#i don’t know how to explain it but um (づ_ど)
silkjade · 8 months
not even gonna lie… this scene did something to me
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
Sylvain / Manuela Support - Sylvain’s Character in the Japanese vs. the Localization Analysis Project
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
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Source for: Sylvain’s Japanese supports - Sylvain’s English supports
C Support
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
あいたたた……頭痛が……あら? (Ow... I have a headache... Huh?)
いつの間に寝てたのかしら、あたくし。▼ (When did I fall asleep, I wonder?)
Manuela: Ugh... My head. Where? Why am I here instead of the infirmary? When did I? Oh boy.
In the Japanese, Manuela doesn’t say she’s in the infirmary in this line, she just says she fell asleep.
[シルヴァン] (Sylvain)
よっ、マヌエラせんせ。 (Yo, Professor Manuela!)
お邪魔してまーす。▼ (I’m coming in!)
Sylvain: How are you feeling, Professor Manuela?
Culture lesson time! When entering another person’s house, office, etc., in Japanese, people will say ojama shimasu! The most simple translation is usually “I’m coming in!” But jama on it’s own means “obstacle” or “interference,” so it has the extra meaning of imposing on someone and being a bit rude by entering their private space. It’s not quite as obvious in the English. 
Anyway, since in English, I don’t think we really have a set phrase we say when entering someone’s house/etc., so anything that alerts the other person to your existence is a great equivalent in my opinion.
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
そんなことが…… (Something like that isn’t it...)
……あ、あったわ。▼ (...Ah, it is.)
昨日、悲しくも不幸な出来事があって、(Yesterday, something sad and unlucky happened,)
独り寂しく飲んでいたんだったわ……。▼ (so I drank all by myself...)
Manuela: That doesn't sound like me. Wait, no... I remember. The truth is, something sad happened, so I did what I always do to forget my troubles...
Manuela openly admitted that she was drinking in the Japanese.
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
ああ……わかったから、大声出さないで。(Ah... I get it, so don’t be so loud!)
頭に響くから……いたたたた……。▼ (My head is ringing... owww...)
Manuela: Ugh, my poor head...
The Japanese was once again more open about the fact that Manuela was drinking.
[シルヴァン] (Sylvain)
ああ、もう飽きるほど聞かされましたよ。(Ah, I heard that he already lost interest in you.)
しょうもない男に引っかかりましたねえ。▼ (You were strung along by a good-for-nothing guy, huh?)
Sylvain: That good-for-nothing guy who strung you along, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, then shattered your heart beyond repair? I agree. He's a jerk.
Sylvain’s description of Manuela’s good-for-nothing date was a bit different in Japanese.
[シルヴァン] (Sylvain)
ええ、まあ。部屋まで負ぶって帰る間、(Um, well. While I was carrying you to your room,)
もう耳元で恨み言が続く続く……▼ (You kept complaining and complaining in my ear.)
Sylvain: Actually, your version had more details. Very detailed details.
The Japanese explained how Sylvain actually happened to hear what happened.
[シルヴァン] (Sylvain)
マヌエラ先生はこんなに魅力的なのに、(You’re so charming, yet)
男運がないんですねえ。もったいない。▼ (you have no luck with men, huh. What a waste.)
そんな酷い男と付き合うくらいなら、(If you’re going to date such horrible men,)
俺と付き合えばいいのに、ねえ?▼ (you should date me, don’t you think?)
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
心にもないことを、さらりと言うのね。(Don’t casually say things you don’t mean.)
着替えるから出ていってくれる?▼ (I’m going to change, so can you leave?)
Sylvain: You know, Professor, you're a good catch. It's a shame that you've had no luck with men. You need a guy like me–somebody who sees your beauty and appreciates how tender you are, emotionally...and how much love you have to give.
Manuela: You're a smooth talker even when you don't mean what you say. I'm going to change, so shoo, OK?
In the Japanese, Sylvain was openly and obviously flirting with Manuela here. I guess, like with toning down his flirting with Lysithea, they also didn’t want him flirting with much older women as well? Huge age gaps is not exactly something you can hide in this game where a few of the the students and teachers can end up getting married, but...
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
あたくしが、シルヴァンと付き合う? (Me, date Sylvain?)
……ええ、やっぱり想像しづらいわね。▼ (...Wow, as I thought, that’s really hard to imagine.)
Manuela: Did he just call me Manuela and not professor? That sly little– Although... Hmmm. Me? With Sylvain? Now there's a crazy thought.
B Support
[シルヴァン] (Sylvain)
俺はいつだって本気さ。俺の目を見てくれ。(I’m always serious! Look into my eyes.)
……これが冗談を言う男の目かい?▼ (...Are these the eyes of a man who tells jokes?)
Sylvain: Do I look dishonest? Are these the eyes of a guy who is just playing around?
Sylvain’s wording is a bit different in Japanese... just enough to point out.
[マヌエラ] (Manuela)
……恐ろしいものを見たわ。いえ、(...I saw something dreadful. No,)
おぞましいと言っても過言ではないわね。▼ (even saying dreadful isn’t an exaggeration.)
まさに軽薄さが服を着て歩いている感じ。(It feels just like he walks around wearing his shallowness on his clothing.)
Manuela: OK. That was just...repulsive. He is insincerity personified. No way I'd ever fall for that.
The localization changed the wording of Manuela’s last sentence I pointed out here, because the phrase doesn’t really translate into English so well. But I found it to be a pretty amusing saying, so I translated it directly to share!
And that’s the end of Sylvain’s supports! We made it!
I’m also planning to cover his battle quotes, tea time quotes, and endings at least. I’ll figure out how I’d like to do that and be back next week with another post!
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 4
I don’t want to start every one of these posts with an apology about being late again, so I’m just going to apologize to my eyes for keeping open this long. They burn, still do. I was tempted to count this day as another “unannounced sick leave” day, but I persevered for you all. You’re welcome.
And, uh, I’m just gonna leave a joke here that no one will get until they click the Read More link.
“What do you call a distressed lawyer who’d forgotten his badge in his house?” “Oh, darn, ok... house key.”
10/19/20 edit: Oh, nooo! I can’t believe I forgot to revisit the Detention Center! I’ve corrected this grave error. Now it’s complete. Also, since this case is a bit free-form in how it progresses, I’m just going the order I went the first time I played, or close enough to it.
> Wright Anything Agency
> Examine: piano
<Apollo> ピアノの上に、奇妙な 道具が並べられている。 There are all sorts of strange paraphernalia sitting on top of the piano.
<Apollo> これだけ道具があるんだから、 何かマジックやってみせてよ。 It seems a shame to have all these props and not do a trick or two.
<Trucy> いいですよー! You asked for it!
<Mr. Hat> また会いましたね。 ビックリくん、でしたか。 Heeeey, Mr. Righteous, was it? Wakka wakka!
<Trucy> ちがうよ。オドロキくんだよ。 “王泥喜 法介”! Justice, Mr. Hat! Apollo Justice.
<Mr. Hat> ああ。“汚泥鬼 呆助” Just is? Apollo just is what? That's what I want to know!
<Trucy> “ドロ”しか合ってないよ! Oh, you're hopeless!
<Apollo> ‥‥そいつはもういいよ。 ...Please, make it stop.
"It seems we meet again. Bikkuri-kun, was it?" [also means shock] "No, no. It's Odoroki-kun. 'Odoroki Housuke'!" "Ah, I see. 'Ohdorokie Housekey'." "You only got the 'doro' part right!"
...Anyway, if you look at the JP script above, you can see Boushi-kun got all the kanji wrong, though it's still pronounced the same way. Also, it's funnier when you realize Minuki just called him 'mud' because that's actually part of his name.
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんと同じ、 ブルーのシルクハットだ。 A blue silk top hat, just like the one Trucy's wearing.
<Trucy> それは、みぬきのイメージカラー 《ミヌキー・ブルー》です! It's my trademark color! Trucy Blue!
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手に“色”を 自分のものにするなよ。 I don't think you can trademark the color blue.
<Trucy> やっぱり、ステージに立つ人間は、 目立たないとアレですから。 Standing out is everything when you're up on stage!
ほら。オドロキさんだって、 キメてるじゃないですか。 Bet you didn't know you've got your own color, too, Apollo!
全身《オドロー・レッド》で! Crimson Justice!
<Apollo> ‥‥おどり出したくなるような、 おどろおどろしいような。 You make me sound like some second-rate superhero.
<Trucy> でしょー? At least it's better than being a first-rate super zero!
"Look, it's obvious what yours is too. A full-body 'Odoro Red'!" "...I'm guessing you'd want me to dance or be super flashy." "Right?"
Fyi, "おどり出す" (odoridasu) means "to break into dance" and "おどろおどろしい" (odoro'odoroshii) means "eerie" or "exaggerated"; basically not being subtle at all.
> Examine: plate of spaghetti
<Apollo> 喫茶店のショーウインドウで おなじみ、ロウ細工のスパゲティだ。 A dish of plastic spaghetti like some restaurants put on display.
そういえば、こんなの どこから持ってきたの? Where did you get this, anyway?
<Trucy> パパからの誕生日プレゼントです! It was a birthday present from Daddy!
うれしかったなあ‥‥ ずーっと欲しかったから。 I was so happy... You don't know how long I wanted one of these!
その夜は、抱いたまま寝ちゃって、 ヘシ折っちゃいました。スパゲティ。 I fell asleep with it, cradled in my arms, and the spaghetti bent!
<Apollo> (意外に女の子のウケがいいのかな。  こういうの‥‥) (Mental note: What she really wants for her next birthday: A bowl of plastic food...)
"(I guess this kind of thing is really popular with girls...)"
If anything, it's really popular with girls who work with attorneys at this firm... usually they ask for some sorts of noodles, or some saucy meat in buns if you count the EN versions.
> Examine: table
<Apollo> 手品用のテーブルの上に、 ポットが置いてある。 A hot water pot sits on a magic table.
このテーブル、 どうしてこんなに脚が細いのかな。 Why is the stand for this table so flimsy looking?
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 カッコイイから、かなあ。 ...Hmm. Maybe it looks better that way?
<Apollo> ‥‥もっと、おもしろい コタエを期待してたのに。 ...I was hoping for a more professional explanation.
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 Well...
シカケがないコトを 見せるため、とか? Maybe to show that there's no tricks involved?
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ マトモだね。 ... Not bad.
<Trucy> ‥‥アタリマエのコト 言っちゃ、ダメなのかなあ。 I still think it's just that it looks better that way.
The last two lines were: "......Well, that was pretty honest." "...I think giving the obvious answer would be against the rules, though."
Btw, I can see why they translated Apollo's line as "Not bad", since 'matomo' can be used in contexts where someone is giving something a "decent" rating. I just think Minuki's next line makes it more clear about what he means, though with the changed context, it's only fair Trucy's last line here is changed too.
> Examine: Charley
<Apollo> 観葉植物のチャーリーくんだ。 It's Charley, the houseplant.
ずっと前から、この事務所で 育てられているらしい。 They've had it for years, apparently.
<Trucy> “くん”なんて、シツレイです! “先輩”って呼ぶの。 That's "Mr. Charley" to you! He's been here longer, after all.
<Apollo> ‥‥は、はあ。 ...Right, sorry.
<Trucy> チャーリー先輩、すみません。 レイギを知らない新人でして。 I'm sorry, Mr. Charley. He was raised by a tribe of heathens.
<Apollo> (水をやりながら、  なんか言ってるぞ‥‥) (She's saying something to the plant as she waters it...)
<Trucy> あ。それから。アイサツは “おはようございます”ですから。 Mr. Charley forgives you. This time.
<Apollo> ‥‥そういえばココ、 芸能事務所だったっけ。 ...Is there anything else I might do to please His High Leafiness?
Huh, I've spotted a legitimate mistake in translation for once: Apollo's line in (). For reference: "It's Charley-kun, the houseplant. They've been raising it for a long time in this office." "'Kun'!? That's so rude! Call him 'senpai'!" "...Right, sorry." "I'm sorry, Charley-senpai. He's just a newbie who doesn't know his manners." "(She says to it, as she waters it...)" "Oh. From here on, you'll greet him with a 'Good Morning, senpai', okay?" "...Oh yeah, this is a talent agency, isn't it?"
10/10/20 edit: Thanks, Ash. Tweaked Odoroki’s last line here to make it clearer what he means. It’s customary in talent/entertainment agencies to uphold a stricter code of seniority, especially one with a reputation. It seems it’s also customary for staff to say “Good morning” as a general greeting regardless of what time of day it is. The only reason Odoroki forgot his place is because he’s still used to thinking this place is a law firm.
> Talk: Wocky's Father
<Alita> なんかね。今の組長さん、 極道から足を洗おうとしてるの。 Did you know that the boss is trying to get out of the business?
<Apollo> え。そうなんですか! (極道を‥‥やめる?) R-Really? (Mr. Kitaki wants to quit being a gangster!?)
<Alita> フツウの企業に生まれ変わろうと しているみたい。 He's trying to transfer his assets into a normal company.
滝太クンのお父さんがね。 最近、急に言い出して‥‥ He only announced it recently, out of the blue...
組員のヒトたちも、ずいぶん とまどってるみたい。 I hear there's quite a lot of confusion in the ranks.
<Apollo> (そういえば‥‥似合わない  エプロンをつけてたな‥‥) (Hmm. I wonder if this explains that apron?)
‥‥でも、それ。 滝太さんは反対しそうですね。 ...I can't imagine Wocky going along with that.
<Alita> ふふ。あのヒト、 やんちゃなトコロがあるから。 Hee hee. He's highly motivated, isn't he?
<Apollo> “やんちゃ”って 感じじゃないですけど。 Um, that's not the word I would have used.
<Alita> 『オレが組長になって、  ゼッタイ極道をつづける!』って。 He said, "I'll be the next Big Boss, and keep the Family alive."
ちょっぴり、背伸びしたい オトシゴロなんですよね。 I think he's at that age when boys want to make a mark on the world.
<Apollo> (ややこしそうだもんな。  あの親子) (That's not the way I would have put it...)
Fyi, she uses "yancha", or "naughty kid", to describe him.
The last line here: "(What a complicated father-son relationship.)"
<Alita> 最近、すごーく 儲けてるの。キタキツネ一家。 His father moves in a lot of circles... He's really focused on profits.
滝太クンのお父さん、 いろんな世界にカオがきくから。 The Kitaki Family's been making a killing recently!
<Apollo> (たいした人物らしいな。  滝太クンのお父さん‥‥) (Again, not the way I would have put it...)
<Alita> 滝太クン。『極道がカネ儲けに 走ったらオシマイだ』って。 But Wocky says it's not about the money. They have the gangster tradition to uphold.
<Trucy> それって、アレですね! Ooh, a generation gap!
“ぜねれーしょん・ぎゃっぷ” ‥‥ってヤツ。 They've even got the ever classic "what about the family business" thing going...
<Apollo> ふつう、父と子の主張は 逆だけどね。 Usually, it's the father worried about tradition...
The first three lines here: "Lately, they've been making soo much, the Kitakitsune Family. Takita-kun's father holds a lot of influence in lots of places, after all." "(His father sure seems like a big deal, alright...)"
> Present anything to Alita
<Alita> ごめんなさい‥‥わたし。 事件のこと、詳しくはわからないの。 I'm sorry, I don't know much about the case.
わたしにできることは少ないし、 あなただけが頼りなの。 I... I feel so helpless. You're my only hope.
滝太クンのこと助けてあげてね‥‥ Please, help my Wocky-Pocky...
Hahaha, she said "Pocky". I just imagined Wocky-style Pocky sticks and I want some. I bet they'd have some foxy designs on that choco...
Ahem, sorry. I just wanted to share. She doesn't call him anything different here in the JP either.
> Move: Detention Center
<Apollo> よし。河津さんの話を聞いてみよう。 ‥‥ちょっと疲れそうだけど。 Alright. Let's have a little chat with Mr. Stickler. (I hope I don't regret this.)
<Trucy> 貴重な“目撃者”ですからね! He is a valuable witness!
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥ある種“貴重な”  目撃者だよな、アレは‥‥) (He is a bit "precious", I'll give him that.)
<Stickler> なんなのですか‥‥ ワタクシはこれで、忙しいのですよ。 Please, keep this brief, if you would. I'm quite busy.
今日中に、論文の構成をまとめ‥‥ ムムッ! アナタがたはッ! I need to finish this paper... Nyurk! I-It's you!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥河津さん。 お話をうかがいに来ました。 ...Mr. Stickler. We'd like to have a few words with you.
<Stickler> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
‥‥まあ、いいでしょう。 手短にお願いしますよ。 ...Very well. As long as they're few.
<Apollo> (立ち直りが早いな‥‥) (Nothing would make me happier, believe me.)
“(He sure was fast to return to form...)”
> Examine: guard
<Apollo> 面会のようすを監視する看守だ。 A security guard. He stands here, watching this room.
オレたちの話を聞いているのか いないのか‥‥‥。 I have no idea if he's listening to us talk.
まったく、表情が変わらない。 I'm not even sure he's breathing.
That’s a bit harsh there... It was just “His expression doesn’t change at all.”
> Talk: Panty Theft
<Trucy> みぬきのパンツのシカケを 知りたかっただけですもんね。 You wanted to know the trick to my panties, right?
<Stickler> あ、あなたはッ! Y-You're here, too!?
<Trucy> ‥‥? ...?
<Stickler> どうか、あなたを “先生”と呼ばせてくださいッ! Oh, Great Trucy! Teach me!
<Trucy> ええっ! Eh!?
<Stickler> なんとかして 教えていただけないか! I must know the secret of your panties!
ワタクシの人生を狂わせた、 あのパンツのナゾをッ! My very existence hangs in the balance!
なんなら、このワタクシを あなたサマの“弟子”にッ! Please, make me your apprentice!
<Trucy> オドロキさん! なんとかしてください! Apollo! Help!
<Apollo> いいんじゃない? カッコウもマジシャンぽいし。 I dunno, I think he'd make a great "lovely assistant".
<Trucy> そんなムセキニンな‥‥ Don't say that, Apollo...
Hahaha! He straight up called her “Sensei”. That’s kinda cute if I’m being honest.
Odoroki’s last line here: “Why not? His uniform kinda looks like a magician’s outfit too.”
> Present: anything
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
(‥‥証拠品、見てくれない) (...Fine, ignore my evidence. See if I care.)
(おおかた、パンツのナゾの  コタエを考えているのだろう) (I wonder what he's thinki... On second thought, let's not go there.)
Actually, Odoroki has a pretty good idea: “(He’s probably still thinking about solving the mystery of those panties.)”
> (optional at any time) Return to W.A.A. to talk to Trucy
> Present Magic Panties
<Trucy> スゴイでしょ、みぬきのパンツ! 法廷でも大カツヤクでしたよね! Aren't my panties amazing? They were a big hit in court.
<Apollo> (たしかに。今日の裁判の  決め手になったもんな‥‥) (They were the star player of the day, that's true.)
<Trucy> 明日の法廷も、 みぬきにおまかせです! What should I show them in court tomorrow!?
<Apollo> (毎回、パンツにたよる弁護士には  なりたくないな‥‥) (If only I could count on panties to save the day every day...)
The last two lines: "You can leave it to me to make a show in tomorrow's trial too!" "(I've had enough of being known as the 'panties attorney' these days, thanks...)"
I know nothing about that, I swear.
> Move: Eldoon's House
<Guy> 屋台が“現場”って どーいうコトよ! How can a noodle stand be a crime scene, that's what I don't get, Trucy-doll!
あのヤロウ、死んでまでもヒトの 商売のジャマをしやがって‥‥ Even in death he's after my neck, I tell ya! Bah!
ワシが、そんなに しょっぱいってか! Can't even cook an honest noodle...
<Apollo> “あのヤロウ”‥‥ですか? "He"...?
<Trucy> “死んでまで”というコトは‥‥ 被害者の宇狩院長さん、かなあ。 "Even in death"... You mean the victim, Dr. Meraktis?
<Guy> まあ、そんなワケでな。 I tell ya.
ワシのカオも《極みそ》並みに しょっぱくなっちまうワケよ。 It's enough to drive a man to make his soup even saltier.
<Apollo> (‥‥やれやれ。  キゲンが悪いみたいだな‥‥) (Remind me never to eat his noodles when he's in a bad mood...)
"What do they mean, the noodle stand is the 'crime scene'!? That jerk, even in death he's in my way of a good sale... Not even I'm that salty!" "'That jerk'...?" "'Even in death'... You mean the victim, Dr. Ugari?" "Yeah, that's him. Makes me so salty that I could even rival my 'Extre-Miso'."
By the way, "Kiwami" means "Extreme"! ...But seriously, it shocked me how well I could fit "extreme" with "miso".
> Talk: Noodle Stand
<Guy> あの屋台はな。 矢田吹家の男児が代々、 That stand... For generations, it's served up the very best noodles us Eldoons could make.
ちぢれ麺と秘伝の“みそ”と ともに伝えてきたのだ。 A tradition of noodles and salty broth.
ある種、このあたりの歴史そのもの と言ってもいいシロモノなのだ。 It's more than a stand, it's history, I tell you.
<Apollo> (それは言いすぎだろう) (Watch what you say or it might become true...)
Originally, he said "(That might be pushing it a bit.)" Though, I gotta admit I like the way the loc team did it.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ムギツラさん。 Mr. Eldoon, I don't mean to pry...
あなたの、ムカシのお仕事って、 なんだったんですか? ...but what exactly did you do before you became a chef?
<Guy> フン! クチに出すのもイヤな、 ニガくてしょっぱい思い出だよ! Bah! Let old noodles lie, that's what I say.
<Apollo> (なんとなく‥‥  ハナシが見えてきたぞ) (I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)
<Guy> とにかく! トナリのオヤジは、 ワシから夢を奪って死んだのさ! He stole my dreams and left me with nothin' but noodles.
《営業停止》という、 ドえらいメーワクを残してな! And now I don't even have that!
Originally, he answered: "Hmph! Even saying it aloud brings back horribly bitter, salty memories!" "(I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)" "Anyway! That geezer next door stole my dreams dead, he did! And I was left with a big, fat 'Business Suspension'!"
> Talk: Meraktis Clinic
<Guy> 個人の医院にしちゃ、 リッパなモンだろ? He's the only doctor at that clinic, you know. Pretty impressive, eh?
ヤツは、成功するために ヤクザたちと手を組んだのだ! I'll tell you the secret to his success... The mob!
<Apollo> やくざ‥‥というと、 《キタキツネ一家》ですか? You mean... the Kitaki Family?
<Guy> 連中、“抗争”とか言って ケンカが多くてな。 They're always having one of them "turf wars" or whatnot.
ケガ人が絶えなかったのさ。 そこに目をつけたのが、あの宇狩だ。 Always an injury or two that needs fixing. Meraktis saw a chance for some business.
《キタキツネ割引》という サービスを始めた。 So he started giving the Kitaki Family a good deal...
<Apollo> わりびき‥‥ A deal...?
<Guy> きっと、先代の知恵の結晶‥‥ Every fifth operation for free!
《やたぶき屋スタンプ割引》の アイデアをパクったんだよ! He stole the idea from my pops! One free bowl of noodles a week, he used to say.
To clarify, it seems the noodle stand tradition was to provide customers a stamp discount. I'm not sure if it's standard or not, but most shops I know that have stamp discounts count by fives or tens, so on the 5th or 10th purchase, there's a discount or some special deal that comes with it.
> Talk: Former Profession
<Apollo> オヤジさん。もしかして、 “ムカシの職業”って‥‥ Mr. Eldoon... or should I say "Dr. Eldoon"...
<Guy> ‥‥バレちまったみたいだな。 Figured it out, did ya?
そう、ワシは外科医だった。 おととしまでな。 That's right, I was a doctor. A surgeon... until the year before last.
<Trucy> じゃあ。宇狩さんは、アレですね? “しゅくめいのらいばる”ってヤツ。 So Mr. Meraktis was your rival?
<Guy> ‥‥アンタ。 ラーメンのネギは好きかい? ...You like those onions they put in the soup broth?
<Apollo> え。はあ。ワリと。 Um, yeah, kind of.
<Guy> ちりれんげでスープを飲むと、 かならずネギがまじっている。 You take a spoon, you drink some broth... Those onions will find their way in there.
ネギ好きにはたまらないが、 ネギ嫌いにもたまらない。 For people who like 'em, why that's just fine. For people who hate 'em...
‥‥ワシは、 ネギが大ッキライなんだッ! ...I hate onions. Hate 'em!
いちいち、よけいなところで 味わいのジャマをしてくさる! Always sneaking in from the side, gettin' in the way of a good tastin' spoonful.
アイツがそうだった! 宇狩のネギボウズがッ! Well, that's what he was. An onion! Onion-boy, that's what I called 'im.
And to clarify here, it's usually green onion, or scallion as some chefs prefer to call it, that you'd find in soup broths. Personally, I love that stuff and grew up with soups where my mom would add it all the time, no matter what soup she was making.
Fun fact: "たまらない" (tamaranai) can change its meaning to the opposite side depending on the context. If you mean it positively, it's "irresistible"; if negatively, it's "unbearable". Basically, there's a strong response of some kind.
> Move: People Park
<Apollo> あれ。なんか、 ちょっと印象がちがうような‥‥ Huh? Does something about this scene look different to you?
<Trucy> きのうは、地面に青いシートが 敷いてありましたから。 The blue tarps are gone! Maybe that's it?
<Apollo> ああ、そうだっけ。 あ。あそこ。 Yeah, I think you're right. Look over there.
<Trucy> きのうの、白い刑事さんですね。 The white-frocked detective from yesterday.
ゴミ箱に向かって土下座して、 必死にあやまってます。 She seems to be apologizing reverently... to the trash can.
<Apollo> ‥‥カワイソウに。 きっと、捜査が進まなくて‥‥ She's... under a lot of stress.
すこし、アタマがおかしく なっちゃったんだな。 The investigation's probably not going so well.
By "apologizing reverently", they mean she's prostrate before the trash can. More likely, she was just head-down focused on tracing those footprints, but to be honest, I get that feeling a lot, especially lately. Straining your eyes on little things or bright screens for such a long time...
<Ema> ちょっと! アンタたち! Hey, you there!
ナイショ話なら、聞こえないように やってくれないかなあ。 If you're going to talk about someone behind their back, do it more quietly, please!
<Apollo> あ。刑事さん、どうも。 Oh, Detective Skye. Hello.
<Trucy> なんか、今日も ゴキゲンななめみたいですね。 You seem as gloomy as ever.
<Ema> ホント、最低ね。 新しい道具はうまくいかないし。 This is miserable! Miserable! I just got a new kit, and I can't get the stuff to work.
じゃらじゃらした おニイさんには、やさしくされるし。 And everyone's all smiles for that glimmerous fop.
<Trucy> じゃらじゃら‥‥? 牙琉検事さんのコト、かな。 Glimmerous...? Does she mean Prosecutor Gavin?
<Apollo> ふつう“ちゃらちゃらした” って言うんじゃあ‥‥ More to the point, doesn't she mean "glamorous"?
<Ema> あのヒトが歩くと、クサリが じゃらじゃら鳴って、気になるの。 When he walks his shiny chains catch the sun and glimmer in my eyes! It's distracting.
さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく。 MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH
<Apollo> (この刑事さんが歩くと、  さくさく言って、気になるな) (Speaking of distracting...)
It pains me to admit that "glimmerous" is not a real word, but in my heart it is.
Anyway, originally the word Akane used was "jarajara", which is onomatopoeia for a jingle-jangle sound. Odoroki tries to correct her with "charachara", which also can mean the same thing, but also can refer to "flirty" or "flashy" types. She specifies she means "jarajara" because his chain necklace keeps jingle-jangling around her.
> Talk: Prosecutor Gavin
<Ema> ちょっと、合わないんだよね。 I won't lie, I'm not fond of the man.
ああいう、 じゃらじゃらしたタイプは。 Those glimmerous types always rub me the wrong way.
<Apollo> “ちゃらちゃら”‥‥ね。 "Glamorous"... right.
<Ema> やっぱり検事さんはこう、クールで ちょっとミケンにシワ寄せて‥‥ A prosecutor should be cool of wit and furrowed of brow.
“じゃらじゃら”より “ひらひら”した感じが理想よね! Less "glimmerous" and more "simmerous"... you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥まったく イメージがわかないなあ。 ...No, actually, I don't.
She wants less "jarajara" and more "hirahira" from her prosecutors. I'm sure you all know that "fluttery" sound by now.
> Talk: Ema, reject her offer
<Apollo> ‥‥今は、やめておきます。 失敗したら、悪いし。 I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to waste a kit if I messed up.
<Ema> うーん、困ったなー‥‥ 手を借りたかったのに。 Really? That's too bad... I really could use the help.
<Trucy> えー! やりたいな、みぬき。 トクイなのに。手打ちうどんとか。 Aww, I want to try! It'll be just like making pancakes in the dirt!
<Apollo> (あとで気が変わったら、  やらせてもらおうかな‥‥) (I guess I can always talk to her again if I change my mind...)
Aw, Minuki mentioned it'd be like pounding up udon dough. (Who knew that udon dough would become a lot more relevant down the line in a future game...)
> Accept it, examine any set of prints
<Ema> あ。そのカオ。 I know that face.
なんか“見つけた” みたいなカオしてるね。 That's the face of someone who's made... a discovery!
<Trucy> あれ。 やっぱり、わかっちゃいます? Hey, how did you know?
<Ema> ふふん。 科学捜査官の目をナメちゃダメね。 You can't fool someone trained in the ways of science!
<Apollo> (そこは“カガク”は  関係ないと思うけど) (Next she'll have us analyzing face prints...)
<Trucy> とにかく。宝月刑事さんに おねがいしちゃいましょうよ! Let's ask Detective Skye to help us, Apollo!
Originally: "(I doubt her eyes had much 'scientific' procedure to do.)"
> Examine smooth footprint, present wrongly
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ あたしがナニ食べてるか、わかる? ... Know what I'm eating?
<Apollo> まあ‥‥ カリントウ、ですよね? Um... Snacks?
<Ema> あたしね。フキゲンなときは、 カリントウ食べるの。知ってた? Snacks. More precisely, whenever I'm in a bad mood, I eat chocolate Snackoos.
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、知りませんでした。 ...I had no idea.
<Trucy> たぶん、オドロキさんのコタエが ちがった、ってコトでしょうね。 I think she means you picked the wrong evidence, Apollo.
<Apollo> (まわりくどいな) (...I had no idea.)
Ah, here it is, the origin of Snackoos. They were "karintou" before, which are a kind of crispy, bite-sized, brown-sugary cookie sticks. On the occasion, you can find a few bags at your local Asian supermarket.
> Present: slippers, get Ema's permission to investigate
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいいペテン師ちゃん! Yo, 'sup, my little imposter!
<Trucy> きゃあッ! な。な。なんですかッ! Eeek! Wh-What did you call me?
<Wocky> うお! な。なんだ。アンタかよ。 美波ちゃんだと思ったぜ! Dizzam! It's you!? Sorry, G, thought you were Alita.
<Trucy> コイビトを“ペテン師” 呼ばわりしてるんですか? "My little imposter" sure is a strange nickname.
<Wocky> あれ? そんな感じで言うだろ、 シャバのヤツらは。 It's a clink thang. You wouldn't understand.
ええと‥‥ あ。“堕天使ちゃん”か? D-Did I say "imposter"? I meant "poster"... like "poster girl", 'aight?
<Trucy> “ペ”や“だ”は いらないと思いますけど。 If you're going to drop part of that, why not drop "poster" and just call her "girl"?
<Wocky> とにかくよォ! オレにとっちゃ 弁天サマなワケよ、ある種。 Cause she's so much more than that, G. She's like... She's like an angel. A fallen angel.
The localizers got lucky here that the word “imposter” is close enough to “poster” to make that joke. The joke had to be changed from Japanese, since it was more wordplay. Takita actually made a mistake; he meant to call her “ 堕天使ちゃん” (datenshi-chan), like a “fallen angel”, but called her “ペテン師ちゃん” (petenshi-chan), “imposter”/”swindler”, at first.
Then, Minuki says: “I don’t think you need to add the ‘pe’ or the ‘da’, though.” “Anyway! She’s like Benten-sama to me, in a way.”
Benten, or more formally Benzaiten, is the Japanese name of the Buddhist Goddess of Wisdom (and sometimes as Shinto Kami) who often is seen holding a biwa, a Japanese lute. She was originally based off of the Hindu Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati, whose name was honored in ancient Chinese Buddhist texts as the religion carried over and later to Japan.
<Wocky> ば、バカ言うなよ! オトコってヤツはなァ。 M-Man... I ain't trying to hear that!
タイセツなものを守るために戦って、 それで死ねるなら本望なんだ! A man fights to protect what's valuable to him, you know what I'm saying?
<Wocky> ミナミちゃんに会いてえよォ。 つれてきてくれよォ! ...I miss my fallen angel!
アンタ、オレの ベンゴシなんだろォ? Hey, you go get Alita for me. You're my lawyer, aren't you?
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥  世話の焼ける依頼人だな) (Lawyer, not gopher...)
“(*sigh*... What a troublesome client.)”
> Talk: Alita Tiala
<Apollo> 来月、ケッコンされるそうですね。 So, I hear you're to be married next month?
<Wocky> そうさ!  もう、サカヅキはかわしてるんだ。 Straight up! We poured the nuptial 40 out on the stoop!
ミナミちゃんも、来月からは ウチの一家さ。サイコーだよな! Alita! Oh, snapplecakes! She soooo foine!
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  そうとうホレてるみたいだな) (I think he's smitten with her in his own weird way.)
Man, how could I have left out most of Wocky’s wonderful swag-talk...
By the way, Takita mentions how they even exchanged sake cups. This practice is a pretty big deal in Japan and one that most people wouldn’t do lightly. There’s usually a solemn oath to be made with such an exchange. It doesn’t have to be between lovers getting married; just between two (or more) people who swear to abide by some social contract.
And guess what, it’s the very same practice that Yakuza are renowned for doing when they swear brotherhood among their ranks. One does not simply become “kyoudai” without some serious exchange of... Wait. I can clearly remember someone in a Yakuza game who was kinda “ok” about things and it happened. Okay, it’s usually the case anyway.
> Talk: Kitaki Family
<Wocky> 極道ってのは“ワル”の道だ。 “ワル”にこそオトコの美学がある。 Life in the Family is a G thang. It's about being a man.
‥‥わかるだろ? ...You know what I'm saying?
<Trucy> みぬき、女の子だから。 わかんないなあ。 Sorry, I'm not up on my G things. I'm not even sure what a G thing is...
“I’m a girl so, no, I don’t get it.”
<Wocky> オヤジのヤツ。ここ最近、 急に弱気になっちまってさ。 But my old man, he's gone soft.
《切った張ったの時代は  もうオシマイだ》なんて言ってよ。 He says the old rival gang days are over. He just wants to make money!
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 Isn't that a good thing?
<Wocky> バカ言え! カネもうけに、 なんの美学があるんだよ! Man, there ain't no soul in making money!
ワルってのはな。スカッと生きて、 アッサリ死ぬもんさ。 Better to live fast and die young. Fo'shizzle!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥) (*sigh*...)
There’s actually an important point his dad makes here, about how the gang war days are over. While he certainly is referring to the way that the Kitaki Family is going legal again, it’s also true to modern Japanese history.
While the 80s had a huge economic boom and Yakuza were likely all up in that biz, it led to a huge bubble that collapsed and a depression that lasted through the 90s. Though Japan was still relatively quick to recover, through the 2000s and on, Japan entered into a period of changing politics and much more governmental intervention. For the once very profitable and romantically dramatized Yakuza, renowned as the “necessary evil” to keep petty crimes off the street, future prospects weren’t nearly so hot for them anymore, and their MO had to change. Some formerly Yakuza-run Big Zaibutsu Biz went completely legal and stand to this day. Even as a concept, the Yakuza gradually fizzled out in popularity in public opinion. Only traces of their former glory remain in crime drama series and games like this.
And then there’s the Yakuza series and their memes.
<Wocky> 見てな。 オレが組長になったら。 Wait till I run the yard. Then everyone'll know what time it is.
《ワルい奴ら》のカッコイイ世界を 作ってやるぜ! That's right! O.G. time all the time. Represent!
<Trucy> “ワル”はどうかと思うけど。 夢があるって、イイですよね。 Apollo, why does he keep talking about "Old Guys"?
<Apollo> (平和な子だよな‥‥) I don't think that's what "O.G." means, Trucy.
The last two lines: “I don’t know much about being ‘bad’, but it’s nice that he has a dream to follow.” “(Such a peaceful kid...)”
> Talk: Pal Meraktis
<Wocky> 公園で、ヤツと出くわした。 なぜか‥‥屋台を引いていた。 When I run into him in the park... and he's dragging this noodle stand behind him!
<Trucy> あの。滝太さんが “要求”したんじゃないですか? Wait, you didn't put him up to that?
ほら、アレ。 “みのしろきん”感覚で。 Like, you know, in the movies?
『イノチがおしければ、  屋台を引いてこい』みたいな! "If you value your life, you'll bring the stand..."
<Wocky> ‥‥ムジャキなカオで くだらねえコトを聞くな。 ...Shorty, you're more wacked than I am. And that's saying something.
<Trucy> ううう‥‥みぬき、 シンケンだったのに。 ...But I was serious!
Wacked, indeed. Or as it was originally: “...Don’t gimme that stupid crap while lookin’ so innocent-like.”
> Present: anything
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 いいんじゃねえの。 ... Yeah, whatever.
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied... I'm not sure he even looked at my evidence...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 会いてえなあ。 Alita, man. Alita.
“...Minami-chan, I wanna see you again, babe.”
> Move: Meraktis Clinic
> Examine: reception desk
<Apollo> 病院の受付だ。 当然だけど、ダレもいない。 The clinic reception desk. No one's here, of course.
カウンターに、標語のような ものが張り出されている。 There's a small sign on the counter...
《ココロとカラダに  やさしい、明朗会計を》 "Please pay your bill: Remember, we're the ones holding the scalpel."
‥‥深いな。意外に。 Brutal... but effective.
Originally, the sign read: "Treat your heart and body well with a honest bill." So it has a similar message, but isn't as directly threatening.
> Move: People Park, ask about print analysis, present slippers & sandals
> Move: Meraktis Clinic, then its Office
> Examine: cabinets
<Apollo> うわ! なんだコレ! Whoa! What are those?
カベ一面、ビーカーで 埋めつくされてるぞ‥‥ The wall is covered with beakers...
<Trucy> きゃあああッ! 中で何かが動いてますッ! Eeeeek! Something's moving inside that one!
‥‥オドロキさん! みぬきの かわりに、見てくださいッ! ...You look, Apollo!
<Apollo> そ。そういうのは、自分の 目でたしかめなよ! ‥‥あれ。 H-Hey, look yourself! You can't... Oh.
‥‥なんだ。金魚じゃないか。 ...It's a goldfish.
<Trucy> わあ! 他にも、 いろいろなお魚がいます! Wow, they're all fish! So many kinds!
<Apollo> (まったく‥‥ヒト騒がせな  インテリアだな‥‥) (Whoever designed this had a sick sense of humor...)
That "sick sense of humor" must be from someone who likes to cause trouble or raise false alarms... Basically, a troll.
Oh wait, Meraktis definitely was a troll. He trolled Eldoon since they were kids and kept doing it even in death. Man was a master troll to the end... Normally, I don't respect trolls, but I can make an exception for someone who dedicated his whole life (and death) to the trade.
> Examine: safe, present fingerprint set, enter code
> Examine: papers
<Trucy> これは‥‥ カルテ、ですね。たぶん。 This looks like... a medical chart.
レントゲン写真といっしょに、 1組だけ入ってます。 There's an X-ray in here with it.
<Apollo> レントゲン写真‥‥か。 見てもイミがわからないな。 An X-ray...? Hmm, can't make heads or tails of it.
‥‥カルテも読めないし。 ドイツ語だから。 And I can't read the chart either, it's all in medical- speak.
Interestingly, this medical chart is written in German. I know historically, Japan had quite a long-term relationship with Germany even before the advent of WWII, and German engineering influenced quite a bit of Japan's growth in industry before the US came along, so the Japanese still have a few words borrowed from German and other European languages, especially in regards to scientific terms.
Case in point: "karute" from Karte, which is German for "map". The transition isn't perfect, of course.
10/10/20 edit: I blame Google Translate for this. So it can mean “map”, but it also can be used for “charts” in general, including medical ones. Though, “karute” in JP is used exclusively to refer to medical charts.
<Trucy> でも、名前のトコは日本語です。 患者さんの名前‥‥《北木 滝太》 But, the names are easy enough to read. Look, by "Patient" it says... "Wocky Kitaki"!
<Trucy> あの滝太さん、ですよね。 ‥‥依頼人の。 So this is Wocky... our client's chart, huh.
<Apollo> どうして、このカルテが 1組だけ、金庫に‥‥? Why would this one chart be here in this safe...?
医師のサインは、ええと。 《担当医:宇狩 輝夫》か。 Let's see, the physician's signature says "Pal Meraktis".
え‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Eh...
<Trucy> どうしたんですか? オドロキさん。 What is it, Apollo?
<Apollo> こ。ここ‥‥ “カルテ処理”の担当者の欄‥‥ Look here where it says who filed the chart...
<Trucy> ええと。 担当看護師‥‥《並奈 美波》 Let's see... "Nurse Alita Tiala"...!
<Apollo> 滝太クンの婚約者、だよな。 なみなみなみなさん‥‥ Alita Tialita is Wocky's fiancée!
<Trucy> “な”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! That's one "ita" too many, Apololo!
Ha. Alita's name in JP is "Namina Minami", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many na's to her name. Look at Trucy wrecking his name, though.
<Apollo> なんで、ここに彼女の名前が! Never mind that, what's her name doing here!?
<Trucy> し。知りませんよ! でも。名前があるってコトは‥‥ How should I know?
どうやら、この病院のスタッフ みたいですね。みなみさん。 Though... I guess it means she's on staff at this clinic?
<Apollo> ‥‥どうして、今まで 教えてくれなかったんだろう‥‥ Odd that she neglected to mention this before now...
<Trucy> それは‥‥ヤッパリ。 何かの理由があったんでしょうね。 I'm sure she had her reasons.
<Apollo> (‥‥なみなみなみさんは、  宇狩外科医院のスタッフだった) (So Alita Tiala worked at the Meraktis Clinic...)
(しかも‥‥きたきたきたきの  カルテを処理している‥‥) (And she had access to Wocki Kitaky's medical chart!)
<Trucy> “き”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! You got the "I" and "Y" wrong, Appolo!
And Wocky's name is "Takita Kitaki", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many ki's this time. Look at Trucy still wrecking his name. Now I can't unsee "Apollo" as looking weird.
> (optional) Move: People Park
> Present: lamp
<Apollo> そうだ。 このスタンド、見てもらえますか? Say, could you take a look at this lamp?
<Ema> あれ。電球が割れてるね。 Hmm. The bulb's broken.
<Apollo> そうなんです。 ちょっとオカシイですよね。 Right. Strange, isn't it?
<Ema> うーん。そう? あたし、 よく割れるけどな。電球。 Really? I break bulbs all the time.
デスクが散らかってるからね。 すぐ落ちるの。スタンド。 My desk is a mess and my lamp is always falling over. ...Not too bright, huh?
<Apollo> (問題外だな、それは‥‥) (Ouch...)
<Trucy> ちょっと、気になりますよねー‥‥ I still think it's kind of odd...
I swear this bit about the lamp falling over is a direct reference to Turnabout Sisters. Emphasis on the word "stand" too. Odoroki even said: "(That's practically unthinkable...)"
> Move: Eldoon's House
> Present: medical chart
<Trucy> あの。どうしたんですか? ダマりこんで‥‥ Why the sudden silence, Mr. Eldoon?
<Guy> なんだ、こりゃ‥‥ どういうコトだよ、コレは! What...? What's going on here!?
<Apollo> いやいや! こっちが聞きたいですよ! That's what we want to know!
その、カルテ‥‥ オレの依頼人のものなんですけど。 That chart belongs to my client.
<Trucy> 今、サツジンの容疑を かけられて、裁判を‥‥ He's on trial... On suspicion of murder.
<Guy> バカ言ってんじゃねェよ! On trial! That's crazy!
そんなネムたいコト言ってたら‥‥ 死ぬぜ、このクランケ。 You can't put him on trial! He's ABD!
<Trucy> ‥‥くらんけ? ...ABD?
<Guy> 患者だよ、カンジャ。 こいつは‥‥一刻を争う事態だ。 All but dead. He's knocking on the Pearly Gates, and someone's about to answer.
Originally, he refers to him as "kuranke", which is from the German word "Kranke", which means "sick".
For the record, no, I don't know German. Ironically, I have Google Translate to thank.
10/10/20 edit: Thanks have been revoked. The word actually means “patient”, not simply “sick” as an adjective.
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいい堕天使ちゃん! Don't cry angel, Daddy's back and Daddy's...
‥‥って。 またオマエらかよ! ...Oh. You again.
<Apollo> あの。 毎回、その登場をするんですか? Do you always have to announce your entrances like that?
Hey, he got it right this time, good for him.
<Wocky> まあな。さっきは オヤジにやっちまってさァ。 Man, my old man, he... Man!
かなり気まずいムードに なっちまったぜ! Now I'm all in a funk, and it's his fault.
<Apollo> (‥‥そのケイケンから  何か学んでほしいな‥‥) (One can only assume that his father tried to teach him a lesson. And failed, clearly.)
<Wocky> それにしても。 アンタらも、ゴクロウだよな。 You two got your work cut out for you, straight up.
オレはもう、 カクゴはできてるってのにさ! Course I don't care if they lock me up. I'm ready to go!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥有罪になる気  マンマンだな) (Some days, I wonder why I do what I do.)
“(Oh, boy... He’s sure pumped up about being convicted.)”
> Present: medical chart, then talk about Alita again
<Trucy> ‥‥《宇狩外科医院》ですね? ...The Meraktis Clinic?
<Wocky> そこでさ。出会っちまったワケよ。 オレだけの堕天使ちゃんに。 That's where I met her. My fallen angel...
<Apollo> 並奈 美波さん‥‥ですか。 You mean Alita Tiala?
<Wocky> 最初は、オレのコト、 コワがってたみたいなんだけどさ。 She was scared of me at first, turns out.
ひかれちまったんだろうなァ。 オレの“悪”のミリョクに! But you know what they say -- the bad guy always gets the ladies.
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ Right...
I try not to waste entry space, but I was just reminded of a certain song about “Why good girls always like bad boys?”, but mixed with “How baa-a-a-ad can I be?” and I hate it, thanks.
> Present: anything else
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 ダッセェの。 ... Man... that is so far off the hook, it's off the chain, G!
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied with something else...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 何してんのかなあ。 ...Wonder how my Alita's doing. Man, I miss her.
Man, I suck at ending these posts. Here, have more Wocky free-stylin’.
Fyi, his first line here, he’s calling something “lame” and I dunno if he really did see but didn’t care or didn’t notice it at all.
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haillenarte · 5 years
early 5.0 scions;
Here is a translation of Minfilia’s monologue from “The Lawless Ones,” the level 73 main story quest, and a translation of Y’shtola and Thancred’s conversation from “Into the Dark,” the level 74 main story quest.
I did this mainly because a friend asked me to. I... don’t have much else to say about it. I think it speaks for itself. I’ve also been pretty tired lately, but that’s neither here nor there.
I try in general to be loyal to the source text while prioritizing the styling of the localization, but I've chosen to be rather casual with Minfilia’s dialogue, firstly out of respect to her young age, and secondly because I’m not sure how else I should reflect her lack of authority and agency. In Japanese, she generally speaks with a kind of implied insecurity: she routinely calls the Minfilia from the Source the “real” Minfilia, implying that she is the “fake,” and she tends to refer to herself in ways that imply that she thinks of herself as a “thing” — she refers to herself as being “stored,” “put away,” or “taken out,” for example. This isn’t necessarily unusual, per se, but it strikes me as deliberate.
THE LAWLESS ONES アンチロウ “anti-law”
The “lawless” Nu Mou are called “the Anti-Laws” in Japanese as a reference to Ezel Berbier’s Anti-Law cards from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
ミンフィリア : あ……よかった……。 依頼の品、私もできるだけ回収してきました。 ミンフィリア : アンチロウのン・モゥたち、ちょっと怖かったですね……。 だけど、無事にすんでよかったです。
MINFILIA: Oh... There you are. Um... I left with as much of the ink as I could carry. MINFILIA: Those Anti-Laws are a little scary, aren’t they? It’s good that we’re both unharmed...
LOCALIZATION Minfilia: Oh, thank goodness. There you are. Minfilia: Those Nu Mou were rather frightening. I'm glad you're safe.
(The player is prompted at this point to choose one of three options. I’m not interested in recording or translating the outcomes of each response, so we’ll proceed with the first answer. If I recall correctly, it’s something along the lines of “I’m glad you’re safe” in both languages.)
ミンフィリア : ……はい! あまり実戦経験がないので、緊張しましたが…… 少しでも役に立てていたら、嬉しいです。 ミンフィリア : ……先代までのミンフィリアは、ユールモア軍に加わって、 罪喰いと戦っていたそうです。 ミンフィリア : でも、私は戦う必要がなくなってから発見された……。 むしろ、勝手に罪喰いと戦わないように、 ユールモアにしまわれたんです。 ミンフィリア : だから、サンクレッドに連れ出してもらうまで、 戦い方も生き方も、何もわかっていなくって……。
MINFILIA: Oh... yes! Thank you. I don’t have much experience with combat, so I was rather nervous, but if I helped you even a little, then that’s a relief... MINFILIA: ...All the Minfilias before me joined the Eulmoran Army and helped fight the sin eaters, you see. MINFILIA: But I didn’t have to fight after I was discovered. They kept me in a cell so that I wouldn’t fight the sin eaters at all. MINFILIA: When Thancred came to retrieve me, I knew nothing of battle, and even less of life...
LOCALIZATION Minfilia: I haven't seen much actual combat, so I was a little nervous, but I'm happy I could help. Minfilia: The Minfilias before me battled sin eaters as part of the Eulmoran Army. Minfilia: But that had all changed by the time I was found. They held me captive so that I wouldn't follow in the others' footsteps. Minfilia: I'd still be in my cell now had Thancred not spirited me away. When he found me, I knew nothing of the world. I didn't know how to live, let alone fight.
ミンフィリア : もし、あなたの召喚が失敗におわったら、 大罪喰いと戦うのは、同じ加護を持つ私になる…… サンクレッドはそう言っていました。 ミンフィリア : あの人はきっと、 その可能性があったから私につきあっているだけで…… 本当は、今の私を見るのも嫌なんだと思います。 ミンフィリア : だって私は、本当のミンフィリアじゃない……! あの人が家族みたいに大事に想ってるのは、私じゃないんです。
MINFILIA: Thancred once told me that if your summoning failed, then I would have to fight the Lightwardens with the Oracle’s blessing. MINFILIA: ...That’s really the only reason he keeps me around. The truth is, he can’t even stand to look at me. MINFILIA: Because I’m not the real Minfilia. I’m not the one he cared about — the one that was like family to him.
LOCALIZATION Minfilia: Thancred once told me that if the efforts to summon you failed, it would fall to me to face the Lightwardens. Minfilia: I realized then that it was the only reason he kept me close─as a contingency. The truth is, he can't stand to be around me. Minfilia: Because I'm not her. I'm not his Minfilia.
ミンフィリア : ……前に、ふたりで廃都ナバスアレンに行きました。 光の巫女が現れて、「光の氾濫」を止めたという場所へ。 ミンフィリア : そこが近づくと、私、自分が自分じゃないみたいに感じて…… 怖くて……見るのも聞くのも嫌で……。 多分、意識を失ったんだと思います。 ミンフィリア : ……そのあと何があったのかは、わか��ません。 ミンフィリア : ただ、忘れかけの��みたいにぼんやりと、 「本物」とサンクレッドが話していた気がして。 ミンフィリア : サンクレッドは真相を教えてくれなかったけれど、 それからときどき、一緒にいると、つらそうな顔をするんです。
MINFILIA: ...Once, we journeyed to the ruined city of Nabaath Areng. To the place where the Oracle appeared and stopped the Flood. MINFILIA: When we got closer, I... I started to feel like I wasn’t myself. I was... afraid. I didn’t want to... to see or listen to whatever was happening to me, and... and then I think I fell unconscious. MINFILIA: ...I’m not sure what happened after that. MINFILIA: But I have this vague feeling... the way one remembers a forgotten dream... that the real Minfilia spoke with Thancred. MINFILIA: He never told me the truth of what happened. But after that, sometimes he’d... he’d make this face like he was sick of me...
(A more strictly literal interpretation of what she says is “After that, sometimes, when we were together, he’d make a pained expression.”)
LOCALIZATION Minfilia: ...Once, we journeyed to Nabaath Areng together. To the place where the Oracle appeared and stayed the Flood. Minfilia: As we drew near, I felt as though...I was fading away... I shut my eyes and covered my ears, and then... And then... Minfilia: I'm not sure what happened after that. Minfilia: I have a vague feeling that I said something to him. Only it wasn't me at all. It was her. Minfilia: Afterwards, Thancred didn't say a word. Only kept to himself and brooded.
ミンフィリア : それに気づいても、私には何もできない。 助けてくれた人を、ずっと傷つけているだけ……。 ミンフィリア : だから私、本物のミンフィリアに変われたらと思うんです。 それで、私の中にある、私以外の想いに従って、 あなたに会いに行きました。 ミンフィリア : なのに、こうして一緒にいさせてもらっても、 どうして会わなきゃと思ったのかは、汲み取れないまま……。 ミンフィリア : 何かを伝えたい……ううん、誰かに会わせたい……? そんな気が、するんですが……。
MINFILIA: ...I know how he feels, but there’s nothing I can do. I... I only ever hurt the people who’ve helped me. MINFILIA: It would be better if I were her — if I could become her, or trade places with her. So I listened to the... the thoughts inside me that aren’t from me, and then I set out to find you. MINFILIA: But now that you’re here... I just can’t seem to understand why she needed us to meet. MINFILIA: It’s like there’s something I have to tell you... or someone you have to talk to...? I get that feeling, but I just can’t —
Minfilia: There's nothing I can do for him. Nothing I can offer but my presence─though it only reminds him of his loss. Minfilia: She should be the one to live on. That's why I tried to find you─because I knew that was what she wanted. Minfilia: But now that you're here...I'm not entirely sure what it was she intended me to do. Minfilia: Was I meant to tell you something? Or bring you to someone? Or somewhere? I can feel the answer at the edge of my mind, just out of reach─
Next scene!
I’m not going to be the one to do the actual breakdown because I’m more than certain that there are dedicated Exarch fans who will do it without my input, but I should note that the Exarch is a much more immediately friendly character in Japanese, thus partially explaining Y’shtola’s adjusted attitude toward him in her first lines. The remainder of the conversation plays out much the same way, however, as she regards the tablet with suspicion because she suspects the Exarch has retained it as a “bargaining chip” for all this time.
INTO THE DARK ラケティカ大森林 "rak’tika greatwood” 
ヤ・シュトラ : そう……。 それで次は、ラケティカ大森林の大罪喰いを……。 ヤ・シュトラ : 私はね、これまで第一世界の歴史を調べていたのよ。 水晶公をまったく信用していないわけではないけれど、 情報のすべてを彼に依存するのは、危ういもの。
Y’SHTOLA: I see. And now you seek the Lightwarden of Rak’tika. Y’SHTOLA: For my part, I have spent much of my time researching the history of the First. The Crystal Exarch will have given you his own account, of course. I cannot say that I distrust him entirely, but I see little wisdom in acting solely upon the word of one man.
LOCALIZATION Y'shtola: I see. And now you seek the Lightwarden of Rak'tika. Y'shtola: In the days after I arrived in the First, I too relied upon the Crystal Exarch for guidance. But his penchant for secrecy and the telling of half-truths soon lost him my trust. And thus did I strike out on my own.
(I have decided not to translate the majority of this next section as there is little upon which I would differ with the localization. I’ve left the text in for your comparison.)
ヤ・シュトラ : そんな中で行きついたこの地も、かなり調査をしたわ。 ヤ・シュトラ : 結論から言えば、大罪喰いの所在は不明のまま。 けれど、だからこそ絞れるとも言えるのよ。 サンクレッド : ……と言うと?
LOCALIZATION Y'shtola: My work eventually led me here to the forest, which I have come to know like the back of my hand. Y'shtola: I cannot say with certainty where your quarry is hiding, but I am confident I can narrow the search. Thancred: Well...go on, then.
ヤ・シュトラ : 数千年前、ここラケティカ大森林は、 ロンカ帝国という大国の中心地だった……。 ヤ・シュトラ : 現在も、ここから東側に広がる「イキス・マヤエの森」には、 その遺構が多く残されているというわ。 ヤ・シュトラ : そして驚くべきことに、 それらの遺構は、いまだに護られているのよ。 いにしえより続く、ロンカの護り手たちによって……。 ヤ・シュトラ : 彼女たちは、よそ者の侵入を許さない。 話し合いの余地すらなく、追い払おうとしてくるわ。 ヤ・シュトラ : 私も何度か調査を試みたけれど、 攻撃を受けながらじゃ、さすがに調べものにならなかった。
LOCALIZATION Y'shtola: Some few thousand years ago, this forest stood at the heart of the empire of Ronka. Y'shtola: A great many relics of that civilization can still be found to the east in Yx'Maja. Y'shtola: Or rather, could be found─were the area not fiercely guarded. Y'shtola: Yx'Maja, you see, is home to a tribe of warriors whose lineage is said to date back to the time of the empire. Any attempt to enter their territory is met with lethal force. They offer no warnings, and suffer no trespasser to escape. Y'shtola: Needless to say, my every attempt to survey the area has been thwarted.
ウリエンジェ : となれば、イキス・マヤエの森…… ないし、その護り手たちの領域に、 大罪喰いが潜んでいる可能性がある……。 ヤ・シュトラ : そこにきて、水晶公からロンカの石板とはね。 ヤ・シュトラ : まったく、手土産とはよく言ったものだわ。 何かのときのためにとっておいた、私との交渉材料ではなくて? ヤ・シュトラ : ……とはいえ、解読してみる価値はありそうよ。 ここから、かの森への侵入方法でもわかるといいのだけれど。 ウリエンジェ : その解読、微力ながらお手伝いいたしましょう。 ヤ・シュトラ : 助かるわ。 なかなか手ごわそうな相手だもの。 ヤ・シュトラ : その間、スリザーバウの散策をしてきてはどうかしら? ヤ・シュトラ : もうしばらくしたら…… 「闇の戦士」と呼ばれているあなたにとって、 意味のあるものが見られると思うわ。
LOCALIZATION Urianger: Mayhap the Warden hideth there full knowing none may approach it for fear of these protectors. Y'shtola: As for the tablet... Y'shtola: I find the timing of its discovery suspiciously convenient. If I did not know better, I would think someone was trying to curry favor with me. Y'shtola: Regardless, it will take time to decipher these writings. Yet I would not be at all surprised if they somehow held the key to entering Yx'Maja unmolested. The Exarch has a nose for serendipity. Urianger: If there is aught I can do to assist thee in unraveling their secrets, thou need'st only ask. Y'shtola: Thank you, Urianger. I may well take you up on that offer. Y'shtola: While we set to work, might I suggest you take a tour of the city? Y'shtola: Should you be in any doubt as to the importance of your role as the “Warrior of Darkness,” the people here will surely cure you of it.
(Here’s the part I’m actually interested in translating:)
サンクレッド : ……不思議なものだな。 今のお前は、とても活き活きして見える。 ともすれば、向こうの世界にいたときよりもだ。 ヤ・シュトラ : 当然よ、だって私は…… 私の師匠も、ずっと世界の成り立ちを解き明かそうとしていた。 ヤ・シュトラ : 鏡像世界に渡れるなんて、またとない探求の機会だわ。 ここで得られる知識は、どれもとても刺激的よ。 ヤ・シュトラ : ……あなたはどうなの、サンクレッド。 念願のお姫様と会えて、幸せかしら? サンクレッド : お互いもうガキじゃないんだ、皮肉はやめておけ。 ……俺は、偵察に行ってくる。
THANCRED: ...Marvel of marvels. I've never seen her so enthusiastic. I must say, Y’shtola, you seem happier here than you ever were in our world. Y’SHTOLA: You find that unnatural? Lest you forget, Master Matoya and I were ever dedicated to the study of the world’s foundations. Y’SHTOLA: The opportunity to explore a reflection of the Source is unlike any other. The mere thought of all the new knowledge available to us here should be enough to make any true scholar’s blood boil. So, yes: to answer your point, I am happy. Y’SHTOLA: ...And what of you, Thancred? Are you happy now that you've met your beloved princess? THANCRED: We aren’t children, Y’shtola, and you know very well this is no tale of knights and princesses. The sarcasm is hardly necessary. ...I’ll make myself of use.
(Quite a lot to unpack here, and this is just my take on a very odd conversation. Since I’m sure people will want it, here it is in a super-clunky, source-loyal format:
THANCRED: How mysterious. You seem rather lively right now. Certainly more lively than you were in the world beyond. Y’SHTOLA: Naturally. That is because I... My master and I have always tried to solve the origins of the world. Y’SHTOLA: Being able to cross into this reflection and explore it is an opportunity like none other. The information that might be gathered here is intellectually exciting. Y’SHTOLA: And what about you, Thancred? After meeting the princess you longed for... are you happy? THANCRED: Neither you nor I are children, so cut the sarcasm. ...I’m going to do some scouting.)
LOCALIZATION Thancred: I must say, Y'shtola...while most of us have struggled to come to terms with our altered circumstances, you seem to have adapted rather well. Y'shtola: Lest you forget, Master Matoya and I dedicated our lives to uncovering the truth which hides at the heart of our world. Y'shtola: Though separate, the fate of this reflection is nevertheless bound to that of our home. That I would be daunted by such an invaluable opportunity is absurd. Y'shtola: But what of you, Thancred? Could it be that you are still struggling to “come to terms” with the nature of your young companion? Thancred: My “struggles” are none of your concern. Quite why you would speak thus─and in this company─I do not know. Perhaps you left more of yourself back in the Source than I assumed. If you'll excuse me.
ミンフィリア : あの……違うんです。 サンクレッドは、私が本物じゃないから……。 ヤ・シュトラ : 思いどおりにならない理由を挙げるのは簡単よ。 大事なのは、それにどう対処するかだわ。 ヤ・シュトラ : とくに、あなたたちの抱えているものは大きい。 ただ待っていても、誰も肩代わりはしてくれなくてよ。 ヤ・シュトラ : あなたも散策に行ってきなさいな。 新しいものに触れれば、違う考え方もできるかもしれないわ。
MINFILIA: Um... I think you’ve misunderstood. Thancred, he... he knows I’m not the real Minfilia... so... Y’SHTOLA: It is simple, is it not, child? To sit and enumerate the myriad forces working to keep you from your heart’s desire. Far more difficult — and more important — is how you plan to combat those forces. Y’SHTOLA: We must all learn to carry our own weight. Wait as you will, none will shoulder your burdens for you. Y’SHTOLA: Why not go for a breath of fresh air? Perhaps, given time, you will learn to think differently.
(I fully admit I may have misinterpreted something about Y’shtola’s monologue here, as it’s pretty vague and hard to follow. Here’s the rough reading of what I was working with:
Y’SHTOLA: It’s easy to list the reasons that things won’t turn out as you want them to. But the important thing is how you deal with them. Y’SHTOLA: The burdens that you all have are heavy. But even if you wait, nobody else will take on those burdens for you. Y’SHTOLA: ...You should go for a walk. If you come across something new, you might be able to think differently.)
LOCALIZATION Minfilia: He understands that I'm not the same. That I'm not her. Y'shtola: Understands, perhaps, but does not accept. The question being whether he ever will. Y'shtola: And whether you will, more importantly. As difficult as your circumstances may be, they are yours, not his. 'Tis you and you alone who bears ultimate responsibility for your life. Y'shtola: But you need not make any hard choices now. Why not go and get some fresh air─clear your head?
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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[Initial] 5★ Will (Normal) Translation
第2話 彼の作風 Chapter 2: His literary style
CV: 石田 彰  (Ishida Akira)
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
ウィル「あと……気をつけてね。うっかりこの敷地で迷って……その後、姿を見た人はいない……」 Will: And also...Do be careful. If you ever get careless and get lost in the premises here...No one might be able to find you ever again...
ラン「え…―」 Ran: Whaー...
ウィル「なーんて…… うーん!出会ったときよりいい顔してる!!」 Will: Just joking! Yes! You’re making way better expression than when I first picked you up!!
不安を抱きながら、彼の後についてスタジオにお邪魔すると…―。 I followed after him into the shooting area, unable to shake of the uneasiness I feltー...
そこには新たな驚きが待っていた。 A new surprise had been awaiting me there.
(何だろう、ここ……ちょっと怖いな……) (I wonder why? This place’s a little scary…)
彼に手を引かれて歩くスタジオは、まるでおどろおどろしいホラーハウスのようだった。 The shooting location he had led me through hand-in-hand looked like part of a terribly terrifying haunted house from horrors. 
所々に蜘蛛の巣が張り、血糊の類が辺りを汚している…… There were spider-webs stretched out in places and bloody gore decorating the surroundings...
ラン「一体ここは……?」 Ran: Where exactly are we…?
ウィル「映画のセット、ちょっと暗いから足元に注意してね」 Will: The movie set’s a little dark so please watch your step.
そう言って振り向いた彼は、少し妙な表情をしていた。 He was making a rather strange expression when I turned around to look at him.
(な、何だろう……) (I wonder what he’s up to…)
さきほどまでの楽しそうな笑みは消え、神妙な面持ちでスタジオをゆっくりと歩いている。 The cheerful smile he had on ever since earlier had disappeared and he meekly made his way through the set.
ウィル「僕にしっかりとついてきてね……でないと……」 Will: Stick close to me...Otherwise...
ほとんどつぶやくように発せられる監督の言葉は、最後まで聞きとることができなかった。 The director murmured softly, so soft that I didn’t manage to catch what he said completely.
ラン「え……最後がちょっと、聞こえ……」 Ran: Wha? Wait, director? I didn’t really hear…)
言い終わらないうちに、引かれる力が強くなり、歩くペースが早くなる。 I felt the tug on my hand grow even stronger despite how I hadn’t managed to catch what he said. We increased our pace.
薄暗い闇に沈む彼の姿は、まるで死の世界の案内人……なぜだか、そんな雰囲気を感じた。 The figure of him slowly sinking deeper into the darkness reminded me of how a grim reaper would lead one into the world of death. I didn’t know why, but that was what it felt like...
ラン「……」 Ran: ……
怖さを払拭するために、私はぎゅっと手のひらを握って辺りを見渡す。 Trying to shake of the fear, I tightened my grip on his hand and glanced around.
(変わったお城……セットとは思えないほど作りもリアル) (What a strange castle...It’s so realistically real that the thought of it being a set would never have crossed my mind.)
見渡せば見渡すほどに、そのリアルさに体が震え出してしまう。 The more I looked at it, the more real it seemed and it sent trembles running through my being.
ウィル「……クッ」 Will: …… Kuku.
(……監督?) (...Director?)
前を歩く監督が、肩を震わせているような気がした…―。 I had an inkling that his shoulders were shaking from barely restrained mirth in front of meー...
… …
…… ……
乱雑に散らかっているスタジオの中を、物をよけながら進むと、少し開けたスペースが見える。 机の上にパソコンや、紙の資料が山のように積みあがっている。 Standing in the cluttered studio of his, I could only make out a handful of open spaces. The papers and documents on his desk were all piled up like a mountain.
ウィル「さあ、どうぞ。ここが僕の作業スペース」 Will: Here, come in. This is my workspace.
さきほどの雰囲気をたたえたまま、にたりと笑ってウィル監督が私に説明をする。 Making no move to disperse the earlier atmosphere, the director chuckled as he started explaining.
(あれ、思ったよりも……) (Huh. It’s more normal than I thought it would be…)
もっと雑然とした場所を想像していたけれど、案内されたスタジオは、綺麗に整理されている。 I imagined that he’d have a much more cluttered studio but it was actually rather clean and tidy in general. 
けれど、次の瞬間…―。 But right at the very next momentー...
ラン「……!」 Ran: ……!
目に入ってきた映像に、私の体は固まった。 The video that my eyes fell upon made me freeze.
目の前にある大きなモニターに映し出されていた映像は…―。 Projected on the big monitor right in front of me was none other thanー...
ラン「……!!!」 Ran: ……!!!
ウィル「あれあれ? どうしちゃったの?」 Will: My, my? What’s the matter?
ラン「あ、あの、ウィル監督の作る映画って……」 Ran: Uh, um! Say, is the movie you’re shooting right now a...
ウィル「あれ? うん、言ってなかったっけ?」 Will: Huh? Wait, hmm, did I not tell you?
その瞬間…―。 And thenー...
左右にあったスピーカーから絹を裂くような女の悲鳴が上がった…… The shrill scream of the woman depicted on the screen sounded from speakers on both sides...
ウィル「いい悲鳴だろう? そう、僕はホラー映画監督、ウィル・ビートンだよ」 Will: Nice scream, isn’t it? That’s right, I’m the horror movie director, Will Veaton.
ラン「!」 Ran: !
(どうしよう……ホラーはあまり……) (Oh no...I’m not...Too good with horror…)
背筋が寒くなって、辺りを落ち着かない気分で見まわす。 I felt my spine run cold as I looked around uncomfortably.
ウィル「もしかして、君、ホラーは苦手なタイプ?」 Will: Could you perhaps be someone who’s no good with horror?
ニヤついた笑みを浮かべて聞いてきた監督に…… I replied the smirking director with…
Choice: 苦手…… I’m no good with it……  (SUN)
ラン「は、はい……苦手です」 Ran: Y-Yes...I’m actually no good with it.
ウィル「へえ……」 Will: Heh?
かすかに彼が眉を上げた。 He raised his eyebrows slightly.
Choice: 全然平気 I’m totally okay with it. (MOON)
ラン「ぜ、全然平気です……っ」 Ran: I’m t-totally okay with it...
ウィル「ふうん……」 Will: Oh…… ?
監督が口元に浮かべた笑みがさらに深くなる。 The smirk the director had on his face only grew.
その瞬間――雷の音が鳴り響き、部屋の明かりが消えた。 Right at that moment―― The roar of thunder sounded and all the lights in the room went out.
ラン「……っっ!?」 Ran: ……!?
恐怖に思わず監督へ手を伸ばし、触れた布をぎゅっと握りしめた。 Fearful, I unconsciously reached out towards him and held on tight to whatever part of his clothes my hands had gotten a grip on.
すると…… And then...
ラン「え……?」 Ran: Huh…?
部屋の明かりが点灯し、くすくすと笑う声が聞こえた。 The room lit up once more as the lights came back on and I could hear chuckling.
顔を上げれば、至近距離で監督が笑っている。 Raising my head, I saw the director shaking with laughter near me.
しかもしがみ付いた私の腰をしっかりと監督の腕が支えていて…… Including the fact that I was actually clinging to his arm with my entire body pressed to it.
ラン「!!」 Ran: !!
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慌てて彼の腕から身を引く。 Flustered, I jumped away from him.
ウィル「やっぱり、可愛い女の子が怖がる表情って最高にいいね! Will: A cute girl’s utterly terrified expression’s really the best after all!
ウィル「僕、創作意欲が湧いてきちゃったよ。 あっ、今の君の感じ、メモに残しておこう!」 Will: I feel my motivation rising and my creative juices flowing. Oh! I should note how you looked like earlier!
心底楽しそうな顔をして、彼はメモを取り始める。 He started jotting down notes with an expression that seemed like he genuinely enjoyed what just transpired.
ラン「か、監督……今のってまさか」 Ran: Director? ...You couldn’t have done that on purpose, did you…?
ウィル「……ククッ」 Will: …… Kuku.
メガネのフレームを中指で上げて、彼が微笑する。 Adjusting the frame of his glasses with his middle finger, he grinned.
ウィル「君、だんだんいい感じになってきたよ! ここに来るまでの間の様子も、なかなかよかった!!」 Will: You’re looking more and more like a brilliant prospect! And you’re also gradually looking way better than when you first came here!!
ラン「! ま、まさか……楽しんでたんですか!?」 Ran: ! You...D-Don’t tell me you’re actually enjoying this!?
ウィル「楽しんでた? まさか、そんな酷い男に見えるかい?」 Will: Enjoying this? No way, do I look like I’m such a terrible man?
ウィル監督はわざとらしく眉をひそめて首を左右に振る。 Director Will furrowed his eyebrows as he craned his neck left and right.
ウィル「ちょっとした実験……ロケハンみたいな……ほら!」 Will: That was just a little experiment...Something like going on a location hunt...See?
おどけた様子で、監督がパンと手を鳴らす。 Almost as if he was about to pull another antic, Will clapped his hands together to form a resounding boom-like sound.
ウィル「記録活動だよ。 人はどんなときに、どのように怖がるのか。しっかりメモを取らせてもらうよ。君の一挙一動を、ね♪」 Will: It's a recording activity of sorts to see when and how someone gets afraid. I'll be taking concise notes of everything! Including your each and every move♪
彼は、ぺろりと舌なめずりする。 He licked his lips.
そんなウィル監督の突飛な様子に、私はただ呆然と立ち尽くしてしまっていたのだった…―。 I could only stand there, stunned at how erratic Director Will was acting—...
つづく… To be continued...
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jokertrap-ran · 7 years
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[あなたに生け花]西園寺蓮 (SR) [A Flower Arrangement For You] Saionji Ren (SR) Translations 私達の未来のお話 Talking about our future
家元の技……その目に焼き付けてください。 Please engrave…the head of school’s technique into your mind.
All Episodes Translations : Translator’s note : *MC’s name shall remain as Moca) Spoiler friendly : Translations under cut ! Script Credit @saionjers!!! Thank you for sensei ren Takamura Sensei’s butler story scripts!!!
ボーイフレンド(仮)Translation Masterlist
Chapter 1:
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
あなたは自分の将来について、どのようにお考えですか? How do you think your future will be like?
えっ……? どうしたんですか、急にそんなことを聞くなんて。 Eh…? Why are you asking something like that out of the blue?
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
ああ、すみません。確かに唐突な質問でしたね。 Ahh, my apologies. It’s certainly a sudden question. なんとなく、10年後の自分を想像していたのですが、 I was imagining how I’d be 10 years down the road for some reason or another and そのとき私の隣にあなたがいるのか気になりまして…… was curious if you’d be by my side then… ──では、今日は、このくらいにしておきましょうか…… --Well then, I guess I should end the lesson here for today…
はい。先生、御指導ありがとうございました。 Okay. Thank you for your teachings, Sensei.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
……おや、気がつけば外はもう真っ暗ですね。 …My, it’s already pitch black outside now that I notice it. 指導に夢中でいたせいか、時間を忘れていたようです。 It seems as if I’ve totally forgotten about the time. I wonder if it’s because I was too absorbed in teaching?
そこまで熱心に指導をしていただけて、うれしいです。 Just the fact that you’re teaching me so enthusiastically makes me glad.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ……、いえ、うれしいのはむしろ私のほうですよ。 Fufu…No. On the contrary, I’m the one who’s glad. あなたは、私が家元になってからの一番最初の弟子です。 You’re the first disciple I’ve ever had ever since I took up the position of being the head of the school. そしてそれと同時に、最高の弟子でもあります。 At the same time, you’re also the best disciple I’ve ever had. こんなに優秀な弟子を持てて、私は果報者ですよ。 I’m really a lucky fellow to have such a talented disciple like you.
そ、そんな……身に余るお言葉です……! N-Not at all…I’m not worthy of those words…!
Chapter 2:  
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
あなたが私の弟子になって、5年が経ちますね。 5 Years have passed since you’ve become my disciple.
! もうそんなに……。時間の流れは速いですね。 ! It’s already been that long…Time really flies by.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ、本当にその通りです。あの頃が懐かしいですね。 Fufu, it’s just as you say. Those days are really nostalgic. そういえば最初、あなたは入門の誘いを断っていましたよね。 Come to think of it, you did turn down the invitation to get yourself enrolled, didn’t you?
それは……自分が生け花をやる姿なんて、想像できなくて。 That’s because…I couldn’t ever imagine myself doing flower arrangement.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
私は最初から、あなたには才能があると確信していましたよ。I believed that you had the talent for it ever since the beginning. そして実際に、その才能はこうして開花しました── And now, just like this, that talent of yours has indeed bloomed--
……えっ、私って、生け花の才能があったんですか!? …Eh? I have a talent for flower arranging!?
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
そうであったらいいな、という私の願望です。 It’ll be nice if that was really true but it’s actually just one of my desires. ですが、あながち的外れでもないと思いますよ。 However, I don’t think that it’s totally irrelevant when applied to you. あなたの手元を見ていると、きっととても美しい作品を、 Whenever I look at those hands of yours, I’ll always think about how those fingers その指から紡ぎだしてくれるのではないかと思えてきます。 might have the ability to create an absolutely gorgeous piece of work.
そ、そうなんですか? 思ったこともありませんでしたが…… I-Is that so? It’s not something that has ever crossed my mind to be honest…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ……本当に才能があるのかどうか、試してみたいですね。 Fufu…I’d definitely like to test out whether or not you have that talent in you. 近いうち、私が直々に生け花を教えて差し上げましょう。 Do allow me to personally teach you flower arrangement sometime in the near future.
Chapter 3:
ふふ、あのとき熱心に誘っていただいて、感謝しています。 Hehe, I’m thankful that you tried to invite me all so enthusiastically back then. そうでなければ、今の私はありませんから……。 Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here right now…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
あなたを弟子にした理由は才能だけではありませんよ。 The reason I made you my disciple wasn’t only because of your talent. フフ……、Mocaさん、わかっているでしょう? Fufu…Moca-san, you know that, don’t you?
え……? ……あっ……! Eh…? …Ah…!
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
あなたの肩は、本当に華奢ですね。ずっと変わらない…… Your shoulders are really delicate. They never do change… こんなふうに力をこめて抱きしめると、壊れてしまいそうですよ。 It almost feels as if they’d break if I strongly embrace you in this manner.
あ、あの、先生……。……ど、どうして私を抱きしめて……? U-Um, sensei……W-Why are you hugging me…?
 西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
……、おや、驚きました。これでも、気づかれないのですか? …Oh, that’s a surprise. Have you yet to realise even with this? まったく……あなたは相変わらず、鈍感なのですね。 Honestly…you’re still as dense as ever. ですが、それが魅力で……あなたらしさでもあります。 Though that’s also attractive and very much like you to do so. フフ……はっきりと言いましょう。私はあなたをずっと…… Fufu…I’ll lay it out clearly for you. I’ve always… 傍に置いておきたいと、学生の頃から思っていたのですよ。 Wanted to keep you by my side ever since I as a student. さあ、その顔をこちらに向けてください、Mocaさん……。 Now, please turn your face towards this side, Moca-san…
あっ……先生──。 Ah…Sensei--
Chapter 4:  
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
どうしたのです? 恥ずかしがることはありません。 Is something the matter? There’s no need for you to be embarrassed about it. 今は私とあなたのふたりだけ……他は誰も見ていません。 There are only the two of us here…no one’ll see.
せ、先生、いけません……あっ──! S-Sensei, you can’t…ah--!
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや……、申し訳ありません。押し倒してしまいました。ですが、 Oh my…I do apologise. It seems like I’ve pushed you over. However, 優しく倒したつもりです。あなたを傷つけたくはありませんから。 It was in my intentions to gently push you over. This is so that you wouldn’t get hurt. ……フフ……、素敵な表情ですよ、Mocaさん。 …Fufu…that’s a brilliant expression you’re making there, Moca-san. 驚き……、緊張……、不安……。いや、どれも違うでしょうか。 Surprise…Nervousness…Uncertainty…No, I guess all of them are different. なんにせよ、素晴らしい表情ですね。とても美しいです……。 In any case, that’s still an excellent expression. It’s absolutely beautiful…
そ、そんなに、見つめないでください。恥ずかしい……です。 P-Please don’t stare at me so much. It’s…embarrassing.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや、どうして目を逸らしてしまうのです? Oh? Why are you averting your eyes? 私に見つめられることに慣れてもらわないと、困りますよ。 I’ll be troubled if you don’t get used to me staring at you. あなたは私の妻になって、今後も共に過ごすのですから── That’s because you’ll become my wife and live together with me in the future--
えっ!? つ、妻に……ですか!? Eh!? A-As your wife…you say!?
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや……Mocaさん、何をそんなに驚いているのです? My…Moca-san, what are you so shocked about?
だ、だって、そんなこと急に言われても、こ、困ります……。 T-That’s because, I mean, saying something so sudden like that t-troubles me too…
Chapter 5:
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ……どうして今のあなたが戸惑われるのですか? Fufu…why are you feeling at a loss now? さっきの言葉は、10年後の私の言葉だというのに── Even though the words I just said are ones from the me 10 years down the road-- Mocaさん、あなたは私の妻にはなっていただけないのですか? Moca-san, won’t you become my wife?
せ、先生のお嫁さんなんて、考えたこともなかったです。 I-I’ve never thought of being your wife.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
……そう、でしたか。それは少々、寂しいですね……。 …I see, is that so. That’s a little sad… では、やがて私の前から去ってしまうおつもりなのですか? Then, are you intending on leaving me sooner or later?
そうではありません。私はずっと先生の元で学びたいです。 Not at all. I want to learn from you forever. ただ、自分が西園寺家の妻に相応しいとは思えません…… It’s just that I don’t think of myself as someone worthy to marry into the Saionji Family.
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
Mocaさん……心配は杞憂です。何も怖がることはありませんよ。 Moca-san…those worries of yours are groundless. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of.
え……? ……! せ、先生、今、唇が── Eh…? …! S-Sensei, just now, your lips--
 西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
……あなただけは特別です。何があっても、離しはしません。 …You’re the only special one. I won’t let you go no matter what happens. どうすれば、あなたは逃げずに私の傍にいてくれるのか…… What can I do, for you to stay by my side without running away…? ……ああ、そうです。いいことを思いつきました。フフ…… …Ahh, right. I’ve thought up of something good. Fufu… あなたが私の作品であれば、離れることはできないでしょう? You won’t be able to leave me if you’re my work, aren’t you? さあ……、今からあなたを、私の手で飾り立ててさしあげますよ。 Let’s see…then I’ll just have to decorate you with my own hands from now on.
Chapter 6:
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
まずはこの花で、あなたの髪を色とりどりに咲かせましょう。 First of all, let’s use this flower to add some colours to your hair. フフ……とても美しいですよ。やはりあなたは花が似合います。 Fufu…it’s very lovely on you. It really does suit you after all. さあ……髪だけではもったいありません。胸元にも、ここにも…… Now…it’ll be a waste just to do up your hair. I’ll put one on your chest, one over here too… Mocaさんがどんどん私の手で作品に生まれ変わっていますよ。 You’re gradually being reborn as one of my works by my own hand.
せ、先生、私…… S-Sensei, I…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや……不安そうな顔をしていますね。でも安心してください。 Oh…? You’re making a troubled expression. However, please do rest assured. 私は家元です。つまり、西園寺流の看板を背負っているのです。 I’m the head of a school. In other words, I’m the figurehead of the Saionji style. あなたを無様な姿にするわけがありません。さあ、身を任せて── There’s no way that I’d make you unsightly. Now, leave your body to me-- ……これが最後の1輪です。さあ……、いよいよ完成ですよ。 …This is the last one. Now…it’s finally completed. ああ、これこそ美と美の融合。素晴らしい美しさです……。 Ahh, this is truly a fusion between beauty and beauty. What enthralling… Mocaさん。これであなたは、私の作品になりました。 Moca-san. You’ve become one of my works with this. つまりあなたは私の物……。もう、離れることはできません。 In other words, you’re mine…You can no longer leave my side.
せ、先輩、いくら斬新な生け花が好きだからって、それは……。 S-Senpai, no matter how much you like innovative flower arrangements, this is…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや……、別に、思いつきでやっているわけではありませんよ。 Oh…? It’s not like I’m doing this on a whim. あなたと花の融合は、かつて出会ったときからの夢ですからね。 It has been a dream of mine to put you to a flower ever since we met.
Chapter 7:
あっ、あの……っ! 西園寺先生……! U-Um…! Saionji-sensei…! わ、私は……先生にとって、他の生け花と同じように…… A-Am I…the same as the other flower arrangements to you… 西園寺流の世界を表現するためだけの存在なのでしょうか? An existence just to spread the Saionji Style to the world?
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
……。……どうやらあなたは、勘違いをしているようですね。 ……It somehow seems like you’re misunderstanding something.
そんなふうに涙をこぼす前に……尋ねてくだされば良かったのに。 You ought to have just asked me…before spilling tears just like that.
……! わ、私、涙が……。 …! M-My tears…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ……そんなに心配ならば、きちんと説明してさしあげますよ。 Fufu…I’ll explain it to you from head to tail if you’re that worried. ほら、こちらへ……フフ、あなたの胸元から良い香りがしますね。 Come on, come over here…fufu, there’s a nice fragrance coming from your chest area. 生け花は私を象る対象です。私のすべてと言ってもいいでしょう。 Flower arrangement is something that represents me. You can say that it’s my entity. ですが…あなたは違います。Mocaさん、あなたはあなたです。 However…you’re different. Moca-san, you are yourself. 今はまだひとりの独立した存在…だからこそ不安でした。 You’re still an independent existence by yourself…that’s why you’re feeling troubled. 早くあなたを私の中に取り込み、私のものにしたかったのです。 I want to hurry and take you inside me and make you mine. 私はあなたのすべてと、ひとつに繋がりたいと思っています。 You can think of it as the connection between you and my entity. ……最初はただ、あなたの才能に惚れただけというのに…… …Even though it was just simply me falling for your talent at the very beginning… 不思議ですね。今は、あなたの存在そのものに焦がれていますよ。 It’s strange. I’m currently in love with your very existence in and of itself.
Chapter 8:
西園寺、先生……、そんなふうに思ってくれていたんですね……。 Saionji-sensei...so that was how you thought of it as…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
フフ……わかったのであれば、もう、泣かないことですよ。 Fufu…if you understand then all that’s left for you to do is to stop crying.
……! はい……! すみません、私、うれしくて…… …! Okay…! Sorry, I’m just so happy…
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
さあ……Mocaさん。私の妻に……なっていただけますね? Now…Moca-san. You’ll become my wife…won’t you?
もちろんです。西園寺先生、私は、あなたの妻に── Of course. Saionji-sensei, I’ll be your wi— ちょ、ちょ、ちょっと待ってください! W-W-Wait a moment!
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
おや。どうしましたか? 急に大声など上げて……。 Oh. What’s wrong? Raising your voice all of a sudden like that…
あ、あの、いつの間にか、私と先輩が結婚することに……! U-Um, since when was I to marry you…!?
西園寺 蓮 Saionji Ren
ええ、それが何か? これは、私達の未来のお話なのですよ? Yes, is there something wrong with it? This is our talk of the future, you know? 永遠の愛を誓うのは、当然とも言うべき展開でしょう。 Swearing eternal love for each other is a matter that’ll no doubt come in due time. ……これが、私自身が決めた、私のただひとつの未来です。 …This is my one and only future that I’ve decided for myself. 人の決めた道など歩みません。許嫁も何もかも、関係ありません。 I will not proceed down onto the path that people have chosen for me. No matter if I have a fiancé or anything, none of them matters. 私の生涯の伴侶はあなただ、と──決まっているのですからね。 That’s because I have decided that—you’ll be my lifelong companion. さあ、Mocaさん。顔をこちらに向けてください……。 Now, Moca-san. Please turn your face this way…
(……! 先輩の瞳から、目が逸らせない。唇が、近づいて──) (…! I can’t avert my eyes away from his gaze. His lips are closing in--)
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jokertrap-ran · 7 years
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Brothers Conflict ~BRILLIANT BLUE ~Asahina Ukyo Route Stay-Over Translations (Part 4)
Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
***IMPORTANT! These stay-over scenes are randomized so if you’re staying over, the texts you’re looking for might span across the whole stay-over master-list depending on factors!! (Don’t worry, they’re character exclusive)****
右京: ところで……朝起きられないというのは、ゲームでもして夜更かしをしているからではないのですか?
Ukyo: By the way…...isn’t the reason behind you being unable to wake up in the morning because you’ve being stayed up late at night gaming?
ラン: え!?い、いえ……、そういうわけじゃないんですけど……。
Ran:  Eh!? N-No……, that’s not the case though…...
右京: では、どういうわけでしょうか?
Ukyo:  Then, why’s it so?
ラン: (す、鋭い視線……!こんな目で見られたら、うそなんてつけないよ……)
Ran:  (He’s giving me a really s-sharp gaze……! I can’t lie when being seen with those eyes…...)
ラン: ……すみません。右京さんの言う通りです。つい……。
Ran:  …...Sorry. It’s just as you said. I just couldn’t help it…...
右京: そうでしょうね……。まったく、あなたという人は……。
Ukyo: I guess that was how it is…...honestly, people like you are really…...
ラン: (びっくりするくらい、見透かされてた……)
Ran:  (As much as I’m surprised, to think that I’d actually been found out…...)
右京: まあ、あなたは侑介と違って、きちんと勉強もしているようですから、大目に見ますが……。
Ukyo:  Well, you’re studying properly unlike Yusuke so I’ll overlook it but…...
ラン: あはは……。ありがとうございます……。
Ran:  Ahaha…...thank you very much…...
右京: それにしても……なぜゲームにそこまでハマれるのでしょうね……。一体、何が面白いのですか?
Ukyo:  Even so…...I wonder why a game’s so addictive…...what on earth is so interesting about it?
ラン: うーん、そうですねぇ……。
Ran:  Hmm-m, let’s see…...
ラン: 説明しづらいですけど、やっぱり、普通じゃ体験できないことができるからとか……?
Ran: It’s difficult to explain but it’s because it’s something that you’re unable to experience normally and the like……?
右京: ほぉ……。
Ukyo:  Ho…...
ラン: 今プレイしているのはRPGなんですけど、いろんな種族を仲間にすることができて、
Ran:  Just like the RPG I’m playing now, you’re able to make friends with various races and it’s really interesting!
右京: 例えば、どのような種族ですか?
Ukyo:  For example, what kind of races?
ラン: えっと……堕天使とかゾンビとか。
Ran:  Err…...like fallen angels and zombies.
右京: ……!? だ、堕天使とゾンビを仲間に?それは確かに、普通ではありえない出来事ですね……。
Ukyo:  ……!? Being friends with f-fallen angels and zombies? That’s certainly something that’s very unlikely to happen…...
ラン: はい!
Ran:  Yup!
ラン: それに、種族によってはプレイヤーへの忠誠度が低くて、いつ裏切るかわからないんですよ!
Ran: Moreover, their loyalty to the player depends on their race and it differs so I won’t know when they’ll betray me either!
ラン: そういうスリルがたまらないし、すっごくドキドキするんです。
Ran:  That kind of thrill is irresistible and it makes me feel really thrilled.
ラン: 右京さんも今度一緒にやってみませんか?
Ran:  How about you try playing it with me next time?
右京: ……誘っていただいたのはありがたいのですが、私は遠慮しておきます。
Ukyo:  …...I’m thankful for your invitation but I’d refrain from doing so.
ラン: (……ですよねー)
Ran:  (......I knew it-)
右京: それにしても……あなたはスリルやドキドキするようなことを求めて、ゲームをしているんですか?
Ukyo:  Even so…...are you playing games because you seek the thrill and excitement that they give you?
ラン: ええ、まぁ……。そこでしか味わえないですし。
Ran: Well, yeah I guess so…...since I can only experience it there.
右京: そうでしょうか?現実でも簡単に体験できると思いますよ?
Ukyo:  Really? Though I think that you can easily experience it in reality?
ラン: え……?
Ran:  Huh……?
右京: ……さて。もう遅いですし、そろそろ布団に入りましょうか。
Ukyo:  …...Now then. It’s gotten rather late so we should go to bed soon.
ラン: え? あ……はい。
Ran:  Huh? Oh…...yes.
ラン: (あれ? さっきの話はどうなっちゃったんだろう……?)
Ran:  (Huh? I wonder what happened to what we talked about earlier……?)
右京: ちなみに、布団は一組しかありません。
Ukyo:  By the way, there’s only one futon.
ラン: そうなんですか…………って、ええっ!?
Ran:  I see………...wait, what!?
ラン: あ、あのそれって……まさか……右京さんとわたしが一緒に寝るってことじゃ……。
Ran:  U-Um, well…...to think that…...I’ll be sleeping together with you…...
右京: その通りです。……ふふっ。今更、帰るなんて言わせませんよ?
Ukyo:  That’s what it means…...Hehe. I won’t let you say that you’re going to return now all of a sudden.
右京: スリルやドキドキすることをしたいんでしょう?
Ukyo: You want to feel thrills and excitement, right?
右京: それを今日……あなたにじっくり味わわせてあげますよ。
Ukyo: I’ll let you…...have a through taste of that today.
ラン: え……。どういうことですか……?
Ran:  Eh…...What do you mean by that……?
右京: それは、これからのお楽しみです。……もしかしたら、ゲーム以上にハマれるかもしれませんよ?
Ukyo: That’s something you should be looking forward to from now on…...maybe it might beat what you feel from games?
右京: さ……寝ましょうか? 私と。
Ukyo:  Now…...shall we sleep? Together with me.
ラン: (わ、わたし……一体、何をされるんだろ……)
Ran:  (I-I…...I wonder what on earth I’ll be doing…...)
ラン: (確かに、今すごくドキドキしてる。それはゲーム以上だけど……)
Ran:  (I’m certainly feeling really excited right now. More so than while I’m gaming, but…...)
ラン: (余計に眠れなくなっちゃいそうだと思うのは、わたしの気のせいなのかな……)
Ran: (I wonder if it’s just my imagination that I won’t really be able to sleep well…...)
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