#i don’t actually want them to divorce i just think it’s funny
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tvheit · 2 days ago
wait I'm dumb 😭 can you explain what you mean with the femininity post? specifically about Drew and his awkwardness around women, like do you mean in kayfabe or?
hello! you are so not dumb at all; i was intentionally not clear. but thinking about it i do want to share this so thank u for giving me an excuse to do so LOL here is the drew mcintyre feminism essay you didn’t ask for. special thanks to my darling finance and phd grad in drew studies @paladinofmoonlight who read it over and who i plagarised for some of this
to begin with: the unspoken part of that post is that they are both mocked and ridiculed for expressing 'femininity' in their own ways. people smarter than me have written lots on seth and expression, so this is completely about drew with just some relationship to him sometimes.
the second part: i point out seth's overt, conscious expression vs drew's covert, subconscious expression because everything i talk about here i firmly believe drew doesn't even realise is happening. hes just doing all of this subconsciously LOL
the short explanation: a lot of drew (and seth's!) femininity is perceived. in actuality, what is referred to as 'feminine' about them is judged deviation from a norm, which for seth is his queerness and for drew is his foreignness + neurodivergence (and also queerness but like fork found in kitchen)
and the long explanation:
its fun to read drew in wwe as someone who is trying and mostly succeeding to live up to an american ideal of masculinity. his first run is full of moments where he is considered less 'manly' (being called young lady, joking about the kilt as a skirt, his long hair, hysterics, his sudden favoured position in the company, 3mb, etc). and it is fascinating to see how he deliberately tries to combat this visually in his second run.
i think a big part of drew is that he is so intrinsically defined by his mother; you cannot separate the love and respect he has for her from anything he does. she is his first and biggest idol, before any famous male wrestler or celebrity, and that is such a core aspect of his entire being. and then he comes to the wwe from a foreign small town (the culture shock of leaving ayr, scotland sounds funny but i promise it's relevant), with this deep sensitivity towards women (in particular, disabled women), and experiences the demeaning misogynistic culture of the wwe in the late 2000s firsthand.
this is why i think it’s important to point out that drew is being ridiculed for societal femininity; this is a perspective very different to his upbringing as someone who idolises women in his life. difference is punished by allusion to being womanly, which is undesirable and lesser. his heritage is mocked as feminine (the kilt is a skirt joke haha funny), he is misgendered (diversity win! the cis male is forcibly referred to as a woman to degrade him!), his outbursts are childish and irrational (and WOMANLY). even though he’s the chosen one, the one who doesn’t HAVE to prove himself — i’d argue that this also came with a lot of implication about drew that normally happens to women (and this is something that also happens to seth); being chosen for his looks, his ability to be manipulated, humiliated, etc. it also, like what happens to seth, establishes him as expendable.
here’s where kayfabe blurs galloway and mcintyre a little bit more: he’s a victim of domestic violence that leads to his divorce around 2010/11. multiple fans discuss and ridicule him for not fighting back, for being a sissy, for being less of a man. i don’t think it is unrealistic at all to attribute this to his sudden lack of direction, role as a jokester in 3mb (a sort of humiliation to someone who only ever wanted to be a serious wrestler), and his eventual release.
after drew’s release (which is a whole other can of worms) he starts to build himself into a very masculine figure — literally. darkening his hair (the blonde helpless woman vs the tall dark and handsome stranger), building muscle and holding his stature very differently, etc. he’s now authoritative, a real man, not some sissy from scotland but a highland warrior. and this presentation of drew mcintyre is extremely careful. everything from the way he walks to his voice is very, very carefully done to exude masculinity. no longer does his voice crack with emotion; which he barely shows outside of anger or glee. you can throw the kilt as a skirt line at him now (and they still do) but doesn't it feel sillier when he’s built like a bear? now, he is there to prove that he IS what the wwe wants, wholly and completely.
but this is where drew is wrong; combatting it visually doesn't seem to change how people perceive his behaviour. drew is extremely careful not to cry on camera, even leaving an interview when sheamus starts making him tear up (about his mum! always his mum.). all that work since 2017 to be a masculine ideal, but as soon as he starts exhibiting destructive behaviour every possible perceived fault is dragged out by the audience and wrestlers alike, and inexplicably, framed as feminine.
now, when he waves his hands, pouts, and giggles, all these mannerisms are suddenly labelled as negative (queer, psychotic, and therefore, in the wwe, unspokenly 'female') when it comes from him. the man who is so careful to hide his tears, so careful to perform masculinity, is told he cries too much RIGHT AFTER a promo about how it’s okay for men to cry! he’s called a crazy-ex girlfriend (twice!), obsessive, bitchy, hysterical, hypocritical — all of which is dismissive language commonly used against women (particularly against disabled women, do you see where i'm going here), and it is both fascinating and horrifying to see this openly and unquestioningly applied to a cis male wrestler by everyone. wwe is so misogynistic that even a cis, white, handsome man straying even minutely behaviourally from the 'manly' norm is treated and viewed in a feminine manner. i jest but he really does have female rage LOL they really said drew you're a crying, emotional, whiny, unreasonable little bitch, like a WOMAN (unspoken but implied).
this is a buildup of something larger; the automatic othering of anything different, and the perception of any undesirable trait as feminine in the wwe. both drew and seth have very similar pasts as victims of manipulation by authority figures who come out of it with unpalatable personalities, mental issues, and no support for any of their trauma. it doesn’t absolve them of all wrongdoing, but it is a larger critical view of the company that they both are now specifically vilified through what wwe perceives, overtly or not, as womanly behaviour in their identity. seth embraces his and uses it as a weapon, while drew builds up his masculinity to offset it. so to come back to your ask: its not drew being awkward around women. he's the opposite, actually. it's about him looking at his performance of masculinity in wwe and his genuine respect for women as capable equals, and deciding that it doesn't suit to mix the two. he (like seth) is already punished enough for whatever behaviour of his the universe decides to code as feminine, and i think that is a sadder comment on what wwe’s treatment of women is than anything to do with drew's individual character.
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ab0minationn · 2 years ago
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old man divorce but they treat it like a proposal
(larry’s gift for the happy couple is a set of divorce papers for each of them. how sweet <3)
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covenofagatha · 27 days ago
Do I wanna know? (Part 1)
Sequel to But you're my stepmom!
Picks up a few months later after your dad and Agatha get divorced and you've started college
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: fingering, mommy kink, slight angst
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Fuck. You do not want to do this. 
It’s a Saturday night and you’re here. You should’ve said you had anywhere else to be, but instead, your car almost gets hit as you turn the corner in possibly the narrowest parking garage you’ve ever been in. It makes you swear and you stomp on the brakes so quickly you think you might have a bruise from the seatbelt. 
But luckily, you find a spot on the first floor and squeeze between two other cars, muttering a silent prayer that you don’t scrape against them.
You wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans as you get out and walk into the lobby of the apartment complex. 
It’s nice, although you hate to admit it. You would surely not mind spending more time here if it didn’t mean having to see—
“Hey, sweet pea!” 
Him. You look to your right and plaster on a fake smile when you see your father standing there, slipping his phone into his pocket. 
“Hey,” you say softly, awkwardly patting his back with a hand as he embraces you. 
He had been asking to get dinner with you at least once a week for the past few months since he and Agatha got divorced. You’ve always found an excuse to get out of it — you had homework, you had exams, you had to work over the summer and you were so tired — but now that it’s your first weekend in college and he knows that you don’t have anything going on, he insisted. 
Plus your mom had sort of asked for you to go at least once. Your dad has been sending you updates about his apartment search and random internet posts that he found funny, and having lived at home all summer, you’ve kept your mom in the loop. She is still obsessed with him, always finding ways to bring him up in conversation, and you wish you were brave enough to tell her to just move on. She was absolutely ecstatic when you broke the news about him and Agatha and she’s been pressing you for updates ever since. 
Part of the reason she wanted you to go see him was to scope out his new place and see if there was any sign of a new woman. There was still no sign about the lady he was having an affair with, so you weren’t sure if things had ended. 
And when he moved out the first time, he took your mom’s can opener and she still won’t let it go. Before you left, she texted you that if you saw it, you should steal it back. 
After the divorce went through, your dad had decided to sell the house and look for an apartment a little closer to his work, and he’s lived in this place for about a month now. 
“How are you? How’s it going?” he asks as he leads you to the elevator. He presses his fob to the button inside and then floor six. You remember him being so consumed with having one of the top floors, like that would make him seem more important. 
You shrug and pick at the peeling skin on your fingers. It’s a bad habit — one of your many. “Pretty good. Syllabus week has been a breeze. Made some new friends.”
“Classes seem like they’ll be fun?” he asks. 
“Yeah, I hope so.” 
And then a tense silence falls over the both of you. You haven’t actually seen him since your graduation, which was a whole other level of awkward with your mom there too, and you both know that the two affairs and two divorces has put a strain on your relationship.
It does hurt a little. You wish there was a way you could reach over the cold gap between you and go back to how things were when you were a kid, when you actually liked being around him. 
But too much has happened. 
“Well, I’m really glad you were able to come down for dinner,” he says and you smile tightly. “I can’t wait to show you the place and then we can get whatever you want to eat.” 
The elevator dings and you follow him to an apartment a few doors down and he unlocks the door and lets you go first. 
The floors are a laminate gray, the counters in the kitchen marble white with black pendant lights over the peninsula. The refrigerator is stainless steel and there’s a completely stocked wine cooler fridge built into the cabinets next to the stove. You walk past the kitchen into the living room where the couches from his and Agatha’s house are set up around an entertainment center with a fireplace and a blue rug under the coffee table. 
“What do you think?” he asks, stepping next to you and putting an arm around your shoulders to bring you in close to him. 
You take his fancy bachelor pad in again. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice. Maybe just pizza for dinner? We can order and watch a show or something?”
Staying in and having the television as a buffer is a much better plan than going out and having to make small talk that will end up with him on his phone anyway. He agrees and calls to order the pizza while you perch on the couch and scroll on your phone. You already have a text from your mom telling you to call her when you’re done and your chest tightens at the thought of all the shit she’s going to say. It’s fucking exhausting still being in the middle of this — you really thought it would get better, especially now that you’re in college. And yet, here you are. 
“So…” your dad starts, plopping down next to you with a groan once he gets off the phone. He grabs the remote and turns the TV on. “You like your roommate?”
Your roommate, Alice Wu, is a sweet girl from out-of-state. You think that you and her will get along just fine and you’ve already agreed on all the rules of cleaning and having friends over. The first week has gone well and you’ve gotten close. “She’s cool. I think she and I will be good friends.” 
He nods and turns on a show you watched awhile and the two of you sit in awkward silence until the pizza guy rings from downstairs. You excuse yourself to the bathroom after your dad rings him in. 
The bathroom is through the bedroom and you take careful note of the sheets still strewn all over the bed and the two pillows at the top. One nightstand is cluttered with a phone charger, earplugs, a lamp, and a picture of you on your graduation day in a silver frame. It tugs at your heart and you instantly look away, not wanting to feel any more nostalgia. 
However, on the other nightstand, there’s just a matching lamp. No hair tie, no other chargers or personal belongings. 
But that stuff is easily hidden, so you go into the bathroom. One toothbrush, one retainer case, one razor. You can’t tell if you’re disappointed or glad. 
At least you won’t have to listen to your mom talk endlessly about a new woman. 
Your dad already has a plate with two slices on it for you sitting in your spot on the couch and you dig into it, suddenly famished. The atmosphere does warm up over time, and it’s no longer uncomfortable silence and you do end up talking a bit about his work and more about your school while the TV plays.
He doesn’t bring up your mom or Agatha at all, and neither do you. In a way, it’s nice to be removed from them for a few hours. Your dad has been villainized by both of them — and obviously he fucked up — but he is still your dad, despite your complicated feelings toward him. 
After a few episodes of the show, you shift to get up, grabbing your plate. “You’re leaving already?” he asks and checks his watch.
“Yeah, it’s getting late and I should really be getting back to the dorms,” you say, trying to sound apologetic. Even if the bubble has been nice, you have somewhere you need to be. 
It’s hard for your dad to hide his disappointment, but he gets it and grabs his keys to walk you down to your car. 
“How’s, uh, how’s your mom doing?” he asks. Still putting me in the middle of all the imaginary drama she’s creating with you is what you want to say. But you know that he’ll call her out for it and you’d have to deal. 
“She’s pretty good. Work’s been keeping her busy.” A safe answer. A true answer. 
“Good,” he says and shoves his hands into his pockets and you know what’s coming next. “And Agatha? Have you seen her at all?” 
Imagines of her hot body on yours flash through your mind. Her rosy nipples, her pale stomach, the heat that swallows up her eyes. “Yeah, I’ve seen her around. She’s doing all right, too, I think.”
Your dad nods and stops at your car. “Well, I had a great time with you,” he says and holds his arms out for a hug. You mutter something in agreement and give him an embrace with two pats — the way you’ve done it since you were a kid. “Let’s do it again soon.”
He tells you that he loves you and after you say it back, you get into your car and he watches you as you drive away. 
Begrudgingly, you call your mom and put her on speaker and not even a second later, her voice fills your car. 
“How was it? Did you see anything? Is there another woman? Did you find my can opener?” she asks all in one breath and you take a silent, deep breath. 
You can’t wait to be home. “It was a pretty nice place actually.” Your mom snorts. “There wasn’t any sign of someone else there and I didn’t have time to look around. We just watched a show and ate pizza.” 
She makes a sound. “Wow, father of the year. Maybe he cleaned up the place before you came over.” You hum noncommittally. “What are you doing tomorrow? Want to come over? I’ll take you grocery shopping.” 
“Yeah, let me just check my schedule. Alice and I might be doing something, but I’d love to go there for a bit. Especially for groceries,” you tease and she laughs. 
“I bet your father didn’t even offer to do that,” she says smugly and your face falls. Sometimes you wonder if she does half the things that she does for you just to one-up him. 
“Okay, well I’m almost back now, so I’ll let you know when I’m coming over tomorrow,” you tell her, eager to wrap it up, and about to turn in. “Love you.” You hang up before she’s even done saying it back. 
Once you park, you text your roommate saying that you won’t be back for the night — staying with family — and walk up to the apartment side door, letting yourself in with the fob on your key ring. 
Agatha’s apartment complex is smaller than your dad’s, but just as nice, and you prefer it a lot more. 
After the divorce, she stayed in a hotel for about a week before signing a lease on a place about ten minutes away from where the house used to be. You had helped her pick out the furniture and spent more time here than at your mom’s house the last couple months of school and she gave you a key to it the day she moved in. 
It got harder over the summer to hang out with her, as you worked at an ice cream shop in the afternoons into the evenings and she was working her normal nine to five, but you made it work. 
Things are really good between the two of you. There isn’t exactly a label on it, per se, but you both know that it’s a relationship. And without your dad in the picture and with her not being your stepmom anymore, there isn’t as much of a need to keep sneaking around — so when she puts an arm around you while you’re walking down the street and kisses your cheek when you say something cute and ghosts her pinky against yours, it’s okay. 
You know things might change a little with you in college now, but you’re ready for it. And if you spend more nights at her place than at your dorm, so be it. It’s not like anyone’s going to know, and Alice will just think you’re staying with family. 
Unlocking the door, you can practically feel the tension seeping away from your body. Agatha makes everything feel better. Even the house you grew up in, the one your mom still lives in, doesn’t feel as home as this does. 
You don’t see her when you first walk in and you walk into the living room to see her typing something on her computer, brows furrowed, and you can just make out the glint of a document through the reflection of her glasses. 
“Hey, you,” you greet, kicking off your shoes. She startles and looks up before slamming her laptop shut and smiling. 
“Hey, honey,” she says and pats the spot next to her while she leans forward to place her computer on the coffee table. “How was it?” 
Agatha had emphatically listened to your incessant complaining about having to get dinner with your dad, but in the end she had also pushed you to go. You groan and flop onto the couch, situating yourself so that your head is in her lap and you’re looking up at her. “It wasn’t that bad,” you admit and she smirks. “Don’t even think about saying ‘I told you so’. I will leave.” 
She tosses her head back with a laugh and you play with the strands of hair that’s falling over her shoulder and teasing your face. “I would never, darling. But I’m glad it wasn’t bad. How is he?” 
Your nose wrinkles. “Can we not talk about my dad? Although, I was just thinking about how much of a reward I deserve for going.” 
“Oh, you think you deserve a reward, do you?” she ribs lightly, raising an eyebrow and poking you in the stomach. You giggle and twist away from her finger before sticking out your bottom lip as pitiful as you can and giving her doe eyes, nodding your head. She rolls her eyes fondly. “What were you thinking, honey?” 
You shrug like you’re just now beginning to think about it. “Well, mommy,” you say, a thrill running through you at her sharp gasp. “I think since I was such a good girl, you should give me an orgasm.” 
“Oh, just one?” she asks playfully, and you surge up out of her lap, turn over onto your knees to face her, and pull her in for a kiss. Your lips move against each other with familiar ease, her tongue licking hotly into your mouth and you moan — her hands slide up under your shirt and rest on your bare skin before you reach down and take it off. 
“As many as you’ll give me, mommy,” you pant, and she grins before starting to suck open-mouthed bites onto your chest. You’re wearing green lingerie but she barely even looks at it before unclasping your bra from behind and tearing it off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. 
She swirls her tongue around your nipple before suckling hard and you whimper, holding her head right against you. It feels like there’s a wire running straight from your boob to your cunt and you quickly feel yourself becoming soaked. Agatha switches to the other one and soon your entire chest is sticky with her saliva and you’ve moved onto her lap, squirming. 
Her teeth nip at the underside of your breasts and you can’t take it anymore. “Mommy, please,” you beg, grabbing her hand and leading it to the waistband of your jeans. Her fingers rest there while you quickly unbutton and unzip and then you shove her into your pants, your hand circled around her wrist to just feel her. 
Agatha chuckles throatily and moves her fingers experimentally against you while you try to grind down for some stimulation. You suddenly feel so empty, a molten heat between your legs, and Agatha crashes her lips back onto yours. She sucks on your tongue and tugs on your bottom lip as she finally presses against your clit and your hips jerk. “So wet for mommy, aren’t you?” she huffs and you nod and try to move against her harder. 
When she finally pushes your underwear to the side and runs her fingers through your folds, you keen and bury a hand into her hair, face dropping down into her neck. She sharply gasps when you start breathing heavily against her skin, content to just keep your lips planted against her throat. 
She slides a finger into you and your walls clench around her, trying to draw her even more in. Each time she fucks you, it feels like the first time — the same energy is there, the same electricity. But at the same time, she knows exactly what you need, maybe even more than you do. 
Her thrusts begin to pick up and heat is rising through your body and you can see little indents in Agatha’s skin from where your teeth have slightly sunk in. 
“Mommy, mommy — please, I need more,” you whine and she obliges by pushing another finger into you and curling them just right. A high-pitched sound leaves your mouth and you start riding her fingers the best you can, rolling your hips to match her and get her even deeper. You’re clenching furiously around her as sparks begin to fly in your lower stomach and you can feel the beginning tendrils of your orgasm start to build. 
Agatha’s thumb circles around your clit without actually touching it. “God, sweetheart, you look so hot right now, taking my fingers like such a good girl. You feel so good, too. Never wanna leave you,” she babbles, making you convulse even tighter. There’s a slight pink tint to her cheeks and her breathing has picked up and you know she’s affected too. Her fingers are moving faster and she pauses for just a moment, making you whimper, before she stretches you out with a third. 
“Oh, fuck,” you swear, your walls adjusting, and the slight burn only adds to the immense pleasure you’re feeling. “Fuck, fuck.” Your head is spinning, completely drunk with her and her perfume that’s been invading your nostrils the whole time, and you can’t even form a single thought. 
She presses harder on your clit and with the hand that’s not currently inside you, grips your hair and pulls you away from her neck. You can see red blotches staining her skin and the thought of her wearing your marks around gets you even closer. “Look at me,” she grunts, her thrusts becoming more sporadic and you stare right into her dark blue eyes with your pleading wide ones. Your breaths intermix and she looks like she might also cum just from this. 
Agatha lets out a strangled gasp when her gaze flickers from your eyes to your swollen lips to your breasts that are bouncing with your movements in her lap. 
“Mommy, I need — right there —” You can’t even string together a coherent thought and she scissors her fingers inside you, the pressure making you see stars. 
She looks you up and down again, drinking you in like she might never get enough, and her chest heaves with each breath she takes. “Fuck, baby, you’re so perfect,” she groans and your head falls back as you keep riding her. “I need you to cum for me, okay? Cum for mommy.” 
“Mommy, fuck, I’m gonna — fuck I love you,” you groan, not even realizing the words slipping out of your mouth, the words neither of you have ever said before, before it’s too late and your orgasm explodes through your body in a way it never has before. You feel it in every crack and crevice inside you and she keeps fucking you just as hard while rubbing your clit and it quickly becomes too much, tears springing into your eyes. 
Agatha’s fingers finally slow down and she coos sweet nothings in your ear and you wonder if she even heard you. It’s been a few months since you’ve been together, but neither of you has really acknowledged the depth between you. 
And you just did, in the middle of sex. 
“You okay?” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to your cheek and you nod before she pulls out of you and you wince at the sudden emptiness. You fall back out of her lap onto the couch. She must not have heard it. 
There’s a slight gnawing feeling that begins to grow in your stomach — if you said it for real, in a moment that couldn’t just be blamed on a dopamine rush, would she say it back? 
Does she feel the same? 
Agatha kisses you before sticking her three fingers into your mouth so you can clean them up. “Good girl,” she purrs in a low voice. “Was that a good enough reward?” 
You’re still a little out of it, but you nod dazedly. “Yeah,” you say softly and she gets off the couch and walks over to the fridge to get you a glass of water. “My mom wants me to go hang out with her tomorrow. What are you doing at night? Can I come over after?” 
She pauses for a fraction of a second and then glances at you over her shoulder. “Um, sorry, baby. I have to work all day tomorrow. Some last minute things I’ve got to get done.” 
You hum, a little disappointed, but graciously accept the water. “No worries. Maybe Monday or something.” 
“Yeah, of course. Just a second, I need to go grab something,” she murmurs and then walks into her bedroom. You’re exhausted and you get off the couch, stretching your aching muscles, and you’re about to follow her when her phone buzzes on the end table. 
Thinking it’s just a work email or something, you glance at it and your stomach drops, heart lurches. 
It’s a text message from an unknown number. 
Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. 
@lostbutlovely33 @diorrxckstar @whoreforolderfictionalwomen  @katekathry @onemansdreamisanothermansdeath @tayasmellsapples @natashashill @mybraininblood @mysticalmoonlight7  @cactuslover2600 @loveem0mo @readysteddiero-nance @lonelyhalfwitch @lesbiantortilla @crescendoofstars @sol-in-wonderland @ahsfan05 @gbab09 @sasheemo @agathaharness @live-laugh-love-lupone @chiar4anna @fuckedupforkhahn @lowlyjelly @sweetmidnights
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moongreenlight · 1 year ago
“Realistic Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley headcanons” and then it’s just the fun police.
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
- It makes me want to scoop my fucking brain out with a spoon when people say that Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley is some shy, anxious soft boy. I really do not believe he’d need to be coddled after a nightmare or babied when he’s feeling angsty. He is fine, y’all. Please don’t call paw patrol.
He is a soldier. He’s a war criminal. He is traumatized to the point of numbness. He is fucked up and weird and insane and honestly I think that we should all let everybody have their thing.
I cannot fix him. I do not want to fix him. I can only make him worse.
- Sorry but I just cannot write him having any kind of romantic feelings toward Soap. I like writing their dynamic more brotherly.
Furthest they’ve gone is ‘locker room gay.’
Like Johnny sends him dick pics on occasion because he thinks it’s funny and it pisses Ghost off.
That being said, I do read the occasional Ghoap fic. I’m not a perfect person. Sometimes it’s just yummy delicious.
- Feel like he’s the kind of freak to intentionally go to the gym without headphones. Something about discipline. Opting to just stare at the wall in front of him while he’s doing cardio or counting repetitions of exercises.
But on the rare occasion that he does indulge himself, he has a playlist of like 5-6 songs he likes and when it ends he just goes back to silence. Divorced dad rock. Chorded headphones only.
- Doesn’t have the debilitating commitment issues as people paint him out to have. Just commitment-phobic. Obviously stems from his past. He’s got that sexy deep rooted fear of abandonment or something horrible happening to people he actually lets close to him. But he’s not completely turned off by the idea of romantic attachments or close friends, just a little hesitant to open himself up to that kind of opportunity.
Probably very cagey about romantic partners. Doesn’t want the guys to know about you. Doesn’t keep pictures of you around his bunk or anything like that. He’s worried it’ll somehow compromise your safety. Worried about you getting swept up in his work.
- Women’s rights? Or Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley? I really do think he’d love to have a partner who lets him provide *everything* for them. He just wants to serve and protect. Wants his bird to be in a gilded cage all nice and safe and reliant on him for survival.
Doesn’t even really like the idea of you going to the grocery store by yourself. Would prefer if you just stayed put and tended his home and cooked him meals and let him dote on you and provide everything you could ever need.
- Has a really strange understanding of technology. He’s fine with the newer military stuff. That’s his element. He can do electrical wiring, set up a TV, install security cameras. That’s all whatever. But a cell phone? He doesn’t give a shit enough to keep up with the new updates and all the new things you have to learn when you get a smartphone. Wishes he would have kept a flip phone.
Texts like this: [OK. See youtonight.]
MAYBE has a private Facebook with no profile picture where the only things on his wall are Price wishing him a happy birthday every year.
His camera roll is like; 97 accidental screenshots of his Lock Screen, a few pictures of him and the task force boys, the inside of his pocket (another accident), a sunrise, a few cool things he found on missions, 34 pictures of Soap and Gaz when they took his phone.
- Insufferable in the early stages of trying to date him. Little to no communication other than basically demanding you meet him somewhere. Texting or talking on the phone? Like pulling fucking teeth. You think he’d rather be dead.
It was a headache getting him to go out in the first place. Maybe you worked at a bar where the guys would come to have a drink after a long day. He’s a little stand-offish but he’s handsome and he knows how to banter well enough for you to be persuaded by a coworker to slip him your number after you complained one too many times about a shit hookup or yet another terrible first date. It takes him nearly two weeks to phone you.
“Didn’t think you’d call.”
“Didn’t think I would either.”
He takes you out once, you think he seems sort-of interested, then he doesn’t phone or text you back for three days. You get over it. A few more dates in. You can tell he’s a bit more relaxed. A bit more open. You’re less worried that you’re a terrible conversationalist. Then he goes on a month long deployment without saying anything in advance. Radio fucking silent yet again. You want to tear your hair out. When he finally gets back, he’ll text you something like [Atthat pub you like. Drinks ?] completely out of the blue. You think you may actually go insane.
- Once he’s gotten used to you, it’s like the sole purpose of his life is to be your protector even if you’ve only recently convinced yourself he may want something casual. You’re small and grab-able. He knows how nasty people can be and what think when they see you. He needs to know that you’re taken care of, kept safe from such a scary world.
So he’ll just linger around you. All the time. Standing behind you when you’re at the till at the store, staring down the cashier who was only trying to be friendly when they asked if you had any fun plans for the rest of the day. Big arms folded over his chest. Looming so largely he threatens to eclipse you without taking a single step forward. Eyes burning a hole into the poor person who hastily finishes the transaction without another word.
Walking silently next to you in the evenings after you’re both off work; close enough to brush shoulders, but that’s about it. Listening to you chirp on about your day. Occasionally offering a small grunt of acknowledgement or a few words of interjection. Always walks on the side of the path that he thinks could pose you the most immediate danger. Shielding you from what may lurk in a darkened alley or a hedge or a small thicket of trees.
Scary dog privilege, but like… for when you go to fill your car up with gas in broad daylight in a good part of town and he insists on standing out there with you. ‘Just in case’ If he even lets you out of the car in the first place.
- AND OFF THAT POINT. I think once he’s decided that he’s actually fond of you, it goes from zero to a hundred so fast it makes your head spin.
Like the last time you spoke, it was still unclear on if you were keeping things casual or not and now you’re at dinner and the waiter just asked him if the two of you wanted dessert and Simon just grunts “dunno. Ask the missus.” ??? He sucks so bad I NEED him.
- As much as I love an overly possessive and jealous Simon, I saw this tweet that said “My girlfriend can wear what she wants because she’s a hoe and I knew that before we started dating” and it changed my life.
He’s secure enough not to need to cause a scene if someone makes a pass on you in public. He understands that you’re attractive and that other people are bound to find you attractive too. (Not that he doesn’t still want to pull their fingernails out one by one, threatening them and everything they love for daring to exist near you. He’s just got better control over himself than that. King.)
He knows he’s better than any of your other options. Nobody else could keep you as safe as he could. They don’t know the world like he does. They don’t know how breakable you are. How sweet and naive you can be.
Not to say he isn’t overly jealous and possessive, he just won’t pitch a fit in public.
LIKE dragging him to the bar with your friends and he sits at the table with all of your drinks. Him watching you dancing out of the corner of his eye, seeing some prat come up and grab your ass in passing. Or a group of guys dancing with your friends getting a little *too* close to you for his liking. He doesn’t do anything while the two of you are out- not wanting to ruin your fun. But that night after you’ve gotten back to his flat (He insisted. Closer to the bar. Uber was cheaper.) and he’s tearing your miniskirt off like it’s personally offended him. He’ll be a little rougher. A little more liberal with the marks his mouth leaves on your collarbones and inner thighs. His strong hands will grab at the fat of your hips a little harder than he should- leaving bruises where his fingers dug in. He’ll lean over you while you’re split open with his length, snarling down at you. “Had everyone’s attention tonight, didn’t you, pet?“ “You like havin’ eyes on you?” “Greedy fuckin’ slag.” “Can’t appreciate what you have.” “Need a reminder of who you’ve got to impress.” Maybe he’ll take you in front of a mirror, massive hand fixed on your jaw. Jerking your face up so you have to look at yourself being ruined by him. How pretty and slutty you look when your makeup is ruined by the tears he’s fucking out of you.
- He calls you ‘bird’ or ‘pet’ more often than anything else. A little on the nose for how he treats you. Like you’re some small, frail thing that can’t go a day without him. Stripped of your natural survival instincts and instead leaning on him for support and comfort and food and shelter. Just how he likes it.
GOD he’s a fucking freak. Gross and mean and fucked in the head. Makes my stomach hurt. I hate him. I wish I was schizophrenic so I could vividly hallucinate him.
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ilostthewar · 1 month ago
I feel like one of the earlier things that Simon has to learn in your relationship is that not only is he allowed to have opinions, you want him to have them.
It’s not to say he’s indecisive. That’s not really something he’s capable of being. But in the depths of him he really just doesn’t… care. That sounds a lot worse than how he actually feels. But he doesn’t particularly mind one way or the other if you makes mashed or baked potatoes for dinner, or what shoes you wish to wear, or what candle scent mixes best in the bathroom, of all things??? You took him in, feed him and give him every part of yourself. He doesn’t care if you decided to give him a spoon and a can of beans every night, or wore nothing but granny panties and your worn out shirts from high school. He simply cares that it’s you doing it.
He’s in the military. Deep self expression isn’t exactly what they’re known for. Not to mention, he remembers the way his dad ruled his childhood home with an iron fist. His way or the highway; picked every meal, activity, and emotion they were allowed to have. And he’ll be damned if he replicated that in your shared space.
However, he’s not immune to that little disappointed look you have on your face when he brushes off your questions. Nor does he understand why when he does give you an answer after you pester him, you don’t seem as happy with it. I imagine it takes Price having one of those great Teaching moments for Simon to actually get it. Divorced John Price for the win.
Price has to explain that it’s about Simon showing interest in the things you care about. You don’t actually care about the outfit or whatever, you care that he is interested in you. You care that he helps create a house that he enjoys being in with you.
So He tries to outbrain you by picking the option he thinks you want him to pick. He thinks he’s being clever, but you catch that shit a mile away, probably have a small disagreement about it. After that he decides trying to outsmart the person who sleeps in his bed probably isn’t the solution he originally thought it was.
It takes him a bit, but he does eventually get it right. Actually considers the options you give him and he realizes that he does have preferences. He does like certain colors on you, does like picking colored tea towels out with you, does like sniffing candles to put on the coffee table, does like deciding what size and heft the utensils should be. If for no other reason than to watch you beam and nod, or playfully argue over something so simple. Something so simple that won’t end in death or tears, something so simple but he understands to be important because you want this with him.
He does, however, get this incredibly exasperated look when he gives you his opinon and you choose the opposite. He actually thinks it’s pretty funny, cause he knows you’re being difficult to spite him. Doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna side eye you.
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rottenaero · 8 months ago
Steve stares at the orange shorts Eddie was wearing.
It’s summer, and the kids had decided to have a Harrington house pool party, which of course meant wearing swim attire.
And Eddie had dressed for that, don’t get him wrong, but the pants were throwing him off.
One, because he doesn’t think he’s ever seen him wear orange before, or any warm color that wasn’t red, really. Didn’t think it’d ever touched his skin except for Steve’s yellow sweatshirt.
And two, because they were weirdly reminiscent of the color people wore in movies where they were behind bars, screaming for their one call.
And Steve didn’t have a filter, didn’t really care to have one, and since they were already sitting down all he need to do was nudge his foot against the guys side to catch his attention.
So he did.
The metalhead flicks down his sunglasses- Or, actually those may be Steve’s. Whatever, he flicks down the sunglasses with a brow raised.
“ Yeah, babe?”
Babe, because whatever they had was far more than friendship, or two older men acting like divorced parents to a group of children.
He lifts his hand, gestures to the pants. “ What’s with the prison shorts?” He asks.
Eddie blinks, glances down and smirks. “ Just broke out from there before this. Thought I told you.”
He tilts his head to the side. “ Oh really?”
“ Mhm-hm. A lot of pretty guys in there, hard to resist, but I held out. Knew I had something better.”
“ Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, and Eddie leans back into his chair shrugging. Then, because he’s a good boyfriend and knows he likes being all dramatic, and wants to see how long the bit will last, he questions him further, “ What were you in for?”
He sets the glasses over his forehead so they were out of the way, tugging on a strand of hair in-front of his face in thought. Finally, he grins.
“ Murdered people for rit-ualistic sacrifices.” The way he says ‘ritualistic’ is over exaggerated, but what about Eddie isn’t?
Steve gives him an unimpressed look. “ You’re not funny.”
“ No?”
“ No.”
Eddie shrugs, sets a leg over Steve’s lap. “ Worth a shot.”
Quick as a flash, the man’s arms clutch to his chest, and he’s rolling out of the chair making what seems to be dying noises.
Only, the chairs were set up by the edge, so without realizing it, after a roll or two he falls into the water.
There’s splashing, the desperate attempt to break through the surface before he finally grasps onto the edge and takes a big breath.
Steve can’t help the snort, and Eddie claps his hands together and points at him with an ‘ I told you so’ look. “ Ahah! So I am funny.” Steve rolls his eyes as the main hoists himself onto pavement, and crawls towards him.
“ Laugh for me, Stevie! Come on, again! Really let me revel in the fact that I proved King Steve wrong.” He’s got a wicked grin, and the jock can barely contain his own.
Finally, he’s weighed down, and he nudges the other man’s ankle with his foot. “ You’re a little funny. Mostly, you just look funny.”
Eddie whoops and cheers, shakes his imaginary pom-poms in the air. “ I’ll take it!” He leans down, smacks a kiss on his lips that’s really more teeth than lip, before lounging back down with his legs twisted between his.
Steve shakes his head, leans across the tangle of limbs to grab his sunglasses and slides them back on his nose.
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 11 months ago
It’s SO funny to me when I see movie fans writing alex as this daddy dom, himbo guy because Alex is so!!!
If you scream at him a little too loudly he’ll probably cry, just not in front of you. He falls in love really hard and deeply but it takes him so long to accept that he can also be loved hard and deeply! He has the highest grades ever 1) because he’s smart and 2) because he bases his self worth on making others proud, on being useful. He overworks himself, he runs to clear his head until his feet bleed, his coffee is bitter but so are his thoughts. He’s a softie, who writes his bf love letters and who probably giggles and kicks his feet while reading what henry writes back to him. He can absolutely destroy you in a debate, don’t even try to argue with him he’ll win each time. He talks a lot but he has never been listened to. His rivalry with Henry started with a bad meeting and also with constant comparison, because everyone compared them both, and it was just a constant reminder than Alex will never be enough. Henry was born on the spotlight, Alex wasn’t. Henry was white, Alex wasn’t. Henry had everyone’s support, Alex didn’t. *He is a jester and a devoted knight. He knows hundreds of fun facts and will tell you. He loves Texas despite the bad memories of his childhood and teen years it brings. He feels guilty for making his sister worry so much. He loves his mother despite everything, and she loves him too, but they have an unusual, almost unhealthy relationship. He needs to prove himself every minute of the day. He works as a distraction. He puts on a façade around everyone, golden boy, America’s heartthrob, no one sees his house key, his glasses, the hundreds of papers hidden under the windowsill, the pills stolen from Liam. Someone teach this man healthy coping mechanisms. He is a child of divorce, and this affects him more than he lets on. He is actually a huge nerd. He grew up poor. He was in denial about his sexuality for years. He definitely has abandonment issues. He might be impulsive sometimes (storming Kensington palace after being ghosted by Henry) but he usually thinks things through, and is very reasonable. He makes lists, tons of them. He has undiagnosed adhd and this has shaped him as a person in a way I can’t even describe. Before Henry, bea, and Pez, he didn’t have any friends aside from Nora and his sister. He grew up catholic. He is a romantic. And a dork. He is just as passionate about history as Henry is. But Nora makes friends, and Alex ends up with acquaintances who think they know him because they’ve read his profile in New York Magazine, and perfectly fine people with perfectly fine bodies who want to take him home from the bar. None of it is satisfying—it never has been, not really, but it never mattered as much as it does now that there’s the sharp counterpoint of Henry, who knows him. Henry who’s seen him in glasses and tolerates him at his most annoying and still kissed him like he wanted him, singularly, not the idea of him.
Always the talker, never the heard. Always good, never enough. Always ogled, never seen. Always the first son, never Alex.
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
Can we hear about the soap opera style second de riva?
oh sure
she’s the human mage daughter of the previous talon de riva and she’s also illario’s arranged married wife
viago killed her dad in order to replace him. she’s not angry abt this, actively. (she doubts anyone who had met her father could be angry about it.) but there IS underlying tension, how could there not be? viago could have killed her too, and instead has in some ways become like a brother to her. but in another world where he hadn’t gotten there first, house de riva might have been hers
illario did not want to marry her, she was picked out for him by caterina, to strengthen their house ties. to illario, it reads like an insult: she’s not a match meant for a future first talon, she was passed over and disinherited in her own house. she’s also a mage, which despite all caterina’s claims of it being a new era under the new divine and house dellamorte moving with the times, he suspects would be used against their branch of the family inheriting anything. he didn’t even want to get married in the first place, because he’s a chronic flirt here for a good time. and nobody is dragging lucanis back from tevinter to make him get married like he’s a pawn you can afford to sacrifice
his dissatisfaction means he continues to be a chronic flirt, with other people, after they’re married. she’s professionally humiliated, which is as good as personally humiliated for a crow; charm and beauty were skillsets of hers, she can’t even win over her own husband when it’s required to maintain the alliance in treviso, and everyone knows it? viago’s furious because it’s an insult to house de riva’s honour, too. (he’s being a protective big brother. which would be nice, if he could express it or indeed if he had acted on some of those instincts before agreeing to her being married off. read the contents of these brackets in teia’s voice.) all this is why she is still referred to as a de riva, because she kind of went back home to soothe tensions but without actually getting a divorce
she was obviously normal and rational about all of this, as she always is, a good, composed, collected crow, who has never lost her cool in training or on contracts or with her own father’s murdered body before her very eyes. she would like to clarify that the above events had no effect on her eventually lashing out at a certain antaam patrol and setting several things both metaphorically and very literally on fire. unrelated.
lucanis, on his return, immediately knows exactly what illario was like about it and is intensely mortified on behalf of his family, because he is a man with Romantic Standards. she thinks this is endearing and restrains herself from playing on his heartstrings about it too often. the deeply obvious thing to do here is have them fall in love for drama, that would be the maximum soap opera move, and to be clear i DO think it’s funny for illario to suddenly decide he does actually want his wife as soon as lucanis wants her, but honestly i just want lucanis to have one decent family relationship and this is how i can make that happen by force of will. and now not only is illario’s own wife siding with lucanis in the power struggle, but lucanis is replacing illario with her! we actually don’t need romance to make this deranged
thus i’m still debating the most amusing option on the veilguard team to sweep illario’s wife off her feet. i would love to see where almost any of them are going with this. emmrich, for example. and davrin with lucanis’ sister-in-law is obviously amazing (though i actually don’t think he’d go for a wealthy married human woman, i think he’s got more sense and/or self respect 😭). ultimately neve absolutely has a noir detective’s prerogative to win over a femme fatale with a rich husband who doesn’t treat her right so she would get dibs
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viagostalons · 17 days ago
imagining if Illario was a companion for a moment, alongside Lucanis, and Rook takes him out of the toxic Crow environment.
Illario comes to the Lighthouse and I feel as though the Lighthouse gives what you want as far as rooms go (we won’t talk about rook’s room) and it adapts over time to that person. We obviously don’t know what Illario is like in his private space, but I imagine he’s fairly used to luxury; but we could also maybe assume the lighthouse is attuned to the person on a deeper level and gives them what they need to be successful.
Illario’s room, in my mind, is quiet and dark, lit by some spare candles. Maybe it has a place to read and relax. It is nothing like what he has in Treviso, a total divorce from the Crow lifestyle. To the point, where maybe he doesn’t even like it at first, maybe it bothers him. Rook can usually find him outside looking at the Fade or in the little music room.
Having Illario at the Lighthouse, the other VG companions start to hang out with him; furthermore, they see how Lucanis interacts with him and how he speaks to him; maybe they’ve even heard how Lucanis speaks about Illario and they have expectations that Illario doesn’t pull his weight and isn’t capable.
however, they find the assessment about Illario is wrong.
they come to realize Illario is not only capable but he’s also very good at what he does; he is meticulous and highly skilled.
I think the first time Emmrich personally hears Lucanis give a backhanded compliment, he shuts the whole situation down. He is ready to help Lucanis unpack what he just said, while also bolstering Illario’s confidence.
Rook takes Illario out and the companions offer compliments to Illario
“Great job, Illario!” “Well struck, Illario!” “Excellent hit!” Etc etc etc
I think at first, he’d resist and not believe them but over time, I think hearing genuine, kind praise would fix him
and if Rook could romance him??? Oh, I imagine it would start as Illario being charming but disingenuous. In his mind, why would Rook choose him when his great cousin the Demon of Vyrantium is already here and knowing Rook. Or any of the other companions. OR he’s assuming that Rook is also being disingenuous; obviously, Rook picked him, he’s known for his charm and body, to the point he’s weaponized his charm and good looks.
but Rook keeps coming back; Rook flirts with him and not just surface level flirting. Rook sees him; the first person to ever see him. The first person to peel back his layers and look inside. Rook calls Illario out for only giving surface level compliments and maybe for trying to speed run a relationship because that’s all Illario has ever known. Rook forces him to slow down, figure out what he wants. Rook never forces him to do anything he doesn’t want to. They take their time. Rook really romances him.
Illario is known for his flirtation skills and the way he can charm anyone. But I doubt he’s ever actually had someone want him beyond a one night stand. He’s probably allergic to real feelings and Rook pursuing him so much is probably alarming and confusing. I imagine his romance is actually just as slow as Lucanis’ because it’s a genuine romance. But by the end of VG, Illario is fiercely loyal to Rook; not quite a guard dog and more of a feral wolf, ready to tear out anyone’s throat who so much as looks at Rook funny.
making him a companion might have also healed his trauma with Lucanis. His cousin learns his behavior is wrong and Illario has a chance to air out his grievances in a healthy way. They deserve to be close, especially out from under Caterina’s influence. They could really be something; by the end, they are unstoppable and a great team. I imagine taking them both along by the end is a riot. Illario is very funny and charming but he’s also Lucanis’ brother. The sibling antics would be in full swing. And finally, they can discuss First Talon openly and honestly. Lucanis might even bequeath his cousin the seat in the end.
tldr; Illario could be fixed if he’d been recruitable in VG as a romanceable companion
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uracutieraka · 1 month ago
Something stupid
The time is right, your perfume fills my head
The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
Kuroo Tetsuro x F!reader
Tw: nothing! Lol!
Synopsis; you and kuroo grew up together and one slightly intoxicated night you admit things you probably shouldn’t have.
You and Kuroo met when you guys were 6 years old.
You had just moved in to your new home only to be greeted by a tall dark haired boy asking if you wanted to play volleyball.
You, ever so excited about the opportunity to already make a new friend took him up on his offer.
He tricked you.
He didn’t want to actually play volleyball, he just wanted you to throw the ball to him.
You were okay with this though, you thought the chatty boy was funny and cool.
“So your names y/n but can I just call you n/n? It sounds way cooler. No offense.”
“N/n is way cooler Tetsuro!” You chirped back.
“Cool. N/n it is then!”
Something about how sure of everything he was lured you in.
Even when asking questions it’s like he already knew what your answer would be.
That’s what kept you coming around him, he intrigued your little brain.
He felt the same about you.
You had big eyes that were always so full of wonder and joy that he wished he could have.
Tetsuro was smart. Extremely smart. He had heard his parents say he was too smart for his own good so many times he had lost count.
He hated being the smart kid.
Always knowing what the adults were talking about had made him stressed. More stressed than a six year old should ever be.
He had found himself bored with life. Dreading big questions all the time.
His parents fought a lot, he wondered how long it would take for them to get a divorce.
Divorce. He learned what that was a year ago when he over heard his mom mention getting one to her friend one night, while his dad was out of town for work.
‘I just cant stand this anymore. Im only here for Tetsu.’
‘Have you thought about… you know?’
‘Divorce? Yeah i have. I just- I don’t know how to even start.’
His mom was unaware of her son’s presence, otherwise the conversation would have been over the second she knew.
‘Divorce’ had repeated in his mind for the whole weekend.
Finally when school came around he asked his teacher.
“What’s a divorce?”
The teacher, thinking nothing of it, answered.
“It when a married couple breaks up.”
It took 3 more years for them to leave each other.
But he was lucky. He had you.
By the time you two were nine he had surpassed you in every academic way possible.
‘N/n! N/n! Guess what?!’
‘I’m reading at the same level as middle school second years do!’
‘Wow Tetsu! You’re so smart!’
You didn’t care though, you always remained proud of him. Openly expressing it all the time too.
When you were 10 though, there was a suddenly shift between you two.
A younger kid from down the block named Kenma had started coming around.
Practicing volleyball with Tetsuro everyday nearly.
You weren’t one to get jealous but something about this whole situation made your stomach hurt.
The boy you had known for three years was pushing you aside for someone he had known for 3 months! How unfair!
‘You never play with me anymore Tetsu!’
‘Well yeah, Ive been busy!’
‘Playing with Kenma! It’s not fair!’
‘You’re dramatic!’
You guys didn’t talk for a whole year after that.
You had never been so lonely in your life.
On your 11th birthday though, Kuroo decided enough was enough.
He used all his allowance money to buy you the biggest stuffed animal he could find.
Rushing over to your house with it he practically ran your door down trying to get in.
‘Happy birthday n/n! Stop being mad at me! Im sorry! I miss you!’
A few years later, you had came around to the idea of Kenma. Creating a trio you three became unstoppable.
Middle school was rough for all three of you.
Kenma was a year younger than both of you so seeing him was harder to do than you thought it would be.
You decided Friday nights were mandatory sleepover nights because of this.
That’s how you ended up here, eight years later, on the floor of your new apartment with Kuroo.
Kenma’s mom said he needed to get his grades up before he even thought about asking to go out again.
It had been like this the past 6 Friday’s.
Just the two of you, because Kenma couldn’t get his damn grades up.
“Well maybe if you stopped bleaching your hair you wouldn’t have so many chemicals seeping into your brain so you’d actually focus in school.” A shit eating grin was plastered across the tall mans face.
“It’s not the bleach Tetsu. It’s the video games obviously.” You stated, propping your phone up so you both could properly see your younger friend.
“Both of you shut up!” Kenma groaned, throwing his face into a pillow on his bed.
“Welp! Maybe get your grades up!” Tetsuro said, sticking his tongue out tauntingly.
“Whatever asshole.”
‘Kozume! Watch your mouth!’ You heard kenma’s mom yell in the background.
“Whatever!,” he replied back, grabbing his phone and holding it close to his face. “Im gonna go now. Do my homework or something. I hate you both, bye!”
“Hate you, love you byeee!” You said pressing the big red ‘X’ in the corner of your screen.
Sighing you roll over on your mattress which is smack in the middle of your (soon-to-be) living room.
“Tetsuuuu,” you coo out, a sign you were up to something sneaky. “I have a surprise from my grandparents!”
“Oouuu what is it?” He said, matching your devious tone.
You hopped up and skipped over to your mostly empty fridge.
A pizza box and bottle of wine sat in it.
The pizza curtsey of your best friend, his ‘housewarming gift’ was dinner for the night.
And the bottle, a gift from your grandparents for turning 19 and moving out.
You grab the, now, chilled bottle and skip back out to the empty living room.
Lucky for you they also gifted you a corkscrew with it.
Sitting down infront of him you shake the bottle in his face.
“Oouuhh fancy, where’d ya’ get that?” A quizzical eyebrow shot up on the mans face.
“My grandparents. They said its a tradition and good luck to drink a bottle of wine when you get your first place.,” you huff looking down at the bottle in your hands. “I just think they’re cool as fuck and were trying to reason with my parents.” A small chuckle leaves your lips as you now look back up at the black haired man across from you.
“Hey nana l/n has always been awesome as hell! Cut my girl some slack!” He replies, reaching out and grabbing the bottle to inspect it himself.
You laugh at his response.
He’s always been so quick witted. It was one of his most charming traits, in your opinion.
“So! We gonna crack this bad boy open, or what?” You say, drawing his attention off the label.
“Yes, sorry!,” He smiles up at you apologetically. “Do the honors ms. l/n!”
You take the bottle from him and slam the cork screw in the end. After a moment of twisting a ‘POP!’ Sounds through the echo-y room.
“Hoorah!” He shouts, throwing his arms out wide in the air.
“You’re such a nerd!” You shout back.
“Whatever! Just fill my damn glass!” He shove the glasses in your face.
You stick your tongue out at him but do as he says, pouring the contents of the bottle out into the glasses.
After you fill each of them very generously to the half way point of the cups, you take a curious sip.
Your face contorts into a sour look.
“Ew! This is disgusting!”
“Really?” Kuroo asks, taking a cautious sip himself.
You watch as his face also turns sour.
“Oh my god thats horrible…”
You two stare at each other for a moment before bringing the glasses back up to your lips, both chugging the alcohol down, hoping to finish before the other one.
You finish your glass first and snatch the bottle off the floor, pouring another glass and doing the same thing.
He finished not long after you, waiting for you to fill your glass again before following your actions and refilling his.
After a few minutes of chugging down glasses you grab the bottle again, its empty.
“Damn!” You say, finally catching your breath.
You both are panting heavy at the lack of air intake.
“We finish it? Should be a few minutes before we start feeling it.” He finally says.
He was right.
10 minutes later you stand up to get some water to was the nasty after taste out of your mouth. But it hits you like a truck.
You wobble around for a second before giggling at your actions.
“Oop!” You slur out.
He laughs out behind you, standing to help you.
He trips slightly over his own foot, falling flat on to the ground.
Youre laughing so hard your stomach starts to hurt.
“Te- testu! Are- HAH are you okay?” You finally manage to ask through bursts of laughter.
He stands up, laughing just as hard as you.
“Yeah, im fine.” He says when he finally stands up straight.
He stumbles over to you.
“Where’s your speaker at?” He asks, brushing the front of his black t-shirt off.
You fumble around the counter, moving boxes around to find your bluetooth speaker.
You pull it out from behind a box and turn towards him.
“Here!” You hand it to him.
“Perfect..” he mumbles, fumbling in his pocket for his phone. He pulls it out and makes haste turning it on and connecting it.
A familiar song starts playing.
One that you two listened to on late night, alone in your old room.
Record old and scratchy, from your grandmothers collection.
You and Kuroo were far from just friends.
He was your first kiss, after all.
It happened when you were 14.
An off chance that kenma stayed home.
Kuroo had snuck a beer from his dads fridge the weekend prior, on a mandatory visit due to the divorce agreement.
He save it for this weekend hoping to share it with you and kenma, but kenma had a new game that had just released that day. He obviously had to play it right away.
You didn’t mind though, it was hard for you and Kuroo to find time to hangout just the two of you anymore.
You loved Kenma but Kuroo was your best friend first after all.
Kuroo stands up and reaches his arm out.
You grab it and stand up, facing him.
"So, I've been thinking, neither of us has kissed anyone yet," his face flushes and turns away from you as the words leave his mouth. "And it's probably better we get it out of the way before first year starts. That way we're not like, you know... behind?"
"Behind?" You ask.
"Yeah, all my friends on the volleyball team have had their first kisses and it's normal to do it. Plus we're best friends and friends can kiss too!" He says, a giant smile on his face.
"Friends... can kiss too?" You had never really thought about it like that, but you guess he's not wrong.
"Friends kiss all the time! It's normal in other cultures! Plus one little kiss couldn't hurt anybody," He leans forward to be slightly over you. "So? What'd ya' say?"
"Okay." you say quietly.
were you really about to kiss your best friend?
He leans forward and you close your eyes.
It was a quick and slobbery kiss to your lips.
He pulled away quickly. Unsure what to do next.
You blush and look away.
“Ok now we kissed so can we go back to what we were doing?
He laughs before sitting back down on your bed.
“Y/n?” Youre broken out of your train of thought by kuroo extending his hand out to you.
You grab it and he pulls you in close to his chest.
This was familiar.
You slightly inhale his smell while you adjust to the new position.
Your finger tips slowly trace up his arm, until your right hand meets his left one. He intertwines your fingers together.
At the same pace you slide your palm flat against his chest up to his shoulder.
He hums and closes his eyes and his right hand drops down to rest on your hip.
Kuroo enjoyed these moments. Slow and calming. They were a nice break from the busy schedule he had.
Everything and everyone around him was so intense all the time, but you? You had a way of stopping time and calming him down. And you didnt even have to do anything.
He begins swaying you two around languidly around the small kitchen.
Youre both humming to the tune of the song when he begins to sing softly.
“I practice every day, to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come true”
You giggle at his antics before joining in on his singing.
“But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late and I'm alone with you”
Its now his turn to chuckle at you, he instead opts to spin you around.
“Oh!” You say at the sudden movement. Stumbling a bit he grabs your waist to steady you out.
“Sorry.” He says, wide eyes trained on you.
“It’s okay dont worry!,” You say, resuming the position you were in before. “Let’s keep dancing.”
He nods, continuing to sway around.
"Y/n." He says, the sudden seriousness in his voice sends a chill down your spine.
"Hm?" You hum back in response, focused on where your hand intertwines with his.
"You know, this isn't, normal for friends right?"
You knew that. You weren't stupid.
Sneaking kisses when nobody was looking, intertwining your pinkies while you guys walked together, cuddling up whenever you guys could. All these things were things that couples did. Not friends.
"What about it?" You ask and he finally stops swaying you around, lowering his other hand to rest on your other hip.
He takes in a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling. When he looks back down at you he begins to talk.
"So, maybe we should talk about it?"
You bring both your hands to smooth over the fabric on his shoulders.
"Do we have too? I like whatever this is." You huff out, now looking up to make eye contact.
He rolls his eyes.
"Yes! We obviously have too!" He's hurt at your response.
He would much rather be your boyfriend than best friend. In fact the idea of forever being whatever he was to you drove him crazy.
You step backwards a bit, breaking from his hold.
Obviously you want him to be more than your best friend, but was it worth it?
If you say no you risk losing him either way.
"Look, Tetsuro," He cuts you off before you can finish.
"If you're going to say no then you have to answer another question." His eyes hold an emotion you've only seen when he loses a match. Defeat. Like he's already accepted the fact you would turn him down.
"What is it?" You ask, curious as to what he wants to know.
"If you say no, then you have to tell me what all of this was then? All the late nights sneaking around, the long glances, the flirting, everything. What did it mean to you?"
The question begins ringing in your ears.
'What did it mean to you'
"Everything." it's a quiet whisper, you're not surprised he didn't hear you.
"What?" He says, voice low.
"It means everything to me. That's why I'm scared to do anything about it. It's so perfect right now, what if everything changes?"
He studies you for a moment. Obviously looking up and down.
You shy away slightly at the attention.
He just can't believe something so beautiful could casually stand around in front of him.
You're in old running shorts and one of his t-shirts. It was beaten up from years of use.
Once he grew out of it last year he finally gave it to you.
Your hair is messy and frizzy from the humidity of moving and drinking. Falling out of the bun you put it in lazily hours ago.
"I understand where you're coming from, but I can't just do this forever." His reply doesn't shock you. It isn't fair to ask him to wait forever. You know that.
"I know..." You sigh, looking down at your socks.
"Can you stop being so emo and just be my girlfriend?" He sighs loudly, taking a step forward, hands finding your hips again.
His tone is teasing but you know he means the words he's saying.
"Promise to not let it ruin what we have?"
"Hmmm....," He puts a finger up to his chin and taps it, like he's pondering the idea.
"We have to acknowledge that there will be certain risks, such as, since you'd be my girlfriend if anything happened between us I'd probably die of a broken heart, im pretty sure."
"Oh my god you are such a nerd Tetsu!" you playfully swat at his chest, laughing.
"Ok but seriously, be my girlfriend."
"I gotta think about it."
"There's nothing to think about, be my girlfriend."
"There's a lot to think about actually."
"How about, you say yes to being my girlfriend right now, then think about it later?"
"That makes no sense."
"Who cares?"
You didn't realize he'd be slowly leaning down with each question until you feel his breath on your face.
You can smell the alcohol from earlier on his lips.
"I care." Your voice is stern.
He backs up again, removing his hands from you and leaning back against the counter top.
He's so tall that the counter is in line with his hips. Making it the perfect resting spot for him.
You lean on the counter opposite from him. The kitchen is small so you guys are still close enough that your feet are touching.
You put some weight back on to your wrists, allowing you to lift your leg up and give a small kick to his shin.
He looks up at you, taking his focus from where your feet were once entangled.
"What?" He asks, a hint of attitude lacing his tone.
"Don't do that Tetsuro."
He doesn't respond, but instead rolls his eyes.
You huff, not caring to argue with him.
"Look, I'll be your girlfriend," You watch as his face perks up, he goes to say something but you're quick to shove your hand out in to his face to keep him quiet. "But, you have to make one promise."
You drop your hand, allowing him to respond.
"I'll do anything!"
"Okay, and I'm so serious about this. Like, this is do or die."
He nods his head up and down quickly, showing his blind alliance to whatever you were going to say.
"Okay, So, I need you to promise that you'll stop making corny science jokes all the time."
He stops moving to stare at you, popping a brow up at you In annoyance.
"That's it?"
You nod 'yes' quickly.
"No can do sweetheart. Science jokes are baller."
He rolls his eyes again, grabbing you and pulling you back into him.
Your words are muffled due to him holding your face into his chest.
"And you can't say 'baller' to describe things anymore!"
"Uh-Uh! You're asking too much of me!"
He lets your head go and move your head back to look up at him.
"Fine, I'll be your girlfriend. No conditions."
"Swear?" A cheesy grin overtakes his face.
"Yeah. Swear."
He leans over, grabbing your face in both his hands, squishing your cheeks until you're lips poke out.
A giant wet kiss lands on your lips and he makes a show of popping his lips with a 'MWUAH'! He drops your face and you wipe the excess spit off your mouth.
"Okay one condition, you have got to stop giving such wet kisses! It's gross!"
He just laughs, signaling that won't happen anytime soon.
"Too late you already said swear."
You roll your eyes and push his chest a bit, finally going to grab a glass of water.
You guess having him as your boyfriend couldn't be so bad.
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classiccowboy · 10 months ago
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his WIFE evie as they go through his football career.
*face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by bengals, joeyb_9, and 983,729 others…
evie: honeymoon avenue.
view all 4,738 comments…
user: i love you guys together!
> evie: 💗💗
user: am i the only one that doesn’t like her?
> millyg: it’s the jealousy in you.
> user: i don’t see how anyone can’t like her, she’s so nice!
user: yikes
joeyb_9: no complaints, probably the best avenue out there.
> evie: thanks for your input, i totally agree.
> millyg: gtfo you guys 🤣
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liked by evie, lahjay10_, and 902,519 others
joeyb_9: we will send a post card.
view all 5,739 comments…
user: nooooo that’s two times in a row he’s posted ev
> user: they are literally married now, she’s not going anywhere.
user: in his *husband* era
user: i can’t stomach this
millyg: still mad i got left at home.
> user: i don’t like them together, im not jealous or anything something just feels off.
> user: i think that means your jealous.
evie: the views were 10/10
> joeyb_9: i was only looking at you.
> lahjay10_: 🧀🧀🧀
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liked by joeyb_9, millyg, and 810,826 others
evie: some small things…🤍
view all 3,738 comments…
user: i’m SO single
user: she doesn’t have to rub it in
user: NOT THE PRETTY GIRL. ladies he is everything..
user: if he wanted to he would
millyg: not joes failed cursive attempt
> evie: it wasn’t TERRIBLE 🤣
user: being with joe burrow is this girls whole personality
joeyb_9: the prettiest pretty girl.
> evie: 😭💗
user: so when are we expecting the divorce?
user: take notes fellas
user: joe and ev being so taylor coded makes me sick
> evie: swifties are superior, even if jb likes to pretend he isn’t one.
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liked by obj, evie, and 1,785,002 others
joeyb_9: had the basketball versus football convo too many times
view all 2,372 comments…
user: low key forgot you weren’t just some guy from cincinnati
> evie: THE guy from cincinnati
obj: Da boyyyyyyyy
user: tough. basketball tho
> evie: wrong answer. 😭
user: Joey B is A list now
evie: it was so nice of you to take photos with a few fans today.
> joeyb_9: 😎
> user: ev is coming for those opps
user: not him hanging with obj
user: such a weeb
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 1,037,927 others
evie: went to something called a white party?
view all 2,801 comments…
user: you win
user: he actually took you with him?
> evie: i actually got invited to come with him.
> user: standing on business.
> evie: marriage is about sacrifice.
joeyb_9: 🥵🥵🥵
user: this is everything
user: that joe pic is my new background thanks
> evie: charity work is my passion.
user: i keep coming back to look at this post
user: second pic sent me into cardiac arrest.
> evie: you should’ve seen it in person.
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 710,991 others
joeyb_9: “It’s time to go mobile.”
view all 3,729 comments…
user: YESSIR
lahjay10_: My step brother
> evie: hell yeah
user: do you want my mobile phone number
> evie: he doesn’t have a mobile phone.
> user: you are so funny mrs. burrow. 🤣💀
> user: why are you always so rude?
> user: she isn’t rude, but she’s always going to let us know that’s her man. don’t play like you wouldn’t do the same thing if random girls were coming at your bf with this kind of shit.
> user: i agree, she isn’t being rude but she’s never really let people show blatant disrespect for their relationship. even when they were in college.
tylerboyd: levels
> evie: BIG LEVELS
evie: you’re so hot. there is said it.
joeyb_9: 🪞
user: return of shiesty
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 810,003 others
evie: volume 4. 🤍🧡🖤
view all 2,761 comments…
user: you’re special
user: do you ever get sick of having to pretend to be interested in football?
> evie: never pretending.
user: he needs a tall blonde that has a brain.
> evie: my masters in marketing is offended.
user: i’m so excited to see the team smash it this year!
joeyb_9: very big fan of this.
> evie: your sunnies really tie it together.
> user: not you sharing sunnies. 😭
user: i love ev truly, but im also jealous of her.
> evie: i’m not sure what to say here. 🤣💗
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liked by evie, bengals, and 789,524 others
joeyb_9: Mask off.
view all 2,751 comments…
user: clothes off
> evie: the clothes will stay on. (for now) 🤪
user: Burrow is back!
user: solid W
evie: put the mask back on, i can’t think straight.
> joeyb_9: keep it on all night?
> user: i wish i could unsee this
> user: joe. please. this has to stop.
user: i’ll never quit you.
evie’s instagram stories:
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a/n: hiiii. i’m going to finish this series up in the next post so i can work on some of the other requests i have. if you guys are interested in me continuing it once the new season starts let me know and i’ll see what i can do. thanks for all the love on this, you guys rock. and as always im taking request so if you have an idea i’d love to hear it.
160 notes · View notes
dtmsrpfcringe · 6 months ago
We don't hate women. We hate women who are abusive towards their partners.
Michael and David both deserve better and just because you want to buy into what PR and social media tells you, you don't have to attack other people for being upset over actors they care about possibly not being happy.
David wouldn't leave Georgia, they are married and have children, so he feels responsible. He always puts other people before himself. And Anna played it well with the babies, as harsh as it sounds. Michael would feel terrible leaving the girls. People staying in relationships doesn't prove you right, sadly. It's no sign of anything other than commitment and commitment doesn't always come from a place of love.
By saying that Michael and David shippers want to see them unhappy in their relationship, you show that you're missing the point. The whole point of shipping them is wanting them to be happy. You just want to be hateful towards people who don't suppprt your narrative, it seems.
GOD I WISH TUMBLR WOULD LET ME ADD TEXTS BEFORE ASKS SO I COULD SAY “Warning: you’re about to hear one of the most moronic takes I have ever heard” *insert gif of amanojaku from ghost stories here* okay let’s…we have to break this down it’s too much for me to just laugh at and go “wow this is dumb as hell”
“We don’t hate women, we just make up stuff so we can justify hating them”- you. where’s…where’s any shred of proof that either women are even a little bit abusive? I mean don’t you think we would have seen some of that by now? And no, enty lawyer doesn’t count as proof and neither does random screenshots of a bit of text with zero context. Also neither do jokes online with your partner when they’re okay with it (and make the same jokes quite literally all the time) and nobody sees a problem with it except the people that conveniently hate these women.
2. “Michael and David both deserve better” yes I’m sure the rich white middle aged men who are two of the most popular actors in their countries who have girlfriends/wives and kids who love and adore them are surely hurting because some weirdo on tumblr says it.
3. Hate to tell you this but married people with children divorce all the time. It’s not like if they divorce he is going to suddenly vanish in a puff of smoke babe.
4. Even if that’s true, your theory of him only staying out of responsibility is bullshit. Someone who stays for the kids isn’t going to dip their wife into a kiss on the red carpet and look at her like a hozier song sounds. If there’s any event or interview where he can find a way to praise Georgia, he does it. He always talks about her. After events they’ve been seen kissing deeply and walking arm in arm honeymoon style.
5. as for Anna and Michael, (David and Georgia too but they seem more open to pda) they don’t owe you pda. Michael has been more than adamant about defending his girlfriend on twitter and good for him about it.
6. if you guys were genuinely concerned with Michael and David’s impending relationship crashes, why is it always tied to their love for one another? The only people who see This rampant “abuse and unhappiness” is this group of people who believe David and Michael are actually in love and want to elope together. Nobody else. Not even other Sheenant shippers. You guys literally just hate them, I mean Invisibleicewands has been talking shit on Anna since she posted her first photo with Michael back in 2019 and hasn’t stopped.
7. “And Anna played it well with the babies, as harsh as it sounds.” seriously what the absolute crap is this supposed to mean my dude? I’ve gotta be honest….you know how smex works right? Michael could absolutely choose to use protection!!! Why is it on her? Not on him. He’s had kids before I think he knows that a stork doesn’t bring the baby. Holy hell you people make my eyes hurt
8. (finally) funny you should bring up narratives, you know considering you’re part of the group that thinks any affection towards anybody else that isn’t them is PR (thinking of the Joseph Fiennes hug fiasco) that lied about Georgia and Anna being abusive, that has tried time and time again and moved the goalpost, that fabricates evidence and tries to send death threats to people who speak out, and then lie about it, that your group is the one who can’t handle women working together and have to call everything PR. The same group that ignores the fact that Anna and Georgia are friends, to talk grave shit on them. Newsflash sweetheart, we aren’t the ones pushing the narrative here. You only want to see David and Michael happy as long as it aligns with your delusion. Have the day you deserve.
anyways, I think this is going to be my pinned post. Mostly because I want this to be embarrassing if you ever try to come back here and lie on Betty whites internet again, but also because I think this addresses so many tin hat talking points at once. Just because we love aziraphale and crowley doesn't mean we get the right to insert ourselves into their personal lives, you wouldn't want someone else praying for your relationship to fail.
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snake-spire · 8 months ago
Been meaning to type something like this for a while but I completely forgot about it.
I like how so many people project onto these characters so much, I love seeing platonic John and Arthur, I love Queer platonic relationship private eyes and I love romantic private eyes.
No interpretation of their relationship is wrong. You can view it as a budding romance with massive ups and downs (aka the divorces) or as a strong friendship, showing that men are allowed to say I love you to their friends. It’s beautiful regardless.
I don’t think people (and I have seen a little bit of this but not too much) should look down on others for their headcanons on these characters, they’re headcanons. You can view Arthur as aromantic or not. I project onto this man and will slap the demiromantic label on him, but that’s just me and what I took away from the flashback episodes and the episode with Daniel.
I tend to lean into the romantic readings for their relationship because I’m a hopeless romantic who isn’t privy to romance. It’s pretty funny to think about that part: I've only been in one relationship before that crashed and burned, constantly confusing my strong platonic feelings for my friends as romantic because of social norms, and me and my roommate accidentally became a QPR. I love my friends and I tell them that all the time. But for me, I want to see romantic love that has an actual bond and strong connection and I can project what I want in a relationship. Very physical touch oriented and just a deep understanding and connection to one another. Nothing more.
It’s funny for me to pick up on this series from the romantic fanart: I had come to realize that I was demiromantic/grayromantic/aromantic (it kinda fluctuates) several months before, but I came into the fandom thinking this was the case (the romance), but it became one of my favorite hyperfixations of all times.
Regardless of how you view their relationship, it’s still very strong and wonderful to see :).
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localplaguenurse · 6 months ago
Falling Head over Heels (Pantalone x Male Reader) pt 6
So ever since my last update, I've gotten a new laptop because deadass the same day I posted chapter 5 like "oh hopefully I'll get it back soon," they told me my old acer aspire is so old they don't even make the parts for it anymore. This has nothing to do with the fic, I just thought it was funny.
Notes: still sfw, semi dysfunctional/controlling family dynamics (I assure you they will get progressively worse), ableism in the form of reader being coddled and patronized by his parents. Check masterlist for previous parts, will eventually make an actual masterlist for this fic.
@thedeimoshimself @eli-chris
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You did not immediately tell your parents about your interaction with Pantalone when you finally returned, as once again they were in the midst of an argument. Your mother’s scoldings about how your father knows better, and your father’s arguments about how you’re a grown man who should fend for himself by now could be heard the moment you stepped through the door. Colleen gives you an awkward, sympathetic smile as you shuck off your coat. Before the maid can hang it up, you fish the letter from your pocket, and seeing your name in the Guuji Yae’s handwriting fills you with nervous excitement once more. 
You can’t really hear the fighting from your study. If you try to listen, you can, but otherwise it is very peaceful. You open the letter again and set it next to your typewriter, while also tucking the briefcase with your manuscript under your desk. You proceed to load your typewriter, ready to type a response, when it occurs to you that maybe you should hand write this letter. Would it be disrespectful to just type a letter? Maybe. A handwritten letter is more personal, after all. 
By the time you finish your letter, there are six other letters crumpled up in your bin, and you hear your mother’s voice informing you that it’s dinner time. The tense atmosphere of dinner keeps you from talking, let alone telling your parents about Pantalone. You really don’t want to set off yet another argument with how much these two have grown apart. As horrible as it is to think or say, you will not be surprised if the word divorce comes up in their next fight, and that next fight is probably tomorrow. 
This tense silence continues the next day, and the day after that, until a full two weeks have passed where you have not heard a single argument. Not because your parents made up, mind you, but because they have barely spoken to each other. Nothing beyond standard small talk or informing the other person about meals or receiving something in the mail. The air is oppressive, and you try not to let it show how much it is starting to stress you out. Instead, you have been waiting patiently for a letter back from the Guuji, hoping to surprise them with some good news for once. 
(You’ve also been replaying your last interaction with Pantalone in your head, because you know you did not mishear him.)
The silence breaks when your father throws your bedroom door open one morning, when you are in the midst of getting changed out of your sleepwear. 
You jump, having just put on your pants. Your face heats up in embarrassment. “Would it kill you to knock?” you snap. It’s not even ten. 
You hear your mother somewhere behind your father. “Darling, calm down.”
Your father storms inside and an envelope is shoved in your face. “Do you care to explain this?”
You step back and take the envelope. You rub your eyes, shoot your dad a dirty look, and read the envelope. That’s your name and address, but you don’t recognize the return address in the corner. The name, however, you do recognize, and your father does too.
“Why is it that I haven’t had contact with the Regrator in two weeks,” your father asks, “but when I finally get a letter back, it’s for you?”
“Yes, why is Pantalone writing to you?” your mother asks in turn. 
Your brow furrows, and with your father glaring daggers at you, you break the seal on the back of the letter. Before you can actually open it, your dad snatches the letter from you. He tosses the envelope aside and unfolds the paper within. 
“Hey!” You grab your father’s arm. “If you’re going to barge into my room, at least let me read my own mail!”
“There has to be some mistake,” your father says. “There’s no reason for the Regrator to talk to you.”
“While I disagree with his approach,” your mother says, “your father has a point.”
“Maybe if you let me read my mail, I could tell you,” you reply sarcastically. Your father rolls his eyes but hands the now crinkled letter back to you. You straighten it out and let your eyes scan over the words.
Your father’s voice is impatient. “Well?” 
You squint. “It’s an invitation.”
“An invitation?” your mother asks.
“What the hell for?” your father asks.
“An invitation for tea,” you answer, “for… tomorrow, at two.”
“Anything else?”
You flip the paper over. It’s blank. You flip it back over. “No, it’s just tea at two at his estate.”
“No, you fool,” your dad says, pulling the letter out of your hand again. “I meant if he mentions your sister or myself, because I find it hard to believe he’d invite you to his estate.”
You cross your arms. “Why’s that?”
“Your father means it’s odd that you would be invited over when you are not, ah, working with him,” your mother says, making up an excuse on the fly. “You’re not working with your father and sister, so if you were to be invited over, then that would include the rest of the family.” Though she’s out of your limited line of vision, you know she’s glaring at your father based on the way he averts his eyes from you.
“Then why is it addressed to him? It doesn’t address anyone else in the family.”
“I’m not sure, dear. Perhaps there’s been a mistake?”
“Pantalone would not make a mistake like this. Perhaps the post office lost our invites, but not his.”
“Or he just invited me,” you butt in.
Your father gives you a look. 
“Think about it,” you say, “if we all got an invite, surely mine would have said something about it, right? Hope to see you and your family, or something along those lines.”
“Perhaps mine would have it,” your father retorts, “as he’s my business partner.”
More like marriage partner at this point, you think and know better than to say. “You’re also assuming this has anything to do with work,” is what you say instead. “What if it’s just tea?”
“No, a man like him wouldn’t invite someone over for just tea,” your mother says. 
Your father goes to put your invitation in his pocket, but gives it back to you when your mom gives him a look. He clears his throat. “Well, we’ll have this sorted when we visit tomorrow.”
You blink. “Wait, what?” 
“We’re not going to just turn down this invitation,” your father says, as if you’re an idiot for not understanding what he was getting at. 
“We? We?”
“That’s right,” your mother chimes in, “we really shouldn’t go if we don’t know his intentions.”
“That’s not…” You groan, annoyed. You point at your father. “You aren’t on the invite.” You turn and point to your mother. “And we’ve talked about the coddling.”
Your mother shakes her head. “That was about when he visits us, I don’t want you alone at his estate.”
“No, no, we’re not getting into the semantics,” you say, “I have told you time and time and time again to stop treating me like I’m seven! I should be allowed to go have tea with someone else by myself.”
“Watch your tongue,” your father snaps, “and our decision is final. If you want to go to the Regrator’s for tea, then your mother and I are going as well.” He turns to walk off, and stops in the doorway. “And put a damn shirt on.”
The door slams shut, leaving you and your mother in your room. She offers you an apologetic smile, and gets the hint you want space when you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. Her exit is much quiet, a soft apology and a gentle closing of the door. 
It takes you a moment, but you manage to find the envelope your father carelessly tossed aside. It slid most of the way under your bed, only the corner of it is immediately visible. You pick it up and feel your heart thump in your chest.
So this is what your name looks like in his handwriting.
While the novelty of Pantalone’s social status has worn off, the estate that comes into view through the snowstorm is a reminder of his intimidating wealth. It’s a beautiful building, and significantly larger than your family home. Your eyes are glued to the sight of it through the covered sled’s window. You can also just see your mother looking at it as well through the reflection of the glass. 
“Remember what we talked about,” your father says, and you make a face of annoyance similar to the face your mother’s reflection makes. “Hey, are you listening?”
“Don’t touch, trip on, or break anything,” you reply, “and only speak when spoken to. I’m aware of the whole routine.”
“And watch the attitude.”
“And you remember what I told you,” you reply, not bothering to turn your head. “If it turns out Pantalone didn’t invite you over, you need to leave.”
“Look at me when you talk to me.”
There’s a thump. Your mother most likely gave your father a nudge with her foot. Silence takes up the last few minutes of the ride as it slows to a stop right outside the snowy steps. You slide over to the opposite end of your seat and open the door, sucking all the warmth out of the sled. You make no effort to wait for your parents before you step down from the stairs. The snow pelting you in the face diminishes your vision, so you only make it a few steps before you trip on the first step. You catch yourself before you tumble forward and smash your teeth into the stairs. 
You hear your mother’s voice from the sled. “Please be careful!” 
You shout back that you’re fine, and climb up the stairs. Pantalone must have just had the steps cleared off before the blizzard hit, as there’s no crunch beneath your feet, merely the puff of snowflakes puffing out of the way with each step you take. Your father calls for you to wait for them as you stand before the door. You grab one of the large knockers and give it a few hard knocks on the door.
You feel your father’s firm hand on your shoulder just as a gust of heat rushes out and envelops you. You find yourself standing face to face with an older gentleman dressed in pristine servant’s attire. The two of you lock eyes, and for a moment he offers a welcoming smile before he notices you’re not alone, then it becomes confusion.
“Oh, hello there,” he says, “this is a little unexpected.”
“We’re here for tea with the Regrator,” your father butts in before you can even open your mouth.
“I had assumed as much, but I was told we were expecting a single visitor,” the man says. He brings his gaze back to you. “Now, you fit the description, but these two–”
Somewhere behind the man, you hear Pantalone’s voice. “Fyodor, what’s going on? Why have you not let our guest inside?”
The man turns around to address his master. “Apologies, my lord, but there seems to be some sort of… misunderstanding?”
You hear heeled footsteps descending a flight of stares and across the floor before your host comes into view. You feel yourself salivate and swallow it down quickly. You’re so used to seeing him in mostly black clothing, so the white lace up shirt with puffy sleeves immediately catches your eye. It’s tucked into a pair of black corset pants, which you make a point to not look at either. His hair is not tied back, and the chain on his glasses seems different. Though he still has his rings, he’s not wearing his gloves. Even in more “casual” attire, the Regrator is the pinnacle of wealth and beauty.
This very beautiful man tilts his head at the sight of your parents, namely your father. “What are you doing here?”
“You… You invited us to tea,” your father says.
“No I didn’t.”
Your father is quiet, and you turn yourself to see the confusion on his face. “You sent an invitation, i-it had our address on it.”
“Yes, and I believe I put your son’s name on it, did I not?” Pantalone asks. When you turn back around to him, you find he’s looking right at you. 
“You did, b-but I presumed you… you forgot to mention us, or maybe the invitations for my wife and I got lost in the–”
Pantalone lifts his hand, silencing your father. “If that were the case, I would have either addressed it to your family as a whole on the envelope, or I would have mentioned it in the invitation itself. Likewise, I did not send this through the post office, I had one of my staff deliver it personally.”
“But, b-but I’m your business partner!”
Pantalone turns to you. “Did you invite them with you?”
You stumble on your words, feeling too humiliated to answer honestly. What’s worse, saying yes, or saying no, but your parents wouldn’t let you leave unless they came along like they were chaperoning a child’s first field trip or playdate? You manage a shake of your head, and fortunately Pantalone seems to understand your plight after having many interactions with your family.
He sighs, and steps aside. “You’ve already made the trip, and the weather is taking a turn for the worst,” he relents, “you may come in.”
Your father pushes past and marvels at the interior of Pantalone’s estate. Your mother gives you an assuring pat on your shoulder. Pantalone whispers something to Fyodor, who nods and goes to help your parents with their coats.
The door shuts behind you, and you turn to Pantalone. You clasp your gloved hands together and lower your voice. “I am so sorry, I tried to tell them–”
“I know,” he replies in a voice as soft as yours, “perhaps I should have seen this coming, but I didn’t think I would need to be more specific in the invitation.”
With that, Pantalone stands up and claps his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Once you’re all settled, please follow me for a short tour on the way to the tea room.” He turns to Fyodor, who is carrying your parents’ coats. “Fyodor, please be a dear and let the chefs know to prepare some extra refreshments for our unexpected company.”
Fyodor nods, and you give him your coat before he leaves. Your mother is already hovering right next to you protectively, and Pantalone gives you a subtly sympathetic smile, which your mother seemingly interprets as an underlying threat judging by the way she wraps her arm around yours. You imagine your father is rolling his eyes.
The tour is short as promised, only staying in any given room long enough for Pantalone to state what the purpose of it is. You pass through the dining room, where Pantalone points out the doors to the kitchen, before you’re in a corridor passing by a ballroom entryway. You try to have a look at the oddly macabre paintings your host has displayed on the walls, but your mother is practically dragging you along so she can get this event over with quicker. You want to ask questions about what the chandelier in the foyer is made of, but your father already asked that in his never ending ramblings of praise for Pantalone and probably isn’t going to stop so you can actually ask the man anything.
Your father finally shuts up and your mother lets your arm go when the four of you step inside the tea room. Something you notice immediately is, while there are paintings on the walls, a table in the centre of the room, and a large cabinet with various tea sets, there is actually very little decor and furniture here. You passed by some sculptures and house plants and other miscellaneous extravagant pieces on the way, but the small room is oddly empty compared to the corridor just outside. 
When Pantalone takes a seat, your parents end up taking a seat on either side of him. Your father is immediately praising the barely furnished room, while your mother acts as barrier. As such, you end up seated across from him. On cue, you hear two people come in through the door behind you. You hear a soft squeaking, and a servant pushing a cart with a tea set on top of it. The porcelain teapot and cups have a vaguely floral pattern, with the handles shimmering with gold leaf. You jump when the second person, another servant, comes up beside you with a tray of food to place on the table. Your father marvels as they get to work setting the table, your mother politely thanks the staff, and you just sit still as your cup of tea is poured.
“This is quite lovely, Pantalone,” your father says for the millionth time, “really, I expect nothing less from you!”
Pantalone gives your father a smile, a polite gesture that does not reach his eyes. “I’m flattered.” When he looks your way, his smile seems fonder. “How about you? You seem to have something on your mind.”
“Oh! Um…” You lean back and glance around the room once more. “I was just… curious about your decor.”
Pantalone tilts his head curiously. “Oh? And what would you like to know?”
You hesitate to answer out of fear you would offend the man.
“Well? Out with it,” your father remarks.
“This room is a little bit… um…”
“Bare?” Pantalone finishes. “Yes, I had some of the furniture moved around in preparation for your arrival.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your eye condition,” he answers, “you said you used to trip on furniture because you didn’t see it, correct? I figured with a room this size, it would be safer to move some of the decor out of the room while you were visiting.”
“Oh, that’s… actually rather sweet,” you say, “b-but unnecessary. I’m not as clumsy as I used to be.”
“Ah, yes, my suit can attest to that fact.”
You chuckle.
Your father chimes in. “Yes, it’s better we avoid any more expensive accidents.”
Pantalone hums. “While I would rather avoid paying for a replacement or repair job, I was more focused on ensuring your son’s safety. I would hate for my guest to get hurt at an event I invited him to.”
You pick up on his passive aggressive comment, and your father does not. That, or he’s elected to ignore it. “Ah, that too,” your father says. He gestures to your mother. “I would have never heard the end of it if that were the case!”
Your father was expecting someone to laugh. He is ignored by Pantalone and gets glared at by your mother. You just grab a couple pastries, honestly wishing you had just turned down the invite altogether.
Your father clears his throat. “So, about that thing I-I had proposed a few weeks ago–”
“How is the book deal?” Pantalone asks you.
“O-Oh,” you stammer, not expecting him to bring up your book, “well, I’ve decided to go for it, and I’ve written back saying I would like to move forward with the deal. Now I’m just waiting for them to get back to me.”
Pantalone smiles and nods. “That’s lovely to hear.”
Your mother looks at you, confused. “What is he talking about?”
Fuck. You swallow, and nervously, sheepishly smile. “Right, um… I was, ah, saving this for when the deal was finalized, but my book might be getting published now.”
“By who?”
“... The Yae Publishing House.”
Your mother’s squeal could shatter porcelain. “The Yae Publishing House?! Sweetheart, that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
You awkwardly laugh, avoiding Pantalone’s knowing gaze. “They’re just s-such a big deal, you know? I didn’t want to get your hopes up before I knew for certain they were going t-to publish the book.”
“Still, you could have at least told me you sent your book to them! Oh, goodness, I’m getting all worked up now. My sweetheart, being published by the Guuji Yae…”
Pantalone chuckles. “Yes, quite exciting. It warms my heart to see hard work being recognized.”
“I’m very excited,” your mother says, “he hasn’t told me what his new book is about, he keeps telling me to wait until it gets published. I was worried I’d never get to read it when your first deal was cancelled!”
You sheepishly rub the back of your neck. “This one’s kind of, well, different from my usual writing. I wasn’t sure how people would react to it.”
“Your stories are lovely, sweetie,” your mother insists, “you should never worry about what your mother thinks because I will always support you.”
You hear your father lean over in his chair towards Pantalone, and in a room of four people, his whisper is very audible. “He was worried he would have to get a real job, haha.”
“Which would be difficult given my disability,” you add, “seeing as most jobs require you to have awareness of your surroundings, and my eyesight is only going to continue degrading.”
Your father glares, and clears his throat. “... It was a joke.”
“And it wasn’t very original.”
“You’re also one to talk, considering our little deal,” Pantalone remarks. Your mother looks at your father for an explanation, to which he just sips his tea, embarrassed. 
The rest of the afternoon isn’t less awkward. The momentary embarrassment does not stop your father from badgering Pantalone with questions about what he’s been doing the past two weeks (settling some financial matters in Liyue), and praising him for the pastries he’s provided. Pantalone answers out of politeness, but his responses grow shorter and shorter every time your father opens his mouth. Your mother just silently eats, disinterested in conversing with the Regrator. You try to engage in conversation with Pantalone, but despite glares from everyone at the table, your father continues to interrupt you or answer questions Pantalone could not have more clearly directed towards you. You also just keep your answers short, not wanting to divulge too much about your book or true thoughts in front of your parents. 
Your father pops the last cream puff in his mouth. He’s already eaten most of them. There is no more tea, bringing the meeting to a close.
Pantalone claps his hands together. “Well, this has been a meeting!”
“We appreciate the invitation, Lord Pantalone,” your father says.
“What invitation?” Pantalone asks. “Remember? You two never received an invite.”
“... Right.”
Pantalone leans forward, propping his head up in his hands. He’s looking right at you, and he smiles so sweetly. “Would you care to stay for dinner?”
“Oh, we couldn’t possibly overstay our welcome.”
Pantalone nods, acknowledging your father. He then looks back at you. “So? Would you care to stay?”
“We just said no,” your mother says.
“That’s fine, you two are free to leave. I’m talking to your son.”
Your mother and father lock eyes, before your father turns back to Pantalone. “Wait, why are you asking him if he wants to stay, but not us?”
Pantalone sighs, and grins at your father. “Well, I think I’ve played host to you two long enough, so I’ll tell you honestly.” At that, Pantalone drops his smile. The atmosphere immediately grows tense as he speaks, his voice cold. “I invited your son to my home because I wanted to discuss his upcoming book over tea. I did not invite you over to discuss work matters on my day off. Now, I would like to have the discussion I cleared my schedule for, and I would like to do it with the guest I actually invited.”
Your father balks, while you feel your jaw drop to the table and your eyes go as wide as saucers. You slowly turn towards your mother, and she is immediately seething. She stands up, her chair scraping on the floor. Pantalone smiles at you once more.
“So will you be staying for dinner? I have many questions about your writing process.”
“Absolutely not,” your mother snaps. She grabs your arm hard and attempts to pull you up to your feet. Your father is torn between being shocked over being called out for his behaviour, humiliated for being scolded like a child, and incensed that your invitation did not extend towards him. Your mother tugs your arm again, and you stand up so you can better shake her off your arm.
“We’re leaving,” your father says. “Come along, you two.”
You brush some crumbs off your lap and sit back down.
Your father shakes your shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me? I said we’re leaving.”
“Have fun,” you reply dryly, “I’ll be home late.”
Pantalone absolutely beams. “Oh, wonderful!”
You flinch at your mother’s shrill voice. “No, you’re not! I am not leaving you with this disrespectful–”
“Violka, he has made up his mind,” your father growls. You feel him glaring daggers into the back of your head, and do not move. You hear your mother start to protest, but then the door shuts behind you.
Pantalone lifts a small plate up off the table. On it is the final little piece of cherry bublanina. He offers it to you with a sly smirk, like forbidden fruit. 
With this in mind, you take it.
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silverwasafukintrainwreck · 2 months ago
do u have any emily or/and jecka hcs? <3
hai mootie! i have a few for jecka and a TON for emily, so brace yourself :0
-this is kinda canon anyway, but despite how much jecka wants to appear stable, she’s incredibly argumentative. she raises her voice at people the moment she gets slightly upset and has serious trouble with keeping her calm.
-i hc emily as trans and she started HRT really young and REALLY shadily. type of person who DIYed estrogen but the thing is it somehow worked. the only reason why this happened though is because she got into drugs in general really young
-adding onto that, i feel like the reason she has an obsession with selling fake drugs to middle schoolers (it happened like four times throughout the series, the fuck) is because it happened to her a lot. to a point where she’d go over to people from her school trying to buy shit and tell them “this is fake, kick that guy’s ass.”
-i’m both really into jeckole and emicole, so yay! i feel like regardless of wether nicole starts dating one or the other, they would BOTH get incredibly jealous, showing it in different ways.
-Emily in specific i think would be incredibly on jecka’s ass for a few weeks after she and nicole would start dating, like sending her death threats, actually trying to follow through on death threats, not supplying jecka with drugs anymore (by far the worst part). then two weeks would pass and she’d get over it. and completely forget she was ever into nicole. she goes up to jecka and says “hey wanna buy addies” and the poor girl would jump back expecting emily to be holding a knife.
-i’m the case of nicole dating emily, i don’t think jecka would confront emily or even look her in the face ever. she would keep being friends with nicole, but only for a short while cause it starts to hurt too much. she’d rather die than ever confess that she’s jealous. or that she had feelings for nicole. and unlike emily it doesn’t go away. it just doesn’t.
- …on a happier note! i said this on another posts but jecka has a very soft spot for pets, however she never gets to have them whole living with her dad cause… you know. emily however, who lives and breathes to spite her parents, is someone who i’d imagine to have tons of weird pets (who she somehow takes proper care of). i’m talking weird ass birds, ferrets, a whole ass raccoon. and one time for some reason jecka and nicole go over to emily’s house when her parents aren’t there and jecka falls in love with all the pets. and that’s one of the things they can finally bond over!
-jecka also jokes by saying that nicole is basically her pet, cause she’s very high maintenance and basically has to take care of her anyway. nicole weirdly doesn’t disagree.
-i have this split headcanon for emily’s parents where they’re either super conservative and purist or they’re absurdly worse than her in terms of being high as balls 24/7. i imagine them to not be divorced either, but this is more of a ‘haha wouldn’t it be funny’ gag than an actually serious one. it’s just ironic.
i’m a lil tired and that’s all i can think of rn… hope you enjoyed tho! thanks for the ask <3
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spiral-lemur · 25 days ago
idw sonic 76 spoilers below//
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i am so ready for the inevitable conflict this is gonna cause like. we already KNOW whisper’s response was basically “yea whatever” but phrased in a way she feels tangle would be satisfied with. and there’s no way silver didn’t pick up on whisper’s intent here(they don’t show it often in the comics but this guy is just as ready to fucking kill a man as she is, lest we forget) and just…ough. i don’t know if they’ll actually kill mimic off just yet but imagine how interesting things would be if she did. how will they proceed from there? what’ll be the long term effects of it? will they ever see each other in that same light?
and yknow even if they don’t it’ll still make for an interesting argument. i don’t think tangle actually gives a shit whether or not mimic lives, i think she’s worried about the effect that’ll have on whisper’s mental health—she’s been through so much already. no matter how much you wanna kill someone there’ll always be the chance it’s different when their body’s finally at your feet. tangle doesn’t want to chance it making it worse for her. but on whisper’s side she has proof that locking him away always has the risk of him escaping. he was right there. he could have killed them if he had gotten just a little more time. if she doesn’t nip this in the bud now, she could lose everything all over again. she doesn’t want to lose her, or jewel, or even lanolin. not anyone. not again.
and then there’s silver’s role in this. he’s down to get rid of the fucker—which would put him at odds with tangle. but can he actually go through with it in the end? i don’t think he’s ever actually been shown to kill another person, just attempting. and in 06 he was questioning whether or not it was even the right thing to do: “to kill someone to save the world…is that really the right thing to do?” any hesitation could easily put him at odds with whisper. there’s a possibility this whole manhunt could put him in a bad spot with both of them and i’m so curious to see how this hypothetical is tackled.
this ended up being a longer ramble than i expected it to be lol i love the funny hedgehog comics and could just as easily be reading way too much into things. either way i’m excited to see how the plot progresses.
TLDR: bring on divorce arc #2 i yearn for the drama
i am fucking terrified
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