#i do not think I'm the expert im just having fun
the-writer-nerd-ro · 2 years
As the resident Sara Pena and Hunter Richardson expert (AKA the person who posted the first fic lol) I am accepting fic requests and ideas for everyone's favorite Drawfee power couple lol
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punkitt-is-here · 10 months
How did you learn to draw fat bodies but still keep it cartoony? I love how you draw different types of bodies and make them all seem normal instead of certain body types sticking out like a sore thumb next to others. I struggle to draw fat bodies without it looking weird with the rest of my art. Do you have a specific tutorial you followed or something?
This is a really good question! I'm glad you like my depictions of different body types, i worked really hard to get better at that so im happy folks enjoy em!! I didn't actually learn from a book or tutorial, it was mostly looking at fat bodies IRL and learning to incorporate those features onto what I already drew. As it turns out, we're all human, so if you understand the anatomy enough to draw a skinny person, you have the tools to understand the anatomy of a fat person.
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So, like, here, this is my sketch of someone with a very average build. If I were to draw a fat body, I would still use all the basic principles I use here. One mistake I think folks run into is "isolating" parts, which can lead to things like this
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which isn't necessarily bad, but if its not what you're going for, the issue is pretty apparent. Weight affects ALL of the body, not just the stomach or the face or the limbs. If you think about how that weight affects everything in tandem then you can start drawing fat bodies that work more in your style.
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for this, this is the same quick sketch using the same pose and principles as the first one. but! I allowed the weight to be distributed across the body. Notice how the legs, belly, arms, etc all got thicker? The key to drawing fat bodies and making them look like they fit is allowing that weight to affect everything. without it, it just looks like you're adding on features to someone rather than considering everything at once.
my other tip is: don't be scared! things like fat arms or chins or bellies or stretch lines are not something that's bad to depict. if you want to draw fat bodies, you gotta not be scared to draw things the way they are. someone having a fat body is not bad, and you drawing that fat body is not bad either. Experiment! To me, art is about representing ideas, and the only way to get better is to experiment with how you represent those ideas. I'm by no means an expert, and I think you can also get a ton done by looking for resources aside from me, but I hope this helps, and have fun!!
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nr1chaedickrider · 9 months
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i got this idea MONTHS ago, i got finally motivation to continue this small drabble, read on your own risk, toxic!namochaeng (chae is kinda the nice one in this?), innocent!reader, idk if what happens here is 100% consentual, thigh riding, exhibitionism,use of drugs (im not an expert on this topic so dont cry if this is unrealistic) stay away from drugs pookies and also maybe this is the only time ill write something like this idk idk! im experimenting with my writing style
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It was stupid, it is stupid.
Maybe you're just stupid for listening to Chaeyoung when she said "Come visit us in our apartment, I got something we can use. Unless you're scared."
And actually, the goal was just to make new friends at the university, but you didn't think you'd be standing in front of the door of an apartment that's quite far away from the university. A pungent smell hits your nose and you frown. Should you really be here? Was it really a good idea to be standing in front of an old apartment at 11 pm where three women you hardly know live?
But you can no longer think about it as Nayeon opens the door for you, a grin on her lips.
She yells through the apartment,
"Chaeyoung! She really came!" Nayeon lets out a giggle, the only thing you can make out is Momo in the background, you think that's her name, giving Chaeyoung $20.
"We made a bet, looks like she's about $40 richer now," Nayeon says, pulling you inside before slamming the door. She runs to Chaeyoung and gives her $20 too, you think you've never seen her so happy.
"Do you want to join us too? Or would you rather stand there?" she says and laughs, Momo laughs too, Nayeon takes a sip from her beer. You shake your head and walk over to Chaeyoung and sit down on the floor. Now it really hits you.
A joint, four lines of cocaine, and a few cans of beer are on the table.
"Oh," is your only reaction as you stare at the substances.
"I'm Momo, we're not in the same class but I study sports," she says, an actually nice smile on her lips.
"You already know Nayeon, you two have English together right?" Chaeyoung asks, you nod and Nayeon immediately starts laughing out loud.
"Don't be shy dear..." she holds the joint to her lips and slowly takes a drag, she exhales and a small cloud of smoke forms. She looks at you and holds the joint out for you to take a drag.
"Ehm... I-"
"Are you telling me you've never smoked a joint before?" Chaeyoung asks as she looks at you both, Momo just quietly sips her beer. You nod and look at the floor, Chaeyoung laughs a little, but then pulls you onto her lap and takes the joint.
"I can show you," she says, and at that moment it feels like she's the normal nice girl from your art class who you might have a little crush on. You nod.
"I'm going to take a drag and blow the smoke towards you, you inhale it, okay?" You nod again.
You watch as her plump lips touch the joint, she takes a puff, and as announced, she blows it towards you, you inhale it and cough, Nayeon pats your back to help, Momo comes closer.
Only now do you realize what the situation is actually like, you on Chaeyoung's lap, on her bare legs because she's only wearing shorts, Nayeon so close to your right, Momo to your left. You feel yourself blush and everyone starts laughing at the sight of you being so confused.
"Try it yourself now..." Chaeyoung says and hands you the joint, you look at her, then at the small joint between your fingers.
"I don't know..." you say and look away, Nayeon grabs your chin, but somehow so gently. She lifts it up so that you're forced to look atleast to one of them. Your eyes fall on Chaeyoung. Nayeon comes closer and whispers in your ear,
"You don't want to let us down, do you? We're your friends." she whispers, but loud enough for Momo and Chaeyoung to hear, both grinning and nodding.
"She's right, we don't want anything bad for you, a little fun never hurt anyone" Momo says, you look to the cocaine on the coffee table.
"What about this...?" you ask, Chaeyoung laughs.
"I don't know if we'll get to that today" she says, you nod slowly.
You take the joint between your fingers and bring it to your lips, slowly taking a drag, your eyes water slightly and you have to start coughing as little puffs of smoke come out. Nayeon caresses your back, Chaeyoung your thighs, her cold hands on your warm body sends a shiver down your spine.
"Well done," she says, you feel yourself getting a little dizzy, but you try to ignore it.
"See, it wasn't that hard," says Momo, taking the joint out of your hand as she takes the last puff.
You suddenly feel a finger on your skirt, you look at Chaeyoung and see her smile, again the one she usually only showed in class when you were working together. You smile slightly too as you relax (you're not sure though if its because of the smoking or because you feel safe..),
Nayeon's hands are on your waist, she moves you back and forth on Chaeyoung's lap, you hold a hand in front of your mouth to keep your voice down, Momo starts kissing your neck, her lips moist and soft.
"Don't hide your moans, pretty girl.." Chaeyoung says, taking your hand away, she lets you hold it as she tenses up her thigh, adding extra stimulation.
Momo's hands move down to play with your tits through your thin shirt, your nipples getting hard immideatly, making Momo let out a breathy chuckle.
Nayeon keeps her attention to rocking your hips back and forth on Chaeyoung's thigh.
"You're doing so good" Chaeyoung says as she watches you, the praise making your head even fuzzier than it already is.
You feel your body going a little limp, hoping that is normal while smoking. You moan quietly while holding onto Chaeyoung's hand, your body twitching when your clit hits her thigh in a certain angle.
"Are you close baby?" Nayeon asks, you nod as your grip on Chaeyoung's hand gets tighter, making her giggle a little. Nayeon begins to move you faster, like a little toy with no ability to move on its own.
You bite your lower lip as your moans get louder and you feel yourself getting closer, Momo praising you as she pinches your nipple and kisses your neck, biting it a little to leave marks.
"I'm-" you start saying uncohorent things as you cum onto Chaeyoung's thigh. Twitching and gripping her hand until you slowly stop moving and fall down on her chest, passing out immideatly.
"We should've been friends earlier.." she says and the other girls agree with a smirk, looking at the untouched cocaine.
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famous!readers back you guys and its angstier than ever.
Okay so I skipped dinner.
I physically couldn’t handle the expected awkwardness 
I lied and told him my manager needed to to talk me and it was urgent
He's a profiler you dumb bitch
Part of me feels bad, but it’s not like I don’t want to make amends with him and his team; it’s just that ever since I was a little girl, I’ve struggled with confrontation, and it’s followed me into adulthood. I know avoiding the issue won’t make it go away, and I’m fully aware that he probably sees right through my excuse. Still, the thought of facing him and his team, of having to explain myself and potentially deal with their disappointment, feels like too much to handle right now. It’s frustrating to be so paralyzed by something as simple as a conversation, but I’m hoping that with time and a bit of courage, I can find a way to address it.
Adding to my anxiety about confronting them is the lingering sting of how they treated me behind my back. I’d overheard them making fun of my singing and mocking my songs, which felt like a punch to the gut. It wasn’t just the hurtful comments but the sense of betrayal from a group I had hoped would be supportive. The thought of facing them now feels like stepping into a hostile environment, where every word and gesture might be laced with judgment or ridicule. This makes my reluctance to confront the situation even more overwhelming, as the fear of being dismissed or belittled looms large.
On top of everything, I already feel incredibly insecure about being around Spencer’s team. Here I am, a singer trying to make a name for myself, while they’re FBI profilers, experts in their field, and it’s hard not to feel like my career is a joke in comparison. The stark contrast between our worlds—my creative, emotionally driven profession versus their analytical, high-stakes work—makes me question if I even belong in their presence. Every interaction feels like an unspoken judgment of my career choice, amplifying my insecurities and making me doubt whether my passion for music is taken seriously or just seen as a frivolous hobby in their eyes.
I then decide to go out to a party to self soothe God knows i need it, seeing all my friends 
Bella, gigi and ariana all my friends making it their duty to make me feel better about my current situationship
I then see a blonde, gorgeous woman walk into the club 
Its lila archer
Lila always secretly resented me, for what reason i'm not sure, but one thing i do know is that i'm not the problem lilas notorious for being a huge bitch to almost everyone she comes in contact with. Her fame getting to head 24/7 I truly want someone to shoot me if i ever turn out to be like her, so rude so dismissive so-
Wait whys she walking over here? Was i talking out loud???? 
“y/nnnnnnn???’’ she dreadfully drags out. ‘’ what are you doing here, everyone else told me youve been at home moping over a guy” voice FILLED with mockery terribly trying to be hidden with concern 
I finally get the courage to say something.
“ wow words get around fast i guess”
“ im here for you you know, if you ever need advice, like beauty advice, or just friend advice”
I already feel immensely insecure around her. her gorgeous eyes, body face, dating history
Before i can say anything back she chirps up and says
‘’ what is his name anyways? Wont spill the beans, promise.”
‘’ wow so I don't get a last name” she says and laughs, " that poisonous laugh will kill me one day.
I can see the knowing smirk forming on her face and i'm confused on whats humorous about his name
‘’ oh my god, you mean FBI spencer reid, that dirty dog just can’t get enough of the public eye girls can he, he sure does have a mouth on him though.’’
Fuck. my. Life. 
He said i was his  first girlfriend,
Im hyperventilating internally 
‘’ maybe you're thinking of someone else lila, spencer said i'm his first girlfriend”
‘’ Oh you probably are, we still had fun though, he saved my life. Of course I'd reward him for it.”
I swear the music in the club stopped when she said that
‘’ excuse me.’’
I say as i quickly power walk out the nightclub and into my car to go home
You might be asking why i'm freaking out so bad
Spencer told me we were each others first time.
I gave him my virginity thinking it was his first time too.
He lied.
He lied.
He lied.
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mikufigureoftheday · 2 months
miku figure expert ur thhe only person i know to ask . if u hav no answer its ok i also just watned to show off my new stuff IF U DONT WANNA ANSWER FEEL FREE TO DELETE (/genuine) ^_^
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1) move her to a slightly bigger shelf (further away from my len & rin shelf...) and all the stuff will b togehter
or 2) move half of her stuff to a different shelf that is above the len & rin shelf so she has TWO shelves worth of space (i will finally b able to display my other miku plushie on the other shelf i think)
or secret 3rd evil option do i just forfeit my entire bedroom to miku WHAT DO U THINk also i finally got a sakura miku noodle stopper that ISNT broken im so excited
I'm team bigger shelf so all the Mikus can stay together 💙💚
Having one big group is more satisfying to look at and is easier/more fun to photograph so you can flex on people show off with ease
But depending on how much space there is, there is....a secret 4 option...and her name.....is....
Acrylic Riser display stand
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Or (depending on budget/aesthetics)...
Spice Rack Stairs
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They squish things together a lil more and make figures easier to see bc of the tiers so nothing gets hidden in the back ★~(◠ω◕✿)
You could also use command hooks or something similar to hang up your keychains which will also save a lil more room so you can keep all your goodies in one place to make your display look a little more unique (*´꒳`*)
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whack-patty · 2 months
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Cleaning out some boxed from a specific time and found the first ever Sneep Snorp pages!!! Fun facts:
- Sneep Snorp comic was inspired by that little comic I did of Buster getting arrested by Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde I did during a class that was hard to focus in
- I asked @tertain-the-original , resident bird expert, for good bird suggestions in order to fill the role for a minor character in a continuation of the Zootopia/Sing comic. He was almost a peacock! Final design took heavg inspiration from Tertain's sketches and help :^)
- spoilers: Judy and Nick also show up in the drafts of the main comic a lot, starting a couple more chapters in
Also spoilers: at this point I don't think I'll ever finish this story, for good reason. I keep meaning to make a little post abt it then forgetting/putting it off, BUT here's the plan:
When I'm in a good spot (NOBODY LET ME FORGET TO DO THIS BC IM BUSY AND FORGETFUL) I'll do 2 main posts:
- one explaining the behind the scenes for why the sneep snorp comic exists and what went into it, bc tbh i looooove when other artists do that kinda stuff
- 2nd one (might have to be multiple) with all the sneep snorp stuff i havent posted yet + all the draft plans for where the story was gonna go. Yall are cool enough that you deserve to know what was gonna happen next, even if i don't have the time to refine it ever :^)
((Who knows, Im super into comic making so theres a chance the story will come back. Potentially under different names bc Cant Just Steal Buster Moon, but Buster and Sneep live in my heart so they aren't gone yet))
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
You’re the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Taglist:  @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo  @empressdede @venusesworld @harmshake @mustafumilf @theninthwonder
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Incoming text from Josh Fatu: good morning, can’t wait to see u tonite ❤️
Airielle stared at the text message with a smile on her face. Even though she was happy she was also extremely nervous, this would be her first date in 3 years since…Airielle quickly shook her head trying to get rid of those thoughts. She jumped when Yasmine burst through the door carrying shopping bags. Airielle rolled her eyes as Yasmine passed her a Victoria’s Secret bag. 
“Just something sexy to wear.” Airielle laughed and thanked her. “You nervous? It’s been a while since you been on a date.” Yasmine paused “Even though I still think those other two should count but whatever.” She shrugged. 
“Yeah im freaking the fuck out honestly.” Yasmine reached over and grabbed Airielle’s hands, giving them a squeeze. 
“Just remember, you are not defined by what happened to you. You are the light that refused to surrender.” Airielle smiled softly and looked away from Yasmine. “I know I give you shit about getting back in the dating scene,” Yasmine grabbed Airielle’s cheeks to make her look back at her. “But I just want you to know how proud of you I am. Just have fun and be free.” Airielle pulled Yasmine to her in a tight hug. 
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“Yo bro.” Josh looked over at the door when Jon came strolling through. 
“I know this ya house, but I could’ve been naked.” Jon shrugged and plopped his body down on the bed. 
“You ready for tonight? I can’t believe she actually agreed to go out with you.” Josh sucked his teeth and glared over at his twin. 
“What the hell that's supposed to mean?” 
“You ugly as fuck uce” Jon laughed then held his hand up, trying to shield his face and body from Josh’s hits. “Aight, Aight Damn.” 
“If I'm ugly, you ugly. We twins jackass.” 
“I hope you got my girl some roses.” Trin said as she came into the room and sat on the bed next to Jon. Josh nodded and scrubbed his hand over his face. If there was an emotion beyond nervousness, that's what he was. Trinity noticed and placed her hand on his shoulder. 
“This gon be my first- first date since high school man, The last time I was this nervous was with the boy’s mom.” Jon and Trinity winced at the fact he wouldn’t say his ex-wife’s name. “And I was fifteen, i’m thirty-fucking five, why am I so nervous?” 
“Cause you like her uce. And technically yall already went on y’alls first date.” Trinity nodded her head in agreement. “Just be yourself man, she gon fall in love with you.” 
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Airielle looked at the clock and cursed. Josh was supposed to be at her place in 30 minutes and she still didn’t decide which dress to wear. She let out a sigh of relief when Yasmine came into her room holding her IPad, on facetime with their other cousin Ashley. 
“As the family fashion expert. We need your help.” Yasmine flipped the camera and showed Ashley all of the dress, shoes and jewelry options they had. 
“Bitch are those my earrings!” Yasmine rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. 
“Focus Ashley-” 
“I’ve been looking for them everywhere hoe!” Airielle giggled and took the IPAD from Yasmine, turning the camera to herself. 
“I need your opinion Ash, I’m stuck.” Ashley rolled her eyes and nodded. 
“Fine,” She muttered. “Show me again.”  
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liked by trinity_fatu, kaylabraxtonwwe, yasmine_jones and 190,000 others
AIRIELLEJONES: It's okay, I know you're obsessed 🌹
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trinity_fatu: and isssss!!
uceyjucey: 🤫
yasmine_jones: oop 👀
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Yasmine had just finished curling the last piece of Airielle’s hair when there was a knock at the front door. Airielle felt like she had to throw up. She was about to run into the bathroom when Yasmine stopped her and pushed her towards the door. 
“No running. Go enjoy yourself.” Airielle nodded and took a deep breath before opening the door. 
“Damn,” Josh said lowly, licking his lips as he shamelessly raked his eyes over her body. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “You look beautiful.” He felt his cheeks heat up as he passed her the bouquet of white, red and pink roses. 
Airielle took them. “These are so pretty.” She said as she lifted them to her nose to smell them. 
“I mean, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.” They both stared at each other before bursting out into laughter. 
“That was so corny,” She said as she shut her apartment door and started walking towards the elevator. He chuckled as he followed her. 
“Yeah aint gon’ lie. That wasn’t my best work.” 
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Josh had just pulled up in front of the restaurant and Airielle was about to get out of the car when Josh stopped her. 
“Whoa, whatchu’ doin?” Airielle froze with one of her hands on the handle of the car door. She turned her head and frowned at him. “Opening the door?” She said as more of question and Josh chuckled. 
“Nah, don’t touch that.” He said getting out and rushing over so he could open the door for her. “I got you.” He said as he held out his hand for her to grab. She rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed his hand, letting him help her out of the car. She smiled wider when he didn’t let go of her hand as they started walking towards the restaurant. He only let go of her hand to hand the valet his keys and a twenty dollar tip. 
“Wow, this place is nice.” She said as the host led them to their table. She smiled at Josh as he pulled out her chair for her. 
“Yeah, Jon recommended it. Said he takes Trin here all the time.”  They sat there in silence. Glancing at each other over their menus, sending secret smiles to each other. 
“So i’ve been told.”Airielle started off, breaking the silence between them. “We technically already had our first date.” Josh nodded with a chuckle. 
“I mean, technically yeah. So what this’ll be our.” He stopped to count on his fingers making her scoff. “Third date.” 
“You did not just count to three on your fingers.” He shrugged with a laugh as the waiter came over to take their orders. Once he walked away Airielle turned her attention back to Josh. “Ok, so tell me something about you that I don’t know.” 
“Damn,” Josh said as he blew out a breath of air. “I can play the piano.” 
“Oh wow foreal?” She asked, eyebrows raised in shock and he nodded. 
“Yeah, me and my brothers. My momma kept us busy so we weren’t tearing up her house. It was so much shit she put us in man, uh- karate, soccer, baseball. Man, any sport that you could think of my mom had me and my brothers there. No your turn.” 
She placed her chin on her palm and smiled at him. “I used to dance and cheer competitively. My parents' garage is literally full of medals and trophies.” 
She narrowed her eyes at him when he started to smirk. “That’s kinda hot.” 
“I was a kid Josh.” She chuckled and threw a piece of her dinner roll at him when he shrugged. 
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The rest of their date went amazing. They never ran out of stuff to talk about. They didn’t even realize they were the last two people in the restaurant until the waiter came over to tell them. 
On the ride back to her apartment, they stopped to grab some ice cream. Neither one of them wanted the night to end. After he parked in her complex’s garage they walked slowly to her apartment, holding hands. 
“This was like the best date I've ever been on.” She said, turning towards him as they stopped in front of her door. Her statement made him feel good. 
“Yeah? Me too.” He said with a wide smile. Airielle was about to turn to walk into her apartment when Josh stopped her by grabbing her hand. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and Airielle nodded immediately. She honestly thought she would have to make the first move. He grinned before pulling her closer to him and wrapping his arms around her waist. He hesitated before leaning head forward and capturing her lips in a soft, tender kiss. They stood there, lost in eachother only breaking apart at the sound of a loud squeal and a loud clanging sound, like something had dropped coming from inside Airielle’s apartment. 
“Sorry.” They both chuckled at Yasmine’s muffled voice. He gave her another kiss before telling her that he would text her when he got home. After he walked away, Yasmine ripped open the door and yanked Airielle inside. 
“Bitch tell me everything.” 
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Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it.)
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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kirbyderb · 4 months
Okay so, got a few questions
What is your favorite color (obvious is obvious)
favorite cat breed?
Favorite superhero
favorite tumblr moment (mine was the one that included the word “tea-fication process”
this isn’t really a question (well it sorta is, I just need some advice) how can I create better ocs
fav smiling critter
fav horror games/movies/characters
fav movie genre
(I know this is more than a few, I’m sorry)
☀️ HELLO!!!!1!!!!
1. Green, actually.
2. I'm more of a canid fan! (Can you tell?) But my Prototype... I love Ragdoll kitties and black cats! :D
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3. SPIDER-MAN. NO CONTEST. I WATCHED ALL THE MOVIES. HALF THE SHOWS. Best actor is Tobey Maguire. Favorite Spidey film? Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2.
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4. "The flag of Japan but it's actually this hand towel with a perfectly-placed water stain"
5. Better OCs? Well, uhh... IM NO EXPERT! !!1! BUT. What I think is fun is looking at those "questions to ask your character/character development sheet" things. Like how would they get through a fence while being chased? Just run cartoonishly STRAIGHT THROUGH IT? Find another way? Jump across? Maybe also try to imagine why they are the way they are, and be sure to give both positive/negative traits. If your character is very affectionate—TOO affectionate— maybe they don't know personal space? Or if they're lazy, they might be really good at finding the shortest way to do a task. Maybe crank up some positive traits for bad traits, or see how it could create a bad trait, and vice-versa!!1!!! :D
6. Dogday.
7. My memory isn't good so I may have more, but... Dogday, any Smiling Critters, Cy-dog even though it isn't ever used in PPT, Sunny/Omori, Glamrock Freddy, Wooly, Starved Tails, Kinito—
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8. Hmm.. SCI-FI?!?!??? :D Hypothetical scenarios with viruses or outer space are pretty cool! Also love historical films, 2d animated films, psychological horrors, mysteries, anything to do with my current interest. Feel free to recommend me stuff ! :]
Maybe I should say a genre I hate?
You're not gonna catch KIRBY ever watching any 18th-century rom-coms. No TELENOVELAS FOR ME!!!1!!!!!!
THOUGH I'm very willing to IRONICALLY watch a movie with people. I like to watch them suffer WITH me and it's hilarious. ANYONE WANNA WATCH RATATOING!!1?!???
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3416 · 5 months
hey emma! do u mind expanding on mitch’s utilisation this post season and how theyre not maximising him at what hes best at so he can contribute elsewhere where the team is lacking like you mentioned in your post? fairly new to hockey so im a bit behind :( thank you!!
i'm not an expert on this but lfksdj i can rant. jonas siegel dropped an article today about mitch's playoff impacts, so i'll drop some screenshots you can read here if you don't have an athletic sub.
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and there is also this video from yesterday that essentially breaks down the way mitch adjusts his game to the playoffs vs the regular season and the way mitch adjusts to play more conservatively (which, despite the 'best playoff performer' narrative, still makes him better than most players on our team. by not a small amount lol)
but mitch has been put on the second line this postseason to essentially shut down the bruins biggest offensive threat in david pastrnak and they've done that extremely effectively. his line has taken a vast majority of their shifts starting in their own dzone, meaning they aren't immediately set up for success bc they have to win the puck back away from david & co and are tasked with making their way back down to their own ozone and trying to make an offensive impact that way .. which has allowed auston's line to already start their shifts set up in their ozone 80% of the time apparently. in that way, i don't think the first line's been very effective bc they're sitting at a net neutral rn despite scoring 'the most' goals for us.. meaning they're getting scored on as much as they're scoring, lol. (auston himself is actually at a +2 but bert and domi are getting caught out and prayed on so they're at 0 +/- wise lol)
leafs have a real problem creating offense in the post season, and instead of being able to load up and let mitch do the elite playmaking he can do by being a little LESS defensively responsible and more quick w his hands and thinking on his feet on the rush, they've been forced to play mitch in a more defensive position bc other forwards can't take that spot on the second line and effectively shut pasta/bruins down. essentially, mitch doesn't get room to do what he's best at (help draw attention and make room for the best shooters on this team and then pass to them) bc he has to worry abt making the smart and safe plays to keep the puck away from the bruins scary offensive threats and it's making him look like he's been neutralized... when REALLY.. he's being used in a position that is not favorable to the best offensive parts of his game but rather relied upon for his ability to be responsible. even if he WERE putting up points with auston, people would say they don't matter since they're not at Clutch moments so lol. this team is just built weirdly and domi and bertuzzi are liabilities defensively so they've been put with our most responsible forward on the top, but so far they're not making a huge difference. it is what it is, and willy coming back will certainly help with some off the rush offense probably, but willy is also a defensive liability but he's being played with holmberg and calle who are both way more solid in that way.... luckily the bruins 3rd line isn't as dangerous as the top 2 so maybe he and the swedes will be able to feast on them 🤞🤞🤞
we will see what game 4 holds tonight... i think this team could be so much better with some actual upgrades on d, but we will have to SEE what treliving does this summer. it is very annoying to watch magical mitch marner with real creative vision have to take on a more under appreciated role as a defensive bedrock of this team, but idk what i expected considering we were LITERALLY playing him as a defenseman this season, lol. i have way more fun watching him play globetrotter and put up points but he is basically an elite jack of all trades. siegel's article talks abt the key to that line's offense being him shooting more, so we'll see if that's something he personally incorporates, but a lot of the critique of him this year in the postseason has been so unfair in comparison to the position he's being put in.
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the-gateway-to-madness · 10 months
ducktales incorrect quotes (im bored)
Dewey: I was arrested for being too cool.
Louie: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Della: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Dewey: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Huey does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Della: If Huey were to jump off a cliff, they would've done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Huey jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Louie: You jump off a cliff!
Della: Gladly, provided Huey did first.
Louie: Dewey just insisted Huey and I remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by their clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real them and which is the imposter.
Louie: Some families have a fire escape plan, but not us.
Louie: What happened to your nose?
Dewey: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Webby: What's that?
Dewey: Chocolate.
Webby: What's chocolate?
Dewey: Candy. Do they not have candy where you're from?
Webby: Yeah. Grapes, nuts.
Dewey: No wonder you're so bitter.
Della: Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime.
Mrs. Beakley: I like how this is a "fun" fact.
Webby: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.
Dewey: I am an expert at identifying birds.
Huey: Okay, what about those ones flying over there?
Dewey: Yeah, they're all birds.
Dewey: Go big or go home!
Louie: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Dewey: I'm going big!
Louie: Oh gosh, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Dewey. They're mad at you.
Dewey: No, it's Huey. They're just being grammatically correct!
Huey: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.
Della: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Huey: I stand by my choice.
Dewey: Mrs. Beakley, keep an eye on Donald today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Mrs. Beakley: Sure, I'd love to see Donald getting punched.
Huey: Try again.
Mrs. Beakley, sighing: I will try to stop Donald from getting punched.
Louie: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Mom’*
Huey: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of Pete, please be good.’*
Louie: You’re overthinking this.
Huey: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Louie. What if I’m underthinking?
Dewey: ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.'
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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maria-ruta · 2 months
💐🎵 for veronica?
link to questions meme
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
I'm not a flower expert and don't know too much about the flower meanings but,,,
I guess you could always go with Rose/s for Veronica! since she is a toreador and it's their clan symbol
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she is pretty much like rose - pretty but has sharp torns and all that
BUT you could also give her Queen of the Night, because wouldn't THAT be such a flattery hoho
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also fun fact
Gregory, a man who used to be a dragon (fairy chimera in the shape of red dragon, to be exact) who Veronica and Charlie had a duel with, came to Rene's house after the duel to have negotiation with and also to meet Veronica and give her a gift - an extremely poisonos flower, trapped in a glass ball. Very extravagant and expensive gift...
He said something about the flower being as beautiful as dnagerous, just like Veronica (i dont remember the exact quote lol). Because during the battle at the duel Veronica was able to notice his weak spot on his neck and was attacking him furiously there, so he probably thought of her as a dangerous oponent (he didnt know she was almost out of blood points and probably wouldnt last long unless Charlie hasn't unleashed the demon from the sword he had but shhh)
Veronica wasn't fan of him or his gift and didn't want to see his face at all but she accepted a gift anyway, because if this man was to become Rene's new buisness partner, she didn't want to make things worse
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🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
im also not an expert on music eitherrr fdhgfjgfjgfjfd
UNLIKE VERONICA!!!! whos very much into music! actually her toreador weakness is that she can become hypnotized/zoned out by good music! (which lead to unexpected conclusion that she either would be hypnotized by her own singing... or she doesn't consider her singing good.... so there is a little angsty note(lol) to that - Veronica never thinks her singing is good enough... because she never became a singer, how she dreamed... even tho her singing IS very good... she doesnt feel it :') )
I think Veronica likes lots of different music genres, from opera singing to rock and pop etc
i cant be specific bc im dum dum when it comes to music, singers, and music history OTL unlike Veronica! typical case of "my character is smarter than me" kind of shit hahaha
NOW TO THE SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF VERONICA HAHA YAY (ill put under read more so i dont take too much of your dash)
the curse - as the vampirism and beast and bloodthirst and such
love profusion - Veronica's relationship with her sire (she got them under her skin... quite literally haha). Especially fits well with the begining of it - when she was embrased and there is no resurection :')
bye bye baby - Veronica leaves her sire and joins anarchs
teach me to fight - her anarch years basically (also the closest of what i imagine her voice be.. i never was good at imagining character's voices alas U_U )
shut up and drive - perfect vibes for Veronica's driving (and not only) hahaha
cold souls - that's actually song not so much for Veronica but for her sire when he found her dying and had impulsive desision to embrace her. I wrote more about it here
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batmanfruitloops · 21 days
Hi! Im having trouble with starting my first Batman AU and I love the one you two have so I was wondering if you have and tips or pointers of starting one? Like maybe how to introduce characters and such or how to start the story?
Im sorry if this was long or if its too much, have a great day/night!
I think it really depends on what you want out of it. I use this AU to practice skills for my career, such as writing, character-building, animating, etc. I listen to a lot of videos about every part of film production to help me better understand what to do. Especially things related to character. Even if your AU is just for fun, I think it's still a good idea to do a little research about writing. Observing your favorite movies and films helps a lot! I think animated films are a great teacher of storytelling! Especially Pixar films, since their philosophy is "story is king". Watching movies is just how I personally learn, you may have some other way of learning best so take all this with a grain of salt, I'm no expert I'm just very passionate about storytelling especially through animation (though in this case, it's storyboards/comics since that's what is possible right now).
Your characters are everything. I would suggest developing them as much as possible before you introduce them. They should feel like a real and complex person. They shouldn't feel like a robot that are only made to achieve their motivation. Sometimes simple things like "What are their favorite foods?" can start building them up as a person. They should have flaws, blemishes, strengths, hobbies, everything a living person should have. That way when you introduce them, you will have an easier time showing your audience who they are. First impressions are very important to characters, your audience should be able to understand what kind of person they are right off the bat. I think a good example is Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. The whole point of his introductory scene is to tell the audience "he is unpredictable and you will never know what to expect from him." Show don't tell is a very important rule to follow, don't tell your audience what to think.
For starting your story, you need to consider when it is. Is it at the beginning, middle, or end? You can put your audience anywhere in the story, so think about the optimal place they should be for the story to make sense. There are many different versions of Batman but they all begin in a different place of Batman's life. Some stories start at the beginning of him becoming Batman like The Dark Knight, and some start at the end of him being Batman like the Arkham series. It's up to you to consider at what point of your character's life the audience should be placed at.
To be honest, it's all up to you. What do you want? How do you want things to be done? This is all just a big case of "learn the rules to break the rules." Maybe you don't even want to learn the rules at all, and that's ok. It's important to remember to make what you want to see. Your art is for you. There is no right way, just some ways are more efficient than others. Let your soul make its messy finger paintings and enjoy the ride. Because more important than anything is the enjoyment of your work and the process. I have a hard time not being a perfectionist over this AU because it's what I want to do with my life. I want to tell stories. I have to keep reminding myself this is for fun, and it's ok if it's not perfect. It just has to be what I want to make. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about storytelling, so I'll save an 8-page essay (which I actually wrote on a similar topic for class). My DMs are open anyway if you want to ask anything else. I hope this was helpful!
I also agree heavily that your characters should feel like people. And along with that, pacing is really important. You don't want your story to feel rushed or lagging at any point. Like Fluffy said, it's always a good idea to reference your favorite materials. It's good to have moments that are just very real, for lack of a better word.
It's also important to understand your setting. The main focus may be the characters, but you want to make sure they feel present, and not just in a void. Establishing shots are really good for that, since it shows off a large area, then allows you to "voom in" and focus on where ever there's action happening. Reference photos are your best friend here. Use as many as you need, it'll only get easier with time. Which leads to another part of settings; if you're in a characters home/base what makes it theirs? Like how the Riddler usually has question marks and scribbles all over the walls, as well as generally being a mess. It gives you an immediate impression of how scatterbrained and paranoid he can be. In comparison, someone like the Penguin presents a clean, luxurious lounge that shows he means business. Whether or not a character is meant to go through a defining change, it's important that they stay true to themselves as a person. If they had trust issues before, they shouldn't trust someone without a reason. Or perhaps someone makes a mistake, that mistake should have consequences. I just think of this because there's a lot of cartoons where something will happen one episode only for it to be treated like it didn't happen in the next episode. Dialogue is also another important factor. Does that feel like something you could actually hear someone saying? Does the grammar make sense? If their natural pauses? This can be broken up from panel to panel, if it's in comic form. Depending, you can give characters different fonts to emphasize that they sound different, although I'm not an expert in that, it's just something I've seen before.
Again, pacing of characters talking (or thinking, etc.) is a must to be aware of. If spoke that aloud, does it feel rushed? Too slow? Are they giving enough context? As the writer, you know everything that's going to happen. Because of that, writing incomplete sentences can happen. That doesn't mean you have to explain everything in simple terms for everyone, just enough for it to make sense and feel real. If you're going for a comic, layout is another factor to consider. Read as many comics are you want. Stare at how it's set out, how everything flows from one panel to another, one page to another. I'm not much good at this one myself yet, so I just suggest looking at your favorite layouts and figuring out what about them you like. A bit of what I've learned is to consider what's happening. What I mean is, if everything is very straight forward, you can do a bunch of box panels, whereas if you're meant to feeling something along with a character, you can go more organic, there doesn't necessarily need to be boundaries in scenes like that, and a mix is generally good for most scenes. A whole establishing shot can be one page and do plenty.
I tend to ramble, and I have a lot of other stuff that I'm passionate about with writing and visual in comics/storytelling, like colors, symbolism, and lighting, and character design so my dms are also open for anyone who'd like is discuss more, :)
Fluffy and Sarsee
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myloveforhergoeson · 5 months
Hiya! 😊 You're now a writer for the show. What three episode storylines are you gonna write? (In other words, what are you gonna make the boys do?)
ohm y god i literally have so many episode ideas but i'll try not to repeat any of the ones i've made posts about (except my first bullet bc im so passionate about it) so i'll give you my big list. most if not all will likely be something i DO end up writing about in my own story because ehehe i love making them do things
ones i think i've mentioned before:
a returning to minnesota chapter!! not for anything but nostalgia, getting to see the guy's favorite places, seeing their friends and families, bringing them back to realize how far they'd come. not so shy spon for my fic but i wrote a chapter like this last month and it's probably one of my favorite things i've written to date. it let me explore some of the boys' past, family dynamics, a little bit about Katie and agh i can't believe btr didn't capitalize on that at least once. ik its expensive to fund sets and hire new actors but idk i imagine it like an hour special where they could afford to shell out a bit more. idc when it happens, could be after they sign their record contract or the last episode or whatever :)
sketch comedy episode, something akin to saturday night live or so random
graduation! like you and i talked about lol i think it would be sweet
get me in the writers room stat:
originally i'd planned a "home alone lost in new york" like chapter for my story around thanksgiving where the boys are going to perform at the parade in town but they end up having their own adventure around the city beforehand. boyish antics, screaming gustavo, beautiful scenes, the works. i was just in too much of a slump to actually put it to paper :)
more tour-focused chapters (again, spon for my own fic lol) the episode in Canada was cute and the one on the bus was fun but idk there's just so many elements toward touring that i think they could've capitalized on; homesickness (for CA or MN), hardship of a go go go schedule, or fun things like being able to travel with your best friends and not ending up on the world's most wanted list lol. i know they tried really hard with this one so i don't blame them too much but my vision is just different and that's okay!
crossovers! while i'm so very happy dan schnider didn't have either of his disgusting hands in big time rush, i do remember watching the icarly/victorious crossover for the first time and wishing big time rush were there. it takes place in LA! the victorious kids are singers! carly, sam, and Freddie are pop culture experts! it would've worked really well :) so i'm writing that as a chapter for my fic LMAO
generally either an episode focusing in on or more scenes including james and lucy since the writers wanted them to be together so bad. inherently there's nothing wrong with them being together, but i do not think the relationship was given enough time to develop. give me lucy discovering her feelings for him, give me james not being creepy and obsessive about her; something more needed to be done on both of their parts to make me believe in it
additionally on that note more with jo/kendall and logan/camille; i love them both but they also had little development, just more than james/lucy. maybe they give carlos a gf (not alexa IMO, sorry. that got into weird territory for me idk why they made him be with a "real" person when he isn't other than they were already together irl) earlier and they can all have like conversations about their gfs and how much they love being together idk
and another generally, there were many songs btr put out that i love so much and feel like deserved their own episodes for hehe. i know not all of them have storylines easily transposed but i think they used confetti falling like four different times in the last season when any other love song from their third album could have been placed instead
and also another generally, and i know the early 2000s would've never allowed this for children's television but they should have and i'm the writer now!!!, but more representation all around. maybe some episodes about cultural heritage that didn't make stereotypes the main focus, canon LGBTQIA+ characters, holidays that aren't christmas, aspects like that where all kids can see themselves represented... LA is such a huge melting pot, it's not all white kids trying to make their dreams come true!
good god that was long SORRY AKJBSKJGBAB i have a lot to say and there's a lot im trying to incorporate into my story to add in what i think enhances the already present storyline. that's what's so beautiful about fandom, i love that we can have conversations like this :)
but what about you? anything you'd like to add in? i'd love to know <3 thank you for the question!
ask me a question! save my life!
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fire-but-ashes-too · 1 year
i was tagged by @rickie-the-storyteller over heeeereeee and it didnt let me reblog so new post!
i gto very little ships (sadly) so im gonna go with both platonic and romantic ehehehe
Annexander (is it how were calling it?? idk) (@holdmyteaplease ur the expert on this give me a feedback)
Alexander: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Anne: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Alexander: *shatters a window and climbs through it* Alexander: *turns around and helps Anne through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Anne. Anne: Okay. Anne: Shut it Alexander, I only shook your hand because I had to. We will NEVER be friends. Alexander: Lets survive this together! Anne: I HOPE YOU DIE. Anne: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Alexander: Technically a mix of green and blue? Anne: So blurple. Alexander: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Anne: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Alexander: You were confusing before but now I'm scared Anne, holding a scooter: Alexander! Can I go outside and play with this? Alexander: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay? Anne, running outside: Thanks Alexander! Alexander, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY! Alexander: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks! Anne: Why would I do that? Alexander: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Anne and Indigo (the absolute besties)
Anne: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me? Indigo: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Anne: Yes. Indigo: I'd sleep.
*Anne sends more than 5 messages in a row* Indigo: I ain’t reading all that. Indigo: I’m happy for you tho. Indigo: Or sorry that happened. Anne: I have a plan. Indigo: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it. Anne: … Indigo: … Anne: I no longer have a plan.
Anne: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. Anne: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
ok... this is scarily accurate...
Alexis and Claire (friends to lovers complete dumbasses edition)(they have exactly 1 brain cell and they take turns being the responsible one. most times i gets forgotten at home)
Alexis: My hands are cold. Claire: Here, let me hold them. Alexis: My lips are cold too. Claire: *covers Alexis's mouth with their hand* Alexis: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me. Claire: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do. Claire: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds. Alexis: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work? Claire: NO- Alexis: What do you do for a living? Claire: I exist against my will. Alexis: Claire, I have a question. Claire: What is it, Alexis? Alexis: What color is an orange? Claire: Alexis, you bonehead! Its color is the same as its name. Just like a lemon. Alexis: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Alexis: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Alexis: Go big or go home.
tagging literally everyone i know on this one cause the world deserves to do this
@olivescales3 @albatris @bloody-neon @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @briannaswords @cabbojage @daisywords @desastreus @did-i-do-this-write @deanwax @digital-chance @enchanted-lightning-aes @ember-writer @eli-is-an-idiot @firesmokeandashes @fioreshere @guessillcallitart @gwenthekween @harleyacoincidence @holdmyteaplease @iannicellis @jaxypaxyhaxy @j3st3rfun3r4l @kooperation1101 @koala2all @lycaens @liv-is @lyonette-does-things @mayakern @nocturnalmohawk @quinnharperwrites @roisinivy @raspberrykraken @spicymochi @scifimagpie @the-mindless @unmellowyellowfellow @whynotcherries @writingmargo @writing-with-sophia @writeblr-of-my-own @wrenofthewords @yeahthatswhatimtolkienabout @yesireadbooks @your-absent-father @zihus @zillanovikov sorry if i tagged any
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species-dysphoria · 1 month
tw talking abt hallucinations and other psychosis related stuff
it's so weird to imagine that others don't have voices talking to them all the time. like...not in a plural type way. I think I can tell them apart...
the voices are always negative. they are forceful. they tell me to do things. they make me feel like there is no other option. their way is the only way.
my headmates...like yeah some can be mean sometimes and say things out of anger, but not in the way these voices command. headmates have a slight presence. like another soul is occupying space. the voices just appear and disappear. they give no warning.
maybe I'm just bad at conveying how much these hallucinations affect me? like it's not fun to hear voices tell you to hurt yourself or to do bad things to someone. it's not fun to constantly feel like you are being followed. to see shadows watching you around corners. staring at you in the dark. objects moving on their own to just stare at you with hyper realistic eyes.
I had to close my door cause this taxidermy deer head we have would stare at me at night and these spider legs would sprout out of it and just slightly move.
my psychiatrist tells me I'm too aware of my condition for it to be schizophrenia now. but like I don't feel aware? I'm just describing what is happening to me. I cant rationalize in the moment. I can double bookkeep but only for certain things...
idk im not an expert so I get it and I should just shut up but I feel like its more than just my depression causing psychosis. but idk. ughhhh
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