#i do have to join dinner out tomorrow but I'll deal
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adozentothedawn · 2 years ago
Please send me strength for the next few days, my sister's American host family from last year has been here for an hour and I'm already so uncomfortable I locked myself in the bathroom while my sister is cooking.
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harrietswriting · 2 months ago
Hihi! Im so sorry if this is pushing a boundary or something, but personally, I struggle with an eating disorder. I was wondering if you could write like a Curtis sister imagine where one of them finds out that reader is dealing with an ed and tells the other brothers? Just like a shit ton of angst + comfort. Again, I’m so sorry if this is pushing some sort of boundary. I hope you have a lovely day 🫶🏻
Your Brothers Found Out You Have an ED
Curtis Brothers x gn!sibling!reader
An: I wish everyone out there struggling with an ed the best of luck at recovery. Yall are beautiful and deserve the world. 💕 I hope this is kinda accurate. If it's not and it's weird then please let me know!
Word count: 750
W: discussion of ED, reader with ED, Darry is a bit insensitive at first
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"I'm not really hungry, Darry." You stand in the kitchens entryway and mess with your sleeves as your older brother cooks dinner. "I ate earlier."
"Well, you need to stop doing that. You're always spoiling your dinner. When was the last time you ate with us, y/n?" He looks over at you.
Your cheeks flush and you avoid his eyes. It's been awhile since you've eaten dinner with them. You normally just drink a glass of water and talk about your day as they eat, trying to talk over the grumbling of your stomach. But you lie, "I ate that pasta you made a few nights ago." You had taken a bite of the Alfredo pasta, but you felt awfully guilty and regretted it.
Sodapop had been sitting in the dining room and had over heard your conversation with Darry. He'd noticed your lack of eating and was really worried about you. Maybe Darry couldn't see that something was wrong, but Soda could. He couldn't remember that last time he'd seen you eat a healthy amount of food. He's also noticed your abnormal weight loss and how fatigued you've been lately.
"I'll eat leftovers when I get hungry." You lie.
Darry sighs then goes back to cooking. "Okay, y/n."
"Its fine, but you're eating with us tomorrow."
Damn it. You'd have to ask one of your friends if you could stay over or hang out at their house tomorrow evening to avoid that. But you say: "okay."
You turn around and walk out of the kitchen, heading towards your room. You try not to panic about potentially having to eat dinner tomorrow while you walk.
Soda watches you go towards your room. Hr waits until he hears the door close, then he gets up and heads into the kitchen.
"Hey Darry, we need to talk about y/n." Soda says.
Darry looks up from the pot he's stirring and gives Sodapop a questioning look. "What about 'em?"
Soda hesitates for a moment, then begins. "I don't think they're eating Darry. Like, at all. Or at least, not nearly enough."
Darry's saddened by this idea, and a long, sad, heartbreaking conversation follows. He doesn't want to believe Soda at first.
Ponyboy finally finished his homework and joined his brothers in the kitchen. His heart dropped when he heard what Soda thought.
"You really think... why would y/n do that?" He asks quietly.
Soda shrugs. "I don’t know. So, what do we do now? Do we have an intervention kind of thing?"
"Y/n is eating dinner with us." Darry states, then calls your name.
"Darry, I don’t know if rushing them into eating is the best idea." Soda counters.
You come out of your room and make your way to the kitchen where all three of your brothers are. "Yeah?"
"You're eating dinner with us." Darry crosses his arms. Soda looks at you sympatheticly and Ponyboy looks worried. They can't know, right?
"I ate earlier though." You say quietly, trying to mask your panic. Soda frowns.
"What'd you eat?" Darry asks.
You pause. "I.. I made eggs."
"Don't be a liar."
"I'm not-"
"Both of you stop." Soda interrupts, "Y/n, you're not eating, and we're worried about you. That's not good for you. I'm no genius, but I'm pretty sure eating a healthy amount of food is super important."
You stare at them, unsure of what to say. They know, so you can't deny it, but you don't want to admit it either.
Darry speaks, "This ends now, this not eating thing."
"It's not that easy." You mutter.
"It's a disorder, Darry." Pony chimes in. He glances at you then looks at the ground.
This sucks. You're feel helpless. You feel cornered. You can't get yourself out of this. Its embarrassing having them know, and its worring. Yeah, you need help, but sometimes you dont want it. You hug your arms around yourself as you look at the ground and tears blur your vision.
Darry sighs, walks over, and hugs you. "It's okay, y/n. You're not in trouble. We just want to help you." Soda joins in the hug, "Yeah, y/n." Then Ponyboy joins in too. You can't help but smile a little with your brothers hugging you. You know they love and care about you, and in this hug, you feel safe.
The group hug eventually breaks up. You sniffle and wipe your eyes. Soda looks at you tenderly. "How can we help you?"
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an: argh! I hope this is sweet and lives up to your expectations. I didn't want to have the reader give specifics on how the brothers can help them in the fic, because everyone is different and needs different things.
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bronz3y · 5 months ago
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Anxious Love - Georgia Stanway
Hi everyone!, welcome to a new story I’ve been thinking about for the last few weeks, This is going to be a multi part story, so it’s gonna be quite long :)
If you guys have any questions of suggestions for the story, please feel free to pop a message in my inbox x
this character (Alex) ,ive written is very similar to my experiences of dealing with diagnosed anxiety, which has changed my life, not everyones experience is the same x
word count: 3k
warnings: mentions of anxiety
Chapter 1 
“Can I have a caramel frappe please?” the Starbucks cashier nods at Alexandra, leaving after taking Ellas order as well.
Alexandra and Ella have been best friends since they were 5 years old, Ella was the more outgoing one of the two, she enjoyed going outside and getting all muddy playing football. It was, and still is Ella's passion. Alexandra on the other hand was the more relaxed of the two, she enjoyed playing her guitar, drawing, and watching football, she wasn't very sporty at a young age, which has now changed, but she preferred watching football more than actually playing it.  Ever since Ella joined her youth team, Alex had been watching football religiously, always making sure to be there and support her best friend, and also by never missing a single match of her favourite team, Arsenal WFC.
 Alex and Ella had always planned on going to the same university together, Alex secured her spot at the university of Manchester by getting the grades she needed to study sports psychology, and Ella got her ticket in by earning her scholarship to play for Manchester university.
The two girls sat down at the star bucks, sipping on their cold drinks, even though it was december.
“God im so done with that one girl in my class, she has to make a comment about every point the lecturer mentions, like just shush man” Ella groans, shaking her head
“How does she even have the balls to speak in front of like a hundred people, that actually baffles me” Alex laughs.
“Anyways, me and the girls are probably gonna go out tomorrow night, a bunch of them are here in Manchester for a couple of days for some event” Ella tells Alex with a look in her eyes.
“Ella, don't even bother trying, i have an exam in a couple of weeks, if you want me to one day become your sports psych you need to let me study” Alex laughs shaking her head.
“Alex!, it's one bloody night man, you can leave your books behind to shag a girl” Ella wiggles her eyebrows.
Alex's jaw drops and Ella has to put a hand over her mouth to keep her laughter at bay.
“Ella!, oh my god you already know i don't do hookups” Alex huffs as Ella rolls her eyes at her best friend's words.
“Come on you can at least kiss one, just come and have some fun, you can make some friends besides me” Ella laughs
“Excuse me, i do have other friends” Alex huffs
“Lex, you and I both know that's a fat lie” Ella says after taking a sip of her drink.Alex looks down at her hands, knowing that her best friend's words are true.
“Hey, don't worry, if you come this weekend, you'll make some for sure, you just gotta put in a bit of effort, which is actually coming,” Ella says smiling sadly.
Alex looks down at her empty cup, nodding at Ellas words.
“Fine, I'll come, for once you're actually right about something Toone” Alex laughs
Ella rolls her eyes, “Whatever man, come on, let's go home and get warm, I'm freezing after this bloody drink” Ella shivers.
The two girls walk out of the starbucks together, laughing about some meme Ella saw on her phone. Once they got back to their shared apartment they began doing some chores around the house, Alex cleaning the living room and Ella preparing the dinner since it was her turn that night.
A couple hours later, Alex was relaxing on the couch after completing all her chores for the day and Ella was finishing up their dinner, which was some pesto pasta, made from scratch since Alessia had taught Ella a few months ago.
As Ella was pouring the pasta in two plates, the sound of her phone ringing echoed through the house.
“hello?..Georgia hi!”
Georgia Stanway, Alex has heard about her a few times, Ella and Georgia had met a couple years ago in one of the England youth camps, the same place where she met Alessia, who she knows well, Georgia on the other hand, she hasn't met yet.
Ella always mentioned that she was funny and very talented in football, Alex had only seen Georgia in some instagram posts Ella made while in football camp or when she would go out with her football friends, Georgia went to another uni about half an hour from Manchester most weekends they would meet up, sometimes Ella would get a train with Alessia to them, or they would get the train to Manchester, which is what was happening this weekend. Ella had also told her that Georgia went to uni with a couple other football girls Ella had mentioned to her, Leah and Lotte.
“Oh yeah, i know a good bar we can go to…no, G we are not getting a maccies, we are all gonna go to a nice restaurant before we go to the bar” Ella laughs into her phone, rested between her shoulder and her ear as she brings the two plates of pesto pasta to the table.
“Mhm, oh and by the way, i actually convinced Alex to come, she's not too thrilled though” Ella laughs as Alex shoots her a death stare.
“Alright G im gonna have dinner now but ill message all the details on the group alright?, okay, bye!” Ella hangs up and puts her phone down, replacing it with a fork.
“This pesto better be good, it took me 2 bloody hours man”
Friday came around quickly,  Alex was in the apartment finishing off some notes since she had the afternoon off, but her peaceful silence was interrupted by Ella barging through the front door.
“Alex!, its time to find you a cute outfit for tonight” Ella sang as she entered Alex’s room, rummaging through her wardrobe.
“Ella!, its still 5:30 in the afternoon” Alex groaned
“We need time to get you all glammed up, now, what are we feelin’, a polo with jeans?, this one's very nice” Ella pulls out a navy blue Ralph Lauren polo with some white pants to match the white logo.
“Yeah alright, thats nice” Alex nods her head, ella smiles and puts the outfit on her bed
“Ok, hair, do you want me to iron it?” Ella suggests
It takes them both a couple hours to get ready, after a few arguments over Ella almost burning Alex’s ear with the straightener, they are about to leave their apartment. After parking Ellas car, they start to walk to the Italian restaurant Ella had booked.
Alex felt quite nervous about meeting more of Ellas football friends since she didn't play herself, her anxiety had risen a bit on the way to the restaurant, but she reminded herself that Ella was with her and that she already knew Alessia. Alex exhales as they approach the door.
As the two girls walk in they scan the restaurant and see the rest of the girls sat down, Alessia sees them and waves. 
“Hey girls, nice outfits” Alessia gets up and gives them both a warm hug, Ella then sits down next to Alessia.
Alex then looks for a seat and sees the only one free is next to Georgia.
“Mind if I sit here?” Alex says, Georgia looks up at her and smiles.
“Of course, there's nowhere else after all,” Georgia laughs.
“You're so stupid” Alex thinks to herself as she sits down next to georgia.
Lotte, Leah and Georgia introduce themselves to Alex, they all seem lovely girls, just how Ella had described them.
“So Alex, what are you studying?” Leah asks as the waiter brings their drinks.
“I'm studying sports psychology” Alex replies shyly
“Oh nice, are you enjoying it?” Georgia looks at Alex, Alex smiles at her
“Oh yeah, i've always been interested in it, and plus, i can make sure El has no more screws loose” Alex jokes.
“Oi!, all my screws are tight thank you very much” Ella huffs, rolling her eyes at leah commenting on how that's a lie.
As the rest of the girls are talking to each other, Alex and Georgia are eating their meals in a slightly awkward silence.
“What about you? What are you studying?” Alex asks to continue the conversation.
“Oh um, nothing special, just accounting, i wanna focus on football as much as i can so i didn't want to study something hard” Georgia says shrugging.
“That makes sense, you must be pretty good if you're planning to make it pro” Alex smiles at her.
“I guess so, thankfully i have football, i've never been a smart person” Georgia laughs.
As the dinner went on Georgia and Alex got to know each other, from life plans to favourite animals, and before they knew it, they were going to head out to the club Ella had mentioned. The girls paid the bill and soon enough they exited the restaurant into the cold night, the club was only a five minute walk from the restaurant, so they got to the entrance pretty fast.
As the girls entered the club, Alex was already overwhelmed, she hated being squished to sweaty men, the smell of cigarettes and weed, she hated all of it.
As the girls found a booth they all sat down, Ella announces that she’ll get the first round of shots. Alex rests her head on the table on her arms, trying hard to control the anxiety she feels, the familiar fatigue in her stomach increasing. “No” Alex thinks, “i need this, i need friends”
she balls her hands into a fist, she sits up and takes a breath, none of the girls notice, except Georgia, Alex can feel her looking at her from the corner of her eye.
“Alright, everyone take one” Ella announces as she comes back with a tray of shots, Alex grabs one and quickly downs it before she can overthink it.
Half an hour later, the girls had gone to dance, Alex insisted she was not a dancer and would much rather stay at the booth, as she does, she sees georgia dancing with the rest of the girls, her freckles and beauty spots being hit perfectly by the dramatic lights of the club, her pearly white teeth had been showing ever since she entered the crowd and started dancing to the rhythm of the overplayed songs.
Alex hadn't dated anyone before, her shy personality in highschool made everyone think she was weird, thankfully, she'd slowly grown out of it as she grew up, acting more like herself.
Alex had always known she fancied girls, she had never really had a crush on any boys, one time when Ella and Alex were 12, Ella had asked her if she had a crush on anyone, Alex replied with the first boy that came to her mind, but she never liked any of them, she just wanted to fit in, like Ella did, she did one time ask a girl out at 15, but she rejected her and made fun of her for liking girls, from then on the rumours started and everyone knew her as “the lesbian”, from then forward is when the anxiety started.
Alex snapped out of her trance when she noticed that Georgia was looking back at her, Alex quickly looked down, but then looked back up again, to see Georgia's eyes still on her.
Alex suddenly felt a presence behind her, or more so smelt,.
“Hey beautiful” a deep raspy voice mumbled behind her, Alex could smell the alcohol on the man's breath without fully turning around, Alex then felt hands on her waist, she froze, tensing as the man continued talking to her.
“Oi fuck off will ya?” Alex saw someone shove the guy off her, Alex could feel her chest tightening, making it harder to breathe, Georgia then appeared in front of her.
“Alex?, ya alright?” Georgia said quietly.
“I ca..i cant breathe” Alex manages to speak.
“Shall I take you outside?” Georgia suggests, Alex nodded at her words.
Georgia puts her arm around Alex’s shoulder, guiding her to the club's exit, as they leave the club, Georgia finds a bench and sits Alex down.
“Alex, breathe in and out, slowly” Georgia crouches in front of Alex, showing her how to do it. Alex nods and does as she says.
“Good, you're ok, you're safe” Georgia whispers, Alex nods, a couple tears running down her cheeks.
“Oh god” Alex breathes out when she can speak
“You alright?” Georgia says, sitting down next to Alex, a worried look on her face.
Alex nods at her words, resting her head back onto the bench.
“What that guy did is fucking horrible, touching you like that without asking” georgia says angrily.
“My anxiety got so bad, sorry you had to see that” Alex looks down
“Hey, there's nothing to apologise for, I'm glad I got there when I did” Georgia smiles, putting a hand on Alex’s shoulder.
“Thank you for that, i shouldn't need someone to do that, i should be able to tell the person to fuck off myself” Alex says, playing with her ring.
“No Alex, it's not your fault, not everyone is like that, some people go into shock, like you, and some people punch or shove them away, like me” Georgia says softly, Alex nods at her words.
“I dont think im gonna go back in there” Alex shakes her head.
“I can take you home if you want” Georgia suggests Alex
Alex shakes her head, “Georgia, there's no need, seriously i-”
“Alex, I don't mind, I promise, and plus your house is like 20 minutes walking from here right?” Alex nods at Georgia's question.
“Alright, Ella told me that the place me and the girls are staying in is close to your accommodation anyways” Georgia smiles.
They both get up from the bench and begin to walk towards Alex and Ellas place. As they did so, there was a comfortable silence between the two girls, apart from the sound of cars driving by them and the occasional group of teens passing by. but Georgia's voice interrupted the silence.
“Hey, sorry if this is too much to ask but, I saw that when we first sat down, you looked really stressed out, were ya alright?” Georgia fidgeted with her coat zipper as she asked.
“No,no it's alright, I saw that you noticed, it's just i'm not a big fan of these things, going out to clubs and getting really drunk” Alex shrugged.
“It gives me a lot of anxiety, but i don't have any friends besides Ella, sure i had like 2 more back home, but i've been to uni for a couple months and i only have el, i need to make more friends” Alex looked down ashamed. 
“Hey, you've already made one” Georgia smiles at Alex, gently bumping into her, Alex smiles back at her, but it quickly fades.
“I just feel like shit,I don't want Ella to feel like she only needs to hang with me, she has you guys, and a couple other friends she's met here” Alex explains.
“I understand, i'm always here if you need anyone to hang out, if you want to of course i know i can be much sometimes” Georgia rants, Alex shakes her head.
“I'd really like that, don't feel forced to, i know you already have your own friends” Alex says
“There's nothing wrong with making more” Georgia says shyly
After a couple more minutes of walking and their hands grazing every once in a while, Alex and Georgia arrived at Alex’s and Ella’s home.
“This is me” Alex says, stopping at her apartment building door, Georgia stands in front of Alex.
“Thank you, for tonight, you didn't have to see me like that, im s-”
“Alex.” Georgia says sternly, “i wanted to, i know you needed someone with you”
“Thank you” Alex says softly, smiling at Georgia.
“Any time” Georgia smiles back, before Alex could walk away, Georgia spoke up.
“Hey, would you maybe want to go get a coffee tomorrow afternoon?” Georgia asks shyly
“I'm not too busy tomorrow, but if I finish my studying, I'd like to,” Alex smiles at georgia.
“Great!, erm what time works best for ya?” Georgia cringes internally at her excitement.
“any time after 5, is 5:30 ok?” Alex suggests.
“Mhm, perfect, i'm not really doing anything tomorrow, just training in the morning” Georgia laughed.
“Stanway and her football” Alex shakes her head, Georgia giggles at her words.
“Well if it wasn't for football i wouldn't be here, gotta keep it up eh?” Georgia rambled, Alex nodded with a “that's true” expression.
“Well, I should head in, it's getting late” Alex says softly.
“Yeah same, gotta get some sleep before training” Georgia mumbles.
“Goodnight, stanway, thank you for tonight” Alex mentions it again, she wants to make sure Georgia knows she's not taking what the girl had done for granted, no one has calmed her down that quick before.
“Of course Alex, i'll help ya as many times as you need while I'm with you” Georgia smiles, her cheeks slightly red due to the cold, or at least that's what Alex thought in her head.Alex then walks closer to Georgia, wrapping her arms around her, it took Georgia a second to hug her back, not expecting it, Georgia hugged her back tightly, after a couple of seconds, they parted, smiling at eachother.
“Goodnight stanway” Alex whispered.
“Goodlight Lex,” Georgia smiled.
As alex walked up to her door to unlock it, she looked back, watching Georgia walk away, she smiled to herself and let herself inside, once she got into her apartment, she prepared herself a tea, it always helped her calm down after an anxious day, once Alex had sat down, sipping on her tea catching up on her series, her phone vibrated.
“Georgia Stanway has followed you”
“You are now following Georgia Stanway”
hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! :) x
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tia-amorosa · 3 months ago
Sunset Died - Erin's Crew
Stressed nerves
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Later. While Diego was taking care of dinner, Peter saw Chloe standing in the kitchen as well. She watched somewhat impassively as the food was prepared. “Everything all right? You seem a bit out of sorts.” She gave him a pained smile. “I'm … I'm trying to process everything we've been through in the last few weeks. And I really admire your courage, you're still so young and you've coped with it all much better than I have"/ ���I was confronted with the subject of death at an early age’.
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“What do you mean by 'early'?”. Peter's expression was calm and not at all sad. “I never knew my father, he died before I was born, I know that from my mother and also from the grave in the cemetery in Korea. When I was 8, my uncle died of pneumonia, two years later my grandfather…”. An oppressive feeling spread through Chloe's chest. “oh man, sorry…”.
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Peter noticed that it was really bothering her emotionally. “Hey, it's all right. In our culture, we deal with the loss of loved ones differently. At least in my family. “/ “I see… I grew up with my aunt because my mother had mental health problems. I was always afraid that I might turn out like her. That was also one of the many reasons why I joined the military. I needed the distraction”.
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While working on the PC, Erin didn't realize how quickly time was actually passing. It was only when she looked at the little clock on the PC that she realized how late it actually was. “Mmh, finally finished, oh boy. I remember now why I hate writing so much - these chairs are awful. I really need to get some exercise later. I'll do the rest tomorrow”…
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The smell of freshly made dinner drifted into the office. And everyone was pretty hungry. The last meal was in the early hours of the morning. “And I thought you'd grown stuck in your chair"/ ”I had to summarize the reports from the last three months, which takes a while. You're welcome to do it next time, Mr. Swan!” said Erin, her voice resonating with irony.
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“I want to see you again later in the office, Mr. Swan. Your report was a bit sloppy"/ ”sloppy? Aha… Give me a better helicopter, then the reports will be better too…"/ ‘I'm sure that has less to do with it…’/ ‘pff… I don't know what else there is to talk about’. The last sentence made Roman cough a little, as he had his own thoughts on the matter.
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While people were discussing at one table, they were grateful at another. “Thank you for talking to me earlier, Peter. It's good therapy to be able to talk to someone who has experienced the same terrible things out there."/ ‘You could have talked to me earlier’/ ”hn, I didn't know you well enough. And I have to say it again… you were really brave out there"/ ‘hn, thank you’….
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Roman watched Erin during the meal. She was always good at hiding her own emotions behind her serious expression. But He noticed how she kept glancing at Diego. “And how was my report, Colonel? Hopefully better than Diego's"/ ”it was acceptable, but you should urgently change the way you write a factual report. “/ “Hm? What was wrong with it?”.
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“The way you wrote about the victims is sometimes very derogatory and aggressive”. Roman's look became a little gloomy. “It was their own fault that they bit the dust…”. She looked at him seriously for a moment without lifting her head. “Would you find it okay if someone wrote a report about you like that? Without a shred of decency and dignity?"/ ‘No… Certainly not’/ ‘Then try harder next time’.
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“Have you contacted your relatives yet?"/ ”Sure, but they don't care whether I'm well or not. Our relationship has always been shitty,” Roman said in a harsh tone. Erin then looked at him, tilting her head slightly. “Maybe you should think about why that is” / ”Do you want to send me to the psychodoc too? No thanks"/ ”That's entirely up to you. I wish you all a good night then”. Erin got up without another word and walked back towards the office.
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@greenplumbboblover ⭐
poses by @poses-by-bee & @bluehazardxx77xx
NOTE: I don't know who here watched the first episode about the helpers yesterday or not. (except for the heart pushers, thank you).^^ I know I'm now in a different household, in a completely different place, but a dear friend suggested to me that maybe I should change locations for a while because I had reached a point where I needed a change of scene in the story. So the suggestion that maybe we could bring the helpers to the forefront of the story for a bit came just in time. and I want to show Erin's reaction to Jack's email, as well as her further research.
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mysticwolfshadows · 8 months ago
Taken - Zutara - Part 34
First / Previous / Next / Masterpost
They get as far from Gao Ling as they can, as quickly as they can. It's hard, since Toph definitely isn't taking well to flying. They have to stop a few times just so she can have a few minutes out of the saddle.
When they stop for the night, Toph flops to the ground, hugging the dirt, and pulling an Earth tent around herself. Katara frowned, seeing the younger girl not helping set up camp. She would normally refuse to feed such a freeloader, but Toph had a rough day.
"Here," Katara says, moving to sit by the entrance of Toph's tent. "I made you a bowl. But tomorrow, you'll need to help out."
"Help out?" Toph scoffs, even as she took the bowl from Katara. "What, your brother needs help unloading his weird smelling sleeping bag? I pull my own weight."
Katara's eye twitches, but she forces a smile even if Toph can't see it. "If you're going to pull your weight, then we won't have a problem."
Toph didn't stop Katara from walking away. Sokka, trying to convince Zuko to let him take seconds, took one look at his sister's face and fled. Aang made nervous laughter, and got up to 'find Momo', who was definitely in Appa's saddle. It was only Zuko who didn't flee, still at his spot by the cooking pot, using firebending to keep the pot warm without over cooking.
"Food or water?" Zuko asked, even as he ladled out a bowl for her.
"I'll meditate later," Katara grit out, though without as much bite as it would have been, and took her bowl. "I'm starving."
Zuko nodded, only serving himself once Katara had her own food. It was a show of respect, Katara had realized, a few days into their journey. Zuko had seen how she did all the cooking, and then only got what was left after making sure everyone else ate, so he made sure that Katara was never the last to be served.
"It looks like the bison might be shedding," Zuko said, conversationally. "When we have a moment, I think we should wash him. We don't want to leave a trail."
Nodding, Katara felt herself relax, and fell into easy conversation as they ate. She'd deal with Toph in the morning.
Except, she found that Toph was extremely stubborn.
When morning came, everyone set about to do their morning chores. Aang and Sokka would pack up camp now, at least most of it, while Zuko helped Katara with cooking. Toph, despite being asked to help move supplies, ignored every. "Not my stuff, not my problem."
And then, they started dishing out food. Aang and Sokka got their share, Katara got hers, and finally, Zuko got his. They doused the cooking fire, and set about eating.
"Hey!" Toph said. "Where's mine?"
"Your what?" Katara asked, eating.
"My breakfast."
Katara hummed, taking a bite of her food. "Sorry, but... Zuko and Sokka hunted for meat in it last night. Aang gathered the vegetables. And I made the food with Zuko's help. And... you didn't contribute."
Toph was gaping like a fish. "What, so you aren't going to leave any for me?"
"No, Toph. If you don't pull your weight, you don't eat. There's exceptions for when training Aang during meal prep, but... Aang wasn't training this morning. He was clearing camp so we can leave once we're done."
Toph fumed, but rather than cave and try to do something now, she huffed a whatever and plopped down on the ground turned away from them. When Sokka and Aang finished, they washed their dishes, and set to washing the cooking pots. When Zuko and Katara finished, they gave Sokka and Aang their bowls to wash, and started loading the cooking supplies onto Appa.
They climbed on, and Toph joined them, refusing to talk to anyone.
When they got off, Toph was clearly starving, eager to eat, but got a repeat of that morning. Aang unloaded Appa and set up tents, while Zuko and Sokka went hunting and gathering. Katara was busy prepping dinner, rinsing plates and setting up rice, and making sure that no meat touched anything Aang would want to eat.
And Toph did nothing to help. So she got nothing that was a team effort. She could slam dirt walls up as much as she wanted, but Katara wouldn't feed her.
It was much later, when Katara was laying down in her sleeping roll, tucked into one end of her tent, that she heard it. Zuko, walking across their campsite. She heard him plop down onto the ground, around where Toph's dirt tent was.
"What do you want?" Toph's grumpy voice asked.
Katara heard Zuko hum. "Just to talk."
"I don't want a lecture."
"Even it means I give you some food?"
Katara grit her teeth. Zuko knew what she said. How dare he decide to ignore her?
"Katara mentioned you said you would pull your own weight," Zuko started, then quickly said, "Just listen for a second." He took an audible breath and pressed on. "I understand pulling your own weight when you're alone. I'm sure you could. But we're part of a team. We need to help each other, so everyone is ready for what could come next, and so camp can run smoothly. If you're fine with a dirt tent, that's fine, but there's other things to do besides setting up tents. There's cooking, hunting, washing, unloading gear so Appa can rest. There's so much that needs doing, and we all benefit when it gets done."
"Except Queen Prissy won't let me eat. So I'm not benefiting from any of that."
"Did you cook?"
"Did you hunt?"
"Then why should you benefit from our work?"
"Because! I'm part of-" Toph cut herself off.
Zuko, sounding satisfied, replied, "You're part of the team?"
Toph didn't respond, but Zuko must have been finished. Katara heard him stand, and heard something touch the ground. "Here. Thanks for talking with me."
She listened as Zuko returned to his tent, the one next to hers, and then the camp was quiet.
In the morning, as Katara and Zuko are cooking breakfast, Toph uses Earthbending to lift supplies and Sokka, so the boy could toss bags into the saddle. When everyone comes back to eat, Katara makes a bowl for Toph, who scarfs the food down. Katara catches Zuko smiling, and she knows there won't be any more problems.
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Can we happen to see more of that SilentKnight bit with them in the Ever After? I'd love to dive down into that rabbit hole and see how the rest of the cast take the new discovery that is Jaune, Neo, and...whatever the deal is with CC.
PS: Hope your day is going well and I continue to look forward to your works.
I've been better, but I just gotta keep trucking along. Anywho, here's part two.
"So... You and Neo, huh?" Blake said, ending an especially long silence held between the adults. Meanwhile, the children helped their mother with the chores outside, moving from laundry to preparing dinner. "How exactly did that happen?"
"It's kind of a weird story." Jaune said, scratching the back of his head. "First day I dropped in here, I aged about twenty or so years, and the week after, I'm saving a little girl and helping her get back to Remnant."
"A little girl?" Weiss thought for a moment. "You mean Alyx?"
Jaune gave a nod. The Rusted Knight, a hero of many a fairy tale, sat across from the team, with their former mortal enemy leaning onto him, the two looking like an aged married couple. To his credit, though, it was mostly the magic of this world that had done that to him. He took a drink from his tea, giving a satisfied sigh.
"Yup." He glanced past them to a figure in the doorway. "She almost died to because of a certain someone."
"I said I was sorry." The entity said with a purr. "What more could I say?"
"And you banged the Curious Cat." Yang gave a chuckle. "Guess that's out of the bag now, too, isn't it?"
"Har dee har har, Yang." Jaune said, clearly unamused. "Then I ran into Neo down here, and we just... kept fighting each other, every chance we got until..." Neo rubbed a hand over her swollen belly. "We stopped."
"So, what now?" Ruby asked.
"Well, I'm thinking we'll have dinner and then I'll take you up to the tree tomorrow morning after a good night rest."
"And then what?" Ruby asked. "Are you going to leave for Remnant with us, or are you going to stay here with... her." Neo gave a glare back at Ruby.
"I know there's a lot of tension between you two, but we should work together, don't you think?" Jaune asked, unnerved by the building tension.
"Why?" Ruby nearly barked. "Do you know how much pain she's caused us, or were you too busy thinking with your di-"
"DINNER~!" The girls called with glee.
"Well, I think we should all eat." Jaune stood up, turning to help his wife to her feet. He then looked to his guests with a smile on his face. "We'd be delighted for you to join us." His smile fell a little as he looked at Ruby directly. "And we can talk about this later."
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akehoshimystar · 6 months ago
Riku SSR
Part 1
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Kiho: Yes, the matter is settled. We managed to convince them. Riku’s cooperation is truly something else, he really made it easier in every aspect. Ito: That's good… I knew he could do it.
A problem occurred during the special request. It was resolved peacefully, and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
Kiho: Oh, right. I was going to ask you something when there’s a chance. Are you free on July 25th? It’s Riku’s birthday on the 26th, so the whole Negotiation Dept. are having a dinner, would you like to join? Ito: (Not on the day, but the day before. So it's his birthday’s eve?) I think I’m free on that day. Though I'll check the schedule just to be sure. (25th July…………25th July………………)
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Riku: Good work. Ito: Oh, Riku-san. Good work. Kiho: Speak of the devil. Riku: Huh? Kiho: The case was resolved thanks to your help, Riku. Riku: Oh, that one? I’m glad to hear that. Kiho: Now that it's settled, I was asking Ito about her schedule on the 25th. Riku: Oh, I see. I guess it’s hard to refuse when I’m here. Ito: (I think I have a little deadline I have to deal with just before then.) I think it’ll be fine so… Well, I don’t think I’m convincing anyone here. Umm, do I have to hand in the calendar as proof? Riku: Haha. You don't have to go that far. I'd be happy if you could come, but if that costs a change in your plan, I don’t mind if you prioritize it. Kiho: Riku. I think you already know this. What Ito is trying to say is she doesn’t want you to be concerned and be held back by her. It’s rude if you don't take her feeling into account. Riku: Of course I know, and thanks to that I'm on the verge of falling for you. But if we were in different positions, Kiho would have the same reaction as me, no? Kiho: I won’t deny that. Except for the "I'm on the verge of falling for you” part.
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Ito: (They get along well.)
As I was watching the casual exchange between these two, my heart skipped a beat when I suddenly saw Riku-san turn towards me.
Riku: Thank you, Ito. I'm looking forward to 25th July.
Ito: Same here.
From the way he looked directly in my eyes, I could tell that his words were not just a lip-service.
Part 2
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And then, the night before Riku-san's birthday has arrived….
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Riku: Hmm, now this is quite tasteful.
The sound of Shishi-odoshi echoed from the garden. The big set meal lined up in front of us is bright and delicately arranged.
Ito: (.….Wow.) (Since they are the members from Negotiation Dept., I expected it to have a relaxing atmosphere.) (I never thought they'd come to such a high-class restaurant…)
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Kiho: By the way, Ito. Everything okay with your work? Ito: Yes, I managed to get it done.
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Kyoya: That’s a relief, isn’t it, Riku-san? You were really worried whether she pushed herself too hard. Riku: Come on, don’t just blurt out something like that. Ito: Thank you for your concern. I adjusted myself properly so that I could join you with a clear mind. There's no problem. Riku: Does that mean you worked hard for my sake? Ito: Since I did all that to celebrate Riku-san’s birthday, so in a way you’re not wrong… Kyoya: There doesn't seem to be any deep emotion behind it, Riku-san. Riku: I guess so. Anyway, I'm glad you’re free from your concern now. I'd be happy if you could enjoy yourself today Kiho: I chose a private room so don’t hold yourself back. Ito: Yes. Kyoya: By the way, Riku-san. It seems like this store also has some good whiskey. Riku: Oh, nice. Let's have that next once we finish our beer. Ito: (Riku-san must really like whiskey.) Kyoya: Which brand should we go for? Riku: I'll leave that to you, Kyoya. Just pick out the recommended one. Kyoya: Got it. Riku: I kinda want to increase my drinking pace for this occasion, but I guess I have to keep it moderate to avoid hangover tomorrow. Kyoya: I'm pretty sure you have plans tomorrow night. Riku: Yes, a very important matter. Ito: (I see, since tomorrow is Riku-san’s birthday…) (It's not surprising that he has plans to spend time with someone important.) So that’s why the celebration with Negotiation Dept. came a day early. Riku: Yup. Kiho: ………..
Part 3
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Kiho: Even so, Riku is also a serious type. Riku: Where is that coming from? Kiho: Regarding that very important matter of yours. Even though you were asked to go earlier than the original date, there was no need for you to screw your birthday over that, right? Ito: (…………………Huh?) Riku: Well, it seemed like my client needs my presence as soon as possible, even if it’s one day earlier. Ito: (Don’t tell me…..) Kyoya: Oh yeah. Riku-san is a high-demand counselor after all. Ito: (So his important appointment is about work?) Riku: Well, at this age, something like birthday doesn’t really feel special anymore. Even if I have to spend my days working, I don't really mind. Kiho: Funny how when everyone was a kid, they looked forward to it and was excited for days in advance. Kyoya: Does that apply to you too, Kiho-san? Kiho: Who knows? Riku: I can't imagine Kiho being what he is now when he was a child. Ito: (…. I guess they're trying to subtly correct my misunderstanding without mentioning it.)
More than feeling sorry for the mistake, I felt warmed by their smart consideration.
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Kyoya: But, Riku-san. There may be people who don't feel special about it, but those around you think of your birthday as a special day. Riku: Oh? Kiho: That's right. The fact that we all gathered here to celebrate Riku’s birthday is enough proof, isn’t it? Riku: You guys really know your way with words, huh? To the point where I really want to capture this marvelous and leisure moment I spend with friends like this.
With that said, Riku-san took out a professional camera from his bag.
Kyoya: In that case, the main character should be in the picture as well. Ito: Oh, I'll do it! Just press the shutter, right? Riku: What are you talking about? We’re all in this together. Let's ask the waitress.
By the time I nodded in response to Riku-san's suggestion, Kiho-san had already made the request to waitress via extension.
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Soon after, the commemorative shot was taken.
Riku: Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
After taking a camera from the waitress, we all looked into it. Riku-san and his warm smile were surrounded by everyone.
Riku: ……. Kyoya: It turns out nicely, doesn’t it? Kiho: Right. Ito: (It's refreshing to see Riku-san wear this expression.)
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Kyoya: Once again, happy birthday.
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Kiho: Happy birthday, Riku. Ito: Happy birthday.
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Riku: Hey, you’re making me shy here. But, thank you. The feelings I got from everyone today really touched my heart.
Riku-san looked straight at each person and smiled. Even though it’s not actually his birthday, everyone could tell that today is his special day.
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nowoyas · 7 months ago
Koi no Yokan 6: hide behind whatever you can (Nishinoya Yuu x Reader)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
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Summary: As exam week drags on, you spend the time out of practice and largely being bothered by your latest pastime.
Warnings: general series warnings
Word count: ~3000
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Exam week drags on. You wonder a million times over the course of the week whether you made the right decision in joining, whether it's a good idea to even keep talking to Noya. He's nice, whatever his intentions are don't seem malicious, but the problem with having friends who insist on knowing you is that at some point he's going to want to actually know you. And now he has your number, which he's using liberally.
Each morning the week of exams, you get a text: good morning! Please marry me!. Even though he doesn't track you down before school, though it'd be easy, he goes out of his way to say that much to you and leaves you alone unless you reach out to him first.
And you, lonely in the afternoons like you always are, always reach out.
[name] to Noya at 16:15
[name]: I don't think I'm allowed to bully you for the popsicle thing anymore
Noya: oh PLEASE tell
[name]: [image attached. Image description: a bowl of cooked white rice with what appears to be a handful of crushed potato chips piled on top.]
[name]: this is what the 4pm dinner of CHAMPIONS looks like. I should go to culinary school
Noya: oh yeah there's no way I'm letting you bully me for the popsicles ever again
Noya: why are you eating dinner at 4pm???
[name]: bored
Noya: come over then. I own at least one video game
[name]: no I have this luscious spread of food
[name]: I worked so hard to put rice in the rice cooker and then ruin it with spicy potato chips
[name]: how do you know I even care about video games???
Noya: you called volleyball *pvp don't let the ball touch the floor*
Noya: *pvp*
Noya: that's gamer words, [name]-san
[name]: …I can’t believe this
Noya: don't you wanna see Soba and her toe socks? :(
Noya: she's pacing around the house
Noya: she misses you already
[name]: …fine alright I'll come over when I'm done eating my Sad Rice Surprise GOD
[name]: bribing me with a cat.
[name]: unbelievable.
You only come over twice that week, but the rest of the time is interspersed with stupid jokes, cursed dinners you just threw together, and idle chatter just to keep your brain off of how quiet your house is. Once while you're making dinner, he calls, which forces you to make a real dinner instead of doing fucked up shit to a bowl of rice.
The entire time, he asks questions. They're half-prying, you think, little things like what are your hobbies and do you like to cook?
"I don't, really," you admit, stirring a pot absently. "I like all the individual actions, and I like making a meal come together, but I don't like putting in all this effort if I'm the only one eating it. Food only tastes good if someone else gets to eat it, you know?"
"But you get to eat it. And what about your dad?"
Silence stretches between you as you look for a reply. "He usually gets convenience store bentos instead of eating my food. I guess I'm probably not that good at cooking, haha!" That's great. Saying haha out loud is super convincing.
"That can't be right. You sent me a picture of your dinner earlier this week that looked like some real gourmet shit."
"What, the plain white rice topped with hot chips? Or the fried rice that I overseasoned?"
"Yeah!" He pauses. "If you bring me some at school, then someone else gets to eat it, right?"
"…are you just trying to get me to cook for you?"
"Guilty." You can hear him smile over the phone.
Still, it's… not a bad idea. "Fine. Lunch tomorrow after exams?"
"Deal! I'll come pick you up."
You smile, fall back into easy chatter as you add some spices to the pot. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."
As the final final exam closes and you are all dismissed for a short lunch, Yachi scrambles to grab a folder from her bag and approach you. She drops the folder on your desk, closed, her eyes alight with excitement as she speaks.
"I picked these up from the print shop last night!" she says. "Are you free to put them up with me after school? Or tomorrow, maybe?"
"Oh, shoot, the posters? Let me see!"
She grins, opens the folder to show you what she settled on, and shit. They're super fucking professional-looking. They barely look like a high schooler was involved at any stage of the process. The lights of the volleyball gym shine a halo around Hinata's form. He's at the peak of his jump, preparing to spike. The words, The Crows return to the national skies once again and Return of the "Little Giant" frame him, a neat little box at the bottom including information about the request for donations and how to contact Takeda-sensei about donating to cap it off.
"What the hell, Yachi-san?" you breathe. "These are amazing. You made these?"
They're… really amazing.
You swallow down the lump in your throat. What have you done for the club? It's not like you're gonna be able to take credit for helping put them up. You wouldn't, anyway—all that's gonna entail is going around a couple shops and handing them out to willing shopkeepers. Hardly anything like this.
"You know how I said my mom runs a design company?" She rubs the back of her neck. "She's taught me a little here and there. Honestly, my first draft was no good at all, so she helped me think about it a little more, but…"
"But you made them," you finish. "You're amazing."
She goes fully red at that. "Eh? Um, n-no, that's not…"
"Woah," Noya breathes from behind you.
You yelp, jerk away from him. "Dude, you can't just—"
He laughs softly, eyes trained on the poster Yachi's shown you. "These are amazing!"
Yachi shifts nervously, avoiding both your eyes. "Um, thank you both."
"These are for the volleyball club?"
"All Yachi-san's doing. I'm gonna help her put them up… you said after school today, right?"
She nods, wringing her hands together. "Only if you're not busy."
"Not at all. Let's do it."
"Oh! Great!" She glances at Noya. "Um, Nishinoya-san, you came to steal [surname]-chan away, I'm guessing?"
He nods, beaming. "Someone promised me."
You laugh. "Right, right. Yachi-san, we'll talk later?"
She nods, and Noya barely lets you grab your bag before he's dragging you out of the classroom. He speaks brightly as he pulls you along—apparently towards the roof. The rainy season isn't quite over yet, but it's close enough and sunny out, so you'll let him have this. "Those posters Yachi-san made really do look professional. We're gonna look so cool with those!"
"Yeah." It comes out perhaps more bitterly than you'd meant for it to—you're not bitter, really. Really.
He pauses. Eyes you. "You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry. It's the last day of exams and I'm just a little exhausted, that's all."
The look on his face says he doesn't believe you, but he can't press it if you don't let him. You force a smile, pick up your pace so you're dragging him along. "Come on. You wanna try my cooking, right?"
His first bite of your food earns you another marriage proposal, thoughtless and breezy. You can't help but notice, as you sit and share lunches, that Noya isn't how he usually is—not quite as bright, not quite as high-energy.
Maybe you should ask him what's wrong. Then again, you don't really deserve to ask about it when you won't tell him anything real about yourself.
You push the last bite of food around your bento before sliding it to him. "Here. You get the last of it."
"Really? Thanks!" He snaps it up and talks with his mouth full once he has. "You really are a good cook, you know."
"You're sounding all down again. What's up with you?"
"What's up with you? You're the one who's acting all like… normal-key."
"Yeah. You're normally high-key. Right now you're acting like a normal person. It's weird."
He sighs. "You actually noticed?"
"Of course I did. What's up?"
"That last exam kicked my ass. I don't think I'm going to Tokyo."
"What? Of course you are."
"I don't believe you," he grumbles. "I think it's cruel and unusual punishment to make us do all the exams back to back. Of course my brain was gonna shut down by the end."
"Why do you think you're gonna fail?"
"I'm not cut out for this! I was able to sort of focus with someone there to keep me on track, but the rest of the time I just get distracted and—and even during the stupid test it's like my brain just refuses to focus on that stuff!" He tosses his hands out in frustration.
You reach forward, pat his arm reassuringly. "You've been working hard. Did you finish the exam?"
"Barely. I didn't get to finish checking over my answers like you told me to, but the half I was able to check seemed alright when I could actually get my brain on them."
"Half is passing. More than passing, actually. You and Tanaka-senpai have both been working really hard, you know? And I was there for enough of it that I can say for certain—you're a smart guy. You're gonna be fine."
You pull back, only for him to catch your wrist.
"Will you still marry me even if I fail my exams?"
"You're not going to fail. But yes, if you ask me nine hundred and seventy-five more times, I'll think about it."
"Yes! Okay, so, that aside—what's up with you, really? Don't think I didn't notice you trying to deflect earlier."
"See?" you grin as the warning bell for the end of lunch sounds. "Smart."
You do not let him wriggle an answer out of you. Today, you escape with your life.
Yachi seems to blossom as your outing together stretches on. Some shops, you enter together, always the same script: Hi! We're managers for the Karasuno volleyball club and the club is currently looking for donations to fund us as we work towards Nationals. Would it be okay if we left this poster with you to hang up?
Invariably, the answers are positive, especially after seeing the posters. On occasion, the two of you will split up, one of you taking the establishments next to or across the street from one another, but every time you enter together, you can tell how much more confident she is already.
This is good for her.
The constant compliments on her professional-level work bolster her. The good response to the poster-hanging requests has her shoulders relaxing more and more. You think that, probably, once she gets used to manager stuff, it'll be second nature to her. She'll grow into this role beautifully, and by her third year she'll probably be just as ethereal as Shimizu is to you now.
You keep your charming little smile on your face and speak politely as you distribute posters. By the time it's getting late enough to think about dinner, you're basically done. You briefly consider asking if she wants to grab dinner at one of the places nearby, since you're already in town, but instead you walk her to the bus with that same strained smile.
"Thank you so much for your help! I don't think I could have gotten all those handed out without you."
You laugh, shake your head. "Nah, you would've been fine. You're a natural at this stuff."
"What? B-but I was completely falling apart at the start there. If I didn't have you to work off of, I would never have been able to get the words out right and probably would have totally gotten shut down."
"Uh, not once they actually looked at the posters. Did you hear any of those shopkeepers talking about them? I'm telling you, they're amazing. You probably didn't even need to say anything and they would've put them up anyway."
She rubs the back of her neck, cheeks red. Of course she has to be cute, too. She's done all this cool stuff, and you haven't even gotten a fucking permission slip signed.
"I-it's sort of amazing hearing you praise me so highly," she admits. "I mean, you never seem to try really hard at anything, but you just get it."
You blink. "Uh, no. I'm—trying a lot harder than I'd like to admit. It's probably the reason I don't have the energy to get excited about anything. I use it all trying to do stuff well and hiding the fact that I'm trying."
"What? But, you're so cool, though! I mean, you've got Nishinoya-senpai head over heels for you! And you've probably got it together better than anyone else I know! I mean, during practices you're always saving me from getting hit and stuff and I can barely react at all until I would've already been hit… I think you're probably way better at this than me. And you're already starting to get everything with volleyball, right? You follow along way better than I do during practice."
You shrug. "That's just because Noya-senpai took the time to explain it to me. We could always sit down and compare notes over lunch or something so we both understand it better, now that we're not tutoring?"
She smiles, nods. The bus arrives, and you wave her off, turning to make the trek back to your house in silence.
You'll probably quit once she's confident enough to stand on her own. At least they'll have a good manager to rely on.
You survive the weekend the way you always do, but suddenly, it's intolerable. You pace restlessly around the house for the first few hours alone, and then put on shoes and go running, half-expecting Noya to materialize out of nowhere to run with you. But he doesn't.
You've given yourself until Monday to get a signed permission slip for the Tokyo games.
There's a chance that your father comes home this weekend, so you spend most of the weekend pacing and hoping he will, permission slip in hand. It takes hours, too many, until you're once again waking up on the couch to find him standing in the doorway, hurt in his eyes.
"Can you sign my permission slip?" you ask in lieu of a real greeting. "It's for some away games for the volleyball club. We're going to Tokyo."
"Tokyo? Wait, volleyball club?"
You raise up the paper. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's blanket permission for later games and stuff, too. But, you know, you said it was a good idea the other day, so it'd be nice if I could actually participate." The lie doesn't even taste bad in your mouth.
"Oh, right. When did I say that?"
"When you gave me the debit card for groceries? What, were you just completely ignoring me?"
"I'm sorry," he says. He sounds like he means it. "Here, I'll sign it. Tell me about your volleyball club. Are you playing, or…" He takes the paper from you, scribbles on the appropriate lines.
"Managing for the boys' team."
"Really?" he raises an eyebrow. "Those boys nice?"
The surge of temper startles even you. "Yeah, 'too-san, they're really nice."
"I see," he says, and that's it. No more prying, no weird protectiveness you've always hated the idea of but seem to want to hear now, no questions. Just I see and a signed permission slip. Just easy lies.
That night, during the short period in which you're out of your mind, you reach for your phone.
[name] to Noya at 01:37
[name]: if this is stupid please ignore it
[name]: but when you see this can I have a picture of sobas toe beans?
[name]: its important
Noya to [name] at 06:12
Noya: [image attached. Image description: the underside of Soba the cat's front paw. One toe bean is black, while the rest are pink.]
Noya: [image attached. Image description: the same cat paw, except a single fingertip is pressing into it from off-camera. The paw pad squishes around the fingertip.]
Noya: wanna talk about it?
[name]: would it be completely impossible for you to believe I just wanted to see her beans at one in the morning?
[name]: they're good beans, senpai
Noya: you're right, they ARE good beans
He meets you as he usually does. On the way to practice that morning, he doesn't press about the night's bean request, simply chats you up like everything's the same as it has been. You fire back as best as you can manage, but your mood just won't seem to lift.
Morning passes like normal, and classes drag on. It feels a little pointless to be in classes right after finals like this when the term ends in a couple of weeks, but a lot of things feel a little pointless. You get used to it. Lunch, you consider talking to Yachi, but she's busy talking to her friends, so you pick over your food alone, staring out the window.
And then there's afternoon practice.
Though one or two guys complain about the heat, Daichi insists, and so everyone's wearing their jackets for your and Yachi's official induction. They display the backs proudly as Shimizu dispenses a club jacket of your own to each of you, shout a welcome that would have scared you shitless a few short weeks ago.
You look at the back of your new jacket, the white Karasuno High School Volleyball Club embroidered there, stark against the black. Bow. Give them the polite "I look forward to working with you!" and move on.
That night, walking home, Noya says: "Oh, right. I meant to ask this earlier, but I didn't want to ruin the moment."
"Dare I ask?"
"You were smiling really nice when you got your club jacket. Will you marry me?"
You pull the jacket in question tight around your shoulders and look away without answer.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 2 years ago
Angel of God -- The St. Agnes Years - Chapter One
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Matt Murdock & F!Reader
Warnings/Tags: Pre-relationship, Slices of Life, Pining (oh, so much pining).
Word Count: ~1450 (for this chapter )
A/N: A look into AoG's Matt & Reader's lives together as children, from their first meeting until their eventual separation.
November 17, 1996
Dear God, please help me to be brave, Matthew Murdock prayed to himself as the taxi he was in pulled to a stop outside of St. Agnes Orphanage. 
"Alright," the cab driver said in a thick New York accent. "Here you are."
"Come along, Matthew," the nun who had gone to pick him up from his temporary foster home said as she got out of the cab. "Don't dawdle."
"Sorry, Sister," Matt mumbled, trailing behind her.
He gripped his cane tight and adjusted his sunglasses, taking a deep breath before following her towards the entrance.
He fumbled for the railing as his cane bumped into a set of steps, slowly and carefully making his way upwards towards his home for at least the next nine years.
"Your things will be brought to your room," Sister… (Bernadine? Beatrice? Bonaventure? Matt couldn't remember, but he knew it was something with a B) said as they headed inside and down a winding hallway. "In the meantime you'll join the other children outside for recreation. Dinner is at six, nighttime prayer at six-thirty. Don't be late for either."
She opened another door and led Matt out into what he assumed was a backyard area.
He could hear other children laughing and yelling as they chased each other around.
"Ah, Sister Maggie," Sister B-name said as they walked up to another nun. "This is our new ward, Matthew. I'm entrusting him into your care -- I have urgent business to attend to."
"Of course, Sister Bernadette," Sister Maggie replied.
Sister Bernadette! That was it.
"Matthew." With that, Sister Bernadette turned and walked away.
Matt stood near Sister Maggie, unsure of what to do.
Suddenly a timid voice said, "Hi. I like your glasses."
Matt turned towards the voice. It sounded female, maybe slightly younger than him? Matt wasn't quite sure. "Thanks," he said warily.
"Are you an orphan too?"
The sting of losing his father hit Matt all over again. "Yeah," he said quietly.
A small hand slipped into his. "It's okay, I'll be your friend. I'm Y/N."
"There's some tables over here. Come sit with me."
Matt allowed Y/N to lead him to the tables, somehow already trusting of the young girl.
"So how old are you?" Matt asked as they sat. 
"Eight," Y/N replied. "You?"
"I'm nine." Matt paused. "Have you lived here long?"
"Yeah, since I was two. It's not that bad here, you'll get used to it. Just don't make Sister Bernadette mad, 'cause she's really strict. The other nuns are pretty nice though, especially Sister Maggie. She lets me bring books to outdoor recreation, and if we have to stay inside because it's raining, she'll let me spend recreation time in the library."
"Is that what you were doing just now? Reading?"
"Mhmm. I just started ' Where the Red Fern Grows' , have you ever read it?"
Matt shook his head. "Oh, um, no. What's it about?"
"It's about a boy who goes hunting with his two dogs in the mountains. I can read it to you if you want. I'm not too far into it so I don't mind starting over."
Matt nodded, relieved that Y/N hadn't made a big deal about his visual impairment. Most people other than his father had either treated Matt like a pariah or as someone to be pitied, but she didn't seem to mind. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."
"Okay. We'll have to start tomorrow though because recreation time is almost over."
Matt nodded again. "Okay."
As if on cue, the church bells began to ring. 
Y/N stood. "Come on, you can sit next to me at dinner."
Matt smiled, relieved to not have to sit by himself. "Yeah, okay."
Y/N took his hand once again. She led him inside and down a hall, then turned left and opened a door. "Okay, so this is the cafeteria. All you have to do is sit and wait and Sister Gertrude will bring your food, but we can't eat until we say grace."
Matt nodded. "Okay."
A few seconds later a tray was set in front of him.
Matt wrinkled his nose at the overwhelming smell of overcooked meat and dried-out tomato sauce. "What is it?"
"Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, a brownie, and milk."
"Alright, children, bow your heads for grace," a different voice interrupted.
Matt bowed his head and waited.
"Bless us, O Lord…" the voice began intoning. 
" And these thy gifts," Y/N and the other children joined in. "Which we are about to receive, in thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, amen."
"Amen," Matt echoed. He carefully reached out, feeling his way around the table in order to try to find his utensils without accidentally sticking his hand into his food.
Y/N took Matt's hand and placed it on top of his fork. "Here you go."
Matt smiled over at her as he picked it up. "Thank you."
He began eating in silence. There was something different about Y/N, something Matt couldn't quite put his finger on. He felt comfortable with her in a way he hadn't felt with anyone since his accident.
He wasn't able to think about it for too long, because Y/N began speaking again. "After dinner we all go to the chapel for evening prayer, then it's time to get ready for lights out. I can help you find your room if you want. Everyone's name is on their door."
Matt nodded. "Yeah, that'd be good. Thanks."
"And actually, um, I can come get you for breakfast in the morning too? Just until you learn your way around."
They continued eating their dinner in silence, and as soon as Matt was done Y/N stood. "Come on, we have to get to the chapel. Sister Bernadette doesn't like it if we're late."
She led Matt outside then through a courtyard to the chapel, slipping into a pew right before the church bells signaled 6:30.
A minute later Matt heard footsteps heading to the altar.
Y/N leaned towards Matt. "That's Father Reynolds," she whispered. "He's the priest here."
Matt nodded in acknowledgement.
"Good evening, children," Father Reynolds said in slightly accented English.
"Good evening, Father," Matt replied along with the other kids.
"Let us begin our evening prayer. 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'. "
Matt joined in on the Sign of the Cross. "Amen."
Father Reynolds said an opening prayer, then led them in reciting the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Hail Holy Queen, and the Doxology.
"How many more prayers are there?" Matt whispered to Y/N as everyone recited the Apostles' Creed.
"Just one more after this," Y/N whispered back. "Then we do a moment of silent intention, then Father Reynolds will say a blessing."
"Oh, okay." Matt was about to ask which one it was when everyone began reciting the final prayer.
"Angel of God, my guardian dear," they intoned, "to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."
Matt sucked in a breath as a thought struck him. He had asked God to help him be brave, and not even 2 minutes later Y/N had come up to him and immediately made him feel comfortable. And not only that, but she had even offered to be his friend. Maybe He sent me a guardian angel.
He turned his head towards Y/N slightly, resisting the urge to reach out and touch her. He knew she was real, because she had held his hand, but he admittedly wasn't sure what exactly angels were supposed to be like in human form.
He was jarred out of his thoughts as Y/N took his hand again. "Okay, let's go find your room."
She led Matt back out through the courtyard and up the steps of the orphanage. "Girls are on the second floor and boys are on the third."
They went up a couple of flights of stairs and down another hallway, then Y/N stopped in front of a door. "Here's your room. Bathroom is right across the hall."
"Oh. Okay." Matt hesitated. "Um, thanks."
"You're welcome." Y/N paused. "We're not allowed in each other's rooms after lights out, so I'll see you tomorrow morning before breakfast?"
Matt nodded. "Yeah, okay."
"It's at 7, so I'll come get you around 6:45 if that's okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
To Matt's surprise, Y/N gave him a hug. "Good night, Matt."
Matt hugged her back, the last of his nerves fading away in her warm embrace. Maybe life as an orphan wasn't going to be so scary, especially with an angel by his side.
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aylacavebear · 1 year ago
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Word Count: 3902
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will eventually be 18+!
Warnings: Mention of Sex, some angst, And the slow burn begins.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 14
Bobby had packed up quicker than what the original plan was and showed up at the bunker two days later. Maria and Jess helped him bring everything in. God her uncle had a lot of books and none of the boxes were light.
He picked a room not too far down the hall from Maria’s and that was where a third of his boxes were taken. That would at least allow him to go through them and figure out what he wanted to do with them all. The other two-thirds of his boxes were stacked neatly in the library.
“Boys not back yet?” Bobby asked once all his stuff was inside.
“They should be here tomorrow,” Jess told him when Maria joined them in the library.
“Have you heard from John yet?” he asked Maria.
She sighed and shook her head, “No, and neither have the boys, at least not as of their call yesterday.”
He sighed and looked around the library, “I left him a message too. That man is stubborn as hell.”
“Well, no one gave him any real details so he couldn’t just run off on his own,” Maria told him.
“He’ll show up, eventually,” Bobby replied with a chuckle.
“Oh, we’re all getting tattoos and no one is arguing with me on this one,” Maria told the two of them.
“Excuse me?” Bobby retorted, not liking being told he was getting a tattoo, even from his niece.
“I came across it in one of the books on demons,” she began as she moved the books around on the table, looking for one in specific, “It’s an anti-possession sigil, and we all need one.”
It took her a moment to not only find the book but also the page the information was on, then showed it to her uncle as Jess looked over his shoulder, “So yeah, tattoos,” Maria said proudly, not giving them a chance to argue.
Bobby groaned as he read the information. The girl was good at finding things, although he wasn’t keen on the idea of a tattoo. Jess thought that the tattoo idea could be fun, and it was a nice image. It could have looked a lot worse and she knew it, as she’d read a lot in the last couple of days.
“You told the boys yet?” Bobby asked after handing the book back to her.
“Nope,” she replied, popping the ‘p’, “Figured I’d surprise ‘em.” she finished with a smirk.
That had at least made Bobby smile as he imagined their faces, “Have you found a way to deal with Azazel?” he finally asked them.
Maria frowned, as did Jess, “No, not yet, but now that you’re here, another set of eyes to help is always a good thing,” she ended with a small smile, not wanting to sound hopeful.
The three of them read through books and files before Maria got up around four to go make dinner, needing to give her eyes a rest but too ansty to sit down anywhere. Her mind was also too full to focus on anything else. She was still trying to figure out how to approach Dean when he got back, as she never forgot the bet between her and Jess. 
She made a simple dinner, burgers, and fries, and even cleaned up afterward. She felt burnt out on research and needed a change of scenery but hadn’t felt the desire to go anywhere either. So, after dinner, she just bid them good night and went to her room. Maria plopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. It wasn’t long before a light blue and white glow from her top dresser drawer caught her attention.
“I don’t want more dreams,” she groaned as she covered her eyes with her arm.
The light from the book pulsed and she groaned again, like a child putting off a chore before she finally got up and opened the drawer, “Fine. I guess I can’t put it off much longer,” she sighed as she pulled the book out of its box.
The glow went away when she touched it. With everything that had been going on, she hadn’t wanted to add more to her plate but apparently, the book had other ideas. So now she was leaning against her headboard, rereading the chapter on Zamariel, for the fourth time. She had read it three times when she’d first discovered the book back at her Uncle’s, fourteen years ago. That thought made her pause and look up. Had it really been that long already, she thought to herself and shook her head a bit.
She still wasn’t aware the book was written in Enochian. It just looked like normal words to her. Maria read long into the night, far more information than she could absorb in one sitting or one read-through. Around midnight she finally put the book down on her night table before rubbing her eyes.
“Damn,” she sighed as she looked at her clock, twelve thirteen, “Guess time flies when you’re into something.”
When she clicked off her lamp and curled up in bed, she prayed that the dreams wouldn’t come, even though she knew they would. She already felt so overwhelmed with everything else that was going on, she thought that perhaps this would push her back toward whiskey if it was too much, feeling as though she was at a breaking point with her waking world. She even fought sleep for almost another hour before it overtook her.
She was at that lakeshore again with the forest around it and the snow-tipped mountains in the distance. There was a slight amount of cloud cover but it only added to the beauty.  “Are you ready?” a female voice from behind her asked. Maria turned around, more curious than anything. No one had spoken directly to her in her dreams before, “Ready for what?” she asked, taking in the woman’s appearance. Long, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and an average physique, and she was a few inches shorter than Maria, dressed in similar clothes. “Ready to take the next step in unlocking your potential,” the woman told her, in a fairly level tone. She wasn’t quite sure what to think of this and had more questions now, “What if I said I wasn’t?” Maria asked, carefully. “Then things will continue as they have been and you won’t remember this dream,” the woman explained plainly. Maria turned away from the woman and sat down on one of the large rocks near the lakeshore, thinking, “What if I said I was ready but wanted to go slowly?” she asked. The woman moved over, closer to her, “Then it would go slowly, at your own pace. The learning would take place at night, in your dreams instead of in your waking world. So it really is up to you,” the woman said calmly. “Why do I feel like somehow the weight of the world rests on my shoulders?” Maria practically mumbled. “I’m surprised you don’t have more questions,” the woman said. “I have a ton of questions. I just don’t know if I want the answers,” she replied, sighing. Maria felt like she sat on that rock and thought about everything for hours but the time of day never changed, “Can you give me a week, to really think about this?” she finally asked. “Yes. Just read the book again when you are ready and I’ll be here,” the woman told her.
She woke up sighing, lying on her back, “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she whispered into the darkness of her room before she glanced at the clock, “Six thirty,” she chuckled without humor.
Maria climbed out of bed and got dressed. She wasn’t feeling in the mood to deal with anyone but she wanted coffee, so headed out to the war room, glancing in the library before making her way into the kitchen. Bobby and Jess were sitting at the kitchen table.
“Mornin’ kiddo,” Bobby told her, sipping his coffee.
“Morning guys,” she replied, sounding distant.
“You sleep okay?” he asked, a little concerned.
“I guess it could have been worse,” she chuckled without humor.
“Wanna talk about it?” Jess asked her.
“Not really. Not right now at least,” she replied, giving them both a soft smile before she sat down with them, “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
“Journalling might help,” Jess suggested.
Maria thought about that while she sipped her coffee. When it came to certain cases it did help to sometimes write out the patterns to make it easier to figure out, “Thanks Jess. I might just give that a shot,” she finally told her, smiling a little.
Jess felt good that she was able to suggest something that might be able to help her. The three had idle chit-chat for another hour before Maria headed to her room, wondering if she had anything that might resemble a pad of paper she could use as a journal. She wasn’t ready to talk to her Uncle about it either, even if her father had said he knew. Bobby and Jess had gone back to research, mostly waiting for the boys to show up with Sam and Jess’s stuff.
She found a pad of paper in the desk drawer, thinking she must have put it there the night when she had unpacked her things. Once she grabbed it and a pen, she sat down on her bed, leaning against the headboard. Her knees were up and the pad was leaning against her legs, but every time she went to write something, it was like her mind went completely blank and it was annoying the hell out of her. 
Hours passed and she still hadn’t written anything. It was like all her thoughts kept jumbling around in her mind, or at least that was what she was telling herself. She hadn’t even heard the guys come in, nor the sounds of them moving things down the hall to the room Jess and Sam had picked. It wasn’t until Dean opened her door and stuck his head in that she found out.
“You gonna help or just sit in here and let us do all the work,” he asked her, in a teasing way, with that damned smirk again.
“What happened to knocking?” she told him through her annoyance as she glared at him.
“Uh, forgot,” he said quickly, just smiling.
“Sure ya did,” she mumbled before she got up to help, pushing him out of the way.
“Rude,” he told her, rubbing his chest a little where she had pushed against him with her hand, using most of her body weight.
“At least I didn’t hit you,” she told him without looking over her shoulder as she walked toward the garage.
Apparently, they’d gotten a small U-Haul for the things they had wanted to keep since the space in the Impala was limited. Sam and Jess had talked a lot about what they wanted to keep and what wasn’t important to either of them. Now, everything they owned lay inside that U-Haul. Maria hugged Sam when she saw him, which instantly annoyed Dean, as she had shoved him. Then she helped them unload everything, taking most of it to their room. The two of them even had a mostly private bathroom with as far back a room as they had picked. This way Jess would have somewhere to keep her makeup and all that girly stuff Maria wasn’t interested in, nor would she have to even look at it.
They all ate after the U-Haul was unpacked. As they were sitting around the table, Maria spoke up, “So, everyone is getting a tattoo as soon as John gets here,” she said nonchalantly, but seriously.
Dean almost choked on his beer, which made Maria chuckle a little, even if she didn’t look over at him, “Excuse me?” he asked in utter disbelief.
“It’s an anti-possession tattoo, and everyone, including Uncle Bobby and John, are getting one,” she said confidently.
“Don’t try to argue with her boy, she showed me what it does. She knows her shit and this will keep all of us safe,” Bobby pipped in, backing her up.
“I already decided where I’m getting mine,” Jess said, giving Sam a very flirtatious look.
“Oh yeah?” Sam asked her, raising an eyebrow and smirking, “Where’s that?”
Jess leaned over and whispered something in Sam’s ear, which made him blush, deeply. Maria chuckled as she looked back down at her plate and Dean smirked, but he was looking at Maria, again putting on that cool guy front. There was a little more laughter before Bobby headed out and back to the library. They were still trying to figure out how to kill Azazel after all. 
“Come on, I’ll show you the sigil,” Jess told Sam as she got up and took his hand, attempting to get him to follow her. She also gave Maria a knowing look, which only made her roll her eyes.
Sam got up, smiling from ear to ear as he let her lead him into the library. Maria sighed and started cleaning up. She still hadn’t figured out how to ask Dean if he was interested in her without being blunt about it. Dean leaned back in his chair and just watched her move around the kitchen for a while.
“So, are you interested in me or something?” she finally just asked him as she washed the dishes.
Dean’s face went from smiling to shock before back to that cool guy facade again, “You’re hot, why wouldn’t I be,” he said cockily, with a smirk.
She wasn’t sure why but his words didn’t make her feel better, and in fact, only saddened her, “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not interested,” she told him, almost coldly.
He was glad she wasn’t looking at him as his jaw clenched before he left the kitchen, both hurt and feeling rejected. He had been trying to compliment her, not realizing that was probably the worst way to tell her he liked her. Dean didn’t say anything to the three in the library, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and finding a room much further away than hers to go drink alone.
Maria leaned on the counter in the kitchen once he left, feeling hurt that all he seemed to want or be interested in was her looks. She felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around quickly, only to find Jess standing there.
Jess saw the hurt in her eyes, “What happened?” she asked.
“Looks like you’ve got chores for the next week,” Maria said quietly, not even able to manage a smile.
“Wait? What happened?” she asked again, not fully understanding.
“I asked him and he’s interested all right, in my looks, not me. So, guess we were both right. I’ll split the chores with you or we can just call off the bet,” Maria told her, feeling a pull toward drinking again.
Jess felt bad for even having brought it up now. She had been sure she’d caught Dean daydreaming about her, at least that had been the look on his face. It didn’t seem to be that of a guy only interested in sex. She’d been around enough college guys to tell the difference. Jess grabbed a beer for her out of the fridge and popped the top before she handed it to her.
“We can call it off, the bet. I’m really sorry I was wrong,” Jess told her softly before heading back into the library, not giving her a chance to reply.
For a moment Maria just stared at the beer Jess had handed to her before she set it on the counter, knowing there was no real relief at the bottom of that bottle. She sighed before she went back to the dishes, deciding to deal with her emotions later, when she was alone. Maria wasn’t in a hurry as she took care of the dishes and then cleaned up the rest of the kitchen. No one came to bother her though. She even dumped the beer down the drain before she threw away the empty bottle. She headed straight to her room though, not wanting to be around anyone.
Since she’d gone through her detox and her grief at Sam and Jess’s at the beginning of the year, she felt things again. These were things that had started when she was fourteen and Dean had told her that she was acting like Sam, things she’d buried back with her grief. Now though, those emotions were coursing through her again and she wasn’t entirely sure what they were or how to fully deal with them.
“Somebody want to tell me what the hell just happened?” Bobby asked Sam and Jess, keeping his voice quiet, but needing information.
Jess sighed as she looked over at him, “I was so sure that Dean actually liked her that we made a bet. Well, I was wrong. He just likes her for her looks,” she replied, still feeling bad.
“What was said, exactly?” Sam asked, curious more than anything, as he had thought the same thing.
“She said that Dean said he was interested in her looks,” Jess answered, looking up at him.
Sam furrowed his brow, as that hadn’t helped at all, “Maybe I should go talk to him.”
Bobby was wondering what exactly had been said as well. He remembered the looks that not only he saw, but that John and William had seen when Dean was sixteen. He also knew that sometimes those kinds of crushes died over time so decided that he’d keep his eye on Dean, feeling protective of his niece.
Dean had been sitting in that room for at least a half hour at this point, drinking and thinking, two bad combinations for him when he felt the way he did. He still couldn’t figure out what he’d done or said wrong. In the past, he always had lots of luck with the ladies. He was smooth, charming, and could make women melt with that smirk of his. But Maria was a completely different sort of girl. He had known this but all women liked compliments, didn’t they? Something Dean wasn’t so good at was words outside of compliments on physical beauty. He had no idea how to tell Maria that he thought she was funny, confident, an amazing hunter, sweet, could cook like a chef, and had had his heart since he was sixteen when he’d seen her that Thanksgiving morning when she pulled the pies out of the oven.
“Dude, you awake?” he heard from the other side of the door.
How Sam had figured out which room he was in puzzled him, “Yeah, go away,” Dean told him.
“Dean…” Sam said, a concern in his tone.
“I said go away,” Dean repeated, a bit more sternly, not wanting to deal with his brother, again. He’d had enough of it on the drive to Cali and back and didn’t want to hear another word.
Sam stood out there for a moment, debating pushing the topic before he finally opened the door and went inside, “What happened?” he asked, closing the door behind him.
“Well, I was right and you were wrong, let’s leave it at that,” Dean said, not looking up at his brother before he took another drink of the whiskey.
“What’d you say to her?” Sam asked, concerned, but still gentle.
“I told her that I was interested 'cause she was hot,” Dean found himself just blurting out.
Sam closed his eyes and turned his head toward the ceiling, letting out a small breath, it all made sense, “You really are clueless, aren’t you,” he chuckled.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dean asked, almost glaring at his brother.
Sam was doing his best not to laugh at his brother when he looked back over at him, “She’s not some waitress at a bar or some chick you’re picking up for a one-night stand. When was the last time you ever saw her give two shits about her looks? She’s a hunter Dean.”
Dean just rolled his eyes and Sam shook his head before he left his brother to his thoughts and whiskey. When Sam sat down in the chair next to Jess, she and Bobby looked over at him, curious, “What happened?” she asked.
“Let’s just say, Dean’s an idiot.” Sam chuckled.
“Well, I could have told you that,” Bobby almost scoffed.
“He likes her, he just has no clue how to tell her. Those two are gonna have to figure it out on their own,” Sam explained, “They’re both stubborn.”
Bobby knew that firsthand, Maria was his niece after all, and Dean was like a son to him. Jess also understood how that worked. They couldn’t push the two of them toward each other or get either of them to listen to reason.
Maria sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard, her arms resting on her knees as she stared at the ceiling. Jerk, she thought to herself. Being alone in her room wasn’t helping so she got up and headed down to the gym, needing to hit something and get out the anger that had surfaced. She passed Sam in the hallway. He looked as though he was headed to either his room or Dean’s, whichever one that was for the night, but she didn’t ask. Bobby and Jess watched her walk by, through the war room, before she disappeared down the other hallway.
She found the punching bag first, not even taping up her hands, wanting to feel every blow, picturing Dean’s smug, smirking face. At first, there was no pain as she got used to the feel of the bag. Then, she put more force into it, as if she was aiming for the wall on the other side of the room. Before she knew it, she was breathing heavily, her muscles tense and burning, and her knuckles were bruised before she sank to the floor. That was when the tears came. There weren’t many but she let them fall, still refusing to admit that she even liked Dean, or wanted to. When the tears stopped, she stood up and decided she wouldn’t hate him, but she wasn’t about to like him either. She’d go back to him being her rival, like when they were younger. 
Her body was sore as she made her way back through the bunker to her room, gathering a change of clothes before heading to the shower. The hot water would feel good on her muscles and help wash away the rest of what she was feeling, relaxing her. She locked the bathroom door and just stood under the hot flow of water for a while, letting it all go. Afterward, she did feel better and was even smiling a bit as she made her way back to the library. She sat down in the seat she’d sat in earlier that day. Bobby raised an eyebrow, watching her.
“You good?” Sam asked her.
“Yup. I’m good,” she replied, lightheartedly as she opened the book she’d been reading.
The three were a little confused but dropped the subject. Dean still hadn’t come out of the room he was in, even after he finished his bottle of whiskey.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 15
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67
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phunockery · 8 months ago
Trigger warning allergic reaction, random etymology facts pertaining to sexual acts, talking about death, the melodrama of trying not to die.
(Spoilers) If you're reading this, it means I survived the night.
This is a timed log after finding out I poisoned myself. I don't think I'll die from it but this sucks and I'm feeling emotional and melodramatic.
If I die tomorrow, I didn't mean to. I promise. I just wanted a drink. I usually don't, it usually upsets my stomach. But tomorrow I turn 34 and I was feeling frisky and wanted something to drink while I play my traditional birthday (and sad mood) game: Sonic 2. So I grab a Kirkland hard seltzer from the fridge. Never tried the brand, but it was black cherry and I like that.
I decided to try to time some of my runs, nothing serious. Beat a couple of my pbs feeling good.
After drinking about 1/4th of the seltzer and I notice that my head is feeling funny and I wonder how a 5% drink was making me feel like that. My game play gets bad, but I beat my PB on Chemical Plant 2.
Aquatic Zone is a mess, mild improvement in act 2... And I start feeling itchy. Hives are building. I grab some Benadryl, chew two and as my chest tightens I look up what could be causing this.
Apparently there is a filtering process called finning that run the alcohol through animal products, like gelatin.
That comes from pigs.
That I am deathly allergic to.
The company does not have to disclose this information and honestly this a best guess, because what else would make me allergic to an alcoholic beverage?
Now I am sitting here, trying to differenciate anxiety and anaphylaxis. Taking deep breaths, epi pen in hand. I'm not going to call 911 because I can't afford it, if you're mad, join the club. (🦅 Insert screams of eagles and freedom here 🇺🇲)
It's almost midnight. I am almost 34 and I am live blogging my allergic reaction because I have nothing else to do
'call 911' that is far too expensive and I don't want to leave my kids with massive amounts of debt because I decided to get treatment (eagle screaming and freedom noises here 🦅)
I messaged a few friends, but they're busy. My friend is probably going to kill me in the morning when she sees this if I'm not already dead.
I'll probably live... I once survived a wedding where the brides mother unintentionally tried to kill me. I was lucky then because there was a doctor in the house... But that was worse. I had lost my ability to breathe immediately.
I'm just itchy. Soooo itchy. I am covered in hives... It doesn't help that my other friend made dinner and no one put cast iron that has cooked bacon and allergy together yesterday... Which I suffered for. Granted I suffered less then than I am now. Now now, but still itchy and cramps.
I hope to make it to cramps. I should. I can still breath. I am just so itchy. I hate this. I should be getting rest so I can pretend to have a good birthday. Instead I will pretend to have a good birthday and deal with aaaallll the fallout of having a full allergic reaction.
Chest is no longer feeling tight. A friend has message saying they are going to bed. I sent a message asking if they have a few moments to just sit with me. I think it was too late, they're offline.
11:40 I'm still itchy. My legs, my arms, my scalp, my chest, my armpits... It all itches. This really sucks. (Remembers that sucks used to be a euphemism for bjs and this fact gives me the chuckles of strength).
double checked messages to other friends. All unread. Some are online, some are not. But I am still alone so you, future reader, remain my emotional support pen-pal.
The skin around my eyes is itchy like I was crying. I don't think I've been crying. I'm upset, but not like that.
Good news: this won't be my worst birthday.
My worst birthday was in 2009. I was BMT for the USAF and on my 19th birthday, two days before graduating, I was acting unusually confused, was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with viral meningitis. I was booted from the USAF shortly after recovering.
11:50 Hell this isn't even as bad the last 7 years that just got progressively worse. I was let go of my job on my 30th birthday and became disabled two days later. (Barely related). Last year I was coerced into going to a water park (I don't do good with loud noises any more) and I wound up breaking a tooth trying to swim in the shallow waters. My ex was not comforting about it and suggested that I not make a scene in front of my kids because they would get upset.
11:55 I can breathe a bit easier. Still left unseen and I turn 34 in 5 minutes.
3 minutes to go and I am trying to fight the sleepy of the Benny's until I feel less itchy.
2 more minutes, I really hope I don't die, my friends don't deserve to have a corpse in their guest room
12:05 made a happy birthday post on TikTok. My voice is definitely affected, but I can talk and breath.
Still left on unseen. I feel bad that they're going to wake up and find out that a friend reached out for help and help wasn't available. That is going to suck. Hopefully I'm still alive and can tell them they're good and deserve sleep.
12:20 a rando has become the first to wish me a happy birthday. A friend messaged to let me know they're glad I'm safe and they're going to bed so they can work in the morning. They hope I find someone to talk to. It looks like it is just you and me
12:23 the stomach has put in its bid for attention. I will spare you the details. The Benny's are taking effect. I am soooo tired and the body itches slightly less. Except around the eyes, it still feels like I've been crying
12:29 my apologies to my friend: I fear I have destroyed your toilet. It should be fine in the morning.
12:30 the stomach still hates me. I hate me. I just want to go to bed.
12:40 tired. Imma go to bed with my Epi Pen on the bedside table. I wake up to everything anyways. The sudden inescapable lack of breath should be more than enough to wake.
I could really use a 'there there's and a hug. And now my eyes are itchy again, at least I know why this time.
Good night.
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allkordelia · 2 years ago
Keep Me in Your Thoughts (59)
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As dinner was finishing jaenara and alys quickly move from their chairs to follow baelon as he headed to the great chamber with maekar and baela, before they could follow them out the door, they were stop by rhaelle as she called after them. Both girls turn to rhaelle as she walk up to them with daena on her hips, daemon was standing next his wife with his arm around her waist.
"...sweet darlings, I notice you two did a lot of talking during dinner, can I assume you two are friend again." Rhaelle ask causing the girls to node with small smiles, "Brilliant. I'm so happy to hear that, we were just heading to read daena a story, why don't you both join us. Alys. You could do the voices you were always better them than me." The two girls glance at each other before they look back at rhaelle.
"Oh, we're pretty tired, mother." Rhaelle frown since it was still a bit early for bed, "Maybe, we can join you tomorrow, but I get to pick the book." Rhaelle and Daemon smile at her before rhaelle nod.
"Alright, lovelies. You both sleep well." Rhaelle bend to kiss alys's head before smiling at jaenara, as she pass them daemon kiss the side of his daughter's head before following after his wife.
Alys and Jaenara let out a sigh of relief before leaving the dinning hall, and heading to the great chamber to find baelon. As they walk around the corner, alys stop before pulling jaenara back making the young look at her cousin confuse. She turn to were alys was looking to see, baelon talking to rhaena who beam before hugging baelon.
Baelon grins as he hugs rhaena back, before they pull away, they heard baela call rhaena from down the hall making the young girl kiss baelon's cheek before hurrying down the hall. Baelon watch after her making Alys nudge jaenara motioning her to follow her, baelon lokk away from where rhaena left to look at alys and jaenara.
"Baelon, we need a favor." Alys says making Baelon huff with eyeroll.
"I don't do favor, pass it on to maekar." Baelon to leave when his sister move to block his way with jaenara next to her.
"No, he won't do it, nor will anyone else."
"All we need is a look out." Jaenara said making baelon glance at her.
"Look out?" Alys look at jaenara before telling her brother they were going to go to dragonmont to claim one of the wild dragons, baelon look at the two for a second before bursting out laugh.
Alys glare as jaenara frown at baelon's mocking laughter.
"You two think you can claim a dragon, please, no one has ever succeeded into claiming any one of the wild dragons in dragonmont." Alys's jaw square as she lifted her head.
"Well, that's going to change with or without your help." Alys looks to her friend, "Come on, jaenara let's go see what rhaena is doing, maybe she will be our look out." Baelon's smug turn to one of sour.
"Don't drag her into your stupidity, alyaena. I have half a mind to tell mother and father–"
"If you do then I'll tell them about the first time you went to dragonmont with jacerys." She threaten making baelon  scowl her, "Or I could help you." Alys smiles slyly, baelon look at her with a look.
"With?" He ask.
"I know you have little time to spare with training and lessons, so I propose, I'll take on some of your tasks for one moon so you can spend the rest with doing...whatever you do." Alys offered making baelon hum thinking about it.
"Make two moons and you have yourself a deal." Baelon grins making alys roll her eyes.
"One moon and my desserts for the rest of the week." Baelon hums again thinking, alys watch her brother in annoyance as jaenara watch anxious.
"Both of your desserts or im not helping." Alys glower at her brother making jaenara chew her lip.
"No, that or–" Alys started.
"Deal." Jaenara said making baelon grin wider.
"Great. I'll give you two...let say until the hour of the ghost and if your not back in bed by that time, I'm going to wake up the whole castle and tell mother that you drag sweet jaenara to dragonmont to claim a dragon." Alys's jaw slanted as jaenara look shock at him before looking at alys.
"You clotpole. If you breathe a word to mother–"
"You do nothing, brat. It's my word over yours." baelon smirk stepping closer to his sister making her glare at him, "I'll wait in the storm drum and if your not back, I'm going to mother." He says smugly before he pump shoulders with his sister as he pass her and jaenara.
"What a prick." Jaenara said when baelon round the corner, alys look at jaenara surprise.
"Jaenara." Alys says amuse, jaenara look at her with a straight face.
"What? You were thinking it, too."
Alys giggle grab looping her arm through jaenara's own arm, before pulling her down the hall going the opposite way baelon went.
Neither Alys or Jaenara could sleep. They both stayed in their own rooms trying to recruit the words they were taught when claiming a dragon, the nerves that rattle through them as they count the minutes before taking a dragon as they own was disquieting.
Jaenara sat up in bed and move the cover before sliding out of bed and slipping into her clothes she had on her trunk, she wore a skirt that reach above her ankle and a tunic that was stuff in the skirt before putting on her riding boots that her father got her long ago. She poke her head out and look up and down the lit corridor before opening her door wider before stepping out and taking three steps across to alys's door and doing a little knock. She waited two heart beats before the door was open to reveal alys in dragonrider attire, jaenara move as alys step out and close her door behind her.
"Are you ready." Jaenara smile and nod.
"Ready." Alys held the lantern in her other hand as she put out her right hand for jaenara to take, they held hands as they headed down the corridor towards stone drum.
Maekar was awake and leaving his room when he heard whispers coming down the corridor, he tip toe down the hall and poke his head around the corner to see his sister and cousin walk down the right corridor.
His feet follow after intrigue to know where they were going, he follow behind twenty steps so they wouldn't notice him. He followed them down the gallery and stairs before losing them, as he trys to head towards the middle baily, he had to hide in a dark alcove when a pair of knights stalk by. He waited a moment before he step out and glance around before hurrying down the staircase leading outside, it was raining so he ran carefully not to slip as he ran across the middle baily passing the armory towards the keep.
He quickly open the doors and hurried inside closing the door behind him before sliding the bolt to lock it, maekar cross his arms rubbing his hands on his arms, his soak clothes and the cool air from stone drum made him shudder. He look around the dim room before going over to the tall window and move the curtain further apart to let in more light, he looks around once again trying to figure out where could the girls be.
Maekar knew he couldn't be out this long knowing his mother has taken to having the guards to bed check ever since baelon and jacerys sneak out, maekar wipe the sweat and rain from his forehead with the back of his head before rubbing his fingers through his long white silky hair. He didn't know what his sister and cousin was up to and he had a bad feeling that it wasn't good, so he made a decision to go to the armory knowing their is were the knight stayed on rotation. He move away from the tall window toward the door, when he slide the door unlock and open the door a gust a wind hit him in the face and a soft whistling sound could be heard behind him.
Maekar turn at the sound and look around, their were no other doors and only a window that couldn't be open to make that sound, when maekar close the door the soft whistling stop, he move around the room trying to look for where the sound could have come from. He move his hands along the cold stone wall trying to find a door, he remember aemon telling him tales of secret doors around dragonstone and passages that lead to the village.
A slit in the wall made maekar stop as his finger brush against it, he put his ear to the wall before he knock taking note at the sound from on the other side. He pull before planting his hands on the wall and pushing only for it not to move, he stop as he frown in confusion before looking at wall, he move to the side and use his fingers to the edge of the slit. He pull making the stone wall move a bit, he stop feeling his fingers anchor before doing it again. When the wall was good distance open he move to the other side and start pushing the wall back until he stop, he step inside the dark passage before stepping back out.
He walk over to the lit torch by the door, before heading inside the tunnel. The walls of the tunnel was the same as the walls in the chamber, but the further he walk the walls begin to change from stone to obsidian material.
Maekar stop when he realize where this tunnel leads to he quickly turn run back where he came, as he got back into the room the door open revealing baelon.
"What are you doing here." Baelon ask, maekar look at his brother with a mixture of alarm and dread.
"I was looking for jaenara and alys, and I found that." He pointed to the wall behind him, "We need to wake mother and father, I think they might have went to dragonmont." Maekar said worried as he look at the wall.
"Can we wait. I sort gave them a time limit, and I'm not one to go back on my word." Maekar snap his head to his brother turning to fully look at him.
"You knew about this and you didn't tell anybody." Baelon shrug his shoulders, "Are you mad or just stupid–"
"Hey! No need for name calling. I was just trying to be a good brother and allow our sister a chance to claim a dragon." He said mockingly, "What's the big deal, I went down there before and I'm still alive."
Maekar grab baelon by the collar of his tunic making the young boy glare up at his older brother with a hard look.
"If you had any sense in that small brain of yours you would know that only one dragon lives in the east of the mountain of dragonmont. Where do you think those tunnels lead." Baelon's hard expression melted to one of realizion, maekar let go of his brother making baelon look at him concern as he rub his fingertips together.
"O-okay, what do we do, do we go after them or–"
"I will. I can probably still catch them if I leave now, you will go and alert the guards of the missing princesses." Baelon grab his brother's wrist keeping him from leaving.
"You can't go by yourself, those tunnels are mazes you get lost, maybe he isn't there maybe hes out hunting." 
"Maybe, he is, but I'm not willing to take that chance." Maekar pulls his wrist from baelon but the young boy dig his nails into the skin keeping his brother rooted, "Baelon." Maekar said angry.
"Please, don't leave." He beg making maekar look at him in his eyes, "Please, I...I'm scared, I don't want to lose you. Let's get the guards and they can look in tunnels for them," Maekar glance away from his brother in thought, "Maky, please." Maekar look at his young brother, it was evident that the toung boy was close to tears as he probably blame himself for all of this.
Maekar nod his head making baelin loosen his grip on his brother's wrist, "We will get the guards, but we must hurry. Only pray that the cannibal is out hunting." He says as he pulls baelon along.
The tunnels were dark and damp, it was hard to breathe as the two girls continue to walk through the tunnels for hours. The plan to claim dragons seem like a delusion to Jaenara as she didn't think the tunnels were going to be so confusing, when she read about the tunnels that lead to dragonmont the instructions sounded simple.
"Alys, we should go back, we been out here for hours." Jaenara says falling four steps behind her friend.
"Come on, nara. Don't give up now, I know we are close." Alys says as she carries the lantern up to see where they were going, alys went through the worst ordeal that a targaryen can go through, none of the eggs that her father got her hatch and the one she was given by her aunt was premature and died. She had waited years to have a dragon, she was tired of being made fun of by her brother and nephews for being dragonless.
No more, she thought, she will claim her dragon even if it means she have to be stuck in this tunnels for days to do it. She will get the respect that she deserve and prove to her idiot brother and nephews that she is as much as a dragonraider than any of them.
"Alys! Look." Jaenara gasp making alys look at her seeing her cousin point at the wall with long scratches on the wall, alys  comes to stand next to jaenara before looking at her with a smile.
"We are close. Come on." Alys grabs jaenara's hand and they both run following the long fresh scratches.
The further they went the hotter the tunnels got and the air begin to become thick, they slowed down when they heard a beastly snore, alys and jaenara shared a look before venturing closer to the sound.
Alys excited hurried ahead of jaenara causing the young velaryon girl to follow after quickly to catch her with her, they carefully use the light to see the ground so they can move around the dragon so they wouldn't wake it. As they got closer the light of the lantern caught the black coal scales of the dragon making them stop.
"A-Alys." Jaenara whisper scared. 
"Yeah." Alys whisper back equally frightened.
"I-Is that...could it be–" Jaenara didn't finish her sentence as the growl from the beast made her shut her mouth and freeze. Alys swallow thickly as she looks at jaenara who looks back at her, the entrance out of the cave was just a few feet away if they were quiet enough they can make it.
Alys put her finger to her lips motioning jaenara to stay quiet before she slowly took a step back, jaenara follow suit keep her eyes on the sleeping beast before them. It took everything in both of them not to weep, both girls blamed themselves for the predicament that they put themselves in. All jaenara wanted was to get back in alys's good graces and she knew claiming a dragon would do that whilst alys let her desire control her, now they might die and the only person who knew where they were was baelon.
Jaenara turn her head over shoulder and sigh to herself as they were close to the entrance, just a fee more steps, jaenara snap her head forward hearing movement and stills with alys. The beast turn his large head to face them, alys held jaenara's hand in fear as jaenara squeeze alys's hand in return as they stare frighten, they waited for a moment before sighing softly as his eyes remain closed.
The two girls look at each sharing a sheepish smile at the close call, jaenara move to take a step back only for a snap to echo through the cave making both girls grimace. They look down to see small bones of a baby dragon underneath jaenara's boot, a deep growl made the girls slowly lift their eyes up to see the black dragon known as "the cannibal" lift his head as he stares at the two girls.
"Run." Alys says pulling jaenara toward as they dash toward the entrance , the roar that came from the beast shook them as well as the ground as the dragon crawl after them.
Rhaelle and Daemon stood in the chamber of the painting table in distress, it has been hours since the guards left to find the young girls. She sent Maekar and Baelon back to their chamber, they didn't need to stay and endure wait.
Rhaenyra was also there. She didn't say anything just sat at the table tapping her finger in impatient.
Rhaelle couldn't help but pace the room, daemon couldn't help but watch his wife. He was chewing on his thumb anxious, he didn't know what to think or say to put his wife's nerve at ease.
"Would you stop that." Rhaenyra ask looking over at the woman, rhaelle stop making her and daemon flick their eyes over at her, "If you keep that up you pace a hole in the floor, sit." She motion to the seat next to her.
"I can't." Rhaelle went back to pacing making rhaenyra get up and walk over to her and daemon.
"You working yourself up is not helping anybody." Rhaelle didn't listen, she couldn't stop because she did than she'll just fall apart and she can't not in front of daemon or rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra look at daemon as he stare worriedly at his wife, rhaenyra look back at rhaelle before stepping close and grabbing her hand. Rhaelle stop and look at rhaenyra who surprisingly look apprehensive, rhaenyra may not show any love or kindness to her daughter but she still cared for her, she wasn't completely heartless. Rhaelle swallow hard before nodding making rhaenyra give a small smile as she leads rhaelle to the table with daemon following closely behind, rhaelle didn't let go of rhaenyra's hand and rhaenyra didn't pull her own away.
The silence was deafening. They sat at the table with rhaelle's other hand squeezing daemon's arm while his hand was covering hers, rhaelle look down at the table and notice she was sitting right in front of her birth island, driftmark. She scrunch up her nose at it before looking back up at the empty wall in front of them.
Daemon notice his wife's anguish look and rub her hand that was on his forearm, daemon was never one to pray to the gods for anything, mostly because he didn't need to but right now he close too. He and alys never had a proper relationship, she didn't find the stories he told her very amusing like her brothers and he never fault her for it. She was a mommy's girl and daemon didn't want to push himself between their relationship, but he wish he made an effort to spend time with her. He wish he said he love her, he wonder if she knows he loves her.
Daemon sniff as he blinks his eyes feeling them tear up, he use his other hand to rub a his eye, rhaelle notice and lean her head against daemon's shoulder making him bury his face in her hair.
It felt like they waited years when the doors to the chamber open, rhaelle was the first look over and get up being follow by rhaenyra and daemon.
A sob broke through rhaelle when she saw her daughter and jaenara walk inside, rhaelle ran over to her daughter falling to her knees in front of her before pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Daemon was right beside her wrapping his arm around the both of them, jaenara look at the trio before looking over at her who met her halfway.
It took a moment but rhaenyra put her hand on the back of her daughter's head and pull her to her hugging her, jaenara stood in shock, she doesn't remember the last time her mother hugged her. She slowly wrap her arms around her mother taking in the moment, maybe did down her mother did care for her.
Once the sweet moment was over, both girls were scolded, alys by daemon and jaenara by rhaenyra. Rhaelle was still holding her child as daemon scold his daughter about being reckless and told her how she had to apologize for leaving, alys and jaenara understood the punishment their parents gave them and was soon sent off to bed.
Rhaelle didn't want to leave alys's side, so she decided to stay in her room, just in case she had a bad dream and she needed her. That what she told daemon anyway, the real reason was mostly for her to stay close to her daughter. The girls didn't seem that traumatize by the ordeal, but rather placid which made rhaelle curious to know what really happen in dragonmount.
Once they got to alys's room, the little girl couldn't hold in her excitement and spilled everything that occurred, rhaelle listened dumbfounded at the tale that alys told her, from encountering the cannibal to being saved by Silverwing and Vermithor. The story was hard to believe but she knew it was true, her great-grandfather and great-grandmother saved her baby and jaenara.
It was close to the hour of the wolf when alys finally went to sleep, rhaelle strtch her arms over her head when a she stood outside her daughter's door. When she was about to leave back to her chamber, jaenara's door open making rhaelle furrow her brows at her neice.
"Hi, sweetie. You had a bad dream?" Rhaelle ask walking up to her, the young girl shook her head.
"No, I thought you were alys...I'll go back to bed." As jsenara was about to go close her door, rhaelle stop her putting her hand on the door before jaenara could shut it.
"Wait, um...can I talk to you for a moment." Jaenara chew her lip for a second before nodding, she open the door wide letting her aunt in.
Rhaelle step in before looking around the room, it was simple and neat not like her children who always had their stuff everywhere, rhaelle finally look at jaenara who sat on her bed waiting for her auntie. Rhaelle lean her back against the wall near the door as she face jaenara fully.
"How are you." She ask.
"I'm fine." Jaenara replied softly.
"You know you both gave us quite a scare." Rhaelle folded her arms over her chest, jaenara look at her with wide eyes and pouty lips.
"I know, we didn't mean too, we just...wanted to claim a dragon." Rhaelle hmmm nodding before peeking over at jaenara.
"Did you?" She ask making jaenara's brow and corner of her mouth twitch, rhaelle hum with a small smile moving to get off the wall and wall up to her neice.
Jaenara look up at her aunt as she kneel in front of her putting her hand on jaenara's knee.
"I'm happy that you both are okay, but do expect a proper punishment tomorrow with baelon. As much as I love my son he could be thoughtless at times, and he needs to know that his actions have consequences as well." Jaenara nod her head, she wasn't really sad about the punishment, it was expected, she just glad that her and alys rekindle and they survive a great deal, "Well, it's getting late and you should sleep, come on." Jaenara look at her aunt before she move to get under the covers, rhaelle tuck her in before brush a curl from jaenara's forehead to behind her ear.
"Goodnight, jaenara." Rhaelle said sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Goodnight, auntie." The young girl says back, rhaelle contemplates for a moment before she leans forward kissing jaenara's head, she stayed there for a second before pulling away.
"We love you, jaenara. I...I just wanted you know that...you are love very much by us." Jaenara swallow and nod slowly making rhaelle give another small smile and get up and goes towards the door, "Sleeptight, little dragon." Rhaelle says looking back at jaenara before blowing out the candle next to the door before opening walking out.
Both jaenara and rhaelle felt a type of relieve, like a rock was lifted off them, rhaelle needed to say that after so many moons if holding it in while jaenara needed to hear it. She was thought her cousins were lucky to have a mother like rhaelle, and after moons of rhaelle and alys keeping their distance for her, it was nice to know that she is loved by someone even if it's not by the person she want.
Maybe she should stop expecting that someone to love her, and allow others to.
@beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge @avidreader73 @green-lxght @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @stargaryenx
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dingochef · 2 years ago
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Summary: You get to know Jake's family better, learn few truths about your life, and try to figure out what Jake's brother's deal is.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 9
Word Count: 2.9 k
Chapter 10: Just You
The rest of the afternoon is spent hanging around the kitchen helping Sharon with some of Thanksgiving pre-prep.
Sharon keeps the conversation going, "So, Elsa, any special Thanksgiving traditions at your house?"
"Nothing too different than most people's, we'd usually go to my Grandma's for dinner with my extended family."
"We've got that too, that's Friday night for my side of the family. You'll get to meet all of the Lucarellis."
Jake pipes up,
"That's the Italian side."
"How many people is that?" you ask trying to get an idea of the size of the get-together.
"It's about 40ish people with all the generations. I'm one of five kids so it's our kids and grandkids."
"Wow, that's a lot of people. My extended family is 10 people," you reply with my eyes widening. Jake notices the look on my face.
"Don't worry about remembering everyone's names, I'm pretty sure it took me till I was about 10 to get it all right," he reassures me.
"Oh yeah, they're all dying to meet you. Everybody is curious about the girl that got Jake to settle down," Sharon gushes.
"Mom, you're making it seem like Elsa's going to be the main attraction. Don't scare her," Jake says to his mom in a fake whisper.
You laugh, catching Jake's eye. He winks and gives you that panty dropper smile.
The conversation pivots, and moves to your work,
"So what is it you exactly do, Jake was a bit vague about that," she asks.
"Probably not intentionally so, I work for Lockheed Martin in the research and development division. The specific details are literally top secret," you answer.
"You and Jake and your top secret lives, always thought that was just in the movies."
"Where'd you go to college?"
"Notre Dame for my undergrad and Stanford for my PhD."
"You a big football fan? That's what I think of most when I think of Notre Dame."
Jake snickers behind his mom where he is chopping vegetables for stuffing tomorrow.
"Yes, I'd say Elsa is a big football fan. She sat me down and told me Saturdays in the fall were for Notre Dame football and I was welcome to join her or find something else to do."
"I had to let you know my deal breakers. Not everyone enjoys Lydia and I losing it over every play."
"Lydia is Elsa's best friend from Notre Dame, she lives with Rooster in La Jolla," Jake fills her in.
"Oh yeah, you mentioned that Rooster had found himself a lady friend. Nice young man."
The food prep wraps up and you help Sharon clean up the kitchen.
She goes and sits down on an overstuffed armchair and puts her feet up on an ottoman.
"Well, I'm done cooking for the day, dinner tonight is pizza," she sighs out.
"Well earned, Mom. Do you want a drink? Make yourself comfortable," Jake asks.
"That sounds good, a glass of red, please. There's a few bottles in the rack in there, pick something out."
"Elsa, you?" he asks over his shoulder as he steps into the kitchen.
"Yes, please." you settle on a matching overstuffed sofa.
"Oh, you'll get to meet Mike tonight. He's going to stop by for dinner on his way home from the hospital."
"I was wondering when he'd make an appearance."
"Alicia and the girls will be here tomorrow."
"That was going to be my next question. Jake's mentioned them before, especially when I asked how he was familiar with Frozen. He called me Icy when we first met."
"I'll level with you, I love my granddaughters dearly, but if I have to watch that movie or Moana one more time I'm going to lose it."
"You and I will get along well. I've always liked my name, but it did get annoying after the movie came out."
Jake has reappeared with two glasses of wine and hands one to you and Sharon and disappears back into the kitchen presumably to grab his glass.
"So Jake mentioned you met at a bar, how'd that go? Did Jakey have some suave pick up line?"
You nearly snort on your wine,
"You want to tell her or should I?" you ask Jake as he enters with his glass. He sits down next to you with his arm on the back of the sofa and asks,
“Tell who what?”
You wait till he is taking a sip,
“Your mom wants to know how exactly we met at the Hard Deck and if you had some smooth pick up line.”
Jake nearly chokes on his wine,
“Hardly, I ran into her spilling her drink, which is the only reason I got to buy her a drink that night at all. We talked for a while, I apparently didn’t pick up some obvious clues nor ask her what she does for a living. I was drinking pretty fast because she made me nervous and then I tried to pull my ‘I’m a pilot and this how planes fly routine.’”
Sharon groans,
“You tried to explain how planes fly to an aerospace engineer. I’m sure I raised you better.”
“Hey, the whole pilot thing has worked pretty well in the past. Then she promptly gave me an epic ego check and left me a smoldering wreck on the barroom floor.”
Sharon’s eyebrows furrow, confused how anything could be salvaged that situation.
“I assumed I’d never see him again.” you add.
“Something about you definitely intrigued me and I wanted to see you again or at least say sorry,” Jake continues. “I got your number from a friend and invited you to a Padres game the next day, and for some miraculous reason you said yes.”
“I figured I'd get at least a baseball game out of it,” you add.
“But apparently, I pulled the old Seresin charm out and the baseball game became dinner and the rest is history.” Jake wraps up, kissing you on the side of your head.
“Your charm was not trying to be a flashy pilot, and just being Jake,” you reassure him as you pat his knee.
“You guys are adorable,” Sharon practically coos.
“Where’s Tom? I haven’t seen him around all day?” you ask.
“Oh he’s volunteering at the community health clinic. When he retired from his own practice he decided to volunteer a few days a week here and there to keep busy. He’s usually back by 5,” she answers. you look up at the clock on the mantle and it says 3 pm.
“That’s cool, what a neat way to stay connected and give back.”
Sharon has finished her wine and her busy day and an afternoon glass of wine has mellowed her out. She yawns,
“Well, I’m going to go ‘rest my eyes’ for a bit till Dad gets home.” She gets up and drops her glass in the kitchen and heads off to take a nap.
You stand up and look at the photos on the mantle and the wall. There’s the usual family portraits, some baseball photos of Jake and his brother. A large wedding portrait of Mike and Alicia, (you assume), baby pictures of the grandkids, graduations, and other family moments all line the wall.
Jake has joined you and is standing next to you.
"Your family literally looks like the fake families they put in photo frames," you tease Jake.
"I can't help that we were all gifted with gorgeous genetics."
Continuing to look at the photos each one is filled with that signature Seresin smile. The one that radiates pure joy.
"It's not just the looks, which I agree are top notch. You can feel the love your family has for each other, that comes through even though it's just a moment frozen in time."
"All family photos are like that, you probably have a wall like this at your house."
"No, they're not. A distinct memory I have is my mom smiling brightly for the camera and then her face going back neutral or RBF. She never walked around the world with a smile. My Dad was better about it, but I think that slowly faded over time by being with my Mom."
Jake wraps his arms around you, knowing how hard it is for you to talk about certain things.
"I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed by how loving your family is. When I went to meet Liam's family when we got engaged, it felt like my family. Polite and cool, when they weren't sniping each other with passive aggressive remarks."
Jake kisses your forehead, it's always at his mouth level and easy to reach.
"I get that your relationship with your parents is in the 'It's Complicated' category, but understand, and this can't make up for the past, but you're a part of the Seresin family and all that love."
"You're going to make me cry. How are you so good at all this emotional stuff? I feel like I'm just figuring this out on the fly."
"This is only an observation, but I don't think you've ever felt real love before our relationship. Not to say your parents don't love you in some way, but it's based on you being something for them, like you being an Olympian. Real love isn't like that, it's based on you being just you. Just like you fell in love with just Jake, the man, not Jake the hotshot pilot."
The tears are pricking at the corners of your eyes, I take a deep breath.
"You realize you've made a better assessment than my therapists ever did. I really had to be in love to understand what was missing. Have I mentioned how much I love you?" you laugh, wiping at the tears with you hands.
"Yes, but I love hearing it.'
"Okay, I think we've made some good progress here today," you joke.
Jake looks confused.
"It's literally how every therapist, I've had has wrapped up the end of a session," you explain.
"Are we wrapping up this session?"
"I think so, I'm going to have to absorb that truth bomb and just bask in the love your family is lousy with."
He laughs and pulls you back into a deep hug. The tension in you melts away. You and Jake end up back on the couch snuggled together.
"So, here's your chance to preempt any embarrassing stories your brother might drop on dinner," you tease Jake.
He groans,
"Oh Lord, there's a few."
You spend the rest of the afternoon with your head on his lap as tells you stories about growing up.
Around five, as promised, Jake's Dad arrives home. You and Jake greet him and Sharon reappears to give him a kiss on the cheek. They discuss when Mike will be over to time the pizza delivery. Jake's dad calls out to the living room where Jake and you are still on the couch,
"Elsa, Jake tells me you like a good gin and tonic."
You sit up and respond,
"I do in fact like a good gin and tonic, got to prevent malaria."
Jake and you walk into the kitchen.
He responds with a good laugh,
"It'll be nice to have another g&t drinker in the family, these two," he points at Sharon pouring a glass of wine and Jake getting a beer from the fridge, "Are very anti-gin and tonic."
"I know, Jake has made his opinions known about gin, he said it was like kissing a Christmas tree."
"It is, it's so piney," he whines. You lean over and kiss his cheek.
A gin and tonic is slid across the counter to you, which you gladly accept.
"Thanks, Tom."
He holds his glass up in a cheers motion and you mimic him. The first sip is exactly on point, you let Tom know,
"Perfectly done."
"I've had years of practice," he responds drolly.
Sharon cuts in,
"Why don't you folks make yourself comfortable in the living room while we wait for Mike. I'll be there in a second."
You follow Sharon's suggestion and Jake and you take the loveseat opposite the armchair. Jake instinctually puts his arm up on the back around you. You wait for Tom to lob out a question.
Which he does, but not to you,
"How's the teaching gig going, Jake?"
"I really like it, I was a little unsure of how teaching would be versus active duty but it's so rewarding to get these pilots in, devastate them the first day and then have to be flying at my best to win at the end of it."
Jake and Tom keep talking about Jake's work for a while. Sharon comes in and joins the group. There's a knock at the door, Sharon jumps up to answer the door,
"Oh, it's Mike, I was wondering when he'd get here."
She opens the door to a similar looking man a few years older than Jake with a bit thinner build, but the same crazy green eyes and blond hair. Sharon takes the pizza boxes from Mike and Jake jumps up to greet his brother with a big bear hug.
A mix of each other's name, "Good to see you", and "It's been awhile" emanates from their hug. Everyone migrates to the kitchen and soon pizza is served up and everyone is seated.
Again you wait for a question to come your way and this time it does.
"Elsa, I hear you're a PhD aerospace engineer who went to Notre Dame on a gymnastics scholarship and works on top secret aircraft. Knowing Jake, one of those has to be untrue," Mike asks in more of an interrogative way than friendly. Like he's checking out your cover story.
"Nope, those are all true," you answer.
"If you're all those out of the world things, why did you pick my brother of all people to be with?" His tone is so serious that you can't tell if he's joking in a brotherly way or if he's being mean about it.
Your brain wants to go with the snarky response, which is "Because he has a very big cock," but luckily your filter is working and instead you say, l
"Because he is a very good man whom I love very much and who loves me just as much."
Sharon and Tom look at each and lift their eyebrows, communicating in that way old married couples do.
Mike rolls his eyes,
"Yeesh, you really are gone for him."
"Yeah, I think it's past the point of no return," you look over to Jake and he is watching the exchange between you and his brother like a tennis match. His face alternates from an adoring to annoyed look with each volley.
"Yeah, but I still can't believe he landed someone as high caliber as you."
Jake interjects himself to the conversation,
"I think we covered that enough, moving on Mike."
He does with surprising ease and pivots to his next question,
"So, how long have you lived in San Diego?"
"A little over four years and I, we actually live on Coronado Island, if you're familiar with the San Diego area."
The rest of dinner goes relatively normal and the get to know you conversations flow easily and feel less like you're a spy caught in enemy territory being questioned.
Mike excuses himself after dinner to get home before the girls have to go to bed.
That night as Jake and you are settling into bed, you ask Jake about his brother,
"Is your brother usually that aggressive to new people, or was it just me?"
"It was just you, I think it blew his mind that someone like you is actually in love with me."
"That I don't get."
"He's always been the do good of our family, he's a doctor, married, and kids. All things my parents are rightly proud of. I don't know if he feels like I one upped him on a partner or he's actually jealous."
"What about his wife, Alicia?"
"Alicia is lovely, I don't doubt those two are crazy in love, I just think he's put out that he's not the golden boy right now. My mom has been waiting for me to settle down for so long I'm surprised she isn't picking out wedding colors right now, so she understandably is excited and he feels a lack of attention, I guess."
"So the usual siblings vying for their parents' attention, like when you were kids."
"Yup, are you close with your sister? I know you call her fairly regularly."
"We're pretty close, my sister has always gone her own way, she didn't have the need to get approval and validation from our parents. She just did what she liked to do and that was art. So we weren't competing with each other in the same realms and could be friends. I think she liked that my parents were so over involved in my life that she had more freedom. But I think I've thought about family dynamics enough to today."
Jake rolls over to spoon you and pulls you back into his embrace.
"I love you," you whisper.
"Love you too," he answers.
It doesn't take long to fall asleep.
Chapter 11
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tia-amorosa · 9 months ago
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Oscar & Vivienne - Part 2
Anyone who has followed the last episodes will know that Oscar has a few health problems. That's why a few measures have to be taken, and his wife is there to help him. Although... the idea of ​​doing yoga came from her. But see for yourself how Oscar is doing.
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The next morning starts early and Oscar runs through the house whistling. “Is someone in a good mood?”/ “A little, yes. I want to thank you for taking me as I am. Even if my manners at dinner aren't the best“/”hnhn, as long as you clean up the dishes afterwards. Let's eat a bowl of muesli and then go to the gym"/ ‘no eggs and bacon?’/ ‘hnhn, no’.
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The gym is open 24 hours a day. Anyone can come and go whenever they want. But of course, not everyone necessarily makes use of it. Nevertheless, there are people who come here in the morning. “And now?”/ “let's get our gym clothes on first and then you follow me into that little room there”/ “that glass box? Oh man, this is going to be embarrassing". Vivienne had to smile a little, but she was sure it would do him good.
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After the two of them had changed, they went into the yoga room. The whole thing was a little uncomfortable for Oscar. But it was still early in the morning and no one else was here except his wife. "We'll start with very simple exercises. I'll lead the way and you just do it as best you can, okay?"/ ‘I'll try, if I can even get down’.
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“uh… Oh shit, I'm going to get a slipped disc”/ “that's nonsense, just a little further…”/ “I'm already doing it… How can you manage with your baby bump?”/ “hnhn, the baby is joining in…”/ “hahaha, ow, oh man”/ “just do it a few times, then it'll get better and easier”.
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“That's bound to make your muscles ache, isn't it?”/ “If you're untrained, then yes”/ “Great, I'm looking forward to it…”/ “hnhn, believe me, at least you'll know what your body can do. You'll feel really good afterwards. Come on, once again, you can do something else afterwards, but not on the treadmill, do you hear me?"/ ‘OK, boss’.
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Oscar makes an effort. But he wonders how long he has to do this nonsense before he can even get on a treadmill. After all, the most effective way to lose weight is to exercise properly. “As far as I know, swimming could help quite well… I can't sink, fat floats on top…uh, that's quite a drag…and I should shave my chest hair…”.
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A little later. Oscar had to go to the toilet. But when he didn't come back after a while, Vivienne went to see where he was. She found him in the large fitness room. “Hey, you don't have to do everything that's on offer here now”/ “I just wanted to test, uuh, how heavy these balls are… I think… They all have different weights”/ “that's right and you must have taken the heaviest one, oh you”.
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Oscar put the ball down again and then turned his attention to his wife. "All right, then. I'll try to do everything right from now on. I'll probably have sore muscles tomorrow, but I think the more often I do it, the quicker I'll get fit again. Can we get a yoga mat like this for home?"/ ”hnhn, of course. I'm proud of you".
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After a visit to the gym, they thought about what else they could do. The public swimming pool offers all kinds of wellness. And so Vivienne treats herself to a little break in the whirlpool.
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. However, Oscar doesn't even get to use the wellness program. He meets Clark here by chance. "Ozzy? Shouldn't you be at home in bed?"/ ”because I fainted from one too many bottles and my heart beat three beats too many? No, it's too boring at home"/ ‘I didn't think you'd say something like that, hahaha’.
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“Well, and since you moved out, Vivienne is much more relaxed…”. Clark grinned a little. "That's what I thought. I didn't want to live with you both for the rest of my life…"/ ‘So… you and Marisol are together now?’/ ”Well… We're getting closer and closer and we're dealing intensively with the baby issue for now. We've known each other for ages, but the feelings are new to us".
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„mhm… yes, you've known each other for a really long time…”. Clark smiled a little as he thought back to when they were teenagers. "Yeah, but we're finding each other a little more every day. And you two? Hehe, it would be funny if our kids were together later…". Oscar had to laugh. "You're already thinking about that? Haha, , it's a nice idea, but they should still decide on their own” / ‘of course“.
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After a little more small talk, Clark left. “Hey, you have to go again?”/ “I want to get some things for our baby. When our kids are born, we could have a parents' party or something"/ ‘yeah, nice idea’/ ‘with coffee and cake…’/ ”hehe, sure, no alcohol, I get it. See you then"/ ‘yes, take care’.
End of this part
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thevelria · 2 years ago
Emerald (ErenxReader) ~Chapter 6 -Tantrum~
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Author's note: 31.000+ characters. It's a long ass chapter.
It contains drinking alcohol, blood, some lemon and an accident during sex. 
Enjoy the chaos~
The weekdays flew away in a blink, you were doing plus hours every single day, but there was one thing, which saved you from going insane. It was a short week, because of the upcoming holiday you had a long weekend, from Friday till Sunday.
On Thursday you were already daydreaming of a calm and mostly problem free weekend. You had your moments with Eren during the days, but it seemed he finally understood you and since you opened up to him, he kept his distance you asked before. It didn't bother you at all, you felt relieved, focusing on your job.
You just got back from the kitchen with a cup of hot coffee, when you noticed the message on your laptop.
-So, did you think about Friday?
-Not really, to be honest. This was a hell of a week with these plus hours. I don't want to be an ass, but I want to relax on these free days.
-What about Saturday? 🙂 And don't say you don't know...
-Will you be angry if I refuse Saturday, too?
-Yeah...I'll be hurt to the bones😭 It's just a dinner...I would like to get to know you better 🙂
-Fine...just a quick dinner. No drinking, no parties!
-Y/N! -you heard Sasha's voice from her desk.
-Come here, if you have a second.
You walked up to her, seeing a huge smile on her face, offering you a free chair next to hers.
-What's up, Sash?
-I've been wondering with the girls, if you would like to join us tomorrow for a girlish day?
-Uhm...What do you have in mind?
-Shopping, eating, watching the newest action film in the movies. C'mon it's gonna be super fun! You look so burnt out nowadays, I'm sure you need to relax -she winked at you- Annie and Historia would love to get to know you better too.
-Well, yeah. You must be right. I need to relax a bit.
-Awesome! -she laughed with sparkling eyes- I'm gonna text you later with the details.
It surprised you as well that you were looking forward to hang out with them. It's been so long, when you spent time with girls. Even if you had some friends, they all lived in the city you moved out of, not to mention they had a family, husband and children. So yeah, it wasn't the same anymore. You were the only single in your group.
You decided to wear something comfy since you were about to just chill. A simple light blue jeans, with a black tank top, which had the symbol of your fav anime on it. The patch of the Wings of Freedom placed right above your heart with the motto "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" under it. Yeah, you were an adult, but it didn't mean you couldn't dress the way you felt like. You were a nerd, so what? You slipped into a black Converse and grabbed your jacket. You agreed to meet them around 1pm before the biggest mall in the city.
It was past 1 and you were swearing like a lady, because you couldn't find a free parking spot. You heard your phone ringing and it made you even angrier.
-Hey, Sash -you picked up the call, putting it on speaker.
-Where are you?
-I'm here, just trying to find a fucking parking spot...oh wait I see one. I'll be there in a few mins -you hung up.
Historia and even Annie looked nice, they smiled and greeted you with a big hug. As you were wandering in the mall, looking for a shop to go to, Historia walked next to you, hooked her hands on your elbow.
-So, Y/N -she chirped- How do you like our office?
-It seems fun so far -you smiled- I'm sorry I didn't have time for you guys this week. It was such a rush.
-Nah, don't worry -Annie said from behind you- We know how it is.
-Sasha talked about you 24/7, so we really wanted to hang out with you.
-All of you are way too sweet -you laughed. It really felt good. Having these strangers around you, who were claiming for your friendship. You felt somehow special...maybe important. It was a strange, but exciting feeling at the same time.
-I told you at the dining hall, girl -Sasha chimed in- You are cool, so we like you!
-Thanks, really -you blushed- You are cool, too. For real.
-Guys! -Annie gasped- I need to go in there -she pointed at a lingerie shop- I need to get something special for Armin, it's gonna be our anniversary soon.
You all followed her immediately, starting to check the supply. You found some really naughty pieces as well and even if you had no one, you felt the urge to get them. A blood red lace bra with matching french penties and a black-turquoise push up bra with a matching tanga were the ones you immediately fall in love with.
-What did you get? -Historia asked curiously after you left the shop -Wow, hot -she winked at you, peeking into your bag.
-I know right -you laughed out loud.
Annie got a super sexy, seethrough babydoll with lace penties. The smirk on her face told all of you that she was confident that her man was going to love it.
-You and Armin are such a cute pair -you admitted- I saw you guys at work and I have to tell you, you are so cool together.
-Hah, thanks, Y/N -she laughed- He didn't give up and finally I gave in.
She saw the confused look on your face, so she continued as you were walking to the next shop.
-Armin is Jaeger's best friend. I knew Eren before and he was the one who introduced me to Armin. I found him cute, but that's all. Armin kept hitting on me, but I rejected him every single time. Then Eren told me to go on a double date with him and Mikasa and of course Armin.
The name of his wife made you shiver, but you tried to act cool. You couldn't let anyone notice that Mikasa's name made you feel nauseous.
-So, I accepted the offer and yeah the rest is history -she blushed from head to toe. It was clearer than the sun that she was head over heels. So madly in love with her man, it almost made you jealous.
-Yeah -Sasha chuckled- Back then Jaeger was fun to be around. Not like nowadays. Sometimes I hate, when I see him in the office with that annoyed, depressed look on his face all the time.
-He's cool to be around. He can be really cute and fun - you said, slamming your hand against your mouth after you realized you said it out loud.
-Oh, I'm sure -Historia smirked- We all see how he acts around you, but with us he's a total dick -she laughed.
-Are you and him a thing? -Annie asked, raising one of her eyebrows.
-No! -you said strictly- Of course not. We are just friends, that's all.
Sasha looked at you from the corner of her eyes, but kept silent and you loved her for that more than anything. You knew she wasn't stupid since she saw and heard things she shouldn't have had to.
-Who's hungry? -you asked, trying to change the subject. Sasha screamed out loud and headed to her favorite fast food restaurant in a blink of an eye.
-I'm so full -Sasha cried, tapping her tummy with her tiny hand.
-You ate the whole fucking menu, Sash -Historia laughed- Of course you are full.
-I was hungry -she shrugged.
-So Y/N -Annie turned to you- What's up with Jean?
-With Jean? -your eyes widened- Why?
-He was so full of himself that you agreed to date him -she smirked- Telling everyone proudly that you didn't reject him.
-Date? There's gonna be any kind of date -you pulled an annoyed face. -He asked me to have dinner with him tomorrow, but that's all.
-So it's a date -Historia giggled.
-Nope -you shook your head- Plus I heard he's a womanizer anyway.
-What? -Sasha looked surprised-Who said that?
-Does it matter? -you raised one of your eyebrows.
-Well since it's not true... -Annie shrugged.
-So who said that? -Sasha asked again.
-That son of a... -Historia laughed out loud- Well, Y/N. I have to tell you something. Jean is the most faithful and adorable guy I know. He's not a player, nothing close to it...
Her words felt like blades into your heart, because it meant Eren lied to you and you felt angry and offended at the same time. Why did he lie to you? Why did he want you to believe that Jean was an asshole?
-Oh...-that was all you could press out from yourself.
-It seems Jaeger wants you for himself -Annie clicked her tongue.
-Girls, please... -you rolled your eyes- I don't date my coworkers anyway.
-Well, you definitely should give Jean a chance. Believe me, he's an angel -Sasha smiled softly -What about buying you a hot ass dress for tomorrow? -she raised her brows up and down.
-Well - you hummed- yeah, why not?
-That's the spirit! -Annie winked at you.
Historia claimed she knew a shop you would love and was sure that you would find something special for the occasion. Well she was right. You picked a snow white, tight dress, which ended just around the mid thigh and had a decent cleavage. Plus you found a black leather jacket with some silver zippers.
~Your outfit~
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-He's going to drool like a dog -Annie laughed, seeing the stuff you bought.
-Good -you smirked. Even if you didn't plan to do anything with him, you felt mad at Eren and somehow it felt like you wanted to punish him by going out with another man.
Speaking of the devil, your phone started to ring.
-Who's that? -Sasha asked.
-Nobody -you smiled, rejecting the call from Eren. But he didn't give up and called you again in an instant -Oh for fuck's sake -you rolled eyes. Sasha picked the phone out of your hand.
-Who's dickhead? -she asked, raising one her eyebrows- Oh wait -she started to laugh, while answering the phone -Jaeger, is it you?
-Sasha, give back my fucking phone -you sighed angrily, but she refused to do so. You felt like in high school again and it honestly wasn't a pleasant feeling.
-Sasha, why do you have Y/N's phone? -he asked confused.
-Why are you calling her anyway?
-Sasha...phone...now -you said strictly with a dangerous look on your face. Sasha gulped big, but screaming in the phone before handing it back to you -I love your contact name...Dickhead!
All the girls bursted out in a loud laughter. You facepalmed yourself, before holding the phone to your ear.
-What do you want? -you asked annoyed.
-Yep, that's how I saved your number -you said with a cold tone.
-Fucking hell -he laughed. You thought he might get offended, but he found it actually funny- I should change your name, too...what about Cold ass bitch?
-Sounds perfect -you cracked a half smile- Sorry, but I need to go. I'm busy.
-Yeah -Sasha yelled into the phone- She's busy with buying naughty clothes for her date with Jean!
-Sasha! Shut up! -you shook your head.
-Are you going out with Jean? -he hissed.
-As I know it's none of your business. Not to mention the fact you lied to me about him -you started to lose your cool. You felt your blood slowly boiling. He stayed silent, which proved the fact he really did lie to you.
-Y/N, I can explain...
-Bye, Jaeger! -you hung up the phone.
You tried to collect yourself and faked a huge smile like nothing happened.
-Soooo...which movie? -you kept smiling.
As you were sitting in the movie, watching a pretty cool film you felt your phone kept buzzing. You thanked God for putting it into a silent mood before the movie started. You took a quick peek, seeing Eren kept messaging you without a break. You ignored it anyway.
After the movie ended you hugged goodbye to the girls and headed home. You really did have fun with them and you were grateful for it. Historia made you promise you were going to hang out with them more from now on.
When you stepped in the house your phone started to buzz again.
-God damn it, Jaeger! -you cursed, checking your mobile. But it wasn't him, but Jean.
-Hey, beautiful. Tomorrow 7pm would be okay to meet?
-Hey, handsome. Sure, perfect.
-I'll pick you up😘
After you gave him your address, you checked your texts from Eren.
-Y/N, I'm sorry about lying.
-Please let's talk about it, okay?
-Y/N stop ignoring me...damn it!
You rolled your eyes and ignored him anyway.
The next day was about you being extra lazy, laying in bed, watching TV, reading and sleeping a lot. Eren hasn't texted you since yesterday, but you didn't mind it. Around 4pm you started to get ready for the diner. Taking a hot, relaxing shower, putting on some makeup. As it wasn't about a party you chose some natural eyeshadow colors, with black eyeliner and fake eyelashes, making the look perfect with a matte, chocolate brown lipstick. You curled your hair, letting it down. You got ready just in time, slipping into your black heels, when you heard a light knock on your door.
-Good evening, beautiful -Jean greeted you with a wonderful bouquet in his hand.
-Hey -you smiled right away.
-I brought this for you -he handed you the flowers.
-Thanks -you nodded, still smiling -Just a sec, I put them in water -you rushed back, looking for a vase.
Jean opened the car door for you, acting as a real gentleman.
~Jean's car~
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-You look beautiful -he added as he got in the car as well.
-You look pretty good, too -you smirked.
He was wearing dark blue jeans with a navy blue buttoned shirt, the last three unbuttoned with a casual suit jacket. His semi long, brown hair and his mesmerizing light-brown eyes made him look super handsome.
Jean took you to a fancy restaurant in the city. It made you surprised and felt a little underdressed.
-You should have told me that you wanted to take me to a place like that. I would have picked another dress then.
-You look perfect, don't worry -he chuckled.
-Good evening, sir -the girl at the counter greeted him.
-Evening, I have a reservation for 2. Name is Kirstein, Jean Kirstein.
The way he talked made your body shiver, you had no idea why, but he looked way too charming.
A waiter walked you to your table, making sure one of his coworkers was on his way to take your orders.
-What would you like to drink? -Jean smiled at you.
-Maybe some wine? -you furrowed your brows, checking the drink list.
-Please bring one of your best wines...with a whole bottle -he smiled softly.
-Yes, sir -the waiter nodded, walking away in an instant.
-I have no idea what to eat -you giggled, slightly shaking your head in embarrassment.
-Me neither -he laughed out loud.
You've been browsing the menu for long minutes before finally choosing a meal randomly.
-I was afraid you would cancel my invitation -Jean looked you in the eye.
-I don't know. I was almost sure you and Jaeger are a thing or something -he shrugged.
-I told you we weren't anything -you sighed annoyed.
-So it means I have a chance? -he smirked.
-I didn't say that either -you laughed out loud.
-I like that you seem unreachable, you know -he admitted.
-I don't just seem like that, Jean -you leaned closer, lowering your voice with a naughty smile on your face.
-We will see -he poked his inner cheek with his tongue.
The night went smoothly, you laughed and talked a lot. He was talking about the way he got into the company. The difficulties he had to face every single time someone found out he was the son of the CEO. That he had to work twice as hard as anybody there, because he just had to prove his rightful place. You found him truly honest and at some point you really felt sympathy for him. Like Sasha's words rang in your ears as she was talking about Jean being an amazing human in general.
The food was really delicious, not to mention the wine. You were aware not to drink too much, though you felt you were getting a tiny bit tipsy.
-Thank you for this amazing night, Y/N -Jean said as he opened the car door in front of your house.
-I can say the same, I really did have fun with you -you smiled slightly.
Jean walked you to your door, standing in front of you, while you were facing him with your back to the door. You knew what he was waiting for, or at least you thought you did. But you weren't stupid, sleeping with two of your cowerks within only a few weeks. Nah, please.
-See you on Monday? -you pulled an awkward smile.
-I would really love to get to know you better, Y/N -he grabbed your wrist softly- I want to date you and make you mine.
-Jean, please...-you sighed.
-I can be a perfect boyfriend and I'll prove that -he smirked- Just let me do it...- slightly leaning in for a kiss.
You hesitated, kissing him would have been a huge mistake, right? Yeah...it was. As his soft lips touched yours with so much tenderness, it sent shivers down your spine.
-Good night, beautiful -he broke the kiss, leaving you speechless on the porch.
On Monday morning Jean was all smiles, feeling above the clouds. He really liked you and the kiss you shared made him feel special.
-What's up Kirstein? -Connie greeted his friend in the kitchen.
Almost all the boys were waiting in the kitchen to prepare a coffee to start the day with.
-Not much -he shrugged- I had an amazing weekend -he kept smiling.
-Who is she? -Reiner asked with a smirk.
-Wait -Connie raised one of his eyebrows- Y/N accepted your offer, didn't she?
-Shut up! -Jean blushed.
Eren was standing behind them with his mug in his hand, listening carefully to the conversation. Rage builded up in him second by second.
-Oh, she definitely did -Bertholdt laughed out loud.
-Did you kiss her? -Reiner smirked.
-Well...-Jean clicked his tongue proudly- Her lips are as soft as they look -he admitted.
-Bro! -Connie punched him in the shoulder, being proud of his friend.
Eren clenched his jaw, not noticing he tightened his grip on his mug until he accidentally crunched it into pieces.
-Fuck -he hissed as he felt a sharp pain in his palm, seeing blood spreading everywhere.
-What the fuck, Jaeger? -Reiner looked at him in shock.
You stepped into the kitchen just to witness Eren's bleeding hand.
-Oh my God -you rushed to him- Are you okay?
-Fuck off! -he hissed at you, leaving the kitchen immediately.
Eren avoided you all day long and you truly didn't understand what was going on. Jean stepped by your desk from time to time. Inviting you for smoke or coffee breaks and you happily accepted it. As you were standing outside, smoking you turned to him.
-Do you know what's up with Eren?
-Not really -he shrugged- Okay, he might have heard me talking about our date -he blushed.
-Our what? -your eyes widened.
-About Saturday night and about our kiss.
-For fuck's sake Jean -you raised your voice- Why did you have to talk about it anyway?
-Why? Is it a secret? -he pulled a face- I thought you didn't care about him.
-It's not like that...it's just... -you tried to defend your actions.
To be honest you didn't understand either why you reacted so offended, but you felt guilty.
-It wasn't a date -you said with a strict tone, spun on your heels, heading back to the office.
You saw Eren at his desk with a sad and pissed off look on his face. You would have loved to walk up to him, talk to him, but you knew it was the best just to leave it. Thoughts were rushing through your mind and you made a decision. You already dragged yourself into a fucked up situation and talking with him in front of everyone would have made it messier anyway.
At the end of the day you all were about to leave for the beer session. Except Eren, who refused and rushed out of the office without even looking at you. Yep, he was totally mad at you. Everyone noticed that something was off, but they thought Eren had just one of those days. Days, when he was a total asshole. But you knew that you were the reason behind his act.
This time Connie was the loser and the driver, he cursed under his nose, because he really wanted to drink some booze. Well maybe next time. The evening was fun, though. You laughed a lot, drank four or five bottles of beer, and chatted with the girls. Jean kept his eyes on you, but didn't know how to act before the rest of you, since you left him really confused during the day.
-How was the date? -Sasha asked you, while dropping herself down next to you lazily. You were the only one at the table, since everyone else was busy playing pool.
-It wasn't a date, Sash -you pinched the bridge of your nose.
-Yeah, sure. Then how was the night, which was not a date? -she moved her brows up and down.
-It was okay -you shrugged.
-Okay? That's it?
-Yep, that's it.
-Did he kiss you? -she smirked.
You didn't answer, but the slight blush on your cheek gave you out in an instant.
-Oh, he definitely did -she laughed out loud.
-Shut up -you laughed now as well.
-Look, everyone knows he's a softy. He would treat you like a princess, if you'd let him -she put her hand on your shoulder. -But please don't play with him, okay? He's a good man and doesn't deserve his heart to be broken.
-I'm not playing, I'm just...I don't even know what I want -you admitted.
Because that was the truth. You were afraid and confused, all the rules you stuck to and all the things, which worked so great so far, seemed to fall into pieces.
-We all have our stories, Y/N. But you need to decide what you really want. Jaeger is a broken man, he's miserable and mostly a freaking asshole. But Jean is different, he would bring down the stars for you if you'd tell him so -she smiled softly.
She knew...was it so obvious to everyone else too? Maybe this conversation, maybe the alcohol in your system, maybe everything at the same time, but you felt the knot in your chest. Tears building up in your eyes.
-I'm so fucked up, Sasha -you snobbed, laying your head into her neck. She hugged you tight, caressing your back up and down.
-It's okay. I'm here, if you want to talk okay? -pushed you back straight, looking into your eyes- You are not alone. We all are here for you -she hugged you one more time.
-Thanks, Sash...really -you tried to pull a smile.
-What's up, girls? -Jean walked up to you two and looked worried the second he noticed you were crying -What's wrong, honey? -he sat on his heels next to you.
-Nothing -you faked a smile- really. Just Sasha's words made me soft for a second -you laughed out loud, wiping your tears quickly away.
-Are you sure? -he furrowed his eyebrows, not really buying your response.
The night was about to end and you craved nothing else, but your bed. You felt exhausted and mostly confused. You put on your 'I'm fine' mask, so everyone believed that you were truly okay. You faked it so many times during the years that it wasn't even a hard thing to do anytime anyway.
After you walked out of your bathroom you checked your phone, didn't really know what you expected. Maybe a text from Eren, maybe from Jean. You shook your head and placed the phone on your nightstand. As you laid under your blanket the feeling of Eren laying next to you rushed through your body and made you shiver.
-Fuck, I really need to stop this madness -you hissed, being mad at yourself.
During the night you woke up for a loud knock on your front door. You slowly opened your eyes, listening carefully, not being sure you heard it right. The next knock was even louder and harder. Yep, you definitely heard it well. As you crawled out of your bed, you couldn't stop yawning.
-What time is it? -you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand, reaching for your phone -2 in the fucking morning? -you hissed in anger- Who the fuck is it at 2am? -you walked up to your door, hearing the third, aggressive knock.
-I'm coming -you raised your voice- There's no need to break my fucking door -you cursed under your nose.
The second you opened it, your eyes widened, witnessing a super wasted Eren in front of you.
-What are you doing here? -you raised your eyebrows. You were truly surprised.
-Why did you kiss him? -he clenched his jaw- WHY? -he yelled, trying to stand straight.
-Are you drunk? -you asked the obvious.
-Answer me, Y/N! -he took a deep, annoyed breath- Tell me!
-Go home, Eren -you shook your head, trying to close your door, but he blocked it with his foot.
-I thought you liked me -tears started to build up in his eyes. It made you surprised, confused, terrified.
-Come in -you sighed- And please stop yelling on the street. It's fucking 2 in the morning.
The pain in his eyes was real and it made you feel guilty right away.
-So? -he clenched his jaw.
-Eren, I thought I made it clear for you... -you took a deep breath.
-Oh, drop this shit act, Y/N. I do know you like me! -he walked towards you until your back was leaning against the front door.
-Stop it -you hissed.
-Tell me then...look me in the eyes and tell it to my face that you don't feel anything, that I was just a one night stand and I'm going to leave right now and never come back.
But you kept silent, because it wasn't true. You did feel something, but you couldn't form it into words. He cracked a painful smile and kissed you. Kissed you with so much softness that your knees started to shake.
-You shouldn't...we shouldn't -you mumbled.
-Shut up, Y/N -he smiled into the kiss.
His lips, his tongue tasted like alcohol and smoke, but you didn't mind it. You threw your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss second by second. When Eren started to slowly guide you to your bedroom you hesitated to stop him. For a blink maybe, then let him do it anyway.
Eager hands were caressing your body up and down, he was hungry for your touch, for your body and so were you. You wanted him right there, right now. As you started to undress him, and was about to pull his shirt above his head, he looked you in the eyes and stopped you.
-I'm going to make things clear, first -he said with a serious tone.
-If we do it, it's not gonna be just sex anymore...got it? You will be mine, only mine -he growled with dominance in his voice.
-Eren -you sighed.
-Tell me to stop then -he smirked, guiding you to your bed, pushing you softly down. When you stood up you saw the fear in his eyes.
-Let's take a shower first, you stink from alcohol -you laughed finally.
-Fuck... -he let out a desperate chuckle.
Eren dressed himself down quickly, standing in front of you naked. The sight of his perfect body made you dizzy. His eyes followed your every move as you got rid of your clothes as well. You held out your hand for him, while stepping into the shower. The hot water hit your body and made you shiver, you enjoyed the way as it ran down on your exhausted muscles. His eyes were blinded by lust as you rubbed his chest with the shower gel you just poured into your palm, reaching lower and lower, when finally grabbing his semi hard dick.
-Damn... -he let out a low moan, shaking under your touch. As you kept washing him his breathing got heavier second by second. He pushed you against the tiled wall, caressing your body with passion. Planting tiny kisses into your neck, he smirked when you tilted your head slightly, trying to give him more space. He kissed your shoulder, your collarbone, making his way lower and lower on your body and you let him. You felt the tension between your legs, feeling way too desperate and vulnerable at the same time. When he reached the bottom of your stomach he looked up into your eyes. You bit your lower lip, when you felt his big hand slowly picking up one of your legs and placing it on his shoulder.
-Eren -you moaned his name the second his tongue entered your pussy. He smiled, because he knew...he knew you gave in. The way he was eating you sent you into another world. His tongue danced on your clit, gently tapping and sucking on it. You rushed your fingers through his wet hair, grabbing it harder, when he added one of his fingers to make the tension deeper. You became a moaning mess as he kept pleasuring you in a way you didn't even think he was capable of. Heavy breaths, louder moans rushed through the room as you felt your climax was about to burst out.
-I'm so close -you tried to push him away, but he grabbed you tighter.
-Come for me, darling -he murmured, keeping you standing still.
His husky voice sent shivers down your spine and you couldn't hold it back anymore, riding your orgasm out on his face. When you finished, he straightened himself up with a proud smirk on his face. And you loved it, you loved that look, because it meant you could be weak this time. For the first time after so long. You grabbed his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
-Let me take you, please -he broke the kiss with a shaking voice.
-Come -you stepped out of the shower and he followed right away. But he was way too eager, grabbing you in front of the sink. You knew he couldn't wait anymore, so you put your hands on the sides of the marble sink and pushed your ass up a bit for him to be able to take you there and then.
-Damn -you moaned, when you felt his huge cock entering you.
-You take me so well, baby -he mumbled in delusion- I love feeling your tight pussy around my cock- he kept bubbling, thrusting you harder and harder from behind. You tried your best to hold yourself still, but with your wet palms it was way too difficult. As he fastened his movement, you felt your hands slipping out under you, then a sharp pain woke you up from the tension he was giving you.
Blood started to spread everywhere and you slammed your palm against your chin, kneeling on the ground.
-Oh my God, Y/N -he yelled, when he realized what just happened.
-Give me a towel -you hissed as you felt the blood running through your palm, down your neck, reaching your chest.
-Fuck...fuck -he paniced, handing you the cloth.
He helped you up, looking terrified.
-I'm so sorry, I didn't want to -he tried to check your chin. The look on his face revealed you the truth -Fuck, it's ugly. I need to take you to the hospital right now -he breathed heavily.
-I can't believe this shit -you hissed, the pain was unbearable.
Eren dressed up rapidly, helping you to put on some clothes as well.
-I'm gonna drive -you took a deep breath, still holding the towel on your chin.
-What? No! -he argued.
-You are drunk for God's sake. I don't want to die, just help me... -you rolled your eyes. He kept silent, because he knew you were right.
As you entered the hospital he ran to the reception, yelling and arguing without a break. You would have loved to facepalm yourself, but you felt weaker and weaker second by second. You lost a lot of blood after all.
A kind nurse guided you to a room, where a tired looking doctor stitched your chin, putting a huge bandage on it, when he finished.
-Thank you -you smiled with pain in your eyes.
-Next time try to be more careful, when you are having fun with your boyfriend -he cracked a half smile. You didn't even realize so far that it was obvious what happened. He chuckled as your face grew super red in an instant.
-Y/N -Eren ran to you, when you walked out of the room- Is everything okay? -he looked at you worried. Gently touching the bandage.
-She will be fine -the doctor said with a calm tone, leaving you both there.
-Just let's go home -you rolled your eyes.
You kept silent in the car, when you noticed it was already 6 in the morning and you had to get ready for work even though you felt way too tired.
-Do you have clean clothes? -you finally broke the silence, looking at Eren- Or the more important thing -you stopped for a second- Are you still drunk?
-I'm fine, I swear -he felt ashamed- I have some clothes in my car in front of your house.
-Wait! -you snapped at him- Don't tell me that you were stupid enough to drive, while you were wasted.
-Uhm... -he smiled embarrassed.
-Fucking hell Eren, you could have died! -you yelled.
-I'm sorry.
-Promise me, you won't do that again! -you clenched your jaw.
-Nothing happened -he shrugged.
-Promise me! -you screamed- I cannot lose you, you fucking moron -it slid out of your mouth.
-I promise -he cleared his throat, slightly smiling under his nose. 
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armpirate · 2 years ago
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
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I would lie if I said I didn't spend all evening trying to get ready for tonight, making my biggest effort to leave my anxiety aside and adopt that new personality I've already seen on so many women that have come to the bar these weeks. But the pressure I'm putting on my own shoulders, before I even get to the pub where we were supposed to be meeting, is only causing my level of stress to rise.
I should also avoid drinking, or at least not drink too much. I've never gotten drunk, not even when my bosses decided to treat us to a good dinner once a year, so it's not the best idea to get drunk for the first time, messing it up big time, with people I'm trying to be friends with. Or at least grow closer to.
But all those concerns vanish away the second I see a twisted smile on Tammy's face. And the little I've gotten to know her, I know it means nothing good. So my worries change, to focus solely on her and what she could come up with.
Five minutes later, she shows up with a stray full of little glasses. I start counting those the second she leaves the metallic plate on the small rounded table. Eight shots. Eight shots and it's only four of us.
—Two each —she mentions, as if it were obvious—. There's nothing better to start the night than vodka shots.
—Yeah, that's why you always end up spending more time on the floor than standing up —Melanie jokes.
—That only happened once —Tammy rolls her eyes, bending over to take one of the shots—. C'mon. Cheers, bitches! For a good night ahead.
After we all make our tiny glasses tingle after we toast, Soo makes sure to remind us all she can't drink a lot nor will stay until the end of the night because she has to meet up with a client tomorrow morning. I'm almost going to say we could've left it for a different day, but I hold it in. Instead of trying to comfort her, I'll probably sound annoyed or rude, which isn't the case at all.
Sometimes there are some things to be left unsaid.
—My wrist is driving me crazy —Melanie complains, trying to move her hand in circles.
—Did you make a bad move during training? —I ask, trying to hide as much as possible how the liquid is burning my throat.
—Probably —she pouts—. It's been bothering me since I left the kickboxing session.
—That's why you barely moved your hand when you were driving me back home? —Tammy asks, both eyes wide open—. I have a good ointment for things like that. I'll give it to you next time you come home.
She doesn't miss the chance, and while her hand is still rising because of her gesture, she picks another shot and drinks it all at once. An exaggerated gasp leaves her mouth, and her green eyes look around, like encouraging the rest of us to do the same with the rest.
—Y/n, you should come and join us one day —Soo says out of nowhere—. I kinda think you'd like it.
—Kickboxing? —Soo nods— I'm not sure. Never been good at sports —I laugh—. But I could give it a try one day, why not?
—Yeah. That's my girl —Tammy points at me with a pleased smile.
The night goes on just like that. They talk between them, mostly, although they try to make me join the conversations, I rush to shift back to my little side -and for the most part I look like one of those npc's. It's not like I have much to share or to talk about. I don't add anything to the conversation. They're talking about crushes and past experiences anyway, so yeah... I can't add anything to the conversation.
I could say how I settled a strange deal with Soo's brother, because I'm unable to go further than three words with the opposite sex. But I'm sure no one at this table would like to know about that.
So while I'm sipping on my third Mojito, Tammy gets my attention and almost makes me choke on my drink when she asks:
—You're too quiet —she starts—. And we all know what they say about the quiet ones.
—I don't really have much to share —I shrug.
—Did something happen between you and Seokwoo? You didn't keep me updated on anything —Tammy accuses.
If she only knew...
—No —I shake my head, just daring to look at them for one quick second—. We only saw each other at Mel's party, so.
I didn't even hear of him after the birthday party, and it's not like I've thought about him a lot either. But now that she brings him up... I wish I could've had his number at least. Not like it would've changed a thing, but it would've been nice.
—Hopefully he comes to New York again —Tammy winks at me.
At first I cringe a little by her answer and the tone she uses, but I just giggle and take a big sip from my drink. If she only knew Seokwoo and what I did have been the least of my problems lately. And it's not like I'd be able to do anything either.
✸ ✸ ✸
Some dances and several drinks after, Soo heads out. But she makes sure all of us agree on meeting up soon again, when we all are free and neither of us have to leave earlier because of work. Soon she vanishes and Tammy takes the lead of the night.
Oh no. What a bad idea...
She also disappears in the crowd of people, collapsing against one another on the dance floor. And instead of worrying for her, Melanie and I just vibe to the music, dancing some verses, moving our arms in small waves trying to keep the rhythm of the song. She also keeps mentioning how glad she is Soo reserved this small place for us, instead of having to fight for a stool or a high table near the dance floor. And I agree on that. I haven't really frequented nightclubs -for obvious reasons-, but being pushed to the corner of the counter while I'm trying to get a drink, crashing into sweated bodies every single time I have to go to the bathroom because the dance floor is right in between... For those of us who are sober, being in a club is the most similar thing to a decathlon.
When I'm about to ask about that case she mentioned when we were on that trip, Tammy shows up out of nowhere with three guys. And by the way she's holding the arm of one of them, I know which one will be her night stand tonight. That, and the fact that she totally disappears with that same guy shortly after making sure we're trying to bond with his other two friends. "Trying to bond" as in Melanie and the boy with the nose pierced, if I'm not wrong his name is Evan, are almost canoodling while Drake looks at his drink uncomfortably.
He tries to start a conversation a few times, but I fuck it up every single time by replying with a short answer. So I try to switch it up, and be the one asking the questions. But I think that's even worse.
—Do you come here often?
—No —he simply answers—. What about you?
And a big gulp follows right after. The rum burns my throat while the bubbles of the coke tickle on it, and the taste of that mix in my mouth makes me unable to hide the disgusted face, for a quick second.
Melanie and Evan are long gone from having just a conversation, and she rushes to ask me if it's okay for her to leave. Considering she told me just half an hour ago how bad she wanted to have some fun, I'm in no place to chain her next to me. And it's obvious she's pleased by my answer when a huge bright smile forms on her face. Similar to the one Drake has right now, only that his lips are more curved on a smirk.
And another big gulp follows as soon as we're both alone. And it isn't the last one I have. The conversation turns into a monologue, as soon as he starts rambling about how he only came here for his friends and they ended up leaving him all by himself. He cries about how they could do this to him, and how it's always the same. Or, at least, that's what I guess while I'm focused on finishing my drink.
I could leave right now, run away like I always do, but for some reason I feel bad leaving him here by himself after his friends left with mine.
His rambling must've changed topic at some point, because while I try to reach Melanie's almost full glass, I hear him saying how he isn't the typical dude to find hook ups in clubs.
—Girls like your friends are never into boys like me.
He drops that "pick me boy" line that makes me instantly cringe. And trying to avoid rolling my eyes in front of him, I end up drinking the full drink in one take. Not only does he uses such a weird technique to get my attention, but also dismisses the fact that I'm the one who's here right now.
Isn't it amazing what alcohol does to the human body though? And I don't mean how relaxed and out of touch I suddenly feel, or how dizzy, but how it starts doing a reaction with the three Mojitos I drank before Tammy came with these three guys, and the pizza I had for dinner.
Just keep it in for a few more minutes.
But I know that will be impossible when I feel my stomach twist, and the liquid, that not long ago rolled down my throat, is going up again. It's not until he gets up totally disgusted that I'm aware of what's just happened.
I swipe the long sleeve of my dress over my mouth, cleaning it up before I try to stand up myself when I realize this is the best time to leave. I'm careless about it right now, it's as if I had just slipped my drink over someone's shoes. But I know I'll be regretting every single second of it as soon as I wake up tomorrow.
As soon as I head outside, and feel relieved from the cold hitting my skin, I grab my phone to call a cab. If I thought night would be so simple after what's just happened, I was totally wrong. Shortly after I say where I am, a voice interrupts me.
—Are you drunk?
—I don't know —I frown—. Am I?
—Fuck, y/n. Where are you?
—I've just told you —I drag my words more than I'd want to—. You... —I stop and try again— you... —I go quiet when I'm unable to think about the right word— Just hurry up.
—I'll pick you up, don't move from there.
And I hear nothing else from the other line, except a continuous ring that warns me the phone call has ended.
I lose every sense of timing, and how long I've been waiting next to the door. I was too distracted vibing with the loud sound coming from it, and dissecting the people that keep coming out or coming in. Too busy checking out how good a pink coloured hairstyle looked on one of the girls leaving to realize there was someone walking next to me.
—Let's go —he moves his head.
—What are you doing here? —I question, squinting my eyes at him.
—You called me.
—You work in the cab station now?
He just rolls his eyes and puts his arm around my waist to guide my steps, towards that familiar truck, while I'm trying my best to walk straight with my ankles feeling like jelly. Jungkook tries to be as careful and delicate with me as I allow him to, moving his arms and hands on me while placing me inside the car.
—Did they all leave? —he asks while he buckles up my seatbelt— How the fuck did they even think of leaving you all by yourself? —he asks annoyed after I just nodded.
—I told them.... —I lift my hand to speak— I told them it was okay... —I squint my eyes again— I'm not five. I'm fine.
—Yet you can't form a sentence.
I rest my head against the car window, and it all goes black after that.
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