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mobageheroine · 19 hours ago
Protagonist (Aka, Ao, Midori) - 赤, 青, 緑
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【 Boyfriend (Kari) 】
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thus-library · 1 year ago
D9. アルバム『thus’s music 21-40: 牙剥かる性善無垢』
(英題)Album: ”thus's music 21-40: Purity Exposed to Others”
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2023/07/19 → 2023/08/07
©℗ Bizarre Description Label
絵: ふゆ(2023) © 2023 ふゆ. Art by ふゆ
narasu配信(2023/08/07 -) https://link-map.jp/links/BHvuXyS9
Ice-cat Y Ice-cat Y
プレデターとベジタリア Predator and Vegetaria **Explicit指定**
フレネミー Frienemy
揺り籠の墓場 A Grave of Cradle
ボーイフレンド(仮) (Temporary) Boyfriend
ブロックレポート The Blocked
新世界 The Unexplored
アナログ情報塔 Analog Radio Tower
パーソナライズド・フローリア FLORIA the Bug
パープルフェイス- Purpled Face -
パープルフェイス+ Purpled Face +
エーテル Aether
グラスハーツ クロニクル A Chronicle of the Loveless
clothes Clothes
スターダストゲイザー The Stardust-Gazer
Bundle Bundle
leftovers Leftovers
フレコンエネミーの不定愁訴 An Eternal Triangle
PseudoAphrodisiac An Exploitee **Explicit指定**
Underdogger Underdogger
パープルフェイス× Purpled Faces x
パープルフェイス× (instrumental) Purpled Faces x (instrumental)
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m4idsn · 18 days ago
あなたのガールフレンドやボーイフレンドが存在しないとき、それは本当に難しいです。 ロマンチックなパートナーとして、私はしばしば仮想キャラクターを知覚します(私はそれらをたくさん持っています)。
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gesuido · 1 year ago
年間目標達成率: 46.51% (前年比-4.50ポイント)
THE WITCH/魔女 —増殖—
イ・ドゥナ! (途中)
悪魔の傾聴 / 中村淳彦 (読了)
ザイム真理教 / 森永卓郎 (読了)
そろそろ左派は〈経済〉を語ろう――レフト3.0の政治経済学 / ブレイディみかこ、松尾匡、北田暁大
あ・じゃ・ぱん! / 矢作俊彦
K-GRAPHIC INDEX 韓国グラフィックカルチャーの現在 / 後藤哲也
プロジェクト・シン・エヴァンゲリオン / 株式会社カラー
No Man's Sky
ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム
スーパーマリオブラザーズ ワンダー
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ranooooo · 2 years ago
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years ago
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[お中元?] 一ノ瀬学 (SR) [Mid-summer Gift?] Ichinose Gaku (SR)
彼氏がモテると大変? It’s rough because my boyfriend’s popular?
うん、今日はいけそうな気がするよ。 Okay, it feels like I can do this today!
All Episodes Translations : Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) Spoiler friendly : Translations under cut !
BF Series Masterlist
Chapter 1:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
こんにちは、一ノ瀬先生。何を読んでるんですか? Hello, Ichinose-sensei. What are you reading?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えっ!? わっ、ランさん……! Wha—!? Wh- Ran-san…!
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すみません、どうかしましたか……? S-Sorry, did I do something…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
い、いやいやなんでもないよ? びっくりしただけだよ。 No, no; you didn't do anything. I was just surprised, is all.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(でも、さすがにびっくりしすぎだったような……) Huh? Ichinose-sensei? Isn't that the one that's being targeted at high school girls…? あれ? 一ノ瀬先生、それって女子高生向けの……? (But that's still way too big of a reaction for simply being surprised…)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
! え、ええと、これは、その……。なんというか。 Er, umm…! This is, uh… How do I put this…
さ、さすがにわかっちゃうよね、君は女子高生だし。 O-Of course you'll recognize it at a glance! I mean, you're a girl in high school after all…
あ、でも! 僕が好きで買ったんじゃないから……! Oh, but—! It wasn't like I bought this because I like it or anything!
忘れ物らしくて、ここに置きっぱなしだったんだ。 I think it's a lost item; since it was left lying out here.
職員室に持って行って、保管しておこうかと思って。 I was thinking of bringing it back to the Staff Room and temporarily keeping it there.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
でも先生、かなり熱心に読んでいたような……。 But you looked like you were really absorbed in reading it…
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku ……………………はは。バレてたか……。 …...Haha. Guess I got found out, huh...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すみません。触れちゃいけないことでしたか? S-Sorry! Did I just overstep a boundary?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
そこまでじゃないけど……。相談に乗ってくれるかな? Not really, but… Will you talk to me about it?
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 2:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
相談、ですか? 私で良けれ���、聞かせてください。 Talk? I'll hear you out if you're willing to let me.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ありがとう。……実はね、この特集を読んでたんだ。 Thank you… I was actually reading this special feature here.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
『今年はコレ欲しい! ガチ狙いホワイトデー特集』? "I want this this year! Special Edition: Let's aim for White Day, for real!"?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
もうすぐホワイトデーでしょ? お返しに悩んでてね。 White Day's coming up soon, no? And I'm a little at a loss as to what I should get as a return gift, you see.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ……。好きな人へのお返し、とかですか? Oh… You mean, you're looking for a return gift for someone you fancy or something?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ち、違うよ、生徒のみんなへ義理チョコのお返しだよ。 N-No. It's for all those students who gave me Obligatory Chocolate.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
義理チョコへのお返しなら、定番のお菓子とか……? If it's just something in return for Obligatory Chocolate, then how about giving them the classic sweet and the like?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
それがね、そう簡単にいかなくて、悩んじゃうんだ。 I mean, what if the students don't like it because I gave them the same thing as last year? Or maybe because it tastes strange?
去年と同じとか、味が微妙だと、生徒から駄目出しが。 Well… I'm worried about that, because wouldn't it be too easy then?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
そ、そうなんですか……? 先生も大変なんですね……。 T-That bad…? Looks like teachers have it pretty hard too...
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。高価なものはお互いに困るし、程々のお値段で。 Yeah. Something expensive would only trouble both sides alike, so it'll have to be something reasonably priced, at least 
後は美味しくて、喜んでもらえるもの。……難しいよ。 And it also has to be something delicious; something they'll be happy to receive. It's really tough…
ランさんなら、どういうお返しが欲しい? What kind of return gift would you like, if you were in their shoes?
この特集に載ってるお菓子に気になるもの、あるかな? Are you interested in any of the sweets on this special feature?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。そうですね……。 Hmm… Well...
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 3:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。どれも美味しそうで選べないです……。 Hmm… I can't really choose since they all look so delicious.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
あはは、わかるよ。美味しそうだし、かわいいしね。 Ahaha, I get you. They all look so delicious and, not to mention, cute.
味が想像つかない見た目のものも、結構あるし……。 There are quite a bit of things where you can't really imagine how they'd taste from how it looks either...
だけど、それじゃあどうしようかな……。……あ、そうか。 But, what should we do, now that it's like this…? Oh… Oh, yes.
味を確かめて買えばいいだけだね。うっかりしてたよ。 All I have to do is to buy it after checking to see how it tastes. I never thought of that.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
確かめる……? Check…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。ホワイトデーコーナーで試食しようかなって。 Yup. I'm thinking of going to try them out at the White Day corner.
片っ端から食べてみて、美味しいのを選べばいいよ。 I just have to start from one end of the line-up they have to offer, and buy those that taste good.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。楽しそうですけど、結構大変そうですね。 Heh… While it does sound fun and all, that also sounds like it'll be quite troublesome.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
まあ、たくさん食べ比べるとしたら骨が折れるよね。 Well, it's really a pain to eat them all and compare them as I go;
でも、みんなに美味しいお菓子をお返ししたいしね。 But I want to give everyone delicious tasting sweets back in return too.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(一ノ瀬先生、やっぱり優しいな……) (He's really nice after all…)
あの……。私も何か、手伝いましょうか? Err… Should I help you with something?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
それって、君も一緒に食べ比べてくれるってこと? You mean, you're willing to come taste-testing with me?
女の子の意見が聞けるなんて、心強いな。ありがとう。 Thank you; It's really reassuring to know that I'll be able to get a girl's opinion on this.
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 4:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(今日は、一ノ瀬先生とお菓子選びに出掛ける日!) (Today's the day I go Sweet Picking with Ichinose-sensei!)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
とりあえず、デパートに行ってみようかと思うんだ。 I'm thinking of going to the Department Store for now.
品揃えも良さそうだし、いろいろ比べやすそうだから。 They have quite an assortment there, so it'll be easier to compare things.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい。きっと素敵なお返しが見つかると思います。 Okay. I'm sure we'll be able to find some brilliant return gifts!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ランさんも、ホワイトデーには期待しているのかな? Are you looking forward to White Day too?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。チョコは、感謝を伝えたくて贈ったので。 Hmm… I only gave out chocolates to convey my gratefulness;
相手に喜んでもらえたなら、それだけで満足です。 So I'm satisfied as long as the receiving party's happy with it.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
気持ちが1番ってことかな? ランさんらしいね。 So, it's the feeling that counts? Sounds like something you'd do.
でも、気持ちを込めた贈り物っていうのも悩むよね。 But even heartfelt presents has their own set of troubles... 
想いは目に見えないし、手作りも一長一短だし……。 Feelings are not something that's visible, so there are also pros and cons to handmade gifts…
ふふ。でもこうして悩むのも、また楽しいよね。 Hehe. But these sort of troubles are also pretty fun.
ランさんもバレンタインでは何を贈るか悩んだ? Did you also mull over what to give others during Valentine's?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい。どんなチョコにしようかなって、いろいろと。 Yeah. Lots, actually; like what kinda chocolate I should go with and the like.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
���っぱり。……そのとき、楽しかった? I knew it. Was it fun…?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。はい。とても楽しかったです。 Heh… Yes; it was very fun indeed.
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 5:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えーと……。ホワイトデー関係の売り場はどこかな? Err… Where are the White Day related things being sold at?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、催事場でフェアが開かれているみたいです。 Oh, it looks like they've opened a fair down at the Exhibition Area.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
よし。たくさん買うから、今日は頑張らないとな~。 Okay! I'll be buying lots of things today, so I really do have to work hard~
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
一ノ瀬先生、どれくらいお返しするんですか? Just how many return gifts are you planning to give?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うーん、50個くらい、かな……。 Hmm… About 50, maybe?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
50個!? た、たくさんもらったんですね……! 50!? You really got a heck ton of gifts!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。まず、生徒のみんな、それに親戚とか……。 Yeah. First, I got them from the students; and then from my relatives and the like...
よく行く書店のおばさん、定食屋のおかみさん……。 Like the old grandmother who runs the bookshop I frequent, and the lady boss of the set meal shop...
後は、馴染みのスーパーやコンビニの店員さん、かな。 And also the employees from the supermarket and the convenience store that I've been a patron of for years, I suppose.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すごいです、一ノ瀬先生……。 W-Wow, Ichinose-sensei...
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
もらうだけもらって終わり、なんていけないからね。 I can't just take their gifts and leave it like that after all.
お中元やお歳暮みたいなものだからちゃんとしないと。 Mid-year gifts are like their Year-end gift counterparts, so I've got to do it right.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(ふふ……。一ノ瀬先生って、律儀な人だなあ) (Hehe… He's such a conscientious person!)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ん? ランさん、どうして笑ってるの? Hm? Ran-san? Why are you laughing?
君にもたくさん試食してもらうよ。準備はいいかな? I'm going to have you go on a taste-testing spree. Are you ready? 
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 6:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
わあ……! さすがに、フェア会場は混雑してますね。 Whoa… The fair's really crowded!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。いろんなお菓子がいっぱい並んでいるし……。 Yeah. I mean, there are lots of sweets lined up here after all…
目移りしちゃうね。どこから見ていけばいいかなあ。 It's really difficult to choose; I don’t know where we should start off.
あ、ここにバウムクーヘンがあるよ。いい焼き色だね。 Oh, there are Baumkuchens here. It’s wonderfully baked.
じゃあ早速だけど、ランさん、試食してみてくれる? Now then, let’s get you started at once. How about trying it out, Ran-san?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい! ……わ、しっとりしていて、美味しいです。 Okay! ...Wow, it’s moist and delicious!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ありがとう。次は、クッキーの試食もお願いできる? Thanks. Could I ask you to taste-test the cookie next?
たくさん種類がありすぎて、よくわからないんだ……。 There are way too many different types of them here that I don’t really know which one to go with...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
美味しいです。でも、甘めなので相手を選ぶかも……。 They’re delicious. But it’s sweet, so I think it’ll be dependent on the receiver.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
なるほどなるほど。じゃあ、こっちのマシュマロは? I see, I see. What about the marshmallows here then?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふわっとしていて、優しい甘さで、美味しいです! Soft and fluffy with a gentle sweetness; delicious!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
じゃあ、次は……。こっちのチョコレートはどうかな? Then next up… How about this chocolate?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
……あ、意外とビターで大人の味です。美味しいです。 ...Oh, it’s surprisingly bitter; an adult-like taste. It’s delicious.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
そっか……。参考になるなあ。後は、こっちの―― I see… I’ll keep that in mind. Next, how about this—
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、あの、先生! ちょっと待ってください……! Err, wait a minute— Sensei…!! 
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 7:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ん? どうしたの? まだ食べてる途中だった? Hm? What’s wrong? Were you still in the middle of eating?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
さっきから、私ばかり食べてる気がします……! I feel like I’m the only one doing all the eating since just now!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
あ……。そうだったね、ごめん。つい……。 Oh… You’re right. Sorry, I just couldn’t help it...
君が『すごく美味しい』『幸せ』って顔をするから。 Because you’re making such a “happy face” from how “absolutely delicious” it is.
次はどんな表情をするのか見たくなっちゃって……。 And it made me want to see just what sort of expression you’d make next...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
そ、そんな顔してましたか、私……? W-Was I actually making such a face…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。見ていて、僕も幸せになってきたくらい。 Yup. So much that I was content just by watching you.
いろいろ食べてもらったおかげで、候補を絞れたよ。 I managed to narrow down the selection thanks to you taste-testing a wide variety of things.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
一ノ瀬先生は、食べなくていいんですか……? Are you sure you’re fine with not eating anything…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
僕の味覚より、女子高生の味覚のほうが参考になるから。 Well, a high school girl’s taste-test review will serve as a better reference than my own.
ところで、ランさんが気になっているのって―― By the way, was the one that was to your liking――
このマシュマロじゃないかな? This marshmallow?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、はい。……私、そんなに顔に出ていたんですか? Oh, yes. Did it… Did it really show that much on my face?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。……あ、そんなに赤くならなくても大丈夫だよ。 Yup. Oh… You don’t have to get that flustered by it.
いいことだと思うけどなあ。見てて飽きないし……。 I think it’s a rather good thing, actually. Plus, I won’t ever get bored of watching you...
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— —— 
Chapter 8:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
素直に感情を表せるのって、いいことだと思うんだ。 I think it’s good that you’re honest with how you feel.
君はそれが、とても上手だから……。 Because you’re very good with that...
あ……。えーと、それじゃあ、お会計してくるね。 Oh… Err, I’l go pay for this then.
マシュマロを中心に何種類か買ってみることにするよ。 I’ll just pick out a couple of different varieties from the marshmallow pile and purchase them.
すみません。このマシュマロを、とりあえず30個…… Excuse me. Could I get 30 of these marshmallows, for the time being…?
店員 Shop Employee
はい、ありがとうございます。 Absolutely, thank you.
お隣は彼女さんですか? 彼氏がモテると大変ですね。 Is that your girlfriend beside you? Must be rough since your boyfriend’s so popular.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
えっ? Huh?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えっ? か、彼女なんて、そんな、違いますよ。 Huh? G-Girlfriend? No, no; you’re mistaken.
僕らはそういう関係ではまったくなくて、ですね……! We don’t have that sort of relationship between us; right…!?
ど、どうしよう、あまり否定すると逆に変かな……!? Uh oh, oh no; will denying it only make it seem weirder…!?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ごめんね、ランさん。誤解されちゃったみたいで…… Sorry, Ran-san. It looks like we both got misunderstood there... 
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。私は大丈夫ですよ、一ノ瀬先生。 Hehe… Don’t worry about it, Ichinose-sensei.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
だ、大丈夫って言っても、あの、その……っ! E-Even if you’re okay with it―― Um, err… 
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(慌てる一ノ瀬先生って、ちょっと……かわいいかも) (I think Ichinose-sensei’s kinda a little cute when he gets all flustered like that...)
—— ≿ -————❈ ⚜  𝔉𝔦𝔫.  ♔❈————-≾ ——
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yamazaki-ruka · 6 years ago
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Guys, BF Kari on Spotify!
Made myself a playlist right away xD
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kiraboi · 5 years ago
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Just unlocked Kishin's short comic! ^ω^
But I can't understand ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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eldylabor · 6 years ago
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mi0ya · 7 years ago
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suechie · 7 years ago
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d-sakamaki01 · 8 years ago
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Game : Boyfriend (kari) Event CG
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umnmaya-blog · 8 years ago
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spooderjen · 8 years ago
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Collab fan art of Watase Chisato from Boyfriend (Beta)
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crazy-moko · 4 years ago
Boyfriend (Beta): Sagisaka Shu (SSR) - Planetary Chocolate
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CV: Sakurai Takahiro
Proofreaders: ~ Mizu 水野はな ~
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane
IMPORTANT: Under a friend’s suggestion, I will be reposting my old translation of Boyfriend (Beta) from my blogspot on this tumblr as well. Only the ones I have posted of course. But I will change a few things here and there. Looking at my blogspot again, I see everything was terribly made and some things were hard to read. I did this translation years ago so the quality might be bad. I didn’t change much either.
Like a Couple’s Relationship
Chapter 1
Takamiya Akane: (Hmm, where’s the next lesson’s notes…… found it)
Sagisaka Shu: --Akane. Can we talk?
Takamiya Akane: Ah, Sagisaka-kun. It’s rare for you to visit my class. What’s wrong?
Sagisaka Shu: Do you have any plans next Thursday after school?
Takamiya Akane: If you’re talking about next Thursday…… it’s the 14th. No, I have nothing planned.
Sagisaka Shu: If you’d like, do you want to go together to this?
Takamiya Akane: This is the Valentine’s day Illumination Event flyer……?
Sagisaka Shu: Yup. It seems like it will be held at the central park for a few days. The guy from the editorial department from my previous job had work so he gave me his couple’s ticket to the event.
Takamiya Akane: I see. Wow, there’s a mini live concert on the 14th, and a workshop too. It looks fun…… Ah, but―― This is a Valentine’s event right? Are you fine going to the event with me? It’s a special day after all, isn’t it better if you spend it with your precious person……?
Sagisaka Shu: To me, you are a precious person. That’s why I want to go with you.
Takamiya Akane: (Eh, does he mean…… Ah, I see. He meant it as a precious friend) Thank you for inviting me. If you’re fine with it, please let me go with you.
Sagisaka Shu: That’s great. Since the event starts in the evening, on the 14th, shall we go home from school temporarily and meet up again after that?
Takamiya Akane: I agree. That way, we’ll be able to leave our stuff. *Giggles* I really look forward to it. (Ah, I should bring along chocolates later to thank him for the ticket)
Chapter 2
Sagisaka Shu: It’s as the weather forecast predicted, it’s great that the sky is clear.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles* I feel the same way. ――Ah, which reminds me, thank you for today. Even though it’s cold, you went out of your way to meet me at my house…….
Sagisaka Shu: We met up late because of me so please don’t worry about it.
Takamiya Akane: If I remember correctly, you said you were at the astronomy club’s meeting.
Sagisaka Shu: Yes. It was suddenly decided this morning. Since it was an important meeting, the club president told me that I should definitely attend, I couldn’t refuse……. After the meeting ended, I went home to get the tickets, but it was already late. Actually, I wanted to reach the meeting place earlier and take a look around but……
Takamiya Akane: It couldn't be helped since you had club activities. You need to change into warmer clothes as well, and since the event had just started, I believe that there is still so much more for us to enjoy.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah, you’re right……. But Akane, I always thought of spending more time together with you even for a little while longer.
Takamiya Akane: Sagisaka-kun……. (That means, he has fun whenever I’m with him, right? I’m really happy that that he thought about it that way)
Takamiya Akane: Ah, I see it. ――Wow, it’s beautiful……!
Sagisaka Shu: It is really is……. I’ve come to this park many times but somehow, it looks like a completely different place today. I’m so glad that I came to see this with you.
Chapter 3
Takamiya Akane: ――Weird? Those people over there, are they perhaps TV station crew……?
Sagisaka Shu: Since they’re holding cameras and microphones, they probably are. This event is even featured in the magazines so they are probably here to collect data.
Takamiya Akane: (Wa-, my eyes met the female reporter’s eyes)
Reporter: I immediately found a lovely couple. Let’s hear what they have to say!
Takamiya Akane: (Eh, co-, couple!? Is she referring to us……!?)
Reporter: Good evening! Please let us know your thoughts on the illumination.
Sagisaka Shu: Eh? Well…… I think it’s beautiful. Besides, I’m really enjoying myself. It’s probably because I’m watching it with my special person.
Reporter: Special person is it……?! Both of you are really lovey-dovey aren’t you!
Takamiya Akane: Tha-, that’s not it, our relationship is noth-……!
Reporter: Mr. Boyfriend, which part of your girlfriend do you think is the most charming?
Sagisaka Shu: Well…… I like her cuteness and her kindness――plus, the part where she always smiles as she listens to me speak, I think that it’s great.
Takamiya Akane: (Be-, being praised in such a straightforward way is kind of embarrassing…... The interview somehow ended but…...) I-, in the end she thought of us as a couple throughout the interview.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah…… Now that I think about it, she mentioned the word “couple” when she called out to us. I don’t particularly mind and I don’t mind being mistaken as a couple if it’s with you.
Takamiya Akane: (Sa-, Sagisaka-kun sometimes say amazing things without realising it)
Chapter 4
Takamiya Akane: The mini live concert was amazing.
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah. Where shall we go nex――, ah, it’s already this late…….
Takamiya Akane: Ah, it really is. Somehow it felt like time just flew by. But, I had a lot of fun――…….*sneezes*!
Sagisaka Shu: Akane, perhaps you’re cold?
Takamiya Akane: Yup. We’re always staying outside after all and my fingers feel really cold……. I should’ve brought out my gloves. Ah……. (Sagisaka-kun is wrapping my hands with his…...)
Sagisaka Shu: It really is cold……. Your hands feel like ice. I would lend you my gloves but I didn’t wear them today as well…… I know. If we do it this, it will warm you up a little.
Takamiya Akane: (Omg, Sagisaka-kun stuffed my hands into his pockets……!?)
Sagisaka Shu: ――Your hands, are really small. Somehow, they make me want to protect them.
Takamiya Akane: (*Whimpers*, in this situation, we look like an actual couple…...)
Sagisaka Shu: It looks like it’s almost closing time. It’s late as well so I’ll send you home.
Takamiya Akane: Eh, but for you to go that far, I’d feel bad.
Sagisaka Shu: I’m sending you home because I’m worried. Can't I ……?
Takamiya Akane: Sagisaka-kun…… thank you. In that case, I’ll have you send me home. (It gets really dark in the neighbourhood around this time too…... As I thought, it’s better if I don’t return home alone)
Chapter 5
Takamiya Akane: Thank you for today, Sagisaka-kun. I’ll be fine around he――*scream*! (A bicycle rushed out from the corner of the street……!?)
Sagisaka Shu: Akane......!
Takamiya Akane: (Owww…… I fell down as I was trying to avoid the bicycle)
Sagisaka Shu: Are you okay? Sorry, I was about to catch you as you fall but I didn’t make it…… 
Takamiya Akane: Please don’t worry about it. I’m totally fine….. Leaving that aside, I’m sorry. I can’t involve you in something like th―― wait, Sagisaka-kun, your hand……! 
Sagisaka Shu: Hmm? Ah…… Seems like I got cut a little as I fall. But, it’s just a graze so I think it’ll heal on it’s own if I just ignore it.
Takamiya Akane: Bu-, but, if the bacteria gets in, it’d be terrible. We have to disinfect it quickly……! I know. My house is just up ahead and I’ll treat you inside. Shall we go?
Takamiya Akane: Errm, we should wash the wound first then apply the antiseptic. ――Does it sting?
Sagisaka Shu: No, I’m fine.
Takamiya Akane: I’m relieved that it’s a shallow wound. Ah, I’ll stick on a band-aid just in case.
Sagisaka Shu: Ah, thanks. …...Hmm? Come to think of it, your house, it’s really quiet. Is there no one else except us?
Takamiya Akane: Yup. Dad and mom are staying outside to attend a relative’s memorial service…... (No-,now that I think about it, I’m alone together with Sagisaka-kun)
Sagisaka Shu: Akane......? Your face is red, what’s wrong?
Takamiya Akane: Eh? We-,Well, it’s nothing. I’m going to prepare some tea!
Chapter 6
Takamiya Akane: Here, black tea. It’s hot so be careful. And here, if you’d like…… I prepared some chocolate as a thank you for inviting me out today and for just now.
Sagisaka Shu: Is that so…… thank you. I’m happy. Can I open it?
Takamiya Akane: Yes, of course. Please.
Sagisaka Shu: Ah…… This is that planetary chocolate, right? The orange one is…… Venus. This white one looks like Neptune. Every one of them is beautiful. Somehow, it’s a shame to eat it.
Takamiya Akane: *Giggles* I’m glad you like it. But it’s still chocolate so why not have a taste?
Sagisaka Shu: Ah, that’s true. …… Hmm, it’s really delicious. Moreover, it seems like each planet has a different taste. Would you like to have a taste?
Takamiya Akane: Eh, but it’s the chocolate I prepared for you…...
Sagisaka Shu: It’ll definitely be more fun if two people ate something delicious together.
Takamiya Akane: Re-, really? If that’s the case, I’ll try just one. Wow, there’s a slight coffee taste. It’s delicious…….
Sagisaka Shu: Ah……. Akane, there’s some chocolate near your lips. 
Takamiya Akane: Eh, no way, where? I better wipe it o――
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Sagisaka Shu: Here. …… It really is good. The coffee tastes delicious as well.
Takamiya Akane: (! Sa-, Sagisaka-kun is licking the chocolate off my lips――!?)
Sagisaka Shu: You’re cute as well when you turn red like that. From now on too, I want to be by your side and observe your various facial expressions.
Note: How is it that I don’t remember a single thing from this story.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years ago
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[パーテーィー会場で] 鷺坂柊 (HR) [At the Party Venue] Sagisaka Shu (HR) 
未来のパリコレモデル Future Paris Collection Model
All Episodes Translations : Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) Spoiler friendly : Translations under cut !
BF Series Masterlist
Chapter 1:
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
水嶋、この間約束していた星座の本を……。ん? Mizushima; I’ve brought the book about Constellations that I promised you the other… Ah.
……あ、悪い。読書中か……邪魔をしたか? …Oh, sorry. Were you in the middle of reading? Did I disturb you?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
ううん、友達から借りてた雑誌を読んでただけだから。 Not at all. I was just reading a magazine my friend lent me.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
それ……確かパリコレ特集が載ってた雑誌だよな。 Isn’t that…the magazine that was doing a special feature for the Paris Collection?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
そうだよ。ふふ、やっぱり鷺坂くんも興味があるの? That’s right. Hehe, are you interested too?
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
いや、この前、撮影のスタッフに見せられたから……。 No, I’ve just seen it before. The staff of my previous photoshoot showed it to me.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
そっか……でも、鷺坂くんもいつかは出るかも……。 I see…But you might turn out to be featured here one day!
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……パリコレのことはよくわからないけど……。 …I don’t really know about the Paris Collection, but…
俺より、おまえのほうが興味ありそうな顔してる。 You seem more interested in this than I.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
き、気にはなるけど……私にモデルなんて無理だよ。 I-I’m interested, of course, but…I’m not a model so it’s pretty impossible for me.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……ショーに必要なのはモデルだけじゃないだろ? …Models are not all that a show requires; don’t you think?
……そうだな。…………たとえば――。 …Let’s see. Take for example—
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
うーん……どうしよう、なかなか決まらないなぁ……。 Hmm…I wonder? I can’t really decide…
……水嶋? 街中で立ち止まって何を唸ってるんだ? …Mizushima? What are you doing, muttering like that in the middle of the street?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
えっ? ……あ、鷺坂くん。こんなところで奇遇だね。 Huh? Oh, Sagisaka-kun! What a coincidence to see you here. 
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 2:
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
何か悩みごとか? 俺���良ければ、話を聞くけど……。 Are you troubled by something? I’ll hear you out anytime, if you’re willing…
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
実は、明日パーティーに参加することになったの。 I’m actually going to be participating in the party tomorrow.
でも、どんなドレスを着ていけばいいか悩んじゃって。 And I can’t really decide on which dress I should settle with... 
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
なるほど……。おまえさえ良ければ、俺が選ぼうか? I see… How about I choose something for you if you’re alright with it?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
えっ、いいの? でも鷺坂くん、忙しいんじゃ……? What? Are you sure about that? Weren’t you busy…?
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……問題があるなら、そもそも申し出たりはしない。 …I wouldn’t be suggesting it in the first place if there were problems in me doing so.
だから、俺におまえの手伝いをさせてほしい。 So, let me help.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
……ふふ、ありがとう。でも、なんだか贅沢だよね。 Hehe… Thanks. But still, it feels like such an honor.
パリコレのモデルさんにドレスを選んでもらうなんて。 For a model of the Paris Collection to be choosing a dress for me, I mean.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……俺がパリコレに出てたこと、知ってたのか? …You knew about my appearance in the Paris Collection?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
うん、この前読んだ雑誌に載ってたの。おめでとう! Yup! It was on a magazine that I read before. Congratulations!
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
ありがとう……。おまえに褒められると、少し照れる。 Thank you… It’s a little embarrassing to be getting congratulated by you.
……じゃあ、早速行こう。いい店が近くにあるんだ。 …Let’s hurry on then. There’s a nice shop nearby. 
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran 
うん。鷺坂くんのオススメなら、いいものがありそう。 Okay! I’m sure anything you recommend will turn out to be something good.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
あぁ、おまえに、一番似合うドレスを選ぶから……。 Of course, I’ll choose a dress that best suits you…
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 3:
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
ありがとう、おかげで素敵なドレスが買えたよ! Thanks! I managed to purchase an amazing dress thanks to you!
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
そう言ってくれると、うれしい。力になれて良かった。 I'm glad to hear that. It's great to be of help to you.
水 水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
デザインの仕事をしてるのに自分のを選ぶのは苦手で。 I'm working in design, but yet I'm all so bad at choosing my own clothes.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……ということは、水嶋はデザイナーなのか? … You mean, you're a designer?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
うん。といっても、まだまだ駆け出しなんだけどね。 Yeah. Although, I suppose I'm still a novice designer.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……デザイン画は持ってるか? 俺、見てみたい。 ... Do you have a sample on you? I wanna see.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
えっ!? で、でも私のデザインなんてまだまだ……。 Huh!? But I really still have a long way to go in terms of my own designs...
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
でも、水嶋が一生懸命考えたものなんだろう? But they were all things that you really thought hard about, right?
俺は、おまえの想いがこもったデザインを見てみたいんだ。 I want to see the designs that you've put your heart and soul into making.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
……じゃあ、ちょっとだけだよ? ――はい、どうぞ。 …Just for a while then, okay? —Here you go.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……うん、いいと思う。俺、このデザイン好きだ。 …Mmhm, I think they're good. I like this one.
おまえらしさがあって……不思議と、胸が温かくなる。 It feels like you and… Strangely, it makes my heart warm.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
そ、それは褒めすぎだよ。まだ勉強中の身だし……。 Y-Your praise me way too much. I'm still learning the ropes...
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……俺、水嶋のデザインした服を着てみたい。 ...I want to try wearing clothes that you designed.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
えっ!? そ、それってモデルとして、ってこと……? Huh!? Y-You mean, as a model…?
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 4:
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
俺、おまえのデザインした服のモデルをしたいんだ。 I want to model in the clothes that you designed.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
でも、鷺坂くんに着てもらえるほどのものじゃ……。 But my designs aren't something worthy for you to be wearing yet...
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……俺が着るんじゃ、モデルとして力不足か? ...Am I not worthy enough of a model to be wearing your clothes?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
そんなことない! 着てもらえたらすごくうれしいよ。 Of course not! I'm elated that you're willing to.
だけど、その、もっと腕を磨いてからじゃないと……。 It's just that… Well, I still have to polish up my skills a tad more first.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
わかった……じゃあ、今のうちに約束させてくれ。 Alright then… Let's keep it as a promise first then.
おまえのデザインした服が披露される日がきたら、 When the day comes that you launch a series of clothes of your own design;
そのときは……俺が一番に着��いから……。 I want to be the first one to wear them when the time comes...
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
……うん、わかった。ふふ、じゃあ、約束ね! ...Okay, got it! Hehe, It's a promise then!
今日はドレスを一緒に選んでくれてありがとう。 Thanks for picking out a dress together with me today.
それと……デザイン画のことも、すごくうれしかった。 And… I'm also really glad to hear about the design thing.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
いや……俺も、おかげで楽しい時間を過ごせた。 Not at all… I was also able to spend an enjoyable time thanks to that.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
じゃあ、私は明日の準備があるからそろそろ帰るね。 Well, I have to finish some preparations for tomorrow so I should go.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
あぁ、俺ももう帰らないと……それじゃあ、また明日。 Yeah, I’ve got to head back too… See you tomorrow then.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
ん、また……えっ、明日って――あ、行っちゃった。 Mmhm, see you… Wait, what do you mean tomorro— Oh, he left.
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 5:
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……あ、見つけた。昨日ぶりだね、水嶋。 …Oh, found you. It's been only yesterday since we last met, hasn't it? Mizushima.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
えっ、鷺坂くん!? どうしてここにいるの!? Wha— Sagisaka-kun!? What are you doing here!?
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
俺も同じパーティーに呼ばれてたんだ。��ら、招待状。 I was invited to the same party. Look; my invitation.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
もう、気づいてたなら教えてくれれば良かったのに。 Geez, you should have told me earlier that you were coming if you’d found out.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……ごめん。ちょっとだけ驚かせようと思ったんだ。 …Sorry. I thought to surprise you.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
すごくびっくりしたよ……。あ、あれ? あの女の人……。 I’m very surprised… Wait, huh? That woman...
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……あぁ、世界的に有名なデザイナー……だったか? ...Ohh, wasn’t she the world-renowned designer or something…?
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
あの人も参加してたんだね。……あ、こっちに来るよ。 So that person's a guest here too… Oh, she's headed this way.
デザイナー Designer
鷺坂さん。パリコレデビュー、おめでとうございます。 Sagisaka-kun; Congratulations on your debut on the Paris Collection.
次回は、ぜひとも私のデザインした服を―― I'd love it if you could model in the clothes I've designed next—
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
すみませんが、次は彼女の服を、と決めてるので……。 I do apologize, but I've already decided to model the clothes of her design next, so...
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
彼女って……えぇっ!? わ、私のこと!? By her, you mean… Wait— M-Me!?
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……なんで驚くんだ? おまえの他に誰がいる? ...Why are you so surprised? Is there anyone else here but you?
昨日、約束しただろ? おまえの服で舞台に立つって。 I promised you yesterday, didn't I? That I'd stand on stage, dressed in your clothes.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
で、でももっと腕を磨いてからって話じゃ……! B-But didn't I say that I've got to brush up my skills first…!?
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 6:
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
大きな舞台のほうが水嶋もうれしいかと思って……。 I thought that you'd be happier if it happened on a bigger stage, so...
勝手に予定を早めて悪かった。だけど――。 I scheduled earlier all on my own; sorry, that was my bad. But still—
俺は、できるだけ早く、おまえの服を着てみたいんだ。 I want to try wearing your clothes as soon as possible.
――というわけで、水嶋はデザイナーになればいい。 —Which means, anything of your design will fit the quota.
ふたりでだったら、きっとパリコレも楽しいと思う。 I think even the Paris Collection would become much more enjoyable with you around. 
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
ちょっ、ちょっと待って鷺坂くん! 飛躍しすぎだよ。 W-Wait a minute, Sagisaka-kun! That's too big of a jump to make!
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
そうか……? 実現不可能な話じゃない……と思う。 Really…? I don't think it's an impossible feat...
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
そもそも、私にデザインのセンスなんてないから……! I don't even have a fashion sense in the first place!
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
おまえとなら海外でも頑張れると思ったんだけど……。 I thought that maybe I could work hard even overseas if I were to do it with you...
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
うっ……が、がっかりさせちゃってごめんね。 Yikes… S-Sorry for disappointing you.
でも、意外だな。鷺坂くんって想像力が豊かなんだね。 But wow, that's a surprise. I didn't know that you had such a powerful imagination.
鷺坂 柊 Sagisaka Shu
……いや。こんなに未来のことを考えたのは初めてだ。 …No. Well, this is the first time I’ve ever thought about the future like this.
いろいろ想像したら、止まらなくて……楽しかった。 I managed to think quite a lot about it and wasn’t really able to stop… That was fun.
水嶋 ラン Mizushima Ran
(やっぱり、私にデザイナーは難しいと思うけど……) (It's rather hard for me to become a designer, I think…)
(でも、そういう未来も、ちょっと素敵かも……?) (But a future like that doesn't sound half bad either, I guess…?)
—— ≿ -————❈ ⚜  𝔉𝔦𝔫.  ♔❈————-≾ ——
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