#i decided just to go by my given name after transferring
corpseflowerqueer · 1 year
I loveeee the name shepard too bad barely anyone calls me it anymore
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shockercoco · 7 months
Major John Egan x reader
Warnings - few swear words, flirting, alcohol
Word count - 1418
a/n - it's been sooo long, mainly because I've been focused on doing applications to transfer colleges. I also didn't know who to write about for a while after farleigh, lol. I hope you enjoy :)
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“How much longer are you going to be back there?” your friend groans from the other side of the bar. The bar staff requested extra hands since a large number of pilots and crew had arrived, and for some reason you volunteered to help out. 
“I have another hour left, and then I’m finished,” you say as you hand the guy next to her his drink. She just groans in response. “Plus, you said you were planning on ditching me and finding someone to entertain you for the night.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same when I’m doing it alone.”
“You do realize I’m not the only person you know here, right?” You tell her as another uniformed man walks up to the bar.
“Can I get a round of whiskeys and a ginger beer, please?” the man asks before your friend could answer. You nod and get started on his order.
“Ginger beer?” you hear your friend ask in a judgemental yet light tone.
“Don’t worry it’s not for me,” the man lets out a small laugh. You hand him his drinks on a tray, and he thanks you before walking away.
“You may not be the only person I know, but you're the only one I really like. But I’ll leave you alone to do your job and make my way to where that man just went,” your friend nudges her head in his direction. After following him with your eyes you give her a ‘really’ look once you spot the table and she gives you an innocent shrug in return.
The table is surrounded by nothing but higher ups. It also happens to include the inseparable best friends Major John “Bucky” Egan and Major Gale “Buck” Cleven.
“Maybe once you get Major Egan you’ll be able to put in a good word for me with Major Cleven, or if I get to Cleven first, I could put in a good word for you. We could do the whole double date thing. Their names have a nice ring to it don’t you think?” 
“Lower your voice,” you shush her as you glance around for any listening ears. All of the men in the bar know one another in some way, and word travels fast.
“What? You’ve had a crush on the guy for the longest time, and you do nothing about it every time he flies in,” she tells you. “If you ask him out and he turns you down, it's not like you have to see him for long.”
“I’m sorry, have you met me? What makes you think I would ever go up to a guy and ask him out?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess I’ll just have to be bold for the both of us. Can I get a shot before I go, I’m going to need some liquid courage to take these men on.”
“Take your shot and go,” you say as you wave her off with your hand after placing her shot down in front of her. She takes her shot and wanders off, but not before giving you a smirk. You just playfully roll your eyes in return.
You don’t realize how much time goes by with the constant swarm of men coming up to the bar, but when you decide to look up at the clock on the wall you notice you only have ten minutes left until you're free. It has pretty much slowed down given the fact that most of the men were already drunk out of their minds, but the room was far from quiet.
“Next time it’ll be me who knocks his ass out,” you hear a voice say as they come up to the bar you currently had your back to.
You turn around confused, planning to question the person, but you freeze a little once you notice Major Eagan infront of you. You feel yourself panic a little given the fact that this is the closest you’ve ever been to him. He must see your confused expression though because he begins to explain himself.
“Sorry not you, I was talking to one of my buddies. He knocked some brit out on the first punch,” he says, but not before quickly adding, “It was well deserved though, the man was a prick.”
You just nod in response, not knowing what to say to that other than, “Can I get you anything, Major?”
“Yes, whiskey please,” he smiles as he leans his uniform covered arms on the bar top.
“You wouldn’t happen to belong to the table that requested all those whiskeys tonight would you?” you ask as you turn around to grab a bottle and glass. You also try to keep your hands steady and your face as neutral as possible.
“Guilty,” he lets out a small laugh as you set his drink in front of him. He doesn’t reach out to touch it, but keeps those blue eyes of his on you. “Got a problem with whiskey?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Because I could’ve sworn you made a face when I said it,” he tells you, but there’s no attitude behind it. Good observation skills on his part, bad concealing skills on your part. He is a soldier after all.
“Oh, you caught that,” you let out a little laugh as you try to busy yourself with something behind the bar. As much as you would like to keep talking to him – because you would most likely never get the chance again – you kind of wish he would walk away so you could control your sweating. Your friend would probably slap you if you turned this interaction down though.
“Yeah, is there a story behind it or you just don’t like whiskey?” 
“I just don’t like it,” you say, and it’s true. You feel it’s way too strong, especially to be drinking so casually.
“You have one of the best whiskeys sitting on that shelf behind you, and you're telling me you don’t like it?” you’re not looking at him, but you can hear a playful tone in his voice. If only your friend could see you now, wherever she is.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Uh huh,” he replies in a tone that tells you he doesn’t believe you. “When are you able to leave from behind there?” he motions to you behind the bar. 
You take a glance up at the clock at the wall and notice you’re not supposed to leave for another three  minutes. But, then again, a cute guy is standing across from you so who cares?
“Now actually,” you respond.
“Well then pour yourself a glass, and I’ll drink it with you,” he tells you, and you feel your stomach flutter. It also could be that you’re nauseous from being so nervous.
“This sounds an awful lot like peer pressure,” you joke and he lets out a laugh. 
You do as he says and pour yourself a glass because what the hell. He raises his up as a form of cheers, and you do the same before you both tilt your heads back and drink. You pull a face as the liquid burns going down your throat; he just laughs. 
“You really don’t like it,” he says as you set your glass down.
“I prefer sweeter things like wine. You know, the stuff that doesn’t taste like acid,” you say, and he just lets out another laugh at your response.
“Well I’ll remember that for next time,” he says, and you almost drop your guys’ cups, which you just picked up to put away.
“Next time?” you pause before looking up at him.
“Yes. I’m going to be here for a while, and I figured the two of us could do something,” he tells you like it was obvious,” Without any whiskey involved of course.”
“And what makes you think I want to?”
“Because you just spent the past ten minutes having a conversation with me. Oh, and your friend told me to come over here since I helped her get with my buddy Buck,” he gives you a smirk.
Your heart practically slaps the ground, and you feel like you actually might throw up. Part of you isn’t surprised because you were never going to do anything about your crush and your friend knew, and the other part of you is shocked because what happened to girl code?
“Well now I definitely don’t want to,” you tell him, half joking, as you resume cleaning up.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
California Fornication //
One — ‘That was Jake’
Summary: When the man you’d been seeing turned out to have a wife, your world came crashing down around you. While you tried your best to move onwards and upwards, the very reason for all your recent relationship problems comes strolling into the bar.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating. Love Triangle x2. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin xF!reader. Question ing Morality. Angst.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author Note: Based off the first scene Mark Sloan is in. Greys Anatomy.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It always plays on repeat in your mind like a slow motion picture, like a scene in one of those old timey movies where everyone and everything slows down so that the main protagonist can understand the situation unfolding around them. 
That moment where your boyfriend of only a few months— Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, told you that he was technically married, haunted you day in and day out. Married to the woman who’d come up to the pair of you in the locker room on base after she’d been transferred to North Island. She’d come waltzing over with a confident smile and a pretty face. She knew she was about to turn your life on its axis. 
For better or worse. 
“Y/n.” It wasn’t often people actually said your name, majority of the same it was your callsign—but the way the colour drained from Bradleys face as he turned to you with a gut wrenching look smeared across his usually perfect face, had your stomach churning. “I’m so sorry—“ 
“Hi, I’m Katie Bradshaw—“ The woman, who mind you, was stunning to say the very least, stuck her hand out to shake yours. You took it gracefully, with enough conviction in your grip to not have it show you were completely blindsided by that all too familiar last name. 
“Bradshaw?” You smiled softly as you sent Rooster a confusing look. He’d never mentioned a sister or a cousin before in the few months you’d been seeing and sleeping together. 
“I’m Rooster's wife—“ Those three words would forever haunt you. “And you must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband?” 
“Hey! Siren!” It was Phoenix’s voice that broke you out of the trance you’d fallen into as you showed. Her fist slamming against the shower door three quick and consecutive times made you jump a little as the warm water encapsulated you entirely. “You coming to the Hard Deck?” 
“Yeah yeah, just give me a few minutes!” You replied as you washed your face. “I’ll meet you guys over there.” It had only been three weeks since you called it quits with the mustache having aviator who had stolen your heart. The entire situation made you feel dirty. Even if you weren’t the one in the wrong. No amount of showering could wash away the dirty feeling you’d been left with. 
What could be worse than being branded the dirty mistress? That no one told you about the cheating scandal that had rocked the Bradshaws' happy marriage about a year ago. That was worse. 
Bradley swore black and blue he was going to tell you. He’d sworn the rest of the squad to secrecy about the details too. He wanted to be the one to tell you. To tell you that you were the first woman he’d been with since he’d walked in on his wife, Katie, and his best friend, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, in bed together. 
Still, the ultimatum was given. You’d asked Bradley to pick you, choose you, love you. But when the time came to decide he chose his wife. His reasonings were none of your business nor concern. 
And so you walked away. Labelled the mistress and the interim love affair. Even against the Chester you didn’t compare—and that crushed you completely. 
“You’ve been doing that an awful lot lately.” Pennys voice broke through the haze you’d fallen into at the bar. The drink you’d ordered, Gin Sour, sat in front of you on a Hard Deck coaster. “What’s on your mind daydreamer?” 
“More like a never ending nightmare Pen.” You sighed before reaching for your drink. “This whole situation makes me feel like I need a lobotomy.” 
“Rooster still trying to force a friendship?” In truth Bradley thought he owed his marriage just one more shot. But right after you walked away he immediately started to regret his decision to choose his wife. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and all that was you. He’d made the wrong decision, but was too proud to admit it. Especially to his wife. 
He stood across the Hard Deck with a beer in his hand and his arm slung around her hip, looking at you like a puppy you’d left out in the rain. He missed you, oh so much. And that fact you hardly spoke to him these days made his heart hurt inside his chest. 
“Yeah—and I don’t think I can handle it anymore.” You admitted before taking a sip of your drink. “I’ve asked for a transfer, just to make it easier. I can’t focus, can’t sleep, because he’s just—always around.” 
“Sounds to me like you’re just running away from your problems.” Penny held her tongue as she watched the tall sandy blonde appear next to you at the bar. “That, or you know that you’re still in love with the guy and no matter what you do he’ll still manage to wiggle his way in because you’ll always allow him to.” It took you a few moments to register what the stranger beside you said as you eyed him up and down. 
“Sensitivity—“ You rolled your eyes. “I like that in a stranger.” The alcohol coursed through your body like a mild painkiller. “Are you new in town?” The civvies were an excellent camouflage against the sea of tans that flooded the Hard Deck—and Penny wasn’t about to be the one who told you the stranger you were talking to was the reason for your current situation. 
“Just visiting—“ He made sure to lie, a little white lie never hurt anyone. Or so they said. But the man beside you with the perfect smile and emerald green eyes definitely wanted to see how far he could get this conversation. “I’m confounded by all the patches and it’s only my first day in town.” He sighed softly as he sat beside you. “Budweiser please Barkeep.” Penny nodded without another word. 
“You get used to it, North Island is a Naval Base after all.” It felt like a needed explanation. The stranger beside you nodded softly as he fished his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So I’ve heard.” A comfortable silence fell between you and the handsome stranger as he waited for his beer. “Kinda wish I’d stayed in bed, if I had known this place would be crawling with Naval Officers I wouldn’t have bothered.” Oh he knew, he knew all right. 
He knew that the Hard Deck would be packed to the rafters with the Dagger Squad and he certainly knew North Island was a Naval Base. Why? Because he was a part of that designated team. You’d just been the one who replaced him while he was tasked to special ops. Now? He was back to cause chaos. 
“Hey Rooster—“ Fanboy grabbed Bradley’s attention away from Bob. “You see who’s at the bar with Siren?” As Bradley turned his attention back to where he’d known you to be sitting for the better half of the evening, he immediately saw red. A jealousy that rivaled nothing he’d ever felt before consumed him fully, even if his wife was tucked in at his side. 
“We just met and already you’re talking about bed.” You chuckled softly as you took another sip of your drink. Penny had since passed Jake his Budweiser and before you knew it, he was laughing softly beside you. “Not very subtle.” 
“Being subtle was never really my strong suit.” The man beside you replied with a look of all knowing. He knew something you didn’t. If you didn’t know any better you would have asked what that may have been. But you chose to take another sip of your gin. Settletting once again into the comfortable silence that surrounded you and the stranger to your right. 
“So, you ever go out with co-workers?” It stunned you for a second, the forwardness of such a question, but then again—you still didn’t know this guy's name and he was making the heat in your cheeks reach new uncharted heights. 
“I um—“ You tucked some of your hair behind your ear and turned to give the golden skinned, white T wearing man beside you your full attention. Crossing your legs as you did so, so that his knees were on either side of yours. “I make it a rule not to.” His answer sent a shiver down your spin. A good shiver. A shiver that made your core flutter. 
“Then I am so glad that I don’t work here.” Maybe it was the gin talking or maybe it was your recent breakup, but this guy was the very definition of a piece of art. He was gorgeous, an Adonis that surely would have come straight out of accent metrology. 
“Are you hitting on me?” You tried to hide the keen grin that threatened to creep across your slightly heated face, but the sudden attention was giving you an ego boost you desperately needed after being rejected in favour of the cheating wife. 
“Would that be so wrong?” Oh this guy was good. Too good. His infectious smile captivated you in every way it could have. His eyes held a story that was dying to be told. His confidence made you want to lean in and taste it, like hard candy it probably tastes just as sweet as his scent smelled. With notes of Vanilla and warm Bourbon lingering from his neck. 
So you stuck your hand out for him to accept ever so politely. His eyes never left your as you smiled and bit your bottom lip bashfully. 
“I’m Y/n—“ “Lieutenant Y/n Siren Y/l/n.”  “And you are?” Nothing could have prepared you for what happened next. Remember that slow motion we were talking about earlier? Well, the seconds it took Bradley Bradshaw's fist to collide against your handsome mystery man’s cheek, it felt like a century as it played out in painfully slow motion before you. 
His head hit the bar with a thud as beer spilled into your lap. 
“Rooster! Jesus—!” You gasped as you stood and pushed against Bradley’s chest to back him up and away from the man you’d just been talking to. “Fuck! what the hell was that!?” 
Bradley didn’t answer right away as you turned to watch the blond stand with blood dripping down and out of his nose. The two stood there in silence, eyeing each other off as Penny fished out the bar's basic first aid kit. 
“That—“ Bradley huffed as he shook his throbbing hand. His jaw had never been so clenched before. He was furious and full of a rage that burned so deep it could have raised his core temperature by a few degrees. 
His wife stood off to the side looking all kinds of guilty. As did the rest of the Daggers. They knew this was about to get messy. They knew if he was back and already had his target set on you then there was going to be an all out war between the two men who stood ready to run at each other like angry bulls. 
And you, well—you were more concerned about the blood gushing from the nose of your stranger than you were about your ex’s possibly broken hand. But Bradley turned back to you, for a mere second to explain. 
And when he did—you forgot what morals were.
“That was Jake.”
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nexysworld · 1 year
Mission: Safeword
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Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Summary: Leon has many methods of getting information while on missions, especially from pretty girls like yourself.
Pairing: Infinite Darkness!Leon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Dubcon (but reader's into it), Face sitting, fingering, slight knife play, light bdsm, overstimulation, no use of y/n, not proofread
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Your fingers quickly scattered across the keyboard, desperately trying to transfer the data and lock the system down. Silent alarms had been blaring and security had given the signal that an intruder – likely a government spy – had invaded  the compound. 
Whoever it was they had been lying low, no obvious break-ins, no knocked out staff, like a mouse. “Come on, come on.” You groaned, bringing your fist down onto the desk in frustration. “Faster you stupid thing. Billion dollar research company and you can’t even afford computers built after 1998?”  Pinching your temples you leaned back in your chair with a sigh, the transfer had been initiated, there was nothing else you could do now but hope that it went through. 
You tapped your fingers on your chair as  you watched the timer continue to recalculate the transfer time. Suddenly the screen went dark, along with the overhead lighting, leaving only a few of the lamps scattered around the office. “What the fuck? No, no this can’t be happening.” You banged the side of the computer, willing it to work again. The backup generators should’ve prevented the lights and systems from going out – this wasn’t making any sense. “Sorry Sweetheart, but I don’t think hitting it is going to fix the issue… on account of me pulling all these plugs here.” The voice pulled you out of your confused rage as you whipped around to see a man leaning back against the wall casually, he lifted the bundle of wires in his left hand to make a point.. ‘When did he get in here, I didn’t even hear the door open?’ You thought to yourself, backing up a little instinctively. 
He wasn’t wearing a standard uniform, instead clad in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and boots. His well groomed gray-blonde hair framed his face in a way that let you get a good read on his chiseled features – he looked more like a model than a government agent – but you didn’t have time to think on that further. “You’re the spy!” You accused, trying to buy time to decide your next steps. 
“Spy? That’s pretty harsh – I’m just doing my job y’know.” He dropped the plugs and used his right hand to click the lock on the door before making his way towards you. “I didn’t expect that my target would be such a pretty girl.The name’s Leon by the way, nice to meet you.” “St-stay back!” You backed up further, trying to disguise the embarrassed flush as anger. You grabbed the closest lamp to you and lifted it as if it were a bat. ‘Wait – did he just say I was his target?’
He chuckled at your response. “C’mon, you don’t look like a fighter. Just relax and we can get this over with quickly, ok? It’s not my style to hurt pretty women if I don’t have to.”
“I said, s-tay back!” You tried to reaffirm again. When he ignored you, you swung hard, he easily caught you by the wrist and spun you so your back was to his chest. With one arm tucked behind yourself, he squeezed the remaining wrist so tight your hand was forced open sending the lamp shattering at the floor. 
“Knew you weren’t a fighter.” He purred in your ear, you could feel the stubble on his jaw rub against your neck, making you shudder. “Now that that’s out of your system, I don’t suppose we could hurry along to the part where you give me the info I need?” 
“Absolutely not!” You replied, squirming as much as you could against his grasp. He didn’t budge, grip like a vice. A disappointed sigh and hot breath on your neck stalled your movements for a moment as a shudder ran down your body, hyper aware of the muscles under his thin shirt, the smell of his cologne. If this had been some action movie instead of real life, it almost would’ve been seductive – right now though you were frustrated and scared. “So it’s going to be like that, huh? Well, don’t say I didn’t try to play nice.” He cooed before manhandling you over to the office couch that was pressed to the far wall. In a final attempt to get away, you threw your weight to the ground before he could get you on the sofa, and took off to run. 
It was short lived as he grabbed you from behind by your waist, hoisting you backwards and
tossing you onto the couch. Before you could try again, he was straddling your waist with his weight and gathered both wrists into one hand, pinning them above you against the wall. “You really wanna do this the hard way, don’t you princess?” He didn’t wait for your answer as he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt, removing it from his jeans in one swift movement, before latching it around your wrists and tightening it, hooking it to the metal peg built into the wall for keys and coats.
He moved off of you when he latched your hands, leaving you stuck there, hands above your head, wrists sore. “Fuck you! I’m not telling you anything.” There was a noticeable tremble in your voice, especially as he pulled his gun from the holster – which did not go unnoticed by him. 
He tilted his head with a little smirk.“I think that might be a great idea actually.” He set the weapon down on the small side table along with his knife before shrugging himself out of his leather jacket, revealing a tight button up and rolled sleeves. With the jacket off, you had a better sight of just how fit he was, muscles everywhere. You swallowed a gulp, not sure what great idea he was referring to and not fully deciding what emotion you were feeling now – fear, lust, both?
Your body made the decision for you as heat panged between your legs along with wetness. You squeezed your thighs together to alleviate some of it – a small gesture he also picked up on, the smirk on his face growing wider. “I’ll be honest, I’m used to a different kind of reaction when I meet women at work. Gotta say, I’m not complaining.” He separated your legs slightly and dipped two fingers between them under your skirt,, rubbing you gently through your panties. A gasp escaped your lips and you squirmed against the movement. “Atta girl.” He praised, using his free hand to hold you by your chin, making sure you were looking directly at him. 
The coiling pleasure between your legs had your head going a little hazy, eyes locking with his. ‘Fuck he’s handsome.’ Your nipples began to harden under your work blouse, as you took in his features further. 
His fingers sped up their pace, and he tightened his grip on your chin so he could lean in, whispering just against the corner of your lips, teasing a kiss. “Such a pretty, pretty girl.” His lips met your cheek softly, before he slipped his fingers into your panties, dragging slick from your hole up to rub against your clit more easily.
The change in sensation coupled with his words had you spilling over the edge, whining as your orgasm crashed into you, leaving your legs shivering. Leon pulled back, giving you a moment to catch your breath. He crossed his arms over his chest and flopped back against the couch casually. “So….now that we’ve established some rapport, are you ready to answer my questions about project D?” 
In a moment of post-pleasure clarity, your brain had finally processed the situation, leaving you shameful, embarrassed, and aggravated. “Of course not!” You said between pants.
His face morphed into thought before a realization overcame him, like a light bulb went off in his head. “You’re lucky I like ‘em hard to get.” He moved to unbutton your blouse, grabbing the knife off the floor to slice your bra open, both breasts spilling out. “So here’s how it’s going to work.” He made his way down to your skirt, unzipping the side and slipping it down your legs. “I already told you, I don’t like hurting women – but I never leave a mission without getting the intel I need..” He used the knife to make quick work of your panties as well, leaving you in nothing but your button up, slung open and dangling off your arms along with what was left of your bra. “So I’m gonna use another method to get you to talk.” 
You had a good idea of what his plan was going to be, and if you were honest the primal part of your brain was turned on in anticipation.  The working part of your brain still kept your lips sealed. “Try whatever you want, I won’t speak.” “We’ll see about that.” He unhooked you for a moment so he could flip you around, face to the wall. Expecting to hear the sound of his pants unzipping, you were surprised when instead he moved to lay down beneath you, and then it finally clicked what he was planning to do. “The safeword is ‘I’ll tell you.’ The catch is Princess, you gotta actually tell me what I need, otherwise I may have to keep this up.”
You didn’t get the opportunity to protest as his strong arms wrapped around your legs, pulling your wet cunt down against his face, tongue already darting out to lap at your sensitive clit. The sensation of the stubble rubbing against your thighs along with the wriggling muscle against your most sensitive spot made you whimper and moan, wanting to grab hold of something but being unable to in your bound state. 
Already more sensitive than usual from your first orgasm, it didn’t take long before you were grinding down onto his face riding out a second one. Unlike before though, he didn’t give you a moment to rest, holding your thighs in place tightly he continued to lap at your sensitive bud, making you scream. Your wrists yanked against their confines fruitlessly, your legs desperately wiggled, but he kept you exactly where he wanted you, as he continued to eat you like you were the last meal he’d ever have – third orgasm quickly being ripped from you faster than the previous one. “N-no can’t, too much.” Tears spilled from your eyes and stained your cheeks as he didn’t let up, your legs were quivering, muscles tight and sore, his belt digging into your wrists. “P-please….can’t….can’t any–” you were cut off with a choked whimper as your fourth erupted from your aching pussy. Never having had so many back to back, your body felt exhausted, brain not able to come up with any  more coherent thoughts. 
Luckily, he stopped this time for a moment, releasing the bruising grip on your legs and adjusting you so he could talk. You could see the upper half of his face, looking up at you between your legs, which wouldn’t stop shaking with aftershocks. “Look at you, only four in and you’re already sobbing and begging. Such a sweet-tasting girl isn’t made to be so stubborn, are you ready to say the words?” His voice was silk as he rubbed your leg softly adding to the temptation. 
You defiantly shook your head, lip jutting out in a pout, as tempting as it was, you weren’t ready to lose your life or career over this – but your will was wavering, especially between the different sensations of pleasure and pain from the ache in your arms. “Suit yourself.” He said, tucking himself between your legs again, returning to his position underneath you. One arm wrapped itself back around  your leg, but he had different plants for the other one, working it around so he could line his fingers up at your entrance, sliding two of them in until it reached the leather of his fingerless gloves, as he started sucking on your clit. 
Your velvety walls clamped down over the digits, the sensation beyond overwhelming as he began to pump them in and out, pleasuring new spots within you. Your brain finally short-circuited and began to imagine what it would be like with someone else inside of you, stretching you open. “L-leon…” you moaned out his name for the first time as he continued to work your hole, and suck on your too-sensitive pearl of nerves. Skilled fingers easily found that special spot that sent you reeling, curling them upwards to make sure each movement stimulated it.
In tandem with the external pleasure of his mouth, the last of your resolve crumbled. You came for the fifth time, head flung back, chanting his name like a prayer. This time when he didn’t stop, you couldn’t take it anymore, too tired, teary, overwhelmed, and exhausted. “St-stop…stop……I can’t……I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.” You sobbed out. 
As promised his movements ceased immediately. “You sure?” You nodded in confirmation between sniffles. He slid out from under you, wiping his mouth with his sleeve before unhooking your sore arms from the wall, lying you down on your back, facing him. He removed the belt while you caught your breath, before he massaged the reddening marks on your wrists. “See? I knew a girl like you couldn’t be that stubborn. Now….ready to talk about project D?” You nodded again hesitantly. The next smile that graced his features seemed genuine, and while it was likely a trap you couldn’t help but fall for it, much too empty-headed to think about any potential consequences. 
Immediately you were answering every question he had to your best ability in your dreamlike state, he nodded eagerly and praised you for each good answer as he continued rubbing your body in a massage working from bottom to top, pressing small kisses against your skin as he went. He stopped after placing a brief one to your lips, which you pressed into without thinking.  The actions were effective, so much so you hadn’t even noticed you’d fallen asleep. 
When you woke a while later, the lab was still dark but the computer had been turned back on casting a light over to you. You could see Leon, sitting in front of it, a harddrive plugged in obviously canceling and copying the data transfer. Once Leon noticed you were awake he made his way back over to you, sitting on the end of the couch. “Sleep well?” You didn’t immediately respond, not fully ready to process everything that had just happened – like directly handing over intel to the enemy. “It won’t be safe to stay here now. Why don’t you come with me out of here – with my connections come certain protections. I’ll even buy you dinner so we can discuss keeping you safe.”
“Dinner, really? Do you offer that to all the ladies you go down on during missions?”  
He chuckled, “Only the ones I like” He leaned forward to rub his thumb over your cheek, causing your face to flush again. “Besides,I am nothing if not a gentleman and would never leave a damsel to distress.”  You rolled your eyes at the corny comment, but upon realizing he was right you agreed. “Fine. Dinner.”
“Atta girl.” He gave you a chaste kiss before returning to grab the harddrive from the computer and giving you a chance to fix your disheveled state.
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beefrobeefcal · 4 months
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Let's Get Physical! feat. Marcus Pike & f!Reader
a Marcus Pike one shot | Rated: 18+ | word count: 3,883 warnings: swearing, rougher p in the v unprotected sex, fingering, talk about weight gain, belly appreciation, self esteem issues surrounding weight, reader is assumed to be shorter and lighter than Marcus, reader has long enough hair for Marcus to grip,
A/N: Okay y'all... here's the mam himself! Thank you to @rebel-held for their dedication and holding vigil for his arrival, and for @yahtiwakitakos for their love of Marcus! Thanks to @strang3lov3, @noxturnalpascal & @neverwheremoonchild for their eyes & thoughtful insight.
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As soon as you’d gotten the desk next to Marcus, he knew you’d be friends. He’d transferred out of being on the field and to the home office in your state after a personal matter had him decide to transfer. Since that point, you’d worked closely together, learning almost everything you could about one another.
You’d taken to him almost immediately, but his kind and aloof manner kept you from pushing further to see if there was something more. You’d eventually fallen into a content and friendly rapport that turned into a work-based friendship.
Marcus learned about your love of reading, allowing you to collect obscure information, and you’d learned that he did not cook, opting for take out at every meal.
You’d even earned nicknames from one another. You called him Pickles after a long-forgotten joke about his last name, and he called you Dex, short for Poindexter, given you aptitude for Trivial Pursuit.
You worked side by side for four years, and in that time, you’d noted that Marcus had gained weight, but it wasn’t that noticeable – it was gradual. His clothing had always fit. He'd never had an ill-fitting suit or a too-tight dress shirt or jacket. Yes, you'd notice his weight fluctuate and increase, but he camouflaged it well with his clothing.  Sure, he’d developed a bit of a softer jawline under the scruff on his face - it enhanced his pout with those big brown eyes; and yeah, his middle looked less trim, as did his thighs…
You’d told yourself that you really didn’t notice or care – Marcus was your friend.
You repeated those lies every time he’d look up at you and ask if you were ready for lunch or pat your shoulder as he said you’d done a good job. You did notice his waistline increasing and you thought it was sexy and hot, but your own internal battle with self image and weight had tarnished your ability to admit you liked heavier men and watched to help them get heavier.
You so badly wished he was more than a friend. He was kind and sweet, and never swore, even going so far as to tell you to ‘behave’ or ‘watch your mouth’ when you left an f-bomb slip. The way his big brown eyes watched you, you wished they were imagining you naked and crying out for him, and as you’d lose yourself in this fiction, he’d bring you back to earth, asking if you’d read the latest case file.
You’d told yourself that you really didn’t notice or care because Marcus was your friend.
“Morning, Dex!”, he called as he meandered to his desk. He had two coffees in his hands from your favourite coffee shop… the one that was out of the way for him to get to on his way to the office… the one he only stopped at when he either needed a favour or had bad news.
You narrowed your eyes at him and motioned to the coffee with a pointed finger. “Stop. What’s that for?”
“Just wanted to get my best girl a coffee. S’that a crime?”, he smiled, trying to force as much innocence from his eyes as possible.
You didn’t move from your position and raised your brow. He sighed and put the coffees on the desk and slumped his shoulders, letting his work satchel drop to the floor.
“I need your help.”
“I knew it.”
“But you can’t laugh.”
His last statement made you freeze. Looking up at him, his face looked slightly pained as his winced, waiting for the sign to continue.
“Out with it, Pickles.”
“They want agents to be in the field. I saw the sign last night as I was leaving, so I looked into it. Don’t get me wrong – love the office but I miss field work.”
He paused, eyes searching your face for approval. You could see the worry on him, the fear of rejection to his idea. You nodded, arms gently moving from their crossed position, and you reached for the cup closest to you on his desk and took a sip. It was good coffee and you hummed in approval.
Marcus let out a breath he more than likely didn’t realize he was holding and continued. “There’s a catch thought – I have to pass a physical.”
You just about spat our coffee out and swallowed it funny, causing you to start coughing. You waved him off, sputtering an ‘I’m okay.’ as you motioned for him to keep talking.
“Yeah… uh – so the physical.”, he said slowly, watching you carefully with a bit of worry.  “I have to pass the one I did when I was a rookie… the one we all had to pass. You sure you’re okay?”
You nodded again, trying to get the image of Marcus huffing and puffing on a treadmill, sweaty and just a plain mess… the same way you’d imagined he’d be on top of you… rutting and jack hammering you into your mattress…
“Yeah! Just peachy, Pickles!”, you croaked, the rasped out a laugh. “You want to go in the field and leave me behind? Be Mister Bigshot and meet some other prettier coworker to bring coffee?”
You were trying to tease him, but your words and the sharpness of your tongue sounded like they aimed to wound, and it wasn’t lost on Marcus.
“Well, why not come with me? We could be partners.”
Your heart fluttered at the thought of travelling with Marcus to different art crime scenes. You’d never been able to shake the stories he told about the weird things he’d investigated in the field. Yeah, there were the big things, but you were more intrigued by the obscure things he’d investigated, like the unnamed famous actor who’s inadvertently bought stolen vintage clown pornography, or the weird old grumpy suburban guy who cluelessly had a priceless - albeit mundane - horse painting hanging in his bedroom, or the time some government worker was caught at the airport with illegally imported erotic art from South America that reeked of cigarettes.
The idea had merit and you nodded, cautiously optimistic.
"Look, I know what I said, but maybe...", Marcus called out from behind the bathroom door. "...maybe I am a little more out of shape than I thought." You stopped your advancement down the hallway and chuckled with a smile.
"What are you talking about?"
"It... it-uh... it fits... different."
You paused and as the cogs in your head turned, trying to decipher what he meant. It hit you and you felt heat bloom in your core and on your face as your smile exploded into a wide-eyed grin.
If what you were thinking was true, the gym clothing that was standard issue for all new FBI trainees - and would be the required outfit for his upcoming physical fitness test - would give you an eye full of how pudgy he'd really gotten. While sitting in your thoughts, your silence made Marcus nervous.
Deciding to just rip the band-aid off, he opened the bathroom door and stepped out.
Your jaw dropped.
You’d seen the pictures of him during training. The clean-shaven sharp jaw and trim toned body clad in a too big t-shirt and knee length shorts.
That was not who stood before you. His shorts, while tighter, still looked like they fit. But that poor t-shirt was pulled tight across his broad chest and shoulders, and the hem was unable to traverse his ample middle, exposing about an inch above his belly button down to the curve of his underbelly and giving you a full view of his love handles.  
His face was flushed, and his eyes pleaded with you. You cleared your throat and smiled, trying to hide the fact that your core was clenching on nothing.
“It fits!”, you managed to squeak out and Marcus look at you stupefied and held his hands open to his sides.
“Really?”, he asked in exasperation, raising his eyebrows. “You think this – “, he motioned to his middle. “- qualifies as fitting?”
“I mean, you got it on? That means it sort of fits?” You winced as you spoke, trying to keep a pleasant smile.
You jumped as he let out one the loudest ‘fuck’s you’d ever heard, and your eyes grew wide that it was him who yelled it. He threw his hands up in the air and stood with his hands on his hips, knee popped. His jaw tensed as he looked away, stuck in thought, and you took the opportunity to gaze over his body, noting the way his stomach moved with each frustrated breath and the way his shoulders pulled the absolute life out of the shirt’s seams.
You were lost in thought ogling him and didn’t notice that he’d turned his attention back to you. When you finally looked up at him, both feeling your faces heat up slightly and an awkward silence sat heavy between you.
You decided to break the silence first, clearing your throat again. “Pickles, you… you look great.”
Marcus stated to laugh, and you couldn’t help but join him.
“I know I look like a busted overstuffed sausage – “
“Oh, stop it!”, you hushed him, stepping towards him. “Okay, sure, it doesn’t fit quite the same, but nobody stays the same size their whole life.”
He rolled his eyes with a smirk and nodded. “Fine.”
So far, all the equipment in his apartment complex’s gym were now Marcus’ sworn enemies. The last three hours had been filled with Marcus angrily sweating and using every curse and swearword under the sun. He was so focused on being angry that he forwent any self consciousness about his clothes not fitting.
After another failed attempt at trying to navigate the elliptical, he yelled “PISSING SHITTING FUCKING COCK SUCKING MOTHER FUCKER!!”  and stormed out of the gym. You quickly grabbed the things he left in his departure and followed him.
“Fuck it! I’m not fucking doing this!”, he boomed, furiously ripping open his refrigerator and grabbing the carton of chocolate milk and chugged it.
You quietly tried to get him to water to hydrate, and contemplated asking why his swearing sounded so natural when you’d never heard him use anything harsher than ‘fiddlesticks’ prior to this. “Marcus… maybe some water would – “
He finished the chocolate milk then tossed the carton haphazardly into the sink, and his eyes aggressively looked you up and down. You closed your mouth and stood, light a deer in headlights, nervously fidgeting your hands as you felt heat bloom in your core and on your face.
“Don’t look at me like that! I know what you’re thinking!”, he barked at you, making you jump. “God dammit! You think I’m too fat and out of fucking shape to pass that physical! And you know what?”, he yelled, grabbing one of the giant pretzels he’d picked up yesterday from the kiosk in the mall. “You’re fucking right!”
He angrily bit into the pretzel and chewed, then huffed and ripped open the fridge again and grabbed a king-size can a beer. You watched, bewildered and bewitched, as he maneuvered between chomps and gulps of the pretzel and beer.
You’d never seen him this enraged and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Sure, you’d seen him get snide or lippy when he was frustrated, but you had no idea he could turn his temper up to eleven and he had such a vast array of foul words in his vocabulary – and find it so hot. You were staring at him, seeing that once he’d finished the pretzel, his hand went to his underbelly, pitching and kneading it slightly as he downed the rest of the beer. Your eyes were then pulled to his crotch in the almost too-small shorts and the noticeable bulge that had developed there.
Your lips parted and your brows tented. Marcus kept his eyes on your face, seeing the reaction you were having to his meltdown. It egged him on, knowing that you were getting something out of this. He’d longed for the chance to get to hold you beyond the occasional side hug or shoulder bump, wanting to touch you and make you feel as beautiful as he saw you. But he’d assumed you were completely fine being friends, given the way his weight had creeped up. He didn’t want to lose you by making a move and wrecking the chance to get the pieces of you that you allowed him to have access to. He’d stayed respectful, and courteous, and friendly, all while desperately wishing he was yours. But all that went out the window the moment he felt rage course through his veins and saw you look at him like that. He wanted you to be his.
He threw the empty beer can aside, hearing its tinny landing by the sink, and stalked towards you. Taken slightly aback at how aggressive his body language was, you stepped back and were stopped by the counter behind you. Marcus crowded you, standing over you, his belly moving against you with every ragged, angry breath.
“Marc – “
His name was cut off in your mouth as his collided with yours. He roughly grabbed your waist with one huge hand while the other held your face. He dominated the kiss, his tongue pushing for entrance again your lips, and you let him in, tasting the hoppy beer and salty yeast of the pretzel. As the passion built between you, the kiss deepened, becoming more fervent and urgent. His hands roamed, pulling you closer, his fingers tangling in your hair. There was no rhythm to this kiss; it was him exploring and dominating and you submitting to him and your desperate needs.
You finally parted, panting and breathless. He looked beautiful; his eyes were dark with blown pupils and his lips were reddened.  The hand that had held your waist moved down to the crux of your thighs and pressed against your Athleisure legging-clad core. Your mouth opened and a soft, breathy whine barely sounded out. The fury in his eyes had ebbed and morphed into an aggressive and possessive need, but he watched you, looking for any sign to stop. You gave nothing but green lights.
He leaned his face closer to yours, his nose nudging your cheek. You let out a small whimper and nodded, tilting your head, and he grazed his teeth along your cheek to your jaw, then bit down softly. With his mouth on you, he growled through his teeth, “Mine.”
He pulled back and turned your around, pushing your palms onto the counter, and he stood flush with his front to your back. As he grinded against you and bit and kissed your neck, he pushed your leggings down over your ass with one hand, the other pushed between your legs in the front.
“Oh fuck… you’re soaked, baby…”, he growled, biting the back of your neck. His middle finger ran along your seam, pulling a mewling whine from your mouth.
“You want me? Tell me you want me.”
When you didn’t answer beyond a frantic nod, he said your name in a low snarl and his grip on you tightened. “I asked you a question.”
“Mar-Marcus! Please!”, you cried out, feeling his finger circle then tap your throbbing nub repeatedly. You felt him smile against your neck, his other hand palming and squeezing your tit, and he started fucking into your wet heat with his pointer and index fingers.
“You’re so gorgeous… so funny… so smart… and you’re letting this fat guy finger you in his kitchen…”
His thumb caught your clit in the haste of his hand’s movement, and you let out a surprised yelp and your body jolted. The hand gripping your breast came up your sternum and secured itself around your throat gently, forcing you upright and flush against him.
“Juicy little snatch… just gripping my fingers, baby… you - you gonna cum for me, Dex baby?”
You whined and nodded. His hand moved up and he pushed two fingers into your mouth, exerting the power he had over you. He did it because he could, because you let him. You were both learning more about the other: he wanted to dominate, you wanted to be dominated.
You came as he pressed your tongue down, almost eliciting a gag from you. It felt filthy and raw and everything you’d hoped but never thought Marcus could be.
“There is it… Good girl… You’re mine… I’m gonna fuck that into you.”, he grunted and pulled both sets of fingers from your wet holes, shoving you down flush with the counter.
You’d barely finished cumming, let alone gotten through the aftershocks making your cunt flutter as he shoved his shorts down and lined up his cock with you and pushed in.
“Jesus fuck…”, you groaned. “You’re s’fucking big!”
“You like me big… say it. Say you like me being a fat desk jockey…”
“Yes… god yes…”
“Like seeing me eat, too, huh?... like watching me get fat?”
“Yes! Please… Marcus, please!”
You felt the beginnings of another orgasm as he pounded into you from behind and filled your mind with the images of him stuffing himself stupid on take out at work while you sat on his lap and helped feed him. It was a guilt-filled fantasy that you’d never allowed yourself to fully process and accept until this moment.
Marcus pulled out of you suddenly. Fearing you did something wrong, you made a frantic and breathless ‘huh?’ sound. He picked you up, tossing you over his shoulder.
“Wanna watch your pretty face while you cum, Dex.”
You couldn’t help but smile; Marcus was ever the romantic.
He tossed you on the bed and crawled up to you, pushing your legs apart. He took a moment to look at your pussy, smirking with a smug head shake, then locked eyes with you. He leaned forward, one hand landing beside your head and his other hand grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to him, guiding his cock back into your desperate, wet cunt.
“Look at you… just gorgeous… “, he marveled with smug satisfaction as he pounded into you, watching your eyes close, brows furrow, and lips part to let out a soft pant.
His thumb came down on your clit, rubbing harsh, fast circles. “Come on, Dex… gimme one so I can watch… lemme see…”
“Marcus… I’m close…”
“I know, pretty girl… give it to me… come on… gimme one I can see…”
“Yes… right there! Right there!”
His thumb hit just the right angle and you fell apart as he pistoned you on his cock. Your hand reached up, gripping the arm above your head, and you arched your back in pure bliss.
“There it is… there you go… fuck, good girl… look at you… so god dammed pretty…”
The noises you made sounded alien coming from your mouth. You’d never heard this cacophony of whines, cries, mewls and moans come from your body before, and Marcus was revelling in it. He removed his thumb form your oversensitive nub, and he brought him body down onto your as he continued to thrust into you. His weight felt amazing; it was everything and ore than what you could have hoped, and you needed more of it on you. You hooked one leg on his hip, then brought the other one up, trying to lock your ankles. Marcus was too big, his love handled waist too wide and his thrusts now to frantic to get a good latch.
You raised your head and captured his mouth in a messy kiss, and he interlocked his fingers into yours. He panted into your mouth as you made eye contact; gone was the ferocious and angry man who’d fucked you in his kitchen and back was Marcus: sweet, funny, soft Marcus.
“Come on, Pickles.”, you whispered against his lips with a wry grin.
The surrendering groan that tumbled out of him matched perfectly with his out of rhythm thrusts.
“You gonna let me cum in you? Please?”, he panted, hips stuttering.
Nodding, you desperately whined, “Yeah… yes, please… please… c-cum in me!”
Marcus dropped his forehead onto yours. With a few more snaps of his hips with corresponding grunts, he let out a string of groans and panting breaths, then stilled in you.
You were both breathing hard, and his fingers flexed and relaxed repeatedly in yours as he came down from his high. Your mouth found his again briefly, then he pulled back and looked you in the eyes. His brows furrowed and his eyes softened further, as if the weight of what had just happened suddenly dawned on him and he was worried this was it for the two of you.
“Hey… hey hey hey…”, you soothed, hand coming up to cup his cheek, a soft smile on your face. “It’s okay… I’m okay.”
He nodded, still unsure, the blurted out, “I like you so much, Dex. I wanted this for so long…and I wanted it to be special, and – “
“It was special!”, you beamed with a smile, loving how adorably flustered he looked in contrast to before. “You hulked out and railed me in your kitchen!”
He stopped and looked at you, dumbfounded. Slowly, a smile peaked out on one side of his mouth. “You liked that.”, he huffed out in a laugh. “Dex, you kinky girl!”
You laughed and playfully slapped his arm. “Knock it off, Pickles!”
He pulled his softening cock from you and kissed you, both of you giggling.
Marcus pulled away and teased, “You liked getting railed by a fat guy… in the kitchen…”
“Yeah, I did!”, you challenged with a smile. “And I hope that fat guy does it again!”
His breath hitched and he swallowed, looking away for a moment. “So, you’re okay with…?”
He couldn’t finish saying what he wanted to. Years of poor self esteem and heart-breaking moments with other women wouldn’t let him, nor did that part of him want to hear your answer in case it was rejection. Your hand guided his face back to you.
“I wouldn’t have let you if I wasn’t.
His smile softened. “How about a date first?”
You couldn’t help the heat and shy smile that bloomed on your face, and he watched as you melted into his words.
Marcus walked into the office the next Monday, carrying another two coffees from your favourite place. You were preoccupied with one of your coworkers but shit him a smile before returning your attention to the file before you.
He placed the coffees down, hung his coat and bag, then noticed the collection of tupperwear containers with a sticky note on them.
Getting takeout is fine, but this is a sampling of what I can do for you. Xoxo Dex.
He opened a few of the containers and in them were homemade versions of his absolute favourite take out meals. He brought one to his nose and inhaled, just as your coworker left the room. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle, patting and squeezing his belly.
Marcus deciding he wasn’t ever going to need to pass a physical again.
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No more tag list! follow @beefnotes for fic updates!
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 9- the media can be scary
You woke to the sound of your name being shouted along the corridor from alexia, so you picked up your phone and walked to the kitchen to find alexia had made breakfast for the two of yous. You opened your phone, and you looked as every single social media of yours had blown up, and the news was all on you. The comments of the next england star girl takes stage at Barcelona at just 16. You almost couldn't believe it. Your transfer had already gotten some attention from the media, but this. This was collosal in less that 24hrs you had gained over 100k followers on Instagram, you couldn't really believe it. Since you had played at arsenal you had been under a watchful eye by the media yet it never phased you but this was different there was alot more news on you and the pressure started to weigh on your shoulders.
Alexia had snapped you out of your thoughts by telling you to hurry up to go to training. You had arrived sharply on time for a match debrief "ohh heres the famous y/n watch out" mapi joked with you "oh shut it mapi you're just jealous that im all over the news and you're not" you responded to her laughing lightly. You had sat on the end of the row hoping to get some peace as everyone sat next to their respective friends, and then it was lucy who came to sit next to you. "You okay?" you asked her "yeah yeah its just a calf pull its not anything to worry about, the only thing i should be worried about is you taking my spot" she responded laughing at the last part of the sentence "oh god no i could never take your spot but in a a year or so cant garentee that one" you responded to her while being told to sushh by your teamates as the meeting started. The meeting was boring you spent more time playing with the strings on your shorts then paying attention as the whole presentation was in spanish and although alexia had been helping you learn to speak spanish it wasn't going on the easiest of paths. However, you did understand one bit when lucy translated that you were going to do media with ona alexia and ingrid for the next hour or so.
"Media really this isn't going to go well, why not someone else" you asked begging to be swapped "no can do, you're the one with all the hype around you the club has to capitalise of it" alexia said putting her arm around your shoulders and dragging you to the media room. You and alexia had been set with the first set of press while ingrid and ona did interviews then yous would swap."bon dia alexia y y/n tengo algunas preguntas sobre el juego" the man continued alexia waited till he was finished when she translated the conversation to you "he said he had a few questions about the game" she whispered to you. The man had asked you how you felt with all the media stories and before you started you decided to make the conversation potentially easier "ermm no hablo espanol sorry i haven't gotten round to mastering the spanish language but i think the media can be positive influencing to motivate me but too much of it can be pressuring especially the ones bringing in national teams" you responded trying to be as professional as possible. After 15 minutes later of questions you and alexia were promptly moved out of the room and to interviews you were each given a list of places to go to luckily yours had been to the English media where alexia had the spanish media. The interviews went okay there was a few questions which were definitely different than usual but one sparked your thoughts "so y/n how do you feel about the increasing number of comments on your post of people commenting on your looks" the reporter asked "if im being honest i haven't looked at the comments but i am 16 so depending on the nature of the comment would depend my response as im open to compliments but i dont think its appropriate to sexualise a teenager or any player as a matter of fact i want to be known for being a good player not for looking good" you replied.
As soon as the media had ended you clicked on your recent post and went straight to the comment section and god it was not a sight you wanted to see it was a mixture of positive comments some wierd over sexulising remark or a hate comment about how you didn't deserve to play on the team or you only played because it would bring attention to the club. You wished you never opened them as a swirling pit of guilt formed were you just there to bring attention to the club? Did you deserve to even be at Barcelona? The thoughts clung to you like a dark web clouding your mind and it was showing. Training followed and you were playing sloppy missing easy tackles and making bad passes this just made your thoughts spiral so when yous were instructed to take a break it was alexia who decided to ask what was wrong as she could tell not just by your preformance but by the way your eyes were dulled and your eyebrows ever so slightly knitted together she knew something was bothering you.
"Hey pequeña what wrong your not playing like you normally do whats on your mind" she said looking at you the minute she asked this tears welled in your eyes it was pathetic you thought to yourself "i.. erm i dont know i guess i just paid too much attention to what everyone was saying and its not very nice" you said dropping your head in defeat "oh come here, do not believe what they say okay whatever it is its wrong i promise you" she said wrapping you in a hug as you pulled back you grabbed your phone out of your bag and showed alexia the comments and the dms of people "trust me y/n they're wrong you are good enough to play for this team and ignore those creeps because unfortunately we cant do much to make it stop but we can move on as if they never existed" she said standing back up to train again. And yet again alexia knew what to tell you how to remove that cloud that sat in your thoughts weighing you down you now just felt lighter.
Alexia had become a solution to your problems one you could rely on. One who cared for you it was unusual but nice the last time you had felt this loved by a person was your foster family back in London who looked after you while you were at arsenal. She had drove yous home and had began to cook dinner for both of you when she casually slipped into conversation "you know jona is thinking about starting you next game due to lucy and jana being injured" "what, you're joking right" you responded "no no of course not but you need to put in the work tomorrow to make sure he will" she replied as she put the pasta on the boil. You had ate your dinner together and watched tv before going to sleep and the thought of starting lingered in your head it was like you had gone to sleep with a smile on your face at the thought of starting.
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blue-aconite · 2 months
let me drown || chapter V - jake's summer part II
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Warnings: Swearing, a lil bit of angst
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x OC (past), Jake Seresin x OC (future)
Authors Note: It's been forever since I've updated this series but we're finally getting somewhere! Minors DNI. Each chapter will be labelled with warnings individually.
Thank you to my beta @a-reader-and-a-writer, you're amazing! ♥️
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California, Lemoore Naval Air Station, Spring 2019
Jake was cooling down on the treadmill after his morning workout when Javy’s name flashed across his phone. He lowered the pace on the machine as he answered the call. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“You’ll never guess what I just found out!” Javy exclaimed, a tone of excitement obvious in his voice. 
Jake rolled his eyes. “Uh, you found out Phoenix finally grew tired of your gossiping and decided to leave?”
Javy gasped on the other end. “If you’re going to be mean, I won’t tell you.”
“I’m very sorry for being so inconsiderate of your feelings, will you please share your news with me?” 
“You’re such an ass.” Javy complained and Jake could picture his best friend’s expression.
“Anyway, I found out where Bradshaw is now.” He sounded smug, like he was sharing something he shouldn’t, which was probably the case. 
But the tidbit of information intrigued Jake. Thanks to Bob, he knew something must have happened for Thea and Bradshaw to call it quits and for Bob to request a transfer across the country to get his sister away from Virginia Beach.
“Do tell.” Jake said as he looked around and found himself in a now somewhat deserted gym. Turning off the treadmill completely, he wiped it off before picking up his bag.
“Okay, but you can’t tell anyone. Nat swore me to secrecy.” Javy whispered conspiratorially, like he was leaking top-secret government information.
Jake rolled his eyes as he walked back to his bunk. “So you’re not supposed to share this with me?” Coyote hesitated for a moment, making Jake smile. “I swear that I won’t utter a word of what you’re about to tell me.” 
“No, I’m not supposed to share but now that you’ve sworn…-” Javy dragged out the ‘o’ before continuing. “He’s off the coast of Japan, with the Golden Warriors.” 
“I knew the Warriors were deploying, I spoke with Badger when I was visiting Athena and he said they were leaving after Christmas.” Jake recalled, remembering meeting up with his friend from flight school while in Virginia Beach.
They discussed the new information for a while and Jake made sure to leave Thea’s name out of it. He still didn’t know anything except for what Bob had told him. And while he knew Javy would keep his trap shut, he didn’t want to speak about something he had limited information about.
“Well, I guess they broke up? Do you know why?” Javy asked.
Jake sighed. “No. Bob just told me it was over and that Thea wasn’t doing so good.”
Coyote hummed. “Well, count me in for dinner. I haven’t seen Floyd in forever.” 
Jake promised to text the address Bob had given him before they said their goodbyes and hung up. 
It still bothered him that whatever had gone down between Thea and Rooster, Thea was the one who was suffering for it. He wanted to be there for her but he also didn’t want to push his luck. After his last message, he hadn’t reached out, deciding that he would let her decide if she wanted to continue the conversation. He wanted to let it happen on her terms. 
His stomach still fluttered whenever he thought of her but Jake tried his best to push it aside. Even if Thea’s smile made him feel like he could soar, he stayed true to his words to be her friend. 
Javy had teased him relentlessly about his crush, taking the opportunity that he was the one pining for once and not the other way around. 
Thea had texted him back but their correspondence was inconsistent at best, a few late night messages here and there. Jake was happy she wanted to speak to him at all, so he gladly told her about his day or whatever he thought she’d enjoy reading about. He’d sent some book recommendations, remembering how she had talked about how she needed to get back into reading books while they met in Virginia. 
After forwarding the address that Bob had given him to Javy, Jake decided the best way to stop obsessing over tomorrow was to just try and not think about it. He could at least try.
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On the way over to the Floyd residence, Jake felt oddly nervous. He hadn’t seen Thea since his trip and he was excited. It would be nice to talk face to face instead of the texts they had exchanged. 
Javy had picked up on his nerves on the way over and snickered but Jake made sure to shut him up before they arrived. 
“Just be quiet about it, yeah? Can you do that?” He asked as they walked up to the cottage, a bottle of wine and a freshly bound bouquet for Thea. 
Javy laughed, bouncing on his toes. “You’re very adorable, Hangman. But yes, I will be quiet. I’m looking forward to meeting the girl that’s made you all cute and shit.” 
Jake retaliated by punching Javy in the arm playfully as they waited for someone to open the door. They could hear footsteps from within and after a few moments Bob opened the door, bbq tongs in one hand. 
“Hey, come on in!” He invited, beckoning them inside. “Shoes off, please. Thea has weird rules.”
“FLOYD, c’mere boy! It's been too fucking long.” Javy grabbed onto Bob before the poor man could escape, trapping him in an embrace whether Bob wanted it or not. Jake shook his head at Javy’s actions, subtly looking around the hallway. When he found no sign of Thea, he turned his focus back to Javy and Bob, only to find both of them already looking at him.
Javy was wearing a shit-eating grin while Bob was observing him with a calculated stare. It wasn’t hostile but Jake felt exposed under the older Floyds’ gaze so he held out the bottle of wine as a distraction. “Thanks for having us, man.”
Bob rolled his eyes, stepping forward to trap him in an one-armed hug. Jake returned it, careful not to crush the flowers. 
“I’m glad you could make it. Yes, you too Javy.” Bob joked as he led them into the kitchen. There were boxes in the hallway and a few more stacked against the corner of the living room. 
Bob offered them both a beer as they sat down at the kitchen island, an offhand wave towards the boxes. “Sorry about those, we haven’t really unpacked everything yet.”
“Do you live here or on base, then?” Javy asked, taking a handful of peanuts from the bowl Floyd offered.
“On base, I’m just keeping a few things here for storage. Thea doesn’t mind and most of the boxes are hers anyway.” Bob said as he grabbed a few plates from the cabinet. 
Upon closer inspection, Jake could see how bare the cottage looked. There was furniture and the like but it lacked a personal warmth. It made sense though, it hadn’t been long since the siblings arrived. 
Jake wondered how it would look after Thea put her personal touch on the place. Thea herself was so warm and kind, so maybe that was her choice of decorations too. Jake hoped he’d get to see what it looked like then.
“So, when do I get to meet this sister of yours? I’ve heard a lot, and it feels like I know her already.” Javy clapped his hands together as he looked around.
Bob pointed to the open sliding door leading into the backyard. Jake could spy a wooden deck and grass beyond that. 
“She’s outside by the grill. C’mon.” Bob took the plates with him. Jake grabbed the pitcher with water and followed him outside. 
As promised, Thea was standing behind the grill placed on the deck, staring at the ocean that could be viewed from the backyard. She looked smaller than Jake remembered, curled in on herself. His heartbeat picked up as he studied her, feeling strangely at peace now that he was in her presence again. He had missed her, despite their brief interaction last time they saw each other. 
“Tiny! Come say hello!” Bob called, breaking his sister out of whatever trance she was in. Jake could tell that her smile wasn’t genuine as she approached them, but said nothing. Javy beat him to greet her, smiling gently. 
Jake watched as Javy extended his hand and introduced himself, trading hellos. He felt uncertain about how he should approach her. She had hugged him goodbye after their roundabout of golf and lunch but he wasn’t sure if it was appropriate now. 
“Earth to Jake. Hello?”
He was broken out of his inner monologue by Javy smacking him on the chest. Jake slapped his hand away and refocused his attention on Thea. She was standing close to Bob now, almost hiding behind her brother’s 6’2 ft frame. 
His heart thudded against his chest as she smiled timidly at him. Thea didn’t speak so Jake decided to go first. “Hi, Thea. It’s nice to see you again.”
Thea awkwardly looked around, wrapping her arms around her midsection as to protect herself before greeting him. It hurt him to see her look so small.
“Hi, Jake. It’s good to see you too.” She was more soft-spoken than he remembered but when she smiled at him, Jake still felt those flutters return. 
Bob and Javy moved away towards the grill, chatting animatedly and leaving him and Thea by themselves. He wanted to ask how she was doing, how she was feeling and if there was anything he could do. But Thea beat him to speaking. 
“I picked up a few of those books you recommended.” 
While it wasn’t what Jake was looking for, Thea looked so on edge that he figured it was a safe topic for her. Revisiting his earlier attitude about space, he smiled happily. “I’m glad. I hope you enjoy them.”
Thea smiled then, a tentative small smile, but a smile nonetheless. “Crime isn’t really my thing but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to branch out.”
After hesitating, Jake decided to stop beating around the bush. He opened his mouth to ask her if something was bothering her but Bob interrupted him, calling out that the food was ready. 
Thea made a vague gesture towards the seating area. “We should join them.” She almost looked relieved to be interrupted, as if she could sense what he was about to ask her. 
DInner was pleasant, the conversation between Jake, Javy and Bob flowed easily but Jake kept an eye on Thea through the entire meal. She participated whenever Javy asked her something or Bob turned to her but she was more subdued than he remembered from his dinner with the siblings back in Virginia. 
Whatever Bradshaw had done, it had obviously done a real number on Thea. And Jake hated that. He hated that his gut feelings about the man had been correct. Bradshaw was the same man he remembered and he loathed that Thea had seemingly paid the price for his actions. She deserved better. 
“So, Bob mentioned you graduated from UPenn? Architecture, right?” Javy asked, directing his attention to Thea. 
Thea nodded, putting down her glass. “Mm. You know anything about it?”
Javy laughed, chewing on a potato. “I think my cousin’s wife is an architect and I know you guys design buildings. That’s about it.” 
They all laughed and, with some more prompting, she launched into an explanation of her degree and new workplace. She lit up when describing the project she’d been put on and it was clear that this was her passion. 
“Okay, I admit defeat. You guys do a lot more than designing buildings.” Javy mused.
“Yeah but I know that’s what most people think about when they hear the word architecture.” Thea assured him, stabbing a broccoli with her fork.
They had let Thea talk without interrupting but it felt safe to ask questions now. “What’s your focus?” Jake asked, leaning back in his seat. 
“Focus?” Javy asked at the same time as Thea answered his question. “My main one is landscape architecture but I’ve done some projects in interior design as well.” 
Javy looked bewildered between the two of them. “There’s different fields?”
Bob snickered behind his glass, the upturn of his lips making Jake smile in return. Thea smiled as well and Javy grimaced. “I did not know that. Interesting.”
She angled her body towards Javy more, explaining the different types and what had prompted her to choose that specific field. 
Jake took the opportunity to turn his questions towards Bob. “So, how’s Taylor?”
Bob shrugged. “She’s fine.”
“You don’t sound too sure.” 
Bob faltered, shifting uneasily. “She was supposed to hand in her notice. She said she could find another job here, that she was willing to move but when I asked her about it, she admitted that she hadn’t turned it in yet - and she couldn’t give me a straight answer as to why.”
Jake’s heart went out to Bob, who was obviously struggling with this dilemma. “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand though, you said she was coming with us.” Thea spoke up, having listened in on their side conversation.
“She’ll be here, Tiny.” Bob reassured but it didn’t sound as confident as Jake guessed Bob wanted to come off as. 
The conversation came to a halt, nobody knowing how to continue. A few moments passed before Bob spoke up. “It’s fine, you guys. Does anyone want coffee?”
They all helped clear the table, the tension from the previous conversation ebbing away. Thea shooed them from the kitchen, rinsing the dishes in the sink. Javy and Bob took her gesture to heart and headed back outside but Jake decided to linger. 
“You don’t have to stick around.” Thea busied herself with the plates, keeping her eyes on the sink. Jake leaned against the kitchen island, shrugging his shoulders.
“Figured you could use some help.”
Thea laughed, a genuine sound this time and Jake’s heart did a somersault in his chest. He immediately scolded himself silently for his reaction, keeping his face neutral. “What?”
“I know you three haven’t been around each other in a while. You really want to help me load the dishwasher instead of catching up with your friends?” Thea snorted, rinsing another plate. 
Jake rolled his eyes. “I’ll have you know my mama raised a gentleman, I’m nothing like those two heathens who just abandons a lady with chores.” 
He went for the joke, hoping that it would ease up on the slight apprehension he could feel from her. She was smiling but her body language told him she wasn’t totally at ease with him. He wondered why. 
“Hangman! Get out here!” Bob called, waving at him through the window. 
He turned towards Thea but she waved a hand in the direction of her brother. “Go. I’m almost done here. Take the mugs with you, please.” 
He did as she asked before casting one last glance her way as he left the kitchen. She didn’t notice, busy with cleaning off the counter. 
He watched her through the window, noticing how she relaxed slightly the moment she was alone. Trying to not feel hurt by Thea’s apprehension, Jake took a seat again, easily catching up with the conversation between Coyote and Bob.
No one mentioned anything when Thea didn’t join them again until he and Javy were standing on the porch, saying their goodbye’s. 
Javy trapped both Thea and Bob in a hug before either could protest, which made him smile. Jake was used to his best friend’s behaviour but Bob looked like he might have forgotten since they were all together last time. 
“Listen, don’t be a stranger! You need anything, just give us a call. If Bob can’t help you, of course. And when she gets here, I’d love for you to meet my girlfriend. I think you two would like each other.” Javy rambled, adding himself to Thea’s contacts. 
“Nat’s visiting?” 
Javy nodded happily. “In two weeks. Maybe we can all go out to dinner?”
“Sounds good! We’ll plan later.” It doesn’t go unnoticed how Bob chose to not put Thea on the spot by asking her to tag along even though the invitation was there. Jake echoed his agreement instead of saying anything and Javy immediately started planning a group chat.
Turning slightly towards Thea, Jake decided against a hug, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. “It was good to see you again. Like Javy said, if you need anything -”
“Thanks,” she interrupted, biting her lower lip, “I appreciate it. I’m glad you guys stopped by.” 
They waved their goodbyes when he’s reversing out of the driveway and Jake could feel Javy’s eyes trained on him.
Javy shrugged. “Nothing. Thea seems nice. A bit quiet though and sad.”
He didn’t answer, instead choosing to focus on the road despite it being nearly empty. He didn’t want to think about all the reasons Thea had changed so much since he first met her. While she was still there, Jake could see how much the breakup from Bradshaw had changed her.
“But I liked her and most important of all, I can see why you’ve got a massive crush on her.”
Jake snorted. “It’s not like that.”
“Sure it isn’t. Man, she’s been the only thing you’ve talked about since visiting Oceana. And, I’ll admit, I did tell you to not get involved because she had a boyfriend and a protective older brother. Also because I didn't want to see you get hurt, y’know?” Javy had taken on a more serious tone now.
He continued without letting Jake talk. “And at the time, I was right. But maybe you should now.”
The last part made Jake turn his head, eyebrows rising. “Seriously? Were you not at the same dinner as me? She was uncomfortable around me, although I don’t know why.”
“Maybe you should ask her why? You can’t fix it if you don’t know what’s wrong.” 
Jake pulled into the parking lot, killing the engine. “I don’t want to back her into a corner and it’s not like she owes me her friendship or anything. We hung out twice and while we really clicked, something has obviously changed. I’ll see if she even wants to spend time together first before making demands.”
“You know, you’re smarter than people give you credit for. I guess you’re more than just a pretty fa - HEY!” Javy swatted his hand away as Jake tried to slap him on the side of the face, laughing as he ran away.
“I’m reporting you. You can’t go around damaging government property!” Javy cackled as he headed in the opposite direction. Jake flipped him off even though Coyote couldn’t see him.
“Sleep with one eye open, Machado!”
“I’ll talk to you later, Hangman!” was the only answer and Jake could hear him still laughing in the distance. 
Javy had sent him 10 snaps when he got back to his room but he went straight to bed, wanting to catch some much-needed sleep. 
And despite everything, Jake thought about Thea as he fell asleep.
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“Can I ask you something?”
Bob shrugged. “I don’t guarantee an answer.”
Jake hesitated, sparing one moment to wonder if he should ask or just forget about it. Floyd didn't seem to notice, immersed in his phone. 
“Have you heard from Taylor?”
Bob fixed him with a stare that reminded him of his own mother, one eyebrow slightly higher than the other. “That’s not what you want to ask and we both know it. But to answer it, not really? We’ve texted back and forth but she still can’t give me a straight answer.”
“You don’t seem too worried.” Jake observed.
Bob sighed. “I am but I also have other things to think about.”
Throwing caution to the wind, Jake voiced his concern. “Like Thea?”
Bob rolled his shoulders back, cracking his neck. “I still worry about her. I thought moving here would help and it has but I guess I was being a bit too convinced it would fix everything. And the whole situation with Taylor isn’t helping, at all. I feel like I’m being stretched too thin at this point.”
Jake felt bad for his friend, wishing he could help. “If there’s anything I can do to help, I’d be down. Don’t want you to run yourself into the ground worrying about everyone.”
Bob huffed, cracking his knuckles. “I’ve been worrying about Tiny since the day she was born, it’s not going to stop anytime soon.”
He was reluctant to add to Bob’s burden but a question had been eating away at him since dinner last week. Jake had tried to let it go but he couldn’t. 
“Thea appeared a bit off at dinner. Which isn’t a surprise, considering what has happened. But I couldn’t help but notice that she seemed uneasy around me. Uncomfortable. I’ve been chalking it up to just being nervous but something has changed.” Jake spoke slowly, spilling his thoughts.
“I know it’s not my place and you said it’s not your story to tell but even I can see that whatever happened between her and Rooster has hurt her. And I just want to help.”
Jake knew he sounded a bit pathetic at the end of his rant but he didn’t care. He was worried about Thea, and Bob to an extent, and while his reputation painted him as a man who only cared about himself, Jake did care about his friends and family. 
Javy was right, he could be an asshole but not when it came to the people closest to him. 
“Do you really want to know what happened?” Bob asked, observing him with a calculated look that oddly enough made Jake sit up a bit straighter, as if he was being judged. 
He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not as much as knowing what happened but about helping and being there for your sister. I really care about her.”
Bob closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head. “I’ll tell you. But you have to understand, not even I know everything. She won’t say anything but I know there are still things she hasn’t told me. But promise me one thing, same as I promised Thea concerning Rooster.”
“What did you promise?”
“I promised I’d stay out of it. That I wouldn’t go after him.”
Jake cleared his throat, trying to picture Bob hunting Bradshaw down. It wasn’t crazy but he had a hard time imagining it. But if Thea had made Bob promise not to, he would as well. “Well, I swear I won’t hunt him down.”
Bob laughed humorlessly, clenching his jaw. He was angry, Jake realised. “After I’m done telling you, you might want to.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
@dizzybee03 @buckysteveloki-me @aczhang777 @lynnevanss let me know if you want to be added/removed
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Trouble fitting in
sully family x human daughter reader
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It was the next day after arriving at the village of the metakayian, and you could see some of the villagers were keeping their distance from you. That was something you couldn't blame them for as you had just arrived and not that many knew of your existence as well. It was going to take them so time to trust you as navi and trust you as human as well. They will soon learn that the human girl lived up to her family name and title
Norm " so are you kids ready to started lesson today"
y/n " yes uncle norm"
spider " sure dad we are ready for our lessons and learn the ways of water"
Norm " well eat your breakfast kids and once you are done you, can go to your avatar bodies" you and spider soon nodded your heads in agreement and soon finished the breakfast, that was given and soon went inside the capsules and the transfer took place.
y/n " ummm" you soon open your eyes waking up you soon stepped out of the bed. You soon stepped into the common area of the new home, soon seeing your mom making breakfast and you dad cleaning his blade.
neytiri " good morning my daughter how did you sleep last night"
y/n " I slept well as navi and human still getting use to seeing I'm in a new place"
Jake " don't worry baby girl you will get use to this place soon" you soon saw down on the mats, and soon enough your sibling had come dash into the room.
tuk " y/n you are really here I thought lats night was all a dream" tuk soon hugged you making you laugh as you pat her forehead.
y/n " yes I'm here sweetie"
kiri " when you woke up your bed was already empty so we thought you were gone" you were sharing a room with your sisters, kiri and tuk soon took a sit on the mat.
y/n " I didn't mean to worry anyone I just crawled out of bed and came In here for more breakfast"
lo'ak " so you still have to eat as human and navi"
y/n " yes I have to keep both bodies health and well taken care of as well"
lo'ak " oh"
neteyam " see now we can our family meals as whole family again"
y/n " what do you mean you guys were not eating together"
Jake " we were and there were night your grandmother and uncles came over but it was not the same, we missed having you here and as the barrier between siblings fights"
tuk " kiri and lo'ak will always fight"
y/n " really I'm gone for months and you two fight"
kiri " it was not my fault it was his being a idiot and all that" you just scoffed and shake your head, it was good to be back with your siblings. Once breakfast was over you soon went off with your sibling and spider for the lessons.
Tsireya " it good to have you both here I hope we can help you learn the ways of water"
spider " it cool to finally me here"
rotxo " well come on lets get started" soon the lesson had started all three metkayain teens were very amazed on how, well you and spider could I've and swim.
Aonung " you seem to be a better swimmer and diver then your siblings" The group had decided to take a break and sit down somewhere and just talk and relax. It seem like all the metkayian teens had many question about the two new teens that arrived here just yesterday.
y/n " thank you"
rotxo " so you are two are human as well"
spider " yes we are human as well but we were given this body so we can living a life, like the rest of our families"
rotxo " wow" the group had stayed together talking more and more to each other, along with enjoying each other company as well. You were walking around the village, doing some chores for the family. You were carrying a basket of fruit for the family and your grandmother when you caught, some of the metkayian adults looking at you.
y/n " hello" you had spoke towards a couple who stepped away from you and looked disgusted when you spoke to them. This was something that was not new to you as not that many of the navi, were welcoming toward the humans that were here do to the actions of the RDA.
y/n " well here we go again" you soon sighed and started walking back home there were some navi that gave you a smile, while others just looked at you with disgusted or confusion. You were walking when you had accidentally bumped into a child, it seems like either one of you were paying attention.
y/n " oh I'm sorry" you had help the child back onto their feet and soon collect the fruit, that had fallen.
navi child " it okay I'm sorry as well I was not ...."
navi mom " demon you hurt my child" a navi women soon came towards you hissing at you making you, take a step back you didn't want to do anything to cause a problem. A crowd had form to watched what was taking place right now.
???? " what going on here" everyone soon stopped what they were doing and looked up to see tonowair and your dad standing there, soon Jake saw you and went to you aid.
Tonowari " I asked a question what happened here"
navi women " this demon girl pushed my child over and could of harm my child, that what happened this what we get for only the demon of their clan here first the youngest of them and soon the older ones"
navi man " yes they are all evil why should we allow them to stay"
Jake " y/n what happened"
y/n" I was not paying attention to where I was walking soon I and the kid bumped into each other, I meant no harm dad"
tonowair " this what the girl speak true did anyone witness this" no one was peaking up at the moment, as everyone was very quite or scared to say anything.
tonowari " Jake and y/n I'm so sorry for what has happened here today"
Jake " tonowari i will not have my daughter insult over something she ...."
y/n " dad it okay can we just come home I have to drop these off mom and grandmother" Jake knew his daughter didn't wish to cause anymore trouble and nodded his head, soon escorting her home but it seems like him and tonowair and shared a look about something.
At home
neytiri " how dare that women insult my daughter on her character and actions" sharing with what happened to the rest of the family didn't go well, and now your mom was very mad about the whole situation.
Jake " neytiri"
neytiri " no Jake don't try to clam me down I wont let somebody insult our daughter she never harm a child at home, she was the one that some parents will ask her to babysit their kids for a while"
y/n " mom it okay"
lo'ak " no sis it not okay that women insult you and telling us how they been looking at you with disgust is insult as well on you"
y/n " baby brother it okay I can't change everyone mind about me"
lo'ak " but still sis you are amazing you a good fighter and smart, you take care of our family and people how those that make you a demon"
neteyam " lo'ak calm down" lo'ak soon calm down a bit as the family looked at you.
neytiri " what do you do next Jake they didnt juts insults our daughter they also insult spider and the rest of our clan"
Jake " I will speak with tonowari right now tension are high"
y/n " then I think it for the best I stay with uncle norm and the otter for while until matter die down"
kiri " no we can't lose you and spider again"
y/n " I won't be lost I will be an inland away but I think it will be best if I stay away I don't need my action risking the family and clan safety, and refugee"
Jake and neytiri " ......."
y/n " mom and dad I will be fine I'm not far away and I will have uncle norm, aunt trudy, and spider with me with the rest of our clan"
Jake " fine we trust that norm and trudy will keep you safe"
y/n " mom"
neytiri " you can go my daughter I know you will be safe but we will be checking up on you"
y/n " yes mom"
lo'ak" maybe we cna bring our new friends over as well"
Jake " that will be good but you might want to ask their parents first before you act"
y/n and her siblings " yes sir"
neytiri " come we will eat dinner together before y/n has to leave us" everyone had nodded their head in agreement everyone had family dinner together, it was agreed that you and spider will stay away for a few days until everyone die down. Even due you were not being with them as navi you were still with them as human, and they will make sure to still spend time with you. Everyone and even you were hoping that one day you and the rest of the clan will be able to gain the trust of the rest of the metkayain clan.
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Love To Hate Me || Kylian Mbappé
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Chapter 6 : Liar, Liar
Plot: A surprise return makes y/n question her relationship with Kylian.
Word Count: 1902
A/N: In celebration of Kyky's birthday, here's an update xxx
Chapter 5 Masterlist
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Y/n's phone began to buzz loudly on her desk; she sighed and rose from her desk, a small smile gracing her face at the sight of her brother's name. Taking the phone, she headed out of her office, deciding she was in need of some fresh air anyway.
"Hey, James." she smiled, answering the call.
"Hey, y/n. You busy?"
"I'm at work but I'm owed a break anyway. Speaking of, shouldn't you be working?"
"The kids are on lunch, so I thought I'd see my little sis' is doing."
Her brother, James, was a primary school teacher back in the UK. He was two years older than her and growing up, the pair had been incredibly close. Nowadays, they didn't get the chance to talk as much, between their two busy jobs and their entirely separate lives in different countries.
"I'm good."
"Still having a hard time at work?"
As she strolled down the corridor, she sighed, "Well, the lack of headlines says not. It's calmed down a little."
"Good, you deserve a rest."
"Well, I'll have time for a rest when the transfer window closes. Until then I'll just have to suck it up."
As she strolled past Luis' office, the coach's door swung open. James continued to chat, "With the wage you're on, they're not paying you to relax." he chuckled but y/n had stopped listening to a word he was saying. From Enrique's office, not only did the coach emerge but so did Kylian. Her heart stopped.
It had been two weeks since their evening togehter as well as two weeks since she'd seen him at all. By the time her alarm had gone off- 5am- he'd slipped out, every trace of him gone, save a large, white hoodie he'd left on her bathroom floor.
Sure, she'd enjoyed the night with him; he was handsome, and good in bed, and he'd held her in his arms as they fell asleep, and it'd made her feel safe and loved and... She didn't care that he'd left in the night or that he hadn't called after that. It had been a one night thing, they'd both known that. He was leaving PSG, so what was the harm?
It was just a goodbye fuck, knowing they'd probably never see each other again. An acceptance of their attractions and their urges, admitting them to one another before he faded into TV screens and perfume adverts. So why was he here now?
"James, I've gotta go, I'll call you later though, alright?"
She didn't wait for a response before she hung up.
"Y/n, just the woman I was looking for!" Enrique grinned.
She turned around, her eyes fixed on Luis, stringently avoiding acknowledging Kylian's presence. She forced a smile, "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yes, Kylian and I finalised his contract yesterday. Elizabeth is bringing a file containing the details over to you. I need you to draft a press release about his return ASAP."
She faltered, "Kylian's coming back?"
The footballer cleared, his throat, "Yes, I am."
She shot him a glare before looking back at Luis, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I am doing."
"Okay, but some advance notice would have been nice, given that it involves my department."
"Well, this is your advance notice, so I'd appreciate it if you'd have the statement drafted and sent over to me within the hour."
With that, Luis nodded firmly and marched off; Kylian's feet were glued to the ground beneath him and he gawped at her like a goldfish. Her scowl deepened and she hesitated momentarily, as though she was going to say something. Then she spun around, her hair whipping after her, and stormed off.
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Two or three days had passed since Kylian had appeared at the training centre and y/n hadn't seen the man since. Much to her dismay, she'd had to schedule in and would have to attend a press conference regarding Kylian's reintegration, which she'd announced on social media earlier that day. Now, her chances of avoiding the man in question were significantly decreased.
Sporting black suit trousers and a long-sleeved bodysuit, she walked into the press conference room. She lingered at the back for a few seconds, arms folded over her chest, holding a stack of files tightly as she surveyed the room. Tens if not hundreds of journalists sat on the rows of chairs in front of her. There was a loud hum of chatter as expectant glances were cast at the panel in front of them.
She slipped back outside and headed for the room Luis waited in. As she stepped in, she was met by the sight of not only Luis but Kylian and his father.
She smiled tightly, "Good morning."
"Miss y/l/n, good to see you."
"Sorry, I'm late. I was just running a little behind schedule, but here are some cards for you to read from." she rushed over to Luis and handed him a stack of prewritten cards. She spun around to the player who watched her carefully, "Kylian." she spat, placing the cards in his hand.
Her skin brushed his, he was close enough that she could smell his unforgettable scent. His warm, soft skin on hers took her back to that night. All of a sudden, it was like his hands were all over her again, squeezing, exploring, rubbing. She could hear his voice, calling out her name, singing her praises. She could feel his hands on her tits as he pressed kisses up her neck, on her lips, her cheeks, anywhere he could. They were tangled in his soft sheets, her legs wrapped like a vice around his waist as he held her so easily, like she weighed nothing more than a feather.
He'd cried out, chanting her name like a prayer. But no, he really was speaking now. He said her name, his thumb grazing her palm as she handed over the cards. He spoke quietly, almost whispering her name.
She cast him a fleeting, strange glance before turning back to Luis, "Are you ready to go?"
He nodded and she headed out into the wilderness, where the pack of reporters were gathered. At the sight of the doors opening, they all began to clamour before seeing it was only y/n.
She stepped up to the panel and spoke into one of the microphones, "Bonjour à tous et merci d'être venus. Il y aura une section pour les questions à la fin. Et maintenant, Luis et Kylian."
Cameras began to flash as everyone turned to the door she'd emerged from. She stepped down from the raised panel and stood to the side of the room. As the footballer and his coach took their place before all of the cameras, Kylian's father came up beside her.
She glanced up at him and offered him a small, polite smile, before turning her gaze back to the press conference which was starting. Luis began speaking, though she didn't understand a word of his Spanish.
"So, you're the one who's been sabotaging my son's career?"
He was so nonchalant she wasn't even sure he'd spoken or if it was just a creation of her imagination. She glanced up at him but he just stared straight ahead.
Hesitantly, she replied, "Sorry?"
"You're the one who has been dragging my son's name through the mud?"
"Usually I go by y/n."
"Oh, I know. I've heard all about you, y/n."
"Right." she pursed her lips, "Well, it's all worked out just fine, hasn't it?" she shrugged, nodding her head in the direction of the press conference.
“Hmm, for you.”
She drew back, looking up at the much taller man, “What’s that supposed to mean? I gave him every chance to leave, you are aware that PR doesn’t encompass transfers or contracts. I just broadcast what I’m told.”
“Y/n, I know what is best for my sons and I won’t have anyone getting in the middle of that.”
She frowned, what the hell did that mean? Before she could question his ambiguous statement, there was a flurry of excited voices and her head snapped back to the conference at hand.
Kylian nodded to a journalist, who stood up, "Kylian, pourquoi avez-vous pris la décision de rester à Paris?" Kylian, why have you made the decision to stay in Paris?
"Paris est l'endroit où j'ai grandi. Je tiens à cette équipe, c'est ma famille et je veux le meilleur pour eux." Paris is where I grew up. I care about this team, they are my family and I want the very best for them.
"Mais vous allez devoir quitter cette équipe à un moment donné. Pourquoi pas maintenant?" But you are going to have to leave this team at some point. Why not now?
Maybe y/n was going insane but she swore Kylian glanced at her before he spoke. Surely not. He hadn't called her. He didn't care about her more than her body. Of course, he was probably just looking at his father. But she just felt his gaze deep within her, like the ground beneath her was shaking.
"Je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir terminé mon travail ici et j'espère encore accomplir davantage" he paused before adding, "avec mon équipe." I don't feel like I have finished my work here and there is still more I hope to achieve... with my team.
A few more questions were asked before the conference ended and they returned to the room next door. Y/n began to regather her files, "That was good, guys." she declared, offering a half-hearted smile, "I hope this puts it all to bed once and for all."
She nodded firmly before starting for the door; she headed out into the quiet corridor and let out a breath she wasn't even aware she'd been holding. It was like stepping out into fresh air, just being out of a room with him. His presence made her sweat and forget how to breath or think or speak.
And she couldn't breath again, and the temperature was rising, and she almost tripped over her own feet at the sound of his voice.
She snapped around, "What?"
She blinked at him and when he said nothing more, frowned, "Well?"
"Are you upset with me?"
"Of course not." she spat, sarcasm thick on her tongue.
"What did I do?"
She rolled her eyes and turned to leave again, "Just forget it."
"Y/n!" he yelled. When her pace didn't falter, he chased after her, catching up easily. He caught her arm and a flush immediately raced across her cheeks at the contact, "Y/n! Stop! Is this because I didn't call you after that night?"
"Forget it." she annunciated, still marching on.
"No, not if you're just gonna ignore me!"
She laughed bitterly, "That's rich."
"So it is because I didn't call?"
She spun around so abruptly that he almost crashed into her. "No, it's because you told me you were leaving! I wouldn't have fucked you had I known we were still going to have to work together! I'm mad at you because you lied to me!"
He didn't have time to reply as a door behind them opened and they both swiftly fell silent. Luis and Wilifried both walked out into the corridor, too deep in friendly conversation to notice the heated moment between y/n and Kylian.
She raked her eyes up and down him then quickly disappeared.
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a-pastel-edgelord · 2 months
Hiii. I saw ur inbox was open so I wanted to throw some brain rot at you?? I saw ur tags for the post u reblogged with Kyotani.... PLEASE GO ON. Great with kids, loves being around them, working with them—but never wants one himself? Would his partner be the same? Would he consider it with the right person? Is he immune to baby fever? SAVE ME FROM THIS TORMENT PLSSS ❤️ tyily
That was a hot fucking minute ago anon, but 🆗 tagging @mintmatcha because my idea was spawned from their text post.
"You good?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" You look up at Kentarō with a blink. The paper plate you'd been loading with food, is placed onto the end of the buffet table. "Is something wrong?"
The evening has been so nice—as far as you know. It's just a small cook out within the Sendai Frogs group. Tsukishima had surprisingly offered his backyard, and Koganegawa managed to procure a grill from somewhere. Daisho and Mika brought a generous amount of meat while you brought the veggies and rice. Yamaguchi and Yachi are going to arrive a little later with watermelon and booze (as an apology for having to work regular nine to five jobs). Tsukishima's older brother is in attendance as is his girlfriend(?) Saeko—she insists everyone call her by her given name.
There's laughter, music and good food. Everything is as it should be. So why does Kentarō look... anxious?
"Nevermind." He shakes his head as if to clear it. "Eat, go grab a chair."
You nod, picking up your plate and eyeing him as you go to sit. You find an empty spot next to Mika. Daisho just got transferred into the team from the Tamaden Elephants. Apparently he and Kuroo go way back. You can hear Tsukishima complaining about him with Daisho providing enthusiastic support.
You fight to keep a grin off your face and you end up catching Mika's eye. "Tsukishima's favorite pastime is shit talking."
"Oh, I'd call it Suguru's hobby!" You both laugh. "How long have you and Kyotani been together?"
Is this what Kentarō is worried about? Mika isn't the least bit scary. "Since highschool graduation actually. He confessed to me after the ceremony."
"Oh, so you two went to the same school!"
"Nah, I went to Date Tech—I was the manager of the volleyball team. Kentarō and I met through a local gym that had volleyball nights. Then our teams played against one another." You raise a cup in Koganegawa's direction, he promptly drops what he is doing to wave back—spilling water all down his front. Mika laughs again but you just sigh. "He skipped his own graduation ceremony just so he could cheer me on at mine."
"Wow! That's so romantic!" She sighs dreamily. "That'll be a good story for your kids, huh?"
Ah. Of course, you think, they wouldn't know. "Kentarō and I aren't going to have kids."
You shrug, forcing nonchalance into your expression. "We talked about it and decided we're good as we are. We've gotten quite a bit of grief from our families about it too."
You don't look at Mika, not wanting to be disappointed. You like her, you don't want to give up being her friend. A hand falls on your shoulder. You meet her gaze, it's firm. "It's your business. A child is not a decision to be made lightly."
Relief, cool and sweet, sweeps through your bones. A smile blooms across your features. "My thoughts exactly."
You search for Kentarō, finding him rolling his eyes at Koganegawa's wet shirt. You barely have to stare at him for more than a second before he snaps his gaze over to you. You hold the contact, giving him a gentle wave. He signs to you, all good?
Yes, you sign back, all good.
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castleclerics · 2 months
The Talisman: All Connections to Stranger Things
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I keep forgetting that I read this whole book and bookmarked like eighty things so let's dive into all the connections that I found to Stranger Things (also things about the way the world of this book works that just scream ST to me that need to be included) including ties to my own theories.
(lovedddd this book btw. wolf is my fav character i've ever read, matt duffer knows what's up:
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Quick plot: 12 y/o Jack Sawyer travels across the country to acquire The Talisman, which he was told will save his dying mom's life. He "flips" over between his world and to a world called the Territories constantly during his travels.
This is extremely spoiler heavy btw ok let’s begin:
This is just in order of my bookmarks to make it easy for me, bolded are the most important/blatant parallels.
First, just for some context if you’re curious, in the scene with The Talisman in it, Lucas is reading the part where Jack flipped over to the Territories for the very first time. This is definitely significant considering Max is newly in a coma, and probably alone wherever her consciousness may be, but more on that later.
-This man named Speedy gives Jack a potion to flip into the Territories. When Jack comes back to reality he asks where he went. Speedy tells him he vanished into thin air. It's veryyyyyy Will in the shed. He literally vanishes.
-Jack's entire journey is him traveling from the farthest east of the country, to the farthest west of the country. The Talisman resides in the west in the Territories.
-The queen of The Territories is Jack's mom's Twinner. When Jack sees the queen in The Territories she's in a coma-like state. "The queen cannot see, she cannot speak, she cannot move" ahem:
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-In one scene a root from the ground in the Territories grabs Jack by the ankle and another one chokes him. Classic.
-Jack and his mom (Lily Cavanaugh Sawyer) really remind me of Billy and his Mom’s relationship. They also lived in California like them. Billy’s mom saying “ten more minutes, but any longer dad’s going to be mad” reminds me of how Lily has always tried to keep Jack safe from uncle Morgan, and how he was very abusive to her.
-While working at a tap, Jack hears the phone ring and he senses it’s something calling from the Territories. When he picks it up it’s a monster from the Territories that migrated to his world. He’s a customer sitting at the bar and he hunts down Jack while in the tap. Wonder what that reminds me of...
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-When drinking the potion that can transfer Jack into the Territories, he instead got thrown back into a memory from when he was six.
-Something someone does in reality can have a ripple effect in the Territories, for ex. a war in America started a war in the Territories, when Jack's dad died in their world he died in the Territories soon after.
-Jack meets a werewolf named Wolf in the Territories, and he calls the real world "the place of the strangers".
-A full moon is coming so Wolf and Jack decide to lock Jack in a shed to keep him safe. Jack loses his mind in the shed because it's basically sensory deprivation, but given how much Jack reminds me of Will it's interesting it was a shed he was locked in because time itself starts to become not even a real thing to Jack, and he can't tell how much of it had passed.
-Jack and Wolf eventually make their way to this place for troubled boys called "The Sunshine Home" which is very HNL, strict, and revolves around evangelical Christianity. The man in charge of it all, Sunlight Gardener, has major Brenner vibes. Also, a kid at the home says over 60% of the kids there are there voluntarily which could be interesting to think about, The Truman Show kind of idea that if El truly wanted to escape the lab she could've. or this:
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-At The Sunlight Home, Jack and Wolf try to escape but Jack had run out of Speedy's magic juice. While they're about to get caught, Jack concentrates really hard and realizes he can flip into the Territories with Wolf only with his mind. He remembers he used to be able to this as a child too. He would go to this place called “the daydreams” as a kid and he believed it was his imagination, only learning later on that he had actually been flipping into the Territories. Interesting because of the way ST ties people's own minds to physical dimensions.
-When they flip, they flip into “Furnaces of Black Heart” “Black heart at the middle of the world." A pit. there, the most fucked up creatures and horrific things that exist in the Territories live there. It just reminds me of the gates colliding at the very center of Hawkins, and how new monsters are possibly going to be crawling out of it (The Crawl).
-This one is probably my favorite. So throughout the book they really make you love Wolf, he's the gentlest soul, horrified of being in Jack's world and everything scares him but he still tries for Jack. He’s the most loveable character ever. At The Sunlight Home they end up locking Wolf in a box as punishment for him not getting used to the rules fast enough, which triggers him to turn. He then commits a huge massacre of The Sunlight Home and all the boys who live there.
However, what the book has already established about him makes you come to understand that he isn't a monster. It's the main overarching lesson of that event. Even though he just did all of that, he doesn't want to hurt people, it was a result of the way he was treated. I believe this to be a direct parallel to my theory that El actually did commit the massacre, and Brenner showed her a timeline where she didn't, in Nina.
-In the box Wolf was in, the cops found bible verses and stick figure drawings etched into its walls…
-For some context let's talk about Morgan Sloat, Jack's uncle. When Jack was 6 months old, Morgan attempted killing him in his crib, and is after Jack the entire novel.
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-Here’s a direct quote about Twinners. “When one migrated and entered the body of one’s Twinner, the result was a kind of benign possession.” also Morgan’s Twinner, “Morgan of Orris”, spoke to him in his mind. Orris would migrate to the real world from the Territories and basically possess normal Morgan’s body. They don’t just possess your body, things about you change. Your heartbeat may run at a faster rate, your eyesight may be different etc.
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“Sloat was able to plan murder, but it has been Orris, time and time again, who migrated to carry out the act itself. It had been Orris in Sloat’s body who had attempted to smother the infant Jack Sawyer in Utah (just as he had overseen the assassination of Phil Sawyer’s counterpart, the commoner Prince Phillip Sawtelle, in the Territories.)"
I haven’t seen The First Shadow and idk everything about it yet but I’m pretty sure this is this is very TFS Henward coded
-When Jack and Richard are almost as far west as they can go in the Territories in a place called The Blasted Lands, the creatures there remind Jack of radiation poisoning. Here's an excellent post that covers radiationgate. Jack concludes the land had nuclear damage and these creatures are born poisoned.
-The Territories can be a reflection of the real world at times like for example, if you're walking somewhere, your Twinner is walking in the same direction to a place that could reflect the one you’re traveling to in the real world.
-The "Black Hotel" is where The Talisman is held. The description of the inside of it reminded me of the Creel house and there were some people who believed the evil in the Territories had begun all the way west, "At land's end, at the edge of the big water." where the Black Hotel is. (the sequel to The Talisman is The Black House and I haven't read it but I'm interested as to why it turned into a house :0)
-While trying to run away from one of Orris' minions in The Territories, Jack tried flipping but had brought himself forward in time in The Blasted Lands a century or two where everything was abandoned.
-It's revealed that The Talisman is the "axle of all possible worlds". let's go timeline knowers!!!!!! Jack is the "chosen one" because he’s one of few “single-natured” people, meaning because his Twinner died (when Sloat had tried killing him in his crib in the real world, his Twinner had died in his crib in the Territories) and since that happened, he died in all other worlds, but he still exists in one world, only one world.
Morgan says how since there's endless worlds/timelines, then there more than just "twinners" and the Territories is just one world out of infinite ones.
-The Talisman is also the same in The Territories as it is in the real world and is the single thing that is the exact same in all worlds.
The closer Jack gets to the Talisman in the Black Hotel, the more he flips between worlds and the more the worlds overlap.
This may be the most important parallel:
The light within the crystal globe of the Talisman was every color of the rainbow. Rainbows are mentioned a few times throughout the book, even on the first page. When Jack would feel happy or protected during his journey, he would be reminded of a rainbow. You realize it’s because the Talisman is literally calling him before he even knows about it. In a scene he heals Speedy with the Talisman and even chants “rainbow! rainbow!”.
Idk if I've ever mentioned this, but I’ve been theorizing for a while now that the rainbow room is a direct reference to the multiple timelines/other timeline selves. I think this book proves me right, especially since The Talisman is the axis of all possible worlds.
The first time I ever thought this was because of this shot, twins on the rainbow.
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“there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story”
It gets more interesting when you look at something like skittles (taste the rainbow) and who is seen having them in the series.
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I have also theorized that max being in a coma is important bc she's not fully gone but wherever she is, she may be another version of herself in a different timeline completely. She wasn’t supposed to be revived and I think this gives the characters an upper hand in s5 because she is still existing out there somewhere, as her Twinner possibly, and that Twinner may have knowledge the characters need if they can find her.
also here’s just some more rainbows in "holly’s" room that I had to add hehehe
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-When Jack makes contact with The Talisman for the first time, an earthquake happens across all worlds.
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-The final battle between Morgan and Jack takes place on the beach of the Black Hotel, and snow stars to fall. A huge storm ensues and reminds me of the source and spores in the air in Billy’s mind in s3.
-The very end of the book is the Talisman healing Jack’s dying mom and the queen of The Territories waking up. The healing is described as a birth and they describe it in vivid detail even mentioning how “the opening of the Talisman was like a vagina.” We all know the gates resemble vaginas, and how there is soooo much about mothers and birthing in this show and it just reminded me of this kickass post also by the goat @henrysglock because I cannot get into all that here but iykyk <3
But let's think about this again. The queen only wakes up because her other self in another world is healed, and is healed by something that holds every timeline in existence... and maybe that's why they chose to have the Talisman in the scene it is, and why they paralleled Max to the queen. In conclusion, I think Max’s Twinner is one of the answers to everything, and could even be possible that she'll wake up as her Twinner, not the Max we all know.
Thats about it! I lowkey feel like I’m missing a certain dynamic or something but if I think of it I’ll edit this and add it. I finished reading it a long time ago so this took a while to remember what was going in this book bc it has like 700 pages 😭😭 anyways I rly love this book even despite the few shortcomings it has and am so excited to see the series the Duffers are working on for it !!!!!!!! aaaaa
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whatisthisno420 · 5 days
Persuasion (Retail Au! Pantalone x Reader)
Your sales have been decreasing ever since you have transferred over to the jewelry department. Despite the below average performance, your boss decides to salvage this by pairing you up with the top seller in hopes of increased performance. What happens when that person just so happens to be the one coworker you can't stand?
Note: This is a Pantalone x Reader, but considering that this is an modern au that Pantalone is not a Harbinger, he will be referred to by the name Feiyu. Please let me know if I should change the name. The reader is currently gender neutral.
This is currently a one shot that I originally submitted to Fatui Con 2024, however I might make this a series as I see potential in this. Also let me know if you guys want any more Retail AU Harbinger fanfics (or any ideas). I got plenty of ideas in my head.
Sometimes you wish that you didn’t have to change jobs.
Though it’s not that you hated your job. Working as a Jewelry Sales Associate certainly has its perks after all. You get excellent commissions, practically free health & dental insurance, 33% employee discount, paid breaks, as well as being surrounded by decent people. Well, most of the people are decent, anyway.
It is rather difficult to enjoy the benefits when you only make enough to barely satisfy your sales goals. You used to be really good too, as you were considered the best performer in the shoe and purse departments, prior to getting promoted to the jewelry department. However, now that your boss has given you a final warning about your performance, you had resorted to looking for other jobs, in hopes that you were able to land another before your current employment ceases.
Except that you weren’t having any luck either finding jobs. Either the pay was less than you could afford, the commute would be too long, the job seemed shady or they couldn’t give the hours you needed. With the good jobs, you were either passed up or you wouldn’t be able to even get an interview.
So instead you were at your current job, about to head onto the floor after clocking in and putting your stuff away, when you get called to go into your bosses office. 
Though practically frozen in fear, you reluctantly agreed. As you made your way into his office, speculation of the possible reasons has clouded your mind, completed with the sound of your pounding heart. You had to stop yourself from spiraling into a full-blown panic attack.
You tapped your forearms in an effort to calm down. You are not going to get fired. You are fine. He might have some good news for once.
Luckily you have managed to calm yourself down enough to remain emotionless in front of your boss. When you reached his office, you knocked on the door before opening.
“I was told that you wanted to see me-“
You made the mistake of looking up. In front of you was your boss, and the coworker that you hated the most, Feiyu.
“Come and take a seat, (Y/N),” Your boss replies, his hand opening towards the empty chair. You made your way towards the chair, letting out a soft sigh as you sat down.
What in the hell was Feiyu doing here anyways? This can’t be good. Nothing good ever comes out when he’s around.
While you are able to get along with everyone at work, Feiyu is the one exception; you would rather be run over by  a bus than be anywhere near him. He talks like he is getting paid by words-spoken-per-minute, and also acts like he is some know-it-all. You also suspect that he is trying to steal your clients, as almost any new client you happen to make, often gets swept up in his charm, resulting in the sales going to him. Unfortunately you can’t tell your boss that, especially because in your bosses eyes, you would be ‘slandering his top performer’.
He also seemed to know how to always catch you off guard, which almost always ticks you off. It would make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed, and you hated that. 
What bothered you the most about him was that his sour personality was wasted on a rather pretty face. Perhaps that’s the only reason why people could stand him; he’s got a pretty face that draws them in before it’s too late.
Sometimes you wish that you make him shut up somehow and could get away with it in the workplace. Or better yet, meeting him outside of work and teaching him a lesson. But mostly you would rather avoid him at all costs, even switching with other coworkers if it meant that you didn’t have to work the same shift as him.
“Welcome in, Feiyu and (Y/N). You might be wondering why I brought you in here. I’ll be straight with you. As you know, (Y/N) hasn’t been on top of their game recently, and might be in need of a refresher. That’s were you, Feiyu, come in. Both of you would be working together until (Y/N)’s performances get better.” Your boss said, leaning forward and putting his elbows on the desk.
You couldn’t believe what was said. You feel like this was one of your own nightmares, if only you could pinch yourself awake. Maybe, just maybe, being terminated was actually preferable.
“Maybe it doesn’t have to be like this –“ You responded, trying to persuade him out of desperation. “Maybe I just need to move to a different department, or a different store even-“
“Given your options with your current situation, this is the best option, either that or letting you go entirely.”
You were speechless. Or more accurately, you couldn’t of anything to say in a professional manner, so you silent.
“Listen, I know you have potential. You have done extremely well when you worked in other departments. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t have accepted your transfer. Isn’t that right, Feiyu?”
Feiyu gave a nod.
“Maybe you just need to learn from the best of the department, learn the product a bit more, and then sure enough, you would be reaching astronomical profits.”
You glanced over in Feiyu’s general direction. He lets out a sly grin, which catches you off guard. Here we go again.
“Feiyu, you are expected to show (Y/N) the ropes, as if they are brand new. From now on, both of you will now be sharing the same shifts and lunches to make it easier to work together.”
This is great. Absolutely a fun time to be had.
“Oh and you both better be on your best behavior. I don’t want to hear any reports that you are misbehaving. Any questions?”
You stood silent. You had many questions alright, but didn’t know what to ask.
“I understand the assignment, boss.” Feiyu responded, nodding his head once.
“If you don’t have any questions, you may leave.”
With that, you and Feiyu left the office, going straight to work.
When you first worked with him and he would start rambling, you would often tune him out, zoning in on your own thoughts. Or alternatively, you would make your escape by finding different customers to help out, or find various projects to help out with. Either way, Feiyu would always find a way to bring your attention back to him.
Though as a few days passed, you noticed that he wasn’t really being condescending as you originally thought. The more you managed to listen to his ramblings, the more you realized that he was trying to be helpful. He also seemed rather happy when you graced him with your presence, contrary to the prior belief that he was trying to ruin your career.
You also couldn’t help but notice that for the last few days, he was dressed to the nines. Sure, he always dressed nice, but he dressed extra fancy, like he was attending an rich man’s party or something.
Not that you were going to complain about the tuxedo he was wearing, or the way he styled his hair. Or even the fact that he had cologne on that just so happens to be your favorite scent.
One day, you were trying to listen to another Feiyu’s rambles when you noticed how perfect his waist and chest look against the suit. The suit jacket seemed to fit perfectly. You accidentally zoned in as if you were studying it.
“I must of lost you at my chest.” Feiyu said, giving out a soft chuckle. 
You didn’t know how long you must of stared, which made you feel immensely embarrassed. And the fact that he caught you off guard, again. You wanted to change your name and move to a new country, never to be seen again.
“N-No I’m listening. Just continue talking.” You stammered out.
Feiyu raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I have no problem starting over if needed.”
“I’m good!” 
“I said I’m good.”
“Alright then, if that’s what you really want.”
Feiyu continued with his lecture, your mind too preoccupied to even pay attention to what he is saying. You were desperate to get out of his grasp, regain your composure. Luckily you were able to keep yourself busy with customers for the rest of the shift, and surprisingly he didn’t come around to find you.
That lasted until the very end of your shift, when you about to clock out and about to leave. 
“You may be able to lie to yourself, but not to me.”
Feiyu caught you off guard again, only this time he managed to actually surprise you. 
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to notice how easily distracted you are? Especially the amount of times you keep staring at me. You cannot resist me, can you?”
You felt the heat rushing into your cheeks. You wanted to fight him, but you were frozen in fear.
“Ah! Is that why you acted rather,,, cold towards me. You have a thing for me, don’t you? Is it the fact that this attraction is too much for you? Or is it the fact that you cannot handle rejection?”
“I do not like you that way!”
“Your reactions say otherwise.” Feiyu said, raising his eyebrows. “You know, a big key in securing sales is to able to read the body language and hidden meanings of your customers. After all, you have to anticipate which ones would be interested in your product, and which ones you can easily persuade to buy your products.”
There was a moment of silence in the air. You didn’t know what to say. Instead you stood there, flustered out of your mind.
“And you, my dear, are just another customer looking to buy a product. Though, product may not be the best word Perhaps service would be a way to describe.”
“W-well you are wrong.” You managed to say, crossing your arms. “I am not buying your services-“
“Based on the flush on your cheeks and the toes pointed towards me, I cannot buy into your statement. Though if I am truly wrong, perhaps you can persuade me over at the new restaurant across the street that just opened up.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Did he just-
“The best time to go is now before 7, unless you want to wait a while for a table… I guess you could persuade me as we are waiting, but I find it much easier to listen when we have out table, away from the chatter from other people, Don’t you think? Unless you prefer to take a walk around before our meal, get some shopping done… My treat of course.”
Feiyu took a good look at you, his eyes looking up and down. His hand moved towards his chin, resting two of his fingers below it. He tilted his chin slightly upwards.
“This is a good chance to practice your persuasion skills as well. That’s another key in making a good sales pitch you know. And if you take up on that offer, it would help you with your sales, and with your sales going through the roof, you wouldn’t have to deal with me for much longer, if that’s what you truly want-“
“Just a dinner is fine…” You mumbled 
“What was that? I didn’t quite get that-“
You repeated your statement, only that it was much louder and with a bit more frustration.
“Is tonight at 7 okay? Unless you have plans after work. Gives us enough time to look our best, prepare our arguments-”
“7 is fine.”
“Alright then, dear. See you there~” Feiyu then left the building, and you followed suit. You got in the car, replaying the day’s events as you drove home. 
What in the hell did I agree to?
You plan to meet him at 7, hoping that you could get it over with and done, or even better, that he decides to cancel and forgets to reschedule.
Little did you know, you were about to fall into a rabbit hole that you could never claw your way out of.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 2 - In the Beginning
Summary: "What do you guys think about getting the band back together?"
Word Count: 935
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Friendship, mentions of FOI, Freak #3 is named Dave in my universe. This entry for CC Fest takes place immediately preceding my Day 1 entry.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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“What do you guys think about getting the band back together?”
The words made all the guys at the lunch table freeze and turn to Eddie, eye wide, sandwiches half shoveled into mouths, and soda cans fizzing and overflowing onto fingers.
He fidgeted under their gazes.
After the uncertainty that was the end of the last school year, and Eddie's obvious absence in their lives, he had really made it up to everyone once school was out for the summer.
A few jam sessions where Ronnie and Eddie geared Gareth up to take her place as Corroded Coffin's drummer. Shooting fireworks at the quarry for the 4th of July. And an epic final one-shot for Ronnie before her departure for college.
But now school had started and...well...
Everything was at a standstill.
No gigs at the Hideout, no band practice. They hadn't even had their first official session of Hellfire for the year yet.
Eddie knew that he was the problem.
He'd promised himself that he would try this year. Try to be a better student, be a better friend, a better nephew. But trying was hard, it took effort. Effort that was rarely recognized, especially by classmates that despised him and teachers who preemptively decided he wasn't worth another chance.
Uncle Wayne, ever the voice of reason, suggested that he take it easy for the first few weeks of school, and for the first time in his life, Eddie Munson took the advice that was given.
He did the icebreakers on the first day of class--even made a new friend in a transfer student named Dave, who loved DnD and metal and quickly fit right in with the nerds he called his buddies--finished the assigned summer reading, and showed up for class on time that first week.
But taking it easy was just another word for boring.
He thought about it on the way to school that morning, as he drove under the speed limit, with the windows down, and the radio painfully silent: taking it easy sucked.
Where was the spice of life? Where was the adventure? Where was the music?
Where was the real Edward J. Munson?
Certainly not sitting at a stop sign looking both ways.
So Eddie decided, as he cranked the volume up as high as it could go and sped into the parking lot fast enough to leave tire marks as he skidded into a parking spot...enough was enough.
He skipped the first few classes of the day to hide in the school library and plan the beginnings of this year's big campaign for Hellfire, and by lunch he decided...
Corroded Coffin must live to see another day.
Seeing his friends look at him like he'd grown a second head now though, well...maybe he shouldn't have been so abrupt in his quest to reject boredom and conformity?
Baby steps.
"Lemme try this again," he cleared his throat and nonchalantly continued. "I think it's time we planned our first band practice for the year. Summer vacation’s over. Gareth's had enough time to break his wrists in...uh...no pun intended Gare..."
Gareth flipped him the bird.
"And Dave...you know, plays the bass," Eddie gestured to their new friend casually.
"I play the bass," Dave agreed half-heartedly with a scoff. "In orchestra. Not the bass guitar."
"Tomato potato," Eddie shrugged. "How different could it be?"
"Very different," Jeff said matter-of-factly. "They're very different, Ed."
"It'll be like learning french when you already speak spanish."
Somewhere in the depths of Eddie's subconscious, he could hear Ronnie remind him that he didn't speak either language, so he didn't really have a leg to stand on here.
"Well," Gareth's voice broke through the imagined admonishment. "It's like...like the drums right? No matter what kind of band, the drums create the tempo...the rhythm. Bass guitar or the bass in orchestra...what does that do? Creates a foundation for everyone else to harmonize with? Right?"
The other three boys stared at him, dumbfounded.
"I, uh...might have read a few interviews that Geddy Lee did about it," he shrugged nonchalantly and then found a sudden, great interest in the mashed potatoes on his lunch tray.
Eddie pointedly ignored the mention of Rush--he already gave Gareth enough shit about his taste in other music genres--but then turned his attention to Dave.
"So, what do you think? Did ya ever wanna be in a band before? I'm pretty sure I could bribe Dougie's mom to borrow his bass. Just until you're comfortable with it. Shit, she might just let you keep the damn thing if it means she never has to hear us again; she always hated having us in the garage."
Eddie continued his rambling for a minute, mouth running a mile a minute like it always did when he was excited. And that excitement was infection, and had Dave's nerves dissipating instantly.
"No, yeah, no," he nodded with a rapidly growing smile that just morphed his typically-stoic face into something made of pure joy. "I...I can figure it out. I'll give it a shot."
"That's the spirit Davey boy, I knew you had it in you."
"Speaking of garages," Gareth interjected again, potatoes forgotten again. "I can ask my mom if we can just have practice at our house? My drum kit's already there."
The group started chattering animatedly as they discussed times and curfews and set lists and warm ups.
"Alright, alright," Eddie got to his feet. "So it's settled then, Corroded Coffin is back in business baby!"
"Corroded Coffin on three?" Dave asked. It was very pep rally, but swept up in the commotion, they couldn't say no.
They counted down together.
"CORRODED COFFIN!" the boys all cheered and laughed.
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imaginarylungfish · 11 months
link click season 2 thoughts
so, i started watching Link Click on monday and, within the week, just finished watching the last episode of season 2. and wow, what an amazing donghua! i honestly had no idea what i was getting myself into when chose to turn on this show after work that night. but damn, what a wild ride!
alright, now for my thoughts on the big questions season 2 left us with. namely, i think CXS was supposed to die (ie. died in the main timeline) during the stabbing incident in s1e12/s2e1.
this is what we see in s2e1 after LG was stabbed:
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during these "flashback" scenes, LG thinks, "i'm sorry, everything is going to be different now." the viewers don't know about LG diving back at this point in the season, so these "flashback" scenes and those words don't' have much context. however, with the knowledge we now have about LG diving back to try to save CXS, these things have much more meaning.
why would we see CXS' blood on LG's hand, see LG looking at CXS in his arms, or hear LG think things are different now unless LG changed this specific part of the past so he got stabbed instead of CXS?
in s2e12, we see these "flashback" scenes again* (through what QL sees as LG's memories through XiXi's perspective), with added details:
*while QL is thinking "how is that possible? did he [LG] actually see CXS die?"
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while the camera focuses on LG's bloodied hand, we now see CXS lying in the background (presumedly dead). and if we notice what LG and CXS are wearing in these "flashback" scenes...
it's the same as what they were wearing during the stabbing incident in s1e12/s2e1:
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plus, LG is wearing the same thing in the scene where he decides to break his own rule and dive back to save CXS:
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that means LG is wearing the same thing in the stabbing incident, "flashback" scene, and dive scene. so, connecting the dots, it seems like CXS was originally supposed to die during the stabbing incident. and immediately after the stabbing incident (with CXS' blood still on his clothing), LG dove back in time to try to save CXS.
and why could LG even dive back to try to save CXS when that's not his original power? i think it's because a person's power is transferred to the person touching them when they die (as seen in XiXi's transfer of power to QL when XiXi dies):
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before moving on, i want to address that, at first, i thought CXS might have died (in the main timeline) after the gunshot wound in s2e12 and LG dove back immediately after that. but LG is wearing something different during the gun scene than the dive scene:
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therefore, LG seems to have dove back after the stabbing incident. but where did he dive back to? he says he is going "back to the beginning" in the dive scene. but we aren't really given any clues to when that is. all i understand is that LG somehow dove back to a certain time before the stabbing incident, so that he was stabbed instead of CXS (therefore saving that timeline's CXS from dying).
if my theory is correct, this means the LG we see in the gun scene is the LG who has already dove back to try to save CXS. so, when LG screams in agony and immediately attacks QJ in a frenzied rage upon seeing CXS get shot, it's not only because he thought CXS was fatally wounded but because LG thought he lost CXS again.
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and i think this LG assumes CXS will die. why? because during the dive scene, LG says "i know that death is an unchangeable point" (yet he resolves to try to save CXS anyway). therefore, LG recognizes CXS will eventually die, and he recognizes he's just prolonging the inevitable (by prolonging CXS' life). LG just doesn't know when CXS will die (which, again, is why LG was so distraught seeing CXS get shot).
so now at the end of s2e12 we see CXS alive. this CXS is the one that LG saved from the main timeline (because in the main timeline, CXS is dead from the stabbing incident).
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but is LG just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop? for CXS to eventually die because death is not something they (or anyone else) can change? maybe we will get the answers to some of these questions in season 3. in the meantime, feel free to speculate with me!
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Finding the truth
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Paring: Yuji Itadori x gn! Reader
Summary: Being Yuji’s best friend before he goes to Jujutsu tech and him hiding the truth from you leads to a miny argument and sharing feelings.
Warnings: Yuji is kinda mean and stupid, Sukana trying to bite reader.
Word count: 3768
A/n:Just some angst to comfort I wrote for Yuji. enjoy and remember in everything I write all characters are aged up to college age. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
I have been friends with Yuji for a while, but I haven’t seen him in five months. You see, Yuji transferred to a school in Tokyo shortly after his grandfather passed away. I completely understand it, getting away from a place that was once full of happy memories can really help with the grieving process. The only thing is he’s been going there for half a year and I have yet to meet any of his friends, I haven’t even visited him at school. We talk over text and call all the time, but everytime I suggest I come visit he changes the subject. It feels like he’s hiding something. And I know you must be thinking, “oh you just like him” but that’s not it he’s like a brother to me and having not seen him in so long hurts.
That’s why today I've decided I’m going to surprise him. I just got to Tokyo, the only problem is I have no clue where the school is or what the name is. I have no idea how to find my friend without telling him I’m here and making him come find me. I spent about an hour pondering what to do. If I don't know the name of the school, or the location, there is no way to find it. I guess the only option is to call him. I grabbed my phone and called the pink haired idiot.
“Hey Yuji, I need to ask a favor.” I said as he answered the phone.
“Sure Y/n, what’s up?” Yuji asked. I could make out the sounds of people talking on the other line before Yuji snapped at them to be quiet.
I couldn’t help but laugh at that, “ Oh, well, I kinda need you to come pick me up from the train station.”
There was a pause before he responded. “Umm, why are you at the train station? I thought you agreed that you wouldn’t come visit.” It was obvious he didn’t want me there, and it hurt a bit. He’s one of my best friends who I haven’t seen in months and he just doesn't want to see me. 
“Well, I thought I’d surprise you with a visit cause last time we talked you seemed stressed. I just wanted to hang out with my best friend and meet the friends I’ve heard so much about.” I responded feeling like this was a stupid idea, and that I’m losing my best friend. “ but if you really don’t want to see me, I’ll just go home and you won’t hear from me again.”
“Y/n, that’s not what I meant, there's just been a lot going on recently and I don’t have time right now.” He said giving the same excuse he’s given every time I offered to visit. “Please understand that, just go h-”
“ Hi, I’m Nobara Kugisaki, one of Yuji’s friends here, don’t listen to him. We will be there in twenty minutes. Can’t wait to meet you.” A girl said, having taken the phone from my friend, as i heard Yuji telling her to give him back his phone.
“Ok, see you soon I guess?” I responded as the line went dead.
P.O.V change to Yuji’s dumbass
“Why would you do that Kugisaki? They don’t know anything about Jujutsu Tech, they think I just left because my grandpa died.” Yuji said to his friend as she just smirked at him before grabbing his and Megumi’s arms and pulling them off the school grounds towards Tokyo.
“ Well, It’s shocking to know you have friends outside of school, and so I need to find out what is wrong with them. It’s hard to believe someone would willingly travel to see you.” Nobara said, rolling her eyes finally letting the boys go.
Megumi just looked at the two confused as to what was going on and why he was being dragged along. “ Why was I dragged into this? I don’t care.”
Nobara just turned her head slightly and said “Well, someone has to be able to keep this idiot in check so he doesn’t send his friend home after they made the journey here to see him. And you can do that with one of your shikigami or just hold his mouth shut.” She shrugged at the last bit before facing the path in front.
“Fushiguro, please tell Kugisaki that this is dumb, we can’t bring a non sorcerer to Jujutsu tech. It’s dangerous.” Yuji said, trying to convince his friend to agree with him.
The ten shadows user just rolled his eyes and kept walking not caring for their stupid bickering. But he could say he was intrigued that someone would want to be friends with the brainless idiot. The walk to the train station consisted of more of the same, after about half an hour they arrived.
P.O.V change back to Y/n
I had been waiting for Yuji and his friend to come get me for the train station, hoping to get some answers as to why he’s been hiding stuff from me and being rude. I really hope it wasn’t something I did. I broke out of my thoughts scanning the crowd once again for my pink haired friend. After looking for a moment I spotted the familiar two toned hair, with a brunette and a guy whose hair looks like a sea urchin. I stood up and made my way towards them.
“So Itadori, where’s this friend that you don’t want us meeting?” The brunette said, looking around.
I smiled slightly as I got closer. “That would be me, I’m Y/n Y/l/n, It’s nice to meet you.” I introduced myself glad to be meeting Yuji’s friends even if he didn’t want me here.
The girl looked at me and smiled. “I’m Nobara Kugisaki, and the one who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else is Megumi Fushiguro. It’s lovely to meet you. I’m sorry Itadori was rude over the phone, it seems he’s an idiot.” 
I just chuckled at her comment, waved at Megumi and then turned to Yuji. I could see him shy away from my cold glare knowing that I’m upset and rightfully so. “Yuji Itadori, you are an ass. I just wanted to surprise you and you act like it’s a personal attack. Is it wrong to want to see my best friend after almost half a year?” I snapped at him. 
He looked almost scared, while his friends just looked shocked that i’d call him out in public. “Why don’t we go back to Jujutsu tech and you guys can talk this out in private and not in the middle of a train station.” Megumi offered, sensing this was probably going to turn into a scene if it was handled quickly.
“Fine, lead the way but I’m not talking with him, until he apologizes and explains everything.” I motioned for someone to lead me to my friend's school.
The walk to Jujutsu tech took about thirty minutes but it felt so much longer because it was spent in silence. It seemed like Megumi and Nobara didn’t want to get into mine and Yuji’s fight, while Yuji hasn’t said anything since I spoke to him on the phone before they came to get me. It was pissing me off, he basically told me to get lost, and now won’t face the fact that he’s been a shit friend for the past almost six months.
Arriving at the school I was shocked, “This is a school, it looks more like an ancient temple.” I continued staring at the “school”. I failed to notice a tall man wearing a blindfold walking toward us.
“Hey, who’s the new kid?” I jumped as I finally noticed the white haired giant. His face was pointed in my direction so I assumed he was looking at me. I’m really confused, who is this guy and why is the school in an old temple.
Megumi stepped in front of me and addressed the man. “ Gojo, This is Y/n, they are one of Itadori’s friends from before he joined Jujutsu tech. They came here to see him as he has apparently been avoiding them since he came here." He explained who I was and why I was here. It was honestly the most I had heard him speak since I met him thirty minutes ago. It was kind of shocking as he seemed like the type to stay quiet.
“Yeah, and Itadori tried to make them go home, after they spent time and money just to come visit him. What an ass am I right?” Nobara said, nudging me in the side.
The man I now know as Gojo turned towards Yuji. “Why would you do that, it's awfully nice of them to come all this way to visit you. And Y/n welcome feel free to ask any questions you may have, Yuji will be happy to answer them and give you a tour of the school. Anyway, Kugisaki and Megumi, you're coming with me, you have a mission. Have fun you two.” He said the last bit with a smirk and dragged the other two away without giving anyone a chance to protest.
I just looked at Yuji as he stood there in shock before turning to me and finally speaking. “I’m sorry I was being a jerk. If you follow me I'll show you around." I just watched as he turned and walked away. It took me a moment to realize what was going on before following after him.
We walked in almost complete silence as he showed me around the school. He showed me the dorms and classrooms, only talking when saying what a place was. When we headed back outside, I finally said something having grown tired of the awkward silence. “So Yuji, what is really going on? That guy with a blindfold said your friends had a mission, what did he mean? And why have you been keeping this from me?” I was ready to get some answers.
“It’s a lot to explain, let’s go sit down and I’ll do my best to explain.” He answered, guiding me to an open field. We both sat down and I waited for him to start explaining everything to me. “You see, this place is called Jujutsu tech. It is one of two schools here in Japan for learning Jujutsu sorcery.  Jujutsu sorcery is what we use to exercise cursed spirits using cursed energy.” Now I’m really confused what the fuck is cursed energy, as much as I wanted to say that I kept quiet letting him continue. “Cursed energy is basically negative energy powered by negative emotions, Sorcerers learn how to harness this energy to destroy cursed spirits. Cursed spirits are made from the cursed energy that leaks out of non sorcerers because they don’t know how to control it.” He explained curses and cursed energy.
“Ok but why are you going to this school, how did you get roped into all of this?” I wondered how he got here.
He paused for a second, almost like he was debating how to tell me something. “You see, the night my grandpa died, I met Fushiguro. He told me that I had picked up a cursed object and it was crucial that I gave it to him because it was extremely dangerous. Only problem was I didn’t have it, I had given it to a classmate in the occult club. When he heard that he made me show him to the school where they were trying to open the object. By the time we got there it was overrun by cursed spirits also trying to get the object. I tried to help out but I almost got Fushiguro killed. In order to save him I had eaten the object because he had previously said it would boost the strength of a cursed spirit if it ate it, and figured it would work on me. It kind of worked but instead of just boosting my strength I became the vessel of an ancient cursed spirit known as Sukana and now I'm here at Jujutsu tech. They’re using me to find all twenty of his fingers which are cursed objects and when we find all of them, they’ll make me eat them and then kill me to get rid of Sukana for good.” He said leaving me speechless.
How was I supposed to respond to my best friend telling me he was being fed fingers just to be killed down the line? It made no sense. “They’re just going to kill you, can’t they destroy this Sukana without killing you? How is that fair, you’re helping them just to die?” I asked, upset at the idea.
“It’s okay, Y/n. I’ve accepted it. I'm going to help save as many people as possible before that happens. It’s for the best, without Sukana then he can’t come back and hurt anyone ever again.” He said, confident in his choice but still looking sad.
I was completely stunned, he was okay with this? He was fine with sacrificing himself for ‘the greater good’. How am I supposed to accept this? “So you just weren’t going to tell me? You were just going to let these people kill you and make me think you just gave up on our friendship. I can’t believe you, I thought you were better than that.” I said trying to figure out if he was going to keep this from me till the end.
He turned away avoiding eye contact. What he said next was so quiet I could barely make it out, but it still shook me to my core. “I don’t want to lose you.” I looked at him wide eyed. How could he think he would lose me?
“You would never lose me. Sure I’m upset that you didn’t tell me and were apparently going to keep it from me until you died, but you won’t lose me. Yuji you’re my best friend, when you told me to get back on the train and go home it nearly broke me. I thought I had lost you. I can’t go through that again, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I may not be able to fight these curses or whatever but I can still be your friend.” I told him. It really did hurt that he hid this from me, I’m supposed to be his best friend and it hurt to think he didn’t trust me enough to tell me what was really going on. 
He finally turned to truly face me and I could see the worry in his eyes. “I know that Y/n, you are my best friend as well. I just don’t want something to happen to you. It’s dangerous being a Jujutsu Sorcerer, I did want someone or something to use you against me. There are bad people who use Jujutsu to hurt others and I can’t imagine what would happen if someone hurt you.” He said, voicing his worries. “ I care too much about you for you to be dragged into this life. That’s why I didn’t tell you, I thought that even if you hated me for it at least you would be safe. I can live with the thought of you hating me as long as you are safe, but if you got hurt or worse because of me I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” I just sat silent as I watched him think for a moment, completely amazed by how much he was opening up about it. 
There was a brief pause as he thought and I took everything in, he said something I never would have expected. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I like you, as more than a best friend. And the thought of you getting hurt by a curse or a curse user scares me so much. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but you asked me why and I just had to tell you. If you decide that this is all too much and want to leave that’s fine. You said I would never lose you but I wouldn’t blame you if all this changed your mind.” I froze, he just said he liked me like me, and kept all this from me because he thought it would be easier to push me away than watch me get hurt.
It left me speechless. I sat for a second thinking of a response. Sure I like him, he’s my best friend but hearing his confession and everything he’s going through has made me realize something. I love Yuji Itadori. He is so kind and caring that he tried to push me away to save me from monsters that are invisible to most of the world. He put me at arms length to try and protect me from a secret world below my own. He was willing to sacrifice his own feelings not only to save me but to save countless lives. Yuji is truly an incredible person.
Coming to terms with my realization, I launched myself towards him, wrapping my arms around his chest and barring my head in the crook of his neck.“I like you too, Yuji. I’m not changing my mind, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Like I said I may not be able to see these curses but I’m here for you, whether as best friend, significant other, or just someone to talk to when it all gets to be too much. Just remember that okay.” I said not lifting my head from his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around me and lean his head against mine.
We sat there for a few minutes just enjoying each other's embrace. I had almost fallen asleep in his arms when I felt what felt like someone opening their mouth against the side of my head where Yuji was leaning against me. It was strange, not just because Yuji wouldn’t try to bite me, but because he hadn't turned his head and his cheek was resting in my hair. As I was about to lift my own head to see what was going on, I felt sharp teeth scraping against my scalp and pulling my hair. I yelped and launched away from Yuji looking at him confused, being completely startled to see a mouth had formed on his cheek as well as the strange mark under his eye had split open to reveal a small red eye. Yuji was also startled by me jumping and when he noticed the mouth on the side of his face he slapped his hand over it.
“What the hell Sukana? That’s not okay. Don’t bite people, especially Y/n.” He said, I assumed talking to the curse who inhabited his body.
I looked at him for a second before finding the words to express how I was feeling. “Why is there a mouth on the side of your face and why the fuck did it bite me?” I was completely confused by what just happened.
He paused for a second keeping his hand over where the mouth had formed. “That is Sukana, the curse that is currently living in me. He’s an ass and likes to just pop up randomly by forming a mouth on my face or hands. I’m sorry he bit you, if I could hit him I would.” He explained what just happened. “Are you okay though, he didn’t hurt you did he?” He asked with concern written over the part of his face not covered by his hand.
I nodded at him, about to say that I was fine before another mouth opened in the back of his hand and began speaking. “They're fine, they jumped out of the way before I could do anything. And don’t call me an ass, you brat.��� The mouth said in a deep voice that gave me goosebumps. Yuji responded by slapping his other hand over the mouth and looking at me embarrassed by the second soul living in his body.
“Again I’m sorry about him, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again.
I smiled at him. “I’m fine Yuji, he didn’t hurt me, gave me a fright more than anything. And I may not completely understand but I bet it’s difficult dealing with another mind living in you and fighting for control.” I said, trying to reassure him that everything was fine. 
He responded with a small nod. “It’s good that you’re ok. I’ll try to get him to stop being an ass. But you’re also right in the fact it’s hard to deal with him, it’s like having a fly that won’t stop buzzing near your ear.” he said with a light chuckle. I responded with the same light laugh.
“Hey Yuji, It’s getting late, we should really think about calling it a night.” I noticed that the sun had set and stars lit up the sky. He also looked to the stars for a second, also registering it was rather late.
He turned back towards me and started to stand up before saying, “You’re right, You can stay in my room tonight. It’s too late to make you take the train back home, you can also take the bed. I'm fine sleeping on the floor.” He reached his hand out and helped me stand up before we headed back to the dorms.
I was going to fight it but decided against it, he’s too nice to let me sleep on the floor and is way too awkward to even think about sharing the bed. I just accepted my fate and lied down on his bed as he placed a pillow and blanket on the floor. “Thank you for letting me stay the night. We may have talked everything out earlier but I still expect you to make it up to me somehow, after all you did hide from me for six months.” I said making eye contact with him as he sat down on the floor.
He just smiled before responding. “I already have a plan. Just get some sleep because we are spending the whole day together tomorrow and I will do anything you want.” he lied down before saying a quick “Good night” and rolling over to get some sleep.
I whispered a “Sweet dreams” in response before falling asleep thinking of what I can make him do tomorrow to make up for his stupidity.
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ms-kio · 3 months
Izuku Midoriya, Eri X Demon Slayer! 2296 Words
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“Remember, boy. If you see me, run. I’m only about four hundred years old then. I will not recognize you.” The six-eyed demon commanded his pupil, the only sign of his aging being the silver white hair streaking his ponytail.
Izuku bowed, “Hai Sensei!” He said, the necklace gifted to him bouncing off his chest as he righted himself.
“And hide that necklace.” Kokushibo reminded Izuku. “Having one of my eyes on you is an immediate trial in the Demon Slayer Corps, and potential execution.” The boy nodded, tucking the jewelry under his shirt.
“I’ll only use it as a last resort.” Next to Izuku was a little girl, Eri. Since Overhaul had been imprisoned and not killed, she had no faith in her safety anywhere in this world. She was eager to step through the rip in reality behind her, to leave forever.
Kokushibo stood up, walking around his desk and embracing the two silently. He didn’t ask if they wanted to turn back, or change their minds. All he did was shove them through the portal, turning to face a mask, and a pair of golden eyes.
~ ~ ~
Izuku immediately turned, frantically looking for Eri. Where was she? He drew his Scorpion Stinger, wandering into the forest at the sound of rustling leaves. “You! Bow to the power of the Great Inosuke!” Now, Izuku knew someone named Katsuki Bakugou, and immediately recognized the attitude.
“Fight me!” The greenette shouted back. “Whoever wins has to help the other with one request!”
The boy paused for a minute, as if not believing what he was hearing. “Finally! Someone wants to fight me! Bring it on!” Inosuke howled, charging Izuku. The youngest of the Midoriya Family expertly sheathed his sword, entering a grappling match with his new friend.
Eventually, Midoriya decided to end their match, taking a deep breath in. ‘Broccoli Breathing, Friendship Bat!’ Izuku landed a roundhouse kick on Inosukes skull, causing the boy to collapse, his boar mask falling off and revealing one of the prettiest faces he had ever seen. But not as pretty as Eri’s, of course. Izuku picked Inosuke up, along with his mask, carrying him down the path towards the Final Selection, which Kokushibo told him he needed to attend if he wanted assistance from the demon slayers in any significant way.
Izuku had planned on just living a quiet life with Eri as his pseudo sister, but now with her missing -most likely separating in the portal- he needed all the help he could get.
: : :
About an hour later, Izuku had taken a break from carrying Inosuke, stopping by a river to bathe himself. The water was cold at first, but felt nice against his scars. Scars he had earned in only his first year of hero training.
The boy had given up heroism after the year was over. It had become too much for him, and he wanted to preserve himself for the people who he loved; Every inch of unscarred flesh, and every bone left unshattered in his body. He’d given OFA to Aizawa-sensei to give to students of his choosing, teaching the man how to separate the quirks and transfer them individually with Quirk Pass and how to use them over the summer. However, Aizawa had decided to have Izuku keep Danger Sense and Black Whip, being one of the few who knew of Izuku's plans to enter a world of demons, with a little girl to protect.
They had delivered the news in a last minute fashion to his classmates (aside from Bakugou), only telling them that he would be leaving, and not coming back. Izuku had cried when he told them, but he didn’t regret it. He couldn’t bear to look at the world he lived in any longer, cloaking disdain for it every minute of every day he was allowed to let his thoughts stew.
And what better place to go than Kokushibos own world? A place he might be able to find something familiar without wishing it wasn’t there.
Izuku was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Inosuke join him in the river until now, quiet and with his back turned as he washed himself. His mask and clothes were on the riverbank with Izuku's belongings, however, they weren't folded like the greenette’s was.
The duo continued to respectfully ignore each other until the hour was up, when they both left the river to dry and get dressed.
“Inosuke-san.” Midoriya spoke up after a minute, drawing the boy's attention. “Are you alright?” Inosuke paused for a minute, before sparkling and answering.
“Yup!” The bluette replied. “I was being quiet because creatures usually don’t like to talk while they are vulnerable, or their scars are present.”
Izuku smiled, then grinned. “Thank you Inosuke. By the way, what is your full name?” He asked.
“Hashibira! Hashibira Inosuke! What is your name, person-I-owe-a-favor-to?” Hashibira asked in turn, still sparkling.
“Midoriya Izuku.” The boys sparkling intensified, causing Izuku to shield his eyes. “Tone it down, will you?” The sparkling went down, and Izuku was able to see again. “My little sister went missing. She has pale blue hair and red eyes. Would you look for her when we part ways?”
“Fine! I will find your sister! You can count on it!”
~ ~ ~
Eri opened her eyes, looking around. Where was she? Where was Izuku?!
Suddenly, the horned girl heard the strike of a biwa, and her surroundings changed. She was on a tatami mat floor, in a room that had walkways and stairs on the ceiling and walls, appealing to have infinite surfaces in every direction. "W-where am I?" She asked quietly, too confused to be scared. "You are in the Infinity fortress, young one." A femenine voice replied. Up on a raised platform, a woman holding a biwa looked down at Eri. "Tell me girl. Are you human? Can you walk in the sunlight?" Eri nodded, hesitantly looking around. The woman struck her biwa again, teleporting next to Eri, causing her to jump a little. "Sit, girl. What is your name?" Eri sat down obediently next to the woman,"My name is Eri Aizawa."
~ ~ ~
Nakime glanced at the girl, noticing the exhaustion on her face. "Come, girl." She said, putting her biwa down. "You look tired, you can lie on my lap." The pale blue haired girl cast her a thankful look, accepting Nakimes offer and almost immediately falling soundly asleep, in what looked like the first time in days.
Not an hour later though, Nakime sensed the Upper Moons. They were granted permission by Muzan to enter whenever they pleased, much to her irritation, so Muzan allowed her to kick them out after 24 hours if they were too bothersome. Kokushibo and Akaza were never a problem, Daki and Gyutaro mostly minded their own business, but the other three could get annoying as hell. It was even worse when Doma and Akaza were in the same area, she always had to clean up their messes. Though, she really couldn't blame the ladder.
Kokushibo was the first to reach Nakime and the sleeping girl, much to her thankfulness, who seemed to catch on to the situation and went to quiet the loud ones. Namely Doma, but the others too. Roughly 15 minutes later, the others arrived.
They were all quiet, much to Nakimes temporary relief, until Doma opened his mouth. "Aw! How cute!" He said quietly, to everyone's surprise. But, he wasn't quiet enough. The girl jumped, clutching onto Nakimes kimono in fear, snapping awake instantly. The biwa demon glared at the blonde, placing a hand on the girl's shaking form.
"Doma, you fool." Akaza hissed. "Kokushibo said to be quiet." The demon promptly decapitated Doma with his hand, veins bulging.
"I was just trying to be nice!" Doma protested.
Nakimes anger had been steadily rising, but immediately simmered down when the girl stopped shaking, standing up and timidly approaching the decapitated head. The gore didn't seem to bother her as blood dripped onto her feet, proceeding to hold the head up to Domas' still standing body. "H-here you go sir." She said quietly, the demon taking his head and putting it back on his head.
"Why thank you little girl!" He said. No longer trying to be quiet, but not loud either. The girl quickly zipped behind Kokushibo, clutching his hakama pant leg as she eyed the other demons cautiously.
~ ~ ~
Kokushibo looked down at the little girl, giving her a questioning look as she returned his gaze. It was silent for a moment as they had a small staring contest, until she wrapped her arms around his legs. "You look like you need a hug." She said, as she closed her eyes and pressed her face into the side of his thigh. The demon's stoic demeanor broke as a small smile graced his face, placing a hand on the girl's head. A calm, peaceful sensation washed over Kokushibo as he ruffled the girl's hair, his eyes falling closed in a happy manner, his smile widening ever so slightly. But, the moment was ruined when the duo heard the metallic clang of one of Domas' fans clattering to the ground.
Kokushibo almost felt bad for his second.
~ ~ ~
As Akaza turned around to face Kokushibo, he saw something he never thought he would ever see in his life. 'Kokushibo is smiling. Upper Moon One is fucking smiling.' Using his compass, Akaza sensed Doma was about to turn around and say something stupid, so he quickly slapped a hand over his superiors mouth, motioning to Kokushibo.
'And Doma stayed quiet. Doma is being quiet- WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?'
~ ~ ~
Muzan Kibutsuji was quite confused when he felt large amounts of panic, shock, and confusion from Akaza. But oddly, Upper Moon Three wasn't dying. This caused Muzans confusion to rise. He looked into Akazas head to hear: 'Kokushibo was smiling. Upper Moon One is fucking smiling.' Akaza then quickly slapped a hand over Domas mouth.
'And Doma stayed quiet. Doma is being quiet- WHAT THE FUCK IS-' And thats where Muzan left Akazas mind.
He then decided to visit Kokushibos head and felt a peaceful serenity in the demon. His eyes were closed, but he could feel a small child hugging the demon's body. From Upper Ones memories, he saw the face of a red eyed girl, with a small, barely noticeable stub of a horn. In the background, the demon king could hear Daki fawning over the girl in her head. Muzan then shifted to Doma, who was stunned to silence, almost feeling bad when the blonde dropped his fan.
~ ~ ~
Eri jumped when she heard a metallic clang, looking over to the blonde man, who seemed relatively shocked. Eri hesitantly let go of the six-eyed man's hakama, walking over and picking up his fan. "S-sir?" She stuttered out, drawing his attention. "You dropped this." The girl held up his fan, seemingly snapping him back to reality.
"Oh, thank you! I was just surprised, it's not often you see Kokushibo-dono smile." The blonde smiled, who Eri remembered his name was Doma, from when Mr. Kokushibo was telling them about his world.
She gave a small nod and hurried over to said pink-haired man, hugging his legs in a similar manner. "You also look like you need a hug." Eri said. This one was Akaza. Kokushibo had described him as one of the better ones, he wouldn't hurt her. She didn't notice Akaza giving Kokushibo a panicked look, asking for advice. The demon only nodded towards the girl's head with his own, prompting the nervous demon to pat Eri on her pale blue locks. Eri didn't notice any of this, only leaning into the demon's touch, happy for the comforting gesture.
Eri then passed out, stressed by the recent development, and light headed from the last blood draw.
~ ~ ~
Akaza panicked again, quickly catching the girl's limp body as she fell. Did he do something wrong?! He glanced around to see the other Upper Moons snickering, even Kokushibo had an amused glint in his eye. Akaza then glanced at Nakime, begging her for answers. She only smiled and gestured to her lap, Akaza quickly placing the girl with her.
"Akasa, you dolt." Daki snickered. "The kid's just tired and stressed. Don't worry your pink-haired head." Akaza sighed in relief, almost wilting. But he, and all the other Upper Moons, went ramrod straight when they sensed Muzan in the room, bowing immediately. Aside from Nakime, who simply straightened in attention.
"Originally, I was going to make her my heir, and train her to be the next Demon Queen." He stated. "However, it seems being with you six would be better for her. Teach the girl the ways of the Upper Moons, only then I will make her the new ruler of demons." Muzan then warped away, presumably returning to his office. All of the demons were shocked at this new development, Muzan was not one to give up even an ounce of his power.
"Well well well!" Doma was the first to speak up. "That is quite interesting! What should we teach her?" He asked.
"I'll teach her hand-to-hand." Akaza offered.
"Swordsmanship." Kokushibo continued.
"I'll teach her how to appear human for when she becomes a demon!" Doma said.
"I'll help with that." Daki also said. "And Gyutaro says he'll teach her about poisons. Hantengu, you and Doma can teach her psychology. And Gyokko, you and Nakime can teach her about music and craftsmanship." The lewd demon ordered, not afraid of her superiors. During this, Nakime had put the girl to bed, much to Akazas relief. He swore, if anything were to happen to her, Akaza would kill everyone in the room and then himself.
~ ~ ~
Muzan choked. What now?!
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