#i do think betty watches a lot of movies
ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
i headcanon betty as a kind of cinephile so i imagine she and armando watched 'anatomy of a fall' and armando was like 'and that's why you don't marry frenchmen...' and betty just sides eyes him like, 'oh we're still on that??' and says 'that could happen to any man'. and then looks straight ahead at the screen.
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olsenmyolsen · 9 months
This Is Me Trying - Two - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: The Hawkeyes and you seem to be on the same track...
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: College stress, Flirty Kate Bishop, Clint being a dad
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"Kate Bishop! Your crush! Asked you that!? No way!" Ned, of course, couldn't believe it. But this was the same man who didn't realize he was going out with Betty Brant for two weeks
"What did you say after she asked?" MJ questioned when she looked up from behind her laptop on the couch.
"I said, "yeah!" and "that's awesome." Was that good?"
MJ shook her head. "Truly a wordsmith." Sarcastic as ever. MJ went back to her screen to basically ignore you and Ned.
"Well, anyways, congrats," Ned said, getting up from the dining room table where his and Peter's LEGO Death Star was kept. Why was it in your dorm and not there's you had no idea. But MJ helped from time to time, so you figured it was okay.
Ned and you walked into your room and closed the door.
"You know it's a good thing everyone knows you're gay, or else the amount of time we go to your room alone would be suspicious." You froze and thought about Ned's words. "Yeah, I guess... I wonder what MJ thinks we do?"
"I think Peter said we watch movies that she'd disapprove of."
That made sense. "Hmm, alright." You walked over to your bed and flopped onto it while you waited for Ned to do what he needed to do.
3...2...1. "Okay, got it." He said as your fingers formed into a 0. "Alright, what am I looking at?" Ned had pulled up security footage from a traffic light from three weeks ago.
"Okay, this was when that building on 10th in Hell's Kitchen burned down." Ned played the video, and it showed a group of guys in Tracksuits fleeing from the building as they piled into a black SUV moments prior to the building going up.
"Okay. So the Tracksuits are back.." You thought out loud as Ned moved his cursor to another video.
"This was from last week on 3rd in Harlem." The video played and was almost identical to the third one. Except the SUV and the plates on the car were different.
You stood in thought as the last video started. "This was last night."
You recognized the building immediately as you remember zipping past it last night. Just like the other two videos, it played out the same. When the video stopped, Ned looked at you.
"Okay, so as bad as their fashion choice is, they're not idiots. They have different cars and plates every time. Their faces are covered, and let me guess, if we follow the cars light by light, they end up at a chop shop?"
Ned nodded.
"So... it's gotta be the buildings." Ned tilted his head. "What do you mean? It's not the chop shops?" You shook your head. "Chop shops are easy to bust. It's like they want you to follow them there. The buildings. The ones they burn. That's the real money."
Ned looked from you to the screen.
"So you think these tracksuit guys are burning the buildings for insurance money?" You shook your head and entered your closet to change into your Spidey Suit.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you want guy your friend Ned to see you.
"No, I think someone is hiring these guys to do it." You huffed as you remembered who had the tracksuit mafia in his pocket last time.
Wilson Fisk. The Kingpin.
He was a roach you could never squash just right.
If he owned the buildings, that means there was a lot more at play.
"Okay." You stepped out of the closet and quickly scarfed down a leftover slice of pizza Ned had. "Do you think you could find out who owns these buildings?" Ned nodded. "It's probably a bunch of shell companies, but I can do my best." You patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, man." You hurried across your room and grabbed your mask.
"Oh, and when Peter comes over, could you maybe not tell him I went patrolling? Tell him I overheard something on the radio." Ned gave a flat smile.
Lying was not his strong suit.
"If you do, I'll-"
"Hey, Y/N, are you still in there?" You gave a panicked look to Ned before putting on your mask and twhiping away before MJ wildly opened the door.
She looked from the open window to Ned.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Uhhh..." Ned was really bad at lying. "She left..ago- a while ago!" He was in trouble. "Yeah?" MJ crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. "How come I didn't see her leave?"
Ned's brain scrambled.
"Blindness?" Ned said, making MJ stand up straighter. "I turn a blind eye to many things, Ned, but this won't be one of them." She uncrossed her arms and stretched her arm out to grab the door handle to the room. "By the way, nice camera footage, totally not suspicious at all." She thinned her eyes and hummed as she closed the door.
After swinging for what felt like a good enough distance away from campus, you stood on the roof of an old pizzeria.
Your phone chimed, and you had a text from Ned. "Did my best. Sorry. 😭😭😭"
You laughed and reassured him that he wouldn't be fired from his guy-in-the-chair duties.
"Keep me posted on the buildings." You sent your final text and put your phone away.
You then stared out into the boro you find yourself in. In the distance, you can see what remains of a shootout you helped rescue people from two months ago. You think about a girl you saved who said she wanted to be like you when she grew up.
Your heart warmed, and you told her to stay in school and that she'd be better than you.
Which was looking more and more accurate by the day as you leaped off the pizzeria, ignoring a text from your brother about the essay you still needed to do.
At the same time, Kate Bishop entered her dorm room, walking past her blonde roommate and fast friend Cassie Lang at her desk before Kate collapsed facedown onto her bed.
"What's wrong?" The slightly shorter of the two, Cassie, turned around and asked. "Tired." Kate's muffled voice spoke.
"How late were you out last night?" Cassie asked as she stood up, approaching her friend's bed. "Past 3," Kate said, making Cassie go wide-eyed. "Kate Bishop! The rule was 2:30 at the latest!"
Kate rolled over and lifted herself up. "I'm sorry." She pouted at her friend, who instantly pulled her into a comforting hug that turned into Kate leaning on Cassie's shoulder. "What else is wrong?" Cassie asked as she saw how exhausted Kate looked.
"Nothing," Kate said, but Cassie wasn't so sure. "Are you doing some overthinking?" Kate froze eventually before nodding. "What about?"
"Clint and the Tracksuits."
Kate spoke freely about her other life to Cassie.
Kate used to tell people openly about how she was working with an Avenger, but after what happened with her mom and Kingpin last year, she toned it down.
Now, the only people who know are Cassie, Pizza Dog, and a rouge assassin for hire. Plus, Clint and his family.
Cassie only found out when she woke up in the middle of the night to see Kate in her Hawkeye outfit on the floor.
Kate tripped, falling through the window, and busted her chin.
Kate wanted to tell more people like you. But as previously mentioned. She liked you and didn't want you to get hurt because of her.
So, she kept her Hawkeye circle small.
However, Kate couldn't get the idea out of her head... what if she told you?
"Kate?" Cassie poked the forehead of her dorm mate. "Where'd you go?" She asked.
Kate sat up and cracked her neck, ignoring the question. Cassie noticed as she raised her eyebrows and returned to her desk. Choosing schoolwork, Chemistry in particular, over prying answers from Kate.
"Do you think I should tell Y/N?" Kate spoke up and waited for Cassie to turn around. But she didn't.
"Cass?" Kate asked as she stepped off her bed and walked next to her friend. "Cass?" She asked again before realizing Cassie had put in her AirPods.
Cassie turned to her left and jumped, startled, before pulling them out. "Oh shit. What's up?!" Kate opened her mouth. "I..- nothing. I just was going to tell you that I.. wanted to.."
She couldn't do it.
"I wanted to invite Y/N to my archery practice!" Kate put on a smile and watched her friend's face light up.
"Oh my God, I love that! Please do it! Ugh, she's so pretty!" Cassie was happy for her friend finally doing something about her crush. "She is," Kate replied with a blush. "Think she'll show?" Kate then asked.
"Why wouldn't she?" Cassie tilted her head, entirely focused on the conversation.
Cassie and you had hung out briefly when your friend group and Kate's got together, but she has never witnessed how your superhero life affects you.
Kate shrugs. "Lately, Y/N has been... flaky isn't the right word.. but not here? I guess? She's always tired too. She bails on plans with her and Peter sometimes."
Cassie raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"I've seen it at the library. Their study block is next to mine." Cassie nodded. "Plus, MJ's told me."
"Michelle Jones?" Cassie questions, making Kate nod. "She's roommates with Y/N, right?" Kate nods again. "Well, what does she think." Kate folds her lips into her mouth and raises her eyebrows.
"She thinks Y/N is The Spider."
Cassie's mouth drops before forming into a smile of laughter. "What?!" Kate nods with her own smile. "It's true. She's convinced."
Cassie laughs, making Kate giggle. "She took pictures of The Spider over a summer once. That doesn't mean she's THE Spider." Kate nodded as her smile naturally faded. "That would be funny," Kate said, making Cassie laugh again.
"Well, good luck with having your crush at practice tomorrow." Kate waved Cassie off as she went to the bathroom to shower and change. "Going out?" Cassie yelled through the closed bathroom door.
"Not till later. Why?" Kate replied as she took her top off. Her eyes finding a yellow bruise on her chest. "Looks like it's gonna snow."
And snow it did.
It started to come down after you stopped an armed robbery. Armed being used lightly as the men committing the crime were carrying toy guns.
Plus, the bank they chose to hit was a block down from a police station.
So, as you swung back up onto a nearby roof, snow hit your mask. You smiled and lifted up the mask to expose your mouth and nose. You inhaled and exhaled, watching your breath hang in the air.
The snow touched your face and melted against your warm pink cheeks.
It was cool and calming.
A few seconds of much-needed peace.
"I love snow." You whispered to yourself as the wind blew, making you shiver, but you remained now sitting on the roof with your smiling face to the darkened sky.
After enough time, you pulled out your phone.
"I should see if anyone needs any help." But before you could check the Friendly Neighborhood Spidey App, you were receiving a call from an unknown number.
"Ew, who calls anyone after 7?"
You weighed the options of answering it due to your fear of talking on the phone, but after three rings, you caved. "Hello?"
"Yes, hello, I'm calling for a Y/N Parker." The male voice on the other end sounded familiar.
"This is she." You said, standing up. "Ah, Y/N! Nice to put a voice to a list of your academic achievements." The male chuckled. "This is Dr. Otto Octavius." You physically stopped pacing and smiled. Holy crap! You were speaking to THE Dr. Octavius!
"Dr. Octavius! Hello! Wow, I can't believe you called. I take it Dr. Connors passed along... well, my life." You sent a small laugh Otto's way. "He did." He replied with a smile. "And I must say he was right; you're a bright student, Y/N."
You made a "yeah!" gesture with your arm.
"But-" Oh no! "I agree with Connors when he says you've been struggling. I can see just by looking at your grades and past reports that you're lazy. Brilliant but lazy."
"I- I'm trying to do better." You paved around the empty rooftop. "I've just had a lot of personal stuff happening lately."
The other side of the line went quiet.
"Parker, intelligence is not a privilege. It's a gift."
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, butDr. Octavius stopped you. Do you think you'll be free after the holidays?" You perked up at that and stood on your tiptoes.
Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
"Uh yes- yes sir! You'll have my undivided attention!"
Dr. Octavius hummed.
"On the second Monday after the new year, I'd like to speak with you face to face. From there, we can see how we'll proceed with one another. That's about a month away, Parker. That should give you time to get your other affairs in order."
You nodded your head. "Yes, sir. Thank you!"
"I'll email you the information and where to meet me two weeks from now. Happy Holidays."
The line went dead, and you cheered. You just got an interview with Dr. Otto Octavius. He called you lazy, but he also said you were brilliant!
You put your phone away and jumped off the roof of the building with an aloud cheer that you were certain people did not appreciate.
Meanwhile, Kate was unlocking the door to her aunt's place to meet up with Clint. What she wasn't expecting was for Clint to be there already.
"Trust me, I don't plan on missing two Christmas' in a row."
Clint was on the phone.
Kate quietly closed the door, dropped her bag, and quiver on the floor.
"Laura..." Clint sounded tired. "With Kingpin back, I'd feel awful if I left and something happened." Kate's lips formed into a flat line. "Yeah, no, she's great. Kicking ass on her own." Clint said and laughed when his wife replied back.
Kate tried to remain quiet, but a floorboard creaking under her left foot gave her away. Lucky's head shot up from Clint's lap, making the archer turn around. "Hey, babes, Hawkeye just arrived, so I gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be safe. Love you too."
Clint smiled before hanging up. "She says hi." Kate nodded and told Clint to tell Laura hi the next time they spoke.
Kate grabbed a spot on the loveseat next to the couch.
"I didn't hear you come in," Clint spoke up as he put his phone away. "Don't know if that's my old age or..." He tapped his ear. "Maybe I'm just getting better at sneaking around," Kate replied with a smile.
Clint nodded his head with a chuckle. Kate was saving him from embarrassment.
Clint was still struggling with his hearing loss.
"Yeah, well... maybe it's all three," Clint said as he looked away from Kate. His hand still petting the dog.
Something in the room always shifted when talks like these happened. It reminded the two archers that time and missions with one another were limited.
Clint couldn't do this forever.
He didn't want to do this forever. He had a family and a life outside of being Hawkeye.
But damn, if he wasn't going to miss someone, he considers family—an annoying girl who was somehow more skilled than him but clumsy as hell, Kate Bishop.
Clint kicked his tongue and scooted Lucky off his lap before getting up and grabbing a water from the ridge and a laptop from his bag. "While you were at school. I got a friend to do a little research."
Clint returned, sitting at the edge of the couch closest to Kate. He opened the laptop and clicked on a folder of files. Blueprints. Bank records. Phone calls and messages all popped up on the screen.
"A friend?" Kate asked with a knowing smirk.
Clint ignored her as he took a sip of water. Clicking on the map of the city. Certain buildings highlighted in red. Others in grey. "What am I looking at?"
"The red ones are the burned-down buildings." Kate took a look at the map again. "And the grey... Potential targets?" Clint nodded before clicking on another file. It was a picture taken by Clint last night. "This is a zoomed-in photo of the blueprint on the Tracksuits wall."
"Their next target?" Kate asked. "I think so. We find one of the grey buildings that matches this blueprint." He pointed to the screen. "We can stop them."
Stop them, hurt them, make them confess, give us the details and whereabouts of Wilson Fisk.
You know, that kind of stop them.
Kate looked at the screen again. She moved pieces of her hair behind her ears before leaning into the screen. "How do we know they'll target one of the grey ones?"
Clint moved the cursor on the screen and clicked on an open tab. Finical records. "The ones burned down and these ones." The ones highlighted grey. "Are all owned by different shell companies, but when you really start digging deep, you find that they all go to the same place. Red Lion National Bank."
"Kingpin," Kate said.
Clint nodded. "He owns them all."
"So what he uses these buildings as cash houses and then burns them down when they aren't needed?" Clint shrugged. "It's a working theory. I'm sure there's more involved than money." Kate agreed.
"This one looks like the blueprint. But... but so does this one." Kate said as she clicked between two different buildings.
"It's probably built by the same company that's why they're not so different." Clint thought. "We could go stake out one and see how much movement happens."
"Sounds good to me. Doesn't look that far away. I mean it's far but- you get what I mean." She flopped her hand at Clint.
He laughed.
"Alright well, let me go get changed and we'll be off." Clint stood up and clapped his hands. "Oh, I also already fed Lucky and took him out so no need to worry."
Pizza Dog perked his ears up.
"Awww did Uncle Clint already take care of you?" Kate turned on her baby voice as she leaned over to kiss and pet the dog. "You're such a good boy!" Lucky's tail started wagging. Clint playfully rolled his eyes as he walked to the bathroom.
As she waited Kate's mind started to wander.
"Alright, we just about ready?" Clint asked as he zipped up his vest and grabbed his bow. Kate stood up putting her phone into her pocket and nodded. "My stuff's by the door."
"Great." Clint and Kate made their way to the front door to finish gathering what they needed. "Oh, here." Clint tossed Kate a purple beanie.
She smiled and looked at Clint. "Occasion?"
"It's cold and snowing outside. Can't have you getting sick." Kate's heart warmed at that whether it was sarcastic or not. "Thanks. Where'd you get it?" She asked a she released her hair from its ponytail
"Stopped by my place in the city earlier. Found it in the closet."
What Clint failed to tell Kate is that the beanie wasn't store-bought.
It was handmade.
And before you ask. God, no Clint didn't spend hours crocheting a hat together.
Natasha Romanoff did.
"Looks better on you kid." Clint smiled as Kate dawned it with pride. "Hawkeye and Hawkeye. One with a beanie the other with a hearing aid!" Kate posed as if she was shooting an arrow and exaggerated her voice.
"Had to ruin it didn't you?" Clint teased as he opened the door.
"Bye, Lucky!" Clint waved to the dog before entering the hall. "Bye, Pizza Dog! Be good!" Kate flipped all but one light switched off and locked the door.
As the two archers made their trek to the location marked on Clint's phone he spoke up simply because he couldn't help himself.
"So... who were you texting earlier?"
Kate looked to her right confused. However, she knew what Clint was talking about. "Come on. Don't give me that look. I may be deaf at times but I'm never blind." Clint bumped into Kate as they kept waking. "Don't forget I'm also the father of a teenage daughter."
Kate had him there.
"A friend." She said. "Oh, a friend! Are they nice?" Kate nodded. "She's nice." Clint smiled. She. "Does she know about this?" Clint pointed to the arrows on Kate's back.
Kate shook her head. "She knows I do archery but that's it." Clint looked at Kate's side profile. "But you want to tell her?" Kate looked up. "How'd you know?"
Clint exhaled.
"Because Kate you like this friend of yours. You're young. Oh, and you're terrible at keeping secrets."
"Am not."
She was.
In Clint's eyes, it was a miracle the whole world didn't know the real identity of the "new" Hawkeye.
"Regardless, are you going to tell them?"
Kate shrugged. "I don't know."
Clint patted her shoulder. "That's alright." Kate smiled. "I invited her to my archery practice tomorrow and to study afterward. The text was about her coming over."
Clint raised his eyebrows. "Oh well as long as you're safe."
Kate furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. But before she could reply her phone buzzed.
It was a text from you.
"Sounds great! 🎯"
You smiled as you hit send.
Your fingers remained tightly gripped around your phone as you twhiped yourself through an alleyway.
You thought about double-texting Kate. Asking her how she was or what she was doing. Or why the sudden invite to her archery practice?
Was it just for fun? The want to hang out with you? Or did Kate truly just want to show off her toned arms and skills with a bow?
Could it be all of the above?
You closed out your messages app before you could accidentally send a double text and focused on your tingling.
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
Hello there, I recently became a follower and I love your writing so far, keep up the great work and I hope you’re having a wonderful day
I saw that requests are open so if it’s alright, can I get headcannons of the first years (separate) and shows/movies they’d enjoy watching with the reader?
Thought it’ll be pretty fun and an excuse for me to get recommendations lol, thank you!
Hello, Aesthetic! Thank you for your kind words! This was a bit of a challenge for Mx Tattly, since they are not a huge movie person. However she hopes you still enjoy his takes. They also wrote from the perspective of the Prefect/Yuu having access to some movies from their world of origin. Enjoy!
Movie night, otherworldly edition
Characters: Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek and GN!Reader (separate)
Warnings: food mention (Epel's part)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Grim's preffered genres are: comedy, action, animation, fantasy
Grim trully is a child at heart, and all the colorful characters and scenes from animation have him hooked
He also enjoys a good laugh, especially visual gags
He barely has any attention to spare for a series, so movies are his preffered format
He would never admit it but he's a sucker for found family
Silent movie crier
Loud denier
Some favorites from your world: Home; Bolt; That one Wizard Boy Movie we Don't mention in This Household; he has a weird relationship with Ace Ventura
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Ace's preffered genres are: horror, thriller, action, adventure
He enjoys gorey stuff and being the guy you hide behind of when the scenes get too much, but he needs time to prepare for psychological horror
Ace is the type to look up spoilers before watching something and he tries to trick you into believing his made up version of the plot
He talks a lot during movies but hates when others do it
While he enjoys a good adventure movie, he hates superhero movies and he thinks they're silly
He prefers movies over series because he likes the format more, but he's down for a short series
Some favorites from your world: The Mummy; Jumanji (he loves making fun of it); American Psycho; Scary Movie
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Deuce's preffered genres are: action, adventure, animation, family movies
He is pretty easy to please, he'd watch anything that is entertaining
Definitely a Marvel fan
He also loves animation movies, the animation always leaves him awestruck
He likes movies about families and their bonds
Deuce is also surprisingly into medical dramas... but also cop dramas
He is a crier as well but only when he's just with you
Some favorites from your world: Black Panther; The Rookie; A Goofy movie; Police Academy 2
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Jack's preferred genres are: documentary, adventure, romance, dramas and telenovelas with a bit of nudging
Jack is the type of guy to retain various informations after watching something
He can sometimes memorise entire scenes, and he finds that habit less annoying when he watches documentaries; he likes something informative and motivational
Jack also enjoys some romance movies sometimes, but he is very picky so it's hard for him to find one he actually likes
He does, however, like to point out and comment on the weird courting habits humans have
Jack finds telenovelas and soap operas kind of nonsensical and overly dramatic, but he also gets hooked on the plot pretty quick and soon enough it would become a bit of a guilty pleasure
Some favorites from your world: David Holmes, the boy who lived; the social dilemma; Love, Simon; Yo soy Betty la fea
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Epel's preferred genres are: comedy, action, western, anything he can mock and make fun of
If you think Ace is bad with his mid watch commentary, Epel is 10 times worse
He mocks things in movies so often he's giving Cinema Sins a run for their money
He won't shut up even if you give him all the snacks, he'll talk while eating
He also has the most colourful, boisterous, ridiculous laughter imaginable (and I say that lovingly), so if the comedy movie is not making you laugh then Epel's laughter is
Epel is not a picky watcher so he can get behind anything that isn't too sappy
If you pull out anything with Vil on the poster though he will dematerialise from your couch
Some favorites from your world: Rush Hour; Desperado; Puss in Boots 2; any Fast and Furious movie (unfortunately)
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Ortho's preferred genres are: anything he finds intriguing, family movies
If anything, Ortho has a wide palate and can enjoy almost anything
He also knows how a movie ends before he watches it, but it never ruins his enjoyment
He never spoils anyone unless they try to argue with him about the direction of the plot
Most of his interest in movies came from wanting to understand human behavior better, but now he can just use them as a time killer or sleepover material
He also likes watching your reactions to the movies: how often you laugh, how often you cry, how often you reach for snacks
A favorite from your world: Big Hero 6
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Sebek's preferred genres are: historical films, (period) dramas, musicals with the right nudge
Listen here, musical enjoyers. Here is the most susceptible one to being convinced to join the dark side
One word: Hamilton.
Yes, he'll think the music is nonsensical, BUT he'll also tap his foot to it
AND if you say anything about teaching him something from the soundtrack to surprise Malleus with, he's all ears
He is also very quick to get songs stuck in his head: he's easy prey
All jokes aside, Sebek can be a good watch buddy when his interest is piqued
Not even he can deny when a movie has good plot and characters
He does prefer period dramas, since he has a soft spot for the setting
And historical films: a nerd do be nerding even during movie nights
Some favorites from your world: The Crown, Hamilton, Les Miserables, maybe Oppenheimer but it would be used in his anti-human agenda
Speaking of Oppenheimer...
Well, let's discuss Barbenheimer.
Everyone went to watch both movies:
Ace went dressed in pink for the both of them
Deuce got confused by the "dresscode" and apologised to you for not knowing about it
Jack and Ortho enjoyed both
Epel insisted he liked Oppenheimer more but he's lying
Sebek cried at the end of Barbie
Grim is the only one who in fully in Oppenheimer's corner
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes/Tropes:
-Girls fighting with their parents
-Crushes and romance (and love triangles)
-Strong friendships
-Exploring sexuality (most of these have scenes of a sexual nature)
-Finding herself (or learning how to grow up)
-A lot of (oftentimes comedic) blunders
-Enemies/rivals to lovers
-Girls getting up to no good (or girls getting up to good but getting derailed)
Darby and The Dead
Blood & Water
Eighth Grade
I Am Not Okay With This
Skate Kitchen
The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants
We Are Lady Parts
Derry Girls (9/10) (GOATED SHOW!)
Bottoms (9/10) (hilarious and insane in the best ways!)
Paper Girls (7/10) (the chaos that happens when adult you meets preteen you)
Everything Now (8/10) (actually deals with eating disorders appropriately, the most humanizing teen show i've ever seen)
Booksmart (8/10)(a calmer version of Bottoms, but still pretty unhinged and witty)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post is the more sober version of But I'm A Cheerleader, where two lesbians get sent to conversion therapy camps. I found both entertaining and refreshing, full of nuance and oftentimes clever about the writing. The performances were also quite good.
I remember My First Summer being bittersweet, but I think there was one scene that made me a little antsy (because the girls in this are pretty young). If it was done tastefully is better left interpreted by those who decide to watch it.
Do Revenge is a whole bag of everything. Mean Girls meets Bottoms. Funny, cruel and unhinged (yet also a little sweet). It was overall fun stuff.
Skate Kitchen has a spin-off show by HBO called Betty.
I barely remember the one episode of Blood & Water I watched, but I know there were things I found to raunchy too be tasteful, yet there was also quite a bit that was still pretty solid and sweet. Not sure I can recommend because I don't know enough except it's about sisters.
If you like sweet and simple teen love stories, Rafiki and The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love are right up your alley.
I only watched one season of Never Have I Ever to emotionally support my sister who had started it. I have never felt such visceral second-hand embarrassment in my LIFE.
First Kill is Romeo and Juliet with vampires and monster hunters. I liked the actors/actresses but you can tell that the budget for this show wasn't that big. If you like Warrior Nun, though, you may like First Kill.
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nightwolf14292 · 6 months
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #9
I like how Hazel seems to be making friends one at a time! I feel like most shows introduce friends as pre-established, or they become friends in the first episode. Hazel seems to be gathering them over time, which is great.
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Why is he even allowed to HAVE those drones?
... Shout-out to Wynn (sp? I don't dare look since I'm avoiding spoilers) for having freckles on only one cheek. Definitely unique for this universe.
-> I lied.
I really like how Wanda has stuck to calling Hazel "squirt." It's super fitting for her.
FATHER TIME!! He's back! ... No dad jokes this time.
Father Time: "This wish involves 15 minutes of fame. That's a time. Therefore, it is under MY jurisdiction." Cosmo: Oh, there was a whole lawsuit a few years ago. The Poofpreme Court had to get involved."
"Timmy's Secret Wish" LIVED!! We are eatin' good tonight!!
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Dev's little leggies...
Is this the first time Cosmo and Wanda have been in object form other than Hazel's bubble popper things?
slkdfj Hazel's shirt belonged to her brother. Everything in this girl's life revolves around a brother we've not yet seen. Love that for her. That's gonna be a great episode.
-> What if he comes back and he's changed a lot because he's been away at college? Ruh-roh...
Oh, Father Time's back and making dad jokes again.
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Nick of Time!! I love her. The coach aesthetic was a good touch. Instant new favorite. I have the PERFECT place for her in 'fics.
I think it's funny that Cosmo and Wanda's running gag is talking about things they did on their 10k-year vacation since one of the things they did in the OG series was talk about how they'd been married 10k years.
Hazel speeding through her remaining time with a song montage is very funny.
I've seen that rat design. Where have I seen that rat?
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I know him!! He's canonically a dad now?? ... I was already writing him as a dad, but now it's justified.
Flappy, what have they done to you? Where are your parents?? Was the Musical all for naught?
Listen. Listen, I know they would never do this because it was such a one-off thing. but... Flappy used to carry Gary and Betty in his briefcase and it was so weird. I'm gettin' flashbacks.
I liked that episode! That was great.
28 Puddings Later
I like how Violin Gal is a recurring gag.
Why are they teaching 12 minus 1 in 5th grade- Oh, they're simplifying fractions.
Timmy is on even more posters in this school- What did he do? This isn't even his city.
Pudding-eating episode going a zombie movie route was not on my list. Fantastic. I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's crowns glow in the dark; it's great.
Hazel not wanting to unwish her infinite pudding wish because she hasn't gotten any yet is super clever and justified.
Jasmine: I am once again sus of my BFF Hazel and her connection to weirdness.
Okay, with the lights off in the halls, this is a lot more difficult on my hemophobia... I don't think I'll be sharing screenshots I might run across later, though I definitely think Dev's zombie pose is great.
Holy cow, that's a lot of red lighting on the pudding. I don't think I'm watching this one again, but I'm enjoying the plot itself.
We are once again treated to a photo proving they have 2D bodies in this universe, and it once again cracks me up.
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Many, many brown-eyed characters! They're free from the curse...
This is what reality is like when you jump the border to Retroville. Everything looks bulgy, but in reality... you're still flat. I especially like how reality morphs to fit the FOP style, like the pink hair flipping around. I think I've seen someone with their haircut like that in the old show, though I forget who, so that would imply they wear it like the first picture.
Unreasonably funny to me that Dev's glasses shine - usually a classy blue - becomes much duller when it switches to "actual FOP style." His coolness factor drops. I love it.
... His hair REALLY reminds me of his dad's. I distinctly remember Dale's being fluffy, which is why he looks like the pixie godkid listed in Da Rules, but... Dev's got the same "front flare." I'm gonna look it up.
-> Oh, "Nectar of the Odds" is Season 2, not 3. I did not remember that. Also, Dale's hair is a little more orange than I remember, and he really does have dark blue eyes. I can absolutely see the similarities between him and Dev. That's fantastic.
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... I am just now remembering I think I have a character outline for Dale in my Along the Cherry Lane draft. Let me see...
SLDKJFSLDKFJ, I did! I had him marrying Ed Leadly's daughter (the first FOP OC I ever made, Hadley) and having a son named Dave, which is very close to Dev.
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I don't really know what to do with this information. I think I want to do less with this information. I'm so sorry, Hadley- maybe Dev will get a canon mom.
Well, Dev having red hair when you have black probably saved you, tbh.
She doesn't have her dad's black hair. I misremembered. It's brown. Uh-oh.
Anyway, I LOVE how Hazel saw her "ruined" class picture and was ecstatic because she knew her mom and brother would love how memorable it was. That's super cute. She's living a great life.
I don't know if I'd still call her miserable enough for a fairy, but she's adorable and I'm glad her life is going okay.
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And still... he lurks.
Last one tonight! ... I didn't think I'd make it through this many before my bedtime, but okay.
Trial & Hair-or
I cannot believe we're getting the 2nd "living hair" plot (Hair with personality vs. hair with spirit), though I doubt this one will go the helicopter route.
Diana and Sparky would be great friends. I will not elaborate.
Crying, Hazel admiring her bald head and thinking it's cool. Her motivation for getting her hair back is so her hair doesn't cause chaos? She's so pure.
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I hate them.
Just heard Hazel say Cosmo's name. Has she said Wanda's name often? I feel like their names haven't been repeated a lot for new audiences, but I also wasn't paying attention.
Fishbowl instinct...
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This was a goofy episode and I loved it. Bedtime now. We'll see if I watch more throughout the week or just save it 'til after my big stuff on Friday. See you around!
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Talk to me about Veronica’s best and worst options for romantic pairings.
ooo i love this question!!
veronica’s best options for romantic pairings would be beronica, cheronica and jeronica. i would like to say veggie as well but i fear they are too toxic even though they seem to fit so well together.
beronica is just such a good romantic pairing. i mean even when i was just reading the comics before riverdale premiered, i wished betty and veronica would get together instead of fighting over archie lol. they are so cute together and i’m so happy that season 7 really showed that they indeed are. i wish they kissed way more on screen.
i am such a big fan of cheronica. they would be the sexiest couple ever. i think about the season 6 cheronica kiss so much. they were both so into it and it’s so obvious they have thought about fucking each other. even back in season 1, i think veronica wanted to kiss cheryl really bad. also, if they lived together, imagine what their place would look like. imagine it. and imagine the portraits cheryl would paint of veronica and hang up on the walls. there should’ve been more cheronica scenes.
jeronica is kinda perfect honestly and it’s a shame we don’t see veronica and jughead together a lot in the show. they are perfect for each other actually. i could watch them gush over films and books together for hours. imagine all the movie dates they could have.
now, for her worst options for romantic pairings … i’d have to say varchie is one of them. it just cannot work out with hiram in the picture. also, her and archie want different things in life so they would be unhappy if they stayed together. i guess veggie could fit here too since i just said it was pretty toxic but they do have really good chemistry together. the writers just fucked it up for them unfortunately.
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elfqueen006 · 2 months
Movie Night
Sunny Day Jack x May-Rose (OC)
A little fluff-ish smutshot of Jack and May. I also wanna show that May likes stuff, cus I make her too cold sometimes. She's actually into a lot of cute stuff. She just doesn't share it much.
Fluff and maybe manipulation on May's part?? Telling Jack what he wants to hear.
May crawled into Jack's lap. He received her with eagerness, watching as she draped herself over his legs, stretching out like a housecat before sitting up and curling herself into his chest. They were watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit : the  classic live-action/animation about a detective trying to uncover the mystery behind the framing of an in-universe cartoon character.
It was such a classic that watching it almost became boring. It was damn near perfection in a movie, as most older ones were. But May knew almost every line and every scene that it was a challenge not to turn it off within 30 minutes or so.
The only thing that made this re-watch exciting was Jack's reactions throughout. She glanced up at him every now and again, watching as he gasped and grinned at each scene, specifically when Toons started interacting with the world. And it took everything in May not to laugh when he saw Jessica Rabbit. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in amazement as his gaze traveled up and down the fictional woman's body.
"Doing OK, Jack?" she asked, a smirk present on her lips.
The clowns cheeks turned red as he looked down at her, "Ye-yeah I mean... it's just. The production of it all." he said.
She hummed in agreement, it was amazing. But he knew that wasn't the only thing he was admiring.
Then after Betty told Eddie that Jessica and Roger were married, Jack had this to say.
"How? "
"A girl likes a guy that can make her laugh." May replied, indirectly hinting at a future line. Her smile then grew when their eyes met again. And then he began to smirk.
"Do I make you laugh?" Jack asked.
"I'd like you to think you do." May replied. The man gave a fake gasp and shook her by the shoulders, causing her to break out in giggles. Jack then went in to tickle her all across her body. May tried wiggling away as she laughed harder than Jack thought she would in months, and it led him to go even harder. They fell over on the couch in their tickling tussle.
"Ja-Jack! Stop! Dammit st-o-o-op!" She cried out between fits of laughter.
"Nuh-uh. Not until you say I'm funny!"
"You want me to lie? "
He went for her ribs.
She burst out calling, "No- you're funny! You're funny!"
Finally, he let up and placed his hands above her head, leaning down for a chaste kiss on the cheek. May wiped it off, "Hate you..."
He leaned down to nuzzle his cheeks against hers, "Do not..."
She shoves him softly in the chest, "Watch the movie."
"Hm? Oh..."
The movie was in fact still going. May had it on VHS coincidentally, and she rarely ever paused those. They got stuck and she'd end up having rewind the entire thing and back, so she just let them play as long as they could. After all, she'd seen it all anyway.
But she didn't want Jack to miss out on the twists and excitement. And it was for moments like these Jack would beg for May to share with him. So why was  he looking so downtrodden?
May frowned at his response, "What's the matter? I thought you liked the movie?"
"Oh, I do!" he quickly replied, "I really do, Sunspot. It's amazing. Your taste in movies are great..." and he meant it. He expected a girl of her luxurious background to go for something more modern; those pink and poppy chick flicks, movies about the big city, that sort of thing. But she surprised him with her love of older movies. She said they were well paced and their effort would make up for whatever they lacked in quality.
But how could he focus on the movie when she was splayed below him like this? Curls haloing her soft round face. Pensive and serious green eyes looking into his own. And dark lips parted, just begging to be kissed...
"... you just look so beautiful, right now. I can't seem to keep focus."
She snorted and raised a brow, "That's kind of corny."
"I mean it."
"Oh, I know." Her hand reached up to caress his cheek as she smirked knowingly. He leaned into her touch with a sigh, closing his eyes.
"You wanna make love to me?"
Jack's eyes flew open at that, looking over her face for any signs of the usual teasing. She held eye contact with him, a thumb brushing soothingly over his skin. He could feel her elevated heartbeat through the couch somehow, complimented only by how he chest rose and fell with heavy, slow breaths.
May knew how that sounded. She knew it would catch him off guard and get him in the right mood. But what she didn't anticipate was how serious she felt when asking it. It felt dirty honestly, more so than any connotation of the word "Fuck" would infer.
It felt like those seventies slow jams, where the singers specifically describing fucking as "making love" (or well, getting freaky). It would make her giggle as a kid, and her mother would scold her father for playing that "old pimp music".
Now, it makes her skin flush. Makes her purse her lips and narrow her eyes.
All further thoughts of that were erased as Jack captured her lips into his kiss. His gloved hands came down to cradle her face and pull her deeper. Her lashes flutter as a tingling sensation envelops her brain.
"So good," he whispers against her, "So beautiful."
"And all mine."
That elicited a soft gasp from her, but it doesn't deter Jack - he either ignores or can't hear it. He pulled off her lounge around clothes, a tank top and basketball shorts stolen from her roommate (He tries. Tries so hard not to think about that).
She wasn't wearing a bra, but he'd known this for a while, trying to keep a gentlemanly composure the whole morning as she wandered around the house. He didn't have to act now.
In fact, upon seeing her perfect breasts, he cupped them and kneaded the flesh in his hands. May's eyes flutter closed as she sighed. "Yeah, baby~"
Her words spurred him on, bringing him to dip his head low and kiss between the valley of her chest. They were deep and lingering, traveling up the curve of her right breast until he got to the closed his lips over her nipple. All the while May made praises between breathy moans.
"Oh, please."
"Right there!"
Each word sparked a new fire in Jack's chest. Every inch of her skin called for him, and he answered with his soft lips, which traveled lower and lower before reaching her pelvis. He looked up at her with a glint of mischief in his eyes as he threw May's legs over his shoulders and dipped his head low to her entrance. She keened as he dragged a long stripe with his tongue up her labia.
"You taste amazing, sunflower." Jack purred.
May felt breathless under his heated gaze,  glancing over at the TV for a moment. "We should... we should really pause the movie."
He snickered, "We can always finish up some other time. So long as we rewind, right?"
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lives-in-midgard · 9 months
🎄There for you🎄
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader platonic
Summary: After a snowball fight you get sick and your roommate has to take care of you.
Word Count: 915
A/N: Hey everyone! This is part of my Fluffcember I hope you like it!
Divider made by @saradika
Prompt 14: Roommate AU
(prompt from @buckys-wintersoldier)
Masterlist | Fluffcember Masterlist
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It was December and it had just snowed, so you and your roommate Yelena decided to take a walk and enjoy the time outside. Before you went for a walk, you build a snowman together next to your apartment. You had a lot of fun and then decided to go for a walk.
After a while you started to feel cold, so Yelena suggested to walk back home. During your walk you talked about Christmas and how you would like to celebrate it this year. It’s your first time celebrating it together, so you’re both a little nervous. You were almost home when a snowball suddenly hit you. Before you could turn around, Yelena was hit by one too. You turned around at the same time but couldn’t see anyone.
“Who was that?” Yelena shouted a little angry, and you could hear someone laughing. You pointed to the tree and Yelena looked to that direction. Three little kids came out and started shooting snowballs at you and Yelena.
“I can do that to.” Yelena shouted, kneeling on the ground to form a snowball. She threw them one by one to the children and suddenly there was a snowball fight between these children and Yelena. After a few minutes you also made some snowballs, participated in the snowball fight and even had a lot of fun.
“James, Betty, Inez, where are you?” A women screamed, the children looked at each other and then ran away. You looked at Yelena and giggled, but then sneezed.
“I think we should go home now.” Yelena suggested and you nodded.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” You said and made your way home to your shared apartment. When you got home, you immediately changed into different clothes because the ones you were wearing were covered in snow. As you walked back into the living room, you saw Yelena making a hot chocolate. She turned around and looked at you with a smile.
“Do you want one too?” She asked and you nodded. She turned around and made you a cup of hot chocolate.
“Do you want to watch a movie together?” You asked.
“Sure.” Yelena answered, turning to you as the hot chocolate was ready. You went to the couch and sat next to each other.
“It’s your time to choose.” You said, looking over at her. Yelena chuckled and then picked up the remote control from the table. She was about to choose a movie when you sneezed.
“Oh, please tell me you won’t get sick.” Yelena said, looking over at you a little annoyed.
“I’m not getting sick, I only sneezed Lena.” You mumbled and rolled your eyes. Yelena started a movie and you covered yourself with a blanket because you were cold. A few minutes later you started shaking, and Yelena looked at you worriedly.
“Are you sure you’re not getting sick?”
After the movie ended, Yelena made some mac and cheese. They tasted delicious as always, but you really weren’t feeling the best, so you decided to go to bed earlier.
When you woke up the next morning you had a sore throat, and you were really cold. You pulled the blanket tighter around you, but then started sniffling. You sneezed and sneezed again. After a few minutes, Yelena knocked softly on your bedroom door and slowly opened it.
“Hey.” She whispered.
“Morning, Lena.” You said, but it came out quieter than you wanted it to.
“Should I bring you a cup of tea?"
“Yes, please, that would be good.” You said and Yelena smiled at you.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
When Yelena returned, she placed the cup of tea on your bedside table and a box of tissues.
“I thought you might need this as well.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course, but let’s check your temperature.”
“Okay.” You said and Yelena gave you the thermometer.
“You don’t have a fever, that’s good. But you should stay in bed to recover.”
“Just call me if you need anything, okay?” She said and you nodded. You drank your tea and tried to get some sleep.
A few hours later you woke up and decided to go to the bathroom. You couldn’t see Yelena, but you could hear her doing something in the kitchen. Once you were finished in the bathroom, you went back to bed and covered yourself with the blanket again.
A while later, Yelena knocked on your door and came in with soup in her hands. She put it on the bedside table and then said.
“I hope it tastes good. I have never made this soup myself. Melina made it for me when I was sick and she gave me the recipe once, so I thought it was the best time to try it.”
“Thank you, I bet it tastes good.” You smiled and then sat up to eat the soup. After a few spoonsful, you looked over at Yelena.
“Wow, this soup is so delicious.”
“I’m glad it is.” Yelena said and you chuckled but then sneezed again. Yelena smiled at you and then left you to sleep alone again.
In the next few days, Yelena was always by your side and made sure you were feeling better. She made you tea and soups, made you feel warm and watched movies with you. Thanks to Yelena, you soon felt better and were able to start planning how you would like to spend Christmas and New Year.
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@marvelogic | @yelenasdiary | @youralphawolf72 | @severelyuniquereview | @mrs-bucky-barnes-73
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Very genuinely important question
So, in a modern AU, I feel like all the Newsies would have drastically different music tastes from each other, and I have almost all of them figured out, but I need y'all to tell me if I'm right
Spot: Mother Mother, specifically both Haylofts and Burning Pile since he thinks it makes him look badass, but also he relates to a lot of the lyrics and likes to scream them. On the other side of things, he likes listening to egotistical songs (mostly from Bradways and shit) because they make him feel better about himself. (I give you as an example, What The World Needs from Ride The Cyclone. He loves RTC, Ocean is his favorite character. He hates her character arc tho.)
Race: Half Cavetown/Alex G/Will Wood, and other music artists that just make music for a living, half surprisingly upbeat songs, mostly from shows, games and movies, that for the most part aren't made to be listened to as much as he does. For example, No Girl's Toy from the Raggedy Ann/Andy movie had him in a chokehold for a little bit, same with the Cab Calloway version of St. James Infirmary Blues from Betty Boop's Snow White (Specifically JUST that version- he refuses to listen to the other ones). He is not allowed to have his playlist of shuffle in the lodging house because it'll skip right from the most depressing song you've ever heard to some random ass thing from the Cuphead soundtrack.
David: Doesn't listen to actual music with lyrics most of the time. No, he puts on that one 10 hour lo-fi compilation from Youtube. If he does want actual music though it's shit like MARINA and Melanie Martinez. Also, he LIVED AND BREATHED the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack at one point. There's also a few songs he likes but he doesn't listen to anything else from the artist/source material, most notably Soldier, Poet, King and It's Not A Game/It's Just A Ride (After Spot forced everyone to watch RTC with him and Race).
Jack: COUNTRY MUSIC. But also, not actual country music. He likes the aethstetic (because cowboy) but can't stand the music, so he gets away with saying it's country music by listening to shit like I Love You Like An Alcoholic. He's gotten caught once listening to Hug All Ur Friends after Race recommended it, but he always used headphones after that. Also, being the tenor icon he is, he would be in choir and all his choir pieces (specifically the concerning sounding ones) are on his spotify playlist. (I raise you: A Silence Haunts Me. Look it up. Also, yes, as a Tenor who sang that piece with the choir I'm in, it's still in my playlist.)
Crutchie/Les: Grouped together because these two have the same music taste and share headphones a lot. It consists of AJR (They like the vibe of the music and both giggle quietly when it swears) The entire lion guard soundtrack, a bunch of Yaelokre songs and other fantasy-sounding stuff, and a bunch of My Little Pony (g4) songs.
Albert: Doesn't listen to as much music as the others, but he notably blasts the entire Hazbin Hotel soundtrack whenever he's watching the younger kids, very loudly yelling all the swears. He doesn't even watch Hazbin Hotel, he just does it to piss everyone off for fun. Jack hates this but can't really do anything about it.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Can you do an Archie Andrews x Male Reader where it’s a few years after the graduate and they share an apartment and for Valentine’s Day Archie takes him out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and then proposes to him? Thanks! I love your work!!
Y/N was in the living room with his socks peeking over the couch as he watched the Hallmark's list of romantic Valentine's Day movie marathon. He laughed at the cheesy plotline of each movie. It was always the same thing. Two strangers falling in love, or two enemies to lovers etc.
As Y/N laughed and threw popcorn at the TV screen as his roommate, Archie Andrews came into the room. After graduation from Riverdale highschool, they moved to New York together and got an apartment together. Archie was trying to make it with his music, and Y/N was an ace reporter for their local newspaper. He saw the mess on the floor and sighed.
"Dude, you're messing up my carpet." He chuckled.
"Dude, this is my carpet too. And you mess up our bathroom with your stinky socks and jockstraps. But you don't hear me complaining." Y/N smirks.
Archie grinned and looked at the TV. "Hallmark Rom-Coms? You've hit rock bottom."
"I feel like it too. Did you need something?"
"Yeah, I was thinking we should go out for Valentine's Day tonight and celebrate."
Y/N stopped mid-air of popcorn as he looked at Archie and laughed. "You're serious, Arch?"
"Very. So, you should start getting ready."
"But, but. We'll be giving into the cliche. It'll be packed. And I don't have anything to wear." Y/N said, trying to make reasons not to get his ass off this couch.
"I've got dinner reservations for 8:00. You've got an hour to get ready. Now, move your cute ass and get ready. I know you've got something in your closet." Archie winked and left the room.
An hour later they were both dressed in nice suits and ties as Archie took Y/N to a fancy restaurant. The ones you see in the movies. The ones only celebrities and their moms can afford.
Y/N looks around. "Arch? This is nice and all. It's very high-class, but it's too expensive. I can't let you pay for this."
Archie looks at him and gives him a sheepish smile. "Come on. We've been through a lot together. You've been there through my dad's passing. My parents' divorce. My indecise on Veronica and Betty. It's the least I can do."
"That's honorable, Arch, but I would have been happy with just burgers and shakes from Pop's."
"I miss those days. Sitting at Pop's diner for hours just you, me, Veronica, Betty, Jughead." Archie said as he blushed. "But there's another reason why I asked you here."
Y/N frowned. "What other reason would you have for bringing me here?"
Archie stood up. And looked around the room before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Y/N L/N…"
Y/N looks at him in shock as people turn to look at them. He's not going to propose, is he? "Archibald Andrew, what are you doing?"
"We've known each since we were kids. And you've always been my best friend. I have always loved you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"
Y/N wasn't sure what to say. He was so shocked and happy at the same time. He couldn't believe how vulnerable Archie was right now. He was putting his heart in the line, and just confessed in front of this whole restaurant that he loved Y/N and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
He looks at him, tears streaming down his face as he nods. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you."
There was an eruption of cheer from the crowd of people listening and watching as Archie slipped his dad's wedding band on Y/N's fingers and kissed him.
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paintbrushnebula · 6 months
Here's a buncha my personal Gwen Stacy Headcanons that no one asked for but I'm giving anyway :3 I wrote a Butt Ton and I hope y'all like really 'em 🐧
Gwen was a very tough, reckless kid growing up. She tripped and fell a LOT because she liked doing stunts and parkouring on literally everything, but she'd never cry. George was always scared of Gwen getting hurt from her stunts but he was impressed (if a little freaked) by how she'd get right back up afterward like it was nothing. Gwen was just a very naturally durable child. She'd always have at least one band-aid on her somewhere.
(My sister wrote this one): As a result of her absolutely Tasmanian devil type recklessness, George would cut her hair SUPER short as a child, like pixie hair type short to avoid having to always wash out the bugs and dirt and leaves and wood chips and literally anything she grabs and just goes "Savin this for later yo" in her hair. (She still stuck stuff in her hair and honestly liked the short hair better cuz she could run faster, but ey it reduced the expenses on baby shampoo SIGNIFICANTLY) n she wasn't allowed to grow her scruffy little spike head hair long again till she was like 8 poor georgie was struggling for ideas he's just a guy HES JUST A GUY MAN !!!!!
Gwen begged George for a penguin as a pet when she was 5 but was told that penguins can't be pets. She played club penguin almost every day until middle school. She starts playing it again after they defeat the Spot. Margo plays it with her all the time. Gwen was absolutely appalled when she discovered that Club Penguin is discontinued in Miles' universe.
Yeah she's 100% patching things up with Glory, Em Jay, and Betty after Beyond the Spiderverse. The Mary Janes become a successful niche band very quickly now that Gwen is fully committed and she even performs as lead vocalist every now and then. Gwen eventually starts writing and singing songs of her own for their shows. She also starts spending more time with them outside the band.
Gwen and Peter's favorite childhood activity was making home videos. Peter's videos emulate Bill Nye the Science Guy; he'd showcase all these experiments/prepared presentations and ramble on about them pretending he's this world renowned scientist. Gwen's videos are her doing crazy stunts on her skateboard, or inspecting exotic bugs/lizards with her bare heckin' hands and talking to them in funny voices. They'd each film the other's videos. They stopped making them when they reached middle school; life just got harder for the both of them due to increased bullying, Gwen becoming Spider-Woman, and Peter's mental health getting worse. Gwen still has their old video camera with all their videos still intact, but since Peter's death, she hasn't been able to bring herself to watch them again.
She loves saying "yell heah"/"yell hes"/"what the yell"/"aw yellll nahhh" a lot
Big fan of action/neo-noir/crime thriller movies: John Wick, Sicario, Baby Driver, Nightcrawler, Pulp Fiction, Batman, etc. Just any piece of fiction with Misunderstood Action Person who's always On The Run, hunted by the law but just trying to get by, struggling to survive in an unjust system. Toootallllyyy doesn't hit close to home for her.
PC gamer? Yell hes.
She's a surprisingly talented voice artist/impressionist with impressive range. She already figured out how to perfectly mimic Hobie's cockney British accent after like a week. She never forgets a voice and can do quickly do impressions of lots of famous fictional characters. She'll come up with all these funny voices to make Miles laugh or prank call people. She LOVES prank calling people.
Part of George's motivation for letting Gwen take up ballet was so that she could learn proper balance/coordination so she'd be more careful when performing all her stunts. I think that Gwen used to be naturally clumsy until ballet taught her proper agility. He thought that if she was gonna be a little daredevil, then she could at least be able to catch herself before her face is slamming into the pavement.
Gwen is a big nickname-giver. She calls Miles "Bambi" (he looks like a baby deer to her), Margo is "Mars Bar", Peni is "Panini", and Pav is "Pavlova." She mostly nicknames people after food really.
She's not really a candy person but she is definitely a junk food person. M&Ms, Cool Ranch Doritos, Pringles, soft drinks (favors coke), Reese's, Cheez-its (her favorite), Oreos, and your typical fast foods.
After the Spot fiasco is over and she and Miles are months into their relationship, Gwen starts putting on a bit of weight. Not that much, but her form fills out enough to be noticeable. I like the idea that she becomes so happy with herself post-Beyond that she indulges herself a little, yknow? She takes an immediate liking to Rio's food and Rio is always giving her extra leftovers to take home or packs her something to eat during Spider-missions. She doesn't become aware of the extra weight until Miles' clothes start fitting her a little tighter than she remembers (he's very skinny after all). She's very happy with her new shape and chooses not to lose it (mostly because she refuses to have to eat less which honestly same)
Going back to the home video headcanon; Peter actually recorded one last video the night before the prom. In the video, he presents the vial containing the lizard serum to the viewer and explains his plan to drink the serum so he can get revenge on everyone who bullied him at the school. The way Peter enthusiastically presents his plan in the video is eerily similar to the old science videos he recorded as a child. At the end of the video, he rambles about how excited he is to become "special like her," but he doesn't elaborate further; anyone who isn't Gwen won't know who he's talking about. Since Gwen hasn't opened that video camera to this day, she has no idea the video exists (I don't know if she ever sees it).
I'll post the next part of that 'Gwen Stacy is Sick' comic tomorrow I promise XD
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lakesparkles · 11 months
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Omg I almost forgot to post this here! (description from Instagram):
Finally, finally, part one of autumn/Halloween related requests!! :D I mean, not every single one of them was suggested, half was only stuff I wanted to do. This is the time of the year I look foward the most because drawing this type of art comforts me. Also, sorry for making some about my silly bjhm ships when they shouldn't be, I couldn't resist.
A quick explanation (and headcanons) about these:
I love Marshall and Gary! I like to think they usually watch horror movies together and Gary will start to really like it.
Diane will end up agreeing with the costume and she will hate it. Every year she stress a lot about her costume being perfect and smart to the point PB wonders if she's even having fun.
A reference to my own fanfiction, sorry, PB and Guy started getting along bc of horror movies.
My OCs, Veronica and Patrick, being silly. This was the moment Patrick realized he would love being a werewolf (it became his costume every year).
More OCs. The first year Taylor spends the fall with his dads!
Tumblr request of Bojack eating an apple pie. Hollyhock is proud of it!!
Last slide are my OCs again (I love them)…. Hm, this was the first thing I drew after finishing watching Fionna and Cake. Betty and Simon's relationship reminds me of Taylor and Daisy's - it's the co-dependence!
Harry and Patrick love Halloween and are very shocked learning that fact about their wife. Now they'll have to make this the best Halloween she'll ever had! Alright, that was it! Can you tell I had fun coming up with this ideas? I can't wait to do more!!
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
Watched a banger Spideypool animatic and the more I think about it the more they just work for each other? In a lot of ways it’s Black Cat and Spider-Man but it’s works better imo.
Deadpool does many morally wrong actions similar to Black Cat but the difference between them is that Deadpool actually cares about Peter Parker, but he also cares about Spider-Man because he comes to learn that they’re one in the same. Black Cat on the other hand, as much as I love her she does not give two shits about photographer for the Daily Bugle, sweet dude Peter Parker, and I do appreciate fics and stories where she does but I can’t ever see her caring for that.
Also I think it’s majorly beneficial for Spider-Man to date another super person. Him and Kitty Pryde worked for the most part in the Ultimate Universe ( most of it was dragged down by needless drama to just get Peter and MJ back together so it was a bit rough ) but I think out of all the super human love interests Wade just works the best? He can’t really die, his healing factor prevents Peter from having to be really worried about him during battle and a key aspect of the team up comic I enjoyed was that Wade was entirely willing to stop killing for Spider-Man.
Deadpool when the hot spider guy gets mad at him for killing people so he just stops because he genuinely likes this guy and idk it’s sweet.
It’s often written off as a joke ship in a way, and I have a lot of problems with how they write Peter in the team-up comic personally- ( I HATE PARKER INDUSTRIES. ) but when you really think about it they actually work really well and are pretty healthy even outside the fun dynamic that initially draws you in.
I think because of the amount of love interests Peter has, I tend to have a different favorite ship based on his age group ( of course it depends on how the writers write the love interests too like sometimes Mary Jane sucks although she gets shit on way too much for it. )
I am an enjoyer of married MJ and Peter being happy like in Spiderverse but my favorite ship from the 25-30+ era for Spidey is definitely Spideypool, sorry MJ I do love women but Deadpool just wins her.
On the otherhand his early college era? Mary Jane 100%. In High School it’s more difficult because it really varies adaptation to adaptation- like in the OG comics Betty is a good first love interest despite poor 60s views of women- in the Ultimate comics Kitty Pryde is great- in Spectacular Spider-Man Liz is wonderful- in Marvel Adventures Chat is wonderful so I honestly can’t pick a favorite because it varies so much in this period in Peter’s life.
( Also Gwen is not included here just because she’s written the most inconsistent actually imo. She’s at her best in the Andrew Garfield movies but she’s bad in the OG comics imo. She’s a mixed bag in Ultimate Spider-Man and I much prefer her as not a love interest there. In Spectacular Spider-Man she’s fine but I don’t like how they forcefully break Liz and Peter up just to get them together I hate that trope. And I consider Spider-Gwen as not a Peter love interest sooo… )
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stillshehauntsme · 2 months
Alice in Wonderland - Movie archive
(This has sat in my drafts since 2018 but *somebody* wanted to see it and I can't link to unpublished drafts so here we are)
I think there is a list out there somewhere but when I last saw it it was rather outdated so I thought I’ll make my own.
I tried to gather all the movie adaptations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland here.
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1903 - Alice in Wonderland
First ever movie adaptation, directed by Cecil Hepworth. Alice is played by Mary Clark. About 9 minutes survived out of original 12, sadly.
Language: silent   
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeIXfdogJbA
1910 - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
This one is often said to be lost but it’s on youtube... Made by the Edison Manufacturing Company, stars Gladys Hulette as Alice. The character designs are Tenniel-based, they are live-action versions of the original illustrations.
Language: silent  
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJxPDs8Q--Y
1915 - Alice in Wonderland
First American adaptation. Viola Savoy as Alice, director W.W. Young. The animal costumes are pretty amazing in this one.
Language: silent
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSQ2w9WeNDQ
1931 - Alice in Wonderland
Small budget film. Stars Ruth Gilbert as Alice, who is really sweet and stares at the camera a scary lot. Never got popular but it’s great...
Language: English
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH24yRuHfEU
1933 - Alice in Wonderland
A Paramount Pictures production, it was the ,,official live action version”. It was big really when it came out. Charlotte Henry as Alice.
Language: English
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY7M42Fk9Qo
1934 - Betty in Blunderland
A Betty Boop film. Betty falls asleep while doing an Alice in Wonderland jigsaw puzzle, end up in Wonderland and sings and dances with the classic characters.
Watch here (original): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf6RohRVKBY
Watch here (colorized): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRhBtRaIKc4
1949 - Alice au Pays des Merveilles
This might be the first colorful Alice movie. Really interesting animation. Was banned in Britain for a while because they thought the Queen of Hearts was a mockery of Queen Victoria. Carol Marsh as Alice.
Language: French / English
Watch here (Fr): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jPbelf_-XM
Watch here (En): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA-WJFK3DgU
1951 - Alice in Wonderland
The good old Disney classic. Not much to say here. I was horrified to death by this movie as a child, fun fact.
Language: Originally English
Watch here: https://kisscartoon.ac/Cartoon/Alice-in-Wonderland/Movie?id=1967 (warning, site is full of ads, don’t click anything - most of them will be very NSFW)
1954 - Kraft Television Theatre’s Alice in Wonderland
A recording of a live performance, but still technically a film. The Kraft Television Theatre was a TV series that presented different plays each week. Robin Morgan as Alice.
Language: English
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-ka4honG5s
1955 - Alice in Wonderland
A TV adaptation of the 1932 Broadway version. A shame that most of it is lost, it looked lovely based on the couple of minutes of it I could find.
Watch here (first three minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1dkSEULhkU
1966 - Alice in Wonderland (or What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This?)
I could find the audio but not the animation of this one, apparently it has never been released on video or dvd or anything. The usual story, characters singing and stuff.
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY1y36Eks6Q
1966 - Alice in Wonderland
Jonathan Miller’s Alice is something else. It’s surreal and creepy and confusing and beautiful, all that without any costumes. Now I might be a tiny bit biased because I love the heck out of this movie, haha.
Watch here: https://vimeo.com/84173613
1972 - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
This one is very fairytale-like, and instead of fictional Alice, Alice Liddell herself is the one dreaming the dream. We even get to see Carroll as a character.  It won a whole bunch of awards.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz6YdGgGoYA
1973 - Alice in Wonderland (Festival of Family Classics episode)
A little animated thing that used to air on children’s TV channels.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVxw4MFSQWQ
1976 - Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Comedy
Exactly what it says on the tin. It’s porn but it’s Alice in Wonderland and they sing. Goes without saying, don’t watch if you are underage.
Watch here: https://www7.fmovies.se/film/alice-in-wonderland-an-x-rated-musical-fantasy.7798/m  (don’t click on ads or anything if you don’t want your computer dead)
1981 - Alisa v Strane Chudes
An animated film from the USSR. Really pretty art, surreal colors.
Watch here (Russian with English subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oym9aw-Iso
1982 - Alisa v Zazerkale
Second part of the previous on the list, based on the second Alice book, with the same peculiar animation.
Watch here (Russian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEP4vX0ISHI
1982 - Alice at the Palace
A TV recording of Elizabeth Swados’s musical. Stars Meryl Streep as Alice.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Y15Crljk4
1982 - Alicja
A very odd live action musical adaptation of the original story. It only took the symbolism of Wonderland, not the plot. Alice is all grown up, and falls for a man named Rabbit. The plot is difficult to follow, oftentimes makes no sense. TW: suicide attempt.
Watch here (English with Polish subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgZYzG96RKQ
1983 - Alice in Wonderland
The old Broadway version. Very true to the original book. Young Kate Burton as a lovely Alice.
1983 - Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu
An anime series based on both Alice books. Was very popular in Asia.
Watch all episodes here (English): https://kissanime.ac/Anime/Alice-in-Wonderland-Dub/
1985 - Alice in Wonderland
Anglia TV’s miniseries. Live action meets puppets. Uses the original dialogue and word from the books.
Watch here:
Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwugRCVjBIo
Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs7GgvU-15g
Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-erJ-2TYJn0
Episode 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkvpTLnCv7s
Episode 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKG4EJc653A&t=2s
1985 - Alice in Wonderland
This one was made for television, colorful and lovely sets and costumes.
Watch here (English with Portugese subtitles):
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKkv3pAJ0x0&t=5s
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OThIhfsUnHI
1985 - Dreamchild
This movie is from the point of view of old Alice Liddell (now Mrs Haregraves), and how she begins to remember her childhood, Lewis Carroll, and Wonderland. TW: pedophilia - nothing explicit, but it made me very uncomfortable so thought I’d mention.
Watch here: https://www7.fmovies.se/film/dreamchild.jv1q2/1zyv4p (again, don’t click on ads or anything if you don’t want your computer dead)
1986 - Alice in Wonderland
A BBC miniseries in four parts by Barry Letts.
I could not find it online.
1987 - Alice Through the Looking Glass
Only slightly based on the book, an Australian animated film.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS24PF182V0
1988 - Alice in Wonderland
Another Australian animation. The same company produced it as the 1987 Through The Looking Glass.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86p1eC6IPCE
1988 - Něco z Alenky / Alice
A Czech movie. Not a sweet fairytale, but something actually out of a dream. Surreal, creepy, strange. Personal favorite. :)
Watch here (Czech with English subtitles): https://www7.fmovies.se/film/alice.n1zk/pw23xj (again, don’t click on anything)
1995 - Alice in Wonderland
Another animated version, by Jetlag Producions. Alice wears pink. The animation style is exactly the same as in the old My Little Pony movies, or at least that’s what it remind me of...
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfRAL0AgzGs&t=68s
1998 - Alice Through The Looking Glass
Family fantasy movie, very true to it’s genre, colorful, a bit tacky. This time Alice is a mother who falls asleep while reading a bedtime story.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGM7aiQkAAI
1999 - Alice in Wonderland
The special effects are slowly starting to catch up to Carroll’s imagination. They tried and they succeeded but I feel like they tried too hard... Oh also it’s nearly three hours long.
Watch here: https://www7.fmovies.se/film/alice-in-wonderland.xjpo3/my13jz (don’t click the ads)
2010 - Alice in Wonderland
Tim Burton’s version. ,,Nineteen-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny.”
Watch here: https://watchcartoonsonline.la/watch-alice-in-wonderland-2010-full-movie/ (don’t click ads and close pop-up windows quickly)
2015 - CBeebies Alice in Wonderland
A TV recording of an Alice in Wonderland children’s show.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6FO0Q3D6w
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inbarfink · 4 months
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Okay, so I just found out that I can watch the whole 2015 stage production of ‘Shock Treatment’ on YouTube and, like, I have… so many thoughts and feelings. It really does demonstrate how Shock Treatment’s biggest flaws is just how unfocused and messy and… just needing one or two more rewrites to reach it's full potential. 
Like there are a few tweaks to the dialogue that makes the whole narrative a bit simpler and easier to comprehend, the satire is a bit more focused on the core themes, I thought most of the jokes were pretty solid (and the more sexual ones offer somewhat of a stronger thematic link to ‘Rocky Horror’) and now there’s actually Shock Treatment in the plot of Shock Treatment!
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I do really like how they tweaked the lyrics of some of the song to smooth over some of the remnant ‘these were written for a very different RHPS sequel and re-fitted into this plot’ weirdness. I especially like ‘I they need some young blood’ and the change to the title line in ‘Looking for Trade Fame’ and ‘Look what I you/he did to my Id” (meaning Farley). Sometimes ya just need to change just one lil' pronoun and the whole-ass song makes a lot more sense. 
But the biggest positive change this Stage Version brought is the cast. Because ‘Shock Treatment’ the movie just has way too many characters. Like, look at this compared to RHPS’ cast list.
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While this is maybe a natural result of the setting shift from an isolated castle to a whole town, it also leaves a lot of the secondary cast feeling flat and with no real space to develop. Comparing both of Little Nell’s roles is probably the best example. Nurse Ansalong is fun and Nell's performance is great as usual, but she’s just kinda around to be a RHPS nod and so Little Nell has Something to Do in this movie and an excuse to run around in a sexy nurse’s outfit. And these are all noble goals but… well, Columbia was an actual character, as campy as RHPS is, she was a character with emotions and pathos and tragedy and an important narrative and thematic role. Ansalong just never had the time to develop into someone with even a tenth of that depth.
(It also makes ‘Shock Treatment’ waaaay harder to Shadow Cast.)
So the stage version just cutting her out and… basically cutting everyone out except for Brad, Janet, Farley, the two Dr. McKinleys, Betty and Ralph just gives a much better chance for all of these characters to feel like actual people. Campy, exaggerated cartoony people - but definitely people. 
Like, we get to spend a little more time on making the manipulation of Janet into a superstar feel more gradual and convincing. Which both help her work better as… basically the Emotional cornerstone of the whole story and make the villains feel more despicable and more competent. Which of course really helps the two Dr. McKinleys since all of Farley’s other minions have been cut. In general they get more opportunity to say funny stuff and can really see how they use their faux psychology and therapyspeak to control people. 
....There's some level where I maybe think this script went a little too far in the other direction. That it's kinda disappointing that this Janet didn't never quite go off the deep end like her movie counterpart did. In general this version's slightly more.... grounded vibe - compared to the Movie's kinda Surrealist Nightmare Vibe - is one of the things I feel most conflicted about.
Like on one hand, this kinda campy nonsense world where gameshow hosts committing husbands to mental asylums and living your whole life on a sound-stage are normal is one of the most compelling parts of 'Shock Treatments' satire and it's kind of a shame to lose it... but also this more grounded tone creates a story that it's easier to follow an, more importantly, emotional stakes it's easier to get invested in. I think the Ideal Perfect Version of Shock Treatment’ that Exists Only in My Brain would be, tone-wise, in the middle between the movie and the stage show, but also maybe lean more towards the stage version?
The added details that Brad and Janet’s marriage has been hitting a rough patch because Brad has been fired from his job just as Janet has gotten a promotion (which I think is a detail from "The Brad and Janet Show" draft that was dropped from the 'Shock Treatment' movie?) adds some thematic resonance about the characters dealing with the Changing Times, the idea that Brad might feel emasculated with Janet’s success while has been (temporarily) regulated to the role of a househusband is maybe understandable but it is also understandable why it would frustrate Janet and thus lives her open to the McKinley's manipulations. Again, the characters are still kinda campy, still kinda silly - but having a bit of grounding for Brad and Janet’s relationship does help when this is basically… all the emotional stakes in the story.
Now, in the Ideal Perfect Version of Shock Treatment’ that Exists Only in My Brain, the rift in Brad and Janet relationship would’ve been created by the lingering effects of the events in the Frankenstein's Place. Janet would rather pretend they never happened but Brad is still visibly reeling from that time he got forced-femmed by aliens. And although the events of ‘Rocky Horror' did definitely happen in this version, it’s mentioned as just a throwaway joke (“We’ve been through so much together! Infidelity, homicide, aliens, fishnet stockings… and that’s just the engagement party”). Still, it was a funny throwaway joke - and the promotion-and-firing idea they went with makes thematic sense in this version of ‘Shock Treatment’. 
Farley Flavors also get a bit of a ‘boost’ from the trimmed cast but… honestly the changes to his character are the ones I am most split about. Because this version of Farley Flavors is generally better because there’s a bit more… flavor to him. A more visibly wacky personality, a few more gimmicks to him. And when I first saw him I was actually… pretty hyped about him as the main villain.
Because, okay, the main problem with Farley as a villain is that, despite Cliff De Young’s excellent performance, he really is just another Evil 80’s Businessman and that feels a bit bland in the wacky world of Rocky Horror. Like, the whole ‘long-lost twin brother’ twist is supposed to feel like the counterpart to the Alien Twist in RHPS and a parody of stupid soap opera twists in general. But… the thing is that even before we found out he was an alien, Frank was already an incredibly distinctive and unique character. Being revealed as an alien in the last act of the story doesn’t define him.
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But since Farley doesn’t have as much going for his character, the stupid parody long-lost brother twist does end up being his defining trait and it makes his whole character feel lackluster because… it’s a stupid parody twist! 
But since Twenty-Fifteen Farley is Fairly Far-Fetched right from the get-go this means the twist has more of a chance to feel more like the original Aliens Twist. Plus, there’s bits of dialogue here and there that feel like Foreshadowing. Farley constantly reiterates that Denton is his hometown, and that he’s a self-made man (which connects to the briefly-alluded-to implication that he was adopted into a poorer family than Brad’s and that's the source of his resentment), him saying some very Ominous Things to Bard at the end of ‘Lullaby’
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And then…. It turns out this version decided to cut the long-lost twin thing!
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Which… honestly I probably should’ve seen coming from the casting choices. 
And like, I see the logic here. Obviously the double-casting gimmick does not work on stage, that was supposed to be a parody of soap-opera twists and that element is a lot more downplayed in this version of ‘Shock Treatment’ and like… since this plot point has been already been heavily criticized in the film version I can see why they would want to cut it. 
But… it’s not just that I feel like this twist would’ve worked better in this version it’s also that… cutting this plot point and replacing it with nothing just makes Brad - who is already kinda relegated into glorified McGuffin for most of this story - feel like he had even less to do with the plot and makes Farley’s apparent animosity for Brad even more inexplicable and shoddy.
Like, Farley still says he chose Janet ‘because of [Brad]’ so I guess we’re supposed to believe that he just finds Brad to be such a massive lameo that it makes him seethe with a burning hatred of a thousand suns. Which is an even flimsier motivation than that Twin Stuff in the movie. 
‘Duel Duet’ always has that problem that it was originally written for two characters with a very powerful well-established rivalry and emotional stakes (Dr. Frank N’ Furter and Riff-Raff) and then had to be transplanted into being about these two schmucks who barely even know each other. And removing the Twin Twist just kinda removes whatever emotional stakes they did have and exacerbates the problem. 
.....Honestly, I think the main way to really ‘fix’ Duel Duet is… instead of that one kinda ‘Girl Power’ moment they tried to give Janet that I feel is a bit too heavy-handed and obvious…
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Just make ‘Duel Duet’ a Farley versus Janet song!
Like, Janet is unquestionably THE Main Character of the story with the most important emotional journey of all of the characters, she was the core target of Farley’s manipulation and the focus of his schemes, she’s the one who actually got to interact with him and developed any sort of relationship with him, the focus of this scene is on how Janet realizing she has been used by him, she already spends all of Duel Duet physically kicking his ass…
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Janet should also be the one to musically face-off against Farley, especially if you remove the only reason why Farley has to hate Brad so much. Like, yeah, she does get to beat him physically... but because this is a musical - the Songs are the thing that gets the biggest emotional and narrative priority. The person who gets to Duel Duet with the Farley is the person who really beats him. And this is really moment that should belong to Janet in this version of the story.
And maybe removing one of the few Things Brad actually gets to do in this plot which is also his Big Musical Number would kinda suck for him, but… well, this version also gives Brad a nice lil’ Triumphant Reprise of ‘In My Own Way’ where he reaffirms his love for Janet and maybe you can expand that into his Big Musical Number and… y’know, if the rift in their marriage was at least kinda about Brad’s insecurities about Janet becoming the Main Breadwinner of the household… Maybe it’ll be a good resolution to his story to embrace being Janet’s little Damsel in Distress?
(I mean, I think this is an element in this musical as it is but.... but you could've leaned into it more!)
And with both Oliver Wright and Macy Struthers cut, that gives more material to make Betty’s character more interesting. Without Oliver, Betty generally gets to talk about her ongoing investigation with Janet - and that means the two of them get to have more interactions and a more visible friendship. And on the other hand, She starts out as Ralph Hapshatt’s cohost, putting on a very Macy-esque false smile and pretending they’re still happily married. It’s a fun, character-specific spin on the whole ‘falsehood of television’ motif of ‘Shock Treatment’. 
(Also since Oliver is cut, it means Betty, Janet and Brad sing “Anyhow, Anyhow” as a trio. Which… I think that means they’re gonna have a threesome. And you know what? I support Janet Majors and her two girlfriends!)
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And Ralph… really got the biggest boost in personality from the trimming of the cast - especially as most of the singing roles of these cut characters for assigned to him. Like, okay, I think something that’s kind of a problem with the ending of the original ‘Shock Treatment’ is how… unambiguous it is when compared to ‘Rocky Horror’. 
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Because ‘Rocky Horror’ has a very morally ambiguous cast - pretty much every character has some element that makes them at least a little bit sympathetic and also… well, if not morally wrong than at least an (Audience Participation Voice) ASSHOLE (but also yeah, a lot of them are morally reprehensible even when working against other morally reprehensible characters). And the ending leaves it ambiguous whatever Frank got what he deserves or whatever his death is a tragedy, or some combinations of the two. Not to mention the ambiguity of what happened to Brad and Janet; whatever they’ve been liberated or exploited or corrupted and whatever or not they’re better off being left behind on earth or remaining in Frank’s clutches.
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And meanwhile ‘Shock Treatment’  has a VERY clear-cut ending. There is a unambiguous differentiation between the characters who are the Good Guys, and those who are Bad Guys and those who are the Bad Guys’ Gullible Victims. And, like, yeah, all the Bad Guys succeeded in their evil scheme and and are now basically literally rolling in cash
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…but literally any character who has any redeeming qualities gets to happily escape this Nightmare Studio while singing a cheery song about sex. 
Even Oscar Drill and the Bits, who are quite literally Bit Characters and have very little characterization or connection to our Main Foursome, get to escape. Basically just because what little we got from them made them seem like a nice group of young gays and they never did anything bad. 
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And all of the people who stayed behind were portrayed as such exaggerated cartoonish bigoted caricatures literally rushing in excitement to get themselves exploited. Nor do we get any moment for our protagonists to show any sort of concern or regret or sadness about these people who they've known all of their lives. So it’s really hard to care about them as, like, Real People who've been duped into being ground down by this awful machine of capitalism and conformism. 
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I understand the idea that having a wider cast makes Denton feel more like a Town compared to the isolated feeling of the Frankenstein’s Place, and that seeing all of these people fall for Farley’s bullshit in their own slightly-different ways help drives home how prevalent and influential and powerful this capitalist proudly-selfish image-obsessed philosophy really is. But… none of these characters get enough time to develop into anything but shallow parodies of Society. There’s just not enough humanity in them to sell even an ounce of the tragedy of Columbia and Rocky's deaths. 
So condensing all of these slightly-different characters into Ralph Hapshatt… that really made him the most complicated and morally-ambiguous character in this whole musical. Because, yeah, he is a self-obsessed sexist asshole driven primarily by a desire for fame and fortune but…
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We spend enough time with him to humanize him. To see how he’s struggling with internalized homophobia and how he does have his doubts about what Farley and Co. are doing to his best friends even if his thirst for fame keep winning the moral battle and that said thirst for fame is pretty obviously born from a desperate need for love and validation that this homophobic corporate world just can’t give him.
So when the show ends with him being happily strapped unto to the Shock Treatment device he illegally modified with his own two hands because he just can’t allow himself to refuse a chance to star on TV - on some level this is karma, but it’s also a grim reminder that even if our threesome of heroes are happy and free, this exploitative entertainment machine also 'just got to keep going', just got to keep grinding down other people in the name of mental health, the American family and quality entertainment. 
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And although we’ve technically scaled down from a whole town to just one guy, this feels so much more tragic because as selfish as Ralph is, and as silly and intentionally-ridiculous as the writing is sometimes, he still feels so much like a person. 
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