#i don’t think she’s serious but we won’t really know until tomorrow but she’s stable rn
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plague-of-insomnia · 7 days ago
sigh and now my mom has been admitted to the hospital
i am so damn tired
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Only Friend
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [Robin!Jason Todd]
Summary: Gotham mourned for Robin. But who mourned for Jason Todd? Y/F/N Y/L/N wasn’t just another one of Jason Todd’s friends. She was his only friend.  
Word Count: 7,000 [One Shot]
Warnings: Violence, Death, Loss, Grief
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Y/N didn’t know what time it was. She hadn’t opened the blinds in her room for days. And she didn’t plan on doing so anytime soon. In fact, she didn’t plan on getting out of bed anytime soon.
She heard a knock on her bedroom door. From the sound alone, she knew it was her mother.
“Y/N, dear. Can I come in?”
She wanted to say, ‘No.’ She wanted to say, ‘Go away.’ But Y/N didn’t even have the energy to do that. So she just laid still with the covers over her shoulders and said nothing. 
Her mom slowly opened the door.
Y/N’s family had been tiptoeing around her since it happened. They didn’t know how to handle the situation. Most parents don’t expect for their daughter’s best friend to die. No child should have to face grief like this.
But Y/N had no choice.
Because Jason Todd was dead.
“Hi, honey,” Y/N’s mother cooed as she walked into the room. Then she placed a plate of food on her nightstand. “I brought you something to eat.”
Y/N didn’t even so much as look at her mother, just continued to stare off into nothing.
“Is it alright if I open of your blinds and windows. I think you could use some fresh air.”
Y/N gave what appeared to be a half shrug, barely visible underneath the thick covers.
But her mother seemed relieved, it was starting to smell musty in the room.
Her mother sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Y/N’s face. “The funeral’s tomorrow.”
Y/N’s eyes finally looked up at her mother – desperate and scared. “Do I have to go?”
“I think you’d regret it if you didn’t, honey. You deserve your chance to say goodbye. Your father and I will be there with you.”
Then Y/N closed her eyes and burst into tears. “I had a dream about him last night. And I woke up and remembered–” she had to pause to catch her breath. “I-I-I remembered he’s g-gone.”
“Oh, honey,” her mom whispered as she pulled Y/N into her arms. “I know you miss him. I know. He was your best friend.”
Y/N pulled away and looked up at her mom. “He was my only friend,” she corrected.
Jason Todd was sitting at a lunch table by himself and reading when someone slammed their tray down across from him. His eyes flickered up in a glare, already expecting someone to try and pick a fight with him or something.
But instead he found a girl standing above him, smirking down at him.
No, not just any girl, the prettiest girl in their grade. No one else at this stupid school seemed to think so. But that just further proved Jason’s theory that everyone here were idiots.
“Hi,” she said confidently.
“H-Hi?” Jason stuttered back.
“I’m sitting with you,” she announced as she sat down. “I’m Y/N.”
Jason finally smirked and remained confused. “I know who you are…”
“You’ve never talked to me, so how was I supposed to know?” Y/N said back. “And you’re Jason Todd.”
“Yes?” He responded.
Y/N laughed at his confusion.
Jason Todd wasn’t popular. There was a disconnect between him and his peers. The kids at Gotham Academy were trust-fund babies and spoiled brats. They were such snobs that there were even cliques separating the kids who came from old money from those who came from new money. It all seemed ridiculous after literally starving in the slums of the city. 
Jason Todd wasn’t a rebel. He didn’t lash out or let his inability to connect to the other students make him feel down. Ask any teacher who had him and they would say he was a straight-A student and he never once caused trouble in their class. He was always polite and respectful, responsible and well-behaved.
Jason Todd wasn’t bullied. Maybe it was a vibe he gave off, but somehow the other kids knew not to mess with him. Jason came to school with a black eye once, and he always wondered if it freaked them all out enough to never try to mess with him – not that they would ever stand a chance against him.
In regards to the middle school hierarchy, Jason was nobody.
Because Jason Todd wasn’t really a kid. He just had the misfortune of also not being an adult yet.
He was just a poor punk from the Narrows, who just happened to try and steal the tires off the car of Gotham’s notorious vigilante. He didn’t belong at this snobby prep school.
But going to school was one of Bruce’s demands after making Jason his new Robin.
Jason just didn’t know how to make a convincing argument for why he didn’t need social interactions with kids his own age.
“Is this some kind of dare?” Jason asked Y/N.
She froze her eating and scoffed at him. “You’ve watched too many bad teen movies. What kind of asshole would I be to do something like that?”
But Jason still looked around the cafeteria, expecting to find a table full of people watching this interaction and trying to hide their giggles.
Y/N finally slammed down her food, sat back, and crossed her arms. “People at this school suck.”
“I saw you reading Pride & Prejudice the other week. And you were wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt yesterday. You helped pick up Jill’s stuff when her backpack ripped open, while everyone else just laughed.” She paused. But Jason waited. “What I’m saying is that I’ve decided that you don’t suck.”
“Oh,” Jason blurted out.
“Do you honestly think anyone at this school even knows who Jane Austen is? And some dude in my English class tried to tell me Nickelback was his favorite band.”
Jason laughed at that. “How did you even respond to that?”
“I asked him if he was fucking with me and then the teacher yelled at me for swearing. And I told her, ‘How am I supposed to react to a Nickelback fan without using profanities?’”
Jason laughed again.
That was how Jason and Y/N became best friends. That was all it took.
Jason would soon find out that Y/N didn’t belong here just as much as him. She didn’t come from money – just your normal, middle-class suburban family. She’d won a full-ride scholarship to Gotham Academy, which was impressive since they only handed out one per grade.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne made one 30-second call and Jason was accepted – no questions asked.
Y/N was rather mature for her age, but it wasn’t the product of being Batman’s sidekick and fighting the criminals of Gotham City.
Any second Jason had to be a normal kid was spent hanging out with Y/N. Jason was at Y/N’s house all the time, loving Y/N’s parents and envious of the stable home Y/N got to grow up in.
It took awhile for Jason to feel comfortable inviting Y/N to the manor, despite Alfred saying he was welcome to have friends over whenever he wished. Jason eventually got over his embarrassment. While Y/N seemed in awe of Wayne Manor, the evidence of Jason’s wealth didn’t make her treat him any different. They mostly hung out in Jason’s room anyways. Or in the kitchen when Alfred made them snacks.
While they were at school, they always ate lunch together and walked to classes shoulder-to-shoulder any chance they got. They only needed each other.
They ignored everyone else. And in return, everyone else left them alone.
For the most part.
Jason should’ve known something was wrong when he heard the commotion on his way to third period.
When he heard kids start chanting “Fight!” his gut somehow knew Y/N was involved.
Jason shoved his way through the thick circle that was surrounding the drama.
He reached the opening just in time to see Y/N tackle a boy named Parker to the ground. The crowd gasped, not actually expecting them to actually go through with violence. Then Y/N lifted her fist and landed a punch to Parker’s face.
But Jason quickly stepped forward and pulled Y/N off.
“He’s not worth it, Y/N.”
Recognizing the voice of her best friend, Y/N allowed him to pull her away.
“Gonna let your boyfriend pull you away?” Parker yelled out.
Y/N whipped back toward him, but Jason wrapped his arms around her and held her back. “Y/N, leave it!”
“I’m not the one with the a black eye and bloodied nose, asshole!” Y/N screamed, only half fighting Jason’s hold. “Next time, I’ll kick you so hard in your tiny dick that you won’t be able to have kids.”
Jason managed to drag her through the halls with a vice-like grip on her hand.
Y/N scoffed at his efforts, “Where are you even taking me?”
“We’re ditching class.”
She shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”
Jason knew exactly what exit didn’t have an alarmed rigged to it or any video surveillance. He also grabbed a cellphone in his back pocket and started to type frantically.
“You have a cellphone! What? Since when? My parents said I can’t get one until high school,” Y/N groaned enviously.
Little did she know, Jason had set up an AI system that would call the school with Bruce’s voice and leave a recording about how Jason needed to be dismissed from school. It was perfect for Bat emergencies. 
He had added Y/N’s parents voices to the algorithm a few months ago, having a hunch it would come in handy.
As soon as they were a safe distance away from the school, Y/N let go of Jason’s hand and walked slightly ahead of him.
With their freedom secured, Jason could focus on Y/N now.
“What did he do?” He asked her gently.
Y/N was smart and calculated. If she’d picked a fight with someone, Jason knew it had to have been caused by something serious.
“Doesn’t matter,” she mumbled.
Jason rushed forward and stopped her walking. “Hey, come on. It’s me you’re talking to…”
Y/N nodded, knowing he was right. They told each other everything, or so she thought.
Her eyes went to the ground, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. “We were in health class. Today was the unfortunate lesson for learning male and female anatomy. Mrs. Martin started talking about…” Y/N hesitated. “She started talking about boobs. Said something about when girls start seeing a change.”
“And?” Jason urged softly.
“Parker chimed in and said, ‘Or if you’re Y/L/N… never.’”
Embarrassed by her confession, Y/N started walking again – quicker, this time.
Jason jogged to catch up to her. “Fuck him. Only a loser asshole would say something like that.”
“Well…he’s probably right.”
Jason shrugged. “Who cares?”
This time Y/N stopped walking. “You don’t get it,” she snapped. “Every girl in our grade is growing up. And I still have the chest of a boy. My mom won’t even let me buy a bra because she says I don’t need it yet.”
Jason was speechless. 
To be honest, he had never really noticed. Y/N wore baggy band t-shirts or flannels all the time. He wasn’t exactly studying her silhouette when they hung out. But he never imagined that Y/N would be bothered by something like that.
“Sometimes I’d just like to…I don’t fucking know…feel like a girl.” She paused. “A pretty girl,” she emphasized.
Jason stared into her eyes. “You are a pretty girl.”
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. “J, you don’t have to say that.”
“I’m serious. You’re the prettiest girl in our grade, Y/N.”
That caught her off guard. He’d never said anything like that to her before. 
Sure, Jason said nice things to her. But it was usually him complimenting her taste in music or thanking her for showing him a new book he loved. But he’d never called her pretty before.
Jason, worried that he’d exposed himself, pulled her to him so he could give her a noogie. And the moment was broken.
“Jason! I think I’ve proved today that I will hit a bitch!”
He just laughed and playfully shoved her away. “Come on. I’ll buy you one of those embarrassing frappuccinos from Starbucks.”
“Excuse you! They’re not embarrassing. They’re delicious.”
Jason could tell Y/N didn’t want to talk about the fight anymore. So he thought distracting her was the next best thing. 
And, by some miracle, they returned to school the next day without any punishment.
But Jason wasn’t done yet.
Parker didn’t realize he was messing with Robin’s best friend.
Jason was patient. He waited for the precise moment when Parker would be alone.
A week after the fight, Parker turned the corner of an empty hallway and jumped when he nearly ran into Jason.
“What do you want, Todd?”
Jason took a step toward him and lowered his voice, “If you ever say anything like that to Y/N again – or to any girl, for that matter – I won’t hesitate to beat the shit out of you.”
Parker side eyed him. “Yeah, right.”
Without hesitating, Jason reached forward, grabbed Parkers palm, and snapped the index finger of his dominant hand.
Parker let out a screech of pain and fell to his knees.
Jason kneeled down to whisper in his ear, “No witnesses. No cameras. And I’m actually in gym class right now, running the mile. No one will believe you.”
Parker looked up at Jason like he was a madman.
Jason smiled and patted him on the head. “Remember what I said.”
After that, Parker never even so much as looked in Y/N’s direction.
Jason and Y/N looked out for each other, protected each other
And Jason may have kept his other life of Robin from her, but Y/N seemed to already sense that there was something Jason was hiding. It wasn’t just something, it was dark.
When Y/N started noticing bruises and cuts on Jason’s body, she grew concerned. But she wanted to observe and think of all the possibilities before she ever brought it up.
Then one day at her house, she made a joke and slapped Jason playfully on the back.
He hissed uncontrollably and his entire body froze.
“Jason?” Y/N asked with concern.
“I’m fine. You just surprised me and knocked the wind out of me,” Jason said hurriedly.
But Y/N wasn’t stupid. She quickly grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and ripped it up so she could see his back.
“JASON! What the fuck!” She gasped in horror as she saw the bruises scattered across his skin. She had never seen anything like it. 
“Shh!” Jason tried to calm her to stop her parents from coming in and then having her immediately showing them too.
“What happened?” Y/N whispered, her eyes glazed over with tears.
“Nothing. I’m fine, Y/N. I promise.”
“You’re not fine. And this isn’t the first time,” Y/N countered. “You think you do a good job of hiding them, but I see the other bruises and cuts, Jason. And don’t think I don’t notice how often you skip school because your ‘sick.’”
Jason stayed quiet. He didn’t want to lie to her. But he couldn’t tell her. It could put her in danger. And if Bruce ever found out, he’d put a stop to the whole thing. Jason would never be Robin ever again.
“He does it,” Y/N whispered.
Jason blinked. “Who?”
“Bruce,” she clarified. “He beats you, doesn’t he?”
Jason’s eyes widened in horror. He knew Y/N was weary of his adoptive father. She noticed how absent he was from Jason’s life, then took note of how cold he was when he was present. But her theory made perfect sense. And if the roles were reversed, Jason probably would’ve come to the same conclusion.
“Y/N, Bruce has never hurt me.”
She frowned. “You don’t have to protect him. And you don’t have to take his shit. I knew something was off about him ever since I met him. But I didn’t think it was this.”
“Y/N…” Jason began.
“Does Alfred know?” She couldn’t imagined him every letting something like this happen if he did. Y/N had grown to love Alfred almost as much as Jason.
“There’s nothing for him to know, Y/N.” Jason laughed. “I was trying to walk across the railing above the great hall and fell and landed on my back. I didn’t tell you because I was embarrassed, OK?”
He knew from Y/N’s face that she wasn’t convinced. But she also knew not to push someone who was in the position she thought Jason was.
But to his horror, tears started falling.
“I just…I want you know that I’d do anything for you. You can live here! My parents love you and they’d take you in! Or-or-or we can run away together – just you and me.”
Jason hated seeing her cry. She rarely ever did it. And to know he was the cause made him feel sick.
Not knowing what else to do, Jason pulled her into a hug.
“I’m OK, Y/N. Promise. You don’t have to worry about me. Please don’t cry.”
“We just have to steal some of the stupid jewelry he has laying around and we’d be set for life,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
Jason laughed and pulled away. “Bruce took me in. Gave me a better life. He’s protected me. I know you don’t believe me, but the bruises aren’t because of him.”
Y/N wiped the tears away sloppily and nodded, but they both knew that Y/N didn’t believe him.
Y/N didn’t look at Bruce the same since that day. Not that she spent a lot of time around him.
But Bruce shared a look with Jason when he received the first very harsh glare from the pre-teen girl. It ended with a very uncomfortable conversation between Bruce and Jason where the boy explained what theory Y/N had come to.
Though Bruce said very little in response, he was wracked with guilt. To learn that someone thought he had the potential to behold the evil he tried so hard to eradicate in the world? It made Bruce sick to his stomach.
Now Y/N stood with her head hung low, in a crowd dressed in black.
These people didn’t know Jason Todd. Maybe they played the part of mourning funeral goer well. But Y/N saw their performances still.
The only people Y/N recognized were Bruce Wayne, Alfred, and Jason’s older brother, Dick Grayson. She’d never met him before, only seen pictures of him around the manor. Jason always seemed disappointed when Y/N brought Dick up or tried to ask about him. Y/N got the impression that he wasn’t all that great of a brother to Jason. Especially when it was obvious Jason looked up to him and was desperate for some sort of fraternal relationship.
Y/N looked up at her mother when the priest was finished with whatever he was saying. His words were impersonal, sullied by religion, and did nothing to comfort Y/N. He didn’t even say one thing about what made Jason so great. 
“Can we go now?” She whispered to her mother.
She patted Y/N’s back. “There’s a gathering inside the house now. We should say our condolences to Mr. Wayne and Alfred.”
Y/N frowned at that. The last person she wished to talk to was Bruce Wayne.
She had been watching the man through the entire service. He was stoic and collected. There didn’t seem to be any sadness to be found in his eyes.
The longer Y/N watched him, the angrier she became.
“Please, let’s just go,” Y/N begged her mother.
People were making there way into the manor now and weren’t paying any attention to a girl, despite the fact that she was the best and only friend of the boy they were pretending to mourn.
Her mother gave her a sympathetic look. “Honey, don’t you want to say hi to Alfred. I’m sure it would make him happy to see you.”
Y/N knew her mother was right. She could do that for Alfred. Plus, he gave the best hugs, and Y/N could sure use one of them right now.
They waited in a sort of informal line. Y/N wanted to hit everyone in front of them as she was forced to listen to their empty and rehearsed sympathies. Bruce didn’t say much in return, simply thanking each of them.
But when Y/N and her parents were finally up, Bruce Wayne’s expression shifted.
It was the first time Y/N saw any sort of emotion from the man. He looked heartbroken at the sight of Y/N, who’s hand was tightly gripping her mothers.
Bruce, standing at 6’2, knelt down to be at Y/N’s eye level.
“Hello, Y/N.” He greeted quietly so no one lingering around them could hear.
Y/N only glared at him. 
If she were being honest, she was surprised he even remembered her name. 
But Bruce continued. “Thank you for coming today. I’m sure the past few days haven’t been easy for you.”
Then he cleared his throat. And Y/N’s brow furrowed at the sound. Was he trying to hold back tears? No, that couldn’t be possible.
“I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend to Jason. He talked about you all the time. I’m glad he had someone like you in his life.”
Y/N felt nauseous at how genuine Bruce Wayne’s words sounded. His eyes were even more sincere.
What happened to the cold and distance man she’d had little to no interaction with?
‘He has an audience now,’ Y/N told herself. ‘He knows everyone’s watching. He’s performing just like the rest of them.’
“What did you do to him?” Y/N finally whispered to him.
Where she got the courage to speak to an adult in such a way, she had no idea – especially one as powerful as Bruce Wayne.
Bruce tensed at her question. Was that hurt in his eyes?
“Y/N!” Her mother hissed down at her.
“It was you. I know it was,” Y/N muttered as her lips trembled and tears started falling. She thought she’d run out of tears, but this was her final outburst.
“Y/N, enough!” Her mother hissed again and then made eye contact with Bruce and Alfred. “I’m so sorry. She’s not…she’s not handling any of this well.”
“You did this to him!” Y/N yelled. “He always had bruises…and-and-and cuts! You used to hurt him!”
“Y/N!” Her father finally chimed in, completely stunned by his daughter’s accusations.
“I hate you!” Y/N screamed in Bruce’s face as tears flowed down her face.
With that, she ripped her hand from her mom’s grasp and made a run for it. She heard her parents yell her name, but she ignored it and kept running.
Bruce stood up, looking unfazed from Y/N’s hateful and accusatory outburst.
“We are so, so sorry,” Y/N’s mom insisted. “She’s never done anything like that before.”
Bruce held up a hand, stopping them from continuing. “It’s alright. Really.” Then he sighed. “I’ll have Alfred go find her in a bit. Perhaps she just needs to let out some steam.”
Y/N didn’t even realize where she was running until she ended up at Jason’s bedroom.
Her entire body shook with sobs as she opened up the door.
It looked exactly the same, like nothing had even happened.
Y/N walked to the other side and slide against the giant windows, curling into a ball on the floor with her arms hugging her knees to her chest.
She cried and she cried and she cried.
There was no way for her to know how long she’d been there. But her head snapped up when there was a knock on the doorframe.
Dick Grayson leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed and a sad smile on his lips.
“Hi,” he greeted softly.
Y/N sniffed and rubbed the snot from her nose with the back of her fist, “Hi.”
“I’m Dick,” he introduced as he closed the door behind him and sat on the foot of Jason’s bed, making sure to give Y/N her space.
“I know,” Y/N answered back through a stuffy nose.
“Alfred tells me you and Jason were good friends.”
“We were each other’s only friend,” Y/N corrected him.
Dick nodded slowly.
“I hate him,” Y/N mumbled.
Dick winced. “Jason?”
“Believe it or not, I know how that feels,” he sighed.
“Did he hit you, too?” Y/N asked with wide eyes.
Dick opened his mouth, but was so shocked by the question that no words escaped.
“Why didn’t you help him?” She followed up with. “Where were you?”
Dick knew she wasn’t asking what he felt like she was: Why didn’t you stop the Joker? Why was Robin all alone? Why didn’t Batman call you for help?
But that didn’t stop her interrogation from hurting him.
“I haven’t always been there for him,” Dick finally admitted. “Actually…I’ve never really been there for him.”
Y/N looked at him with bewilderment. “Umm…” she sniffed. “I should find my parents.”
When she stood up, something caught her attention on Jason’s desk.
Y/N’s hand shook as she picked up Pride & Prejudice. He was the only middle school boy she’s ever seen reading a Jane Austen book. It was one of the reasons she wanted to befriend him in the first place.
“Keep it,” Dick surprised her by saying.
She quickly turned around and gave him a questioning look.
“You should keep it,” he told her. Then he looked at the overflowing book case she was standing near. “Take whatever ones want. He’d want you to have them.”
Y/N’s eyes flickered through the bookcase. Her heart was telling her, ‘No, they’re his books. He’ll need them when he gets back.’ But Jason Todd wasn’t coming back.
So she reached up and grabbed Jane Eyre and then Frankenstein.
“That’s it?” Dick asked. Because he would’ve let her take Jason’s entire collection.
Y/N nodded shyly.
Dick escorted her through the house and back to the gathering.
When she saw Alfred, Y/N rushed forward.
Dick’s heart ached as he saw the butler immediately kneel down and pull Y/N into a hug. He wondered what the man whispered to her. Whatever it was, it seemed to comfort her in a way that apparently nothing else was.
Then Y/N’s parents returned to her side. Dick expected them to scold her for her earlier outburst, but they just seemed concerned and started making their leave.
Y/N looked behind her and searched through the crowd to find Dick again. When she did, she gave him a sad wave.
Dick returned it with a sorrowful smile.
8 Years Later...
Jason had been keeping tabs on her since he returned to Gotham. He kept his distance, remained out of sight. He would jump from rooftop to rooftop as she walked home from a night class. Or he would wait for the window of her apartment bedroom to go off if it was a slow night of patrolling.
He told himself it was out of curiosity. But he knew deep down he was making sure she stayed safe.
Jason was happy to see that Y/N didn’t retain her lonesome ways in her life after his death. He frequently spotted her having dinner or drinks with friends.
But Jason didn’t know how to feel when it was clear that Y/N had no romantic partner. Was he relieved? Was he irritated that someone didn’t love and care for her the way she deserved? Would he have been jealous if there was someone in his life?
Jason wanted to find her as soon as he was brought from the dead. Even when he felt like he’d gone insane, when his thoughts didn’t make sense and he was confused…her face still echoed through his mind.
But vengeance became his priority.
And with it, Jason slowly convinced himself that it was best to stay far away from the only person he still cared about.
But that didn’t mean her didn’t want answers still.
After his war with Bruce – or really, his attempted murder Batman and the Joker – Jason allowed himself to actually look back on his old life, the parts that didn’t involve being a child vigilante.
Still not on speaking terms with Bruce. Jason decided to get his info from another source.
Cue a month or so after his brush with Bruce, Jason blindsided Dick the next time he was in Gotham and slammed him against the closest brick wall.
Jason used to look up to Dick as a kid, despite his older brother rarely even giving him the time of day.
But now, Dick was quite literally looking up at Jason. 
While Jason died a 13-year-old Robin, he was now a 6’3 man who had the set of a heavyweight boxer. Dick might be more flexible and acrobatic, but Jason had brute strength.
“What? B tell all of you not to talk to me?” Jason challenged when Dick didn’t fight his hold or speak to him.
“What do you want?” Dick asked evenly.
“Why did you keep tabs on her?” Jason growled, his voice distorted through his helmet.
“Keep tabs on who?”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
Dick finally had enough of being bullied and shoved Jason’s grip off him. “Why don’t you look her up yourself? I’m sure you have no issue with hacking every personal database of hers.”
“That’s not why I’m asking,” Jason growled.
In fact, Jason had already done everything Dick had suggested. Which made him see that she had made a third-party domestic violence report to the police a week or so after Jason had died. And she had kept following up with it until the police finally came clean and told her there was no evidence to support her claim and she was wasting her time.  
It seemed Y/N was the only person that fought for Jason after he was gone. She had just picked the wrong fight.
“Why did you keep tabs on her?” Jason clarified.
“I just wanted to make sure she was OK.”
That caught him off guard a bit, seeing as Dick never gave a shit about Jason when he was alive. So why would he look after his best friend?
“What? Out of the goodness of your heart?” Jason ridiculed.
“She didn’t handle your death well, Jason. She even picked a fight with Bruce at your funeral.”
Jason smirked behind the safety of his helmet at the image.
Dick sighed and finally put down his defenses. “I failed you, Jason. All of us failed you.” He shook his head as he got lost in a memory. “Y/N even asked me why I hadn’t tried harder to protect you.”
Dick’s eyes saddened. “I figured if I couldn’t be there for you, the least I could do was make sure the most important person in your life was OK.”
It wasn’t the answer Jason was suspecting, but it was all he came for.
“Will you go see her?” Dick asked as he saw that Jason was about to take his leave.
“We were kids. Things have changed,” Jason grunted.
“I don’t think any of that would matter to her,” Dick defended. “I think she’d like to see you and know you’re OK.”
“Mind your business,” was the last thing Jason snapped at him before jumping off the rooftop and disappearing.
Jason did what he said: he left Y/N alone. 
He watched over her when he could. But most importantly, he didn’t drop a ghost from the past back into her life.
But he also tried to find that ghost in himself.
Somedays he thought that Jason Todd was lost forever.
But other days, like today, he still seemed to live on.
Jason browsed through the books on the shelves. He missed so many of them when he was dead and then when he reinvented himself.
Now he saw books as a time to fill in the empty space.
He was lost reading the back of covers when he heard it. No, when he heard her.
Next thing Jason knew, he was walking toward it.
“I’m sorry, dear. We’re all sold out of that title. You should’ve reserved it weeks ago,” one of the clerks told her with sympathy.
Jason peered between the shelves and caught a glimpse of y/h/c.
“I know. I just totally spaced. I think I’ll just browse for something else. Thank you for your help.”
Her voice sounded mostly the same, maybe a bit more mature. But he still would recognize it anywhere.
Jason knew he shouldn’t move any closer.
But he couldn’t help himself.
He was just one aisle away from her now, only a bookshelf separating them.
He slowly edged around the corner and smiled as he saw the massive pile of books that Y/N was trying to juggle in her arms. When she tried adding one more, they broke free from her grasp and stumbled loudly to the ground.
Jason didn’t know what he was thinking as he jumped forward and bent down to help her pick them up.
He saw her blush, but keep her head dipped from the embarrassment.
“Thank you,” she quickly laughed as she tried to pile the books back together as fast as possible.
Y/N opened her mouth to say more, but the words got caught in her mouth when she finally met Jason’s eyes.
He wondered how different he looked to her. Could she even recognize him? Or was he fooling himself when he became convinced he was an entirely different person after being brought back from the dead?
But his questions were answered when Y/N looked in shock, only unfreezing when her eyes began to tear up.
“It’s not possible,” she said so quietly that it was barely a whisper.
“Everyone good? I heard a loud noise.” The clear interrupted loudly.
Y/N jumped in response.
Jason stood and faced the clerk, “We’re fine.”
But when he turned back around, Y/N had booked it.
“Fuck,” Jason hissed before carefully handing the books to the clerk and quickly following after Y/N.
She made it further than he would expect. He actually had to look around the streets outside the store for a moment before he could spot her.
As soon as he did, he ran. But he called her name before he reached her to make sure he didn’t terrify her more.
Y/N froze when she heard him and whipped around. “Who are you?” She asked roughly.
There was a moment, when she first met Jason’s blue eyes, where she allowed herself to believe that perhaps a miracle had occurred.
But now she only saw this as some sort of heinous prank.
“It’s me, Y/N.” Jason almost sounded like he was begging her. 
She then fully took him in. Yes, he had the same face. But now he was a full-grown man – and an extremely handsome one at that.
“I shouldn’t have spooked you like that. I’m sorry.”
“You’ve been dead for 8 years,” she muttered.
“I know. It’s a…” Jesus. Jason didn’t even know how to go about this. “It’s a long and complicated story.”
“Were you ever really dead?” Then Y/N’s eyes flashed with a realization. “Did you stage your death? To get away from him?”
Bruce. She meant to get away from Bruce.
Jason looked around. This was no place to have this conversation. He couldn’t believe they were having it at all.
“Fuck. OK.” He quickly shuffled through his pockets until he found an old paper receipt and a pen. He quickly wrote something down.
“I know this is…a lot.” He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture that reminded Y/N of the Jason she used to know. “If you want nothing to do with me, I understand. You’ll never have to see me again.”
He took in a deep breath and handed her the receipt.
Y/N slowly took it and looked down to see a phone number written down.
“You deserve time and space to…” he couldn’t find the right word, “process all of this.”
Y/N watched him as if she was expecting him to vanish like some sort of hallucination.
“After you do,” Jason continued. “If you’re willing to hear me out, I’ll be there,” he told her sincerely as he gestured to the number Y/N now held in her hand.
He waited for Y/N to say something, or maybe even try to make a run for her life.
But after what felt like forever, Y/N gave a short nod.
Jason gave her a shy grin as he slowly started walking backwards. He hesitated saying one last thing for her. But his mind finally told him, ‘Fuck it.’
“I’ve missed you, Y/N.”
Jason told himself not to get his hopes up. Y/N had every right to be horrified by him and wish to never see him again. From what Dick described, Y/N hadn’t handled Jason’s death well at all. What child could?
But when Jason got a text from Y/N’s number a week later, asking him to come to her place, he couldn’t help but beam.
Except reality then quickly settled in. And it reminded Jason that this conversation would involve talking about his past for the first time.
‘Suck it up. She deserves to know,’ he heard his past self screaming in his mind.
An hour later, Jason was knocking on Y/N’s apartment door.
“Hi,” she greeted stiffly.
She led him to her bedroom. “My roommates aren’t home right now. But who knows how long that’ll last.”
Jason didn’t stop himself from looking around. Maybe it was a habit, all of his training of taking in every new environment with acute detail. But really Jason just wanted to take in Y/N and her new life.
That’s when he spotted the three books.
Jason immediately reached for one of them.
“Oh,” Y/N said sadly as she saw what he grabbed. “Umm…Dick told me I could take those. He…umm…said you’d want me to have them.”
“You kept them all this time?” He muttered, still looking at Pride & Prejudice.
“Of course.” Then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “You can have them back. I mean, they’re yours after all.”
Jason smirked at her fumbling. “No, keep ‘em.”
Then the tension from this strange reunion returned to the room.
Y/N gave him a heartbroken look and sat on the edge of her bed. “Jason,” she whispered, “what the hell happened to you?”
Jason slowly joined her on the bed.
His breathing shook as he tried to prepare.
But Y/N deserved to know the truth – the whole truth.
So he told her everything. He told her he was Robin. He told her how he died. He told her how he came back to life. He told her where he’d been.
The only thing he left out was how she was all he could think about when he watched the bomb tick down to 0 and he knew he was about to die. 
But the hardest part was explaining why returning to her wasn’t the first thing he did.
“It wasn’t Bruce. It…you…you were Robin that whole time?” Y/N couldn’t even seem to process it.
Jason just gave a curt nod.
“I reported him,” Y/N gasped. “I was convinced he had something to do with your death.”
Jason winced at that. “Well, if you asked him, I’m sure he’d take responsibility for it still.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over as she tried to take another look at the past now that she knew the real truth that had been hidden. So many things made sense: all the injuries, Bruce’s behavior, Dick being a distant brother – all of it.
“Y/N,” Jason whispered. Her eyes whipped to his. “I’m so sorry for leaving you like that.”
Y/N finally allowed herself to cry. “Missing you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
Jason didn’t care about keeping his distance any longer. He pulled Y/N into his arms, just like he used to when they were kids.
Eventually, her crying slowed and Jason knew he needed to finally say the hardest thing about this all.
“But I can’t stay, Y/N.”
Y/N wasn’t expecting that. “What?”
“I’m not…I’m not that kid anymore. I’ve done things – terrible things – that won’t ever let me return to the person you knew.”
“I don’t care,” Y/N said surprisingly harsh.
“I said I don’t care,” even though she knew he heard her. “You think I’m the same person after 8 years, Jason? You think that little girl didn’t face the consequences of losing the best friend she’s ever had?”
Jason didn’t know what to say to that.
Y/N wiped away her tears and her entire body shifted. “From everything you’ve told me, you don’t seem to have many friends – if any. So, sounds like you could use one.”
How could Jason have overlooked Y/N’s stubbornness when he anticipated how this would all end?
“I lost you once. I’m not losing you again. Especially not with all I know now,” she added. 
Jason didn’t even bother fighting her on it. Y/N had always been his greatest weakness. At least he knew that hadn’t changed.
“OK.” He agreed. “So what now?”
Y/N smiled at his surrender. “Now…we have a whole lot of catching up to do.”
Wow. I did not realize how long this was going to take me. 
Please, please, please let me know what you think. Reactions and feedback and reblogs are the only thing that keep me writing on here. 
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thepremedthatwrites · 4 years ago
Stable Boy
request: Hey may I request a smut with Edmund in an au sort of thing? Either reader is a princess with a thing for Edmund and they’re enemies to lovers or he’s a servant in her kingdom and he is her secret admirer and he eventually tempts her and smut ensues lmao thank you
warning: smut below the cut
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I burst into the room, the sound of the large mahogany doors banging against the walls echoing throughout the room.  My parents both turned to me.  My father held an amused smile on his face whilst my mother furrowed her eyebrows, a frown very much evident.  “(Y/n), where were you?” my mother questioned as I made my way to my seat.
“My guess is riding horses,” my father answered with, leaning forward to pick out a blade of hay from my (h/c) locks.  
“I promise to be on time for dinner tomorrow,” I said.
“That’s what you’ve been saying for as long as you could speak,” my mother replied with, letting out a sigh.
“What do you expect of her Maria, she’s a teenage girl,” my father chuckled as he took a bite of the chicken.  My father caught my eye, giving me a quick wink.  I smiled back, looking between my two parents.  My father was laid back in his seat as he ate, a golden crown atop his head.  My mother sat straight up, as if balancing the piece of metal that dressed her head.  I brought my hand up to my head in order to feel my own crown only to find nothing there.  Dread filled me as the realization sunk in.  I tried to play it off, forcing a smile on my face as I ate, hoping my parents just assumed I had left my tiara in my bedchambers.
A knock on the door caused all three of us to turn.  Standing in the door frame was a boy who seemed to be around my age, if not a year or so older.  His dark brown locks fell onto his forehead, his cheeks a light shade of pink.  In his hands was my tiara.  The boy gave a quick bow before speaking.  “I apologize for disrupting your dinner but I found the princess’s tiara in the stables.”  My mom glanced at me, her eyes filled with annoyance.
The boy walked towards me, his eyes looking into mine.  His action surprised me.  Most people wouldn’t dare look a royal in the eyes.  His brown eyes seemed to hold a sparkle in them as I grabbed my tiara from his hands.  Our fingers brushed and I felt my cheeks warm at the contact.  The boy bowed one last time before turning and exiting.  I couldn’t help but watch as he left, not turning to my parents until he was completely out of sight.
“(Y/n).  Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” my mother questioned as I focused my attention back to the conversation. 
“Of course, mother,” I replied with, taking a sip from my goblet.  “I’ll be sure to be more careful with my tiara next time.” 
A week had gone by since the tiara incident and my mind had forgotten about the stable boy.  I was reading in the library when a servant came into the room.  I looked to see an envelope in their hand.  “A letter for you, Your Highness.”  I put down my book, as the servant handed me the envelope. 
“Thank you,” I said, already tearing it open.  The servant nodded before leaving.  I unfolded the paper within to see a note scrawled in small and neat handwriting. 
I look up at the moon and tell her of your beauty.
The stars listen to my stories of my love for you.
Written in the night sky are my dreams of you.
I felt my face warm as I read the letter, a smile subconsciously forming on my face.  I looked around the library to see no one else present.  Never had I received a love letter before.  The thought of someone’s admiration for me being strong enough to cause them to write something so beautiful made me blush.  My mind wandered as I thought of who would write me something like this.  Perhaps the Prince of Archenland.  But he had never shown an interest in writing.  Maybe a lord from Calormen.  Though any particular person failed to come to mind.  Whoever it was had written E at the end.  Perhaps it was the beginning of their name?
I slipped the note back into the envelope before gently putting it into my book.  I then closed my book and made my way to my room as my mind continued to think of who it could be.  I couldn’t think of anyone I knew who had a name starting with E.  I went to bed that night preoccupied with the thoughts of who my secret admirer may be.
The next day, both my parents had left on business meetings leaving me alone in the castle, spare the staff that never left the grounds.  I made my way to the stables, excited to be able to ignore my responsibilities for the day and just ride.  I walked into the building, the white horse closest to my left letting out a whine.  “Alright Queenie, I hear you,” I chuckled as I made my way over to her.  
“She only ever lets you get close to her,” a voice said causing me to jump.  I turned to see the same stable boy that had returned my tiara.  “She won’t even let me near her for too long.  A pain to groom that’s for sure.”  I was slightly taken aback by how nonchalantly the boy was talking to me, as if I wasn’t the princess.  I would be lying if I didn’t say it was a nice change.  “My name’s Edmund.” 
“(Y/n),” I said before immediately regretting it.  Of course he knew my name.  At this, he let out a chuckle.
“I would hope so.”  He helped me prepare Queenie for a ride as we continued to converse.  “I don’t wish to come off as pushy but would you mind if I joined you for a ride?”
“I don’t recall stable boys taking horses out for rides.”
“It’s not really something I should be doing,” Edmund said, shrugging, “But I do enjoy your company and would like to extend this meeting.  That is, if you enjoy my company as well.”  I let out a laugh.
“Fair enough.”  He gave a grin, rushing to the horse in the stable next to Queenie’s.  We both made our way out of the stables, away from the castle and towards the lush forest that sat behind it.  “Thank you for returning my tiara,” I said, the sound of bird chirping and the swaying of leaves the only other thing able to be heard.
“It was nothing.  Just doing my duties as a stable boy.”
“I’m starting to question if you understand what a stable boy does,” I chuckled.  “Returning royal property is not one of them.”
“Ah you caught me.  I was only using the tiara as an excuse to see the beautiful Princess again.”  
“Oh, now you’re just being sarcastic.”
“Not at all,” Edmund chuckled.  “You’re one of, if not the most, beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”
“You must not have met many women then,” I chuckled.  Edmund’s smile disappeared at my words.
“I’m serious (y/n).  You are.”  My heart stopped for a moment. 
“Why do you treat me the way you do?”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t treat me like a princess.  You treat me like anyone else.”
“I guess cause you’re so easy to talk to,” he replied with, shrugging his shoulders.  “If it bothers you, I can still call you Princess (y/n).”  I scrunch my face.
“Please don’t.”  He let out a chuckle.  “I know we’ve only really met and I really shouldn’t trust you but may I confide in you?”  We had now stopped moving as we had reached the edge of a cliff that looked out to the beach below, the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore faint.
“Of course, anything.”
“Yesterday, I received a letter,” I said, fighting to hold back my smile.  Edmund seemed to straighten his back at this. 
“What was in said letter?”  
“It was a love letter!” I exclaimed, my smile now on full display.
“Do you have any idea who it may be from?”
“I’m not sure.  But they signed it off with an E.  This has only made it harder.  I can’t think of any royals with a name that starts with an E.  Even when I rack my brain of nobles, I struggle to think of someone.”  Edmund’s lips had formed a straight line as he turned around, heading back the way we came.  I urged Queenie to follow.
“What if it wasn’t from a royal or noble?” Edmund questioned.
“Edmund, what are you talking about?”  I stopped myself before I could say another word.  It was like a curtain was drawn from in front of my eyes and I could see clearly again.  “It was you, wasn’t it?”  He only nodded.  I chewed on the inside of my cheek, thinking of something to say.  Edmund was only a stable boy.  I had been raised to marry someone of higher status.  But that didn’t negate the fact that Edmund was one of the few people I’ve been able to talk to so easily.  Or the fact that he was incredibly attractive.  No.  “We could never…” I started, my thought trailing off before it had even really started.
“Why not?  Because of my social status?”  His words hovered in the air as we stayed in silence for a moment.  “Even if we could never have something serious…” Edmund started, turning to look at me.  “We could always have some fun.”  My heart raced at what he was insinuating.
“Edmund, that is completely inappropriate.”
“Or hot,” he counteracted, a smirk on his face as we neared the stables.  I watched as Edmund slid off his horse before coming towards me.  He placed his hands on my waist and I felt my face already start to warm at the contact.  Edmund helped me down.  As my feet touched the ground, I noticed just how close we were.  We were so close I was afraid he might be able to hear my heart beating rapidly.
“If we were to have a secret relationship,” I said, causing Edmund to hold his breath in anticipation.  “Nobody could know.” 
“Yeah, that’s usually how secret relationships work.”  I rolled my eyes at this, causing Edmund to chuckle.  His hands started to trace my curves causing me to inhale sharply.  “So, are you in, princess?”  I let out a small whimper at the nickname causing Edmund to raise an eyebrow.  “I didn’t know I was already getting you so hot and bothered.”
“Oh cut that crap Edmund.  You know exactly what you’re doing.”  Edmund’s smirk seemed to only prove my point.  He grabbed my hand, looking both ways and making sure nobody was around before leading me to the back of the stables.  
“We’ll have to be quick,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling my skin as he bent forward to untie the strings of my dress.  I wasted no time taking off his shirt, my hands wandering his body and tracing his abs.  Edmund’s fingers tickled my back as he undid the strings, allowing the fabric to fall off of my body with a final tug.  He was quick to remove my undergarments, leaving me completely exposed to him.  His hands wandered my body, his eyes covering everything his hands couldn’t get to.  I worked quickly to take off his pants, revealing his extremely erect cock.  I let out a small moan at the sight.  He pushed me backwards causing me to lay on the stable floor.  While it would usually be an uncomfortable arrangement, I was too worried with getting Edmund to fuck me to care.  He hovered over me, his lips meeting mine for the first time.
I let my hands go to his brown locks as our mouths moved in sync.  The kiss was hungry as we both explored each other's mouths.  Edmund pulled away far too quickly causing me to whine in protest.  “I’m sorry princess but we have to make this quick so that nobody finds us.”  
I nodded in agreement before spreading my legs open for Edmund.  He let out a low moan at the sight, stroking himself a few times as his eyes took me in.  I watched as he lined himself with me, concentration etched onto his face.  I threw my head back in pleasure as Edmund pushed into me.  I felt myself work to accommodate him.  He put down his hands on either side of my face as he started a steady pace.  
“Fuck Edmund,” I gasped, my hand gripping onto his forearm.  His arm muscles strained to support his weight as he started to pick up the pace.  I wrapped my legs around him, offering him easier access.  The new position caused a new surge of pleasure.  I arched my back, letting out a moan.  Edmund lowered himself onto his forearms, his mouth right next to my ear, his warm breath tickling me as he panted.  I wrapped my arms around him, my nails digging into his skin as the pleasure started to become too much.  “I’m so close.”
“That’s it princess,” Edmund said while picking up his pace.  My nails raked down his back as I felt my entire body shake from pleasure.  My eyes were forced shut, a blinding white light behind my eyelids.  Edmund’s name fell from my mouth as I slowly came down from my high.  I felt Edmund pull out of me.  I opened my eyes to see him stroking himself, his face contorted with pleasure.  
I propped myself upright as I moved his hand, replacing it with my mouth.  “Fuck,” he gasped as I started to move my head.  I pushed myself to take as much of him as I could, feeling his tip hit the back of my throat.  His fingers were entangled with my (h/c) locks as his hand pushed me to take more of him.  Edmund let out a moan as I felt his hips buck before the feeling of something warm shooting down my throat.  I pulled away, swallowing the slightly bitter liquid.  “Holy shit,” Edmund said, his eyes lidded as he looked at me.
“Yeah,” I agreed.  We sat there in silence for a moment, recuperating from the intense orgasms we both had just experienced.  Edmund’s hand brushed a lock of hair from my face as he smiled at me.  His hand then traveled down to my cheek, caressing my face as I leaned into the touch.  The sound of someone’s voice caused us to start scrambling for our clothes.  
“Edmund, is Princess (y/n) here?” a male voice questioned.  Edmund had already put on his shirt as he peaked over the bale of hay that hid his naked bottom and my naked self from whoever was speaking.
“No,” he replied, shaking his head.
“Alright.  The King and Queen have arrived so if you see her, please let her know.”
“Will do.”  We both held our breath as the man’s footsteps slowly got quieter.  
“Guess I should go,” I said, already starting to get dressed.
“Yeah,” Edmund said, a frown on his face.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be meeting again very soon,” I said, causing him to smile again.  “Just next time can we find a place other than the stables?”
“I’ll work on that,” Edmund chuckled, pulling me in for one last kiss.  “Now go, your parents are waiting for you princess.”  I nodded before getting up.  I took one last glance at Edmund who was still laying on the floor, his shirt untucked from his pants and his brown hair a mess, before heading off back to the castle.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 4 years ago
vulnerability. – chap. 2.
Story info:
Pair: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Rating: +18 for mentions of s*x and violence (future chapters)
Genre: angst, smut
Chapter info:
Release date: 4th June 2021
Word count: 2 751
Warnings: mentions of criminal activity
Vulnerability Masterlist || Fanfiction Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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@shesdreaminginoverdose @mybiasdashboard @marimsun @byuns-asscheeks @multi--kpop--fanfics @vunv @making-me-blush @skittlez-area512 @bloopbloopkai @byuns-asscheeks @baekyeonoreo @kimcarinaa
Please, always comment on the newest chapter if you wish to be added to/removed from the taglist. I will be also checking the tags, so if you're shy – feel free to leave a note this way.
Previous (Chap. 1.)
Chap. 2.
“What’s my name?”
A stroke of the riding crop over her chest makes the woman whimper. She’s older than him, but it doesn’t matter. Right now, everything about her – her age, name, wants and aversions – they’re all reduced to the leather collar around her neck.
“How are you to address me?”
“Master” she doesn’t hesitate.
The man does, though – he stares her down just for a few seconds, as if to judge her, before he speaks again.
Her gaze follows him as he walks slowly around her, observing her body’s reaction. She’s not to move, not to ask questions. She’s to accept it.
“I’m going to beat you with the crop now. Do you understand?”
“Bend over.”
* * *
The day was long, but Baekhyun found himself relieving stress in one of his favorite ways.
This time, he sat in The Queen of Spades alone, sipping whiskey and silently watching people around him, eventually ending up staring into the alcohol’s surface instead, until it disappeared entirely and there were only a few pieces of ice at the bottom left to look at. Once they melted, he’d drink them up as well – and it would probably happen, as he wasn’t about to leave anytime soon. There was not much to do.
His eyes landed on the small cut on the inside of his palm, placed next to the glass; the cut was still fresh, but not deep enough to require medical assistance, or even bandaging for that matter. Accidents happened – in some jobs more than in others. The best he could do was to make sure that accidents like this would not follow him back home.
He heard his phone vibrate, but it took him a few seconds to pick it up.
“Hi there, Hyunie.”
The familiar voice made him sigh deeply with annoyance.
“You don’t sound happy to hear me,” the feminine voice on the other side spoke in slight offense.
“Sorry, it’s not your fault, Luna, I thought I’d be off for the night,” he admitted honestly; the woman’s presence was not something he minded much, but she wasn’t one who ever brought good news, so his mood instantly dropped the moment he heard her voice.
“Well, tonight you can rest, I have something for tomorrow, though.”
Baekhyun exhaled, already rubbing his temples.
“Spill it, I guess.”
“It’s an office. They have a very good security and our hacker couldn’t get in, so we need someone to go there and get some physical copies out, take a few pics and then leave them where they were. No footprints. We need the copies by Monday, and I’ll send someone to give you the details in person tomorrow.”
“Alright. I’ll be waiting.”
“One more thing.”
“What’s that?” He was ready to hang up; thinking became too tiring. But tomorrow; tomorrow, he’d consider this; now was his time off.
“You did leave footprints today, everyone knows. That you got in trouble, and the police were called. What if they recognize you?”
The man snorted in response.
“No way, I know our safety measures. I wouldn’t let them see my face. It was just an accident, okay. A harmless one. I know better and it won’t happen again” he elaborated, feigning confidence – anything just to make this conversation end.
“Are you sure it was harmless?” Luna was the most composed as she spoke, her voice completely ridden of emotions, and that was what started to worry him. As he knew, carelessness and light humor were typical of her, not this seriousness and solemnity.
“What do you mean?”
“The police have a sample of your blood” she finally spilled. “It wasn’t enough to extract your DNA, but it’s already something. Be careful next time, could you?”
His heart dropped. Confidence was gone.
“…Got it.”
“That’s all. Just take care of yourself, Hyunie.”
“Sleep well tonight. You have a long day ahead.” She made a quiet smooch sound.
“Goodnight, Luna.”
The line went dead.
For the next few minutes, Baekhyun stared straight ahead, seemingly deep in thought.
In fact, though, he was depleted of thoughts. He was stuck in the bubble of no thinking, no reasons, no emotions, as his brain processed the information it just gathered, but the process was happening outside of his consciousness.
He wished to stay in his thoughtless bubble for longer, but the thin barrier between his consciousness and his internal dialogue finally broke, and he was flooded with everything that he’d been keeping at bay ever since the conversation started.
And so, Byun Baekhyun started contemplating all the things that he preferred to keep away from himself, so as to not spiral into depression and frustration.
He chose a job, thinking, that the breach of law will give him the freedom he desperately wanted.
He ended up dependent on other people to the point where not even the law could protect him anymore; exactly the opposite – the law didn’t seem much of an obstacle anymore, in comparison to all the other things he got tangled in. It wasn’t a lifestyle that one could escape, and he’d learned it way too late.
He tried to achieve independence, but he became a pawn in other people’s hands, irrelevant to the big things happening around; trusted and respected, yet simply disposable at someone else’s command.
There was only one way he knew that could help him regain the sense of control.
And that was how Byun Baekhyun coped.
* * *
“Bend over.”
She obliges without a question, leaning over the table in front of her. Apparently, he’s interested in her behind, rather than the chest that was only a bit pink from the previous hits. She’s an obedient, but slightly frisky one, one that aims to please while also hoping for some pleasure for herself, getting bored easily, but also fussy if something goes not as she wants. Baekhyun breaks her spirit every time they meet, ridding her of any remaining selfishness.
But she enjoys the pain. He makes sure she enjoys nothing else.
The first hit makes her moan, rather than resist. Her skin is smooth, with no scars, and he makes sure it won’t stay this way for much longer, at least for the next few weeks that it will take to heal after he’s done.
The next few swats must feel nice as well, but then her voice falters and turns into quiet whimpers. She doesn’t try to move away, instead, she leans back, at least for the next few hits until it becomes too much and she tries to move away instead.
She doesn’t speak, and neither does he; the sound of the riding crop hitting her bottom mixes with her breath becoming strained and whines becoming louder from pain.
* * *
It was a few days later that Baekhyun sat again in his favorite, cozy area of The Queen of Spades, with a man taller, but younger than himself; it was not so difficult to be taller than Baekhyun, but at the age of 29, most of the people in his circle of closest friends were younger, while most of the ones in his work field were older, which was some sort of a good sign, meaning that he’s worth more than most people of his age.
29 years old – a confusing age. He should have had his life figured out by now, and, to some extent, he had – he knew what he was good at, and what he could do to slowly ensure himself a stable retirement. But to say he was pleased with his career of choice would probably be a misstatement. Yet, that was what he had, and that was what he needed to accept.
They sat on the leather couch that he usually occupied. The taller, bar-styled table and two chairs were on the right side of the couch – he usually used them when carrying on serious conversations. But currently, he was there just to rest, and so in use was the couch. He glanced at the man on his side – leaning his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, looking fragile despite, in comparison to Baekhyun, being the stronger silhouette.
“Don’t fall asleep, Sehun.”
No answer came, and he didn’t feel a strong need to disturb the other’s rest. Maybe it wouldn’t be too appropriate to sleep in such a place, making an impression of getting drunk over the limits – which was not really the case, alcohol wasn’t the reason for Sehun’s tiredness – however, in fact, who was there to judge them? Especially with Baekhyun being a regular customer who knew everyone else with such a title; and most of them knew what he was up to as well, and why the people he came with usually were not in the most energetic moods.
The music playing in The Queen of Spadeswas usually quiet and climatic, R&B and jazz tunes mixed with the voices of people, and people coming here usually didn’t try stir the bar’s aura.
In fact, it was exactly the opposite.
The moment a person entered the bar, welcomed by the dim space of browns, beiges, woods, and crystals, their soul instantly filled with the calm atmosphere. The aesthetic and climate gave a clear cue, that intruding them wouldn’t be worth much; it was the best to accept and follow, to allow the place to create the unique experience.
“Sehun, are you sleeping?” Baekhyun glanced at the other, and the man only hummed lowly in response. Baekhyun’s shoulder began to cramp, so he gently lifted the other’s head and rested it on the couch’s backrest instead. Sehun instantly moved a little to adjust, but it didn’t seem like he’d want to get up anytime soon. Baekhyun eyed the bruises on his neck – slowly darkening fingerprints of his own.
The bar’s door suddenly opened, catching his attention with noise when the door accidentally hit the wall. Two girls walked in: one of them he saw come here a few times before, alone and not, and the other… well, the other he had not only seen before, but would most likely see in the future as well. What a coincidence.
[F/n] looked nothing like when he last saw her; primarily because, at the museum, she wore modest clothes that suited the situation. Now, in tight fitted pants and a loose shirt exposing a fair amount of cleavage, she looked way more like a girl of her age, similar to many others that came to the bar every day. If not for the fact he knew her, he wouldn’t have paid her much attention now; however, he did know a bit, and if not her appearance, then at least the personality behind it kept his eyes on her until she looked over her shoulder, sparing him a shy glance, as though either knowing he’s looking at her, or, at the very least, expecting him in the same place as he usually was – in fact, he guessed it would be the latter.
She smiled at him softly, and he reciprocated the smile, tension on his face dissipating; the smile grounded him, in a way, reminding him of the fact that, just as he could watch anyone now, he could also be watched. His presence also didn’t make her as tense as it did before, which was relieving – he started worrying if he didn’t go too far during their official first meeting. The word sensitive written on the page of his notebook wasn’t taken out of the blue. She was fragile, he could tell; not in a bad way – but he knew how his demeanor impacted her back then. But that was sort of a proof in itself, a proof of her determination, because despite this impact, she didn’t back out when she had the chance to.
He still felt that she’s not completely aware of what came with the lifestyle – hobby? activity? – that she was getting herself into. Yet, when he thought about it, how could anyone know that for sure, before they had a taste of what’s it like? If anything, he could give her a chance, he thought; a trial, to see if not only she’s in for her own indulgence, but if she can handle what he himself is interested in.
“Wazzup?” Sehun’s voice sounded by his side. The man was undoubtedly good at recognizing his changes in moods. When Baekhyun didn’t feel confident enough to say too much, it was usually Sehun who asked the questions, allowing him to spill out what was on his mind.
“Nothing much. There’s a girl, though, she wants to join” he explained slowly. Sehun’s face didn’t change at the statement.
“You want to take her?”
“Not sure yet.”
“Ah, so.”
“What do you think?” Baekhyun glanced down at the other; Sehun didn’t look at him, his eyes remained closed.
“Well, I don’t know her. But since Byeoli moved out, your circle’s been kind of empty. There’s me, Chaejang, Lisa… well, yeah, that’s it. You haven’t taken anyone new in a while, and old ones are leaving… Aren’t you getting bored?”
“I’m not bored with any of you.” The statement was simple, but meaningful; Sehun smiled softly at that.
“Well, but you seem to have a lot of free time now, and when you have too much free time, you do stupid things.”
Baekhyun scoffed.
“I mean it.” Sehun looked at him directly now. “You’re getting lonely. You need stimuli.”
To the last statement, there was no answer. The men sat there in silence for some more time, until the glasses became empty, until there was nothing more to sit there for, and until the night became so deep that it threatened with becoming the morning soon.
* * *
“Will this be all?”
“Yes, thank you.”
You gave the customer in front of you a bill with the price of his purchase – an average one, just some grocery; not like you paid it much attention – and took the calculated amount of cash from his hand. No change, no problem. You shared a warm smile, as warm as you could muster up at the late hour. It was one of the days when your natural shyness and introversion didn’t get in the way, and you could enjoy the few polite words exchanged with the people passing the store.
“Thank you, goodnight.”
Right as the door closed behind the man, your phone suddenly called and you reached under the counter, where some of your personal things rested during your shift, ready to reach for if necessary.
“Hello. Am I disturbing you?” Your heart skipped at the familiarity of the voice. However, this time it wasn’t due to anxiety – you started to look forward to his response, and it was like butterflies in your stomach when you received one. You probably should save his number, though.
“Um… Not much” you replied honestly.
“Is your Friday afternoon free?”
“This Friday?” It was Wednesday, you consulted your imaginary calendar.
“Yeah” he replied shortly.
“Um… Sorry, I have the night shift. Saturday?” You counteroffered right away, not wanting him to take your response as a rejection.
“Won’t you be tired?”
“I’ll sleep it off before the afternoon. I’m used to it.” Your free hand fiddled nervously with the strap of your ID badge.
“Hm, okay then. Can we meet at The Queen of Spades? I live nearby too.”
“Where are we going?”
“To my place.” He hesitated for just a second or two. “Are you okay with that?”
The statement made all the cogs in your head move. You hesitated now, too.
Was it what you thought it was? You couldn’t be sure – it could have been just another one of the ordinary meetings, one to get to know each other better, one to pass free time. It was still soon – you didn’t expect it to happen so fast. Even in the span of the time that has passed ever since seeing him for the first time, till reaching this particular point – it still felt so fast, as though after all these years of hopeless yearning you weren’t ready for jumping into the deep end and bringing your dreams to life.
Yet, your instincts were at ease, no red flags, no suspicions. You didn’t feel a need to refuse, or to wait. What would happen if you did – wouldn’t you end up regretting it? Would you be stuck in your safe-zone forever? Although you felt naïve in your trust, you still trusted your instincts foremost.
So the answer came naturally.
“Yes. Yes, I’m in.”
* * *
Please, reblog if you enjoyed, it'll help me a bunch
Author's note: How's everyone doing~? I hope you're enjoying yourselves. Please let me know your thoughts on adding that little criminal thread! And, while waiting for the next update, consider checking out my masterlist~
Next (Chapter 3.)
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years ago
I'm so sorry that you are sad. Honestly I was suprised that request are open for so long... So I will request! Can I have RFA + minor trio (i'm so happy that i don't have to choose one part this time, i love almost everyone) who was forced by her family to have job like lawyer or doctor but she dreamed about being a writer since she was very young? Thank you and don't be sad about lack of requests. I'm sure thatbin short time you will again have tons of them
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who was forced to do high sociality jobs instead of becoming an author
Thank you, yeah, they were open for a pretty long time, the likes and reblogs also went down a bit, I believe that I was gone for too long, ups.
But I will catch up!
Your words made me happy! Thank you for your support!
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,,I look up to you, my love,’’ Jumin praised you in your shared bedroom as you faced each other.
Your head was resting on his warm chest as you could hear his heartbeat.
,,Why?’’ you asked him, curious about what he would say next.
,,You achieved so much. You studied medicine and are a professor at such a young age, saving other people’s lives, it’s really amazing, you know?’’ he asked you, smiling down at you as you stayed silent for a few moments.
,,You think so? Because I always wanted to become an author. I can’t think of a time in my childhood in which I wasn’t thinking about a story. I only began to write them down way too late. I didn’t even get the chance to ask a publisher to look at them,’’ you whispered sadly, and Jumin could hear it.
,,Why didn’t you do that then?’’ he asked you, now patting your back.
,,I was forced to. My mother, gosh, it was such a hard time. That’s why I don’t have a good relationship with her.
She burned all my writings, forced me to go to the school she wanted, all because she wanted me to have a good stable job; a job with money, contacts to marry into a rich family, to marry another doctor, and open my own hospital.
Because she came from a medical family, I had to do the same.’’ you sighed.
,,Then… just resign, I will call a publisher tomorrow. You don’t need to worry about money. I already told you once… just put yourself above everyone else… if you want to become a writer, I will open that possibility for you… I will protect you, even in front of your mother,’’ Jumin whispered and held you tighter in his arms while you began to fall asleep with your heart at ease...
Zen ( this one was kinda hard cause, like everyone else knows, I always try to stick to the original story line and MC is his manager after they become a couple so…)
,,I’m so proud of you,’’ Zen laughed as he kissed you.
You just resigned your position as a lawyer, all because you were going for your own carrier.
,,Thank you, Zenny,’’ you mumbled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
,,You motivated me to not do what my family wants. Thanks to you, I’ve realized that even if that was a stable job, nothing can beat doing something you love,’’ you laughed.
Zen knew that you were very brave and that it took you a lot of strength.
But luckily, you saved a lot of money in your years as a lawyer so every single door was open to you.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ someone screamed when you just returned in front of Zen’s door.
,,Mother, I have enough of my own. So does Zen and we already talked about this. Besides, no one is saying that I won’t keep making money anymore,’’ you told her calmly, making your boyfriend even prouder.
,,Ah! And what do you intend to do? So you think that you will write something and someone else will make a book out of your crap?’’ she asked you, laughing at your idiotic idea, or so she thought.
,,No,’’ you laughed.
,,I will work as his manager and while I am doing so, I will write my own book, my steps, and a script for a movie. Everything is already set, mother,’’ you smiled and pulled Zen.
,,One day, we will be able to talk like a mother and a daughter, but until then, stay healthy,’’ you lastly said and then closed the door behind yourself.
As you helped Yoosung, he realized more and more that you taught him with a bit of bitterness.
Of course, humans and animals were different, but you noticed that there were a few basics you could help him to remember.
One day, Yoosung finally found enough strength to ask you about it.
,,Mc, do you like your job?’’ he asked you, a bit nervous even though you two had been together for such a long time.
You answered with a short, ,,no’’ and then you smiled.
,,I hate it. I wanted to become a writer. I put all my hope into it and lost. My parents were pretty strict and they still are. I had to become a doctor and I couldn’t change that. And so, here I am, with the most wonderful job, saving human beings, without actually enjoying it,’’ you told him and laid back on your chair.
,,And why do you keep doing it?’’ he asked you.
Well, that was a good question. You really had no idea...why…?
,,Let’s do it like this! Work on your books, on whatever you want to write. Write whenever you have time and once I have the job, you can resign yours! I will make your dream come true. You just have to go through it for a little while longer,’’ he smiled at you, actually making you tear up.
,,Yoosung, I’m so happy that I met you back then,’’ you laughed in tears and kissed him with all your love.
Back then, when Jaehee gave you the key, she never thought that this could be a harder fight than she imagined.
As a banker, one of the most known in Korea, you however, knew what you were talking about.
But something felt off.
And Jaehee, even though she didn’t like it, began to understand while you supported her so much with doing what she loved.
You were probably going through the same.
,,We need these credits and you need to fill out that page and sign here, these papers,’’ you told her, with the most monotone voice you ever had.
,,You don’t look as if you enjoy this. I’m sorry that you have to do this for us…’’ she mumbled.
In the next moment, you smiled at her. ,,Don’t worry, Jaehee. this just isn’t my favorite job, that’s why. I just don’t like my job, it has nothing to do with you,’’
This made her feel even more uncomfortable.
,,Mc, why don’t you do the same as me… I mean, I thought that we would do this together, but seeing you so busy… is that really something you want to do?’’ she asked you, more nervous than before.
Currently, Jaehee was questioning all her decisions.
Was it the right decision to leave Jumin’s company and open a shop with a stranger she kind of felt attracted to?
,,I’ll find a solution,’’ you smiled and stroked her arm.
,,I have to wait until we are finished with the preparations or else our money will be cut off and we won’t be able to do anything. Then, when this coffee shop is up and running, I will write a book about how to make it work, give out information without wanting money for it, and just helping people,’’ you smiled, your eyes looked even warmer now.
,,You- oh my, my head, what was I thinking? Of course, what you’re saying makes so much sense,’’ she laughed.
,,Let’s do this. I will support you with all my heart,’’ she smiled and signed the paper you needed from her.
,,I’m home,’’ you called as you rushed inside and took off your shoes.
Saeyoung rushed to your side as he helped you to take off your jacket.
,,How was your day, my dear?’’ he said.
You were shocked to see your fiancé in a dress with fake hair.
,,What the heck are you doing?’’ you laughed as you kissed him.
,,Since you weren’t home, I had to play the madam of the house,’’ he acted.
,,In short, he had to act like an idiot,’’ Saeran said and rolled his eyes as your friends, the other members of the RFA laughed.
Yes, carefree days finally came.
,,How was work?’’ Zen asked you.
,,Please, no, don’t let me begin! I hate it! Being a judge for teenagers is just so… Ah, I can’t take it anymore! I’m pissed and I don’t want to do it anymore,’’ you said and drank some water.
,,Why?’’ Jaehee asked you. You were doing a good job, why did you think like that?
,,Because I don’t want to take children from their parents anymore. I’m sick and tired of it,’’ you answered.
,,If they get neglected…’’ Saeyoung answered, this time being serious. He knew what he was talking about.
You looked at him. You understood his point, but…
,,It’s not fair to judge by things you hear or experience yourself. Sometimes, there are good parents who lose their children, you know?’’ you warned him.
But you already knew that Saeyoung put an end to all of this, even though you didn’t like the way he did it, just like he did it for Zen back then when he posted a short chapter of your book and made a lot of publishers come to you.
As a little thank you, he said back then.
And even though you didn’t like the method he used, you were thankful to him and were happy.
If someone wants to see a oneshot out of this HC please comment below or send me a message ( anon works out too ) I want to hear your opinions.
You laid down on your couch when you turned your head around to read the time.
Once again, it was 3 am.
Saeran walked over to you without you noticing him and hugged you from behind.
,,You’re still not sleeping?’’ you asked him and nuzzled your face into his neck, inhaling Saeran’s scent.
,,Jumin needed help with something and I had to finish it,’’ he lied. He waited for you but he would never tell you. The thing he worked on wasn’t even that important.
He just wanted to see you, because as a politician, you two barely had time for each other.
It was funny. He hated politicians, his ,,father’’ at first, but you… you were different.
You were fighting for something.
And he knew that if it wasn’t for him, you would have given up this job a long time ago.
,,You know, if you want to do something else, do it… you don’t have to stay in that position just for me,’’ he mumbled as he stroked your hair.
,,It’s okay. We need to save Saeyoung. I don’t want to get revenge, but I want everyone involved to get what they deserve. You know, back then I never would have thought that the job my father forced on me would someday help you. I always hated him and myself for not being able to change it. But as soon as we win this fight, I will finally realize my dream and write a book about our life. What happened to you and Saeyoung should go public and I will fight for it!’’ you told him.
He hugged you and took you in his arms, carrying you to your shared bed.
,,We should pay our respect to your father and visit him over the weekend,’’ he whispered and waited for your answer, but you already fell asleep.
,,Thank you, Mc,’’ he whispered before he also fell asleep.
,,I never thought that in the two years I wasn’t around you, you would actually change your job. I’m happy that now you’re able to do what you always wanted to do,’’ Jihyun praised you.
,,Yes, thank you. I never liked working in a hospital, although I grew with the job. 
But today, writing about all these things helped me.
And I finally showed my parents that a writer can also be something to look up to,’’ you smiled as you watched your daughter Lucy.
,,Did you ever speak to them again?’’ he asked you.
Your parents and his father didn’t come to your wedding; that was why only the RFA came.
It was kind of sad that the only true friends you guys had were the RFA, but everyone else weren’t really people you would call friends.
,,No, well, having a daughter going from being a surgeon to being an author is something to feel disappointed about, apparently,’’ you laughed sadly.
,,I will never ever forbid Lucy to do anything she loves,’’ you said and then looked over to Jihyun.
He nodded and agreed with you.
Your husband hugged you and kissed your cheek, he had to think about the time he first saw that you actually published something. He could only imagine how hard that time must have been for you.
He was also kind of sad that he wasn’t there with you. Jumin told him later that he actually supported you a lot without even telling you because he knew that you would have never accepted his help.
But from now on, he would be there and support you.
For you, and for the sake of his family and friends.
One day, when Vanderwood was cleaning up after the two of you moved in, he saw a box.
The box, which was standing in the middle of a room, was getting on his nerves so much that the long haired man decided to throw it away, thinking that it was nothing but trash in there.
However, he soon realized that he had been horribly wrong.
The box slipped out of his hands and a lot of papers fell out.
,,Huh?’’ he asked himself as he picked one up, the words “chapter one” written on it.
One by one, Vanderwood sorted the papers and actually noticed that three whole books were inside the box as single pages.
Just when Vanderwood was at chapter six of one of the books, you entered, the cleaning session long forgotten when you arrived.
,,What is that?’’ you asked him when you saw that he actually read something from your books.
,,You should tell me, don’t you know that that’s against the copyrights? I mean, you are a lawyer, you should know that-’’ Vanderwood quickly stayed silent when he saw your tears.
,,I can hide this scandal, you know?’’ he whispered.
But he was totally wrong.
,,I wrote it years ago. Back when my father lost a trial because of a lawyer. At that time, he forced me to become one too to get revenge.
And so I had to give up on my books,’’ you told him.
,,But your father died! Who cares?! Change jobs!’’ he said, a bit louder.
,,With what money should we pay for the appartnemnt with… and the food?’’ you asked him and laughed. He seemed to forget that he still didn’t have a job and that you were the only one with an income.
,,We will manage. I will make it come true,’’ he told you, and indeed, Vanderwood made everything you wished for come true.
You didn’t know how, and he asked you to not ask about his methods, but your books were published. You could work as an author and could give up what you didn’t enjoy and he was actually working as your manager.
,,I told you to clean the keyboard twice a day!’’ he hissed while you smiled at him.
29.03.2021// 22:26 MEST
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years ago
can I request a John piece where he and MC live in the Wild West and he’s an outlaw while she’s a notable person (sheriff’s daughter, saloon worker, etc) thank you! (:
I’ve never done an AU and I’m also a European who knows nothing about the wild west so I hope this is passable. 
Wild West!AU
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John eyed the town around him as he rode in on his horse, it was on the smaller side of towns but it would be suitable enough to hide away in for a week or so. He slid off his horse and tied it up before he looked around for the saloon so he could escape the harsh sun. He removed the pouch of money from the saddle of his bag and placed it in his side bag hoping it didn’t make too much noise.
He was on the run. He had pulled off a robbery that had left most of the crew dead and the ones that survived, his two brothers, had scattered with a promise to meet up at an agreed place in a few months. They had split the money but since there were only a few of them left, each of them got a large amount.
The people outside gave him curious glances but quickly returned to what they were doing, not finding him interesting which John was grateful for. He quickly made his way towards the saloon and breathed a sigh of relief when he escaped the blistering heat, the saloon was dark and dusty yet miles better than the outside.
There were a few people nursing their drinks but none of them looked at him as entered as he made his way towards the person behind the bar.
“How may I help you?”
The person turned around and gave him a sweet smile, catching him off guard. John had expected it to be a man like in every other saloon he had been in but instead, it was a young woman.
“Any rooms available?”
“Yes sir. For how long?”
“Not sure. I’ll pay as I go along” John said as he paid for the first night’s fees.
“Of course”
She gave him a tiny smile before she turned around and picked a key off a hook, she gestured him to follow her as she made her way upstairs to the rooms that rested above the saloon. She unlocked his room for him and gave him the key before she gave him one last smile and returned downstairs.
John watched her until her skirt disappeared around the corner before he entered his room. He promised himself that he would get to know her.
The next afternoon when John wandered down, the woman was back behind the bar but compared to the day before, the saloon was busy and there was a crowd of men crowded against the bar.
It wasn’t hard to guess that the reason was because of the woman and John knew that he wouldn’t be able to get a drink whilst they were all there and found a table towards the back and waited for the crowd to die down.
As soon as the beginning of the next hour chimed, the crowd left the saloon with a collective groan, and John watched them with an amused smirk. It seemed they had all rushed there on their pause from work but now they all had to work which gave John uninterrupted time with the mysterious woman behind the bar.
“You seem mighty popular” John teased as he took a seta, catching her attention
“Men see a pretty woman and lose their mind” She rolled her eyes, “I could tell one of them to rob a bank and they’ll do it”
“Now those weren’t men, they were simply boys”
“Oh? Explain the difference to me”
John leant forward on the bar, leaning on his arms and gave her a grin, “While a boy might go rob a bank simply because you told him, a man will take you along with him to rob the bank together” The woman barked out a laugh at his words, “Okay, outlaw settle down. I can’t have you tryna get me trouble now”
“Why, scared of the sheriff?”
“Hmm, something like that.” The woman changed the subject, “What can I get you?”
John ordered his drink and took a seat at the bar but continued talking to her, he still hadn’t gotten her name yet though. They weren’t alone long before the doors to the saloon swung open and a large man stepped in, he paused at the doors and looked around the room before he began to make his way over to the bar.
“(Y/N), you here?”
“Where else would I be, daddy?” The woman turned to the man with a smile.
“Elias told me about those boys hanging around her at lunch” The older man’s lip curled as he spoke, “You know I don’t trust them boys”
The woman sighed, “I know. I also know to steer clear of them”
As the man got close to the bar John could see the sheriff’s uniform he was wearing and realised with a jolt that the woman was the sheriff’s daughter and he thought back to the pouch of money that was in his room.
“Hmm,” The sheriff pursed his lips and eyed John with a little suspicion before he turned back to his daughter, “Just wanted to check up on ya. I’ll see you at dinner.”
“You’re not gonna stay for a drink?”
“Not today, sweetheart”
With that he left, the saloon doors swinging behind him.
John watched him leave and turned back to the woman behind the bar, “You’re the sheriff’s daughter”
“That’s me.” She stuck her hand out, “My name is (Y/N)”
“John” He replied as he shook it, “Excuse my forwardness but how’d the sheriff’s daughter get to be the barkeep?”
“It’s so he knows where I am, he doesn’t trust those local boys”
“But a woman bartender? I’ve never seen one before”
“No one wants to deny the sheriff with a gun and anger problems” (Y/N) laughed
John laughed along with her, “But everyone has a gun”
“Sure but not everyone’s the sheriff”
“Then I should keep my eyes and hands to myself, right?”
(Y/N) locked eyes with and gave him one of her smiles, “That’ll be smart”
That night as John laid in bed he thought about what he had learnt that day and his current predicament. He would be in deep trouble if the sheriff finds out who he was but he felt such an attraction to (Y/N) that he didn’t want to leave, especially out of the blue.
He wanted to do something stupid. He didn’t even know (Y/N) but he wanted to run away with her and introduce her to more than the shabby little town she was tied down to and he doubted that her father would let go either, judging his constant checking up on her to make sure she was where she was supposed to be and not hanging out with anyone he disapproved of.
The next day, John was back at the bar with another drink in his hand after he paid for that night’s board and the more he spoke to (Y/N) the more he realised that she wasn’t satisfied with her life in the town.
“Why don’t you leave?” He asked, curious
“My father would drag me back here if I even dared. He wants me to stay here and marry a boy he likes- which judging by his recent behaviour, is Elias”
“You don’t want to do that?”
“I want to travel” (Y/N) gushed, “I want to see everything this country has to offer and not be trapped here with a man that my father wants me to marry and my input means nothing”
John stared at her for a moment before he sprung the idea on her,
“Then run away. I’ll be leaving here soon, join me and we can explore together”
(Y/N) scoffed and rolled her eyes, “I wish”
“I’m serious” John locked eyes with her and hope she could see his sincerity
“How can we do that?” (Y/N) asked, not completely believing him.
“ I can do odd jobs, get some us money while we travel” John tried to sell the idea of her coming with him, “Think about it”
(Y/N) opened her mouth as if to argue but she closed it and nodded, “I’ll think about it”
A few days later after not hearing from (Y/N) nor seeing her, John received a knock on his door late at night and it was (Y/N).
“Can I come in?” She asked, looking over her shoulder as she spoke, looking skittish.
John opened the door wider and motioned her in. She looked around his room in mild interest before she turned him and gave up a crumpled up piece of paper,
“Explain. Now”
John unravelled it and swore underneath his breath at what he saw. It was a wanted poster with his face on it and a bounty.
“Where did you get this?”
“My father came in earlier, put some up around the saloon.” (Y/N) told him, “He didn’t recognise you from earlier” John bit his lip as he thought about this new development and tried to think ahead and make some plans.
“Did you kill someone John?” (Y/N) asked, worrying her lip, “Why are you wanted?”
John looked up at her and took her hand in his, “I didn’t kill anyone, I promise you that”
“Then why?”
“...I robbed a bank” John confessed
“So you really are an outlaw? Is that why you’re here, just to escape from the law?”
John hated the betrayed look on her face, “Yes but I do like you.”
“You still expect me to run away with you?”
“You want to leave here, don’t try to deny it.  You’re bored here in this town and I can give you a life worth living”
(Y/N) still looked cautious, “You’re a criminal John”
“That won’t change” John confessed, “Look, I’m leaving here tomorrow night, make your decision by then”
(Y/N) left after that and John got to planning where he would go next, he still had a while until he needed to go to the agreed place to meet with his brothers.
The next night as he was getting his horse ready, the door to the stable creaked open and John spun around and aimed his gun at whoever it was, thinking that someone recognised him but it was only (Y/N).
She had a satchel and smaller bag in her hands.
“You make your decision?” John asked, with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
(Y/N) nodded, “Let’s go”
John took her bags and watched as she readied her own horse before they both left the stable and headed towards the main road together. Just before they left the town, John turned towards (Y/N),
“You sure you’re ready?” He asked
“Absolutely, let’s get out of here” (Y/N) said as she urged her horse to walk on
John shot her a grin and followed after her.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years ago
Maybe one where William tells Yakko his favorite story? The one where he and Angelina meet? Maybe could have some parallels to the scene in wakkos wish where yakko is telling dot her story, things like the nose snuggles 😖💕
Prince Yakko Warner wasn’t an exceptionally energetic three-year-old, but he still liked to stretch out his “awake time” as long as possible, especially if the day was special (such as a holiday or birthday). So, it was a nightly tradition for King William and Queen Angelina to have to go back and forth in settling the young prince down for the night. 
“Daaaaad tell me the storyyyy,” He pulled on his father’s sleeve as he set him into his bed. 
“The story? Which story?” William teased as he tucked him in, but Yakko squirmed right out and got on top of the blankets. Yakko frowned. 
“The story. About you and mommy,” He huffed. Angelina laughed as she folded his day clothes and set them aside. 
“Ooh, that story,” William winked playfully and Yakko giggled and nodded. William looked at Angelina and smirked. 
“You know, I don’t think I remember that one,” He said. Yakko gasped. 
“You have to!” Yakko pleaded. 
“Oh? And why is that?” William said, and Angelina shook her head.
“It’s my birthdayyyyyyy,” Yakko collapsed face down onto the bedding and William laughed.  
“Alright, because it’s your birthday I’ll remember it,” William said, and Yakko rejoiced, shooting right up again. 
“Well, I’ll leave you two to it,” Angelina said, giving Yakko a quick kiss on the cheek, but Yakko grabbed her arm. 
“Stay with me,” He gave her puppy dog eyes.
“R-really?” Angelina asked, not used to the invitation. Yakko nodded and patted behind him. She glanced at William, who nodded, and she scooped up Yakko and sat down, before placing him back in her lap. Yakko then snuggled in close and motioned for William to begin. 
“Alright now... let’s see...” He stroked his chin, before snapping his fingers. “There once was a man from Mantucket-”
“That’s not the story,” Yakko interrupted, and Angelina did her best to repress a chuckle. 
“It isn’t?” William tilted his head innocently. Angelina gave him a “don’t make this last too long mister, Yakko still needs to go to bed at a reasonable hour” look. 
“No,” He huffed. “You say ‘once upon a time there was a beauuuuutiful princess.”
“Right right right,” He agreed. “I remember now... let’s see...”
“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess-”
“That’s you mommy,” Yakko looked up at her and Angelina smiled and nodded. 
“-whose name was Angelina,” the king continued. “She was beautiful, intelligent, wise, graceful, and everything a princess ought to be,” he said, glancing at Angelina as he spoke. 
“And there was a knight too!” Yakko said. Angelina rubbed his arms. 
“Let him tell the story dear,” She whispered, more so because he was getting too energetic again. Yakko nodded and zipped his lips before returning his attention to William. 
“Oh, but he was only a squire at the time,” William pointed out. Yakko nodded, memorizing the fact. “But yes- there was a squire too. He was bold and brave, but also optimistic and true, but he had a major problem and that was that he was terrible at talking to pretty girls.”
Yakko snickered at that. 
“So when he found out he had to live on the grounds of the Warnerstock castle for his knighthood training, he nearly panicked at the thought of having the chance of meeting the beautiful princess he had heard so much about.” 
“However, the squire kept his cool until-”
“Until his first day at the stables, where he met her,” Angelina winked at Yakko, who giggled more. William rolled his eyes. 
“Yes. It had been a long journey to travel to the castle. The squire had to travel over hills and valleys, across mountains and rivers, to finally arrive, and when he did he was put right to work with training. So, by the time he had to attend to his horseback riding lessons, he was already quite tired, but upon seeing the face of the Princess, a newfound sense of energy and purpose had filled his entire being.”
“Or in other words, the squire was instantly in love,” Angelina said. Yakko cuddled closer to her and smiled. 
“Oh yes, it was quite instant. In fact, it was so instant, that the squire instantly fell apart once she started speaking to him.”
“And all she had said was a simple ‘hello’,” Angelina snorted. Yakko then shushed her and she backed down. 
“That’s true. The princess had greeted him while getting off her horse. Her beauty so entranced the squire, that he didn’t pay attention to where he was going and tripped right over a bucket of water, which then went everywhere,” He and Angelina both laughed at that. 
“Of course, the squire apologized profusely for his error, but thankfully the princess was as patient as she was beautiful and she helped him up. She asked him about himself, and he told her willingly, but when he was called to his lesson, she stayed and watched. After the lesson, they talked more and more, quickly becoming very good friends.”
“But the evil queen didn’t approve,” Yakko said. William nodded, and Angelina gripped Yakko’s blanket.
“That’s right. She was mean, and didn’t like the young squire, or her own daughter for that matter,” he said, glancing at Angelina, who motioned for him to continue. 
“But the squire and the princess carried on anyway, knowing deep down no matter what happened they were destined for each other, it was written in the stars,” He said with a comforting smile. 
“And so every spring, they’d take walks in the gardens and plant new flowers together, and watch each other ride on horseback, and slowly but surely the princess fell in love with the squire too.”
��Knew it,” Yakko whispered to himself and Angelina kissed the top of his head. 
“And so they waited and waited for their time to come, planting countless flowers and singing countless songs as they waited, and one day the Evil Queen died, and the princess and the squire could finally be together.”
“Yay,” Yakko cheered and clapped, though a bit tiredly.
“No less than a month later, the pair were married, and the Princess became Queen and the squire became knight then King,” William explained. 
“And then what happened?” Yakko asked. 
“Well... a month or so later, the new King and Queen planted another garden, to celebrate their marriage and the beginning of their new life together and well... later came the cutest baby boy the kingdom had ever seen,” William said
“Who?” Yakko questioned with a yawn.
“You, silly,” Angelina chuckled, scrunching her nose against his. Yakko giggled. 
“You were the cutest baby the kingdom had ever seen, and the kingdom was excited to see they had a healthy heir to the throne, and everyone welcomed in a new era of peace and prosperity,” William said, moving to sit next to Angelina on the bed as opposed to across. 
“Was I really that cute?” He asked. 
“The cutest,” Angelina assured. 
“Oh yes, the Queen couldn’t stop crying upon seeing how cute the new prince was.”
“Oh, but the King wasn’t any better,” Angelina gave him a look. 
“No, no he wasn’t,” William laughed and admitted. Yakko smiled and scooted over to be in between the two. 
“So then what happened?” Yakko asked with a yawn. 
“Well... then they had to raise the new prince,” William stated. 
“It wasn’t easy at first, but with teamwork and just the right amount of love, they’ve done a pretty good job so far, if I may say so myself,” She kissed Yakko’s forehead and slowly stood up, and William copied the motion, the two carefully tucking him into bed. 
“Mhm,” Yakko agreed tiredly. “After that?”
“After that? Well...” Angelina glanced at William. 
“They started making plans for a new garden too,” William said, kissing Yakko’s forehead. 
“And then?” He asked again. 
“I don’t know. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Angelina said, embracing his face with her gloved hand and rubbing his face with her thumb softly. 
“Awww,” Yakko frowned. 
“Goodnight Yakko,” William said. 
“What? I’m not tired,” he protested, right before yawning. Angelina rolled her eyes. 
“Do you want a lullaby too?” She asked. Yakko smiled and nodded, adjusting himself to be more comfortable in bed. Angelina shook her head softly with a smile. 
“Goodnight, goodnight, it’s time now to sleep,” She sang softly, pulling up the blanket to cover his shoulders. “the moon’s watching over, you and your dreams.”
“Goodnight, goodnight, my sweet little one,” She kissed his forehead once more. “Tomorrow your eyes, they will light up the sun.”
She then hummed the melody once more, and Yakko hummed along, a small smile on his face. 
“But goodnight, goodnight, sweet dreams for now.” She sat, keeping her distance. “Drift off to sleep, on your pillow of clouds.”
“Goodnight, goodnight, my sweet little friend. Tomorrow’s adventure, they will soon begin,”
“They will soon begin,” She practically whispered, as the prince was now asleep. She smiled. 
“Goodnight my dear,” She said softly, standing up and going to the doorway.
To her surprise, William was standing in the frame waiting for her. She closed the door softly, and the moment she turned around he pulled her into a much welcomed, but surprising kiss. 
“What was that for?” She asked, forcing them to move away from Yakko’s bedroom. 
“I love you, Lena. I really, really do,” William said with a soft smile. 
“I love you too William,” She smiled and kissed him back, before pausing. 
“Were you really serious about planting another garden?” She asked, her arms around his neck. William nodded. 
“Only if you want to as well, of course. I just... don’t see the problem with having more than type of flower,” He said, blushing. Angelina smiled and kissed him again. 
“We’ll see now won’t we?” She winked. William chuckled tiredly and together, arm in arm, they walked back to their bedroom, and tucked themselves in for the night. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Riding High
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Ch2: Hey Sailor
Chapter Summary: Mary is excited for her first riding lesson, and it seems that she’s not the only one…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Again, as you will all know I’m a Brit so apologies if too much British horsey lingo slips into this…ASK away if you don’t understand. Tagging all my SSB/CSI readers…if you want in or off the list PLEASE just tell me. This chapter is a bit of a filler, things start getting a bit more interesting in the next one, and then we’ll be diving into the Gifted story line in Chapter 4.
Thanks to my beta reader/sounding board @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for her input and her modes of transport kink...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 1
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“Mary…” Frank sighed. “Take the boots off and get in bed.” “You told me that Miss Gallagher said I needed to wear them.” she looked at him.
“Yeah, but you can’t wear them in bed…”
Mary flopped onto the side of her bed and reached down to unzip the boots before she kicked them off and Frank picked them up and placed them out of the way. Mary shuffled down under her covers and lay her head back on the pillow and, once she was settled, Frank gently smoothed her blonde hair back off her face and smiled at her. Times like this she really did remind him of Diane.
“Yeah?” “Can I read for a little while?” she asked.
Frank rolled his eyes “Mary…”
“Fine, fifteen minutes tops. And I’ll be in to turn the light off, ok?” With a grin she sat up and reached for her latest book- Moby Dick, and he dropped a kiss to her head and left her to it. He made his way into the kitchen, cleared the dishes and then grabbed a beer his attention turning to the table which was had clear, the other half scattered with the parts from one of the engines he had been working on. He knew he really shouldn’t bring this home with him but sometimes it was just easier.
His phone buzzed and he reached for it, glancing down at the unknown number.
“Hi Mr Adler, just a courtesy message to remind you of Mary’s lesson tomorrow at One. If you can’t make it please let me know ASAP so I can offer the slot to someone else. Otherwise see you then. Regards, Fliss.” Frank smiled, like he would have chance to forget. Mary had talked of nothing else since Saturday. His fingers hovered over the reply button, before he dropped the phone back down. He didn’t need to reply…did he? I mean…
Oh fuck it. What was a bit of harmless flirting? He picked the phone back up and tapped in a quick response.
“Like I’d have chance to forget. She’s been like a broken record since Wednesday. I had to pry her
boots off tonight as she was threatening to wear them in bed.” Setting the phone down he headed back through to check on Mary, her 15 minutes was over. He found her fast asleep, book clutched to her chest. Gently taking it from her, he slipped the bookmark into the page and turned off the lights, making sure she was tucked in. When he moved back into the main part of the trailer he had a reply.
“Brilliant! That’s what I like to hear. Get used to it, you’re going to hear about nothing but horses now for the rest of your life.” “Great, I can’t wait…” he set his Nokia down, not really having a smarter response to that, so he gathered a few pieces of the engine, setting to work. About five minutes passed and his phone went again.
“You know I offer starter lessons for adults too, maybe you should try it, see if you understand what the fuss is all about.” “No thanks, my feet stay firmly on the ground. Unless I’m on a boat.” “A boat? I didn’t have you pegged as a sailor?” At that Frank let out a bark of a laugh.
“I’m not, not really. I fix them. And besides, you don’t sail speedboats.” “What do you do then?”
“You drive them.”
“Do you drive them on water?” “Dur.” “That’s called Sailing.”
His work abandoned, he took a pull from his beer bottle and shook his head, smile tugging at his lips as he replied.
“But they don’t have sails…” “It’s a boat. It goes on water. It’s called Sailing.” “Alright, I bow to your superior knowledge…” “Glad we agree…even if I do detect a serious underlying tone of sarcasm in your message. See you tomorrow Sailor.” He laughed again, shaking his head. He tapped in a goodnight and placed the phone down, turning his attention to his work.
***** “What are you grinning about?” Bill Gallagher looked at his daughter as they walked across the field, Thor and his own dog, Rupert, hurtling ahead in front of them, their flashing collars keeping them located in the twilight.
“Oh, nothing, just winding someone up.” she smiled “One of the dad’s from tomorrow’s lesson, trying to convince me you drive, not sail, a speedboat.” “Hmmm…well they don’t have sails.” Bill mused.
“Whatever, they go on water, they sail.” Fliss shrugged, slipping her phone back into her pocket as Frank’s ‘Goodnight’ rounded off their conversation.
“So, who is he then?” Bill asked.
“Oh, his name’s Frank.” Fliss replied, nonchalantly, but her dad didn’t miss the flicker of a smile that hit her mouth.
“Is he the one that your mum said was eyeing you up in the bar?” “He was not eyeing me up.” Fliss groaned “He was just being friendly.” “Sure he was.” “Dad.” she warned him, nudging him with her elbow.
“What?” “You know what!” she laughed “Stop it.” “Alright.” he smiled, holding his hands up “I yield, it’s just nice to see you happy, that’s all.” “Well, I am.” she said after a moment, and she meant it “The last six months the riding school has taken off, I’m feeling more, well, myself than I have in years. Just need to find an apartment now.” “Well, on that.” Bill looked at her. “Me and your mum have been thinking. We thought, maybe, you might want to move into the annex. We can do it up, gives you your own space…”
Fliss paused walking and turned to her dad. “That’s where Steeby stays though, when he comes out with Sian and the kids.” “There’s plenty of room in the house.” Bill shrugged “And they come like what, four times a year? It’s stood empty the rest of the time.” Fliss bit her lip.
“It’s just an idea and your brother won’t mind. Look, I know it’s probably not what you had in mind, living in your parent’s annex but for the time being until the Yard starts to turn over more of a profit we just thought it might give you a little bit more freedom.” “Whilst still staying close.”
“I want to keep you safe Titch.” Bill shrugged “I didn’t do that before but,” “Dad don’t.” Fliss shook her head “None of that, it wasn’t your fault. I hid from everyone what was happening…you didn’t know.”
“I should have.” he sighed “You’re my daughter.” “He had everyone fooled, including me. This is no one’s fault but his, I get that now.” Bill smiled and pulled her into a hug. “I know.”
“We should head back.” Fliss smiled, pulling away. “Mum will be wondering where we are.”
“You have anything to finish off?” he asked
“Nope, everything is out for the night and looks reasonably settled.” she squinted at the various horses dotted across her land.
“Hmmm, unlike this fencing.” Bill frowned, examining the broken bit of post and rail that Fliss had patched up with electric tape “This could do with replacing, love.” “Yeah, I know.” she shrugged “I was going to mention it but forgot. The temporary fix has worked for the time being.” “I’ll stop by and do it tomorrow.” he nodded, “Won’t take me long. I’ll level that top field as well whilst I’m at it if you want.” “Thanks Dad” she smiled. In comfortable silence they made their way back towards the main part of the yard. *******
Fliss grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in her office and took a long drink. The heat was pretty intense today, and she was just wondering if really holding Mary’s lesson as advisable when she realised it wasn’t like they’d be doing anything too strenuous. She adjusted her baseball cap and walked back onto the yard, shouting instructions to the three members of staff to go and take a water break. Just as they were passing her towards the office, she saw Frank and Mary walking onto the yard. Mary was sporting a new riding hat and Fliss couldn’t help but smile.
“Well check you out!” she said, tapping the little girl on the head “Nice hat.” “I liked the silver on it!” Mary grinned, pointing to the sparkly strip that ran along the front.
“Me too.” Fliss nodded. “I have the same hat but mine has blue sparkles.” she straightened up and looked at Frank. “Hey Sailor.” He gave a snort of a laugh “I told you, you don’t sail speedboats.” “They go on water.” Mary said, “Its’ sailing.” “Ha, see!” Fliss laughed
Frank sighed “Whatever.” The corners of his mouth turned up and he handed Fliss the forms he had brought back.
“Oh great…” she thanked him “I’ll just file these and then Ruby will get Monty ready. I thought you might like to help her.” Mary nodded eagerly. Fliss excused herself and Frank heard her shouting something and a moment later a tall, wirey Hispanic girl emerged from the office with a saddle. Fliss followed, bridle slung over her shoulder and gestured for Mary to follow. Frank watched as the girl skipped off following and headed after her at a slower pace, rubbing at his neck which felt like it was burning. He’d slathered Mary in sunscreen before but of course had forgotten his own.
He stepped into the relative cool of the barn and watched as the stable hand was explaining to Mary what each piece of tack was as she began to place it onto the pony. He knew Mary would be taking all of this in, just like she did with everything, and Roberta would be hearing all about it later on.
Fliss handed over the bridle and stepped back, heading towards Frank. “I normally do have the ponies ready” she said, almost apologetically “But I thought she’d enjoy this bit.” “You thought right.” Frank laughed “I was just thinking to myself she’ll be chewing our neighbour’s ear off later.”
Fliss smiled and they both stood in silence watching until the other girl said they were ready.
“Alright, let’s go!” Fliss grinned and they walked out into the yard. She took the pony from her staff member with a thanks, and walked with Mary following into the riding paddock. Frank leaned on the fencing outside as Fliss led Mary and Monty over to the wooden mounting block at the side.
“Ok, so…” she turned to Mary and patted the top step “Climb up here…” Mary hopped up.
“Left foot in this stirrup,” she instructed. Mary placed her foot in. “Left hand here,” she guided it to the front of the saddle, “and then I want you to swing your right leg over.” Mary did as she was told, sitting down on the saddle.
“Good stuff kiddo!” Fliss smiled as she checked the stirrups “Ok, so we need to put these up a hole so…”
She busied herself shortening the stirrup leathers, and eventually when she was happy she nodded.
“So, what we’re gonna do for today is a bit of walking around, and stopping, and then if you’re happy with your balance we can try a bit of trot ok?” Mary grinned.
“Right…so take your reins…” Fliss showed her how to hold the reins correctly, and then she slipped the lunge line through the ponies bit and looked at the girl. “If you feel wobbly or anything you grab this…” she said, gesturing to the leather strap around the pony’s neck. “And shout to me ok?”
Mary nodded.
Fliss began to walk besides the pony who followed her like a dog. Mary all the time concentrating on what she was doing. Fliss explained to her how her legs made the animal go, and how to make it stop, and they practiced that for five minutes before Fliss moved slightly further away to let Mary take a bit of control, instructing her to go, then stop, go, then stop…
Frank watched intently. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly nervous about Mary falling off but he knew that he had to let her discover all this for herself. He leaned further over on the fence, watching and couldn’t help but smile at the look on Mary’s face, she was concentrating so hard her brow was furrowed, tongue poking out from the side of her mouth.
“Your kid?” a deep voice with a similar accent to Fliss said and he turned to his right to see a tall, stocky guy in his sixties, maybe, dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans looking at him.
“Neice.” he nodded, “First lesson.” “Ahh...” the man chuckled “Yeah I remember Fliss’ first lesson. I crapped myself.” Frank let out a laugh “Yeah, I’m a little nervous.” “Bill Gallagher” The man stuck his hand out “Fliss’ dad.” “Nice to meet you, I’m Frank.” Bill looked at him, nodding before his attention turned to the paddock “Hey, Titch, sorry to interrupt…” Fliss stopped the pony and turned to her dad “Hey.” “Fencing is done but I can’t get that bloody tractor started, so the field’s gonna have to wait.” “I can look at it.” Frank offered immediately “I mean, if you want.” Bill turned to him, “You a mechanic?” “No he’s a sailor.” Fliss shot back and Frank rolled his eyes.
“I fix boats. Engines, that type of thing.” “Huh.” Bill nodded appraisingly. “Well if you wouldn’t mind…” “Not a problem. Mary you okay here if I go for a minute?” Mary looked at him “Dur.” Bill let out a chuckle as Frank turned to him “Tell me raising them gets easier.” “Oh no mate.” Bill shook his head, grinning “You just get different shit to deal with.” Frank followed the man round to the back of the barn and spotted a dark green baby tractor. Bill explained what it was doing and Frank crouched closer to have a look before he headed to his truck for the jump leads.
After ten minutes or so he’d found the problem. They could start it, but it wasn’t holding any charge. Meaning when the turned the engine off it needed jump starting again.
“I’m pretty sure it’s the alternator.” he chewed his lip, stepping back “I’ll need to strip it down to see whether I can repair it or if it needs a new one but we can get it started again you can do what you need to do for today.”
Bill nodded “So not quite ready for the scrap heap?” “Not quite.” Frank smiled, wiping his hands on his jeans “Just needs a bit of a fiddle with.” “Don’t we all?” Bill quipped, making Frank laugh. They jump started it again and Bill thanked him before hopping on and heading over to the gate that led to the field.
By the time Frank returned, he was surprised to see that Mary was now riding the pony almost unaided in a circle around Fliss who was holding the end of the line attached to the Monty’s bridle as it trotted around. Mary was gripping the strap round the pony’s neck and trying to rise in time to the trot. It was clumsy and she was a little bit out of balance but that didn’t matter. He could hear Fliss shouting gentle encouragement to her, counting out the rhythm and eventually Mary fell in time with her counts.
“Good!” Fliss beamed “see, I told you you’d get it…” This continued for another 5 minutes or so before Fliss told Mary to slow Monty down to a walk and give him a good pat. They walked the pony around for a while, to give him chance to cool down a little before Fliss walked towards Mary gathering up the line as she went.
“That was awesome for a first go!” she said, smiling “Did you enjoy it?”
Mary nodded “Yeah, it was really cool!”
“Good!” Fliss said. “Now I’m gonna unclip the line and walk around for a bit. He’ll follow me but when I stop I want you to stop him yeah?”
Mary nodded eagerly and she unclipped the line and began to walk. Fliss knew Monty would stop when she did but she wanted to let Mary have a go anyway. They did a lap of the paddock and on the second she stopped by Frank.
“Look, Frank!” Mary smiled “I’m not on the line.” “Yeah, I see!” he smiled at her “Good job!”
“How’s my tractor?” Fliss asked.
“Think it’s the alternator. We got it started for your dad but I’ll need to strip it down properly…I can come back tomorrow and sort it properly if you want?” “Oh, I don’t wanna put you out.” Fliss started to protest but Frank shook his head
“It’s no bother, honestly.” he ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t promise I can fix it but I’ll be able to see if I can or if you need a new one.” Fliss looked at him and then nodded “Alright, but in that case today is free.” “No, that’s not why I offered.” Frank began to protest but Fliss shook her head
“I know.” she smiled that damned gorgeous smile again, and Frank felt his stomach flip. “But I’d like to.” Frank looked at her for a moment, her brown eyes locked onto his and he swallowed, nodding. “Ok, thanks.” “Wait am I coming back tomorrow?” Mary asked
“I’m booked up, sorry sweetie.” Fliss looked at her “But you’re welcome to come anyway, that is if Frank says its okay. You can always give Monty a groom.” “We’ll see. “Frank looked at Mary.
“I can put her to work.” Fliss said, grinning “Nothing like a bit of child labour.” “That’s illegal.” Mary said.
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” Fliss looked at her and Frank gave a chuckle.
They made their way out of the paddock and Fliss showed Mary how to swing her leg back round the saddle and slide down. She landed on her feet and took the reins from Fliss’ hand, leading the pony back to his stable. She helped untack and then Fliss handed her the bridle to carry. They walked into the office and Fliss tapped a code into the door to the left and led them into a tidy tack room, rows of saddles and racks adorned the wall along with bridle pegs and a few shelves full of rugs and blankets for the horses. Fliss slipped the saddle onto a spare rack and then directed Mary to Monty’s bridle peg. Frank took the bridle from her as the peg was a little high and hooked it over.
“Now, you need a drink.” Fliss looked at Mary “I got water or some apple juice.”
 “Apple please.”  Mary said. Fliss nodded and headed back into the office, giving her a juice box from the fridge “Frank?”
“Oh, errr, water would be great thanks.” She handed him a bottle and he screwed off the tap.
“So, do you want to book in again now or do it tomorrow?” Fliss looked at him. “I think she’ll cope on the group lesson fine.” “So when do they run?”  Frank asked, swallowing his water.
“Saturday afternoons at two.” Fliss said. “Or Wednesday at six.” “Can we come Saturday?” Mary asked.
Frank hesitated “I did say you couldn’t do this every week.” “Yeah but you didn’t pay for today.” Mary shot back.
Jesus Christ
He glanced up at Fliss who was biting her lip, trying not to laugh.
“Fine, you can come this Saturday but then that’s it, we go to every other week like we agreed, okay?” Mary nodded.
“Settled, I’ll book you in.” Fliss grinned. “If you get here about quarter to I’ll introduce you to the other girls before you join.” Mary frowned a little, before she recovered and nodded. “Okay.” “So do you like work here every day?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded
“Mostly. If I want a day off then I get Joanne to cover the lessons and the girls can open and close up.” she said “But it’s few and far between. Like I said, still in the early days so…”
Frank nodded “Yeah I know what it’s like, trying to get yourself established.” “I take it you’re a self-employed sailor then?” Fliss smiled and he gave a grin back and nodded.
“He takes me for rides.” Mary said “In the boats sometimes.” “That’s really cool. I’ve never been on speedboat.” Fliss mused.
“You should come with us one day, right Frank?”
Frank hesitated a little, surprised to find that he wasn’t filled with dread at the idea of her joining them.
“I’m sure Fliss has enough to be doing without you demanding more of her time.” he shot the girl a look, his tone even.
“Yeah, I’m very busy.” Fliss smiled, offering him a way out. He shot her a thankful look.
“We can do it when you’re free…” “Mary!” Frank’s tone was exasperated as Fliss laughed.
“Maybe one day.” she said, nodding.
This placated the girl somewhat and she bounced off towards the truck.
“Sorry.” Frank turned to Fliss “She can be a little bit…” “Tenacious?” “I was gonna say a pain in the ass.” Frank shrugged, causing Fliss to laugh, her soft chuckles made him feel a little warm, or maybe it was the afternoon heat…
“She’s a good kid.” Fliss said gently.
Frank smiled and then jerked his head in the direction of the car park “I better…” “Sure.”
“I’ll drop you a message about tomorrow?” Fliss nodded “Yeah, but don’t put yourself out.” “Well I owe you now for the lesson so…” he shrugged “I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Yeah, guess you will.” Fliss smiled. There was a pause again and Frank nodded, before he turned and headed after Mary. He turned to look over his shoulder at Fliss who was now walking back towards her office before he wandered onto the car park to find Mary was now chewing Bill’s ear off.
“For the love of God.” he mumbled as he drew nearer to find her mid discussion with the man about the Olympics.
“Did you go?” she was asking.
“You bet!” Bill smiled “I’ll tell you something else as well…” “What?” “Those fences are even bigger in real life than they look on the photos.” “It said on the internet she jumped One meter forty!”
“The internet?” Bill asked.
“Yeah, we googled her.” Frank groaned “Mary.” “What?” she looked at him. “I was just saying…” “Well don’t.” He said, “Truck, now…”
“It was nice to meet you Mary.” Bill smiled as the little girl bid him goodbye.
“Sorry.” Frank apologised to him.
“Don’t be silly.” Bill waved his apology off. “She wasn’t doing any harm.”
“I meant about the google thing.” Frank sighed. “We weren’t prying, she was just curious after seeing the medal and…” Bill shook his head “Kids are nosey.” he shrugged.
With another nod he climbed in the truck and turned to Mary with a sigh “What did I say to you about not telling Miss Gallagher we googled her?” “I didn’t.” Mary said “I told her dad.”
There was a pause as Frank contemplated what she had said, and realised technically she was right. He should have closed that particular loop hole. “Smart ass.” He grumbled back, before he clipped in her belt and they left.
***** Fliss was surprised to see Mary wasn’t with Frank the next day. Frank explained he had come straight from the boat yard so she was busy doing some lesson work with their neighbour. “Gives me chance to work without her continually running around causing a nuisance.” he had explained, setting his tools down by the tractor.
Fliss chuckled, “Ok, well, I got another client due in a second so just give me a shout if you need anything.” He nodded. It didn’t take him long to realise he had been right. It was the alternator. He took the engine apart and was leaning over it on the flat bed of his truck when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to look at Fliss.
“It is the alternator, but it looks like it’s the brushes inside.” he said, “I can fix this.” She nodded, the movement almost imperceptible, and he frowned at the look on her face. She’d glazed over in front of him, eyes were widened, almost like she was stuck in a memory.
And she was. Something about the fact he’d been leaning over the back of a truck, his grubby t-shirt riding up slightly, dirt on his hands and arms had stirred a really inappropriate thought in her head…which in turn had triggered another flashback.
“He was fixing the car.” Fliss looked at John “I offered him a drink, that’s all…” “He was in our kitchen.” John advanced “I saw you looking at him. Admiring him…” “I wasn’t…”
“Don’t LIE TO ME!” John’s voice as loud and then there was a stinging slap to the side of her face, which sent her reeling. As she recovered, the ringing in her ear still loud from the blow, she gently reached up to her cheek, tears stinging her eyes. John’s face was immediately apologetic, and he reached out for her, causing her to shrink back against the counter.
“You hit me.” she gasped.
“Sugar, I’m so sorry.” John stuttered, his eyes filing with tears “I didn’t, you just made me so jealous…I…” He held his arms out and pulled her to him, his hands on her back as he dropped a kiss to her head “I will never do that again, I’m sorry…” “Fliss?”
She started slightly and looked at Frank. “Yeah, sorry, I was…” “Miles away?” he frowned.
“Something like that.” she nodded, shaking her head “Sorry, you said you could fix it?”
“Yeah.” he said “I can take it with me and then I can bring it back Saturday unless you need it before that?”
“No, Saturday’s fine.” she said gently.
“Look, I don’t mean to pry but are you sure you’re ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m good.” she spoke quickly. “Look, I gotta get on and…” “Sure.” he nodded, “I should be going anyway…” She smiled at him, and turned and headed back to the yard.
“You clearly triggered something.” Roberta said to Frank wisely as they both sat in his living room later that evening. He’d just finished telling her about the afternoon. “Some kind of memory.”
Frank hmmed his response. “Question is why are you so bothered?” Roberta asked.
“I’m not, I just, well it wasn’t nice to see. She looked so scared.” “Well you said her husband was sent down for assaulting her.” Roberta shrugged “She’s clearly had a lot of trauma. Maybe she just needs a friend.” “Yeah, maybe.”
“Could be good for both of you.” “I know what you’re doing.” Frank looked at her sternly
“I’m not trying to do anything!” Roberta chuckled
“Course you’re not.” he rolled his eyes before he changed the subject.
It wasn’t until he was alone later, that he pulled his phone out to text Fliss. He’d typed out his message, just a perfectly innocent one to check she was okay before he deleted it, shaking his head.
Whatever it was, it really was none of his business. He had enough of his own past demons to live with as it was.
But the more he lay there the more it wound him up. And he couldn’t get the thought of her out of his head.
“Fucks sake,” he grumbled, before he retyped the message and sent it.
**** Fliss was curled up on the sofa watching TV. Her parents were out for the evening so she was making the most of enjoying the space. Her phone went and she leaned over to grab it from the coffee table, unable to stop smiling as she saw who it was from.
“Hey, just wanted to check you were ok after before. I hope I didn’t do anything or say anything that upset or scared you.” The last line made her heart sink. He clearly knew about her past. Her dad had mentioned something about them googling her, and the case had been fairly big news amongst the equestrian circuit so she knew that the story was out there to read. Well, most of it was anyway. She rubbed at her eyes, thinking of how to respond. She hated that even after almost a year of him being out of her life John was till effectively a shadow she couldn’t seem to emerge from.
“It’s not your fault. I get flashbacks sometimes, nothing I can’t handle.”
“Well the past has a way of doing that. Trust me, I know.”
Fliss smiled gently as she tapped out her response. “Yeah, what is it Rafiki says on the Lion King? You can either run from your past or learn from it?”
Little over thirty seconds later he responded.
“Sound advice from a cartoon monkey…not always that easy in real life. If you ever want a non-judgmental ear to talk to, I’m a pretty good listener if you fancy a beer and a chat. Just as friends.” There was just something about this man, something that Fliss couldn’t help but warm to. She wasn’t stupid, the girls at the yard had told her a bit about him, his reputation amongst the ladies…he was a bit of a player from all accounts, but there was something there, something buried deeper, she could just tell. And what’s more, for the first time in years, she felt like she could trust another person other than her family.
It was for that reason she found it so easy to almost, sort of, maybe, possibly accept his invitation.
“I might just hold you to that Sailor.”
**** Chapter 3
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heartbreakgrill · 5 years ago
Serious; Luke Hemmings (Pt. 1)
a/n: I cannot tell you where this came from, but it IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD OMG. please enjoy, there WILL be more parts probably tomorrow. (Also omg I’m dying my hair, should I post a selfie? I’ve never done a face reveal lol)
description: he came with the falling of the leaves, and left with the cold breeze of winter. maybe this time, he’d stay.
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The gentle cracking of a leaf breaking under your weight snapped your eyes to the sidewalk below. Your boot-clad feet ran into another leaf, a smile pile, and a dozen subway-like cracks caused by years of distress. You looked back up, afraid to run into anybody who wasn’t walking on the opposite side of the sidewalk. Luckily, you did just in time, because you dodged a group of girls jogging at a steady pace.
Your brows drew together; They weren’t in workout clothes. You looked for fear on their faces, but they passed quickly, without a hint of what you weren’t hoping for. Your head followed them, pace slowing, as you scanned their outfits. Some of them were dressed cute, in fall outfits similar to yours, but two or three were merchandise from a band- 5 Seconds of Summer.
You stopped completely. Your feet drew you to the wall behind you, as if they knew you were going to get ran over if you didn’t move. Your mouth fell agape slightly, and your heart raced. Fingers reached for your cellphone, hesitantly opening the contacts and scrolling past ABCDEFGHIJK...
A sweaty thumb hovered over the sideways call button, tongue circling dry mouth for some kind of coping mechanism. Suddenly, it was ringing, but not from your actions.
Luke Hemmings.
You quickly answered, the hand that was still in the pocket of your jean jacket curling. “Hey,” a breathless tone, a feeling of desperation.
“I’m in town. I wanna see you,” he mumbled into the line, unable to speak much louder due to who all must be around him.
It’d been a year, a year since 19 year old Luke came crashing into your world like a hurricane. The leaves had been falling then, too, harsh winds whipping through until a calm autumn Sunday recruited your attention, the eye of the hurricane. It was a one night stand, fleeting kisses and dodging eyes when a phone number was hastily left on your bedside table.
You’d called. He’d answered. And after a month of relentless calls and texts, the winter winds took his blazing blue eyes and washed them out with read receipts and unopened Snapchats.
Of course you’d fallen for him so quickly. You were vulnerable, empty at that point in your life. Now, you were more stable, but you couldn’t resist seeing him.
You needed him, craved, as if some Pavlovian affect took hold as soon as the temperature dropped below 40 and midterms wheeled themselves into your schedule. It was Thanksgiving break, now, two weeks off from stressful deadlines, so you had time.
And, God, you were so willing to give it all to him.
“How long are you in town?” You muttered back, afraid someone on the other side would hear you.
“Week and a half. Five shows, 7 days off. Free today.”
Your eyes flickered between the people passing you, the crosswalk ten steps ahead. “I have plans for lunch, with a friend, but come over at 4. K?”
“Okay. See you soon.”
You hung up, taking control of the situation in the slightest. You wanted to grip onto the wall, your body flailing through space in his head and your own heart. There was no gripping the sand between your fingertips.
You went ahead to lunch, fingers tapping relentlessly on the tabletop, your inner thigh when you noticed Sheila glaring at the rhythm. Eventually, after you’d gulped through two ice waters and a sand which, she cleared her throat. You looked up from the floor, suddenly realizing how dry you’d been the last forty minutes.
She spoke, “okay, what is up with you?”
You and Sheila had been roommates last year, still were this year, too. Only, she was leaving today to visit family for the holiday. She’d been out running errands for before she left, and wanted to see you before she wouldn’t for half a month.
Your mouth was dry already, but you swallowed again to try to salivate it. Provide clarity to your words. You shrugged, knowing how embarrassing this would be, “Luke’s back.”
Sheilas eyebrows rose high, her arms crossing over her chest. She leaned back in her chair, tongue clicking in bashful anger. “Oh, really? For what? To apologize?”
You dryly chortled, though you didn’t smile. “No. He has some shows to do. I completely forgot. I haven’t even seen him post on Instagram in forever.”
“Y/N,” Sheila reached across the table and tightly gripped your wrist. She loosened the hold when you met her eyes. “You’re going to get hurt again.”
“I know,” you shrugged. “I just can’t say no, ya know? It sounds stupid, but maybe this will provide me closure. Or maybe this time he’ll stay.”
“You know he won’t.”
Her words didn’t hit you that hard: She was right.
The last time he’d been around, he was still with Arzaylea. You were a getaway for him, his escape from the flashing lights, the public state of his relationship with her, and the screaming fans. You promised him to never, ever tell anyone about the incident. the public would hate him, his fans would be angry, and he’d lose listeners.
“I don’t.”You denied her, though it was true, in the edge of an argument.
Sheila opened her mouth to speak, and you could tell by the breath she took, that she was going to reprimand you. You suddenly reached to the ground, hand snapping from her fingers, and tugged your back over your shoulder.
“I gotta go. He’s coming over in two hours. See you when you get back.”
Sheila sat in stunned silence, eyes barely following you as you bounced out the door. Your glare stared hard at the concrete beneath your feet, more and more leaves crunching below.
Soon to be an analogy to your heart.
You showered when you got home, brushed your teeth, washed your skin with glittering lotions and rose-scented body washes. He didn’t deserve all of this, no, but the way he’d make you feel for the next few days did. You should just move on, but your mind had been on him for the last year, and, yes, you would make sure this would be closure.
Or a new beginning.
A knock on the apartment door came firm and sharp at exactly 4:01. You were sitting on the edge of your couch, ignoring the text messages from Sheila, and the group chat with your other friends. Your knee was bouncing and you hoped to God he wouldn’t smell your anxious sweat.
You wiped your brow before standing and moving in shaky legs to the door. You shut an eye, peering through the peephole. There he stood, in all his rockstar glory, a leather jacket and black skinny jeans holding clenched fists, pouty pink lips framing the frantic look on his blue eyes. God, had they always been that pretty?
You opened the door wide, allowing him to move in beside you. You shut it, turning to face him.
And it all came back naturally.
Luke reached out to your waist, pulling you flush against him in a warm hug. You held his neck between your arms, fingers tucking themselves into his curls, which were much longer now.
“How are you?” His accent had faded much more, but it was still there to haunt the goosebumps on your skin.
You tugged away, fingers splaying across his leather jacket. “Okay. Uh, nervous,” you shared a laugh before he moved his hand to cup your cheek.
Your eyes melded into his own, his blue pupils flushed wide open with intoxicated lust. “Don’t be. Just me.”
You pressed your lips to his own, feeling the same balloon pop in your chest. And, some time later, you were flush against the bed, Luke’s body collapsed on top of yours. Your heaving chest puffed up with each deep breath to meet his own before he rolled over beside you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, opening them as he moved his arms around you. You turned to face him, eyelashes now fluttering against his chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” he smiled softly at you.
“Your hairs gotten longer,” you replied. You reached up and curled the strands around your pointer finger.
“Yeah, decided to grow it out after I broke up with...” he trailed off, “well, you know her.”
This was the first you were hearing of the breakup. Your eyes lit up, but you surpressed your grin. “Oh. I didn’t know.”
Luke shrugged, “S’okay, though. I’ve been better without her. Hell, even Petunia is happier. I got my own place in LA, living with Ash and Cal now.”
“How are they?” You asked him, letting your head falling into the cavity between his breasts.
He drew across your skin, “Good. Yeah, Ash has a girl. Kay, is her name. Cal’s still single, but he’s good. Michael’s still with Crystal. They’re living together now.”
You hummed. “And you?
His eyes met yours and he smiled sadly. “Still getting over it. But, I think this could help...”
He kissed you again. You held on, unwilling to let go until his phone started to ring. He answered it, other arm still holding you close to him.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in an hour.”
Your bottom lip poured, moving with Luke was he sat up. He stood and began to put on his boxers, but left the rest of himself naked. You admired his chest, more defined now that he was somewhat taller and healthier.
Maybe you didn’t regret being the other girl if she had really taken that big of a toll on him...
Luke hung up the phone with a goodbye and sat on the edge of the bed. You wrapped your arms around him from behind. Your lips grazed the skin beneath his ear and his head fall back against your shoulder.
“Everything okay?” You kissed.
He nodded, “Gotta get back for some celebration shit.”
You sighed as he turned to face you. He hugged you better, forehead pressing against yours. “Hey, pretty girl, I’m not going anywhere for another hour.”
“Another week, right?” You smiled. His head rocked forward. “Good.”
“We talked about me some, let’s hear about you.”
Luke got more comfortable after handing you his T-shirt. He leaned up against the headboard, allowing you to lay your head in his lap. His hand fell in your hair, the other splayed across your stomach.
Your fingers played with his. “Not much has changed, Lu. I’m better, I feel better. But it’s still just college, work, internships here and there. Can’t wait to graduate and just travel.”
“You look better,” the hand in your hair traced your jawline. “You look healthier and happier. I could see it in your walk.”
“I got a therapist,” you giggled.
He applauded you jokingly before his hands found their spot again. “I’m proud of you. I remember you telling me how nervous you were for that. But look at you now. Beautiful as always, but happy with yourself. That makes you the most beautiful.”
Your cheeks flushed and you looked away. “Yeah, well, thanks.”
“Where do you think you’ll go first?” He continued to inquire.
You shrugged, “I wanna go to France. Or LA.”
An awkward beat passed. Would he think you were asking to come visit? Was he going to pull away then, did he still wants no strings attached?
You cleared your throat and Luke’s tongue clicked in response. “LA’s beautiful. Not as good as home, though.”
Was that an invitation?
“Australia?” He hummed at the question. “Id like to go. See an ostrich or a kangaroo.”
He laughed, “Out of everything there is to see.”
“What do you want me to say? ‘Oh, gosh, I can’t wait to go to Australia and meet Liz Hemmings! She is the real star here.’”
You laughed loudly at the joke and Luke joined you until silence took over again. You felt him shrug. “I think she’d like you.”
“Who?” Your brows furrowed.
He traced them, feeling down to around your chin and brushing the hair away from your neck. “Mum. She’d like you. You’re kind, bubbly. Like her.”
You blushed again. “I’d like to meet her.”
“I...” Luke trailed and never picked up from it.
It was nearly 9 pm now, and your eyes were beginning to fall close. You hadn’t realized how stuck on a schedule you were from college until your body relaxed completely into Luke’s lap. Your hand held tightly to his, though, fingers threaded with them.
He glanced at the clock on your bedside table, methodically rubbing circles into your hairline. His lips puckered and he leaned to place a firm kiss onto your cheek, nose, forehead.
He gently set you onto the bed, pulling the sheets out you. He tugged in the muscle tank top he’d work under his shirt, his leather jacket, jeans, and boots before tucking away his phone. He would bear the cold for you to sleep in his shirt.
Luke kissed your forehead again, causing you to stir. You groggily opened your eyes, meeting the electric blue right above you.
“Gotta go, pretty girl. I’ll see you tomorrow? Maybe you could come to a show,” Luke squeezed your wrist.
You pursed your lips and he pressed a kiss to them. “Okay. see you.”
He was gone with the click of the lock in the door and you rolled over, wide awake.
TAG LIST: @mantlereid , @boxofteenageideas @dinosaursandsocks , @ashhdaniellee95 @stephaniemelville-blog @zhangyixingxing1 @verlaneswiftie13
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years ago
the one where they met in med school - part twenty-one
peds surgeons and preemies
In honor of @doc-pickles​ birthday, here is the next installment of the med school fic. Hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think :)
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(January 2009)
“Hey, mister,” Jo knocked on the door frame to announce her presence in the room with a smile on her face, that appeared the second she saw the view in front of her. 
“Hey! How did you find me?” Alex smiled, his voice just above a whisper. 
“A little birdie told me about your whereabouts,” she allowed herself into the room. 
“It was Bailey, right? I’m gonna have to have a word with her about this. The amount of people coming over to take a look at what’s happening here is killing me,” Alex grunted, throwing his head back, his hand never leaving the tiny back of the newborn nestled against his chest. 
“Yeah, we can talk to her together, because I’m not a big fan of learning that a bunch of people are showing up to check on my shirtless boyfriend looking all hot holding a baby. That sight is mine to see and mine alone,” Jo joked, pulling up a chair and sitting by his side. 
“Don’t worry. It was mainly Sloan and Shepherd making fun of me,” he looked at her, finally being able to take in her presence. 
“How is she doing?” Jo asked, grabbing the baby’s hand. “She’s so tiny.”
“Jo, this is really cool. I was sure she wasn’t going to make it. That’s why I held her in the first place. No baby should die without having ever been held, so I did it. Bailey got all scientific when she saw her numbers getting better when I picked her up, so here we are. I think she’ll be okay,” he looked down at the tiny body on his chest. 
“Yeah. This is cool,” Jo said calmly, but her mind was almost exploding with so many thoughts that came to her when she found Alex with that baby. 
“You going home?” Alex asked, placing the pieces of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ears. 
“I don’t think so. Can I keep you company tonight?” Jo smiled. 
“Well, unfortunately you won’t be able to be my main chick tonight, but you’re more than welcome to join us, if you’re okay with it,” Alex grinned. 
“I’m more than okay with it.”
“Good job, Karev. You saved that baby’s life,” Bailey smiled at him. Alex and Jo spent the night with that baby who didn’t leave Alex’s chest until the sun came up and she was—to the surprise of everyone who was taking care of her—stable enough to not even need an incubator and could go straight to a warmer instead. 
“Thank you, Dr. Bailey” Alex smiled at his mentor. He looked over the woman’s shoulder and staring at his girlfriend, who was looking at the baby in front of her. 
“Did Wilson spend the night with you?” Bailey asked. 
“Yeah. She wanted to keep me company,” Alex explained as he cast a loving glance over to Jo.
“Well, in that case, I’ll figure a way out to put someone on your services. You can both go home and rest,” Bailey said. 
“Are you sure?” Alex asked. 
“Don’t worry. Enjoy your day off,” Bailey insisted, walking away. “And, Karev!” she turned. “You’d be good in peds, you know that? You get invested, you have good instincts, you stick to your instincts. You’d be good in peds.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Bailey,” Alex said loudly with a smile on his face that only grew when his eyes landed on Jo once again. She was standing above the incubator with a soft expression on her face. He walked back into the room and wrapped his arm around her. “We get to go home for the day.” 
“Really?” Jo turned her head to face him. 
“Yes. Bailey gave us the day off,” Alex traced his fingers across the baby’s delicate face. 
Silence took over the room for a while before he broke it, “It felt good having her on my chest. It made me a bit sad to put her down.” Alex admitted. 
“It’s a good thing that you could, though. It means she is well enough to not need you anymore,” Jo pointed out. 
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go home,” he grabbed her hand before taking a step closer to the infant warmer. “You were a very good company last night. I promise I’ll come back and check on you tomorrow, okay?” Alex whispered into the baby’s side, but was unintentionally loud enough to be heard by Jo, who smiled at the interaction. 
“Let’s go home.”
“Do you think I’d be any good in peds?” Alex asked, joining Jo in bed and running his fingers across her back. 
“What?” she lifted her head from the pillow with a smile on her lips
“I’ve been considering it for a while now. First it was when I was working with Addison my intern year, and now Robbins. I don’t know… last night just felt different, you know? Maybe I wouldn’t be so bad at it,” Alex shrugged. 
“I’m sure you’d be an amazing pediatric surgeon if you choose to be one,” Jo grinned widely. 
“You really think that?” he asked. 
Jo nodded at him, trying not to spit out all the words she was holding back at him, but also trying to figure a way out to let him know what she was thinking, “You know another role I’m sure you’d be amazing at?” 
Alex moved his eyes back to her, eyebrows raised.
“I’m sure you’ll be the most amazing father to our baby,” Jo smiled, watching as Alex’s eyes grew larger and larger and laughed at his expression. “I’m serious.”
“Are you?” Alex tried to say the next words, but couldn’t. His face lit up as soon as her words hit his ears. 
“No. I’m not pregnant,” Jo chuckled, trying to focus on the message she was trying to get across. “I want to have kids with you. I see how you are with the little ones, and it really makes me want to have kids with you. I know we’re both residents and we hardly have any free time, but I think I’m ready to start trying. That is, if you are.”
“If having a kid is what you want, I can be ready,” Alex sat up straight in the bed. “I’m ready. Let’s do it.” He stood up and took off his pajama pants he had put on as soon as they got home, even though it was still quite early in the morning. “Let’s make a baby.” 
Alex looked at Jo’s shocked face and tried to keep his bad boy facade intact, but he was bursting with love for the woman in front of him, so his lips curled up into a lopsided smile. 
“I don’t mean right now, you moron,” Jo laughed at him. 
“What? I don’t get it. Don’t you wanna try for a baby?” Alex shook his hands around in confusion. 
“Well, yes and no,” Jo sat up, trying to explain her thoughts to him, but he started talking before she could figure a way out to say what she wanted to him. 
“So, how’s this gonna work? Are we actually gonna try and have sex when you’re ovulating or…?” Alex asked. 
“God, no. That’s so much unnecessary pressure. Let’s just, be us. We have sex when we want to have sex and at the same time, we aren’t preventing anything. That means I probably won’t get pregnant right away, but we know that there’s always a possibility,” Jo pulled Alex back to bed with her. 
“So does this mean we can throw your pills and the condoms away?” Alex asked. 
“Yes. We can throw them all away,” Jo rolled her eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. 
“I say we get started right now,” Alex reached for the hem of her shirt. “Practicing, at least.”
“I wouldn’t object to that,” Jo giggled lightly. 
Neither one of them could wait for what the future had in store for them. 
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years ago
The Miys, Ch. 113
Sooo.... I completely did not realize my queue dumped itself again, or that this chapter didn’t post when it should have. So I’m sorry for the slightly-delayed update!
Thanks to @baelpenrose​ for their beta-reading, as always.  This chapter loops back to something that came up previously and I hate loose ends dangling around everywhere. Content warnings for anger issues, trauma, and poor coping mechanisms.
“Dude, I’m making soup,” I jokingly scolded Maverick as I took the bowl of pumpkin seeds away from him.  After the camping trip, I had made the brilliant decision to roast the seeds we had harvested. All of them. Ten pounds of them, it turned out.  How he wasn’t sick of eating them, I had no idea.
 With a pout, he made grabby-hands at the bowl. “What kind?”
 “Potato,” I informed him as I pivoted away and carried the bowl back to the kitchen and put the lid on it.
It didn’t take long for him to join me and start requesting potatoes from the food console.  Even though they were freshly-generated and already clean, he started washing them anyway.  I was pretty sure the action ranked up there with utensils being in exactly-the-right place, because he always washed the vegetables that he got from the console.  It didn’t hurt anything, though, so we generally just let him do it.
About an hour later, we were sitting at the table with two bowls of velvety, off-white soup - his topped with sour cream, bacon, and cheese, mine just topped with scallions - and dug in.  Conor was on Beta-shift at work currently, so we made sure to put the lid on the rest to keep it warm.  Even though the temperature on the Ark never changed beyond a ten-degree variance, the camping trip had triggered something in me that said “Autumn”, and soup was exactly what I needed right then.
I had just finished my first bowl, and Maverick was halfway through his second - with somehow even more bacon - when the door opened and Conor stalked in.  Everything in his body language screamed that he was angry about something, and I subconsciously held my breath.  Glancing at Maverick, I saw him arch an eyebrow at me before turning to our clearly-upset partner.
“Everything okay?” he ventured slowly.
“Work. Huynh,” he grunted, shoving a hand through his hair as he started pacing into the kitchen, past the table, into the living room, and back.  “Stupid pre-fab structures. We don’t… Stupid!” Grasping for words, he only seemed to get more and more frustrated.  On his next trip into the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl and  thought he was going to try to eat, but instead I saw him start to raise the bowl higher.
Maverick stood, rushed over, and snatched the bowl from him. “We talked about this. If you throw that, you’ll give Sophia the panic attack she is trying not to have right now. I told you before, if you give her a panic attack again, I would knock you out. Please don’t make me keep my word.” Rather than angry, he sounded distressed and sad. “What are you supposed to do when you get frustrated like this?”
“Run,” Conor grunted, rubbing his face briskly before gesturing at his sweat-stained coveralls. “And I did. For miles and miles. It didn’t help. And I’m supposed to try to talk about what I’m angry about, but that’s even more frustrating, because I… I can’t explain it fast enough.”
Nodding, Maverick ladled soup into the bowl before gently pushing Conor to the table and setting the now-full bowl in front of him.  Without even realizing what he was doing, Conor started tearing a roll in half and dipping it in the soup - he ate every soup like that, and it was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. But it meant he was calming down, apparently, because he couldn’t rant and eat at the same time, and the man had priorities.
“I’m frustrated, because Huynh wants us to start prototypes for the pre-fabs that we will be using on Von,” he confessed, angrily dunking another chunk of bread and shoving it in his mouth. “I still think it’s too early.  I talked to Noah, and the last information they have about the planet is a decade old.  We aren’t close enough to drop out of whatever FTL we are using and get fresh scans, and we can’t get communications while we’re travelling, apparently, because… FTL.”
I nodded tentatively, encouraging him to go on, and started putting butter on a roll to keep myself calm.  So far, he wasn’t nearly as angry as it usually took for him to start throwing things, and he hadn’t had an episode in a while, so…. So far, so good.
He saw my nod and kept going. “I just think he’s putting the cart before the horse. We shouldn’t be constructing things based on old data, and major climate change can happen over ten years.” We’d found that out the hard way, unfortunately.
“What does Charly think?” Maverick asked.
“She’s on Gamma shift this week, so I didn’t get a chance to ask her,” he confessed sullenly.  At this point, he was out of soup and still trying to stab a piece of bread through the bottom of his bowl, so Maverick gently took it away and refilled it. “Thanks, love. So, I couldn’t ask Charly her suggestion, Huynh won’t listen, and I just… I feel like I’m barking in the wind.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I tried to do everything I was supposed to do.”
“I don’t think it’s working.” Maverick’s statement wasn’t said unkindly, and Conor shrugged and nodded in response. “What else have you and your therapist discussed?”
“I have an appointment tomorrow,” he answered, rather than answering the question.
“Then you need to talk to them about another way to vent your frustration,” Maverick insisted. “And where these anger issues are coming from.”
Conor mumbled something, prompting us to lean forward to better hear him.  When I made a gesture to repeat himself, he sighed. “We’ve talked about that, and I think I know where it’s coming from, it’s just…. It’s embarrassing.”
“It can’t be any more embarrassing than anything you know about either of us,” Maverick tried to point out, prompting me to scowl at him. “Hey! I literally slept through the end of the world.”
That got a chuckle out of Conor, but he got serious again quickly. “The anger…” he started, clearly reluctant. “So, I was an orphan. Parents died when I was - four? Five?” We nodded - this wasn’t new information so far. They’d died in an accident, and neither had any family. He’d mentioned siblings, but they were his foster siblings throughout the years. “I got bounced around the foster system a bit as a kid, but I think I got lucky.  None of my foster families were bad, necessarily, but I think that made it worse when I got moved from home to home.  Every time I started to let myself get close and open up…. I would get taken and moved to another family for one reason or another.  This family moved, that couple got too old to keep fostering kids, one of my foster mom’s got cancer and her wife couldn’t take care of me and Mum at the same time.  No one’s fault but… I felt so betrayed. So I… I started getting angry and pushing people away, making sure that I wouldn’t get close to them just to lose them again.” That word, betrayed, tickled something in my mind.  It was too familiar. “I got moved from family to family even more after that, but it hurt less, right? Because I wasn’t getting attached, and I was being moved because of anger issues. Because of something I did.”
“So… you’re pushing us away?” I asked, not even trying to hide my hurt feelings.
“I’m getting there, swear.” His response was very firm before he picked up where he left off. “Eventually, I turned eighteen, I was on my own, and now I really felt like I had control over my life.  I started an engineering program, I saw a therapist, and a lot of that anger went away.”
“That’s where the You we normally see came out?” Maverick asked, direct as always.
“Yeah. I was happier, calmer… I wasn’t a scared little boy anymore. I felt more stable.”
“And then…?”
“And then the world went tits up,” Conor laughed sadly. “I didn’t have much control over which people were in my life and which weren’t, but it was the After, right? I did manage to find a group who were pretty peaceful, and I stuck it out there.  Then I woke up here, and I could be happy again. I tried to be the version of myself that I liked, instead of that angry little boy.”
That was when it clicked. Betrayed. “Then Arantxa…”
“Yeah, then Arantxa,” he confirmed quietly.  “And you almost died.”
Tyche’s words from the day she busted my lip came back to me. For three weeks, I had to watch you try to figure out if you were going to live or die! Conor had to watch you… “Three times,” I whispered without realizing it.
“Twice,” Conor corrected, not realizing I was talking about what Tyche had said. “Once after you were attacked, and once when we were trying to figure out what was going on with Else.” Huffing, he shoved his now-empty bowl toward Maverick. “Please take that, I’m getting angry again.”
“Thanks for recognizing that,” Maverick nodded. “But I don’t think you’re mad. I think you just feel out of control again thinking about it.”
“That’s what my therapist says,” he admitted. “But inside, it feels like anger. And after Arantxa, when I started feeling that kind of angry, I… I felt like that scared little boy again. I didn’t realize I was doing it, until I started talking to Josh, but they think I subconsciously started pushing you away more every time something would happen.” He took a deep breath to compose himself. “To… I don’t know, make you show me who you ‘really’ are, to make you leave me before you can decide to leave, or before you actually die one time.”
“So, this is about me,” I ventured slowly. “Not Maverick at all.”
“I don’t mean it’s your fault,” Conor objected quickly. “None of this is your fault, that I react the wrong way when I feel like I need more control over situations.”
It started dawning on me what he was talking about. “PTSD.  You’re talking about PTSD. Not just the kind we all have from the After, but… from moving around so much when you were growing up. From not having a secure situation.”  
My mind started racing, connecting the dots.  Before moving in with me, neither Maverick nor Conor had what would have been considered ‘proper’ quarters - both had essentially chosen personal quarters barely big enough for a bed.  Maverick had admitted early on when we were still only friends, that he had chosen his because he never really had anything and spent his entire life after his dad died wandering from place to place, never really belonging. So he had a habit of being ready to pick up and go at a moment’s notice, and tried to take up as little space as possible in the process.  It was no secret - he did it deliberately and had no shame regarding the situation.  
It had never occurred to me that Conor did the same thing without realizing it.
Maverick shook his head.  I thought he was negating what I had said, but then he sighed. “We’re a mess, you know that?” Leaning back, he stretched and put his hands behind his head. “I think we should have a therapy session or four, together, about all this.”
Both Conor and I turned slowly to stare at him, wide-eyed. “When did you start being the sensible one?”
He pointed a finger at me. “You run headfirst into every dangerous situation you can find.” The finger flicked to point at Conor. “And you are convinced you’re an idiot, which is the only idiotic thing I’ve actually heard you say.”  Smugly, he put his hands back behind his head and smiled. “I’ve always been the sensible one.”
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heyyyharry · 5 years ago
Chapter 5: The North Mountain
(from ‘The Winter and The Crown’)
…in which Harry and Y/N set off on a new journey and get stuck in another snowstorm.
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Word count: 4.6k
AU: queen!y/n, commander!harry
Description: Y/N and Harry set off on a new adventure to find ‘the cure’ for an ancient curse, meanwhile, the enemies are plotting to take her kingdom.
Wattpad link (Reyna as Y/N)
THEY’RE BACKKKKKKK! There’s another cave scene in this chapter 👀
“Are you sure, Your Majesty?”
“Yes,” Y/N told Mary for the third and final time, hoping that she’d sounded determined even though her voice was wavering. She could feel Lance’s eyes burning holes on the side of her face. He didn’t want her to go through with this.
The throne room was utterly quiet. There were just the three of them and two guards standing by the door. Y/N hated how loud her heart was beating, as if even it could tell this was a bad idea.
“The journey won’t be easy,” Mary said, lacing her hands together in front of her crotch. “Many have tried to find the lake and those who returned had not even made it halfway to the top of the mountain.”
“I know,” Y/N said coolly.
Mary quickly looked from her to Lance as if expecting him to interrupt and convince Y/N that Harry wasn’t worth all this danger. But Lance kept a straight face, as usual, masking what he truly felt inside.
Mary drew in a breath. Then, she took the silver ring with a black gemstone off her finger and wiped it clean with the sleeve of her dress. “When my sisters and I were born,” she said, “each of us was given a ring like this. It was enchanted with our mother’s blood, so as long as the stone was red, it meant all three of us were alive in this world. That was how I knew my sisters were gone. After I’d escaped from Egon’s men, the stone faded to brown and eventually to black.” She turned to Lance. “This ring will let you know if the Queen’s in danger.” And back to Y/N. “All it takes is a drop of your blood, Your Majesty.”
Y/N met Lance’s uneasy gaze. He sighed and drew out the dagger attached to his belt and handed it to her. She held it firmly, biting her lip and pressing the tip of the blade into her finger until blood oozed out of the cut. Mary took hold of Y/N’s wrist and placed her finger above the ring. The red drop fell onto the stone and it glowed like a tiny flame before subsiding to a dimmer red.
“Blood calls to blood,” Mary said, giving the red-stone ring to Lance. He put it on as Y/N put the finger into her mouth, tasting the iron sting of her own blood. “If the colour darkens, it means she’s in danger. If it turns black, she’s dead.”
The way Mary said it, so assertively and pitifully, sent a chill down Y/N’s spine. But for Harry and her kingdom, she must not be afraid.
Harry hadn’t expected to see the Queen in the stable. Who would expect to see a Queen out here in the middle of the night?
“What are you doing here?” she asked, looking equally surprised to see him.
He flashed a beam and continued stroking the black horse. “I ran into Jo and she told me to go feed the horses.”
“Feeding the horses isn’t your job,” Y/N said, arching an eyebrow.
Harry’s eyes widened. “It’s not?”
Y/N was speechless for a moment before she sighed. “Guide to surviving in my court: do not take orders from a maid.”
Heat pooled at Harry’s cheeks yet he managed to conceal his embarrassment with a grin. “Sorry. Your maid is pretty scary for a maid.”
Y/N shook her head as she broke into a smile. And Harry felt that weird sensation in his chest again. She’d been cold and distant since the last time they’d spoken two weeks ago. He hoped she’d forgiven him for what he’d done. Even though he didn’t know her, he felt a strong connection between them. He hadn’t had any nightmare lately about her jumping off a cliff or bleeding out to death on the floor, but those scenes had been stuck on his mind ever since the last time. He wished he knew what they meant or if they meant anything at all. That was one of the reasons he’d agreed to join her on this impossible quest – to make sure his nightmares wouldn’t come true.
“What are you doing here?” he asked and quickly added, “Your Majesty.”
Y/N’s mouth twitched subtly as she came closer. The black horse pawed the ground and snorted as if it were happy to see her.
“I’m here to say goodnight to Thunder,” she said, stroking the animal’s head.
“Thunder,” Harry echoed.
“I know what you’re thinking. Northerners have weird names for their horses,” she said. That was exactly what he was thinking. “You two have met before.”
“Thunder and I?” Harry asked, pointing to his chest.
Y/N nodded. “He was my ride on the journey last year. Would you like to see your horse?”
He said yes. And so she led him further into the stable to a beautiful brown horse who neighed and nuzzled Harry’s chest as soon as it saw him. Harry chuckled and stroked the horse’s back.
“Her name’s Lightning,” Y/N said and laughed when Harry raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I’m serious.”
Harry didn’t remember having ridden Lightning before, but he felt like he knew her in the same way he felt like he knew Y/N. The memories might not be there, but the feelings were.
“Will it be just the four of us again tomorrow?” he asked.
“No, some of my men will be joining us. They’ll carry food and water.”
“What about the King?”
Y/N paused for a bit longer. “Lance must stay here. Someone has to run the court while I’m away.”
“And Attwell?”
“He’ll travel back and forth if necessary.”
Harry had heard from the maids that the people in Attwell loved Lance and were excited about the wedding. Y/N would probably receive the same amount of adoration in Isolde if she were a man. There hadn’t been any protests in the past weeks. Harry assumed Calanthe must be planning something else, so Lance had to stay here to pacify the court during the Queen’s absence. He wanted to ask Y/N about it, but he knew she wouldn’t discuss such matters with a peasant.
“Why doesn’t His Majesty go instead?”
Y/N’s expression remained the same as if she’d been expecting the question. “This is my kingdom,” she said, “so it's my responsibility, not his.”
“But he’s going to be your husband,” Harry ventured.
“So?” She lifted her chin proudly. “You think it’s because I’m a woman I cannot finish a job?”
“No, Your Majesty.” Harry could not help but smile. “I think you’re perfectly capable of getting the job done. It’s just...I wouldn’t let my woman risk her life out there while I’m safe here in the castle.”
“Lance insisted on going for me, but I didn’t let him,” Y/N said. “Just like you, I wouldn’t let my betrothed risk his life out there while I’m safe here in the castle.”
“Ahhh, so that’s what betrothed means,” Harry said, rolling his eyes. When Y/N didn’t reply and turned her attention to Lightning, he felt the need to keep this conversation going. “So...why are we searching for the lake? You asked me to come with you but you never told me why.”
Y/N straightened her back and folded her arms over her chest. There was something so serene about her, and Harry would sometimes catch himself staring unblinkingly at her face. He didn’t know if he was allowed to gawk at a sovereign, but Y/N didn’t seem to mind.
“One drop of water from that lake,” she began, “could cure the deadliest disease, heal broken bones, make a mute person talk and a deaf person hear. So if the lake exists and we have access to its powers, we’ll have a great chance of winning against the enemy.”
Harry pressed his lips together and shifted his gaze to his feet. Y/N let out a chuckle. “Don’t tell me you’re changing your mind now.”
“I still want to go,” he said. “It just doesn’t make sense to me why you chose me to go with you. I’m flattered, Your Majesty. But I’m also confused.”
“Because we’re partners in crime,” she said. “Even though you don’t remember anything about our journey, I believe we’ll make a good team as we did, you and I.”
Harry swallowed as he nodded slowly. Being trusted by the Queen with this important quest made Harry anxious and elated at the same time. “I hope this trip will bring back my memories,” he said, then realized he was unconsciously twisting the gold ring on his finger. “Do you know how I got this ring?” He raised his hand. “I asked Kenny and she didn’t know, so I assumed I might have stolen it. I’m not feeling guilty, it’s just weird to wear a piece of jewellery that you stole without knowing how you stole it.”
To his surprise and delight, Y/N broke into laughter. “I gave it to you.”
He blinked. “Really?”
“Yeah. It was a reward for saving my life at the Wind Valley.”
“Wow.” He admired the ring. Now that he knew how he’d got it, he started looking at it differently. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she said.
He dropped his arm back to his side and let out a sharp breath. “I can’t believe we’ve crossed the Wind Valley and done all those crazy things and I don’t remember anything.”
“I suppose we’ve made a lot of impossible things possible,” she said with a faltering smile. “But that was nothing compared to this. I need to know you’re ready.”
“I am.” He gave a firm nod. “I’ll try my best. That’s the least I could do for you before I leave the court.”
“Right,” Y/N said, almost to herself than to him.
He walked her out of the stable. It was snowing. She told him she could get back to her chamber on her own and wished him goodnight. Harry clasped his hands together behind his back as Y/N turned and started walking away.
He suddenly felt the need to shout after her. “You don’t have to worry! I’ll protect you and get you home safely to the King.”
Slowly, Y/N looked back over her shoulder. Their eyes locked, and a flicker of memory flashed across Harry's mind. It’d been snowing like this. They’d been at this same spot right outside the stable. Y/N was sitting on Thunder’s back, white snow falling all around them, decorating her hair with silvery flakes.
Reality rushed back into his vision when she spoke, “I can look after myself. You keep yourself safe.”
He opened his mouth yet could not utter a word.
Her red lips curled gently. And then she was gone.
“What is it?”
Y/N’s voice brought Lance back to reality. He cast her a single glance before scanning his eyes around. They were standing outside the portcullis. The sky was just growing light. Men were already gathered, faces red in the morning chill as they saddled the horses that snorted clouds of steam.
“Nothing,” Lance lied, not looking at Y/N. He hoped she couldn’t see through his feigned nonchalance, although it hadn’t been effective lately. Y/N had acclimated to his attitude. Sometimes he thought she had to be the only person left in this world who really knew him. It was sad, as the more attached he grew to her, the more it’d hurt when she got back to Harry.
He unconsciously twisted the red-stone ring around his finger while keeping an eye on the soldiers and servants, acting occupied.
“I’ll be back in two weeks,” she said despite his silence. “Don’t miss me too much.”
He turned back to her. She was beaming. The dawn had reddened her nose and cheeks, and as he stared, he completely forgot what to say.
“I won’t,” he mumbled, averting his eyes before she could sense his anxiety.
She placed her hand on his arm and he tried his best not to react to her light touch. He didn’t like the person he’d become when he was around her. Always so sensitive and predictable.
“I trust you not to plot on overthrowing me while I’m away,” she joked.
He let out a laugh, shaking his head. “I don’t know, my lady, your throne seems much more comfortable than mine.”
Y/N’s eyes wrinkled at the corners as she tilted her head. “When I get back, I’ll have a special cushion made for your throne.”
“I’ll hold onto that promise,” he said, flashing her his signature grin.
They were interrupted by Harry shouting at a servant for threatening Lightning with a whip. He shoved the man out of the way, obviously angry as he took the mare with him and whispered something to comfort her.
“He seems more himself lately,” Lance remarked.
Y/N only shrugged. It made him wonder what she felt inside.
She hadn’t spoken of Harry since she’d found him with the maid. Everyone in court was convinced that she was looking for the lake to use it as a weapon against Calanthe, and not to save Harry’s life. Lance didn’t want to get his hopes up. The things she did and said always contradicted the look she’d give Harry when he wasn’t looking – like she’d die for him. But he’d already died for her and was probably not coming back.
Lance told himself to never settle to be the second choice or even a choice; he’d been that his entire life being born a bastard. Yet, he would find himself looking at her that same way.
“We’re ready to go, Your Majesty,” said one of the men.
Y/N nodded once before turning to Lance. She held his gaze for a moment, probably rearranging the words in her head to make a proper sentence. She’d once told him that she was bad at goodbyes. He hadn’t thought one day he’d get to see it.
He mustered a smile and pulled the hood of her fur coat over her head, leaving only her face exposed. He cupped it with his gloved hands and she placed her hands over his. If it hadn’t been for the promise he’d made after the first and last time they’d been intimate, he would kiss her right now.
“Try not to die,” he said.
Y/N’s lips arched as she held his wrists. “Even if I die, I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you and your new bride.”
He chuckled.
To his surprise, she pushed his hands down to close the distance between them and pressed her cool lips to his cheek. He instinctively tugged her in, hugging her like he’d always wanted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The hug didn’t last for long. And when she pulled away, she turned at once and trudged toward Thunder.
Lance stood with his hands behind his back, watching her mount her horse and shout orders at the men. Harry was on the horse beside the Queen. For the first time since his return, he was looking at her the same way the old Harry would.
Jo had been watching Lance pace these halls for the entire day after Y/N had left. He looked restless and would keep checking the ring on his finger. It had been funny at first, but now it only concerned Jo.
Of course, Jo was worried about Y/N, too. But from everything that'd happened, she’d learned that every time people doubted Y/N, she’d proven them wrong. And so Jo believed in her. Besides, Y/N had been alone the last time. This time she had a group of soldiers to protect her. The biggest concern should be the existence of the lake. But it was not Jo’s responsibility to think about it. Worrying would do them no good. Life had to move on here in court with or without the Queen.
“Are you kidding me?” Jo asked as she picked up her skirt and chased the King down the long corridor. Lance’s legs were longer so he strode ahead effortlessly while she was out of breath trying to catch up with him. “I’m not sharing a room with the witch!”
“She’s not a witch anymore,” he said easily. “Besides, now that the Queen is gone, it’s time for you to make new friends.”
“Said the loneliest man in the world!” she jeered.
Lance stopped walking and turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you always so mean?"
She folded her arms, chin lifted. “I’m not sharing a room with the witch.”
“Too bad. I’m the one giving orders.” He spun on his heels and she immediately circled around him to stand in his path.
“Why should she get to live here anyway?” she said in annoyance. “She helped Calanthe kidnap Harry, tortured him and erased his memory. She should have been hung by now.”
Lance regarded an angry Jo as he tightened his jaw and sucked in a breath. “Y/N specifically requested that Mary stayed with you.”
“What? Why?”
The King lifted a shoulder. “Mary’s sister was the one who brought you back to life, wasn’t she? Don’t you think you should at least be nice to her?”
“Yes, her sister, not her!”
“The poor girl has lost everything and everyone, Jo. Have sympathy,” Lance said. “And I don’t hit women, but if she pulls some tricks, you can easily take her down.”
Jo put both hands on her hips as her mouth fell open. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Lance snorted, shrugged again and sidestepped her. He was walking away when his footsteps slowed and he stopped, standing rigid, staring at his hand. For a second Jo thought he was going to change his mind, but then he turned around and his face was pallid. “The ring,” he said.
Jo’s gaze dropped to his finger. The stone on his ring had turned to a darker red. A prickling sensation shot up Jo’s spine as she locked eyes with the King, both of them horrified.
Their Queen was in danger.
A bad storm hit as soon as Y/N and her men entered the forest at the foot of the North Mountain. The powerful wind roped itself around them, wanting to either choke them or yank them off their saddles. The horses pushed through the deep snow as the trees swayed back and forth, bending in every direction while the howling of the wind grew louder and more frightening.
Y/N could not see. She shielded the flying snow from her eyes with one arm while looking around for shelter. Unfortunately, her vision was blurred by the raging storm, and she was unable to see further than a few feet ahead. The wind became more bitter and vicious. Horses neighed and men shouted. Y/N told everyone to stay calm, not sure if anyone could hear her. The only thing that kept her sane was Harry being by her side from the moment they’d set off. She thought about what he’d said outside the stable last night. Maybe he really wanted to protect her.
A human scream tore through the crying of the wind, making Y/N snap her head up and strain her ears to listen. It was a woman shouting for help. It grew louder and clearer and more desperate by seconds. Somebody else was here in the forest in this storm. But why?
“We must move, Your Majesty!” Harry yelled at her.
“Did you hear that?” Y/N shouted back.
“A woman! There! She’s calling out for help!”
“I hear nothing.”
“How can you not hear that? There it is again!” cried Y/N, but Harry only looked at her as if she were mad. She shook her head quickly. “That woman needs our help. We must save her.”
“Are you insane?” he growled. “We can’t even save ourselves!”
The woman screamed again. She sounded as if she were in pain. Y/N thought about the dying pregnant woman she’d pulled out of the burning house and her conscience didn’t let her move on. “Wait here! I’ll be back!”
“Y/N!” Harry snapped. But she’d already pulled the reins and kicked her horse into a gallop.
She hurried through the snow, chasing the screams until she saw a figure crawling on its hands and knees across the white snow. Y/N flew off her horse and rushed toward the woman. She could barely make out the woman’s face through the wind but Y/N knew she was alive.
Y/N swore she could hear the fizz and crack of her own heart breaking. Her hood was thrown back by the wind. The cold stabbed its talons into her skin like a thousand little cuts with a serrated blade. She reached for the woman’s arms to help her up, but as soon as she closed her fingers around what should be human’s flesh, she was grasping at nothing.
The woman had vanished.
In one violent crack, the ice broke beneath Y/N and shattered into a hundred tiny fragments, sending her plummeting into the black water.
A million knives stabbed her skin, slicing her open. Her lungs contracted as her numb hands clawed for something to hold onto. She wanted to yell. Her ribs crushed her heart, and her whole body started caving in.
As her eyes shivered open, Harry’s face was the last thing that she saw through the surface.
Harry knew something was wrong when he saw Y/N get off Thunder’s back and head straight toward the frozen river.
He’d forgotten about everyone else. His thoughts were running wild. He threw himself off Lightning’s back and hurried after her. She was standing out on the ice when he’d caught up. He called out to her, but she didn’t look back. Her hood was off and her head was bare, the wind churning up around her, making her look as if she were made of magic.
And then the ice gave way beneath her. A shudder and a crack and she disappeared into the river.
Harry ran. His heart flattened against his ribs. His feet were slipping on the ice. He dropped to his knees at the edge of a vast hole, plunged his arms into the black water and seized her hand floating just above her head. He pulled her up, dragging her onto the ice and into his arms.
He didn’t remember how they’d got back to their horses. Fear and panic had blurred his mind. They were lost. The others had either moved on without them or stuck somewhere in the storm. There was no time to look for them because he must find a place to hide and light a fire.
Y/N was shivering in his arms. Small ice crystals had formed in her hair and on her lashes and brows. He pushed her onto Lightning’s back and mounted the horse, sitting behind her, her head resting against his chest.
Suddenly, Thunder reared upon his hind feet. Harry feared that the animal thought he’d hurt Y/N. But then Thunder snorted and sprinted ahead. Harry knew the horse wanted him to follow so he kicked Lightning and chased after Thunder. He held the rein with his right hand, holding Y/N in his fur coat with his left arm. The cold was so unbearable that every breath he took caused him pain.
They rode and rode. The wind slapping against their bodies until Thunder stopped at the entrance of a cave hidden behind snow-covered branches. The black horse entered first and Harry and Lightning followed. The further they walked, the warmer it became, but it was not enough to melt the ice from their clothes.
Harry dismounted his horse and placed Y/N onto the ground, holding her closer to him to share his body heat. It was not working. Her clothes were all soaked. The only thing that let him know she was alive was her hot breath against his cheek.
“Stay with me,” he hissed, stroking her back.
His heart stammered as her eyelids fluttered. “I’m tired,” she croaked. “I’m going to sleep.”
“No.” He squeezed her shoulder and gave her a firm shake. “You’re not going to sleep. Promise me, Y/N.”
“I promise.”
Carefully, he laid her down and gathered as many dry sticks as he could find. The horses helped. It was obvious that they’d been trained for rescue missions.
Harry managed to light a fire which he hoped wouldn’t go out too soon.
Fuck, he hoped Y/N wouldn’t go out with it.
He quickly got back to her and dragged her back into his arms. “Here, stay close to the fire.”
The ice in her hair began to melt but her face grew bluer every passing moment. Now he was really afraid. He didn’t want her to die like this, in this cave.
“You saved me,” she spoke, her voice brittle. “Why?”
He schooled his face as their eyes met. “What do you mean?”
“I thought...I thought you hated me,” she said.
He swept her damp hair out of her face and frowned. “I don’t hate you, Peach.”
He hadn’t meant to call her that. It’d slipped out. He didn’t think she’d heard it, because she didn’t react. She was going to pass out.
He shook her again, forcing her to keep eye contact. “Tell me something,” he said. She needed to keep her brain working. “Tell me your most precious memory.”
Y/N’s face contorted as she shook her head. “I-I don’t know.”
She swallowed dryly, her purple lips quivering before she could manage, “Sunset.”
“What else?”
“No, Y/N, look at me!”
But she couldn’t.
Her eyelids slipped shut and her head fell to the side.
“No, no, no,” he chanted, shaking her as hard as he could but she did not respond. She was still breathing but it was becoming weak.
Harry had no other choice. Either this or she'd die.
“Forgive me, please,” he murmured and hurriedly removed her coat and the rest of her sodden clothes before he sloughed off his and spread their clothes beside the fire. His face burned with shame as he took her into his arms and wrapped his fur coat around their naked bodies.
He’d been close to many women, but none of them had been dying, so he told himself there was nothing to be embarrassed about. He was only saving her life.
Her face was buried into his chest. She smelled like winter. He continued stroking her wet hair until her breath grew steadier and her skin warmed up. The relief and ease that coursed through him felt too good to resist. He allowed exhaustion to engulf him and finally shut his eyes.
Outside, the storm was still raging, but at least for now, they were safe. He was just about to drift off when he felt her arm hook over him as she snuggled closer. If she were awake, she’d be able to hear how violent his heart was thumping against his chest. He thought about what she’d said, sunset, and tried to figure out what it meant, until finally, sleep took over him.
In the North castle, Lance sat by the fire, its glow illuminating his face. He heaved a sigh of relief and buried his head into his hands.
The ring on his finger had turned from black to red.
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munsonlovers · 5 years ago
Messed Up - JJ Maybank
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pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: one thing, at one time. that’s all your father did did to make you lose your mind while he was drunk. you figured since your father was drunk, it wouldn’t matter what you told the pogues about what happened. to jj, you telling him what happened meant everything to him.
word count: 1014
warnings: swearing, drinking, abuse and some serious fluff
You consider yourself a pogue even if you were living with your foster parents in figure 8. You never really got along with the kooks as much as you did the pogues especially JJ. he was your best friend but the past few weeks you’ve felt different around him like something’s off between you two or there’s some kind of awkwardness that’s been built up between you two. 
However, you never spoke about it let alone say anything to anyone. You had been snapped out of your thoughts when Kie and Sarah said your name over and over again. 
“Huh?” you said looking at them. 
“We said we should do a girl’s weekend, you know to get away from these three” Sarah stood up and pointed at JJ, Pope and John B. 
“sure yeah, that sounds great”, you said softly. 
“Everything okay princess?” JJ said looking at you with concern in his eyes. 
“Yeah, just thinking. I uh better get home, won’t want to upset mom and dad”, you said getting up and walking towards the door.
“I’ll walk you home, if that’s okay?” JJ said as he followed you out the door towards the driveway. 
“No, i’m sure I can get home by myself thank you anyway. Bye you guys, see you tomorrow.” You yelled as you walk fast down the driveway. 
JJ was surprised you turned down him walking you home. he always walked you home without any hesitation, he walked back into the chateau and sigh loudly and quietly swore to himself as he sat down beside Pope. 
“you good man?” pope asked concerned about his friend. “yeah, she never turns me down and this time she just left without any fucking explanation”, JJ said with tears in his eyes. 
JJ was never emotional around the pogues but y/n was a whole different story. she was caring, funny, smart and overall the most supportive and stable person in JJ’s life. he felt like she was the only person that understood what he was going through with his abusive dad and all. maybe he was wrong about y/n’s home life that he rarely got to see.
“mom, dad. i’m home!” y/n yelled as you walked in the door.
you barely got into the house and you could smell the stale alcohol that her dad had left open while he passed out on the couch. 
“y/n where were you?!?!" yelled your very drunk father. “dad, I was with Topper and Rafe.” you lied right to his face and it wasn’t the first time. 
“are you lying to me again?” your father continued to yell at you. “No, dad. I promise. we just hung out at Rafe’s place and drank a little.” you said the last part softly so he didn’t hear you, boy were you wrong... 
“YOU WERE DRINKING?!?!” screamed your father as he broke the bottle he was currently holding over your head. he then continued to hit you resulting in a busted lip, a bunch of bruises on your stomach and face. you walked up to your room and locked the door.
you broke down in your bed but then you heard something hit off your window. you knew for a fact that it was JJ. 
“what JJ?” you said stern as you quietly yelled out the window.“I came to check on you, you seemed upset when you left so I decided to check up on you.” he couldn’t see your busted lip or the bruises until he came up to your balcony. he had tears in his eyes.
“y/n, what happened?” he asked with a face full of concern. “who did this to you?” his mood changed from concerned to angry in seconds.
you knew JJ was the defensive type but you’ve never seen him like this. his face was filled with a whole lot of emotions but you just couldn’t pick which ones they were.
“y/n... baby. did your father do this?” he asked softly. all you could do was shake you head and break down. “princess, why didn’t you come to me?” he asked softly. 
you loved all his little pet names for you, even if you weren’t dating just flirting i guess you could say. you knew about what he was dealing with on a regular basis and didn’t want to overwhelm him with all this.
“I... didn’t know how to tell you. I just didn’t want to overwhelm you with all this. you already deal with enough with your dad and the cops. i thought i was being annoying to you if i had said anything” you said while bawling your eyes out. 
“y/n hey look at me”, as he lifted your chin up with his fingers. “you will never be annoying to me, I love you too much to let you be like this”. “you.. uh you love me?” you stuttered as if it was the first time hearing it. 
before you could say anything, JJ engulfed you in a tight hug and let you cry into his shoulder. after you stopped crying you felt like you were having a panic attack. just what you needed, you already cried in front of JJ, now you’re having a panic attack. 
“hey. hey, y/n.” he said as he held you and you listened to his heart beat. “breathe in and out like this”, he showed you how to calm down some more. you finally calmed down and pulled away from JJ’s embrace.
“thank you j, i’m sorry I acted like this you said softly.” y/n stop apologizing, i’m here because I love you. don’t think you have to be tough around me. he barely got anything else out before you planted your lips on his. he was surprised but ended up kissing you back. you both melted into the kiss as his hands wrapped around your waist and your hands in his hair. 
you pulled away and said “i love you too j” you said smiling before he pulled you back into another soft yet passionate kiss.
(sorry if it was bad. my first time writing a fanfic! hope you enjoyed <3) ps, would love to hear your thoughts/feedback on this!! 
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lemonietrinket · 5 years ago
How Day6 would react to overhearing you admit your crush on him to one of the other members
AN: a request from anon. i feel ive treated this more seriously (and focused perhaps more on the confessions themselves, bc i interpreted ‘crush’ subconsciously as ‘having long-term-feelings for’) than you meant in your request but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
“hyuuun, i’m in love please make it stop.” “only way that’s going to happen is if you go tell him.” “...i hate you.”
sungjin... i picture is going to date to marry (or an equivalent if marriage is not for you, as though i get the vibe he’s quite traditional, for the right person he would be very easily convinced), so he takes crushes and confessions quite seriously
probably would feel bad for eavesdropping
then would feel happy that you felt the same way
but then more serious issue of now having to confess would take over
would spend a long time thinking of the best way to do it
would probably settle on a classic walk or cinema/theatre depending on what’s showing
would make damn sure he and you would be alone while confessing—so to save both parties from pressure and embarrassment should things go wrong 
also he’s quite a private guy and would want to let others know on his own and your terms
ngl probably wouldn’t admit he’d overheard you until like... a long time later
it would be under the initial reasoning that he would wait until you were stable so it wouldn’t have too big of an effect
but then he would forget
until it randomly came up in conversation 
like we may even be talking years here
maybe when you live in your own place, just the two of you, and you’re hanging out with him and younghyun who is just refusing to go home bc the food is too good at yours who brings it up 
“i don’t understand how it took so long for you two to get together, like even wonpil was starting to find yn’s pining sickening.”
and you would be salty, because “excuse me i hid my desperation very well!”
and sungjin would just immediately come to support you because he’s a loyal motherfucker and would begin, without thinking “she did, i didn’t know until i—”
that would be when he stops himself bc hes like oh shit i didn’t tell her and now two very curious sets of eyes are like staring at him and he’s 98% sure he can’t backtrack at all 
“when you what?”
and he would just sigh “when i overheard you telling younghyun that you liked me”
and there’d be a moment of silence, followed by laughter 
youngk would be confused, probably, having a surprisingly better recollection that you perhaps would “wait i remember that—how did it take you two months to work out what to do next?!”
and you end up just laughing harder, before noticing the the mix of emotions on sungjins face and reassure him “it doesn’t matter how long it took, we’re together now”
anyway overall sungjin is probably quite serious about it, but it will have a happy ending, you’ve just got to be patient lmao 
“dowoon, what do i do?” 
jae would be playful about it
after hearing you ask dowoon for advice since hes good friends with him he would be ecstatic, but would try and keep it lowkey
he’d hide out of sight of the doorway he’d passed by to have his little moment
and then he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling
his eyes would keep glancing to you for the rest of the day, even more than usual
but i think he would want to make things more official as soon as possible, as he doesn’t want to waste any time when he could do it sooner and be with you
and so he’d ask if you had a spare moment on the day or so, and take you some place quiet
not necessarily his room, more likely just outside the front door in the warm summer air
and ngl i think he would totally pull the “i think you know why i summoned you here today”
of course, yall have no idea, but you’re used to his occasional crackheadery—otherwise why would you crush on him so hard? “not a bit, but if its a trip to get snacks you don’t even have to ask, i’m in”
“well, that is a plan for later... depending on how this goes”
that’s the point where you would get confused and begin to wonder if something is up, but hel’l continue “i found out something really cool today yn.”
“really? was it the pin to brian’s credit card?”
he would laugh but shake his head, “nah even better” and that would give you the heads up that this was serious, and it would occur to you that he might have overheard something
but it becomes obvious when he follows with “a little bird... told me that someone, likes someone else, in our group. our friendship group.”
you briefly consider panicking, as the whole thing could still be construed as him not liking you back, but you put on a brave face and push through, “oh really? who?”
��that’s the problem, i don’t know, but i was wondering if you did.”
the chance was clear for anyone to see, and seeing the glimmer of hope, you seize it “well, i know someone who likes you... but i’m not sure if its mutual, so that might be why they haven’t said”
“if it’s who i think it is, then it definitely is... mutual” he would admit
and that would be the closest the two of you ever got to literally word-for-word confessing, because out of nerves neither of you would probably be able to admit it at the crux of the moment
however, like in all the movies idc if its cliche you would gravitate towards each other, and that would be the moment where you both recognised your feelings as well as shared your first kiss together
ok i’m going to stop before i combust 
anyway as for whether he’d admit he’d overheard you, he would probably be quite quick to the chase on that one too, probably right after the kiss and you’ve spoken about it a bit more, he’ll probably just say “i kind of accidentally overheard you telling dowoon, please don’t be mad at me”
but how could you be, you’d gotten what you wanted after all
in conclusion, jae is lighthearted about it and woudn’t waste any time
“wonpil did i tell you how much i love his eyes?” “hmmm... perhaps... but tell me again, to just to make sure.”
god bless wonpil his emotional support would be A+
right off the bat our youngk is a songwriter
he probably finds a lot of inspiration out of love
and so his feelings for you coalesce to create love songs that he may or may not use in the future
anyhow, it means that to cope with his feelings he’s probably half composed something small where he admits them 
with little intention of you probably ever hearing it at all
or at least, not without big chunks edited and names changed/cut
but when he overhears you rambling to wonpil who doesn’t mind the sappiness a characteristic you probably got off our brian anyway with his occasional borderline emo-ness
he’s grateful to his past-self for starting it, and realises that maybe its time to finish it
so it’ll take a week or so for him to finally confess
bc even though hes a bit of a flirt, i don’t see him wanting to tarnish love, since he owes it so much and its not fun to play with someone’s heart, especially not yours
so it might take him a little longer, and when he gets round to it, it’ll be perfect, just like you in his eyes
so prepare to be serenaded
yes, that sort of serenaded
in dim evening light, with the sun’s glow beginning to fade and make way for the stars, flickering like the candles laid out for you
again, that classical vibe won’t be missed on him
as for whether he’d tell you, probably only if you asked, but he would add that he’d been writing the song beforehand
he just may not admit to not planning on ever performing it
overall? when it comes to romantic flair, kang younghyun is king 
“sungjin, uh, do you know where wonpil is? i can’t—” “isn’t he at your hip?” “as much as i kind of wish he was, he kind of isn’t.”
wonpil, my lovely sweetheart
probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from just
walking straight in when he accidentally overhears you to ask right there and then
like, you’re probably pestering talking to sungjin in the kitchen or another equally frequented place, so it was likely that someone was going to overhear anyway 
and maybe that was part of sungjins plan dont put it past him
but also it meant wonpil got further into the room the hunt for sustenance spurring him on, you know how it is before he caught onto what was being said, thus making it harder to back out
thus sungjin knew he’d overheard, but you with your back to the door were still clueless
and would’ve stayed that way had wonpil not continued and straight up asked or sungjin not said anything, which lets face it by this point he was really considering doing
he would be really excited about hearing that the feelings were mutual, and you were right there so what harm was really being done if he did just straight up waltz in?
as soon as you heard his small “you like me too?” you would whip around 
aaand that would be sungjin’s cue to leave
“do you mean that?”
“it only feels right when you’re by my side, pillie.”
the words you would exchange would be in a soft flurry of emotion tbh, out of disbelief but excitement for the future
most likely ending with you embracing, foreheads resting against one another’s
fluff hours only in the house of pil, ok?
“jae, do you think dowoon will be free tomorrow?” “yea why?” “i want to take him to the cat cafe—” “oh my god is it happening?! is it really happening? are you finally going to tell him? plan ILU is underway?” “keep it down!” “oh god everybody stay calm, stay fucking calm—!”
my bean
my lovely bean
would feel guilty over accidentally eavesdropping, and this would reflect in his shyness later
however, he decides to run with the silver lining of having the chance to be prepared for tomorrow
and so he would not say a word and try and act natural
especially when you ask him if he wants to go out somewhere with you the next day
he’s not sure how he did, he tried to hide his ears as best he could but he was also well aware you knew him too well
when the next morning rolls around, he’s up early, getting ready in nice clothes that he hopes aren’t suspiciously too nice
and then he waits, trying to calm is nerves, before realising that maybe ignorance is bliss
when the time comes and you make your way to the cafe, he finds it difficult to act surprised, but also to try and keep his breath steady
finally, near the end, after asking if he had a good time and wanted to come back, you confess you liked him and it’s as if a weight lifts off his shoulders
he would kiss your cheek soon after, without much warning, out of relief and joy and nerves and a whole lot of else
and you’d probably pull him in for a proper kiss by his collar as soon as you’re sure he’s ok with it
and then the fact he eavesdropped would be a secret that he would die with
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andinewton · 5 years ago
“Who did this?” with Victor please? This line gives me an angsty vibe so can you do an angst prompt?
Hi!  Thank you for this prompt!  I already did it with Gavin so I tried really hard to go a slightly different direction, because it would have been far too easy to have done something similar!!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!  I’m almost tempted to carry it on!  Anyway, let me know what you think!
Prompt: Victor - Who Did This?
You sat back away from the mirror and looked at your reflection.  It was a lot more makeup than you usually wore but it was worth it.  Finally you carefully applied your lipstick, just a shade pinker than your natural shade, and hoped it wasn’t too much.  Letting out a deep sigh, you checked your documents were in your bag before pushing carefully to your feet.  Straightening your back with little more than a small wince felt like a win, and you headed out the door for your early meeting with Victor.
‘And, if you look at market research, this format of show is something that…’  You raised your eyes from the document when you realised Victor hadn’t spoken in several minutes.  Normally he corrected you, asked insightful questions, but he wasn’t.  He was just…staring.  ‘…the general public have shown interest in.’  Your speech trailed off as you took in the serious expression on his face.  What had you done wrong?  It must be something because you had never known him go completely silent before.  It was somehow worse than criticism.
Slowly and silently, Victor got to his feet, pulling the handkerchief out of his top pocket as he did so.  He came around to your side of the desk and crouched beside you before taking your chin in his free hand, and gently wiping the handkerchief across your lips.  You couldn’t help it, you flinched, hissing in air through your teeth as even the slightest of touches sent a bolt of pain through your face.  That didn’t stop Victor.  He wiped the makeup off around your lip and chin until he had fully revealed the bruising on your skin and split, swollen surface of your lip.
‘Who did this?’  His voice was low and controlled as his thumb skimmed over the damage and you had to close your eyes and grit your teeth so as not to react again.
‘This?  Oh, it’s nothing.  Just another day in the life of a klutz.’  You tried to laugh it off but, not only did it hurt, Victor still hadn’t let go of your face.
He sighed before shifting his weight to a more stable position with one knee rested on the carpeted floor.  ‘When will you learn that lying to me doesn’t work?’
‘I don’t know.  Never?’  You asked, still trying to lighten the conversation somewhat, mostly because you knew he was most likely going to go ballistic if he found out what had actually happened.
‘Enough.’  He squeezed your chin just enough to get your attention.  ‘I’m going to ask you again, and this time you’re not going to lie to me, you’re going to tell me exactly what I want to know.  Who.  Did.  This?’  As though to puncture his words he finally released you, only to caress the injured area with first his fingertips then his palm.
You closed your eyes.  The sensation felt so good, perhaps the best thing your face had felt for almost twenty-four hours  Victor touching you so gently, with such care, had tears pricking your eyes as you realised you were going to have to retell the story of what got you in this state.  ‘I pissed someone off.’
‘You piss me off, quite a bit, that doesn’t mean I’d ever raise a hand to you.’
You sniffed, knowing he was right.  You had applied all of this careful makeup because you didn’t want him to worry.  You were supposed to be in a safe environment, but it had suddenly turned into the complete opposite.  ‘I…uh…I…’  You tried to talk but your throat convulsed, threatening to spill tears down your cheeks as you choked on your words.
‘Hey, look at me.’  Victor’s encouraging tone had you make eye contact, opening your eyes causing the first traitorous droplets from your eyes.  ‘Whatever it was, you’re safe here, with me.  Tell me who dared lay a finger on you.’
‘I caught someone stealing from the staff room on set yesterday.’  You said in a rushed breath, your trembling voice.
‘And they did this?’
You nodded tearily.  ‘We don’t know how he got on set, maybe when we took in the delivery of the new equipment.  I tried to stop him, everyone works so hard for me and he was just taking…’  You choked on your words as you remembered the vicious backhand you were dealt when you tried to stop him from running.
‘Hey, it’s okay.’  Victor wrapped his arms around your hips and pulled you out of the chair and into his lap, shifting to sit crosslegged so he could cradle you against him.  You sobbed at first, the pain in your ribs from where you had been kicked while you were down protesting the movement, but soon the warmth of Victor’s arms, the scent of his cologne, settled you.
Victor held you as you cried, offering sweet words of how he would protect you, how you were safe in his arms, his hands stroking your hair and back in such a comforting way it was easy to forget for a moment how long you sat with medics checking you over, how long you held ice to your lip.  The pain was still there but it was less somehow, as though his mere presence had brought you relief.
Eventually, the sobbing subsided, leaving you with small, hiccuping breaths, but it was enough that you could sit back and look at Victor.  His handsome face held so much worry for you, his eyes bore distress at the fact you were hurt and he hadn’t been there to save you, but most of all the tenderness he expressed as he carefully wiped the tear tracks from your cheeks touched your heart.
‘Where were you hurt?’  He asked finally, more concerned with your wellbeing than anything else for the time being.
‘In the staff room.  Then he made a run for it.’  You accepted his handkerchief as he offered it to you, wiping at your nose even as you sniffed.
‘Dummy.’  He made a soft noise that could have been a laugh on any other day.  ‘I mean where on your person were you hurt.’
‘Oh, yeah, sorry.’  You wrinkled your nose.  ‘Just my face, and my ribs.’
‘Just?’  Victor gave you a look of sheer disbelief.  ‘Either one of those alone is far too much!’
‘What I mean is it could have been worse.’  You shrugged.
Victor shook his head and you realised from his expression that he was composing himself.  ‘This is bad enough.  No one should ever lay a finger on you, do you hear me?’
‘I hear you, that doesn’t mean everyone else can though.’
You had a valid point that Victor couldn’t argue, so instead he changed tactic.  ‘What I mean is, they’re not going to get away with this.  What did the police say?  Any security footage?  I could put out a reward for any information leading to an arrest.’
‘The security footage is with the police but they’re not holding out much hope of finding them.’  Relaying that piece of information seemed to bring back to you just how afraid you had been, how vulnerable you had felt, and your entire body began to tremble.
‘Okay, work is over for today.’  Victor stood, taking you with him in his arms, and returned to his seat before hitting the intercom.  ‘Goldman, cancel all of my appointments for the rest of the day and call me a car.’
‘Yes, sir!’  Was the simple reply before Victor cut the contact.
‘Don’t cancel anything on my account, I’m fine.’  You argued, but it was difficult to do with your eyes puffy from crying and your lip puffy from a beating.
‘You are not fine and, if I’m right, you barely slept last night due to anxiety and reliving the attack every time you tried to sleep.’  He had you there, you couldn’t deny it so you didn’t even try.  ‘Which is why we’re taking a car to your place, you’re going to pack a bag, then you’re coming home with me.  I’ll make you a decent brunch and watch over you while you take a nap so that you know you’re safe.’
‘But I’m expected in at the office.’  Was the only argument you could come up with against such a good sounding plan.
Leaning forward again, Victor hit the intercom once more.  ‘Goldman, call Anna and tell her that Emci won’t be in the office today, and perhaps not tomorrow either, depending on how she’s feeling.’  This time he hung up before Goldman could even get a word in.  ‘Consider it taken care of.’
You shook your head and managed a weak smile.  ‘I didn’t want to make a big deal out of this.’
‘This demands a big deal.’  Victor said pointedly before lifting you to your feet and getting to his own.  A moment later he removed his jacket and draped it over your shoulders and you were grateful for his remaining warmth as well as his scent curved around you.  Packing up a few things in his briefcase he soon had it closed again and was offering you his hand.  ‘Let’s go home, you look like crap.’
You laughed, a sound that was more whimper than amusement.  ‘If it helps, I feel like crap.’
‘I think you look beautiful.’  He promised you with a smile that could have meant anything, but to you it was the most amazing sight you had ever seen.
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stardust-walker · 4 years ago
High Hopes: Chapter 15
Previous Chapters:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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word count: 3897
Julian didn’t know what to think of the new group that had just come onto the farm. He didn’t trust the one guy, that was for sure. He’d gone into the city with Otis and had come back without him. Otis was a good person, but it didn’t sound right. He probably would’ve done anything to save a little kid but the guy seemed sketchy. He felt sort of relieved when it seemed like not everyone bought his bullshit either.
He was jumpy as he waited for Maggie to get back from her run to the store. Since Otis, the thought of people leaving the farm felt like they were marching off to their deaths. A smile was on his face as he finally spotted Maggie riding up on her horse with Glenn. That guy didn’t seem too bad, at least. Unable to contain himself, he leapt off the porch and had the reins of Glenn’s horse in his hands before the other man could say anything. “Let me help you put the horses back,” he said brightly.
Maggie and Glenn exchanged a look before Maggie replied. “Sure thing. Thanks for all your help out there, Glenn.”
Julian looked over his shoulder as the other man hurried off to join the rest of his group by the tents as the dark haired woman from before and her redneck companion came out from the trees. “What do you think,” he questioned Maggie before he clicked his tongue and began to lead to horse to the stable.
“Nothin to think. They find that little girl, odds are my daddy’s gonna make them leave,” Maggie shrugged her shoulders from atop the horse.
Julian nodded his head slowly, “You see anything out there?”
“We didn’t see her out there if that’s what you’re askin me, Jude.” Maggie shook her head before she let out a long sigh.
Julian’s shoulders slumped. He couldn’t help but stare out at the barn in the distance as he opened the door to the horse’s pen. A shiver ran down his back before he averted his eyes. “Better than the alternative, I guess.”
Dove rested somewhat easily that night, she felt some comfort in the fact that the next day would mean the search was in full swing. She still hated doing the laundry, though. She would rather be out there in the woods looking for Sophia, but Carol had roped her into her chore. “C’mon. No one wants to help me with this. Andrea’s off tryin’ to play Annie Oakley somewhere and Lori’s still sleepin.”
“I wish I was still sleepin,” Dove grumbled as she picked up a basket of clothes. She squinted her hazel eyes at the closest well. “Jesus, what happened over there?”
Carol shook her head. “You missed it. They sent Glenn down into the well. Apparently there was a walker down there.” Dove opened her mouth to reply but Carol cut her off. “I know you woulda raised all types of hell if you were here, but Glenn’s fine. You’ve seen him.”
Dove huffed and blew a stray hair out of her eyes. “I’m gonna give that little bastard a piece of my mind for not tellin me about that. When I’m done with him, he’ll wanna go back down that well.” She let out a chuckle.
It felt like hours, but it wasn’t too long until she was sitting on top of a picnic table, basket of wet clothes next to her. She handed Carol a wet shirt to hang up as Lori stepped out of her tent. “Mornin, princess,” Dove called over cheerfully, “Nice of you to join us.”
Lori managed a weak smile as she walked over and greeted the two sisters. “Can’t believe I slept in.”
“You probably needed it,” Carol smiled at her.
“Yeah, I think we all need to take turns sleeping in. It feels amazing,” Dove yawned as she ran a hand through her ponytail.
“You feelin ok,” Carol scrutinized Lori carefully as the other woman nodded. “I have an idea I wanted to run by you two. That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking, I wouldn’t mind cooking in a real kitchen again.” Dove smiled as she thought about Carol’s cooking. She definitely wasn’t a five-star chef by any means, but Carol was a good cook. There was no doubt about that. “Maybe we all pitch in and make dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied.”
Dove leaned back on her hands with a heavy sigh as she looked up at the sky. She really wanted to be out there. She wanted to help look for Sophia, but she knew Carol would fight her on it. Maybe the right place for her to be was here on the farm; she needed to be with her sister.
“Seems like the least we could do,” Lori agreed.
Dove nodded her head, “Yeah sure. I’ll try to help. I’m not real good in the kitchen, but I’ll try my best.” She flashed her sister a quick smile.
“You mind extending the invitation,” Carol smiled at Lori. Would feel more right comin from you,” Carol reasoned.
Dove eyed Lori. “You’re like our unofficial First Lady,” Carol joked.
Lori and Dove both rolled their eyes but Dove let out a snort of laughter. “President Rick Grimes? I don’t remember votin, but that sounds about right,” she raised an eyebrow at Lori and raised a hand quick enough to block a clothespin from hitting her face.
Meanwhile, Julian had made his way over to the group by the car. He felt like he should be trying to help them look for that little girl. Every person out there could make a difference in finding her or not. He would want people out there looking for his sister like this if he had any idea where she was.
“She might have gone further east than we’ve been so far,” Rick stated as he laid the map out in front of them.
“I’d like to help,” Jimmy spoke up first and Julian narrowed his eyes at the younger man. Hershel would kick his ass for trying. Jimmy was just a kid, but Julian was grown enough to make his own decisions. “I know the area pretty well and stuff.
“I think I know the area better than you, Jim,” Julian spoke quietly as he approached the group.
“Hershel’s okay with this?” Good question. Julian would like to believe Jimmy, but he couldn’t help but think the kid was full of shit trying to look cool in front of his girlfriend.
“Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me,” Shane spoke from the car.
Shane gave Julian the creeps. “They found Elizabeth Smart nine months after she went missing on pure chance of someone noticing the people who took her,” he remembered seeing something about it when he was younger and it just stuck with him. Shane might be a cop, but it seemed like he wasn’t too invested in the search.
“Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high,” Daryl held his hand out to about elbow height. Definitely seemed like a little kid and unless Georgia was suddenly overflowing with feral children, Shane was full of shit.
“Maybe we’ll pick up her trail again,” Rick sounded hopeful.
“No maybe about it. I’m gonna borrow a horse,” Daryl pointed at the map. Hershel won’t be happy about that, Julian thought but didn’t speak. He didn’t want to get on the bad side of this guy.
“Good idea,” T-Dog spoke up, “Maybe you’ll see your Chupacabra up their too.” A short laugh echoed from behind Julian and he turned to see Dove, still perched on the picnic table, shake her head.
“Chupacabra,” Rick inquired.
“You never heard this,” Dale sighed. “Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra.” Julian shuddered at the thought of the goat sucking monster; Jimmy laughed. Julian gave him a quick slap to the back of the head as Daryl spoke again.
“What are you braying at, Jackass?”
“You believe in a blood-sucking dog,” Jimmy questioned.
“You believe the dead walk,” Daryl sneered.
“He’s got you there, Jimbo,” Julian shrugged his shoulders as he rested his hand on the hood of the truck. Jimmy reached for a gun, man that kid was really trying it today.
“Why don’t you come train tomorrow,” Shane offered. “If you’re serious, I’m a certified instructor.”
Andrea spoke up, “For now, he can come with us.”
“If it’s alright, I’d like to go with Jimmy.” Julian turned his attention to Rick. He didn’t feel like going in a car with Shane. The last man to go with him somewhere didn’t exactly seem to fare too well. Even if it meant going with the woman that he didn’t really know and someone who’d made fun of someone for believing in a Chupacabra.
Rick nodded his head and held out his hand to the younger man, “Alright. Thanks for helping us, kid.”
“Julian, sir.”
“Rick is just fine,” the sheriff smiled a little.
“Right, sorry. Not used to bein too friendly to the police. But, no problem, Rick. It feels right to help. Just hope we find her,” Julian nodded his head. The others didn’t notice him tense up as he turned his attention away from the barn and focused on the search plan.
Dove let out a heavy sigh as she turned her attention from the parting group to the house. She couldn’t keep Carol waiting much longer or she might send out another search party for her. As she ascended the steps, Glenn caught her attention. He seemed out of it. “Yoo-hoo. Earth to Glenn,” Dove waved a hand at him.
The man jumped slightly as he turned his head to look at his friend. The smile on his face fell slightly as he realized who was standing in front of him. “Hey, Dove. You not heading out today?”
“Nah, decided I might as well tend to my womanly duties,” she flicked her hair behind her shoulder in an exaggerated manner. “You alright, bud? You see kind of out of it since you got back yesterday.” Dove frowned as she leaned against the post.
“I’m fine. Just…a lot going on in my head, you know,” Glenn smiled sadly as he rested his hand on the guitar in his lap.
A sly look was in Dove’s eye as she spoke. “Well channel all of that emotion into a song and I’m sure you can woo yourself a farmer’s daughter in no time,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him.
The blush that shot up into Glenn’s cheek answered any questions she might have had. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothin! Just that I think a blind man all the way in Korea can see what I’m talking about! But that’s none of my business,” she shrugged her shoulders and took a step closer to him. “But if you do happen to want to talk about it, just let me know! I’m your friend and I’ll always be here to listen. Plus, no better person to go to for girly advice than a girl.” She chuckled as she ruffled Glenn’s hair.
Glenn smiled at the woman as she took a step back towards the door, “Thanks…”
Dove thought that Hershel’s house was nice and she made sure to tell them so. “Well thank you,” Patricia nodded her head politely.
Dove bit her lip as she looked around the hallway. “I just want to thank you,” she turned her attention back to the older blonde. Her expression seemed to be unreadable. Something about these people was off to her. They all seemed nice, but something wasn’t right about any of them. “For letting us stay here while we look for our niece. It’s not something you have to do especially now, you don’t know any of us from those walkers in the streets.”
Patricia held up a hand to stop her, “It’s not a problem. I just want to make sure that Rick and Hershel have made it very clear to you…”
“Once we find Sophia, once Carl is good to roll, we’re gone,” Dove nodded her head. “But still. Thank you,” she smiled as she turned on her heel to walk into the kitchen. “Just hope you don’t mind your mashed potatoes with a little crisp,” she called as she entered the room, “I suck at cooking!”
Carol shook her head at her younger sister as Lori laughed. “You can measure the ingredients,” Carol patted her arm.
“Listen, we all have skills. I was not made to be a house wife,” Dove raised her hands in surrender. “You, however, were a better housewife than any man ever deserved.” She winked at her sister.
Slightly uncomfortable, Lori changed the subject quickly. “You know you weren’t made to be a housewife?” She looked over her shoulder at the younger brunette as she began to peel a potato.
“Sure do. I was a few months away from trying it out, but let’s just say I had to cancel the subscription before the free trial ended,” Dove popped a piece of carrot into her mouth.
Carol clicked her tongue disapprovingly, “Still think you were better off. He seemed unstable.”
“Who? Owen,” Dove questioned her sister with a raised eyebrow. Carol just turned her attention to her. Dove rolled her eyes as she picked up a bigger carrot and started to peel it. “I mean he was a little…quirky.”
Lori let out a small groan at this, “Honey, we all know what quirky means. Quirky is code for ‘you’re unstable but I love you’.” The older brunette elbowed Dove lightly.
Carol let out a quiet snort of laughter at this, “You got that right. The one time when we went up to visit, we stayed in DC so-”
Dove cut her off with a panicked laugh, “Alright listen, I get it! Owen was unstable and I have terrible taste in men, but it’s over now so…we don’t have to rehash that story! Alright.”
It was quiet in the kitchen for a moment before Lori whispered, “You’ll tell me later?”
“Oh, you bet,” Carol whispered back as Lori picked up a bucket to go collect more water.
“The hell you will,” Dove shouted as she picked up a carrot shaving and whipped it at her sister. “Be serious and cut up your god damn carrots,” Dove laughed and shook her head. Still, her thoughts went back to her life before everything went to shit. Actually, this was more like her life going to shit take two. Carol was right, she was way better off.
“Bout time you strolled on up here, Dixon.” Daryl’s attention snapped to the side, back to the direction of the farm.
“Hell do you want,” he snapped at the figure in front of him even though he knew she wasn’t real.
“Should really be getting home,” the figure spoke as she twirled a small pendant between her fingers. She wasn’t really there, but her hazel eyes stared right into his soul just like if she were there, “getting dark out.”
“Shut up,” Daryl snapped as he started stomping back towards the farm. The figure was a few steps ahead of him as he shuffled forward. “Don’t give a shit anyway.”
“Like you said. Merle wasn’t there for you, so why should you listen to him,” the voice was further ahead now and he glanced around before he spotted it a few yards ahead between the trees. “So man the fuck up and use you head for once, asshole.” When Daryl blinked, she was gone.
Dove had decided to take a break from the kitchen, but she didn’t seem to be able to find anyone that she wanted to see. Glenn seemed even more miserable than before, the other men were back without much news, and Daryl still wasn’t back yet. The last part made her feel uneasy. It was getting dark out. A creek on the porch made her turn her attention. “Julian, right? You find anything before,” she stepped towards him.
The young man lowered his binoculars before he shook his head, “Not a thing. Sorry. Maybe your friend found something?”
“The redneck guy. Daryl?”
Dove scoffed, “I don’t think that you can really say that me and Daryl are friends but…”
Andrea’s panicked shouts about a walker cut through the relative silence. Dove felt her pulse quicken and Julian shook his head, “we don’t get many walkers out this far.” He stepped quickly off the porch to help out and shoved the binoculars into Dove’s hand as he went.
Something in her gut told her to look through and when she did, the binoculars fell from her hand as she took off at a run. “Wait,” she shouted as she ran faster than she thought she had in years. She didn’t even realize how quick she was running until she was about halfway across the field.
“Is that Daryl,” Glenn said.
“Holy hell, man. You look like shit,” Julian shouted.
“That’s the third time you’ve pointed that thing at my head,” Dove heard Daryl reply and she slowed down to a walk as a relieved laugh left her lips. “You gonna pull the trigger or what?”
It was silent for a few moments as Dove continued to approach the group. Glenn turned and noticed her but as Dove opened her mouth to call out, a gunshot rang out. What left her throat instead was a panicked scream as adrenaline took over and she took off again. She didn’t even realize what she’d done until her knees hit the ground. Rick was screaming back at Andrea and there was blood on her hands. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck,” Dove turned her head back in the direction of camp before she turned her head back to the sight in front of her. “Dumb fucking bitch, cmon don’t be dead please.” Dove muttered as Rick dropped to the ground next to her. “She shot him in the fucking head,” Dove’s voice shook as she reached a shaking hand out and turned Daryl’s head slightly.
“Good thing she’s a bad shot,” Rick mumbled as Daryl let out a pained groan. His eyes fluttered open for a moment and Dove felt relieved as she realized that he might look out of it, but he wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t dead yet. A hand on her shoulder pulled her to her feet as Glenn wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Glenn gave her shoulder a squeeze as they watched Rick and Shane haul Daryl to his feet. “I was kidding,” he growled before he passed out.
Anger flared through Dove as Andrea approached them asking if he was dead.
“He’s wearing ears,” Dove heard Glenn’s panicked voice over the pounding of her blood in her ears. Her gaze fell to T-Dog as she fought to control her anger. How could you be so stupid Rick told you not to do it, she raged internally. Even the sight of Sophia’s doll couldn’t calm her down. All she could think of was how, if Andrea had killed Daryl, they would never know where Sophia might be.
She reached a boiling point as they crossed over into camp. All of the bullshit thoughts and prayers about Sophia. All of the wanting to save people and act like she was big and tough. On top of losing Sophia, it was too much. “I’m so sorry,” she heard Andrea say again as Glenn finally released her arm.
“You’re sorry,” Dove rounded on the blonde woman. The few people who hadn’t rushed into the house froze, Carol put a hand over her mouth and shook her head. “You’re sorry that Sophia’s missing. You’re sorry that you wanted to blow yourself up. You’re sorry that you fucking almost killed the one person who might have the best shot at finding Sophia,” Dove’s voice was eerily calm as she stepped closer to the blonde.
“I thought he was a walker! I was just trying-,” but Andrea didn’t get to say what she was trying to do. There was a shout and all of a sudden, both women were on the ground. Dove only managed to land two punches to the woman before she was wrenched away from her.
“Bitch,” Dove shouted as she was pulled back towards the house. She watched with narrowed eyes as Dale helped Andrea back to the RV.
“Holy shit,” Julian mumbled as he held the squirming woman tighter as he tried to pull her towards the porch. It was quite a task, but once it was accomplished, he sat her in a chair and hurried off into the house.
Dove’s attention finally turned from the RV as she winced. A quick look down showed her that a cold washcloth was being placed on her knuckle by Carol. “You shouldn’t have done that,” Carol mumbled.
“Yeah well, she shouldn’t have shot someone,” Dove closed her eyes and shook her head.
There were quiet footsteps as she heard Carol walk back into the house. She sat like that for a while before the door creaked open. She opened her hazel eyes and her shoulders slumped as Rick walked out. The sheriff knelt next to the chair and she felt her shoulders tense as she waited for him to reprimand her.
“I’m not here to yell at you,” Rick sighed as he ran a hand down his face, “I very well should be for the stunt you pulled. I don’t wanna have to hear about you tryin to fight like that in front of my son like that. I’m sure you understand,” Rick glanced over at her.
Dove nodded her head before she turned her gaze over to Rick. “Sorry…I just got,” she took a deep breath, “I got real angry like I haven’t in a real long time.”
Rick frowned and nodded his head, “I understand the last few days have been real hard on you and Carol, so you don’t need me to be hard on you too.” Dove sat up a little straighter and faced Rick fully. “But I just wanted you to know that Daryl’s just fine. He’s resting, we didn’t tell him that you punched Andrea.” She raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s a discussion that you should be able to have by yourself. But he did tell us where he found Sophia’s doll. Pointed it out on a map and everything so we have an even better grid to look for her,” Rick smiled and Dove felt the corner of her mouth quirk up into a smile.
“Thank you, Rick,” Dove whispered.
“Not a problem,” Rick patted her arm.
Dove moved the washcloth from her hand and flexed her knuckles, “Guess it’s best if I don’t sit next to Andrea at dinner, huh,” she joked and Rick chuckled quietly.
“I would advise you not to do that. Just in case,” he rose to his feet and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I want you to know that I’m gonna do my best to find her. I promise.”
@crossbowking​ @momc95​ @chaotic-gary-king-stan​
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