#i do NOT want anymore spoilery things!
galadrieljones · 1 day
Maybe just me, but there's too much DA4 content now! I am just waiting for the game! I know Solas is both hot and lonely, and that's literally all I need. I will continue to make art and writings for him, but seeing too much actually hurts the hype for me.
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infamous-if · 4 months
Ngl, Seven's special was very disappointing :( I just want MC to be loved and cherished without their ROs making them so insecure. Even G and Vic made MC feel important and loved, like they belonged together. And in Seven's it felt like MC didn't fit into their live anymore.
I guess my answer is spoilery so ///
I respect your perspective but I don't think I agree tbh I think Seven making the effort not to be the same overwhelming, intense person they were for their relationship's sake is trying to fit them in their life. Seven could easily revert back to their old ways and become even worse since they lost MC once, I can't imagine Seven being a healthy person to be with due to their intensity. Present Seven trying to be like their old self would probably be far too codependent and extreme out of their fear of losing MC.
The other ROs are making sure MC feels loved and important but they're not fundamentally changing themselves for MC. Seven is going against their nature and their personality to make sure they're a healthier version of themself for MC. And I'm not trying to be like kissing Seven's ass but it's hard to compare ROs who have never had a past relationship with MC to an RO who had one, fell out, and hated them for three years. It's just not as easy and it doesn't feel realistic to me to make it easy. I could've written a short full of fluff and I tried but it felt disingenuous and wasn't what I wanted to do lolol
It's also a non-canon short story that is written with an insecure MC. The point you're supposed to focus on is the message of the story as a hint for the route but everything else is written because it made it easier to convey that message. So MC being insecure isn't a canon thing, it's a Amy-felt-like-writing-mc-that-way thing lol
If you're worried, just reread the last line! You'll get what you're hoping for I promise lolol
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month
Guys what is this book and what is the Bill on it? All I know is gay shapes-
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A. Sphere: I'm not calling you "Good Boy" A. Square, that court case was SHIT.
Me earlier: Wow! The Book of Bill just came out, that's cool ig.
Everyone recently: *being super active in the tag, watching the movies, relogging and liking my art*
Me: *me carrying some small doodles over* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???
Thanks for bringing me back to brainrot by spam-liking all my old posts guys I forgive none of you (/J I LOVE YOU ALL)
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A. Square and A. Faux Line: Damn, that circle kinda a hottie- ...
I had this silly idea after my 29374th time watching Flatland that a majority of the first part of the movie is just A. Sphere watching all the shit go down like the worst telenovela you've ever seen. Also, that A. Line was originally going to be the apostle, but... uh... she can't really do that anymore, so he banks all his money on A. Square.
Also, I thought it would be super funny of A. Square and A. Faux Line both crushed on A. Sphere when he first showed up lol. Crazy smooth priest spawns and everyone swoons.
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Older Hex doodles too. I love Hex, they're such a real one the whole time. With all the faults of Sphereland, I do like Hex maining in that one. But I also like picking and choosing which things I take as canon in my own work, so you get young adult Hex with their totally not-romantically-involved-with-at-all partner Punto (P. Octagon).
It's been a bit since Flatland happened in this hypothetical, so A. Square's still around. He's trying to be supportive of his masc-nonbinary kid who likes kissing boys, but still has to be annoying with dad jokes and the occasional backhanded compliment. He means well tho.
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A. Tesseract: Hello A. Square!
A. TESSERACT OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU POOKIE <3333. She's probably one of my most favorite ocs I've made (and the one that gets the most art <3) She's also the one I feel the least awkward about shoving into the source material lol. I yearn to work on A Heightlander's Escape again, but we'll see.
I just wanted to draw something cute between her and A. Square. She may or may not be the voice at the end of the movie hmmmmmmmm.
At least A. Square would end up in good hands.
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"There is always something beyond. There is always INFINITY."
Just a little doodle of smth I may or may not render cuz I really like how it looks. There is always something greater after all.
Thank you all for the recent support on those old-ish drawing, y'all made my week tbh. I have a new AU cooking for this so look forward to that lol. Have a good one :)))
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megamagimugi · 20 days
(M) 331 poster and sketches
I absolutely love this fanfic by Yoshi_with_hat on AO3 and personally consider it a masterpiece, one of the best this fandom has to offer. Might be my personal favorite if it's even possible to pick just one. So I decided to show my love for it in the best way I know how: by doing more fanart! I went with a poster this time.
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I wanted to do more. This story deserves it. But eventually only made this poster and a few sketches and didn't really want to wait anymore to post them. Maybe I'll do more someday since I regularly reread this story, but for now I'm afraid that's it.
The sketches, however, contain major spoilers. Please, I beg of you, if you haven't read the story yet, skip the sketches. This fic's greatest strength, other than its well crafted characters, is without a doubt its plot with some brilliant twists you couldn't possibly predict. If you've already read it, feel free to take a look though. If you're curious, then please, read the story until the end first. I highly recommend it to any Mario fan, especially anyone who likes Mario 2D platformers.
Speaking of which, I think this is a perfect spot to put the link to the story:
Alright. So, as for the spoilery sketches.
Here they are:
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72 wall jumping out of the pit, Bowser carrying 42 and Peach (with Kevin's wand) on his shoulders, and 304 telling Loggi what he did.
Now, after my fourth reread I must say one thing. This fic made me cry twice this time (honestly don't remember if it did on my previous reads, but maybe? probably?). I don't even cry at movies very often, let alone written word. It's so rare! And it's all because of 304. Yes, his thought process was flawed and eventually he did a horrible thing, but other than that I relate to him way too much, with him being rejected for no clear reason when he only wanted to be accepted and make some friends... Man. It just hits too close to home. When #1 cried for him, I could certainly relate :')
Alright. Dear Yoshi_with_hat, if you see this, I really hope you like it. And thank you for writing this amazing fanfic.
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vaporclan · 5 months
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Moon 151 Part 4
Context is missing here cuz ur seeing this from Froststar and Rainshade’s POV so I shall explain
Ivy was out with Hail and Snow. Hail left for 5 minutes, probably to use the dirtplace or something idk lol.
During that time Ivy and Snow heard VaporClan cats + Ivy told Snow to go scare them off
Snow was instead murdered and Ivy wants to hide the body cuz she knows Hail will be very very mad that her sibling died on Ivy’s watch. AND the fact that with all the murders and stuff that these guys have been doing, she will look sus if she was seen alone with a murdered Snow. Hail will assume she turned on her
^ Also the fact that Snow did not like Ivy and has been sus (and scared) of her the whole time
And that’s what happened - the last straw for Hail was seeing Ivy try to hide her own siblings body from her and cover up the murder. Whoever killed Snow was out of the question at this point, cause keeping her siblings murder a secret in the first place was what got Hail to snap here.
Hail believed she could trust Ivy before this. So the very second *ANY* kind of secret is involved, she’s out. She will not be acquaintances to anyone who’s willing to keep things from her.
Hail here is not the same little naive 7 moon old cat that Ivy met and manipulated. Hail is 22 moons old here, and has grown up to see that Ivy is a shitty cat with no redeeming qualities and it’s been nothing but exhausting working for her.
Hail has her own goals, ones I won’t explain here because it’s spoilery for what happens in the future, and she will not be helping with any other cats goals, not anymore. Now that she’s without Ivy’s influence, Hail is going to lay low for a bit and be more passive than aggressive, and she won’t be attacking anymore. This is a set-up for Arc 3, where you will see more in detail and possibly get the POVs of the cats outside VaporClan :)
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reigningcheesesun · 5 months
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ RETH x READER
wc: 2983 tags: fem!reader, she/her reader pronouns, reth from palia, canon events (i guess could be spoilery?), finding your shepp, self indulgent writing, not proofread or beta read :D
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“Find a shepp,” you muttered to yourself with a sigh. It was hard enough trying to navigate this newfound world, let alone trying to find a shepp per Eshe’s request. Since spawning into this place they called Kilima Village, you had been thrown into task after task. How would you ever find the time to build relationships with the villagers if you were always busy? You decided that today you would take a break from being the errand girl for everyone and instead would meet everyone you could find in hopes that you would find someone who would be willing to be your shepp. Up until now, you had only briefly spoken to most of the town, but no one knew you well enough to be your shepp just yet.
As you came into town, you assumed that Ashura would probably have wise words of advice on the fact of the matter. Hurrying along, you walked into the inn to find Ashura at his desk. 
“Hey, Ashura!” you said cheerily as you approached him. The large, gentle giant softly smiled. “Welcome in, y/n! Good to see you today. How are things going for ya?” he asked.
“Honestly? Well, I need some advice. You know this place, and the people, better than anyone, so I was going to see if you have any tips for me on picking a shepp?” 
“A shepp? So that’s what Eshe has you doing, I see. Well, many of the townsfolk would be more than happy to be a shepp- but,” he gave you a look, “asking them to be your own comes with a lot of responsibility on their part. You don’t want just anyone to be your shepp, and it should be someone you feel close to or have a connection with.”
“Responsibility? Eshe didn’t really explain much of all this to me. I thought they just told Eshe ‘Yep, she’s one of us!’ and that was it.”
Ashura chuckled. “In a way, yes, that is what they do. But their job as your shepp doesn’t stop there. They’re responsible for you, so anything you do- whether that’s good or bad- reflects upon them, too. Likewise, anything they do can also affect your own standing in Eshe’s eyes, if you get what I mean.”
“Oh… so we are kinda tied to each other’s social standing?” The wheels in your head began to turn. Who would you choose as your shepp then? It seemed the task wasn’t going to be as easy as you once thought it’d be.
“Yes, at least in the beginning it will be. But once you’re on your feet, most of us will forget who you picked as your shepp and there won’t be a little red string tying you guys together anymore. But don’t just rush into it, you’ve got all the time you need to pick someone who best fits you and your lifestyle. I know you aren’t Majiri like us, but maybe figuring out what path you like can help you narrow down your candidates.”
“Path. That’s right! A lot of you guys have your own path, so maybe I should find one I could call my own as well. Thanks, Ashura! I knew you’d be a big help for sure.”
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s what I’m here for, of course. Kilima Village has a pretty good variety of those in different paths, there is a path for everyone- from farming, furniture making, to cooking-  you’ll figure it out.” Ashura placed a hand on your shoulder and gave a soft smile before walking past you to go about his day.
There is a path for everyone. Surely someone in this town had a path you could find yourself in, you just had to figure out who it was. As you stood there, racking your brain through the makeshift list of names in your head, you heard the rumbling coming from your stomach. You had been so immersed in your search for finding a shepp today that you forgot to make yourself something to eat. You looked around the inn, seeing the bar open for business.
“What’cha got on the menu today, Reth?” you asked as you put your hands on the counter. The elf playfully contemplated his response, acting as if he was thinking long and hard about it. “Well, I would say my famous lettuce soup, but I’d be willing to whip up something different if you wanted,” he said with a smirk.
“As much as I love your lettuce soup, I don’t think I can have that for breakfast. How about some bacon-stuffed mushrooms? What do I have to do to get some of those on your menu?” you laughed. Reth was someone who was fun to talk to, in your opinion. You knew that the rest of the town had their own opinions about him, but none of it mattered to you. You enjoyed how go with the flow he was and how he always seemed to take each day one at a time.
“You know what, for you, I can make those. Just don’t tell people I make stuff off the menu.” He winked and turned around to start prepping the food. As you watched him chop the ingredients and assemble your meal, you wondered what his thoughts were on paths and choosing a shepp. “Reth, what do you think I should do about finding a shepp? Ashura said I should find someone who’s on a path that I can find myself in, but I don’t even know where to start.”
Reth scoffed to himself. “You sure you want to ask me about paths and shepps? I don’t think I’m really the best one to give you any advice on that, y/n. But if you wanna know how I feel, I think that these paths people take just because their parents do is a little outdated of an idea. I think what Ashura means is finding a path that you like, that you enjoy doing. You lucked out being human, even if you changed your mind, no one is really gon’ say much about it.” His tone changed towards the end of his sentence.
“Yeah, so I’ve heard. The Majiri don’t seem too understanding if you change paths… but I’m sure you know it all too well, but I’m glad you’re doing something you like.”
“Me too, this stuff is way more fun than getting splinters all day and hammering away on furniture,” he said as he put the plate of bacon-stuffed mushrooms in front of you. The food looked immaculate, you could tell it was made by someone who truly loved what they were doing.
Hey, Reth,” you said quietly as you started to cut the food into pieces. Reth turned around and wiped his hands on his apron. “Yeah? What’s up? It’s not good? Don’t tell me that, just lie to me,” he snickered.
“No, no. It’s not the food, this is good, great even,” you said as you finished a bite. “Do you think, maybe, you would be my shepp?”
Reth looked astounded by the question. “What?! ME ?! Y/N, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself as a shepp. Maybe if I knew you better, but even then, you sure you want me to be that person? I don’t really have the best reputation in the village.”
You pushed the food around on the plate, almost feeling stupid for even thinking he’d agree to something so serious. It wasn’t like Reth to be tied to anything, let alone a new person in the village who was asking a lot of him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. You’re probably right,” you said quietly.
Reth leaned on the counter and met your eye level. “Look, if it comes down to it and you still don’t have someone, then I’ll do it. But there’s gotta be someone way better out there for your decision than this guy. But I will do it if no one else will-”
“Really?!” you exclaimed, cutting him off. Reth put up his index finger. “Yeah, but on one condition,” he chuckled. “You just have to promise to keep coming into the inn and having breakfast, lunch, and dinner here for a while before I really agree to it. I gotta know the person I’m shepping for before saying yes for real, don’t I?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “You know what, Reth. I think I can do that, but only if you promise me you won’t make me lettuce soup every time I come in.” Reth laughed heartily at your response and nodded his head in approval. “Fine, you got a deal.” He made his way to the other side of the counter to take someone else’s order and began prepping their food for them. 
It was hard not to watch in awe as he prepared the orders he had coming in. He was meticulous with his cuts and attentive to all timers in the kitchen, basically ready to take stuff out before the timers could even go off. It was like watching an artist paint a masterpiece as he plated the food and garnished it before passing it across the counter. As you continued to watch, you admired how much fun it looked like he had cooking. Finally, you finished your food.
“Reth,” you called to him as you placed your coins on the counter. “For the food.” You got off the seat and waved goodbye. “See ya later, Y/N! I’ll be here all day,” he laughed as he waved back. You left the inn in a better state than you came in, at least you knew that if all else failed with the rest of the town, Reth had promised to be your shepp.
ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
The coming weeks didn’t bring any result in picking a shepp. Everyone was either too busy to commit to it or didn’t feel right with your relationship being so new with them. You walked into the inn and sat at the bar, laying your head in your arms and letting out a long sigh.
“Hey, hey, hey. This is a ‘no-sad-human-zone’, you can’t do that here,” Reth said as he leaned on the counter in front of you, resting his head in his palm. “Ughhh,” you groaned dramatically. “Wow, that bad, huh? I bet I know what will fix it.” He snapped his finger and walked into the back of the bar where the pantry and other cooking supplies were at. A few moments later, you could feel him put down a plate of food on the counter beside you. “This one’s on the house,” he said as you raised your head up to look at what he brought out. It was a fresh bowl of ramen, complete with boiled eggs and green onions on top. Reth leaned over and whispered to you. “Just don’t tell anyone I let you have it for free, okay?” He winked and grabbed a cleaning rag to start wiping off the counter.
You appreciated the sentiment, especially coming from Reth since you two were starting to grow a little closer after all the visits you had promised to make to the inn. “Reth, what do you do outside of this place?” Reth paused for a moment, a little confused by the question. “You mean like once I leave work? Uh… I do…. stuff, I guess.” His tone implied he wasn’t really trying to answer the question, but you couldn’t pinpoint why.
“Well, are you going somewhere when you’re done today?” you asked, not really sure where you were going with the series of questions.
“I have a few things I have to do later tonight, but nothing right after we close up here. Why? You tryin' to ask me to hangout?” He chuckled and kept wiping the counter. 
“Actually, yeah. Do you want to?” You were still unsure yourself what was even going on, but the conversation just seemed to flow naturally. You did want to know more about Reth after all this time, and he did say he needed to know you more before officially agreeing to be your shepp. Short conversations over a meal while he worked weren’t really the best way for you two to get to know each other.
“Oh, uh,” Reth said, scratching the back of his head and smiling. “I didn’t expect you to actually say that was the plan. But ya know what, I think we can do that. Why don’t you come back later at say, 6pm? I’ll be finishing up here and we can go somewhere then. How’s that sound?”
“Sure, that sounds good. Thanks, Reth.” You started to eat your food as you noticed Reth checking the clock on the wall. “I’ll be right back, I have to.. Get a few things from the storeroom.” Reth scurried off out of the bar and rushed down the stairs to the basement area. After a few minutes, you felt a large hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Ashura standing beside you, he looked like he needed something.
“Have you seen Reth? I got a few things I need to talk to that boy about, but he’s always in and out doing things,” he said.
“He just had to go to the storeroom for something, but when he gets back I can let him know that you need him?” You gave a shrug as you suggested.
“Yeah, that’ll work. Thanks, Y/N. I have to head out to the garden, but he should know where to find me.” He gave a sincere smile and left the inn. You looked up at the clock. Reth had been gone for at least 10 minutes. What on earth does he have to even get down there? And what about his job? Luckily, the bar wasn’t full of people waiting on him, but what if it was? He would be in high water with Ashura come the end of the day, and you definitely didn’t want to see if that sweet man was capable of bringing down the hammer.
You glanced around the bar; it didn’t look like anyone was coming to get food anytime soon so you decided to go downstairs to see if Reth needed help with whatever it was he was getting. You got up from the bar and made your way down the steps of the inn. It was your first time down there, but the store room was just across the room past the little boat docks under the inn. As you grabbed the door handle, you felt it turn and pull open as Reth left the storeroom. “Oh! Uh.. Y/N, what are you doing down here?” he asked nervously.
“Well, you were gone for so long, I thought maybe you needed some help or something. And plus, Ashura said he was looking for you.” Reth let out a groan. “Yeah, I forgot I have some errands I have to run tonight for him. He’s probably just reminding me.” He let out a soft sigh under his breath. “We may have to reschedule our little hangout tonight, if that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s fine…,” you said. The two of you sat awkwardly in silence for a moment before you broke it. “Maybe I can help you with some of the errands so you get done early?” Reth’s face lit up at the offer. “Hey! That just might work.” He snapped his fingers. “How about you do a few of the deliveries and pick up some things, and I’ll take care of the rest? I promise the deliveries aren’t that bad, just a handful of things to take and pick up.”
His bright smile made you smile as well. “Sure, you just tell me where to go.” Reth pulled out his order pad and wrote down the people to deliver to and who to pick up ingredients from. “There, that should be it. Eshe’s stuff’s all done, just upstairs in the back fridge. You’d be a real lifesaver doing this for me.”
You took the list and walked back upstairs with Reth. He led you into the back kitchen area and got the delivery package out of the fridge and handed it to you. “Careful with it, it’s a luxury to deliver this special dinner of mine to Eshe. Gotta deliver it safely or it’s both our hides that’ll be skinned,” he chuckled. “And just let the others know you’re picking up for me, they should have the stuff ready for you. Thanks again.” He bashfully smiled, something you hadn’t really seen before, but it was endearing. “No problem, I’ll be back before long,” you said before you left the inn.
Eshe’s delivery was your first priority, so you made your way across the bridge down from the stables and found her waiting, impatiently to no surprise. “Hey, Eshe! Have something for you,” you said as you pulled the package out and offered it to her. You watched Eshe look at the package and then back up at you before taking it. “So Reth has you doing his job for him? Hmph, seems fitting. This better be what I’ve been waiting for, not like that awful lettuce soup he pushes every time you order at the inn.”
“He doesn’t have me doing them, I offered to just help him out. I’m sure the food he made is well up to par; he really puts in a lot of work into his food, ya know,” you said assuredly. Eshe scoffed at your reply and tucked the package under her arm. “For his sake, I hope it is. If not, he will surely hear about it.” She walked off towards her house and left you standing there alone.
“These people really feel some type of way about him, don’t they?” you mumbled to yourself. 
2024 ©️ reigningcheesesun. please do not copy, translate, and/or distribute my work. divider.
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thelonelyshore-if · 10 days
Mc wandering into the fog, disappearing for weeks or even months... swallowed by the fog, chasing the mysteries of the fog...
Then eventually showing up in town again... but different? Being more quiet, maybe, or more open or worse- has amnesia. They remember nothing- not the town, not the ROs, not the outside world... nothing but the vague concept of themselves. Wonder how they'd react...
Ahhhhh what a fun line of thinking. The MC losing themself in every way that matters. Truly tasty. Not sure if you're thinking how the ROs would react or the MC, but I did RO reactions for fun <3
Beck- their first instinct would be to fight, but...what can they fight? The MC? They don't want to hurt them. Instead, Beck would get steadily angrier and more scared until they feel like they're drowning under the weight of their loss. I think they'd ultimately avoid the 'new' MC. They can't handle it.
Croft- they'd launch themself into trying to figure out if some kind of magic did this. A spell? The fog? Their efforts to escape would shift as they try to fix it. At the same time, they would try to get to know MC as they are now. Make the best of it while also making things better.
Jay- couldn't handle it...at least, not at first. The loss of MC was devastating. Now they're back, but they aren't MC anymore. Not in the ways that matter. Slowly, though, they'd readjust. They aren't one to turn their back on a partner, and if this is who MC is, now...well, they'll just have to get used to it.
Perri- part of how I think Perri would truly react is ~*spoilers*~, so I can't get too deep into it. But I think overall they'd take it the best out of everyone. Sure, MC has changed, but they can be reminded of the things that matter, and Perri can get to know the person they are now.
Ravi- lol I also think getting too deep into his reaction would be spoilery. But he'd be deeply sad...and also incredibly patient. He'd work tirelessly to help MC feel good about the situation--regardless of if that means remembering who they used to be, or discovering who they are now.
Yasmin- I don't think she could do it. Especially if she and MC had developed a romantic relationship before they vanished. She can't handle the loss of another partner, and this new person isn't the one she fell in love with. It would be so, so painful for her; to see this ghost walking around wearing the face of the person she loved.
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unmerrymagdalene · 2 months
Ok here’s a wip of a Sydney focused chapter for my DOL fanfic it’s technically out of context/spoilery but I’ll definitely change this when I post the final version down the line I just needed to get my Sydney Horny thoughts out I can’t look at this anymore ok byyyyyyye
You’re hunched over in your small, wooden desk. With scattered papers and a textbook grounding it all, it looks especially messy. Highlighters, pens, and pencils lay beside you. Essential tools for your note taking.
You turn to look at the clock on your nightstand. 11:27pm.
Your body turns back, focusing on the notes. A tired sigh comes out, as you brush the hair out your face. For once, it’s out of your usual ponytail. It cascades down and tickles your shoulders.
You didn’t mean to get behind in History (“behind” meaning “not ahead,” of course). If your study date with Lene went as planned, you’d be in bed already. Or you’d still stay up to get more work done.
But it didn’t. You were too distracted, too busy leering at her lips to-
You grasp your pen tighter, writing along.
After the incident in the library today, you knew you were done for. How were you supposed to guess she’d turn, right as you were aiming for her cheek?
It was only for a second.
A second of your lips on hers. Of softness and warmth you’ve never experienced before. A sudden spark, a burning arousal within you.
Your first kiss.
You knew what that feeling was. You knew it was dangerous.
So you pulled away.
You thought if you starved the feeling, it would die out. It’s what you always did, and it normally worked before…
But you couldn’t stop looking at her. Stealing glances of her lips, so soft and full. You thought it wasn’t too obvious, until she called you out.
“You keep staring at me…is this about what happened earlier…?”
You’d been sitting with her on your bed, and awfully close too. You stuttered and denied, looking away and praying she wouldn’t press further. But…
“If you want to kiss me…you can. I’d…really like that…”
Your grip tightens again, your breath growing heavy.
You should’ve said no.
Kisses on the cheek, or chaste kisses on the lips were fine. They were quick, barely letting anything deepen. Even hand holding was prefered. These were all pure.
But anything further was trouble. Kissing led to many things. All equally sinful in nature. You needed to say no-
“Do you…want to kiss me…?”
You remember the warmth in your face. Flushed and heavy. It traveled down your stomach, into your thighs-
“I-I…I do. Please-”
You were shocked at how slowly she climbed onto you. The way your bed creaked at her movement. Your heart thumping out your chest the moment she cupped your face.
“Just…tell me if you want to stop…ok…?”
Your eyes drifted from her lips to her own eyes. Deep swirls of brown, focused on you. Only you.
Your head bobbed listlessly. Achingly slow, her thumb grazed below your bottom lip.
You felt the warmth of her face, her lips, the moment she crashed into you. You widened your eyes, stiffening a gasp against her mouth.
But as that feeling sunk its claws in, your eyes drooped heavily. A hunger grew deep within you, stirring steadily. You started to move your arms, moving closer to her-
Almost too quickly, Lene pulled back. You stared at her, your face redder than before. “W-why did you-”
“Um…” She observed you quietly, hovering inches above your face. Her eyes faintly squinted. Like most of her expressions, it could’ve been easily missed if someone wasn’t looking close enough.
“I’m gonna…kiss you deeper…ok? I just didn’t want to catch you off guard…”
“Oh… ” You nodded, abit more encouragingly than before. You didn’t want her to stop. You needed more.
More of her lips pressed onto yours. Holding your bodies closer, intertwined and-
Your mind stopped again once Lene returned. You hummed appreciatively on her lips, until you felt something.
Lene’s lips widening slightly as her tongue slipped in, achingly slow as her thumb on your lip. For a second, you held your breath at the intrusion.
That feeling clung harder, pulling you deeper. It wrapped around your whole being, warming your skin. You couldn’t break out of it, even if you wanted to.
An overwhelming feeling of pleasure sunk in, as Lene’s tongue moved against yours. It was still slow, teasing every bit of it along the way.
Your breath deepened. A small moan broke out your lips, giving more life to the crackling fire within you.
Burning arousal overcame your body, soon settling on your crotch. You finally shut your eyes, letting it all sink in-
Suddenly, Lene’s lips lifted off yours again. Your heart thumped faster, lidded eyes gazing back at her.
She started to speak, murmuring softly. “Are…do you want me to-”
That burning, lustful feeling erupted inside. It poured out of you, gripping your hands onto Lene's shoulders.
You slammed her back into you. Her teeth caught on your bottom lip, digging in. You shuddered as a trembling moan burst out of you. So desperate and needy.
Lene finally took the hint, realigning her mouth on yours. You soon slip your tongue against hers, closing your eyes and letting yourself sink deeper.
Looking back, you’re shocked at how quickly you lost yourself. How your mind divulged into uncontrollable, shameful desire-
But then you remember Lene’s boobs pressing on you. The way her lips traveled down your neck, teeth biting and sucking in deep long strokes.
Her hands unbuttoning your dress shirt, peppering kisses and bites along the way. Those same hands moving further down, brushing and rubbing your d-
The pen slips from your hands, clattering on your desk.
Your eyes immediately pop open. You look down at your notebook. Progressively, the words trailed off and slid down the page, before eventually becoming scribbles.
You feel the warmth radiating off your face, as your hand covers your mouth. You notice how close your thighs press in together, a dreadfully familiar throbbing saddled between your crotch.
You only glance down for a moment, before flinching in despair.
Both your hands cover your face, head pointing down to your desk. What was going on?
These feelings, this desire, used to be so easy to control. You’d barely think about it, content on burying it and moving on with your day.
Now? It was practically insatiable. Every thought lingered, helplessly clinging to your mind. No matter what, they’d creep back.
You take in a few deep breaths.
But you were stronger than this. You could fix this, if you set your mind to it.
And you didn’t want to think of Lene in this way. You were dating. You loved her.
She deserves better than…
You sigh, grabbing your pen again. Your other hand holds your chin, supporting your head. You return to your note taking, determined to finish.
You start off strong, getting a chapter or two in. You ignore your eyes slowly growing heavy, trying to fight back sleep. You blink a few times and hope it’s enough to wake you.
Instead, you’re met with darkness.
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emhm · 4 months
Something that has been on my mind that u have been slightly shy with sharing in fear of being a bother:
The idea that Eclipse’s killcode code is gone since he used it to create the Bloodmoon twins
Since Solar is an Eclipse, and was created the same way, Solar also has Killcode code. But Solar never made a Bloodmoon or Lunar, so Solar still has that code. It’s untouched and abandoned, due to his non-confrontational and calm nature. But it’s still there, and it’s violent, just like it was in his Moon whose Killcode code was still there.
Solar doesn’t really get that mad, he’s not the kind of person to lash out that badly, but what if he did, uncharacteristically, and that Killcode that he still has shows itself and he becomes extremely violent? Maybe his eyes become a bit red, maybe he becomes almost senseless to the violent nature of the code that sprung up do to his anger… Maybe fear…
I dunno I just been thinking about it and I haven’t been able to forgets about it, even if I’m very forgetful.
Sorry to be a bother btw
It’s not a bother! You guys can ask me anything. If it’s too spoilery or I don’t want to post it: I’ll just dm instead to talk about it. (I’m sorry about my one unanswered ask about what kind of food they all like. It’s going to be a long answer and I keep putting it off. )
But Solar only has the tiniest scraps of Killcode. Just enough to have created him. Enough to act as an irritant that Sunny’s programming built up into an AI around the contamination that was leftover when he split from Badmoon. I think it was Demonsurfer that described Eclipse’s as forming like pearls. Sorry if I’m mis-remembering. It’s been a while.
But Badmoon took Killcode with him in the spilt. He cared far too much about Sunny to risk him like that...
The only thing that really makes Solar mad is caffeine withdrawal, and it’s because it messes with his ability to think straight and makes his head hurt. Technically it’s his nanos that are addicted to it. They won’t work right without it anymore. The headache is them hitting pain sensors in his mouth because they want the chemicals!
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artificialcorby · 11 months
Beware, spoilery content for MW3
I'm sitting at the counter of my kitchen, crying into my thoroughly weighed high protein / high carb (and low flavour) lunch bowl. And no, that's not the reason I'm crying.
Ever since I turned on my (back then) PS3 and started up this new first person shooter game called Modern Warfare, I felt a deep connection with this then mute character.
I was the F.N.G. The fucking new guy.
Long before I had the words (I only came out in 2019) I knew: That's me. That guy is more like me than any other protagonist I've ever played. Not much was known about Soap back then. And not much was known about me, the real me, either.
Fast forward to 2022. I am myself. More than I've ever been. And the ratings for the upcoming new MW2 are through the roof. I remember how much I loved the old games. I haven't played CoD in a while because the newer games weren't really for me anymore. Also life got in the way and you know how things are sometimes.
To kill some time until the release of MW2, I got a copy of the new MW (which totally went under my radar, because I was busy fighting therapists, health insurance, government agencies etc., not to mention the whole coming out) and was so happy when I saw a familiar face in the post credit scene: Soap.
I started to worry if the game would live up to the hype. But not only did it feel exactly like it felt back then. It felt even better. Mainly - for me - because it felt like picking up a part of myself I thought I'd lost. It felt like reclaiming a part of me that didn't quite feel like me back then (I suppose that doesn't make much sense to anyone but me).
Playing again as Soap reminded me of how far I've come. It was like reaching out to that younger person I was back in 2007, saying "see? this is who you're supposed to be. we made it".
Recently I've started to roleplay again. Spinning stories with other people, writing from the point of view of their favorite character. Writing as Soap, I want to make people happy. Because he is the ray of sunshine we all need.
And with the ending of the new MW3 we need it even more.
The point I'm trying to make is: I don't think people can ever overestimate how much fictional characters can mean to people. Sometimes they help us through tough phases of our lives, like a close friend. Sometimes they point out a strength in us we didn't know we had. And when they're gone, they leave a hole.
I now have to continue my way without Soap once again. Even though he will live on in the fandom. I'll still be roleplaying, writing stories, maybe putting together a proper cosplay.
In the past months, Soap brought me on a better path. I've started to workout again and to better take care of myself. Because life is now. I've even started to learn Gaelic just for the sake of it. Because I love languages.
I've always wanted to visit Scotland ever since I made my own money. Never did, sadly. Maybe that's something I'll do in the near future, too. Thanks to Soap.
That and getting a very funny tattoo to honour the memory, which I might reveal once I got it.
Of course my thanks go out to all the people who worked at the game. But a special thanks also goes to Neil, who brought our dear Soap to life. Who gave him a personality he didn't have back in 2007.
And who encouraged people to express their love for this character by sharing their work on his channel. Who even humoured us when it comes to the idea of a "less professional" relationship between Ghost and Soap.
Neil, you will never know how much this meant to us. You'll always be our Soap.
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rarilight · 3 days
anywaay here's the first scene of my incredibly self indulgent spoilery telverse one shot
enjoy!!!!!!!!!! be sure to comment ur fav parts if u like it....
once more, just to be sure, this section contains vague spoilers to unpublished stuff from telverse BUT ITS GOOD SOMETIMES SPOILERS ARE WORTH IT DAMN IT
anyway yea
Starsnow had never been to the Everfree Forest before. 
Truthfully, the majority of Ponyville had never dared venture into the Everfree Forest, repelled both by the dozens of timberwolves crawling in its depths and, if it was true, the latent magic of a terrible, terrible beast. 
But, well…
That was a thing of the past. Or the present, all things considered. 
When she’d left for school that morning, her mother asked her if she’d slept well. The teen nodded, saying she had, which was a lie, of course. She hadn’t slept a wink, the entire night thinking and thinking and thinking of the Everfree Forest and what lay beyond the trees, the wolves, and underground. 
A rule had been declared. 
Only the adults could go, and though she certainly felt like an adult—she’d aced every single test, and routinely babysat foals—nopony that mattered considered her an adult. 
But this was her home. This was where she lived, not just Ponyville, but the borders beyond, this was her home.
Didn’t she have a right to see it for herself, too, all things considered? 
“Have fun!” her mother said when she waved her off. 
The smile was there, genuine at first, but faltering slightly as it kept doing, just like with the rest of the adults, and even the teens when they met to talk about it. 
“Be safe,” her mother added. “Okay?”
Starsnow smiled back. “I will!”
Thus she set off, the saddlebags slung on her back nothing more but a charade, empty of books she needed for school, but full of ones that mattered to her. Her favorite books that she’d owned since she was small.
 She walked and walked, the sun only just rising over the horizon, and it wasn’t until she was sure she was out of sight that she turned left, away from the path leading to school. 
She wanted to be the first, if she could even be the first, but being first meant she had a chance to go if she asked politely. 
The path stretching before her, blurring into the background only because she’d walked it every day now, chickening out at the last minute, she thought of the earthquake from years ago. Of the voice that had blared out through the town from everywhere and nowhere at once. 
“Hello, hello, Po-ny-ville! It seems that, for the first time in a thousand years, the Legend of the Four Princesses has received an extraordinary update!”
That had been him, and then him again when he materialized before the entire town, clapping and cheery and—and—and she remembered turning to Petaldew and exclaiming how real he looked. 
A shiver ran down her spine, a pit forming at the bottom of her stomach, and she idly thought this was probably what her mother felt. What so many of them felt, in one way or another. 
“I’m not afraid of you, Discord! Not anymore! We’ll free the other princesses, and stop this! It’s over!”
And that had been her. 
That had been really been her, hadn’t it? 
Standing there in front of all of them, alive and breathing, the stuff of legends she’d heard over and over as filly, in bedtime stories as she fell asleep, in playground games of spirits and princesses, and every year during Seeking Night.
Princess Booky. 
In the flesh. 
So caught up in the memory was she, she didn’t notice she’d arrived to her destination until it was right in front of her, bright and colorful and there. 
“Okay,” she whispered, steeling her nerves. “This is it. You’re going to do it.”
With a final nod for the benefit of nopony but herself, she marched forward, step by step, until she reached her destination, took a quick breath, prayed somepony was home, and knocked on the door of Carousel Boutique. 
“Miss Rarity?” she called out. “Are you there?”
Nopony answered, so she tried again. 
“Miss Rarity?” Four more knocks, louder for good measure. “Are you home?”
Once again, no answer came. 
“Crap,” Starsnow whispered. 
She turned around, falling onto her haunches, the adrenaline hitting her all at once. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out, trying to figure out what to do next. 
She couldn’t go back to school. Or, well, she could, but she was so tardy, she’d definitely get a scolding, and her mother would find out she’d skipped school much earlier than she’d anticipated, and she’d get punished for sure, and—
“Why, Starsnow! Fancy seeing you here so early.”
A startled yelp rang out, the young mare practically toppling to the ground at the sight of a pale unicorn standing next to her, her lips curved into a quite amused smile. 
“M-Miss Rarity!” Starsnow blurted out, scrambling to compose herself. “I’m sorry, you scared me.”
Rarity’s smile grew, a teasing twinkle in her eye. “I do have that effect, it would seem.” She brushed a mane through her indigo mane. “I am quite the sight, if I say so myself. Which I do! I do say so.”
“You should,” Starsnow replied, because… well, because she didn’t really know what else to say, and that felt like a polite thing to say. 
“I should,” Rarity agreed. “But the question is, my dear…” She tilted her head ever so slightly. “Are you flattering me because I’m beautiful, or because you want what’s forbidden? Correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t you be in school?”
A crimson blush swept over the teenager’s cheeks, mortified at being caught. Her eyes flickered briefly towards the glowing pink necklace hanging from Rarity’s neck, before looking down at her hooves, ears folding back as she spoke: 
Rarity blinked. “Please?”
“Please take me to her. I… I know I shouldn’t, and I know why, but—” She swallowed her nerves and looked at the older mare, beseeching. “I want to see it. Her. Please. I have a right, too. It…It affects me, too!” she exclaimed, stamping her hoof on the ground for good measure, feeling very much like an adult right up until Rarity raised an eyebrow, and Starsnow was a filly again, burning holes into the ground. “S-Sorry,” she hastened to add. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—Sorry.”
“It’s alright, dear,” Rarity said after a moment, and when Starsnow looked up, the smile was warm. “I don’t blame you.” She fluttered her eyelashes. “If I were you, I’d have already tried going there myself, rules be damned.”
Starsnow giggled, the tension ebbing away. 
“But,” Rarity continued, and the lightness vanished from her tone as she glanced at her disfigured cutiemark, “foolish actions of that sort is also how that happened, so I’m delighted you’re more sensible than I am.”
Starsnow remembered that, too. It had been the talk of the town for a bit, ponies swearing up and down that they’d seen the attack! They’d been there, they insisted, watching in horror as Applejack rushed to the hospital, her coat stained with the blood of the mare bleeding to death on her back. 
“The Everfree Forest is dangerous,” Rarity said. 
“...Everything’s dangerous now, though,” Starsnow replied, quiet. 
Rarity sighed. “...In a manner of speaking, I suppose, but not necessarily for you. You are a bright young mare, Starsnow, but the beast lurking through Equestria has bigger fish to fry than a teenager playing hooky. The timberwolves, though…” She grimaced. “Not so much.”
“...Right,” Starsnow whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I…” She grabbed her saddlebags, unslinging them from her back and opening them up, revealing a hoof-ful of books to the unicorn. “These are mine. They’re my favorites. Could… Could you give them to her? I thought she might like them, maybe.”
A long pause followed her question, the unicorn looking down at the books, her brow knitting into a frown. Enough time passed that Starsnow was about to cut her losses, embarrassed, but stopped when Rarity spoke. 
“Alright. I’ll take you.”
Starsnow blinked at her, convinced she must have heard wrong. “You what?”
“I’ll take you to her,” Rarity replied, again. She looked at the younger mare, and though her tone was severe, there again was the twinkle of delight in her eyes. “Your mother came by a few days ago, correctly suspecting you’d try to convince me to take you.”
Starsnow’s eyes widened. “She did?”
“Oh, yes! I told her if you did, I’d try to deter you as best as I could, but if I suspected you might go on your own anyway, I’d take you myself if only to let you scratch the proverbial itch, as it were.” She cleared her throat. “Unfortunately, you did just say you were going to go with or without me, so...”
Starsnow frowned. “I did?” At Rarity’s pointed look, she quickly gasped, “I did! I mean, I would! For sure! Yes!”
“A-las!” Rarity sighed, shaking her head with a dismay that lasted about one second before she grinned brilliantly, nodding towards the horizon. “Shall we then? Before any other truant student catches sight of us.”
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infamous-if · 2 years
✮ FAQ ✮
hi, it's amy!! i did not expect this kind of reaction and there's a lot of questions-- so much more than i expected--which has made me very happy. i've mostly left them on a rolling queue so if your question hasn't been answered yet, it's coming i haven't ignored you :)
there's been a lot of repeat questions about some things so this is just a quick FAQ to clear things up and not clog the dash with the same answers.
This post is spoilery, but content warnings for the game here.
Will we able to choose X, Y, and Z?
Pertaining to the band, I will make it type-in and customizable as much as possible. Right now you can:
Choose your band's name.
their genre
the name of your song and the theme (as of right now, the theme will be choice-based so i can have the variables and write accordingly)
whether your band has a unifying 'aesthetic' or you guys all wear whatever you want on stage
you'll be able to occasionally write lyrics, it'll be a combination of typing in and 'filling the blanks' and if your MC is co-songwriting, it'll also be choices
your band's approach to their image, whether they're underground or mainstream, kid-friendly or 'devil music' according to parents (lol)
and more. i really want infamous to be as customizable as possible.
Pertaining to your MC:
the usual stuff is customizable: (name/surname, appearance, height, pronouns, gender identity etc)
personality and public image is up to you. customize whether you're controversial, whether you have strong stage presence, whether you're a fame/money hungry social climber or a passionate ~artist~ etc etc.
The things that are set with your MC:
their age is set. where your MC was born and raised up until middle school will be headcannon, but they are American. The state in which you grew up after that will be headcannon. no matter what, you grew up with seven and you met your bandmates freshman year of high school.
your MC idolizes G and Misfit Alley. They will think and feel like a fan, at least in the beginning, and that can't be changed. Of course, whether you maintain a cool face or go crazy and act like a fan is up to you.
your MC cares about Seven. They were your best friend since you were 11, so it makes sense. Of course, you can choose whether your MC wants to mend the relationship or is just as angry, and even if your MC has accepted Seven is their past and they need to move on, but Seven isn't someone MC just doesn't give a fuck about. it wouldn't make sense.
Do we have to engage in an affair to romance G or Victoria?
MC is a doormat/loser/isn't as talented as everyone else!!
You're wrong.
I will not be answering about this anymore.
What is a sub-romance?
It’s the same as a romance except your decisions do not influence how it ends and it is controlled by the narrative. I have full control on whether the romance succeeds or fails based on what the narrative requires.
Do we have to [insert anything about Seven]?
Lol, these are prob the most frequently asked questions but you do not have to hate Seven the way they hate you. there's going to be a variety of approaches toward seven.
but they will hate you no matter what! at least in the start of the route.
you can
be former friends and then reconcile as lovers
be former friends and reconcile as friends
be former lovers and reconcile as friends
be former lovers and reconcile as lovers
be former lovers/friends and not reconcile at all
Why are they like this? Why can't they be like [this]?
Yes, I have gotten this question already 😭 i really want to be clear that these characters aren't completely moral people. they will do problematic things (obviously not bigoted things, dw) they will fuck up, they will be toxic, they will probably (emotionally) lash out at MC sometimes (and MC can do so in return). i just want to make it clear now so i don't surprise anyone when the story gets more plot heavy.
they will also engage sexual acts, do drugs, drink, party, do terrible shit yk...
that's showbiz, baby !
Do we have to engage in [insert sexual or immoral behavior here]?
Attitude wise, your MC can theoretically be a pure glittery unicorn who has never had a mean or immoral thought in their life.
Is NSFW allowed?
Can I call August [insert gendered term here]?
Do we have to have a crush on Orion?
Do we have to romance anyone at all?
While this is a romance-centered story, I'm going to insert a non-romance platonic play-through for people who just want to play with the fame parts. Soo no.
Can we be friends with Soft Violence?
Yep, you can befriend the members of Soft Violence.
Seven and Avina.
I won't be answering questions in terms of Savina and Avina's relationship as that is spoilery. But I will say that Seven is an RO and the MC is the main character. No false advertising here :)
So we can end up with Seven?
Do we have to?
No. You can end the story hating or ignoring Seven.
Can we romance multiple ROs?
Yes, but there will be a point where you can only romance one RO outside of the G-Vic-MC poly.
Can we romance G and V individually?
Can we romance Rowan?
As of right now, no plans for that!
Does every route have angst?
Yes. August has the least.
Can we write songs about the ROs/will it be acknowledged?
Yes and yes.
Dakota, Blake (you meet in the prologue) and E (you meet in chapter 2) are sub-romances.
There’s (possibly) one more.
Be warned: sub-romances are at the mercy of my writing.
Who the f**k is Dakota?
Will you be having a plan for the next update?
As of right now, it's a release-when-done deal. Maybe if my life is more organized I'll actually have plans set lol! I'll try to keep things updated as much as I can.
Can you add [customizable thing]?
You can suggest it but I can't guarantee it will be added!
Does choosing a bus lock you out of Seven's romance/stay for the whole game?
The bus you choose stays the same the entire story and no, it does not lock you out of a Seven romance. Really you'll just miss some 'bus exclusive' scenes.
Can we draw the characters or imagine them differently?
Do as you wish and imagine them as you wish! So as long as you do not whitewash them.
Can we write fanfiction?
Sure! I just won’t reblog or interact in order to protect myself!
In the future and if I ever learn to code twine.
You don't answer my questions.
Sorry. I don't mean to ignore your ask. Or it's spoilery and I can't! Sometimes I also miss mentions. I try my best to see them all!
This is problematic for me.
That is the point. I will not be sanitizing Infamous. Apologies in advance!!! 🙏
I don't like [this].
Don't read it :)
I listen to them all! Doesn’t mean I’ll add them though :)
[Music Rec]
Even if I don’t reply, I do see it and add it into a queue to add it to the Infamous master playlist! I love song recs!
[Any praise or kind words or jokes]
i am so grateful and even if i do not reply (to avoid spamming), i read it all ! (and giggle to myself)
Do not:
request things rudely please. I take into consideration all requests if they are said politely. It doesn’t hurt to be kind :)
whitewash my characters of color
follow or engage in infamous if you are under 18 ! <3
thats all i can think of now, but i know there's more i just haven't noted them. if there's any more i'll make sure to add it here, if you guys have any questions that weren't answered pls send them my way and thanks again for your interest!
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starrclownshazbinblog · 8 months
1. is husk openly trans or is it a secret? does anyone know?
2. is valerie physically unable to speak or does she have mutism?
3. why did nifty kill her husband? (this feels spoilery so no worries if you want to save this for later)
4. did angel's eye injury happen in life or in hell?
5. what are vox's and velvette's relationship like?
6. are vox and valentino dating in your rewrite? (in original hazbin, they date on and off)
7. does valentino die.
i'd also suggest reblogging information from your main blog onto here, like that big list of facts :]
(off topic but when you said angel and nifty were married i thought you meant to each other and i got so confused.)
Thank you for the questions! I like the variety you showed. (Some of these I can't show a doodle for because I don't have a concept design for. So sorry.)
(The idea of Nifty and Angel is a cursed ship I never wanna come across.)
Question 1:
In his human life he kept the fact he was transgender a secret considering how transphobic his time period was. In his demon life he doesn't give a shit anymore. He doesn't talk about that he's Trans but if you find out he doesn't panic anymore. If you say anything Transphobic he'll just beat you up.
The main cast knows but that's about it considering he doesn't talk to other people. (Angel was the last to know considering he's a romantic partner and Husk has some trauma with that. Angel could care less.)
(Fun fact: Alastor is the most supportive and least supportive. He'll accidently dead name Husk and call him a lady but if someone else does it he gets upset.)
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Question 2:
She can't speak anymore. At all. If it's because of mutism or because she doesn't want to is something no one at the Hotel knows. (Exept Charlie.)
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Question 3:
(I didn't know what to put as a visual for this.) I don't know if this is necessarily a spoiler but he did a bad thing. A bad bad thing.
Question 4:
(I don't have a human design for Angel so I didn't put anything here. Sorry.)
It happened in his human life. Somewhere after his daughter was born.
Question 5:
They have a great relationship. If they were strong enough they would push Valentino out of the Vees. They have a brother-sister type relationship. Vox is someone who wants to know more about modern technology while still sticking to a TV type format. Velvette, (dying sometime around when social media began to get popular), teaches him about modern technology. Those two genuinely like each other and would do anything for each other. (I want a healthy dynamic in Hazbin so bad y'all-)
Question 6:
It's... complicated. Vox doesn't like Valentino. Vox is someone who's done bad things but he has a moral code. He doesn't like how Valentino treats his workers and will do what he can to help them. (One of the reasons Angel likes him so much.) But Vox is a push over. He'll stand his ground when he has too but he just kinda bad at it. Valentino knows this very well. Valentino is very touchy with Vox. He doesn't take no for a answer and usually doesn't stop till Vox is upset. Thing about Valentino is that he's very good at his words. He can usually get to Vox after a little bit of prying.
It's a abusive situation all around.
Question 7:
No idea honestly. Valentino in my rewrite isn't a villain to all of the main cast, he's a villain to Angel, Vox, and Velvette. I genuinely don't know if he dies in my rewrite but if he were to die one of those three would kill him. (Most like Angel or Velvette.)
(This was fun!! :D)
(I need to start simplifying these sketches- like I need to stop fully coloring them. Or be sketcher. One of the two.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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unsoundedcomic · 9 months
Some curiosity about Duane personality ; you mentioned in some QA that it would be much healthier if he managed to let go of his past, but even if he managed to change enough to accept he won't ever be Rector Duane Adelier again, is he the kind of guy that could just give up on the ones he love ? Obviously he can't ever be with them, but completely abandoning his familly sound like against what he is at his core. And would it even be healthy ? Your kids are your kids, even if you can't see them. Sorry if it's a spoilery question ! Just discovered the comics and devoured it in like 5 days, absolutly loving it (thanks for your work btw !) so questions are burning my brain.
Well, Duane did abandon his family, didn't he? Before the Frummagems wrested him from his copy shop in Sharteshane he was six years alone, with the Adeliers well in his wake. Of course he wasn't happy with it and he hadn't made any kind of peace with the fact, but he had abandoned them. He lived with the assumption that Mikaila was dead, Leysa hated him, Simon had forgotten him, and Lemuel? Well, Lemuel had never really needed his wretched older brother, had he?
But now, today, all of that has been turned on its head. Mikaila is NOT dead, Lemuel DOES seem to be in some terrible turmoil. Duane knows (or thinks he knows) that the Silver is threatening Alderode. Everything is serving to call out Duane's selfishness; the knot he tied himself into and stuffed deep inside his old bones.
So at the end of last chapter he told Sette he was going back to Alderode, and invited Quigley to come. Doesn't sound like he'll be abandoning anyone anymore.
But... is this the right thing to do? From a certain perspective it looks like a fat dangled carrot, and he's sinking his teeth into it. From the very start of this journey, the fates have been trying to pull him back west, first towards Cresce and now towards... frigging Alderode. But they don't even have to pull now! He's volunteering to go!
To do what though? What can he do for Mikaila and Lemuel? He can't even keep his legs or head on, or his eyeballs in his head. He's saddled with a needy little street rat who doesn't know what in the hell she wants. And every time he indulges in his past, it seems to get someone hurt. He was not his best self in the shrine.
Duane's on a journey. He's come a long way. But it wouldn't be much of a trip if he winds up back where he started. I don't think this will end with his wife and children in his arms and Lemuel's hand clasped in his. It cannot. But maybe it will end at a different sort of peace for all of them, and Duane able to shelter his wandering soul in a different sort of home.
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riftfic · 1 year
So, it's finally finished. Now what?
Well, a few things. First of all I have a surprise coming so don't peace out just yet. :) It might take a second, though. I feel like I have no right to ask for patience anymore lol but I promise I have something up my sleeve.
Second, as I mentioned in my notes after the epilogue, I'm considering writing an exploration of the aftermath. A slice of life thing about how the characters deal, kind of like what Steven Universe did with Future. I don't want to spoil the ending of Rift for anyone new or still reading, so I'll put the details below the cut.
And third of all . . . thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Having the completed story out in the world feels somehow both full and empty. It's been rocking around my head for years and to finally have it out of me is just . . . It's an odd emotion and I don't know how to describe it. I don't think I've been through something quite like this before.
What I will say is that I'm incredibly grateful to every person who read this story: past, present, and future. I'm not sure how far it would have gone without your support. Words aren't enough, but they're all I have.
Thank you so much. 💙
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Now for the spoilery bits. ;)
The second part would primarily follow Dings as he navigates his new life on the Surface, reconnects with family and friends, tackles his trauma (both preexisting and from the void), and comes to grips with his mental illness. It would allow me to get into some things that weren't exactly relevant to Rift but I would like to explore. For instance, you might have noticed that Wingdings and Sans have very different perspectives on their mother's absence. There's a reason for that. He has hangups on humans for related reasons as well, which would be an obstacle to overcome. Their past has been left a mystery I'd like to excavate. And I don't know about you, but I personally want to see Dings and Papyrus bond already because dammit they barely know each other anymore and that sucks!
There's also a lot of potential to face how Frisk deals with the new normal. If I regret anything, it's that Sans took over the narrative of Rift to the point I felt there wasn't quite enough room to truly resolve Frisk's new perspective as Chara. Asriel was thrown to the backburner as well. That plus the reality about how the resets only affected those in the Rift's sphere of influence could lead to some interesting conflict. I imagine it's been really hard on Frisk. If anything, their arc in Rift took them to a darker place in contrast to Sans' heading to a lighter one.
Speaking of Sans . . . though he left off in a good place overall, there's the hard truth that Dings just isn't going to be the same after what he went through. The same is true for Sans, of course. There's potential for further healing and coming to terms with their relationship now versus then.
In short, it would mostly be about healing (as is pretty much everything I write, I've come to realize). Hurt/comfort like Rift but not nearly as high stakes or intense. It would be much lighter in tone: some comedic moments, some heartfelt ones, some tense ones. Slice of life, like I said.
What do you think? 😅
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justallihere · 5 months
Yelled and screamed when I saw this update. You are a gift that keeps giving 😭thank you! You are the best!
Loved the heist. Liam played xaden’s parts here? Which makes total sense. Love how Liam is not dead here, had an important role as he would have had in the books too 😭 thank you thank you for keeping him alive here.
I love love how vi is beginning to show signs of love for x. I have literally been dying for this part. Love how vi thinks of aretia as her home and wants to go home 🥹 my heart breaks that it’s going to be a while. My heart melted when she thought of carrying those books back for x. He deserves someone who cares for him so much. And also on how much she missed him, wished he was there with her, to protect her and also on that she was feeling terrible to break her promise but had no choice.
Can the squad be any more awesome? So glad vi included them all. They are a team! Jesinia and sawyer are the cutest! Love love cam and how badass he is, but also so reckless with him just pulling in vi through the wards. I don’t trust that guy to be rational anymore but it’s ok, not everyone can be rational I guess. X is gonna burn hell to get to vi now and I cannot wait. Is there going to be a love confession like in the books? (Sorry for a spoilery q, feel free to ignore it!) Will x be mad at vi for breaking her promise or he will just forget all of that with his heart flying out of his chest. Eager to read more.
Love the comic violet too- “it’s part of my charm” yes girl being badass and brave gives us all a heart attack but we do find you charming lol.
Thank you so much!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I was worried people were going to hate not having Xaden there for the heist because a few people brought up how excited they were for it, but I had to continue with Violet doing some things on her own that she didn’t in canon. Plus there wasn’t a great way to write it with Xaden there that he wouldn’t realize she was about to get caught and tortured. Also just not as fun and dramatic. I’m glad people seem to like the change though!
I love writing Violet falling in love with Xaden. She doesn’t need him, but she does want him there, and she’s coming to terms with that being okay. She’s allowed to have that.
Ugh Jesinia and Sawyer my BABIES!!! I was so happy to get to write them 😭 and the rest of the squad too, you guys know by now I’m not passing up an opportunity to write found family squad shenanigans. Cam and Violet are two peas in a pod with their reckless shit. No wonder Xaden and Liam hate him.
Xaden is on a warpath next chapter. At some point they’ll talk about her choice here to go ahead without him, but he’s not going to be angry at her about it like everyone seems to think. He just wants her safe, and he’ll understand why she did it. Like, it was stupid but she was kind of right lol
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