get to be happy?
"Hey, Jay!" He stopped in his tracks as the familiar voice broke the static and spoke out through his comms. Y/N, the only one who he trusted, the only one who was waiting for him at home, the only one he could call home.
"Hi, Y/n," He began walking again, surprised by the softness in his voice.
"When you comin' home, dude, I've been decoratin' for like an hour, already." the person on the other end of the line said, some noises of rummaging following soon after.
"What you miss me already?" He responded with a small smirk, making his way back.
"Nope, I just want my gift," they deadpanned making Jason give a fake gasp.
"Is that all you care about?" he joked heaving himself up the ground onto the first-floor window, using ledges to make his way up to his apartment on the second floor, "I am wounded," the man said making you laugh, he looked through the window to see you sitting on the sofa, talking to him, fidgeting with your hair.
He knocked on the window, making you jump and screech at the sight of him, he smiled under his hood as you heaved with your hand on your chest.
You walked up to the window and slammed it open, "I hate it when you do that," You pulled him in with the cuff of his leather jacket. "Bro, there is a door for a REASON," You ranted falling back on the sofa, and laying down again.
Jason laughed, taking off his helmet and jacket, and looked around the room, it was covered in reds and greens, with white streamers running all around the ceiling, and a big Christmas tree was in the corner of the living room, it had gold, silver baubles and a few of Jason's guns and knives as a long-running joke between the two.
He sat on the sofa pushing your feet off, making you whine about 'needing rest after saving Christmas you Grinch'. He looked at you to roll his eyes but paused as soon as he saw the small green plant, hanging on the beam above the middle of the sofa.
It made his mind run at speeds to places where he didn't want to go to. 
He had known you for two years now, and the both of you were just friends but every time he looked at you, every time he spoke to you, he felt something else, something he didn't feel with his other friends.
He didn't know what to tell you, would you be weirded out? Would you hate him? Would you leave him?
"Jace, are you okay?" you said pulling him out of his mind, he hadn't even realized he had stopped talking while looking up at the mistletoe.
He looked back at you with shakey hands, he didn't know what to say, but he couldn't stay quiet anymore.
"I, um, I have to tell you something," you sat up, coming closer to him, the atmosphere suddenly serious, "please don't hate me after this but I think I like you and I get it if it's weird now and you don't wanna talk anymore but-" He began ranting but you interpreted him by placing your lips on his, making him freeze in place, slowly warming up to the touch.
"You don't this is weird? You aren't pissed at me right?" He asked after stopping, a bright red blush on his face.
"Nah, I heard you talking to Dick about it last week, why do think I put up the mistletoe?" You smirked at him making him groan and roll his eyes, falling back onto the sofa, dragging his hands over his face.
"I hate you so much."
"You know you love me."
"Shut up."
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graylinesspam · 10 months
Alright, I'm only going to address this situation one time so listen up.
I made a silly little headcannon post not even 24 hours ago that has apparently stirred up a lot of feelings in the DC Batman fandom. It doesn't even have 200 notes yet and I've received a lot of negative feedback on it.
which I almost want to say is fine? Like you're more than welcome to disagree with me, whatever. Especially when it comes to DC characters who are some of the most mischaracterized by their own source material of any characters in existence. Rebloging with full essays including comic panels citing why I am wrong is a bit unnecessary, I don't usually engage with fandom discourse so I don't love to have it on my post but I'll let it go since it isn't really inappropriate just kinda unwelcome. It's a part of fandom, it's whatever.
But I am actually having to address it specifically because I've received five anonymous asks in my inbox since last night that have all been a lot more hostile than the people who've attached their usernames to their disagreements. One of which actually had suicide baiting in it. I deleted the first three after receiving that ask because I was just freaking out and kinda hoping they would go away. Again I never interact with discourse so I'm not really sure how to deal with this. But I've received two more asks today and I'm really not willing to deal with this at all anymore.
I didn't realize I needed to add a "don't like don't read" warning to a stupid tumblr post but It is never appropriate to send hate mail anonymously to another blog. We need to remember first the rules of "is it true, is it kind, is it helpful?" for the people asking me if I'm illiterate or if I've ever read a batman comic before. And for the rest of you; this is a reminder that you are in control of you're own online experience. There's a block button right there; use it liberally.
I have never been treated so disrespectfully in a fandom space before and I regularly hang around in the Star Wars fandom. It is a sad fucking day when you behave worse than star wars fans. And for the crime of mischaracterization of all thing? Like you'd have thought I said something morally offensive with the way people were judging my character.
I don't know; I'm rambling. I don't know what else to say about this except just Stop. And also my ask box will be closed until further notice.
(Also blanket statement not to harass anyone else on that post on my behalf. Not that I have enough followers to need to worry about that, but seriously guys, just behave like adults please.)
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ajps-posts · 2 years
Personal interpretation of Neil's story and character
*Warning Heat and Heat 2 Spoilers and Quotes*
These are just my interpretations of Neil's story from Heat and Heat 2. This may or not be true, but I enjoyed delving into the meaning of some of the contrasts between the book and movie. Let me know what you think!
Neil's ex-lover Elisa was part of his crew in 1988 until she was murdered by a psycho killer/rapist named Otis Wardell who intercepted Neil and the boys heist smuggling money across the Mexican Border. Elisa had an 8 year old daughter, Gabriela whom Neil was like a father to. Since Elisa's death Neil firmly believed in the discipline of no links and attachments. "It gets people you should never have been involved with-killed" (pg.311).
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'Gabriela props up the pillow, snuggles against him, and opens the book. Gabriela looks up at his silence with innocent eyes. Neil nods at the book on her lap.'
Neil: "What's it about"?
Gabriela: "The ocean. The ocean is seventy percent of Earth's surface."
'Gabriela turns a page. On the page are pictures of azure-and-turquoise waters. Night-time. Glowing.'
Neil: "What the hell is that?"
Gabriela: "Fiji. It's in the South Pacific. It's iridescent algae. It glows in the dark. The whole ocean. When you touch it, when you swim in it, the ocean lights up. Like magic. Can you imagine that? You swim through it and it's like a falling star follows you."
Neil: "I can fully imagine being there and swimming in that."
Gabriel: "Can I come with you?"
Neil: "Sure absolutely. You and your mom." (pg 255-257)
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Neil: "I love you. you brought me to full color."
Elisa: "You brought me back to life".
Neil: "Querida (Beloved). I'm sorry. You didn't sign up for this. If I'd never gotten involved with you, this wouldn't have happened."
'In the middle of the road, Neil sits on the asphalt, covered in blood. Held tight in his arms, pale as marble, limp, drained of life, is Elisa. He stares through the day, through the rocks, through Chris and Michael. He cradles Elisa's body tenderly, desperately. Broken.' (pg, 309).
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Neil couldn't let Eady go even after she at first hated who he really was. He didn't want to lose anyone else like he lost Elisa and Gabriela. Neil fell for Eady while she had no connection to the criminal world he lived in, he wanted to escape with her far away with her, no looking back.
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He yearned for love and a family. Neil didn't want to be alone anymore.
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Neil looked for Otis for a while after Elisa's death but he wasn't able to catch him, he broke away free, which could be one of the reasons as to why Neil couldn't let Waingro go, whom had similar animalistic characteristics to Otis Wardell. It was more than personal to Neil, not just to avenge Trejo, but also the physical reminder of what a man like that did to a woman he loved dearly.
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Neil's dream where he's drowning symbolizes that he doesn't have enough time to do what he wants to do, I don't think it refers to him wanting to do the scores, but it could be his want to be 'home free' (like he told Eady and Gabriela about going to Fiji to swim with the iridescent algae).
Its interesting to note also the relativity between Neil and Vincent's characters in 1988. They had no connection in that era other than Otis. Otis was on Vincent's radar for a while. And Vincent was also close to catching him at a crime scene and if he did so, would've saved Elisa and Neil's heartbreak.
In 2000, Vincent finally catches and kills Otis which feels like a respectable token to Neil's longing revenge for Elisa's death after all those years even after his death in Heat.
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summonerluna · 1 month
For the fanfic writer ask, I'll go with my date of birthday: 2, 11, 80 🥰
2. Talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said "fuck your plan, here's what we're actually doing."
Fifteen Minutes Old. It was supposed to be about Squall trying to learn more about sorceresses and learning that he didn't need all the answers to be supportive, and the pregnancy scare thing was going to be a brief note that just led to more research. I had zero interest in ever writing them as being parents and it wasn't what I saw for my post-game headcanon. Instead Rinoa decided she was GOING to be a mom, dammit, no matter how hard the journey to get there was, and it led to a follow up longfic and the creation of two characters who went on to live in an original novel because they just demanded to exist.
11. What's something neat you've learned while doing research for something you were writing? Also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
On the "I promise I'm a writer and not Planning Crimes" line of things, I did a lot of research into neurotoxins while working on The Successor, specifically tetrodotoxin. I don't remember all the science about it anymore but it was cool to learn. Same with drowning and hypothermia and what the human body can actually survive. Recently I've learned more about the actual process of knighthood; who even would typically be considered, the training (having to run/ride/climb/SWIM in full armor was part of it), education, and social status. LoZ plays VERY fast and loose with the actual history of knighthood, if anyone was wondering.
I care VERY much about research while writing. I have had to train myself to leave placeholders while writing with a note of what to come back and research later, or else I will end up in a rabbit hole with absolutely zero words written but I'll know a lot more about George Washington's favorite bible verses. (True, recent story.) While working on The Successor I kept a tab open for moon phases and tide tables. I'm not going to promise I didn't miss something, or swap a scene around in editing and forget to correct for it, but for the most part the moon phases should correspond exactly to the passage of time, and the tides should line up to whatever month I decided to base things on (October, I think), based on the Bogue Banks tide chart. I'm a nerd, I love this shit.
80. Do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc... in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
Yes, but not intentionally. At least not at first. When I start a new project I get an idea and see where it takes me. If you look across my writing in general, there are a lot of themes of grief, loneliness, and motherhood, and there's no real reason for that other than they are extremely personal subjects for me so it makes sense I explore my own feelings about them in writing. If I notice I have unintentionally started adding something though I will pay more attention to it, start doing research, and make notes so when I am editing I can look for consistency. The zelink longfic I'm working on right now for instance, I realized I multiple times referenced birdsong as background noise so I started paying more attention to when, and looking up what the birds I had mentioned symbolized and looking for other ways I could maybe incorporate birds. A friend did point out to me once that I am constantly coming back to the idea of choice in my writing, which I didn't even realize I did. So I guess in terms of themes or morals I do place a lot of value on my characters having freedom to make their own choices--or trying to gain that freedom if they don't already have it. I also mention the moon a LOT, so that's a motif I suppose. I use it to denote the passing of time, and probably lean a lot into the moon as having yin energy since a lot of my storytelling is more internal and about the place and characters, than it is the yang energy of plot and action.
These are REALLY thoughtful asks! I would love to get more, and to see more of y'all reblog that post so I can see your answers!
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icynderbolt · 4 months
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Why my theme is what it is:
I chose "Re:vealed" to reflect the psychological stand point of art and how, though it is beautiful, has a reason for its creation. Art is a from of expression. Painting, writing, singing, dance, music composition, and its sub-categories are its different languages. Laid bare and naked, displayed for the public eye, inabitions, hopes, dreams and insecurities allow all kinds of noses to peer into the soul of a fellow human. The "vealed" play on words was meant as a tribute to my gorey interests in disection, biology and true crime documentary.
How my writing changed or improved:
My writing this year had undergone a crazed metamorphosis filled with uncertainty, self-critisicm and mental breakdowns. I enetered grade 12 confident, my 93 in grade 11 English a badge of honour. It shone bright with achievement and Grade 12 Philosophy and Classical Civ only futher fueled my love for the craft. Flowery langauge and sophisticated synonyms were my forte. Now, I don't even know what my writing style is anymore. Though I do have weaknesses in my writing, Grade 12 English bruised more than my ego. It affected my anxiety and will to write. What was the point? I had to follow the writing style of a teacher I never had and who never taught me what they wanted. I tried to take what I could. I used their class as practise for univerity's hardships. But, when you have to write for a scholarship on the due day, finish an assignment for a writing class placed back-to-back to your morning's torture and study for an in class essay for said morning's torture, it becomes overwhelming. I recieved many complemets from peers and teachers for my writing, but I remian weary, thinking they only say those empty praises to be kind. Yet, Creative Writing has given me time to reflect. Writing was a way for me to express my personality. Creative Writing has helped that trait survive.
So, to summerize, my writing has been beaten, bloodied and exfoliated, but it’s in its training arc.
My most proud work of writing:
"Gaia's sorrow." A small, insignificant poem, but it garnered a lot of respect from my peers. It was one of our very first prompt assignments in class where paint swatches were handed to each table group. Each group was given a colour scheme at random and, under a time limit of 10 - 15 minutes, they had to come up with a poem collectively pieced together by each member. Our group, who was unfortunatelty seated in the "cursed corner" (eastablished by our teacher to be the corner where so many of her previous students continuously failed her courses) suffered in a panick. Art block graced us with its presence and we were oh so very screwed. We did not want to follow in the footsteps of our predecessors. Yet, as the timer tick-tocked closer to its end, a bomb ready to explode, we were still stuck. We scrambled to our notebooks, hopeful that whatever mumbo jumbo barfed itself onto our pages would turn into something nice- In the blink of an eye, it was time to present. Our entire class was finished their prompt. We hadn't even started. So, in 2 superhuman seconds, I collaborated our last minute random sentence ideas into a coherent poem and had finished right when it was our turn to present. Our poem was one of the class favourites. Since then, my close school friend, Ronald, would not stop asking me "what I was" and that, by the end of the semester, he would figure me out. I laughed so hard. It was the best compliment because, as an artist who hates her art every single time she stares at it, I felt my work was actually... good.
Though not much had been written and though it wasn't a long or intricate piece of literature (like my slam poem and short story), "Gaia's Sorrow" was the most sentimental and impactful piece to me. My most proud work of writing.
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My personal mark out of 100:
I don’t know whether to be humble or proud. When asked to complement myself, I shy away, thinking it’s an act of sinful pride. If I beat myself down for a quality that is truly admirable, I may come to believe those negatives as reality.
The mark I’d give my writing is not high. I like it (my writing), but it (my writing) needs improvement. I compare myself a lot to others and grades are the most common comparisons of both status and intelligence. I find my writing has undergone too much change in such a short time (to the point where I notice nothing but the flaws) so I cannot help but rate my summative an 80/100.
My writing is:
Too chaotic (as seen with my blog)
too many run-on sentences and allusions and bubbly words overtake credability and actual information.
Dull/lackluster (seen with my imagism poems)
The lines could have been strung together with more movement and grace to convey the images more beautifully, but they stand vague and rigid. They do not explaning the settings on an emiotion level. They state the obvious like a formal essay.
Too cut up. Fluidity was a case thrown out the window (seen with my slam poem)
Obvious and abrupt cut-offs. I tried to relay the different sides to depression (body dismorphia, the unknowingness of having depression, food disorders, suicidal thoughts, joyful exteriors, numbness, etc.) but they do not transfer into eachother well (AKA the sections do not flow together as one poem. Instead, when both read and performed, the poem clearly sounds cut up).
They have good synonyms and vocabulary, as well as good variety in length of sentences. But, in terms of style, I would take marks off if I was my own teacher.
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fwacchi · 2 years
On mobile & sorry if I said anything weird my first language isn't english & for not using puntuation I'm not good at it
Hello! This is just a mini rant(kinda)(since no one that I currently know are into vtubers or know what they are & I just wanna talk about it) but I just came across this tiktok short/edit (don't really know what to call it 😅) but she basically trying to expose? Vtubers (mostly nijien) (mostly nina in this case) but she was a minor (it's in her prof.) & I found on one of her edits/videos she was asking ppl for shoutout bc she 'needs her fame back' & that just makes me feel weird about it like.. Idk.. I think that recently I just had seen some ppl trying to cancel some vtubers on tiktok for stupid things like fu-chun getting 'cancel' for liking/reading BL even though he's bi if I'm correct (ik that some of the cancel aren't really recent but tiktok just kinda stated to put those videos on my for you page recently) like for vox I kinda get why he's was cancel but at the same time not bc sure you can feel uncomfortable & all but for me personally I think that calling him a p*do was too mush like lately ppl have been throwing that word around to losely & I just think that he over share to much but yeah
Btw it's ok if you don't want to respond to this you can just ignore it but have a good day/night also I hope that your first day in college was good! My younger sister also just started college & she was saying the same thing as you so just know that you aren't alone 🤣🤣
Your English is reallyyyy good!! <3 and good luck to your sister too!!!
I've wanted to talk about this topic before but didn't really have the chance to but now that you've ranted about it, I'm gonna reply to your rants with a rant of my own so buckle up 😌
(there's literally an essay down there so enter at your own risk 👁️👁️)
This is exactly why I barely go on tiktok anymore. when I used to be a diehard fan of kpop artists, shits like this was way more worse. At some point, it started disturbing me to the point I actually never went back on tiktok again. That's how much I hated that app back then. Literally just one or two months ago I opened that app again, thinking I could have a peaceful life in vtubers fandom but oh lord I encountered a hate video.
It was something similar to what you said, but what I saw was a video saying "canceling nijisanji en" and I thought it was a joke or something so I went to the comments section to see what it was about. And the whole comment section was filled with "omg yes" "ugh shifting to nijisanji jp right now" "well at least shu is safe💀" honestly, I was like huh??? seems that they were talking about most of the nijisanji en boys interacting with an artist who was apparently racist (or something else i'm not really sure) but yeah that's the bits of it. [I saw a comment under the specific post saying something like "if this is how yalls attitude is, then don't even think about coming to the jp side" and I was like SLAYY GIRL YOU RIGHT ASF] sorry I'm pretty much gatekeeping niji jp from toxic fans like that who could just hate on their so called "oshi" on a baseless rumour.
First of all, I'm on twitter literally everyday and have heard nothing of that issue. Or maybe it's possible that I could've totally missed it. Secondly, even if the issue is true, I'm pretty sure the en boys wouldn't have interacted with the said artist if they knew about it. Like girl, vtubers don't have to know everything about everyone on internet. Just because they don't follow up on who is who and who is supporting what doesn't mean you have the fucking rights to cancel them.
Let me tell y'all something mind blowing. Reading BL isn't a crime. Surprising? Get that into your fucking mind. BL is a genre just like Mystery, Romance, Historical and etc. Even if you're straight you can read/watch BL it's not wrong. It's not wrong as long as you don't fantasize about it and get off on it. If you're a straight person reading BL (yaoi) and getting turned on about it and being public about it, then seek help. That's just so wrong. You girls don't like it when men jerk off to lesbian porns so it goes both ways.
This is me speaking for myself as someone who enjoys BL and I would love to read GL genre too. But there's just none that suits my taste and BL stories are being published more and more rather than GL. That's the main reason I read more BL and not GL. It has nothing to do with me being a freak. I don't even read much yaoi like BJ ALEX, painter of the night, etc. I mostly enjoy fluff BL genre because I see it as any other romance. (if you have good gl manhwa/anime/donghua/manga recommendations, please share it with me👁️👁️)
And calling vox a p*do? that's just way too offensive and wrong. Did you see him having dirty talks or actually having sex with a minor? No you fucking didn't so stfu. You don't even know who he truly is behind the avatar so what gives you the rights to say something so horrible about him? And this goes to everyone else. Even if a person you know, or barely know, is a prostitute, slut, playboy or whatever, you do not get to judge them. You're not their parents/family members so you get no say in their life. Just stfu and live your own life instead of judging others'. UNLESS you see them committing real crimes which is against the law of your country then report them to the police. That's all you have to do.
Now, I don't want to categorise all tiktok users as one group but most of the people, I repeat, MOST of the people in tiktok are underage, or simply just utter fools who have no morals in them. Especially those hate accounts (and this goes to EVERY hate accounts. not just the ones dedicated to nijisanji/vtubers).
I see some accounts saying "this is a troll account. i actually love [insert name] so much🥺" no. If you love them as much as you claim to, then you wouldn't even think about hating on them like that even for a joke. That's just disrespectful.
What do they really get out of this hating behaviour? likes? shares? comments? fame? well if that's what they want then they're really doing it in a wrong fucking way. I didn't know people could be happy getting those achievements from such a nasty way. They have little to none shame. Possibly bringing down someone's career because of their stupid behaviour isn't something to be proud of. Their parents surely wouldn't be proud of it either. Am I mean? well not as much as they are and at least I'm only speaking facts.
It's literally so easy to shut up your mouth if you don't like something. Like, go find something else you enjoy instead of hating.
+the nijisanji en family has been getting bigger these days which is why they're getting more hate that are visible. The only thing we can do is comment something to put some sense in their shitty mind(which will end up going over their head considering how dumb they are), report, block and scroll away. Fools like them can't be fixed unless they themselves realise what they're doing and how it harms others around them. We really shouldn't be wasting our time and ruining our mental health over some dumb asses.
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Normal People don't know their IQ
(A/N): Inspired by me, who recently discovered normal people don’t know their IQ, while I was tested two or three times already...
Summary: A certain someone is the only way to get the UnSub. But there’s also something different that makes her special.
Warnings: Angst (fluffy end, I swear), language, mentions of rape and torture, mention of dead people, the usual CM stuff I guess Wordcount: 2.0k
✨Masterlist✨ _________________________________________
“Garcia, I need you to look into high school teachers, who are suspended or fired for inappropriate behavior towards students and live in the area of the kidnappings”, Hotch orders in a stern voice. But you can’t blame him, after all there are currently six dead teenage girls and one missing. One can only hope and work as fast as possible to get her back to her parents alive.
The team is working a case in Sacramento, California. Teenage girls get abducted on their way home from school, are held for exactly a week and are killed by a simple cut to their throat. The torture they have to endure beforehand isn’t as simple. The last two also show signs of rape.
The dumbing sites are different parks all over the city. The placing happens overnight only to have the girls found the next morning by a clueless jogger or stroller.
“Let’s go over the profile again, I feel like we are missing something”, Rossi commands. His gut feeling tells him only that much, he just has to find out what it is.
“It’s a white male in his mid thirties to late forties. He blends in, so he has to be or has been a teacher. Someone who looks like they belong into a school isn’t suspicious”, Spencer counts the facts.
“The victims all look similar, probably resembling an ex-wife or girlfriend”, Morgan adds. Before he can get into the depth of the torture a phone rings.
“My lovely crime fighters, I got an address. Charles Collins. philosophy and history. Got suspended for suggestive talk towards his female students. He is also said to stare at them and certain body parts for way too long and way too obvious. Gross. Annnd that- wait”
“What is it, Garcia?” Hotch asks after a moment of silence, which is unusual for the ever bubbly tech analyst.
“You got your profile wrong. Collins doesn’t take these girls because of an ex flame.”
The team looks at each other in confusion. Garcia always stresses how she isn’t a profiler and can’t judge over people, because she only wants to see the good in them. How is she able to tell that the profile is off?
“Shoot baby girl, we don’t have much time left”, Derek urges her. He wants nothing more than to have this SOB finally behind bars. The whole team wants that.
“He has a daughter. Technically it’s not his daughter, it’s someone else’s, but he is her foster father. Go and please save both girls!”
Penelope doesn’t have to say it twice. After a brief thank you and goodbye the team is on their way to the given address. As soons as they get there, everyone notices the absence of a car in the driveway. Hotch sends Spencer, Emily and Derek through the back door, the rest goes in from the front.
It’s needless to say that nobody opens up. There is no other way than kicking the doors down.
After entering the house and clearing the first floor, Rossi points towards the stairs that leads to the first story. There are only two rooms. A bathroom right hand and a closed door left hand.
Morgan counts quietly down before also kicking this door down and screaming “FBI!” But he seemingly talks with air, because there is no one to be found. Once again the team swarms out to look for evidence or clues.
As Spencer looks through the room they cleared last, he sees various things that make him smile. Several bookshelves are flooded with all kinds of genres, authors and covers. At first he can’t make out in which way they are sorted. But a closer look makes him realize that they are sorted by the author’s birth year. The doctor is kind of impressed, because that means the person knows when they are born in order to find a certain book. He likes the idea, it is a nice little challenge.
While he investigates further a sound makes him stop. He sends a text to Emily and waits for her. When she enters the room Spencer gestures to her to keep it quiet. Then he points to the bed.
They lower themselves down to the floor at the same time on each side of it. A girl, no older than 14 years, lays there shivering in angst. With big doe eyes she looks at Spencer and whispers:
“Please don’t hurt me.”
A while later the team is back at the station with the girl sitting in one of the interrogation rooms. The temperature is already set down, though Hotch feels really bad for it. Still there is another girl out there waiting to be safed.
“Baby girl, what can you give us on her?” Morgan sets his phone in the middle of the table and switches the speaker on.
“Our little girl’s name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), fourteen years old. Parents were deemed to be unable to look after her since they are both heavy drug addicts and didn’t even register her crying for two hours straight. Since the age of six months she bounces through the system with nobody wanting to keep her longer than two years. They claim she is too smart for them and want somebody to look after her, who can challenge her intellectually.
“Collins took her in one and a half years ago. He got her signed up in several activities after school, like chess and academic decathlon. As of right now she is a junior with an opportunity to graduate next year. Her teachers describe her as incredibly bright with a complicated way of thinking.”
“Complicated way of thinking? Her intelligence was neglected for years, so she gave herself her own challenges. I found her books sorted by the birth year of the authors. She found ways of making things more difficult for herself, that’s why she fabricated strange ways of thinking. This is often found in children with high intelligence, who are not boosted enough by their environment”, Spencer explains, getting more and more furious.
His colleagues feel that this is a sensitive subject for their resident genius. JJ comfortably puts a hand on his shoulder, making the tense go away.
“Emily and Dave, I want both of you to interrogate her. We need to know where he hides the girls. JJ, try to hold the press off for a bit longer. Morgan, Reid, I want you to watch and look for tells or anything else”, Aaron orders.
Everyone works on their given task immediately.
You don’t need to be a profiler to see that (Y/N) is scared out of her mind. She has her feet on her chair and her head lies on her knees. When the two agents enter, she tries to at least fake some kind of composer. But she fails miserably at it.
“Hello (Y/N), may I call you that?” Emily begins in a soft voice. The teenager nods shyly. “Good, (Y/N). My name is Emily Prentiss and this is David Rossi. We are agents from the Behavior Analysis Unit from the FBI. Do you know why you are here?” The teenager shakes her head.
“Ok, let’s cut the chase”, David's voice booms through the small room. “You know exactly why you are here. From what we saw in your room you are an incredibly smart girl. How high is your IQ? 130? 135?”
“147 a-actually”, she nervously corrects the agent, never meeting his eye. The team notices this fairly quickly.
“Even better, normal people don’t know their IQ. So you know what your forster father does. You saw the news, you read the papers, you heard your classmates talk. In addition to that, the girls look alarmingly similar to you. And all of the sudden Charles is more often out than usual. So do us a favor and come clear.” Then he pulls out a picture from a manila folder on the table. Emily tries to intervene.
“Rossi, don’t. She is not the UnSub. (Y/N) is just unfortunate to be at the wrong place.” “She might as well be another UnSub if she doesn’t do anything to help us. Do you know how long you are going to jail for helping hi-”
“I don’t know anything. I- of course I saw what is h-happening. A-and I connected the dots a long time a-ago. You know, Charles lost his job and that’s a stressor. T-then Child Service was investigating him, because of the suspension’s reasons. I-I couldn’t do anything. I had no evidence, the police wouldn’t believe me. I asked him once wh-what he thinks about, you know, what’s happening. He slapped me and told me to not talk about it again. I’m so sorry, I wanna help. The only thing that comes into my mind is an old cabin he once mentioned when I first arrived at his. B-but I don’t know if it helps you. P-please, I don’t want to go to jail or juvenile, I-” Then (Y/N) breaks down into tears.
Emily is in an instant by her side trying to calm her down, while Hotch gives the information to Garcia. As soon as she finds the location, JJ takes a seat next to (Y/N) and the rest of the team flies out.
“You don’t have to be scared of him anymore, Sweetheart. My colleagues will find him and he will be tried and convicted. He will never be a threat to you again”, the blonde tries to comfort her.
“Whenever I leave an abusive home, there will be another one that’s exactly the same. The only difference with Charles was that he seemed to understand me. He helped me. There’s nobody who is willing to do what he did for me”, she admits sadly.
It breaks JJ’s heart, because her words are true. Even though he is a killer, Collins did help her. But she is also determined to show the young girl that he isn’t the only one who can do that. That there are more people out there, who are kind and as helpful if not more.
Not long after this the team brings the man into the station, Morgan guiding him with a deadbolt-like grip.
Rossi spots (Y/N) in a break room with a hot drink in her hands. While making his way over there, Spencer follows him. He wants to talk with her as well.
“(Y/N) I’m sincerely sorry if I hurt you earlier. I didn’t intend to scare you, we just had to act quickly and you were the only source of information available. I also wanted to tell you, that your achievements are astonishing and I guarantee you a bright future, maybe even at the FBI”, he winks at the end of his last sentence.
“I understand, Agent Rossi. But doesn’t everybody know their IQ? I assumed everybody gets at least tested once in their life in some way”, she asks with surprise in her voice.
At that the older man is speechless. Of all things she could accuse him of legitimately, (Y/N) goes with the most innocent question.
“Actually, not everybody gets tested. A reliable test has to be done by a psychologist and most people don’t go to one. Furthermore there has to be a valid reason to do one, that’s why a great part of the population doesn’t know their IQ”, intervenes Spencer. He has to infodump, since the last time was over half an hour ago.
“But you also have to differentiate between the several kinds of intelligence, because intelligence is way more than being good at math. There…”
Rossi stopped listening to the excited interaction between the two geniuses. Instead he watches their body languages and facial expressions. He hasn’t seen both of them more at calm than they are now.
After all there might be a way for (Y/N) to get a little Happy End.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 11
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WC: 2077
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: full on angst, discussions of emotional trauma, mild depictions of blood/gore, mentions of self h*rm & su*cide, mentions of child abuse, discussions of physical disabilities, institutionalization, some dialogue & plot canon to TV show, hurt/comfort
The rest of the conference went by much like the first day did. Both you and Laszlo bought a few books for your collections. An ease had settled over your conversations with the help of Sara and John's presence; you spoke more freely with each other. You tell yourself it is not because he's going soft on you or vice versa, but rather that you have found yourself in this imaginary bubble where you happen to get on well. It's inevitable that it will pop once you’re back at school and Laszlo will revert back to his usual callous state.
Laszlo. It still felt odd to think of him like that, rather than by his title. You couldn't lie, it gave you a sort of thrill. Even in your dreams you had only called him by his honorific. Thankfully you didn't have another dream after Friday. You couldn't escape the feeling that you'd said something incriminating in front of the man in question. So you chose to pretend it didn't happen.
Monday morning came and you headed to the train station. Once again he had secured a private cabin for the journey. This time you came prepared with a book since you had yet to replace your broken phone.
"Thank you again for inviting me to this, I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice of the department to foot my travel expenses, the hotel was really fancy. I may have helped myself to a mini-bottle or two," you joked.
"There is no need to worry about the department's finances; they were not involved."
You pause. He paid for you? Laszlo did say he would take care of the arrangements; but the four-star hotel, the private compartment train tickets, the admission to the conference, and every meal? Shit, that must have been a fortune, hundreds of dollars at least.
You don't know what to say, so you settle for an awkward "oh." A moment passes before you add "I appreciate that, um, I can pay you back. Might take some time but I can."
The professor is flippant in his reply. "There is no need, it was well spent for the research and knowledge acquired." He opens his book signaling the conversation is over.
You lick your lips. Fine then, I'll just consider it payment for emotional suffering and damages of the last eight weeks.
The first few hours of the journey were spent reading one of the new books you picked up at the convention. Occasionally you would peek over the pages at the professor. He was engrossed in his own selection; sometimes he would pause to write down a thought.
Around the seventh hour of your journey you had given up on reading anymore in favor of looking at the fields outside. The silence was comforting.
Laszlo had trouble concentrating on the book in his hand. He saw you as a conundrum. One minute you could be sociable and teasing with your comments, then next you were biting at his throat with your quick wit and fierce ideals. He decides that he wants to know what made you into who you are today. Now is as good a time as any.
His eyes on you cause a tingle up your spine but you ignore it. Laszlo breaks the silence; "may I ask a personal question?"
"You just did," you answer, still peering out of the large window. He huffed once, amused. At his following silence you face him. You raise your eyebrows to signal him to go on with his question. Curiosity grows at the thought of what he intends to ask.
"Twice now you have made implications of a traumatic past," he begins.
Bubble popped.
Interrupting, you snark "is this the part where you psychoanalyze me, doc? Because trust me, I've been through enough of that." You pick at the lint on your jeans.
Laszlo tries to choose his words more carefully the next time he speaks. "What I mean to say is, the first afternoon in the classroom where you defended that student you implied you had been witness to a trauma. You then displayed signs of anger and embarrassment before leaving prematurely. Yesterday you mentioned having entered a psychiatric facility. As an alienist I can't help but find myself curious about your experiences."
You slide your eyes to meet his from across the cabin. Your face is devoid of any emotion. "We all have our demons. Even you can't argue with that."
Your jaw clenches. Everyone had warned you. They all said he would try to worm his way into your head to figure you out. All the reviews, the gossip, everything. It was a big fat 'I told you so'. You give a pitiful laugh at the situation. "You know, everyone told me that you would pull this stunt."
He seems confused by your statement. "And what is that?"
"That you'd get inside my head and try to figure me all out or whatever. You already know I googled you beforehand, what everyone says about your methods. By now I assume you've done a little research yourself. I promise you there is nothing exciting here," you scoff and point to yourself.
"You would be correct in your assumption." You chew at your cheek as he starts. "I do know some of what happened in your past. Yet I also know that society likes to dilute the truth into something either more palatable, more entertaining, for people to consume greedily. What I want to know is what you have faced. How you have not allowed the experience to overcome you so much so that your humanity is erased like the characters I lecture on."
Eyes closing of their own volition you are thrown back in time to that night so many years ago. You didn't talk about it anymore. Bitsy knew of course, but that was the extent.
Laszlo waits. He knows this is likely to push you over the edge if your history with him means anything. Quite frankly, anyone would be tossed to their limit at his interrogation had they gone through what you had. John always told him that he needed to work on his bedside manner; that he had a habit of coming on too strong in his pursuit of learning the intricacies of the human mind. But your earlier comment about being sent to a so-called 'nuthouse' rubbed him the wrong way. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He needed to know. He needed to understand.
Laszlo can imagine the reprimand that he would receive from John and Sara for this. Just as he considers apologizing for his intrusion you open your eyes.
"She was fine. None of us suspected anything was wrong. I came home from having dinner with some… boy, and she had locked herself in the bathroom. She- she must have started over the sink and moved to sit on the side of the tub. She was hunched inside it when I got the door open. I pulled her out. Blood was… everywhere." Your voice is clinical as you explain.
"After, I shut down. So I checked myself into a psych ward a few days later when I couldn't get the feel of her blood off my hands. It's slippery, you know. And it smells. You wouldn't think so but it does." You clear your throat. "I did the therapy, took the meds they prescribed, all the standard treatments. Later I started watching true crime documentaries. I'd heard about exposure therapy so I figured the more I saw the gore, the less the image of my dead roommate would bother me. And it did help. The nightmares stopped after a while, I came back to school. I was better, just not the same.” You had watched the passing landscape as you explained. Turning to face him you speak again. “That's why those pictures didn't bother me. They weren't anything I hadn't seen before."
He contemplates you. The discovery and subsequent loss of your friend in this manner would no doubt cause lingering effects to your psyche. A stain that would forever remind you. "I offer my sincerest condolences. I do not presume to know what that would be like to experience, but I am glad you sought help afterwards. To make the choice to alleviate yourself of your own suffering where possible.”
As he says this he realizes that your anger towards the idea of being enslaved to unconscious impulse makes perfect sense. It explains why you focused so much energy on defending your belief in free will. That you have the power to choose how you carry your joy, your anger, your healing. It reminds him of how he held onto his own guilt and hurt, ignoring how it festered within him for so long. He feels as though he needs to share a piece of himself with you.
“I played piano as a child, quite well too. My mother hoped I would someday make a career of it. I vividly remember playing Mozart’s Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D Minor at a holiday party when I was seven years old. It was my favorite to play.... It requires two hands." You finally look at him. "My father...” He pauses to gather himself.
Now it is the doctor that cannot meet your eyes. As you listen you feel your confusion grow. How could he have been a talented pianist if he only had full use of his left hand? Unless..., the realization dawns on you just as he continues, his words slow.
“My father had two sides. One loving and the other brutal, the two often coexisting. It was something as trivial as putting me to bed, I recall... A game of tug of war. We were laughing…” He inhales a sharp breath. Already you can feel the tears begin to blur your vision. “I don't remember if he was drunk or if I said something that offended him. He must have pulled my arm behind my back.” Laszlo exhales shakily. “In small children, fractures can often affect…” he trails off, unable to finish. You can hear how he barely holds himself together.
Your heart aches for the broken man that sits in front of you. He never let on how much his arm bothered him, at least not within your presence. Suddenly you don’t see him as this rude, insufferable, obsessive man, but instead as someone that spends his life trying to protect himself. He projects his own anger and hurt so that he may, just for a minute, forget about his own demons. He wants to help others even when he feels he cannot bear to help himself.
But unlike you, he has to live with the physical reminder of his past every day of his life.
You stand and move to sit on his right side. Before allowing yourself to think too much of your actions, you place your hand atop his own, curling your fingers around his palm and squeezing delicately. You don’t bother wiping away the tears on your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Laszlo;” the whisper is barely heard above the sound of the train. A second passes where you fear you have overstepped and offended him by touching the affected limb. When his thumb tightens against the backs of your fingers you know he is not. He holds you in place.
“You asked me how I kept my humanity. How does anyone really? We learn to take what we get and we carry it in a bag. Sometimes you have to drag the damn thing behind you. But eventually the weight gets less and less if you allow yourself to move forward, even if it’s still there with you all the time. I dealt with what happened years ago and it does still haunt me. It’s easier now than it was, but… I- I suppose I’ve learned from you too. Sitting in those lectures and hearing you talk. We can either let it haunt us for the rest of our lives… or we can accept it… and use the memory of our pain to help ourselves and others.”
“I’m not sure the choice is entirely in our hands.” His tone is mournful.
You turn to smile at him through your tears. His own eyes are bloodshot. “I disagree. If it weren’t, if we didn’t have the freedom to choose that, we’d all be murderers.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑲���𝒔𝒔 (𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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Part Two
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡/𝐄𝐦𝐨! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)/ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥/𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞/𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞/𝐝*𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐩*𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘/𝐍 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓𝐊+
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @hanatiny @vocalyunho @galaxteez (payback you little bitch)
Awoken from her daydream, Y/N grumbled when her best friend shoved his notebook in her face.
"Earth to Y/N!" He shouted as he ruffled her hair with the object in his hand.
"Mingi! What the hell?" She complained as she pushed the notebook away.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the past 3 minutes. Are you even listening to me?" He questioned her.
"I am!" She interjected.
Giving her a quizzical look, he crossed his arms.
"Really? Then can you tell me what the answer is?"
Ripping the notebook from his hands, she looked over the equation that filling half the page, squinting at it every now and then before ultimately admitting defeat as she slowly handed it back to the genius sitting next to her on the bench.
Rolling his eyes, Mingi let out a small sigh as he began packing up his belongings, deeming it useless to continue his semi-tutoring session.
"Don't give me that look Min, not everyone is a cute nerd like you that can solve an advanced calculus problem in mere seconds."
"Ok! Although that may be true.." He held up a finger as he paused to fully zip up his bag.
"You're pretty smart too Y/N."
She gave him a small thankful smile at his comment.
"You're problem isn't that you're dumb. Your problem is currently standing right over there."
She hesitantly tilted her head to where his head gestured at, knowing fully well what she'd see. But as soon as she caught a glimpse of the black combat boots, her eyes stayed fixated on the figure reclining against the lamppost. Her eyes trailed up his ripped black skinny jeans, up his torso which was covered by a striped black and dark red turtleneck, its sleeves peeking out of the black studded leather jacket layered on top, until they landed on his nonchalant gaze. His eyes were looking down at his phone, the input connected to the headphones that were currently resting on top of his dark ash grey head. That was how one would mostly find Kim Hongjoong: lost in his own little world, blocking out the rest of his environment with a click of his music playlist, no doubt filled with bands like Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin and MCR. Y/N wasn't going to lie, more than once she often thought about playing a G note near him just to see if he'd react or not. Thinking about him actually reacting to anything made her giggle on the inside.
"And there you go again!" Mingi's voice yelled in her ear.
She was so startled by his piercing scream, she actually fell over and hit the pavement kinda hard. She winced as she felt a pain on her derriere.
"Ow. Ow. Ow." She groaned as she began lifting herself up.
Out of nowhere, a pair of arms scooped her up and helped her stand upright.
"You all right?" The person asked.
"I think so. Thank you for-"
Her words got caught on her throat as a pair of dark brown eyes looked at her, black eyeliner smoked out to accentuate the shape of his eyes and make them look more intense than they already were.
He smirked at her before looking over at Mingi and nodding at him.
"Yunho sent you the invite right?"
Although he was quite familiar and somewhat friendly with Hongjoong, Mingi still had a hard time talking to him, so he merely tilted his head down in a half nod.
"So you're coming or are you going to stay home again and study for any surprise quiz Professor Nam might try to give us?"
Mingi poked his bottom lip out, somewhat offended at being called out like that. The dark male let out a soft snort.
"Seriously Mingi, going out once in a while won't hurt you. You don't even have to get fucked up if you don't want. Just come hang out."
Turning his attention back at the girl silently admiring him, he flashed her a wink.
"Bring a friend if you want too."
Bringing the headphones up to cover his overly pierced ears, he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away in that usual way of his that made several people think he was on his way to commit a felony or crime.
Y/N watched him leave until he was completely out of sight, and even then, she still stayed staring at the corner he turned. Leaning in, Mingi stared at her with widened eyes.
"Your middle school phase of liking Andy Biersack copycats is really showing Y/N."
She scoffed and pushed his face away from hers.
"Shut up, you act like you didn't have your own infatuation with Hayley Williams."
Mingi stiffened, his ears turning slightly red at the memories.
"I got over it didn't I?"
"I don't know? Did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him teasingly.
"Some friend you are. And here I was actually thinking of taking you with me to the weekend bash Yunho and his friends invited me to."
Y/N looked at him in disbelief.
"First off, why would they even invite you? You're not even a part of their clique. Second, even if they had invited you, you wouldn't go. You're too uptight." She accused him.
Squinting his eyes at her, Mingi cleared his throat.
"For your information, I got paired up with Yunho, Hongjoong and Jongho once for a group project and we actually keep in touch since then."
Y/N dropped her hands to the side, a loud slapping noise made against her thighs.
"When was this?"
"Around the time you went to that trip with your parents back home." He answered.
Her mouth dropped open.
"And you never told me this because.....?"
Mingi rolled his eyes.
"Because you would have teased me or would have said something about a nerd, a jock, a teacher's pet and an emo goth, whatever hell spawn demon he is, in a room together and actually getting along."
"I mean, I get them getting along, not so sure about a boring old prick like you though." She stuck her tongue out at him.
Mingi held his fingers up, threatening to flick her forehead if she continued, but Y/N flinched away.
"You ass. And here I was actually thinking of going and taking you so you can hit on your dream boy." He expressed as he began his walk back home, already deeming it late to stay behind on campus grounds.
Following suit and placing herself on his left, Y/N uttered out.
"He's not my dream boy..."
"Really? Then why do you keep drooling over him and looking at him with googly eyes about to pop out of their sockets?" He inquired.
"He's just.....he's just a complex character. Full of mystery and shrouded in this dark aura that I want to get past and see what's behind it...."
She hesitated even though she was supposed to be answering a question. She felt kinda stupid for thinking like that, making Hongjoong seem like some type of enigma when in reality, he could just be a normal person like all the other people that walked past her on the streets. Her friend didn't judge her though, owing some of her curiosity to her psychology major and passion. Slumping an arm around her, he playfully nuzzled his nose against her cheek, making her emit a half-whine half snort hybrid sound at his antics, trying to release herself from his grasp.
"You're so cute. Now come on. I have to take you shopping."
Not even bothering to ask if she had plans or needed to be somewhere else, Mingi linked hands with her and pulled her with him as he speedily walked in the direction of the nearest mall available.
"Explain to me why that is necessary Einstein? You always hated going shopping with me." She nearly tripped trying to keep up with his long strides.
"Because if you want to win emo boy's heart, you at least gotta start looking like his type." He called back at her.
"And what exactly would his type be?"
"Just trust me and leave it all to me."
Y/N wasn't sure about trusting Mingi anymore as they made their way through a dense, misty and dark forest, the only illumination available being the moonlight that casted a blue tinted beam at their surroundings. Her head whipped with every strange noise that came from bushes or behind a tree. It was kinda chilly and the light breeze that whooshed past them had her legs shivering, making her regret wearing the distressed black shorts and fishnet tights under an oversized Scorpions tshirt that covered most of the shorts, making it look like a no pants look.
"Mingi? Are you sure about this?" She was only thankful of her purchase of some Dr. Martens 1460 black boots which helped her not fall or trip easily on the dirt road.
Mingi, who was an even more scared baby than she was, was fumbled with the sleeves of his pullover hoodie.
"Yeah, Yunho sent me directions and it should be around here somewhere..." He tussled his hair back, trying to hear or distinguish any sound.
"Are you sure he didn't send you to his murder site?" She asked, looking around for any suspicious thing.
Right at that moment, a figure jumped out in front of them, causing both of them to start screaming in terror. Mingi in particular, pushed Y/N to the side and began running in the opposite direction.
"Well dang, he didn't even let me yell boo or something."
Y/N recognized the buff male in front of her as Choi Jongho, the running back of the football team. Giving her an apologetic look, he helped her up after Mingi accidentally pushed her onto the dirt. As she dusted the dirt off, Jongho looked at her band tee.
"Scorpions?" He pointed at it.
He uttered a small 'cool' before signaling her to follow him. Turns out, they were actually not far off from the location, which was actually an old abandoned 2 story summer house that resembled more a barn to her than an actual living space. Cars were all parked out around the area and music was blasting from speakers connected to who knows where. People who hung outside were either vaping their Juuls and chugging back bottles of Smirnoff or Mike's Hard beers, some already halfway to being wasted while others simply held it in their hands, hardly taking a sip as they scanned around trying to find someone to go back home with.
"Don't worry about Mingi. I'll go get him......eventually."
Hearing him snicker, Y/N was actually more worried about herself than Mingi. She only agreed to come because, as surprising as it was, he encouraged her to and knowing he'd be there by her side, being the only person she could stick to cause she did not know anyone else, gave her a little bit of courage. But not anymore after he just totally ditched her and left her alone in God knows where.
Seeing her shift around uncomfortably as they passed through a crowd of wild jumping people, Jongho laced his fingers in hers and brought her over to a more quiet side of the place, where 3 other people were standing around, chatting amongst themselves. Once the two huddled up close to each other saw Jongho and a mystery girl they'd never seen before, they began nudging and whispering among themselves, one of them chuckling under his breath. Hongjoong could already guess what his friend's conversations was about, but he simply rolled his eyes at their behavior and lustful gazes.
Until he turned his head and saw who it was next to Jongho. Then took out the red vape in from his lips and made it a point to exhale the fumes onto the younger member's faces.
"Yah! Hyung! What the hell?" His friend with cat like eyes remarked as he coughed and fanned away the cancerous smoke.
"Just cause you don't care about contracting lung's disease at an early age, doesn't mean San or I want any part of it." The other said.
"Wow. I'm impressed you actually know what contracting means Wooyoung." He smiled amusingly at his younger friend, who was not very pleased with his little joke.
"Hey guys! While trying to retrieve Mingi, I made a new friend." Jongho greeted them like a happy bunny as he held up his hand which was still holding Y/N's.
Hongjoong's eyes narrowed down at where they connected, an eyebrow raised at their physical contact as the hand that held his vape pen began fidgeting it rapidly between his fingers. Jongho of course was oblivious to the anger burning through Hongjoong's stare while Wooyoung and San caught on pretty quick and began debating whether to laugh or step in before bottles were thrown.
"Ok, so where is Mingi now?" San asked him.
"He ran off." Jongho shrugged.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Wooyoung pushed himself in between them both, effectively separating them as he pulled Jongho away.
"Great! Now we gotta go find him before he gets lost."
Looking back at Y/N, he waved.
"Hi! I'm Wooyoung, I'm bi and goodbye! You seem nice. Hopefully there's a next time."
Y/N blinked at the flamboyant boy's introduction and exit, wondering if it was planned or-
"No he didn't actually mean to rhyme. He's cute but too dumb to make up a poem on the spot." San answered the question on her mind.
Looking back at Hongjoong, he smiled mischievously.
"Hongjoong definitely can. He's into dark poetry and that Edward Pie guy. Have him recite something to you."
Hongjoong fumed at San who merely patted his shoulder and placed his cup in Hongjoong's hand before sauntering off with the other two.
"Edgar Allen Poe you fucking moron!" Hongjoong yelled as he lifted the cup up, tempted to throw it at him.
Y/N held her hand to her lips for a brief instant, trying to suppress the smile threatening to form across her lips. Hongjoong sighed as he stared down at the contents in the cup, swirling it around casually before holding it out to Y/N.
"Want some?" He offered.
She didn't even know why she accepted it. She'd never drank before in her life and for all she knew, it could have been laced with something. But not wanting to look like a little priss, she took a deep breath before trying to gulp down whatever alcohol was inside. It burned down her throat and she spat some of it back in the cup, unable to hide the cringing expression at the strong liquor.
"What. Is. That?" She questioned as she wiped the liquid that was on her chin and lips.
Hongjoong snorted as he responded that it was straight vodka, making Y/N feel embarrassed to have let him see such a spectacle from her.
"You're not much of a drinker are you? Or hardly one right?"
Her sheepish look was a dead giveaway which had Hongjoong laughing slightly, his lips parting slightly. Y/N was not only surprised to hear him laugh for the first time, but was intrigued when she saw something metallic on his tongue, making her wonder if he was chewing on something. Noticing her curious gaze, Hongjoong's lip curled up at one corner.
"Oh. That's just a piercing."
He had no qualms and simply stuck his tongue out to let her see the silver bar that was plunged through his tongue, each end having a round ball.
"Wow.....that's impressive." She couldn't deny it was extremely attractive.
Hongjoong himself was just attractive in general. Standing there wearing his usual leather jacket, a black tshirt with red letters, and a red turtleneck peeking out from the top, covering his neck. His usual preference for ripped black jeans was not missing, only this time, he added a little flare by having a piece of red plaid fabric chained around his waist, making it look like a half-skirt look. It seriously made him more hotter than he already was.
"Yeah I know. It's even more impressive when I put it to work."
Pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against, he stepped closer to Y/N, one arm propping against the wall in front of her as he looked at her with hunger and desire in his eyes, those eyes that were once again covered with smoked out eyeliner, only this time he added a hint of red that really made them stand out more and seemed to lure you in and see deep in his soul.
"Wanna experience it first hand?"
She was so lost in his eyes, she almost didn't hear him, until she realized what he meant.
"Here?" She mouthed and gestured around them.
Hongjoong threw his head back and laughed.
"Obviously not here. I'm not like those people outside who are probably already getting to 2nd base in front of everyone."
"Oh....." Now she really felt her cheeks flush red.
Hongjoong patiently tapped his black colored fingernails on the concrete wall, waiting for her answer. She seemed to be debating withing herself so much, until her eyes fell on the patch of skin that was showing when his jacket sleeve rose up, letting her catch a glimpse of black ink that probably went up his arm.
"Listen, if you don't want to that's fine. I know when no means no-" He began to assure her.
"Ok." She quickly responded, interrupting his speech.
"Wait- you're serious?" He slumped his arm off the wall, quite shocked she'd agree.
She nodded. "Yeah."
When it was now Hongjoong who was standing quiet, Y/N giggled and leaned in.
"I mean...if you don't want to-"
She had no time to finish the sentence and his hands gripped her waist and pressed her against him, his breath fanning over hers, the strawberry scent of the vape pen still lingering in his mouth.
"Trust me, I've wanted to for a long time."
As soon as the door to Hongjoong's room in the dorm clicked shut, the tension in the room seemed to thicken. Y/N gulped slightly as she realized this is really happening. Not that she didn't want it to, but to actually have Hongjoong standing in front of her, his eyes already undressing and fucking her, while his bottom lip was caught in his front teeth, was definitely not a reality her brain was fully convincing. It wasn't until Hongjoong's thumb grazed her bottom lip, making her exhale a tiny gasp, that it fully dawned on her what was going to happen.
"Don't worry babydoll. I promise you'll get breathless after I'm done with you."
Wrapping his hand on the back of her neck to tilt it slightly upwards, his lips came down and covered her own, pressing against them before slightly parting and covering them once more. He started out slow before turning it more intense, nipping down roughly at her top lip in an effort to get her to open her mouth for him. When she did, his hands cupped the sides of her jaw, thumbs pressed against her cheeks to keep her face from moving as his tongue poked out and slipped inside her mouth. A muffled moan protruded from her throat when Hongjoong rolled his tongue over hers, his tongue piercing grazing the roof of her mouth. He then began swirling his wet muscle around her own, letting her feel the cold metallic jewelry that was sending shocks down her body. When his hands released their hold on her face, they only did so to glide down her torso before snaking down underneath her shirt to cup the back of her shorts, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, nails lightly raking across the exposed skin under the ripped hem.
Feeling like things weren't going fast enough for how needy she was growing, Y/N ran her hands across Hongjoong's chest, going up to his shoulders and sliding his leather jacket off them. Getting the hint, Hongjoong let it fall to the floor and soon his graphic tshirt followed suit, leaving him in his tight fitted red turtleneck that practically clung to his skin, his pectoral muscles that were well above average for someone his size perfectly outlined. As eye catching as it was, that wasn't what caught her attention. What kept her eyes trained on his chest was some weird thing poking out suspiciously.
He chuckled as he knew what she was curious about.
"Oh. That my dear doll, are another pair of piercings I got."
Y/N nearly drooled as he lifted his shirt off, not only revealing the hidden 11 abs he owned, but the arm sleeve tattoo that went from his wrist to a little bit above his right upper arm. On his left side, there was no tattoo on his arm, but instead on his ribcage. But the thing that made her squeeze her thighs together were the black colored metal pieces that were lined across his nipples. Unable to help herself, her hands reached out to touch them, but Hongjoong quickly stopped her.
"Ok doll, before you get ahead of yourself, at least one article of clothing has to come off your body." He smiled cheekily at her.
No hesitation, Y/N soon discarded her own shirt, tossing it somewhere on the room, leaving her torso covered with only her black lace bra that didn't exactly cover much.
"Fuck babygirl, where you hiding that all this- Oh, oh my!"
Hongjoong nearly fell back on his bed when Y/N pressed her face against his chest, her tongue darting out to lick around his pierced nipples. He swallowed as he collected himself, trying not to get too turned on as her tongue played around with the piercings, sometimes nipping at them. Hongjoong arched his back slightly, letting her take as much of him in her mouth as she pleased. The nipple that wasn't being made out with her mouth, was being pleasured by her hand, pinching and gently tugging at it.
"You can go as hard as you want."
Giggling darkly, he took her free hand and placed it on the erection poking out in his pants.
"I'll have you know I enjoy a little pain."
Making her squeeze down on it, Y/N could feel something odd, which prompted her to poke and grope him more fiercely. Wanting to satisfy her curiosity, Hongjoong unzipped his pants and pulled them down mid thigh to let her admire the last set of piercings he owned:
A Jacob's ladder running up the base of his dick and an ampallang pierced through the head.
"Holy shit...." Whether she said it out loud or not, Y/N didn't care. It was the most erotic image she had ever seen and she could not believe that in mere minutes, it would be inside her, no doubt destroying and tearing her walls apart.
Leaning in, Hongjoong sloppily kissed and sucked her jaw and down her upper neck.
"You're free to play with it as you wish doll. I got them for more than one reason. And that's one of them."
Not needing to be told twice, her hand wrapped around the base of his erect cock, her thumb running across his slit. Hongjoong hissed slightly when her hand began pumping him slowly, purposefully applying pressure to the silver metal adorning his length. Taking advantage of the his hazy state, Y/N returned to her previous task of playing with his nipple piercings. Hongjoong threw his head back at immense pleasure he was feeling, loving when Y/N would squeeze him a little to harsh or bite roughly at his nipples. He felt more intoxicated and high being painfully pleasured by her hand and mouth than with any THC chemical he'd ever introduce inside his system.
Without realizing it, he instinctively began bucking his hips up, wanting to chase the release that was building up inside him. Knowing what he wanted, Y/N lifted her head up and sucked on his neck, speeding up her hand movements.
"You gonna cum for me Joongie? Gonna cum all over my hand? Make a mess and soak my fingers with your dirty cum?" She taunted at him.
Unable to hold back especially after her dirty teasing, with a mutter of curses, he spilled himself all over her hand, some of it splattering onto her fishnets. Once he regained his senses, he looked down to find her looking at him with a shit eating grin.
"Heh......don't think you're in charge here doll. This is still my territory."
Swooping her up, she let out a little yelp when he tossed her onto his bed, immediately crawling in between her legs. After getting rid of his pants and briefs, his hands gripped on her belt loops to pull her shorts down. His eyes scanned her body, trying to decide on something. He hummed softly as his hand pressed down onto her clothed heat.
"I'm not going deny it, those fishnets do look remarkably sexy on you....."
With mock pity, he sighed. "Oh well."
Y/N gasped in horror as he tore a hole right in the crotch area, leaving the rest untouched. Opening his desk drawer, she widened her eyes when he took out a pocket knife and flashed it across her face.
"Relax doll. I like pain, but knife play isn't really my thing. On me or my partner."
After ordering her to stay still, she watched as he carefully cut on the sides of her lace panties, just enough to carefully slip them off her body without having to take off her tights. Although in any other situation she would have instantly closed her legs, she didn't feel like doing it this time. It turned her on and made her feel sexier to instead pry her legs open, letting Hongjoong peer down at her glistening folds that he caused, her hands running themselves down her chest as she bit down at her lip.
"Fuck! You're practically drenched already Y/N." Hongjoong cocked an eyebrow at her.
She only giggled before reaching behind her to unclasp her bra, slowly pulling the straps down before flinging it behind Hongjoong, letting it join the other pile of clothes scattered about. Hongjoong instantly became hard again, but as much as he wanted to bury his pierced cock inside her and fuck her senseless, there was still one thing he really wanted to do.
Positioning herself in between her legs, his hands gripped the back of her thighs. Looking back at her, he sent a wink her way before attaching his mouth to her soaking heat, causing her to jolt up at the sudden sensation. Knowing exactly how to get her head spinning, Hongjoong slid his tongue up her slit, making sure to drag the metal piece across her folds. It was unlike anything she felt before. Hongjoong already was demonstrating his powerful tongue skills, but the piercing just added a whole new sensation that had her shivering. She couldn't contain the moans spilling out her mouth when his tongue slipped inside her hole, her noises only turning louder when he flicked his tongue in a particular way that made the round metal tip thump against her clit. Hongjoong especially loved doing that little maneuver of hitting her clit with it.
When she felt herself about to burst, Y/N's hands clutched the sheets underneath her.
"Hong-Hongjoong I'm gonna- Aaah!"
The fire pooling in her lower abdomen broke free and rushed down, sending burning sparks up her body as her body trembled at the sensation. Pressing a hand down to hold her still, Hongjoong lapped up her her juices, moaning on her clit, the vibrations only serving to make her more sensitive to any move he made on her body.
When he felt she was ready, he swiftly sat up and positioned his pierced member at her entrance. Making sure to prep her, he got out a bottle of lube out of his drawer and poured some onto the tip of his fingers, spreading it around before inserting two fingers inside her. It had a slight cooling effect that made Y/N hum in pleasure, her mouth going slightly agape when he inserted a third finger, scissoring her out and overall making sure she was stretched out enough.
"Patience doll. I don't want to cause any unnecessary pain....."
She let out a whimper when he withdrew his hand and slapped her clit.
"That much." He finished.
Propping herself on her elbows, she kept her gaze in between their legs. She let out a cry when Hongjoong's head slipped inside her, the round tips of the ampallang piercing stretching her hole in a delicious burn. Next came the metal ridges that scraped against her lower walls, it was an absolutely exhilarating experience. Hongjoong himself let out a groan when he fit himself inside her tight and warm cavern.
"Jesus babydoll. When was the last time you had a good fuck?" He gripped her hips, trying to keep himself from moving just yet.
"Too f-fucking long." She disclosed, her head falling back against the pillow in a disappointed look.
"Well don't worry babe. I'll make sure to fuck any name out of that brain of yours, you won't even remember your own."
Snapping his hips up, he began a rather hard and fast pace, making sure to angle himself so he hit her g-spot. Y/N's hands held onto his arms, choked breaths and screams coming out of her mouth as she began drowning in the immense pleasure he was giving her. The way the metallic piercings raked against her walls every time Hongjoong thrusted in and out of her was indescribable. At first it felt strange and slightly painful, but soon it became addicting, almost to the point of being overwhelming.
Hongjoong took notice of the way her lips parted whenever the ladder piercing grazed at a particular spot.
"You're enjoying this my angel? Like being fucked by my pierced dick?"
Licking his hand, he dropped it down to spank her throbbing and swollen clit, grinning almost sadistically when she shrieked out at his pleasurable torture.
"Do you just enjoy being used like a dirty little hole? Isn't that what you are in the end? Just a filthy hole for me to fuck as I like?"
The corners of her eyes began spilling out tiny droplets of tears as his hand continued his assault on her clit, slapping it until it turned a bright shade of pink. Feeling the intensity build up yet again in the pit of her stomach.
"Hongjoong! I'm gonna cum!" She warned him.
Snaking his hand to grip her neck, Hongjoong sped up his thrusts, fucking her in a frenzy, sending her into a mental state of pure euphoria as he cut off part of her breathing. Y/N shut her eyes as a violent orgasm ripped through her body, her body thrashing and quivering under Hongjoong's. With clenched teeth and furrowed eyes, Hongjoong completely shattered on top of her, spilling himself inside her clenched walls that were milking him past his breaking point. Releasing his grip on her neck, he collapsed on top of her body, his hands spread out to keep himself from dropping all his weight on her.
"Oh my god!" He panted harshly as he tried to collect his breath and thoughts.
She was in no better state than he was, hair all disheveled, pussy still throbbing and her chest heaving up and down as her mind went blank. She only came to her senses when she felt Hongjoong get up and go out of his room, leaving her confused.
Did he regret it? Did he not enjoy it? Was he going to ask her to leave?
It turns out it was none of the above since he came back with a packet of wet tissues.
"You ok?" He asked, looking at her with concern.
After being reassured that she was fine, he plucked out some of the tissues and began wiping between her legs and thighs.
"Ok, these gotta go."
Hongjoong ripped more of the already destroyed fishnet tights and got them off her body, letting it hit the floor.
"Not like I would have used them again." Y/N agreed.
After cleaning both her and himself up, they both stayed quiet. Clearing her throat, Y/N made way to get up.
"Guess it's my cue to leave.."
"Wait don't go!"
Grasping her wrist, he pulled her back onto the bed, making her slightly straddle his lap. Looking up at her with such tender eyes, he offered:
"Stay the night. I don't want you to go just yet."
He said it with such a pleading tone that Y/N didn't have the heart to refuse his request. She just allowed him to place her beside him on the bed, his chest pressed against her back as one of his arms wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and slowly began drifting off to sleep. She was halfway gone when she felt Hongjoong wrapped something cold around her neck. Opening her eyes, she reached up and felt leather on her skin.
"What's this?" She questioned as her finger toyed with whatever was dangling from the device.
Hongjoong smiled fondly at the black choker strapped around her neck.
"Don't worry about it. Just wear it for me..."
His hand traced the red heart pendant dangling from the choker, the letters 'KHJ' engraved on the center of it.
"So everyone can see that you're all mine now."
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
PLATONIC HEADCANINS !! PLATONIC HEADCANONS !! HOW ABOUT- a doting touchy-feely PLATONC reader with the allies?? Friendship headcanons :3 (do Axis if u can but PLEASE don't do that if you are tired or busy PLEASE don't ♡♡:))
I feel Alfred is also a bit of a touchy-feely kind of friend too
Especially with best friends and whatnot
Is either always at your house or telling you to come to his
He just wants to watch movies or play video games with you
Heck he just wants to exist in the same room with his bestie
Will Alfred wake you up at 3am to do something with him?
Y’all will either be doing mundane things like going on a store run or literally committing a crime
There is N O in between
Since the both of you are both touchy-feely and likely clinging to each other you bet you’ve gotten the same question 1000x
“Are you two dating?”
You both either go for the ewww hell no or a straight faced but sarcastic yes we totally are
But it’s 50/50 if you both actually go for the same response
It’s a game at this point to see if you guys can read each other’s minds
You guys usually make an awkward situation for the person that asked because one will say yes and the other says eww and neither of you will back down and explain that you guys are just sarcastic and teasing jerks lmao
Arthur isn’t the most touchy person so having a friend that is can be tough sometimes
He does appreciate the hugs and physical comfort/support but he just gets kinda awkward
Well at first anyways
When you are certified besties he’s used to it and one can often find him gravitating towards you to just be close
Will never admit he likes it though sorry he’s a hard head
No one dares ask either of y’all that dreaded question though because they don’t want to deal with his sarcasm and the lecture that’s sure to follow
Arthur is a chill bestie though
Often invites you over to just be together
He doesn’t care if it’s just to talk, do something, or simply enjoy the presence of someone else
Help him cook maybe?
Even if you suck at cooking he enjoys attempting to cook with someone else
And that also means having fun in the kitchen and being complete dorks the whole time
And also having to order food or eat a sandwich because unless you can cook it’s going to be inedible
Will make you watch and read Sherlock, even if he has to be there or read it to you it’s happening
Francis is very touchy as a friend unless he knows someone dislikes it
So having a bestie that is like him is perfect
People probably think y’all are glued together at this point
No one would ever think y’all are dating either because Francis acts completely different with his bestie than a love interest
He’s kind of a mean ass ngl
He likes to jokingly bicker and fight with you
And definitely likes to cling and be dramatic with you to the point it’s annoying to others
Francis drags you with him everywhere
His house, the gym, the store, England’s house, etc
He cant just go alone anymore it would feel wrong like he’s forgetting something
If you’re bad at dressing or have no style he’s got your back
Literally shops for you but also constantly says things like you’ll never look as good as him
You are also one fo the few that will ever see Francis get serious or down in the dumps
It’s just something he doesn’t wear on his sleeve and reserves for those closest to him
Matthew is not used to having people cling to him
He’s not really used to having people notice him so having a someone that’s his bestie, that notices him the most, and always clings and talks to him is a strange and wild concept
Doesn’t mind the touchiness and honestly rather prefers it
He’s kinda touch starved :/
Matthew is likely always at your house with Kumajirou
Movie marathon and cuddles yo
Also as his closest friend you come to see his ‘secret’ side of being sarcastic and a complete savage
This boy does not hold back with you either
Maybe at first he did but when he realized y’all are in this friend stuff for life he won’t censor or sugar coat things if it’s not necessary
Makes you play and watch hockey with him
Will teach you everything if you know nothing
Matthew is the type of friend to invite you to his families holidays/vacations and come to yours
He knows and is cool with basically all of your family
I mean who could hate or dislike this polite boy?
Ivan is not used to friendship either as people usually tremble in fear before him
so having a friend that is touchy on top of having a close friend can be a bit much at times
But he’s happy!
He loves the hugs! Loves the contact! Loves having a friend!
Loves cuddles most of all he won’t lie, Ivan loves the feeling of comfort and support when you cuddle him
People do often assume you two are dating because most people assume someone would only put up with him if they were in love with him
Neither of you mind the rumors since y’all know the truth
Ivan is the sweetest friend
He shows up unannounced with food or groceries all the time
Always helping you out without being asked
Like oh your washing machine broke I fixed it/bought you a new one already or oh you suck at this let me explain it and teach it to you
Does this completely unprompted
He’s always over at yours or always inviting you over to his
Wants to do classic friend things?
Like things he sees in movies and shows that friends do a lot or things he’s overheard from others
Late night store runs, hanging out at parks, showing up unannounced to crash at your place, those kind of things
You’re the only person he confides in, you know all his secrets, his sadness, everything
Honestly, Ivan is the person who needs a touchy-feely friend the most out of everyone
Yao is happy about having a touchy friend but will always play like he hates it
Not in like a tsundere “I totally d-don’t need friends baka” kind of way but a really dramatic “omg I can’t believe you’re so obsessed with me haha loser” kind of way
He’s only joking of course and apologizes if you get hurt by his teasing or he crosses a line
Only a brave few would try and ask if y’all are more than friends
They have to listen to a lecture with an angry Yao explaining that people can be close and not want to date and how immature and inappropriate they’re being
Totally the type of friend that mothers you
Constantly says you look skinnier than last time and forces you to eat because he’s worried for you
Will not sugar coat anything for you
If you ask for his advice then I’m sorry but you’re gonna get it even if it makes you cry or get mad
Yao wants you over at his constantly
He’s lonely man ㅠㅠ
And he doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his house
Expect a lot of his gifts for your birthday/holiday to be cute plushies he found
Ludwig act differently depending on when y’all become besties
Like before Italy, he’s nervous, confused, and slightly annoyed by all the touching and notion of being besties
If it’s after Italy he’s used to all the touchiness and has figured out how to show his friendship to you in other ways
Like making you things! Or simply inviting you to hang out!
Ludwigs is always gonna be a bit awkward though
Always shy about hanging out and inviting you over
Many people assume you two to be dating because of his awkwardness but he is the first to start defending your friendship and it’s pure nature
He develops a sixth sense and now answers people’s questions about the two of you without even looking at them
He can just feel the nasty vibes
Asks you to do mundane things with him
Like shopping or even chores
Asks you to come bake with him a lot
It was embarrassing at first since not many people know his love of making sweets but he’s over that now
I know I say this a lot, but please work out with him _(:3 」∠)_
My guy just wants a work out buddy, a spotter, a n y t h i n g just please pick up the smallest dumbbell and pretend you want to work out
If you ask for advice expect him to be straight to the point about it but comfort you afterwards
Feliciano is a god tier bestie if your touchy-feely
Doesn’t matter if that touchy-feely emotionally and/or physically he’s down for both
Like please hold his hand, hug him, give him head pats, cheek kisses or any form affection really
No one even thinks anything of it, it’s just Feliciano being himself
If anyone did ask if you were dating he might get self-conscious of his actions, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or like he was trying to be something more with you
He’s easy to calm down though
Feliciano invites you out all the time
Restaurants, wine tastings, farmers markets, gondola rides, just about anything he can think of that he thinks you would like to do
Always at your house
He eats all of your food too, but he makes you some in return so it’s okay
Gives really good advice
Like for his bestie he’ll get super serious and thoughtful about your issues, even spending days thinking of solutions
Tries not to sugar coat things for you but ends up doing just that
He doesn’t want to make his friend cry or even more anxious
Will comfort you though if you are upset about anything he’s said and apologizes profusely for it too
Kiku is overall one of the ones who needs a touchy bestie but is the most challenging with receiving or giving the touchiness back
He’s a man who enjoys personal space and alone time, so he’s honestly surprised anyone considers him a true best friend
He knows he can get a bit feisty and shut himself away when he gets uncomfortable and that makes it hard to truly befriend him
But he’s really happy you stick around and deal with his awkwardness and rejection of your affection
Tries his hardest to at least accept your friendly affection
No one would dare ask if you two are flirting or together because my god it’s taking so much of his effort to just sit less than 2 feet away from you at the start so they don’t want to ruin his progress by making it awkward
Kiku definitely asks for your opinion on anime and manga
Gets into heated debates with you over certain ones
Is shy but asks you to come over a lot
Likes to have tea and snacks with you while you guys talk
Y’all can talk for literally a whole day
You sleepover a lot, he insists and even got you your own futon with a cool custom cover
Gifts you a kotatsu at some point because he loves them and he thinks you should enjoy them all the time too
When he gets over a lot of shyness he loves when you do simple forms of affection with him
Like ruffling his hair or holding onto his arm or even just leaning against him
He enjoys those the most since they aren’t too physical and mentally taxing on him and it still let you physically express your friendship with him like you love to do
If you ask for advice either get prepared for a harsh wake up call or a stumbling mess of words
It’s 50/50 if Kiku gives you the stone cold truth or tries to spare your feelings
As your friend he thinks you deserve the truth but he doesn’t want his harsh advice to ruin your mood or make you hate him
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musicallisto · 4 years
Hi, congrats on 800 followers! Can I please get a Six of Crows ship? I’m have short brown hair (I dyed red last week) and green eyes. I don't mind if im shipped with a girl or a boy. I like reading (no romantic novels), music and photography. I'm Aquarius. I’m very curious. I'm a little shy and even cold at first. I’m not good with feelings, I mostly keep them to myself if I can, but I care deeply for my loved ones and would do anything to help them, even if I'm not very good at giving advice. ☆
hi! here’s your vanilla milkshake, I hope you like it! I ship you with jesper fahey!
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You don’t imagine the extent of my joy to be able to add a gif of an actual real person for Jesper... however shall I survive until Aprid 23rd?
For the longest time, you thought the world started and ended at your corner of Fjerda, in your frozen estate by the True Sea.
You were descented from minor Fjerdan nobility, and your father, jaded by Court Life and its political intrigues - and, unofficially, penniless after giving his all for the sempiternal wars on Ravka -, had decided to leave the capital and retire to his family’s estate by the sea a few years after you were born.
All you had ever known were the large, marbled corridors you’d spend entire afternoons wandering, daydreaming about adventures in the confines of the country - or living the lavish life of a true Fjerdan princess, in an outrageously enormous bed of satin sheets...
The house was spacious and beautiful, with a marvelous view over the sea, gently carrying its boats to and fro before you - and you’d stay there on the balcony in your flowy white dress, admiring the ocean until you couldn’t fight the chills of the night creeping up your spine anymore; but as tranquil and languid as your existence was, it was also terribly lonely.
All you longed for was a sibling, a friend, a partner in crime, someone you could explore the world and go on quests with...
... until a lighting bolt tore the silence, one night.
You couldn’t sleep, so you had gone on a walk by the shore as you often did - your father was never worried about it, since you knew the rocks and their cracks like the back of your hand, and would know the way back home even with your eyes closed.
But you were so absorbed by the distant twinkling of stars that you didn’t notice the shadows creeping up behind you until it was too late.
Screams in a language you can’t understand; an arm around your neck in a chokehold, another slipping under your knees; you thrash around, slice all you can, bite and claw at all you can grasp...
Your abductors know better than to let Fjerdan nobility get away from their grasp. They don’t know exactly who you are - but they’ve guessed from the distinguished aspect of your house that there’s a fine sum to gain from whoever will be willing to pay for you - your father for a ransom, or anyone else, in Kerch, who’ll make good use of your services.
Those brothels in Ketterdam pay good money for young girls, they hear - even more so for a Fjerdan pearl.
When they throw you on an overloaded carriage like a potato sack, you’re still yelling at the top of your lungs, pleading for your father, for one of your maids, for anyone to help you.
But no one hears.
You shed all the tears you have in the first night, tossed around in a dark chariot, off to somewhere unknown. Your father hasn’t prepared you for this - nothing, not even your books nor your fantastical imaginary adventures...
But you don’t intend on being sold off that easily. So you devise a plan to get away.
The first opportunity to break free presents itself when your kidnappers force you to board a ship; but they manage to catch you before you’ve run very far.
But second time’s the charm; with nothing better to do during the voyage than to bide your time and gnaw at your bonds, you’re able to slip from your captor’s watch, and blindly run through the harbor - just to get as far as possible from the stench of this floating carcass.
The first thing that strikes you is the odor. You’ve known the sea forever - it’s clear and bright as ice, and smells of fresh mornings and cold salt; never of this green rot that festers everywhere in these streets... and all those chimneys, all those people, who stare you down as you run down these grimy streets, barefoot in your off-white dress...
You understand that you’re farther from home than you’ve ever been, and it’s not a thrilling adventure, it’s terrifying and overwhelming, and you want nothing more than to burst into tears.
But you don’t, because a pair of strangers flag you down in a language you don’t understand.
A tall and lanky dark-skinned boy, wearing vibrant fabric and a self-assured grin; and possibly the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen in your life, all bright eyes and genuine frown.
Paralyzed, you open your mouth, once, twice, incapable of making the slightest sound; until the girl notices your visible discomfort, and, eyeing your pale eyes, asks in the slightest of Ravkan accents;
“Are you Fjerdan?”
You nod with all your soul. You’re ready to cling onto them both for dear life.
“What happened to you?”
Your voice fails you - you can’t explain it - you haven’t even comprehended it all. You were curled up in front of the fireplace just the night before...
“Do you have anywhere to go?”
You shake your head with despair, trying to blink back the tears.
“Come with us. We know someone who’ll help you.”
You don’t mull it over very long. Maybe it’s your sheltered uprbinging that has made you naive; maybe it’s the curiously comforting warmth you see in the Ravkan girl’s eyes; but you simply have no better option, and you can’t understand a word of Kerch, or wherever it is that this barbarian folk speak.
Although your two saviors start arguing, probably about whether or not they can reasonably take you in, your tear-stained cheeks and desperate vulnerability are enough to convince them - so you follow them.
Into the lair of the Dregs, of whom you’ve never heard - and of Kaz Brekker, who you know very well.
After all, he’s the infamous gangster who invaded your homeland, broke into the Ice Court, and stole the Shu boy - or so you saw your father read in the papers. To know that you are under the same roof as that lowlife would be enough to give your father a heart attack...
You’re half convinced that he’ll throw you back to the streets, but Nina and, surprisingly, Jesper as well, plead in your favor with a greatly convincing fervor. You learn that it’s probably because Kaz has much greater worries on his mind - the criminal group is planning on retrieving one of their own from the clutches of a treacherous business partner, or so you’ve gathered.
Either way, you’re more than happy that the terrifying and redoubtable Kaz Brekker is leaving you alone, and that you can enjoy Jesper’s company.
You two become unexpectedly good friends overtime. He comes to visit you at the Crow Club, where you’re staying, almost every day. Yet communication is not your strong suit, especially in a language you don’t understand at all, and you don’t fancy yourself a particularly enthralling girl to be around.
Not when one has lived the life of a criminal, a sharpshooter, a wanderer, a playboy... well, all those things that Jesper prises himself on being, and all those words he’s taught you in Kerch.
(That and the curse words, of course, that you’re a bit intimidated to use at first, until they slip out of your mouth one evening when you drop your plate at dinner with the Dregs, and the entire canteen falls dead silent.)
“Did she just say ‘fuck’?”
“I think she just said fuck.”
“See, Matthias, she wasn’t immediately struck by lighting by Djel’s hand. You won’t die if you say it.”
Speaking of Matthias, he’s also a good friend of yours - it’s comforting and refreshing to have a familiar face around, one of Fjerdan roots and mores.
Although the rest of the group says you’re not that Fjerdan.
“You’re one of the feisty ones, at least.”
“I’m not ‘feisty’. Shut up, Jesper.”
“Ah, I see you’ve been working on the vocabulary I taught you!”
Matthias and you both have a lot of soul-searching and unlearning to do about the outside world - you were raised in particularly bigoted environments, you somewhat less than him. The hatred for the Grisha he’s been taught by the Drüskelle is fear in your case; you’ve been brought up on bedtime stories of bloodthirsty Grisha who devour unruly kids, and war and devastation caused by their unstability and blasphemous magic.
It’s even more of a shock to you when you learn Jesper is a Grisha.
Unbeknownst to you, you’ve started to fall a little for him - how could you not? He’s funny, charming, sarcastic and witty; always has the best stories to tell, and despite it all, sincerely cares for you amidst the chaos of their heist and revenge plans.
But to learn he was the kind of monster - no, the kind of creature - no, the kind of person, you force yourself to correct mentally - that you had been taught to fear for your entire life...
“I’m so sorry. You should never have been there.”
He’s pacing back and forth in your room after a shootout has gone awry and you were caught in the crossifre; it’s the first time he’s ever had to use his Durast powers to get you of the mess - and normally he wouldn’t have, because it’s a secret he wishes he could carry to the grave, but the fear of losing you was too strong...
“Thank god that I was there, though. What would you do without me?”
He’s fidgety and restless, nervously playing with his pistols, and his nervous laugh is all but genuine; and you’re huddled up on your bed, staring him down with wide eyes.
“Jesper, you...”
“Yeah, maybe not the best moment.”
“It’s like they have a knack for knowing exactly where we’re gonna be and when...”
He abruptly turns to look at you, and his eyes widen. He’s starting to understand, almost, but refuses to believe it. Your voice is a murmur, and you can hardly hold his gaze.
“Jesper, are you... going to hurt me?”
His words die in his throat. He remembers where you’re from... the garbage that they must have filled your ears and head with from the day you were born... how feverish Matthias was with Nina... he looks at his hands, and his Materialki magic rumbles like a dark curse.
“Y/N, you’re scared of me?”
The sheer hurt in his voice breaks your heart. Even though you’re trembling, you let him step closer to you, slowly. It’s Jesper in front of you, not some ungodly monster from legends... Jesper, your Jesper...
“I’m... I’m sorry...”
He cups your face in his hands, warm and just a bit moist, and stares into your eyes with a vulnerability you have never seen in him.
“I’d never do anything to hurt you, Y/N, I swear on my life. All I want is you to be safe...”
Safe from me, if that’s what you wish, he thinks for a split second, but you don’t give him time to doubt; you’ve captured his lips in a frenzied kiss, and hold on for dear life onto his lean shoulders.
Fjerda and its blind hatred is very far from you, now. You're locked in Jesper's embrace, and you won't have to hear their lies anymore.
You know you have nothing to fear from him; not now, and not ever.
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