#i did not really intend on posting this ngl. but here i am and here she is. i feel bad that i dont share more of her story or personality
faerieomenart · 3 days
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My Mandalorian oc, Jaemi (she/her), a badass armorer, but also a complete goof who can't talk to pretty women without getting flustered (good thing she has a helmet, ig).
Jaemi is Mandalorian Nightsister? Idk how else to describe it. She was taken away by pirates at a young age as a sort of peace offering, and she wasn't really wanted anyway because she couldn't seem to grasp magic nor had any interest in it. I forgot what age she was, but it was young. Anyway, some Mandos ran into the pirates and ended up coming across Jaemi and adopted her, to make the story short. Jaemi is fully aware that she is from Dathomir, though she does not remember anything about it from when she was a child. So she shows her respect for her heritage through her facial tattoos inspired by the Nightsisters, and designed her armor to resemble their clothing as well.
Drawn: June 6, 2023.
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pinksilkribbons · 16 days
ahh my first post i’m nervous lol. this is pretty rushed and short ngl. i’m a beginner writer so please be graceful! constructive criticism is always welcome!
CW/TW: stalking, non-consensual candid photos
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Yan!Classmate who hates school more than anything. His parents constantly have to get onto him for skipping classes. Today they were particularly determined to get him to school on time, and so here he was.
Just because he was at school didn’t mean he intended to actually listen though. In fact, he couldn’t even if he wanted to. You stole all his attention.
The moment you walked through the door something in him just shifted. He was no longer sleepy or grouchy, but instead felt a surge of energy.
For a moment you were the only thing in the world. You trudged over to your seat, which was unfortunately no where near his own. And on top of that, you seemed a little too close with your desk mate.
Is he your boyfriend? Maybe you’re just friends. He really, really hopes you’re single. Even if you aren’t…well, he’s a patient boy! He’ll wait for the rest of eternity if he needed to.
Yan!Classmate who “accidentally” bumps into you once class is over. His unfinished papers scattered all across the hallway. A part of him wishes he would’ve put his things away before rushing over to you…Now you know he slacks off on his work!
What if you think he’s stupid? What if you’re into smart guys instead? What if-
“Oh my god, I am SO sorry!”
Fuck. Your voice is even cuter than he imagined.
Watching you scramble on the floor to pick up his papers made him happier than he expected. You must want to make a good first impression. I mean, why else would you be so nice to him?
“Uh..It’s alright”, He smiled.
Your face noticeably brightened before nodding and scurrying off. He felt his heart quicken seeing how happy you became.
He’d give anything, and I mean anything, to wake up to that smile every morning.
It was official: Elijah had fallen in love with you.
Yan!Classmate who’s far too shy to try and approach you again. Instead, he decides to admire you from afar. From glancing at you during class to stalking walking you back home. Can’t let any creeps try and hurt you! He really cares about you and your safety! Even if you never realize he’s there.
Yan!Classmate whose parents start rewarding his sudden improvement in school. (He only goes so he can see you.) His parents are throwing money at his face and telling him to “treat himself”.
And treat himself he did.
Yan!Classmate that saves his money and eventually buys himself a polaroid camera. He needs as many photos of you as possible! How else will he have motivation to wake up every morning?
What? Did he take a picture of you? Don’t be ridiculous! He’s taking a picture of that tree behind you. You just happened to be there silly!
In fact, you happen to be in every single photo stuck to his closet wall!
What a coincidence, huh?
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calyxcurl · 3 months
3 and 6 for the fic rec ask meme please 🥰
3. 😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
THERE... ARE SO MANY. SO I WILL LIMIT MYSELF TO THREE FOUR!! And I will do it in order of word length!
Uncouth by yeaka ~1.6k words, Rated T one of my favorite 3zun dynamic is xiyao being obnoxiously flirtatious and mingjue having an aneurysm about it AJDFHLSDKJHA
Pet Slut by @giraffeter ~6.7 words, Rated M YOU JUST HAVE TO READ IT (The Lan Xichen thirst is real ((so valid))!!!!!) Comedic, involves DOGGIES, HILARIOUS Jin siblings interaction!
Tender Tentacle Tribulations by Shiome @evilhasnever ~7.9k words, Rated E 🦑 MONSTER-FUCKING!🐙IT'S REALLY CUTE AND LIGHTHEARTED and horny AND I LAUGHED AT SEVERAL THINGS (which i evidently posted bloopers for!) BUT THE LINE THAT HAS STAYED IN MY HEAD FOREVER is Nie Huaisang asking: "How hard can it be to sit on a dick, Yao-Yao?"
Where Did The Party Go by @tilwesink ~9.1k words, Rated T I was laughing for the majority of this fic ngl--!! SongXueXiao isn't my main ship but Xue Yang in particular is hilarious here and the background XiYao is *CHEF'S KISS*! Perfect bridezilla A-Yao!
I am also realizing that I, uh, was able to choose these off the top of my head because have podficced all of these and remember vividly having to pause multiple times to laugh during each recording process lsdkfhlaksdjfhashl HONESTLY i didn't intend for this to be a self-promo HOWEVER i do feel inclined to share some art I drew for these!
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6. 😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Thank you for asking me for fic recs!! They are, unsurprisingly, mostly XiYao. 😂😌
Fic Recs (Ask Meme)
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Eclipse Episode 9
Okay so I am not as compelled to write but I wanted to inform my avid viewers (lol) that I have finished episode 9 and intend to watch epiosdes 10-12 in one hit, hopefully tomorrow afternoon evening so this will be the last update for 20-22 hours. (ADDED AFTER: I WROTE A TON LOL)
@wen-kexing-apologist @grapejuicegay @thegalwhorants @plantsarepeopletoo You all are making this a ton of fun so thanks a bunch.
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(this was earlier but I loved this pun ngl)
This episode started out with a bit of a sucker punch as Akk wanted Ayan to leave the school to be safe while Ayan wanted to stay in school because he was worried about Akk.
I just have to say that the utter wonderfulness of these boys relationship bring so much heart to the show it's amazing
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Yes he has a boyfriend, ME - Loved this so much
I really enjoy that Ayan has decided they boyfriends even though Akk can't say it out loud yet.
Enough Simping, onto other thoughts
I get that the Car convo with Akk and Ayans mum was important but it was also PAINFUL ngl because Akk is already under so much pressure from adults and here's another one just heaping onto something I am sure he's already worried about
Principal speaking to Chadok is giving me chain of yelling vibes, principal Principal to Chadok DO SOMETHING Chadok to Ayan DO SOMETHING and so on, seems like Principal is being hounded by donors, money sure makes the world go round
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Oh no if the prefect group is disbanded what about Akks future?
also has Akk told Ayan about how much he's potentially relying on financial aid? (and I say potentially because while the show has clearly shown this as key motivation they haven't really stressed how important this is).
The sign and the dripping paint!
Ngl I thought it was Namo but he's pretty convincing of his innocence
I'm still wondering how Wat's whole arc is going to tie in, I had kind of wondered if he's be filming and catch something by accident but now it sounds like he'll be looking to film it and tell a story on purpose so I wonder if it will be a key part of the resolution, you know a touching film to make the higher ups realise the light or something (though that feels a bit too neat)
actually that's something I hadn't considered, how neatly is GMMTV going to tie this one up in a little bow?
LOOK, Thua still feels SUPER SUS to me okay like he knows now that Chadok *probably* invented the curse so he's got to be even madder, and I still feel like he was behind the initial 3 protestors
I'm venturing into crazy town here but see, maybe he even encouraged Akk or Namo in their supporessive tactics and then turned around to egg on the protestors, now that Akks backed off, he could be the one doing the paint sign and burning the doll because he WANTS THE SCHOOL TO HAVE NEGATIVE ATTENTION. Like Akk says, he wouldn't do it because it's obviously going to get the wrong kind of attention but I could definitely see Thua WANTING that attention right?
And especially now he knows about the Curse origins and Akk no longer seems to be enforcing it maybe he's using it to his own advantage, how much of a mastermind is he??
Also I thought I'd been tracking what Akk calls Ayan for reasons, and I caught the slip up and self-correction but he called him Aye in the pool so did I miss it earlier?? I'm going to have to go back to the food scene and check because I want to know
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Okay so last(ish) thing, it was actually in a previous episode but I want to talk about this
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because it sent be into a bit of a tailspin about the KINDNESS this show is presenting as a core theme
In this scene the three protestors look confused and hand over their items with much less resistance than previously, Akk has seriously changed his approach and Namo comments later that 'he's changed'
Also they haven't really resolved this yet but Ayan Uncle has certainly been presented as a key point of kindness not just for Ayan but for the school kids too.
also previously Ayan used kindness to get the protestors to stop
actually Ayan is the core of this because he is SO CONFIDENT and FIRM is his convictions while being UNFAILINGLY KIND
His and Khan's whole interaction a couple episodes ago which I thought was going to be a jealous fight but then just...wasnt and then this episode Ayan was gently encouraging him to confess his feelings for Thua
Also Wat also just seems super kind
and the show has made a point of showing how different these three boys are when they're not enforcing the rules
Ayan and his ideals are a key stressors to Akks major ongoing identity crises (which may be the main focus of the post I can already taste on my fingertips for after I finish this show because Akk is...oh boy...very relatable) Yet he is also A PILLAR of patience, kindness and strength in Akks life even as he pushes and jokes and teases he accepts what Akk can give even when it's less than he wants.
Okay...I think I am done
Some bonus simping for y'all
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Oh sweet boy everything about your face disagrees with you
(somehow his eyes look even more doe-y with dishevelled hair)
That's all
I'll back tomorrow!
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Okay I'm really done now
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
So I'm ngl I followed you because my partner really likes jiggy and I am trying desperately to like. Care more about him and enjoy him because of this. I didn't read through the whole post about life debts and nmj (who for the record I think is an asshole, but an interesting one, given his complete inability to see in shades of grey morality), but I did read the reblog you added comparing some of jiggy's actions to wwx's, which I actually found really interesting. Since wwx is my poor little meow meow, I'm wondering if approaching jiggy through the lens of their similarities etc might help nudge my brain more into liking him, so I was curious if you had any recommendations for like, good meta posts or gifsets or fics that get into this more?
I suspect that part of my problem is the novel is just my least favorite adaptation even though I dislike a lot of the plot changes that cql and the donghua did, because it's hard for me to read through, but I can overcome that. Probably.
hi hello!! I know we have chatted a bit already via messages, but I am so, so, so happy any time someone expresses any interest in developing a more comprehensive understanding of jgy's character.
user meta
in terms of linking you to specific bits of meta about parallels between jgy and wwx, it might be easier for me to just direct you to specific users who have written extensively on narrative parallels in mdzs in general: @xiyao-feels has written meta based on several close readings of the text and often highlights the importance of where jgy-specific events are situated, and this often includes callbacks to things that wwx has done, too. if you're keen on deep dives into what makes jgy tick and text-based explanations for why he does the things he does (and why his options are extremely limited), you should also check out @fincalinde's meta. fincalinde and xiyao-feels both ground their analysis of jgy (and xiyao lol but you don't have to read the xiyao meta if you aren't keen on it) in what we're presented in the text, so if you're worried about reading analysis that relies too much upon 'fanon,' that won't be a concern here. @confusion-and-more is another user who writes similar text-based meta along similar lines.
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I tend not to look for good parallels in gifsets, but this one by @henshengs probably draws the most powerful, bittersweet parallels between wangxian, xiyao, and the relationship between lan wangji and lan xichen's parents. it's from the donghua rather than the drama, idk if you have a preference on that front.
the fic series it's worth it every time by @fincalinde (roquen on AO3) is by far the best series imo for digging into jgy's core motivations for doing the things that he does, and it also has the benefit of hewing extremely close to events as they unfold in canon. again, it's xiyao, which may not be your thing, but imo understanding the xiyao dynamic is pretty crucial to understanding jgy, too.
...okay!! I think this is a good place to get started? I will see what else I can dig up for you, and like I said, I have a few other bits of meta in my drafts atm that are focused specifically on wwx-jgy parallels and comparisons, so once I finish and publish those, I'll ping you about it. 👍
edit: ooh, editing my post to add a link to these two pieces of wangxian and xiyao fanart by @hawberries which are intended to be viewed side by side for maximum heartbreak.
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richardsondavis · 11 months
I was going over to reddit and saw some dude over at the gamergate sub that said that if Monica Rial was ever in a thing, they'd switch over to JP cause screw her and I think to myself if that's not how many SJWs think as well? Just on the opposite side. Not much upvotes to that one but oh well.
After looking through the entire KickVic debacle my conclusion is that...I care less about it than other things.
Hey, it's sad that a man's legacy got torn down and sad that shit is still brewing but with that said, why should I be concerned here? I live halfway across the world, the only dubs from Funimation I like is Fairy Tail which has Monica Rial AND Vic Mignogna although Rial has the more major role, Mignogna just has the villain for that one arc role but still!
And that dub was finished way before the shitstorm even started. I'm just kinda figuring things out myself.
Todd Haberkorn supports Vic? So what?
Monica Rial is a piece of shit person? So what?
Marzgurl ruined Vic's life? I enjoy reading the long post she made ngl but again so what?
I'm passionate about Fairy Tail but the VAs were never really my go. Todd, Vic, Monica, Colleen and Cherami are the only VAs I really did a deep delve on and most of them I know from Fairy Tail and I intend to enjoy Fairy Tail the dub via pirating because I cannot afford a subscription. I read the manga though and am just at the Everlue arc in the anime. So yeah, there's that.
I guess I just really felt like that one dude from KiA. I felt like when someone points out that the Fairy Tail dub has Monica Rial as a major character in the show, they'd ask my opinion on this whole saga but now I know that it was all in my head.
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just-about-nothing · 1 year
it’s two am and i am not sleeping again. so. casting for birds of prey: comics version
oracle played by margo gignac. this was a mega difficult decision bc i wanted barbara to be played by someone who was an actual wheelchair user + someone who looks like she could scold batman into submission. gignac fits that best i can do. i also think she has great hacking hands. i read gignac was a black belt somewhere & i think that’s great for someone playing babs too
black canary played by lindsay watson. it’s wig time babey! i specifically wanted to pick a dark haired actress because, even though dinah’s dying her hair by the time bop rolls around, i don’t forget her roots (pun totally intended). i wanted to pick someone who looked like she could kick an army’s ass and then scoop up a child & call them sister. watson fits the bill nicely. i think she has a kind face and her interviews speak to so much determination and willpower, which is the energy i want brought to dinah.
huntress played by tea falco. she’s an italian actress from sicily (like helena! who was born in the us but raised in sicily) who just has this look to her i really love, especially for bop huntress. she seems fun and beautiful and like a good teacher. i don't have a lot to say here, really. i looked at her face and went yeah that's huntress
lady blackhawk played by america ferrera. i think about zinda having a beer while huntress & canary destroy the bar & zinda walks away w the info theyre looking for. big america ferrera vibes. also i love the idea of lady blackhawk being played by an actress named america. also zinda’s hot & america ferrera’s hot i have no other notes here.
lady shiva played by lucy liu. this is the inspiration for this post and also my personal sapphic fantasy ngl. (liu is beautiful of course and i have the fattest crush on shiva lol)
right. boy time!
nightwing played by paul eryk atlas. my understanding is that atlas is a romani british actor. he's primarily played romantic leads and def looks it. i like him for nightwing bc that's basically dick's role in bop. he serves to be barbara's on again off again bf. also atlas has long hair and i'm a long hair dick supremacist (now. wigs do exist but dude got LUUUSHHH hair). (runner up: jan cina, who's just a little too ectomorphic for nightwing for my tastes. sorry dude)
ted kord played by robert buckely. i got nothing to say. buckely has a nice smile and is otherwise a white dude w brown hair. which is also what ted is. so. between a kord played by buckely and oracle played by gignac, oracle remains the powerhouse. as it should be.
robin (tim drake) played by jay lycurgo. was titans supposed to be awful? yes. did i see lycurgo get cast and go DAMN THAT'S TIM. yes. he has that look in his face. that's all. also i saw him in the bastard child devil show on netflix and he gave off THEE BIGGEST tim drake energy there. i was very impressed. (runner up: david mazouz just for the lols).
batman played by robert pattinson. sue me i liked the batman 2022. no notes.
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hyperbolicgrinch · 5 months
Teehee,,, here she comes,,, to ask,,, questionnnnnsss, (no pressure of course bestie) 1, 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, 29, 33 and 34 !!! But no pressure to anything!!! no pressure to answer either <3 I’m on laptop so this is a v boring ask i apologise it won't let em format this at all :(
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There she is!!!! To ask questions!!! (Bless you for fighting the laptop to send me these, ilysm 💕)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I simply can't. It's impossible. I never look directly at my writing so I don't know her well enough 😂
Okay, fine, fine, she's mid, that's what I'll say?? So ⭐⭐ ?? Not doing anything spectacular but gets the job done more than not?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Maybe my All Out!!! requested ones because I actually finished and posted them, which was a miracle 😌✌️
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Honestly I'm really excited about a silly modern university One Piece au I'm sort of doing on the side sometimes when I need a breather from other fics. Even though I've barely written anything officially for it, it's a cumulation of all my sister's and my 2am ramblings and silly little biased ideas and I just really wanna bring them to life so she can read them. 😂
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooo, if my memory serves right it was One Piece or Supernatural. I didn't ever finish or publish any of them but yeah- gateway drugs.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Let me think, what's at the top of my head right now...
Argh, I guess I like when arseholes catch feelings for each other but still stay arseholes about it adsfggh 😅
Ohhhh and where one of them gets injured or beat up or whatever and the other dickhead is like "tell me who did this to you" while cradling their face or something hnggg 😳👉👈
Or when they've been complete dicks to each other but one of them turns up on the doorstep of the other cause they had nowhere else to go and then they have to deal with each other and they fall in luvvvv 😏
I also really am a bitch for the bastard is in love with and pining for other character (in fiction!!! In fiction!!!!). ugh if done right and pulled off well (in fiction!!!! In fiction!!!), I am unfortunately on the edge of my seat 🫣
Love me a bitch that gets jealous and starts acting out too (in fiction!!!!!) because as a bitch that do get jealous (not to that level, I am not pulling that crap, I promise) it speaks to me a little ngl 🫢
Ooooo and the fuck the whole world, I choose you thing. Like if they damn the whole world for their person/people then I'm there. I'm right there. It's gotta be done right thooooo but to be fair, it's pretty hard to mess up 😌
Okay gonna stop outing myself on main because I could go on adafgdhjy and just end with, not really a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure, but if there's a forehead press I am on the floor every time. The chef's are kissing with tongue!! Nothing like a forehead press!!! 😍
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay so the big One Piece one I'm working on atm, I keep having an urge to make a sequel after it that let's me kinda do a fix it au and teams the characters up again for a joint revenge plot. I can see it in my mind but making it work is going to be a lot. Still love to daydream about it tho 😂
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Hmm. Well atm I'm writing a lot of seggs and I'm not that (pun intended) jazed about writing it because it's not really my thing or in my wheelhouse, so that might count?
Don't know how it turned out cause it ain't finished yet but pray for me. It's a slog but the uglies must be bumped, I guess (instantly regrets saying that) 🙃
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I'd need an audience first, pfftt 🤭
Nah, um, that it takes literal years and none of that shit is written in order. It's all an illusion, babbeyyy!!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Crikey okay everything I'm writing at the moment is pissing me off so here's something I wrote in like 2016 and haven't touched since but that I think about often (even if I would change most of it today) because of a compliment I got on it. 😙
(It was for a Zoro pov zolu ficlet after the timeskip meet up when all the crew gets back together again in One Piece because that arc always leaves me with some damn big feelings and they have to go somewhere 👁️👄👁️)
And he will be.
And Zoro will be there when he does, because oh, he's not leaving this thundering feeling for anything in the world ever again.
He shuts his one good eye, and smiles.
The heavens will hear Luffy's name long before they ever hear his own.
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bisluthq · 5 months
But I cannot for the LIFE of me understand WHAT THE FUCK was Matty's reasoning throughout all of this????//
Urgh anon I feel you, I really do😭 as maddenning as the whole thing is though I do think that the simple answer is that Matty is a drug addict (per his own words, he has straight up said it) and drug addicts tend to impulsively search for temporary highs in different forms, often without being aware that that's what they're doing. Tbf Matty has also said that he's now clean from the heroin and stuff but Taylor does sing about him buying pills and being stoned so🤷🏻‍♀️ And anyways, even if a drug addict is in recovery they're still bound to have erratic behaviours and/or withdrawal symptoms and I legit think that's a big part of why this man is the mess he is. Like he would be messy anyways but with the drugs he just stands no chance and so he ends up hurting the people around him a lot without meaning to.
I did have a phase there in 2022 where I was very into the 1975 and Matty specifically as in, I wanted to fuck him and yes that is so deeply embarrassing for my life and for my soul I know ☠️☠️ but besties we'd just come out of a global pandemic that'd nearly done me in literally like I really almost ended it all so I wasn't exactly ok and I did a bunch of messy questionable stuff that year and yes had a crush on Matty bc I was fresh out the slammer (as in the pandemic lol). When it was confirmed in May that Taylor was in fact hooking up with him I joked with Nat that she went ahead and fucked him for me💀😭 but that was all before the man outed himself as an avid enjoyer of deranged misogynistic racist porn and before he said the racist ass shit about Ice Spice. No crush of mine has ever been so quickly and effectively extinguished as that one was, the moment I knew about that he was suddenly the most disgusting and unappealing human ever to me🤷🏻‍♀️ ngl kinda wish my irl crush that I've been pining after for years would do something repulsive like that and kill the crush once and for all lol. But yeah when Nat put 2 and 2 together about Question...? there was no question (pun intended lol) between us that the song was about Matty, I'd been listening a lot to 75 songs and yeah he is the certified Sad Boi and she was the certified Good Girl back in Tatty 1.0. I think the ootw sample at the begginning of the song is making a nod to the time period when this happened, not to our boy Harold. Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀I was listening to the album again while walking home yesterday and Nat you're right I had too much faith in her lol it really does feel like she wrote this album instead of going to therapy 💀😭 it's like if she'd managed to write her way out of 2016. I do think that's ultimately a good thing though bc she carried around the wounds and trauma of 2016 for years but with this it seems like she effectively sucked the poison out of the wounds and is very determined to close the chapter and heal. I still really wish she would just go to therapy though😩 girlie can pay for the best therapist in all of the US if she wants and make them sign the most solid NDA for privacy. I legit wonder if that has been a hold up for her going to therapy, maybe she's terrified of things leaking and feels like she could never truly trust a therapist/inhibit herself enough to be able to say everything she needs to say, and so she ends up thinking that it's not worth it and instead talks to her friends and makes unhinged songs lol
”Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀” literally tho.
Also ngl I’m very grateful for your (brief but intense) crush on Matty because without it I’d never have figured out Question and then I wouldn’t be out here feeling as vindicated as I am in a post TTPD world.
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foggyparadisecandy · 10 months
I had a lot of words to say but to stop myself from talking more than I need to.
I hope you heal fully, I hope it gets easier for you, I wish you nothing but the best in life. Sometimes there needs to be a forest fire to grow.
Thank you for sharing your feels, your writings. You're very uniquely human, I feel almost human reading what you write.
Be safe, it'll get better.
Thanks nonny. I guarantee you are human. The simple act of kindness by making such an ask proves it indisputably.
Words are always welcome on my blog - in comments, asks, or DMs. If you’ve read some off my trauma posts, you know I will even use the same words and repeat myself hundreds of times! Hahahaha
I think it will get easier for me. I appreciate the thought. Frankly, it already is easier.
In many ways, my current set backs are not really because of K any more. I got to a good place with her. So that is nice tbh. Relieving.
Admittedly, when she blocked me on discord, it was tough at first … it was so unnecessary imo. I had stopped plaguing her with messages of concern. (Although I don’t feel a bit of remorse for those messages. She was suicidal and going off to a long military deployment - fuck yes I was concerned for her and beside myself with worry - although looking back, I probably would have been more useful to her if I had stayed a strong place for her to reach towards instead of chaotic and emotional).
In the end, I feel that she did me a kindness and was telling me to move on. I choose to remember her as kind and good and I believe that with all my heart. She was horribly hurt by her trauma point. Yes - she could have (and should have) responded better than she did (she is a good person but oh it was so cruel how she acted) but it’s too impossible for me to blame her or hate her, knowing her as I do and knowing how much she has wounded herself. I forgive her completely. I wish her well and hope any who read my words take a moment to send good thoughts her way.
My current pain - and she is being swept up in it - is because I’m finally addressing the damages my shitty parents did to me. I know I’m not the only one with shitty parents and I’ve heard a lot worse stories than mine.
But pain can’t be compared and my damages are pretty awful. Worse is how long I’ve lived, miserable with life, never happy, always hating myself, and not figuring out until now that it’s because my parents taught me to be who I am. An awful realization. But … I’m dredging up ugly shit so I can do my best to smooth it over.
It hasn’t been pretty. Honestly … god awful pain. I have my ex to thank for this … and I’m not being sarcastic here. She cut me on the way out the door and opened these wounds to the air.
And I intend to heal them so I don’t have to spend the rest of my life hating myself even when I do good and achieve things in life.
Lots of work ahead. You can stop by anytime.
I hope my sharing gives others strength to consider working on their own issues. NGL, it has been fucking excruciating.
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gradelstuff · 2 months
I’m interested in what you think of her interview. I’m disappointed about him not trying to send a message about society but I feel sorry for how difficult the last act must’ve been.
About this post
Ended up being a bit long, so I put my comments under a read more ahshs
I'm also disappointed!! It felt like a cop-out to say he's not trying to deliver any messages, possibly because the social themes he did show in the story didn't work out how he wanted it to. Or maybe he thought the fantasy-esque problems he created were getting a little too realistic and decided to cut it back.
Horikoshi also could've meant that he didn't intend to deliver a message at first, but delivering a message -to the society of MHA- is what ended up happening (not for RL though, ig). But that is an issue in itself, since so far Hori hasn't left any impactful messages in the MHA world at all (at least no messages from the villains, who imo tried to voice many important issues in current hero society).
I don't think Hori's statement absolves him of anything either way. Horikoshi put themes in his story that he had to deliver on, and he did it whether it was done well or not (depends on the reader's opinion tbh). With 2 chaps left we're just gonna have to wait to see how he wants to handle the MHA-verse and whatever message is left in it and we have to remember its totally unrelated to RL too dhajajk
Ngl, I felt kind of hollow when Horikoshi said he wanted to bring his readers to tears;; It made me remember Tomura, and I did not cry or get emotional when he 'died' in the series. I was mostly confused about what happened bc it happened so fast and out-of-nowhere. I still feel like that, which sucks.
Ofc there were many moments in the series that *did* leave me emotional, like Twice's death, but that moment w/Tomura currently stands out the most to me and that's what I thought about when I first read the interview snippets.
If Tomura really did "die," then his death should've been handled better. Same w/Toga if she's gone. Dabi and Spinner did rip me apart so far though
Also yeah I agree about how Act 3 must've been rough for Horikoshi. I'm glad he's almost done with the series. I complain a lot, but it's obvious he was tired during many parts of the manga and needed a break. One example is when there were a bunch of blank spaces during the AFO and Yoichi backstory. or literally him just killing off 3 major villains all in 1 single chapter.
Working 36 hours straight sounds like hell, and emotionally draining. It's gonna be sad when the series ends, but at this point people would want the series to end just so Horikoshi can finally get the rest that he seriously deseves. Also Hori's editors man,, i don't know if I can trust some of the ones he talks about if im honest. Not all of them sound like great ppl
Horikoshi: The person who reaches out to you and pats your shoulder and tells you it’ll be okay becomes the person who saves your life. So I think My Hero Academia might end somewhere like that.
This part reminded me of AM patting deku and bkg on the back,,, which did not make me happy,,, Idk if this was also a reference to Tomura (w/izuku),,, which also made me more unhappy sjfhdsjfds 💀
And also, by this logic, didn't AFO save Tenko by "patting him on the shoulder and telling him everything will be ok"? I'm serious, isn't AFO the first person who did this 'act of kindness' in the series 😭 AFO also pat ShigAFO's shoulder a lot and told him it would all work out while they were in the cave too 💀💀💀💀 i am just so done here man
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parallelroutes-old · 2 years
what made you choose this muse? // is there any other muse in this fandom ( or any other ) you’d like to RP? // what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…) // what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
what made you choose this muse?
i like playing chaotic and spontaneous gremlins who are silly, weird, cool-looking, punk/goth, and seem empty/depressed deep down. hits a lot of nice 'oh that's my type of rp character' energies. and you will also get a mini story here too.
tbh when i looked around the internet for random series fanart in 2010, i ran into pics of him and genuinely used to think he was ... kinda ugly ngl. i have never liked the old design. personal pref. but i went hunting for random new fanart last year/2022, where i found his new design and was like "wtf that's the same guy? this is the best glow-up of the entire decade?"
that preference ties into why i only rp him as post-future arc? he is just... not attractive to me whatsoever before showing up with a new design LOL...
is there any other muse in this fandom ( or any other ) you’d like to RP?
Enma-kun, my beloved ♪
what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
80% my absolute favorite is other characters changing their opinions of him, esp if they're reluctant in some way. hurt/comfort, usually as comfort. fluff. deep convos. Wise Advice. atonement!!!
i struggle with making my own full AUs and making OCs takes so much effort for so little payoff rp-wise, so i just. i will let others make the AUs/OCs and i just join them in the party. gladly. bc i love both of them.
what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
current: i actually don't have one for sure yet? i'm still feeling out the verse so idk. right now i'm gonna guess green day - boulevard of broken dreams. mostly for that "i walk alone with my shadow bc that's all i know." aspect. see also:
I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me, and I walk alone
I'm walkin' down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the borderline Of the edge and where I walk alone
previously i had it as GLIM SPANKY - In the air because it was intended to be the 'parallel worlds traveling' thing, which i have not really been using. i will also skip luz's cover of Ikkitousen because that gives future arc byakuran vibes and you have just now been told how i feel about that, lol.
4YL: cristina vee's english cover of bad apple. ( thank u neo-chan. )
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light? Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know? Can I take another step? I've done everything I can All the people that I see I will never understand If I find a way to change, if I step into the light Then I'll never be the same, and it all will fade to white
this is just kind of the verse's whole vibe? the whole... living with people who only know 'you' of yesterday and don't want to see anything else - and a lot of them can't. but you don't want to be that person anymore.
that's why he's so sad and different. the entire point is to get him to 'move on' from the past and what he did. i should really go explain things and why you will primarily get the deep convos out of this verse, not current. eventually. i don't have much energy lately lmao.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Can I ask? Why there are so many fem y/n out there? I'm a newbie and uh...I don't understand...why does fem reader always a thing? Like Wattpad, 99.14℅ of the reader fanfic always start with (fem reader) do people forget that male/nb people do exist too?? I ask anyone and me kind of like the way you answer people's questions! So can I ask why?
Also, IDK if this has already been sent to an ask but have you once written about male reader smut?👀💅 (if so, I'm interested)
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Not sure if you guys know each other/are the same person/had the same idea in a similar time but you sent those right after each other and I think that’s hilarious :’D
I want to start this off by saying, respectfully, stay calm when you approach this topic. I see and I understand the frustration about not getting the representation you deserve, however I need to be blunt with you: you can’t really blame other people for that. Being angry at others won’t help you with the problem you are experiencing either.
Without knowing any statistics I can only tell you what I saw over the years and my experience with requests. Which are that most people who request smut AND specify gender in it, will ask for afab!body or go straight for a female reader. I had some requests on my other blogs for smut with a male body but they were far outweight by the ones specifically asking for a female body reader. Why? I assume more female/- body readers that want themselves represented are reading fanfiction, but I can’t be sure of that either since anon is anon, I will never know who is behind it.
The second point is, that at least for me, I know way more female/non-binary but afab writers than male or amab writers. Maybe I am not looking right, maybe I am just unlucky, but in 5 years of writing I can count all the male writers I met here on tumblr with both my hands. If people send in unspecific requests without telling the writer what kind of body they want, it is more likely that an afab writer might use their knowledge and write just that kind of body. They could be writing amab bodies but I haven’t seen them do that much ngl. People gravitate to what they know best after all. It’s the same for me.
Third, and okay, that one is kind of lame but I feel like it should be spoken about because it answers the question: Why is no one pushing their boundaries and explore writing male bodies for reader requests?
There’s no reward for it.
Literally, with how tumblr is, people like the post at most (if they even read it because a lot of female people might not see the appeal), never share, the post barely gets notes, it ends up fluking horrible, writers who came out of their shell and tried something new don’t feel validated and bad about themselves because there are no comments that tell them what they did good or bad and how enjoyable it was. So they don’t do it again. And I don’t blame them. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. And if you are a new writer and insecure about what you do, always questioning yourself and comparing, then seeing your post get much, much less acknowledgement than your others that may feature female bodyparts... Well, it sucks. Really stings, I can’t deny it.
I have the luxury to do what I want now, but if you just start out it’s a struggle ngl.
So those are the reasons as to why I, personally, think that there is less male body content. It’s justified to be upset because yes, everyone deserves the same representation and visibility, no question asked. However, here are some things that I think would help make this more of a reality:
Be a bit more specific. You’re not supposed to write an essay on what the reader looks like in a free request, but if you are requesting something and you want to make sure it’s for the male body, then tell the writer so they can act on it. They’re not mindreaders and some instances would really benefit from knowing what kind of body was intended for the request. (Personally, for me, the struggle always lies with chest and breast. With my language barrier I am never sure if talking about a male body cleavage is appropriate. (I just really like open shirts okay? It’s hard to describe sometimes)) And please check with the writer beforehand if they are okay with that (and if they are not, that’s okay too! I better not catch someone harrassing anyone because of that!)
Share the shit out of things! If you find something you like, leave a message, and a like, and a reblog, and share it with friends, show some love! Be nice to the author, make them feel good! No one gets anything out of a like and then it stays inside the likes of readers for years with no interactions, and no one is motivated by these damn likes anyway. I am pretty sure if there was no cheer and encouragement, people would be more comfortable and learn to write it better even if it’s not what they are used to.
Don’t be upset about other people’s requests or content. Save yourself the trouble and handle it properly: If you don’t like something, move on. As stated above, people have their reasons for writing the body they want and that is okay. Something that is very, ultra important to realize is: No one needs to do content for you. If you want to see something specific you have to create it yourself or be ready to properly ask/commission someone to do it for you. It sounds harsh, but why are you expecting others to cater to your tastes? We are all just out there on the internet doing our own lil thing, trying to make more if we can, you know? If someone feels more comfortable with female bodies, gets only unspecific requests, and just tries to do their damn best, then you can’t really expect anything from them but what they give to you. If you don’t make an effort, why would they make an effort for you? No one can ever keep you from doing what you want to do. And if you want to see something, no one keeps you from creating it yourself, always keep that in mind!
I don’t mean to attack anyone, but it doesn’t sit well with me seeing you two get a little worked up in my asks about this. I hope I was able to give you a bit of an insight from a writer’s pov, maybe you learned something, maybe it made you realize something. Maybe you are more angry now, even though idk why you would be. In the end it’s all just my personal experience and opinions.
Oh, but you anon, the first one, yes, you. Get off Wattpad. That thing has always been awful but with the new company that is now allowing to steal all the ideas and shit, big yikes. 10/10 would not support that. Go to Ao3. I do have a strong opinion on Wattpad I must admit and it’s not a good one. And yes, I’ve written a couple of male bodies in my writing time but it’s like 11pm and I am too lazy to look for them if I am honest ^^’
If I know what I am supposed to do I will write you any gender, body, hell if you want to be a monster reader I’ll give you as many holes and appendices as you want. It takes a lot for me to reach the point it gets uncomfy. But if you leave it all up to me... well... if I have to write about the reader getting railed, I’ll not take criticism for going with what I am most comfortable with and in what I can see myself as well. ‘Cause you know, it’s also my fun, yeh?
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Tbf, I am not sure I completely understood you since it’s late, but I think I got the point you were talking about, so hm.
I just wanna start this saying I truly hate those short, one-sentence requests so much like literally just “Can you write Character X with a chubby/slim/tall/small/etc. reader?” Big yikes, those requests get a 0 for creativity and the don’t inspire me at all. You always have to be nice and say that character x will still love the reader no matter what and it’s like rattling off a script just with different inserts. I did that for 2 years straight and it ruined everything for me. I also said so in my Requesting PSA before but especially in yandere, your yandere loves you no matter what so I am just out of patience for those things. At least give me a unique kind of reader, I beg of you guys! Everything else to this I pretty much said in the PSA above so I’ll leave it at that, but I always like to rant about it.
That said, while I try to ignore those parts in my own writing (because they are not important specifics if they are not the only detail in the request. E.g. “Can you write Character x with a x kind of reader who really likes to dance.” I would only focus on the dance aspect.) I, of course, read fanfiction where the reader looks different than me. And, especially now that I am reading more books again, I freaking love it. The whole thing about reading is that you turn off your mind and be teleported in this new world, the new scenario, and new story happening! Isn’t that so freaking cool????? And with reader scenarios, suddenly you can be anything! I am actually a chubby girl, but I am delighted every time the reader gets picked up! Like yes!!! Lift me like I am a sack of potatoes!! It’s great the character is so strong!!! It will never happen in real life but that’s okay! I guess in these scenarios the writer is imagine a skinny reader, and I can’t really provide that, but I think it’s really awesome that I can imagine that no matter what I look like, the character still treats me as I deserve—Normal. Without batting an eye. It’s the same with having magic abilities for example.
As a writer my personal worst fear is every time that I write about hair. Like, patting the reader on the hair, or combing through it. Because stupidly my mind tells me, “Okay but what if they are bald?” and I get a really bad feeling every time. BUT SIKE! In my scenario you now have hair! Accept it or not but I still wrote the reader having hair. Some readers may not like that, and that’s okay too, but at the end of the day you always have the ability to immerse yourself a little and accept an image change even if it’s just for the duration of a story. Nothing wrong with that. The same goes for: everyone gets nice legs and a nice ass, and you are all welcome :D Leave insecurities in the reality for when you come back to them later, as long as you read my stuff you are a borrowed, different you.
But, to be fair, on the topic of insecurities (and I think that’s what you really were going on about with your ask): People have insecurities. And sometimes, they want to hear that they are loved and accepted, especially when things are mediocre at best. I am not shaming anyone for wanting to hear that their favorite character loves them, I do too and I think they do deserve to hear it as well. So, your favorite character loves you, guys. Exactly as you are.
Sometimes, it will bring people to request about a specific type, personality, etc. Because just like you with your male body problem, they want representation and love too. And it’s okay when they and the writer decide to work something out, even if it doesn’t benefit you because maybe it’s not your kind of body type or the like. The reader should be for everybody, but it also doesn’t need to be every reader. Some people request scenarios that focus more on the characters and for those you can write a reader for everyone. And sometimes the request is more about the reader and may not be for everyone but just as okay.
I will now redirect you to the male body discussion we had above, and say that no one owes you anything, especially nothing suited to only you. Unfortunate, but if you want to see something specific, create it yourself. As a writer it’s really hard to be all inclusive all the time, and sometimes I just want the character to comb through hair, okay? Sometimes the creative flow is more important than pleasing everyone, at least for me. And no one can really tell you where it starts and ends, like, if I never describe the reader again just to make it completely inclusive, but then I have to describe an action like the character is taking the reader by the hand... Well, what about people without a hand???? Should I just never have interactions again?
I hope you see my point.
To round it up, here’s a post that I saw a few days ago which actually fits this topic as well.
And as I said multiple times, it’s just my opinion, but don’t see everything so strict. I still think about the anon who once told me it’s not that deep. And sometimes I agree with them. Sometimes.
Some things are not for you, and sometimes things are not so deep. And that’s okay too.
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danhoemei · 3 years
9 books I intend to read in 2022
Tagged by @verycharismaticdragon thanks 💚
It’s already almost march so I guess I could list what I already finished ;d
1. Qi Ye (Lord Seventh) by Priest - ah the infamous prequel to TYK. I initially wanted to read it only to get to know Zhou Zishu’s past, but the more glimpses of Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi I’ve seen in the fandom, the more I wanted to read it just for them. And oh boy did I enjoy. It wasn’t the easiest to read though, ngl. So Many Politics. And scheming. I love jby so much, what a mood. Anyway, I’m happy I read this novel for multiple reasons. And now I’m writing a xiyuan fic :’) help
Now, what’s on the list to go:
2. Reread Tian Ya Ke (Faraway Wanderers) by Priest - I planned to reread it for a long while, once I finish Qi Ye (I’ll do so after being done with that xiyuan fic). I’m so excited for it, to see the wenzhou disaster pair in a new light and catch all the details which I missed during my first read. But my other goal is to refresh the image of TYK characters before going back to my wenzhou fics and continuing a few WIPs which have been rotting in my folder :’)
3. Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect by Priest - I’ve seen so much art and it looks incredibly fun, I simply cannot resist.
4. Zhen Hun (Guardian) by Priest - I want to get to know it, after seeing it around in the fandom. Quite a few things ticked off the checklist of my tastes 👀 
5. Qian Qiu (Thousand Autumns) by Meng Xi Shi - I don’t know if I need to say why it’s here. Just good stuff.
6. Of all the Transmigrations, why am I a Prisoner? by 1111 - I’ve seen nice art from nightjar-draws and ohohsomething which coax me 👀 
7. The Magnus Archives - not really a book as it’s a podcast, but I will probably follow a transcript and it’s only words, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s been haunting me since I got pulled into wwdits and then made that one fatal post which blew up in TMA tumblr fandom. So I’m thinking of giving it a try out sometime this year, maybe when I need a change from danmei works.
8. A volume of poetry - still haven’t decided which one, I have a few at home which I read years ago or haven’t touched at all. I recently realised that although I’ve been writing stuff which could be considered poetry, I haven’t really Read (with Thoughts and some Analysis) any poetry since I finished school. So I wanna try reconnecting with that. Candidates from my shelves are: Wisława Szymborska, Leopold Staff, Czesław Miłosz.
9. Leaving space for whatever I’ll need to consume for the master’s thesis, most likely stuff on biometrics and maybe neural networks :’)
Just wanna say, "intend [to read]" is a big word here, because that's quite a few titles, while I'm not only busy but also take long breaks between the series whenever I get inspired enough to produce some writing (that's exactly what happened after TYK last year and what's happening now after Qi Ye). So yeah, just listed a few titles high on my list, but not sure how many I'll manage to read. Still, excited for each if them!
Ayy dunno if you already did it or feel like doing it, free to ignore as always, @ashenwren @ohohsomething @nightjar-draws @cytharat @antique-forvalaka @theyilinglaozus @hedonistbyheart @domidoom @myshadowlovesfire @still-gathering-roses @miyakuli @a-very-fond-farewell 
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how the hell did south park of all show manage to get such a huge fandom on fucking tumblr
I'm sure you intended this as a rhetorical question to be posted in confession form but I'm answering it anyway because I feel like it.
1. This is huge? Really? I guess I don't know that much about fandoms but I don't view south park tumblr as being particularly large, as far as tumblr fandoms go. It seems pretty small to me.
2. Although I don't think this fandom is large compared to other fandoms, I do agree that there are significantly more tumblr fans/"fandomy fans" of sp than there are for comparable adult cartoons. And the reason for that, I am convinced, is shipping. South Park's cast is filled with a bunch of little boys that can be mixed and matched into yaoi pairings. Where are the boy love opportunities in Family Guy? I'm sure they exist on the internet but I don't think the show lends itself to them!
Straight ships are also a thing, but specifically I think sp's opportunities for m/m shipping make up the biggest reason for the comparative size of the tumblr fandom, at least now in 2021.
Obviously not all of us are here for shipping (m/m or otherwise). I'm not. But I think we would be a drastically smaller group if not for the shippers. Which is pretty funny, ngl. Or pretty depressing? It's hard to tell; funny and depressing are pretty much the same thing.
Other ppl feel free to sound off in the notes if you have your own opinions about this.
Considering the last post, in case anyone is wondering, I'm posting this at work because I can type on my phone on work. I can't fire up MS Paint and make confessions at work; everyone in a three-mile radius would die of cringe if I tried (and also my laptop is broken anyway but i think everyone dying is a bigger issue than that).
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Inside “The Pact”
Hello! For those of you that followed along with The Pact, I received a few questions and requests to get an inside look. I’ll link the post here that explains a bit more about what this is gonna be about. 
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We’re gonna break this down into sections: first will be answering your questions about The Pact & the characters. Then I’ll show you guys a little about my notes & decision making process (which is very obscure because I just tend to keep a hypothetical tab open in my brain most of the time lol) as well as some pictures of my ideas!! 
Thanks for requesting such a fun thing to do now that this series is over. It’s been fun to look back!
Q. What song did the boys dedicate to y/n?
A. “Her” || This is a sad song, but I felt like it fit so well with how the boys had to hide a part of themselves (their feelings) away for the sake of the pact!
Q. Did the boys get mad/how did the boys react to Jungkook’s kiss?
A. Jungkook was a little shocked, and felt extremely guilty on the drive back home. He wasn’t sure if he could stand to tell his hyungs, but he also knew he couldn’t lie to them. Naturally, the second he walked in the house and everyone saw his face, they knew. It was just quiet, everybody was a little hesitant to say anything/bring it up because they were all upset. Only Jimin has heard all of the details of JK’s kiss, whereas the others are simply aware that he kissed her and that’s that.
Namjoon was the most upset, although he didn’t say anything. He just sat there on the couch and did the jaw-clenching thing he always does. Yoongi just tried to change the subject and ask about other aspects of the date. Taehyung was actually pretty pissed, especially because he’d been so good about refraining from kissing you even when you’d asked for it. Hobi had a chat with him later that night and calmed him down. Jin wasn’t angry so much as he was worried that he missed his shot & couldn’t stop replaying his date in his head.
Q. Who fell for y/n last?
A. Namjoon. He’d had a little crush, and that’s why he was willing to go along with the pact. But it hit a point less than a year ago when he fell hard and fast. (you called him in the middle of the night when he was on tour and he realized that your sleepy voice is possibly the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard) The boys noticed and as a result teased him endlessly about it, because he doesn’t quite know how to navigate his feelings. 
Q. Who did the boys bet on? (We already know that Jimin bet on Yoongi and won lol)
A. Namjoon bet on JK, Tae bet on Hobi, Hobi bet on JK, Jin bet on JK, and Yoongi bet on Jin, and JK bet on Namjoon (because we all know JK would pick Namjoon lol)
Q. Didn’t y/n ever date other guys? How did the boys react?
A. hahaha ok I actually would have such a fun time writing this Yes, she dated around a bit. For the first year of the pact, she had an on again, off again bf. It wasn’t very serious, and she always made that clear to the boys. They still hated the dude. After they broke up, she only went on a few dates here and there. Didn’t really seriously date. (except for that one time she went on vacation and had a fling, but everyone has decided to forget that) They just smiled and supported her, although Tae was always very clear that he didn’t like any of the guys she dated. 
Q. In Namjoon’s date, who was the 1950′s author mentioned?
A. Agatha Christie, the queen. 
Q. How did y/n meet Jimin? (he was the one that introduced her to the rest of the group)
A. She was a PR intern for Lee Hyun. Jimin and Lee Hyun are close, and they crossed paths fairly often until Jimin decided to invite her to hang out. 
Q. What is y/n studying in school?
A. Public Relations (which will honestly come in handy with her new relationship lol)
Q. Where was Jin in the last chapter when y/n came to the studio?
A. Agh how could you ask me this and bring back all that pain?! Jin was at his brother’s restaurant for some much needed R&R. He ended up staying the night with him, not wanting to go home just yet and have to face his decision.
Q. Who would you personally choose to end up with and why?
A. KIM SEOKJIN. Date #5 was basically for me lol. Like, unapologetically wrote that for myself. Not just because he’s my bias, but because I personally felt like I could picture myself chilling on that couch watching Dateline with him. And it was beautiful. 🤧 Also, while Jin can be loud and goofy, he’s an introvert. I’m an extravert with introverted tendencies, so I just feel like his date would have been the most comfortable for me.
First thing’s first, I have an on-going page in my notes on my phone which is FILLED with ideas & half-formed thoughts. Before I began writing The Pact (or even Spooked, for that matter), this happened:
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So you can see that I had no idea what I was doing lol, but I thought that it would be cool. Mainly I wanted an excuse to write OT7 and display all the members in a sweet light. Also, we see that not all of these actually made it into the series. (Tae w/ the family)
ngl, I cracked up when I looked back at my notes and saw this. 
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“Sweet Gloria what am I doing to myself” 😂😂 this was when I was pushing “Lost & Found” out and planning for Taehyung’s series (which is why so much is blocked out on my notes, because it’s riddled with spoilers lol) so I literally had no idea why I was jumping into another project as I was already super busy. That’s why I scheduled it for just Saturday’s! (and also why I sometimes posted super late at night lol)
As you can see, Seokjinnie’s date was literally always on my mind. From the very beginning. Which is odd, considering the fact that he didn’t end up being endgame. wow it’s like he’s my bias or something
Occasionally I’d take breaks from hw and work on getting to know how the boys were with y/n. Quotes and poetry serve as a great source of inspiration, and I assigned a quote to each member. (notice the little stars by Jin, Yoongi’s and JK’s names lol, they were my top three as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now)
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There were a couple of things that I didn’t think of adding until I was reading through your theories and got an idea of what you needed to push the series in the right decision. i.e. bringing Gina back to explain that she closed the door in Spooked. 
I have a whiteboard in my room that I use to map out what I need to do that week for whatever series I’m working on (as well as jot down ideas for new series, which I why this photo doesn’t show the whole board haha) 
So here’s a peek at my thought process for writing about how the pact was formed. Sorry if you can’t read it haha
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NOW, the last few questions you guys had:
Q. Did you ever change your mind while writing the pact?
A. Yes! I actually originally intended for Hobi to have written the note. It fit very well with how angry he was at first and how worried he was during the date. But by the time I'd gotten to Jin’s date I kinda knew that he wouldn’t be that petty but Jin would haha
I also planned on Yoongi kissing y/n on their date. It was supposed to be on a rooftop somewhere, which we know didn’t happen. In fact, I didn’t really intend for their date to be so disastrous until I was coming closer to having to write it. I think I was a mess, so the date was a mess lol
I had no idea what I was doing for Tae’s date until I wrote it, all I knew was that there had to be a museum. The rest I just made up as I wrote and hoped that it made sense. (also, for some reason I hated the museum portion of the date. Idk why, but it just felt so stark to me. still don’t like it lol)
Q. When did you know how it was going to end? 
A. That’s a....difficult question lol. Honestly, I thought of just doing an audio recording and uploading it because it I didn’t really know how to put it into words, but then I realized that most people probably wouldn’t wanna listen to that lol. So here we are. 
I had the ending scene in mind before The Pact even became a thing. I knew I had a series that I wanted to end with baking cookies. (weird, I know.) It didn’t exactly go how I planned, but I remember having the thought while writing Spooked (when I thought I was just writing a one shot) that it would be nice for y/n to be with Yoongi. I just instantly felt like they had a connection, when he was the first one she went toward. From then on out, I always kinda kept Yoongi in the background. 
I had a crisis about halfway through (right before Jin’s date) when there were a bunch of people rooting for Tae, because he hadn’t even been on my radar. But then Jin’s date went much better than I thought it was going to/received better, so I think that got me back on track. 
But from the beginning, Yoongi was #1. (I wrote this in the back of my Career’s notebook lol) when I was trying to figure out for myself who wrote the pact. 
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So yeah! There you have it! Just an FYI, I had to physically restrain myself from throwing caution to the wind and making Jin endgame. Especially when so many of you were on board. :( However, the survey helped because Yoongi was the majority of votes (closely followed by Jin & JK) and that showed me that we were still on the right track! 
Ngl, my brain stopped working around Wednesday of last week, so writing the finale took FOREVER because nothing would compute. But I’m so happy you guys enjoyed it and reached out to me about it! This really is like a part-time job most days, and I really felt like this series paid off. 
Hopefully I covered everything! To end, here's the most satisfying part of every project for me:
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Thanks guys!
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