#i deem my main blog rant important
emergency-vehicle · 11 days
About Me
Madison | 24 | Vey/Vem, They/Them | AuDHD | Transformers Side Blog | Main Blog: @commandant-queer | Follows come from @stalin-bot
Welcome to my personal brand of hell!
This blog is dedicated to Transfomers, whether it be the bayverse, Transformers Prime, Transformers One, or any other piece of Transformers media I am about to devour with a fervor that would make even Megatron tremble.
If you wish to avoid spoilers, I will be tagging them with #spoilers and #TFO spoilers . After a few months of the movie being out, they will no longer be tagged. Just an fyi.
What you can expect from me:
My art journey. While I'm solid in other areas, learning how to draw cybertronians is a beast of its own. be prepared to see the long journey it takes to be decent at it.
Fanfictions. Fanfictions I'm writing and yapping about fanfictions I've read. I am feral and devour media at a pace faster than the speed of light.
Art reblogs. Whether it be funny, cool, or otherwise deemed interesting, its important to take inspiration from other creators. And, just plain fun to share.
Long winded rants about my personal headcanons. You might want to read them, you might not. It'll be mostly queer posting, and projection- as almost all headcanons are. Will be tagged with #headcanon and #[character's name]headcanon
Ships. I will have a ship list further down. It is inevitably going to grow with time. Its important to remember: im an adult and i can ship whatever the hell i want. cringe sets you free. with that in mind, for some of the more toxic ships, their nuance is not lost on me.
sometimes i post 18+ stuff. it's always tagged as NSFW.
Lots and lots of yapping. My personal posts are tagged as #yapping, so block that if you dont want to see it. I just like to talk into the void. If you also enjoy yapping, please for the love of god, join me in the brain rot.
Send me headcanons and factoids. I am a sponge, bone dry and ready to soak in everything the fanbase has to offer
Fellow Ratchet/Optimus stans
Fellow Starscream lovers (my rat boy 💕)
Feel free to suggest new media to me!
Zionists (just so you know, Optimus would crush yo ass. From the River to the Sea, motherfuckers 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸)
Any brand of -phobe
Dont come crying to me about hating my ships. I don't care. I've been in fandom spaces for longer than you've probably been alive.
Minors. Nothing against yall, just a lil uncomfy because this blog can be kinda spicy sometimes.
It's a short list, for now. Ships will be tagged as shown on their bulletin point. For quick reference of how I view them:
- [S] Sexual
- [R] Romantic
- [QPP] Queer Platonic Partners
- [T] Toxic
With that out of the way...
Optimus Prime/Ratchet [R] [S] / [QPP] (depends on my mood lol) (my OTP) #optiratch
Megatron/Starscream [T] [S] [R] #megastar
B-16(Megatronus)/Orion Pax [R] #megapax
Bulkhead/Wheeljack [QPP] #bulkjack
Soundwave/Shockwave [R] #wavewave
Breakdown/Knockout [S] [R] #KOBD
Knockout/Starscream [T] [S] #knockscream
Arcee/Cliffjumper [QPP] #cliffcee
Megatron/Soundwave [R] #megasound
Ultra Magnus/Wheeljack [R] [S] #ultrajack
Aaaaaand that's it for now!! I hope you enjoy your stay, and as always...
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wcamino-confessions · 1 month
Gonna place my opinion on the little lemon arts situation here since I've been observing this go on and feel a few things gotta be said especially after Lemon's apology
1. The apology Lemon has provided is better then before but it lacks the foundation that makes an apology right; the recognition to want to change, Lemon says there's nothing that can be done now since it was in the past but that is simply wrong. Based off everything, the best thing is to not just stop at a simple apology on a blog revolving around the platform she was banned off, if Discord is the main place these incidents took place for the most part then that apology should be also extended there. Not as a way to drag it on but a way for everyone to be informed and come to their own conclusions since not everyone is going to be on both Tumblr and Discord.
2. The alts whether being Lemon's or not is still weird, by making an alt to rant and rave on a person's redemption and using the blanket term of "to avoid being attacked" for voicing their support of Lemon just feels stingy in general. If the people hurt by Lemon's actions do not deem her apology an proper one, then it's not on anyone else to make that judgement that this apology automatically redeems the situation. If you personally don't agree with the judgements made against Lemon then that's completely fine, you choose what you do but be mindful how your opinions come off to the people who have voiced what Lemon's actions have caused them.
3. End of the day, yes at some point this situation should be put to rest, when the people involved deem that Lemon has improved or not or has made the steps towards wanting to improve upon her past actions. So far since that apology it's been a mixture of alts praising the apology or the people who not fully believe this is an adequate apology for the damage caused by Lemon. These aren't just incidents that should be pushed under and forgotten because it's an important message for the whole community. That if your actions come back to haunt you, you have the option to take it in grace and find it in yourself to improve upon that, or fein ignorance til it boils over then put out an apology when it becomes clear this isn't going to be a 10 second moment on a blog.
I fully believe in second chances and Lemon has that complete potential to make those positive changes, it's just a matter of whether or not Lemon chooses to do so. Attacking her and using harsh words and actions to force her into an response isn't what solves these situations, but praising the ground she walks on because your personal experiences with her don't match the actions she made against others doesn't fix it either. Time will past and there'll be the moment where anyone will look back and think about this all and it's on Lemon to decide how to carry forward from this, choose to strive for changes or work on recognizing why these incidents keep happening.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk and stay safe everyone 💥
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charlie-slmccl · 2 years
C!Slimecicle RP Blog Masterpost
Hello! I'm and my pronouns are it/its! (my main blog is @logstead-lockstep if u wanna be there)
I just wanna go over the basic rules of my blog lmaooo
No NSFW - jokes are fine
Angst yes but please tread lightly because it can cause me to spiral
any dsmp member antis (yes schlatt antis u too) dni (kind of a rule 3.5 but idc who you watch or whatever as long as ur a nice person urself)
be careful with kind of. general triggering stuff cause refer to rule 2
adopted 90% of his traits from quackity
relatively human looking but underneath his clothes he's all grimy and wimey
his bones are not his!!! he got all sorts of animal bones in there!!!! (his "brain" is actually a cave tortoise shell)
easily persuaded but reluctant when it comes to quackity
blind as FUCK without his glasses (got this from deep sea fish)
adores head pressure and so he sometimes wears beanies (courtesy of quackity)
he doesnt have any nerves/receptors!! this means he cant feel (physical) pain
leading on from that last one, because he has no receptors on his tongue, he cannot detect spice or sour. he has eaten carolina reapers before and he will!!!! do it again
goes entirely slimy in the rain so thats why he likes Las Nevadas being in the desert
also slimes when experiencing extreme negative emotions
mostly human looking, apart from his under-clothes gunkiness
aviator style glasses that r pretty thick (short sighted!!!)
his suit is slightly green bc his slime kinda dried in it
picked up his suspenders and beanie from quack
bouncy hair
very gummy in texture
so... hear me out here... his legs are like lava lamps... some of the lava from his death remained in his legs and now hes just a fucking lava lamp in his shins
#friends!! - ask tag!
#oh :( - angst tag
#regularly scheduled slimecicle - rp tag
#disruption to your regularly scheduled program - non-canon rp
#tortoise shell movement - character ranting/thoughts
#mod talks - the mod speaks
#different channel - not rp
#important - anything i deem important. this could be just announcements or things that could save lives. lichrally anything
#important (to me) - menial shit i (mod hello me yes) like
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yetdevout · 2 years
caelum is still being sexualized on tiktok and it's so frustrating. i'm sorry if this was random but i had to find a safe place to let out my anger 😭
you would think they would stop the moment erik himself said that he would not involve caelum in anything sexual because yes, he basically is an adult in human age (and grew up with david) but in d(a)emon age, he's a child and is characterized as such. why do they think erik wrote the two main vampires as young ones (vincent being around 40yo and sam a few years younger despite the both of them being immortals) when most vampire x mortal stories have included an immortal that is hundreds or thousands of years old and a mortal that can be their great, great, great grandchild? (not to mention that william is five hundred years old, but vincent is still relatively young) because the power difference is also important— i suppose that's also why quinn being an old, powerful vampire is being accented in darlin's storyline, because the power gap is important— and caelum? caelum was unveiled to the freelancer to help him not end up spiralling because he's! not! mature! enough! like! the! other! empathy demons! he even has delphinus as a guardian or something akin to that back in aria and they still. won't. stop. (he has delphinus but still needed a guardian outside aria which is also why the freelancer is, according to chorus, really, both HIS charge and guardian or helper)
also when gavin mentioned he teases some of them, he didn't say he teases caelum. he probably meant the older empathy demons who know more about things like that. he even said in his comfort video that attacking caelum is like / attacking a child / and they still want to use caelum's human age as their reasoning for those clearly inappropriate fanfics.
to make it clearer to them: the freelancer is of age, right? but they had no idea about bridging at the least, and so kody was deemed the bad guy (the only right answer) by erik, most of the audience, and the DAMN boys themselves. it's the same with caelum. he may not be that young, but he's naïve. the little angel wouldn't even let himself say swear words, and y'all think he would consent to being fuck3d by grown adults? you people learned nothing from the kody incident as i see it.
“if it makes you uncomfortable, just don't consume it.” imagine saying this when you're clearly in the wrong. imagine that. imagine saying “it's fiction” when most of erik's villains have done realistic wrongdoings, sometimes even just allegorically. imagine saying that when literally the whole tragedy of the imperium is a real thing we're facing in our reality. where do they think fiction reflects from? they're just excusing pedophilia at this point.
sorry for this ask, you can skip it if you want 😭 you're one of the few moots i have that actually stands against the idea of caelum being involved in anything nsfw so i just had to say this here. thank you for not excusing those actions. tiktok can be so infuriating sometimes, and the fact that erik has a tiktok is so stressful right now. if the same thing with bright and fred ever happen to caelum's playlist because of this, i will never forgive them.
good morning. :)
don't apologize for using my inbox to rant. i appreciate that you find my blog a safe space to let things out, im glad i can do this for you.
the most i have to add is this: the entire argument over caelum's age/portrayal is the exact same argument used when people defend the sexualization of childlike anime characters that are 194729383 years old (kanna kamui, for example).
"oh they're like 500 years old it's fine!" "then why did you draw them like that?"
fiction does not exist in a vacuum. people can claim that fiction doesn't effect reality as much as they want to, but it's the truth. every work of fiction is influenced by outside factors, no matter how fantastical it is. real life human children act the way caelum does and there's absolutely nothing you can say to negate that. i don't care about "technical human age", he's not even human to begin with. and ive heard the arguments about "oh people with stutters are childlike now?" like at your prehistoric age, are you serious? no, he acts like my 10 year old cousins idk what else you want me to say.
i genuinely want to understand what is so attractive about caelum to where grown ass adults feel compelled to write 1000+ word smut fanfiction and release it to the general public. what about caelum has people twice my age thirsting after him? what am i missing??
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spookykestrel · 3 years
Hello!! Hi!!
New about me post because idk the old one was long.
If you follow me for dsmp there’s more content about it on my side blog :) (below)
Pls send asks pls I really love talking to people about anything ever I will answer your silliest questions and listen to your day
I block empty blogs — reblog shit, add a bio, etc. if you don’t have content I assume you are spam!
My hobbies/interests: drawing, writing, textile arts, animated tv shows, music, fiction podcasts, mcyt, animal science (birds, marine life, bugs, pets, etc), driving with my windows down, hot drinks
My favorite music: lovejoy, the happy fits, dodie
Talk to me about: dogs and dog breeds (actually pls though this is the only thing I know about) and music and also my cats (I have so many)
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I have 2 active side blogs!
Check out kestrels-nook for content involving my many fandom related nterests such as: MCYT (the main content), Luca, TOH, and The Bright Sessions
Follow just-kestrel or as much bird related content as you please
I like and follow from my main account (this account).
I also have a secret third blog with my writing and stuff that you’ll never find >:)
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- #suggestive is my tag for posts that may be slightly uncomfy like sexual stuff but nothing on my blog is too graphic (as I am sex repulsed asexual :D )
- If I post or reblog something venty at all it will be tagged with #negative, #vent, and/or #rant please please block those if by some chance I decide to post something like that (rarely)
- please do not be afraid to ask me to tag a trigger! I often find myself wondering how to tag something or if I should so if you see something that needs a tw let me know right away!!
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I try to avoid negativity, politics, news, financial and money related posts on my blog just because sometimes you need a break from all the depressing stuff in the world. its not because I don’t CARE, it’s because I’m trying to keep my blog lighthearted. If I do reblog something political or whatever it’s because I’ve deemed it absolutely important for everyone to know. If you disagree with me then…ok.
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Mutuals feel free to ask for my discord :))
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mariaiscrafting · 4 years
Cishet dnf stans are without fail just super gross about it. I've cultivated my tumblr sphere to be so queer that I genuinely forgot how terrible cishets are about mlm ships they deem "attractive". Cishets making homophobic "jokes"........bro that's just homophobia.
I feel like that's so much easier on Tumblr anyways since Tumblr is so disproportionately queer. I can actually stand to follow Dream stans (*cough* looking at you Angel *cough*), George pfps, and some DNFers here because they're mostly queer. Probably the main reason I stopped using Twitter was actually because of all the cishet DNF shippers. I think there's just something about being queer that makes you more understanding of comp het, queer fetishization, being treated as Other, being psychoanalyzed like a lab specimen, and being potentially outed. Subsequently, queer shippers are simply less likely to take DNF shipping a step too far...
There are lots of ways in which cishet shippers take it a step too far. One common thing is fetishization. Contrary to popular-anti belief, not every shipper is fetishizing mlm relationships. But a lot of them are. Fetishization is contingent on a foundational belief that one is consuming media about a certain romantic/sexual dynamic because they find it attractive. To fetishize is to treat a ship as Other, as lesser or more or weirder or "special" or whatever. If one wouldn't treat a het relationship the same way as they do the mlm relationship they're theorizing about, gushing about, drawing about, writing about, etc., then one should reexamine the reasons one is even shipping them, because the likely answer is fetishizing reasons. Another way shippers take it too far is their creepy fascination with all the intricacies of DNF. Like, the analysis of every voice inflection, every mention of the other, every moment they're together, every smile and laugh and facial expression. It's so beyond creepy. This isn't how you treat real life humans. This isn't how you treat people you respect. This is how you treat fictional characters, or toys, or specimens you're curious about. It's absurd.
But those are all things I've talked about a hundred times on this blog. I'm glad I have been able to, too, because it seems so impossible to get through to Twitter DNFers compared to Tumblr DNFers, partially because of the character limit and partially because of what mcyttwt stan culture is like (stubborn, hardheaded, overly protective, significantly more obsessive, etc).
Regarding homophobic jokes... I think a lot of cishet shippers think they can't be homophobic if they are shipping an mlm pairing. Because if you're so open to gay people that you ship them, how could you possibly be homophobic? Isn't that the opposite of homophobia? To that, I respond the same way I respond to cishet men who claim they're not lesbophobic because they like lesbian porn and white people who claim they're not racist because they have black friends and men who claim they're not misogynistic because they love their daughters or wives; bigotry is not solely enacted upon with explicit hatred. Bigotry can manifest itself in many ways, and in the 21st Century, most often that is in subtle ways that implicate one's own view of minorities/oppressed groups as distinctly "Other." You can have a fascination, love, or adoration for an oppressed group, and still be bigoted against them. Love /=/ the inability to be racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. A failure to accept criticism and recognize one's own propensity for homophobia will only lead to making the same homophobic remarks/jokes, failing to eradicate one's own subconscious beliefs that led to one's homophobia (e.g., comp het), and stagnation in one's personal growth.
And yes, if you can’t understand how treating DNF like this obsession, this other-than-human idealized fasion, is homophobic, then you are one of these subtlely bigoted people, and I am begging you to pause, step back, and self-reflect, please.
As always, the usual disclaimers apply. First, not all cishet DNF shippers cross a line in their shipping. If you read this and you don't know if this applies to you, it's important for you to pause and reflect on your manner of shipping. Recognizing when we do wrong is the first step in eradicating homophobia and fetishization. Second of all, for those who don't know what prompted this ask, here is a link to the half-joke post of mine from a few hours ago. Third of all, I am never an expert on any of the discourse I engage in. I'm simply providing my opinion. Fourth of all, this is not meant to be hateful. Yes, I come from a place of extreme frustration and exhaustion towards cishet shippers, but I still think there is capability for growth within the mlm shipping community. I am a DNFer, just a queer one; I read DNF fics, I love DNF art, and I watch DNF compilations. I, too, gush whenever Dream and George act fond of each other. I'm not an anti; I just like to criticize the communities I am a part of because I love the spaces they provide for me and want them to grow and improve through self-reflection and critical analysis. Positive change always starts from within.
Anyways, if you're interested in my other random rants about related issues: here is one of my original takes on DNFers crossing lines they shouldn't and dehumanizing DNF for their own enjoyment, here is a more general take of mine about reading into DNF dynamics with empathy, here is my thing with fetishization (thank you Angel for the input), and here is a long-ass post with queer perspectives on DNF shipping (thank you Xen for the input).
As always, reminder to blacklist /neg or #discourse if you don’t want to see posts like this from me. Take care of yourselves <3
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arlakos · 5 years
The Master Fu rewrite: From a Miraculous Themed Pez Dispenser to an Actual Mentor
Ok, let's get this show on the road. Its gonna be a while and a lot of salt/
Master Fu is a character I have grown to dislike. A lot
While I initially did not feel this way at first (at worst finding him to be boring) thanks to some interesting discord discussions, as well as discussing with my internet best friend @twin-books​, I have slowly come to see the character in a negative light in many different aspects, ranging from the characterization of Fu to the plot choices Fu makes that are in many ways stupid as hell. However, unlike some who I have talked, I believe that Fu in many ways can still be salvaged as a character. He’s not a bad character himself, just that the way the show (and by extension Thomas ASS-truc, aka THAT GUY) treats him is the issue. 
In this post I am going to tackle the key issues with Fu, explain them and what i would do to personally make his character better. I am not gonna lie, this post is going to have a moderate amount of salt, so if you arent interested in a salty blog post, TURN BACK.
So, assuming that you have accepted the salt by continuing to read, let's get started.
There are a few key pointers to the issues I have with Fu.
1. His character
2. Show, don't tell
3. Fu’s weird choices
4. The bad Origin Episode of Fu (not to be confused with the actual origins episode.
So let's go over the first topic.
1. Master Fu’s character (or why he’s a glorified PEZ dispenser)
A lot of people may find this part to be surprising. After all, Master Fu shows himself in canon to be kind and helpful towards Marinette, developing new powers for her and Chat Noir to use and has helped the heroes in stopping some of their adversaries. Right?
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See, the only actual characterization that Fu has is well... his passiveness.
See Master Fu, for the most part, does nothing to actually help the heroes in their struggles against Hawkmoth. For most of season 2 and 3, he remains inside his home and pretty much does nothing, doing nothing to help track down hawkmoth or aide the heroes himself, and then for the second half of season 3, runs around in a van. He gives the miraculous to Ladybug and Chat Noir to have them stop hawkmoth, then watches from the sidelines while drinking tea.
The only time he really did anything developed the potions that give the powerups (and based off what we saw, are huge gimmicks), and even then, it was simply used as another way to show how awesome Marinette is by her being the one to solve the potion.
Sure, some people may point out that it was used to show how Marinette is a capable Guardian, but aside from the fact that I think Marinette is not a capable Guardian (which is my opinion), it really doesn't help the fact that it makes Fu seem incompetent.
Slight Rant time: The secret to one of the potions was an actual tear of joy?! What kind of stupid ingredient is that? It would have made much more sense for writers to make the ingredient to be some sort of plant because of the whole ‘natural energy’ in plants, but no its an actual tear of joy, what did the guardians do to learn that, cry in a pot?! Also, For someone who is supposed to be a wise Guardian, you sure can’t seem to find out the last ingredient like its impossible. But a prepubescent girl who can't talk to a boy is totally smarter than you and can figure it out?! Yeah right.
And people are going to bring up the fact that Fu helps by granting the miraculous... but that really doesn’t help the argument against him. In fact its one of the main reasons why I think Fu is so passive. Rather than go out and give the miraculous to allies in the same manner as he did with Ladybug and Chat Noir, Fu just gives them to Marinette to just choose whoever she wants and expects them to be returned! 
Not only is that irresponsible of any sort of mentor to allow a novice to choose a hero, but what if Marinette chose wrong or allowed the Miraculous to fall into the wrong hands because she lost it?! Because of surprise, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN STYLE QUEEN when she lost the bee miraculous! 
Despite the fact that I love the idea of Chloe being a hero, I think the introduction to how she got a miraculous was largely Fu’s fault. Had Fu decided to have a look at Chloe (assuming he ever would have) and introduced Chloe to Pollen in a safe manner (and not while she was upset and visibly stressed/angry), she would have learned that keeping a secret identity was important and would likely go on to become an actual hero like Ladybug and Chat Noir.
A lot of people would assume she would do the same thing again regardless, but Chloe at the time was flat out rejected by her mother, who was a rather huge Bee-word (Pun intended). It would make sense that she would do whatever it takes to prove to her mother she is worthy of respect, and that would include exposing her identity just to show off to her mother.
Despite all of the hardships both Ladybug and Chat Noir go through, Fu does nothing to remedy or help the situation. This can even be seen in Season 1, where the only reason Fu reveals himself was because Marinette discovered the Miraculous Book, and Fu (and even Marinette for that matter) didn't even tell Chat until season 2 because ‘he wasn't ready’, whatever reason that is.
Rant: What the hell do you mean he wasn't ready?! He literally became a hero the same time as Ladybug and he it’s not like he hasn’t proven himself! Why the hell should he be left in the dark?!
Now, a lot of people could attribute all these moments to both his responsibility as a Guardian or his isolation at being the Last Guardian so to speak. He has to make sure the Box is safe and make sure the knowledge is passed on to his successor without it being lost. His recessive behavior is due to his isolation and duty to keep the miraculous safe.
If that was the case, why does he do nothing to aid the heroes in finding Hawkmoth or his lair so that the miraculous doesn't remain in Gabriel’s hands? That way he can move on and keep the miraculous safe away from others. We know he is supposed to be smart, so why doesn't he just attempt to find the place the butterflies are coming from and tell Ladybug and Chat Noir via a message so they can ambush him?
So...what would i do to fix his Character?
Well for starters, I would actually have him be a bit more proactive. 
Considering that Fu would recognize the threat Hawkmoth poses, he would work down to track Hawkmoth and prevent him from getting anymore stronger. It would also be likely that he would choose which people should get a miraculous, regardless of whether it is temporary or not, so this would likely mean that Alya, Nino, and Chloe would not likely get their respective miraculi, even if Fu deems them worthy of one.
Note: This would actually make a cool AU. Imagine if Fu chose other people in the class to be heroes, like Nathaniel to be the fox and Luka to say, the turtle. Perhaps Sabrina would be the Bee hero?
Also, perhaps if you really wanted to keep the Queen Bee Trilogy, have Ladybug finally choose a hero as part of her first test, but have it go wrong for her.
Also, If anyone has seen the series on AO3 called Miraculous Tales by JED1, one of the things introduced in the sort of AU was that Fu worked behind the scenes for a majority of season 1, helping the heroes by sending them anonymous letters to aid them in their heroics. So that could be another way Fu could be more of an active mentor instead of just doing nothing except dispensing Miraculous.
Also, I know the whole thing about Fu being too old to be a hero, but what If Fu transformed to help the heroes in one of their early adventures.
Say... instead of Volpina being the season 1 finale, it is instead an early encounter with Hawkmoth, who comes to fight the heroes himself. The two heroes have been weakened thanks to the effect of an Akuma Hawkmoth has with him. He is so close to beating them...
When a shield of green energy blocks an attack from the Akuma.
Together, the three heroes managed to stop Hawkmoth and his Akuma, but unfortunately, he escapes. Before the two heroes can talk to the newcomer, he vanishes. 
The next day, Marinette goes to see the person Tikki mentioned, and she meets her savior (and soon to be teacher).
A few days later Adrien meets his new Chinese teacher.
That Could be a great way for him to actually be a Guardian and a mentor for the two heroes! As well as for Adrien to actually be part of the Miraculous team instead of as a sidekick!
Still, some people may say that Fu helps Marinette and Adrien, it's just not shown on screen. This, of course, brings me to my second problem...
2. Show, Don't Tell
Now, this a problem that the show has a and isn't solely based on Fu alone, and is mostly due to THAT GUY and his stupid writing. Anyone who has seen my previous mega-post knows about THAT GUY and his ludicrous idea of a perfect show. I could go on and on about why THAT GUY can go eat a stale Baguette, but I'm going to stick on track.
See, when a large part of the show is about heroics and being mentored on the art of heroics, it makes sense that you would show the heroes learning how to be actual good heroes. Maybe teach them martial arts, train them in the use of their powers and help them unlock new ones, all that usual superhero stuff.
But thanks to both the structure of the show and the impossible writing of THAT GUY (which concists of writing each episode to be single story and out of order insead of each episode following the last), we don't get to see any of it at all. The show rather would want to focus on setting up the next akuma rather than explore the world of the show, so it means that a lot of the stuff in show is just presumed. 
This can also go for simple lore stuff as well. For example, Adrien joined Kitty Section in the Captain Hardrock episode, yet he isn't in Silencer. Nobody would know what had happened until you had the mistake of seeing Astruc's twitter...
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So yeah, its not the first time it has happened, but it shouldn't have to be this way in the first place! If you have to go to someones twitter to find the knowledge from a show that should have been there in the actual episode, then its not the fans fault for ‘oBvIOUSly’ not knowing, its THAT GUY’S fault for not making sure that bit of information was in the episode in the first place! Perhaps just a small scene explaining it instead of being passive agressive on twitter because you were too dumb to remember your own canon?
...Dammit i got off track. Back to Fu.
So yeah, in Miraculous, they dont actually show Fu teaching Marinette how to be a guardian. He does mention in Feast that he has chosen Marinette to be the next Guardian and that he will teach her (after basically insulting the traditions of his order), but considering that he goes off in his truck and stays on the move, its likely that he doesnt get the chance to teach her at all. Of course, Miracle Queen has him declare Marinette to be the new Guardian, but it feels rather jarring, as we never really feel that Marinette learned anything or she has proven her worth. All they really showed on the show was Marinette getting miraculi from Fu and that one episode with the potions, so we really never really think that she is ready. Sure we can assume that Ladybug is capable of choosing the right people to be heroes, but that doesn't mean she meets the other criteria because of that specific category.
Honestly its very simple how to fix this issue:
Have some episodes be about Fu teaching Marinette and Adrien. That way it makes sense when Ladybug is made the new Guardian. Perhaps have an episode revolve around a particular new thing about the book the heroes are learning from and have the akuma not be related to the episode theme for once, just have them there as an excuse to show off a new power, even if it is a gimmick.
Speaking of the book, the book seems like its never been fully explored or explained, or perhaps that it really doesn't seem to contain much.
Throught the entire 3 seasons, all that we have learned about the book is:
That it contains the list of all miraculous heroes
It shows how to make the power up potions
It shows how to combine the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous
It shows how to repair a miraculous
It would be nice for the book to be used to explain the background of the order, or perhaps it shows a way to grant Ladybug and Chat Noir new powers for their miraculous, and have them learn about the guardians for the plot and themselves so we can have a ‘moral of the story’ for the episode.
3. Fu’s weird Choices
Fu makes a lot of dumb choices in Miraculous Ladybug. I’ll make this one quick but i will explain a few new ones in more detail
Fu doesnt help Ladybug and Chat Noir until season 2. Sure it makes sense to wait until they both prove themselves trustworthy, but he leaves no advice for them, not even with their kwamis for safety reasons.
Fu doesnt tell Chat Noir the truth until Syren for no actual reason (thats 14 canonical episodes!)
Fu lets Marinette choose the miraculous despite her lack of training (yes, even if she does choose well in canon.)
Fu lets Marinette return the Miraculous book despite how important it is to the order (even if he did take pictures). Marinette doing it to let Adrien come back to school is still wrong, even if it is to help her friend.
Now for the actual big mistake of Fu.
In feast, the order of the Miraculous has been restored, and so have the people inside it. His master and all the people he knows is there. With Hawkmoth knowing his identity, it would make sense for Fu to travel back to China and back to the temple with the Miraculous Book to be deciphered by the other Guardians, using the Horse Miraculous to transport Miraculi to the wielders when necessary.
...Nah that’s dumb (saying this sarcastically)
Instead, he stays in Paris, hiding in a truck, and basically gets himself kidnapped and the box stolen, resulting in him having to give up his memories to protect the heroes because he decided a truck was a better idea than keeping the box out of Hawkmoth’s grasp.
How would I fix it? It’s obvious, just have Fu be smart and not make any of the listed bad decisions. With the power of an entire miracle box in his hands, he could have just used the powers to keep himself out of Hawkmoth’s grip and give the miraculi when necassary, even if he decided not to go back to the temple.
And finally we come to the big bad, the main offender, the reason why I think Fu is a badly written character...
4. The bad Origin Episode of Fu (not to be confused with the actual origins episode.
Going back to the start of season 2, i actually like how Fu is introduced. From the initial start he shows himself as a wise and caring mentor for Ladybug (and Chat Noir) and actually sounds confident. When I hear him talk about the Order of the Guardians, and his own backstory, it sounds both intriguing yet tragic. 
The fall of the Order was Fu’s fault, but how could this be? Was it because Fu was betrayed by someone he chose as a hero, perhaps a Butterfly wielder? Were they attacked and Fu blames himself due to survivors guilt? Did fu touch an artifact that released an ancient evil?I didn’t know, but i was curious and wanted to know more. 
For that first initial introduction, I could imagine that the season was going to be great. I hadn’t learned the revelation that Gabe was Hawkmoth and seen the rest of the ep at the time (which was boring in comparison and just like season 1 but WORSE), so I was still excited for this season That we as an audience would finally learn more about the world of miraculous and explore this new chapter in the show while seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir fight new villains along the way.
Obviously, that didnt last with Miraculous being Miraculous, and it was around that time i learned about how THAT GUY was an asshole, and the discord server that i joined showed the shortcoming with the show, but even looking back on it now, i could imagine that season 2 could have been amazing.
Seriously just look at the video above, its a downright amazing intro to Fu.
So finally season 3 comes around, and the episode Feast is released. So how did the temple fall? What is this secret that Fu kept hidden from us? Surely after a season of buildup that the BACK STORY WAS GOING TO BE AMAZING-
So, the whole reason the order fell was becasue Fu was hangry and he dabbled with magic so he could sneek off to grab a bit and not do his job?
░U░N░H░O░L░Y░ ░S░C░R░E░E░C░H░I░N░G░
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This is it, all this buildup and this is the reason that an entire order Fell! Are you kidding me!?
Not only was this one of the worst writing decisions that has ever been made, but it also made Fu look like a complete and utter moron! I get that this show is mainly used by THAT GUY to make Marinette look better than everyone else, but COME ON!!! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHY WAS THAT?! HOW DID ANYONE ON THE MIRACULOUS TEAM THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. DOES EVERYONE JUST  LET ASS-TRUC DO WHAT HE WANTS BECAUSE NO ONE CAN TELL HIM HIS IDEAS ARE DUMB?!
Ok, calm down. Calm down...
Well, aside from that really stupid decisionholycrap- the sentimonster itself wasnt that bad. The idea of it is rather terrifying and explains why Fu needs to always keep moving and is so passive for fear of the monster finding him and chasing him. But the whole origin story for Fu is a bunch of crap. Not only does it waste the buildup of that moment, but it also makes Fu seem so incompetent. It’s obvious that THAT GUY used this as to show why Marinette is a better Guardian than Fu, but as someone that actually likes good writing, i choose to reject that idea. Just because Astruc messes up the ideas of the show, it doesnt mean that the concepts are bad, and i’ll be damned if I let that affect me or my own canon!
So how would I rewrite this monstrosity of an origin?
Literally replace it with anything of the backstories i mentioned. Have Fu been betrayed by a Butterfly wielder, have the temple be attacked, anything that what we have been given. I’d make a joke about a funny idea for the fall of the order, but the origin of Fu in Feast is already a joke. A bad one
And with that, here’s how I would rewrite Fu to be a better character. 
With these changes, I feel he would be a much competent and interesting character and a better mentor for our heroes. If you guys feel some other changes would be needed for Fu, or if you think I'm wrong about something because either i missed something important or you think that Fu being incompetent is a great way to show girl power for Marinette (Lots of sarcasm at that last part), feel free to send me an ask about what I would do about this part and that part for Fu or another character, or just tell me that I’m wrong.
Can’t wait for Season 4! Let's see if Zag can fix the mess Astruc made.
Also, please for the love of god go read Miraculous Tales by JED1, they are amazing. And follow @twin-books​, they helped me so much with rewriting Fu.
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float-me-now · 4 years
created by @johnmurphysreddit saw it in @kittinoir's blog
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
1. What are your primary topics?
Mainly The 100, I occasionally post stuff about Mr Robot, Harry Potter, Gintama and Haikyuu!!, I also like music (mostly metal but not only) and nature, so expect to find something like that too, and everything that I find right to share :)
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I have quite a precise tagging system because I'm a pretty obsessive person lol. Regarding The 100, I tag posts referring to the characters featured in the post and the season I'm talking about. Cast and behind the scenes stuff are tagged accordingly. I've recently found out about the "stan vs anti" culture, and even though I call myself a "Murphy stan" to express my love for the character, I do not support "anti culture": to me, it's more like writing/reblogging critique, thoughts and rants because I'm passionate about something, not because I want to spread hate. However, I will tag some of my posts as "anti" if I write/reblog something that could be seen as "not character friendly".
3. What do you love about The 100?
Oh boy!
- First of all, I love the concept: survival, radiation-soaked planets, difficult decisions, morals, fight-or-die situations, discarded youth who become the saviors of the human race.
- Then, good fight and action scenes (and some well-presented violence), no random sex scenes to lure a certain kind of audience.
- The costumes. Absolutely love the looks.
- Different cultures, a *freaking* new language.
- The beautiful sceneries and effects, sci-fi stuff, complex different plots that are all linked together.
- Powerful women and a bit of LGBT representation, complex characters.
- The freaking PARALLELS guys. I live for that stuff.
- The featured songs and OSTs (I discovered some great artists while watching the series).
- John Murphy, because of all he is, and the other epic characters I'm not sure how I'll live without (Raven, Bellamy, Roan, Octavia, only to name some).
- The cast. I've never had the pleasure to meet them, but they all seem like really fun, nice and loving people. I've watched some videos about conventions and they look like an awesome group!
- The talented part of the fandom that blesses us all with edits, gifs, fanarts and so on :')
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
- Bad character writing (see Bellamy Blake in season 6). Luckily, it doesn't happen often throughout the series. Same goes for some dialogues that are absolutely stupid (see some of Bellamy and Clarke's lines in 1x04 or 1x10).
- Abby Griffin and her "holier than thou" attitude even if she's the literally the character who acts in the most selfish way throughout the show. Also, her ridiculous tendency to make decisions involving other people's lives without considering the facts but just what "she hopes" (mostly season 1). If you are responsible for other people's lives you can't base your decisions on hope, it's ludicrous.
- Clarke Griffin. Not her in particular, and there were many moments in which I really liked her! More like the atmosphere of "we can't do anything without Clarke-she's the most important person in the world-she can do no wrong". I mean yes, she's the main character but there are many other characters that have beautiful and important qualities and overlooking them to focus on Clarke constantly is pretty ridiculous. And there ARE moments in which she made bad decisions, and it's not wrong to call her out for that, she's human. Instead, she's always praised and deemed to be this faultless, perfect hero.
- Sometimes, some things that happen between the characters are not developed or talked through. I understand that it would take like 289 episodes to get the characters to explore all the relationships between them though 😅.
- Memori. That's right: Memori is my NOTP :") To be clear: i see why most people like it, I obviously ADORE Murphy and I don’t hate Emori, I just don't like them together.
-Something more fandom-related: the endless bitching about Bellarke/Clexa. I double despise it not only because it's obnoxious and brings people down, but also because it makes some people who ship them in a civilized way look bad.
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
Nope but mainly :)
6. What else should people know?
I will likely vent and write rants about this series, and I want to make clear that I don't want to attack anyone, I just care a lot about this show!
Also, I have some difficulties with socializing but I like to interact with the nice people here so asks in particular are always very welcome :)
Tagging @bimurphy, @ayakomspacekru, @bananase221, @john-dontcallmejohn-murphy, @murphamyking, @bunker-boyfriends, @komraekenkru, @youmissedthewholeshow, @clarkewithameme, @dizzy-powerless and @aglicoe!
If you follow me and see this, consider yourself tagged :)
And, as usual, if you don’t feel like doing it, feel free to ignore!
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mrscoultxr · 5 years
have you got any headcanons on her brother? is he younger? older? what does he do? what about edward? what was he like? how do you imagine him? what about her father? her mother was so cruel but what about her father? what languages does she speak apart from english and tartar? where does marisa feel at home? did she study at jordan or somewhere else? who is her closest friend? does she have any? does marisa enjoy fashion or is looking good a must? how would she spend her holiday?
Okay, so, I’m not going to touch upon everything here, as a lot of it I’ve already posted headcanons for. Languages, Edward, Study, all of those have full posts for them, which some I have transferred to this blog and some I have not yet. I apologize in advance, this is about to turn into a rant, because the main thing I’d like to talk about is the family aspect. Nothing against you, thank you for your questions, I just have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this one aspect introduced in The Book of Dust trilogy that I gotta get off my chest. So.
We are not a pro-Marcel Delamare blog. We are not a pro-Delamare as the last name blog. I am not about Mrs. Coulter suddenly having an unknown brother and being French, when she was previously deemed to be Dutch. The French part is… ridiculously cliche. Like. Here’s this femme fatale seductress, so of course she must be French. It’s cliche, it’s been done a thousand times, I cannot express enough how much I dislike this when she was already perfectly established to be Dutch with the maiden name “van Zee”. She can absolutely be Dutch and just fine. Dutch and French are very similar anyway, so I don’t understand the jump PP made for this. No, I will not accept the whole “oh they were French but then they took on the Dutch version of the name” because why??? would she do that?? there’s nothing to suggest she’s ashamed of her name, and nothing to suggest why they would change it because it’s not like France isn’t a powerhouse still in this world. There’s nothing to say otherwise in canon.
It’s a dumb name change. It adds a cliche to a character who is so deeply complex and different from so many other characters like her. She is the “mother of all evil”, a cess-pit of moral filth, pure poisonous toxic malice, who “settled” over Lyra like “a mother hen”. I say fuck the dumb forced cliche, throw it into the garbage.
Along with Marcel. Fuck the brother dynamic. What’s the point of him? We already have Olivier Bonneville chasing after Lyra because of the death of his father, so why do we need someone else going “oh yeah I’mma get her too for the same thing”. Madame van Zee (it’s van Zee from here on out I won’t talk about ‘delamare’) could easily have hired Olivier Bonneville and if she’s even half as cunning as Marisa then she could betray Oliver and still get what she wanted AND THAT WOULD BE INFINITELY MORE INTERESTING. Marcel is superfluous and adds nothing to the story in my honest opinion.
Besides that, it’s so much more interesting to have Marisa be raised as an only child because of the parallel between she and Lyra’s upbringing. They were both only children, but they’re still a world apart. They both had neglectful, hurtful parents, and both thrived (or attempted to in Marisa’s case). It’s such a richer, more compelling choice to set up that parallel between them and show Lyra who Madame Van Zee is and what Marisa grew up with as a young woman so that she can compare her experiences to her parents.
Oh also just, Marisa’s decisions are her own and the fact that Marcel is all “oh Lyra is the reason my sister is dead!” is just…. uhg.
Just. Fuck Marcel. Fuck the Delamare name change. She’s Marisa van Zee and she’s an only child and The Book of Dust can kiss my ass with all that. It’s dropped the ball on several occasions, like with the whole Lyra was breast fed by a fairy which has never been mentioned in this world before by anyone ever and that’s why she is so strong and can read the alethiometer. No, she’s a dirty kid living with scholars and is a natural liar and a creative thinker and THAT’S WHY she can read the alethiometer, not because of some fairies. And we all know how much I just looooove the sexual assault and rape narratives thrown in here for absolutely no fucking reason.
God. The Book of Dust frustrates me a lot. /end rant I guess
Edit: also, M&M is dumb. Marisa and Marcel. No. It exists for us to giggle over, and I’m not okay with it. That can go away.
Also also, before anyone says it, Marisa having a brother is not a good parallel to Asriel having a brother because we don’t even know if that was true to begin with. Count Belacqua, for all the narrative has to say about it, seems to be entirely made up. Even if he did have a brother, that’s not the key parallel here. The important foil that we should be paying attention to is Lyra and Marisa. Marisa is a foil to Lyra. Making them both only children and exploring how someone can be brought up with similar circumstances and end up so incredibly different yet somehow share qualities is such. a better. story telling. device. I digress.
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ecovoyage · 5 years
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Newspaper in a plant-based café in Russia
*(photo creds to my sister, who is also a world traveler)*
The second page is about the top 10 non-ethical products & the third page describes how to have a “green” pregnancy.
An earlier post on the blog linked to an article explained how raising children is terrible for the environment, but the post failed to elaborate on the 9 month phase before the baby is born.
Although I can’t read any Russian, I’ve done my own research to learn about this topic. I’ll expand on the pregnancy itself, and for all the optimistic people out there (can’t relate) I’ll explain how to make the world a cleaner and better place to raise a child (disclaimer: I do not think having children is the most responsible or ethical thing to do at this point in our environmental history).
Green Pregnancy: an oxymoron?
Part 1: Diet
The American Dietetic Association, as well as the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics — the world’s largest organization of nutritional professionals — has deemed plant-based diets as “appropriate, nutritionally adequate, and beneficial for all stages of life, including pregnancy, lactation [lactose from the human mother, not stolen from other animals], infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and athletes...and can prevent and treat various diseases”. The groups even announced in 2016 how the plant-based diet is “more environmentally sustainable than a diet rich in animal products”, which is a huge deal coming from an organization specializing not in environmental issues but in nutrition. A vegan lifestyle with its plant-based diet is ultimately the best diet to consume while pregnant.
During pregnancy, along with B12 (which ALL people should supplement with as our modern dirt is no longer rich in this nutrient), it may be beneficial to supplement with folate. If you wish not to supplement, make sure to include lots of leafy dark greens in your diet. Try a green monster smoothie!
You may also wish to take a vegan-friendly prenatal. Thankfully, there are many brands that advertise with the vegan label, signifying no animal testing & no animal ingredients.
The World Health Association points out that 90% of dioxin exposure comes from the meat, dairy, and egg supply. Thankfully, a plant-based diet will help ensure this toxin (which is associated with hormonal damage, development damage, and reproductive damage) is nowhere near you or your growing baby.
Part 2: Harmful Ingredients/Chemicals
Some ingredients and chemicals should be avoided at all costs, whether or not they are truly “toxins”. Many chemicals humans are exposed to everyday can cross with the placenta and harm the developing baby.
LEAD: impair child’s brain development
ARSENIC: linked to poor brain development (can be found in some tap water, and some foods such as rice and products containing rice like flours or syrups)
PESTICIDES, INSECTICIDE, INSECT REPELLANTS: tied to neurological problems and birth defects to babies exposed in utero (avoid sprays, try to eat organic or take to a local farmer to learn whether they use pesticides) REMEMBER PEOPLE, INSECTS ARE CRITICAL TO OUR ECOSYSTEM & WE NEED THEM TO THRIVE AS HUMANS SO PLEASE STOP KILLING THEM THANKS
PHTHALATES: endocrine disruptors; can cause miscarriages and sterility in developing fetuses (found in personal care items, cosmetics, toys and nail polish, and more)
TRICLOSAN: linked to low birth weight and poor APGAR scores (a newborn health scale) — an ingredient in antibacterial soaps
many ingredients in skin care products can cause an increased risk of intracranial bleeding in the baby and birth defects: Salicylic acid, retinol, tetracyclines (this last one can cause tooth decoloring of the baby)
PAINTS: may contain lead; oil-based paints may negatively impact air quality
ORGANIC SOLVENTS: may be present in cleaning products, cosmetics, aerosol sprays, disinfectants, paint strippers and thinners, varnish and many other household products
MERCURY: toxic material does not break down in the environment (found in water & fish)
ASBESTOS: can be found in the home in old vinyl floor and ceiling tiles, old shingles and insulation, siding, stove, furnace and pipe insulation
This is by no means a complete list. Do your own research if you are concerned about a particular ingredient found in your food or home/clothing/etc. products!
Part 3: Clothing
Throughout the pregnancy, it is advisable to source ethical maternity wear. I know how is sounds: $$$$! While some brands may be expensive, there are several ways to acquire this clothing without breaking the bank or ruining the Earth.
1. the most ethical option is using clothes you already own! oversized clothing, stretchy pants, open-fronted sweaters and cardigans, and empire line dresses...those are just a few! sharing is caring- seek out female friends and family to see if they have any maternity clothing they are willing to give up.
2. Shop second-hand. If you have the luxury of living near great thrift stores (Paris, LA, Portland, and SF are all fantastic for this!) definitely go and try stuff on. If not, you can find great clothes on Depop, Ebay, Poshmark, and other second-hand online stores/apps. Frequent sales and promos will help you stay sane and know you aren’t going broke (a future post will contain a rant about people having children intentionally even if they know they can’t afford to care for the child)
3. If you have the cash, seek out brands that use recycled materials to create their clothing line. Frugi is an environmentally sustainable maternity-wear clothing store that steers clear of sweatshops, child labor, and poisonous pesticides, instead using recycled bamboo and other earth-friendly materials to craft its clothing.
Part 4: Plastic
Probably my most hated man-made material needs its own section.
Your tubber ware containers, plastic water bottles, shopping bags, etc. may seem conveniant, but they are terrible for the environment AND the baby.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical found in many hard plastics and items such as food packaging. Numerous studies have discovered how BPA can harm reproductive and brain development in fetuses, infants and children. BPA was banned in 2012 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in baby bottles and children’s cups, but it does nothing to address the health concerns that BPA poses to pregnant woman, which include miscarriage, premature birth and still birth. According to an article in the New Scientist, even BPA-free plastic might not be as safe as you think. In tests conducted at Peking University, Beijing, the BPA substitute BHPF was found to cause fertility problems. Luckily, there are eco-friendly alternatives to plastic for storing your food and drinks. Glass bottles and containers may cost more than plastic and are heavier to transport if you’re out and about, but they’re ideal for the kitchen because they tend to hold up better in the microwave, don’t take on the characteristics of the food they hold and some of them can even go in the oven. For lightweight on-the-go solutions, choose silicone food storage bags and sealable paper bags.
Part 5: Living Green
You use a multitude of products everyday without even realizing it, whether you are cleaning the house, cleaning your body, applying makeup, etc.
An easy way to start living green while pregnant is to switch your shampoo. Many natural health experts recommend avoiding shampoos with the foaming agents sodium laureth, sulphate and ammonium laureth sulphate. These ingredients cause shampoo to lather, but they all test positive for 1,4-Dioxane, a proven cancer-causing petrochemical. The Body Shop is a great high street alternative, offering a variety of shampoos and other beauty products that are free not only from sulphates but also parabens. While parabens contain preservatives that prevent the growth of mould and bacteria, think before you massage them into your scalp. According to a study undertaken by Inserm, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, phenols such as parabens may disrupt the growth of baby boys both in the womb and during the first few years of life.
Many products (such as shampoos, lotions, soaps and deodorants) are known to contain potentially harmful petrochemicals known as phthalates, which are linked to permanent birth defects of the male reproductive system.
Nail polish may contain harmful solvents.
It’s important to remember that just because something is labelled ‘natural’, it doesn’t necessarily meant that it only contains ingredients made by mother nature. A bottle marked ‘organic’ must contain 95% organic ingredients, but those marked ‘natural’ or ‘made with organic ingredients’ may still contain the bad stuff. This is down to the frustrating fact that the beauty industry is yet to be properly regulated. No matter how appealing that body lotion smells, always ready the label carefully before massaging it into your bump. Also, avoid products that claim to be “cruelty-free” but are not remotely vegan-friendly.
Put off remodeling or building if you can, but if you do remodel, choose the least-toxic materials you can find, such as low- or no-VOC (volatile organic compound) paint.
Avoid renovations that require scraping, sanding or refinishing older walls or furniture. “One of the main sources of lead exposure in the U.S. today is lead paint in older houses (pre-1978),” says Ulrike Luderer, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of occupational and environmental medicine at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at University of California Irvine. “This is important because of the hand-to-mouth behavior of very young children.”
Lead levels accumulate in the body over time, and breathing in microscopic lead dust particles from windows and doors once coated with lead-based paint can cause irreversible neurological damage. Touching or mouthing objects coated with this dust is another common source of lead ingestion.
Part 6: Sleep care
Whether you are trying to sleep as a pregnant women or you are caring for your new environmentally-unsustainable offspring, you and this creature want comfort. Don’t keep yourself up at all worrying about toxins in your linens.
To avoid harmful substances in the linens, try to go organic. According to Deirdre Dolan and Alexandra Zissu, co-authors of The Complete Organic Pregnancy, “sheets shouldn’t be permanent-press or made with nylon or synthetic materials.” The manufacture of conventional cotton sheets requires large amounts of formaldehyde, bleaches, dyes, synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Be low-impact!
Buy laundry linens with nontoxic laundry products. “Many families use separate laundry soap for their newborn’s clothing, but you can use baby-safe laundry soap for the rest of your family’s laundry as well,” says Kimberly Rider, author of Organic Baby. If you buy only one thing for the nursery, make it an organic mattress pad or cover.
Replace worn-out linens with organic-cotton varieties, which are now widely available and more affordable than ever. Cotton grown in the U.S. uses 25 percent of the insecticides in the world, so going organic will lighten the toxic load on your pillow and the planet.
Part 7: Cultivating the Garden
Growing a garden is one of the best pleasures in life. Whether it is outside or on the windowsill, breathing in chemical pesticides and chemicals is harmful to your and the baby. Natural fertilizers and nontoxic solutions are fortunely easy to find and use, and have become cheaper and cheaper over the years as demand rises.
The brand TerraCycle creates plant food and fertilizer using worm excrement packaged in recycled soda bottles.
Part 8: Go Green on Google?
Many people, myself included, love upgrading to the newest technology. Before purchasing electronics, however, make sure they have the Energy Star label, meaning they are energy-efficient.
Need to get rid of old electronics that are still somewhat functioning? Try a second-hand program, such as Ebay’s Rethink Program which acquires these materials to be repaired and sold. Even completely “useless” electronics that cannot even turn on can be recycled. R esources such as Earth 911) provide community recycling, donation and disposal options. Many college campuses have “e-waste” programs in which students and faculty can give up electronics to be sent to local facilities to use for the hardware or research purposes. Or, help the e-waste movement by passing old electronics on to friends and family. The camera may suck, but your cousin George just wants to check who wins the football game.
Part 9: Consider not having children
Save your money, time, and the planet! It’s a win-win-win!
Bringing a baby into the world adds a considerable amount to one’s carbon footprint. If you are dead-set on raising a child into the world, despite the many environmental and ethical reasons not to (post coming soon elaborating on further issues), this is an opportunity to raise and educate your child to understand the environmental issues existing on our planet and what he or she or they can do to prevent or help the cause. Infants, toddlers, and children learn from their elders and are quick to pick up on habits and behaviors. Remember: once you bring a baby into this world, you are a parent but also a role model.
Meanwhile, how can you make the world a better place while you are pregnant? If you want your child to live a long and healthy life in a healthy environment on a healthy planet, then you must certainly realize your daily actions impact this environment. Don’t contribute to the environmental problems if you care about you child. Go green!
Some fun facts/tips
When selecting a midwife or ob/gyn, ask about environmental toxin and chemical exposures. Consider their response in your decision!
avoid foods in cans (legumes, beans, vegetables, soups, etc.) & opt for bagged beans/dry beans, fresh or frozen produce, etc.
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just-themys-fanarts · 5 years
What exactly is the difference between your two blogs, just-themys-fanarts and -just-themys? I am confused as to why I find AA fanart on both, but I guess, in the end it's not really important, as I am following and seeing both... still, I wonder. xD
Ooh well technically just-themys-fanarts is my art-only blog, while just-themys is my personal blog where I’m likely to rant, reblog fandom-related and non-fandom related stuff, etc.
I tend to post things that I deem too “messy”, unfinished, or not good enough on my main blog rather than my art blog, but lately I’ve been letting myself post more “doodly” stuff on my art blog and not just fully colored stuff. Most of my traditional art is on my main blog.
I’m just desperatly trying to be organized but I stay a huge mess :’D I often reblog my art to my main blog too, sometimes for visibility, and in an effort to gather most of my art in one place.
I hope this help a bit :’D
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urfavmurtad · 6 years
Can you find me anywhere in the Quran that says women should be executed if they’re not virgins or if they were raped? Where are honor killings allowed?
I mean… I don’t really wanna encourage any sort of religious legitimacy of killing women for exploring their sexuality, which is evil bullshit, but it’s from the ahadith. The Quran itself suggests that women who engage in “zina” or sexual indecency should be confined to house arrest indefinitely and be made to give back their mahr/dower (4:15-19) as well as lashed a hundred times (24:2). Or some combination thereof. The death penalty is not mentioned… in the version of the Quran we have. Yes, you have accidentally stumbled upon a very dumb topic. Let me try to explain.
This is one of those unresolved issues of Islam that’s probably more complicated than a tumblr post allows but I’ll give it a shot. This is a sahih hadith from our bud Umar.
Verily Allah sent Muhammad (ﷺ) with the truth, and he revealed the Book to him. Among what was revealed to him was the Ayah of stoning. So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) stoned, and we stoned after him. I fear that time will pass over the people such that someone will say ‘We do not see stoning in the Book of Allah.’ They will be misguided by leaving an obligation which Allah revealed. Indeed stoning is the retribution for the adulterer if he was married and the evidence has been established, or due to pregnancy, or confession.
Now what in the name of fuck does that mean? Stoning isn’t mentioned in the Quran… it’s referenced (Mohammed’s rant against the Jews in 5:41-45 is about the Jews refusing to practice stoning and him getting mad about it) but there is no “ayah (verse) of stoning”. There’s another narration in one of the ahadith books that says it was in Al-Ahzab (surah 33). So what is he even talking about? Was it one of those verses that Mohammed said just don’t count anymore? Or is there a missing verse here that… someone… took out?
Well that brings us to this, which is one of the most controversial hasan ahadith in existence. I present it to you without commentary.
Aishah said: “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
Uh huh. Well, let’s take a look at this subject.
We know for a fact that Mohammed himself proscribed stoning for those found guilty of zina (sexual indecency in general, not limited to intercourse–a sahih hadith says even arranging your own marriage without permission falls under this category) on several occasions from the strongest possible sources–both men and women. In this one he orders a woman stoned to death for having an affair while her male lover gets exiled and a hundred lashes. Here he has a man stoned to death for zina. In this one two Jewish lovers are stoned to death together. Ali stoned a woman to death “according to the tradition of” Mohammed. (Whether people were killed or “just” lashed/imprisoned/whatever seems to have largely depended on their marital status.) There are various other sahih ahadith on the subject, and the fact that those who were found to engage in zina were sometimes stoned as punishment is not something that’s debated.
Since there’s no question that this was an accepted punishment used both in and after Mohammed’s time, the four main schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence (and the main Shia ones as well as far as I know) consider death, by stoning or another method, a valid punishment for zina provided the proper conditions are met in terms of guilt, witnesses, etc.
Yet as I said, the Quranic punishment for zina is corporal+financial punishment and imprisonment, not death. Not every legal precedent in fiqh comes directly from the Quran itself–there are many important things that “Allah” forgot to put in the Quran, you see, he just got too excited talking about Moses 5,000 times–but here we have a sahih hadith stating that this was from the Quran. Could that absurd hasan hadith about a dog goat eating my homework embarrassing Quranic verses (the adult breastfeeding one was less violent but also weird and dumb, don’t ask, let us go along with the early Muslims and forget this ever happened) as Mohammed lay dying possibly be true? I tend to not put much stock in anything other than sahih ahadith, but take it as you will…
But let me mention the more acceptable interpretation of what Umar said. In Islam there is a deeply stupid concept called abrogation or naskh, which is mentioned in the Quran itself (2:106 etc). There are multiple forms of it. The first and most common means that whenever you see a contradiction in the Quran, an early verse is replaced by a later one. This was necessary because Mohammed often changed his mind, ordering his followers to do one thing and then telling them to do a different thing, and the evildoing disbelievers made fun of him and this made him sad. So “Allah” said that he wasn’t contradicting anything, he was abrogating it. They still laughed at him tho :(
In addition to two verses contradicting each other, there is also a form of naskh in which a verse that was originally deemed part of the Quran was “abrogated” and removed from it (on Mohammed’s orders), as in this verse. None of these verses are in any Qurans we have, obviously, as they all date from after Mohammed’s death and after it was all put into its standard order; the only evidence we have for their existence is found in other verses that reference them or in the ahadith (like the original qiblah being Jerusalem).
So what does this mean for the apparent stoning verse, which was once part of the Quran and then declared to be… not part of it? Was the punishment itself nullified, and if so, 1) why and 2) why was it still followed even though non-lethal alternatives were available?
This brings us to second and third forms of naskh. The second form involves both the verse being removed and the ruling/law within it (if any) being cancelled. The third and more questionable form involves the verse itself being removed but the ruling remains in effect. Since Umar says that the stoning verse was originally part of the Quran, yet it was followed even after it was removed, this is would be the third form.
This is obviously torturous logic and it drove many early Muslim scholars crazy but there was no other way to reconcile all of the above without saying “Mohammed didn’t know wtf he was doin lol”. Some just ignored this whole debacle and said that stoning was acceptable because it followed the sunnah/the example of Mohammed and his followers, regardless of whether it was abrogated in any form or not. And in a modern-day context, obviously the majority of Muslims are not savages, so this whole thing has fortunately been left in the past in most countries despite its acceptance by all the major schools.
………….you know I wrote that whole damn thing as straight-faced as possible but shit I can’t even hide how dumb this is. I blame Umar as per usual, none of us would even be talking about this if he just kept his mouth shut. If no one takes anything else from this blog I hope I’ve convinced y’all to hate his dumb ass.
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thclcstgirl · 7 years
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And holy crap what a year it’s been!
Fox’s One Year Anniversary, July 14th
Many of you don’t know this, but I actually did not think about Fox at all when I first watched The 100. Didn’t even think about her except as the girl that hugged Bellamy. Didn’t even realize it was the same girl that later died ( super pointlessly and without any explanation but that’s a rant for another day ;) ) to be perfectly honest. She was some random background character to me just like she was to everyone.
And then I started playing her (thanks to my preference for playing half or barely developed characters so I can make them my own) and started really thinking about this sadly underdeveloped character and HOLY CRAP GUYS. My sweet lil Fox has become so fucking important to me as both a character that helps my get through writing lulls with my career and as someone who has led me to so many important people in my life, writing partners and friends and best friends and people that laugh and cry with me over these silly fictional characters that mean so much to all of us.
I’m so thrilled to have lasted a year ( my first time on any character lasting this long! ) and so honored to say that it’s thanks to my partners on here, old and new alike, that my love and my ability to write my beautiful mistreated daughter that I’ve lasted as long as I have.
NOW ONTO THE FLUFF. Because I think we all need it after some of those gifs ;)
My best friend;
@headstrongblake: Ashley like. What do I even say. Like do I wax poetic about how amazing our girls are? Or how Fox admires Octavia only slightly less than I admire you? Or maybe mention that you’re one of the main reasons I came back after my two month disappearing act? Or maybe about how much I value that we can talk every day and never get tired of each other or how we understand that sometimes a day is just bad and we need to hide from the world and that’s cool because we know the other will be there when we’re ready to rejoin the world? Do I mention how you’ve become more like a sister to me than a friend?
My most valued advisors and all time favs;;
@faultedleader - Fuck, Heather, like, we’ve been together since the very beginning. I was so intimidated by you because you and Ashley had these beautiful things going on and you were so wonderful and so eloquent and I’m sitting here with my smol daughter like ‘I wonder if she’ll like the connection between Fox and Bellamy or be annoyed and think I’m expecting too much because of it’. LOOK HOW FAR WE’VE COME. From admiring you with lil fox eyes hiding in my den to yelling at each other over vast amounts of heartbreak ( and every now and then some fluff. to worsen the heartbreak bwa ha ha ) that we cause each other. I never thought I could love someone who made me cry as often as you do, but here we are and I wouldn’t change a thing. *lifts glass* Here’s to another wonderful year together!
@crimiinalchemiist - MY FIRST BABE. My only true Jasper, my main babe and major love. You ( and I don’t know how tf because I’m trash and you’re wonderful ) have been with me even before the beginning of my journey here. Without you, I wouldn’t even BE here. You’re the one that started the group that introduced my to my girl, the one that introduced me to indie at all, the one that suffered 1001 questions as I tried to navigate this weird and wonderful and dramatic world of indie roleplaying. Fox LITERALLY wouldn’t exist in the sense that she does for me and my partners *winks winks nudges nudges at you* if it wasn’t for you, and I can never repay you for that. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you.
@trueheda - Do you ever have a person that just immediately triggers that “QualityTM” reaction in you whenever their name or their blogs come up? Kai had been that for me since I very first started reading his writing tbh, and I’ve never stopped thinking it. Kai is that person that I’m still semi-intimidated by even though we’re friends and we’ve got darling plots going on ( we’re not gonna talk about Fox’s strange infatuation with your murder son oops ) because he’s just so. fucking. quality. Like how can you now just be constant awe of someone with Kai’s skill?? ( the answer is you cannot, btw ) But I am so happy that Kai apparently deems me friend enough and quality enough to play against his amazing babes, and this thrills me to no end tbh.
@nctyourplaything - MY SWEET GIRL. Fuck I don’t even know what I’d do without your level headedness to calm me down from my occasionally high salt levels, Em. We met through Harper and I knew by the time we were a few replies in that I’d fallen for your writing and your voice and I’d literally follow you to the ends of the earth. And now you have Mandy and just FUCK like who would have guessed that I’d fall so hard for Mandy Milkovich ( I did, actually. I loved her in the show and paired with your phenomenal writing and taste for development how could I not fall just as head over heels for her? ). Fox and Mandy are such a crack lil pair from their different fandoms but they work SO WELL together and I’m so glad I didn’t lose you when the show tried to ruin your 100 girl because honestly, Emily, I mean it when I say I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you babe.
@icebuilt - LOR LIKE WHAT EVEN HAPPENED WITH US. We went from “oh wow another Roan and she’s so well written and Lenee loves her but like she’s sooooooo well written I couldn’t possibly approach her ok now we’re in a gv together maybe this can be my in” to literal all-nighters to satisfy my and my kids’ urges for you and yours because WE LITERALLY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF YOU and I know I’m using the word literally a lot and I mean it like literally and not like figuratively because meeting you and becoming friends with you was literally ( lol ) one of the best things that’s happened to me on this weird blue website and in this wonderful but now awful show that borned our babies. I know I’m really bad at the ooc thing sometimes and I just hope you know that I adore you so very much and I think so highly of you as a person and a writer and I hope I’ve been doing better at displaying that for you because that’s what you deserve.
@kiingbuilt - My love, my Roan, my lil Fox’s king like, I don’t know if you realize ( again because I kinda suck at the ooc thing and I’m so sorry I’m trying to work on it I swear ) to the extent that Fox cares about her azgeda-turned-floukru king. She would do anything under the sun for him if he asked her to, follow him to the ends of the Earth and back again if he wanted her to. I know I don’t ask for a whole lot and that’s so on me like, but I’m working on that too and eventually you’ll probably regret telling me I can pester you with multiple threads and asks and bugger-ness haha But I’m kind of really eager for it is that weird? ( it is, oopsie ) <33
@survivorbuiilt / @silcntmuscle -  SAMMIE MY SAMMIE MY MURPHY MY MBEGE MY BOYSSSSSSSS. Well, Fox’s boys. Ok let me paint you a picture Sammie; here we have a sad panda britt who’s always imagined that Murphy and Fox were friends prior to the ground, who’s poor lil Fox has always had a lowkey thing for Mbege and who’s, sadly, never been brave enough or found someone to play this out with. Enters Sammie! Who’s loves me down with beautiful headcanons and seems to feel the same way I do about our poor mistreated babies and who loves the angst and the sweet and literally gives me everything I’ve every dreamed of when it comes to the Johns and their little fox. Sammie who lures me into new and exciting places with beautiful things THAT SHE IMMEDIATELY RIPS AWAY WITH HEARTWRENCHING ANGST because we all know that’s the fastest way to my heart and like; you just get me Sammie, and I love you and your boys and this incredible dynamic we’ve created with our children.
@leaderbuilt - Wrynnnnnnnn ok so I don’t have like, A Moment with a whole lot of people ( honestly no one else at all even comes to mind right now) where I had that “this person understands me and we’re going to do great things together” BUT I HAVE THAT WITH YOU and it was that ask, that “I wanna go, get out of here” ask WHERE YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL BY PARALLELING JASPER’S PROMISE TO FOX WITH BELLAMY. Like, I’d waited so fucking long for someone to give me Bellamy reacting to Fox’s death, for Bellamy’s thoughts when he had her and left her in that goddamn mountain and you gave me that. I’ve literally been waiting since I created Fox for something like that and I will never be able to thank you enough for giving me that from Bellamy. I love what we’ve got with our lil rare pair and I love you for always being patient with me and always chatting me up because ( for like the third time this post ) I do suck at initiating ooc chatter but I’m trying man! I’m trying. You’re amazing and I hope you always remember that. I’ll hardcore fight anyone who tries to say differently <3<3
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (these are a few of my favorite things people );;
@imnobodysson, @atonedhero, @greaseveined, @pariahbuilt, @wildmoored, @stellarstolen, @braverstars, @braverybuilt, @speedforcechosen, @mystiicanatomy, @trikrulinkon, @indiebryan, @gedanes, @gatcrguy, @chaosthxory, @atlasendured, @bigbrotherbellamy, @valleywatcher, @noukru, @makeitakillshct, @saviorbuilt, @noulaikkwelnes, @rcdteeth, @portectorisms, @amongthcwreck, @onyafevayuj, @bxmbsxaway 
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plurilinguismo · 8 years
Ok. I've made a mistake. I've always thought that it was better not to touch tumblr discourse even with a ten-feet pole no matter how wrong and stupid it was and I was right. I was right not to entangle myself in posts, not to read comments, not to comment myself. I deem myself so lucky to be one of the few people on this website not receiving death threats over a post. But this mentality, this witch hunt, this (ironically) black-or-white attitude, with-us-or-against-us and, most important, the invincible us-centrism present on this platform have worn my patience thin. From this moment on I will avoid posting discourse-related things of any kind, and I will focus only on language learning and culture, which are the main interest of this blog. -please resume your scheduled blogging this is just a small rant that will be deleted shortly-
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let’s talk ANGER.
I have gone to the extents of creating a damn blog to show how angered I am over this book. 
I understand why. I know why it had to end in such a manner of distaste in comparison to how the story began.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer 
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I should be singing the Kanye song to Ms. Meyer considering what she has put me through. Wasting my time on a book I frequently left to collect dust because I somehow KNEW it was going to disappoint me. 
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In the chances you have come thus far and are (sadly) wanting to read this book STOP reading this review or rant or whatever one might deem this guttural cry for mercy and justice to be. I will not shun you if you want to read this book. I mean, I wanted to read it. And then I did. And then I wished I hadn’t.
I don’t quite know what I was expecting considering Meyer point blank tells you this is a story of how the Queen of Hearts came to be just that. Why am I even mad. It’s like eating the copious amounts of chocolate at 11 pm knowing full well tomorrow your skin will face the consequences and then still being mad at the universe the next day when you have sprouted a full chinstrap of zits.
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I am a working woman. I go to the gym. I study for the LSATs (again-I chose to do that to myself willingly) When I pick out a book I expect it to be worth my time considering I do not have a lot to spare. **as I write this at 11:26 pm on a Monday night**
This book just had so much potential. I love a retelling of a fairy tale. Not even a fairy tale. A retelling of a Disney movie I watched when I was younger. I love how they try to show the meaning of things we so naively take for granted. In this case it was the painting of the red roses, the madness of the Hatter, and various other whimsical, jolly bits that I can no longer see through my vision of red. 
Cath, the main character and the inevitable Queen of Hearts, is a spineless jellyfish. I don’t know if it’s supposed to reflect a certain time period or what but she is constantly being told of how courageous and ~different~ she is and it boils my blood because she is not. She has constant opportunities to grow as a character and become those things these people believe her to be. But, alas, she does not. If anything she grows backwards. She somehow Benjamin Buttons on that character development and just disappoints everyone. What is up with that Marissa
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But as I said earlier, we were warned. The Queen of Hearts did not become who she is today by fighting the man. No, she became that way because a boy told her he would take her away from the pains of her privilegeness. Why wait for him to do that, Cath? Do it yourself!!!! 
The plot was lost towards the end as well. It was fraying and the author appeared to just be grasping at those loose ends until it all unfurled completely. It became murky as to what was important to what case and what was just being thrown in just in order to bring in more bits and pieces from Alice in Wonderland to play with. I was hoping all would end well and we would see something of a Wicked finale where we believe someone to be evil but they really are just hiding beneath that facade to keep their loved one safe.
I truly appreciated Hatta. If you read this book for any reason let it be for him. He will not disappoint you I promise. 
I do not suggest you read this book unless you want your heart ripped out, and I mean that with every ounce of purposeful pun I can give you. I do, however, plan on reading The Lunar Chronicles which are written by the same author and have a far better review trail to follow. 
I can now sleep after getting all this off my chest. Thank you, Internet and all who inhabit it, for letting me rest peacefully. Read on, my friends. 
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stillcian1675 · 8 years
Comments and commenting
Literally just remembered this is not just for me to reblog gifs and photos but it’s also my writing blog. So I’m going to be ranting a little about comments and commenting woes I have regarding fanfiction. 
A longish rant ahead.
So, first a little about the comments I get on the fics I write. I appreciate comments, I really do. I never got why comments are so important to writers until I started writing myself, and let me just say, it’s really true that a comment can make the writer’s day. Honestly. But at the same time, there’s the kind of not so pleasant comments that I sometimes get things along the lines of “Fighting!” or “Please update!”.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying those are not valid comments, and honestly they sound pretty fine if you read them like this. But when I get a comment and literally *all* it says is -
“Update fighting!”
Well, let’s just say it puts me in a bad mood. It’s not the intent of the message I have a problem with; it’s totally alright to wish the author of a fic you like updates soon, but the problem lies in *how* it’s said.
Things like, “I hope to see what happens next!” or “Can’t wait for your next chapter!” sound a lot more encouraging than just “Please update? (inserts emojis)” or “Fighting!!!!!” (Note: I’m not quoting any comments I got, but I have gotten comments in this line of wording). Where the first two are the readers letting the author know they’re excited for any updates, the latter two sound more entitled, almost as if the writer is there just to provide you updates.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it, and I suspect I am. I’ve talked about this with friends before, and honestly, given how English may not even be the first language of some readers, I can’t presume that what they comment carries the same tone and meaning I assume these comments to have. Which is why I have not just went, “Please don’t just write ‘update please’ type of comments” because I’m trying not to assume that these commenters are indeed entitled readers. But still, despite all that, it annoys me whenever I do get such “entitled” comments (inaccurate as the label may be, I’ll be using it for now because I’m too lazy to keep qualifying myself). I don’t know, I feel like the reader can’t even be bothered to leave a comment about what they like about the story and they’re just happily pushing a button hoping a new chapter would come out and keep them entertained. I’ve resorted to simply not replying such comments because I don’t want to engage, but like, I don’t know man.
So that’s about comments I get. Then there’s me commenting, when I’m a reader. I have problems with that too. As someone who writes and reads fanfic, I try my best to leave comments when I can, because like I said, I know how it’s really nice for a writer to get a thoughtful and sincere comment.
I honestly don’t write comments if I can’t be at least sincere in expressing that I like the fic. But I don’t know if that comes across because sometimes I try to give constructive criticism, and I don’t know if the way I write it may come across as offending. There’s a few main reasons why this might happen and some of it is probably my fault so here’s a list of whys:
1. The author isn’t looking for constructive criticism, they just want to have people read and enjoy their stories, so my long comment is probably not exactly wanted
2. I’m reading the story through a lens I have (i.e. my own prejudices, of which I probably have a lot because I write too, and I have a lot of opinions on how certain tropes/AUs could be handled well. Of course I’m flexible but I do tend to be more critical if I have thought through certain tropes before) and that is inherently a biased lens that judges the writer’s work even though it may not be their original intention to do whatever I have read them writing (if that makes sense)
3. I’m not very good at expressing myself clearly (Like that is a problem really. See how this rant isn’t very coherent?)
Okay, there’s probably more but I’m writing this off the top of my head and that’s all I thought of so far. But the thing is, sometimes I think most of my issues with commenting with what I would deem constructive feedback comes from the fact that I’m not sure what my intention is in giving feedback. Of course I want the writer to improve but sometimes I wonder if it’s also a bit of a display of my ego, to be like, hey, I’ve thought of this, and here’s why I found issues/problematics in your fic. I know that isn’t always constructive feedback because it’s my personal opinion, but there is a way to get the personal opinion into a feedback that is more objective and neutral so that I can comment that instead of my initial reaction, but I’m not sure I always get there. And like also, some writers are not looking for critique at all - especially if they’re just here to write for fun - and sometimes I feel like there’s not much point providing feedback like that when they probably just want people gushing over their fics?
(In case it’s not obvious, I’m not the gushing sort, at least not outwardly.)
Yeah, ugh, I don’t know. Sometimes I think I just think too much about it, and I’m kind of tired. Also regarding commenting, I know the reasons I listed aren’t excuses to write comments that are almost personal attacks or like “hate” comments on the fics (obviously I odn’t want it to turn into that). I usually just don’t comment if I can’t reword my thoughts to be more constructive, but even when I do work my thoughts into something coherent enough to comment, there’s always that risk that the author would take what I said the wrong way. I don’t know. I’m still struggling with commenting and comments but I obviously still want to do it because I think it’s also a part of what makes reading and writing fanfic fun, that you can talk about things with people who have similar interests, but I also have reservations and questions and gah. I don't know.
Anyway, it’s a rant. I don’t have answers. :| Feel free to share any views you have regarding what I wrote or point out any leaps of logic in what I said lol.
Side note, one thing I’m always worried about in giving feedback is how it’s seen like an attack on their work rather than me trying to start a discussion. I’m not here to press my view on anyone, and I’m cool with receiving/taking opinions different from mine so long as we agree that we can disagree at times and everything is cordial. But like I don’t know, maybe the way I type/write don’t make me sound like that sometimes.
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