#i didnt quite get what to do for the last one but i found that an ode one
hella1975 · 1 year
you ever have a fic get you in such a chokehold you start pacing your room and talking to yourself
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tsukiida · 1 month
i just scrolled through my blog and i realised i have only two modes: weird pseudo-philosophical rambling. and absolutely unhinged yelling. AND I TELL YOUUUU IT'S SO FUNNYYYYYYY because i spent so long trying to curate my voice and sound like a normal, fun, easy to approach person back when i first made this blog!
then again it's been 3.5 years so i guess my voice changed naturally 🤨 i'm not smart enough for this 😮‍💨
#nia.musings#sorry even using this tag makes me snort. wdym musing girlie. are u a philosopher. big brain? 🤩🤩 2024 me is bullying 2020 me#also not me saying “im not smart enough for this” for anything that requires me to use more than 2 braincells#couldn't be bothered trying to make sense for more a second#kickstarting my own brainless era and i wear my crown so well#also random but i'm soooooo ready to infest this blog with jjk. i probably won't do that because that piece of art traumatises me#by that i mean i like it and keep up with it far too much for someone who claims theyre traumatised#my emotional scale is SHOT because of it. more pain than preferable. but i do quite enjoy it#and considering i go through sooooo much jjk content on tumblr it's only fair that i showcase it all on my blog :3#i have about 700 draft reblogs on a sideblog i made to save posts when i wasnt active here. i made it this year but theres SO much now#also lowkey regret not being active (though i had no energy) here in 2021 2022 2023 because i had so many thoughts about bnha#and now it's nearly over#like what do you meannnn i didnt get to yap about my spinner era from 2021.#what do you mean my love to hate and back to love arc for dabi didnt get documented in the annals of tumblr dot com#AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY MELTDOWN LAST YEAR RE: HAWKS' QUIRK DIDNT GET PUBLICISED#this is all a joke because i for real (FR FR) had ZERO chance of being here because life was putting me through its TRIALS#still is. but that's the way life is. we go on. <3.#speaking of trials. no one here was privy (wait i think i mentioned it in an rb) to my jason grace breakdown when i found out What Happened#sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i wasnt made for emotional pain.#also it's funny to me how none of my followers have unfollowed me so far.#are u guys also all inactive or do u just not see me anymore because tumblr's dash algorithm gives u random posts now#thats the only thing i dislike about tumblr now. i LOVE how it lets you edit tags now. also will always miss the old layout
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evelili · 11 months
so i went to my local dollar store the other day nd found these g4.5 pony blind bag thingies for like $3 each
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nd first of all lemme tell u, these are not high quality figures, but fuck if i didnt want a little twilight sparkle figure for my desk. so i was reasonable and got only 2 packs instead of All Of Them and figured it was 2 tries at a 1/4 chance, whatever right? best case scenario i get twi and rarity, worst case i get 2 rainbow dash
well as soon as i thought the worst case into existence i KNEW i fucked up. in that moment i was one with the universe and the universe was in my bones and i had tempted fate herself and was going to pay the price
i went home and opened the bags.
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and i got 2 rainbow dash.
okay!! fine!!! we’re going to do it this way, are we? like no flame to rd, it just so happens if u have 6 main characters in a show and rank them, one of them is gonna b at the bottom of my list and thats ok! it’s just id really rather have a twilight sparkle figure please and thank you
so i went back to the store a day later and bought 3 more packs. each one a 1/4 chance for twilight sparkle. and as i was walking home i thought to myself:
“man, it’d b funny if this time i got every other figure except for twilight”
well guess what?
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i got a rarity, a pinkie, and another rainbow dash :)
i tempted fate again and yknow what? thats on me! fool me once shame on me and all that, i had it coming. so now im here with my 3 rainbow dashes and 0 twilight sparkles and my crippling gacha addiction gene rearing its head for the first time since i managed to quit spending irl money on pngs of anime girls in 2019
i went back to the store.
i bought all the remaining bags they had.
i had 5 more tries. 5 more 1/4 chances to get a twilight sparkle figure. 5 more 1/4 chances to get a SINGLE figurine of my favourite character, and 5 more 1/4 chances to get yet another one of my least favourite.
i figured this time the odds were in my favour. i may have passed stats on a technicality, but at least i figured i’d given myself the best odds i could. and in my hubris i thought to myself:
“at least there’s no way they’re all rainbow dash”
well :)
i clearly hadnt learned my lesson
i’d tempted fate again, and FUCK if she doesnt know how to commit to the bit because,
i walked home from the dollar store.
i opened the last 5 bags.
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and all of them were fucking rainbow dash.
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
delinquent bf!jake x f!reader
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you two met when you were on the train, commuting to your morning lecture!
he was just standing there and minding his own business when he saw you trying to push away a much larger guy than you who kept trying to talk to you and touch you
he knew you couldn't get him away yourself so he took it upon himself to punch the guy and tell him to get lost and quit bothering you
the whole situation sent you into a panic attack and once jake was sure the guy was gone, he went over to you and assist you
he was so kind to you and even let you hug him tightly to ground youself
why was this handsome stranger being so kind to you?
your stop was nearing and you have finally calmed all the way down. you ask him how you could repay him and he only asks for you to go on a date with him
of coruse you accept and the rest is pretty much history
On that first date he took you out for dinner and for a walk around the river in your town. 
He surprises you with flowers and he pays for everything! You insist on paying for something but he simply did not allow it. He would never let you pay for anything in your relationship
Jake was very much the “i want to provide for you” type of guy but he never put up a fight when you insisted that you were going to work too to support yourself because he loved your strength and independence 
The delinquent side of his life is not something you know much about because he likes to keep it away from you
He doesn't want you to think differently of him if you were to find out how he beats the shit out of people for money and how he also sells drugs
If it weren't for this insistence that follows…you would've never found out about his ‘job’
You were leaving your job at the bookstore one evening and it was already dark
You didn't usually walk alone in the dark, jake always accompanies you or a friend but today, you had neither of those options as you were closing alone and jake was working
He offered to have a friend walk you home but you didn't know his friend much so you insisted that it would be okay
Jake did not take that for an answer at face value so he sent off one of his friends, niki, to keep and eye on you and follow you home from a distance to make sure you got there safe
Niki was following you from said distance when he noticed 3 men started to trail behind you and when he recognized who they are, he sent jake a text about coming immediately and ran up
One of the guys pulled you back by your hoodie and you gasped for breath. You were sure you’d die and that the last words you'd hear would be “your boyfriend beat the crap out of our boss. Left him in the hospital. Now you need to answer for his crime.” 
Surely your boyfriend did not do that…he was the sweetest man you'd ever known. Hell, in the first month of your relationship, he would ask for permission to hug and kiss you! Now why would he ever put his hands on anyone else, especially in that way?
Niki socks one guy in the face, effectively knocking him to the ground which resulted in him letting go of you
Now the only things you could ask yourself were 1, why did this man say that about my boyfriend and 2, why are men always coming to save me?
You recognized niki’s face from the 2 times you'd seen him in the past. You’d told Jake to bring his friends to your apartment and you cooked them dinner. They were all friendly and sweet but you still didnt know them well or too personally.
Anyways, niki starts to beat this shit out of these guys and you’re scratching your head at how tf he's doing this all by himself.
Jake swoops in and when they see him, they scoff as if they weren't beaten to a pulp and ran off
You go to hug Jake just like that first time you both met and looked up at him with your big, watery eyes, “They said you hurt their boss? What is that supposed to mean bub?” 
Jake let out a long sigh and looked down at you with his pretty eyes, “we can talk about this a bit okay?” you just nod and kiss him
You thank niki profusely and he was left red in the face, “it’s no big deal. You're Jake's girl so always expect to have us defend you as well. We care about you.” Best believe you’re red in the face too because this sweet guy just said that
You assure him that he's welcome at your apartment anytime and to call you if he ever needs anything. He agreed, letting you and jake leave to your apartment
You sit Jake down on the couch and notice, finally, his ripped t-shirt, scratched face and bloodied knuckles. 
He explains everything to you and your heart breaks when you think of him getting hurt the way he does 
Why would he hide this from you? This is a big deal and he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you this?
Of course you question him and his choice to not tell and you and he gets a little upset at you for questioning him
He storms off from your apartment and you’re left there, crying and wishing he would come back
You don;t hear from him until 2 days later when he shows up at your doorstep, bloodied and bruised all over. He no longer had on shoes nor a shirt and his face was cut and bruised, his chest and arms covered in bruises and wounds as well. 
Wordlessly, you usher him inside and start attending to his wounds
He starts to cry and you notice when you’re patching up his knee and feel a droplet of water on your hand
He lets out a hiss from the sting of the salty tear touching the wound on his knee. 
You stop what you're doing and cup his handsome face, kissing his lip even if it was a tiny bit bloody
“I'm not mad at you, jake. Please don't think I am. I just feel sad that you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me about this. I just worry about you. What's going to happen when you’re not around hmm?” You give him a soft expression
He looks at you with his red, teary eyes. He looked so lost and upset. You felt your heart rip into a million pieces. You've never seen him so low. 
“I didn't want you to think differently of me if I told you what I did for a living. I know it's not right and i didnt want to involve you and get you into trouble. Too late for that. For fucks sake, that guy was going to kill you just because youre my girlfriend!” Jake only cries more and you hold him close. 
After patching him up and having him wash up, you bring him to your bed and hold him close to you. 
Sure, he was bigger than you but he loved being held flush to your chest. 
You whisper to him as he drifts off to sleep, “I love you no matter what. Even if you’re a little delinquent. You’re my little delinquent.”
Over time, you continue to go to school and you finally graduate! You best believe jake went all out and got you the best gift ever…an apartment overlooking the city…just like you always wanted
When you start working, he slowly starts to detach himself from the business he was into and started to look for a new job, which was not easy given his past
He found a cafe that was willing to hire him and give him a second chance and he was happy to work there! 
You start working at a high school so you have early mornings
Jake helps you by making your lunches everyday and packing you little snacks also
He packs in little notes too with i love yous and words of encouragement thrown in there are well
He never thought he'd settle down like this but he finds himself loving this life style
Once he's able to sever all ties to his past life (except for his ties with the boys because those are his best friends) he asks you to marry him
The both of you plan a small wedding with just close family and friends
He buys you a pretty dress and lets you pick a theme and decorations and everything
He wants this day to be memorable for you because he thinks you deserve the whole world
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
I know we all talk about Jason finding out Dick killed the Joker from Tim or one of the other batfam members, but what if:
One day he’s searching for blackmail material on a member just for fun and knows Damian keeps a list of all of them so he backs into the files and realised the folder with the heaviest inscription to unlock is one labelled “Contingencies”.
He opens it to find every single person in their family is on there and starts surfing through them. When he sees Tim’s he freezes, mentally filing away some horrific details for checking up on him later, Jason’s list is impressive but not much he didn’t expect…still concerned how he got the evidence though.
His fingers hesitate over Batman’s, and after thinking screw it what the hell clicks on it just to realise most of them are psychological, and had to do with Jason. One video showed Bruce as Jason remembered him from his robin days. He was pacing furiously in the Manor, tugging on his pocket square which for him was a high level of distress, before he went upstairs - to Jason’s room when he stayed there - and looked in. The change was sudden, Bruce’s shoulders sagged and his face grew into one of fondness, one he’d rarely seen before.
“I cant help it Alfred.. Scarecrow’s toxin.. I KNOW it isn’t real but.. I can’t stop thinking about it. What if -“ and Jason can’t really believe his ears, that was a fucking quiver in his voice- “What if one day it comes true?” “What was your worst fear Master Bruce?”.
“Jason..” and Jason flinches. “I.. I saw him die, and I was powerless. I cant lose him Alfred. I just cant.”
The recording ends, and it takes a while for Jason to realise he can’t breathe. He sends the file to himself and laughs bitterly, remembering what the fear toxin had shown him. Lucifer. It had shown him falling from Bruce’s grace, being his greatest disappointment. “Guess we both failed each other didnt we old man?”
After what feels like forever, when he can feel his fingers stop shaking his eyes drift over to Dicks.
Damian sure does adore him, wonder what the brats got in store for him.
Most of them were things he was sure Dick could handle, until a glitched file appeared which read “for EXTREME situations only.”
When he heard Joker laugh, Jason could’ve sworn he was in the cave. “Hello there old friend! Aww why the long face?”
Dick wasn’t facing the camera, but the sheer aura of destruction radiating off of him was enough for Jason to know Joker was in danger. Judging by his outfit and well- hair- this must’ve been years ago.
“Didn’t you like my..ah.. gift? It was quite the blast I hear!”
Dicks fists clenched. His usual smile was gone, replaced by a hatred so vile it could’ve rivalled batman’s glare. It was so odd.. seeing him so pissed.
“Well that’s what happens.. when birds get hit. They never see what’s right in front of them and then BAM!”
As his laughter rang out Jason heard Dick whisper something. It was so soft, quieter than he’d ever heard him and he found himself leaning forward.
“What’s that? How long he lasted? Well I counted everytime he screamed when I broke his bones so-“
Jason stumbled back, nearly falling to the floor himself. Dicks voice was thundering, echoing across the cave.
What the hell had happened? Why was Dick so mad? Why wasn’t he smiling?
“You..killed him.”
And that’s when it hit Jason. Oh. This was after he’d died.
The joker was trying to say something, but Jason couldn’t hear him. All he could focus on was how Dick was behaving, how he was walking upto Joker. Jason had seen that before.
The intent to kill.
The fight was brutal, and blood flew everywhere, mixed with the laughter and cries of the Joker while Dick yelled, YELLED so loudly he could’ve sworn the cave was shaking before the sound of a wet snap ricocheted and Dick went limp.
No.. no no no no.
He watched in horror as Dick stood up, drenched in blood and heaving. Dick had gone- no BEATEN- the joker for Jason.
But the longer he looked, the more he felt the Lazarus pit burning inside him.
The joker wasn’t moving.
Dick walked away, and in the shadows, with bloody fists and face of hatred could not see him as the Dick he knew.
He looked up to hear Dick whisper to the thundering sky outside.
“I killed him Jason. The joker is dead. Rest in peace little wing.”
Jason’s feet gave out under him, and he crashed to the ground gasping for breath.
Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he had been avenged.
Never did he even think that Dick had only killed once… and only for him.
Part two of related series where Jason finds out Bruce nearly killed the Joker:
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veryberryjelly · 6 months
wrinkled cotton
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carmen berzatto x fem!reader
cw : none i think x
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work had kicked your ass today.
so much so that you had almost fallen asleep on the train ride home, until a fight started further up your carriage and pulled you from your light slumber.
when you got back to your apartment you were practically a zombie, fumbling blindly with your keys to open the door.
you knew carmen had to work late so it would just be you until he returned.
your bag was dropped onto the kitchen counter, shoes slipped off at the door and you were gradually stripping as you headed to the bedroom.
before you could even think of doing anything else your body dragged you towards the bed, still dressed in your unbuttoned shirt, skirt and tights.
the minute your head hit the pillow you knew you weren't getting back up, even if you needed to get undressed and take off your makeup.
every few seconds you would tell yourself to get up but one time you just didnt say it again and fell asleep with your face pressed in to your pillow.
and that was how carmen found you when he entered his apartment.
after the few calls of your name had gone unanswered, he began thinking that you hadn't come home. a mild panic spread across his chest, but when he spotted your shoes by the door and your bag on the counter that panic evaporated.
he went about shedding his coat and shoes before he made his way through the silent apartment, straight to the bedroom.
he wasn't sure if the sight before him was adorable or deeply sad.
the image of you asleep onto of the sheets, still in your work clothes, your face smushed against the pillow.
he decided not to dwell too much on it, instead choosing to finish the job you had started.
he manoeuvred you onto your side so he could remove your arms from the sleeves of your shirt, setting the wrinkled cotton at the foot of the bed for him to deal with later.
he made similar quick work of removing your skirt, sliding it down your legs and setting it ontop of your shirt.
reaching underneath your pillow, he pulled out the t-shirt you wore to bed, recognising it as one of his own that you chose to sleep in.
while this was something he didnt do very often, he was quite efficient at it, rolling the shirt to pull the neck hole over your head and pulling your arms through.
after laying you back down against the pillow he made his way to the bathroom, coming out moments later with a damp towel in his hands.
in your slumber you felt a warm pressure on your cheeks but couldnt muster the energy to wake up and figure out what it was.
while carmen didnt know much about makeup, he could recognise the bare face he saw every morning before you had a chance to put makeup on.
after putting your clothes and the towel in the laundry basket in the bathroom, he shed his own clothes for the favour of sleeping in just boxers.
the minute he climbed into bed he felt exhaustion taking over him as well.
in the few moments before he fell asleep, he felt you shift beside him and move to rest your head on his shoulder, your arm draping over his torso.
that simple action made the last five minutes worth it.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hear me out
Reader is like puppet from fnaf, their character being very similar to puppet, them having the same voice and powers? Yknow Puppet flies fast as HELL and etc, Reader most of the time stays in the music box, and just gets out when really wanted or needed, for example: when theres an IHA or when someone needs them for something.
TADC x puppet!reader !
ashamed to admit this but i have not touched fnaf outside of security breach, recently at least. the last time i was fully invested in the fnaf lore was when fnaf 4 had just dropped, so im quite literally relying off of your description like its a life line because i know how insane fnaf lore has gotten think imma answer this request then take another short break since my lower back is starting to get sore from sitting all day; gotta go stretch my legs too
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you do have your own room, of course, but you tend to usually stay in your music box; of which you came with when you first entered the digital world... which was a little odd, but hey its not the strangest thing that anyone here has seen! i like to think that sometimes caine comes to your box at night and tries to will you out so he can get to know you more. leave it to the ai to fall for the mysterious circus member who rarely leaves their box... i think sometimes he would hum and sing along to the music your box makes
the first time you rush out of your music box it takes her off guard, almost making her fall off her feet when you dash right by her to do... whatever was required of you at that moment in time. if she were being honest, she didnt think you were a real person, she had always assumed that you were an npc; it wasnt unheard of that caine would have npcs stationed about for in house adventures, or to man the carnival..! though i dont think she would interact much with you, considering you rarely interact with the others; what use would it be to pester you?
honestly before realizing you literally live and sleep and mostly exist in the music box, he probably puts stuff on top of your box... accidentally trapping you inside it. well, actually trapping wouldnt be accurate because you ended up brute forcing your way out, literally sending everything that was on top of the box flying; scaring just about everyone in the room. imagine trying to find out whos faster; you or jax.. i mean, have you seen how fast jax bolted when they found out koufmo abstracted?
always tries to ask you if you want to join in on the in house adventure, she doesnt want you to feel left out or unwelcome; even though most times you willingly back out of the activity. though, she feels relieved and even smiles when you spring out of your box to join in on the action... at least she knows you havent abstracted... brain stimulation is important, you know!
he finds some comfort in the music, slowly but surely as the days pass he moves his pillow fort closer and closer to your box before eventually hes right next to you. sometimes even naps, leaning against it. though he does immediately scamper off when you suddenly lunge out to race towards whoever is calling for you. at least he can count on you to have his back in moments of danger or fear!
usually stays in their own lane, but for one reason or another they need help during an IHA, and their yelps and incoherent speech was enough to catch your attention. be it gloink or otherwise, you obliterate the problem; effectively haunting zooble for the rest of their life by your actions... but hey, it feels... nice, having someone you can rely on
character who is soft spoken and shy meets character that rarely leaves their box when its not needed or necessary; how could a relationship, romantic or otherwise, be fostered in conditions such as this? oddly enough, the silence between you two brings you together, the music keeping the silence from becoming overwhelming. i like to think that sometimes gangle leaves you little notes, choosing to write rather than verbally speak... best not to ruin that special quiet the two of you have learned to share
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cameronspecial · 2 months
yk I was thinking about how Drew smokes and I do think he’s HOTTT like shit, hey, we’d all agree on that. BUT I wholeheartedly HATE smokes irl, like I cant stand the smell and everything about it just disgusts me.
so I’m thinkinh how do u think Drew would react or act when he found out about reader hating 🚬.. she doesnt wanna be that one annoying gf who wants to control what her bf does but at the same time she really hates it when he smokes. she didnt say it but never hides her hatred either. from lil scrunch and huffing through her nose whenever she smells the smokes of him or how she never wanted to sit near him when he lights one up
Cancer Stick
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.4K
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Even if the smoke didn’t affect Y/N’s asthma, she would still hate the cancer sticks her boyfriend smokes. It makes his lips taste burnt and the smell is even worse. The smoke fuses with his clothes so it takes forever for her to get the smell out of it. Now, while she isn’t a fan of cigarettes, she isn’t the type of person to force a grown adult to quit. He can make his own decision. However, she also isn’t going to encourage the habit or make herself uncomfortable with it. Drew has some college friends over and they are all hanging out in the backyard. Y/N sits on his lap with her head on his chest and her hands playing with the hair at the base of his neck. She is tired, but she doesn’t want to go to sleep without him so she is forcing herself to stay awake. Drew can see her tiredness and is thankful that she isn’t pestering him about getting his friends to go. 
Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box of darts. He takes one out, passing the box to the person next to him. The box and a lighter are passed to Drew and he takes a cigarette out. Y/N doesn’t notice until she hears the spark of a lighter. She turns in his hold to face forward, watching as the flame hits the white tip. He brings the stick to his lips and breathes in. Smoke releases from his lips and she scrunches her nose. “Really, Drew?” she complains. She buries her nose in his neck. He looks down at her with a shrug, “I’m sorry, Baby, but this is the first one I’ve had today. I promise.” She stands up with a frown and heads to the patio door. Before she heads inside to head to bed, she takes one last look at Drew. He looks upset at himself as he takes a drag from the cigarette. He nods mindlessly at what Luke says. Her boyfriend’s back is pressed against the deck chair and his legs are spread apart. He blows out the smoke, dropping his hand over the armrest to tap the ash off the tip. Y/N hates to admit that the sight has the place between her thighs grow wet and she decides to let him out of the dog house a little. “After you are done with your cancer stick, change and brush your teeth. I’ll be waiting for you in bed. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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nmakii · 3 months
Hi! I'm not the one that requested no one is better than I am.... BUT I loved it so much! I was wondering if you could make a part two say maybe the person we ran away with turns out to be abuse or something like that and we're kinda like 'I fucked up' and realize maybe running wasn't such a good idea.... Anyway you can add your own little twist and you can ignore this if you wish <3
- rose anon 🌹
— this relationship wasn’t meant to last long. all is forgiven though. alastor will forgive you.
— tangled reimagined 😮‍💨 didnt even realize it until i finished writing HAHAHAHAHA
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a month later, the honeymoon period had died out. to be fair, you hadn’t exactly made a plan…crashing at a motel on the edge of mississippi, not exactly what you had in mind.
living off the scraps of what you took, pawning off your belongings. oh, this was not ideal at all. and, how your lover got when he was angry; he’d bruise your arm from gripping way too tightly whenever you didn’t get enough money. how you started to miss alastor, it’s true what they say— you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
if you were able to run once, perhaps you could just one more time? he is not as smart as alastor, you should be able to get away easily in the night.
yes, you should. after trading away many of your items, all you have left is but a satchel worth of dresses. new orleans is not particularly far with a car either.
and so, a familiar memory of running away at the dead of night. only now, it is you returning to alastor, just like he knew you would.
when you returned home, it was 2 AM. the house was just as it was when you left, albeit quite dusty now without your care.
you dropped your satchel on the dining table, just as you left it. it’s almost as if your home was abandoned when you left.
in the bedroom, your husband, sleeping peacefully— an arm clinging to your side of the bed, as if holding onto what little scent of you there was left.
when you opened the bathroom door, a silk nightgown was hung, simply waiting to be worn.
after you had changed, you sat back on your bed, the familiar smell of home coming back to you. as you laid in bed, you found yourself facing alastor.
your hands moved to bring him closer, the warm touch waking him scarily quick. “my love, you’ve returned.” he smiled, bringing you close.
your muscles tensed at the pet name, frightening reminders of the last month coming back. “hey, calm down, dear. i’m not mad.” he reassured you, awfully calmly at that. “running away; it was a mistake, wasn’t it?”
you nodded as you relaxed under his touch. “he was awful… im sorry, alastor…” you frowned. “oh, darling, i told you, didn’t i? no matter, all is forgiven.” he cooed, brushing your hair gently with his nimble fingers. “i’ll protect you from all that is bad in this world. no evil will meet you as long as i live. all i ask… is that you stay here, with me, forever— take care of our house, cook dinner, and perhaps even care for our little ones in the future?” he rambled on, a wide smile upon his face as he thinks of your future together. “ah, i’m rambling, we can discuss that in the future. in the meantime, could you do that, dear?” he asked, offering it to you as if you had a choice.
you nodded, not even looking at alastor. “good. i love you very much, don’t you know that, my dear? all i want is for you to be safe.” he told you. “…i” you started, thinking carefully of your words. “i love you too, alastor…” you said.
did you truly love him? of course you did. he took you back after you betrayed his trust, he’s a wonderful husband.
the moment the words fell from your sweet lips, a wide smile found its way onto alastor’s face. a kiss pressed upon your forehead.
his little doe finally returned his affections. it’s only a shame of his that he had to hurt your delicate heart first.
why would a single man be in a luxury store? oh, words cannot describe how thankful alastor is for your foolish naivety.
word on the street, that eugene was quite the heartbreaker. not to mention, that criminal record of his.
convincing him to go through with it wasn’t hard either. seeing a new toy that knows nothing of his record, he was more than eager to play with you. all it took was a bit of cash for him to keep up the sweetheart act.
and now that his doe was home, there’s no use for trash like that man in this world. the bruises on your arm, they were not what was intended.
all he asked was a simple grab, but it seems he got carried away, that piece of garbage.
as alastor forcefully swallowed his anger, he held you close, massaging the bruises on your wrist. “rest well, darling. you’ve been through a lot this past month.” he cooed, slowly lulling you to sleep.
oh, how excited he is that his little doe is home. to celebrate, we need a special meal, don’t we? say, there is a rare meat that alastor has been dying to try.
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selfishmachinez · 4 months
About time I found someone who writes for mammon !! With that being said, I’d like to ask for him with a service top/dom reader? N maybe near the end once we’ve pleased him he returns the favor via oral ? ^^’
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notes: HIIIHII THIS IS LITERALLY PERFECT??? GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET RN I LOVE THIS LITTLE THING SM☺️☺️ also im so sorry about the wait i got sick and didnt have inspo for like a day😔
warnings: not writing mammon's accent sorry💔 idk how to write accents properly just imagine it in ur mind idk; mammon being an asshole (hey, its mammon.); afab reader; insults like cunt/whore/bitch etc are still used in a gn way tho; my gf proofread like 80% of this if theres any typos blame her not me /j
word count: 1,510 (not including a/n)
okay lets get this straight
this man can NOT be a good dom
he's literally the single of greed what do you expect
our little pillow princess /hj
okay imagine this: after fizz quit, he's obviously PISSED OFF, so u do a little favor for him (wink wink)
Normally, during his Clown Pageants, you'd just sit next to him and the fizzbots on his web, watching the contestants try to win the crowd over, just to miserably fail, and watch Fizzarolli win... again.
This one had to be the most interesting one so far. Fizzarolli quit. And insulted Mammon too. He was pissed, to say the least.
You left the web a while before he "exploded" the Theatre and entered his office.
"That little bitch!" He shouted, bursting inside the office, not in full demon form anymore.
"Mam, the door." You warned him. But yeah, he pretty much already broke the door. Whatever. He's got the money, he'll get it fixed later.
He sat down on his bean bag next to you. "Can you believe it? I made that cunt! And he just walks out the scene like that!" He bitched, sitting down next to you. "That ungrateful, useless, little-" You shushed him before he could finish his sentence. "WHAT?" He growled at you.
"I think you need to, y'know, relax a little. You know what I mean?" You said, giving him the look. His eyes widened a little at the statement. "Just sit back and enjoy yourself, okay?" You said, running a hand under his motley.
"Fuck." He groaned. He was trying his hardest not to just rip his clothes off. He had a tough day. He needed this. He needed you. Your touch.
You run your hand down his pants, pulling his cock out. He was so painfully hard already. "You're this hard already? All because of me huh? You just love the attention, don't you?"
"Just- fuck, don't make me beg, you cunt." He moaned out, leaning back against the bean bag.
"Alright, boss," you said, your voice dripping with lust. You knew how much of a whore he was for that type of nickname.
brief interruption☝️ i hc his dick is about 10" (HAVE YOU SEEN HOW BIG HE IS ofc hes gonna have a huge cock) and has the same colors as his tongue (purple/periwinkle with dark yellow stripes) AND HELLA GIRTHY TOO HELLO????? CONTINUING,
You gently grip his cock, tracing circles on his tip with your thumb, causing the tiniest drop of pre-cum to leak out. "You like this already? Gosh, you ain't gonna last a second like this." You teased, beginning to stroke his dick at painfully slow rate.
"Doll, please," he panted out, in the most ridiculous fashion ever.
"Don't be greedy, Mam." You chuckled, he was so cute begging like this. "I thought you said you wouldn't beg."
"Maybe if you did a better job at this, bitch." He grunted.
"Do you want me to stop?" You said, softening your grip around his member, causing him to panic a bit. "No! Don't!" He begged, tugging at your sleeves with his bottom pair of arms. "Doll, c'mon. Don't leave me hanging."
"Hm," you wrapped another hand around his dick. "Fine, since you're being such a good boy." You'd have some work to do now. Giving him handjobs was always such a handful, no pun intended. Since he's big, a single hand was never enough. You thought about it for a while, forgetting what you were doing in the first place. "So?"
"Right. My bad." You got back to it quickly though; moving your hand up and down his member at a quicker pace, making him pant and whimper under your touch.
You wanted to give him a blowjob. Should you, though? Yes. Definitely. Even though the back of your throat would hurt horribly afterwards.
Your hands are quick to let go of him, making him tilt his head in confusion. "Whatcha doin'?" His confusion died down swiftly after he saw you kneel in front of him, pulling his pants down. "Don't." He said, grinning as he just ripped them off himself, spreading his legs. "Good boy." You mumbled, kissing his length.
While one of your hands rested on his inner thigh, rubbing gentle circles on it with your index finger, your tongue went from his base to his tip, feeling every little vein on the way up there.
"Fuck, pumpkin." He moaned, grabbing the back of your head. "Please." He lifted your head up to make you look at him. He gave you the most pathetic grin ever, sweating his ass off.
"Don't be a baby." You kissed his tip, making him moan, covering his mouth with his hand.
After teasing and edging him for a good 5 minutes, he had enough of that. "Just- ugh, please." He groaned, tugging at your hair. "Do it already. Ya teasing me too much."
"Stop being a brat, whore." You shut him up with that. "Good." Finally, you got to work. Though you only swallowed his tip at first, he was already a mess. But you had to keep going; you force yourself down his length as best as you could, licking and sucking on him. That was definitely not enough though, so you grab the part you couldnt get down your throat with your hand, caressing his base.
"Close. 'M so fucking-" He groaned, sending down little electric shocks. Oh, yeah, he does that sometimes.
another interruption, i hc him an being a ballooning/joro spider, since he kinda looks like one and they use electricity like him‼️ okay CONTINUING ONCE MOREEEE,,,,,
You took your mouth off him for a bit, gasping for air. "You're being so greedy, you know that?" You grinned at him. He looked like such a mess right now. Panting and sweating. But by god, did he look adorable like that. You go back to just gently licking down at his member, looking him in the eyes.
"Pumpkin, please, 'm so close- fuck..."
"Is that so? Hm?" You mumbled, kissing his base gently, going back to patting his tip with your palm. He greedily humped your palm, eager to cum.
He kept on buckling against your palm until he moaned loudly against his hand. "I'm gonna..." You pulled your hand away from his tip, letting him cum all over your face. He slumped down on the bean bag, gasping for air louder than he had to.
You sigh, getting up to grab some tissues to get you both cleaned. He calls you, "Yes?" You reply.
"Y'know, I could 'pay you back'." He grinned, getting up and grabbing you by the waist. "Ya just calmed me down, guess I owe you a little favor." Without warning you, he grabs you and throws you (as gently as he could) back on the bean bag, leaning on top of you, licking his own cum off your face.
"Cleaning the mess you made with your tongue like that? You slut." You fiddle with his jester hat. "What are you gonna do, huh?"
"Just trust me, sweet cheeks." He mumbled, taking your pants/skirt/shorts off. Oh. Was he gonna..? Normally, he wouldn't really pay you back, not that you wanted him to. You were perfectly fine with just pleasuring him. "You don't have to."
"I want to. Are you gonna let me do my thing, yeah?." He grumbled, taking your underwear off with his teeth. God.
"Mhm, yes sir." He kissed down at your v-line, making you tremble slightly.
a/n, i tried to hard to write an amab version but god im horrid at this
also holy shit have you seen his tongue
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he def knows how to use it for good
im wet i mean who said that whaaaatttt🤯
He gently licked down at your clit. Once, twice. Then stopped. "Why'd you..?" But he shushed you by shoving a finger inside you. "Ya like this?" You answer with a weak moan, which he took as a "yes".
So, he put another finger in, scissoring them inside you. He sucked on your clit, making you moan and squirm. "Use... your tongue."
"Hm? What?" He pulled out, looking up at you, a wide grin spread across his face.
"You know what I mean." He looked back down at your cunt. You squished his face between your thighs. He took his fingers out, licking them before replacing them with his much longer and thicker tongue, making you whimper. Loudly. He moved his tongue inside you. Up and down, left and right, in and out.
It was rare for him to give you oral, but when he did, it felt like heaven. He pulled out, panting. But you shoved his face back there. He couldn't stop. Not now.
He quickly went back to eating you out, needily thrusting his tongue in and out your pussy.
"Good fucking God, Mammon-" And there he goes again, pulling his tongue out. "Why'd you stopp..." You whined. He looked down at your puffy and wet cunt. "Shouldn't have teased me earlier."
"What, but- but you know you like it!" Your tone dripped with desperation. You needed to cum so badly. Would he give you the satisfaction that early though? Obviously not. Not out of selfishness, he just had to give you a good orgasm. Like the one you gave him. "Mhm..." He huffed against your entrance, gently shoving a finger in while licking your clit in a circular motion.
He did so for a good 5 minutes, before adding a finger, then another one. You couldn't take it anymore. He was overstimulating you so much. You aggressively tugged at his hat, forcing him onto you even more. He took two fingers out, replacing the latter with his tongue.
You definitely couldn't take it anymore. "Mammon, I'm gonna..." Finally, he let you cum. Not that you let go of him for a good 10 seconds though. You gripped at his hat, still riding out your high.
"See, told ya I'd pay you back."
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thyln4gf · 2 months
Cheri cheri lady
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✞ Watching you on the top step of the podium for the first time, while still in your rookie year... It all tasted a little bitter for Lando, but he wasnt complaining too much... he did get the best view out of them all - right from p2.
✞ Word count - 808
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "american jesus" - Nessa Barrett, "heavy metal lover" - Lady Gaga, "flawless" - The Neighbourhood, "take me back to eden" - Sleep Token, "hall of fame" - The Script. Note - i do have a whole playlist. Ask if you want it.
✞ Warnings - none, I guess. A lot of fluffy shite. Slightly suggestive. A short little blurb inspired by Landos first win<3 Gg, my boy.
✞ Lando Norris x Mercedes!Reader
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The sound of a crowd yelling someone elses name annoyed him till no end - it reminded him of the fact that he hasnt won yet, and that hes currently holding a pretty sad record - the highest number of podiums without a win. That, until it came to you - it immediately became something that he wanted to hear over and over. It was almost as sweet as the champagne swirling down his body, the sun kissing his face, or the sweet, sweet sound of an anthem that wasnt the dutch one.
It all started at the beginning of the season, really. He was intimidated by you at first, just a little - for the first quali of the season, your rookie season, you had already grabbed the pole. But, quickly enough, he found himself getting more and more curious about you. He would ask you about the weather, or about the ridiculous activities the media admins made you do - to "see if it matched his". It was far from enough for him though - he wanted to know everything about you. How do you like your waffles? He wanted to ask you about that. He wanted to ask you about breakfast and honey. Sunlight. Do you like strawberry smoothies? What was the name of your childhood cat? Do you have any scars?
There were so many things he wanted to say, but didnt know how to. Thats why he spent quite a bit of his time quietly observing you. He felt as if you were just a mere result of his imagination - one touch, just one taste - and youd disappear.
His newly found obsession, however, was watching the wide grin fighting for its place on your face. You were stood on that step, taking up the space that you deserved oh so much. He was a little jealous of the success that you found yourself in so soon, but he couldnt peel his eyes away from you - the way you were stood there, proud. The golden hour danced on your face, making the sweat drenched features pop out. Just like him, the sun seemed to enjoy your eyes - they looked like the shiniest gems you could find.
The champagne celebration rolled around. He was already giggling, looking forward to absolutely drowning you in the sticky, sweet, liquid luck. He looked at Daniel on the other side, the English anthem for Mercedes coming to an end. They both wiggled their eyebrows at each other, seemingly getting the exact same idea, and locking it in.
They could have planned all they wanted, honestly - but you were just quicker. You jumped off the step quickly, it almost looked like you were flying. To Landos surprise, you didnt go for your usual move. Instead, you seemed to use his - the famous champagne floor smash. He was so pleasantly surprised that he didnt even register a stream of the beverage aimed right into the centre of his face. Wiping the champagne from his eyes, he saw your wide grin - and Daniel getting the back of your head. You shrieked - and it wasnt from the surprise, he knew. You washed your hair just this morning.
As much as he would have wanted that scene to last forever... Like all good things, it quickly came to an end. But that meant that he got to stand by your side for the photo - and it made him nervous, almost like a young, teenage boy, whos crush went to the same school.
He was nervous. Oh, so nervous. He was a little scared of messing something up, taking great measures to avoid exactly that. He did end up on the wrong side of the step, somehow. He didnt even notice, but thats until he felt your hands on his waist, gently gripping onto the material of his suit.
"Youre in the wrong spot, darling." You had murmured into his ear, gently guiding him to where you wanted him. A smirk was so evident in your tone, even if he wasnt looking at your face.
The hands.
The. Gentle. Fucking. Hands.
His stomach quickly got filled with a ton of butterflies, his brain shortcircuiting. He would have frozen in the spot, if the circumstances had allowed him. And he did, at first - was given a slap to the back of his head by Daniel quickly enough to not be noticed, though. Or, thats what he thought - people were talking about it already, and it would continue for days. If not weeks. And not even the fact that you just casually moved him, just like that. Not the placement of your hands - but the fact that he could be seen blushing, all shy, like a little girl.
Despite it not being his victory, it was his favourite podium of all time already. But, who knew. Maybe the next one was gonna be his?
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hisaame · 9 months
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— ⧽➻Wanderer with a crush!˒˒ˋˋ
『its how i think wanderer would be id he had a crush,,, and this takes place obviously after he stopped being 'scaramouche'.』
╰ˊˊtw: soft wanderer (help), cursing, wanderers past trauma (kabukimono/kunikuzushi) its just a lil bit tho, spoilers.╎ + its a wanderer x reader type shit, so he falls for you!
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He thought it couldn't be possible, but it happened. he was already upset at himself for allowing himself to spend time with you. And with those soft and sweet smiles of yours, he'd almost always looks away—and what you wouldn't notice was his his blushy pink cheeks that would always fade back into his normal pale, color when he'd turn to look back at you, tilting his hat a bit to hide his own smirk.
The guy had even known you when he was once Scaramouche, you'd catch his eye from time to time, but he never really thought about talking to you. Back then he just thought of you as a 'pretty girl', then he'd scoff and turn away. He even wished he'd gotten the chance to have one chat with you before he deletes himself out of existence as Scaramouche. You always seemed to look at him with that cheerful smile. But he's glad he got a chance to befriend you, and now, as a normal person.
He didn't even think puppets could fall in love, nor did he think his porcelain face could turn red! But it began happening more often often the more he hung out with you. Being a wanderer made him not be busy—unlike his past self as Scaramouche who always had things to do. He despised that old part of him, but now he's a changed man alright. He's still vedy cautious and trying his best not to show any vulnerability, he wouldn't wanna remind himself of the rime he was a pathetic, dumb doll who allowed himself to be betrayed.
But he wouldn't let you betray him, no. You're stuck with him.
He didnt exactly understand the concept of „love“. He's seen couples in Sumeru and didn't quite get why they were so affectionate, prepping kisses on eachothers lips and always holding hands. He'd sometimes even cringe at it. Even imagining himself like that with you felt weird... Wait, whys he thinking of it in the first place!?
After finally accepting the fact he's in love after days of trying to convince himself he isn't, he began to think—would you feel the same? That thought made him anxious, if you saw him as only a friend. If he really wanta you, he'd try.
And he did.
He'd go to the library more often, looking for romance books and even looking arouns him to make sure noones looking. He doesnt wanna be caught reading something so embarrassing... He read a few stories, even some tips and tricks on how to flirt, which he found pathetic. Who would wanna say "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" to someone they like? Pathetic! But as he read some romance stories, short and simple, he just couldn't help but imagine how it would be with you... How soft your lips would feel against his, and they way your twos fingers would intertwine.
And then he tried some things out.
He has tried pinning you against a wall, fortunately getting a reaction od you having a small blush, but then brushing it right off and smiling like he didn't do anything. Then he even grabbed your chin between his indec finger and thumb to make u look up at him—and you didn't even have a reaction! Wasn't that something common people did to get people to be flustered!?
He was beyond frustrated, even ended up asking Nahida for some help, to which she happily recommended for him to write you a letter, if he was too scared to say what he wanted it in person. 𝖧𝖾 called it pathetic and stupis, and a waste of time at first, but then he immediately began writing one after.
It took him so many tries, so many crumbled up papers on the ground, to the point Nahida also helped him come up with words to write. At last, finally, he decided to be sneaky and put it in your mailbox, knowing you will be opening it soon. He was a flustered mess as soon as he was rushing away once he put the letter in.
He'll definitely be even more flustered if you tease him about the letter the next day... ♡
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dunmeshi-darlings · 3 months
Could you possibly do a chubby (f) reader x chilchuck?
I was thinking, you joined the party on their way to the red dragon, but he's already become smitten by you. You are just a really nice person and constantly put yourself in danger to save him, which causes him to fall for you. However since He's so short sometimes when you save him His face ends up in your chest and he gets "flustered".
Sfw or Nsfw, either works
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you absolutely can request it dear anon and i will happily do it.
The party had found you on one of the first few levels of the dungeon where it was relatively safe. The rest of your party had quit after a particularly rough last dive. so you had been trying to find a group to join up with to continue exploring the dungeon. You heard Laios and his group talking about there plan and offered to join them, which they accepted happily. The more people the easier it would be after all.
Chilchuck hated to admit it but he was immediately drawn to you the minute he saw you. You were drop dead gorgeous to him, the way your armor hugged your plush body, the curves of your stomach and hips and breasts. He couldnt keep his eyes off you.
But there was more to it than just your physical looks, your personality also made him fall for you as well. You were so kind and caring that he couldnt help but smile, and when you would constantly run head on into danger to save the others and him.
However a new problem arose from it, Due to your Height difference whenever you would pick him up to get him out of danger, his face would end up right nestled between your boobs. The first time it happened chilchuck could feel your pillowy tits smothering his face, The half foot couldnt help but go red faced. When you eventually put him down you say your glad he is safe, however the half foot is to busy stuttering and trying to not have. You blush and apologise and chilchuck says its fine you saved him so its whatever. However this happens multiple times after that and neither of you are really minding honestly.
You two grow closer and eventually one night you two are the last ones awake chatting and sitting next to each other. Eventually the topic drifts towards romance and both your hands slide closer till the two of you are holding hands. You two stare at each other for a moment before you pull each other into a kiss, your tongue hungrily dancing with each other as you pull each other close.
Chilchucks hands immediately start to explore your body, squeezing and groping at your thighs and sliding upward to your thighs and onto your tits, squeezing and pinching them as you pant and moan into his mouth. "Fuck Y/N, your so gorgeous, i need you now." He groans as the two of you strip each other naked, tearing each others clothes off as you two fuck right there trying hard to not wake anyone else up.
After that night together you two announced you were together (without telling everyone about that night) and even though marcille pointed out chilchuck being a bit of a hypocrit, everyone was happy for you and thought you guys were cute together. However what they didnt know was just how much chilchuck loved your body, being unable to keep his hands to himself. Sneaking quick squeezes of your thighs and ass. His hands feeling along your stomach and even groping your tits when nobody was looking. He couldnt help himself, Your body was drop dead gorgeous to him and he couldnt help but grope and squeeze your soft supple body between his fingers.
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victoria-grimesss · 9 months
tear you apart - part VII
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 2.4k *not fully proof-read*
->Warning:MDNI! Jealousy, PiV, smut, office fun once again. (another excuse to write smut)
->A/N: I have been sucked into the Baldur's Gate 3 wormhole (especially Astarion), that and school are my excuses for my long absence and neglect for this series but here is another part! I hope it’s alright!! Also this may or may not be the second to last part. I cannot decide on what to do next. 
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It had been a couple months since the incident on that mission. You had recovered, of course, as you always do and König was an ever gracious healer. He did not use bandages and stitches though, he used his sweet words and expert hands to trace your image late at night to ease your pain and distract your mind. With his new-found confidence that you wouldn't shy away from his face he became a whole new kind of ravenous lover. His hands grew tighter, strokes faster and bites that lingered even longer. After your close call he gripped you as though you may die at any moment. That stands true for everyone but he could not accept that it will be your fate one day. So, he loves roughly and cares tenderly afterwards.
You find yourself recounting the night's events, skin flushing at the thought as you lace your boots for another day. 
Your training since then has been rigorous and strict, König helping you on a majority of it as your superior of course. Who would he be if he didnt make sure his team had appropriate training?
You found yourself stirring inside as you began walking towards his office. Like the drop of a rollercoaster even after all this time he still made you nervous, made you ache in the most delicious way.
There had been a good amount of new faces in base since the turn of the seasons, but you paid them no mind as you strode towards his door. You hand reaching the knob-
“Ehem.” A throat is cleared and the fog in your mind is lifted.
Your eyes meet a bright new face, sitting at the long desolate secretary desk before König’s office. You twist the knob slightly and she stands abruptly, the chair making a horrid noise across the linoleum. 
“If you need to speak with him I ask you to tell me. He’s quite busy today.”
The fire in your lower stomach is tossed with a cold bucket of water from the delay. You immediately grow irritated at her tone, but you know she's just doing her job, and you know she doesn't know your affiliation with the Colonel. So you lift your hand from the doorknob, take a breath and stand before her desk.
“Thank you.” She huffs before swiftly tucking herself back into the chair and giving you a bright smile, lined with cherry red lipstick with a hint of gloss. 
“Now, why on Earth did you almost barge into his office?”
“I have something to tell him.”
“Well by all means I’d be more than happy to relay the message.”
There’s a glint in her eyes. Now, you’re all for being a girl's girl but she’s already interrupted what could have by now been a wonderful moment of you being bent over his desk with your panties around your ankles BUT, she seems to be enjoying your irritation. 
You cross your arms,
“It’s not something I would like to tell you.”
A light amused laugh comes from her lips and she leans back a bit to get a full view of you.
“Look. The Colonel is a very important man, and I’m supposed to report anything that is meant as well as scheduling his meetings. He’s got a lot on his plate and can’t have just anyone barging into his office. But if you’d like to schedule a meeting I’d be more than happy to help”
“You seem to know alot about him.” You retort, gritting your teeth.
“A lot more than you.”
It’s like fire runs through your veins at her words. You know she only knows him surface level, but her tone alludes to more. She means to deceive you, convince you that König and her are something they’re not. To somehow win a weird power struggle that has happened during this conversation. 
But the words still hurt, König is an important man, very important. He could have anyone, even someone who can dress up in pretty skirts and not muddy boots and a uniform. You cast a glare and you open your mouth to give her a piece of your mind when the office door opens and none other than the man of the hour strides out in all his glory. 
You feel calmed looking at him, drinking him in. 
He ushers that man he was in a meeting with out and looks your way. His eyes rake over you and he strides over to the desk, papers in hand.
You don’t miss the way the other woman flushes before him, buckles under his gaze as he drops the papers haphazardly onto her desk.
“File those for me.” Tone cold and monotone.
“Yes sir. Right away.” 
His eyes are back on you and you meet them, like you’ve done a million times before.
The moment is cut.
“She tried to come into your office but I knew you were in an important meeting so I stopped her but she wouldn't tell me why she needed to speak with you.”
She rambles on, if you weren't occupying the same bed as him each night you would be quaking under his stare, the way you can smell him from here. The cologne he wears sends a wave of heat downwards like an aphrodisiac.
He raises a hand to silence her and her mouth clamps shut immediately. He sucks in a deep breath under his mask and squares his shoulders back.
“My office is open to her, I would have told her otherwise if she could not be present in there. But that is between us, it does not involve you. I expect you to remember.”
Her eyes are wide and her head tips down as she plays with the corner of the paper.
She replied quietly.
“Ah, yes. Also move my meetings for the rest of the day to tomorrow. I will be preoccupied.”
“Yes sir.” You don’t miss the defeated inflection in her tone.
König places a hand on your lower back and ushers you into his office, locking the door.
“She’s just doing her job.”
“And part of her job is to not bother you, Mein Liebling.”
He stands before you and holds your chin in his hand, looking over your face.
“What is wrong?”
“Nothing. Why do you ask.”
“Something is off, I can tell liebling.”
You sigh,
“She’s very pretty. Do you see her alot?”
“Ah. I see.” 
He chuckles.
“That doesn't make me feel any better.”
“Apologies liebling. Yes I see her daily before I enter my office. I pay her no mind, she is the same as everyone else here, no different. Except for you of course.”
He pauses and cups your cheek, you rest your head in his hand.
“You are incomparable mein Herz, meine Liebe. Any other woman pales in comparison to you, I have no desire for other women when I have you. I need not touch other women when I have mastered the art of your body, I know where to touch you to unravel you. Your sounds are the only ones I need to hear.”
You’re blushing now, cheek to cheek blushing.
He’s grinning at the sight.
“Are you convinced?”
You hum and pretend to think deeply on his question.
“I might need a little more convincing.”
His hand moves from your cheek down to your throat, tracing over the column in the center slowly as his pupils dilate.
“What man would I be if I didn't.”
He stalks around you, settling himself behind you as his hands land on your shoulders.
“You remember when you came into my office the first time? I’m sure you do, it was quite a memorable experience for the both of us.”
“I do.”
He hums a praise and one of his hands move slowly from your shoulders down your arms and squeezes, bracing you to the spot you stand.
“I was elated when you came to me. When you stood before me my mouth watered to taste you, my hands yearned to touch you, and my mind pleaded to me to undress you. I have never been so compelled by anyone like I am with you. You have made me ravenous and even after all this time I am not satiated.”
His hands move to your waist down to your hips and he pulls you back into him. You feel how hard he is, it’s painful how much you want him.
“Do you feel what you do to me liebling?”
“Fuck, yes.”
You shudder as he grinds into you, his breathing is growing harder and you can feel his chest on your back.
“Now. I heard you had something to tell me? Something very important?.” He squeezes the fat around your hips and presses himself into you and takes some small steps so you both move close and closer to his desk. You gulp and grasp onto his hand for stability but he has you tight in his hold.
You’re having trouble thinking by the way he's holding you, looking down at you.
He gives your hip a tap, whispering your name and you speak.
“I just wanted to see you.”
“See me?”
It’s hardly above a whisper and you feel a bit embarrassed. Thinking now how you came down to his office and almost interrupted a meeting just to ..see him..
“Did you just come to say hello?”
Your head falls and you know he’s going to make you admit it. 
“No. I did not.”
“Then liebling please tell me why you came so I can help.”
Humor graces his voice.
“I was hoping..well, that you would..”
He leans down so he’s right next to your ear,
“Would what? Sign a document? Approve of a mission report? What my dear?”
“Fuck me. Over your desk. Again..”
He leans back and laughs,
“Feeling sentimental? It has been a while since I took you in here, unfortunately my dear it will have to be quick and dirty, can’t have you missing your training right? Unless that's exactly what you want. You want me to bend you over and fuck you until you can’t walk straight, then pull up your pants and usher you out? Yeah?”
Your head tips back and onto his chest, you meet his eyes and smile.
He groans at your answer and proceeds to place his large palm in between your shoulder blades and pushes until your chest meets his desk. 
You move your hips impatiently and he delivers a hard smack to your ass, causing you to cry out but you quickly bite your lip to muffle the sound.
He rubs over the skin and slowly undresses you from the waist down, pulling your pants down just enough to give him room to slide in.
“If you continue to subdue your moans I’ll stop. Do you understand?”
“Fuck, yes König.”
He palms your ass again, grinding his clothed length along your core and the friction is good but it’s not enough. It’s like taking a sip of water when you're parched.
“I want everyone to hear you okay? Let all the new recruits know just who you belong to huh?”
“Yes König, just you.”
He hums as you hear his belt buckle being undone as well at the zipper of his pants and he releases himself from his pants. He takes his length in his hand, stroking it a few times before he taps it against your entrance.
“That’s right, just me Schatz.”
He adjusts your hips and kicks your feet further apart with his boots. His gaze is heavy on where his length sits right at the entrance, hot and heavy.
Just as you open your mouth to beg he enters you fully. He’s hot within you and the stretch is as delicious as it is each time. 
He throws his head back once he’s entered to the hilt, his hands gripping onto your hips.
“Lieber Gott, so fucking tight.”
You moan loudly and you feel him throb within you at the sound. He stays still only momentarily before he pulls all the way out until just the tip remains in and pushes back in brutally. He sets a bruising pace that has your mouth drooling onto his desk, leaving a rather unsavory puddle.
“No matter how many time I fuck you it’s never enough. I don’t blame you Schatz, I fear I’m in the same predicament. I constantly need to touch you, to be near you. You are a plague on my mind.”
His words make you burn from the inside out, you drip around him and the noises in the room are loud and obvious as to what is going on. The room smells of sweat and desperation. 
He’s rough and needy and you claw at his arm that grips you
“Fuuck, Scheiße. The way you grip around me, fuck, are you going to cum? Be a good girl and soak the front of my pants?”
You’re leaving angry red marks on his arms by now, moaning and chanting his name like it’s the only word you know. He keeps one hand on your hip and the other threads its way through your hair, weaving and locking in tight. He pulls, bringing your back against his chest and this new angle has you gasping for air.
He can look over your shoulder from here and see the bulge of his length each time he thrusts all the way in. 
“I could never fuck another, you’ve ruined me and spoiled me. Soaking my cock and taking me whole, allowing your Colonel to fuck you in his office.”
“König please please.”
“Go ahead liebling.”
At his command you reach your peak, stars exploding in your vision and your body grows tense before becoming slack in his hold. He follows closely behind you, he grips you tightly as he fills you to the brim. 
A comfortable silence falls between you two as he lifts his mask and gives a long kiss to your lips then around the rest of your face as he pulls away and zips your pants before doing his own.
“You can walk alright?” You’re leaning in his arms, a blissful hum comes from your lips.
“Yes. Although I expect ample cuddle time in bed tonight, this was more than wonderful.”
He chuckles and brushes your hair into a somewhat tamable manner. 
“I can honor that request.”
You bid each other goodbye with a kiss and you give the new secretary a smile when you leave his office, obviously looking a bit more disheveled than when you entered.  
She does not look happy.
But you are. 
Tag List: @theredviolets , @saint-chlorine , @cndy-l0v3 , @notsosweetcheeks , @abbiesxox
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elithe31st · 11 months
Can we just get Noah as a boyfriend general head canons where Noah and Gn reader met on TD set? (Btw I love your work, your literally the only person who frequently writes for Noah and I love u for that ❤)
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noah tdi x gn reader
'' i've been watching you for quite a while now ''
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you two were on the same team
had to share a bunk with you
when the cameras weren't rolling, you two spent some time together
not a lot
just talking about random stuff
you asked him what book he was reading once
turns out you loved it
so you bonded over that
teased him nonstop for the ear kissing thing
when he got eliminated you were sad, but oh well
got eliminated in place of katie
in playa de losers it was even better
i mean, not having to live in that crappy summer camp anymore? awesome
noah just made it a whole lot better
you were on team e-scope
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you were in the peanut gallery with him
didn't really do anything
when the aftermath show wasn't being aired, thats when your relationship started
noah told cody and then cody started hyping him up
the last episode was when he confessed
you said yes, of course
during when he was chris' assistant he didnt want you getting wrapped up in anything
definitely told you about all the crazy shit
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competed with him AGAIN
but you two were a couple nowww
no one knew except cody
hung around you most often
you both agreed to NOT trust alejandro
alejandro probably tried to woo you or something
noah got all defensive but in his cool calm collected way
alejandro found out after that
toooootally didnt use it against you
totally DID
when noah got eliminated you were pissed
had a very not nice conversation with alejandro after that
you got booted next
cheered noah on when he was doing that disco laser thing
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now you two never competed on td again, got a cozy little apartment somewhere and go on cafe dates regularly ❤
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stuffeddeer · 4 months
DEEEER happy (late) new year 🎊
i been so busy with work 😭 hope you're resting well!
been thinking about dazai lately as i usually do, he would be such a fucking pain in the ass if you gave him a drawing (if you gave a mouse a cookie style LMFAO)
it doesn't even have to be anything good, just some stupid doodle of a cat, and then he pesters you every day for a new drawing just for him
oh GOD and if you actually draw as a hobby? INSUFFERABLE, he'd probably dig through the trash for your discarded drawings or smth (smfh this man) and then complain cause why didnt you show HIM first instead of wasting perfectly good paper!
lol this is so stupid 💀
anyway byee -🩵
Your face scrunches up as you stare down at the corner of your paper. Would it be weird to give this to him? The last thing you want is to be perceived as some weird stalker, and you know he'd find a way to tease you for this. But... is throwing it out worse?
"Hey, Yosano," you tapped her on the shoulder before taking a seat on one of the medical cots she was working near. "I have a question for you."
"Shoot," she speaks listlessly, continuing to clean up the many medical papers littering her desk. It's not that she's uninterested, just a little out of focus.
There's a clear hesitation, causing the doctor to spin and look at you. Fiddling with the torn paper in your hand, you sigh. "This is probably weird, but, I drew Dazai."
"Don't see how that's weird," she replies, an amused smile on her face at your awkwardness.
"Well, I doodled him, I should say. Just in the margins of my r-report— " that you tore up. Oops. " —because he was across from me. And I could just throw it away, but I could give it to him. Would he think I'm a total creep if I offered it up..?"
And after a pep talk from Yosano, you found yourself standing beside Dazai's desk. His eyes lit up, having already noticed long before you had even registered it that you were drawing him. Everyone at the Agency was aware of your hobby, a few members having taken small doodles in the past, and Dazai was excited it was finally his time.
— that, along with your continued glances between him and your page earlier made it obvious it was him.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks slyly, his tone higher pitched than normal and mischievous. "Are you visiting little ol' me just to say hi?"
"Not quite. I drew this, if you want it." Trying to swallow your awkwardness, you hold out the paper scrap to Dazai. For a small sketch, it was surprisingly detailed. So this is how you viewed him, hm? He'd always known he was pretty, but...
"Is it possible to fall in love with myself?"
You choke back a laugh. "Alright, Narcissus. I'll take that to mean you like it?"
Dazai nods happily, jumping from his chair to rest his body weight onto you. "More more more! Please? Next do us together! Or even us kissing," he wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
The laugh finally bubbles over as your hands rest on Dazai's sides. "Get back to work! Or Kunikida will stop letting me draw at work, and then you'll have nothing."
"So that means if I stop, I'll have more?" He grins, his face close enough to yours to make you stumble back.
"Do you have to be so close? You're so clingy," you mutter, still holding his sides to keep him from coming closer. "If you get off, I'll consider supplying you with more doodles. Maybe."
And Dazai immediately jumps off of you and back to work.
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