#i didnt add a one option because ''one'' is the same as none here really
corvin-ito · 3 months
generations dont have to be perfectly numbered, or numbered at all my generation numbers are 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 4.5 and someone else might have iterator generations that are numbered with the greek alphabet
oh also as always, feel free to elaborate in a reblog / the tags / the comments / ect ect i love hearing abt headcanons
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sushisocks · 1 year
Hey there! I believe you said in another post that the final confrontation would be unlikely to happen if lenny and sean were alive, so i'd like to ask if you could expand on that pls(if u havent already and i just didnt see it lol)
Btw on a side note im actually super invested in your sean content😭😭the fandom seems to only talk ab him to label as an idiot, so as a fellow sean lover the way you characterize him has me so in love❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh Anon you are SO LOVELY!!! Thank you not only in giving me the opportunity to rant more about Sean and Lenny (which I am always so willing to do), but also for your super kind words!! Sean is very dear to me, and I'm glad my reading into him as much as I do strikes a chord with other people ;;u;;
The way the general fandom often characterizes him isn't very surprising to me, given his personality & the surface level impressions he gives, but maybe for now I'll save THAT rant for another time, else we stay here forever lmaoo
So, to start answering your question, I believe you're talking about my post from a few months ago, where I talk about how I believe Sean & Lenny would've sided with Arthur & John if they'd lived to see the final confrontation. In it I mention how I find that final confrontation a lot more unlikely were Lenny & Sean to survive that far and stick around for the entire thing.
Now, WHY do I believe this? I touch on it briefly in that original post, but let's really get into it here!!
Okay to start off, there's a LOT of ways I see things going, in regards to Sean and Lenny, were they both to survive, because it adds SO MANY variables, but let's start at the very top.
At a meta level, it is important to recognize that RDR2 is a prequel to RDR1. This meant from the get that RDR2, as it is canonically, was bound to a certain outcome, to set up for RDR1. This ALSO means, that every step from the start of RDR2 was very much there not only to lay the groundwork for the end of RDR2 but also add another emotional layer to RDR1. This is all certainly things we are aware of already, but I think it's important to have that context in mind while we talk about alternative outcomes.
Because, see, Sean and Lenny HAD to die for the outcome in RDR2 to be the one it is. Not only them, but Hosea, Kieran, Molly, and Susan's deaths are ALL integral and important to the story, they ALL make a difference and contribute in pushing the story a certain way, and in reinforcing the steadily increasing hopelessness which infest the gang from Sean's death and out.
So if we're like "what if none of them died?" there are suddenly a LOT of new variables for every mission and every scenario we know from the game, which need to be considered. This is true EVEN if the change in survival count is only reduced to Lenny & Sean.
How different do you not think Shady Belle would have felt, initially, without Sean's death hanging over it? What about the bank job -- would Lenny & Sean end up on the boat to Guarma? What would've happened to them there, then? Would either of them be caught by the Pinkertons instead, with John or in his stead maybe? What other options would there have been, where would they end up at the end of that?
And already here we have to consider how those experiences might've impacted them psychologically, because of who they are.
In the post I mentioned earlier, I talk about how Lenny is new to the gang and probably isn't as stuck in it mentally as Arthur and John, nor do Sean and Lenny have the same emotional attachment/baggage in regards to Dutch. They're loyal of course, because they feel a sense of obligation to the gang, because it provides them with safety, friends, and allies, in an otherwise unkind world.
But what then happens when that changes?
How do you expect Sean and Lenny to respond when the gang starts turning on itself? When Dutch visibly starts losing it? When people start snapping at each other and threatening one another in the middle of camp?
(I have a half-formed thought here about how people would ABSOLUTELY be snapping and talking down to Sean in a way more cruel way towards the end of the game, for trying to keep things light and easy, yknow, fulfilling his role in the gang. I can only imagine what that'd end up doing to him, tbh.)
And, I'll be repeating myself from other posts here, but how do you think Lenny, a young black man painfully aware of the social structure as it exists in America at that point in time, would react to realizing what Dutch's plan with the Wapiti is? Same goes for Sean, who has SEVERAL instances through the game showing him just as politically aware as Lenny - certainly moreso than Arthur.
Would the outcome for the Wapiti tribe be the same, do you think, if Charles had more people than a very sick and tired Arthur to lean on, willing to help? Would Lenny in particular want to stick around to see Dutch attempt to drive the tribe into the ground for his own gain?
Also, I'm sorry but like, Lenny has a camp interaction with Dutch where he disagrees with him (about Miller, Dutch's favorite author) and explains why in a very well-articulated manner. In one instance, Dutch gets straight up offended by it, bcz Lenny can argue very well (and is RIGHT mind you lol).
I do absolutely believe that Lenny would not just sit around quietly in Beaver Hollow. I'd expect him to be among the most vocal in their discontent with the situation, and probably the best at arguing against Dutch.
That is, up until a certain point. Lenny is a young black boy, and Dutch is a white authority figure. Watch Dutch snap and yell at him, like he does John in Ch6 for example, and see how much longer Lenny sticks around fr. The trade is loyalty for safety and the same in kind. Why do you think members start leaving when things start looking their worst? And don't you think Lenny would be among the first to see the writing on the wall?
Though that is hinging on that very specific vibe in Beaver Hollow, where they're all scattered and losing their ties to one another. Add then in Sean, who is VITAL as social glue, and for making conversations easier. If he, and Lenny, and Mary-Beth, Tilly, Arthur, Charles, etc etc, insert your favorites here, managed to retain some of that community feeling, despite it all, then I absolutely see Lenny sticking around for them.
Same goes for Sean, tbh. I can see him leaving earlier, bcz the trade stops being equal and bcz he's not being taken seriously, and I can see him staying, for his friends.
There IS also a version of things where things are similar and I do see Sean siding with Dutch; but that is a very sad and lonely Sean, who is VERY different from where he's at in Clemens Point, and I think that's an unfair perspective to take for him in general.
Okay so, now we're back to that final confrontation, after I said I found it unlikely, why is that? Because, with every question I've posed thus far, about what Lenny & Sean's reactions might've been to canon events after their deaths, I have essentially presented a variable that comes with their survival to those points. Them being there for it, HAS to mean a change, has to mean something different happens, because their deaths are direct contributors to the path we already know the story takes WITHOUT their presences.
Now, what are those differences and changes? I honestly can't answer; something being different earlier or later can butterfly-effect into something completely new or remarkably similar to what we already know. I could sit here all day and wax poetic about all the different options and possibilities for where things could go, were ANY character to survive past their death point, BUT thankfully, that is what fanfiction is for, lol.
I hope this satisfied some of your curiosity, dear anon!! It was a lot of fun for me to write and think about, so thank you very much for asking!!!
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Ordinarily I do not indulge in callout posts, unless a person's mental health might be in serious danger - and it's not a petty lie somebody made up, providing no screenshots, or simple ones taken out of context.
I have received multiple messages now, proving to me that the Hellsing Discord server 'The Hellsing Fanserver' lead by 'Artillery' is unfortunately a place people need to be warned about.
While everyone could assure me they do offer good scans of the Hellsing manga, the members of the server indulged in:
- Purposefully misgendering people
- Making fun of triggers, trans people and people with severe mental illnesses
- Purposefully using triggers against other server members
- Manipulating other people to use the triggers against the person they concern and shifting the blame on them afterwards
- Bringing explicit sexual themes to a server with minors
Afterwards they would celebrate their 'success', making fun of the people they hurt.
The so called 'trolling' (though I wouldn't dare to call such a hurtful behaviour this) was encouraged on the server, so I would deem it an unsafe environment for everyone whose mental health might be affected by such things.
Please be careful if these things concern you and please do not encourage such behaviour.
It's not only hurtful, it is downright cruel.
The invitations, though the links are expired.
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Here you see some of the accounts that were directly involved.
Please be careful.
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Discord Accounts
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I can only assume alts mean something like alternative accounts he and his friends created in order to do these things, engaging others on the server to do the same.
He then proceeds to share the success of the hurtful behaviour on before mentioned Discord server, commenting such:
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^ The “he” they are referring to is a demi girl. And yes, on the other server the pronouns are clearly stated and everyone is asked to respect them.
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He is downright admitting openly to have his friends manipulated other people to use the triggers against another person.
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(For context: A server members triggers were ‘Borderlands” and ‘Kingdom Hearts’.
He stated this trigger a few hours before and unfortunately the mod, after a sleepless night, was unable to memorise it during that time so ‘Abd’ took advantage of it.
Another mod quickly drew attention to her mistake and of course she apologised to the person she triggered and was forgiven.)
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Unfortunately many screenshots - involving the sexual advances and the 'making fun of transgenders' are missing due to the default ban option of the server, but several eye witnesses were able to confirm them.
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There was a person pretending to be a transwoman to make fun of transpeople (The person was introducing themselves like: ‘Hello, I am a man, my pronouns are he/him, but I wish to be a woman’ It didn’t sound very genuine to the trans people on the server), people making up all sorts of triggers to make fun of people who have triggers, a person pretending to be a kin, and people, who were trying to spread paedophilic messages with spreading the news that ‘age is just a number’.
And in case people still believe it was an accident:
They deliberately threaten people and plan to hurt them, while making fun of their triggers.
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I’m truly lost for words…
For everyone who didn’t know: It is not your place to judge triggers and for the love of God, please don’t make fun of them.
You don’t know the history behind them. It’s good if you have none yourself, it really is, but it shouldn’t make you blind to another person’s suffering.
And you certainly shouldn’t encourage other people to “hunt” people with triggers “down” and “go to war” against them.
Also the owner of server is openly hostility against lgbtq + people - especially trans people - , PoC and antisemitic jokes are the norm there.
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They too use nationalist-socialist symbols as emojis in their servers, so people who are triggered by such symbols should be careful.
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“Jew Alert”
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Blaming one group for the action of singular people should us remind too much of darker parts in history.
I know people with the same experience, that doesnt mean they should actively seek out ot destroy the mental health of all trans people, because one of them hurt them.
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Let the submitted texts speak for themselves.
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And just in case if anybody believes those are fake:
As soon as Satan saw them, he pmed another person:
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Those screenshots are real. They are not fake, like he claims they are and he admits that making fun of trigger and trans people was part of his “troll introductions”.
And just in case anybody is wondering if there are truly toxic trolls on this server? This is a submission I got:
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When the original is:
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Im sorry.
What they did should speak for itself, but don't try to add lies here. Lies that are obviously having their origin in the server itself.
If you still believe the attacks on this blog didn't come from the server:
This is what Artillery posted as soon as he found this post.
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After this the attacks started [as you can see here], so don't tell me your server is not responsible and keep your NSFW implications out of a server with minors and away from this blog!
Also you being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact, that your server is not safe for minors, lgtbq+ people - especially transpeople - people with trauma and poc.
Even if you claims are real - your and your friends prejudices against the other groups remain.
Satan apologised openly and promised to take better care of people mental health.
The emojis however will remain, though we have been told they have specific channels for offensive jokes.
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“In our discussions with the tumblr group, we realized that the situation was far more complicated than we realized. There is a a third party, not associated with us or the tumblr group, who is deliberately spreading false information with the presumed agenda of causing drama and conflict between us. With this in mind, we've agreed the best course of action is to mutually end the escalation of conflict and apologize for what occured. Following that, I want to again make clear that nobody should be going after the tumblr group, their discord server, or anywhere other online spaces. We don't know where the tumblr trolls came from, but we do not support them. Their statements were racist, antisemitic, and violent. What we did in their server was wrong and a mistake. 
I want to personally apologize to a few specific people for what happened. Their server got raided, and during all of it we did not take their mental health into account, causing a lot of people to have panic attacks. Their triggers were invalidated, and people were manipulated. There were also a lot of innapropriate and offensive statements involved. While many things happened without my knowledge, it spiraled out of control because of the initial server raid, and I want to offer my sincerest apologies for that, and for everything else.”
He lied. He doesn’t regret anything.
Do you remember how he claimed he never ordered an attack on anybody?
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Yes.... that was a lie.
He did plan to attack, though one member - the one they would later throw out of the admin team stopped him from attacking more people.
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It should have given us red flags they would ban the only member from the team who was actively against the bullying.
And as we see here they did attack the second time as soon as the opportunity arouse when Artillery were sending people after us after saying we should suck his d*.
So he didnt learn a thing. Please survivors stay save.
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ninjas-and-coffee · 4 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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Arrival Redo
Im not tagging anyone okay-
Yes I took inspiration from several fanfictions that I liked
please don't hate me
Varian looked down at the ground as he walked. Papers gathered in his arms, lost in thought. Rapunzel had tasked him with making the Dungeon more hospitable for prisoners, after he told her how terrible it was down there.
Being the Royal Engineer, he didn’t have the right to refuse, but he hated working on the project. He only needed to be down there for reference point, he wasn’t the one who would be carrying out the designs (thank god), but every second he was down there was like a weight pressing down on his chest. He constantly felt like he was stuck, like he wouldn’t be able to leave, and this place would be the last he would see. Not to mention the prisoners themselves. One in particular had been making the task nearly unbearable. He tried to ignore him, but the man knew exactly how to get under his skin...
He hadn’t told Rapunzel about his discomfort. It wasn’t up to him to decide which jobs he did and didn’t take on. And she’d been busy lately anyway, even though it’d been months since Zhan Tiri’s attack, they were still rebuilding. The pressure had only increased when her parents announced that they would be retiring soon, and Rapunzel would become queen.
Varian let out a breath, it’s okay, he could do this. He’d survived prison, attempted murder, all kinds of crazy magic, kidnapping, and a demon attack. He could survive this project. Besides, it wa-
Voices cut into his thoughts. Varian paused, looking to his left at a door that was slightly ajar. He weighed his options for a moment, before curiosity got the better of him. He moved to stand next to the door, leaning in to hear what the people inside were saying.
“-ust don’t know what to do, Nigel!” Varian recognized that voice as Rapunzel’s. She sounded frustrated.
“Your majesty, you already know my opinion on the matter.” Nigel’s nasally voice sounded from inside.
“I am not firing him! He’s the best person for the job and you know it! I-I just... he seems so stressed lately, and I don’t know how to help...”
“well, I’m not quite sure how to help with that, but, there is the matter of the letters.”
“We’ve already talked about the letters.”
“Princess, with all due respect, we can’t just ignore them.”
“Yes, we can! Just because a few citizens are upset that, doesn’t mean I’m going to change something that doesn’t need changing! And I want you to make sure that Varian doesn’t hear a single word about them!”
“Your highness, I-“
Varian had heard enough. He stepped into the room. “That I don’t hear a single word about what?”
Rapunzel looked up at her, eyes wide. She was unable to find words.
“The matters of the Princess are none of your concern.” Nigel said with undisguised dislike for the teen in front of him.
“They are if they involve me.” Varian said, crossing his arms.
“Varian I...” Rapunzel started “I-I can’t tell you, but trust me when I say that you’re better off not knowing.”
“Great, so now you’re keeping things from me. Rapunzel, what is this about? What are the letters?”
“I...” she looked away, biting her lip. “...Varian, please...”
“You’re still not going to tell me?! They’re about me, aren’t they?”
Rapunzel looked away, and Varian felt his face heat in anger. He clenched his fists. “Fine! Fine, you’re not going to tell me, that’s fine.”
He turned, moving to storm towards the door.
“Varian-“ Rapunzel tried
“I’ll be in my lab.” He snapped, before slamming the door behind him.
Varian sat at a table at his workbench, leaned back and staring at the ceiling, letting the anger wash over him. Yes, he was being unreasonable, but he was sick and tired of being treated like a child, having things be kept from him simply because whomever was in question felt like he couldn’t handle it. Having one of the only people in the world he genuinely trusted do it...
The raccoon curled up on his chest chittered next to him, pressing his furry head into Varian’s cheek in an attempt to comfort him. The fuming boy took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, raising a gloved hand to scratch the ring-tailed bandit behind the ears. Ruddiger made a sound akin to purring in reply.
His lab was nice, to his tastes at least. It was messy, but it helped add to the personality. It’d been gifted to him along with the position of Royal Engineer.
Varian looked up at the sound of the door opening. He’d been expecting Rapunzel, and was surprised when he was met with Nigel instead. Ruddiger moved to curl around Varian’s shoulder’s protectively, narrowing his eyes at the man. The man looked around the cluttered room, distain and disgust easily visible on his face. There was a stack of paper clutched in his hand.
“What do you want?” Varian asked less than politely. He really wasn’t in the mood to bother with protocol.
Nigel moved his eyes to the teen in the chair with distaste. “You wanted to know what was in the letters, so here they are.”
He tossed the stack of papers the the ground next to Varian’s chair. Varian looked from the papers to him, puzzled.
“If I’m being honest, I agree with every word they say. And, frankly I think a mutt you should follow their advice.” He turned, moving back towards the door. He paused at the doorway, looking back with his eyes narrowed and lips pulled back in a sneer. “By the way, you aren’t fooling anyone with your little drag show, young lady.”
He closed the door before Varian could spit a scathing comment. Ruddiger hissed at the closed door, tail swishing. Varian closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. This wasn’t the first time someone had purposely misgendered him. It shouldn’t effect him this much.
After a moment, he mulled over the first insult he’d used... “mutt” It left a foul taste in his mouth... dehumanizing. He guess it came from the fact that his parents had both been refugees, he wasn’t even Coronian... or, at least not in most people’s eyes. But he’d been born and raised here. To say that he was belonging to any other kingdom would feel wrong. It didn’t matter anyway. He took a deep breath and stood, walking over to the pile of paper.
Ruddiger’s ears flattened against his head, letting out an anxious trill. He pawed at Varian’s face, but Varian ignored him, looking down at the paper at the top of the stack.
“Princess Rapunzel,
As a Citizen, I have stood by all your decisions as Princess and temporary queen except for one. Your decision to pardon two of the kingdom’s most dangerous criminals is something I cannot possibly fathom. At least Cassandra has left the kingdom, but to keep the traitor Varian on staff? It’s honestly horrifying to me and several others. A dangerous criminal like him should be locked in prison or dead, kept away from yourself and your people, not gifted with a position so high in rank. I sincerely hope you take my words into account.
Wishing for the best,
A troubled citizen.”
Varian knew he should stop. He knew that nothing good could come from reading more, but he pressed on, flipping the page and reading the next.
That was odd. It was addressed to him, why hadn’t he received it? Was the Princess Reading his mail?
“I don’t know what you’ve done to the royal family. Whether you’ve bewitched them or used some kind of mind game, I want you to know that you don’t have everyone fooled. If I were you, I’d turn yourself in or jump off Corona bridge before people discover your true intentions. Lord knows you deserve it after what you’ve done. We’re watching you.“
Varian pressed on. Some were signed, some weren’t (although very few had names attached), some addressed to himself, some to the Princess, a handful were even addressed to the king or queen. Some (he ones that Varian assumed were from old Corona), addressed him by his old name and called him a witch. But, despite the differing methods of explaining it, they all had the same idea; Varian was  a dangerous criminal and shouldn’t be working at the castle.
When he’d finally finished reading, he sat there, numb. He closed his eyes, swallowing. He understood now why the Princess hadn’t wanted to show him. Despite acknowledging the Princess’s reasoning behind her actions, he didn’t regret reading them. Now he knew how people perceived him, now he knew that he had to be more careful.
Shakily, the ravenette stood, raising Ruddiger from where he’d been curled around Varian’s shoulders and placing him on his work chair. The small mammal trilled in worry for his human, tail swishing behind him. Varian gave his friend a small smile. (it was fake, of course, but Varian had become very skilled at making them look convincing as of late)
“It’s okay, buddy, I’m alright. I just need a minute alone... I’m going to take a walk...”
The raccoon reluctantly curled into a ball, still looking up at his human with concern as he turned, grabbed the backpack he kept with himself at all times when going out, and walked towards the door
The castle was relatively quiet, most people who usually resides here were out enjoying the beautiful day. Light filtered through the stained glass windows built into the wall. Varian had never re-adjusted to the light level of the capital. It was nicknamed the kingdom of the sun for a reason, but after the crushing darkness of the dungeon beneath his feet, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to take the brightness for granted again.
As he stepped out into the courtyard, several guards waved at him. He nervously waved back, anxiety bubbling in his chest at the sight of the uniform they wore. Eugene had given it a name... what was it? Fear of authority? That sounded right... strangely enough, Eugene was the only person in uniform that he wasn’t scared of.
He made his way through the capital, people around him going about their business. Their reactions to him were diverse, some smiled and waved, some sent glares his way, some ignored him completely. Varian kept his eyes fixed on the ground, trying to make himself small.
Eventually, he made it outside the main city. He walked across the bridge, keeping one hand on the railing. He paused in the center, eyes lingering on where he’d stood only a few months ago, looking down at the water as his form shook, trying to force himself to move forward.
He shook himself out of the memory, he was in a better place now. Sure, he still had the occasional depressive episode or panic attack, but he had been doing great considering all that had happened to him.
He stepped off the bridge, pausing a moment to decide whether he should keep going along the path or walk through the forest. He decided that the latter would be more interesting and started walking slightly to the left.
Because of Varian’s tendency to spend hours or even days locked in his room and his fascination with technology, one could guess that he wasn’t a nature person. But, in reality, the opposite was true. Varian was quite fond of the outdoors and of nature itself. He’d always been better with animals than he was with people, and a walk through the forest had always been his second favorite way to calm himself down (the first being alchemy, but even the idea itself was tiring to him at the moment). He sighed, closing his eyes and letting the sounds and feelings of the forest wash over him.
He wasn’t upset. The people who wrote the letters were justified on their feelings. He’d attacked the kingdom, tried to kill its leaders, been sent to prison, escaped with a Saporian terrorist, and taken over the kingdom. Then, in what must have seemed like the blink of an eye to them, Rapunzel had returned, completely pardoned him for everything he’d done, and been rewarded with a position of high honor. No wonder they were suspicious of him.
No, he wasn’t upset that multiple of them had told him to kill himself, or that he should be back in the prison he now hated with every fiber of his being.
He definitely wasn’t.
As for Rapunzel, he wasn’t angry at her. He knew her. She could be scarily protective when she needed to be, and she saw it as her duty to keep Varian safe. Emotionally and physically. He had no right to be angry that she’d read his mail, kept something as big as this from him, and still hadn’t fired that good-for-nothing advisor.
Since his recovery, he’d learned to keep all negative emotions under lock and key. Especially anger, now that he knew how quickly it could spiral out of control. So he knew that that definitely wasn’t what he was feeling as he walked deeper and deeper into the thickening trees.
It was precisely thirteen seconds after the teen decided that he was under no circumstances angry at Corona, its people, or its Princess, that he found himself falling.
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tortadecuchufli · 4 years
The Ultimate Poll: Results!
Ok. after sharing the link in a couple of places, I’ve decided to close it and show what I found. Eveyrhting will be under a cut since this is kind of long. I’ll put top 3 answers for some of them, and highlights.
Saying that, let’s start!.
Note: a total of 79 people answered this, including myself.
Q1: Cats or Dogs?
#1. Both: 35 (44,3%)
#2. Cats: 32 (40.5%)
#3: Dogs: 10 (12,7%)
#4. None: 2 (2,5%)
So, a total of 67 people like cats, while 45 people like dogs (regardless of preference), and i think its pretty great to see how they both overlap in preference!
Q2: Age
#1: 16-18 y/o: 34 (43%)
#2: 13-15 y/o: 32 (40.5%)
#3: 19-21 y/o: 11 (13.9)
And the other two people were someone younger than twelve and another person between 25 and 30 years old. 
Mostly teenagers and a few young adults.
Q3: How many siblings do you have?
note: I said that adoptive siblings were counted, but I let people determine their own case.
#1: 2: 31 (39.2%) 
#2 1: 27 (34.2%)
#3 0: 6 (7.6%)
12 people had more than 3 siblings and other 3 people didnt know an exact number.
Honestly, i’m not that surprised by these results, but god have mercy upon the people who have a lot of siblings. it can be chaotic.
Q4: regarding siblings, which one describes you?
#1: Oldest child: 26 (32.9%)
#2: Youngest child: 20 (25.3%)
#3: Middle child: 18 (22,8%)
#4: Only child: 9 (11,4%)
The other 6 (7.6) aren’t sure. I just wonder, How are there people without siblings that arent Only children? Only they know.
Q5 What is your Zodiac sign?
#1: Aquarius and Sagittarius: each one having 10 votes (equal to 12.7%)
#2: Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces and Aries: with 7 votes each (equal to 8.9%)
#3: Cancer and Scorpio: 5 votes each (6.3%)
The least common sign was Libra with only 2 votes. There were in fact more people who weren’t sure (4)
I would say it was pretty even since i expected to get about 6 or 7 votes considering total votes.
thx for the person who put their big three lol
Q6:  How many chairs are in the place you live in?
#1: 10-12 and 16 or more: Each option got 19 votes (24.1%)
#:2: 7-9 and 13-15: Each option got 15 votes (19%) 
This is the most well distributed question so far. Oh, and I’m really sorry for the person who doesnt have a single chair.
Q7: What’s your eye color?
#1: Brown:  34 (43%)
#2: Blue: 22 (27.8%)
#3: Hazel: 9 (11.4%)
Fun fact: there was a time where blue was almost tied with brown, must be the influence of majorly white servers, or my own bias becuase i know like 5 people IRL with blue eyes at most.
Q8:  Have you ever eaten pineapple on pizza?
#1: Yes: 52 (65.8%) 
#2: No: 25 (31.6%)
Highlights: The person who said “other” just to write “Hell no”
Q9: Is you said yes, did you like it?
note: i dont trust this question in particular because the answers don’t add up accordinfg to the previous question. Regardless:
#1: Yes: 33 (56.9%)
#2: No: 21 (36.2%)
#3: Various ways of being neutral: 4 (6.9%)
Q10:  What's the color and/or pattern of your current blanket?
At least six people having plain blue  (I’m one of them) plain gray and white shows up as well.
Floral patterns are pretty common! I counted 10
I saw about 7 people with circle patterns.
Stripes and wawes are less common than I expected but still present.
Some of these are so cool! Where did they get the map one? I love it.
I loved with question and I might copy all the answers if I wasnt lazy.
Q11:  Coffee or tea?
#1: Tea: 28 (35.4%)
#2: Both: 24 (30.4%)
#3: None: 10 (12.7%)
#4: Coffee: 8 (10.1%)
7 people said Hot chocolate 
The person who drinks mate! Good choice!
Q12:  Name a type of food you used to hate but you like now
Definitely the most diverse section. there are all kind of things here, but the most common are tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms and vegetables.overall
Shout out to he person who hated gnocchis and gave a full rant about their family making them eat them for tradition
“Butter...its a complicated story”
Q13:  What's the percentage of battery in your current device?
#1: 81-100% and 41-60%: 19 votes each (24,1%) (counting the person who thought it was on topic to tell me they have an iPhone 7)
#2: 61-80%: 18 votes (22.8%)
Q14: What time is it now?
4:28 AM
There were two cases of different people answering at the same time with the same timezone. One occured at 22:40 and the other at 14:33 (i think it was when i released it in the first Discord server)
The range with the most answers is 14:00-14:59
It was evenly distributed  with some peaks between 12:00 and 17:00 and past 20:00
Q15: Cereal or Milk first?
#1: Cereal: 58 (73.4%)
#2: I don’t like cereal and milk together: 16 (20.3%)
#3 Milk: 4 (5.1%)
#4: cereal only: 1 (1.3%)
If we remove from the equation those without a preference, we have 62 people left. Making Cereal equivaent to 93.5% and Milk to 6.5%
Q16:  Write the first word or phrase that comes to your mind?
5 answers contain the word “gay”, and as many answers contain the word fuck
“ Why was there a question mark at the end of that last question?” I don’t know man, don’t call me out like this.
"yo quería ma' :("  [I wanted more] Me too lol...
“Piss off“ ...but not everyone thought the same :c
“Epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän.” (it’ s a Finhish word without translation in English
“Yes” and “No” (also “ no❤ “)
Words of wisdom “ A society of complete tolerance must be intolerant of intolerance, thus causing a paradox, but it can be overriden by exempting intolerance intolerance. “
song lyrics
This has been all! I hope you enjoyed reading through this. We learnt a lot of things, found out about preferences, and most people answering it got ot have a little fun. See you!
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vasiliassuns · 4 years
thistle gimme the tea on ruby
♥ oh gods, you really just love getting me on the analysis trains, hm ?
♥ ( note ; do not read this post if you absolutely love ruby with all of your heart and believe she is 100% innocent , to each their own , these are just my own personal opinions and im not trying to offend anybody ) 
♥ warning ! this post is very long, and essentially turned into a character analysis of specific moments and nearly an entire volume largely based off of how i see the show. it is multiple paragraphs long, standing at exactly 3444 words exactly. there will be a tl;dr at the end for anybody who doesnt want to read the full post, or has trouble focusing ! thank you for understanding. 
♥ where do i start ? personally, ruby’s character really got it’s worst in volume 7. i really enjoyed her character pre - fall of beacon, and a decent amount in volumes 4 - 6 as well. there is a moment in volume 4 that make me let out a long sigh, as well as a singular moment in volume 5 that greatly confuses me on her character, so i will touch up on that as well.
♥ volume 7 is what kills my love for her character, in all honest, as well as some moments in volume 6 that i feel could have been written better. i’ll go in chronological order for this, starting with my “:///” towards a part in volume 4, then confusion of a scene in volume 5, then the slight issues that developed with her in volume 6, then moving on to volume 7 and how im no longer really enjoying her character
♥ so, in volume 4, its very common knowledge that tyrian was sent to attack and retrieve ruby to bring back to salem, due to her having silver eyes and the damage she cause salems fall maiden. when qrow shows up to save ruby at the perfect last second, he adamantly tells her and the rest of team rnjr to stay out of the fight. at first, ren and nora dont listen, but then do, which is fair. but ruby continued to push her helping qrow. as we all know now, qrow was telling her to stay back due to his semblance. while, yes, ruby did help qrow against tyrian with a couple of the blows, the fight would have gone much different should she have not interfered (personally, i feel like qrow would have had a shot at beating tyrian, especially because their auras were both flickering and they seemed very evenly matched). but due to her constant interference, she nearly got knocked out by a large wooden beam, had qrow not sliced it in half. she wound up (even if it was accidentally) distracting qrow, giving tyrian the opportunity to nearly poison him. i dont hate her for wanting to help in this scene, because its her uncle who she cares about, but i feel like she also should have trusted qrow and stayed out of the fight. the line “this is my fight too” also gets me. maam, this isnt your fight, the fight is about you, but doesnt need to physically involve you.
♥ with volume 5. its a very well known scene, at least in my opinion. when weiss got impaled by none other than cinder fucking fall. within the few episode long battle for haven, we did see ruby’s eyes activate once when jaune and cinder were running / flying at each other to fight. i do understand why her eyes activated there, because jaune is her first friend from beacon that wasn’t her sister, arguably one of her closest. what i dont understand is why ruby’s eyes didnt activate when she saw that cinder had impaled weiss with the spear, weiss sitting in the same position ruby last saw pyrrha in, weiss an inch from death. it just doesnt add up to me how her teammate and partner, somebody who’s saved her multiple times and shes saved multiple times. it may be that she was too stressed in the moment for them to properly activate, which we’ve seen ( in volume 7 ), but i still feel like something should have happened with her eyes. 
♥ continuing on with volume 6, i really didnt have many issues with her character here either, but a few of her lines / moments kinda made me go “:/ bruh why tho” closer to the end of this volume. it’s really only two quotes of her’s that get me, which is “Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you.” from the episode ‘lost’. i partially understand what she’s saying here, but at the same time, she says this to qrow, who saved her life on multiple occasions, and who wanted to get to atlas without breaking any laws. the way she said it (nothing against lindsay, she is an amazing and very talented voice actress, and she delivers nearly all of rubys lines perfectly, but imagine as if this was a real person we knew), kind of seemed decently rude to me. i understand that she knows they need to get to atlas, because james can help them (ill bring this back up later, trust me), and shes clearly not afraid to break the law that involves james’ military to get to him. 
♥ the second thing in volume 6 about ruby that semi-upsets me / makes me go “:/” is in the episode seeing red, when she was talking to cordovin, she said “ We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone! We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.” this semi-upsets me mostly because of the line “bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed”, as well as “we did it because you gave us no other choice.”. the “bigger people than you” gets me because while, yes, in the grand scheme of things within the war against salem, cordovin is a small footnote within it, the only other people who physically tried to stop team rwby was roman (who sadly was eaten by grimm due to his negative emotions with flocks of grimm around, not because of ruby), cinder’s miniature faction (who only partially failed. as much as i hate cinders character, she didnt fully fail in stopping rwby, she just was forced to step back for a while...multiple times.), and tyrian with rnjr. roman didnt inherently fail, he just chose to walk away from the fights hed been having with team rwby in order to devise a new plan to beat them the next time. cinder’s faction only partially failed because ruby managed to get on top of beacon tower in volume 3 with weiss’ help, watching pyrrha pass away thus activating her silver eyes for the first time. the only reason tyrian failed to stop rnjr was because qrow was there to help, and ruby managed to get an opening to slice his tail in half (which. ew that shot looked disgusting). yes, bigger people have tried to stop her and her friends, but they didnt inherently fail, at least not yet. with the line “we did it because you gave no other choice!” mostly just confuses me. while yes, technically cordovin didnt really give any options for the group, it didnt automatically mean that they had to instantly resort to stealing from the military. 
♥ now ! onto volume 7, where my salt really starts. because i have a growing icky feeling about her character in volume 7, im going to split this next bit up into three parts. the first part being the first 4 episodes, the second being episodes 5-9 and the third and final being episodes 10-13. buckle up!
♥ episode 1, i really have nothing against ruby. she has the same attitude she did in volume 6 and before, which is a mixture of pure but also wanting to stop salem.
♥ its episode 2 that starts to get me. as i mentioned earlier, ruby knows they have to get to atlas because they know james can help them, and that the lamp is safer if its locked away in the vault, but then she suddenly doesnt trust james. i dont know if this is because the ace-operatives arresting them, but in that situation, james also couldnt have known who the unlicensed huntsmen were. as seen by his and winter’s reactions to the soliders bringing rwby+jnr+oscar & qrow in, they instantly tell them to let the 9 go, because james and winter personally know them and know they would never attack people. so, i dont really know why ruby would stop trusting the idea that james could help them because of that. it may also be the fact that ruby doesnt like the idea that james was planning on telling the people of atlas and mantle about salem (which, honestly? to me? this decision seems fully rash and makes a lot of sense.), but even then, if the students at the vytal festival knew about salem, or the world did, it may have proven to be more beneficial to them, because the more people that knew she existed, the more people who can fight her or the more people that can support those who are fighting her on the front lines, so ruby no longer trusting him over that doesnt make sense to me either. ruby’s sudden distrust of james upsets me quite a bit, because she and the team shed been traveling with had learned ozpin was hiding things from them (my feelings on this is a whole different post, but not necessarily a negative one), and was very upset about that. really, her openly lying to james about not knowing why ozpin had disappeared / locked himself away in oscars mind, as well as the amount of questions jinn has left, really ticks me off. they spent the entirety of volume 6 trying to get to atlas and to james because they needed his help, and once they finally got there, in front of the man himself, she lied. she became the exact same thing that she and her group had openly not liked what so ever, which was a blatant liar. id understand if ruby said that jinn had one more question left, to see how james would react, and tell him of salem’s immortality at a slightly later date, when they got into the rhythm of being around each other and working as a team against salem, but just blatantly lying, without consulting her team prior, to the man who could in all honesty make or break how they fought this war, was plain wrong.
♥ in episode 3, ruby was mostly back to who she had been prior to this entire mess. she explains why theyre hiding stuff from james, albeit in the vaguest way possible (weiss and blake explain the thinking behind it more than she does, honestly). we also see the beginning of a conversation between ruby and oscar about them lying to james. though, with the lying situation and who she was turning into, this is really all for this episode.
♥ in episode 4, the largest scene we see with ruby openly talking about her distrust for james is her conversation with qrow. she says “I'm trying to do what I think is best, but I really can't tell if what's best is what's right. Or if I'm no different from Oz.“, which at this point, shes nothing like ozpin. shes worse. ozpin was hiding the truth about salem due to the trauma connected to her and the fact of her immortality that the ozma line of reincarnations had, which isnt entirely a bad thing. should he have tried to find a way to tell them she was immortal without disclosing his own personal traumas? absolutely, i dont disagree that he hadnt made brash decisions, that should have been made differently, but the sad truth is, is that ozpin chose to hide what he hid, but that one mistake (albeit, a large one) doesnt entirely make him a terrible person. ruby, however? her choice on telling james wasnt brash, it was blatantly impetuous. she barely thought and decided to lie on the spot, unless shed purposefully been internally planning for a long while to lie to him, and had a lie stored up to use should he have asked. that isnt okay, what so ever. the conversation ruby had with qrow eventually delvs into talking about summer, which isnt really important.
♥ when thinking about episodes 5 through 8, nothing particularly stands out to me as ruby blatantly lying. those episodes are mostly team rwby and jnr doing huntsman work, yang making a terrible decision and making blake talk for her, and r/enora turning into something i honestly really hate. episode 9 however, gets me thinking.
♥ in episode 9, the finally tell james that salem cant be killed, but ruby doesnt tell james, oscar does. a quick side note, i really like the fact that crwby had oscar tell james and not ruby, because oscar is the current (and hopefully final) reincarnation of ozma, and its a secret his past lives kept for a millennia. but! back to ruby. within this episode, before she decides they can finally tell james about salem (which, as you can tell, i believe they should have done instantly), ruby is preaching to james about how they can figure it out and that how they should all work together. this pisses me off because shes standing there, hiding one of the largest, if not the largest secret in the show, to a man who has done everything for her and her team. james trusted rwby, especially ruby, with everything he knew, gave them new weapons, clothes, a place to stay, food, etc. all for free because he trusted they wouldnt hide anything from them. another thing that gets me about ruby saying it was finally time to tell james, was that it seemed solely up to her to tell him or to chose when to tell him. it was up to the technically youngest in the group to chose when to tell james about salems immortality (i say technically, because oscar is the current reincarnation of a millennia old line, and i personally have seen him be wiser than ruby in this, weather hes more mature than her or not. physically, yes, oscar is the youngest. mentally? i really dont think hes the youngest in that regard). it doesnt make sense to me as to why everybody was trusting ruby with when to tell james. why wouldnt qrow tell him? qrows known james for years, weather they were close friends (that hug and sincerity tells me that they arent the bickering work partners v3 shaped them up to be) or not. qrow knows he can trust james because simply of how long theyve known each other. weiss knows she can trust james, hes been seen multiple times in the show defending her against jacques, even offering her a place at atlas academy (that bit to me seemed like james offering weiss a way to get away from jacques, because she would need to live at atlas to properly be a student, not the manor), he even said “shes the only one making any sense around here” after weiss got rightfully upset at the woman talking beacon down in volume 4. oscar knows he can trust james, simply because of his connection to ozpin. seeing as ozpin can access oscars memories, and its cannon that their memories merge, its safe to say that oscar was able to see who james used to be pre-fall of beacon, and to see the kind of man he was, as well as making his own judgement based on their first introduction together. so, why would these three, and the rest of the team traveling with ruby not tell james the truth? hell, qrow is a mother fucking spy. im pretty sure he would be able to tear james apart and figure out his intentions pretty easily. why couldnt qrow have just had a one on one conversation with james to make his own final call, as the fully fledged adult of the group? it doesnt make sense to me why they would trust ruby with this extremely important decision what so ever. 
♥ episode 10, there really isnt anything i have against ruby. shes fighting to protect mantle and is doing her current job, which is one of the few details i can appreciate, but thats about it. 
♥ episode 11 and 12 specifically piss me off, and not just about ruby, about nearly everybody involved. i understand rubys standing in this, saying that they need to stand their ground and fight salem head on, unlike they had in the past, i honestly probably would have said the same thing if i were her too. james had emotionally shut down at this point, i think that this is very clearly evident, especially seeing as the white sparkles in his eyes have dissipated, something we commonly see in the eyes of rwby characters to represent their humanity or emotional status. james is emotionally shut down, the ace-operatives have their own opinions on this situation which is entirely okay and valid, and they happen to be siding with james. blake is trying to take the calmer approach, most likely having noticed that if they lashed out like yang began to, it would go very bad very quick. weiss was in a state of semi-shock, her mind most likely naturally connecting their current situation with trauma and abuse she endured as a child (most prominently ; isolation). but how ruby handled going against james and the fight against the ace-operatives / specifically harriet, was down right wrong. she should not have jumped past james with her semblance to reveal james’ plan, which automatically escalated the situation from bad to even fucking worse. she yet again made a decision for herself and a group of people that can cost them their lives if things dont go their way (which, knowing how this show can be written sometimes? it will always go their way in the end), without thinking. i really dont feel i have to explain how spontaneous her choice on this is, especially because i know multiple people have covered it in better written posts. it essentially boils down to rubys blatantly reckless actions and absolutely moronic choices to do what they did. do not get me started on her line of “then you trained us” or the fact that all the ace-operatives walked into that fight with less aura than team rwby, which already gave them an unfair advantage. i really do not have the patience to fully type out and explain why i hate these two episodes with my entire being, but it mostly boils down to: nobody in this situation is right. not ream rwby, not james, not the ace-ops, very clearly not salem and her lackeys, not qrow choosing to fight 1v1v1, or cinder for a multitude of reasons. the only characters in these episodes i dont have a burning hatred for, be it temporarily or a fire i have a feeling will be burning for a while, is team jnr and oscar. they were trying their best in regards of what was best for everybody, oscar wanting to help james to the best of his ability. 
♥  tl;dr : basically? ruby rose in volumes 1 - 6 was actually a really enjoyable character and only had a few moments of “okay but why?” but everybody also has those moments. ruby rose in volume 7 turned into a hypocritical, blatantly rude and whiny little girl who i honestly cant really see as a good character at the moment at all, because of how she acted the entire volume. 
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the-settingsun · 5 years
Batman x reader
Hey! It's me starter fanfic writer...yay. I just want to say if you find any mistakes inform me please!. Feedback is welcome, but so are requests!
Oneshot: Bruce Wayne×fem!reader. Soulmates AU, where soulmate can feel your pain.
Warnings: none (As far as I am concerned)
Today felt slow and pointless for you. You knew that tomorrow and the day after and another day after and so and so will be the same. Slow and pointless was your movement, slow and pointless were your thoughts and your emotions. Everynight you would try to fall asleep, just to wake up. At first it was small things like pain in knucles of hit in the shoulder. But after first month of that it became worse. You would feel awful pain stinging you all across your body, all night every night.
As child you thought you would bs extra careful to not hurt yourself, only because your soulmate would feel the same pain. So everytime you fell or burned youself on the stove you would quietly say sorry. Unfortunately the habit stayed with you and you still feel sorry for every bit of pain he or she must be going through because of you. Ofcourse you also had little accidents like dropping something on you foot. But what happened to him was questionable, it was like every other calm and quiet night you were actually getting sleep you would usually recieve a sharo pain on cheek. Wich led you to believe that your soulmate was good with women, I mean what else then a slap could that be?
Everyday, thats how many times you found yourself wondering about who is your soulmate. At first it could be anyone, but when you add information you gained, your soulmate was either really shady person or living at opposite side of world. Having in mind that pain would mostly strike at night.
Since you knew Gotham wasn't the safest place for woman to be walking alone, you would take subway or bus but that wasn't an option since the roads and metro were under construction. So you had to walk, it wasnt pleasant having to change route because of every smoker or couple of men. But ou managed to get to your block. After a few minutes of standing under the last headlamp in the area you decided to get it over with. It was dark, and the last alley you had to cross was even darker since the moon wasnt shinig there due to tall buildings. You looked back, relieved there was nobody there, looked back once more, and once more when all of a suddent a bright light hit you, headlights of a car. You stumbled back pushing youself against a wall out of shock. Falling into some cardboard boxes.
The boxes provided a good hiding spot, but curiousity got into you and you moved one box and letting you see a man in purple suit got in the car, the Joker. You've never met him before and knew what was this man, scratch that this monstsr capable of. He could easily kill you, smile and not remember you next day. Stunned, you watched as the car moved forwards. It was all black, by this point you knew what car it was...rather who's car it was. It was batmobile, the batmobile. And if the batmobile was here, then batman must be nearby. And if batman was nearby, and also Joker was nearby, that means fight. Big fight. And fight equals trouble. Trouble near you.
Still, you watched as Joker turned around the corner. He turned off the engine, there was silence. Either batman was waiting for him or he has seen you. But you werent going to find out.
With one quick push you forced all boxed away, in swift movement you stood up and ran for you life. You were getting paranoid, he was following you, he was going to get to you. You quickly glanced back. Oh how you wish you didnt, he was there. The dark became light, and you were infront of your apartment building. Your first instinct was to just run straight inside. But is that really what you want? Joker knowing where you live? After he chased you? No! So you just keot running, your legs felt heavy, the known pain in the chest was slowing you down and you breath wont last much longer. You turned around, and before you saw anything. You felt your body hit something.
He got you, your body is going to be found next mornig and with no one to identify you you'll be just another paperwork for police officer. Or so you thought, until the figure you were hoping for revealed himself. The one and only dark knight.
It was all happening too fast too slow at the same time. One second you were falling, next thing you know you are standing watching Joker and Batman fight. It was furly mesmerizing and terrifing at the same time. You just stood there dumbfounded. You watched as Joker took some hits. But that was unimportant. Everytime batman got hit you felt it too. Whoever batman was, your soulmate just saved your life, he is saving lives everyday. Now it all made sense, thats why you felt enermous pain at night. He was beating bad guys. It was amazing feeling, meeting your soulmate. Everything was perfect for 3 whol seconds- until you felt someone grab you from behind. You screamed, it was natural reaction and you couldnt helo but scream more. Until a hand was put over your mouth.
You were being dragged away, with our brain shocked and scared you couldnt think of anything but that one of Joker's goongs is dragging you away. So you just watched how did your surroundings move. You saw how the two fightting men were becoming smaller and smaller as you unwillingly went further and further away. All hope was lost, you knew superheroes couldnt always save everyone. And this was batman's chance to catch his arch-enemy. You eyes widened, this gave you hope and maybe even more streght. What you ask? Joker was left behind by batman, who was running towards you.
He immiediately took down Joker's goon, with jut couple of hits. He pulled out his grapple gun and aimed it up at the sky. It seemed like he was going to leave you lying on the floor. But what type of hero would that be? He leaned down and grabbed my arm. This was it, all the pain will be gone. I touched my soulmate for the first time. Now I will no longer feel his pain, and so he'll not be able to feel mine. Our eyes locked, but before I could say anything he put his arm around my waist and we got out of there.
It was refreshing feeling, almost flying through Gotham. The wind was playing with your hair and you could see Gotham how no one else could. It wasnt long after you took off that you landed, rather crashed. You both landed on lower balcony of the Wayne tower... It was beautifull but you fell on some stairs, bruning pain echoed throught your body. But you kept quiet, shock kept you quiet. There was some ringing in our ears, but a loud thud could be heard close to you. With your right hand ou lifted yourself yourself up and saw that your soulmate was lying on the floor. As fast as you could you got up and went over to check his pulse. He was alive. But passed out. You started panicking, you knew that soulmates dont have to last long. One moment you could kiss for the first time and 5 minutes later you would be alone.
The lights, someone turned on the lights. You ran over to the glass door and started banging as yelling. You knew they heard you, becauss there was a man running towards you. He opened the door and looked what happened. He was older, tall and had suit. Lucius Fox, his nametag stated.
,,What happened madam?" Lucius started asking questions and you just made yourslef answer ,, Joker, he saved me and then" while you talked Lucius came closer to Batman and kneeled down ,,he bought us here." Tears started forming in your eyes, you just lost your soulmate. You turned around and wiped your tears with your dirty sleeve. It was freezing and tears were cooling down your gace even more. ,,May I ask you, why are ou crying. Uhmm?" You wiped your tears away again and looked into distance ,,(Y/N), my name is (Y/N) and I think that-" 
,, I am her soulmate." It was voice you recognized, batman. In one swift motion you turned around. And saw batman, holding his head and Lucius helping him get up.  Your eyes met and you smiled at eachother. It was the most amazing moment. But something was missing. Batman leaned against railing. Lucius ran inside, going to get some help. You came closer to him. Never breaking eye contact.
,,Im sorry" he said. You wanted to be angry. You wanted to be mad. But you couldn't, he felt as much pain as you did. But every bit of pain you two went throught saved one life. ,,I feel like something is missing" you said and kissed him. It was amazing, kissing your soulmate. You never had kissed anyone before, it was like youexpected. Only about million times better. You pulled away, he had smirk on his face, your face turned red. Then he answered question eveone asked.
Who is batman? Answer? Bruce Wayne, the playboy, bussinessman, millionaire and most importantly...
Your soulmate.
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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chapter nine / rem belongs to @forlornraven / masterpost / mature content
Nakoa wakes to darkness. He finds out easily that he’s in a vehicle; the rumble of tires beneath him, the loud, high-pitched squeal of rubber on asphalt.
The hard, unforgiving feel of metal against his shoulder. He opens his eyes, but it makes no difference. He sees slivers of light, but nothing really. Nakoa blinks, once, twice, and, when he turns over, finds himself grateful for the lack of light, because just the slivers of daylight peeking through are enough to send spikes through his brain.
“You awake?” He jolts at the sound of a voice, relaxes when Rem adds, “Hey, it’s just me.” His words are near slurring, though. Nakoa spins his head to look for him, nervous, worried, but it’s impossible to see in the darkness. “I—” Rem huffs a frustrated breath. “Can’t see a fucking thing—where are you?”
One of Rem’s boots finds Nakoa’s ribs. He mutters an apology, then says, “Hang on—” before he reaches down, his hand skirting along Nakoa’s back until he reaches Nakoa’s hands, clasped behind him. “Hold still.”
The ties release after just a second, and when Nakoa pulls them up, he asks, “How the fuck did you get out of them?” The plastic rubbed his wrists raw, even as short as they were on.
He can hear Rem’s grin in his voice when he speaks, though, and his presence makes the dark, unforgiving trcuk a little less foreboding. “You think I leave the motel without a knife?”
Nakoa would laugh, if he could. Instead, he reaches a hand out, trying to find Rem in the dark. “Where—” he says, before he makes contact with Rem’s knee. Relief settles in his stomach, and he reaches out for Rem’s hand, squeezes it. Feels better already when Rem squeezes back.
“You okay?” Nakoa asks. “That looked.” Bad. Terrible. Nakoa sees it no matter where he looks, Rem lying on the asphalt like that.
“Mm.” But his voice sounds far away. “Nakoa.”
“What the fuck?”
Nakoa should have known, knows he should have. That he should have said something to Rem, but… “My father’s—” The word tastes bitter on his tongue. “…in imports.”
“Drugs,” Rem says, immediately. “Fucking hell, Nakoa.”
It’s how Nakoa got started. It’s why he kept going with them. Michael’s into more than just weed, though, and therein lies the problem. That Nakoa knows. Michael had beat him, when Nakoa found out, and has since used his strength to his advantage. Try as he might, Nakoa can only throw a punch if he’s catching someone off guard, if they can fight worse than he can.
Michael doesn’t fit the bill, and he’s always carrying.
“I didn’t have a choice!” Nakoa says. “And I thought. Maybe, if I wasn’t there… why would he waste a bunch of bullshit on me? Men, resources.” Why would he follow Nakoa across the country? Nakoa, of all people?
“You stole from him,” Rem says. His voice comes out flat. “Nakoa.”
“You don’t get to play like you wouldn’t have done the same fucking thing,” he says, tone sharp. He pulls back from Rem, smells blood on his hands as he wipes them down his face. “How often have you stolen whiskey?”
“It’s legal! You wanna compare that to coke?”
Exhausted, suddenly, Nakoa says, “I really need you to not fucking judge me. I stopped, okay? He didn’t notice, and even if he had, what was he gonna do?” Michael hates Nakoa; always has. A disappointment, and that isn’t even considering Rem. That’s not considering the fact that Michael knows, and always has, that Nakoa beds men as often as he does women. It’s been like this since Nakoa was born, his father distant for work, and Nakoa eager for his approval and stumbling on his work at thirteen.
“He couldn’t do anything about it then,” Nakoa says. “But now what’s stopping him? His kid went missing. No one’s gonna care if I end up in a ditch.”
“Don’t fucking joke about that.”
Nakoa shuts his mouth, though. Taps his fingers on the metal on the floor. He says, “I should have told you.” He wants to apologize; can’t.
Wishes that he could just… touch Rem. No expectation. Find comfort in his touch.
He holds his hands to himself, and neither of them speak.
Eventually, the van slows to a stop, and doesn’t start again. Rem gets to his feet, says, “I got this.” Nakoa hears the knife unlatching in his hand. “Stay back.”
“Don’t being a knife to a gun fight, you—” Nakoa sighs. “Just—get behind me.”
“I’m not going to let you—”
“He’s my father,” Nakoa says, his voice cracking. “Let me deal with him.” He thinks about clocking Rem on the head again, but if he got knocked out that bad, he might already have a concussion.
Nakoa doesn’t say, “I want you safe.” He doesn’t say that it means more to him that Rem is okay, that Rem can go home. Maybe Rem thinks he’s worthless, but he’s Nakoa’s entire world.
The door slides up, and Nakoa blinks against the blinding light. Rem stands behind him, body heat warming Nakoa’s back. Michael’s behind his men, chatting on the phone, but Nakoa doesn’t move, not until Michael says, his voice almost bored, like he’s not still devising a plan. “Come join me for dinner.”
Nakoa blinks. “Pretty fucking dramatic entrance for dinner.”
Michael rolls his eyes. “You could show a little respect.”
Already disappointing his father, and they’ve been reunited for a matter of minutes. Nakoa holds his gaze and says, “You wanna kill me, go ahead.”
Behind him, he hears Rem make a small, distressed noise. “Nakoa—”
But Nakoa’s tired of living in this hole, in his father’s shadow, too afraid to move beyond Michael and his wants. Too afraid Michael might follow through on his threats.
“Just come. We’ll discuss what I plan to do with you at dinner.” Michael sighs, rubbing his forehead. “I keep forgetting about the carry on.” Nakoa catches his attention shifting to Rem, wishes it wouldn’t. “Hm. Looks like he’s the reason they’re free. Someone remind me we need handcuffs.”
When Nakoa doesn’t go forward, Michael sighs, says, “Someone grab him, please. Leave the other.” He sighs. “And tie him up this time?”
One of the men hauls Nakoa from the truck, by the hair, the shoulder. Nakoa swears, grips at the guy’s wrist and tries to walk with him, can’t. Holds tight and tries to lessen the pressure on his hair, anyway.
He watches as Rem crawls from the truck, eyes wide with fear, brandishing his knife. In comparison to giant men with handguns, he looks like a small, terrified child. Nakoa knows better than to call out his name, so he doesn’t.
His chest aches, and a half-strangled, “Rem—” escapes from his throat, just as the man dragging him pulls him into a building. Before the door shuts, Nakoa catches sight of Rem lashing out, the sound of a gunshot, then… Nothing.
Nakoa finds himself dropped at Michael’s feet, scalp burning, Michael staring down at him with something akin to disinterest. “I wish things could have gone differently for you, Nakoa.”
This is nothing like the Michael Nakoa remembers. This man is… different. Distressingly calm, quiet.
Nakoa prefers him screaming. Calm breeds terror in Nakoa’s chest, and he doesn’t care for the way it burrows in and refuses to leave.
“Up.” It’s not a request. “Dinner.”
Tossing a scowl back at the man who’d dragged him, Nakoa rubs his wrists, follows Michael through the warehouse.. He needs to stay around until he can get back to Rem, anyway. After that… who cares? Michael can do whatever he wants with Nakoa, as long as Rem gets out of this safely.
Michael leads him into another room to a table sitting alone, like one in the movies, covered with a tablecloth, a single lightbulb illuminating the table and nothing more.
With a swallow, Nakoa takes his seat, still rubbing his wrists. Michael sits in the other chair, and, neat as can fucking be, he undoes his napkin and lays it across his lap.
“Nakoa,” Michael says, and now he sounds more like himself, like the Michael Nakoa remembers. “You are a pain in my ass, you know that?”
“So the pleasant, calm druglord, that’s just for your employees. But your son, all bets are off.”
Michael’s gaze is sharp, piercing, and Nakoa wishes he’d kept his mouth shut. “Ungrateful. You know,” he says, already lifting the lid from his dinner, “you really don’t understand the sacrifices I’ve made for you. The resources I’ve wasted finding you.”
As if Nakoa asked for it. As if he gives a shit about whether Michael goes broke. As if he cares, for half a second, what Michael loses. He sits back, crosses his arms. Waits.
“I can see you’re going to be difficult, so let me lay this out for you.” He pops a bite of dinner—steak, because of course it is—into his mouth, and chews. Slow. Nakoa knows the tactic well, terrify them with their own imagination. “You’ll come home with me.”
“Over my—”
“—and we can leave your friend here to fend for himself.”
Eyebrow raised, Michael cuts back into his steak. “I could just as easily kill your friend, you know. He hardly seems like a man someone will miss.” At Nakoa’s expression, Michael laughs. “Don’t tell me you think—” He shakes his head. “You’re a fool, Nakoa.”
Better a fool than a prick, Nakoa thinks, but he doesn’t say so. Michael married a gentle woman, one he can scare into submission, and he thinks Nakoa’s life choices are worth judging. “Next option,” he says, through gritted teeth, staring hard at the table, at the knife marks in the wood. Imagines what it might be like to see those on his skin, instead. If he’d even life through it.
“I could kill the both of you. You’ve already been missing for how long? None of the authorities would think twice about a couple of stupid, runaway queer boys ending up dead. Two of them…” He clicks his tongue. “Well. Is that even a tragedy worth the news cycle?”
And Michael wonders why he ran away. Nakoa lifts his gaze, reluctant, up towards Michael’s face, hates the giddy expression on his father’s face. He’s a bastard, and Nakoa knows he’s always enjoyed his work a little too much, but he’d hoped maybe, underneath it all, there was something that made him human. Now he’s not so sure.
“Easiest way to tie up loose ends, don’t you agree?”
Nakoa wants to tell him to fuck off, but Michael won't hesitate to cut him with the knife on his plate. Never has before. Never hesitates, once he makes his mind up. “Why the holdup?” Nakoa asks, but his voice shakes. “Sounds like you got it all figured out. Why not just kill me now?”
He’s losing his patience, Michael. The joy drains from his expression and he returns to his dinner, almost bored. “Unfortunately, I still think there might be some use in you. I could use you to make an example. I think using you as a living example carries more weight, don’t you?”
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
Pointing a fork to Nakoa’s plate, Michael says, “Eat. It’s the last time you’ll get the opportunity in a while.”
“What about Rem?” Nakoa does his best to hold his voice steady, to keep Michael from making any more shitty comments, but it still comes out wrong.
“I think I’ll be doing the world a favor, taking him out.” He reaches for his drink, then sighs. “Nakoa, please. If you don’t eat, I’ll be forced to take other measures.” Like what, Nakoa wonders, but doesn’t ask. Sighing, Michael sets his fork down and says, “Nakoa. It’s in your best interest to work with me.”
“Too fucking bad.”
“I can make your life a living hell, you know.”
“You already did. What can you do to make it worse?”
Michael raises an eyebrow, says, “You think you’re in love with the man outside. Not sure where you got that, but fine, I’ll play along. You’re right in considering yourself worthless, so I understand I can’t use you against yourself.” With a cock of his head, Michael leans back in his seat. “I might be able to use him yet. Suppose I better put in the call to keep him in one piece after all.” He pulls a walkie talkie out of his shirt pocket and switches it on. “Hold my previous order,” Michael says, glaring at Michael. “Plans have changed. We’re going to have a little fun.”
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gghero · 6 years
🔥 pokemon and SU
putting it under a cut; the pkm one is way longer and more detailed, SU is a plain ol unpopular opinion post and shorter so im putting it first.
honestly, i’ll be the first to say that the show is not perfect, that the characters cant stay on model (its still not enough to bother me or ruin everything because, cmon, im getting to watch the show for free) that the crew have made mistakes, that certain characters deserve better/worse, that certain lessons felt out of place, and all that jazz.
but hey, its not the worst thing to ever happen. i found SU while it was at its peak (late season 1 - early season 2, the best SU has ever been IMO) and even though im trying to not interact with the fandom anymore because of some toxic stuff that happened, i find myself enjoying the storyline, the worldbuilding is great and everything about the art style that is not proportions (backgrounds, palettes, character design) is arguably some of the best in current animation.
my beef with the fandom and most critical blogs is that the discourse sounds like the same stuff over and over and the general attitude is very snarky and condescending. my rule of thumb is that if youre going to critique something, you have to also give your ideas on what you would do in their place. i also felt talked down to everytime i interacted with them, and most people dont even know how to discuss things so any valid points they might bring up didnt phase me after rolling my eyes at their behavior. they also tend to treat their opinions as the objective truth - or only reblog from their fellow critic blog friends.
oh, pokémon. one of my most beloved video game franchises of all times. yet theyre not exempt from criticism. of course, none of what im about to say ruins the experience for me (otherwise, i wouldnt still play the games and making fanarts, DUH) 
the games. first of all i have to say that theyre incredibly engaging. i find myself caught up in the hype before a big reveal, preordering and picking up the new game as soon as it comes out, and then playing non-stop until im satisfied with it... and usually thats it. yeah. one of my biggest complaints about pokemon is how replayable the games COULD be, if only gamefreak did the simplest thing of just adding more save slots. of course, ive ended up deleting old save files in order to replay a game, and thanks to pokebank i can keep my babies, but cmon. all the items you collected, the complete pokedex, how far you went in the battle chateau/battle tree/etc... its all lost forever. the game would also be infinitely more replayable if the post game were more extensive (rather than being like “here, go to the battle building of this generation and battle”). i think implementing side quests or achievement unlocking that gives you in-game perks would add so much.
ALSO GAMEFREAK please stop adding and changing and removing features that we like every single generation!!!! i was not bothered by character customization being removed in ORAS because i understand its a remake and they wanted to keep something similar to the original designs of may/brendan but!!!!! The PSS was GREAT, but you replace it with festival plaza that was... not great!!! you take away pokemon amie, which allowed more experienced players to farm hearts very fast via the minigames!!! you took away the super training!!!!! it makes it look like they dont know what theyre doing, and i understand that they want to shake things up, but i stg if we dont get ride pokemon in gen 8 and instead we are back to HMs, im gonna scream.
my next complaint is how... small the games feel. im not asking for an open world yet (short answer; yes i believe its doable) but the amount of hand holding and tutorials in the last games bothers me, not to mention how limited the exploring feels when compared with older games? dont get me wrong, the gym/trials system is not bad per se - its mostly the map, its soo so so tiny and easy to navigate. i feel like they could look at earlier zelda and mario games and do something similar; an exploration mechanic like twilight princess’s would work so well. you have huge areas to explore while keeping it closed-world, and i never found myself getting tired of roaming around hyrule. in comparison, routes in pokemon feel very small, towns especially are SO tiny, and pokemon is a franchise that would REALLY benefit from the sense of adventure that non-linear larger maps offer.
next is the art direction. im definitely not a genwunner; i think some pokémon designs are good, others are not as good, but i dont have a huge bias towards, say, kanto (kanto’s good designs are good, but kanto’s bad designs are the worst, if it makes sense?) if i had to choose, i’d say gen 2, 3 and 4 are the ones that better represent what i want pokemon to look like in general, but that might be because i love monster-like pokemon like ampharos, swampert, garchomp - huge and bulky-looking pokemon - rather than pokemon that look too much like regular animals or inanimate objects. 
human character design is also good. they have been doing great in terms of racial diversity lately, but i do wish there were more “not-paper-thin skinny” characters (especially women) (and the ones that are fat/obese dont look suspiciously more cartoony/comic relief-y than the main characters); and older characters as well, specially women. 
i think my fave art direction is from black/white (1 and 2), the stylisation, clothes design and especially color palettes were gorgeous. i like a lot how the eyes and highlights/shading looked in black/white (1 and 2) - i think it was Take who did most of the art, instead of Sugimori and Ohmura.
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(im sorry but im feeling the top image squad look much more)
my biggest complaint about pokemon’s art direction is that the 3D simply doesnt look its best as of now. im not a fan of the pixel-y black outline all models have, the colors of most pokemon in their 3D models look so washed down in general, and the backgrounds really suffer from this. i must say that changing the angle from a zenit POV to a third person camera in sun/moon was a step in the good direction, you get to see further in the distance and feel like the world is immersive. 
the color palettes for backgrounds could be better too, they have definitely taken a step in the wrong direction and went from this:
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(pretty, muted but not extremely pastel or washed down; nice colors, those greens and browns are gorgeous - and yeah sorry about the bottom pic having a slight filter on, but cmon, its not like base game looks much different, remember?)
to this:
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(aggressive colors, dont give me a sense of harmony, that extremely orange dirt and sky and almost neon green grass make my head hurt)
i have to say i preferred how the pixel-y, half 2d half 3d style of gen 4 and 5 looked, imo its the best pokemon has ever looked, but they clearly dont have the technology to make breathtaking, fully 3D games yet. i’d say its a necessary evil though so im hopeful for the future. and no, i dont want hyperrealistic textures or pokemon designs either (pokken style is so detailed it feels a little uncanny valley at times, specially with less realistic pokemon like gengar or gardevoir). ideally, pokemon will look like breath of the wild’s 3D character models, with that watercolor-ish style, the cell shading and the vibrant vivid colors. AND NO OUTLINES PLEASE.
finally the last point about the games is the storylines. I generally like pokémon storylines. they’re very good when you are caught up in the action, specially as of late, theyre adding cutscenes and dialogue-heavy scenes that dont feel out of place. but i cant bring myself to LOVE THEM as much as i love other videogame storylines. they still feel a little basic (this is not a problem because of the game’s formulaic nature, mind you) and while they havent shied away from more mature elements in the past, the overall tone is a little immature at times with a big huge plot heavy climax thrown in, and thats it. (and before you tell me pokemon is for kids: i know, but other shows and games for kids dont fall in the same plain secondary characters rut as pokemon does.) i would love for the Main character to have some sort of agency too because i feel like im following what other characters decide for me (at least give me dialogue options that, you know, DONT YIELD THE SAME DIALOGUE NO MATTER WHICH YOU CHOOSE).
thats about all i have to say about the games themselves. not gonna talk about anime or manga bc im not really into those
as for the fandom... its generally chill. its huge, but its divided in so many sub-groups that you never feel overwhelmed. the competitive community might be more toxic ive heard, but im more into the plot and characters anyways.
i do have to call out the huge p///edophilia problem there is. being a franchise most people grew up with, characters like idk, misty, may, dawn (its girls more often than not) were older or the same age as most of the older fans were back in the day. as a result, they have obsessed with their image since they were kids, and this obsession has continued now that theyre grown ass people, and they have no problem consuming and producing huuuge amounts of porn for these characters. as for the latest games, these disgusting people have even less excuse (not that they ever had) there’s tons of CP and adult x minor ships out there, and its allowed to thrive more often than not because of the sheer size of the fandom, too.
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hardwerewolfbear · 4 years
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. This is a directory of some popular AceStream streams (channels). Note that none of the streams are run or hosted by AceStream Guide. AceStream Live Streams Directory. Streams. Below is our list of live streams, along with a description of what they typically stream. Not all streams are live all the time. Stream Name Stream Description Primary Language Stream Link; BloodZeed. Discover a new level of high-quality multimedia space in the Internet with the Ace Stream Media. Ace Stream Media is a multi functional multimedia application with the following features: - Full-featured multimedia player and media server, with support for P2P data storage and transfer protocols, with convenient content catag and the ability to use local and external databases, with. Hi, Ive had an absolute nightmare getting plexus to work on my pi3 libralec and I still don't really know how i did it in the end. I put everything on as instructed but could never get it to work then I installed a video app for the football which popped up telling me I need ace stream and would.. Acestream Help Forum Home | Topic Page Help. Anonymous Mode. You are not logged in to Tapology. When browsing anonymously, profanities and images are automatically removed from the forum. IAmLegend012. Location: A Place Unknown; Member Since: 2013.08.30; Predictions: 1,533 | 60.9% Forum Posts: 236; Post Score: 136; 0 0. 12.08.2013 | 7:38 PM ET. I was hoping i could get some help finding links.
download ace stream windows, ace stream windows, ace stream windows download fre Ace Stream Where can I find HD Acestream links, that work? Close. 16. Posted by. 3 years ago. Archived. Where can I find HD Acestream links, that work? For channels like Skysports, ESPN etc. 13 comments. share. save hide report. 86% Upvoted. This thread is archived . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1. Fuzzy Dunlop 7 points · 3 years ago. Try this http. Bonjour,j'ai essayé plusieurs version d'AceStream et j'ai le même problème,quand je clique sur play now sur wiziwig,rien ne se passe... merci pour votre attention - Topic [Help] aide pour. See help for for more options: acestream_search -h Project details. Project links. Homepage Statistics. GitHub statistics: Stars: Forks: Open issues/PRs: View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery. Meta. License: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) (GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)) Author: Vladimir Stavrinov. Maintainers.
Baixe a última versão do ACE Stream para Windows. Reprodutor multimédia baseado no VLC. ACE Stream é um leitor de multimédia baseado no já bem conhecido leitor.. CodeStream's IDE plugins take the pain out of code reviews, help resolve issues faster, and improve code quality by simplifying remote and asynchronous communication among developers on your team. Connects to GitHub, Jira, Slack, Trello, GitLab, Bitbucket, Asana and all your favorite tools . Con ACE Stream contarás con un reproductor multimedia basado en VLC Media Player pero con la posibilidad de reproducir vídeos mediante conexiones a torrents. En el terreno de los reproductores multimedia parece que el dominador..
Ace Stream Wik
Download and install AceStream Media. I have already installed ace stream add on ,but he suddenly stopped work. Please,help me and tell me what to do for correction this issue. My email:*** Email address is removed for privacy *** This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question (40) Subscribe Subscribe. As a result you help other people and other people help you and all get data/information at the maximum speed. These Programs speed up files loading due to possibility to capture and simultaneously load different pieces of the file from other Users or from users of software products that use BitTorrent protocol and are compatible (supported by) Transport files. In turn, other Users can also. We will help you understand how you can use the links by Acestream. They use magnet links and pass them through content IDs. Next what they will do is utilize the content IDs because they are very unique and happen to be assigned to streaming channels. The main part is that when you have these content IDs with you, you will clearly be able to stream your desired content instantly and without. Acestream is a multi media player designed for Windows computers and you cannot install it on your Mac computers. Don't worry, TricksEmpire has a wonderful trick for you; in this article, we will help you download acestream for mac os x. From today, you will be able to stream live video with no buffering issues
Official Ace Stream Engine Android application. Contribute to acestream/acestream-engine-android development by creating an account on GitHub To help you analyze the ace_engine.exe process on your computer, the following programs have proven to be helpful: A Security Task Manager displays all running Windows tasks, including embedded hidden processes, such as keyboard and browser monitoring or Autostart entries. A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan Easiest Way to Watch Live Games with AceStream! - Duration: 8:39. Rakib Hasan 29,397 views. 8:39 . How to Land the Space Shuttle... from Space - Duration: 17:49. Bret Copeland Recommended for you. , fixtures and highlights, liveaugoal give you the best way watching live football for free Acestream Football streaming Links Acestream Football streaming Soccer LIVE TV LINKS Playlist Download Thursday 11 January..
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Etiquetas: enlaces acestream fútbol hoy acestream futbol fútbol acestream ace stream fútbol acerstreambogsport ace stream ver fútbol. Anterior Acestream Soccer Channels Siguiente Acestreamchannel.blogspot.com . Entradas Relacionadas. Fútbol. Monterrey Vs Toluca. por Partido Vivo. 29 julio 2020. Fútbol. Pachucha Vs America. por Partido Vivo. 28 julio 2020. Fútbol. Pachuca va Am. por.
It supports most scripts for Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey, and also allows you to create scripts with the ability to easily integrate the functionality of the Ace Stream software (www.acestream.org). Features: - Update automatically according to the meta data. - Scripts will be executed in order as shown in the list. - GM functions are supported. - Support import from and export to a zip file.
Ace Script provides userscripts support for browsers. Features. It allows you to customize the way a web page displays or behaves by using userscripts
Using AceStream securely is essential for it involves peer-to-peer (P2P) services. Using Cyberghost VPN to use Acestream securely will help and one can use worldwide servers to unblock geo-locked content from different countries. AceStream on Mac OS will be successfully installed after all these efforts. Hope this helps you install AceStream on.
Magic Player is an extension/addition for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera. This extension provides online playback of video/audio content through BitTorrent protocol on all most popular websites/trackers and also extends the basic functionality of websites that you use with the help of innovative technologies
Having recently installed Acestream, the adwercleaner scan detects many problems. Is this normal? Is this software truly trustworthy? Thank you for your answers. Eric Sorry for my bad english, I am french. Share this post. Link to post Share on other sites. Aura Aura Special Ops; Experts; 15,183 posts; Interests: Technical Support, Malware Removal & Analysis, InfoSec #2; Posted April 18, 2017.
I've been using Acestream for months and it was stable and wonderful (50 MB optic fiber in Madrid center), but for some reason it has stopped working well. It stopped being played inside the page and now it either doesn't work at all (stays black) or opens in external player (which would be OK but I prefer it to be inside the window to cast it to my TV) Last sunday was the first time I couldn.
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Using a Kodi vpn can also help you unblock all Kodi addons. Be it Incursion add-ons, Gaia, Neptune Rising, Placenta or Sparkle, a VPN will not only help you unblock it but also keep your identity and privacy safe at all times. Get now 77% off on the best VPN for Kodi! Once activated, the VPN encrypts your Web traffic and makes it anonymous - keeping it away from your ISP's prying eyes. In.
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g. P2P (torrent-based) technology - the one that allows anyone to restream any source with simplicity of a click. Also AceStream makes possible usage of some other modern technologies. Link to official AceStream site. Official Website. Pricing Information One time purchase (perpetual license) Features No features added Add a feature. Category.
This a is guide for those looking to watch Acestream via Samsung Smart TV. It is written with a notion that you have at least some prior knowledge of working these applications, if not — I'm.
g application, mainly stream video contents with the acestream protocol. This software work similar to bittorrents, which uses Peer to Peer technology P2P to stream or broadcast video contents. With the help of a single acestream content ID, you can stream the content on an unlimited number of devices
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Of course, there are others as well - look around or ask members of these subreddits if you need help finding something. There is likely someone who can point you in the right direction! Using AceStream . Assuming you've found an interesting Content ID, all that's left is for you to watch your chosen program. In order to do so, open the Ace Player application. If you are familiar with. Does anybody know how to create QPPG for acestream? QNAP team wouldn't like add acestream officially, therefore we should help us by ourselves. I tried to install acestream engine to the QNAP VM (Virtual machine). But unfortunately failed. In theory it should work from VM. But in practice it doesn't acestream free download - Torrent Stream, Torrent TV for Windows 10, and many more program
How to Find Working Links for Acestream - Tech Junki
AceListing is the best AceStream link serving website for football lovers and enthusiasts. The website provides a list of sport events viewable in high quality. Asides football, the website also provides AceStream links for tennis and basketball. Upon visiting the website homepage, you will be shown scheduled matches for the day as well as matches that took place the previous day. Beside these. acestream free download - Torrent Stream, TV Romania Online Sopcast, Acestream, HTTP Streams, Torrent TV for Windows 10, and many more program Help with installation - acestream. Questions about software. 13 posts • Page 1 of 1. ptkfs. Posts: 6 Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:25 pm Location: Slovenia. Help with installation - acestream . Post by ptkfs » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:53 pm . I tried to install this software and I wasn't successfull. I tried to find any useful tip but no luck. I have had some issues with dependency and so on. http. AceStream Italia. 721 likes. Comunità Italiana di AceStream la piattaforma multimediale innovativa di nuova generazione, per lo streaming di contenuti multimediali ad alta qualità . Tutti i contenuti..
SopCast and AceStream are P2P-based live streaming platforms, similar to torrents. The streaming protocols are really starting to gain in momentum. The more users using a SopCast or AceStream, the faster the speed and the better quality the stream will be. These type of P2P streams are much better than conventional live streams which always end up lagging due to lack of network resources. AceStream. 124 likes. Page do Streamer Ace, dê seu follow e ajude essa ideia a crescer! https://www.twitch.tv/streamerac About SuperRepo and AceStream Client. SuperRepo does not maintain AceStream Client. We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to AceStream Client and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (NuisMons) and do not provide help for this particular addon
Acestream help - Help and Support - OSMC Forum
The best sport, free and live Regístrate aquí Help. Language: Englis Watch Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur on PC and Mobile fore free. Catch all events from Premier League, only on StreamSports (2014-08-16, 17:23) shuggy81 Wrote: Hi Guys, Needing some help. I have installed XBMC for Android. I have installed Acestream & Sopcast APK I have the Repo installed. I go to video > addons > p2p-streams but from there when I select Addon website parsers I am stuck.When I click add website parser plug in it doesnt find anything to install locally Acestream is very hit and miss for me. Some days there's virtually no buffering and it runs brilliant, and other days it will buffer every few minutes. My Internet is more than good enough to run it, but the program seems to have issues connecting people and keeping the connection going some times. When I have issues with continuous buffering I notice that my download speed goes up while it's.
Ace Stream - Wikipedi
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It also has a built in proxy to help with privacy and ISP torrent throttling. This feature is free at the time of writing but is planned to be a paid option going forward. On launch, Soda Player will accept dropping a torrent file or magnet link onto the window, browsing for a torrent file manually or pasting in a magnet/torrent URL. If there's a link in the clipboard it will be.
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http acestream org. Publicité . Vidéothèque (MicSoft) HTTP Spy .NET will help you find any bottleneck and it will help you in analyzing your bandwidth usage. With it, you can inspect data in different views and discover secret from any web site. Lire la suite. Ajouté le 2006-12-12 11:56:36 | Mis à jour le 2012-12-06 01:51:29 ; Gnet. Logiciel Windows. Gnet regroupe tout un pannel d.
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g software and if you're looking for ways to stream sports on Acestream channels, check out this guide on how to get Acestream.ACEStream Channels List for 2019. January 2020. www.pinterest.co
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s know so that it can be added to the front page. Please note that channel listings will not be added to the front page if they are considerably.
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acestream ダウンロード Gratuit Télécharger logiciels à UpdateStar - ACE Stream System est une plate-forme de médias innovants de nouvelle génération, qui vous mènera à un nouveau niveau de qualité de l'espace multimédia sur Internet
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
Navigate to acestream.org. Click on Ace Stream Media X.x (Win). Click on Ace Stream Media X.x (vlc x.x.x). Download the file, and run it after the download has finished. Read the licensing agreement, check I accept if you accept the agreement, and click Next. Choose which components to install and click Next. Select an installation drive, and click Install. Uncheck Visit Ace Stream website and.
From the Acestream app click at the top right on the three points and then on Enter content ID, here you must enter the acestream code and then click on the player that will appear when the app asks for it. It is not necessary to log in to use the app. Where to find Acestream ID Acestream is a service which provides with live sports channels. This service uses a peer-to-peer sharing technique which means that you help others to stream videos while watching them. Similarly, you are streaming videos on Acestream with the help of other users. Features of Acestream include: 1. The content is free to stream. All you need is. System is so slow - posted in Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help: Hopefully someone can help me, my system is so slow in everything that it does, i did post for some help a few weeks. Apr 3, 2019 - Acestream has become a popular streaming software and if you're looking for ways to stream sports on Acestream channels, check out this guide on how to get Acestream Acestream Launcher allows you to open Acestream links with a Media Player of your choice. Dependencies python, pyhon-acestream, libnotify, acestream-engine Since v1.0.0 acestream-launcher uses Acestream Engine HTTP API that is available on acestream-engine v3.1 or later. Usage acestream-launcher URL [--player PLAYER] [--engine ENGINE] Positional arguments URL The acestream url to play Optional.
Help. Software; Home ChannelArenavision 15 AceStream. Channel. Title Filter. Arenavision 40 AceStream: Arenavision 41 AceStream: Arenavision 42 AceStream: Arenavision 5 AceStream: Arenavision 6 AceStream: Arenavision 7 AceStream: Arenavision 8 AceStream: Arenavision 9 AceStream: Arenavision World Cup 1 AceStream: Arenavision World Cup 10 AceStream : Arenavision World Cup 11 AceStream. - then local adress window is open in browser and whole system start to work and stream AceStream - torrentTV , and show it in the browser. How to Disable ADs in AceStream i was using AceStream technology since 2016 to watch some sports channels and of course i hate to deal with ADs and Pop-ups, so you may try to follow view simple tricks to disable as many ads as possible like i did VLC Player makes a great streaming video player, but sometimes it can run into spikes in the stream buffer. Part of this may be due to hardware or network issues, but it could also be because of. Cricfree football streams. Live soccer streaming for every match. Sky sports streams channels. Watch online TV here. You will see every goal from now. This category is goal for you
Acestream.net Website Analysis (Review) Acestream.net has 3,728 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 447 USD per month by showing ads. See traffic statistics for more information.. Hosted on IP address in Ukraine. You can find similar websites and websites using the same design template.. Acestream.net has an estimated worth of 16,105 USD Help & support My account Broadband, phone & TV. Quick and easy access to your account, services, bills and tools. Mobile. View and manage your mobile account, tariff and usage. Community Contact us Business Broadband Sign in Forum; Blog; Browse. systemctl enable acestream-engine.service for autostart. elmuz commented on 2015-03-21 14:56. Hi, I'm totally new with AceStream. Anyway after installing (and compiling all dependencies) I cannot launch 'acestreamplayer'. This is what I see when opening it from terminal [0x1d40a88] main p2paccess error: connection failed: Connection refused [0x1d40a88] main p2paccess error: connection failed. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (March 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) P2PTV overlay network serving three video streams. P2PTV refers to peer-to-peer (P2P) software applications designed to redistribute video streams in real time on a P2P network; the distributed video streams are typically TV channels from all over the. LibreELEC на PC ace steam. HELP!! Поддержка платформы Linux Liv
Fix AceStream buffering AceStream advanced setup
2013-09-20 16:43:46,913|acestream|enable debug: 0 2013-09-20 16:43:46,914|acestream|version=2.1.6 revision=293 date=2013-09-18 2013-09-20 16:43:46,914|acestream|get. Completely rebuilding (including qtwebkit, which takes ages) didn't help. I also tried running 'acestreamplayer -v' and had a somewhat similar output, but not completely. Mine said several times libvpx.so.5 was missing Acestream is indeed great but a thread at the old wiziwig-site about security vulnerabilities inherent in the program gave me pause though. Anyone with more computer savvy than me with any input? Anyone with more computer savvy than me with any input Rechercher Search for help. Annuler 0 Panier 0 articles dans le panier. Se connecter. Découvrez comment garder le contact et rester productif avec Microsoft Teams et Microsoft 365, même lorsque vous travaillez à distance > Découvrez comment garder le contact et rester productif avec Microsoft Teams et Microsoft 365, même lorsque vous travaillez à distance > Microsoft Store ne se lance.
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While that problem has gone away, acestream will not play on the samsung tv plex app anymore. I have gone through the steps detailed in the above thread many, many times over the last few months to try and understand why this isn't working, I'm sure it is something simple but I cannot figure it out so I need to ask for help Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things football. Find exclusive videos, match highlights, news, results, tables and more right here at BT Sport
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acestream indir Gratuit Télécharger logiciels à UpdateStar - ACE Stream System est une plate-forme de médias innovants de nouvelle génération, qui vous mènera à un nouveau niveau de qualité de l'espace multimédia sur Internet Выбрать плейлист в списке ваших плейлистов и нажать на кнопку настройки плейлиста, обозначенную иконкой шестерёнки напротив названия плейлиста.. На открывшейся странице настроек плейлиста вы можете переименовать.
Acestream Kodi Streaming Guide; What is Acestream
AceStream. 21 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1, 2 >> << Funkybassman. Serviio newbie Posts: 6. Joined: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:47 pm. Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:27 am . AceStream. Greetings from a streaming newbie so apologies if this is in the wrong place or a stupid question Is it possible to reroute an Acestream feed to serviio in the same way that a SopCast stream can be redirected Thanks >> << zip. Serviio. Not much help, sorry . Dave Insurgent Johnny hates to think, he's ignorant. Jan 11, 2016 13,339 13,307. Apr 14, 2017 #5 Anyone using this? I have read good things. 2 Q. Qat Qute. Nov 3, 2015 9,074 11,025. Apr 14, 2017 #6 I sometimes watched UFC events with it. If you catch a good stream, its fantastic. Wouldn't count on it though. Dave Insurgent Johnny hates to think, he's ignorant. Jan 11. Acestream problems I installed Acestream and had it running quite well (little bit of buffering). Then of course, I had to play around with it and altered some setting that were recommended to help with the buffering. Now I get a message that it cannot connect to engine and check if I have that installed
AceStream Streams AceStream Guid
Después abre el AceStream o el Sodaplayer y pega el enlace en él. Se debería empezar a ver a los pocos segundos. Este método que te hemos comentado es la opción más sencilla y sin prácticamente publicidad. Todo eso te lo explicamos con más detalle en nuestra guía para ver enlaces de Arenavisión. Visitar web: Arenavision.in. No te pierdas nuestra guía de Arenavisión. Si quieres ver. Acestream on Mac. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. akras14 /.gitignore forked from jbergler/.gitignore. Created Nov 13, 2016. Star 0 Fork 0; Code Revisions 4. Embed . What would you like to do? Embed Embed this gist in your website. Share Copy sharable link for this gist.
Acestream Mac Alternative
Legal | Report Trademark Abuse VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license TV Romania Online permite vizionarea canalelor tv romanesti, avand o interfata prietenoasa, pe orice telefon / tableta prin intermediul unei conexiuni Wireless sau 3G/4G. Caracteristici: - Spatiul ocupat de aplicatie este foarte mic - Ghid cu aplicatii necesare pentru a vedea toate canalele dorite - Interfata grafica usor de folosit - Categorii bine definite ale canalelor - Multiple surse. Cómo descargar Acestream. Para poder ver las retransmisiones de Arenavisión, necesitarás un programa llamado Acestream. Instalarlo es muy fácil y puedes hacerlo desde la propia web del programa o desde aquí. Si estás en la web de AceStream busca el siguiente texto para empezar a descargar: Ace Stream Media X.x (Win). Ace Stream Media X.x (vlc x.x.x). Si no quieres instalar Acestream. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets
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multiphandomunnies · 7 years
Jisoo||Blushing and Candies
REQUESTED: Can i ask a jisoo imagine where the reader (neutral gender) works in a candy store and jisoo goes to buy almost everyday
Word Count:2.1k
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Jisoos heels clicked as she walked down the pavement. A smile engraved on her face as she enjoyed the sun. She waved at nearly every stranger, very excited for the day to come. People wave back mesmerized by her beauty, some boys even took pictures of her like she was famous. Some girls even took pictures of her and gawked over her. It was like she owned this place. She giggled when a guy did a double take on her with his girlfriend around. She stopped walking as a bright pink and blue building surrounded by candy came into view. Glancing into the window she looked around. The place was packed with eager little kids or even happy adults. It was a adorable looking shop and the cashier made the place even better. Almost like the cashier read her thoughts they looked up only to meet her eyes. She shyly waved and nodded her head in respect. You did the same smiling brightly. Jisoo walked towards the door and gently pushed it open triggering the smell bell to ding. She walked around the place look at all the candies. Deciding that maybe she would buy something just so she could get closer to you she grabbed a clear plastic bag and filled it with a variety of candies. She approached the counter and waited in line behind little kids. Some looked at her causing her to wave and smile. They always waved back and hid behind their respected guardian. FInally it was her turn and she placed her bag of candies on the counter. You smiled at her a weighed the bag to get a price. Jisso knew that now was her chance to talk to you so she asked a simple question. “I never noticed this place, how long has it been open?” you looked up at her, enticed with her melodic voice. “Not to long actually, maybe only 1 week” you replied making Jisoo blush at your voice. She looked down and grabbed out her money ready to pay. “It's a lovely place, it should do great in this part of town with the amount of families and sad adults around here” she replied making you laugh at her joke. “Yeah, my aunt owns the place so I kinda have to work here. It's fun though, i'm not complaining” you smiled as Jisoo handed you over some money. You were about to hand her back her correct change however she quickly denied stating that you could keep the tip. She turned around with her candy and waved goodbye. As she walked out the store she did a double take at you. Her phone began to buzz as she realized she was late to her coffee date with Rose. Quickly she started on her way towards the shop. The next day quickly came as Jisoo got ready for another hang out with Rose. She slipped on a pair of shoes and made her way out of the door. She passed by the candy shop and glanced in to see you working once again with a smile on your face. She took out he phone and sneakily took a picture. She then made her way towards the coffee shop. As she arrived Rose was already there with their two other friends Jennie and Lisa. She sat down eager to tell all of them about the cute cashier at the new candy shop. Quickly she stopped herself not wanting the other girls to know about you. After the little session was over she decided to just go straight home. Passing the candy shop she waved at your figure, you didnt noticed her making a frown form. The next few days had gone by quickly with her having to go to work and all. Everyday she passed the same candy shop and everyday she saw your smiling figure. She knew that one day she would have to go back and talk to you.
Finally the long treacherous week had passed and Friday night approached. Jisoo quickly packed up her things and left work, wanting to be able to get some candy and see you again. She pushed open the doors and entered the shop. Walking around she picked out some new candies wanting to experiment a little bit. After that part was done she approached the counter and waited in line.  It seemed like this place was always packed with gorgeous boys and girls. It made Jisoo wonder if they came here for the same reason she did, just to see you. Her jealousy got the best of her when she saw you smiled at a girl. She looked away scoffing not caring if you smiled at everyone, she wanted you to only smile at her.  Finally she was able to talk to you and pay for her candies. “You were right about it doing great” you said weighing her bag. She looked slightly shocked that you remembered who she was.  “Well, of course I was right it's in the perfect part of down” she stated not wanting to add that it was probably doing so well because you were cute.  “Where do you work?” you asked once again shocking Jisoo. She looked at you confused before answer  “I work at telemarketing place, it's just down the street and to the left” she answered smiling at you.  “Oh nice, I see you pass by every morning for what I was assuming work” you answered taking her money from her hands.  “So you notice me every morning huh? You stalking me?” she joked before a mom behind her grumbled about it not being the time to flirt. Jisoo quickly composed herself and waved goodbye at you leaving the shop behind her.  That night as she laid in her bed a million thoughts sore through her head. She began to wonder if you liked her considering that you noticed her walk by every morning. She began to wonder if you even like girls, she didn't know which way you swung. What if the worst case scenarios was true and you had a girlfriend. She threw her hands into the air exasperated at herself for thinking these things. Her hand slapped her cheeks as she did her best to try and fall asleep.  Sooner than she hoped the morning came around. Luckily it was Saturday but sadly it was Saturday. Saturdays were days she did yoga with Rose, Lisa and Jennie. She cracked her neck and yawned getting ready for the day. She never thought that she would wish a Saturday to go by fast.  Yoga just seemed to drag on and the girls could tell something was fishy with the way Jisoo was acting. They began to pester her.  “So who is it huh? WHo has your mind all frazzled, is it a boy? A girl? Who is it!” Lisa yelled giggling and falling back tired of guessing.  “It's no one Lisa stop asking” Jisoo whined tired of the younger ones antics.  “Not fair! We always tell you when we have a crush, why won't you tell us!” Jennie this time defended.  Jisoo sighed realizing that they were right. Plus it's not like they would go after you once Jisoo said that she liked you.  “It's the cashier at the new candy store near our apartments” Jisoo confessed making the girls all laugh.  ‘You have a crush on a candy store clerk?” Lisa asked in between breaths. Jisoo couldn't help but laugh either, it was quite a strange situation.  “I can't help it! They are literally the most attractive person i've seen and they have a killer smile” she rubbed her temples knowing that now the girls would try and do something.  “Okay now we obviously need to do something” Jennie started making Jisoo laugh because she was exactly right.  “Please don't ruin it for me. I don't even know if they like me and I really like them” Jisoo could feel tears welling up in her eyes. The other girls quickly stopped what they were doing before Rose asked  “Are you about to cry” Jisoo laughed and nodded  “I really like the and i've never felt this way about something. I'm sorry” Jisoo Rested her head in her hands. The other girls stood up  “Okay so it's a candy shop and having sweets after yoga seem like a perfect idea, let's go” Jennie planned as Lisa pulled Jisoo off the ground.  The girls walked to the candy shop following Jisoos directions. Finally the shop came into view making Lisa run forwards and burst open the doors. Jisoo faced palmed as a bunch of people turned their heads to look at what was happening. Jennie and Rose laughed entering the shop draggin Jisoo behind them.  They looked at the cashier and giggled “Is that them?” Lisa asked really loud making some on going ers turn their heads and roll their eyes at Lisa.  “Shut up shut up shut up” Jisoo whispered yelled as she put her hand over Lisa's mouth preventing her from speaking up. Lisa bit Jisoos hand making Jisso yelp once again causing people to loo their way.  A mother walked by the girls and shoud.er nudged Jennie mumbled “Stupid teens”. Jennie mouth fell open as her hands through themselves into the air “First off lady none of us are teens second off I wasn't even the one talking. My god just get laid and chill out” Jennie yelled at her causing parents to cover their children's ears at the vulgar tongue spoken by Jennie.  Jisoo stared blankly at the girl extremely embarrassed and pissed. You on the other hands couldn't help but laugh at the 4 girls antics. You continued to do your job to the best of its abilities without laughing.  Maybe we shouldn't have come here” Rose suggested. Lisa ran off in a different direction causing Jisoo to worry. Lisa grabbed and bag and started to collect candy. Jennie and Rose soon followed. Jisoo knew that she had already gotten candy so it was best to just wait.  After the girls had gotten what they wanted they approached the counter and waited in line. When it was their turn to pay they all set their bags on the counter and smiled at you. Right after you smiled back they turned to leave and Rose spoke up “Jisoo we forgot our wallets, you'll pay right?” leaving without giving Jisoo a option. Jisoo sighed and pulled out her wallet ready to pay.  Your hand reached out and stopped hers. “Ill pay. You have some interesting friends” you laughed out smiling brightly at Jisoo.  “Do I? Honestly they were embarrassing me” Jisoo replied shyly tucking some hair behind her ear.  “No it was quite entertaining. That first girl was really funny” you repaid. Jisoo felt her heart sink. She knew that she shouldn't have let the girls come here. Now you had fallen for Lisa. SHe sighed and spoke up  “Lisa? Yeahs she is a really pretty and quirky girl. Shes single” Jisoo said turning around ready to leave. Your hand reached out and grabbed hers.  “But are you single?” you asked making Jisoo blush.  “Yes, in fact I am” she repaid turning back towards you.  “That's good. I heard with Lisa said about me. Do you like me?” you asked. Jisoo blushed even more deicing it was best to just confess and get it over with.  “Ill admit it. I do like you”” Jisoo hid behind her hair. You slipped a piece of paper into her sweaty palm.  “Call me” you whispered slightly pushing her away so you could help the next people in line. Jisoo ran out of the store skipping.  “He asked me to call him” she squealed hugging the Lisa. THe other two joined the hug as they all squealed and jumped in a circle giggling. People just stared ut Jisoo didn't care anymore.  Jisoo turned around and took one last look into the shop before waving at you and turning to leave. You waved back and laughed at her expression before returning to work. 
||Admin Mirae||
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jarofglitter · 7 years
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Another GW2 Guild/Community drama heads up. I have been going over the conversations, and thinking if there is anything I want to add.
Perhaps two things, that actually *hurt* me the most was that a) my aid (giving away stocks of all kinds of mats from common to rare or what little saved gold I had, purchasing and crafting things for people, keeping them company or being part of the group so they could complete something they seek quicker, etc.) was erased so very easily, and b) that the misinterpretation of my help and intentions for a sick friend to be taken as "taking over her project"
Also we have been doing the "help others" thing way before any of us jumped to this server. Before there wans any idea of making a guild. Keeping track of it just made it official. I am also bit puzzled on why this is one person's project but not the community's...  
For what it is worth, I will keep helping others.
Zeb’s DMs 4/4
Zeb---- Today at 2:54 PM I never have
del - Today at 2:54 PM I am really tired to reason with anyone.
Zeb---- Today at 2:54 PM now you're putting words into my mouth
del - Today at 2:55 PM No, I'm not. That is WHAT they did.
Zeb---- Today at 2:55 PM I am not THEY
del - Today at 2:55 PM You will be part of it soon, eventually. So I am just telling it bluntly.
Zeb---- Today at 2:55 PM Everyone is their own person
del - Today at 2:55 PM I dont udnerstand this intense fear of order.
Zeb---- Today at 2:56 PM thats not what this is. we never talked over what the rules should have been and we never settled on a time to talk it over
Zeb---- Today at 2:56 PM I did
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM WE TRIED
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM I TRIED
del - Today at 2:57 PM NO NONE OF YOU DID
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM and you cant just go ahead with rules if no one collaborates
Zeb---- Today at 2:57 PM I know
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM exactly. it never should have been decided, then passed to us
del - Today at 2:58 PM I didnt establish rules out of my ass.
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM you kind of did. hastily.
del - Today at 2:58 PM People needed chat rooms, I made chat rooms. I wrote a text to explain what they are for to avoid confusion and chaos.
Zeb---- Today at 2:58 PM there was never confusion and chaos
del - Today at 2:58 PM People misused them many times, I let them slip, then warned and nudged, and they just kept doing it. Zeb...
Zeb---- Today at 2:59 PM ok... listen to this.
del - Today at 2:59 PM the point isnt "it wasnt yet"(edited) the purpose fo those were to avoid it before it happened
Zeb---- Today at 2:59 PM thats not how rules are made. There was never a speed limit rule before cars were invented.
Zeb---- Today at 3:00 PM and despite us using chat channels for things other than your intended purpose, there was never chaos
del - Today at 3:00 PM Hello, I have common sense and a little bit of knowldge on community space works.
Zeb---- Today at 3:00 PM so do I
del - Today at 3:01 PM You dont wait to make note on "was your hands after you pee" on the toilet, you put it there before anyone pokes food with their peed hands.
Zeb---- Today at 3:01 PM actually, thats exactly how that came about. now as a society, its a non-issue rules arent made before problems exist
del - Today at 3:02 PM Zeb, we are poeple who are makign ruels and guidelines because of the experince they had. You cant just wait for things to get thesmelves on fire before making sure that doesnt happen. Why is this so ahrd to grasp? Is that an American thing?
Zeb---- Today at 3:02 PM you dont have to and that was uncalled for
del - Today at 3:02 PM Is that a culture thing? Because that is not how I was educated nor experinced. That is an honest question.
Zeb---- Today at 3:03 PM no, it was a low blow.
del - Today at 3:03 PM You know me well enough that I dont make jokes about those stuff.
Zeb---- Today at 3:03 PM didn't sound like a joke. sounded like a prod, which you've been known to do. even so
del - Today at 3:04 PM Prod?
Zeb---- Today at 3:04 PM a jab
del - Today at 3:04 PM What's a prod? Uhh... what's a jab?
Zeb---- Today at 3:04 PM a mean poke.
del - Today at 3:04 PM ...what? I didnt do that out of meaness. I asked it honeslty. Why would I be mean?
Zeb---- Today at 3:06 PM Good question. you have been in the past, but its irrelevant right now.
You dont have to wait for things to come crashing down to make rules. Thats not what im suggesting.
But rules as strict as yours about things as minor as yours were made pre-emptively. If unrest had come about, then a more direct degree of order might be warranted
del - Today at 3:07 PM I will give you two simple examples. Sassy requested a music bot. I created a connected voice and text channel for it. Why? I have my own hearing problems. I cannot hear people well all the time. Especially when there is many of them. Considering there might be other people like me who would prefer to have a channel for conversitation other than music bc everyone can have their music in bg, I madema spesific voice channel for it. It was not only to help people like me but also the music bot into a shared secondary activty within the server. Encouraging people to share their loved songs and sing a long if they wished. Idy didnt really enjoy others singing, so she avoided to music channel.
Zeb---- Today at 3:10 PM no one has had an issue with the music bot or its affiliated channel, and they are completely beside the issue.
The issues were entirely within the confines of the overabundance of voice channels
del - Today at 3:10 PM If she didnt have alternate options she would be stuck there or would be avoiding having calls with us. The text channel was for bot to avoid clutter in general chat. Bc when you write in general it pins everyone up. Why would we harass people with it? It got his own channels so people could use them without disturbing others. This was a prediction and served us well. Oh, I forgot the second one...
Zeb---- Today at 3:12 PM again, the music bot and its channels has nothing to do with this. Next?
del - Today at 3:13 PM Again you are missing my point.
Zeb---- Today at 3:13 PM im not.
del - Today at 3:13 PM I am trying to show you why I made guidelines with what predictions. You are ignoring it then.
Zeb---- Today at 3:14 PM not all of the rules or regulation are applicable to the current situation, so you cant lump them all together as either "complete oversaturation of rules" or "complete anarchy". There is an in-between. and Im not ignoring it
del - Today at 3:15 PM What I am trying to say is, I made all those channels with predictions and all those served well. There wasnt anarchy because I did my best to avoid it, despite everyone refusal to follow the guidelines.
Zeb---- Today at 3:15 PM no, there wasn't anarchy because there wouldn't have been anyway. There's no anarchy in and discord chat im in, of the 25 or 30 im in.
del - Today at 3:16 PM If you are not missing the point and if you are not ignoring it, then what are you doing Zeb? Because I dont think you are stupid.
Zeb---- Today at 3:16 PM you are failing to see that i am not missing your point, you are ignoring mine. which you interprit as me missing it. and this is where the disconnect is
del - Today at 3:18 PM No, your point doesnt make sense. You are cheering for no rules no guidelines.
Zeb---- Today at 3:18 PM no im not. Im cheering for fewer, but important, rules. because overabundance of rules stresses members out, and makes more work for the owners there is no benefit
del - Today at 3:19 PM Okay. Do me favour. Shut up about how I did everything wrong, and tell me how you would do.
Zeb---- Today at 3:19 PM sure
del - Today at 3:20 PM Make a server, design it the way you want and invite me.
Zeb---- Today at 3:28 PM I am making a server for a group of 6 to 10 people, which was the original scope of our group. If it grew bigger, it would change.
I am consoling a friend on voice chat, so I wont be accompanying you there.
If you have questions, ask them here. [link]
del - Today at 3:30 PM okay... want me to point of your msitakes? out*
Zeb---- Today at 3:31 PM point out your opinion of flaws, and I will tell you why I made the decisions. how about that, instead of you calling them mistakes already.
del - Today at 3:31 PM General chat pings everyone when a message sent in.
Zeb---- Today at 3:31 PM ok users can mute that if they choose so its no issue
del - Today at 3:31 PM you cant mute general as well as i know but that is not the point now be quiet and read
Zeb---- Today at 3:32 PM one at a time to avoid confusion http://puu.sh/xjX8w/db32ef6491.png
del - Today at 3:33 PM People who are going to use any of those VCs will not always have a mike, will not always be able to talk, or they might be mute. To avoid confusion between the general chat and what those people would like to say when they are lsitening to your friends, you need a channel for them. If you make them write in general chat, it will confuse the people who are not in VC
Zeb---- Today at 3:34 PM they dont need mics. they should chat in game with their party.
del - Today at 3:34 PM Which did, in our other server, something I know from experince, and that is WHY I created the text for speech channel in our server.
Zeb---- Today at 3:34 PM I dont have 2 monitors, even when Idy types in her chat, I miss it. and im not tabbing out to read it. I read party chat,
del - Today at 3:34 PM Not everyone is in the same part or squad or guild.
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM then whisper, or read the guild chat,
del - Today at 3:35 PM So you are simply ignoring her because she doesnt have a mike?
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM no...
del - Today at 3:35 PM What if she is talking towards multiple people? Who are all in different guilds?
Zeb---- Today at 3:35 PM if she has no mic and wont use general, party, guild, or whisper, then why is she here? you can chat and see chat across multiple guilds in game
del - Today at 3:36 PM Wow.
Zeb---- Today at 3:36 PM thats what I do and its much easier.
del - Today at 3:36 PM Okay.
Zeb---- Today at 3:36 PM if they are part of the guild, its presumed they want to be,
del - Today at 3:36 PM So you are saying I can talk to Idy on voice and she can asnwer me in guild chat. That wouldnt make peopel confusing at all? Who are not in the VC or in this server at all.
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM Im saying if its a private conversation, use whisper if its between multiple people, use party
del - Today at 3:37 PM You just kicked out a friend from this server for not having mic, instead of making interactions with her and people like her more easy. Contrgulations on your first ban.
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM i did not at all.
del - Today at 3:37 PM Next
Zeb---- Today at 3:37 PM I didnt do that. but sure, next.
del - Today at 3:38 PM What are those voice chats stands for? They have no presentation? Where the music bot gonna be?
Zeb---- Today at 3:38 PM there is no music bot unless many people want one. if they do, I can make one. and the VCs are generally
del - Today at 3:38 PM Many people wanted the bot. What now?
Zeb---- Today at 3:38 PM I heard sassy suggest it, but not more than that. and even so, sure. make a channel. Thats besides the point.
del - Today at 3:39 PM All of them have ben using it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM this is for guild communication
del - Today at 3:39 PM Asnwer my questions
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM I did.
del - Today at 3:39 PM Many people wanted the bot. What now?
Zeb---- Today at 3:39 PM so make a bot. sure. I didn't because no one is here. again, its besides the point
del - Today at 3:40 PM you dont have to make a bot. We are playing pretend. Many people wanted the bot. You get the bot. What now?(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 3:40 PM they play music in the channel for it. thats it.
del - Today at 3:41 PM and where they going to que and request songs for it?
Zeb---- Today at 3:41 PM thats all they need. and if they cant have a music bot and its a deal breaker, then bye. this is a guild for people to be with eachother and play, talk, and socialize
del - Today at 3:41 PM They need a text channel to be able to use the bot. So they can request songs.
Zeb---- Today at 3:41 PM messing with a music bot is not required. when the bot is added, then so will a text channel. but its not a requirement.
del - Today at 3:42 PM So, no fun is allowed everyone has to play GW2 and they cannot even talk anything other than GW2 even music? Got it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM didnt say that. stop putting words in my mouth.
del - Today at 3:42 PM This server you build is way too stricting than anything I did in the CAKE! server.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM people can play other things. not at all.
del - Today at 3:42 PM Yes it is.
Zeb---- Today at 3:42 PM people can play whatever they want and be in whatever chat they want the VCs are there for people to use when necessary so they can form groups
del - Today at 3:43 PM There is no presentation and there is no rules, there is no way of telling how to use what. As far as I know people can use those one of those VCs for voice ERP, Zeb.(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM If people want to use things for ERP, then I can make an nsfw channel for them, sure. Boom, there it is.
del - Today at 3:44 PM EW
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM well, you asked.
del - Today at 3:44 PM No, I didnt asked for it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:44 PM next.
del - Today at 3:45 PM I pointed out none of those VCs has a decided purpose, they are just there. It is not presetanble.
Zeb---- Today at 3:45 PM they dont need to be
del - Today at 3:45 PM I persoally wouldnt spend too much time here to figure out what I am suppsoed to do without something to read to figure out what is it for what.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM There can be 6 people in general chat to start with
del - Today at 3:46 PM There is also no space for community/guild projects.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM doesn't need to be with 6 to 10 people, like the original scope we had.
del - Today at 3:46 PM You are forcing peopel to use general chat and clutter it with all kidns of information.
Zeb---- Today at 3:46 PM and you can use announcements for that
del - Today at 3:47 PM While you could have seperated rooms to spesific needs. This is chaotic and stressing.
Zeb---- Today at 3:47 PM I've covered the major bases. Most guilds ive been in dont have much more than this.
del - Today at 3:47 PM Well, we are not a guild.
Zeb---- Today at 3:47 PM and all the discord servers ive seen with all that clutter remain empty for a good chunk of time
del - Today at 3:47 PM We were a community that was suppsoed to house guildies and non-guildies all together. More people, more needs, more necessery space.
Zeb---- Today at 3:48 PM to be added as needed. no need, no add. here's an example: http://puu.sh/xjXvU/cae296564e.png
del - Today at 3:48 PM I added the thigns that was needed. I saw the ned and I added them. I didnt suddenly tried to make random channels just bc i feel like it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:48 PM they werent needs. they were 1 or 2 people asking for something
del - Today at 3:49 PM No not just 1 or 2 people I observed people Zeb
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM here's another example of a cluttered guild with no attendies http://puu.sh/xjXwJ/342fc3c4d4.png
del - Today at 3:49 PM I created those for people's needs, I didnt just made those because 1 person wanted.
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM http://puu.sh/xjXyo/66e8b8522e.png
del - Today at 3:49 PM Plus music bot is a fun thing, and I also wanted to have fun.
Zeb---- Today at 3:49 PM there were no needs there were desires. next?
del - Today at 3:50 PM That's a good scuruter, ours are almost the same. We just have prettier names.
Zeb---- Today at 3:50 PM notice how they are empty. and for the most part only 3 or 4 channels are used regularly
del - Today at 3:51 PM Next is, this server doesn't serve well to the needs of people. It is not presentable, it lacks any kind of rule and guidelines. It is home for anarchy.
Zeb---- Today at 3:51 PM it's got a generall rule that goes without saying, play nice. other stuff can be made as you go. and you are misusing the term anarchy.
del - Today at 3:52 PM chaos then, whatever. disorder. not everyone is capable of udnerstanding "general rules that goes without saying"
Zeb---- Today at 3:52 PM and clearly, very few are capable of understanding an ever growing mountain of rules.
del - Today at 3:52 PM i mean, look at the current poltical situtation? Do you think those people are "playing nice"? do you reallt think people here going to "play nice"? extreme example but, it is there
Zeb---- Today at 3:53 PM they were, and in every other server im in, they do. they arent now because they feel attacked in your server.
del - Today at 3:53 PM Zeb, your ahhm... how to say
Zeb---- Today at 3:53 PM whether or not you agree is irrelevant
del - Today at 3:53 PM You have too much tolerance for bullshit I dont.
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM and you have no tolerance for pretty much anything. I have seen it.
del - Today at 3:54 PM Not correct
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM like, you wont tolerate people running ahead in dungeons? or saying the B-word? or any other normal thing?
del - Today at 3:54 PM If I didnt have tolerance I would be swinging ban-hammer, isntead of letting thigns slip or simply trying to warn and inform people.
Zeb---- Today at 3:54 PM not necessarily. you dont have to get extreme to have no tolerance
del - Today at 3:55 PM People have been using that word with me in chat so many times. I let it slip numerous times, even after I waited patiently after I warned them. I didnt cut people's tongue for using it. I laughed and thanked for their udnerstanding.
Zeb---- Today at 3:55 PM you get on their case every time, so they say sorry. how agressive you are changes, but generally its the same.
del - Today at 3:56 PM I get irritated when peopel dont follow each other, because many people have connection and loading issues. They run froward, and then they kick me from groups before I can laod in. So it makes me annoyed and makes me stressed. Thats why I have been playing with friends only. They wait and they know and isntead of being stressed and i can laugh at it
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM people dont generally kick you if you are loading in.
del - Today at 3:57 PM they did Zeb
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM usually, they run ahead and kill everything, then you get there,
del - Today at 3:57 PM im not lying or making something up
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM in raids it might be different. im not saying you are
del - Today at 3:57 PM its not a raid
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM like when we first ran AC
del - Today at 3:57 PM its dungeons and fractals look
Zeb---- Today at 3:57 PM you remember?
del - Today at 3:58 PM We are incaplbe of reaching to a point here.
Zeb---- Today at 3:58 PM we are on a tangent. and are in disagreement. our opinions are different.
del - Today at 3:58 PM You keep blaming me on things, on not being tolerant or being agressive, even thought the it has been clear that I always had enoguh tolerance for all of it.
Zeb---- Today at 3:58 PM you dont show it in your writing. at all
del - Today at 3:59 PM And even if I didnt, I tried to make up for it. I get dissapointed over things, when they dont go the way they should.
Zeb---- Today at 3:59 PM everyone does. and we all handle it differently
del - Today at 3:59 PM I handled the best way, but I cannot fix thigns if people are unresponsive and choose to ignore.
Zeb---- Today at 4:00 PM no, a better way would have been to look at the whole picture.
del - Today at 4:00 PM I am not always on people's neck, yelling or whatever you think I am doing. If you find that my voice that raised, and my attitude was agressive, then it had a reason.
Zeb---- Today at 4:01 PM the whole picture was that no one in our chat was confused or lost, we were all having a good time and enjoying ourselves.
del - Today at 4:01 PM Becuase I waited patiently, because I warned, because I ignored, but I saw no change. So I chaged my attitude to make people notice it.
Zeb---- Today at 4:01 PM then you came in, overreacted on our location, and left.
del - Today at 4:01 PM Does it work? Yes, it does.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM it made people leave. people who used to love you,
del - Today at 4:02 PM I didnt overreacted, you guys were the oens overreacted my message to fix this issue. I dont care.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM I disagree.
del - Today at 4:02 PM If people going to love me by stepping on me, then that is not love. That is not mutually healthy relationship.
Zeb---- Today at 4:02 PM they didn't step on you, they were in the wrong channel.
del - Today at 4:02 PM And I am glad they are gone.
Zeb---- Today at 4:03 PM and little errors here and there shouldn't be stepping on.
del - Today at 4:03 PM I would prefer to have very few friends who has common sense and logic then a bunch of so called adults who thrives in no-rules no-guidelines no-working-together mindsets.(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 4:04 PM your logic seems flawed. We all were working together on stuff we were interested in. we were cooperating without needing gratuitous rules and everyone was having fun del - Today at 4:04 PM we all know that doesnt work, at some point it breaks and everyone cries(edited)
Zeb---- Today at 4:05 PM and that point was when you tore into the group. not from something we did. and it can work it does work
del - Today at 4:06 PM Okay. You guys didnt follow the guidelines, you get warned numerous times. Didnt listen. I rised my voice to show my dissapointment. And then made a post to offer all of us a chance to fix this together. Everyone refused and everyone didnt want to be responsbily of their msitakes. And everyone thought I was an easy target. I wasnt. End of story. Im really tired, of repeating myself.
Zeb---- Today at 4:06 PM there were too many guidelines there ye go
del - Today at 4:06 PM I really feel like a robot now. ---- [I quit the server after this.]
Zeb---- Today at 4:09 PM I suppose thats it then. Good luck in your endeavors, you will be missed.  ---- [I got blocked after this so I didn’t get to reply and there is no point anyways.]
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2bescene · 7 years
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Who are you Arya Stark? So a big past time is everyone sharing their game of thrones theories. So of course I have to add mine. Here goes... Waif, and Arya are the same, as is the Many Faced god:  Jaqen H'ghar! 
OK keep with me, I know you're like but wait, no man,  she killed Waif, dissed Jaquen, bounced, and had this amazing journey. Right that’s what you saw but GoT’s has a lot of things going on that you can see and things you don’t see. Take a look back at the battle she had with Waif, Waif stabbed her, she was blind, she shuttered, fought to the death and won. Came out on top everyone was like “BADASS! cheering and waiting for her to take vengeance on those that wronged her and her family...
Here’s the thing, GoT is famous for unhappy endings, but its always got a back handed vengeance story going on in the background. Walder Frey got his revenge on Robb for not marrying one of his ugmo kids, the Lannister’s got a twisted quick revenge on the spying boy by tossing him out a window , and when that didnt kill him, Peter used them to get revenge on all of the Starks for not being able to marry Kaitlin...
Follow me, I know I am not the greatest writer but there is a way that George RR writes that always bitter rather than a fabled happy ending. Its very real as life has many paths which lead to options and hope, but as you take the path , life throws more curve balls at you and strike out more than the Mets. (sorry met fans)  Anyway my point is this is too much of a good set up for this character, comparing to what happens to her kin she seems to have had a lot happy ways around the uncertain path, which makes me wonder, is it really her? Did she win, or is she even there.  I am thinking that she, Waif, and Jaquen are all the many faced god. Why? Because despite everything the many faced god seems to be the god of revenge; what family would warrant the god of vengeance itself coming to balance the scales.-The Starks- The family that has suffered the most since the time of Ayers Targreyen, who turned to your uncle and granddad into bbq. The many face god saw in Arya the wrongs she and her family endured and exacted a revenge that none of your surviving family could extract. 
The faces that she had in the bag last night, was one of them Waif? What if thats because Arya came to a point were she couldnt beat Waif, then gave her own face to the many face god to have the final vengeance implemented for her war torn family. So what do you think?  
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joeblrblog-blog · 6 years
My First Personal Project
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Recovery is an idea i’ve had for quite some time, so when I got a brief that actually give me an excuse to do it... I was extremely pleased, we had to pick a subject  that  the personal  project would  focus on, after  looking into a  magazine design, poster and. The idea behind recovery is a chain of hotels that offer more than just a bed. They get supplied with a ‘booth’ that they can pick and personalise based on a survey that they will be supplied, if they choose a standard room it will be cheaper but  less personal to them. The whole aim for  ‘Recovery’ is to lower the rate of depression  and stress  from people, this is a place that allows people to just go into and relax... forget about what is going on in their life and actually take a brake for once. 
After looking at the brief i’m going to layout my  plan then try and stick to it accordingly, this will help in production and the end result in to what my final piece will be. 
RESEARCH (In the brief) 
DRINK LABEL (water) 
When creating the name of the business i decided it should be slick and impactful to show its professionalism, when creating this i was looking into what design i should base it off, through my research there wasn't a lot of brands and branches that had designs that resinated with the creative process i had in my head, for example I looked at Premier-in, trivago and Hilton Hotels and none of the layouts on the website or even the images matched what I believe is classes as ‘relaxing’, so I just made it from scratch to create my own unique brand name:  
When i was starting the design i was looking at fonts like Serif and Typewriter (the two most common fonts) but i didn’t like how they looked in composition, so i typed up ‘Recovery’ and went down the fonts until I found one that i belive went well:   
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Then I started to look into how I could alter the name to make it look particularly different in the industry i am trying to get into, i started to play around with the ‘o’ in the letters because i tried to make it into an eye ball or even a moon to symbolise the dark inside you you are trying to relinquish: 
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Then after looking at the logo it didn’t look as uniform as i wanted it, i then playing around with the ‘v’ to look into making a recognisable logo design: 
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This design I made really appealed to me because of the concept I had behind it, i wanted to ‘v’ to be a metaphor for the before and after you leave recovery... you become a bigger person and a more improved individual. 
I then came up with my final design, its simple but impactful towards the direction i want to go with the company. I designed this one with the idea of direction in my head: 
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I have finally found my professional approach for a name, the design based around the font and the edit really appealed to me more amongst the rest. I had an idea for when it gets made one day it will look a little like this: 
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As you can see the arrows are pointing towards the doors to almost say “everyone is welcome”. 
Now that the font and brand name was done i could focus on the brief, this is a good opportunity to see what the foundation of my idea is going to look like and lyrically sound like:
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The first thing I wanted to focus on was the design, I made sure to keep the colour and the accent colours minimal so they only highlight what is important, I think focusing on the overall design first was very important, this allowed the viewer to look at the stats easily and navigate through my brief easily. 
I then wanted to look into who I wanted my target audience to be, so i looked into mental heath in the uk and what age was being effected by mental conditions the most, i found out that the NHS want to aim to help ages 17-30 because this is that age group who is going to grow up and define who we all are as a composite society. 
Next i actually found out if a person approached the NHS with mental health problems they won’t actually get a lot of help, they will refer them to psychiatrists or get them medication. With ‘Recovery’ YOU can now get the attention we’re offering. 
I then displayed a graph showing how low the percentage is for the people actually receiving common mental health problems in the UK, the more it’s increasing the more people are getting treated by no-one is doing nothing to actually slow down the percentage of growth. I believe that if there’re places people can go to actually take a brake and get the right attention if needs be.
Business card
My initial ideas for my business card design was to keep it VERY minimalistic.
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This was my first initial design, I made sure to keep the colour scheme grey (#e1e1e1) white (#ffffff) and black (#000000). 
Halfway through this design I realised that I didn’t actually liked the look of it, I was thinking for a while how I could edit it accordingly to the targeted audience. Then i realised that i had to change the whole design itself because i’m the target audience and it didn’t attract to me at all...
I wanted to make the ‘v’s’ in the name the logo, i think this will look good applied to an app or even a website in the future. I was thinking about logo designs since making the business name (remember the moon in the ‘o’ before) so i can apply the link within the name of the business with the desired logo.
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I put the font in photoshop and deleted the surrounding text to leave me with the actual desired logo. Then I applied it to the business card:  
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I kept the same layout but then as you can see I changed the background to a marble effect, I then made sure to keep the circle design to represent the recovery process and to keep consistency throughout the design. I then chose the slogan: ‘allow us to align your mind’. I chose this slogan because it simplifies what we do quickly so people get a quick idea on to what ‘recovery’ is.
After looking at the logo and the overall design i wanted to make to do more with design, so I was looking into making merchandise for the company not only for extra profit but for the main reason... people are going to stay here for long periods of time, so... you would want to make them feel more confutable in their stay. 
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 I made these designs on a website called ‘RedBubble’. This website allows you to design products from t-shirt to even a coffee cup, as long as your design matches the product layout then you can print on any of their designs. 
Personally I liked the tee design better because of how clean it looks. The logo and the background design resinate really well with each-other.
Drink Label Design 
I thought: “If i’m making these products i might as well make my own water to really show the recovery process”. I know the more i imagine myself actually there and fully embrace the idea of this idea then the more it visually appears creatively. I’m making all of these products for a reason, i’m not just making them on a whim... I thought when i was designing, if i was a customer in ‘recovery’ and i’m trying to escape or accept what is going on in the real world then i would like to know that i am in a safe place... that i’m in recovery.
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 This is a simple but effective design, It measurements are to match a coke bottle template.  
I had it in my head for a while now on to what I was going to make/ present for my final piece. I started to make a poster, i found out through the process that it wasn’t representing the feeling I wanted to impact for the viewer. I wanted to make something that would give the audience the sense of relief before they even found out more about their ‘Recovery’. 
I wanted to make an animated poster to further show a relief animation (fade). Then realised i didnt have the software to do so, i didn’t really want to just settle for that eaither. I decided to make a website. Legibly. Professionally. 
I had to get some guidance, I asked my brother (a past website designer) on to how i would go about making a website. 
Step 1 
What i had to do first was to buy the domain so that no one else could take the website name. So i looked online and came across a website called: https://www.ionos.co.uk/. 
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Step 2
After I bought the domain I could then upload the word-press software onto the domain link... (this took some time). After it was uploaded I then had access to something called ‘Divi’ builder. 
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Step 3  
I had to make a ‘private’ page. What this means is that it is password protected so not just anyone can access the website and mess around with it. 
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Step 4
There are three Columns...The first is called “standard section” this is what you see below. The more expensive software you buy the more complex the designs can get BUT what these are are templates which you then design a stage further. 
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Step 5
These are the option you have, you then input the content on to what you desire. Before that though, I had to think about what I actually want the website to look like so i came up with some overall sketches: 
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I loved how the ‘R’ words worked so well in an harmony with each-other. From this idea i wanted to assign the name of the word to what the page will be about, for example`; Revive > Tell you about Recovvery. Refine > tell you about the add ons then you refine it down to your preferance. Recon is the map and reserve is then booking a room.
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When i write things down on paper it makes me start to realise what directions i can go with this website. The designs i was marking up was never going to apply when i actually make it. When i do make it though, i will have that design concept in my head so i can then create my work more fluidly. 
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After making my sketches i thought of a great idea... My Project is based around ‘Recovery’ and how you go through this journey of finding yourself and relief, so, why don’t i create a website that takes you through its journey so by the time you get the the end of the website you understand the feeling and the purpose on to what ‘recovery’ is trying to achieve.
Step 6
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Now i know what my website wanted to look like now all i had to do was pick the layout i wanted and fill in the content.
Obviously it wasn’t as easy as the steps show. What i was doing was teaching myself how to make a website from scratch. There was a lot of video tutorials and blood sweat and a lot of tears but I eventually FINISHED !! 
You can Visit the website yourself at: http://www.sassaw.com/recovery/
or you can watch the video in my next blog :) 
PASSWORD TO OPEN THE WEBSITE IS: ‘openup’ one word, no caps. 
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
February 21st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 21st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Teasday by FeatheryJustice.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Teasday by FeatheryJustice~! (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
I really like the most recent scene with Vander because I'm really looking forward to where it's going to lead to, it left me with a feeling of suspense
I also enjoyed the scene with Calen and Folen
My favourite scene is actually Anton and Spyder, especially trolling Spyder with salt instead of sugar. I do love drawing Calen and Folen :3
Also what tea is everyone drinking today?
Nothing right now- out and about but when I get back chai.
What kind of chai? Traditional or like the new form types?
Draco Plato
peppermint XD
Ohh classic. Plain peppermint or mixed with other stuff Draco?
Draco Plato
just plain, it's pretty watery too since it's the keurig one
Loose leaf (masala I think?) w/ sugar, vanilla, nutmeg and cream.(edited)
Ohh that sounds so good
And cinnamon.
my favorite scene is probably the one with calen and folen. i think they add a lot of dynamic to camellia since before she was just grumpy tea witch. now shes grumpy tea witch with a past. plus i really loved that appearance change because just so many questions. tea party host plot twist: i actually hate tea. long live the coffee witch.
There is a coffee witch
She's cool
which incidentally i did enjoy the dialogue about the coffee witch and the whole description of camellia's interaction with her. it made me laugh.
Beat me to it @RebelVampire.
I always look forward to the author note at the end - it makes me imagine what they are drinking in the story
Also sorry I revealed my tea in general already - but I might make some hojicha for the occasion
Draco Plato
haha I do really enjoy the author notes at the end too, I've learned so much about tea
Eeesh, will be going through a dead zone soon for a few mins, don't freak if I stop talking.
Here for the moment. Yeah, I liked the tea witch/coffee witch thing where they each made the offer and declined, I can totally relate to that. Coffee is just a no for me.
(I don't drink tea much either, but never coffee.)
im really hoping well meet the coffee witch and see the spark of rivalry to a degree. friendly rivalry, but rivalry none the less
another less scene but more moment i enjoyed was at the end of sweet tea where the spider is just using multiple arms to pour in more sugar than should ever be allowed in anything ever
Random surprise twist, Calen inherits the coffee witch title.
I also thought it was a nice touch in the night scene to have Camillia without her gloves. One wonders if she had a tea mishap in her past... or maybe she worked in fast food and gave it up.
There was more sugar than cup, I think. ^.^
Yeah they are really good friends, the coffee witch and Cam
I like the lullaby sung in Tea Cocktails. makes me think of how a lot of our childhood songs can get a little creepy
That song is plot important
We've also seen a fruit witch. Is there a veggie witch?
In like three seasons ahha
There is one!
Draco Plato
oh i was thinking it had plot relevance, the song
(I'm randomly reminded of a bake shop near me called "The Scone Witch".)
That is a good name lol
And yeah of course it has plot relevance, I mean I wouldn't invent a random song without meaning XD
I hope it's clear when I said I liked the author's notes that it doesn't get in front of the content for me! Although I do think it gives each page something extra
idk i could head canon camellia just invented it to troll ppl and creep them out
She would XD
Also I think I want to do a recap section for the longer ones so people can get read through it and get the tdlr
Like I should recap the herbal arc hha
She sings it to people who come in and ask for coffee.
Hellooooo~ Favorite Scene? Vander's hiring. Camelia went through so many applicants that it was silly, and then this guy can pick up the simplest lavender tea
Also, aaaaa, I still need to read from the herbal arc. I fell behind a while ago T_T;;;
I am still reading but I really liked the getting ready to go out/meeting Anton
i also liked how kind of shrug no big deal vander was about knowing the tea
I think Vander was expecting something more challenging, because he's got some sort of tea magic, but... Camelia has long dealt with normal people, who don't know it well
Yeah I would be a lot more... I think the word is chuffed? If I guessed a tea challenge
Actually there is a thing why she was so surprised actually
also urgh, is it Camellia or Camelia... I keep forgetting which words have two ls some nights
It was barely hinted at
QUESTION 2. As hinted by the name, one of the comic’s goals is to focus on all topics related to tea. What is one interesting fact that you learned about tea thanks to the comic? Of the episodes, which episode did you find to be the strongest in terms of how it delivered educational, tea related information? Alternatively, of the episodes, which one did you find most entertaining on how it tackled a certain topic of tea and tea brewing? What other tea brews or information are you hoping to see the comic tackle? Lastly, which of the brews presented so far is your favorite?
Well, as I recall it was diluted all to heck. Camillia was waiting for someone to say "it's water, not tea".
yeah id call that more than a hint XD
It was diluted
I really did like the intro to herbals, though Feather had told us a bit about it in IDC some time ago
also the process of tea flavoring is fascinating!
I'd never considered the difference between infusers and the little collander thing that sits on a teapot. Surface area and such.
Draco Plato
I'd never heard of a lot of the tea combinations before so it gave me a lot to try
And yeah it was more than a hint haha XD but people gloss over it a lot
Draco Plato
the banana tea particularly fascinated, and the chocolate tea
the fact that coconut tea is so oily wasn't... surprising
Draco Plato
yeah it was!
I'm shocked it goes with chocolate though
Lol XD
chocolate is a pain to clean up after in my mug XD
Yeah somrtimes you oh
You can put the chocolate tea in a tea bag and then into an infuser XR
...that would keep the oil from escaping wouldn't it
Oh yeah, banana tea, what was up with that. Did not anticipate.
i have learned all the tea facts. as someone who doesnt like tea and thus doesnt make it, my knowledge equates to basically 0 on anything involved with making tea. like didnt even know there were different ways to flavor things. so all in all the comic has been educational as a whole to me
I am glad I am teaching people!
wait, rebel, you don't like tea?! whaaaaaaaaat
Also man I had to research so much for the herbal flavouring thing
It's a "steep" learning curve.
the research really shows through though because i think in comparison to the other strips this one has been the most thorough
I love that pum
Also I was trying to do a different format as well that time CD
and no i dont like tea. but tbf to tea i dont like hot beverages in general. even coffee which i do like i take it iced.
Iced tea episode hahaha
Funny thing about tea for me. I don't like hot tea. I definitely don't like iced tea. I'll tend to drop an ice cube into tea shortly before drinking it (it melts, admittedly diluting) to split the difference.
yeah, I let my tea cool before drinking it in many cases -- but some just taste better hot
but compared to rebel, I live in the arctic I think
Lukewarm tea is okay
Exactly. Gotta go for lukewarm.
in terms of education, i also liked the alcohol tea drinking. cause it was educational and entertaining. cause idk what it was about the scene, but i got kind of a bar feeling. like camellia suddenly the bartender just serves alcohol tea
to rebel most ppl live in the arctic in comparison XD
That reminds me, when Camellia's with her family they call her Amellia. Is she undercover with her C?
I'd honestly never had tea with alcohol... that sounds... pretty good imo
i assumed it might have been a nickname cause it seems like most charas have their own nickname for her
but then again
she did change her appearance
Amelia is what they call her and Ilia is what Anton and Spyder call her
Oh, good point, the llia hadn't consciously registered.
She looks different to tend bar.
Yeah becuase she actually attempted to dress up XD
Also I need to bring back Galene sometime soon
she looked very pretty in those scenes too
i was hoping wed see galene again cause i really like galene's design
I had fun drawing her but I was also like "OH GOD WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF"
Galene is Calen's secret informant.
Fun fact, they don't know of each other's existences yet.
Galene and Calen never met in story
Same as how Vander never met Anton and Spyder yet, and Rhurbi only seen Spyder and Anton like once
Also the fun thing about alcohol with tea is that you can put it in hot tea and burn off the alcohol content. Or cook it
oh man i cant wait till vander meets spyder and anton then. partly cause i wonder who might teach who about tea.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-3/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=24 Vander's real shady in this page ಠ_ಠ
Maybe Vander already knows Spyder by reputation. "Oh, you're the sugar daddy."
I'm back!
You almost made me choke on my tea there Math
vander knows cause hes seen how much sugar inventory they have to keep and its abnormally high
Fun fact, Vander HATES sweet things most of the time.
Don't get him a cute teddy bear for his birthday then.
i agree with kabo that vander was super suspicious in that one panel. but honestly vander seems suspicious in general cause he seems to know little about making tea at all but somehow was able to recognize a diluted mixture that nobody else could
maybe he's a tea-witch in training
Draco Plato
maybe it's just part of an ability his species has
He said he knew tea stuff though, didn't he?
Hyper taste?
yeah people say things
Draco Plato
i thought he said he was learning from Camellia
theory time
he's a business rival
Draco Plato
tries to remember why Vander was looking for a job
he just kind of wandered in, I thought
Kabocha: That seems plausible. Guess he's playing the long game rather than trying to buy her out.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-4/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=25 oh look at that
support for my theory as I'm reading
Draco Plato
maybe he's related to one of the people calen killed
Pffft, Calen doesn't kill people, no she's an angel Coughlaugh
Draco Plato
O_O suuuuure
She outsources.
Folen does it for her
Draco Plato
Also I am laughing because I want to say things, but can not because well that's Spoilers~
QUESTION 3. Despite the tea focus, the comic does take some time to add in a few character mysteries. What do you think Camellia past is with Calen and Folen? Why is Camellia so ardent about not going back to work with Calen? Also, why do you think Camellia changed her appearance to pay a visit to the two? What do you make of the scars depicted on Camellia’s hands? Besides Camellia, there is also her new assistant Vander. Do you believe that Vander can be trusted, or do you believe Calen will find out something shady about him? How will his continued presence affect Camellia and/or himself?
I THINK FOLEN wanted to marry camellia(edited)
Leans back to watch fan theories steep
Kabocha went there
Kabo did.
I always go there.
I would show you a clip of the next episode talking about cups
Becuase literally it's all Folen and Camellia that episode hahah
Camellia turned Folen down, though, because... Well. She honestly doesn't want that romance stuff. Just give her the tea, dammit.
Folen, on the other hand, is interested in magic, and hey, tea magic is magic... yes right?
Draco Plato
that's pretty much what I had but I think overall the three of them are like family too
so there's probably a deeper connection there
As I recall, Calen said that Camellia and Folen used to date, or something. Maybe he runs a fast food place.
Maybe he likes flavored Coffee
Doesn't go well with tea.
LOL I wish there was a fast food witch somewhere XD
Wendy's, the good witch?
HAHAHA XD I'm laughing so hard
Obsessed with hair nets... I can picture it now...
"Do you want fries with that?"
They're magic!
Magic Fries for everyone
the veggie witch and fast food witch must be friends
to make all those french fries
Makes you crave more magic fast food
Real potato fries, so real they will teleport out of your stomach
Sweet potato fries are the veggie witch's favorite, I'm sure
put cinnamon on 'em
Draco Plato
Yum yum
Veggie witch was actually schdueled to come around earlier in devlopement but I wanted her to be more placed later in the story as like, weird wacky aunt who visits
She bringing a lot of onions with her
She would invite people over, but she's got a leek problem
Onion tea?
There is onion tea
wait theres onion tea
Onion and ginger might be good
It's made like a cold remedy
But I like Onion tea by itself
Draco Plato
It's full of tears
Layers of flavour
Is there tea made with bacon?
I think so
I seen that in like, a weird tea thing
They used like, bacon bits with black tea to get a smoky flavour
so anyway camellia's hands: scars from tea brewing or scars from something else? O_O
Also Lapsang Sochong (One of the teas from an episode, has a good smoky taste so you can add bacon to it and give it a try???)
And I can't confirm or deny why she has those scars, other than man it's hard to draw them all the time
I keep forgetting they exist XD
So It's a plot point
(Everything I do is a plot point, only when it isn't then it isn't for a plot point XD)
im personally leaning towards the latter. although i could see the former. like idk how someone becomes a witch in this world, but maybe camellia wasnt meant to be a tea witch. like she had to work super super super super duper hard to be a tea witch.
She burned her hands on tea didn't she
Draco Plato
The scars probably relate to a murder
maybe she was trying to work with Folen and it didn't work out
Also all witch related questions will be answered soon, after the wrap up of season 1
What are your views on infusing tea into other food?
rice, cakes,
i hope that if her scars relate to murder she didnt infuse the victim into tea or something. cause yes i went the dark route
Delicious, I have recipes with tea for DAYS!
Also there are
Many screams
Draco Plato
Don't give feather ideas XD
Pfft, it was already set in stone lol!
Draco Plato
Omg XD
So tea infusions in other things?
Flower witch too, maybe?
There is a flower witch
And also fun fact about the scars, Camellia actually has enough fingerless gloves to match her entire wardrobe, all in the basic colours XD
And my favourite thing to do right now is to try to use teas in savoury dishes
Recently made broiled chicken with a lemon chili pepper white tea, and that was so good
(Be right back, grabbing another cup of tea, getting some apple chamomile cinnamon roobios)
i hope we can meet the flower witch
although i wonder if witches have to be female
cause part of me wants it to be a guy who wears a flower crown
I wonder if I can say.
Well you will have it explained during the episode of the origins of how these particular witches came to be.
But I haven't designed the Flower Witch so I will keep that in mind.
QUESTION 4. The story has its fair share of shenanigans while having a lot of future potential. Insofar, which character do you enjoy seeing the most in the comic and why? Are there any potential future scenarios you’re hoping to see them in? Are there any other sort of witch types you’re hoping exist in the world that could play a role in the comic? What about creatures? In the long term, do you think Camellia will keep her current tea brewing style of life, or will something come along and change it in contrast to all the shenanigans? Finally, in general, what other scenarios do you see popping up for the story given any story fact?
i enjoy seeing vander cause he really is a suspicious mofo.
maybe vander is a world reknown thief
and he thinks camellia keeps her treasures in that backroom
and now he finds out nah she just has tea and more tea
so has to convenient go on vacation to never return
Reminds me of the Tuxedo Mask Meme
"My job here is done" "But you didn't do anything" Whoosh
I personally just can't wait to finish Season 1, and then get into the really good stuff in Season 2. I also can't wait to kinda fix my old art ahhahahha XD
But I wouldlike to introduce more of towns folk, becuase there is a good amount of diversiTEA in the town Camellia resides, which is far away from the big city of where Folen and Calen are
What will Camelia think when someone serves her Coffee Puerh
Also Vander being a Phantom Thief really makes me have ideas though haha
The same thing Camelia thinks when people give her Tawinese Coffee Milk Tea. "....Thanks but no." And Coffee tea is going to be an episode on it's own as well.
i hope thats the episode where we meet the coffee witch
You gonna call $CanadianTeaRetailer out lol
as they both stare in horror
Yes you are
I actually like the Coffee Puerh tbh! It's tasty. But I can see why Camellia might not. Is she not a fan of high caffeine, or does she prefer smaller doses at once
Yes, they look at that and is like "Are they shipping us?" "Probably?" "Weird."
Camellia can not drink coffee because she is allergic.
Like how the Coffee Witch is allergic to tea, but can at least have herbals XD
(Back from crib.) I suspect Vander is a spy from the warlocks. Only witches are female, the guys want in on the action.
I love diversiTEA.
vander can be both, be a spy and a phantom thief. cause who is going to expect the spy is actually a thief
or maybe vander is a secret evaluator
like an undercover food safety inspector
but for tea
hes juding camellia and her knowledge
Vander could also be a student in debt trying to get a part time job and is lucky Camellia doesn't look at resumes becuase he doesn't have any experience
idk vander seems like he dresses too nice to be a student in debt. O_O unless that is the actual answer in which case vander please, sell your clothes and downgrade
Oh god Vander is one of those guys who are like "I spend all my money to look good and now I am broke" XD
Also maybe Vander is a food inspector waiting for that one bug from the other episode to show up and he never does
Vander also at first wasn't going to be a character actually. It was only after I realized I needed an every day man type character for reasons to exposition at did I create him.
I'm glad people like him
one thing from the story im really curious about is the vampires apparently? since there was that one dude who showed up and needed tea cause someone named krys was grumpy. im really curious about all that stuff cause i wanna know who this krys person is
I do kinda wonder about Calen and her sword fighting in the house.
HAHAHAAAA I love Krys, they are great
You will see them later.
And Calen was killing things with a coat hanger actually
Just gotta listen for the Krys Anthem - Mum.
Very sturdy coat hanger
I guess if you don't have a coat, why not.
Oh yes, and the random sword
That was just from off the wall
Like you know when you have like swords on display
So, are we shipping Camellia and Rhurbi? Fruit and tea mix well, as we've been told. ^.^
Reminding me of Narbonic- kinda creeping me out... @FeatheryJustice
They've got that whole "I hate you when you don't call" vibe going too.
Ping was supposed to be at front?
Lol, Camellia isn't very good at remembering phones exist
And what is Narbonic?
camellia watched too much harry potter and only sends messages by owl
Also Draco also said they ship Cam and Rhubi
And yes, Camellia would do owl mail
Camellia travels by unconventional means too.
Old webcomic that finished, I'll find the link if you want?
Yup, by the friend express
Okay, Cam and Rhubi ftw. Vander will have to make due with Spyder.
Mad scientists.
This conversation is rather disjointed.(edited)
Yeah it is, alright, reeling it back in
I gotta get my ships in before time elapses.
So far, that's a popular ship
And I haven't seen that webcomic but I will check it out Cheshire
Or three conversations...
i will accept the vander and spyder ship
Well it will be fun when they meet
As far as the tea brewing life, I feel like she already had a change in her past. Maybe related to the injury. I don't see her deviating any more.
And no one mentions mysterious person on the other side of magical tea cup
Which, the logo?
I'll put the link on general.
Hm, not sure it consciously registered.
That was the dude by the seaside or whatever.
Don't worry
It's a really long sideplot
I can't wait to read more
But yeah it's a cup that you can share liquids with another person on the other side
Interesting how much got set up. Oh, that's clever.
Gotta make sure when you're rising it out that the person on the other end doesn't drink sudsy dishwater.
I tend to write in a way where I am like "Here is Plot point A, which goes into A-A, into A-B, into A-C" Meanwhile "Plot B-G is with plot point G-A"
Best with it!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to FeatheryJustice, as well, for making Teasday. If you liked the comic, make sure to support FeatheryJustice’s efforts however you’re able to~!
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