#i do feel bad that basically no pictures of me exist but also. i look so stupid in every picture and i hate them all
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the-stove-is-divorced · 11 hours ago
Sometimes you just gotta punch a wall ♡ Tho, there's something so silly about, like, yeah, just let them go ham. We'll be over here.
Delighted you see the vision because ever since SUF finished airing, heck, even midway through, it's all I could think about but just refused to write it myself, wanted it so bad. (#><) Also the way you describe it so perfect, she is absolutely stalking and I love her for it. Steven bailing her out of the police station would be everything to me. And yeah they're such a fun dynamic to play with, honestly, I kinda love Jasper would be severely allergic to him trying to help her, but post-SUF respects him somewhat? I think I'm too tired to articulate this anymore but I am chewing on the like a dog with a bone. I love them so fucking much.
Nolan "I would bring a whole ass tree instead of bouquet" determined to learn how to even use a camera just to spite this one fucker is truly beautiful. Nolan gains one hobby and it's spite driven. Mark tries to get more Dad/training time only to ordered to tackle some random vigilante or be on patrol to spot him. Mark is just "?????". Meanwhile, Debbie eagerly looks at the camera only to see it's just random, mostly blurry, images of some guy in a red-blue suit. The disbelief. I'd love to see that face she'd make, assuming Nolan was gonna immortalize their memories together. Like, "No, honey I have beef with some random chatty spider-themed vigilante and I will take pictures about it". Like okay, buddy, whatever you got going on I guess??? AND YES! Spidey would be so offended like OH, you trust HIM? It's mostly the mustache. JJ WOULD point out the mask-lessness as a trust thing LMAO. I love this.
The lack of villainous hierarchy is one of the things that will persistently drive me up the fucking wall, you are a super hero show, and you do not have a classic rogue gallery? A compelling rogue gallery that intentionally compares, contrasts the hero in an interesting light? Again, see: batman rogue gallery being iconic. It solves the problem of Mark's shaky morality ambiguity, and just fleshes him + new!Guardians if they fought those kind of battles together. It can truly flesh out the fucking world. What impact do heroes, and thus villains, have on society? Can we see Mark interacting with civilians? Earning their trust back, or even their hostility? I feel like Powerplex is such a fucking breath of fresh air 'cause they finally doing classic hero stuff, and there's a PERSONAL villain that can say something about Mark and the world. Like why didn't we do this from the GET GO????
I love Invincible because I'll be gnawing at the fucking walls for a scrap of goodness and then they'll finally throw me a bone like 5-6 episodes in like FINALLY. I WAS STARVED. CAN WE KEEP THIS GOING?
Also fr??? What is the world like and what the fuck does it mean to not work with the GDA? This is an ample opportunity to establish if vigilantes exist, to define what it fucking means to be a professional hero. Like, in bnha for example, there is a school for being a hero, there's a license, exams, agencies, there is a WORLD and LAW, but with Invincible I, again, do not know what is at stake if heroes do not work with the GDA anymore. Mark and Eve make a company, but did they USE TO get paid with the GDA? Like you said, is anybody without an apparently rich robot buddy that stole your blood and skin and face just screwed? AND YEAH THANK YOU. The Order JUST got introduced and I haven't heard shit about the Lizard League, not to mention we saw them and then Rock Guy basically told 'em to not get involved with the city, what the fuck??? Are we gonna see them again then or????? WHERE IS THE PERSONAL BEEF VILLAINS , other than Power plex, but WHAT ABOUT THE GUARDIANS???? Where's Immortal's nemesis, like???
OMFG THE ORDER'S EXES? She absolutely fits into the world domination group lmao. AND I'M CRYING, her pondering the ethics of outright using tips she got from exes to help Mark would be EVERYTHING TO MEEEEE. She's really like, no, I would want someone to bash Nolan's nose in, and just tells Mark whatever he needs. Honestly, fuck it, I'd love to see Debbie giving Mark tips too, I understand if she's not interested, it's boring to her, but there's something so funny to me about her being as dismissive w/ it with Nolan as with Mark in s1. Like, "oh, the president gets kidnapped plenty of times, do you honestly wanna go now? I'm ordering pizza :/ ". I know she's more concerned 'cause Mark keeps nearly fucking dying, but if they let him fucking win, that'd be a neat dynamic! It could also add/justify why Oliver doesn't take hero stuff seriously other than being a kid, it's because the whole house is dismissive to the danger!
Also, bonus side tangent I think you've seen the latest episodes but: the way they keep making Mark lose battles drives me up the fucking wall because at least when he lost in s1, it made fucking sense. He's inexperienced, being punched in the face with the REAL dangers! Plus, it drives me even crazier because, AGAIN, the peak Nolan vs Mark one-sided smack down, Mark got beat the fuck up but he won. He didn't give into Nolan's rhetoric, Nolan stopped, he realized he DID care. Nolan killed millions with ease but he lost. Mark had a point, and a heart, and I fucking love the "loser" and "winner" of the fight look like that. SO Y'ALL KNOW HOW TO MAKE MARK WIN A FIGHT WHILE STILL LOSING, in some important sense! Again with old man earthquake! Have Mark win the battle with monsters, but put trapped team mates at risk by being to aggressive or reckless and someone gets hurt.
Also again pertaining to the new episode, it drives me up the wall if they shuffled how they set up the season, we could've had a trained, more vicious Mark being violent towards MONSTERS/BEASTS, justifying Cecil's concerns! All the while Mark doesn't see it as murder because they can't talk/not people, THEN, have the whole dragon guy (looks like a beast, but is a person), and again, let Mark win that one! But have him realize later he killed a PERSON, not an entity or creature. Cecil could've avoided telling him until the Big Confrontation, if they pushed that back, and Mark could've had to wrestle with the idea he's killed two people, and one without even noticing/fully realizing. It adds to the drama, it shakes up his notion of murder. Let him have a breakdown even.
This show drives me insane. They had the pieces... they had then.. JUST PUT IT TOGETHER.
Anyways, back to Debbie. Truly let her be fucking selfish? Why should she feel so obligated to higher standards when Nolan went off the fucking fails and just avoided any consequences for the damages? He hurt her, again and again. He hurt their son. He ruined their life, and what? She has to be so honorable? So noble? Please. Her friends, if known the Guardians or any other potential casualties, fucking DIED. Also the "do you ever wonder if you could have stopped them, and do you ever feel a rush realizing you could have asked them to do something worse and they probably would have? just for you?" <- makes me go CRAZY. Like let her feel validated and SEEN??? Truly where is the villain exe/partner support group when she needs it??? I would have LOVED to seen her wrestling with that.
PLACATE DEBBIT OMG. Istg like honestly, GoG/GDA isn't your one fucking job to stop shit like this from happening and you DIDN'T? LET HER SAY THAT. Let her be mean or cruel or even ponder why no one else saw this coming? Let her sink into guilt only to think why should it be her responsibility to save the fucking world from her husband? Why didn't you guys step up? Also, again, her husband killed millions/thousands but didn't touch her, if I was a villain I am not even making eye contact.
Or, like if she's the reason Mark stood up against his Dad, I'd straight up threaten eroding Mark's moral compass. Like idk he listens to his mom. Again, with her being mean + never stop thinking of Oliver <3 = Like, straight up if Oliver has to be here, I'd love if she was uncomfortable or disliked him because of what he stood for, even if that wasn't in his control, let her do that!!! Like doesn't let him call her Mom. I also was again chanting for Teen Dad Mark, let Debbie not raise an affair child oh my god guys. CAN SHE LIVE????
Mark and Debbie could be guilt magnets in SUCH different ways but I am denied. Agony.
Also Debbie fully taking advantage of Cecil needed her alive + general recklessness would be incredible. Like straight up taken advantage she's built Mark's morality, and if she's gone, he's going to lose this fucking shit, and they're at risk for a Omni-Man Sequel. Let her be petty and smug omg. LET HER LIVEEEEEEE. Have her run head first or even casually stroll through a low villain crime spree so Cecil has to teleport her home. She just becomes a familiar face at the GDA. She likes their lounge. Sometimes she takes a comm and says hi to Mark or ask him to pick up something since he's near a restaurant in Spain she likes or something. Cecil fucking hates the fact agents greet her/inform her/treat her with similarity authority, like it'd be so fucking cool if villains, GDA staff, etc didn't mess with her???
And same? The s1 mystery had such a good fucking tone, even if it had faults, it had a coherency to it that s3 just doesn't??? Like can you stop checking off a list of Shit To Do and make a story again? Like think it through?
While I'm not too familiar with the DCU- your batfam meta posts are intiguing- so in transfering some of the broader strokes from them- I think you tackling a 'Mark isn't Nolan's biological son' fic would be fascinating. Sort of a step to the side of the 'what if Mark never got his powers' fic that sometimes pop up in the fandom
OOOOOO chewing on this currently, hm, the much a distinct flavor of exactly what you’re talking about, but the potential for more family drama depending on WHO knows. Does Mark know?? Is he waiting every day only to be crushed? Does he confused non-Debbie features with Nolan’s? I suppose I’m not the most enthusiastic about non-power AUs, but I think there’s something very fun to explore about Mark having to settle with, if he knows all his life, he will never have powers? I think the trajectory of his dreams will obviously shift, I can see him still having that distinct fatherly idolization, but perhaps embraces being useful to the GDA? Cecil’s number one intern—only intern—curtesy of nepotism, ha! There is something tickling me about Mark taking the Robin Route/Role for the Teen Team in terms of having no powers, just insane skills, BUT there’s something way more delicious about intern Mark when s1e01 happens and Mark tries snooping around to find out the truth about what happened to his Dad.
I wonder if, with Mark having a whole another father, if they’re more or less distant relationship, depending on WHEN Nolan entered Mark’s life? Like if Debbie met Nolan later for this, or just for fun, they dated once, separated (Mark being born during then), then they happened to stumble into each others lives again and Mark’s already been born, anywhere from tween to teenager so there’s a gap in how close they are. I feel like one important aspect of the whole Family Drama is how close they’re supposed to be, a functional, loving family turned upside down? So I wonder what more distance does. I wonder how Nolan copes when his family is entirely human and he can’t project onto Mark.
I love thinking about these, omg.
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cappurrccino · 7 months ago
really bold of gradimages to send me an email like "hey, we're having a sale! do you want to order some pictures from your graduation??" when their photographers took literally the worst pictures i have ever seen and left me with the literal only picture of my master's graduation being a picture my dad took of his computer screen while watching the livestream and that is still like 500x better than the "professional" pictures
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emotoangel · 4 months ago
okay I’m going on a little ineffable phannie rant read at your own gut wrenching discretion bc I can’t lie this shit’s about to get parasocial
because it’s not just Dan and Phil dressed as Crowley and Aziraphale, is it?
it’s Dan and Phil, who have struggled with their sexualities for years. closeted, faced every speculation under the sun when it comes to their own sexualities, the other’s sexuality, their relationship, their legitimacy, if they’re queerbaiting or not, being OUT. OUT and dressed as two canonically gay men in love with each other, two men who would see the world burn to know the other was safe. two men who helped stop the end of the world so they could be together.
a man who is bitter and cold and a little bit bad (but not evil I would say, though he might try to make you believe he is) and a man who is love and light and exclusively good (or so he’d like you to believe). and am I talking about Dan and Phil there, or am I talking about Crowley and Aziraphale?
it’s about these two men who, even 5 years ago, feared the word ‘gay’. it’s about how Dan, Mr Commitmentphobe, Mr I Can’t Even Commit To A Pet, Mr Soulmates Are Not A Thing That Exist, bought a costume, and sprayed (or, fucking hell god help me DYED) his hair red, and posted a cute picture of him and his ranch partner/4000 year old tortoise/companion through life/actual soulmate and TAGGED IT INEFFABLE HUSBANDS.
it’s a couples costume!!! it’s impossible for it not to be, considering they are two of the most well known canonically in love gay men on the internet right now!! it’s a thank you to their little phannies online who make them feel safe and comfortable enough to do what they do every day. and it’s a shoutout to the progress they have made in 15 years. a ‘hey, we’re here, we’re happy and gay and (in love) together’. and that’s SOO SPECIAL. ITS SO SPECIAL. and it means everything!!!!
it’s the selfie on the story of them cute and couply and drinking the aziracrow drinks and looking happy and in love 😭
anyway basically I’m so insanely proud of them, feeling very parasocial about the progress they’ve made in 15 years to get to a point where they’re comfortable enough to make phwedding jokes and gay jokes and jokes about both being switches and furries and in love. feeling so proud of them being out and proud and gay and in love and also I have a good omens tattoo so I’m choosing to believe they did this for me personally thank you x
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teacasket · 2 years ago
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genre: fluff au: gamer au, streamer au warnings: none word count: 0.6k   pairing: gn!reader x lee felix song: omg by new jeans
Chat won’t stop asking, despite how many times you try to steer the topic at hand to something else. Their opinions on your current Animal Crossing build? Ignored. If you should crochet a cardigan or bucket hat for your cat? Little to no responses. Lavender latte or milk tea for Drink of the Day? Lavender latte wins, but Chat immediately goes back to your hidden boyfriend.
This is what you get for forgetting to mute your mic. You had a whole phone call about dinner before realizing your mistake, and now everyone knows that wholesome, cozy Twitch streamer lightberry swears like a sailor when discussing pork katsu and calls a special someone “baby.” It’s been clipped already, you just know. At least you didn’t put him on speaker.
“‘100 subs if you tell us his name?’” you read. You'll indulge them because indulging Chat makes for good content. “I’ll tell you literally anything else.”
If you told them his name, you would end up trending on Twitter.
“‘Is he also a gamer?’ Yeah. Mostly League, Genshin, Apex. He’s been trying to get into Valorant. Now, 100 subs, please.”
Felix, otherwise known as LixInABox, is a gamer and streaming personality who has nearly a million subs on Twitch. He has a partner, an elusive figure exclusively referred to as “My Partner.” There are rumors that My Partner (MP) doesn’t actually exist and that they’re a cover for his singleness.
“‘20 subs if you tell us his rank?’ Sure. He's pretty high in everything. I can’t ever duo with him, except in Genshin.”
When he started streaming, he was primarily known for his League of Legends skills. Low Masters on a good day, Diamond 3 on the bad ones.
“‘Show us a picture.’ You know what, I’ll do that for free.”
Chat is not happy when you pull up a photo of Marshal from Animal Crossing. To be fair, he does resemble Felix a little.
While they continue to pester you about his identity, you continue terraforming your butterfly-shaped lake. When Marshal walks by with a sandwich, you make sure to point him out.
“There’s my boyfriend,” you say as you glance at the chat, which is scrolling by so quickly, your eyes can barely keep up.
You’ve got a ship name already? How did they figure it out? Did Felix reach a million subs? He joked that he would reveal who MP was once he hit a million, and you sort of gave him the green light, but surely he would tell you beforehand? You sit motionless at your chair and try to come up with a solution that doesn’t involve straight up lying.
It doesn’t matter what you do. By doing nothing, you’ve confirmed it, so you go back to how it all started—you call Felix, live on stream. You leave your mic unmuted intentionally this time.
“Hey, what did you do?” are your first words. You have his stream up as well, so you see the blush on his face. “You’re live on mine, by the way.”
“I didn’t do anything! They figured it out! I mentioned that I was gonna have pork katsu for dinner, and like five minutes later, they connected it back to you. What did you do?”
“I forgot to mute during our call,” you admit. “And I also gave them hints in exchange for subs, but I didn’t think they were anything obvious.”
He looks at his chat and laughs. “You basically told them what I’m famous for. And a picture of Marshal? No wonder.”
“My bad. See you at dinner?”
He smiles, and you can’t help but do the same. “Yeah. Love you.”
“Love you, too, baby.”
Chat explodes. You and Felix will never live this down, but it feels better than you thought. And you really don’t want to admit it, but lixberry is really, really cute.
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dr-spectre · 6 months ago
I watched this YouTube shorts video which has over 100k likes on it where it basically went "oh the Splatoon fandom is weirdddddd!!! It has weird porn in it guys!!! Isn't that crazy?!?! It's so toxic guys!!! They found ways to weaponise racism guys!! They are so vile about splatfests guys!!!! They are gooning to splatoon characters!!! They are kids!!"
I hate to break it to you dude but.... that's literally every fanbase in existence.
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Every single fandom on planet earth has weird porn in it. Splatoon is no different. Is it fucking weird to goon over the player Inklings and Octolings as they are confirmed to be under 18? YES! VERY VERY WEIRD AND THAT BEHAVIOUR NEEDS TO GET CALLED OUT!!!!!! But a large majority of fans who engage in NSFW content are looking at the Idols and other adult characters, not the literal teenagers. Plus adult Inkling and Octoling ocs do exist, i should know BECAUSE I MADE MY OWN!!!!!
Also do not judge people's fetishes unless it's actively harming someone or it's illegal. That's wrong on so many levels. Stop making people feel guilty about what they are into man. If someone wants to make an NSFW art piece with Marie's feet then I'm not gonna judge them publicly for it. That's straight up rude and the guy in the video was basically doing that by showing some stolen fetishy art and adding an "eww" audio clip on it... Fuck off dude. Leave them alone.
He also got the release year of Splatoon wrong by saying 2013 instead of 2015.... Not the worst mistake but still... Kinda paints a picture on how much he truly cares about this franchise you know?
One of his points can be boiled down to "they are using splatfests as a way to weaponize racism." What the FUCK are you talking about? The last time i remember a Splatfest being toxic was in Splatoon 1 with CALLIE VS MARIE! THAT WAS REALLLLLLLL BAD! Other than that it's been friendly jokes and little jabs at the enemy teams. He fucking used this terrible video as a way to demonstrate his point too....
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Every Splatoon fan on the planet doesn't like that video, It just comes off to me as so disingenuous.
Also fun fact! SPLATOON 1 TO 3 HAD UNDERLYING THEMES ABOUT RACISM WITH THE INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS!!!!!! Splatoon 1 was about the introduction of that idea and it was very black and white with hints of grayness found in the sunken scrolls. Splatoon 2 was about making it more gray as Callie joined the Octarians and THE ENTIRETY OF OCTO EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!! Splatoon 3 was the conclusion to that theme with DJ Octavio helping out the NSBS and Octolings co-existing with Inklings peacefully. But did he bring that up? NOPE!!!!!!!
Trying to paint the Splatoon fandom as some "toxic trojan horse" is just... fucking wrong. There are plenty of fandoms out there that are 100x worse than Splatoon's. The Splatoon community is extremely diverse and sure there are issues that need to fixed and yes there is racism. The Splatoon community is leagues above any other shooter game community by far. Play a bunch of quick play matches of Overwatch or TF2 to see what I'm saying. You're gonna be seeing the n word more times than a Quintin Tarantino movie.
Also he talked about peak character design in the Splatoon games, and the one character he mentioned was.... Big Man... The only male Idol and not anyone else. That just seems a bit.... suspicious to me...
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boyfhee · 2 years ago
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g fluff w kissing if that counts fem reader wc 1.1k note based on my relationship with heeseung ( i have never seen him irl ) requested
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the e in lee heeseung stands for excellent boyfriend and there are five es in his name
he's shy, he's adorable, he's flirty— basically all in one package
like catch him blushing at every little act of physical affection because he just!!! loves!!! you!!! so!!! much!!!
MILESTONES, milestones are important to him. he remembers the first kiss and the first date, the day he said 'i love you' for the first time and vice versa
you will never not hear from him because he texts you all the time, at any time of the day. he could be the busiest person on the planet and would still make time to text you or call you
“this picture reminds me of you,” “i thought you had a stage rn?” you'd text back. “i have in five, but i wanted to send that to you”
the managers are done with him but they can't help it either, you two are just adorable
has the best hugs :( literally wraps his arms around you as soon as he sees you. like he sees you and his mind goes. MUST HUG!!!!
has a really bad habit of pinning you against anything
it's mostly the closest wall that you find yourself pinned against with him just a few inches away, but if you're in the kitchen, he'll pin you against the counter. walk into a room? you're pinned against the door. relaxing on a couch? he's on top of you, caging you between his arms while pinning you down
it's because he likes having you close to him but also loves to see the effect he has on you, the way he can get you flustered in a matter of minutes— even seconds, and the way you pretend to be annoyed— it makes you even more irresistible
talking about annoyance and anger...he has another bad habit, which is to kiss you whenever you're angry
yeah no, he does respect your boundaries and is so down to listen to the reasoning behind your anger, but catch him scooting closer to you minute by minute, close until he can't get any closer, and he kisses you until your anger has disappeared
while we're on the topic of kisses, i'd like to introduce you to the concept of : neck kisses with heeseung 🙏
YEAH NO his lips always, always, trail down your neck and collarbones whenever you two are close, especially while cuddling together
mostly because he loves to see you all shy :< but also because he just loves your reactions when he's kissing your neck
WHISPERS SWEET NOTHINGS AND I LOVE YOUS BETWEEN KISSES it's one of the many things that make him feel even closer to you than he already is
soft whispers of compliments and endearments against your lips during slow and lazy make outs, sweet kisses against your cheeks and neck while he calls your his pretty girl, the way his fingers tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear while he looks at you like you're the most precious thing in the entire world— they're a few things from a long list of reasons why you fall for him every single day, all over again
calls you 'love' and it's the sweetest thing ever, he says it like it's your name, as if the word came into existence because of you, and before you, it was just meaningless
but also calls you baby, especially when he's trying to get your attention
“love, come here, please” “are you ignoring me, love?” “baby, please,”
yeah, that is the process, and you're usually in his arms by the third try. he just knows what you want a little too well
LOVES it when you're laying with your head on his lap and let him play with your hair while he also peppers your face with kisses in between. will tell you to do the same as 'payback' but actually, he enjoys it when you play with his hair
i think heeseung is very good with words, so catch him reciting essays for you even when you least expect it, but it's mostly before bed
he just wants you to know how much you mean to him, and how you're singlehandedly the most important person in his life. he wants you to know that you're loved, in case he isn't able to show it well :(
LATE NIGHT DATES he's always down for some three am escapades to the nearest stores and parks, just something about sauntering on empty streets with his hands intertwined with yours makes him feel at home
but if you aren't able to sleep and date is not on the list of things to do. . .catch him making a midnight snack for you!!!!!!! like you just have to say the word and he's be in the kitchen, whipping up something for you really quick
loves it when you watch him cook, he loves to watch you cook as well. he prefers to have you sit on the counter while he's cooking because it makes it easier for him to steal a few kisses here and there
loves it even more to see you enjoy what he cooked for you, catch him getting shy every time you compliment his cooking. it's not all that, you know it's not really much, but it's more than enough for you, and he wants nothing else
plans the best dates!!!! from fancy dinner at a restaurant to stay-home dates comprising of movies and doing chores— yes doing chores together feels like a date to him
he just likes to do the simplest of things with you, whether it is doing the dishes or washing or laundry, or just cleaning up and rearranging the rooms. he likes to be a part of every little thing in your life, he likes it when you're a part of his daily routine, it tells him that you're here to stay
HE'S SUCH A TEASE THOUGH like there's this playful side to him behind all that cuteness i mean?? his favourite thing to do is interrupt you with short kisses whenever you're talking to him, but he also does it when you're on phone with someone
OH AND he loves getting presents for you, most of the times it's something he makes. like one time you complained about not being able to find a good ringtone and my guy PRODUCED one for you he's asking to be proposed at this point
ratings : ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 10/10 bf, would recommend
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olderthannetfic · 2 months ago
I'm feeling weird about an interaction I had the other day, and I'm wondering if I could get... I dunno, advice, I guess? From the usual commenters here.
So, context is that three-ish years ago, I got hate-brigaded in the fandom where I did most of my writing, in a way that came out of nowhere, and also in such a way that I felt like I deserved it. I ended up deleting everything I'd made for that fandom off the internet just to make it stop, including nearly six years of an art blog. I got a reality check later from friends whose credibility I trusted a lot more than random strangers on the internet, and eventually reposted most of the fic (backdated to the original dates of posting), and do actually still post fic in that fandom (also backdated to avoid notice). I also post a couple of fics on that account that are not backdated where I write with OCs from the original fandom fic in other fandoms.
The other day, someone who had been working their way through kudosing my stuff in the old fandom posted a complementary comment about it on the most recently updated of the two fanfics that isn't in that fandom, said they liked my OCs in the original fandom fic, and asked if I'd ever be interested in writing about that original fandom again. I explained that I was still writing fic in that fandom, it was just all backdated because most people really did not seem to like what I was writing.
And they responded saying that was too bad, and asking my opinion about a character they love, noting that it's pretty obvious from my fic that I don't like them and wondering why. And, like, this was probably just someone who was looking for fandom connection... but the character they were asking about is one of the most popular characters in the entire fandom. Most of the people still actively writing fic in this fandom are writing about this character, so if they wanted people to engage with about this character, they had basically everyone but me to engage with. And the person who set off the initial hate brigade against me that lead to me deleting basically my entire internet presence for months had this character as their URL.
So in my brain, I immediately go, "bait, this is bait," and delete this person's comments, delete my one response to them, and lock down comments on all the works on that account. And I know, I know that's paranoid overreaction. Based on their kudos pattern, this person was clearly working their way slowly through all the things on that account, which is not something someone who was only there to bait me would do. The only slightly off thing they did was comment on an unrelated most-recently-updated work instead of one of the works for the actual fandom. Probably they didn't realize that most people have comment emails turned on and didn't know I'd see a comment if they posted it on one of the older works, and they definitely didn't know what asking that particular question would do to me.
But I just... don't know how to exist in a fandom space any more without intense paranoia. I want to keep writing these things that bring me joy, and I do, but I miss being able to have my comments open without fear. I miss being able to post to a blog that wasn't locked down from Tumblr search. I wish I could interact with ANY fandom these days—not just that original one, but any fandom at all—and not feel like someone is going to turn on me out of nowhere. I can't overstate how out-of-nowhere that hate brigade was: my average fic got maybe 2 kudos. My art blog had fewer than 100 followers, and on average I got like 5 notes. I still to this day don't know why the person who set it off had such a hate-on for me, because it was clear from some of the anons I was getting that they'd built up a hell of a litany of ills to pile on my head, while all being vague enough that I never quite got a clear picture of what they were accusing me of.
I know part of the solution is to grow a thicker skin, and to block frequently. And I've been working on that, I guess I just... thought I was doing a bit better at growing a thicker skin and not being reactionary and the other day's incident made it really, really apparent I'm not, and I don't know what to do about it, because apparently the therapy is not doing enough! (Not that my therapist understands fandom...)
Any advice?
I mean... it's PTSD or something of the sort. Treat it as such.
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redclercs · 2 years ago
xi.it’s okay we’re the best of friends
— the one where all you do is think about the feelings that you hide.
warnings: guys, my brain was failing during this so not really proofread, also please pretend the dress is the same in both pics lol, alcohol consumption. 2.5k words.
currently playing: drive by halsey!
masterlist ✢ next
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, mati.bassi, tchalamet and others.
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aid4anfeels ugly bitch
lecsainz516 whose wedding is this, charles and carlos were there too
formulayn did @/charles_leclerc take these?
liked by charles_leclerc
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August 5th, Madrid, Spain.
WHEN Charles said you needed to make new memories in Spain to replace the bad ones, you didn’t have a wedding in mind. However, with the rollercoaster that is your life as of lately, you don’t swim against the current anymore. Just going with it is not a bad way to live when you’re still trying to reach the surface and get away from the wreckage.
Things aren’t good. Not yet. The press is still having a field day with all that he said, she said merry go round. Aidan and Victoria are fighting to play the victim and Mia Kim is on a mission to paint you as the worst sister-in-law who could have ever existed. Which, to be fair, paints her in a weird Freudian light.
But things are better than they were the last time you were in Spain. And that’s something to be grateful for.
“Are you sure?” You asked Charles on FaceTime for the third time that night two weeks ago, he had just asked you to be his plus one to one of his Ferrari mates’ wedding. “Are you a hundred percent sure they won’t mind?”
The last thing you wanted was to feel like an intruder, and with the type of attention you carry around like a dark cloud over your head, ruining someone’s special day was not an experience you wanted to add to your repertoire.
“Of course they won’t mind, soleil.” Charles assured, he was still in Hungary after the Grand Prix. “Tommaso told me I could bring anyone, and I want to bring you.”
The last time you saw Charles in person was in New York City, almost two months ago. It doesn't mean, of course, that you stopped communicating. Whenever Charles is on his phone, you can be certain you'll receive a text, a picture or a random iMessage drawing. You handle time zones as best you can without sacrificing too much sleep time, especially for the one who has to drive a car at 300 km/hr.
Although he insisted on you coming to any Grand Prix of your choice, you thought it best to stay away from the paddock for a while. Plus, you had some work to do. You didn't love Talk Shows while promoting, most hosts did horrible, unfunny jokes, and you were the butt of a lot of them, but if being in some of them helped you to speak about your situation and dismiss whatever rumor Victoria, Aidan or Mia (or just about half the internet) had going on, you were willing to make the sacrifice.
You were also willing to attend a complete stranger's wedding just to see Charles again, but you didn't want to give that thought the depth it demanded from you. Not in the seven hour flight from New York to Madrid, and not now, as you're getting ready for Charles to pick you up to go to the wedding.
Your blue dress is frankly magnificent, and you are aware of how good you look, but it doesn't hurt that the first thing Charles does when the doors to the lift open, is compliment you. Well, to be fair, the first thing he does is gather his thoughts and try not to feel stupid after basically picking his jaw up from the floor.
"You look gorgeous," Charles says, clearing his throat. His sudden anxiety makes you chuckle, as his Adam's apple bobs up his neck. "I missed you so much, soleil."
You are mildly disappointed when he doesn't hug you the way he did back in New York, and you dismiss the feeling almost as quickly as it appeared. Although his words linger in the air, he missed you, and you did too.
"I don't want to ruin your hair," he explains, as if he's read your mind, and smiles wider.
"Right," you shake your head, it was obvious. "You look pretty good yourself, Charlie," you add, always trying to return the compliment, and only managing to make it awkward.
There is something about men in suits that makes them twice as attractive, and it's unfair when it comes to someone like Charles, who is already way too handsome as it is.
"Thank you," Charles is always nice enough to accept your half-assed, anxiety induced compliments. "Shall we?"
You nod, and when he offers his arm to lead you to the car, you link yours through it taking a breath so deep, it makes your lungs ache.
"Do you like weddings?" Charles asks as the engine of his car roars to life. A red Ferrari is the only way you manage to describe it, afraid of getting details wrong. Although you're certain Charles would patiently explain anything you needed to know about it, you don't ask.
"Everyone likes weddings," you reply, setting both hands on top of your knees. "Right?"
Charles chuckles and shrugs, "I guess so,"
You love weddings, except when you're expected to be the bride.
"Charles," you pat his shoulder and he takes his eyes off the road for the briefest second. "Are you completely sure the bride doesn't mind my presence?"
You don't want to give yourself some sort of importance you don't deserve—the bride has more important things to worry about—but particularly nervous about how your presence will be received at the celebration.
"Seriously, y/n," Charles soothes, his right hand leaves the steering wheel and searches for your own blindly, accidentally landing on your empty lap. He takes his hand back immediately, red creeping up his neck. "It's fine." he resolves, his sight way too focused on the road now.
"Alright," you whisper, smoothing the skirt of your dress. "Alright."
Both of you remain silent the rest of the way as you take in the Spanish landscape and Charles drives like his life depends on it. You promised yourself you'd ask for as much information on the happy couple as you could, but your voice is lost in the pit that opened in your stomach.
And the evening is just beginning.
It's after the ceremony, at cocktail hour that you find everything out about Tommaso and Bárbara thanks to none other than Carlos Sainz, who seems to really have a thing for gossip and also, for making fun of you for crying during the vows.
"Leave me alone, Carlos," you warn for the last time, this time threatening him with your closed fist. "Not my fault you don't have a heart in that big-ass chest."
This makes him laugh harder, and even Charles chuckles against the lip of his whiskey glass.
"I miss you so much around the paddock, y/n!" Carlos sighs, patting the place above his heart. "For real."
You click your tongue. "Sure you do,"
Carlos and you talk a lot less than Charles and you do, of course. But if Charles calls you during whatever free time he has while in the Ferrari Suite, you can trust Carlos to insert himself in the conversation.
"And a lot of the other drivers do too," Carlos' tone is mocking again, and you glower at him.
"Stop picking on me," this time you punch him on the shoulder.
"I'm being serious. Lando has a crush on you,"
You talked to Lando a few times, mostly when he and Carlos were being boys and hitting each other in the balls outside the Ferrari Suite and Lando made small talk as he tried not to touch his private parts. A crush is an exaggeration, Lando just told you he thought you were cool for making movies.
"Why don't we take some pictures?" Charles suggests before downing the rest of his whiskey. You don't miss the look he gives Carlos.
"Why not?" you smile at Charles, shrugging. The place is beautiful and you would love to have a memory of this whole thing that you can go back to.
"I'll catch up with you guys," Carlos calls as you two walk away, uninterested in the impromptu photoshoot.
Charles directs an annoyed look at him again and then makes it go away to return his attention to you.
"What was that?" you ask, taking Charles' arm again for him to lead you to where the rest of the guests are more scattered and won't photobomb your pictures.
"What was what?" Charles lifts an eyebrow, forever the expert at playing dumb. Or, not really.
You shake your head, this is another deep thought you don't want to venture into. There is enough of this weird tension already, and you're not sure if Charles feels it too.
"Your girlfriend is beautiful," a lady is patting your hand, a gentle smile on her face as she looks at Charles. She's the spouse of another Ferrari team member, and the first thing she did was compliment your dress before even asking for your name.
"Oh, I'm not—"
"We're just friends," Charles clears up, gentle as well. "But y/n really is beautiful."
The woman raises both eyebrows and laughs, an 'oh you kids' snicker that isn't unkind. "Of course, of course."
It's the first time of many during this party that Charles has to say you're not in a relationship, and it seems to get easier every time the words come out of his mouth.
Although it's true, you're not sure why it nags at you.
You cry again during the couple's First Dance and verbally threaten Carlos to leave you alone as you wipe your tears carefully, doing your best to keep your makeup intact. He laughs, but takes your threat seriously and remains quiet. This whole Tom and Jerry thing is amusing but he doesn't want to actually make you angry.
A few songs in, after you're done bickering with Carlos and you have finished your third glass of champagne, Charles asks you to dance with him.
An slowed-down version of Sixpence's 'Kiss Me' plays as you take the dance floor. You blame your giddiness on the fact that you finished that flute of champagne in record time.
"What is it?" Charles questions, smoothly placing one hand on your hip while the other holds your palm. His thumb runs up and down the curve of your wrist.
"What if I step on your foot?" you retort, looking up at him. That's only one thing that makes you nervous, although you know how to dance. You took lessons for both Supercut and Parisian Valentine.
Laughter bubbles from Charles' chest and you join in, although this makes you even more nervous. It would be stupid to say you don't see how handsome he is, even if he's just your friend.
"I won't mind," Charles promises, and his fingers press a little harder against your hip bone.
"Okay, then."
It's obviously not a complicated endeavor to sway around the dance floor with Charles, he lets you set the pace, lacing your fingers together after you spin back to him.
"Thank you for coming with me, soleil," he says in a low voice. You can smell the alcohol in his breath although it's been a while since he stopped drinking, he still has to drive you back to your hotel. "I really missed you these two months."
"I love weddings. Thanks for inviting me," you squeeze his shoulder, the contrast of your manicured nails against his shirt distracts you momentarily from the fact that you can feel his breath against your jaw.
It's the second time today that you miss the chance to tell him you missed him too, and you know he notices it by the way he leans away.
The song ends before your tongue decides to respond to you again and Charles lets go of you. A few seconds feel like an hour as you stare at each other, unable—or unwilling—to say anything of what either of you really want to say.
"Care to dance?" a guy with longish hair and dark eyes is offering you his hand now, as a faster song starts and the lights around the room turn brighter.
You break eye contact with Charles and when you look at him again, he just nods, taking a step back to your assigned table.
"Sure," you tell the guy, a tense smile on your face. "Let's dance."
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The ride back to your hotel is silent again, and you're too tired to find a way to fill it.
Charles' energy has shifted and this makes your stomach turn. Your anxiety worsens every time you feel someone is 'off' towards you, and that someone being Charles makes it a hundred times worse.
He takes the elevator to your room with you, placing his hand gently in the middle of your bare back to let you in first.
"We're okay, right?" you whisper, looking at your distorted reflections on the silver wall of the cubicle.
You see Charles' reflection frown and then his face turns to you. "Of course we're okay, y/n. Is something wrong?"
You shake your head, the loose strands of your bun tickle your nape. "I'm just wondering."
Charles is never bothered by your need for reassurance, not even when he needs reassurance himself. That he's not being a complete and absolute moron by wanting the woman all the boys want to dance with, and holding onto that little slither of hope that he might have a chance with her. He's the one standing next to you after the party, still.
"We are okay. Didn't you have fun today?" he asks, pushing those thoughts aside. You're friends. Just friends.
"Of course I did!" you inhale sharply, "I just— nevermind." you take your hand to the back of your head, already tired of the half undone bun that threatens to give you a headache.
"I had fun. I always have fun when I'm with you," Charles follows you out of the elevator and down the hallway to the third door marked with a 3321.
You're still struggling to find the exact hairpin that holds your hairdo together, and Charles pinpoints it almost at the same time as you do, pulling it out swiftly to make your hair fall down your shoulders.
It's a meaningless gesture, Charles hasn't given it a second thought or stopped walking. But a shiver runs down your back as his knuckles graze your nape.
"Thanks, Charlie." You say, swallowing.
"Of course," Charles puts the pin inside the pocket of his trousers with a shrug.
You stand in front of the room for a minute, having a stare down again as you rub the back of your head.
"Thank you again for today, Charles." you're the one to break the silence, keycard already between your fingers. "I had a great time."
"I'm glad, soleil." Charles his dimples appear when he smiles and your breath hitches when he leans towards you. It feels like you've been showered with ice cold water. "Good night, y/n," he says and presses his lips against your cheek.
"Good night, Charlie," you wave him goodbye from the door as he walks back to the lift.
The feeling of his lips against your skin is there, even after you've washed your face and tucked yourself into bed.
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─── team principal radio: ❝thank you for reading! surprisingly, i don't have much to say this time other than i really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that I appreciate each one of you dearly!♡❞
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maryfailstowrite · 6 months ago
Rose's quote in the crossword of the literature insane girl MV will never not fail to amaze me. I absolutely love it and here's why:
"Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum."
First with the basics: "Cogito, ergo sum", the original (not really, because the real original was in french, but whatever) quote by René Descartes, translates into "I think, therefore I am". I don't think the meaning needs much explaining, because it's just... that. It's one of the first principles of Descartes's philosophy, and it states that one's existence is certain because to think, beforehand you need to exist. You can't doubt your own existence because to doubt, you need to exist. It's as simple as that.
But this interpretation of the phrase has little to do with Rose's character. There's a word (or maybe two, but I'll get to that later) that the MV adds, and that changes the whole meaning of the phrase.
“Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.”
Rose’s quote translates into “I think, therefore I am (troubled).” This is not her doubting her existence or whatever, this is about her memory. “Thinking” here isn’t meant as in literally just thinking, but as in Rose’s thought processing and reasoning. Her photographic memory makes her have an overload of information to process at all times, and after processing it, she’s unable to discard it no matter what. She’s troubled, troubled because no matter what, she can’t forget. Every murder, every drop of blood, every gasp, every word is engraved in her mind, and no matter how hard she tries, she’s doomed to remember it all for the rest of her life.
A lot of people see having a photographic memory as a blessing. Almost like a superpower. They think of detectives solving murder cases because they remembered the exact position of one of the curtains at the victim’s house, or in Rose’s case, they imagine her making perfect replicas of a painting just after seeing it once. And, sure, maybe she can do that. She is the Ultimate Art Forger, after all. But I still think her photographic memory is much more a curse than it is a blessing for her.
Humans aren’t made to remember. We are made to forget a very big part of our lives, in fact. Do you remember exactly every meal you’ve ever had? Every shower you’ve taken? Every outfit you’ve worn? No, of course not. You don’t. Just like you don’t remember every single time someone has given you a strange look, or every time you’ve done something embarrassing.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Forgetting is a coping mechanism. Not only does it prevent our brains from overloading with useless information, it also helps us heal from bad experiences. If we remembered every single detail from all of our bad past experiences we would go insane, we would never heal from those memories and emotions. We could replay the memory over and over and over again to analyze what could’ve been different, what we could’ve done in another way, and what we could’ve ultimately done to avoid the situation. But as humans, we forget. It takes time, but the details start to fade one by one, and by the end, the bad experience is just a foggy distant memory, a mix of lingering feelings and a blurry outline of what happened, an outline that can’t hurt us anymore…
Except for Rose. Rose remembers everything. This is why the world is so overwhelming for her (let alone the killing game). She dozes off half of the day because if she wasn’t sleeping, she’d have to remember everything that happened at that time. I think it’s easier to picture it if you put it like this: Imagine if you were forced to memorize every single thing that happened around you for a day. Not just what you do, but what everyone in your view and hearing range does. It sounds exhausting, right? Well, welcome to Rose’s mind.
Rose is troubled because she can’t forget. Or rather, she remembers, therefore she’s troubled (see the parallelism I did there with the quote we’re analyzing???? see it????). She’s condemned to remember every detail of everything that has ever happened to her, to replay moments like movies and analyze them until she finds out what could’ve been better, what could’ve been worse, what she could’ve done different. The problem is, the past is the past, and no matter how much you replay it, it never comes back. It’s just an illusion, a nightmare that appears in front of you, and yet you can never reach. You can just watch as it unfolds, unable to change it, unable to do anything, unable to look away. She can never look away.
As an ending to this post, I’d like to take a closer look at another detail. The original phrase is “Cogito, ergo sum”, as it’s already been stated before, but the version used in the MV is “Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.” “Ego” simply means “I”, so it doesn’t add much meaning (in fact, the original French is “Je pense, donc je suis”, so the pronoun was already there from the beginning), but I still think adding it emphasizes the meaning they want to give to the phrase. It refers to Rose’s personal experience, so instead of making it a general quote anyone can say “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, they emphasize the personal meaning of it by adding the “I”, which can be perfectly omitted in Latin without losing the phrase’s meaning. It’s something more like “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, and I think it’s a great detail to see how different Rose’s experience of existing is compared to everyone else’s, or at least, how different she considers it to be.
In conclusion, I’m a nerd that loves looking too much into things. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🫶🏻.
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clownstillwritesfanfic · 1 month ago
Let’s talk about the foreshadowing of Klaus and Allison’s relationship in the tarot scene in Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy.
I’m not an expert, I don’t even own my own deck. But I went through a phase where I watched a lot of tarot readings and I do have some books on how to read tarot.
Klaus has the Rider-Waite deck which is the most popular tarot deck. Anyone that does tarot probably has their own copy. It’s just very iconic.
The first card Klaus pulls is The Lovers, which causes him to joke about not being laid.
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This is actually excellent foreshadowing. At this point, he still hasn’t taken the marigold.
The Lovers is a very powerful card. It’s telling him he will face temptation of some sort soon or it can be about existing relationships. The relationship does not have to be romantic or sexual. This can be shown directly after he is given the marigold. Allison gives him the marigold to save his life because she loves him. But this ultimately strains their relationship due to his trust being broken.
This causes him to revert back to his old ways with drugs. The temptation is back. His first love. And the drugs cause him to end up being prostituted out and subsequently, getting laid.
The second card he pulls is The Tower. And his reaction is interesting because…this is NOT the kind of card you’d like to see.
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The Tower doesn’t directly mean loss of self control on its own, but when paired with The Lovers, it can very much be interpreted that way.
The Tower is actually a scary card to pull sometimes. It represents danger, sudden change, and destruction, among other things. Now it’s not always bad. But it’s not a card you’d be happy to see in most readings.
Him being so nonchalant while pulling that card is kinda crazy to me. Especially when he’s so freaked out about safety. The Tower is basically a huge warning sign that shit is gonna get rough.
Tarot can be read in multiple ways, it’s personal to each person. But they way I’m reading this is that this is also foreshadowing the chaos and destruction the Cleanse will bring. He’s doing this while he’s in the van while the others look for Jennifer.
The Tower also can represent higher learning and liberation, something the Keepers believe the Cleanse will bring.
Now obviously Klaus isn’t doing a general reading, he’s doing a personal reading. So for him, The Tower mixed with The Lovers could be a form of loss of control, especially since he won’t be able to consent to having the marigold forced back in him by someone he trusts and loves. He lost control of that.
The third card he pulls is actually wrong.
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This is not Death. This is the Ten of Swords.
Despite its name, Death is not actually representative of actual death. It actually means the end of something. What’s interesting about Death is that it can have different meanings depending on who you are. For example, a man pulling this card could represent the loss of a benefactor. Who’s Klaus’ benefactor? Allison. She lets him stay in her house rent free, eat her food, bubble wrap everything, because she loves him and wants him to stay sober.
However…he didn’t actually pull Death. My guess is they didn’t do their homework well enough and thought that because the card doesn’t have the name of it on it like The Lovers or The Tower did and they saw the picture of a man stabbed to death, they just assumed this was the Death card.
Despite that, the Ten of Swords plays perfectly into this. This card represents betrayal. Pulling this card signifies somebody will betray you very soon or you already have been.
And who betrays Klaus? Allison.
On their own these cards are damning. But together it tells a story. Someone Klaus loves will betray him and send him on a path of self destruction and this will forever ruin his relationship with them.
Allison betrays his trust and gives him the marigold to save his life due to love. This causes him to feel betrayed and that’s why he crashes out on her and everyone else and why he ends up going back to drugs and ends up being pimped out to pay back an old debt.
But wait…this also foreshadows something else that happens later in the season.
Who else gets stabbed in the back and betrayed by a lover? Who else has their whole life destroyed only hours before they end up being erased to save the world?
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But he’s not the only one…
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While season 4 may have been disappointing…the foreshadowing was clever.
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epickiya722 · 3 months ago
As an izuku and ochako fun the reaction to this chap makes me despair
Whether it be ppl hating on izuku for enjoying his life and doing something for himself for once
Or reducing ochako as a prize to be won when we open on her survivors guilt and the work she does basically singlehandedly working on improving Japan's childhood mental health counseling (stop making me defend horikoshis writing of women guys this time he didn't actually do awfully)
I know it cause ppl based shit off leaks and no one's patient enough to wait for decent translations
Also ppl going well its non Canon and that horikoshi didn't write it when horikoshi never said that pls chill yall
Exactly that! I hate that Ochako gets heat for even existing in the story.
Like, whether she's a favorite or not, I find people on both sides annoying from how they view her.
She isn't a prize. She's not a good digger. She didn't even do anything wrong.
Same for Izuku.
Ochako and Izuku are two characters who want to do good, trying to make it better for future generations be it quirk counseling to being a teacher.
At the end of the chapter, I don't see it as romantic but I also don't see it as a bad thing either.
I see it as a pair of characters coming to each other and understanding how the other feels because they both had similar experiences. Throughout the story, Izuku and Ochako have mirrored each other so it only makes sense that they would meet up and go "I understand and we can get along."
I know it's been said that the epilogue has weird writing and yeah, a bit of it is kind of is. However, it mostly came from the fact that people just saw pictures and went by what leakers said, so it all got muddied.
People were quick to pass judgment, nothing new, and jump to conclusions.
Whether he wrote it or not, I still rather see more of the chapter and make sense of it than to just look at pictures and go "even though there's little information, I think this sucks".
Especially, if it's going to involve my favorite characters.
At most, 431 is like a bonus for fans who do want it. I doubt Horikoshi or anybody who worked on it is trying to force the fandom to accept 431. People act as if they are though.
You don't. Just like you didn't have to read the manga overall.
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in-tua-deep · 1 month ago
had a funky asgardian dream last night lol
the premise was that loki fucked around and basically an amnesiac version of loki ended up back in time with so many holes in his memory but enough knowledge to be like "odin is my dad"
and odin looked at this kid and was like "aw he looks like hela, this tracks" and, importantly, does not know that loki is a frost giant and just assumes loki is his full blood kid lol
all that to say that loki and thor grow up with big brother!loki who is actually?? a good big brother?
rather than hide hela's existence, older loki makes odin nostalgic and he ends up telling them that hela is their big sister who was "lost to the war" or some bullshit, which most people assume to mean she died in the war, right?
older loki sees like, one picture of her, notes the similarities, and then for some weird reason feels profoundly uncomfortable so he decides not to unpack all that and just avoids mention of her lol. kid thor doesn't really care that much about her bc she's not in their lives so why should he? kid loki LOVES learning about her and actively seeks info about her out, mostly because he thinks a big sister would probably be better than two older brothers (he also is young enough that lost to the war means that he could probably find her, right?)
importantly, kid!Loki grows up very differently in this dream world. instead of being the weird outcast prince, everyone looks at him and is like "awww look he's like his big brother <3." he's also like, 8 so at the moment he is very much the baby of the family
anyway so the main plot of this dream was big Loki (imagine like a 19/20 year old) plus thor (like 12) and Loki (8ish) manage to find where Hela is sealed away. idk where they are or where the king and queen are, it's implied they're not in asgard right now and this was a Very Unplanned Field Trip that is giving older Loki an ulcer. They have to look at little Loki to confirm this weird fucking ceiling portrait is Hela bc the older two are not the Hela Experts in the room
at the same time, older Loki is starting to get some flashes of the future and begins to suspect that he's from the Bad Timeline
through accident, they manage to unseal Hela, who is met with three whole younger siblings - and let me tell you it is a very different welcome when you have a very enthusiastic 8-yr-old sparkling at you and very excited to have found his lost sister and a 12-yr-old who thinks girls kind of have cooties rolling his eyes
so hela makes a split second decision to not tell her baby brothers about the whole "dad sealed me away for being warful" thing (it will be a fun surprise for odin later <3) and also embrace being a big sister (it is now her legal job to pick on older loki and make fun of thor for being the odd one out)
anyway while they're figuring this out, older Loki is continuing to get flashes of the future but is now somehow joined by thor also getting flashes of the future. what they manage to glean makes them suspicious, and hey if they're both getting future visions or whatever then logically baby loki should also be, right??
so they start to like. suspiciously spy on little loki. except idk maybe the universe decided that one loki having knowledge was fine? i don't think older loki actually fully knows about the time travel thing or that he IS little loki tbh
so anyway they're spying on an eight year old who has a strict bedtime of nine o'clock.
meanwhile hela starts getting flashes of the future and is like "wait. do i destroy asgard?? why would i do that? where would my brothers live? ):"
the only other thing i remember is there being a dramatic scene where hela is trying to reject her fate and someone tells her that she cannot escape it, and she's actually getting teary eyed because she's gotten attached to her weird shitty brothers now
then i woke up and was like "huh"
#my dreams#dream journal#big brother loki dream#i have no explanation for the fact that both lokis were just called loki in the dream#no one even batted an eye#that's dream logic for ya!#thor was also a lil different#a little shit but in the way that 12 year olds are little shits#also he kept getting called the odd one out bc of all his black haired goth siblings#i think at one point he asked if they thought he should dye his hair#little loki was very sweet honestly and really got to be a little kid without the weight of asgard hating him#older loki really absorbed a lot of that at the beginning lol and would NOT stand for anyone being mean to his little brothers#older loki and thor teaming up to be suspicious of little loki was a hilarious part of the dream#i am not kidding about the 9 o'clock bedtime which little loki adhered to religiously#little loki shoving his brothers out of the way like 'sorry losers i have a sister now <3'#hela was charmed by little loki and the other two are very fun to tease#her and older loki snipe at each other#older loki is like 'hmm for some reason i feel like releasing hela is Very Bad.'#*looks at little loki*#'ah yes my position as fav older sibling is being threatened'#hela is that one meme where she's like 'i've only had little loki for one day but if anything happened to him i'd destroy asgard'#i appreciate my brain deciding i needed a fun little sibling sitcom in my brain last night though#very fun#no clue where the loki of it came from since i haven't seen a marvel movie since uhhhhh i think the one where thanos snaps.#is that infinity wars or end game#i did watch the taika thor movie but not the second one?
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adamnablelittledevil · 7 months ago
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part IV (with a bit of spoilers)
Lestat's narration has gotten so much better actually. I mean, I still don't care when he talks about stuff that doesn't have an effect on him, but when he describes things/people that actually do? It's great. It's just so vivid, rich, colorful, sometimes even abstract that simply makes me giggle and kick my feet. When he gets really thoughtful about life, vampirism, existence, religion, morality, feelings, theater, music etc, it feels like borderline insanity, but in a brilliant way? Feels like I'm tasting some crazy drug and tripping, but it's so good? It activates a very specific part of my neurodivergent brain and I love it because I'll also be having those crazy thoughts all by myself with nobody to talk to and Lestat just gets it.
I also love the excess of exclamations on this POV haha.
Sometimes it just feels like a naive child telling things and is kind of endearing.
Armand in Lestat's words: he was beautiful, ethereal, sublime, exquisite, delicate, soft, perfect, a Caravaggio painting, a Da Vinci painting, an angel, I found myself in him, the possibility of him, I didn't pay attention to [whatever] because I was looking at him etc etc.
Basically calling him the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, really.
Like, I legit MEMORIZED some of them. Lestat was THAT repetitive lmao.
I don't know if it's because the words were so superlative or because Lestat had it that bad or because I have it that bad just thinking about it, but yeah.
I'm not even kidding when I say I need to take pauses because this is kind of unsettling.
I'm so serious, but I feel like reading Lestat's description of Armand has a bigger effect on me than the prettiest person I have ever seen in freaking R E A L L I F E? What the hell, WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?
Lestat, tone it down, I'm begging you.
Been told Armand is really that gorgeous and every character talks about him that way, so apparently he isn't exaggerating... I'm gonna lie down, bye.
It's even worse because I just picture show!Armand because he's even more handsome there so it makes me dizzy.
Also because Lestat won't miss an opportunity to talk about his beauty? He LITERALLY says it EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees Armand. I'm not joking, I swear on my own life. I'm like, OKAY, WE GET IT? ENOUGH!
Armand (Lestat's version) on season 3 will be insufferable and I'm so ready for it. But also not ready yk.
At this point I'm basically just drooling over him and I don't care.
PERFECT casting with Assad. He incorporates Armand like no other. Everyone on the show is talented and I can see them as their characters, but there's one thing or another that I imagine differently sometimes? But not Armand, like, my Armand looks, walks, moves, talks, stares etc the exact same way Assad does it on the show. Every single time. The others are like, 90% or something for me, but Assad is 100% my imagination? It's like he traveled in time, stole my 2024 thoughts, went back to the past, auditioned, got the part and then played it exactly the way I see it today. It's crazy.
Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, they already have all these possessions going on, what's more to our little satanic show lmao.
Also, great casting with Assad because no man with red-ish hair has looked this good ever. It just doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.
Armand is a beauty God, but also a really good character and I love his lines. Even when I don't agree with him, I just find him fascinating, the role he has on the story, what he represents, the way he moves the plot, whatever the effect he has on Lestat etc...
Armand's moments are never boring. He'll probably piss me off later, but right now I'm having a great time and the book has never been better.
Lesmand's/Armandstat's moments are always heated. The tension is always there. I'm not telling you what kind. Actually, I don't even know it myself. Do THEY even know?
Sam said something about how you're never sure what they are and I think he's right? At least for now. Let's see it after all the books.
They also act like they've known each other forever, have this crazy history that goes through centuries and they already can push each other's buttons... But they actually, like, only know each other for 5 minutes? CHILL?!
They're sort of soul ties/mirrors/foils/two sides of the same coin-coded in an appealing way.
I guess I can say Armand is my favorite character right now. I always read it faster when he's there, I'm always looking forward to seeing him again, I'm fine when I don't see Gabrielle or Nicki, but I'm always like, BRING HIM BACK. I don't know if I should be worried I'll grow into hating him when stuff happens or if I'll just be an Armand apologist lol. I'm scared. But let's wait to see it.
Samssad on season 3 will be delicious. Specially on the 1700s flashbacks. I'm expecting almost, if not EVERY scene of them there to be INTENSE. Great acting potential there.
I really want to see a moment with Armand and Lestat in a church like on the book? Let's take their angelic faces and curls to the next level. Put them in a church, surrounded by religious figures, stained glasses, candles etc. I don't even care what the context will be. They can be talking, silent, killing each other, doing something else, doing all of it, but give me the heavenly visuals. Actually, if they want to film the entire show in a church they can, it would be so aesthetically pleasing. Bonus points if they use Gothic churches because I'm extremely obsessed with them. Bonus points if they use Sainte-Chapelle because I'm kind of even more hyperfixated on that. I mean, it would never happen, but it should *shrugs*.
Btw, the mess Armand made in the house and the way he was reading the books is very neurodivergent of him.
The way he prefers to talk telepathically instead of speaking out loud is very neurodivergent of him as well.
Nicki is soooooooooo doomed by the narrative, omg. Anne didn't even try to hide it.
I'm not really sure how I feel about Nicki except that he needs therapy...
This is probably the silliest comment so far, I'm no longer thinking clearly after Armand's introduction. Sorry, guys. It will happen again.
The next chapter has his name so I'm scared, but also excited.
P.S. Nothing is permanent, opinions might change and this is based on Lestat’s narration, which can be unreliable. I’m reading the books so I can find out more about the characters, what potential events might happen in the show, what I can expect etc. This is my favorite show in the universe, so I want to be as informed as possible. I have no idea if I’ll become a legit fan of the books or not, but so far I’m enjoying it. I’m posting these comments only for fun.
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coraclavia · 2 months ago
Cora Watches: Pavement (2002)
Guess who figured out how to take screenshots of Prime Video?
[I did.]
Today on Cora Watches, we jump back to 2002 to see a movie I liked but do not understand on a broad level.
This movie stars Robert Patrick and Lauren Holly. She's a detective looking for a serial killer in San Francisco; he's a tracker in the Alaskan wilderness who comes to San Fran when his sister becomes a victim of the serial killer, and he meets Lauren Holly and helps track down the murderer.
Here's the thing: I have a weakness for handsome shirtless men. I feel like it's fine and I should not be mocked for this (@mylittleredgirl).
So in unrelated news,
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It's an interesting movie. It has a distinctly early 00's aesthetic, a very cool-toned color palette, etc. If not for the language, I could see this being the pilot for a crime series.
It's... a weird script. I wouldn't say it's bad, just a little odd. It feels very stylized, but I did enjoy it.
Am I trying to sell you on this movie just to see Robert Patrick both shirtless and in knitwear?
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He wears knitwear well, what can I say?
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His character, Sam, is a tracker and honestly I kept seeing shades of Benton Fraser in this. It's not the same level of fish-out-of-water as due South, but he uses the same old-fashioned tracking skills Fraser would.
I also want to draw attention to the funniest sex scene I think I've ever watched.
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The 'tasteful fade to black' is achieved by cutting from these two rolling around her floor, to...
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That's right. Sexy pictures of NATURE 🔥 and then back to foreplay, then back to nature, etc. Choices were made here, people. Choices. Were. Made.
Do I recommend this?
If you like crime dramas, yes! If you're into shows like Criminal Minds, you'll probably like this. Or if you just want to see Robert Patrick's muscles, well. Yep.
So how does this movie confuse me? I don't understand why it was made.
Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to see this man shirtless and appreciate every one of those muscles. But this movie was released on HBO; it would have had to be cut down for language and violence to play on basic cable or network. How did anyone make money off this movie?
I don't get it, but it exists anyway, so here we are.
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paragonrobits · 1 year ago
also i forgot to mention this but in terms of moral ambiguity i keep thinking a lot about Simon Petrikov and in Come Along With Me, as he studies the nature of Golb we see him musing to himself about "Imagine if we could harness that dank energy..."
It's important to note that this is BEFORE he ever comes into contact with the Ice Crown, and this is of course after he has started working together with Betty in earnest and looking for ancient artifacts and searching for signs of magic. It's notable that this is Simon before he has any evidence that magic actually exists (assuming that he wasn't being deceptive in his tapes about his descent into losing himself, or if his memories had already started warping).
But because this is Simon BEFORE the crown, BEFORE any trace of the madness of Ice King was present to affect his behavior, its significant to examine how this suggests things about his most basic mindset. This is pre-apocalypse Prime Flavor Simon Petrikov, no ice or magically-imposed madness flavoring! This is HIM, before any thing influenced him or warped his mentality.
And, learning about a powerful cosmic entity so important that its presence is essentially a sign of the apocalypse (or IS the end of a world just by being there), it's pretty notable that Simon's first and immediate thought is 'just IMAGINE the potential... if I could USE THAT POWER FOR OUR ENDS... IMAGINE WHAT I COULD UNLEASH...'
This suggests to me that Simon has ALWAYS been a little bit unhinged. Always thinking first about the potential of magic if it really existed, more unsesttling and more willing to exploit dark powers.
It makes me wonder; if the great mushroom war HADN'T happened, what if he somehow set a similar event into motion? If we can think that a big event ending the old world is inevitable in Adventure Time's timelines in some way, what if Simon is always involved in some respect, possibly even instigating it?
Like... this impulse to want to use incomprehensible vast magical power to his own ends feels like its a BIG part of his mind; that seeing Simon purely as a good man in a bad situation who longs for a family isn't the entire picture of him. It's a big part of his picture, sure. It's FUNDAMENTAL to him, a cornerstone of who and what he is, but there's other parts to that.
And based on what we've seen him do without the crown affecting him at all, how dispassionately he gets Choose Goose killed to try to get him to Golbetty, I think Simon might actually be potentially a LOT more callous and threatening than he really wants to admit. That, if anything, despite his unpredictability Ice King is safer than Simon because it wouldn't occur to him to do this kind of thing with genuine malice or a desire for power. But Simon COULD.
He is a tremendously empathic man. He can feel pity and sorrow for something as awful as the Lich. But at the same time, there's more frightening capacities within Simon.
Perhaps you really don't want to know what he is prepared to do, if he thinks it necessary.
To paraphrase a bit from one of the Hulk runs that explored Bruce Banner potentially being far more dangerous than his destructive but understandable other self: "Maybe I become the Ice King to save the world from Simon Petrikov."
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gauloiseblue · 9 months ago
First of all, reincarnation stories are so *mwuah*
Second, I love the interactive/visual novel/otome game style.
The Endings are so delicious and just makes me want to bite and eat it 😏😏😏.
I love the fact that in true otome game/VN style, the endings all give us little bits and pieces of stuff that fit with each other giving us a nice picture that is still kind of incomplete.
Ending 1 is the meet cute with our hubby (who is definitely not going to kidnap us at the slightest inconvenience like how Megumi summons Mahoraga).
Ending 2 is the one where we get stuff about our childhood and how there's this thing that yadda yadda yadda... we had a friend... NINA, MY BABY IS ALIVE!!! Our former childhood friend wants to marry us awwwww... Someone held us hostage while biting us... Awww... What a nice conversation with one of the women who took care of us Oh look some guy in the shadows (I'm sure that's nothing). This one is actually the first I got.
Ending 3, the “Horror/Bad” Ending, is actually not that bad because technically, all endings are bad because he will always find us. We just get a big question called “What the fuck is going on?”. It's just bad/horror because we're scared :( Also biting kink~
Ending 4 is where we find a super sweet note about love and perseverance. This couple is so sweet and romantic. The woman knows that they haven't been together for so long but she already knows that she's going to be with this guy for the rest of her life aww so sweet. She also talks about how love should be built on patience and to never rush it. She also talks about how this will be her last secret awwwww... Super sweet with no horrifying implications whatsoever.
These endings work well on their own but as you read the other endings you get the answers for the questions you have from the other endings but also questions that not even reading all the endings can answer.
Does that man there's a Golden/True Ending or A Bonus Scene?
Also this fic reminds of one of your art that has König buying reader. Biting kink, my beloved. Something something he would sooner mangle your flesh before letting you go...
[Major spoilers under the cut]
I actually almost made that fic into a game, but I realized it's not worth the effort so I didn't make it XD
Actually, this is how I think of the endings;
Ending 1: Good Ending with a question mark
Ending 2: Bad Ending
Ending 3: Cautionary Ending
Ending 4: Secret Ending
I feel like if you get the first ending, there's a chance you'll live happily ever after with him, especially when you really love him and accept him as he is.
As for the second one, congrats on getting it for the first time XD This is actually my favorite ending, bc it can lead to a continuation.
For the 3rd ending, it's just an attempt to write horror. I always want to bring horror elements to König's fics, because his character does have that potential. Also, it's just an excuse for me to write about my kink so—
I feel like I had to talk about the 4th ending, because it lacks some basic explanations. We all can pretty much guess who's the husband, so I'll skip that part. She and König weren't always this miserable, and the letter was the evidence that they once were a happy couple. But somewhere along the line (the reincarnation), she strayed away from him, for whatever reason. Just as he disagreed with her, he did the opposite of what she'd do if he loved her less than a lover; forcing her to be one.
It's actually a story about irony, because the only way to bind your lover with you is to make them hate you. The reincarnated reader hated to be bitten, so he marked her with his teeth. She didn't like when he's impatient, so he took it to the extreme. But all his actions were rooted from love. He did it because he loved her, he did it because he wanted to be her—in this life or the next. Like, you can find so many ironies in the letters. But I won't point them out bc it's more fun to discover them yourself 😌
Fun fact, the thing about her last secret or whatever implies that König shamelessly read her diaries XD She couldn't keep her secret because he'd just find it and read it. It's also ironic that he always found her secrets—even in the most difficult places—but couldn't find her last secret, which is the letter. That's why the papers were hidden for years inside the music box, until the reincarnated reader discovered it again. Makes you wonder what could've happened if he read the letter. Maybe all these tragedies wouldn't happen.
I'll be honest, I like Nina a lot too. In my head she ran away with the reader in IOFAB, and they lived happily ever after. Like, she deserves so much happiness 😭
Oh, that artwork. Haha… it's just a study on anatomy I swear 💀
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