#i do mean gossip btw not literal tea
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months ago
Nothing I love more than having a little tea w the office ladies
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starberry-cupcake · 1 year ago
back by popular (?) demand, I am now starting chapter 28 of gideon the ninth and I guess I'm sharing updates to the general public now ( @lady-harrowhark this is your responsibility). I think I'm gonna put them under this tag because I am being told I will want to look back on them later (sounds threatening ngl).
previously, in gideon the ninth:
isaac was ended by some junji ito shit
jannemary was ended by a stealthy junji ito shit
very pointed messages were written for them
which is too dramatic to be a random monster killing, if you ask me
gideon took a 15 minute nap and was startled awake in hell
gideon most definitely did not look much at the room before she took said nap, nor did she remember the paper she's still carrying around
I'm losing my mind at the paper
I'm like watching another d&d player choose to never look at something the dm gave them
were we are now:
gideon is back, now with More Trauma
harrow has the compassion of a feral kitten
this is a bad combination for me, personally, in particular, because this means gideon is going to look for comfort in my mortal enemy dulcinea
she gives her a talk that is trying to distract me from the fact that I don't trust her, but I will never trust her
she was like "it'd be better to die here than to be living longer and trapped" and I was like "wanna let me help you with that?"
palamedes has also been carrying a dulcinea boner, which also makes things difficult for me
because if my mortal enemy ends up being bad and dangerous, and palamedes is in danger, it would force camilla to be in danger, and we don't want, under any circumstances, to put camilla in danger
mayonnaise uncle has been gossiping in the eighth and ortus's mom (where I'm from, 'orto' means 'ass', so I will never forget his name) spilled the beans on the ninth
he offers gideon literal tea with a side of the metaphorical tea
here's where I went "boy, I sure hope harrow doesn't push gideon away and gives her a reason to turn to these guys"
harrow proceeds to do just that
with clockwork precision
I cannot emphasize enough how meticulously she did this
if pushing people away was an olympic sport, and if that was the way to judge this competition, this book would be 10 pages long because harrow has mastered the craft
you could hear gideon's psyche becoming dust
needless to say, we're having tea with the eighth soon, everyone bring your scones and poison
which, you know, fine, at least gideon will be told information
and btw, protesilaus is still live reacting from an unknown location
idk what regina george twin, yandere simulator twin and chad the third are doing but, at this point, I don't know what anyone is doing, really
except for dulcinea, I JUST KNOW she's up to no good
and the second is probably still dealing with the fact that they lost to Camilla The Everything
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nicherayyy · 6 months ago
La squadra hc when they were in school (highschool) like their attitude, were they like academic achiever, delinquent, did they date anyone?? (They’re in the same school btw)🙏🙏🙏🙏 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AND THANKYOU!!
OMG YASSS! I have so many hcs with highschool la squadra tbh😭
La Squadra Highschool hcs
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Okay so first of all
I'm pretty sure they won't become one big friend group at least for a few months
Mostly because of personality differences
For example Prosciutto prays to all the gods imaginable not to have classes with Formaggio
It's not like he hates him, but he definitely finds him pretty annoying
Poor Pros just came here to study some math while there's Formaggio trying to show a lightbulb into his mouth out of boredom
And I definitely see him annoy Pros in a classic class clown way
-Pros... PROS
-*giggles* nothin'
And if the teacher notices he'd blame Prosciutto too😭
So yeah.. nobody really likes having classes with Formaggio
I'm pretty sure everyone sees him like a type of guy who constantly needs to date someone, although he only got a girlfriend once (in 5th grade and it lasted for two weeks)
Thinks that drinking energy drinks is cool, so he drinks them CONSTANTLY
If you look closely you might see his hands shaking from all the caffeine he consumed
He's like a big ball of energy
And maybe a ball of stomach and kidney issues, he's not sure, visiting a doctor is not his style
And since he needs to spend this energy somewhere the only class he never skipped is PE
Tries to show cool tricks with a basketball ball, but just ends up looking stupid
Well.. at least Illuso is amused
In the mean way
I swear he's like a school diva
A mean girl
Nobody really likes him for that, but he kinda has frienemy dynamic with Formaggio
I swear, one minute they're laughing together and the other they're trying to drown each other in a water fountain
Illuso would have a school gossip instagram account
(Mostly he just comes up with tea himself)
Somebody held hands? Yeah, they're getting a whole article about their dating life.
"Name three songs of the band on your shirt" type of guy
So yeah, he just goes to school to get some tea
But I KNOW that at the end of the semester he tries to hand in all his skipped assignments like nothing happened
-Hey teacher, I've got this essay you assigned us
-...It was due two months ago
-...Well I still did it, didn't I?
Risotto is a quiet type of guy
Not in a cool mysterious way, he's just mostly in his own world
But if you want to do a project with him, or sit with him during lunch he's totally fine with that
Has his own collection of band shirts
(Uh-huh he's the one who Iluso asks to name three band songs)
-Metallica shirt? Hah, name at least three of their songs
-"Enter Sandman", "Ride The Lightning", "Fade To Black"
-..Okay you're no fun
Randomly mastered piercing so now he has both of his brows pierced
Not really an academic weapon, he just does what he's asked to do
Literally, if you ask him to write an essay for 2000 words he'll write EXACTLY 2000 words. No more no less
I don't see him dating at all, cause he sees no point in it
Sometimes hangs out with Prosciutto
He just complimented his jacket once
Cause I literally see Pros being the most fashionable guy in school
So he likes his outfits/pieces of closing being complimented
He's the one big perfectionist
Has everything organised
School locker, notebooks, pencil cases you name it
Tried to become school president once
But wasn't so popular among voters for being "too serious"
He was, in fact, too serious
I don't think he ever skipped a class
(He'll feel bad if he does)
Besides, school is for studying so what's the poing of going there if he would just skip classes?
Took Pesci, as he calls it, "under his wing"
Mostly because Pesci thinks that Pros's really cool
Okay so Pesci is like the shyest but the nicest guy in school
Pros told him to be less nice cause some students take advantage of that
Yeah, some people are really mean to him
Gets so upset if he gets a bad mark
He's an average students, but tries to do better
I see Prosciutto using aggressive motivation on him
-We're graduating in two years and you're planning to apply to college with those results???
And Pesci gets a major scare from that
Also tried to be in school sports team, such as swim team, soccer team etc
Found out that that's not his cup of tea the hardest way possible.
Melone's a straight A student without even trying
He doesn't care that much, but somehow he's magically one of the best students at school
-Did you study for the test?
-What? No, I didn't even open the book *Gets an A+*
Teachers always ask him to help if they have some sort of computer problems
Still, some students think he's a creep
And well.. he is to some extent
Just don't tell him your zodiac sign and you'll be okay
I see him being in some kind of computer club
Or generally something related to electronics
You know, even if he's a good student, he still got suspended for dress code violation once or twice
But I know he's still teachers favourite because he knows how to make Excel Tables
And I also know for a fact that the same teachers don't like Ghiaccio
Especially literature teacher.
Ghiaccio is weirdly educated in literature, and he thinks that only his point of view is right
You don't agree with his view of some characters? Oh well, obviously your opinion is the wrong one
So the poor literature teacher spends like 45 minutes only to make Ghia stop try to argue with him
Also constantly tries to find loopholes in the school rules
And there's no reason to it, he just does that
School office secretary hates to see him coming.
Ghia is another perfectionist so instead of using eraser to correct a misspell, he just throws away an entire sheet of paper and starts again
(It's his 5th sheet of paper)
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pixthefuckup · 3 months ago
things that happened to me that i think hatchetfield teens would experience
richie: got chosen as a throwaway member for a sports team in gym and ended up being the goalie. i had an entire sports anime arc with these guys (the captain learned how to develop and delegate better, the strikers were foils of each other with one learning to be more smooth while the other learned to be more aggressive, the midfielder realized that he was super important and his good stamina wasn't the only reason he got the role, and i learned to stop doubting myself, how to use all my experience to realize flaws in the other team, and go for it) we were literally a thrown together team because the captain just wanted the role for more credit. we somehow won the entire tournament.
ruth: im in a theatre group that makes its own original play through january to february. now, the plays are always hitting and they're incredibly. but... each time i improvised a random filler line, it ended up getting stuck in the show no matter how bad it was. i was performing night after night the same shitty "we're friends! friends are supposed to tell each other things!" because i couldn't figure out how to start an argument weeks ago and nobody could either apparently. i mean, i apparently got laughs but i couldn't hear shit over the rushing embarrassment in my ears. i can commit to the bit but not without internally dying ig
either side of potseed: i got high once in a park surrounded by theatre kids and instead of being chill or dazed, like i imagined, i started yapping about dante's inferno and fanfiction, their connections to each other, and then their connections to the veil and reaching past human life to things unable to be held but yet taken as precious things to be obsessed over and analyzed. mind you, it sounded incoherent af because i was high. this was also my first time getting high (if this sounds familiar and you follow me NO IT DOESN'T HAHAHA I NEVER USED THIS EXPERIENCE FOR ANOTHER FANDOM) steph: had a 10 minute compilation of me tweaking out over essays i did not give a single fuck about until deadline day (all the videos were in timelapse) bc i thought it was funny (i eventually deleted it for storage but im sure i can recreate it this year since it's my junior year) pete: i once managed to get the tea about my entire middle school hierarchy and secret dynamics because i had been sat at the table of two popular kids who didn't notice me. so while they were gossiping, i was sitting there, quietly doing math and also listening in. i was a goddamn master at multitasking. ziggs: me and my friend were trying to get weed so we followed a stranger who promised to lead us to a shop where he would buy the weed for us (dumb idea i know). instead, we got a bunch of lies about his backstory, an entire lecture on buying weed a certain way, and then he guilttripped me. thankfully, my friend got us out. we ran back to our group and we lied to them about all the shops being closed because it was too crazy and too embarrassing to admit what actually happened. hannah: my family has weird psychic experiences. it's really long to explain in detail but essentially: my grandaunt could hear ghosts and have dreams convening with spirits as well. my mom could have odd dreams and convene with people, whether overseas or dead. my brother used to see ghosts and predict the future. short example: he once told my dad their airplane home would break down. he was right. he forgot his experiences and abilities as he grew up. (the lex to my hannah fr fr) as for me, i could see past demons and had weird companions to warn me. the story's a bit long when properly told but tl:dr: white bear tried warning me of demon dad, i didn't listen, had to try and see past demon dad to get to real one. demon dad was standing in front of regular dad. i manage to walk through demon dad (freezing btw) and hug regular dad. white bear sees this as i go back to sleep on the pull out couch with dad, thumbs up.
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softshiin · 3 years ago
Hey hey hey !! how is our beauty today (◕દ◕)
I was thinking on making a req hope u don't find it difficult to write ( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )
TR boys being their s/o's butler for one day ? maybe you would write ? Choose whatever charc you want ( btw Mikey & Shinichiro are a must )
Have a good evening (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ A BUTLER?! — tr
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##PARING … various tokyo revengers characters
⋆·˚ ༘ *  SUMMARY … them being your butler for one day
##WARNINGS … nothing ig?
⋆·˚ ༘ * NOTE … i’m doing fine!! i’ve finally did this !! it looked so fun but i took a lil bit of time!!<3
not proofread
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they were totally down for this actually. they loved the idea of dressing up as a butler and stuff. totally enjoying this tbh. they even loved baking or cooking to begin with, so it wasn’t much different from what the usually did in their life. absolutely loves seeing how shy you become when asking them for things. “so uh,, could you make me a cup of tea?” you’re prob feeling guilty like- why the heck were they doing this for you? at the end of the day they were really satisfied; “y/n, lets do this another time”
pachin, NAHOYA, kazutora, TAKEMICHI, senju, EMMA, atsushi
they actually lost a bet, that’s why they’re doing this. totally annoyed and flustered when you tease them, asking them to literally every single thing for you. “hey, can you tie my hair?” or stuff like that. secretly enjoying this🙄. they don’t frigging know how to cook, so you either eat shitty or go to an actual restaurant for the day. you prob force them to do homework for you, or going out for shopping with you lmao. they just end up being reassigned and follow you around like a puppy </3
BAJI, teenager!sanzu, KOKO, peyan, shion, MIKEY, naoto, RINDOU, waka
they’re the one being shy about this whole thing. totally a mess of blushing and stuff <3 they’re so cute plspls. they think that they have a pride as a gangster so they can’t do such things. but for your puppy eyes that’s exactly what they’re doing</3 you prob mentioned some kind of reward after this, so that’s their purpose. “just for this once…”
HAKKAI, souya, CHIFUYU, koko, SHIN, izana, manila!mikey, INUI, DRAKEN
they’re so happy about this?? i mean they’re happy in a weird way. they always wanted to see what is your daily routine, what you did during the day etc. “oh so that’s what you were doing<3” wants to actually follow you everywhere. also in the bathroom/shower. please someone stop them. literally gossip about EVERYTHING you or your friends do. “oh my are you really friends with that-“ they can’t shut up lmao😟
RAN, bonten!koko, HANMA, bonten!sanzu, FUTURE!KAZU
shyly accept it and ends up enjoying it<3 they’re really discover a lot about you, and they’re happy about it!! ++ you teach them how to do a few things, maybe cooking something or cleaning the house. y’all end up working together but it’s still fun for both of you honestly<3 they’re so pure please :((
SHIN, hina, KAKU, chifuyu, taiju, TAKEOMI
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theleavesofwesteros · 3 years ago
kuroo x nekoma manager!reader
author's note: ummmm literally back at it again because I got so much unexpected love on my first post!!! tysm!! I hope you enjoy this one too! <33333 this is going to be more headcanons because they make me so giddy :))) i love him so muchhhhh (watching season 4 rn and waiting for him to show up)
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omg whenever nekoma is playing and kuroo scores a point, you better KNOW he immediately looks at you with his world famous smirk
praying for your heart <3
it's been happening for soooo long but you always react the same and it only makes him smirk more
he'd even paint your nails if you let him <333 (help i'm literally getting so giddy bye)
also since you guys have known each other for like forever, he's definitely taught you some volleyball moves and now you're pretty adequate at the sport (or maybe even super good, as you should)
whatever interest you have, no matter what it is, he's into it too!!!!
i told you he's just excited boyfriend! so proud of you, so happy to just see you happy! he's just so :)))) dream bf fr
btw he 100% ruffles your hair on the daily IDC i just know he does
i mentioned chemistry pick up lines last time, but it should be said that you guys look at each other with a smirk on both your faces whenever someone says anything that makes you think of anything remotely dirty
dirty minded people stay together <3
kuroo teases you all the time but if anyone teases you the way that he teases you? not allowed :) not on his watch :)
if you have friends that are in another friend group and there's something happening, you better KNOW that your man is requesting the tea at all times
when you come back from a hangout session, this man drops EVERYTHING and is just like: "spill everything NOW"
gets extremely into it
this one time you were at a cafe with kuroo, waiting for bokuto to show up, and you were halfway through your gossip session when bokuto arrived
he was extremely into it too so now you, kuroo and bokuto have a gc where you just spill the weekly gossip
lev is actually thankful for you dating kuroo because whenever you're near the captain, he seems to be nicer to lev
yaku doesn't change tho
this one time when you first started dating (but not everyone in the team knew), you and kuroo got to the gym early to set up but ended up kissing ;) and the team walked in on you guys (just kissing i promise)
and yamamoto collapsed
but i don't mean like on his knees i mean like he fainted
the others either didn't care/knew that you were dating or were cheering like crazy
no in between
also you and kuroo are pretty busy so dates don't happen that often but you guys try!!!!
a lot of study dates either at the park or the library or a cafe or something!
most of the time tho it's just him walking you home after practice is over <333 that's honestly enough for you both
if you struggle in any subjects he helps you as much as he can even though he's busy with his own studies :((( he's so gfqeydfgfgefeyufaufyqae <3333333
oh but also you manage to make him flustered which is a mega flex tbh because not a lot of people can do that
so this one time while the team was taking a break during practice, he came over to you (as usual) to drink his water and you called him "your pretty boy" and he got so red!!!! <3
the rest of the team was teasing him for like a week after that
he loves when you call him that
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itoshily · 2 years ago
hi!!! welcome back ig, i just discovered your blog so idk😭 about your event.. ☆
i'm 1.61 (idk the inches sorry) + i hate my height
my fav color is yellow!! i in fact have a story about this so when i was in 4th grade tjere was a book fair event kinda thing and my dad and my twin i mean we weny to that there was this 3 book child adventure series with a green chest and i.ok i just realized it's too long anyways my personality is,,, i'm isfj and like a a literal isfj but i'm also the cheerful talkative person. sunshine? i mean i do have my sunshine moments and it's more than my introvert times, an ambivert and a, uh, the nice person i think. i love all of my friends, i do like gossip but i still am a cute person in the eyes of other people,,
smth about me, i try to involve everyone to the activities i do, like yk if there's a quite person i'll annoy them sm (in a good way, dsfinitely)
and, i rarely get angry, like no way eveb i don't remember myself ever gettint angry OH MY GOSH I WROTE TOO MUCH speedrun my other thinfs uh i'm bisexual, ace, enby; i love fantastic series aliens myth gods OBEY ME THE OTOME doesnt matter i hate coffee i love tea life is great i'm overworking thank you
(sorry😔😔😔😔😔😔 btw i dom't do genshin so bllk or hq please if you do this supee lonf one sorry again oml
( wait i wanr to add smth i. like blonde people. rhats it ily
hiya :D i hope you’re having a good day and please dont overwork yourself :( prioritise your health above anything <33
i pair you with…
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okay so, you’re a 5’3 which is quite short compared to tsukki, but he finds it ADORABLE. you’re like the most huggable person for him <33 you’d be his sunshine honestly, his ray of light for whenever he’d feel blue and sad, and hes not the most talkative person so you’d makeup for that :D
anyways, thank you for reading ! have a nice day/night, eat/hydrate well, you gorgeous person, ily you're worth so much <3 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋ
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athyathye · 4 years ago
Babes lmao, I dunno what you mean by that. But based on my understanding, you meant smth like this :
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Izana walked with his hands inside his pockets, the noisy neighborhood very different from what he experienced back in Japan.
Visiting a country he was associated with him gave him excitement and craving that he didn't know he could feel. Thanks to you, he was able to connect and explore at least for a short while.
He was unaware of the stares he was getting, but a loud 'pssst!' caught his attention. He looked behind him and saw old- rather middle aged women beckoning him to come.
Their hands waved in a rushing manner, with their eyes pointed directly to his he felt like he couldn’t even decline.
"Yes?" He spoke, not wanting to be rude in a country he was barely involved with.
'Oh, he speaks well' 'tall but lanky' 'oh my! His eyes are violet!' He heard the ladies talk amongst themselves.
"Balong (boy), you are half-japanese right?" The seemingly leader of the group asked him with a smile.
"Y-yes ma'am"
"...don't call me ma'am say po."
"Opo" Izana sweatdropped, remembering the way you scolded him for being so disrespectful in front of the elders.
"Good, by the way, you know my daughter right?" Ah...perhaps this was the time for him to book it.
He was about to tell them he needed to go before another one of them spoke up. "Ah, don't you know? This boy is dating that girl from that house over there" the lady pointed with her lips, causing Izana to copy her and try to do the same.
"Is that so? What a shame...oh, you mean y/n? My, that girl is a good wife. Treat her well, boy~" the lady pinched his cheeks. Making him hold his cheek for a bit before glancing back at the titas who wore smiles that were very friendly.
It was very unusual for him to see people acting like this. Having always been met with scorned and sour looks by the people in Japan, it was a breath of fresh air for him. But he did expect, in the very least, that they'd change once they knew what he really did in his home country.
"...by the way, don't you know? Mr. Gomez from next door apparently has a mistress?"
"Huh!? That sweet old man? I don't think that's right..." surprisingly, it was Izana who spoke up, glancing at the women in front of him who took a moment to look at each other before sighing.
"Sigh...balong, you are too naive, see Mr. Gomez has done this.....and that...." the ladies began telling him numerous stories, while he listened very intently. Nodding and exclaiming in surprise from time to time.
A few hours had passed, he'd probably have heard the whole family tree of the Gomez family, not that he complained, that family is far from what they were trying to portray...He now scoffed whenever he'd pass by their house.
"Babe! Babe! Did you know?!" He ran to you, "The old man!!! Who always gives us those cute little breads thingy for our coffee!"
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Seems like that simple situation caused him to befriend the gossiping titas solely for the reason that he wanted the tea.
He hadn't felt this nosy since the day he used to scope out information about other gangs. From now on whenever he was with you, he'd always have a hand on your back as he told you the latest 'tsismis' he learned.
"Babe come on! Aling Rosa told me she had the biggest tea on Aling Nena! I don't wanna miss that."
Whenever you took him outside, he'd be looking around as if looking for something. Once he did though, his face would twist into a smirk, a sneer then he'll roll his eyes. It was like he knew it all.
And though you could understand him...his eyes became more and more judging by the day.
"Zana...don't you think your hanging out with the old ladies too much?"
"Babe what? Ah! Btw did you know that girl from next door?...."
Yeah you definitely had to separate him from the tsismis titas.
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I went too far with this, but lmao I just found it funny how Izana would literally be that kid tho
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hwangsies · 4 years ago
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(n) the state of becoming infatuated with another person
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pairing: hyunjin x female reader
summary: you haven’t spoken a word to hyunjin since he ghosted you after a fun new years eve together, so what’s the worst that could happen when fate (or chaeryong,...well, same thing) pairs you up for a road trip across the country?
warnings: e2l (ish), university student!au, non idol!au ,a lot of swearing. alcohol consumption,long flashback, mentions of infidelity, hyunjin is a giggly sweetheart, smut as in: dom!hyunjin, unprotected sex (wrap it up luvs),fingering, oral (f recieving), slight choking, praise kink, hand & strenght kink (manhandleing oopsie), slight overstimulation, hyunjin is really enthusiastic about consent (as you should be, periodt), reader is nervous and scared of hyunjins big pickle (ew i hate myself), motel sex (but it’s not trashy i promise!)
8.6 k words ,meaning grab a snack and a drink,
and enjoy!<3
"alright everyone" your professor rubs his hands together "that was it for today... i hope you all have a great break and i'm very exited to see all of you again next semester. hopefully in person again" he chuckles.
You and your classmates exchange goodbyes with him before one after the other exits the zoom call.
"fuck" you sigh after closing your laptop and lean back on your bed.
"you did it girl" your dormmate chaeryong claps, at which you giggle before shifting your eyes to her on the other side of the room.
She's sitting on her bed, folding her clothes before putting it in her suitcase thats placed in front of her.
"finally" you sit up and watch her roll up a pair of socks.
"my last class was yesterday and mrs kim teared up" she giggles "it was kinda cute not gonna lie"
"oh god" you snicker.
"hey did you find someone to take to yongin?" you ask, remebering chearyong talking about wanting to find someone to share gas expenses with in exchange for a ride to her hometown.
"oh yea, i did" she turn to you "i think you know him, seo changbin?"
You furrow your brows in thought, you feel like you've heard of the name.
"he's a music major, one year above us, hes also from yongin" she continues folding a pair of jeans "funny you'd ask actually cause he told me one of his friends was looking for a ride to seoul, isn't that where you're going?"
"Yea i was thinking about finding someone honestly because gas is really fucking expensive if you aint rich" you say, placing your laptop onto your nightstand.
"Mm you aint gotta tell me girl" chaeryong mumbles, folding a sweatshirt.
"so who's that friend?" you ask, stretching out on your bed.
"he's in his grade, hyunjin"
Your neck almost cracks from how fats you whip your head “hwang hyunjin?”
"Oh yea" she points at you "you know him?"
"unfortunately" you huff.
"o-oh, what"s the tea?" your roommate wiggles her brows at which you shake your head.
"nothing much really" you sigh, leaning back again "he's just like the most arrogant and stuck up fuckboy ever"
"wow, well thats not nothing" chaeryong laughs "any reason as to why you think that?"
"you could probably ask any girl on campus and she'll tell you the same" you scoff.
"really girl?" chaeryong squints an eye at you playfully "cause i've only heard of him being hot but never of him being a hoe. And you know i'm the first to know the hot gossip" she winks.
Laughing defeatedly, running your hand through your hair.
"it's just- we hit it off at the campus' new years eve party, like really hit it off- at least thats what i thought"
"oooh spill it spill it" chaeryong leaps over to your bed to sit at the end of it.
"well there's really not much to spill, i gave him my number and he was talking all that smack about taking me out and stuff aaand to make a long story short i never heard from him again"
"well" chaeryong speaks slowly, biting her lip guiltily "i dont think you'll be very happy about me giving changbin your number for him, then?"
"you did what???" your eyes almost pop out of your head.
"sooorryy" she jumps up from your bed, clutching her hands apologetically "i didnt know"
"aaaaarghh" you whine, burying your face in your pillow.
"maybe he won't even text you though" chaeryong tries to console you, but the damage is already done...
unknown number - hey i got this number from changbin, i heard you're driving up to seoul, i'd love to tag along if you're looking for someone to share expenses with -recieved at 9:12 am
You huff looking at the message on your phone.
After chaeryong had left last night you really convinced yourself that he couldn't possibly dare to reach out to you.
But here you are reading his message after just waking up, and your day is already ruined.
you - who is this? - sent at 9:56 am
You know who it is, but you're not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking that you do.
Scoffing when he answers almost immediately.
unknown number - this is hyunjin, did i reach the right person? - recieved at 9:57 am
You have two choices at this point.
1. be petty and bitter about a boy who probably doesn't even remember you.
Or 2. move on and help someone who is also just trying to get home and also maybe get some closure.
So you curse your mother for rasing you so well and suck it up.
you - yea sure, i planned on leaving tomorrow at around 6 pm - sent at 10:02 am
Damn you and your common human decency.
he sus - oh okay great :) i only have one suitcase and a backpack btw so i wont take up alot of space or anything - recieved at 10:05 am
he sus - also i feel weird bc i dont know ur name or anything changbin literally just sent me the number and nothing else lol, also 6 sounds good should we meet at the main building then? -sent at 10:06 am
You're quite honestly not shocked that he seems nice over text because he was the same when you met on new years eve.
you - sure lets meet at the main building, my car is white and my name is y/n - sent at 10:09 am
Cringing as you press the send button because you are 99% certain he won't answer anymore; not that you'd care, obviously.
he sus - alright y/n see you tomorrow at 6 then :) - recieved at 10:14 am
You raise your brows when your phone lights up with his message, does he really not remember you?
Was he that drunk?
Well, it doesnt matter because you don't want to pay for all this gas alone and he seems to be the next best option to fix that.
So you shrug it off and get out off bed to run some last errands and start packing.
Your heart is beating unreasonably fast when you take a turn towards the main building at 5:55 pm the next day.
Calm down y/n it’ll just be 5 hours and who says you have to talk to him?
However you do know deep in your heart that you only wanted to arrive just a little early so you could complain about him being late.
That plan got cut short because your eyes fall on him as you pull up to the main building.
He’s- oh my god he’s blonde. You stop your car and he looks up at you.
“it is you!” hyunjin smiles at you when you step out of the car.
“who else would it be?” you ask, a little irritated at his reaction.
His face drops a bit when he sees you clearly annoyed by him, but the doesn’t blame you; he’d be mad too.
You open your trunk for him to put his weirdly small suitcase into, looking him up and down as he lifts it inside.
He’s wearing dark baggy pants and a windbreaker jacket, the top part of his chin-length blonde hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail.
He seemed to have bulked up as well, shoulders looking broader than what you remember.
The hair is different than the jet black hair that you remember on him, but it suits him very well; to be honest he would look good in any hair colour, not that you’d care though.
The first thirty minutes of the ride go by agonizingly slow and in complete silence.
When you drive onto the freeway you can’t take it anymore and mumble something among the lines of ‘wanna listen to some music?’.
You don’t wait for an answer, pressing the radio button right as you finish your sentence.
“uh, actually” hyunjin starts, his hand lifting to turn the radio back off, your eyes snap towards him, is he serious? Turning off your radio in your car?
“I wanted to address this situation” he says rather quietly.
You scoff “what? You realized that this is awkward just now?”
“no- I mean- yes I understand why you would think that but I just really want a chance to explain myself” he stutters.
“explain yourself” you repeat after him before mumbling “sure because there’s so much to explain”
“listen, I know you think I’m an asshole who just ghosted you b-“
“listen, I can handle rejection, you could’ve just said that you weren’t looking for something serious and I would’ve accepted that. The thing I’m mad about though is you literally making false promises and shit” 
Hyunjin blinks at you “can I please just explain to you what happened?”
You let out a long huff “sure” you wave your hand “go ahead”
“when you and your friends left at around 4, you wrote your number on my arm with your eyeliner, correct?” he asks.
Glancing over at him, you nod.
“after you where gone, I was already pretty drunk but then my friends decided to drag me with them to a different party that was still going” you see him fiddling with his hands in your peripheral “well I got super fucking shitfaced at that party and ended up puking on this one guys shoes”
You raise your eyebrows and hold back a laugh, which he notices.
“its okay you can laugh” he chuckles as well.
“anyways that guy was not very happy about it and busted my lip before kicking me and my friends out, so then back in the dorm my roommate sat me in the shower because I was full of alcohol, blood and puke”
“ew” you chime in.
“and when I woke up the next morning your number was gone” hyunjin looks over at you “we don’t have any mutual friends, I didn’t know what your major is so I couldn’t even asks for you in the administrating office, and then the covid lockdown happened and here we are”
“you called the administrating office?” you look over at him, he nods a little smile on his stupid pretty lips.
“yep, so, sorry to tell you but your eyeliner is not waterproof” he jokes at which you playfully knit your brows at him.
“believe me, I wanted to text you. I really wanted to take you out; and when you sent me your name yesterday I didn’t know if this was a lucky coincidence or if you’re a different y/n, that’s why I didn’t say anything” he explains.
You take a deep breath as you realize you have to apologize for going off on him just now, you believe him but you hate apologizing.
“well, I feel like an ass for going off on you like that after hearing all this” you chuckle “I’m sorry” you eye him shortly before looking back on the road.
“it’s okay, you don’t have to apologize I get how it looked, very much sus” he laughs with you.
Coming back to your car after you took a bathroom break on a highway rest-stop, you see hyunjin sitting in the drivers seat.
“what do you think you’re doing?” you smile as you sit down on the passenger seat.
“I thought maybe you’d like to sleep since its dark already and you’ve been driving for almost 3 hours” he suggests while putting on his seatbelt.
“well, I wont say no to that” you shrug and put your seatbelt on as well.
“so when did you go blonde?” you ask curiously.
“uh- around end of june” hyunjin chuckles “it was a dare if I’m being honest but I ended up liking it and got it redone”
“oh okay” you check out his profile once more and follow his hair with your eyes “I like it”
“yea, which is weird cause I’m usually not into blondes at all” you wonder.
“hm” he grins “must be me then” he says before winking at you.
“pfff, in your dreams” you rebuttal playfully, at which he laughs and mumbles a ‘true’.
You don’t react to it because you think your ears are playing tricks on you.
“hey I have a question too” hyunjin says.
“what’s up” you lean your arm against the window as you look over at him.
His face is slightly lit by the lights of the other cars, no seriously, how can a side profile be so perfect?
“why did you even agree to take me with you if you thought I ghosted you?” he grins.
You laugh “well, I’m a nice person and I know not a lot of people there are from seoul and my mom raised me right, okay?”
“okay okay” he giggles, the way his eyes crinkle when he does makes you smile everytime.
“or…did you have such a good time with me on new years that you just had to jump on this opportunity?” he quips, carefully stealing a peek at you.
“sure, why do you think I was so upset when you didn’t text” you feign sadness.
The both of you laugh before falling into comfortable silence.
When looking outside your window, you think back to said new years eve.
“oh my god” you said, stepping into the big hall that usually is the universities gym. But whoever planned this outdid themselves.
A dj was placed on one of the tribunes and a whole buffet of drinks and punches on the other, as well as a big disco ball hanging from the ceiling, making the room shimmery and shiny.
You could see people coming out of the doors that connected into the universities hall on one side and into the locker rooms on the others, as if it wasn’t already packed.
“this is fucking insane” lia, your roommate from last semester, squeaked while grabbing your arm and jumping a little, her voice overpowering the blasting music..
“I wanna get fucking hammered tonight” you turned to her.
“oh babe don’t worry,  we didn’t come here to drink soda” she laughed before spotting some of your other friends.
About five minutes before midnight you and some more girls gathered at the buffet of drinks and started doing shots.
You all had decided that instead of kissing someone at 12 o’clock you’d ring in 2020 with a shot, because alcohol can’t cheat on you.
You were laughing at something when some people started the countdown.
Every one shouted and celebrated in union as you downed your shot.
“happy new year babe” lia hugged you after downing hers.
“happy new year!” you shouted into her ear, full of relief that this stressful year was over.
“lets do another one” she grinned widely after your whole friend group had shared their wishes with each other.
A girl you didn’t know very well handed you another shot, just as you emptied your glass you heard a guy yell something before stumbling into your back.
“jesus” you stumbled forward a bit before turning around, ready to throw someone a dirty look.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” in front of you suddenly stood a tall dark haired young man with almost too perfect facial features, frowning a little out of concern.
“nothing happened” you smiled, taking a step towards him so he’d hear you better.
“I’m glad” he replied, a grin slowly stretched across his handsome face
“I’m y/n” you giggled as you held out your hand.
His eyes crinkled with his smile as he took your hand in his “I’m hyunjin” he said before pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
“okay guys let her have her fun lets go over there” you hear lia usher your friends away from behind you.
“happy new year y/n” he said before instinctively pulling you a little closer to him when a group of people passed behind you.
“happy new year hyunjin” you replied, a slow blush creeping on your face from how intensely he was taking in your appearance.
“well yea happy fucking new years to me for running into you” he joked before taking a sip, your brain wasn’t able to function anymore so you just giggled and nervously pushed your hair behind your ear.
It had been way too long since you’d talked to a guy, especially someone as attractive as him
“you’re fucking stunning” hyunjin complimented you and lifted your hand with his to make you spin for him, to which you complied because you took a long time getting ready and always appreciate being appreciated.
“thank you” you were crimson red by now but hoped he wouldn’t see because of the dimmed lights.
“how come I’ve never seen you around? I would’ve remembered you” he tilted his head.
“oh this was my first year here and I live on the other side of campus so…” you nodded slowly “but yea I would’ve remembered you too”
He grinned before downing his drink and putting on the table next to the both of you.
“wanna dance?”
That’s how you found yourself on the dance floor with hyunjin pressed against your back.
Slowly but surely the alcohol made you braver; and it didn’t take long for the dj to play perfect songs to grind yourself against his toned body to.
His reaction was instant, hands gripping even harder at your waist and his own movements matching your own.
You looked back at him just to have the air knocked out of your lungs, a barely there sheen of sweat was covering his forehead; his pupils were dilated and his lips were slightly parted before his tongue swiftly swept over his lower lip.
He looked like sex on legs and moved like it too.
His plump lips formed into a grin when he noticed you staring, you didn’t know if it was the alcohol running through your system but you so desperately wanted to kiss him.
“can’t stop looking at you either, pretty” he lowered his head to mumble against your cheek before pressing a kiss there.
“you’re so goddamn sexy” you blurted out as you turned around to face him, running one of your hands through his dark hair before positioning them on his firm chest.
He threw back his head as his chest vibrated with laughter.
“don’t laugh at me” you laughed as you locked eyes again.
“you’re cute when you’re drunk” hyunjin brought one hand to your face to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“you dont even know me sober” you giggle “also i’m not drunk!” you protested playfully, his hands found your waist in the meantime to pull you flush to his body; at which you gasped almost inaudibly.
“oh really?” he looked down at you, clearly amused “didn’t you drink like 5 shots half an hour ago?”
“well well well, I didn’t know I had an audience” you countered, looping your arms around his neck.
Hyunjin prodded at the inside of his cheek with his tongue before looking away for a swift second, slightly embarrassed because he just exposed himself.
You felt yourself gush a little when he licked his lips again after bringing his gaze back to you.
“so you almost knocked me over on purpose?” you grinned even bigger when he shook his head laughingly.
“listen” he chuckled, leaning down unnecessarily close because you could hear him perfectly fine but you weren’t going to complain.
“I actually didn’t run into you on purpose, that was my friends doing after he saw me notice you” he said.
You mouthed an ‘ahh’ while nodding, feigning disbelief.
“I’m serious” hyunjin laughed “I still have to thank him later; I would’ve probably chickened out”
He got quieter at the end of his sentence, his eyes jumping to your lips when you wet your lower lip with your tongue quickly.
“i-m glad he pushed you then” you replied, trying to hide the fact that your heart was pumping your blood in record time.
“yea” he inched his face closer to yours as you tilted your chin up to meet him in the middle “me too”
His eyes switched from your lips to your eyes one more time before closing the gap between the both of you.
His lips were firm but soft at the same time in the way they moulded against yours, you swore you could hear lia squealing from somewhere but maybe you were just hearing things.
But when his tongue touched yours in the most tentative way you lost contact to what was going on around you, slinging your arms tighter around his neck and deepening the kiss.
A tiny groan escaped hyunjins throat when you carded your fingers through his hair to tug on it and release some of the adrenalin that rushed through you.
He was slow and explorative and let you take control from time to time before sucking on your lower lip and making you loose it.
You didn’t know how many songs had passed; to be honest you didn’t even remember what song was playing when you started kissing.
All you knew in that moment was hyunjins lightly flushed cheeks, swollen lips and dark glistening eyes.
“let’s go somewhere else?” he questioned in a whisper when you bit your lip, nodding at his question.
He grabbed your hand in his before manoeuvring the both of you through the dancing and celebrating crowd.
Before you knew it, hyunjin pulled you into the entrance hall of the university where multiple people had the same idea as you.
Couples scattered across the big room, some just talking, most of them however making out heavily.
“come on” he softly tugged at your hand, smiling when your gaze falls on him.
He lead you up the big flight of stairs onto a floor of the building you’ve never been to, stopping in front of a random room before pulling a small set of keys out of his back pocket.
After unlocking the door, he opened it to let you step inside.
It was a dance studio, the wall right across from you was just one huge mirror through which you could see the big couch in the back of the room and the water dispensers next to it.
“why do you have the keys for this room?” you asked, giggling.
Hyunjin grinned as he closed the door “I’m a dance major, we all have keys for the practice rooms”
“that’s so cool” you beamed “I wish I could dance” you looked around the room, walking towards the mirrored wall a little bit.
“you were moving just fine earlier” hyunjin came up behind you, nimble hands finding your waist as he looked you up and down through the mirror intensely, now that you were under the bright lights of the room.
You couldn’t help but to smile a little at that, the tight little glitter dress that you had chosen really did accentuate your curves in the best way possible, paired with the cute black heels which made your legs look way longer than they actually are.
“but that was like club sexy dancing, you know?” you elaborated.
“hm” he hummed amusedly “whats wrong with sexy club dancing?” you turned around to him.
He didn’t look to shabby himself, all in black, a chic button up with some jeans and a belt; accessorized with rings on his pretty fingers, a  dainty silver necklace and some small earrings.
Some might say he was underdressed, but the way he carried himself with such confidence, and that face of his must for sure be a panty dropper, you thought.
“nothing but… I don’t know, teach me something” you pleaded.
“what do you want me to teach you?” he laughed.
“I don’t know a pirouette or something” you suggested, laughing as well.
“okay” he grinned “this is like the base stance” he positioned himself correctly before looking at you to see if you were following his instructions.
“mhm” you hummed, replicating what he was doing.
“and then you get momentum with one leg to be able to swing yourself around, like this” hyunjin explained before executing a perfect pirouette and ending it back in the base stance.
“that was fast” you chuckled.
“your turn” he grins before moving behind you “try to keep your eyes on yourself in the mirror otherwise you’ll loose balance”
“okay” you said unsurely.
“I’ll catch you if you fall” he winked at you, at which you scoff playfully before carefully swinging yourself into a pirouette.
You landed on wobbly legs but before you could tip over hyunjin stabilized you with a firm grip on your hips.
“you’re a natural” he grinned at you through the mirror.
“well thank you” you playfully feigned cockiness before he spun you around himself.
A few seconds pass of the both of you taking in each others features in silence, the only thing you could hear was the faint music of the party downstairs, before hyunjin spoke up.
“can I kiss you?”
You fell into giggles again as you let your forehead rest against his collarbone before looking up again “we’ve kissed before”
“yea but that was like a moment and I don’t want to catch you off guard or anything” he mumbles cutely.
“mm” you nod “ you can kiss me”
And with a smile, he does.
You weren’t surprised when his first gentle ministrations turned into more desperate ones rather quickly because you could feel the warmth spread in your lower regions as well.
He walked the both of you over to the couch, only parting from your lips when he sat down on the black leather material of the couch.
“come here, pretty girl” he took your hand to help you straddle him, your dress riding up but you couldn’t care less if he saw your safety shorts, and he didn’t seem to care either by the way he feverishly connected your lips again.
His hands travelled down to squeeze at your waist before smoothing over your ass and grabbing a handful of each cheek, you moaned into the kiss when you realized how big his hands were.
Your own hands were squeezing at his shoulders before one moved into his soft hair while the other softly rested on his cheek.
The kiss was messy and desperate, teeth clinking together and tongues licking at each other.
The things that riled you up the most however were his groans and praises.
“you’re so fucking sexy” he groaned before moving down to kiss at your jaw and down your neck.
A needy whimper escaped from your throat when he started suckling the sensitive skin at the base of your throat.
“fuck-hyunjin” you moaned when his teeth grazed over your clavicle.
Your hands fumbled before landing on his belt, at which he pulled away from your skin, gently taking your hands off of his belt.
“I’d love to take you out first, actually” his pretty kiss swollen lips twitched up into a shy smile as he pants.
“oh” you were taken aback, you were almost certain that this was something regular for him “I thought-“
“I mean if you just want to fuck we can fuck of course” he chuckled “but- I actually think you’re really cute and fun and I’d love to get to know you better”
Your mouth stood a little agape “uh- I mean-I” you stuttered, your brain not functioning properly because of the alcohol running through your veins but also him!
“its okay if you just want, you know-“
“no!” you blurted out all over sudden, making him flinch a little “sorry, uhm- its just been a while since I had a date” you smile apologetically.
His expression visibly brightens “that’s okay” he giggled “so is that a yes?”
You grinned, leaning in to just barely brush your lips with his, his head twitching upwards in an attempt to connect them fully.
“yes” you whispered, at which he smiled brightly before pulling your in for a kiss by your neck.
-(flashback end)
“hey, y/n” you grumble when you feel someone gently rocking your shulder.
“mmm-what?” you peek your eyes open just to see hyunjin smile at you.
“good morning sunshine” he teases as you sit up in your seat when you realize you aren’t driving anymore.
“just kidding its not morning” he says as you look around your car, realizing your on a parking lot.
“where the fuck are we?” you whip your head towards him “did you bring me here to kill me? kidnap me?”
“wha?- no” he laughs “no, I’m sorry. Right after you fell asleep there was this huge traffic jam because of an accident and we stood there for almost 3 hours so I drove off and found this” he points out the rear window, where you see a small motel building.
You look back at him before checking the time on your phone, seeing it was indeed almost midnight.
“fuck” you swear to yourself.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to keep driving because I was getting tired so I thought maybe-“ hyunjin starts rambling guiltily, not wanting you to thing that this was an attempt to get in your pants.
“hey” you put your hand on his shoulder after taking off your seatbelt “this is good, you made the right decision I think we both could use some sleep” you say.
You each take your suitcases and walk inside, it’s an old building but it looks pretty clean for a motel off of the highway.
“good evening you two” an old lady sits behind the, probably just as old, reception.
“good evening, could we get 2 single rooms, please” hyunjin speaks up politely.
“I’m afraid we only have 2 double bed rooms available, if you’d like to take them, they will however be more expensive than the rooms for one” she explains politely.
“its okay, we’ll take one of those, please” you decide, hyunjins head snapping towards you.
“is that okay?” you ask him.
“yea- sure” he nods.
“alright, room 301 it is” she hands you the key before stating that you’ll have to checkout before 12 pm and what the room costs.
“do you accept card?” hyunjin asks at which the friendly old lady nods before taking his card and swiping it through her little machine.
“I’ll venmo you half of what you paid” you say after unlocking room 301.
He tsk’s at you before shaking his head “don’t, it was my idea so I’ll pay”
“are you sure?” you ask closing the door behind you when he turns on the lights.
“yup-oh” he exclaims.
“this room is cute” you say, it’s small but the walls are a soft sunflower yellow, decorated with paintings of autumn leaves .
The bed looks clean, and when you smell the mouse gray blankets and pillows, they smell fresh as well.
“stop smelling the pillows” hyunjin laughs.
“I’ve never been to a motel, I thought everything would be dirty or ancient” you confess comically.
He chuckles as he comes out of the small bathroom “the bathroom is clean too, don’t worry” he says when you look at him expectantly.
“I’ll sleep on the floor if you want” he offers as you open your suitcase to get out your toothbrush and pj’s.
“it’s fine, hyunjin I’ve slept in the same bed as a male before” you joke.
“well how am I supposed to know that?” he counters, at which you throw your pj shorts at him out of reflex.
When you realize what you had done it was too late, he was already holding them out in front of him before giggling.
“very cute choice” he mocks the small white shorts with red hearts all over it.
“stoop” you whine, trying to fish it out of his hands but he holds them over his head like a kindergartener.
“I remember why I don’t like you” you pout, crossing your arms.
His face drops alongside with his arms “I thought we were past that”
You use his moment of weakness to snatch your shorts out of his hands “gotcha”
“see I told you I was gonna take you out” hyunjin beams at you before looking down at the various snacks he took from the motels vending machine, which were laying in between the both of you on the bed.
“and so luxurious too” you joke, crossing your legs.
“only the best for you” he grins when you open a pack of fruit jellies.
“you know, I was thinking about new years” you say “ and I realized that it was your fault!”
Hyunjin throws his head back as he groans playfully “why?”
“if you hadn’t lost your phone when we got back downstairs, I wouldn’t have had to write my number on your arm; or you could’ve just given me your number and I could’ve text you. But you didn’t even know your own number!” you laugh in reminiscence.
“listen” he laughs “I was drunk and you’re hot! I couldn’t think” he defends himself before taking a bite off a chocolate bar.
You blush a little but play it off with a laugh.
“but yes, I admit, it was indeed my fault” he dramatically holds his hand in front of his eyes.
“yeeees!” you exclaim victoriously.
“I’m kidding though” you pat his knee “I forgive you”
“I’m glad” he smiles.
After the both of you are done eating way too many sweets, you find yourself being really comfortable when talking to hyunjin.
He’s funny, doesn’t seem like he’s full of himself and just in general seems like a very kind person.
“I thought you were a fuckboy when me met” you confess, looking at him.
Propped on one elbow looking down at you, while you lay on your side towards him, his face illuminated only by the little lights on each of your nightstands.
“you did?” he asks confusedly.
“yea” you chuckle “you were so confident and…sexy I don’t know” you place your hand over your face in embarrassment.
“oh that was the liquid courage talking, I’m usually pretty shy” he shakes his head smilingly when you peek through your fingers.
“don’t lie” you push his shoulder softly.
“I’m serious!” he laughs.
“you were the first guy to approach me at a party” you pause “like ever”
“no way, you’re lying now” he furrows his brows.
“nope” you shake your head.
“but I was really close to not talking to you as well, I’m sure there were many guys before me that just didn’t have the liquid courage, like I did” he speculates.
“maybe” you say.
“have any exes?” he asks after a few seconds.
“yea, one”
“well how did you meet him?”
“he showed me around on my first day of freshman year, I transferred like in the middle of the first semester so I wasn’t with any other freshmen” you tell him.
“why’d you break up if I may ask?” hyunjin asks carefully.
“oh we were only together for like three weeks, you can’t even call I relationship. He used me to make his hot ex jealous and cheated on me with her” you say “but hey they’re back together at least” you scoff.
“i’m sorry” he mumbles at which you look up at him.
“it’s not your fault” you chuckle.
“well, still no one should feel that way” he says “you know that you were way too good for him right?”
You nod.
“what about you? Have any exes?” you ask back.
He snickers “only one in seoul”
“why didn’t you last?”
“it was a long distance situation, she was super jealous and couldn’t trust me. which I can understand to a certain degree but everytime I went out she wanted me to facetime her and show her what kinds of people were there with me. That was just too much” he explains.
“wow” you chuckle “that doesn’t sound fun either”
Hyunjin shakes his head “nope, but hey we got rid of ‘em, didn’t we?”
“yea” you giggle “plus if I hadn’t broken up with him I would’ve probably never gone to the new years eve party”
“I guess I owe him something then” he grins as you scooch up on the bed.
“can I kiss you?” you ask after a few seconds of silence.
“hm?” hyunjins eyes almost spring out of his head.
“I don’t want to catch you off guard” you grin as you repeat his words from the night you met, sitting up.
He licks his lower lip as a grin stretches over his face as he sits up as well “do your worst”
You get up on your knees to shuffle over to him, when you get close enough hyunjin grabs one of your thighs and lifts it over his legs so you’re straddling him.
Once you sit down on his lap, your eyes lock again and you’re once again baffled as to how someone can be so god damn attractive.
His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips expectantly, a shaky breath leaving his lips when you lean in.
Your lips connect and it feels like all the pent up energy of liking him since that night finally gets set free, sparks glowing behind your lit and his hands leaving a trail of fire where ever they go.
They squeeze at your thighs and waist, pulling you impossibly close to himself.
A whimper tears from your throat when his tongue licks at yours, he tastes like chocolate and what could only be described as him.
He moans into the kiss when you tug at the blonde locks that weren’t pulled back into the ponytail; before pulling the hair tie out of his hair to free it and finally card your fingers through all of the blonde glory.
Before you realize what’s going on, hyunjin lifts the both of you before dropping you on your back and crawling above you.
The fact that he just lifted the both of you from a sitting position as if you weigh nothing makes you feel all types of hot.
“you’re so hot holy shit” you pant as you push his long hair out of his face.
“ditto” he only grins before attaching his lips to your exposed collarbone and sucking a bruise into the skin.
“take it off” you moan as you tug on the dark blue calvin klein shirt he’s wearing.
His lips release the skin of your collarbone before sitting up to pull the shirt over his head.
If your mouth wasn’t already open from your heavy breathing, you would’ve opened it now because his body is more sculpted and toned than you had expected.
Your hand lifts to smooth over his abs, muscles flexing as he connects your lips again.
His one hand slides from your waist up to cup one of your breasts, gently palming the soft flesh.
“I know I said I wanted to take you out first but-“ he mumbles against your lips.
“you bought me a lovely dinner” you interrupt him, threading your fingers through the hair that’s falling down into his vision.
He grins, dropping a short peck to your lips before his the grin gets wiped off his face “I don’t have a condom with me”
“I’m on the pill” you let him know “I got tested before the lockdown and I haven’t been with anyone since soo…”
“yea, me too, I was tested a few months ago” he nods.
You nod back, biting your lip as you absently play with his hair.
“do you trust me?” hyunjin asks, observing your demeanour.
“yea- yea I do I’m just nervous” you smile awkwardly.
“no” he coos before kissing you “why are you nervous?”
“just haven’t been with anyone for a while” you confess.
Hyunjin nods understandingly “if you don’t want to do this we’ll stop”
“no I really want to” you look into his eyes as confidently as you can.
“okay” he smiles, planting his lips on yours again.
“can i?” his voice gives you goosebumps when he mumbles against the sensitive skin under your ear, his fingers slowy undoing the loose knot of your heart shorts.
“yes” you say when he locks eyes with you.
“I love these shorts” he softly presses a kiss to your knee, trying to calm your nerves a little, before he gently rocks your hips to pull them off of you.
You blush a little out of embarrassment but smile when you lift your hips to help him.
“cute” he whispers when he see’s your panties have a little bow on the front.
He chuckles when you hide your face in embarrassment, pulling you closer to him again by your thighs before you let him kiss you again.
“can I take this off too?” hyunjin whispers, softly pulling at the fabric of the tank top you’re wearing, at which you nod.
You are still wearing a bra when he pulls it off so you take it into your own hands and unclasp your bra.
Your nipples stiffen a little at the sudden exposure to air, as well as to hyunjin’s admiring gaze.
“fuck” he muses when palming your breasts in his big hands, gently pushing them together an running his thumbs over your nipples.
A whimper involuntarily leaves your lips when he wraps his plump lips around one of the perked up nubs and sucks gently.
“so fucking pretty, princess” you feel yourself pathetically clench around nothing at his praise.
You feel one of his hands wander downwards to provide some friction for you, he slots his lips against yours when you tentatively roll your hips against his hand.
Hyunjin feels his cock get even harder when an almost desperate moan tumbles from your lips against his. So he ads a little more pressure and starts circling your clit with two fingers, your sighs of pleasure mixing into the kiss.
“you’re so sensitive baby” he whispers as he parts his lips from yours “can I go down on you?” he grazes his lips over your chest, looking up at you seductively.
You nod as you bite your lip, hyunjin placing a few kisses on your tummy before shortly sitting up to also free you from your soaked panties.
The first stripe he licks up your slit, and how he swirls the tip of his tongue around your clit expertly sends you to heaven.
His hands are gripping your thighs to prevent you from closing your legs, your hands are tangled in his hair and the sheets.
“hyunj-fuck” you cry out when his tongue enters you.
He carefully prods one finger at your entrance “is that okay?” he asks, his voice hoarse and dripping with lust.
“yea” you sigh.
Once you adjust to one finger, he adds a second one, curling them upwards to search for that specific patch inside of you.
“yes-fuck right there” you moan when his fingers press onto the sweetest spot inside of you, tugging at his hair a little harshly. But you feel him moan against you, getting lost in your taste as he sucks your clit in between his soft lips.
Your hips buckle against his mouth as your eyes roll backwards, feeling the warmth of your orgasm approach rapidly.
“fuck fuck yes-hyunjin” you cry out just before he tipped you over the edge with his skillful ministration, your orgasm rushing up your spine and into your head, endorphins spreading everywhere.
A cry of pleasure fills the room as your thighs starts trembling with the aftershocks, clamping around his head when he drives you into overstimulation.
“oh-shit-“ you pant as you softly pushed on his forehead to get him away from your clit, his fingers still inside you, guiding you through your high.
He nibbles on your inner thigh apologetically. You can still hear your heartbeat in your ears after hyunjin removes his fingers from you and sits up, gently holding your legs together to help you calm down.
“fuck” you mewl, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
He’s wanted to do this for so long and there you are, with all of your naked glory in front of him.
While he’s daydreaming about you, you sit up and start fiddling with his sweatpants.
“you want more?” he quips, once he realises what you’re doing, leaning in to kiss you.
“mhm” you humm into the kiss affirmitavely when his hand holds you close to him by your jaw.
With a quick last peck to your lips he simultaneously shimmies the soft black sweats and his boxers off of himself.
You apparently visibly gulp at the sight of his cock because hyunjin smirks cockily “like what you see?” as he crawls above you again, his lips finding yours again and not waiting for an answer.
“I don’t know if you’ll fit” you mumble when he suckles at the soft nook of skin under your ear.
“we can stop here” he offers softly before locking eyes again.
You shake your head as you reach down to fist his length, slowly pumping it and smearing the few drops of precum around.
“no, you’re just really big” you huff with a shy smile on your lips at which hyunjin groans.
“you’re gonna be the death of me, you know?” he mutters against your lips before kissing you deeply, his hand smoothing over the slope of your waist before coming up to gently pinch at one of your nipples.
Eliciting a soft high pitched moan from you, this only spurs him on.
Rolling his tongue against yours desperately and making you taste yourself before sinfully sucking at the wet muscle.
All the while you’re stroking him with your small hand before cupping his balls, as if he didn’t already feel like he’s gonna blow his load way too early.
“please” you whine, guiding his reddened tip towards your entrance.
Hyunjin releases a shaky breath before replacing your hand with his, rutting his hips against yours a few times, coating his length in your wetness.
This already had your toes curling, suppressing a whine as you lock your legs around his waist.
“tell me if it hurts, yea?” he breathes, only pressing inside you after you nod, dropping a kiss to your swollen lips.
“fuck” he swears softly, tucking his face in the crook of your neck when he breaches your tight walls for the first time.
Your fingers tighten in his hair at the back of his neck when a subtle sting flares up inside of you.
“ah-“ your body flinches a little when he presses further inside, hyunjin notices, observing your expression before kissing your cheek and sitting up slowly.
“you’re doing so good, baby” he lifts his thumb to his lips, swiftly kitten-licking the digit before bringing it to where your bodies join.
Gently rolling your clit under his thumb to distract you from the pain.
“you look so perfect like this” his other hand travels over your stomach to gently squeeze at your breasts “all spread out for me”
You whimper, arching your back when hyunjin thrusts into you carefully; the pain slowly subsiding and the ache to be fully filled up by him growing exponentially when his cock rubs against your g spot.
“hyunjin” you moan, gripping onto his hand, which is resting atop your breast.
“yes baby, I’m here” he groans at how tight you feel once he’s balls deep inside of you, abandoning your clit to grab you by the hips for leverage.
His other hand resting on your cheek now, after a few trusts you moan “harder, please”
Hyunjin groans and fulfils your wish, at one particularly harsh thrust, you latch your lips around his pointer and middle finger, sucking at them.
“oh my god-that’s so fucking hot” he grunts through clenched teeth.
His cock dragging along your walls deliciously, filling you up to the brim as you hum around his slender fingers in pleasure.
“you like my hands that much baby?” his jaw is clenched and the grip on your waist is rough , the contrast to how sweet he was just a few minutes earlier had you clench around him furiously.
“fuck-“ he breathes when you nod to the best of your abilities, eyes wide open and holding his gaze.
You only release his fingers from in between your lips in favour for a loud high pitched moan when his other hand finds your clit again, rubbing harsh circles into the bud.
“-gonna cum-huynjin” you dig your nails into his biceps, eyes squeezing shut.
“yea?” he grits through his teeth the fingers that were previously trapped in your mouth now wrapping around your bared throat.
Not squeezing tightly, just resting there as if to show you that you’re his now.
Your thought gets confirmed when he rasps “you’re gonna date me after this, right pretty girl?”
You do look so pretty right now, tits bouncing and skin slapping because of the fast rhythm that he’s snapping his hips into yours, not to mention the subtle sheen of sweat that’s coating the both of you.
A desperate breathy chuckle tumbles from your lips “ yes-yes fuck” you feel your second orgasm creeping up on you.
“cum for me princess, all over my cock” he urges you on, his tip hammering into the sweet spot inside of you repeatedly before you crash into your second high of the night.
Your body convulses in pleasure as you call out his name mixed with profanities, your toes curling so hard you’re not sure if you can ever uncurl them again, and your nails probably leaving painful indents in his skin.
His thumb on your clit slows down until you grab his hand for him to stop, his hand around your neck grabs your free one, holding both of your hands over your head now.
“so good, baby” he mumbles, kissing your lips; mostly just breathing into each other as he rocks you through every wave of your orgasm.
Hyunjin looses himself in you not long after with a guttural moan and his eyes squeezing shut.
You coax him through it when he rests his face against your neck again, running your fingertips through his damp hair and over his broad back, muscles tensing under your gentle touch.
i“don’t fall asleep on me” you whisper sneakily, grinning when he chuckles against your neck, tickling the soft skin there.
He props himself up again to scan over your features, pushing some hair out of your face before kissing you tenderly.
“you okay?” his hand resting at your temple as he gently runs his thumb over your hairline.
“more than” you assure him, cupping his cheeks to pull his lips onto yours again.You think you can never get enough of his lips, anything about him for that matter; not when he makes you feel so cared about and safe.
“so does this mean we’re dating now?” he whispers after he has cleaned you up and tucked the both of you in bed.
“hmh” you nod your head sleepily, positioned on his bare chest.
“so I can spoon you once we fall asleep?” he asks, grin evident in his voice.
“you can spoon me but you can’t wake me up in the middle of the night if you get horny” you mumble jokingly, enjoying his fingers running down your spine as your eyelids get heavier.
“okay” he giggles softly, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head before you whisper your good nights to each other.
And as promised, he doesn’t wake you up in the middle of the night because he’s horny.
It’s you who wakes him, because after 10 months of wasted time, you have a lot of catching up to do.
a/n: oml this is my first ever long fic so pls pls pls give me feedback, i had so much fun writing his even though it made me feel even more single but hey :))))
allsooo i waited til after work to publish this and i just saw i hit 500 followers?!?!?! thats crazy to me omg i started this like 2 months ago and so many ppl liked my stuff so much that they decided to follow me?? so i just wanna say thank u thank u thank u for hitting the follow button even though im very unorganized and everything i do is spontaneaous and not thought out well. but hey i guess there is a reason that u followed me so thank u!
(i’d love if u sent me an ask with the first one of my writings that u stumbled across, and how <3 ...only if u want tho no pressure) 
anyways thank u so much for reading if you’ve made it this far! i hope you have a great day/ night! much love
(this is a work of fiction and does not represent the real actions of stray kids or hwang hyunjin)
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
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summary: no one's evil au lmfaooo but make it pt. 2
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
and here's part 1 <3
oh my god okay. okay. so.
ana, claude, athy and jennette - they go on a LOT of vacations
claude complains every single time but anastacius pulls his trump card and sends athy and jettie BOTH after him
u think he's strong enough to say no after that? lmao jokes
and their vacations always go this way:
jennette: isn't this scenery just gorgeous, uncle
claude: indeed it is. and...quiet
jennette: ...too quiet
[cut to anastacius in the distance, fighting a bear as athy cheers him on]
athy + anastacius, hands down the most chaotic pairing yes i will not be taking criticism
they have tea in ana's palace everyday, just the two of them, they're so poised and picture perfect through the entire thing everyone thinks it's just the emperor giving profound advice to his heir
it's actually them deadass scheming,,, ana has no qualms discussing everything from court gossip to military tactics, both of which she's so on top of all the time
if anyone shit talks jennette or claude, this tea party is where their slow and agonizing demise is planned out to the dot
[true story - count sivan once made the fatal mistake of expressing his favour for athy as the next empress, dissing jennette by comparing her to athy sm which inevitably sparked a debate that ranked the princesses. a week after athy's sources informed her of the kindling behind this new debate, the count's sudden divorce became the talk of the town, and the man's business faced bankruptcy all of a sudden. the sivans still haven't recovered.)
athy n jennette were actually allowed to visit kiel in arlanta a few times, except it was too dark at their first arrival, postponing the meeting to the next morning
buttt then jettie can't sleep and she decides on a midnight snack run (their hotel doesn't really have the maids the palace does, but oh well. she's left the palace w lucas n athy plenty of times)
felix tags along btw, he knows this trip is important to the girls since they're leaving the palace without their Overprotective Papas™ for the first time and want some sense of independence, but... she's just so smol n he couldn't bear it if anything happens so he just shadows her
she totally knows he's there
n e ways so there's a juice place right beside their hotel which she aims for, but when jennette reaches it, it's closed
and out of nowhere, a voice addresses her - "hey you, do you come here a lot?" she nearly jumps out of her skin at the brunette, relaxing when she sees he's literally a kid around her age and not a murderer lmfaoo "me neither," he continues without waiting for her, pouting at the closed sign, before he asks for her name and whether she's new in arlanta
she confirms that yes, she's only visiting, and refuses to tell the stranger her name, still feeling strange at being addressed as 'you' for the first time (well, minus lucas, but he was like her brother and had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, so)
he eyes her. "you're so weird. i've never seen a girl out so late before, and alone too. are you stupid?"
(felix has his sword out at this point)
she's flushing now and has no idea why she's still out here, but then this stranger kid apparently senses her mood and tells her the best ice cream store in arlanta is not too far away
(he also explains he knows someone who's starts doing weird things when she's hungry as well, and tries to defend that ice cream is actually a healthy midnight snack, "you can just take a healthy flavour like strawberry or mango, mangos are healthy,,right"💀️💀)
so jettie has travelled all the way from obelia, she loves her papa but he would have a heart attack if he found out she was ever awake this late?? yeah bc she's never getting this chance again, jennette accepts the offer
the stranger boy seems to be taking the whole "i'm not telling you my name," thing like a joke, and asks what he should call her since 'you' was getting boring
she goes with "lady j" and like a knight, the boy becomes "sir c"
(felix is on the verge of committing a crime - the princesses can only have one knight, after all)
they walk as the the boy navigates the streets in the dark, and she asks whether he's from the academy, seeing his uniform
"of course i am! you could probably tell bc i look so smart, right?"
she snorts. "yeah, that."
she also comes to know that this guy,,,well he might as well be a tourist? she's out here asking stuff like "oh where's the statue of lady alphia?" or "aren't we really close to the museum where they keep the first emperor's sword?" and he goes "lady do i look like your brochure?? but if you turn right from here there's a cool arcade and across the street from there is the best street food vendor you'll ever eat from."
well at least mans had his priorities straight 😌
"so can you take this off?" he asks, pointing towards her dress once they've neared the store
um???????? sir tf????????????
anyways jettie has been living with lucas n her dad farr too long to not take this the wrong way?? "...no?"
the boy raises an eyebrow "look, it looks like an expensive cloak but i promise i'll return it, alright? i gotta hide my uniform."
ohhhhhhh. 😳.
so she unfastens the cloak and because he's kinda just staring at it cluelessly (he can't even tie his shoelaces fight me), jennette sighs and moves the clothing over his shoulder, fastening it in place at his neck
he's literally a tomato when she looks back up and realises that yes, we are way too close rn
bc she's ana's daughter, jennette by default cannot function when she's flustered. so she kinda stumbles backwards like a fish out of water (years of princess training n etiquette? where art thou??) and 'sir c' has to grab her forearm so she doesn't bump into the pillar behind her smfh
the shopkeep is definitely suspicious of this pair that's definitely too young to be out so late, but chalks it down to his sleeplessness
they escape the store with the ice cream before the shopkeep can ask any questions, and 'sir c' escorts jennette back to her hotel. he climbs onto the roof of the building, helping her up as well
(felix wishes he had a magic stone to capture this moment, this is the first time he's seen jennette become such fast friends with someone)
she stands on the roof (it hurts her butt so she doesn't wanna sit)
"my sister would be so jealous right now," jennette murmurs, "she told me her ideal first date would be either a picnic or something like a moonlit walk. we're having like a moonlit picnic."
it's silent for a few seconds the boy speaks up, "is this a date?"
"i mean- i didn't- i don't- uh."
give her some time lmfao she's loading
"i don't really mind that," he tells her, and she thinks she might just walk off the roof in her embarrassment - who just says something like that?? "you're probably feeling really lucky right now, right?"
jennette: ✊😔
he does look pretty in the moonlight, she admits to herself, listening as he excitedly tells her about his siblings at home and how she should send an offering to the gods since they gave her the good fortune to be on a date with the most good looking one of all four of them
in turn, she tells him about how she spent her childhood away from her amazing dad and had gotten closer to him recently, about her sharp-witted uncle, her sister and friends
(the 'friends' section includes felix and he's melting)
she smiles - it's almost as if, at finding out he treasures his family just as much as she does, they've gotten a bit closer
and he tries to listen. jennette had guessed that his temperament was somewhat like her dad's - her dad didn't know how to listen, always making his opinion known before anything else, though she supposes as emperor he could do that
'sir c', on the other hand, tried his best, his blue eyes focused on her as he almost burst from the unsaid words he was holding back, trying to let her finish. the sight was an odd mix of sad and insanely adorable that she couldn't help but let him tell her about everything he couldn't hold in
sensing she could pass out from her exhaustion nearly half an hour later, and 'sir c' escorts her to her window and helps her sneak in bc "what sort of knight would i be otherwise?!"
(felix can't stop shaking the entire night)
the next morning, jennette's heart is pounding as kiel shows her, athy and felix across campus - the chance is low, but still...
"ezekiel!" comes a voice, and the four watch as a turquoise haired boy waves down the alpheus heir "are these the guests you mentioned?"
kiel introduces the trio to johannes vastia before asking, "where's cabel?"
"at the training grounds, he asked if you could bring everyone there so he could show them around there."
"... they're my guests though?"
athy is quick to befriend johannes (i mean she and his sister are practically the same person, so) and at the grounds, jennette's blood runs cold
(so does felix's)
the brunette doesn't notice her at first, arguing with johannes about something as kiel introduces him as cabel ernst
jennette is hyperventilating?? actually back up is this girl even breathing??
cabel ernst from kiel's letters? the 'loud and obnoxious cabel ernst', who gradually turned into 'my acquaintance cabel ernst', then 'hardworking, passionate cabel ernst', and finally 'my friend cabel'?
she'd actually rather admired this slow build of respect between her friend and the ernst boy, and had even expressed her interest to meet him
"this is the first daughter of his highness prince claude de alger obelia, princess athanasia-" cabel mock salutes the princess before his mouth forms an 'o' and he remembers to bow, "-and here's the emperor's only daughter, her highness princess je-"
andddd his eyes widen comically "-hey, lady, it's you?"
yeah jettie is on the brink of literal death - her entire face reddens as this...cabel, grins at her
she watches as he glances behind her, "and you're the guy who was following us - sup?"
felix flinches "...you knew...?"
cabel shrugs. "i mean you do kinda suck ass at the whole subtle thing."
"don't say it like that," jennette retorts, "felix was trying his best."
"princess 😭😭 you knew as well?"
"uhhhh no?"
athy + kiel in a corner: 👁️👄👁️
they watch as cabel's eyes widen all of a sudden and he just,,,runs away
yeah well anyway he comes rushing back a few minutes later, a piece of cloth in his hand "...*huff* here *huff*...you go."
athy totally flips out "jennette is that your CLOAK???!??"
"uhhhhh no?"
"um do you realise uncle would literally wage war at this."
and as if it would make everything better,
"i washed it," cabel offers with a grin
"you didn't," the vastia heir deadpans
"i mean, johan helped a little bit."
kiel smiles murderously at the pair. "johan, did you know cabel took the princess out?"
"wait, you're a PRINCESS??"
your honour they aren't very smart
so the group orders some coffee (milk for cabel smfh) to find out what happened, cabel mentions "date" and everything goes to shit again lmfao
kiel and felix scheme against poor cabel while athy n johan get over that stage pretty quick ("listen. MY sister will be living with ME after the marriage and if your friend wants to be with her he'll have to come with us to obelia." and johan's just like "fine by me ✌️😊") and start planning the wedding
cabel + jennette dip n sneak out of the academy again to get the juice they couldn't the night before bc shit is getting awkward here
on another note, our uncle cius' musical intelligence is actually very high - he can probably play more instruments than i can name tbh, but he feels most comfortable singing and i shit you not, this man has straight up an angel's voice
(didn't like singing in front of others coz he was secretly a nerd and only knew old love songs with deep lyrics, athy found out and educated him)
jennette tends to have nightmares often, most often regarding their family - she's seen her father murder her uncle for the throne, and vice versa, athy admitting her affections towards jennette were a front to get the position of crown princess, her uncle killing her to solidify athy's claim, etc - her family is her everything, so despite however many times these horrible scenes play before her, she's left sobbing uncontrollably
and on these nights, she leaves for her father's room, who holds her close and sings her to sleep
also lucas n jennette are like sibling duo# 1,,, jettie is an active lucathy shipper even though he denies it sm - like their dynamic is just peaceful walks in the gardens as she watches the plants n lucas shi talks the nobility and kiel
claude and athy have a thing for each other's sleeping on each other? idk it's weird
athy once fell asleep on the couch while reading with him, and claude moved her head onto his lap so she wouldn't be uncomfy sitting - well, she woke up to his hand absentmindedly raking through her hair and it was just so soothing that whenever she's tired and he's working or reading, she just plops her head on his lap and zzzz
and claude wondered what was up with that, so she proposed they switch roles and he felt so awkward trying to lay down in front of her lmao
obviously athy noticed and she just started reading, thinking he might be more comfortable if her attention isn't on him completely - she ended up reading out loud while playing with his collar and he just,,,passed out
also anastacius has definitely pulled jennette aside regarding the issue of his heir at some point - she had been hesitant at first before admitting she wouldn't like to be the empress at all
i know we'd all love to see empress!jettie and her sister duchess!athy ruling the court, but i really really really can't see her wanting the title?
so thus start athy's empress lessons, but holy shit her teacher is mean
like this man makes me want to bash his face in?? so he doesn't like the idea of athy becoming empress over jennette at all, all bc of both hers and claude's mothers being commoners
he has one of those long ass sticks that you use in presentation to point at stuff?? idk but basically mans has athy name every region, its lords and their vassals during their first lesson
the first time she gets one wrong, she's too shocked as the stick meets the delicate skin of her forearm to react
now the thing is, wmmap!athy would probably stand up against this bc her dad is the emperor and she's his only heir, but i imagine with anastacius' social nature he holds many parties / balls where she's probably heard claude's mom + diana slander and it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to be self conscious abt it (now she's the emperor's heir while jennette, 100% royal + noble blood, is right there which probably makes her feel even less legitimate)
so she endures it, the light marks on her arms as well as the taunts of his she's too smart to not understand - perhaps this is the price to be accepted in jennette's place?
and honestly, no one really notices until at breakfast a few weeks in, where jennette mentions how her dresses are still so modest when sleeveless dresses were more in fashion - ana is suspicious because athy is always on top of these things, societal trends and such, and claude is sus from the way she hesitates slightly in her answer, "i haven't had the time lately, i suppose"
the lesson after focuses on ettiquete since everyone knows she's good at politics and such already, but now tears of frustration are pooling in her eyes because what the hell?? this guy had made an opinion of her long before he even met her, so anything she did would be wrong in his eyes
he gives her a sinister smile, "tired, princess?"
"no," she insists, keeping her voice level. he's about to spout some other nonsense, when anastacius enters the room, taking a seat across from her
anastacius watches quietly as athy answers the teacher's questions in her "public" voice. he watches as her usually cheery disposition is replaced by something far more...dead, despite the front she puts on for him. he's soundless as she hesitates in her answers where she normally would've been louder, more confident. he stops watching in silence when his niece flinches at the sight of the stick
he interrupts her lesson, not missing the way she winces almost imperceptibly when he grabs ahold of her arm, announcing, "we're going."
he just- it's just that that was the moment he knew for sure - the sight of his niece emotionally disheveled for the first time reminds him too much of how his own brother had once been, and he'd... he'd promised he wouldn't let anyone hurt his family anymore
he ends up taking her to the port with some of his advisors to welcome some royal guests, insisting that she would learn better from experience rather than books - but the guest delegation gets so boring that he sneaks her out of the meeting n they end up in the streets
now athy has no idea where they are, but apparently her uncle does?? ana has his hand on her head as he navigates the streets of the capitol as if he comes here everyday, using magic to casually disguise the two of them
in the meantime?
felix is at the port trying to cover for them smfh, he makes up this huge story about how the great wise emperor wanted to familiarize his heir with the locals, understand her subjects, yada yada
back at the palace prince claude is currently dragging a man by his collar and only upon jennette's insistence does he throw him in prison rather than literally kill him
(jettie visits him later in prison to give the guy a piece of her mind, after felix's visit he's sporting a few noticable bruises and the prisoner is practically unrecognizable once lucas visits)
back to athy + ana, they end up stuffing themselves with some super good street food as anastacius confesses that yes, he has definitely been sneaking out of the palace ever since he was a lil kid
athy almost mentions that she, lucas n jettie sneak out too but that might give him a heart attack, so
"it's so pretty, uncle cius," she says, gesturing towards the necklace he holds up. once he's paid for it, anastacius fists the necklace, opening it to reveal the jewel pendant - now imbued with his magic and replaced with gold lettering of the word athanasia
and she realises that yes, that's what both him and her dad have called her all her life, haven't they?
"you're my heir, athanasia," he uncle tells her with a small smile, "i am proud of that."
getting teary, she tells him, "i'm really proud of you too, uncle cius," triggering a very flustered + blushy anastacius
this mans craves validation - not from the sycophantic nobility, or the obsequious concubines he'd dismissed all those years ago, but from the family he thought he'd neither have nor deserve
and just the acknowledgement is so large for athy - he wants her as his heir, not because she's his niece, but bc he trusts her to look after his hard work after him??? - yeah she's totally bawling her eyes out
anastacius magics her a handkerchief but my mans magic isn't that strong?? lmao he's used up so much by now that the 'handkerchief' turns out to be some scratchy tissues
awkward amirite
nope! athy laughs at that, offering him a sip of her drink as she magics another straw and a proper handkerchief lmfaoo
n e ways so when they return, everyone's shocked to learn that the crown heir, princess athanasia will actually be joining the official circles as anastacius' temporary aid - he doesn't wanna entrust her to anyone but family, and decides that the best way to learn is by his side
(she's so confused bc lucas doesn't normally bat an eyelash when she wears the prettiest gowns, but he deadass can't look her in the eyes when she's in her aid uniform - it's more like a suit than it is a dress)
yes lucas women in suits >>>>>
everyone is STUNNED when at dinner, claude proposes they leave on vacation??
anastacius is just not having it?? like no, this is not my brother, and he throws a grape at claude to check if it's a clone or sum (¿¿how does that work??)
anyays so he ain't no felix, ana's aim is ass and it hits jettie instead
mans nearly gets on his knees to apologise
long story short everyone preps for vacation, but by some aCCiDeNt claude n athy end up at a different destination than jettie n ana, when she suggests returning to the palace to regroup, mans deadass sulks
"so you wouldn't like to spend this time with your father, despite barely visiting my office for weeks?"
so at their return, the nobility starts pestering everyone that the princesses aren't independent enough, yada yada idc so to quell this annoyance, to the girls' joy, they get to move into emerald palace together, while claude and ana stay in the ruby and main palaces respectively
literally emerald palace becomes such a cool place to be in since it's the residence of the only decent people in this family, the brothers spend hours going through the requests of maids who want to be transferred
it's such a busy time because of athy joining the court and jettie starting her studies as well - naturally, since she isn't becoming empress, she'll be getting the duchy claude + athy were to be given in the beginning
speaking of futures, jettie's interest in plants and cooking has definitely branched out into herbs
claude notices her tending to a small garden during his visit to athy and even gives her a few tips (he had been studying medical since he was a kid, and picked it up again when athy was born and the empire stablised somewhat)
this soon becomes a routinely thing, and he actually starts reading up on some herbs and even orders a few for her prospering garden
after a month of her learning from books, claude proposes adding a medic as one of her teachers, and turns out his hunch was right?? she's excelling at medicine and they keep it between themselves for the time being
it doesn't last long though, bc they're on a hunting trip when ana injures his leg
and !! this girl istg, she gets to cleaning and wrapping the wound without blinking an eye, as if it's the most natural thing ever, and claude is just smirking while athy and anastacius and literally everyone else: 🌟💞✨jettie✨💞🌟
literal tears coming out of anastacius' eyes "how come my daughter is smarter than me😭💅"
claude: that's not a very high standard, brother
anastacius: ✨suddenly i'm an only child✨
behold, the people in charge of running an empire everyone 👏👏👏
even though jennette is claude's (unofficial) student and athy is her uncle's heir, they both ask their dads to the debutante
yes athy does dance with lucas, anastacius sent him an invitation even though he wasn't a noble (he's an active match maker 😌) and nobody dared question the emperor's special guest
at the end of the night, kiel gives jettie a letter from arlanta - it's an invitation to the academy during holidays, from a certain brunette
when she brings up the subject, felix lets out a squeak and literally everyone goes silent 😭😭
athy n kiel are just out here DARING him to spill them beans
but anastacius takes on look at his excited lil kid and decides that yups, she's going to get everything she wants
a/n: i literally don't know how many parts this should have lmaoo but y'all made it this far!! thanks for reading i hope you liked it<3
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hwanuels · 6 years ago
n.jm: where were you?
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summary: y/n does not know what the fuck is going on half of the time. 
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
warning: a lot of cursing, drug usage reference, crackheadness, maybe a lot of grammer error. this is my first bullet-scenario au so yeah. also! this a collab with the lovely @huangsren in out nct dreamies alternate universe teehee. she has a lovely, fluffy renjun one up so go read it!
part two!
you okay let’s get this collab with @huangsren 
so at NCT High if you don't know Na Jaemin who the hell are you? like everyone knows this kid from lunch ladies to the freaking janitors 
its not a surprise since the dude is literally dead drop gorgeous and has a shit ton of social skills. like the boy deadass can swindle his way out of detention (which he did) with just a wink 
typical fboi but instead of it being a huge turn-off, girls still throw themselves on him even when he WARNS them beforehand that he isn't looking for a serious thing
still, they get attached and heartbroken when he tells them “this isn’t working out” 
his friends (aka art-hoe!renjun and student-athlete!jeno) always rolls their eyes when jaemin rolls up into the lunchroom with his arms wrapped around a new girl’s shoulder
“bet she’s not going to last two weeks”- renjun slapping down a 10$ 
“knowing him, this isn’t going to last more than a week”- jeno said but still sliding over a 10$ bill 
AND SUPRISE it doesn’t 
both renjun and jeno don’t approve of his philandering, but they stick w jaemin cause he’s still their best bud cause bros before hoes ya know what i mean?
this is especially true with jeno cause they’ve been bffl since they were like five but that doesn’t mean that jaemin is anything like jeno. 
nah man they both are the complete opposite of each other
like jeno is a quiet reserved student-athlete boi but jaemin out here acting like a little thotty 
nomin is like a package deal, no one can separate them
here where out little y/n comes in
surprisingly you’re childhood friends w nomin 
both u and jeno are neighbors and your families have been friends since before you were even conceived 
your moms’ have weekly tea times where they’d gossip about everything and anything while your dads would be watching the weekly soccer/football games drinking a cold one 
you and jeno would be playing with some legos or barbies 
jeno had a minor (major) barbie obsession which was probably induced by you
don’t tell anyone but jeno still binge-watches barbie movies;;;his favorite really be the princess charm school one 
like i said nomin is a package deal so expect jaemin to be taging along to yours and jeno’s weekly playdate
imagine you being the princess while jaemin pretended to be the prince and jeno was the dragon,,,yeah man it was so lit 
this isn’t a jeno fic btw keep in mind its still jaemin 
all of that stuff before was when the three of you were like kids
once highschool came around all three of you found ur niches: jeno was the student-athlete, jaemin was well that guy that was wanted by all the girls
and you were just a regular mundane student ya know,,,you weren’t extremely talented nor smart you just floated around 
u still hung around jeno tho but your friendship was really lowkey 
like both of y'all would wait until the other one was completely alone or do some ridiculous actions to deliver the simplest messages 
jeno would look both ways before slipping you a note in class that said “can your mom drive me home today?” and you would make sure no one was looking before nodding secretly 
or the two of you would hide behind bushes to say that y'all parents wanted to have dinner together tonight 
tbh yall could just text each other but where’s the fUN in that? 
jaemin, on the other hand, was someone you haven’t a solid conversation with since sophomore year bc of an incident 
basically, you had helped one of your friends into a relationship with jaemin that lasted for about two months,,, which was considerably a long time considering that it was jaemin.the two of them were a fat power couple 
ur friend, let’s call her ella, was probably one of the more popular girls at school. she was well-known for being the prettiest, kindest girl that everyone LOVES
anyways, things didn’t end so well bc he stood her up at hoco even though he was gonna be crowned homecoming king and her queen. 
no one knows why jaemin just ditched but he did. 
didn’t stick well with your friend tho cause she stopped talking to you as well not really giving you an explanation
and this led to everyone in your friend group to kinda put all the blame onto you 
this is also when jaemin picked up his heartbreaker reputation and began living up to that title
at first ur were hella mad and sad, but you got over it cause being outcasted and kicked out of that friend group led you to befriend the local stoner boi!haechan
honestly, you got over it but after ignoring and avoiding jaemin for a whole year it just stuck. 
yall never talked again 
u were so done w school at this point, you had suffered and labored through junior year,,, SAT and ACT were the biggest bitches you ever faced in your lifetime and this is coming from someone who was friends with the resident shithead lee haechan 
so it’s lunchtime and you’re listening to haechan’s wild story about some shenanigan that he and his weed dealer/ older college friend mark had gotten up to the past weekend 
“so like we were just hitting a blunt this weekend in mark’s car and this cop pulls up next to us.mark rolls down the window and all of the smoke just hits the cops in the face” 
“you're a fucking idiot, haechan” 
“listen bitch, i’m not done” 
“so the cop is doing the regular illegal drugs bullshit and asked mark a question. understand at this point that mark is high as fuck so i kid you not the crackhead says quack. nothing else just quack. honestly, i still don’t know how we got out of that but we did and lee haechan is still in school.” 
you want to slap your friend with a big smh at this point 
but it so ridiculous and so haechan that you can’t say anything else 
and you don’t have too! bc someone taps ur shoulder pulling you out of your convo and boom it’s ella 
“hey, y/n” she starts out sweetly and you could feel haechan’s bitch face directed towards the girl, who seemed to just ignore the boy 
“what’s up, ella?” you were hella fucking slightly irritated and highkey suspicious bc like this was the first time that she talked to you in like two years
“this out of the blue, but you know how prom is coming up soon? we need extra hands on the planning community,” ella explained with a bright smile  “we need another person to work on making the centerpieces for each table, but we only have one person on that” 
“okay, so what does this have to do with her?” haechan’s bitchy tone soaked in each word 
ella’s smile faltered slightly at his words, but it was so subtle that only people with keen eyes could notice
“i hope that i’m not imposing anything on to you.” ella trying to reassure  “but Mr. Moon told me that you still need some community service hours for our graduation requirement so I just assumed that this would be a good opportunity for you.” 
oh shit 
you completely forgot about that and you still needed like another 10 hours to complete
“i wouldn’t ask you this but my workload is completely swamped” ella added “it would be a big help if you can help. haechan, you can help too!” 
haechan let out a loud gag that seemed to baffle her 
“oh hell no, i already got my community service hours done like freshmen year.” 
you gave haechan the most incredulous face you could make cause like this druggie who gets high every other week and vapes in the bathroom really finished his community service hours before you????how?? 
“don’t look at me like that.” haechan kicked you underneath the table “it was before i learned how to roll a blunt” 
“drugs aren’t good for you, haechan,” ella chided 
haechan made a mocking face,,you know the one he does like that one,,”not all of us can be little miss goodie-two-shoes like you” 
oKAy time to do some damage control before your shithead friend gets himself into more shit 
“i’ll do it. just text me the details.” 
“thank you so much y/n!” ella said before bouncing off 
“i hate her” haechan stated
“you hate everyone” 
CUE aFTerschool when you follow ella’s text to go to the art building where everyone was gathered 
the minute you walked in you realized that you should have just said no and done some other community service activity cause jaemin was present standing in the corner and other people who you once called your close friends that turned out to be fat snakes
now you gotta deal with them again (aww shit here we go again) 
ella is motioning you to come into the classroom which you obliged cause you figured that you possibly could survive w ur rbf on as you made your way to the other unoccupied corner
there was some whispering in the background but you ignored it cUASE like hyuk always says: “you just gotta get high and block out all the haters” 
well, he was right about the second half, not so much the first. 
“alright everyone! thank you so much for volunteering to help set up for our senior prom! we only have about three weeks so we have to get all of the decorations done as soon as possible!” ella said in a chirpy tone
a lot of people looked motived by the girl’s bubby short speech on how everyone needs to put in 100% of their effort. you zoned that out as you caught the sleeping figure at the teacher's desk 
“goddamn you mr.moon forcing me to be here” you grumbled in your head almost missing your assigned duty, 
“y/n!” your head snapped in the direction that your name was called 
you saw ella standing with jaemin and the sirens go off in your head 
you let out a loud sigh before trotting over to the two 
ella gave you a piece of paper that had the centerpieces’ picture on them along with a long list of decorations “all you guys have to do is make about 300. all the directions are on the sheet and the supplies are in the other room. it’s really simple, just have it done by next friday.” 
you nearly popped a blood vessel 
300 by next friday? today was wednesday so that meant you only had ten days to finish all 300 of them
so you and jaemin are walking to the classroom next door to get the supplies y’all needed,,, in your head, you were just cursing everything in existence for putting you into this position especially mr. moon 
“so how did she rope you into this?” you heard jaemin say from beside you as you both carried boxes out to the parking lot. 
you two came to the good conclusion to split the load so that he would do half and you would do half 
150 it’s not that bad 
15 a day
hell yeah
it was so strange and foreign talking to him since it’s been about two whole years.  
he had a nice voice tho ngl maybe that’s why he got out of that detention that one time 
“she somehow found out that i still needed to complete my community service hours before graduation” you murmured, praying that haechan remembered you telling him to wait for you after school 
he probably ditched you to get high or hang out with one girl he liked
all jaemin said was “oh” and the rest of the walk to the school’s parking lot was quiet 
the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife and the knife would break
“hey can i ask you a question?” jaemin asked when the two of you were about to go your separate ways 
you could see mark’s old beat-down car meaning that haechan, in fact, did ditch you but had the decency to call up mark to pick you up 
“yeah, go ahead” 
“how come you still talk to jeno, but not me?” 
i shit you not this was the quietest and deepest voice that you ever heard jaemin project 
you didn’t know how to reply so you looked down at the large box in your hand, mumbling some incoherent excuse
“can you repeat that?” 
“ i said, we don’t really have any other reasons to be friend's unlike me and jeno” 
“is that all?” jaemin asked, probably catching onto your bullshit
you were probably delusional but you could’ve sworn you heard some sadness in the tone he used
you nodded quickly trying to get to mark’s car hoping to avoid further conversation 
but boy was jaemin stubborn 
“that wasn’t a good explanation,y/n! ” jaemin called out after you. 
this time he sounded more lighthearted than before
you turn around to face jaemin who had a fatass smile on his face 
damn was he good looking smiling like that 
“give me a better reason tomorrow or else i’m taking you on a date!” his dazzling smile nearly blinding you as he made his way to his own car
inside your head little y/n is going whattheactualfuck? 
“what’s with that shook face?” mark ask as you climbed into the passenger seat 
“what the fuck?” you say 
you look at mark “what the ACTUAL fuck?” 
poor mark is like wtf is wrong with her,,,did haechan get her on some type of crack? 
that night while you were making the little centerpieces you were still going over what jaemin said 
you looked at the last centerpiece you finish making 
was he flirting with me? or was he serious?
he sounded sad when i said that tho? 
at the same, this was jaemin, a boy who is well-known for having flings left and right. 
he’s probably just flirting
until next day! jaemin pops up next to you as while you get your shit from your locker for your first class 
“did you come up with a good explanation yet? 
his sudden appearance startled you causing you to subconsciously let out a yelp 
“cute” he said, and you forced down the blush that was about to show 
“i thought i told you already?” causing jaemin to shake his head like a cute little puppy 
“i don’t accept it.i want a better one,” he said sounding like a spoiled toddler 
you gave him the “wtf do you mean look” and he was about to reply until you saw haechan walking through the school doors with a pair of sunglasses on which can only mean one thing
that little shit head came to school high again
you pushed passed jaemin and stormed towards haechan pulling him to some vacant hallway to lecture him
leaving jaemin standing there staring at your backs as the two of you left 
jaemin’s smile dropping significantly as he nearly glared over at the two of you leaving, specifically at the back of haechan’s head 
“dude, why do you look like you’re going to murder someone?” jeno asked as jaemin sat next to him at their lab station 
you weren’t in this chemistry class but haechan was,,,and it was his naptime
“how is y/n friends with him?” jaemin stared directly at a sleeping haechan 
jeno follows his line of sight, letting out a sigh once he notices it was haehcan
“she never really told me, but i assume it was because she stopped being friends with ella and that group” jeno said honestly. he raised an eyebrow in question at his bffl “why do you need to know” 
jaemin didn’t answer him, continuing to glaring at the sleeping male 
jeno rolled his eyes at his friend's antics 
but in a serious tone, he warns to his friend, “don’t pull your games with y/n.” 
except jaemin’s head wasn’t registering this warning,,he was solely focused on how lee fucking haechan the biggest stoner of NCT High managed to take a girl’s attention from him, na jaemin....it was simply ridiculous 
maybe he really was an attention seeker bc he made a beeline for your table during lunch instead of his regular one once he saw just how loud you were laughing at haechan’s joke 
“what’s so funny?” jaemin asked sliding into the seat next to you 
now both of you and our boy hyuk is like wtf 
immediately you’re on defense, “what are you doing here?” 
“you never gave me a good explanation!” jaemin pouted, giving you fat puppy eyes 
those aLMost worked 
“uhhhhhh” you try to find a good excuse but jaemin quickly cuts you off 
“it’s okay if you don’t have a good explanation,” jaemin reaches over and steals a fry from haechan’s tray eliciting a hissing sound from the boy “you just have to go on a date with me” 
then he winks 
and he's gone
“what in the holy fuck just happened?” 
the amount of time that y/n has said wtf is unbelievable 
haechan’s sunglasses slip down the bridge of nose and you could see his red eyes giving you a look of disappointment, “and you say i have issues” 
“stfu before i slit your throat” 
the rest of the day wasn’t any easier on you tbh. you learned that jaemin was really really stubborn and very very clingy 
the boy deadass scanned the whole hallway to find your face so he could tag along with you to your next class even though you could have sworn that his class was one the other side of the school 
he kept on bombarding you with questions on what you wanted to get after school and if you like roller skating 
by some means, you were able to hide in the library for the rest of the study hall period which meant that you could probably avoid jaemin until school ended 
you spotted a familiar boy huddled in the corner reading a book that made you squint your eyes. 
marching over to jeno, your eyes just say “explain” 
jeno looked at you with like those wide eyes he does when he’s shookth bc the two of you never interacting in school so puBlicly
“what the hell is na jaemin trying to pull?” you whispered-yelled plopping down in the wooden seat next to the athlete 
jeno is all like????wydm 
and you explain your whole situation to him and he just lets out the biggest sigh 
“he doesn’t like being left on read” 
“what do you mean?” 
“i mean, that’s what you basically did to him sophomore year. he was kinda depresso about how you just stopped talking to him out of nowhere. by the way, why did you do that?” 
tbh you really didn’t know at first you were mad at him
was it bc his actions caused all your friends to blame you for his inability to commit to a relationship,,, but it’s been two years since that incident
you got over it, so why were you still avoiding jaemin? 
“i dunno after him and ella broke up, i didn’t have a reason to talk to him.” 
jeno looked at you like “really? is that your answer?” 
“think about that question again because i’m sure that that's, not the whole answer.” 
now you’re more confused but also very mad about how both of them weren’t accepting your reason as valid! 
so as you were furiously making the stupid centerpieces that ella forced you into volunteering to do
angry y/n really got through a solid 50 of them 
you pondered on jeno’s words and you thought back to sophomore year 
you remembered still joking around lightheartedly w jaemin until he started dating ella 
he actually spent a lot of time and effort even ditching jeno sometimes for her which was okay cause jeno would chill w renjun or even you (mostly bc he could watch barbie movies w no shame) 
everything was alright until homecoming came around and jaemin flaked on ella leading them to breakup the next day 
and ella to stop talking to you which made everyone mad you or think that you were the one that caused the breakup 
you were the one that hooked the two of them up too! so it was really unfair! 
it's like 2 am and you don’t know what came over to text jeno but you did 
y/n: why didn’t jaemin go to hoco sophomore year? 
you felt instant regret after sending that text bc like it probably made it seem like you were interested in jaemin,,,, which you were totally not!
seconds later jeno slaps you with the ”ask him yourself”  
fattest facepalm 
so that’s how you spent the entire night finishing all of your centerpieces that you were assigned to make cuz of your frustration
wow we love a productive y/n 
alrighty this is where shit goes down 
now that you were done with all of your centerpieces you took them to the art room the next day before school where ella was there doing her stoof 
she looked up with a giant smile when you came in with a giant box 
“you finished all of it?” 
“nah just 150. jaemins finishing the other half” you set the box down 
“oh okie,” ella nodded returning to whatever she was doing beforehand 
since it was just the two of you in the classroom and you’ve been dying to know the answer since sophomore year 
so fuck it 
“hey ella, can i ask you a question?” 
the said girl looked up with that same friendly smile that she gave everyone “of course!” 
“why didn’t jaemin show up to hoco sophomore year?” you blurted out 
in an instant, ella’s smile dropped and there was a sudden cold look in her eyes 
“you already know the answer to that, y/n, you don’t need me to answer you. now if you excuse me, i have things i have to do” ella said in a very unlike-ella-way 
her answer made you even more confused than ever bc how were you supposed to know the answer to THAT 
confused!y/n is even more confused 
however, all your questions were about to be answered, not really tho 
you’re on your way to the third period with the same burning question in your head: why the hell did jaemin not show up to sophomore year hoco??? someone help?  
tbh you didn’t even notice someone yanking you into the janitor’s closet until you were surrounded in darkness and someone's hands were clasp over your mouth 
“it’s me, jaemin” his soft whisper sent tings down your spine 
he let go of your mouth to switch on the light 
“are you fucking insane?” 
“yes, but it’s only cause i’m madly in love with you” 
you rolled your eyes “cut the bullshit, jaemin, what do you want?” 
“our date. you never gave me a solid explanation, so i want a date” 
you were about to reject him but then an idea formed in your head 
and with that one-word jaemin’s eyes glowed 10x brighter with his smile almost blinding you 
cheesy i know. 
“let’s go now!” 
the boy was really about to skip class just to go on this stupid date w you 
is he that bored? did he really run out of girls to date? 
but then again you really don’t want to go to math bc you’re pretty sure there's a test today that you haven’t studied for yet 
so that’s how you found yourself with jaemin at the local ice cream parlor 
jaemin INSISTED that y'all share a sundae, which he also fought you to pay for 
there a silence that falls upon you for a little bit 
jaemin breaks it though like he breaks heart (okay minnie that’s kinda mean) 
“ella told me that you finished your half of the centerpieces in two days. that’s pretty impressive,” he comments 
you nodded staring at the ice cream drowned in chocolate syrup 
“to be honest, i haven’t gotten much done yet,” he admitted, continuing to ramble on “it’ll get done. i might even pay renjun to do it, but i’m pretty sure he’s too preoccupied with this girl that he’s been pining over for a while” 
“speaking of which, are you seeing anyone right now?” jaemin asks out of nowhere. 
“lol i could be doing other things with my time.” 
jaemin observes your face closely taking in the faint blush on your cheeks from his direct gaze, “so what about that haechan dude?” 
“what about him?” 
“are the two of you a thing?” 
you nearly gagged 
“there no way in hell i’d ever get with haechan. besides, he’s having some of his own girl problems right now. he was being a little bitch about it too” 
“good” jaemin says really contently. 
“why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year?” you finally asked
taken back slightly, jaemin softly smiles down at the half-eaten sundae
instead of answering you, he asked another question “why did you stop talking to me?” 
you gulp, but eventually, you had to tell him the truth even though it was kinda dumb and immature
“because ella was mad at me after the two of you broke up.” 
he shifted his gaze up to your own eyes 
“do you know why she was mad at you?” 
you shook your head
jaemin smiled again 
this time it kinda looked sad :( 
“because she knew that i was in love with you”  
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thtdamfangirl4 · 4 years ago
1.) Who eats all the snacks?
kind of all of them but something inside me is saying it’s octavius? @harps-for-days can you confirm or deny?
2.) Most likely to break something?
obviously Reginald
3.) Most likely to steal something?
4.) Most likable character to others?
ooooh. that’s tough. I think (no offense) it’s definitely not Reginald or Dorian. Reginald is insane and Dorian can be scary. I think people kind of wish they were Octavius but he can also be a lil intimidating and jealousy plays a part so some petty bitches probably hate him. I think Jasper can be kind of quiet and standoffish at first so he doesn’t always leave a lasting impression until you have a full conversation with him, which is when people realize he’s great. I think people generally like Archie but he can be like A LOT, so I wouldn’t say him, but he is definitely well-liked, and unless you’re a PTA bitch named Jessica, he is desperate for you to like him. But for most likeable, I’s say it is probably down to Eustace or Nathaniel. Eustace is kind and lovely and a little snarky when you get to know him and Nathaniel is so sweet and sarcastic and funny but terribly genuine at the same time and let’s be perfectly honest: he’s a himbo. I’d give the edge to Nathaniel, but it’s possible that I’m biased.
5.) Least likable character to others?
my first instinct here was reginald but like... I don’t think so. I think though Reginald is strange as fuck, we’ve discussed that people eat that shit up. Reginald is like human Gritty. I want to guess that it would be Dorian because he just does not give a fuck what anyone thinks. And I know the people on the HOA hate him, so. And that’s not to say people don’t love Dorian, he’s the best and I love him and so do lots. But I feel like he causes the most beef. My only other thought is the way basic blonde bitches who were bullies in high school probably hate Octavius (but secretly want to be his best friend) because he wears heels and skirt better than they do. Stay mad about it.
6.) Most talkative character?
Archibald. Quincy. Pemberton.
7.). Least talkative character?
dude they’re based on us and literally none of us ever shut up. Maybe Dorian? Eustace?
8.) Most likely to set something on fire?
how is this even a question. Rabbit Boi himself, Reginald Worthington.
9.) Who would/does own the most pets?
I think it’s Nate and Archie? They have four dogs at one point. Though I would not be surprised to find out that Reginald has an entire condominium simply filled with exotic birds that squawk furiously at him every time he shows up. 
10.) Most manipulative character?
oh god. Dorian? He technically manipulated everything and made the bois show up in 2020 to get out of marrying someone, and he’s the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants (read: he will do whatever it takes for Octavius or any of the bois or to spite bigots and the patriarchy) and we RESPECT it
11.) Most artistically talented?
i mean, archie can decorate baked goods and cakes so beautifully, but I’m gonna give this one to the obvious choice: Octavius Sinclair
12.) Which characters hate rain, and which love it?
I actually think all of them like rain? They’re largely (sometimes) depressed gays or otherwise very immature so like? For example, Reginald loves the rain because it’s sort of chaotic and also he likes to splash in puddles. Jasper likes the excuse to stay inside all day and work on writing or something. Eustace likes to pretend he’s in a sad music video while watching the droplets go down the window. Octavius likes to force Dorian to reenact the first proposal scene from Pride and Prejudice. Dorian likes to light candles and he loves thunderstorms (so does Octavius btw). Archie likes to drag Nate outside for kisses in the rain while playing Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift, and then bake all day. Nathaniel likes being dragged out for kisses in the rain and he loves drinking coffee and then switching to tea in the rain and reading on a window bench. They are all rain bitches, sorry not sorry.
13.) Which character is the hoarder?
Reginald is definitely the worst about this, but I also think Octavius cannot go to an antique store or estate sale without buying at least four things, and Dorian does the same thing with any sort of vintage weaponry or armor, so their household isn’t great about it either.
14.) Sweetest couple?
Natchie. No this isn’t bias, it’s just a fact okay? They are the sweetest!!!!
15.) Who loves reading the most?
Nathaniel. fuckin nerd.
16.) Who has the worst sweet tooth?
Archie. I mean, the man is a baker and he’s also me. So.
17.) Best and worst kissers?
LMAOOOOO okay.... so here’s the thing. I think kissing and level of skill comes into play to a certain degree, but past a basic level of acceptability, it’s mostly about compatibility? but I’ll give this a go in terms of what I think would be pure skill
from worst to best: Jasper, Reginald, Eustace, Octavius, Nathaniel, Archie, Dorian (once you get to Octavius, you’re at a fairly elite level of kisser though so the differences are marginal. but Dorian and Archie are the biggest hoes so they know what the fuck they are doing)
18.) Best and worst cooks?
from worst to best: Dorian, Reginald, Jasper, Nathaniel, Eustace, Octavius, Archie
19.) Who is afraid of the dark?
20.) Most likely to fall asleep on their job?
I honestly only remember what Nathaniel, Archie, and Eustace’s jobs are for sure? and it’s none of them. But Reginald. MAYBE Jasper.
21.) Most commonly found drunk?
Octavius and Archie (often together)
22.) Strongest/most powerful character?
well, Dorian’s got some witchy stuff goin on which I love, but if we’re talking physical strength I like to think that Nathaniel is secretly jacked like Chidi on the Good Place lmao
23.) Most likely to be found in a coffee shop?
Nathaniel. This bitch drinks so much coffee, I swear. Plus he likes to grade papers there sometimes.
24.) Most clumsy character?
25.) Most trustworthy character?
again, this is hard. I think it’s either Eustace or Archie. I think they’re all very trustworthy on like a friend level, but if you break it down to its base and you think about the most trustworthy in every situation, i’m thinking, who can you tell a secret to? Reginald might forget what you told him, which is a plus, but he also might tell any Doug who asks your juiciest gossip. Dorian and Octavius are not above blackmail and they LOVE gossip. Jasper is such a bad secret keeper, you immediately know he’s hiding something. It’s like Nick Miller on New Girl. Don’t do it. Nathaniel will try but his brain is always spinning at like 100 miles an hour so there’s a good chance he’ll tell people even if he didn’t really mean to. And then it comes down to Eustace and Archie, and I think I’m gonna give the edge to Archie. Cause Eustace won’t tell anyone your secret EXCEPT that  he will tell Tyler because he tells Tyler everything, and if it’s a good secret, Tyler can’t help himself, he’s such a gossip. But Archie knows that sometimes, he does not need to pass on the secret that was entrusted to him to Nathaniel, because this is the kind of secret that would probably hurt someone if Nathaniel accidentally told someone. He tells Nathaniel everything he needs to know, and if he doesn’t need to know and it’s not really their business, he knows to keep it to himself. So... Archie.
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chuckbass-love · 5 years ago
Why Him? | Ransom Drysdale | Part 10
 A/N : A little earlier than promised but hope you enjoy
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than my Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3. However, reblogs are welcome.
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Claudia’s POV
“I think you have some gossip to share” the familiar voice calls out. I look up “LUCY” we hug instantly, “Sit down. Strap yourself in girl” she giggles as she takes a seat on the chair in front of my desk. “Okay so the sex is a story for another time but anyways he rented out this Italian restaurant just for me and him” her smile is forming, close to bursting with excitement. 
“Then a couple days after that, i met his family. I know it might seem a bit rushed but it just happened and i ended up having a big blowout with his uncle. Trust me when i tell you he’s a prick. Then we went back to his after and he asked me to be his girlfriend” and with that, she loses her self-control. Squealing away. 
“So before we get into any of that, how is it?” knowing exactly what she means, i reply “On fucking point. Everything from the oral to the size of his. You know” we have to be careful what we talk about in the office. Ashley is pretty laid back but if he heard this conversation, we’d be in trouble. 
“So... He’s a good fuck, a pretty boy and he’s romantic?” she asks, making a mental note in her head of all of his good points. “I see no cons in this man” i chuckle “well his family. Excluding his parents and grandad. His family are obnoxious and rude. His uncle asked me if he was paying me to be with him” she hangs her mouth open in shock. “I know. It’s disgusting. He apologised the next day though, which isn’t the point” she just shakes her head as i tell her all the details of that night. 
Our gossip session is soon interrupted as Ashley knocks my door. Lucy stands up instantly, heading out to her desk. “So how did you find it?” he asks, i furrow my brows in confusion before realising what he meant. “Oh, Fashion Week? It was the best experience of my life. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity” he smiles, sitting on the edge of my desk. “It’s all part of the promotion. It was well deserved” i thank him again and he exits. I can’t help but feel like he wanted to ask me something but i brush it off and go about my day. Wishing for home time to roll around so i can kick these heels off. Eventually it does.
I leave the office and stroll onto the streets. My phone buzzes ‘I’m in the carpark doll’ i reply quickly ‘on my way’. 
I reach the carpark and see him leant against the beamer. Grinning at me. “Hi, how’re you? and how was work?” he kisses my forehead, helping me into the passenger side. “It was good, got to catch up with Lucy which was long overdue” he smiles as he turns the key in the ignition. “I’m glad you had a good day. Listen, what are the plans for tonight?” he begins to drive to my place. I want nothing more than to spend the night with him again but i need some alone time.
My ex Jordan never allowed it, he claimed i was selfish for wanting it. So i’m naturally nervous to say this to Ransom. “Um, if it’s okay i was thinking i’ll just have some alone time, not that i’m tired of you i just-” he interrupts “Baby, that’s fine. You don’t have to explain yourself. I don’t expect you to be with me every second of everyday” he explains, moving his hand to its rightful spot. On my thigh.
Finally home, i kick my heels off and head to the refrigerator to grab a snack and some much needed wine. I pour myself a glass and head up to the bathroom. A bubble bath is also essential. This is my idea of heaven, this and being with Ransom in bed. I try to stop my mind wondering, going over all the things he did to me the other night. I can’t stop it. I feel this hunger in my stomach and i’m not hungry for food.
I brush it off and get into the bath.
It’s not healthy to live in each other’s pockets. It’s been a whirlwind romance from the get go. Each interaction made me want him more. But we all need alone time. I’m so glad he understood. If this were Jordan, there’d have been a row. I roll my eyes at the painful memories and sip my wine.
I step out of the bath, wrapping a towel round my body. I hear my phone ring in the distance, as i come closer i see it’s a FaceTime call from my mother. “Hi mom” i greet as i rest my phone down so i can change. “Hi love” i’ve not spoken to my parents in a couple weeks, not properly anyways. We text but rarely get the time to call. 
“So how was Fashion Week? i wanna hear all about it” i shove on a New England Patriots jersey and fall onto my bed. “It was incredible mo,, being over there is like a whole other lifestyle. It was definitely a challenge but it was worthwhile” she beams at me. That proud mother look radiating off of her. 
“Did you attend some of the parties?” she asks, a hint of worry in her voice “I did but not like that. I only had one drink and the only time i get drunk is with the gang every other Saturday” she nods “I know i know, i just worry. You know me” i give her a reassuring look. 
“I feel like we’ve not seen each other in so long. Did you want to do lunch tomorrow when i’m on my lunch break?” her face lights up at the idea. She lives 30 miles away. “I’d love to, bring Lucy too. It’ll be a fun girly catch-up” she loves Lucy, they are practically the same person. “I’ll text but i’ve gotta go now. See you tomorrow”.
We hang and i text Lucy ‘BTW my mother is joining our lunch date tomorrow. She doesn’t about Ransom yet. I’ll tell her tomorrow but only the PG version’ send. ‘Omg i’ve missed Michelle so much. Ah i see, keep the R rated activities hush hush from mother dearest. Say no more’ i laugh at her response and then i head to the kitchen to get myself more snacks. I swear i don’t know how i haven’t gained weight from all this food i’ve consumed. I’m stuffing my face 24/7. If James were here right now he’d tell me to replace it with Ransom’s dick. His brain is pure filth all day every day.
I head into my office, setting my bag down on the floor and taking my coat off. I start shuffling through my paper work load for the day when Lucy barges in. “You got flowers” i look up to see a bouquet of flowers in her hands, my jaw dropping. They are beautiful.
Just some flowers to brighten up your day and office
Hope you love them
Lots of love doll
Ransom x’
“He’s literally the dream boyfriend. He gives you space but still likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you” she’s always been team Ransom. I don’t think that’s ever going to change. I place them on the table in my office, they do brighten the office up. ‘Thank you for flowers. They smell amazing and look even better’ i instantly get a response. ‘Glad you like them. They are beautiful just like you. Can’t wait to see you this weekend. Have the best day doll’ i grin to myself, placing my phone down to crack on with this pile of work. 
Lunch time rolls around very fast. Time does go quickly when you’re occupied. Me and Lucy stroll towards the coffee shop. I spot my mom sat in the window waiting. “Mom” i’ve missed her so much. She pulls me into a tight hug then she moves onto Lucy “Lucy, it’s so nice to see you again” we all sit down once we have our food and drink. Oh and a slice of cake too. 
“So what’s new with you Lucy?” i look over at her and is pot that smug smile. Oh no. She wouldn’t. “Not a dam thing but Claudia has a boyfriend” that bitch. “Thanks for that Luce. Yes i have a boyfriend” my mom starts clapping as she asks to see a photo. I know i only have one of me and Ransom. We took it on the second date in New York. I pull the picture up and hand my phone to her. She looks up and winks at me. She’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom.
“He’s very handsome” i roll my eyes with a smile on my face. “I know, god knows how i managed to get him” we all giggle. I know other girls like him and find him attractive. I see the way they look at him. It gives me an ego boost in a way. Makes me feel very good knowing i’m the one he kisses and i’m the one that get’s his time. I’m a lucky girl.
I start to tell my mom all about Ransom, spilling all of the tea. Except the steamy parts. I can tell her everything, I even told her when i lost my virginity but this isn’t the same. Home boy is rough in the bedroom department. To my mom, sex is something romantic and telling her about me calling Ransom daddy and him fucking me into oblivion isn’t exactly lunch time talk. Nor will it ever even be normal talk with her. 
I look up and across the room, just daydreaming when i see someone i think i know. When i focus properly i realise it’s Jordan. Yes that’s right my ex-boyfriend Jordan. GREAT. I quickly nudge at Lucy and she looks over at him. He’s with a girl, a blonde. They seem like they are on a date. Good luck to the girl. 
We finish up with our food and coffee and walk out of the coffee shop “You’ll have to come over and have dinner at my place with dad next week” i suggest “We’d love that. Maybe we can meet this boyfriend of yours” she’ll pounce on him if she does. We bid my mom goodbye and part ways on the sidewalk once we agree to make plans. 
Time to get back to my stack of paper work. It’s going to be a long week at the office. I can’t shake the thought of Jordan at the coffee shop though. He looked happy which i’m not one to get like this but after all he did to me, happiness is the last thing that man deserves.
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dreamxsims4 · 5 years ago
Newcrest Let’s Play Day El-ev-enn? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Gotta Love Em’ Edition
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Alriiight annnnnd... you guys I built my own Japanese Restaurant! Despite me not having any other expansion pack besides Island Living. Yayyy wontons! You all will see its glory later....and on a tangent, that’s actually what this game was supposed to be about. I was-----soiler...NOT...alert. Y’all will see it. Let’s get into today’s RE-DICK-YOU-LUST. Gameplay. I repeat....
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So before jumping into my game today I downloaded a LOT of mods. I re-downloaded the SOL mod (Slice of Life) which turned my game freaking haywire. I added a mod that takes their shoes off when they're in the house....and a few other mods that you might can find on my unorganized cc blog, @dreamxsims4-cc​.
In the picture above you can see Yvette dealing with a struggle bus in her undies. And another struggle bus in her head. I thought...that taking medicine would help. But it put her in this sick, “dazed” mood. Then later everybody kept saying “ugh, ugh, ugh...” and waving their noses because...----Yvette said don't say all that.
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I didn't even know who this was 😂....turns out it was Cedric dad. I’m all like, yeah sure let’s go to a unknown random party, from this unknown irrelevant ass sim but....it was Mr. Hood hosting a gathering for the family.....I LOVE THIS MOD. Literally most of the adult family members came along. I was highly impressed.
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The moodlets and the text messages were killing me. At one point Ced’s mom texted him that he was avoiding her, I guess because she wasn't invited. Then directly after, his dad texts him, are you gossiping about me? Gameplay just went up ten levels. 
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The game was literally so hectic and chaotic and non-chill that when Yvette said she was fine, I let go a sigh of relief. 
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Annnnnd here goes the ridiculous part. I have ALWAYS heard about the wild activities that goes on in families, as far as flirting, sexual activity, etc...betweeeennnnn family memberssssssss......
I never saw it though. And this counts as my first time. Y’ALL IS COUSINS. Y’ALL IS NASTY. 
Sister vs. Brother-in-law level of nasty. I didn't do this btw....this was all them smh 🤷🏾‍♀️ #ridiculous.
If I had the violent mod thing, somebody ass would've got beat...because who does that? I mean, that’s Cedric’s step-aunt/father and Yvette’s aunt/stepdad....Yvette would've laid the blessed hands y’all...I could feel the tension, but... sips tea.
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My poor struggle bus family. Look at Ced’s eyes! 👀....Yvette’s makeup is good enough to cover hers but all three of them needed some rest.
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Annnnnd so do I, Day El-ev-enn? 🤷🏾‍♀️ will continue as a part two you guys! 
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thatonenegus · 5 years ago
Voice Care Remedies I’ve Learned that WORK! (Part 1)
What it is, what it do, what it does?!
Do you use your voice to make a living?
If you’re a singer...
Or a teacher...
Or a speaker...
Or a preacher...
Or a customer service associate...
Or ANY other professional that uses your voice frequently...
I remember it like it was yesterday...
I caught laryngitis for the first and LAST time.
As a middle school/high school CHORUS teacher, no less.
Imagine your job being to teach (HEAVY voice use)...
AND sing (HEAVY voice use)...
... for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. I had to practice PREVENTATIVE maintenance (so I don’t lose my voice daily).
(I’ll be explaining my preventative maintenance practices in this article.)
But ONE day... I overdid it.
I sang WAY more than my voice could handle that day.
PLUS, I was already slightly sick...
(and I admittedly did some things that night which weren’t good for my voice)
The next day, my voice went on strike.
I was voiceless.
My throat was so swollen that breathing was ALL I could manage to do!
So I had to do CORRECTIVE maintenance.
(I’ll be sharing a corrective maintenance remedy or two later.)
So... how do I take care of my voice?
And HOW did I beat laryngitis in mere hours?
Here’s what I learned! Hopefully it’ll help you as well.
Preventative Maintenance #1:
The BEST thing you can do to keep from ENTIRELY losing your voice, is...
Your VOICE is a NOT the sound that comes out of your mouth!
Again... your voice is NOT the sound!
It’s the SYSTEM OF MUSCLES that make the sound!
It’s common knowledge that regular fitness/exercise is one of the BEST methods of preventing injuries...
Well, your since your VOICE is a muscular system...
The BEST thing you can do with those muscles, is TRAIN them like any others!
A TRAINED voice is less likely to be entirely lost than a WEAK voice.
Vocaleses also have a way of clearing up any mucus that’s built up in your throat.
So how do you “train” your voice?
Simple vocaleses (vocal exercises), every day.
You don’t have to exercise for long.
I’d actually rather you keep it short, that way you make it a habit.
You’ll gain more from 15 minutes per day than you will from 2 hours, once per week.
... but even 5 minutes every morning will make your voice more clear, more resonant, and less prone to injury.
As with any exercise, you’ll want to consult a professional/coach at the beginning so you have proper form and don’t hurt yourself when you exercise...
BUT, if you want a free option, phone a friend... literally.
(a classically trained singer friend)
Introverted or just not a people person? Use Google or Youtube.
I personally offer vocal coaching at a reasonable rate.
Preventative Maintenance #2:
Take your multi-vitamins, and LOAD UP on Vitamin C!
Your voice is organic.
Consider your whole body as a part of your voice.
That means, your whole body needs to be as healthy as possible!
If you get sick... your VOICE will show it!
So stay healthy.
Preventative Maintenance 3:
HOT Tea!
Not like gossip tea. The original kind.
3 in particular stay in my rotation. With each, I recommend adding lemon juice (or raw lemon slices) and honey:
1) Throat Coat Tea (from Traditional Medicinals)
- The one I’ve used the longest... it tastes great, and with honey? Makes your voice feel AMAZING. It’s like Epsom Salt for the throat.
2) Licorice Root Tea
- One of the reasons throat coat tea is so effective is because it contains licorice root, which is said to numb the throat.
- While straight licorice root tea is nowhere near as soothing as throat coat, it DOES make the pain go away when my throat is sore from some good vocaleses and singing.
3) Peppermint Tea
- Peppermint Tea is said to cut and prevent mucus build-up. I personally feel like my nasal passages open just from the smell.
- This is good for the folks who have allergies and a stuffy nose/clogged throat 367 days of the year.
... It’s me. I’m the folks.
Preventative Maintenance 4:
Preemptive medicine.
During cold/flu season, I take Dayquil Cold/Flu Severe on a weekly basis if I’m feeling healthy.
If... and that’s IF... I start feeling symptoms... I’ll start taking it (and Nyquil) more frequently.
The time to start taking meds is NOT when you’re already so congested your head feels like a cinder block.
DO NOT wait until you’re sick to take medicine OR micronutrients!
By then the damage is done.
You ain’t gotta GET healthy if you STAY healthy.
Welp... that’s it for now! Feel free to ASK if you have any questions, OR ADD suggestions of your own! LOVE, COMMENT, and SHARE if you got anything outta this! Next time I write will be about CORRECTIVE maintenance of a lost voice (a.k.a. how I BEAT laryngitis).
Btw... this is my opinion, based on what worked for me. There’s NO guarantee that what worked for me will work for you. Try at your own risk, your results may vary... if you have any.
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musicallisto · 3 years ago
babe i opened read more on your post expecting like a typical list with idk basketball and stuff but oh my god you’re so cool you put everyone to shame myself included
LIKE i scrolled through it and all i could think of was like holy shit okay that’s a cool sport okay i don’t know that one oh wait omg you’ve done this one damn okay slay
ISTG YOU’RE A REAL LIFE GIRLBOSS PROTAGONIST??? femme fatale typa beat or the muscle character that’s also the brains you’re literally the entire package
honestly if you don’t hate me rn you definitely would if we were put into any athletic team LMAOOO cos when i was in 4th grade there was this sports fest shit in our school so we all had to pick at least one sport to participate in
… i went with volleyball and while we were training i didn’t know we were supposed to use our forearms so when the ball got passed to me i used my fucking thumbs 😭
unsafe to say that my thumbs swelled up so badly for like a week haha stupid bitch core i believe !!! even tried volleyball training and i had a crush on this guy who was one year older than me and his dad was the coach and he was super nice to me it was stupid bro was like “you never know maybe i’ll see u on tv playing volleyball”
LIKE BRO I’M ON LIFE SUPPORT WHENEVER I DO ANYTHING ATHLETIC WYM BUT THANKS dude tried to hmu through an old friend of mine who he’s friends with but anw i got tea about that friend of mine she never rlly went to class but always posts pics of her and her bf together IDNXJEIW was harder cos we were groupmates about this research we had and she never contributed anw i asked another friend if the guy was nice but nope he isn’t so i got a bit mean…,,,,’cnc ..,
ANYWAY ANYWAY TELL ME MORE ABOUT UR BALLET ERA PLEASE although yea i’d feel the same abt the entire thing too :(( but you having the name clara while also knowing ballet is so !!! butterflies omfg cos of the nutcracker and everything srsly i feel like giving you a nutcracker for christmas would be so cute has anyone ever done that yet???? because they should
my god i’m sorry for this long message that turned into me spilling some tea i get distracted and i also got excited YOU GET IT JOWLQLAjsisoIWOA why am i not allowed to put readmore on a post this is absurd
ajzcbjsqbu Ves i love getting your asks so much they're always such a wILD RIDE I love it <333 with the right dose of gossip too <3
but lmfaoo I'm not as cool as you make me out to be I promise! I'm mostly utter garbage at all these sports anyway so this is really me showing the extent of my incompetence, we would be the athletically inept queens every class deserves <3 just girlies getting injured at volleyball you love to see it <33
and!! I love that crush story omg are you kidding? you always have the best tea to spill about your classmates ajscbsjqb oh to be at your school and know everybody's business... i would be unstoppable bc I'm never involved in any drama but I know everyone's and that makes me redoubtable. and i'd be playing matchmaker with you and all your crushes of course lmao
I'm sorry to disappoint though but I really don't remember anything about my ballet era, rip. I vividly remember the dance studio and the bar where we stretched, I remember training to dance on pointe (my favorite thing!! i felt like so graceful!!) & returning home to show my mom the steps I'd learned, I also remember none of the girls talking to me and the teacher trying to cheer me up but I was entirely socially inept and could not make any friends to save my life, rip. it's making me regret ever quitting, imagine the power I would have rn if I'd been a ballet dancer named Clara....... which btw I had never made the connection with the Nutcracker, and neither has anyone in my family! bc no one offered me a nutcracker for Christmas and you are so right bestie that's an amazing idea!! 💜
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