#i do want to write for all the skipped prompts
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larluce · 2 days ago
Merlin arrives with a baby in Camelot AU
(co-writing with @roxineedstosleep )
Chapter 2: A Baby's Call (Part 2)
In Gaius' chambers.
Merlin: (sits down, holding the baby to feed her)
Gaius: Here (gives him a baby bottle)
Merlin: Thanks. (takes the bottle and starts feeding her. Then looks around, spots some broken things and laughs) I see the baby got you a bit of trouble too.
Gaius: She was upset when you weren't around indeed. But she calmed down eventually. (serves Merlin his food on the table) Do you want some vegetables with that?
Merlin: (snorts) I know you're still angry with me.
Gaius: Your mother asked me to look after you both. What she didn't tell me is that I'd have to look after two babies instead of one.
Merlin: I got it. I was stupid.
Gaius: (softens his expression as he looks Merlin feeding the baby, murmuring to himself) In a way, you are a baby looking after a baby.
Merlin: Uh?
Gaius: (outloud) What did your mother say to you about your gifts?
Merlin: That I'm special.
Gaius: You are both special. The likes of which I have never seen before. But it seems you are not the same kind of especial.
Merlin: (lifts his head, confused) What do you mean?
Gaius: Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study. What you both do is elemental, instinctive. However, while your eyes glow gold when you do magic, the baby's stays the same.
Merlin: Which means...?
Gaius: I don't know. You both are a question that has never been posed before.
Merlin: Did you ever study magic?
Gaius: (pauses, hesitant) Uther banned all such work twenty years ago.
Merlin: (thinking) That's not what I asked... (says) Why?
Gaius: People used magic for the wrong end at that time. It threw the natural order into chaos. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons.
Merlin: (surprised) What? All of them?
Gaius: There was one dragon he chose not to kill, kept it as an example. He imprisoned it in a cave deep beneath the castle where no one can free it.
Baby: (falls asleep) 😴
Merlin: (stands up and walks to the improvised crib they made for the baby and puts her there carefuly)
Gaius: Now, eat up. You can stay with the baby this time. I'll take Lady Helen the preparation for her voice.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you (sits to eat, thinking) If the king managed to kill almost all the dragons. Then we can't stay here for long. I hope Gaius can contact the druids soon.
Time skip. In the Lower Town. Merlin looking for somewhere to buy milk when he encounters Arthur and his gang.
Merlin: (just passes by, ignoring them, thinking) Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to me.
Arthur: How's your knee-walking coming along?
Merlin: (thinking) Shit... (keeps walking, ignoring them)
Arthur: (mocking) Oh, don't run away!
Merlin: (stops) From you?
Arthur: (sighs) Thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb.
Merlin: (turning) Look, I've told you you're an ass- (cuts himself, not wanting to be send to the dungeons and be taken apart from his baby again) And I apologise for that.
Arthur: (surprised) Really?
Merlin: No, but I can't exactly speak my mind without being sent to the dungeons again, can I? (smiles forcely and bows in mockery) Your Higness. Please, go bother someone else.
Arthur: (amused And curious) And if I allowed you to speak your mind?
Merlin: Will I be sent to the dungeons after that?
Arthur: No.
Merlin: The stocks?
Arthur: You have my word no harm will come to you.
Merlin: Alright. (takes a deep breath) You are a spoiled, selfish royal prat. An ungrateful little shit, blind to the suffering of those who keep you fed, clothed, and alive. Do you even know what it is to work? To bleed? To starve?
Arthur: (his smirk falls) Hold on-
Merlin: And how do you repay the people who serves you? With cruelty and mockery. You think yourself noble because of the blood in your veins, but there is nothing noble about you. You are a leech, feeding off the labor of others while contributing nothing!
People around: (gasp)
Merlin: (bows) My lord.
Arthur: (angry) How dare you. I have fought for my people since a very young age, went to dignitary visits to maintain peace between kingdoms. So yes I do know what is to bleed and to work. But of course an ignorant peasant like you wouldn't know that.
Merlin: And yet you act like an idiot, using people as targets just for fun!
Arthur: Don't pretend you know me.
Merlin: I don't NEED to know you and I don't WANT to know you. Just. Leave me. Alone.
Knights: (wait for Arthur to tell them what do)
Arthur: (furious, his jaw tensed, but shows a serious blank face) I'm a man of my word, so I will let you leave. But if I see you again I'll have you flogged.
Merlin: (with a very fake smile) Thank you so much your highness, you are so kind. (bows in mockery again and leaves)
Time skip. In Gaius' chambers.
Gaius: (enters) How could you be so foolish?!
Merlin: (changing the baby's diapers) I don't know what you're talking about.
Gaius: Don't take me for a fool! Everyone is talking about how you humilliated the prince!
Merlin: (grins) Really?
Gaius: It's not funny. You could have gotten yourself in the dungeons again!
Merlin: He was the one who gave me permission to speak my mind! So I spoke my mind. I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't and he needed someone to tell him his truths. It's not my fault he can't handle them. (finishes to change the diapers) There you are! 🤗 (lifts her)
Baby: (babbles adorably)
Gaius: (sighs) I guess I should be glad you weren't idiotic enough to get into another fight with him or use magic to toss him around.
Merlin: Oh, I was tempted. A lot. (looks at the baby fondly) But, as you said, I can't afford acting like an idiot. I have a lot more to lose if I'm discovered. (his face turns sad) You don't know why we are like this, do you?
Gaius: (shakes his head sadly) No. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't possess that knowledge.
Merlin: (pauses) You know, I used to think I was a monster. For being the way I am. For so long I asked myself, why am I like this? Why would the Gods give me so much magic if I can't use it? What is my purpose in this world that rejects everything I am? Everytime my questions came without answers, I felt like dying.
Gaius: And now?
Merlin: (smiles fondly at the baby again) I'm holding the answers in my arms.
Time skip. In the Dragon's Cave. A deprived sleep Merlin enters.
Kilgharrah: Merlin! Until you finally answered my calls.
Merlin: (looks around for the owner of the voice, exhausted) Where are you?
Kilgharrah: (flies to land in front of Merlin) I'm here! How small you are for such a great-
Merlin: Oh, so you are the one who has been talking in my head in the middle of the night.
Kilgharrah: Indeed. As I was saying-
Merlin: I don't care what you have to say! 😡 You know how many hours I've been able to sleep these past few days?
Kilgharrah: (taken aback) Ehm...
Merlin: 3 HOURS! I can only sleep 3 hours a day, because if the baby is not crying, she is making some stuff fly or break! And if she is not making some stuff fly or break, she needs changing or cleaning! But it's okay because I have my 3 hours of sleep, my precious and sacred 3 hours of sleep. And when I finally, FINALLY find some time for my myself to have my fucking 3 hours of sleep, YOU! (points at Kilgharrah with a savage expression) INTERRUPT MY FUCKING SLEEP! 😤
Kilgharrah: ...
Merlin: So don't ever interrupt my beautiful 3 hours of sleep again or I'll make sure you are with the rest of the dragons very soon. (turns and leaves)
Kilgharrah: (watches as Merlin leaves in shock and then thinks) So there is a magic baby too? Interesting. Though I couldn't sense her (closes his eyes feeling the magic around him) And I still can't sense her. Interesting indeed.
Time skip. Next day. In Merlin's room.
Gaius: (enters Merlin's messy chamber and gathers his clothes) Oi!
Merlin: (wakes up) AH! The baby! (quickly turns to see the crib and relaxes once he sees the baby is fine)
Gaius: Have you seen the state of this room?
Merlin: (rubs his face, tired) It just happens.
Gaius: By magic? Or are you going to tell me it's the baby's fault?
Merlin: Well... (points the baby's crib where everything seems to float or move near it)
Gaius: ... It's the baby's fault.
Merlin: Yes. (yawns) And I haven't had time.
Gaius: Yeah. Well, I'll give you some time to clear it up (warns) without magic. And then I want you to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel. And deliver this to Morgana. (gives him a small bag with a vial) The poor girl's suffering from nightmares, she can't hardly sleep... (gets a better look at Merlin) Although I think at this rate I'll have to make something for you too. You look terrible. (tosses some more clothes at Merlin and leaves)
Merlin: Mmm, can't hardly sleep? I know the feeling.
Time skip. In Morgana’s chambers.
Merlin: (enters the open door, eyes not really focus on anything, very sleep deprived)
Morgana: (as she walks behind her changing screen, looking just as exhausted as Merlin, but entertained by the conversation) You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. (yawns) I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen?
Merlin: (pauses uncertainly before fetching the dress)
Morgana: (begins undressing) I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? (yawns trying to hide it)
Merlin: (yawns too, as quietly as he can, and places the gown on the screen with slow movements, not really paying attention cause he's so SO tired)
Morgana: Well, does it?
Merlin: (manages a high pitched yawn)
Morgana: I mean, If he wants me to go... Oh, Gwen, don't tell me I'm spreading you my yawns?
Merlin: (tries to figure a way out of this situation, but he yawns louder instead)
Morgana: I thought so. Well, as I was saying- (looks over the screen, spots Merlin and covers herself quickly, screaming) AAAAH!
Merlin: (blushes furiously, very embarrased, not knowing what to do or say) Uhm... 😳
Morgana: ... You are not Gwen.
Merlin: No. 😅
Gwen: (enters) I'm here.
Merlin: (turns to her)
Gwen: Are you here to drop off Lady Morgana's medicine?
Merlin: Yes! That's exactly why I'm here. I didn't mean to- (yawns) spy or-
Gwen: (smiles) It's fine. Leave it there. (points to a small table in the entryway) Thank you, although I think you should get some rest.
Merlin: (leaves the vial where Gwen indicated and turns to Morgana, head hung in shame) I'm so sorry. (leaves quickly)
Gwen: (helps Morgana behind the screen)
Morgana: (comes out from behind the screen in a new dress) Who was that?
Gwen: A new servant it seems, my lady. And a really tired one.
Time skip. In the Banquet Hall at night. Court members gather.
Gaius: (stands on one of the walls closest to the servants' door, looking around and grabbing some snacks to put in his pockets for Merlin)
Arthur: (joking around and laughing with his companions)
Morgana: (enters with her breathtaking dress, making every men stare at her)
Arthur: (Cursing internally) Gods have mercy. (goes to her)
Morgana: (smiles at him, inocently) Hi, Arthur.
Arthur: (protective brother mode) What is it that you are wearing?
Morgana: It's called a dress. You should try it some time.
Arthur: You know what I mean. Change it.
Morgana: Why?
Arthur: It's... too revealing!
Morgana: (laughs) Who are you to tell me what to wear?
Arthur: I'm the prince!
Morgana: A prince that got humiliated by a peasant boy yesterday.
Arthur: (Taken aback) Who...who told you that?
Morgana: Everyone is talking about it. And if you keep bothering me, I'll make sure no one forgets it. (passes him)
Arthur: (fumes, but lets her be)
Merlin: (appears through the servants' door, completely in a hurry and looking for Gaius in the crowd)
Gaius: (spots him) Merlin! (approaches) I thought you were with the baby? What happened?
Merlin: (very worried parent mode) She just fell asleep, but she hasn't stopped crying! It's not her diaper or her food or a bump, I checked. Maybe is a cold. Or worst! She could be dying-
Gaius: Calm down! It's probably just colic, it happens frequently to babies that age. I have several vials labeled for that in my cabinet. (checks that the prince hasn't seen Merlin, not wanting Merlin to get into trouble again) Now, leave before-
Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone present falls silent and still as they notice the king passing them. The servants' entrance is blocked by all the maidservants and manservants trying to leave so as not to interrupt the king.
Merlin: (stands still next to Gaius. Unable to leave)
Uther: We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora.
Applause. The music begins and Uther and the court take their seats. Merlin takes the opportunity to move through the servants who move to serve again, trying to remain unnoticed. However as he passes and Helen starts singing, Merlin notices the members of the court begin to fall asleep. Merlin covers his ears with his hands as cobwebs begin to form over the enchanted sleepers.
Merlin: (thinking, confused and scared) What... what is happening?
Lady Helen: (stares at Arthur as she walks forward and then pulls a dagger from her sleeve)
Merlin: (thinking) Wait... She wants to kill the idiot! 😱 I get the feeling, but it's wrong! Oh, what do I do, what do I do... (spots the chandelier) That's it! (magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger)
Court members: (wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering, confused)
Uther and Arthur: (just as confused, stand up to see Lady Helen, now Mary Collins, lying on the floor)
Merlin: (thinking) Oh, shit. Did I kill her?
Mary Collins: (suddenly raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur)
Merlin: (slows down time instinctively to reach Arthur and pull him out of harm's way)
The dagger slices into Arthur's chair as Arthur and Merlin fall to the floor.
Mary Collins: (gives her last breath and dies)
Arthur and Merlin: (stand up)
Arthur: (thinking) What the hell is he doing here?
Uther: You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid.
Merlin: Oh, well. I don't really need-
Uther: Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded.
Merlin: No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Majesty. (tries to leave)
Uther: (stops him by the arm) No, absolutely. This merits something quite special.
Merlin: Well, if you insist. (thinking) I guess some money wouldn't hurt to buy some things for the baby. Just, please hurry, she'll wake up at any moment!
Uther: You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant.
The Court: (applauds)
Arthur: (complains in a whisper) Father!
Uther: (ignores him)
Gaius: (tries to approach, but the number of people standing up and approaching the King and the young men is such that it is impossible for him to even object from his position)
Gwen: (claps with a pitying smile on her face, knowing what awaits Merlin at his new job)
Arthur and Merlin: (look away from each other, completely irritated)
Time skip. In Merlin's room. The baby seems not to have woken up, but everything that is close to her levitates. Merlin, completely exhausted, tries to put everything back in its place, but again some things float or start to roll.
Gaius: (knocks on the door and enters) You seem to be a hero.
Merlin: With a shitty reward. (gives up on putting the things back to place and sighs) Can I resign?
Gaius: No. Once Uther has something in mind it's impossible for anyone to oppose him. His word is law, remember?
Merlin: But... We had not planned for me to stay.
Gaius: And now, it seems you'll be here for an unlimited time. And even if I find a camp right now, it's unlikely I'll be able to get you and the baby accepted. I wouldn't worry too much though. It's a relatively easy job to do. And a short term one too.
Merlin: What do you mean?
Gaius: Servants who are dedicated to the prince's care don't usually last very long. He'll probably sack you soon. All you have to do is avoid getting into trouble with the prince and serve him-
Merlin: (worried) Oh no! I can't do that!
Gaius: Be with the prince? It's just following him around all day… (realises) oh, the baby.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't leave her alone, but I can't have her with me all the time either. Or can I?
Gaius: It's been a long time since anyone had a baby in the castle. And almost all the children are already teenagers of the servants or maids. Don't worry, I'll help you with her. (hands Merlin a book wrapped in a cloth) This book was given to me when I was your age, but I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me.
Merlin: (opens it and looks inside) This is a book of magic! I thought the king had destroyed everything related to magic.
Gaius: He kept a dragon alive, a magic book that pretends to be an herbalist's book won't kill anyone. Not if you are careful that is. Keep it hidden and then take it with you when you go with the baby to the druid camp.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Gaius. I will study every word.
Guard: (knocks from outside, pretending not to notice the baby bottles in the room) Merlin, Prince Arthur needs you immediately.
Gaius: Well, you'd better find out what he wants.
So Arthur and Merlin had an even rockier start this time. How do you think this will affect their relationship?
Tagging @chaosofbelievers , @blackgigglypuff , @stressed-but-chill , @nocheaseforyougoodsir , @thedragonlies , @evedaser , @lolazoel , @sammythetoaster , @caraspud , @g00pygunkyguy , @bertoliosis35-blog , @purpuraffe , @lordemryspendragon , @herstarlight , @justaz , @myalchemicalgnomace , @haunted-glassesgurl , @exmintha , @dumbdemjin , @a-line-drawn , @itsjustmeandmyanxiety , @beebsnas , @rem-the-moth , @tmarauder101
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shellaxdude · 1 day ago
TMNTgust Prompts! get your prompts here! (below the cut)
information: tmntgust is a tmnt based writing event similar to events like inktober and tmntember. posting for the event will begin on august 1st, 2025. to give participants more time to make something for each day the prompt list is going up in advance. this event is open to all tmnt iterations, including fan iterations. there are 41 prompts. one for each day of the month of august and 10 bonus prompts. feel free to alter any prompt here as you please or sub in one of the bonus prompts for any you dont like/dont feel inspired for (my feelings wont be hurt). there are no rules for this event, so feel free to do as many prompts as you like, or feel free to skip around to your heart's content. when you post a work to tumblr, feel free to tag this blog and ill reblog it (provided it is not nsfw bc im not comfortable with that, especially for tmnt stuff). closer to the beginning of the event ill have a collection on ao3 up that you can add your works to if youd like.
i think thats all the important information! if yall have any questions, comments, concerns (or just want to say hi) just shoot me an ask! without any further ado, i present to you all, the tmntgust prompt list! happy writing!
April and Raph getting up to shenanigans - @error-core-animations
Donnie finds an old robot vacuum cleaner, adds some upgrades . . . and then loses it
Someone follows Mikey home
Donnie’s hands are injured: his brothers have to help out while he heals
Raph comes home in bad shape
A sewer tunnel caves in, and Leo is trapped
There is a leak somewhere in the sewers above the Lair and the water is getting in. No one from the city has come to fix it on their own, so Donnie has to do it.
Turtles go undercover on a passenger train to find a person of interest (killer, thief, mutant,time traveller, etc. could be a long ride or a short one)
An item that used to belong to Hamato Yoshi appears and the turtles must mount a mission to retrieve it for Splinter (whether he was Hamato Yoshi or not)
Future AU where one of the last surviving core turtles finds a photograph of their family that they haven’t seen in years
200 years in the future, a group of scientists discover the location of the turtles’ lair, looking for information that might help them in their current plight (The Batman (2004) cartoon season 4 episode 7 is the inspiration for this)
After an altercation with their enemies goes wrong, the turtles find themselves stranded at sea in a small sailboat. What could possibly go wrong?
Beach episode! Let the kids have fun!
The turtles parkour through the city, having the time of their lives. Until one turtle almost becomes street pizza and they have to calm them and each other down
Mikey trying to get more human friends - @error-core-animations
Leo and Donnie go on a trip to upstate New York to witness a celestial phenomenon (northern lights, comet, moon shenanigans, stargazing, etc) (maybe the others come along for the ride, but they better bring snacks)
Casey meets the turtles in a Monster Hunter AU. He’s been hunting them as monsters and now he’s finally found them *cue dramatic music*
Splinter and Shredder talking/arguing - @error-core-animations
Time travel! Donatello has just invented a time machine! Unluckily for the others, it works! However, the timing could not be worse as New York is attacked by something and they desperately need Donatello back.
Mikey follows a stray cat through NYC. He has the weird feeling it’s trying to show him something . . .
Give one of the turtles fantasy magic. They’re having a blast with it, but is this a gift or a curse?
One of the turtles opens up about being afraid every time they go out to fight off villains. The others reassure them that this is what bravery is
Raph is bored. Unfortunately (?) for Mikey, Raph has a solution to that
One of the turtles gets a cursed (or blessed) item thrust upon them from the owner of an antique store
One of the turtles takes respite beneath a structure in the middle of some poor weather (rain or snow). While there, they spot a creature that should not exist (be it extinct, mythical, or other). Curiosity gets the better of them and they decide to follow it.
There’s a large mutant creature running around in NYC, wreaking havoc. The turtles have decided to step up to the plate and handle it, but they discover that not everything is as it seems
During an altercation, a turtle gets knocked into a pile of garbage. They see a bright flash of light, and emerge to find that the other turtles and their adversary are all gone. Where did everyone go? And how do they get them back? Can they get them back?
Someone gets hit with a truth spell or serum and cannot stop being brutally honest. This causes problems when they need to save face, keep out of trouble with splinter, or keep important info from an enemy.
Something is in the Lair and the turtles need to find it before it finds them.
Donnie receives a strange signal and he’s not sure what it is.
Local mob boss receives an ominous letter at the claws of an unusual messenger bird. Somehow this becomes the turtles’ problem and they’re not happy about it.
One of the turtles gets lost in the sewer and the remaining people have to go get them out
Someone has a really bad day (ex: injury, lost item/pet, attacked, lost, etc). The rest of the family try to make it better.
One of the turtles gets a tattoo or piercing?
POV you’re the turtle’s vehicle.
Someone turns invisible for a full day.
Farmhouse trip!
Raph has a secret collection that he’s afraid of his brothers discovering. Unfortunately, Mikey does not like leaving his brothers’ secrets as secrets.
The first time the turtles feel the sun on their skin (or go topside at all, if you’re not writing for 2012)
Mikey gets stuck in a tree. Is he a cat? Find out at 11.
Shredder’s POV. What’s he planning?
i tried to keep some of them vague enough that you can insert whatever character you want into there, but feel free to substitute characters as you want!
(i linked to the accounts of people who made submissions and wanted to be credited not everyone wanted credit)
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sam-loves-seb · 1 year ago
see in my head i fully believe that over time i'm gonna go back and write all the days i've skipped in my whumptober series, it might take months but in my head, eventually, they will all get written. will this actually happen? who knows! but i am never short on ideas, only fuel and motivation, so we'll see what the next few months bring
of course i actually have to make it to the end of october first, but that's entirely besides the point
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disposal-blueeee · 5 months ago
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VARGASTOBER - day 2 : comfort
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violetsareblue-selfships · 4 months ago
good morning!!! <333
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applesap-fics · 7 months ago
so many wips release me from this hell
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akirakirxaa · 1 year ago
I just want everyone to know
I really hate the word noisome.
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sinnettini · 2 months ago
do you think i can skip this thing i have scheduled tomorrow to write the 2nd chapter of this sinnettini fic i'm working on
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lookingupatthesamemoon · 4 months ago
selfshiptober day 15: games + hunt
pairing: Harper + Cooper Adams/Abbott
summary: Cooper takes Harper out on his hunt for his next victim.
word count: 1.4k
cw: f/o is a serial killer 😭 and s/i does not care !
divider from @/thecutestgrotto :)
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Cooper rolled his eyes, watching the girl walk entirely too fast in front of him. This was a mistake… He was going to end up cuffed, muzzled, and behind bars, and it was going to be all her fault. For six years of his life he’d been excruciatingly careful, taking not so much as one wrong step, but Harper seemed to be a lot less vigilant. He should’ve killed her when he had the chance…
“Would you slow your ass down?” he hissed as he caught up to her. “You’re not exactly being inconspicuous.”
“We’re in the center of Philly, Cooper,” she said sassily. “It’s the end of a long work day, and plenty of people are rushing to catch their bus home. I blend right in. Now, you on the other hand-”
Cooper grabbed at the back of her shirt, feeling the wooly fabric bunching up between his fingers. She gasped, slowing almost to a halt as he held her close to his side. “You’re lucky to still be alive,” he growled, leaning down to whisper into her ear. “I suggest you behave yourself.”
Harper pouted, playfully booping the man’s nose. She had always loved to test her limits. He gave her a look of disdain before pulling away, placing both hands back in his jacket pockets.
Cooper couldn’t deny that Harper was adorable, as frustrating as she was. It was one of the few reasons he had kept her alive. Her puppy dog eyes were as persuasive as his own daughter’s, and combined with her tenacity, she made quite the compelling argument for surviving another day. He grumbled under his breath, watching her steps speed up again. Maybe he was getting soft.
Harper intrigued him, though. She wasn’t afraid of him — or, if she was, she was doing an Oscar-worthy job of hiding it. Rather, she was obsessed with him. She had made him her muse. Instead of cowering away from the most vile, sinister parts of him, she leaned into them with curiosity and some kind of admiration. Cooper found that he often got the “urge,” as he called it, when faced with people who felt whole. With the way Harper had latched onto him, years before she even met him, he could tell she wasn’t whole. She was looking for something to fill some kind of void inside of her, and she thought that Cooper was that something. Whatever it was, she was missing something, something Cooper’s victims always had. Despite his constant aggravation with her, he had no doubt that she would be a fun little plaything. In fact, he was almost certain that that aggravation she stirred up in him was what made her fun.
She was a lot less fun, though, when she was actively threatening his safety. It was one thing for Harper to sit pretty in the abandoned homes he did his work in, pestering him as he tried to plan his attacks, but it was entirely another for her to follow him on the prowl, sticking out like a sore thumb. She was fucking with his craft, the only thing in his life that gave him any sort of release, and he was almost certain she understood that, using it to piss him off further. It was almost like she wanted him to chop her up, despite arguing almost every single day that she was a valuable asset, that he needed to keep her alive. After all, who else in the world knew him better than she did. He sighed. He supposed she was right. Even his family didn’t know the “real” Cooper. But Harper? She had put in the work, she had done the research. She really did know him best, even after just a couple of weeks.
“Hey, Cooper?” he heard her call from up ahead. “What about that one?”
He grit his teeth, seeing her blatantly pointing across the street at a young man with a torn white t-shirt. The man’s head shot up, looking over at Harper with a raised eyebrow before continuing to walk in the other direction. Cooper put his head down, casting his eyes onto the sidewalk beneath his feet as he caught up to her yet again. Wordlessly, he grabbed her by the arm, effortlessly dragging her into a nearby alleyway.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“What? I’m helping.”
“By pointing at people in broad daylight like they’re big game animals for us to shoot at? You’re gonna call too much attention to us, and you’re gonna get me killed.”
“Oh my God, Cooper, if I wanted you dead I would’ve done it myself! I just wanna help! Didn’t that guy look pathetic?”
“That’s not how I choose them.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know… But, what are we supposed to do? Just wait until you get, what, the ‘urge’ or whatever?”
“Yes,” Cooper sighed exasperatedly. “Didn’t you promise me you weren’t going to mess with my process?”
“Maybe,” Harper responded, dragging out the first syllable. “But that was before I realized how boring this whole thing is. I want to see how The Butcher kills.”
“And this is part of that,” Cooper replied. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that patience is a virtue?”
“I haven’t exactly been known to listen.”
His grip on her arm tightened, causing her to grunt. He leaned in closer to her, his breath heating up her left ear. “I don’t know if I’ve been clear enough. You are nothing to me, okay? I can do this without you, like I’ve done for the last six years. And unless you want to be victim number ten, scattered about the turnpike, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and follow orders.”
“Okay, Jesus,” Harper muttered. “The internet makes this stuff seem way more interesting…”
Cooper shoved her against the bricks behind her, stepping back out onto the sidewalk. The sun was setting now… A much better time of day to hunt his prey. Cooper sighed, cracking his neck before continuing to walk down the street. Harper was wasting his time, slowing him down… And, now that he was thinking about it, she was surely only going to make the whole kidnapping part a lot more difficult. 
“Hey, Cooper?” he heard her voice call from behind him. “I’m sorry… I know you have a process… But, I was thinking, maybe we could turn it into a game?”
“A game?” Cooper parroted back, stopping in his tracks and turning to face her. “You want to turn it into a game? These are human lives we’re talking about.”
“Since when does that matter to you?” Harper snickered. “Come on! We could do, like, I Spy or something.”
“How old did you say you were?” he asked, deadpan.
“Twenty one,” she shrugged. “What? Does that mean I’m not allowed to have fun anymore?”
“You know what? Fine. Sure. I spy, with my little eye, a spoiled brat who’s incapable of listening to what she’s told.”
“... I think you’re supposed to use a visual description. Like, for me, you could say ‘wearing a brown skirt.’”
“Wearing a slutty brown skirt.”
Harper crossed her arms. “Fine. Be that way.”
He turned back around and kept walking. He wanted to leave her there, pouting on the side of the road in the middle of the city… But he knew that wasn’t how the night was going to end. She would beat him to the car, quietly awaiting him in the passenger seat… If he was lucky, maybe she’d even put the ties on as some kind of wordless apology. The worst part of all was that he would let her live to see another day, another day that she could spend tormenting him with her attitude. 
He would never tell her this, but he liked it. He got a rise out of the way she pushed his buttons, the way she made him feel. He didn’t realize he still had it in him until he met her. He had spent decades of his life feeling hollow, every single emotion a performance… Until he met her. That irritation… That was real, and he was thriving off of it. 
He smirked to himself as he heard footsteps behind him. “Cooper?” he heard her voice call out.
“Can you show me how you do it? How you hunt them?”
“I don’t know… Are you gonna listen and do things my way?”
“Okay. Follow me, and stay quiet. You know what happens if you don’t.”
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bweirdart · 5 months ago
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nearly oc-tober time again - time for some prompts for 2024
do i have to draw?
not at all! you are free to participate with any medium that suits you... writing, artwork, free bases and templates, simple text posts, in-character-as-your-oc roleplay, whatever! (just no stealing or AI)
do i have to make new content?
nope! re-uploading old stuff that fits the prompts is allowed (and encouraged) ... old art that didn't get the appreciation it needed always deserves a chance to be shared again, it's a fun throwback!
do i have to post every day?
nope! only 10 days are mandatory (the ones in red with a star symbol) and everything else (yellow) is 100% optional! if you're busy or tired, please skip as many as you want
can i start early?
you can prep your posts in advance if you need to ... but please wait until the right day in october to share them!
can i re-upload your prompt list to another site?
i would prefer if you dont - i have accounts on most sites, so just reblog/retweet/share from me!
event tag?
have fun!
image desc/text version ↓under the cut↓ or on bweird.art/october
⭐ 1: FAV OC
what makes them your fav?
how recently did you make them?
how long ago did you make them?
an oc you feel like you don't talk about enough, or you haven't fleshed out as much as you would like
an oc who has changed a lot (what changed about them?) or, if you haven't redesigned an oc: is there anything you might want to change about an existing oc?
⭐ 6: PAST
where is your oc from? what did they look like as a child?
what do they like (and why?)
what don't they like (and why?)
doesn't have to be romantic! can any kind of relationship (frienship, family, rivalry etc)
what are your oc's main personality traits
what represents your oc? is there a specific colour you associate them with, or a specific animal?
what will your oc look like in the future? do they have any plans or goals?
⭐13: MEMES
do any memes remind you of your oc? are there memes your oc would find funny? maybe you want to redraw your oc as one?
are there existing characters that your oc looks like? was your oc based on yourself? is your oc originally from a specific fandom?
share a character playlist, write a songfic, post lyrics that remind you of them, etc
draw a picture of your oc with your eyes closed or with your non domminant hand, write or type a paragraph about them without your eyes closed, etc ... have fun, and don't worry about it looking "bad" -it's meant to!!
put all your ocs into a DnD alignment chart, or any other similar chart if you prefer
i've compiled a few templates on my site, but you can find more easily if you google "oc alignment chart"
⭐18: SWAP
swap something between your ocs - their role in the story, hairstyles, personalities, fashion taste, species ... whatever you want! how would this difference change them?
draw your ocs with as many of these colour palettes as you want (or just skip if you don't draw/don't like doing these!)
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hex codes for the colours:
palette 1 - #3C1E81 #6D1EA2 #B059E8 #FE0876 #FE5284 #FE7C96 #E0CFE3 #FFD5C3
palette 2 - #352823 #673F28 #AB541C #BA8233 #897128 #A68B2F #F7BF6A #DAC3A4
palette 3 - #A42E25 #D7412B #E47C29 #F7A233 #FCC02D #FCE4A6 #486548 #FEFDE8
palette 4 - #2F4769 #39597E #53779C #94D1E7 #AADDE7 #D48DB7 #D498B5 #D2BABA
if you don't have the time/energy to do every day this week, ⭐ day 23 is the only one marked as mandatory! you can skip the rest!
some ideas for what you could do: talk about a friend's oc you like, make gift art/writing of them, collabs, trades, reblog/appreciate ocs in the event tag, make interactions between your ocs and other people's
⭐27: FEARS
is your oc scared of anything? do they have any phobias? are they startled easily? would any of your ocs try to scare ppl on purpose?
what would your oc be if they were a monster (eg: werewolf, vampire, eldritch beast.. whatever) or, do you have an oc who is already a monster?
your ocs carving pumpkins, a drawing of a pumpkin carved to look like your oc ... or even carve it in real life!
this can be literally a ghost, or a concept that haunts your oc! up to you!
what are your ocs wearing for halloween?
3K notes · View notes
abbyslovergirlxo · 2 months ago
Same Damn Time
Caitlyn Kiramman x Reader x Ambessa Medarda
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tw; Dom!Ambessa, Dom!Caitlyn, sub!reader, rough sex but they’re not so mean towards the end, wlw, sadism (cait/bessa), choking, slapping (everywhere lol), knife usage, blood kink??,masochism (you🫵) , crying, reader has a mouth on her and then folds (typical😒), idk why i made cait psychotic but oh well, oral, degradation, crumbs of praise lmao, ALL SEXUAL INTERACTION IS CONSENSUAL, I am not someone who writes noncon
Word count: 7.8k
… = time skip
a/n; whewww! like what can I even say, this fic is crazy asl. Like I actually think they’re gonna bring back stoning people just for this. Lowkey deserved. But I know there’s someone out there who’s gonna match my freak 😭 i had tooo much fun writing this while listening to the song, made me think of them 😩lots of tw!! so plz read that before scrolling!!! I feel like this is something you’re either really going to love or really going to hate sooo idk. Also I was literally fixated on Sevika/Ambessa and one edit drove me to madness so here we are, getting double teamed by Commander Kiramman and General Merdarda 😩 They’re both evil twins in this but Caitlyn is the more evil twin but no seriously read the tw…. anyways enough of my my rumbling, this fic is long enough lol.
Your ear shot up, body reacting involuntarily to the large grey door opening. Heavy echoing footsteps, hushed whispers, and then a closed door.
“ This is the one?”
The judgemental tone would’ve sent you spiralling, had you been anywhere else. But menacing glares and sharp words would do little for you here. The lights were dim, unfavorably so, only illuminating distinctly right above your chair that you sat in.
Their voices held unyielding authority. Everyone from topside did to be fair but something about these two gave away their status. Their faces were shielded slightly, your eyes squinting in an attempt to see who they were. That attempt was shot down, the small space of darkness they stood in protecting them.
You cursed yourself for not having been smarter that day, faster. For if you had been, you’d never know what the inside of Stillwater’s interrogation room looked like.
“ Yes, General. My enforcers found her near one of Jinx’s old hideouts. From the items that were taken from her we can safely say this one knows something. She knows Jinx. My men attempted to speak to her a couple of days ago but nothing came of it.”
You thought back to the ‘men’ who questioned you, hammered you with prompts that you refused to answer. The bruises on your back proved how badly they wanted to know but you never relented.
“ I don’t know anything.” A lie. A clear one. Both of the women ignored you, tossing back and forth bits of information. You tugged at the shiny metal cuffs, now wishing you’d taken Vi up on those lock picking lessons. I’m so fucked, you thought to yourself. The room was a bit cold and you weren’t exactly dressed for the occasion when they snatched you. So, somberly you shook a little, giving up on listening to whatever they were saying.
You weren’t going to rat. You knew that much.
Your head was hung when you heard them get closer to you. Not bothering to look up, you heard two chairs groan from being pulled, until they sat down from what you assumed.
“ Name?”
Finally you peered up. Your expression faltered for a second, not expecting the sight in front of you. Their outfits clashed and blended seamlessly all at once. One sat in an all black attire, her long blue hair hanging down. The other was engrossed in clads of gold and red.
Sitting right across from you, they both had menacing glares. Well, the glares you expected. Not quite the faces. Shamefully you imagined seeing them somewhere else, maybe in The Last Drop? The younger, sharp features and pinched eyes, looked at you with a particularly hateful look. That didn’t bother you though, she was as intimidating as the drunk men you’d fought with in the undercity. Pretty though, you thought. The other one was a different story entirely.
She was tall, you could tell from how she towered even sitting down. Something about her was elegant. But she looked dangerous. Growing up it was quite necessary to assess who you could and couldn’t take on, and the moment your eyes locked with hers, you knew. The scars on her face also gave way to what she was capable of. She was a problem, even if her stare wasn’t as heinous as the woman beside her.
“ Name?” She pressed. Her voice was calm but she didn’t look like someone who didn’t know how to raise it.
“ I don’t know anything. I don’t even know who Jinx is.”
The blue haired girl scoffed, clearly unimpressed. Her companion remained analytical of you.
“ You’re a terrible liar.” Her voice came off unforgiving and brutal. You’d be lying (again) if you said you weren’t slightly offended. But you kept a neutral face, ignoring her.
“Listen, this doesn’t have to be rough. How this goes depends entirely on you, you choose. We know you know Jinx. We know that you know something. The information you have is quite important to me,”
The older woman paused for a split second, her stare unwavering and promising. She looked over to the younger one before looking back at you.
“ to us. So we’re leaving this room with something, I can assure you that. But I can also assure you that if you help us, we will help you.”
Her voice was smooth, like wine. Well according to what people say about wine, you’d never had it. She was firm in her words, almost as if she herself knew the power behind her promise. That would’ve reassured you had it not been for the fact that she was after your fucking friends.
You looked between the two of them again, assessing the scene in front of you over and over. You were unimpressed, if you were being honest, something you hadn’t been since these cuffs first touched your wrist. Sure, you could tell they meant business but this was futile as an interrogation tactic.
Good cop, bad cop?
While the older wasn’t exactly nice, you expected a missing eye, pulled nails and burnt skin. What you weren’t expecting was two, unfortunately attractive, topside pigs to do a century old method. If anything they should’ve switched, you thought to yourself.
Maybe then they’d get somewhere.
“ Still don’t know who Jinx is or why I’m here.”
“ You’re lying, again. And protecting a known fanatic and criminal. Tell us where we can find Jinx.”
You furrowed your brows, annoyed with her insults and claims. Who is she to tell you that were lying? Well, you were of course. But regardless, the tone in the blue eyed woman before you made you unsettled.
“ I’m not lying.” You gritted out. “ I’ve been detained wrongfully. You’re wasting your time. I don’t know anything.”
“ Yes, you do.” Her voice was firm, final. You scowled at her, but it was nothing in comparison to how she looked at you. Constantly her jaw flexed, on edge and angry. But she had no right to be angry in your mind, after all you were the one chained to a table being talked at rather than talked to. Secretly you wished for the older woman to speak again, at least she wasn’t such a bitch.
“ Are they your friends? Is that it? Because I promise you that we will find Jinx, it will just be a whole lot messier without your help. I don’t mind that. But I’m sure you will.”
You fought the urge to wipe that domineering tone and look off her face. You’re never going to find Jinx! You’re nothing but a power hungry topsider who doesn’t know the first thing about friends! I’m not telling you shit. Was what you wanted to say. But instead,
“ I don’t know Jinx or whatever else you people plan on asking me. Like I said, you. are. wasting. your. time.”
You put emphasis on each word, tired of repeating yourself. But to your un-satisfaction she rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“ Look… I shouldn’t be here. I can’t give you anything because I don’t kno—“
“ Right.” She cut you off, so obviously tired of your insistent lying, even in the short minutes. “And you’re not an undercity animal.”
“ And you’re not a topside pig.”
In all fairness it came out before you could stop it. You weren’t used to being talked to like this and keeping quiet, it almost came out of pure instinct. But if you were surprised by your words you didn’t show it one bit, a small smile almost playing on your lips.
Her nostrils flared slightly, her breathing elevating. For a moment you thought she’d explode before the other woman spoke.
“ Kiramman.”
You memorized the name, not sure if it’d be useful later once you escaped but just in case. She simply collected herself, nodding at the woman who she called ‘General’. Maybe this is where you went wrong, your natural element slipping out, your ego on its way to arriving.
“ You should learn to control yourself, ya know… during interrogations and such.”
“ Shut your mouth.” It was harsh and whispered. This is when you should’ve stopped but you didn’t.
“ You must be new, since you need a supervisor to help you.”
“ Shut it.”
“ You guys have nothing on me. You’re fucking desperate. I’m n—“
Mistakenly you were so focused on Kiramman that you hadn’t been prepared for the harsh grab of your chin. It was quick, unbelievably fast and that scared you more than anything. The strength of which she used to crush your face also attributed to the pit in your stomach.
“ You’ve chosen miserably.”
Her voice was meaner now, she talked as if you were nothing. Like you were stupid. Instantly you regretted wishing for her presence.
Embarrassingly you struggled against her trying to pry away but it was useless. She effortlessly held you there, your cheeks red with humiliation and anger. You tried to ignore the victorious face planted on Kiramman.
“ She said shut your mouth so you shouldn’t be doing anything but that.”
“ Thought you w-wanted me to talk, which one is it?”
You half expected her to break your jaw or lash out like the woman beside her. Instead she remained calm, eerily calm. Anyone with such strength and patience was someone who got what they wanted. But, you weren’t going to talk, you reminded yourself.
She pulled you closer, not without the rebellious tug from you. Silently she analyzed you, staring into your eyes painstakingly long. You squirmed and averted your gaze. She let you go with a ‘hmph’.
“ She won’t talk, not like this.”
The blue haired girl whipped her head towards her, then back to you, a blue fire blazing in her eyes. From the short time they’d been in the room it was clear the older woman held a higher position, authority oozing from her undoubtedly. But now you noticed something dark about the Kiramman that you should have picked up on before.
She was angry, unreasonably so. There was something constantly threatening to set off inside of her.
“ Everyone talks. There has to be something that’ll make her.”
The General hummed. “ I agree, but not like this. She’s loyal to them and she’s prepared for a cell if not this. She’s attempting to use our anger to distract us. She needs something else.”
The goosebumps from the cold air became accompanied by ones born from anxiety. Your mind went into a dark place, worried you’d never leave Stillwater. What if they starved you? Kept you locked in some cell as your body slowly decayed while you still lived? True fear found its way to you for the first time, the unknown overwhelming.
Kiramman seemed to hold back a sigh, instead taking a moment to actually listen to her superior's words. You couldn’t tell what she was thinking but from the firm nod she let off to the General, you knew it wasn’t in your favor. The grey haired woman stood now, making your heart race. Desperately you tugged at the chain once more, attempting to repeat your overdone line.
“ Look, I really don’t know anything.” Ignored.
The blue haired girl remained seated, leaned back slightly, watching silently as the older woman walked around the table. She walked to you with a certain prowess about her. She was taller than you’d expected, to your dismay. You refused to look at her when she was finally standing beside you, face aimed at the grey table.
You pinched your eyes waiting to be hit, choked maybe, or stabbed if they didn’t mind the mess. Your breathing raised as you tried to silently comfort yourself through whatever pain soon awaited. You held back a flinch when you felt large hands pulling at your chains.
It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. Fuck.
You snapped your eyes open, seeing your handcuffs now undone.
“ Stand up.”
You took in a breath, silently grateful that you hadn’t been harmed. You stood now, relieved. At least whatever they were going to do wasn’t happening in the now you thought. You looked towards the giant closed metal door, expecting your arm to be snatched as she led you to your dark cell. But to your surprise she simply spoke again.
“ On the table.”
You looked between the two of them.
You shook your head, not even at them, it just shook. No way in hell were you going to lay down on some metal table while these two psychopaths did whatever they wanted to you. You weren’t exactly happy about the bruises that already resided there, definitely not hoping for extras.
“ …No.”
You hadn’t wished to say it but you couldn’t bring yourself to willingly place your body on that table before they hurt you.
“ You misunderstand the situation. You’ve chosen already. So get on the table.”
You didn’t choose shit. That’s what you wanted to shout, to scream at them until your bones betrayed you. A million emotions rushed through your head, clenching and unclenching your hands. Instead you remained silent and unmoving, your refusal to acknowledge was saying ‘no’ in its own way.
“ Fucking impossible…”
You didn’t even have a moment to react to the words before you were pulled. A grunt left your mouth as your hair was gripped painfully. Anger coursed through you upon seeing the black uniform in your peripheral. You used your now free hands to try and pry her hands from you but she only gripped impossibly tighter, your scalp beginning to burn. She was swifter than you’d imagined she’d be, strong too, grabbing both of your hands with one, pinning them. This somehow was worse than cuffs.
“ Fucki— let me go!”
Ignored. Why did they ignore everything?
“ Where do you want her?”
Her General's eyebrows raised, but you didn’t see surprise. Not even disappointment. Content, maybe? You didn’t put it past her.
“ Let's put her on her back to start.”
She moved without question or affirmation. Irritation was clear across your face now, upset at the stinging that wasn’t letting up on your scalp. But clearly the woman behind you didn’t care, roughly forcing you onto the table. She wasn’t as tall as her companion but she was taller than you and it wasn’t an advantage on your part. The force behind her movements were unsettling, you hadn’t thought she was powerless at first glance, but her grip on you was unnerving compared to what you thought she was capable of.
The cold metal wasn’t welcoming. It felt like a million needles were puncturing your skin causing you to shudder. Your tank top strap had fallen off your shoulder amidst the struggle, close enough to slipping down making you wish your hands were free.
“ Give me her wrist.”
They swiftly transferred your hands, the Generals grip matching hers but you could tell there was more strength to be given behind it. You didn’t want to imagine her really trying to squeeze you. The cuffs you were free from moments ago encased you again, and you didn't miss the two extra notches she clicked causing your bone to shift uncomfortably with the metal. You scowled.
“ It’s too fucking tight.”
Not even a pitied glance, nothing. Ignored. Again. You shifted your wrist again, overwhelmed and upset. And this bitch is still gripping my hair, using her other hand to keep your shoulder on the table casually. So easily, and that made you feel vulnerable, helpless. And your now restrained hands weren’t helping, the slight burn making something in your throat want to creep up but you wouldn’t dare allow it, deciding to instead take it out on them.
“ Let go of my hair, you bi–”
You hissed, the stinging sensation pulsating across your cheek. It wouldn’t leave a bruise but you damn sure felt it.
“ Mind your tongue.”
The General ignored the glare you sent her straight from hell, instead taking off her jacket revealing a dark sleeveless sort of top. You couldn’t begin to imagine or decipher the detailing of it, topsiders always dressed too flashy in your opinion, too stuck up. Her arms were as big as you'd thought. Both being ridiculed with scars.
Then, another sharp crack resounded through the dark room, a quick punishing tug to your scalp. This one would unfortunately leave a bruise. You could tell. You didn’t hiss this time, too stunned, on the verge of groaning from the way she used your hair as a plaything.
“ What she said.”
Kiramman finally let go of your hair, the residue of her strength still pounding through your head. You tried to sit up but she instead used both of her hands to hold you down. With only your legs to move, you kicked but the General shut that down as soon as it started. Effortlessly she used only one hand to keep them pinned down, now looking over you and at Kiramman.
What now? You thought. Cut my skin until I fess up? Break my bones until I don’t have any? Beat me bloody while I lie on this cold table? Are they going to kill me when this is all over, when I don’t say anything? I’m going to die here, aren’t I? I’m going to die and nobody’s gonna know.
It’ll be ok. It’ll be ok. It’ll be ok. I can take it. I can take it.
Eyes suddenly squeezed shut, recited echoes of wishful thinking, a scratchy throat. You braced yourself.
“ Last chance. Tell us where we can find Jinx and I’ll send you back to your cell. Untouched.”
Your voice came out a little exasperated, anxiety and anger laced into it. You kept your eyes shut.
“ I don’t know who Jinx is so I can’t tell you that. I don’t know anything.”
Your shoulder crushed more into the table, pale hands squeezing.
“ You continue to choose stupidity, insolence. No more of that.”
Suddenly the grip on your legs were let go and you opened your eyes. She was still at the head of the table staring down at you. For a moment you considered kicking again but as if she read your mind…
“ Kick me and I will break every bone in your knee.”
Her tone wasn’t intimidating, demeaning absolutely, but not intimidating. The certainty in her voice made you throw away any ideas of using your legs. You liked your knees to say the least. You peered straight up to see an upside version of Kiramman, her long blue hair creating a shadow around her neck, her jawline distinct. Even without seeing her face, only the outline of lips and nose, the anger radiated off her body.
“ What now?”
The General looked over you, straight at her.
“ We’ll need to take her pants off for the next part.”
You and Kiramman spoke at the same time.
“ Wait, what? My pants?” “ Her pants?”
The older woman simply gave a one word reply, meant to supply both of you with a firm answer, ‘yes’.
“ Wait, wait.”
She looked down at you, eyebrows raised.
“ Do you remember something about Jinx? Something you’d like to tell us?”
You listened to the flickering sound coming from the light above you. One by one you let them pop into your head. Jinx, long blue hair and wild face as she hugged you. Vi, stuffing her favorite foodsin your face. Isha, making paper airplanes with you. For a moment you thought a tear might slip but it didn’t. You drew in a shaky breath, ignoring the sting on your wrist.
“ No. I don’t know anything. I just…”
You averted your gaze.
“ Is it going to hurt?”
A stupid question in your mind. No doubt torture hurts. But something in you needed to ask, needing some sort of certainty in what was to come.
“ That depends on you entirely. I’ll give you pain when you give me insolence. But when you give me answers, I’ll give you… ”
She suddenly ghosted a hand over your calf.
“ Relief.”
You shuddered a little, her graze unexpected. But you didn’t dare move your leg, not wanting to test what qualified as a kick to her. You didn’t want to imagine what she meant by relief, because it couldn’t mean that. It couldn’t mean that.
“ How does that sound?”
“ It sounds like I have nothing else to say to you.”
She hummed. Without another word she slipped her large hands in your waistband, pulling them down to your ankles. You wanted them back the second your bare thigh touched the cold metal. A click echoed and you looked to see a blade in her hand, small in size but formidable in design. Gold snakes seemed to embroider its handle. You sucked in a harsh breath at the sight, your eyes locked on it.
Your eyes flicked up at the blue haired woman, her position now changed so that you could see her face again. Her eyes almost beamed? For the first time an expression other than anger displayed itself on her features. Now she looked almost… pleased. Excited.
It’ll be ok. It’ll be ok. I can take it. I can take it. I can take it. Hopefully.
You ignored the last words, watching as the General kept her eyes trained on your plump thighs. Opening them, she traced it right on the inside of it. Immediately you could tell it was sharp. Too sharp. It was cold against your skin, not as harsh as the table but unforgiving nonetheless. Anticipation rushed through you. Hands clenched within its restraints, the light flickering and flickering, her soft hands on your shoulder, icy metal on your skin, her hand slipping onto your thigh and then….
“ Ngnh!”
Your head pressed into the metal slightly. You’d have been embarrassed by your whimper if it wasn’t for the sudden warm drip down your thigh. Blood, you assumed. You’d been through worse but you still squirmed at the cut now adorned on your skin. She pushed down on your thigh, not fond of your squirming. Then she continued, tracing the blade across your thigh, waiting until your body finally relaxed, stopping itself from that state of bracing. And right when you did, she’d swipe a quick line across your shaky, burning legs. Always between your thighs, always.
It felt like electricity was rushing through you, it was all so overwhelming. You felt like you were being swallowed alive and they had barely done anything. The cuts burned and sent a rush of pain through your nerves and skin. Everytime you looked at Kiramman her face was becoming alive with intoxication. It’s like she couldn’t pull her eyes away, trained on the way your leg wobbled under her General’s hand, how you whimpered lowly, the light trace of blood on the expensive blade. You jolted again, particularly harder this time.
“ Relax. It's just a little cut, you're a big girl.”
It continued like this. You tried your best to stifle the whimpers coming from your mouth. The last thing you wanted was for them to hear what they were doing to you. Over and over she painted your thighs with your own crimson, and it hurt. It hurt, it did. And that's all it should be.
But your stomach kept getting that feeling. It burned, like the surface level cuts she gave you. It burned every time her calloused finger swiped across your sliced skin, collecting blood. It burned when she smiled suddenly, as if proud of her work. And it was scalding when you looked up and saw those blue eyes entranced. But it wasn’t pain. It wasn’t…anger. It was something else. Something that made you want to release that feeling in your throat, made you wish she meant something ungodly when she offered relief.
“ What's this?”
Your skin was hot to the touch now, sweaty. Trembling slightly, you looked up at her. For a moment you couldn’t begin to imagine what she was referring to until you traced her eyes. You silently prayed that it wasn’t what you thought. But from the way she asked, you knew.
“ What is it?”
Kiramman asked, curiosity clear in her voice. The older woman smirked, staring down at the wet spot in your panties.
“ It seems her body is more honest than she is. I think our little prisoner likes this. Her panties say so at least.”
Your face burned so hot that it rivaled the sun itself. You considered saying something, protesting and denying it. But what was the point? It did feel good, the burn felt good. And she had the evidence right in front of her. You couldn’t meet either of their gazes, looking to the side in shame. Kiramman laughed, the vibrations reaching you through her touch.
“ I knew it, she was whimpering like a dog. Isn’t that right?”
You shook your head, still refusing to look. But she wasn’t having it, using one of her hands to pull your chin. Even upside down, she looked menacing. She forced eye contact. Her face was rampant with mocking undertones, sadistic glares.
“ Is that why you’ve been so rude? You wanted us to give you a little pain, show you a good time? You really are pathetic.”
“ That’s not tr– n-ngh!”
A stinging pain after a quick slap to your clothed cunt made you whimper louder than anytime the blade touched you. It felt like a live wire tapping your skin, your legs snapping shut. The wet spot in your panties grew, your breathing uneven.
“ Insolence. Tell the truth.”
I can’t. You thought. Telling them that you’d enjoyed it, even a tiny bit, seemed more daunting suddenly than ratting.
“ I’m not ly– f-fuck…”
You weren’t sure if you’d ever be allowed to finish a sentence, her hand opening your legs followed by another slap coming down. Your eyes fluttered for a moment, your face squeezing with pain and pleasure. Kiramman used the hand she never removed to guide you. A smile was now on her lips, wide with genuine amusement.
“ Oh god, did you just… moan? You really are something aren’t you? Is that what it’s going to take? A few more slaps to your cunt and you’ll be blabbering? Or maybe…”
She lowered herself, close enough that her hair brushed against your face. You whined again, another unsuspecting smack from the older woman. You hadn’t even done anything, she just liked the way your panties got damper with each hit. Kiramman almost thanked her for it, relishing in hearing the noise even closer. She whispered to you.
“ If I make you cum enough times you’ll remember something. I bet you’d like that, letting a… what was it that you called me…a topside pig make your cunt cry?”
Finally, you gave way to the ache in your throat. A tear fell down your face suddenly. Another burning sensation forming in your stomach at the feeling of the General toying with the rim of your panties.
“ Please…”
It was quiet, almost matching the decibels of the wind. But you knew she’d heard it. It was obvious from how her grin widened, her eyes looking like ones of a deranged woman.
“ Please what? Please…make me cum? Please…let me go? Please fucking what?”
In this small moment of time, you almost felt like you were watching your dignity physically leave your body. You imagined telling her to let you go, that you didn’t know anything and a few cuts to your legs wasn’t going to change that. And you considered it, over and over. Then something played in your mind, a sick fantasy woven in desperation. In it, you asked her what you really wanted to. And in it they kissed you until you couldn’t breathe, made you finish until you didn’t know how to walk. You considered both. But only one of them made your core ache with desire. Your eyes were even glossier now. Suddenly you were working yourself up for a new kind of courage.
I can take it. I can take it. I can take it.
“ Make me cum please.”
“ Please who?”
I can take it.
“ Please, Kiramman.”
“ That’s it. Finally something coming out of your mouth other than horseshit. But you still need some manners…”
The grip that had left your ears ringing suddenly came back, her pale fingers peeking through your hair. She pulled your head up, forcing you to look at the General. You groaned, arms thrashing slightly, the sting of the metal never relenting.
“ I’m not the only one here. Go ahead, ask General Merdarda too.”
You gritted your teeth. This was already humiliating, and she was just reveling in it. Your legs were already spread, panties damp, dried crimson on your skin, hands bound above your stomach. You’d already asked, multiple times. And now you had to say it again, with a death-like grip on your hair and those hazel eyes peering at you, awaiting.
“ …but I already asked y—“
The slap was even stronger this time , the force of it driving your body insane. Merdarda grinned at you, even laughing a little at the noise you made. Another tear fell down your cheek but Kiramman was quick to wipe it. Right before she licked her finger.
“ But you didn’t ask me.”
If she slapped your cunt again you’d probably start grinding against the table, somehow making you look more pathetic than you do right now. So you gave in.
“ P-Please General Merdarda, will…”
I’m never speaking about this if I get out of here.
“…Will you please make me cum?”
“ Well would you look at that, that’s all you had to say little one. But what do we get in return? Surely you can’t expect us to make you cum with nothing given back.”
“ …But…I already said I don’t know anything.”
Kiramman scoffed.
“ Even after you soak your panties from a little cut, you still have the ability to lie. I’m almost impressed.”
She let your head drop back onto the table.
“ Almost.”
For a second you thought she’d kiss them.
At first glance it seemed so, her soft lips trailed over the red raised wounds, her nose spilling cold air on them. You reveled in it, an ember threatening to go a blaze within you. That was until she nipped at it, a hiss leaving your mouth. You couldn’t see her smile but you felt it sweeping across the throbbing skin. You cursed under your breath, the force behind her bite growing more rabid. She slapped the thigh she wasn’t ravaging, quick and harsh.
“ You like that, don’t you?”
There that voice was again, smooth and sultry. You weren’t sure if she was referencing the strike on your leg or her roaming fingers but murmured yes anyway. Yes to all of it. She had your shirt hitched up, breast exposed. Every once and awhile she’d toy with them, trace an outline around your nipple, wait and then pinch. So often though she found herself distracted, your features giving away how desperate you were.
Merdarda found enjoyment in watching your contort every time Kiramman did something to you, anything to you really. You were like a tight coiled spring, threatening to snap at any given moment. It's like every touch has you ready to risk everything. And you learned quickly they were into this a little more than you, mania clear across their faces. You were trembling, Kiramman taking advantage of how sensitive your legs were.
“ C’mere.”
You felt a little dizzy, seeing her lift her head up from between your legs. She grabbed your cuffed hands, pulling you up to meet her face. It all happened so fast and you winced from the strain in your shoulders. She was closer now and it was just now that you noticed the traces of blood on her lips. You hadn’t expected a kiss this time around, but it happened. It wasn’t gentle, if anything it felt like she was trying to cannibalize you with her tongue. Shamefully you pushed against her, sick to your stomach at how good she tasted. Hints of copper on your tastebuds, her wandering hands. She pulled back, being sure to bite your lip before doing so.
“ You taste that? It’s you.”
She dropped her eyes to your thighs, licking over her lips once more. A trance almost seemed to describe the hunger behind her stare, but you couldn’t be sure. You didn’t care either way, you just wanted her to do whatever was on her mind to you and soon.
“ fucking delicious.”
The whispered lust in her voice rivaled the reaction brought out from Medardas heavy hands.
“ You should taste her General. She’s sweeter than that filthy mouth of hers.”
Wordlessly, she captured your lips next. Her movements were more experienced, methodical and you felt as though you melted into her due to it. Ruby lipstick smeared onto you, a groan slipping from her as she made sure to taste everything you had to offer. The metallic tinge on her tongue made her pull in deeper. You whimpered, dizzy from lack of breath and insatiable roaming hands.By the time she pulled away your eyes were low, an unfocused look about you.
“ I wonder if her cunt tastes even better.”
Kiramman smiled sickly to herself, her gapped teeth giving you a warm tinge to your cheek.
“ We’ll know soon enough.”
Your wrist were nearly rubbed raw with all the thrashing you were doing. Time and time again you made attempts to close those abused legs of yours, in hopes of protecting your cunt. Unfortunately, Kiramman wasn’t pleased and she slapped it raw until you cried enough apologies. She mumbled something along the lines of ‘can’t be stupid and greedy’. But you somehow continued to be prove to be both, whining endlessly about the torture of her tongue. She never let up though, only unlatching from you to say obscene things or mark up your poor legs.
It seemed the pair held similar views, sick desires. Medarda would litter your neck and breast with purple marks shamelessly. She smelled of some expensive plant you’d never heard of, all you knew was that it made you whimper everytime her skin was pressed onto yours. She’d whisper siren-like words to you, etched in sin, rough kisses between them all. And yet you drank them into your ears like milk and honey.
“ You just came, didn’t you? Nasty girl.”
“ Do you remember anything now, hm?”
“ Don’t be so dramatic, keep your legs open for her.”
“ You must spread yourself open often. You’re a natural.”
“ Your cunts almost as noisy as you, dear.”
And when her tongue wasn’t making you drip onto the table, Kirammans words were just as wicked, if not more. Her posh accent was a coverup for all the nefarious things laced into it. A very, very poor coverup.
“ I said— keep. them. open. Unless you need a second pair of cuffs? … No? Then fucking listen.”
“ Go on, you can cry. I know it feels good. Yes filthy girl…just like that. ”
“ You’ve made a mess. Say you're sorry.”
“ Quit it, you can get a break when you remember something.”
“ Don’t act so sweet now— had quite a lot to say earlier. Isn’t that right?”
This was wrong, every bit of it. There was nothing exactly right about two high ranking officers of Piltover and Noxus eating you alive in the depths of Stillwater. The thought alone should send you running. It should have you drinking hot flashes of anger, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. But it didn’t. It only made you spread your legs wider and beg shamefully for more kisses.
It all felt so good. They felt so good and a redeemable, rational part of you hated that. But every time rationality tried to sink itself into you, Commander Kiramman and General Merdarda were right there to sink into you faster. And by god, they made you feel more full than any morale.
You were so sure you were going to die before. And that thought that hadn’t been removed just yet, except now you thought you’d pass away from all the onslaught orgasms caused by the ravenous women beside and inside you.
“ a—angh! oh god…pl–please”
Kiramman held back a sly smile, seeing the way you twitched, body so sensitive. Her fingers were drenched with you, now gloveless. Initially her signature black gloves dug inside of you but the minute she tasted you she knew she didn’t want it anywhere but on her skin. Quite roughly, she had pulled three orgasms, somehow each one more intense than the last. But that wasn’t enough, not to them. Nothing was enough until those pretty lips whimpered something they could actually report back. And even then she wasn’t sure she’d want to stop.
“ Are you going to make a mess again for us?”
Pathetically, you fought back the white of your eyes before looking down at her. She couldn’t help but grip your thighs tighter at your teary face, nodding exhaustingly down at her. Medarda kept you slightly upright, your back arching into her bicep while she sucked on your breast. Honestly she hadn’t a clue how long she’d been at it but by the rate she was going you’d look a fucked out mosaic by the time they were done. She laughed to herself but you knew it was at you. And that fact only made you rut against the table more.
“ This is going to be your fourth one dear. We’re never going to leave this room if you keep being so stubborn.”
She trailed her kisses up your chest. A peck here and a peck there. The slow ascend of her affections compared to the rapid thrust of the others fingers made you bite your lip, the skin pulling between your teeth. By the time she was up to your ear you were practically panting.
“ Or is that what you want? For us to keep making you cry until you can’t anymore?”
They’d never know it and thank god for that but you almost whispered a yes.
Kiramman couldn’t hear what was spoken but she definitely felt it. You clenched around her even harder, a long mewl spilling from you. She creased her blue brows slightly as she sped up her fingers, making sure to never be gentle with that special spot, secretly itching to hear just how loud you could get whenever you came. Her counterpart was just as wanting for it out of you, a more balanced desire about her. Even in spite of the way she pulled you in for another kiss when she heard you sob, “ ‘m s-so close..”
This time Kiramman both felt and heard it, her fingers happily accepting the tight squeeze of you. She latched back onto your clit which was practically begging to be consumed again, if you asked her. Immediately you tensed, using every ounce of self restraint to not slam her cheeks with your legs. It also got devastatingly hard to keep up with Medarda’s mouth, she pressed into you like she forgot you needed air, like you only needed them. And as the coil in your belly grew and the sloppy sounds of her eating away filled the room, you did need them.
A muffled moan ricocheted into Merdarda and she invited it wholeheartedly. When she finally pulled away, you used your bound hands to grab at her hand groping you. You squeezed it the second you felt Kiramman offer a grunt inside of your cunt. She licked you like she was rabid, lost in whatever drugs your pussy clearly had laced in it. Merdarda found it all so nasty, so amusing. Seeing the renowned Caitlyn Kiramman so cruel but so feral, and you with your slick mouth gone and lips swollen, made her clench around nothing.
Even if nobody in the room spoke it, you were all enjoying this ‘interrogation’ a little too much. That manic laughter that constantly filled Kirammans head, those stupid pigtails and flashy gadgets, had even subsided for a moment. She still wanted nothing more than to rip that smile off her face, but the way the tears journeyed down your face so easily made her want something more.
Right now all she wanted was for you to cum on her face, and she nearly keeled over when she finally heard you sing that song for her. A moan that could only be replicated in the best whorehouses of Zaun left you. The pair both smiled the moment they heard you whimper what they already knew.
“ i th—‘m gonn—“
You could barely manage a single word, back practically ingraining itself in her arm the way you arched over it.
“ Let it out, make a mess.”
Your body truly was more honest than you and clearly obedient because the second she said it you did. Your self restraint abandoned you, left you on that table shaking and crying. Your bruised legs kissed her cheeks (not so gently) as she ate and thrusted at the same pace she did before, never letting up. Even with your legs shaking and around her she just drove in deeper. The pleasure slipped into overdrive making you shake your head, trying your best to pull away, use your hands, anything to make her stop. But Merdarda snatched your cuffed hands.
“ kira—kirammannn!”
Wow, that’s the only time she’s heard her last name and wanted to hear it more. But she ignored you, knowing you were begging for her to stop. By now your legs had dropped, too weak to hold up. Your whole body practically vibrated as you lost your breath. Maybe it was the burning sensation ripping through you or the cotton in your head but you stupidly turned your head to look up at Medarda.
“ help…me…gonna fu— die!”
First she looked at you, toyed with your nipple as your hands fought against hers. So pretty and so pathetic, she thought. Then looked down at Kiramman, whose eyes now opened and met hers. An amused glint was in her blue tinted stare and suddenly Medarda couldn’t think of a single reason she’d help you.
“ She’s eating child, don’t be so rude. Have some manners.”
She was looking at you when she said it, but from the mockery in her tone you knew it was meant for more than just you. And it was confirmed when a smile traced itself onto your throbbing cunt. But it quickly went away. She was eating after all.
“ i canttt! pleasee!”
Kiramman didn’t stop until you went silent, unable to speak, inconsistent babbles of nonsense here and there. You weren’t even shaking now, just twitching and breathing like the oxygen in the room had been sucked out. When she finally got up from between your legs she couldn’t help herself and gave two quick bites. A strangle mix of a hiss and moan could be heard as you watched her stand. She lifted her fingers to your mouth, shoving them inside.
You expected her to be rough and jam them down your throat but to your surprise she simply swirled them around your mouth. Despite that voice in your head you sucked at them tiredly hoping to please them. And pleased they were. They both watched as you weakly licked her fingers clean. By the time she pulled away they both knew that previous orgasm just couldn’t be the last.
“ Do you remember anything now?”
You were fucked out, but not that fucked out.
Thank god, they both thought in unison.
“ I guess it’s my turn then.”
Kiramman walked with pure candor on her face. She heard the whispers as she walked past but she ignored them. What was the point in entertaining fools? Besides, the moment her eyes met theirs they always went silent. Always. Today hadn’t been the best day for her. Most days weren’t, hunting for that psycho and her friends wasn’t an easy job or a fun one. But she wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Well…maybe someone else…
“ Don’t let anyone in.”
The guard nodded dutifully.
By the time she reached the room, she was already imagining her sweet song. She didn’t have to wait long to hear it in person because it was practically blasting throughout the room the moment the door opened. She closed the door behind her, smiling deviously as she placed her heavy cape onto the chair.
“ She’s even wetter today, if you can believe it.”
She laughed softly, “ Oh I can believe it. How many has she got so far?”
“ Just two. Don’t worry, you didn’t take too long.”
“ God, I know. I got caught up with that fool Salo.”
Medarda laughed now, knowing all too well how annoying he could be.
“ medardaaa”
Your toes curled, struggling to handle the two large fingers inside of you. Both were devastatingly skilled with their fingers but hers were undoubtedly bigger. Way bigger. And if the size wasn’t agonizing enough, she was hitting that spot over and over. This time your hands were free, and you used them to grip her bicep.
Suddenly your throat had a new necklace. Not a very nice one. She squeezed her free hand around your throat, speeding her fingers. Clearly she wasn’t a fan of your interruption, despite the way her cunt ached when she heard her name in such a filthy way.
“ Can’t you see us talking? And you didn’t even greet your Commander. She came all this way to see you.”
You thought you were going to pass out, the squelching sounds and sultry insults becoming distant. Your mind and body gave into her once the resisting clearly wasn’t doing anything. And you loved it. Each filthy posh coated word, lingering touch, rushed collided lips left you undone. The strength behind their hands made you want to never be without it. And for the past two weeks it continued to, leaving you right here in this room on this desk, unable to breath, only able to cry and spread your legs wider.
Medarda let go, allowing Kiramman to finally slip beside you. As much as she loved the song you offered, she wanted your lips. You gasped into her, them giving you no time to actually catch a breath between the transfer. Lightheaded, you still pushed against her, wetness dripping from your face to hers. She pulled away, licked the rogue tear from the corner of your mouth.
By the time she was looking at you, you were heaving, clasping onto her bicep instead of Medardas now. She watched with such marvel as your face contorted into those beautiful expressions, such a drastic difference from the stupid girl she interrogated. Logically she knew she couldn’t call what all of you were doing an interrogation. So she opted to saying ‘some investigating work’ the few times someone inquired about her abrupt departures. It wasn’t a complete lie, her and Medarda were investigating something every couple of days. your cunt
Her gaze traced to the brown fingers moving in and out of you, then to glisten on her General's hand and finally to your thighs. They were healing nicely. Unfortunately for her they wouldn’t leave a scar according to the doctor she took you to. She almost frowned at the thought.
But then she heard you whisper a quick, “ h-hi Kiramman…”
She smiled at you, a warm thought coming to her.
“ Hi, filthy girl.”
We’ll make sure they scar next time.
P.s. They had the officers who beat you killed 😜
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ailesswhumptober · 8 months ago
Prompts for AI-less Whumptober 2024
As promised, we're bringing you the official prompt list of AI-less Whumptober 2024 today!
We have 31 days of excellent whump prompts, with three prompts per day to pick from, fun themes, and 10 alt prompts to play around with. We hope you enjoy! Additional info + plain text versions of the prompts can be found under the cut.
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FAQ and Rules
What sort of content can I create for this event?
You can create whatever you want (fic, art, edits, etc). Any fandom is allowed, as well as OC stuff. NSFW is allowed, but please tag your content accordingly! The only thing not allowed is AI-generated content.
Do I need to make 31 things to participate?
Oh heavens no! You can make as much or as little content as you like, skip days when desired, or combine prompts (so for example, write something that covers a prompt from day 1, 2, AND 3). You don't have to do the days in order either, go wild! To be considered a 'completionist', you only have to make sure that at the end of the month, you've covered 31 prompts from 31 different days, but whether you do that in 31 works or just 1 is up to you.
What are these alts about?
If none of the three prompts of a particular day are your cup of tea, you can swap them out for an alt prompt of your choice.
What are these themes about?
Just a little bit of extra fun for the mods. Like last year, we'll be handing out various badges for people participating in the event. A full list can be found here, perhaps there is a special badge or two for people who can't be completionists but who do manage to finish every single day of a specific theme ;)
How do I tag and is there an AO3 collection?
It suffices to tag your work with #ailesswhumptober for us to see and reblog it! Please also tag nsfw, since we'll be using that tag too. Tagging the day is optional but does help the mods along.
There is an AO3 collection to add your fics to here.
That should be all. If you have any additional questions, check our pinned or hit us up in the ask box. Or join our discord maybe, whumping can be a great group activity!
Plain text versions of the prompts:
October 1 - Torture Tuesday
public torture/public use, stress position, “If you cry, we’ll go easy on you.”
October 2 - Whumperless Wednesday
Unfortunate fall, car accident, “Don’t move. You’ll be okay.”
October 3 - Trauma Thursday
Shared trauma, survivor’s guilt, “It’s not your fault.”
October 4 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Painful transformation, non-consensual body modifications, “You’re a monster.”
October 5 - Sensory Saturday
Overstimulation, migraines, “I can’t take this anymore.”
October 6 - Surprise Sunday
Multiple whumpees, self sacrifice, “I’m the only one who can do this.”
October 7 - Medical Monday
Field medicine, running out of supplies, “Hold on, we’re going to have to improvise.”
October 8 - Torture Tuesday
Rope burns, gagged, “You’re so much prettier this way.”
October 9 - Whumperless Wednesday
Hypothermia, heatstroke, “You look pretty pale.”
October 10 - Trauma Thursday
Self worth issues, pushing away a loved one, “You don't need to earn this.”
October 11 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Hallucinations, truth serum, “Why would you even say that?”
October 12 - Sensory Saturday
Isolation, sensory deprivation, “Can you feel me? I’m right here, whumpee.”
October 13 - Surprise Sunday
Whumpee using themself as bait, defiance, “Take me instead.”
October 14 - Medical Monday
Seizures, concussion, “See if you can follow my finger with your eyes.”
October 15 - Torture Tuesday
Waterboarding, removing body parts, “Don’t break down on me yet.”
October 16 - Whumperless Wednesday
Drowning, hostile environment, “I don’t know how anybody could survive that.”
October 17 - Trauma Thursday
Abandonment, misunderstanding, “Why did I even think you cared?”
October 18 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Mind control, possession, “Everybody will end up despising you.”
October 19 - Sensory Saturday
Disassociation, losing a sense, “I wish I could get you back.”
October 20 - Surprise Sunday
Enemy/Stranger to caretaker, accidental de-aging, “I’m absolutely not qualified for this shit.”
October 21 - Medical Monday
Drugged, ambulance ride, “This will make you feel better, okay?”
October 22 - Torture Tuesday
Forced (to kneel/watch/hurt somebody else), whipped, “Do not look away.” October 23 - Whumperless Wednesday
Fever, passing out, “Hey?! Stay with me, okay?!”
October 24 - Trauma Thursday
Deconditioning, relapse, “It’s normal that you need more time.”
October 25 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Humiliation, betrayal, “How could you?!”
October 26 - Sensory Saturday
Electrocution, burning, “This is going to sting.”
October 27 - Surprise Sunday
Before vs after, Alternate universe, “Well, there’s a first for everything.”
October 28 - Medical Monday
Internal bleeding, needles and stitches, “I didn’t think the wound was that bad…”
October 29 - Torture Tuesday
Ownership, branding, “Everybody will know that you’re mine.”
October 30 - Whumperless Wednesday
Poison, delirium, “You’re not making sense.”
October 31 - Trauma Thursday
Panic attack, facing a phobia, “You need to get out of here!”
Alt prompts:
1) Pistol whipped
2) Co-dependency
3) Animal bite
4) Zombies
5) White room torture
6) Shock collar
7) Pulling teeth
8) Kidnapping
9) “You always make everything worse!”
10) “If you weren’t around, I’d be long dead by now...”
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vixensbrainrotts · 1 year ago
TR men reacting to little kids wooing you
Content: reactions
Tropes: established relationship
Warnings: none (lmk if im wrong)
Summary: A little boy, perhaps four or five of age comes waddling over to you two whilst you're out on a date together and offers you a flower, confessing his spontaneous love for you. How does your man react to that?
Vixen’s two cents: hi! This has been sitting in my drafts forever so i need to get it out cause it’s collecting cobwebs. It’s sort of a random idea but whatever, i found it entertaining. Also im editing this in the car and its giving me a stroke why is the road so fucking uneven? If you have any ideas for me to write please please please my requests ans messages are open! Yeah, let me know if there are any other characters that fit those types and enjoy!
(Takemichi, Chifuyu, Souya, Hakkai, Shinichiro, Sanzu (I don’t care what anyone says. Shy Sanzu is forever on my agenda), Inui)
Nearly deceased type, it took him so long to get you. How HOW is this little ass kid wooing you better than he could ever dream of? What the actual fuck was happening? He couldn’t believe his eyes when that actual toddler came up to you with a flower, the stem freshly plucked, and a glimmer in the kid‘s hopeful eyes. The boy had almost serenaded you the way he sang praises to you: „excuse me miss, you’re really pretty! Would you accept my flower please?“. And what was even more unbelievable, was when you giggled and accepted the flower giddily. Then the little boy crossed the line: „can I have a kiss in return Miss?“. And you did. You pecked the cheek of the boy meek two minutes after meeting him! Unbelievable! It took him 3 dates to even hold your hand. Outrizzed by a five year old.
(Nahoya, Mikey, Baji)
Ready to fight the kid. He's deadass about it too, rolling up his sleeves and cracking his knuckels and snapping the kinks in his neck, looking menacingly at that poor little boy. He doesn't care that this may be the kid's first crush, he'll crush him in return. You were his damnit and he was gonna prove it to anyone who tried him. Kids included. When you pull at his arm though, prompting him to calm down, he stops a little. What do you mean you dont want him to establish his dominance? He's genuinely stumped and just kinda stares at you for a second, watching you intensely as you lean down to the boy, whispering something in his little ear and taking the flower from him. The boy giggles at you, his former horror dissipated, instead replaced with a furious blush that spread all the way down his neck and up his ears. He blew you a kiss before skipping away, giddily going back to whatever he was doing beforehand. Your boyfriend turns you around by the shoulders immediately and gives you a harmless glare. “What the fuck was that about?” But he doesn’t get a response, as you just wrap your arms around him and laugh. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous!” Well… that wasnt the answer he was looking for but he’ll take it.
(Ran, Shion, Draken, Benkei, Wakasa)
Sitting back and watching the show. He finds the little kids advances hilarious and will gladly watch the little shrimp try to win you over whilst you’re trying your hardest not to burst out laughing. “So sweets, how old are you anyway?” The boy asks you with a smirk on his face. “Too old for you.” You answer incredulously, just about ready to cry from laughter. “No no no baby, no one has to know! It can just be between the two of us and that’s fineeee!” He draws out the syllables and leans one elbow on table you and your boyfriend are sitting at. Your boyfriend all the while has probably pulled out a phone, discreetly filming the whole thing whilst leaning back and hiding his tears. You shoot both boys an amused look and then answer the awaiting kid. “Come back to me in a few years and maybe we can arrange something, yeah?” The little kids eyes widen as he looks at you with a determined smile. “Yes! You won’t regret it! And I’ll beat up your wannabe boyfie over here once I’m strong enough too!” He exclaims and runs off leaving you howling in laughter and your boyfriend, who is suddenly enraged by a child, fumes silently, sending daggers across the room. “Relax baby.” You reach a hand over the table to hold his, wiping the tears from your eyes. “Don’t touch me.” He hisses and puts the phone down, crossing his arms in fake offense.
(Hanma, Kokonoi, Izana, Rindou)
The false hope typa guy. In this case, the boy made the mistake of coming up to HIM and innocently asking for your name. “Why, you like what you see?” Your boyfriend uses language much too mature for the little kid, but he gets a timid response of “yeah, she’s real pretty..” nevertheless. Your boyfriend chuckles and pats him on the shoulder. “I say go for it, I’m sure you’ve got a chance with her!” The little boy has wide eyes and an open mouth “Really? You sure she doesn’t have some super big ‘n scary boyfriend?” He has to suppress laughter when he answers. “I’m sure she doesn’t, go talk to her, ask her for her name and tell her that I said hi too.” And with that, he’s sent the kid on his way. Your boyfriend watches him shyly go up to you and pat your leg slightly to get your attention. He watches you smile down at the little boy and talk to him, your eyes widening and laughing when you exchange a few words with the kid. When he sees fit, he comes stalking over to the two of you and wraps his arm around your waist and smirks at the kid. “Hey there.” You greet your boyfriend and turn to look at him. “Have you met—“ he guesses that you’re about to introduce him to the little boy but he doesn’t care to listen, and leans down to shush your lips with a long, over-the-top kiss, even going as far as to cracking one eye open to look at the little boys horrified face before finally pulling away. You’re a little dazed and very confused when you look down and find your little admirer gone. You throw your boyfriend an accusing look but he only raises his hands in surrender, claiming innocent with a smug smile on his face.
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grandline-fics · 4 months ago
Hi!!! I LOVED the unconscious one and I was wondering if you could do a version of that with Law and Sanji?
DESCRIPTION: When you suddenly lose consciousness
WARNINGS: descriptions of fainting/ falling asleep. fluff
CHARACTERS: Law, Sanji, Ace | Luffy, Zoro | Sabo, Killer, Marco
WORDS: 1824
A/N: Thank you for this request! Someone else also requested this prompt so I doubled up the characters. I hope you like what I came up with for this one.
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You understood Law’s unstoppable need to further his already extensive and impressive medical skills. Every island was researched thoroughly, including the kinds of herbs and other plants that were native to there to use in future medicines he could make. When he ventured to his own lab after an island visit with the newest additions you knew he’d be shut inside for hours on end until he’d found every possible use and countermeasure for his research in the event that anything turned out to be poisonous or bring about negative side affects. 
When night had fallen and there was still no sign of movement or sound of activity from his lab, you volunteered to go and fetch your Captain for dinner. You knew he hadn’t eaten anything since the breakfast you’d all shared together but even then it hadn’t been much given how fast he wanted to dock at the island. Leaning against the cold steel wall of the Tang you lightly knocked on the lab door, listening to the dull echo from inside. Thankfully a more human sound followed, footsteps but he never opened the door. “Captain? It’s time to eat and don’t say you’re not hungry because we both know you haven’t eaten much today.”
“I’ve eaten enough.” Law’s muffled reply came and you scoffed.
“Okay so if I ate what you’d consumed today and then skipped dinner you’d say…?”
“That’s not the point.” You smirked at the grumbled reply, knowing that was the most out of him by means of admitting he wasn’t looking after himself. 
“If I bring you a plate of food will you eat it?” You asked, knowing you had to compromise with him on days like these. 
“Fine…” For someone so serious and in charge all the time, Law really could become a grumpy child at times. Laughing softly you went to the kitchen to grab a plate of food for him. Your plan had been to hand him the food and then return to the dining hall and eat with the others so Law could continue with his work in solitude. Since he knew you were coming back you knocked once on the door and continued inside, not needing to wait. 
However the second you did you were hit with the overwhelming strength of the smell of Law’s different experiments with the plants. One second your vision was clearly on his face, the next it was blurring and you were swaying and toppling over, the plate dropping from your hands. Law saw it happen in slow motion. Immediately he activated his room ability and had you safely in his arms while what would have been his dinner smashed on the ground. Law looked at you and let out a slow sigh. He hadn’t expected that kind of reaction and made a mental note to write down this new outcome from the combination of the plants but that would have to wait. Shifting you so you were held more comfortably in his hold he carried you out of the lab and to his room so you were away from the fumes that caused this in the first place and somewhere you could rest peacefully. You were the priority and he refused to let you out of his sight or hold until you woke up.
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Another day on the Sunny, another day of typical chaos and noise. By now you were used to it to the point that if things were peaceful for too long you’d be concerned. On today’s schedule of activity Sanji and Zoro were bickering as usual in the build up to lunch time. Franky and Usopp were working on their own separate weapon modifications. When Usopp proudly announced that now his Kabuto was even more improved that practically anyone could use it Luffy loudly demanded to try it out, springing it up from his perch on Sunny’s head. After a lot of back and forth, Usopp gave in to his Captain’s whims and reluctantly handing Kabuto over along with his more harmless ammunition pellets. 
Luffy being in charge of the weapon managed to grab everyone’s attention, even halting Sanji and Zoro’s routine brawl. Even with Usopp’s assurances that everything would be safe, you knew better than to doubt Luffy’s ability to cause trouble even with little to no outside influence. To be on the safe side you abandoned your comfy place on the deck to observe from the kitchen, believing that being in an entirely different room was your best option. Watching in amusement you saw Luffy mostly strike poses with Usopp’s weapon before actually trying to use it and the safe ammunition he’d been given to play with. Then Luffy pulled back the pouch, wondering how far it would go with his added stretching ability. 
However this was something Usopp had never taken into account and when Luffy pulled beyond the strain the weapon was capable of, one of the elastic cables snapped. Not expecting it, Luffy released the weapon and toppled over as the pellet sailed through the air and directly into the kitchen. You didn’t have time to dodge and the tiny blue pellet connected against your shoulder, bursting into a small cloud of smoke. All it took was a small breath and it overcame your senses completely, sending your already unconscious body to the floor. 
Sanji was the first to drop to your side with Chopped quickly behind him. While Chopper checked you over Sanji began yelling at Luffy for being so stupid and at Usopp for being even more idiotic that the Captain by allowing this to even happen. “You better not have harmed a hair on their head or I’m not feeding either of you morons for a week!”
“I promise they’ll wake up!” Usopp insisted while grabbing Luffy to stop him from launching himself at your sleeping form to try and wake you with force at Sanji’s threat of no food. “It’ll just…take a little while.”
“What do you mean a little while!?” Sanji demanded with a glare, his anger faltering when in your sleep you rolled onto your side and relaxed closer beside Sanji, subconsciously seeking the warmth of his hand that was protectively laid on your arm. As reassuring as it was to see you seemed okay and merely sleeping soundly you were still in this situation because of his stupid crewmate and Captain. Quickly he looked to the sniper for his explanation, his anger returning in force.
“W-well I made those sleep stars to ensure whoever we used them against wouldn’t wake up right away and give us all enough time to make our escape if we needed them.”
“How long Usopp?!”
“A few hours at least.” At that revelation and the look of murder in Sanji’s eyes both Usopp and Luffy fled, slamming the kitchen door behind them. Even that didn’t rouse you. Chopper reassured Sanji that you would be okay and also left. With a small sigh, Sanji gathered you into his arms and carried you to the sofa against the wall so you could sleep comfortably while he cooked and could keep a close eye on you at the same time.
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Ace took Whitebeard’s belief that everyone on the ship was a family to heart. As commander of the second division he knew the responsibility on his shoulders to ensure everyone under his command was protected and safe. Did he pay you a little extra attention and ensure you were protected and happy and safe first before the others? Maybe but he couldn’t help it. You were so easy to talk to and work along side. You made his days better and he always had a smile on his face when he was near you. Every morning he woke and would make his way to share breakfast with the crew, his spot at the table almost always either beside or opposite you. So long as you were in range to talk to that was all that mattered.
On this adventure on the winter island, Ace kept a close eye on you. While he could just boost the internal heat of his devil fruit so he couldn’t feel the cold you were left to huddle closer into your thick coat and layers when a surge of bitter wind cut through the air. You suppressed the constant urge to shiver and focused your mind on thinking of other things all the while trying to avoid looking Ace’s way otherwise you would only become increasingly jealous each time you saw how unaffected he was by the snow and cold. He was getting to truly enjoy the beauty of the island and all it had to offer. You wanted to step closer to your division commander but you resisted, not wanting him to think you were only doing so to make use of his body heat. On that principle you held back a little more than you normally would and suffered the cold.
Every step seemed to sap your strength. Even with all of your resilience and training, the walk through the elements like this always took its toll. Ace glanced back when your footing slipped for the third time in twenty minutes and saw the exhaustion clear in your face. The dropping temperature from you both trudging through a shaded area and the day dragging on wasn’t a good combination. “Hey let’s stop for a while, catch our breath?”
“Ace, you don’t need a break.” You protested with a small huff, rubbing your arms as you tried not to get too close to Ace now that he’d stopped. The second you felt his body heat, the second you’d all but give in to his suggestion. 
“Sure I do.” Ace grinned at you, offering you his winning smile, the one that could convince you to do anything. “C’mon please? Feel like you’ve been avoiding me. I don’t stink do I?”
“Oh that’s playing dirty.” You lectured with a small pout. “You know I’m not avoiding you.”
“Prove it.” Ace’s smile broadened into a grin and held out his arms to gesture you to finally come closer. Knowing you didn’t have the energy to resist Ace watched you finally close the distance. When you were in touching distance Ace slung an arm around your shoulder in a light embrace. “There we go! Geez you’re freezing!”
You weren’t even listening to Ace’s comment. The second you were in the warmth your body began to relax and your heavy limbs finally felt lighter. Your eyes began to droop and you let out a long yawn, pressing your head against Ace’s body. Before you knew it Ace had stooped down and lifted you to settle onto his back. He let out a soft laugh at the feeling of your body completely relaxing and sound of your breath evening out. You’d already passed out. “You rest up back there. We’ll be at the town soon.”
TAG LIST (If I’ve missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04 , @extremely-ashtridic , @decayingpizza , @liesatemyocean , @ace-for-ace , @nerium-lil , @destynelseclipsa
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justgiulia · 2 months ago
get this . everyone chilling at ramshackle dorm doing their own thing, yuu (and grimm by extension), ace and deuce sitting by the table talking about whatever crosses their mind
Eventually the conversation escalates to birthdays and holidays and ace asks how old Yuu is. Azul interjects with saying Yuu's age from the contract they signed a few months ago, but then Yuu pipes up and tells them that they're one year older than that.
Theres a small moment of confusion until it dawns onto Deuce that Yuy's birthday was a month or two ago and they never spoke a peep about it. Not even to grimm!! And when asked, Yuy makes an excuse like "that was when __ was kind of close to overblotting and I didn't want to make it about me because that'd be so nitpicky—"
It was based off an audio i heard and idk if i want to write it into a short drabble for myself i probably cant since im only on book 2 ueue). But like. its a fun prompt methinks. what would all of them do when they find out Yuu deliberately didn't say a thing about their birthday
You didn't tell them about your birthday?!
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characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Azul Ashengrotto, Grimm.
author's note: let's just pretend I didn't just post a request from almost 2 years ago 😭 I'm deeply sorry. also, I apologize for not uploading anything this month but I'm working on something big 🙏
warnings: none
Ace Trappola
For his Immediate Reaction, he is offended in the most dramatic way possible. He gasps like you’ve committed the ultimate betrayal.
Once he processes that you skipped celebrating because of an overblot situation, Ace feels a bit guilty. He won’t outright admit it, but his teasing becomes a little softer as a result.
He insists on throwing you an over-the-top, borderline ridiculous party.
“I’m talking about party hats for everyone and cake so big Grimm can’t finish it—well, maybe.”
His idea of a celebration is half a joke, but you know he’s secretly serious about making it memorable and deep down, he’s touched by how considerate you were and wants to make sure you never feel overlooked again.
Deuce Spade
Deuce is visibly upset, almost like he’s the one who forgot your birthday, feeling terrible for not realizing sooner.
“But Prefect, birthdays are important! You deserve to be celebrated!”
He gets way too worked up about making it up to you, like it’s a mission, he might also wonder if he’s a bad friend for not noticing your birthday had passed. He’ll pay more attention to your subtle hints in the future (even if you weren’t giving any).
"I won’t let this happen again. Next time, we’ll do something amazing. I swear.”
You swear his sincerity makes you feel just as guilty for not telling him.
Azul Ashengrotto
Acts unbothered on the surface but lowkey blames himself for not catching on sooner, especially since he prides himself on knowing useful details about everyone (and blackmailing them).
Azul will subtly try to make it up to you in his own way. Maybe he gives you a small but meaningful gift with a nonchalant...
“Consider this a late birthday present.”
He might tease you about this later saying something like...
“Oh, Prefect, you wouldn’t hide something as important as a birthday from us again, would you? It’s not wise to keep secrets from your allies.”
But the teasing is his way of showing he cares.
“You didn’t even tell me, your best pal?! Unbelievable!”
He paces around the room dramatically, occasionally glaring at you with exaggerated betrayal.
As much as he tries to play it off as annoyance, it’s clear he’s genuinely hurt that you didn’t trust him with such important information.
“I live here! I’m supposed to know these things!”
His solution to everything is cake.
“Alright, let’s bake a cake right now. Wait, no—you bake the cake, and I’ll taste-test it!”
Grimm will insist on celebrating your birthday retroactively, even if it’s something small. He’ll demand a party and act like it’s all for you, but deep down, he just wants to feel like he’s making things right.
Overall, they argue over how to properly celebrate your next birthday. Ace wants chaos, Deuce wants heartfelt, Grimm just wants food, and Azul suggests something elegant but practical.
Despite their differences, they all agree on one thing: they’re not letting you keep secrets like this again. You can expect everyone to be hyperaware of your birthday next year—and they’ll make sure it’s unforgettable.
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03jyh23 · 23 days ago
༘⋆mon's 500 followers special.ᐟ.ᐟ 500-word prompt roulette⟢
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🏠┆home in your arms
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song mingi x gn! reader
│synopsis: the one where mingi missed you
│genre: fluff
│trigger warnings: none!
│roulette prompt 6 + mingi + galactic
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You put the key into the lock, making sure you're quiet enough not to wake Mingi up—your flight was delayed and you landed in the middle of the night. You were about to turn the key when the door suddenly opened. Mingi stood there, his hair disheveled. You smiled at him and wanted to say hi, but before you could open your mouth, Mingi pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping around you. He breathes in your scent, and you can't help but smile against his chest.
"I missed you," he whispers, arms tightening around you. "Don't go away for that long again."
You laugh. "Baby, it was only three days," you say as you gently pull away to peck his lips, but he only pulls you back in, burying his face in your neck.
"Three days too long," he mumbles against your skin, and you can't help but melt into his warmth.
He hums contentedly, swaying you both gently from side to side in the doorway. The cool night air wraps around you both, but you can barely feel it with how warm he keeps you. His fingers trace patterns on your back, and you can tell he won’t let go even for a moment.
"Will you at least let me close the door?" you ask yet your arms tighten around his waist.
Mingi chuckles, "Fine, but only if you promise not to leave my arms for the rest of the night." You smile and nod against him, letting him shuffle backward just enough for you to kick the door closed behind you.
You lock eyes as you stand on your tiptoes to peck his lips. He smiles into it and pulls you closer to kiss you, slowly, lovingly.
"I missed you too, love," you say, pressing another soft kiss to his lips. His eyes are filled with so much love and adoration that it makes your heart skip a beat.
Mingi pulls back slightly, a pout forming on his lips. "You better have missed me just as much," he teases, his eyes twinkling. "I might be devastated if you tell me you didn't think about me every single second you were away."
You giggle, reaching up to cup his cheek. "Every single second? Even when I was sleeping?"
"Especially when you were sleeping," he says with mock seriousness. "I expect detailed reports of all your dreams about me."
You laugh, playing along. "Well, there was this one dream where you were a galactic cowboy, riding through the stars on a glowing space horse..."
Mingi's eyes light up with amusement. "A galactic cowboy? Do tell more."
You can't help but giggle at his eager expression. "You were wearing this ridiculous sparkly spacesuit with cowboy boots and a hat that had little twinkling stars all over it."
He bursts into laughter, the sound warm and rich. "Sounds like quite the fashion statement. Maybe I should try that look sometime."
"Please don't," you say through your giggles, burying your face in his chest. He kisses the top of your head, and you both stay like that for a while.
"Come on," he whispers, tugging you gently toward the bedroom. "Let's get you to bed. You must be exhausted from your flight." You nod sleepily, finally feeling the tiredness settling in now that you're home. As you both curl up under the covers, his arms still wrapped protectively around you, you know that no matter where you go, coming back to him will always feel like coming home.
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